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De Grote Trek in Tanzania en Kenia – wat, waar & wanneer?

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grote trek masai mara

Laatst bijgewerkt op 10 februari 2024

Het aanschouwen van de jaarlijkse Great Migration of ‘Grote Trek’ in de Serengeti ( Tanzania ) en Masai Mara ( Kenia ) is iets dat je nooit meer vergeet. Maar waar kun je de Grote Trek het beste zien, en wanneer?

Kenia Mara-rivier

Honderden wildebeesten steken de Mara-rivier in Kenia over tijdens de ‘Great Migration’.

De Grote Trek van de wildebeesten, zebra’s, gnoes en gazellen loopt ongeveer synchroon met de verschillende seizoenen. Het wild kan namelijk niet continue op dezelfde plek in de savanne blijven vanwege droogte en daardoor de kans op sterven. Vandaar dat ze in grote getallen op zoek gaan naar gras en water om te overleven. De zwakke dieren redden het vaak niet om deze uitputtende tocht te volbrengen. De kuddes hoefdieren worden daarom vaak gevolgd door de carnivoren, zoals de leeuw, het luipaard en de hyena die uit zijn op een prooi. In de lucht tref je vaak rondzwervende gieren aan die ook graag een stukje mee-eten.

De Grote Trek – maand voor maand

Miljoenen wildebeesten, zebra’s, gnoes en gazellen die over savanne en rivieren trekken op zoek naar water en voedsel, met in hun kielzog roofdieren als leeuwen, luipaarden en hyena’s en in de rivieren hongerige krokodillen. De Great Migration of ‘Grote Trek’ in de Serengeti (Tanzania) en Masai Mara (Kenia) is een van de spectaculairste schouwspelen van moeder natuur en iets dat elke dierenliefhebber eens in zijn leven gezien moet hebben.

Olifanten en Wildebeest in het Serengeti National Park

Olifanten en Wildebeest in het Serengeti National Park.

Maar waar speelt die Grote Trek zich af, en wat is de beste reistijd? Het antwoord is even simpel als complex: de dieren bevinden zich per seizoen in een ander gebied, en één beste reistijd om de ‘trek’ te zien is er dus niet. Die hangt weer af van wáár. De kuddes zebra’s, wildebeesten, gnoes en gazellen trekken de helft van het jaar rond en de overige tijd zijn zij telkens enkele maanden op dezelfde plek. De richting en route die zij nemen hangt samen met de regenseizoenen en kan daardoor bovendien ieder jaar weer iets variëren.

Hieronder vindt je een globaal overzicht van wat in welke maanden waar plaatsvindt in de Serengeti, de Masai Mara en de Ngorongoro Krater .

Januari – februari – maart

Ngorongoro Krater safari

Safari in de Ngorongoro Krater.

De kuddes zebra’s, wildebeesten, gnoes en gazellen zijn na een lange tocht vanuit de Masai Mara in Kenia in het zuidoosten van de Serengeti aangekomen. Ze verblijven in het gebied rondom de Ngorongoro Krater en blijven hier enkele maanden min of meer op dezelfde plek. Dit is ook de tijd van het jaar dat er honderdduizenden nieuwe kalveren geboren worden. De kalveren wordt hier even rust gegund voordat ze aan de migratie deel gaan nemen.

Maart – april

In deze maanden kent de Serengeti de grootste en heftigste periode met regen. Hierdoor trekken de kuddes weer verder de Serengeti in. Vanuit het zuidoosten wordt er eerst nog een stukje verder naar het zuiden van de Serengeti getrokken.


De kuddes zijn nu op het zuidelijkste puntje van de Serengeti en beginnen aan hun migratie richting het westen en vervolgens noorden, op zoek naar vers water en grond om te grazen. In de maanden mei en juni trekken de kuddes langs de westkant, ook wel de ‘western corridor’ genaamd, van het Serengeti National Park. De western corridor bevindt zich in de buurt van de westelijke plains, zoals Dutwa Plains, Ruana Plains en Musabi Plains. Onderweg wordt de Mbalageti rivier overgestoken. In mei is het meeste spektakel te zien rond de Moru Kopjes en ten westen van Seronera, in het centrum van de Serengeti. In juni houdt is er een korte pauze van de trek aan de zuidzijde van de Grumeti rivier, waar gewacht wordt tot de beesten in grote groep zijn voordat de oversteekt gewaagd wordt.

Juli – augustus

The Great Migration in de Serengeti

Honderden gnoes steken de Mara-rivier over.

De trek vervolgt zich verder noordwaarts. Juli en augustus zijn de maanden waarin een deel van de kuddes hoefdieren de Grumeti rivier oversteekt. De rivier wordt gezien als een bedreiging vanwege het gevaar om uit te glijden op de rotsen en vertrapt te worden of om aangevallen te worden door krokodillen. Tijdens deze beroemde rivieroversteek (en die van de Mararivier, later) worden de mooiste beelden opgenomen die je in natuurdocumentaires ziet. De daadwerkelijke oversteek van de rivier duurt ongeveer één week.

De Grote Trek in Tanzania

Voordat de kuddes aankomen in de groene graslanden van de Masai Mara moet er nog één belangrijke oversteek gemaakt worden: die van de Mara-rivier . Dit is de meest spectaculaire van allemaal. Net als voor de Grumeti wordt eerst gewacht tot de dieren in grote getalen zijn. De spanning is dan te snijden aan de oever van de rivier. Op basis van willekeur en/of regenval kiezen de bloednerveuze groepen wildebeesten en gnoe’s uiteindelijk een plek om de oversteek te maken Sommige kiezen er ook voor om dit niét te doen, en keren terug het noorden van de Serengeti in.

September – oktober

De oversteekt van de Mara rivier vindt vaak ergens van augustus tot begin september plaats, maar laat zich moeilijk exact voorspellen. Hierna blijven de beesten die het gered hebben een tijdje op dezelfde plaats in de Masai Mara om te grazen. Eind oktober/begin november wordt er vervolgens weer verder getrokken en begint de cyclus opnieuw.

Gnoes in de Masa Mari

Gnoes in de Masai Mara in Kenia.

Kenia Masai Mara

Een leeuw in het Masai Mara reservaat, op zoek naar een maaltijd.

November – december

Rond eind oktober en begin november start in de Masai Mara het regenseizoen en beginnen de kuddes aan de Grote Trek. De dieren trekken in deze maanden langs de oostkant van de Serengeti onder andere over de Togoro Plains naar het zuiden. Zij eindigen in het zuidoosten van de Serengeti en in de omgeving van de Ngorongoro Krater.

De Grote Trek

De beste reistijd en plekken voor de Grote Trek

Grofweg kun je zeggen dat de maanden mei t/m september de beste maanden zijn om de echte actie in Grote Migratie te aanschouwen. De beste plekken zijn dan het midden ( Moru Kopjes , Seronera ) en noorden ( Grumeti ) van de Serengeti (mei/juni/juli) of de Masai Mara in Kenia, met name het gebied rond de Mara rivier, de Talek rivier en de Sand rivier (juli t/m september). In december kun je de honderdduizenden wilde dieren aan zien komen in het zuidoosten van de Serengeti, de omgeving rond de Ngorongoro Krater. In mei kun je op het zuidelijkste punt van de Serengeti de start van de Grote Trek naar het noorden zien.

Calving Season

Ook een interessante periode is het ‘calving season’, zo rond eind januari/begin februari in het zuiden van de Serengeti . Er worden dan elke dag zo’n 8.000 jonge wildebeesten geboren. Om die voor het eerst om hun voeten te zien stuntelen is eveneens een onvergetelijke ervaring! En natuurlijk vormen de jonge kalfjes weer prooien voor de vele leeuwen, luipaarden en vooral cheeta’s. Beste plekken om te verblijven zijn de Ndutu regio en het Western Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

De Grote Trek bewonderen?

  • Uitstekende georganiseerde Tanzania en/of Kenia groepsrondreizen die (delen van) de Serengeti en/of Masai Mara aandoen in hun programma zijn onder meer déze van Djoser , déze van Sawadee of déze van Shoestring (budgettip!)
  • Maak je liever een privé-reis? Deze kun je het best boeken bij ANWB Vakanties of Tenzing Travel .
  • Tip: kijk goed welke specifieke delen van de Serengeti en/of Masai Mara de reizen aandoen en kies daarbij je gewenste reismaand!
  • Grofweg is reizen van mei t/m juli (Serengeti) of juli t/m september (Masai Marai) dus het beste om de Grote Trek te zien.

Losse accommodaties in de Serengeti en Masai Mara zijn veelal luxe lodges of tentenkampen middenin de natuur; goedkope accommodatie is er amper behalve enkele campingsites. Goeie accommodaties waar vanuit je de Grote Trek kunt zien zijn onder meer:

  • Zuidoostelijke Serengeti/Ngorongoro: Lake Ndutu Luxury Tented Lodge .
  • Centraal Serengeti (Seronera): Asanja Africa , Osero Serengeti Luxury Tented Camp en Serengeti Mawe Camp .
  • Western corridors (rond Grumeti en Mbalageti rivieren): Kirawira Camp Western Serengeti , Mbalageti Serengeti , Africa Safari Serengeti Ikoma .
  • Noordelijke Serengeti (rond de Mara rivier): Mara River Lodge .
  • In de Keniaanse Masai Mara vind je verhoudingsgewijs veel meer accommodaties dan in de Serengeti van Tanzania. Kijk bijvoorbeeld hier op en zoek vooral rond Talek.
  • Tot slot: er zijn ook enkele ‘mobiele’ tentenkampen die de trek in de Serengeti volgen van zuid naar noord.

Meer weten over de Great Migration? Check deze mooie BBC-documentaire vol prachtige beelden:

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grote trek masai mara

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De Grote Trek in de Serengeti en Masai Mara

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door Yldau Otter

Duizenden wildebeesten wachten aan de oever van de Mara-rivier. Honderden hongerige krokodillen liggen op de loer. Klaar om toe te slaan zodra het eerste wildebeest een poging waagt. Zodra de kudde de moed heeft verzameld om de oversteek te wagen, houdt niets ze meer tegen. Het hoogopspattende water, de enorme stofwolken en de snuivende wildebeesten met blinde paniek in hun ogen, maken de Grote Trek een van de meest indrukwekkende dierlijke gebeurtenissen ter wereld. 

De migratie van een miljoen wildebeesten en honderdduizenden zebra’s en gazelles is een overlevingsstrategie die vele eeuwen teruggaat. Wil jij de Grote Trek meemaken tijdens je rondreis door Tanzania ? Wij vertellen je waar en wanneer je dit het beste kan doen.

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De Grote Trek

De migratie van miljoenen wildebeesten, zebra’s, en gazelles vindt elk jaar plaats in de Serengeti in Tanzania en deels in het Masai Mara National Park in Kenia . Tijdens deze migratie bewegen de kuddes zich door het hele gebied, op zoek naar gras en water om te kunnen overleven. Het wild kan namelijk niet het hele jaar op dezelfde plek blijven vanwege de droogte. 

Een kwestie van leven of dood, want roofdieren staan op de loer tijdens de zoektocht naar water. De zwakkere dieren redden het vaak niet om deze uitputtende tocht te volbrengen.

Verloop Grote Trek

Hoe de dieren zich bewegen, hangt af van de regenval en het beschikbare eten. Het verloop van de migratie is elk jaar anders, maar ziet er globaal zo uit:

  • November-december: in november start het regenseizoen in de Masai Mara en beginnen de kuddes aan de grote trek. De dieren trekken langs de oostkant van de Serengeti naar het zuidoosten, in de omgeving van de Ngorongoro-krater . 
  • December-februari: de kuddes bevinden zich in het zuidoosten van de Serengeti in Ndutu. Hier is voldoende voedsel voor de roofdieren, waardoor de kalven over het algemeen niet in gevaar lopen. Dit is dan ook de belangrijkste maand voor wildebeesten om geboorte te geven aan hun kalven.
  • Maart-mei: de pasgeboren wildebeesten zijn sterk genoeg om verder te trekken naar het zuiden van de Serengeti, op zoek naar verser gras. 
  • Juni-augustus: in juni steken kuddes de Grumeti-rivier over. Krokodillen liggen op de loer om aan te vallen zodra de wildebeesten uitglijden. Maar voordat de dieren de groene graslanden van de Masai Mara bereiken, moet er nog een belangrijke oversteek gemaakt worden: die van de Mara-rivier.  
  • September-oktober: de dieren die de oversteek overleven, blijven een tijdje in Masai Mara om te grazen. Tijdens deze maanden heb je een grote kans om de kuddes in dit gebied te spotten. Zodra het regenseizoen begint, start deze cyclus opnieuw.

grote trek masai mara

Beste reistijd voor de Grote Trek

Wil je het spectaculairste deel van de migratie meemaken? Reis dan tussen juni en september naar het noorden van de Serengeti of naar Masai Mara. Om een oversteek te aanschouwen reis je naar de Mara-rivier, Talek-rivier of de Sand-rivier. 

Wil je de geboorte van de wildebeesten meemaken? Reis dan tussen januari en februari naar het zuiden van de Serengeti. In deze periode worden zo’n achtduizend wildebeesten per dag geboren. 

Wil jij de Grote Migratie tijdens je rondreis door Afrika meemaken? Bekijk hier het aanbod aan reizen naar Tanzania. 

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The Great Migration

The Great Migration

Kenya's part in the greatest show on earth.

Kenya’s part in the world famous Great Migration, where over 1.5 million wildebeest and 200,000 zebra make their legendary 1,800 mile round trek, starts around late July/early August time when the animals arrive in the Masai Mara National Reserve from the Serengeti in neighbouring Tanzania.

grote trek masai mara

If you wish to see the river crossing, you must be prepared to be patient and be out the entire day with your guide, with a packed breakfast and lunch. Literally hundreds of thousands of desperate wildebeest can gather together on the banks of the river, gazing wistfully across the turbulent water at the green grass on the other side...but not one animal will make a move. All it takes is one brave wildebeest to literally take the plunge, so to speak, and then they will all follow!  But wildebeest gathering at the river bank does also not necessarily mean a river crossing - frustratingly, they have also been known to mill around on the bank for a few days before attempting to cross!

Those that do successfully avoid the jaws of the crocodiles and make it over the river are rewarded with the lush green grazing grass of the Masai Mara’s vast plains, and by September these plains are alive with wildlife, watched closely by predators such as lion, leopard and cheetah looking for an easy meal.

Come late October, the wildebeest and zebra have normally left the Mara plains and are on their way back down to the southern plains of the Serengeti again in order to calve.

If you want to come to Kenya over these months to witness this extraordinary event, then you must be prepared to both book early (as this is not surprisingly THE most popular time for visitors), and also pay high season rates.

Seeing the Great Wildebeest Migration in Kenya

ITINERARY-03486: Seeing the Great Wildebeest Migration in Kenya

Code: ITINERARY-03486

The vast plains of the Masai Mara come truly alive from the end of July through to mid October time, when over 1.5 million wildebeest and 200,000 zebra migrate here from The Serengeti. This is truly nature at its most dramatic.

Trek the Maasai Mara in Kenya

Trek the Maasai Mara in Kenya

Solo adventurers and families (age 14+) alike are all welcome to join us as we discover the incredible wildlife and culture of the Maasai Mara in Kenya’s Rift Valley.

Starting off with a game walk and boat ride in the Lake Naivasha, we’ll spot an amazing variety of the wildlife Kenya is renowned for, including zebras, giraffes, hippos and loads more.

Then we take to the hills with the incredible Maasai people and become immersed in their beautiful way of life, camping in the Loita Hills and the awesome  Maji Moto Cultural Camp .

As if our challenge could get any better, we also get to visit a wonderful school in the Maasai Mara and end the adventure with a visit to two incredible animal sanctuaries: the  David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust  elephant orphanage and The Giraffe Centre rescue and rehabilitation centre for giraffes.

Both these charities do wonders to protect and rehabilitate the critically endangered animals and would make perfect choices as the charity you fundraise for (optional).

This is a great trek for someone new to trekking, families that want to trek together, or those more interested in the cultural experience rather than the sweat! There are 3 days of activity with only one possibly being a bit more testing with around 6 hours on foot that day. Elevation gain and the terrain will be light. Temperatures can be quite warm in Kenya but the more active day is in cooler higher areas.

grote trek masai mara

registration fee (payable today) £ 349

Self Funded

What to expect.

  • This lighter challenge is perfect for families and packed with adventure.
  • Explore the Maasai Mara in the Rift Valley, with game walks and a boat ride on Lake Naivasha.
  • Camp in the Loita Hills with the Maasai.
  • Visit the world famous David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage, and the Giraffe Rescue Centre.

grote trek masai mara

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Tranquil Kilimanjaro

11 Days Mount Kenya Trek & Masai Mara Safari

11 Days Mount Kenya Trek & Masai Mara Safari

  • Includes/Excludes
  • Kenya Mountains
  • Mount Kenya
  • Mount Kenya Combined Treks

The 11 day Mount Kenya climb and safari to Kenya’s Masai Mara and Lake Nakuru is an amazing way to get the best out of Kenya’s top attractions. Mount Kenya is a very beautiful and scenic mountain beyond reasonable doubt.  It is the highest in Kenya and the second-highest after Kilimanjaro in the whole of the African continent.  Most climbers prefer to climb Mount Kenya through the Sirimon Naro-Moru route a very popular route on Mount Kenya that has successfully led many climbers to its summit at Point Lenana (4,985m). The combination of the very scenic trail to Sirimon and the quick and easy descent via Naro-Moru makes this route a perfect blend for trekking Mount Kenya. It would take you a minimum of 4 days to climb Mount Kilimanjaro via the Sirimon – Naro Moru route but we do recommend the 5 days Sirimon Naro Moru route variation that offers an extra day for proper acclimatization at Shipton’s Camp to avoid altitude sickness .

The safari side of this mountain climbing and safari combo takes you to the best safari destination in Kenya. The Rift Valley Lakes of Nakuru and Naivasha sandwiched half-way between Mount Kenya and Masai Mara are well worth a visit after a vigorous mountaineering expedition.  Lake Nakuru national park and Lake Naivasha boast of abundant wild animals that include big game and a handful of bird species. The Maasai Mara National Reserve, on the other hand, is a big wig when it comes to African safaris. The park gives you the opportunity to sample each and every member of the big 5 animals, to explore the endless plains of the Masai mara and the crocodile-infested Mara River where the Great wildebeest migration takes centre stage.

Mount Kenya trek & Maasai Cultural Tour

Climbing Mount Kenya and taking a game drive adventure to Lake Nakuru National Park are the highlights of this 11 Day Mount Kilimanjaro climbing and safari adventure but the adventure does not just end there. A visit to Masai mara gives you a great cultural immersion opportunity. As you tour the Maasai land and camp in the Masai Mara you will get a chance to interact with the natives, the Maasai tribe and learn a thing or two about their way of life by visiting Maasai villages, schools and tour the Maasai wilderness.

How to get to Mount Kenya

To get to Mount Kenya, you have to fly into Kenya first through the International Airports that serve as Kenya’s entry points like the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi and the Mombasa Moi International Airport in Mombasa. Many air companies fly into Kenya from all over the world e.g Virgin Atlantic, British Airways and Kenya Airways fly regular direct flights to Nairobi. There are other airlines that offer competitive prices for air tickets that make a stop from Qatar Airways, Ethiopian and Emirates.

Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta airport is a ½ hr drive away from the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi with a distance of about 16km.

Best time for Mount Kenya & Safari Tour

You can visit Kenya any time of the year, whether it is to climb Mount Kenya or to do a safari but it has 2 rainy seasons and one busy season that his a high peak for tourism and that is the dry summer season of July and August. During the months July and August, it is the best time for both Mount Kenya climbing and safari because the weather is dry during this time, perfect for mountain climbing and the Masai Mara is always full of wild animals due to the dense population of wildebeest in the Masai Mara.

July and August receive high traffic of tourists from Europe and North America because it is during their summer break.

September and October is the short rains season. The weather is usually unpredictable at this time of the year, rain usually falls for only a couple of hours in the afternoon or morning, so you shouldn’t let it stop you.

November, December, January, February and the better part of March are the dry seasons. Expect hot weather and quiet parks.

The least favourable time of the year for Mount Kenya climbing or Masai mara safari is during the rainy season of March, April, May and June plays host to the long rains. Though it is possible to do a safari or a mountain climb, sometimes roads become inaccessible, slippery and the long grass is not recommended for wildlife viewing.

Is the 11 Day Mount Kenya & Masai Mara Safari for me?

If climbing Mount Kenya is on your bucket list and you have extra time on your hands to explore the best side of Kenya, then this tour is for you. A safari extension to Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru and Naivasha which offers you the chance to taste the best of safari Kenya! if time is not on your side and you have little time we can customize this trip to include only a 3-day safari to Samburu or Amboseli National Park.

As for the Mount Kenya trekking part, all you need is to follow your mountain guides advice while on the mountain and drink as much water as possible to combat altitude sickness. To climb Mount Kenya, you do not need to be superhuman fit, if you can comfortably walk for 6-8 hours a day with ease then you can climb Mount Kenya. Remember, age is not a limiting factor, children as young as 10 and adults as old as 80 have climbed Mount Kenya.

Safety for climbing Mount Kenya

For the latest and official travel advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth office please check

Nairobi to Old Moses Hut

Drive Nairobi – Sirimon Gate (250km / 4 hours) pm. Walk 10km / 2.5 hrs from Sirimon Gate (2,600m) – Old Moses Hut (3,340m) Your 11 day Mount Kenya climb and safari to Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru National Park and Lake Naivasha begin with early breakfast before Tranquil Kilimanjaro staff pick you up from your hotel, lodge or airport. A drive to the slopes of Mount Kenya starts and on reaching the Sirimon Gate, you will go through the paperwork and a brief introduction to your mountain crew that includes your guide, porters and cook/chef.

Trekking ensues with a short walk to Old Moses hut, the first hut that you encounter along the Sirimon trail, reaching there after a 2-4 hour hike, gaining an ascent of 740m at an elevation of 3,340m. the trail traverses various vegetation zone of Mount Kenya, among them, rainforest, bamboo, giant heather zones then reaching an open field of moorland. The trail condition is dusty but well maintained by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) for better efficiency during emergencies on Mount Kenya. The trail surroundings are a dense rainforest that is rich in wildlife and a ton of bird species. You might spot some elephants, buffaloes, monkeys or a variety of birds.. (L, D)

Old Moses Hut to Shiptons Camp

Walk 14km / 8 hours from Old Moses Hut (3340m) to Shipton’s Camp (4236m) You cook will prepare energy-giving breakfast before you leave camp in the morning for a days trek along the open filed of grassland that is favoured by grazers like buffalo and Eland. The view is amazing as the sun shines over the plains below and trek over a gently sloped trail that cuts across two valleys. After trekking for an hour you reach the first valley that is gradual and easy to cross then onto the second valley that is somewhat challenging. It involves descending dramatically then rising to climb out of it dramatically at an average height of about 100m. It may be challenging but worth the challenge as you are rewarded with beautiful views of twin peaks shining in front of the sun overlooking the glacial valley.

The trek progresses for another 2-3 hours towards a broad valley beyond some medieval-like vegetation of giant lobelia and Senecios. This region on Mount Kenya is home to a variety of birds and the timid Hyrax, a close relative of the elephant. You end the day with a brief trek past Mackinders Caves before reaching your resting camp of the day at Shiptons Camp for coffee/tea, rest then dinner and overnight. (B,L,D)

Shiptons Camp Acclimatisation Day

Walk 7km / 4-5 hours from Shipton’s Camp (4,200m) to Hausberg Col (4,600m) and return. Shipton’s camp will be the accommodation and base for 2 days, providing enough time for resting as you prepare for summiting. This aids in acclimatizing tom minimise the risk of altitude sickness and with the summit withing sight, we would want anything to hamper our efforts. We take the highly recommended hike on the summit circuit trail that leads up to the Hausberg col (4,6OOm) Or go advance past Oblong and Hausberg Tarns to Nanyuki and Two Tarns where you will be rewarded with panoramic vistas of peaks Batian (5199m) and Nelion (5188m). This gives enough room for proper acclimatization methods of “Climbing high and sleeping low” which is very beneficial in acclimatization efforts. (B,L,D)

Climb 749m up and 3km in length to Point Lennana (4985m) Descend 685m and 3.5km to Mackinder’s Camp (4,300m) or onto Met Station (4hrs) to decrease the walking distance on the last day. D-Day is here and we wake up early for the summit attempt to the peak of Mount Kenya, Point Lenana.  At around 3 am, we begin our push to the summit after a cup of tea and some snacks. It is usually in total darkness, chilly and windy so layering of clothes for extra warmth is highly recommended. The reason for beginning the summit attempt in the wee hours is to make it to the summit just in time for sunrise as the climb takes at least 3 hours on a scree filled trails and rock outcrops. making it to the summit at sunrise also is a great way of avoiding the cloud cover that usually appears mid-morning. After a steady climb, we reach the summit of Mount Kenya to astonishing views of the sunrise, shimmering glaciers, tarns and jagged peaks. On a clear sky, you may catch a glimpse of Mount Kilimanjaro from a distance. At the summit, it may be windy and chilly with temperatures dropping to a low -20 degrees C. We spend a brief moment at the summit to take some pictures and cherish the moment of making it to the top of Kenya’s highest mountain then descend afterwards. A 2-hour descent past the glacier down loose scree takes us to Mackinder’s Camp for proper breakfast. optionally if you have the energy you can descend further for another 9km to the Met Station for overnight, if not you can choose to rest and overnight at Mackinder’s. (B,L,D)

Descend and rest at Mountain Rock Lodge

Am. Walk 22km / 6 hours from Mackinder’s Camp (4,300m) to Naro Moru Gate (2,600m) Pm. Drive from Naro Moru park gate to Nairobi 210km / 4-5 hours Descending from the mountain carries on traversing attractive vegetation on the windward side of the mountain. The trail meanders across various vegetation of the infamous vertical bog, dense bamboo and virgin rain forest towards Naromoru gate at the park’s headquarters. You reach Mountain Rock Lodge just in time for a hearty lunch, take a proper shower, have a rest for the rest of the day. Dinner and Overnight at Mountain Rock Lodge (B,L,D)

Mountain Rock Lodge to the Rift Valley

Am. Drive 200km / 3 hrs from Nairobi to Rift Valley Pm. BBQ lunch, wildlife walk in tea plantation, evening game drive Early in the morning, you will take breakfast then our driver will take you for a coffee and tea plantation tour close to Lake Nakuru.  The plantation is an evergreen, lush environment, perfect for farm lunch that blends in with the fresh air. After lunch, you will be taken around for a walk whereby you will experience birding tours before finishing the coffee/tea tour with a visit to the see how coffee/tea is processed.  The tea/coffee estate features an old colonial guesthouse that will be your accommodation for the night. The estate has an evocative colonial guesthouse where you will be staying the night. You can opt for a night game drive safari around the estate grounds where you can spot hyenas or leopards by chance. Dinner and Overnight at Sunbird Lodge (B,L,D)

Lake Nakuru

Am. Long morning game drive Due to abundant wildlife and strategic location, the flamingo filled Lake Nakuru is one of Kenya’s most popular wildlife parks. The small park engulfs a lake in the middle that is home to thousands of pelican and flamingos as well as other wild animals around it like Lions, Zebras, Rhinos, buffaloes, giraffes among others. Lake Nakuru packs a punch for a park its size as it boasts abundant wildlife, good sightings and a beautiful landscape filled with classical African Acacia Woodlands and grasslands. After a long morning game drive accompanied by boxed lunch, you will rest in the afternoon at Lake Nakuru Lodge which is great for relaxing at the pool in the afternoon.

Dinner and Overnight at Sunbird Lodge (B, L, D)

Hippos in Lake Naivasha and Wilderness Camp

Am. Lake Naivasha boat safari Pm. Drive 300km / 5hrs from Naivasha to Loita Plains Rise and shine, early in the morning for breakfast then a boat ride on the expansive lake Naivasha afterwards. Alake Naivasha is a freshwater lake surrounded by most lakes that are soda lakes. It is breeding ground and a natural habitat for a handful of birds like fish eagles, pelicans and love birds. After the boat ride, you will be taken to the Loita plains on the edge of the Masai Mara Game Reserve with a lunch break mid-way for lunch. Accommodation for the day will be at the lush green Olanganayo wilderness camp that is located by a small stream. On reaching the campsite, you may take a short walk to familiarise yourself with the endless plains of the Masai mara as your camp crew set up camp. The area around the campsite is part of the corridor by which Wildebeest migrate to and from the Maasai Mara National and the Serengeti national park in Tanzania. The area is blessed with plenty of wildlife sightings. After setting camp, you will be accompanied by a Maasai host for an early evening walk to the nearby Maasai village and watch over through the night for lions. After dinner at Olanganyo Wilderness Camp, you will spend the evening away around a camp bonfire then overnight Olanganayo Wilderness Camp (B, L, D)

Loita Plains and Maji Moto Eco Camp

Am. Short bush walk & drive to Maasai Mara Pm. Sunset walk or night game drive Day 9 begins with the lively sights and sounds of the bush and of course, some lovely breakfast then you will embark on a 2-3 hour walk following a small river course curring through the open savannah for game viewing. Your guide for the day will be the native Maasai that will take you through the wilderness as you view some animals like the giraffe, impala, zebra and wildebeest. A drive to the Maji Moto Camp, an interesting community-run eco camp nearby a hot spring will give you the much-needed lunch break for lunch. As part of cultural immersion tours, you will get to visit the Widow’s Village & School for Girls rescued from female genital mutilation (FGM) afterwards you will proceed to the Maji Moto Eco camp in masai mara, a permanent tented camp. You will drive into the game reserve for a late afternoon game drive in the Siana Conservation area then participate in an evening hike up to the Naumare Hills to for a sundowner as you watch the beautiful sunset over the Mara plains. Dinner and Overnight at  Ilkeliani Camp (B, L, D)

Maasai Mara National Reserve

Your 11 day Mount Kenya and safari tour is almost coming to a close and on this day you will spend the whole in the Masai mara reserve doing game drives in our customized safari jeeps. This tour will be conducted by a professional naturist guide and driver and while on the game drive you will have the chance of spotting plenty of wild animals among them, elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, Cheetah, Rhino, hippo, crocodile and many others. Then the main attraction of the Masai Mara, the Mara river, where the wildebeest migration takes place, attempting to close between the Serengeti national PArk and the Masai Mara in Kenya, a crocodile-infested river stands between them.

Dinner and Overnight at Ilkeliani Camp (B, L, D)

Back to Nairobi

Early game drive in the Mara 250km / 4-5hr drive back to Nairobi We end the 11 days Mount Kenya trek and safari to Masai mara with an early morning game drive in the Masai mara game reserve. Early game drives are the best because predators are more active in the really mornings and late evenings when the sun is not so hot and they can use their energy fully for hunting. Apart from wildlife viewing, the mara is home to plenty of birdlife. After the game drive, you’ll return to camp for a late breakfast then drive for about 4 hours back to Nairobi City where you will dropped at your hotel or airport.

The cost for the whole 11 days Mount Kenya trek and safari to masai mara, Lake Nakuru National park and Lake Naivasha includes and excludes the following items

Mount Kenya & Safari Price includes

All National Park fees

Camping & mountain Huts fees where applicable

Camping equipment EXCEPT sleeping bags, mattresses

English speaking guide(s)

Porters & Cook(s).

Meals while on the mountain (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

Transfers from and back to base hotel/lodge.

Pick up and drop off at either Nairobi airport, hotel or residence

Government taxes and local levies

Price Excludes

Tips & Gratuities

Meals/drinks not mentioned as included


Any increase in National Park fees or other fees/taxes charged by National Park and/or other government authorities.

Sleeping bag / mattress and other personal equipment (a limited selection of hire equipment is available – please pre-order).

How much does it cost to climb Mount Kenya?

Can you climb mount kenya, what animals live on mount kenya, can you see mount kenya from nairobi, how hard is it to climb mt kenya, how many days does it take to climb mt kenya.

It would take you between 4 to 8 days to climb Mount Kilimanjaro depending on the route that you choose and your mountain climbing expertise.

How high is Mount Kenya?

Mount Kenya Trek and safari

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The Next Crossing

The Ultimate Guide to the Masai Mara Safari

The Masai Mara Safari is, without a doubt, a top tier bucket list activity. Together with the Serengeti, it is one of the, if not the ultimate destination for an African safari.

The plains of the masai mara with herds of animals

Although the Masai Mara is heavily touristed during the Great Migration, it continues to remain a natural wilderness. The Masai Mara and its Conservancies (like Mara North and Naboisho) continue to be a sanctuary to the world’s dwindling megafauna.

Two elephants seen on our Masai Mara Safari, they look like they are talking to each other under the acacia tree

What is the Masai Mara?

The Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, along with the Serengeti plains, is one of Africa’s greatest savannahs, and a natural wonder of the world. It is part of the Mau-Mara-Serengeti ecosystem , one of the world’s most diverse ecosystems. The Masai Mara is also home to the earth’s most charismatic animals.

A flock of African Sacred Ibises flying through the plains of the Masai Mara

This unique ecosystem is also the homeland of the Maasai people, who are the custodians of the reserve. Their vibrant culture, colourful fashion, and deep connection with nature have contributed significantly to the appeal of the Masai Mara.

Epic sunset behind an acacia tree on the African plains of the Masai Mara

What is the Masai Mara Famous for?

Think of the African savannah. What came to your mind? Was it an elephant, silhouetted against the pink sky of the African dawn?

A pink dawn sky on our Masai Mara safari, with golden grass and acacia trees

Or maybe, it was an image of an endless grassy plain, filled with great herds of wildebeests, dotted with towering giraffes feeding on acacia trees. Or perhaps, a fiery sunset and a pride of lions, walking amongst the tall, golden grasses as they begin an evening hunt.

A family of giraffes, including one baby giraffe, silhouetted against the sky of the African savannah

Children and adults the world over have been captivated by the African savannah through great television programmes, and many come to the Masai Mara to experience the magic for themselves.

The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Masai Mara safari is popular in the summer months because of the Great Migration. There are many incredible parks on the African continent. Still, only the Masai Mara and the Serengeti can offer this spectacular phenomenon. The largest land mammal migration in the world, the wildebeests, zebra and other antelopes number in the millions as they move in search for greener grazing.

Herd of wildebeest jump into the Mara river

Watching the Great Migration can be a real test in patience. If you’re a photographer, you’ll also need to be prepared for what to expect. We’ll be writing a guide on how best to see and capture this extraordinary event. Also, if you’re interested in our experience when the park was almost empty, you can read about it here: Kenya’s Wildebeest Migration .

Corcodiles hunting wilderbeests in the Mara river, seen on our Masai Mara safari

The Maasai People

The Maasai are one of the most charismatic, friendly and open people you will meet. Their culture remains one of the best preserved on the African continent, and their incredible fashion sense is world famous. The Maasai straddle two worlds – their traditional pastoral ways, and technological progress coupled with conservation awareness. They are the custodians of the East African savannahs, and their image is associated with grassroots wildlife conservation.

TIP: Walking Safaris with the Maasai

One truly unique activity we recommend is a walking safari with the Maasai. Eagle View Camp in Mara Naboisho organised our walking safari, and it was an incredible experience. We felt it was one of the best ways to completely immerse yourself in nature and get a glimpse into local Maasai culture. Not all lodges organise walking safaris and you can only do them in the Conservancies. You can’t do them in the Masai Mara National Reserve.

Three Maasai men in colourful shukas walking on the Masai Mara

For more on our walking safari experience with the Maasai, check out our post, Walking Safari in Kenya’s Masai Mara .

Largest Concentration of Lions

The largest concentration of lions in the world can be found in the Mara Naboisho Conservancy. No safari is complete without a lion sighting (let’s not kid ourselves), so on your Masai Mara safari, you should consider a couple of nights in Naboisho.

Two male lions caught resting in the tall grass of the African savannah, under the golden morning light

It was here in Naboisho we had our most intimate lion sighting . Lion prides have a vast range, and they can be found anywhere in the Mara area, but the largest pride, consisting of 20 lions, have made Naboisho their home. With a Masai guide from the area, you are sure to spot several of these magnificent cats!

Three lion cubs and a large male lion with a full mane - photographed at night

Planet Earth and The Big Cat Diaries

Without a doubt, BBC’s Planet Earth and The Big Cat Diaries did a lot to promote the Masai Mara. Blockbuster nature documentaries like it play a large role in promoting wildlife parks and greatly influence people’s decision on where to go for safari.

Three lion cubs. Two of them are play fighting and pouncing on each other.

The BBC documentaries feature the Masai Mara’s most charismatic cats, and people do visit hoping to see some of the animals they’ve seen on screen.

Two almost fully grown cheetah cubs, stalking in the grass of the Masai Mara

When you go on your Masai Mara safari, talk to your guide and lodge staff about the televised animals. Most of them are familiar with these superstar cats and will regale you with stories of sightings. Lions and cheetahs don’t live very long in the wild, so many of these animals have passed on. However, some have left incredible legacies.

A cheetah family - three grown cubs and their mother

On our safari, we met a family of cheetahs , a mother and her cubs. The mother was the grand-daughter of one of the cheetahs featured by the BBC. If you want to spot some of the dynasties, find a local Maasai guide familiar with the area who will know best where to find them.

When to Go for Your Masai Mara Safari

The seasons used to be predictable in Kenya, but this is getting less and less so. For example, the Great Migration usually happens from July to September, but this seems to be moving up the calendar. But nevertheless, there are some general rules. For more on the seasons, weather and how climate change is impacting the Masai Mara, check out The Weather in the Masai Mara .

Dark rain clouds gathering over the golden African savannah, sun light breaking through the cloud cover

Migration Season

July to September, “Peak Season”

The great wildebeest migration takes place from July to September. The wildebeest begin to arrive in the Masai Mara from the end of June onwards, munching their way through the taller grasses. They are also accompanied by thousands of other grazers like zebras and antelopes. These follow in the wake of the wildebeests to get at the young, green shoots the wildebeests leave behind.

A wildebeest struggling through the foaming water of the Mara river

Migration season is expensive, but if you’re planning a once in a lifetime trip, this might be the best time to come as the spectacle can be truly incredible. As the last remaining multi-species migration on earth, it is an event worth experiencing at least once in your life.

Herd of wildebeest waiting on the river bank of the Mara river

A bounty of prey and short grasses make this the perfect time to catch predators in action, with unobstructed views.

Wildlife Season

October to November, “High Season”

On the back of the Great Migration, wildlife season is an exciting time. Prey continues to be plentiful, and the grasses of the Masai Mara have been trimmed short by the wildebeest. The short grasses mean excellent visibility when it comes to spotting predators and observing them hunt.

A herd of hundreds of wildebeest, stretching out onto the plains of the Masai Mara Nature Reserve

Furthermore, this is when different migratory herds of wildebeest begin to gather in unbelievable numbers. When we visited, the rains had started early, and we witnessed this gather – it is a truly incredible event, with an uncountable about of wildebeests stretched over an endless plain.

A classic Masai Mara safari scene, a zebra rolling in the dust on the Masai Mara

Green Season

April to June, “Low Season”

The green season is called the way it is because these are the months of the long rains. During this time, the savannah is transformed into a lush paradise with lots of wet green grass. During this time, there is the synchronised birth of hundreds of baby antelopes, impalas, waterbucks and kudus.

Mother and baby Thompson's gazelle on the Mara plains, lit gold by the morning sun

This baby bounty, in turn, attracts a variety of predators. During this time you’ll have a good chance of spotting the hunt, and not just by the big cats. Hyenas and jackals also do their fair share of hunting and we had the opportunity to observe a jackal hunt .

One of the most exciting moments of our Masai Mara Safari, a black-backed Jackal hunting a baby impala in Mara Naboisho

This period is also ideal for bird watching on your Masai Mara safari, as there will be plenty of migratory birds from Europe and North Africa still around. But even without these migratory birds, there there is no shortage of variety when it comes to birds on the Masai Mara.

A bright blue starling with glossy, iridescent feathers

How Much does a Masai Mara Safari Cost?

Due to its fame and the fact that it hosts the Great Migration, the Masai Mara is one of the most expensive safari destinations in Africa. However, prices vary greatly between the seasons. The following is a breakdown for a four day safari – the minimum amount of time we recommend for a safari in the Masai Mara. They are for “budget” hotel options with a 4×4 Land Cruiser. If you want pricing for the “comfort” and “luxury” options, check out the website of Natural World Kenya Safaris , a local tour operator offering prices that can compete with booking a safari on your own.

A giraffe, as seen from the open top roof of a jeep

In the low season, it is $227 per person, per day for two people sharing. It is $180 per person, per day for four people sharing.

In the high season, it is $252 per person, per day for two people sharing. It is $207 per person, per day for four people sharing.

In the peak season, it is $265 per person per day for two people sharing. It is $212 per person, per day for four people sharing.

Where to Stay for Your Masai Mara Safari

Choosing where you wish to stay is critical to your Masai Mara safari experience. There is a vast array of hotels catering to a wide variety of budgets. Still, extra cash can buy you exclusive access to a front-row seat at the Conservancies.

Royal Mara Safari Lodge Wooden deck with tented camp beside the Mara River

As a rule, we highly recommend staying inside the Masai Mara, or inside the Mara Conservancies. These lodges are more expensive, but they save you precious game drive time as the wait at the gates to enter the Masai Mara can be frustratingly long. Many lodges claim to be “inside the Masai Mara”, but this is not always true. Make sure to double-check that you do not have to pass a gate to enter the reserve.

Masai Mara National Reserve vs the Mara Conservancies

The title Masai Mara is often used to encompass both the Masai Mara and the Mara Conservancies. Where the wildlife is concerned, there is no distinction as the animals do not care about land boundaries. However, for the safari goer, it is important to know the difference.

A number of hippos sleeping on the river bank

The Masai Mara National Reserve consists of The Greater Mara and The Mara Triangle. Adjacent to the Masai Mara National Reserve are various Conservancies, including Mara North and Naboisho. The Mara Triangle is a sort of Conservancy, owned by the Narok County (the local area) while the Greater Mara is government owned. Mara North and Naboisho are privately owned.

grote trek masai mara

You can pay to enter the Masai Mara National Reserve – both the Mara Triangle and the Greater Mara. In order to enter Mara North or Naboisho, you need to book at least one night in one of the lodges in these Conservancies. For a full day of game drives, you’ll need two nights. Because the Conservancies limit visitor numbers by beds, you’ll have a more relaxed experience if you decide to stay there.

Considerations for Picking a Lodge

Road accessibility.

When considering a lodge, always check with your guide about road accessibility. Some lodges have better accessibility than others, especially during the wetter months as roads do get flooded.

A road that has turned into a river due to increased unexpected rainfall in September in the Masai Mara

Depending on how you want to organise your game drives, this can have a big impact. For example, some lodges in Mara North get “rained in” during the wetter season. If you want to get from a lodge that has been isolated because of rains, and into the Masai Mara, it might take you more time than expected.

A flooded road that has turned into a river, with a pod of hippos

Wildlife Experience

The lodges located along the Mara River and inside the protected areas are an excellent spot for wildlife and wildlife photography. The lodges often plant trees and bushes on their grounds and protect them from predators. The greenery and safety attract grazing animals and smaller creatures. Hippos are common along the banks of the Mara River, and you might see them from your room.

grote trek masai mara

Photographing and Observing Big Cats

One of the main benefits of staying in a conservancy, and this is a big one, is the ability to follow big cats around. For example, If you’re on a game drive in Mara North or Naboisho, and you spot a cheetah, your guide is allowed to take you off-road to get close to the cheetah. You can also follow the cheetah around in your land cruiser for as long as you want. If you have a local guide who knows how to get back to your lodge after dark, there’s also the possibility to follow the cat well after sunset.

The cheetah Kasuru, standing right beside our jeep

Opportunities for Night Drives

Another important consideration is whether or not you want to do night drives. These are only possible if you stay in the Conservancies. Not all lodges have the capacity to do night drives, so check before you book. I was initially sceptical about animal watching in complete darkness. However, my scepticism was unfounded. Our night drive ended up yielding one of the most incredible wildlife encounters we had on our safari.

A lion and lioness resting in the green grass late at night

Where to Stay in the Mara Triangle

Our guide recommended the Mara Serena Safari Lodge for its incredible view and location. This lodge is right in the middle of the Mara Triangle, which means your game drive starts the moment you exit the lodge grounds.

Bull elephant reaching out to grab some leaves from an acacia tree as seen on our Masai Mara safari in the Mara triangle

Where to Stay in Mara North

We stayed at the Royal Mara Safari Lodge (and will always choose to return to it for future safaris). This lodge has an excellent location, and the accessibility is good. In fact, this is probably our favourite lodge for the entirety of our 45 days visit to Kenya.

A pod of hippos in the Royal Mara's hippo lagoon

The Royal Mara Safari Lodge is located in a fabulous bend in the Mara River, right by a hippo lagoon with over a hundred hippos. There is an incredible amount of wildlife here, and every walk from the room to the restaurant is a safari walk. Many of the animals have made their dens on the lodge grounds.

The golden plains of the Mara, dotted with acacia trees and a shed

Where to Stay in Naboisho Conservancy

There are very few lodges in Naboisho Conservancy, as the conservancy is focused on low-density tourism and limited the number of beds per acre of savannah. We stayed in the world-famous Eagle View Camp , which has consistently been voted as one of the most amazing hotels in the world.

Lodge overlooking the plains of Mara Naboisho

The view from the camp is truly spectacular, and it was here we witnessed the most breath-taking sunset, And this is in the land of incredible sunsets. The camp also has dedicated Maasai guides for safari walks and experienced trackers to help find the local lion prides.

How to do Game Drives in the Masai Mara

Two items on our Masai Mara checklist were 1) Capture the Wildebeest Migration 2) Photograph Big Cats (lions, cheetah and leopards).

General Advice

For the most part, animals are less active the hotter the day gets, so we don’t always find all-day game drives useful. The best times are around the “golden hour”.

A fiery red sunset over the Masai Mara, with impala silhouetted in the front

As photographers, we prefer starting with a pre-breakfast game drive, around 15 – 20 minutes before dawn, so we are on the open savannah for sunrise. Then, we would continue on until lunchtime before heading back. You can get your lodge to provide a packed breakfast and lunch.

A kaleidoscopic sunrise over the Masai Mara, obligatory acacia in the foreground

We head back out again around 4 PM until sundown for the evening game drive. Our most exciting encounters were during this period.

Witnessing the Great Wildebeest Migration

The Wildebeest Migration, however, happens in the afternoon, usually any time between 10 AM and 4 PM. It seems that as the day gets hotter, the more likely they are to cross the river. The crossing points get crowded, so you will usually have to come much earlier to get a good spot.

Picnic lunch on our Masai Mara safari

Photographing Lions

Lions hunt at night and get more active the closer it comes to sunset. Early evening is best for observing interactions between lions. We had our best lion encounter around 20 minutes after sundown. If a pride has cubs, they are most likely to be playful around this time. The later it gets, the more likely they are to set off for hunting. Therefore, it is better to do night drives not too long after sunset, as there will be a higher chance of finding the lions hanging out in their favourite spots.

Lion cubs in the grass at night in Mara Naboisho

Lions are also easier to spot early in the morning when they are more likely to be out in the open, taking in the warmth of the sun.

grote trek masai mara

The African Conservation Experience has a great guide to lion behaviour .

Photographing Cheetahs

Cheetahs are diurnal, and it is commonly believed that they hunt during the day. That said, recent advancements in night photography have made it possible to observe cheetahs hunting at night. The newest research shows that 1/3 of cheetah hunts happen after dark. They seem to be more active in the early morning and early evening. We had our best cheetah sighting about an hour or so before sundown.

grote trek masai mara

Photographing Other Carnivores (Scavengers)

The Masai Mara’s scavengers are often overlooked by visitors, in favour of the big cats This is a real pity as they form an important part of the Masai Mara Ecosystem. Because of this, they are fascinating to observe. Like the big cats, they are most active in the early mornings and evenings, when it is cooler on the savannah. We observed a large hyena clan feasting on a wildebeest under the dawn light of the Masai Mara one morning, it was a truly incredible spectacle. We immediately assumed that the hyenas had stolen the kill, however this was an unfair conclusion as recent research has shown most of the prey consumed by hyenas are the result of their own hunting efforts. For more, check out our post: the scavengers of the Masai Mara.

How to Book A Safari in the Masai Mara

Even if you’re only interested in booking a safari in the Masai Mara, we would still recommend going with a tour operator. We met others who self-booked their safari, but we think this route can come up more expensive. If you self-book, check the price per game drive with your lodge. Ask if the price includes both a driver and a guide or just the driver.

How Many Days in the Masai Mara

We recommend, at the very least, five days, four nights in the Masai Mara and the Mara Conservancies. This will give you three full days. Note that if you go during the Great Migration, you’ll spend most of one day waiting for the wildebeests to cross the Mara River.

Wildebeest leaping into the Mara river

Drive-in Safari vs. Fly-in Safari

Safaris to the Masai Mara are organised as “drive-in” or “fly-in”. Flights are not expensive relative to the cost of a Masai Mara safari, and they come in around €100 from Nairobi’s Wilson Airport to the Masai Mara Musiara Airport. Driving in can be an adventure, especially from Nairobi. However, driving in from the capital will give you a chance for some spectacular views of the Rift Valley, and also an opportunity to see a bit of everyday life in Kenya’s towns.

A small aeroplane on the plains of the Masai Mara

Booking With a Tour Operator

We would recommend, especially for first-timers, to book with a tour operator. There are plenty of operators to choose from on Trip Advisor and Safari Booking. Take some time to read through different itineraries. Also, don’t forget to read the reviews for the operator, read all of them – the good, average and one-star reviews. They will help inform your decision. Take a look at the photographs, especially of the vehicles you will be using since you’re going to spend a lot of time in them.

Safari Vehicle Limitations in the Masai Mara

Kenya is planning to ban minivans from their parks soon. Currently, all the Mara Conservancies do not allow minivans. To access a conservancy, make sure you have a green 4×4 jeep. In general, we do not recommend minivans for the Masai Mara park terrain (or any park terrain for that matter). The park is sprawling, and you can be in real trouble if there’s a break-down.

Crossing from the Masai Mara into Serengeti

I’m going to end with a note on considerations for getting from the Masai Mara in Kenya into the Serengeti in Tanzania. This was something we had considered doing but decided against.

Kenya and Tanzania have been working for a while on a cross border treaty in these two parks, which are adjacent to each other. The idea is that vehicles can come and go between borders within the parks, but cannot leave them. However, this has not yet happened and it is unclear when it will.

To enter the Serengeti from a lodge in the Masai Mara, you will have to drive out of the park to the Isebania border which takes half a day. It takes another 6 hours to get from the border to a lodge in the Serengeti. Adding in border hold-ups, which can be significant, you would lose between one and a half to two days of your safari holiday travelling.

We found the whole affair to be too complicated and decided to save the Serengeti for a trip dedicated to Tanzania alone.

Health and Safety on the Masai Mara

The Masai Mara is a safe place to visit. Kenya is a safe and stable country with plenty of foreign investment and tourism contributing a large share of its annual GDP. In the past (i.e. in 2013) there were concerns over terrorist groups, but those days are long gone and the government has been very successful with its no-tolerance policy towards terrorist groups.

Three Maasai men walking on the African savannah

The Masai Mara and its conservancies are policed by skilled Maasai rangers from the region. Furthermore, the local Maasai communities in the area do not allow trespassing of their land. There is no threat to tourists from poachers or terrorists on the Masai Mara.

Malaria Concerns in the Masa Mara

Your travel doctor will likely advise you to take antimalarials when you visit Kenya. If you are visiting Kenya for a short time you should take the prevailing advice and use an antimalarial. You should also use DEET on exposed skin, and sleep inside a mosquito net.

Large king size bed covered with mosquito net

That said, malaria is not prevalent in the Masai Mara. We did not get bitten by a single mosquito during the peak season (September, which is a cool and dry month). We spoke to an expatriate who lived in Nairobi where there is a higher risk of malaria than the Masai Mara – he suggested that for long stays, travellers are better off risking malaria over long-term consumption of antimalarials. This is because malaria is easy and cheap to treat and is preferable to long-term consumption of antimalarials.

Safety Precautions when Observing Wildlife

Observing wildlife in the Masai Mara, from your vehicle, is very safe. Predators like lions, leopards and cheetahs are not interested, and do not feel threatened by safari vehicles. In general, staying in your vehicle will ensure your safety. You can get out of the vehicle if you need to answer the call of nature, however wait for your guide to pick an appropriate and safe spot first.

Elephant and calf on the Masai Mara

Elephants on the road are the only animals that may present a possible danger while in the vehicle. A trained guide and driver will know what to do in this case. As long as the vehicle does not come between an elephant and her calf there should be no trouble. If the elephant starts walking towards the vehicle, the vehicle should reverse and try to maintain distance until the elephant gets off the road. However, elephants on the road are not common in the Masai Mara.

Young bull elephant exhibiting musking behaviour

What to Wear on Your Masai Mara Safari

The Masai Mara is usually cool in the early morning and evenings, chilly at night, and warm during the day. We recommend packing light long-sleeved shirts for game drives. The sun is incredibly strong in the savannah, and if you are prone to sun-burn, sun cream protection may not be enough protection. If burns are not a concern, t-shirts are fine for the day,

The Masai Mara can be quite chilly in the mornings, especially during the peak and high season months (July to September). Temperatures are around twelve degrees just before dawn. Most Kenyans use a warm fleece sweater, but if you are more tolerant to the cold, a good cardigan might be enough.

FAQs for the Masai Mara Safari

The Masai Mara is a vast African savannah in southwestern Kenya, adjacent to the Serengeti in Tanzania. Together, they form one of the world’s most unique grassland ecosystems. It is one Africa’s best preserved savannahs, home to the wildebeest migration and filled with predators like lion, cheetah and leopard.

The Masai Mara safari takes place in the area known as “The Mara” which includes surrounding conservancies like Mara North and Naboisho, along with the Mara Triangle and The Greater Mara.

The Masai Mara is a very safe place to visit and there are no threats from terrorists, poachers or thieves. Lodges have their own private armed guards trained by the Kenya Wildlife Services. There is minimal risk of malaria on the Masai Mara.

You can book with a local tour operator or book directly with lodges in the Masai Mara. Lodges can arrange game drives with guides and trackers at extra cost.

Pack light clothing for the day and moderately warm clothing for the evenings and early mornings. Bring DEET. Make sure you have binoculars or a camera with a telephoto lens.

The Masai Mara migration takes place between July to September, Kenya’s “dry season”. This is when great herds of wildebeests, zebras, antelopes and other ungulates pass through the Masai Mara National Reserve.

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Elephants and reticulated giraffes in the Samburu National Reserve

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The view from Eagle View Camp, the landscape of the Masai Mara

Eagle View Camp in the Masai Mara

flamingoes reflected on a flooded plain near lake magadi

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Walking safari with three Maasai guides on the Masai Mara

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Safari jeep on a gravel track

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Maasai warrior pointing his stick above the Great Rift Valley

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view of great rift valley from nguruman escarpment

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Pink Puffy Clouds Over the Golden Grasses of the Masai Mara, Kenya

The Masai Mara, from Dawn to Dusk

Shimba Hills Lodge panorama

Our Shimba Hills Lodge Experience

Cheetah Cubs in the Masai Mara

The Masai Mara Cheetahs

grote trek masai mara

Jackal Hunt on the African Savannah

Pack of Hyenas in the Masai Mara

Scavengers in Africa – The Savannah’s Clean-up Crew

grote trek masai mara

The Royal Mara Safari Lodge Experience

Stormy weather over the Masai Mara

Masai Mara Weather

grote trek masai mara

The Masai Mara Ecosystem

A mating pair of sokoke scops owl on a branch surrounded by trees

Finding the Endangered Arabuko Sokoke Scops Owl

Lion cubs in the grass at night in Mara Naboisho

Lion Cubs spotted on our Mara Naboisho Safari Night Drive

grote trek masai mara

Kenya’s Wildebeest Migration

An old cape buffalo looking right at the camera in Amboseli National Park

Standing Guard, by Nature’s Twilight

grote trek masai mara

Experience Kenya – Photo Gallery

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya: The Complete Guide

grote trek masai mara

brittak/Getty Images 

Along with Tanzania's Serengeti National Park (with which it shares an unfenced border) the Masai Mara in Kenya is often considered to be Africa's premier safari destination. Established in 1961, it protects a multitude of animals including the Big Five ; and welcomes the herds of the annual Great Migration every year from July to November. The park's name conjures up a hundred iconic images: a cheetah and cubs scanning the plains from the top of a sunlit termite mound, perhaps, or scores of wildebeest and zebra leaping into the crocodile-infested waters of the Mara River. To make your own Masai Mara memories, plan a trip using the guide below.

Location & Geography

The Masai Mara is a relatively small reserve, covering an area of approximately 580 square miles in southwest Kenya. Its southern boundary marks the Kenya-Tanzania border and the beginning of the Serengeti; while the remaining boundaries are adjoined by private conservancies. These conservancies are owned by tribal communities and managed by eco-tourism operators, and share unfenced borders with the national reserve. The remote western section of the reserve, known as the Mara Triangle , is also managed as a non-profit conservancy run by the local Maasai. It is considered one of the best areas for game-viewing.

The Masai Mara is intersected by three major rivers: the Sand, the Talek, and the Mara. The Mara River is famous for the dramatic spectacle of thousands of wildebeest and zebra attempting to cross as part of their annual migration. The riverbanks are densely lined with trees and shrubs; otherwise, the primary habitat of the Masai Mara is open grassland studded with acacia thickets. Use this helpful map to orient yourself when choosing which part of the reserve to visit.

Incredible Wildlife

One of the reasons why the Masai Mara is so famous is that despite its small size, it's home to an astonishing concentration of animal and birdlife. Sightings of the Big Five ( lion , leopard , elephant, buffalo, and rhino) are almost guaranteed, while cheetah and smaller felines also abound. Keep an eye out for elusive predators including bat-eared foxes and spotted hyenas; and a slew of antelope ranging from topi and eland to oribi, waterbuck, and gazelle. The park's rivers are home to hippos and crocodiles, while birders can look for more than 450 recorded avian species.

Between July and November every year, more than 1.5 million animals (mostly wildebeest and zebra ) arrive in the Masai Mara as part of their annual migration from the plains of the Serengeti. Predicting exactly when and where the herds are going to show up is difficult as their movements depend on seasonal rains and grazing; but if you can observe them on the move, it's a safari experience you will never forget.

Top Things to Do

Game Drives

Traditional guided game drives in an open-sided safari vehicle are the most popular activity in the Masai Mara. Most camps and lodges within the main reserve offer two daily excursions at the best times for wildlife viewing, i.e. early morning and late afternoon. Night drives are not allowed in the Masai Mara itself, but are permitted in the neighboring conservancies.

Specialty Safaris

There are many operators who offer day trips or entire itineraries dedicated to one specific activity. These include birdwatching safaris, photographic safaris , and safaris devoted to being in the right place at the right time to watch the migration herds cross the Mara River. If you stay on a conservancy, you may also have the option to go game viewing on foot or horseback.

Hot Air Ballooning

If you have room in your budget, a dawn hot air balloon flight over the Masai Mara deserves a space at the top of your bucket list. The unique aerial perspective allows you to see for miles across the reserve's vast plains, and to observe wildlife as it passes undisturbed beneath the basket. Flights with Governors' Balloon Safaris include a Champagne breakfast.

Maasai Cultural Tour

Many safari packages and itineraries include a visit to a traditional Maasai village. Sometimes these experiences are less than authentic, but if you're lucky, you will be given a memorable insight into the lives of Kenya's best-known pastoralist tribe. They are famous for their colorful traditional dress and their incredible prowess as warriors and herdsmen.

Where to Stay

There are plenty of accommodation options located in and around the Masai Mara. Most are luxurious, and range from permanent lodges to tented and mobile camps. Before choosing which property to stay at, decide which area of the reserve you want to be based in. The central and eastern regions of the main reserve tend to see the most visitors because of their proximity to Nairobi. Lodges in these areas include Mara Simba Lodge and Keekorok Lodge .

The western Mara Triangle is more remote and harder to access, but typically offers more rewarding game viewing. There are only two options in this part of the park: Mara Serena Safari Lodge and Little Governor's Camp . For the most exclusive safari experience and a wider variety of activities, opt to stay on one of the adjacent conservancies. Our top conservancy picks include Angama Mara , andBeyond Bateleur Camp , and Elephant Pepper Camp .

Weather & When to Go

The Masai Mara National Reserve has two distinct rainy seasons: the short rains (from December to January) and the long rains (from March to May). Due to Kenya's proximity to the equator, temperatures are relatively consistent throughout the year, with average highs of around 86 degrees F and lows of around 68 degrees F. The long dry season (from June to November) is considered the best time to visit because it coincides with the Great Migration, and because animals congregate at water sources and are therefore easier to spot.

Getting There

The reserve is located approximately 170 miles west of Nairobi , and although it is possible to drive there from the capital, the state of the roads makes the six-hour journey an arduous one. During the rainy season, roads may become impassable unless you have a 4x4 vehicle and experience with driving in poor conditions. For this reason, the majority of tourists choose to fly to the Masai Mara. There are several airstrips, including those at Kichwa Tembo and Mara Serena. Flights from Nairobi take approximately 45 minutes and depart from Wilson Airport; check domestic airline Safarilink for tickets and connections to other destinations.

Visitors to the Masai Mara National Reserve must pay a daily conservation fee. This is currently $80 for adults and $45 for children under 12 years of age.

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Great wildebeest migration safaris.

grote trek masai mara

Masai Mara Migration Weekend (budget)

grote trek masai mara

Mara, Nakuru & Amboseli Africa Safari

Kenya’s Wild Cats Africa Safari

Kenya’s Wild Cats Africa Safari

Great Migration & Gorilla Jungle Safari

Great Migration & Gorilla Jungle Safari

The annual migration overview.

The greatest movement of wild animals in the world, the great wildebeest migration , happens in a region of about 1000 square kilometers in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park and cross over into Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve and later turn back to do it all over again every year. What makes a million wildebeest get up and move at once? What is the sense that triggers them to muster the energy to begin a 1000 kilometer trek—to somehow know that it’s the right thing to do? Those questions are why millions of travelers flock the Serengeti-Mara triangle to find answers and witness Africa’s greatest wildlife show and the largest mass movement of mammals anywhere on the planet. Brace yourselfe, because we're about to give you a sneak peak into what you would experience on one of our Masai Mara Migration Safaris.

The Greatest African Savanna Show

The number of Wildebeests and Zebra that participate in the Great Migration vary annually, but it's estimated that herd sizes can reach 1.5 million wildebeest, not to mention just under a million zebras, topi and eland. Waves of zebras arrive first, mowing through the tall, coarse grass stems that shot up during the rains, and exposing the green leafy grasses preferred by the wildebeests following behind them.

While the great migration route changes every year, the herds will inevitably have to cross the Mara and Talek rivers. When they reach the river banks, the herds stall hesitantly, knowing full well that Nile crocodiles lie in the waters waiting. While there is safety in numbers, the herd will be thinned as thousands are eaten, crushed or drowned in the crossings. Those that do make it to the other side are not in the clear. Lions wait in ambush, with scavengers such as hyenas and jackals eyeing good pickings. There are also cheetahs hiding out in the short grass plains, and leopards silently waiting in the treetops.

Predator kills are common during the great migration, especially in the early morning, late afternoon and during the shelter of night. But no matter how many African safari videos you may have already seen, nothing can prepare you for this raw display of nature. The hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, and an emotional mix of awe and sympathy takes hold. Most of the times the prey is caught unawares and other times, the struggle to survive is fierce and even inspiring. But when death does take hold in the wild, it is anything but a pretty sight.

Beginning of a new life of survival in serengeti

Mid Jun to Nov — Wildebeest river crossings

It’s often said that the star of the Great Wildebeest Migration show is the river crossings during which the herds take the leap from Tanzania and into Kenya across the mighty Mara River. These are months of drama and exhilaration, chaos and commotion, and watching the wildebeest plunge across the water is undoubtedly some of the most exciting game viewing you’ll ever witness. Around 250,000 wildebeest die every year during the migration, the majority of them here, as predators roam the banks and crocodiles lie in wait. In June, most of the herds are plodding towards the river and beginning to gather on the northern plains of the Serengeti. The action really gets going in July when the first crossings take place and the watery stampede continues into August and September when the wildebeest regroup for a short breather on the Masai Mara side of the river.

June to November is considered the dry season in these parts and picture-perfect, cloudless skies and plenty of sunshine are the name of the game. June and July are the coldest months in Eastern Africa and the mornings and evenings in particular can be a touch chilly so a scarf and gloves won’t go amiss in the dawn chill. From August, the temperatures get steadily hotter until November when the spell is broken by the first of the rains. Great weather and iconic game viewing and a pretty good time to visit.

Oct to Nov — The return journey

Where to watch the great annual migration.

Masai Mara National Reserver

Masai Mara National Reserve

The Masai Mara: possibly the continent’s most loved and most loathed wildlife reserve. It’s the Africa of storybooks, where long-limbed Maasai traverse the glorious plains, the wildebeest of the Great Migration plunge across the river in a show of life and death and there’s a different animal around every corner. But sadly, in some parts, there’s probably a minibus stuffed full of khaki-clad highly motivated tourists around the corner too.

About Masai Mara ....

Masai Mara National Reserver

Serengeti National Park

The northern Serengeti regions are probably some of the most popular in Africa and accommodation is plentiful and superb. There’s everything from movable tented camps and simple, genuine lodges to the swankiest of retreats, just made for a spot of R&R. In this peak migration season, however, the areas both get busy and we cannot stress enough just how far in advance you should book to secure the top spots.

About Serengeti NP


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Safari in Africa

De Grote Trek – Big Migration


The Big Migration is een van de meest spectaculaire wildebeestmigraties ter wereld en vindt plaats in Kenia en Tanzania. Elk jaar trekken miljoenen wildebeesten, zebra’s en gazellen door de Serengeti in Tanzania en de Masai Mara in Kenia op zoek naar vers gras en water. Deze migratie is een van de grootste migraties van zoogdieren ter wereld en trekt elk jaar duizenden toeristen aan.

De Big Migration wordt elk jaar gedreven door de behoefte aan voedsel en water. In de droge periode, tussen juni en oktober, verlaten de wildebeesten en andere dieren de Serengeti en trekken naar het noorden, richting de Masai Mara. Dit is een periode van overvloed voor de dieren in de Masai Mara, omdat er in deze tijd van het jaar veel gras is.

Beste tijd om de grote migratie te zien:

• De exacte timing van de migratie kan variëren van jaar tot jaar en is sterk afhankelijk van de regenval. • Over het algemeen wordt de periode van juni tot september beschouwd als de beste tijd om de Grote Migratie in de Maasai Mara te zien, omdat dit overeenkomt met de rivierovergangen. • Voor degenen die geïnteresseerd zijn in de kalveringsperiode, is december tot februari in het zuidelijke deel van de Serengeti ideaal.

De Grote Migratie in Oost-Afrika volgt een cyclisch patroon dat sterk afhankelijk is van de regenval en de beschikbaarheid van gras. Hier is een algemeen overzicht van de migratieroute en de beste tijden om verschillende fasen van de migratie te zien:

  • December tot maart – Kalvering en Graslanden in Zuid-Serengeti:
  • In december en januari bevinden de kuddes zich meestal in het zuidelijke deel van de Serengeti in Tanzania. Dit is de periode van kalvering, waar veel gnoes worden geboren.
  • De overvloedige regen zorgt voor groen gras, wat aantrekkelijk is voor grazende dieren.
  • April tot mei – Beweging naar het Westen:
  •  Na de kalveringsperiode beginnen de kuddes zich in april naar het westen te verplaatsen, op weg naar het westelijke deel van Serengeti en de aangrenzende regio’s.
  • Juni tot juli – Migratie naar het Noorden:
  • Tijdens deze maanden verplaatsen de kuddes zich noordwaarts richting de westelijke corridor van de Serengeti. De beroemde rivierovergangen beginnen vaak rond juni, vooral bij de Grumeti-rivier.
  • Juli tot oktober – Maasai Mara in Kenia:
  • In juli en augustus steken de kuddes de Mara-rivier over naar het Maasai Mara-reservaat in Kenia. Dit is een van de meest dramatische fasen van de migratie, met krokodillen die op de loer liggen in de rivieren.
  • November – Terug naar het Zuiden:
  • In november, wanneer de regens in het noorden afnemen, beginnen de kuddes zich weer naar het zuiden te bewegen, terug naar het zuidelijke deel van de Serengeti.

De Big Migration is niet alleen een indrukwekkend natuurspektakel, maar heeft ook een belangrijke ecologische rol. De beweging van de dieren helpt bij het herstellen en onderhouden van de graslanden en helpt bij het verspreiden van zaden en voedingsstoffen door de ontlasting van de dieren. Dit zorgt voor een gezond ecosysteem en ondersteunt de biodiversiteit van de regio.

De Big Migration is echter niet zonder uitdagingen. De snelle ontwikkeling van de landbouw, stedelijke expansie en de aanleg van infrastructuur hebben geleid tot verlies van leefgebied voor wilde dieren en een toenemende druk op hun overleving. Daarnaast brengt de migratie ook risico’s met zich mee, zoals predatie, ziektes en het risico van kruisingen met vee.

Om de Big Migration te beschermen en te behouden, hebben de overheden van Kenia en Tanzania verschillende maatregelen genomen. Er zijn nationale parken en wildreservaten opgericht om de natuurlijke habitats van wilde dieren te beschermen en er zijn beperkingen opgelegd aan menselijke activiteiten in deze gebieden. Toerisme is ook een belangrijke inkomstenbron voor de lokale economieën en heeft bijgedragen aan de bescherming van wilde dieren en hun habitats.

Daarnaast worden er ook onderzoeken en monitoring uitgevoerd om de migratiepatronen van de dieren te begrijpen en te voorspellen. Dit helpt bij het identificeren van gebieden die moeten worden beschermd en bij het ontwikkelen van strategieën voor het beheren van de impact van menselijke activiteiten op de migratie.

Wildebeest river crossing, Serengeti NP

In de afgelopen decennia hebben de overheden van Kenia en Tanzania samengewerkt om de Big Migration te beschermen en te behouden. Er zijn grensoverschrijdende programma’s opgezet om de samenwerking tussen de landen te bevorderen en coördinatie mogelijk te maken bij het beheer van de migratie en de bescherming van wilde dieren en hun habitats. Deze samenwerking heeft geleid tot de oprichting van het Serengeti-Mara-ecosysteem, dat is uitgeroepen tot een UNESCO-werelderfgoed.

Het behoud van de Big Migration is echter niet alleen de verantwoordelijkheid van de overheden en de lokale bevolking, maar ook van de toeristen die deze regio bezoeken. Het is belangrijk dat toeristen zich bewust zijn van de impact die hun activiteiten kunnen hebben op de natuurlijke omgeving en dat ze zich houden aan de voorschriften die zijn opgesteld om de dieren en hun leefomgeving te beschermen.

Hoewel de Big Migration een van de meest spectaculaire natuurverschijnselen ter wereld is, is het ook een teken van de fragiliteit van de natuur en de druk waaronder wilde dieren staan. Het is belangrijk dat we ons blijven inzetten voor het behoud van de Big Migration en andere soortgelijke natuurlijke verschijnselen, zodat toekomstige generaties er ook van kunnen genieten.

Het beschermen van wilde dieren en hun habitats is niet alleen van belang voor de biodiversiteit van onze planeet, maar ook voor de menselijke gezondheid en het welzijn. Wilde dieren spelen een belangrijke rol bij het handhaven van de ecologische balans en het bieden van ecosysteemdiensten, zoals waterzuivering en koolstofopslag. Het behoud van de Big Migration is daarom niet alleen een kwestie van natuurbehoud, maar ook van ons eigen belang.

Om het behoud van de Big Migration en andere soortgelijke migraties te waarborgen, moeten we ons inzetten voor duurzaam toerisme en het verminderen van de impact van menselijke activiteiten op de natuurlijke omgeving. Dit kan worden bereikt door het implementeren van milieuvriendelijke praktijken, het promoten van verantwoord toerisme en het ondersteunen van lokale gemeenschappen die afhankelijk zijn van de natuurlijke hulpbronnen.

In het licht van de klimaatverandering en de toenemende druk op de natuurlijke hulpbronnen, is het behoud van de Big Migration en andere soortgelijke migraties belangrijker dan ooit. Het is tijd dat we ons bewust worden van onze impact op de natuurlijke omgeving en ons inzetten voor het behoud van deze spectaculaire natuurverschijnselen.


4 dagen Kenia: Masai Mara Avontuur

Masai Mara Game Reserve

Combinatie met Diani Beach mogelijk

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Kort maar krachtig krijgt een nieuwe betekenis met deze vierdaagse safari op de Masai Mara!

Dit programma is perfect voor mensen met weinig tijd of een klein budget. In vier dagen en voor relatief weinig geld kan je hiermee de beroemde Masai Mara gaan ontdekken. Dit is jullie kans om alle dieren van de Big Five te gaan zien en – afhankelijk van het seizoen – zelfs de unieke en indrukwekkende Grote Trek.

Dit is een exclusieve privé-safari die is afgestemd op jullie persoonlijk wensen. Dat heeft een aantal voordelen. Ten eerste; een privé-safariwagen zorgt ervoor dat jullie zelf kunnen bepalen hoe laat jullie vertrekken en hoe laat jullie terugkomen, met advies van jullie persoonlijke gids . Ten tweede; eenmaal in de parken kunnen jullie net zolang bij de dieren blijven staan als jullie willen. Er zijn geen andere passagiers die dwingen om verder te rijden. En ten derde: jullie persoonlijke gids kent jullie wensen en past zijn advies daarop aan, wat deze reis gegarandeerd tot een onvergetelijk avontuur maakt… een avontuur dat morgen begint!

De geselecteerde hotels hieronder vallen in onze Gold Class . Wie meer luxe wil, kan ook kiezen voor onze Platinum- of Diamond Class hotels.

Onze prijzen

* Bovengenoemde (richt-) prijzen zijn per persoon. * Minderjarige k inderen (onder de zestien) krijgen korting. Deze wordt berekend in het persoonlijke reisadvies . * Prijzen kunnen door koerswisselingen en andere factoren wijzigen en zijn daarom onder voorbehoud.

Deze reis is inclusief:

  • Vervoer van het Jomo Kenyatta International Airport naar de lodge.
  • Alle vervoer van en naar luchthavens.
  • Overnachtingen in de hotels en lodges.
  • Ontbijt, lunch en diner tijdens de safari (volpension).
  • Safari’s in de nationale parken.
  • Luxe 4×4 safari jeep met open dak en grote ramen, speciaal voor een privé-safari.
  • Engelssprekende privé-gids tijdens de hele safari.
  • Drinkwater in de safari jeeps.
  • Entreegelden voor alle nationale parken.
  • Nederlandssprekende medewerkers op ons kantoor in Kenia.
  • Calamiteitenfonds.
  • Reserveringskosten.

De reis is exclusief:

  • Internationale vliegtickets en eTA.
  • Verzekeringen zoals de reis- en annuleringsverzekering of de Flying Doctorsverzekering.

Dag 1: Aankomst op Jomo Kenyatta International Airport

‘Jambo!’ Direct na aankomst op Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, staat onze Afrika Safari gids jullie op te wachten met een brede lach op zijn gezicht. ‘Karibu Kenya – welkom in Kenia!’

Vanaf het vliegveld neemt onze gids jullie meteen mee naar het hotel, waarbij jullie onderweg kans hebben om de eerste indrukken van het enerverende Nairobi op te doen. Bekijk de wolkenkrabbers, het verkeer met motortaxi’s en kleurrijke matatu’s (het plaatselijke openbaar vervoer) en het geharrewar van mensen in het dagelijkse Afrikaanse stadsleven…

Aarzel vooral niet om jullie gids meteen van alles te vragen, want hij kent het Keniaanse leven en de cultuur natuurlijk op zijn duimpje. En niet alleen dat, hij zal ook graag alles vertellen over de natuurparken die jullie de komende dagen gaan bezoeken. Dus vraag hem vooral de kleren van het lijf – hij zal zijn uiterste best doen om al jullie vragen te beantwoorden…!

Je verblijft in hotel: Boma Inn Nairobi

Dag 2: middagsafari in masai mara national reserve.

Vandaag maken jullie een mooie vier uur durende rit vanaf Lake Naivasha door de Keniaanse Rift Valley naar het Masai Mara National Reserve . Bereid je mentaal voor, want de uitgestrekte savannes van de Masai Mara zijn werkelijk adembenemend…!

Na de lunch doen jullie de eerste echte indrukken op van de eindeloze Maravlaktes en haar wilde dieren. De Masai Mara grenst aan Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park en deze twee gebieden samen vormen het toneel voor Afrika’s meest bekende natuurwonder: de jaarlijkse Grote Trek. Dit zijn meer dan 2,5 miljoen hoefdieren die de regens en groene weides volgen, terwijl ze samen over de vlaktes van zowel de Serengeti als de Masai Mara trekken.

De naam Masai Mara is een eerbetoon aan de Masai. De Masai (ook wel Maasai) leven hier al eeuwen en trokken ooit vanuit het Nijlbekken naar het noorden. Mara betekent gevlekt in de Maa-taal en refereert naar het omringende landschap vol korte struiken verspreid over een uitgestrekte savanne.

Je verblijft in hotel: Zebra Plains Mara Camp

Dag 3: een hele dag safari in masai mara national reserve.

De Masai Mara staat bekend om haar overvloed aan wilde dieren, die hebben jullie de hele dag de tijd om ze allemaal te gaan zien! Er leven hier meer dan 95 verschillende diersoorten en meer dan vierhonderd vogelsoorten. Van half juli tot half oktober trekken de kuddes van de Grote Trek over de Maravlaktes. Dit betekent dat enorme kuddes gnoes, zebra’s, gazelles, antilopes en impalas te zien zijn in hun poging de Mara rivier over te steken.

In andere maanden kan je hier de beroemde Big Five zien, en daarnaast jachtluipaarden, cervalkatten, hyena’s, grootoorvossen, zwarte en gestreepte jakhalzen, nijlpaarden, krokodillen, bavianen, everzwijnen, topi’s, elanden, waterbokken, oribi’s, rietbokken en nog veel en veel meer. Het perfecte einde van jullie safari-avontuur!

Dag 4: Klaar voor jullie vlucht naar huis...?

Geniet nog een laatste keer van de schoonheid van de Masai Mara, want op de ochtend van dag vier rijden jullie in zes uur terug naar Nairobi. Jullie persoonlijke gids zet jullie af op het Jomo Kenyatta International Airport voor jullie vlucht terug naar huis.

Wil je stiekem langer blijven? In plaats van naar huis kan je ook naar nog een ander safaripark, of plak een paar dagen strand aan jullie safari!

Kenia heeft een aantal heerlijke tropische stranden die de nodige ontspanning geven na een safari. Wij van Afrika Safari zijn met name weg van de verbijsterend mooie stranden in het zuiden van Kenia, die bereikbaar zijn per vliegtuig of trein . Hier heb je het prachtige Diani Beach twintig kilometer ten zuiden van Mombasa, of het levendige Bamburi Beach ten noorden van de stad. Denk helderblauwe zeeën, witte zandstranden, eindeloze zwembaden en kleurrijke cocktails. En niet te vergeten: historisch Mombasa is vlak om de hoek…!

Hoe boek je deze safari?

  • Maak een keuze uit onze Gold, Platinum of Diamond Class hotels bovenaan deze pagina.
  • Druk op de knop met de prijs onderaan deze pagina.
  • Vul de gewenste vertrekdatum in (bij benadering).
  • En verstuur…! Wij reageren dan zo snel mogelijk met een op maat gemaakt reisadvies.

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Top bestemmingen.

  • Masai Mara National Reserve
  • Diani Beach
  • Amboseli National Park
  • Tsavo West National Park
  • Tsavo East National Park
  • Lake Nakuru
  • Lake Naivasha

Praktische informatie

  • Beste reistijd Kenia
  • Het weer in Kenia
  • Kenia reisadvies
  • Verantwoord op reis
  • Flying Doctors
  • Afrika Safari, de Safari-specialist in Oost-Afrika
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Leopard resting after hunting, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Best of East African Safari: Gorilla Trekking, Maasai Mara, Ngorongoro, Serengeti

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  • Trip Overview

This is a sample itinerary to inspire a personalized trip designed with your travel specialist

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On your 14-day best of East Africa safari, you will experience the legends of wild mountain gorillas, migrating wildebeest, evocative grasslands, and utopian volcanic terrain. Local myths shared for generations will become real as you scour the jungle for silverbacks or witness a leopard hunting unsuspecting zebra. Your luxury tour will immerse you in celebrated national parks and highlight the natural splendor in Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania.

Customizable Itinerary

Kigali – the surprise of rwanda.

One of Rwanda's fables includes the wild mountain gorillas. Another, more documented, is that of the 1994 genocide, a story that everyone struggles to comprehend. With that tale in mind, landing in Kigali provides an incredible surprise. This is not a city or country of squalor, and it is not a place of fear and danger. It is one of the most forward-thinking and safest countries on the African continent. Rwanda's transition from the nineties is remarkable, and Kigali provides a wonderful introduction to East Africa. Serene in its soul, and draped across dozens of rolling hills, Kigali delights in its ability to surprise visitors. You will stay at a five-star property set upon a charming boulevard. Some might say you're on the Champs Elysees of the East, but there's nothing French about it as this is proudly East Africa.

What's Included:

Kinigi – Into the Virunga Volcanoes

The transition from genocide to a modern nation is even more impressive after a visit to the Genocide Memorial. While the photos and stories are difficult to take in, the moving memorial paints a personal picture of what happened, one less concerned with numbers and more focused on the who and the why. Visiting the memorial is the conclusion of a half-day Kigali tour and after lunch, you will drive across The Land of a Thousand Hills , rolling and rising towards Ruhengeri, and then Kinigi, located at the base of Sabyinyo Mountain. With photo stops along the route, it is a three-hour journey. From your opulent safari lodge, there are uninterrupted views over the Virunga Volcanoes, where layers of mist ripple across the green canopy. You will gaze into the rainforest that contains over half of the world's wild mountain gorillas that you will be tracking the next day.

Kinigi – Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

On a gorilla trek, it will sometimes feel as if you sense them. The rainforest is dense and tropical and reduces visibility with the overhanging branches and wild grasses that are swiped clear by the guide. Occasionally, you will reach a clearing and gaze over at the mist, but mostly you are journeying along the rugged trails left by elephant herds, and an armed ranger accompanies the group, mainly in case of the rare encounters with forest elephants. Smells will guide you, as do sounds, like a distant call or chesty drum beat. It might take 30 minutes before you find the gorilla troop, perhaps even hours as trekkers are allocated to troops based on their fitness levels, but you can request a shorter or longer hike. However long it takes, you can sense the gorillas during the last few moments before you see them.

And then they appear. A silverback will dominate a bush as he chomps off the fruit, a playful baby will test its tree-climbing skills as three serene mothers will gnaw at the tree bark. Don't take your photos just yet and this is the time to savor your first impressions as the fable becomes real just meters from your eyes. Watch the emotion glisten across their eyes and admire the social structure. The troop is habituated, and they accept your presence. After a few moments of everyone sizing each other up, the gorillas will continue with their daily routine, and you will watch with delighted eyes. Now is the time to bring out your camera to document the experience.

You will spend an hour with the troop before you return to the trailhead. The trek leaves in the morning and on most treks you will back for lunch. But you never know as these are wild mountain gorillas, the largest primates on the planet, so nothing is completely predictable. The hike is physically demanding, but the splendor of the rainforest more than compensates. Dedicated gorilla trackers are way ahead of you to ensure that it's never an aimless journey, and you will hike directly towards where the gorillas are. For these gorilla treks, the maximum group size is eight per gorilla troop, but five to six guests are more common.

Kigali – Second Gorilla Trek

Yesterday you encountered one gorilla troop but today you will trek to another to see a different family group with very different behavior. The contrasts are inspiring and further showcase how similar the primates are to ourselves. For photographers, a second gorilla trek provides a new opportunity. For wildlife lovers, it's another chance to be surrounded by a troop's antics. And for everyone, it's a chance to experience one of the great fables of East Africa. Note that today's actual trekking is likely to be shorter than yesterday’s, and following the trek you will return to the lodge for a chance to shower and freshen up before the journey back to Kigali.

Nairobi – Relaxing with Giraffes

Direct flights connect the capitals of Rwanda and Kenya to bring you across the region and into the land of very different mammals. You will be picked up at Nairobi International and transferred to your next iconic hotel, where Rothschild giraffe poke their heads through the bedroom windows. They are part of a very successful breeding program that's saved this species from near-extinction. Relax at this colonial-style lodge, admire the loping giraffe, and enjoy a quiet day in the Kenyan capital. When combining gorilla trekking with big game safari, an easy day like this is important to ensure that your energy levels are restored before the next part of your adventure.

Maasai Mara – Big Five Safari

Fly south to the next fabled area, the Masai Mara. The Masai Mara is a strange realm where grass rolls without interruption and lion pride rest on their high rocks.  Zebra congregates in their thousands and the wildebeest gallop through the morning as Africa's biggest mammals come together in this big space. Your stay at your next safari camp helps maintain nature's story as the small luxury camp blends contemporary comfort with the sense of being fully immersed in the wild. You are in the heart of the Masai Mara, literally surrounded by thousands upon thousands of animals, from the roaming ungulate herds to giants like elephants, hippos, giraffe, and buffalo, and most of these are spotted from your own verandah.

On your first game drive, the imagination switches from myth to striking reality. A cheetah is on a hunt, chasing down an injured impala and sends a flurry of dust and a yelp of protest across the plains. A little later, another intimate scene as this time a leopard rises and falls in the grass as she stalks a Thompson's gazelle. The landscape is fertile and fresh and provides a paradise for so many animals as it's these plains that the wildebeest migrate to every year with their arrival around late-June to early-July. This landscape is also a place of danger and apprehension as such plentiful predators mean that everyone must always be on alert. For predator-prey encounters, the Masai Mara is arguably the premier destination on the continent.

For these three days, you will enjoy twice-daily game drives as you head out in the morning and late-afternoon hours, and then rest at the camp throughout the middle of the day. Often, wildlife is clearly visible from your camp. You may be eating dinner when an elephant rumbles past just a few meters away, and it's all very safe, despite the lack of fences. Game drives explore the enormity of it all as they take you along the Mara River and across the mystique of this world-famous landscape. Even when the wildebeest migration is not in the Mara, there is a mammal abundance that remains hard to fathom. On day six, you will reach the Masai Mara by light aircraft from Nairobi.

Ngorongoro – Fly Across East Africa's Wilderness

East Africa's dazzles from the sky and today's three flights will provide a string of incredible sights. First back to Nairobi to admire the Masai Mara from the air and pick out the herds on the plains. Then, from Nairobi to Kilimanjaro International and the plane's route will dissect the volcanic peaks of Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro. After a 30-minute transfer to Arusha, you will take another light aircraft to Manyara and the Ngorongoro region, an idyllic introduction to the landscapes of Tanzania. The views continue by as you stay in your opulent lodge perched on the rim of the crater. Masai warriors accompany you through the grounds as many wild animals pass through here, including elephants, and a personal butler will discreetly attend to your needs.

Ngorongoro – East Africa's Wildlife Eden

Ngorongoro is East Africa is microcosm as the crater is home to six different habitats and an astonishing diversity of the big game. The region will feel like a utopian world as an Eden for a colorful collection of species. Flamingo tinge the lake pink to guide you down towards pride of black-maned lions and giant elephant bulls. Warthog and hyena scurry around while large buffalo herds slowly graze. Impala and hartebeest are on the move past the watchful herds of zebra. Jackal appear, and then eland and the furtive moves of a leopard. Often, it's difficult to know which way to look.

Some 25,000 large animals occupy this crater and with a single panoramic photo, you can nearly capture all of them. It seems as if everything is here and creates a giant animal party, or a celebration of nature's perennial rhythm. There is also drama, as lionesses bite into a fresh zebra carcass, jackals harry for scraps, elephants clash by the water and then a huge ruckus erupts as hippos fight in the lake. While it may appear to like Eden, there is still the fabulous interaction between the cast of animals. You are permitted to spend six hours on the crater floor and with your accommodations near the rim, you can enter at sunrise before the day-trippers arrive around late morning. This scheduling will help to give Ngorongoro a more exclusive feel and let you see it at the most active time of day.

Day  11 - 13

Serengeti (Grumeti Reserve) – Big Game Safari

The Serengeti stretches far beyond the horizon with great sweeps of grassland that are dotted with up to two million mammals. Wildebeest gallop, hyenas snarl and vultures circle while lions hunt, elephants march and hippos bathe in the mud.  It is all here, and it plays out in high definition. The Serengeti rumbles north, where it meets the Mara River and the Masai Mara, and it continues west, towards the private Grumeti Reserve along the Serengeti's Western Corridor. You will arrive here by flight and soar over the plains from Ngorongoro to Grumeti.

You will have exclusive use your next lodge, a decadent place with elegant views over the grasslands. Sit back and sip fine wines as the wildebeest gallop past. Ride a horse onto the plains and encounter wild zebra or mountain bike along trails left by an elephant. Take bush picnics on rocks that overlook the great wildebeest migration or relax in the spa as the sound of lions roars float through the windows. The reserve and your private accommodation provide a luxurious and contemporary conclusion to your journey through East Africa's fables. It's still in the Serengeti, so there is always wildlife roaming around.

Using the private concession opens up new activities. Horse riding and mountain biking safaris can encounter all the antelopes. Bush walks are guided by Masai warriors, who have expert knowledge of tracking the herds. Nighttime game drives have an eery intimacy while daily game drives are private and always tailored to your interests. Create your own program and live out your own fable as it is just you and the world-famous wonders of the Serengeti. Just when you think it's all been documented, that the final chapter is closing on your East Africa story, a black rhino will slow amble past the house as rare as the gorillas in Rwanda, one of only a thousand left in the wild. That's the thing with East Africa; there is always a new treat when you least expect one.

Serengeti – Departure

Your small plane will sweep over the Serengeti plains to provide an evocative final impression as the sun will start to call time on the day. You will land at Kilimanjaro International Airport in time for your intercontinental connection. The early part of the day is flexible, and there is an opportunity for a final safari activity, perhaps a last game drive across the thrilling Serengeti plains.

Trip Highlights

  • Surround yourself with the world's largest primates with two gorilla trekking experiences in Rwanda
  • Spend seven days on big game safari in East Africa's most revered destinations: Masai Mara, Ngorongoro Crater, and the Serengeti
  • Admire the emotion and marvel at the social structures of wild gorilla troops that live deep in Rwanda's volcanic mountains
  • Gorilla trekking isn't the only highlight of Rwanda, a country with a beautiful heart and a landscape that seems too green to be real
  • Enjoy several days of thrilling Big Five encounters in the Masai Mara, where thousands of animals are often within eyeshot of the luxury camp
  • Journey into East Africa's utopian wildlife world as Ngorongoro Crater provides one of the most surreal safari experiences
  • Lose yourself on the epic Serengeti plains and stay in the private Grumeti Reserve, where horse riding and bush picnics can be part of the daily program
  • By visiting the Masai Mara and the Serengeti, there is an opportunity to spot the great wildebeest migration, regardless of what time of year you travel

Starting Price

$20,015  per person (excluding international flights)

What's Included

  • Accommodations
  • In-country transportation
  • Some or all activities and tours
  • Expert trip planning
  • 24x7 support during your trip

Your final trip cost will vary based on your selected accommodations, activities, meals, and other trip elements that you opt to include.

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Hippo and bird in a lake at Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania




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Where to stay in masai mara.

The Mara accommodations we recommend are located in five zones: northern, eastern, southern, western and central. Staying at both the conservancy and main reserve offer a discerning experience.



Offering superb plains scenery, unmatched safari activities and diverse wildlife, Masai Mara Reserve is considered Kenya's best park and one of Africa's highest wildlife density region for predators.



Game drive experienced in varied outbacks from riverine woodlands to the great plains is the most widespread tour activity. Other activities are bush walks, village visits, ballooning trip and more.



The migration season from July to October is considered the best time of the year to visit the Masai Mara. Game viewing is optimal at this time as there is plenty of predator and prey interactions.



A balloon safari over the Mara is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. As you ascend, beautiful features unfold before your eyes: rolling hills, meandering rivers, lush plains, all teeming with wildlife.



The Masai Mara conservancies offer the lowest density of guests, distint activities, unique accommodations, as well as incredible flora and fauna experiences in the most pristine wilderness areas.


five star africanmecca safaris reviews

We had a fantastic trip to the Masai Mara. Thank you for helping to organise it. We will definitely recommend yourselves to our friends who are planning on travelling to Kenya. Thank you again.

Tadhg Jones - AIG Inc - Croydon, United Kingdom

We had a fantastic trip to the Masai Mara. It was well organized by AfricanMecca Safaris and I had no worries. We loved the baby lions and were also able to see the leopard stalking its prey.

Ken and Pam Daut - California, United States

Jambo Raza!!! The safari trip was spectacular! Everything went off without a hitch. We loved the Masai Mara. The migration was awesome. You listened to what I wanted and delivered it perfectly.

Judi & Chaim Platt - Toronto, Canada

My trip to Kenya was beyond fantastic. I loved every second of it and I must thank you and your staff at AfricanMecca Safaris for making my travels to Masai Mara possible and most enjoyable.

Katie Chakey - New Jersey, United States

Raza, Thank you for all your diligent assistance in coordinating our photo safari to the Masai Mara. Thanks again for all of your help in making this a truly dream vacation. I will be recommending you.

Rusty Phenix - (Phenix & Crump Attorneys At Law) - Texas, United States

We had an incredible experience in Masai Mara & on the beach. Everything went very smoothly and the AfricanMecca representatives were fantastic. Thank you for putting together this amazing trip for us.

Dr Cory M. Bryant - US FDA - Washington D.C, United States

I cannot say enough about the quality of AfricanMecca. Their teams in Kenya and Tanzania were top notch. Raza, again thanks to you and your entire organization! We will be repeat customers.

Dan Kobick - Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers - New York, United States

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Kenya: Loita Hills Trek and Masai Mara

27th Sep 2025 - 4th Oct 2025

8 days / Kenya / Moderate

Experience one of Kenya’s last remaining areas of true wilderness on this trek through the Loita Hills. This low-lying mountain range is located south of Nairobi and is home to much of the traditional Maasai culture.  On the trek you’ll walk through pockets of forest & wide open plains, you’ll learn from your local guide about the Maasai culture and their communities.  You’ll spend several nights out under canvas before transferring to a lodge in the Masai Mara where you’ll spend 2 nights and take part in some game drives hoping to spot lions, elephants, hippos and more.

You don’t have to fundraise to join an open challenge but you can support a charity of your choice if you wish. See the costs tab for more details.

The trek is rated moderate for someone of a good fitness level. The terrain is generally fairly flat though mostly hard, sandy and rocky however when walking on top of Loita Hills there will be moderate ascents/descents. The distance you will walk each day will be up to 20km.

Kenya is situated on the east coast of Africa next to the Indian Ocean. It is almost the same size as France but packs in an astonishing variety of cultures and ecosystems. Named after Mount Kenya, the highest peak in the country, you can find steamy jungles, spectacular deserts, high mountains, incredible wildlife, bubbling hot springs, white sand beaches and a remarkable representation of 42 different peoples and cultures.

The Masai Mara, known locally as The Mara, is a large national game reserve in Narok, Kenya.  “Mara” means “spotted” in the local Maasai language, due to the many short bushy trees which dot the landscape.

Masai Mara is one of the most famous and important wildlife conservation and wilderness areas in Africa, world-renowned for its exceptional populations of lion, leopard, cheetah and African bush elephant. It also hosts the Great Migration, which secured it as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, and as one of the Ten Wonders of the World.

This trek is accompanied by English-speaking local guides and a Different Travel Company UK tour manager. They are first-aid trained and will support you throughout your journey. You will also be supported by a team of assistant guides, cooks and porters who together make your journey possible.

The minimum age is 18. It may be possible to participate if you are 16 or 17 years old but you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. There is no upper age limit. The ideal candidate would be fit, healthy and determined, open to adventure and adaptable to unexpected changes.

Temperatures average at 26°C during the day and drop to around 15°C at night, however, you must be prepared for variations to this which are out of our control. Weather during the trek will be dry but there may be some strong winds. Rain, although very rare, is not impossible. Please note: the temperatures and conditions above are historically accurate but climate change can impact the seasons so you may experience uncharacteristic conditions during the trip which are out of our control. The guides will assess the situation and make decisions to ensure the best enjoyment and safety of the group.

During the trek, you will sleep in tents (two to a tent).  All sleeping equipment is provided including bedding.  Toilet facilities consist of a bush toilet with a privacy screen. Solar-powered bucket showers will be available for limited use, however, you are recommended to bring a pack of baby wipes as it may not always be possible to take a shower.

Meals are provided as specified in the itinerary and during the trek are cooked by your chef who will prepare hearty Kenyan and Western meals. Camping tables and chairs are provided along with plates, mugs and cutlery.

The suggested kit list for this trek can be found here.

Itinerary for Loita Hills Trek & Masai Mara

Day 1 (saturday 27 september 2025).

London – Nairobi Depart London for Nairobi. On arrival transfer to a hotel for dinner and overnight stay. Overnight: Hotel Meals: Dinner

Day 2 (Sunday 28 September 2025):

Nairobi – Loita Hills Set off early this morning for the drive (approx 3.5 hrs) towards the Rift Valley where we make a stop at the escarpment to enjoy views of Suswa and Mt Longonot in the far distance. We continue to the Loita hills which have been the territory of the Masai peoples since the 19th century. After lunch and a camp orientation, you’ll take a guided Nature Walk, have a cultural  briefing and maybe a dip in a nearby hot spring before camping overnight Overnight: Camping Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Day 3 (Monday 29 September 2025):

Loita Hills After breakfast; start your trekking adventure with the local guide. The path will lead you through hills, valleys and plains of the Loitas, hopefully with wildlife encounters such as giraffes and zebras. We will also pass Maasai settlements, learning about their lives and culture.  Overnight accommodation is at a bush camp, which will be basic but will have everything you need. Dinner will be prepared by the camp cook. Overnight: Bush camp Approx. 6 hrs walking depending on local conditions Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Days 4 & 5 (Tuesday 30 & Wednesday 1 October 2025):

Loita Hills You’ll spend the next two days on a walking safari, through the Loita Hills and Plains, getting to know the African nature, wildlife and Maasai culture in depth. The Loita has pockets of remote forests, and wide open plains surrounded by stunning hillsides and dotted with roaming wildlife. This is not an area for viewing big game but more somewhere to enjoy the scenery, walk with the local Maasai and learn more about their culture and communities. Overnight: Bush camp Approx. 6 hrs walking each day depending on local conditions Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Day 6 (Thursday 2 October 2025):

Loita Hills – Masai Mara After breakfast we break up camp and meet the safari vehicle to begin the drive towards Masai Mara, arriving in time for lunch.  You’ll stay in comfortable lodge rooms for the next two nights.  In the afternoon we depart for a game drive in search of the Big Five. Overnight: Lodge rooms Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Day 7 (Friday 3 October 2025):

Masai Mara game drive A full-day game drive exploring the Maasai Mara. You are likely to come across a pride of Lions, Cheetahs, Elephants, Zebras and Hippos. The landscape has grassy plains and rolling hills and is crossed by the Mara and Talek rivers where Wildebeest migrate through in July and August. Overnight: Lodge rooms Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Day 8 (Saturday 4 October 2025):

Masai Mara – Nairobi Enjoy a final breakfast before we drive back to Nairobi (approx. 6 hrs), making a brief stop for lunch.  Continue to the airport for your flight back to London (arriving next day) Meals: Breakfast, lunch

N.B. This itinerary may change due to weather, the ability of the group and so on. We will do our best to keep to the itinerary but we cannot be held responsible for changes outside of our control. In all circumstances, your guide and tour leader will have the final say in the interest of health and safety.   

Costs & How to pay

Registration fee: £475 (please contact us to discuss paying this in instalments) and then either…

Self-funded: £2,975

Sponsorship: £5,950

Flexi: £2,975 trip costs and £2,975 sponsorship for a charity* of your choice


This option is for those who choose to pay the trip costs (flights, accommodation, food, guides etc.) themselves. There is no sponsorship required although if you wish to raise sponsorship for a charity you are welcome to do so.

  • A registration fee is payable at the time of booking.
  • Trip cost balance is payable to Different Travel 10 weeks prior to departure.
  • You are welcome to fundraise separately for any charity of your choice but this is not mandatory. Any fundraising undertaken cannot be used for your trip costs.


This option is for those who wish to raise sponsorship to cover both the costs of the trip (flights, accommodation, food, guides etc.) and a donation to their chosen charity. There is a minimum sponsorship amount for each trip that you are required to raise in order to participate.

  • The minimum sponsorship must be paid to the charity 12 weeks prior to departure.
  • The amount the charity receives is at least 50% of the minimum sponsorship total.

This option is for those who choose to pay the trip costs (flights, accommodation, food, guides etc.) themselves while still raising some funds for the charity.

  • Trip cost balance is payable to Different Travel and your fundraising is payable to the charity 10 weeks prior to departure.
  • Any fundraising undertaken cannot be used for your trip costs.

*If your chosen charity is not on this list , please seek permission to fundraise for them by taking part in this challenge before making your booking.

What's included

  • Return flights from London
  • Airport taxes and charges
  • Local transfers and transport in Kenya
  • All accommodation as per itinerary
  • Tents on trek
  • All meals as per itinerary
  • All entrance fees, conservation fees & permits
  • English-speaking local guides and support crew
  • Different Travel UK tour manager

What's not included

  • Any necessary vaccinations
  • Spending money (tips, drinks, souvenirs)
  • Transport to/from UK airports
  • Travel insurance
  • Personal trek kit

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Go Slow in Kenya's Maasai Mara

A leisurely-paced safari including a 7-night stay at the comfortable Basecamp Masai Mara.

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The acacia-dotted grasslands of Kenya’s world-famous Maasai Mara National Reserve are home to one of our planet’s greatest concentrations of wildlife. A huge variety of game grazes the grassy plains, and with such an abundance of prey on offer it comes as no surprise that the Mara is also one of the best reserves in Africa to enjoy sightings of predators, especially Lion, Cheetah and Leopard. A kaleidoscope of colourful sunbirds, glossy starlings, bee-eaters, rollers and other bird species offer an interesting supporting cast, whilst no visit to the region is complete without time in the company of the Maasai people themselves. We will be based for seven nights at the small and comfortable Basecamp Masai Mara located on the edge of the Maasai Mara National Reserve. 

  • 7 nights in a comfortable bush camp on the edge of the Maasai Mara Game Reserve
  • Fly directly into the Mara from Nairobi and enjoy a relaxed pace throughout
  • Lion, Cheetah & Leopard all likely
  • Open sided vehicles with opening roof & excellent visibility
  • Numerous birds including Secretary Bird, White-throated Bee-eater & many others

Grade A. This is a traditional African safari, and therefore suitable for anyone of any age, without any great necessity for extreme fitness. One optional game walk will be offered, which will be over flat terrain and at a very leisurely pace, stopping frequently to look at natural history along the way.

Outline Itinerary

grote trek masai mara

What's Included?

On arrival in Nairobi we spend one night in a comfortable hotel where all rooms are ensuite. The rest of the safari is based at the comfortable Basecamp Masai Mara, where all tents are ensuite (with hot water showers) and equipped with proper beds, linen, bedside tables, luggage racks and rugs.

All meal are included from breakfast on Day 2 to lunch on Day 9. Dinner on Day 9, if required, is at your own expense.

We had, after two years of postponement due to Covid, our safari in the Masai Mara. Things were arranged very efficiently by Naturetrek. We arrived at the lodge after flying in from Nairobi and were welcomed by the staff, who did everything to make our stay comfortable. I was even presented with a birthday cake as I celebrated it whilst I was there. Our driver and guide was exceptional. He focused on what we wanted to see, was professional and enthusiastic, as well as being very knowledgeable about all the mammals. We saw all the big five which included four cheetahs walking along the track towards and straight past our vehicle. How incredibly lucky is that! All in all a wonderful time with masses of photos and all the memories. We have been on various safaris with Naturetrek and have never been disappointed. They are always professional, helpful and obliging. As a client you are kept completely up to date with arrangements and all written information and instructions for the journey are clear and concise. I would definitely have no problem in recommending them to others. V.D. Berkshire, Nov 21

Dates & Prices

Tour dates or itinerary don't suit.

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grote trek masai mara

Prefer to Travel in a Private Group?

For any interested natural history club or society, we can arrange for a private departure of this tour.

grote trek masai mara

Why Naturetrek?

At Naturetrek we craft expertly-guided group and tailor-made wildlife holidays and cruises to all seven continents. On one of our holidays, you can be assured that our passionate team will enable you to experience and enjoy the best of the world's wildlife and natural spectacles in as comfortable and rewarding a manner as possible, caring as best we can for the environment in the process. We are proud to provide:

  • The widest choice of wildlife holidays worldwide
  • Tours managed and led by naturalists, for naturalists
  • Outstanding value and exceptional customer service

Furthermore, as a Naturetrek client, our office team are always to on hand to help you – so if you have any queries about your holiday, whether before or after you have booked, we will be delighted to answer them on the phone. Please just give our team a call!


Seasons in The Masai Mara: When to visit and what to Expect

Monday July 5, 2021

Andrew Beck

Africa is home to some of the most spectacular wildlife viewing on the planet, and it should come as no surprise that the vast migratory herds filling the plains of the Masai Mara and Serengeti is among the continent’s top attractions. In fact, The Masai Mara National Reserve has been voted the Greatest Game Reserve in the world, and the adjacent Mara Triangle has received multiple 5-star TripAdvisor ratings and Travelers Choice Awards, and both for very good reason.

The incredibly well managed Mara Triangle, home to our very own Wild Eye Mara Camp, is arguably Africa’s finest wildlife destination boasting sensational wildlife viewing year-round.

The Great Migration, occurring in the Masai Mara from July through to October each year, sees the arrival roughly 1.6 million wildebeest, 500 000 odd Zebra and countless Thompsons Gazelle in one of earth’s greatest wildlife spectacles. Witnessing the famed river crossings, where thousands of animals cross the Mara River in search of nutrient-rich grasslands truly is a spectacle to behold.

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  • The Wild Eye Mara Camp


  • When to Visit
  • Tours to The Masai Mara

Great Migration Safari Wild Eye

This sheer volume of animals, and the pandemonium it brings, gives rise to a healthy presence of predators such as Lion, Leopard, Hyena, Cheetah and massive Nile Crocodiles, all of which laying in wait along the river’s edge to grab unsuspecting prey, and providing incredible predator – prey interactions in the process.

The Mara also remains an incredibly dynamic ecosystem even outside of the traditional migration period, where the resident predators, breathtaking landscapes and multitude of plains game still abound. This begs the question of when is the best time to visit the Masai Mara and, hopefully, this post will help you get to grips with when to visit and what to expect when visiting our very own, Wild Eye Mara camp which is situated in the most idyllic setting, directly on the banks of the Mara River.

The Mara Triangle mara River

Totally unfenced, the camp provides a truly authentic wildlife experience completely immersed in nature. Laying in your tent at night is more often than not accompanied by the sounds of lions roaring, hyena whooping, leopard territorial calls, grunting hippo and more, making for one of the most memorable parts of the experience.

Sitting around a campfire at night with a cold beverage in hand, being entertained by our Maasai staff sharing their incredible and mesmerizing culture so foreign from our worlds, will leave you wondering how a relatively simplistic culture, based largely on respect, could be implemented into our often-frenetic existences.

grote trek masai mara

The location of our Mara Camp being on the banks of the River itself is key, with many camps being a good 1-2 hours’ drive (or more) from the river and the key crossing points of the migratory herds. This generally means that the mornings and afternoons are fairly quiet around the river with more vehicles arriving mid-morning and hanging around until early hours of the afternoon before making their way back to their respective camps. This has often meant that our team (given that we are located mere minutes away from some of the most iconic crossing points) has enjoyed early morning and later afternoon crossings without any other vehicles present.

grote trek masai mara

Flexibility  is the next variable which you’ll need to consider. The option of being able to stay out for the entire day waiting for a potential crossing, without having to return to camp to drop other guests off, or to get some lunch is invaluable. We have regularly had our camp team bring lunch out to guests in the field whilst they are waiting for cheetah to hunt or for the crossings to take place. The last thing you want to do is have to dash back to camp only to return and see that the wildebeest have crossed in your absence.

grote trek masai mara

The  duration of your visit  is also important. 3 nights is simply not enough and we have built our safaris around 6 nights and 7 days at a minimum in order to give guest the best possible chance of not only witnessing the dramatic crossings but also to experience the rest of the Mara – there is so much more! We typically, if the herds are along the river system and moving, focus on crossings for the first couple of days before exploring further afield once guests have experienced a number of these crossings.

When to Visit & Which of Our Tours Suites You Best

We have created two different levels of experiences which can be broadly distinguished by the time of year . These are defined as The Great Migration Safaris and Mara Experience Safaris, both of which incredible in their own right. The breakdown below will help you get to grips with what to expect from each of these experiences and will hopefully reinforce the fact that there is no "bad time" to visit the Masai Mara.

The July Mara Experience

The great migration, the october & november mara experience.

  • First 3 weeks of July

Why Should you Visit:

  • Pricing is around 45% less than peak months.
  • Usually far less vehicles and visitors in the Mara during this period
  • You are hosted by one of the experienced Wild Eye Guides in the Wild Eye Mara Camp.

What To Expect

  • Migratory herds often start to arrive by the middle of July.
  • They cross the sand river and approach the Mara river from the Eastern side of camp and their constant bellowing normally signals that river crossings will be witnessed in the coming days.
  • With the arrival of the initial herds Predators become more active to take advantage of the prey species that have been absent for many months.
  • The grass is longer and provides excellent cover for predators
  • Crocodiles who have been dormant for many months, embark on a hunting frenzy when first herds arrive and cross the Mara river.
  • End of July, August, September and the first week of October

Why You Should Visit:

  • This is the period when your chances of witnessing the dramatic river crossings made by the migratory herds are at their best.
  • Dramatic crossings aside, the sheer volume of wildlife present in the Masai Mara during this time of year is something quite spectacular.
  • You are hosted by two experienced Wild Eye Guides in the Wild Eye Mara Camp.

What to Expect:

  • The mega herds, in which 100’s and thousands of wildebeest start to arrive in the southern parts of the reserve, crossing the Tanzania border into the Mara Triangle.
  • The sight of these animals spread across many hectares of the open plains, as far as the eye can see, is one of the greatest wildlife spectacles imaginable.
  • Due to the amount of prey species, lion or hyena kills can often be witnessed.
  • The weather is normally dry during August which gives rise to very dusty river crossings, adding to the drama that can be captured in your images.
  • The massive herds constantly grazing on the nutritious grasses, reducing the height and making game viewing easier.
  • There are often localized thunderstorms that occur in the late afternoons and early evenings also adds to the opportunity of capturing great dramatic images with dark skies and spectacular cloud build ups as a backdrop.
  • Second week of October through to the end of November

Why You Should Visit

  • There is still a chance of experiencing smaller wildebeest and Zebra river crossings.
  • This is an excellent time of year to extend your visit to include Samburu and Amboseli National Parks
  • In early October the herds have started to make their way back south to Tanzania.
  • There is still a substantial amount of wildebeest and zebra and, over the years , some of our more memorable river crossings have been experienced during this month.
  • By now the grasses have been grazed low to the ground and the opportunity to spot predators is far easier.
  • Photographing the animals make for far cleaner images as you don’t have to deal with "that blade of grass" running across your subjects face.
  • There is also a greater chance of seeing the smaller cats such as Serval and Caracal.
  • The reduction of vehicle pressure at river crossings is key and ensures that they don’t interfere with the event.

Don't forget that all stays at the Wild Eye Mara Camp are inclusive of 6 nights accommodation (no single supplement), all meals, drinks (alcoholic and alcoholic), conservation fees, return flights ex Wilson Airport in Nairobi (including additional weight for camera gear), daily game drives in pop-top Toyota Land-cruisers, a traditional Maasai Cultural evening in camp as well as the services of your Wild Eye Guides (1 on Experience weeks and 2 on the Great Migration weeks).

Additional extras such as hot-air balloon flights and extensions to Samburu, Amboseli and Lake Nakuru can be handled by our experienced team of travel planners for you on request!

Teeming with wildlife, and with grasslands as far as the eye can see, the Masai Mara is one of the most iconic destinations in the world, ideal for any aspiring wildlife photographer looking to add true diversity to their portfolio.

The Mara Experience

The Masai Mara offers incredible photographic opportunity outside of the typical migration period. In fact, many an award winning image have been captured during the shoulder season either sides of the migratory movements.

Amboseli & Masai Mara Safari

The Amboseli and Masai Mara Safari combines two of Kenya's most iconic parks in the form of Amboseli and the Masai Mara, a feast for the senses & a visual experience of epic proportions.

The Masai Mara Wildlife Photography Workshop

The Wild Eye workshop signals a return to a focused and inspirational wildlife photography experience with one goal in mind – to make you a better wildlife photographer

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grote trek masai mara

masai mara facts

Originally designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1961 during the colonial period in Kenya, Masai Mara was expanded to cover more of the area where the vast numbers of wild animals were inhabiting and using as wildlife corridors to move from Serengeti to the Mara. Subsequently, the respective local county councils, namely Narok and Trans Mara were given the responsibility of managing the Eastern and Western sides of the reserve respectively. The Western side of the reserve includes the Mara Triangle. The reserve is now largely held as one of the leading wildlife conservation areas in the world, known for the famous wildebeest migration.

A magnificent collection of wild animals, stunning landscapes with wide open spaces for as far as the eye can see, superb year round climate and internationally acclaimed accommodation which ranges from exclusive luxury Tented Camps and safari lodges to budget camping options, Masai Mara ticks all the right boxes when it comes to visiting a stunning destination in Africa. Many thousands of travelers also specially come to see the world famous annual wildebeest migration when a million plus wild animals migrate north from Serengeti in Tanzania to Masai Mara. Click here to read more about why Masai Mara is important and is worth a visit.

Ecosystem and Geography

grote trek masai mara

Maasai Mara National Reserve spans an area of about 1,510 sq km , equivalent to 580 sq miles in south west Kenya. The reserve is part of a much larger eco system which includes the bordering Serengeti National Park, ( located in northern Tanzania). Serengeti covers a larger area of approximately 25,000 sq km, equivalent to 9,700 sq miles. While Serengeti neighbors Masai Mara to the south, the western side is bound by the Siria escarpment, with open savannah grassland plains to the north and east of the reserve. The two major rainfall seasons typical to Kenya also loosely apply to Masai Mara, with the months from April to May and September to November seeing brief rainly spells nonetheless accompanied by hours of sunshine. The terrain in the reserve is typically open grassland and rolling hills, punctuated by a non-seasonal Mara River ( scene of the migration crossings) and seasonal riverlets. Some basic geographical facts are as below: Altitude: 1,480–2,280 m approx (4,900–7,200 ft); Rainfall: 85 mm (3.4 inches) per month; Temperature range: 12–31 °C (54–87 °F)

grote trek masai mara

Arguably the single most iconic tribe in Africa, the Maasai are nomadic pastrolists who traditionally make a living out of herding cattle. Originally a Nilotic ethnic group which is said to have migrated centuries ago from the semi arid Nile valley north of Lake Turkana, the Maasai inhabit the region around Masai Mara as well as large portions of Great Rift Valley. The Maasai have their unique nomadic culture and way of life not to mention their traditonal dress of red or brightly colored ''shukas'' or body drapes.

Though Wildebeest are the most numerous of the many mammals found in Masai Mara, there are healthy numbers of a richly diverse wildlife eco system, and it is possible to see in a single gamedrive not just the Big Five ( Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Buffalo and Rhino ) but much more to include the Big Nine such as Cheetah as well. There are also over 450 species of Birds recorded in the Masai Mara Eco system.

Wildebeest Migration

grote trek masai mara

One of the most spectacular events of nature, the wildebeest migration is the mass movement of over a million plus animals including wildebeest, antelope, Zebra and the Big Cats such as Lion from Serengeti into Masai Mara. The migration is actually a continuous year long clockwise movement encompassing Serengeti in Tanzania and Masai Mara in Kenya, influenced by a number of factors including weather, pasture and mating~birthing cycles.

plan your visit

Planning a Safari to Masai Mara or for that matter a Kenya Safari is often a challenge for any traveler due to the complexity of options and variables available both online and offline via traditional travel agents. Here are some basics which could help you plan a better all round Safari in Kenya or Africa.

Everything You Need to Know About the Masai Mara Wildebeest Migration

grote trek masai mara

The Masai Mara wildebeest migration is one of the most sought-after phenomena for wildlife enthusiasts. Considered one of the wonders of the world, the wildebeest migration is one of the world’s most spectacular displays of wildlife behaviour. This is the largest herd movement of animals across the planet, a count of 1000 animals per km 2 and is visible from space. 

What is the Wildebeest Migration?

The wildebeest migration is the migration of animals across the Serengeti – Mara ecosystem. The migration takes place every year where the animal primal instincts guide them towards greener pastures following rainfall patterns over the Serengeti and Mara. Unknown to most people, the great migration involves other animals besides the wildebeest such as Zebras, Eland, Grants and the Thompsons gazelles. 

What Month Does the Wildebeest Migration Happen?

Whilst most people think the wildebeest migration happens once between July and October, this natural phenomenon takes place all year round. The migration is popular between July and October because it’s this time that animals cross the Mara river and coincides with the peak season. The crossings occur at the Mara river around July to September and from mid-October to early November as they return to the south. 

Here is a breakdown of where the herds are during different times of the year. The animal movement is usually prompted by rain which could be early, late or on time.

December to April

The best place to see the wildebeest migration in this period would be south of the Serengeti National Park between the Ndutu plains and Ngorongoro plains. The calving season begins in February so you’re assured of witnessing the wildebeest calving. The calving season also attracts predators such as lions, hyenas, cheetahs and leopards who prey on the young calves. Towards the end of March to early April, the animals begin their journey North towards the Masai Mara.

grote trek masai mara

May to June

During this time of the year, the animals move northwards in search of pasture and water. The herd consists of large numbers of wildebeest often in millions and hundreds of thousands of zebras, Grants and Thompsons gazelles. During this period, the animals are crossing the Grumeti River which is infested with Nile crocodiles. Whilst there is some wild action as the crocodiles catch the slower-moving animals, the scene is not as spectacular as the Mara River crossing.

July to September

From July, the animal herds have reached the Grumeti reserve and the Western Serengeti. In August, the surviving herds continue to move northwards towards the northern Serengeti into the Masai Mara reserve. At this time, the animals split into smaller groups where a greater number have already crossed over to the Mara reserve. 

The Mara River crossing is always the highlight of the wildebeest migration as tourists are treated to spectacular views as the frantic herd wades through the murky, crocodile-infested waters of the Mara River. 

October to November

The wildebeest migration from Masai Mara to the Serengeti national park starts again in mid-October. The herds move from northern Serengeti to Lobo and Mbuzi Mawe regions where there are greener pastures and water. The calving season begins again as the predators prey on the young and vulnerable calves.

Where Does the migration Start and End?

The scene of this astounding spectacle is the Greater Serengeti – Mara ecosystem which covers both Kenya and Tanzania. The herd mostly consists of approximately 1.2 million wildebeests and hundreds of thousands of elands, zebras and gazelles. These animals trek 1800 miles clockwise in a circle through the Serengeti and Mara Eco-system in search of food and water.

How Many Animals Migrate and Why Do They Migrate?

The Masai Mara migration is mainly triggered by the rains as the animals move in search of greener pastures. Over 2 million wildebeest, zebras, gazelles and other animals migrate from the southern part of the Serengeti national park into the Masai Mara national reserve. The majority of the animals are wildebeest however, there is also a large number of zebras and gazelles.

When Is the Best Time to Go in order to Experience the Migration?

The wildebeest migration mainly relies on the availability of pasture and water which is determined by rainfall patterns. Whilst rainfall patterns are not accurate and it would be difficult to predict animal movement, there is a general rule to the flow. Normally, the herds begin to head north from the Serengeti in early May and reach the Masai Mara in late July. From mimid-Augusto September, the herd will begin to cross into Masai Mara where it spends some time before moving back south from November through to December.

What to Expect During the Migration

The Mara river crossing is the highlight of the Masai Mara wildebeest migration. The river is home to over 3,000 nile crocodiles and it’s always a spectacle during the crossing as the crocodiles seize their prey with their powerful bite. These crocodiles are large, measuring up to 14 feet long and use their tail to help them grasp their prey. Once they bite and drown their prey, they twist and break them into bite-sized chunks.  

As the drama unfolds in the river, predators such as lions, cheetahs and hyenas on ground trying to catch the vulnerable herbivores. It’s advisable to bring a pair of binoculars to get a better view of the action as the safari vehicles are usually parked a few metres from the banks of the Mara river. 

Where to Stay to Experience the Migration 

The Masai Mara reserve offers a hosts of viewing options from luxury accommodation, mid range lodges to budget tented camps. Most of the hotels located on the migratory route are luxurious lodges. Here is a round up of the best places to stay during the wildebeest migration.

  • Royal Mara Safari Lodge
  • Kichwa Tembo Camp
  • Little Governor’s camp
  • Mara Serena Safari Lodge
  • Kicheche Mara Camp
  • Serian Nkorombo
  • Rekero Camp
  • Mara Ngeche Safari Camp

grote trek masai mara

How Much Does it Cost to See the Migration?

A Masai Mara trip can be very expensive. It’s impossible to give a fixed cost because there are various factors that determine the cost of your Masai Mara safari. Some of these factors include; time of the year, number of people travelling, mode of transport, type of accommodation, duration of your trip and other activities. Let us look into each factor in detail. 


Your choice of accommodation contributes largely to the overall cost of your trip. There are different lodges that cater to every budget. If you’re looking to miminise the cost of your Masai Mara trip, you can opt for budget safari camps located just outside the reserve. 

A luxurious tented camp such as Kichwa Tembo could cost roughly $550 per night. A mid range safari camp such as Keekorok could cost about $200 per night while a budget camp could cost roughly less than $100 per night. These are low-season costs and are likely to increase during the high season.

Number of People Travelling

Most of the safari camp and lodges in the Masai Mara have discounted rates for group travellers. This is cheaper as you get to split the costs. Some safari lodges have discounted rates for younger children and in some cases children under 3 years stay for free.

Mode of Transport

The mode of transport is one of the major costs in your Masai Mara trip. Travelling from Nairobi city to Masai Mara is usually cheaper by road compared to flying but the journey may take up to 4 hours. If you’re travelling solo, it makes more sense to fly as it would be cheaper and more convenient. 

Duration of Your Safari

The cost of your Masai Mara trip is also dependent on the number of days you plan to be on safari. If you are on a budget, it’s best to stick to a 3 day safari. Contact your safari operator to find out the best time to see the wildebeest migration so you are able to plan accordingly. 

Time of the Year

The time of the year also determines the cost of your Masai Mara trip. Generally, rates tend to be higher during the peak season which usually runs from July to October. The low season runs from January to March where accommodation is more affordable and the park is not overcrowded.

Is the Wildebeest Migration Worth it?

This natural phenomenon is one of the wonders of the world that only happens in the East African region. The wildebeest migration is a sight to behold,picture a vast land filled with grunting, rutting and groaning of millions of animals sprinting and pushing along the banks of a river. With so many animals hurdled together, it attracts predators who prey on the young and vulnerable herbivores, this is an exciting time for some wildlife action as you watch the animals hunt. 

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grote trek masai mara


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  2. De Grote Trek in de Serengeti en Masai Mara

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  4. The Great Migration

    Kenya's part in the world famous Great Migration, where over 1.5 million wildebeest and 200,000 zebra make their legendary 1,800 mile round trek, starts around late July/early August time when the animals arrive in the Masai Mara National Reserve from the Serengeti in neighbouring Tanzania. The first of the now extremely tired and exhausted ...

  5. Trek the Maasai Mara in Kenya

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  7. The Ultimate Masai Mara Safari Guide

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  8. The Complete Guide to a Masai Mara Safari

    The Masai Mara is one of Africa's top wildlife destinations and Kenya's flagship conservation area. It offers excellent year-round game viewing thanks to its diverse population of game like elephant, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, hyena, eland, gazelle, and the Mara's famous big cats. Finding lions with Naibor Camp.

  9. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya: The Complete Guide

    Location & Geography. The Masai Mara is a relatively small reserve, covering an area of approximately 580 square miles in southwest Kenya. Its southern boundary marks the Kenya-Tanzania border and the beginning of the Serengeti; while the remaining boundaries are adjoined by private conservancies. These conservancies are owned by tribal ...

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  11. Seeing the wildebeest migration in Masai Mara, Kenya: One of the world

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    From $475 per person. Check availability. Reserve now & pay later to book your spot and pay nothing today. Give this as a gift. Khushal - India August 9, 2023 - Verified booking. Product ID: 459643. Join group visiting Masai Mara reserves and see the wildebeest migration on a 4-day safari with meals and accommodation included.

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  16. Wildebeest Migration Crossing The Mara

    The Great Wildebeest Migration is astonishing. Each year, more than 1.5 million wildebeest trek from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara and back again in search of fresh grazing. Their crossing of the Mara River is the climax of this odyssey, a spectacle filled with drama, death and endeavour and one of Kenya's best safari experiences.

  17. Best Time To See Masai Mara Wildebeest Migration Kenya (2024-2025

    Expert guide and facts on the best time of the year in 2024-2025 to track and see the annual Great Wildebeest Masai Mara Migration in south-west Kenya - East Africa. View AfricanMecca safari trip prices and honeymoon tour, booking family holidays, solo travel packages, accommodation reviews, videos, photos & maps.

  18. The Magic of the Mara

    June and July. Our camp in the Masai Mara, "Enkishui" comes to life from mid-June and remains up and running into November. Prior to the herds moving into and then shortly after moving out (late October-November) of the Masai Mara we offer a Masai Mara Experience safari.. June is the start of the dry season with large concentrations of wildebeest in the Western Serengeti and on the ...

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    Masai Mara game drive A full-day game drive exploring the Maasai Mara. You are likely to come across a pride of Lions, Cheetahs, Elephants, Zebras and Hippos. The landscape has grassy plains and rolling hills and is crossed by the Mara and Talek rivers where Wildebeest migrate through in July and August. Overnight: Lodge rooms

  20. Go Slow in Kenya's Maasai Mara

    The rest of the safari is based at the comfortable Basecamp Masai Mara, where all tents are ensuite (with hot water showers) and equipped with proper beds, linen, bedside tables, luggage racks and rugs. Food: All meal are included from breakfast on Day 2 to lunch on Day 9. Dinner on Day 9, if required, is at your own expense.

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    The incredibly well managed Mara Triangle, home to our very own Wild Eye Mara Camp, is arguably Africa's finest wildlife destination boasting sensational wildlife viewing year-round. The Great Migration, occurring in the Masai Mara from July through to October each year, sees the arrival roughly 1.6 million wildebeest, 500 000 odd Zebra and ...

  22. Masai Mara Tourism, Facts, History & Guide

    Altitude: 1,480-2,280 m approx (4,900-7,200 ft); Rainfall: 85 mm (3.4 inches) per month; Temperature range: 12-31 °C (54-87 °F) Typical Masai Mara Landscape ~ Grassland dotted with short Trees known as "Desert Dates" (Botanical Name: Balanites Aegyptiaca) The western side of the reserve is bordered by the Oloololo Escarpment.

  23. Everything You Need to Know About the Masai Mara Wildebeest Migration

    These animals trek 1800 miles clockwise in a circle through the Serengeti and Mara Eco-system in search of food and water. ... The Masai Mara migration is mainly triggered by the rains as the animals move in search of greener pastures. Over 2 million wildebeest, zebras, gazelles and other animals migrate from the southern part of the Serengeti ...