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History of travelling: how people started to travel.

  • Tea Gudek Šnajdar
  • Cultural Tourism

Camel in front of pyramid

Although we often have a feeling like people are travelling for the last few decades only, the truth is – people are travelling for centuries. Old Romans were travelling to relax in their Mediterranean villas. At the same time, people in Eastern Asia wandered for cultural experiences. I’ve got so fascinated with the history of travelling, that I did my own little research on how people started to travel. And here is what I’ve learned.

History of travelling

I was always curious about the reason people started to travel. Was it for pure leisure? To relax? Or to learn about new cultures, and find themselves along the way?

I wanted to chaise the reason all the way to its source – to the first travellers. And hopped to find out what was the initial motivation for people to travel.

According to linguists, the word ‘travel’ was first used in the 14th century. However, people started to travel much earlier.

While looking at the history of travelling and the reasons people started to travel, I wanted to distinguish the difference between travellers and explorers. Most of the time, when thinking about travel in history, people like Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus are coming to mind. However, they weren’t really travellers in a modern sense. They were explorers and researchers. So, to really learn about how people started to travel, I wanted to focus on ordinary people. Travellers like you and me, if you wish.

Romans and their roads

Old Roman road, history of travelling

First people who started to travel for enjoyment only were, I’m sure you won’t be surprised, old Romans. Wealthy Romans would often go to their summer villas. And it was purely for leisure. They could, of course, start doing that because they invented something quite crucial for travelling – roads. Well developed network of roads was the reason they could travel safely and quickly.

However, there is another reason that motivated people in Antiquity to travel. And I was quite amazed when I learned about it.

It was a desire to learn. They believed travelling is an excellent way to learn about other cultures, by observing their art, architecture and listening to their languages.

Sounds familiar? It seems like Romans were the first culture tourists.

⤷ Read more : 20 Archaeological sites you have to visit in Europe

Travelling during the Middle Ages

It may come by surprise, but people started to wander more during the Middle Ages. And most of those journeys were pilgrimages.

Religion was the centre of life back in the Middle Ages. And the only things that connected this world with the saints people were worshipping, were the relics of saints. Pilgrims would often travel to another part of the country, or even Europe to visit some of the sacred places.

The most popular destinations for all those pilgrims was Santiago de Compostela, located in northwest Spain. People would travel for thousands of kilometres to reach it. To make a journey a bit easier for them, and to earn money from the newly developed tourism, many guest houses opened along the way. Pilgrims would often visit different towns and churches on their way, and while earning a ticket to heaven, do some sightseeing, as well.

Wealthy people were travelling in the caravans or by using the waterways. What’s changing in the Middle Ages was that travel wasn’t reserved only for the rich anymore. Lower classes are starting to travel, as well. They were travelling on foot, sleeping next to the roads or at some affordable accommodations. And were motivated by religious purposes.

⤷ TIP : You can still find many of those old pilgrim’s routes in Europe. When in old parts of the cities (especially in Belgium and the Netherlands ), look for the scallop shells on the roads. They will lead you to the local Saint-Jacob’s churches. Places dedicated to that saint were always linked to pilgrims and served as stops on their long journeys. In some cities, like in Antwerp , you can follow the scallop shell trails even today.

Below you can see one of the scallop shells on a street and Saint-Jacques Church in Tournai , Belgium.

Pilgrim scallop shell from Tournai in Belgium

Grand Tours of the 17th century

More impoverished people continued to travel for religious reasons during the following centuries. However, a new way of travelling appeared among wealthy people in Europe.

Grand tours are becoming quite fashionable among the young aristocrats at the beginning of the 17th century. As a part of their education (hmmm… culture tourists, again?) they would go on a long journey during which they were visiting famous European cities. Such as London , Paris , Rome or Venice, and were learning about their art, history and architecture.

Later on, those grand tours became more structured, and they were following precisely the same route. Often, young students would be accompanied by an educational tutor. And just to make the things easier for them, they were allowed to have their servants with them, too.

One of those young aristocrats was a young emperor, Peter the Great of Russia. He travelled around western Europe and has spent a significant amount of his time in the Netherlands. The architecture of Amsterdam and other Dutch cities definitely inspired a layout of the new city he has built – Saint Petersburg . So, travelling definitely remains an essential part of education since Roman times.

⤷ Read more : 15 Best museums in Europe you have to visit this year

The railway system and beginning of modern travel in the 19th century

Old train, history of travelling

Before the railway system was invented, people mostly travelled on foot (budget travel) or by water (the first-class travel at that time). However, when in the 1840s, an extensive network of railways was built, people started to travel for fun.

Mid-19th century definitely marks a real beginning of modern tourism. It’s the time when the middle class started to grow. And they have found a way to travel easily around Europe.

It’s coming by no surprise that the first travel agency, founded by Thomas Cook in England, was established at that time, too. He was using recently developed trains together with a network of hotels to organise his first group trips.

⤷ Read more : The most interesting European myths and legends

History of travelling in the 20th century

Since then, things started to move quickly. With the development of transportation, travelling became much more accessible. Dutch ships would need around a year to travel from Amsterdam to Indonesia. Today, for the same trip, we need less than a day on a plane.

After the Second World War, with the rise of air travel, people started to travel more and more. And with the internet and all the cool apps we have on our smartphones, it’s easier than ever to move and navigate your way in a new country. Mass tourism developed in the 1960s. But, with the new millennium, we started to face the over-tourism.

We can be anywhere in the world in less than two days. And although it’s a great privilege of our time, it also bears some responsibilities. However, maybe the key is to learn from history again and do what old Romans did so well. Travel to learn, explore local history and art, and be true culture tourists.

History of Travelling , How people started to travel , Travel

How and When Did Tourism Start?

Most of us love to travel and when we think about travelling, what we probably have in mind are the best two or three weeks of the year. Tourism has become a major industry and it creates around 100 million jobs worldwide.

History of tourism - Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev from Pexels

Achim Riemann

In 1854, the first travel agency opened. In 1869, one of the first group tours was launched. It included attendance at the opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt.

But how did it all start?

A long time ago, people initially moved around for practical reasons, such as looking for food or water, or fleeing natural disasters or enemies. But as early as ancient Egypt and in the other “high” cultures found throughout the continents at the time, people started to travel for religious reasons. They set out on pilgrimages, for example to Mecca, or on journeys to take a ritual bath in the Ganges River. That was the beginning of tourism.

What about modern tourism?

Modern tourism can be traced back to the so-called “Grand Tour”, which was an educational journey across Europe. One of the first who embarked on this journey was the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, Wladyslaw IV Vasa, also known as Wladislaus Sigismundus, Prince of Poland and Sweden. And yes, the grand tour was just for the super-rich. In 1624, Wladyslaw travelled to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and the Czech Republic. (1)

Poor or even normal people had neither the money nor the time to go on a holiday. However, that started to change at the end of the 19th century. Around 1880, employees in Europe and North America were granted their first work-free days besides Sundays and the mostly Christian holidays, such as Easter or Christmas. These extra work-free days were usually unpaid in the beginning. Since most people couldn’t spare the money for travel, this led to excursions into the surroundings rather than travelling.

History of tourism - Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels

The founders of international “tourism” in Europe were the British

Thomas Cook is considered the founder of what is known as organized “package” holidays. In the last decades of the 19th century, the upper social classes in England were so wealthy due to the income from the British Empire that they were the first to be able to afford trips to far-flung areas. (1)

In 1854, the first travel agency opened. In 1869, one of the first group tours was launched. It included attendance at the opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt. From 1889, people took holiday cruises on steamships with musical performances. Seaside holidays became really popular around 1900 (and continue to be popular to this today). From the 1970s onwards, many in the industrialised countries could finally afford a holiday trip. The first criticism over this arose at the beginning of the 1970s: due to tourism, there were as many tourists in Spain in 1973 as there were inhabitants. (2)

In 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic, 1.5 billion tourist arrivals were recorded around the world, a 4% increase compared to 2018's figures. The most visited countries in 2019 were France with 89 million tourists, followed by Spain with 83 million tourists and the United States with 80 million tourists. China and Italy sit at fourth and fifth places, respectively, with 63 million tourists in China and 62 million tourists in Italy. (3)

And what are the most visited tourist attractions worldwide? According to a recent research from TripAdvisor, these are the top five: the Colosseum (Italy), the Louvre (France), the Vatican, the Statue of Liberty (USA), the Eiffel Tower (France) (4).

  • Wikipedia: , 12.03.2022
  • Wikipedia: , 12.03.2022
  • TravelBook:
  • Travel Wanderlust:  12.03.2022

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how travel started

  • Oliver Lynch

A Very Brief History of Travel

  • Published: Sat 31 Aug 19
  • Category: Travel Articles

Nowadays it’s something we take for granted, but is travel and tourism a modern invention? When and why did people start to travel?

People have always travelled. That’s how come there are people *everywhere*! I mean, there are people who live in the most inhospitable places, so their ancestors obviously decided they liked this place and called it home.

But travel for fun? Or tourism? When did we, as a species, start travelling for the sake of it? And why do people actually go travelling?

Ancient travel

Some of the first records of travel for fun and pleasure come from Greece. The ancient Greeks would make trips to see sporting spectacles such as the Olympic Games, or to visit the Oracle at Delphi.

Some would even make a trip to Egypt to see the Great Pyramids of Giza. These ancient tombs were the largest man made structures on the planet for millennia, and were quite a draw even in the days of antiquity.

In fact, it has been noted that there was a network of inns and roads, made to accommodate travellers across Greece. There were no five star options though, with most lodgings pretty basic. So, no toilet or room service for the ancient Greeks.

The Romans up the ante

Those Romans were an indulgent lot and they certainly knew how to enjoy themselves. As part of that, the Roman gentry would escape the sweltering heat of Rome in the summer to enjoy their country villas, or seaside lodgings.

And with the Mediterranean on the doorstep, it was easy for some of the more well off to head to places like Egypt, the Greek Islands or Spain to enjoy classical sites, pilgrimages and probably a spot of debauchery.

The problem back then of course was you were likely to be robbed by bandits or raided by pirates, so it wasn’t a trip that was taken lightly.

However, with the extended family and slaves in attendance, the Romans definitely lived the high life. In fact, an infrastructure sprung up in many popular Roman hangouts including spas, gambling dens, eateries and even prostitution.

Ancient Asian Tourism

Travel for fun wasn’t limited to Europe. There is evidence that Japanese spas have been serving customers since at least the 6th century. Today, you can still visit an Onsen in Japan, which is part of an ancient Buddhist ritual of cleansing.

Check out our guide to budget travel in Japan .

Travellers would have made a special trip across the country to climb up to these spas.

Over in China, there was a whole world of travelling history that is still little understood in the west. Although many are aware of the Silk Road, the old trade routes between East and West, there would definitely have been some who would make their travels along these routes for fun.

One of these was Xuanzang, or Hsuan Tsang. Around 627CE, Tsang began a pilgrimage that took him along the Silk Route to Samarkand and Tashkent, in today’s Uzbekistan. He then ended up following his Buddhist pilgrimage to Benares and Bodh Gaya in India as well as exploring parts of what are now Nepal and Bangladesh.

Although Tsang documented his travels in his tome, Great Tang Records on the Western Regions , there must have been others who would have completed similar trips.

how travel started

Pilgrimages and conquests

Most travel, throughout most of history, would have been focused on the act of carrying out a pilgrimage. For Muslims, the trip to Mecca has been occurring since at least the 6th century.

And with Muslims as far afield as China, India , the horn of Africa and Europe, the Hajj would have been one of the most popular acts of travel and tourism for millennia.

how travel started

Besides making journeys to temples and religious sites, another key reason to travel for many would have been a sense of duty. This could have been to spread the word of a religion, but it could also have been to subjugate, pillage and do other less benevolent acts. The Crusades, between 1095-1492, were a time when many in Europe would don armour and head to the Holy Land to do their bit to reclaim what they saw as rightfully theirs. Much to the surprise of the locals.

In fact, the periods between the rise of the Roman Empire and Modern European colonialism were ripe for travel. Often in the name of bringing ‘ civilisation ‘ to distant lands.

The Mongols, the Mughals, the Umayad Caliphate, various Chinese empires, the Ottomans and a succession of European colonialists would change the demographics across the world for centuries.

But, is this travel? Well, within these empires would be a network of traders, preachers, chancers, hangers on, slaves and nobility. Many would have had the chance to explore beyond their home regions, even as part of their work within the empire. They might not have spend many days by the pool, or sightseeing, but they would have enjoyed exploring new cultures, sharing their own experiences and telling the folks back home what they saw.

And isn’t that travel?

The Grand Tour

Travel and tourism as we recognise it today can be traced back to the nobility of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Well to do Brits like Lord Byron would head off to visit the classical cities of Europe, and no doubt indulge in plenty of fine wine and local women.

Having skipped through places like Rome , Paris, Vienna, Constantinople and Seville, the nobility would head home and write up their memoirs. Possibly in the form of poetry, songs or works of literature. They were basically early ‘influencers’…

From the Grand Tour, these ‘tourists’ would inspire many others to head out and explore too. Steam travel was making travel easier, and shipping routes, trains and better road infrastructure was starting to open up the world to more people.

how travel started

The birth of the package tour

Being Lord Byron is all well and good, but not everyone could take two years out of their life to swan about in the Mediterranean.

Enter Thomas Cook. A businessman from Leicester in England, Cook had a clever idea of organising a guided tour for lots of ‘tourists’ to visit a distant location.

In 1841, Cook escorted 500 people on a train trip to Loughborough, 11 miles down the road. It went so well, he more trips in the intervening years, including a 1845 trip to Liverpool. Six years later, he was organising tours of Europe and looking to Italy, Egypt and the United States. The package tour was born, with Thomas Cook at the forefront of the movement in the UK and Europe until their demise in 2019.

Travel takes off

Before aeroplanes, there was another form of air travel… The airship, or zeppelin.

DELAG, an early German airline, operated a fleet of zeppelins from 1909, offering travel from Germany to the USA and South America. Although they never ran a scheduled service, they did fly in the region of 33,000 passengers over the four years they operated.

A combination of factors including World War 1 and – perhaps more significantly – the arrival of the aeroplane changed air travel.

The world’s first commercial aeroplane service took off in 1914 from St Petersburg, Florida to Tampa, also in Florida. Although it only lasted a few months, the precedent was set. Air travel had arrived, and now you could get to a destination in hours, where previously it would have taken days, or even weeks.

KLM, Avianca, Czech Airlines and Qantas are a few of the oldest surviving airlines from era of the birth of intercontinental air travel. And, although air travel was a glamorous and exclusive pursuit in the early days of the 20th century, it was a matter of time before air travel went mainstream.

Modern travel

From the glitz and glamour of arriving by plane, today, flying is routine. Most of us take several flights a year, and budget is no object. You can jump on a plane for a city break for the price of a tank of petrol for your car. In fact, air travel has become so cheap and convenient that many popular destinations are now complaining about over tourism.

In 1980, there were 278 million tourist arrivals worldwide. By 1990, that had risen to 439 million. Between 2010-2019, the global tourist arrivals , that is people visiting a destination other than their home, rose from 951 million to 1.4 billion.

Today, spending on travel accounts for more than 10% of the global GDP, with millions, possibly billions of people dependent on travel for their livelihood. Travel now is not a luxury, but a commodity. We take a short break when we can, and many of us will try and visit somewhere, even if its just down the road…

The history of travel is still being written, but we have come a very long way in a very short space of time. The appeal of being able to escape from our daily life, to explore a new culture and to feel like you’re part of the human experience means that travel isn’t going to slow down any time soon. In fact, with the growth and saturation of certain destinations, we will likely see niche experiences and unique locations looking for their own share of that tourist dollar…

Covid-19 update

We’re still seeing the effects of the covid-19 pandemic unfolding around the world, but it’s widely thought that tourism is in for a bumpy ride in the coming months and years. Airlines, tour operators, hotel chains and other tourism suppliers will be going out of business as the demand for our huge global tourism infrastructure dries up.

However, as we’ve seen in this article, travel is something that we as a species have been doing since the dawn of history. This is just going to be a new chapter in the history of travel and tourism, although no-one really knows what will happen.

Read also: the tourism businesses coping with covid-19

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Tourism Teacher

The fascinating history of tourism and aviation

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The history of tourism is absolutely fascinating. Why do we go on holiday to the Caribbean? How was the cruise developed? Why did we start travelling by plane? This article answers all of these questions and more about the history of tourism.

Ancient times

The empire era, the middle ages and the renaissance era, the grand tour era, the mobility era, the modern era, the post-modern era, what is the history of tourism involving aircraft, early inventions impacting the history of tourism, aviation in the 1700’s, december 17, 1903- a major day in the history of tourism, post world war ii, aviation today, history of tourism- further reading, the history of tourism.

The history of tourism is a long one. Whilst we may not always have had high speed trains, aircraft and luxurious cruise ships , people have long had the desire to be tourists .

The history of tourism can largely be attributed to technological developments in transport. The more roads that are built, the more places people can drive. The more airports that open, the more places that people can fly to.

The history of tourism is also closely related to the global economic, social and political outlook. Someone with lots of money is more likely to travel somewhere for a holiday than someone who does not have much money, for example. Likewise, many tourists are not likely to travel to a destination that is suffering from political instability.

There are many ways that the tourism industry and grown and developed over the years. In this article I will explain some of the elements of the history of tourism.

When did the history of tourism really begin? We can’t pinpoint it and, for obvious reasons, we can only really guess about tourism in ancient times. There are no selfies and no travel brochures to look back on, but we do know that people DID travel in ancient times. Historians have found records that provide an insight into the reasons that people travelled, and how this evolved into tourism.

We know that cultures and nations moved their armed forces around in order to conquer other areas, and to control trade routes and various resources. This created foundations for future travel. As the Egyptian , Roman and Eastern Mediterranean Empires emerged, necessary travel turned into tourism. The Phoenicians, for example, travelled not only to develop trade routes but also because of curiosity. They had a desire to discover what lay beyond that area of the Mediterranean. 

And other peoples likely did the same. The Mayas in modern day Mexico , and members of the Shang Dynasty in modern day China, travelled to see what was beyond their own borders. They also wanted to spread their civilisations, of course. Historians have been able to find evidence of ancient travels – artefacts from other places turning up in excavations, that couldn’t be there unless the ancient people had their own form of tourism.

It is hard to know when simple travel turned into what we would define as tourism . As mentioned, the Empire Era (beginning with the Egyptians, including the Greeks and stretching unit the eventual form the Roman Empire) was influential in the development of travel and tourism . As time went on, people travelled more. They travelled for various reasons: commercial, educational, governmental and religious purposes. With consolidated governments in different central locations established as early as the Egyptian Kingdoms (4850-715 BC), travel was a necessity.

And because travel was a necessity, so too were basic necessities. Lodging and food needed to be provided to those visiting from other areas, which likely gave way to a realisation that you could travel to another place just because. This is especially true of the Greeks (900-200 BC). They wanted to find fun in new locations – they promoted the use of a common language, and their money became a form of common currency.

Places that were important in terms of government activities turned into what we might call tourist attractions . With shops, places to eat and drink, sports to watch, gaming and even theatre, there was plenty to do if you travelled to a different area. This only evolved further with the ancient Romans. During their empire (500 BC – 300 AD), good roads were developed and water routes improved. Inns were opened, around 30 miles apart from each other – a relatively easy days journey in between, so you always had a place to rest at night. Horses could even be hired here.

Roman roads expanded into a 50,000-mile system. With their currency now almost universally accepted, and common languages such as Greek and Latin being used, travel constantly became easier and less stressful. Then came the common legal system. This allowed for people to feel safer and more protected as they traveled – whether that be for pleasure, business or adventure. Cities throughout the Roman empire (such as Pompeii) became destinations for the middle and upper classes to explore during their downtime.

This can teach us something about the way we travel today. Tourism booms when people have more free time (such as during school holidays) and currencies are easily exchangeable. There are common languages, and the existence of law allows for a feeling of personal safety. If any of these factors were to be removed, people would be less inclined to travel. This was seen during the Middle Ages, when tourism was in decline.

history of tourism

Throughout the Middle Ages (5-14th centuries AD) travel – and by extension tourism – was pretty much nonexistent. It became dangerous after the fall of the Roman Empire. While there had been a commonality among nations, there were now autonomous areas thanks to a feudal system. Transport was fragmented; so was language and currency. This made travelling to somewhere different much more difficult than it had been.

And when people did travel, it wasn’t for leisure. With the Roman Catholic Church gaining power, there were nine crusades in attempt to retake the Holy Land between 1096 and 1291 AD. But they all failed, and left people with a desire to see the world outside of their own locality. People were keen to experience different civilisations.

Merchants – like Marco Polo – started to travel far and wide after the failed crusades. Polo’s travels in particular (1295-1295 AD) were reported on, and people started to become more interested in travelling again.

So travel was reborn. During the Renaissance (14-16th centuries AD) more merchants travelled further afield. This was in part due to the church and royalty controlling larger geographic areas than they previously had done. Trade routes also started to reopen. Commercial activity grew, and people continued to venture out of their own towns and territories. 

The first real tourist , according to historians, was Cyriacus of Ancona. He journeyed around the Mediterranean, eager to learn about Greek and Roman history. His desire to learn about what had come before – and to see what remained – encouraged others to think about how travel could benefit education. And so, the Grand Tour Era emerged…

The Grand Tour era is an important part of the history of tourism. The era of the Grand Tour (1613-1785) was when tourism as we know it really came into play. Starting with the most wealthy in society, people travelled to learn. It was fashionable, and soon became a status symbol in its own way.

Those who were ‘coming of age’ would travel throughout Europe to see art, architecture, science and more in countries other than their own. Generally the most visited places were France , Switzerland , Germany and Italy . Each ‘Grand Tour’ would last a couple of years. People would travel by carriage, and be accompanied by someone older to take care of them.

This changed slightly with the introduction of the industrial revolution in around 1750. Economic and social structures were changed forever. The revolution meant that lengthy journeys such as a Grand Tour trip were no longer particularly viable for many people. Factory life and business management, and indeed modern industrialism as a whole, led to people becoming more tied down.

Transport changed too – it became more efficient as economies grew and technology advanced. Markets stretched across borders and individuals had higher incomes; travel was now for business and leisure, but with less free time trips were shorted. The tourism industry had to develop rapidly to ensure they could meet the newfound needs of potential customers.

History of tourism

The next stage in the history of tourism is all about mobility. As time moved on, the economy (and personal wealth) continued to grow. Increased leisure time and more accessible travel meant that tourism boomed. Because less people were tied down to all-consuming jobs such as farm work and more had moved on to working in offices, jobs and factories, there was more free time available. The Mobility Era (1800-1944) was defined by an increase in travel to new locations both near and far.

With new roads, passenger trains , stagecoaches and sailing ships becoming more common, tourism continued to grow. France and Great Britain had fantastic road and railroad systems which made the idea of travel even more available to people.

Then along came Thomas Cook , who can definitely be credited with bringing travel and tourism to the general public- Thomas Cook is one of the most famous names in the history of tourism! He was the first to introduce a tour package – travel and accommodation, with food often included too. In 1841 he arranged for a tour of around 570 people to travel from Loughborough to Leicester. For a shilling the journey included food and entertainment. There was instant demand for more of the same, and so the full-time business of arranging and providing travel services was born!

The Mobility Era continued to make changes. Cars and air travel were introduced next; with Henry Ford’s mass production for the Model T (1914), individuals had more freedom to travel. And thanks to Orville and Wilbur Wright ’s successful test of the aeroplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, commercial air travel was also introduced. This meant the time it took to travel long distance was much shorter, and thus people were more mobile.

Another important time in the history of tourism is the modern era. The ability to move around and see new places was a start. Mass tourism continued to develop in the first half of the 20th century. George Westinghouse introduced the idea of paid leave from work, with a firm belief that allowing staff paid time off would be beneficial to productivity levels overall. This gave the working and middle classes in certain countries the time and money to fulfil their travel dreams – so the demand for tourism grew.

And as World War II came to an end in the 1940s, those who had been forced to travel during the war where keen to replicate this experience in a more positive way. They were now eager to travel for fun! They also wanted to share this with their loved ones, whether that be through travelling together or sharing stories that made these people want to travel too.

With gas/petrol no longer rationed, economies growing and cars once again being mass-produced, people travelled around in their cars – this was especially true in America, where the motel business really took off. This is similar, in a way, to the inns during the Empire Era.

Many factors contributed to the exponential growth of the travel industry. Hotels and motels took to the franchising model of business expansion, and jet travel was properly introduced in the 1950s, becoming popular throughout the 1960s.

Another fifties introduction helped: the credit card. Originally the Diners Club card, this provided travellers with the means to buy things wherever they were in the world without the hassle of currency exchange and carrying cash. To this day, credit cards are the preferred way to spend money when travelling.

So people had time, they had money – travel was safe and accessible. Tourism has simply continued to grow ever since. We now have mass tourism, and the people who engage in it can be split into two groups. These are ‘organisation mass tourists’ who make use of package deals and pre-prepared itineraries, and ‘individual mass tourists’. The second group travel independently but do use mass tourism services (airlines, hotel companies etc) which have been promoted in the media.

Travel is still ever-changing, though. People no longer necessarily travel just for the sake of travel – they want an immersive experience , adventure and the chance to give back to the local community . Tourism, and the travel companies with the industry, have to keep up with the different demands. 

Throughout the 21st century, Internet access has become more common and new borders have opened. There is always increased wealth and mobility of citizens. As different countries become attractive to tourists, their economy grows – which, in turn, makes the destination more attractive. This is why tourism is SO important !

There are always peaks and troughs when it comes to tourism. Terrorism, health scares and political/economic instability often discourage travel. There are now increased security procedures at airports, borders and attractions which can be off-putting for some people. But, for the most part, people love to travel.

In the post-modern tourism era, consumers are more savvy, more fussy and more aware. Nowadays, people care more about environmental conservation , community impact , economic leakage and other such issues and are far more considerate when they plan and undertake their travels.

Also, people now search for experiences that are authentic and are looking to experience a range of different types of tourism . Organisations working within the sector can now offer far more smart tourism experiences, such as virtual tourism – which was widely used during the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020.

Similarly, consumers are more Internet savvy in the post-modern era, meaning that they are leaning towards independent research and dynamic packaging as opposed to using the traditional package tourism methods that were so popular for so many years. In fact, as a result of this change in buying behaviour, many tour operators and travel agents have gone out of business, including the famous Thomas Cook.

The history of aviation

An account of the history of tourism wouldn’t be complete without discussing the integral role that aviation has played. So, lets dig a bit deeper into the history of aviation specifically…

What most people don’t realise when considering the history of tourism is that aviation and flight has actually been around for thousands of years! Dating back to the ancient years in Greek mythology is the story of Icarus and Daedalus who attempted to create a pair of wings using wax and feathers.

While this invention sadly ended in tragedy, one thing it shows is that humans have been interested and intrigued by flight for centuries. It took us a bit of time to master the skies, however and it is thanks largely to the famous Wright Brothers and to various military developments that we have the aviation industry that we do today.

The first aircraft known to be made by men was the kite. Created in China , the time is not known but many say it was sometime in the 5th Century, these kites are similar to the kites we still use today. Taking it a step further, the Chinese invented “man-lifting kites” which today are known as hot air balloons.

By the 1700s, aviation as we know it today was in full swing and inventors were exploring different devices, inventions and failures. At this time, there were two main categories of aviation: lighter than air aviation and heavier than air. This was an important time in the history of tourism.

In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers revealed their hot air balloon which didn’t need man to power it and the balloon flew over Annonay, France. This really started a wave of inventors who were interested in creating crafts that could fly without man powering it.

Later in that year, the brothers set up what is known as the first manned flight, with a tethered hot air balloon. A few weeks later, the brothers launched a manned flight with two astronauts onboard, that was untethered. Although the flight didn’t last very long because the fire began to burn the fabric, this is the beginning of modern-day aviation.

What Is The History Of Aviation?

On this date, Orville and Wilbur Wright changed the face of aviation and what it is today, making this day as a pivotal moment in the history of tourism.

Successfully completing four flights in their “flyer”, these brothers lasted mere seconds in the air in their aircraft and covered some 800 feet. Setting a new standard for aviation, these flights relied on power and control to work. This was brand new in the world of aviation and a very exciting achievement!

Because of the efforts of the Wright brothers, in 1914, the first passenger flight was used in the United States. Traveling from St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida , these flights only lasted a few months but paved the way for what we know today as transcontinental aviation and marked an important development in the history of tourism.

The 1920’s and 1930’s were a time of major improvements and inventions in the aviation industry. Aircraft designs that were ahead of their time and influenced aircrafts that we see today, were being used to allow people to travel from one place to another comfortably.

During the time of World War II, many cities and countries had established their own airports and military aircrafts were being repurposed as commercial planes and personal planes. The War was a time of using these aircrafts to travel from one country to the next and the growth of international aviation during this time is monumental. This was a huge time in the history of tourism!

Not long after this time period, the Convention on International Civil Aviation was founded and still stands today. Also known as the Chicago Convention , this agency was established to regulate standards, safety and efficiency of all civil flights. Today, the agency has made significant improvements in the world of aviation and has allowed for safer and more economical airliners.

After the post World War II era there were substantial developments to the history of tourism and aviation. In the 1970’s, many aircraft became digitised and had computer systems built into the craft. Because of the creation of these systems, better aircraft have been made and the designs of airplanes have become sleeker, safer and more comfortable over the years.

Computer simulations of flights have also led to the design of lighter aircraft and airplanes that are stronger. Today’s aviation industry offers one of the safest forms of transportation and has taken huge strides over the years.

The history of aviation aviation has been and continues to be a huge part of the economy for the entire world and has seen major improvements over the years. Without the discoveries from inventors that came before us, airplanes and travel may not be where they are today.

Recent years have seen the development of double decker aircraft, cleaner and greener aircraft and aircraft that can operate longer distances…. will be have supersonic aircraft in the future? Biofuels? Only time will tell- the history of tourism is not complete yet!

As you can see, the history of tourism is long and fruitful. While the industry has had its ups and downs, largely due to outside factors such as economic recession, war or a virus outbreak, it has continued to play an ever-important role in our lives. If you enjoyed this article on the history of tourism, I recommend that you take a look at these articles too-

  • The fascinating history of Thomas Cook
  • The fascinating history of the hotel industry
  • History of transportation
  • The fascinating history of Aviation

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Matsumoto Castle, Nagano, Japan

A Brief History of Travel and Tourism

Utilizing the widest definition of the word, human beings have been travelling since the dawn of time. No matter one’s beliefs about the creation of humans, everyone can agree our species began in some single locale, likely Africa or the Middle East , and ‘travelled’ outwards, settling new lands. However, most of this ‘travel’ was done out of necessity and war, often without the intent of return. It wouldn’t be until Antiquity, or the glory days of the Greek and Roman empires, that tourism, or leisure travel, would be introduced.

how travel started

Aristocratic Tourism

In those days, tourism was a privilege almost entirely confined to the wealthy, who travelled largely for cultural exploration. One has to remember, the Greek and Roman upper classes were people who prided themselves on artistic, scientific, and philosophical pursuits. It follows, then, that these early travellers largely sought to learn the arts, languages, and cultures of their destinations.

how travel started

Soon enough, travelling for leisure’s sake began to gain popularity; from the Roman Empire arises some of the earliest examples of travel resorts and spas in the world. Though they documented their experiences most thoroughly, the elite Europeans were not the only ones travelling in ancient times. In eastern Asia , it was popular for nobles to travel across the countryside for the religious and cultural experience it offered, oftentimes stopping at temples and sacred sites during their travels.

Roman Forum, Rome

Religious Tourism

During the Middle Ages, travel took on a new meaning. Although leisurely travel was still reserved for the upper class, it became more and more common for members of the upper and even lower classes to embark on pilgrimages. Most of the major religions at the time, including the Islamic, Judaic, and Christian traditions, encouraged their practitioners to conduct pilgrimages.

Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Largely unaided by technology, most of these journeys were done on foot, often occasionally with a beast of burden to carry supplies. The wealthy were able to afford other forms of travel including horseback and ship. Furthermore, the Middle Ages saw the emergence of connected shipping routes. As ports grew, travel opportunities increased, and the dock was typically the start of any long-distance travel during the Middle Ages.

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The Grand Tour

Travel continued to exist in this way for some time: the rich travelled primarily for cultural and leisure reasons, while the poor travelled largely for religious reasons, if at all. The next major development travel underwent was the establishment of the Grand Tour. Undertaken by the elite men of Western and Northern European countries , the Grand Tour took young travellers across Europe in a “rite of passage” meant to educate the wealthy after they finished their education but before adulthood. Historians cite this tradition as the origin of the modern tourism industry and indicate that the tradition had become well established in European culture by the 1660s.

how travel started

Like many traditions, the Grand Tour eventually developed a rigid structure. Tourists were expected to follow a set itinerary and travelled with a tutor. The Grand Tour typically began in England, moved south through France into Switzerland and Italy. After spending a few months in Italy, the traveller and his tutor moved upwards through Germany and into Holland before returning to England. These trips utilized the most advanced travel technology of the day, including ships and collapsable coaches, and it wasn’t entirely uncommon for the traveller and tutor to be waited on by a handful of servants.

In side of Notre-Dame Cathedral - Lausanne, Switzerland

Tourism For The Masses

The Grand Tour remained a popular cultural phenomenon amongst the rich until the 1840s, which saw the advent of the first widespread railway system across system Europe. Immediately, this innovation opened the possibility of embarking on a Grand Tour to the middle classes, and soon it became more popular for middle and even working-class citizens to travel for leisure.

Restored steam train of Durango & Silverton RR. Integral in the History of Travel and Tourism

More importantly, the implementation of railway systems across Europe and the United States positioned the world for the Industrial Revolution. The United Kingdom is often cited as the first country to actively promote leisure time to its industrial class, and as a result, the country had a strong impact on the early development of the tourism industry. One hugely influential player in the history of travel and tourism was Englishmen Thomas Cook, who established the first-ever travel agency to provide ‘inclusive individual travel’ in the 1840s.

Thomas Cook Building, Leicester

This means that travellers move independently in their travels, but all the food, lodging, and travel expenses were set at a fixed price for a predetermined length of time. This allowed travellers to take any route they fancied throughout Europe without having to ascertain food or lodging ahead of time. This fact, coupled with the falling ticket prices of railways, meant that long-distance travel was dramatically cheaper and faster than ever before. This not only further lowered the barriers to leisure travel but also drastically increased the incidences of business-related travel. As one can imagine, Cook’s Tours became massively popular, and the company remains successful today as the Thomas Cook Group.

Historic Covers of Thomas Cook's Continental Timetable

In short, the introduction of a widespread railway system gifted a massive boost to the tourism industry; this boon would largely reflect that the aeroplane would have in the early-20th century. More so than any other technological development, the aeroplane opened the floodgates of mass international tourism. Behemoth multinational airlines such as Pan Am, Delta, and American Airlines arose during the 1900s, and suddenly the physical boundaries between cities were rendered useless. It has become possible for a traveller to get nearly anywhere on the globe in less than 48 hours, for a price that most middle and working-class members can achieve.

Pan Am Holiday pamphlet for destination New Zealand

Today, travel stands as one of the most economically important leisure activities in the world. The tourism market is so large that it has split into an astounding number of niche markets, including ecotourism , backpacking, and historical tourism. As of the writing of this article, there have even been a handful of trips into orbit around Earth branded as “space tourism”, a new and exciting chapter in the history of travel and tourism. The story of tourism displays a remarkable connection to the technology that makes travel possible. Transportation innovations like the train and aeroplane have eliminated the difficulties and lowered the costs of long-distance travel, and planet Earth has truly become a smaller place because of it.

Main tower of the Himeji Castle, Japan. A UNESCO World Heritage Site

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how travel started

Matador Original Series

A history of why people travel.

Ever notice how when you sit still for a few hours without moving, you suddenly get up and find your legs are cramped, or asleep, or feel tense?

That’s because they’re not meant to be still…at least not for long. We’re meant to move. Our limbs have to be in motion almost constantly.

Humans have always been on the move. Our skeletons and muscle structures have evolved to facilitate gathering our food, escaping from predators, and to satisfy our animal curiosity.

As our brains grew larger, so did our inquisitiveness, and driven by different reasons, humans began to travel.

The Early Explorers

In the Neolithic age we saw the first sailing vessels and the invention of the wheel, both designed to move us around in different ways.

Nomadic hunters and gatherers moved in search of food following seasonally available wild plants and game.

Then Ancient man began to build roads to facilitate the movement of troops through empires, and eventually civilians began to travel in caravans. Travel for the purpose of commerce and trade took explorers to strange lands to meet other people, and bring back riches of unfathomable value.

Wealthy Greeks and Romans began to travel for leisure to their summer homes and villas by the sea in cities like Pompeii and Baiae.

The freedom of travel in the Roman Empire brought many Jews to flourishing cities of the ancient world, and Jesus himself is thought to have traveled a great deal with his disciples.

We know that Vikings had a particular skill for sailing and a keen interest in exploring. Through perilous voyages they conquered areas such as Iceland and Greenland, and were even the first to accidentally discover America in 985 A.D, when a ship was blown off course on the way to Greenland.

In 1001, Leif Eriksson sailed back to explore it further and called it Vinland, or ‘land of pastures’.

Enter the Dark Ages

In Medieval times, the most notorious travelers were pilgrims and missionaries. Driven by their religious convictions, pilgrims made dangerous journeys to places like Santiago de Compostela, Canterbury, and Jerusalem while missionaries traveled to heathen areas to evangelize the people, such as the Celts in Ireland.

In the late 16th century it became fashionable for young aristocrats and wealthy upper class men to travel to important European cities as a crowning touch to their education in the arts and literature, designed to enlighten Europe’s young elite.

This was knows as the Grand Tour . London, Paris, Venice, Florence and Rome were visited by these grand tourists to expose themselves to the great masterpieces.

The French revolution marked the end of the Grand Tour as was known, and with the coming of rail transit in the early 19th century, travel was revolutionized.

Travel was no longer limited only to the privileged as it became cheaper, easier, and safer to travel. Young ladies began to travel too, chaperoned by an old spinster as was appropriate, as part of their education.

Steam and Steel

The Industrial Revolution brought leisure travel to Europe.

The new middle class, comprised of factory owners and managers, now had the time to travel thanks to industrialized production with efficient and faster machinery. They had more money and more time to relax and take part in recreational activities.

For the first time ever, traveling was done for the sole pleasure of it.

This was how Thomas Cook , in 1841, put together the first package holiday in history. He started off with tours in Britain but with his rapid success soon moved unto other European cities, where Paris and the Alps were the most popular destinations.

Thomas Cook pioneered all the common services that travel agencies undertake for the passenger today: accommodation, travel tickets, timetables, attractions, currency exchanges, travel guides and tours.

Air travel began after World War II, when a surplus of aeronautical technology and ex-military pilots who were more than ready to fly. Only the rich could afford holidays with air fare, whereby an all-inclusive two week holiday in Corsica cost around £32 in those days.

The Modern Age

Affordable air travel soon contributed to international mass tourism, pretty much as we know it today.

Over the years different developments in tourism have changed the way we travel, such as technology, safety and security, costs, social changes, etc.

The Grand Tourists of the 17th and 18th centuries echo today of the hoards of backpackers and gap-year students who, not content with traveling through one continent, do so throughout the entire world.

Much like the young European aristocrats of the time, we today also consider traveling as a rite of passage, an initiation, a transition, an opportunity for soul searching.

With tourism currents like Eco-travel, Ethical Travel, Volunteering, Mystical tourism, Dark Tourism, Pop-Culture tourism, Cosmetic Surgery tourism, and Independent traveling, the travel industry has reached an apogee never before seen.

So when we wonder why we travel, and where it all started, it might be comforting to think about our predecessors, and how they moved first out of necessity, then for religion, migration, emigration, commerce, enlightenment and finally for pleasure.

Today each of our personal reasons may vary, but one thing is certain: there will never be rest for a species that can only move, move and keep moving.

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What Travel Looked Like Through the Decades

how travel started

Getting from point A to point B has not always been as easy as online booking, Global Entry , and Uber. It was a surprisingly recent event when the average American traded in the old horse-and-carriage look for a car, plane, or even private jet .

What was it like to travel at the turn of the century? If you were heading out for a trans-Atlantic trip at the very beginning of the 20th century, there was one option: boat. Travelers planning a cross-country trip had something akin to options: carriage, car (for those who could afford one), rail, or electric trolley lines — especially as people moved from rural areas to cities.

At the beginning of the 1900s, leisure travel in general was something experienced exclusively by the wealthy and elite population. In the early-to-mid-20th century, trains were steadily a popular way to get around, as were cars. The debut regional airlines welcomed their first passengers in the 1920s, but the airline business didn't see its boom until several decades later. During the '50s, a huge portion of the American population purchased a set of wheels, giving them the opportunity to hit the open road and live the American dream.

Come 1960, airports had expanded globally to provide both international and domestic flights to passengers. Air travel became a luxury industry, and a transcontinental trip soon became nothing but a short journey.

So, what's next? The leisure travel industry has quite a legacy to fulfill — fancy a trip up to Mars , anyone? Here, we've outlined how travel (and specifically, transportation) has evolved over every decade of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The 1900s was all about that horse-and-carriage travel life. Horse-drawn carriages were the most popular mode of transport, as it was before cars came onto the scene. In fact, roadways were not plentiful in the 1900s, so most travelers would follow the waterways (primarily rivers) to reach their destinations. The 1900s is the last decade before the canals, roads, and railway plans really took hold in the U.S., and as such, it represents a much slower and antiquated form of travel than the traditions we associate with the rest of the 20th century.

Cross-continental travel became more prevalent in the 1910s as ocean liners surged in popularity. In the '10s, sailing via steam ship was the only way to get to Europe. The most famous ocean liner of this decade, of course, was the Titanic. The largest ship in service at the time of its 1912 sailing, the Titanic departed Southampton, England on April 10 (for its maiden voyage) and was due to arrive in New York City on April 17. At 11:40 p.m. on the evening of April 14, it collided with an iceberg and sank beneath the North Atlantic three hours later. Still, when the Titanic was constructed, it was the largest human-made moving object on the planet and the pinnacle of '10s travel.

The roaring '20s really opened our eyes up to the romance and excitement of travel. Railroads in the U.S. were expanded in World War II, and travelers were encouraged to hop on the train to visit out-of-state resorts. It was also a decade of prosperity and economic growth, and the first time middle-class families could afford one of the most crucial travel luxuries: a car. In Europe, luxury trains were having a '20s moment coming off the design glamour of La Belle Epoque, even though high-end train travel dates back to the mid-1800s when George Pullman introduced the concept of private train cars.

Finally, ocean liners bounced back after the challenges of 1912 with such popularity that the Suez Canal had to be expanded. Most notably, travelers would cruise to destinations like Jamaica and the Bahamas.

Cue "Jet Airliner" because we've made it to the '30s, which is when planes showed up on the mainstream travel scene. While the airplane was invented in 1903 by the Wright brothers, and commercial air travel was possible in the '20s, flying was quite a cramped, turbulent experience, and reserved only for the richest members of society. Flying in the 1930s (while still only for elite, business travelers) was slightly more comfortable. Flight cabins got bigger — and seats were plush, sometimes resembling living room furniture.

In 1935, the invention of the Douglas DC-3 changed the game — it was a commercial airliner that was larger, more comfortable, and faster than anything travelers had seen previously. Use of the Douglas DC-3 was picked up by Delta, TWA, American, and United. The '30s was also the first decade that saw trans-Atlantic flights. Pan American Airways led the charge on flying passengers across the Atlantic, beginning commercial flights across the pond in 1939.

1940s & 1950s

Road trip heyday was in full swing in the '40s, as cars got better and better. From convertibles to well-made family station wagons, cars were getting bigger, higher-tech, and more luxurious. Increased comfort in the car allowed for longer road trips, so it was only fitting that the 1950s brought a major expansion in U.S. highway opportunities.

The 1950s brought the Interstate system, introduced by President Eisenhower. Prior to the origination of the "I" routes, road trippers could take only the Lincoln Highway across the country (it ran all the way from NYC to San Francisco). But the Lincoln Highway wasn't exactly a smooth ride — parts of it were unpaved — and that's one of the reasons the Interstate system came to be. President Eisenhower felt great pressure from his constituents to improve the roadways, and he obliged in the '50s, paving the way for smoother road trips and commutes.

The '60s is the Concorde plane era. Enthusiasm for supersonic flight surged in the '60s when France and Britain banded together and announced that they would attempt to make the first supersonic aircraft, which they called Concorde. The Concorde was iconic because of what it represented, forging a path into the future of aviation with supersonic capabilities. France and Britain began building a supersonic jetliner in 1962, it was presented to the public in 1967, and it took its maiden voyage in 1969. However, because of noise complaints from the public, enthusiasm for the Concorde was quickly curbed. Only 20 were made, and only 14 were used for commercial airline purposes on Air France and British Airways. While they were retired in 2003, there is still fervent interest in supersonic jets nearly 20 years later.

Amtrak incorporated in 1971 and much of this decade was spent solidifying its brand and its place within American travel. Amtrak initially serviced 43 states (and Washington D.C.) with 21 routes. In the early '70s, Amtrak established railway stations and expanded to Canada. The Amtrak was meant to dissuade car usage, especially when commuting. But it wasn't until 1975, when Amtrak introduced a fleet of Pullman-Standard Company Superliner cars, that it was regarded as a long-distance travel option. The 235 new cars — which cost $313 million — featured overnight cabins, and dining and lounge cars.

The '80s are when long-distance travel via flight unequivocally became the norm. While the '60s and '70s saw the friendly skies become mainstream, to a certain extent, there was still a portion of the population that saw it as a risk or a luxury to be a high-flyer. Jetsetting became commonplace later than you might think, but by the '80s, it was the long-haul go-to mode of transportation.

1990s & 2000s

Plans for getting hybrid vehicles on the road began to take shape in the '90s. The Toyota Prius (a gas-electric hybrid) was introduced to the streets of Japan in 1997 and took hold outside Japan in 2001. Toyota had sold 1 million Priuses around the world by 2007. The hybrid trend that we saw from '97 to '07 paved the way for the success of Teslas, chargeable BMWs, and the electric car adoption we've now seen around the world. It's been impactful not only for the road trippers but for the average American commuter.

If we're still cueing songs up here, let's go ahead and throw on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," because the 2010s are when air travel became positively over-the-top. Qatar Airways rolled out their lavish Qsuites in 2017. Business class-only airlines like La Compagnie (founded in 2013) showed up on the scene. The '10s taught the luxury traveler that private jets weren't the only way to fly in exceptional style.

Of course, we can't really say what the 2020 transportation fixation will be — but the stage has certainly been set for this to be the decade of commercial space travel. With Elon Musk building an elaborate SpaceX rocket ship and making big plans to venture to Mars, and of course, the world's first space hotel set to open in 2027 , it certainly seems like commercialized space travel is where we're headed next.

how travel started

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A Brief History of Travel

Travel Atlas of the World

In our modern world, global travel has become so easy that it’s easy to forget that mass tourism is a relatively new occurrence. At least it is for the masses. But why do we travel? And when did travel become ‘a thing’? Have we always been travelling, or is it really just a modern invention?

Today, tourism is a huge industry, supporting millions, perhaps billions of people around the world. From airlines and taxi drivers, to restaurants, hotels and bloggers, tourism plays an integral part in our modern global economy. And this economy has been growing at a staggering rate throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. In 1980 there were just over 280 million tourism arrivals around the globe. By 2018, there were an estimated 1.4 billion tourist arrivals, with the money spent on travel accounting for around 10.4% of global GDP.

But it wasn’t always like this.

Table of Contents

Travel in the Ancient World

For most of human history, travel had been undertaken either as part of exploration or trade. Or, sometimes, both together. Military conquests or the spreading of a religious word have spurred people to reach out across the region to either subjugate or enlighten the neighbours – and on occasion to dominate distant lands.

However, travel for pleasure has always been there in the background, albeit usually for the more fortunate monied classes. In ancient Greece, there are examples of people travelling to watch the original Olympic Games, or to question the Oracle at Delphi. There were also other games less famous than the Olympics which would attract visitors from far and wide. At the time, there was an extensive network of inns across Greece designed for travellers to stay the night, although they were basic by today’s standards with no bathrooms, toilets or catering facilities.

Well-to-do Egyptians too would explore ancient marvels (some of which were ancient even in 1000BCE). The Pyramids and the Acropolis were draws for tourists even in pre-modern times, and those who could afford to visit ancient sites would take time out with their slaves and entourages to go and explore. Visitors came from Greece and Rome to marvel at the scale of the pyramids of Giza, which were the world’s largest man made structures for thousands of years.

But it was perhaps the Romans who first took holidays or vacations in a way that might seem familiar to us today. The nobility of ancient Rome would escape the stifling heat of the city in summer and head to either the cooler hills, or the seaside. Sicily, Capri and the north of Italy were all favourite haunts, although some would even travel as far as Egypt or Greece for these excursions.

In fact the Romans also pioneered the spa holiday, often travelling to find thermal baths for health benefits. Around these spas would spring up additional services including restaurants, gambling dens and even prostitution. Roman travel was made relatively easy by their great network of roads and shipping routes across the territory. However, with the collapse of the Roman Empire, tourism in the Mediterranean took a break for a while.

Ancient Tourism in Asia

The ancient Silk Route is still well known today as a network of paths and shipping lanes leading from China to the Western lands. Although it was clearly a trade network, travellers would have traversed the steppes of central Asia perhaps for enlightenment or other benefits.

Srinagar in Kashmir, northern India holds an interesting example of the possibilities of the age. The city hosts a tomb said to be that of a pilgrim from the Middle East who arrived around 2000 years ago. It is said that the tomb houses the body of Jesus Christ, who survived the crucifixion and fled to India to live a life of quiet contemplation. Although the tomb is officially the resting place of a Muslim preacher called Youza Asaph, the speculation around the Jesus story is still quite strong.

Although this might be controversial for some, even if it isn’t the body of Christ, the fact of the matter is that people did make such a huge journey even in antiquity. This could have been to spread their own gospel, or to study Buddhism (the dominant religion at the time).

China too has a history of classical travellers, such as Hsuan Tsang, born around 607CE. Although it was illegal to travel outside of China around this time, between 627-643, Tsang travelled along the Silk Route, to Samarkand and Tashkent (both in modern Uzbekistan), and eventually visited Benares in India on a Buddhist pilgrimage. He even recorded his travels in a book, Great Tang Records on the Western Regions.

Zheng He is another famous example of a Chinese traveller, although he was more a diplomat acting at the behest of the Emperor of the time. Born in Yunan to a Muslim family, He led expeditions as far afield as the Arabian Peninsula, the Horn of Africa and Sri Lanka. Zheng He bought back many exotic treasures to the emperors including spices, wild animals and minerals and was even rumoured to have reached the American continent and Australia.

His ships were also famous, mainly for being huge. Although time may have blurred the truth, rumours of the time suggest that his flagship was many times bigger than any other wooden ship of the time.

Conquests, Pilgrimages and Persecution

Back in Europe, there was undoubtedly tourism during the middle ages, that is the years between the 5th and 15th century. Much of it would have centered around religious observances, for example pilgrimages to distant temples and the tombs of Saints.

With the conquest of Spain by the Muslims, many would come from as far away as Baghdad or Damascus to enjoy the lifestyle in this lush distant land.

With Muslims so far flung, the pilgrimage to Mecca would have been one of the main reasons for pilgrims to travel huge distances. From Al Andalus (Spain) or Morocco, all the way to Arabia, or even in the case of Zhang He, visiting from China, Mecca was probably one of the biggest destinations for travellers for hundreds of years.

And, with the religious theme being kept, the Crusades inspired a whole generation of European noblemen to head to their own holy land of Jerusalem and Palestine to defend against the invading Muslims. Although the Crusades are illustrated as battles and sieges, in fact there is evidence of some co-existence and even sharing of knowledge.

Moving towards the modern age, with the discovery of America by Europeans in 1492, people began to eye the new world more as a new frontier and the chance for a new beginning. Travel to the Americas was, at first, less about travel and more about escaping persecution, poverty and hardship in Europe.

The 16th, 17th and 18th centuries saw lots of movement, through forced migration such as slavery or displacement as well as colonising Asia, Australia, parts of Africa and the Americas. And with the opening of shipping routes, an increased exposure to foreign cultures through newspapers and books and more awareness of the world around us, a new era was about to begin…

The Birth of Tourism

Tourism as we would recognise it today started around the 17th or 18th century. Well to do Europeans would set off on a Grand Tour of classical cities across the continent, taking in stops in Paris, Vienna, Prague, Florence, Rome, Venice and London, among many others. In this respect, the modern travel trail isn’t quite so modern as it would seem.

Famous poets such as Britain’s Lord Byron spent two years travelling the Mediterranean, enjoying copious amounts of wine and seducing the locals. In-keeping with this style of travel, the Grand Tour tended to be reserved for the nobles and more monied classes. These ‘tourists’ would then return with tall tales of the riches of far off lands and often publish memoirs, poems and other forms of media, a precursor to Instagram posts perhaps?

Arguably, mass tourism as we know it today took shape when Thomas Cook, a British businessman, started organising mass tours from his base in Leicester. At first, his ‘travel agency’ would organise excursions across England. His first, in 1841, was from Leicester in England, to Loughborough, a town just 11 miles away. His next ‘tour’ was to Liverpool, and by 1856 he was organising tours to Scotland, Italy, Egypt and even the United States – surely a milestone in the history of travel and tourism as we know it.

Today, Thomas Cook is still a household brand name in the UK, with the company offering holiday packages across the world.

The Sky is the Limit

Of course, air travel changed everything. From days, or even weeks to reach a destination, suddenly far flung cities were within just a few hours reach.

The first commercial air link, in 1914, was between St Petersburg and Tampa, both in Florida, USA. By 1919, many nations began setting up commercial airlines, some of which are still in operation today. KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines), Czech Airlines, Avianca and Qantas are a few of the founding transcontinental airline companies who are still flying the skies.

Although air travel was slow at first, as anyone who has seen an Indian Jones movie would understand, it was still a lot faster than travelling by boat or train. And, of course, it was expensive. Air travel was the preserve of the rich, and the glamour associated with air travel is still something people come to expect.

Today, of course, budget airlines rule the skies and everyone can fly around the world for what amounts to pocket change. Anyone can fly away for a city break getaway for the weekend, or perhaps to live as a digital nomad in a more exotic city. Ryanair in Europe, AirAsia in Asia and JetBlue of the USA make travel much more accessible for everyone, although perhaps to the detriment of that glamorous image.

Now, the world is struggling with the effects of over-tourism, with protests in popular locations such as Barcelona and Venice. But, the double edged sword means that the tourist dollar is still welcomed, even if those excessive tourists are not. So where next for tourism?

Are people looking for more independent and unique experiences? Or perhaps we’re going to start looking to the stars… One thing is for sure, the history of travel is still being written.

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About the author: oliver lynch.

Oliver Lynch

Interesting stuff. Have you read the mentioned book ‘Great Tang Records on the Western Regions’? I am wondering if it is any good?

Hey Walter, I actually haven’t read it and I couldn’t find a Kindle edition (not quite ready to splash out $50 on a print copy). Let me know if you find a copy and what you think of it…

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Traveling through Time


It was the Industrial Revolution that allowed travel to become an easier undertaking, allowing middle class tourists to seek out leisure at a more affordable price. The very first travel agency, Cox and Kings, was founded in Great Britain in 1758, where tourism first took off. Cox and Kings are still in business, along with the continuously thriving travel industry. Tourists have relied on travel agencies for a very long time. While the travel business has gone through challenging circumstances in the last few decades – epidemics, terrorism, and recession – the travel industry has recovered and continues to grow, and travel agents continue to gain business.

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How American Tourism Began

American tourism took the scenic route over the course of the twentieth century. A growing middle class and car ownership helped.

Old photo of a couple at Niagra

This summer, will you travel to a beach , a national park , or maybe a local campground ? Today, trips like these are often within reach of the average American family. But that’s a relatively new development. In a paper for The Journal of Economic History , Thomas Weiss explains how tourism went from an uncommon pastime for elites to a thoroughly middle-class activity .

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Weiss writes that, in general, the first European settlers in America were simply too busy eking out a living to take a vacation. Besides, Puritans and Anglican values discouraged anything even remotely like lying on a beach drinking a margarita. And yet, as early as the 1660s, some Americans were traveling for relaxation, often heading to spas and mineral springs. Among those taking the waters in Virginia a century later was George Washington. Although people claimed the point was to cure an ailment or maintain their health, Weiss writers that spa trips were clearly a “fashionable indulgence.”

In the early nineteenth century, a few scenic destinations became hot spots for tourism, most notably Niagara Falls. In fact, by the 1860s it was so popular that travelers complained that souvenir sellers and aggressive guides had spoiled the place. Still, Weiss estimates that only around 1 percent of the nation’s population visited a spa or other tourist destination in 1860.

Tourism started to become more popular after the Civil War, thanks largely to the development of railroads, though it remained an elite activity. Trains brought travelers to the Jersey Shore and the Florida Coast, and hotels blossomed from Coney Island to San Francisco. Urban Americans headed to the mountains for camping trips, while others explored the restaurants and sights of the major cities. Because transportation was slow and required advance planning, tourists didn’t take quick overnight trips. Vacations meant an extended stay.

That changed in the early twentieth century as cars began populating the landscape. Developers built roadside camps, then cabins and hotels. Small, local attractions popped up everywhere, and major destinations benefited from auto travel. In 1916, around 30,000 visitors traveled to Yellowstone National Park , the majority coming by train. Two decades later, 409,000 people arrived at the park in cars.

By 1930, Weiss writes, more than 5 percent of the population traveled to a well-known tourist attraction each year, and many more clearly stopped at more obscure destinations. The notion of taking vacations had begun to extend into the middle class.

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The basic form of tourism may have been established by World War II, but the scale of the activity changed dramatically in the post-war years. The growth of car ownership, rising middle-class wealth, newly established paid vacation benefits for many workers, and the advent of air travel all contributed to a tourism boom.

And that boom continues today. This year, AAA says a third of Americans will take a family vacation. Of course, that still means two thirds of us won’t. As a recent New York Times story pointed out, many families in the country can’t afford to take time off of work, or to send the kids to a summer camp. To some extent, vacations remain an elite activity.

Read about Ken Ilgunas’s “sort of illegal” hike across the Heartland in “ Backpacking Across ‘Stand Your Ground’ Territory ” on Public Books.

Editor’s note: This page was updated to fix the broken link to “Backpacking Across ‘Stand Your Ground’ Territory.”

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How Travel Has Evolved in the 50 Years Since the First Earth Day

By Ali Wunderman

Tetons USA

In 1970, the year Earth Day was first celebrated, interest in the state of the planet —and the very notion of expressing concern over it—was still in its nascent stages. Around eight years prior, the publication of marine biologist Rachel Carson’s bestseller, Silent Spring , about the relationship between pollution and public health, succeeded in bringing environmentalism into the cultural mainstream. The introduction of Earth Day helped spur further progress, including the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency and the passing of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act. In only three years, enormous strides were made, all in service to the planet.

But a lot has changed in the five decades since that first celebration—both in the overall health of the Earth and in the way we care for it. Our planet’s population has doubled, leading to raised global carbon emissions and temperatures. And while the growth of the industries that enable tourism, like air travel , means that more people than ever are seeing the world (and increasing tolerance and awareness of other cultures while using tourism dollars to provide a much-needed boost to other economies), there are inevitable consequences for the planet.

“The unfortunate reality is that our industry as a whole is contributing more to the carbon crisis than it ever has, and it’s not turning around,” says Darrell Wade, co-founder and chairman of Intrepid Travel , a tour operator known for green initiatives like offsetting the carbon produced by its trips and being the first global tour operator to end elephant rides in Southeast Asia. But he notes that it’s more a function of growth rather than a shift in how people spend their vacations. “Travel grows 4 percent year over year, so our carbon emissions are increasing about 3 percent per year.”

But a movement has taken root in recent years that focuses on the intersection of sustainability and tourism—driven by our desire to protect the planet even as we see it. And the travel industry is increasingly working to change its practices. While it may not be there just yet, it’s come a long way.

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Land Ocean Sea Water Landscape Shoreline Scenery Coast and Adventure

Smaller cruise ships—like this one off the coast of Croatia—are increasingly efficient.

Airlines and cruises have gotten greener

In 2018, the travel industry contributed nearly one-tenth of total greenhouse gases ; the figure was largely driven by transportation-related emissions, with air travel being the biggest offender, though cars, ships, and trains played their part, too. A second factor that’s harder to quantify is travelers’ consumption of goods and services—for example, when a destination increases its food production to meet the needs of tourists.

But there has been some progress in this space. In recent years, airlines have begun to launch eco-initiatives to slow their effects on the environment: Two years ago, as part of their Eco-Skies program, United Airlines became the first U.S. airline to commit to a significant reduction in their carbon emissions , pledging to halve them by the year 2050; it also operates a carbon offset purchase program . Other airlines quickly followed suit with their own action plans, kindling the possible beginnings of a new industry standard. Cruising, too, is becoming greener as more small ship operations enter the scene, like Azamara and its parent company, Royal Caribbean Cruises, which has committed to improving the health of the oceans by increasing ship energy efficiency and overhauling its waste management program; the company also partnered with the World Wildlife Fund in 2016 to support ocean conservation and research efforts.

The data about climate change doesn’t explicitly reflect progress within the travel industry. It also doesn’t show the shift in travelers’ awareness of these issues, which in turn has driven airlines and other industry players to change their ways. “Thirty years ago people would turn off [to the topic of sustainability], but now people are interested,” says Wade. “They want to know what the commitment is of the travel businesses they patronize to the local community , wildlife, climate change, and what your carbon emissions are.” So while it’s true that these days (or at least, pre-pandemic) there are more planes in the sky than ever before, as the world has become increasingly globalized and travel has become more accessible, the demand for accountability is also driving the environmental movement forward.

Overtourism is a real phenomenon—and there are solutions

The increase in global travel has also given rise to other phenomenons. Overtourism has caused places like Thailand’s Maya Bay to close indefinitely. It's also led to the exploitation of wild animals, like tiger photo ops from Oklahoma to Southeast Asia . Then there's the erasure of local culture in heavily trafficked spots like Venice and Barcelona , where residents have become overwhelmed by tourism. These new problems are being met with new solutions. Overtourism has created a secondary market for undertourism—more off-the-beaten-path travel that can help stimulate underserved economies like those of Armenia and Mongolia , or even rural communities in the U.S.

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Documentaries like Blackfish have brought the issue of animal exploitation into the public consciousness, pushing companies like TripAdvisor to cease facilitating ticket sales for animal attractions . And some hotels are doing their part to center local communities in their ventures, from decoration and staffing to the economic benefits it yields. In Uganda, for instance, Volcanoes Safaris’ Mount Gahinga Lodge has created housing for the local Indigenous community, while Dominica’s Rosalie Bay Eco Resort supports its community by sponsoring the local cricket team and hosting field trips to teach kids about environmental protection.

Costa Rica Volcano

Costa Rica has found particular success drawing in eco-conscious travelers.

Going green has become a point of pride

These days, sustainability means much more than protecting the environment. That's something Costa Rica has put a lot of thought into—the tourism board created the Certification of Sustainable Tourism program in 1997 to encourage hotels, restaurants, and tour operators to think bigger when it comes to new measures. This led to Costa Rica's reputation as a green destination, and the country has successfully grown its tourism business, with an 18 percent increase in visitors from 2004 to 2008.

Going green has become a point of industry pride. Hotels not only covet Global Sustainable Tourism Council and LEED certifications; they’re also establishing important sustainable initiatives themselves. ( Soneva , for example, created the Soneva Namoona Baa initiative to help Maldivian islands better deal with waste; Aqua-Aston Hospitality’s Theresa Van Greunen kickstarted the #ForOurReef campaign, helping to get coral-bleaching sunscreens banned in Hawaii .) Sustainability as an ideal is almost fully mainstream these days; even Prince Harry launched his own sustainable travel initiative, Travalyst , at the end of 2019.

...But it's also become a marketing ploy

Of course, going green can benefit bottom lines, too. Some 87 percent of consumers now want more environmentally friendly choices within the travel industry, according to a survey. That includes hotels that run on renewable energy or restaurants that serve locally sourced ingredients—and tourism providers have been quick to capitalize on the trend. Some efforts are meaningful—in 2018 Hilton Hotels enacted robust sustainability policies addressing water, carbon, gender, and diversity, which stand to make a real impact. On the other end of the spectrum, though, is greenwashing, in which a good marketing strategy takes the place of meaningful action. There’s also the somewhat-common scenario of a company putting efforts into going green primarily to attract new customers, but ends up helping the environment as a result. (One example might include trading in plastic straws for slightly more expensive biodegradable options.) It’s taken decades to get from the first Earth Day to companies using the environment as a selling point, but both industry leaders and consumers are prioritizing real solutions.

St Lucias Twin Pitons at Sunrise

In St. Lucia right now, a number of fish have returned to areas usually frequented by tourists.

What's next for the travel industry?

Today, on this half-century anniversary of celebrating the planet, we find ourselves faced with a different sort of crisis —but with the pause has come some clarity. In just a handful of weeks with significantly decreased human travel, we’ve seen drastic improvements to the air, water, and animal life. “Human beings and nature don’t necessarily mix,” says Callistus Jackson, a dive instructor at two of St. Lucia’s most famous resorts, Anse Chastanet and Jade Mountain . Schools of silver-side fish have returned to the island after only a month without humans, boats, and pollution in the water, she says. “When I started here 23 years ago, we saw these fish all the time. Not so much anymore.” Similar stories about wildlife rebounding have delighted many stuck at home, a lesson that coexisting with the planet and all that live upon it possible with the right efforts. But there's also been an incredible human cost—a socioeconomic one—among those who make their livelihoods by way of tourism. Once travel resumes, it’s on us to move forward more wisely, traveling not only with the health of the planet in mind, but the well-being of other humans and wildlife as well.

If history proves anything, it’s that openly discussing sustainability and advocating for accountability can lead to tangible change, as Rachel Carson’s book demonstrated 50 years ago. If we can keep these discussions going, then by the time we reach Earth Day’s centennial, there will be a lot to celebrate.

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The History of Transportation

 Aaron Foster / Getty Images

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Whether by land or by sea, humans have always sought to traverse the earth and move to new locations. The evolution of transportation has brought us from simple canoes to space travel, and there's no telling where we could go next and how we will get there. The following is a brief history of transportation, dating from the first vehicles 900,000 years ago to modern-day times.

Early Boats

The first mode of transportation was created in the effort to traverse water: boats. Those who colonized Australia roughly 60,000–40,000 years ago have been credited as the first people to cross the sea, though there is some evidence that seafaring trips were carried out as far back as 900,000 years ago.

The earliest known boats were simple logboats, also referred to as dugouts, which were made by hollowing out a tree trunk. Evidence for these floating vehicles comes from artifacts that date back to around 10,000–7,000 years ago. The Pesse canoe—a logboat—is the oldest boat unearthed and dates as far back as 7600 BCE. Rafts have been around nearly as long, with artifacts showing them in use for at least 8,000 years.

Horses and Wheeled Vehicles

Next, came horses. While it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when humans first began domesticating them as a means of getting around and transporting goods, experts generally go by the emergence of certain human biological and cultural markers that indicate when such practices started to take place.

Based on changes in teeth records, butchering activities, shifts in settlement patterns, and historic depictions, experts believe that domestication took place around 4000 BCE. Genetic evidence from horses, including changes in musculature and cognitive function, support this.

It was also roughly around this period that the wheel was invented. Archaeological records show that the first wheeled vehicles were in use around 3500 BCE, with evidence of the existence of such contraptions found in Mesopotamia, the Northern Caucuses, and Central Europe. The earliest well-dated artifact from that time period is the "Bronocice pot," a ceramic vase that depicts a four-wheeled wagon that featured two axles. It was unearthed in southern Poland.

Steam Engines

In 1769, the Watt steam engine changed everything. Boats were among the first to take advantage of steam-generated power; in 1783, a French inventor by the name of Claude de Jouffroy built the "Pyroscaphe," the world’s first steamship . But despite successfully making trips up and down the river and carrying passengers as part of a demonstration, there wasn’t enough interest to fund further development.

While other inventors tried to make steamships that were practical enough for mass transport, it was American Robert Fulton who furthered the technology to where it was commercially viable. In 1807, the Clermont completed a 150-mile trip from New York City to Albany that took 32 hours, with the average speed clocking in at about five miles per hour. Within a few years, Fulton and company would offer regular passenger and freight service between New Orleans, Louisiana, and Natchez, Mississippi.

Back in 1769, another Frenchman named Nicolas Joseph Cugnot attempted to adapt steam engine technology to a road vehicle—the result was the invention of the first automobile . However, the heavy engine added so much weight to the vehicle that it wasn't practical. It had a top speed of 2.5 miles per hour.

Another effort to repurpose the steam engine for a different means of personal transport resulted in the "Roper Steam Velocipede." Developed in 1867, the two-wheeled steam-powered bicycle is considered by many historians to be the world’s first motorcycle .


One mode of land transport powered by a steam engine that did go mainstream was the locomotive. In 1801, British inventor Richard Trevithick unveiled the world’s first road locomotive—called the “Puffing Devil”—and used it to give six passengers a ride to a nearby village. It was three years later that Trevithick first demonstrated a locomotive that ran on rails, and another one that hauled 10 tons of iron to the community of Penydarren, Wales, to a small village called Abercynon.

It took a fellow Brit—a civil and mechanical engineer named George Stephenson—to turn locomotives into a form of mass transport. In 1812, Matthew Murray of Holbeck designed and built the first commercially successful steam locomotive, “The Salamanca,” and Stephenson wanted to take the technology a step further. So in 1814, Stephenson designed the "Blücher," an eight-wagon locomotive capable of hauling 30 tons of coal uphill at a speed of four miles per hour.

By 1824, Stephenson improved the efficiency of his locomotive designs to where he was commissioned by the Stockton and Darlington Railway to build the first steam locomotive to carry passengers on a public rail line, the aptly named "Locomotion No. 1." Six years later, he opened the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the first public inter-city railway line serviced by steam locomotives. His notable accomplishments also include establishing the standard for rail spacing for most of the railways in use today. No wonder he’s been hailed as " Father of Railways ."

Technically speaking, the first navigable submarine was invented in 1620 by Dutchman Cornelis Drebbel. Built for the English Royal Navy, Drebbel’s submarine could stay submerged for up to three hours and was propelled by oars. However, the submarine was never used in combat, and it wasn’t until the turn of the 20th century that designs leading to practical and widely used submersible vehicles were realized.

Along the way, there were important milestones such as the launch of the hand-powered, egg-shaped "Turtle " in 1776, the first military submarine used in combat. There was also the French Navy submarine "Plongeur," the first mechanically powered submarine.

Finally, in 1888, the Spanish Navy launched the "Peral," the first electric, battery-powered submarine, which also so happened to be the first fully capable military submarine. Built by a Spanish engineer and sailor named Isaac Peral, it was equipped with a torpedo tube, two torpedoes, an air regeneration system, and the first fully reliable underwater navigation system, and it posted an underwater speed of 3.5 miles per hour.

The start of the twentieth century was truly the dawn of a new era in the history of transportation as two American brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, pulled off the first official powered flight in 1903. In essence, they invented the world’s first airplane. Transport via aircraft took off from there with airplanes being put into service within a few short years during World War I. In 1919, British aviators John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed the first transatlantic flight, crossing from Canada to Ireland. The same year, passengers were able to fly internationally for the first time.

Around the same time that the Wright brothers were taking flight, French inventor Paul Cornu started developing a rotorcraft. And on November 13, 1907, his "Cornu" helicopter, made of little more than some tubing, an engine, and rotary wings, achieved a lift height of about one foot while staying airborne for about 20 seconds. With that, Cornu would lay claim to having piloted the first helicopter flight .

Spacecraft and the Space Race

It didn’t take long after air travel took off for humans to start seriously considering the possibility of going further up and toward the heavens. The Soviet Union surprised much of the western world in 1957 with its successful launch of Sputnik, the first satellite to reach outer space. Four years later, the Russians followed that by sending the first human, pilot Yuri Gagaran, into outer space aboard the Vostok 1.

These achievements would spark a “space race” between the Soviet Union and the United States that culminated in the Americans taking what was perhaps the biggest victory lap among national rivals. On July 20, 1969, the lunar module of the Apollo spacecraft, carrying astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, touched down on the surface of the moon.

The event, which was broadcast on live TV to the rest of the world, allowed millions to witness the moment Armstrong became the first man to ever step foot on the moon, a moment he heralded as “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  

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How to Travel the World

Last Updated: January 1, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Carmela Resuma, MPP . Carmela is the Executive Director of FLYTE, a non-profit organization headquartered in Georgetown, Texas that empowers students living in underserved communities through transformative travel experiences. Carmela has a Masters in Public Policy Analysis from New York University and is passionate about youth empowerment, social impact, and traveling. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 78,490 times.

Traveling the world is an enriching way to expand your knowledge of other cultures, find new work experiences, and gain unique educational insights. However, it can also be expensive, and unprepared travelers can soon find themselves in over their heads. World travel takes planning, frugality, and an independent spirit. Through careful planning both before your trip, and when you're on the road, you can have an enjoyable international travel experience.

Planning Ahead for Your Travel

Step 1 Decide where to travel.

  • Certain countries (especially in Asia) can be less expensive for Western travelers, although they may lack some of the amenities that we've grown used to.
  • Certain regions are also better set up to accommodate tourists and travelers, by offering hostels and other accommodations. (For example, New Zealand is well set up for travelers, while Japan is less so.)
  • However, if you're looking for a more adventurous travel experience and want to avoid places most international travelers visit, you may want to plan to visit less accommodating destinations.

Step 2 Make a travel schedule.

  • How long do you want your trip to be? Your schedule will be dramatically different if you want to travel the world for a month, 6 months, or a full year.
  • Plan ahead for how your world travel will fit into your life back home. Are you going to quit your job, or will your employer allow you to work while you travel?

Step 3 Research the country (or countries) you'll be traveling to.

  • If you know any individuals in a country you'll be traveling too (even if they're only the friend of a friend), get in touch and ask them about any disruptive political or cultural events that may interfere with your travel plan.

Carmela Resuma, MPP

Carmela Resuma, MPP

Our Expert Agrees: Research is key. You can look up everything, even something as simple as how to get from the airport to another place, or cultural things like how to dress or how to say a few words of the language. Just being able to say "Hello" or "Thank you" can go such a long way."

Step 4 Budget for your international travel.

  • Start planning well ahead of time and decide how you're going to fund your trip. For example, if you're going to pay for everything out of a savings account, you may need to work extra hours for months on end to fund your travel.
  • A general rule of thumb is to try not to exceed $50 a day (not including air fare.) [4] X Research source
  • Avoid expensive travel options within a country; travel by foot or local transportation whenever possible, and keep an eye out for budget-friendly airline or train options.
  • Unless eating in restaurants when you travel is important to you, avoid them. Restaurants quickly become expensive, and you can buy groceries and cook your meals for much less money.
  • Put a cap on your spending: an amount that you absolutely cannot exceed, and make sure that your budget doesn't put you over that amount.

Step 5 Let your travel pay for itself.

  • Work for an international teaching organization. Operations like the EKIP Program allow you to teach English overseas for an extended period of time, often with the majority of your expenses paid. [5] X Research source
  • Stay at hostels when you travel. [6] X Research source Hostels are inexpensive, generally safe environments to spend a few nights in while you're traveling.
  • Work on a cruise ship. These are built to travel, and you'll be generating an income at the same time.

Planning the Specifics of Your Trip

Step 1 Learn some universal phrases.

  • Greet and thank someone.
  • How to agree and disagree (a polite “yes” or “no).
  • How to ask how much money something costs.
  • How to ask where a place is located (the bathroom, the library, a restaurant, the airport or train station, etc.).

Step 2 Compare methods of travel ahead of time.

  • Although financial saving may be your main goal, also consider the speed and safety of the methods of travel you are considering.

Step 3 Update your passport.

  • The passport application process can take 4 to 6 weeks to complete, so give yourself a few months before you plan to travel in order to acquire this documentation.
  • If you do not have a passport, the best place to look for instruction is online. There are online forms you can fill out to receive your passport. [7] X Research source
  • You can also fill out and submit the passport paperwork at your local post office.

Step 4 Get a visa, if necessary.

  • Some visas last for more time than others. Check before you start traveling. You'll need to know if your visa lasts for five years, three years, or only one year.
  • Check the U.S. State Department website to see if you need a travel visa for your intended destination. The State Department can also provide the paperwork you'll fill out to apply for a visa.

Step 5 Update your immunizations.

  • Be sure to heed any travel health warnings in the countries you'll be visiting. Always check local and national health warnings before traveling to a new region.
  • Be sure to pack any prescription or over-the-counter medications you need, since these could be difficult to acquire overseas.

Travelling Intelligently and Effectively

Step 1 Pack as conservatively as possible for your world travel.

  • Bring sturdy, comfortable shoes and clothing that can be layered to accommodate changing climates.
  • Leave expensive electronics and valuable jewelry at home.

Step 2 Stay healthy.

  • Get plenty of sleep, especially if you're often changing time zones.
  • Avoid drinking too much alcohol, this will dehydrate you and can lead to poor decisions.
  • Drink plenty of purified water. Unless you've checked ahead of time, the tap water at your destination may not be as clean and safe to drink as your local water at home.
  • Eat a somewhat balanced diet. In unfamiliar countries, it can be tempting to eat an unhealthy diet (or even one comprised of junk food). Keep yourself healthy by eating regular, balanced meals.
  • Wash your hands often.

Step 3 Invest in a global cell phone.

  • Before you look into an international cell phone, check with your current cell provider—they may be able to add an international calling plan for an additional monthly charge. [11] X Research source
  • Depending on the number of countries you'll be traveling in, and the duration of your stay(s), it may be more practical to rent an international phone in each country, rather than buying a single phone for your entire trip. [12] X Research source
  • International cell phones sometimes require that you buy separate SIM cards or recharge it with more minutes, but will keep you in constant contact with familiar people.

Step 4 Prevent yourself from getting too homesick.

Community Q&A

Daniel Arreola

  • Always bring a good pair of earplugs; these will come in handy if a location is too loud to sleep, or if you're bothered by constant noise. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
  • Bring a headscarf. This is a versatile object that can shield you from the sun, protect you from breathing in dust, and even works as a towel if you need one. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

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About This Article

Carmela Resuma, MPP

If you want to travel the world, first decide where you’d like to go. You may prefer to visit one place, or you might want to travel to a number of different destinations. Next, decide when you’d like to travel. Consider what the climate will be like during different times of the year, and research whether there are any special festivals or holidays that you can plan your trip around. Finally, set a budget for your trip, and save up as much money as you can before you leave. For tips on how to make your trip pay for itself, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The Evolution of Travel Agencies: A Historical Perspective

The history of travel agencies is a compelling narrative that has witnessed significant transformations over the years. This article explores the evolution of travel agencies from their early beginnings to the present day, highlighting key milestones and shifts in the industry.

Early Travel Arrangements:

Before the establishment of travel agencies, individuals took charge of their travel arrangements directly with transportation providers and accommodations. This process was often cumbersome and time-consuming, requiring considerable effort from the traveler.

Emergence of Travel Agencies:

In the 19th century, the concept of travel agencies began to take shape. Thomas Cook & Son, founded in 1841 by Thomas Cook, is recognized as one of the earliest travel agencies. Initially focusing on organizing railway outings, the agency later expanded its services to include international travel.

Growth and Globalization:

As transportation infrastructure grew and global travel became more accessible, the role of travel agencies expanded. They became intermediaries between travelers and various service providers, offering packaged tours and simplifying the booking process.

Technology and Online Booking:

The late 20th century witnessed a transformative shift with the advent of technology. The rise of the internet allowed travelers to research and book their trips online, reducing dependence on traditional brick-and-mortar travel agencies.

Specialization and Niche Markets:

As the travel industry diversified, agencies began specializing in specific niches such as adventure travel, luxury vacations, or eco-tourism. This specialization enabled agencies to cater to the unique preferences of different traveler segments.

Challenges and Adaptation:

The advent of online booking platforms and direct-to-consumer options presented challenges to the traditional travel agency model. However, many agencies have adapted by leveraging technology to enhance customer service, offering personalized experiences and providing expertise in complex travel arrangements.


While the travel agency landscape has undergone significant changes, agents continue to play a crucial role, particularly for complex or customized trips. Their expertise and personalized service add substantial value, contributing to a resurgence in specific segments of the industry. The role of travel agencies continues to evolve in response to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements, ensuring their relevance in the dynamic world of travel.

Empower Travel Agents

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this article The opinions and viewpoints expressed in this article are intended to provide an insightful exploration of the history and evolution of tourism ambassadors. However, it is essential to note that these opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the author or the Tourism Academy. The article aims to present a comprehensive overview of the topic based on available information and research, but individual perspectives may vary. Please consider multiple sources and viewpoints when you understand the subject matter.

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Here’s Everything You Need to Travel the World

F iguring out how to travel the world is no easy feat, especially when you’re trying to do it on a budget or planning world travel with a family.

There are many factors to keep in mind when evaluating your trip, including what to do before leaving and your budget. To help you get started, we’ve put together a guide on how to travel the world, including everything from how to start looking into your trip to how to save money once you’re abroad.

1. Get prepared

If you want to travel the world, there are some planning measures you want to take first to ensure you have durable luggage and the proper documents — a passport and possibly visas — and figuring out how much time off you’ll need.

Get your documents in order

Those in the U.S. will want an up-to-date driver’s license because by Oct. 1, 2020, all U.S. residents traveling domestically must have identification compliant with the Real-ID Act , which increased security requirements for state drivers licenses and ID cards.

Residents in 24 states including Alaska, California, Idaho, Maine, Oregon and Washington have until Oct. 10, 2018 get a Real-ID compliant card, though states have the option to apply for exemptions through Oct. 1, 2020 when the last phase of the Real-ID Act is enforced, meaning residents in those states should regularly check the status of their IDs before flying.

For travel outside of the U.S., passport cards or trusted traveler cards can serve as documents at certain land and sea crossings. But you’ll want to make sure you have a passport book if there’s any chance you might leave or enter another country via plane, where passport cards won’t work.

Already have a passport? You’ll want check if it’s valid for at least six months after planned trips. That’s because some countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Russia make this a requirement for entering their countries. Renewing a passport takes at least six to eight weeks through the mail, but those with proof of international travel (like a flight itinerary) can get an expedited passport renewal for an additional $60 to the $110 fee and by visiting a passport center in person.

International travel could also require a visa depending on the location and duration of your trip. Some countries have agreements in place that allow travelers to enter and leave visa free. For example, the U.S. and Canada don’t require visas for travel ( except in certain circumstances ), and Europe’s 26 Schengen States have a system where a visa issued by one of the 26 states typically allows travel throughout the others for up to 90 days.

To find out if your trip requires a visa, check your destination’s embassy or consulate website. Some countries will allow you to travel visa-free for a short stay. Others, like Lebanon , also allow citizens from destinations like the U.S. to get a visa upon arrival.

Get your vacation dates in order

Working while traveling can be tricky, but there are a few steps you can take that don’t involve quitting your job to travel the world.

Start by saving vacation days if you work at a company that pays out for these dates. Those looking to trade in vacation days can also check out companies like PTO Exchange , which lets companies buy back unused vacation days so employees can convert these days into travel, health benefits or charity credits.

Speed up security wait times

Signing up for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry can help save you time when moving in and out of airports.

TSA PreCheck , which costs $85 for a five-year membership, allows you to speed through domestic airport security without having to remove your shoes, belt, laptop, liquids or light jackets. The service is currently available in 200 airports in the U.S. across 47 participating airlines .

Global Entry , which costs $100 for a five-year membership will get you the same expedited screening through airport security as TSAPreCheck does, while also giving you the added benefit of expedited U.S. customs screenings through automated airport kiosks when arriving from an international destination.

Look for work on the road

Even if you leave your job to travel the world, there are some ways you can make money while abroad .

Companies like Upwork allow people to find work almost anywhere, even while traveling, since it’s open to freelancers across a wide range of fields that include video production, translation, programming, designing, writing, and mobile development. Income will vary on the type of position and number of hours worked, but freelancers can often rack up hourly rates that go as high as $200 per hour, according to Upwork representatives.

You could also find a place to stay through companies like the Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms ( WOOF ), which offers housing at organic farms around the world in exchange for volunteering on the farm, doing everything from feeding livestock and watering gardens to harvesting fruit trees.

Woman taking photo of Golden Gate Bridge out of car window with smartphone

Get the right credit card

Having the best travel credit card for your trip can not only prevent foreign transaction fees, but also help you reap rewards and perks during your trip.

A few cards with travel benefits include the Chase Sapphire Reserve ($450 annual fee), which offers $300 toward travel costs, $100 toward Global Entry or TSA PreCheck, access to thousands of airport lounges, zero foreign transaction fees, and a 1:1 point transfer program towards top airline and hotel loyalty programs. The Bank of America Travel Rewards no-fee card lets you easily cash points to use toward airline tickets, baggage, hotel stays, car rentals and cruise packages. The card offers unlimited points, with up to 1.5 points for every $1 spent and 20,000 bonus points if you make at least $1,000 in purchases the first three months of opening your account.

When it comes to savings on hotels, the Starwood Preferred Guest Credit Card lets you earn five points for every dollar you spend at one of the company’s hotels, and two points at participating Marriott Rewards hotels.

Read More: What Is Travel Insurance? And How Much Is It?

2. Book travel far in advance

After all that preparation, you’re ready to book your trip around the world, which will likely be a round-the-world plane ticket, a journey by sea, or a combination of flights and ground transportation.

Below is a breakdown of how different travel options work:

Consider a round-the-world ticket

Round-the-world tickets allow you to buy a ticket and fly with various airlines under one alliance. But there are some regulations to keep in mind. Tickets are usually valid for up to one year, though flyers are required to start and end their trip in the same country through the following major alliances:

  • Star Alliance (including Air Canada, Air China, Air New Zealand, Austrian, United, and Lufthansa) bases its round-the-world tickets on the number of miles, with levels of passes you can choose from based on mile increments. You can take up to 15 stopovers, but you’ll need to keep moving in the same direction as how you started your trip.
  • OneWorld (including American Airlines , British Airways , Cathay Pacific , and Qantas) has two different round-the-world ticket options. Its Global Explorer ticket is a mile-based option with four different mile increments to choose from, while the One World Explorer is based on the number of continents you visit, with up to four segments (flights) you can take in each of the six continents the alliance flies into.
  • Skyteam’s (including Delta, Air France, Korean Air, AeroMexico) round-the-world option requires a minimum of two stops and runs for a year, with the alliance even offering theme-based trips, like beach or history, to make planning your ticket a little easier.

Round-The-World tickets can cost around $2,000 , and Dave Grossman, author or MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points , recommends checking whether it’s cheaper to book a round-the-world trip or individual legs by entering itinerary into Google Flights and comparing the overall price to those offered when building an itinerary out on the alliance websites.

You can also book round-the-world tickets through a travel agent or third-party sites like AirTreks of Flight Centre . These sites can be cheaper because they often pull together individual airline tickets based on the lowest fares to create a round-the-world itinerary.

However, round-the-world ticket travelers should note: missing one leg of your ticket could cancel the rest of your trip, making it best for travelers who feel comfortable planning out a lengthy trip well in advance.

Take a world cruise

If you’re looking to travel the world by sea, a world cruise can provide the flexibility to explore multiple continents, traveling from the U.S. to Europe for example, or to hone in on one continent. Itineraries vary by cruise, and world cruises can be great for families, retirees or those who can be at sea for around three months.

Sometimes, cruise lines will offer the option to book only a segment of world cruise, which can range from two weeks to a month. To book a segment, prospective travelers will also have to add a one-way trip to or from the start or end of their journey.

The costs of world cruises can be anywhere from $13,000 to upwards of $40,000 per person, as Cruise Critic points out.

Aerial View Of Cruise Ship Sailing On Sea

Take a repositioning cruise

If you’re looking to travel the world for cheap, consider a repositioning cruise, which take place when ships need to relocate from one region to another. The cruises can cost up to $50 less per day than classic cruises and typically take place during shifting seasons like the fall and the spring. Cruise lines often sell repositioning tickets as one-way routes.

Consider train travel

If you plan on using trains throughout your world travel, there are a few options. For example, select companies like Great Rail Journeys now offer around the world rail journeys as well as a variety of rail passes.

Amtrak offers U.S. rail passes with 15-day ($459 for adults), 30-day ($689 for adults), and 45-day ($899 for adults) pass options that let you travel across eight segments (stops), 12 segments (stops), and 18 segments (stops).

Rail passes are a popular way to explore multiple stops within continents like Europe on the cheap. The Eurail Global Pass is the only rail pass that lets international travelers visit all of Europe , with unlimited travel offered in 28 countries. Eurail sells its global passes directly through its official website with a variety of prices and time options, starting at $600 per person for six days of travel within a month.

Those looking for the cheapest ways to travel, which can involve buses or ferries, can check out Rome2Rio , which lets you see all the transportation you can take between two locations and what route will be the cheapest. There are also lower-cost options like Berlinbus (a low cost bus operator in Germany) and the Student Agency Bus , which will give you discounted prices on coach lines in Europe. Swiss Federal Railways, often called SBB , also provides travelers with a wide variety of overnight train options, allowing you to save on overnight hotel fees to travel instead.

Know when to book

Unfortunately, there’s no magic set of days before your trip that will get you the best deal on flights. But travel seekers can keep an eye out for regular flight sales on social media, where airlines will often announce flash sales. And there are certain travel apps that will alert you when the price has gone down on flights you’re interested in.

3. Avoid hidden travel and communication fees

Once you’ve started your trip, there are tips and tricks to help you travel each destination across the world on a budget. Here are some ways to cut costs during your travel around the world:

Grab a city pass

City-pass offerings vary by location, but many will give you free or discounted admission to top attractions in a city, as well as fast-track options to cut lines. Some passes, like the Paris Pass , also include free transport throughout the city as well as admission to attractions. If you’re traveling in the U.S., you can check out the CityPASS network , which provides discounts on attractions across 12 North American cities.

Eliminate hidden hotel fees

To reduce hidden hotel fees (that is, after checking what hidden fees the hotel charges before you book), you can ask the hotel whether they can forego additional fees for amenities you don’t use, like the gym or in-room safe. The hotel may be able to remove these charges from your bill before you arrive.

If you’re staying at an all-inclusive property, you’ll want to look into the fine print and the “terms and conditions” of your stay. The reason for this is that some properties will charge more for items like champagne, high-end liquor or some activities. The easiest way to spot these is by keeping your eye out for asterisks in promotions and advertisements.

Communicate for free

Close-up of businesswomans hands holding phone

Communicating with friends and family while traveling is important, but roaming charges and international calling fees can add up quickly.

Apps like WhatsApp, Viber and Skype, which allow messaging and calling for free over Wi-Fi if you have an Android phone. You can also grab a local SIM card, which you can purchase at airport vending machines and convenience stores. The Local SIM app can pinpoint the best local cellular carrier to grab your SIM card.

Choose Restaurants Wisely

While eating food from around the world is often one of the best parts of traveling, dining out for every meal can become expensive. To save some money: stay away from restaurants located near tourist attractions, which generally have higher prices and lower quality . Some travel experts recommend making lunch your biggest meal, when prices can be half that of dinner, according to CheapOAir.

Ask about free amenities on flights and at hotels

Some airlines and hotels have free perks available to guests who know to ask for them. On flights, for example, travelers can request everything from ukuleles on some Hawaiian Airlines flights to hot chocolate on Southwest Airlines. Some hotels also offer free amenities that range from night lights, chargers and curling irons at Kimpton Hotels to complimentary yoga sessions at select Hyatt properties.

Now, if all you need is travel inspiration, check out the 20 best and affordable places to travel in 2018 .

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Why You Should Definitely Book a Solo Travel Vacation This Year

Solo travel is a boom to your mental health

Wendy Rose Gould is a lifestyle reporter with over a decade of experience covering health and wellness topics.

how travel started

Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania.

how travel started

Tang Ming Tung / Getty Images

Travel is one of the most exciting, challenging, and eye-opening things you can do for yourself. Whether you’re road-tripping to the next state over or hopping on a plane and zooming to the opposite side of the world, traveling immediately takes you out of your comfort zone and invites you to see the world through new eyes. Solo travel elevates this experience further, inspiring you to explore both inward and outward.

Mandi Getz, Travel Expert at Fit4Travel 

Go into the experience with an open mind that this will be an adventure and that you'll learn something and grow.

Solo Travel and Mental Health

Raise your hand if you’ve ever deeply felt the mundanity of life. You wake up in the morning, drink your coffee, work, enjoy maybe an hour or two of free time, then go to sleep only to repeat the same sequence day after day.

“People need challenges in their lives and to break free of their comfort zone to expand their mental health, allowing them for personal development and growth,” explains licensed professional counselor and avid traveler, Abbey Sangmeister , MS.Ed, LPC, ACS. “I encourage clients to do solo travel as they have more time to turn inward and focus on themselves and areas that are no longer working for them.” 

Mandi Getz, a travel expert at Fit4Travel , which creates tailored wellness retreats, agrees. She says that traveling is an opportunity to step outside of your daily life and experience new people, new cultures, and new adventures.

Disrupting that day-to-day flow allows you to work through challenges, empower yourself, and discover your inner strength (or even help you find what you didn’t know you had!). So often we quiet our own passions and longings, but solo travel has the potential to silence all the external influence so you can tune into yourself.

8 Ways Solo Travel Improves Mental Health

Let's explore some of the specific ways solo travel benefits your mental well-being in the short and long term.

  • Simply planning and looking forward to your trip can help you feel happier.
  • The experience provides you with intentional opportunities to look inward and self reflect.  
  • It encourages you to think about what you really want to do versus catering to another person’s preferences.
  • Solo travel increases your tolerance for adversity and challenges, which can benefit you in your daily life, too. 
  • It can help you feel greater satisfaction about your overall quality of life and even improve your relationships.
  • The experience shows you just how strong and resilient you are, which can promote confidence and a greater sense of self.
  • It can make you a more open and agreeable person, which is crucial for social interactions and relationships, as well.
  • Solo travel allows you to meet new people and make new friends. When you’re with a partner or longtime friend, that same desire to meet others isn’t quite as high.

Tips for Planning a Solo Trip 

Feeling inspired to book a solo vacation but aren’t sure where to start? You're not alone. Follow these expert tips to help ensure you have an amazing experience from beginning to end.

Start Small 

It’s OK if the idea of traveling alone makes you feel nervous. It's guaranteed to get those butterflies going! But you can do it, and remember, small steps only lead to bigger ones. 

“If someone has never traveled alone and feels anxious about it, start small,” Sangmeister says. “Have you ever sat at a coffee shop alone without a laptop in front of you? Expand upon that and go out to lunch and then dinner alone. Try adventuring in your own neighborhood. Then book that trip." 

Join a Group Retreat 

Participating in a group trip is an amazing way to travel solo without being completely alone. These trip itineraries are curated by travel experts and are packed with highlights of your destination while remaining flexible to give you the freedom to be on your own.

“Our wellness retreats make things super seamless instead of you having to go in and plan everything on your own,” Getz adds. "This is especially helpful if you're not a well-traveled person or feel nervous about traveling. From hotel transfers to excursions to having a local guide lined up, we ensure you can enjoy a fully integrative experience with the culture and the history.” 

Choose the Right Destination  

Newbie solo travelers should put a lot of thought behind where they’re going. Jay Ternavan, founder of JayWay Travel , recommends starting with a destination that’s known for its safety and travel-friendly environments. These destinations often have robust tourism infrastructures and low crime rates, making them ideal for building confidence. 

Stay Smart 

The reality is that crime is possible even in your own backyard. (To that end, some destinations may even be technically safer than where you live!) Still, Ternavan says to always be aware of your surroundings. 

“Trust your instincts and avoid secluded areas, especially at night,” he advises. “Keep your valuables secure using hotel safes and avoid displaying expensive items in public. I also recommend sharing your travel itinerary with family or friends and scheduling regular check-ins with them.” 

Pro Tip: You don't have to be fluent, but learning a few basic phrases in the local language can help you navigate and interact with locals more comfortably. 

Be Open to the Experience 

Travel forces you to roll with the punches and be adaptable. Maybe the restaurant won’t have any food you like (time to try something new!) or perhaps the tour started way later than you wanted. Whatever the case, try to remain flexible.

“I know a lot of people are nervous just because they want everything to go perfectly, and with travel, things don't always go perfectly no matter how much you plan,” Getz says. “Go into your travel day and the experience with an open mind that this will be an adventure and that you'll learn something and grow. It will all be well worth the experience.”

Don’t Over-Schedule Yourself 

To make your trip really count, avoid the temptation of overbooking and account for some flexibility in your plans. “With most people having an over-scheduled daily life, I encourage them to listen to their inner voice and practice flowing when they are on solo travel,” Sangmeister says. 

Try to Be Present 

It’s already a struggle to remain present in our daily lives, but that can compound when we’re traveling. So often, our minds go to what's the next thing on the itinerary versus soaking up an experience while you’re there. “Taking time to be in the moment is super important,” Getz says. “Be mindful and continue to remind yourself to be present where you are.” 

Abbey Sangmeister, MS.Ed, LPC, ACS

Use the time of solo travel to listen to your thoughts, find your breath, and think through ideas and goals.

Do Some Self-Reflection 

Solo travel is the perfect opportunity to look inward and better understand yourself. “ Keep a journal to reflect on your trip and those messages that come when you are in quiet moments,” Sangmeister suggests. “Use the time of solo travel to listen to your thoughts, find your breath, and think through ideas and goals.” 

Solo travel can help you uncover a path you never dreamed of or discovered. It allows you to courageously conquer fears, build new coping skills and strategies for success, and learn about new cultures and experiences. Embrace it all! 

Gilbert, D., & Abdullah, J. (2002). A study of the impact of the expectation of a holiday on an individual’s sense of well-being. Journal of Vacation Marketing , 8 (4), 352–361.

Chikani, V., Reding, D., Gunderson, P., & McCarty, C. A. (2005). Vacations improve mental health among rural women: The Wisconsin Rural Women’s Health Study. WMJ: Official Publication of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin , 104 (6), 20–23.

Zimmermann, J., & Neyer, F. J. (2013). Do we become a different person when hitting the road? Personality development of sojourners. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 105 (3), 515–530.

By Wendy Rose Gould Wendy Rose Gould is a lifestyle reporter with over a decade of experience covering health and wellness topics.

The way we travel now

What sorts of journeys do today’s travelers dream about? Where would they like to go? What do they hope to do when they get there? How much are they willing to spend on it all? And what should industry stakeholders do to adapt to the traveler psychology of the moment?

About the authors

To gauge what’s on the minds of current-day travelers, we surveyed more than 5,000 of them in February and March of this year. 1 Unless otherwise noted, the source for all data and projections is McKinsey State of Travel Survey, 5,061 participants, February 27 to March 11, 2024. Our universe of respondents included travelers from five major, representative source markets: China, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. All respondents took at least one leisure trip in the past two years. We asked them more than 50 questions about their motivations, behavior, and expectations.

Results from this survey, supplemented with findings from focus groups and other additional research, suggest six vital trends that are shaping traveler sentiment now.

Travel has become a top priority, especially for younger generations

Sixty-six percent of the travelers we surveyed say they’re more interested in travel now than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. This pattern holds across all surveyed age groups and nationalities. Respondents also indicate that they’re planning more trips in 2024 than they did in 2023.

Travel isn’t merely an interest these days. It’s become a priority—even amid uncertain economic conditions that can make budgeting a challenge. Travel continues to be one of the fastest-growing consumer spending areas, rising 6 percent over a recent 12-month period in the United States, even when adjusted for inflation. Only 15 percent of our survey respondents say they’re trying to save money by reducing the number of trips they go on. And in the February 2024 McKinsey ConsumerWise Global Sentiment Survey of more than 4,000 participants, 33 percent of consumers said they planned to splurge on travel, ranking it the third-most-popular splurge category—trailing only eating at home and eating out at restaurants. 2 Christina Adams, Kari Alldredge, Lily Highman, and Sajal Kohli, “An update on US consumer sentiment: Consumers see a brighter future ahead,” McKinsey, February 29, 2024.

Younger generations appear to propel much of the rising interest in travel (Exhibit 1). In 2023, millennials and Gen Zers took, on average, nearly five trips, versus less than four for Gen Xers and baby boomers. Millennials and Gen Zers also say they devote, on average, 29 percent of their incomes to travel, compared with 26 percent for Gen Zers and 25 percent for baby boomers.

Younger travelers are the most keen to venture abroad

Younger travelers are particularly excited about international travel. Gen Zers and millennials who responded to our survey are planning a nearly equal number of international and domestic trips in 2024, no matter their country of origin, whereas older generations are planning to take roughly twice as many domestic trips (Exhibit 2).

Younger travelers’ thirst for novelty might be motivating their urge to cross borders. Gen Zers say their number-one consideration when selecting a destination is their desire to experience someplace new. For Gen Xers, visiting a new place comes in at number eight, behind factors such as cost, ease of getting around, and quality of accommodation.

There might be a mindset shift under way, with international travel feeling more within reach for younger travelers—in terms of both cost and convenience. Younger travelers have become adept at spotting international destinations that feature more affordable prices or comparatively weak currencies. Low-cost airlines have proliferated, carrying 35 percent of the world’s booked seats over a recent 12-month period. 3 “Low-cost carriers in the aviation industry: What are they?,” OAG Aviation Worldwide, September 13, 2023. Meanwhile, translation software is lowering language barriers, mobile connectivity overseas is becoming cheaper and more hassle free, and recent visa initiatives in various regions have made passport-related obstacles easier to overcome.

It remains to be seen whether this mindset shift will endure as younger generations get older. But early evidence from millennials suggests that they’ve retained their interest in international travel even as they’ve begun to age and form families. It could be that this is a lasting attitude adjustment, influenced as much by the changing dynamics of travel as it is by youth.

Baby boomers are willing to spend if they see value

Baby boomers are selective about their travel choices and travel spending. Enjoying time with family and friends is their number-one motivation for taking a trip. Experiencing a new destination is less important to them—by as much as 15 percentage points—than to any other demographic.

Although older travelers appreciate the convenience that technology can offer, they prefer human contact in many contexts (Exhibit 3). For example, 44 percent of baby boomers—versus only 30 percent of other respondents—say they value having a travel agent book an entire travel experience for them. And only 42 percent of baby boomers have used a mobile app to book transportation, versus 71 percent of other respondents.

While this generation typically has more accumulated savings than other generations, they remain thoughtful about how they choose to spend. Their top two cited reasons for not traveling more are “travel is becoming too expensive” and “not having enough money to travel.” They make up demographic most willing to visit a destination out of season, with 62 percent saying they’re open to off-peak travel to bring costs down.

Baby boomers might be willing to spend strategically, in ways that make travel more convenient and less burdensome. For example, whereas 37 percent of Gen Zers are willing to take a cheaper flight to lower their travel costs—even if it means flying at inconvenient times or with a stopover—only 22 percent of baby boomers say they’ll do the same. But these older travelers don’t splurge indiscriminately: only 7 percent describe their attitude toward spending as “I go out all the way when I travel.” They’re much more willing to forgo experiences to save money, identifying this as the first area where they cut spending. Gen Zers, on the other hand, will cut all other expense categories before they trim experiences.

Whatever baby boomers’ stated feelings and preferences, they still account for a substantial share of travel spending. And they still spend more than younger generations—three times more per traveler than Gen Zers in 2023, for example.

The adventure starts before the trip begins

Travelers are delighting in crafting their own trips. Only 17 percent of survey respondents say they used a travel agent to book a trip in the past year. When asked why, respondents’ top-cited reason is that they want full control over their itineraries. Their second-most-cited reason? They simply enjoy the planning process. In fact, studies have shown that the anticipation of a journey can lead to higher levels of happiness than the journey itself. 4 Jeroen Nawijn et al., “Vacationers happier, but most not happier after a holiday,” Applied Research in Quality of Life , March 2010, Volume 5, Number 1.

When seeking inspiration during the planning process, respondents are most likely to turn to friends and family—either directly or on social media (Exhibit 4). Advice from other travelers is also sought after. Fewer and fewer travelers rely on travel guidebooks for inspiration.

Today’s travelers tend to view the planning process, in part, as a treasure hunt. Seventy-seven percent of respondents describe the research phase as an effort to ensure that they’re finding good deals or saving money. And all demographics describe “value for money” as the most important factor when choosing a booking channel.

Unexpected traveler archetypes are emerging

When we analyzed our survey results, we identified seven clusters of travelers who express shared attitudes and motivations toward travel. While the distribution of these archetypes varies across source markets, respondents within each archetype exhibit strong similarities:

Seven clusters of travelers express shared attitudes and motivations toward travel. Each archetype’s distribution varies across source markets, but the travelers within them exhibit strong similarities.
  • Sun and beach travelers (23 percent of respondents). These vacationers travel rarely and spend frugally, preferring sun and beach destinations that are easy to get to. They like to relax and visit with family. They’re relatively more likely to place significant value on nonstop flights (72 percent, versus 54 percent overall) and are less interested in authentic and immersive experiences (only 13 percent say these are main reasons why they travel).
  • Culture and authenticity seekers (18 percent). These are active and high-budget travelers who typically spend more than $150 per day on holiday, love to sightsee, are willing to spend on experiences, and don’t want to settle for typical bucket-list destinations. Only 6 percent prioritize familiarity when choosing where to go—the lowest percentage of any traveler segment. This segment is also least likely (at 17 percent) to say they would shorten a holiday to save money.
  • Strategic spenders (14 percent). These travelers are open to selectively splurging on authentic, carefully curated experiences. But they keep a watchful eye on total spending. They’re willing to sacrifice some conveniences, such as nonstop flights, in the interest of cost savings.
  • Trend-conscious jet-setters (14 percent). Travelers in this high-budget group (they spend more than $150 per day when traveling) turn first to friends and family (79 percent) and then to social media (62 percent) when scouting destinations. Seventy-six percent say the popularity of a destination is an important factor, compared with 63 percent overall. And 75 percent say they focus on hotel brands when selecting accommodations.
  • Cost-conscious travelers (11 percent). This travel segment is made up of predominantly older travelers who travel rarely and frequently return to the same destinations and activities. They’re relatively more likely to care about the familiarity of a destination (54 percent, versus 35 percent overall) and the cost of the trip (76 percent, versus 65 percent overall).
  • Premium travelers (12 percent). This segment expects high-quality trappings when they travel, and only 20 percent say that cost is an important factor. These frequent travelers are especially selective about accommodation—they, on average, are more likely than travelers overall to care about brand, prestige, exclusivity, design, decor, amenities, and sustainability. Similarly to trend-conscious jet-setters, this traveler segment is, on average, more likely than travelers overall (at 27 percent, versus 18 percent) to be swayed by celebrities and influencers when choosing travel destinations.
  • Adventure seekers (8 percent). This younger segment enjoys active holidays that present opportunities to encounter like-minded travelers. Nineteen percent say they’re motivated by adventure and physical activities, and 15 percent say meeting new people is a major reason why they travel. They aren’t after large-group events; instead, they prefer small-group adventures. This segment prizes remoteness, privacy, and sustainability.

What travelers want depends on where they’re from

When asked what trips survey respondents are planning next, 69 percent of Chinese respondents say they plan to visit a famous site—a marked difference from the 20 percent of North American and European travelers who say the same. Chinese travelers are particularly motivated by sightseeing: 50 percent cite visiting attractions as their main reason for traveling, versus an average of 33 percent for those from other countries.

Emirati travelers, like their Chinese counterparts, favor iconic destinations, with 43 percent saying they plan to visit a famous site. They also have a penchant for shopping and outdoor activities. Fifty-six percent of respondents from the United Arab Emirates describe the range of available shopping options as an important factor when selecting a destination—a far higher proportion than the 35 percent of other respondents. And respondents from the United Arab Emirates report going on a greater number of active vacations (involving, for instance, hiking or biking) than any other nationality.

Travelers from Europe and North America are especially keen to escape their daily routines. Respondents from Germany (45 percent), the United States (40 percent), and the United Kingdom (38 percent) place importance on “getting away from it all.” Only 17 percent of respondents from China and the Middle East feel the same way. European travelers are particularly fond of beach getaways: respondents from the United Kingdom and Germany cite “soaking in the sun” at twice the rate of American respondents as a main reason they travel.

Travel is a collective story, with destinations as the backdrop

Younger generations are prioritizing experiences over possessions. Fifty-two percent of Gen Zers in our survey say they splurge on experiences, compared with only 29 percent of baby boomers (Exhibit 5). Gen Z travelers will try to save money on flights, local transportation, shopping, and food before they’ll look to trim their spending on experiences. Even terminology used by younger generations to describe travel is experience oriented: “Never stop exploring” is tagged to nearly 30 million posts on Instagram.

The value of experiences is often realized in the stories people tell about them. Books and films have spurred tourists to flock to specific destinations (for instance, when droves of Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything across Italy, India and Indonesia [Viking Penguin, 2006] readers visited Bali). And travel has always been a word-of-mouth business, in which travelers’ stories—crafted from their experiences—can inspire other travelers to follow in their footsteps.

Social media is the latest link in this chain: a technology-driven, collective storytelling platform. Ninety-two percent of younger travelers in our survey say their last trip was motivated in some way by social media. Their major sources of social inspiration, however, aren’t necessarily influencers or celebrities (30 percent) but rather friends and family (42 percent). Consumers’ real-life social networks are filled with extremely effective microinfluencers.

Posting vacation selfies is a popular way to share the story of a journey. But a growing number of social media users are searching for ways to present their travel narratives in a more detailed and more enduring fashion, and new apps and platforms are emerging to help them do so. The microblogging app Polarsteps, which more than nine million people have downloaded, helps travelers plan, track, and then share their travels—allowing journeys to be captured in hardcover books that document routes, travel statistics, and musings.

Giving today’s travelers what they need and want

From our survey findings, important takeaways emerge that can help tourism industry players engage with today’s travelers.

Know customer segments inside and out

Serving up a one-size-fits-all experience is no longer sufficient. Using data to segment customers by behavior can help tourism players identify opportunities to tailor their approaches more narrowly.

Cutting-edge data strategies aren’t always necessary to get started. Look-alike analysis and hypothesis-driven testing can go a long way. Even without having data about a specific family’s previous travel patterns, for example, an airline might be able to hypothesize that a family of four traveling from New York to Denver on a long weekend in February is going skiing—and therefore might be interested in a discounted offer that lets them check an additional piece of luggage.

The same philosophy applies to personalization, which doesn’t necessarily need to be focused on a single individual. Merely having a clearer sense of the specific segments that a provider is targeting can help it craft a more compelling offer. Instead of simply creating an offer geared toward families, for instance, providers might build an offer tailored to families who are likely to visit in the spring and will be primarily interested in outdoor activities. And instead of relying on standard tourist activities, providers might find ways to cater to more specific traveler interests—for example, facilitating a home-cooked meal with locals instead of serving up a fine-dining experience.

Help travelers share their journeys

Today’s travelers want to share their travel stories. And friends and family back home are more likely to be influenced by these stories than by anything else they see or hear. Providers should consider ways to tap into this underexploited marketing channel.

Hotels can install a photo booth that enables guests to share pictures from their journeys. Guests can be given small souvenirs to take home to their friends and family. Hotels might also send guests photos on the anniversary of a trip to help jog happy memories and prompt a future booking.

Given the right incentives, customers can act as a distributed team of marketers. Reposting guests’ social media photos and videos, for example, or spurring engagement with contests and shareable promo codes can encourage travelers to become evangelists across an array of different channels.

Recognize younger generations’ unquenchable thirst for travel

Younger travelers’ remarkable desire for experiences isn’t always in line with their budgets—or with providers’ standard offerings. A new generation of customers is ripe to be cultivated if providers can effectively meet their needs:

  • Travel companies can better match lower-budget accommodations with younger travelers’ preferences by incorporating modern design into rooms and facilities, curating on-site social events, and locating properties in trendy neighborhoods.
  • More affordable alternatives to classic tourist activities (for example, outdoor fitness classes instead of spas or street food crawls instead of fine dining) can be integrated into targeted packages.
  • Familiar destinations can be reinvented for younger travelers by focusing on experiences (for instance, a street art tour of Paris) instead of more traditional attractions (such as the Eiffel Tower).

Cater to older travelers by using a human touch and featuring family-oriented activities

Older generations remain a major source of travel spending. Providers can look for ways to keep these travelers coming back by meeting their unique needs:

  • While older travelers are growing more comfortable with technology, they continue to favor human interaction. Stakeholders can cater to this preference by maintaining in-person visitor centers and other touchpoints that emphasize a human touch.
  • Older travelers are generally fond of returning to familiar destinations. Providers can look to maximize repeat business by keeping track of guest information that aids personalization (such as favorite meals or wedding anniversary dates). Identifying historical behavior patterns (for example, parents repeatedly visiting children in the same city) can help providers make targeted offers that could maximize spending (for example, a museum subscription in that city).
  • The off-seasonal travel patterns that older travelers often exhibit might open opportunities for providers to create appealing experiences scheduled for lower-occupancy periods—for example, an autumn wellness retreat at a popular summer destination.
  • Older travelers’ propensity to visit family and friends opens the door to offerings that appeal to a range of generations, such as small-group trips pairing activities for grandparents and grandchildren.

Travelers are more interested in travel—and more willing to spend on it—than ever before. But the familiar, one-size-fits-all tourism offerings of the past have grown outdated. Today’s travelers want to indulge in creative experiences that are tailored to their priorities and personal narratives. The good news for providers: new technology and new approaches, coupled with tried-and-true strengths such as managerial stamina and careful attention to service, are making it easier than ever to shape personalized offerings that can satisfy a traveler’s unique needs.

Caroline Tufft is a senior partner in McKinsey’s London office, Margaux Constantin is a partner in the Dubai office, Matteo Pacca is a senior partner in the Paris office, Ryan Mann is a partner in the Chicago office, Ivan Gladstone is an associate partner in the Riyadh office, and Jasperina de Vries is an associate partner in the Amsterdam office.

The authors wish to thank Abdulhadi Alghamdi, Alessandra Powell, Alex Dichter, Cedric Tsai, Diane Vu, Elisa Wallwitz, Lily Miller, Maggie Coffey, Nadya Snezhkova, Nick Meronyk, Paulina Baum, Peimin Suo, Rebecca Stone, Sarah Fellay, Sarah Sahel, Sophia Wang, Steffen Fuchs, Steffen Köpke, Steve Saxon, and Urs Binggeli for their contributions to this article.

This article was edited by Seth Stevenson, a senior editor in the New York office.

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Predators aren't waiting to eat you in Tasmania: 7 things travelers should know

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  • Tasmania is an island off the southern coast of Australia.
  • The island is known for its pristine wilderness, rugged coastlines and captivating wildlife.
  • American travelers will find themselves instantly at ease in Tasmania, but don't be fooled – the island's allure lies in its ability to surprise and inspire with breathtaking sights.

The U.S. is teeming with beautiful landscapes, but there's something to be said about experiencing the power of nature halfway across the world.

Embarking on a journey to Tasmania, Australia, is like stepping into a realm where the familiar meets the extraordinary. For first-time visitors looking to start ticking bucket list destinations, Tasmania offers a unique blend of comfort and adventure – with a welcoming g'day. Nestled off the southern coast of the mainland, Tasmania boasts pristine wilderness, rugged coastlines and captivating wildlife.

Move over Hawaii, The Azores Islands also bring vibrant beauty (with fewer crowds)

With English as the primary language and a culture of warmth and hospitality, American travelers will find themselves instantly at ease. But don't be fooled, the island's allure lies in its breathtaking sights.

From exploring ancient rainforests to indulging in culinary surprises, Tasmania promises an unforgettable escape. I visited the island for the first time in May, the start of Australia's winter, and my jaw was on the floor most of the time there. Here's what you need to know before planning your own trip to Tassie.

1. The flights are exactly what you'd expect

There are no direct flights from the U.S. to Tasmania. You'll have to connect through Sydney or Melbourne to Launceston or Hobart. I went from Washington, D.C., to San Francisco to Melbourne to Launceston. It was terrible, I'm not going to lie. Next time I go, I'll spend a day on the West Coast before taking the U.S.-Australia 14-hour flight.

My recommendation is to take a red-eye flight to Australia and use it to sleep and switch over time zones.

Flight availability from the U.S. to Melbourne and Sydney (to transfer to Tasmania) is plentiful, with several major airlines offering regular routes. Travelers can choose from direct flights departing from major U.S. cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Dallas and even New York (with direct service to Auckland). Airlines such as United, American, Delta, Hawaiian, Qantas and Air New Zealand provide nonstop services.

(New direct service from Dallas to Brisbane via American Airlines is expected to launch in October, and from Los Angeles to Brisbane via Delta in December.)

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2. Americans need a visa to enter the country

American travelers should be aware of the visa requirements before heading down under.

U.S. citizens need an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) or an eVisitor visa, which can be easily obtained online before departure.

The process is straightforward, typically requiring basic personal information and a valid passport. Once approved, the visa allows for multiple entries into Australia for up to 90 days at a time over a 12-month period. I downloaded the Australian ETA app ( iOS and Android ), filled out a quick application, and my visa was granted in less than an hour.

3. Don't fret about the time zone difference

There's a 14-hour time difference from the U.S. East Coast. It sounds complicated but just embrace it.

The unique advantage of Tasmania’s 14-hour time difference is that you can truly disconnect and savor your vacation. The time zones down under can offer the perfect balance of relaxation and connectivity. Travelers can immerse themselves in the serene landscapes and vibrant culture during the day while still having a few hours in the morning and evening to connect with loved ones back home. It’s the ideal scenario for those seeking to unwind without completely losing touch.

4. Connection with nature

Travelers can immerse themselves in Tasmania's breathtaking nature through a variety of experiences.

At Cradle Mountain in Lake St. Clair National Park, visitors can hike rugged trails and take in stunning alpine views. If you visit at night, you can enjoy a view of cute wildlife with McDermotts Coaches .

But it's OK if you don't enjoy hiking. For a unique adventure, truffle hunting with The Truffle Farm in Deloraine offers another way to explore the island's culinary practices. Wine enthusiasts can savor the flavors of Tasmania at the Clover Hill winery in Lebrina, known for its exquisite sparkling wines and picturesque vineyards.

Whether it's trekking through pristine landscapes, foraging for gourmet treats, or indulging in fine wines, Tasmania offers something for every nature lover.

5. Nothing is likely to kill you

We've all seen social media videos of Australians battling snakes or large spiders, but you can relax.

Fear of wildlife often looms large for travelers, but Tasmania is free of large predators, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts. Here, you can explore lush forests and pristine coastlines without the fear of being eaten.

Tasmania’s unique ecosystem is home to creatures like Tasmanian devils (which are incredibly rare to spot – I also didn't), puggles, platypuses, pademelons, wombats and wallabies, ensuring a safe and enriching experience for all visitors.

There are three kinds of snakes in Tasmania and while two of them can be dangerous to humans, it is extremely rare to encounter them, according to Tourism Australia.

6. The food scene has something for everyone

You will not go hungry in Tasmania. Far from it.

Tasmania's food scene is a vibrant tapestry of flavors, reflecting the island's culinary influences. From fresh seafood caught in pristine waters to farm-to-table produce, there's something for every palate. Influences from British, Mediterranean, and Asian cuisines converge, creating a unique gastronomic experience. Visitors can savor everything from gourmet dining in Hobart’s top restaurants to artisanal cheese and local wine in countryside eateries.

The coffee scene deserves a special mention. The great people of Melbourne will claim they have the best coffee in the world, but Tasmania is right there with them.

Make a stop at Tatler Lane by Sweetbrew in Launceston for a perfect cup, delicious food and a great ambiance.

7. Easy access to a different side of the world

Once in Australia, travelers can take advantage of affordable flights to explore the continent and beyond.

Budget airlines offer frequent, low-cost flights to other Australian cities. This opens up opportunities for reasonably priced trips to exciting neighboring destinations such as Bali, Japan, Fiji or New Zealand. These nearby countries are just a few hours away by plane, so you can expand your adventure without breaking the bank.

Embrace the chance to explore more of the Asia-Pacific region with convenient and cost-effective travel options.

The reporter on this story received access to this event from Tourism Australia. USA TODAY maintains editorial control of content.  

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

American soldiers in a landing craft approach Omaha Beach on D-Day


See powerful images of D-Day, 80 years later

On the anniversary of the largest amphibious invasion in history, we remember the heroes who established the foundation to defeat the Nazis in WWII.

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces began the formidable task of liberating Europe from the Nazis. The largest amphibious invasion in history, Operation Overlord was preceded by months of preparation in Britain, where hundreds of thousands of American troops were stationed in readiness.

( 'Top Secret' maps reveal the massive Allied effort behind D-Day. )

18-year-old Princess Elizabeth, the future queen, inspects an honor guard of the Second Battalion Grenadier Guards on May 17, 1944, during D-Day preparations.

Parade for a princess

Near Brighton, on England’s southern coast, 18-year-old Princess Elizabeth, the future queen, inspects an honor guard of the Second Battalion Grenadier Guards on May 17, 1944, during D-Day preparations. Incorporated into the British Army’s Guards Armoured Division, the Grenadiers landed in Normandy in mid-June, later taking part in the liberation of Brussels on September 3.

U.S. military vehicles line a Southampton street and await transport to Normandy while Annie Bagg hangs out her wash, as usual, in 1944.

Life goes on

U.S. military vehicles line a Southampton street and await transport to Normandy while Annie Bagg hangs out her wash, as usual, in 1944.

Dwight D. Eisenhower and Winston Churchill inspect U.S. paratroops in England

Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower and Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspect U.S. paratroops in England in March 1944.

Troops inspect the message, "The channel stopped you, not us," on their Horsa glider at an airfield

Fighting words

British troops of the Sixth Air landing Brigade inspect the message on their Horsa glider at an airfield in England. They would go on to cross the English Channel to Normandy, France, to carry out a drop of supplies and troops on the evening of June 6, 1944.

A tank boards a carrier

Rough crossing

At Gosport, England, a Sherman tank of the British 13th and 18th Royal Hussars boards a carrier on June 1, 1944. The tank would later land at Sword Beach. From there, the Hussars, as part of the 27th Armoured Brigade, would fight their way inland to participate in the Battle of Caen in early July.

( Memories of D-Day come alive on the beaches where it happened. )

A fleet of landing craft sail in water in a historical photo

Mustering Allied Forces

In preparation for the attack, a fleet of landing craft passes the headquarters ship, H.M.S. Bulolo, on May 24, 1944, while King George VI reviews the procession from the ship. Landing craft were vital for the amphibious attack. The maneuvers took place in the “roads” between Southampton and the Isle of Wight, sheltered waters where, throughout history, great English fleets assembled before setting sail.

Troops jump off their craft into the waters at Juno Beach in Normandy

Leap of faith

Canadian troops of the Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Highlanders jump from their craft into the waters off Juno Beach in Normandy, carrying bicycles to travel inland quickly and quietly.

Troops line up on Sword Beach on D-Day, with medics assisting the wounded

The thick of battle

British sappers (Royal Engineers tasked with repairing bridges and roads and laying and clearing bombs) arrive on Sword Beach on D-Day. Behind them, medics assist the wounded while, in the distance, commandos of the First Special Service Brigade disembark.

Soldiers' bodies are covered in fabrics in a makeshift graveyard

The greatest sacrifice

The bodies of Americans killed fighting for the liberation of France lie in a makeshift graveyard in Normandy. After the war, the bodies were recovered and transported back to the United States or to cemeteries in Europe. On D-Day alone—June 6, 1944—2,501 Americans were killed, making up more than half of the total Allied deaths that day. In the Battle of Normandy that followed, some 73,000 Allied servicemen died and 153,000 were wounded.

( Vintage photos honor the resting place of D-Day's fallen heroes. )

Gliders sit on the ground and fly around in Normandy on the first day of the invasion

Guiding in the gliders

Gliders of the U.S. Ninth Air Force land in Normandy on the first day of the invasion. The Allies used gliders to land infantry, arms, and supplies. Gliders required high levels of skill by both their pilots and the planes that towed them into position. Here, the C-47 planes that had guided the gliders across the English Channel still circle overhead. A crashed glider sits away from the remaining aircrafts.

Troops patrol the streets of a war-torn town in Normandy

Street by street

American troops patrol Carentan, Normandy, in August 1944. After a ferocious house-to-house battle, German forces surrendered the town of Carentan to the U.S. 101st Airborne Division on June 14, 1944. Its capture provided the Allies with a staging post to attack the vital port of Cherbourg.

French military vehicles parade in front of the Arc de Triomphe among crowds celebrating on the street

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Acclaimed by crowds after four years of Nazi occupation, French military vehicles parade in front of the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, on August 26, 1944. Two days earlier, U.S.-supplied Sherman tanks of the French Ninth Company (known as La Nueve and mainly crewed by Spaniards) were the first to reach central Paris. The U.S. Fourth Infantry Division followed the next day. Paris was free but hungry. The Allies would devote much time to restoring supply lines to the French capital.

( In honor of D-Day, here’s how to visit the Normandy coast. )

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Cutting corporate travel costs by paying employees to host colleagues

Roamr founders believe it offers a perfect fit for budget-conscious start-ups and tech firms that employ millennials and generation z-ers.

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Jason O'Gorman and Stephen Dooley, co-founders of Roamr

Olive Keogh's face

Roamr is a corporate travel accommodation platform that helps companies cut costs by paying employees to host their colleagues instead of footing expensive hotel bills.

Under Roamr’s B2B proposition, companies can save about 30 per cent on accommodation costs while both the employee host and the person staying with them get a cut of what would otherwise have been spent on hotel rooms.

By its nature, the Roamr platform will work worldwide and will be of particular interest to companies with distributed teams. Staying with colleagues will also encourage more in-person collaboration and bonding, says Stephen Dooley who cofounded the company with Jason O’Gorman in 2023.

“Corporate travel accommodation expenses have become insanely high with hotel prices growing 10 per cent year on year,” Dooley says. “At the same time, how we work has changed with 97 per cent of tech companies now offering employees location flexibility to attract talent and boost engagement.

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“The sticking point is that while working from a different location sounds great, the cost of doing so can be prohibitive, especially if someone is paying rent or a mortgage at home. This pain point is the other side of Roamr. Our platform also provides employees with a way of swapping their homes for free with colleagues either for personal trips or for ‘workcations’ so they can make use of location flexibility policies.”

Roamr isn’t going to suit all business travellers or all companies, but the founders believe it’s a perfect fit for budget-conscious start-ups and tech companies that typically employ big cohorts of millennials and Generation Z-ers who are already comfortable with the concept of the shared economy.

Dooley says the ground has been well prepared for Roamr by companies such as Uber and Airbnb which have made consumers savvy about sharing.

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Booking a stay on Roamr looks very much like booking a stay on any other accommodation platform except the details are only shared between colleagues within the same organisation. There are photos and a list of amenities for each property and bookings are made with a simple click.

Harnessing the power of the shared economy is a subject close to Dooley’s heart as he spent four years (as part of a PhD in financial technology) doing a deep dive into how the process of building the trust, that’s been central to the rapid adoption of the sharing model, is created. O’Gorman is a software engineer who has spent the past decade helping travel and hospitality start-ups such as RentalMatics and Cloudbeds get off the ground.

“Between us we’ve a lot of professional experience in fintech, travel and the adoption of sharing economy platforms while at a personal level we’ve felt the pain of being locked out of the opportunity to spend time working away by exorbitant accommodation costs,” Dooley says.

“For example, say a tech firm needs a Dublin-based employee in San Francisco for a month. This would cost the company around $10,000. With Roamr, a San Francisco-based colleague can host them and earn $3,000. The travelling employee also earns $3,000 for choosing Roamr over a hotel and the company saves $4,000. It is a win-win-win.”

Roamr was launched at the end of last year and has a number of paying customers. The company makes its money by charging commission on bookings made through the platform and if its customers want to offer Roamr to their employees as a perk and to arrange personal house swaps, then a SaaS fee applies.

Because of O’Gorman’s background, Roamr’s start-up costs were pinned at about €10,000, which has already been recouped. The company is currently going through the New Frontiers programme at TU Dublin and is in the process of closing out a pre-seed round of €500,000 with handpicked angel investors who bring expert domain knowledge as well as financial backing to the start-up.

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  1. How Travel Has Changed in the Past 10 Years

    how travel started

  2. How travel has changed since 1985’s ‘Back to the Future’

    how travel started

  3. How I started traveling/ how to travel

    how travel started

  4. Then and now: 9 ways travel has changed over the past 25 years

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  1. History of Travelling: How people started to travel

    Before the railway system was invented, people mostly travelled on foot (budget travel) or by water (the first-class travel at that time). However, when in the 1840s, an extensive network of railways was built, people started to travel for fun. Mid-19th century definitely marks a real beginning of modern tourism.

  2. How and When Did Tourism Start?

    In 1854, the first travel agency opened. In 1869, one of the first group tours was launched. It included attendance at the opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt. From 1889, people took holiday cruises on steamships with musical performances. Seaside holidays became really popular around 1900 (and continue to be popular to this today).

  3. A Very Brief History of Travel

    The world's first commercial aeroplane service took off in 1914 from St Petersburg, Florida to Tampa, also in Florida. Although it only lasted a few months, the precedent was set. Air travel had arrived, and now you could get to a destination in hours, where previously it would have taken days, or even weeks.

  4. The fascinating history of tourism and aviation

    Merchants - like Marco Polo - started to travel far and wide after the failed crusades. Polo's travels in particular (1295-1295 AD) were reported on, and people started to become more interested in travelling again. So travel was reborn. During the Renaissance (14-16th centuries AD) more merchants travelled further afield.

  5. Travel

    Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, ... Travel for the purpose of tourism is reported to have started around this time when people began to travel for fun as travel was no longer a hard and challenging task.

  6. A Brief History of Travel and Tourism

    The wealthy were able to afford other forms of travel including horseback and ship. Furthermore, the Middle Ages saw the emergence of connected shipping routes. As ports grew, travel opportunities increased, and the dock was typically the start of any long-distance travel during the Middle Ages.

  7. A History Of Why People Travel

    He started off with tours in Britain but with his rapid success soon moved unto other European cities, where Paris and the Alps were the most popular destinations. Thomas Cook pioneered all the common services that travel agencies undertake for the passenger today: accommodation, travel tickets, timetables, attractions, currency exchanges ...

  8. How Travel Has Changed: 1900s Through 2020s

    1900s. The 1900s was all about that horse-and-carriage travel life. Horse-drawn carriages were the most popular mode of transport, as it was before cars came onto the scene. In fact, roadways were ...

  9. A Brief History of Travel

    Tourism as we would recognise it today started around the 17th or 18th century. Well to do Europeans would set off on a Grand Tour of classical cities across the continent, taking in stops in Paris, Vienna, Prague, Florence, Rome, Venice and London, among many others. In this respect, the modern travel trail isn't quite so modern as it would ...

  10. How Travel Changed Over Time

    It was the Industrial Revolution that allowed travel to become an easier undertaking, allowing middle class tourists to seek out leisure at a more affordable price. The very first travel agency, Cox and Kings, was founded in Great Britain in 1758, where tourism first took off. Cox and Kings are still in business, along with the continuously ...

  11. A short history of modern travel

    Air travel has undoubtedly changed the world. Assuming the widespread belief that da Vinci invented the helicopter as early as the 1500s is based on concept alone, it was 400 years later, in 1903 ...

  12. Tourism

    tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. As such, tourism is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th century, although it has antecedents in Classical antiquity.

  13. How American Tourism Began

    Tourism started to become more popular after the Civil War, thanks largely to the development of railroads, though it remained an elite activity. ... and the advent of air travel all contributed to a tourism boom. That changed in the early twentieth century as cars began populating the landscape. Developers built roadside camps, then cabins and ...

  14. How Travel Has Evolved in the 50 Years Since the First Earth Day

    In only three years, enormous strides were made, all in service to the planet. But a lot has changed in the five decades since that first celebration—both in the overall health of the Earth and ...

  15. The Brief History of Transportation

    It didn't take long after air travel took off for humans to start seriously considering the possibility of going further up and toward the heavens. The Soviet Union surprised much of the western world in 1957 with its successful launch of Sputnik, the first satellite to reach outer space. Four years later, the Russians followed that by ...

  16. How to Travel: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    If you want to travel, start by choosing a destination and deciding how much time you can spend there. Take into consideration factors like your travel time, paid time off, and any obligations you have at home. If you are flying, book your flight early since they are usually cheapest 50-100 days in advance. Then, search online for activities ...

  17. How to Travel the World: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

    2. Compare methods of travel ahead of time. You will likely have the option of traveling by ship, train, or airplane. All of these methods will have multi-country ticket plans. Price out around-the-world ticket packages for the countries you want to visit so you can choose the most economical form of travel.

  18. The Evolution of Travel Agencies: A Historical Perspective

    Emergence of Travel Agencies: In the 19th century, the concept of travel agencies began to take shape. Thomas Cook & Son, founded in 1841 by Thomas Cook, is recognized as one of the earliest travel agencies. Initially focusing on organizing railway outings, the agency later expanded its services to include international travel.

  19. 50 Best Travel Tips: Advice From A Professional Traveler

    44: Make Friends With Locals. Make it a point to avoid other travelers from time to time and start conversations with local people. One of my best travel tips is to make eye contact and smile more. Maybe stop to ask for directions. This is a fast way to make new friends.

  20. Here's Everything You Need to Travel the World

    And there are certain travel apps that will alert you when the price has gone down on flights you're interested in. 3. Avoid hidden travel and communication fees. Once you've started your trip ...

  21. The Connection Between Mental Health and Solo Travel

    Solo travel increases your tolerance for adversity and challenges, which can benefit you in your daily life, too. It can help you feel greater satisfaction about your overall quality of life and even improve your relationships. The experience shows you just how strong and resilient you are, which can promote confidence and a greater sense of self.

  22. The way we travel now

    Younger travelers are the most keen to venture abroad. Younger travelers are particularly excited about international travel. Gen Zers and millennials who responded to our survey are planning a nearly equal number of international and domestic trips in 2024, no matter their country of origin, whereas older generations are planning to take roughly twice as many domestic trips (Exhibit 2).

  23. Is it easy to travel to Tasmania? Here's what to know, what to do

    5. Nothing is likely to kill you. We've all seen social media videos of Australians battling snakes or large spiders, but you can relax. Fear of wildlife often looms large for travelers, but ...

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    One reason: he started noticing that even when he gave workers massive tips intended to make them take breaks, they wouldn't. "I'd be like, 'Hey, just please do me a favor, just go home ...

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  27. Cutting corporate travel costs by paying employees to host colleagues

    Thu Jun 6 2024 - 00:00. Roamr is a corporate travel accommodation platform that helps companies cut costs by paying employees to host their colleagues instead of footing expensive hotel bills ...

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