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active travel challenge sustrans

Active Travel Challenge 2024 – Sign up Now!

Posted By: Translink

29th May 2024

This June people across Northern Ireland are encouraged to leave their car at home and take part in the 2024 Active Travel Challenge in a bid to be more sustainable, save money and to boost physical and mental health.

From a trip to the shop to the commute to work, the Active Travel Challenge encourages the everyone to switch up their usual routine and try walking, cycling or taking public transport as a cleaner, greener way to travel.

Last year, as well as saving money and helping improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing by choosing active journeys, more than 9,000kg of CO2 was saved thanks to those who took part in the challenge, demonstrating the real impact sustainable travel can make in improving air quality and the local environment.

The Active Travel Challenge is a joint initiative between Sustrans, Translink, the Department for Infrastructure, Public Health Agency (PHA), Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, and Belfast City Council. The Challenge is open to individuals and organisations of any size across Northern Ireland to take part and help create habits for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable lifestyle.  It’s also a great way to stimulate a little friendly competition between organisations and indeed amongst teams and colleagues throughout June.

The joint initiative is free to sign up to and runs for the entire month of June. Participants log their ‘active travel’ journeys on the online platform (link) for a chance to win a range of prizes, including vouchers, travel tickets, gym passes and rewards with national and regional retailers.

Claire Pollock , Head of Sustrans Northern Ireland said: “The Active Travel Challenge is back for another amazing year. I would encourage everyone to have a go and build active travel into their daily routines as a really simple way to make a positive contribution towards reducing their carbon footprint. If you’re thinking about cycling but haven’t been on a bike in years, there’s lots of helpful advice online to get you started and you’ll soon be reaping the physical, mental and economic benefits.”

Commenting on this year’s Active Travel Challenge,  Ian Campbell  added: “The Active Travel Challenge is a great way to make small changes which make a big difference in creating a more sustainable lifestyle. Taking the bus or train, utilising park and ride facilities or using bike storage at our stations, are all practical ways to introduce more active travel and reduce the stress and cost of the daily commute, whilst also having a positive impact on the environment.”

To find out more and get involved in this year’s Active Travel Challenge go to  or email  [email protected]

active travel challenge sustrans

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Sustrans Launches Active Travel Challenges

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10 May 2022

Ditch the car this summer and take the Active Travel Challenge

People across Northern Ireland are being urged to leave the car at home this June and take part in the Active Travel Challenge. 

The joint initiative encourages the public to try walking, cycling and taking public transport as an alternative to the car for an entire month. They will not only be in with the chance to win prizes, but to create new habits for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable lifestyle.

Translink, the Department for Infrastructure, Public Health Agency (PHA), Sustrans, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, and Belfast City Council are all backing the challenge and are encouraging large and small businesses across Northern Ireland take part.

With the rising cost of living, an appetite to make greener choices that benefit the environment, and a return to the office, even in a hybrid model, there is a unique opportunity this year to try out new ways to not only get to work, but to take a break from working at home and get moving outdoors.

This collaborative drive aims to inspire people to adopt greener travel options that will prioritise their health and wellbeing and support Northern Ireland’s ‘green’ economic recovery and progress towards a low-carbon future.

It’s free to register and participants can log their ‘active travel’ journeys online throughout June, with a different theme each week of the month and a range of prizes up for grabs, including a range of vouchers, travel tickets and rewards with national and regional retailers.

Translink Director of Service Operations Ian Campbell said:

“Taking public transport, walking or cycling, is not only an easy way to add in daily exercise, but it saves you money and creates time for yourself and your mental health. This year we have added more than 100 zero emission buses to our fleet, as well as tap on technology to allow contactless payments on a range of bus services. We are transforming public transport to make it more attractive and easier to use, so more people make it their first choice for travel. Signing up to this challenge means everyone can do their bit to reduce congestion, reduce pollution and create a cleaner, more inclusive society for all.”

Public Health Agency Chief Executive, Aidan Dawson added:

“Building active travel into your working day can help contribute to meeting the recommended amount of physical activity of 150 minutes each week. Research shows that physical activity can improve sleep, help maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress. It also reduces the risk of developing chronic conditions including heart disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer, and respiratory conditions.”

Sustrans Director Caroline Bloomfield said hybrid working gives a new opportunity to try active travel methods: “This year we are encouraging everyone to get active on their everyday journeys. Instead of sitting in a traffic jam or spending time looking for car parking, why not try walking or cycling as part of your commute, shopping trip or for leisure. As many of us return to some form of office working there is a great opportunity to change how we travel to work. The Active Travel Challenge is a great way to kick-start being active in your daily routine and make the change to a healthier lifestyle that will also benefit the environment.”

Chief Executive of Belfast City Council, John Walsh said the challenge offers an opportunity to try something new: “As a council, we want to encourage more people to walk and cycle and in turn, improve their physical health and mental wellbeing while reducing their carbon footprint. The Active Travel Challenge provides a fantastic platform to encourage people out of their cars, be that walking to the bus stop or walking or cycling for their entire journey. We are delighted to champion the Active Travel Challenge, again this year.”

To find out more and get involved in this year’s Active Travel Challenge go  visit or email [email protected] . Keep up to date with all the latest ATC action on social media using #GetMeActiveNI

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People in Northern Ireland encouraged to sign-up to Active Travel Challenge

Published: 2nd AUGUST 2021

People across Northern Ireland are being urged to leave the car at home this September and sign-up to Northern Ireland’s Active Travel Challenge, for a cleaner, healthier and more environmentally friendly way to get around.

Active Travel Launch in front of Stormont Buildings with Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon and Health Minister Robin Swan holding a large ATC cutout, David Tumility Public Health Agency, Chris Conway Translink and Caroline Bloomfield, Sustrans pictured in the background with a bus and bicycle

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon and Health Minister Robin Swann join David Tumilty (Public Health Agency), Paddy Anderson (Translink) and Caroline Bloomfield (Sustrans) for the launch of the Active Travel Challenge.

Green recovery

Right now, many people, organisations and businesses are looking at green Covid-19 recovery plans, particularly as we move towards COP26 the largest global climate conference in the UK. This year the challenge brings a huge opportunity for people to change their travel habits for the better.

Choosing to walk, cycle, take the bus or train or a combination of the above will help them to stay physically active and support their mental wellbeing. These steps will help accelerate action on climate, improve local air quality and create a much better quality of life for all. The joint initiative has been championed by Translink, the Department for Infrastructure, Public Health Agency, Sustrans, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, and Belfast City Council. It is part of a collaborative drive to inspire people to adopt greener travel options that will prioritise their health and wellbeing and support Northern Irelands ‘green’ economic recovery and progress towards a low-carbon future.

About the challenge

Challenge registration is free.

Participants can log their ‘active travel’ journeys online throughout September.

There's a different theme each week and a range of prizes and incentives up for grabs including shopping vouchers and Translink tickets.

Improved physical health and mental wellbeing

Speaking about the launch, Health Minister Robin Swann commented:

“I welcome the Active Travel initiative and would encourage everyone to look at how they can make their daily journey to work and indeed all journeys a means to improve their physical as well as mental health. "Adopting more active and sustainable modes of travel, be it cycling or walking, has been long recognised as providing benefits to peoples physical wellbeing as well as being of benefit to the environment.”

Climate crisis is a priority for everyone

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon added:

“Tackling the climate crisis must be a priority for everyone. The Active Travel challenge encourages us all to think differently about how we travel and how we can all contribute towards a low-carbon future.  "I am delighted that my department is working in partnership with other agencies to support this challenge."

Ditch the car this September

Encouraging everyone to sign up to the Active Travel Challenge, Sustrans Director Caroline Bloomfield:

“This year we are encouraging everyone to get active on their everyday journeys. 

"Instead of sitting in a traffic jam or spending time looking for car parking, why not try walking or cycling as part of your commute, shopping trip or for leisure. "The Active Travel Challenge is a great way to kick-start being active in your daily routine and make the change to a healthier lifestyle that will also benefit the environment.”

Reduce congestion, reduce pollution

Translink Group Chief Executive Chris Conway said:

“We offer a vital public service and as restrictions ease, our safe and clean services are ready to welcome more people on board whether they are connecting to work, education, health, shops, sport or social activities. "Climate change is undoubtably the biggest threat of our time.

"Signing up to this challenge means everyone can do their bit to reduce congestion, reduce pollution and create a cleaner, more inclusive society for all.”

Health benefits of active travel

David Tumilty, the PHA’s lead on Active Travel said:

“Building active travel into your working day through walking and cycling can help contribute to meeting the Chief Medical Officers’ recommended amount of physical activity of 150 minutes each week. “Research shows that people who are physically active can improve their sleep, help maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress and anxiety. "Physical activity can also reduce their risk of developing chronic conditions including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and respiratory conditions.

"And with the exacerbating impact of the pandemic on people in our communities with co-existing conditions, I would encourage people to take part in this year’s challenge.”

Visit the challenge website for details on how to sign up for the Active Travel Challenge.

Email [email protected] for information on how sustrans can support you., keep up-to-date with all the latest atc action on social media using #getmeactiveni., share this page, take a look at our work in northern ireland.

Case study Claire Griffin cycling her folding bike on new segregated cyclepath in Belfast - Middlepath Street, Belfast with red car passing in background

Northern Ireland

Policy and influencing in Northern Ireland

Sustrans schools officer with dad and son on bike

Active School Travel in Northern Ireland

Conor Maskey and Winston Irvine from Intercomm standing either side of Sustrans Rachael Ludlow-Williams with her bike on the new greenway with footbridge at Springfield Dam on the Forth Meadow Community Greenway in the background

Forth Meadow Community Greenway: Exercising Common Routes

two men and two boys cycling at sunset along the foyle greenway with a graphic of a map of the north west greenway network to the right

North West Greenway Network


Active Travel Challenge

Individual leaderboard.

  • More Leaderboards

Positions are determined by the total number of journeys made by each participant.

  •  First

The Personal Challenge • Compete to log the most journeys • Set individual targets • Detailed feedback and statistics

The Group Challenge • Compete for the highest participation • Set group targets • Upload photos, stories and interact


Cornwall Active Travel Challenge

Register to take part.

Congratulations, you’re on your way to registering for the Cornwall Active Travel Challenge. This challenge is run by Sustrans in partnership with Cornwall Council. Information you enter will not be shared outside of Sustrans.

We collect personal data to allow you to participate in the challenge, including creating your account, adding you to the individual and organisation leaderboards, emailing you about the challenge, announcing and awarding prizes, and for monitoring and evaluation of the challenge.

Create your login

Your profile page will be available to anyone who knows the web address for it – great for sharing your progress. We’ll hide any personal contact details like your email address.

Personal Challenge Push yourself to try something new Set targets Form new habits

Team Challenge Work together with your team Set targets Form new habits

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  • Making space for nature on the Network

For professionals

Work in partnership with us to tackle the challenges of congestion, air pollution, physical inactivity, and social inequality, by making it easier for people to walk and cycle.

Policy area

  • Policy positions
  • The Walking and Cycling Index
  • Streets for everyone
  • Disabled Citizens' Inquiry

Sector Experience

  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Urban design and planning
  • Research, monitoring and evaluation
  • Our approach

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Your support helps to give children access to the training and equipment they need to ride a bike safely - starting a cycle of good that can go on to benefit their health, education and future.

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Personal stories

‘Try an E-Bike’ at Cathedral Gardens Hub a most enjoyable experience’ – David’s story

Published: 18th JUNE 2024

‘Try an E-Bike’ is one of the most popular activities we offer in Northern Ireland. The Cathedral Gardens Hub, where we delivered activities during a two-year pilot scheme funded by the Public Health Agency and managed by Belfast City Council, offered the service to people living, working and studying in Belfast city centre.

A man wearing a helmet and hi-vis jacket stands with an electric bicycle outside an active travel hub in Belfast city centre.

David Watkiss, who works close to Cathedral Gardens Hub in Belfast city centre, pictured with the electric bike he borrowed. Credit: Sustrans

Among them was landscape architect, David Watkiss. He was able to take an e-bike out on loan while he considers the purchase of a new bicycle.  

David said: “I heard about Sustrans and the Cathedral Gardens Hub through a friend who often tells me about the benefits of travelling to work on his bicycle.  

“The Sustrans scheme was very good in that it encourages and enables more people to get on their bikes, to get active and to use active travel for daily commutes.  

“They provide cycle training and bike maintenance and repair workshops.  

Support from Sustrans  

“The Cathedral Gardens Hub houses a range of bicycles available free of charge to adults participating in Sustrans activities who do not have their own bikes.  

“I am currently looking for a new bike and when the opportunity arose, with Sustrans support I was able to try out an e-bike to see the difference for myself.   

“The e-bike was fitted with panniers so any baggage, such as my laptop, was safely stored in weatherproof conditions.  

E-bike excelled at tackling hills  

“The bike is set up with very good mudguards and deflected all rain from the wheels ensuring a positively (almost) dry arrival at work each day.  

“The e-bike excelled when heading home each evening, tackling several hills and making the journey very enjoyable whilst working through the various settings of Eco, Sports, Tourer and Turbo for the steeper climbs encountered.  

“A most enjoyable experience resulting in more of my travel time by bicycle.  

“I cycle because it is a very empowering and social mode of transport.  

“Cycling provides the opportunity to engage with and to become more acquainted with the local environment.  

“It’s a great opportunity to embrace the great outdoors and to connect both with neighbours and nature.  

“I am invigorated and feel a great sense of accomplishment when cycling - infinitely more rewarding than driving.  

Greater independence and efficient time and money saver  

“Cycling offers cyclists great independence and is a most efficient time saver.  

“Plus, there are significant financial benefits and, with the availability for any sustainability-conscious organisation, there is the Cycle to Work scheme to make further savings.  

“I support Sustrans as Sustrans supports cyclists. Keep up the good work!”  

Cathedral Gardens Active Travel Hubs are on an open square next to the Ulster University Belfast campus.

Cathedral Gardens Active Travel Hub in Belfast. Credit: Sustrans

Improvement ideas for the future  

David would like to see the following ideas implemented to encourage and support active travel:  

  • A complete rethink of existing and new cycling strategies across all Northern Ireland cities.  
  • Better cycle infrastructure on all roads.  
  • More designated segregated cycle paths.  
  • Introduction of 20 mile per hour zones throughout Belfast.  

Find out more about our active travel hubs .

Discover what else we do in Northern Ireland .

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A man wearing a helmet stands with an electric bicycle beside a cycle storage container with a cathedral in the background.

Northern Ireland

‘A relaxing way to travel to work’ – helping Chris get back on a bike for daily commute

A man wearing a grey sweatshirt holds up a framed certificate while standing outside a school.

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A male Sustrans active travel officer crouches on the ground in school playground while a row of children on bikes wearing helmets line up beside him

Active School Travel programme brings economic benefits to Northern Ireland

A woman wearing an orange jacket and black leggings and helmet stands beside bikes out an Active Travel Centre.

Volunteer Joni enjoys freedom of National Cycle Network


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  1. Leave the car at home ahead of the annual Active Travel Challenge

    The Active Travel Challenge is a joint initiative between Sustrans, Translink, the Department for Infrastructure, Public Health Agency (PHA), Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, and Belfast City Council. Challenge runs during June. The challenge is free to sign up to and takes place for the entire month of June.

  2. Active Travel Challenge 2023 launched in Belfast

    Find out more and get involved in this year's Active Travel Challenge, or email [email protected] to speak to the team. Keep up to date with all the latest ATC action on social media using # ... Sustrans is a registered charity in England and Wales (326550) and Scotland (SC039263) and a company limited by guarantee registered in ...

  3. Ditch the car this summer and take the Active Travel Challenge

    Find out how Sustrans are supporting employers in Northern Ireland. People across Northern Ireland are being urged to leave the car at home this June and take part in the Active Travel Challenge. The joint initiative encourages the public to try walking, cycling and taking public transport as an alternative to the car for an entire month.

  4. People in Northern Ireland encouraged to sign-up to Active Travel Challenge

    Encouraging everyone to sign up to the Active Travel Challenge, Sustrans Director Caroline Bloomfield: "This year we are encouraging everyone to get active on their everyday journeys. "Instead of sitting in a traffic jam or spending time looking for car parking, why not try walking or cycling as part of your commute, shopping trip or for leisure.

  5. Northern Ireland public rise to the Active Travel Challenge

    Over 13,000 journeys by public transport, foot and bike were logged by commuters across Northern Ireland this September during the Active Travel Challenge. The month-long initiative is aimed at encouraging healthier and more environmentally-friendly commutes. Active Travel Challenge Award winners at a ceremony in Belfast City Hall, hosted by ...

  6. Content Index

    The Active Travel Challenge is a great way to get active this June! This is your free online tool to get motivated and challenge yourself to walk, wheel, run, scoot, take public transport and care share for more of your everyday journeys from 1 to 30 June. ... Sustrans is a registered charity in the UK, No. 326550 (England and Wales) SC039263 ...

  7. Active Travel Challenge

    Active Travel Challenge 1 - 30 June 2024 . Log In. Email address. Password. Forgotten your password? Not Registered Yet? Register Now! ... Sustrans is a registered charity in the UK, No. 326550 (England and Wales) SC039263 (Scotland) ...

  8. Register to take part

    Active Travel Challenge 1 - 30 June 2024 . Register to take part. Congratulations, you're on your way to registering for the Active Travel Challenge. This Challenge is run by Sustrans in partnership with PHA and Translink. To ... Sustrans is a registered charity in the UK, No. 326550 (England and Wales) SC039263 (Scotland) ...

  9. Active Travel Challenge motivates more commuters out of ...

    More than 2,000 people from a wide range of workplaces across Northern Ireland left their cars at home and walked, cycled or hopped on the train or bus. Staff from public and private sector organisations went head-to-head in the Active Travel Challenge in June, organised by Sustrans and Translink and funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA) and ...

  10. Active Travel Challenge

    Active Travel Challenge. A Healthier and Environmentally-Friendly Commute ... Email [email protected]. Active Travel Stats A four metre-wide road lane can move 800-1100 people in cars per hour, compared to 5,000 -10,000 people on bikes. The most efficient use of road space is by bus which can move 8,000 - 12,000 passengers (The ...

  11. Active Travel Challenge 2024

    Participants log their 'active travel' journeys on the online platform (link) for a chance to win a range of prizes, including vouchers, travel tickets, gym passes and rewards with national and regional retailers. Claire Pollock, Head of Sustrans Northern Ireland said: "The Active Travel Challenge is back for another amazing year. I would ...

  12. Content Index

    The Active Travel Challenge will take place from Saturday 1 June - Sunday 30 June 2024. What counts as a 'journey'? Any journey to work, for work, to your local shops, to a leisure activity, the school run, or your daily exercise all count. A full list of travel modes you can log journeys against is on the Home page of the Challenge website. If ...

  13. Active Travel Challenge

    Almost 900 people took part in the 2022 Active Travel Challenge and logged around 15K journeys during the month of June. The joint initiative is rolled out annually by Sustrans, Translink, Department for Infrastructure, Public Health Agency, Belfast and Western Health Trusts, Belfast City Council and Derry City and Strabane Council. People from ...

  14. Sustrans Launches Active Travel Challenges

    In 2022, the Active Travel Challenge saw almost 9,000kg of CO2 saved by people opting to travel by walking, cycling, taking public transport and even skateboarding instead of using the car. Caroline Bloomfield, Sustrans Director in Northern Ireland, said: "Each year we hear from people who have enjoyed a renewed love of walking, cycling and ...

  15. Journeys

    Journeys made by Sustrans NI during Active Travel Challenge. Log a journey Log in Register Home Results Workplace Results ... Active Travel Challenge 1 - 30 June 2024 . Journeys made by people at Sustrans NI. Date Mode Distance CO2 saved Calories burned Money saved Actions

  16. Call for public to sign up to 2023 Active Travel Challenge

    In 2022, the Active Travel Challenge saw almost 9,000kg of CO2 saved by people opting to travel by walking, cycling, taking public transport and even skateboarding instead of using the car. Sustrans Director Caroline Bloomfield added: "Each year we hear from people who have enjoyed a renewed love of walking, cycling and other active travel ...

  17. New research highlighting benefits of active travel projects in

    Increased rates of active travel and the impact of this on physical health and emission reductions can only be a good thing. Not only does the latest report highlight huge support for walking, wheeling and cycling across Scotland, it also evidences the clear value of continued investment in active travel delivery programmes such as Places for Everyone.

  18. Active Travel Challenge

    The Active Travel Challenge is a great way to kick-start being active in your daily routine and make the change to a healthier lifestyle that will also benefit the environment.". Chief Executive of Belfast City Council, John Walsh said the challenge offers an opportunity to try something new: "As a council, we want to encourage more people ...

  19. Our Active Travel Challenge...

    Our Active Travel Challenge is back for 2022拾 This June why not take on a new challenge? We're encouraging everyone to sign up to the Active Travel Challenge and #GetMeActiveNI for a healthier and...

  20. Photos

    Active Travel Challenge 1 - 30 June 2024 . Photos. Next ; The Personal Challenge • Compete to log the most journeys • Set individual targets • Detailed feedback and statistics . ... Sustrans is a registered charity in the UK, No. 326550 (England and Wales) SC039263 (Scotland) ...

  21. The Active Travel Challenge...

    The Active Travel Challenge is officially over! Big thanks and well done to everyone who took part! Remember, you still have until 3rd July to log any journeys that you missed at...

  22. People in Northern Ireland encouraged to sign-up to Active Travel Challenge

    People across Northern Ireland are being urged to leave the car at home this September and sign-up to Northern Ireland's Active Travel Challenge, for a cleaner, healthier and more environmentally friendly way to get around.

  23. Individual Leaderboard

    Active Travel Challenge 1 - 30 June 2024 . Individual Leaderboard. More Leaderboards; Positions are determined by the total number of journeys made by each participant. Position ... Sustrans is a registered charity in the UK, No. 326550 (England and Wales) SC039263 (Scotland) ...

  24. Register to take part

    Cornwall Active Travel Challenge 1 - 30 June 2024 ... Information you enter will not be shared outside of Sustrans. We collect personal data to allow you to participate in the challenge, including creating your account, adding you to the individual and organisation leaderboards, emailing you about the challenge, announcing and awarding prizes ...

  25. Minister praises teachers having an impact outside the classroom

    "Cathy has cycled to work for over 20 years and is retiring soon, she has been an active travel role model to hundreds of students." Setting a good example. Beth Harding, Active School Travel Manager with Sustrans, said: "We're thrilled to be able to recognise the great work that both Kieran and Cathy have been doing in their respective ...

  26. 'Try an E-Bike' at Cathedral Gardens Hub a most ...

    David said: "I heard about Sustrans and the Cathedral Gardens Hub through a friend who often tells me about the benefits of travelling to work on his bicycle. "The Sustrans scheme was very good in that it encourages and enables more people to get on their bikes, to get active and to use active travel for daily commutes.