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z force taman safari

Xperience Team

23 Nov 2020 - 5 min read

Mau Liburan Bertemu Satwa? Ini Panduan Lengkap Wisata Bogor Taman Safari

Berkunjung ke wisata bogor Taman Safari menjadi pilihan liburan yang tepat untuk dihabiskan bersama orang tersayang. Selain merasakan sensasi berkeliling safari dan bertemu dengan ragam satwa, kamu juga bisa naik aneka wahana seru.

Pengalaman liburan ke wisata Bogor Taman Safari juga akan berjalan seru karena dikelilingi pemandangan yang asri. Mulai dari hutan hijau hingga pemandangan perbukitan yang indah. Jika kamu ingin liburan ke Taman Safari Bogor, simak informasi lengkap berikut ini yuk!

Tentang Wisata Bogor Taman Safari

Wisata Bogor Taman Safari menghadirkan keunikan tersendiri. Sebab, kamu bisa berkeliling ke berbagai sudut menggunakan kendaraan untuk melihat aneka satwa dari dekat hingga berinteraksi langsung. Mulai dari satwa jinak seperti jerapah dan gajah hingga satwa buas seperti harimau dan singa.

Ada sekitar 2.500 koleksi satwa dari hampir seluruh penjuru dunia di wisata Bogor Taman Safari. Satwa tersebut termasuk satwa langka, seperti harimau benggala, jerapah, singa, orang utan, gajah, anoa, komodo, dan masih banyak lagi.

Wahana & Atraksi di Wisata Bogor Taman Safari

Ada banyak wahana yang dihadirkan oleh wisata Bogor Taman Safari. Agar kamu tidak bingung, ketahui wahananya di bawah ini agar bisa mempersiapkan waktu dengan baik.

Safari Journey

z force taman safari

Atraksi yang wajib kamu coba jika ke wisata Bogor Taman Safari adalah Safari Journey. Kamu bisa berkeliling area yang merupakan habitat aneka satwa selama kurang lebih 45 menit. Lewat atraksi ini, kamu akan diajak bertemu langsung aneka satwa yang tidak dikurung dalam kandang, melainkan berkeliaran di jalan.

Kamu juga akan dibawa ke zona satwa buas, seperti singa dan harimau. Untuk beberapa area, kamu bisa memberikan makan ke satwa. Sementara di area satwa buas, kamu dilarang membuka kaca mobil hingga keluar demi keamanan. Jika tidak membawa kendaraan pribadi, kamu bisa naik bus yang disediakan oleh Taman Safari Bogor.

z force taman safari

Baby Zoo (Foto: Facebook Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor)

Setelah puas berkeliling bertemu satwa, arahkan kaki ke zona Baby Zoo. Di zona ini, kamu bisa menemui bahkan berinteraksi langsung dengan bayi-bayi satwa liar. Ada singa, harimau, macan, hingga orang utan. Zona ini cocok untuk kamu atau si kecil yang takut dengan satwa buas. Karena masih bayi dan disertai pawang, kamu bisa menyentuh aneka bayi satwa buas hingga berfoto bersama. Menggemaskan!

Istana Panda

z force taman safari

Istana Panda (Foto: Facebook Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor)

Di Istana Panda, kamu bisa bertemu dengan dua panda menggemaskan, yakni Cai Tao (jantan) dan Hu Chun (betina). Kedua panda ini langsung didatangkan dari China. Istana Panda yang didesan sangat mirip dengan tempat asalnya ini berlokasi di ketinggian 1.800mdpl. Sehingga suasananya asri dan sejuk, lengkap dengan pemandangan bukit yang mengelilinya.

Selain bertemu panda, kamu bisa berkunjung ke wahana ruang edukasi untuk mengetahui fakta menarik tentang panda. Ada juga Skywalk, spot foto beralaskan kaca tebal yang akan mengajakmu berjalan di atas ketinggian dengan latar pegunungan yang indah.

Usai berkeliling Istana Panda, kamu bisa mencicipi ragam makanan dan minuman di Panda Food Court. Uniknya, menu yang ditawarkan bertema panda seperti bakpao berbentuk muka panda. Kamu juga bisa memberi cinderamata bertema panda di Panda Souvenir Store.

Komodo Dragon Island

z force taman safari

Jika kamu belum berkesempatan mengunjungi Pulau Komodo, tak perlu bersedih. Di wisata Bogor Taman Safari kamu bisa melihat langsung komodo di Komodo Dragon Island. Komodo di sini difasilitasi dengan kandang yanng disesuaikan dengan suasana aslinya. Kamu juga bisa menemui dan menyentuh langsung beberapa reptil yang ada di wahana ini.

Pertunjukan Edukasi

Mau melihat aneka satwa bertingkah laku pintar dan menggemaskan? Tandanya kamu harus menonton pertunjukan edukasi yang dihadirkan wisata Bogor Taman Safari. Ada 9 pertunjukan satwa seru dan menghibur yang bisa kamu saksikan.

Misalnya Elephant Show yang menceritakan kisah konflik gajah dan manusia dengan pesan menjaga habitat gajah yang semakin hari makin menyempit. Tak kalah seru, tonton aksi harimau di Rimba Show. Di sini harimau yang sudah dilatih menampilkan aksi seru, termasuk bersalaman dengan manusia!

Ada juga pertunjukan Dolphin & Friends yang menampilkan aksi lomba melompat ke sana kemari serta Sea Lion Show yang menghadirkan gemasnya singa laut menari dengan iringan lagu dan meghampiri penonton untuk memberikan ciuman.

Wahana Permainan

z force taman safari

Z Force Tower (Foto: Facebook Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor)

Tak hanya bertemu dengan satwa, kamu juga bisa mencoba wahana seru dan menegangkan di Taman Safari Bogor. Di zona wahana permainan, ada 25 wahana yang bisa kamu coba. Salah satnya adalah Z Force Tower, wahana drop tower yang tingginya mencapai 55 meter. Kamu akan diajak naik dan turun dengan kecepatan tinggi.

Bagi yang suka mencoba wahana rumah hantu, jangan lewatkan Cave Hill 3D Guest House. Kamu akan naik kereta tambang menggunakan kacamata 3D, untuk melewati lorong penuh zombie. Akhiri keseruanmu di wahana permainan dengan naik Mining Coaster, roller coaster yang treknya tak begitu menyeramkan karena kamu hanya diajak meliuk-liuk.

Safari Malam

z force taman safari

Safari Malam (Foto: Facebook Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor)

Mau pengalaman keliling safari yang lebih seru? Coba atraksi Safari Malam. Kamu bisa menjelajahi kehidupan malam satwa liar dengan mengendari kereta wisata terbuka! Bahkan kamu juga bisa menikmati wahana permainan di malam hari dan menonton pertunjukan spektakuler.

Salah satunya adalah Wild Hunter Show & Firedance. Pertunjukan ini mengisahkan pemburu liar pada malam hari. Serunya, akan ada para penari yang memainkan api di atas panggung. Tegang, tapi mengaggumkan!

Jam Buka dan Harga Tiket Taman Safari

z force taman safari

Wahana permainan di Taman Safari Bogor (Foto: Facebook Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor)

Lengkap bukan liburan di wisata Bogor Taman Safari? Jika kamu ingin berkunjung ke wisata Bogor ini, harga tiket Taman Safari Bogor yang harus dibayar adalah Rp 195.000 untuk pengunjung di atas 6 tahun dan Rp 170.000 untuk pengunjung di bawah 5 tahun pada weekdays.

Sementara untuk weekend dan hari libur nasional, harga tiket masuk Taman Safari Bogor untuk pengunjung berusia di atas 6 tahun adalah Rp230.000 dan di bawah 5 tahun Rp 210.000.

Untuk jam buka Taman Safari Bogor, pada weekdays wisata Bogor ini buka pada pukul 08.30-17.00. Sementara untuk weekend buka pada pukul 08.00-17.00. Untuk Safari Malam setiap weekend buka pada pukul 17.00-21.00.

Ingin liburanmu tambah mengesankan dan tak terlupakan? Agendakan liburan dengan tur Puncak dan Taman Safari. Kamu akan diajak berkeliling Taman Safari Bogor untuk melihat dari dekat hingga memberi makan ragam satwa serta belanja di factory outlet Bogor.

Berikut itinerary tur yang akan berlangsung 12 jam ini: 08:00-09:30 Penjemputan di hotel 09:30-11:00 Kendarai mobil Anda secara perlahan untuk melihat hewan-hewan 11:00-12:00 Animal Shows 12:00-13:00 Papua Village & Reptile house 13:00-14:00 Makan siang (pengeluaran pribadi) 14:00-15:00 Air terjun 15:00-15:30 Menuju Cimory Riverside 15:30-16:00 Vimala Flower Garden 16:00-17:30 Melewati Istana Presiden 17:30-18:30 Menuju Factory Outlet Bogor 18:30-20:00 Turun di perbatasan Bogor

Untuk mengikuti tur ini, kamu bisa membeli tiket mulai dari Rp500 ribuan sudah termasuk transportasi dan tiket masuk ke Taman Safari Bogor. Jadi kamu tak perlu repot menyiapkan kendaraan serta membeli tiket. Praktis, kan?

z force taman safari

Tur Taman Safari Bogor (Termasuk Transportasi) - 8 Jam

Booking tiket di sini!

Mulai dari Rp 563.750

Akses menuju wisata bogor taman safari.

Lokasi wisata Bogor Taman Safari pun strategis dan mudah dijangkau. Selain menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, kamu bisa naik bus umum jurusan Jakarta-Puncak jika berangkat dari Jakarta. Setelah sampai di pertigaan Taman Safari Bogor, naik lah angkutan umum ke arah Taman Safari.

Jika menggunakan kereta api, kamu bisa turun di Stasiun Bogor dan lanjutkan perjalanan dengan naik angkutan umum hijau 02 menuju Sukasari. Kemudian naik angkutan umum berwarna biru 03 jurusan Cisarua. Setelah itu, turun di pertigaan Taman Safari Indonesia, dan naik angkutan umum menuju wisata Bogor ini.

Lengkap banget kan wahana dan atraksi yang dihadirkan wisata Bogor Taman Safari? Langsung ikut turnya dan rasakan liburan tak terlupakan di Bogor!

z force taman safari

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Jalan-Jalan Jadi Mudah

  • Info Lengkap Soal Taman Safari Bogor Agar Piknikmu Makin Seru

Taman Safari Bogor - Lechwe

Taman Safari Bogor (Taman Safari Indonesia) [alamat] => Jl. Raya Puncak No. 601 Cibeureum, Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat 16750 https://goo.gl/maps/YGhxiB8eWpt [situs_resmi] => http://bogor.tamansafari.com/ [hari_jam] => Senin – Jumat: 08.30 – 17.00 WIB Sabtu, Minggu, & hari libur: 08.00 – 17.00 WIB Safari malam: 18.30 – 21.00 WIB [harga_tiket] => Senin – Jumat (Domestik – Anak): Rp170.000/orang Senin – Jumat (Domestik – Dewasa): Rp195.000/orang Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu, & hari libur (Domestik – Anak): Rp210.000/orang Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu, & hari libur (Domestik –  Dewasa): Rp230.000/orang Setiap hari (Asing – Anak): Rp350.000/orang Setiap hari (Asing – Dewasa): Rp400.000/orang ) -->

Kalau biasanya tempat konservasi terdengar membosankan bagi kalangan umum, tidak demikian dengan Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI). Destinasi yang juga dikenal sebagai Taman Safari Bogor ini justru menjadi objek wisata populer di kawasan Puncak .

Sejak dibangun pada tahun 1980, TSI memang tak sekedar melestarikan satwa-satwa langka. Tapi juga mengemas dirinya menjadi destinasi wisata keluarga, edukasi, alam, dan petualangan yang menarik.

Hewan-hewan koleksinya dibiarkan berkeliaran di lingkungan yang dibuat mirip dengan habitat asalnya. Alih-alih menyeramkan, hal inilah yang menjadi tarik tersendiri yang membedakan TSI dari kebun binatang pada umumnya.

Pengunjung jadi bisa melihat dan berinteraksi dengan hewan-hewan dari dekat. Sementara itu, para satwa bisa lebih bebas bergerak tanpa terpenjara kandang yang sempit.

Hingga akhir 2017, koleksi satwa TSI sudah mencapai 2.500 lebih. Tak hanya dikumpulkan dari Indonesia saja, tapi juga dari berbagai penjuru dunia.

TSI juga memiliki lebih dari 20 wahana permainan dan 9 pertunjukan yang dapat dinikmati para pengunjung. Jadi, jangan khawatir mati gaya kalau berkunjung ke sana.

Tertarik mau ke sana? Simak dulu informasi lengkap tentang Taman Safari Indonesia di bawah ini.

  • Panduan Lengkap Wisata di Bogor dan Sekitarnya
  • Bikin Liburan Makin Seru dengan Wahana Wahana di JungleLand Bogor

Aktivitas yang Bisa Kamu Lakukan di TSI

Cara menuju taman safari bogor, jam operasional & harga tiket masuk tsi, tips wisata di taman safari indonesia.

Ada banyak aktivitas yang bisa kamu lakukan di tempat wisata yang berdiri di atas lahan seluas 168 ha ini. Saking banyaknya, mungkin 1 hari aja nggak bakal cukup untuk melakukan semuanya. Nggak percaya? Simak aja daftarnya di bawah ini.

1. Safari Journey

Taman Safari Indonesia - Unta

Ini dia daya tarik utama Taman Safari Indonesia. Yakni melakukan perjalanan selama kurang lebih 45 menit ke “alam liar” untuk melihat koleksi satwa atau hewan langka dari dekat.

Buat yang baru pertama kali ke sana, jangan kaget kalau tiba-tiba ada zebra, unta, atau rusa yang tiba-tiba nyebrang jalan atau mendekati mobil kita. Kalau jendela dibuka, kepala mereka bahkan suka masuk ke mobil.

Berinteraksi dengan hewan diperbolehkan selama tidak mengganggu dan membuat kemacetan. Beberapa pengunjung juga sering memberikan makanan seperti wortel atau sayuran meski sebenarnya dilarang di brosur.

Akan tetapi, jangan sekali-kali membuka jendela di kawasan hewan buas seperti singa atau harimau. Apalagi sampai membuka pintu dan keluar dari mobil.

Oh iya, untuk berkeliling, kamu bisa memakai mobil pribadi. Tapi kalau tidak punya, TSI menyediakan bus gratis untuk berkeliling. Sedangkan di safari malam, ada kereta mini gratis yang siap menemani.

Baca juga:   Kebun Binatang Surabaya, Tempat Wisata Edukatif di Tengah Kota

2. Baby Zoo

Satwa yang dilepas dan bisa dilihat di Safari Journey biasanya sudah dewasa dan siap berpetualang sendiri. Untuk hewan yang masih bayi dan anak-anak, bisa dikunjungi di arena Baby Zoo.

Di sini, kamu bisa berfoto bersama bayi singa, harimau sumatera, orang utan, dan macan. Namun, kamu perlu membayar lagi Rp20.000 untuk sekali foto. Ada juga beberapa spesies burung langka, kanguru, lemur, dan harimau putih yang diperlihatkan.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa naik gajah dan berjalan-jalan di hutan selama sekitar 1 jam. Satu ekor gajah didampingi seorang pawang dan bisa dinaiki oleh 4 orang dewasa. Ada juga aksi tunggang unta dan kuda poni di sini.

  • Sejukkan Mata, Hati, & Pikiran di Kebun Raya Bogor
  • Berwisata ke 3 Benua Lewat Taman Bunga Nusantara
  • 5 Spot Foto di Bogor Paling Keren Buat Diunggah ke Medsos
  • 5 Rekomendasi Wisata Air Terjun di Bogor Tuk Segarkan Tubuh & Pikiran
  • 5 Tempat Wisata di Bogor Puncak Paling Recommended Buat Liburan

3. Pertunjukan Edukatif

Puas berkeliling melihat hewan, kamu dapat menyaksikan pertunjukan edukatif yang biayanya sudah termasuk harga tiket terusan.

Total ada 9 macam pertunjukan yang digelar satu sampai dua kali dalam sehari di safari siang. Ini dia nama dan jadwal pertunjukan Taman Safari Bogor:

  • Elephant Show: Setiap hari (11.30 & 16.30 WIB)
  • Dolphin Show: Setiap hari (13.00 & 16.30 WIB)
  • Cowboy Show: Setiap hari (14.00 WIB), akhir pekan & hari libur (13.30 & 15.30 WIB)
  • Various Animal Show: Setiap hari (11.30 & 15.00 WIB)
  • Tiger Show: Setiap hari (13.30 & 16.00 WIB)
  • Sea Lion Show: Setiap hari (11.30 & 15.00 WIB)
  • Birds of Prey Show: Setiap hari (14.30 – 16.00 WIB)
  • Safari Theatre: Setiap hari (15.30 WIB), akhir pekan & hari libur (13.30 – 15.30 WIB)
  • Globe of Death: Setiap hari (14.00 – 16.30 WIB)

Kamu bisa menyaksikan kecerdasan hewan-hewan seperti gajah, lumba-lumba, singa, dan singa laut lewat pertunjukan-pertunjukan di atas. Tujuannya adalah memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan untuk menjaga lingkungan dengan cara yang menyenangkan.

Di akhir pertunjukan, kamu dapat mengabadikan hewan dengan hewan-hewan di atas. Namun, ada biaya tambahan sebesar Rp10.000 – Rp25.000 yang harus kamu bayar.

Di safari malam pun ada dua jadwal pertunjukan yang digelar setelah Journey. Jadwalnya bisa kamu simak di bawah ini:

  • Various Animal Show: 21.00 WIB
  • Fire Dance: 22.10 WIB

4. Naik Wahana Taman Safari Bogor

Wahana Taman Safari Bogor - Wahana Taman Safari Indonesia

Ada lebih dari 20 wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang bisa kamu nikmati. Sebagian besar sudah termasuk dalam tiket terusan sehingga tidak perlu membayar lagi. Namun, ada juga yang perlu mengeluarkan biaya tambahan.

Sebagian wahana Taman Safari Bogor ini hanya boleh dinaiki oleh anak-anak (A) atau dewasa (D). Namun ada juga yang bisa dinaiki oleh umum (U). Ini dia daftar Wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang sudah termasuk dalam tiket terusan:

  • Gajah Terbang (A)
  • Speed Way (A)
  • Mandi Bola (A)
  • Crazy Plane (A)
  • Angsa Terbang (A)
  • Foam Ball (A)
  • Samba Salon (A)
  • Boom Boom Car (U)
  • Rumah Hantu (U)
  • Sepeda Layang (U)
  • Kereta Mini BBZ (U)
  • Perahu Air (U)
  • Lolly Swing (U)
  • Flume Ride (U)
  • Pony Rodeo (U)
  • Bumper Boat (U)
  • Magic Bike (U)
  • Sky Race (U)
  • Z Force Tower (D)
  • Space Shuttle (D)

Sementara itu, harga tiket terusan masih belum termasuk wahana Taman Safari Bogor berikut ini:

  • Permainan koin
  • Jumbo Jungle Adventure
  • Elephant Safari Trails
  • Satwa tunggang
  • Kereta wisata
  • Kereta gantung

5. Waterpark

Selain  berinteraksi dengan satwa dan naik wahana Taman Safari Bogor, kamu juga bisa main air dan berenang. Tepatnya di waterpark yang lokasinya bersebelahan dengan panggung pertunjukan aneka satwa.

Kolam renang yang cukup luas ini dilengkapi berbagai permainan seperti jalur Spiral Water Slide, Lazy River, Kiddy Pool, dll. Pengunjung juga dapat melihat-lihat akuarium serta berenang bersama buaya dan linsang jika berani.

Ingin berselfie-selfie ria? Bisa juga. Waterpark ini menyediakan pendopo bernuansa Afrika yang kece banget buat dijadikan spot foto .

Baca juga:  Liburan Seru dengan Mengunjungi Kebun Binatang Ragunan Jakarta

6. Safari Trek

Mau lebih puas menjelajah alam? Ikut aja Safari Trek di Taman Safari Indonesia. Kamu akan diajak menyusuri hutan tropis melewati sungai, air terjun , sampai mencoba arena outbound seperti flying fox dan rope climbing.

Takut nyasar? Jangan khawatir, ada pemandu yang akan menemani dan membantumu selama perjalanan. Takut capek? Ada paket 3 km dan 9 km yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai dengan kemampuan fisikmu.

Safari Trek dan outbound ini juga belum termasuk dalam tiket terusan. Jadi kamu perlu membayar lagi jika ingin mengambil paketnya.

7. Balon Udara

Capek jalan-jalan dan renang, terus mau menikmati pemandangan aja dengan tenang? Ada Hot Air Balloon yang akan mengajakmu menikmati indahnya TSI dari ketinggian 40 m.

Balon udara yang diterbangkan dengan teknik udara panas ini dapat mengangkut 6 orang dewasa sekaligus. Durasi terbangnya sekitar 10 menit, sehingga kamu bakal puas melihat-lihat pemandangan di berbagai arah.

Jangan khawatir dengan keamanannya. Balon ini dikendalikan dari bawah dan diikat dengan tali dari 8 arah.

Meski demikian, tetap saja ada beberapa peraturan yang perlu dipatuhi para penggunanya. Di antaranya, dilarang merokok , makan, dan minum di atas balon. Ibu hamil juga dilarang naik untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Seperti Taman Bunga Nusantara dan destinasi Puncak lain, kamu bisa mencapai TSI baik dari arah Jakarta /Bogor maupun Bandung . Kamu pun dapat menggunakan kendaraan pribadi maupun umum.

Kendaraan Pribadi

Dari arah Jakarta/Bogor, kamu bisa masuk ke Tol Jagorawi kalau menggunakan mobil. Keluarlah di Gadog atau Ciawi dan lanjutkan perjalanan menuju Cisarua Puncak. Sampai di Jalan Raya Puncak, belok kanan ke Jalan Taman Safari. Ikuti jalan hingga kurang lebih 2 km.

Sementara itu, yang dari Bandung bisa masuk ke Tol Purbaleunyi dan keluar di Padalarang. Ikuti Jalan Labuan – Cianjur, lurus terus ke arah Cisarua Puncak hingga bertemu pertigaan dengan plang TSI besar di kiri jalan, belok kiri.

Kendaraan Umum

Naik kendaraan umum ke TSI cukup mudah. Dari Jakarta, kamu bisa naik bus jurusan Bandung via Puncak dan turun di pertigaan TSI. Dari situ, tinggal naik ojek atau angkot sekitar 10 menit sebelum sampai tujuan.

Kalau naik KRL, dari Stasiun Bogor kamu pindah ke angkot hijau 02 ke Sukasari dan oper angkot biru ke Cisarua. Bisa juga naik 03 ke Baranangsiang dan oper L300 ke Puncak. Turun di pertigaan TSI, lanjutkan perjalanan dengan ojek atau angkot.

Yang dari Bandung bisa naik bus jurusan Jakarta via Puncak dan turun di pertigaan TSI. Lanjutkan perjalanan dengan cara yang sama, yakni naik ojek atau angkot.

Baca juga:  Hati Hati Mendadak Jadi Animal Lover Gara Gara Jatim Park 2 Malang

Ada dua macam safari yang bisa dilakukan di sini, yakni siang dan malam. Safari siang buka pukul 08.30-17.00 WIB di hari biasa dan 08.00-17.00 WIB di akhir pekan dan hari libur. Sementara itu, safari malam buka setiap akhir pekan mulai pukul 18.30-21.00 WIB.

Harga tiket terusan Taman Safari Bogor untuk wisatawan domestik di hari biasa (Senin – Jumat) yaitu Rp170.000 (anak-anak) dan Rp195.000 (dewasa). Sementara untuk hari libur dan akhir pekan, harganya menjadi Rp210.000 (anak-anak) dan Rp230.000 (dewasa).

Beda lagi untuk wisatawan asing, tiketnya menjadi Rp350.000 (anak-anak) dan Rp400.000 (dewasa). Harga ini berlaku baik untuk hari biasa maupun hari libur dan akhir pekan. Oh iya, untuk wisatawan domestik maupun asing, kategori dewasa adalah berusia 6 tahun ke atas.

Cukup mahal, ya? Tapi jangan khawatir. Seperti disampaikan di atas, tiket di atas bersifat terusan. Jadi, bisa dipakai juga untuk menonton 9 pertunjukan dan menaiki lebih dari 20 wahana Taman Safari Bogor secara gratis. Kamu pun bisa mengunjungi Istana Panda tanpa harus membeli tiket tambahan lagi.

Sementara itu, harga tiket masuk Safari Malam sedikit lebih murah. Yaitu sebesar Rp160.000 (anak-anak) dan Rp180.000 (dewasa). Kalau kamu sudah membeli tiket TSI reguler dan ingin memperpanjang ke malam, biayanya sebesar Rp90.000/orang.

Selain turisnya sendiri, kendaraan juga perlu membayar tiket masuk. Yakni sebesar Rp10.000 (kendaraan roda dua), Rp20.000 (kendaraan roda empat), dan Rp30.000 (bus).

Taman Safari Bogor - Gajah dan Kuda Nil

Untuk memperlancar perjalananmu berwisata di Taman Safari Indonesia, kamu bisa mengikuti tips-tips berikut ini:

  • Taman Safari Indonesia masih termasuk kawasan Puncak yang terkenal macet saat musim liburan. Ada baiknya kamu berangkat pagi-pagi buta atau sehari sebelumnya jika ingin ke sana.
  • Kalau menginap di hotel sekitar TSI, jangan lupa tanyakan apakah ada voucher yang bisa kamu manfaatkan. Kadang ada hotel yang menyediakan voucher baik gratis maupun tidak.
  • Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor mempunyai curah hujan yang tinggi . Daripada basah kuyup kehujanan, lebih baik sedia payung sebelum berangkat.
  • Kalau pergi bersama anak-anak, awasi mereka dengan baik, terutama saat berada di area satwa. Jangan biarkan mereka mengeluarkan bagian tubuhnya dari mobil.
  • Bawa bekal dari rumah karena harga makanan dan minuman di sana bisa lebih mahal.
  • Pahami jadwal pertunjukan Taman Safari Bogor sebelum berangkat agar kamu bisa merencanakan mana saja yang akan kamu tonton dan mana yang tidak.
  • Rencanakan juga mana wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang ingin kamu naiki. Sehingga sesampainya di sana, kamu tak kebingungan lagi dan kehabisan waktu untuk memilih. Molor sedikit saja, antrian bisa tambah panjang, terutama saat musim liburan.
  • Baca-baca pedoman wisata di Bogor agar kamu tahu apa saja yang perlu disiapkan selama perjalanan.
  • Ikuti selalu peraturan yang disediakan pihak TSI.


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Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia – Bogor

Taman Safari Indonesia offers a rich experience as a zoo and animal theme park that has grown to become one of Indonesia's most famous destinations.

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Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia – Bogor

aman Safari Indonesia (Bogor) is located in the mountainous area of Cisarua, Bogor regency, West Java. The vast complex is a zoo and animal theme park that has become a popular destination, drawing visitors from nearby areas as well as from across the nation and even from abroad.

Taman Safari Bogor is one of three safari parks in Indonesia, the two others being Taman Safari Prigen in East Java and the Bali Safari and Marine Park. 

How to get there 

Entrance to Taman Safari Indonesia

Located in Cisarua in the Bogor regency, the easiest way to get there from Jakarta is by car, which would also be convenient for visitors wanting to experience the park's Safari Journey. 

Alternatively, visitors can catch the train to Bogor Station, taking them to the city of Bogor, which is still approximately 28 kilometers away from the park. From there, travelers can continue by ride-hailing app services or use the local angkot (public minivans) plying three routes. 

Weekday entrance tickets for domestic visitors cost Rp 195,000 (US$13) per person and Rp 170,000 for children below the age of 6 years. Prices go up on weekends to Rp 230,000 for adults and Rp 210,000 for children. 

Tickets are valid for one day only.

Meanwhile, international visitors are charged Rp 400,000 for adults and Rp 350,000 for children five years and below, regardless of the day of the week.

The entrance ticket includes access to the Panda Castle, the park's newest addition, which welcomed giant pandas Hu Chun and Cai Tao last year on a 10-year loan from China. 

The ticket does not include a parking fee. Visitors without private vehicles can still enjoy the safari journey with on-site buses serving tours around the area. 

Read also: Jakpost guide to Ragunan Zoo

What to wear

Elefant shows are one of the attractions.

Situated more than 1,000 meters above sea level at the foot of the Gunung Gede Pangrango national park, Taman Safari enjoys a cooler tropical climate than much of the country. The Panda Castle, the highest point in the park, sits at 1,800 meters above sea level and is surrounded by lush forests. Make sure to bring a jacket to stay warm.

Spanning over 160 hectares, it would also be convenient to wear comfortable shoes to enjoy an easy walk around the mountainous grounds, which also include a short hike to see a waterfall. 

A bawean deer roams freely inside the safari park.

Taman Safari is a vast complex with a plethora of activities, including a zoo cluster named "Baby Zoo" that allows up close interactions with a wide range of bird species, along with rides and various animal shows, such as elephants, sea lions and dolphins. There's also swimming with dolphins. For nature lovers, there is the Jaksa Waterfall to check out. 

The following are the highlights of Taman Safari. 

Safari Journey

The Safari Journey allows for a close look at animals along the way, including African Ankole-Watusi.

One of the park's main draws points is the Safari Journey. Here, visitors can see, interact and learn about various animals from the comfort of their vehicle. 

A wide range of animals roam the open grounds, and guests are strictly forbidden to exit their vehicles. Visitors can get close up to elephants, emus, giraffes, hippos, wildebeests and crocodiles, among other animals.

Visitors can see hippos relaxing by the water while they go on the Safari Journey.

Along the way, several sections are also safe for visitors to feed various animals, who would approach the car window for a munch, such as deer and zebras. To know when it is appropriate for a feed, pay attention for signs that say "Feeding Starts Here!", with a picture of a hand holding carrots, along with images of the animals that may be fed. 

Clusters with dangerous predators, such as tigers, lions and bears, are gated separately. Inside these areas, visitors must keep the windows closed at all times. There are always zookeepers overseeing each cluster to ensure the safety of both visitors and animals. 

Sumatran tigers play with each other.

The Safari Journey also provides a night adventure, which is only available on Saturday evenings. 

Panda Castle

The Panda Castle opened in 2017 and houses two popular pandas, Hu Chun and Cai Tao.

Taman Safari in 2017 opened its Panda Castle - a Chinese-style pavilion - to accommodate special guests from China. Giant panda bears Hu Chun and Cai Tao share the home with four red pandas named Shing Shing, Mey Mey, Pai Pai and Hao Hao. 

Red pandas can also be found in the Panda Castle.

To get there, visitors must catch the shuttle bus, as it is forbidden to drive up to the castle area. If you’re prone to carsickness, note that while the drive is short, it take you up along a steep and winding road. 

Once there, visitors can enjoy the fresh mountain air, with temperatures averaging 15-24 degrees Celcius. The cool climate is deemed a suitable environment that resembles the pandas' natural habitat. 

Cai Tao is one of the two pandas currently living in Indonesia.

Don't forget to take in the view, as the castle is surrounded by lush forests and mountains. 

Stay inside Taman Safari

With so much ground to cover and so many things to see, it's unlikely visitors can explore the entire park within one day. Those who are curious to see everything the park has the offer could opt to stay inside the Taman Safari complex, as it provides a Safari Lodge for accommodation, with options ranging from a treehouse to a caravan and a bungalow. Guests staying do not need to pay for another entrance ticket.

Read also: Jakpost guide to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Where to eat

A traditional rice dish is among the options available from various eateries found inside Taman Safari.

There are numerous places to eat inside Taman Safari, where visitors can find a rich selection of cuisine, including restaurants serving traditional Indonesian dishes, food courts with varied fast food options, as well as cafes. 

Among them is the Rain Forest Restaurant, conveniently located in the center of the park. Uniquely designed to live up to its name, the restaurant features a jungle design. The food available includes local delights such as rice dishes and satays.

The interior of the Rain Forrest Restaurant is designed to live up to its name.

Meanwhile, for a caffeine fix, there is Cafe Onta, located just across from the Rain Forest Restaurant.  

However, for a more exotic and exciting selection, opt for the Panda Castle. Upon reaching the area, visitors are welcomed by an outdoor cafe, which offers a picturesque view of the mountains and a range of snacks, some of which come in the shape of a panda face. 

There is also a glass floor view point balcony that stretches out toward the mountain. Be sure to obey the limit for the number of people allowed onto the platform at a time.

There is a spacious food court inside the Panda Castle area, with a wide range of Chinese cuisine to choose from.

  • During the Safari Journey, look out for signs to ensure safety and be reminded that it is forbidden to exit the vehicle at all times. 
  • Buy carrots at stalls selling vegetable prior to entering the Taman Safari complex. The carrots can be fed at certain parts along the Safari Journey. When driving along the Safari Journey, watch out for the signs indicating what animals you may feed. (wng)

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Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

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Taman Safari Bogor Indonesia

Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor jadi destinasi alternatif seru yang bisa Anda coba di akhir pekan. Berbagai satwa liar bisa Anda jumpai di sini. mulai dari satwa biasa hingga satwa yang dilindungi.

Tempat wisata edukasi di Bogor ini bisa jadi tujuan liburan keluarga terbaik saat musim liburan tiba. Apalagi ada banyak aktivitas menarik yang bisa Anda lakukan di sini, berikut ulasan lengkapnya.

Sekilas Tentang Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Tempat wisata di Bogor untuk keluarga ini berada di lahan seluas 168 hektar dan menjadi habitat lebih dari 280 spesies satwa. Di dalamnya juga tumbuh 5.000 jenis pohon yang secara otomatis membuat tempat ini terasa sejuk.

Bagaimana taman safari ini bisa berdiri dan menjadi destinasi liburan paling favorit di Jakarta dan Bogor? Dahulunya, area taman safari ini adalah kawasan perkebunan kina yang tak terurus.

Soesilo Soedarman lalu memiliki inisiatif untuk menjadikan tempat ini sebagai sebuah Objek Wisata Nasional. Ide ini mendapat dukungan dari Menteri Kehutanan pada saat itu, Hasrul Harahap.

Beliau pun meresmikan tempat yang menjadi pusat konservasi satwa langka ini pada tanggal 16 Maret 1990. Dari awal peresmian hingga saat ini, tempat ini masih terus berkembang.

Kini, taman safari ini telah memiliki kurang lebih 2500 koleksi satwa, termasuk di dalamnya adalah satwa-satwa langka. Contohnya saja ada harimau benggala, orang utan, gajah, komodo, anoa, dan lain sebagainya.

Tempat ini pun kian apik, sehingga menjadi salah satu rekomendasi terbaik untuk wisata edukasi dan tempat berpetualang bagi anak-anak.

Rute Menuju Lokasi Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Lokasi Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Taman safari ini terletak di Cisarua, tepatnya di Jalan Kapten Harun Kabir No.724, Cibeureum, Cisarua, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor.

Area wisata ini berada di lokasi yang strategis sehingga dapat diakses dari Jakarta dan Bandung. Dari Jakarta, rute yang dapat Anda pilih adalah jalur Bandung-Puncak.

Bila Anda tidak ingin lelah berkendara sendiri, sopir dari Salsa Wisata tentu siap mengantar Anda langsung ke lokasi. Caranya cukup dengan menggunakan layanan sewa elf long Bogor atau paket lainnya yang tersedia.

Jam Buka Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Taman safari ini buka saat weekday , weekend , dan hari libur. Hanya saja memberlakukan jam operasional yang berbeda. Berikut informasi jam operasional terbaru:

Harga Tiket Masuk Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Rasakan petualangan yang sesungguhnya dengan menjajal safari tour di taman konservasi terbaik di Indonesia ini. Untuk memulai petualangan ini, Anda harus membeli tiket terlebih dahulu via online atau tiket on the spot .

Berikut daftar harga tiket terbarunya:

Harga tiket di atas adalah harga tiket reguler normal tanpa ada promo. Ada potensi perubahan pada tarif tiket masuk sewaktu-waktu sesuai dengan kebijakan pihak pengelola taman safari.

Tiket ini khusus untuk Program Safari Siang yang berdurasi sekitar 45 menit. Kegiatan safari tour ini adalah murni petualangan.

Jadi, para peserta safari tour akan diajak berkeliling dengan menggunakan kendaraan khas safari layaknya sedang safari tour di hutan Afrika.

Selesai bersafari ria, peserta safari tour selanjutnya akan join untuk mencoba keseruan ini:

  • 7 pameran satwa
  • 9 pertunjukan atraksi.

Super-lengkap, bukan?

Sensasi dan juga pengalaman yang Anda dapat tentu akan sangat berbeda ketika Anda mengunjungi kebun binatang biasa.

Daya Tarik Taman Safari Indonesia

Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Nah, setelah mengantongi tiket, tak perlu berlama-lama. Langsung mulai petualangan Anda dengan aktivitas seru berikut ini:

Tidak seperti di Taman Nasional Baluran , Banyuwangi, yang hanya dapat melihat para satwa liar dari jauh, di sini, pengunjung dapat menyentuh dan berfoto dengan para baby satwa buas.

Pengunjung dapat berfoto bersama para baby satwa liar dan buas seperti baby singa, baby harimau, dan baby orangutan.

Pengunjung juga boleh menyentuh para baby ini namun dengan catatan tangan harus bersih dan steril. Jadi wajib cuci tangan terlebih dahulu ya.

Ingat juga untuk sekedar menyentuh dan berinteraksi biasa saja; tidak boleh menyakiti para baby satwa yang menggemaskan ini.

Pertunjukan Satwa Terlatih

Sedikitnya ada 9 pertunjukan satwa terlatih. Di sini Anda dapat menonton gemasnya si gajah yang menari dan bermain bola. Tak hanya itu saja, ada juga pertunjukan lumba-lumba yang sangat cerdas.

Kemudian, hadir juga singa laut dan harimau yang siap mengisi liburan Anda. Di siang harinya, Anda lanjutkan tour Anda dengan menonton pertunjukan berikut:

  • Bird of Prey Show
  • Cowboy Show
  • Safari Theater
  • Globe of Death

Safari Tour

Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Kegiatan yang satu ini pastinya seru. Tak hanya anak-anak saja yang akan merasakan keseruan ini, melainkan juga Anda para wisatawan dewasa.

Jika Bali punya Bali Bird Park , Bogor dan Jakarta punya taman safari yang siap ajak Anda keliling untuk berjumpa langsung dengan satwa-satwa liar.

Anda akan berkeliling ke zona-zona satwa liar dengan menggunakan mobil safari. Seorang pemandu akan siap menemani Anda.

Selama tour, Anda dan si buah hati dapat melihat satwa-satwa sedang berkeliaran di alam bebas. Jika beruntung, satwa-satwa liar ini akan menghampiri mobil Anda dan Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan mereka.

Khusus untuk satwa buas seperti singa dan harimau, wisatawan dilarang untuk berinteraksi langsung karena demi keselamatan.

Namun wisatawan masih bisa melihat satwa-satwa buas ini dari dekat. Sungguh mendebarkan tapi di sisi lain sangat seru, bukan?

Oh iya, untuk kendaraan, wisatawan boleh menggunakan mobil pribadi untuk berkeliling di zona-zona satwa.

Pihak pengelola taman safari juga menyediakan bus dan mobil safari untuk pengunjung yang tidak membawa kendaraan pribadi.

Bermain 20 Wahana Permainan

Liburan di sini tidak berhenti dengan kegiatan safari tour dan juga menonton satwa-satwa yang menggemaskan saja. Bisa Anda lanjutkan pula dengan bermain di 20 wahana permainan.

Terdapat dua kategori wahana yang tersedia, yaitu wahana untuk anak-anak dan wahana untuk dewasa.

Crazy Plane, Gajah Terbang, Speedway, dan Angsa Terbang masuk dalam kategori wahana permainan untuk anak-anak. Sedang wahana permainan untuk dewasa antara lain Space Shuttle dan Z Force Tower.

Ada juga wahana permainan yang dapat dimainkan oleh anak-anak dan dewasa. Sebut saja Sepeda Layang dan Boom-Boom Car.

Sepintas wahana-wahana ini juga bisa Anda jumpai di sejumlah taman hiburan di kota-kota besar seperti salah satunya adalah Jatim Park 2 Malang.

Di taman safari juga terdapat sebuah waterpark lengkap dengan fasilitas kolam renang berbagai ukuran dan kedalaman. Area waterpark ini juga memiliki berbagai wahana permainan air yang asyik bagi anak-ank.

Menikmati View Taman Safari via Balon Udara

Anda yang tak takut ketinggian, wajib coba menaiki balon udara di taman safari ini. Dari ketinggian 40 meter, Anda bebas menikmati keseluruhan kawasan taman safari dengan jelas.

Safari Trek

Sesuai dengan namanya, Safari Trek mengajak Anda untuk mengikuti kegiatan trekking atau hiking di area hutan. Tentu Anda akan mendapat pendampingan dari seorang pemandu professional.

Dengan trek sepanjang 3 hingga 9 KM, Anda dapat juga mencoba ikuti game-game outdoor seperti flying fox , rope climbing , dan outbound .

Fasilitas Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Fasilitas Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

Taman safari adalah tempat wisata berkelas, jadi sangat wajar jika tempat wisata ini memiliki fasilitas yang sangat lengkap dan sangat memadai.

Dimulai dari area parkir. Areanya sangat luas dan mengaplikasikan parking system yang terkelola dengan baik. Fasilitas ini juga didukung oleh petugas.

Fasilitas store di sini meliputi kantin atau foodcourt dan minimarket. Foodcourt tentu adalah salah satu tempat favorit bagi pengunjung yang ingin mengisi perut.

Menu yang tersedia sangat beragam. Bahkan ada beberapa di antaranya adalah berupa makanan khas Bogor yang terkenal lezat .

Hotel di sekitar taman safari juga tersedia untuk wisatawan yang ingin menginap. Nama hotelnya adalah Safari Resort. Hotel ini menawarkan suasana khas negara tropis lengkap dengan hotel tropisnya.

Lokasi taman safari yang ada di kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango membuat kawasan ini sangat sejuk, nyaman, dan menenangkan, termasuk di area hotel.

Fasilitas terakhir adalah toko souvenir. Tempat ini selalu ramai oleh pengunjung yang ingin membeli souvenir. Ada banyak pilihan souvenir yang dijual di souvenir store ini.

Diantaranya adalah berbagai DVD berisi video dan foto satwa-satwa yang ada di taman safari ini. Ada juga tote bag cantik, bonek satwa, bantal satwa, dll.

Seringnya souvenir-souvenir ini menjadi alternatif pengganti oleh-oleh khas Bogor yang lagi hits , sebab hanya bisa Anda beli dari taman safari ini.

Jangan ragu untuk merasakan sensasi petualangan di alam liar yang sesungguhnya di taman safari ini. Salah satu caranya dengan memanfaatkan paket liburan dari Salsa Wisata.

Dapatkan penawaran harga terbaik dan pengalaman liburan yang super mudah melalui setiap paket yang ada. Segala keperluan wisata Anda akan terpenuhi melalui layanan terbaik dari Salsa Wisata.

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Taman Safari

🗓 Best Time To Visit: May to September, the dry season in Jakarta.

⏰ Open Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, daily

🏞 Things To Do: Safari journey, night safari, animal shows, baby zoo, waterpark

💰 Budget: Admission fee is IDR 160,000 for weekdays and IDR 200,000 for weekends

🧳 Traveller Types: Families, Animal Lovers, Adventure Seekers

🔍 Known For: Home to various endangered species, provides a thrilling safari experience, animal education center

🚉 Distances: 70 km from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, 80 km from Jakarta city center

🎒 Tips: Bring a hat and sunblock to protect from the sun. Don't feed the animals.

📅 Open Days: Open every day of the year including public holidays

🍽 On-site Facilities: Restaurants, picnic areas, prayer rooms, restrooms, and souvenir shops

🚗 Parking: Ample parking available with additional parking fee

Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to explore the rich and diverse wildlife of Indonesia? Do you want to experience the thrill of meeting the animals at a touching distance? Do you want to learn more about the conservation efforts and the educational value of zoological gardens? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should definitely visit Taman Safari, a modern zoological garden with various collections of flora and fauna in Bogor, Indonesia.

Taman Safari is not your ordinary zoo. It is a place where you can enjoy a drive-through park, watch wildlife shows, see pandas, go on a night safari, take pictures with baby animals, and relax at a waterfall. Whether you are travelling with your family, friends, partner, or solo, you will find something to suit your interest and budget at Taman Safari.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Taman Safari, including its attractions, prices, timings, location, and nearby places to visit or stay.

Things to do at Taman Safari

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1. Drive-through Park

One of the main features of Taman Safari is the drive-through park, where you can drive your own car or rent one from the park and get up close and personal with the animals. You will see different zones and habitats of the animals , such as herbivores, carnivores, primates, and more. You will also see some of the endangered species that are protected and bred in the park, such as the Bali mynah and the pandas.

2. Wildlife Shows

Another feature of Taman Safari is the wildlife shows, where you can watch various shows and performances that feature the animals of the park. You will see amazing acts and skills of the animals , such as the Wild West Show, the Dolphin Show, the Elephant Show, and more. You will also learn more about the animals and their characteristics, as well as the animal welfare and enrichment aspects of the shows.

3. Panda Castle

One of the star attractions of Taman Safari is the Panda Castle, where you can see the pandas, which are the rare and adorable animals that are native to China. You will see two pandas, named Cai Tao and Hu Chun , who are the first and only pandas in Indonesia. You will also see their exhibit, which is designed to resemble their natural habitat and to provide them with comfort and care. The Panda Castle is a special exhibit that showcases the partnership between Indonesia and China, as well as the conservation and research of the pandas.

4. Night Safari

A unique feature of Taman Safari is the night safari, where you can experience the park at night and see the nocturnal and crepuscular animals that are active and visible at night. You will see animals such as owls, bats, leopards, hyenas, and more. You will also see the animals in a different light, literally and figuratively, as they show their natural behaviors and adaptations to the dark. The night safari is a thrilling and educational opportunity to see the animals in a new perspective, as well as to raise awareness about the environmental and ecological issues.

5. Exhibit Resembling the Taj Mahal

A popular spot for taking pictures with baby animals is the exhibit that resembles the famous monument of India, the Taj Mahal . You will see a replica of the Taj Mahal, which is a symbol of love and beauty, and you will also see cute and adorable baby animals, such as lion cubs, tiger cubs, and more. You will be able to take pictures with the baby animals, and have a memorable and fun experience. The exhibit resembling the Taj Mahal is a place where you can capture the moments and share them with your loved ones.

6. Jaksa Waterfall

A natural attraction near Taman Safari is the Jaksa Waterfall, which is a scenic and refreshing spot for visitors. You will s ee a waterfall that is about 15 meters high, and that flows into a clear and cool pool. You will also see the green and lush surroundings of the waterfall, which are home to various plants and animals. The Jaksa Waterfall is a place where you can relax and enjoy the nature, as well as have some fun and adventure.

Best time to visit

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The best time to visit Taman Safari is from April to October , which is the dry season in Indonesia. The weather is sunny and pleasant, and the animals are more active and visible.

Other Places in Bogor

If you want to extend your visit to Taman Safari, you can also explore other places and hotels in Bogor that are relevant to your interest and budget. Bogor is a city that offers a variety of attractions and activities, such as botanical gardens, museums, parks, and more. You can also find the best and affordable hotels in Bogor, as well as the ratings and reviews from previous guests.

Some of the other places in Bogor that you can visit are:

Bogor Botanical Gardens: A large and beautiful garden that has more than 15,000 species of plants, as well as a museum, a library, and a zoo.

Bogor Palace: A historical and cultural landmark that is the official residence of the president of Indonesia, as well as a museum and a park.

Kebun Raya: A fun and educational park that has various attractions, such as the Jungle Waterpark, the Jungle Fest, the Jungle Land, and the Jungle Theater.

Taman Bunga Nusantara: A colorful and fragrant park that has various types of flowers, such as roses, orchids, sunflowers, and more. You can also see the Maze Garden, the Musical Fountain, and the Miniature Train.

How to Get There

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If you are interested in visiting Taman Safari, you need to know how to get there from Jakarta or other cities, as well as the best time to visit and the weather conditions. Taman Safari is located in Cisarua, Bogor , which is about 80 kilometers away from Jakarta. You can reach Taman Safari by car, bus, or train, depending on your preference and budget.

By car , you can drive from Jakarta to Taman Safari via the Jagorawi toll road, which takes about 2 hours, depending on the traffic. You can also rent a car from Jakarta or Bogor, which costs about 500,000 IDR per day, including the driver and the fuel.

By bus , you can take a bus from Jakarta to Bogor, which costs about 20,000 IDR per person, and then take another bus from Bogor to Cisarua, which costs about 15,000 IDR per person. The bus ride takes about 3 hours, depending on the traffic.

By train , you can take a train from Jakarta to Bogor, which costs about 10,000 IDR per person, and then take a taxi or an ojek (motorcycle taxi) from Bogor to Cisarua, which costs about 100,000 IDR or 50,000 IDR per ride. The train ride takes about 1.5 hours, depending on the schedule.

Taman Safari is a place that offers a lot of fun and excitement, as well as a lot of learning and awareness. It is a place that you should not miss when you visit Bogor, Indonesia. Whether you want to see the animals, watch the shows, visit the pandas, go on a night safari, take pictures with the baby animals, or relax at the waterfall, you will find something to suit your interest and budget at Taman Safari. So, what are you waiting for? Book your tickets now and enjoy the ultimate wildlife adventure in Bogor.

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Exploring Taman Safari Indonesia: A Wild Adventure in Puncak

A journey into the wild: discover taman safari indonesia.

Jalan Kapten Harun Kabir No.724, Cibeureum, Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, West Java 16750, Indonesia

Nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Cisarua, Taman Safari Indonesia offers an unparalleled wildlife adventure. This sprawling safari park is not just a haven for animal lovers but a vibrant tapestry of biodiversity. Here, the enchanting allure of Indonesia’s wildlife awaits you, presenting an immersive experience into the heart of nature’s most fascinating creatures.

As you step into this conservation and recreation park, you’re greeted by a diverse world where wildlife roams freely. The park’s commitment to eco-tourism and animal conservation makes every encounter not only exciting but also educational, striking a perfect balance between adventure and awareness.

Baby kangaroos, Taman Safari Indonesia

Unique Habitats and Wildlife Encounters

Taman Safari Indonesia is a mosaic of habitats, each offering a glimpse into different ecosystems. The Baby Zoo area is a delightful spot where you can witness the charm of young wildlife. Nearby, the Australian Outback habitat lets you encounter gray kangaroos and even a kookaburra if luck is on your side. But the highlight is undoubtedly the Big Cat Center, where majestic felines like white tigers grace their habitats with regal poise, separated by clear glass walls – creating an experience akin to walking through an underwater world, but with big cats!

These enclosures are not just spaces for animals; they are carefully crafted environments that replicate their natural habitats, ensuring their comfort and wellbeing. This setup offers visitors a unique chance to observe and understand the nuances of each species in an environment that closely mirrors their natural homes.

White tiger, Taman Safari Indonesia

Live Shows and Educational Entertainment

At Taman Safari, entertainment meets education in a spectacular array of live shows. From the elephant show that unfolds in the Plaza Gajah to the thrilling tiger show, each performance is designed to educate visitors about wildlife while providing an engaging experience. These shows are not just about showcasing animal abilities but are thoughtfully crafted to convey messages about conservation, habitat loss, and the importance of coexisting with nature.

As you watch these majestic animals showcase their natural behaviors, you’re not just a spectator but a participant in a learning journey. These shows, whether it’s the agility of tigers or the playful antics of dolphins, offer insights into the lives of these creatures, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding among visitors of all ages.

Feeding kangaroo, Taman Safari Indonesia

Interactive Animal Experiences

The safari park’s interactive zones offer a chance to get up close with various animals. From feeding friendly kangaroos to observing the curious behaviors of Komodo dragons on Komodo Dragon Island, these interactions are carefully supervised to ensure both visitor and animal safety. The Primate Center is another highlight, where the intelligence and agility of our closest animal relatives can be observed in a naturalistic setting.

These interactive experiences are more than just fun; they’re an opportunity to connect with wildlife on a personal level. They serve as a powerful reminder of the interconnectivity of our ecosystems and the vital role each species plays in maintaining the delicate balance of our natural world.

Caravan, Taman Safari Indonesia

Adventure and Leisure at Taman Safari

For those seeking a mix of thrill and relaxation, Taman Safari Indonesia extends beyond animal encounters. The park features a range of amusement park rides, perfect for family fun. From the classic merry-go-round to the adrenaline-pumping go-kart, there’s something for every age and preference. Not to forget, the Safari Waterpark promises a splash of excitement, especially for the little ones, with its water slides and pools.

For the more adventurous souls, cycling up in the air near the Dino Park offers a unique experience, combining physical activity with spectacular views. These leisure activities are thoughtfully designed to complement your safari experience, ensuring a well-rounded visit filled with fun, excitement, and relaxation.

Le Eminence Puncak Hotel Convention and Resort

Staying in Puncak: Accommodation Options

After a day full of exploration and discovery, finding the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate is essential. Puncak offers a variety of accommodation options to suit every need and budget. For a comprehensive list of the best stays, check out 11 Best Hotels in Puncak, Indonesia – Agoda . Whether you’re looking for a luxurious resort or a cozy lodge, Puncak’s hospitality ensures a comfortable and memorable stay.

Each hotel and resort in Puncak is more than just a place to rest. They are gateways to the region’s natural beauty, offering warm Indonesian hospitality and unique experiences that resonate with the spirit of adventure and tranquility.

For those looking for a blend of luxury and convenience, Le Eminence Puncak Hotel Convention and Resort is a perfect choice. Situated in the heart of Puncak, this exquisite hotel offers more than just accommodation. It’s a retreat where elegance and natural beauty meet. The hotel’s amenities, including spas, fine dining, and comfortable suites, provide a perfect end to an adventurous day at Taman Safari Indonesia.

Another excellent accommodation choice is the Puncak Pass Resort . Known for its serene setting and stunning views of the surrounding mountains, this resort offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The resort’s amenities, including cozy rooms, a restaurant serving local delicacies, and lush gardens, provide a peaceful haven for relaxation.

Botanical Garden Taman Bunga Nusantara

Beyond the Safari: Exploring Puncak

Villa Kota Bunga, Jl. Hanjawar – Pacet, Batulawang, Cipanas, Cianjur Regency, West Java 43255, Indonesia

While Taman Safari Indonesia is a must-visit destination, Puncak offers a myriad of other attractions worth exploring. For instance, Little Venice Puncak, is an idyllic spot where visitors can enjoy the charm of Venetian-style architecture and tranquil gondola rides on an artificial lake. It’s a perfect place for families and couples seeking a unique and picturesque experience.

Jl. Mariwati No.KM. 7, Kawungluwuk, Kec. Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, West Java 43254, Indonesia

Another enchanting destination is the Botanical Garden or Taman Bunga Nusantara. This garden is a paradise for nature lovers, featuring a diverse range of flora and the mesmerizing Secret Labyrinth. The garden’s tranquil environment and beautiful landscapes provide a refreshing contrast to the adventurous vibe of the safari park.

Taman Safari Indonesia

A Safari Like No Other

Taman Safari Indonesia in Cisarua, Puncak, offers an experience that goes beyond the typical zoo visit. It’s a place where adventure, education, and conservation coalesce, creating an unforgettable journey into the heart of Indonesia’s wildlife. Whether it’s the thrill of live animal shows, the joy of interactive experiences, or the serenity of nature’s embrace, Taman Safari Indonesia promises a day filled with wonder and awe.

So, pack your bags, book your stay, and get ready for an adventure that will leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime. Puncak’s natural beauty, combined with the enchanting world of Taman Safari Indonesia, awaits to offer you a wild adventure like no other.

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  • Baby Zoo
  • Bird Aviary
  • Komodo Island
  • Penguin House
  • Primate Center
  • Reptile Tunnel
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  • Istana Panda
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  • Safari Trek & Outbound
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Car Rental with English Speaking Driver Guide in Jakarta, Bogor, & Bandung

Taman Safari (Safari Park) Day Tour from Jakarta or Bogor

Taman safari (safari park) tour.

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Table of Contents

About taman safari.

  • History of Taman Safari
  • Safari Journey Using Car
  • How Long it Takes from Jakarta?
  • Prepare Some Carrots & Bananas

Opening Time

Entrance fees, safari journey, animals in safari park, recreational park, restaurants in the park.

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Taman Safari Indonesia is a wildlife park built in 1982 at Cisarua district, Bogor. The park is situated in a wild forest and ex unused tea plantation on the slope of Mount Gede-Pangrango. It covers an area of 170 hectares. It is the first wildlife conservation park in Indonesia and one of the best safari parks in the world. In the park, you will see thousands animals from all over the world live in their habitat. Most of the animals are live freely outside the cage. At the park, you will also get an amazing experience by feeding animals from inside your car while driving thru. Mostly they were not shy to come to you and look for a carrot. Even, some animals like zebra, deer, and giant eland will aggressively look for some carrots by inserting their head into the car window.

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History of Taman Safari in A Timeline

Battle of shanghai.

Hadi Manansang (Tjoa Kim Hian) was an acrobatic performer from Shanghai. He is the only one survivor when his family in Shanghai became victims during Battle of Shanghai (China vs Japan) and World War II. He then worked for Harmston’s Circus British and took a world tour, performing circus in many countries including South East Asia countries. When in Indonesia he married an Indonesian girl named Tuti and lived in Jakarta.

Acrobatic Group

Hadi established an acrobatic group named Bintang Akrobat dan Gadis Plastik (Acrobatic Star and Plastic Girl). He trained kids including his three sons to be the best acrobatic performers. They are: Jansen Manansang, Frans Manansang, and Tony Sumampau.

Oriental Show

Hadi established Oriental Show, the first oriental circus troop perform inside circus tent in Indonesia. His mission was to entertain the public and soldiers who faced an unstable security situation caused by communist rebellion in Indonesia. His dream was to be the best circus in the world.

Acrobatic, plastic girl, and traditional somersault were their leading program.

Oriental Circus Indonesia

The show started involving animals. That’s why the name of the Oriental Show was changed to Oriental Circus Indonesia. Animals involved were Sumatran tiger, Thailand elephants, and chimpanzees.

Their animals attractions, clowns, and acrobatic performance attracted a lot of people attention.


The inn also provided small zoo. The inn is the pioneer of the starred hotel named Royal Safari Garden Resort.


The Elephant Training Center was created to reduce conflicts between elephants and humans in several places in Indonesia.


Taman Safari Indonesia construction was begun on an area of ​​50 hectares. The land was a tea plantation that were not used anymore.


Taman Safari was officially opened for public. It covered an area about 68 hectares and collected 400 animals from 100 species.


A hotel was built and named Royal Safari Garden.


Taman Safari II was built on the slope of mount Arjuna in Prigen, East Java. The park is the main conservation for Javanese Banteng (Bos Javanicus) beside of Alas Purwo National Park.


59 souvenir shops named Safari Wonder were opened inside the Safari Park.


Built Taman Safari Bali and Marine Park in Gianyar, Bali. The park was officially open by Mr. President Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono.


Built Batang Dolphin Center in Batang’s beach, Central Java. The center is used as conservation place and research center for dolphin and other sea animals.


Brought a pair of giant panda from China. They are Cai Tao (male panda) and Hu Chun (female panda). Bringing them to Indonesia is not easy. It takes years, hard working, and high-level diplomatic lobby. Finally, Indonesia has successfully lobbied China to loan pandas. It is a 10 years loan agreement between China government, Indonesia government, and Taman Safari. Indonesia is the 16th country which get permission from the Chinese government to brought and look after pandas.

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Safari Journey Using Car is Recommended

Feeding zebra and other animals in Taman Safari

It is highly recommended for you to explore the park by car. By car, you can interact with many animals by feeding them or touching them, except for wild animals like lions and tigers. It is impossible to interact with animals if you take the Safari bus.

By car, you can also stop everywhere for a while to take some photos of the animals. Put down the car window, choose the best angle, and take some great photos!

Car with driver service for Safari Tour

Need to rent a car with an experienced driver? Contact us via WhatsApp/Signal: +6285226126069 or email: [email protected] . Our driver will pick you up from your location in Jakarta or Bogor to go to Taman Safari to take this amazing tour experience.

How Long It Takes From Jakarta

It takes about 2 hours driving from Jakarta city in normal condition (with few traffics) and weekday. It can be longer on weekend because traffic is busier in the weekend. It is advisable to start morning before 9am (earlier is better) from Jakarta in weekday to beat traffic and enjoy everything inside the park. The less traffic, the better, because you can feed animals on the road in the park without being rushed by other cars behind you. They want to feed too.

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Purchase Some Carrots and Bananas Before Entrance

Carrots and bananas seller

Before reaching Safari Park, there are many stalls selling carrots and bananas. Stop at one of the stalls for buying some carrots and bananas. Normally they sell fresh carrots in tied bunch. The price is normally about IDR 20,000 for few bunches of carrots and IDR 25,000 for a cluster of bananas. Purchase lots of carrots and some bananas to feed many animals inside the park. You can also purchase white carrots too with different price. Animals that like to eat carrots and bananas in the park are deers, antelope, elephant, llama, hippopotamus, zebra, etc.

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  • Monday: 9.00am – 5pm
  • Tuesday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Wednesday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Thursday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Friday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Saturday: 8am – 5.30pm
  • Sunday: 8am – 5.30pm

Night Safari is open every Saturday night and every holiday night from 7pm – 11pm. Ticket booth is open since 6.30pm.

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The entrance ticket is IDR 450,000 for adult foreigner and IDR 400,000 for foreigner below 5 years old including Panda house. The park charge driver as a domestic visitor with the price IDR 265,000 and the car entrance fee is IDR 20,000. The ticket price includes the safari journey, baby zoo, Panda house, animals exhibits, bird aviary, some children rides, and animal shows.

If you are a foreigner working or studying in Indonesia, don’t forget to bring local id card or KITAS to get domestic price. KITAS (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Tetap/Terbatas) is a Limited Stay Permit issued to foreigners who want to stay in Indonesian for certain period of time.

The ticket fee does not include: waterpark, photo with animals (lion, tiger, and orang utan) at Baby Zoo, Safari tram, cable car, animal rides, and 4D rider.

Safari journey

Put down your car’s window, breathe the fresh clean air, then be ready to meet the wildlife animals as part of your Safari adventure at the jungle. Prepare your carrots and bananas. Some animals will come to you, stuck out their heads onto your window to ask for their lunches. Few animals are shy, while the others are aggressively reaching the carrots by their mouths from your hands.

Entering the wild animal areas, you must close your car windows. Follow the sign. Our driver will warn you to put up your window. It is forbidden to open the window. There are some animals in this wild areas: Bengal Tigers, Sumatran Tigers, Lion, and Brown Bear. They are wild, dangerous, some of them live outside the cages! Sometime they will walk around the car you are in. Sometimes they sit in the middle of the road. You must close your window, watching the animals from inside the car without feeding the animals. If you want to take few pictures, just shoot them from the car with window closed.

There are more than 2,500 animals in the Safari Park. They were brought from all over the world. You will find animals from Indonesia, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America. Here is few of them:

Blue Wildebeest (Gnu)

Blue wildebeest

Wildebeest is a herbivore animal from Africa which eat short grasses and foliage. They live in savanna. This animal has two species: the black wildebeest which has white tail, and the blue wildebeest which has white beard, brindled skin, and has horns go out to the side, then curving up. Both species are native to Africa, wide-spreaded in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc. In Taman Safari, you will meet the blue one only.

Wildebeest is well-known for its big migration. Each year, in East Africa, the are many Gnus migrating from dry area to wet area depend on the seasons, accompanied by Zebra and Gazelle. They are constantly seeking fresh grazing and good water supplies. Daily, they can travel around 30 miles, and approximately 1K miles a year to follow the rains in order to seek them. Every one upto two days, the blue wildebeest drinks 9 to 12 litres of water.


Cassowary is a flightless bird species which has a very large body size and beautiful head. It is native to North Australia and Papua New Guinea. Behind its beauty, the bird is aggressive and tend to attack if disturbed. Their legs are very long and strong, and become the main weapon that can kick and knock down his enemies.

Cassowary is the heaviest bird next only to ostrich. It weighs about 50 Kg. It is also the third tallest bird after ostrich and emu. Adult cassowaries are 1.5 to 1.8 M tall.

Cassowary is also known as a reliable runner because it can run up to 50 Km/hour.

The name cassowary comes from Papuan words: “Kasu” means horned, and “weri” means head, referring to the bird’s horned head.

Once the female lays her eggs, she will leave the male to incubate the eggs. Yes, the male will incubate the eggs, look after them, and protect them for about 60 days from their predators: dogs, cats, and foxes. The maturity age of the bird is four years and its life span is 25 years.

This bird is protected in Indonesia and has endangered status in Queensland, Australia.

Zebra (Equus Quagga)


Zebra is an African wild horse known for their unique black-and-white stripes and mohawk hair. The stripes come in different patterns. It is unique to each individual, just like a fingerprint. These unique stripes make them one of the famous animals in the world to people. They are fast-moving animals, aggressive and can reach speeds of up to 65 kmph when running, and can easily escape from their predators by running in a zigzag style.

Zebra is part of the equidae family (horse family) along with horse and donkey. Like horse, zebra sleep standing up and eat grasses. But unlike horse, zebra is not willing to cooperate with people. They like to bite and kick in self-defense. Zebra’s body is also not suitable for riding.


Ankole watusi

Ankole-Watusi, also has name Ankole Longhorn, is a medium sized cow with huge distinctive horns. It is an ancient animals, found in pictographs of Egyptian pyramids. Watusi can be found widespread in Africa. In Uganda, the Nkole tribe’s cattle variety is known as the Ankole. In Rwanda and Burundi, the Tutsi tribe’s cattle variety is called the Watusi. In the late 19th, the cattle were imported by European zoos from Africa. In early 2oth centuries, American zoos imported the cattle from European zoos.

Watusi are able to adapt to climates with poor quality forage and limited water. People breed them for their milk and meat. Normally they have red color and can grow their horns until 2 meters in length. Their horns are used for defense and help them cool the temperature of their body.


Ostrich is the largest flightless bird in the world. They come from Africa. This animal has a fantastic size. An adult ostrich can reach 2.5 meters in height with 140 kg weight!

Ostriches cannot fly, but they are blessed with strong, long legs. With these long legs, they can run very fast until 70 km/h. The legs are also useful to fight against their predators by kicking them strongly.

An Ostrich has a long neck and big eyes. It helps him to see predators at long distance.

Because ostriches cannot fly, they make their nest on the ground. They dig the ground and put their eggs there. Ostrich egg is the biggest egg in the world. On average it is 1.4 kg with 15 cm in length and 13 cm in wide. It is equal to 20 chicken’s egg.

White Bengal Tiger

White bengal tiger

This is a beautiful white color tiger from India. The white tiger has a bigger body than orange tiger, has white fur with dark stripes, has blue eyes and pink nose. It also has a white spot on the back of its ears, which looks like eyes if seen from its back or top.

This tiger is not an albino animal. They are normal animal that can be bred. If two bengal tigers have a recessive gene are bred together, new baby white tigers can occur. White tigers are fully grown at age 2 or 3 years. Male White Bengal tigers can reach weight of 200 – 230 kilograms and up to 3 metres in length. The female is smaller, with weight about 130 – 170 kilograms and up to 2.5 metres in length. They sleep long hours, between 16 – 18 hours per day. They have lifespan between 10 up to 20 years.

Tiger is a carnivore. They eat herbivores like deer, goat, buffalo, chicken, etc. They are very patient. They will stalk their prey until the right time to move, approaching it quitely without being detected. They can also swim and move swiftly in the water. They have extremely strong jaws to bite the throat of their prey and bring them. They bite the throat to cut the flow of air and blood to the prey’s head, so their prey can die faster.

After Safari journey is finished, you will arrived at a huge amusement park. This recreational park features baby zoo, bird aviary, panda house, children rides, waterpark, cable car, animals exhibits, swimming with dolphins, animals shows, waterfalls, and restaurants.

Taking photo with a white tiger

In the Baby Zoo, visitors are allowed to touch snake, and orangutan, and are allowed to take picture with them and other wild animals such as tiger and lion with small fees. The entrance for Baby Zoo itself is free. Here you can also see kangaroos from Australian outback, lemurs from Madagascar, leopard, African white lion, etc.

Bird Aviary

Feeding bird

In Bird Aviary, you can see thousands beautiful birds from all over the world live freely in a giant aviary netting such us parrot, julang mas, owl, peacock, cendrawasih or bird of paradise, pelican, and more for free! Walk around the aviary and see colorful birds flying around you. Purchase some bird food there, put it at your hand, then some beautiful birds will come to eat.

Panda Palace

Giant panda

There are two pandas live on their house on the top of the hill in Taman Safari. They are Cai Tao and Hu Chun. Both of them were born in China in 2010. They were brought to Taman Safari in 2017 and will live here for about 10 years according to the breeding-loan agreement between Taman Safari, Indonesia government, and China. The park management is optimistic that Cai Tao and Hu Chun will be married and have children here. We hope so. Let see!

Pandas Ebook

If you want to know more about Cai Tao and Hu Chun, please read our ebook titled Meet Pandas At Taman Safari Indonesia. The book is available on Google Play Book.

Meet Giant Pandas ebook

The book not only tells you about the giant pandas, it also provides good information and knowledge about their home, the Panda Palace and their older but smaller cousin, red panda.

Animal & Edutainment Shows

There are some educational shows for family. All of the shows are free or included in the ticket. Check the shows schedule first, before you come to the location of the shows, because shows locations were spread in the park. If you don’t have enough to see all the shows, you can make a priority. Most popular shows are Cowboy Show, Dolphin Show, Tiger Show, and Various Animals. See the below image to know their shows schedule.

Educational animal shows schedule

See Indonesian birds fly down from the sky show off their skills at Bird of Prey Show. At Cowboy Show, watch a stunning action of Cowboys and Indian performing daredevil acts among spectacular explosion, dramatic fight scenes, and humor in a taste of what the Wild Wild West was really like. At Tiger Show, watch the Sumatran Elephant performance while you learn all about them. See dolphin counting number and doing simple math like addition and subtraction at Dolphin Show.

Elephant Trail

Be like a King, enjoy the majesty of traveling on an elephant’s back. On the top of the elephant, you will see the beautiful view of Mount Pangrango. Your trail also will take you through the green tropical forest filled with amazing sights and sounds from wild animals. The weather is nice surrounded by big trees, so you’ll walk under the tree shades. Your elephant will also cross a small river and will pass few part of safari journey, so people from inside their car can feed your elephant while driving thru the park.

Safari Waterpark

Safari waterpark

Bring change of clothes and let’s get wet at the Safari Waterpark! A fresh, cool water come from Jaksa waterfall, a waterfall located on the highest part of Taman Safari. There are also several water slides to fresh you up.

Hungry in the park? Don’t worry, there are several restaurants inside the amusement park after you finish your safari journey.

  • Rain Forest Restaurant Located at Parking A in front of Plaza Gajah (Elephant Show) and near Bird Aviary. The interior and exterior were decorated naturally with beautiful parrot bird, tree, wood, and animals-motif chairs. This restaurant selling traditional, chinese, and western food.
  • Cafe Onta Coffee & Bakery Near the Rain Forest restaurant, there is a Cafe selling bread, cakes, and coffee. It is Cafe Onta. Located in front of Bird Aviary and beside camel ride station. That is why it is called Cafe Onta. Onta is Indonesia word for Camel.
  • Safari Bento It is a local Japanese food restaurant located in front of Waterpark. Selling shrimp roll, chicken roll, ebi katsu, salad, rice, etc.
  • Rimba Foodcourt Do you want to see various menu? Come to parking B, there is a foodcourt here with many small restaurants.
  • Safari Kuring Restaurant Located at Parking C, near Penguin exhibit and Primate Center. Offers local food, such as sayur asam, empal, bandrek (ginger tea), nasi timbel, and other rice set menu.
  • Rodeo Cafe Small cafe located at Cowboy show parking area. Also near to Dolphin show and Globe of Death show. Offers hotdog, burger, instant noodle, coffee, and soft drinks.
  • Safari Fried Chicken Similar to KFC, it is the only fried chicken restaurant at Taman Safari. Located inside Baby Zoo, next to African white lions exhibit and orangutan photo booth.
  • Panda Resto This restaurant is located at 2nd floor of Panda Palace. Its interior is designed like a food court. It sells Chinese and local food such as dimsum, noodle, satay, etc. The restaurant also provide a VIP room for visitors who want to eat near Panda. The room is only separated from the Panda room with a glass panel.
  • And few stalls selling otak-otak (fish cake), pop mie (instant noodle in a cup), snacks, steamed corn, coffee, and bread.

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10 Wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang Seru & Menyenangkan untuk Dikunjungi 2024

10 Wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang Seru & Menyenangkan untuk Dikunjungi 2024

Banyak wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang bisa kamu kunjungi. Liburan keluarga makin menyenangkan dan seru bertemu binatang!

Wahana Taman Safari Bogor ada banyak yang bisa Toppers kunjungi bersama keluarga. Dimulai dari mengelilingi Taman Safari yang penuh dengan satwa liar, hingga asyik berenang di kolam Safari Waterpark.

Pengalaman bertemu binatang adalah petualangan yang menarik dan luar biasa bagi siapapun. Toppers akan mendapatkan edukasi tentang binatang dan melihat aktivitas mereka di sini. Kamu bisa melihat harimau, zebra, jerapah, kanguru, gajah, rusa dan binatang lainnya.

Toppers ingin merasakan pengalaman menyenangkan bertemu binatang ini? Pastinya sangat seru! Dijamin liburanmu bersama keluarga tidak akan bosan, coba juga wahana dan atraksi Taman Safari Bogor yang lainnya agar kamu tidak kecewa.

Baca Juga: Tempat Wisata Terbaik dan Terbaru di PIK, Spot Asyik untuk Liburan

Daftar Wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang Seru

Ada banyak aktivitas yang bisa Toppers lakukan bersama keluarga di tempat rekreasi yang terletak di Kabupaten Bogor ini. Berikut ini Tokopedia telah merangkum wahana dan atraksi Taman Safari Bogor yang buat liburanmu makin seru!

1. Safari Journey

wahana taman safari bogor

Sumber Gambar: Tribun Travel

Jika berkunjung ke Taman Safari Bogor, maka pastinya kamu harus berkeliling sekitar untuk melihat satwa liar. Toppers akan melakukan perjalanan 45 menit menggunakan mobil pribadi atau bus dalam Safari Journey.

Beberapa binatang akan mendekatimu dan meminta makan, tetapi hanya beberapa hewan herbivora saja yang dapat kamu beri makan. Pada saat memasuki bagian hewan karnivora, kamu dilarang membuka kaca mobil.

  • Jam Operasional: Senin–Jumat: 09.00–17.00 WIB Sabtu–Minggu: 08.30–17.00 WIB
  • Harga Tiket: Rp225.000 (Paket Safari Siang + Panda)

2. Istana Panda

wahana taman safari bogor istana panda

Sumber Gambar: Kompas.com

Toppers, ingin berinteraksi dengan panda yang lucu? Di Taman Safari Bogor ada banyak panda yang menggemaskan tepatnya di Istana Panda. Di sini kamu akan merasakan sensasi berinteraksi dengan binatang yang terkenal malas ini. Jangan lupa abadikan momen kamu bersama panda dengan selfie bersama, ya!

3. Safari Malam

wahana taman safari bogor safari malam

Sumber Gambar: Travel Tempo

Ada kesempatan untuk menjelajah kehidupan malam satwa liar dengan mengendarai kereta wisata terbuka di Safari Malam. Toppers akan dipandu oleh guide dan berkeliling di Taman Safari Bogor saat malam.

Kamu akan melihat aktivitas satwa liar di malam hari, suasana yang sangat beda dibandingkan mengunjungi ketika siang hari bukan?

  • Jam Operasional: Setiap hari, 19.00–23.00 WIB (Loket tutup jam 21.00 WIB)
  • Harga Tiket: Rp160.000-Rp180.000 (Domestik)/ Rp300.000-Rp350.000 (Internasional)

4. Safari Trek & Outbound

wahana taman safari bogor trekking

Sumber Gambar: Taman Safari Bogor

Wahana Taman Safari Bogor yang seru selanjutnya adalah Safari Trek & Outbound. Berjalan dan melihat aneka tanaman serta mengunjungi Safari Poo Paper & Composting akan menjadi liburan yang tidak terlupakan.

Toppers akan diajak menyisiri Hutan Gunung Gede Pangrango bersama guide dan menikmati wahana outbound yang ada di Taman Safari Bogor.

  • Jam Operasional: Setiap hari (Min. Reservasi 25 orang)
  • Harga Tiket: Rp150.000/orang

5. Baby Zoo

wahana taman safari bogor baby zoo

Lebih dekat dengan satwa dan interaksi langsung di Baby Zoo. Toppers di sini bisa bertemu dan berfoto secara dekat dengan bayi kanguru, kucing besar, orang utan bahkan ada singa putih yang eksotik. Para satwa tersebut masih dalam masa pertumbuhan, mereka sangat lucu dan menggemaskan. Tertarik untuk pergi ke tempat ini?

Baca Juga: Destinasi Wisata Edukasi Terbaik, Dekat dari Jakarta

pesan hotel murah

Liburan jangan sampai bingung mau menginap di mana, cek hotel-hotel terbaik dengan harga menarik di Tokopedia!

6. Animal Edutainment Show

wahana taman safari bogor atraksi harimau

Sumber Gambar: Detik

Di Taman Safari Bogor terdapat 7 pertunjukan satwa seru dan menghibur. Toppers bisa menyaksikan presentasi edukasi untuk mengenal berbagai satwa lebih dekat. Ada pertunjukan gajah, harimau, anjing laut, burung pemangsa, lumba-lumba dan cowboy. Pertunjukan ini memiliki waktu yang berbeda, jadi kamu jangan sampai ketinggalan!

7. Kubah Burung

wahana taman safari bogor burung

Sumber Gambar: Warta Jakarta

Yuk, lihat berbagai koleksi burung dari seluruh belahan dunia di Kubah Burung Taman Safari Bogor. Terdapat total 350 ekor burung dari 50 spesies yang ada di sini. Jika kamu ingin mengunjungi tempat ini, direkomendasikan untuk pergi saat pagi hari yang merupakan waktu burung untuk melahap makanan.

8. Komodo Dragon Island

wahana taman safari bogor komodo dragon

Sumber Gambar: Tribunnews

Komodo merupakan hewan purba yang hanya ada di Pulau Komodo. Namun, kamu tidak perlu jauh-jauh pergi ke Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) untuk melihat langsung Komodo. Di Taman Safari Bogor ada komodo sekaligus display informasi tentang perilaku dan kehidupan Komodo di habitat aslinya.

9. Amusement Ride

wahana taman safari bogor roller coaster

Tidak hanya banyak satwa, namun Taman Safari Bogor juga memiliki banyak wahana rekreasi permainan seperti di Amusement Ride.

Tanpa perlu biaya tambahan, kamu bisa menaiki wahana-wahan seru di Taman Safari Bogor. Total ada 21 wahana yang bisa kamu naiki, apa sajakah itu? Berikut daftarnya:

  • Lolly Swing
  • Kincir Raksasa
  • Crazy Plane
  • Bom-Bom Car
  • Spinning Boat
  • Kevil Hill (Rumah Hantu 3D)
  • Sepeda layang
  • Bumper Boat
  • Ventura River
  • Angsa Terbang
  • Cartoon Train
  • Gajah Terbang
  • Climbing Car
  • Space Shuttle

10. Safari Waterpark

wahana taman safari bogor waterpark

Selain Amusement Park , alternatif lain jika kamu ingin pergi berenang bisa pergi ke Safari Waterpark. Toppers akan merasakan sensasi berenang dari air pegunungan sekaligus berenang bersama buaya. Berani mencoba ke wahana yang satu ini?

  • Harga Tiket: Rp25.000 (Tiket Tambahan)
Baca Juga: Tempat Camping di Bogor dengan Fasilitas dan Pemandangan Terbaik

Soal lokasi, Taman Safari Bogor berada di Cisarua, Desa Cibereum, Kabupaten Bogor. Cara terbaik untuk ke Taman Safari adalah dengan kendaraan pribadi atau bersama rombongan.

Bagaimanapun caramu menuju Taman Safari, pastikan kamu menjaga kebersihan dan kenyamanan diri, pengunjung lain, dan hewan yang dilindungi di sana!

*Informasi yang tertera berlaku saat artikel ditulis. Harga dan ketentuan lainnya dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu.

top up di tokopedia

Liburan harus siap e-money dan kuota. Yuk, top up di Tokopedia!

Penulis: Melly Yustin Aulia

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Search for Tour Packages


Taman Safari

z force taman safari

Category Study Tour (PAUD, TK, SD)

Edu Tour (Educational Tour) or Educational Travel is a journey for the purpose of formal or informal education and learning by visiting unique natural, historical, and multicultural environments.

Educational Tourism as a Contextual Learning Model:

  • The process of activating existing knowledge (activating knowledge).
  • Acquiring new knowledge (acquiring knowledge).
  • Understanding knowledge (understanding knowledge).
  • Applying knowledge (applying knowledge).
  • Engaging in reflection (reflecting knowledge).
  • Tourist Bus with AC
  • 1 Bottle of Mineral Water
  • Tour Leader
  • Entrance Ticket
  • Documentation
  • FOC (Free of Charge) for 2 people
  • Personal expenses during the tour
  • Optional tours
  • Porter services
  • Peak season surcharge
  • And other expenses outside the package
  • 06.30 ~ Meeting Point and preparation departure from school
  • 09.30 ~ Arrival at Taman Safari - Bogor
  • 11.00 ~ Lunch & Free Time
  • 14.00 ~ Heading back to school
  • 16.00 ~ Estimated time arrival at School

Min. 50 Pax FOC (Free of Charge) 2 Pax untuk Pendamping

Rp. 450,000

Are you interested or do you have any questions about this tour, click the button below, paket study tour lainnya.

Study Tour

Sentulfresh Edu Farm

Rp. 298,000.

Study Tour

Kampung Horta (workshop) + Eropa De Voyage

Rp. 260,000.

Study Tour

Cimory Dairyland

Rp. 195,000.

Study Tour

Kebun Raya Bogor + Museum Zoologi

Rp. 170,000, kebun raya bogor + museum zoologi + museum peta + kampung eropa de voyage, rp. 250,000, kebun raya bogor + museum zoologi + herbarium + kampung eropa de voyage.

Study Tour

Animalium BRIN

Rp. 280,000.

Study Tour

Jungleland - Bogor

Rp. 290,000.


40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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z force taman safari

First refuelling for Russia’s Akademik Lomonosov floating NPP


z force taman safari

The FNPP includes two KLT-40S reactor units. In such reactors, nuclear fuel is not replaced in the same way as in standard NPPs – partial replacement of fuel once every 12-18 months. Instead, once every few years the entire reactor core is replaced with and a full load of fresh fuel.

The KLT-40S reactor cores have a number of advantages compared with standard NPPs. For the first time, a cassette core was used, which made it possible to increase the fuel cycle to 3-3.5 years before refuelling, and also reduce by one and a half times the fuel component in the cost of the electricity produced. The operating experience of the FNPP provided the basis for the design of the new series of nuclear icebreaker reactors (series 22220). Currently, three such icebreakers have been launched.

The Akademik Lomonosov was connected to the power grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020.

Electricity generation from the FNPP at the end of 2023 amounted to 194 GWh. The population of Pevek is just over 4,000 people. However, the plant can potentially provide electricity to a city with a population of up to 100,000. The FNPP solved two problems. Firstly, it replaced the retiring capacities of the Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant, which has been operating since 1974, as well as the Chaunskaya Thermal Power Plant, which is more than 70 years old. It also supplies power to the main mining enterprises located in western Chukotka. In September, a 490 km 110 kilovolt power transmission line was put into operation connecting Pevek and Bilibino.

Image courtesy of TVEL

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