puma punku travel

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Puma Punku, Tiwanaku and Lake Titicaca in One Day

Puma Punku, Bolivia

Bolivia first appeared on our radar a couple of years ago thanks to Adam’s love of the History Channel. It was the H blocks that captured his attention, with their incredibly precise cuts and edges that seem to defy logic given the tools the pre-Incan people would have had. That’s how we first learned about Puma Punku and neighboring Tiwanaku, and when we decided to make the trip to Machu Picchu we couldn’t pass up the chance to cross the border into Bolivia to visit such an intriguing place.

Surprisingly, Tiwanaku and Puma Punku tourism isn’t a booming industry. I would have guessed it would be among the most popular places to see in Bolivia, but Tripadvisor’s ranking of top things to do in the country has it barely cracking the top twenty. Finding a safe and reputable tour was a bit challenging, but we reserved one that would also take us to nearby Lake Titicaca . We were excited for a relaxing bonus stop!

The shores of Lake Titicaca

Once our guide arrived we settled into a van for the lengthy drive to Lake Titicaca. Although the lake is only about 70 kilometers (45 miles) from La Paz, with heavy, unpredictable traffic the journey took close to two hours. By the time we arrived it was already close to lunchtime. We spent about an hour eating a meal our guide packed for us and taking pictures of the lake.

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is commonly recognized as the highest navigable lake in the world (there are many other lakes that are at higher elevations). At 12,500 feet, it is big enough for large boats to sail across it. The lake is bordered by both Bolivia and Peru, and from where we stood we could see Puno in Peru, a common place for travellers to stop and spend time as they travel between Cusco and La Paz.

After lunch we visited a different section of the lake, this time spending about an hour walking and watching as the waves lapped the rocky beach. It was a nice respite from the crowds and noise of La Paz, and I was grateful it came on a day where Adam and I were both feeling good with no ill effects from altitude sickness or exhaustion from a week of fast-paced travel.


After spending a long time at Lake Titicaca, it was late in the day when we finally arrived at our main attraction: Tiwanaku and Puma Punku. We started at Tiwanaku (also spelled Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu), where about 40,000 inhabitants lived in what was one of the largest native American civilizations in documented history. Tiwanaku disappeared before the Spanish arrived (it was abandoned around 1100 AD), and all that remains today are some incredible architectural achievements and plenty of questions.

Tiwanaku was likely a religious pilgrimage site, possibly used as a place of worship. It is younger than Puma Punku, which has led to some theories that Tiwanaku’s location was selected because of its proximity to Puma Punku.

For the most part, the site is poorly preserved. It was heavily looted before it was abandoned and left to erode, and preservation efforts have been limited. Our guide shared that the Bolivian government requires anyone actively working on ancient sites to have a Ph.D., This means masters or Ph.D. candidates are prohibited from playing an active role in any restoration efforts. Because there aren’t a lot of people holding Ph.Ds who also want to work in Bolivia and handle tasks typically delegated to students, efforts move very slowly. Additionally, in 2005 UNESCO threatened to remove Tiwanaku’s status as a World Heritage site because the government approved the use of adobe ( clay bricks ) in restoration work for decorative purposes. Adobe was not used at Tiwanaku; they used stone in their construction, so to use any other material would compromise the historical integrity of the entire complex—especially just to give the place a makeover.

► Kalasasaya

The heads of Kalasasaya

It doesn’t take a lot of time to walk through Tiwanaku, but there is a lot to see. Kalasasaya , a subterranean temple, was excavated in the 1960s, and its entire perimeter is dotted with small stone heads that Adam and I spent a great deal of time examining and comparing. The tiny faces are all unique; they look like they might represent more people than just Incans or even those local to the area. They each boasted distinguishing facial features, including some that seemed to sport turbans and one that looked a bit like an alien.

At Kalasasaya’s center is a statue that stands in the middle of the temple, which is believed to be Incan creator god Viracocha. Although researchers aren’t fully committed to the idea that the statue is Viracocha, it is clear the statue is of someone with a beard and mustache, which is fascinating because very few tribal people during that time had facial hair. It seems to suggest the influence of a person or god who wasn’t from the area.

► The Gate of the Sun

Gateway of the Sun

Also notable is the Gate of the Sun at Tiwanaku, a ten-foot tall gate constructed from a single piece of stone. Explorers found it in the mid-1800s in its present location, where it had fallen and was cracked. It was eventually righted and left where it was discovered, but most researchers don’t believe it is the gate’s original location. They don’t know from where it might have come, though some think it might have come from Puma Punku.

The Gate of the Sun likely had some astrological meaning or may have been related to the Incan calendar; it also features a carving of Viracocha at the center. We didn’t have a lot of time to study it, and with the sun setting quickly and casting dark shadows over the gate we were frustrated to not get some great pictures to remember it.

Our tour of Tiwanaku ended after 4:30 PM, which was a major problem for us because we still had not seen Puma Punku. Since it was just a quarter of a mile from Tiwanaku, our guide rushed us over (at our request) so we could spend 15 minutes at the site that led us to Bolivia in the first place.

At the height of its existence, researchers believe Puma Punku was an incredible place filled with bright colors and frequented by a local population of around 400,000.

Puma Punku

► The H Blocks of Puma Punku

Immediately, we were both drawn to the famous H blocks . No one really knows why the H blocks were created, or why they made so many of them in one location. They are shockingly precise to the point where it is hard to understand how they could have been formed without modern technology. The exact 90-degree angles should have been impossible to achieve without advanced tools. With no sign of any tools there is no real way to tell how they were shaped or how long it took to do so.

Beyond the H blocks stand large stones with complex, difficult drill holes . Again, there are no prevailing theories about why those stones were carved in such a way. Each stone is as smooth as glass, and running my hand over one of them felt like touching a granite countertop. I couldn’t imagine what steps were necessary to achieve that feat!

puma punku travel

Visiting Tiwanku and Puma Punku

Due to some unfortunate time management from our tour, our time at Puma Punku was limited to just fifteen minutes, which simply wasn’t long enough to fully explore and take in a place so rich with history. We were disappointed when, right at 5 PM, the Puma Punku staff closed the gates and threatened to lock us inside if we didn’t leave immediately. We feel like we missed out on some of the experience we were looking forward to the most. The tour spent too much time at Tiwanku and not enough time at Puma Punku. Additionally, we would not have been taken to Puma Punku at all had we not asked about it and requested to see it. Had we been given the choice, we would gladly have traded in most of our time at Lake Titicaca if it meant we could spend more time exploring the incredible structures at Tiwanku and Puma Punku- not to mention the museum we had to skip. Although the lake was beautiful, it wasn’t a unique experience. Tiwanaku and Puma Punku can’t be replicated.

We’ve seen historical sites all over the world, but there is something about a place that just doesn’t offer answers about why it’s there that really draws you in. Of the time we spent in Bolivia, our day immersed in historical facts and total mystery was the most compelling. In a way, for me, the biggest mystery is why in the world so few people bother to visit it. If your travels take you toward La Paz , don’t let this fascinating place fall off your radar.

La Paz Hotels

Ready to book a room for your own trip to see Puma Punku and Tiwanaku? La Paz is a great starting point- here are some hotel deals to consider:

One Final Consideration

Lake Titicaca, Puma Punku, and Tiwanaku are geographically close to La Paz, but because of the poor infrastructure connecting the city to the ancient historical site we were a bit worried about getting stranded during our day trip. Road closures due to protests are very common, and the roads themselves are in terrible condition, which led us to wonder if we would get stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. Our tour guide’s van wasn’t in great shape, either; the vehicle sputtered and stalled from time to time, and the windows in the back where we sat didn’t have UV protection, so Adam got a decent sunburn during the journey. We were relieved to have travel insurance to protect us in case we ended up on the wrong side of a road closure, which in a worst-case scenario could have kept us from catching our flight home. The policy we purchased from World Nomads put our mind at ease, and if you’re planning a trip to Bolivia it’s a good idea to research available plans and pick the one that’s right for you.

More Information: WorldNomads.com

Pictures of Tiwanaku, Puma Punku, and Lake Titicaca

Just because we didn’t have a lot of time doesn’t mean we didn’t take a lot of pictures! Here are a few more photos from Tiwanaku, Puma Punku, and Lake Titicaca.

Tiwanaku rock carvings near Puma Punku

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Puma Punku, Tiwanaku and Lake Titicaca in One Day from La Paz, Bolivia

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How to explore of the enigmatic stone blocks of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco

Explore of the enigmatic stone blocks of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco

Puma Punku Bolivia, translated as “Gate of the Puma” in the Quechua language, is a 6 th century archeological site with numerous ancient temples and forms part of Tiahuanaco (an ancient civic and sacred site with pyramids, gateways and monuments), in western Bolivia. It is world-known for its unusual precision of placement and cutting of stones.

Puma Punku Bolivia is thought to be built around the years following 500-600 CE. The ongoing building of the structures here indicate how the civilization grew and expanded as its people did, which reflects the increasing power that they built and rebuilt over hundreds of years.

Puma Punku Bolivia is a deeply mysterious site, and what this civilization left behind is so magnificent that when the Inca found its ruins 500 years later, they thought that it had to be the place where the gods had created the world.

Keep reading if you would like to learn more how you can explore the enigmatic stone blocks of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco.

Tiahuanaco Sacred Site


Also written “Tiwanaku”, Tiahuanaco is an ancient civic and sacred site with former pyramids and courtyards, gateways and monuments near the southeast shore of Lake Titicaca . It was the political and spiritual capital of the Tiahuanaco Empire between 200 and 1000 CE, and formed an important part of the spiritual traditions of Lake Titicaca.

Elements of these traditions can be seen in the sculptures and carvings on the structures at the site. Tiahuanaco is elevated at 3850 meters, and it has been studied and excavated since the 17 th century. Unfortunately, it has suffered some destruction from colonial and industrial invasion.

Tiahuanaco has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site , and it is a national museum of political importance today. It is also very significant as a cultural and religious site for the indigenous Aymara people of Bolivia.

The Stone Blocks of “The Door of the Puma

Puma Punku

The stone blocks at Puma boast many interesting facts that are unexplained and mysterious to the viewers who travel here. The stones have been carved with precision which one would not expect from primitive civilizations. Each stone in the walls has been cut perfectly, and almost seems as if some sort of sorcery was involved.

The stones are of megalithic proportion, and the largest stone weighs around 130 tonnes. It has been determined by chemical analysis that these large stones, mainly consisting of red sandstone, have been transported up a steep incline from a quarry near Lake Titicaca, almost ten kilometers away from the lake.

The most fascinating and curious thing is the manner that andesite was used to construct the temple. For facings and carvings, smaller andesite stones were used. Archeologists believe that these andesite carvings were used to represent a pan-Andean deity, the Incan god of creation, Viracocha.

An architectural Marvel

Tiahuanaco Architecture

With the time, one thousand years of wind and rain – as well as the destruction caused by colonization, the site has slightly deteriorated and most of the temple complex is entirely gone.  Some parts have been carried away by looters and stone miners in the past.

Unfortunately, many of the site’s rare metal ornaments, jewelry and colorful potsherds have been taken by treasure hunters in the past. Even though it has been stripped of most of its tangible elements, what is still there still proves that the temple the Tiahuanaco knew during the height of their empire was incredibly sacred.

Puma Puka with its intricately carved blocks used to be bigger than two football fields laid side to side. The complex boasted a central promenade and wide courtyards to the east and west that were paved with stone so big that alien intervention has been suspected.

Tiahuanaco Culture

Tiahuanaco Culture

The Puma Pucka inhabitants worshiped many gods, most of which served in the agricultural sector, and a creator god who drew the Tiahuanaco people from the rocks. His image was carved onto the Gateway of the Sun, a massive stone arch which was part of Puma Punku before it was relocated to nearby Kalasasaya.

Human sacrifice was practiced, dismembering the chosen victims as part of a ritual offering to their gods. There is some evidence though that those who suffered this fate were not native Tiahuanaco but outsiders from battle in captivity. Stone carvings illustrate the Tiahuanaco warriors collected trophy skulls which supports this belief.

According to archeologists, the stone carvings also depict the preservation of ancestors through mummification. There is some evidence of bones with cuts and scratch marks that suggest de-fleshing that may have been a practice of the burial places in the Tiahuanaco culture. Everything about this place is mysterious to say the least, which leaves room for speculation and different conspiracies.

Neighboring sites

Akapana Piramid

The sacred site Tiahuanaco consists of nine excavated structures and a contemporary museum that shares the history of the Tiahuanaco people, the spiritual beliefs and traditions, archaeological efforts, and the importance of the sites to Bolivian locals.

The Akapana pyramid is one of the biggest structures, and stands at 59 feet tall. The Kantatallita temple means “exposed to the dawn”, or “light of the dawn” and consists of carved relief monoliths in a large open area. The Monolito Ponce is a statue of a human figure of about 3 meters in length.

Kalasasaya temple is a low platform mound with a large courtyard surrounded by high stone walls. Puerta del Sol guards the eastern side of Tiahuanaco, and means “Gateway of the Sun”, while Puerta del Luna guards the northeastern side, beyond the Putuni enclosure, and it means “Gateway of the Moon”.

Putuni is a big, rectangular enclosure surrounded by double walls with burial chambers. Not far away you will find Kerikala which means “fire stones”. It consists of carved pillars that set alight and provided illumination. And then of course there is Puma Punku, or “Door of the Puma”.

Explore The Tiahuanaco Mysteries With Kuoda

Tiahuanaco with kuoda

Bolivia is one of South America’s top travel destinations, with good reason. It offers so much diversity, and a rich combination of unique cultures and traditions. This combination gives this beautiful country its authentic charm, and we highly recommend getting yourself here sooner than later.

Bolivia offers something for everyone, whether you are a nature lover, a city wanderer, a spiritual seeker or a history nerd. La Paz, Sucre and Potosi are three cities with cobblestone streets that bring back memories of Bolivia’s worst and best times.

We at Kuoda understand the frustrations that may appear when organizing a cohesive trip like this, especially with so much variety and limited travel time. We take pride in our passion for creating customized luxury tours in Bolivia with the aim to provide you and your family the best experiences possible during your trip.

Get in contact with us today, and tell us your personal preferences so we can create the dream trip for you!

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puma punku travel

Across the railway line southwest of the Tiwanaku site, you’ll see the excavation site of Puma Punku. In this temple area megaliths weighing more than 130 tons have been discovered. Like Kalasasaya and Akapana , there is evidence that Puma Punku was begun with one type of material and finished with another; part was constructed of enormous sandstone blocks and, during a later phase of construction, notched and jointed basalt blocks were added.

Note also, in the distance of the site’s northern boundary, the sukakollo , a highly sophisticated system of terraced irrigation.

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Puerta del Sol

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Museo de Pariti

14.97 MILES

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Museo Cerámico

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Nearby Tiwanaku attractions

1 . Museo Lítico Monumental

2 . Museo Cerámico

3 . Megaphones

At the entrance to the Tiwanaku site are two stone blocks that can be used as megaphones. Entertain yourself for a minute or two with this interesting pre…

5 . Puerta de la Luna

There’s a small gateway carved with zoomorphic designs near the western end of Tiwanaku, informally known as the Puerta de la Luna.

6 . Akapana Pyramid

7 . Puerta del Sol

8 . Kalasasaya

Kondor Path Tours

  • +51 991 391 255

Machu Picchu Tours

  • Machu Picchu Full Day Tour
  • 2 Day Tour Machu Picchu Sacred Valley
  • Machu Picchu Tour + Maras Salt Mines – 2 Days
  • Machu Picchu Tour + Sacred Valley Tour – 3 Days Valley
  • Machu Picchu Tour – 4 Days
  • Machu Picchu Tour – 5 Days
  • Machu Picchu Tour – 6 Days
  • Machu Picchu Photo Tour – 6 Days
  • Machu Picchu by Belmond Hiram Bingham Train

Machu Picchu the Lost City of the Incas

Visit this wonder of the world on these tours to machu picchu..

The tourist packages to Machu Picchu are one of the best decisions to travel through the Andes of Machu Picchu and the outstanding tourist circuits of the Cusco region, with extensions to other tourist destinations like Puno and Arequipa. Outdoor tours among Inca ruins, archeological parks, and short nature walks in the Andes are the perfect vacation for your next travel destination in Peru, South America.

Rainbow Mountain Tours

  • Rainbow Mountain by Horse 1 Day
  • Rainbow + Red Valley Tour – 1 Day
  • Rainbow Mountain from Cusco to Puno
  • Rainbow Mountain Full Day Trek
  • Palccoyo Rainbow Mountain Tour
  • Rainbow Mountain Trek – 2 Days
  • Machupicchu + Rainbow Mountain – 2 Days
  • Rainbow Mountain by motorcycle

Rainbow Mountain Treks

In the Andes Mountains, Rainbow Mountain, often called Vinicunca Mountain, soars 5,200 meters (17,100 feet) above Cusco. The mountain is well known for its vivid colors, which are brought on by various minerals. Red, yellow, orange, and green represent the hues that create a truly captivating display.

The Rainbow Mountain Trek is a once-in-a-lifetime trip. The views from the mountain’s peak make the challenging walk up there worthwhile. The views of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and glaciers are visible from the summit.

Our journeys include lunch, a professional guide, and transportation. Also, we provide a range of departure times to work with your schedule.

A breathtaking view of this incredible mountain

Cusco Day Tours

  • Cusco City Tour Half Day
  • Cusco City Tour Full Day
  • Moray & Maras Salt Mines Tour – Half Day
  • Moray Private Tour Full-Day
  • South Valley Cusco Tour
  • Full-Day Tour Tipon, Pisac, Sacsayhuaman
  • Urubamba River Rafting Cusco
  • Tour Inti Raymi 2024, Festival of the Sun

Cusco Day Hikes

  • Q’eswachaka Inca Rope Bridge Tour: Full Day Tour
  • Waqrapukara Trek Full Day Tour
  • Humantay Lake Full Day Tour
  • Condor Sightings Near Cusco
  • Sunrise at tres cruces Paucartambo

Cusco Biking Tours

  • Full Day Mountain Bike – Tour to Maras and Moray
  • Ollantaytambo-Pachar Bike Tour
  • Lares Downhill Mountain Bike Tour

Peru’s Best Sacred Valley Tours

  • Sacred Valley Private Tour, Full Day Tour
  • Super Sacred Valley Full-Day Tour
  • Sacred Valley Trip from Ollantaytambo
  • Sacred Valley Tour from Urubamba
  • Full-Day Tour Ancasmarca Ruins
  • Ñaupa Iglesia Tour Choquequilla
  • Full-Day Moonstone Tour
  • Pisac Ruins Hike 01-Day
  • Maras Moray Hike – Sightseeing views from Snow Mountains

Custom Sacred Valley Tours

  • Potato Park Pisac
  • Sacsayhuaman Megalithic Tour
  • Chinchero Ruins Full-Day Tour
  • Alternative Tour Ollantaytambo Full-Day
  • Day Trip to Pisac + Textiles + Traditional Market
  • Sacred Valley ATV Tour – Full Day
  • Chinchero textile Experience & Easy hike
  • Hike to Urquillos, 1-day hike in the Sacred Valley
  • Pumamarca Ruins Hike

BEST Inca Trail Tours

  • Short Inca Trail 2 Days
  • 2 Day Private Inca Trail Tour
  • 4 Day Private Inca Trail
  • Classic 4 Day Inca Trail
  • 4 Day Luxury Inca Trail
  • 5 Day Inca Trail
  • 3 Day Inca Trail
  • 1 Day Inca Trail

Inca Trail Enhanced Packages

  • Trek The Sacred Valley & Short Inca Trail
  • Short Inca Trail + Rainbow Mountain 3 Days
  • Salkantay Trek with Short Inca Trail – 5 Days
  • Salkantay Trek with Classic Inca Trail – 6 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek + Short Inca Trail – 7 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek with Short Inca Trail – 5 Days
  • Lares Trek + Short Inca Trail + Vinicunca 4 Days

Inca Jungle Trips

  • Inca Jungle Trek – 2 Days
  • Inca Jungle Trek – 3 Days
  • Inca Jungle Trek – 4 Days
  • Inca Jungle Trek + Short Inca Trail 4-Day

Salkantay Treks

  • Salkantay Trek 3 Days
  • Salkantay Trek 4 Days
  • Salkantay Trek 5 Days
  • Salkantay Trek + Short Inca Trail 5 Days
  • Salkantay Trek + Classic Inca Trail 6 Days
  • 2 Day Salkantay Trek With Machu Picchu
  • 2 Day Humantay Lake With Machu Picchu

Choquequirao Treks

  • Choquequirao Trek – 3 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 4 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 5 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 7 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 8 Days
  • Choquequirao Trek – 9 Days
  • Choquequirao 4-day trek in Lodge

Lares Treks

  • Lares Trek Full-Day
  • Lares Trek – 2 Days
  • Lares Trek – 3 Days
  • Lares Trek to Machu Picchu 4 Days
  • Lares Trek + Short Inca Trail 4 Days

Ancascocha Treks

  • Ancascocha Trek – 3 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek – 4 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek – 5 Days
  • Ancascocha Trek + Short Inca Trail 5 Days
  • Moonstone Trek to Machu Picchu 5 Days
  • Inca Quarry Trek to Machu Picchu 4 Days

Huchuy Qosqo Trek

  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek Full Day + Via Lamay
  • Huchuy Qosqo Full Day
  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek – 2 Days
  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek – 3 Days

Ausangate Treks

  • 7 Lagoons Ausangate Trek Full-Day
  • Ausangate Trek 5 Days
  • Ausangate Trek 6 Days

Spiritual Sessions

  • Andean Wedding Ceremony (Kasaracuy)
  • 1 Day Private Ayahuasca Retreats Cusco
  • Wachuma Ceremony Cusco 1 Day
  • Pilgrimages to Awakening Ways of Consciousness 13 Day
  • 2 Day Ayahuasca Retreat
  • 3 Day Ayahuasca Retreat
  • 4 Day Ayahuasca Retreat
  • 5 Day Ayahuasca Retreat

Spiritual Experiences in Cusco Tours

If you are interested in learning more about Andean cosmology and traditions or looking for a spiritual experience, then a spiritual tour in Cusco is a great option. Many different experiences are available, so you can find one that fits your interests and needs.

During these spiritual sessions, individuals may engage in various activities and ceremonies to establish a connection with the spiritual realm and foster personal growth and healing. These practices often draw inspiration from the natural elements, mountains, lakes, and other sacred sites that hold significance in the Andean culture.

Amazon Rainforest

  • Puerto Maldonado Amazon Tour 4-Day
  • Puerto Maldonado 3 Day Tour
  • Puerto Maldonado 2 Day Tour
  • Amazon Rainforest Peru 8-Day
  • Amazon Rainforest Peru 14 Days
  • Macaw Clay Lick Tambopata 3-Day

The Amazon of Peru is a unique and mysterious place. The diversity and fantastic flora of the Amazon rainforest have long drawn us in, and our photographer’s hearts have yearned to capture stunning images of the abundant wildlife there. Visiting the Amazon Rainforest in Peru is one of the best travel experiences, “it has something to offer everyone,” whether you’re exploring it from a lodge or on a boat.

Enjoy the diversity of nature while exploring trails, looking for caiman and river otters, and standing on platforms in the thick canopy of the Amazon rainforest.

After spending the day exploring the most biodiverse region on earth, our Amazon vacation packages include transfers, knowledgeable local guides, and a cozy jungle lodge to unwind in.

Peru and Machu Picchu Packages

  • Package Amazon Rainforest Peru 8-Day
  • Peru Highlights Tour 10-Day
  • Peru Vacation Package 14-Day
  • Christmas in Machu Picchu 2024
  • New Year’s in Machupicchu 2024
  • Archaeological & Ancient Civilizations
  • Machupicchu Women Only Tours
  • Machupicchu Senior Travel
  • Family Trip to Machu Picchu
  • Helicopter Charters – Inca land flights
  • Travel Programs for Students in Peru
  • Accessible Machupicchu Tour (Wheelchair)

Arequipa and Colca Canyon Tours

  • Colca Canyon Tour in Arequipa Full Day
  • Colca Canyon 2 Day Tour
  • Arequipa Salt Flats Full-Day
  • City Tour Arequipa
  • Arequipa Sillar Route
  • Colca Canyon 3 Day Trek
  • Colca Canyon 2 Day Trek

Ica and Nazca Lines Tours

  • Nazca Lines Flight from Pisco
  • Nazca Lines from Lima
  • Nazca Lines Flight from Ica
  • Nazca Lines Tour 2 Days
  • Nazca Lines Tour from Cusco
  • Nazca Lines Flight
  • Flight Over Palpa Lines
  • Ballestas Islands Tour
  • Paracas National Reserve
  • Huacachina Sand Buggy

Titicaca and Puno Tours

  • Cusco to Puno by Car
  • Aramu Muru Portal “Gate of the Gods”
  • Taquile Island Lake Titicaca One Day
  • Lake Titicaca Uros Floating Islands
  • Amantani Island Tour, Two Days
  • Lake Titicaca Extension 4 Days
  • Tour Temple of Fertility Peru
  • Cutimbo Inca Ruins Tour
  • Sillustani Tour

Tiwanaku Tour Bolivia From Puno

  • Belmond Andean Explorer Lake Titicaca

Kondor Path Tours

Explore the gateway of the sun Tiwanaku in a short walk visiting different temples and impressive megalithic constructions in the Tiwanaku archaeological complex in Bolivia.

Tour Tiwanaku from Puno, Peru: Gateway of the Sun Tiwanaku

Bolivia ruins Tiwanaku 1 day from Puno, Peru, is an epic journey to explore the enigmatic ruins of the  Puma Punku Megalith Blocks . The sun’s gateway is the Inca culture’s origin: “Discover the archaeological site of Puma Punku.” The stone’s work is the most intriguing thing about the Sun Tiwanaku gateway .

Tiwanaku Ruins: These stone blocks’ technical delicacy and precision are incredible. The thousand-year-old architecture in the Tiwanaku archaeological complex contains such accuracy that not even a razor blade can slide between the carved rocks. Visit the  Tiwanaku Titicaca Tour in a unique and spectacular expedition between Peru and Bolivia—guided tours of 1 full day from Puno with a land trip via Desaguadero.

Explore the ancient ruins of Tiwanaku, a pre-Columbian archaeological site near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. This full-day tour from Puno takes you on a journey through history as you discover the fascinating culture and architecture of the Tiwanaku people.

Tiwanaku Tour Bolivia From Puno

Embark on a journey through time and explore the ancient ruins of Tiwanaku and Pumapunku on a guided day trip tour.

Tiwanaku Tour Overview

Discover these fascinating sites’ incredible engineering and architecture, and learn about the rich history and culture of the Andean people who once inhabited them. Visit the Kalasasaya Temple, the Gate of the Sun, and the Akapana Pyramid, and learn about the significance of each site from your knowledgeable guide.

Tour Tiwanaku schedule

  • Puno to Desaguadero: Travelers travel only with the vehicle’s driver on this trip! If the client requires an additional Peruvian guide, write to us to send you information.
  • Meeting with the official Bolivian guide in Desaguadero! The guide assists visitors at the immigration office on the Peruvian and Bolivian sides (they are two different offices). Consult the guide for any assistance with border crossing.
  • The Peruvian Migrations Office takes between 20 and 55 minutes to register for departure from Peru.
  • The Bolivian Migrations Office takes between 20 and 55 minutes to register to enter Bolivia.
  • 09:40 A restart of the trip from Desaguadero to the Tiwanaku ruins in the local Bolivian vehicle and with the Tiwanaku resident tour guide
  • 10:30: Approximate time of arrival at the Tiwanaku ruins
  • 10:30–13:00 We have an approximately two-hour guided tour of the Tiwanaku ruins, the Tiwanaku lithic museum, and the Puma Punku lithic blocks.
  • 13:00-14:00 Several restaurants are open at lunchtime on the outskirts of the Tiwanaku ruins or around the Tiwanaku town square. One of the typical dishes to try is Silpancho and Saice. Lunch is not included !
  • 14:00 After visiting the ruins of Tiwanaku in Bolivia, we return to Peru.
  • 14:40: Travelers must present their passports to register to exit Bolivia and enter Peru (in the two offices).
  • 15:40 At this time, we return to Puno from Desaguadero in our tourist vehicle. The trip takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes to reach Puno at the respective travelers’ hotels.
  • After visiting the Tiwanaku ruins, 18:30 is the approximate arrival time for Puno in Peru .

Important note about Tiwanaku Titicaca Tour

  • Bolivian Embassy In Cusco, Peru Address: Oswaldo Baca 101, Cusco, 08003 Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Bolivian Embassy in Puno, Peru Address: Cajamarca 664, Puno 21001 Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Bolivian Embassy in Lima, Peru Address: C. Los Castaños 235, San Isidro 15076 Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Registration at the immigration offices in Peru and Bolivia:

On the day of the excursion to the Tiwanaku ruins from Puno. After 2 hours and 20 minutes of travel from Puno, you arrive at Desaguadero! Desaguadero is the border between Peru and Bolivia. Visitors must register their departure from Peru to enter the Tiwanaku ruins and have the Bolivia entry stamp. In Desaguadero, there are two different offices for this purpose!

  • PERUVIAN MIGRATIONS : Clients must register their departure from Peru (there is a line) to register, which takes between 20 and 55 minutes. In border migrations, many people come and go.
  • BOLIVIAN MIGRATIONS : Crossing the border bridge is Bolivian migration! Clients have to register their entry into Bolivia. It takes between 20 and 55 minutes; the registration system is slower. Let’s be patient. There are daily monetary penalties if visitors do not register, and paying them in La Paz, Bolivia, is tedious and complicated! That is why they have to register (mandatorily).

Tiwanaku Tour travel distances from Puno

We have two travel distances: the first travel route is between Puno on the Peruvian side, heading towards Desaguadero; “Desayuadero is the border town between Peru and Bolivia.”

The trip’s second leg is from Desayuadero towards Tiwanaku on the Bolivian side. After the expedition to Tiwanaku, we will return to Peru by the same route to Puno.

  • Puno to Desaguadero travel: 2 hours and 20 minutes. 147.1 km / 91.40 miles
  • Desaguadero to Tiwanaku trip: 40 minutes, 45.4 km, 28.21 miles.

Tiwanaku Tours Highlights

  • Impressive ruins just outside Tiwanaku Town and a true wonder of the world!
  • Explore the Tiwanaku Titicaca Tour of Akapana Ruins, “built 14,000 years BC.”
  • Andes Sun Gate: Incredible construction cradled in the basin of the Peruvian-Bolivian Altiplano, around the Titicaca region.

Detailed itinerary of Tiwanaku Tours

Explore tiwanaku ruins from puno.

Explore Tiwanaku Ruins from Puno

Tiwanaku Titicaca Tour : Our staff from Puno, as the tour guide plus the vehicle driver, go to the client’s hotel at 05:30 to start the trip to Tiwanaku. It is essential to bring warm clothing and rain gear since the climate is frigid in the Andean plains.

The trip from Puno to Desayuadero takes around two hours and 40 minutes; from Desaguadero to the Tiwanaku ruins, it takes 40 minutes, approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes. Upon arrival in Desaguadero, visitors will register with the Bolivian and Peruvian immigration controls to present their visas and continue the trip. There are two different immigration offices; customers must note this at both sites!

In Desaguadero, we use a local Bolivian car to get to the Tiwanaku ruins . We begin the guided tour with the Tiwanaku resident guide, exploring the splendid Tiwanaku ancestral ruins, the fantastic Tiwanaku lithic museum, and the megalithic blocks of Puma Punku.

At the end of the guided tour of Tiwanaku, we have free time to walk around Tiwanaku or go for lunch to taste typical Bolivian tourist dishes before starting the return trip to Peru towards Puno.

Characteristics of the Gateway of the Sun Tiwanaku

Tiwanaku was the oldest culture in America, 27 and a half centuries ago, from 1580 BC to 1172 after Christ. You enter through a seven-step stretch in the middle of the eastern wall.

Tiwanaku is the preferred Andean site in the country of Bolivia. An area of 30 hectares presents a set of Templar remains of the Tihuanaku culture. There is a plateau between two mountains, some fields, and local communities within its environment.

Tiwanaku ruins I / Tiwanaku Titicaca Tour

  • Semi-subterranean temple: There are three monoliths; you can see 175 nailed heads in its interior walls.
  • The Estela Ponce Monolith (at the center of the inner courtyard)
  • The Monolith of El Fraile (at one end)
  • The famous INCA SUN GATE “sculpture of Tihuanaku.”
  • The pyramid of Akapana is an imposing pyramid structure of the Altiplano culture. Akapana has an 800-meter perimeter, and according to the chronicles, there are beautiful buildings at its top. In 1753, the Spanish explorer Diego Ayardeburo excavated the pyramid, searching for treasures, and destroyed the top. In 1900, La Paz-Guaquil used the platforms as a quarry during the railroad construction.

Tiwanaku ruins II

  • Agro-fields (Sucacollos): crops formed by elongated loins of earth.
  • Kantatallite:  Its name comes from Aymara, meaning “light of dawn.”
  • Putuni and Khery Qala:  The Ruins of Two Buildings, Putuni (Palace of the Coffins) and Khery Qala
  • Bennett Monolith:  This piece measures 7.30 meters and weighs approximately 20 tons.
  • Winter Solstice in Tihuanaku Temple: A great manifestation of the Andes religion and customs of local sun worship. The central action occurs every June 21 (winter solstice) inside the temple of Kalasasaya in Tihuanaku. At dawn, those present gather in the temple and await the sunrise with their hands extended toward him.

Tiwanaku Ruins III: Puma Punku Mysterious Artifacts

  • Imagining a more inappropriate place to develop an advanced Altiplano civilization is difficult.
  • The first vestiges of the Altiplano (Aymara Inca) culture date from 400 BC. At best, 400,000 people lived in the area.
  • Puma Punku is not a port. It makes no sense to make that port.
  • Pumapunku culture flourished between 300 and 1000 after Christ.
  • The ancestral blocks fit together like a puzzle.
  • Stones are the size of a mammoth.

There is scientific evidence that the Puma punku h-blocks are artificial geopolymers!

Physical Level

Walking distance.

A light walks

Hiking Time

15 to 35 minutes

Starting Altitude

Puno City: 3,827m (12,555 ft)

Minimun Altitude

Desaguadero: 3,827m (12,555 ft)

Highest Altitude

Tiwanaku: 3,885m (12,746 ft)

Tiwanaku Titicaca Tour Full Day Included

  • Active itinerary in Bolivia ruins Tiwanaku
  • An English-speaking tour guide: Meeting with the Bolivian guide in Desaguadero
  • 1 1/2-hour guided tour of the archaeological group and the museum
  • Peru area: round-trip transportation in the air-conditioned motorcoach “Puno-Desaguadero-Puno.”
  • Bolivia area: Transportation “Desaguadero – Tiwanaku – Desaguadero”
  • Entrance fee to Tiahuanaco
  • All Local Taxes “Tiwanaku Tour”

Tour Tiwanaku is omitted

  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Spending money: allow approximately US$ 200–150 per day to cover meals, snacks, drinks, limited souvenirs, laundry, tips, and extras.
  • Tips: “Tour guide and chauffeur.”

What to bring for this Tiwanaku full day from Puno

  • In Desaguadero, visitors must visit the unified Bolivian-Peruvian migration office to present their visas and stamp their passports. It is essential to mention that visas cannot be processed in Desaguadero! It is only controlled; travelers must obtain visas days before the trip at the Bolivian migration offices in Puno, Cusco, or Arequipa.
  • Cash in Bolivian currency for extra services in Tiwanaku Tours t hat the client deems convenient. You can exchange Peruvian money (Soles) or dollars for Bolivian currency at the Peru-Bolivia border in Desaguadero.
  • A good daypack is the Eagle Creek Afar Backpack or an appropriate pack to carry your personal belongings!
  • Lighter trekking boots with good ankle support!
  • One pair of hiking pants—not jeans!
  • One warm winter jacket is essential. “Changing weather always.”
  • Bring some meds!
  • Iron tablets and pills for altitude sickness
  • Sun protection cream (SPF 45 or higher is recommended)
  • Reusable plastic or metal water containers for your water
  • Extra money for souvenirs, drinks, and tips for your Kondor Path staff

Travel Guide

What is the tiwanaku tour.

The Tiwanaku Tour is a guided tour of Bolivia’s ancient Tiwanaku archaeological site.

What are Tiwanaku Ruins?

Tiwanaku is an ancient city in Bolivia that was once a thriving center of Andean civilization.

How long does the Tiwanaku Tour take?

The Tiwanaku Tour can take anywhere from half a day to a full day, depending on the tour operator and the itinerary.

What is included in a Tiwanaku tour?

A Tiwanaku Tour typically includes transportation to and from the archaeological site, a guided tour, and sometimes lunch or other refreshments.

How much does a Tiwanaku tour cost?

The cost of a Tiwanaku tour can vary depending on the tour operator, the tour length, and the services included. Generally, prices range from $135 to $290 per person.

What should I wear on a Tiwanaku tour?

It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for walking on uneven terrain. Sunscreen and a hat are also recommended, as the site can be very sunny.

What is the history of the Tiwanaku Ruins?

Tiwanaku was once a powerful empire that flourished between 300 and 1000 CE. The city was eventually abandoned and rediscovered in the 19th century.

What can I see on a Tiwanaku tour?

On a Tiwanaku Tour, visitors can see the ruins of the ancient city, including the Akapana Pyramid, the Sun Gate, and the Temple of Kalasasaya.

Is the Tiwanaku Tour suitable for children?

The Tiwanaku Tour can be suitable for children, but it is recommended to check with the tour operator first to ensure that the tour is appropriate for the age and interests of your children.

Is the Tiwanaku Tour accessible for people with disabilities?

The Tiwanaku Tour can be challenging for disabled people, as the site has uneven terrain and steep stairs. However, some tour operators may be able to accommodate visitors with disabilities.

Can I take photos on the Tiwanaku Tour?

Yes, visitors are generally allowed to take photos on the Tiwanaku Tour. However, it is recommended to check with your tour guide first to ensure that photography is permitted in all areas of the site.

Are there any restrictions on what I can bring on the Tiwanaku Tour?

Visitors cannot bring food, drinks, or smoking materials onto the archaeological site. It is also recommended to leave large bags or backpacks on your transportation.

Can I buy souvenirs on the Tiwanaku Tour?

There are souvenir shops and markets near the Tiwanaku site where visitors can buy locally-made handicrafts and other souvenirs.

What is the best time of year to take a Tiwanaku tour?

The Tiwanaku Tour can be taken year-round, but avoiding the rainy season (November to March) is recommended to prevent muddy and challenging roads.

Is the Tiwanaku Tour available in different languages?

  • Many tour operators offer Tiwanaku tours in Spanish, English, and other languages.

Do I need to book the Tiwanaku Tour in advance?

It is recommended to book the Tiwanaku Tour in advance to ensure availability, especially during peak tourist seasons.

Can I take a Tiwanaku tour as part of a larger tour package?

Yes, many tour operators offer combined tours that include Tiwanaku and other popular destinations in Bolivia.

Can I visit Tiwanaku Ruins independently, without a tour?

Yes, it is possible to visit Tiwanaku independently

What are the opening hours of the Tiwanaku archaeological site?

The Tiwanaku archaeological site is open daily to visitors from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., except for certain national holidays.

Is there a dress code for the Tiwanaku Tour?

The Tiwanaku Tour has no specific dress code, but visitors are encouraged to dress modestly out of respect for the ancient site and the local culture.

Can I bring my food and drinks to the Tiwanaku Tour?

Visitors cannot bring their food and drinks to the archaeological site. However, there are food and beverage options available for purchase nearby.

What is the altitude of the Tiwanaku Ruins?

Tiwanaku is located at an altitude of approximately 3,850 meters (12,630 feet) above sea level.

Is altitude sickness a concern on the Tiwanaku Tour?

Altitude sickness can be a concern for some visitors on the Tiwanaku Tour, as the site is at a high altitude. It is recommended to consult with a doctor before the trip and to take precautions such as drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcohol.

Are there restroom facilities at the Tiwanaku archaeological site?

Yes, there are restroom facilities available for visitors at the Tiwanaku site.

Can I bring my pet to the Tiwanaku Tour?

No pets are prohibited on the Tiwanaku Tour or the archaeological site.

Are there any age restrictions for the Tiwanaku Tour?

There are no strict age restrictions for the Tiwanaku Tour, but an adult is recommended to accompany young children.

Can I visit the Tiwanaku Ruins at night?

No, the Tiwanaku archaeological site is only open during the day, and visitors are not allowed to visit the site at night.

Can I climb on the ruins at Tiwanaku?

No, visitors are not allowed to climb on the ruins at Tiwanaku out of respect for the historical and cultural significance of the site.

What other attractions are nearby at Tiwanaku Ruins?

Nearby attractions to Tiwanaku include the town of Tiwanaku, which has a museum and other historical sites, and the city of La Paz, known for its colorful markets and street food.

Are there any discounts available for the Tiwanaku Tour?

Some tour operators may offer discounts to students, seniors, or influential groups. It is recommended to check with the tour operator for any available deals.

Referential elevations between Puno Peru and Tiwanaku, Bolivia

PUNO CITY: 3,827 meters (12,555 feet). DESAGUADERO: 3,827 meters (12,555 feet). TIWANAKU RUINS: 3,885 meters (12,746 feet).

Pricing Breakdown

Full day travel tiwanaku from puno cost.

Season 2024 PRIVATE SERVICE Tiwanaku Tours: We run this travel experience

*The 1-day tour service to the Tiwanaku ruins from Puno is only offered as a private service. We do not want to add more people to your group to have an epic and pleasant trip between Peru and Bolivia.


Tiwanaku Tour Bolivia From Puno, explore the tremendous ancient ruins of Tiwanaku and the Tiwanaku site museum, where unique stone monoliths are presented as spectacular and unique artifacts. The visit ends with exploring the megalithic Pumapunku blocks scattered in Bolivia’s different areas of the Tiwanaku plain.

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Gallery of Tiwanaku Titicaca Tour

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Tiwanaku Tour Video

Tours Sillustani, Uros, Taquile, Amantani

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  • Tour Aramu Muru and Puma Punku from Puno

Aramu Muro – Puma Punku

Explore and venture to know the attractions of southern Puno and part of Bolivia. Early in the morning we will pick you up from your hotel to begin the Tiahuanaco full day tour from Puno. along the way you’ll know different places as the fertility temple Inca Uyo and mystical Aramu Muru Gate.

What to bring?

What to see and do in this tour.

Explore and venture to know the attractions of southern Puno and part of Bolivia.

Early in the morning we will pick you up from your hotel to begin the Tiahuanaco full day tour from Puno. along the way you’ll know different places as the fertility temple Inca Uyo and mystical Aramu Muru Gate.

Arrive to Desaguadero, in the Bolivian border, we will present our documents for the immigration process. Once in Bolivian territory, we will meet the guide, who will take us to Tiwanaku, place where we will have lunch before going on with the tour.

After, we will visit Puma Punku, the Sun Gate, the Akapana Pyramid and the Beneth Monolith, among other vestiges of this important pre-Inca culture, base of the civilization which then would dominate a great part of the territory.

After exploring the places, we will take our transportation to come back to Puno or go to La Paz, where we will end the activity.

  • Pickup at your accommodations (urban area Puno).
  • English speaking guide.
  • Entry ticket to Inka Uyo.
  • Aramu Muru.
  • Tiahuanaco.
  • Vita coffee and personal water.

Not Included:

  • Tips optional.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Hat to protect against the sun.
  • Comfortable clothing.
  • Light backpack.
  • Sweater or jacket.
  • Personal medications and money for tips.
  • Passport. Check if you need VISA.

Discovering Aramu Muro – Puma Punku

puma punku travel

If you have any questions about the tour, prices, schedules, hotels, itinerary, etc., please contact us at: [email protected]   or by WhatsApp 940 444 235 our travel experts will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Related services, city tour puno, tour route aymara full day, inka uyo and aramu muro tours, tour sillustani – lampa and pucara, follow us on facebook.

Lake Titicaca

Other alternatives to choose

Some adventurers also checked information about the following tourist destinations.

City Tour Puno

  • Duration: ½ day
  • Availability: All year long

Tour Route Aymara Full Day

  • Duration: 4 hours

Tour Sillustani – Lampa and Pucara

  • Duration: Full Day

Pumapunku or Puma Punku is a 6th-century man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and monumental complex on top that is part of the Pumapunku complex, at the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanacu, in western Bolivia. The Pumapunku complex is an alignment of plazas and ramps centered on the Pumapunku platform mound. Today the monumental complex on top of the platform mound lies in ruins. It is believed to date to AD 536. After Akapana, which is believed to be "Pumapunku's twin", Pumapunku was the second most important construction in Tiwanaku. Among all the names for the areas in Tiwanaku only the names "Akapana" and "Pumapunku" have historical significance; both date back to at least 1610.

puma punku travel

More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumapunku

Address Bolivia

Coordinates -16°33'42.299" N -68°40'46.492" E

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Enigmatic Tiwanaku And Puma Punku Bolivia

One of our favourite places that we visit with guests away from Cusco and the Sacred Valley of Peru is Tiwanaku/Puma Punku. This area is one of the most mysterious on earth, because it is here that we find astonishing examples of ancient engineering in very hard stone. Though the academics insist that these creations are not more than about 2000 years old, it is probable that the oldest and best works could be as much as 10,000 or more years old. How is this possible? Come with us and see for yourself…

About Brien Foerster

Brien has explored more than 90 countries but his true passion is researching and writing about the ancient megalithic works found in Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Easter Island, Egypt, England, and beyond. His 23 books are available on this website & amazon.com . He has appeared 15 times on the Ancient Aliens television series as well as numerous other TV and radio presentations. Brien's popular Youtube channel contains more than 850 videos related to hidden history and megalithic sites.

Brien Foerster

Brien Foerster

Upcoming tours you can join.

Our operations began nearly a decade ago as a way to facilitate my longterm research into megalithic sites and ancient wisdom. Over the years our offerings have grown to an annual series of major group tours featuring well known researchers as well as private tours with me to sites in Peru and Bolivia.


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January 12–23, 2019 – Join our team of researchers and explorers as we examine the evidence and discuss the remarkable indications of what is possibly the world’s greatest secret – that a highly advanced civilization with superior intelligence and capabilities once inhabited our planet tens of thousands of years ago.

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February 18-28, 2019 – Join Brien & irene on this adventure through Mexico to discover evidence of ancient technology, lost cultures, and incredible sites.

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April 6th – 18th, 2019 – Join Khemitologists, Researchers, and Explorers as they examine the evidence and discuss the remarkable indications of what is possibly the world’s greatest secret.


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Paracas & Nazca

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Cusco & The Sacred Valley

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Machu Pic'chu

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The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

puma punku travel

Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

puma punku travel

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

puma punku travel

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

puma punku travel

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

puma punku travel

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

puma punku travel

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

puma punku travel

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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  1. Exploring the Fascinating & Mysterious Puma Punku in Bolivia

    puma punku travel

  2. How to explore of the enigmatic stone blocks of Puma Punku and

    puma punku travel

  3. Puma-Punku-ancient

    puma punku travel

  4. Puma Punku en Departamento de La Paz, Bolivia

    puma punku travel

  5. The megalithic complex of Puma Punku in La Paz

    puma punku travel

  6. Puma Punku

    puma punku travel



  2. Magnetic anomalies at Puma Punku in Bolivia

  3. Puma punku's Top 7 Wonders

  4. Puma Punku Cité Extraterrestre ?

  5. Uncovering the "Mystery" of Puma Punku

  6. The Energy Grid Of Puma Punku In Bolivia


  1. Puma Punku, Tiwanaku

    Part Of Tiwanaku. Aug 2016 • Couples. PumaPunku is part of the Tiwanaku complex. The complex includes Gate Of The Sun Temple, Pumapunku, and a couple small museums. The entrance fee for the entire Tiwanaku complex was 80 Bolivian bolivianos. The site is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  2. Puma Punku Tours

    From US$ 185 per person. 9:45 am Upon arrival to Puma Punku, your English speaking tour guide provides information about its origin and what for was built. After this visit you'll be able to visit Kalasasaya temple, Akhapana pyramid, Sunken temple and museums before lunch. 12:45 pm After the guided tour ends you'll enjoy a tasty lunch ...

  3. Puma Punku, Tiwanaku and Lake Titicaca in One Day

    Puma Punku, Tiwanaku and Lake Titicaca in One Day. by Stephanie Hubka. Bolivia first appeared on our radar a couple of years ago thanks to Adam's love of the History Channel. It was the H blocks that captured his attention, with their incredibly precise cuts and edges that seem to defy logic given the tools the pre-Incan people would have had.

  4. Day Tour to Tiwanaku with Pumapunku 2024

    Visit Tiwanaku and Pumapunku on a private tour from La Paz that explores ancient, pre-Inca ruins set high on the Bolivian altiplano. Along with the convenience of door-to-door transport from La Paz, exploring with a private guide means you can enjoy the day at your own pace, with time to truly experience Pumapunku, a lesser-known site that group tours often speed through or skip altogether.

  5. La Paz to Tiwanaku and Puma Punku Full-Day All-Inclusive Tour 2024

    Shared Full Day Tour Charquini Lagoon and Hiking. from $45.00. La Paz, Altiplano. Full-Day Tour of Tiwanaku Archaeological Site from La Paz, Bolivia. 7. from $80.00. Price varies by group size. La Paz, Altiplano. Private Palca Canyon Tour from La Paz with optional stop at Valle de las Animas.

  6. How to explore of the enigmatic stone blocks of Puma Punku and

    Puma Punku Bolivia, translated as "Gate of the Puma" in the Quechua language, is a 6 th century archeological site with numerous ancient temples and forms part of Tiahuanaco (an ancient civic and sacred site with pyramids, gateways and monuments), in western Bolivia. It is world-known for its unusual precision of placement and cutting of stones.

  7. Exploring Enigmatic Tiwanaku And Puma Punku In Bolivia, And More!

    Upon special arrangement I can guide you through the remarkable ancient enigma that encompasses Tiwanaku and Puma Punku. We can either meet in La Paz Bolivia or travel from Cusco together. We offer 2 day or 3 day package tours including hotel, transport, breakfast, entrance tickets, and guide service. Day 1: Gold Museum, Tiwanaku Museum ...

  8. Puma Punku

    Puma Punku. Across the railway line southwest of the Tiwanaku site, you'll see the excavation site of Puma Punku. In this temple area megaliths weighing more than 130 tons have been discovered. Like Kalasasaya and Akapana, there is evidence that Puma Punku was begun with one type of material and finished with another; part was constructed of ...

  9. Tiwanaku & Puma Punku

    Tiwanaku & Puma Punku - The Ancient Civilization - Everything Included! By Inti Travel. 25 reviews. See all photos. About. from. $49.42. per adult. Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay later Free cancellation.

  10. Tiwanaku and Puma Punku

    In order to beat the crowds of other pre-Inca archeological sites, opt for a day trip to Tiwanaku and Puma Punku from La Paz. An ideal choice for history buffs, this package brings the ruins and ancient landmarks of the sites to life by providing commentary that puts things into context. Plus, you'll receive personalized attention in a small group limited to 15 people.

  11. 2024 Tiwanaku & Puma Punku

    El Alto Airport, La Paz Bolivia. End: This activity ends back at the meeting point. Accessibility. Not wheelchair accessible. If you have questions about accessibility, we'd be happy to help. Just call the number below and reference the product code: 85529P35. +1 855 275 5071. Additional information.

  12. La Paz: Tiwanaku and Puma Punku Private Tour with Lunch

    Explore Tiwanaku and visit the ruins of Puma Punku on this private guided tour with lunch. Visit the museums, see the monoliths, and discover sights like the Gate of the Sun and Kalasasaya Temple. ... Cancel up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund. Reserve now & pay later Keep your travel plans flexible — book your spot and pay nothing ...

  13. Tiwanaku Puma Punku Tours

    Tiwanaku Puma Punku Tours. From US$ 59 per person. Fully guided tour from La Paz to Tiwanaku archaeological site, lunch, entrance, guide and private vehicle provided. You'll learn here how to get to Tiwanaku from La Paz as locals could do. Or just hire a private driver from us. Now, read in detail the list we prepared for you: Fully guided ...


    For those seeking to explore the wonders of Puma Punku, Tiwanaku, and Lake Titicaca, Viator offers a guided tour starting at $190.00, with optional activities available at additional costs. The booking process is straightforward through Viator's platform, where travelers can easily secure their spot on this adventure.

  15. 1 Stunning Tiwanaku Tour, Full Day Travel Tiwanaku from Puno

    Bolivia ruins Tiwanaku 1 day from Puno, Peru, is an epic journey to explore the enigmatic ruins of the Puma Punku Megalith Blocks. The sun's gateway is the Inca culture's origin: "Discover the archaeological site of Puma Punku." The stone's work is the most intriguing thing about the Sun Tiwanaku gateway.

  16. Tour Aramu Muru and Puma Punku from Puno

    Aramu Muro - Puma Punku. Explore and venture to know the attractions of southern Puno and part of Bolivia. Early in the morning we will pick you up from your hotel to begin the Tiahuanaco full day tour from Puno. along the way you'll know different places as the fertility temple Inca Uyo and mystical Aramu Muru Gate.

  17. Pumapunku in La Paz, Bolivia

    Pumapunku or Puma Punku is a 6th-century man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and monumental complex on top that is part of the Pumapunku complex, at the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanacu, in western Bolivia. The Pumapunku complex is an alignment of plazas and ramps centered on the Pumapunku platform mound. Today the monumental complex on top of the platform mound lies in ruins.

  18. Enigmatic Tiwanaku And Puma Punku Bolivia

    February 18-28, 2019 - Join Brien & irene on this adventure through Mexico to discover evidence of ancient technology, lost cultures, and incredible sites. April 6th - 18th, 2019 - Join Khemitologists, Researchers, and Explorers as they examine the evidence and discuss the remarkable indications of what is possibly the world's greatest ...

  19. From La Paz: Private Tour to Tiwanaku Ruins and Puma Punku.

    From La Paz: Private Tour to Tiwanaku Ruins and Puma Punku. cancellation policy: For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience. Discover and book From La Paz: Private Tour to Tiwanaku Ruins and Puma Punku. on Tripadvisor

  20. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Apr 20 - Apr 21. Tonight. Apr 20 - Apr 21. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Apr 21 - Apr 22. Tomorrow night.

  21. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...

  22. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  23. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.