Ukrainian Dating Blog

AnastasiaDate Review: Is the Site Legit or Scam?

Dear friends,

If you’re interested in getting to know incredibly beautiful Eastern European women (specially Ukrainian women for marriage :)), Anastasia Date is the place for you! This fun site has an enormous variety of women, mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, looking for Western men. It offers an array of services to help you find and get to know the woman just right for you. It’s sleek, sophisticated, and, most importantly, filled with beautiful women very eager to meet guys like you!

AnastasiaDate review

There are a lot of Ukrainian and Russian dating sites, but Anastasia Dating Service easily out-classes them in design, services, and content . The functionality and appealing visuals of the site make it fun and easy to navigate (and trust me, the visuals are very appealing). It’s owned by Anastasia International, which is the largest International online dating network in the world.

Anastasia Date, its main website, is the most popular International dating service on the internet.

 Having such a prestigious company behind it means that Anastasia Date attracts the best of the best when it comes to women looking for Western men. You’ll be amazed by how many exquisite women, tall or short, slender or voluptuous, blonde, brunette or red-headed, you’ll find on this site. And now the site offers the ladies the opportunity to upload videos of themselves!

Looking for a legit dating site? Check my reviews here:

  • Best International Dating Sites & Apps
  • Is Lovina / VKontakte App a good app to find a Russian woman?
  • TOP4 Filipino Dating Apps & Sites To Try Today
  • TOP4 Thai Dating Apps & Sites To Try Today
  • TOP 3 of Best Legit Russian Dating Site
  • Legitimate Ukrainian Dating Sites – Our Selection

There are fantastic communication tools available on Anastasia Date.

They offer much more than just the standard internal email service. You can also enjoy live chat, arrange a video date, or even be set up on an international phone call with an interpreter provided! Anastasia Date also makes it easy to send the woman you’ve got your eye on flowers and gifts.

anastasia dates

Best of all, Anastasia Date will go so far as to help you make the arrangements to meet the ladies on their site. And if you’re the kind of guy who likes a nice wide selection, Anastasia Date hosts match-making tours to various major cities. The women you’ll get to meet will be brought by invitation only, and many will speak English. However, for the lovely ladies whose English isn’t great, there will also be interpreters available to help the two of you along.

anastasiadate romance tours

Meet Krystyna, an esteemed international dating expert, blogger, and the founder of Ukrainian Dating Blog. With over 1000 articles published in English and German, she specializes in cross-cultural relationships, prevalent dating topics, and tackling romance scams.

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58 thoughts on “AnastasiaDate Review: Is the Site Legit or Scam?”

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Can you please email me the tour dates for 2011 and I would also like to have a contact email to customer service. My internet that I have access to right now wont open the Anastasia date website

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AnastasiaDate’s Anti-Scam Policy

AnastasiaDate Leads the Fight for Scam Protection It’s not by chance that AnastasiaDate has become the world’s leading Russian-American Introduction Agency. For over fifteen years AnastasiaDate’s constant commitment to honesty, integrity and hard work on behalf of her members has allowed the industry to raise its standards. The history of AnastasiaDate has been one of providing clients with genuine, valuable service in the face of other less scrupulous Russian dating agencies whose iniquity tarnishes the reputation of all.

AnastasiaDate is the first and only agency to tackle the issues of internet dating fraud and anti-scam head-on. There are other Russian singles and mail order brides agencies that conduct honest business. However, in the online introductions industry simple honesty isn’t enough to make a real difference to the consumer with regards to dating fraud. Industry professionals must be proactive and fight scam directly, and here’s why:

No agency is an island, and no mail order bride agency can operate independently. All major agencies depend on networks of dozens, (or in the case of AnastasiaDate over a thousand) smaller dating agencies to register ladies (Russian women and Ukraine women), perform services for members, and fight scam. Whenever a consumer deals with any given Russian or Ukraine brides agency they should keep in mind that their agency depends on numerous other affiliated agencies for scam and internet fraud protection.

If other Russian ladies’ agencies are less scrupulous (scammers), or if a particular Russian or Ukraine woman is disingenuous, the client suffers regardless of the integrity of their home mail order brides agency. Following this, a particular agency simply “being honest” is not enough to protect consumers. What is required is vigilance supported by forceful action against scam. Such attention is the pillar of AnastasiaDate scam and anti-scam operation.

AnastasiaDate scam and anti-scam unit has spent over a million dollars implementing an industry-wide business system designed to ferret out less than honest agencies suspected of internet dating scams while helping upright and trustworthy agencies prosper. Creating this comprehensive anti-scam watchdog system to protect and serve our members is a Herculean task as well as a significant financial investment. But AnastasiaDate’s scam and anti-scam operation firmly believes that the long term survival of our industry depends on stepping up to enforce discipline against dating fraud on the industry level. At the heart of the AnastasiaDate’s scam and anti-scam unit’s success is the protection she provides her members by establishing and asserting an ethical standard on the numerous Eastern European affiliate partners she deals with.

Internet Dating Fraud Protection No other company has come close to investing the energy, time and resources necessary to create a system that obliges participating agencies to operate by strict U.S. business standards and the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 (IMBRA). Anastasia is the only Russian dating company in the industry to even attempt a consumer protection campaign of this magnitude to combat internet dating fraud and scam.

Anastasia scam and anti-scam unit is the only agency that maintains a full time anti-scam staff specifically devoted to checking correspondence for fraudulent activity and reacting to reports of suspicious correspondence and internet dating fraud. All single Russian women who register on Anastasia are personally contacted by Anastasia scam and anti-scam staff to verify their identity and contact information, and to confirm that (1) the Russian or Ukrainian woman exists, (2) she knows and understands that she is a part of Anastasia’s system and (3) she is interested in finding an American or European husband and (4) understands the terms of her participation. No other Russian dating agency comprehensively validates the identity of each and every woman on their site. Every other mail order bride agency in this industry, including Anastasia’s major competitors, rely on local agencies to establish their ladies’ identities. When issues of possible fraudulent or inappropriate activity arise on her web site, Anastasia scam and anti-scam unit launches a quick and thorough investigation, documents all findings concerning possible internet dating fraud, takes appropriate action and reports to her members. In all cases where improper or dishonest behavior is found, Anastasia scam and anti-scam unit removes the Russian or Ukraine lady from her system, fines the lady’s agency and issues a refund to her member. Second or third offenses by an internet dating agency are fined more severely. A fourth offense results in the mail order brides agency being permanently removed from Anastasia’s system. The evolution of the international dating industry bears significant relevance to today’s situation. The industry was founded by dozens of small, family owned agencies helping Western men meet Russian girls and Ukraine girls via postal mail correspondence. In those days, the small agencies in Eastern Europe existed by selling addresses of their local ladies to Western owned agencies who then sold them to their clients. With the advent of email correspondence sites, these Russian ladies’ addresses (the bread and butter of the small local agencies) became worthless almost overnight. The days of agencies simply selling the same information again and again became passé.

Subsequently, in order to survive, small Russian dating agencies are required to contact ladies to ensure that they are reading and responding to their email. Essentially they must now actually work for their living instead of selling static data on Russian women over and over. The transition to electronic marketing and correspondence has opened new opportunities for growth but also exposes avenues for potential corruption. So from the beginning Anastasia’s attitude toward small agencies has been simple: Anyone who tries to scam our clients is scamming us. We will react to this with great consequence to those proven guilty.

Most Russian dating agencies see this scenario as a positive change and an opportunity to professionalize and grow. There are numerous participating agencies that flourish within this system and open additional offices in multiple cities. These are the agencies for single Russian women that Anastasia supports, and we applaud the great strides and progress they have made.

An Educated Consumer Correspondence with a potential Russian bride is a very valuable and potent tool. However it’s but the first in a series of steps towards a face to face meeting with a possible partner. All the advanced technology Anastasia employs on behalf of her members – correspondence, phone calls, video chat, etc…are preludes to the ultimate litmus test one must take in order to find a Russian or Ukraine woman as a mate. Ultimately, one must go there oneself in order to determine if any one of several Russian women they have connected with are suitable partners.

You must meet your would be Russian bride face to face and spend time with them in person in order to determine suitability to include them in your life, and for them to decide to include you in theirs.

The standard procedure for both Western men and Russian mail order brides when beginning correspondence is to list a brief description of themselves on a Russian dating website. Included is usually a personable, general introductory letter wherein they describe themselves and their life in modest detail together with what they are looking for in a mate. Men send copies of their introductory letters to many Russian women, and Russian girls send theirs to numerous men. Once both people have a better idea of who they are dealing with they decide to begin personal correspondence. At this stage more pertinent questions are asked of potential partners once the field narrows.

This procedure has been standard for everyone since the international dating industry began, whether the correspondence is by snail-mail or email.

Russian and Ukraine women’s agencies that perform match-making services in addition to simply providing introductions are considered more proactive about the process. These agencies take the further step of searching through databases for their clients and sending introductory letters to perspective matches who meet members criteria.

Anastasia’s email forwarding system links men in America and around the world with Russian and Ukrainian girls who are represented by over 1000 local internet dating agencies.

Local Russian and Ukraine women’s agencies join Anastasia’s network on a separate Russian language website where they list ladies from their own sites. Some agencies perform matchmaking services for their ladies by looking through our database of men and forwarding a lady’s introductory letter to them through Anastasia. This is considered a proper and wholly ethical matchmaking service performed for the ladies and men on Anastasia’s system. Anastasia and the International Marriage Brokers Regulatory Act (IMBRA) do not consider this practice to be internet dating fraud or a dating scam. However, should an agency write further letters “on behalf” of the lady, after the Introductory Letter, this is certainly objectionable to which Anastasia will take action.

Consumers are sometimes under the mistaken impression that if a Russian or Ukraine girl’s photo and profile is on an agency’s website means the agency vouches for the woman, for her character and trustworthiness. This is simply not true. No company can vouch for the character of any man or woman using their services, and no self respecting agency in the business, including Anastasia, will make that declaration.

The only measures a forthright agency can take is exactly what Anastasia does; keep a vigilant eye out and aggressively react to inappropriate behavior and possible internet dating scam scenarios when they come to her attention. The response of any professional organization should invariably be to investigate all reports, come to a clear determination of the facts, document the findings in detail, and if there is a problem, resolve it. In the case of a misunderstanding a reputable Russian dating agency will make the facts clear. If fraud is found, they should refund a member’s fees and insure that the perpetrators are removed from their system.

This is precisely Anastasia’s approach. She does it every single day and strongly urges her members to immediately report anything that seems suspect in their correspondence. Anastasia will immediately look into the issue, speak with all parties involved and take appropriate action to protect her members best interests

Summary It’s impossible for any Russian dating agency to anticipate and prevent all instances of internet dating fraud or web scam. However, Anastasia has made significant progress by screening and monitoring both it’s Russian dating affiliates and ladies who register on her site. As a result, Anastasia has been successful to a large degree in sorting out undesirables and possible scammers from this industry.

To put the scale of the problem in perspective, Anastasia has approximately 400,000 pieces of email moving through our system every week with from 20-30 complaints about suspicious activity that may involve internet dating fraud. About half of those cases turn out to be misunderstandings or situations where gentlemen have unrealistic expectations from the system.

Running an email-based correspondence system such as Anastasia’s is a highly complex task. This is why Anastasia’s is the only company that has been able to be effective and deliver for her members time and again.

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I thought Anastasia had a reputation for scams — the agency and its listed women. There are supposedly other sites with bad raps as well. I’ve had experience with a variety of sites and finally went on my own trip to the Ukraine to meet women — a do-it-yourself type of trip instead of relying on an agency for pre-arranged meetings/socials. It was very eye-opening but I did have a lot of fun & disappointments. Krystyna, care to comment on Anastasia?

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You are 100% correct Ed. My friend used Anastasia and found out it is mostly a scam. The majority of women on there are professional daters. They get paid to correspond with you. He went to the Ukraine several times and married a Ukrainian women for 5 years and then went back on his own.

He is very wealthy and said not to even talk to anyone from Odessa or anyone under 25 years of age. Odessa is very modern/western and unless they are older, then they are not serious about leaving their friends and family to move. At that age, they are being replaced by younger women.

Also, Anastasia forbids any of their women to correspond with you outside of the agency. If they do, they are black listed from all dating sites. The agency doesn’t want you to be successful and bring her back to the states. Then they would lose money.

Anastasia is a scam and her review of them makes me sure that she works for them. Most women in the Ukraine don’t have internet. Yet there are always tons of women online at Anastasia.

It’s because it’s THEIR JOB!

I hope that this helps.

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Tom is 100% correct…. Writing and trying to develop a “relationship” on line is a waste of time and mostly money. The girls on the sites are paid to write and look like they are wanting a “relationship”….The average monthly salary is around $300.00 (US Dollars) and these girls make pretty good money to sit behind a computer and or a webcam and communicate with you…. I have been to Ukraine and made the mistake of writing letters to a couple of girls in advance of my trip…. When I got there one of the girls could not meet and the other one only wanted to scam me out of money when I was there….

I did much better meeting girls and getting to know them in person…. You can tell much more in person than you can over the internet…. I am planning on another visit this next spring for a couple of weeks….

I would also suggest looking at

Mark Davis is a sincere guy that met his wife in Ukraine and is doing a more personalized way of introducing guys to the sincere women in Ukraine….

Best of Luck!

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PS to my 1st Post: I spent a ton of $. This is an amazingly well developed scam – well disguised and very difficult to do anything about – but get informed, and be very exact and unyielding in any interaction with them or the women (most do not qualify to be referred to as ladies, barely should be associated with the human race).

They not only steal your money, time but also destroy your heart — getting PAID TO CHAT AND CORRESPOND with men – saying anything to keep you talking and spending – a nice easy, convenient occupation. The video chat gives assurance to who you chat with but nothing about their sincerity, and outside of that, you have NO WAY of knowing with whom you are corresponding – some are paid to represent many different girls.

Going there and being stood up – after waiting about 3 hours at the airport, I felt like I was in hell – which I am sure is much like Hell would be – no love / concern / understanding, – where everyone constantly trying to take advantage of everyone else – out for themselves – absolute evil. Though many of the ladies probably do not realize what they are doing – as it is so engrained in their culture.

So this Anastasia organization is performing a huge disservice – promoting, propagating, generating a HUGE amount of corruption and profiting tremendously from it – a major MAJOR SCAM and DISASTER – for all – the young people growing up there as well as the ripped off men.

We do everything we can to insure our customers have only the best experience on our site. If anyone feels they have been exposed to this sort of issue, we’ll most definitely look into it and, if confirmed, reimburse all communication costs and delete the lady from our database. Please contact our Customer Service Department, which can be reached by phone by dialing toll-free (+1) 800-356-3130 or (+1) 800-234-0036. Additionally we can be reached by clicking on the “contact us” link at the bottom/right of every page on our website. If you are a registered customer, you can also reach us by logging in through our website and clicking on the “LiveSupport” button at the top/right of the page I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Gregory AnastasiaDate Customer Service Director

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12 Sep 2013

I recently returned from my second trip to the Ukraine this year after meetings with 4 girls from Anastasia. I love to write and I could easily pen a novelas’s worth of feedback here. But, I will keep it short and salient to point for this blog.

– All girls looked like their photos sans the professional makeup, of course. On the male scale, 1-10, of a girl’s beauty, subtract 2 for the dolling up on their profile picks. If you think a girl is a 10, she is an 8 in reality, etc… – Girl #4 and I hit it off grandly. Alina is now my focus and we are no longer communicating on Anastasia, only through email, sms and skype. – Yes, there are players/scammers on the site of all ages. Are there not same same in your local area of operation? – No, Anastasia does not pay them for chatting. I found no evidence to to support this and I am trained in the art of counter-intelligence. My experience is the opposite, these girls are not motivated by money, they are motivated to find true love with real gentlemen for they are so tired of being alone, being treated like dirt, and desire to have adventure and excitement in their never changing daily lives. Are they unhappy? No. Are they wanting more out of life? Yes.

My experience is Anastasia is not a scam just very expensive. But, a couple hours chat or a few letters exchanged is no more expensive than a typical date night in the US.

It is my assessment the ROI (Return On Investment) for finding my Ukrainian beloved on Anastasia is many times to my favor vice messing about with American girls as I have all of my life.

A nickel’s worth of free advice…

If you do no have 8-10k USD and the time to travel there every 3-6 months for a week or two to invest in your quest for a Urkainian beloved for life, you are wasting your time and might as well throw what little money you have to invest into the toilet.

Prepare yourself before joining the site and/or seeking a girl: Make the gym your part-time second job, quit smoking, heavy drinking/drugging, buy stylish clothes (Note: I did NOT say expensive, just stylish) and leather soled shoes and keep them polished.

Study Ukrainian history, culture, customs and superstions. Learn a few key words/phrases (gde tooalet?) in Russian, the numbers to 1000 so you can haggle with taxi drivers and the cyrillic alphabet so you can read road signs. I did all this months before I took the dive into the Anastasia whirlpool. Now, 11 months after diving in, I reap the rewards for my self-sacrifice.

Godspeed and good hunting to you all….

Jason from the US

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Hi, Can you tell me this site is a scammer? I sent emails to one lady Natalia ,ID:2308 then later about 5 months, i found her on website , i sent her emails but she blocked me!!!

So I think is using bates! Is it right???

Thanks alot Lee

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Hi there, I am a 100% sure Anastasia is a huge scam and i am not sure that even the women that get in touch with you are in Ukrainia at all. I f you want to waste your money pay them but you will see you will never get to meet anyone because they don´t exist in reality. I really don´t know about the other dating sites but most probably all of them with the same system as Anastasia are scams as well.

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Posting Anastasia’s policy repeatedly does not make it true. It is filled with fake people, fake profiles, prostitutes, scammers, etc.

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Most of the above about Anastasia is correct. I would say 90% of the ladies on there are profesional daters. I had the mis fortune to be scammed by one Valeria Novitskaya i.d. 1692679.. She is very clever & convincing liar. I met her a few times & believed the bull…t she told me. with crocodile tears to go with it. When Anastasia was informed & shown the proof she was a scammer/escort in April 2012. They did nothing.. Why..? because she is good at her job & makes them a small fortune as well as herself. She is a wealthy individual in her own right probably making well in excess of $35,000 a year with various scams she has.

I’d advise anybody to steer well clear of Anastasia its a scam.. They do not give two hoots about customers. Just the money they can get from you. Its one of the most expensive dating sites there is.. Find out as much as you can about the lady before you even go to Ukraine. Hire a good Private Investigator. It could save you a fortune & a lot of time..

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Well well Paul looks like we both fell for the Blonde Valeria Novitskaya as soon as I seen the name new immediately same lady she is here with her real profile I too met her once then just lies and excuses one after the other, now her profile is of Anastasia since Jan 13, don’t forget her daughter Dasha, and her Father killed in car accident, oh well learning every day.

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I met Valeria Novitskaya too … did she have her friend Katie do the translation for you? They make a believable tag team. I bet she talked a great deal about her daughter Dasha. She got me good. I learned a lot. A private investigator is a great idea before you go meet any of these girls especially ones Anastasia. Valeria was so beautiful and so believable .. it is amazing as I look back on it.

Never ever send any of these girls money if they ask for money run … run run.

Hi Rick.. No she did not use Katie she used Julia her other little sidekick. I got duped well & truely like your self. I use the name Hagar on other forums. & i am really hoping to put an end to her. Before many more get badly hurt & scammed.

Yes she talked about Dasha & kept saying she wants to meet me. Lots of photo’s. of Dasha. Lots of text messages swearing undying love i was the only man for her.etc etc. I have saved everything just in case i can get it to court which i’m looking into at the moment. Private Investigation team for 2 months was expensive but worth it. she needs to be stopped permantly..

Like you say if ever any girl asks for money. As the Iron Maiden song says.. Run to the Hills run for your lives…

Paul as I look back I blame myself. I was a newbie … On Jim’s marriage scam site which I reread he says not to go for the goddess … Valeria was so beautiful, a goddess. He says to forget about the goddesses …but i ignored that. She had me believing we had a special connection. She had me believing I was the only one. I spent a fortune on RLM chatting. I am sorry because of the time and emotion I invested. I wasted a lot of money too … But now I have scars and wounds that have to heal before I can trust any woman again. I am very angry that Valeria took that away from me. Now I feel like I have to have a background check on any girl I date. … I have sworn off Ukrainian women. It is just not worth the effort with them. The culture just seems dishonest and they have made a big business of conning men that are looking for love. She was very very believable. When I looked at the scam sites she looks like one of the best scammers … But there are hundreds of them … Thousands of them. Without hiring a pi you would never know.

Founded in 1993 by a Russian-American couple, AnastasiaDate was among the first enterprises of its kind and now has a membership of over 1,000,000, with more than 80 million online visitors annually and 1.5 million+ letters exchanged onsite daily. AnastasiaDate’s long-standing reputation is testament to her unwavering protection of member safety, dedication to customer satisfaction and ongoing pursuit of innovation.

A global company with offices in Russia and America, AnastasiaDate is committed to providing great value and service to her worldwide clientele. A proud member of the American Society of Travel Agents, AnastasiaDate provides leadership and guidance to the industry at large with an insight and expertise that can’t be matched. AnastasiaDate’s reputation for honesty and integrity has been the key to success which is why fully half our clients come to us by word of mouth.

AnastasiaDate’s industry leading services… Email Correspondence, Call Me, Video Chat, Live Chat and live dating program Date a Lady, are all overseen by a cutting edge anti-scam organization that provides thorough protection and security to our members, both men and ladies.

Since 1993 AnastasiaDate’s Romance Tours have achieved world notoriety and are eagerly attended by the most beautiful women in Russia and Ukraine, together with South America and Asia. They have long been recognized as the benchmark by which other tour companies are measured.

AnastasiaDate is proud to have the largest full-time staff in the industry. With more than 240 full-time professionals hard at work in offices, AnastasiaDate is able to provide services and conduct tours with a level of expertise and professionalism that is unequaled by any other company. AnastasiaDate’s deep connections provide the ability to network with agencies and companies in every corner of the former Soviet Union and other parts of the world. This allows AnastasiaDate to offer services and profile amazing women from literally hundreds of cities and towns across the world, including all 9 time zones of Russia and CIS.

AnastasiaDate’s evocative name is based on the long-running legend of Russia’s historical figure Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, famed for her rumored escape abroad after the Russian Revolution of 1917. The name was chosen as it conveys intelligence, beauty, mystery and cross-border relations. Read more…

AnastasiaDate has been featured on numerous television shows and networks, including 48 Hours, The Daily Show, The Howard Stern Show, and Jennie Jones, with news features on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN and the BBC. International television and press coverage is regularly seen in Japan, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Switzerland, Brazil, Turkey and Australia to name just a few.

Rick you are not alone Valeria has scammed many many men. She nearly destroyed me & i have still not fully recovered from her lies & deciept. I honestly believe weaker men could commit suicide. She is so convincing talking about marriage & having children together. She & Dasha could have had a really good life style..

Now she has been found out (Delphi FAQ web site) she has told someone that its all lies posted there & that she wants to spend time with her daughter & family. I do not believe that for 1 minute. It appears she has scammed 100’s of men over the past 3 years. The story about her husband being killed is as i thought a BIG lie.. I wonder how many fell for that 1..?

I spent a small fortune on her. & a lot of time. She is very beautiful & charming when we met. But something just did not ring true with her. She is very calculating & devious. If she is seeing men from the middle east as well she is playing a dangerous game & could end up looseing her good looks as well as her life. Why she does it..??

I guess i will never know. She could have any man she wanted if she was honest & loyal. something i do not think she will ever be. I do not think she could ever be trusted by anyone. She has obviously lied to her daughter & family about her activities.

It is a shame but life goes on. It will be a long time before i trust a women again. But 1 rotten apple does not make the whole orchard bad.

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Just got back from Odessa and I dated two of the gals from the site! Anastasiadate is just that a dating service. The girls showed me a good time and I got immersed in fine dining and got tours of the city. It was fun but a bit expensive…. I actually really got sick and the most intimate thing I shared with the gals is the cold I got.

I feel real bad… but in hindsight it probably saved me some money. The people are nice and the biggest barrier I see is learning to speak the language. I met befriended some girls from the city and they are very nice!

I did meet some people from America ( not associated with agencies) who where visiting girlfriends and looking for girlfriends, they looked much happier than the other men I saw at restaurants and bars who where with their honeys and interperters…. I will go back some time… still good experience but I will first learn the language.

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Hello Ozzie,

thank you for sharing your experience with the Ukrainian Dating Blog!

100%SCAM – as you will learn if you talk to any average guy using the Anastasia system. An extremely small percentage find someone – usually older, divorced with kids – the only ones in need of someone – after they lived by scamming men through their 20’s and 30’s.

I chatted with many, planned to meet 1 in Kiev and 2 others in Odessa who acted like they were all excited and could not wait to meet me (while also going there to attend the socials). So I traveled half way across the world to meet them, and those girls did not even show up. It is really amazing how heart-less they are. – Afterwards I saw 2 on chat again: after inviting me to chat, like nothing happened, one then did not respond again after I asked where she was. The other just continued to say she was there to meet me (when NO-ONE was) – they will say any lies just to keep you chatting and paying them money.

Then the ones you meet there, have you pay a high price to their interpreters which they split up – and take home to their boyfriends. — TOTAL SCAM.

I am surprised to find anywhere a blog like this that allows factual comments – it seems Anastasia controls most of this stuff and smothers the net with their BS – so you cannot get well informed about them — an organization and country with absolutely NO SOUL – which is why they are so BACKWARD – UNDERDEVELOPED. There are many nice people (mostly superficial) and they seem to have some high standards with certain aspects of integrity, but will scam you anyway they can get away with it – thinking nothing wrong about it – it is ingrained in their culture.

Does anyone know of any other blogs where this is discussed?

Hello Scammed,

thank you four sharing your opinion on the services of Anastasia International.

As I know, there are very many discussions on Anastasia International on the Russian and Ukrainian women forums. S. here:;highlight=anastasia+date#msg287760;highlight=anastasia+date#msg272579

As you see, the users discuss very hot their negative experiences with Anastasia. I am sure they will be very interested to hear your opinion on it.

Hello Scammed..

You are 100% right i also think Anastasiia is a total scam site… Many others do to.. I wonder if the so called good stories posted about Anastasia is actually done by Anastasia themselves or there employees..

A wealthy good looking lawyer (he’s 32) i know has arranged to meet ladies from Anastasia 5 times & flown half way around the world to meet them.. Out of the 5 visits there.. Only 1 showed up. Thats 4 wasted trips & a whole lot of money wasted. He has now given up with Ukrainian women. & is going to search back home in the U.S.A…

Some will actually meet you, but then set you up to be scammed.

There are lots of other scam reporting sites with information about scammers & sites… Delphi FAQ is one.. There are many others to.. If you have been scammed report your scammer to as many sites as possible. to avoid others being scammed.. Also google your potential partners name before making the journey.. It might just save you a lot of time money & effort…

Good luck with your search..

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Anastasia Date is the biggest scam ever. I now have an insider I am working with to take these people to court. INTERPOL and the US Government have been informed. INTERPOL is well aware of this company. They follow Anastasia and have moles working inside now as well.

The scheme is the most elaborate you can imagine. Anastasia is so dumb; they have given us all the intelligence we need to hand over to INTERPOL and the US authorities.

Anyone on this blog who supports Anastasia, works for Anastasia.

Thank you for your comment!

In my opinion, your last sentence is too categorical. On the Russian and Ukrainian dating forums, you can find the positive reviews on the dating services of Anastasia International.

In truth, they are very rare. But there are a few….


Thank you for allowing people to voice there opinions here on your site. It is good that real people can voice there opinions & experiences… As you know i had a bad experience with professional gold digger Valeria Novitskaya. & have since learnt she is a prostitute. Which i would never have guessed in a million years… Some are looking to prosecute her..

I know she used to work for Anastasia & from what i have read many informed Anastasia of her activities & they did nothing about it. Just kept taking everyones money…

It will be great if Interpol etc closed Anastasia down & came down on them with the full force of the law.. It might make others think twice about what is basically fraud & theft…

I have been to Ukraine many times & there are alot of nice GENUINE people there. Just a shame that a few bad apples give Ukraine a bad name…

Personally i would travel to Ukraine in person & avoid the dating sites. But the language difference could cause a few problems…

thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, experience and opinion here. I am really very sorry about your experience with a professional gold digger. Thus, it is really very very important to research the services of the company and find REAL reviews of the users. Like in every country, there are nice and bad people in Ukraine. But because of this great number of scammers it is rather hard to find an honest woman through dating sites.

We strive to insure that this sort of behaviour never occurs on our website. Please get in touch with us and we will look into this matter and, if needs be, delete this lady from our system and reimburse all communication costs between you and the respective lady.

Our Customer Service Department can be reached by phone by dialing toll-free (+1) 800-356-3130 or (+1) 800-234-0036. Additionally we can be reached by clicking on the “contact us” link at the bottom/right of every page on our website. If you are a registered customer, you can also reach us by logging in through our website and clicking on the “LiveSupport” button at the top/right of the page I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Gregory AnastasiaDate Customer Service Director

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Its all scams. I recently joined anastasia purely to see the level of nonsense.

I question the legitimacy of “Krystyna”. It would be logical she’s paid to inform the dating sites are good. Her list of sites includes anastaisia and as we see its been all scam experiences.

If I’m interested dating/marrying a Ukrainian woman I will make a personal visit. Write it off as a real estate business expense.

Eurotrash scammers, same as it ever was.

Hello Chava,

thank you for your comment. I am not paid to inform the dating sites are good or not.

It is only my decision what to publish on my blog and what not. If you do not like my content, do not read my blog. There are other dating blogs on that you find useful information.

I inform about the services of dating sites on the Ukrainian Dating Blog in my way – I have not used every dating site and as you know, experiences from a man’s and woman’s point of view may be very and very different. If you want to share your online dating experience, you can do it on my blogs and . And think about that there are also men who have gained positive experiences with Anastasia Date, Elenas Models, A Pretty Woman or A Foreign Affair.

I recently returned from my second trip to the Ukraine this year after meetings with 4 girls from Anastasia. I love to write and I could easily pen a novela’s worth of feedback here. But, I will keep it short and salient to point for this blog.

-All 4 girls looked like their photos sans the professional makeup, of course. (Note: Expect a girl to be 30 minutes late. But, of course, you will be prompt.) On the male scale, 1-10, of a girl’s beauty, subtract 2 for the dolling up on their profile picks. If you think a girl is a 10, she is an 8 in reality, etc…

– Girl #4 and I hit it off grandly. Alina is now my focus and we are no longer communicating on Anastasia, only through email, sms and skype.

– Yes, there are players/scammers on the site of all ages. Are there not same same in your local area of operation? My experience is they are the low range exception, not the rule.

– No, Anastasia does not pay them for chatting. I found no evidence to to support this and I am trained in the art of counter-intelligence. My experience is the opposite, these girls are not motivated by money, they are motivated to find true love with real gentlemen for they are so tired of being alone, being treated like dirt, and desire to have adventure and excitement in their never changing daily lives. Are they unhappy? No. Are they wanting more out of life? Yes.

My experience is Anastasia is not a scam agency just very expensive. But, a couple hours chat or a few letters exchanged is no more expensive than a typical date night in the US.

A nickel’s worth of free advice…

Prepare yourself before joining the site and/or seeking a girl: Make the gym your part-time second job, quit smoking, heavy drinking/drugging, buy stylish clothes (Note: I did NOT say expensive, just stylish) and leather soled shoes and keep them polished. Put four pics in your profile, 2 face shots so the girls can see your eyes, 1 full length in smart clothes so they can get a look at your body shape and another full length shot in a suit.

Study Ukrainian history, culture, customs and superstions. Learn a more than a few key words/phrases (gde tooalet?) in Russian, the numbers to 1000 so you can haggle with taxi drivers and the cyrillic alphabet so you can read road signs. I did all this months before I took the dive into the Anastasia whirlpool.

Now, 11 months after diving in, I reap the rewards for my self-sacrifice, a blonde/green-eyed stylish, stunning beauty, 5’7, 110 lbs, a transportation manager by trade, who sings like an angel and is quite thrilled to take the arm of a loyal gentleman for life.

Godspeed and good hunting to you all….

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Firstly this is my 1st entry here… I will start by saying the most important thing I can say. But I will just give you a snapshot of my experience first…

I have 11 years of fulltime corresponding, 5 failed trips to Ukraine, over $100,000 spent (wasted) over 1 million words of correspondence and chatting written. Having read, and seriously contemplating the profiles of over 100,000 women. Yes I am a romantic fool, so I have beat you to that!

I will also tell you that I am 51 year old Australian single father of 13 years raising my ‘A’ Grade super-intelligent daughter all on my own, whilst holding down a career as a Drafting Office Manager for Engineering companies until earlier in 2013 when the GFC finally caught-up with us.

So I am (hopefully) no idiot… although I maybe a fool.

Now the most important thing you need to understand… The difference between… ‘The Websites’ and ‘The Agencies’ (they are often separate businesses with their own separate owners and personal agendas).

‘The Websites’ are just the portals where any agency can post their girls/woman on to help promote them to find love.

But some websites operate independently and require exclusivity from their Ukrainian female clients. They are contracted to this.

ALLLLLL… (I am highlight the word… ALL) that I have used, run legitimate profiles. Yet buried deep and hidden amongst all this 1000’s of beautiful profiles are the ‘Money Girls’ (that is what I have come to call them).

They are there with only one (1) purpose in mind… ‘To generate cash flow!’

And the industry (both the girls and their bosses) have had plenty of years of experience to master their craft. You will not see it until it is too late.

Yes… this is a ‘Minefield’… but if one can find their way through this crazy minefield (or is it… ‘Mindfield’?), then I am sure the reward of true love will be worth it. So this the end of my first entry here. I will continue if you are all interested in what I have learnt. I hope you understood the message here.

Reading and scrolling down through all the above comments from men who have been scammed at the hands of the AnastasiaDate system, it is so interesting to see AnastasiaDate Customer Service administrators relentless and endless ‘Copy & Pasting’ of their Anti-Scam Policy.

Like it is going to make some difference to these men. It is the actions of desperate, dishonest, con-artists (check the psychology). OMG!!!

WORDS…. WORDS… WORDS… that is all they are and all they will ever be.

“Action Speak Louder Than Words” (a famous quote I have read 1000’s of times from many Russian and Ukrainian profiles over the past 11 years).

Yet all these men are talking about the ‘Actions’ they experiences when they travelled all that way to meet someone they obviously like and thought was genuine, real and honest, only to be scammed and treated like shit.

WORDS, WORDS, WORDS, Anastasiadate… do something real (I dare you). Prove yourself with some real actions… (you are a scam and you know it).

Let me be more clear gentlemen. All website (with the support from their 100’s of local affiliated agencies) run both REAL PROFILES and MONEY GIRL profiles on their sites. You maybe lucky to get a real one or you may get caught-up in one of the scams (the Money Girls) whose sole role and purpose it so generate cash-flow. Yet you will not know until you have either spent many months (and lots of time and money) corresponding with a girl (or even worse)… only after you arrive in Ukraine (at great expense to you) will this become clear (hidden… but clear). I have 11 years and 5 failed trip to Ukraine (one to Moldova) and all were not anything close to the love I thought I had found (based on months of correspondence). In fact it was often the exact opposite and sometimes even a pure nightmare. Stay away really!!!… this is a minefield (and mind-field). Take Care and Be Aware.

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The fact that they have posted their anti scam policy over and over is on it’s own enough to deter me from this company.

I have looked on their site and at 3-4am Ukraine time I am immediately bombarded with pretty young girls wanting to chat with me, I cannot even concentrate to search as so many chat invitations pop up. I’m 57 years of age yet young girls in their early 20’s want to chat with me.

The intro messages are also provocative and very suggestive and only a fool would consider this site as being legit. Ok, go ahead, post the anti scam policy once again, Lol.

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Hello from Spain! I am also in anastasiadate victim and I am fed up paying so much money for nothing and to get bad experiences from this site. I am 46 years old and I have some advantage in communicating thanks to my knowledge in Russian language. I travelled to Odessa to meet a girl who wrote me letters filled with love which were only lies and did not show her face until the last day of my visit . Thanks God Odessa is an interesting town to walk alone for 2 days, ha,ha!! As all the others I am surprised that site bombarded with pretty young girls asking for chat anytime you open the site and the problems to meet when you feel that the moment has arrived. Is cheaper meeting than paying so much money to know a person (it is funny that mother or grand mother is always ill when the date of meeting arrive…). Don’t send money to any girl! I did it and it was a great mistake. As the others said when girl ask for that just run, run fast and away! I am unsubscribing anastasiadate but don’t stop my search of a Ucranian woman, I have good Ucranian friends in Spain and Kiev and it is true that not all apples are rotten , just Anastasiadate is a big business to make money with the men’s loneliness , so I understand that they are not interested to make an easy way to create coupples.

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I would like to greet all the staff and management of its offices worldwide. You are a first class operation and always cared for the problems that arose. I have also checked out many other sites during that time period and found yours to be # 1 in my opinion. Our trip to Odessa only confirmed what I thought. Interpreters and the experience was unforgettable. Everything was staffed by very friendly people. It could not have been better. Large apartments for a good price they are very close to the city center and its restaurants for interviews. Anyone who has any idea about the difficulties here should put those others, it is easily one of the best cities to visit the sites, regardless of the ladies.

For those who remain unsure as to the rumors of fraud and ladies willing to do anything to get out of Ukraine and Russia was my experience that this is an extremely small scale. The management of most sites to handle these situations very professionally and information is available for those wanting to know more. Women are amazing and they deserve credit for having an optimistic attitude to life so amazing and their situations.

So once again thank you for everything you have done.

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hi anastasia date is a fake or not any won tell me

profiles and messages I saw seemed very false to me, and who have used online dating services for years, I can spot a fake a mile away. And the girls almost always write back within 24 hours. Does that sound normal for an online dating site for you? Surely I not do it for me, but I’m sure that helps keep the cash register ringing. By bringing all this with one of the very friendly people customer service, which happily link to its “anti-fraud” policy, which seem to think we must convince that we are not being scammed sent. But the fact is, if someone can live in Kiev, speaking Russian, and not to set a single date with a girl living in the same city after hearing of more than 40 girls and spend $ 200 +, when sites free or super-cheap as Badoo, OkCupid and VK work perfectly well, it is safe to say that AnastasiaDate falls far, far below delivering what it promises.

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Anastasia Not A scam i Have Girl friend on it boys:)

you could share your experince who to find an honest and serious girl on Anastasia Date. It would be useful for everybody here. Thanks, Krystyna is a totally scam and fraud this site is fake don’t use it friends its fake

Let me be clearer lords. All site (with the support of its 100 local affiliates agencies) run both profiles and profiles REAL money to the young on their sites. You may be lucky enough to get a real one or you can get caught up in scams (the girls money) whose sole function and purpose so as to generate cash flow. However, it is not known until either been many months (and a lot of time and money) corresponding with a girl (or even worse) … only after his arrival in Ukraine (at great cost to you ) will this obvious fact (hidden … but clear). I have 11 years and 5 failed trip to Ukraine (one to Moldova) and all were nothing like the love I thought I had found (based on months of correspondence). In fact, it was often the exact opposite and sometimes even a pure nightmare. Stay away from truth !!! … This is a minefield (and mind-field). Be careful and be aware.

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Such kind of sites is like trial and error. If we are lucky then we can find true date over there else ended up being scam (girl ask for money). I always suggest to first try to find if girl over there is trying steal your money or she simply likes you.

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anastasiadate romance tours

Romance Tour

  • Testimonial
Go behind the scenes with filmmaker Julia Ivanova, as she follows an AnastasiaDate tour for her award winning documentary "Love Translated". Click Here!
Find out what the men really think about going on a Romance Tour. Click Here!
Proving that not even the weather holds back Ukrainian beauty, Miss Valentine 2012 gripped Odessa by the icicles to crown the most exquisite of winners in front of a bedazzled international audience on February 12. The contest's 23 stunning entrants did their best to hot up a Black Sea frozen by Click Here!
No one parties like! Joining us at the Odessa Miss Bikini 2011 competition was Ukraine's hottest pop export NIKITA & DASHA ASTAFIEVA, seen here performing "Bite". Enjoy.... Click Here!

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Meet Slavic girls that want to travel and meet with you

Romance tours: the complete travel guide for single men, romance tours and singles travel to meet foreign women.

A romance tour is the best option if you want to meet Russian women or foreign women from other countries for serious relationships.

A well-organized romance tour will save you time and money and provide better protection against dating fraud. Instead of traveling thousands of miles to meet someone you don’t know is real and risking it not working, suitable romance tours provide ongoing introductions and the help and support of office members. It increases your chances of meeting the right person and having a successful relationship. You have someone who answers your questions honestly and guides you around a foreign country you know nothing about. So, whether you prefer group or personal tours, it is preferable to go on your own. If you consider finding a Russian bride or traveling to Russia or another foreign country for a romance tour, I highly recommend AFA Romance Tours.

If you’ve already chosen a Russian lady from the AFA dating site who you’d like to meet in person, or if you’re looking for your perfect match, don’t hesitate to investigate our romance tour options. Traveling to former Soviet Union countries on your own could be difficult. As a foreigner, you may encounter various obstacles and risks that will interfere with your primary goal and incur high costs.

You won’t have to worry about anything with our romance tours! We will assist you in planning a well-organized trip where you can look for your future wife in a comfortable and safe environment. Our qualified staff will be with you throughout the Russian dating tour to demonstrate the splendor of Slavic culture and the friendliness of the locals.

Meet Russian women by going on a Russian Romance Tour

AFA Romance Tours will appeal to you because:

We treat each man who comes to us as an individual. To ensure success, our agency works personally with our clients, so each tour is tailored specifically to the man, considering his likes and dislikes.

Everything, from daily meals to sightseeing excursions, may be included in the tour. We meticulously plan the man’s activities during the trip and ensure they are included in our tour. You can select the meals, lodging, and entertainment that are most suitable for you and your lady. It could be romantic dinners at restaurants, celebrations, sightseeing tours, etc. We can also provide you with an interpreter and transportation at your convenience.

An AFA romance tour includes the following:

  • transfer from the airport to the lodging
  • comfortable rooms
  • round-the-clock personal transportation
  • personal interpreter
  • access to the internet
  • daily meals
  • excursions for sightseeing


A Foreign Affair’s socials have established a reputation as the best in the industry among men and foreign women. We spend more money on social media than anyone else in the industry, without trouble!

  • Highest female-to-male ratios.
  • Private, invitation-only social gatherings.
  • During a romance tour, different women attend each social.
  • Fully catered with excellent food, champagne, fizzy drinks, etc. Unlike other tour companies, you are never asked to buy food or drinks for women during a social.
  • Excellent settings, typically ballrooms or private entertainment complexes, are conducive to meeting as many women as possible while treating them with the highest regard, dignity, and respect.
  • Assist in the selection of women for the Socials.
  • A list of women who have been personally called twice and confirmed for the Social.
  • Every woman is screened and evaluated.
  • You are never compelled to move or converse with women you are not interested in. You are encouraged to talk to as many different women as possible because most men will marry a woman they never wrote to or welcomed to socials.

Meet Russian mail-order brides 

The advantages of a marriage tour.

Some people question the effectiveness of booking a Russian dating tour because they are unaware of all the benefits they may receive during this experience. Why is it an innovative idea to meet a soulmate in this manner? There are numerous reasons for this:

  • It’s an all-inclusive romance tour that requires little effort on your part: an agency organizes everything from tickets and lodging to various events with various single girls seeking a partner.
  • Increased chances of starting a romance with Russian girls: You don’t have to waste time looking for single girls in the country or devising a strategy for winning a lady’s heart. Most women who attend events want to marry a foreigner, so they enthusiastically approach potential partners.
  • Highest success rates: Relationships that started as a result of marriage tours to Russia frequently exhibit longevity and happiness. Both participants understand how difficult it can be to find a soulmate, so they work hard to ensure this romance survives.

best dating tour destinations in Russia

The most popular cities for Russian dating tours are often large cities with numerous historic sites, recreation areas, and other places of interest. Let’s look at the top Russian marriage tour destinations:

This city requires no introduction. The Russian Federation’s capital is crammed with stunning single women, but there are also modern and ancient monuments to visit. Russian mail-order brides are more expensive here, but you also get numerous services available only in Moscow! Whether you prefer during-the-day dates or nightlife parties, Russian bride tours to Moscow will leave you speechless!

St. Petersburg

The second capital is tightly populated with cultural and historical sites that regular tourists should visit. It is also abundant with beautiful Russian women seeking true love and long-term relationships. These ladies are typically compared to calm and collected ladies who are more interested in the religious and innovative sides. In contrast, Moscow ladies are more interested in extravagant and luxurious things. It is entirely up to you!

Popular international romance tour destinations

Singles from all over the world use dating services in the hopes of finding their ideal soulmate. Foreign brides are trendy among men, but where should they look for them? Which countries are in high demand for international dating and romantic tours?

Ukrainian romance tours

Ukraine is a popular destination for lonely Western men because there are many attractive and like-minded singles. This country has numerous locations where you can meet Ukrainian girls with fire in their eyes for marriage. It has many popular areas among women who live active lives and are workaholics. Many dudes want to find one of those sweet, pleasant, and beautiful women who are ready to start their own family. Because they are not as feminist as Western women, Ukrainian bride tours appeal to Western men.

Latin romance tours

You will never be frustrated or disillusioned when you book a Latin romance tour. Latin America is known for its passionate singles with sun-kissed skin and curvy figures. These ladies admire foreign men because they are more loving, caring, and well-mannered than local men. They regard them as attentive husbands and caring fathers. Your life will be full of bright emotions, festivals, and fun if you marry a Latina. Choose a romantic trip to one of these countries to bring you closer to happiness. Colombian marriage tours, for example, consistently receive rave reviews.

Romance Tours to Asia

Asian countries are among the most popular foreign tourist destinations, so Asian dating tours are always popular among men. Asian women are famous for their breathtaking natural beauty, passion, and devotion. Because of their numerous positive characteristics, Asian brides make ideal wives, making every foreign guy happier and more successful. Unlike many American women, these women do not see femininity as a disadvantage. Tired of career-oriented ladies who are always unsatisfied with something? Plan a romantic trip to Asian countries and meet your life partner.

How do I sign up for a romance tour?

Before applying for a memorable Russian bride tour, you should select an international dating agency or website. Search for Russian brides online , choose the type of tour, and buy the romance tour of your choice, flight tickets, and hotel accommodations. Please get in touch with the dating agency of your choice if you have any further questions.

What exactly happens on an international bride tour?

The fun begins once you’ve purchased everything, packed your bags, and are going to the airport. What will happen next is as follows:

  • Take a flight to the Russian Federation (the city depends on your choice.)
  • Participating in the dating events and activities.
  • Meeting single Russian ladies, conversing with them, and getting to know one another.
  • Traveling to different cities to meet more Russian girls and attend other events.
  • Select a woman with whom you wish to pursue a relationship.
  • Strengthening your relationship online and in person.
  • Getting married to the love of your life.

Russian women’s tours are effective for male travelers and simple to host for international marriage agencies because they are straightforward.

The difficulties you may face on a romance tour

Unquestionably, traveling to another country is always fraught with uncertainty and the unexpected, so planning is critical. What challenges can you expect on a Russian romance tour? Let’s take a quick look at everything. The difference in dating culture: Russian traditions and customs are unique, so learning more about them is essential to feeling confident and attracting and romancing a Russian girl. A man must travel thousands of miles to reach his destination and meet women. These are lengthy journeys because of the country’s vastness and remoteness from the rest of the world. Due to the language barrier, not all Russian girls are fluent in English enough to talk openly and communicate more effectively.

Are Russian bride tours worthwhile?

While there is no guarantee that your first Russian romance tour will result in a relationship, it will undoubtedly provide you with unforgettable memories and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich experience of a trip to Russia. Marriage agencies like AFA Romance Tours  offer everything you need for a comfortable stay, including hotels, plane tickets, events, and women! Why not give it a shot and see how it goes for you?

Are romance tours an effective way to meet Russian women?

Yes, it’s undoubtedly the best way to make genuine connections since you’ll meet tens or even hundreds of beautiful Russian women in person. You will be able to tell right away if there is a mental and physical link. You should talk to a few people before going on the romance tours. So, you can focus on getting to know specific people and maximize your stay in Russia.

If an American guy wants to go to Russia, are there any problems?

The era of the Cold War is over, which is a good thing. American men no longer must worry about going to Russia.

How much does it cost to travel to Russia?

From the United States, flights to Russia cost, on average, between $800 and $1,300, depending on the time of year and where you fly out. From a Western point of view, the country is quite cheap, but Moscow and St. Petersburg know how to charge Westerners. I suggest that you plan your trip ahead of time and use a reputable travel service. This is another good reason dating tours are suitable for finding a wife. Everything is taken care of, even going out to see things. has reliable international dating tours that don’t cost much money.

I’ve been chatting with a Russian woman online. Can she instead come to see me first?

She won’t be given a tourist visa unless she has a lot of money and land in Russia. Too many Russian women have tried to come to the US or Western Europe on student or other visas and resided illegally. Hence, immigration services in the US and Western Europe are very careful with single Russian women tourists. To put things in context, the average Russian makes $200 monthly!

A fiancé visa is the only way to do it. This is a tricky step; you should only take it if you and your partner are sure about your choice. If all you want to do is meet in person for the very first time, it will be simpler for you to go to Russia. You could also choose to meet somewhere else. Russians and Americans don’t need visas to visit Turkey or Thailand.

How do women in Russia think about money?

Russians don’t like discussing money; they think it’s greedy and rude to talk about how much something costs. We often use the words “expensive” and “overpriced” to mean the same thing in English. But if you say something is expensive to a Russian woman, it makes her think you keep track of your money and are greedy. A trustworthy Russian woman would never ask you to buy her gifts or go shopping with her. She may want small gifts like flowers or candies, but she won’t offer to pay for dinner.

I’ve heard of Russian women marrying in the US and leaving soon after. Can this happen?

Yes, it’s possible; anything could happen. But in these situations, the man is almost always the problem. It’s unfair to think an old man can make a twenty-year-old Russian girl who looks like a model happy. This is why looking for a grown Russian woman about the same age as you is an excellent choice. Also, it doesn’t make sense to think that Russian women live in such harsh conditions that they will do or say something to get to “a safer country.” Russian women are devoted wives who want their partners to love and care for them. Even though they take split much more literally than Americans, they won’t put up with a violent, cruel, or greedy husband. If you know why you want to find love, you won’t have to think about anything.

Would you recommend an international romance tour?

International relationships transcending national boundaries and cultural traditions are on the rise due to the globalization of commerce and communication. Opportunities for international romance tours have arisen as a result of the increase in intercultural marriages. These trips provide an excellent opportunity to learn about different cultures while also mingling with individuals who share similar interests from all over the globe. Numerous tour operators provide customized itineraries to meet the demands of a wide range of interests and budgets. International romance tours typically aim to provide an exciting and entertaining experience. You can anticipate not only seeing the local attractions, but also making real connections with locals from faraway places and learning about their culture.

Meet Ukrainian mail-order brides

 foreign bride tours on the best international dating sites.

LoveMe is a terrific way to travel the world and simultaneously meet beautiful Russian mail-order brides . At LoveMe, they set up dating tours in eight different countries, most of which are in Latin America and Eastern Europe. The matchmaking service gets people from the airport to all AFA social events. They make you feel like you’re on vacation, so you can consider using their services.

Anastasia Date

Anastasia Date is one of the most famous online dating sites, and they also set up tours for couples. It allows American guys to go to Eastern Europe for a beautiful wife. As one of the most reliable dating sites, Anastasia Date checked each profile to ensure there were no scammers. As was already said, they also put together great mail-order bride trips that make it much more likely that someone will come home with a brand-new lover.

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Romance Tour to St. Petersburg, Russia

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International Love Scout - Date Beautiful Foreign Brides

The Best Damn Guide To Romance Tours Anywhere!

Charlie at a Romance Tour event

What Is a Romance Tour?

A romance tour is group vacation organized by a commercial tour operator that brings men to countries where women want to meet foreign men for romance and marriage.  That is the basic dictionary definition.

But a good romance tour is more than that. On a good romance tours you get to meet vetted ladies who are far more serious about finding someone than the average woman on the street in Kiev, Bangkok, or Havana.

You get coaching, support, and advice on how to romance these women. You meet a bunch of other men in your situation and often meeting them is therapeutic. In general, a good romance tour is one part self-improvement course, one part boys road trip, and one part a better high school prom than you ever dreamed possible.

Watch the video below.  It will give you a great overview of how our favorite tour company, A Foreign Affair, works.

As you can see in the video there are a lot of good reasons why a dating tour is a great way to meet mail order brides, but that just touches the tip of the iceberg.  There is a long list of advantages to using the services of an organization with a decades long track record of success helping couples from across the globe meet one another.

marry the hottest women in the world

Most of the men come from the United States, Canada, Europe, or Australia, but usually there are a few are successful men from other countries too.  The price point of a tour is within the budget of most Western men with a middle class job.

The tours are available to a variety of nations across Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia.  Ukrainian romance tours are the most popular, but large number of men also take Latin romance tours to Colombia, Costa Rica, and Peru.  In Asia other men go to the Philippines, Thailand, and China.

For most guys who are not CIA agents, hedge fund managers, or retired Pan Am pilots taking a romance tour is the easiest way to travel to Eastern Europe, Latin America, or Asia – and get the opportunity to meet lots of single women who are interested in dating Western men is to sign up for a romance tour.

Sometimes these trips are advertised as mail order bride tours or dating tours, but regardless of what they are called the process is identical.  Men sign up with a company who organizes the travel and sets up meetings with women.

Essentially, romance tours take the hassles out of traveling to a not quite first world country like Ukraine, Colombia, or the Philippines for men interested in pursuing mail order brides.  The tour company usually arranges for ground transportation, food, hotel accommodations, and local guides.  In that respect romance tours are exactly the same as tours of French Cathedrals or World War II battlefields.

Cost of a Romance Tour

A lot of guys are just sure that a tour is outside of their budget and others decide that they simply do not have time.  Well, most guys with a regular job can swing the money and A Foreign Affair offers a ton of tours that will meet almost anyone’s schedule.

Click on the links below for the costs and schedule for tours to Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia:

Eastern Europe Tours

Latin american tours, asian tours.

That should give you all the information you need to decide what your budget and schedule.

Sexy Mail Order Brides

The difference between a dating tour and many of the other tours available is that instead of getting amped over stained glass or rusty tanks the men on romance tour want to see long legs, sweet smiles, and lots of pretty young women curious about the possibility of dating a man from the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, or another developed country.

The highlight of the tours are the socials where pretty single girls from the local area come to a dinner party to meet the men.  Sometimes hundreds of potential mail order brides will show up.  Some are curious, some are serious, but for a girl in Kiev, Bogota, or Manila it is something fun, interesting, and cheap to do in the evening.

For the men the socials are often simply AMAZING!

Men simply can’t believe what it is like to have  hundreds of beautiful women  competing to meet them.  That’s what makes the socials so unique and often convinces seasoned travelers who have the language skills and money to travel on their own to take a romance tour instead, because unless you are a rock star you aren’t going to have dozens of single women vying to talk to you.

That’s simple fact is why romance tours rock!

I wrote about romance tours for eight years before I finally took one and I still can’t believe I waited so long.  I was either out of my mind or listening to my crazy business partner way too much.  I was absolutely blown away by  my first A Foreign Affair social .

Usually, there will be a social and then a couple of days for men to arrange dates with the ladies they met at the socials and then the group will travel to another city.

We are huge believers in the value of romance tours, because they solve several of the basic problems that guys have when they decide that they want to date a foreign bride.  They are good values and most guys have a lot of fun.

Advantages of a Romance Tour

Dating, romance, and love are undoubtedly one the most difficult challenges anyone faces in life.  Humans are in the end a social animal and there is a deep need for love written on human DNA. But fulfilling these needs is perhaps the most difficult single challenge that a person ever faces.

This is why romantic comedies remain popular – well, with women.  Women can see themselves in every Meg Ryan role and Tom Hanks in the not quite classically handsomely guy they are dating or want to date.  Men always worry they might just not be the leading man in the story, but the loser who can’t win the leading lady’s heart.

So, everyone knows romance is a challenge, but international dating is far more difficult.  All of the problems associated with building a normal relationship are magnified, but taking a romance tour can help you overcome these obstacles to finding the love of your life:

  • Distance: Usually, thousands of miles separate the prospective lovers and overcoming the logistics of actually meeting can be daunting.
  • Culture: The cultural parameters are important, but often hard to understand when trying to develop a lifelong relationship.
  • Language: The  language gap is often a much more serious problem  than guys realize.
  • Regulations: A lot of guys worry about the laws.  Usually, they are not a big deal – except when they are.   The  United States Foreign Service  certainly is not an organization to ignore.
  • Scams: It is relatively rare these days, but sometimes  there are scammers out  there trying to make a quick buck.
  • Costs: A good romance tour can actually help you  reduce the expense  of pursuing an international bride.

Easy Travel Plans

This is really nice for busy professionals and small businessmen, because travel arrangements can get complicated in a hurry.  It is a real challenge.  Yes, you can get online and book hotels and airline tickets easily these days, but do you really know how to get around a country you have never been to where you do not speak the language?

Our favorite tour company, A Foreign Affair, has organized more than  six hundred tours to Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Asia.   This means they know how to get around and what restaurants to go to and what restaurants charge an extra tariff to foreigners.  They are professionals.

Do you know the best cab company in Bogota?  Or whether it is easier to take simply take the metro for a date on the other side of Kiev?  The staff that runs AFA tours will know the answers to these questions.

Taking a romance tour addresses all of these cultural and logistical issues and that alone is probably worth it. If you have ever negotiated with a cab driver in the Philippines, you would see the value in a heartbeat.

And if you have ever checked into a hotel that did not look at all like it did in the photographs online you will appreciate the value of not having to worry about all of those issues.  The hotels are very responsive to the tour companies, because they represent an important part of the hotel’s yearly revenue.

It also is safer, because in every big city there are areas you should not go.  The staff knows that and they can tell you, “Hey, you shouldn’t go down there to meet a girl.”  The value of that sort of local information is just impossible to underestimate, because it will save you so much time and money.

romance tour girls

An Experienced Dating Coach

The AFA’s staff has helped thousands of couples find one another and succeed in developing happy, fulfilling relationship.  Now, you can pay literally thousands for a great dating coach or matchmaker.  A lot of guys wait far too long before trying to get the help of a professional and I am a  gigantic fan of the one matchmaker we endorse .

But for most guys the more limited support that AFA provides for men on its tours is more than enough.  In general, the majority of guys do not need a full-service matchmaker they just need someone to lean occasionally and a local who can explain some of the potential cultural pitfalls.

Because the cultural pitfalls the arguments you might have with Ukrainian girls are different from the misunderstanding you might have with Thai girls, and there are a ton of ways to get crossway with Latinas.  Well, A Foreign Affair tours has staff in every country.  They can help you navigate these sometimes hard to understand cultural issues.

In China they understand that they are essentially offering Sheng nu tours and that brings out some of the most amazing women you have ever seen.  What is a  Sheng nu tour ?  It means it is a tour that attracts single Chinese women over about 23, because in China any unmarried woman that ancient is considered “unwanted.”  Even if she is gorgeous, educated, and successful many Chinese men will not date her, so AFA’s tours attract these ladies to their socials in droves.

The AFA staff are women who know the country, the culture, and the ladies – and they want to see the men succeed.  In part, this is because they want to see the company succeed.  They are professionals, but also, they really get a kick out of helping a romance blossom.

For them, helping couples get past the early challenges is fun.  You may thing your situation is unique, but they have dealt with every sort of man imaginable twice.  And they also understand the women what the women want, and, frankly, what a man should do to win the lady he is really interested in.

Every guy knows that having a good wingman is a huge help for picking up girls.  This is especially important in international travel, because of the language and cultural barriers that naturally exist in this situation.  This is one of the things that makes doing international dating on your own such a challenge.

On a tour, unless you are a total recluse, you will end up becoming buddies with some of the other guys on the tour, because you will spend hours on the bus and train with these guys.  Oddly, for a lot of men the friendships they build among themselves is one of the real highlights of the trip.

Perhaps it is because the men that sign up for romance tours tend to have a lot in common.  They tend to be roughly from forty to sixty, fairly well educated, and generally financially successful, and, of course, they are outgoing enough to sign up to take a romance tour.

So, most of the guys tend to effortlessly become friends, buddies, and natural wingmen to one another.  This is one of the things you will read about over and over again, but it is hard to appreciate it without actually witnessing it.

You might think that these guys are only going to be friends as long as they are not going after the same girl.  That does seem logical, but the guys on the tours meet so many women that there is not a lot of competition between the guys for a particular woman.

To a surprising extent you will see that different men really do have different romantic tastes, but at the socials – which is usually  where you meet the women  for the first time – the guys see all of the ladies.  And other guys will get a chance to meet the women too.

So, later, after the social or at breakfast the next morning, the guys on the tour share informed observations about the women.  This can be invaluable to help you decide.  And a lot of guys tend to double date with one another.  Again, this is a great strategy to help you quickly gain a foreign woman’s trust and respect.

And A Foreign Affair has spent twenty-five years building their reputation around the world and you get the bask reputational glow of being on an AFA tour.  Many ladies have friends and relatives who met a foreign man through A Foreign Affair tour, so the simple fact that you are using AFA gives you reputation a real bump – before you so much as utter a single word.  This simply cannot be underrated.  It is extremely important.

Amolatina Tours and Anastasiadate Tours

In the 1990s there were several large companies that offered tours to international dating hotspots.  Amolatina tours were popular in Latin America and Anastasiadate tours had a good reputation in Eastern Europe. They were famous as simply off the wall party events.

However, several things changed starting about 2004 as Vladimir Putin consolidated power and reinstituted a lot of Soviet-style travel restrictions.  The Russian visa process slowed down. Permits and licenses started to become more difficult to obtain.

And the general anti-Western attitude pushed in the official media made the country less welcoming to foreigners and finally because of the anti-mail order bride attitude in the Russian media and the booming economy far fewer young women were signing up.  It became much more difficult to offer tours to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

It appears that some companies simply had a hard time maintaining their forward momentum once the peak of the baby boom cohort had aged out, starting in about 2007, sixty years after the start of the post-World War II baby boom.  Over the following years there were few men in their forties and fifties, the prime time for men interested in mail order brides.

And many of those men did not have the money to romance a beautiful younger woman after the 2008 financial disaster.  Most guys decide to pursue a younger foreign woman, because the rest of their life is pretty well in order.  So, the financial meltdown spelled the final doom for most operators, because for almost a year no one was taking tours.

And it does require a reasonably large operation to do all the planning for transportation, hotels, food, and outreach to the women and men.   That meant that as a business proposition it was not as lucrative.   Now, there were often not a hundred men on a tour, but thirty.

Still even with thirty men the companies needed fully staffed offices and that hurt the bottom line too.  The overhead was just too high for many companies to weather the storm.

So, in the end the almost last man standing was A Foreign Affair.  They were able to survive because they had an absolutely stellar reputation. It was largely on the basis of repeat business and word of mouth advertising that they were able to weather the storm and even grow some in 2008, 2009, and 2010.  That period killed most of their big competitors, because men

There are several smaller operators, and they might be OK, but the only company we endorse as a romance tour operator is A Foreign Affair, because of their sterling reputation.  They offer numerous dates to a variety of locations in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.  Their prices are extremely reasonable, but most importantly they have a great reputation for extraordinary customer service.

AFA Tours – The Gold Standard

So, as we have already noted A Foreign Affair is the tour operator we endorse, because we know that they are committed to their clients.  If you have not read our Homepage check out our mention of the  President of A Foreign Affair, John Adams .

We endorse AFA, because we trust John, Ken, Bud, and the rest of their staff to provide world class service for their clients.  But don’t trust me!

Check out AFA’s  testimonials from happy customers .   There are literally hundreds and hundreds of testimonials.  And if you would rather see  video testimonials  they have hundreds of those too.  There are twenty-five pages of video testimonials at the time this article was written.

Look at the partial list of services that they provide for their clients:

Foreign Affair romance tour services

You probably didn’t even know you needed all of that stuff, but this is why a significant proportion of A Foreign Affairs business is repeat business.  So, some guys meet a woman and get into a long-term relationship, but for those who don’t find a woman many are happy enough that they take another tour and sometimes another and another.  You cannot really give a business a better endorsement than that.

One of the nicest things about using AFA is that it makes it easy to explain what you are doing to friends and family.  The mainstream  media bias against mail order brides is so pervasive  that often friends and family are immediately worried about guys dating mail order brides.

But it will probably be a lot easier to  explain to your friends and family  if you can point them towards, AFA’s main website, and let them see that they are totally legit.  Everyone from Oprah to the New York Times has interviewed John Adams and the rest of their team over the years and generally given the very high marks.  Seeing positive comments from trusted media sources can really help to ease their concerns.

So, the concept of taking a Ukrainian, but you still have some worries.

Individual Dating Tours

So, despite understanding the value of having a wingman, are you still hesitant about going on a group tour?

This is a common concern of guys.  Group tours of any sort seem inherently uncool and sort of cheesy and unauthentic.  Americans in particular like to go where we want, when we want, and generally hate being told what to do.

However, even if money is not an issue and you don’t generally dig group tours you still may want to consider a group tour for several reasons:

  • If you go on an individual romance tour YOU are the star.  There is no place to hide or stay in the background and assess the situation.  You are front and center all of the time and any ladies you meet know that and a lot of guys feel like they are under a microscope.  AFA calls these tours club tours.  An A Foreign Affair individual tour to Ukraine is called a Euro Club tour.
  • You actually will almost always have the opportunity to meet MORE women on a group tour than you would on an individual tours, because the companies hold mixers and other events where you can literally meet hundreds of women at once, whereas on an individual tour you generally go on a series of blind dates, sometimes with women you have previously contacted online.
  • And think one more time about the advantage of meeting the other guys.  Generally, a real sense of camaraderie develops among the guys in the group, because you will probably have a lot in common.

Most of the men on these tours are successful in life and interesting companions.  They tend to see the tour as an adventure and maybe a little funny.  It gives you some one in a very similar position to discuss life, romance, and everything with.

Being alone for a week or two in a country where you do not speak the language is more than a little boring.  Even if you are a real introvert this can be tough.

The real advantage of the individual tours is that you can go almost anywhere, almost anywhere whenever you want to go. AFA offers a lot of tours and a lot of dates, but sometimes it is still hard to make your schedule meet with theirs.

If you have your passport and visa most of the agencies could probably set something up in seventy-two hours. So, the flexibility is nice.

For men that do not have a particular lady in mind the agencies will set a guy up for three or four dates a day until he does meet the right lady and since these agencies usually have a personal relationship with the women they represent, they often have an idea of who might hit it off together.

Some men like individual tours better, because they do not want to feel like they are in competition with the other guys on the tours.  In fact, for some men that is what they hate about the whole Western dating scene, so individual tours are often very attractive to these men.

Finally, if you enjoy being treated like a true VIP an individual tour, particularly a high end Executive Tour or you might want to use our exclusive matchmaker, would probably be something that you would really enjoy.

But I am Already Signed up with Another Company!

This is one of the final issues that bothers a lot of guys, but there is absolutely nothing that says you have to use the services of one company.  So, even if you are signed up to contact women through A Elena’s Models or Amolatina there is also nothing to prevent taking a Foreign Affair tour.

AFA’s staff will help you arrange an individual date with any woman from any web site.  So, don’t worry about this.

The fact is that with the exception of a tiny number of guys with great language skills and experience in international travel that taking an A Foreign Affair romance tour is the  best way to meet foreign women .

Charlie M.

  • Last Modified:April 4, 2021

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Charlie at the Foreign Affair event

Hot Ukrainian Girls Everywhere! My Second A Foreign Affair Romance Tour

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Welcome to the Anastasia Family! Anastasia is one of the world’s largest Russian/American Introduction and Romance Tour Companies. We are a family run business that is committed to providing great value and service to our clients all over the world. Anastasia is a proud member of the American Society of Travel Agents and the Central & Eastern Europe Travel Board, and our Romance Tours have long been recognized as the benchmark by which other tour companies are measured. Our reputation for honesty and integrity has been the key to our success, which is why half of our clients come to us by word of mouth alone. Anastasia’s tour receptions are famous and are attended eagerly by some of the most beautiful women in Russia and Ukraine. Only Anastasia International has the resources and experience to bring groups to Russia and Ukraine on a frequent and regular basis. Our 146th tour departed Feb. 10, 2005. Anastasia is the only Romance tour company to be founded, owned and operated by a Russian/American couple; giving us a degree of insight and expertise that cannot be matched by our competitors. Our owners, David and Elena Besuden met in 1992 through an introduction service and got together that same year. Anastasia has been featured on a multitude of televisions shows and networks, including: 48 Hours, The Daily Show, The Howard Stern Show, and Jennie Jones, (News features on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN and the BBC) as well as a multitude of television networks in Japan, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Switzerland, Brazil, Turkey and Australia to just name a few. Anastasia is proud to have the largest full-time staff in the industry. With more than 80 full-time professionals hard at work in our US and Moscow offices, we are able to conduct tours and provide services with a level of expertise and professionalism that is unequaled by any other company. For instance, it is not a surprise that Anastasia is the only company in the world to offer Flower and Gift Delivery to every single city in the former Soviet Union! We are the only Romance Tour Company that enjoys true Russian/American ownership. David and Elena's connections to Russia run far deeper than our competitors, which gives Anastasia the ability to network with agencies and companies in every corner of the former Soviet Union. While our competitors offer flower deliveries in a meager 7 cities, we are able to deliver flowers and gifts to literally hundreds of cities and towns across all 11 time zones! Anastasia's American staff in our office in Bangor welcomes you to the great state of Maine! Come and meet our friendly employees and enjoy our beautiful little city, which has some of the best-preserved examples of classic 19th Century New England Architecture to be found anywhere. We are only a short drive from the world famous Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island, so do yourself a favor and come say hello! If you have questions about our program, need advice on Russia, or Russian ladies please do not hesitate to call us at 207-262-9595, 9-5 Mo-Fri. We’ll be glad to answer any questions you might have. It is not important if you have no experience in correspondence, or have been unsuccessful with other services. At Anastasia we realize that "word of mouth" is our most important form of advertising. Thousands of men and women join our program every year after learning about us from our successful former clients. See what other people say about us Also read: The Anastasia Difference If you have any comments, or suggestions on how we could improve our service, we'd like to hear from you . You are welcome to visit any of our offices. No appointment necessary, our doors are always open.
WHAT ARE THE STATISTICS REGARDING THE PROCESS?    "Approximately 75% of the clients who travel to a foreign country to meet their future life partner (as outlined above) get engaged from the first trip. Of the remaining 25%, almost all tell me "It was the vacation of a lifetime" and that they plan to return ASAP. Of those who get engaged and for whom I obtain a Fiancйe Visa, approximately 75% get together within 90 days of the woman's arrival in the U.S. Of the remaining 25% of the cases, it does not work out and the woman returns to her home. To date, to the best of my knowledge, our divorce rate is under five percent." From Larry Holms, Immigration Attorney (Fiancee Visas)

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