Girl Who Travels the World

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala!

by Noelle Bertram | Nov 4, 2019

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

Ohhhh….how I love Antigua, Guatemala!  I traveled there in 2017, & used Antigua as my Guatemalan home base ~ from which I explored Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenago, & the brilliant pools of Semuc Champey .  But Antigua was the place I kept returning to: for its delicious coffee, volcano views, & cheerful buildings that just invite exploration.  Yes, it’s a bit touristy (probably the busiest city in Guatemala), but don’t let that deter you from visiting.  And if you’re a solo traveler, that’s actually a reason to visit: you won’t feel alone, & you won’t be the “only” ex-pat there.  So let’s get more specific & into detail about “ Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala !” 

Ultimate Girl's Guide to Guatemala Travel, Girl Who Travels the World

Antigua, Guatemala.

Map of Antigua, Guatemala!

Antigua is easy to reach from the country’s capital, Guatemala City .  I flew into La Aurora International Airport (GUA), the country’s main airport, & only 25 kilometers from Antigua (a 45-minute drive).  If you’re flying into Guatemala from the States, both American Airlines & Avianca fly to La Aurora direct.

Guatemala International Airport

Lake atitlan, semuc champey, what to know about solo travel in antigua.

  • How Safe is Antigua, Guatemala?  Antigua is considered the safest city in Guatemala, largely due to increased police presence there. Because it’s the city most-frequented by tourists, & where most tourist dollars are spent, it’s in the government’s best interest to keep visitors safe: too many negative reports would hurt travel to their “crown jewel.” I also felt safe all around Lake Atitlan & in the tiny town of Lanquin, home to Semuc Champey .  I avoided Guatemala City due to reports of armed robberies & theft.
  • Wi-Fi  = Wi-Fi at my hotel in Antigua was near-perfect, as well as at many cafes (such as the Rainbow Cafe, a great place to work).  It was more spotty at Lake Atitlan (with the exception of a few hotels) & in the jungle at Semuc Champey.  Nicer hotels & restaurants in both  Antigua  & Guatemala Cityare your best bets for great Wi-Fi in Guatemala.
  • Where to Stay in Antigua  = If you love boutique hotels & charming bed & breakfasts: Antigua will be mecca for you.  Boutique hotels abound here.  I stayed at La Villa Serena , a beautifully-appointed B&B with different themes in each room; just a few blocks’ walk to the main square.  If you stay anywhere in & around the main plaza in Antigua, you’ll be happy in terms of walk-ability.  The further out you go, the quieter it will get.  In terms of safety, nearly all hostels, B&B’s, & hotels in Antigua have courtyard-type architecture: which means they lock their big front doors at night ~ or all the time (like La Villa Serena).  Being behind big, fortified walls made me feel 100% safe at night. 
  • My Favorite Restaurants & Cafes in Antigua : Trying to narrow this list down is almost laughable ~ there are FAR too many amazing eateries in Antigua!  Places I returned to repeatedly: Luna de Miel for its delicious salads & rooftop perch; Cactus for BOMB tacos & margaritas; the Rainbow Cafe for a great cafe to work in; Cafe Saul Antigua for upscale, boutique cafe vibes; coffee at Buena Vista, or pretty much ANYWHERE in Antigua!!  For my taste buds, nowhere in the world beats Antigua’s dark, rich coffee beans….try the coffee everywhere .
  • Antigua Musts  = Get lost strolling the colorful streets of  Antigua .  Work or write at one of Antigua’s many amazing cafes.  Walk to “Mercado de Artesania Terminal” to check out Guatemalan handicrafts, AND to see some of Antigua’s famous chicken buses!  Visit a nearby coffee farm, or “finca.”  Explore or climb one of the volcanoes surrounding Antigua: the very active Fuego (which erupted in 2018), Acatenango (dormant), & Volcan de Agua (extinct).  A little further out is popular Pacaya Volcano: the most popular trek in the country.  Take a multi-day trek out to the turquoise pools of Semuc Champey ….an 8-hour ride from Antigua.
  • What Safety Precautions to Take at Night in Antigua?  During the day, I felt very comfortable walking all around the main, central areas of Antigua.  At night, not as much.  If you’re staying right near the main plaza, walking at night shouldn’t be a problem ~ but if your hotel is further out, make the trip with a friend.  Avoid wearing flashy jewelry & only bring out your camera or phone when necessary. 
  • What to Expect as a Female Traveler in Antigua  = Though “machismo culture” is prevalent throughout Latin America, I didn’t find it excessive in Antigua.  There are usually many people on the street ~ both locals & tourists, so I never really felt “singled out” by locals or young men ~ which was a welcome surprise.

My Favorite Photos of Antigua…

The first thought I had when I woke up in  Antigua   & looked around the rooftop at La Villa Serena was, “ I could live here .”  I even called my best friend from high school & half-jokingly told her, “ I think I found the place for us to retire !”  And being greeted by the wonderful female owner of La Villa Serena, who helped me with every conceivable desire, from ordering to-go food to booking tours ~ only further enhanced my initial impressions of this charming city. 

Then, walking around, taking in the views, admiring the ruins of various churches, while observing the bustling nature of daily life did nothing to dispel this first, warm impression.  By the time I tried the food & the amazing , rich coffee, it only pushed my opinion over the top: for both are among my FAVORITES in the world!  To my mind: Latin American culture, from the food to amazing handmade goods, is perhaps on finest display in Antigua…  

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

My first sunrise in Antigua, on the roof of DARLING hotel, Villa La Serena.

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

So many of the buildings in Antigua are bright & colorful, like this yellow cathedral: Iglesia de la Merced.

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

I took one look at the textiles in Guatemala & knew: I simply HAD to have them!

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

Streets in Antigua are generally wide, cobble-stoned, with generous sidewalks on each side ~ making it a spectacular walking town.

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala

As a solo traveler, you may be wondering how I got around Guatemala (i.e. what type of transport I took).  Though chicken buses are popular with the backpacker-set, & are usually the cheapest mode of transport: I opted to primarily use group shuttles.  At the airport in Guatemala City, for instance, I grabbed a shuttle with about six other people to Antigua, & then used them again to reach popular Lake Atitlan & Semuc Champey.  My hotels often made the arrangements for me, or shuttles are easily booked at most tour operators in town.

In a group shuttle, you’re transported in a large van with several rows, typically with other tourists.  The shuttle often picks you up right at your hotel ~ saving you from having to drag your luggage to a bus terminal.  I found them quite inexpensive: i.e. for an 8-hour bus ride, the cost was about $22.  For my money, this was the best & safest transport option.

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

Go to one of the many “mercados” (markets) in Antigua to browse handicrafts or buy fresh fruit & veggies!

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

The colors of Antigua.

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

VIBRANT colors on the chicken buses of Guatemala! This is the cheapest form of transit, & usually packed with locals ~ but in certain parts of the country, they aren’t the safest or most direct means of transport.

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World

Early morning, before all the tourists arrive at Antigua’s iconic yellow arch.

Volcanoes by Antigua, Guatemala

If you want to hike one of the volcanoes near Antigua, the most popular is Acaytenango: which offers spectacular views of neighboring (& highly active) Fuego Volcano.  If you don’t mind a slightly longer drive, Pacaya Volcano is one of the most popular treks in Guatemala , & about a 90-minute drive from Antigua.  Many Pacaya tours leave from Antigua ~ just make sure to look at the forecast & choose a sunny day for your hike!

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World, Volcan Fuego, Antigua, Guatemala

Volcan Fuego is the only active volcano of the three that surround Antigua: & it erupted as recently as 2018, with devastating consequences. I would 100% NOT climb this one!

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World, Volcano Acaytenango, Antigua Guatemala

Acaytenango is located next to Fuego, & is the most popular volcano to hike as it offers spectacular views of Fuego’s bubbling mini-eruptions…

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World, Volcan de Agua, Antigua, Guatemala

Volcan de Agua, looming over Antigua.

Solo Female Travel in Antigua, Guatemala, Girl Who Travels the World, Pacaya Volcano

Most Pacaya treks leave very early in the morning, or span over 2 days: so you can get a sunrise shot like this one.

If you’re a solo traveler headed to Guatemala & have ANY questions ~ please ask me in the comments below!  And make sure you save room in your bag to bring home a few Guatemalan keepsakes as well as some coffee : )  I brought back a bag of Guatemalan beans for my mom ~ & she loved it so much that she still gets Guatemalan beans via Amazon, years later!

Read Next: Solo Female Travel at Semuc Champey ~ VIDEO!!

solo travel antigua guatemala

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These photos are amazing! I’m a retiree looking for a place to do some traveling & writing, I’m working on a new book idea. Between the coffee & the views – Antigua looks like a great spot for a little writer’s retreat! Are there plenty of coffee shops to work at, & would you recommend your hotel as a good spot for a writer to work? Thanks, Andie

Noelle Bertram

Hi Andie! Antigua is a PERFECT spot for a writer’s retreat ~ I can hardly think of a better one! There are more coffee shops & restaurants than I can count, & yes: Villa La Serena is an ideal place for a writer to work. The lovely courtyard filled with flowers is, as the name suggests, imminently serene. I think you’ll find all the inspiration you need in Antigua : ) xoxo Noelia

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CENTRAL AMERICA , GUATEMALA · May 16, 2017 Last Updated on March 10, 2024


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With its endless volcano views, picturesque landscapes, and lush mountains, Guatemala is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been to. Unfortunately, because of its reputation in the media as a nation filled with gang and drug-related violence, it is often avoided as tourists opt to flock to the “safer” Belize or Costa Rica. But trust me, Guatemala is not one to be missed.

As my first destination as a solo female traveler, I spent 15 days in this incredible country and while I was a bit afraid at first, I returned home a changed woman with a new perspective on the world. In this post I share tips on where to go, how to get around and how to travel safely as a woman in Guatemala.


Guatemala city.

If you are flying to Guatemala, chances are your flight will be landing in Guatemala City . Most people use this place solely as a pit-stop and I was no exception. From what I had read, this is where most of the gang-related violence occurs and is very dangerous at night. I avoided this city, instead heading straight to Antigua, about an hour west of Guatemala City.

This cute little colonial town of Antigua was where I spent most of my time. With its incredible view of the Agua Volcano and colorful stone buildings, you will not get bored walking these cobblestone streets.

There are tons of things to do in town as well, from exploring the traditional markets to sampling the Guatemalan cuisine at one of the many cafes and restaurants, to taking Spanish lessons at a local school. Antigua is a town to immerse yourself in.


The Pacaya Volcano is a great half-day trip for those looking to have a more active holiday. Take a quick tour here so you get in your daily work out AND get to look at some pretty cool views while doing it!

The volcano itself is active and you will have the opportunity to roast some marshmallows over the volcanic rock! Did someone say volcano s’mores?!


Nestled in the mountains above the town of Agua, the Earth Lodge offers spectacular views of the three volcanoes (Agua, Acatenango, and Fuego). I stayed at the Earth Lodge my first night in Guatemala and I highly recommend this place to anyone who is near Antigua.

Accommodation options here range from camping in tents to dorm rooms to a tree house with a balcony facing the volcanoes. Also, the lodge is on an avocado farm so make sure you order the guacamole at their restaurant. You’re welcome.


One of my favorite destinations in Guatemala, Semuc Champey is unlike any place I have ever been to. It’s a long journey from Antigua (10 hours, one-way), but it is so worth it!

This natural beauty consists of little limestone rock infinity pools filled with emerald green water. You can opt to visit just the pools or take a full-day tour around the area, which includes exploring local caves, tubing, hiking to the Semuc Champey viewpoint, and a Guatemalan BBQ!

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Lake Atitlan has something for everyone! The lake is surrounded by many villages, each with their own unique culture and lifestyle.

Panajachel is the main town where buses arrive and depart, as well as where many tours will depart from. I recommend San Marcos La Laguna for those who are interested in natural beauty, as there are places to hike, kayak, and cliff-jump from. It’s also known as the “hippie town” for its laid-back vibe.

Another town popular among backpackers is San Pedro La Laguna . Here you can find cheap prices, cheap food, and an awesome nightlife scene.


  • Chicken Buses – The local way of getting around! Before arriving to Guatemala, I remember reading various blogs claiming that the chicken buses are dangerous (due to theft). However, I took them almost every day and felt completely safe. I would recommend keeping your bags on your lap and not having any of your belongings out in plain sight.
  • Shuttle Buses  – I would say definitely take the tourist shuttle buses if you are traveling long distances. They are relatively cheap (usually $8-$15 one-way) and are the most efficient way to get to your destination. You can take chicken buses, but they have frequent stops and you would need to change buses sometimes as well.
  • Flying – This is an expensive option for those looking to get to Tikal. The shuttle bus ride ranges from 12-14 hours, so for those short on time, a flight to Flores may be the best way to go.


  • Money Belt – The only money I had on me was the money I needed for the day. I kept the majority of it in my money belt, and the rest in my purse, just in case I needed to retrieve it quickly.
  • Don’t Go Out Alone At Night  – This is a common solo female rule, but in Guatemala, I would suggest both genders take caution. Robberies are more likely to happen at night and they may possibly have a weapon. My advice is to take extra precaution here and be proactive by not putting yourself in that position at all. If you feel unsafe, have the place you’re at call a taxi or tut-tut for you.
  • Taxis – if you are wanting to go somewhere at night, but don’t want to walk, have your hostel or hotel call a taxi for you. Most of the time, the taxi driver will be able to drop you off and pick you up after. Do NOT take random taxis at night if you are by yourself.
  • Have Your Information Ready  – I wrote down the names and addresses of all the places I was staying at. This made it easy for taxi drivers to know where I was going, even if they had not heard of the hostel before. I would also collect the business cards or phone numbers of the places I was staying at just in case. I always keep two paper copies of my passport so I am prepared if my passport happens to get stolen or lost.
  • Trust Your Gut – Most of the time, your gut is right. If something feels sketchy, or you feel uncomfortable in an area, make sure to put your safety first and figure a way out of the situation. That could be calling a taxi or staying at a different hotel. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, we all need it sometimes.
  • Make Sure At Least One Person Knows Your Plan  – I know going off the grid can feel amazing, but as a solo traveler, it’s good for one person to know your (tentative) plan. I’m a college student and my parents are always worried when I decide to travel alone. I help ease their minds by providing them with the names and contact information of the hostels I am staying at. I also check-in about once every two days to let them know that yes, I am still alive.
  • Buy a Local Sim Card:  If your phone is unlocked (call your home carrier before you go), you can buy a local Guatemalan sim card at most major mobile phone shops and local convenience stores. This way you can stay in touch with friends and family back home, make sure your ride is taking you the right direction, and even share your location with a trusted friend. Traveling is a great time to unplug, but using a sim card for safety is a great tip.


All in all, Guatemala is an incredible place to travel through. Great food, thrilling adventures, and a nice tropical climate to relax in. I could not ask for more from a country. I encourage solo women to come and experience the laid-back Guatemalan culture and discover that, perhaps they do need a little Guatemala!

Have you visited Guatemala? Please share your own tips and favourite places to visit with our readers in the comments below.

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Tilly Horseman says

May 19, 2017 at 12:01 pm

This country looks like it has so many beautiful geological features. Your photos are fantastic. It’s not anywhere I’ll be going to any time soon as I have have a million other places on my bucket list to head to first, but lovely to read about and see the beauty of the place!

We Are Travel Girls says

May 20, 2017 at 6:18 am

Thanks for reading and commenting Tilly! Pleased that you enjoyed reading this post, and once you get through your bucketlist hope you add Guatemala! XO, Becky

Dalit Barrett says

May 19, 2017 at 8:45 pm

I traveled to Guatamala as a solo female in 2014 and it was the best trip I’ve ever taken! Now that I’m married and expecting a little one this summer, I can’t help but be so happy I took this trip by myself when I did. Definitely recommend a solo trip to Guatemala to any ladies out there considering it.

May 20, 2017 at 6:22 am

Thanks for reading and commenting Dalit, And for recommending others do the same as you and travel solo to Guatemala! XO, Becky

Perla Medina says

September 7, 2017 at 2:00 pm

Now I want to go to Guatemala! Love this article! C:

Becky van Dijk says

September 8, 2017 at 1:56 am

Guatemala is beautiful – you should definitely add it to your list! Thanks for reading!

November 24, 2017 at 1:01 pm

This post has jump started my solo trip to Guatemala. I just started teaching English in the USA and want to volunteer in Guatemala. Do you know of any English language schools?

Michele says

February 13, 2018 at 8:36 pm

Robbery and Attempted Murder at the Summit of La Nariz

On February 13, 2018, a friend and I hiked to the popular La Nariz on Atitlan for the sunrise. What started as a promising sunrise excursion turned into a harrowing experience that highlights how I believe tourists are openly targeted for violent crime by the locals with the tacit permission of the local authorities.

On our journey up the mountain, guides and other tourists accompanied us. After the sunrise, my friend and I followed behind the group. However, as my friend tried to descend from the peak, a young guatemalan man in front of my friend turned, pulled out a machete, put it to my friend’s throat and demanded his money. My friend quickly backed away and ran down the hill through the brush. As my friend ran, the man picked up and threw grapefruit sized rocks trying to kill him. Already being further down the mountain, the guides and the other tourists fled.

Unfortunately, everyone else’s escape left the young man shoving me at machete point demanding my money. After a tense few minutes of talking, I gave him my money (120Q) and ran down behind my friend. As we descended, another man with a machete blocked our path and demanded even more money. We ran through the brush and escaped.

When we arrived at the town below, we stopped at a small tienda and told the lady what had happened. While talking with her, the two bandits walked past. We told the lady they were the criminals who had assaulted us. She knew who they were and gave us their names. She also called the police for us and told us that she was afraid to get involved.

Twenty minutes later, when the Guatemala national police arrived, we told them what happened and gave them the criminals’ names and a picture. The police asked us if we wanted to file a report. We told them that this was their community. If it helped the community, we would. Otherwise, we would just leave. They said they wanted us to file a report so we followed them to the police station.

As it turned out, we didn’t need the criminals’ pictures or names. They met us and the police as we walked through town. As expected, they denied holding us at knifepoint, kidnapping me, or trying to kill my friend. When we arrived at the police station, neither the town police nor the national police took a report. We reviewed nothing. We signed nothing. Neither man was arrested. We left enlightened.

Upon returning, I researched La Nariz more thoroughly combing through travel blogs. I found that the two criminals are a father and son team who have been committing violent crime against tourists for years. Here is a blog entry from 2016 that spells out their activities:

It’s highly unlikely that the local authorities don’t know this.

In the end, going to La Nariz is simply dangerous. It is remote and away from town giving criminals the time and space they need for their dirty work. With proper support from the police, it could be safe. But in my experience you, as a tourist, are considered by the police and the guides to be fair game to the locals who are regularly committing violent crime against foreigners.

If you are the adventuresome type and don’t mind being robbed at knifepoint for a few bucks, then the sunrise at La Nariz is nice enough. You’ll get some exercise and see a pretty sunrise. If you are squeamish about being subjected to violent crime, you may want to consider other sightseeing options.

After talking with lot of people, it also seems that virtually all paths around the lake are being worked similarly by violent criminals. The guides will tell you that it’s safe if you go with them, but it’s not.

February 14, 2018 at 4:47 pm

Thanks for your comment Michele and sharing your experience to help our readers make informed and safe choices in planning their travels to this area in future. I am sorry that this happened to you, it sounds like a terrifying experience. Becky, Founder – We Are Travel Girls

February 9, 2019 at 8:05 pm

The more I read about Guatemala the more I get excited to travel in that part of the world. This blog really helps Becky and Van.

January 4, 2020 at 2:09 pm

Am leaving for a few months stay in Guatemala on January 29, 2020 first landing in Belize and will bus to Flores to start my solo female journey till March 25 when I will return to Northern Ontario, Canada

Jessica Maldonado says

March 13, 2020 at 10:03 pm

Hi Dee! I would love to hear about your journey! im inspired

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A Little Adrift Travel Blog

A Little Learning… Finding Authenticity in Antigua, Guatemala

Last updated on May 8, 2024 by Shannon

I have a confession: I deeply love Antigua, Guatemala. Why a confession? The town seems so tourist-purposed and overrun by westerners that it feels like a place easily shunned by snobby tourists.

Antigua is such a marked contrast to the dangerous and grittier reality in nearby Guatemala City, and far more developed than Xela in the north. When I mention to other travelers I spent a month total (split across three visits) in Antigua, I often get a judgmentally-inquisitive raised eyebrow. And that I have expat friends who raised kids there for 15 years—an even bigger eyebrow raise.

Antigua, Guatemala things to do

Antigua’s cobblestone, idyllically-pretty streets are clean. The low-slung buildings are a rainbow of neatly painted cookie-cutter storefronts. Crumbling ruins dot the corners of the city’s small blocks at a regular interval—they clearly point to the town’s colonial past. It is, in a grossly simplistic word, cute.

And there are a ton of interesting things to do nearby, and tasty foods to sample. It’s just an excellent travel experience all around.

Table of Contents

Is Antigua, Guatemala Safe?

a street mime performs in the downtown historic area of antigua

I take safety as a solo female traveler seriously, and I felt safe on the streets of Antigua. A solo female friend was in Guatemala for a month in late 2022, and she confirmed that Antigua is still a safe and charming place for travelers.

In terms of safety, though, it felt absolutely safe for travelers during the day, and at night, I felt safe in a group. There are few places in the world I ever think it’s wise to walk alone at night, and that includes Antigua.

Pickpocketing is the biggest threat here, but I don’t weight that against my big “should I travel here?” lists because it’s mostly opportunistic crimes versus violent crimes, thus not really affecting my core safety.

wide shady stretch of safe streets in antigua guatemala.

That said, this doesn’t mean that I didn’t keep my wits about me in Antigua, because I did. Traveling Guatemala is not inherently safe—there are more risks than other places. But I never felt unsafe, and even locals from Guatemala City admitted that they drove to Antigua for drinks and nights out because it’s safer than the capital.

I always have travel insurance through IMG Global , as well as gear insurance when I am on the road, so I generally rate places against the threat of real bodily harm. If you are aware of the main concerns, then both Antigua and the many other parts of Guatemala can be safe for travelers. (My Guatemala Travel Guide more deeply covers the core safety concerns for Guatemala as a whole.)

Pick out accommodation on

This is the only booking platform I use because it rewards you for loyalty, and I regularly score free breakfasts and 15% off my hotel.

All There is to Love About Antigua

antigua guatemala ruins crumble

The city has slowly and steadily built a strong tourism industry to cater to the droves of tourists passing through this Guatemalan hub. A variety of vegetarian food is also plentiful, and the local artisans market was well stocked with something for just about everyone on my Christmas list.

My love of Antigua highlights one of those never-ending debates about experiencing the “real” heart of a country when you visit. Other backpackers so often make a pissing contest over who went further “off the path.” Who saw the “real” Guatemala.

Is there a fake Guatemala?

To tell the truth, I had some of my best conversations with locals sitting at Reilly’s, a painfully westernized Irish pub in the center of Antigua. And does the fact that some of these conversations took place in English make a difference? I don’t think so.

chicken buses are used for transportation in antigua

Reilly’s turned out to be a perfect place to meet other locals my age; Guate City isn’t exactly a hub of safe partying. Local Guatemalans flood Antigua on the weekends, a mere 45 minute drive away.

Visiting Antigua for weeks gave me a deep glimpse into a vastly different, and yet so very similar, middle class. These twenty-somethings sport slicked-back hair, the women teeter through the uneven streets on pointy heels, which accent their trendy legging/long shirt ensembles. And all carry the ubiquitous smartphone.

And so many of the twenty-somethings I encountered felt like they have something to prove to backpackers visiting their country. The Guatemalans I met worked hard to avoid the stereotype that they “lacked” what we have in the West, or that they felt in anyway inferior because they’re Guatemalan. That was a very real issue in my many conversations with locals.

The streets of Antigua are cobbled and lovely.

Travelers come to developing countries quick to dismiss the wealthier areas, the prosperous side of a country. Many travelers look to fulfill a narrative they wrote before they left home. They look for the poverty, for something to pity .

And this isn’t only my opinion—this was the communicated opinion of Guatemalans I met in Antigua. They meet many backpackers with this viewpoint, and locals are eager to express their feelings and concerns over this worldview that paints any place different as inferior.

Many locals I met were proud of their country and wanted a willing and receptive ear. To a person they also acknowledged some of the deep poverty, crime, and other issues that affect pockets of the country (and drive a mass exodus for some to see refuge in Mexico and the U.S.). But just as living in South Side Chicago is a far cry different than a wealthy suburb in Orlando, Guatemala has a diverse peoples.

I would have missed a deeply real side of Guatemala if I had avoided the gringo-fied areas. I would have created, and thus received, a very different version of Guatemala if I had stuck only to the countryside; the off-the-path locations.

shop in antigua guatemala

I did “go local” when I volunteered outside of Xela . I stomped through the forests of Tikal , and I found remote regions, too. Like the sweet Rio Dulce and the adventure waterfall destination of Semuc Champey .

But the lovely, cute, touristy little city of Antigua, Guatemala? Well it served me just as well in my efforts to understand this dynamic country. I will raise my eyebrows right back at those who want to start a pissing contest with me, because no matter where I go, I am always able to learn something new. At the end of the day, that’s exactly why I travel and what has formed my most transformative travel experiences .

Don’t forget to  book travel insurance for your trip to Guatemala —I had my debit card cloned, and a travel friend had their bag swiped on a bus. A great policy provides coverage in case of medical emergencies, lost or stolen gear, adventure sports riders, and more. I’ve used  IMG Global  for more than a decade  highly recommend it !

antigua guatemala travel

Best Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala

I loved my time in Guatemala. In fact, it’s one of my favorite spots in Central America. I wrote a free and comprehensive Guatemala Travel Guide . It includes everything you should know before you go: responsible travel, book recs, what to see and do, where to study Spanish. A total knowledge dump from my months traveling Guate.

If you’re just heading to Antigua, these tips will get you started on the best things to do.

Hike Acatenango Volcano

For pretty much one of the coolest experiences you’ll ever have, hike Acatenango Volcano for the views of Volcano Fuego. Volcano Fuego actively spews lava often enough that you have a pretty good chance of seeing it if you hike Acatenango. This is a hard hike, but doable for most who have a decent level of fitness.

To book this activity, you’ll see signs all over Antigua offering packaged treks to Acatenango, so shop around and find a good deal. Or you could book online to reserve your preferred date and time—this one on Get Your Guide or Viator is your best bet for a day tour from Antigua.

Roast Marshmallows on Pacaya Volcano

solo travel antigua guatemala

If you’ve dreamed of actually getting up close and personal with the lava, then hiking Pacaya Volcano . This hike is not as pretty or scenic as Acatenango, but it’s a highlight because you will get up close and see real lava—it was my first time ever doing so and it was memorable!

Usually, if travelers do one thing in the city, it’s this activity. One of the more fun aspects unique to this hike is the roasting of marshmallows. Because you’re so close to real lava flows, the steam coming up from the rocks is hot enough for some toasty warm marshmallows—most tour guides will bring a bag and pass them out to participants.

If you plan to hike Pacaya, you must dress appropriately, and that includes wearing the right shoes—wear hiking boots or shoes with a thick sole. If you’re not wearing the right footwear you may very well injure your feet because the hot rocks will melt the soles of your shoes down to your sock—this happened to a woman on my hike who was wearing sneakers.

hiking pacaya volcano is a rite of passage

The rocks even melted a bit of the side of my hiking shoe, but at least there was a lot of rubber to get through. Also, wear long trousers since the heat seeping up from the rocks is no joke.

If you’re a more serious hiker, book a tour to hike Acatenango Volcano—it’s a much harder hike and should not be done casually. Pacaya is not only an easier hike, but also a much cheaper day tour for those visiting Antigua on a tight budget.

Hike to Cerro de la Cruz

Frame your time in Antigua with a pick picture look at the town as you walk to the Hill of the Cross. As you ascend, you’ll pass locals, joggers, and fellow travelers, all looking to pay homage to the sight that awaits—Antigua framed by Volcán de Agua. It’s not just a photo-op, but a lovely walk and views.

You don’t need a tour or guide for this hike just outside of town, so if you’re on limited time or have little interest in volcanoes, this is your best option to still stretch your legs.

Visit the Macadamia Farm Outside of Antigua

valhalla macadamia nuts antigua

An offbeat activity is to visit a macadamia nut farm , which has amazing pancakes. It’s a fun day trip from the city and really under-visited by travelers in Antigua considering it’s a mere 10 minute bus ride outside of town.

It’s best to visit for breakfast so that you can enjoy fluffy pancakes made with macadamia flour, smothered in the creamiest macadamia butter imaginable, and topped with a dollop of blueberries from the blueberry farm they also own in own in a nearby region of Guatemala.

The owners are very embedded in the local community so your money is also going to good work employing locals and helping conserve the local environment.

Tour a Working Coffee Plantation

A coffee farm tour outside of Antigua, Guatemala

Visit a coffee plantation just outside of Antigua—this is an excellent way to spend half a day if you want another short day trip near the city. The tour is well done demonstrates the entire process of making coffee, from picking the coffee cherries to roasting the beans and then serving up a fresh, hot cup ‘o joe.

Sample Joy at the ChocoMuseo

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill tourist trap. Take part in a chocolate-making workshop, tracing cacao’s journey from bean to bar. It’s an opportunity to connect with the ancient Mayan heritage that reveres chocolate as the “drink of the gods.”

Take a Sustainable Walking Tour

solo travel antigua guatemala

Visiting social enterprises while in Guatemala is a fantastic way to ensure your tourism dollars are going direct to marginalized people. Most of these social enterprises are located right in Antigua, making it a great option for responsible travelers. Most things to do in Antigua can be done using social enterprises or hyper-local guides.

Consider using this social enterprise, Experience Guatemala Tour, to visit nearby villages , or De La Gente for a responsible coffee tour near Antigua .

And unlike your run-of-the-mill walking tours, some of Antigua’s walking tours support the marginalized in and around Antigua. Ninos de Guatemala has a great walking tour, and also sells tours to the volcanoes and most of the popular things to do.

Shop at Antigua’s Mercado Central

Bright Blankets Guatemala Market

Venture into the belly of local life. The central market buzzes with vendors selling everything from fruits and textiles to curiously powerful love potions.

While many travelers wait to do their shopping at Chichicastenango , the main market in Antigua actually offers a better selection of locally made textiles and souvenirs—and at far better prices. I bought my dad a gorgeous striped blanket at a great price.

Because I bought it my last week in the country—after I had already traveled in Guatemala for a good amount of time—I knew what I should expect to pay and how hard to haggle.

solo travel antigua guatemala

Waiting to shop at the market on my way out of the country also meant I didn’t have carry extra souvenirs with me as I backpacked Guatemala ( down the Rio Dulce , waterfall hopping at Semuc Champey , exploring Tikal , learning Spanish in Xela , and more).

If you are keen to see Chichicastenango and you’re short on time, you could book a day tour that stops at both Lake Atitlan and the market . It’s a long day, but it’s worth doing the tour if you can’t spend longer up that way (or if you’re looking for transport north).

platains at antigua's fresh market

Additionally, and it cannot be overstated, just outside of the Artisan’s Market is Antigua’s local market for fresh fruit and veggies. A mere 5Q (about 60 cents) yields a heaping cup full of fresh fruit and when I parted with another 5Q a nearby stall handed over a plate full of freshly grilled plantain—does lunch get much better than that?

Go to Church

One of the main churches in Antigua

There’s something transcendental about standing in the courtyard of La Merced, surrounded by Baroque architecture with intricate yellow-and-white stucco work. Whether you’re religious or not, the space hums with a spiritual quietude that welcomes all.

Visit Casa Santo Domingo

Far beyond just a hotel, this establishment hosts a maze of museums, gardens, and even an archeological site. The candlelit hallways and art installations tell stories that span centuries. If you dine here, try to reserve a table outdoors—the atmosphere comes alive under the Guatemalan sky.

Antigua’s Hotel Casa Domingo is located on the grounds of the Santo Domingo Monastery and it’s absolutely gorgeous.

Pack the right clothes for Guatemala.

I’ve collected my favorite gear from 15+ years of travel. Here’s exactly what you should pack for your trip.

Explore Antigua’s Crumbling Churches

1773 earthquake iglesia del carmen in Antigua Gutemala

In Antigua, the ruins of long-ago churches stand as stoic timekeepers, ever-so-gently decaying under the warm Guatemalan sun. These sanctuaries, like San Jerónimo and Santa Clara, carry an ethereal grace, their crumbling walls and archways inviting you into a secret dance between history and the present moment.

You could spend a day exploring the city’s ruined churches—because Antigua is an earthquake zone, there are many photogenic ruins around town. This is a good guide to the city’s many ruins but here are four to visit that are ruins, and two that stand at the intersection of restoration and historical preservation, offering you a unique blend of past and present.

Iglesia de San Jerónimo : Originally built as a monastery in 1757, San Jerónimo now stands as a testament to elegant deterioration. Its orange and brown hues dance with the sunlight, casting an array of intricate shadows.

The manicured gardens within its enclosure offer a resplendent contrast to its declining structure. There’s a palpable silence here, broken only by your footsteps echoing through its empty halls.

the many ruined churches of antigua guatemala

Santa Clara Convent : Standing elegantly with an almost wistful air, the ruins of Santa Clara offer more than mere aesthetics. The colonnaded archways open up to an intimate courtyard, once trodden by the nuns who called this place home.

Today, it’s a sanctuary of serenity, where you can sit by the ancient fountain and let your mind wander through time.

El Carmen : From the front, El Carmen gives the appearance of a still-functioning church, but as you venture around, its true state of romantic decay is revealed. It’s here that you’ll find a tiered, cascading façade paired with an open-air nave that welcomes the sky as its new ceiling. In many ways, El Carmen captures the resilient spirit of Antigua—beautiful, even in its ruin.

La Recolección : An architectural marvel, this church was once an 18th-century monastery and one of Antigua’s most significant religious sites. It’s grand, almost intimidating, with its lofty pillars and ornate friezes now partially eroded. Yet, its vast open spaces offer a sense of liberation, an invitation to envision the rituals and ceremonies that once resonated within its walls.

Cathedral of San José, also known as Catedral de Santiago in antigua guatemala

Catedral de Santiago : What you’ll experience here is a haunting juxtaposition. The original cathedral was devastated by earthquakes in the 18th century, and only a part of it has been restored.

You can attend services in the smaller, functional cathedral, but then you can also wander into the ruins of the original behemoth. Arched passageways, open to the sky, give a haunting sense of grandiosity that once was. It’s like walking through the skeleton of a giant, pondering its life story and feeling a bit of its soul clinging to the stones.

The cathedral fronts the bustling Parque Central, and it’s this juxtaposition of the active and the sacred that makes the Cathedral of San José such an evocative place. You can hear the laughter of children playing near the fountain, the murmur of couples whispering sweet nothings on wrought-iron benches, and then you step into the cathedral

San Francisco Church : Contrary to the spectral beauty of the more dilapidated churches, San Francisco Church is very much alive. Yes, there are ruins attached to it, remnants of its turbulent past, repeatedly felled by earthquakes and time.

However, the church itself has been lovingly restored and serves as an active place of worship. It also holds the tomb of Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur, Central America’s first saint, attracting pilgrims and tourists alike. When you wander through its premises, you feel a seamless blend of living faith and historical homage.

Enjoy Drinks with Friends & Locals Alike

Even if you’re traveling solo , spend at least one night at a local bar. You’ll find an great mix of travelers and locals enjoying the scene. I went to Reilly’s Irish Tavern and it’s one of the top spots for a good night in town.

Tip One Back at the Antigua Brewing Company

Enjoying a craft beer here comes with an unbeatable panoramic view of the city. It’s an ideal way to digest the day’s adventures and muse over what tomorrow holds.

Experience Semana Santa Week

Semana Santa processions and carpets in Guatemala

If you’re in Central America during Easter, head straight to Antigua, Guatemala for one of the most memorable Guatemalan Easter week parades in the world. Antigua goes all out decorating elaborate “carpets” along the streets.

These carpets are built by entire blocks of neighbors who collaborate to construct intricate works of art made from highly pigmented sand or sawdust, flowers, and even chocolate. These carpets are usually finished for mere hours before the parades come through the streets and destroy them.

It’s an incredible thing to do in Antigua if you’re lucky enough to visit during this special week leading up to Easter Sunday. I stayed for the entire experience and documented Semana Santa in Guatemala here .

Just Wander Antigua’s Cobblestone Streets

Antigua, Guatemala

Sometimes, the magic lies in the unmarked spots—a hidden courtyard, a local bakery, or a humble church. Allow yourself the luxury of unplanned hours, and you’ll discover Antigua’s less obvious treasures.

Most travelers will enjoy wandering the streets and getting a feel for the town, so don’t over-plan your time in Antigua with too many things to do. It’s a lovely city and you’ll enjoy just soaking in the vibes.

You’ll have your fill of Baroque architecture and charming, low-slung buildings. There are also many shady squares begging for you to cozy up under a tree with a good book.

When in doubt, end a the main square and grab an ice cream from a street food vendor and hunker down on a curb to soak in the pace of life.

Sip and Relax at Local Coffee Shops

Places like Café Estudio and Fernando’s Kaffee serve more than just coffee; they serve experiences. Sit down, sip a cup made from locally sourced beans, and feel the warmth of Antigua’s character fill you up.

Learn Salsa Dancing

At Las Palmas or Café No Sé, the rhythm of salsa pervades the night air. Even if you’re a beginner, Antigua welcomes you with open arms. It’s more about the spirit you bring to the dance floor than the steps you take.

Take a Traditional Textile Workshop

guatemala textile workshops

Dive hands-first into the Mayan art of textile weaving at a workshop . Understanding the intricate patterns and designs elevates your appreciation for the textiles you’ll see around the city and country—and you’ll have a better idea of what type of textile souvenir you want to take home with you. It’s sustainability and cultural appreciation in action.

Three social enterprises operating these types of workshops in Antigua include Kakaw Deisgns and Etnica Travel .

Try the Street Food

pupusa street food antigua

Ah, the savory sizzle of meats and corn, the zing of freshly squeezed fruit juices! By all means, indulge in local street food. A pupusa or chuchito here is not just a snack; it’s an entry into the communal Guatemalan dinner table.

And if you’re wary of the street vendor experience, look for spots where locals are lined up. Their presence is the best seal of approval.

Bonus: What Not to Do in Antigua, Guatemala

Some travelers and websites recommend day tripping to Lake Atitlan or Chichicastenango, but you should not! Enjoy Antigua, soak in the vibes and explore everything this charming city has to offer. Then, when you’ve had your fill, go spend a few days (minimum) at the lake.

From Lake Atitlan, it’s a much easier (and faster) day trip to Chichicastenango. Sure, there are vendors in Antigua selling these two locations as day trips, but if you have the time, ignore all of that. There are plenty of things to do right within or around Antigua that you don’t need to go further afield for entertainment.

Plan Your Time in Antigua, Guatemala

transportation at the bus station in Anitgua guatemala

Where to Sleep

Budget | For backpackers, I recommend Three Monkeys Hostel  or Yellow House . Both offer good amenities, help booking tours, clean spaces and Yellow House has an amazing breakfast. 

Midrange | If you have a higher budget, VRBO has some truly gorgeous properties in and around Antigua that would make a great base for your explorations. Some are even the same price as a hotel but offer better vibes and a full kitchen.

How to Get Around

Chicken buses are a fun and local form of transport everyone should try at least once. But even if you’re a hardcore budget backpacker, there are times you should just splurge on private transport via minivans, shuttles, and taxis.

Bookaway is your best option for getting to Antigua from Guatemala City , Flores , the Rio Dulce , Copan Ruinas , or other locations you might have visited first.

Where to Eat

Traditional guatemalan food

I loved Bagel Barn. Go here for the breakfast and plan out the rest of your trip with their tasty coffee and fast wifi.

Also, take a food tour of Antigua! This would be memorable and really give you the lay of the land for all of your time in Guatemala, so you would know what to street eats and local things to look for as you explore the country.

What to Read

Consider When the Ground Turns in Its Sleep for a beautiful novel about Guatemala, and I used the Lonely Planet Guatemala to navigate the country. It’s always nice to understand a place before you go. Also check out my additional recommended pre-trip Guate readings .

Pack strong insect repellent.

Many parts of Guatemala are tropical regions—pack insect repellent to protect yourself from mosquitoes and other insects. This Off! Repellent is a great option.

Travel Tips for Antigua

  • Pack lightweight and breathable clothing : Antigua is located in a tropical region and has a hot, humid climate. Pack lightweight and breathable clothing to stay comfortable in the heat.
  • Pack light : Antigua is also a small city, and it is easy to get around on foot. Packing light will make it easier to walk around the city and visit its many cultural attractions. Here’s my complete packing list .
  • Wear sunscreen : The sun can be strong in Antigua, especially at high altitudes. Wear sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from the sun’s rays. I prefer La Roche-Posay Anthelios Sunscreen SPF 60 because it’s highly rated, and it’s great for acne-prone skin.
  • Bring insect repellent : Mosquitoes and other insects can be a problem in Antigua, especially during the rainy season. Bring a good insect repellent like Off! Botanicals and use it to prevent bites.
  • Drink bottled water : The tap water in Antigua is not safe to drink, so it is important to drink bottled water or water that has been properly treated using something like a SteriPen or Lifestraw . Bring a reusable water bottle and you can fill up at guesthouses, or buy a huge jug and refill every evening.
  • Use caution when taking taxis : It is generally safe to take taxis in Antigua, but it is a good idea to use caution and make sure the taxi is licensed and legitimate.
  • Learn some basic Spanish : While many people in Antigua speak English, it is helpful to know some basic Spanish phrases to communicate with locals and make your trip more enjoyable.
  • Respect local customs : Antigua is a culturally rich and diverse city, and it is important to respect local customs and traditions. This includes dressing modestly and avoiding public displays of affection.

Onward travel

Having spent a number of months backpacking Central America and Mexico across multiple trips, plan your time in the following locations.

Mexico » Yucatan Peninsula | Yucatan with Kids | Oaxaca City | San Pancho | Guanajuato | Chichen Itza | Secret Mud Beach | Cultural Immersion | Taco History | Colonial Mexico

Guatemala » Antigua | Tikal | Rio Dulce | Xela | Chichicastenango | Learning Spanish | Semana Santa | Easter Traditions

Belize » Chetumal Border | Culture

Honduras » Copan Ruinas | Utila | Culture

Guatemala Travel Guide

A download on everything I learned from backpacking across Guatemala. It’s one of top three favorite countries in the world—here’s where to go, my favorite places and everything you should know before you go to Guatemala!

44 thoughts on “A Little Learning… Finding Authenticity in Antigua, Guatemala”

I am leaving for Guatemala on Saturday. Going to Flores, Antiqua and Lake Atitlan

I have heard getting money from atms is difficult, is this true? Can I exchange US dollars at the bank?

So, I am originally from Guatemala, and Antigua is one of my favorite cities there. The weather, the views, the architecture and safety. In fact I am looking to purchase a home there for my later years. Reading this blog is amazing! I used to backpack some, and realize that initially backpackers help putting a place on the map, but what that place really need is higher quality tourism that has the money to spend and sustain the local economy. All tourism is good but one has much more of an economic Inpact on the place than the other. There are many places in Guatemala that are off the beaten path, check them out in Instagram thanks to the pandemic

Thank you for sharing your experiences REM! I agree with every single thing you said—it’s just an incredible city to visit. As is the rest of the country. I was originally going to say just a couple weeks in Guatemala, but ended up exploring all the different regions for nearly three months. Your home country is full of beauty, culture, and so many kind people.

Thanks Shannon for sharing about our beloved country!

Greetings from Antigua, Guatemala :)

Enjoyed your insights. Wondering how a youthful 70 yr old would adjust to Antigua for a month or so, maybe more. The cost of living has gotten so high in Sarasota.

I think you should give it a try! There are certainly expat communities there and you could get to know them, they would help you get the lay of the land. I definitely recommend it, and I think a youthful 70 year old would thrive. :) (Also, I was born and raised in St. Pete, but live in Spain for similar reasons—love the food, culture, and it’s affordable!)

I have spent 20 plus years living in 8 different countries btw Asua, Europe, the U.K. and the USA and I think Central America us my top pick since, at 62, I want to be able to get back to the US every 3 or 4 montgs to see my grand kids. I own beach property in the Phillipines and highly recommend that country too.

Do you think it is absolutely necessary for a healthy individual to get vaccines coming to Guatemala for one week with a charity organization who is going to plan out each day and provide bottled water as well as strictly provide all food you will eat? I’m looking into hepatitis A and typhoid but the trip coordinator I talked to from the charity I’m going with said she can’t recommend anything but that her personally she does not get vaccinated but just maintains good hygiene, washing hands frequently and using common sense, no street food. I’d love to hear your experience, never traveled abroad.

Hi Shannon, that’s a good question and I have to say, I do think vaccines are a good idea. These are illnesses we can actually prevent. And in the case of Typhoid, it’s not your hand-washing that’s a concern. You may be diligent, but it’s passed through water and other peoples’ hands, and a lot of people may interact with your food before it reaches you. I have all of my vaccines and I stay updated on them because I see it as proactively addressing the preventable, because you already have a whole host of things you could also get that do not have vaccines (food poisoning, Zika, giardia, etc). If you chose not to get them, I totally get it, and in that case I would assess it based on time of year. Many illnesses spread more easily in rainy season and very wet conditions, for example. Hope that helps!

For hardcore backpackers, it can be quite a turn off. Some travelers really to visit places that are raw and not adulterated or tourist-centered.

But hey, if you love the place, “Touristy” or not, you just need to appreciate!

By the way, have you ever gone to the Philippines?

Thanks for weighing in on the debate – I definitely think that you can get trapped in your own thinking if you tell yourself that “touristy” places suck – some can have their own charm!

I actually haven't yet been to the Philippines but might go when I make it back over to Asia next month :-)

“Hardcore backpackers”. The name is a contradiction. As an expat, most I have met who would adopt such a monicker are self-indulgent and insufferable. The blog is right. Backpacking for many has simply become virtue signalling and about denying agency to the people in the country they are visiting. Most have a “white savior complex” in which the only correct locals are those in need of saving…by them of course. So what if the locals enjoy being able to drink starbucks and eat KFC? We have deemed it improper. They should live in such a way that reinforces our notions of them being innocent primitives, helpless in the face of crushing consumerism and in need of our guidance. To the “hardcore backpacker”, what guatemalans want is irrelevant.

Love your article on Antigua and I go quite often and every time I have beautiful experiences and I have made friends from all over North America and Europe and other places in Antigua Guatemala I love this place and it does feel safe

I have lived in the Philippines twice and LOVE the people, food, and scenery. In fact, I just bought beach property on Cebu Island where I own a business that employs 22 awesome staff.

I didn't know people viewed Antigua that way, but this is not the first time I've heard that this town is too touristy / not the real Guatemala, etc. However, I still want to go :)

I definitely think you should! (obviously) :-) There is no denying the tourists, but there is also no ignoring the pretty architecture and fun vibe. Let me know when you make it that way, I've got some fav spots!

I wouldn't even call it *normal* per say as just another side of the country. Some developing nations have a middle class – one who travels and is exposed to Western culture. Obviously the Irish bar stands out, but there should be no guilt involved. I'm starting to get weary of this argument between authentic or not. All of it is!

Couldn't agree more! It also just points to the fact that travel is highly personal – what one person loves could be a real dud to someone else…but through it all, dud or not, touristy or not, it is all real :-)

You are not alone my friend. I once sat at Reilly's too and wondered “Is this right?” It was. Sometimes it's nice to have a little slice of normal life when traveling even if it comes in the form of an Irish pub in the middle of Guatemala. Antigua is beautiful but I didn't fall in love with it, not sure why. We ended up going to ChiChi as well and I really loved it there. Have you been there? Overall though, I absolutely loved Guatemala and would go back again in a heartbeat.

It's so funny how highly personal travel can be – I fully loved Antigua, and went to ChiChi and was fully ready to leave within a few hours! :-) Glad you liked Guatemala too – it ranks as one of my most enjoyed countries!

Great post Shannon! Travel is all relative. My boyfriend and I are currently in Yangshuo, China which is definitely a stop on the backpacker trail. We are here for the rock climbing and many people tell us to go elsewhere to see the “real China, but we hop onto our bikes and ride 10-15 k into the rice paddies and karst towers, chatting (or at least smiling) at the farmers along the way—don't think you can get much more real than that. (Photos will soon be up on our blog if you want to check them out!)

Clearly all the rock climbing is going to my head.

Bike riding around is such a fantastic way to see a country – and you are so right, just 20 minutes from where all of the tourists are can be the most amazingly local little shops that few people visit because they stay within such a small vicinity around the tourist sites! I am jealous of your China travels and look forward to looking through your photos! :-)

Antigua was our first stop in Latin America. We were fortunate enough to stay with a woman we had met hiking in Laos two years prior and she turned out to be from a family with money. As we walked up to the rooftop terrace of her place (with a jacuzzi) and looked over the volcanoes around, there was such a sense of peace. Sure, the streets of Antigua are touristy and there are touristy restaurants, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a beautiful place with “real” people and “real” experiences. Travelers who get into pissing contests about not visiting the “real” part of the country usually aren't savvy enough to find the “real” in the place they are in.

Her house sounds like such an amazing oasis in the city, and I have to say that meeting up with people I've met previously on the road is one of my favorite parts – they show you around and it's even better than couchsurfing because you've already met and bonded and can just jump right :-)

Shannon, Thank you. Thank you for articulating so well the beauty and charm of Antigua. I get it, because, well, my son and I have been living here for the last six months! He's 11 and we actually set out on a world tour, taking our time. After eight months of traveling through all of Central America, we decided to stop, stay here for a rest. It is easy and safe and does attract a lot of locals because of that reason. There are the daily infusion of typical backpackers, yes that's for sure. And actually, my son and I meet a good deal of them, since we are one of the only couchsurfing hosts in this city. I get to experience this city again and again through their eyes and always find inspiration. Again, thank you for this wonderful post!

So awesome that you are a part of couchsurfing – I really should have been using it more during my Central America travels – then I would have found you guys! Enjoy the rest of your time in Antigua, I'm jealous that you get to still be there, I will be coming back there one day! :-)

I've been looking for the past few months (via the Internet and HGTV's House Hunters International television show) for a new place to call home. My conditions for the area are: it must have a cultural relevance of its country, be near the water, have a vibrant community, embraces the ex-pats living there, and must be easy to travel to and from for my elderly parents. Having lived in Asia for almost a decade, I am now looking for a home in Latin America. Your description of Antigua is now firmly listed on my 'check it out' list and I'll be researching cost of housing there. Keep up the good work Shannon and all you RTWers. Some of us armchair people are living through you and taking to heart your descriptions of places and people.

Glad that I've added a place to your list – Antigua is definitely a great place to check out – and with Guatemala City so close, getting to and from is really a cinch! Also, there really is a great expat community there, so you would be in good company! You'll have to remember to let me know down the line what you think. :-)

Wowww, Antigua looks STUNNING. Screw authenticity, good travel is all about those experiences that stick.

Couldn't agree more! Adding Antigua to your RTW now?! ;-)

Who cares if it's a tourist hot spot. How could you not fall in love with such stunning architecture and the cobblestone streets? I was in Antigua about 4 years ago and would definitely return!

Glad to hear that you liked it too Laura! Such a pretty little town :-)

A lot of people go traveling with pre-concieved notions of what they want to see and wha thte place will be like. Sometimes if these aren't initially visible, they declare it as “not real” and go searching for what you want to find. Every city, country, region has poverty, why is it any more interesting in one place or another; because people expect to find it and go looking for it. Great post, Irish Pubs are my favorite place all over the world to hang out.

I have to admit, an Irish pub will rarely let you down! Cheers to the rest, it's managing expectations and going with an open mind that could be the key to travel…”pre-concieved notions” should just be a dirty word ;-)

I don't subscribe to the setting of rules for travel and being judgemental, in the name of going off 'the beaten track'. Whatever happened to an open mind… I think too much analysis goes into something that can be simply enjoyed for what it is.

Good post, Shannon! :)

(Sorry for my absence. Your RSS feeds suddenly appeared in my reader over the weekend, all at once! I've missed catching up with your travels :) )

Thanks! I love that travelers are supposed to be really open minded and yet these debates still happen out there :-)

(As for the blog…yikes :( must have been a result of the site hack…had to relocate to a new server….wires must of gotten crossed in the webi-verse :)

Sometimes there is a reason why there are many tourists in one place and that reason may just be that it is a good place to go. At this point, I usually stop all pissing contests by telling people that I am a tourist and I like to do tourist activities.

Antigua's a nice city; enjoy it!

Nice! I bet that stops them in their tracks :-) Anyway, as you said they are tourist activities for a reason and usually because they're pretty freakin neat things! Cheers, I'm a tourist too!

I'm with you – it's all real! Just because somewhere is poorer or more dangerous doesn't make it closer to any absolute truth or hidden culture. I think seeing the spectrum tells you more than anything about the variety that exists within every culture and location.

I remember that you did a piece similar to this as well, and it's the same issue that seems to crop up – thanks for weighing in Anil! :-)

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A Solo Traveller's Guide to Guatemala

Lake Atitlan

Freelance writer

Guatemala is the heart of Central America , and one of the most popular stops on the classic backpacker’s trail. An inexpensive and stunningly beautiful country , it’s long been popular with solo travellers – but that doesn’t mean that exploring this country is always plain sailing. Here’s everything you need to know.

Guatemala city.

If you’re flying into Guatemala you’ll probably land in Guatemala City. Unless the capital has a particular draw for you, it’s wise not to spend too much time here. Guatemala City is where most of the gang-related violence occurs in the country, and it can be very dangerous at night. It has its fair share of interesting museums, markets and galleries, but nothing that the much safer colonial city of Antigua doesn’t have. Just an hour’s drive from Guatemala City, Antigua is the most popular travel destination for a reason.

solo travel antigua guatemala

This picturesque colonial city is situated in a valley surrounded by three volcanoes and is absolutely packed with culture. Famous for its cute cobbled streets, striking baroque architecture , excellent restaurants and buzzing bars , it’s perfect for solo travellers. If you’re looking to meet other tourists, this is the place to come, and the city certainly isn’t short of cheap hostels either. Here you can take a salsa class, tour a coffee farm, or learn about the history of Guatemala chocolate.

Antigua is famous for its excellent Spanish schools, so you’ll have no problem meeting people from all over the world. If you don’t fancy staying in a hostel, try a family homestay, which is a great way to meet locals. Make sure you visit some of the city’s fascinating museums and art galleries , and take your time wandering through the many colourful markets throughout town. Be sure to schedule enough time here… Antigua is a place to immerse yourself in and you can spend weeks exploring without getting bored.

Pacaya Volcano

Whether you’re happy travelling solo or are hoping to make some friends along the way, a trip to Guatemala isn’t complete without hiking up one of its iconic volcanoes. Visiting the active Pacaya Volcano is one of the best activities to do from Antigua, and it’s close enough to complete in a single afternoon. There are lots of volcano tours you can do from Antigua, but the best ones include toasting marshmallows on the still-hot rocks.

Lake Atitlan

Gorgeous Lake Atitlan is an important stop-off on the solo traveller’s schedule. Framed by three volcanoes and several traditional villages, each with their own unique culture and lifestyle, it’s one of the most beautiful and interesting spots in the country. The touristy village of Panajachel is a great base where you can easily arrange tours of the lake and volcanoes, and its bustling bars, restaurants and cafes mean you’ll find it easy to meet people.

solo travel antigua guatemala

Flores and Tikal National Park

The tourist-friendly town of Flores is the gateway to the Mayan ruins of Tikal. Located on an island in the middle of Lake Peten Itza, Flores is pretty, packed with travellers and safe, so if you have the time to spend a few days here kicking back, it’s always a good idea.

people cheering on a mountain

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Of course, the main reason people visit Flores is to visit Guatemala ’s most famous cultural attraction, Tikal. Hidden in dense jungle, this is the largest excavated Mayan site in the world, and it’s a joy to explore. There are all kinds of different tours you can do here, but to make it extra special why not stay the night in the park? Catching the sunrise over the pyramids is something you’ll never forget. Keep an ear out for the roars of the howler monkeys, too!

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solo travel antigua guatemala

Places to Stay

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solo travel antigua guatemala


A look at the guatemalan town that is transforming into a work of art.

solo travel antigua guatemala

Guides & Tips

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The Best Bed and Breakfasts in Guatemala

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The Best Hotels to Book Near Tikal National Park, Guatemala

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The Best Spa Hotels in Guatemala

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The Endangered Art of Agave Cactus-Weaving on Lake Atitlán, Guatemala

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How Latin America Is Coming Together to Help Aid Guatemala's Volcano Crisis

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Culture trip spring sale, save up to $1,656 on our unique small-group trips limited spots..

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Syd Abroad

The Ultimate Antigua Guatemala Travel Guide

best places to travel this year

(Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.)

Last Updated on April 21, 2024 by sydabroad

If you are planning a trip to Central America any time soon, this Antigua Guatemala travel guide is for you!

Welcome to the picturesque colonial town of Antigua, Guatemala. I recently got back from a solo trip to Antigua and in this guide, I’m going to share everything you need to know before you visit. Keep reading to find the best activities in Antigua, where to stay, how to get around, delicious cafes and more! 

I spent just about 4 days in Antigua, Guatemala and that was simply not enough. This was seriously one of the most incredible places I have visited. Antigua is a small colonial town located about 25 miles from Guatemala City surrounded by three volcanos, making it one of the most unique cities in the world.

I mean, what other city is surrounded by volcanoes? Antigua’s laid-back atmosphere and very rich culture most definitely make it worth a spot on your bucket list, so let’s get into this Antigua Guatemala travel guide!

Looking for more Central America travel guides?

  • The Ultimate Guide to Hiking Acatenango Volcano
  • 19 Photos of Guatemala to Inspire Your Next Trip
  • How to Spend One Week in Costa Rica
  • The Best Coffee in Antigua, Guatemala
  • 18 of The Best Restaurants in Antigua, Guatemala

This post is all about the ultimate Antigua Guatemala travel guide .  

antigua guatemala travel guide

Table of Contents

Antigua, Guatemala Travel Guide – The Basics

Currency = guatemalan quetzal.

The currency in Guatemala is the quetzal. (GTQ)

1 USD = 7.7 Guatemalan Quetzal

Many restaurants and shops do accept card payments but I also found that I needed cash for many activities as well. There are plenty of ATMs in the city center, “BAC” ATM is a reliable ATM to use in Antigua. You can find them in the main square.

Language = Spanish

The local language is Spanish, however, I found some people did speak English. I know a bit of Spanish here and there but I’m not fluent whatsoever. Everyone was patient with me and Google Translate was helpful! Don’t worry if you don’t speak Spanish, you will get around fine. However, I do suggest learning a few phrases to be polite.

Short on time? Here is everything you need to plan your trip to Guatemala

🏠Book accommodation in Guatemala via and Hostelworld

✈️Book flights to Guatemala on Skyscanner

🏔️Find activities and tours for Guatemala via Get Your Guide and Viator

👩🏽‍💻Get travel insurance for your trip to Guatemala through SafetyWing

🚌Find trains and buses for your trip to Guatemala with Omio and Trainline

📱Access the internet anywhere in Guatemala with Airalo

💭Find more travel recommendations for Guatemala on the Out Of Office app

🚘Rent a car in Guatemala with

🌎Looking to join a group trip? Search tours with EF Ultimate Break

Phone & Internet

Antigua is a digital nomad hot spot with cafes on every corner and great spots to work! You will find so many places with reliable wifi in the city.

Daily Budget

Antigua is an affordable city to visit. Expect to pay 3 to 8 USD for a meal, 12 to 20 USD for a hostel, and 5 to 10 USD for activities. You can budget as little as 20 to 35 USD per day if you are traveling on a budget. The most costly activity I did was the Acatenango overnight trek (about 65 USD) but it was well worth it!

Can You Drink The Tap Water?

No, avoid tap water in Antigua and Guatemala in general. Pick up bottled water or use a Life Straw . Most likely your accommodation will provide a place to fill up your water bottle with fresh filtered water.

Tipping in Antigua

From my experience at restaurants and cafes, most of the time the tip was included. Make sure to tip if you are doing any activities. For instance, on a walking tour, tip the local guide.

romantic things to do in antigua guatemala

The Ultimate Antigua Travel Guide

How many days in antigua.

I only spent about three and a half days in Antigua and I easily could have spent over a week. To get the most out of the city I suggest staying five days (especially if you are going to do the overnight volcano trek to Acatentango ). I promise you won’t get tired of this little colonial town. There is so much to explore. 

Best Time to Visit Antigua Guatemala

Ideally, for the best weather, the time to visit Guatemala is from November to April (the dry season). However, I did visit in June during the rainy season and it was honestly perfect. I ended up getting lucky with the weather as it only rained during my first day in Antigua. It was also much easier to book last-minute tours and I didn’t find the city too crowded. 

The Best Things to Do in Antigua Guatemala

Convento santa clara.

The Santa Clara Convent ruins are the remains of a religious complex from the early 1700s. The convent and church were founded by nuns from Puebla, Mexico. 

There is so much to explore here – the beautiful courtyard with its fountain, the remains of the convent, a church, and even underground tombs. I didn’t end up going into the tombs but I explored the ruins for a while. 

This is a great place to bring a picnic or a coffee and relax and enjoy the beautiful views. Entrance to Convento Santa Clara costs Q40, and plan for about an hour here. 

I had the most perfect solo afternoon exploring these ruins! After picking up a coffee from Artista de Cafe, I headed over to Convento Santa Clara to check it out before I left. I went about an hour and a half before closing and there was practically no one there. It was incredible being able to enjoy the place for myself.

antigua guatemala

Cerro De La Cruz

You can’t miss the short hike to Cerro de la Cruz for the best views of the city. It’s honestly not much of a hike, anyone can do it. From the base of the stairs, it probably took about 10ish minutes to reach the top. Plan to spend as little or as long as you’d like here. I think this is the perfect picnic spot if the weather is good! A must on your Antigua Guatemala travel guide.


is it safe to visit antigua guatemala

Parque Central

Parque Central is a small park centrally located in the city’s square. It’s a great place to chill in the shade, people-watch, or pick up a souvenir. You will find locals selling handcrafted items and many cute shops nearby. 

hidden gems antigua guatemalahidden gems antigua guatemala

Santa Catalina Arch

Your Antigua Guatemala travel guide isn’t complete without this on the list! The most notable landmark in the city, the Santa Catalina Arch, was built in 1694 and connected the Santa Catalina Covent to a school on the other side of the street. The nuns could not come into contact with the outside world and so they needed to reach the school somehow. Hence, the Santa Catalina arch was built with a hidden walkway inside that the nuns used to cross.

Now, the Santa Catalina Arch is the most photographed spot in the city. On a clear day, you can capture the arch with a perfect view of the volcano in the background. If you are looking to take good photos, come here early in the morning (like before 8 AM) so you can have it practically to yourself. Otherwise, it’s incredibly crowded in the afternoon. 

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Antigua Guatemala Cathedral

Located right next to Parque Central in the main square, you won’t miss the Antigua Guatemala Cathedral. The original building was built in 1541 but many earthquakes damaged the original building leading to the construction of the new building in 1680. It’s a beautiful place to peek inside if it’s open!

antigua guatemala history

Casa Santo Domingo Museums

I love to visit museums when I travel, and the museums here at Hotel Casa San Domingo are a must when in Antigua! It was such a unique place to see because there are six museums and two art galleries all located on the beautiful hotel property. The museums are located in what was once the convent of Santo Domingo.

There are a couple of galleries at the front of the hotel that you can see for free and to access all of the museums, it costs Q40 . You will find art that dates back to the ancient Mayan culture, archaeological artifacts, paintings, glassware, sculptures, and more. Well worth it in my opinion, and a great activity if it’s raining. I enjoyed exploring the museums and learning about Antigua’s rich history.

antigua guatemala 2022


Hobbitenango is essentially an amusement park attraction inspired by the movie, Lord Of The Rings. It’s located about a 20-minute drive away from Antigua. I wanted to visit during my trip, but unfortunately, I didn’t have the time. There are plenty of activities to do here including, ax throwing, archery, mini golf, a tree swing, and more

To get to Hobbitenango from Antigua I suggest taking an Uber or visiting the Hobbitengo office in Antigua and booking a shuttle. It’s a great way to spend a few hours in the afternoon and there are great photo opportunities here as well!

La Merced Church

If you are into architecture you have to stop by La Merced. Its unique Baroque-style architecture makes it an eye-catching place to see! It’s open to the public daily from 9 am to 6 pm.

antigua guatemala tours

Volcano Acatenango Trek

This is the bucket list thing to do while in Antigua. Not going to lie, I was pretty nervous. I haven’t done too much hiking and have never done an overnight trek. This trek was quite literally the hardest thing I have ever done, but so incredibly rewarding.

I got to sleep on a volcano and watch a volcano erupt so many times! It was absolutely amazing. I will have a full blog post about the Acatenango trek and my experience soon. 

antigua guatemala to lake atitlan

Pacaya Volcano Hike

This was the hike I was originally signed up for and then I joined some friends from my hostel on the overnight Acatenango trek. If I had a few weeks in Antigua I would do this hike as well. The Pacaya volcano hike is a half-day hike that costs about 25 USD.

It’s not nearly as taxing on your body and much quicker than hiking Acatenango. If you don’t have the time for Acatenango, then I suggest the Pacaya hike. You have to do at least one volcano hike while in Antigua! Also, I’ve heard you can roast marshmallows with the lava on this hike, so fun! 

Book the Pacaya Volcano hike here.

Walking Tour of Antigua

There’s no better way to get to know a city than by doing a walking tour . Unfortunately, I never got the chance to take an official walking tour (which I usually never miss) but time got the best of me.

To find a free walking tour, google “free walking tours Antigua Guatemala” or ask the front desk at your accommodation. My hostel had a walking tour scheduled for every week that anyone could join.

Also, make sure to tip your guide! Another option is to download the “GPS My City” app . There are a variety of curated walking tours you can take on your own. The app gives you the route and the specific site information you can read about. 

Chocolate Museum

The Choco Museo is another great rainy day activity. It’s located right in the town square near the park. They offer chocolate-making classes and more. A friend and I escaped the rain and stopped in to taste local chocolate and chocolate tea, everything was delicious! 

is antigua guatemala safe

Explore The Local Market

At the local market, you will find a variety of handmade local goods. Everything from jewelry to blankets, and so much more. This is the perfect place to pick a souvenir or a gift for someone. The market is also covered, so if it’s raining, check it out.

Eat + Drink in Antigua  

Restaurants + bars.

  • Antigua Brewing Co.: Such a fun vibe, they have a great rooftop and good beer.
  • Ulew Cocktail Bar: for cocktails 
  • Angie Angie: I had an incredible pasta dish! This place was a bit nicer so we went on our last evening. 
  • La Pasta Nostra: I tried the carbonara and a pizza, both were delicious! 
  • Kombu: For ramen 
  • Rincon Tipico: If you go to one restaurant in Antigua, it has to be this one. Here, you’ll find the most delicious local Guatemalan food. I couldn’t read the menu so I ordered the “Menu del Dia” (menu of the day) and it was so good. The dish came with juice, fresh Guatemalan tortillas, soup, chicken, rice, and potatoes. All of this was around 3 USD! Probably my favorite meal of the trip! 
  • Kabuki: For great sushi!
  • Casa Escobar: Casa Escobar has great steaks! I was recommended this place by a friend. 
  • Ta’cool: yummy tacos!
  • Cafe Boheme: They have great coffee, sandwiches, salads, and smoothie bowls!

Read my post here all about the best restaurants in Antigua!

unique things to do in antigua guatemala

  • Artista de Cafe 
  • 12 Onzas: This was my favorite cafe. 
  • Starbucks: I know basic, but it’s such a pretty Starbucks to go look at.
  • Cafe Sol 

Looking for more wonderful cafes and coffee shops in Antigua? Read my guide here all about the best coffee in Antigua!

things to do in antigua guatemala

Where to Stay in Antigua

 I stayed at Adra hostel and loved it ! I was a bit hesitant because their dorms are large (18 or 24 beds), but the rooms were so spacious it didn’t feel like there were that many people staying in the room. The bathroom situation was great, there is a rooftop terrace, and Adra Hostel offers free breakfast every morning, and it was so delicious! They also offer private rooms.

When I left for my 4 am airport shuttle they even gave me a packed lunch to bring along. Adra doesn’t have a kitchen so if you are staying in Antigua long-term and plan on cooking your food, this might not be the place for you.

I have a friend who stayed at Tropicana and enjoyed it. This hostel is much more of a party hostel. I also have heard good things about Somos Hostel . 

best time to visit antigua guatemala

Find a Place to Stay in Antigua

Boutique accommodation in Antigua:

  • El Convento Boutique Hotel
  • Hotel Boutique Los Pasos
  • Las Cruces Boutique Hotel

Luxury accommodation in Antigua :  

  • Hotel Casa Santo Domingo
  • Camino Real Antigua
  • Porta Hotel Antigua

best places in antigua guatemala

Transportation in Antigua

How to get to antigua.

Getting to Antigua from Guatemala City’s airport is quite simple. On the way to Antigua, I booked a GuateGo shuttle , which was excellent and I couldn’t recommend it enough. I booked my shuttle ahead of time online and they gave detailed instructions on where to meet and what to look for at the airport.

The ride was great and I got dropped off right at my hostel. Although Guatemala City is only 25 miles from Antigua, account for at least an hour’s drive to your accommodation in Antigua. The traffic can be horrible and if it’s the rainy season, mudslides can cause a detour. When I left Guatemala, I booked an airport shuttle from my hostel that cost Q125.

Click here to book a bus from Guatemala City to Antigua!

How to Get Around Antigua

One of my favorite things about Antigua is that you can walk just about everywhere! I never once needed a car to drive anywhere. If you are doing day trips such as Hobbitenango or a volcano trek you will either have transportation included in your tour or you can Uber/taxi. But as far as getting around the town itself, you will only be walking! 


Map of Antigua Guatemala

Safety in Antigua

When I mentioned to people that I was going to Guatemala alone, the first question they asked was is it safe? I feel like the country gets a bad rap on safety issues when in reality, most of the country is probably just as safe as your hometown. 

Guatemala City is known not to be very safe but Antigua was a city where I felt 100% comfortable the entire time. I will have a whole solo guide to Antigua article up on the blog soon, but just know I felt safer walking around Antigua than in my city of Dallas, Texas. Obviously, you want to be smart wherever you go – but Antigua is a very safe city to visit. 

Guatemala Packing Essentials

  • Walking shoes
  • Guatemala guide book
  • Portable charger
  • Film camera
  • A light jacket

Travel Insurance

Travel medical insurance is essential for every trip. This can save you time, money, and a lot of stress on the road. I love using SafetyWing for travel insurance. SafetyWing offers affordable and flexible travel medical insurance coverage. You can enter your details below for a free quote.

I hope you enjoyed this Antigua, Guatemala travel guide. As always, If you have any questions, comment below, DM me on Instagram , or email [email protected]!

Recommended Tours in Antigua

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solo travel antigua guatemala

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Black Solo Female Travel Guide: A Solo Trip to Guatemala

Sharing is caring!

Solo female travelers in Guatemala will be satisfied. Central America is full of beautiful destinations such as Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, etc. However, Guatemala is often overlooked, and after visiting myself, I do not think it should be.

Antigua and Lake Atitlan provide two sides of Guatemala that solo female travelers should experience. They are doable on the same trip, and each brings its own flavor and traveler personality. So if you’re considering a solo trip to Guatemala, here’s what you need to know. 

FYI: This post may have affiliate links ! This means if you buy something using my link, I get a small percentage for mentioning/recommending it. Lucky for you it doesn’t change the price for you at all and it’s a super easy and generous way to say thanks for all the work I put into writing this post!!

solo travel antigua guatemala

Table of Contents

When is the best time to visit Guatemala?

For solo travelers looking to go to Guatemala, their dry season is between November and April. Their rainy season begins in May and ends in October, with the heaviest rain in September and October. As a result, the summer months can be more humid than December and January (which are good times to hike the volcanoes).

Is Guatemala safe for solo female travelers? 

After visiting Antigua and Lake Atitlan, Guatemala is a good destination for solo travelers. Antigua, in particular, is very walkable and easy to get around. While I recommend minimizing how much you walk around at night no matter where you are, I did in Antigua and felt safe. 

Lake Atitlan also felt safe to me as a solo traveler. But, as with any place you visit, stay alert and trust your gut! Scroll down to the end of this post for more safety tips for solo female travelers in Guatemala.

Should I learn Spanish before traveling to Guatemala?

If you speak a little Spanish, it may be easier to travel in Guatemala compared to more touristy places in Central America. Therefore, learning at least a few phrases in Spanish is beneficial before going. As a Black solo female traveler who does speak Spanish, I think it made my experience even more accessible. But it’s still possible to enjoy Guatemala with minimal Spanish.

Where to stay as a solo traveler in Guatemala 

solo travel antigua guatemala

Selina Antigua 

Selina hostels are my go-to as a boujee hostel solo traveler. I love the privacy of private rooms and the solo aspects of the hostel, such as events and tours. Additionally, the layout of Selina Antigua was stunning, with a  garden and hammocks between the pillars.  For my first day, I worked remotely, but I also got to relax outside and take in the sun. They even offered massages and additional amenities for an extra cost!

Adra Hostel in Antigua 

For a more traditional hostel experience as a solo traveler in Guatemala, head to Adra Hostel . It’s a boutique hostel with conventional dorm rooms. However, they also have a beautiful cafe, bar/restaurant, and open patio. Take part in the salsa dancing or just relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Selin a Atitlan 

I chose Selina Atitlan on a whim because I know it’s reliable! I had a private room with a shared bathroom. It was convenient for walking around Panajachel and getting to and from the ferries. I also got a massage here; it was the best money I’ve ever spent at a hostel.

However, there are other accommodations in the lake villages, such as Mandala’s Hostel in San Pedro. This hostel would also be ideal if you wanted to hike Indian Nose at sunrise. Once you figure out what you want, you can strategize the best location for your trip. 

How to get around Guatemala alone as a solo female traveler

solo travel antigua guatemala

I used more Ubers in Antigua compared to Lake Atitlan. If you are not a solo female traveler backpacker in Guatemala, Ubers are an option to help transport your luggage. An Uber may be best because the cobblestone and small streets make traveling with a wheeled bag more difficult. Also, they are only a few dollars since Antigua is tiny. 

To travel between Guatemala City airport, Antigua, Lake Atitlan, and Chichicastenango shuttles are the way to go. Most tourists prefer these versus renting a car because it’s cheaper and parking is few and far between. But, again, you can coordinate them with your hostel or hotel. 

As a solo traveler in Guatemala, tuk-tuks are the local way of getting around Antigua and Lake Atitlan. For Q10, you can go around the various Guatemalan towns and villages. They don’t have seatbelts, but the drivers are accustomed to the roads and make it work. If you do not want to walk, hop in a tuk-tuk instead!

Water taxis/ferries

Once you take a shuttle from Antigua to Lake Atitlan, walking tuk-tuks and water taxis are your primary forms of transportation. You can use water taxis/ferries to get to the other villages in Lake Atitlan. Public ferries are inexpensive and convenient. Private ferries are also an option (and more expensive).

The most popular tours in Antigua:

  • 🚁 Experience one of the ancient world’s most incredible archaeological sites at Tikal, a celebrated Mayan city deep in the Guatemalan jungle, on this trip by air from Antigua
  • 🚴 See Antigua from above on this half-day ATV discovery tour , where you’ll journey up into the mountains on a quest to get the best view for sunset
  • 🏞️ Spend a day on the shores of Lake Atitlan with this private tour from Antigua
  • 🌋 Hike to Pacaya Volcano, one of the most active and most popular in all of Guatemala, on this tour
  • 🍲 Go beyond just sampling Guatemalan cuisine at Antigua’s restaurants and learn to cook it for yourself at a cooking class

Things to do in Antigua for solo female travelers

solo travel antigua guatemala

Hike the famous Volcano Acatenango

Going up to Volcano Acatenango was the primary reason I booked this solo trip to Guatemala. It is one of Guatemala’s highest volcanoes, almost 4,000 meters above sea level. It is a must-do!

I booked my tour with Tropicana Hostel . It was $68 for the overnight hike, which included food, cabins with bunk beds, and the shuttle to and from the starting point. I would recommend them for all solo travelers in Guatemala.

Visit the Hobbitenango

Hobbitenango is an eco-park, hotel, and restaurant all in one. They have games such as archery, a giant swing, axe-throwing and more. And if you love to take photos as a solo female traveler in Guatemala, they have tons of opportunities for that too.

solo travel antigua guatemala

Get a post-hike massage 

Part of traveling solo and Guatemala is also relaxing. Whether you need a massage after your hike or just want a general massage, I recommend them. With all the walking and caring of your backpack as a solo, female traveler in Guatemala, taking care of your body is a mess, and there are many options in Antigua in Lake Atitlan. 

Shop around the stores & markets

Solo female travelers in Guatemala will love shopping. Guatemala is your place if you enjoy colorful fabrics, purses, jewelry, and more. As you waltz around Antigua, there will be many shops to spend money on souvenirs for yourself and others.

solo travel antigua guatemala

Hike for pizza with Pizza Pacaya 

Hiking the Volcano Pacaya is a popular activity in Antigua. However, hiking a volcano for pizza is unique to Volcano Pacaya. A chef named Mario David founded Pizza Pacaya, where he and his team carry the supplies they need to make pizza on the volcano.

For solo female travelers, who are looking for a shorter hike, this is the one to do. You are guided up the volcano, and it takes under two hours to hike from the beginning to the end. Yet, you do not go up to the top of Volcano Pacaya, but you will have pizza greet you at the end.

Things to do in Lake Atitlan for solo female travelers 

solo travel antigua guatemala

Go to the lake villages 

San Juan is known as the artsy village, and San Pedro is known as the party village. If you want to see all three, you can also visit San Marcos, coined by my local guide as the hippie yoga village. Ferries from Panajachel leave daily, with the last leaving around 4 pm or 4:30 pm.

If you go to San Juan, be sure to go to their Mirador. For Q30, you have a 15-minute mini-hike up to the top with a gorgeous town view. You can also get snacks and fruit at the top as you see the picture and rest. 

Visit the Nature Reserve

While in Panajachel, you can spend a day or half-day at the Nature Reserve Atitlan . At the reserve, you can zipline, walk on the hanging bridges, stroll on the trails, and more. Solo female travelers in Guatemala who visit Lake Atitlan can also visit the butterfly preserve and ride cable bikes.

solo travel antigua guatemala

Spend a Thursday or Sunday at Chichicastenango 

Chichicastenango is one of the most vibrant markets you will ever visit. It has been named the most colorful market in Central America! Around two hours from Lake Atitlan, you can get a shuttle from the lake to the market. But the market only happens on Thursdays and Sundays.

I booked mine through Eterna Primavera for Thursday, which is the less busy day. Your hostel or hotel may host an experience or can recommend another agency. Be prepared to go through the market with your tour group. Only shuttles to and from the market are included, not a personal guide!

Do the Indian Nose Hike

If you cannot get enough hiking in Antigua, this is another hike for you! It is best to do the Indian Nose Hike at sunrise to get a gorgeous view. While you can travel there from Panajachel, visiting San Pedro Laguna to get the sunrise is best.

General safety and solo travel tips for Guatemala

solo travel antigua guatemala

I felt safe traveling in Antigua and Lake Atitlan. However, as a solo female traveler, you should still use common sense and trust your gut. So here are some safety tips for a solo trip to Guatemala. 

– Do not travel at night – this is a general tip for all solo female travelers, especially to Lake Atitlan as I found it was the darkest with minimal street lights. I took the 4 pm shuttle and arrived after dark. Only do this if it’s door to door to avoid lugging your stuff on the cobblestone and making yourself a target.

– Take the public ferries to the lake villages. While you can use the tuk-tuks once you get to the villages, they take longer and aren’t very secure for long periods. 

– Leave some cash on you and some at your accommodations. Only some places will take your credit card, so carrying cash is critical.

– Tuk-tuks and public ferries only take cash. Speaking of money, tuk-tuks and water taxis are cash exchanges. A tuk-tuk can be roughly Q10 from point A to point B, which also depends on distance. For example, the public ferry to the villages in Lake Atitlan is Q25 one-way from Panajachel.

On being a Black solo female traveler in Guatemala 

solo travel antigua guatemala

Safety as a solo female traveler can vary based on the people you interact with while traveling. For example, I experienced a bit of catcalling while I was in Antigua. And I did have an annoying encounter with someone at the airport in Guatemala City, but that was because they assumed I did not speak Spanish.

Aside from those two interactions, thankfully, I did not face any severe issues in Guatemala as a Black solo female traveler. Most Guatemalans I interacted with in Antigua and Lake Atitlan were extremely lovely. They were some of the nicest people I have met while traveling through Central America. 

Final thoughts on traveling solo in Guatemala 

My solo trip to Guatemala was a last-minute decision, and I could not be happier. Antigua is small and walkable, with lots of colorful buildings and delicious food. Then, Lake Atitlan brings that relaxation and slow-paced lifestyle that so many solo female travelers in Guatemala are looking for on a trip. I recommend you go for it and see what it’s all about for yourself!

Excited about Guatemala and want to plan your first solo trip? Read this post here .

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Sojourner White is a remote social worker, train travel queen, and award-winning travel journalist. Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin she has been a digital nomad and called both Spain and Germany home. Through her platform Sojournies, she helps 9-5ers fulfill their career goals and bucket list dreams to find freedom and flexibility outside the office. Sojourner has been featured in Buzzfeed, PopSugar, The Matador Network, HuffPost, and Thrillist and written for Travel + Leisure, USA Today, Fodor’s, Insider, Lonely Planet, Viator, and more.

7 Tips on How to be a Digital Nomad in the U.S

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I just booked a birthday trip to Guatemala! It’s my first solo trip and I’m so grateful to have come upon your blog as a Black woman in my later 20’s trying to actualize on my goal to travel more. Thank you!

Oh yay!! Have so much fun – I hope I can continue to be a resource for you.

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I am a solo female traveler looking to do my first solo female trip ever to Guatemala! This was a great resource, so thank you so much! I do have a question- in Antigua, what are the sites to see there specifically? Any churches or museums? Thank you so much!!

Hi! My solo trip was a more adventure and outdoorsy-focused trip. But there may be other guides you can Google with that information.

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Her Packing List

Trip Planning

Solo female travel: traveling alone in guatemala as a woman.

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The following interview on solo female travel in Guatemala comes from Val Bromann.

I’m Val. When I turned 30 I quit my job and bought a one-way ticket to Europe. Over the next three years I traveled around Europe , Southeast Asia , Central America, and South America. Now I’m back home in Chicago, working full time in digital marketing, and having fun decorating my apartment with all my travel souvenirs .

Why did you decide to travel to Guatemala by yourself?

I had recently returned home from 15 months of solo traveling around Europe and Asia and was ready to see another part of the world. A friend I’d met on the road loved traveling in Central America and convinced me that the region wasn’t as scary as I had in my head . I decided to start my Central America trip in Guatemala because I had heard it was a great place to study Spanish. Since I didn’t speak any, I spent a month in a Spanish school in Antigua to get the basics down before traveling around the rest of the country and the region.

solo female travel Guatemala

Did you have any trouble traveling solo there?

I had a couple of problems traveling in Guatemala. First, my bank card was cancelled…twice. My card wasn’t actually compromised (to my knowledge) but my bank was being overly cautious from suspicious ATMs. So be prepared with a backup card just in case. Luckily all I had to do was fax them authorization and they FedExed me new ones both times.

The second problem was a little more troubling. I was on a cave tour near Semuc Champey and, due to my fear of heights and falling, kept falling behind the rest of the group. The tour guide seemed great at helping me through, at first. But then he started subtly touching me. And then his touches became less subtle. And then he tried to kiss me. I learned that I really need to speak up sooner if I’m uncomfortable , even if I don’t know any of my fellow travelers that well, they are always there to help.

Editor’s note: Incidents like this are unfortunate, but they can happen anywhere and it is not necessarily a reflection of the country itself.

Did you ever feel unsafe?

Besides the incident above, I always felt fine in Guatemala . Sure, there’s always those moments where you end up on a sketchy street, are a little unsure of the bus you’re on, or are out a little later than you should be. Just exercise normal caution though by finding other travelers to go out with at night and not staying out too late by yourself.

>> You may want to consider checking out this post on paying for your safety .

Tell us about one of your favorite experiences from traveling solo in Guatemala.

I was in Guatemala for Semana Santa : holy week. But they don’t celebrate for just a week there. For the entire month of lent we’d see holy processions (think large religious parades) of all sizes, at all times of the day and night.

One of the best activities was creating alfombras: beautiful, intricate “carpets” made of dyed sawdust. In the days before Easter everyone came out to create these masterpieces, some were blocks long. They take so much time and effort and in the end ruined to nothing when a procession comes through. We got to make one at our Spanish school and went through the whole process of dying the sawdust, creating the design, and then watching it get trampled.

solo female travel Guatemala

Were there any special precautions you took to feel safer while traveling solo?

Nothing specific to Guatemala, just the normal precautions everyone should practice when traveling solo , like not walking home alone at night and going out in groups. Just be aware of your surroundings.

Did you meet any other solo female travelers while you were there?

One of my best friends in my Spanish school was a solo female traveler from London. We bonded over the fact that we were both terrible at learning languages. We still keep in touch and I even met up with her when I was visiting England later that year.

traveling alone in Guatemala as a woman

What luggage did you bring with you to Guatemala?

I brought a 50 liter Eagle Creek Explorer LT backpack that packed all my clothes , shoes , toiletries , etc. It got cool in Guatemala, especially in the mornings, so it was good having some room for a sweatshirt or two in my backpack . I also brought a daypack that I carried my laptop, camera , and guidebook in.

Were there any items you were glad you brought with you or that you wished you had brought?

I’m so glad I brought hiking boots . I bought a pair to bring especially for this trip and they came in handy many times, including hiking Volcan Pacaya, an active volcano about an hour and a half outside of Antigua and walking through Tikal.

traveling alone in Guatemala as a woman

What’s your number 1 tip for females traveling solo to Guatemala?

Learn some Spanish! While I had no trouble speaking English (and a few essential words like Hello and thank you in the local language) in Europe or Asia , in Guatemala (and the rest of Central America ) having at least a basic grasp on the local language was extremely helpful, especially being on my own. Even limited Spanish is helpful for asking prices, finding a bus, or booking a hostel . Starting the journey with a stop at a Spanish language school was a great decision. I was able to get down the basics and made friends I met up with through the rest of my trip.

About the author: Val didn’t have a passport until she turned 25. Five years later, at 30, she quit her job to travel around the world “for around 9 months” and ended up traveling for three years. She’s now back in Chicago, working full time in digital marketing, and decorating her apartment in teal and travel memories. Val blogs about travel, decorating, and her life at Choosing Figs . Find her online on Twitter , Facebook , and Instagram .

traveling Guatemala alone

Written by Ali

Ali Garland is a freelance writer, blogger, and travel addict who made it to all 7 continents before her 30th birthday. She enjoys travel planning, encouraging others to see the world, and packing carry-on only. She and her husband are expats living in Berlin. You can find Ali at Ali's Adventures and Travel Made Simple .

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H PL Packing Method – Learn to pack your lightest bag ever in this revolutionary packing course by HPL founder, Brooke.

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Viator – Enhance your trip experience by booking from thousands of tours across the globe. – Search for hotels, hostels, and apartments using this one resource. Use it for flights, car rentals, and airport taxis as well.

Trusted Housesitters – Save money on travel accommodation by becoming a housesitter. Housesitters often have extra duties, like caring for pets and gardens.

Reader Interactions

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January 29, 2016 at 6:43 am

So inspiring!! I just traveled Thailand alone, but I feel like you can’t compare this to any country in South America at all. I actually booked my flight to Peru alone – and I was supposed to go on my own, but my dad actually decided to join me! And I’m actually happy about this, will be a nice way to explore South America for the first time and who knows maybe the second time I’ll do it on my own… 🙂

Kind regards, Sarah from a passport can get you everywhere

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January 8, 2017 at 3:09 pm

I might be travelling to Guatemala in May/June to volunteer at a College. May I ask you what Spanish school you attended in Antigua and how much it cost?

Thank you very much! -Isabella

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solo travel antigua guatemala

Solo Travel in Guatemala

Solo travel in Guatemala

Types of Girl about the Globe (GatG) – Coffee GatG, Cultural GatG, Historical GatG, Nature GatG, Volcano GatG

If you are planning to solo travel Guatemala, below is our guide Guatemala solo female travel including where to travel in Guatemala, where to stay in Guatemala, which tour company to use and how to travel in Guatemala alone.

Find out how to get from the airports and examples of a Guatemala trip itinerary to help you to navigate your way around the country. All companies included have been recommended by our solo community and come with our Solo Female Friendly endorsement. Just choose the relevant section or read the full article to solo female travel Guatemala.

N.b. For every booking made through this article for your Guatemala solo travel,  I donate money to projects helping vulnerable girls about the globe. Thank you for helping to make a difference to their lives. 

  • Places to Visit in Guatemala

Guatemala Tours

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Solo Travel in Guatemala

Turquoise waters of Lake Atitlan Guatemala

solo travel antigua guatemala

Is Guatemala safe for solo female travellers? Guatemala in  Central America repeatedly appears high in the worldwide rankings of countries with the highest crime rates and consequently has a reputation of being one of Central America’s most dangerous countries to visit, with Guatemala City as the most dangerous city in Guatemala. 

Factually the ranking may be justified, however, the statistics fail to mention that hardly any tourists are affected by the large homicide rates and drug-related crimes by Guatemala gangs. For those of us who choose to solo travel in Guatemala, crime does exist but it generally happens hidden away from where the tourists are. 

In fact, Guatemala is Central America’s hidden gem. The community of other travellers, especially backpackers, is tight, making solo travel in Guatemala relatively easy.

While Guatemalans are friendly and helpful when approached, they most of the time tend to their own business and leave travellers alone. Begging and hawking is a relatively rare sight, especially in comparison to most South-East Asian countries.

Female travellers are treated no differently than male travellers, and the country is overall safe and fun for women to travel to. I haven’t experienced any form of catcalling or situations that I felt unsafe in as a traveller, however, other women have – especially those that have spent a long time in the country.

As with most countries, female travellers are at a higher risk, so it is advised to stick to your gut feelings and common sense when moving around or backpacking in Guatemala. Robberies have taken place along the Agua Volcano route so check with locals or choose a walking tour for this area.

Guatemala is a fascinating country to explore but if you are unsure of the places to go in Guatemala alone or what to do in Guatemala, you may feel more comfortable on a group tour such as professionally guided Guatemalan tour packages , that offer immersive experiences for any interests. They are a great way of unveiling the beauty of this Central American hidden gem in a safe way,

* Before you travel, check what paperwork or visas are required for Guatemala .

Solo Travel in Guatemala

Best Places To Visit in Guatemala

Guatemala is a land of breathtaking beauty with idyllic coastlines and the Mayan jungle temples of Tikal. But if trekking highlands and ancient civilisations aren’t your thing, then enjoy the tranquillity of Lake Atitlan. Pick up some Mayan arts and crafts at the open-air Chichicastenango Market.

Guatemala has over 30 volcanos with Pacaya being one of its most active. If you’re feeling adventurous, trek to the top of Agua volcano, with its amazing views of the Pacific Ocean and the tropics. You won’t find many crowds in Guatemala so head to the Guatemala beaches and enjoy the surf at Marina del Sur.

The Rio Dulce National Park with its tall cliffs is a great place for birdwatching and spotting Guatemalan wildlife. You’ll also be able to mingle with the Garifuna in the nearby town of Livingstone who has their own style of dancing.

Guatemala can roughly be divided into three regions, which in stark contrast co-exist: The highlands, the lowlands and the coastal regions.

The Guatemalan highlands are marked by stunning mountain ranges that are home to a number of Guatemala’s tourist highlights such as the still-active volcano Fuego, the former colonial town and Central America’s hipster capital Antigua, as well as the incredible Lake Atitlán. It is a region where you will see the most beautiful sunrises.

At an average of 1500m altitude, you can feel the smallness of your lungs whilst you wish you had brought another fleece. To move about off the beaten track visit Guatemala’s second-largest city Quetzaltenango (Xela) and climb Central America’s highest peak Tajamulco for sunrise near the Mexican border.

* Click here to discover all activities and things to do in Guatemala

Solo Travel in Guatemala

The Guatemalan lowlands are home to Semuc Champey , one of the beautiful Guatemala landmarks and exotic places in Guatemala. Tiered terraces and limestone bridges along the Cahabòn River form beautiful green pools in its extensive cave system.

Semuc Champey isn’t that easy to get to (the closest village is Lanquín) but this beautiful area is definitely worth the journey if you're travelling between Flores and Antigua. Either book through your hostel or join one of the Guatemala escorted tours from Antigua or Guatemala City on a 3-day tour.

The lowlands are also home to Tikal National Park , one of the most important sites in Guatemala. These ancient Mayan ruins are hidden away in lush jungle flora and fauna and the island of Flores Guatemala, which serves as a gateway to the Mayan settlements Tikal and Mirador (you can take a day trip from here).

If you're worried about Guatemala safety for tourists, Flores is one of the safe places to visit in Guatemala, and one of the prettiest cities in Guatemala.

Tikal was discovered in 1848 and became a national park in 1955. Its name means ‘the place of spirits’ and inside its 575 square kilometres of jungle are ancient ruins of temples and palaces.

The tallest structure in this large archaeological site is 57 metres tall and climbing to the top for a view of the forest canopy below is just breathtaking and one of the most beautiful places. As one of the top Guatemala tourist attractions, Tikal should definitely be on your Guatemala bucket list. 

solo travel in Guatemala

Semuc Champey (photo by Rike Radunz @rike_rad)

The weather in the lowlands is much warmer and more tropical than elsewhere in Guatemala and mosquitos all of a sudden call for your attention.

Both the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines are somewhat off the beaten track and a lot less busy with tourists. The Atlantic coastline near Livingston is marked by the Rio Dulce delta and the Pacific coastline of Monterrico is a top tip for surfing. Give both a visit if you have time to spare and would like to see regions that are more authentic and less travelled.

Wildlife lovers would love Cerro Cahuí Nature Reserve which has howler monkeys that you can hear up to a mile away! Get up close and personal with giant sea turtles and iguanas in Tortugario Monterrico Monterrico Wildlife Reserve (you may not want to get too close to the alligators though). Or head to Chocón-Machacas for manatees.

Solo Travel in Guatemala

Antigua is one of the Guatemala cities that has preserved its Spanish architecture so well that it is a UNESCO heritage site. It’s one of the most popular places in Guatemala because of its historical importance. With pastel-coloured buildings, and ruins of colonial churches within this centuries-old city which is cradled by volcanoes.

Things to do in Antigua Guatemala include cafe hopping in some of the town’s cute cafes sampling Guatemalan coffee, taking yourself on a self-guided tour of the town seeing the convent, monastery and churches. Go handicraft shopping at Mercado de Artesanias, or if you’re in Antigua on a weekend, at the weekend market held at El Carmen Ruins. Or visit Volcan Pacaya , the easiest volcano to reach from Antigua. 

Near Antigua, is the Volcano Acatenango , one of the adventurous places to go in Guatemala for hikes. As one of the continent's highest volcanoes (at nearly 4000 metres), it is one of the most physically challenging so join an overnight guided tour Guatemala hike to conquer the volcano and be rewarded with a panoramic view of the whole region from the top.

If you have at least 2 days in Antigua, Guatemala, you can hike to the base camp where you can see Volcan Fuego and watch one of its frequent eruptions.

The town of Flores is just as pretty as Antigua. Located in El Petén on an island connected by a causeway, Flores is the perfect place to chill for a few days whilst enjoying some lake views. 

Lake Atitlan's elevation is 1,562 metres and you really can’t beat Lake Atitlán in the highlands for stunning lake views, t he best place to visit in Guatemala for lakes. Panajachel Guatemala is one of the most developed towns around the lake and a good place to mingle with others. It’s also an area for outdoor activities in Guatemala with paragliding, stand-up paddleboarding, and kayaking.

Or visit the indigenous Kaqchiquel village at Santa Cruz La Laguna, a small town on the northern shore of Lake Atitlan. There are so many other places here including the spiritual and yoga haven of San Marcos, or San Pedro La Laguna where you can climb Volcano San Pedro and embrace a cheap backpacker budget. 

Solo travel in Guatemala

Antigua (photo by Rike Radunz @rike_rad)

Guatemala City is the capital city of Guatemala. This city is not the best for solo travellers so avoid the capital if you can and head straight for Antigua which is only one hour away.

But if you do go here, there are free things to do in Guatemala City to pass the time.   See the Metropolitan Cathedral and the names on the pillars outside of the people who died during the Guatemalan Civil War. Discover how a Guatemalan family would have lived back in the 17th century at Casa Mima, a cultural centre in the city which offers cultural activities.

Or partake in a brewery tour to sample some of the country’s best cervezas (one of the fun things to do in Guatemala for beer lovers!) Other best places to visit in Guatemala City are the Museo Popol Vuh, which is home to one of the world’s major Maya art collections or see the Iglesia La Merced, a colourful church and convent in a neoclassical style.

Whether you prefer Mayan ruins, volcanoes, or colourful towns, there’s no doubt that Guatemala solo female travel will be a culturally enriching experience that won’t break the bank.

G Adventures

If you feel more comfortable in a group for either part of your trip or the whole duration, G Adventures is a responsible tour company that mainly caters for budget travellers. They don’t offer specific tours to Guatemala, instead, you can take a Guatemalan adventure and one or more of its neighbouring countries. 

Most tours have an average of 10 people and there is no upper age limit. Once you book your trip you pay extra for any excursions you want to do when you’re there.

Adventures range from 9 days seeing Tikal ruins Guatemala and Flores and Belize for £729, up to a 33 days adventure travelling from Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. There are plenty of shorter journeys in-between. I have personally used G Adventures and recommend them as a solo female-friendly company. * Check prices and availability for G Adventures Guatemala tours

Intrepid Travel 

Intrepid Travel is similar to G Adventures with an average of 12 people on each tour. Over 50% of people who book their trips are solo travellers. They tend to use hotels instead of hostels and have a more comfortable style of accommodation hence the trips can appear a bit more than G Adventures.

Their tours of Guatemala range from 8 days including Tikal and Belize, a 9-day Guatemala and Beyond which starts in Guatemala and ends in Nicaragua (both for £695), up to an epic 65-day Complete Central America tour. With both tour companies, you share a room with someone of the same gender or you can pay extra for your own room. Read our  Intrepid Travel Reviews

Click here for the full itineraries, prices and start dates

Quetzaltrekkers – Quetzaltrekkers are a Xela-based NGO that offers (multi)-day hikes in and around the Western Highlands of Guatemala and off the beaten path Guatemala. All treks are led by an experienced tour guide and equipment to borrow is included in the price. I did the Tajumulco hike with them and could not recommend it more – in fact, I wish I had had more time to do other hikes with them.

Most hostels offer a tour of Guatemala attractions in their vicinity and it’s worth joining their tours to get the most out of the region’s hotspots. Tours vary in price but on average cost between USD 15-25. I personally found not much of a difference in the tours offered by the various hostels, so save yourself some valuable time looking for the best Guatemala deal.

Get Your Guide   – If you plan to tour Guatemala independently, Get Your Guide helps you to find top-rated Guatemala excursions and activities to do in Guatemala. Choose from a full-day walking tour in Antigua, a Pacaya volcano trek or a Tikal day tour from Flores (with lunch). There are several day trips to choose from including Guatemala tours from Antigua, and it’s really simple to use. Just check the reviews, price and availability then book online. * Check rates and availability for all Guatemala day tours

Solo travel in Guatemala

Photo by Rike Radunz @rike_rad

Given the Guatemala transportation system and overall development of the country, Guatemala is predominantly travelled by backpackers making solo travel in Guatemala easy to meet others. While beautiful hotels can be found in the main tourist spots, most places cater to the large backpacker population and plenty of upscale hostels are about.

There’s also Airbnb which connects you to unique travel experiences and isn’t just limited to staying in a local’s spare room. All of the accommodations below have been recommended by solo female travellers from our Girls about the Globe community and come with a Solo Female Friendly endorsement. For all other accommodations check rates and availability for all Guatemala accommodation

Accommodation in Guatemala, El Hostal BnB

Antigua – El Hostal BnB – $

El Hostal is a small but very sociable hostel in a great location with hammocks that you can chill out in on the patio. The staff are really attentive and friendly and the breakfast is included. The bathrooms although shared are really clean and play ambient music.

Cafe No Se is just across the street and you are guaranteed to make friends when joining one of the tours offered by the hostel. Rooms are either a 6-bed female dorm, 7 or 10-bed mixed dorm or you can choose a private double room for more privacy. * Check rates and availability: El Hostal BnB

Accommodation in Guatemala, Somos

Antigua – Somos – $

Somos is a very modern and clean hostel. Not only do they offer a TV with Netflix so you can catch up on your favourite series but they also offer a free perk card which gives discounts at their favourite places in the town.

If you need a break from all the socialising, this hostel is the perfect place for you as the bed cabins provide you with just the privacy you were looking for. Choose from a 3, 4, 6 or 8-bed mixed dorm room with a mix of single-bed cabins or even a double-bed tent. *   Check rates and availability: Somos

Antigua – Hotel Casa Antigua by AHS – $$

This beautiful historic building is situated in Antigua, close to the central park. It has everything you need for your stay including shops, beautiful gardens, terraces and a fountain, and you can use the nearby sauna and swimming pool for an extra charge. The staff speak English and also offer Spanish lessons. Choose from a double or triple room with a private bathroom *  Check rates and availability: Hotel Casa Antigua by AHS

Accommodation in Guatemala, Los Amigos

Flores – Los Amigos Hostel  – $

This place is the perfect mixture of opportunities to meet and party with people while also providing spaces to take it slow and chill all day long. It was the best hostel I stayed at whilst in Guatemala and I wish I’d stayed a bit longer to not only see Tikal Guatemala but Flores as well. They also have a spa onsite and offer massages. Just be prepared to socialise whilst you are here.  Choose from a 6 or 10-bed mixed dorm or a private basic or deluxe. *   Check rates and availability: Los Amigos Hostel

solo travel antigua guatemala

Guatemala City – Hotel Casa Veranda   – $$

If you’re searching for hotels in Guatemala City, this 4-star hotel is a good choice. The rooms are spacious and each suite has a living area, a balcony and a TV. Reception is open 24 hours, there’s a currency exchange and it’s just a short walk to the metro station and nearby restaurants. Choose from a master suite, a junior suite, or a master king suite. *  Check rates and availability for: Hotel Casa Veranda  

Accommodation in Guatemala, Circles Cafe and Hostel

Lake Atitlan – Circles Cafe and Hostel – $

Doubling up as a cafe, this tiny, cute hostel in San Marcos has one of the most relaxing vibes. There are plenty of places to sit within the cafe which serves a fabulous breakfast (it’s included). The bunk beds have curtains so you can have more privacy. Each bed has its own locker and there are plenty of plug sockets to charge your phone. Choose from a 6-bed dorm room or a private room. * Check rates and availability: Circles Cafe and Hostel

Accommodation in Guatemala, El Retiro Lanquin

Semuc Champey – El Retiro Lanquin – $

An absolute oasis of a place; this hostel has direct access to the water, dorms are quiet, and family-style dinners ensure you fall never short of opportunities to socialise. The tours offered are well organised and if you fancy a bit more of a party atmosphere the “Zephyr” Hostel is just a short walk away. Choose from a bed in a 6-bed dorm room, a cottage with a garden view (it’s still cheap honest) or a double room with a shared bathroom. *  Check rates and availability: El Retiro Lanquin

Tikal – Hotel Jungle Lodge Tikal – $$

If you’re planning on seeing Tikal, this gorgeous jungle lodge is in a great location near the entrance. There’s a restaurant on-site and a pool to get a break from the midday heat. You can buy your Tikal tickets from the front desk including the sunrise and sunset tours.

Enjoy a drink in the swanky bar, watch the sunset over the jungle from the restaurant and   listen to the sound of the howler monkeys at night. Choose from a standard or premium room, a junior suite or a suite with a jungle view. *  Check rates and availability for Hotel Jungle Lodge Tikal  

Solo Travel in Guatemala

Traveling in Guatemala

Getting around in Guatemala is easiest and safest by means of shuttle buses. Distances can be quite long and shuttle buses are air-conditioned and reasonably comfortable. The bus from Flores to Guatemala City, for example, takes 8 hours, and you can travel overnight or during the day.

For example, private shuttles from Guatemala City to Antigua cost approx $22 and take 2.5 hours. This Guatemala bus schedule makes planning your routes easier.

You are normally picked up directly from the hostel or hotel you are staying at and will be dropped off either at your next hostel if already known, or a public space, from where further transportation in Guatemala can be easily arranged. Shuttle buses in Guatemala are the most expensive mode of transport and can cost up to $10-20 one way.

The best way to travel in Guatemala and a cheaper option for shorter distances are to take a chicken bus Guatemala (old school buses), part of the culture when travelling Guatemala. Especially in and around Antigua they are a lot safer than travel guides will make you believe.

Knowledge of basic level Spanish is recommended to let the driver know where you need to get off, but people are quick to help even when there is a language barrier.

For bus travel in Guatemala, tickets with the Guatemala bus companies are normally no more than $3, depending on the distance travelled. Notable is that no difference between local and tourist tickets is made.

Car rental isn’t really recommended it isn’t the safest transport in Guatemala if you’re solo. Use one of the other ways of getting around to feel more comfortable.

* Rome2Rio is a good resource to plan travelling around. 

solo travel antigua guatemala

The lack of an extensive transport system causes travellers to move in unison – from the Belizean border to Antigua and the Lake towards Honduras or the other way around. All of the top tourist attractions in Guatemala are en route and a straightforward transportation system is in place that makes getting from one place to the next easy.

The ease of travel and straightforwardness of the shuttle system means that Guatemala can be travelled in as little as 2 weeks – with all the main tourist destinations ticked off. Add another week, and you’ll be able to get off the beaten track, too.

Whether you are looking to spend a week in Guatemala or 2 weeks in Guatemala, below are examples of a Guatemala travel itinerary. 

Guatemala Itinerary 7 Days:

a) If it’s your first time here and you’re unsure where to go in Guatemala you can see the main Guatemala tourist attractions on this Guatemala backpacking route. Guatemala City (1 night), Antigua (2 nights), Coban for Semuc Champey (2 nights), Flores & Tikal (2 nights) then onto Belize.

b) Antigua – 3 nights, shuttle bus to Guatemala City then fly to Flores – 3 nights, Tikal – 1 night.

Guatemala Itinerary 2 Weeks:

A realistic 2-week itinerary is to start off in Antigua and spend a couple of days near Lake Atitlan before moving towards Semuc Champey, Tikal, and then onto Belize and Mexico. If you fancy a roundtrip, add another week and instead of crossing the border, move towards the Atlantic coast before returning to Antigua.

The Guatemala climate does have a wet season so the best times to visit are between December and April when it is the dry season. Even when it rains in Guatemala it only rains for a few hours so don’t worry too much if the only time that you can go is outside of the dry season.

This chart shows the average temperature in Guatemala from January to December and the maximum day temperatures. 

solo travel antigua guatemala

When you are travelling to Guatemala, most international flights get in at Guatemala City airport, which is about an hour's drive away from Antigua.

From and To Antigua 

Getting to and from Antigua is easiest by arranging for a shuttle bus to pick you up. Although normally fairly safe, I would not recommend taking a chicken bus to Antigua or elsewhere from the airport. When organising a shuttle pick-up, you can either book a space on an already scheduled shuttle or if none of the offered times are suitable, book a private shuttle.

For private shuttles, it is easiest to get in touch directly with the hostel or hotel you are staying at. Prices are normally $40 per car, so you could easily try to find other travellers to carpool with at the airport as that will split the cost.

Pre-booking a space on a scheduled shuttle is best done through the operators below. Prices vary but are normally around $15. *  Adrenalina Tours

As a frame of reference, if you are coming from the US, immigration, customs and baggage reclaim can be done in under an hour of the scheduled arrival time.

Border Crossings

When you solo travel in Guatemala, remember that no exit fee is payable. There have been incidents where tourists were made to pay the equivalent of $3-4, however, this is not legal and from my experience efforts are made to avoid situations where tourists end up paying such fees. For example, most shuttle drivers will remind you of the lack of an exit fee.

Guatemala to Belize

How to get to Belize –  The best way to get to Belize and the most popular border crossing is via Flores at Melchor de Mencos. You simply book a shuttle to Belize or Mexico from Flores and all else is taken care of for you. As with any other border crossing, you need to physically walk through immigration and customs with all your belongings, however, the same shuttle you came in will be waiting for you on the other side of the border.

It is advised to exchange Guatemalan monies before exiting the country, especially if going straight from Guatemala to Mexico via Belize. There were no opportunities to exchange Guatemalan Quetzales once in Mexico.

Guatemala to Mexico

From Flores to the Mexico border, it’s only 1.5 hours. You can reach Palenque in Mexico within 6 hours from Tikal. There are a few bus companies that run from Guatemala to Mexico.

From Guatemala City, you can take the Trans Galgos Inter bus to Tapachula. Or take the Linea Dorada from Guatemala City to La Mesilla/Ciuada Cuauhtemoc.

Guatemala to Honduras

From Guatemala City, you can travel to various destinations in Honduras such as Copan, and La Ceiba (the gateway to the islands). Be careful with your belongings in some areas of Honduras such as Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula – other destinations that the buses go to. Toritos and Copanecos operate several buses a day to Santa Rosa de Copan.

Guatemala to El Salvador

There are a few buses that operate from Guatemala to El Salvador. Be careful in El Salvador as it’s not that safe for solos. The Tica Bus and Pullmantur, and Transporte Del Sol are some of the bus companies which go to El Salvador.

Where can I go from here?

  • Mexico – 2 hours 10 mins
  • Costa Rica – 1 hour 30 mins
  • Nicaragua – 1 hour 30 mins

solo travel antigua guatemala

To save you time searching, here are the most asked questions about Guatemala.

  • Can I drink the water? It isn't advised to drink tap water so consider taking your own water filter with you.
  • Is tipping expected? Not as stringent as in the US, rounding up is a good compromise.
  • Fixed price or barter? Barter.
  • What is Guatemala famous for? The ruins of Tikal, as well as Guatemala chocolate and its fantastic Guatemala coffee.
  • Any ATMS? Yes, there are banks in Guatemala and ATMs in the main tourist areas.
  • Which side of the road do they drive? Right.
  • Good for vegetarians? Yes.
  • Any Seven Wonders of the World? No, but make sure you visit Tikal, as it has been classed as one of the alternative wonders of the world. 

Guatemala Map

Plan a Trip to Guatemala

If you are planning a trip to Guatemala, here are some useful links to help you plan your trip including airlines that fly there, currency and events and festivals in the country. 

Budget – £25 a day

Guatemala facts.

Capital – Guatemala City

Population – 16.58 million

Languages in Guatemala – Spanish. There are also many Mayan languages in Guatemala. 

Guatemala Currency – Guatemalan quetzal 

Do I need a visa? Not on a British passport 

Vaccinations For Guatemala  

Useful Info

Airlines to Guatemala

The Best Month to Visit Guatemala – December – April

Which Plug Do I Need?

UNESCO Sites in Guatemala

Events and Festivals in Guatemala

Guatemala Cost of Living   

Guatemala Traditions and Guatemala Culture Facts  

Guatemala’s Sacred Sites  

Did you know? Lake Atitlán is the deepest lake in Central America, at approximately 340 meters.

Situated in Semuc Champey, Utopia Eco Hotel looks over the Rio Cahabon. Made from Guatemalan materials 100% of all revenue goes into environmental and community programs. Choose camping on the riverfront, dormitory-style rooms or coffee cabanas. They offer Spanish lessons too. 

Earth Lodge is an avocado farm just outside of Antigua Guatemala. This natural retreat is famous for its volcano views and friendly vibe. Stay in the dorm room, camp in a tent or in one of the magical treehouses with amazing views. The lodge in involved with the local community and fundraises for the local school. 


When you are traveling to Guatemala you may want to volunteer with Casa Guatemala,  a children’s village on the Rio Dulce. Help volunteer by teaching or looking after the children, playing sports or just helping with their homework.  Find other volunteering experiences for solo travel in Guatemala through Go Overseas

Cultural experiences

Discover local artisans' work and Guatemalan culture, or take a Quetzaltenango craft tour and make a traditional purse or jewellery. 

Local Projects

Guatemala has an absence of dental health within their culture. The introduction of the Western diet such as soft drinks and sugary sweets has created a number of health issues. Watch this video on the  Guatemala Dental Awareness Project to find out more…

Hotel Backpackers and Restaurant on the Rio Dulce helps support the Casa Guatemala Orphanage and School. Each cent spent here helps care for and educate more than 250 children.

Issues in the country

Guatemala has a history of cheap migrant labour, one of the most unequal societies and malnutrition rates in the world.  Four in ten children (43.4%) under five are chronically malnourished and nearly  half of the population cannot afford the cost of basic food. Read more…

Mind Body & Soul

Villa Sumaya is located on Lake Atitlan in a beautiful, tranquil spot. They offer all types of retreats such as a transformational cacao retreat, awareness and soul-nourishing retreats and yoga and meditation retreats.

The Yoga Forest is situated in San Marcos and has such a stunning view. If you love yoga and vegetarian food this retreat is perfect. Choose from a Release and Manifest Retreat, or The Alchemy of Living, amongst others.

Related Posts

  • Central America
  • Solo Travel in Belize
  • Solo Travel in Honduras
  • Solo Travel in Mexico
  • Visiting Tikal

About The Author

This article was written by Rike Radunz. Born and bred in Berlin, Germany, Rike is now loving life in Scotland. She loves road trips with her favourite being through Morocco, as well as travelling to places with stunning and extreme scenery. Follow her Instagram at rike_rad.

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3 Best Hostels in Antigua Guatemala – Boutique Design that deserves 5 Stars and a big Thumbs Up

Matt Kiefer - Hostel Expert on

Considering a trip to Central America? Perhaps you’re looking to experience volcanoes, rainforests and Mayan sites. In that case; let us show you the absolute best hostels in Antigua Guatemala.

Quite honestly, the thing that most stands out in Antigua is the hostels and the stunning surrounding scenery. It’s possible to bask in colonial charm, climb volcanoes and enjoy a good old fashioned party hostel in this city.

Not too far from here you can also discover the best hostels in Lake Atitlan .

Your shortcut:

  • Maya Papaya – perfect for solo travelers
  • Barbara’s Boutique Hostel – top pick for female solo travelers
  • The Purpose Hostel – great for backpackers

We’re so excited to show off this hostel collection. Solo travellers, couples & backpackers, this guide is for you.

Money-saving tip : Compare hostel prices with . They compare prices from Hostelworld, and others with 1 click.

Maya Papaya is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala

This guide is perfect for YOU, when you…

  • are tired of crappy hostels!
  • want a social Hostel to actually meet people
  • are happy to spend $1 to $2 more for a much better experience

NEW : best hostels in Semuc Champey & nearby Lanquin.

In neighbouring Mexico you can also find the best hostels in Puerto Escondido , Oaxaca and more. Here is our guide to all top hostels Mexico has to offer

  • Introduction
  • #1 Maya Papaya
  • #2 Barbara’s Boutique Hostel
  • #3 The Purpose Hostel
  • cheapest hostels in Antigua Guatemala
  • best hostels in Antigua Guatemala for solo travellers
  • fun party hostels in Antigua Guatemala
  • more hostels worth a mention
  • discounts and promo codes

How to book?

  • all hostel and sights on a map

You can find all 5 Star Hostels here with Hostelgeeks and all guides to “ Best Hostels In ” here.

Quick Introduction to Antigua Guatemala

Average price for a bed : Hostels in Antigua Guatemala cost 5€ – 10€ per night for a bed in a dorm. A private room starts from 39€ up to 79€ per night. This is a rough average just to give you an idea.

Prices always depend on season and holidays. Please always check exact rates on or .

Check-In and Check Out : The average check-in time is from 15:00 (3pm), while the Check Out time is before 11:00 (11am). Hostels usually offer luggage storage in case you arrive earlier or leave later. Make sure you check if luggage storage is free or if there is an extra cost.

🎁 New to Hostels? Read our guide to staying in a Hostel for the First Time here. We especially recommend reading:

  • How to book hostels? (and websites to save $)
  • 23 clever items: the hostel packing list to download
  • How does the Hostelworld App work exactly? Our Advanced Guide

The 3 Best Hostels in Antigua Guatemala

Let’s jump right into the boutique hostels in Antigua Guatemala.

  • Maya Papaya
  • Barbara’s Boutique Hostel
  • The Purpose Hostel

We put all three accommodation on the map , you will find the map at the end of the article.

Overview: Best Hostels by Traveler Type

1. Maya Papaya

Ok let’s dive in and kick-start with our #1 hostel in this part of the world. For a more luxury experience (with a hostel price), we can’t recommend Maya Papaya enough.

This collection of hotel professionals really know what the words comfort , design and luxury stand for, seriously.

They understand that details are important, which is why they provide…

  • FREE traditional Guatemalan breakfast
  • fluffy duvet covers
  • indoor and outdoor hangout areas
  • Netflix (sometimes it’s needed , right?)

But that’s not all!

There is also an onsite bar with daily drinks specials, including their famous mojitos for just Q20.

The bar is actually located out in the courtyard which is also a beautiful space to hang out in. There’s shade, sun and plenty of seating.

Make sure you also join in on the family dinners and free market tours that are offered during the week. This is why we rate this a top hostel for solo travellers – it’s so easy to meet people here.

As for the rooms? Well, you’re in for a treat as there are plenty of options to choose from.

Good to know : This hostel is child friendly (under 13s allowed in private rooms only).

From luxurious private rooms for couples, cosy 4-bed mixed dorms and a sociable 14-bed dorm. Not to mentinon that all important female only dorm!

Location : Situated 500 m from Santa Catalina Arch and 8 km from Hobbitenango.

This is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala for

  • Solo travellers of every kind

Compare prices and read reviews at: | Hostelworld

Maya Papaya is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala

2. Barbara’s Boutique Hostel

Coming in close at second place is Barbara’s Boutique Hostel .

And yes, it’s yet again another boutique hostel full to the brim with gorgeous design and homely vibes!

Read : 28 Handpicked Boutique Hostels

The building is a small old colonial style house located in the centre of Antigua Guatemala. It too is full of history and details that you’ll find yourself taking pictures of.

Let’s see; what kinds of things make a hostel feel like home? How about…

  • A complimentary and filling breakfast
  • Cake at 5pm
  • Privacy curtains for some ‘you time’
  • Hot, powerful showers
  • A kitchen with working oven

It’s all to be enjoyed at Barbara’s place!

There’s also a lovely range of rooms on offer for different traveler types.

Good to know : there is a maximum stay of 14 nights and only people aged 18+ can stay.

Perhaps you prefer a mixed dorm. Great, there are 4, 6, and 10-bed options, with a 6-bed female only dorm thrown in.

Otherwise why not treat yourself to a private room. For budget travellers there is a budget double, and those with a bit more cash can book a double with private bathroom.

Drop your bags and head to the common areas.

Meet people in the courtyard, or strike up a conversation in the comfy lounge area over cake and tea. There’s also a rooftop, don’t forget.

Location : Stay here and you’ll be around three and a half blocks from Central Park. As you’ll be situated in the centre of Antigua, most of the sites are within comfortable walking distance.

  • Female solo travellers
  • Older travellers

Barbara's Boutique Hostel is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala

3. The Purpose Hostel

The Purpose Hostel is aptly named in that they have a clear purpose for opening up this space for travellers:

“We connect likeminded people locally and globally to create and nurture a culture of enthusiasm, support, respect, inclusiveness and kindness that allows us all to learn, grow and play together.”

How great does that sound?

Certainly something you may consider being a part of during your time in Antigua Guatemala. Stay here and you’re doing good to support the local community just by sleeping!

Alongside mixed and female-only dorms , there is also a deluxe family suite perfect for up to 4 people.

Without doubt the best part of this hostel is the rooftop area which is also a mini garden. From up there you can see all three volcanoes and there is plenty of space for yoga, chilling and simply enjoying a cup of coffee.

Speaking of coffee: it’s on offer for free each morning!

Want to know something else super cool? The staff are learning sign language to include the deaf community and guests. It’s not just about selling beds to travellers.

This hostel does in fact also serve as a training facility and community skill centre.

Short and long-term volunteering opportunities can be found here . Just speak with the awesome staff to find out more.

You pay it forward to the community, and they pay it forward to the backpacker community. It’s a win-win!

Location : In a quiet neighbourhood of town, yet just short stroll from great restaurants, sights and nightlife. Central Park is 5 block away, and Tanque la Union is 2 blocks away.

  • Backpackers

The Purpose Hostel is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala

What about the cheapest hostels in Antigua?

Of course, there are always cheap hostels. But how do you actually find them? When you are traveling on a shoe-string budget and you want to save every dollar, there are ways to find the cheapest places in Antigua.

  • Open with a full list of all hostels in Antigua
  • add your dates
  • Order the listings by price

Simple as that. is a price comparison site for hostels . They list every single one in the world and tells you exactly which website is cheaper to use.

Another smart Tip : Check what is actually included, and what is excluded. Take a closer look at the location, too. A further location might mean more costs in transport.

Best Hostels in Antigua Guatemala for Solo Travellers?

What is seriously the best hostel in Antigua Guatemala for solo-travellers? Of course we are going to mention our #1 hostel in Antigua here!

Maya Papaya really is the best hostel for solo travellers.

Not only do they offer a great range of rooms – female only, small & large mixed dorms and affordable privates – but there are also plenty of ways to meet new people here.

Join a family dinner and free market tours that happen during the week. The courtyard-bar area is also a great place to get chatting.

See you there!

Maya Papaya is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala

Party Hostels in Antigua Guatemala

Update : Sorry dear readers, our recommendation for a party hostel in Antigua has now closed. Right now we do not have an alternative party hostel to recommend.

The places above are super social and it is easy to meet people.

Any Discounts?

You can find all our hostel discounts worldwide here. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the freshest hostel discounts directly in your inbox. We even have special discount codes we only share in the newsletter.

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The most popular booking platforms are and On both platforms, your credit card is 100% protected and the booking 100% confirmed.

We included some handy links to each of the recommended hostel. Just click on the hostel name. The link will lead you to check prices and availability.

Read : Step-by-Step guide on how to book with Hostelworld

We recommend booking your hostel as early as possible! All of Antigua best hostels are popular; especially in high-season. To make sure you end up in those stylish and good hostels, secure your room/bed as soon as you have your travel dates fix.

The coolest Hostel App you need comes as well from Hostelworld. It gives you super cool features like you can contact your hostel mates beforehand, ask questions, and make plans together. Find more details in our review of the app .

Download the Hostelworld App here

QR Code to Download your Hostelworld app with one scan

Need an eSIM Card for Antigua?

Get your eSIM Card with instantly online. It is easy to set up and cheap! Read our review of Airalo here .

No more searching for mobile stores. Get your eSIM Card for now and enjoy it instantly after landing in your new destination.

Need an eSIM Card for Antigua?

Our Favorite Hostels in Antigua put on a map + sights

Let us have a look on the map. Below we list all three best Antigua Guatemala hostels on a map.

Personally, we love to plan our trips with a map having all sights and potential hostels on it. We thought this map will help you with planning your trip too.

We also included the main tourist attractions you’ve to know in this list:

  • Santa Catalina Arch
  • Cerro de La Cruz
  • Central Park
  • Tanque La Unión
  • Convento Capuchinas
  • Iglesia de la Merced

Any questions about hostels in Antigua? 🤔

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Flights to Antigua?

We use Skyscanner and to find cheap flights and good connections all over the globe.

Skyscanner has a bunch of cool features like Multi-City Trip. Instead of doing this research step-by-step, Skyscanner offers this flight planning tool.

review of Skyscanner flight searches

More guides

Alright, this is your answer to where to stay in Antigua Guatemala. Don’t forget to consider taking a trip to discover the best hostels in Semuc Champey and best hostels in Flores , Guatemala.

We did the leg work for you and bring you more hostel guides to destinations:

  • best hostels in Guatemala
  • best hostels in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
  • 13 best hostels in Nicaragua
  • best surf hostels in Nicaragua
  • 44 best hostels in Costa Rica + 5 star hostels
  • best hostels in San Juan , Puerto Rico
  • best hostels in Mexico City part of the 40 best hostels in Mexico
  • best hostels in Puerto Escondido , Mexico
  • best hostels in Panama City , Panama
  • best hostels in Rio Dulce
  • best hostels in Caye Caulker, Belize
  • best hostels in San Pedro, Belize
  • best hostels in Belize

You can find all our new and updates articles for Best Hostels in here .

We also created a huge guide to hostels . Here we cover how to build lifetime friendships in hostels , the perfect packing list and more.

Over to you

Do you have any questions left, maybe doubts? Then please leave it in the comment below. We are very keen to help you - and actually you would even do us a favor!

Your question will help us to improve this Antigua guide.

Last note: Our commitment

This is a genuine article to help you travel a bit smarter, and find the best place on a budget! We will never recommend you any place we haven’t evaluated or are not convinced by. We are constantly updating all our guides to keep them as fresh and accurate as possible.

Safe travels, The Hostelgeeks

– – – pin it for later

A complete guide to the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala for solo travellers & backpackers

CLOSED: Cucuruchos Boutique Hostel

Update : Ah what a shame! Our 5 star hostel closed its doors permanently in 2020, sorry.

Our #1 hostel is a 5 star hostel . It’s an awesome design-led hostel and an accommodation that will be the highlight of your trip to Antigua Guatemala.

Kick off your shoes and step inside Cucuruchos Boutique Hostel. It’s without doubt the best hostel in Guatemala. This used to be an ‘after party’ venue, so you can expect a perfect location, uber cool design and comfy, clean digs.

We love how this old colonial building holds tons of history and small details inside its four walls.

The consistently high reviews say it all.

“Great place to stay, but don’t tell too many people!”

Our favourite spot is surely the rooftop. There are some great views from up there, and you’ll find weights and yoga mats to use.

To be honest, there is lots to get excited about:

  • 24/7 reception & no curfew
  • Intimate, cosy common areas
  • Shared kitchen + long dining table
  • Privacy curtain, plug + light in dorms

Each room is beautifully designed with privacy and boutique vibes in mind.

There are mixed dorms, a female-only option and a double room for the couples out there.

To help settle you in, a free breakfast is offered each morning. And everyone raves about it!

Note : groups are considered as long as they all share the same room. A minimum booking of 3-nights is required.

Location : All of the main sights of Antigua are within walking distance. This hostel is located in the centre of the city, just a block and a half from the Central Park. Tanque La Union is just around the corner.

  • Solo travellers

CLOSED: Bigfoot Hostel Antigua

Update : Bigfoot has permanently closed its doors.

How about jumping into a jacuzzi after a big day hiking one of the volcanoes?

You better stay with Bigfoot Hostel in that case.

We fell in love with the design of this place – it’s super impressive, especially the onsite Antiguan courtyards!

What else is there?

  • Vibrant bar & restaurant
  • Oversized single beds
  • Pet friendly private rooms
  • 24-hour reception
  • Super fast Wifi

To top it off there is a handy tour agency running at the hostel. They offer great advice, booking and very reasonable prices.

Stay here and you’ll be in the heart of Antigua surrounded by restaurants, cafes and great nightlife.

Bigfoot Hostel is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala

CLOSED: Matiox Hostel Antigua

Update : Matiox has permanently closed.

Yet another seriously cool and hip hostel worth checking out is Matiox.

Once again there is an onsite bar and hot tub for everyone to enjoy. Woohoo!

“Without doubt the best hostel I’ve stayed in so far during my 13 month trip around the world.”

But don’t take her word for it. Just look at these inclusions:

  • Fully-fitted kitchen
  • Chill area with TV & Netflix
  • Hammocks & sofas
  • Privacy pod beds

See you there.

Matiox is one of the best hostels in Antigua Guatemala

CLOSED: Three Monkeys Hostel

Are you in search of a hostel that supports fun, giggles and cheap drinks?

Look no further and book your stay with Three Monkeys Hostel.

We have to admit, this is not technically a party hostel. Instead it encourages a social and fun atmosphere whilst still maintaining a level of privacy.

This is supported by:

  • Beautiful garden & patio area
  • Intimate bar
  • Comfy lounge w/ books, TV & sofas

Have a few drinks with new friends at the hostel, and once it closes at 10pm head to the nearby nightlife. Sorted!

Three Monkeys Hostel is one of the best party hostels in Antigua Guatemala

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The Bamboo Traveler

Where to Stay in Antigua: 5 Best Hotels and Hostels

by Julie | Mar 27, 2022 | Guatemala , Travel

the yellow arch in Antigua, Guatemala

Finding an affordable but also charming place to stay in Antigua can be frustrating. The city has some really gorgeous hotels and hostels with loads of character, but there are also lots of duds. Knowing which ones are the real gems can make your visit to Antigua even more special than if your accommodations were average or less than average.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the 5 best places to stay in Antigua based on my month-long stay in the city. Some of the places I listed are ideal for those backpacking through Guatemala , while others are for those wanting a bit more comfort in their digs. I stayed in ALL of the places I’m recommendin g.

My criteria for choosing where to stay in Antigua:

  • stunning views of the volcanoes
  • loads of character and charm
  • within walking distance of the main square
  • a good price for what you get

Here are my 5 recommendations for THE best places to stay in Antigua (click on the link to jump to my review):

  • El Meson de Maria – mid-range and full of character, great location, and a yummy breakfast
  • Arte y Hotel – budget to mid-range, full of character and fab owner
  • Earth Lodge – budget to mid-range outside of Antigua, beautiful views
  • The Purpose – hostel with THE best volcano views
  • Hotel Casa del Cerro – budget hotel; clean and inexpensive for Antigua

Check out my 2022-2023 Guatemala Travel Guide for more tips, tricks, ideas, and inspiration for visiting the land of eternal spring. You’ll find over 15 travel articles to help you explore the history, culture, food, and natural beauty of Guatemala.

map of places to stay in Antigua, Guatemala

A. Best Mid-range Hotels in Antigua

During my month-long stay in Antigua, I stayed at 3 terrific mid-range hotels . All of them were super comfortable and had loads of character.

1. Hotel El Meson de Maria

  • COST: They offer rooms at a variety of price points; the cheapest rooms are US$40’s – $50’s
  • TYPE: hotel
  • PRO: beautiful, comfortable, clean, stylish, centrally-located, free delicious breakfast, professional staff
  • CONS: WiFi is on the slow side

Have you ever stayed in a place that was better than the photos used on booking websites?

Rarely, right?

Usually, the reality is worse than what is advertised.

But with El Meson de Maria , the photos online do not do the hotel justice . This is one drop-dead gorgeous hotel located smack dab in the historic center of Antigua. Plus, it’s at a reasonable price.

Elegant and stylish décor and ambiance/vibe

What makes this hotel so special is that it oozes character and style . Whoever decorated the hotel has great taste and a very keen eye for detail .

Every little nook and cranny must have been carefully planned out. You’ll find wonderful and quirky antiques in different corners of the hotel: an antique stove, an antique dentist’s chair, and an old wooden chest.

courtyard filled with tables and chairs

The rooms are located around the outside of a central courtyard, where people have breakfast. There are smaller courtyards as well.

a sofa and chairs along a corridor

Along the walls, there are comfortable sofas and chairs that aren’t just for decoration. You can sit outside your room in a comfy chair or sofa and relax, work, or socialize.

rooftop terrace at El Meson de Maria

The highlight is the rooftop terrace with its 360-degree views of Antigua and its 3 volcanoes . You can watch El Fuego erupt at all hours of the day.

Elegant, comfortable, and spacious rooms

Even though I stayed in the least expensive room in the hotel, my room was elegant, comfortable, and spacious.

a hotel room with bed, two bedside tables with lamps and window

You get a large, comfortable bed with two nightstands. Lots of soft lighting that gives the room a comfortable and cozy feel.

There’s a large wooden armoire where you can put your clothes.

They also have safe deposit boxes in the room.

a bathroom with sink, toilet, and shower

The bathroom is a decent size with enough counter space to place your toiletries. The shower does have hot water. And you get nice fluffy towels.

An added bonus is a window ! When you’re traveling on a budget, a window is a rarity.

Central location is perfect for solo travelers

Out of all my favorite hotels in Antigua, El Meson de Maria has the best location. It’s close to some of the best sights in Antigua : a block from the central square, a block from the famous Arch of Antigua, and two blocks from the street food market.

As a solo female traveler, I love its central location. The streets near the hotel are always filled with people. I can easily walk around at night, visiting cafes, bars, and restaurants, or just hanging out in the central square taking photos and people-watching.

an antique stove

Free breakfast

You also get a FREE breakfast of either pancakes or a typical Guatemalan breakfast. The pancakes come with lots of fruit, jam, butter, syrup, and a glass of juice. The best pancakes I’ve had in Guatemala .

pancakes with fruit

Is the WiFi good?

The WiFi is slow compared to other places to stay in Antigua . I didn’t have to do any teaching when I was there, but if I had, I’m not sure if I would have been able to have a smooth Zoom experience. I overheard another person struggle with getting a Zoom connection.

Reasonably priced

Because I am at a Genius Level 2 on, I got a free upgrade from a standard room to a superior room. At the time I paid only US$44 for a room that would normally be priced at over $60.

A great place to stay in Antigua for mid-range travelers

Overall, El Maison de Maria is one of the best places to stay in Antigua. It’s a really good deal. It’s great for solo travelers who aren’t on a tight budget .


  • 32 Best Things to Do in Antigua
  • 50 Best Things to Do at Lake Atitlan
  • Best Guide to Visiting the Chichicastenango Market

2. Arte y Hotel

  • COST: US$31 for a single room with a private bath – US$44 for a room with 1 double bed and private bath
  • TYPE: private rooms
  • PROS: very stylish and new hotel; beautiful artwork on the walls; lots of special touches like free earplugs and air purifiers in the room; an outdoor garden to relax in; kitchen; the owner is friendly and helpful
  • CONS: Windows just open up into the hotel and not into the open air

If I ever go back to Antigua, Arte y Hotel is the place where I would stay. I just loved this stylish and unique hotel so much that I need to stay in it at least one more time.

Colorful and artistic decor

a room with table and white walls filled with colorful art work

At Arte y Hotel it’s all about the art. Art is everywhere . There are colorful pictures painted onto the walls in the hallway, above doorways, in the garden, in your room, in your bathroom… It makes the hotel special, like no other hotel you’ve stayed at.

The entrance to the hotel is kind of quirky— you need to walk through a convenience store! In the end, it turns out to be pretty convenient since if you need to buy snacks or drinks, everything is right there.

sofa and chairs along white walls covered in colorful art

The rest of the hotel is long and narrow. You walk down a hallway covered in art and lined with sofas and chairs and tables.

There’s a kitchen that serves coffee 24/7 and has free filtered water that you can take to refill your water bottle. The hotel serves breakfast in the morning.

an outdoor area with tables and chairs underneath a canopy

At the back of the hotel is a cool outdoor space with tables and chairs and sofas for relaxing or eating or working or studying. You can see El Fuego and Acatenango from the garden.

Beautiful, stylish, clean, and comfortable rooms

The rooms are comfortable, stylish, and colorful. And oh so clean ! It’s a new hotel, so the rooms feel like you’re the first person to sleep in them.

a room with bed covered in a yellow blanket and white walls painted with a tree and flowers

Painted on the walls in my room was a tree with birds and flowers.

storage area in room at Arte y Hotel

The photos make the room look smaller than it really is. In fact, I thought it felt spacious, perhaps because there were sufficient compartments to store my luggage so it was out of the way.

It has two things I look for in a room: clean white sheets and a bedside lamp with a soft light that gives off a nice comfy vibe. I can also use the light to read before going to bed and to click on if I need to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night or if I hear a noise in the middle of the night and need to see what’s going on.

The room is filled with all these cute little special touches like an air purifier, snacks, body lotion, earplugs, disinfectant spray, mosquito swatter, and a hairdryer.

a bathroom with sink and shower at Arte y Hotel

The bathroom was clean and had plenty of space to put one’s toiletries. The walls of the bathroom were also covered in artwork.

The hotel is located in the eastern part of the city not far from the main square. There are tons of restaurants and bars nearby . It’s a very active street, so I felt safe walking around in the evening.

It’s also close to a lot of popular sights in Antigua such as the museums at the Hotel Santo Domingo and 3 of the best

solo travel antigua guatemala

On the 3 rd floor is the Sky Bar , a bar with great views of the city and volcanoes. They also have good Happy Hour prices for mixed drinks.

Is it noisy?

You might be concerned that with the Sky Bar on the rooftop of this hotel it would be noisy. The bar closes at 9:00 pm and it doesn’t play loud music. I never heard any noise from the bar when I was in my room or when I was in the garden.

However, when I was there, Antigua had a COVID curfew so restaurants and bars had to close early. Will it be different when the curfew is lifted? I don’t know, to be honest.

I have read some reviews in which people complain about the noise in the morning from the restaurant.

Friendly and welcome staff and owner

Here’s an example of how g reat the staff is:

When I arrived, there was a power outage in the neighborhood. It’s Antigua so you’ve got to get used to things like that. So, the lights were out in my room, but they gave me a battery-powered lamp to use until they turned back, which they did 3 hours later. I like that they were so attentive as to make sure I could see at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Also, the owner, Gustavo, is just wonderful. Before I even arrived, he sent me a WhatsApp message with info about the hotel and photos, and a video of my room. I heard from another guest that when they arrived, he gave them tours of the city.

a room at Arte y Hotel with 2 double beds and artwork covering white walls

Is breakfast included?

Breakfast is not included in the price, but they do serve it in the morning for guests.

I left at 6:00 am for a shuttle to Flores, so I’m not sure what the breakfast is like.

There is free coffee and tea.

The WiFi is great

The WiFi worked pretty well— reliable and fast for Guatemala .

Great hotel for solo travelers

This small stylish hotel is perfect for the solo female traveler .

It’s in a safe location, has a friendly and helpful staff and owner, and it feels very secure.

A great place to stay in Antigua for solo travelers and mid-range travelers

Overall, Arte y Hotel is a great place for a solo traveler if he or she can get a single room. Book ahead for this one as it fills up fast. It’s also a great place to stay in Antigua for those whose budget allows them to spend around US$40 or $50 a night.


  • How to Cross the Border from Belize to Guatemala
  • How to Cross the Border from Guatemala to Belize

3. Earth Lodge

  • COST: US$35
  • PROS: the views, the property, bathrooms, overall the staff were good; good price for what you get
  • CONS: you have to trek down a steep slope to get to the lodge and then walk up when leaving; it’s not locally owned and they hire mostly foreign workers instead of locals; not many staff follow COVID safety protocols;

If you’re staying for several days in Antigua, set aside 2 days to stay at Earth Lodge .  to enjoy its peace and quiet and its beautiful views overlooking Antigua and the volcanoes.

a view of volcanoes at dusk

Getting to the Lodge is hard but worth it

Earth Lodge is located 6 kilometers from Antigua . You can take an Uber to get there or have the Lodge arrange transportation for you. I took an Uber and it cost me Q37 (US$5) .

It took at least 30 minutes due to traffic and narrow windy roads. Arranging transport through the Lodge will cost Q50 (US$7), which is what I did for my ride back to Antigua. In the end, I preferred getting there by Uber.

Here’s the thing I didn’t like:

Once the Uber drops you off, it’s quite a trek of 500 meters do wn a steep slope to the lodge. It’s a combination of stairs and no stairs, an unpaved path, and a paved path. I have a bad knee so the walks down and back up were really hard. However, if I can make it, so can you.

an unpaved trail to Earth Lodge

The hotel will arrange for someone to meet you where the taxi drops you off and take your bags down for a fee.

To get back to Antigua, I had the Lodge arrange a ride for me, which I don’t recommend. It turned out that hiring an Uber yourself to come to pick you up is cheaper and faster than having the lodge do it for you.

A hotel set in a tranquil place with stunning views

a view of El Fuego and Acatenango from Earth Lodge

The main reason to stay here is for its setting. The hotel is located high above the cities of Antigua and Jocotanenago. You can see the cities below. It’s especially beautiful to see them all lit up at night. Across the valley are the 3 volcanoes of El Fuego, Acatenango, and Agua.

You’re also surrounded completely by nature. The only sounds are those of dogs in the nearby village barking and chickens and roosters in the morning.

Earth Lodge outdoor seating area

The property has a restaurant with a fireplace and an outdoor seating area with hammocks and lots of places to relax or work on your computer.

There is a yoga studio as well as a playground for children.

You’ll also find hiking trails around the property.

A room in a “treehouse”

stairs going up to Acatenango cabin at Earth Lodge

You won’t find one large building containing hotel rooms. Instead, each room is in its own separate structure—like a little trees house! Not exactly a treehouse but the rooms are cabins built on stilts and you need to climb up a ladder to get to yours.  It’s so cool!

Mine had a little deck with two separate rooms. One was the bedroom and the other was the bathroom.

cabin deck at Earth Lodge

The deck had space to sit and look at the valley below and the volcanoes across the way.

room with 2 beds and A-frame roof

The bedroom had 2 beds and a desk. This would be perfect for a couple or two friends. There was plenty of storage space and lighting. I also liked that there was nice soft lighting by the bed so you could read in bed or easily turn on the light in the middle of the night. The soft light also gives the room a cozy feel to it.

a bathroom with toilet, shower, and sink

The bathroom was large with lots of space to put your toiletries. The towels were soft and large. The shower actually had hot water.

a window with views of the volcanoes

My favorite part was the huge window with views of Acatenango and El Fuego. I woke up to use the bathroom at 5:00 am and I could watch El Fuego erupt and the lava rolls down the top of the volcano from the bathroom window.

Friendly and helpful staff

Except for one guy who was incredibly unfriendly and seemed resentful all the time, the staff and owner were very friendly and helpful.

The food is hit or miss

Earth Lodge is far from Antigua, so you’ll most likely have all your meals there. Food was a hit or miss. They have specials during dinner. That night they were serving lasagna and it wasn’t very good.

a bowl of fruit and granola

But my breakfast of yogurt and fruit and my lunch of a burger and fries were both delicious. However, the three meals I ate there cost more than my room!

Earth Lodge is a perfect retreat from the city

If you have a couple of days to spare, a stay at Earth Lodge is perfect.

Pro Tip: If you’re traveling to Guatemala, make sure to have BOTH Google Maps AND Maps.Me on your phone. Both of them have pros and cons and they’re both the most USEFUL apps for travel. Google Maps is great for reviews of restaurants and hotels. Plus, it works on your desktop or laptop. However, Maps.Me has more routes and roads that Google does not have for countries like those in Central America.

Budget Hotels and Hostels in Antigua

Antigua has loads of hostels to choose from, so finding a dorm room is easy. However, if you want a private room in a hostel, it’s hard to find one at the last minute as they fill up fast. They also tend not to be cheaper than a room at a hotel. However, with hostels, you get more of a chance to meet other people, which is great for solo travelers. Staff also tends to be more knowledgeable than those at budget hotels.

I stayed in three budget hotels and hostels when I was in Antigua: The Purpose , Yellow House , and Casa de Cerro.  I recommend The Purpose hostel and Casa del Cerro for those who need an inexpensive but clean private room.

4. The Purpose Hostel

  • COST: US$40 for a private room; $16 for a bed a 6-person dorm room
  • TYPE: Hostel with dorms and private rooms; NOT a party hostel
  • PROS: Newer and more modern; friendly staff that with loads of useful information; a very comfortable rooftop terrace with stunning views of all three volcanos; lots of spaces to
  • CONS: Expensive, bathrooms aren’t good; location is good during the day but not as great in the evening
  • BOOKING YOUR STAY: | Agoda | Hostel World

I was very fortunate to have chosen The Purpose as the first place I stayed in Antigua. Although it has its downsides, I think it’s still one of the better hostels in the city. It has comfy private rooms and an amazing view of the volcanoes from its rooftop terrace .

solo travel antigua guatemala

The Purpose is particularly good for solo travelers, not-so-young travelers, and people who’ve just arrived in Guatemala. It’s safe and the staff is very kind, helpful, and knowledgeable.

Here’s my honest review of The Purpose Hostel, including its pros and cons.

A hostel with tons of amenities

These are the things I look for in a hostel:

  • Loads of easily accessible travel info
  • Great common space to meet people
  • Clean rooms with lots of storage and a bedside lamp
  • Spacious bathrooms with clean toilets, showers, and sinks
  • A place to relax outside

The Purpose has all of that except for the large bathrooms.

a courtyad with cushions around the outside

There are three common spaces: a courtyard on the first floor, a workspace with desks and outlets to plug in your electronics on the second floor, and the best rooftop terrace in Antigua .

Rooftop Terrace is THE BEST in the city

solo travel antigua guatemala

The rooftop terrace is the highlight of this hostel. It has loads of comfy places to sit and even space for doing yoga.

a view of Volcano Agua from The Purpose hostel in Antigua Guatemala

But the piece de resistance is the 360-degree view of Antigua AND the three volcanoes: Agua, El Fuego, and Acatenango . Because it’s in the southern part of the city and the 3 volcanoes are south of the city, you get a better view of the volcanoes than you do from other hostels in Antigua .

El Fuego erupting next to Acatenango

During the day, you can see El Fuego erupt and spurt ash out from its top.

El Fuego at night with lava spurting out of top

In the evening, you can sometimes see lava come out and roll down the side of the volcano . It’s so cool!

Well-stocked kitchen with a quirky added bonus

Having a kitchen in a hostel is a huge plus and The Purpose has one that is filled with lots of pots, pans, dishes, utensils, and equipment.

They also have free tea and coffee all day long ! So nice if you’re an early riser or taking an early morning bus.

The one thing they don’t have is a sink. A bit odd, don’t you think? BUT that means you NEVER have to do your own dishes.

Yes, that’s right.

You just leave your dirty dishes in a plastic container and the staff does them for you. So, it turns into an unexpected bonus in the end.

Very Comfy and spacious private rooms

The Purpose has both private rooms with shared baths and dorms.

I stayed in a private room. The room was clean and comfortable , and it had lots of space to store my things . The moment I entered the room, I thought of IKEA.  

bedroom at The Purpose hostel

For me, a room needs to have two things: white sheets so you can tell if the bed is dirty or not AND a bedside lamp that gives off a nice warm comfy glow to the room and that you can easily read a book while in bed or turn on in the middle of the night in case you hear a noise or you need to go to the bathroom. The room at The Purpose had both, so I was very happy.

Another thing I liked about rooms at this hostel was the many places to store things. They had a place to hang clothes, several shelves, a desk, and a cupboard to lock up your things.

They had these cute Christmas lights strung up along the back of my bed. They were cute but I had to unplug them if I wanted to plug in my phone and use the bedside lamp at the same time. Still, I liked the nice comfy glow that the lights gave to the room.

The dorm rooms are pretty basic. There are your typical bunk beds. You’ve got a flimsy privacy curtain. But you do get a bedside light, outlets, and some storage space .

solo travel antigua guatemala

What is special is the fact that they have female-only dorm rooms with only 4 bunk beds in a room! That is a rarity in Guatemala.

They also have mixed dorm rooms.

Antigua is a small compact city, so everything is pretty much within walking distance from each other. The Purpose is no different. It’s about a 10-minute walk from the main square . There aren’t a lot of restaurants on the same street, but there are plenty of cafes and restaurants a block away.

It’s also a block and a half away from one of my favorite bakeries: Santa Clara Bakery!

However, at night, the streets around it can get pretty dark, so I never felt completely comfortable walking alone late at night.

Is it a party hostel?

No, it’s definitely not a party hostel. It’s actually a rather quiet hostel even with all the common areas. But it’s still easy to meet people.

The staff is the second highlight of the hostel

The second highlight of my stay was the staff. They speak English really well, are super friendly and knowledgeable . If you have a question on how to get to X, Y, or Z cheaply, where to buy a charger for your phone, or where to eat authentic Guatemalteco food, they can tell you.

What I also liked was that if you arrive early, they’ll let you check in early if the room is available . They don’t give you any bureaucratic hassle like a lot of other hostels in Guatemala do.

Bathrooms and Showers

My only gripe with the hostel is the bathrooms.

On a good note, they have enough toilets and showers . The hostel has two floors and there are 3 sinks, 3 toilets, and 3 shower stalls on each floor.

a row of sinks and water cooler at The Purpose hostel

However, they are not separated by gender, so you don’t have much privacy when using the toilet or taking a shower. The only privacy you get in the shower stall is a flimsy curtain. The only place to hang your clothes and towel is on hooks OUTSIDE the stall. When you grab your towel or your clothes from the hooks, other people using the toilets or showers can see you. Changing your clothes in the shower without getting wet is also a bother, so I usually covered up with a towel to walk to and from my room and change in my room. But if you’re in a dorm, you can’t really do that.

The toilet stalls also lack privacy . The toilet stalls have these awful saloon-style doors. They are annoying if you need to use the toilet quickly. Once, one of the double doors fell off when I was in the toilet!

The last thing is that sometimes the toilets smell bad . The staff tries hard to cover up the smell with spray, but at times if someone goes #2, you can smell it all over the building.  


The hostel is super clean. When I stayed there, it seemed like the staff was cleaning the place 24/7.

Did they take COVID seriously?

The staff all wore face masks but they did not insist that guests do.

Perfect for not-so-young travelers

For more mature solo travelers, The Purpose is one of the best places to stay in Antigua. It’s NOT a party hostel. Plus, it’s very quiet and safe.

Perfect place to stay in Antigua for solo travelers

The Purpose is also one of the best places to stay in Antigua for solo travelers as it feels safe, the staff is easy to talk to, and there are lots of opportunities to meet other travelers.


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  • 15 Best Books on Guatemala

More hostels in Antigua

Along with The Purpo se Hostel , I also stayed at Yellow House Hostel . This place has terrific customer service and amazing free breakfasts, but I wasn’t too thrilled about my room. I’ve also included a list of a few more popular hostels in Antigua.

Yellow House Hostel

  • COST: US$12
  • TYPE: hostel
  • PROS: excellent free breakfast; good WiFi, good location, nice and friendly staff
  • CONS: only 2 showers and 3 bathrooms for everyone; private rooms are small and uncomfortable

I stayed at Yellow House for several days and I have mixed feelings about it . First, on a good note, the staff are so friendly and kind . They actually try to get to know you on a first-name basis and greet you and make sure you’re doing ok.

They don’t have a kitchen for you to use, but they have probably the best FREE hostel breakfast in all of Central America.

There’s a decent rooftop terrace where you can work and hang out and the WiFi is pretty good . However, the views of the volcanoes aren’t so great.

The biggest downside for me was my room. It was small and dingy with no space to store things . It also felt a bit dirty , at least the one they put me in.

There are also only 2 showers and 3 toilets for everyone! So, I had to often wait to use the showers.

However, I talked to other people who stayed there and they loved it . I also think all the other private rooms looked much nicer than mine.

Yellow House is one of the better places to stay in Antigua for backpackers and budget travelers, but I think The Purpose is better.

Ojala – ( | Agoda ) Ojala is a newer hostel (opened in 2019) that looks really beautiful. It has boutique-style dorm rooms with privacy curtains and all that jazz. It’s in a great location just a couple of blocks from the main square. The rooms are pricier at US$22 and the private rooms are higher than the ones you’ll find at a hotel.

Adra Hostel – ( | Agoda ) Adra is another popular hostel located near the Zocalo . It’s got dorms but no private rooms. I’ve seen photos where the bunk beds are stacked 3 on top of each other. There’s a garden, restaurant, and bar on the premises, so it seems more like a party hostel.

Maya Papaya – ( | Agoda ) Maya Papaya advertises itself as the best hostel in Central America. I don’t know about that as I didn’t stay there.

solo travel antigua guatemala

You can probably easily get a dorm there. Whenever I checked on private rooms, they were ALWAYS sold out. Their dorm rooms are pricey at $20 to $24 a night, but they have privacy curtains, bedside lamps, shelves, and an outlet. Their private rooms are also pricey at around $50 to $63 a night.

It’s located near La Merced Church , where you can get cheap street food in the evening.

There’s a bar in the hostel, so I think it might be on the party-side of the hostel spectrum.

Selina – ( | Agoda ) – Selina is a chain hostel/coworking space. Their dorm rooms are only US$12 a night and their private rooms are between US$32 and $46. The location is great—near La Merced Church, which has a night market where you can get cheap street food.

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  • Top Places to Stay at Lake Atitlan

5. Hotel Casa del Cerro

  • COST: $20 a night
  • TYPE: budget hotel
  • PROS has the least expensive rooms in Antigua; for the price, it’s a good deal; very clean and quiet
  • CONS: no hot water, and WiFi is not so good in the rooms

Casa del Cerro may not be one of the most charming places to stay in Antigua, but if you’re on a tight budget and don’t do dorm rooms, it’s an excellent deal. The rooms are around US$20 a night—cheaper than private rooms at hostels in Antigua. They have both rooms with private baths and ones with shared baths . I did the private ones as that was what was available at the time.

solo travel antigua guatemala

The reception is in a traditional pueblo-style building with a courtyard and yard, where you can have breakfast in the morning or do your Spanish homework in the afternoon and evening as I did. The WiFi is the best here.

The bedrooms are in a two-story building (in the photo above).

Free coffee and filtered water are provided.

They also serve inexpensive breakfasts .

Spacious and clean rooms

The rooms are spacious and clean . Mine had 2 beds and a sofa. I didn’t need 2 beds, but when you book at the last minute as I do, that’s all that is available.

The mattress is ok but the sheets are that scratchy uncomfortable kind that seems to be popular in cheap hotels in Guatemala. However, for the price of this hotel, it’s fine.

The rooms are cleaned daily, so they are spotless.

solo travel antigua guatemala

There are also plenty of places to store your things. I liked that it had several hooks to hang things like towels and clothes.

solo travel antigua guatemala

One of the biggest downsides for me was that my shower had no hot water . I asked management about it, and I was told that there was only hot water in the morning and afternoon and not in the evening. Therefore, I took a shower in the morning, but there was still no hot water.

I think if you get a room on the first floor, you’re more likely to get hot water.

The other downside was that the window in my room opened up into an airshaft, so I didn’t get much natural light or ventilation. But lack of a real window is common in budget hotels in Guatemala.

Another negative is that the WiFi signal was not strong enough to use in my room. However, if you get a room on the first floor , you’ll probably get a stronger and more stable connection as it’s closer to the router.

Quiet Location

The hotel is located right at the edge of the city under Cerro de la Cru z ( Google Maps ), a hill with a cross on it and with great lookout points over the city. It’s within walking distance of all the tourist attractions around the city.

On a plus point, it’s quiet. The road that passes in front of the hotel is picturesque .

On the downside, the area is quite dark and there’s not much foot traffic at night. I didn’t feel completely safe walking back to my hotel alone at night.

Does the WiFi work well?

The WiFi did not work well in my room on the second floor, but it worked well outside in the yard , where I would sit and work on my laptop at a table. However, when it got dark out, there wasn’t enough light to see what I was doing.

I suspect if your room is on the first floor, you’ll get good WiFi reception.

Yes, I felt like they did. The staff wore face masks and the rooms were cleaned well. Most of the guests didn’t wear face masks, however.

My overall impression of the Casa del Cerros

For the price, Casa del Cerros is a pretty good choice. Ask for a room on the first floor as I think the WiFi works better and you’ll have more of a chance of getting hot water.

If you’re a solo traveler, book early. I ended up paying more because the rooms for one person were all sold out.

Other decent budget hotels in Antigua

There are 2 other budget hotels that looked pretty good to me but I did not stay in:

Hotel La Sin Ventura – US$25 – ( | Agoda ) The price for Hotel La Sin Venture is pretty good (US$25) and the location is wonderful—better than Hotel del Cerros.

Maison Bougainvillea – US$25 – ( | Agoda ) Maison Bougainvillea gets really good reviews. The price is also decent, but the location is far from the center of town.

Tips on finding tHE best place to stay in Antigua

Let’s start with why it’s tricky finding a place to stay in Antigua that’s both affordable and charming.

Antigua is a popular place with Guatemalans

First, Antigua is a popular place for both locals and foreigners. This is especially so for Guatemalans on the weekend. They love to spend Saturday and Sunday in the city, so hotels, hostels, and Airbnbs not only book up quickly but prices rise as well.

Try to avoid weekends and holidays in Antigua

So, plan your visit to Antigua on weekdays and not weekends.

Also, avoid holidays or local celebrations. Even a minor holiday like the Flower Festival attracted hordes of people when I was in Antigua. Streets and sidewalks were so packed that you could barely pass.

The cheaper rooms book up fast

Second, hotels in Antigua have a variety of room types. They have the less expensive rooms with one single bed, ideal for solo travelers, or one double bed for couples. These rooms fill up fast.

Then they have rooms with two double beds! These are more expensive. They seemed to be the only ones left whenever I was trying to book a room.

So, book your accommodations in advance

I’m a last-minute-night-before kind of hotel booker. Unfortunately, this way caused me to spend more than I wanted to. I also ended up having to change hotels often.

I recommend booking at least 2 weeks beforehand . A month if you can.

However, if you book too far in advance, it seems that prices are too high.

What if you can’t book so far in advance?

When you enter the duration of your stay into or whatever online booking site you use, enter 1 or 2 days even though you want to stay 5 or 7 days. In this way, you’ll get more results and better results. Book your stay for 1 or 2 nights.

When you arrive at the hotel, and you find that you like the place, then see if you can extend your stay at that hotel.

Hotels do not put all of their available rooms on online booking sites . or Agoda or Hostel World may say that the hotel is full, but actually, the hotel still has available rooms.

Or better yet, go to the hotel’s website and see if you can book from there.

Where to book your room

I book most of my hotels and hostels using . With over 186 properties in Antigua, the website gives you lots of choices.

So, that’s about it for my recommendations on where to stay in Antigua. I think the list is perfect for backpackers and budget travelers as well as those who want some comfort but can’t afford luxury digs.

Let me know about your experience booking a place to stay in Antigua or your experience staying in Antigua. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment in the Comment Section below. I’ll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

For a list of things to do in Antigua, check out my list of the 32 Best Things to do in Antigua .

In the meantime, if you find any of this stuff useful, please share the love on social media. Thank you!

Travel safe!

You might be interested in…

  • Best Things to Do in Antigua: History, Culture, Food & Adventure
  • Everything You Need to Know Before Visiting Guatemala
  • Where to Stay in Antigua
  • Chichicastenango Travel Guide
  • Quirigua Travel Guide
  • 15 Best Books About Guatemala
  • 16 Best Books on the Ancient Maya
  • Top 20 Things to Do in Flores
  • Top 50 Things to Do at Lake Atitlan
  • Top 35 Things to Do in Guatemala
  • Top 20 Things to Do in Rio Dulce & Livingston
  • Guatemala Packing List

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Best places to stay in Antigua Guatemala Travel Guide

Love this! Guatemala is on my list for my next trip out that part of the world. Have saved your post on Pinterest so I can use your tips!

We only got a small taste test of Guatemala but have always wanted to return and visit Antigua. This is a great review of some different options for where to stay in Antigua. And good to read when a hotel is better than advertised. The Hotel El Meson de Maria sounds like a good choice for us. We could certainly take a hotel oozing with character and style. But many of your choices look like they have amazing views.

What an incredible list. We stayed in an Airbnb when we were there but now I will consider one of these when we go back…and we will go back. It’s one of my favorite cities in the world. I think the Earth Lodge looks amazing.

Definitely try Earth Lodge. It’s pretty great and the prices are fab.

Wow! These lodging prices are amazing! And those rooftop terraces. So gorgeous! What a beautiful place.

I love the bathroom with the cute flowers on the wall, I’ve also never heard of windows opening up into a lobby vs outside haha the treehouses also look like a beautiful place to stay. Thanks for sharing!

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Guatemala Travel Guide

Last Updated: September 1, 2023

A volcano view in Guatemala with a small town nestled in the valley between the mountains

The rugged mountains and jungles offer adventurous travelers a chance to get off the beaten path and explore pristine landscapes for a fraction of what you’d pay elsewhere in the world. And the ruins are underrated and a must-see for history buffs, including the impressive Tikal, an ancient Mayan city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I love this country and have always had an incredible time here. (One of my favorite memories involves camping in Tikal National Park)

In this travel guide to Guatemala, I’ll show you how to make the most of your trip, save money, and stay safe in one of Central America’s most popular destinations!

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Guatemala

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Guatemala

volcano view in Guatemala

1. Visit Lake Atitlán

This spectacular lake is actually a massive volcanic crater. The lake sits 1,500 meters (4,921 feet) above sea level and is also one of the deepest lakes in Central America. It should come as no surprise that it’s one of the best spots to watch the sunset in Guatemala. On the northern coast of the lake lies the tourist village of Panajachel, a good base to arrange lake and volcano tours (there are two volcanoes here you can explore, Toliman and San Pedro). The village offers incredible views of the surrounding volcanoes and you can also enjoy restaurants, bars, and nightlife in a rustic lakeside setting here too. Boat tours are available as well.

2. Head to Antigua

Antigua is a picturesque colonial city in a highland valley between three volcanoes. It’s full of colonial Spanish architecture, including cobbled streets, what’s left of the centuries-old San Francisco church, houses, and ruins. There’s a vibrant market with colorful Guatemalan blankets and fabrics as well as lots of crafts and souvenirs. Head to the Plaza Mayor to take in the city’s amazing garden and don’t miss a hike up the Fuego volcano (which is active). There are two routes to choose from: La Soledad and the super high, extremely steep Alotenango Route. Conversely, you can hike the difficult (yet super popular) Acatenango volcano, which offers well-earned views of Fuego spitting lava, fire, and ash into the air. The best time for these hikes is during the dry season from the end of November to early April.

3. Explore Tikal National Park

Tikal is home to the most popular Mayan ruins in the country . Located in Petén Province in the north of Guatemala, this enormous national park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and spans nearly 600 square meters (6,500 square feet), housing centuries of Mayan history and archeology covered in lush vegetation. It is famous for rare animals like pumas, toucans, snakes, monkeys, and many species of birds. Arrive early and stay late as the park empties out in the afternoon when tour groups leave. I also recommend sleeping over in the park to catch the sunrise. You will need to pay extra for a guided tour if you want to see the sunrise or sunset. Ticket prices vary depending on if you buy day tickets, sunrise tickets, or sunset tickets. Admission is 150 GTQ for day hiking before sunset. You can reach Tikal from Flores by shuttle bus or even from neighboring Belize .

4.Visit Semuc Champey

This natural attraction outside the town of Lanquin near Coban consists of 300 meters (984 feet) of limestone bridges over the Cahabòn River that form natural lagoon-like pools. Take a candlelit tour through the Kamba caves, go tubing down the Cahabòn, or swim in the turquoise pools along the bridge. Keep in mind that the caves can only be visited with a guide. It’s possible to get here with local transport, private shuttles, or on a day trip. Go early in the morning to beat the crowds. To avoid getting rained on or risk that the area is flooded, visit during the dry season (December-April). Day trips cost 250-300 GTQ.

5. Explore the Chichicastenango Market

Most people who come to Guatemala visit Chichicastenango, the largest indigenous market in North America. Every Thursday and Sunday, thousands of Quiché Mayans come to town to buy and sell handicrafts, flowers, poetry, trinkets, pottery, and colorful textiles. There are plenty of places to eat tasty street food and buy local fruits and veggies, try fresh juices or Guatemalan coffee, and buy delicious handmade tortillas. Don’t forget to bring smaller bills and remember to bargain for the things you buy. Go early in the morning to beat the crowds.

Other Things to See and Do in Guatemala

1. visit the national museum of archaeology and ethnology.

Located in Guatemala City, this museum houses the many artifacts uncovered from the Mayan archaeological sites around the country. Created in 1898, the museum holds over 20,000 items and artifacts and is a good place to visit so you can learn more about the Mayan culture. Admission is 60 GTQ.

2. See the Yaxha ruins

If Tikal is too touristy for you, consider the more secluded Yaxha ruins. Like Tikal, Yaxha is a massive Mesoamerican archaeological site. Located in the northeast, it was the third-largest Mayan city in the region. Home to several huge stone pyramids, the site was “discovered” in 1904 and dates to 250-600 CE. Spend a few hours looking at ancient drawings and intricately carved hieroglyphs. Admission is 80 GTQ.

3. Explore Quirigua

The archaeological site of Quirigua, located in the southeastern corner of the country near the border with Honduras, contains the largest stelae (upright stone columns covered in drawings or carved into shapes) ever discovered in the Mayan world. Nine stelae are arranged around a central plaza, accompanied by altars carved into zoomorphic shapes that date from the 2nd-8th centuries CE. Although the stelae are unrestored, they are a magnificent sight; the largest of these is a whopping 25 feet tall! Admission is 80 GTQ.

4. Hike the Volcán de Pacaya

This active volcano frequently erupts ash clouds over Antigua, however, it makes for a fun day hike (don’t worry, it’s safe). The trail is relatively easy (it’s not that steep) and takes around two hours to hike, giving you lots of time to admire the view before you actually get a chance to peer into the volcano’s cone. Pacaya can only be accessed with an authorized guide so you will need to book a tour. Be aware the cheap tours often just offer transportation and a Spanish-speaking guide. If you don’t speak Spanish you will need to ask for an English-speaking guide. Guided hikes start at 250 GTQ . Some of the tours also include a visit to a thermal spa where you can soak in the naturally warm waters as well as a chance to roast marshmallows over the volcano.

5. Wander Flores

A small island, Flores sits on Lake Peten Itza, a large lake in the north and the second-largest lake in the country. A narrow man-made causeway connects the island to the mainland and the region is perfect for hiking, swimming, and spotting wildlife. From here, you’re just a short drive away from some of the most untamed jungles in the country (it makes for a good base for exploring the nearby jungles). It’s also close to the ruins at Tikal.

6. Visit the ruins at El Mirador

El Mirador is one of the most undiscovered Mayan sites in Guatemala. Located near the border with Mexico in the northeast, the majority of its complexes lie in the depths of the jungle and remain relatively inaccessible to tourists. It’s the largest of all the Mayan ruins, rivaling even the pyramids in Egypt in size. Though discovered in 1926, researchers didn’t start studying it until 2003! Multi-day tours cost around 2,300-3,100 GTQ since it’s so remote.

7. Explore Rio Dulce

Rio Dulce is a gorgeous river and popular backpacker destination in eastern Guatemala. Two towns, El Relleno and Fronteras, lie on either side of the river and are connected by one of the largest bridges in Central America. The area is famous for its trekking and water activities, including the Finca Paraiso hike, which leads to a hot spring and a waterfall. The Quiriguá ruins (mentioned above) are also nearby and worth a visit.

8. Visit the Antigua Market

This sprawling market is colorful and somewhat chaotic. It’s open-air and filled with everything from fruits and vegetables to handmade crafts and poultry to fake DVDs and knock-off jeans. Come here to buy souvenirs, people watch, and take in the bustling chaos!

9. Relax at Monterrico

This is the most popular beach in the country. Located close to Guatemala City and Antigua, this laid-back beach town is a relaxing place to catch some sun and hit the waves. Between June-December, you can also see giant leatherback, green sea, and smaller olive ridley turtles. There are also lots of tours of the nearby mangroves.

10. Hike Acatenango

Located near Antigua, Acatenango is a stratovolcano standing almost 4,000 meters (13,000 feet). It’s the third-highest volcano in Central America and last erupted in 1972. It offers a strenuous 7-8-hour hike up to a campsite, where you camp overnight before summiting to watch the sunrise. Overnight hiking tours cost around 600-800 GTQ and include cold-weather gear, an English-speaking guide, and park admission.

11. Watch the sunrise from Indian Nose

The sunrise from the Indian Nose volcano is quite possibly one of the most magical sunrises you will ever experience. Located next to Lake Atitlan, you’ll get to look out across the water and the magnificent volcanoes before you (including the Atitlán and San Pedro volcanoes). You can do this hike alone but it is difficult finding the path in the dark so it is much better to go with a guide. Expect to pay around 465 GTQ.

12. Learn to surf

Guatemala isn’t known for its beaches but the small coastal town of El Paredon is a well-kept secret where you can hit the waves. The black sand beach is beautiful and the surf is great. A board rental is around 100-125 GTQ per day and surf lessons cost around 120 GTQ for a private class, including a board.

Guatemala Travel Costs

Pyramids and other ruins in the jungle at the Mayan site of Tikal in Guatemala

Budget hotels are plentiful in Guatemala and rooms cost as little as 235-250 GTQ for a double or twin bed with basic amenities. For a mid-range hotel with free breakfast, expect to pay closer to 500 GTQ

Airbnb is available around the country, with private rooms starting at 200 GTQ per night. For an entire home or apartment, prices begin around 300 GTQ per night though they average closer to 800 GTQ. Book early to find the best deals.

For those traveling with a tent, camping is not common and not recommended. You can camp in the parks of El Paredon and Tikal though. Camping there costs around 50 GTQ per night.

Food – Guatemalan cuisine leans heavily on traditional Mayan foods with a strong influence from Spain (the Spanish arrived here in 1524). Traditional foods use a lot of corn, chilies, avocados, and beans. Popular dishes include tamales, seafood soup, and meat stews (usually chicken or beef), which are readily available and usually quite affordable. Gallo en perro (spicy stew), tapado (seafood soup with green plantain and coconut milk), and fried rice are other popular dishes.

If you’re on a budget, you can get a large meal of beans, rice, corn, and meat for around 40 GTQ from a comedor (local eateries that usually offer large portions). Another local favorite is a tortilla with beans and eggs with sour cream and fried plantain on the side, which usually cost the equivalent of just a couple of dollars.

Lunch is the main meal of the day here, and many restaurants offer affordable set menus. These usually include soup and grilled meat.

Pre-made plates of food (usually chicken or beef, rice, and tortillas) are often sold on the buses during stops for about 25-30 GTQ. Street food, like hot dogs or tamales, can be found for less than 15 GTQ.

A three-course meal in a mid-range restaurant with a drink costs around 250 GTQ. Mexican-style dishes like tacos or enchiladas are a popular evening choice (since dinner is usually a lighter meal).

Fast food like McDonald’s costs around 45 GTQ for a combo meal. For a meal at a Western restaurant (think burger and fries or pizza), expect to pay at least 100 GTQ.

A beer costs 15 GTQ, bottled water is 6 GTQ, and a cappuccino/latte costs around 19 GTQ.

If you plan on buying your own groceries, expect to pay around 200 GTQ per week for staples like vegetables, rice, seasonal produce, and some meat.

Backpacking Guatemala Suggested Budgets

As a budget backpacker in Guatemala, expect to pay around 250 GTQ per day. This assumes you’re staying in a hostel dorm, cooking most of your meals, sticking to free activities (like hiking and the beach), limiting your drinking, and using public transportation to get around.

On a mid-range budget of 650 GTQ, you can stay in an Airbnb, eat out for all your meals, enjoy a few drinks, take some guided tours, use taxis here and there, and visit more attractions such as museums or ruins.

On a “luxury” budget of 1,750 GTQ per day, you can stay in a hotel, take taxis everywhere, book higher-end tours (including private tours and day tours), and eat out every meal at nicer restaurants. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Keep in mind these are daily averages — some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in GTQ.

Guatemala Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

It’s easy to save money while traveling in Guatemala since the country isn’t that expensive. However, a good budget traveler always looks for ways to maximize value. Here are some of the best ways to save money in Guatemala:

  • Take a free walking tour – In some of the larger cities (like Antigua) you can find free walking tours. They’re the best way to get introduced to a new destination. has options you can choose from. Just be sure to tip your guide at the end!
  • Stay with a local – While accommodation is cheap here, staying with a local via Couchsurfing makes it free. Not only will you save some money, but you’ll get firsthand knowledge from a local!
  • Visit the Mercado – Although eating out is cheap in Guatemala, it makes sense to shop at the markets for your food to take on day trips or to prepare at your hostel. Fruit costs mere pennies and everything is always fresh.
  • Eat street food – The local street food is the cheapest food you can eat — and the tastiest. Stick to street food when it comes to eating out.
  • Avoid flying – Bus rides are longer, but if you are trying to see the country on a budget you shouldn’t fly. An hour-long flight can cost hundreds of dollars. Avoid flying as much as possible!
  • Avoid drinking – Sure, the beer here is cheap but a couple of beers every day will add up. Watch your drinking to keep your budget intact!

Where to Stay in Guatemala

Guatemala has plenty of hostels in all the major cities. Here are some of my suggested places to stay:

  • Maya Papaya (Antigua)
  • Barbara’s Boutique Hostel (Antigua)
  • La Iguana Perdida (Santa Cruz, Lake Atitlan)
  • Casa de Grethel (Flores)
  • Hostal Los Lagos (Guatemala City)
  • Hostal Guatefriends (Guatemala City)

How to Get Around Guatemala

Cobblestone-lined street with brightly colored low buildings on both sides, with a yellow archway going over the street in Guatemala

Public transportation – The main method of transportation in Guatemala is las camionetas (“chicken buses”). They are old school buses from North America and are the most inexpensive way to get around. Expect to pay around 10 GTQ for a 1-2 hour journey. Shorter journeys can cost as little as 5 GTQ.

If you are traveling between places like Antigua and Lake Atitlan, shuttle buses are the most common form of transport for backpackers. Travel between Antigua and Guatemala City costs around 150 GTQ on a shuttle bus. On a chicken bus, it costs considerably less.

Train – There are no trains in Guatemala.

Bus – Because of the poor condition of the roads in Guatemala large coach buses aren’t available on many routes. You can find night buses between Guatemala City and Flores to take you to countries like Mexico , Belize , and Nicaragua . For most other places, you have to rely on shuttle buses.

You have two options for booking: asking in your hostel to call and book for you and pay in cash, or booking online through Unfortunately, websites like Busbud don’t operate in Guatemala as their transport infrastructure is still developing.

Keep in mind the shuttles are pretty basic. Most don’t have working AC and are not very spacious. Plan for delays as well.

Flying – There are regular flights from Guatemala City to Flores, usually costing around 1,000-1,400 GTQ per person for the one-hour flight. If you are short on time and have plenty of money to spend, I suggest flying. But for most travelers, the bus is the best option.

Car rental – Renting a car costs around 175 GTQ per day. Do take care if you decide to drive in Guatemala as the roads aren’t the best and landslides are common during the rainy season (which can often result in both accidents and road closures). Make sure you have an International Driving Permit (IDP) — you’ll need one for any car rental.

For the best car rental prices, use Discover Cars .

When to Go to Guatemala

Guatemala is a fantastic place to visit at any time of the year because of its spring-like climate. As many places are at altitude, you can expect cool mornings and evenings and warm days. Expect temperatures to sit between 18-28°C (65-82°F).

Many choose to avoid Guatemala during the rainy season (May-September) as the rain can be a bit disruptive, especially if you want to do things like hiking. That said, it is during these months that Guatemala is at its most beautiful as the country turns green and the flowers bloom. Prices also drop significantly during the rainy season.

To beat the crowds, visit in the shoulder season (the start or end of the rainy season). You’ll see fewer people and things will be a little cheaper. The weather won’t be perfect but it will still be sunny and warm most days so you’ll still be able to hike.

How to Stay Safe in Guatemala

While Guatemala is generally safe, there’s no denying that certain precautions should be taken as there is a lot of petty crime (and other safety issues) in the country. Avoid isolated areas, especially at night and in big cities. Keep your personal belongings on you while using public transit (especially chicken buses) and night buses.

Additionally, don’t wear flashy jewelry or leave your valuables out in the open. Petty theft is common here so you must be vigilant.

Violent attacks against tourists are rare. Most of the time it’s because the tourist was involved in something drug-related or was where they shouldn’t be at night.

Scams are common in the larger cities so be wary of any overly friendly strangers. You can read about common travel scams to avoid right here.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here, however, the standard precautions apply (never leave your drink unattended at the bar, never walk home alone intoxicated, etc.). Whenever possible, share a taxi with friends and avoid walking around alone just to be safe.

Guatemala is home to 37 volcanoes so volcanic activity isn’t uncommon. Be sure to check for warnings before you embark on any hikes/activities (especially ones on or around volcanoes).

Additionally, due to its political instability, protests and demonstrations are common. If one is occurring near you, simply head back to your accommodation and avoid taking part.

If you experience an emergency, dial 110 for assistance.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Guatemala Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!

Guatemala Travel Guide: Related Articles

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The Hidden Gem For Black Travelers: Antigua, Guatemala

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Antigua, Guatemala is a hidden gem for Black solo travelers, offering a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. When I made my first trip to the most populous country in Central America, I had no idea what to expect. I had just left Mexico with plans to visit Costa Rica a few weeks later and Guatemala was the perfect destination in between the two. To sum my trip up, I was pleasantly surprised throughout my trip. My travel experience as  solo as a Black woman le ft me with nothing but good vibes and things to say about the country, culture, and its people.

While there, I had the opportunity to visit other places, like the beautiful Lake Atitlán, but in this article, we'll focus on the country's capital city, Antigua and why you should add it to your solo travel bucket list.

Antigua is a truly enchanting colonial city situated in the heart of Guatemala's central highlands. The city is renowned for its mesmerizing vistas, with three towering volcanoes providing a truly awe-inspiring backdrop to the city's picturesque cobblestone streets, strikingly colorful buildings, and exquisite architecture. Everywhere you look in Antigua, you are treated to a feast for the eyes, with vibrant markets brimming with exotic fruits, local handicrafts, and textiles, and stunning colonial-era churches, monasteries, and ruins dotting the landscape.

The city's rich history and cultural heritage are evident in every corner, with charming plazas and grand plazas showcasing a blend of indigenous and European influences. Whether you're strolling through the city's winding streets, sampling delicious Guatemalan cuisine, or simply taking in the breathtaking natural beauty that surrounds you, Antigua is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a truly unique and unforgettable travel experience.

Fuente de Pescados (Fountain of the Fish) inside Iglesia de La Merced

Here are a few reasons why Antigua is a great destination to add to your travel bucket list:

Solo travel safety.

One of the main reasons that Antigua is an ideal destination for solo travelers is its friendly and welcoming atmosphere.  The locals, known as Antigueños, are renowned for their warmth and hospitality, which creates a sense of safety and security for solo travelers. The locals also embrace diversity and are warm towards all visitors, regardless of their background so solo travelers can explore freely  without fear of judgment or discrimination .

Moreover, Guatemala is a country that values and respects women's rights. The country has made significant progress in addressing gender-based violence and promoting gender equality. The government has implemented several initiatives aimed at protecting women, including laws that criminalize femicide and domestic violence. This means, a solo female traveler, you can have peace of mind in knowing that you're in a country that cares about the safety of other humans.

Additionally, Antigua is well-policed, with a visible presence of police officers and security guards in the tourist areas. The city is also known for its low crime rate, with most incidents being petty theft. As long as travelers take basic precautions such as not leaving their belongings unattended and being aware of their surroundings, they should feel safe and secure in Antigua.

Solo woman traveling in Antigua Guatemala

History and Culture

Another reason Antigua is a great destination for solo travelers is its history and culture. The city was founded in 1543 and was once the capital of Guatemala, until it was destroyed by a series of earthquakes in the late 18th century. Antigua is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its well-preserved colonial architecture, historic churches, and ruins of old convents and monasteries. It is home to numerous historic landmarks, including the Cathedral of Saint James, the Palace of the Captain Generals, and the ruins of the Church of Santo Domingo. These sites offer a glimpse into the city's rich history, and provide visitors with a better understanding of Guatemala's culture and heritage.

Antigua's rich history and culture make it an ideal destination for solo travelers who are interested in immersing themselves in the local culture and learning about the country's fascinating past. The city's colonial architecture and historic landmarks offer a glimpse into the region's past, and solo travelers can explore these sites at their own pace, without having to worry about the constraints of group tours.

The city is also famous for its colorful markets, traditional handicrafts, and vibrant festivals. The markets are also a great place to try local cuisine and interact with the friendly Antigueños. Antigua is home to numerous cultural events throughout the year, including the Semana Santa (Holy Week) celebrations, which are considered some of the most spectacular in the world. Solo travelers can witness these celebrations and experience the vibrant energy of the city's locals. You can also immerse yourself and gain a deeper understanding of the culture by taking Spanish classes, a popular activity for lots of tourists.

Delicious Cuisine

Guatemala offers a diverse and flavorful cuisine, making it an ideal destination for Black solo travelers who are food enthusiasts. Antigua is a city that offers a wide range of culinary options that cater to all tastes, budgets, and preferences. Local Guatemalan cuisine is a unique blend of indigenous Mayan and Spanish influences, resulting in a diverse and delicious culinary experience.

One must-try dish is the pepián, a traditional Guatemalan stew made with chicken, beef or pork, and a rich and flavorful sauce made from roasted pumpkin seeds, spices, and vegetables. The dish is typically served with rice and tortillas and is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Solo travelers can also enjoy a variety of vegetarian and vegan options, including traditional dishes like chiles rellenos and plantain fritters.

Guatemala is also famous for its coffee, with Antigua being one of the top coffee-producing regions in the country. The city boasts numerous cafes and shops where solo travelers can enjoy a cup of some of the best coffee in the world while soaking up the city's charming atmosphere. 

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Antigua Guatemala Cathedral

Culture Immersion

In addition to its historic landmarks, Antigua is also known for its vibrant cultural scene. The city is home to a thriving arts community, with numerous galleries and museums showcasing the works of local artists.

Antigua also offers unique opportunities for Black solo travelers to learn about and engage with indigenous communities and their cultures. Guatemala is home to over 20 indigenous Mayan groups, and many of them have a significant presence in Antigua and the surrounding areas. Solo travelers can visit indigenous villages, attend traditional ceremonies and festivals, and learn about Mayan culture and history through guided tours and cultural experiences. These experiences allow solo travelers to deepen their understanding of the diverse cultures and traditions that make up Guatemala's rich heritage.

Additionally, Antigua has a strong Afro-Caribbean influence, which is reflected in its music, dance, and cuisine. Solo travelers can explore this aspect of the city's culture by attending a Garifuna dance performance, trying traditional Afro-Caribbean dishes such as tapado, or visiting the Casa del Ron, a museum dedicated to the history of rum production in the region.

Easy To Navigate

Antigua is a compact city, making it for solo travelers to navigate  and explore confidently. The city is laid out in a grid pattern, with many of its streets being named after saints, making it easy to find your way around. You can wander the cobblestone streets alone, taking in the city's stunning architecture, colorful buildings, and historic landmarks, while resting assured that  you're never too far from where you started and can easily find your way back to your accommodations. For those who prefer to explore the city by public transportation, Antigua's reliable bus system is a great option. Buses run regularly throughout the city and are a convenient way to travel to the city's surrounding areas. The city's taxi services are also affordable and easy to use, making it easy to explore the city and its nearby attractions.

Volcano top views in Antigua Guatemala

Adventure Travel

With such a diverse range of outdoor activities and adventures make it an ideal destination for solo travelers looking to explore and experience the natural beauty of Guatemala. The city's surrounding volcanoes offer a unique opportunity for hiking and trekking, with trails suitable for all levels of experience. Solo travelers can hike to the summit of any of these volcanoes and enjoy panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. For those looking for a more challenging adventure, the Acatenango volcano is a popular destination, providing a strenuous hike that takes you to an altitude of over 13,000 feet.

Beyond hiking and trekking, Antigua also offers other outdoor activities, such as kayaking on the nearby rivers or exploring the local flora and fauna on a guided nature walk. Visitors can also take part in adventure tours, such as horseback riding or ATV rides through the surrounding countryside. The nearby Lake Atitlan is a popular destination for water sports, such as kayaking and paddleboarding, and provides stunning views of the surrounding volcanoes.  Additionally, the city is home to numerous parks and nature reserves, including the Hobbitenango Ecological Park, where visitors can enjoy ziplining, hiking, and other outdoor activities.

Overall, Antigua, Guatemala is a hidden gem for Black solo travelers, offering a perfect blend of safety, culture, cuisine, and adventure. Whether you're looking to immerse yourself in the local culture or simply relax and enjoy the city's laid-back atmosphere, Antigua has something for everyone.

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solo travel antigua guatemala

Solo Female Travel in Guatemala

Travel rating.

Based on 35 experiences

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Based on safety reports

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Is Guatemala good for solo travel?


Safety: Moderate


Transport: Moderate

Things to do:

Things to do: Interesting


Food: Above average


Budget: Affordable

Is guatemala worth visiting, overall rating.

based on 35 experiences

Things to do



United States

Solo travel experience

Guatemala was great! I visited Lake Atitlan, Antigua and Acatenango. I felt very safe as a solo female traveler even though I was there during local protests. Lake Atitlan has many towns to visit, Antigua is rich in culture and a beautiful city, and Acatenango is an unforgettable experience seeing a live volcano erupt. Lots of fun adventure to be had.

solo travel antigua guatemala

I had a short trip to Guatemala. I spent 2 nights at Lake Atitlan (staying in San Pedro and visited San Juan, Santiago and Panajachel) and 1 night in Antigua. I felt very safe and I had a great time.

Group travel experience

I felt very safe in Antigua and Lake Atitlan. It seemed incredibly easy to join tours and meet people. Personally, I wouldn't choose to explore Guatemala City alone, but I was only there for one night.

I felt very safe in Antigua and Flores. I did not use public buses, only small buses with other tourists. I did not leave my hotel in Guatemala City on my own because I heard that it is not the safest place.

I stopped in El Remate, Antigua, Xela and San Pedro la Laguna. I didn't have any problems all the time and everywhere I stopped, I really liked it. I heard from a few people that it's not a good idea to travel between towns around the lake late at night - many roads are not safe.

I stayed in Guatemala for 4 weeks in Flores, Semuc Champey/Lanquin, Xela, Antigua, Lake Atitlan and El Paredon. I felt very safe. For extra peace of mind, I avoided chicken buses, especially at night.

I have traveled alone as a woman to Guatemala many times and I have never had any problems. I used common sense and guides, stuck to tourist areas, safe modes of transportation etc. I loved being there.

I went to Lake Atitlán, to Antigua and Guatemala. I felt safe there and didn't experience any strange vibes. From my experience, people there were incredibly friendly and helpful.

I traveled alone to Guatemala. I mostly felt safe there, the tourist areas were fine, such as Flores, Semuc Champey, and Antigua. I avoided Guatemala City, I heard very often that it's not safe there, and by Lake Atitlan there are also trails that are not safe.

I have traveled alone through Guatemala twice. It's an incredible country. Very unique and so beautiful. I did not feel dangerous there at all, except for Guatemala City.

Meet locals in Guatemala


Hello! I am Nasrin, I am 26 years old, I’m traveling by myself for the first time, it has a been a cool and enriching experience. Would love to chat about tips and stories in your traveling. I’m a Clinical psychologist, I’m a curious being, love learning and getting to know cultures and different mindsets.


Soy introvertida, me gusta la buena conversación y visitar museos y restaurantes.

As a local Guatemalan and someone who travels extensively around the country, I can say that tourist areas are very safe, as long as you don't do generally dangerous things, such as walking alone at night where there are few people, or entering dangerous zones in Guatemala City. You can travel by chicken buses during the day without any problems, I've done it all my life, just watch out for your belongings. You can use transfers or private buses at night. Of course, there is violence and many other bad things, just like in any other country, just try to be careful and everything will be fine.

Avoid public transport, avoid local taxis (you are more vulnerable to assault being a woman and a foreigner), use only Uber. Do not talk to strangers on the street, if they approach you, say "hello" and move on. Dress modestly, Guatemala has a very high rate of femicides. If you plan to walk around, try to stay in places with lots of people (avoid isolated areas). I am now in Guatemala and I walk a lot, but I only move in certain zones. Safety is an illusion. If something feels off to you, trust your instincts.

Stay with locals in Guatemala


Can host for:

Passionated about traveling and animals. Enjoying simple things in life and looking to meet some New friends in this path called life.

Explore Guatemala

Solo Travel in Antigua Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala

Solo Travel in San Pedro la Laguna

San Pedro la Laguna

Solo Travel in Quetzaltenango


Solo Travel in Tikal

Guatemala City

Solo Travel in San Juan del Obispo

San Juan del Obispo

Solo Travel in Panajachel

Lake Atitlán

Solo Travel in Retalhuleu

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Central America , Solo travel

Solo travel in guatemala: is it safe for female travellers.

solo travel guatemala

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I just returned from a memorable month travelling solo in Guatemala and I can’t wait to tell you all about it and also answer the question, is Guatemala safe for solo female travellers? for anyone who may be wondering. I started my solo travel trip by entering from Belize and ended by flying from Guatemala City back to my current home base, Mexico City . Along the way, I met wonderful people (both locals and fellow travellers) and saw fantastic wildlife, scenery, UNESCO sites and more. Guatemala is one of the seven countries that comprise Central America (along with Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama). It’s one of the safer countries and, compared to Costa Rica and Belize, very affordable! This combo makes solo female travel in Guatemala a great idea!

GUATEMALA ESSENTIALS Accommodation : / Hostelworld Getting there : flight / bus Activities : GetYourGuide / Viator

guatemala solo travel

Read next: the ultimate Guatemala itinerary

Is Guatemala good for solo travellers?

YES! I had a great time travelling alone in Guatemala in 2023. I met lots of other like-minded travellers including other women in their thirties like me (along with those in their twenties and 40s+… all ages, to summarise!). There are tons of women backpacking Guatemala solo as we speak so, if you’re still debating taking the plunge, consider that they’re all fine and loving it… So you probably will, too!

Guatemala solo travel

Read next: my ultimate guide to solo female travel after 10 years on the road!

Is Guatemala suitable for first time solo travellers?

I’m an experienced traveller who has solo travelled in India , South Africa , Cuba and more. But I try not to forget how it feels starting out. Guatemala is perhaps not the ultimate first-time solo travel destination because there is some crime and it’s not as easy to get around with English compared to travelling solo in Asia and travelling solo in Europe . However, I’d say solo female in Guatemala is relatively easy. Shuttles take you from door to door, there are fantastic hostels and you’ll meet many people doing the same thing as you. If you’ve never travelled alone before, geek up on a bit of basic Spanish and follow my tips for women travelling alone and you’ll be fine!

Read next: where to travel alone for women

Best things about solo travel in Guatemala

  • Guatemala has great tourist infrastructure and is very accessible – almost everywhere you’ll want to go is connected by tourist shuttle, often picking you up at the door of your accommodation.
  • Hostels galore – you don’t need to pay extra when getting a room for one because there are hostels everywhere from Antigua to Flores, Semuc Champey and the various towns around Lake Atitlan. Also, they’re good! I stayed in hostels with swimming pools, bars and terraces with lake views.
  • The country is affordable – I stayed in hostels from £7 ($9) a night and took tours for the same price.
  • English is widely spoken – obviously Spanish is the main language so it’s useful and respectful to learn at least the basics (and a famous thing to do is take classes where you live with a local family) but generally, I found a lot of English was spoken in the popular regions and by most people working in tourism.

Lake Atitlan

Challenging things about solo travel in Guatemala

  • Stray dogs around Lake Atitlan – as someone who is already scared of dogs following a previous attack while travelling, I was unnerved by the stray dogs around Lake Atitlan. I told myself I was being paranoid… Until I got bitten when I’d barely been there 12 hours! When walking solo, you feel more vulnerable than if you were with others, so this does add some fear factor to a solo Guatemala trip.
  • It’s a dengue zone – during my trip in September 2023, there was a bad outbreak of dengue fever and several travellers I met got it. I know first-hand how sucky being sick alone is. Although you can reduce the risk by wearing long clothing and bug spray, it’s still a possibility.
  • Some crime – undeniably, there’s some crime in Guatemala that can affect tourists. However, this is restricted to certain areas that you can avoid. I’ll cover this later.

Is Guatemala safe for solo female travellers?

Yes, Guatemala is safe for women travelling alone. I had a brilliant time and felt very safe! The majority of locals are friendly and will want to help you. Saying that, Guatemala City is not very safe. A couple of my friends decided to walk home 8 minutes from a brewery to their Airbnb and got robbed. From what I hear, it’s a safe enough city in the daytime in the right areas but you shouldn’t attempt walking at night, even as a group. Due to its lack of tourist attractions, you’ll probably want to skip it all together as a woman travelling alone. Also, I heard some reports of crime along the roads around Lake Atitlan, however this is avoidable as I’ll discuss next.

Is solo travel in guatemala safe?

Safety tips for solo travel in Guatemala

Take the boat rather than the road around Lake Atitlan – some of the roads around the lake are apparently in need of repair and there are reports of robberies so they’re best avoided. Luckily, riding the ‘lanchas’ across the lake is cheap, easy and offers fantastic views! The exception is short journeys including the one from San Pedro to San Juan; getting a tuk-tuk for 10 Quetzales (£1) is safe during the day. Also, the road between Panajachel and nearby villages, Santa Catarina and San Antonio is safe enough to take an even cheaper ride with the locals: a pick-up truck for 5 Quetzales! Hike in a group – there are some great hiking trails around Lake Atitlan such as the Indian’s Nose hike and the 3-hour walk between Santa Cruz and San Marcos. For the latter, go as a group and leave your valuables behind. For the Indian’s Nose, the issue is that you have to cross local land (and organise a tuk-tuk ride at 4am to see sunrise) so it’s best to take a group tour. Don’t go too far off-piste – there’s a well-trodden tourist trail with popular places including Antigua, Flores, Semuc Champey, El Paredon, Xela and Lake Atitlan. This is more than enough to keep you busy for weeks, if not months, so there’s no need to stray into areas where you might stand out as a tourist. Learn how to shake off dogs – I was told to pretend to throw a rock at them because they’re used to locals doing this to fend them off. Avoiding walking alone at night in the lake towns is advisable. Specific solo female travel safety tip regarding San Marcos, Atitlan – the square in the middle of the town has some problems with men drinking and a house with aggressive dogs. Do avoid it in the evenings.

getting around by boat

Do you need to know Spanish?

Well, it won’t hurt and it WILL help! But, to be honest, it’s not necessary to travel solo in Guatemala. In tourist areas, you can get around with English because staff in tour agencies, cafes and hostels etc will speak some. However, it’s polite and respectful to learn a bit of the local lingo so I would highly recommend doing so. The apps I use for learning Spanish are Duolingo and Babbel, and I also have the Google Translate app which includes a camera feature that translates text. I’d definitely recommend learning the numbers because this will be useful for haggling while shopping and comparing prices in tour agencies. In San Pedro, I asked all the agencies how much the Indian’s Nose hike was and got answers varying from setenta (70) to noventa (90) and cien (100). Ultimately, the more Spanish you know the better… for you and the locals! But don’t beat yourself up if you find learning a new language hard. Guatemalans are friendly and happy to help.

Getting to Guatemala

By flight: The first option is flying into Guatemala City. You can get direct flights from many cities in Latin America and US cities like New York, Atlanta, LA, Washington and Houston. If you’re coming from Europe, you’ll likely need to change in the US (so don’t forget to apply for an ESTA). I use Skyscanner to find cheap flights, using the ‘search by month’ feature to see the cheapest dates. If you’re arriving/departing Guatemala City, I would not recommend staying for long. The capital is not very safe for solo female travellers in Guatemala. Your best option is a shuttle to Antigua or wherever your first destination is. Overland from Mexico: local agencies in both destinations organise transport between the two. If you’re headed to Mexico next, you can book transport to San Cristobal (which, by the way, is a lovely city) from most tourist hubs.

Read next: solo female travel in Mexico

Overland from Belize: this is what I did during my recent trip. Although you can arrive all the way from Caye Caulker by shuttle, the closest popular location in Belize is San Ignacio, a destination I encourage solo travellers in Belize to visit.

Read next: travelling solo in Belize


A shuttle from San Ignacio to Flores will cost $20 USD or you can take the local option of a taxi ($7 BZD) to the border then a local bus for 50 Quetzales ($7 USD total). I did this with two other travellers and can confirm it was easy and safe. I’d feel comfortable doing it solo. Tip – you get a better rate on exchanging money over the border on the Guatemalan side. Change your leftover Belize Dollars into Quetzales so you can pay for the bus to Flores.

Getting around Guatemala

Getting around is so simple, even easier than getting around in Mexico where I usually have to pay for a taxi (not having anyone to split taxis with is one of the downsides of solo travel !) to the bus station. In Guatemala, I got accustomed to getting taken door-to-door!

Tourist shuttles

These small, aircon minibuses can be booked between tourist destinations. They either pick you up from the door of your accommodation or a designated meeting spot. They can be booked in any tourism agency or your accommodation although hostels often charge more. If you’re wondering whether Guatemala is safe for solo female travel, feel reassured that this mode of transport couldn’t be safer! In my experience, here’s where you need to meet based on the destinations I visited:

  • Antigua – pick up from door
  • Panajachel – pick up from door
  • San Pedro – meeting spot
  • Flores – meeting spot
  • Semuc Champey – meeting spot (but hostels organise a transfer there).

Rough idea of prices:

  • Flores to Lanquin (Semuc Champey) – 100 Q
  • Lanquin to Antigua – 220 Q
  • Antigua to San Pedro – 150 Q
  • Panajachel to Guatemala City airport – 200 Q.

Chicken buses

Chicken buses solo travel guatemala

These old US school buses have been given a lurid makeover, often complete with vibrant paintwork, gaudy details and flashing lights. Riding them is certainly an experience! However, they don’t service that many destinations directly so you often need to change. They’re much cheaper than the tourist shuttles but also less convenient.

Where to travel solo in Guatemala

There are lots of amazing places to visit in Guatemala and I’ll provide a (tried and tested) sample itinerary later so you know how to fit them all in. But my number one tip is to schedule enough time in Guatemala so you get to visit as many places as possible! I spent a full month. My personal highlights were Tikal, Antigua and Lake Atitlan. Visit all three to experience a cultural and historic site, a charming city, and beautiful lake towns with spectacular scenery. Guatemala really has it all! I can vouch for all these places as being safe for solo female travel in Guatemala…

Antigua (my favourite place!)

Antigua city

The quaint UNESCO Heritage City of Antigua is my personal heaven: countless coffee shops, beautiful buildings and volcano views. It’s a slow city where you can relax during a busy Guatemala itinerary OR do some memorable and difficult hiking! Things to do in Antigua:

  • Do the short walk up to the Hill of the Cross viewpoint
  • Hike Acatenango Volcano (more about this coming up)
  • Hike Pacaya Volcano
  • Take a trip to El Azote Beer Garden out of town (reached by taxi or colectivo) or simply visit Antigua Brewing Company in town.

Some of the best coffee shops to visit are 12 Onzas , Fat Cat Coffee House , Basil & Coffee (great cakes), Cafe Estudio (rooftop views) and the River Coffee House . There are lots of great places to eat Guatemalan food or you can try healthy/vegan food at Wachuma or international eats. I had an amazing banh mi at Mì Vietnamese Kitchen , and the pizzas and calzones next door look to die for!

Cobbled streets antigua safe places for solo travel in guatemala

How long to spend in Antigua? Around 1 week if you want to hike both Pacaya and Acatenango volcanos with some rest time in between. Otherwise, 1-2 days is enough. Where to stay in Antigua: Flore Hostel / Barbara’s Boutique Hostel .

About the Acatenango Volcano hike

Acatenango volcano hike

I didn’t do the hike on this trip as I had a foot injury but I’ll be back to Guatemala in 6 months to do it and update this section with more personal details! At a lofty 3,976m (13,041 ft), a trip up Acatenango offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area as well as Fuego Volcano which is highly active and regularly spitting fire. The hike is gruelling but bound to be one of the best experiences of your solo Guatemala travels.. and possibly, life! The hike takes two days, departing on the morning of the first day and returning around midday on day two. You sleep overnight on the volcano either in tents or huts depending on the company you choose. Very early on day 2, you have the option to do an extra hike to Volcan de Fuego, something that’s recommended just for pro hikers because it’s difficult and views aren’t guaranteed based on the visibility and weather. For budget travellers, Soy Tours is easily the best. The whole thing will cost 500 Quetzales (£50/$60) including guides, accommodation, three meals, beer and hire of warm clothes. I also hear good things about Ox Expeditions who charge around 700 Quetzales but provide accommodation in huts rather than tents.

Flores Island (and Tikal)

Tikal ruins

The most famous reason to visit Flores is as a launching point for the majestic Tikal ruins dating back to the 4th century BC. Once a powerful kingdom home to 60,000 ancient Mayan people, this enormous jungle site comprising more than 3,000 structures was built in alignment with the constellations. It’s recommended to take the 4am tour (booked in any agency or your accommodation) to beat the heat and see Tikal before it gets crowded. You can even take a 3am tour to see sunrise but, since I was travelling in rainy season, I was advised not to bother because you’re not guaranteed a clear sunrise. I paid 100 Quetzales ($12 / £10) for the tour, and entry to Tikal is a further 150 Q. Not bad to see one of Guatemala’s three UNESCO sites !

Tikal flores

Many travellers just spend 1-2 nights in Flores to see Tikal but I actually spent 4 nights, 3 days on this charming island. During one day, I caught a public boat (10 Quetzales) to visit Mirador de Canek , Chechenal lake beach and the Mayan World Museum (be sure to eat lunch at Cool Beans 2 !). Then, on the final day, I hung out at the famous Jorge’s Rope Swing only accessible by boat. This is a family-run venue on the other side of the water where you can use the rope swings and chill in the hammocks with a beer. The highlight was the huge iguana chilling in the tree above me! A fun way to arrive is by hiring a kayak for the day.

Beach flores where to travel solo guatemala women

If you’re going alone to Jorge’s Rope Swing, it’s cheaper to get the family to send their boat rather than take a local boat (my hostel organised this ). It’s still a bit spenny at 100 Quetzales for a return ride and entry but a fun way to spend an afternoon. Where to stay in Flores: Hostal Don Cenobio / Los Amigos .

Semuc Champey

Semuc champey solo female travel guatemala

The bad thing about Semuc Champey? How far it is from everywhere else! It’s 8-12 hours from Antigua (the journey goes through the capital and the traffic is variable) and around 8 hours from Flores. So you need to factor in two full travel days. The good thing about Semuc Champey ? Everything else! This region is absolutely stunning and packed with treasures like caves and scenic viewpoints. There’s also some fantastic accommodation including hostels that will make you feel like you’re in a 5-star resort! Swimming in the nearby sublime pools is easily the highlight, along with hiking up to the viewpoint. A trip through K’an Ba Caves is a lot of fun although slightly scary when the guides post you through a drop-off hole and you land underwater! Most accommodations can organise a day tour of the region for around 250 Quetzales. Getting there: ride the bus to Lanquin. Most of the hostels are within the countryside so send a free daily shuttle to collect their guests from the bus. Strangely, I got my ticket from Flores-Lanquin for 100 Quetzales (£10/$12) but the one to Antigua, a similar road distance, costs more than double at 220 Quetzales. How long to spend? You just need a day to see the region during a tour. If you have a second day, you can go tubing or simply relax and enjoy your accommodation. I had a pool day mine.

Where to stay in Semuc Champey

Zephyr lodge lanquin

For solo travel in Guatemala, a good option is Zephyr Lodge , a gorgeous hostel with a swim-up bar and sublime views. They organise tours into the park, tubing trips and onward shuttles to your next destination. However, I had mixed feelings because it felt slightly cliquey as many travellers arrived in groups (but maybe that was just bad luck when I stayed). Also, there’s no kitchen so you have to eat in their restaurant… and they even charge you for hot water! Tip: If you do stay at Zephyr, splash out the extra few bucks for the brand-new deluxe 11-bed dorm with aircon, curtains and huge lockers. I moved here from the 6-bed which felt dated and cramped. If you can bag bed number 32 in the 11-bed with a pano view of the valley, you’ll be waking up in paradise! Other accom options: I heard good things about Greengo’s which is actually inside the park and just a 10-minute walk to the famous pools, so no need to pay for a tour. It has great reviews and I met a few people who had stayed there and liked it.

Lake Atitlan

The vast Lake Atitlan is several destinations all bundled up in one. The villages on its shores range from backpacker party hubs to spiritual stomping grounds and authentic, local villages where you can learn about traditions and crafts practised for centuries. Better yet, Lake Atitlan is safe for solo female travellers provided you travel by boat. So it’s worth doing your research based on what you like! Luckily, I’ve done the work for you…

San Pedro (backpacker hub with nightlife and cafes)

San pedro travelling alone as a woman guatemala

San Pedro is the backpackers hub of Atitlan with several hostels and pubs known for live music and nightlife. I didn’t love San Pedro because there was no Guatemalan culture to be found: in fact, the businesses are 90% Israeli-owned since the town is a hub for Israeli travellers. However, reasons to visit San Pedro during solo travel in Guatemala include the Indian’s Nose sunrise hike . Every agency in town offers a tour with competitive prices starting from 70 Q. Tours depart the town at 4am but it’s worth it for the wonderful sunrise over the lake!

Views of lake atitlan from cafe

Also, San Pedro has many cafes with stunning lake views. Have coffee and cake at Sababa , smoothie bowls at Forbidden Fru it and authentic Israeli food at Pita Sabij . The namesake dish of pita with aubergine (eggplant), boiled egg, tahini and salad was mind-blowing! Where to stay in San Pedro: Mandala’s Hostel .

San Juan (my favourite lake town!)

San Juan guatemala

I’m so glad I took a day trip from San Pedro to San Juan. Despite being just a 15-minute drive apart, they couldn’t be more different. In San Juan, I was the only foreign tourist and I loved the opportunity to observe the locals wearing traditional dress, enjoying a Sunday in their beautiful country. You can see the town in a day so it’s not necessary to stay overnight. If you’re the kind of solo traveller who likes to meet others, it may not be the best place to stay as it doesn’t have a big backpacking scene (although Eco-Hostel Mayachik looks like a decent base). But, it’s a safe place for solo female travel in Guatemala and, for local life, a must-visit!

Colourful streets san juan

When you’re not wandering the colourful streets and taking photos, you should hike up to Mirador Kaqasiiwaan which takes about 30 minutes and costs 30 Quetzales. The lake views are incredible! Back in town, visit some of the women’s co-operatives selling traditional woven items from clothes to bags and accessories. Kemo was my favourite. Don’t miss the roasteries serving delicious Guatemalan coffee! Sadly, Cafe Las Marias with rooftop views was closed as I visited on a Sunday but I had a great cup down at Cafe San Juan beside the pier.

San Marcos (hippie hub)

San Marocs solo female travel guatemala

When I say San Marcos is spiritual , I don’t just mean a bit of yoga and meditation. Yes, there’s plenty of this, but there’s also every soul-searching activity you could ever dream up… and then some! From sound healing to cacao ceremonies, San Marcos caters to enlightened types. I even saw a poster inviting me to ‘court my divine masculine’. Say what? While some of it was lost on me, I did enjoy a bit of yoga and even tried a sound bath (a kind of meditation experience where the practitioner plays various instruments designed to awaken energy in different parts of the body). I enjoyed it! But, like San Pedro, this isn’t a place to experience Guatemalan culture. Most of the people running and benefitting from the workshops are Western travellers who live there semi-permanently. For that reason, it wasn’t my favourite place. I’d say skip it if you don’t plan to take any classes. But I did love all the cute cafes . No prizes for guessing it’s vegan heaven! Tip – for the best yoga class, head to Yoga Forest with fantastic views. Eagle’s Nest is a famous hotel and holistic centre but I heard mixed reviews. It’s certainly an aesthetic dream but the classes aren’t that good , according to locals and travellers experienced in holistic practices.

Cafes san marcos

Where to stay: I recommend Casa Ahau with great breakfasts and dorm & private rooms. The social area is a great place to meet other solo travellers in Guatemala. Where to eat: Dragon Moon for healthy bowls, Circles for AMAZING baked goods, Zen for tasty vegan tacos. For coffee, I give another mention to Circles as well as Nectar ArtCafe and Ararti Cafe . The latter is a good place to work on a laptop.

Panajachel (the biggest lake town)

The hub of Lake Atitlan isn’t anything special but it has good tourist infrastructure and acts as a launching point to explore nearby points of interest, for example Chichicastenango Market (Central America’s biggest market) on Thursdays and Sundays. From Pana, I took half-day trips to…

Santiago (local life)

Santiago village lake atitilan

Aside from San Juan, this was the best Lake Atitlan town I visited for skipping the tourist trail and seeing local life. There’s a large, bustling market where you can enjoy local street food for pennies. There’s also a couple of miradors where you can snap pano views.

Santa Catarina & San Antonio (colourful murals and traditional crafts)

Santa catarina places for solo travel guatemala

These two towns close to Pana can easily be visited during a half day. Santa Catarina Palopo is a captivating mural village painted with traditional Guatemalan details. It’s also known for its woven goods; learn about the trade at the cultural centre. After an hour in Santa Catarina, I continued to San Antonio Palopo , a village known for pottery-making. There are several venues where you can witness potters at work and see the items coming to life. I didn’t see any other tourists around and gladly purchased a few beautiful items to support the artisans. From this point in Pana, you can jump on a local pick-up truck to the two villages.

Xela unusual places for solo female travel guatemala

Quetzaltenango , nicknamed Xela, is an off-the-beaten-track destination for solo travellers in Guatemala. It might be the perfect pick for those who want to escape tourist towns like San Pedro. Nestled in a valley at 2,400m above sea level, it’s a fantastic city to experience authentic local culture, yet it still feels modern enough with all the amenities you need. It’s a great place to learn Spanish and an even better place to hike! There are plenty of trails and hikes from Xela .

El Paredon

Personally, I didn’t make it to El Paradon but, for beach chills and surfing, I hear it’s your best option. This sleepy coastal town is known for its sunsets and swell. Although it’s one of Central America’s best surf destinations, it’s more of an advanced spot so not best for beginners. It’s certainly not a fancy beach resort destination: accommodations are mostly modest, the roads are badly paved and you’ll find lots of those pesky Guatemalan stray dogs (so don’t walk alone on the beach at night). And you can cast the idea of white sand beaches from your mind: this volcanic region is known for its black sand beaches. But, personally, I find these more interesting! Where to stay in El Paradon : Driftwood Hostel is the best accommodation for backpackers, and they can even help you organise an ethical turtle release.

Rough Guatemala itineraries

2 week Guatemala itinerary:

  • 1-2 days in Flores
  • 1 day in Semuc Champey (factor 2 travel days either side)
  • 3-4 days in Antigua (add extra days for volcano hikes)
  • 5 days in Lake Atitlan.

3 week Guatemala itinerary:

  • 2-3 days in Flores
  • 2 days in Semuc Champey (factor 2 travel days either side)
  • 7-10 days around the lake
  • 2-3 days El Paradon.

For a 1 month itinerary, add a week at a Spanish school!

Best hostels for solo travel in Guatemala

Here are some places I can vouch for. They’re all safe for solo female travel in Guatemala and great places to meet others.

I’ve only done Airbnbs in Antigua but the hostels I hear the best things about are Flore Hostel (9.8 stars on Hostelworld) and Barbara’s Boutique Hostel (9.7 stars on Hostelworld). Flores is about a dollar cheaper per night, but I don’t think you can go wrong with either!

The party option is Los Amigos . I heard mixed things about this place because it’s all set around a bar/restaurant so doesn’t feel like a regular hostel. I went for the more chilled option of Hostal Don Cenobio (70 Quetzales (£7/$9) with a gorgeous terrace offering lake views. It was clean and very pleasant but solo social butterflies might prefer Los Amigos.

Hostel is guatemala safe for solo female travellers

San Pedro de Laguna: everyone’s heard a horror story about the crazy party hostel that is Mr Mullet’s! Personally, I don’t think I could hack this kind of hostel even aged 20 so it certainly wasn’t for me 13 years on, but it might work for some. I stayed at Mandala’s Hostel instead in the 3-bed dorm (100 Quetzales (£10/$12) where you get a comfy double bed each! Panajachel – I stayed at Selina which is great for chilled travellers (especially those older than 25 or who work online) with a restaurant, bar, pool, cinema room and co-working areas. Just don’t book any tours or activities here as they’re a robbery compared to the local agencies who I bet they sub-contact to anyway! Considering this, accommodation is surprisingly cheap with beds starting from $12. I hear Dreamboat mentioned as a more lively option for backpackers in Pana. Santa Cruz – La Iguana Perdida ! In fact, this is the main reason to visit Santa Cruz as there’s not much going on there. This cosy hostel runs ‘family’ dinners each night costing 70 Q for 3 courses: ideal for solo travel in Guatemala! They also have affordable cocktails (£2.80 margs!), regular evening entertainment and amazing views to accompany your morning coffee and breakfast. The rooms are basic but fine, my main complaint was the lack of hot water!

Hostel view lake atitilan

San Marcos – a good option is Casa Ahau with reasonably-priced dorms and privates. My private room was just 120 Quetzales in off-season including breakfast, and I believe the dorms start from 90 Q. The brekkies are good: either fruit, yoghurt and granola, or eggs, beans, bread and plantain. The owners are super friendly and the communal area is spacious with swings, hammocks, tables and beds. The only slight downside to Casa Ahua for solo female travellers in Guatemala is the walk up an alleyway that feels eerie at night. But saying that, it’s halfway between the town and the holistic centres up the hill like Yoga Forest, which is a plus.

How to meet people solo travelling in Guatemala

Hostels: around the world, this is generally the main way to do it! In Guatemala, there’s a good mix of party hostels attracting a younger crowd along with boutique or family-style hostels if you want to avoid all that. At 33, I didn’t feel old at all (which can happen when solo travelling in Thailand for example) while staying in hostels and met plenty of travellers the same age or older than me. Tours and organised activities: you’ll meet people on organised hikes, walking and cycling tours of Antigua , cooking classes or chocolate workshops… the list goes on! Shuttles: everyone on your shuttle is going to your next destination so it’s the perfect place to get chatting to your seatmate!

Best season for Guatemala travel

Most people will tell you that the dry season of October to April is the best time to visit. However, I visited in September (rainy season) and actually loved how quiet it felt. Hostels were at about 50% capacity so the dorms never felt too crowded. However, in rainy season, it can rain A LOT. Luckily, it’s usually just in the afternoons so I got in the habit of sightseeing in the morning then either working on my laptop or reading in a coffee shop in the afternoon. If you’re travelling as part of a bigger backpacking Central America itinerary, this is a great way to preserve your energy by having half a day of downtime!

Volcano view Antigua

How to dress for solo Guatemala travel

However you like! Guatemala is not particularly conservative but, of course (sadly) you will get more attention if you show more skin, like anywhere. In rainy season when mosquitos are prevalent, I’d recommend bringing some long pants and long sleeves to avoid bites. Warm clothes are required for the Acatenango Volcano hike but these can easily be rented from your hiking company so you don’t need to worry about bringing them.

Useful items for Guatemala travel

Don’t forget the following:

  • Microfibre quick-drying towel
  • Combination padlock (ideal for hostel lockers)
  • A power bank to keep your devices alive
  • Sustainability: stainless steel reusable water bottle to reduce the use of plastic bottles
  • Alternatively, a filtering water bottle that allows you to safely drink tap water
  • Travel luggage: Osprey Farpoint backpack ( women’s ).
  • Hiking boots for the volcano hikes
  • Water shoes (such as Tevas) – these will be super useful when going through caves or any activity where you need to swim and hike.

Food and health

pepian what to eat solo travel in guatemala

I wasn’t crazy about Guatemalan food but perhaps that’s because I’m so used to Mexican food and some of the things are similar. However, I did enjoy eating the national dish of pepian, a rich sauce served with chicken and rice. You can even get vegan versions in tourist places. I ate this at Cafe Sabor in Santa Cruz, Atitlan, an amazing social enterprise with amazing lake views. Eating street food is perfectly safe, just follow the golden rules:

  • Eat where it’s busy to ensure a fast turnover of food
  • Santisise your hand before eating.

Can’t miss experiences in Guatemala

Some of my highlights from a month of solo female travel in Guatemala included…

Indian Nose hike, Lake Atitlan

Indians nose hike

Despite being a little steep, the Indian’s Nose hike isn’t too difficult because it’s so short. I’d read it was 40 minutes but the route our guide took us was even shorter. We were the only group at our lookout so I believe there are different viewpoints; perhaps the hike varies in length depending which you go to. The best place to do the hike from is San Pedro de Laguna because it’s close to the starting point and agencies sell cheap tours (shop around to get the best price – my hostel were selling it for 150 Quetzales but I found it for 75 just two minutes away at Guadalupe travel agency ). San Juan town is actually closer to the start point so you may be able to get good prices from here although I personally didn’t check. The hike departs at 4am and returns around 7.30am . You’re owed a big brekkie and lazy day in the San Pedro cafes after that! Tip for safety for solo female travellers in Guatemala – it was when leaving my hostel (Mandala’s) at 3.50am that a dog bit me, so be aware. Maybe you can find some other travellers to join you for safety in numbers.

Tikal ruins

Tikal solo female travel guatemala safety

2,000-year-old ruins built in alignment with the stars? Yeah, you can’t leave Tikal off your Guatemala bucket list! It’s easy to book a tour from your accommodation or any agency in Flores.

Chocolate-making workshop / coffee tour

Cacao pods

Since coffee and chocolate both have links with this part of the world, it would be rude not to try them! I did a fun chocolate workshop at Ek Chuah in Antigua where I learned about the history of chocolate (first drunk as a bitter, water-based beverage by ancient Mayans here and in Mexico) and got to make my own bar to take home. Coffee tours are also popular. You’ll get taken to the plantation to see the different steps in production, and try some of course!

Chichicastenango Market

Chichicastenango Market where to travel alone guatemala women

The biggest market in Central America is well worth a visit whether you want to shop for textiles or simply browse. Chichicastenango Market sprawls through the streets on Thursdays and Sundays selling everything from cheap tourist tat to antique items such as embroidered clothing over 100 years old. It’s easy to visit as a day tour from Panajachel. Shuttles leave at 8am and give you several hours to explore, beginning the return journey at 2pm. Expect to pay around 150 Quetzales for the return ride.

Chichicastenango Market

Currency and money tips

For fellow Brits, the conversion couldn’t be easier: just knock off a zero, for example 100 Quetzales = £10! For those dealing with Euros or USD, knock off the zero and add about 20%, for example at the time of writing (October 2023), 100 Quetzales = $13 or €12. But rates are always fluctuating so I recommend downloading the Xe app where you can add and compare currencies. Sometimes it bugs for me but it should work offline when you’re out and about. Average prices:

  • Hostel bed – around 100 Q
  • Meal in a local restaurant – 30 Q
  • Meal and drink in a touristy restaurant – 60-100 Q.

SIM cards in Guatemala

Solo female travellers in Guatemala will be relieved to know that it’s easy to stay online and connected. SIM cards with Claro are your best bet: buy a SIM card for 15 Quetzales then top up from a number of packages depending on how long you’re staying. I got the 30-day package including 10gb of data for 100 Q (£10/$12). If you’re coming from Belize like I did, your first stop is probably Flores and there’s a big Claro store at the base of the island by Maya Mall ( tip – you can get your laundry done near here for a fraction of the price of the laundrettes on the island). Remember to bring your passport when getting a SIM card as they will ask.

Update – although it’s slightly more expensive than a local SIM card, Airalo are a fantastic new e-SIM platform offering online SIM cards for 200+ destinations. They have several options for Guatemala you can purchase in advance and connect upon landing. So convenient!

Final thoughts on solo travel in Guatemala

I had such a blast travelling alone as a woman in Guatemala. I had so many memorable experiences from sunset hikes to gazing over ancient Mayan ruins, swimming in picturesque blue pools, exploring quaint lake towns and much, MUCH more. If you’re still wondering is Guatemala safe for solo female travel? , know I never once felt unsafe or uncomfortable (well, aside from by the street dogs!). In fact, I liked it so much I’ll be back in 6 months! If that’s not high praise, I don’t know what is…

Do ATMs charge fees? Annoyingly, yes. I didn’t find any charging less than 40 Quetzales (£4/$5). So it’s best to withdraw larger amounts of cash at a time. But remember to store these safely – in a hostel locker, for example – rather than carry it around with you. Can you haggle? Absolutely! It’s expected and all part of the game. I learned at Chichicastenango Market to start at around half of what the vendors originally suggested. I found they came down pretty quickly without me having to move much! But just remember that locals rely on this money for their livelihood so maybe don’t fight too hard over that extra dollar… Is tipping required? It’s certainly not on the level of the US or even Mexico but it’s still appreciated. I noticed a few places, particularly in Antigua, add an automatic 10% to the bill.

Thanks for reading!

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  • Pros and cons of travelling alone
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Solo travel in the Americas:

  • A solo female travellers guide to New York City
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  • Solo female travel in Bali
  • Where to travel alone in Vietnam
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  • Solo female travel in Portugal
  • Is solo female travel in Albania safe?
  • Complete guide to solo female travel in Croatia
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For more travel content, follow me on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter and YouTube .

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solo female travel safety guatemala

VISITING GUATEMALA? These are my trusted resources: Getting there by air – I use Skyscanner to find the best-value flights, using the ‘search by month’ tool to find the cheapest dates. You can also use the ‘to anywhere’ feature if you’re flexible on where you’re going. Driving in Guatemala – since its so easy to get around with shuttles, you don’t NEED a car. But if you want to rent one, use to compare car rentals in Guatemala (and all around the world) For hotels in Guatemala, use – they also have self-catering apartments. You can filter by review score and price to find the best-rated budget places. For hostels, I use . To save money on accommodation, I use Trusted Housesitters , a website that connects homeowners going away and travellers who can sit their homes & pets. Browse tours and activities on GetYourGuide . I always check Viator too in case they have a better price. To stay connected, download an e-SIM with Airalo and connect immediately. Browse their packages for Guatemala . Need travel insurance ? I use True Traveller (for UK & Europe residents) since it’s affordable but covers everything you’d need including various activities, valuables and pre-existing conditions. Unlike some companies, they insure you if you’re already travelling / don’t yet have your flight home booked. Get a quote . For travel insurance for other nationalities, I recommend Hey Mundo and for long-term digital nomad travellers, I suggest Safety Wing . Check out my resources page for more travel discounts and tips!

solo travel antigua guatemala

Rose is a solo traveller from the UK who has been on the road since 2015. She wants to show other women that solo travel isn't scary and doesn't have to be expensive! Rose has lived in Mexico, Canada and all over Asia, seeking out food, bubble tea and street art wherever she goes!

8 thoughts on “ Solo Travel In Guatemala: Is It Safe For Female Travellers? ”

solo travel antigua guatemala

Excellent round-up Rose! I’ve been so overwhelmed with all the incredible things to do in Guatemala and your guide has helped sort out the options. Can’t wait to see what you do next, and to visit myself of course!

solo travel antigua guatemala

Hi Michele! So glad you enjoy it!

solo travel antigua guatemala

Hi Rose, Thanks for sharing detailed travel info in Guatemala. Any tips of finding good local Spanish classes while travel in Guatemala? Thanks.

Regards, Joanne

Hi Joanne, there’s one called Antiguena Spanish School that’s very good!

solo travel antigua guatemala

I only going for 3 days, first day in Antigua, what you recommended me for the other 2 days?

Hi Graciela, have you looked into the volcano hikes? A lot of people do those, Acatenango takes 2 days! Otherwise, breweries, cafes, chocolate making classes are fun!

solo travel antigua guatemala

Hi there, great blog post! What time of year did you go? I’m thinking of going in July which I think is rainy season which is putting me off slightly!

Hey, I went in September and it was pretty rainy but because I had plenty of time, I did half a day of sightseeing each day and it worked out ok! Note that Central America is having increased dengue at the moment so this is worse in rainy season.

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Is Guatemala Safe For Solo Female Travelers? Top 9 Things Women Need To Know

Posted: June 1, 2024 | Last updated: June 1, 2024

Is Guatemala safe for solo female travelers? This gorgeous Central American destination remains under the radar but is growing in popularity as more and more travelers <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">discover how amazing it is.</a> But you might be wondering if it's safe to travel there. Short answer: <strong>Guatemala is generally safe for solo female travelers as long as you take normal Latin American precautions. </strong>There are the important tips all females should know as they plan their first solo trip to Guatemala. As a solo female traveler who has been to almost every country in Central and South America, Guatemala is one of my favorites. I spent multiple months there on two separate trips (I came back because I liked it so much!) Despite the lingering “dangerous” reputation that Guatemala has, I'm here to tell you firsthand that it's perfectly safe, even for solo female travelers. Of course, there are some important things to keep in mind before you go. Here's what you need to know about solo female travel safety in Guatemala.

You Can Skip Guatemala City

Most of the tourist destinations in Guatemala are perfectly safe. Antigua, for example, is a gorgeous colonial town with colorful buildings, cobblestoned streets, historic churches, and volcano views all around. It's the most popular destination in the country, and it's extremely safe. However, I still wouldn't recommend walking around Antigua alone at night. Some of the streets can get pretty desolate and nighttime is when most crime happens. Stick to walking with a group at night, or pay for an Uber to get home. (Uber is available in Antigua, and it's very cheap and safer than taking a taxi.)

Don't Walk Alone At Night

I have to admit that part of the reason that I felt so comfortable in Guatemala (and all of Latin America) is because I speak enough Spanish to get by in most situations. If I didn't speak any Spanish, traveling alone in Guatemala would have been overwhelming! While most people who work in tourism speak at least some English, you may find yourself in situations where knowing Spanish will be extremely helpful. Luckily, Guatemala is a popular destination for taking cheap one-on-one Spanish classes. Antigua, Lake Atitlan, and Xela are great places to do this.

Know Some Spanish

Chicken buses are the main form of local transportation in Guatemala. They're old American school buses, and yes, you might see passengers transporting chickens and other live animals onboard. While chicken buses are extremely cheap, I don't recommend traveling on them solo, especially long distances, because there are sometimes issues with theft. It's better to pay more and take one of the many tourist shuttles that crisscross the country for a safer ride. You should also avoid traveling on the roads in Guatemala at night and stick to daytime journeys only - more crime including robberies and carjackings happen at night.

Avoid Chicken Buses Solo

Pickpocketing isn't a <em>huge </em>concern in Guatemala (I'd say you need to <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">worry about it more</a> in a big European city like Barcelona or Paris!) but it <em>is </em>something that happens occasionally. Some of the biggest targets for pickpockets are crowded places like markets, festivals, parades, and chicken buses. If you're in a crowd, be sure to stay vigilant and keep your belongings secured (don't leave your purse unzipped or keep your wallet in your back pocket - use common sense!)

Watch Out For Pickpockets

One of the reasons I felt very comfortable as a solo traveler in Guatemala is because there are tons of other solo travelers and a huge backpacking scene. It's really easy to meet other travelers so you're never truly alone. A common way of getting around Guatemala is tourist shuttles, so you're likely to meet other travelers heading to the same destination as you. And there are tons of nice, affordable hostels all over the country.

You'll Meet Other Solo Travelers

This might not be the kind of safety you're thinking of when it comes to traveling in Guatemala, but don't overlook food and water safety! Food in Guatemala is not always prepared with the same hygiene standards as travelers from the U.S. or other developed countries might be accustomed to. Because of this, many travelers get sick in Guatemala. Be careful what you eat (especially when it comes to meat or produce) and always have plenty of medicine like Pepto-Bismol on hand. Similarly, you need to be careful of the water in Guatemala. You can't drink tap water anywhere in the country. Rather than buying bottled water all the time, I recommend buying a LifeStraw water bottle. This filters tap water and makes it drinkable (I've used mine with zero issues all over the world!) It's also common to find filtered water stations where you can refill your water bottle in restaurants and hostels in Guatemala.

Be Careful With Food And Water

Before traveling to Guatemala, keep up to date with the latest travel warnings, but also take them with a grain of salt. For example, the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">current U.S. State Department advisory</a> for Guatemala is “Level 3: Reconsider Travel” and has been for at least several years. However, there's some good advice on that page (about which areas to avoid entirely, which are well off the main tourist path anyway, and useful information for specific destinations.)

Stay Up To Date With Travel Warnings

solo travel antigua guatemala

Trust Your Instincts

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FAQ About Solo Trips in Antigua Guatemala

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You can save money by staying in a low-cost hotel or hostel and splitting your expenses with other travelers. A hostel can be a great place to meet new people if you are traveling alone, but you can also use GAFFL to connect with other travelers in Antigua Guatemala, share costs, and travel together to save money on your solo trip to Antigua Guatemala.

Essential Solo Travel Tips For A Trip To Antigua Guatemala

How are gaffl solo trips in antigua guatemala different than tour companies, are gaffl solo trips in antigua guatemala free, are gaffl solo trips in antigua guatemala safe.

Travelers on GAFFL go through a multi-step verification process that includes phone, social, and government ID verification, so you can be confident in your potential travel companion. You also have the option of connecting or not connecting with anyone you want. On GAFFL, you have complete control over who you travel with.

Can you give me an example of how solo tours in Antigua Guatemala are different from Tour Companies?

How much money can gaffl save me on my next solo trip to antigua guatemala.

A two-week trip to Antigua Guatemala with a traditional tour company can cost thousands of dollars. When you connect with a solo traveler on GAFFL and split costs for things like rental cars and lodging, you are not paying any additional fees that are typically associated with tour companies, and by splitting costs, the overall cost per person is significantly reduced.

Are GAFFL solo trips in Antigua Guatemala run by Tour Companies?

Have a good itinerary but no friends or family members to join you, start your trip in minutes and connect with like-minded travelers in antigua guatemala..

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Is Guatemala Safe to Travel to? Guatemala Safety Tips

Posted on Last updated: April 22, 2024

M y first question when deciding on a place to learn Spanish was, “Is it safe to travel to Guatemala?” I won’t lie: my family wasn’t happy about my chosen destination. They constantly as ked me about crime in Guatemal a and “Is Guatemala dangerous?”

I had serious reservations about Guatemala safety before going there. I knew very little about Guatemala—like most people, I had to search for Guatemala to find it on the ma p! All I knew was it was a country in Central America with a long history of civil war , but how safe is Guatemala today?

Did You Get Travel Insurance Yet? The Insurance companies I recommend are  Hey Mondo and Safety Wing Hey Mondo  is great if you are looking for a great value flexible policy. They offer single-trip cover, annual multi-trip cover, and long-term travel cover. Safety Wing  is great value, with monthly coverage starting at $45.08. It’s super easy to use, and it just renews each month. I currently use them as they offer me free cover for my son as part of my policy. Read my full  travel insurance post  here, where I go into detail about all companies. 

Is Guatemala Safe to Travel to?

By now, you’re probably in my position, wondering, “How dangerous is Guatemala ?”  After living there for nine months, I can say with 100% security, it is safe to visit Guatemala. It is one of the most welcoming and friendly places I ‘ve visited . I’m sure you will love Guatemala just as much as I did if you travel there and enjoy all the best things to do in Guatemala .

I sha re essential safety tips for solo female travelers visiting Guatemala in this post. These tips also apply to anyone traveling anywhere worldwide. So, is Guatemala safe? If you do these things, yes !

  • Don’t travel at night
  • Don’t walk alone in the early morning or evening
  • Avoid early morning buses
  • Don’t travel between villages on the lake by road
  • Take care when getting a tuk-tuk alone
  • Keep your belongings locked away
  • Always keep your credit card separate from your cash
  • Carry a copy of your passport

Quick Tip:  Book accommodation, tours, and transport ahead of time online to save money and stress.  Best Guatemala Tours :  Click here to check out the top Guatemala tours Best Guatemala Accommodation:  Click here to check out the best accommodation in Guatemala Best Guatemala Transport:  Click here to book a bus, ferry, or train in Guatemala

Want to visit Antigua Guatemala but you only have 2 days? Antigua is one of my favorite places in the world. I arrived here for 2 weeks and ended up here for months! If you are just passing through there are a few places you need to see so here is my 2 day itinerary to explore Antigua Guatemala.

Is it Safe to Travel to Guatemala Alone As a Female?

In a nutshell, yes. I spent nine months there, and nothing bad happened to me. Granted, I heard many stories and know people who did run into trouble. Regardless o f where you are, people are looking to steal your stuff. You should be fine if you keep your wits about you and follow the advice in this guide to Guatemala safety.

Like many Latin American countries, Guatemala has a troubled past, with a long civil war and government corruption. For a long time, it was unsafe to travel there due to high rates of crime in Guatemala. Since the Civil War ended, the country has worked hard to repair and heal. Overall, I have found Guatemalan people to be kind and friendly.

Advice for Solo Travelers in Guatemala

Ask anyone who has been to Guatemala , “How safe is Guatemala?” They will all tell you how friendly the Guatemalan people are.

Every country has its bad apples, and Guatemala is no different. Many people are living in poverty and feel they have no option but to turn to Guatemala crime.

Top Tip : When haggling prices, remember it may be just a few dollars to you but that goes a long way in Guatemala. Read my ethical travel in Guatemala guide for more tips.

Guatemala City and Antigua Guatemala Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

1. don’t travel at night.

I f you’re flying into La Aurora International Airport at night, you may wonder, “Is Guatemala City safe after dark?” While I haven’t had any issues in Guatemala City at night, I recommend booking accommodations near the airport and traveling to your final destination in the morning. Some hotels offer a free shuttle t hat takes you to the hotel and returns you in the morning to get a shuttle to Antigua . You may be fine traveling at night, but it is riskier, as most acts of bus crime in Guatemala happen at night.

This doesn’t just go for travel to and from the airport: it’s a general rule. I have traveled at night with no problems, and I know many people who have taken the night bus from Tikal , for example. But there’s more risk at night than during the day.

Plan to arrive before dark if you need to travel to Lake Atitlan . It’s always better to spend a night in Antigua and take the morning shuttle to the lake.

Transportation and tours in Guatemala can come with risks. The only company I recommend in Guatemala (other than the individuals and companies I have named) is GuateGo . They are a Guatemala-owned company that has combined all the transportation and tour options in one easy-to-use website. You can book Guatemala transportation and tours with them here .

If you are nervous about traveling in Guatemala and would prefer to hire a tour guide, check out Heart of Travel. Click here to learn more about them and how they can help plan your Guatemalan adventure .

Advice for Solo Travelers in Guatemala

2. Don’t Walk Alone Early in the Morning or After Dark

Is Antigua Guatemala safe? Most crime in Antigua happens early in the morning or late at night, and weekends are worse. The most common scheme is that two guys on a moto (scooter) will drive past and snatch your bag. Be warned: everyone I know who this happened to said they were threatened with a knife, so give them the bag. It’s not worth the risk. These usually aren’t local people—they come from the city to steal from tourists. It’s sad but true. I never had issues, but I know people who experienced this. I always walk close to buildings with my bag on the side, away from the road. I also avoid taking anything of value out or carrying too much cash.

3. Avoid the Early Morning Buses, if Possible

I’ve heard several Guatemala crime reports from the 4:00 am bus to Nicaragua . T his isn’ t a big issue, but it does happen, and the bandits can be brutal. Instead, take a daytime bus or a flight.

4. Don’t Travel Between Villages On the Lake by Road

Traveling between villages on the lake by road is unsafe, uncomfortable, and time-consuming. P lay it safe and get the shuttle to Panajachel to take the water taxi (launch) to your final destination. If you visit other villages, go during the day and take the boat rather than a tuk-tuk. Except for San Marcos , Tzunun , San Pedro , and San Juan, I haven’t had issues walking or taking a tuk-tuk during the day. These routes are unsafe in the evening, and you should not walk them. If you must travel, take a tuk-tuk—preferably with a friend.

5. Be Cautious When Taking a Tuk-Tuk Alone

See my last point. If you need to get home and are alone at night, ask someone for the number of a trusted tuk-tuk driver. If you have no choice, taking a tuk-tuk is better than walking. J ust before I left Antigua , I heard about a girl who had a nasty experience traveling to her home outside the city in a tuk-tuk. You should be fine in the town, but be careful if you stay elsewhere.

How to spend a day in Antigua Guatemala

6. Lock Your Items Away

I lived in a hostel for a few months and never locked anything away, including my expensive computer and camera. However, not all hostels are the same —some have minimal security. Keep your items and valuables locked away, out of sight, to be safe.

7. Keep Your Bank Card Separate

8. always carry a copy of your passport.

This is useful for many reasons, but the big one is if you have any issues, you can show your passport to the police. You will also need it to use your bank card in any shop.

Quick Tip : View my full  Guatemala packing guide here  including a downloadable checklist. And check out my Guatemala Essentials shopping list  here .

Looking for Accommodations in Antigua?

I recommend several places for a hostel, including  Selina and Yellow House Hostel . I recommend Hotel Mesón de María and Barbara’s Boutique Hostel for hotels. I’ve gathered all the best places to eat in Antigua if you need recommendations.

If you want to stay in San Pedro , I recommend Zoola San Pedro Atitlan ,  AmiGos ,  Hotel Tinamit , Cristalinas Cafe , or Hotel & Restaurant at Lake .

In Panajachel , I recommend PanaHouse  or Selina Atitlan .

I also wrote an entire accommodation guide for Antigua, Guatemala City , and Lake Atitlan .

Guatemala Travel Guide Planning

🧳 Any recommendations on what I should pack for Guatemala?

Yes! I have created a whole packing guide to Guatemala which you can read  here  and you can also check out my packing list for Guatemala on Amazon  here .

🚗 Where can I book bus or private transportation while I’m in Guatemala?

I strongly recommend using  GottoGo . You can book almost all transport in the major tourist destinations through them online. They don’t just cover buses they also cover shuttles, ferries, and private drivers.

🎫  Where can I buy tickets for museums, attractions, and tours in Guatemala?

I recommend either  Viator  or  GetYour Guide . They have a lot of options!

👩‍⚕️ What is the best insurance to have while traveling?

I recommend using  Heymondo  for a great value policy. The app also offers you 24/7 Dr Chat. For Digital Nomads check out  SafetyWing  digital nomad insurance.

I have also written a blog post covering all my recommended travel insurance  here

✈️ Any flight recommendations?

WayAWay  offers you cheap flights with cashback. You can use this code CLAIRE22 to get 10% off. Otherwise  Skyscanner  or  Expedia  are my go-to flight searching platforms.

📱What do you use for internet connection while traveling?

I’m a big fan of personal WiFi devices and they have saved my ass so many times when traveling. I wrote a full review of the top travel WiFi devices you can read  here . I personally use  GlocalMe  as I can either pop in a physical sim card or use their local carrier.

With regards to my phone connection, I use e-sims while traveling, so rather than having to swap out my regular sim card I can download the app and buy a virtual sim card. I recommend using either Airhub  or  Alosim . Both have great coverage of multiple countries and are very easy to use.

🛏️ What is the best platform to use for booking accommodation?

The 3 best platforms that I normally use are , , and  Expedia  They offer great deals and multiple options. I always check all three to be sure of the best deals.

🛅  Do you have any luggage recommendations for traveling?

I do have a complete list of the best packing and luggage products that I recommend, you can check the list  here . I’m currently traveling with  this suitcase  and  this backpack. 

Is Guatemala Safe to Travel to Alone? Final Thoughts

I hope this guide to Guatemala City and Antigua Guatemala safety has answered your questions about “Is Guatemala safe to visit alone?” I’ve tried to be honest about crime in Guatemala without putting you off from visiting. I love Guatemala and felt very safe there—however, like any country, there is crime. I hope you enjoy this beautiful country as much as I did. If you have any questions, please let me know! Read this guide to solo travel in Central America if you plan to visit other nearby countries.

Safety Advice for Solo Female Travelers in Guatemala

This post was proofread by Grammarly .

Monday 31st of May 2021

Hello, Thanks for the post. Is July a good month to visit Guatemala? Thanks

Monday 1st of April 2019

Hello can you suggest local tour guides for Antigua, and the lake

Claire Summers

Friday 5th of April 2019

Just the ones I recommend in my posts try Heart of Travel

Tuesday 5th of February 2019

Hi Claire, thanks for this post, I found it really helpful! I'm traveling to Antigua in a couple weeks as a solo female traveler. I'm staying just 4 blocks south of the Parque Central and I feel pretty comfortable about navigating everything except maybe when I'm headed back to the hotel after dinner (i.e. after dark). What do you think is my best option for that? Taxi over tuktuk? What about uber - are they available around town? I'd love any additional tips you have! Thanks!

Friday 8th of February 2019

Hey Nicole! OK so your only option really is a TukTuk, you will see when you get there people don't really use taxis for short distances like that. A Tuk Tuk will be 15Q. You may feel comfortable walking. Just see how you feel. My advice is to not carry a bag, instead of split valuables up and put in pockets. If you do have a bag make sure it is a cross body and that it is on the wall side when you are walking. The most common issue is guys coming pact on Motos and snatching bags. This never happened to me in all the time I lived there. But I know a lot of people it did happen to, so always be cautious! Have the best time and let me know about your trip when you get back!

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solo travel antigua guatemala

The flight to Guatemala City we are looking at arrives at 10:45 pm, and departs at 5:25 am. Of course neither of these is going to work well to try to connect with a flight to/from Flores.

Does it make more sense to:

- go directly to Antigua upon arrival (late at night), and leave Flores to the end of the trip?

- or spend the first night at an airport hotel, catch the first morning flight to Flores, and then leave Antigua to the end?

One more question. A few years ago, you used to be able to fly to Flores from Belize , with either Tropic Air or Maya Air (can't remember which). i don't see anything now - I'm assuming that flying from Guatemala City is now the only option?

I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

7 replies to this topic

I am not sure about the flights to Belize, but so I know that it is about a 2 hour drive to San Ignacio, Belize from Flores if you were thinking you may want to rent a car , I think it would be a cheaper option than a flight .

Feel free to continue asking questions!

' class=

I don't know what you have in mind to do, but four nights for Flores is a lot.

But what you suggest would work. I'd go direct to Antigua; your hotel will likely be able to help with transportation.

I've flown Belize City to Flores, but it's been five years. IDK current options.

solo travel antigua guatemala

3 nights is probably good for Antigua and I'm with the others - I'd plan at least a few nights and preferably 3 or 4 on Lake Atitlán.

Tropic Air stopped there BZE>FRS routes due to covid and hasn't restarted them.

My photos with blog links on the main page of each collection are below in case you're interested - all my recommendations are embedded there.

Happy planning!

Thanks again!

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