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Bushnell Bedienungsanleitungen

Bushnell TOUR V3 Bedienungsanleitung

Bushnell TOUR V3

Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell TOUR V3

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Bushnell TOUR V3 an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie entfernungsmesser und wurde von 21 Personen mit einem Durchschnitt von 8.6 bewertet. Dieses Handbuch ist in den folgenden Sprachen verfügbar: Deutsch, Englisch. Haben Sie eine Frage zum Bushnell TOUR V3 oder benötigen Sie Hilfe?  Stellen Sie hier Ihre Frage

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Frage und Antwort

Mein Tour v3 Entfernungsmesser zeigt mir keine Meter an, es erscheint der Kreis und die Flagge, aber er misst nicht. Es ist, als ob der Laser nicht funktionieren würde. Was kann ich tun?

Mein Tour v3 Entfernungsmesser zeigt mir keine Meter an, es erscheint der Kreis und die Flagge, aber er misst nicht. Es ist, ...

Ich habe Verschmutzungen auf den Linsen meines Bushnell TOUR V3. Ich habe die Linsen außen gereinigt, aber die Verschmutzungen scheinen innen zu sein. Und nun?

Ich habe Verschmutzungen auf den Linsen meines Bushnell TOUR V3. Ich habe die Linsen außen gereinigt, aber die Verschmutzunge...

Dejo de funcionar, ich habe eine neue Batterie gekauft und sie funktioniert immer noch nicht. An einem Punkt begann es zu vibrieren und der Buchstabe M blinkte, aber dann hörte es auf zu vibrieren und ich kann es nicht zum Laufen bringen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es an der Batterie liegt, weil sie neu ist, oder ob es ein Problem mit dem Gerät gibt.

Bushnell Tout v3 Ich kann nicht mehr messen, das Einstellen auf Meter funktioniert nicht mehr.Beim einschalten sieht man noch Ym und so bleibt. Was ist zu tun? Mit freundlichen Marek

1 Kommentar

Das Einstellen auf Meter funktioniert nicht mehr beim Bushnell TOUR V3. Um die Messeinheit zu ändern, halten Sie die POWER/FIRE-Taste gedrückt. In der Anzeige können Sie zwischen den Setup-Optionen blättern: Yards w/JOLT (Yard mit JOLT), Yards (Yard), Meters w/JOLT (Meter mit JOLT), Meters (Meter). Wenn Sie von Yards auf Meter wechseln, wird die Änderung der Messeinheit durch Beleuchtung des "M" für die Meteranzeige angezeigt, während das "Y" für Yards ausgeschaltet wird. Wenn Sie von Metern auf Yards wechseln, geschieht das Gegenteil. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die POWER/FIRE-Taste gedrückt halten, um die Messeinheit zu ändern.

Hallo, seit meinem letzten Aufenthalt in Marokko wird die Anzeige in Yards angezeigt. Wie kann ich zur Anzeige in Metern wechseln? Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Antwort. J Huguen.

Wie kann ich den Entfernungsmesser Bushnell TOUR V3 dazu bringen, in Metern zu messen, nachdem ich die Batterie gewechselt habe und es jetzt 1888 ym und etwas anderes anzeigt? Wenn ich die Taste gedrückt halte, blinkt es 3 Mal für Meter und dann 3 Mal für Yard, aber dann zeigt es wieder 1888 ym an! Ich wäre dankbar für eine schnelle Antwort!

Ich kann nicht mehr auf Meter einstellen, beim einschalten sieht man noch Ym danach schaltet er automatisch auf y und bleibt. Was ist zu tun? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Werner Swaczyna

8 Bemerkungen

Um die Messeinheit auf Meter einzustellen, halten Sie den Einschaltknopf gedrückt, bis die Entfernung auf der Anzeige erscheint. Wenn Sie von Yards auf Meter wechseln möchten, wird das M für Meter beleuchtet, während das Y für Yards ausgeschaltet wird. Wenn Sie von Metern auf Yards wechseln möchten, geschieht das Gegenteil. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der TOUR V3 bei jedem erneuten Einschalten zu der zuletzt verwendeten Maßeinheit zurückkehrt.

Ich kann bei meinem bushnell v3 slope nicht von yard auf Meter umstellen.

Ich kann bei meinem bushnell v3 nicht von yard auf Meter umstellen

Gleiches Problem wie bereits unten aufgelistet. Ich kann nicht mehr auf Meter einstellen, beim einschalten sieht man noch Ym danach schaltet er automatisch auf y und bleibt. Was ist zu tun?

4 Bemerkungen

Das Problem, dass Sie nicht mehr auf Meter einstellen können und beim Einschalten noch "Ym" sehen und dann automatisch auf "y" umschaltet und dort bleibt, kann folgendermaßen gelöst werden: 1. Drücken Sie den Einschaltknopf, um die innen liegende Flüssigkristallanzeige (LCD) zu aktivieren. 2. Richten Sie den Zielkreis auf ein Ziel, das mindestens 5 Yard entfernt liegt. 3. Halten Sie den Einschaltknopf unten, bis die Entfernung auf der innen liegenden Anzeige erscheint. 4. Lassen Sie den Einschaltknopf los, sobald der Abstand erfasst wurde. 5. Das Fadenkreuz um den Zielkreis herum zeigt an, dass der Laser übertragen wird. 6. Um die Messeinheit auf Meter einzustellen, halten Sie die POWER/FIRE-Taste gedrückt und blättern Sie durch die Setup-Optionen, bis "Meters" angezeigt wird. 7. Der TOUR V3 kehrt bei jedem erneuten Einschalten des Geräts zur zuletzt verwendeten Maßeinheit zurück.

ich kann nicht mehr auf Meter umstellen

umstellen von y auf m

Das Display meines Entfernungsmessers zeigte plötzlich nichts mehr an. Ich habe die Batterie ausgetauscht. Ergebnis: Fehlanzeige. Was ist zu tun? KJW/ 28.12.2015

2 Bemerkungen

Das Display meines Entfernungsmessers zeigte plötzlich nichts mehr an. Ich habe die Batterie ausgetauscht. Ergebnis: Fehlanzeige. Was ist zu tun? Modell Tour v 3, Nr. 295988

Bushnell TOUR V3 #1

Der Bushnell TOUR V3 Entfernungsmesser ist ein Gerät mit einer fünffachen Vergrößerung und einem Objektivdurchmesser von 24 Millimetern. Mit einem Austrittspupillendurchmesser von 4,8 Millimetern und einer Augenentlastung von 21 Millimetern bietet er eine angenehme Sicht für den Benutzer. Der Entfernungsmesser gehört zur Laserklasse 1 und verfügt über ein LCD-Display, das klare Informationen liefert. Mit Abmessungen von 109,22 x 40,64 x 71,12 Millimetern und einem Gewicht von 187,107 Gramm ist das Gerät kompakt und leicht zu transportieren. Der Bushnell TOUR V3 Entfernungsmesser wird mit einer einzigen Batterie betrieben, die eine Spannung von 3 Volt benötigt. Die Batterie unterstützt eine lange Lebensdauer des Geräts. Das Gerät bietet eine präzise Entfernungsmessung und ist einfach zu bedienen. Es ermöglicht dem Benutzer, die Entfernung zum Zielobjekt genau zu bestimmen, was besonders beim Golfspielen von Vorteil ist. Der Bushnell TOUR V3 Entfernungsmesser ist ein hochwertiges Produkt, das Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit gewährleistet. Die Verwendung hochwertiger Materialien in der Konstruktion des Geräts sorgt dafür, dass es auch bei regelmäßiger Nutzung lange Zeit hält. Das kompakte Design und das geringe Gewicht machen es einfach, den Entfernungsmesser überallhin mitzunehmen. Insgesamt ist der Bushnell TOUR V3 Entfernungsmesser ein nützliches Werkzeug für diegenen, die eine präzise Entfernungsmessung benötigen, sei es beim Golfspielen oder anderen Aktivitäten, bei denen die Distanz zum Ziel wichtig ist. Mit seiner leichten und kompakten Bauweise bietet er eine praktische Lösung für Entfernungsbestimmungen auf unterschiedlichen Geländen.


Technische details, gewicht und abmessungen.

Finden Sie die Antwort auf Ihre Frage nicht im Handbuch? Vielleicht finden Sie die Antwort auf Ihre Frage in den FAQs zu Bushnell TOUR V3 unten.

Wie schwer ist das Bushnell TOUR V3?

Das Bushnell TOUR V3 hat ein Gewicht von 187.107 g.

Wie kann ich das Fadenkreuz meines Bushnell TOUR V3 Entfernungsmessers ausrichten?

Um das Fadenkreuz auszurichten, drücken Sie einfach die Ein- und Aus-Taste gedrückt, bis Sie das Zielfeld sehen. Dann stellen Sie das Okular ein, bis das Fadenkreuz scharf und klar ist.

Wie kann ich die Maßeinheit auf meinem Bushnell TOUR V3 ändern?

Um die Maßeinheit zu ändern, drücken und halten Sie gleichzeitig die Ein-/Aus-Taste und die Modus-Taste. Verwenden Sie dann die Modus-Taste, um zwischen den verschiedenen Einheitsoptionen zu wechseln und Ihre bevorzugte auszuwählen.

Was sollte ich tun, wenn mein Bushnell TOUR V3 ein "Battery" Symbol anzeigt?

Wenn das "Batterie"-Symbol angezeigt wird, bedeutet dies, dass Ihr Gerät neue Batterien benötigt. Ersetzen Sie die alten Batterien durch frische Batterien und stellen Sie sicher, dass sie korrekt installiert sind. Dann sind Sie bereit zu gehen.

Kann ich die Helligkeitseinstellungen an meinem Bushnell TOUR V3 anpassen?

Ja, Sie können die Helligkeit des Displays einstellen. Drücken und halten Sie die Power-Taste und verwenden Sie dann die Modus-Taste, um die Helligkeitsstufe nach Ihren Wünschen anzupassen. Lassen Sie die Power-Taste los, um Ihre Auswahl zu speichern.

Wie kann ich den PinSeeker-Modus auf meinem Bushnell TOUR V3 aktivieren?

Aktivieren Sie den PinSeeker-Modus, indem Sie die Ein-/Aus-Taste schnell drücken und wieder loslassen. Diese Funktion ermöglicht es Ihnen, sich auch dann auf die Fahnenstange zu konzentrieren, wenn sich andere Objekte im Hintergrund befinden.

Was ist die Vergrößerung des Bushnell TOUR V3?

5-fache Vergrößerung. Das bedeutet, dass Objekte 5 Mal näher erscheinen als sie tatsächlich sind und somit genauere Entfernungsmessungen ermöglichen.

Wie groß ist der Objektivdurchmesser des Bushnell TOUR V3?

24 mm. Dies gibt die Größe der vorderen Linse an, die die Menge des einfallenden Lichts beeinflusst. Ein größeres Objektivdurchmesser führt in der Regel zu helleren und klareren Bildern.

Was ist die Austrittspupille des Bushnell TOUR V3?

4,8 mm. Die Austrittspupille ist der Durchmesser des aus dem Okular austretenden Lichtstrahls. Eine größere Austrittspupille ermöglicht ein helleres Bild, insbesondere bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen.

Was ist der Augenabstand des Bushnell TOUR V3?

21 mm. Der Augenabstand bezieht sich auf den Abstand zwischen dem Okular und Ihrem Auge. Ein größerer Augenabstand ist vorteilhaft für Brillenträger, da er ein komfortables Betrachten ermöglicht, ohne die Brille abnehmen zu müssen.

Wie viele Batterien unterstützt der Bushnell TOUR V3?

1 Batterie. Die Tatsache, dass nur eine Batterie erforderlich ist, macht es bequem und einfach, das Gerät mit Strom zu versorgen.

Ist das Handbuch der Bushnell TOUR V3 unter Deutsch verfügbar?

Ja, das Handbuch der Bushnell TOUR V3 ist unter Deutsch verfügbar.

Ist Ihre Frage nicht aufgeführt? Stellen Sie hier Ihre Frage

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Bushnell Tour V4 laser rangefinder

It's smaller, lighter and gives distances quicker but does it improve on the V3?

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The Tour V4 improves upon the excellent V3 model without an increase in the price. The change in the rules means that more golfers can and should upgrade to the slope version to increase their accuracy and ultimately hit more accurate golf shots. It's compact and light, easy to use and extremely fast and accurate. One of the best lasers on the market for sure that is worth your consideration.

Fits perfectly in the hand and is stable to use despite being smaller and lighter. Excellent range and the JOLT function is a reassuring feature to have

The focus toggle is quite stiff. Can be time consuming to switch Slope function off

Why you can trust Golf Monthly Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Find out more about how we test .

Golf Monthly's Bushnell Tour V4 laser rangefinder review, the replacement of the popular Tour V3 which now has an extended range, faster focus and quicker distance display

The Bushnell Tour V4 JOLT laser is the long-awaited replacement to the popular Tour V3 JOLT model, a favoured choice among amateur golfers up and down the country.

The new Tour V4 is 30 per cent smaller and lighter, making it fit perfectly in your hands and even your pocket. It also has a new Fast Focus system that allows you to adjust the focus with the same finger you use to fire the laser.

A change in the Rules of Golf, specifically rule 14-3 regarding artificial devices that came into effect from January 1 st 2016, means that slope lasers can now be used in competitions providing the function is disabled and there is a local rule in place allowing distance measuring devices (which most golf clubs in the UK have).


This means that golfers will be more encouraged to buy the Slope version of the Tour V4 JOLT (£315), distinguished by its red trim on the front of the unit, knowing they can disable the feature and use it legally in competitions. This is ideal for golfers that play lots of different courses, lots of competitive rounds that involve practice rounds, or hilly golf courses.

While the Tour V4 is certainly more compact, the 'Stabi-Grip' rough surfaces around the points at which it is in contact with your hand mean you don’t lose out on stability. It can be a little time consuming to turn the slope function on and off (it took us a few goes to master it) and the focus toggle is a little too stiff for our liking, but other than that the Tour V4 improves upon the Tour V3 and is certainly useable with just one finger.

Increasing the range of the JOLT feature will please lower handicappers that hit the ball a long way and want to know the exact distance to pins on approaches to par fives. I even managed to pick out a flag that was 390 yards away, very impressive!

As always, Bushnell hasn’t scrimped on the carry case, which has a premium look to it and clips easily to the bag to allow swift access. The battery meter is another reassuring feature, keeping you updated on when you need to buy a replacement.

The best laser rangefinders

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Joel has worked in the golf industry for over 12 years covering both instruction and more recently equipment. He now oversees all product content here at Golf Monthly, managing a team of talented and passionate writers and presenters in delivering the most thorough and accurate reviews, buying advice, comparisons and deals to help the reader find exactly what they are looking for. So whether it's the latest driver, irons, putter or laser rangefinder, Joel has his finger on the pulse keeping up to date with the latest releases in golf. He is also responsible for all content on irons and golf tech, including distance measuring devices and launch monitors.

One of his career highlights came when covering the 2012 Masters he got to play the sacred Augusta National course on the Monday after the tournament concluded, shooting a respectable 86 with just one par and four birdies. To date, his best ever round of golf is a 5-under 67 back in 2011. He currently plays his golf at Burghley Park Golf Club in Stamford, Lincs, with a handicap index of 3.2.

Joel's current What's In The Bag?  

Driver: Titleist TSR3 , 9° 

Fairway wood: Titleist TSR3 , 15° 

Hybrid: Titleist TSi2 , 18° 

Irons: Ping i230  4-UW

Wedges: Titleist Vokey SM8 , 54°. Titleist Vokey SM9 60° lob wedge, K Grind

Putter: Evnroll ER2V  

Ball: 2023 Titleist Pro V1x

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Support for your Tour V4 Laser Rangefinder (Product #s: 201660P, 201660).

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Tour v4 setup.

Please register your device on bushnellgolf.com . This registration is for receiving Bushnell Golf support, product discounts,  and new product information.

Next, install the Bushnell Golf App on your phone. The Bushnell Golf App can be found by searching your phone's app store or via the below links.  

  • • Android
  • • Apple

Open the Bushnell Golf App and add your rangefinder as a device. 

  • • The first field is the serial number from the bottom of the device.
  • • The 2nd field is the manufacture date that is also on the bottom of your rangefinder in YYYYMM format.
  • • If you get an error that the serial number is already in use, you will need to e-mail iGolf at [email protected]   requesting the serial number be released.  Please include your serial number from your rangefinder with this e-mail.

Registration through the Golf app also creates your user ID and password at the Bushnell iGolf website https://bushnell.igolf.com/ . This will be the website for software and course updates. Laser rangefinders don't really need software updates. 

Your initial battery should last for a few months. If you start to experience any issues with the performance, replace the battery with a high quality (Panasonic, Duracell, or Energizer), CR-2 3 Volt Lithium battery that is right out of the package. Once you replace the battery, press & hold the fire button for 10 seconds. We recommend carrying at least 1-2 spares in your golf bag so that you always have a fresh new battery for full functionality.

I see debris in the lens?

The issue you described sounds like your device may have some solar burns. Over time, the device can develop small dots due to sun exposure. The dots are cosmetic and should not affect the actual performance of the device. In some cases, the amount of solar burn has become substantial enough to interfere with the viewing area. In this event, please contact Bushnell Golf Support for options.

My Tour V4 is off by 10 yards?

The Tour V4 can be used to measure distance in yards or meters. The unit measure indicators are located in the lower right portion of the LCD. To select between yards and meters (starting with the unit power off), press and hold the Power/Fire button. After 7 seconds, the display will begin to cycle through the options: Yards or meters. When the units you want are displayed, release the Power/Fire button to select it. Y for Yards or M for Meters. The Tour V4 will return to the last unit of measure setting used each time the unit is turned on.

The display is out of focus.

Power the unit on by pressing the power /Fire button once. Rotate the eyepiece in either direction until the display icons and numbers are in focus.

Tour V4 User Manual


Bushnell Golf guarantees the Tour V4 Laser Rangefinder to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for two years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover consumer-caused damages such as misuse, abuse or repairs attempted by someone other than our authorized technicians.


Is the tour v4 waterproof.

No, the Tour V4 is water resistant, but should not be exposed to heavy rain or other direct streams of water and will not withstand submersion in water or other liquids. Damage caused by water is not covered under the two-year limited warranty.

Can I clean the Tour V4?

Yes, follow these steps.

  • 1. Blow away any excessive dust or debris on exterior (or use a soft brush).
  • 2. To remove dirt or finger prints, clean with the supplied micro fiber cloth rubbing in a circular motion. Use of a coarse cloth or unnecessary rubbing may scratch the lens surface and eventually cause permanent damage. The included washable microfiber cleaning cloth is ideal for the routine cleaning of your optics. Simply breathe lightly on the lens to provide a slight amount of moisture, then gently rub the lens with the microfiber cloth.
  • 3. For a more thorough cleaning, photographic lens tissue and photographic-type lens cleaning fluid or isopropyl alcohol may be used. Always apply fluid to the cleaning cloth - never directly on the lens.

When do I replace the battery?

Replace the battery when the unit does not turn on, display does not illuminate, or the display goes blank when attempting to power the laser. Use a good quality 3 -volt lithium battery (CR2). Insert into the compartment with the negative (flat) end first (positive end facing out towards the battery cover). We recommend replacing the battery at least once every six months.


Replacement Battery Cap for Tour V4, Tour V4 Shift, or Hybrid

Replacement Eye Cup for Tour V4, Tour V4 Shift, or Hybrid


BUSHNELL TOUR V5 & TOUR V5 SHIFT See the Bushnell V5 and V5 Shift in action — and hear from the experts how PinSeeker, slope compensation, BITE magnetic mount, and crystal clarity can evolve your everyday play.

BUSHNELL TOUR V5 & TOUR V5 SHIFT DANCE COMMERCIAL Upgrade your game. The new Tour V5 features an integrated BITE magnetic cart mount, PinSeeker with Visual JOLT and improved magnification and clarity. Also available in Tour V5 Shift featuring our patented Slope Technology that provides golfers the most precise compensated distances in golf.

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Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT Manuals

  • Bushnell Manuals
  • Measuring Instruments

Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT Manuals

Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT User Manual

Bushnell TOUR V4 Shift - Laser Rangefinder Manual

Table of contents.

  • About TOUR V4 SHIFT with Slope Technology
  • The Advantage of Slope Technology
  • If target range cannot be obtained


Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT Manual

Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT Manual (64 pages)

  • Table of Contents 2
  • Product View 3
  • Introduction 4
  • How Our Digital Technology Works 5
  • Ranging Accuracy 5
  • Getting Started 6
  • Replacing the Battery 6
  • Adjusting the Eyepiece 6
  • Operational Summary 6
  • Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Indicators 7
  • Mode and Unit of Measure Options 7
  • Active Laser 7
  • Pinseeker (LCD Indicator) 8
  • Obtaining Slope Yardages +/- 9
  • How to Use Slope +/- 9
  • About TOUR V4 SHIFT with Slope Technology 9
  • The Advantage of Slope Technology 10
  • Optical Design 10
  • Magnification and Coatings 10
  • Specifications 11
  • Cleaning 11
  • Warranty 12
  • Troubleshooting 13
  • FCC Note 14
  • Français 17
  • Italiano 51

Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT User Manual

Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT User Manual (76 pages)

  • Indonesia 65

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Accessory Reviews

Review: bushnell tour v4 rangefinders.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Pros:  Compact and lightweight. Lightning-fast readings. Easy to use. With the Tour V4 Slope, slope mode can be turned off to comply with tournament rules.

Cons: Not waterproof.

Who it’s for: All golfers can use the Tour V4 ($299.99). The pricier Tour V4 Slope ($399.99) offers slope functionality, which appeals to golfers who play different courses on a regular basis, or want the most accurate readings possible for casual and practice rounds.

Last year, I made the case that  Bushnell’s Tour X Jolt rangefinder was the company’s best rangefinder, and one of the best rangefinders on the market. That has changed, thanks at least in part to the USGA, which amended its stance on slope-measuring rangefinders. Golfers can now use a slope-measuring rangefinder, so long as the slope functionality is turned off, in tournaments where distance-measuring devices are allowed.

Bushnell’s new Tour V4 rangefinders are available in two models: the Tour V4 ($299.99) and the Tour V4 Slope ($399.99), which takes advantage of the new rule.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

The Tour V4 Slope (and all Bushnell’s slope-measuring rangefinders) uses a built-in inclinometer, as well as an algorithm that factors in distance, elevation and trajectory to calculate a distance a shot will play . So on top of producing an actual distance to the flag, say 150 yards, the Tour V4 Slope will also provide a “plays-like” distance. If that 150-yard shot is uphill, it might play more like 160 yards. If it’s downhill, it might play more like 140 yards. For golfers who know their distances well, the Tour V4 Slope will help them better understand their course in causal and practice rounds. And come tournament time, they can still use the Tour V4 Slope, if local rules allow, by toggling the slope functionality off before they get to the first tee.

The USGA rule change eliminates the need of tournament golfers to have two rangefinders, a problem Bushnell had already solved with the Tour X Jolt ($499.99). The Tour X Jolt used a system of interchangeable face plates, which make it a slope-and-distance measuring device when its red face plate was installed, and a distance-only measuring device when its black faceplate was installed. The execution was impressive, but more than once when I (too firmly) dropped the Tour X in the back bin of my golf cart was I jarred when the face plate came flying off. The rangefinder was always fine, but a part of me wondered how many drops it had left in it before something bad happened.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

There are a few advantages to the Tour X, however, but for most golfers in the market for a new slope rangefinder, the Tour V4 makes much more sense. For example, with the Tour X, golfers can toggle between a brighter red display and a deeper black display. It also has a 6X magnification, making objects appear 6-times larger through its viewing window, whereas the Tour V4 Slope only has a 5X magnification. The Tour X also claims an accuracy of +/- 0.5 yard, while the Tour V4 has an accuracy of +/- 1 yard. Personally, I liked the ability to toggle the color of the Tour X’s display from black to red, but I didn’t notice the magnification or accuracy differences when compared to the Tour V4 Slope. What I did notice in a big way, however, was that the Tour V4 had no removable parts, and was significantly smaller and lighter. More importantly, the Tour V4 Slope sells for $100 less than the Tour X. Both also use Bushnell’s “Jolt” technology, which alerts a golfer when the rangefinder has locked onto a flagstick by vibrating.

The lone drawback? The Tour V4 slope is water-resistant, whereas Bushnell’s other premium rangefinders (Tour X, Pro X7, Pro X7 Jolt, Tour Z6 Jolt) are rainproof or waterproof.

If you’re a golfer who wants the most accurate distances possible, the Tour V4 Slope is currently Bushnell’s most attractive option, thanks to its ability to turn its slope functionality on and off through its menu. If you don’t care about slope, the Tour V4 and its $100 savings makes more sense. But once slope is off the table, you may want to consider Bushnell’s even more affordable models (Tour V3, Medalist).

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bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Jul 23, 2017 at 8:04 pm

Do you still think that Tour V4 is still worth a test? I am a Pro X7 user and happy to say it’s the best rangefinder i ever used.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Dec 16, 2016 at 7:47 am

Had these about a year now, for me they’ve worked perfectly, no issues with locking on, even in dull light, can be tricky into a setting sun but that goes for all rangefinders in my experience. Best I’ve used by far

Dec 16, 2016 at 7:49 am

apologies, should have made it clear I was referring to the Tour X, not the V4

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Jul 13, 2016 at 10:07 pm

Does this model lock onto the nearest object in the line of sight or does it go back and forth with the trees in the background? Thanks. ButchT.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

May 18, 2016 at 2:41 pm

Both I and a friend both got this range finder as soon as it came out. We both had the same experence and only discussed after we had both returned the unit. Battery Door is horrible. The Jolt feature works about 1 out of 4 times. It was hit or miss above 150 yards and could not lock onto any pin over 180 yards.

I have had the same Bushnell 1500 slope since it came out and worked flawlessly. Unfortunately I sold it before testing this new model. Very sad Bushnell put these out without some further QC.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Jun 10, 2016 at 3:36 pm

Good to know.

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Insider photos from Tiger Woods’ launch event for his new “Sun Day Red” apparel line

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On Monday evening, inside the swanky, second-story “Coach House” event center in the Palisades Village, just minutes down the road from the 2024 Genesis Invitational at Riviera Country Club, Tiger Woods and TaylorMade officially announced their new apparel/footwear/accessory line, called “Sun Day Red.”

The Sun Day Red website officially launched on Monday night during the event, and the products are set to go on sale starting May 1.

The “Sun Day Red,” or “SDR” name will be self-explanatory for most golf fans, since he’s been wearing a victory-red shirt on Sunday’s for his entire professional career, but Woods explained the meaning of Sun Day Red at the launch event:

“It started with mom. Mom thought – being a Capricorn – that my power color was red, so I wore red as a junior golfer and I won some tournaments. Lo and behold, I go to a university that is red; Stanford is red. We wore red on the final day of every single tournament, and then every single tournament I’ve played as a professional I’ve worn red. It’s just become synonymous with me.”

The Sunday Red outfit has worked to perfection for his 82 PGA Tour victories, including 15 majors, so why not make an entire apparel line based on the career-long superstition?

As I learned at Monday’s launch event, the new Sun Day Red line includes much more than just clothing. To go along with a slew of different golf shirt designs and colorways, there were also windbreakers, hoodies, shoes, hats, headcovers, ball markers and gloves on display.

The upscale event was hosted by sports media personality Erin Andrews, with special guests David Abeles (CEO of TaylorMade) and Tiger Woods himself.

As explained by Abeles, the Sun Day Red brand is an independently-run business under the TaylorMade umbrella, and is based in San Clemente, California (rather than Carlsbad, where TaylorMade headquarters is located), and it’s run by a newly-formed, independent group. Brad Blackinship, formerly of Quiksilver and RVCA, is the appointed president of the new brand.

As for the logo itself, obviously, it’s made to look like a Tiger (the animal), and is comprised of 15 tiger stripes, which correspond with Woods’ 15 major championships. While the logo may need a 16th stripe if Woods adds a major trophy to his collection, it makes perfect sense for the time being.

The golf/lifestyle line is meant to combine premium precision and athletic comfort, while still having plenty of wearability and style off the course. Like Woods said on stage at the event, he wants to be able to go right from the course to dinner wearing Sun Day Red, and that was exactly the aesthetic on display at the event on Monday.

Following the official announcement from Woods and Abeles, they revealed multiple pieces of clothing, accessories and footwear for the event-goers to ogle (and photograph). Check out a selection of product/event photos below, or head over to our @GolfWRX Instagram page for video coverage…OR, head into our GolfWRX Forums for even more photos and member discussion.

Enjoy this exclusive look at Tiger Woods’ new Sun Day Red apparel lineup below.

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See more photos from the Sun Day Red launch event here

GolfWRX Spotlight: Motocaddy M7 Remote and M5 GPS DHC electric cart review

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I have been thinking about electric golf push carts, or trollies, ever since I started playing in my league seven years ago.

Motocaddy has been making high-quality electric, and non-electric, carts since 2004 and has a couple of great options for the golfer who loves to walk. Motocaddy was nice enough to get their M7 Remote and M5 GPS DHC in my hands to try out on the course for a few weeks.

I have had a lot of people stop me to ask about the carts, and the one thing I keep telling them is that these carts are just flat out fun to use on the course.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Motocaddy M7 Remote

The M7 Remote was very easy to get set up right out of the box. All you have to do is charge the battery, install the wheels, and you are pretty much ready to go. The M7 folds up pretty small, just a little larger than the 3-wheel pushcart that I had been using for years. Getting it to the course should be no problem with just about any trunk space. Now, the one downside to an electric cart is the weight when moving it around, and both carts come in at around 35 pounds each. Even with that extra weight, I didn’t have much trouble lifting them in and out of the back of a pickup.

The M7 unfolds quickly with the flick of two levers and extends the front wheels automatically. Once unfolded, you drop in the battery, plug it in, and secure your bag. If you own a Motocaddy bag, they have developed a really nice system called EasiLock that involves two metal studs that fit into the bottom of the cart. This system also includes a molded base that prevents the bag from rotating at all, even on the roughest terrain. You can still use the M7 with almost any other golf bag as it includes elastic straps that wrap around the top and bottom of the bag.

As soon as you plug in the battery the LCD screen comes to life and you are ready to go. You can use the M7 without the remote by using the dial on the handle to control the starting, stopping, and speed. But the M7 has a remote that is activated by a simple press of the power button to get going. The remote is very simple with just five buttons to control where the M7 goes.

Getting a feel for the M7 takes no time at all and by the time you drive it from your car to the 1st tee you will be in complete, and confident, control of the cart. You simply press the “+” button to start moving forward and the cart takes off gently without any rattling of your clubs, and you can press that same button again to increase the speed. The cart will go from a slow crawl, for bumpy or tight areas, too, as fast as I could run with just a few presses of the button. The big red “stop” button in the center stops the cart immediately, and when stopped it is locked in place, even on steep hills. You don’t have to worry about remembering to set the brakes or anything because it is done automatically.

Steering is just as easy: simply press the right or left button to turn the cart. Small, quick presses will just slightly adjust the cart as it moves down the fairway while a long hold of the button can make it turn on a dime to the right or left.

Almost everyone asked me how stable the cart was and if it would tip over. I can proudly say that it has stayed upright even on some unseen bumps at maximum speed. Side hills, ruts, and even curbs are handled with ease with the help of the small rear wheel.

I really enjoy strolling down the fairway with nothing but the M7’s remote in my hand — it just makes golfing more fun!

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Motocaddy M5 GPS DHC

After using the M7 and its fancy remote, I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t like not having it. But to be honest the M5 was just as fun to use, but for a different reason.

As the name suggests, the M5 has a built-in GPS with 40,000 courses preloaded into it. The screen is a good size, pretty responsive to the touch, and easy to read in direct sunlight. Having the GPS directly on the cart is great, you drive up to your ball and immediately have yardage to the front, back, and center of the green as well as bunkers and hazards. You can easily toggle between screens on the GPS and it offers a couple of different views to help navigate the hole. The M5 can also keep score and let you know shot distances right on the screen. Motocaddy even includes nice little touches like a screen protecter kit to ensure durability.

Driving the M5 is just as easy as the M7 with using the dial on the handle. And speaking of the handle, the grips have a great tacky rubber that grips well even in hot and humid conditions. To start the M5 you just press the dial down and the cart will gently start down the fairway. You can turn the dial to increase or decrease the speed — I found between 5-6 to be the most comfortable for me. But the speed can go up to a very fast pace if you are looking to set a record for fastest round of the day.

As you walk down the fairway, or rough, stopping the cart is as simple as pressing he dial again. When stopped the M5 engages a parking brake automatically so you don’t have to worry about it running down a hill without your approval. The M5 has tons of power to go up just about any hill and the Down Hill Control (DHC) keeps the speed consistent even when going down a steep decent.

Since the M5 has so much power, and it is a little heavy, I thought steering would be a little bit of a challenge. It wasn’t, at all. Guiding the M5 took very little effort and slight adjustments going down the fairway were very easy. Really tight turns took a slight bit more effort as the torque can want to go forward a little more than turn. Again, once you get the M5 from the car to the first tee, you will be a master at driving it.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Overall, Motocaddy has created two great carts that provide additional enjoyment to walking your favorite 9 or 18. Having the ability to walk without carrying or pushing your bag, clubs, and whatever else goes with you. I like them so much that it is going to be hard to get the M7’s remote out of my hands when I go play!

GolfWRX Spotlight: Crossrope weighted jump rope & app

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An 18-hole round of golf averages out to just under five miles of walking, which on its own is a good workout. Once you throw in some potential uphill trekking you get some serious cardio too, but if you all looking for a quick workout between rounds of golf look no further than Crossrope.

Crossrope – The details

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

Crossrope is a system of the weighted jump rope that allows you to quickly switch the weight of the ropes you are using to boost your workout—they range from 1/4 lbs all the way up to 2 lbs depending on the kit you start out with. There is an accompanying app that helps you go through multiple workout routines and is available free, or you can upgrade to the entire library of workout routines along with more workout tracking options.

This is NOT your middle school jump rope

The handles are heavy duty and feature precision bearings to allow the rope to move smoothly around as you go through a routine. They are also ergonomic and fit into your hand naturally, which making gripping easy, something that is really nice when you’re swinging a 2 lbs coated steel cable around. The handles also come with a fast clip system to make changing cables depending on your selected workout easier too.

bushnell tour v4 bedienungsanleitung deutsch

The ropes themselves are made from braided steel and are almost impossible to tangle, allowing them to be easily transported and stored when not in use. All in you are getting a premium piece of workout equipment that is effective and easy to store—hard to same the same thing about a treadmill.

When it comes to a workout, skipping rope is one of the most effective cardio workouts you can do, and with Crossrope, you can get both cardio and low impact weight training when using the heaviest ropes, and follow along with the guided workouts.

As someone that hadn’t used a jump rope in over a decade, starting out lighter was a nice way to ease in before moving up, and I was pleasantly surprised how easy and fun some of the workouts in the app were. If you are looking for a fun way to add something to your workouts, or you just want to try something new to get you into golf course walking shape, this could be right up your alley. To learn more check out crossrope.com

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Bushnell TOUR V2 Anleitung

  • Anleitungen
  • Bushnell Anleitungen
  • Lasermessgeräte

Bushnell TOUR V2 Anleitung

  • Handbuch (44 Seiten)
  • Bedienungsanleitung (96 Seiten)
  • Seite von 96 Vorwärts / 96


  • Fehlerbehebung
  • Lesezeichen
  • Operational Summary
  • Tripod Mount
  • Specifications
  • TWO-Year Limited Warranty
  • Troubleshooting Table
  • Insérer la Pile
  • Fiche Technique
  • Garantie Limitée de 2 Ans
  • Guide de Depannage
  • Colocación de la Pila
  • Ajuste del Ocular
  • Especificaciones
  • Garantía Limitada de DOS Años
  • Genauigkeit der Messung
  • Einlegen der Batterie
  • Einstellen des Okulars
  • Zusammenfassung der Bedienung
  • Flüssigkristallanzeigen (Lcd)
  • Auswahl der Messeinheit
  • DIE WAHRHEIT über Gefälle
  • Optische Gestaltung
  • Spezifikationen
  • Fcc-Hinweis
  • Inserimento Della Pila
  • Garanzia Limitata DI Due Anni
  • Guida Alla Soluzione Dei Problemi

Verfügbare Sprachen

  • DEUTSCH, seite 50
  • ENGLISH, page 2
  • FRANÇAIS, page 18
  • ITALIANO, pagina 66
  • ESPAÑOL, página 34
  • PORTUGUÊS, página 82
  • 1 Genauigkeit der Messung
  • 2 Einlegen der Batterie
  • 3 Zusammenfassung der Bedienung
  • 4 Einstellen des Okulars
  • 5 Auswahl der Messeinheit
  • Diese Anleitung herunterladen

Verwandte Anleitungen für Bushnell TOUR V2

Lasermessgeräte Bushnell GOLF TOUR V5 SHIFT Bedienungsanleitung

Inhaltszusammenfassung für Bushnell TOUR V2

  • Seite 1 Literature #: 98-1279/08-08 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 1 8/26/08 2:40:14 PM...
  • Seite 2 Italian....58 Portuguese....72 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 2 8/26/08 2:40:14 PM...
  • Seite 3 Power eyePiece Mode triPod Mount 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 3 8/26/08 2:40:16 PM...
  • Seite 4 The Tour V2 is the most compact laser rangefinder on the market, weighing a mere 6.6 ounces and made to fit into the palm of your hand. Tour V2 also features and adjustable eyepiece, 5X magnification, and is capable of providing distance from 5 to 1000 yards with incredible one yard accuracy! Like other Bushnell laser rangefinders, the Tour V2 is not dependent upon reflectors, and will provide distance to trees, bunkers, and virtually any object on the course, to any golf course in the world.
  • Seite 5 RANGING ACCURACY The ranging accuracy of the TOUR V2 is plus or minus one yard/meter under most circumstances. The maximum range of the instrument depends on the reflectivity of the target. The maximum distance for most objects is 700 yards/640 meters while for highly reflective objects the maximum is 1000 yards/914 meters.
  • Seite 6 “low battery” or battery charge is getting low and the 3-volt lithium battery should be replaced. OPEN ClOsE WidE ENd Of BattEry CaP NarrOW ENd Of BattEry CaP 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 6 8/26/08 2:40:23 PM...

Seite 7: Operational Summary

  • Seite 8 Y for Yard indicator is turned off. If you are changing from meters to yards, the opposite will occur. The TOUR V2 will return to the last unit of measure setting used each time the unit is turned on.
  • Seite 9 Once the device has shut off, the unit will always default back to the last mode used. Tour V2 - Slope Edition (LCD Indicator - ° ) This advanced and patented mode found on SLOPE EDITION models...
  • Seite 10 It is also 162 yards to flag B although it is on a slope. However, if you were to play this hole as 162 yards, the ball (X) would fall short of the hole/flag because you did nottake slope into account. 4° 162 YARDS 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 10 8/26/08 2:40:25 PM...
  • Seite 11 3 seconds and SCAN the rangefinder from object to object while leaving the POWER button depressed. Automatic SCAN will allow the range and display to be continuously updated very rapidly as multiple objects are targeted. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 11 8/26/08 2:40:25 PM...

Seite 12: Tripod Mount

Seite 13: two-year limited warranty, seite 14: troubleshooting table, seite 15: fcc note.

  • Seite 16 MArche/ArrÊt (AliMentAtion) oculAire Mode Monture de tréPied 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 16 8/26/08 2:40:28 PM...
  • Seite 17 FrAnçAis 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 17 8/26/08 2:40:28 PM...
  • Seite 18 ™ cibler rapidement et facilement le drapeau, et non pas les objets en arrière-plan. Le TOUR V2 est le plus compact des télémètres au laser sur le marché, pensant 6,6 oz (187 g), il est fait pour tenir dans votre main.
  • Seite 19 PRÉCISION DE L’ÉVALUATION DES DISTANCES La précision de l’évaluation des distances du TOUR V2 est de +/- 1 yard/mètre dans la pluspart des cas. La distance maximale du télémètre dépend de la réflectivité de la cible. La distance maximale pour la majorité...

Seite 20: Insérer La Pile

  • Seite 21 RÉGLAGE DE L’OCULAIRE Votre TOUR V2 est muni d’un oculaire de ajustable (réglage dioptrique +/- 2) qui permet d’effectuer la mise au point de l’afficheir ACL par rapport à l’image. Tournez simplement l’oculaire jusqu’à ce que la réticule et l’objet à distance soit allignée à votre œil.
  • Seite 22 CHOIX DE L’UNITÉ DE MESURE Le TOUR V2 peut mesurer les distances en yards ou en mètres. Les indicateurs d’unités de mesure se situent dans la portion inférieure droite de l’afficheur ACL. Afin de sélectionner entre les yards et les mètres, appuyez puis relâchez rapidement le bouton POWER, sur le dessus de l’appareil, afin de le...
  • Seite 23 MODES DE CIBLAGE SÉLECTIF (SELECTIVE TARGETING ™ Le TOUR V2 AVEC PINSEEKER a été spécialement conçu pour les golfeurs. Les différents modes de ciblage permettent d’ajuster les paramètres de performance de l’instrument afin de s’adapter à votre propre situation et à votre environement. Afin d’alterner d’un mode à l’autre, appuyez sur le bouton d’alimentation une fois afin de mettre l’appareil en marche.
  • Seite 24 Une fois le dispositif fermé, l’instrument revient par défaut au dernier mode utilisé. Tour V2 - Édition Slope (indicateur d’affichage - ° ) Ce mode perfectionné se trouve seulement sur les modèles ÉDITION SLOPE et met en vedette un inclinomètre à base d’accéléromètre intégré qui permet l’affichage numérique de l’angle de pente excate de - 20 à...
  • Seite 25 Noël, mais la montée de cette pente sur la distance d’un bon coup, sur un terrain de golf serait épuisante. Pour récupérer un coup de 200 yards (182 mètres), il vous faudrait monter 300 pieds (91 mètres)! 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 25 8/26/08 2:40:34 PM...
  • Seite 26 Des petits points noirs, inhérents au procédé de fabrication, sont visibles dans le système optique. Ils constituent une caractéristique naturelle de l’afficheur à cristaux liquides et ne peuvent être totalement éliminés lors de la fabrication. Ils n’affectent d’aucune manière l’évaluation des distances par l’instrument. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 26 8/26/08 2:40:34 PM...

Seite 27: Fiche Technique

Seite 28: garantie limitée de 2 ans, seite 29: guide de depannage.

  • Seite 30 à la réception radio et télé, ce qui peut être déterminé en allumant et en fermant l’appareil, l’utilisateur est encouragé à tenter de corriger la situation en suivant les mesures suivantes: 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 30 8/26/08 2:40:34 PM...
  • Seite 31 B de la partie 15 du règlement de la FCC. Les spécifications techniques et les conceptions sont modifiables sans préavis ou obligations de la part du fabricant. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 31 8/26/08 2:40:34 PM...
  • Seite 32 (encendido) oculAr ModAlidAd MonturA de tríPode 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 32 8/26/08 2:40:36 PM...
  • Seite 33 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 33 8/26/08 2:40:36 PM...
  • Seite 34 El Tour V2 es el telémetro de rayos láser más compacto del mercado, que pesa sólo 6,6 onzas y fue fabricado de manera tal de caber en la palma de su mano. El Tour V2 también se caracteriza por contar con un ocular ajustable, trabajar a 5 aumentos y ser capaz de leer distancias desde 5 a 1000 yardas ¡con una precisión increíble de una yarda! Al igual que otros telémetros de rayos láser de...
  • Seite 35 PRECISIÓN CON QUE SE MIDEN LAS DISTANCIAS La precisión del TOUR V2 para medir las distancias es de más o menos una yarda/metro, en la mayoría de los casos. El alcance máximo del instrumento depende de la reflectividad del blanco. La distancia máxima para la mayoría de los objetos es de 700 yardas/640 metros, mientras que para objetos...

Seite 36: Colocación De La Pila

Seite 37: ajuste del ocular.

  • Seite 38 OPCIONES DE UNIDADES DE MEDIDA El TOUR V2 puede ser usado para medir distancias en yardas o en metros. Los indicadores de la unidad de medida están ubicados en la porción inferior derecha de la pantalla de cristal líquido (LCD). Para seleccionar entre yardas y metros, pulse y suelte rápidamente el botón POWER (de encendido) para...
  • Seite 39 Una vez detenido el dispositivo, la unidad volverá siempre en forma predeterminada al último modo utilizado. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 39 8/26/08 2:40:42 PM...
  • Seite 40 TOur V2 – EDICIóN SLOpE (INDICADOr DE LA pANTALLA DE CrISTAL LíquIDO [LCD] - ° ) Este modo avanzado y patentado hallado en los modelos de la EDICIÓN SLOPE (con inclinación) se caracteriza por contar con un inclinómetro basado en un acelerómetro incorporado que muestra digitalmente el ángulo de inclinación exacto de -20 a +20 grados de elevación y tiene una precisión de +/- 1,0 grado.
  • Seite 41 20 grados, la Estaca estaría a 50 pies por encima de usted. Dicho de otro modo, ¡usted estaría impulsando la pelota hasta la parte superior de un edificio de 5 pisos! 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 41 8/26/08 2:40:42 PM...
  • Seite 42 DISEÑO ÓPTICO Aumentos y Revestimientos El TOUR V2 se caracteriza por trabajar a 5 aumentos y contar con una óptica Multi-Revestida. Existe una pantalla de cristal líquido (LCD) instalada dentro del sistema óptico que -cuando se la activa- muestra una retícula para la determinación del blanco, las yardas/los metros y los indicadores de Modo.

Seite 43: Especificaciones

Seite 44: garantía limitada de dos años.

  • Seite 45 Para productos adquiridos fuera de los Estados Unidos o Canadá, le rogamos ponerse en contacto con su distribuidor local para conocer la información sobre la garantía que corresponde. En Europa, también puede ponerse en contacto con Bushnell, en: Bushnell Outdoor Products Gmbh...
  • Seite 46 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 46 8/26/08 2:40:42 PM...
  • Seite 47 Subparte B de la Parte 15 de las Reglas de la FCC. Las especificaciones y los diseños están sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso ni obligación alguna por parte del fabricante. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 47 8/26/08 2:40:42 PM...
  • Seite 48 An/Aus (stroMversorgung) ovulAr Modus stAtivMontAge 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 48 8/26/08 2:40:44 PM...
  • Seite 49 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 49 8/26/08 2:40:44 PM...
  • Seite 50 Hilfe der Golfspieler problemlos und schnell, ohne das Anvisieren von Hintergrundzielen, die Flagge anpeilen kann. Der Tour V2 ist mit seinen nur 6.6 Unzen (205 Gramm) der kompakteste Laser- Entfernungsmesser auf dem Markt und findet damit Platz auf Ihrer Handfläche. Der Tour V2 verfügt weiterhin über ein einstellbares Okular mit 5X Vergrößerung und kann Entfernungen von 5 bis 1000...

Seite 51: Genauigkeit Der Messung

Seite 52: einlegen der batterie, seite 53: einstellen des okulars, seite 54: auswahl der messeinheit.

  • Seite 55 Objekte zu treffen, so dass Sie sicherstellen können, dass Sie nur das am nächsten gelegene Objekt, welches vom Laser erkannt wurde, anzeigen. Wenn das Gerät einmal abgeschaltet wurde, wird es beim erneuten Einschalten 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 55 8/26/08 2:40:50 PM...
  • Seite 56 Modus wieder aktivieren. Tour V2 - Slope Edition (LCD Anzeiger - ° ) Dieser erweiterte und patentierte Modus, mit dem die SLOPE EDITION Modelle ausgestattet sind, bietet einen auf Beschleunigungsmessung basierenden Neigungsmesser, der digital den exakten Neigungswinkel von -20 bis +20 Grad Steigung anzeigt und eine Genauigkeit von +/- 1,0 Grad gewährleistet.

Seite 57: Die Wahrheit Über Gefälle

Seite 58: optische gestaltung, seite 59: spezifikationen.

  • Seite 60 BeSCHrÄNKTe ZWeI-JaHreS GaraNTIe Bushnell gewährt eine Garantie auf fehlerfreie Materialien und verarbeitung für den Zeitraum von zwei Jahren ab Kaufdatum. Bei jeglichen schäden unter dieser Garantie behalten wir uns nach eigenem Gutdünken vor, das Produkt zu reparieren oder zu ersetzen, vorausgesetzt, dass sie das Produkt frei Haus an und senden.
  • Seite 61 (die Linsen, die näher am Zielobjekt liegen) durch nichts verdeckt werden, beispielsweise Ihre Hand oder Ihren Finger. • Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Gerät ruhig gehalten wird, während der Einschaltknopf gedrückt wird 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 61 8/26/08 2:40:50 PM...

Seite 62: Fcc-Hinweis

  • Seite 63 Toleranzen für ein Klasse B Digitalgerät gemäß Unterabsatz 15 der FCC Richtlinien nicht erfüllt werden. Die Spezifikationen und die Bauart können ohne vorherige Bekanntgabe geändert werden und sind für den Hersteller unverbindlich. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 63 8/26/08 2:40:50 PM...
  • Seite 64 (AliMentAzione) oculAre ModAlità sostegno Per trePPiede 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 64 8/26/08 2:40:52 PM...
  • Seite 65 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 65 8/26/08 2:40:52 PM...
  • Seite 66 187 g e grazie alle sue misure ridotte sta agevolmente nel palmo di una mano. Il Tour V2 è inoltre dotato di un oculare regolabile, di ingrandimento 5X, ed è in grado di indicare distanze da 5 cm a 912 m con la massima accuratezza! Come tutti gli altri strumenti ottici laser Bushnell per rilevare la distanza, il Tour V2 non ha bisogno di riflettori, e permetterà...
  • Seite 67 PRECISIONE DELLE LETTURE La precisione delle letture ottenibili con il TOUR V2 è di +/- un metro nelle maggior parti delle condizioni. La portata massima dello strumento dipende dal grado di rilfettività del bersaglio. La distanza massima per la maggior parte degli oggetti è...

Seite 68: Inserimento Della Pila

  • Seite 69 REGOLAZIONE DELL’OCULARE Il TOUR V2 è dotato di un oculare regolabile (regolazione diottrica di +/-2) che consente di mettere a fuoco l’immagine e il display a cristalli liquidi. Basta semplicemente girare l’oculare finché il reticolo e l’oggetto siano a fuoco.
  • Seite 70 Se si sta passando da iarde a metri, s’illumina la lettera M e la lettera Y si spegne. Se si sta passando da metri a iarde, s’illumina la Y e si spegne la M. Il TOUR V2 ritornerà all’ultima unità di misura impostata tutte le volte che si accende l’unità.
  • Seite 71 Una volta che il dispositivo è spento, l’unità torna sempre all’ultma modalità usata. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 71 8/26/08 2:40:58 PM...
  • Seite 72 Tour V2 - Slope Edition (Indicatore LCD- ° ) Questo modello avanzato e brevettato è dotato di un inclinometro basato su un accelerometro, che visualizza in forma digitale l’esatto angolo di pendenza da -20 to +20 gradi di altezza, con una precisione di +/- 1 grado. La modalità Slope +/- calcolerà...
  • Seite 73 Esempio nel golf: Immaginiamo che siate un forte colpitore con un tiro di 300 yard. Alla pendenza di 20 gradi, il birillo sarebbe a 15 metri sopra di voi. In altri termini, mandereste la pallina in cima ad un palazzo di 5 piani! 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 73 8/26/08 2:40:58 PM...
  • Seite 74 Tuttavia non influiscono sulle prestazioni del telemetro. SOSTEGNO PER TREPPIEDE Nella parte inferiore del TOUR V2 è integrato un sostegno filettato che consente di fissare un treppiede per ottenere una maggiore stabilità del telemetro durante lunghi periodi di uso.
  • Seite 75 Utilizzando un panno ruvido o strofinando eccessivamente, si possono graffiare le lenti e anche danneggiare irreversibilmente. Per una pulizia più accurata si possono usare salviette per lenti e un detergente apposito o alcol isopropilico. Applicare sempre il liquido al panno, mai direttamente alle lenti. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 75 8/26/08 2:40:58 PM...

Seite 76: Garanzia Limitata Di Due Anni

Seite 77: guida alla soluzione dei problemi.

  • Seite 78 Utilizzare il cavo interfaccia schermato per soddisfare i limiti dei dispositivi digitali definiti nel sottoparagrafo B della parte 15 delle normative FCC. Le specifiche e disegni sono soggetti a modifiche senza alcun preavviso od obbligo da parte del produttore. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 78 8/26/08 2:40:58 PM...
  • Seite 79 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 79 8/26/08 2:40:59 PM...
  • Seite 80 (ligAdo/desligAdo) (energiA) Modo suPorte PArA triPé 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 80 8/26/08 2:41:00 PM...
  • Seite 81 PortuguÊs 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 81 8/26/08 2:41:01 PM...
  • Seite 82 O Tour V2 é o mais compacto medidor de distância a laser no mercado, pesando 187 gramas e construído para ajustar na palma da mão. O Tour V2 também possui ocular ajustável, ampliação de 5x e é...
  • Seite 83 PRECISÃO DE MEDIÇÃO A precisão de medição do TOUR V2 é ± uma jarda/metro na maioria das circunstâncias. O alcance máximo do instrumento depende da refletividade do alvo. A distância máxima para a maioria dos objetos é de 700 jardas/640 metros, enquanto que para objetos altamente reflexivos a distância máxima é...
  • Seite 84 Indicador de Pilha Fraca: Se o indicador “ ” for exibido no visor, significa que a carga da bateria está ficando fraca e que a bateria de lítio de 3V deve ser substituída. aBrir fECHar ExtrEMidadE larGa ExtrEMidadE EstrEita 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 84 8/26/08 2:41:06 PM...
  • Seite 85 AJUSTANDO A OCULAR O TOUR V2 é construído com uma ocular ajustável (+/-2 de ajuste dioptria) que permite o foco do display LCD relativo a imagem. Gire a ocular até a retícula e o objeto medido estarem em foco. RESUMO OPERACIONAL Ao olhar através da ocular 5x, aperte uma vez o botão de alimentação para ativar a visão em Liquid...
  • Seite 86 “M” para o indicador de Metros, enquanto o indicador “Y” para Jardas é desligado. Ao mudar de metros para jardas, ocorrerá o oposto. Quando for ligado, o TOUR V2 retornará à última unidade de medida usada.
  • Seite 87 Uma vez desligado o dispositivo, a unidade sempre retornará ao último modo usado. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 87 8/26/08 2:41:06 PM...
  • Seite 88 Tour V2 - Edição (indicador LCD - ° ) O modo patenteado e avançado encontrado nos modelos SLOPE possui um inclinômetro com base em medidor de aceleração integrado que exibe digitalmente o ângulo exato da inclinação de -20 a +20 graus de elevação e +/- 1.0 grau de precisão. O modo Slope +/- ™...
  • Seite 89 Exemplo do golfe: Suponhamos que você seja um jogador de golfe com uma tacada de 300 jardas. Numa inclinação de 20 graus, o Pin estaria a 50 pés acima de você. Em outras palavras, você estaria direcionando a bola para cima de um prédio de 5 andares!!! 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 89 8/26/08 2:41:06 PM...
  • Seite 90 MONTAGEM DO TRIPÉ Moldado na parte de baixo do TOUR V2 existe um tripé rosqueado para a conexão de um tripé para que se tenha uma operação mais estável durante longos períodos de uso.
  • Seite 91 álcool isopropílico. Aplique sempre o fluido no pano de limpeza - nunca diretamente sobre a lente. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 91 8/26/08 2:41:07 PM...
  • Seite 92 GaraNTIa LIMITaDa De DOIS aNOS Seu produto Bushnell oferece uma garantia contra defeitos nos materiais e na fabricação por um período de dois anos após a data de compra. Em caso de defeitos surgidos durante esta garantia, segundo nossa opção, consertaremos ou substituiremos o produto, desde que você devolva o produto com postagem pré-paga.
  • Seite 93 Basta mirar no novo alvo usando a retícula do LCD, apertar o botão liga/desliga e mantê-lo pressionado até a nova distância ser exibida. As especificações, instruções e operação desses produtos estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 93 8/26/08 2:41:07 PM...
  • Seite 94 O cabo de interferência blindado deve ser usado com o equipamento para cumprir os limites de dispositivo digital segundo a Sub-parte B da Parte 15 das Regras da FCC. As especificações e os desenhos estão sujeitos à mudanças sem qualquer notificação ou obrigação por parte do fabricante. 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 94 8/26/08 2:41:07 PM...
  • Seite 95 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 95 8/26/08 2:41:07 PM...
  • Seite 96 9200 Cody, Overland Park, KS 66214 4 rue Diderot, Suresnes, France 92150 ©2007 Bushnell Outdoor Products Bushnell,™, ®, denotes trademark of Bushnell Outdoor Products Literature #: 98-1279/08-08 201930_33 Tour V2 6LIM.indd 96 8/26/08 2:41:07 PM...

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  1. BUSHNELL 201760 BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG Pdf-Herunterladen

    Ansicht Und Herunterladen Bushnell 201760 Bedienungsanleitung Online. 201760 Messgeräte Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Auch Für: Tour V4 Shift. ... DEUTSCH EIN/MESSEN OKULAR SLOPE SWITCH 201760 Model Nr. ... Wie die anderen Laser-Entfernungsmesser von Bushnell benötigt das TOUR V4 SHIFT keinen Reflektor und misst Entfernungen zu Bäumen ...

  2. PDF User Manual Tour V4 and Tour V4 Slope Laser Rangefinder ...

    Your TOUR V4 is Bushnell's newest addition to an award winning line of golf laser rangefinders specifically. made for golfers. TOUR V4 features PinSeekerTM technology with JOLTTM, allowing the golfer to easily and. quickly "zero" in on the flag without acquiring background targets. The TOUR V4 weighs a mere 5.6 ounces.

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    Apr 27, 2020. 1.9MB. pdf. View AllFiles. Instruction manual for the Bushnell Tour V4 and V4 Shift laser rangefinders.


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    The TOUR V4 SHIFT features 5x magnification and Multi-Coated optics. A liquid crystal display (LCD) is mounted within the optical system and when activated, displays a reticle for targeting, yards/meters, and Mode indicators. Inherent in the manufacturing process are small black spots that appear in the optical system.

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    Bushnell Tour V4 Shift Pdf-Bedienungsanleitungen. Online ansehen oder herunterladen Bushnell Tour V4 Shift Bedienungsanleitung ... Bushnell Tour V4 Shift Bedienungsanleitung (64 Seiten) Marke: Bushnell | Kategorie: Messgeräte ... Deutsch. 39. Einleitung. 40. Zielgenauigkeit. 41. So Funktioniert unsere Digitale Technologie. 41.

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    Page 4 "zero" in on the flag without acquiring background targets. The TOUR V4 SHIFT weighs a mere 5.6 ounces and made to fit into the palm of your hand. TOUR V4 SHIFT also features an adjustable eyepiece, 5X magnification, and is capable of providing distance from 5 to 1000 yards with incredible one yard accuracy!

  10. PDF Tour v4 Slope Quick Start Guide

    Tour v4 Slope Quick Start Guide. The TOUR V4 can be used to measure distances in yards or meters. Users also have the option of turning the SLOPE feature ON or OFF. To select between yards/meters and SLOPE on/off, Wait for the unit to timeout and fully power down. Press and hold the POWER/FIRE button. The display will begin to cycle through the ...

  11. Bushnell entfernungsmesser Bedienungsanleitung

    Auf Bedienungsanleitu.ng sind derzeit 23 Bushnell Anleitungen verfügbar. Die beliebtesten Bushnell entfernungsmesser sind: Bushnell TOUR V3. Bushnell TOUR V3 SLOPE. Bushnell Tour Z6. Die letzte hinzugefügte Bushnell Anleitung wurde hinzugefügt am 2023-09-18 und ist die Bushnell Prime 1800.

  12. Bushnell GOLF Tour V6 Shift Bedienungsanleitung

    Tour v6 202321 202301. Ansicht Und Herunterladen Bushnell Golf Tour V6 Shift Bedienungsanleitung Online. Tour V6 Shift Lasermessgeräte Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Auch Für: Tour V6, 202321, 202301.

  13. Tour Z6 Instruction Manual

    BUSHNELL SERVICE SITE. Golf; Tour Z6 Instruction Manual. Instruction manual for the Tour Z6 laser rangefinder. ... Tour V4 Instruction Manual; Tour V3 Instruction Manual; Tour V2 Instruction Manual; Installing iGolf Sync Application on Computer; Wingman Instruction Manual;

  14. Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell TOUR V3 (Deutsch

    Bedienungsanleitung. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Bushnell TOUR V3 an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie entfernungsmesser und wurde von 21 Personen mit einem Durchschnitt von 8.6 bewertet. Dieses Handbuch ist in den folgenden Sprachen verfügbar: Deutsch, Englisch. Haben Sie eine Frage zum Bushnell TOUR V3 oder ...

  15. Bushnell Tour V4 laser rangefinder

    published 2 June 2016. Golf Monthly's Bushnell Tour V4 laser rangefinder review, the replacement of the popular Tour V3 which now has an extended range, faster focus and quicker distance display. The Bushnell Tour V4 JOLT laser is the long-awaited replacement to the popular Tour V3 JOLT model, a favoured choice among amateur golfers up and down ...

  16. Bushnell TOUR V4 Manual

    The TOUR V4 features 5x magnification and Multi-Coated optics. A liquid crystal display (LCD) is mounted within the optical system and when activated, displays a reticle for targeting, yards/meters, and Mode indicators. Inherent in the manufacturing process are small black spots that appear in the optical system.

  17. Support

    The Tour V4 can be used to measure distance in yards or meters. The unit measure indicators are located in the lower right portion of the LCD. ... BUSHNELL TOUR V5 & TOUR V5 SHIFT DANCE COMMERCIAL Upgrade your game. The new Tour V5 features an integrated BITE magnetic cart mount, PinSeeker with Visual JOLT and improved magnification and clarity ...

  18. Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT Manuals

    We have 3 Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT manuals available for free PDF download: User Manual, Manual . Bushnell TOUR V4 Shift - Laser Rangefinder Manual. Brand: Bushnell ... Deutsch. 39. Italiano. 51. Bushnell TOUR V4 SHIFT User Manual (76 pages) Golf Laser Rangefinder with Slope Switch.

  19. Review: Bushnell Tour V4 Rangefinders

    The Tour V4 Slope (and all Bushnell's slope-measuring rangefinders) uses a built-in inclinometer, as well as an algorithm that factors in distance, elevation and trajectory to calculate a distance a shot will play. So on top of producing an actual distance to the flag, say 150 yards, the Tour V4 Slope will also provide a "plays-like ...

  20. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal. Elektrostal ( Russian: Электроста́ль) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010, 155,196 people lived there.

  21. BUSHNELL TOUR V2 ANLEITUNG Pdf-Herunterladen

    Ansicht Und Herunterladen Bushnell Tour V2 Anleitung Online. Tour V2 Lasermessgeräte Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. ... DEUTSCH, seite 50; ENGLISH, page 2; FRANÇAIS, page 18; ITALIANO, pagina 66; ... Lasermessgeräte Bushnell Nitro Bedienungsanleitung (43 Seiten) Lasermessgeräte Bushnell Bone Collector 850 Bedienungsanleitung

  22. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  23. File:Flag of Elektrostal (Moscow oblast).svg

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.