al qibli tours

Things To Know Before Visiting Al Aqsa Mosque (Masjid)

  • April 29, 2023
  • , Heritage Tours Blog

As the proud owners of a travel agency specializing in trips to the Al Aqsa mosque, we have hosted many successful excursions over the years. We know all there is to know about visiting this third holiest site in the Muslim world. 

Whether admiring the cubist architecture or learning about the history and cultural significance of al Aqsa, a trip to this pristine location can be an unforgettable experience for any traveller. 

al qibli tours

Photo by Yasir Gürbüz  

So join us on a journey as we are eager to share a wealth of knowledge with you and begin your adventure to one of the greatest mosques with breathtaking Islamic architecture!

Significance of Masjid Al Aqsa For Muslims

Al Aqsa Mosque is one of the holiest sites in Islam and holds great significance for Muslims worldwide. It is located on the Temple Mount in east Jerusalem. 

The significance of Al Aqsa mosque stems from a prophetic tradition stating that the Prophet Muhammad, peace is upon him, was transported from Mecca to al-Aqsa during the Night Journey (al-Isra).

The story goes that one night Prophet Muhammad was taken from Mecca to east Jerusalem by the angel Jibril (Gabriel), where he led all the other prophets in prayer.  From al Aqsa mosque, it is said that he ascended to heaven and spoke directly with Allah (God).

Al-Aqsa Mosque: One Of Islam’s Holiest Sites

The site of Al Aqsa is also believed to be the location of the resurrection and gathering of believers during the Day of Judgment. In addition, Muslims believe that Al-Mahdi, God’s ultimate saviour in Islam, will appear at Al Aqsa mosque before he begins his worldwide mission.

As such, Muslims all over the world hold Al Aqsa in high regard, and it is often referred to as “the farthest mosque” in the Quran.  It is also mentioned in many hadiths narrating the night journey and holds a special place in Islamic teachings. After Masij al-Haram and Masjid-al-Nabvi, Al-Aqsa is the third holiest site for Muslims.

Given its spiritual importance, Muslims pilgrimage to Al Aqsa whenever possible. It is believed that by praying at holy sites or holy places, one can receive God’s blessings and benefit from the spiritual energy of this holiest of sites. Open courtyards located there remain full during Friday prayers.

History of the Dome of Rock

The Dome of the Rock in the Al Aqsa compound is the beautiful dome-shaped shrine on the Temple Mount in the old city of east Jerusalem. It is an iconic landmark and a major destination for Muslim pilgrims from all over the world. But what’s particularly intriguing about the Dome of the Rock is its rich architectural and religious history, which spans centuries and includes multiple wars and violent episodes. Let’s take a closer look at the history of the Dome of the Rock.

al qibli tours

Photo by Yasir Gürbüz 

Dome of Al Aqsa

Architectural History 

The Dome of the Rock was constructed in the late 6th century during Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik’s reign and is widely considered one of the most important pieces of Islamic architecture ever constructed. 

The Dome of the Rock is composed mainly of marble, granite, and gold mosaics and is the oldest dome in the world that still stands. The Dome of the Rock is 35 meters in height and 20 meters in diameter, while its interior is ornately decorated with intricate geometric patterns and verses from the Quran.

The central bays of the Al Aqsa porch were first constructed during the First Crusade. But later, Salahuddin’s nephew rebuilt them in 1217. Mosque’s interior contains beautiful stained glass windows.

Religious History

The Dome of the Rock is a few yards from Al Aqsa mosque but within the Al Aqsa mosque compound. It is regarded as the third holiest site in the Islamic creed and a major pilgrimage site for Muslims worldwide. The Dome of the Rock is believed to be the location where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven, and it is believed that the dome itself marks the exact spot where this ascension took place.

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Photo by Hasan Berkant

The holy site has been at the centre of conflicts between Christians, Muslims and Jewish forces during various Islamic eras (continued till today).

The Dome of the Rock has also been damaged or desecrated on several occasions by both sides during various wars, including in 1096 during the First Crusade when Christian forces briefly held it.

Want to Pay a Visit to Al Aqsa? Book a trip NOW!

Facts About Al Aqsa Mosque

The beautiful al-Haram al-Sharif Al Aqsa Mosque is Jerusalem’s most recognizable architectural symbol. Here are some amazing facts about Al Aqsa mosque.

The First Qiblah For Muslims

Masjid Al Aqsa is Muslims’ first qiblah (direction of prayer), dating back to the early Islamic period. During this time, Prophet Muhammad instructed all of his followers to face the direction of Al Aqsa Mosque during their daily prayers. 

Al Aqsa is a Collection of Mosques

Did you know Masjid Al Aqsa, or the temple mount, is more than just a single building? It comprises several different mosques, including the al Qibli Mosque, Marwani Mosque, and the Buraq Mosque. All the mosques are situated at the historical holy site.

The Al Aqsa mosque is located at the southernmost corner of this complex, also known as the “Al Qibly Mosque,” as it is closest to the qiblah. But the whole area of Masjid Al Aqsa is collectively referred to as the Noble Sanctuary or Al-Haram ash-Sharif. 

So while we may only think of one building when referring to Al Aqsa Mosque, there’s a lot more to explore! All these buildings reflect an immense history and offer you intense peace and tranquillity.

Al Aqsa Mosque Has Been Burnt Down

It’s a sad reality that Al Aqsa, the holy site of immense spiritual and historical importance to Muslims, has been burnt down in the past. 

In 1969, an Australian Christian extremist set fire to the Al Qibly Mosque within the Al Aqsa Mosque compound. The flames destroyed the entire mosque, but it was rebuilt quickly and carefully. 

Al Aqsa: A Graveyard To Some Noble Muslims

Al Aqsa mosque compound is the resting place of some noble figures from Islamic history, several prophets (AS), and Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) companions. 

The holy site is believed to have the grave of Prophet Suleiman, who passed away while supervising the construction of the al Qibli Mosque. This cemetery is known as “Bab ar-Rahmah” and is one of the most prominent cemeteries in the Islamic world.

Al Aqsa Mosque In The Quran

Al-Aqsa Mosque is mentioned several times in the Quran, including when Allah asks Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to take a night journey from Makkah to al-Masjid al-Aqsa – which means “the farthest mosque.” 

Al Aqsa Mosque And the Dome Of Rock Are Not The Same

The Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, located at the temple mount in East Jerusalem, the old city, are two distinct sites forming part of the larger al-Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) compound. 

Al Aqsa Mosque is a large mosque situated in the southern portion of the al Aqsa mosque compound, while the Dome of the Rock is a vibrant shrine and religious site at its center. The dome sits upon a raised platform and is a stunning architectural sight.

Al-Aqsa’s dome is a large silver dome, not the golden one. People often confuse it with the golden dome, which is actually the Dome of the Rock. Al-Aqsa Mosque is also known as Al-Qibly Mosque.

On the other hand, the Dome of the Rock is adorned with intricate mosaics and gold decorations that make it one of the most iconic structures in the region. 

The Western Wall: The Most Religious Site For Jews

The Western Wall in the old Jeruselum, within the Al Aqsa mosque compound, is a small segment of an ancient limestone wall that reminds us of the Jewish temple on the Temple Mount before it was destroyed in 70 CE. The Western Wall is found on the western side of the Temple Mount and has become an important place for pilgrims to visit and pray. ‘

The Jewish people consider the wall holy, which has become a symbol of resilience in times of adversity. The Western Wall is also one of the most iconic landmarks in old Jerusalem.

Al Aqsa Mosque Once Used As A Dumpsite

The Al Aqsa Mosque Compound has a long history. Before it was the third holiest site in Islam, Al-Aqsa’s holy grounds were used as a dumping ground by the Romans who lived there. Hazrat Umar ordered to restore Al Aqsa mosque during his reign.

When Hazrat Umar liberated the old city of Jerusalem, he cleared away all the trash and litter from Al Aqsa with his own hands. He invited 70 Jewish families back to Jerusalem – ending their centuries-long exile. 

We hope this blog post has added to your knowledge some mind-blowing historical facts about al Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam. However, it’s important to remember that Masjid al Aqsa is not just a religious site but a sacred location for Muslims from all Islamic countries. We will also let you know more about the place and mosque in our upcoming trip to Al aqsa . So for any queries contact us .  

Its rich history and unique Islamic architecture make al-Aqsa one of the most incredible and memorable places to visit. Whether you’re a Muslim or simply interested in learning about another culture and its customs, al Aqsa should definitely be a part of your journey. So, whenever you visit the old city of Jerusalem, don’t forget to bless yourself by visiting this holy mosque.

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Masjid Al-Aqsa, Umrah & More

  • Masjid Al-Aqsa,

Masjid Al Aqsa, Custom Package

Masjid Al Aqsa, Custom Package

5 Days, 4 Nights

Specific Tour

About this tour

Join us on a journey to the holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina, the Al-Aqsa Compound. Located in the heart of Jerusalem, this sacred mosque is the third holiest site in Islam and holds immense historical and religious significance. The mosque complex includes the Dome of the Rock, the Qibli Mosque, and the Marwani Prayer Room. Pray in the same place where Prophet Muhammad ﷺ led all the other Prophets (A.S) in prayer and where he ﷺ performed his Isra and Miraj journey. Our package includes a guided tour of the compound, providing you with a deeper understanding of its history and significance in Islam. You will also have the opportunity to perform the prayers at the Masjid and take in the breathtaking views of Jerusalem from the rooftop of our hotel. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with your faith and heritage. Book your spot today!”

US – Delta, American Airlines, Virgin Atlantic etc


  • Masjid Al-Aqsa
  • - Dome Of The Rock Masjid
  • - Al-Qibli Masjid
  • - Al-Qadeem Masjid
  • - Al-Marwani Masjid
  • - Al-Buraq Masjid
  • - Bab Al-Rahmah Masjid
  • - Chamber Of Sayyidah Maryam (AS)
  • - Mihrab Of Nabi Zakarriya (AS)
  • - Mihrab Of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA)
  • - Residence Of Imam Al-Ghazali
  • - Masjid Al-Aqsa Museum
  • Blessed Maqams
  • - Nabi Ibrahim (AS)
  • - Sayyidah Sara (AS)
  • - Nabi Musa (AS)
  • - Nabi Yunus (AS)
  • - Nabi Is'haq (AS)
  • - Sayyidah Rif'kah (AS)
  • - Nabi Yusuf (AS)
  • - Nabi Da'wud (AS)
  • - Shaddad Ibn Aws (RA)
  • - Ubadah Ibn Al-Samet (RA)
  • - Rabia Al-Basri (RA)
  • - Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Masjid (RA)
  • - Church Of The Holy Sepulchre
  • - Bab Al-Rahmah Cemetery
  • - Mount Of Olives
  • - Mount Of Ascension
  • - Bethlehem


  • Jummah In Masjid Al-Aqsa
  • Mid-Day Lunch
  • Travel Insurance

Day 1 Arrival

We will arrive at the airport and go through the visa process, this could take from 1 to 4 hours. The distance to New Capital Hotel, Jerusalem is around 35 miles which may take around one hour to arrive. Upon reaching the hotel we will have dinner and check-in to our rooms for the night.

Day 2 Walking Tour - Masjid Al-Aqsa & Old City

At 9am we will embark on a captivating walking tour of the Masjid Al-Aqsa and visit the Old City of Jerusalem. We will begin with a tour of the Masjid Al-Aqsa Compound acquainting you with its layout and sacred sites. Following this, we will delve into the historic Old City of Jerusalem and explore its remarkable landmarks. During our tour, we will visit several significant sites, including: • Dome Of The Rock • Masjid Qibli • Masjid Umar (R.A) • Mihrab Prophet Zakariyya (AS) • Sacred Chamber of Sayyidah Mariyam (AS) • Home of Imam Ghazali • Buraq Wall • Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Holiest Site in Christianity) • Local Markets and Souqs Take this time to immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and spirituality of this remarkable city. We will then return to the hotel for dinner and rest for the night.

Day 3 Coach Tour - Mt Of Olives, Al-Khalil, Bethlehem & Jericho

We will begin the day a􀅌er breakfast for an enlightening coach tour that will take us beyond the Old City of Jerusalem. We will ascend the Mount of Olives, capturing a breathtaking panoramic view of the en􀆟re Masjid Al-Aqsa compound and the Old City. We then journey to the spiritual landmarks of Makam Rabi’a Al Basri, the renowned woman of deep piety, and the Maqam Salman Al-Farisi, the devoted companion of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم We will then venture to Khalil, home to Masjid Khalil (Masjid Ibrahimi AS) where we will pay our respects to some of the greatest Prophets of Islam, including Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Is'haaq, Nabi Ya'qub, Nabi Yusuf (AS). Our jouney continues to visit to the Maqam of Prophet Yunus (AS) and then on to Bethlehem to visit the Church Of Nativity which is believed to be the birth place of Nabi Isa (AS) whereafter we will make our way to the oldest city in the world which is Jericho, Palestine, to visit the Maqam of Nabi Musa (AS), where we remember his greatness and give our salaams to the revered Prophet. We will then return to Jerusalem and back to the hotel for dinner and rest for the night. Please note that visits to these sacred sites are subject to their availability and accessibility.

Day 4 Free Day

You will have the whole day to engage in Ibadah at Masjid Al-Aqsa and explore the shops within the vibrant Old City of Jerusalem. Take this time to immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and spirituality of this remarkable city.

Day 5 Final Day & Checkout

Check-out from the hotel is scheduled for 11 am. We will leave our luggage at the reception, and the coach will depart at around 5pm to head to the airport. Between check-out at 11 am and the 5 pm departure, you will have some free time to spend as you wish. You may choose to visit Masjid Al-Aqsa for a final farewell, explore the markets of the Old City, or relax on the hotel rooftop, taking in the stunning views of the blessed compound and the iconic Dome of the Rock. Make the most of these last moments before we conclude our memorable journey together.

Frequently asked questions

Does the hotel have a laundry service.

The Hashimi Hotel provides a laundry service on request and prices are per an average sized laundry bag.

Is It Safe To Visit?

Alhamdulillah, we have taken 150+ pilgrims since 2019. We have good relationships with those on the ground to ensure your journey to Masjid Al-Aqsa is trouble-free and by the Will of Allah ﷻ everyone has enjoyed their visits and wished that they had come sooner! Travellers included families, children, grandparents and solo travellers.

How Far Is The Hotel From Masjid Al-Aqsa?

The Hashimi Hotel which is what we primarily use is just 6 a minute walk away from Masjid Al-Aqsa. The hotel also has a rooftop with an amazing view of the Al-Aqsa compound so you can enjoy its beauty whilst in the Hotel too! Watch A Promo Of The Hotel Here!

Do I Have To Pay For Food?

All our Masjid Al-Aqsa packages include breakfast buffet and evening dinner which is freshly cooked and provided by the Hotel. Midday lunch is not included and will be required to purchase individually.

Do I Require A Visa?

Visas are issued on arrival at the airport by immigration staff. The security checks and clearance for your visa can take a little while. Alhamdulillah as our deen promotes we will show Sabr (Patience) and a short while later we will be on a way to the Old City of Jerusalem and then to Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Does My Passport Get Stamped?

Nope, whilst going through Israeili immigration the authorities will not stamp you passport. Instead you will be given an entry permit on a small piece of paper, we advise for this to be kept along with your passport when leaving the hotel to show evidence of your legal entry.

Can We Join From Other Countries?

Alhamdulillah, subject to the availability of spaces we may be able to accommodate travelers from other countries too. Simply contact us and put forward a request and we will try and facilitate this for you.

Whats The Local Currency?

Local currency is in Israeli Shekels. Use this tool to calculate the exchange rate Link. Within the Old City of Jerusalem where our hotel is located, there are several Money Exchange Shops & ATMs which can be used to exchange or withdraw funds.

WiFi, Sim Cards & Data?

Mobile phone shops are available in proximity to our hotels. Sim cards can be purchased along with data from around £10-20 depending on how much GB you require.  WiFi is available throughout the hotel and rooftop.

Can Females Travel Alone In Groups?

All our tours are family friendly, sisters are welcome and will be paired up with other sisters who are lone travellers.

Can Menstruating Women Enter Masjid Al-Aqsa?

Yes, sisters are permitted to enter during Menstruation at Masjid Al-Aqsa. Although in normal situations back at home it is impermissible for a sister to stay in the Masjid, in Masjid Al-Aqsa it is considered an exception and the Imams of the Masjid have given a Fatwa for its permissibility. 

Do I Need A Covid Vaccine Or A PCR To Visit?

Nope, at present, the local authorities are not obligating any proof of vaccination status or a PCR test. 

Tour's Location

Masjid al aqsa, custom package "}}' data-lat="31.77606920000001" data-lng="35.23578020000001" data-icon="" data-street_views="off" data-zoom="20" data-disablecontrol="true" data-showcustomcontrol="true" data-style="normal"> from: £625 owner.

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Al-Qibli Mosque: a Unique History and a Misleading Name

What is the qibli mosque/jami’ al-qibli الجامع القبلي what is the significance of al-qibli mosque.

Al-Qibli Mosque is one of the mosques within Al-Aqsa .   It is often mistakenly referred to as Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Al-Aqsa, as mentioned in the Holy Quran, refers to the entire plaza in Jerusalem with its mosques, arenas, gates, fountains, minarets and many other religious and historic landmarks. The plaza is a total of 144 acre, and makes up the Holy Haram “Al-Haram Al-Sharief.” . [1]

Al-Qibli mosque is considered the main mosque in the Aqsa plaza due to its role in the Friday prayers, as it is where the Imam stands to lead Muslim worshipers in prayer.  [2]

This article is designed to address the mosque’s history, among other subjects.

al qibli tours

Where is the Qibli Mosque?

Al-Qibli Mosque, is located to the south of the Dome of the Rock or Al Aqsa Mosque.

Why is it called Al-Qibli Mosque?

Al-Qibli mosque in relation to Al-Aqsa is located towards the Qiblah, the direction pointing towards the Ka’abah which is the direction of prayer.

Who built Al-Qibli Mosque? When was the Qibli mosque built?

The construction of the original mosque dates back to Omar Bin Al-Khattab caliphate, who was the second caliph of Muslims, visit to Jerusalem during the early Islamic Era.

Though the Umayyad ruler Muawiya Bin Abi Sufyan expanded the original building, the mosque as it is known today is largely attributed to Abd Al-Malik Bin Marwan who initially planned its establishment, along with that of the Dome of the Rock. His son Al-Waleed, then finished its construction around 714. [3]

Though the sum of the area of the mosque was once 15 arcana, the mosque as it stands today is nearly half of that size. Many major earthquakes had destroyed much of the original mosque, and, to make mosque more durable for possible future earthquakes, it was rebuilt to be half the size of the original structure . [4]

The mosque was also changed during the time of the Crusaders as it was divided it into three parts; a church, a dwelling for the Templars and a palace for the Crusader kings. This continued until 1187 when Saladin captured Jerusalem and renovated the mosque, restoring most of its original shape., [5]


The mosque was renovated many times throughout almost every era of Jerusalemite history. The Umayyad, who originally built the mosque, renovated it after an earthquake in 747, while the Abbasid rulers also renovated the mosque and added to it. Similarly did the Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mamluk, Ottoman rulers, British Mandate, Jordanian government and the Supreme Islamic Council . [6]


How big is jami’ al-qibli.

The current mosque is comprised of seven arcana with a length of 80 meters and a width of 55 meters. It lies on an area that is four acres in area, and, on any given day, it can hold up to 5500 worshipers. The mosque is accessible through eleven gates., [7]

Architecture and Construction of Al-Qibli Mosque

The mosque has a dome that is wooden from the inside and a lead from the outside and it stands on four columns and decorated from the inside with glass mosaic in the form of plants, Quranic texts, and geometric forms. [8]

Nour Al-Din Zengi’s Minbar/Tribune

The mosque had one special feature, which was Nour Al-Din Zengi’s minbar/tribune built during 1168 in Damascus in preparation for liberating Jerusalem from the Crusaders.  Nour Al-Din died before witnessing it inside the mosque and his successor Saladin brought the tribune to the mosque in 1187 after recapturing Jerusalem from the Crusaders. The tribune remained in the mosque until 1969 when an Israeli terrorist called Michael Rohan set the mosque in the fire which led to destroying most of the mosque including the historic tribune. Later on, the government of Jordan ordered the making of an identical tribune and fixed it in 2007, the new tribune still stands in the mosque until this day, while the remains of the original one are kept in the Islamic museum in Jerusalem [9]

al qibli tours

The Qibli Mosque, similar to other parts of Al-Aqsa Plaza, has been the target of many Israeli attacks. The mosque’s structure is compromised as gunfire leaves much of the walls and the dome damaged. Israeli soldiers and settlers alike also enter the mosque and destroy the chairs, books and more, in an attempt to destroy the mosque further. Other attacks are even more dangerous, though they are less direct and more discreet as they weaken the foundation of the mosque and can cause it to collapse, such as the excavations that run under the mosque base along the southern wall of the plaza and the refusal to renovate the building by the Israeli authorities. [10]

[1] “The Qibli Mosque,” atالجامع-القبلي posted on January 31, 2016

[2] “The Qibli Mosque in Al-Aqsa Plaza,” at

[3] “What to Know about Al-Aqsa Mosque,” at posted on September 11, 2017


[5] Abduallah Maarouf Omar, “The Entrance to Study Al-Aqsa Mosque,” (Science House: Beirut: 2009), p 111

[6] “The Qibli Mosque,” atالجامع-القبلي/ 

[7] “Land Marks of Al-Aqsa Mosque,” by, p 10 at

[8] Maarouf Omar, “The Entrance to Study Al-Aqsa Mosque,” p 102 andالجامع-القبلي




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Inside al-Aqsa

Who are the guardians of al-aqsa, the mourabitoun and mourabitat are the self-assigned defenders of islam's third holiest site..

Jerusalem - Under a leaden sky, worshippers pour out of the Lion's Gate after Friday prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

From a distance, Zeina Amro watches the exodus. Once, she was a teacher and guide inside al-Aqsa; now, she cannot legally step onto the premises of Islam's third holiest site.

For months, Amro and dozens of other men and women have been banned from visiting the mosque amid a crackdown by Israeli authorities on the Mourabitoun and their female equivalents, the Mourabitat. The groups, who characterise themselves as al-Aqsa's defenders, have publicly sparred with police-flanked Jewish settlers at the compound, amid fears that Israel is angling to partition the site and diminish its Islamic character. Last year, Israel outlawed the groups , blaming them for a crescendo of violence in Jerusalem that has reverberated throughout the occupied West Bank.

"I've been arrested from my home, from the compound gates. I've been beaten in the face, interrogated - but being banned is the worst punishment," Amro, clad in a pale pink hijab and black button-up coat, told Al Jazeera.

"This place is part of me, of who I am. It helps me get closer to God. This is the harshest punishment."

Before the ban, Amro, 50, spent her days praying, teaching and studying inside al-Aqsa. The compound has always been a part of her life: She grew up among its ancient stonework and distinctive mosaics and sent her four sons and two daughters to school inside its walls. Amro's husband studies the site professionally, and she used to organise tours to enlighten visitors about the compound's rich history.

Amro believes that any Muslim who visits al-Aqsa is part of the Mourabitoun or Mourabitat, but the core group, comprised of hundreds of men and women who maintain a regular presence at the compound, has been in place for around five years. In the beginning, Amro says, they received a small amount of funding from an NGO linked to the since-outlawed northern branch of the Islamic Movement, but they now work on a strictly volunteer basis.

“The thousands of people who just left the mosque are Mourabitoun, because they are connected to the religion and follow it” - Zeina Amro

"The thousands of people who just left the mosque are Mourabitoun, because they are connected to the religion and follow it," Amro said, gesturing towards the stream of worshippers exiting through the Lion's Gate. "But the occupation forces use the term to try to make this seem negative, problematic, outside the law. We reject that."

Amro instead lays the blame for the recent surge in violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank on the Jewish settlers who have increasingly attempted to enter the compound with the escort of armed guards .

Many Muslims fear that there is an active attempt by Israel to change the status quo at al-Aqsa, which Jews refer to as the Temple Mount. It is viewed as one of the holiest sites in Judaism, and some Jews have openly expressed a desire to build the Third Temple on its grounds. Non-Muslim prayer has been formally banned at the compound for centuries, with specific hours in the mornings and afternoons set aside for other visitors.

"The entry of settlers into al-Aqsa is inciteful; this is what causes problems," Amro said. "If you come in [flanked by security forces], you are coming to fight. You are coming for battle. All we do is call out 'Allahu akbar' ['God is great']."

Israeli police have defended the practice of offering escorts, citing a threat to Jewish visitors and tourists by "provocative" members of the Mourabitoun and Mourabitat who "harass and, at times, even attack visitors".

Orly Benny Davis, an activist and member of the Temple Mount movement, which advocates for Jewish prayer at the compound, told Al Jazeera that all religious groups must learn "to share the space". But in recent months, hardline right-wing Zionist groups have called for an outright takeover of al-Aqsa, offering to financially compensate Jews detained while praying at the compound and advocating to tear down al-Qibli Mosque to make way for the Third Temple. Israeli Deputy Minister Tzipi Hotovely has referred to the compound as "the centre of Israeli sovereignty ".

Such developments have strengthened fears over a divided al-Aqsa, said Umm Abdullah, a Mourabitat member who spoke to Al Jazeera from under the brilliant mosaic of red, gold and green tiles inside the Dome of the Rock. And there is precedent for such a model: After the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in 1994, Israel split the mosque between Muslims and Jews, leaving Muslims with less than half of the sacred space. Many are concerned that this is also the ultimate plan for al-Aqsa.

"They want to divide al-Aqsa between us and them. They want to take it away. But al-Aqsa is for us; it's our place," Umm Abdullah said, speaking under a pseudonym for fear of legal repercussions.

With dozens of other Mourabitat members banned from the compound, Umm Abdullah worries she could one day suffer the same fate. In the meantime, she says she will continue her regular meetings inside the Dome of the Rock, praying and reading the Quran alongside the other women there. When she witnesses Jewish settlers violating the rules around prayer in al-Aqsa, "we will kick them out or attack them", she added.

“My role in protecting al-Aqsa is my presence” - Umm Abdullah

"My role in protecting al-Aqsa is my presence. Every time we hear there is a threat, or if al-Aqsa is empty, we come and sit to show them we are here all the time," Umm Abdullah said. "Our presence is protection."

Although religion is ostensibly at the heart of the battle over al-Aqsa, the roots of the conflict are actually much deeper. For decades, Palestinians have been living under occupation, watching as their land has been annexed, their homes destroyed, and their relatives killed or expelled from the country. Amid this backdrop, the seizure or division of one of their holiest sites would be intolerable, said Najeh Daoud Bkerat, the Jerusalem-based properties director for the Waqf, the Islamic authority that manages al-Aqsa.

Bkerat, who holds a PhD in the history of Jerusalem and teaches at al-Quds University, chronicled a list of assaults on al-Aqsa's status quo dating back decades, as Israeli forces gradually built up a security presence at the compound and increasingly restricted access for Palestinian worshippers. Among the most deadly attacks was the 1990 massacre known as Black Monday , when Israeli police killed 20 Palestinians who protested an attempt by Jewish activists to lay a cornerstone for the Third Temple inside al-Aqsa compound.

More recently, as tensions have ramped up between settler groups and Palestinian worshippers at the site, Israeli police have repeatedly stormed the compound, causing damage to al-Qibli Mosque's interior by firing " bombs, bullets and tear gas ". Security forces have also tread with heavy boots on the red-and-gold carpets of the prayer spaces, where shoes are not allowed, according to Islamic traditions.

"The files on the attacks by Israelis at the compound are endless," Bkerat told Al Jazeera from his office on the compound's edge, as the golden Dome of the Rock, visible through his open window, glinted in the afternoon sun.

Since Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, there have been more than 1,700 cases of attacks or destruction of property at the compound, Bkerat said - in addition to countless assaults on individuals, including arrests, beatings and restraining orders.

"This has developed from initially requesting to enter to enabling them to carry out Jewish prayers and ceremonies, and develops from there to the demolition of al-Aqsa to enable the construction of the Third Temple," Bkerat said, noting that he believes Israel's crackdown against the Mourabitoun and Mourabitat is simply the latest manifestation of its larger goal to suffocate the Palestinian presence at the compound.

In this respect, the Israelis are "playing with fire", he added.

“Without a solution for Palestinians in Jerusalem, there will never be silence. There will never be a broader solution” - Najeh Daoud Bkerat

"Without a solution for Palestinians in Jerusalem, there will never be silence. There will never be a broader solution," Bkerat said. "The occupation attempts to make it seem like a religious war, but actually, it is a conflict over rights … When you take away my rights, if you try to stop me from the right of worship in my own mosque, it means you are trying to ignite war."

Nitham Abu Ramouz is among those who have been prevented from worshipping at al-Aqsa. The 33-year-old resident of Silwan, a neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, has been part of the Mourabitoun for around three years, and during that time, he has had three separate restraining orders issued against him. "[This is because] when the settlers enter al-Aqsa, we call out 'Allahu akbar,'" Abu Ramouz told Al Jazeera. He is still banned today, but he goes as close as he can, praying outside the compound gates on a regular basis.

"It is our holy place. We have to protect it from attacks. It is part of our faith and connection; it would be a disaster if we didn't protect it," Abu Ramouz said. "Despite being beaten, arrested and taken to court, we will keep protecting [al-Aqsa]."

He expressed concern about the methods Israel has used in attempting to change the status quo, including offering tours to settlers and visitors in which "they don't talk about al-Aqsa Mosque compound, but they talk about the Temple Mount. So they change all the landmarks and history."

Yet, despite the physical assaults by Israeli security forces on al-Aqsa over the years, members of the Mourabitoun have never turned their backs on the site, Abu Ramouz added - and he believes this has stopped the Israelis from going further.

"Presence is the most important thing, not only on Fridays, but on a daily basis. Instead of sitting at a cafe, they can come. I send my wife and children twice a week to al-Aqsa Mosque compound," he said. "We want people to be stronger and stop allowing the breaching into it. Despite how we have been and will be punished, we need to continue; it is not enough."

Meanwhile, back at the Lion's Gate, Zeina Amro says she cannot imagine her future without al-Aqsa at its heart. She acknowledged that the threat to Islam's third holiest site would not be contained by "a few women or men doing study groups", but she remains eager to get back inside to do her part, shepherding students and visitors around the compound and conveying tales of the mosque's past and present to anyone who will listen.

"This is what I love," Amro said. "Al-Aqsa is part of my religion, my holy book, the Quran. I spent so much time [here] and was raised here. It needs me the same way I need it.

"It is everything to me," she added quietly. "It is my whole life."

Experience more

Al-Aqsa 360° in ultra-high definition (4k)

A 360° walking tour of al-Aqsa on a Friday


Megan O'Toole


Wojtek Arciszewski


Mohammed Haddad

Musallah al Qibli

This constitutes the main prayer hall within the Masjid al Aqsa compound. It was in this location that Sayyidina Umar RA built a structure when he liberated al Quds in 15AH/638CE and found Masjid al Aqsa neglected and deserted. The original was a simple wooden building designed to accommodate 3000 worshippers.

The current form of the Qibli Masjid has its roots in the construction embarked upon by the Umayyad Caliphs Abdul Malik bin Marwan and his son, Walid bin Abdul Malik. Renovations occurred throughout the Islamic era, presided over by  Umayyads, Abbasids and Fatimids.

When the Crusaders occupied Masjid al Aqsa, they used the Qibli Masjid as their headquarters. Salahuddin Ayyubi RA, on liberating al Aqsa from the Crusaders, ordered another renovation of the Qibli Masjid and returned it to its former state. He also installed a magnificent wooden pulpit that had been prepared exclusively for Masjid al Aqsa years earlier by Nur ad Din Zangi.

For their part, the Ottomans played a superb role in the upkeep of the Qibli Masjid, renovating it, as well as furnishing it with me carpets and lanterns. Refurbishment and maintanence efforts today continue under the auspices of the Jordanian monarchy which oversees the Masjid al Aqsa Waqf.

Budweiser Clydesdales returning to Birmingham for summer tour

Budweiser Clydesdales

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. ( WBRC ) - The iconic Budweiser Clydesdales are returning to Birmingham for a week-long series of events in June.

The beloved team of horses will make appearances at various locations in the Birmingham-area community as part of their national tour to celebrate 14 years of partnership between Budweiser and Folds of Honor, a nonprofit organization that provides families of fallen or disabled U.S. service members and families of first responders with scholarships toward educational opportunities.

The Budweiser Clydesdales will be in town June 14-21 in the Birmingham, Homewood, and Trussville communities. The events planned for the tour include:

Folds of Honor Flag Day Event*

Friday, June 14 at 3 p.m.

Top Golf: 111 24th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35234

*Not open to the public

Homewood Brews & Bridles

Saturday, June 15 at 3 p.m.

Homewood City Hall: 2850 19th St S., Homewood, AL 35209

The event features a special route highlighting several renowned accounts including The Battery, the Grocery Brewpub, Momma Goldberg’s, Valley Hotel/Ironwood Kitchen, Social Taco/Soho Social/Soho Standard, Jinsei, Oak Hill Bar, Dave’s Pizza, and Freddy’s. Homewood City Hall/SOHO square will be transformed into a spectacular venue with family-friendly games, live music, and a Folds of Honor fundraiser and check presentation. The Clydesdales will be available for viewing from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., with Budweiser specials available at all accounts along the route. The day will culminate in a full hitch parade, commencing at the parking lot of Homewood City Hall.

The Lakeview Triple Play: Beer, Baseball, and Budweiser Clydesdales

Thursday, June 20 at 3 p.m.

Lakeview District: 744 29th St S., Birmingham, AL 35233

The event starts with a full hitch parade at Pepper Place South on 29th Street South. The route will feature prominent accounts such as Lumbar, Automatic, Mayawell, Church Key, Al’s on 7th, Tin Roof, Hattie B’s, Oasis, Mojo, The Mayor, Jack Brown’s, Umami, Los Amigos, Nana Funks, Innisfree, The Refinery, Lou’s, Moe’s, and Slice. Attendees can enjoy a watch party/block party for the MLB game at Rickwood, dubbed “The Official Budweiser Watch Party,” with the game starting at 6:15 p.m. The Clydesdales will grace the streets from 3:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., accompanied by live music starting at 3 p.m.

One Horse Show at Trussville Social

Friday, June 21 at 3 p.m.

Trussville Social: 14 S Chalkville Rd, Trussville, AL 35173

To conclude the week’s festivities, a Clydesdale will make an appearance at Trussville Social from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The Budweiser Clydesdales’ appearance in Birmingham is one of hundreds made annually by the traveling hitches and just one of many stops on their summer tour in support of Folds of Honor, celebrating that together, Anheuser-Busch, its brands, and wholesaler partners including Adams Beverages have donated $28 million, which has funded over 5,000 educational scholarships for Folds of Honor recipients.

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Classic rock guitarist undergoing major surgery, cancels tour

  • Published: Jun. 04, 2024, 5:17 p.m.

Guitarist Robin Trower coming to MGM Northfield Park

Beloved British guitarist Robin Trower is coming to the MGM Northfield Park MGM Northfied Park

Robin Trower, Procol Harum guitarist, is canceling his United States tour because of health issues.

Trower, 79, was set to kick off the tour on Sept. 14 with stops in Nashville, Chicago and more.


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“It is with great regret that I must inform you that I will be unable to fulfill the upcoming tour of the USA in September/October,” he wrote in a statement to Ultimate Classic Rock . “I have struggled with health issues for some time now. Following my latest stay in hospital a few weeks ago, my doctor advised me that the only possible way for an effective long-term solution is to undertake a major operation as soon as possible.

“I am currently awaiting confirmation of that date. I have also been advised that the recovery time to 100 percent full fitness could take a while. This makes committing to a fixed touring period in the near future impossible. I have struggled with this decision but realize I cannot continue touring at this time. I know that you will be as disappointed as I am, but I am very hopeful that this procedure will give me a new lease of life and I can return to doing what I love the most- playing live ASAP. I look forward to catching up with you all as soon as I am able.”

Mark Heim is a reporter for The Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter  @Mark_Heim . He can be heard on “The Opening Kickoff” on WNSP-FM 105.5 FM in Mobile or on the free Sound of Mobile App from 6 to 9 a.m. daily.

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PGA Tour-PIF Framework Agreement: Where is men's golf heading one year on from shock announcement?

June 6 marks one year since PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan and Saudi Public Investment Fund governor Yasir Al Rumayyan announced a Framework Agreement to reunite men's golf; Yet 12 months on, negotiations remain ongoing over finalising a deal to bring the sport back together

Credit - AP Photo/PA/PGA/LIV/DP World Tour

Friday 7 June 2024 07:42, UK

A year ago today, PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan and Saudi Public Investment Fund governor Yasir Al Rumayyan sat side-by-side on American TV channel CNBC and announced a Framework Agreement had been reached to reunite men’s professional golf.

It was a bolt from the blue which sent shockwaves and initial confusion through the sport but gave hope that the divide between the traditional circuits of the PGA Tour and DP World Tour, and the upstart LIV Golf league could be bridged.

Yet, 12 months on from Monahan and Al Rumayyan's bombshell interview, the men's professional game remains split in two as negotiations to finalise the Framework Agreement rumble on. Here, we take a look at what has happened and what comes next...

Initial Framework Agreement: Key details

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(L-R) Caddie Adam Hayes, LIV Golf CEO, Greg Norman and Jon Rahm of Legion XIII GC talk on the first tee during the first round of the LIV Golf Mayakoba at the El Camale..n Golf Course on Friday, February 02, 2024 in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. (Photo by Chris Trotman/LIV Golf via AP)

What had happened before the Framework Agreement?

The launch of LIV Golf, backed by the financial might of the Saudi Public Investment Fund, in 2022 as a rival to the traditional North American and European tours opened up a split in the game and led to plenty of acrimony on both sides between those who stayed loyal and those who defected.

Players who decided to jump ship for LIV, which included big names such as Phil Mickelson, Bryson DeChambeau, Brooks Koepka, Ian Poulter and Lee Westwood, were banned from competing on the PGA and DP World Tours as a result.

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LIV players became ineligible to compete for Team Europe in the Ryder Cup too due to eligibility rules only allowing DP World Tour members to be part of the squad. Brooks Koepka was, however, chosen as a captain's pick for Team USA in Rome last year as their eligibility rules are different.

Both sides engaged in legal battles as well, although golf's four majors took a neutral stance and continued to allow players to compete whatever tour they played on as long as they met the respective qualification criteria.

PGA Tour: Latest headlines and highlights

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Rahm Golf PGA

Behind the scenes though, discussions began over bringing the game back together. The initial meeting between Al Rumayyan and PGA Tour board members believed to be Jimmy Dunne and Ed Herlihy was followed by a meeting between the PIF governor and Monahan in London.

In the space of seven weeks, the Framework Agreement was hashed out without the involvement of any players and only a handful of people being aware of what was being discussed.

How did players react to the announcement?

As far as those on the PGA Tour side of the divide were concerned, emotions mostly ranged from confusion to anger and hostility towards commissioner Monahan, given the fact the majority had no idea about any negotiations taking place prior to the news breaking.

After sending out a letter to the Tour's members, Monahan laid out what was happening at a hastily arranged meeting the day prior to the first round of last year's RBC Canadian Open. That did little to quell dissent, though, and there were reports some players called on him to resign during that gathering.


Even the likes of Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods, both of whom had been staunch defenders of golf's established order were taken by surprise, but although McIlroy admitted he felt like something of a sacrificial lamb, he tried to see the positives.

"When I try to remove myself from the situation and I look at the bigger picture, I think ultimately this is going to be good for the game of professional golf. It unifies it and secures its future," McIlroy said following the announcement.

Even so, some players felt a sense of betrayal and England's Callum Tarren was among those to speak out, telling Golf Channel : "The guys who stayed loyal to the PGA Tour, it's kind of a kick in the teeth to them.

"Obviously Rory [McIlroy] was a huge advocate of the PGA Tour, and now it kind of looks like all his hard work and sticking up for the PGA Tour was left by the wayside."

None of the players on the LIV side were any the wiser before the Framework Agreement was announced either, but Mickelson posted on social media: "An awesome day today."

What has happened since and is a deal closer to being finalised?

A date of December 31, 2023 was set to conclude the deal to bring men's professional golf back together, but that passed without the Framework Agreement being ratified and negotiations are still ongoing.

Monahan gave his most recent update on negotiations ahead of The Players Championship in March where he insisted progress was being made.

"Our negotiations are accelerating as we spend time together," Monahan said. "While we have several key issues that we still need to work through, we have a shared vision to quiet the noise and unlock golf's worldwide potential.

al qibli tours

"It's going to take time, but I reiterate what I said at the Tour Championship in August. I see a positive outcome for the PGA Tour and the sport as a whole."

As of yet, however, there has still been no announcement as to whether or indeed when any formal agreement between PIF, the PGA Tour and the DP World Tour will be signed.

The PGA Tour had previously secured a $3bn investment as part of a partnership deal with the Strategic Sports Group though, with the agreement announced in February.

That deal being concluded still allows for co-investment from PIF as well . However, the PGA Tour's executive has been hit by departures in the past 12 months.


Randall Stephenson, of AT&T, resigned from the board abruptly last summer over the proposed deal with PIF and in the last month alone, Dunne and board member Mark Flaherty resigned.

McIlroy, so long one of the most public defenders of the PGA Tour against LIV, announced he was resigning as one of the six players on the policy board last November. The Northern Irishman had a change of heart this year, but recently failed in a bid to re-join the board to help speed negotiations along.

What happens next?

That remains the billion-dollar question. The PGA Tour is still negotiating for PIF to become an investor, but it took until March for the players on the Tour Enterprises board to meet with Al Rumayyan.

Jordan Spieth, who replaced McIlroy on the policy board, insisted two weeks ago that any suggestions that negotiations are "in a bad place and are moving slowly" are not true.

preview image

"I think ultimately we'll end up in a place where professional golf is maybe the best that it's ever been," Spieth said ahead of the Charles Schwab Challenge. "I think both sides believe that."

One of the major issues to be resolved is around how LIV players will be integrated back into the PGA and DP World Tour structure, along with what the future of the team-based series will be if men's golf is reunited.

Those on the LIV side, who have been joined by two-time major champion Jon Rahm and Ryder Cup star Tyrrell Hatton this year, are adamant that whatever is agreed, their series is going to be around for a long time to come.

"I think we all believe that the product we're playing in right now is strong and we don't think it's going to go away anytime soon," former US Open champion Graeme McDowell said ahead last month's tournament in Singapore. "I think there's a lot of positives for the fan with the team element.

Butch Harmon believes Jon Rahm's departure might increase the urgency of the PGA Tour to form a merger with LIV Golf.

"There's just so many good things that we're doing out here. I really feel like the trajectory is moving us in the right direction, and I don't think this product is going anywhere anytime soon regardless of any mergers.

"We're very, very happy with what we're doing and with the product that we're playing in."

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Local fan caddies two holes for C.T. Pan at RBC Canadian Open

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ANCASTER, Ontario – Paul Emerson doesn’t fancy himself a good golfer, but he’s a scratch “golf nut.” He attended Sunday’s final round as the RBC Canadian Open as a spectator, with an unexpected inside-the-ropes experience early in the day – two holes as a caddie.

Emerson, who hails from nearby Aurora, Ontario, was traversing the par-4 third hole at Hamilton Golf & Country Club when he realized that C.T. Pan’s caddie, Mike “Fluff” Cowan, had been injured and was unable to continue caddying. Pan’s playing partner Shane Lowry was carrying his own bag, and Lowry’s caddie Darren Reynolds was carrying Pan’s bag.

As Pan was walking Cowan over to a medic on the side of the fairway, Emerson asked Pan if he could lend a hand.

Fan steps up to caddie for C.T. Pan after Fluff’s injury at RBC Canadian Open

“I helped Fluff get the bib off, threw it on and started walking up the hole,” Emerson said.

Pan was grateful for the support, and Emerson took the bag. He looped through the fifth fairway before a member of the caddie services team, Michael Campbell, stepped in. Campbell was replaced by Al Riddell, Paul Barjon’s caddie, on the 10th tee.

Cowan was treated for injuries suffered after tripping and falling on the third fairway.

Emerson had never previously caddied in a professional event; he once looped for a friend in a pro-am at the LPGA’s CPKC Women’s Open. This was a new type of experience though – he told Pan on the fourth hole that he was willing to chat as much or as little as he would like; Pan noted that he is not particularly chatty.

Pan began Sunday’s final round in a tie for 36th at 2-under; he turned in 1-under 34. As for the holes with Emerson on the bag? Birdie on No. 3, bogey on No. 4.

Kevin Prise is an associate editor for the PGA TOUR. He is on a lifelong quest to break 80 on a course that exceeds 6,000 yards and to see the Buffalo Bills win a Super Bowl. Follow Kevin Prise on Twitter .

al qibli tours

One Year On - PGA Tour And PIF Set For Talks 12 Months After Historic TV Handshake

I t was the handshake that stunned the golfing world, but 12 months on from the framework agreement signed by the PGA Tour and Saudi PIF things haven't gone exactly how we thought.

Finally, though, there could be some movement as representatives for both PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan and Saudi PIF boss Yasir Al-Rumayyan are reportedly set to meet just after the 12-month anniversary of that historic handshake.

It's unclear if both Monahan and Al-Rumayyan will both take part in person.

The PGA Tour and LIV Golf backers the Saudi PIF had been embroiled in numerous legal cases before the two men appeared on TV to shake hands on a truce and proposal to join forces on June 6, 2023.

Many thought that'd end hostilities and make for a swift transition into a new golf future involving both parties - and crucially allowing all the best golfers in the world to play together again more often.

However, deadlines have come and gone, and the PGA Tour signed a huge $3billion deal with Strategic Sports group that had players involved in talks saying that the PIF deal, although still on the table, was no longer an urgent necessity.

Finally, though, New York Times Dealbook's Lauren Hersch is reporting that a new meeting is set to take place, in-person, between the two parties in New York on Friday.

Having the big-hitters involved in the talks meeting face-to-face is a promising sign, coming just after terms sheets were reportedly exchanged between the two sides.

The proposed deal would see the PIF deposit $1.5 billion into PGA Tour Enterprises - the US circuit's new for-profit arm, which would match what Strategic Sports Group - featuring several American billionaires - has already done in injecting $1.5 billion into PGA Tour Enterprises  as part of a $3 billion overall package which saw the group also take a minority stake.

Since last year, as talks have dragged on, players have come and gone from different boards and committees - Rory McIlroy especially felt he was thrown under the bus somewhat by Monahan's U-turn.

After McIlroy resigned, then looked to get back on the PGA Tour Policy Board - he's now been handed a new role on the PGA Tour transaction committee, which has been specifically set-up to negotiate a deal with the PIF.

McIlroy will join Friday's talks remotely as he's playing at The Memorial Tournament in Ohio, while Tiger Woods and Fenway Sports Group's John Henry are said to be in New York in person for the gathering.

This could be the first sign of some real movement, and would go against what two independent directors on the PGA Tour board cited when the resigned recently - with one claiming a lack of meaningful progression towards a unification agreement as part of the reason for his exit.

Firstly, Jimmy Dunne - who was the central figure in helping to negotiate the PGA Tour's  framework agreement  with the Saudi PIF last year - left his role in the build-up to the 2024 PGA Championship at Valhalla,  calling his former position "utterly superfluous ."

Towards the end of the week,  Mark Flaherty then followed Dunne out of the door  at Sawgrass, although his departure did not include any pointed comments.

Most people, on both sides, agree that a deal now needs to be done sooner rather than later, and many will hope this proposed meeting in New York can be the biggest step yet towards a resolution we thought would come a lot sooner after that handshake deal a year ago.

 One Year On - PGA Tour And PIF Set For Talks 12 Months After Historic TV Handshake

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2024 NCAA baseball tournament bracket: Scores, schedule, Super Regionals set ahead of College World Series

Sixteen teams remain in the ncaa tournament, and the eight-team college world series starts june 14.


The 2024 NCAA baseball tournament is underway, and the 64-team field has been trimmed to 16. The field for the Super Regionals is set, as action starts Friday and runs through the weekend. The field does not include the reigning champs LSU, which was knocked out of the tournament by North Carolina on Monday night. Florida also won on Monday to oust Oklahoma State and move on.

Top seeds like Tennessee, Georgia, NC State, Kentucky, Texas A&M and Virginia have advanced as well. There's also one big Cinderella in this year's field. Evansville won the Greenville regional, with East Carolina and Wake Forest getting knocked out in the process. Evansville will face top-seeded Tennessee in the Super Regionals.

The eight winners of the best-of-three Super Regional matchups move on to the College World Series in Omaha, which kicks off June 14.

Here's a look at key dates as well as the upcoming schedule.

NCAA Tournament, College World Series dates

  • Regionals : May 31-June 3
  • Super Regionals : June 7-10
  • College World Series starts : June 14
  • College World Series finals : June 22-24

All games on ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPNU are available on fubo (try for free).

Super Regional schedule

(All games in Eastern Standard Time)

Friday, June 7

  • Florida State 24, UConn 4
  • Tennessee 11, Evansville 6
  • North Carolina vs. West Virginia, 6 p.m. (ESPN2)
  • Virginia vs. Kansas State, 7 p.m. (ESPNU)

Saturday, June 8

  • Tennessee vs. Evansville, 11 a.m. (ESPN2)
  • Florida State vs. UConn, 11 a.m. (ESPN)
  • Georgia vs. NC State, noon (ESPN2)
  • Clemson vs. Florida, 2 p.m. (ESPN)
  • Texas A&M vs. Oregon, 2 p.m. (ESPN2)
  • Virginia vs. Kansas State, 3 p.m. (ESPNU)
  • Kentucky vs. Oregon State, 6 p.m. (ESPNU)
  • North Carolina vs. West Virginia, 8 p.m. (ESPN2)

Sunday, June 9

  • Clemson vs. Florida, 2:30 p.m. (ESPN)
  • Texas A&M vs. Oregon, 7:30 p.m. (ESPN2)
  • Kentucky vs. Oregon State, 9 p.m. (ESPNU)

Regional Round schedule

Athens regional scores.

(Hosted by No. 7 national seed Georgia)

  • No. 1 Georgia 8, No. 4 Army, 7
  • No. 2 UNC-Wilmington 9, No. 3 Georgia Tech 0
  • Georgia Tech 4, Army 2
  • Georgia 11, UNC-Wilmington 2
  • No. 1 Georgia 8, No. 4 Army 7
  • Georgia Tech 3, UNC-Wilmington 1
  • Georgia 8, Georgia Tech 6 (10) (Georgia advances)

College Station Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 3 national seed Texas A&M)

  • No. 1 Texas A&M 8, No. 4 Grambling 0
  • No. 3 Texas 12, No. 2 Louisiana 5
  • Louisiana 12, Grambling 5
  • Texas A&M 4, Texas, 2
  • Louisiana 10, Texas 2
  • Texas A&M 9, Louisiana 4 (Texas A&M advances)

Chapel Hill Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 4 national seed North Carolina)

  • No. 2 LSU 4, No. 3 Wofford 3
  • No. 1 North Carolina 11, No. 4 Long Island 8
  • Wofford 5, Long Island 2
  • North Carolina 6, LSU 2 
  • LSU 13, Wofford 6
  • LSU 8, North Carolina 4
  • North Carolina 4, LSU 3 (North Carolina advances)

Charlottesville Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 12 national seed Virginia)

  • No. 1 Virginia 4, No. 4 Penn 2
  • No. 2 Mississippi State 5, No. 3 St. John's 2
  • St. John's 10, Penn 9
  • Virginia 5, Mississippi State 4
  • Mississippi State 13, St. John's 5
  • Virginia 9, Mississippi State 2 (Virginia advances)

Clemson Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 6 national seed Clemson)

  • No. 3 Coastal Carolina 13, No. 2 Vanderbilt 3
  • No. 1 Clemson 4, No. 4 High Point 3
  • High Point 10, Vanderbilt 9
  • Clemson 4, Coastal Carolina 3
  • Coastal Carolina 6, High Point 5
  • Clemson 12, Coastal Carolina 5 (Clemson advances)

Corvallis Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 15 national seed Oregon State)

  • No. 2 UC-Irvine 13, No. 3 Nicholls 12
  • No. 1 Oregon State 10, No. 4 Tulane 4
  • Tulane 3, Nicholls 0
  • Oregon State 5, UC-Irvine, 3
  • UC-Irvine 17, Tulane 7
  • Oregon State 11, UC-Irvine 6 (Oregon State advances)

Fayetteville Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 5 national seed Arkansas)

  • No. 1 Arkansas 17, No. 4 Southeast Missouri State 9
  • No. 3 Kansas State 19, No. 2 Louisiana Tech 4
  • Southeast Missouri State 9, Louisiana Tech 3
  • Kansas State 7, Arkansas 6
  • Southeast Missouri State 6, Arkansas 3
  • Kansas State 7, Southeast Missouri State 2 (Kansas State advances)

Greenville Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 16 national seed East Carolina)

  • No. 4 Evansville 4, No. 1 East Carolina 1
  • No. 3 VCU 1, No. 2 Wake Forest 0 
  • East Carolina 7, Wake Forest 6
  • Evansville 17, VCU 11
  • East Carolina 10, VCU 7
  • East Carolina 19, Evansville 6
  • Evansville 6, East Carolina 5 (Evansville advances)

Knoxville Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 1 national seed Tennessee)

  • No. 3 Indiana 10, No. 2 Southern Mississippi 4
  • No. 1 Tennessee 9, No. 4 Northern Kentucky 3 
  • Southern Mississippi 6, Northern Kentucky 0
  • Tennessee 12, Indiana 6 
  • Southern Mississippi 15, Indiana 3
  • Tennessee 12, Southern Mississippi 3 (Tennessee advances)

Lexington Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 2 national seed Kentucky)

  • No. 1 Kentucky 10, No. 4 Western Michigan 8
  • No. 3 Illinois 4, No. 2 Indiana State 1
  • Indiana State 6, Western Michigan 4
  • Kentucky 6, Illinois 1
  • Indiana State 13, Illinois 2
  • Kentucky 5, Indiana State 0 (Kentucky advances)

Norman Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 9 national seed Oklahoma)

  • No. 3 UConn 4, No. 2 Duke 1
  • No. 1 Oklahoma 14, No. 4 Oral Roberts 0 
  • Duke 6, Oral Roberts 2 
  • UConn 4, Oklahoma 1
  • Oklahoma 4, Duke 3
  • Oklahoma 6, UConn 4
  • UConn 7, Oklahoma 1 (UConn advances) 

Raleigh Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 10 national seed NC State)

  • No. 2 South Carolina 8, No. 3 James Madison 7
  • No. 1 NC State 9, No. 4 Bryant 2 
  • James Madison 8, Bryant 1
  • NC State 6, South Carolina 4
  • James Madison 2, South Carolina 0
  • NC State 5, James Madison 3 (NC State advances)

Santa Barbara Regional

(Hosted by No. 14 national seed UC-Santa Barbara)

  • No. 3 Oregon 5, No. 2 San Diego 4 (11)
  • No. 1 UC-Santa Barbara 9, No. 4 Fresno State 6
  • San Diego 7, Fresno State 5
  • Oregon 2, UC-Santa Barbara 0
  • UC-Santa Barbara 4, San Diego 2
  • Oregon 3, UC-Santa Barbara 0 (Oregon advances)

Stillwater Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 11 national seed Oklahoma State)

  • No. 3 Florida 5, No. 2 Nebraska 2
  • No. 1 Oklahoma State 19, No. 4 Niagara 7 
  • Nebraska 7, Niagara 5
  • Oklahoma State 7, Florida 1
  • Florida 17, Nebraska 11
  • Florida 5, Oklahoma State 2
  • Florida 4, Oklahoma State 2 (Florida advances)

Tallahassee Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 8 national seed Florida State)

  • No. 1 Florida State 7, No. 4 Stetson 2
  • No. 3 Central Florida 8, No. 2 Alabama 7
  • Stetson 4, Alabama 0
  • Florida State 5, Central Florida 2
  • Central Florida 5, Stetson 2
  • Florida State 12, Central Florida 4 (Florida State advances)

Tucson Regional scores

(Hosted by No. 13 national seed Arizona)

  • No. 3 West Virginia 4, No. 2 Dallas Baptist 1
  • No. 4 Grand Canyon 9, No. 1 Arizona 4
  • Dallas Baptist 7, Arizona 0
  • West Virginia 5, Grand Canyon 2
  • Grand Canyon 12, Dallas Baptist 10
  • West Virginia 10, Grand Canyon 6 (West Virginia advances)

Here's a link to's full bracket , which includes region vs. region pairings for the super regionals.

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  • East Carolina
  • Florida State
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  • Texas A&M

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  1. Al Qibli Tours; A new tour company specialising in the Middle East We

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  3. Masjid al-Qibly

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  4. Jerusalem-2013(2)-Aerial-Temple Mount-(south exposure)

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  5. Al-Qibli Mosque

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  6. Al-Aqsa Mosque: The significance of one of Islam's holiest sites

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  1. Al Aqsa 360 degrees ultra high 4k tour Jerusalem mosque

    The tour will take you inside the Dome of the Rock and al-Qibli Mosque, and around many of the other religious landmarks on the compound's 14-hectare grounds. To experience al-Aqsa in 360 degrees, drag your mouse around the screen to navigate, or tilt your phone in the direction you'd like to view. Friday is the busiest day at al-Aqsa compound ...

  2. Al Aqsa Virtual Tour

    WALKING TOUR OF MASJID AL AQSA WALKING TOUR AROUND THE DOME OF THE ROCK INSIDE THE DOME OF THE ROCK INSIDE THE MUSALLAH AL QIBLI All content produced by Al Jazeera. About Us; ... INSIDE THE MUSALLAH AL QIBLI. All content produced by Al Jazeera. You may also like. Tour Masjid al Aqsa Guide Topics. #KnowAqsa 5; Ahadeeth 3; Aqsa in Danger 1 ...

  3. Al Qibli Tours

    Al Qibli Tours. 31 likes. Dedicated Tour Operator to the Holy Lands

  4. Inside Al Aqsa

    Go inside al-Qibli Mosque on a Friday, where hundreds of worshippers have assembled for midday prayers. Starting from just outside, you can walk into the... Inside Al Aqsa - A 360° tour of al-Qibli Mosque | Go inside al-Qibli Mosque on a Friday, where hundreds of worshippers have assembled for midday prayers.

  5. Things To Know Before Visiting Al Aqsa Mosque (Masjid)

    It comprises several different mosques, including the al Qibli Mosque, Marwani Mosque, and the Buraq Mosque. All the mosques are situated at the historical holy site. The Al Aqsa mosque is located at the southernmost corner of this complex, also known as the "Al Qibly Mosque," as it is closest to the qiblah.

  6. Al Aqsa 360 Friday tour Jerusalem mosque

    A 360° walking tour of al-Aqsa on a Friday. Friday is the busiest day at al-Aqsa compound, as thousands of people stream through its gates for Friday prayers. Here, you can walk around the various domes, gates and other religious landmarks on the Dome of the Rock platform. Go inside al-Qibli Mosque on a Friday, where hundreds of worshippers ...

  7. Making of Al Aqsa 360 degrees

    With this in mind, Al Jazeera decided to create a virtual tour that would allow viewers to explore the compound through a high-definition, online experience. The picturesque Dome of the Rock - part of the al-Aqsa compound. The equipment . ... Next, we filmed outside and inside al-Qibli Mosque (also known as al-Aqsa Mosque), before moving back ...

  8. Masjid Al Aqsa, Custom Package

    Join us on a journey to the holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina, the Al-Aqsa Compound. Located in the heart of Jerusalem, this sacred mosque is the third holiest site in Islam and holds immense historical and religious significance. The mosque complex includes the Dome of the Rock, the Qibli Mosque, and the Marwani Prayer Room.

  9. Al Aqsa 360 Friday tour Jerusalem mosque

    Experience Islam's third holiest site in more detail than ever before. Millions of feet have walked these grounds, and now you can join them. This tour will take you inside the Dome of the Rock and al-Qibli Mosque, and around many of the other religious landmarks on the compound's 14-hectare grounds.

  10. Al Qibli Tours

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  11. Al-Aqsa Mosque

    The Aqsa Mosque (Arabic: جامع الأقصى, romanized: Jāmiʿ al-Aqṣā, lit. 'congregational mosque of Al-Aqsa'), also known as the Qibli Mosque or Qibli Chapel (المصلى القبلي, al-muṣallā al-qiblī, lit. ' prayer hall of the qibla (south) '), is the main congregational mosque or prayer hall in the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in the Old City of Jerusalem.

  12. LIMITED SPACES *** JULY SUMMER HOLIDAYS 2023 *** Al Qibli Tours is

    alqiblitours on November 9, 2022: "*** LIMITED SPACES *** JULY SUMMER HOLIDAYS 2023 *** Al Qibli Tours is pleased to announce an upcoming trip to Masjid Al Aqsa, the first ..." *** LIMITED SPACES *** JULY SUMMER HOLIDAYS 2023 *** Al Qibli Tours is pleased to announce an upcoming trip to Masjid Al Aqsa, the first ... | Instagram

  13. Al-Qibli Mosque: a Unique History and a Missleading Name

    Al-Qibli Mosque is one of the mosques within Al-Aqsa. It is often mistakenly referred to as Al-Aqsa Mosque. Al-Aqsa, as mentioned in the Holy Quran, refers to the entire plaza in Jerusalem with its mosques, arenas, gates, fountains, minarets and many other religious and historic landmarks. The plaza is a total of 144 acre, and makes up the Holy ...

  14. The protectors of Al Aqsa Jerusalem

    Experience Islam's third holiest site in more detail than ever before. Millions of feet have walked these grounds, and now you can join them. This tour will take you inside the Dome of the Rock and al-Qibli Mosque, and around many of the other religious landmarks on the compound's 14-hectare grounds.

  15. Dome of Contention A Tour of Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa Compound

    The clashing sides don't even agree on what to call this holy place. Hebrew-speakers usually refer to the mosque as Al-Aqsa, while Palestinians call it Al-Qibli. This difference highlights the gap between Israeli and Palestinian perceptions of the Temple Mount. The difference in nomenclature is significant.

  16. Al Qibli Tours (@alqiblitours) • Instagram photos and videos

    4,106 Followers, 830 Following, 828 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Al Qibli Tours (@alqiblitours)

  17. Al Aqsa Packages

    If you'd like more information, then please complete the form and we'll respond as soon as we can. Alternatively, you can contact us via: [email protected] 020 3617 2019 07977 299074. Al Aqsa packages specialist tailored for those wishing to visit Masjid Al-Aqsa & experience excellent guided Al Aqsa tours from Hijrah Travels.

  18. Al Qibli Tours

    Al Qibli Tours is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Al Qibli Tours and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.

  19. Al Qibli Tours on Instagram: "Inside the majestic Dome of the Rock #

    Inside the majestic Dome of the Rock #quds #alquds #palestine🇵🇸 #masjid al aqsa #muslim #muslims #muslimah #muslima #islam #islamicquotes #islamicart #mosque #mosques #mosquesofworld #mosquesaroundtheworld #quran #quran #quransayings #sunnaheverywhere #sunnahrasul #sunnah #fridayprayers #fridayprayer #hebron #jenin #saudiarabia #turkey # ...

  20. Musallah al Qibli

    Musallah al Qibli. This constitutes the main prayer hall within the Masjid al Aqsa compound. It was in this location that Sayyidina Umar RA built a structure when he liberated al Quds in 15AH/638CE and found Masjid al Aqsa neglected and deserted. The original was a simple wooden building designed to accommodate 3000 worshippers.

  21. Al Qibla Tours

    Our Services. At Al-Qibla Tours Pvt Ltd, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of services designed to cater to your every need. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of the services we provide, ensuring your journey is memorable, hassle-free, and spiritually enriching. Explore the services that make us your Ideal ...

  22. Al Qibli Tours on Instagram: "Step inside the majestic Qibli Mosque, #

    alqiblitours on April 28, 2024: "Step inside the majestic Qibli Mosque, #quds #alquds #palestine #masjid al aqsa #muslim #muslims #muslimah #muslima #islam #islam...". Al Qibli Tours | Step inside the majestic Qibli Mosque, #quds #alquds #palestine🇵🇸 #masjid al aqsa #muslim #muslims #muslimah #muslima #islam #islam... | Instagram

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