Heather on her travels

12 fun things to do in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Erfurt seemed to me the perfect example of a picturesque Medieval German town. It grew rich in the Middle Ages on the proceeds of Woad and stayed rich as a crossroads for trade on the old pilgrim route of the Via Regia.

There’s an easy going, small town feel here, as our guide Matthius told us “ Erfurt is not a speedy city, people walk, they talk, Erfurt is a meeting point.” We visited as part of a 4 day road trip touring the Cultural Heart of Germany and discovered many fun and fascinating things to do in Erfurt.

Things to do in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Erfurt is a university town set in the green heart of Germany and capital of the state of Thuringia. It was was part of former German Democratic Republic of East Germany between 1949 and 1990.

The shortage of cash during this period prevented modernisation, so Erfurt has a well preserved medieval centre. It was spared the worst of Allied bombing in WW2, and bags of culture, it is a charming place to spend a couple of days.

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Table of Contents

1. Walk over the Krämerbrücke or Merchants Bridge in Erfurt

One of the most popular things to see in Erfurt is the Krämerbrücke or Merchants Bridge. It is built across the River Gera, at a point where there’s a ford shallow enough to drive a herd of cattle through.

Markets were always an integral part of the public life of the town, a place for people to gather in the past. To ensure the town authorities could control and tax the commerce of the town, it was forbidden to sell goods inside private houses, so open markets were the hub for most commercial activity.

Markets were always an integral part of the public life of the town, a place for people to gather in the past. Town authorities wanted to control and tax the commerce of the town. Therefore it was forbidden to sell goods inside private houses. Open markets were the hub for most commercial activity.

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Krämerbrücke in Erfurt Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

For luxury goods, however, it was not practical to sell in an open marketplace. The stone Krämerbrücke was built in the 14th century to replace previous wooden bridges that had burned down.

Soon houses were built on the bridge. This was where merchants for luxury products such as gold, silver, spices and fine cloth could own a house and run their business from the shop on the ground floor.

Krämerbrücke in Erfurt Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Half-timbered houses

Walking across the bridge, it appears like any other narrow street. The 32 half timbered buildings on either side contain the shops of artisans and artists, some of whom live in apartments above.

Tip: Look out for the symbols that mark each house. Before the postal service required houses to have numbers, you might be directed to the ‘House of the star’, or whatever symbol was above the door.

The bridge is now managed and maintained by a foundation. You can visit their house which was built in 1578, to see an exhibition about the bridge and look around the interior. It’s Haus Der Stiftungen (House of the Foundation), the one with the black and white timbers and glass bullseye windows.

Tip: Be sure to visit the basement built into the stone pillar of the bridge, where you can look out of the small window to see the river flowing beneath. Climb up to the wooden panelled room on the first floor where you can get some nice photos from the window.

Krämerbrücke in Erfurt Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

There are many pretty shops on the bridge selling authentic local crafts. This is a good place to visit some of the shops and chat to the artists about their work, or look for hand made souvenirs to take home.

One of the shops sells pigments and has some interesting displays about the woad that was a source of rare and expensive blue dye. The woad plant is fussy about where it grows. Sunshine and abundant water from the Thuringia forest made it easy to grow in the villages around Erfurt.

Balls of dried woad leaves were brought into the town to be processed by fermenting with human urine. There was a good reason people joked that the merchants were “stinking rich”!

The blue dye was a luxury product that was exported all over Europe. It was a major source of wealth until the 17th century, when imports of cheaper indigo dye from Asia brought about its decline.

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Woad on Krämerbrücke in Erfurt Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Other interesting shops that we enjoyed were the house of the puppet-maker Martin Gobsch . Gobsch creates wooden marionettes and has a puppet tableaux in his window which you can see if you put a euro or two in the slot.

We also stopped at the House of the Golden Helmet, now the Goldhelm Schokoladen where we purchased some of their artisan chocolates to bring home. They also sell ice cream at the popular shop next door which always seemed to have a long queue.

If you are visiting Erfurt in June, look out for the Krämerbrückenfest . This medieval themed festival that takes place on and around the bridge with food stands and entertainment.

Read more about Historic Germany in the Spring

Krämerbrücke in Erfurt Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

2. Climb the Angerkirche tower for views over Erfurt

At one end of the Krämerbrücke is another landmark of the town. The Agidienkirche or church tower, is all that remains of an earlier medieval church. It’s now a Methodist church and you can climb the tower for views over the town from 11am to 5pm.

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Church Tower in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

It was a not too arduous climb on wooden and stone staircase with landings to pass others coming up or down. On the way you can see the bells and at the top of the square tower there’s a viewing platform. You’ll get stunning views over the red tiled rooftops, river and Merchant’s bridge.

View from Church Tower in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

3. Visit St Augustine’s Monastery where Luther became a monk

St Augustine’s Monastery where Martin Luther lived as a monk and studied theology from 1505 until 1511. Luther had spent the previous 4 years studying law at Erfurt University.

After a dramatic religious conversion during a thunderstorm, he joined the St Augustine’s monastery. He used it as his base for teaching and study for 6 years until he left to teach at Wittenberg University.

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St Augustines Monastery in Erfurt Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

After the reformation, the church was used by a Lutheran congregation. Now it’s a Protestant conference and study centre where you can stay in simple accommodation.

Many of the buildings were destroyed during bombings in WW2. The award winning modern glass extension has been built incorporating the remains of older stonework. You can walk freely through the grounds and visit the church with a beautiful original stained glass window.

St Augustines Monastery in Erfurt Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

4. Celebrate 100 years of Bauhaus in Erfurt

There have been lots of celebrations and special events during 2019 to mark the 100 years of the Bauhaus art and design school. The first Bauhaus school was founded in 1919 in Weimar, around 25 km from Erfurt. It moved subsequently to Dessau and Berlin, and was influential in its interdisciplinary approach and simplified modernist architecture.

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Bauhaus building in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

In the street that borders the St Augustine’s Monastery there’s a great example of a Bauhaus building. The former AOK health insurance office and hospital at 38 Augustinestrasse is typical of Bauhaus architecture.

Its horizontal lines and regular geometric windows and was designed by architect Theo Kellner who studied with the Bauhaus. The only ornamentation of the building is the sculpture carved into the stone around the door. This, by sculptor Hans Walther, reflects the themes of the building’s use as a health centre.

Another well known artist from the Bauhaus movement who was born in Erfurt is Margaretha Reichardt. Reichardt studied at the Bauhaus in Dessau and set up a weaving workshop in the 1930s in Erfurt. Her house and workshop showing some of her handlooms can be visited by appointment or as part of a guided tour.

Bauhaus building in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Bauhaus themed products

As part of the Bauhaus 100 celebrations you can find special products around Erfurt that have been created for the centenary. We saw special edition of 3 gins at the Erfurt Distillery or the special pottery in the shop window on the Krämerbrücke.

Look out for the square, triangle and circle that have become the symbols of Bauhaus design. This after the artist and teacher Kandinsky conducted experiments in the association of shape and colour.

Bauhaus Gin at Destille Erfurt in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

5. Admire the old buildings around Fishmarket square

I’ve mentioned that markets were the heart of public life in the Middle Ages. Your walk around Erfurt is bound to bring you to the Fischmarkt or Fish market.

In this open square there was formerly an open air market selling salt herring and cod as well as fresh fish from the river. Fish was a staple of the working classes in the days when meat was expensive and it was difficult to keep food fresh.

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Fishmarket in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

Around this square are some beautiful historic houses although it’s not always obvious which are the oldest and which are built more recently. Take for instance the beautiful pink Merchant’s house Zum Breiten Herd (House of the wide hearth). It was built in 1584 and now houses an Italian restaurant.

If you look to its right you will spot that the decorations on the front of the less colourful Guildhall are identical. But, this was built 300 years later in the 1880s to fill a gap in the buildings.

On the other side of the square is the imposing neo-gothic town hall that was completed in 1874 but fits in well with the older merchant houses. You’ll often find street musicians playing in the square, so it’s a nice place to relax in one of the pavements cafes.

Town Hall in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

6. Visit the Old Jewish Synagogue and Mikveh baths

To discover something of the Jewish community that lived in Erfurt in the Middle Ages, we visited the Old Synagogue. It’s tucked down a small side street.

In the Middle Ages, the town was the scene of more than one tragic massacre. During the Pogrom of 1345 the Jews were made scapegoats for the Black Death sweeping Europe. The whole Erfurt community of 900 Jews was killed in the town.

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Old Synagogue in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

This medieval building dates back to the 11th century and has been identified as the old Jewish synagogue. View the Torah shrine that faces east towards Jerusalem and the cornice all around the room.

Oil lamps are placed on the cornice as the congregation read their prayers. After the Pogrom the house was put to many different uses, before being restored as a museum opening in 2009.

The Old Synagogue also houses a collection of silver coins, jewellery and fine gold and silverware. These items were buried around this time by Jews to avoid their precious goods being looted.

The Erfurt Treasure was discovered in 1998 by archaeologists, buried under a nearby cellar. It includes the famous medieval Jewish wedding ring, decorated with clasped hands, a Gothic tower and engraved with the words Mazal Tov or Good Luck. More information to visit here , the Old Synagogue is open daily except Monday.

Old Synagogue Erfurt, Exhibition space on the ground floor Photo: Albrecht von Kirchbach

Visiting the Mikveh

We also visited the Mikveh or Jewish ritual bath which was built in the 13th century and used for ritual purification. At that time the town as much more densely populated with buildings covering the whole bank of the river that is now green space.

The domed brick building houses the bath and was filled by groundwater or water from the river running outside. Since the river would have been at a higher level than it is today, it allowed complete immersion in the bath.

A Mikveh is only available to visit with a registered guide as we did or in one of the weekly public tours. However, you can look down into the Mikveh from a viewing window in the park above close to the Merchant’s Bridge.

Jewish Mikveh in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

7. Try the Thuringia sausage

If all this sightseeing has made you hungry, you might want to take a break for lunch and try the famous Thuringia Sausage. We ordered ours at Faust Food in the old Jewish Quarter. The Germans love their sausages and lots of towns or regions have a ‘special’ sausage. Each is distinct in the herbs and spices that are mixed with the meat and the way it is cooked.

Hotel Am Kaisersaal in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Stay at the Hotel Am Kaisersaal in Erfurt

Search for other hotels in Erfurt

The Thuringia sausage is made of minced pork or beef. Over half of the ingredients must come from the state of Thuringia, so it’s a great way to support local producers.

There’s a specific blend of seasonings such as caraway, marjoram and garlic. The sausages must be freshly made and sold by licenced butchers on the same day they are produced.

Thuringia sausage is cooked over charcoal and served in a long white bread roll. The ends of the sausage hang out of the roll, so that you can easily take a bite.

A favourite condiment is plenty of mustard, especially the local variety of Born mustard (you can visit their shop in Erfurt). While you may squirt tomato ketchup on your sausage, you’ll mark yourself out as a ‘westerner’ rather than a local East German.

Thuringia Sausage at Faust Food in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

8. Visit the Erfurt Cathedral

St Mary’s cathedral is another of the major landmarks of Erfurt, sitting on the high ground overlooking the town. It’s next to the smaller but still impressive St Severus church.

The church is believed to be older than the cathedral and belonged to the order of St Augustine in the 12th century. We visited the cathedral, which was founded by St Boniface who built a church on this spot in 742 as part of his plan to establish a bishop’s seat in Erfurt.

Erfurt Cathedral, Thuringia, Germany Photo Gregor Lengler

When you observe the cathedral from the square below, it’s easy to see the smaller section based on the original church. It’s now dominated by the Gothic choir, extended out on supportive arches. Inside there’s a large medieval mural of St Christopher, patron saint of travellers, which was the first thing that pilgrims would see on entering the cathedral.

Cathedral in Erfurt Thuringia, Germany

A highlight was the bronze Wolfram candelabra that looks incredibly modern even though it dates to 1150. Also view the wooden choir stalls with intricate wooden carvings of Adam and Eve intertwined with the natural world.

Cathedral in Erfurt Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

While we were there in August, the Cathedral Steps festival was taking place. The steps leading up to the cathedral were transformed into the stage set for an operatic production.

Each year a different a different open air production is performed here. In 2019 it was The Name of the Rose , while 2020 will see Verdi’s Nabucco performed. More information about the Cathedral Steps Festival .

View of cathedral from Petersburg Citadel in Erfurt Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

9. Explore the tunnels under the Petersberg Citadel in Erfurt

The enormous star shaped Petersberg Citadel was built in 17th century on the edge of the walled town of Erfurt, although there had been a fortification on this piece of high ground for many centuries before.

This design of fortress was difficult to penetrate with artillery. One of the ways that it could be overcome was for enemies to tunnel under the walls and place explosives to blow it up from below.

Petersberg Citadel in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Toma Babovic

To counteract this, a network of “listening tunnels” were built which you can visit in a guided tour. Here the soldiers would have to sit on duty for hours, to listen out for any signs of tunnels being dug to undermine them.

It was quite spooky and dark to walk through the tunnels, gradually rising up hill until we emerged in the fortress museum. It’s free to walk around the grounds of the citadel. At the time of our visit there was lots of work going on to prepare for the Buga garden festival that will be taking place in 2021.

Tunnels under the Petersburg Citadel in Erfurt Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

10. Spirit tasting at the Erfurt Distillery

It’s worth combining your visit to the Petersberg Citadel with a tasting at the Destille Erfurt distillery. The distilery is open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday or by appointment for groups. This gold medal winning distillery produces all kinds of spirits such as gin, whisky, brandy and rum as well as the more traditional fruit flavoured spirits.

The brick domed bar of the distillery is the former ammunition store and laboratory of the Petersberg Citadel. It was built in the 1830s just outside the fortress walls in case the gunpowder experiments went wrong and it all blew up.

Destille Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

There’s a copper kettle where the macerated ingredients are distilled before being matured in oak barrels for up to 20 years. If you’d like a tasting experience they also offer platters of cheese and charcuterie with bread on Fridays and Saturdays to accompany the spirits of your choice.

I hadn’t quite realised but almost any flavour can be macerated and distilled into a spirit. Among the more unusual flavoured spirits made here are those flavoured with coffee, chocolate, pine cones and even mustard! As I mentioned before, this is where we saw the special edition trio of gins that were created for the Bauhaus 100 celebrations.

Destille Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

11. Sit on a mushroom seat in Erfurt and watch the world go by

There are a couple more fun things that I enjoyed during our visit to Erfurt, which you might easily miss unless you have them pointed out to you. One is the stone “mushroom” seats that you often see on either side of the doorways of older houses. Once you know what they are for, you’ll start to notice them everywhere.

These seats are where the owner or servants of the house might sit and watch the world go by, catching up on the local gossip. Perhaps the would invite friends to sit on the other seat and sip a cup of coffee while they shared their news.

Mushroom seats in Erfurt Photo Heatheronhertravels.com

12. Watch the puppet show in a shop window

We also enjoyed the puppet windows by the puppet maker Martin Gobsch who I already mentioned has a shop on the Krämerbrücke. There’s another shop that you’ll find as you walk along the road that leads from the bridge to the cathedral. Putting a Euro in the slot we enjoyed the puppet show of Odysseus tied to the mast as his boat rows past the sirens and other scenes from his story in Homer’s Iliad.

Puppet show in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Where to eat in Erfurt

Ice cream and chocolate at goldhelm.

I mentioned that Goldhelm Schokoladen have a shop on the Krämerbrücke. But it’s worth knowing that they have three premises in Erfurt where you can try their delicious ice cream, chocolate and cakes.

On the bridge there’s the original chocolate shop in the house of the Golden Helmet (Goldhelm). Next door is their ice cream shop where there always seemed to be a long queue.

But you may not realise that just a short distance from the bridge they have a cafe (Kreuzgasse 5), with lots more space where you can buy the same selection of ice creams. Although I didn’t sit down there the cakes looked very tempting and there’s lots of seating and grass by the water to eat your ice cream.

Goldhelm ice cream in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Eat in Erfurt

We tried this unassuming little cafe called Eat Erfurt in a side street (Pilse 7) for lunch. The selection is quite small and the decor is trendy rather than traditional, the food was excellent too. I tried a vegetarian taco (more of a wrap than a Mexican style taco) with a serving of sweet potato fries. It was all very tasty and well priced.

Eat in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Restaurants in Erfurt – Faust Food

If you want to get stuck in to burgers and all things meaty or perhaps try the Thuringia Sausage, head for Faust Food (Waagergasse 1). Here they have a charcoal stove to grill your chosen meat, burgers or steaks.

It’s a relaxed and informal experience in an old medieval barn with brick walls and huge timber beams. You order at the counter and sit at solid wooden tables. I tried the cheeseburger while Guy had a Thuringia Sausage with potato salad and green salad leaves with a sour cream dressing.

Faust Food in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Restaurants in Erfurt – Zum Goldenen Schwan

Staying with the Thuringia specialties, beer lovers will thrive at Zum Goldenen Schwan . This traditional gasthouse serves pub style local food with a beer garden courtyard at the back where we sat out.

I was very happy with my choice of tasty pork medallions Schupfnudelpfanne (small potato dumplings), chanterelles and green beans in a creamy sauce. Guy looked on enviously having chosen the “Housewife style” pickled herring with potato salad, gherkins and sour cream which he found just a bit too much of the pickled flavours.

I was intrigued by the trio of beer desert, with beer ice cream, dark beer syrup and a beer flavour chocolate truffle. Nice try although I found the bitter beer flavours quite overpowering. If you are a lover of dark beer this will be for you.

The Golden Swan also brews its own beer and I ordered the Weizenbier (Wheat beer) which is fruity and golden and my favourite when I’m in Germany. Guy went for the Schwarzbier (Black beer ) with malty, dark roasted flavours. Are you a light or dark beer drinker?

Golden Swan in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Stay at Hotel Am Kaisersaal in Erfurt

We really enjoyed our one night stay at Hotel Am Kaisersaal . This excellent modern hotel gives little away from its unassuming entrance on the street.

It’s one of a small group of Bachmann Hotels, and in addition to the 85 bedrooms they offer 2 bedroom apartments for a minimum 2 night stay. This would be ideal if you want a little longer to explore the area.

Hotel Am Kaisersaal in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

Behind the traditional looking front building, the Hotel Am Kaisersaal has further modern accommodation wings. It’s built around a pleasant grassy courtyard, with a convenient underground car park.

The atmosphere was calm and friendly, with the usual excellent breakfast spread you find in Germany. Our bedroom was contemporary and well designed with a pleasant outlook over the courtyard. The hotel was very well located just a few minutes walk from the Krämerbrücke.

View of Hotel Am Kaisersaal in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany

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Plan your trip to Erfurt in Thuringia, Germany

daniel on tour erfurt

The closest airport to Erfurt with a wide range of international flights is Frankfurt. There are smaller airports at Erfurt, Leipzig and Dresden.

We flew into Frankfurt then took the train to nearby Eisenach, where we picked up a hire car from Europcar close to the station. There is a train station a Erfurt and the German rail network is very efficient. This would be a good way to reach Erfurt from other airports or regions of Germany, as an alternative to a hire car, which we used.

Once you arrive in Erfurt, you can easily see all the main places on foot although there’s also a good public transport network of trams.

Visitor Information for your trip to Erfurt in Thuringia, Germany

If you are looking for a guidebook for your visit to Thuringia and Germany, we recommend the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide to Germany .

Guided Tours: If you need a guide for your visit, there are many excellent registered guides and these can be arranged in advance of your visit through Erfurt Tourism. Take a look at the options available on the Erfurt Tourism website .

There are also options for self guided tours or public tours to join. An iGuide is available to rent from the Tourism Office (Address: Benediktplatz 1). You can enquire at the Tourism office about other public tours taking place during your visit.

DK Eyewitness Germany Travel Guide

Need a guide book for Germany? We recommend the DK Eyewitness Germany Travel Guide

Erfurt Card: If you are visiting Erfurt for a few days it’s worth looking at the Erfurt Card . This gives free use of public transport, entry to museums and discounts on many tours and attractions. This can be purchased at the Tourism Office on arrival.

Where is Thuringia?

Erfurt is the regional capital of the German state of Thuringia, which is in the centre of the country and was formerly part of the East German GDR. Thuringia is bounded by the better known Bavaria to the south and Saxony to the east. The rolling rural countryside, green belt of Thuringia forest and pretty medieval towns, castles and palaces make this an ideal road trip destination.

You can see all the places we visited on the map below .

Map of Saxony and Thuringia Germany Road Trip Heatheronhertravels.com

Read about Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha – the Victoria and Albert connection in Thuringia, Germany

Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha, Germany

This article was sponsored* by The Cultural Heart of Germany, Thuringia Tourism and Visit Saxony who provided the 4 day trip and experiences mentioned.

* More info on my policies page

This article is originally published at Heatheronhertravels.com

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Germany Photo Tour: Erfurt

daniel on tour erfurt

I was privileged to visit Germany for several weeks this spring for business, and in doing so, I was also presented the amazing opportunity to tour several areas of the country. Long story short, Germany is quickly becoming a favorite country for me. Of course, I say that about almost every country I visit.

Erfurt was a part of my mini-pilgrimage to learn more about Martin Luther from the sites where he lived and worked. In his late teens and early 20s, Martin Luther was a student at Erfurt University. After entering the monastery in Erfurt, he was ordained at the Erfurt Cathedral and, as a Protestant Reformer, preached at the Barefoot Church in 1529.

Speaking of the Barefoot Church, I stayed at the Ibis Hotel right across a narrow street from it. The Ibis was a really nice hotel. Rooms were small, but effective (efficient?) and up to the task. I needed a desk, a chair, a bed, and a shower. I got all those things and a great view of the Barefoot Church. The disadvantages of staying there are the additional cost of parking (15 Euros) and the cost of staying so close to Old Town. My room was close to 200 Euros.

daniel on tour erfurt

Food and Language

I had been warned by a member of the hotel staff at home base that, the further I went away from the city, the less English would be spoken. I knew that would be true (it had been true at every place I’d visited overseas before), but I didn’t realize how much it would affect me. When traveling through Asia, I know the other person (whether hotel staff, restaurant staff, or a tourist location staff) would know it. I was a white guy in Korea, Taiwan, or Japan.

Germany, however, was a different situation altogether. People expected me to communicate with them in German. I was not prepared for how uncomfortable it would make me feel. I wish I didn’t feel that way, and to combat it in the future, I intend to focus on my German so the next visit doesn’t feel that way.

Having said that, once I found a restaurant that spoke enough English to accept my halted efforts at ordering food, I enjoyed dinner immensely. The Restaurant Schnitzler was really good. Very affordable. The staff was amazing. Made me feel comfortable with communication, had great service, food was amazing (currywurst and fries), and they had a great beer list. Full view of the Domplatz and Erfurt Cathedral, providing ample opportunity to people watch and enjoy a warm evening. I highly recommend it to anyone visiting Old Town Erfurt.

daniel on tour erfurt

It began to rain shortly after dinner, so while walking around Old Town Erfurt, I happened upon Pub Molly Malone. I figured an Irish pub had a good chance of having someone who could speak English, so I gave it a go. Very grateful I did! It was a fun place to grab a few drinks and enjoy a football (soccer) match.

daniel on tour erfurt

The Barefoot Church and Layered History

On to the walking tour!

The Barefoot Church is very interesting. It’s part of a concept I’ve been thinking about called “Layered History.” Not something many of us Americans have reference for. When our country only goes back several hundred years, it’s difficult to imagine looking at a cathedral that was first built in 1244 by Franciscans, rebuilt with the original stained-glass windows in 1316 and finished in the 1400s. Luther preached there in 1529, after the Reformation was well underway, it was bombed in an allied raid in 1944 and never fully rebuilt, and I, a traveler in 2023, gazed on its beauty from the hotel across the street. I want to delve more into this in the coming weeks and months in terms of religious history, specifically the Reformation up to the modern church, but even considering the secular architecture, it’s a fascinating concept.

daniel on tour erfurt

The Cathedral of St. Mary and Church of St. Severus.

Since my visit to Erfurt was part of my Martin Luther pilgrimage, I was, of course, drawn to the Erfurt Cathedral (known officially as The Cathedral of St. Mary and Church of St. Severus). On April 3rd, 1507, Luther was ordained a Roman Catholic priest at the cathedral. While not necessarily part of reformation history, it is nevertheless part of Luther’s “making of the man” and therefore important to me.

Honestly, it’s just a gorgeous building, full of rich history and architecture. The plaza where it is located is just as pretty, for different reasons. It’s a must for any trip to Erfurt, whether you’re Roman Catholic or not.

daniel on tour erfurt

St. Augustine’s Monastery

Martin Luther studied here from summer of 1505 to autumn of 1511 after declaring to St. Anna in a thunderstorm that he’d become a monk if she saved him. Visiting the monastery was important for me because it was part of Luther’s life. I had, admittedly, also hoped for some inspiration on my own behalf while visiting Erfurt, and part of that would have come from the monastery. Still, the overall focus was to see where Luther had lived, prayed, and worked.

daniel on tour erfurt


So the Krämerbrücke is an interesting site to visit. I didn’t spend a great deal of time there, mostly because my focus was on sites pertaining to Martin Luther, but I did visit. It’s a bunch of shops along a walking bridge. The claim to fame is that it’s the largest of its kind north of the Alps. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it in my travels. Again, while I wasn’t there for things like Krämerbrücke, I was glad I visited.

daniel on tour erfurt

Anyone wanting to see some of Germany’s history should put Erfurt on the list. The Old Town area is lovely. Great sites to see, food to eat, people to watch, and history to learn and experience. Let me know in the comments if you’ve been there, or if you intend to go there!

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  • A Walking Tour Of Erfurts...

A Walking Tour of Erfurt's Most Beautiful Architectural Landmarks

Erfurt Cathedral (left) and St. Severus Church

The 1,270-year-old city of Erfurt has a skyline that’s difficult to beat for historic charm. This is a city where ancient architecture has been lovingly preserved and harmoniously blended with modern developments. Many of the architectural landmarks of Erfurt are clustered together, making it a perfect city to explore on foot. Here is our self-guided walking tour of Erfurt.

Evangelisches augustinerkloster.

The historical importance of the 13th century Evangelisches Augustinerkloster (Augustinian Monastery) cannot be underestimated. It was here that the Great Reformer Martin Luther became a monk in 1505. This monastery was also his home for several years. Evangelisches Augustinerkloster offers public guided tours, giving visitors a chance to see Martin Luther’s room and various other monuments dedicated to him.

Augustinerstraße 10, Erfurt, Germany +49 0361 576600

Augustinian Monastery

Church of St. Aegidius and Krämerbrücke

Around 0.6 mi/1 km away from the monastery stands the Church of St. Aegidius. The existence of this church can be traced back to the Middle Ages. The church welcomes visitors to climb to the top of its Rote Turm (Red Tower) to enjoy panoramic views of the city, from 11 am to 5 pm, everyday except Mondays.

The church marks the eastern starting point of the 259 ft/79 meter long Krämerbrücke (Merchant’s Bridge). Krämerbrücke is the most famous and unique attraction of Erfurt, which has remained pretty much unchanged for over five centuries. Once part of an important pilgrimage and trade network, this medieval limestone-and-sandstone bridge is built over on both sides by houses, galleries, shops and restaurants, with a footbridge running through the center.

Krämerbrücke, 99084 Erfurt

Krämerbrücke and the Church

Walk across the Krämerbrücke from the Church of St. Aegidius, and turn left onto Benediktspl. After less than 300 ft/100 meters, you will find yourself in the historic Fischmarkt (fish market) of Erfurt . The stunning neo-Gothic Rathaus (town hall) proudly towers over the bustling fish market. On a guided tour of the town hall, you get the chance to admire intricate murals depicting historic events, many of which are related to Martin Luther.

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Fischmarkt 1, 99084 Erfurt, +49 361 6551145


Old Synagogue

A mere 557 ft/170 meter walk from Rathaus will bring you to another important historic landmark of the city – the Old Synagogue . Constructed in 1100, it is among the most ancient structures of its kind in all of Europe. Today, this mighty Gothic building houses a museum that preserves the famous Erfurt Treasure – 3,000 silver coins, over 700 gold pieces, Gothic jewelry, and 14 ingots from the 13th and 14th centuries, believed to have been hidden during the devastating Black Death in 1347-51.

Waagegasse 8, Erfurt, Germany +49 0361 6551608

Old Synagogue

Erfurt Cathedral

Erfurt Cathedral (St. Mary’s Cathedral) stands a 0.44 mi/700 meter walk away from the Old Synagogue. The earliest existence of this ancient church can be traced back to 742 AD, and is still today considered to be among the finest specimens of German Gothic architecture . The middle of the three ornate towers of the Cathedral is home to Maria Gloriosa, the largest free-swinging bell in the world, known for its fantastic resonance; as well as massive stained-glass windows and many priceless treasures.

Domstufen 1, Erfurt, Germany +49 0361 576960

St. Severus Church

St. Severus Church is joined with Erfurt Cathedral with a 70-step staircase, and together, these two structures form a stunning ensemble that defines the skyline of Erfurt. The construction of St. Severus Church is pegged around 1148. This church is distinguished by a triple-towered facade and a magnificent five-aisled hall church. It offers self-guided (free) as well as guided (paid) tours.

Severihof 2, 99084 Erfurt, +49 361 5624921

Erfurt Cathedral (left) and St.Severus Church

Zitadelle Petersberg

A leisurely stroll (0.4 mi/650 meters) from St. Severus Church via Petrinistraße brings you to Zitadelle Petersberg. This 17th century giant sitting atop St. Petersburg Hill is unanimously agreed to be one of the best-maintained and biggest Baroque fortresses in Europe. It welcomes visitors to explore its defense barracks, casemates, stone walls, passages and walkways as part of a guided tour.

Petersberg 3, Erfurt, Germany +49 0361 66400

Zitadelle Petersberg


St Peter’s Church (Peterskirche) and Zitadelle Petersburg form a fascinating historic ensemble. This monastery church built in 1103-1147 has been through destruction, plunder and alterations, but still preserves distinct traces of its original structure. Take a while to admire the baroque details and sculptures of this massive church. Your waking tour ends here. A 0.8 mi/1.3 km walk from here takes you back to the Fischmarkt.

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Video of the Day: Travis Kelce makes his Eras Tour debut

(Instagram / @serenakerrigan)

Taylor Swift fans were shocked Sunday night as her boyfriend and Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce, made his debut on the Eras Tour Stage at Wembley Stadium in London on June 23.

Kelce performed with dancers Jan Ravnik and Kameron Saunders during Swift’s comedic transition between her songs “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” and “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart.”


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Ein Tag am Strand mit Paul van Dyk – Blue Beach Erfurt

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Ein Tag am Strand mit Paul van Dyk - Live in Erfurt (Blue Beach)

Wir freuen uns, auch im kommenden Sommer eine absolute Legende und Weltstar der elektronischen Tanzmusik begrüßen zu dürfen. Um es mit den Worten von Paul van Dyk  zu sagen „Music Rescues Me“ und die Rettung naht. Freut Euch auf ein einmaliges Konzerterlebnis, Cocktails am Strand, Sommer, Sonne und natürlich jede Menge Musik. Wir sehen uns am Strand.

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WANN? 07. Juli 2024 Einlass: 14:00 Uhr

Ende: 20:00 Uhr

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WO? Blue Beach Erfurt K513, 99195 Alperstedt

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LINE UP! Paul van Dyk

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TICKETS Early Bird 30€ zzgl. VVK Gebühren

Datum: 2024-07-07

Startzeit: 14:00 CEST

Endzeit: 20:00 CEST

Veranstaltungsort: Blue Beach Erfurt

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TOGGO Tour 2024 in Erfurt

Am Samstag und Sonntag, dem 15.06. & 16.06., kommt die TOGGO Tour nach Erfurt zum Theaterplatz. Vorbeikommen könnt ihr zwischen 11-18 Uhr. Alle weiteren Infos zum Bühnenprogramm findet ihr auf dieser Seite.

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Erfurt verpasst? Hier findet ihr alle weiteren Städte & Termine:

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Sommerspaß mit den TOGGO Serienhelden

Auf der TOGGO Tour ist für jeden etwas dabei. Für die Großen wird es sportlich und auch die Kleinen kommen hier nicht zu kurz! Für unvergessliche Erinnerungsfotos sorgen die Serienhelden von TOGGO persönlich. Seht hier, was ihr gemeinsam alles auf der TOGGO Tour erleben könnt.

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Auf der Toggolino Hüpfburg können sich deine Kleinen so richtig austoben!

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Einmal Tackeln und Werfen in der NFL Trainingszone. Im NFL Skill Parcours ist Schnelligkeit und Geschicklichkeit gefragt. 

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Mit Rubble und seiner Familie, der Baupfoten "Rubble & Crew", gibt es in Baubucht für deine Kleinen immer was zu bauen. 

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TOGGO Radio ist ebenfalls mit am Start und sendet vor Ort live aus der Radiobox!

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Für richtig gute Laune sorgen die Honigkuchenpferde mit cooler Popmusik für die ganze Familie.

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Auf der Bühne können deine Kinder gegen die TOGGO GG Stars zocken und ihre Fähigkeiten im Battle unter Beweis stellen. Die Gaming-Stars stehen auch für Fotos und Autogramme bereit, also verpasst nicht die Chance, diese Erinnerungen festzuhalten!

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Mit D!s Kids Club abtanzen und auf der Bühne selbst zum Star werden - auch das können eure Kids bei der TOGGO Tour.

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Alle Infos auf einen Blick:

  • Wann: 15. und 16.06.2024
  • Wo findet ihr uns: Erfurt Theaterplatz
  • Öffnungszeiten: 11-18 Uhr
  • Eintritt: frei und ohne Ticket - Kommt vorbei und habt Spaß!

So kommt ihr am besten zum Theaterplatz in Erfurt:

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Live reviews

i recently saw daniel o donnell in enoch alberta canada in september. daniel you are a fantastic performer. you have given the world a gift your music. ihave seen daniel 3 times, iam glad he has come to canada. i have never met more of a down to earth person in this world as daniel everyone enjoys his music and he can sing anything. daniel says 60, but you dont look it. i am 60 also but dont act. majella and the grandchildren are a big part of your life. they are also a gift to you. i sure wish you could come to canada more often. i wish i knew where i could get a hold of you 4 newest cds. i thoughly enjoy all those songs you sing. you are the king of romance. i wish you good luck in your tours. i hope you come back to canada soon. cheri pardely vermilion, alberta, canada. love you daniel

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cheri-pardely-1’s profile image

I attended a concert in Branson, Missouri this year and it was absolutely outstanding and he played to a packed house. Had front row seats, fabulous! He is a genuine, unassuming gentleman, couldn't have been better!!!! I feel sure that anyone attending his concerts will be glad that they went and feel that they definitely got their money's worth. Even though there was concern about covid, he still went down off the stage and shook the hands of some of us!! Looking forward to seeing him in person in 2022, wherever I can go in the USA. Nancy Fichter Brighton, CO

nancyfichter3’s profile image

Daniel O'Donnell was totally beyond our high expectations! Wonderful singer covering many eras of song! Personnable, fun, great sense of humor. Mary Duff a beautiful singer. The Band was perfection. Daniel danced an Irish dance with 4 students of the local Victoria Irish Dance School! Four star 100% the best.

connie-hucul’s profile image

Outstanding presentation, great songs, and the audience absolutely LOVES him, which adds to the ambiance. Daniel is so pleasant, patient, outgoing, couldn't find a better person. Never tires of singing and sings 99 different songs over the years, just a phenomenal person!! Never tire of his singing.

I loved him. I saw him in Vancouver at a theatre

a few years ago. I loved him then too. I do believe Daniel O'Donnell is more 'homely" in a theatre setting, A stadium is too large to get that 'close' feeling.

Fern161’s profile image

Was on a cruise from San Diego sailing south down the Mexican border in February 2020. Fantastic concerts with Daniel as well as many other Irish singers. Looking forward to his next cruise.

enykiel’s profile image

Good show but l was very surprised at the amount off empty seats it's the first time l have seen it like that so what do you put it down to

aiden-maher’s profile image

Excellent had a great old sing along , band no where near as good as the old one .and to much of Mary duff , I came to see you again

christine-grice-grie’s profile image

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Gleneagle INEC Arena

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Daniel O'Donnell is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 15 concerts across 3 countries in 2024-2025. View all concerts.

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Euro 2024 fixtures, schedule, teams, venues: All you need to know about summer tournament in Germany

Live group tables, third place standings, last-16 confirmed games and permutations; Euro 2024 final takes place in Berlin on July 14

Monday 24 June 2024 23:50, UK

From fixtures and live group tables to the last-16 schedule and confirmed games, here's all you need to know about this summer's tournament.

Germany , Switzerland , Spain , Portugal and European champions Italy are the first teams to qualify for the knockout phase of Euro 2024.

And while the last-16 picture is anything but complete, we now know that England will play Germany on Saturday night in the round of 16 if they progress from Group C as runners-up, while a meeting with Spain could then await in the quarter-finals.

Round-of-16 state of play

Saturday June 29 37 Germany vs 2C (Dortmund, kick-off 8pm UK time) 38 Switzerland vs Italy (Berlin, kick-off 5pm UK time)

Sunday June 30 39 Spain vs 3A/D/E/F (Cologne, kick-off 8pm UK time) 40 1C vs 3D/E/F (Gelsenkirchen, kick-off 5pm UK time)

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Monday July 1 41 Portugal vs 3A/B/C (Frankfurt, kick-off 8pm UK time) 42 2D vs 2E (Düsseldorf, kick-off 5pm UK time)

Tuesday July 2 43 1E vs 3A/B/C/D (Munich, kick-off 5pm UK time) 44 1D vs 2F (Leipzig, kick-off 8pm UK time)

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Rest days on 3 and 4 July


Friday July 5 45 Spain or the Winners of Game 39 vs Germany or the Winners of Game 37 (Stuttgart, kick-off 5pm UK time) 46 Portugal or the Winners of Game 41 vs W42 (Hamburg, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Saturday July 6 47 W43 vs W44 (Berlin, kick-off 8pm UK time) 48 W40 vs Switzerland or the Winners of Game 38 (Dusseldorf, kick-off 5pm UK time)

Rest days on 7 and 8 July


Tuesday July 9 49 W45 vs W46 (Munich, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Wednesday July 10 50 W47 vs W48 (Dortmund, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Rest days on July 11, 12 and 13

Euro 2024 final

Sunday July 14 W49 vs W50 (Berlin, kick-off 8pm UK time)

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What are the Euro 2024 groups and latest standings?

Group A - Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland

Group B - Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

Group C - Slovenia, Denmark, Serbia, England

Group D - Poland, Netherlands, Austria, France

Group E - Belgium, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine

Group F - Turkey, Georgia, Portugal, Czech Republic

Third-place table

Who's booked their slot in the round of 16?

Germany and Switzerland have booked their dates in the round of 16, having finished winners and runners-up in Group A, respectively.

Meanwhile, Spain and Portugal will advance to the last 16 as winners, with both sides topping Group B and Group F - having superior, head-to-head results over Italy and Turkey , while the European champions have also progressed as Group B runners-up.

Meanwhile, the likes of England , Netherlands and France have also all been guaranteed a place in the knockouts as at the very least one of the four best third-placed teams, regardless of the results of their final group games with on Tuesday.

What is the Euro 2024 schedule and format?

How does a group tiebreaker work.

If two or more teams are equal on points on completion of the group matches, the following tie-breaking criteria are applied:

  • Higher number of points obtained in the matches played among the teams in question.
  • Superior goal difference resulting from the matches played among the teams in question.
  • Higher number of goals scored in the matches played among the teams in question.
  • If, after having applied criteria 1) to 3), teams still have an equal ranking, criteria 1) to 3) are reapplied exclusively to the matches between the remaining teams to determine their final rankings. If this procedure does not lead to a decision, criteria 5) to 8) apply in the order given to the two or more teams still equal.
  • Superior goal difference in all group matches.
  • Higher number of goals scored in all group matches.
  • Lower disciplinary points total based only on yellow and red cards received by players and team officials in all group matches (red card = 3 points, yellow card = 1 point, expulsion for two yellow cards in one match = 3 points).
  • Position in the overall European Qualifiers rankings.

If two teams have the same number of points, goals scored and goals conceded in their last group match against each other, their final rankings are determined by a penalty shootout - provided that no other teams within the group have the same number of points on completion of all group matches.

How could this affect England?

England will be split for first and second place on overall goal difference if they draw against Slovenia and Denmark beat Serbia.

In that scenario, the tiebreaker factors overall goals scored, then disciplinary points, and then European Qualifiers rankings.

How does ranking third-placed teams work?

The top two teams from each of the six groups will proceed to the round of 16.

Those 12 sides will be joined by four of the six third-placed finishers in the groups. The sides finishing third will be placed into a league table, with the top four sides progressing to the last 16.

The teams that finish third in their respective groups are ranked in order of the following criteria, starting with:

  • Goal difference
  • Goals scored
  • Lower disciplinary points total
  • European Qualifiers overall ranking

The tournament then moves to a straight knockout format, with one-legged ties - including extra-time and penalties if necessary - until two sides reach the final on July 14 in Berlin.

Euro 2024 fixtures and results in full

Group stage Friday June 14 Germany 5-1 Scotland

Saturday June 15 Hungary 1-3 Switzerland Spain 3-0 Croatia Italy 2-1 Albania

Sunday June 16 Poland 1-2 Netherlands Slovenia 1-1 Denmark Serbia 0-1 England

Monday June 17 Romania 3-0 Ukraine Belgium 0-1 Slovakia Austria 0-1 France

Tuesday June 18 Turkey 3-1 Georgia Portugal 2-1 Czech Republic

Wednesday June 19 Croatia 2-2 Albania Germany 2-0 Hungary Scotland 1-1 Switzerland

Thursday June 20 Slovenia 1-1 Serbia Denmark 1-1 England Spain 1-0 Italy

Friday June 21 Slovakia 1-2 Ukraine Poland 1-3 Austria Netherlands 0-0 France

Saturday June 22 Georgia 1-1 Czech Republic Turkey 0-3 Portugal Belgium 2-0 Romania

Sunday June 23 Switzerland 1-1 Germany Scotland 0-1 Hungary

Monday June 24 Croatia 1-1 Italy Albania 0-1 Spain

Tuesday June 25 Netherlands vs Austria (Berlin, kick-off 5pm UK time) France vs Poland (Dortmund, kick-off 5pm UK time) England vs Slovenia (Cologne, kick-off 8pm UK time) Denmark vs Serbia (Munich, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Wednesday June 26 Slovakia vs Romania (Frankfurt, kick-off 5pm UK time) Ukraine vs Belgium (Stuttgart, kick-off 5pm UK time) Czech Republic vs Turkey (Hamburg, kick-off 8pm UK time) Georgia vs Portugal (Gelsenkirchen, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Rest days on June 27 and 28

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Tolland Historical Society

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Daniel Benton Homestead Museum

The Homestead Season

Daniel Benton Homestead Museum at 154 Metcalf Road in Tolland is closed for the season.  It will reopen in May 2024.

For more information, email Director Gail White Usher at [email protected] to request a date and time for your tour.

Visitors to the Benton Homestead will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing. Only four people will be allowed inside the museum at a time, and restrooms are not available.

The museum opening is always subject to change if COVID-19 numbers rise again in Connecticut.

Admission to the museum is free, but donations are always appreciated. They can be made at the museum, through the website or by sending a check to the Tolland Historical Society, P.O. Box 107, Tolland, CT 06084.

About the Museum

In 1720, Daniel Benton was “made an inhabitant” of Tolland. He was 24 years old. This is similar to becoming a freeman. Inhabitants were typically allowed to attend town meetings, vote on town business and in elections, and become town officials. They were given “stinting rights” on common land. This meant a defined, limited right to graze a specified number of animals on a specified portion of common land. A man was granted inhabitant status based upon the rateable value of his estate and demonstration of good character. This last hinged on church membership. Prospective inhabitants were typically nominated by an existing inhabitant and then chosen by the serving townsmen/selectors/electors. Daniel most likely owned land, probably some stock, may have already practiced a trade, and was upwardly mobile. It also indicates that he knew the right people in town.

While the exact details of Daniel becoming an inhabitant are not recorded, we do know some facts that help us understand his life at this time. He was born in 1696 in Hartford to Samuel and Sarah Pomeroy Benton. At the age of 17, he accompanied his father to join men from Hartford and Windsor in establishing Tolland. On February 20, 1719, Samuel Benton gave his son forty acres of land in Tolland “In consideration of love and of good will…” This is the land on which the house is built on what is now Metcalf Road. Within the year, two additional tracts of land were conveyed to Daniel. He acquired two additional tracts of seventy and twenty-one acres on July 25, 1721. One final event marked these years for Daniel. On January 3, 1721/22 he married Mary Skinner.

Please follow this post over the next two years as we explore the lives of Daniel and Mary Skinner Benton in Tolland and commemorate their three hundredth year anniversaries.

Six generations of the Benton family lived here and farmed the land. Daniel Benton’s sons served in the French and Indian War; five of his grandsons answered the Lexington Alarm and fought in the Revolutionary War. Purchased from the family in 1932 by Florrie Bishop Bowering, a radio personality and dietician at the University of Connecticut, it was occupied by her until her death in 1968. The house came into the possession of the Tolland Historical Society through the generosity of the next owners, Charles B. Goodstein and William A Shocket, in 1969, and was opened as a museum the following year.

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Although minor changes were made to the house over the years, it remains much the same as it was in Daniel Benton’s time. A full cape with an ell, it’s exterior is repainted in the original colors.

Peters' Corps at Benton

The Daniel Benton Homestead Museum tells the story of 18th century Tolland through the lives of the first three generations of Bentons to live in it.

For more information, call Director Gail Usher at 860-974-1875.

Directions to Benton Homestead

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Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Erfurt, Germany

Guided sightseeing tours.

Book guided sightseeing tours and activities in Erfurt.

Explore Erfurt in Germany with one of our free walking tours . Click on a marker on the map to get started and view details about the tour. Below is an overview of the sightseeing tours. A total of 5 tours are available in Erfurt, Germany.

Self-guided Tour #1

  • Sankt Martini
  • Brühler Garten
  • Denkmal für den unbekannten Wehrmachtsdeserteur
  • Zum breiten Herd
  • Kunsthalle Erfurt
  • Rathaus Erfurt
  • Kleine Synagoge
  • Collegium Maius
  • Michaeliskirche
  • Krämerbrücke
  • Schottenkirche
  • Kaufmannskirche - Sankt Gregorii
  • Lutherdenkmal
  • Stadtmuseum
  • Großes Hospital

Self-guided Tour #2

  • Christuskirche (SELK)
  • Neue Synagoge
  • Sankt Crucis
  • Brunnenkirche
  • Erthal-Obelisk
  • Kabarett Die Arche
  • Maria-Magdalenen-Kapelle
  • Predigerkirche
  • Haus Vaterland
  • Hirschgarten
  • Kurmainzische Statthalterei
  • Sankt Lorenz
  • Reglerkirche
  • Erinnerungsort Topf & Söhne

Self-guided Tour #3

  • Cyriakkapelle
  • Deutsches Gartenbaumuseum

Self-guided Tour #4

  • Thomaskirche
  • Pförtchenbrücke
  • Hohenzollernbrücke
  • Zitadelle Cyriaksburg

Self-guided Tour #5

  • Sankt Bonifatius

Why Visit Sights? Self-guided sightseeing tours are a free and safe alternative to bus tours. You can explore Erfurt at your own pace, any time! Do something good for your health by walking.


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  20. Daniel Benton Homestead Museum

    Daniel Benton Homestead Museum at 154 Metcalf Road in Tolland is closed for the season. It will reopen in May 2024. For more information, email Director Gail White Usher at [email protected] to request a date and time for your tour. Visitors to the Benton Homestead will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing.

  21. Events

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  22. Guided tours & experiences

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  26. Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Erfurt, Germany

    Guided Sightseeing Tours. Book guided sightseeing tours and activities in Erfurt. Explore Erfurt in Germany with one of our free walking tours. Click on a marker on the map to get started and view details about the tour. Below is an overview of the sightseeing tours. A total of 5 tours are available in Erfurt, Germany.

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