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Wilderness of Paran

There are two main wildernesses mentioned in Scripture: the Wilderness of Paran and the Wilderness of Zin . The wilderness of Paran is the location of much of the wilderness wanderings.

Numbers 10:12 (KJV): “And the children of Israel took their journeys out of the wilderness of Sinai ; and the cloud rested in the wilderness of Paran.”

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Wilderness Wanderings

Numbers 13:1-3 (KJV): “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, every one a ruler among them. And Moses by the commandment of the LORD sent them from the wilderness of Paran: all those men were heads of the children of Israel.”

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Vast and Dreadful Desert

The Paran plateau contains a lot of gravel because, due to a lack of rain, there is no soil formation. If any soil is formed, the wind blows it off.

Hagar and Ishmael came to this region after leaving Abraham and Sarah. Genesis 21:20-21 (KJV): “And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt.”

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The red sandstone gorge is less than 1,000 feet (300 m) long and only 6–12 feet (2–4 m) wide. It drops several dozen feet in its short course. Huge limestone boulders have been swept here during floods and have become lodged in the gorge creating steps. Oxidized minerals create the shades of red that changes its look with the lighting. Though on a smaller scale, its look resembles the Siq of Petra in many ways.

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Acacia Tree

The acacia tree (shittim) is common in the wilderness areas, particularly in stream beds. The durable wood of this tree was used in the construction of the tabernacle and a number of its objects, including the sacrificial altar, table of showbread, and ark of the covenant. There are four varieties of the acacia tree in the wilderness and they are characterized by prickly branches and sometimes have yellow flowers.

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Download all of our Negev and the Wilderness photos!

$34.00 $49.99 free shipping, related websites.

See our Southern Wildlife page. For historical images of desert travel, see Life in the Holy Land .

Paran (Biblical Cyclopedia). A lengthy entry discussing the wilderness as described in Scripture and extrabiblical sources.

The Israelites remain at Kadesh Barnea (The Bible Journey). This page offers an overview of the biblical data on Kadesh Barnea and briefly describes the debate over its location.

Kadesh Barnea—How to Push Your Faith Past the Border of Fear (Wayne Stiles). An introduction to the site with a devotional bent.

Thoughts on Jebel al-Lawz and the Location of Mt. Sinai (Associates for Biblical Research). An article by Bryant Wood about the location of Mt. Sinai based on the biblical evidence. Includes a map of the Sinai Peninsula showing possible locations of the wilderness of Paran and Kadesh Barnea.

Deep inside Eilat’s Red Canyon, ancient wonders await (The Times of Israel). This article describes the experience of hiking through the canyon, and it includes several lovely pictures.

Acacia (Old Dominion University). An informative essay about the acacia tree and its use in the tabernacle. Includes several photos.


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Places in the Bible Today:

1 Identification

panorama of cliffs in Paran

Linked Data Identifiers

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  • Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines (2016)
  • Barnes, Historical Atlas of the Bible (2010)
  • Biblica: The Bible Atlas (2007)
  • Carta Bible Atlas, 5th Edition (2011)
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  • Discovery House Bible Atlas (2015)
  • ESV Bible Atlas (2010)
  • HarperCollins Atlas of Bible History (2008)
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  • Holman Illustrated Guide to Bible Geography (2020)
  • Hudson, Bible Atlas and Companion (2008)
  • IVP Atlas of Bible History (2006)
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  • National Geographic, The Biblical World (2007)
  • New Bible Atlas (1985)
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  • Oxford Bible Atlas, Fourth Edition (2007)
  • Penguin Historical Atlas of the Bible Lands (2009)
  • Reader’s Digest Atlas of the Bible (1981)
  • Rogerson, New Atlas of the Bible (1985)
  • Sacred Bridge (2014)
  • Schlegel, Satellite Bible Atlas (2016)
  • Student Bible Atlas (2015)
  • Westminster Historical Atlas to the Bible (1956)
  • Zondervan Atlas of the Bible (2010)

Places with Similar Names

  • Mount Paran

panorama of cliffs in Paran

This page identifies the current consensus around the modern location of this biblical place.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.

Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles , a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at) gmail.com.

Pa'ran (Heb. Paran' , פָּארָן, according to Gesenius and Furst, excavated , i.e. a place of caves, from an Arab. root; according to others, from פָּאִר, to be beautiful ; Sept. and Josephus, Φαράν; Vulg. Pharan ), a name given in the Bible to a desert and to a mountain. The present article embodies the Biblical and the modern information on this subject.

1. THE WILDERNESS OF PARAN (מַדבִּר פָּארָן; Sept. ἡ ἔρημος τοῦ Φαράν). The situation and boundaries of this desert are set forth with considerable exactness by a number of incidental notices in Scripture. It had Palestine on the north, the valley of Arabah on the east, and the desert of Sinai on the south. Its western boundary is not mentioned in the Bible, but it appears to have extended to Egypt and the Mediterranean.

The first notice of Paran is in connection with the expedition of the eastern kings against Sodom. After defeating the giant tribes east of the Jordan, they swept over Mount Seir (Edom) " unto the terebinth of Paran (עִד אֵיל פָּארָן; Sept. ἕως τῆς τερεβίνθου τῆς Φαράν Vulg. usque ad Campestria Pharan , A.V. "El Paran"), which is in the wilderness" (Ge 14:6). Doubtless some well-known sacred tree is here referred to. It stood on the western border of Seir, and consequently in the Arabah, SEE SEIR ; and it was "in the wilderness" — that is, the desert of Paran, apparently considerably south of Kadesh. From the terebinth of Paran they turned back, "and came to En-mishpat, which is Kadesh." — When Abraham sent away Hagar and Ishmael from his tent at Beersheba, they went out into "the wilderness of Paran;" and Ishmael dwelt there, allying himself doubtless with the nomad tribes who made that place their home (Ge 21:14,21).

⇒ Bible concordance for PARAN.

But it is from its connection with the wanderings of the Israelites that Paran derives its chief and abiding interest: "And the children of Israel took their journeys out of the wilderness of Sinai; and the cloud rested in the wilderness of Paran" (Nu 10:12). From this it might be thought that Paran lay close to Mount Sinai, where the Israelites had long been encamped; but the full narrative which is afterwards given shows that from the encampment at Sinai they made a four-days march to Hazeroth (Nu 10:33; Nu 11:3,34-35); and then the next march brought them into "the wilderness of Paran" (Nu 12:16). From Paran the spies were sent to survey Canaan (Nu 13:3); and after completing their mission they returned to the camp "unto the wilderness of Paran, to Kadesh" (ver. 26). There is an apparent difficulty here. At first sight it would appear as if Kadesh in Paran was only a single march from Hazeroth; while Hazeroth has been identified with Ain Hudherah, which is 140 miles distant from Kadesh. The difficulty is solved by a reference to the detailed itinerary in Numbers 33:Paran is not mentioned there, because it was the name of a wide region, and the sacred writer records only the names of the camp-stations. Hazeroth is mentioned, however, and so is Kadesh; and between them there are twenty stations (17-38). Most probably all these stations were in Paran, for it is said that when they "took their journeys out of the wilderness of Sinai, the cloud rested in the wilderness of Paran" (10:12); and Moses also states, "When we departed from Horeb, we went through all that great and terrible wilderness which ye saw by way of the mountain of the Amorites; and we came to Kadesh- barnea" (De 1:19). The wilderness of Paran in fact extended from Hazeroth, and the desert of Sinai (or Horeb) on the south, to the foot of the mountains of Palestine on the north; and its eastern border ran along the valley of the Arabah, from the gulf of Akabah to the southern shore of the Dead Sea. Through this wide region the Israelites marched, not in a straight line, but, like the modern Arab tribes, from pasture to pasture; and. it was when entering upon that long and toilsome march that Moses said to his father-in-law, "Leave us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest be 'to us instead of eyes" (Nu 10:31). Jethro was intimately acquainted with the whole wilderness. As a nomad pastoral chief he knew the best pastures and all the wells and fountains; and hence Moses was most anxious to secure his services as guide.

The reference made to Paran in 1 Samuel 25 shows that it bordered upon the southern declivities of the mountains of Judah. Probably its boundary was not very accurately defined; and whatever part of that region lay between the limits of settled habitation was called "the wilderness, or pasture-land, of Paran." It thus included a large section of the Negeb. SEE SOUTH COUNTRY . — The reference to Paran in De 1:1 is not so clear. The object of the sacred writer is to describe the place where Moses gave his long address to the Israelites. It was "on this (the east) side of Jordan, in the wilderness" (or Midbar of Moab; comp. ver. 5), in the plain (the Arabah, ערבה) over against the Red Sea (or "opposite to Suf, מול סוŠ), between Paran and Tophel, etc. ("between Paran, and between Tophel and Laban," etc.). The sense appears to be that the Arabah in which Moses stood was opposite to the northern gulf of the Red Sea, and had on the one side Paran, and on the other Tophel, etc. It must not be inferred that Paran extended up to Jericho; all that seems to be meant is that it formed the western boundary of the greater part of the Arabah. — It would seem from the incidental statement in 1Ki 11:18 that Paran lay between Midian and Egypt. The region there called Midian was situated on the south of Edom, SEE MIDIAN , apparently at the head of the A Elanitic gulf; and the road taken by the fugitive Hadad was most probably that now traversed by the Egyptian Haj route, which passes through the whole desert of Tih.

It is strange that both Eusebius and Jerome (followed by Steph. Byz.; Reland, p. 556; Raumer, and others) speak of Paran as a city, which they locate three days' journey east (πρὸς ἀνατολάς, but they must evidently mean west ) of Aila ( Onomast . s.v. Faran). They refer, doubtless, to the old town of Faran, in the valley of Feiran, at the foot of Mount Serbal, in the desert of Sinai. In this valley there are still ruins of a town, and indeed of more than one, with towers, aqueducts, and sepulchral excavations; and here Ruppell found the remains of a church, which he assigns to the 5th century (Reise in Nubien . p. 263). This was the Pharan or Faran which had a Christian population, and was the seat of a bishopric so early as A.D. 400 (Orieons Christ. col. 735; Reland, Palaest. p. 219, 220, 228). The city is described, under the name of Feiran, by the Arabian historian Edrisi, about A.D. 1150, and by Makriri about A.D. 1400. The description of the latter is copied by Burckhardt ( Syria , p. 616). He mentions it as having been a city of the Amalekites; and the history of the Hebrew pilgrimage renders it extremely probable that the Amalekites were actually stationed in-this valley. from which they came forth to attack the Israelites, when encamped near it at Rephidim (Ex 17:8). Feiran was thus an important place in early ages (Robinson, 1:126, 592); but it lies nearly thirty miles beyond the southern boundary of Paran. Nevertheless it seems to be a trace of the ancient name transferred to an adjoining locality. Some writers even regard it as the source of the designation of the region. Josephus mentions a valley of Paran; but it was situated somewhere in the wilderness of Judaea ( War , 4:9, 4).

Paran is not strictly speaking "a wilderness." The sacred writers call it midbar ; that is, a pasture-land, as distinguished from an agricultural country. Its principal inhabitants were nomads, though it had a few towns and some corn-fields (Robinson, Bibl. Res. 1:190 sq.). The leading features of its physical geography are as follows: The central section, from Beersheba to Jebel et-Tib, is an undulating plateau, from 600 to 800 feet in height, traversed by bare rounded ridges, and shallow, dry valleys, running on the one side into the Arabab, and on the other to the Mediterranean. The soil is scanty, white, and thickly strewn with nodules of flint. In early spring it is partially covered with grass, shrubs, and weeds; but during the heat and drought of summer all vegetation disappears. and the whole surface assumes that aspect of dreary desolation which led the Israelites to call it "a great and terrible wilderness" (De 1:19); and which suggested in recent times the somewhat exaggerated language of Mr. Williams — "A frightfully terrific wilderness, whose horrors language must fail to describe" (Holy City, 1, App. 1, p. 464). Fountains are rare, and even wells and tanks are far apart. The plateau rises considerably towards the north-east; and, as deep glens descend from it to the Arabah, this section presents the appearance of a series of parallel ridges extending east and west. Their southern sides are mostly bluffs of naked white rock, which seem from a distance like colossal terrace-walls. These are the mountains of the Amorites mentioned in De 1:19-20, to which the Israelites approached through the wilderness, and which formed the southern border of Canaan. Besides these there is a line of bare white hills running along the whole western border of the Arabah, and forming the support of the table-land of Paran. Towards the valley they descend in steep shelving slopes and rugged precipices, averaging about a thousand feet in height; and everywhere deeply furrowed by wild ravines. The passes from the Arabah to Paran are difficult,, and a comparatively small band of resolute men might defend them against an army. The southern declivities of the mountain of the Amorites would also present serious obstacles to the advance of a large host.

These natural features enable us to understand more fully some points in the history of the wilderness journey, and to illustrate many incidental expressions in the sacred narrative. They show why the Israelites feared to enter Canaan from Kadesh until they had ascertained by the report of the spies that those formidable mountain-passes were open (De 1:22). They show how the Amorites, "which dwelt in that mountain," were able to drive them back when they attempted to ascend (ver. 44; comp. Nu 14:40-45). They show how expressive and how natural is the language so often used by Moses at Kadesh. When he sent the spies, "he said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain;" " so they went up ... they ascended by the south." "Caleb said, Let us go up at once. But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people" (Nu 13:17,21-22,30-31). Again, in describing the defeat of the people — "They rose up early... and gat them up into the top of the mountain, saying, We will go up into the place which the Lord hath promised... Moses said, Go not up . . . But they presumed to go up. . . and the Amalekites came down ," etc. (14:40, 42, 44, 45).

The name Paran thus corresponds in general outline with the desert Et-Tih . The Sinaitic desert, including the wedge of metamorphic rocks, granite, syenite, and porphyry, set, as it were, in a superficial margin of old red sandstone, forms nearly a scalene triangle, with its apex southward, and having its base or upper edge not a straight, but concave crescent line — the ridge, in short, of the Et-Tih range of mountains, extending about 120 miles from east to west, with a slight dip, the curve of the aforesaid crescent southward. Speaking generally, the wilderness of Sinai (Nu 10:12; Nu 12:16), in which the march-stations of Taberah and Hazeroth are probably included towards its north-east limit, may be said to lie south of the Et-Tih range, the wilderness of Paran north of it, and the one to end where the other begins. That of Paran is a stretch of chalky formation, the chalk being covered with coarse gravel, mixed with black flint and drifting. sand. The caravan route from Cairo to Akaba crosses the Et-Tih desert in a line from west to east, a little south. In this wide tract, which extends northward to join the "wilderness of Beersheba" (Ge 21:21; comp. ver. 14), and eastward probably to the wilderness of Zin, SEE KADESH , on the Edomitish border, Ishmael dwelt, and there probably his posterity originally multiplied. Ascending northward from it on a meridian to the east of Beersheba, we should reach Maon and Carmel, or that southern portion of the territory of Judah, west of the- Dead Sea, known as "the South," where the waste changes gradually into an uninhabited pasture-land, at least in spring and autumn, and in which, under the name of "Paran," Nabal fed his flocks (1Sa 25:1). Between the wilderness of Paran and that of Zin no strict demarcation exists in the narrative, nor do the natural features of the region, so far as yet ascertained, yield a well-defined boundary. The name of Paran seems, as in the story of Ishmael, to have predominated towards the western extremity of the northern desert frontier of Et-Tih, and in Nu 34:4 the wilderness of Zin, not Paran, is spoken of as the southern border of the land or of the tribe of Judah (Jos 15:3). If by the Paran region we understand "that great and terrible wilderness" so emphatically described as the haunt of noxious creatures and the terror of the wayfarer (De 1:19; De 8:15), then we might see how the adjacent tracts, which still must be called "wilderness," might, either as having less repulsive features, or because they lay near to some settled country, have a special nomenclature of their own. For the latter reason the wilderness of Zin, eastward towards Edom and Mount Seir, and of Shur, westward towards Egypt, might be thus distinguished; for the former reason that of Zin and Sinai. It would not be inconsistent with the rules of scriptural nomenclature if we suppose these accessory wilds to be sometimes included under the general name of wilderness of Paran;" and to this extent we may perhaps modify the previous general statement that south of the Et-Tih range is the wilderness of Sinai, and north of it that of Paran. Still, construed strictly, the wildernesses of Paran and Zin would seem to lie as already approximately laid down. If, however, as previously hinted, they may in another view be regarded as overlapping, we can more easily understand how Chedorlaomer, when he "smote" the peoples south of the Dead Sea, returned round its south-western curve to the El-Paran, or "terebinth tree of Paran," viewed as indicating a locality in connection with the wilderness of Paran, and yet close, apparently, to that Dead Sea border (Ge 14:6).

It is worthy of special note that the wanderings of the Israelites through Paran became to it as a new baptism. Its name is now, and has been for ages; Bedu et-Tih, "The wilderness of wandering" (Abulfeda, Tab. Syr. ed . Kohler, p. 4; Jaubert's Edrisi , 1:360). In addition to the authorities already referred to, notices of Paran will be found in the writings of Burckhardt ( Travels in Syria , p. 444); Seetzen (Zach's Monatl. Corresp . ch. xvii); Ruppell ( Reisen , p. 241); Bartlett ( Forty Days in the Desert , p. 149 sq.); Ritter ( Pal. und Syr . 1:147 sq., 1079 sq.); Olin ( Travels in Egypt , etc. 2:59 sq.); Miss Martineau ( Eastern Life , p. 418 sq.); and especially in Palmer's Desert of the Exodus , (1872). SEE SINAI .

2. MOUNT PARAN (הִר פָּארָן) is mentioned only in two passages, both sublime odes celebrating the Divine Majesty. The same glorious event, whatever it may have been, is plainly alluded to in both. Moses says, "The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from Mount Paran," etc. (De 33:2); and Habakkuk writes: "God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran" (Hab 3:3). The object of both writers is to call attention to those places where the most striking manifestations of divine power and majesty were made to Israel. Next to Sinai, Kadesh stands out as the theater of the Lord's most remarkable workings. It lies in the valley of the Arabah, with Seir on the one side and the highlands of Paran on the other. The summits of both these ranges were, doubtless, now illumined, now clouded, like the brow of Sinai, by the divine glory (comp. Nu 16:19-35,42; Nu 20:1,29). Teman was another name for Edom, or Seir; and hence the local allusions of Moses and Habakkuk are identical. It may therefore be safely concluded that Mount Paran is that ridge, or series of ridges, already described, lying on the north-east part of the wilderness of Tih. There is nothing in Scripture which would lead us to connect it more closely with Sinai than with Seir, or to identify it with Jebel Serbal, which overlooks Wady Feiran, as is done by Stanley and some others.

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The Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. James Strong and John McClintock; Haper and Brothers; NY; 1880. Website HTML, editorial descriptions, and images ©2024 StudyLamp Software LLC. Source: McClintock and Strong Cyclopedia book module from SwordSearcher .

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The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Sinai (camp for 11 months, 5 days)

Note: for more specific details on the final camp at Sinai, see: Mt. Sinai


a.        Israel arrived at the final camp in front of Mt. Sinai in the Wilderness of Sinai on day 47 from Goshen: Ex 19:1

b.       Scripture never says Israel camped in the Wilderness of Sinai then journeyed to the  foot of Mt. Sinai .

c.        Instead scripture equates the wilderness of Sinai as being equal to the final camp  in front of Mt. Sinai .

d.       " In the third month after the sons of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on that very day they came into the  wilderness of Sinai . When they set out from Rephidim, they came to the  wilderness of Sinai and camped in the wilderness; and there Israel camped in front of the mountain . " (Exodus 19:1–2)

e.       In the Numbers 33 itinerary, the Wilderness of Sinai was the final camp spot for 11 months at Mt. Sinai: " They journeyed from Rephidim and camped in the  wilderness of Sinai . [11 months, 5 days pass] They journeyed from the  wilderness of Sinai  and camped at Kibroth-hattaavah. " (Numbers 33:15–16)

f.         Moses saw the burning bush in the wilderness of Sinai. The burning bush probably marked the spot where Israel would camp several month later after Moses returns with the Hebrews. “After forty years had passed, an angel appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai , in the flame of a burning thorn bush." (Acts 7:30)

g.        The west side of the Wilderness of Sinai was at the foot of Mt. Horeb: "Now Moses was pasturing the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed." (Exodus 3:1–2)

h.       The 11-month camp at Mt. Sinai was identical to the camp in the Wilderness of Sin.

2.       Israel's Arrival in the Wilderness of Sinai ends the most important stage of the journey. They have escaped the slavery of Egypt, have come to God and are about to receive the Law of Moses on Pentecost in a spectacular display of divine power (Heb 12).

3.       They did not camp at the foot of Mt. Sinai, but about 10 km due east from the foot of the mountain.

a.        "let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. You shall set bounds for the people all around, saying, 'Beware that you do not go up on the mountain or touch the border of it; whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death." Exodus 19:11-12

b.       Moses went into the wilderness of Sinai and the people journeyed to the foot of Mt. Sinai: "And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain." Exodus 19:17

c.        Even at the foot of the mountain they were still some distance from the edge of the mountain: "So the people stood at a distance, while Moses approached the thick cloud where God was. " Exodus 20:21

d.       All this leads us believe that the Hebrew camp in the wilderness of Sinai was likely 10 km due east from the foot of the mountain.

4.       Bible texts:

a.        "In the third month after the sons of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on that very day they came into the wilderness of Sinai. When they set out from Rephidim, they came to the wilderness of Sinai and camped in the wilderness; and there Israel camped in front of the mountain." Exodus 19:1-2

b.       "They journeyed from Rephidim and camped in the wilderness of Sinai. They journeyed from the wilderness of Sinai and camped at Kibroth-hattaavah." Numbers 33:15-16

c.        "which the Lord commanded Moses at Mount Sinai in the day that He commanded the sons of Israel to present their offerings to the Lord in the wilderness of Sinai." Leviticus 7:38

d.       "Then the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tent of meeting, on the first of the second month, in the second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt, saying," Numbers 1:1

e.       "just as the Lord had commanded Moses. So he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai." Numbers 1:19

f.         "But Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord when they offered strange fire before the Lord in the wilderness of Sinai; and they had no children. So Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests in the lifetime of their father Aaron." Numbers 3:4

g.        "Then the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, saying," Numbers 3:14

h.       " Thus the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt, saying," Numbers 9:1

i.          "They observed the Passover in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at twilight, in the wilderness of Sinai; according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses, so the sons of Israel did." Numbers 9:5

j.         "and the sons of Israel set out on their journeys from the wilderness of Sinai. Then the cloud settled down in the wilderness of Paran." Numbers 10:12

k.        "But among these there was not a man of those who were numbered by Moses and Aaron the priest, who numbered the sons of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai." Numbers 26:64

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections .


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Experience paran.

Mitzpe Ramon Visitors Center

Mitzpe Ramon Visitors Center

Avdat National Park

Avdat National Park

Timna Park


Camel Mount

Camel Mount

Yotvata Hai-Bar Nature Reserve

Yotvata Hai-Bar Nature Reserve

Sapir Park

Arava Antelope Ranch

David and Paula Ben Gurion gravesite

David and Paula Ben Gurion gravesite

Lookout porch

Lookout porch

Where to stay, selina tzukim, idan lodge in the arava, what to eat.

My Mom's Recipe Restaurant

My Mom's Recipe Restaurant

Petra Butcher Shop & Restaurant

Petra Butcher Shop & Restaurant

Zawaya Restaurant

Zawaya Restaurant

The Cave Bar

The Cave Bar

Red Cave Restaurant

Red Cave Restaurant

Time Out

Beit Al-Barakah restaurant

Pundak Neot Smadar Inn Neot Semadar

Pundak Neot Smadar Inn Neot Semadar


The Petra Kitchen

Petra Zaman Restaurant

Petra Zaman Restaurant

7 Wonders Pizza

7 Wonders Pizza

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Day trip to Suzdal from Moscow: transport, sights, maps and tips

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  Suzdal is one of the most popular destinations on the Golden Ring and the whole city is often described as an open-air museum.  The city has no railway station and practically no heavy industry, meaning that is has preserved its provincial charm and a great deal of architectural monuments.

paran travel

  From Moscow, Suzdal is not as easy to get to as Sergiev Posad (the closest Golden Ring city to the capital) but it is worth going the extra distance as Suzdal provides more of a contrast from Moscow.  If you make use of high-speed trains it is possible and not too demanding to visit for even just a day, but of course spending the night there is recommended to soak in the atmosphere or to combine it with a visit to neighbouring Vladimir.  As the city is a very popular tourist destination you will have no problem finding a cafe or guesthouse there.  There is practically no public transport in the city, but the city is small and most sights are located relatively close to each other.

Getting There and Back

paran travel

Via Vladimir

paran travel

Direct to Suzdal

  Buses directly to Suzdal leave from Moscow’s Schyolkovsky Bus Station.  There are about 9 buses a day and it takes around 4½ hours depending on traffic.  The buses stop at Vladimir too.  Using this option will mean a rather exhausting day trip.

Orientation and Main Sights

paran travel

  Suzdal is a relatively small city and it is not difficult to walk around the city to see most of the sights.  


  The main road in the city is Ulitsa Lenina which runs north across the whole city.  


  The main sights of Suzdal are located either on or just off this road, including the two main sights: the Suzdal Kremlin in the south and the Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery in the north.


  More information about Suzdal can be found on our Suzdal  pages.

paran travel

  Suzdal is famous for its medovukha (mead) which is an alcoholic drink made out of honey.  It can be drunk either hot or cold, meaning it perfect in both summer and winter, and you will find it on practically every menu in the city.  There are various flavours of the drink available and even a non-alcoholic version.  In addition to medovukha, you can find all traditional Russian souvenirs in the city and there is a big souvenir market on Torgovaya Ploschad.

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aeroflot business class

Review: Aeroflot Business Class Paris to Moscow (Airbus A320)

In this review, we will take an Aeroflot business class flight from Paris to Moscow on the Airbus A320.

First time flying Aeroflot

Today would mark my first time flying Aeroflot and I was rather thrilled to review the airline. I had heard some great things about Aeroflot’s great in-flight service so I was eager to find out how the product would held up when compared to other European airline companies.

The fact that I was flying in the front of the cabin in business class made me even more excited about my flight to Mother Russia, a country which I had already visited three times before. Today’s flight would be operated by an Airbus A320, which looked beautiful in its Aeroflot livery as seen from the gate.

aeroflot airbus a320 business class review

Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG ) to M oscow Sheremetyevo (S VO ) on A eroflot Flight SU 2459 (booked as AF4916 ) – Airbus A320-200 – Business class, s eat 2 A Departure: 5 .45pm – Arrival: 11 .20pm Flight time: 3h35m – D istance: 1,529 miles Costs: 800 EUR, as part of a ticket including 12 flights in business class

paris moscow flight

Priority boarding was strictly enforced by the gate agents, with business class passengers and Sky Team elite passengers being asked to step forward to board first. I was the first to board and was warmly welcomed by the crew.

It was especially great to finally see some real business class seats on an intra-European flight. Most European airlines do not have special business class seats on their short and mid-haul flights, but rather have the same seats as back in economy class, with the sole difference that the middle seat is being blocked off.

No such thing on Aeroflot, which has proper leather recliner seats in business class in a roomy 2-2 configuration. Of all European airlines, Aeroflot is the only airline to have recliner seats on all short-haul flights in business class (Turkish Airlines follows in second place, having recliner seats on most of their narrow-body planes).

aeroflot airbus a320 business class review

Amenity kit

A blanket and pillow was already put on each seat for business class passengers. After I stowed away my trolley and rucksack and took my seat, a flight attendant immediately came over to bring an amenity kit and some slippers. I was already quite impressed at this moment.

Even though the amenity kit wasn’t really much to write home about and did not contain any branded goods, the sheer novelty of being given one on a short-haul flight is rather unique (even in business class!) as most airlines only do so on long-haul flights.

I did also like the Aeroflot-branded pouch, which had an image of a flight attendant dressed in a retro 1980s uniform on it, and could even easily see myself using it again when going on a camping trip at home or so.

aeroflot pillow blanket

Menu and pre-departure beverage service

Often, you can immediately see how great (or how bad!) a business class flight will be by solely looking at the first impressions you have of the cabin crew. While this cabin crew was far from refined and sophisticated, they were genuinely friendly, hard-working, eager to please and proud of their job. At any day of the week I take such a crew over a superbly trained yet grumpy crew which does not give a damn about their passengers.

One of the two flight attendants who would serve the business class cabin, Sergey, immediately came up to my seat when he saw that I was snapping some pictures of the business class cabin, asking me if I might want my picture taken in the seat, something to which I gladly obliged. We ended up having a short chat about Aeroflot and about my upcoming trip to Russia, with Sergey happy to hear that my previous trips to his country have all been great.

After a short while, Sergey distributed the menu and drinks list. The drinks menu on Aeroflot is the same for intra-European flights as it is for long intercontinental flights. The sole difference is that some drinks (port for example) and all of the cocktails are only available on flights longer than five hours in length. Sergey also asked what I would like as a pre-departure beverage. Naturally, I opted for a glass of s hampanskoe (champagne).

aeroflot airbus a320 business class review

While sipping the champagne I watched all the other people board the plane. As I expected, the load was very light. Business class had two other individuals travelling alone, as well as a German couple in their mid 50s and a Russian couple in their 40s with a small dog which the woman kept on her lap the entire flight.

As business class stretched five rows deep it meant that none of the single passengers had a seat mate, which was a blessing. I guess that economy might not have had more than 30 to 40 passengers in the entire cabin, which means that hardly a third of the seats were occupied.

It never bores to depart from a big airport hub and look at all those planes from exotic airliners arrive and take-off. After what seemed again an eternity of taxiing in the maze that is Charles de Gaulle Airport, our plane took off on time from a runway near Terminal 1. The sunset views over the airport, Paris and the surrounding countryside were absolutely gorgeous.

korean a380

Pre-meal drinks service

Once above the clouds the service started, with the crew first distributing hot towels and coming to each seat asking for drink and meal choices. When I inquired about the nelma as starter, flight attendant Tatiana answered that unfortunately they did not have the dish loaded on the plane.

She said that instead of the nelma they now had “French salmon” – whatever that may be! As I never tasted nelma before (an arctic fish which belongs to the family of salmons) it was a bit of a pity, although Tatiana said the salmon dish was actually “much better”.

aeroflot airbus a320 business class review

Soon after, Sergey came by with the bottle champagne to pour in my aperitif. I like it that Aeroflot flight attendants bring out the actual bottle and then pour in the drink in full sight of you instead of just preparing the drink in the galley. My only slight complaint is that the bottles were shown in a rather brusque way.

If you really want to serve a drink properly in an elegant way, you should first show the customer the label and hold the bottle by the bottom and not by its neck. Of course, this is just me being a wee bit snobbish now (personally I couldn’t give a damn about it, to be honest) but as this is a full business class review, it is something which I do have to mention as a slight point of improvement 😉

On this flight, Aeroflot served Ayala on its international business class flights. Even though it is a slightly uncommon choice for a business class champagne, Ayala is an excellent brand and it went down really well. The champagne, served in an Aeroflot-branded glass, came with a ramekin of warm nuts.

aeroflot airbus a320 business class review

Dinner service

Sergey came back with a table cloth to set up my table and minutes later the newly loaded “French salmon” starter was brought out on a tray. The dish was presented on a glass plate and looked excellent. Much to my surprise, it even had a wee bit of caviar and a blini next the salmon – which is something you normally only see in first class.

The salmon did taste absolutely delicious and fresh, indeed it was an excellent starter! I might even had another glass of champagne to wash it all down 😉

aeroflot cdg-svo starter

Aeroflot main dish

For the main, I selected the grouper on a bed of rice with some veggies. The fish was moist and tender and did not disappoint. The honey-miso sauce went great with it, too. I went for the Chablis to accompany it, which wasn’t a very exciting wine. Just like the starter, I found the presentation of the food to be excellent.

aeroflot airbus a320 business class review

Dessert and coffee

For dessert, I had the Esterhazy cake, which was quite good but nowhere near as great as the starter and main. I also ordered an espresso and some Delamain XO cognac to wash it away.

I adored the little chocolate which came with the coffee, which had not only a big Aeroflot logo on the front, but also dozens of minuscule Aeroflot logos imprinted at the backside. Talk about detail!

aeroflot airbus a320 business class review

After the dinner service

After the dinner service I reclined my seat, listened to some music and just enjoyed the rest of the flight. Unfortunately, this Airbus A320 did not have any in-seat entertainment sets, so it is basically BYOE (bring-your-own-entertainment).

That said, on other Aeroflot flights I would take at a later point during this trip (including the Moscow-Paris flight on my return journey), the crew handed out iPads on the planes which did not have any in-seat IFE screens. These iPads which were pre-loaded with an acceptable selection of dozens of movies and TV series.

I’m not really sure why on this flight we were not offered them, although in the grand scheme of things this is another minor detail as no matter which airline I fly I always make sure to bring my own entertainment, whether it is a good book, some music, or some films downloaded on my laptop.

After the meal service the crew disappeared in the galley, although they would occasionally stroll through the cabin to check if we were still doing fine and might want a refill, although again the lack of refinement of the crew did show at times.

I know that Russians do like a tipple, but if I just ordered a cognac and a coffee, why would you come back a minute later and ask if at the same time I might also want another glass of champagne?

Don’t get me wrong – I liked this crew and their pro-active approach a lot – but in my opinion that question was just a bit weird and does not show a great deal of knowledge about eating and drinking etiquette. I also found the question whether or not I wanted a lemon for in my cognac a bit puzzling, although from what I know it is actually quite a common combination in Russian culture.

The hilarious Aeroflot magazine

For the remainder of the flight I mostly worked on my laptop. Even though there was no WiFi on the plane, there were sockets built into the business class seats to plug in and recharge your electronic equipment.

Besides doing a wee bit of work, I also had a look at Aeroflot’s in-flight magazine , which turned out to be hilarious and a good way to spend some time. I loved the picture of the Aeroflot CEO, who looked more like a 1980s German schlager singer with his coloured sunglasses than like the chief of a major airliner.

I also loved the article which claimed that “ Russia’s skiing scene will soon trump the likes of France”. Well, I wonder what the French people on the plane might have thought about that – I hope they did not choke on their food out of laughter while reading it.

Don’t get me wrong here, the (Russian) Caucasus is absolutely stunning when it comes to mountain scenery, but I don’t think I will ever see the moment when Russian ski resorts trump the likes of Val Thorens. It all seemed to be a bit of old-school style Soviet propaganda akin to the ‘Pravda’ [the old official newspaper of the communist party of the Soviet Union – which ironically means ‘truth’ in Russian].

aeroflot magazine

Arrival at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport

Shortly before landing, the crew came by to collect our glasses and handed each of us in business class a package of  green tea as a small thank-you gift for flying with Aeroflot, which I thought was a really nice touch.

We landed on time in the darkness of Sheremetyevo Airport, Aeroflot’s main hub. After quite a long time taxiing on the vast premises of Sheremetyevo, we finally arrived at our gate. I thanked the crew for their excellent service on today’s flight and walked down the jet bridge to find my way to my connecting flight.

aeroflot tea gift

Aeroflot’s business class product is not as refined as the one you can find on Qatar Airways or Singapore, but it does outshine almost every other European airlines on short and medium haul routes.

To begin with, Aeroflot has a great hard product as it has proper leather recliner seats, which is miles better than the “economy with a blocked middle seat” business class product which airlines like Lufthansa, British Airways, Air France and KLM offer within Europe. If solely looking at the seat and comfort, only Turkish Airlines scores in the same category as Aeroflot when comparing it to other European airliners.

The soft product of Aeroflot is great too, with quality champagne and tasty food being served in the air. Forget about communist-era stories of grumpy and disinterested flight crews as modern-day Aeroflot is a friendly and luxurious company.

Forget about ancient Antonov planes falling from the skies as well, as Aeroflot nowadays operates a modern fleet of Airbuses and Boeings, just like any other airline in Europe. If you compare the seat and service on this flight with the direct competition (Air France) on the Paris to Moscow route – it is clear that Aeroflot comes out as winner.

I would certainly not hesitate to fly Aeroflot again – and would actually seek them out above many other airlines if the price is right.

Trip report index

This review is part of the ‘ Siberian Shuffle – A Crazy Winter Trip Around Eurasia ‘ trip report, which consists of the following chapters:

1. Review: Wizz Air Bucharest to Oslo Sandefjord Torp (Airbus A321) 2.  A Day in the Norwegian Capital of Oslo 3. Review: Norwegian Railways Night Train Oslo-Stavanger in a Private Sleeper 4.  Review: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Stavanger 5.  Stavanger – A Great Norwegian City Trip Surprise 6. Review: North Sea Lounge Stavanger Airport 7.  Review: KLM Cityhopper Business Class Stavanger to Amsterdam (Embraer RJ-175) 8. Guide to the Carnival Celebrations in the Netherlands 9. Review: KLM Crown Lounge (Schengen) Amsterdam Airport 10. Review: Air France Business Class Amsterdam to Paris (Airbus A319) 11. Review: ‘Salon Paris’ Business Class Lounge Paris CDG Terminal 2C 12. Review: Aeroflot Business Class (Airbus A320) Paris to Moscow (current chapter) 13. Review: Aeroflot Domestic Business Class Lounge Moscow Sheremetyevo 14. Review: Aeroflot Domestic Business Class Moscow to Irkutsk (Boeing 737-800) 15. Review: Matreshka Hotel, Irkutsk 16. Irkutsk Trip Report: Exploring the ‘Paris of Siberia’ in Winter 17. Review: Mayak Hotel, Listvyanka (Lake Baikal) 18.  A Winter Trip to the Frozen Wonderland of Lake Baikal 19. Review: Ibis Irkutsk Center Hotel, Irkutsk 20. Review: Domestic Business Class Lounge Irkutsk Airport 21. Review: Aeroflot Domestic Business Class Irkutsk to Moscow (Boeing 737-800) 22. Review: Pushkin Hotel, Moscow 23. A 24 Hour Stopover in the Russian Capital of Moscow 24. Review: ‘Moscow’ and ‘Jazz’ Business Lounges Moscow Sheremetyevo Terminal D 25. Review: Aeroflot Business Class Moscow to Paris (Airbus A320) 26. Review: TAROM Business Class Paris to Bucharest (Airbus A318) 27. Review: TAROM Business Lounge Bucharest Otopeni Airport 28. Review: Air France Business Class Bucharest to Paris (Airbus A320) 29. A Short Overnight Stopover in Paris 30. Review: Sheltair Business Lounge Paris CDG Terminal 2D 31. Review: Azerbaijan Airlines Business Class Paris to Baku (Airbus A320) 32. Review: Old City Hotel and Apartments, Baku, Azerbaijan 33. Destination Baku: An Intriguing Mix Between Old and New 34. Guide: Train Travel in Azerbaijan 35. Sheki: Azerbaijan’s Most Lovely Town and Springboard to the Caucasus 36. Must Be the Ganja! A Visit to the City of Ganja in Azerbaijan 37. Review: Shah Palace Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan 38.  Review: Azerbaijan Airlines Business Lounge Baku Airport 39.  Review: Azerbaijan Airlines Business Class Baku to Paris (Airbus A320) 40.  Review: Air France Business Lounge Paris CDG Terminal 2F 41.  Review: KLM Business Class Paris to Amsterdam (Boeing 737) 42.  Review: KLM Business Class Amsterdam to Bergen (Boeing 737) 43.  Blissful Bergen – Is It Really Norway’s Most Beautiful City? 44.  Review: Bergen to Oslo on a Norwegian Intercity Train (Bergensbanen Railway) 45.  The Flamsbana Railway – From the Myrdal Mountains to the Fjord at Flam 46.  Review: SAS Economy Class Oslo to Brussels (Boeing 737-600) 47.  Review: Diamond Lounge Brussels Airport Pier B Non-Schengen 48. Review: TAROM Economy Class Brussels to Bucharest (Boeing 737-800)

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Koen works as a freelance journalist covering south-eastern Europe and is the founding father and editor-in-chief of Paliparan. As a contributor to some major Fleet Street newspapers and some lesser known publications in the Balkans, he travels thousands of miles each year for work as well as on his personal holidays. Whether it is horse riding in Kyrgyzstan’s Tian Shan mountains, exploring the backstreets of Bogotá, or sipping a glass of moschofilero in a Greek beachside taverna, Koen loves to immerse himself into the local culture, explore new places and eat and drink himself around the world. If you enjoyed this travel article and found the information provided useful, please consider supporting us. Although we gladly share all information for free at Paliparan.com, a one-time donation is a great way to help out an independent publisher! You can support Paliparan by buying us a coffee for €5 , or by making a donation through PayPal . Thank you for your support!

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  7. Biblical literature

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    Paran. Pa'ran (Heb. Paran', פָּארָן, according to Gesenius and Furst, excavated, i.e. a place of caves, from an Arab. root; according to others, from פָּאִר, to be beautiful; Sept. and Josephus, Φαράν; Vulg. Pharan), a name given in the Bible to a desert and to a mountain.The present article embodies the Biblical and the modern information on this subject.

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    PARAN (Heb. פָּארָן), biblical appellation for the main desert in the eastern Sinai peninsula. Its boundaries can be reconstructed by means of a number of biblical references. In their campaign against Canaan, the kings of Shinar, Ellasar, Elam, and Golim reached El-Paran, "which is by the wilderness" (Gen. 14:6), a place generally identified with Elath on the Red Sea.

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    Other articles where Paran is discussed: biblical literature: Wanderings in the desert of Paran: This section apparently combines various traditions of how the Israelites came into Palestine, and J, E (or JE), and P sources have been discerned in these chapters. The traditional "40 years" in the wilderness (38 or 39, according to critical calculations) were spent mostly…


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