
60 Travel Conversation Questions

One of the dreams that people have is to travel around the world and know more places, meet new people and enjoy some adventures.

People love traveling and there are many reasons for doing so, such as:

How about you? What are your reasons for traveling?

Talk about it with this list of travel conversation questions

Table of Contents

Travel Conversation Questions: Places

Travel conversation questions: people, travel conversation questions: your next vacations, travel conversation questions: your last vacation, travel conversation questions: your luggage, travel conversation questions: preferences, travel conversation questions: general questions, travel questions: channels, travel questions: safe places, more esl conversation questions.

Instead of having a long list of travel conversation questions, it is better to have them categorized to make everything easier.

These are 60 travel conversation questions that have been divided into different categories such as:

Let’s explore each one of these different categories

When we search on the internet, we can find a list of recommendations about places to visit.

These are conversation questions to discuss the best and worst places to visit:

  • Have you ever been abroad?
  • How many countries have you visited?
  • Have you visited many touristic places in your country?
  • What tourist places do you like to visit?
  • Do you prefer visiting beaches or mountains?
  • Have you ever visited a European country?
  • Have you ever visited an African country?
  • What’s your best vacation memory?
  • What’s your worst vacation memory?
  • What countries would you like to visit?
  • What countries would you not like to visit?
  • What’s the best place for a vacation in your country

I understand that some people like traveling alone but others prefer some company and have better memories.

These questions have to do with your favorite people to go on vacation:

  • Who do you travel with?
  • Have you made friends while you are on vacation?
  • Do you like to travel with children?
  • Do you like to travel with your parents?
  • Do you like traveling alone or in a group?
  • What are some of the benefits of traveling alone?

Some people plan their vacation since they have to ask for permission, save money and choose the best time of the year to do it.

These questions will help you talk about plans that you have for your next vacation:

  • What places are you planning to visit?
  • Who are you planning to go with?
  • When are you planning to go?
  • Where are you planning to stay?
  • What sights are you planning to see?
  • When will you next go to the beach? Which beach is your favorite?

Some people love sharing information about their last vacation and some people don’t.

These are some questions to discuss your last vacation

  • Where did you go on your last vacation?
  • Who did you go with?
  • Where did you stay?
  • What did you do there?
  • What did you see there?
  • How much money did you spend there?
  • Who was the most interesting person you met?
  • How long did you stay there? Did you want to stay longer?

Most people don’t have a problem with their luggage when they travel, while others find issues such as:

These are some conversation questions that have to do with preparing stuff to travel:

  • How much luggage do you usually carry?
  • Do you bring electronic devices when you travel?
  • What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
  • Do you like to pack light when you travel?
  • Do you think that everyone overpacks?
  • How many of the things do you pack do you actually use or need?
  • Have you ever lost your luggage?
  • Do you worry about your luggage when you travel?

These are some questions about what you prefer to do when you are on vacation:

  • Do you prefer to travel by car or plane?
  • Have you ever bought a package tour?
  • Where do you prefer to stay when you go on a vacation?
  • How often do you travel?
  • How often do you go camping?
  • How long do you like vacations to be?
  • What means of transport do you like to use when you are on vacation?
  • Do you like to try local food when you travel?
  • What is the best age to travel?
  • Where do you like to stay when you go on vacation?

These are some general questions about traveling:

  • Are you a traveler?
  • What do you miss the most when you are traveling?
  • Have you ever had an accident while traveling?
  • Have you ever been on a cruise?
  • What do you think about hitchhiking?
  • If money was not an issue, what type of holiday would you take?
  • Have you ever missed a flight? What happened?

Travel blogs and YouTube channels have become very popular.

Channels tend to have an edge over travel blogs since you get a better idea of the country you are planning to visit

  • Do you follow travel blogs?
  • Do you follow Travel Youtube channels?
  • Do you usually search for videos or posts about the countries or places you are trying to visit?
  • Have Travel blogs or channels make you want to travel more

If you are a traveler, you don’t want anything to happen to you, your friends, and your family.

These are some questions about safe countries and places to travel to:

  • What are some of the safest places to travel to?
  • Have you ever been robbed when traveling?
  • Do you only travel to the safest countries?
  • Do you share your travel information with someone you trust?
  • Do you worry about how much you drink when traveling?
  • Do you try not to draw attention when traveling?
  • Do you wear jewelry when you travel?
  • Are you aware of scams when you travel?
  • Do you Keep digital copies of important documents?

Did you find these travel conversation questions useful?

This is one of our newest sections. Use these questions to promote speaking in the classroom.

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  • Conversation Questions about Careers and Jobs
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  • 100 Great Health Conversation Questions
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  • Friends Conversation Questions
  • ESL Conversations: 50 Conditional Questions

If there are travel conversation questions that you would like me to add, send them via Facebook messenger

Manuel Campos, English Professor

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English

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50 fun travel conversation questions

Travel conversation questions.

Free discussion worksheets with pictures to describe the topic of travel. Difficult words on this first printable include – pack, prefer, cruise, destination, thoroughly, gotten, accommodation, backpacking, international, furthest, and distance.

The travel conversation questions on worksheet 1 are –

1 – When was the last time you traveled? Where did you go?

2 – What is your favorite thing about traveling?

3 – Where would you like to travel to next? When do you think you will go there?

4 – How long can you travel before you start to miss home?

5 – What are the most important things to pack before you go traveling?

6 – What kinds of transport do you prefer to travel by?

7 – Are there any places in your country that you never want to travel to? Why not?

8 – Who in your family is the best person to travel with?

9 – Have you ever been on a cruise ship? Would you like to take a cruise?

10 – What kinds of activities do you like to do when you are traveling?

11 – Have you ever learned or tried to speak another language while traveling?

12 – What are the top travel destinations in your country? Have you been to them?

13 – How do you usually decide on a travel destination?

14 – Do you like to plan your travel thoroughly or just make it up as you go along?

15 – What do you think of backpacking? Would you like to try it?

16 – Have you ever gotten lost on your travels? What did you do?

17 – What kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you take trips?

18 – What is the best way to keep your money safe when you go traveling?

19 – Have you ever felt scared or been in danger on your travels?

20 – How has COVID-19 changed travel in your country and internationally?

21 – Where is it your dream to visit? Do you think you will ever get there?

22 – What is the furthest distance you have ever been from your home?

23 – Do you prefer to travel alone, with friends , or with family?

24 – What is the first thing you do when you arrive in a new city?

25 – Do you use any websites or apps when you travel? What for?

travel conversation questions 2

Travel conversation questions 2

Before starting the discussion with this second set of questions, be sure the students are familiar with the terms – landscape, ecotourism, issue (problem), journey, baggage, and souvenir.

On this second worksheet, the travel conversation questions are –

26 – What kinds of landscapes do you like to see when you travel?

27 – How do you plan for the weather when you go somewhere?

28 – Do you prefer hot or cold destinations for vacations?

29 – If money was not an issue, where would you go and what would you do?

30 – How is ecotourism different to normal tourism?

31 – Have you ever lost something on your travels? What was it?

32 – What things do you dislike about traveling?

33 – Do you remember meeting any strange or interesting people when traveling?

34 – What is the most popular time of year for people to travel in your country?

35 – Where are some good places to find travel information? Do you use them?

36 – What are the best and worst places you have traveled to?

37 – Have your parents traveled much? Where have they been?

38 – What are some useful things to learn in another language for traveling?

39 – Do you think it is best to take a package tour or plan your own trips?

40 – What is the longest journey that you have ever taken?

41 – Where do you think would be the best place to go on a shopping holiday?

42 – When you are on vacation do you like to relax or look for adventure?

43 – Are you careful with money when you travel or do you like to spend a lot?

44 – Have you ever had any bad travel experiences? What happened?

45 – Do you like to try strange foods when you travel? What things have you eaten?

46 – What kinds of baggage do you usually take when traveling?

47 – Do you have any souvenirs at home from traveling? What are they?

48 – What kinds of things do you buy for other people on your travels?

49 – What is something that you would love to go and do while traveling the world ?

50 – What is the best photograph that you have taken while traveling? Where were you?

Related activities

For further discussion you may want to use the transport conversation questions or the airport conversation questions . There are also transport and airport activities in the vocabulary worksheets archives.

For talking about weather and cities around the world there is also the weather pair work speaking activity.

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70 travel conversation questions to practice your English

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  • Posted by by Cameron Smith
  • January 27, 2023
  • Updated April 20, 2023

Use this list of travel conversation questions to help your students practice their English speaking skills.

Almost everyone has a strong opinion or two on travel. Whether they love to travel by plane, train, or automobile or prefer to avoid travel altogether, these fun travel questions should spark some lively conversations in your classroom!

Travel conversation questions

  • Where is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
  • What activities do you like to do when you travel?
  • Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?
  • Have you ever traveled abroad?
  • In your opinion, what is the ideal length of a vacation or trip abroad? 
  • What has been your most memorable travel experience?
  • What are the benefits of traveling?
  • What is the best way to save money while traveling?
  • What type of transportation do you use when traveling?
  • How often do you go on holiday trips?
  • Do you ever travel for business? Would you like to?
  • Have you ever gone on a long distance trip?
  • How has travelling changed your life?
  • What is the most exotic place you have ever visited?
  • What do you think are the essential items to bring when traveling?
  • What do you like most about traveling?
  • What do you like  least  about traveling?
  • When you travel, do you prefer to relax or seek out new adventures?
  • Do you prefer traveling to cities or the countryside?
  • Would you prefer to travel to a beach or the mountains?
  • Do you prefer to plan your trips ahead of time or be spontaneous?
  • Are you planning any trips right now? If so, where will you be going?
  • What is one destination that everyone should see in their lifetime?
  • What’s the best place for people to visit in your home country?
  • What tips would you give someone who is traveling for the first time?
  • How has technology changed the way we travel today?
  • What challenges have you faced while traveling abroad?
  • How has traveling abroad changed you?
  • Are there any places that are still on your travel bucket list?
  • What are the top 3 destinations on your travel bucket list?
  • How do you like to prepare for your vacations?
  • What is the most important thing you have learned while travelling?
  • How do you make sure to stay safe while traveling?
  • Are there any destinations that are too dangerous to visit? Why?
  • Are there any places that should be off-limits to tourists?
  • Have you ever encountered language barriers while travelling?
  • How do you usually find accommodations when travelling?
  • What kind of food have you tried while travelling abroad?
  • Do you prefer to travel domestically or internationally?
  • What is the most important thing to consider when planning a trip?
  • What are your best tips for packing for a trip?
  • Are you an “overpacker” or an “underpacker”?
  • What tips can you give for packing light when travelling?
  • What destination do you think is underrated and why?
  • How has travelling helped you develop new skills?
  • Have you ever gone on an adventure trip or safari?
  • What tips do you have for staying healthy while traveling?
  • Have you ever experienced culture shock?
  • Are there any particular customs that surprised you while traveling abroad?
  • How have your travels impacted your career choices and goals?
  • What kind of souvenirs do you like to bring back from your trips?
  • Are there any particular souvenirs that remind you of your travels?
  • What are some of the biggest challenges of traveling solo?
  • What are some of the advantages of traveling solo?
  • Do you enjoy traveling with your family?
  • Do you enjoy traveling with a big group of friends?
  • Do you enjoy traveling with small children?
  • When you travel, do you prefer to stay in hotels or Airbnbs?
  • What unique activities have you done on vacation?
  • Are there any places that have particularly stood out during your travels?
  • Do you prefer guided tours or independent exploration when traveling to a new place?
  • What tips can you give for budgeting while traveling overseas?
  • How did the pandemic impact your future travel plans and goals?
  • Have any of your travels inspired you in some way? How?
  • Are there any places that have made a lasting impression on you during your travels?
  • How do you make sure to respect local cultures and traditions when traveling abroad?
  • Do you like to connect and chat with locals when you travel? If yes, how do you make it happen?
  • What have you learned from other cultures during your travels?
  • Has travel changed your perspective on different cultures and people? How?
  • Has travel changed how people interact with each other across different cultures and countries? If so, how?

Are there any other ESL Discussion Topics and ESL conversation questions that you’d you like us to write about?

Let us know in the comments!

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Cameron Smith

I'm an English Communication Coach based in Vancouver, Canada. I'm on a mission to help millions of people speak English with confidence. Thanks for visiting this site! If you want longer video content, please follow me on YouTube for fun English lessons and helpful learning resources!

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50+ Travel Conversation Questions to Spark Unforgettable Chats

Are you ready to embark on a journey of captivating conversations that traverse the globe? Imagine sitting down with friends, family, or even strangers, and effortlessly diving into intriguing discussions about travel. From sharing cherished experiences to dreaming up new destinations, travel conversations are a window to a world of exploration and discovery. In this article, we’ll equip you with an array of Travel conversation Questions, starters, and topics that will transform mundane chitchat into engaging dialogues that fuel wanderlust and curiosity.

Table of Contents

How To Start Travel Conversations?

Initiating a travel conversation is as exciting as planning a new adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or an armchair traveler, these techniques will help you set the stage for vibrant discussions:

  • Share Your Experiences: Begin by sharing a brief snippet of your recent trip or a memorable travel anecdote. This naturally invites others to contribute their own stories.
  • Ask About Favorites: Pose questions about favorite destinations, travel activities, or cuisines. People love to reminisce about their most cherished travel moments.
  • Use Visual Aids: Bring photos or mementos from your journeys. Visual cues are fantastic conversation catalysts.
  • Explore Future Plans: Discuss upcoming trips you or your conversation partner are excited about. Enthusiasm is contagious!
  • Connect Through Culture: Delve into cultural experiences such as local traditions, festivals, or unique customs. This opens the door to rich exchanges.

Best Travel Conversation Questions

  • What’s the most awe-inspiring natural wonder you’ve encountered during your travels?
  • If you could teleport to any place right now, where would you go and why?
  • Have you ever experienced a culture shock while traveling? Share your story.
  • What’s the most delicious meal you’ve ever tasted abroad, and where did you have it?
  • Which destination exceeded your expectations, and which one left you wanting more?
  • If you could travel with any historical figure, who would be your ultimate travel buddy?
  • Share a travel anecdote that made you burst into laughter or filled you with wonder.
  • What’s the most adventurous activity you’ve tried during your travels?
  • If you had to live in another country for a year, where would you choose to live?
  • Describe a local you met during your travels who left a lasting impression on you.
  • What’s your travel philosophy: meticulously planned itineraries or spontaneous adventures?
  • Share a valuable lesson you’ve learned from your globetrotting escapades.
  • If you could travel back in time to a specific historical event, which would you choose?
  • What’s the most breathtaking sunset or sunrise you’ve witnessed while traveling?
  • If someone offered you an all-expenses-paid trip tomorrow, where would you jet off to?

Best Travel Conversation Questions

Engaging Travel Conversation Questions Sample

  • What’s your take on “tourist traps”? Are they overrated or occasionally worth it?
  • Describe a local dish you tried abroad that pleasantly surprised your taste buds.
  • Have you ever bonded with someone during your travels, even though you didn’t share a common language?
  • How do you balance capturing memories through photos and immersing yourself fully in the moment?
  • Share a travel-related quote that resonates with your wanderlust spirit.
  • If you could spend a day learning a traditional craft from a specific culture, which would you choose?
  • Describe a destination that felt like stepping into a different era or a storybook.
  • Share an encounter with wildlife during your travels that left you in awe.
  • How has travel changed your perspective on your own hometown or country?
  • What’s your strategy for overcoming jet lag and making the most of your first day in a new place?
  • Discuss a travel destination that you found unexpectedly romantic.
  • Share a piece of travel advice that you wish someone had given you before your first trip.
  • What’s your most treasured souvenir from your travels, and what makes it special?
  • Describe a time when you navigated through a challenging situation while traveling.
  • How do you approach learning a few phrases in the local language before your trip?

Short Travel Conversation Questions Examples

  • Mountains or beaches?
  • Hostel life or luxury hotels?
  • Solo travel or companionship?
  • Street food or fine dining?
  • Historical sites or natural landscapes?
  • Sunrise hikes or late-night strolls?
  • Travel journal or social media updates?
  • Adventure activities or cultural immersions?
  • Road trips or train journeys?
  • Souvenir magnets or local textiles?

Business Travel Conversation Questions

  • How do you maintain work-life balance during business trips?
  • Share a memorable networking experience during your travels.
  • What’s your go-to strategy for combating travel-related stress before important meetings?
  • Discuss a cultural misunderstanding you encountered during a business trip and what you learned from it.
  • How do you make the most of your free time when traveling for work?
  • Share a tip for seamless communication with colleagues across different time zones.
  • What’s the most unique business-related souvenir you’ve brought back from a trip?
  • How has business travel broadened your perspective on global markets?
  • Describe a team-building activity from a business trip that turned into an unforgettable adventure.
  • What’s your advice for staying organized while juggling work commitments and exploration?

Air Travel Conversation Questions

  • Window seat or aisle seat?
  • What’s your favorite way to pass the time during long flights?
  • Share an interesting conversation you’ve had with a fellow passenger on a flight.
  • How do you manage jet lag when crossing multiple time zones?
  • What’s the first thing you do when you land in a new country?
  • Share a travel hack for a more comfortable flight experience.
  • What’s the most stunning aerial view you’ve had from an airplane window?
  • How has air travel evolved since your first flight?
  • Describe a destination that exceeded your expectations after a long flight.
  • What’s your strategy for dealing with flight delays and unexpected layovers?

Best Travel Conversation Starters

  • “If you could wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you want to be?”
  • “Tell me about a place that made you feel like you were in a different universe.”
  • “What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from your travels?”
  • “If you could only travel to one more destination in your lifetime, where would it be?”
  • “Share a travel experience that challenged your comfort zone and left you stronger.”
  • “What’s the most unusual mode of transportation you’ve used during your travels?”
  • “Describe a destination you’ve visited that you believe everyone should experience.”
  • “Tell me about a travel mishap that turned into an unexpected adventure.”
  • “If you could have a meal with a local in any country, who would you choose?”
  • “What’s your secret to making lasting memories while on the road?”

Engaging Travel Conversation Questions Sample

Top Travel Conversation Topics with Examples

  • Culinary Explorations: Share recipes or discuss unique dishes from around the world.
  • Hidden Gems: Talk about underrated destinations that deserve more attention.
  • Cultural Etiquette: Discuss the do’s and don’ts of interacting with locals.
  • Bucket Lists: Share and compare travel bucket lists, inspiring each other’s aspirations.
  • Solo Adventures: Discuss the joys and challenges of solo travel.
  • Sustainable Tourism: Delve into responsible travel practices and their impact.
  • Epic Road Trips: Share memorable road trip routes and pitstops.
  • Travel Literature: Discuss books, blogs, or articles that ignite wanderlust.
  • Photography: Share travel photography tips and favorite snapshots.
  • Unforgettable Encounters: Share heartwarming stories of connections made while traveling.

Ways To Start a Travel Conversation

  • The Nostalgic Opener: “Remember that time we got lost in the middle of nowhere?”
  • The Dreamer’s Gambit: “If money and time were no obstacles, where would your next adventure be?”
  • The Cultural Quest: “What’s the most intriguing local tradition you’ve ever witnessed?”
  • The Foodie Ignition: “Have you ever had a meal abroad that was so good, it haunts your dreams?”
  • The Travel Quandary: “Beach relaxation or mountain exploration – which one wins your heart?”

Unlocking the world of travel conversations is like unearthing a treasure trove of stories, experiences, and dreams. From the enticing tales of unexpected encounters to the philosophical musings on the essence of travel, these conversation questions and starters offer endless avenues for connection. So, whether you’re cozying up with loved ones or mingling at a social event, let these prompts guide you towards memorable dialogues that spark wanderlust, curiosity, and a shared passion for exploring the world.

Ready to embark on a conversation adventure? Share this article with your fellow travel enthusiasts and set the stage for enthralling discussions that transport you across continents and cultures. Start your journey of connection and exploration today!

Short Travel Conversation Questions Examples

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30 Conversation Questions About Travel

Conversation Questions About Travel

A fantastic topic for conversation is travelling. Travelling, going on vacation, seeing new places and meeting new people is something many people dream of. People may have many different reasons for wanting to travel, and will likely have many stories to tell from their previous vacations. To help you, or your students, start a conversation about travelling, we have put together this list of 30 questions about travel . If you want to print this list of questions and distribute them to your students, you can download a printable PDF at the bottom of the page. Let’s get started.

Questions About Travel

  • Have you ever visited another country?
  • Do you prefer to travel abroad or in your own country?
  • How many countries have you visited?
  • Do you like to travel alone?
  • Who do you usually travel with?
  • Do you like to fly when you travel?
  • What’s the longest flight you have ever been on?
  • What’s your favorite vacation memory?
  • What’s the strangest food you have every tried while travelling?
  • Have you ever stayed in a five star hotel?
  • What’s perfect length of a vacation?
  • Which countries would you never visit?
  • Do you prefer a beach vacation or a city break?
  • Have you ever flied business class?
  • Have you ever got lost while travelling in another country?
  • Has an airline ever lost your luggage?
  • Who’s the most interesting person you have met while travelling?
  • What would your dream holiday be like, if money was not an issue?
  • How do you plan a vacation?
  • What do you miss the most when you travel?
  • How many times a year do you travel?
  • Do you like to go on package holidays?
  • How much luggage do you take when you go on vacation?
  • Do you like to eat local food when you travel?
  • Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations?
  • Have you ever been on a camping vacation?
  • Do you like to travel by train?
  • Do you like to go sightseeing when you travel?
  • How do you entertain yourself on a long flight?
  • What’s something you can’t be without when you travel?

Questions About Travel

Download And Print

Download and print these conversation questions about travel.

conversation questions about travel

Travel Conversation Questions

Warm-up Task: Name as many countries as you can within two minutes.

Discussion Questions:

  • Have you traveled abroad? Where have you been? If you haven't been overseas, which country would you most like to visit?
  • Where did you go on your last trip? Talk about where you went and what you did.
  • What is the best place for a vacation in your country? Why is it good?
  • What is the longest time you have been away from home? Did you feel homesick?
  • How long should a vacation be? How long does it take you to really relax?
  • What forms of transportation do you prefer to use when you travel?

aerial view of an island and clear ocean water

  • How do you choose where to go? Are you inspired by other people's travel stories? Or photos? Or advertising?
  • What's more important to you when you travel - comfort and relaxation, or stimulating new experiences?
  • Do you like to try local foods when you go somewhere? Have you ever had something really delicious?
  • Things can go wrong when you travel. Have you had any bad travel experiences?
  • Do you take a lot with you when you travel? Or do you try to pack light ?
  • Which places in the world do you think are too dangerous to visit? Why are they dangerous?
  • What is the best age to travel? Can children appreciate the experience?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone?
  • What kind of accommodation do you like to stay in when you travel?
  • Do you like to talk to the local people when you travel? Why or why not?
  • Would you like to go to a big international event, such as the Olympics or an international film festival? What would be good or bad about attending such an event?
  • Touring the remains of an ancient civilization
  • A relaxing stay at a beach resort
  • Shopping in a busy city

When to Use the Definite Article with Countries

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ESL Conversation Questions

ESL Conversation Questions

Questions That Will Make You Speak

30 ESL Conversation Questions about Travel

Speaking questions about travel.

  • Do you like travelling? Why/Why not?
  • How do you travel to work/school every day?
  • Do you have any problems as you travel?
  • Where did you last travel? How was it? Why did you go there? Will you go there again?
  • Where will you travel next? Why? How will you go?
  • What is your favourite mode of transport?
  • How often do you use public transportation?
  • Do you agree that public transport is environmentally friendly?
  • Is the public transportation in your city developed?
  • What problems do people have on public transport?
  • What are the good and bad sides of public transport?
  • Do you drive? How long have you been driving?
  • Have you got a bike? How long have you had it?
  • Do you prefer to ride a bike or drive a car? Why?
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of driving a car?
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of riding a bike?
  • Do you sometimes travel on foot? Where do you go?
  • Have you ever travelled by plane? Where did you go? How did you feel at first?
  • Are you scared of flying?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is afraid of flying?
  • Would you consider travelling to space?
  • Do you think space travel will be affordable in the near future?
  • Do you own a car? Is it a petrol car or an electric car?
  • What are some disadvantages of electric cars?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world now, where would you go? Why?
  • If you could travel back in time, what year and where would you go? Why?
  • If you could travel to the future, what year would you like to go? Why?
  • Who is your favourite travel companion? Why?
  • Which would you prefer: to sail around the world or to travel around the world by hitchhiking? Why?
  • Do you watch any travel vloggers on Youtube? Who do you watch? Would you like to join them?

Paul Holmes - University English Professor

conversation questions about travel


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conversation questions about travel

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ESL Conversation Questions

“travel plans” esl discussion questions.

I. Preparing for Travel 1. What do you do first when you plan a trip? 2. How do you decide where to travel? 3. What kind of research do you do before traveling? 4. How early do you start planning your travel? 5. Do you use a checklist when you prepare for a trip?

II. Booking and Reservations 6. How do you book your travel tickets? 7. Do you prefer to stay in a hotel or a rental home? 8. What do you look for when you choose a place to stay? 9. How do you find good deals on flights or accommodations? 10. Do you plan your travel alone or use a travel agent?

III. Packing for Travel 11. How do you decide what to pack for a trip? 12. Do you have any tips for packing light? 13. What must-have items do you always travel with? 14. How do you keep your belongings safe while traveling? 15. What do you do if your luggage is too heavy?

IV. Itinerary Planning 16. How do you plan your activities when you travel? 17. Do you schedule every hour or prefer a flexible itinerary? 18. What are some things you avoid when making travel plans? 19. How do you balance seeing tourist sites with experiencing local culture? 20. Do you include rest days in your travel plans?

V. Dealing with Travel Issues 21. What do you do if you miss a flight or a train? 22. How do you handle language barriers? 23. What do you do if you get lost in a new place? 24. Have you ever had to change your travel plans last minute? How did you manage? 25. How do you deal with currency exchange and payment methods abroad?

VI. Cultural Considerations 26. How do you learn about local customs before you travel? 27. Why is it important to be respectful of local cultures when you travel? 28. Do you try to learn basic phrases in the local language? 29. What do you do if you accidentally offend someone in a different culture? 30. How do you plan to attend cultural events or festivals?

VII. Safety and Health 31. How do you stay safe when you travel? 32. What health precautions do you take before going to a new place? 33. Do you buy travel insurance? 34. How do you manage your medications when you travel? 35. What safety advice do you have for solo travelers?

VIII. Budgeting for Travel 36. How do you budget for a trip? 37. What are some ways to save money while planning travel? 38. How do you track your spending when you are on vacation? 39. Do you have any tips for traveling cheaply? 40. What unexpected costs do you plan for?

IX. Travel Companions 41. How do you choose who to travel with? 42. What do you do if you have different interests from your travel companions? 43. How can you ensure everyone has a good time? 44. What are the benefits of traveling alone versus with others? 45. How do you manage group expenses and budgets?

X. Memories and Reflection 46. How do you record your travel experiences? 47. What’s the best way to take photos while traveling? 48. Do you buy souvenirs? How do you choose them? 49. How do you reflect on your travels after you return home? 50. What have you learned from your travels?

XI. Post-Travel 51. What do you do with your travel photos and souvenirs when you get back? 52. How do you deal with post-travel blues? 53. Do you write reviews of places you’ve stayed or visited? 54. How do you maintain the friendships you form while traveling? 55. What steps do you take to reintegrate into daily life after a long trip?

XII. Dream Destinations 56. What is your dream travel destination and why? 57. How would you plan a trip to a very remote location? 58. What places are on your travel bucket list? 59. How do you prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime trip? 60. How would you plan a trip if money was no object?

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Copyright 2022-2024 EnglishDiary.net

  • Travel and adventure

English Conversation Questions on Travel and adventure

  • Where is the most adventurous place you’ve ever traveled to?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done while traveling?
  • Do you prefer to plan out every detail of your trips or be spontaneous?
  • What’s the best adventure you’ve had while traveling?
  • Have you ever gone on a backpacking trip?
  • What’s the most remote or isolated place you’ve ever traveled to?
  • Do you prefer beach vacations or more action-packed vacations?
  • Have you ever gone on a safari or gone bungee jumping?
  • What’s the longest trip you’ve ever taken?
  • Have you ever participated in any adventure sports while on vacation, such as surfing or rock climbing?
  • What’s your dream adventure vacation?

More English Conversation Questions on Hobbies

  • Gardening and plant care
  • Cooking and baking
  • Photography and videography
  • Drawing and painting
  • Sewing and knitting
  • Fitness and exercise
  • Reading and writing
  • Music and instruments
  • Sports and outdoor activities
  • Board games and puzzles
  • Video games and gaming
  • Crafts and DIY projects
  • Hiking and camping
  • Birdwatching and nature appreciation
  • Dancing and performing arts
  • Astronomy and stargazing
  • Model building and miniature painting
  • Collecting and curating
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Speak Confident English

5 Easy Small Talk Questions for Conversations about Travel in English

Sep 6, 2017 | English Conversation

5 Easy Small Talk Questions for Conversations about Travel

After a short summer break, I’m so glad to be back with a new Confident English lesson for you today!

And I want to start with a question for you: When you go back to work after a vacation or a holiday, what is the first thing you talk about with your colleagues? Or with your friends and neighbors?

Yes! Your vacation.

Imagine this situation. It’s September. The summer break is over. You and all your colleagues have returned to work.  You ask about their vacations, right?

It’s totally normal to talk about summer vacations, holiday travel, winter trips, and family time when you return to work after a long break.

The same is true when you see your neighbors after a holiday. Or when you see your son’s school teacher after the winter break.

But what do you do when you have to speak English? Do you feel a little nervous about what to ask?   Do you feel unsure about what is polite to ask? Are you afraid the conversation will sound silly?

If yes, then today I have 5 questions that will make it easy for you to start these conversations in English and continue them!

Use the same questions native speakers use when they talk about travel.

Lesson by Annemarie

Now that you have 5 easy small talk questions to ask about travel, let’s talk about how you can keep the conversation going so you don’t have one of those uncomfortable silences.

If you haven’t seen my lesson on How to Start a Conversation with Anyone in English , here’s one simple tip from the lesson for confident conversations:

To keep the conversation going easily, prepare your own answers to those SAME questions.

Here’s why:

Usually, after you ask a question, the speaker will answer and then say, “What about you?” Or, “And you?

They will repeat the same question.

If you’ve already thought about how you would answer these questions, you’ll immediately be able to respond to keep the conversation going.

It’s that simple.

“ If you’ve already thought about how you would answer these questions in English, you’ll immediately be able to respond to keep the conversation going. It’s that simple.”

So here’s what I want you to do today: practice!

Choose one of these 5 questions and share your answer with me in the comments below. Tell me about a recent travel experience. Or tell me about your favorite part of your summer/winter break.

The best place to do that is in the comments section at the end of the lesson.

I look forward to hearing from you!

~ Annemarie

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my last vacation goes back to before the pandemic. We’ve traveled to the north of Iran. Spectacular views, picturesque mountains, and ideal weather conditions in Autumn. Having a great time in the forest and camping among trees was the best part of our trip


Hello Annemarie, my last vacation was in Agust last year in Sicily, south of Italy. It was a great relae time, visiting the old towns of Sicily and the wonderful beaches arounfd Taormina area. I stayed there one full week with my wife and it was a fantatistic time to recharge my battery. Long hikes in the morning close to the beach, delicisous breakfast in the morning, relax time at the swimmingpoool, and romantic dinners at the end of the day. Everything was perferct and went well. I came back very excited to jump again in the business


It was my first Christmas holiday lastyear 2017after my mother and my eldest sister 8 years and 4 years pass on.I work every Christmas and I really wanted to join my only sister left for Christmas last year.I was so afraid to ask my boss.to my surprise my boss came to me out of the blue.you can take leave for Christmas.I was so shocked I couldn’t believe it.so I join my sister for Christmas in Capetown.me staying in port Elizabeth.we didn’t have a big lunch like we use to as our culture tradition.but to be with my sister was the …  Read more Âť


Hi Annemarie, At last one month ago I was able to get away for the long week end with my boyfriend. We needed to go somewhere and together we have decided to go to Parma city. It is a city of the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna and it is famous for the architecture . On 16 February 2018 the city of Parma has been named as Italian Capital City of Culture for the 2020.

Annamarie, have you ever been there?


Hi Anne Last summer we went India.very happy to visit coz I saw all my family and we r all went many places in India last summer we had a great day. Thanks Anne very helpful your lession for me after watching your video I have lot confident Thx


I’m glad you enjoyed the lesson, Suga.


Hi Annemarie and Mali. I went to Ukraine to visit my family and friends for summer holiday. It was awesome to see everybody after a long break. I was happy to visit my favorite places and city. I look forward for next vacation. Mali, I would like to hear from you more about the Elbow falls in Alberta. I live in Alberta. I went to the Banff and Jasper National Parks, but I never been in the Elbow falls. Thanks for your comment.

Hello Lilia,

That’s awesome. Where did you go in Ukraine? In June, I visited Kiev and it was fantastic! What a beautiful city. And I’ve always wanted to travel to Banff. Do you recommend it?


Hi, Annemarie! I’m pretty happy with these tips. I have a lot of doubts but, with you I’m killing all the doubts’ dragons.

Wonderful. Thanks Thadeu and I’m glad the lesson was helpful.


Hi Annemarie, I’m so happy you’ve come back from your summer holiday and I count the seconds for your next lessons! I really like the back ground music of your today’s lesson. One of our best experiences of this summer break was about going to the Elbow falls in Alberta. The falls reach a height of 6 meters and it’s popular with kayakers!

Hello Mali,

Thank you for the kind comments. I’m so happy to know you enjoyed this lesson and it sounds like you had a great summer break in Alberta! What a beautiful place to visit.

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Do you like to travel? Do you consider yourself well-travelled?

Describe the best trip you’ve ever taken.

Describe the worst trip you’ve taken. Why was it so bad?

Do you prefer to travel in your home country or abroad? Why?

Do you prefer to take short trips away from home or longer ones?

Do you prefer to travel individually or with family or with friends?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling solo?

Are you prone to getting home sick on longer trips?

Do you prefer to travel by plane, boat, car, bicycle or on foot?

Do you prefer beach holidays or city sightseeing?

Have you ever been on an ocean cruise? If so how was it?

Have you ever been on a camping car tour? Did you enjoy it?

Have you ever been on a bicycle tour? Was it a good experience?

Have you ever been on a hiking trek? Was it difficult?

Do you like to do adventure activities? What adventure activities have you done before and which ones would you like to try?

Are you adventurous with food when you travel?

Have you ever missed a flight?

Have you ever lost your bags while travelling?

Have you ever been robbed while travelling?

Have you ever had any problems getting through customs or passport control?

Do you enjoy being at airports or not? What do you like or dislike about them?

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STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

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101 Things to Ask a Traveler: Fun Travel Questions and Conversation Starters

March 9, 2020 By Thither Staff Leave a Comment

Do you have that one friend who always seems to be traveling or a friend who recently came back from a trip? Or want to discuss travel with your social media followers? With these travel questions, you can start conversations about your friend or follower’s travel experiences.

I like to ask a question on Instagram along with my daily photo and have had lots of fun conversations and ideas for new travel destinations because of it. So I’ve listed fill in the blank, multiple choice and would you rather style questions that you can play around with. Enjoy!

conversation questions about travel

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Travel Questions 

In this section I’ve listed travel questions covering everything from sharing about your favorite destinations and crazy or recent experiences to travel aspirations and future plans. These are questions that can inspire more questions and lengthier conversations. I answered a few for myself too and found I could elaborate way more on a lot of them, so I think these will work as great travel conversation starters!

1. Which frequent flyer programs are you a part of?

I join the frequent flyer programs of all airlines that I take. But the main one that I use and am a fan of is Delta’s SkyMiles program because your miles never expire. Also, they fly routes that I frequently take and have an American Express credit card that I can earn extra miles with. I also use the Chase Sapphire to earn extra miles. You earn points through every purchase you make with the Sapphire card, and those points can be converted into miles and transferred to their airline and hotel partners. Plus, an added benefit is your points hold more value if you book your flight through Chase Sapphire’s booking platform.

2. How would you describe your favorite travel destination? 

3. How many days was the longest cruise you’ve taken?

4. What’s your favorite capital city?

5. What’s one drink you always get during a flight?

6. What’s the name of the smallest town you’ve ever visited? 

7. Have you ever missed a flight?

Yes, but only because it was a connecting flight. I’m always early before a flight because I would hate to have any extra stress of being late added to the already stressful experience of airports and flying. Plus, I also have TSA pre-check which has been a time saver, especially at really busy airports like JFK, where I usually fly from.

8. What inspires you to travel?

9. Do you keep a journal while traveling?

10. In your opinion, which city has the best architecture?

11. Which is your favorite European city? 

I adore Edinburgh. The first time I went was on an assignment with VisitBritain, the tourist board of Great Britain. I loved it so much that I went back to Edinburgh two more times just a few months later. This is rare for me since I usually choose to visit new destinations rather than revisiting. Even after my third trip I still feel like there’s so much I need to do in Edinburgh, so I’m already planning a fourth trip… 

12. How many countries do you want to visit in your lifetime?

13. What do you think is the most stressful thing about traveling? 

14. Have you been to Disney World?

15. What was the most interesting place you have ever visited?

16. What is the tallest building you’ve been in?

17. What’s your favorite Caribbean island? 

I take frequent trips to the Caribbean because it’s so convenient to travel there from New York. You can usually find direct flights at really good rates during off season to various islands. My favorite so far has been to St. Kitts and Nevis. I experienced one of my favorite hotel stays at Park Hyatt St. Kitts . The views were amazing. But I also can’t talk about the Caribbean without mentioning Barbados. They were a British colony and still have British cultural influences like afternoon tea.

18. What do you still have to cross off your travel bucket list? 

19. What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a plane ticket?

20. Which travel apps are you currently using? 

If I’m on my phone to browse for places to stay, I use the Airbnb or Booking.com app. I also check Hotel Tonight periodically just because I’m curious about prices of hotel rooms around me in New York City. When I’m flying I use the airline’s app for the boarding pass and to stay informed of any updates about the flight. And also since getting around New York City is also an adventure, I use the Citymapper app to get around and to know when there’s a subway delay.

Read More: The Ultimate NYC Subway Guide for Tourists by a Local

21. What’s your favorite country in South America?

22. What’s the strangest souvenir you’ve bought on your travels?

23. What tips would you give someone traveling abroad for the first time?

24. Which movie or book has inspired you to travel?

I read a lot of classic books and have a goal of reading all of the classic books published in the Penguin English Library collection , which are 126 of the best fiction books written in English from the 18th century to the end of World War II. Lots of these books are set in England and some of my favorite classics that I’ve read so far are ones by Jane Austen. She used to live in Bath and there’s a museum and many bookstores there that are must visits for Jane Austen fans. So Bath is high on my travel list.

Read More: A Bibliophile’s Guide to the Best Bookstores in NYC

25. What’s your biggest concern when you travel? 

26. How would you describe your travel style? 

27. What’s your least favorite thing about traveling?

28. Have you been on a safari?

29. Have you ever traveled without an itinerary?

30. What’s the most popular destination for tourists where you live?

I live in New York City so the list is endless. I see the Empire State Building on a daily basis, which is one of the most iconic buildings in New York City’s skyline.

Read More: 15 Essential Things to Know Before Visiting NYC: Tips from a Local

31. What have you learned from traveling? 

32. What is your earliest travel memory?

33. Have you ever taken a vacation by yourself?

Yes. My first truly solo trip was to London. (I traveled to Ecuador by myself for a few weeks but was living with friends so I don’t really count that as solo.) Up until that point I’d only traveled with my parents, so it felt so different to be able to do exactly what I wanted to do whenever I wanted to during that trip to London.

34. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve eaten while traveling? 

35. What’s the weirdest museum you’ve been to? 

36. What’s the craziest thing that happened to you while traveling?

37. What is your biggest concern about traveling?

38. How do you pick your next travel destination? 

Recently, I’ve been trying to reach a goal of visiting 50 countries before my birthday. So I’ve been basing my next travel destinations on where I haven’t been to yet and countries that are nearby to each other so I can go to a few during the same trip. Apart from this, I’d pick a destination based on flights and accommodation prices. If I see a cheap flight to a city I have on my list, I’ll go if the price is agreeable.

39. What’s the least ‘touristy’ thing you’ve ever done?

40. Have you ever flown in a private jet and do you travel first or business class frequently?

41. What’s one place you must visit before you die?

42. What’s the best gift to give to a traveler? 

I’m big into eco friendly travel products, so I’d give someone an eco friendly backpack or eco friendly luggage . But if I knew the traveler already is set on the type of luggage they’ve used for years, I’d go with something like travel inspired jewelry or for something more unique, I’ve also put together a list of weird travel gifts that includes everything from a book on how to swear in every language to a burrito printed blanket.

Read More: 25 Travel Inspired Jewelry

43. Have you ever gotten lost while traveling?

44. Do you consider yourself a traveler or tourist?

45. What was the last road trip you took?

46. What makes a great travel companion?

travel questions

Would You Rather Travel Questions

For quick answers, start a conversation with these would you rather questions. Some will be easy to answer, others will make you think and even inspire more conversations.

Would you rather…

47. Vacation at the mountains or beaches? 

48. Travel around the world by plane or boat?

49. Spend a day hiking or visiting museums?

50. Travel with a backpack or suitcase? 

51. Take a long plane or car ride?  

52. Travel in summer or winter? 

53. Taking a group or private tour?

54. Visit a small town or big cities? 

55. Travel internationally or domestically?   

56. Go camping or stay in a hotel? 

57. Take lots of small trips or one long trip?

58. Traveling in local or touristy places? 

59. Go somewhere you’ve been before or somewhere new?

60. Take a Transatlantic or river cruise? 

61. Use a hard shell or soft sided luggage? 

62. Go on an active or relaxing holiday?

63. Travel light or with a lot of luggage?   

64. Check in or carry on your bags?

65. Take a day or night flight?

66. Sit at a window or aisle seat?

Multiple Choice Travel Questions

Change the format a little and ask travel questions in multiple choice format. You can also potentially use the would you rather questions and turn them into multiple choice questions by adding more possibilities. Here are a few examples you can start with.

67. Pick one: I prefer to travel in:

  • D. Spring 

68. How US states have you been to? 

69. How many countries have you been to? 

  • A. 0 – 25 
  • B. 26 – 100 
  • C. More than 100 

70. Do you like traveling solo? 

  • C. Not sure

71. What’s your favorite way to travel? 

  • A. Airplane

Fill in the Blank Travel Questions

These fill in the blank travel questions can either be easy one word answers or also lengthen the conversation when something interesting comes up.

72. I absolutely cannot travel without __________________.

73. My favorite country in South America is __________________. 

74. Today I’d rather be in __________________.

75. I love traveling more than __________________.

76. __________________ is the best cure for jet lag.

77. The best trip I’ve ever taken was __________________. 

78. __________________ is the scariest thing that has happened to me while traveling.

79. My favorite state in the US is __________________.

80. __________________ is the most adventurous thing I’ve done while traveling. 

81. __________________ is the best place to hike! 

82. __________________ is my favorite person to travel with.

83. If I could be anywhere in the world today, it’d be __________________. 

84. __________________ is a city I’d like to visit! 

85. I really wanted to visit __________________ when I was a child. 

86. In my opinion, __________________ is the world’s most beautiful city. 

87. The most beautiful beach is located in __________________.

88. The biggest city I’ve visited is __________________.

89. __________________ is the best city to visit for coffee.

90. If I could have dinner anywhere in the world tonight, it’d be in __________________. 

91. There are __________________ days until my next vacation! 

92. I think everyone should travel to __________________ at least once in their lives.

93. I’ve visited __________________ of the 7 Wonders of the World. 

94. __________________ is the coldest place I’ve visited. 

95. I’ve renewed my passport __________________ times!

96. You know you love to travel when __________________. 

97. __________________ is the best city to people watch.

98. __________________ is the best airport to be at during a long layover. 

99. __________________ is the biggest mistake I’ve made while traveling. 

100. My favorite national park is __________________.

101. __________________ is one place I don’t think I’ll visit again!

conversation questions about travel

Let’s start a conversation! Share an answer to one of these questions in a comment below.

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ESL Conversation Questions – Travel

esl travel lesson plan

Lesson recommendations:

  • Travel Destinations
  • At the Airport
  • Sightseeing Activities
  • East & West: Cultural Differences
  • Staying at the Hotel

Table of Contents

A2 level questions.

  • What can you see in the airport picture?
  • Do you like to travel by plane? Why or why not?
  • What do you pack in your suitcase for a trip?
  • Have you ever been to an airport? What was it like?
  • What countries would you like to visit?
  • How do you say “hello” in two languages other than your own?
  • What do you do to pass the time on a long flight?
  • Can you name three things you can see at an airport?
  • Would you prefer a window or aisle seat on a plane? Why?
  • What is your favorite part of traveling?
  • Do you get scared of flying? How do you deal with it?
  • What snacks do you like to eat when you travel?
  • How do you ask for directions in a new place?
  • What do you think is the most exciting thing about traveling?
  • Have you ever lost something while traveling? What happened?
  • What kind of souvenirs do you like to bring back from a trip?
  • Would you rather go on a trip to the mountains or the beach? Why?
  • What is the longest trip you have ever taken?
  • How do you say “thank you” in another language?
  • What games or activities do you enjoy during a road trip?

B1 Level Questions

  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of air travel.
  • How do you prepare for a trip to a country where you don’t speak the language?
  • Share your most memorable travel experience.
  • How has travel changed with technology?
  • What do you think about solo travel vs. traveling with friends or family?
  • How do you stay safe while traveling in a new city?
  • Discuss the importance of cultural sensitivity when traveling.
  • What are some eco-friendly travel practices?
  • How do you deal with jet lag?
  • Why is travel insurance important?
  • Discuss your dream vacation and why it appeals to you.
  • How do you choose accommodations when traveling?
  • What role does food play in your travel experiences?
  • How do you budget for a trip?
  • What are some tips for packing efficiently?
  • Discuss the impact of tourism on local communities.
  • How do you capture memories while traveling?
  • What are the challenges of traveling in a group?
  • How do you navigate public transportation in a foreign country?
  • Discuss the concept of a “staycation” vs. traveling abroad.

B2 Level Questions

  • Analyze the impact of travel on personal growth.
  • Discuss the role of travel in understanding global cultures.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of spontaneous travel.
  • How do travel experiences differ between urban and rural destinations?
  • Discuss the ethical considerations of visiting endangered ecosystems.
  • Analyze the effects of tourism on preserving historical sites.
  • Debate the sustainability of the current global tourism model.
  • How do language barriers impact travel experiences?
  • Discuss the influence of social media on travel choices.
  • How has the concept of travel evolved over the past decade?
  • Evaluate the significance of learning about local customs and traditions.
  • Discuss the importance of responsible tourism.
  • Analyze the benefits of immersive travel experiences.
  • How do economic factors influence travel decisions?
  • Discuss the impact of cultural exchange through travel.
  • Evaluate the role of travel blogs and vlogs in shaping perceptions of destinations.
  • How do geopolitical issues affect international travel?
  • Discuss the benefits of multilingualism in travel.
  • Analyze the role of travel in international diplomacy.
  • Discuss the future of travel in the context of global challenges.

C1 Level Questions

  • Critically assess the role of travel in the global economy.
  • Explore the relationship between travel and identity formation.
  • Analyze the impact of digital nomadism on traditional work and travel patterns.
  • Discuss the implications of climate change on future travel trends.
  • Evaluate the influence of virtual reality on real-world travel experiences.
  • Examine the ethical implications of wildlife tourism.
  • Analyze the balance between tourism development and cultural preservation.
  • Discuss the role of travel in promoting peace and understanding among nations.
  • Evaluate the impact of global health crises on the travel industry.
  • Analyze the concept of over-tourism and its effects on popular destinations.

C2 Level Questions

  • Debate the potential of sustainable travel to mitigate environmental impact.
  • Critically evaluate the notion of travel as a means of self-discovery.
  • Analyze the complexities of cross-cultural communication in travel.
  • Discuss the long-term impacts of mass tourism on cultural heritage.
  • Examine the interplay between globalization and local cultures in travel contexts.
  • Critically assess the role of travel in economic inequality between regions.
  • Debate the ethics of space travel and tourism.
  • Analyze the influence of political stability on travel patterns.
  • Discuss the potential of travel for fostering global citizenship.
  • Examine the future of travel technology and its implications for accessibility.


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Travel Plans – ESL Conversation Questions and Speaking Lesson

Welcome to an exciting ESL discussion session focusing on the importance of English language skills in your travel plans!

Enhancing your journey by immersing yourself in a new culture and language can truly elevate your experience. Let’s dive into engaging conversations about how language practice can open doors to unique experiences and meaningful connections during your travels.

Are you ready to take your trip to the next level with ESL conversation questions and speaking lessons? Let’s explore the world through language together!

50 Conversation Questions About Travel Plans

When planning your travel adventures, do you carefully balance visiting popular tourist attractions with immersing yourself in the local culture?

Do you prefer exploring iconic landmarks or experiencing the authentic essence of a destination?

How do you blend must-see sights and off-the-beaten-path gems in your travel itinerary?

What insights do famous landmarks offer about a location’s history and significance?

How do hidden gems provide a unique perspective on the local way of life?

In what ways can engaging with locals enrich your understanding of a destination?

Have you tried traditional cuisine while traveling? How does it contribute to your cultural experience?

Do you participate in cultural activities during your travels? How do they enhance your journey?

What memorable experiences have you had that go beyond surface-level tourism?

How important is it to connect with the local community when traveling?

Have you ever felt a deep connection to a destination through its culture and people?

What factors do you consider when planning a trip to ensure a well-rounded travel experience?

Do you prioritize authenticity or convenience when choosing activities during your travels?

How do you strike a balance between exploring and relaxing during your trips?

What role do English language skills play in your travel experiences?

Have you ever faced language barriers while traveling? How did you overcome them?

Do you think knowing English helps you connect with locals and immerse yourself in a destination?

What benefits do you see in improving your English language skills for future travels?

How do language skills contribute to a deeper understanding of different cultures?

Have you ever used English to interact with locals in a foreign country? How was the experience?

Do you believe that speaking English fluently can enhance your travel experiences?

In what ways can language skills open doors to unique cultural experiences while traveling?

How do you practice your English language skills when preparing for a trip?

Have you taken any language classes to improve your English proficiency for travel purposes?

What resources do you use to enhance your English language skills before a trip?

How do you think learning English can make your travel adventures more fulfilling?

What tips do you have for ESL students who want to improve their English for travel?

How has knowing English benefited your travel experiences in the past?

Have you ever made friends with locals while traveling due to your English language skills?

Do you think language skills are essential for fully immersing yourself in a new culture?

What challenges have you faced when trying to communicate in English while traveling?

In what ways can language skills help you navigate unfamiliar situations while abroad?

Have you ever used English to ask for recommendations or directions in a foreign country?

How do you think learning English can help you appreciate the local culture during your travels?

What role do language skills play in building connections with people from different backgrounds?

Do you believe that improving your English proficiency can make you a more confident traveler?

How do language skills contribute to your ability to engage in meaningful conversations while abroad?

Have you ever shared stories or experiences with locals in English while traveling?

Do you think language barriers can impact your overall travel experience?

How do you feel when you can communicate effectively in English with locals during your travels?

What motivates you to improve your English language skills for future travel adventures?

Have you ever encountered situations where knowing English has been particularly beneficial while traveling?

What advice would you give to ESL students who want to enhance their English skills for travel purposes?

Emma: When planning my trips, I always try to strike a balance between visiting famous landmarks and exploring hidden gems. It’s important to me to experience both aspects of a destination to get a well-rounded view. How about you, Liam ?

Liam: I agree, Emma . I think immersing yourself in the local culture is key to truly understanding a place. Language skills play a big role in connecting with locals and delving deeper into a destination. How do you practice your English before a trip?

Emma: I usually watch English movies and read English books to brush up on my language skills. It helps me feel more confident when interacting with people during my travels. Do you have any favorite resources for improving your English, Liam ?

Liam: I like to listen to English podcasts and practice speaking with native speakers online. It’s a great way to build fluency and learn colloquial expressions. Have you ever had a memorable experience where your English skills came in handy while traveling, Emma ?

Emma: Yes, I once struck up a conversation with a local shop owner in English, and she ended up giving me a tour of the city off the beaten path. It was a unique experience that wouldn’t have happened without language skills. Language really does open doors to unexpected adventures, doesn’t it, Liam ?

Liam: Absolutely, Emma . Speaking English has enriched my travel experiences in so many ways, allowing me to connect with people and cultures on a deeper level. It’s amazing how a common language can bridge cultural gaps and create meaningful connections while exploring the world.

Words related to the topic:

  • Cultural immersion – the act of fully engaging in the customs, traditions, and lifestyle of a different culture.
  • Language barriers – obstacles or challenges that arise due to differences in languages spoken by individuals.
  • Authentic experiences – genuine and real encounters that provide insight into a place’s culture and way of life.
  • Fluency – the ability to speak a language easily, accurately, and articulately.
  • Local community – the group of people living in a specific area or neighborhood who share common interests and characteristics.

So, as you prepare for your upcoming trip, remember to practice your English conversation skills with these questions.

Engaging in dialogues about travel plans not only improves your language proficiency but also enhances your cultural understanding and connections with locals.

By balancing tourist attractions with local experiences and exploring hidden gems , you can make the most out of your journey.

So, go ahead and start conversing to enrich your travel experience!

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Travel conversation questions

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🤷 For general advice on using conversation topics, see the article on conversation questions . 📜 For Teflpedia’s complete list of topics, see Category:Teflpedia conversation questions .

  • 1.1 The road

Travel [ edit | edit source ]

  • How many times have you gotten lost while travelling? What happened?
  • Are you good at reading maps? If you get lost do you usually try to find out where you are by yourself or do you ask for help?
  • It is frequently claimed that men and women have different strategies associated with map reading and asking the way. What do you think?
  • What is your opinion of hitch-hiking? How often have you done it? Do you think it’s safe?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone or in a group?
  • How often have you been camping? Describe your experience.
  • Do you like to go to places where there are lots of other people or to more isolated places? Why?
  • Do you think all public transport should be free? What would the advantages and disadvantages be?
  • Have you ever had an accident while travelling? What happened?
  • If you compare the train, bus and airport systems in your country – which is the cheapest? Which is the most efficient? Which is the safest in terms of accidents?
  • What is the “greenest” or most ecological way of getting around? How would you calculate the most ecological? How would the number of passengers in the transportation system change the calculation?
  • What method of transport do you use most often?
  • If you are travelling through a country, what is the best way to see the countryside?
  • What unusual method of transport would you most like to try out?

The road [ edit | edit source ]

  • At what age does the average person obtain a driver’s license in your country? What do you need to do to pass the test?
  • Can you ride a motorcycle? Do you think that they are safe?
  • In some countries mopeds are very noisy - why is this?
  • Do you have a bicycle? Do you think they are safer or less safe than motorbikes? Why/why not?
  • Have you received many parking tickets in your life? What do you do with them?
  • What is your opinion of horse riding? If you have never ridden one would you like to? Why/why not?
  • Parking is a problem in many cities. How could parking in your city be improved?
  • What annoys you most when you are driving?
  • What is your favourite make of car? Why? Have you driven many different makes?
  • What is the penalty for speeding in your country?

Hotels [ edit | edit source ]

  • What do you like or dislike about staying at hotels?
  • Where are the best hotels in your area? What’s so good about them?
  • Where are the cheapest hotels in your area? Why are they cheap?
  • What differences would you expect between a four-star and a two-star hotel?
  • Do hotels usually have a high staff turnover? Why should this be?
  • Do people generally prefer to eat in hotels or in restaurants? Why?

By sea [ edit | edit source ]

  • If so, tell us about your experience?
  • If not, would you ever consider going on a cruise? Why or why not?
  • Where did you go?
  • What activities were available on the ship?
  • What did you like best about the cruise?
  • What did you like least about being on the ship?
  • Would you recommend that a friend take a cruise? Why or why not?
  • If you could take another cruise in the future, where would you like to go?

Global [ edit | edit source ]

  • What NATURAL wonders could you see in the following continents or sub-continents? Africa, Asia, India, Australia, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica.
  • Which are the most interesting cities in the following continents or sub-continents? Africa, Asia, India, Australia, North America, South America, Europe.
  • How many ways of travelling around the world can you think of? Which would be the most relaxing? Which would you prefer?
  • If you were travelling round the world, which three destinations would be “must sees”? Any reason why?
  • If you were travelling round the world, are there any places you would definitely wish to avoid? Why?
  • Do you usually try to bring back interesting souvenirs from your holidays? What sort of things have you brought back?
  • When you are in another country, do you usually buy a phrase book to attempt to speak the local language? Why/why not?
  • What would the advantages and disadvantages of living permanently in another country?

See also [ edit | edit source ]

  • Accessibility conversation questions
  • Ageing conversation questions
  • Camping conversation questions
  • Cars conversation questions
  • European Union conversation questions
  • Flying conversation questions
  • Holidays conversation questions
  • Hotels conversation questions
  • Pandemic conversation questions
  • Public transport conversation questions
  • Stress conversation questions
  • Weather conversation questions
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  • Ask RAI / Inspiration / Solo Travel / Travel / Travel Trivia

Top Travel Questions | 200 Fun + Engaging Questions About Travelling To Ask

Published February 8, 2023 ¡ Updated February 8, 2023

Fun Questions to ask Travel the world

Travelling the world is a dream for many, myself included . I quit my job in 2012 to travel and have been living out of a suitcase ever since. A countless number of adventures and an immeasurable number of conversations later , I think back on all the questions I’ve been asked through it all by fellow travellers I have met along the way as well as friends back home. Find a collection of these travel questions in this post . Answer as many as of these questions about traveling as you can and use them as conversation starters the next time you find yourself on an adventure of your own. 

If you’d like to know my personal answer to any of these questions, feel free to contact me or start a conversation of our own on insta . Enjoy!

Whether you find yourself waiting at the airport, on an overnight journey by bus or train, or simply hanging with new found friends while abroad, these questions make for some perfect conversation starters and are sure to get the good vibes flowing . 

I’ve split this into sections to make it easier to read. You will find a list of fun travel questions , interesting and enticing questions about travelling as well as some random would you rather questions. Maybe you’re looking for some travel trivia or an engaging travel question for Instagram — find it all ⬇⬇

Be sure to save this post or bookmark it to easily find it during your next journey. Let’s get into it….

>> Read Next:

100 of the BEST Road Trip Questions for those long drives The Top 50 Travel Songs to add to your road trip playlist The best words for a travel lover from foreign languages Essential flying tips for the first time flyer Test your skills with this world geography quiz


What to ask people who travel? Find a list of fun questions about traveling that are bound to keep the conversation flowing from beginning to end!

Travel Questions about travelling

  • You win the lottery tomorrow. Where are you travelling to first?
  • What is your favourite aspect about traveling?
  • What is the weirdest food you’ve ever tried while traveling ?
  • What are sure signs of being a travel addict?
  • Are you a city traveller or nature explorer?
  • Have you ever hitchhiked? If not, would you ever consider doing it?
  • Are you a member of the mile high club?
  • Have you ever been on a cruise?
  • Choose one famous person or celebrity to travel with?
  • Have you ever flown first class?
  • How many countries have you been to ?
  • What is your favourite city ?
  • Where you would you rather be right this moment?
  • Do you prefer a window seat or aisle seat on a plane?
  • What is the most exotic food you’ve tasted?
  • Where is the weirdest place you’ve slept during your travels?
  • Would you rather go on a safari, have a city break, or visit a tropical island ?
  • Have you ever been camping while abroad?
  • What is your favorite travel song ?
  • How many of the 7 wonders of the world have you seen?
  • What is the best and worst thing about travelling to a new country?
  • Beach or mountains ?
  • What is your most valuable travel possession?
  • Have you fallen in love while travelling?
  • What is your favourite vacation song about summer and the beach ?
  • What movie and/or has inspired a previous trip of yours?
  • What’s a funny or strange travel story of yours?
  • Have you ever been on a safari?
  • What is your drink of choice on a plane?
  • What is you go to remedy for jet-lag?
  • What is the favorite stamp in your passport?
  • Do you have any embarrassing travel stories?
  • What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done during your travels?
  • What characteristics make for a cool travel partner?
  • Have you ever been snorkelling? If so, where?
  • What is the best gift to give to a traveller?
  • Describe a dream travel experience?

Check out this list of the: 10 best cheap tropical islands to visit around the world


I am a huge fan of not just fun travel questions to ask, but also deep and open ended questions that are often accompanied with some insightful responses and interesting debates. What are some questions about travel?

fun travel questions for instagram on travel to ask

  • How does travel and seeing the world inspire you?
  • How many countries do you want to discover in your life?
  • How often do you travel? How many days in a month/weeks in a year are you away from home?
  • Where do you feel most at home?
  • What has been your biggest adventure so far?
  • Why do you travel?
  • What is the most exotic destination you’ve been to?
  • What are some of the lessons that travel has taught you?
  • What has been your worst trip or worst travel experience?
  • What can you not travel without?
  • Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?
  • Have you ever made any of these mistakes while flying ?
  • How do you feel on your return home?
  • What travel experiences are at the top of of your bucket list?
  • When you’re not on the open road, what is the thing you miss most about travelling?
  • Are there more advantages to travelling alone or with others?
  • What is your best travel tip ?
  • What has been your biggest travel mistake?
  • What cities would you love to discover?
  • What is the best airport for a long layover ?
  • When you’re away, what do you miss most about home?
  • Who do you usually travel with?
  • What is the difference between a tourist and a traveller?
  • Do you think its safe to travel during the covid-19 pandemic?
  • Did you have any bad travel experiences?
  • What has been the most stressful part about travel for you?
  • If you could choose one place to live anywhere in the world, where would you most like to live?
  • What is your main concern when travelling?
  • Do you have a favourite airline?
  • What is the scariest thing that has happened to you while traveling?
  • When do you feel the most alive?
  • Do you travel with a fixed plan or usually just wing it?
  • What’s been the biggest struggle you’ve experienced about travel?
  • What is your favorite childhood travel memory?
  • How has corona covid-19 affected your traveling lifestyle?
  • Do you think countries closing their borders was a good move?
  • How do you feel about a travel pass?

The important of travel and exploring the world cannot be stressed enough. Here are the 10 key advantages of travelling

Keep reading for more ideas + fun traveling questions to ask …


How do you talk about travelling? In developing a conversation, few things compare to getting into the head of the other person. Here are a number of thought-provoking questions on travel to get to know someone a little better.

Engaging Questions about travel fun

  • What do you think is the main benefit of travel ?
  • What does the concept of home mean to you ?
  • Is it the journey or the destination that’s most important to you?
  • What motivates you to travel?
  • What is the biggest barrier to long term travel?
  • What about traveling do you enjoy the least?
  • What is the very first place you’ve visited?
  • What has been your best trip?
  • Have you ever gotten really lost while abroad?
  • What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
  • What characteristics and traits are essential for being a traveler?
  • What is your preferred means of transport when traveling?
  • Do you have any destinations that you would not like to visit?
  • What is the most beautiful city you’ve visited ?
  • Do you learn a few phrases of the local language before visiting a new country?
  • Which country has the best food?
  • What is your earliest travel memory of being on vacation?
  • Do you make friends easily while on the road?
  • What are some of the disadvantages of long term travel?
  • Are you a fan of trying out local foods?
  • How do you choose where to travel to? 
  • Which places hold a special place in your heart?
  • What’s the best travel advice you’ve received?
  • What is your travel style? Relaxing beach island vacation or city-to-city explorations?
  • What are your thoughts on ecotourism and being a responsible tourist ?
  • What is the worst injury you’ve gotten while traveling?
  • Which island would you love to visit with your family ?
  • What would surprise people the most about long term travel?
  • Are you enticed by the life of a digital nomad ?

Care about how many countries you’ve been to? Here’s why you should stop counting


It’s bound to be an interesting and enlightening talk with these deep thinking questions for a travelling companion. How do you ask travel questions?

Fun Travel questions to ask

  • How has travel changed you throughout the years?
  • What is your favourite part about travel?
  • Where did you travel to internationally for the first time?
  • If you could travel to anytime in the past , where would you go?
  • Where would you love to explore next?
  • Where was the last place you’ve been to?
  • What is the longest you’ve been away from home for?
  • What is the longest flight you’ve taken?
  • Do you plan and book your holidays yourself or do you get it done through a travel agency or third party agent?
  • Have you ever lived in another country for an extended period of time? If so, where?
  • What travel advice would you give to someone traveling internationally for the first time?
  • What is the most trouble you’ve been in while traveling?
  • Have you ever gotten scammed while in another country ?
  • Do you prefer to travel solo or as part of a group?
  • Where would you like to go on vacation to?
  • Where is the best place you have hiked in?
  • Where do you prefer to stay? Hotel/hostel/apartment/couchsurfing?
  • Have you explored a lot of your home country ?
  • What do you think is the biggest advantage of solo travel?
  • Who is the most interesting person you’ve met during your travels?
  • Have you ever missed a flight?
  • Are you a member of any frequent flyer programs?
  • Which place would you not visit again?
  • If you speak more than one language, which language is the easiest and hardest to learn?
  • What is your favorite museum?
  • What is a typical meal like from your country ?
  • What travel apps you you use most often?
  • How many passports have you gone through?
  • What home food do you miss most when travelling abroad?
  • Are there any aspects of a foreign culture that you will never get use to?

Speaking of a foreign culture.. Here are: the most strange and exotic foods eaten across the world


Travel and exploring the world is my favorite past-time. But you already knew that, right? Here are travel questions to ask to get you talking about past vacations , favorite destinations, future travel aspirations, and bucket list places . What to caption a travel photo?

Engaging and interesting Questions on Travel

  • Where is the most amazing place you’ve encountered during your travels?
  • Do you prefer to travel to famous and popular destinations or off the beaten track spots?
  • How many photos are saved on your hard-drive in total?
  • What is your favourite foreign cuisine?
  • What is your favorite word for travel ?
  • What inspires you to travel?
  • Do you usually bring back souvenirs for your trip?
  • What travel quote do you live by?
  • What country (or countries) would you like to visit the most?
  • How many days until your next vacation?
  • What place should everyone see at least once in their lifetime?
  • Are there any popular places or destinations you’d like to avoid?
  • What is the best place to visit in your own country?
  • What are your favourite countries?
  • Do you prefer novel stimulating experiences or a chilled out relaxed vacation?
  • Do you keep a journal to document all your experiences exploring the world?
  • What was the most recent road trip you took?
  • What is your best-loved national park?
  • What is your favourite tropical island ?
  • What is your favourite city for a weekend break ?
  • What is the most money you’ve spent on a plane ticket? Where’d you go?
  • What is your favorite foreign dessert ?
  • Where was your first vacation with your family ?
  • What is your most prized travel possession?
  • Which city has the best street food?
  • What one place do you have to visit before you die?
  • Are you planning on travelling again soon in a post pandemic world?
  • Which country has the most beautiful flag ?
  • How does travel bring meaning to your life ?

I’ve had a lot of misadventures and crazy travel experiences over the years. Here are a couple of my misadventures


A simple format of intriguing and fun questions for traveling. Present these to your fellow travelers with these odd, funny, and interesting scenarios to get into some great conversations.

Map world Travel Questions

  • Would you rather lose all your travel photos or all of your money?
  • Would you rather travel back in time and meet your ancestors or forward in time to meet your descendants?
  • Would you rather travel the world by plane, train, or ship?
  • Would you rather see a lot of countries for a little bit or get to know one in-depth?
  • Would you rather explore the deepest part of the ocean or outer space?
  • Would you rather upgrade your flight to first class or your hotel room to the penthouse suite ?
  • Would you rather go hiking, visit museums, or to the beach ?
  • Would you rather be the last person left on earth, or be one of the first people on Mars but you’ll never come back home?
  • Would you rather swim with dolphins or go shark cage diving?
  • Would you rather be able to pause, rewind, or fast forward time?
  • Would you rather only speak English or speak every language in the world except for English ?
  • Would you rather travel the whole world but never finding love or finding your soulmate but never being able to travel?
  • Would you rather be able to speak all languages or be able to talk to animals?
  • Would you rather explore the dessert heat of the Sahara or the icy landscape of Antarctica?
  • Would you rather have the super power of teleportation or flying?
  • Would you rather have a summer beach vacation or a winter mountain trip?
  • Would you rather discover the jungle on an African safari or the sea on a cruise?
  • Would you rather sleep in a room in a haunted hotel or filled with snakes?
  • Would you rather walk the entire Great Wall of China or climb Mount Kilimanjaro ?
  • Would you rather live the life of a king alone or live like a nomad with your friends and family ?
  • Would you rather watch the rising sun or the setting sun ?
  • Would you rather go on lots of small trips or one long trip?
  • Would you rather be able to tell your past self one thing or be able to ask your future self one question?

I hope you’ve appreciated this complete set of travel questions. I’ve included more than enough vacation questions to fuel those conversations with a traveler or while discovering the world. What are some of your favorites? And did any of these reveal some insights or breakthroughs?

>> Read next:

Keep the conversation going with these 100+ epic questions for road trips The ultimate list of quotes about travelling and smiling to keep the positive vibes flowin’ The top 10 advantages of travelling the world The best vacation songs to include on your summer playlist Should you talk to strangers ?

Happy travelling! Rai

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I love this site. Continue the good work!

Thanks a lot.

This list is amazing! 💯

Glad you like 🙏

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Politics latest: MP defection 'cheap party political point-scoring'; UK and allies 'at a crossroads', Cameron argues

The fallout is continuing from the shock defection of MP Natalie Elphicke from the Conservatives over to Labour. She has now released a statement apologising for supporting her ex-husband, who was her predecessor as MP for Dover, after his sexual assault conviction.

Thursday 9 May 2024 23:03, UK

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  • New Labour MP issues apology
  • Cameron says defection 'says more about Starmer'
  • Analysis: Public will see through 'cheap party political point-scoring' party switch
  • Rob Powell: Elphicke apology unlikely to change minds
  • Minister insists party 'not trying to chase Reform'
  • Ex-chancellor to stand down at election  | Every MP who's quitting
  • Live reporting by Ben Bloch and (earlier)  Faith Ridler

Thank you for joining us for another busy day in politics.

Here's what happened:

  • Lord Cameron delivered two speeches today in which he called for NATO to make 2.5% of GDP the default defence spending target;
  • Prime Minister Rishi Sunak summoned university bosses to Downing Street where he urged them to tackle antisemitism on campuses that has risen by over 200%;
  • Labour's new MP Natalie Elphicke apologised for supporting her ex-husband after his sex assault conviction, which has created huge controversy in the Labour Party;
  • Former chancellor and vaccines minister, Nadhim Zahawi, announced he will stand down at the next election;
  • Newly re-election Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen hit out at the "chaos" in the Tory party and said responsibility "ultimately lies with Rishi (Sunak)";
  • The government triggered emergency plans to be able to hold prisoners in police cells due to a shortage of places in the system - and is blaming it on barristers taking industrial action;
  • Interest rates were held at 5.25% in a blow to the PM who wants them to come down ahead of the general election.

Join us again from 6am for the very latest political news.

By  Faye Brown , political reporter

Labour will create a new Border Security Command to tackle people-smuggling gangs bringing migrants across the Channel, Sir Keir Starmer is set to announce.

The "elite" unit, to be part-funded by scrapping the Tories' Rwanda deportation scheme, will be led by a former police, military or intelligence chief and be granted new powers under the Counter Terrorism Act.

These powers will allow officers to conduct stop and searches at the border, carry out financial investigations and issue search and seizure warrants targeting organised immigration crime.

Sir Keir will outline the measures in a speech on the Kent coast on Friday, when he will vow to "replace gimmicks with graft" and draw on his experience as the former head of the Crown Prosecution Service.

Read extracts from Sir Keir's speech below:

The Sky News live poll tracker - collated and updated by our Data and Forensics team - aggregates various surveys to indicate how voters feel about the different political parties.

With the local elections complete, Labour is still sitting comfortably ahead, with the Tories trailing behind.

See the latest update below - and you can read more about the methodology behind the tracker  here .

Lord Cameron has just delivered his second speech of the day - this time at the Lord Mayor's banquet in central London.

Here are the key points of what he said (this post was updated live):

  • The foreign secretary opens by saying: "I thought my days of dressing up in white tie and speaking in halls like this were well and truly over, so I want to thank PM Rishi Sunak for bringing me out of retirement";
  • He says his six month as the UK's top diplomat "have been every bit a whirlwind as much as being prime minister" - but "not quite as exciting";
  • Lord Cameron argues that foreign policy cannot be divorced from economic performance;
  • He says movements to "pull up the drawbridge" and retreat into isolationism are "profoundly wrong" - but they cannot be ignored;
  • The current dangerous world is "in stark contrast to my first years in politics", he says, and argues we must "face up to that situation";
  • "My conviction is that we, with our partners, can choose to make a difference - we have agency. The question is whether we have the courage to use it, the courage to act";
  • He says the government is "hardening" defences against attacks on our infrastructure - both physical and cyber following recent attacks;
  • The foreign secretary reiterates his call for spending 2.5% of GDP on defence to be the standard NATO benchmark;
  • He calls on the allies to join the UK in committing funding to Ukraine until 2030;
  • On the Israel-Hamas war, Lord Cameron says he wants the fighting to end now and for the hostages released, but says: "Simply calling for an immediate ceasefire does not make it more likely", arguing that practical steps need to be taken;
  • He concludes by saying: "We are at a crossroads: if we make the right choices, if we act now, a bright future awaits, but if we hesitate, our adversaries will write our futures for us";

The foreign secretary is giving his second speech of the day.

Lord Cameron will be donning his white tie at Mansion House for a slightly shorter version of the speech he gave this morning on the UK's foreign policy and national security.

Follow live coverage here in the Politics Hub.

The government has triggered emergency plans to be able to hold prisoners in police cells due to a shortage of places in the system - and is blaming it on barristers taking industrial action.

Operation Safeguard triggers the availability of cells in police stations for prisoners sentenced by the courts when there is a critical shortage of normal spaces.

Sky News understands the Ministry of Justice has formally requested that a limited number of cells be made available.

The government insists that this is "not an unprecedented measure" and has been deployed over four periods since 2006 - and most recently in February and April this year.

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said the emergency measure "is helping us respond to acute capacity pressures caused in part by barristers' industrial action and the aftermath of the pandemic, while we press ahead with delivering the biggest expansion of prison places in a century including six new jails".

On this episode, Niall Paterson speaks to one of the doctors who worked to restore the hearing of an 18-month-old girl – who was born deaf.

Medics at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge have used gene therapy to help a rare condition, auditory neuropathy. It's caused by the disruption of nerve impulses travelling from the inner ear to the brain.

Opal Sandy can now respond to her parents' voices and can communicate words such as "Dada" and "bye-bye".

Plus, Natalie Elphicke, the MP who defected from the Conservatives to Labour yesterday, apologises for comments she made after her ex-husband, and predecessor as MP for Dover, was convicted of sexual assault in 2020.

She said at the time that being "attractive" and "attracted to women" had made him an "easy target".

Niall talks to deputy political editor Sam Coates about the disquiet within Labour over Mrs Elphicke’s arrival.

👉  Listen above then tap here to follow the Sky News Daily wherever you get your podcasts  đŸ‘ˆ

In a short while, the foreign secretary is due to give his second speech of the day.

We will have live coverage here on the Politics Hub, so do follow along.

Above: The last time David Cameron addressed a Mansion House audience, just weeks before the Brexit vote and his resignation.

By Jennifer Scott , political reporter

In a dramatic move just moments before Prime Minister's Questions got under way this week, Natalie Elphicke joined Labour as her surprised Conservative colleagues looked on.

What exactly happens when an MP defects to another party?

Ms Elphicke  is far from the first MP to change sides between elections, but it was incredibly rare - until recently - for a member of the governing party to switch to the opposition.

She is the third Tory to do so in just over two years, following  Christian Wakeford in 2022  over the partygate scandal and  Dan Poulter just two weeks ago  over the Tories' handling of the NHS.

Before that, it hadn't happened since 1995, when Alan Howarth became the first ever Conservative to cross to Labour on the eve of his party conference, citing the "divisiveness" of policies under John Major's leadership.

Only three MPs in the past 25 years have gone the other way - from main opposition to government - all leaving the Conservatives to join Labour.

Defecting to smaller parties happens more often, such as moves  from both Conservative and Labour to Change UK  during the Brexit years, or  Douglas Carswell  and  Mark Reckless  heading over to UKIP ahead of the referendum.

By Jenness Mitchell, Scotland reporter

John Swinney has axed the post of minister for independence from his ministerial team.

The role, the first of its kind, was created last year by then first minister Humza Yousaf.

Jamie Hepburn, who previously held the Scottish government post, has now taken over from George Adam as minister for parliamentary business.

Earlier on Thursday, SNP MP Alyn Smith appeared to confirm during a radio interview that the role had been "subsumed" into Angus Robertson's constitution, external affairs and culture brief.

Mr Swinney was  legally sworn in as Scotland's seventh first minister   at the Court of Session in Edinburgh on Wednesday morning.

Read more on the new Scottish cabinet here:

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conversation questions about travel


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    Fill in the Blank Travel Questions. These fill in the blank travel questions can either be easy one word answers or also lengthen the conversation when something interesting comes up. 72. I absolutely cannot travel without _____. 73. My favorite country in South America is _____. 74. Today I'd rather be in _____. 75.

  19. ESL Conversation Questions

    C2 Level Questions. Debate the potential of sustainable travel to mitigate environmental impact. Critically evaluate the notion of travel as a means of self-discovery. Analyze the complexities of cross-cultural communication in travel. Discuss the long-term impacts of mass tourism on cultural heritage.

  20. Travel Plans

    Welcome to an exciting ESL discussion session focusing on the importance of English language skills in your travel plans! Enhancing your journey by immersing yourself in a new culture and language can truly elevate your experience. Let's dive into engaging conversations about how language practice can open doors to unique experiences and ...

  21. Travel conversation questions

    🧑‍🏫 You are free to use this material in class. 🤷 For general advice on using conversation topics, see the article on conversation questions. 📜 For Teflpedia's complete list of topics, see Category:Teflpedia conversation questions.. 🔀 Go to another, random topic.

  22. Top Travel Questions

    Travelling the world is a dream for many, myself included.I quit my job in 2012 to travel and have been living out of a suitcase ever since. A countless number of adventures and an immeasurable number of conversations later, I think back on all the questions I've been asked through it all by fellow travellers I have met along the way as well as friends back home.

  23. Politics latest: Senior Labour MP 'genuinely a bit hurt' as defection

    Analysis: Defection a 'body blow' to the PM - but 'a lot of unhappiness on the Labour benches' Our political editor Beth Rigby has just been giving her view on a shocking day in Westminster that ...