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When you purchase through links on this site, we may earn an affiliate commission. read more., advertisement, the sound of james bond concert tour.

A new 'The Sound of James Bond' music tour will see performances in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Bond Lifestyle is giving away free tickets (read more below)!

The Sound of James Bond poster

The concert will include music from film composer legends such as John Barry, David Arnold and Hans Zimmer and Bond theme songs from the biggest music stars that have contributed to the catalog of iconic Bond songs, including Shirley Bassey, Louis Armstrong, Nancy Sinatra, Tina Turner, Tom Jones and Adele.

james bond tour deutschland

In each of the cities, an orchestra, vocal soloists and a band will perform the legendary soundtracks from Goldfinger , From Russia with Love , Diamonds are Forever , GoldenEye , Casino Royale , Skyfall , No Time To Die and many more in the concert halls.

james bond tour deutschland

Soloists Tertia Botha & Dennis LeGree performing a Bond song.

The evenings in Vienna, Cologne and Munich will be hosted by Dietmar Wunder, the German dubbing actor of Daniel Craig.

dietman wunder daniel craig sound of james bond

Dietmar Wunder, the German dubbing actor of Daniel Craig, will host the concerts in Vienna, Cologne and Munich photo © dpa Monika Skolimowska

Watch the trailer:

Time to put on your tuxedo!

Tourdates Season 2023/24

Vienna (AUT): 10 December 2023, 18.30 Wiener Konzerthaus Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra | Chuhei Iwasaki, Conductor Tertia Botha and Dennis LeGree, Soloists | Dietmar Wunder, Host

Cologne (GER): 2 January 2024, 20.00  Kölner Philharmonie Neue Philharmonie Westfalen | Christian Schumann, Conductor Tertia Botha and Dennis LeGree, Soloists | Dietmar Wunder, Host

Munich (GER): 12/13 January 2024, 19.30  Isarphilharmonie Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra | Chuhei Iwasaki, Conductor Tertia Botha and Dennis LeGree, Soloists | Dietmar Wunder, Host

Lucerne (SUI): 2/3 May 2024, 19.30 Kultur- und Kongresszentrum 21st Century Orchestra | Ludwig Wicki, Conductor Tertia Botha and Dennis LeGree, Soloists

Lausanne (SUI): 4 May 2024, 19.00 Théâtre de Beaulieu 21st Century Orchestra | Ludwig Wicki, Conductor Tertia Botha and Dennis LeGree, Soloists

Tickets are available at  

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Bond Lifestyle is giving away 3 x 2 tickets to a concert of your choice. Enter the giveaway here.

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Bond Lifestyle is an unofficial information resource and is not linked to the official James Bond production companies. © No Time To Die © 2020 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Danjaq, LLC, Eon Productions, Universal Pictures, United Artists. © SPECTRE © 2015 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Danjaq, LLC, Eon Productions, and Columbia Pictures, Inc. © SkyFall © 2012 Danjaq, LLC, United Artists Corporation, Columbia Pictures, Inc. 007 and related James Bond Indicia © 1962-2023 Danjaq, LLC and MGM. 007 and related James Bond Trademarks are trademarks of Danjaq.

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James Bond in London

James Bond in London

Wenn ihr Film- und London-Fans seid wie ich, dann habe ich hier mit den besten James Bond-Touren in London ein echtes Highlight für euch. London ist Filmkulisse und Schauplatz vieler weltberühmter Filme wie eben James Bond oder auch Harry Potter  (hier gehts zu unserem Erfahrungsbericht zu den besten Harry Potter Touren in London , es lohnt sich!).

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Ich liebe die 007-Filme (ok, bis auf den letzten, der war schon komisch, ich geb es zu) und freue mich jedes Mal, wenn ich bekannte Stadtviertel oder Gebäude in London wieder erkenne. In diesem Beitrag zeige ich euch die besten James Bond Touren in London, bei denen ihr den Thrill und die schönsten Film-Locations mit professionellen Guides erleben könnt.


Die besten James Bond-Touren in London

Hier kannst du die verschiedenen James Bond Touren in meiner Tabelle miteinander vergleichen und so für dich ganz einfach herausfinden, welche am besten zu dir passt. Meinen persönlichen Favoriten (und warum er es ist) verrate ich dir weiter unten.

James Bond in London: Meine Tipps

Ich habe gleich zwei Touren, die ich dir persönlich als absoluter James Bond-Fan ans Herz legen kann. Die James Bond-Bustour vereint viele Dinge, die ich super finde: eine authentische Tour, coole Guides, tolle Locations und ein tolles Preis-Leistungsverhältnis.

Knapp dahinter landet die James Bond Walking Tour durch London , die mit knapp $20 ein echter Budget-Tipp ist, ohne das die Qualität leidet. Da ihr hier zu Fuß und nicht per Bus unterwegs seid, seht ihr ein paar weniger James Bond Film Locations in London, aber dennoch sind die bekanntesten dabei.

James Bond-Bustour buchen oder James Bond Walking Tour durch London

Die James Bond-Touren in London im Detail

007 james bond bustour in london.

007 James Bond Bustour in London

Diese geführte Bustour zählt zu den beliebtesten und besten James Bond-Touren in London. In insgesamt 3 Stunden erfahrt ihr von einem Guide (meistens selber ein riesiger James Bond-Fan!) richtig coole Hintergrundinformationen zu den wichtigsten Drehorten zu 007-Filmen wie Spectre und Skyfall, aber auch von den Klassikern wie The World is Not Enough und Golden Eye. Richtig cool!

James Bond London Locations Tour im Black Cab

James Bond London Locations Tour by Black Taxi

Die Route und die James Bond in London-Film-Locations sind bei dieser privaten Tour ähnlich der bei der Bustour, jedoch ist es hier noch viel persönlicher. Warum? Weil ihr hier in mit maximal 4 Personen in einem für London so typischen und ikonischen Black Cab unterwegs seid.

Gerade wenn ihr als Familie unterwegs seid oder eine ganz ganz besondere 007-Tour durch London machen wollt, ist diese private Tour meine Empfehlung. Falls es in eurem Reisezeitraum noch Tickets gibt, solltet ihr schnell zuschlagen, denn diese James Bond-Tour ist schon aufgrund der geringen Kapazität gern und schnell ausgebucht!

James Bond Walking Tour

James Bond Walking Tour London

Was wäre London ohne James Bond? Bei der James Bond Walking Tour lauft ihr an bekannten Drehorten von Spectre, Skyfall oder Stirb an einem anderen Tag vorbei, aber erfahrt auch mehr zu den tatsächlichen Fakten über die britischen Geheimdienste MI5 und MI6. Außerdem lernt ihr, wie die James Bond-Filme entstehen.

London: 50-Minute River Thames Speedboat RIB Tour

London: 50-Minute River Thames Speedboat RIB Tour

Du möchtest das echte James Bond-Feeling wie bei den berühmten Verfolgungsjagden auf der Themse erleben? Dann ist diese Speedboat-Tour genau das Richtige für dich!

Bei der 50-minütigen Tour ist Gänsehaut und Adrenalin garantiert – los geht es am Embankment Pier und die Fahrt führt euch bis zur Tower Bridge. Sobald ihr an einem der vielen Film-Locations vorbei düst hört ihr die dazugehörige James Bond-Filmmusik.

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  • 24 Amazing James Bond Locations...

24 Amazing James Bond Locations Around the World You Can Visit

Isla Tapu, Phuket, Thailand (Commonly known as James Bond island)

Food & Drink Editor

With the death of the late, great Sir Roger Moore, our favourite Bond , we pay homage to his career by looking at some of the amazing locations featured in the movies. If you want to follow in the footsteps of Moore’s Bond , here are 24 locations you can visit.

Live and let die (1973).

The late Sir Roger Moore’s first outing as Bond sees him off to the US and Caribbean to investigate murder and voodoo.

Green Grotto Caves, Jamaica Green due to the algae that grow on the walls, the caves would have been well known to Bond author Ian Fleming as he spent a great deal of time on the island.

Green Grotto Caves, Jamaica

The French Quarter, New Orleans, US Scene of the famous jazz funeral where a US agent asks, ‘Whose funeral is it?’ only to be told ‘Yours’, before being stabbed and put in the casket.

French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana

Swaby’s Swamp Safari, Jamaica Classic moment where Bond runs across a swamp of sleeping crocodiles to escape.


Harlem, New York, US Bond walks into a bar in Harlem on the trail of crime lord Mr Big. The actual bar used in the movie was in Midtown, and the interiors were sets. Today, Harlem is full of great bars to explore .


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The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Bond must work with the Russians in Egypt and Italy to defeat a reclusive megalomaniac shipping tycoon and his giant henchman, Jaws.

Mount Asgard, Nunavut, Canada Featured in the opening sequence where stuntman Rick Sylvester skis off a mountain before opening his parachute. Sylvester was paid $30,000 with a bonus if he performed the stunt successfully. In the movies the mountain is meant to be in the Swiss Alps.

Mount Asgard, Nunavut, Canada

Abu Simbel temples, Egypt This ancient Egyptian temple complex was used as a joint MI6-KGB base to investigate mysterious submarine disappearances.

The Great Temple of Ramesses II, Abu Simbel, Egypt

Spiaggia Capriccioli, Sardinia, Italy The clear waters off the coast of this Italian island are where Bond emerges from the sea in his distinctive underwater Lotus Esprit.

Spiaggia Capriccioli, Sardinia, Italy

Gare Loch, Scotland, UK Home to the Faslane naval base where the Royal Navy nuclear submarines are harboured. Bond is briefed on the missing submarines here.

Gare Loch, Scotland, UK

The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)

Floating Macau Palace, China Bond heads to this floating casino and pleasure palace in search of Lazar, the Portuguese gunsmith who makes the golden bullets for Scaramanga. Today the original floating palace has gone, but in its place are many others; indeed, Macau is known as the Las Vegas of the East.

Casino Lisboa, Macau

Ko Tapu (AKA James Bond Island), Thailand This islet to the north of Phuket is home to Scaramanga in the movies, and is now known locally as James Bond Island.

Ko Tapu, Phuket, Thailand (commonly known as James Bond Island)

Ratchadamnoen Stadium, Bangkok, Thailand Bond meets Scaramanga at a kickboxing match, which was filmed here.

Ratchadamnoen Stadium

Moonraker (1979)

Vaux-le-Vicomte, France Drax’s European château, which in the movie was ‘brought stone by stone from France’, when in fact it never left the spot it’s been on since the 17th century, 45km south east of Paris.

Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte

Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy With the plot taking Bond to Venice, an action sequence along the city’s canals was a must, and Bond’s gondola-cum-hovercraft ends up in the square.

Piazza San Marco

Sugarloaf Mountain, Brazil Take a cable car up to the mountain. It was these very cables that Jaws tried to bite through.

Cable cars up to Pão de Açúcar (Sugarloaf)

For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Corfu, Greece Corfu Harbour is where heroine Melina Havelock’s parents (and presumably parrot) are gunned down on their yacht.


Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy Bond heads to this winter sports resort in the Dolomites, northern Italy, where he stays at the Miramonti Majestic Grand Hotel, and you can too. The resort was built for the 1956 Winter Olympics.

Cortina d’Ampezzo

Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Meteora, Greece The action moved to these stunning monasteries built in the 14th century to be impregnable to attack; Meteora means ‘middle of the sky’.

Meteora, Greece

Octopussy (1983)

Taj Lake Palace, India The island home of Octopussy, and now a luxury hotel.

Taj Lake Palace, India

The Old War Office building, London As Moore’s films were all shot at a time when the location of MI6 was still technically classified, the Old War Office building on London’s Whitehall is home to M.

Old War Office Building Whitehall, London

Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, Germany Bond crosses Checkpoint Charlie into East Berlin to follow Octopussy’s travelling circus. Since reunification the site has become one of the city’s most popular tourist destinations.

Checkpoint Charlie

Nene Valley Railway, Peterborough, UK It’s a long way from East Berlin to Peterborough, but this historic railway station stood in for the section of the city in East Germany.

Nene Valley Railway

A View to a Kill (1985)

Moore’s final outing as Bond, where he takes on tech millionaire and megalomaniac Max Zorin.

Paris, France After a briefing at MI6 HQ, Bond heads to Paris, where he dines at Restaurant Le Jules Verne in the Eiffel Tower with private detective Achille Aubergine, who is assassinated by May Day (played by Grace Jones). You can still visit the restaurant today.

[jwplayer beFDkNCU-RnIdcM25] Château de Chantilly, France Zorin’s base is the stunning 16th-century Château de Chantilly, 20 miles north of Paris. The château and grounds now house a stunning art collection that is open to the public.

Château de Chantilly

San Francisco, US Finally the action moves to the West Coast of the US, including the stunning Golden Gate Bridge, which is no stranger to movie makers .

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California, US

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This James Bond–inspired Luxury Trip Will Take You on a Multi-country Tour of Europe

Follow in the footsteps of 007 with Black Tomato, a Travel + Leisure 2022 World's Best Awards-winning tour operator.

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Jasin Boland/Courtesy of James Bond Indicia © 1962-2022 Danjaq and MGM. All Rights Reserved.

Calling all James Bond fans. Black Tomato , the official travel partner of EON Productions, the creator of the James Bond movies, wants to take you on a private, 007-inspired adventure. In honor of the legendary franchise's 60th anniversary this year, the luxury travel company announced that it has curated a European itinerary in collaboration with the movies' location scouts. The inaugural travel experience will take cinephiles to some of the franchise's most stunning European locations and give them a taste of Agent 007's lifestyle (minus the dangerous stunts, of course) and his inimitable style.

"It is an incredibly special milestone for Black Tomato to be given the honor of bringing 007's travels to life for the first time ever," Tom Marchant, co-founder of Black Tomato, told Travel + Leisure . "The destinations in which Bond's adventures take place play a leading role in the James Bond franchise, and it's an immense privilege to bring these stunning backdrops to the forefront for travelers."

Courtesy of James Bond Indicia © 1962-2022 Danjaq and MGM. All Rights Reserved.

Courtesy of James Bond Indicia © 1962-2022 Danjaq and MGM. All Rights Reserved.

The first trip will start in London, the home of 007 , and "will span arts and culture, action and adventure, with uncompromising luxury throughout," according to a statement shared with T+L. Highlights include visiting Europe's oldest and most prestigious equestrian center in Chantilly, France, featured in "A View to a Kill" (1985) as the lavish estate of villain Max Zorin. Travelers will get access to the facility's training grounds and Les Aigles track to attend a morning exercise before meeting with jockeys and trainers and heading for a horseback riding session. A private guided tour of the stately Château de Chantilly will follow.

Also on the itinerary? A Lake Como getaway wherein travelers will water ski along the Moltrasio shoreline, inspired by the 1989 "Licence To Kill." After a private seaplane tour of the lake, a boat will take guests to the beautiful Villa del Balbianello from "Casino Royale" (2006) for a stroll through its gardens and a villa tour. Finally, the agenda will conclude at a truly iconic location for James Bond fans: Monaco's Casino de Monte-Carlo , where guests will have access to exclusive private rooms of the casino for an evening of gambling.

This is the only James Bond itinerary currently in the works, but through Black Tomato's exclusive partnership with EON, the T+L 2022 World's Best Awards-winning tour operator intends to host similar itineraries every year.

"Given this significant 60th-anniversary milestone for EON and Bond , it is an apt moment to officially celebrate some of the extraordinary locations from Bond's film history over the past six decades," Ali James, location manager for EON, told T+L.

Black Tomato will announce the full itinerary for the inaugural trip in March 2023, and only 60 spots will be available to book. Pricing is not yet available, but you can learn more here .

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Ideas to inspire your world: luxury, culture, food, travel, style, march 4, 2022, our favorite james bond filming locations.

James Bond filming locations

Stunning international locations have been a hallmark of James Bond films since Dr. No initiated the franchise in 1962. The actor playing British secret agent 007 has changed over the years, but the basic ingredients of the films—nefarious supervillains, beautiful Bond girls, tongue-in-cheek quips and thrilling action amid spectacular scenery—have not.

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The stylish secret agent has pursued renegades and romance in an estimated 60 countries. Here are some of our favorite James Bond filming locations around the world:

1. London, England

James Bond filming locations

Bond is an Englishman inextricably linked to London—the city appears in almost every Bond film. As well as being Bond’s home, it’s also the location of MI6, the British foreign intelligence service. The real MI6 offices, located on the River Thames, appeared as a backdrop in many Bond films, before being cinematically “blown up” (an effect created by computer graphics) in Spectre (2015).

James Bond filming locations

One memorable action sequence in London is a speedboat chase on the Thames in The World is Not Enough (1999), which begins with Pierce Brosnan launching in a boat out of an opening high in the wall of MI6. Upon request, Artisans of Leisure can arrange a speedboat ride on the Thames as part of our private London tours. It’s a great way to see iconic sites along the river, such as the Houses of Parliament and the Tower of London .

james bond tour deutschland

We can also arrange for travelers on our private England tours to visit other Bond-related sites such as the National Gallery, Whitehall, Southbank, Vauxhall, Notting Hill, the Old Royal Naval College and Sotheby’s as well as make reservations at London’s oldest restaurant that featured in Spectre .

James Bond filming locations

We arrange for our travelers to stay at one of the top luxury hotels in London, such as The Ritz London. Although it wasn’t a James Bond filming location, Bond creator Ian Fleming frequented the restaurant and included the hotel in two of the Bond novels, Diamonds are Forever (1956) and The Man with the Golden Gun (1965).

James Bond filming locations

2. Scotland

The beautiful scenery of the Scottish Highlands has appeared in several Bond films. Our favorite Bond locations in Scotland include romantic Eilean Donan Castle in The World is Not Enough (1999)…

James Bond filming locations

…the mountains and moors of Glen Etive and Glen Coe as the dramatic setting of the Bond family estate in Skyfall (2012) and the remote rivers and hills of the Cairngorms National Park in No Time to Die (2021), both starring Daniel Craig as James Bond.

James Bond filming locations

The cultural and scenic highlights of the Scottish Highlands are included in many of our private Scotland tours .

Italy is one of the most significant James Bond filming locations, with diverse scenery from mountains in the north to beaches in the south all making an appearance. Our favorite Bond film locations in Italy include iconic destinations like Venice, Lake Como and Rome, and lesser-known places in the Dolomites, Tuscany and Basilicata.

James Bond filming locations

In Casino Royale (2006), Bond convalesces at Villa del Balbianello, one of our favorite places on Lake Como.

James Bond filming locations

Bond then travels to Venice, sailing a yacht down the Grand Canal. We agree that Venice and Lake Como make a fantastic combination! We can arrange private tours of Villa del Balbianello in addition to other favorite villas and gardens around Lake Como.

James Bond filming locations

Although the luxury Venetian hotel in Casino Royale isn’t real (the National Museum in Prague stood in for the location), there are a number of luxurious hotels in Venice that make an ideal base for private touring around the city, including a private boat charter among the Venetian islands.

James Bond filming locations

For instance, The Belmond Hotel Cipriani, where Bond moors his yacht in Casino Royale , is one of our favorite luxury hotels in Venice.

James Bond filming locations

Other Bond-related experiences we can arrange in Italy include tickets to the Palio di Siena the famous horse race seen in Quantum of Solace (2008); visiting the Ponte Madonna della Stella in Gravina in Puglia, the two-tier bridge and aqueduct Bond leaps off in No Time to Die (2021); and touring the landmarks of Rome seen during the car chase in Spectre. 

James Bond filming locations

In France , Bond has chased villains, foiled plots and gotten entangled with various women and henchmen in locations ranging from the Eiffel Tower in Paris to chateaux in the Loire Valley and seaside resort towns on the Cote d’Azur.

James Bond filming locations

Although the villain’s lair in Moonraker (1979)—starring Roger Moore as Bond—purports to be in California, the actual location was Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte . This privately-owned palace outside Paris is one of our favorite day excursions from the French capital.

James Bond filming locations

We can incorporate these and other Bond-related sites in our private France tours , including private tours of chateaux in the Loire and reservations at Le Jules Verne restaurant on the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower. The Michelin-starred restaurant inspired the restaurant in the Eiffel Tower in A View to Kill (1985).

James Bond filming locations

5. Switzerland

Bond first appears among the spectacular landscapes of the Swiss Alps in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969), the only film starring George Lazenby as 007.

private Switzerland winter tour

The film showcases the dramatic scenery of the Berner Oberland , including the areas around Lauterbrunnen, Grindelwald and Murren. The spectacular alpine landscapes are a highlight of many of our private Switzerland tours .

james bond tour deutschland

Piz Gloria, the revolving restaurant on the summit of the Schilthorn (villain Ernst Blofeld’s lair in the movie) is a popular pilgrimage site for Bond fans. We can easily incorporate a visit into a private tour of the Interlaken region.

James Bond filming locations

In other memorable scenes in the franchise, the super spy takes on the hairpin curves of the Furka Pass in Goldfinger (1964) and bungee jumps off the Verzasca (Contra) Dam (standing in for a Soviet base) in the opening of Goldeneye .

James Bond filming locations

6. Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul , the magnificent ancient city on the Bosphorus, is an unforgettable location in From Russia with Love (1963), The World is Not Enough and Skyfall .

James Bond filming locations

Spectacular Istanbul landmarks in the films include the Hagia Sophia , the New Mosque and the Basilica Cistern. And who could forget Bond’s motorcycle chase across the rooftops of the Grand Bazaar in the opening of Skyfall . All of these locations are included in our private Turkey tours featuring Istanbul.

private Turkey tours

Like many of our travelers, Bond has taken boat rides on the Bosphorus, which is a great way to enjoy the views of Istanbul.

james bond tour deutschland

Egypt is a favorite destination of Artisans of Leisure travelers and features prominently in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), one of the most acclaimed Bond films of the Roger Moore era.

James Bond filming locations

Bucket-list sites in the movie that feature in our private Egypt tours include the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx and the temple complexes at Luxor and Karnak .

James Bond filming locations

Abu Simbel, one of the most iconic sites of ancient Egypt, appears as the temporary joint headquarters of MI6 and the KGB.

James Bond filming locations

In Cairo, Bond visits a contact in an Ottoman-era home, where he proceeds to get into a fight on the roof. We take our travelers on private tours of historic homes in Cairo, including Bayt al-Suhaymi and the Gayer-Anderson Museum (the film location), which make a great complement to the more famous monuments.

James Bond filming locations

Nearly all Bond films feature the jet-setting spy in numerous countries. One exception is You Only Live Twice (1967), which takes place primarily in Japan .

James Bond filming locations

Notable backdrops in the Sean Connery film include a sumo match in Tokyo, the white towers of Himeji Castle and the volcanic landscapes of Kyushu, where Blofeld, Bond’s greatest nemesis, has a hideout.

James Bond filming locations

For travelers on our private Japan tours , we can arrange tickets to a sumo match, private touring of Himeji Castle and other historic landmarks and insider touring of Kyushu , renowned for its beautiful landscapes, cuisine, hot springs and ceramics.

9. Thailand

The beautiful islands and limestone karst formations of Phang Nga Bay, including Koh Tapu (James Bond Island), in Thailand made for incredibly scenic locations in The Man with the Golden Gun (1997) and Tomorrow Never Dies , where they’re a stand-in for Halong Bay in Vietnam .

James Bond filming locations

We recommend staying at one of our preferred luxury resorts such as Amanpuri and having us arrange a private boat cruise around Phang Nga Bay.

James Bond filming locations

The Man with the Golden Gun also has scenes in Bangkok at one of our favorite hotels—the Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok—where Bond stays while on assignment.

james bond tour deutschland

India was a primary filming location for Octopussy (1983). A view of the Taj Mahal from Bond’s helicopter marks his arrival in India before the action moves to Udaipur. Bond might not have had time to tour the Taj Mahal, but the stunning landmark is a highlight of many of our private India tours.

james bond tour deutschland

One of the unusual film locations used for Octopussy’s home was the Lake Palace, a retreat built for the local maharana on an island in Lake Pichola, Udaipur, in the 18th century.

James Bond filming locations

Artisans of Leisure can arrange reservations for meals at the Lake Palace, which is now a luxury hotel with several restaurants.

We include the Taj Mahal and Udaipur in many of our private India tours . Artisans of Leisure arranges private boat charters on Lake Pichola and private tours of the magnificent City Palace complex, which overlooks the lake and the Lake Palace.

James Bond filming locations

11. Iceland

A particularly memorable Bond car chase takes place in Die Another Day (2002). Pierce Brosnan and the villain pursue each other by speeding and sliding their cars among spectacular ice formations on the frozen Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon in Iceland .

James Bond filming locations

Jokulsarlon is a top scenic attraction that we include in many of our private Iceland tours . In the summer, our travelers can enjoy a boat cruise on the lake and get up close to its floating icebergs, bergy bits and growlers.

James Bond filming locations

Jokulsarlon also portrayed Siberia in A View to a Kill (1985).

12. Czech Republic

The Czech Republic stood in for multiple locations in Craig’s Casino Royale , including Miami, London and Montenegro.

james bond tour deutschland

The Strahov Library in Prague, a magnificent Baroque library, appears in the film as the House of Commons in London. For a special experience, we can arrange exclusive tours of the Baroque-era library.

private Czech Republic tours

Karlovy Vary, a beautiful UNESCO-listed spa town outside Prague, was used for Montenegro scenes. The facade of the Kaiserbad Spa, for example, became the entrance to the film’s Casino Royale.

james bond tour deutschland

We arrange private touring in Prague, private excursions to Karlovy Vary, and private tours of the real Montenegro, which makes a great combination with neighboring Croatia .

james bond tour deutschland

The memorable opening sequence in Spectre reveals Bond making his way through a Day of the Dead parade in downtown Mexico City past landmarks such as the Zocalo (the historic main square), one of the places we take travelers on our private Mexico tours .

James Bond filming locations

Daniel Craig’s Bond escorts a woman through The Gran Hotel de la Ciudad de Mexico before climbing out of the window for an action sequence that concludes in a helicopter stunt over Zocalo. The Gran Hotel and its stunning Art Nouveau glass ceiling also appeared in License to Kill (1989), with Timothy Dalton as 007.

james bond tour deutschland

Movies are often a source of travel inspiration, and we can easily customize our private tours to include James Bond filming locations or other film locations around the world. Contact Artisans of Leisure to begin planning a private luxury tour.

James Bond filming locations

Tags:   Abu Simbel , adventure tours , Amanpuri , Bangkok , Bayt al-Suhaymi , Berner Oberland , Bosphorus , Cairo , Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte , Cote d'Azur , Czech Republic , Eilean Donan Castle , England , film locations , France , Glen Coe , Hagia Sophia , Himeji Castle , Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc , Istanbul , Italy , James Bond , James Bond tours , Japan , Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon , Karlovy Vary , Lake Como , London , London Thames boat ride , London tours , Mandarin Oriental , Mexico , Montenegro , movies , Phang Nga Bay , Piz Gloria , Prague , Pyramids of Giza , Scotland , Scottish Highlands , Strahov Library , Swiss Alps , Switzerland , Taj Mahal , Thailand , The Ritz London , Tokyo , Turkey , Udaipur , Udaipur City Palace , Venice , Villa del Balbianello

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girl gone london

7 Best James Bond Tours in London (ranked!)

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In 1953, British novelist Ian Fleming introduced one of the most iconic secret agents to the world.

Since then, the suave and heroic character of James Bond has appeared in dozens of novels and 27 blockbusting films.

The fictional spy’s tie to London has created plenty of tourist appeal, with over a dozen iconic filming locations throughout the city.

james bond tour deutschland

⏳ Don’t have time to read the whole list?

The best James Bond tour in London is this James Bond 2-Hour Walking Tour .

Click here to check prices and availability.

If you’re looking for a London-based tour that dives into the world of ever-evolving fiction rather than age-old history, take one of these exciting James Bond London tours, including 007 tours in London, James Bond walking tours in London and James Bond bus tours in London.

Whether you’re up for a good bit of walking, or prefer to relax in a classic London cab or minibus, or even want to speed down the River Thames in a speedboat, you’ll have a blast immersing yourself in the world of agent 007 on these 7 best James Bond Tours in London!

Hey! Want more honest UK tips and planning advice? Click here to join my London and UK Travel Tips Facebook group , where I can answer more of your questions!

Easy Guide: Best James Bond Tours

1. james bond 2-hour walking tour of london : james bond london tours.

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⭐️  RATING:  4.6 out of 5 Stars, 170+ reviews | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  2.5 hours | ✔️  BOOK NOW


  • Professional guide
  • Visit over 10 locations from Bond films
  • Learn about James Bond and real spy stories
  • Convenient meeting place near public transportation

During the James Bond 2-Hour Walking Tour of London , you’ll not only learn about the fictional world of 007 himself, but also dive into the world of real espionage!

Your tour begins in front of the Charing Cross railway station, and takes you to some of the most iconic locations from various Bond films.

You’ll be using public transit to get around to the various locations throughout the tour, so be sure to have your Oyster card loaded and ready to go!

Discover what happens in the government buildings of Westminster, as your expert guide fills you in on both Bond trivia as well as fascinating facts about the British Secret Service!

The tour concludes in front of another recognizable Bond location: the MI6 Building at Vauxhall Cross.

This iconic building is just a 2 minute walk from the railway station, right along the River Thames.

Hungry? There are plenty of places in the area to grab lunch after the tour!

2. James Bond Bus Tour of London

james bond tour deutschland

⭐️  RATING:  4 out of 5 Stars, 40+ reviews | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  4 hours | ✔️  BOOK NOW

  • Minibus transportation
  • Knowledgeable guide
  • Near public transportation
  • Stroller accessible

Skip the walking and climb aboard the James Bond Bus Tour of London !

This exciting and informative bus tour boards outside of the Blackfriars station on Queen Victoria Street, and ends next to the London Eye.

The minibus will transport you between many recognizable filming locations seen throughout the franchise.

Don’t worry about missing out on photo ops!

You’ll stop and get out to see the locations up close, having plenty of time to snap some memorable vacation photos before boarding the bus again.

During the 4-hour tour, you’ll hear stories about the actors who’ve played James Bond as you visit locations from GoldenEye , Die Another Day , Skyfall , Spectre , and more!

You’ll also pass by the college featured in the sixth Bond movie, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service – the only film that saw actor George Lazenby in the 007 role!

Travelling with kids?

This minibus tour is stroller accessible!

3. Bond for a Day London VIP – All Inclusive day and Private Tour : James Bond experience in London

james bond tour deutschland

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars, 20+ reviews | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  6 hours | ✔️  BOOK NOW

  • Breakfast & Lunch
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • 300 rounds at a shooting range

Live like 007 for a day on this all-inclusive private tour !

Immerse yourself in the world of James Bond for six whole hours and get a taste of the agent’s daily life – literally!

Your tour includes a delectable full breakfast, and will end with Bond’s drink of choice: a vodka martini – shaken, not stirred.

You’ll start at a secret location in Whitehall, London (located near public transportation), where you’ll receive a “mission briefing” before embarking on your action-packed day!

Try your hand at firing a gun like an expert agent, with 300 rounds at a shooting range featuring many different firearms to choose from.

As if dining and fighting like an agent aren’t enough, you’ll also get to smell like one!

Receive a sample of Bond’s (and author Ian Fleming’s) favoured fragrance, Floris No.89.

Like the perfume enough to take a full bottle home? Take advantage of the 10% discount included with your tour!

4. James Bond London Locations Tour by Black Taxi

james bond tour deutschland

⭐️  RATING:  4.6 out of 5 Stars, 19+ reviews | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  3 hours | ✔️  BOOK NOW

  • Expert driver/guide
  • Stop for photos at iconic locations
  • Complimentary water
  • Hotel pickup & dropoff

What’s more London than an iconic black cab and everyone’s favourite special agent, 007?

You’re in for a doubly memorable experience when you take this James Bond London Locations Tour by Black Taxi !

Your expert guide is also a professional London black cab driver, and will pick you up from your Central London hotel.

From there, you’ll travel in comfort as your guide takes you to the most famous James Bond filming locations in London!

Not only that, but you’ll also come across several fascinating real-life locations of London espionage – including secret bunkers!

On this 3-hour tour, you’ll see the house where Bond author Ian Fleming lived, real MI5 and MI6 locations, and, of course, plenty of recognizable locations from various Bond films, as well as the places from which 007 would get his clothing and cigarettes.

And don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get out and take some envy-inducing vacation photos along the way!

5. J ames Bond Private Tour : James Bond London tour

james bond tour deutschland

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars, 5+ reviews | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  3 hours | ✔️  BOOK NOW

  • Professional local guide
  • Private walking tour
  • Wheelchair accessible

Introverted James Bond fans will prefer this devoted private tour , where you’ll have a professional local guide all to yourself for three whole hours!

Your guide will meet you outside the Vauxhall Underground Station, or if you prefer you can arrange to be picked up from your Central London hotel.

From there, you’ll embark on a 3-hour walking journey to see the most iconic filming locations throughout the James Bond franchise!

Get an up-close look at the locations of some of the most memorable scenes from Quantum of Solace , and other Bond films!

But it isn’t just fiction you’ll encounter on this fascinating tour!

Visit Whitehall and learn about the lives of real spies, including an infamous Cold War murder that sounds like something out of a Bond movie in itself!

You’ll have your guide’s full attention on this private tour, so don’t be shy about asking any questions that may come up!

6. London: Canary Wharf Speedboat Tour

james bond tour deutschland

⭐️  RATING:  4.8 out of 5 Stars, 300+ reviews | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  45 minutes | ✔️  BOOK NOW

  • Thrilling speedboat ride
  • Complimentary plastic ponchos
  • Life jackets to wear during ride

While the tour isn’t dedicated to 007 himself, you’ll be feeling like James Bond as you dash across the Thames on this Canary Wharf Speedboat Tour!

The speedboat will blast the Bond theme as you take off on a high-speed ride along London’s famous river – keep an eye out for the MI5 and MI6 buildings!

You’ll be fascinated by your guide’s friendly and fun commentary as you pass by several iconic London locations, like the Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral.

Climb aboard at Embankment Pier (conveniently located right across from the Embankment station) and feel like an action hero as you zoom down the river to Canary Wharf and back!

The tour lasts about 45 minutes, with 25 minutes of easy-paced commentary and 20 minutes of high-speed action!

Worried about getting soaked to the bone? Don’t be! Your tour includes a complimentary plastic poncho, and mandatory life jackets will ensure your safety.

7. Small-Group Spy & Espionage Tour of London

james bond tour deutschland

⭐️  RATING:  4 out of 5 Stars, 5+ reviews | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  3 hours | ✔️  BOOK NOW

  • Expert, professional guide
  • Audio headset during tour
  • Luxury vehicle with onboard Wi-Fi

Discover what happens in the lives of real spies on this exciting Small-Group Spy & Espionage Tour of London !

This tour isn’t Bond-specific, but you’ll get a load of fascinating information about the realities of his line of work – and with a maximum of 25 travellers, you won’t have to shout for your questions to be heard!

Your tour begins and ends at St. Ermin’s Hotel – a former MI6 headquarter! – and lasts for three hours.

But don’t worry, you won’t be walking the entire time!

Your expert guide will lead you around some of the most important spy-related locations in London via luxury mini coach, and you’ll get out and do a bit of walking for up-close views.

There will of course be several James Bond locations that pop up throughout the tour, like the MI6 headquarters along the River Thames.

Audio headsets (provided) will ensure that you don’t miss a moment of fascinating commentary – the details of which you’ll want to share with everyone you know!

UK Travel Planning Guide: the FAQs

🏥 Should I buy UK travel insurance?

Absolutely yes. Basic coverage is not expensive, and as a visitor you are NOT covered under the NHS. Compare policies and prices with Travel Insurance Master here , a big name in the travel insurance business, and cross that off your list.

🔌 Do I need travel adapters for the UK?

Yes, you do, otherwise you won’t be able to plug in your electronics/phone/lifelines. I recommend this one , which is all-in-one so you can use it in other countries.

🚗 What do I need to drive in the UK?

The first thing you need to check out if you’re planning on renting a car in the UK is this guide to driving in the UK for visitors – the roads, signs, and driving experience will likely not be what you’re used to and it’s essential to prepare yourself to stay safe and aware.

🛌 What’s the best way to book hotels in the UK?

For UK hotels, Booking is the best site as it offers free cancellation on many properties. If you want an apartment, I always recommend VRBO over AirBnb.

📳 Will my phone work in the UK?

Yes – if you set it up right. Check out my guide on making your foreign phone work in the UK to ensure that you get the type of service you need.

🚿 Can I drink the water in the UK?

Yes, UK water is great and perfectly safe. But drink out of taps in any kitchen or use water fountains. Double check before drinking out of the taps in hotel bathrooms, though, as they may be on a different system. London water is safe to drink .

Hey! Want to use our trusty guides to the best tours in other places across the UK? Check these out!

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  • 3 Best Morse Tours in Oxford
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  • 15 Best London Pub Crawl Tours
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  • 7 Best Black Cab Tours from London
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Heading to London? Want the best tips?

Check out my Ultimate Guide to London for Visitors. Using text, images and video, this guide is packed full of tips, tricks, safety advice, knowledge on how to get around and what to do, and more!

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Moving to the UK or already an Expat?

Grab my book which covers moving to the UK, struggles I faced and that you might face too, and uplifting advice to help you along the way! Available in hard copy and on Kindle.

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  • London City Tours >

James Bond Tour of London

James Bond Tour of London

This James Bond Bus Tour of London takes you to some of the Capital’s most iconic sites associated with 007. Traveling in a luxury minibus and accompanied by a professional experienced guide, discover some of the most famous London 007 film locations and learn real spy stories associated with Ian Fleming, author of the original James Bond series. Highlights of the tour include visits to the famous location where the traffic warden was soaked in the film “The World is Not Enough”, admiring the outside of the real Mi6 headquarters and the many British government buildings that have been used for James Bond scenes. This James Bond Bus Tour of London is available on Sunday’s throughout the year.

highlights: James Bond tour of london

  • Depart via luxury minibus with professional guide
  • See the location where the traffic warden was soaked during the dramatic boat chase in “The World is Not Enough”
  • Try to spot a real spy at the Mi6 HQ
  • Discover the locations of the latest Bond films Spectre and Skyfall
  • Learn fun facts about the Bond series and trace the footsteps of former Bonds like Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig.
  • See the ‘St Petersburg Square’, which James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) goes to in Goldeneye
  • Tour ends outside the iconic London Eye

additional information:

Meeting point is at Blackfriars Station

The meeting point is at street level just outside the main exit of Blackfriars Station on the North side of the River Thames, on Queen Victoria Street

  • Professional guide
  • Transport by mini coach
  • Gratuities (optional)

Tour Booking

More on 007.

James Bond has become one of the most iconic and celebrated film series of all time, and its popularity has continued to surge with the release of recent films like Skyfall and SPECTRE. London has become linked as the home of this quintessentially British spymaster, and many of London’s most famous icons and landmarks have featured in the films throughout the years. Tourists coming to London will often recognize some of its most famous and lesser known sites through their connection to the James Bond series. Take Somerset House, which was used in disguise as St Petersburg Square in the film Goldeneye, or the scenes at Westminster Bridge during Skyfall. The River Thames has become synonymous with the boat chase that took place in “The World is not Enough” that ended dramatically at the Millenium Dome. The current MI6 headquarters have been featured in many of the most recent films as the headquarters of M, and of course viewers witnessed its destruction at the dramatic end of Skyfall. In fact, the connection between Bond and London go all the way back to the very first Bond film, Dr No, in the 1960’s. It was at the very beginning that we witnessed the iconic first appearance of Bond (Sean Connery), which was rumoured to have been shot at a card table near the Hilton. This James Bond Tour of London is a great way to get to know the city, through the eyes of England’s most famous spy master.

terms and conditions

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▷ The 5 Best James Bond Island Tours [2024 Reviews]

Located in Phang Nga Bay, James Bond Island was named as such after one of the movies were filmed here in 1974: “The Man With the Golden Gun”.

While it’s understandably turned into a pilgrimage spot for 007 fans, you don’t have to know the movies to enjoy this stunning location.

One of the best ways to see the towering limestone spot is by signing up for a proper tour! There’s so much to see, that only a local guide would be able to do it justice.

We’re here to bring you the top James Bond island tours, so buckle up and don’t go anywhere!

Best James Bond Island Tours

Quick answer: the 5 best james bond island tours for 2024.

  • Luxury Boat to James Bond Islands with Lunch and Sunset Dinner
  • James Bond Island Private Boat Tour
  • Phang Nga Bay Sea Cave Canoeing & James Bond Island w/ Buffet Lunch
  • 5 in 1 James Bond Tour by Long Tail Boat
  • James Bond Island w/ Canoeing and Lunch by Speedboat

James Bond Island Tour Reviews

1. luxury boat to james bond islands with lunch and sunset dinner.

  • Duration: 7.5 hours
  • Departure:  Ao Por Pier, 3C6M+95Q Andaman Sea, Tambon Pa Klok, or hotel pickup
  • Departure Time: 11:30 am
  • Includes:  Dinner, lunch, soda, kayaking, paddle board, water slide & other toys, DJ on board, Wi-Fi on board, travel insurance, National Park fee, life jacket, tour guide

Let’s start things off right with one of the most popular tours in the area. The Luxury Boat to James Bond Islands with Lunch and Sunset Dinner is designed to pack in as much fun and beauty as possible, and we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. If you enjoy dancing, great music, and great views in a breathtaking location, this can’t be beat.

Your tour starts out at 11:30 am, so you have plenty of time to sleep in and grab breakfast beforehand. The guide will either pick you up or you’ll meet at the pier – whatever works best for you. Board a luxurious catamaran, where you’ll have plenty of space to walk around and enjoy the atmosphere.

You’ll be served a welcome drink and delicious buffet lunch upon boarding, as you head out to Hongs of Phang Nga. Kayak to Hong Island, where you’ll get to immerse yourself in these unreal sea caves with gorgeous limestone walls and open-ceiling caverns.

With wi-fi on board, you’ll be able to livestream, share photos, and stay connected while in the “middle of nowhere”.

Next up is James Bond Island/Phing Kan Island, which is the heart of the legendary Phang Nga National Park. The immense limestone towers were made over hundreds of millions of years, and are simply iconic. Here, you’ll take some time to either hang out on board and enjoy the onboard DJ or use the paddleboards, waterslide, and other toys!

After you splash around, you’ll board the catamaran again where you’ll be able to relax and enjoy a delicious dinner with unlimited soft drinks.

More Information & Tour Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, 2. james bond island private boat tour.

  • Duration: 4 to 10 hours
  • Departure: Hotel pickup and drop-off available
  • Departure Time: 6:00 am
  • Includes:  Bottled water, soda, WiFi on board, restroom on board, private transportation, snacks

While the first tour is definitely something special, if you really want to ramp up the experience you could go for a completely private tour. The James Bond Island Private Boat Tour is just the ticket if that sounds up your alley. On this one, you’ll be able to take up to 14 other guests with you along for this customizable excursion!

This is probably one of the easiest to fit into any itinerary, as you have a say regarding the start time and can adjust the tour depending on how long you want it to be. Usually, they’ll range anywhere from 4 to 10 hours and that depends on how many sites you want to see.

You can start as early as 6 am so you have the entire day for venturing around! Just like with every other on our guide, you have the choice of either being picked up at your hotel or other location within Phuket.

Once you arrive to the tour offices, they’ll offer you a coffee, tea, or cold beverage while giving a complete tour briefing of what to expect. At this time, you can store any items you don’t need for the tour.

Stop over first at Koh Panak Island, or “Monkey Island”, named as such due to the monkeys that tend to play on the beach. Here, you can watch them or head into many of the cave systems complete with hidden lagoons, thick mangroves, and much more.

Next up is Hong Island located in Phang Nga Bay, where you can get on a canoe and paddle through the various water caves. Arrive to the floating village of Koh Panyi where they’ll teach you about their Sea Gypsy influence and visit the famous floating football field! After all this, you’ll want to take a break so stop at one of the local restaurants for a traditional lunch.

After refueling, hop on over to James Bond Island where you’ll have plenty of time for photo-taking and learning about how it came to be over millions of years. Follow that up with some time to relax on the beautiful Koh Rang Yai Beach while snacking on some fresh fruit and cool drinks.

3. Phang Nga Bay Sea Cave Canoeing & James Bond Island w/ Buffet Lunch

  • Departure: Hotel pickup and drop-off included
  • Departure Time: 9:30 am
  • Includes:  Beverages, bottled water, morning tea and buffet lunch, local taxes, air-conditioned minivan, insurance, transfer to a private pier, national parks fees

The Phang Nga Bay Sea Cave Canoeing & James Bond Island w/ Buffet Lunch by Big Boat tour is one of the most comprehensive of its kind. This is one of the most well-reputed in the area, including insurance and all transfers and pickups so you don’t have to worry about spending extra.

If you want to see this area in style, this is one of the best ways to go about it. Start off by being picked up at 9:30 in the morning by a spacious, air-conditioned minivan.

Take a brief trip over to Ao Por Pier, while your guide tells you all about what to expect, and some interesting facts about the area. The tour guides are all locals so they always share interesting anecdotes and pieces of advice.

Once you arrive to Phang Nga Bay, take some time for sightseeing and hop into a canoe. The professional crew will lead you around, taking you through an intricate labyrinth of caves and mangroves.

After, you’ll also have time to canoe around Hong Island, which features even thicker mangroves and monstrous limestone towers of rock!

We can’t forget James Bond Island, which is the highlight of many tours. Take in the sights of the rocky cliff emerging from the center of the emerald green waters, complete with lush greenery jutting out from every side.

After taking photos and videos, you’ll see Lawa Island and choose to either lay out on the sandy beach or take a dip in the waters. Enjoy a tasty lunch buffet when you get back on the boat!

4. 5 in 1 James Bond Tour by Long Tail Boat

  • Duration: 9 hours
  • Departure Time: 9:00 am
  • Includes:  Coffee and/or tea, lunch, air-conditioned vehicle, all fees and taxes, life jacket, insurance

Next up, we have an even longer tour: the 5 in 1 James Bond Tour by Long Tail Boat . Lasting 9 hours, it’s perfect if you want to pack in as much as possible and really learn about the area. With professional guides local to the area, it’s almost like you’ll have a friend showing you the coolest parts of the bay!

Your driver will pick you up first thing in the morning at your hotel, where you’ll travel in a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle. Head straight out to Krasom Pier, where you’ll board a longtail boat. The tour guide will let you know what to expect, and offer an educational commentary along the way.

At Phang Nga Bay, you’ll have the chance to try some canoeing and take in the gorgeous vistas of the flora and fauna. After working up an appetite, stop over at the legendary Koh Panyi floating village and enjoy a delicious Thai lunch.

Now that you’re all fueled up, you can sit back and enjoy a gorgeous sightseeing tour in Phang Nga Bay and head to James Bond Island.

Once you arrive to the island, you’ll stop over and be able to take plenty of photos or simply take it all in. The sage green waters contrasted against the blue skies are really something out of a fairytale! After this, you’ll head to one of the crowd favorites: Monkey Cave Temple or Wat Suwan Khuha!

This temple is located inside a cave, housing a massive golden Buddha relic. Monkeys love popping out and socializing here, and sometimes cats even love taking naps around the Buddha.

5. James Bond Island w/ Canoeing and Lunch by Speedboat

  • Duration: 7 to 8 hours
  • Includes:  Lunch, local taxes, air-conditioned minivan, snacks, insurance, national parks fees

If you really want to see a ton of cool sites in a relatively short amount of time, you can’t go wrong with this next adventure. The James Bond Island w/ Canoeing and Lunch by Speedboat tour lasts around 7 to 8 hours and will have you zipping through the bay to see some of the most intriguing cultural and natural spots in the world.

If you want to escape the hustle-and-bustle of Phuket, this is just the ticket. Start off by being picked up at your hotel by an air-conditioned minivan with padded seats and ample leg room. The windows are nice and large, too, so you can enjoy the views as you head to Ao Por Pier.

Your guide will tell you all about the area, as well as offer a briefing on what to expect for your tour and how to stay safe. Once you arrive to Phang Nga Bay, you’ll have plenty of time for taking in the panoramic views and canoe at Hong Island.

The professional crew places safety at the forefront, and will expertly navigate you through mangrove forests and impressive limestone rock formations.

Continue on to James Bond Island where you’ll see the magnificent limestone towers infamous for their use in “The Man With The Golden Gun”.

Next up, see the Koh Panyi floating village where you’ll learn how the locals made their homes and rely on the river in their everyday lives.

This small island community is quite literally located “in the middle of nowhere” and incredibly fascinating to learn about as they have electricity, internet, and more! Have a tasty lunch here of traditional food and take time to walk around and explore.

Next, head over to Naka Island, known for its pristine white sand beaches and rich coconut groves surrounded by limestone cliffs. You’ll be able to relax on the beach or swim in the clear turquoise waters.

Phuket Tour Guide

Getting there.

Phuket is an island, though it seems to be a much easier island to access than many others in the world. The vast majority of visitors simply arrive through Phuket International Airport, located around 24 miles from the city center.

It’s usually cheaper to fly into Bangkok, however, so if you’d like to see Bangkok you may just want to allot a day or two there. From there, you can simply take the train from Hua Lamphong Station to Surat Thani and then take a bus to Phuket. You should not miss Bangkok, we would recommend a tour of the city .

Getting Around

Phuket is pretty simple to navigate, thank goodness. You’ll find many varying private and public transportation options. If you’re staying in a resort area, you may just be able to walk around without even thinking of 3 rd -party transportation.

Tuk-Tuk – These are unique to a lot of people, and the experience can be a fun one. However, they’re more ideal for shorter journeys, due to their small size and rather bumpy ride at times. Not only that, but if you’re in a resort area like Patong, they can get kind of pricey. Make sure you agree upon a rate before heading off.

Taxis/Grab – Taxis are pretty much everywhere around Phuket, but particularly in tourist spots and resort areas. Metered taxis are also located right outside the main entrance/exit at the airport. For the first 2 km, fares will be 50 baht and around 8 baht for each km after that. If you’re going long distances, try to settle on a flat rate beforehand.

There is no Uber here, but instead “Grab”. This app-based service is preferred by many visitors as it’s more reliable and gives you more of a sense of security as your ride is tracked and your rate is already settled.

Buses – Known as “songtaews”, these open-air buses are bright blue and easy to spot. The cool thing is they even write the destinations in English if you don’t speak Thai. Just be prepared to be able to flag one down, as there are no established bus stops. Buses operate from around 7 am to 6 pm, and are very affordable.

Motorbike – If you’re brave enough, you may just choose to rent a motorbike. 50-cc Hondas and big bikes are the most common type, and are very cheap. However, you need to know that many drivers operate with complete disregard for the laws and others on the road. Not only that, but if it’s a wet season, roads can become very slippery and difficult to navigate.

Motorbike Taxis – If you are going to hop on a motorbike, you may be better off with a local driving it for you. They are familiar with the way other locals drive, the weather conditions, and so on. This makes it much safer and more reliable. You can find them at moto taxi stands, usually with the drivers wearing red or green vests.

Where to Stay

Phuket may be an island, but it’s one of the more lively islands in Thailand. However, whether you’re going to party or to vacation as a family, there’s something for everyone. Each beach has a different vibe to it!

Phuket Town – If you’re going for the sightseeing and absorbing the culture more than anything, just stay here. You’ll be able to access some of the most popular attractions like the Big Buddha, Wat Chalong Temple, and elephant sanctuary. Not only that, but it’s easy to walk to hotels, temples, markets, and restaurants.

Mai Khao, Nai Yang, Nai Thon – If your main priority is seeing the amazing beaches, then stay in any of these areas. Patong is one of the main beaches, but is usually very overcrowded while many others are uncomfortable and not quite as beautiful.

However, these 3 are all located inside a national park. They have beautiful white sands, gorgeous views, and have a more private feel to them. Nai Yang is notorious for being so close to the airport runway that you feel like you could almost reach out and touch the airplanes! Kata is another honorable mention, with some of the best swimming on the island.

Bang Tao – Bang Tao is perfect if you are a water sport kind of person. That could mean jet-skiing, going out on a speedboat, parasailing, etcetera. If you’re into receiving top-notch spa treatments, Bang Tao is also the way to go. If you’re feeling sore, you can’t skip receiving a massage here.

Patong – Patong is the center of nightlife and all the hustle-and-bustle of Phuket. You’ll find clubs bumping with loud music, all kinds of “entertainment complexes”, and extravagant shows. If you’re coming with the entire family, you may want to steer clear of staying in this area, though.

Kata Yai, Kata Noi – Are you a serious foodie? Then you should be staying in either of these areas. You’ll find everything from world-class bistros to makeshift stalls at the beach serving up delicious dishes. Whatever you’re looking for as far as food goes, you’ll find it here.

Restaurants and Eating Out

As we just mentioned, Phuket has a variety of tasty food options and there really is something for everyone. With that being said, we recommend trying both formal restaurants and food stalls for best results.

One Chun Café and Restaurant – Located in Old Town, this restaurant is consistently rated as one of the best on the island. With a wide variety of dishes (try the crab yellow curry), it has a very vintage feel with brick walls and all kinds of old clocks and TV sets!

Raya – Okay, so this is from the same owners as One Chun, but it just can’t be left out! Known for their classic local dishes like moo hong or slow-cooked pork belly stew, they really take their time in making sure each dish is served to perfection. It’s located right around the corner from One Chun, too!

Ko Ang Seafood – This place has been around a long time, and is known for being one of the best seafood spots in Old Town. You’ll find everything from popular dishes to exotic options like red ant eggs or horseshoe crab.

Lock Tien Food Court – If you go to Phuket, you have to make a visit to Lock Tien. It’s been serving up delicious food for over 50 years to locals and tourists, alike. Located on the corner of Dibuk and Yoawarat, you can try a delicious traditional dinner like por pia, or a cool dessert like oh aew. O-aew is a Thai shaved ice dessert topped with many ingredients like red bean, grass jelly, and of course o-aew: a type of jelly made with banana and herbs.

Kwong Shop Seafood – Here’s another prime seafood spot, and if you’re in Kata Beach, we highly recommend stopping by. Crab curry, hot pot, steamed squid, entire fish – they have it all and it’s super cheap for the quality and quantity received.

Sugar & Spice – This place melds western dishes with Thai favorites like pad Thai, pineapple rice, and som tam. It’s not all that exciting, but it’s a good option if you or another in your group isn’t that adventurous with food.

Nightlife and Entertainment

  • Soi Bangla Road – This place goes crazy after the sun sets! You’ll find all kinds of lavish clubs to sophisticated lounges and everything in-between.
  • Wassa Homemade – Located right on the coast, this is a wonderful date night spot if you’re looking for chill music, great conversation, and excellent cocktails. The views are unbeatable, and the service is fantastic.
  • Seductino Nightclub – This trendy spot is a massive club, with famous DJs every night.
  • Simon Cabaret – One of the most popular places in Phuket, it has great digital sound and visual effects.
  • Siam Niramit – This is undoubtedly one of the most unique shows on the island, and has an almost Vegas-esque feel to it. If you’re bringing the whole family along, this is one of the top recommendations. Complete with over 100 performers, glamorous costumes, and elaborate sets, there’s never a dull moment.
  • Boat Bar – This is a fun place with friendly staff, cool decorations, great music, cabaret some nights, and more.
  • Kee Sky Lounge – This rooftop bar is just steps away from Bangla Walking Street. The rooftop is designed to look like a cruise ship deck, and is always fun with great cocktails and views of the Andaman Sea.
  • Kudo Beach Club – Okay, so this club does open at 10 am, but it goes until midnight so you always have a party to go to!

Generally speaking, Phuket is quite warm throughout the entire year. Temperatures range from around 77 to 93 degrees Fahrenheit, and seasons are pretty much just divided into the “rainy season” and “dry season”. These periods depend on the tropical monsoon.

Dry season starts in December, lasting until around March. You’ll see clear skies, calm waters, and light breezes with temperatures in the high 70s, typically. As you can imagine, this attracts a lot of tourists and is known as the high season.

Rainy season starts in June and lasts until October. This is when the monsoon comes in, with intense winds, lots of rain, with hot and humid weather. It’s not quite as pleasant, considering many times you won’t be able to be out on the water. Going to the beach may result in sand blowing all over, and raining you out.


Kata Noi Beach – Phuket has a ton of great beaches, but Kata Noi remains one of our favorites. It’s small in size but huge in beauty. Take a walk along the pristine sand while just enjoying the view or taking a swim in the water.

Chalong Bay Rum Distillery – If you’re a rum fan, you’ll love learning about how it is produced. Not to mention, after the tour you get to participate in a cocktail workshop and bar, where you’ll learn how to make various cocktails that include the house rum.

Big Buddha – This is an absolutely massive marble Buddha statue, at almost 150 feet tall! While the Buddha alone is a great motive for heading there, you also get some of the best panoramic views of the island from the top of the hill.

Nai Harn Beach – This is one of the most popular beaches, with soft white sand and crystal-clear blue water. There are many delicious restaurants nearby, so we recommend grabbing a bite to eat and then coming to sit under the shade of a large tree on the beach.

Karon Viewpoint – Right next to Kata Noi is Karon Viewpoint, which offers some of the best lookout points on the whole island.

Phuket Town Weekend Night Market – The locals call it “Maka Market”, and is the place to be at night on the weekends! It’s crowded with tourists and locals, yes, but there are so many delicious foods and fun items to purchase and look at here.

Wat Chalong and Phuket Temples – Wat Chalong is one of the most important temples in Phuket, with incredible intricacy and a fascinating history. It’s gorgeous from a distance, but head closer and you’ll see the innumerable pieces of glittering glass.

Bangla Road – It’s definitely unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, so prepare yourself for that! But if you are ready for adventure and have a sense of humor, you’ll be just fine.

Phi Phi Islands – If you have seen the movie, The Man With The Golden Gun you will recognize this area. The Phi Phi Islands are definitely worth taking a tour of.

  • Don’t drink the tap water. Just drink bottled water, and make sure that the bottle is sealed. Ice is made with clean water, and you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Bring mosquito repellent or purchase some right when you arrive. Dengue and malaria aren’t that common, but it’s still annoying to be itching the entire time.
  • When at temples, you need to be respectful. Cover your shoulders and legs at least to the knee. Remove shoes and hat before entering any temple.
  • Be respectful of any image of Buddha. Buying statues and/or getting Buddhist tattoos if you aren’t Buddhist is not only considered very disrespectful, but in some cases, even illegal!
  • Public criticism of Thai royalty is illegal, and if the national anthem is played in public or even before a movie in the theater, you should stand.

Tour Guides

The Luxury Boat to James Bond Islands with Lunch and Sunset Dinner is our Editors Choice for the best James Bond Island tour from Phuket

Robert Baker

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