contiki tour inclusions

Everything You Need to Know for Your First Contiki Tour (Plus 17 Trip Recommendations)

If you’re currently deciding between Contiki and another method of travel, what I hope to do is provide some exposure and answer some questions about Contiki that I wish I had known so I could’ve considered it as an option sooner. Read on for everything you need to know about Contiki tours, along with 17 of my personal recommendations for itineraries to choose!

contiki tour inclusions

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Rachel Off Duty: Everything You Need to Know and Pack for Your First Contiki Tour (Plus Trip Recommendations)

Some articles on Rachel Off Duty may contain affiliate links. Read more about this in our Privacy Policy .

I recently took my very first Contiki tour along the coast of the Mediterranean – through Spain, France, Monaco, Italy , and the Vatican. As someone who travels equally as a solo female , a couple, and part of a small group, I am not the kind of person who’s tied to one dedicated travel style and I tend to appreciate the benefits each way of seeing the world can provide. Contiki’s was the first large group tour I’d been on since college, though.

As soon as I announced earlier this year that I’d be going on a Contiki tour, I was instantly met with 3 types of responses: 

Praise – I love Contiki! I went on several tours / I’ve been dying to go (I specifically received more excitement than I expected to from people who are now 50 or 60 years old reminiscing on the Contiki tours they took in their 20s!) 

Skepticism – What’s it like traveling with that many people? Isn’t it just one big college party? 

Lack of Awareness – What’s a Contiki? 

I actually fell into the last category myself! I had no idea what Contiki was until recently. And now that I’ve been on a tour myself, I so regret not having known Contiki was an option when I was in college and just beginning to dip my toe into international travel without my parents. But even now, a couple of years out of college, I still had a blast. Something about being in a karaoke bar in Florence at 2 in the morning really brings the ‘youth’ out in everyone, you know? 

If you’re currently deciding between Contiki and another method of travel, what I hope to do is provide some exposure and answer some questions about Contiki that I wish I had known so I could’ve considered it as an option sooner. At the end of this post, you should have all the facts you’ll need to decide whether to book a Contiki trip, and which Contiki tour (because there are several!) is the perfect choice for you!

What is Contiki? 

Rachel Off Duty: Group of Women

Contiki is a social (group) travel company for ages 18-35. The company has been around since 1962 when it got its start in London as a minibus operation taking backpackers and holiday seekers from London to Europe on months-long expeditions. Since then, Contiki has grown into one of the most popular travel companies in the UK, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. More recently, they’ve started gaining steam in the US too. 

Today, Contiki operates over 350+ unique tours across 6 continents ranging from $179 to $9,000 in price. The tours run anywhere from 3 days to over 40 days, and either focus on one particular destination or a variety of cities and countries in close proximity. 

Contiki Tour Structure 

Contiki offers 8 different tour categories to appeal to a wide-ranging group of travelers with different interests, whether it’s traveling on a budget, seeking out local experiences, or squeezing in a quick getaway without taking too much time off from work or school .

If you decide to book a Contiki tour, you can use code CONTIKIRACH100 to save $100 on any 7+ day itinerary

1. contiki discoverer tours:.

What it Is: Discoverer tours are meant for seeing and experiencing as much of each destination as possible.

Availability : All regions except Africa and the Middle East

My Discoverer Tour Picks (Click to View):

contiki tour inclusions

2. Contiki In-Depth Explorer Tours:

What it Is: In-Depth Explorer tours are aimed at focusing on culturally rich exploration within a particular country or region.

Availability : All 6 continents

My In-Depth Explorer Picks (Click to View):

contiki tour inclusions

3. Contiki Iconic Essentials Tours:

What it Is: Iconic Essentials tours are focused specifically on essentials and a destination’s most famous sites, with the idea of giving you the most bang for your buck.

Availability : Europe only

My Iconic Essentials Picks (Click to View):

contiki tour inclusions

4. Contiki Sailing and Cruise Tours:

What it Is: Sailing and cruise tours are itineraries with an emphasis on water and beach activities.

Availability : Australia and Europe only

My Sailing & Cruise Picks (Click to View):

contiki tour inclusions

5. Contiki Short Trip and Festival Tours:

What it Is: Short, usually 3- or 4-day trips aimed at either attending festivals, taking a weekend getaway, or adding on to an existing trip you might already be taking.

Availability : Australia, New Zealand, Europe, USA, and Canada

My Short Trip and Festival Picks (Click to View):

contiki tour inclusions

6. Contiki Ski and Snowboard Tours:

What it Is: Ski and snowboard tours are centered around winter sports and activities.

Availability : Asia, New Zealand, Europe, USA, and Canada

My Ski and Snowboard Picks (Click to View):

contiki tour inclusions

On Contiki’s site, you can filter their 300+ trips by the above categories to narrow down your search. If you’re more of a solo adventurer, you can also filter the trips to only see itineraries with maximum free time (versus a structured itinerary).

Rachel Off Duty: Women Making Pasta

Most, if not all, Contiki itineraries will list out a number of different free-time add-ons (FTAs) that are not included in the base price of the trip. This is something you should be aware of and budget for upfront, because you will only be able to pay for these FTAs while you’re already on the trip itself.

Of course, you can opt out of any FTA you don’t want to do. But from my experience, there will be at least a handful of add-ons that you’ll either really enjoy or won’t want to miss out on (if the rest of the group is participating and there’s no better alternative, for example). These FTAs can be anything from a special meal to a full-day excursion. On my Contiki trip, some of the most fun FTAs we were offered included a tour of a monastery and a Tuscan dinner experience, a pasta making class in Rome, and a bike tour of the city in Nice. The bike tour was, without question, one of my favorite memories from the entire trip. 

What Kind of Traveler Would Like a Contiki Tour (and Is it Right for You?) 

Rachel Off Duty: Group of Four

While the Contiki brand markets itself as a travel company for 18-35 year olds, the average age of a Contiki traveler is 26. Old enough to have disposable income, but young enough to have the energy and stamina needed to sight-see all day and maybe even go out for a drink at night (and then do it all again the next day). 

Contiki is actually a prime tour for both friend groups and solo travelers. Many tours are large enough for entire groups of friends to book altogether and be guaranteed space. Beyond that, tours like Contiki are great for groups because no one from your friend group needs to be tasked with the planning, logistics, or budgeting, which is often the most stressful and time-consuming part of traveling with other people. On the flip side, solo travelers have an advantage too, because Contiki allows individuals to visit new countries and cities with a guaranteed arsenal of companions along with a dedicated trip manager, which can be a huge relief, especially if you’re thinking of using Contiki as your first exposure to international travel. About 45% of all Contiki travelers book tours with at least one friend or a significant other, and close to 55% travel solo. 

I love planning trips and figuring out itineraries , but one of my favorite things about going on my Contiki tour was not having to worry about a single thing for once! Everything from my transportation, to my hotel room, to my meals and activities was handled. All I had to do was show up and enjoy, which was such a nice change of pace from what I’m used to. 

Transportation Style 

Rachel Off Duty: Contiki Tour Buses

The majority of Contiki tours involve a coach bus or minibus. Contiki coach busses are something the company takes great pride in because they are essentially the symbol and walking billboard of the brand. Because of this, each Contiki coach is outfitted with bright colors on the outside, and plush seating arrangements on the inside. The busses have AC, a TV, WiFi, USB charging ports, and individual tray tables at the back of each seat. I’ll admit, the WiFi isn’t the best (you only get 100 MB of free WiFi on each device every 24 hours, and while you can purchase additional data, it’s spotty at best. However, it’s better than having nothing, and does get the job done if you’re just trying to catch up on texts or scroll through Instagram. 

Depending on your itinerary, you will be spending a lot of time in the coach. So pack a neck pillow, a book, and plan to spend this time catching up on sleep, work, reading, or getting to know the other travelers on your tour! The coach can be a pretty fun experience in itself. Also, Contiki’s drivers are top-notch, safe, and incredibly precise. I absolutely adored Paolo, our driver for the week we spent in Europe. 

Food & Drinks

Rachel Off Duty: Woman with Pizza

You will have some meals and drinks included in your Contiki tour, while others will either be FTAs or free time to explore and eat on your own. Each itinerary on the Contiki site will list out the meals included so you can get a decent idea of what you’ll be responsible for while you’re on the trip. 

To get an idea of what tips of meal FTAs are offered for the itinerary you’re considering, scroll down to the itinerary section of the trip description and click on ‘See Detailed Itinerary.’ This will show you all of the FTA meals available and how much they will cost! 

For the meal inclusions, it’s important to also know that some of these meal inclusions will simply be whatever free food is served at the hostel or hotel you’re staying at. 


Rachel Off Duty: Woman in France

The accommodations you’ll stay in range from hostels to hotels to what Contiki refers to as ‘Special Stays’ in unique lodging. Think chateaus in France and floating rafts in Thailand! Regardless of the accommodation type, expect to share your room with between 1 – 4 other travelers throughout your trip. This may be a good or a bad thing, depending on how you view it, but hostel-hopping is an extremely common practice outside of the US and an incredibly easy way to meet new people. In my experience, despite having limited space for luggage, I got along with my roommates right away and we ended up banding together for the majority of our Contiki tour which was great since we all went into the trip as strangers! 

If you’re considering a tour that moves around frequently and doesn’t spend more than 1 or 2 nights in any location, I’d strongly recommend not bringing more than a carry on with you on the trip. All that moving around with a check-in luggage can be a huge pain and honestly not worth the hassle (speaking from experience!).

Conscious Travel

What I was really intrigued to learn that I don’t think many people know is that Contiki partners with the TreadRight Foundation to support and sustain people, wildlife, and environmental issues in the countries they impact. In addition to a number of organizational commitments (called ‘Contiki Cares’), Contiki has also created several opportunities to learn about sustainability and participate in volunteer opportunities while you’re on tour. Some of these opportunities include learning about bush medicine in Australia , supporting community building efforts in Ecuador , and visiting elephant rehabilitation sanctuaries in Thailand .

When making the decision to book a tour with Contiki or a similar tour operator, definitely pay attention to their values and the initiatives (if any) they’re supporting, as this is essentially what your dollars will be supporting. While many people associate Contiki with lots of partying and quick-hit trips through countries, there are actually a number of itineraries on offer that focus instead on slow travel, cultural immersion, and contribution to society and sustainability. Now that I know about the Contiki Cares program, I personally would love for my next trip with them to be one that includes a community or sustainability initiative (I actually have my eyes on this trip , which includes a visit to a women’s co-op in Jordan).

To learn more about Contiki’s approach to conscious travel, go here.

Rachel Off Duty: Friends in Europe

Overall Pros + Cons: 

Logistics figured out for you

Epic itineraries

Unique experiences

Like-minded travelers

Highly organized

Lots of partying, if you choose (pro and con)

Sustainability and conscious travel initiatives to participate in

Dedicated trip managers and drivers 

Price & financing options 


Packed schedule 

Shared lodging

Faster pace 

Price (listing this as a pro and a con, depending on how you look at it and depending on which trip you’re interested in) 

Use code CONTIKIRACH100 to save $100 on any 7+ day Contiki Trip

I was selected as Contiki’s Travel Ambassador for the 2019-2020 year. That said, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

#OffDutyDestination #ContikiAmbassador

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Read This Next:

My Contiki Mediterranean Quest Itinerary Review: 10 Jam-Packed Days in Europe

Where to Stay in Nice, France: The Hôtel Ozz

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Rachel Off Duty: Everything You Need to Know for Your First Contiki Tour (Plus Trip Recommendations)

Hey there! I’m Rachel, a travel writer and a full-time advertising / marketing expert. In 2019, I traveled more than 25 times while working 9 to 5, and since then I’ve committed myself to living a more adventurous life, even if it means bringing my laptop along for the ride. Are you hungry to travel more, but overwhelmed with how to juggle work and play? You’ve come to the right place!

Recent Adventures:

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Let's go places.

  • Updated on: September 23, 2019

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Unlocking Adventure: The Top 5 Best Contiki Tours for Every Traveler!

Posted on Last updated: October 13, 2023

Categories Tours

Unlocking Adventure: The Top 5 Best Contiki Tours for Every Traveler!

Expert travel storyteller Jordan Adkins, founder of, brings a decade of adventures across 101 countries and 450+ UNESCO sites into rich, off-the-beaten-path narratives, melding ecological expertise with genuine, seasoned travel insights. His full bio can be found here.

Is this year the time to get ticking off your bucket list destinations? An adventure with Contiki Tours could be just what you are looking for!

If you are between 18 and 35, Contiki offers out-of-this-world group tours that are great value, fun-packed, and a great place to meet like-minded fellow travelers. Wherever your wanderlust is calling you, Contiki has you covered.  So what can you expect from the best Contiki Tours? 

With sixty years in business, the Contiki team has the business of traveling down. Their travel program spans worldwide and covers the hottest travel destinations.  Contiki’s vision is to provide accessible, affordable travel options for young people looking to get out there and explore the world.  

Joining a trip with Contiki is more than just a holiday.  Become part of the Contiki community, meet your travel goals, grow your confidence, forge lifelong friends, and have a meaningful, fun travel experience.  Contiki offers the perfect place to make global connections with both your travel mates and local communities you meet en route.

All Contiki trips come complete with an expert Trip Manager who is essential for creating world-class adventures for all Contiki guests. Using their in-depth knowledge of the destination. They will give you all the info you need to dive in and make the most of every place you visit. They set the vibe for a fun, exciting journey, help you orientate to new cities, and provide any assistance you need while on the road. 

best Contiki tours

Operating an inclusive policy, Contiki offers a fun experience regardless of your personality, previous travel experience, or individual differences.  There is something for everyone. Contiki values its diverse and vibrant community, and your trip manager is skilled at helping new groups bond and break the ice. 

Are you thinking of traveling solo? Contiki could be the perfect option.  Around sixty percent of travelers who join a Contiki tour do so solo.  Embrace the freedom of solo travel and combine it with the chance to meet a whole group of new friends.  Contiki offers the right mix of scheduled activities and space to get out and explore how you want.  

In addition to your trip manager, transport between destinations is included, and a professional, safe driver is responsible for getting the crew from A to B.  Take the stress out of the journey with all the logistics taken care of so you can concentrate on the good stuff.  

Significant expenses are all included in the trip price.  Transport, accommodation, and a range of activities are all-inclusive, making Contiki trips easier to budget, so you don’t need to stress about running out of money.

Carefully curated accommodation is provided for every night of the trip.  Accommodation choices vary depending on the trip, but rest assured all accommodations will meet the Contiki standards from centrally located city hostels, glamping or camping experiences, hotels, and Contiki special stays.  Contiki only works with the best in the business. They know what makes a great stay, and their accommodation choices reflect this.  

Contiki endeavors to make every trip a memorable experience. With a massive range of tours available, you can choose a tour that suits your needs and budget. If you travel with friends, you can request to stay in the same room as your mates.  If you travel solo and want a little more privacy, you can upgrade to a private room.  Whatever the experience you are looking for, Contiki can make it happen.  

With years in the business, Contiki knows how to provide the ultimate travel experience, from the best places to visit, to uncovering hidden gems, unique experiences, the best parties, restaurants, cultural experiences, and active adventures. Whatever you are into, Contiki has you covered with mind-expanding experiences.  

best Contiki tours

As the world leader in youth travel, Contiki’s mission statement is Make Travel Matter.  Travel has a profound impact on the communities, the places, and the communities we visit.  By making sustainability and responsible travel the cornerstone of their vision, Contiki helps facilitate young travelers to leave a positive impact on the places they visit.  

Make Travel Matter Experiences visit innovative projects which support local people, the natural environment, and wildlife. You may visit local community projects, meet local people and artisans, learn more about indigenous cultures, or visit innovative projects which benefit the natural environment and wildlife.  These amazing experiences help educate travelers about global issues and allow a deeper connection to the destinations they visit.

Contiki has undertaken a sustainability pledge and a 4-point climate action pledge.  They have implemented a carbon calculator to determine how much carbon each trip produces and have invested in carbon offsetting to reduce the impact of their tours.  In addition, they are committed to lowering emissions on their trips wherever possible.  They have invested in their fleet of coaches, which are both modern and fuel efficient. Coach travel offers a more sustainable option than the traditional road trip. 

If you take a trip with Contiki, you can be assured they are doing everything possible to make the trip as sustainable as possible and travel responsibly.  

Contiki provides life-affirming travel for young adventurous people looking to discover what the wider world offers. So if you are ready to book an unforgettable adventure, stop dreaming and make those plans a reality. Pick your destination and get involved.  

Whatever your adventure style, vibes, or wherever you want to go, Contiki has it covered.  Read on to find out the best Contiki tours which we have sorted for you to provide the ultimate travel inspiration. 

Read on for some ultimate travel inspiration for your next Contiki adventure.  

best Contiki tours

Page Contents

Eternal India

Food and wine in a french chateau, the explorer with (inca trail trek), sun and steam ( new zealand ), beaches and reefs (australia), the powder rush.

Are you ready to sharpen your sense of adventure with an action-packed twelve-day tour of India?  

Contiki offers an epic tour that takes in the multi-sensory extravaganza that is the vast, frenetic, and inspiring country of India, traveling through the Golden Triangle onwards to Mumbai and the exotic shores of Goa.  

This trip is perfect for those wanting to get out and explore India safely, socially, and stress-free. With your expert trip manager, driver, and local guides, this trip will be a breeze.   

The group will embark from the capital of Dehli in all its chaotic glory. 

Under the wing of your local guide, explore the sights and sounds of the historic district of Old Dehli, with its abundance of everything from bicycles, people, and rickshaws to street vendors selling all manner of wares.  Marvel at the ornate architecture and rich, warm colors of the red sandstone buildings before immersing yourself in Dehli’s street food scene. 

Cross over the Yamuna River into the state of Uttar Pradesh towards the city of Agra to make some serious strides on your bucket list with visits to the formidable Red Fort of Agra and the iconic Taj Mahal with its glittering white marble and luscious courtyards, gardens, and spectacular water pool and fountains.

Hit up the expansive Ranthambore National Park with the opportunity to add on a sunrise safari to spot some of the park’s incredible wildlife.  The trip includes visiting the Dhonk craft center, which provides employment and education opportunities for local people and micro-financing services.  Connect with local people here and learn more about their lives with this included Contiki Travel Matters Experience. 

Let loose in Jaipur, where you have some free time to explore.  Your group leader is full of expert recommendations, so grab your new travel crew and head out to savor the visual delights of this city with its distinctive pink-hued buildings.  Make a pit stop at Udaipur for a guided city tour, taking in the stunningly beautiful City Palace complex on Lake Pichola’s banks and the ornate Jagdish temple.  

Next, head to the mega-city of Mumbai with its cacophony of noises.  Watch as skyscrapers rise from it’s sprawling bodies and flotillas of boats sail the busy shores of the Arabian Sea. A local guide will help you experience the rush of this metropolis. Then it’s on to the beaches of Goa to embrace the sounds of the waves.  Your trip ends here, and it is the perfect spot for a farewell party to Goa’s legendary nightlife.  

With transport and accommodation covered, Eternal India provides an accessible and worry-free way to experience India’s incredible history and culture .  Immerse yourself in the amazing sights and sounds, from ornate temples to the city metropolises, lush countryside to beachside shores.  India has it all, and Contiki can’t wait to take you there. 

  • Hotel accommodation
  • Comfortable travel on a private coach
  • Services of an expert trip manager and friendly, knowledgeable guides
  • 11 breakfasts, one lunch, and one dinner
  • Orientation and sightseeing tours with local guides in Dehli, Udaipur, and Mumbai
  • Entry to the Taj Mahal and the Agra Red Fort
  • Visit the Dhonk Craft Centre community project in Ranthambore
  • Internal flight to Goa

Eternal India - best Contiki tours in India

Treat yourself to a gourmet French chateau experience.  

Tease your palette, and meet new friends with an epic four days living in a 16th-century chateau complete with a pool, in-house chef, and bar.  Your travel group will explore the delights of the Beaujolais wine region, which has an abundance of vineyards and a rich culinary tradition that highlights fresh, seasonal produce.  

A complimentary transfer will whisk you from the station of Villefranche sur Saone to your stunning accommodation.   Settle into your well-appointed rooms and explore the sprawling grounds of this 16th-century chateau, a fantastic example of the architecture of the French Renaissance. 

Savor a locally produced wine and cheese tasting before heading for a three-course welcome dinner in a picturesque local village.  Food on, drinks on!

The next day heads out for a day trip to the gastronomical capital of France , Lyons.  Take a tour of the city’s culinary highlights with a local expert.  Your guide ensures you will hit the best spots and taste this region’s best food and wine. 

Sip spectacular wines and stop by some of the Bouchons Lyonaise, traditional, rustic restaurants that specialize in serving regional dishes.  Uncover the city’s authentic culinary heritage before returning to a fun dinner at the Chateau, making the most of your beautiful accommodation.  

Hit up a winery tour in the Beaujolais Wine Region.  Visit three wineries and sample wines, meet local winemakers, and learn more about viticulture.  Enjoy an included winery lunch with paired wines as you live the good life in France. 

Relax at the chateau as the in-house chefs prepare a farewell dinner of traditional French fare for the group to round out your foodie adventure in style.  Expect plenty of laughs, delicious food, and flowing drinks. Your trip ends the next day, but there is still time for a tasty breakfast or dip in the pool.  

This lavish tasting experience will leave your buttons straining as you enjoy an introduction to this region’s exquisite food and wine.   With accommodation and gourmet tasting experiences included, this upmarket adventure is excellent value.   

  • Three nights’ accommodation in Chateau De Cruix.  
  • Complimentary transfer from the station of Villefranche sur Saone
  • Local wine and cheese tasting
  • Moveable Feast Walking Tour of Lyons
  • Three Breakfasts in the Chateau
  • Winery visits and included lunch in the Beaujolais Wine Region
  • Three Luxurious French Dinners
  • Small Group Size for an intimate experience
  • A Few Extra Inches on the Waistline

Food and Wine in a French Chateau - best Contiki tours in France

Embark on a journey of exploration in Peru , Argentina , and Brazil .  This eighteen-day adventure lets you experience some of South America’s finest destinations, from the wonders of the Matcha Pichu to the dynamic capital of Buenos Aires and the flamboyant streets of Rio de Janeiro.   

Soak in the complex cultures of South America, the intricate stonework of the ancient Incan civilization, and the breathtaking beauty of the densely-forested, high-altitude hills of the longest continental mountain range in the world, the Andes.  

This trip is perfect for those wanting an in-depth exploration of this awe-inspiring region. 

Begin your adventure at 11,000 feet in the city of Cusco, the historic capital of the Incan empire, surrounded by the sacred Andean peaks of Ausangate, Salkantay, and Veronica and the formidable ruins of the mighty Incan Empire.

With a local guide, you will visit the ruins of Pisac and Ollantaytambo to start uncovering the legacy of the Incan people and their agricultural and engineering prowess.  Those who choose the one-day Inca trek can follow some of the original Inca trails, traversing mountain paths into the clouds and taking in views of the iconic peak of Huayna Picchu and the valleys below.  

Those who choose not to take the Inca trail trek will catch a train to Aguas Calientes, a gateway city to Machu Picchu; nestled between imposing mountains and lush rainforest, the town is only accessible via train or foot.  

This location offers an early start for one of the trips, highlighting a guided tour of Machu Picchu . Located high amongst the Vilcabamba mountain range, wonder at the shifting shapes of the mist and clouds as they shroud these ancient structures. This spectacular architectural complex was abandoned in the 16th century.  

Take a rest day in Cusco with some free time.  Explore with new friends, or choose one of the optional extra excursions available. Tomorrow your journey takes you airborne to the heart of the Amazon.  

Reaching Puerto Maldonado is an adventure in itself as your plane cuts through the mountains before descending into Peru’s Amazon basin.  Then you will voyage by boat to a spectacular jungle lodge deep in the pristine rainforest of the Amazon. 

From your comfortable lodge accommodation, smash your bucket list with a two-night stay in the jungle. Take a hike to a canopy tower to take in the incredible biodiversity of this verdant paradise, kick back and relax in your bungalow as the rich audioscape of gushing water, the howl of monkeys, calls of birds, and the patter of rain wash over you.  The next day enjoy an unforgettable guided canoe trip down the mighty waters of the Amazon.

Catch an internal flight to the city of Lima.  Spend a free evening with your new travel mates in Peru’s capital.  Experience the city come alive as night settles, meander through the Plaza de Armas, the city’s main square, stroll past the illuminated facade of the cathedral of Lima, follow the boardwalk along the cliffs for a spectacular view of the cities skyline, or visit the lively neighborhoods of Miraflores and Barranco.  

On to Buenos Aires next for an epic four-night stay in this energetic Latin-American destination.  Launch straight into the good times with a hearty dinner out. Get ready to experience the fire of the Argentinian tango dancers in a wild night of romance and dancing. 

The city is yours to explore. With the help of an expert local guide, get under the skin of this diverse metropolis. Follow insider tips and craft your adventure on the tree-lined streets, party until dawn breaks or join the optional extra excursions.  

Suppose this incredible city destination wasn’t enough for you. In that case, it is onto Brazil to experience the natural wonders of the unbelievable Iguassa National Park, home to one of the world’s most jaw-droppingly beautiful collections of waterfalls.  Surrounded by tropical rainforest, this semi-circle-shaped waterfall contains multiple cascades creating a dazzling visual display.  

Finnish this adventure of a lifetime, with a multi-day stop in Rio De Janeiro with beachside accommodation.  Get ready for the time of your life.  

Check out the famous sunsets of Rio, its vibrant city beaches, and unbeatable nightlife. With an orientation tour to get your bearings, there is plenty of free time to soak in the carnival atmosphere.  

These last days pack a punch with a Contiki Make Travel Matter guided tour through the favelas and an epic boat cruise in Guanabara Bay, taking in the stunning waterside view of the city’s iconic landmarks.  Toast your mates, toast the experience, toast yourself! This is you living your best life.  

Contiki makes the journey easy with a stress-free, safe, in-depth travel itinerary.  With an expert trip manager and local guides, a driving team, accommodation, and amazing included activities, this truly is a life-changing travel experience.  

  • Expert trip manager, driving team, and local guides
  • 13 nights of hotel accommodation and 4 nights of hostel accommodation (including a 2-night stay in the Amazon)
  • 17 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 5 dinners
  • Exploration of the Sacred Valley (Urubamba), including the Pisac and Ollantaytambo Ruins
  • Visit Machu Picchu with a guided tour and entry.
  • Flight through mountain terrain and descending into the Amazon Basin to Puerto Maldonado
  • Orientation tour of Puerto Maldonado, Buenos Aires and Rio De Janerio
  • Amazon jungle canopy Hike and guided canoe ride
  • Flight to Lima
  • Flight to Buenos Aires and tango and dinner experience
  • Flights to Iguassu, exploration of Iguassu National Park
  • A Contiki Make Travel Matter Experience – Guided Favela Tour
  • Visit Christ the Redeemer Statue
  • Guanbara Bay Boat Cruise
  • A full Instagram feed

The Explorer with (Inca Trail Trek) - best Contiki tours in South America

Is New Zealand on your mind this year? Contiki offers an incredible North Island mini-break.  

Make life easy and join in on this sublime roadie that heads up to the sunny shores of Paihia in the upper Northland, then onto the geothermal delights of buzzing Rotorua.  

This social tour has a maximum group size of 45 and is the perfect place to meet new friends and travel companions.  A group tour is an excellent way to make the most of your time in New Zealand and shake up your social life while getting out there and trying new experiences.  

Travel in comfort on a spacious private coach. Your expert trip manager is a fellow New Zealand enthusiast with in-depth knowledge of the best activities and scenic spots.  In short, they have your back with on-the-road support! 

Meet your group in Auckland before heading toward Paihia. Take in the views as you cruise the open road. There is a scheduled pit stop in Whangarei. Stroll around the marina, with plenty of cafes and restaurants overlooking the waterfront. It is the perfect place for a leisurely lunch.  The city has a vibrant arts scene, and culture vultures will enjoy visiting the Huderwassert art center. 

On arrival in Paihia, the group will take a guided tour of the Waitangi Treaty Grounds to learn more about the history and culture of New Zealand’s indigenous people.  After a busy day, tuck into New Zealand’s classic fish and chips overlooking the idyllic Bay of Islands.  A free day in Paihia lets you explore the spectacular coastal beauty of this small town.  There are plenty of optional extras to try if you want, or kick back and do your own thing.  

Overnight in Auckland before hitting up the bright lights of Rotorua.  Here you will meet New Zealand’s national bird, the Kiwi, in a Contiki Make Travel Matter visit to New Zealand Kiwi Hatchery.  The evening sees you experience a traditional hangi dinner and Maori cultural experience.  

You have a free day to explore Rotorua , visit some of the town’s geothermal features, or get involved in some adventure sports. Your trip leader can hook you up with a raft of optional activities. The tour heads back to Auckland for your departure point.    

With included transport, cultural activities, accommodation, and a whole heap of fun, this tour offers a stress-free way to experience some of the North Islands’ premium locations and activities with a shorter New Zealand break.  

  • 4 nights of hotel accommodation and one night in a hostel
  • Private coach travel and professional driver
  • 5 breakfasts, 2 dinners
  • Visit the Huderwassert arts center.
  • Guided tour of the Waitangi Treaty grounds
  • Fish and chip dinner in Pahia
  • Visit the New Zealand Kiwi Hatchery
  • Maori Cultural Experience and Traditional Hangi Dinner
  • Visit Auckland, Whangarei, Pahia, Rotorua

Sun and Steam ( New Zealand ) - best Contiki tours in New Zealand

This incredible tour offers your ultimate east coast Australian Adventure .  

Join your trip manager and travel crew for this epic adventure. With a maximum group size of 30, this trip offers the perfect blend of social and intimate.  Prepare to make some serious inroads on your Aussie bucket list as you blast along the Pacific coast from Sydney to Cairns.  

Your adventure takes in the best of the east coast and is jam-packed with visits to stunning tropical islands.  This one is all about sun, sea, sand, and fun.  

Send an incredible three nights in Australia’s cosmopolitan capital Sydney.  Kick off with a day trip to the spectacular blue mountains, with their dramatic sandstone cliffs and shrouds of blue-tinted mist. Next day enjoy an orientation tour of Sydney with your group leader, including the Opera House and Bondi Beach.  

Hop on a plane for the laid-back shores of Byron Bay.  Embrace surfer life with an included surf lesson.  Be warned. You might catch the surfing bug! With a two-night stay in Byron, you have plenty of time to get acquainted with the town’s bohemian vibes, luscious natural surroundings, and thriving art and music scene.  

Hightail it to your next amazing destination with a two-night stay in a stunning eco-camp in the unique Noosa Everglades.  Soak in the surroundings with its dense vegetation and lush wetland ecosystems.  Later experienced a Contiki Make Travel Matter experience with a visit to an 80-acre sustainable farm.  

A day trip to Fraser Island guarantees unforgettable memories.  Head out early with the team to experience paradise, from its pure white sand beaches to the coastal dune system, abundant wildlife, marine life, and verdant rainforest.  Blast down the longest sand highway in the world and dip in Lake Mackenzie’s crystal-clear waters.  There is incredible wildlife to see here.  Prepare to be blown away but its rugged, wild, and isolated beauty.  

Things get pretty tropical where you are going next, with a base in one of Australia’s premier holiday destinations, Airlie Beach.   Located in the heart of the Whitsundays, it is the perfect jumping-off spot for a day trip to the jaw-droppingly beautiful region, surrounded by the coral sea, home to the Great Barrier Reef.  This is the place for exploring this extensive coral ecosystem, its spectacular array of marine life, and crystal clear turquoise waters.

Next up is a two-night stay on Magnetic Island, home to many Australian wildlife, from koalas to wallabies and possums. Head over by ferry before enjoying a hike to watch the spectacular sunset, with unobstructed views across the coral sea; the sunsets here are literally to die for. Next morning experience a uniquely Aussie breakfast experience with a slap-up feed at Selina Koala Village set amongst native trees. A wildlife ranger will introduce you to some of the residences of the onsite wildlife sanctuary.  

The last destination on the itinerary is Cairns.  Get acquainted with traditional bush cuisine with an incredible dining experience hosted by a local chef who demonstrates the uses of native ingredients before enjoying a traditional dinner using the native game.  

Join an expert guide for a guided tour of the Daintree Rainforest, one of the oldest and most diverse in the world.  As part of this Make Travel Matter experience meet with the local Kuku Yalanji people and learn more about the history and culture of the Aboriginal people.  Next, head over to the Janbal gallery to meet with an Aboriginal artist to explore the artistic expression of Dreamtime and try your hand at creating your own masterpiece.  Spend your last day in Cairns taking in the sights or join an optional extra Great Barrier Reef cruise.  

This incredible adventure takes in the breadth of Australia’s stunning East Coast for an epic journey of beaches, wildlife, and stunning tropical destinations.  

  • 13 nights in hostels, 2 nights in an eco-camp
  • 9 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 3 dinners
  • Expert trip manager, driver and local guides
  • Day trip to the Blue Mountains
  • Guided tour of Sydney, including Bondi Beach and the Opera House. 
  • Flight to Byron Bay and a surf lesson 
  • Fraser Island Day Trip
  • Flight Brisbane to Airlie Beach
  • Day trip to the Whitsundays
  • Snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef.  
  • Ferry to Magnetic Island 
  • Magnetic Island Sunset Hike and champagne 
  • Breakfast with koalas on Magnetic Island
  • Train to Cairns
  • Make Travel Matter bush tucker dinner experience
  • Guided tour of the Daintree Rainforest
  • Immersive Make Travel Matter Aboriginal Art Class

Beaches and Reefs (Australia) - best Contiki tours in Australia

Are you craving fresh powder? Dreaming of hitting the Canadian slopes for some world-class skiing and snowboarding?

Contiki’s Powder Rush Tour offers the ultimate Canadian Ski adventure on this 9-day tour for snow lovers.  Join a maximum group of 52 other powder hounds for your best winter holiday yet.  

This trip is perfect for meeting new slope buddies, sharing snow stories, and experiencing Canada’s stunning natural beauty. Your expert trip manager will set the vibes and get the excitement going, and your expert driver will handle the logistics.

Begin this epic adventure in the pumping city of Vancouver, where snow-capped mountains meet the shores of the Pacific.  

Jump aboard the comfortable Contiki coach to trace the coastline on the spectacular Sea to Sky Highway.  Keep your eyes open because the scenery is out of this world, with epic coastal views, rugged snowcapped mountains, the winding Squamish River, and lush forested hillsides.  

With anticipation kicking in, arrive at the legendary Whistler, home to the mighty Coast Mountain range, bucket loads of snow, and an electric apres-scene.  Spend a three-night stay in North America’s largest ski resort.  With varied skiing terrain and some of the best backcountry in Canada, Whistler has something for everyone.  Contiki has local connections and can hook you up with great deals on lessons.  

You might be sad to leave Whistler’s stunning slopes but fear not; your travel crew is headed to the magnificent Banff National Park.  Jump on board a flight to Calgary before a short drive takes you to Banff.  

This place is outdoor magic in all its glory, set against the backdrop of the awe-inspiring Rocky Mountains.  With its timeless natural beauty, the park is one of the biggest in Canada and home to next-level skiing and snowboard terrain.  

With three ski resorts in the park, you are spoilt for choice.  Banff Mount Norquay is located minutes from Banff town. It has approximately 60 runs, a terrain park, and also offers night skiing.  Lake Louise is Bannff’s most extensive area and has several terrain parks, good access to incredible back-country skiing, and amazing views of the Rocky Mountains and Lake Louise. 

Sunshine Village spreads across three mountains, has expansive views and access to the continental divide, and is located at an incredibly high altitude, benefiting from excellent snow conditions.  The choice is yours!

In addition to skiing and snowboarding, there is a wide range of activities in the national park, from hiking to dog sledding, glacier hiking, and canyoning.  Your trip manager will help you out with any advice you need.  Exhausted from all the activity? Check out the natural hot springs or get out and enjoy the town’s lively apres-ski scene.   

When packing up your gear and waving goodbye to new friends, transport is provided to Calgary for your departure point.  

This tour offers an incredible way to visit two of Canada’s premium winter destinations, meet new friends, ski and snowboard to your heart’s content, and experience jaw-dropping mountain scenery.  

  • Expert trip manager and driver
  • Eight breakfasts
  • Three-night accommodation and stay at Whistler Ski Resort
  • Flight to Calgary
  • Four Nights Accommodation and stay at Banff National Park
  • Departure Point in Calgary

The Powder Rush - best Contiki tours in Canada

Kate Abroad

Kate Abroad

Honest + Complete Contiki Ireland Tour Review

Wondering whether the it’s worth it to do a Contiki tour in Ireland? This Contiki Ireland review has all the information you need to decide.

The Contiki Ireland tour is the first Contiki trip I ever did, now with a few more Contiki (and Top Deck and G Adventures) tours under my belt, I thought I’d share my thoughts on the Contiki Ireland Tour.

If you’re thinking of booking an Ireland tour, or a Contiki anywhere, this Contiki Ireland review has all the details to help you decide. If you’ve already done all your homework on the tour (shout out to the other over planners) just scroll to the bottom for my verdict.

This post is based on my experience of the Contiki Ireland tour, but the pros/cons are also relevant to the very similar tour that Top Deck runs in Ireland. I’ve been on tours with both companies in the past and they are super comparable.

Full disclosure, I personally went on the Contiki Ireland tour and paid for it myself in full. All views are my own. I have included affiliate links so that if, after reading the review you want to book a tour, you have the option to support the blog while doing so.

blarney ireland

What is Contiki?

Contiki is a tour company that runs tours specifically for 18-35 year old’s. Most of the tours, including the Contiki Ireland, are on big 50-seater buses but they do run some boat-based and single-city tours.

Contiki runs tours in English and the groups are mostly made up of Australians, Kiwis and Americans. The trip style is very fast-paced, expect to see lots of places in a short space of time (more on that later).

Contiki operates tours all over the world, but their most popular trips are in Europe, including the Ireland trip.

What tours does Contiki do in Ireland?

Contiki runs three tours in Ireland (at the time of writing), the main Ireland tour (which I did), the Ireland Reunion tour for 35-45s and the St Patricks Day short break.

The website shows a few more like a Scotland-Ireland option and an England-Ireland option, these are actually just add-ons to the main Ireland tour where you do the England/Scotland tour then ferry/fly to Ireland to join the group doing the 8-day Ireland section.

Where does the Contiki Ireland tour go?

The Contiki Ireland tour is advertised as 8 days but it’s more like 6 because you only join the group on the evening of Day 1 and Day 8 is really just a departure day.

This means that if you were pressed for time, you could safely plan to fly in on the morning of Day 1 and fly out first thing on Day 8. I would 100% recommend not doing that and leaving yourself some extra time in Dublin (see below).

Here’s the itinerary in brief, you can read the whole thing on the Contiki website: Day 1: Dublin (meet the group, have dinner, go out) Day 2: travel to Cork via Kilkenny Day 3: travel to Galway from Cork via Blarney and the Cliffs of Moher Day 4: full day in Galway (this day has the only real free time) Day 5:travel to Derry/Londonderry from Galway Day 6:travel to Belfast from Derry/Londonderry via Giant’s Causeway Day 7:travel back to Dublin from Belfast Day 8: eat breakfast and fly out

contiki ireland tour day sheet cork

I did all the inclusions and ‘free time add-ons’ (optional activities) and would recommend that.

To be honest many of the add-ons are really core tour activities ie the drawcards that make you want to book the trip in the first place and our whole group did them so they were less of an optional thing and more just planned tour activities that we had to pay for.

Definitely factor the add-ons into your budget as it could be quite awkward if you opted not to do those activities and you could be left sitting on the bus in some cases (like at the Jameson’s Distillery) because there is nothing else to do in the area.

Highlights of the Contiki Ireland tour

Before I jump into the pros/cons, it’s worth mentioning some of the amazing experiences on this trip. If I had to pick, my favourites were:

  • the Derry/Londonderry walking tour that delved into the city’s divided history (my family is Irish and I still learned heaps)
  • the night out in Galway at the pub that inspired Ed Sheeran’s Galway Girl
  • exploring Blarney Castle

derry sign in the snow Ireland

Should you add on extra time in Ireland?

I had 4 days in Dublin before the tour. This was a good length of time because there’s so much to see in Dublin and Contiki really only allows one day in the city.

But if I did it again, I would swap it around and book a few days in Dublin after the Contiki tour because there were a bunch of people from my tour who were staying on in Dublin (which is pretty common after Contiki tours) so I could easily have joined up with them for Dublin sightseeing rather than doing it on my own.

I had pre-researched the activities on the Contiki tour so made sure not to do any of those before the tour but as it turned out some of the Dublin parts of the tour got cancelled because of the weather so I wished I hadn’t waited.

Save yourself those regrets and just book your days after the tour, that way you know exactly what’s left on your bucket list to go see.

Check out my solo traveller’s guide to Dublin for some ideas of things to do in the city.

Molly malone statue Dublin

What I loved about the Contiki Ireland tour

The inclusions:.

Contiki has done a really good job squeezing all the top Ireland attractions into this tour. There are UNESCO world heritage sites, beer, whiskey, castles, movie locations and more.

If you made a list of the top Ireland bucket list things off the top of your head, they’d probably all be on the Contiki Ireland itinerary. This is consistent with their #noregrets motto. It means the tour is good value in terms of time and money in my opinion.

cliffs of moher Ireland

The convenience:

Contiki basically handles everything for you from accommodation to transport to food and activities. Not everything is included but you often end up doing it as a group anyway (like most dinners).

This is true of all Contiki tours and most tours generally, but it is a huge plus for first-time solo travellers (me when I went on the tour) or people who haven’t travelled internationally before.

The guides are used to dealing with newbie travellers so they offer help with all the basics you might need.

The timing:

I have opinions on the pace of this trip (see below) but with the 6 (full) day itinerary, it’s really well-timed for people (like me) who are full-time workers and want to get a good holiday in without burning all our annual leave (paid time off).

Lots of the tours on the market are in the 2+ week range that ends up being three weeks or more by the time you count add-on days and flight time so it’s really good to have an option that’s one week.

What I didn’t love about the Contiki Ireland tour

Contiki is fast-paced, like really fast-paced, sometimes you get into a city at night and leave early the next morning with no real-time to explore.

This happened on the Ireland tour in Cork. From the small bit I saw, Cork is a very pretty city but by the time we got there it was dark, and we basically just dropped bags and went to the pub with no time to see the local sights.

This can leave you feeling exhausted at the end and like you missed out on seeing some places properly.

The constant partying:

I think I drank every night on the Contiki Ireland tour. Obviously, this was my choice, and you don’t have to do that but it’s what nearly everyone on the tour did and what the tour is set up for.

This might be a plus for you depending on what you want to get out of your holiday and how extroverted you are but for me personally, it was a bit much and left me feeling like I needed another holiday afterwards to recover.

Jamesons whiskey Ireland tour

The lack of free time:

This is kind of the same point as the pace but is worth calling out so that you know what you’re in for. The Contiki Ireland tour is crammed full (which is good value) but if you want time to explore on your own then you’ll need to wait until after the tour.

This is not the case on all tours or even all Contikis in my experience as I’ve been on other trips that have lots more free time in the itinerary.

My verdict on the Contiki Ireland tour

The short version:.

This tour was perfect for me at the time, and I had a blast but if I was going to Ireland now I wouldn’t book it.

The long version:

When I did this tour, I had never solo travelled before, and I only had a short amount of time between finishing my summer internship and going back to university.

Because I wasn’t yet a confident solo traveller, I valued the security of the Contiki tour in terms of having everything planned and the one-week itinerary let me see all the main things I wanted to in the short time I had.

However, if I was going now, I wouldn’t do a tour at all partly because I now mostly travel with my partner and partly because I have the confidence to navigate most foreign cities and trains/buses on my own and prefer more flexibility. I also drink less now so the constant party vibe is less what I would go for.

I would love to hear your thoughts if you’ve been on a Contiki before or are considering it. Drop them in the comments below.

Happy travelling!

Europe Travel Resources

  • Find the best prices on hotels with flexible cancellation at
  • Find awesome day tours on Get Your Guide
  • Book train tickets and buy cheap multi-trip passes from Rail Europe
  • Travel super cheaply across 28 countries with Flixbus
  • Save on attractions with a city pass from Go City (including Amsterdam, Paris and Rome)
  • Sort your Euros and other currencies with a Wise multi-currency card

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Kate is the founder of Kate Abroad. She has travelled to nearly 40 countries from Austria to Vanuatu, and lived in 3. She's on a mission to empower other Gen Zs and Millenials travel affordably by sharing helpful travel guides, stories and tips to over 200,000 readers.

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Topdeck Vs Contiki: Which Is The Best For You?

A re you planning your next adventure but can’t decide which tour company to choose? Two of the most popular options for young travellers are Topdeck and Contiki. Both companies offer a range of tours with different itineraries, durations, and destinations. In this blog post, we’ll compare Topdeck vs Contiki to help you make an informed decision about which one is best for you.

Why compare Topdeck or Contiki?

Comparing Topdeck vs Contiki allows you to assess the differences in tour styles, destinations, prices, accommodations, inclusions, company culture, and customer reviews. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each company, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your travel style, preferences, and budget. For example, if you’re looking for a more adventurous and active tour, Topdeck might be the better choice for you. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more cultural and educational experience, Contiki might be a better fit. By comparing the two companies’ itineraries and inclusions, you can choose the tour that best suits your interests and goals. Additionally, comparing Topdeck vs Contiki can help you assess the value for money of each company’s tours. By comparing the prices and inclusions, you can determine which company offers the best value for your budget. You can also consider the company culture and customer reviews to ensure that the tour company aligns with your values and expectations.

A brief overview of Topdeck and Contiki

Topdeck and Contiki are two of the most well-known and reputable tour companies for young travellers . Both companies offer a wide range of tours that cater to different travel styles, preferences, and budgets.

Topdeck is an Australian-based tour operator that has been in business for over 45 years. It specialises in adventure tours for 18-39 year olds and offers a range of tour styles including camping, budget, and comfort. Topdeck operates tours in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, North America, and the Middle East. Contiki, on the other hand, is a global tour company that has been around for over 55 years. It focuses on group travel for 18-35 year olds and offers a variety of tour styles including discovery, in-depth explorer, and sailing and cruising. Contiki operates tours in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. Both Topdeck and Contiki are known for their expertly crafted itineraries, high-quality accommodations, and knowledgeable tour leaders. They offer a range of inclusions such as transportation, meals, and activities, making it easy for travellers to enjoy their adventures without the hassle of planning everything themselves.

Passenger demographics

Topdeck’s target demographic is travellers between the ages of 18 and 39, with a focus on adventure and off-the-beaten-path experiences. The majority of Topdeck’s passengers are between the ages of 18 and 30, with a roughly equal split between male and female passengers. The company attracts a diverse range of nationalities, with passengers hailing from all over the world. However, Topdeck’s tours tend to attract more European and Australian travellers, as these are the regions where the company operates the most tours. Contiki’s target demographic is also young travelers, between the ages of 18 and 35, with a focus on cultural and educational experiences. The majority of Contiki’s passengers are between the ages of 18 and 25, with a slightly higher proportion of female passengers. Similar to Topdeck, Contiki attracts a diverse range of nationalities, with passengers coming from all over the world. However, the company’s tours tend to attract more American and Canadian travellers, as these are the regions where the company is most well-known.

Overall, both Topdeck and Contiki attract a young, adventurous, and culturally curious demographic. By catering to the unique needs and preferences of this demographic, both companies have built a loyal following of young travelers who are looking for immersive and memorable travel experiences.

Tour styles

Topdeck and Contiki offer a range of tour styles to cater to different preferences and budgets. Understanding the differences between these styles is key to choosing the right tour for you. Topdeck offers three tour styles: camping, budget, and comfort. The camping style is the most affordable and adventurous option, with travellers sleeping in tents and participating in outdoor activities such as hiking and rafting. The budget style offers a mix of hostels and budget hotels, with a focus on budget-friendly activities and experiences. The comfort style offers higher-end accommodations such as hotels and resorts, with more luxury experiences and inclusions.

Contiki offers three tour styles as well: discovery, in-depth explorer, and sailing and cruising. The discovery style is the most popular, offering a mix of activities and experiences, including cultural and historical sightseeing, nightlife, and adventure sports. The in-depth explorer style is for travellers who want to delve deeper into a particular region, with a focus on off-the-beaten-path experiences and local culture. The sailing and cruising style offers a more relaxed and luxurious experience, with travellers exploring destinations by sea and enjoying onboard amenities such as spas and restaurants.

Each tour style has its own benefits and drawbacks. The camping style offered by Topdeck is perfect for travellers on a budget who are looking for an adventurous experience. The budget style is ideal for travellers who want a mix of budget-friendly accommodations and activities, while the comfort style is perfect for those who want a more luxurious experience. On the other hand, Contiki’s discovery style is great for travellers who want a mix of activities and experiences, while the in-depth explorer style is ideal for those who want to explore a particular region in depth. Finally, the sailing and cruising style is perfect for travellers who want a more relaxed and luxurious experience.

Tour destinations

Topdeck and Contiki offer a wide range of destinations on their tours, catering to different travel styles and interests. Topdeck operates tours in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, North America, and the Middle East. Some of the most popular destinations for Topdeck tours include Europe, where the company offers tours that cover multiple countries and regions, including Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean. Topdeck also offers tours in Australia and New Zealand, with a focus on adventure and outdoor activities. In Asia, Topdeck offers tours in destinations such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan, with a mix of cultural experiences and adventure activities. The company also operates tours in Africa, with a focus on wildlife and safari experiences, and in North America and the Middle East.

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Contiki also operates tours in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. The company’s tours in Europe cover a wide range of countries and regions, including popular destinations such as France, Italy, and Spain, as well as more off-the-beaten-path destinations such as Croatia and Romania. In Australia and New Zealand, Contiki offers tours that cover both the North and South Islands, with a mix of adventure activities and cultural experiences. In Asia, Contiki offers tours in popular destinations such as Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well as less-traveled destinations such as Cambodia and Laos. The company also operates tours in Africa, with a focus on wildlife and cultural experiences, and in North and South America.

Topdeck vs Contiki: Accommodation

Accommodations can greatly impact your tour experience, and Topdeck and Contiki offer different types of accommodations to cater to different travel styles and budgets. Topdeck offers a mix of accommodations, including camping, hostels, and hotels. Camping tours are designed for travellers who are looking for a more adventurous and budget-friendly experience, with stays in tents or cabins in the great outdoors. Hostels are a popular option for budget-conscious travellers, while hotels offer a more comfortable and luxurious experience. Topdeck’s accommodations tend to be centrally located, making it easy for travellers to explore on their own during free time. Contiki, on the other hand, focuses more on hotels and resorts, with a mix of budget and luxury options. The company’s accommodations tend to be centrally located, offering easy access to local attractions and activities. Contiki also offers a range of unique accommodations, such as farm stays and eco-lodges, for travellers who are looking for something a little different. In terms of quality and location, both Topdeck and Contiki offer high-quality accommodations that are designed to cater to young travellers. Topdeck’s camping and budget accommodations are designed to be affordable, while still offering a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Contiki’s hotels and resorts are carefully chosen to offer a luxurious and memorable experience for travellers. When choosing between Topdeck vs Contiki, it’s important to consider your budget, travel style, and preferences. If you’re looking for a more adventurous and budget-friendly experience, Topdeck’s camping or budget tours might be a good fit for you. If you’re looking for a more luxurious or comfortable experience, Contiki’s hotel and resort options might be more appealing.

Topdeck vs Contiki: Transport

Topdeck and Contiki offer a mix of transportation options on their tours, ranging from public transport to private coaches and boats. Topdeck’s transportation offerings vary depending on the tour style and destination. In Europe, Topdeck generally uses public transport such as trains and buses, as well as private coaches for longer journeys. In other destinations, such as Australia and New Zealand, the company uses a mix of private coaches and minivans for transportation. Topdeck also offers some tours that involve flights or ferry rides, such as their Egypt and Jordan tour that includes a Nile River cruise. Contiki also offers a mix of transportation options on their tours. In Europe, the company uses a mix of public transport such as trains and buses, as well as private coaches for longer journeys. In other destinations, such as Australia and New Zealand, Contiki uses a mix of private coaches and minivans for transportation. Contiki’s sailing and cruising tours also offer transportation via boat or cruise ship. Both Topdeck and Contiki offer included transportation in their tour prices, making it easy for travellers to get from place to place without worrying about logistics. However, there may be additional costs for optional activities or transportation not included in the tour price. When choosing a tour company, it’s important to consider the transportation options offered and how they align with your travel style and preferences. If you prefer the convenience and comfort of private coaches, both Topdeck and Contiki offer this option on many of their tours. However, if you’re looking for a more immersive and authentic experience, Topdeck’s use of public transport may be more appealing. Overall, both Topdeck and Contiki offer a range of transportation options that cater to different travel styles and preferences.

Topdeck vs Contiki: Meals

Overall, both Topdeck and Contiki offer a mix of included and optional meals on their tours, with a focus on offering authentic and diverse dining experiences. The quality and variety of meals can vary depending on the destination and tour style, but both companies aim to cater to the dietary needs and preferences of their passengers. By considering the meal offerings of each company, you can choose the tour that best suits your culinary interests and needs. Topdeck typically includes some meals in the tour price, such as breakfasts and some dinners. The company also offers optional meal add-ons, such as food tours or cooking classes, for an additional cost. Meals on Topdeck tours tend to be a mix of local cuisine and international options, with a focus on offering a variety of dining experiences. Topdeck also caters to dietary restrictions and preferences, such as vegetarian or gluten-free options. Contiki also includes some meals in the tour price, such as breakfasts and some dinners. The company offers a mix of international and local cuisine, with a focus on providing authentic dining experiences. Contiki also offers optional meal add-ons, such as wine-tasting or cooking classes, for an additional cost. The company caters to dietary restrictions and preferences, but travelers are encouraged to inform the company of their dietary needs in advance.

Topdeck vs Contiki: Value for money

When choosing a tour company, value for money is an important factor for young travellers. Topdeck and Contiki both offer a range of tour styles and destinations at varying price points, and understanding the value for money of each company’s tours can help young travellers make an informed decision. In terms of value for money, Topdeck’s tours tend to be slightly more expensive than Contiki’s, but they also offer more included activities and experiences. Topdeck’s tours often include entrance fees to popular attractions, such as museums and national parks, as well as some meals and activities. This means that travellers can enjoy a more immersive and comprehensive experience without having to spend extra money on additional activities or meals. Contiki, on the other hand, tends to offer more free time and flexibility in their tours. This means that travellers have the opportunity to explore on their own and choose which activities and experiences they want to pay for. While this approach can lead to a more budget-friendly experience, it also means that travellers may miss out on some experiences that are included in Topdeck’s tours. Ultimately, when comparing Topdeck and Contiki in terms of value for money, it’s important to consider your own travel style and preferences. If you prefer a more immersive and comprehensive experience with a range of included activities, Topdeck might be the better choice for you. If you prefer more flexibility and the ability to customise your itinerary, Contiki might be the better fit. By choosing the tour company that best suits your needs, you can ensure a memorable and enjoyable travel experience without overspending.

Topdeck vs Contiki: Tour guide

Both Topdeck and Contiki are known for their knowledgeable and passionate tour guides. These guides play a critical role in ensuring that travelers have an enjoyable and memorable tour experience. Topdeck’s tour guides are carefully selected for their expertise in the destinations they visit, as well as their enthusiasm for adventure and cultural immersion. They are trained to provide a high level of customer service and to create a fun and welcoming atmosphere for travellers. According to TourRadar, Topdeck’s tour guides are rated an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars by past customers, with many reviewers praising their knowledge, humour, and professionalism. Contiki’s tour guides are also carefully selected for their expertise and passion for travel. They are trained to provide a high level of customer service and to create a fun and engaging atmosphere for travellers. According to TourRadar, Contiki’s tour guides are rated an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars by past customers, with many reviewers praising their knowledge, personality, and organisation skills. Overall, both Topdeck and Contiki are known for their high-quality tour guides, who play an important role in creating a positive tour experience for travellers. By providing expert knowledge, friendly service, and a fun and engaging atmosphere, these guides help to make each tour memorable and enjoyable.

Financial protection

Just like having personal travel insurance, booking with a company that’s registered with both ABTA and ATOL is absolutely essential.

The collapse of UK based Thomas Cook – a 100-year-old travel company in 2019, and COVID-19 was a stark reminder that you must always travel with a company that is protected against bankruptcy!

Fortunately, Topdeck and Contiki are both ABTA registered, and ATOL protected, meaning you are completely covered if anything should happen.

ABTA enforces specific standards and ensures that your holiday is protected in the event of the company going into liquidation.

Having ATOL protection means that if the company folds before or during your travel, you get your money back – and you receive support if you’re already travelling.

Websites & communication

I highly doubt if a company’s website will be the deciding factor in who you book with. Still, it could affect your decision if the level of information varies between the Topdeck and Contiki websites.

Both operators have aesthetically pleasing and mobile friendly websites, but in my opinion, the way tour information is presented on Contiki’s website is much better than Topdeck.

Contiki makes use of bright icons and text boxes to highlight essential information such as tour inclusions, booking terms and conditions and optional activities. They also have a much more beautiful itinerary layout compared to Topdeck and include faqs and more reviews.

One thing I especially love about the Contiki tour pages is the combinations of official photos with those taken by past Contiki passengers for that particular tour. It gives you an honest snapshot of what to expect on a Contiki tour.

After almost one year of talks, Topdeck launched their new-look website in 2019 and I was disappointed. I was expecting so much more from Topdeck. The site looks like it’s stuck in the early 2000s.

Both operators have a live chat feature on their website, but unlike Topdeck, Contiki’s chat is not available 24/7.

Deals & discounts

Topdeck and Contiki are known for offering a range of deals and discounts to help make their tours more affordable for young travellers. These deals can include early booking discounts, last-minute deals, group discounts, and loyalty programs. Early booking discounts are often offered for travellers who book their tour several months in advance. These discounts can vary depending on the tour and the time of year, but they can often save travelers anywhere from 5% to 15% off the tour price. For example, Topdeck currently offers an early booking discount of up to 10% off selected tours when booked by a certain date. Last-minute deals are also commonly offered by Topdeck and Contiki, with discounts ranging from 10% to 30% off the tour price. These deals are often available for tours that are departing within a few weeks or months and are designed to fill empty spots on the tour. For example, Contiki currently offers last-minute deals on selected tours departing within the next few months, with savings of up to 30% off the tour price. Group discounts are also available for travellers who book a tour with friends or family. These discounts can vary depending on the size of the group, but they can often save travellers anywhere from 5% to 10% off the tour price. For example, Topdeck offers a group discount of 5% off the tour price for groups of 4 or more people. Loyalty programs are also available for repeat customers of Topdeck and Contiki. These programs offer rewards and discounts for travellers who have completed a certain number of tours with the company.

Choosing the right tour company for your next adventure is an important decision that can greatly impact the success and enjoyment of your trip. Both Topdeck and Contiki are reputable and well-respected tour companies that cater to young travellers. To help you make an informed decision, here are some final thoughts and tips:

  • Consider your travel style and interests: Topdeck and Contiki offer a range of tour styles and destinations, so it’s important to choose the one that aligns with your travel style and interests. Think about what you want to get out of your tour and choose the company that can offer the experiences and activities that excite you the most.
  • Compare prices and inclusions: While Topdeck and Contiki offer similar tours, there can be differences in the price and inclusions. Be sure to compare the prices of similar tours and consider what is included in the tour price. This will help you choose the tour that offers the best value for your budget.
  • Read customer reviews: TourRadar is a great resource for reading customer reviews and ratings of Topdeck and Contiki tours. By reading reviews from past travelers, you can get a sense of what to expect from the tour experience, the quality of the tour guides, and the overall value for money. This can help you make an informed decision about which tour company to choose.
  • Book your tour through TourRadar: TourRadar is a reputable and user-friendly platform that allows you to compare Topdeck and Contiki tours, read customer reviews, and book your tour all in one place. By booking through TourRadar, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free booking experience, with access to customer support and a secure payment system.

In conclusion, both Topdeck and Contiki are great tour companies for young travellers, offering a range of tour styles and destinations. By considering your travel style and interests, comparing prices and inclusions, reading customer reviews, and booking through TourRadar, you can choose the tour company that best suits your needs and enjoy an unforgettable adventure.

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7 Things to Know Before Booking Your First Contiki Tour

Taking part in a Contiki tour will be one of the best travel decisions that you ever make. I went on my first Contiki in 2014 and it was essentially what inspired me to start a travel blog! In 2015, I went on my second Contiki tour and now, I’m getting ready to embark on my third tour in just a few weeks!

As I’m preparing and planning for my third Contiki tour, I’ve found myself reflecting on all the things I’ve learned from completing two tours already and all the things I wish I had known before embarking on my first one.

I wanted to write a post today to talk about some of the things I wish I had known before I hopped on my first Contiki tour, to hopefully give you aspiring Contiki-ers a little taste of what to expect and how to better prepare!

Some activities have added costs

While Contiki includes a lot of different excursions, meals, and activities in the base price of their tours, called “No Regrets Inclusions” there are some experiences that aren’t included in the base price of your trip. These are known as “Free Time Add-Ons”. You can’t prepay for these, so you need to budget for them ahead of time and plan to have enough cash to cover them while you’re on the tour. However, with that being said…

You don’t have to do everything with the group

I know that on a group tour it can be easy to experience FOMO (fear of missing out) if you decide to skip one of the group’s “Free Time Add-On” activities. I’ll be honest, on Contiki tours, most people opt to participate in all of the “Free Time Add-Ons” – but you definitely do not have to. Just because you’re on a group tour doesn’t mean you’re obligated to spend every moment with the group. If there’s something that you’ve been dying to see or do in a particular destination, don’t be scared to break off from the group to have your own experiences!

You will drink A LOT more than you expected

This was probably the thing that caught me the most off guard on my first Contiki trip. Almost every night on a Contiki tour ends at a local bar or pub – remember you’re on a tour with a bunch of 18-35-year-olds, there is a heavy party culture present. Be sure to plan a bar budget and pack some hangover cures because regardless of how late you get in from the bar, the coach waits for nobody in the morning.

You will spend a lot of time on the coach

Depending on which tour you do, you can expect to spend anywhere from a few hours to half a day on the coach during days you’re traveling between cities. My advice is to pack a neck pillow and lots of entertainment that doesn’t depend on an internet connection. i.e.) a good book!

The Contiki Cough is real

You’re going to get sick, be prepared. There is really not avoiding it when you squish a bunch of people together on a coach bus and close living quarters for a couple of weeks. It’s bound to happen, so just be prepared and bring some cold medicine from home to save yourself the trouble of having to ask for some in Italian.

Bring portable chargers

You’re going to be sharing a room with at least one other person, but it could be up to three other people depending on the trip style. There is never going to be enough outlets for all of you. If you can find a multi-outlet plug, that’s going to be your best bet, but another alternative is to bring portable chargers for your devices and recharge them during the day when you’re out exploring.

Save cash to tip at the end of the trip

Contiki is really weird about explaining their tipping process. I didn’t know until two days before the end of my first Contiki tour that my trip manager and bus driver were expecting tips in cash at the end of the trip. I was much more prepared on my second trip, setting aside the recommend $3 a day for both my trip manager and bus driver before my tour even started. Tipping is always at your own discretion, but your trip manager and bus driver do work hard, so try to save some of your bar cash to thank them at the end of your trip.

Have you been on a Contiki tour? What do you wish you knew before you went?


  • An in-depth review of Contiki’s Eastern Trail tour
  • Contiki Cares: How Contiki is supporting sustainable travel
  • How to pick the perfect Contiki for your travel style
  • The only Contiki review you ever need to read

contiki tour inclusions

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Itinerary Expand All

Day 1: start copenhagen, day 2: copenhagen, day 3: copenhagen to oslo, day 4: oslo, day 5: oslo to voss via hardangervidda, day 6: voss, day 7: voss to geiranger via sognefjord, day 8: geiranger to lillehammer, day 9: lillehammer to dalarna.

Rise and shine! More adventures await. Today we're crossing the border from Norway to Sweden, so keep an eye out for the famous Vasaloppet start line. A picture perfect land of fairytale forests, painted cottages and gorgeous rolling hills, Dalarna will take our breath away upon arrival.

The centrepiece is the shimmering lake, so we'll let you enjoy the lake for a few hours (kayaking or maybe just a sauna, depending on your vibe) and then we've got a special visit to a working Alaskan Husky Kennel, where we'll meet some of the local very good boys. Want to experience more of the surroundings? Take a short hike to see where bears live and hibernate, with an optional Bear Hike. Just try not to wake one up. (B/D) Stay: Torgasgarden Hostel

Day 10: Dalarna to Stockholm

Day 11: stockholm, day 12: stockholm to st. petersburg, day 13: st. petersburg, day 14: st. petersburg to overnight train, day 15: overnight train to moscow, day 16: moscow, day 17: moscow, day 18: depart moscow, trip inclusions expand all, journey highlights.

  • See the Little Mermaid , the Gefion Fountain and the Royal Palace
  • See Hamlet's Kronberg Castle
  • Orientation Tour of Oslo
  • See the impressive Tvindefossen Waterfall
  • Take in breathtaking views as you cruise the stunning Geiranger Fjord
  • See Gamla Stan (the old town) & see the changing of the guard at the Royal Palace
  • Locally guided tour of Hermitage, the 2nd largest art museum in the world
  • Guided city tour to see the Red Square, the Kremlin & see Lenin's Masoleum and St. Basil's Cathedral

Included Meals

  • Wondrous delights like Norwegian salmon and Russian blini will be on the menu for this trip. We'll make sure you're fed and watered with breakfast each morning, and will also throw in a lunch and 6 dinners.


  • 11 nights multi-share hostel accommodation Featured hostel Generator Stockholm, 5 nights twin-share accommodation, 1 overnight train.

Your Tour Guides

  • A highly trained Trip Manager who brings your adventure to life. An expert driver who knows foreign roads better than Google Maps. Local Guides who make tourist traps a thing of the past. This is your team. Smart, friendly, fun, and integral to everything we do.
  • Itinerary and inclusions are subject to change
  • Price is for land, cruise and internal flights as specified. Flights not specified are not included

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Contiki Worldwide (2023-24)

Prices & dates.

There are currently no departures available on this trip. Either it's the end of the season and new departures will be released shortly, or this itinerary has been changed and will no longer continue. Feel free to contact us for information about when next seasons dates will be released or click here to view the general release dates for all destinations.

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Contiki Vs. G Adventures: Comparison for New Zealand

Contiki Vs. G Adventures: A Comparison for New Zealand

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NZ Pocket Guide is 10 years old. Thank you for trusting us with your trip for over a decade!

What’s the difference between contiki and g adventures.

Contiki and G Adventures : two huge international tour companies offering the adventure of a lifetime through group travel. But which one to pick?! On the outside, Contiki and G Adventures seem very similar: an all-inclusive bus tour around New Zealand for backpackers/young travellers . While there are differences between the two that might seem subtle, they can actually have a huge impact on your trip.

Whether it’s the size of your tour group that is a deal-breaker or the types of adventure activities included in the package, this Contiki and G Adventures comparison aims to help you make a better-informed decision when booking your adventure in New Zealand.

What’s the Difference Between Contiki and G Adventures for New Zealand?

In a Nutshell…

Contiki in New Zealand is for the traveller who wants to hit all the destination highlights and share these experiences with newfound friends while making sure they can share the adventure on social media for their friends back home. Food, accommodation and activities are all sorted so all passengers have to worry about are thinking about how are they going to spend their “free time” with their new friends and what extra activities to pick.

G Adventures in New Zealand is for the traveller with a particular style. Do you want to hike, bike, kayak and multisport your way around the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand? Then there’s a tour for that. Do you want to hit some highlights and hidden gems with a group of like-minded people? Then there’s a tour for that and more! Whatever style you prefer, you will share it with an intimate group of people.

contiki tour inclusions

Contiki Inclusions

Food with Contiki – A usual day with Contiki has breakfast and dinner included. Anything in between you will most likely have to accommodate yourself. There will be the option to have cultural dinners, like the Maori hangi . Contiki will try to accommodate all tastes, sometimes having open options.

Activities with Contiki – A selection of usually paid-for activities are included with Contiki, such as jet boat rides , going up the Sky Tower, etc. Sightseeing tours and orientations of cities and towns with your tour manager will also be included. Optional activities are available at extra cost and your tour manager can organise them for you. You’ll also get free time to do whatever you want.

Accommodation with Contiki – Expect to be staying in hotels and lodges, sharing a room with 1-4 other passengers. Like all other bus tours in New Zealand, there are options to upgrade to a private room.

Transport with Contiki – It’s a given, but transport is included in the form of a coach bus with free WiFi, powerpoints and movies.

Tour Manager on Contiki – Your tour manager organises activities, party nights and is an essential part of the group. However, they are not there to babysit you so you better arrive to catch the bus on time! There is also a bus driver too.

The Price of Contiki’s Tours – A full national pass with Contiki is around NZ$4,800 but the pass is very often on sale. You can usually pick up a national pass for around NZ$4,300 – a similar price to G Adventure’s full national tour.

Contiki Vs. G Adventures: Comparison for New Zealand

Where Does Contiki Go?

Well, Contiki can go all over New Zealand with trips spanning from 3 days to 19 days. The trips don’t end where you begin but tend to end in the cities with international airports making it easy to move on after your trip.

Contiki is a great way to see the highlights of New Zealand in a limited timeframe. Be prepared for an adventure that is fast-paced and action-packed!

For a list of all Contiki’s trips in New Zealand, check out Contiki on Tourradar . Otherwise, Contiki will stop for activities and inclusions along the way, but the cities that Contiki stay at overnight include:

  • Christchurch
  • Franz Josef

AJ Hackett

Contiki Passengers: Is Contiki a Party Bus?

Contiki passengers are social travellers from all over the world! Why else would they choose to hop on a bus full of like-minded people and travel with them for several days? With socialising comes people who like to party, and your tour manager will organise some fancy dress nights and social gatherings.

Although Contiki likes to convey a “mixed bag” of passengers, the New Zealand Contiki passengers tend to be on the younger end of the 18-35 scale due to its reasonable price. Expect to be surrounded by people who want to see the world but don’t want the hassle of organising it themselves, whether it’s a couple of friends travelling together or solo travellers. Contiki claims that 55% of the passengers are female, while 45% are male.

Contiki has a large bus operation so expect to have anything from a full bus in New Zealand summer to plenty of legroom during the shoulder seasons .

contiki tour inclusions

G Adventures Inclusions

Food with G Adventures – Most breakfasts (which is usually a continental breakfast) and some dinners, although not as much as with Contiki, are included each day on the trip. Any meals in between you will have to buy yourself, but your “CEO” can recommend places to eat.

Activities with G Adventures – There’s a wide selection of usually paid-for activities included in your trip, such as over-ight excursions by boat, sea kayaking , surf lessons , cultural experiences , and more. On some days you will get free time and you can book optional activities at an extra cost with your CEO.

Accommodation with G Adventures  – You will stay in a mix of hostels, lodges and basic hotels with G Adventures. Expect to be in a multi-share dorm with your fellow passengers.

Transport with G Adventures  – G Adventures runs in mini-buses with a trailer carrying the group’s luggage. Other transport might include boat, as some boat tours are included, as well as bicycles, kayaks, and more!

CEO (Tour Guides) with G Adventures – The “CEO” is the G Adventures’ Chief Experience Officer. They manage your activities, tell you about the places you are visiting, as well as be your driver. They are also in charge of cooking your meals.

The Price of G Adventures’ Tours – A full national pass with G Adventures for 18 to 30-somethings is around NZ$4,300 – similar to Contiki. Their “Active” tours are a little pricier at approximately NZ$7,700 but come with more inclusions.

Contiki Vs. G Adventures: Comparison for New Zealand

Where Do G Adventures Go?

Trips with G Adventures span from 4 to 21 days. While some trips do a loop starting and finishing in the same city, others will start and finish in different cities. These cities do have international airports to get you to your next destination.

G Adventures offers locations in New Zealand that you will have heard of and some you probably won’t have heard of.

The most important thing to remember when browsing G Adventure’s tours is that their “18-to-Thirtysomethings” itineraries are usually much different from the “Active” tour itineraries and other travel styles. So we advise you to pick your style first and then choose your trip.

For the full list of G Adventure’s trips, check out the G Adventures on Tourradar .

Locations include:

  • Abel Tasman
  • Milford Sound
  • Lake Tekapo

contiki tour inclusions

G Adventures Passengers

You are likely to get a mixed bag with G Adventures in terms of age and nationality but you get more of “a certain type of person” depending on which “style” of trip you do in New Zealand. For instance, “18-to-Thirtysomethings” tours are aimed at travellers who are out to tick things off the bucket list, aged 18-39. On the other hand, “Active” tours will have a wider variety of ages out to experience New Zealand by bike, hike, kayak and whatever active way they can.

Other travel styles in New Zealand include “Classic” tours who tend to have passengers from mid to late twenties who like a good balance between group and independent travel, and finally, “National Geographic Journeys” are aimed more at 30+ with a bit of money in their pocket.

One thing to note about the passenger experience with G Adventures is that they travel in small buses meaning they have quite small groups, usually averaging at 12 people.

More About Contiki and G Adventures

That’s it for our full comparison between Contiki and G Adventures. For more bus tour comparisons, take a look at the following:

  • The 10 Best Backpacker Bus Tours in New Zealand
  • The 15 Best Bus Tours in New Zealand
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Buses in New Zealand: Complete Guide + How Do They Work

Finally, compare all of your bus travel options in our complete guide,  How to Travel by Bus in New Zealand .

The information in this guide has been compiled from our extensive research, travel and experiences across New Zealand and the South Pacific, accumulated over more than a decade of numerous visits to each destination. Additional sources for this guide include the following:

  • Tourism New Zealand (General travel advice - Updated [2024])
  • Immigration New Zealand (Visa and immigration advice - Updated [2024])
  • New Zealand Customs Service (Customs and Biosecurity - Updated [2024])
  • New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD online platform - Updated [2024])
  • Tiaki Promise (Care for people place and culture - Updated [2024])
  • Safe Travel (NZ travel advisories - Updated [2024])
  • Stats NZ (Statistics and travel data - Updated [2024])
  • Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Road and transport tips - Updated [2024])
  • DriveSafe (Road safety - Updated [2024])
  • Council websites and freedom camping maps (Local travel advice region by region - Updated [2024])
  • AdventureSmart (Know before you go - Update [2024])

Our editorial standards : At NZ Pocket Guide, we uphold strict editorial standards to ensure accurate and quality content.

contiki tour inclusions

About The Author

This article has been reviewed and approved by Robin, who is the co-founder of NZ Pocket Guide. With more than 15 years of experience in the New Zealand tourism industry, Robin has co-founded three influential tourism businesses and five additional travel guides for South Pacific nations. He is an expert in New Zealand travel and has tested over 600 activities and 300+ accommodations across the country.

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The ultimate in travel experiences

Delhi to London on a 70-day bus voyage Delhi, India

If you thought multi-day bus tours were typically reserved for young, first-time travellers à la a Contiki-style trip or organised groups of elderly retirees, let us introduce an ambitious new bus service promising the adventure of a lifetime.

The epic 70-day Bus to London tour by expedition company Adventures Overland is one hell of a cross-continental journey. Beginning in Delhi, India, and traversing 18 different countries before finally reaching the UK capital of London, the hop-on hop-off itinerary will cover around 20,000 kilometres.

contiki tour inclusions

Partly inspired by the Hippie Trail movement of the 1950s and 60s, which saw thousands of young people embark on long-haul road trips from Europe to Asia, the Bus to London route will bypass major landmarks such as Myanmar’s Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, the Great Wall of China and the Red Square in Moscow. Other highlights include a thorough exploration of the ‘Stans (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan), Baltic countries such as Latvia and Lithuania, and, of course, Euro faves such as Germany, Belgium and France.

Comfort is key on this expedition, and the purpose-built bus features all the luxury mod cons you’d expect from a first-class vehicle, like ample legroom, individual entertainment systems, private lockers and charging points.

The inaugural Bus to London tour departs in May 2021 (pending Covid-19 restrictions), and upon completion the bus will embark on a return voyage back to India. Now if this doesn’t get you excited for the return of international travel and incredible, one-off experiences, we’re not sure what will.

  • Ticking off amazing bucket-list destinations you otherwise wouldn’t visit
  • Bragging about how you criss-crossed half the world in a bus
  • Your own mini pantry and cool box on the bus (because snacks are VERY important on a road trip)
  • Being among the first to embark on this historic trip
  • If you get motion sickness be sure to pack plenty of meds, otherwise you’re in for a long, uncomfortable journey
  • Spending 70 days straight in a confined space with a bunch of complete strangers could be… interesting (to say the least)

The full, 70-day Bus to London trip costs US$20,500. This price includes all accommodation (on a twin-sharing basis), meals, required visas and permits, English-speaking guides in all countries, sightseeing tours, entrance fees at major attractions and fuel costs.

Adventures Overland

Bus to London

While you can’t actually book your place on the tour just yet, you can register your interest via this email: [email protected].

Tags: bus , Delhi , london , road trip

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8.9% of us cyclists are black– matt onojafe is peddling towards inclusion.

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Matt Onojafe, Founder of Jafe Cycling

The Tour De France is the oldest and most prestigious cycling race of the three Grand Tours. In its 120 years, no Black cyclist has ever won. In fact, amongst all three Grand Tours, the average number of Black cyclists ranges between 0%-1% year after year. Many factors contribute to the low representation of Black cyclists, from systematic exclusionary practices, under-exposure of the sport to Black youth, and financial limitations of underrepresented communities.

Prince George’s County native and owner of Jafe Cycling , Mathew O. Onojafe, uses his passion for cycling to forge space for Black cyclists locally and globally. Through the bike shop, Matt is also bringing sportsmanship, trade, and jobs to his community. He uses his bachelor of science degree in optical engineering from Norfolk State University to propel Jafe Cycling’s bicycle repair and maintenance services. Matt has more than eight years of experience in business development and government contracting. In conjunction with his entrepreneurial expertise, Onojafe created the “ Jafe Cycling Foundation ” to provide workshops to young middle and high school students, exposing them to the sport of cycling in hopes of helping them secure scholarships, life skills, and employment opportunities.

Crystal Davis, President of the Jafe Cycling Foundation had this to say about the foundation’"We, the Jafe Cycling Foundation, are committed to ensuring that cycling is accessible to everyone, regardless of their background. By introducing cycling to underrepresented communities, we not only promote physical health but also foster a sense of community and empowerment. Partnering with Matt has been transformative for the non-profit. His experience and resources have allowed us to expand our reach, providing more opportunities for underrepresented communities to experience the joy and benefits of cycling. As always, we hope to see you on the trails!"

In recent years, the popularity of recreational cycling has increased throughout the Black middle class globally. Black cycling enthusiasts and professionals like Matt are using social media to bring awareness to the sport to increase Black representation. This influx of Black cyclists is not slowing down anytime soon and has created a subgenre/culture of the sport where vibrant bike kits and custom outfits grace various roads worldwide. Traditional cycling organizations and publications are recognizing the new style , flare, and contributions that this new wave of cyclists is bringing to the sport.

Matt sat for an interview in his bike shop in Bowie, Maryland, to discuss his passion for cycling, the impact he wishes to make on his community, and much more. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

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Matt Onojafe and a group of cyclists at the Jafe Cycling storefront.

Stephanie Tharpe: What ignited your passion for cycling?

Matt Onojafe : I started seriously cycling around 2014 when I found out I was about to have my son. I had a lot of anxiety and emotions about being a dad, and cycling provided me with an outlet for mental clarity. As I would ride the trails, I would think about what type of dad I wanted to be. It also allowed me to reevaluate the role my father played in my life and what he meant to me. My dad was a “man’s man.” He is a person that people admire for his work ethic. Watching him made me want to show my son that hard work will get you where you need to be. So, once my son was finally born, I hitched him to my bike and brought him on the trails to ride with me.

Stephanie Tharpe: How did cycling transition from a hobby to a full-time career for you?

Matt Onojafe: Believe it or not, COVID inspired me a lot. I understood what cycling meant and did for me–from a mental and physical perspective. As I said, I gained mental clarity and started shedding pounds. Based on my experience, I figured if I could encourage more individuals in my community to be healthy, it could help us with preventative care when fighting the virus. That was my solution to what was going on around us. As an engineer, tinkering with and fixing bikes was natural for me. I would work on my bike as well as a few buddies of mine. Once they started referring more people to me, I knew I needed to monetize this hobby.

Inventory of bikes at Jafe Cycling

Stephanie Tharpe: How would one select the perfect bike for them?

Matt Onojafe : It’s like buying a car. You have Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Toyota, etc. Ultimately, they all do the same thing, but the difference is in the tech, engines, and stuff like that. Similarly, with bikes, it comes down to the weight, materials used, the function of the bike, and the gearshifting mechanism. All of these components of the bike have an impact on the rider's overall performance and stamina. For instance, most of our bikes are lighter, which is better for the body. And if you’re going uphill and feel exhausted– then you probably aren’t using the correct gear.

Stephanie Tharpe: Historically, cycling is not a sport with significant Black representation. Why is this changing currently?

Matt Onojafe: There are a number of things that have contributed to its current popularity. Unlike most sports, cycling is personalized for each individual. You can customize it in any way you would like. Black people are expressive with cycling, you can customize your bike to fit your personality and physical and aesthetic needs. Beyond the bike, you can get custom jerseys and bibs to ride in. Many parents customize these with their kid's names, cycling clubs, hobbies, and such. Our community has also identified cycling as an investment into their health and wellness, knowing that they didn’t throw away $1,000 on just a bike but invested in their physical and mental health.

Stephanie Tharpe: Were there any challenges getting your business off the ground?

Matt Onojafe: Owning a bike shop requires a significant amount of consumable or retail items. Having enough inventory to meet demand has always been an ongoing challenge for me. I started Jafe Cycling in my basement– so I would buy one or two of each component. From a pricing perspective, it was hard to get the right margins. To put it plainly, making sure I had enough inventory at the right price was a real challenge in the beginning.

Stephanie Tharpe: What was your funding strategy when founding Jafe Cycling ?

Matt Onojafe: Before I transitioned out of my corporate job, I received a pretty nice bonus. I put all of that money into the business. I also got a personal loan from a former coworker. Those two financial vehicles gave me the initial boost to start Jafe Cycling.

Matt Onojafe instructing students

Stephanie Tharpe: What inspired you to create the Jafe Cycling Foundation?

Matt Onojafe: Like I said previously, I grew up in Prince George's County. In middle and high school, I ran cross country and played soccer, and cycling was something that never was brought to my attention as a kid. I had no idea that it was a sport outside of the Tour de France. With that in mind, there are over 200 colleges in the United States that offer cycling at the collegiate level, and kids have the opportunity to get scholarships for those programs once exposed to the sport. There is also a whole industry surrounding the sport that young people can get involved in.

For me, it’s all about how I can provide opportunities to kids in the community that I grew up in. In 2020, we launched our pilot program for the Jafe Cycling Foundation at my old middle school. With 11 students participating, we got a grant from the county, allowing us to provide each student with a bike. After school, we take them to the park and teach them essential skills, such as how to put air in their tires and emergency roadside assistance. Then, we take them on a 45-minute ride around the park.

Stephanie Tharpe: How can cycling benefit student-athletes in general?

Matt Onojafe: We try to show that student-athletes who play sports like basketball and football can use cycling as a low-impact way to cross-train to preserve their bodies in the offseason season.

Stephanie Tharpe : What are some other ways that Jafe Cycling is enriching its community?

Matt Onojafe: So we do a number of things. I'm very active in the community. We host workshops and clinics for the elementary school from time to time. Teach students how to ride a bicycle, the rules of the road, how to navigate traffic, emergency roadside repairs, and so much more.

In the DMV, there are over 25 cycling clubs that account for around 1,500-5,000 cyclists. I try my best to attend their rides, give pointers and provide workshops whenever I can.

Stephanie Tharpe: What was your scaling process like, and how did you get through that process?

Matt Onojafe: Patience has been the one thing I've been forced to learn my entire life, even with scaling. Scaling up from the basement, we went through a transition period where we moved into an office space. During that time, I was doubling all of my orders! So, I had to adjust to increasing my inventory and accommodating more customers. Now, at our new location, the expenses and foot traffic have increased significantly, and wrapping my head around this growth has been eye-opening. So I always tell entrepreneurs, do not get too afraid of what you're paying today because what you're paying for tomorrow will be way more.

Stephanie Tharpe : What initiatives would you like to see implemented within your community related to cycling?

Matt Onojafe: My goal is to have a cycling team for every middle and high school in the DMV. There is a league called NICA– which is the National Interscholastic Cycling Association, where students all around the country get to compete in cycling tournaments. So the fact that in Prince George's County, there's not a single school that has a cycling team represented is something that I'm really trying to push for because it's an opportunity that takes us away from mainstream sports and allows our students to know that there are other opportunities.

Matt Onojafe Founder of Jafe Cycling

Stephanie Tharpe: What will the legacy of Jafe Cycling be?

Matt Onojafe: I want the legacy of Jafe Cycling to be about community impact. Just as we are touching the community of Prince George's County, I truly believe that we're going to grow and have multiple shops all across the country! The question is, how can this local bike shop impact its community so that we can get more students on bikes and provide job opportunities and resources like a rec center? I want Jafe Cycling to be a pillar in whatever community it's in.

Stephanie Tharpe : What about your Legacy?

Matt Onojafe : He cared. I want people to know I am genuine and want to impact my community. I want people to look at me and say that I increased the lives of the people around me and I cared.

Stephanie Tharpe

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Zelensky’s chief aide flexes power, irks critics — and makes no apologies

Andriy Yermak, a former lawyer and film producer who runs Volodymyr Zelensky’s wartime presidential office, is arguably the most powerful chief of staff in Ukraine’s history.

KYIV — If actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky’s top credential when he was elected in 2019 was that he’d played a president on TV, the top qualification of his all-powerful chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, was being Zelensky’s friend.

The head of the office of the president, as Yermak’s post is formally known, has always wielded enormous influence in Ukraine. Wartime conditions, including martial law, have concentrated extraordinary authority in the presidential administration, making Yermak perhaps the most powerful chief of staff in the country’s history — virtually indistinguishable from his boss.

Yermak and Zelensky so rarely appear without one another that Oleh Rybachuk, who served as chief of staff to then-President Viktor Yushchenko, said some wonder who is calling the shots, and if they are even separate people anymore.

“Yermak, unlike many of his predecessors, got there without any experience in government,” Rybachuk said. “He was, from the very beginning, repeating this mantra that, ‘My only dream, my only ambition is to be the shadow of the president, to be everywhere the president would like me to be.”


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“This is how he portrays himself,” Rybachuk added, “as inseparable.”

Yermak’s closeness to the president — and evident influence over him — has drawn a barrage of accusations: that he has undemocratically consolidated power in the president’s office; overseen an unneeded purge of top officials, including commander in chief Gen. Valery Zaluzhny; restricted access to Zelensky; and sought personal control over nearly every big wartime decision.

Now, however, the legitimacy of the president and his top adviser are about to face even bigger challenges as Zelensky’s five-year term officially expires on May 20. Ukraine’s constitution prohibits elections under martial law. But as Zelensky stays in office, he will be vulnerable to charges that he has used the war to erode democracy — seizing control over media, sidelining critics and rivals, and elevating Yermak, his unelected friend, above career civil servants and diplomats.

Some of these allegations are indisputable. Under a decree issued by Zelensky shortly after Russia’s invasion in February 2022, six major television stations have been broadcasting the same news content 24 hours a day, called the United News Telemarathon — which critics say has silenced dissent.

Any such accusations are certain to be promoted by Russia, which has initiated new military attacks in recent days and now occupies about one-fifth of Ukraine’s territory. Such allegations by Moscow would be hypocritical given how Russian President Vladimir Putin repeatedly circumvented term limits to stay in power. But Russia for decades has tried to sow internal divisions in Ukraine to destabilize the country and, experts say, the Kremlin will not miss a chance to exploit charges that Zelensky is abusing power. And no one embodies the power of Zelensky’s office more than Yermak.

“The Russians will use this,” one longtime Ukrainian official said of Zelensky’s expiring term. To maintain legitimacy, Zelensky “must have trust,” this official said, speaking, as many others did for this article, on the condition of anonymity to preserve political relations and to avoid retribution.

“His credibility is falling,” the official said, “because Yermak’s actions constantly reflect on the president.”

In interviews with more than a dozen current and former Ukrainian officials and lawmakers, foreign diplomats and others who know Yermak or work with him, even his supporters acknowledged that he wields unusually broad authority, over governance and external communication. Some said he even controls which other officials are allowed to travel abroad and when — a detail on which his office declined to comment.

Recently, critics say, as Zelensky’s circle of advisers has tightened, Yermak has sidelined the Foreign Ministry, interfered in military decisions and brokered key deals with partners, including the United States — a task they argue should be handled by the president.

Some Ukrainian and Western officials say that suspicion of the president’s closest aide is undermining Zelensky’s authority and raising doubts about who is accountable for decisions: Zelensky or his appointed lieutenant who often tweets in emojis.

Several officials declined to speak about Yermak at all, fearing repercussions.

Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia who co-chairs with Yermak the International Working Group on Russian Sanctions, said Yermak fills many roles.

“In some ways, he’s the de facto prime minister, foreign minister and chief of staff,” McFaul said. “I know how everybody complains that about Yermak. … But I would say the flip side is it is war. And I think he’s pretty damn effective at his job.”

No political experience

A former lawyer and film producer, Yermak — like Zelensky — had no training to run a country, let alone one targeted for destruction. Yet that is his role. Once viewed as Zelensky’s shadow, Yermak is now seen as part of a ruling duopoly.

Even Yermak recognizes that plenty of people just don’t want him around.

“Why again this Yermak here? Why again?” he said in a recent interview, mimicking his critics. His not-so-patient reply: “I’m working,” he insists, “on behalf … of the president.”

Yermak’s critics describe him as pugnacious and domineering. Some accuse him of being a Russian agent — now a common insult in Ukraine — which he and those close to him vehemently deny.

Yermak, who at 52 is six years older than Zelensky, was born and raised in Kyiv to a Ukrainian father and a Russian-born mother from Saint Petersburg — a fact he defends in part by showing a photo of her with a blue-and-yellow Ukrainian trident tattoo on her upper arm. She got it on her 77th birthday. His father served in a high-ranking role in the Soviet Embassy in Kabul, which has fueled speculation that his family maintains ties to Russia and its security services.

Yermak has one sibling, a brother, Denys, 45, who was accused of being caught on video trying to use his family ties to sell positions in Zelensky’s administration. Ukraine’s anti-corruption bureau later quietly closed the case and Yermak claimed the entire ordeal was an “information operation” against his brother, who is now serving in Ukraine’s military.

“No one likes to mention this,” he said of his brother’s role on the front line.

Yermak’s office did not name his brother’s specific brigade but said he serves in a unit with foreign volunteers, “which takes an active part in combat.”

Yermak earned a master’s degree in law at Ukraine’s Taras Shevchenko National University and worked as an entertainment lawyer and a film producer. He said he turned down political opportunities before Zelensky because he never believed in “the people in gray suits.” Even now, he claimed, “I don’t think about my political future” — an assertion his critics dispute.

He said he cannot remember when he met Zelensky — but they have been friends for around 15 years. Zelensky tapped other friends from his film production company to join him in politics including Serhiy Trofimov, who served as a deputy head of the presidential office; Ivan Bakanov, who was the head of Ukraine’s security service; and Serhiy Shefir, an assistant to the president.

All were dismissed since 2022 in what is widely seen as a Yermak-led purge. “I’m sad this is what it’s come to,” one former official said.

Whether Yermak engineered it or not, Zaluzhny — the highly popular general who was viewed as Zelensky’s most formidable political threat in any reelection campaign — was removed from his post and named ambassador to Britain.

“The president has no entourage. There is one person who influences the president’s decisions,” the longtime Ukrainian official said. “There is no one else.”

“Yermak’s influence is monopolistic,” the official added, calling it a “tragedy.”

Chief diplomat?

Early on an April afternoon, Yermak — who is tall and broad with short brown hair and was dressed, as usual, entirely in army-green — burst into a conference room in the presidential office.

An aide had carefully prepared his seat at the head of the table, with a notebook, pencil, glass and two bottles of water — one with a clear top, suggesting still, and the other green, suggesting bubbly, but otherwise unlabeled. Yermak ignored his seat and plopped down between two Washington Post journalists.

One reporter, gesturing at the unusual bottles, asked Yermak if he was afraid of being poisoned.

“I did not think about [that],” he replied as he grabbed one of the reporters’ already opened bottle and took a swig. (He later suggested he is probably Russia’s third-most-wanted target for assassination, after Zelensky and the head of Ukraine’s internal security service.)

Yermak was smiling and upbeat. The day before, President Biden had signed a long-delayed $61 billion aid package for Ukraine.

Yermak has direct lines to the most powerful people in Washington, including the national security adviser, Jake Sullivan. “We are checking in on a very regular basis,” Sullivan said of Yermak during a visit to Kyiv in March. Sullivan’s office did not respond to multiple requests for further comment.

Yermak has established a global portfolio, acting as key liaison to many foreign officials. He denies infringing on the foreign minister but also said the war has shown him that “classical diplomacy may be finished” and “some of our ambassadors don’t work hard enough.”

Before the invasion, he said, he was a film buff always recommending movies to friends. Now, he has no time for that: He works at least 19 hours a day and often wakes up multiple times at night to check his phone.

Courting the Global South

One next task is organizing a new round of Ukraine’s unilateral peace talks, this time in Switzerland in June. Russia is not invited, and Ukraine’s 10-point peace formula would not cede any territory — making it a non-starter for Moscow.

Still, Yermak is focused on wooing potential partners in the Global South away from Russia — a task he said was long overdue, nonstop and “not easy.” Last year, he managed to get China to the table in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The meeting in Geneva is expected to have at least 50 countries in attendance.

“You want people that can get things done and you know that they’re 100 percent loyal to you,” McFaul said. “That’s the role that Yermak plays for President Zelensky.”

One aide compared Yermak to a national chief operating officer and said his efficiency earned Zelensky’s trust. “The president can be sure,” the aide said, “if there is a certain task, he will simply see it through.” Another said Yermak taught his team to make any decision in less than a minute.

As long as Zelensky stays in power, it appears, so will Yermak.

“They rule the country,” one foreign diplomat said, describing Zelensky as “good cop” and Yermak as “bad cop.”

“He’s not just pretending to be the bad one,” the diplomat said. “He has real power, and he’s doing micromanagement of many, many things.”

Yermak, another diplomat said, is “both the gatekeeper and the power behind.”

Yermak speaks of Zelensky gushingly, praising his intelligence and diplomatic skills. He denied that anyone but Zelensky is in charge.

“He listens to everybody,” he said. “But makes his opinion.”

Serhiy Morgunov and Anastacia Galouchka contributed to this report.

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  6. See a Different Township


  1. Trip Inclusions

    Stay, travel and eat like a local - plus get all the juicy info about every tourist spot from a local guide. Unmatched experiences Every trip comes with popular bite-sized experiences that are included in the itinerary, booked in advance.

  2. Trip Inclusions

    All you need to sort is…. • Pick your travel insurance (or let us take care of it!) • Check if you'll need a visa ( don't worry, we've got a guide) • Book your flights to & from your trip. • Plan for any tips or service charges. • Save some cash (and space in your tummy) for non-included meals.

  3. Everything You Need to Know for Your First Contiki Tour (Plus 17 Trip

    For the meal inclusions, it's important to also know that some of these meal inclusions will simply be whatever free food is served at the hostel or hotel you're staying at. ... I was selected as Contiki's Travel Ambassador for the 2019-2020 year. That said, all thoughts and opinions are my own. #OffDutyDestination #ContikiAmbassador.

  4. Group Travel & Adventure Vacations

    Share unforgettable travel experiences with new friends from around the world. Exclusively for 18-35 year olds. Explore 200+ trips led by group travel experts. Share unforgettable travel experiences with new friends from around the world. Exclusively for 18-35 year olds. ... ABOUT CONTIKI. GET INSPIRED. 1 (866) 266 8454

  5. Unlocking Adventure: The Top 5 Best Contiki Tours for Every Traveler!

    Embark on a thrilling journey with this guide to the best Contiki tours, revealing unique offerings, essential tips, and the most captivating experiences available! ... a driving team, accommodation, and amazing included activities, this truly is a life-changing travel experience. Inclusions. Expert trip manager, driving team, and local guides ...

  6. Honest + Complete Contiki Ireland Tour Review

    What I loved about the Contiki Ireland tour The inclusions: Contiki has done a really good job squeezing all the top Ireland attractions into this tour. There are UNESCO world heritage sites, beer, whiskey, castles, movie locations and more.

  7. Topdeck Vs Contiki: Which Is The Best For You?

    It specialises in adventure tours for 18-39 year olds and offers a range of tour styles including camping, budget, and comfort. Topdeck operates tours in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, North America, and the Middle East. Contiki, on the other hand, is a global tour company that has been around for over 55 years.

  8. 7 Things to Know Before Booking Your First Contiki Tour

    This was probably the thing that caught me the most off guard on my first Contiki trip. Almost every night on a Contiki tour ends at a local bar or pub - remember you're on a tour with a bunch of 18-35-year-olds, there is a heavy party culture present. Be sure to plan a bar budget and pack some hangover cures because regardless of how late ...

  9. Greek Island Hopping

    Greek Island Hopping - Contiki Tour from Trailfinders, the Travel Experts; book your Greek Island Hopping - Contiki Tour with confidence and let us create your perfect tailormade holiday. 0%. ... The tour itinerary, inclusions and departures are based on travel from 01/03/2024 to 31/12/2025. Guide prices are based on twn/dbl share, are subject ...

  10. Contiki (18 Days From Copenhagen to Moscow)

    Overview. Book online and enjoy exclusive savings on Contiki's 18 Day Scandinavia & Russia. This trip gives you the perfect mix of spectacular natural beauty and intriguing history. The culturally curious will find themselves at a ballet show in St Petersburg & touring the Kremlin in Moscow. The adrenaline junkies will get a chance to go ...

  11. Active New Zealand by Contiki Tours with 66 Reviews

    Hokitika: Discover the rainforests of the south island from a whole new angle. 20 metres high and 450 metres long, this platform lets you get up close and personal to the beauty of the forest - and its local birds. You'll also contribute to the regeneration of the forest, with the opportunity to plant a native tree included in your visit.

  12. Contiki Vs. G Adventures: A Comparison for New Zealand

    Contiki Inclusions. Food with Contiki - A usual day with Contiki has breakfast and dinner included. Anything in between you will most likely have to accommodate yourself. ... The Price of Contiki's Tours - A full national pass with Contiki is around NZ$4,800 but the pass is very often on sale. You can usually pick up a national pass for ...

  13. Contiki

    Pricing - Fairytale castles, straight up vodka, and an intriguing and enigmatic culture. It's no surprise that sprawling Russia needs its very own Contiki trip. During these 8-days you will cast your eyes upon 3 World Heritage Sites and get familiar with 3 of Russia's most appealing citi (43170)

  14. Delhi to London on a 70-day bus voyage

    The epic 70-day Bus to London tour by expedition company Adventures Overland is one hell of a If you thought multi-day bus tours were typically reserved for young, first-time travellers à la a Contiki-style trip or organised groups of elderly retirees, let us introduce an ambitious new bus service promising the adventure of a lifetime.

  15. 8.9% Of US Cyclists Are Black- Matt Onojafe Is Peddling Towards Inclusion

    Matt Onojafe. The Tour De France is the oldest and most prestigious cycling race of the three Grand Tours. In its 120 years, no Black cyclist has ever won. In fact, amongst all three Grand Tours ...

  16. Andriy Yermak, Zelensky's chief of staff, redefines power in wartime

    May 18, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. EDT. Andriy Yermak, a former lawyer and film producer, now serves as the Ukrainian president's chief of staff. (Oksana Parafeniuk) KYIV — If actor and comedian ...

  17. Grand Canadian Tour

    The one that gives you the full Canadian: lush landscapes, mountain treks & epic cities. Join your Contiki trip crew in Toronto before we get to the meat of the matter & explore incredible Canada. We take our trip to Jasper National Park, see waterfalls, lakes & mountains aplenty, & bust moves in Vancouver & Toronto to balance things out.

  18. Kenyan Banks Oppose State Plan to Hike Tax On Financial Services

    By Bella J. Genga. May 17, 2024 at 7:00 AM PDT. Kenya's plan to charge value added tax on financial transactions will raise total taxation on financial services to 40% from 15% currently ...

  19. New Zealand Ski Trip 2024/2025

    Group sizes are completely dependent on where and how you choose to travel with Contiki. In Europe and in most of North America and New Zealand, group sizes can range between 24 - 53 awesome travellers. In regions like Asia, Australia, Africa and Latin America, and on some North America and New Zealand trips, our group sizes are considerably ...

  20. Australia: Dive to Adventure Tour

    Spend 3 days at sea with the Snorkel to Adventure, & team it with our North Queensland Adventure for the full Queensland encounter. On the road to Net Zero. Find out more. Change view. Selected Variation. Snorkel to Adventure. Includes 3 days of snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef. From. $574.