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The 6 BEST Ethical Elephant Sanctuaries In Chiang Mai (2024)

Check out what the best elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai are during your visit to Thailand. Find out what makes an ethical elephant experience, the history of elephants in Thailand, the top elephant sanctuaries to visit, and more!

There is a crazy amount of elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai. Walk down any street and you will be surrounded by travel agencies showing off their popular elephant experiences.

Thailand itself has over 80 elephant camps, mostly in the North so you must choose one which is best for you, as well as the elephants involved for your Chiang Mai itinerary.

As a traveler, it can be easy to get swept up in the moment and do something you may just regret later. I remember looking back at my parent’s photos of them riding elephants in Thailand and cringing.

This was back in the early 2000s when there was, unfortunately, a lack of knowledge and understanding of responsible tourism and access to information.

When I then went on my backpacking trip to Thailand and was asked by my mother if I too would ride an elephant I said no and explained my reasons why. However, I have visited over four different elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai and even brought my mom with me as well to show her an ethical experience.

Before we get into the top elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai, their tours, and responsible tourism I would just like to say thank you for researching this subject and taking it seriously.

The Best Elephant Sanctuaries In Chiang Mai: How To Have An Ethical Elephant Experience

going on the jungle walk karen elephant retreat. A herd of elephants foraging through bamboo and underbrush at an elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai, demonstrating natural elephant behaviors.

🚗 How I Book Cheap Transport In Thailand: 12Go Asia

Need A Quick Answer?

If you perhaps don’t have time to read this entire guide on ethical and the best elephant sanctuaries worth visiting in Chiang Mai, no worries, here are the top tips:

🐘 Best Ethical Elephant Tour In Chiang Mai: I recommend booking the Small Group Ethical Elephant Sanctuary Tour with Lanna Kingdom Tours. Book now with GetYourGuide .

🏨 Where to Stay in Chiang Mai: Top hostel choices for backpackers in Chiang Mai include The Common Hostel (dorms start from $13.00) and Stay With A Hug Poshtel (dorms start from $6.50)

🍜 For Foodies: Take a Chiang Mai cooking class with a market tour. Book now with GetYourGuide which has over 900 positive reviews!

🌳 Best Chiang Mai Day Trip: A day trip to Doi Inthanon National Park is a must-do. Book here via GetYourGuide .

Map Of The Best Ethical Elephant Sanctuary Chiang Mai

Here is a map of some of the best elephant sanctuaries worth visiting while you are in Chiang Mai.

You will see they all have ticketing offices in the main town which you can easily navigate to.

However, the sanctuaries themselves will be at least an hour away where the elephants have plenty of room to roam.

1. Elephant Nature Park Chiang Mai

Elephant Nature Park is no doubt the most popular ethical elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai. It is certainly known as one of the most ethical as well. It was opened in the 1990s by founder Lek Chailert who is widely known for her conservation work with elephants.

Located 60 kilometers from Chiang Mai the property sits on a huge 250 acres giving the elephants a huge amount of land to live in.

No doubt this is the most popular and best elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai, as well as the best sanctuary in Thailand.

How To Visit: I highly recommend booking as far in advance as possible if you are planning to visit this elephant park in Chiang Mai. This is because it is widely considered the best elephant sanctuary. Seriously, I missed out on trying to book 3 weeks in advance!

They offer single-day visits for 2,500 THB per person which will involve transportation to the elephant park in Chiang Mai.

They also have an overnight elephant sanctuary stay which is 5,800 THB per person where you can wake up to the noises of elephants. If you want to stay a little longer at Elephant Nature Park they also have a 7-day program and finally a dog rescue volunteer program as well.

Feeding Elephants: YES

Bathing Elephants: NO

Riding Elephants: NO

Office Location: 1 Ratmakka Road, Phra Sing, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

Website: View Here

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Elephant Nature Park (@elephantnaturepark)

2. Elephant Freedom Project In Chiang Mai

Elephant Freedom Project is Chiang Mai is actually the first ethical elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai I visited when Elephant Nature Park was all booked out. This place is actually run by Elephant Nature Park and is one of their many projects within Northern Thailand.

This is where they work alongside the elephant owners and local communities to showcase the benefits of ethical elephant experiences and demonstrate that this is what tourists want to see these days.

Located in the Mae Wang Area, Elephant Freedom Project is an excellent way to get out of the city and into the countryside. You will get the chance to spend the day with about 6 amazing elephants and have them show you their home.

The highlight for me doing this tour was doing one of the jungle hikes with the elephants. This is where their individual personalities shine. The younger elephants would climb up the hills of the small valley and slide down, they seemed so happy.

How To Visit: Because there is so much choice you do not need to book the projects Elephant Nature Park offers so far in advance like you would do if you were visiting the actual park.

You can do a single-day visit for 2,500 THB and children are half this price. Included in your booking are transportation and a vegetarian lunch.

Bathing Elephants: YES

A family of elephants, dust swirling around them, showcasing the natural environment of an elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai.

3. Into The Wild Elephant Camp

Into The Wild Elephant Camp gives high importance to the well-being of elephants as well as the Karen Community. Employing locals it gives them more opportunities.

They also give clothing and supplies to nearby local villages. For them, the elephants and locals must be both respected and appreciated.

How To Visit: Into The Wild Elephant Camp have both full-day and half-day tour options.

Office Location: 115 3 Room 1 Sri Poom Rd. Office at Hug Hostel, Chiang Mai

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Into the Wild Elephant Camp (@intothewild_elephantcamp)

4. Karen Elephant Retreat

Similar to The Elephant Freedom Project in Chiang Mai, The Karen Elephant Retreat is actually run by Elephant Nature Park. It is one of their many projects within Northern Thailand.

Located in the Mae Taeng Area it is less than an hour’s drive to arrive at the sanctuary in the Chiang Mai countryside. While visiting you get to make some elephant food and go for an awesome jungle walk.

It is a relatively steep climb uphill to where the bamboo is. The elephants loved throwing dust on themselves and ripping out the bamboo. Unlike the Elephant Freedom Project, we did 2 feeding sessions at the Karen Elephant Retreat as well.

For this elephant experience, you will pay 2,500 THB for a one-day visit and children are half this price. Included in your booking are transportation and a vegetarian lunch.

A Day At The Karen Elephant Project With Elephant Nature Park In Chiang Mai

5. Happy Elephant Home

Home to rescued Chiang Mai elephants from the tourist trade they can now roam freely at Happy Elephant Home. This is another ethical elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai worth visiting.

It’s easy to see the team here loves these elephants. You also get to wear traditional Karen clothing here so just be aware you will be expected to change on arrival.

How To Visit: There are a few different options to choose from when you are at Happy Elephant Home. The first is the standard full day tour which costs 2400THB. The second is a half-day tour which costs 1800THB.

Lastly, there is the overnight option for those who really want to immerse themselves in the experience at a price of 5000 THB. For an elephant sanctuary the price is on the higher side, but it is an overnight experience.

Location: 74/1 Kuet Chang, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai 50150

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Karine Braga ? (@karinees_b)

6. BEES – Burm & Emily’s Elephant Sanctuary

I have saved the best for last so if you’re looking for an ethical elephant sanctuary Chiang Mai you cannot do better than BEES. Founded in 2011 by Burm and Emily they have the elephant’s best interest at heart.

Emily’s trip to Thailand inspired her to open it as she saw the conditions of the elephants which were giving visitors rides and performing tricks. The goal of the sanctuary is to allow elephants to actually be elephants and have natural behaviors. As a result, there is no bathing or riding of elephants.

How To Visit: They have 3 different options for programs. The first is 7 days running Monday to Sunday. They also have an overnight stay and a 3-night stay. This is so you can get the most out of your experience with the elephants and learn about how BEES operates.

They provide plenty of educational activities and even though there is a hands-off policy with the elephants, you will be hands-on in caring for the elephants by making their food, observing their behaviors, and more.

Feeding Elephants: NO

Location: 34 M1, Ban Thung Yaw, Tambon Chang Keung Chiang Mai

View this post on Instagram A post shared by BEES Elephants (@beeselephants)

History Of Elephants In Thailand

Before we get to what makes an ethical elephant sanctuary and responsible tourism I think it is important to understand the importance of elephants in Thai history and culture. This is because it is likely quite different from what you think as a foreigner.

Elephants in Thailand during the old times were an integral part of everyday life. Exactly how horses were too many of us, they allowed transportation and heavy lifting when vehicles and machinery were not an option, they were working animals.

The presence of elephants is also a rich part of Thai culture and religion.

In 1989 the government banned logging in Thailand, an industry that heavily relied on the use of elephants. As a result over 4000 of these working animals were displaced and their mahouts were left without any income.

With increased tourism in the ’90s, the locals quickly realized the appeal of elephants to international travelers and thus the creation of elephant Chiang Mai tourism.

These travelers were more than happy to pay large amounts to interact with and ride these majestic creatures. Therefore encouraging an even greater movement into elephant tourism.

During this time in the 90s and early 2000s, the popular thing to do was watch an elephant performance or ride one. However, in the early 2010s, the opinion of travelers quickly changed as accessibility to information increased and animal rights groups gained traction.

As a result, many companies had to transition quickly to keep up with new market demands as this experience was the top spot in many travelers Thailand bucket list .

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are an ethical elephant sanctuary, something which I will touch more on below.

elephant jungle walk elephant freedom project. An adorable baby elephant lying in the dirt, under the protective stance of an adult elephant at a sanctuary in Chiang Mai.

What Makes An Ethical Elephant Sanctuary?

First of all, there is no law in Southeast Asian countries as to what is considered a sanctuary. If there was this could restrict what camps can call themselves. Therefore nearly every elephant experience you will come across in Chiang Mai will call itself a sanctuary.

That is why it’s important for you to research the sanctuary you are thinking about before visiting or even look into a few different options before deciding. That is why I am recommending a few different options so you can consider each one and choose which one suits you best.

The definition of ethical is “relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these”. Relating this back to elephant experiences would ensure that the company has the elephant’s best interests at heart and provides the ultimate elephant care.

Also, they create a safe and enriched experience for both the tourist and the elephant. Balancing what is best for each animal and the tourist’s interest is certainly a difficult balancing act. Especially on a subject matter on which many people have strong opinions.

My partner visited an elephant sanctuary in Phuket, though I chose not to do it as I had already been to one in Chiang Mai recently. On his return, he told me the sayings he was taught to tell the elephant, letting it know when to open its mouth, and lift up its trunk for you to put bananas in, etc.

This is an experience that was considered ethical and had great reviews online. However, learning about the commands made me question it as you would’ve needed to train an elephant to do this.

Unfortunately, the process of training an elephant is not a nice one. It is called Phajaan, breaking an elephant spirit or the crush and it is exactly as bad as it sounds.

Often involving a young elephant as this is when they are the most impressionable resulting in them becoming submissive to humans. It is a form of torture that basically scares the elephant in hopes it will never disobey a human.

Fortunately, with elephants being bred in captivity for tourism purposes, this tradition is slowly being phased out over the years. Many young elephants these days haven’t experienced the phajaan and are instead learning behaviors from their mother.

Ultimately the most ethical elephant sanctuary will be one that provides the closest lifestyle as if the elephant was out in the wild. Yes, that may mean you may not have any physical interaction with the elephants, but it’s for a good cause.

A tranquil scene of a herd of elephants, with a small human figure in the distance, highlighting the vast spaces of Chiang Mai's elephant sanctuaries.

Is Riding Elephants Ethical?

In terms of riding elephants for tourism, no it is not ethical. You should never pay for the experience of riding an elephant. Though in saying this you will find a few riding camps still operating throughout Southeast Asia.

Western tourists for the most part no longer participate in riding. However, in other cultures, they still consider it okay.

The exception when riding an elephant that could be considered ethical is if the mahout is riding it. A mahout is a dedicated career and has usually grown up alongside that elephant.

They have a special bond and sometimes the mahout will ride the elephant if this is to gain control over the elephant or simply to catch a ride over a river.

Is Bathing Elephants Ethical?

The question of whether bathing elephants is ethical is something that has been in hot debate in recent years. Experts for the most part agree that bathing elephants is an unethical practice that needs to be phased out.

Whether this is swimming in the river or giving the elephants a mud bath, these are both questionable practices.

However, there doesn’t seem to be much of this passing out within the industry. It is still widely practiced. This is likely due to the demand for it by tourists. Just like riding, if we change our mindset of what we want in the experience the industry will begin providing for it.

It is still relevantly difficult to find an elephant tour in Chiang Mai that does not offer bathing. But you can always choose to sit out of partaking in this activity while we wait for it to die out.

Are Bullhooks Ethical?

This is another hot debate between experts and tourists. Check any TripAdvisor form and everyone is complaining about the mahout carrying their bullhook. I have personally seen scathing reviews of sanctuaries because of a bullhook.

Looking from only the perspective of the tourist it can be easy to question this practice. I mean come on, they are basically carrying around a device whose main purpose is to hurt these gentle giants.

Though many experts claim this is a necessity to keep both the mahouts and guests safe. Now you do get the overzealous mahout who may just like to have a little bit too much control. This is not okay.

But, for the mahout having this device is literally a matter of life and death. No one wants a 4-tonne animal losing control. Using this on sensitive areas allows the mahout to quickly gain control over a situation that could’ve gone very bad.

Unfortunately, there was a “no hooks” policy implemented at Boon Lott Elephant Sanctuary. This is because they saw this is what tourists wanted. This resulted in the death of one of the owners when they couldn’t regain control of one of their elephants.

These deaths are actually common in “no hook” and “no ankus” Chiang Mai elephant tours.

Personally, I think a bit more conversation is needed regarding the positives and negatives of bullhooks. I believe a lot of tourists likely just see a torture device, rather than a life-saving instrument which it can be when used correctly.

What To Bring To Your Chiang Mai Elephant Sanctuary Experience

Camera : For sure a camera is a necessity when you are visiting one of the many excellent elephant sanctuaries Chiang Mai. There will be some amazing moments so be sure to have your camera out to snap some amazing pics.

It may also pay to take a spare battery and SD card! Trust me you will need them if you take as many pics as I do.

Sunscreen and Hat: The sun is hot out here in Chiang Mai so you will want to bring along some sunscreen and a hat. There will be a little bit of shade at whatever sanctuary you choose. Though if you want to be around the elephants it’s likely you will be standing out in the sun for the majority of the day.

Bathing Suit and Towel: Now I don’t recommend you partake in the bathing of elephants as it is not ethical. Remember we want the elephants to be living as close as they can to if they were in the wild.

Though if you cannot stop yourself you will need to bring along a bathing suit and towel. Bathing the elephants can be a dangerous activity as you are up quite close to the elephants in the water so keep as much distance as you can.

FAQs About Elephant Sanctuaries In Chiang Mai

Can you see elephants in chiang mai.

Of course, you can see elephants in Chiang Mai, it is one of the most popular places in Thailand for tourists to interact with these creatures.

There are many elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai, that rescue Asian elephants from abusive situations, such as logging, tourism, or poaching, and provide them with a safe and natural environment to live in

How Are The Elephants Treated In Chiang Mai?

There is a mixture of elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai, some good and some bad. Some of them exploit the elephants for entertainment and profit, forcing them to perform unnatural tricks, carry heavy loads, or endure cruel training methods.

Fortunately, there are also some ethical elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai that rescue and rehabilitate elephants from abusive situations.

What is the best elephant sanctuary in Thailand?

The best elephant sanctuary in Thailand is definitely Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai. It was established by esteemed elephant rights advocate, Saengduean Chailert, known as Lek, with a goal to provide a sanctuary and elephant rescue center. The park has been involved in dozens of rescues and sustains a natural home for this endangered species.

Where To Stay In Chiang Mai To See Elephants?

No matter where you stay in Chiang Mai you will have the opportunity to see elephants through doing a tour of an ethical sanctuary.

However, some hotels have elephants roaming freely on their properties. These include Chai Lai Orchid, Anantara, and Tawan Riverside. 

Which Elephant Sanctuaries To Avoid In Chiang Mai?

Some unethical elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai that you should avoid include Thai Elephant Home, Chiang Dao Elephant Camp, Patara Elephant Farm, and Mae Sa Elephant Camp. These places do not provide adequate care and freedom for their elephants and may cause them physical and mental harm.

How Much Does It Cost To Go To An Elephant Sanctuary In Chiang Mai?

The average price of visiting an ethical elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai is about  2,700 THB / $75.00 per person for a single-day visit. 

Which elephant sanctuary is best to visit in Chiang Mai?

Elephant Nature Park is the most popular elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai and is widely considered to be the most ethical as well. It was opened in the 1990s by founder Lek Chailert, who is widely known for her conservation work with elephants. The property sits on a huge 250 acres giving the elephants a huge amount of land to live.

Are the elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai ethical?

Not all Chiang Mai elephant sanctuaries are ethical, though there are some that are. You definitely want to do your research prior to booking. However, if you don’t have time for this Elephant Nature Park is known as the most ethical elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai, and the most ethical elephant sanctuary Thailand as well.

Is Chai Lai Orchid actually ethical?

Chai Lai Orchid is one of the best ethical elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They save elephants from unethical treatment and allow them to live fulfilling lives. Chai Lai also empowers Burmese refugee women who have been trafficked by donating funds through Daughters Rising.

Is Into the Wild Elephant Camp ethical?

Yes, Wild Elephant Camp is an ethical elephant camp. It was established in 2016 with a mission to provide a sustainable and safe home for retired and rescued elephants. They are allowed to roam freely and live as naturally as possible in the lush tropical jungle surrounding the camp.

elephant sanctuaries in chiang mai, two elephants grazing on leaves with a mahout sitting in the background at an elephant sanctuary in Chiang Mai, showcasing a peaceful coexistence.

Where To Stay In Chiang Mai?

You are spoiled with choices when it comes to choosing where to stay in Chiang Mai. There are countless luxury 5-star resorts, locally run guesthouses, and modern hostels. No matter your budget or the type of traveler you are there is something to fit all your needs.

On my most recent visit, I stayed at De Lanna Hotel . This is a mid-range hotel located in the heart of the Old Town. The location was fantastic and having a pool to enjoy during the afternoon heat was fantastic.

Though on the complete opposite side, I also stayed in the cheapest available hostel on my first visit. The owner was great, but the facilities were less than, and I think it’s probably a good thing it’s shut down. However, just make sure to read reviews to stay at the best hostels in Chiang Mai .

I mainly choose to stay within the confines of the Old Town when choosing where to stay in Chiang Mai. This is definitely the best location if you are staying for a short period. Though if you are thinking about living in Chiang Mai you will want to stay further afield.

The Old Town is within walking distance of many beautiful temples, excellent shopping, delicious restaurants, and the famous Sunday Night Market .

Other Things To Do In Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is full of excellent activities and attractions to keep you busy during your stay. So buckle in to explore more than just elephants Chiang Mai.

Cooking Class: Chiang Mai is just one of those cities where you need to do a cooking class while there. This is a great way to support a local business while learning some new culinary skills.

I had such an amazing time doing my cooking class with Arom Dii. It was just myself, my partner and another couple so was a lovely relaxed experience.

Night Market: I absolutely love the night markets in Chiang Mai . It is an absolutely delicious foodie experience with great souvenir shopping. There are so many stalls here that you’ll be walking for hours and still would not have visited them all!

Temple Hopping: The Old Town in Chiang Mai is covered in gorgeous temples. A quick map search will show you just how many. Though I will just list a few favorites worth checking out while you are backpacking Chiang Mai. These are Wat Chedi Luang, Wat Chiang Man, and Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihan. ​Doi Inthanon National Park is another incredible stop that is worth the drive.

Top Tip: If you don’t have a local sim to use you can always get a Thailand eSIM . This will also save you waiting around the airport when you arrive.

Final Thoughts: Ethical Chiang Mai Elephant Sanctuaries

Now you know Chiang Mai is home to several elephant sanctuaries that offer ethical elephant experiences. They provide a safe haven for elephants that have been rescued from the tourism industry or other forms of exploitation.

By visiting these sanctuaries, you can learn about the history of elephants in Thailand, their behavior, and their conservation.

Some of the best elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai include Elephant Nature Park, Elephant Freedom Project, Into The Wild Elephant Camp, Karen Elephant Retreat, Happy Elephant Home, and BEES – Burm Emily’s Elephant Sanctuary.

It is important to choose an ethical elephant sanctuary that prioritizes the well-being of elephants over profit. By doing so, you can help promote responsible tourism and contribute to the conservation of these magnificent creatures.


Check out what the best elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai are during your visit to Thailand. Find out what makes an ethical elephant experience, the history of elephants in Thailand, the top elephant sanctuaries to visit, and more!

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Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. So, if you click on it and purchase something, I get a small percentage at no extra cost to you. As always all opinions are my own and your support is much appreciated.

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Avatar for Tasha Amy

Tasha Amy is a true backpacker at heart and has been discovering the world on a budget since 2015. Based in Gisborne, New Zealand she will spend many months each year traveling overseas as a solo female traveler before coming home and sharing her adventures online with you.

9 thoughts on “ The 6 BEST Ethical Elephant Sanctuaries In Chiang Mai (2024) ”

Avatar for Sacha

What would your suggestions be for Pattaya regarding finding an ethical elephant sanctuary ?

Avatar for Becka

Thank you for all your research and sharing it all in this article. I am heading there tomorrow and as I really want to see elephants, since I never have, I only want to support the most ethical business. I am ok not touching or interacting if it means, that’s what’s best for the elephant. I look forward to seeing them and I appreciate you.

Avatar for Amy

Thank you for writing this information! We wanted to make sure we would go to an ethical elephant sanctuary and reading this has really helped!

We will definitely be going to one of the ones you have suggested!!

Avatar for Tasha Amy

Hey Amy I am so happy to hear this! Hope you had an amazing time :)

Avatar for Ronny

Thank you, super helpful and informative. I’m excited to arrive next month with my girlfriend.

I wanted to ask what your thoughts were/had heard about Chai Lai Orchid Elephant experience?

Hey Ronny Honestly, I haven’t heard of Chai Lai Orchid before so I had to do a bit of research. I am not entirely sure I agree with their respective that bareback elephant riding is okay, though it doesn’t appear that they offer this to guests, and training elephants for human entertainment is okay. It’s awesome to see they support displaced ethnic minorities, and human trafficking and use part of their profits to stop this. I think its totally your choice, the only standout for me is the elephant riding, as this is something I personally will never support. Hopefully that allows you to make an informed decision.

Avatar for Tracey Walton

Hello Our hotel has booked us with Elephant Jungle Sanctuary , Chiang Mai tomorrow (Monday ) . It is not listed . Is it ethical ? Thank you

Avatar for Jake

I worked with a couple mahouts in a family-owned jungle elephant sanctuary north of Chiang Mai. I know they really appreciate you bringing up, “riding is ok for mahouts” and “hooks are not inherently evil”.

When I asked them, “what’s the one thing you’d want to tell the world?”, they responded with, “If you volunteered at a sanctuary for a week, please remember that I’ve cared for my elephant every day of my life for 15 years – having risked my life for this creature multiple times. Stop calling me evil for having my hook (I never saw them actually use it) and riding my elephant around tourists”.

These mahouts are men and women who don’t have an education and farm rice to make ends meet – they feel like they didn’t have a voice in an increasingly globalized and english-speaking world, and they hated feeling maligned by rich Westerners who berate them after reading headlines about what’s right and what’s wrong when it comes to elephants.

So from my Lahu buddies in northern Thailand – “Abouja!”, and thank you for using your platform to give my friends a voice.

Hey Jake! Happy to see you found my post! That is awesome feedback, so thank you. I truly tried to write from both perspectives in the hope to educate and create a better understanding. Tasha Amy

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Welcome to phuket elephant nature reserve.

An Accredited, Sustainable, Award-winning, and Ethical Elephant Sanctuary in Phuket

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Over 1,000 5 Star Reviews

An absolutely unforgettable experience! The outstanding staff made our experience even more enjoyable! 

Absolute gem of a place!! Wonderful to observe the rescue elephants in such a relaxed atmosphere, just being elephants.

An unforgettable and relaxing day with elephants in an amazing camp to protect them – no riding (and) no plastic!

Elephant care in Phuket is our priority

Located on 30 Rai of lush jungle land, near the tropical beaches of west Phuket, we are an ethical elephant sanctuary with a strong focus on high welfare standards for our elephants. Feed, meet, and observe our rescued elephants as they play in the mud, splash in the water, and roam our land.

Our elephant activities in Phuket aren’t just unforgettable — they’re an enlightening journey of learning, care, and adventure. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about our experiences or how we operate.

Bow walking at the Phuket Elephant Nature Reserve

Half-Day Elephant Adventure in Phuket

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Short 90-Minute Elephant Adventure in Phuket

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Private Half-Day Phuket Elephant Adventure

Elephant welfare is the top priority at our ethical elephant sanctuary in Phuket, so we follow strict guidelines for welfare, nutrition, & vet care set out by international standards.


Learn about making biodegradable paper & biogas on our elephant dung recycling program, our hydroponic vegetable & herb gardens, strict recycling policies, & utilisation of solar power.


We have a strong focus on visitor education, providing love and care to our rescued elephants in a sustainable manner that eliminates stress while allowing visitors to enjoy a genuine connection & experience.

No riding! No chains! No bathing! No bull hooks!

At our ethical elephant sanctuary in Phuket, you experience elephants as nature intended.

Welcome to the Most Ethical Elephant Sanctuary in Phuket

The Phuket Elephant Nature Reserve is an accredited and sustainable elephant sanctuary located on the west coast of the tropical island of Phuket, Thailand. Founded in 2019, elephant conservation is of the utmost importance to us, and the welfare of our rescued animals is our primary focus.

What to Expect at Phuket Elephant Nature Reserve

  • Meet & feed our rescued elephants
  • Beautiful nature jungle hike with the elephants
  • Amazing natural photo opportunities
  • Lush 30 rai protected sanctuary
  • Strong focus on elephant welfare & education
  • Vitamin Ball preparation and cooking area. Learn about the elephant's diet and why we need to supply supplementary vitamins to our elephants (Half-Day Elephant Adventure)
  • Natural water features for our elephants to enjoy
  • A truly ethical experience as nature intended!
  • Learn all about the anatomy of elephants, their daily lives, and how we care for them in the Elephant Life & Vet Care area (Half-Day Elephant Adventure)
  • Learn how to convert dung into paper in our Elephant Dung Recycling Centre (Half-Day Elephant Adventure)
  • Enjoy the Observation Deck Ban Chang Restaurant Phuket
  • Complimentary Thai cooking demonstration (Half-Day Program)
  • Bathrooms & lockers available
  • And of course, a truly amazing experience!

Why Phuket Elephant Nature Reserve doesn’t allow bathing with our elephants

In the wild, elephants love to bathe in rivers, ponds, streams, and muddy wallows. They need space to splash, roll around, submerge, and cover themselves in mud. Elephants like peace and quiet, not loud groups of visitors throwing mud or buckets of water at them.

When people crowd around elephants, they find it very stressful. And to allow this to happen in the first place, the mahout needs to control the elephant by forcing it to stand still or lie down. this denies the elephant’s natural behaviour, instincts, and freedoms.

Bathing is also unhygienic for visitors as the elephants urinate and defecate when entering the water, which may cause eye infections and sickness. There are also accidents with people slipping in the mud which is dangerous when there is a three-tonne elephant close by.

Our elephant activities in Phuket limit contact for many reasons, but mostly so our elephants can be free of constant human touch. We want our elephants to enjoy their day just as much as you.

By standing back, you can take the most amazing photos and videos, allowing you to remember your special day with our elephants while playing your part in promoting better standards for elephant care in Phuket. Meet our elephants before your visit and get to know these gentle giants a little better.

Read more on this topic in our blog Why Bathing with Elephants is Unhygienic and Unethical .

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thailand elephant sanctuary tour

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Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

“discover ethical captive observation of elephants”.

Happy elephant grazing in water at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Welcome to Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

At Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary, we offer an extraordinary and ethical experience that will leave you inspired and moved. Nestled in the breathtaking beauty of Khao Lak, our sanctuary provides a unique opportunity to observe these majestic creatures in a safe and natural environment.

Sustainable Tourism Leader

STGs Star logo representing sustainable tourism at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Pioneering Sustainability

We proudly announce that Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary is among the first 50 tourism companies to receive the prestigious Sustainable Tourism Acceleration Rating award from the Tourism Authority of Thailand. This accolade signifies our commitment to a sustainable future, ensuring that your journey with us makes a positive impact on both the environment and local communities.

Exciting elephant trekking exploration with guide sharing insights at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Book Your Visit Today

“Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime experience! Book your visit to Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary now and be part of the movement towards responsible and unforgettable elephant encounters.”

We offer a range of tour options to suit every adventurer:

  • Half-Day Visit: Enjoy a morning or afternoon of observing elephants and learning about their conservation.
  • Full-Day Experience: Immerse yourself in a full day of elephant observation, educational talks, and more.
  • Private Tours: For a personalized experience, book a private tour with our expert guides who will tailor the visit to your interests.

What we offer

Entrance pathway lined with elephant conservation signs at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Ethical Observations: Watch elephants in their spacious, naturalistic enclosures, where they can exhibit their natural behaviors.

A serene moment: Elephant observation amidst lush greenery at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Educational Programs: Gain valuable insights into elephant conservation, behavior, and the significance of sustainable tourism from our expert guides.

Man feeding an elephant with care and affection at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Unforgettable Moments: Enjoy countless photo opportunities to capture the beauty and majesty of elephants in their natural habitat.

Woman feeding bananas and sugarcane to an elephant during a jungle walk at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuar

Elephant Sanctuary Guided Tour Option Hotel Transfer

Learn the stories and daily routines of rescued elephants on a guided tour of an ethical elephant sanctuary in Khaolak. Enjoy the convenience of return transport from most Khaolak locations.

  • Feeding Elephant
  • Rubber Plantation
  • Visit Waterfall
  • Eco Tour Guide
  • Duration 60 Minutes

From 1,500 THB per person

Exciting elephant trekking adventure with guests exploring lush green garden at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Guided Walk & Feed Elephant Experience Option Hotel Transfer

Embark on a captive 1-hour Eco Guide provides an up-close encounter during jungle walks and feed. Unveils the heartwarming stories and daily routines of our rescued elephants. Transfer is offered.

  • Walk with Elephant

From 1,300 THB per person

Exciting elephant trekking adventure with joyful guide explaining elephant behavior at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

2-Hour Elephant Sanctuary Eco-Walk with Guided Option Hotel Transfer

Discover the heartwarming stories and daily routines of rescued elephants on this tour that includes hotel transfers to Khao Lak. Go for a jungle walk with the elephants.

  • Make Elephant Food and Feed them

From 2,000 THB per person

Guide and guests sitting on pickup truck with banana tree after participating in banana cutting activity for elephants

Khao Lak Eco Safari: Elephant Sanctuary Small Group Tour

Learn the stories and daily routines of rescued elephants on a tour in Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary. Enjoy a jungle walk and a meal. Participate in cutting grass.

  • Hand on Elephant Food
  • Participate in Cutting Class
  • 1 Padthai Cooking Class

From 3,200 THB per person

Exciting guided elephant trekking tour with knowledgeable guide at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

  • Elephant Check Up
  • Participate in Rubber Plantation
  • 4 Dishes of Cooking Class

From 4,900 THB per person

Guests enjoying a thrilling ATV ride, taking photos at the stunning Wang Kiang Koo Waterfall

Khaolak Hightlight Tour with Eco Guide Adventure

Experience ATV Quad and bamboo Rafing in Khaolak.Visit Stunami Museum in Khaolak and Baan Nam khem. Meet rescued Elephant feed and walk with them jungle. Lunch and hotel transfer include.

  • ATV Quad Bike
  • Bamboo Rafting
  • Stunami Museum
  • Feed and Walk with Elephant

From 4,500 THB per person

Joyful elephant eating leaves near a stream at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Experience a Personalized Adventure

For those seeking a truly unique and intimate experience, our private tours offer a bespoke adventure tailored just for you. Enjoy exclusive access and personalized guidance from our expert team, ensuring your visit is exactly what you envision.

Why Choose a Private Tour?

  • Customized Itinerary: Your tour will be tailored to your interests, whether you’re passionate about photography, elephant behavior, or conservation efforts.
  • Exclusive Access: Enjoy a private, uninterrupted experience with our elephants, perfect for families, small groups, or special occasions.
  • Dedicated Guide: Have all your questions answered and gain deeper insights with a dedicated guide focused solely on your group.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Arrange your visit at a time that suits you best, allowing for a more relaxed and enjoyable experience.

What to Expect:

  • Personalized Introduction: Begin with a private welcome and introduction to our sanctuary and its mission.
  • Customized Activities: Participate in activities tailored to your interests, such as detailed observation sessions, feeding, or special educational programs.
  • Exclusive Photo Opportunities: Capture unique moments with our elephants, with guidance on the best spots and times for photos.

Things to do in Khaolak

Exciting interactive cooking class with guides and staff at Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

3 hours Khao Lak Cooking Class and Market Visit

Explore local markets, handpick ingredients, and elevate your cooking with authentic, locally sourced produce. Dive into Thai cuisine with expert-led, hands-on cooking for all skill levels.

thailand elephant sanctuary tour

Khao Lak ATV Quadbike Adventure Experience

Experience an ATV Quad Bike adventure through natural landscapes, visit a sprawling fruit garden and take a refreshing dip in a pristine canal.

Tourists enjoying a bamboo rafting adventure at Wang Kieng Ku Waterfall near Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

Khao Lak Adventure: Bamboo Rafting & Elephant Walk Journey

Immerse yourself in Khao Lak’s enchanting nature with a bamboo rafting and Embark on a captive 2-hour Eco Guide. Unveils the heartwarming stories and daily routines of our rescued elephants

Romantic couple enjoying a picturesque sunset at Phang Nga Bay By Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary.

Sunset Phangnga Bay Skywalk and James Bond Island

Trek a full day trip over Phangnga Bay Skywalk and Jamebond Island at at late afternoon. Ride in a luxury long-tailed boat paddle your canoe in lagoons. Feed and interact with rescued elephants

Smiling woman enjoying a longtail boat ride through lush greenery in Phang Nga Bay

Sunrise to Phang Nga Bay and Jamebond Island Tour

Trek an early bird full day trip over Phangnga Bay and Jamebond Island at a quiet time. Ride in a luxury long-tailed boat paddle your canoe in lagoons. Feed and interact with rescued elephants

thailand elephant sanctuary tour

Khaolak Safari: Elephant Sanctuary and Cheow Lan Lake Bliss

Experience Khaolak’s natural wonders in one day. Interactive visit to an Elephant Sanctuary, unwind at Cheow Lan Lake, and sightseeing a floating raft house Conclude with leisure time at Khao Sok Lake

Guests sampling local food and desserts at Bang Niang Market, Phang Nga Province, Thailand

Khaolak Finger Food Guided Tour with Cabaret Show

Eat your way through some of Khaolak’s tastiest street food on this guided walking tour. Sample classics like pad Thai, fish cakes, satay, and green curry, and enjoy a Cabaret Show.

Client Testimonials

thailand elephant sanctuary tour

Samui Elephant


Welcome to Samui Elephant Sanctuary

Award winning elephant sanctuary providing a better life for elephants.

We are proud to be the first elephant sanctuary established on Koh Samui in Southern Thailand. Thanks to the kind support of our guests, we have opened a second sanctuary on the island so that more rescued elephants can live a life of ease and dignity. 

Both sanctuaries are set on forested land, offering a safe retirement home for elephants who have worked exhausting hours in the logging and tourism industries.  ​ Feed the elephants, walk with them, and observe these gentle giants as they roam, socialise, bathe, play in the mud, and enjoy the peaceful life that they deserve. ​ Join our morning or afternoon program, knowing that you are supporting ethical elephant tourism and helping to improve the lives of Thai elephants.  



Samui Elephant Sanctuary provides a caring home to rescued elephants where they can live a more natural life. We now have two beautiful sanctuary locations – Bophut & Chaweng Noi.

Immerse yourself in sanctuary life by joining our morning or afternoon programs for an unforgettable experience with elephants.


Introducing our beautiful elephants  -

get to know who they are, their histories and personalities and why they need to be rescued and protected from harm. 


Please visit our FAQ's for answers to commonly asked questions. For further enquiries, complete the form on our Contact page.



Sponsor one of the elephants from Samui Elephant Sanctuary to help support their daily care & food needs. Your support is greatly appreciated.

thailand elephant sanctuary tour

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Samui Elephant Sanctuary

Support our elephants

with a food gift




Support our elephants by planting a tree for them



  • Terms & Conditions
  • Meet the Herd

The Last of us


Available now – 30 september 2021.

Time: 4 Times per Day

For bookings & inquiries, please contact : [email protected]

This 90-minute program is a first-of-its kind experience in Thailand and takes ethical tourism to new heights – literally! Explore our new, 600 meter-long canopy walkway and observe rescued elephants as they roam, forage, bathe and socialize freely in the jungle below. Our tour guides will be happy to share the story of each elephant, and to provide you with interesting facts about the largest land mammal on earth. The program also includes an opportunity to feed some of the elephants, as well as a complimentary T-Shirt. At the end of the tour we serve refreshing iced sodas and unlimited snacks from our snack bar while you can rest and enjoy the serenity of the sanctuary.

This program is available at the following times:

  • 09:30 – 11:00
  • 10:00 – 11:30
  • 14:00 – 15:30
  • 14:30 – 16:00

THB 1,900 per Adult

THB 950 per Child (4-12 Years)

Free of Charge for Children under 4

*** The PES Canopy Walkway Program is suitable for all ages ***

*** The entrance fee does not include transportation to and from the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary.

*** Private transportation is also available upon request. Please select your preferred “Transfer Option” during the online booking process.

Amenities :

* Guided Walk on Thailand’s Longest Canopy Walkway

* Feeding the Elephants

* Signature Iced Soda & Unlimited Snacks

* Umbrellas & Rain Coat

* Complimentary PES Souvenir

* Drinking Water

* Mosquito Spray

Payment Methods :

Deposit of 30% by PayPal at time of booking

Remaining Balance of 70% due on arrival by :

Credit card (VISA & MASTER CARD with 3% surcharge )

PayPal payments with 3% surcharge

Photo Gallery


  • Arrive 30 minutes before program start at our meeting point in Paklok
  • Transfer in our vehicles to the sanctuary
  • Short introduction about our project and Asian elephants
  • Feeding the elephants
  • 1-hour guided tour of Canopy Walkway to observe rescued elephants from above
  • Time to rest, relax and enjoy the tranquility of our sanctuary with signature iced soda and unlimited snacks
  • Receive your complimentary T-Shirt
  • Return to our office in Paklok

Not only will your visit leave you inspired and informed, it also goes a long way to support our elephants and future rescues for the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary, and to contribute to a more ethical elephant approach, elephant wellbeing and conservation in Thailand.

  • Safety Rules

Other Programs :

A morning with the elephants, an afternoon program with the elephants, private tour guide.

  • Covid-19: Health & Safety
  • How to Support Us
  • Morning Program
  • Afternoon Program
  • In The Footsteps of Giants Program
  • Private Program
  • Volunteer Program
  • What do I need to Bring
  • Why we do not offer bathing with our elephants

Phuket Elephant Sanctuary Co.,Ltd.

100, Moo 2, Paklok, Thalang, Phuket Thailand


Email : [email protected]

++66 76 529 099 (08.30am - 17.30pm)

++66 62 767 7111 (08.30am - 17.30pm)

Blue Tao Elephant Village Elephant tours Chiang Mai, Thailand

Blue Elephant Thailand Tours ( Blue Tao Elephant Village )

We offer ethical elephant experiences and combined activities in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. At our elephant village you will take care of and pampering these giant pachyderms ( No riding elephants & cruelty free ) cooking healthy treats and feeding them, walking through the beautiful jungle, fun elephants bathing in the river and waterfall, observing elephants freedom life, great photo shots while they are throwing dust & dirt, foraging foods in the wild and scratching on trees.

Blue Tao Elephant Villa g e Definition of meeting elephants in the lush forest & waterfalls.

Half Day Morning Elephant Sanctuary Tour at Blue Tao Elephant Village, Jungle Waterfall Hiking

Blue Elephant Thailand Tours

BlueelephantThailandTours Logo

  • Half Day Morning Elephant Tour Chiang Mai Sanctuary at Blue Tao
  • Half Day Afternoon Elephant Tour Chiang Mai Sanctuary at Blue Tao
  • Full Day Visit Elephant Tour Chiang Mai at Blue Tao Elephant Village
  • Sticky Waterfall and Elephant Tour, Rafting Chiang Mai, Treehouse
  • Elephant and Bamboo Rafting Chiang Mai, Doi Inthanon, Treehouse
  • Doi Inthanon Mae Ya Waterfall Elephant Tour, Treehouse
  • Long Neck Karen Chiang Mai, Elephant, Rafting, Treehouse
  • Zipline Chiang Mai Elephants, Bamboo Rafting, Treehouse
  • ATV Chiang Mai Elephant Tour, Treehouse, Bamboo Rafting
  • 2-3 Day Overnight Chiang Mai Treehouse Good View, Elephants
  • Office Blue Elephant Chiang Mai

T-shirt Blue Elephant Thailand Tours

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Thailand Elephant Sanctuary – Top 10 Ethical Places You Should Visit


Thailand , a country synonymous with the majestic elephant, has seen a profound transformation in how these gentle giants are treated and revered. In recent years, the rise of ethical elephant sanctuaries has become a beacon of hope for the conservation of Asian elephants. These sanctuaries not only provide a safe haven for rescued and retired elephants but also offer visitors an opportunity to interact with these magnificent creatures in a respectful and humane environment.

As we delve into the history and ethos behind Thailand elephant sanctuary in this article , we will guide you on how to choose a genuinely ethical one and highlight the top 10 sanctuaries that are leading the charge in elephant conservation and ethical tourism in the country.

The History Of Thailand Elephant Sanctuary

As you wander through the lush landscapes of Thailand, the evolution of elephant sanctuaries tells a story as captivating as the creatures they protect. Once the backbone of the logging industry, these gentle giants trudged through Thailand’s forests until the ban on logging set them adrift. Their mahouts, whose livelihoods were intertwined with the elephants, sought refuge in the burgeoning tourism industry, which was not without its ethical pitfalls.

The early days of elephant tourism saw these majestic animals performing tricks and offering rides, a stark contrast to their natural way of life. Public sentiment and a growing awareness around animal welfare began to reshape this narrative, giving birth to the first ethical elephant sanctuaries. These sanctuaries became havens of healing and dignity, offering elephants a chance to live as they ought to—roaming freely, socializing, and bathing in the sun-dappled rivers.

In these sanctuaries, a new chapter unfolds—one where elephants are no longer entertainers but ambassadors of wildlife conservation. Visitors are invited not just to observe but to learn the importance of these sanctuaries in the broader tapestry of conservation. The travel experience has been transformed from passive observation to active education, fostering a deeper connection between humans and elephants.


Visitors have the chance to interact with the elephants actively

The sanctuaries we celebrate today are the result of this profound shift, places where the thrum of the jungle is a backdrop to the quiet retirement of these magnificent animals. They stand as a testament to Thailand’s commitment to ethical wildlife tourism and the enduring bond between humans and elephants. As these sanctuaries continue to innovate and collaborate with global conservation efforts, they not only offer a sanctuary for elephants but also a blueprint for responsible tourism practices worldwide.

>> Read More: 13 Best Places To Visit In Thailand For First Timers

How To Find An Ethical Thailand Elephant Sanctuary In Thailand?

Factors to consider before visiting a thailand elephant sanctuary.

If you are planning to visit an elephant sanctuary in Thailand, it is crucial to make sure that you choose an ethical one. This is important not only for the safety and well-being of the elephants but also for the authenticity and value of your travel experience. To help you select an ethical elephant sanctuary, we suggest considering the following key points:

  • No-riding policy: Ethical sanctuaries do not offer elephant rides. Riding can cause long-term harm to an elephant’s spine and overall health, and it’s often indicative of a place where profit is prioritized over animal welfare.
  • Transparent operations: Look for sanctuaries that are open about their practices. They should be willing to discuss how they care for the elephants and what they do to ensure their well-being.
  • Elephant behavior: In ethical sanctuaries, elephants should be able to express their natural behaviors. This includes roaming freely, socializing with other elephants, foraging for food, and bathing in water sources.
  • Education focus: A focus on visitor education is a hallmark of an ethical sanctuary. These establishments should provide information about elephant conservation and the impact of human activities on these animals’ lives.
  • Positive reinforcement: Observe the methods used by mahouts to interact with the elephants. Ethical sanctuaries use positive reinforcement rather than hooks or other tools that can cause pain and stress.
  • Conservation efforts: The best sanctuaries engage in broader conservation efforts, working to protect habitats and prevent poaching, ensuring a sustainable future for elephants in the wild.
  • Responsible volunteering: If a sanctuary offers a volunteering program, it should be responsibly structured. Volunteers should have tasks that genuinely contribute to the welfare of the elephants and the sanctuary’s operations.
  • Adequate space: Elephants require large amounts of space. Ethical sanctuaries have extensive land to allow elephants to roam and exhibit natural behaviors without confinement.
  • Veterinary care: Regular and professional veterinary care should be evident, with specialized staff to attend to the elephants’ health needs.
  • Local community involvement: Ethical sanctuaries should work in harmony with the local community, providing employment opportunities and education, and ensuring that elephant welfare doesn’t come at the expense of local people’s livelihoods.


The relationship between the mahout and the elephant is important

Trusted Sources To Find An Ethical Thailand Elephant Sanctuary

There are several organizations and websites that offer recommendations and certifications for ethical elephant sanctuaries in Thailand. These can be valuable resources for travelers looking to ensure their visit supports responsible wildlife tourism.

  • World Animal Protection : An international non-profit animal welfare organization that often lists and endorses ethical elephant sanctuaries that meet their strict animal welfare criteria.
  • Save Elephant Foundation: A Thai non–profit organization dedicated to providing care and assistance to Thailand’s captive elephant population through a multifaceted approach involving rescue and rehabilitation programs, advocacy, and education. Their website features ethical sanctuaries like Elephant Nature Park.
  • Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS): A global body that certifies animal sanctuaries based on rigorous standards of care. Sanctuaries accredited by GFAS are usually a safe bet for ethical practices.
  • Responsible Travel: This UK-based travel agency is committed to responsible tourism and offers a curated list of ethical elephant sanctuaries that have been vetted for humane practices.
  • Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor: These popular travel resources sometimes feature articles and lists of recommended ethical elephant experiences, based on traveler reviews and responsible tourism guidelines.
  • The Elephant Asia Rescue and Survival Foundation (EARS Asia): They work to improve the welfare of elephants in Asia and provide a list of ethical places to visit.

Top 10 Ethical Elephant Sanctuaries You Should Visit In Thailand

Here are some of the sanctuaries that stand out for their commitment to elephant welfare.

Elephant Nature Park

  • Location : In the verdant outskirts of Chiang Mai, Elephant Nature Park has emerged as a beacon of hope for elephants since its inception in 1995 by the passionate conservationist Lek Chailert.
  • Its story : It’s a sanctuary that has turned the tears of over 75 rescued elephants into stories of triumph. Each elephant, rescued from the throes of tourism or logging, enjoys the freedom of the park’s expansive rainforest habitat, alongside a motley crew of other rescued animals including dogs, cats, and even water buffalo.


Elephants in the natural environment of Chiang Mai

The park’s immersive visitor experience ranges from single-day visits to overnight stays, allowing you to delve into the daily life of these majestic creatures. Volunteers contribute to the well-being of the elephants by preparing their meals and caring for the park’s other residents. For those wishing to forge a deeper connection, the park offers longer-term volunteer opportunities, which require booking well in advance due to their popularity.

>> See Tour: Essential Thailand

Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary (BLES)

  • Location : The intimate haven of Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary resides in the serene landscapes of Sukhothai.
  • Its story : Spanning 600 acres of natural wonder, this sanctuary was born from Katherine Cooper’s leap of faith, leaving behind her life in the UK to advocate for elephant welfare. The sanctuary ensures a tranquil life for its elephants, allowing them to wander through banana plantations and freshwater rivers.

With only three guesthouses, the guest experience is as exclusive as it is personal, emphasizing the elephants’ quality of life over visitor numbers. Here, days are spent in quiet contemplation of the elephants’ graceful presence and in the company of the local mahouts, whose stories are as enriching as the sanctuary itself.

The Surin Project

  • Location : Situated in the small village of Baan Tha Klang
  • Its story : The Surin Project tackles the complex issue of elephant abuse by addressing the economic challenges faced by traditional mahouts. It bridges the gap between the need for mahouts to earn a living and the need for elephants to live free from exploitation.


Outdoor activities of mahout and elephant

The project provides a home for nearly 200 mahouts and their elephants, preventing them from resorting to street begging or unsustainable tourism practices. Volunteers are the lifeblood of this initiative, with a minimum commitment of one week, offering a rare opportunity to immerse oneself in the culture of the mahouts and to support this vital cause.

Note : This project is currently permanently closed.

>> See Tour: Best of Thailand

Elephant Haven

  • Location : In the scenic province of Kanchanaburi, Elephant Haven stands as a symbol of transformation.
  • Its story : Once known as Sai Yoke Elephant Camp, this sanctuary has shed its past of chains and performances to embrace a future where elephants have the freedom to socialize and roam without the threat of hooks or entertainment duties.

In partnership with Elephant Nature Park, Elephant Haven is at the forefront of a movement reshaping the future of elephant tourism in Thailand. Visitors can join these elephants for day visits or overnight stays, embarking on jungle walks alongside these gentle giants and participating in their care with a host of other rescued animals.

Elephants World

  • Location : Nestled on the banks of the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi, Elephants World is a sanctuary that lives by a simple yet profound philosophy: “We should work for the elephants, and the elephants, not for us.”
  • Its story : Established in 2008 by the compassionate Thai veterinarian Dr. Samart and his wife Khun Fon, this sanctuary serves as both a refuge for injured and retired elephants and a sustainable farm. Starting with just three elephants, it has grown to provide sanctuary to 25, each with a history of hardship from logging or trekking camps.

Visitors to Elephants World are invited to respectfully observe these majestic animals in their natural behaviors—feeding, bathing, and socializing—whether for a day trip, an overnight stay, or as part of a week-long volunteer program.

Samui Elephant Sanctuary

  • Location : Koh Samui, an island known for its idyllic beaches, is also home to the pioneering Samui Elephant Sanctuary.
  • Its story : Spread across 10 acres of forest, it’s a retreat for a dozen elephants rescued from the burdens of logging and tourist trekking industries. This sanctuary, inspired by the Elephant Nature Park, is a testament to the power of positive change.


The elephant enjoying its natural space

Here, you can observe these magnificent creatures as they engage in natural behaviors, such as foraging and socializing, or as they splash joyfully in their custom-designed pool. The Samui Elephant Sanctuary is an intimate experience, prioritizing the well-being of elephants over the spectacle of entertainment.

>> See Tour: Thailand Temples and Beaches

Friends of the Asian Elephant Hospital

  • Location : The Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE) Hospital, nestled in Thailand’s northwest, operates as one of the world’s few elephant hospitals.
  • Its story : It represents a beacon of hope for sick and injured elephants across the country. The hospital runs a mobile vet clinic that extends its healing touch to elephants in need.

During a visit, you can witness the compassionate care provided to these gentle giants and understand the complexities of treating such large animals. Since its inception in 1993, the FAE Hospital has treated over 5,000 elephants and relies on the support of visitors and volunteers to continue its noble mission.

Wildlife Friends Foundation

  • Location : It is a wildlife refuge in Tha Mai Ruak.
  • Its story : A rescue mission that transcends species, the Wildlife Friends Foundation in Phetchaburi offers sanctuary to a diverse array of animals, including elephants, big cats, bears, primates, and birds. Many of the over 600 animals have been rescued from deplorable conditions or were abandoned. While a significant percentage of the animals are rehabilitated and released back to the wild, the elephants, having spent extensive time with humans, remain under the sanctuary’s lifelong care.

Visitors can participate in day excursions to witness these animals thriving in a natural habitat and volunteer to assist in the daily care and environmental enrichment of over 20 elephants and other residents.

Phuket Elephant Sanctuary

  • Location : It stands as the indisputable pioneer of ethical elephant sanctuaries in Phuket. 
  • Its story : A beacon for ethical elephant treatment, the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary is a refuge for those who have suffered from the tourism and logging industries. Partnering with Save the Elephant Foundation, the sanctuary is nestled against the backdrop of Khao Phra Thaeo National Park, offering a serene environment for elephants aged between 36 and 70 years.


Witness a giant friend at a very close distance

The sanctuary features a treetop observation deck, allowing visitors to discreetly observe the elephants as they forage, bathe, and interact within their herds in expansive natural enclosures, complete with freshwater lagoons and hydrotherapy mud pools.

>> Read More: An Expert’s Guide On The Best 10 Things To Do In Phuket

Elephant Hills

  • Location : Elephant Hills blends the concept of an African safari tent camp with the stunningly gorgeous surroundings of Khao Sok, Southern Thailand. 
  • Its story : This sanctuary provides a haven for elephants to live freely in the jungle, away from the chains of captivity. Recognized for its exceptional care of elephants, Elephant Hills has earned accolades for meeting all core criteria in an audit by Global Spirit. The sanctuary’s dedication to improving the lives of its elephants is matched only by its commitment to offering guests an immersive experience.

You can stay in one of two glamping camps, blending the adventure of jungle trekking, kayaking, and cultural exploration with ethical observation and learning about the sanctuary’s elephants.

Travel Ethically With Asia Pioneer Travel

The existence of these ethical elephant sanctuaries across Thailand is a beacon of hope, offering a humane and inspiring alternative to traditional elephant tourism. Each visit supports a future where elephants are treated with the respect and care they deserve. As travelers seeking meaningful experiences, we have the power to drive positive change by choosing destinations that prioritize animal welfare.

Asia Pioneer Travel aligns with this vision, pledging to offer trips exclusively to ethical sanctuaries. We ensure our tours contribute positively to the welfare of elephants, echoing our commitment to responsible tourism. When Crafting Your Journey With Us , you’re not just planning a trip; you’re investing in a future where tourism is a force for good. So contact our delicate travel designers and let your journey be a step towards a more compassionate world!

thailand elephant sanctuary tour

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Asian Elephants



Ethical Elephant Sanctuaries - Chiang Mai, Thailand

Experience the wonder of being in the presence of elephants in nature at ethical elephant sanctuary projects around Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand, supported by Asian Elephant Projects. Join a small group for a day trip at one of our ethical elephant sanctuaries to witness rescued elephants living freely in their natural habitat – foraging in the forest, interacting with each other, playing in the mud and swimming in the river – freed from the burden of elephant riding, performances, and other unnatural behavior. We support independent elephant projects that have adopted ethical practices for the well-being of the elephants under their care and are providing a better life for these gentle giants through responsible elephant tourism.

  • Choose from various ethical elephant tours suitable for all ages and fitness levels, including jungle hikes, whitewater rafting, and leisurely forest walks.
  • Our Saddle Off projects provide a caring home for between 2 to 5 elephants, with a limit of 4 guests per elephant.
  • Enjoy full day visits or join one of our week-long volunteer programs, all including local transportation, vegetarian meals and qualified tour guides.
  • Private single day tours for groups of 8 or more people can be arranged.

Join us in supporting the well-being of these magnificent animals by embarking on an unforgettable, intimate adventure with rescued elephants in nature.

Ethical Elephant Sanctuary Projects - Single Day Tours

Mae Taeng – North of Chiang Mai

Elephant Sanctuary Sunshine for Elephants

Sunshine for Elephants

Experience an amazing jungle walk with the elephants & enjoy lunch in a bungalow in the forest

Elephant Sanctuary Majestic Elephant Project

Majestic Elephant Project

Watch the elephants swim in the river and later embark on a white water rafting adventure

Mae Wang – South of Chiang Mai

Elephant Sanctuary Karen Elephant Serenity

Karen Elephant Serenity

Spend time with friendly elephants observing them playing in the mud & foraging in nature

Elephant Sanctuary Karen Elephant Home

Karen Elephant Home

Observe the incredible bond between bull elephant brothers living naturally & learn about Karen culture

Be Part of the Solution

By visiting one of our ethical elephant sanctuaries you are supporting a kinder form of elephant tourism, where the focus is on observing the elephants doing what comes naturally. Elephants are intelligent, social, empathic beings deserving of our respect, care, and admiration. Our Saddle Off projects are home to over 20 elephants,  now enjoying a healthier, happier, more natural life, thanks to responsible, eco-conscious travelers choosing Asian Elephant Projects. Check Availability and Search Projects to find the right adventure for you.

Asian Elephant Projects Elephants chiang mai

The elephants at the projects we support are not ridden and do not perform in shows.

Observing Elephants

Watch elephants interacting, foraging, communicating, and playing together.

Respect Elephants

Support ethical elephant tourism and help to provide a better life for Asian elephants.

Volunteer with Elephants

Journey to freedom, cambodia wildlife sanctuary, spend an amazing day with elephants in nature.

Elephant Sanctuary Chiang Mai Thailand

Our model is based on ensuring the well-being of the elephants. All ethical elephant projects follow guidelines designed to improve the quality of the lives of the elephants – freeing them from elephant riding and allowing them to live more naturally. Read more…

Journey to Freedom

Walk with Elephants in Nature

Walk alongside elephants through lush jungles and scenic trails as they navigate their natural habitat with ease, foraging on native plants and showcasing their remarkable strength and intelligence. Experience the bond between elephants as they communicate and interact affectionately and gain fascinating insights into the nature of these remarkable animals.

Prepare Food & Feed Elephants

Asian elephants have hearty appetites, munching through over 200 kg of food daily. From grasses and bamboo to fruits and vegetables like watermelon, bananas, pumpkin and corn these gentle giants enjoy a diverse diet. Join us in preparing food for them, including health balls filled with medicinal herbs, and enjoy the thrill of having them pluck food from your hand with their amazing trunks.

Elephant Sanctuary Feed Elephants

Elephant Bathing

Experience the joy of elephant’s bathing and drinking! Elephants are natural swimmers, effortlessly floating in the water and enjoying each other’s company. As they cool off in the river, watch them submerge themselves and use their trunks as snorkels. Some older elephants may prefer to stand in the water, taking sips by sucking water into their trunks and squirting it into their mouths.

Watch the Elephants Play in the Mud

Witness the elephants’ playful mud sessions! Mud baths are an all-time favorite among these gentle giants. Watch as they joyfully roll around, coating themselves in a cooling, nourishing mask. Not only does it protect their skin from insects and the sun, but it appears to be a lot of fun. Capture unforgettable moments as they fling mud into the air with their trunks creating giant swirls.

Elephant Sanctuary Mud Bath

Ethical Elephant Tours Chiang Mai

Reviews asian elephant projects, reviews of saddle off projects.

Karen Elephant Serenity

Rescued Elephant, Kaavan

Support the elephants.

Chiang Mai Elephant Sanctuary

Visit Elephants Living in Sanctuary | Ethical Elephant Tours | Chiang Mai | Sustainable Ecotourism


Elephant Food Gifts

Elephant Sanctuary Laos Rescued Elephants

Deals of the Week   Must-haves for 2025   Up to 50% OFF

Thailand Elephant Tours

6 elephant tour packages in thailand with 13 reviews.

Treasures of Thailand Tour

Explorer Elephant Coach / Bus Sightseeing Historical +2

Treasures of Thailand

  • €150 deposit on some dates

Chiang Mai & Elephant Conservation 3D/2N Tour

Active Family Elephant In-depth Cultural +1

Chiang Mai & Elephant Conservation 3D/2N

"Breakfast was ridiculously epic. The highlight for me was the chat with the monk for over an hour." Danika, traveled in April 2019
  • 10% deposit on some dates

Chiang Mai & Elephant Experience Tour

Active Family Wildlife Elephant Christmas & New Year +2

Chiang Mai & Elephant Experience

"The accommodation was lovely, perfect in fact, even though they were unaware of any of my tour details." Lisa, traveled in July 2016

Independent Highlights of Cambodia & Thailand Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Elephant Historical Christmas & New Year +3

Independent Highlights of Cambodia & Thailand

"The hotels were just great. I have already shared my experiences with several friends who are excited to try this same trip." Carol, traveled in October 2023

Jungle Book Siam Tour

Explorer Family Wildlife Elephant Intl. Flights Included Sightseeing Historical +4

Jungle Book Siam

  • Flights included

Western Thailand Highlights with Elephants Care Tour

In-depth Cultural Elephant

Western Thailand Highlights with Elephants Care

"We loved every single minute of our trip and give credit to Noom for being the perfect guide." BradH, traveled in September 2018

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Evan is one of our seasoned Thailand Travel Experts. Reach out to us to get all your questions about Thailand tours answered!

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Best respectful elephant sanctuaries in Thailand!

Our team has selected for you the best elephant sanctuaries in Thailand: enjoy, discover, no chains, no hooks and only happy animals!

Thong Elephant Sanctuary

Thong Elephant Sanctuary

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Samui

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Samui

Elephant Village Sanctuary

Elephant Village Sanctuary

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary halfday

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary half-day

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary

Samui Elephant Sanctuary Bophut

Samui Elephant Sanctuary Bophut

Thong Elephant & eco-trekking Karen, 2 days

Thong Elephant & eco-trekking Karen, 2 days

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Phuket

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Phuket

Hug Elephant Sanctuary

Hug Elephant Sanctuary

Into The Wild Elephant Camp

Into The Wild Camp

Happy Elephant Home

Happy Elephant Home

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya

Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Pattaya

Kerchor Elephant Eco-park

Kerchor Elephant Eco park

Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary

Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary

Elephant Jungle Paradise Park

Elephant Jungle Paradise Park

Phang Nga Elephant Park

Phang Nga Elephant Park

Aonang Elephant Sanctuary

Aonang Elephant Sanctuary

Elephants World

Elephants World

Why the elephants need our help.

Throughout history, elephants have been praised highly. The main threat Thai elephants face comes from human exploitation. Some of these threats include illegal logging and poaching for ivory. Other indirect threats are short sighted and mismanagement policies like industrial plantations and road or dam construction.

Thailand has both domesticated and wild populations of Asian elephants. Domestic elephants are those that get captured in the wild or even bred in captivity. These elephants are then tamed to work with elephant keepers in the logging. They ironically and unwillingly help humans to destroy the habitat they desperately require to survive. The population of wild elephants keeps reducing, and the creatures are struggling to survive. Research has shown that there are only 2200 wild elephants left.

After the government banned logging, people started using the elephants to beg on the streets of any big city in Thailand. Elephants have to walk all day or night on the dirty and congested streets. This is dangerous and unhealthy for them. Often these elephants are involved in terrible traffic accidents. This is why we, Elephant Sanctuary Thailand, have decided to help in offering the urgent help the animals need by working with already established sanctuaries.

Our responsibility at Elephant Sanctuary Thailand is to come up with a list of elephant sanctuaries where elephants get to live in the natural environment. With the increased growth of elephant parks, we have noticed that elephants are still getting mistreated. Such incidences are very discouraging, and that’s why we have dedicated ourselves to recommend sanctuaries that do their best to improve the lives of these elephants fun again. Elephant sanctuary Chiang Mai happens to be one of the best sanctuaries.

At Elephant Sanctuary Thailand we don’t discriminate any of the sanctuaries as long as they treat the elephants with respect, dignity and without abuse. Most of the shelters are non-charitable and non-governmental organizations. They host beaten and abandoned elephants that their owners don’t need anymore. These elephants get to live again like wild animals thanks to the people who visit the shelters or the donations received from well-wishers.

You can opt to visit any of the places we suggest to have fun or volunteer. Begin by booking and get the chance to give scores and reviews for each sanctuary you visit. The more scores and reviews we get, the better we can improve the lives of these gentle giants. So be part of this change and help us save as many elephants as possible.

We are also delighted to provide you with a list of activities you can do during your visit. These activities are not only fun, but also respectful towards nature and elephants. Elephant Sanctuary Thailand gives you the much-needed chance to share your time with elephants, know them and play with them. Do not wait any longer, just book today!

Elephant Sanctuaries Thailand logo

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Thailand Specials

  • Best Thailand Elephant Sanctuary

Explore beautiful Thailand on its features - centuries-old history, rich culture, globally adored cuisine, gorgeous beaches and adventurous jungles.

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Why do We Join in An Elephant Sanctuary Tour

Everyone wants to ride elephants in Thailand, which leads to numerous wild elephants being tamed to harmful riding in tourism. Maybe we can not change the tortured activities, but we can choose to be more natural and friendly way to contact them. Join an elephant sanctuary tour in Thailand elephant nature park.  Here is the right way!

Starting Planning Your Thailand Tour!

At UME Travel, Elephant Sanctuary Thailand  can be customized for you! No riding, no inhuman treatment. These ethical elephant sanctuaries allow elephants live in natural habitats. You will walk elephants through forests, witness their natural behaviors, feed and bathe them. In the rest days, you will discover the highlights of Thailand – History in Bangkok, Beaches in Phuket and exotic culture in Chiang Mai. An experience of lifetime! We'll support you 1-to-1 with a dedicated local Thailand expert, as plan, book and travel! Want to explore the nature world of Thailand and colorful exotic culture? Start Today ! 

What to Expect?

Eco-tourism: Reject animal acts. No ride, no chain, no hook.

Explore the Nature: Jungle trekking and watch their natural behavior.

Close Contact: River bathing & swimming. Zero-distance to baby elephants.

Take Care of Them: Prepare food. Cook pumpkin and stick rice.

Enjoy a Wonderful Thailand Tour with Elephant!

90% travelers choose the best thailand travel package which combines an elephant sanctuary with a unique Thailand tour! Walk and interact with elephant now. Check and see what you would enjoy!

Thailand Historical,Cultural and Natural Tour

Elephant Tour Guides

If you are concern of animal welfare, why not find the most ethical elephant sanctuary in/near Bangkok, Phuket and Chiang Mai? UME commends you to read these elephant sanctuary guides before start your Thailand elephant nature tour !

Interesting facts about Thailand elephant

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Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary Thailand

Tour Details

Pattaya elephant sanctuary, about our tours.

Elephants roam Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary Thailand

Half Day Morning Visit

9:30am - 12:30pm


Half Day Afternoon Visit

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Saddle Off logo

Arriving at the Sanctuary

Let us welcome you to our elephant sanctuary & provide some helpful information about your tour.

Feeding Elephants Logo

Feed the Rescued Elephants

Get acquainted with our herd while feeding them fruit and vegetables that you have prepared.

Walk with Elephants Logo

Walk with the Elephants

Take a leisurely walk with the elephants, stopping to watch them forage along the way.

Logo Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary Thailand

Observe Elephants Bathing

Elephants are very at home in the water. Watch the elephants cool off & play in their custom-built pool.

Elephant Mudbath Logo

Enjoy Elephants Playing

Elephants love to cover themselves in mud - it nourishes their skin & protects it from insects & the sun.

Elephants Interacting logo

Watch Elephants Interacting

Observe elephants communicating using vocalisations and touching each other with their trunks.


Half day tour program.

  • Pick up from your hotel in Pattaya by minivan
  • Greeting and introduction to the project and the rescued elephants
  • Prepare fruit and vegetables for the elephants
  • Meet the elephants and get to know them while feeding them
  • Walk with the elephants in nature
  • Observe the elephants interacting and foraging on native plants
  • Observe the elephants cooling off in their custom-built pool
  • Watch the elephants take a mud bath
  • Enjoy a delicious, freshly prepared vegetarian buffet lunch or dinner
  • Relax and enjoy the tranquility of our sanctuary
  • Transfer back to your hotel

Price of Tour

Adults 12+: 2,800 Baht per person Children 4–11 years old: 1,400 Baht per person Infants & Children 0-3 years old: FREE

Additional Details

  • Includes transportation and a delicious vegetarian buffet
  • No deposit required - please pay on arrival in Thai Bath (cash only)
  • You will receive a confirmation email with full details of your tour.
  • Please see below for pick up times from various locations in Pattaya.
  • We do not accept visitors outside of our tour schedule hours or guests arriving at the sanctuary without a prior booking confirmation

Our program is relaxed and very much guided by the elephants, whilst allowing our guests to spend valuable time learning about the herd and observing their behavior. Visitors can expect a meaningful encounter with our rescued elephants.

What's included.



Pick up from your hotel in Pattaya to & from our sanctuary

Tour Guide

Qualified English speaking tour guide

Buffet Lunch

Lunch / Dinner

Vegetarian Thai buffet lunch / dinner / filtered water / tea & coffee

Family Friendly

Family Friendly

Suitable for families with young children


Pattaya elephant sanctuary only accepts payment by cash on arrival at our sanctuary. if you receive an email requesting payment by bank deposit please do not pay this way. the email was not sent from the staff at pattaya elephant sanctuary., what to bring.

  • Passport details to complete our Insurance Agreement (on your phone or a photocopy)
  • Sunscreen, hat, and insect repellent
  • A reusable water bottle - we offer guests bottled water but also have a filtered water dispenser for refills
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty – please wear clothes that are respectful to the local culture (no bikinis or overly revealing clothing)
  • Camera / video

Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary Tour

Pick Up Times

Morning tour, 7:00am - 7:20am, pattaya nue, 7:20am - 7:40am, pattaya klang, 7:40am - 8:00am, pattaya tai / pratamnak, 8:00am - 8:20am, 8:20am - 8:40am, 8:40am - 9:00am, afternoon tour, 11:40pm - 12:00pm, 12:00pm - 12:20pm, 12:20m - 12:40pm, 12:40pm - 13:00pm, 13:00pm - 13:20pm, 13:20pm - 13:30pm, note: pick up times are flexible and depend on traffic conditions and how many visitors we need to pick up before your group..


Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary is supported by Save Elephant Foundation & Asian Elephant Projects

Visit Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary for a Magical Experience

Being with elephants in a natural setting is an unforgettable experience. With their intelligence, social complexity, and colossal size, elephants are one of the great wonders of the natural world.

thailand elephant sanctuary tour

The Ultimate 5 Day Phuket Itinerary

P huket is the largest island in Thailand and is well known for its crystal-clear waters, stunning beaches, and vibrant nightlife. In order to see the best of this island, putting together a 5-day Phuket itinerary is a good way to maximise your time.

In five days, you can have enough time to explore the island’s many beaches, such as Patong Beach, Karon Beach, and Kata Beach, as well as immerse yourself in Thai culture by visiting local temples and sacred sites, diving into cooking the Thai cuisine, and exploring the bustling markets.

You can also take advantage of Phuket’s proximity to nearby islands such as the Phi Phi Islands or James Bond Island, which allow you to experience some of the most beautiful scenery in Thailand.

If you’re thinking of spending 5 days in Phuket but not sure what to do or where to go, below is the ultimate 5-day itinerary for Phuket.

Is 5 days enough for Phuket?

Where to base yourself in phuket, stop 1: hit the beach or sit by the pool, stop 2: take a traditional thai cooking class with pat, stop 3: visit wat chalong and the big buddha, stop 4: enjoy an indulgent dinner at the hilton, stop 2: catch the sunset at the after beach bar in kata, stop 4: eat street food at the local karon temple night markets, stop 1: indulge in a thai massage, stop 2: old town phuket, stop 3: try water sports such as jet ski or parasailing, stop 4: simon cabaret show, stop 1: maya bay, stop 2: lagoon swim, stop 3: snorkeling spot, stop 4: lunch at don phi phi, stop 5: swimming spot, stop 1: elephant sanctuary, stop 2: bang pae waterfall, stop 3: promthep cape, getting around phuket, best time to visit phuket, save this to pinterest:.

Planning your trip to Phuket last-minute?

Don’t forget to plan ahead when  visiting Phuket! Here are some of the top tours, hotels, and useful items you may need before your trip!

Top Experiences and Tours in Phuket

  • Visit the Elephant Sanctuary in Phuket (a must for animal lovers!)
  • A day trip to the Phi Phi Islands (see the iconic Maya Bay!)
  • Watch the Simon Cabaret Show (an unmissable thing to do at night)

Top Accommodation and Hotels in Phuket

  • Amari Phuket, Patong Beach (luxury resort, near the nightlife but away from the noise)
  • Ozo Phuket, Kata Beach (a quiet resort, excellent for couples)
  • Pullman Phuket, Karon Beach (excellent location, ideal for families)

Phuket, Thailand is the perfect place for those wanting an indulgent getaway – whether for just the weekend, or a longer stay.

Personally, I think 5 days is the minimum number of days you need in Phuket as there is so much to see and do, plus you want to have a good amount of time to really enjoy the beaches and top attractions.

We stayed at the Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa for 6 nights and had a fantastic family holiday enjoying all that was on offer on Thailand’s largest island.

We first visited Phuket 10 years earlier on our honeymoon and were not impressed. That was because we stayed in Patong Beach, the area notorious for wild party nights and a chaotic mess of street markets, pubs, and go go bars.

On our second stay in Phuket, we decided to stay in Karon Beach , which was perfect.

It is a much quieter destination more suited to families and those wanting to relax and appreciate, rather than paint the town scarlet!

We discovered that Phuket attracts many type of travelers, but where you base yourself really impacts your experience. If you stay in Karon Beach, Kata Beach or Kamala Beach, you can avoid the nightlife of Bangla Road and enjoy a relaxing beach vacation.

If you want to party, then Patong Beach is the place to go.

Wherever you stay, you can rent a car or scooter to get around and still be able to see the best of Phuket.

Honestly, all of Phuket’s attractions are within a scooter ride and it really doesn’t matter where you base yourself. You just got to pick an area with the vibe that’s right for you.

In the following Phuket itinerary, we’ve captured all of the highlights of Phuket, allowing you time to really get a sense of the Thai culture, discover the most beautiful scenery and indulge in the laid-back Phuket way.

Day 1: Phuket Town and Karon Beach

We’re going to assume that you arrive in Phuket the night before, so our first day in Phuket on this itinerary will be the first full day you have available.

If you traveled a long way, or if you landed in the morning, use the day that you arrive as a rest day before you start exploring.

On your first full day, rise early for breakfast in your hotel. Depending on where you’re staying, you might want to spend some time in the morning hitting the Phuket beaches and cooling off with a morning swim.

Some excellent beaches for a swim are Karon Beach, Kata Beach (And Kata Noi Beach, a smaller beach near Kata), Nai Harn Beach, Layan Beach or even Patong Beach in the day time.

You might also need to use your morning to get orientated, such as picking up a sim card and hiring a car or scooter, so use this morning as a chilled morning to get yourself ready for a Phuket adventure.

Thailand is full of difficult decisions, like should I drink a beer or a cocktail, or swim at the pool with ocean views or cross the road to swim in the warm ocean, with views?

You will find there is plenty of time to enjoy the beaches or swim by the pool in this 5 day Phuket itinerary, as we want you to have a relaxing vacation and enjoy the number one thing to do in Phuket – visit the beaches.

At the beginning or end of each day, allow some downtime by the pool or on the beach.

After lunch, opt to take a Thai cooking class with Pat. This is your first introduction to Thai culture and a way to mingle with the locals and learn from them.

Visiting Pat’s home and learning to cook Thai food was one of our Phuket highlights.

Pat’s home Thai cooking school first opened in 1996 in Phuket Town and has since been featured in many print media publications and TV programs.

Our experience began in the local market gathering the supplies for the food we were soon to prepare.

We had a lesson in the various uses of vegetables and herbs in Thai cooking as we walked through, picking up each new one to smell and feel the textures.

This introduction was the perfect way to get a feel for the basics of a delicious Thai meal and what sets it apart from the cuisine of its Asian neighbours. I certainly had a better understanding of where I was going wrong with my own attempts of cooking Thai food at home.

Pat’s open aired kitchen is attached to the side of her home and she never has more than 8 people per class , maintaining that small, homely feel.

After a welcome glass of iced lemongrass tea, we donned the aprons and set to work chopping, peeling, mortar and pestle bashing to create some of my favourite Thai meals: tom yum goong, spring rolls, green curry, som tum and banana in coconut milk.

What I loved the most was sharing the experience with Kalyra. She eagerly followed us through the markets learning about the different ingredients and enthusiastically helped me prepare the food. My Junior – Masterchef even rolled a near perfect spring roll.

I was even impressed with my ability to finally produce a delicious Thai meal thanks to Pat’s expert guidance.

Not far from Phuket Town is the stunning Wat Chalong . I was suffering from Bangkok belly on our visit and could barely focus on the aesthetic designs of the temple complex.

We’ve visited a lot of wats in South East Asia, and this one certainly had its own unique flare. Craig was more than impressed and found it to be a perfect temple for those new to Thailand.

The Grand Pagoda dominates the temple grounds–it’s cool and breezy location makes it just as popular as the splinter of Buddha’s bone that rests inside.

The pagoda walls depict Buddha’s life story and immense golden statues of the various Buddha poses sit in the main hall. Choose the one you wish to worship to most.

Pay attention to the fire crackers going off inside the brick oven out the front of the ordination hall. Thai people set them off to celebrate if they receive any good luck.

The Big Buddha sits on top of the Nakkerd Hills between Chalong and Kata and is 45 meter high and can be seen far and wide across Phuket.

Not only is it a place of tranquillity to receive your blessings, but it’s one of the best viewpoints in Phuket which has 360 degree views of the island.

The Buddha’s body is layered with Burmese marble which shines in the sun, making it a symbol of hope and a guarding force of protection.

It’s a great place to visit for sunset as it has sweeping views.

I have one rule in Thailand. No Western food allowed.

I would even put it in my black book of crimes you should never commit. My second rule is you should never stop eating, no matter how full you are.

Who cares you cooked up a smorgasbord for lunch, you have had a whole afternoon to digest it. It’s time to top up!

You can have an indulgent Thai dinner at the Thai Thai Restaurant at the Hilton. It’s a great way to ease into Thai cuisine when you’re not ready for street food yet.

Enjoy it, because tomorrow I’m sending you to a night market!

What I love the most about dining out in Thailand – and this restaurant excelled at this – is the outstanding service.

Our head waiter, Pop, was always on hand to ensure we were happy and content. He shared many stories with us of Thailand and his own life, always with an affectionate giggle.

We enjoyed crab cakes and Thai prawn salad for entrees, followed by slow cooked tilapia in coconut milk and Phuket yellow noodles.

I had to finish dinner with my favourite Thai desert—mango and sticky rice; Craig opted for the coconut ice cream and tried unsuccessfully to convince me his was better.

Lucky Kalyra was asleep in the chair or she would have backed him.

Now you can go back to your room and collapse. The pillows will mould around your head so you feel like you are sleeping on clouds.

Day 2: Phang Ngha Bay Boat Tour

Your day will start early so first stop will be the poolside breakfast buffet. Eat up as today is a BIG day!

Stop 1: Go on the James Bond Island Tour of Phang Nga Bay (Full Day)

I never wanted to go on his tour before because it was so James Bond focused, and I have never watched a movie.

Our friend Roger recommended it as one of his favorite things to do in Phuket , so we decided to give it a chance.

James Bond Island was made famous by his movie “ The Man with the Golden Gun ” It does not mean much to me, but the island itself is very picturesque and photo worthy.

Check prices and availability for James Bond Island Day Trips here.

Many of our followers on facebook recommended the Sea Canoes as the best way to enjoy the limestone tunnels and caves.

This was not really an option with our little ones, so we did a full day tour taking in four of the islands in the Phang Nga Bay area.

The seas were a little rough and the water murky, but if you arrived on a day when the Andaman Sea was blazing with its crystal clear emerald waters and the dramatic limestone mountains, I’d imagine it would be stunning.

The floating Muslim village at Koh Paynee was a fascinating stop.

The silted homes joined together in the mud swamps in front of a large limestone rock island was started 200 years ago by 3 Indonesian families now hosts nearly 1700 people and over 300 families.

We really loved our small kayak tour through the mangroves and tunnels of one island and swimming at Naka Island . It’s a full day tour and popular, but an enjoyable day out.

Do not delay in heading straight to the After Beach Bar on the hill behind Kata Noi. This place is legendary for sunset drinks and a relaxed vibe.

We arrived here after a day of cruising the beaches of the West Coast of Phuket. As soon as we arrived and saw the amazing views and felt the cool breeze we were happy.

It didn’t even faze us that we had chosen the one day in our two weeks in Thailand that was cloudy!!

Luckily there was a small break in the clouds so we were able to see a beautiful pink orb poking through.

Sit back with a cocktail and enjoy. Just don’t order a mojito – they were awful and they tried to charge me for three of them!

If you are not too exhausted, head to the Karon temple night markets held every Tuesday and Saturday night for some incredible street food and to shop for souvenirs.

The shopping here is cheap! It is mostly clothes with the odd tourist artifacts like lanterns and Buddha statues thrown in.

You can even pick up a cheap bowl of curry noodles for 30 baht and Thai banana pancake for 40 baht.

Day 3: Culture Day: Thai Massage, Phuket Old Town, Cabaret Show

After a long day on the boat yesterday, you might want to give yourself a little treat. I highly recommend you get yourself a Thai massage at least once on your trip.

Alternatively, you can visit a resort spa and opt for a relaxing hot stone massage or aromatherapy treatment.

You cannot come to Thailand without worshipping your body with a Thai massage. Crime number 10 to never commit in Thailand!

We’d already had our cheap 200 baht massage in Bangkok before arriving to Phuket and would definitely say it’s a good idea to get one before a flight home.

If you’re not familiar with the concept of a Thai massage, allow me to explain.

A Thai massage is a traditional form of bodywork that originated in Thailand over 2,500 years ago.

It is a type of massage that combines acupressure, stretching, and deep tissue techniques to help release tension and promote relaxation.

During a Thai massage, you typically lie on a mat on the floor while the practitioner uses their hands, elbows, knees, and feet to apply pressure to various points on the body.

The massage therapist may also use gentle stretching movements to help improve flexibility and range of motion.

Essentially it’s a cross between massage and some kind of sports yoga.

Thai massage has many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving circulation, boosting energy levels, and reducing muscle tension and pain.

Thai massage is often performed fully clothed, without the use of oils or lotions. It is becoming increasingly popular in western countries as a way to relax and rejuvenate the body and mind.

If this doesn’t sound relaxing to you, you can ramp up the feel good factor with a special spa treatment.

They may be expensive in comparisons to the ones you can get on the beach or in a room with 10 other people, but in comparison to Australian prices they’re really quite cheap.

A body scrub and a Thai-herbal-heat massage later we felt like new and improved version of ourselves. We possibly couldn’t get any more relaxed.

Disclaimer: Our stay at Hilton Arcadia was hosted in part by Thailand Tourism and Hilton Arcadia Phuket, though all thoughts, ideas and opinions in this guide are our own.

After a massage, you are probably feeling more energized and ready to explore. So take a trip over to Old Town Phuket, a charming and historic district located in the heart of Phuket.

One of the main reasons to visit Old Town Phuket is its fascinating mix of architecture. The district is home to beautifully preserved Sino-Portuguese buildings, some of which date back to the 19th century.

These buildings give visitors a glimpse into Phuket’s colonial past and offer a unique backdrop for exploring the area.

In addition to its stunning architecture, Old Town Phuket is also home to a vibrant street art scene.

Keep an eye out for colorful murals and graffiti that adorn the walls of many buildings throughout the district.

After exploring Old Town Phuket, head over to Patong Beach to try your hand at some watersports.

Patong Beach is a great place to try parasailing, jet skiing, or even just rent a kayak or stand up paddle board and hit the ocean.

If you’ve never tried any adventurous water sports before, this is a great place to try it because the prices are cheap and the bay is sheltered so you don’t get a huge strong wind blowing you in all directions.

One of the best things to do in Phuket at night is to attend a cabaret show.

A cabaret show in Phuket is a unique and entertaining experience that allows you to dive into Phuket’s long-standing traditions and history.

The shows are known for their elaborate costumes, stunning stage design, and talented performers. They offer a variety of performances, from traditional Thai dances to contemporary pop numbers, the shows cater to all tastes and interests.

The performances are also family-friendly, making them a great activity for travelers of all ages.

Check prices and availability for Simon Cabaret Show here.

Day 4: Phi Phi Islands Day Trip

Another popular day trip from Phuket is to the Phi Phi Islands, which are arguably the most beautiful islands in the Thailand archipelago.

You can stay on the larger of the two islands, Don Phi Phi, if you have more time, but it’s also easy to see the highlights on a day trip.

Check prices and availability for Phi Phi Islands Day Trips here.

The tour departs from Phuket at around 8am in the morning and you will hop into a speedboat or long tail boat and head to Phi Phi Islands. I would suggest getting a speedboat tour as they are faster, so you can visit more stops.

The first stop is Maya Bay, usually. The boat tours may swap these stops around so you can visit Maya Bay at a time when there are less people.

It’s the highlight of a Phi Phi Islands day tour because it’s Thailand’s most beautiful beach. It was made famous after it appeared in the movie The Beach starring Leonardo Dicaprio and is a protected beach.

It was closed for around five years or so due to overtourism, but now it’s open again for day tours only. You cannot swim in the beach, but it’s beauty is worth the journey.

You can sit back and admire the stunning limestone cliffs that surrounding it, and maybe even spot a black-tip reef shark in the water if you’re lucky.

The next stop is Pileh Lagoon, a hidden gem located between tall cliffs. It’s a great place to swim in the emerald-green waters of the lagoon and take in the breathtaking views around you.

If you didn’t see much marine life swimming in the lagoon, then don’t worry. The next stop is a snorkel spot at one of the best spots in Phi Phi Islands.

It’s usually a spot around Viking Cave, a sea cave that looks out into the open waters of the Andaman Sea.

Here is a great spot to discover the colorful coral and marine life that inhabit the waters, and marvel at the beauty of the underwater world.

I mentioned earlier that Don Phi Phi Island is the largest island in the Phi Phi Islands and is much more developed than the others.

It’s a great place for lunch at a local restaurant and to browse the market shops that line the two streets on the island.

Usually, if the weather is good, the tour will end with a swimming spot at a remote uninhabited island.

Usually, you will visit Bamboo Island, a small and secluded island with clear waters perfect for swimming.

Soak up the sun on the white sandy beach or swim in the crystal clear waters before you relax on the boat and enjoy the ride back to Phuket.

Day 5: Elephant Sanctuary, Bang Pae Waterfall, Promthep Cape

On the last day, we will visit some of the lesser known attractions and wildlife sanctuaries.

Visiting an elephant sanctuary is one of the most popular and rewarding experiences in Thailand, and allows tourists to see these majestic animals up close while supporting their welfare and conservation efforts.

One of the main reasons to visit an elephant sanctuary in Phuket is the opportunity to witness these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.

However, not all sanctuaries provide a safe and ethical environment for elephants, so you do need to do your research carefully.

An ethical sanctuary allows you to observe them roaming freely, socializing with other elephants, and engaging in natural behaviors such as bathing and grazing but without getting involved.

Most of the elephants have been rescued from the tourism or logging industries.

Check prices and availability for Elephant Sanctuaries here.

Bangae Waterfall is a stunning natural attraction in Phuket’s Khao Phra Thaeo National Park.

One of the main reasons to visit Bang Pae Waterfall is its breathtaking beauty.

It is the largest and most impressive waterfall on the island, with water cascading down a series of rocky tiers.

You can cool off in the refreshing pool at the base of the falls or take a dip in the natural pools along the trail.

In addition to its natural beauty, Bang Pae Waterfall is surrounded by lush rainforest, making it a great place to explore and hike.

Another great sunset spot in Phuket is Promthep Cape, located at the southernmost point of Phuket island.

One of the main reasons to visit Promthep Cape is its breathtaking views. The cape overlooks the Andaman Sea and offers panoramic views of the coastline, islands, and surrounding mountains.

The sunset views from Promthep Cape are particularly stunning and draw large crowds of visitors every evening.

The best way to get around Phuket is to hire a scooter and drive yourself. It’s going to save you money, and also allows you the freedom to travel at your own pace.

With a family, a scooter isn’t a good option, but you can also hire a car as well.

Alternatively, you can take taxis. This is a convenient and reliable way to get around Phuket. They can be found at Phuket International Airport, major hotels, and tourist areas.

However, taxi fares in Phuket can be expensive, especially for long distances, so you might want to use a ride-share app such as Grab or Bolt.

Tuk-tuks are an experience in Thailand. They are three-wheeled vehicles that are a popular mode of transportation in Phuket.

They are cheaper than taxis, but prices can be negotiated, so it’s important to agree on a price before getting in.

Songthaews are like bus versions of tuk tuks. They are converted pickup trucks that operate as shared taxis.

They are a budget-friendly option, but routes and schedules can be limited, and they also take a long time to get from A to B, making them less convenient for travelers with specific plans.

The best time to visit Phuket depends on your preferences and travel plans, but winter is our prefered time of year to visit.

Phuket has a tropical climate, with high temperatures and humidity levels throughout the year, though it does have a long rainy season from June to October which can get in the way of your beach time.

The peak tourist season in Phuket is from November to February, when the weather is generally sunny and dry. December is the busiest month and can be crowded, so book accommodation and tours in advance.

The temperatures during this time are milder, making it a great time for outdoor activities such as hiking and beach hopping.

The sea is also calm during these months, making it ideal for water sports such as snorkeling and scuba diving.

March to May is the hot season in Phuket, with temperatures reaching up to 35°C.

April is also a time when you see pollution from the north come down to the south, which doesn’t usually reach Phuket, but it does mean you get a lot of people fleeing the north to escape the pollution and residing in Phuket.

So, expect accommodations to be booked up in these months as well.

This can make outdoor activities uncomfortable during the day, but the evenings are cooler and perfect for exploring the island’s nightlife scene.

Final Thoughts on This 5 Day Phuket Itinerary

Phuket is an island that offers so much to see and do, and 5 days is the perfect amount of time for those looking to explore the island’s diverse attractions and experiences.

I hope this Phuket itinerary gave you some inspiration about what to do and how to spend your days in Phuket.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments.

Phuket is the largest island in Thailand and is well known for its crystal-clear waters, stunning beaches, and vibrant nightlife. In order to see the best of this island, putting together a 5-day Phuket itinerary …   The Ultimate 5 Day Phuket Itinerary Read More »


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  1. Phuket's Most Ethical Elephant Sanctuary

    Rescued on 14 December 2023. Meet Than-Tawan, a brave 70-year-old elephant with a story of strength and resilience. Originally from the Surin province, she faced challenges after being sold to one of Phuket's largest riding camps in 2015. However, on December 14, 2023, we rescued her, offering a new beginning at Phuket Elephant Sanctuary.

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  3. Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary

    Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary Welcomes You. Your visit to our sanctuary makes ethical elephant tourism based on compassion possible and sustainable. We thank you on behalf of the elephants! Visit Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand for an amazing experience with rescued elephants where they are free to interact, forage, roam, and play.

  4. Phuket

    Visit the most ethical elephant sanctuary in Phuket, This elephant tour includes some incredible experiences. Go swimming with elephants at Jungle Sanctuary.

  5. Welcome to Phuket Elephant Nature Reserve

    Welcome to the Most Ethical Elephant Sanctuary in Phuket. The Phuket Elephant Nature Reserve is an accredited and sustainable elephant sanctuary located on the west coast of the tropical island of Phuket, Thailand. Founded in 2019, elephant conservation is of the utmost importance to us, and the welfare of our rescued animals is our primary focus.

  6. Khaolak Elephant Sanctuary

    Es war schön mit Elefant, leicht toll einfach unkompliziert 😍🥰🇹🇭 Liebe Grüße aus Thailand, wir kommen aus Germany. 2024-05-31. Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. ... Elephant Sanctuary Small Group Tour. Learn the stories and daily routines of rescued elephants on a tour in Khaolak Elephant ...

  7. Phuket Elephant Sanctuary: Ethical Elephant Tourism 2024

    Skip the unethical elephant encounters in Phuket and visit a sanctuary where the animals are allowed to live their final years roaming freely without being harmed by tourists. Located on 30 acres of lush, tropical land bordering the Khao Phra Thaeo National Park in North East Phuket, visiting the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary helps support their mission of compassionate and ethical elephant tourism.

  8. Samui Elephant Sanctuary

    Award Winning Elephant Sanctuary Providing a Better Life for Elephants. We are proud to be the first elephant sanctuary established on Koh Samui in Southern Thailand. Thanks to the kind support of our guests, we have opened a second sanctuary on the island so that more rescued elephants can live a life of ease and dignity.


    4WD Tours. 3-4 hours. Phuket Elephant Sanctuary is the first and only ethical elephant sanctuary in Phuket where elephants roam around, bathe …. Free cancellation. Recommended by 98% of travellers. from. £66. per adult. Reserve.

  10. Phuket's Most Ethical Elephant Sanctuary

    Time: 4 Times per Day. This 90-minute program is a first-of-its kind experience in Thailand and takes ethical tourism to new heights - literally! Explore our new, 600 meter-long canopy walkway and observe rescued elephants as they roam, forage, bathe and socialize freely in the jungle below. Our tour guides will be happy to share the story of ...

  11. Top 10 Thailand Elephant sanctuaries in 2024

    Explore the heart of Thailand's conservation efforts with our elephant sanctuary tours. Immerse yourself in the majestic beauty of rescued elephants in their natural habitat, learn about ethical wildlife, and contribute to the preservation of these gentle giants. A truly unforgettable experience awaits.

  12. Blue Elephant Thailand Tours Chiang Mai, learn to be an elephant keeper

    Tour starts 12:30 pm, finishes 07:30 pm. Call & WhatsApp +66 81 8843295. PREMIUM GROUP TOUR PRICE: (ADULT/ ฿ 1,800), (CHILD 4-9/ ฿ 1,400), (INFANT 0-3/ FREE TOUR) All Day Elephant Sanctuary Tour Chiang Mai at Blue Tao Elephant Village, Large Waterfall Hiking. Tour Code: Full Day Elephant Tour Chiang Mai Sanctuary Large Waterfall Hiking at ...

  13. Thailand Elephant Sanctuary

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  14. Elephant Sanctuary & Erawan Waterfall Full Day Tour from Bangkok

    US$ 299.70. Select options. Learn about the gentle and intelligent elephants at the ElephantsWorld sanctuary. Get a chance to bathe, feed, and interact with Thailand's proud giants. Trek through the lush forests of Erawan National Park, famous for its limestone caves. Admire the seven-tiered beauty of the Erawan Waterfall and take photos of ...

  15. Elephant Sanctuaries

    Choose from various ethical elephant tours suitable for all ages and fitness levels, including jungle hikes, whitewater rafting, and leisurely forest walks. Our Saddle Off projects provide a caring home for between 2 to 5 elephants, with a limit of 4 guests per elephant. Enjoy full day visits or join one of our week-long volunteer programs, all ...

  16. Elephant Sanctuary Small Group Tour in Phuket 2024

    5.0. Lake Phuket Elephant sanctuary. It sounds like you had an incredible experience! A knowledgeable and fun tour guide can really enhance the trip. Interacting with the gentle elephants, roaming with them, feeding, and even bathing them must have been unforgettable. Topping it off with an amazing lunch makes it even better.

  17. Unique & Ethical Elephant Experience Khao Sok, Thailand

    This is a truly unique way to interact and get up close with Asia's largest land animal! The Elephant Hills Elephant Experience at Khao Sok national park was awarded with the Thailand Green Excellence Award for Animal Welfare in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. This prestigious award was given by the Tourism Authority of Thailand in cooperation ...

  18. Phuket Elephant Sanctuary

    4WD Tours. 1-2 hours. Phuket Elephant Sanctuary is the first and only ethical elephant sanctuary in Phuket where elephants roam around, bathe …. Free cancellation. Recommended by 98% of travelers. from. $53. per adult. Reserve.

  19. 6 Best Elephant Tours in Thailand 2024/2025

    Find the right Thailand Elephant tour for you with TourRadar. Choose from 6 trips with 13 customer reviews. Book now and save with TourRadar.com! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,286 reviews) 24/7 customer support. Deals of the Week Must-haves for 2025 Up to 50% OFF. Deals end: 8 Jul, 2024. 0.

  20. Best Ethical Elephant Sanctuaries

    1. Elephant Nature Park. Located in the Northern province of Chiang Mai, Thailand, Elephant Nature Park is widely regarded as one of the best elephant sanctuaries in the country. The sanctuary has received numerous awards and accolades for its work in elephant conservation and animal welfare, attracting many travelers who are interested in ...

  21. Elephant Sanctuary Thailand

    At Elephant Sanctuary Thailand we don't discriminate any of the sanctuaries as long as they treat the elephants with respect, dignity and without abuse. Most of the shelters are non-charitable and non-governmental organizations. They host beaten and abandoned elephants that their owners don't need anymore. These elephants get to live again ...

  22. Best Thailand Elephant Sanctuary & Thailand Elephant Tours

    90% travelers choose the best thailand travel package which combines an elephant sanctuary with a unique Thailand tour! Walk and interact with elephant now. Check and see what you would enjoy! Thailand Historical,Cultural and Natural Tour. Highlights of Thailand & Elephant Eco Tour. Essential Thailand Tour.

  23. Elephant Tour Pattaya

    Half Day Tour Program. Pick up from your hotel in Pattaya by minivan. Greeting and introduction to the project and the rescued elephants. Prepare fruit and vegetables for the elephants. Meet the elephants and get to know them while feeding them. Walk with the elephants in nature.

  24. The Ultimate 5 Day Phuket Itinerary

    Day 5: Elephant Sanctuary, Bang Pae Waterfall, Promthep Cape On the last day, we will visit some of the lesser known attractions and wildlife sanctuaries. Stop 1: Elephant Sanctuary