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How to Plan the Best Road Trip from Bangalore to Delhi in 2023: Complete Guide

April 18, 2023

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Planning a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi can be an exhilarating experience for many. With the right preparation, you can be sure to have a safe, fun, and memorable adventure. The planning of your road trip should include an itinerary, accommodation, vehicle rental, and stops along the way. Taking the time to properly plan your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi will ensure that you have an enjoyable and stress-free journey.

Choose the Best Route

Once you have determined the route for your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi , it is important to research different routes and find the one that will meet your needs. The best route for you may not be the most popular route for a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi; if possible, consider asking local advice about other back roads and regions that are off the beaten path. Consider factors such as scenic landscapes, points of historical or cultural interest, how much time you want spend on each stretch.

Some of the most common routes taken, for a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, by travelers include going via Chhattisgarh and Telangana through National Highway 16 (also known as Grand Trunk Road) or taking Sindri to Bhopal route on National Highway 44. Another option is taking Maharashtra-see route 8 which includes going through cities such as Indore and Ujjain.

Additionally, Gwalior can also be included in some trips as part of National Highway 75 or National Highway 3. The total distance of all these routes ranges from 1,800 to 2,200 km depending upon each individual route chosen and stops / detours made along the way.

No matter which route you choose for your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, make sure you plan ahead with enough time for lodging arrangements and rest breaks factored in particular if travelling with family and small children. Also bear in mind seasonal influences such as monsoons or high temperatures during summer months so that your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi remains safe as well as enjoyable excursion at all times.

Calculate the Estimated Travel Time

Before you begin your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi , it’s important to calculate the estimated travel time. Depending on the route you take and the traffic conditions, a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi can take anywhere between 18-30 hours. To get an accurate estimate, factor in your start point from Bangalore, your destination in Delhi, distances between each of the stopping points, and any potential stopovers during the journey.

There are many ways to calculate the estimated travel time for a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi . You may want to check online driving distance calculators for a more accurate estimation of your journey time. Other ways of measuring travel times include consulting a trusted navigational device or planning out estimated stops beforehand based on average speeds on different highways and roads you plan on taking.

Additionally, if you have friends who have recently completed a similar route or have references that can provide more information about highway congestion levels that could also help in determining your estimated arrival time at your destination in Delhi.

No matter what route you decide to take and how long it may be, the best way to make sure you have an enjoyable road trip from Bangalore to Delhi is by preparing well in advance with enough stops along the way for rest and relaxation. Such as, calculating an accurate estimate of your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi will put you ahead of any surprises that could occur during your journey.

Book Hotels and Accommodations

Before you begin your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi , it is important to book hotels and accommodation. Depending on how early you start your planning, this may mean finding nearby or remote accommodations to best suit your needs and budget. Consider factors such as location and amenities when booking a place to stay for the duration of your trip. Be sure to research reviews online and cross-reference prices before finalizing any reservations. Consider securing extra services that come with the room such as parking, continental breakfast, and free Wi-Fi if available.

Additionally, take note of if and when deposit refunds are available for cancellations in case unexpected events disrupt some plans. When trying to book a more unique accommodation experience such as an Airbnb, ensure you have read the ratings thoroughly before making a final decision. Finally, communicate this information with traveling companions and plan offsite activities around these hotel stays accordingly.

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Packing Essentials

If you’re planning a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, it’s important to make sure you’re packed with the right essentials. Before you set off, make sure you’ve got everything you need to ensure a smooth and safe journey. This guide will give you a detailed list of all the items you should consider packing before embarking on your adventurous road trip from Bangalore to Delhi.

List of essential items to pack

Before packing for your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, it is important to make a list of all the things you will need for the journey. If you plan in advance, you can make sure that nothing is forgotten and everything necessary is with you. Below are some helpful items that should be packed when undertaking a long-distance car journey.

Clothing: Depending on the length of your journey, take enough clothing items to cover at least one extra day. Remember that some of India’s cities may have different climates and weather conditions than where you live and pack accordingly. Be sure to include socks, underwear, and pyjamas too.

Toiletries: It goes without saying that taking all personal items like toothbrush, brush/comb, shaving kit etc., is essential while packing for a road trip. Also include skin cream and any medications or supplements that may be needed during journey or once there.

First Aid Kit: In addition to any prescribed medications which need to be taken along for the trip, a simple first aid kit should also be included in your packing list with things such as bandages, antiseptic cream, insect repellent etc., just in case anything gets lost along the way or if anyone needs urgent medical attention in an unfamiliar area.

Electronics: Camera and chargers for phones/laptops are necessary in today’s world but don’t forget some extra batteries as well – especially if you plan on taking lots of pictures. Extra memory cards are also advisable if travelling with a digital camera as these can prevent having to delete pictures while away from home due lack of space on the card itself.

Travel Guidebook: A good travel guidebook is always useful when travelling around India – these will usually contain key information regarding sights and attractions in each city such as hotel listings plus advice on culture/habits etc., which can give a great insight into what to expect once there as well as maps which will help one get around more easily while in an unknown place!

Essential Documents to Carry

Before setting out on your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, it is essential to have all the necessary documents to enable you to travel without any obstacles. Ensure that you have all the following documents on your person:

-Valid driver’s license: A valid driver’s license has to be held by the designated driver of the vehicle. The authorities must be able to verify the identity and age of the person who will drive throughout your journey.

-Insurance papers: All vehicles must possess valid insurance papers with accurate details of ownership and other particulars.

-Registration papers (RC): The registration certificate of the vehicle has all relevant details about it and should always be in handy during a road trip.

-Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate: This certificate verifies that the air pollution produced by your vehicle is within permissible limits as per standards set by statutory authorities. Every vehicle must possess a PUC Certificate since its mandatory for a car/bike owner in India to obtain one for smooth running on public roads and highways.

-Road tax receipt: This document is evidence that you have paid road taxes imposed by either state or central government. It proves that you are legally authorized in using public roads and also grants permission if required while crossing over other states or districts/cities while travelling in your vehicle as per rule & regulations stipulated by Road Transport Authorities elsewhere apart from home state/district authority laws & regulations of such destination(s).

It is always suggested that you keep these documents in plastic covers where they can’t get wet or dirty during your long trips.

Tips on Packing Light

No matter how excited you may be for your upcoming road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, the task of packing for a journey can often seem overwhelming. Sometimes packing light can feel like an impossible feat. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can prepare for your next adventure without carting along too much baggage.

First and foremost, create a checklist of items that are essential to your trip. This could include items such as clothing and toiletries, travel documents like passport or driver’s license, medications, and electronic devices. Once you have made your list of must-haves, stick to it strictly. Oftentimes travelers will decide to include extraneous objects which only serve to add extra weight to their bags.

When it comes to clothing items for your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi try sticking to garments that are multi-purposeful; choose neutral tones with layers as these pieces can be easily paired with other articles in your closet for multiple outfit options throughout the course of your journey. Make sure not to overpack on accessories; pick two versatile shoes that will serve many purposes rather than six pairs of sandals specifically designed for one outfit.

Finally practice mindful packing by taking advantage of compression bags which greatly reduce the bulkiness of clothes while also providing protection from dust and humidity while in transit. Consider investing in travel containers specially designed for items such as shampoo or moisturizers so that liquids can be safely transported within luggage without fear of spills or messes occurring along the way. Ultimately by following these tips on packing light travelers will be able to enjoy their adventuring experience free from burden.

Vehicle Preparation

A road trip from Bangalore to Delhi is a journey of over 2500 km. It requires thorough preparation in order to ensure safe and comfortable travel. One of the most important steps in the preparation process is to ensure that the vehicle is in optimal condition for the long road trip from Bangalore to Delhi. This section will provide tips on how to properly prepare the vehicle for the journey.

Get your Car Serviced

Everything from tires to brakes to engine oil and fluids should be serviced prior to a long-distance drive. Getting your car properly serviced is essential for a reliable and comfortable journey. Moreover, it also helps in avoiding any breakdowns while on the trip. Have your mechanic check the condition of your car’s engine, suspension, brakes and battery. Parts like brakes should be checked before the journey because each state has different laws regarding maintenance of vehicles.

Make sure you understand which type of inspection measures are required in the state you are headed for and take necessary precautionary measures beforehand. Most service centers offer a complete package that includes changing engine oil, topping off all fluids, replacing air filters, checking lights and wipers, inspecting belts and hoses, and inspecting tire tread depth among other things. It’s important to get these services done well before planning a long trip as they may require more time than expected.

Also ensure your car is equipped with an emergency kit that includes road flares or warning triangles in case of breakdowns; these items will help other drivers avoid collisions if you have to pull over on a busy highway or interstate.

Check Tire Pressure and Fluid Levels

Before a long road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, it is important to check and adjust the tire pressure and fluid levels of your vehicle. This should be done both when cold and hot, as vehicle tires on average decrease 1PSI (pound-force per square inch) for every 10-degree change in temperature. Six common fluids that should be checked are: engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, windshield wiper fluid and not least very important are the tires.

To accurately check all the fluids in your car correctly, refer to your owner’s manual or take your car to a professional auto technician for evaluation. To check pressure & inflation of tires you need an air gauge designed specifically for that task. Small variations in tire inflation can impact riding comfort and fuel economy. Furthermore, it is also essential to evaluate the treads of your tires as they are essential to providing traction on wet roads and also prolonging their lifespan.

Have a Toolkit Handy

A toolkit is a collection of tools and other items that can come in handy when you’re working on or performing repairs on your vehicle. Toolkits vary in size and content, but every driver should have a basic kit for car preparation and maintenance. Having a toolkit available in your car means that you can quickly make repairs with ease when needed, without having to scramble to find the item that you need. Here is a list of what should be included in your toolkit for your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi:

  • screwdrivers
  • a tire pressure gauge
  • spare fuses
  • a flashlight with extra batteries
  • jumper cables
  • basic first aid supplies such as Band aids and gauzes By being prepared with the right tools, you’ll be equipped to handle unexpected situations on the road and save yourself time, money, and stress.

On the Road

Taking a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi can be a great adventure, filled with amazing sights and tasty food all along the way. From the ancient temples of Hampi to the vibrant culture of Delhi, it is an exciting journey that you can experience while driving. In this article, we’ll be taking you through all the important information you need to know before setting off on a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi. We’ll be covering everything from what to expect on the way to tips and tricks for making the most out of your journey. So, buckle up, and let’s start the journey.

Safety tips while driving

Safety is of utmost importance when it comes to long distance driving. Even if you’re a pro at navigating tricky highways and winding roads, it’s important to refresh yourself with the basics for a stress-free road trip from Bangalore to Delhi.

To ensure your safety, make sure you’re familiar with the different types of roads you may encounter on your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi. Stay alert while driving and take extra caution on highways as they tend to have more traffic. Additionally, obey the speed limit and road signs.

Also keep in mind that a long drive can cause fatigue, especially if you’ve been driving all night or during peak summer hours when temperatures are high. Take frequent breaks throughout your journey so that you can stay alert and focused while behind the wheel. Moreover, plan ahead and check road conditions before setting off if possible; this could help avoid any unforeseen delays due to an accident or other circumstances.

Lastly, always wear your seatbelt: it will not only keep you safe but can also prevent penalties in case of law enforcement patrols during your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi.

Best Pit Stops Along the Way

The best part about a long road trip from Bangalore to Delhi can sometimes be the pit stops. From scenic overlooks to roadside attractions, stopping for a break allows for some time to stretch your legs and recharge. To make the most of your travel, here are some of the best pit stops along the way.

Photo Opportunities: Scenic overlooks, beautiful monuments and weird roadside attractions are great places to snap a few photos when you’re passing through on a road trip. Take a break from driving and bask in the beauty of nature or stop in at an odd attraction and document it with a photo or two.

Restaurants: Delicious local cuisine is often worth pulling off the highway for. From cherished mom-and-pop diners to trendy food trucks, there’s always something special about chowing down at an unexpected place and branching out from fast food chains.

Breweries/Wineries: Many breweries and wineries open their doors for tastings or simply offer their finished products at offsite locations—some even offer tours. Stop in for tasting flights or just chat up with locals over drinks; we guarantee you won’t regret it.

Relaxed Spots: Whether you visit a nearby beach, park or even campground, taking time to relax during shorter pitstops is important as well. Quit from your car trip blues by enjoying fresh air outdoors without having to go too far away from your destination.

Best Places to Eat

Food is an important part of your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi. Eating local delicacies is a great way to immerse yourself in the culture and enjoy the sights, sounds, and flavors of the region. There are plenty of spots along your journey where you can sample delicious food. Here are some suggestions for great places to eat on your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi.

· Mambalam Station – Mambalam Station is a unique restaurant that serves traditional dishes from Tamil Nadu and other parts of South India. Try their Mutton Gravy and Dal Vada for a taste of authentic South Indian cooking!

· Sholay Linga – A cozy restaurant in Maddur, this place serves mouth-watering snacks like Fried Masala Groundnuts and Chilli Bajji (onion fritters), as well as full meals like Obattu Saunders (a flat layer of rice mixed with dry coconut).

· GTara Food Court – If you’re looking for an array of different dishes, this food court in Gujarat has just what you need. With over 20 stalls selling everything from Gujarati Thali to Chinese food, there’s something here for everyone!

· Jagdalpur Café – Located in Banarasighat, this café serves Dreamland Iced Tea—a cool summer refresher—along with lip-smacking Indian snacks like Pakoras (vegetable fritters) and Aloo Parathas (stuffed potato flatbreads).

· The Great Punjab Restaurant – Stop by The Great Punjab Restaurant in Sarsana for an amazing North Indian feast. From Dal Makhani (rice & black lentils) to Butter Chicken to Amritari Kulfi (Indian ice cream), you’ll be spoiled for choice!

Entertainment and Sightseeing

taj mahal road trip from bangalore to delhi

There are many interesting things to do and see during a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi . The journey can be made even more enjoyable by visiting historical monuments, stunning wildlife sanctuaries, fascinating temples or by taking a walk-through traditional market. You can also explore the diverse culture of different cities by visiting local eateries or attending cultural events. Let’s explore all the entertaining activities and sightseeing spots that you can enjoy along your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi.

Popular tourist attractions

Road trip from Bangalore to Delhi can be one of the most memorable experiences in India. While on the road, you can explore many tourist attractions along your way. From Asian heritage sites to some of the most imposing architectural creations, there are plenty of tourist attractions that can be appreciated while heading on a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi by car.

Popular tourist attraction sites on this route include:

  • Qutub Minar: This iconic monument was built in 1193 and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located near Delhi. It has five interconnected stories with small balconies which make it an impressive sight.
  • Red Fort: Another UNESCO site, this Mughal-era fort is a must visit if you are visiting Delhi. Built using red sandstone on the banks of River Yamuna, this is where the Mughals used to stay in summer for years.
  • Gol Gumbad: Located at Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, this Monument is a popular destination along the route of your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi due to its magnificent architecture and grandeur aura. This monument dates back to 1450 and has four minarets with a dome at its centre which makes for great photographs.
  • Golkonda Fort: Located at Hyderabad, this fortress complex includes an armoured walls surrounding 4 kilometers and 8 gateways protecting 4 big, fortified structures within its walls; making it one of the largest fort constructing Asia during its peak days also once known as Kubera Kona or hill of Kubera(treasure).
  • Taj Mahal: The world famous Taj Mahal stands tall in Agra as one of the refined examples of Mughal architecture and technology combined crafted with beauty by Emperor Shah Jahan as a tribute for Mumtaz Mahal his beloved wife who passed away while giving birth to their 14th child soon after they were married over 2 centuries ago making this place a beautiful symbol of eternal love which locals believed still brings luck no matter what mode of travel you take .

Best Places to Take Photos

gwalior fort road trip bangalore to delhi

A road trip from Bangalore to Delhi offers a range of picturesque views along the road. From historical monuments to lush greenery, there are numerous photogenic spots along the way. Whether you’re looking for photographs of rural India or cityscapes, you will find plenty of opportunities to capture stunning scenes while on your road trip.

Here are some of the best places to stop and take photographs while you’re on your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi:

jaisalmer fort road trip from Bangalore to delhi

  • Agra Fort: The grand fort is a masterpiece of red sandstone, offering incredible views and angles for stunning photos.
  • Qutb Minar: The tower is a World Heritage Site located in Delhi with intricate detailing and wonderful views from its rooftop.
  • Lake Pichola in Udaipur: With a backdrop of mesmerizing palaces, the tranquil lake provides an idyllic spot for photo opportunities – including picturesque sunsets and sunrises.
  • Jaisalmer Fort: Built atop towering walls, Jaisalmer Fort is one of the largest forts in India and one of the photogenic spots along your route from Bangalore to Delhi.
  • Khajuraho Temples: Built with unique sculptures, engravings and architecture – these temples are perfect for taking beautiful shots after dark with all the lights illuminating their features perfectly.
  • Gwalior Fort: One of India’s most awe-inspiring forts, Gwalior fort towers above its surrounding landscape providing spectacular photos when viewed from afar or up close.

Local Events and Activities

No matter if you are planning a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, road trip from Bangalore to Delhi has something to offer in terms of events and activities to keep everyone entertained. With numerous cultural, historic, and sporting attractions, there is always something exciting happening in the city.

If you are looking for family-friendly ways to spend your time in Delhi, the city organizes a wide array of events throughout the year such as the Katra Music Festival, Dilli Haat cultural market, India Gate National Monument light show, and many more. Alternatively, for those looking for unique cultural attractions like museums or theater productions can visit places like the National Gallery of Modern Art or watch at one of the oldest theaters in India—Habitat World Theatre.

For those looking for more adventurous activities, Delhi offers several adventure parks that include thrilling rides like a zip line ride through a water park and rock-climbing opportunities. There is a large number of watersports including rafting on River Ganges and sailing on Yamuna and boat rides at Lake Vasant Kunj.

For the wildlife enthusiast there are expansive national reserves including Srinagar Wildlife Sanctuary (home to over 200 species of birds), Hansi Naraan Sanctuary (the largest wetland reserve in North India), and Tajpur Big Mud Reserve (closely watching Bengal tigers). No matter what type of activity someone may be interested in they’ll be able to find something while sightseeing through Delhi.

Thanks for reading the full article on How to plan the best Road trip  from Bangalore to Delhi . If you found this article helpful, then share it with others to help them plan the best road trip from Bangalore to Delhi .

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9 Day Delhi to Bangalore Road Trip Itinerary

Covering Highlights in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharasthra, Goa & Karnataka, this 9 Day Road trip between Delhi and Bangalore may just be an ideal dose of a brief all-India journey!

There is nothing like a road trip to explore and understand a place better. As you skim through a region you not only slowly understand the geography better but also get to see some of the best views of the country that you can miss otherwise. And if you are one of those people who enjoys learning about cultures and a local way of life, there’s even more for you on a road trip.

So yea, road trips are better than any other means of travelling, and when it comes to a country like India, where every 500km takes you to a new world, things become even more interesting. Keeping this in mind, I recently planned a 3-week and nearly 3000 km road trip between New Delhi and Bangalore. Honestly speaking, I understood my country better in those three weeks than the entire 4+ years of full-time travelling put together.

So, if you too can afford a few weeks, want to understand India better, and can plan a road trip somewhere, I can suggest my route map.

This New Delhi to Bangalore (or north to south India) road trip will take you across 5 Indian states, a constantly changing landscape, and a big-time culture shift. From the original 3 weeks, I have carefully cut short the duration to 9 days, because I understand that for some people, TIME DOES MATTER! Alright, let’s get to the business…

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Introduction: Delhi to Bangalore Road Trip Itinerary

Before initiating the journey, I handpicked a few places that I didn’t want to miss. This included Udaipur in Rajasthan and the coastal stretch between Mumbai and Goa. I have done Mumbai and Goa Coastal last year in 2018 and knew what beauty they can offer. To my knowledge, the Mumbai to Goa stretch was going to be the highlight of the journey. But as I started, I realised that roads in Rajasthan offer an equal opportunity to endorse a road trip in India.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Having said that, if I were to suggest a few highlighted stretches out of my entire Delhi to Bangalore route, I will suggest Jaipur to Udaipur, Mumbai to Goa (via coastal route and not the highway), and Goa to Marvanthe.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Please note that if you will Google navigate between Delhi and Bangalore, it will suggest you the shortest route via Madhya Pradesh and Telangana, avoiding Rajasthan and the western coast. I took that route during my return journey (from Bangalore to Delhi which took me only three days to cover the entire distance). Where you will certainly find better roads on that stretch and the journey will be quicker, but you will miss many places. Having said that, if the idea is to enjoy an all-India Road Trip, I won’t recommend you take that route.

Two Days in Rajasthan

delhi to udaipur routemap

The two-day road trip taking you from Delhi to Jaipur and Udaipur, before you enter Gujarat can be brief but a fairly good introduction to all that a road trip in Rajasthan can offer. I mean if I talk about myself, before this motorcycle trip I always thought that Rajasthan is only all about old heritage towns and forts… but after only a few days of riding in Rajasthan, I was proved wrong.

Rajasthan isn’t just about exploring old towns and appreciating architecture but enjoying beautiful landscapes and road trips too. From desert trails to winding mountain roads, Rajasthan has something for everyone.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

I remember as soon as I left Ajmer and started towards Udaipur, the highway constantly changed from open straight stretches to winding and narrow curves. At times it gave the most cliched desert-like landscape, before dramatically changing into a Hampi-like setting with mountains of big boulders to be only seen all around.

rajasthan jawa 42

From Udaipur, I went straight down south towards Ahmedabad. But had I taken a right, and west towards Mount Abu, things would have been entirely different, offering a Himalayas-like setting.

A two-day road-trip, doing Delhi-Jaipur-Ajmer-Udaipur, is a short. Still, nevertheless a good introduction to the kind of experiences and rich landscapes a road-trip across Rajasthan can offer.

Also Read: Is Udaipur Worth Visiting?

Udaipur to Vadodara to Mumbai

udaipur to mumbai routemap

Udaipur to Vadodara and further south to Mumbai is a boring stretch of the journey – with good highways of course, but almost no natural beauty to enjoy a road-trip. The first 100km from Udaipur was still okay with the periodic change in landscapes but as soon as I entered Gujarat and neared Vadodara, the journey became monotonously boring with nothing but a long highway and a lot of traffic to deal with.

Vadodara to Mumbai was also another boring stretch of the journey with nothing much to see and do around. If colonial history interests you, Daman can be a good place to explore on the way (located 150km north of Mumbai).

delhi to bangalore highway route

The highways between Udaipur and Mumbai are overall quite in shape with only toll roads connecting the entire stretch. Though it’s very tiresome to do the journey in a day, I suggest you try it because there is literally no beauty on the way. If not, break the journey into two days (choose Ahmedabad, Vadodara or Bharuch to stay on the way.

Four Days In Coastal Maharashtra

mumbai to goa routemap

Mumbai to Goa coastal route was, in fact, one of the two reasons why I did a north to South India motorcycle trip in the first place (the other reason was exploring Kerala on a motorcycle). I did the same route more than two years ago while shooting an ad commercial for Maruti Alto and was well accustomed to the highlights this route can offer – from natural beauty to different riding conditions.

For people who like road-trips, Mumbai to Goa coastal route is like going to Mecca. From riding next to the coast to venturing into a jungle-safari-like setting to ferry crossings, here, you will find something for everyone. And if you’re a drone to make videos, you can literally do magic. Here’s a video I made on the second day of the trip, watch the drone shots:

Now, if you’re doing Mumbai to Goa via NH 48, you can do the same journey in about 10 hours, but following the coastal route takes at least four days even when you’re riding all day. Taking ferries can moreover consume some time as they run every 45 minutes at most of the points and it may happen that you arrive at a ferry point the minute the last ferry has left.

delhi to bangalore coastal road trip

The entire stretch has more than five ferry crossings all operating during the daytime only. Visit to check the time schedule for each ferry point and save yourself from needless waiting.

Here’s how you can plan your 4-day journey between Mumbai and Goa:

  • Mumbai to Harihareshwar (7-10 hours)
  • Harihareshwar to Ganpatipule (7-10 hours)
  • Ganpatipule to Tarkarli (6-9 hours)
  • Tarkarli to Goa (5 hours)

Further Reading: A More Detailed Mumbai and Goa Coastal Route Itinerary (please note that my motorcycle road trip followed the same route but I chose different places to break the journey. The itinerary suggested above is the basis of the two journeys I have done on the coastal Maharashtra route).

One Day In Coastal Karnataka

goa to marvanthe routemap

As soon as you exit South Goa and enter into Karnataka, the first highlight comes your way with River Kali flowing on one side and the Arabian Sea on the other. Karwar Beach is a famous tourist spot to stop by and enjoy the two waterbodies simultaneously, but if you just look at the map, you will find the hidden gem of Devbag Beach, located only a few km from Karwar. From Devbagh, it’s possible to experience a Marvanthe-like setting – with river Kali flowing on one side of you, and the Arabian Sea on the other.

karwar beach drone photo

The entire Goa to Marvanthe stretch will have winding roads with most of the time the road is open for two-way traffic. The roads may be narrow but overall pretty good in shape. Though only a 5-hour journey it can take a good 8 to 9 hours as there are many beautiful spots where you might want to take a moment and click a picture, so leave early.

Marvanthe will be the highlighted spot with the Arabian Sea and Suparnika River flowing on either side of the highway. The main beach may get a little crowded in the evening, but if you will try it’s not too hard to find your own quiet corner somewhere.

marvanthe beach photo

There are places to stay near Marvanthe Beach. And when you reach Bangalore, I suggest you stay near HSR because this is where you find most green spaces, including some of the best parks in Bangalore.

Concluding Delhi To Bangalore Road Trip

routemap to bangalore routemap

When I originally planned my Delhi to Bangalore journey, I decided to go all the way to Mangalore (exploring Murudeshwar and Udupi, the south of Marvanthe) before finally moving to Bangalore and ending the trip. But because the weather was too hot and humid to ride in South India, I decided to cut short my trip from Marvanthe. This hot weather has troubled me since I reached Mumbai. The south I went and the hotter and sweatier it only got. This was during the winter months (December and January). Anyway, here’s more cribbing about the weather and the reason why I think South India Is Not Meant for Riding (currently writing the article).

Now, coming back to the point… Marvanthe to Bangalore will take you to the green patches of Chickmangalur with proper mountain-like riding conditions for at least half of the journey (until you exit Chickmangalur and reach Balur.

bangalore road trip photo

There are two almost parallel running routes from Marvanthe to Bangalore, but take the one that takes you from Marvanthe to Agumbe to Hassan and then Bangalore as that one is more scenic. At two points on the journey, near Agumbe Sunset Point, you will be dealing with around 20 hairpin bends, making the experience quite enjoyable. Located at nearly 1000m above sea level, the Agumbe motorable pass is a local tourist attraction.

Have you ever done a Delhi to Bangalore road trip? Or some other equally long north-to-south India road trip? Where was it to?

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That’s a wonderful adventure from Delhi to Bangalore Dev. I want to take a moment and introduce asia’s first theme caves resort called Brys Caves to your readers. It is one of the most luxurious modern resort in the heart of jungle in Jim Corbett National Park. Brys Caves is the most preferable resort for adventurous or Romantic gateway. Your adventurous holidays start when you get on safari to reach the Resort. Brys caves has 40 elegantely designed caves. Brys Caves Resort presents a magnificent backdrop for the intimacy and grandeur of a wedding in Jim Corbett. Graceful indoor venues for 100-250 people, Brys Caves Resort can host all weddings, corporate functions, and banquets. From a simple ceremony to a grand extravaganza, The trademark warmth and hospitality are reflected in its personalized wedding management that ensures that every little detail, however small, is given the attention it deserves.

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Hi dev i am Deon from bangalore, and i see all of your vlogs in youtube regarding the jawa 42.. even i boughtt the same colour as yours.. i am waiting for u to come to bangalore some day so that i can meet u. and i am very desperate to meet u and make your jawa 42 and my jawa 42 stand next to each other and take few pics… i like the way u explain the details about jawa 42. i request u to come to bangalore again after the covid-19 holidays…. please let me know your answer.

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How Can I Plan a Road Trip From Bangalore to Delhi?

By Anna Duncan

Planning a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi can be an exciting and thrilling experience. However, it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here are some tips on how to plan your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi:

1. Determine Your Route

The first step in planning your road trip is to determine the route you will take. There are several routes you can take from Bangalore to Delhi, each with its own pros and cons.

One of the most popular routes is via NH 44, which takes you through Hyderabad, Nagpur, and Agra before reaching Delhi. This route is approximately 2,200 km long and takes around 36 hours of driving time.

Another route is via NH 48 and NH 44, which takes you through Pune, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, and Agra before reaching Delhi. This route is approximately 2,500 km long and takes around 42 hours of driving time.

Whichever route you choose, make sure to research it thoroughly beforehand to ensure that it’s safe and suitable for your vehicle.

2. Plan Your Stops

It’s important to plan your stops along the way to ensure that you don’t get tired or bored during the journey. Some popular stopover destinations on the Bangalore-Delhi route include Hyderabad, Nagpur, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, and Agra.

Make sure to book your accommodation in advance if you plan on staying overnight at any of these destinations. You can also research local attractions such as sightseeing spots or restaurants that are worth visiting during your stopovers.

3. Check Your Vehicle

Before embarking on your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, make sure that your vehicle is in good condition. Get it serviced by a professional mechanic who specializes in long-distance travel.

Check the oil levels, brakes, tires, and other important components of your vehicle to ensure that they are functioning properly. It’s also a good idea to carry a spare tire, toolkit, and emergency supplies such as water and snacks.

4. Consider the Weather

The weather can play a significant role in determining the success of your road trip. Make sure to check the weather forecast for your route before you leave.

If you’re traveling during the monsoon season (June-September), be prepared for heavy rainfall and flooding in some areas. If you’re traveling during the summer months (April-June), be prepared for high temperatures and dry conditions.

5. Stay Safe

Safety should be your top priority during any road trip. Make sure to follow all traffic rules and regulations, wear your seatbelt at all times, and avoid driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

It’s also a good idea to carry a first-aid kit, emergency contact numbers, and a map or GPS device in case you get lost or have an accident.

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The driving time from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India is:

34 hours, 24 minutes.

Average driving speed: 38.9 mph Kilometers per hour: 62.7 km/h This is based on typical traffic conditions for this route.

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Driving time from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India

How long is the drive from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India? The total driving time is 34 hours, 24 minutes .

Your trip begins in Bangalore, India. It ends in Delhi, India.

If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India .

You can also calculate the cost to drive from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

Since this is a long drive, you might want to stop halfway and stay overnight in a hotel. You can find the city that is halfway between Bangalore, India and Delhi, India .

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the flight time from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India.

Bangalore, India

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Bangalore to Delhi Road Trip By Shikha| One Crazy Road Trip with Family

Bangalore-Goa Road Trip

Bangalore to Delhi Road trip – Sound crazy? well, that’s what we planned with kids & during peak summer, the crazy road route is like covering a portion of India mainland. Read out one of our family road trip stories covering Goa, Pune & all experience on the road.


Below are the main major components of our recent super awesome trip. Wondering how??

  • Duty:- Lok Sabha elections 2019. We were to go to Delhi to vote.
  • Vacations:- It’s summer vacations for the kids.
  • Road Trip:- We love doing road trips to explore more.
  • Home visit:- Although in Bangalore but our roots are still there in Delhi.

It was only a day before 1 got a call that my husband’s leave got sanctioned and we had to leave tomorrow. Imagine planning so much instantly. All permutation combinations were going on, as to which route to take? Where to stay? How r the road conditions etc?  We hurriedly packed everything as we were too excited.

We planned a one-week trip so that we can spend some time also at the places we chose. Every destination during this trip has its own charm and importance.


Bangalore-Delhi Road trip

While planning our entire road trip, we put more emphasis on proper rest, sightseeing activities for kids. I think, if you are on a long trip, take the utmost care of proper rest and avoid any type of fatigue.

The road route we followed is as-

  • Day1 – Bangalore To Goa, 560 Km
  • Day2 – Leisure in Goa
  • Day3 – Goa To Pune, 500 Km
  • Day 4 – Enjoyment with family
  • Day 5 – Pune to Shirdi Via Shani Signapur, 150 Km
  • Day 6 – Shirdi to Chittorgarh
  • Day 7 – Chittorgarh to Delhi, 680 Km

Where we stayed during our trip

  • Goa:- O3 resort
  • Pune:- My brothers home
  • Shirdi:- Hotel Dhantara
  • Chittorgarh:- Lake Nahargarh Palace


Palolem through our eyes

Our journey towards Goa started at around 5.45 am. It is about 560 Km and around 10 hrs drive. We took the Bangalore-Chitradurga-Haveri-Yellapur-Kanwar route to reach Paolem.

We reached Tumakuru around 7 AM and Chitradurga around 8.30AM. It’s a 3 lane highway from Tumakuru to Chitradurga so the drive was nice. After Chitradurga, we stopped for our first break at Hotel Sai Palace. As always we tried to take our break at the local hotels to have that authentic food.


Massive construction work of widening the roads are going on after Devangere. Unfortunately, we got stuck for 45 mins due to the huge traffic jam because of an accident around 25 km before Haveri. Anyways incidents like these are expected on road trips.

Soon after Haveri, we were stopped for a security check because of the upcoming elections. I should not forget to mention that on our 7 days journey we were stopped not less than 10 times for checking. Well done team.

After Haveri there was a big reservoir/lake on our right. We wanted to stop but could not as it was a very narrow road and buses were coming from the other side.

Not many people suggested us to go to the Western Ghats due to dry and hot spell but we wanted to go to Goa, that was it. From Haveri onwards it was all single road. Ghats, forests(somewhere dry somewhere lush green), Monasteries, Forest rest House were all found from Haveri to Ankola.

We also passed by Naval Base Camp Kanwar, it was huge. We saw Kanwar beach but didn’t stop as we were getting late. And finally around 3, 3.30 we reached Palolem.


Paloem Goa

Palolem is in the southernmost part of Goa. It is a C shaped beach, famous for its serenity and calmness as most of the people come here for Yoga, meditation and Spa. As it is 2 hrs drive from Panaji so not much of Indian tourists come here. Moreover, no active water sports activities take place here.

We googled a few good shacks so went there and chose O3 resort amongst them. All around the shoreline you will find shacks for all type of price range depending on the season, facilities, etc an yes you can negotiate as well. As per our suggestion take shacks towards the south shore of Palolem(because of the view). We find O3 resort the best amongst all in terms of the oceanfront A/c huts, food, overall surroundings, etc.


Kids could stay in water for hours as it is shallow for quite a distance and waves were ideal, so even we were also not afraid about kids. There were almost 5 lifeguards present throughout the beach from morning 6 to evening 7. Activities like kayaking and body board were there. There are 2,3 shops on the beach only, from where you can get these types of equipment for hire. In fact, you can get almost everything related to swimming from there may it be beach set for kids, goggles, floater, costumes and even tanning lotions.

As the evening sets in kids were playing football and volleyball all around the beachside, few were doing Yoga , many were enjoying their walk and we were enjoying our candlelit table set on the beach for drinks and dining . Generally, all the shacks set these tables around the sunset. They have live bar-be-que with all sorts of seafood options. I would also like to emphasize on the quality of food as well, as the food was very tasty, freshly prepared, at par with foreign standards.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

The first evening we just laid back, soaked ourselves into the waves and just relaxed. The next day morning early we hired a boat from there for Dolphin watching and to our surprise they were many and all around us. Then the boat took us to Butterfly beach , it’s a secluded beach and dense forest area behind that, we stayed there for half an hour and went to honeymoon beach but somehow we didn’t like it so we only saw it from the boat and headed back for our breakfast.

We decided to have our breakfast at a small hilltop restaurant so as to have a full view of Palolem. After that, we jumped into the sea, did body boarding, got a temporary tattooed made and lu lu on my hairs(thread wovening) as they call it. We thought of going to the local market(just behind the shacks) to pick up some local stuff but kids were reluctant so just dropped off the idea.


Most of the shacks remain closed for 2 months (late April to late June) as it is very hot during that time of the year. As it’s on the west coast early morning or evening are the best time to be in the water. Even in mid-April, we found the weather was very pleasant.

Sun setting by, the sound of waves calming your soul, light background music, candles all around lit up, lip-smacking food, kids enjoying freely was Palolem for us.


Two days just went by and we started for Pune at around 10.30 in the morning . It is 10 hrs drive passing through Chorla Ghats-Belgaun-Sitara-Pune with a total of 500 km.

The road through the ghats was good. While crossing through it we could see a few big mines Vedanta, Kuddegal, Coldi to name a few. Few resorts are also there like Wilderness, Delta huts, etc. We reached Belgaum at around 3 and took a lunch break at Samudra The Kebab Factory Family Restaurant right on the highway going to Pune.

This restaurant is a newly opened restaurant run by a renowned chef Mr. Kuldeep who has the experience of working of almost 25yrs and has worked with many renowned hotels. With so many years of experience, he decided to come back to his hometown to give an address to food lovers.

This restraint is famous for Kababs and they have a wide variety and buffet options to choose from. Although we went to this restaurant randomly but were lucky somehow to have delicious food and when the owner who was inspecting got to know about us he was courteous enough to take care of all our needs. With kids with us, he even offered to take water and other essentials with us.

It’s a 4 lane highway now till Pune. Reached Kohlapur at 5, Satara at 7 but Pune at 9.30 PM. You won’t believe there was a huge jam after the cut for Pune city so much so that google show 1 hr 20 min to cover just 30 Kms. So ultimately reached my brother’s place around 9.30 PM. The next day at Pune was relaxing and enjoyed with the family with gup shups and food.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner


Pune has grown up as an IT city over a period of time. Since I Have been to Pune now many times so knew places of interest like Aga Khan Palace, Dagru Seth(Ganeshji Mandir), Garden vada pav center, etc.

To more about Pune please, I would recommend you to read our popular blog on Pune things to do .


We were to go to Shirdi next so we thought to go to Shani Signapur as well. We started for Shani Shignapur at 12.45 pm the next afternoon, which is about 150 km and 3 hrs drive from Pune via Ahmednagar. The road is ok but as soon as you slide down from the highway the last few km the road condition is not good at all.

Shani Signapur:- Place where people don’t even put locks in their homes. Yes, it is believed here that.  Avoid going on Saturdays as it is very crowded. With development, this temple is also coming up with a huge campus, underground parking, and many facilities for the devotees.

On the outside, you have many shops which will offer you offerings ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. It is the personal choice of an individual what all to take, whereas inside like many temples you are only allowed to keep the offerings at some specified place only. While you exit you can purchase the Prasad from the counters. It took only half an hour for the temple visit as it was not very crowded and we have been here earlier too.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

More around Sai baba temple:- After visiting the Shani Signapur temple we headed straight for Shirdi at around 4.30 pm and reached around 6 pm. We checked in to Hotel Dhantara and went straight for Sai baba darshan as we knew its Thursday and there will be lines. And yes there were. We opted for the paid darshan which we later realized was the best option because even in that line it took 3 hrs for the darshan . Though it was hot there were big coolers installed and proper arrangements by the management to tackle huge crowds and hot weather.

Around the temple, within walkable distance, you have many hotels and lodges options for all budgets. Many restaurants and dhaba for food as well. Even the trust has many complexes for stay eg Sai Ashram, Bhakti Niwas, etc which you can book online as well. Trust has free bus service to the temple at specified timings or else you can take an auto from outside which you can get very easily.

After the darshan when we came out there was “kafila of high-end cars” on the small road beside the temple complex with police security and commandos. When my son enquired from one of the commandos he said it’s of Ambani. Although my daughter is small to understand about Ambanis my son was super excited so much so that he made us have our dinner at Shere Punjab Dhaba right where all the cars were parked and also explained about Ambani’s to my daughter very well.


It was the longest travel duration of this trip. Shirdi to Chittorgarh. 680 kms and 12 hrs. We took Shirdi-Dhule –MHOW-Ratlam-Chittorgarh route.

We started early at 5 AM. Road conditions were good but as we were heading more towards North hotter it was becoming. No good eating joints or public facilities as was not more of a tourist highway. Stopped for a dhaba for MP special breakfast(POHA) and peshal chai(special tea) this is what they call in MP right after crossing the Narmada river .

Crossed MHOW at around 11.30 AM and stopped for lunch at Mandsaur around 2 PM. We kept looking for good restraint but couldn’t get any. But finally stopped at MH Meenakshi Hotel in Mandsaur as it was bigger, open space under a tree and saw a family at last. Been in Rajasthan we had “gate ki sabzi” which was too good to resist.

Seeing us one well-educated person from the dhaba only also came and started being friendly, wanted to know more about the car, etc, we were cynical. But eventually, we realized he was the owner and was passionate about cars. It was our fear actually which somehow don’t let u trust others especially when you are traveling with the family to a new place.

After our lunch, refreshing tea, and relaxation we headed for our hotel. En route, we saw Fin factory, mines and geology dept, JK cement factory, and Aditya Birlas Adityapuram city, etc. The highways are excellent. And finally, at around 5.15 PM we reached Justa Nahargarh Palace.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Justa Nahargarh Palace:- As we all know Chittorgarh is not as popular as Udaipur, Jaisalmer, etc, but chose this as it was en route and somehow I found a very beautiful place to stay.

It’s a beautiful palace within a lake, deep in the village converted into a hotel by Justa group. Before I reached, I had many apprehensions about the property as the reviews were average and since summers at their peak, I was in doubt about the water level of the lake, but with the movement, I saw it all my doubts got washed away.

As we reached the parking, a motorboat was waiting for us which took us to the hotel. We opted for the suite which is super beautiful, huge, located at the corner, and had a beautiful view. We relaxed for the day doing swimming. The food was very nice.


Kids were very happy as they were staying in the palace turned hotel for the first time. My daughter was only telling Raja Rani tales and wanted to connect with Raja rani of the modern era with her stories and questioners. Everything made us feel as if we really are Raja and Rani.

Horse riding was organized for us the next day morning. We also saw ostrich moving around for the first time ever in our lives. They were so huge even bigger than our car . And we saw the horse being afraid of the ostrich.

Then returned back, had our breakfast, kids again went swimming, we slept for some more relaxation, planned to check out late and at last started for our home at 2 PM from there. It’s 10 hrs from our home and being on the known highway we didn’t mind traveling at night even.


Chittorgarh – Deoli highway was again very nice and smooth but to our surprise, Delhi Jaipur Highway was in very bad condition. Uneven potholed road and too much traffic. My husband laughed and said, “It’s feeling as if I am playing some racing car video game”. It was the most pathetic route out of the whole 7 days which we traveled.

We stopped for the dinner break at Hotel Highway King . The food was nice, had swings for the kids, shops for shopping. Hotel Highway king has almost 7 to 8 branches all on the Delhi-Jaipur-Ajmer highway and a good place to stop by. Finally, at 12 midnight we reached our home safely, concluding the 2655Kms Bangalore- Delhi road trip in 7 days happy, relaxed and contented.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner


Road Trips are not everybody’s cup of tea as many people do not want to drive. But it’s my suggestion that everyone should at least try once. And for all crazy people like us


  • Before road trip planning does study the map and plan your halts accordingly.
  • Always follow traffic rules and maintain your speed. Do not think over speed on highways.
  • Always carry RC(Registration Certificate), Insurance, Pollution Certificate, and Driving License.
  • Get your vehicle serviced/properly checked before planning long drives
  • Carry water and food for emergencies.


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Before you go, I hope the blog post answered some of the questions about the Bangalore to Delhi Road Trip. If you still have a question? Feel free to comment or rate us by clicking the 5 stars. Have a great road trip ahead

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About the author: shikha gaur.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

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Sir apke charges kya hai?

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Thanks Pankaj

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Thanks Bhanu

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Thanks Garima

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Amazing blog and is really helpful… Will consult you once I plan this trip.

Thanks Ratan,

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Wow, a beautiful narration of complete journey. I really enjoyed reading it. This is really very motivational.

Thanks Saurav

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Road Trip experiences are worth sharing! And, shared best in the way you did here… Keep informing, keep travelling.

Many Thanks Pankaj

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Many thanks Khushi

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Thanks Lake View Trip

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Interesting and informative blogs, thanks for sharing this information.

Thanks Dhanvi Tours

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Thank you for writing such a great post. The way you express things in content is just mindblowing. I am looking forward to reading more of your content. I hope you have a beautiful day.

Thanks for appreciating our posts.

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Delhi to Bangalore drive main kaunse tax lage?

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Well explained. A guide for new travellers.

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bangalore to delhi road trip planner

I need an itinerary for a trip by car from Bangalore to Delhi. I need to be in Delhi as noon on Nov 23, so I need to know my itinerary based on the following parameters: How do I write a long post here - I have more info to add to my question.

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Road Trip from Bangalore to Delhi

By NKD , February 9, 2021 in Route queries

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Dear Friends,

I am planning a road trip with family in Feb'21 from Bangalore to Delhi. I heard that Bangalore to Hyderabad road is perfect. However, I want to ensure and check how is the situation further. I have two kids with me, so I am kind of planning to cover 700 km per day so that third day I reach Delhi and with this definitely I would like to avoid night driving.

As per the review and distance, I believe I should be able to reach Hyderabad around 2 pm (Lunch time) but not sure how far I can go towards Nagpur where I can find decent hotel for night halt and food ? This is my bigger question.

Any suggestion for next day halt as well at an average of 700 km. Route is BLR-HYD-NAG -AGRA-DELHI and my car is Tata Tiago.

Waiting for your valuable inputs and suggestions.


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Bangalore to Nagpur roads are pretty good.

Nagpur has plenty of stay options.

Bangalore to Nagpur 

Roads are pretty good, it is 4-lane till road all the way.

Nagpur to Sagar

Sagar to Delhi

  • Drive is going to be hectic
  • Start early in the morning everyday
  • Take power naps
  • Tiago can do it without any issues
  • Avoid late night drive as much as possible 
  • Plenty of stray animals on the road once you cross Nagapur
  • Carry energy bars and snacks
  • limited food options between Nagpur and Agra 


I would otherwise suggest an alternative plan which would make your more comfortable rather than seeing it hectic..

Day 1 : Bangalore to Nizamabad

Day 2 : Nizamabad to Sagar

Day 3 : Sagar to Delhi

Start early every morning and you can avoid the night drives. 

Thanks Sagar...this looks more good to me. The only point to check whether I can get good family stay in Nizamabad. Any idea. 

12 hours ago, NKD said: Thanks Sagar...this looks more good to me. The only point to check whether I can get good family stay in Nizamabad. Any idea.    Thanks

We stayed in Nikhil Sai hotel for a wedding event.  It is decent for a quick nap. Don't expect luxury. 

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bangalore to delhi road trip planner

40 Best Stops Between New Delhi and Bengaluru

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How long is the drive from New Delhi to Bengaluru?

The direct drive from New Delhi to Bengaluru is 1,310 mi (2,107 km) , and should have a drive time of 1 day 1 hr in normal traffic.

If you’re going on a road trip from New Delhi to Bengaluru, we did the research for you and compiled some great stops along the way — with Agra , Hyderabad , Hampi , Khajuraho , Gwalior , Alwar , Nagpur , Pachmarhi , Jabalpur , and Pachmarhi , as well as top places to visit like Prem Mandir, Vrindavan and Siliserh Lake, or the ever-popular Banke Bihari Temple.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Top cities between New Delhi and Bengaluru

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Best stops along New Delhi to Bengaluru drive

Banke bihari temple.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Prem Mandir, Vrindavan

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Siliserh Lake

Sariska tiger camp resort, deeg palace, wildlife sos - elephant conservation and care center, itmad-ud-daula, mehtab bagh.

bangalore to delhi road trip planner

Keoladeo National Park

Panch mahal, gwalior fort, jai vilas palace, kandariya mahadeva temple, marble rocks, dhuandhar waterfall, pench national park, mp, shri ram temple & fort, shri ganesh mandir tekdi, tadoba-andhari tiger reserve, takhat sachkhand sri hazur sahib, sri bhramaramba mallikarjuna swamy varla devasthanam, shree vijaya vitthala temple, virupaksha temple, hampi, belum caves, lepakshi nandi, horsley hills, top searches in bengaluru, other popular road trips from new delhi, explore nearby places.

  • Bilekahalli
  • Yeshwantpur
  • Kammasandra
  • Nelamangala
  • Manchanabele
  • Doddaballapur
  • Channarayapatna
  • Ramanagaram
  • Bidarakatte
  • Channapatna
  • Chikkaballapur
  • Devarayanadurga

All related maps of Bengaluru

  • Map of Bengaluru
  • Map of Bilekahalli
  • Map of Yeshwantpur
  • Map of Kammasandra
  • Map of Dasanapura
  • Map of Nelamangala
  • Map of Sadahalli
  • Map of Bidadi
  • Map of Manchanabele
  • Map of Dabguli
  • Map of Doddaballapur
  • Map of Hosur
  • Map of Channarayapatna
  • Map of Magadi
  • Map of Kodagurki
  • Map of Agara
  • Map of Ramnagaram
  • Map of Ramanagaram
  • Map of Ramanagara
  • Map of Vijayapura
  • Map of Dabaspete
  • Map of Kanakapura
  • Map of Siddapura
  • Map of Bidarakatte
  • Map of Channapatna
  • Map of Chikkaballapur
  • Map of Kunigal
  • Map of Devarayanadurga
  • Map of Kolar
  • Map of Tumkur
  • Map of Madduru

Bengaluru throughout the year

  • Bengaluru in January
  • Bengaluru in February
  • Bengaluru in March
  • Bengaluru in April
  • Bengaluru in May
  • Bengaluru in June
  • Bengaluru in July
  • Bengaluru in August
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  • Bengaluru in October
  • Bengaluru in November
  • Bengaluru in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Bengaluru?

Get inspired for your trip to Bengaluru with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Bengaluru Itinerary
  • 2-Day Bengaluru Itinerary
  • 3-Day Bengaluru Itinerary
  • 4-Day Bengaluru Itinerary
  • 5-Day Bengaluru Itinerary

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i drive from new delhi to bengaluru.

Yes! You can drive from New Delhi to Bengaluru.

How far is Bengaluru from New Delhi by car?

The drive from New Delhi to Bengaluru is 1,310 miles (2,107 km).

How long does it take to drive from New Delhi to Bengaluru?

Driving from New Delhi to Bengaluru should take you 1 day 1 hr in normal traffic.

How much would gas cost from New Delhi to Bengaluru?

Gas from New Delhi to Bengaluru would cost around $115 to $268 , depending on your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

Where should I stop on the way from New Delhi to Bengaluru?

You could check out Prem Mandir, Vrindavan and Siliserh Lake, or the always popular Banke Bihari Temple!

What are the best cities to visit between New Delhi and Bengaluru?

People love visiting Agra, Hyderabad, and Hampi, among others.

What's the weather like in New Delhi?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in New Delhi in January
  • Weather in New Delhi in February
  • Weather in New Delhi in March
  • Weather in New Delhi in April
  • Weather in New Delhi in May
  • Weather in New Delhi in June
  • Weather in New Delhi in July
  • Weather in New Delhi in August
  • Weather in New Delhi in September
  • Weather in New Delhi in October
  • Weather in New Delhi in November
  • Weather in New Delhi in December

What are some other road trips from New Delhi?

There are plenty! Below you'll find links to all the road trips we've assembled for New Delhi.

  • New Delhi to Jaipur drive
  • New Delhi to Agra drive
  • New Delhi to Mumbai drive
  • New Delhi to Udaipur drive
  • New Delhi to Chandigarh drive
  • New Delhi to Shimla drive
  • New Delhi to Kathmandu drive
  • New Delhi to Amritsar drive
  • New Delhi to Jodhpur drive
  • New Delhi to Manali Tehsil drive
  • New Delhi to Rishikesh drive
  • New Delhi to Nainital drive
  • New Delhi to Mussoorie drive
  • New Delhi to Varanasi drive
  • New Delhi to Hyderabad drive
  • New Delhi to Amer drive
  • New Delhi to Bengaluru drive
  • New Delhi to Srinagar drive
  • New Delhi to Dharamsala drive
  • New Delhi to Jaisalmer drive
  • New Delhi to Kolkata (Calcutta) drive
  • New Delhi to Ahmedabad drive
  • New Delhi to Leh drive
  • New Delhi to Vrindavan drive
  • New Delhi to Sawai Madhopur drive
  • New Delhi to Pune drive
  • New Delhi to Pokhara drive
  • New Delhi to Alwar drive
  • New Delhi to Lucknow drive

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New Delhi to Bangalore drive

New delhi to bangalore road trip planner.

Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from New Delhi to Bangalore. If you're planning a road trip to Bangalore, you can research locations to stop along the way. Make sure you check road conditions to double check the weather. Find the best hotels, restaurants, and attractions based on the most talked about places recommended by Trippy members.

10:00 am  start in New Delhi drive for about 3 hours

12:54 pm   Agra stay for about 1.5 hours and leave at 2:24 pm drive for about 5 hours

day 1 driving ≈ 8 hours

11:00 am  leave from Orchha drive for about 3 hours

day 2 driving ≈ 3 hours

11:00 am  leave from Sagar drive for about 5.5 hours

day 3 driving ≈ 5.5 hours

10:00 am  leave from Ranthambore Tiger Reserve drive for about 8 hours

day 4 driving ≈ 8 hours

9:00 am  leave from Hyderabad drive for about 7 hours

4:00 pm   Puttaparthi stay for about 1 hour and leave at 5:00 pm drive for about 3 hours

7:50 pm  arrive in Bangalore eat at Vidyarthi Bhavan

day 5 driving ≈ 10 hours

New Delhi to Bangalore questions


Where should I stop along the way?

Agra   (66 answers)     questions about Agra:         Dress code at the Taj Mahal         What's the best neighborhood in Agra for a first time visitor?         What is your favorite restaurant in Agra? Orchha   (2 answers) Sagar Ranthambore Tiger Reserve   (2 mentions) Hyderabad   (9 answers)     Charminar   (6 mentions)     Shilparamam   (3 mentions)     questions about Hyderabad:         Where are the best bazaars in Hyderabad? Puttaparthi   (2 answers)

Where's the best place to eat in Bangalore?

Need some recommendations on somewhere to get food?

Trippy members suggest Vidyarthi Bhavan , which was mentioned 3 times.

Here are some more restaurants people talk about:

Want to research more popular restaurants in Bangalore? Click the blue button below.

What are some things to do in Bangalore?

This section could be endless, so rather than trying to suggest every local activity or attraction, we'll leave it open-ended.

These are some of the places people talk about on Trippy:

Of course, Trippy is the perfect place to ask questions because there's an entire community of travelers talking to each other and sharing tips and advice. Trippy is where you can get answers personalized for your tastes, budgets, trip dates & more!

For example, here are some questions people have asked about Bangalore. Click on any question to see answers from the community!


Click the button below to explore more questions and answers related to Bangalore.

Do I really have to go back home?

Yes, even this step is optional, because if you're on vacation who wants the trip to end? It's okay, you can start planning your next trip!

Want to plan the trip back? Get the reverse directions for a Bangalore to New Delhi drive , or go to the main page to plan a new road trip .

You can also compare the travel time if you're flying or driving by calculating the distance from New Delhi to Bangalore . Or get a full New Delhi to Bangalore flight plan .

Don't forget about exploring your own hometown with a staycation. You can also find some cool day trips or get away for a weekend.

And if you know New Delhi well, please help your fellow travelers and answer their questions about New Delhi!

More info on this route:

road conditions from New Delhi to Bangalore

places to eat

alternate routes

Google driving directions


  1. Bangalore to New Delhi drive

    Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from Bangalore to New Delhi. If you're planning a road trip to New Delhi, you can research locations to stop along the way. Make sure you check road conditions to double check the weather. Find the best hotels, restaurants, and attractions based on the most talked about places recommended by Trippy members.

  2. 40 Best Stops Between Bengaluru and New Delhi

    Top cities between Bengaluru and New Delhi. The top cities between Bengaluru and New Delhi are Agra, Hyderabad, Hampi, Khajuraho, Gwalior, Alwar, Nagpur, Pachmarhi, and Jabalpur. Agra is the most popular city on the route. It's 24 hours from Bengaluru and 2 hours from New Delhi. Show only these on map.

  3. Bangalore to Delhi drive

    9:00 am start in Bangalore. drive for about 3 hours. 11:51 am Puttaparthi. stay for about 1 hour. and leave at 12:51 pm. drive for about 7 hours. 7:57 pm Hyderabad. stay overnight and leave the next day around 10:00 am. day 1 driving ≈ 10 hours.

  4. How To Plan The Best Road Trip From Bangalore To Delhi In 2023

    Calculate the Estimated Travel Time. Before you begin your road trip from Bangalore to Delhi, it's important to calculate the estimated travel time. Depending on the route you take and the traffic conditions, a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi can take anywhere between 18-30 hours. To get an accurate estimate, factor in your start point from ...

  5. Delhi To Bangalore Road Trip Itinerary: A 9-Day Trip

    Alright, let's get to the business…. Contents hide. 1 Introduction: Delhi to Bangalore Road Trip Itinerary. 1.1 Two Days in Rajasthan. 1.2 Udaipur to Vadodara to Mumbai. 1.3 Four Days In Coastal Maharashtra. 1.4 One Day In Coastal Karnataka. 1.5 Concluding Delhi To Bangalore Road Trip.

  6. How Can I Plan a Road Trip From Bangalore to Delhi?

    The first step in planning your road trip is to determine the route you will take. There are several routes you can take from Bangalore to Delhi, each with its own pros and cons. One of the most popular routes is via NH 44, which takes you through Hyderabad, Nagpur, and Agra before reaching Delhi.

  7. Bangalore to delhi by Road

    Answer 1 of 9: Hi, I am planning to travel from Bangalore to delhi by road in a SX4(2009 Zxi petrol). Need routes and car-check suggestions considering the situation right now because of Covid. Preferably day travel.

  8. Driving Time from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India

    How long is the drive from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India? The total driving time is 34 hours, 24 minutes. Your trip begins in Bangalore, India. It ends in Delhi, India. If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Bangalore, India to Delhi, India. You can also calculate the cost to drive ...

  9. Bangalore to Delhi Road Trip By Shikha| One Crazy Road Trip with Family

    The road route we followed is as-. Day1 - Bangalore To Goa, 560 Km. Day2 - Leisure in Goa. Day3 - Goa To Pune, 500 Km. Day 4 - Enjoyment with family. Day 5 - Pune to Shirdi Via Shani Signapur, 150 Km. Day 6 - Shirdi to Chittorgarh. Day 7 - Chittorgarh to Delhi, 680 Km. Where we stayed during our trip.

  10. Delhi to Bangalore drive

    10:00 am start in Delhi. drive for about 3 hours. 12:56 pm Agra. stay for about 1.5 hours. and leave at 2:26 pm. drive for about 5 hours. 7:17 pm Orchha. stay overnight and leave the next day around 11:00 am. day 1 driving ≈ 8 hours.

  11. Bangalore to Delhi by Road Motorcycle Road Trip

    Like. Bangalore to Delhi by road bike trip, checkout Bangalore to Delhi motorcycle trip Itinerary. Bangalore to Delhi road trip covering 6 states in 6 days, 2700 KM on our 150cc bikes.

  12. Bangalore to Delhi

    The cheapest way to reach Delhi from Bangalore is by Train which would take approximately 32 hours. by. STARTING FROM. TRAVELLING TO. DATE OF JOURNEY (OPTIONAL) SEARCH ROUTES. Home. ... Approx Travel Time. 1d 7h 55m ₹860. Onwards. BOOK TRAIN. Via Hyderabad. Bangalore. Hyderabad. Delhi. Approx Travel Time. 4h 35m ₹7,185. Onwards. Details ...

  13. Bangalore to Delhi via Mumbai drive

    Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from Bangalore to Delhi. If you're planning a road trip to Delhi, you can research locations to stop along the way. Make sure you check road conditions to double check the weather. Find the best hotels, restaurants, and attractions based on the most talked about places recommended by Trippy members.

  14. Roadtripping Bangalore to Delhi

    Distance: 530 kms . Travel time: 9 hours . Day 5: Ahmedabad - Bhuj - Devpur. This part of the roadtrip was a detour from the standard Bangalore - Delhi route since we wanted to visit the magical region of Kutch. It took us 6 hours to reach Bhuj via Bhhachau. Some patches of the highway were under construction, so we had to take a few detours.

  15. Best route & Road condition for Delhi to Bangalore Road trip

    Please advise best road route to go Bangalore from Delhi. Also the road conditions of these routes. I have two routes in mind -. Route 1 - Delhi - Jaipur - Ajmer - Udaipur - Ahmedabad - Vadodara - Mumbai - Pune - Bangalore (this route is 400KM extra than Route 2) Route 2 - Delhi - Agra - Gwalior - jhansi - sagar - bhopal - hoshangabad ...

  16. 39 Delhi Packages From Bangalore

    MakeMyTrip packages to Delhi from Bangalore are available both with and without flights, and start at prices as low as Rs 1774. Whether you are exploring Delhi family packages, planning a Delhi honeymoon, or just looking for a weekend getaway to Delhi from Bangalore with your friends, you will find the right trip option here.

  17. I need an itinerary for a trip by car from Bangalore to Delhi. I need

    I am planning for a road trip to thailand , bangkok by my car . need travel guide Aashish Gaurav Jgd anybody travelling to delhi from patna on 22/3/21 or 23/3/21 need a company to travel via road by my car.

  18. Road Trip from Bangalore to Delhi

    Dear Friends, I am planning a road trip with family in Feb'21 from Bangalore to Delhi. I heard that Bangalore to Hyderabad road is perfect. However, I want to ensure and check how is the situation further. I have two kids with me, so I am kind of planning to cover 700 km per day so that third day...

  19. 40 Best Stops Between New Delhi and Bengaluru

    How long is the drive from New Delhi to Bengaluru? The direct drive from New Delhi to Bengaluru is 1,310 mi (2,107 km), and should have a drive time of 1 day 1 hr in normal traffic.. If you're going on a road trip from New Delhi to Bengaluru, we did the research for you and compiled some great stops along the way — with Agra, Hyderabad, Hampi, Khajuraho, Gwalior, Alwar, Nagpur, Pachmarhi ...

  20. Destination & itinerary for a 14-day road trip from Bangalore

    View My Garage. re: Destination & itinerary for a 14-day road trip from Bangalore. Option 1: Break up the travel and stay in one direction (while the return journey can be a 2-3 day back to back travel) and plan your halts across the national parks in central India. Given the April heat, several of the forest reserves in central region (MP, etc ...

  21. How far is Delhi from Bangalore

    So let's say you're actually planning a road trip to Delhi, and you need to stop along the way to rest. Plus if it's a real road trip, you might want to check out interesting stops along the way, eat at great restaurants, and find a hotel to stay overnight. That's what Trippy is perfect for, helping you figure out travel plans in detail.

  22. Delhi to Bangalore : Route Queries

    Day 1 - Start at 2.30 pm from Delhi via Yamuna Expressway and reach Gwalior by 9. Day 2 - Start at 10 am from Gwalior and reach Nagpur via Jhansi Sagar Pench by 7 pm. Day 3 - Start at 10 and reach Hyderabad by 6. And Bangalore will be done after a days gap to catch up with relatives in Hyderabad.

  23. New Delhi to Bangalore drive

    10:00 am start in New Delhi. drive for about 3 hours. 12:54 pm Agra. stay for about 1.5 hours. and leave at 2:24 pm. drive for about 5 hours. 7:19 pm Orchha. stay overnight and leave the next day around 11:00 am. day 1 driving ≈ 8 hours.