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Journey is One of the Best Games You’ll Ever Play [Review]

Image of James Plafke

Every now and then, you hear the old “can video games be art” discussion pop up, and as times goes on, the answer becomes more of a resounding “yes, stop asking,” than something more nebulous. From the very first moment  Thatgamecompany’s downloadable PlayStation Network adventure Journey was shown off years ago, the video game world knew it would be one of those “art” games. It finally released to the masses on March 13, and not only is the game one of the best examples of video games as art, but it’s one of the industry’s finest instances of gaming.

The last in a three game contract developer thatgamecompany has with Sony, Journey is wildly different from their first two offerings, flOw and Flower , two relaxing, meditative style games, the former of which resembling Snake but with amoeba-like creatures, and the latter more difficult to describe, a kind of much more abstract version of Snake . A stark departure from the first two games, Journey focuses on the titular journey of a robed figure across a large, mostly barren desert. The robed figure, who I’ll now refer to as what I called the androgynous character throughout the game, “Little Fella,” has one goal: Get to the mountaintop in the distance. Simple objective, but one of the best journeys in gaming a player can take.

Throughout the quest, players will navigate Little Fella through a ridiculously gorgeous, mostly desert landscape. Little Fella encounters different areas, cordoned off from the previous and upcoming area by a gate which must be activated through a burst of song. Each area allows free roaming exploration, but is home to one main puzzle, which upon completion grants Little Fella access to the gate to the next area. Journey handles the areas’ puzzles similarly to artsy iOS hit Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery , in that each puzzle must be solved in a certain way, but the method used per puzzle isn’t quite used again — diverging from the usual path most video games take, teaching a new skill then making the player use it throughout the rest of the game in a variety of ways.

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Players only have a few commands at their disposal. Move, a jump-fly-glide combination, a camera swing, and sing, with sing being the “activate” button, and the jump-fly-glide action requiring use of scarf points (read: action points represented by symbols displayed on Little Fella’s scarf). Players must use these commands to navigate Little Fella across each area toward the ultimate goal of the glowing mountaintop in the distance.

To say Journey is reminiscent of a religious trek would be something of an understatement. The game doesn’t shove any kind of religion or specific religious ideals down players’ throats, but encapsulates broad, basic themes of a higher power and the journey toward self discovery and motivation to which most religions adhere. Even the ending, a trope not infrequently used in various forms of entertainment, speaks to both the journey one takes down the path of faith and self discovery, and efficiently, effectively, and more than satisfyingly wraps up the adventure.

Due to the theme of self discovery and motivation, Journey employs the use of wandering in isolation. To discover that thatgamecompany has fans of Shadow of the Colossus working on the team wouldn’t surprise anyone. However, whereas Shadow of the Colossus strengthened the game’s sense of isolation through a humongous, barren wasteland with the ruins of past habitation,  Journey uses isolation a bit differently, and as (if not more) effectively, via two mechanics.

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The first is the aforementioned sing command. Players can make Little Fella sing anywhere, not just when the game requires something to be activated, and based on speed and length of button presses, and the current area in which Little Fella sings, a seemingly random note is generated. So, as Little Fella treks across a lonely desert with nothing to do but gawk at the gorgeous scenery until arriving at the next puzzle, players will find themselves playing with the sing button, creating unique songs. The effect of Little Fella singing songs full of melancholic tones while walking across a lonely desert is nothing short of powerful, even more so because the player is pressing the sing button for the same exact reason Little Fella would be singing on an isolated trek through the desert: Singing keeps Little Fella going through the lonely trek, and making unique songs keeps the player going in between puzzles.

Aside from the singing, Journey ramps up the isolation in such a unique way, that it is one of the most profound experiences in gaming. Throughout the journey, provided there is an established Internet connection, players will randomly run into another robed figure on their own journey to the mountaintop.

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Players do not get to choose who they pair up with, nor can they directly communicate, and are required to use movement cues and — you guessed it — the sing button. During my playthrough, I met at least ten other unique players (a trophy informed me of this), and each one provided a unique, worthwhile experience. Standing close to another robed figure recharges Little Fella’s scarf and causes the pair to glow, but that’s about as standard as the multiplayer experience gets. During one area, my companion didn’t feel like exploring, solved the area’s puzzle, and left me alone in the desert. My next companion, however, followed me around everywhere I went, standing atop desert vistas with me as I swung the camera around, taking in the view. At one point in the game, while traversing through an underground area, my companion and I trekked side-by-side, dodging hulking monsters that ripped our scarves to shreds when were caught, and hiding underneath crumbled ruins. As I reached the end of the area, my companion was nowhere to be found, though a faint glow on the side of the screen let me know he (she?) wasn’t gone. I went back through the subterranean area, dodging the humongous monsters once again until I came across my companion, who was frantically singing in order to catch my attention, standing next to a power-up that would grow my scarf in power. She (he?) was risking their own lengthy scarf just so I could grow mine a little more.

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During the latter half of the game, when the sparkling desert sand is replaced by gloomy snow higher atop the mountain, ( spoilers ahead ), the snow freezes all cloth, and thus our scarves, preventing us from using our jump-fly-glide maneuver. Singing, however, breaks the ice for a brief moment, so as my companion and I trekked up the lonely, snowy mountain fighting the cold, heavy wind, we both sang songs, keeping each others’ scarves free of ice, and setting a dreary tone to the already gloomy snowy mountain with our melancholic notes. The higher we got, the harsher the climate became, and the less energy our Little Fellas had — our movement speed drastically slowing, our red robes freezing over, and our songs becoming more faint as we continued. My companion was slightly ahead of me as we got closer to the summit, and our Little Fellas were almost entirely frozen over at that point, hardly able to move, the sing button barely producing any sort of sound. Due to my companion being slightly ahead of me and triggering the sequence first, he (she, it?) collapsed into the snow, almost instantly buried with the help of the wind. I tried to sing out, but the button wasn’t producing sound anymore, and as I navigated over to my companion, seemingly lifeless half-buried in the snow, Little Fella collapsed into the snow as well, adjacent to the robed figure that risked his life to make sure I got that scarf power-up. I was legitimately heartbroken. That isn’t the end of the game, though, so don’t worry. ( spoilers end ).

The brilliant gameplay, absolutely stunning art style and graphics, and a score that is nothing short of incredible, isn’t even the total of Journey’s brilliance, as impressive little touches and attention to detail are stuffed throughout the adventure. Little Fella’s idle animation, for one, is one of the most appropriate, impactful idle animations found in all of video games. Rather than look around, or kick some sand, or oddly sway in one spot like other video games have their characters do, Little Fella sits down into the desert sand or mountain snow, the red parka reminiscent of some sort of lost desert totem. Not long after, the wind begins to cover Little Fella in sand or snow, creating a heavy scene where it looks as though Little Fella has given up on the journey. Thatgamecompany has even taken great detail with the pause screen: Rather than a simple “PAUSE” plastered over the current scene, the game shifts to orchestrated panoramic views of the current area. And like any good game, the music is contextual, picking up at the right moments and dying down when appropriate.

Though Journey is short, around two to three hours with full, methodical exploration of each area, it is priced as such, only $15, a couple bucks more than a ticket to a movie that wouldn’t provide the replay value, or even as great of an experience as Journey provides. Not only is Journey definitively art, but it is one of the best games I have ever played. Those only concerned with games that involve some sort of kill:death ratio, or ones where you can racially slur at other 12-year-olds over voice chat need not apply, but anyone looking for a meaningful, moving, beautiful experience couldn’t do much better than Journey .

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Artwork from Fantasian

Journey (PS4) Review

  • First Released Mar 13, 2012 released

The light by which my spirit's born.

By Kevin VanOrd on July 23, 2015 at 10:41AM PDT

This review contains spoilers. For a spoiler-free review of Journey, you can read our original review here .

It was my eighth playthrough and the tears still streamed, almost inexplicably; Journey is a song without words, reliant on its rapturous presentation and liberating movement to stir your mind and move your heart. With many games, I have wished that I could play them again for the first time--to experience that buzz that inevitably diminishes with each return visit. I will never need to waste this wish on Journey, however: each pilgrimage is as bittersweet as the last. How appropriate, given the game's theme of death and rebirth, that it feels so sorrowful, so joyous, and so true , each and every time.

"Journey would be just as effective as a movie," a friend once told me, but I must contradict her. Not that I can argue against the game's sumptuous environments and its sublime musical score, which earned masterpiece status the moment Journey was initially released on the PlayStation 3 in 2012. Certain landscapes have rightfully gained iconic stature, becoming the very definition of video game beauty. One shot depicts the cloaked figure you control standing atop a sand drift and gazing at the mountain you must reach, which rises above the desert and pierces the clouds. The view is a master class in simplicity and color story; the peach-orange tones of the sand give way to a sea-green sky--hushed hues for a hushed visual revelation. Another seminal sight: you skate across the sand from right to left, illuminated by a godly beam of sunlight while watching the remnants of a lost culture rush past. The screen is awash with shades of amber, and the warm sand glimmers as if mixed with golden crystals. Yes, even as a work of cinema, Journey would instill wonder.

A white-hooded companion joins me, and we continue toward the light.

But Journey is not a film, and its power is not gained by pretty pictures alone, but by your presence in its world. That side-scrolling glide would not choke me up if I couldn't feel the sand beneath my feet, and couldn't hit a ramp in just the right way to propel myself into the air. I wouldn't feel so beat down by the wind if I didn't feel it pushing against me as I trudged forward, and I wouldn't be so euphoric if I didn't personally experience the joy of skimming the ground. You see, you hear, and, vitally, you do . You surf the sand, you ride the wind, you seek shelter from danger, you make a friend. Seeing is believing, but it takes interaction to understand and know.

Describing Journey means describing these moments and these emotions. The mechanical basics are almost secondary, and quickly explainable. As a mysterious robed figure, you cross sand and other terrain en route to a far-off mountain. You make use of only two buttons. By pressing X, you leap into the air and soar, an ability that is limited by the length of the scarf that trails behind you. By pressing circle, you cry out to whatever or whomever might heed your call. Journey is desolate, but you are not alone. You call to flocks of ribbons that hover about like restless robins, and they provide energy to your scarf. You meet cloth creatures that become travel guides and provide magic-carpet rides to higher ground. And presuming you play while connected to the Internet, you may encounter another lone individual in your travels--an individual you can ignore, or one you can accompany, chirping to her when you locate secret hieroglyphs, or when a fearsome ribbon-dragon appears and you don't want to continue alone.

Sliding towards the unknown.

The mechanics are simple, but they establish a direct connection to the heart. Consider that flowing scarf, which trails behind you as you surf and soar, growing larger whenever you locate and touch a glowing flower. On a mundane level, it functions as a power bar that you fill up by making contact with cloth, and deplete by leaping. In context, the scarf is your life force, governing your ability to joyfully drift through the air. Gliding is Journey's most exuberant act, and by limiting its use, the game makes joy itself a currency.

Journey uses this ecstasy-based economy to craft an emotional arc across its entirety, as well as to emphasize individual moments. Your scarf grows longer and longer, but a frightful encounter with that terrible ribbon-monster turns your rippling shawl into a mere stub. You cannot fight--you can only hide. Being discovered is devastating because the scarf is where the cheer and comfort of flight are stored. You were offered a heartwarming gift, only to have it yanked from your hands. Journey also uses this moment to connect you with your wordless cooperative companion. By this stage, you understand the meaning the scarf carries with it. Seeing your sidekick succumb like this forges empathy: you know that the monster has abolished his joy.

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This give-and-take is how the final levels gain their potency. Your ability to glide is diminished, then revoked. You no longer drift through sand, but brace yourself against an exhaustive wind. Then, the moment comes when all hope seems lost. You hold your breath and assume the worst. And then, the controller rumbles--just once, like a single heartbeat. And all that was taken away is restored, then multiplied, and multiplied again.

This is the source of those tears. It is not the sadness of the loss, but the bliss of being honored for your perseverance. These are tears of elevation, so perfectly described by Roger Ebert in 2009 . I have heard people describe this final climb in terms of an afterlife, and that's a reasonable interpretation of the scene, in which you float higher and higher towards the mountain's zenith. But even in the moment, whether or not you make this conscious religious association, you might feel weepy in spite of yourself. The gift was given, and it was taken away. And then, you were liberally showered with gifts, and so you ascended, higher and higher, towards your next journey.

It is possible that Journey will not move you. In such a case, it is simply a beautiful game with a glorious soundtrack, grounded by a wistful cello melody later threaded through a warm quilt of winds and strings. The chance you might be swept away, however, makes it worth plunging your feet into the warm sand. If you are returning to Journey, a higher resolution and a higher frame rate are your ostensible rewards for returning--a return that doesn't cost you anything if you already own the game on the PlayStation 3. But Journey's real rewards aren't so pedestrian. Journey offers you comfort. It gives you companionship in a lovely but forsaken world. It gives you reason to dream even when facing loss.

  • Leave Blank
  • Sumptuous visuals
  • One of the best game soundtracks written to date
  • Simple mechanics that elicit powerful emotions
  • Instills empathy between cooperative partners
  • Iconic moments that stay with you for years

About the Author


Kevin VanOrd

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The Best Deals In The PlayStation Store’s Mid Year Sale

The PlayStation Store’s ceaseless march of savings never ends, and with June just about wrapped up (help me) we’ve got another big PSN sale happening in celebration of the midway point of 2024. It’s packed with discounts on some pretty high-profile titles, some very decent indies, and a heap of “Deluxe” editions and bundles for added value.

You can view the full sale  here  or take a peek at some of our picks of the best deals (or just best games) below:


As usual, the deals below are just a quick list of highlights, and some deals may be cheaper or already included for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Most of these prices end on July 4th at 8:59 AM AEST.


  • COCOON – $18.57
  • Sea of Stars – $34.41
  • Unpacking – $15.47
  • Hades – $19.97
  • What Remains of Edith Finch – $6.23
  • Stray – $23.97
  • Subnautica – $19.18
  • Subnautica: Below Zero – $19.18
  • Outer Wilds – $18.57
  • Untitled Goose Game – $14.97
  • Jusant – $26.56
  • Braid, Anniversary Edition – $23.96 ($22.46 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical – $31.46
  • The Pathless – $19.18 ($16.78 with PlayStation Plus)
  • ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights – $18.87
  • Cookie Cutter – $8.08 ($6.73 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Neon White – $18.57
  • Solar Ash – $23.98
  • Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition – $9.48
  • The Witness – $27.97 ($22.37 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Donut County – $5.83
  • Open Roads – $18.71
  • Tinykin – $15.18
  • The Eternal Cylinder – $13.28 ($9.48 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Venba – $13.77 ($12.62 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Thirsty Suitors – $26.36
  • The Entropy Centre – $18.97 ($15.17 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Arcade Paradise – $12.47
  • A Hat in Time – $21.47
  • Fall of Porcupine – $14.97
  • MythForce – $22.47
  • Teslagrad 2 – $14.97
  • The Artful Escape – $9.98
  • Mundaun – $10.78
  • Maquette – $10.78
  • NORCO – $11.47
  • The Last Worker – $9.98
  • Röki – $7.48
  • Wattam – $7.48
  • Paper Trail – $23.16 ($20.26 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Sayonara Wild Hearts – $10.77
  • KarmaZoo – $8.97
  • Chasing Static – $9.18
  • BROK the InvestiGator – $15.47
  • Highwater – $13.47 ($12.12 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Moonlighter – $4.99
  • McPixel 3 – $2.24
  • Glitch Busters: Stuck On You – $8.98
  • Cult of the Lamb: Heretic Edition – $31.77


  • The Outlast Trials – $37.48
  • The Callisto Protocol – $29.98
  • Bendy and the Dark Revival – $21.47
  • The Evil Within 2 – $13.99
  • Alien: Isolation – $14.38
  • SIGNALIS – $21.66
  • Deliver Us Mars – $15.73


  • Disney Dreamlight Valley – $44.96
  • Coral Island – $35.96
  • My Time at Sandrock – $38.36 ($33.56 with PlayStation Plus)


  • Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft – $33.71
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy – $24.48
  • Batman: Return to Arkham – $8.39


  • The Sinking City – $11.39
  • Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – $74.71
  • Planet Zoo – $56.96
  • Forspoken – $45.98
  • Persona 5 Tactica – $56.97
  • Shadow of the Colossus – $27.47
  • Pentiment – $17.97
  • Penny’s Big Breakaway – $32.30
  • LIVE A LIVE – $37.97
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker – $20.98
  • 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim – $24.98
  • AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES – nirvanA Initiative – $33.98
  • Rollerdrome – $14.83
  • RoboCop: Rogue City – Alex Murphy Edition – $49.97
  • Assassin’s Creed Mirage – $39.97
  • Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Gold Edition – $79.97
  • Sea of Thieves: Deluxe Edition – $53.16
  • Granblue Fantasy: Relink – $59.46
  • FINAL FANTASY XVI – $68.97
  • Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition – $35.97


  • Jurassic World Aftermath Collection – $15.73 ($13.48 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Red Matter Collection – $44.96
  • Kill It With Fire VR – $13.77 ($12.62 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Journey to Foundation – $34.47
  • C-Smash VRS – $23.16 ($17.37 with PlayStation Plus)
  • Tentacular – $18.97
  • Beat the Beats VR – $23.96

The post The Best Deals In The PlayStation Store’s Mid Year Sale appeared first on Press Start .

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Release date: Mar 13, 2012

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Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

  • PS Plus required for online play
  • Supports up to 2 online players with PS Plus
  • Online play optional
  • PS5 Version Vibration function and trigger effect supported (DualSense wireless controller)
  • PS5 game streaming supported only with Premium subscription


The definitive edition of the hilarious first-person adventure game Journey to the Savage Planet! Fully optimized for new hardware, running at a snappy 60 frames per second, includes all patches, all that juicy DLC, and a few new cinematics for your viewing pleasure. You have been sent to a distant alien world by your semi-competent employer, Kindred Aerospace, with the aim of finding a new home for humanity! But the world that awaits you is filled with challenges, humor, and surprise, and sadly, Kindred forgot to equip you with any of the gear you will need, meaning you have to go find it and craft it yourself. Play alone or in two-player co-op as you explore a beautiful and surprising alien world to solve the mystery that lurks at its heart before deciding whether or not to return to Earth! Four unique biomes, each with their own flora and fauna to explore. Dozens of wacky creatures to find, catalog, and photograph. A plethora of tools, weapons, and throwables let you tackle the challenges the way you want! Jet Boots! A Grapple! Acid grenades! And more! You'll laugh, you'll cheer, you'll uncover secrets, and you can do it all with your best friend!

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PlayStation’s mid-year sale has must-play PS5 games from $4 — here’s 15 deals I’d buy

PlayStation Store has epic discounts on excellent PS5 games

Demon's Souls screenshot with a Tom's Guide deal tag

Best PlayStation Store deals

Best ps5 game deals.

The deals don’t stop coming over on the PlayStation Store. Following the conclusion of Days of Play 2024 last week, the digital storefront is back with a new sales event, this time it’s the Mid-Year Sale and you can score some of the best PS5 games starting from just $4. 

There are more than 2,400 individual savings in this sale across PS5 and PS4 games, but one of my favorites is Demon’s Souls for $29 (was $69) . That’s 60% off this challenging action RPG that boasts some of the PS5’s best visuals. Other top deals include Horizon Forbidden West for $19 (was $39) and Spider-Man: Miles Morales for $19 (was $49).  

If you’re looking to spend a little less, while still getting plenty of game for your buck, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt just dropped to just $9 , which is a phenomenal price for a fantasy RPG that can easily last you more than 100 hours. Meanwhile, if you want something with a captivating narrative What Remains of Edith Finch is $4 has hit its lowest price ever. 

There are so many deals in this sale that it can be tough to know which are worth picking, that’s why I’m rounding up my 15 favorite PS5 game deals in this latest PlayStation Store sale. However, if you’d rather have a physical disc over a digital download, I’ve also scoured Amazon and Best Buy for the best deals at these online retailers and included them as well. 

  • PS5 and PS4 games: deals from $4 @ PlayStation Store
  • What Remains of Edith Finch: was $19 now $4
  • Watch Dogs Legion: was $59 now $8
  • The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: was $39 now $9
  • Pentiment: was $19 now $11
  • Subnautica: was $29 now $11
  • Hades: was $24 now $12
  • Madden NFL 24: was $69 now $13
  • Stray: was $29 now $17
  • Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales: was $49 now $19
  • Horizon Forbidden West: was $39 now $19
  • Assassin's Creed Mirage: was $49 now $24
  • Demon's Souls: was $69 now $29
  • Hogwarts Legacy (Deluxe Edition): was $79 now $35
  • Planet Zoo: was $49 now $37
  • Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth: was $69 now $45
  • PS5 game deals from $8 @ Amazon
  • Grand Theft Auto V: was $39 now $19 @ Best Buy
  • Prince of Persia The Lost Crown: was $49 now $24 @ Amazon
  • Rise of the Rōnin: was $69 now $49 @ Amazon

PS5 games: deals from $4 @ PlayStation Store

PS5 games: deals from $4 @ PlayStation Store PlayStation Store just launched its Mid-Year Sale with big discounts across a huge selection of essential PS5 games. The deals start from just $4 and the sales event includes top titles like Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Horizon Forbidden West and Hogwarts Legacy. This sale is set to run until July 4, so be sure to make your picks before then.

Marvel's Midnight Suns: was $59 now $19 @ Best Buy

Marvel's Midnight Suns: was $59 now $19 @ Best Buy Marvel's Midnight Suns  is one of the most overlooked games on PS5. It brings together a roster of iconic Marvel superheroes to battle the demonic Lilith via strategic turn-based battle. But when you're not engaged in combat you can build your relationships back at home base which in turn makes your heroes stronger. This is one of the PS5's most overlooked gems and is a must-play for comic book fans.

Grand Theft Auto V: was $39 now $19 @ Best Buy

Grand Theft Auto V: was $39 now $19 @ Best Buy You've probably already bought multiple copies of GTA V already, but that won't stop you from buying it again for PS5. Rockstar's open-world crime juggernaut has never looked better than it does on PS5, and the faster loading times are game-changers. The game's cinematic solo campaign sees you step into the roles of three very different criminals, while the GTA Online mode is so much more than a side offering. 

Persona 5 Royal: was $59 now $22 @ Amazon

Persona 5 Royal: was $59 now $22 @ Amazon Persona 5 Royal  is part turn-based RPG and part high-school simulator. You play as a new student who has recently moved to Tokyo. Soon you discover the ability to transverse a strange alternate reality and form The Phantom Thieves to fix the corrupt society around you. Just be warned, Persona 5 Royal will consume your free time once it gets its hooks in. 

Deathloop: was $59 now $22 @ Amazon

Deathloop: was $59 now $22 @ Amazon 2021 was the year of time loops in gaming, and Deathloop casts you as a wisecracking mercenary on a mission to break free from a never-ending day. In order to break the loop you'll need to eliminate a group of high-powered targets before the day can reset, but your task is complicated by the rival assassin that is simultaneously hunting you down. 

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown: was $49 now $24 @ Amazon

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown: was $49 now $24 @ Amazon The long-dormant Prince of Persia franchise returns in The Lost Crown, a new spin on the beloved series. In this side-scrolling action platformer, you play Sargon, a member of an Immortal clan, exploring a cursed city in search of a kidnapped Prince. To succeed in your mission, you'll need to master acrobatic combat and make use of your Time Powers to defeat your foes.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: was $69 now $59 @ Best Buy

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: was $69 now $59 @ Best Buy Star Wars Jedi Survivor continues the journey of powerful force-user Cal Kestis. No longer a Padawan, Cal leads a scrappy group of rebels on a crucial mission against the Galactic Empire. With satisfying lightsaber combat, loads of force powers to play with, and seven large planets to explore, Jedi Survivor is the best Star Wars game in years.

Sonic Superstars: was $59 now $29 @ Best Buy

Sonic Superstars: was $59 now $29 @ Best Buy Travel to the Northstar Islands and take on all-new levels in the classic 2D Sonic style. Play as the blue blur alongside his friends Tails, Knuckles and Amy Rose. Harness new Emerald powers to big-bag guys and complete platforming challenges in exciting new ways. A refreshed spin on the beloved Sonic formula, Superstars is designed for returning players and newcomers alike. 

Skull and Bones: was $69 now $34 @ Amazon

Skull and Bones: was $69 now $34 @ Amazon Set sail on the high seas in Skull and Bones, a new Pirate simulator from Ubisoft. Partake in thrilling naval battles, and plunder the spoils of war to build an unstoppable fleet of ships. Face challenging threats including sea monsters and unpredictable weather, or go online and face off against other players for the ultimate test.  

Returnal: was $69 now $41 @Amazon

Returnal: was $69 now $41 @Amazon Returnal is a heart-pounding PS5 game that combines bullet-hell gameplay with an engaging roguelike structure. You play an astronaut stuck in a time loop on a mysterious, and very deadly, alien planet. It's your job to break the cycle and unravel the mystery of this strange new world and how you came to be stranded here. 

The Last of Us Part 1: was $69 now $45 @ Amazon

The Last of Us Part 1: was $69 now $45 @ Amazon Completely rebuilt from the ground up to take full advantage of the PS5 console, The Last of Us Part 1 is a stunning remake of the PS3 original. It includes the full original game as well as its DLC chapter, Left Behind. This is the ideal pick for fans of the HBO show, or returning players looking to experience Joel and Ellie's first adventure all over again. 

Rise of the Rōnin: was $69 now $49 @ Amazon

Rise of the Rōnin: was $69 now $49 @ Amazon Set in 19th-century Japan during the Boshin War, Rise of the Rōnin comes from developer Team Ninja and blends a sizeable open world, a choice-driven narrative and engaging combat. Designed to take full advantage of the PS5, it also offers impressive visuals, speedy loading times and full support for the console's DualSense controller. That's all the ingredients needed for a must-experience PlayStation exclusive.

Elden Ring: was $59 now $49 @ Amazon

Elden Ring: was $59 now $49 @ Amazon A collaboration between developer FromSoftware, the creators of Dark Souls, and acclaimed fantasy author George R. R. Martin,  Elden Ring  is a stunning open-world action RPG where every victory is hard-fought. You'll die frequently, but the sense of satisfaction that comes after downing a hulking boss after dozens of defeats is practically unmatched in all of gaming. Now is the ideal time to jump into Elden Ring ahead of its Shadow of the Erdtree DLC launching this week. 

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Rory is an Entertainment Editor at Tom’s Guide based in the UK. He covers a wide range of topics but with a particular focus on gaming and streaming. When he’s not reviewing the latest games, searching for hidden gems on Netflix, or writing hot takes on new gaming hardware, TV shows and movies, he can be found attending music festivals and getting far too emotionally invested in his favorite football team. 

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A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead

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ESRB Rating Pending

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is a single-player horror adventure game inspired by the critically acclaimed blockbuster movie franchise that highlights a unique survivor story after an invasion of deadly creatures. In this exclusive spin-off, experience the journey of a young woman who must endure a treacherous apocalypse in the midst of interpersonal family conflicts, all while coming to terms with her own inner fears.


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Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree: 5 spoiler-free tips

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree: 5 spoiler-free tips

Returning Tarnished, equip yourself with this guide to the massive new expansion, out tomorrow.

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Rise, Tarnished. Your time has come again. After a long wait, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree launches tomorrow on PS5 and PS4. With a massive new world to explore, weapons to be found, skills to master and, of course, bosses to face, FromSoftware’s latest expansion could seem like a daunting undertaking. But fear not, Tarnished, as our tips – spoiler-free and covering the first few hours – will help set you on the right path. To begin, a crucial step: what’s required to enter the Shadow Realm.

Entering the Shadow Realm

If you’ve ever played a FromSoftware expansion, you’ll know that gaining access is never a straightforward process. Shadow of the Erdtree continues this tradition. In order to enter the Shadow Realm, you’ll need to complete a few tasks in the base game. On your journey through the Lands Between, you’ll firstly need to have defeated Starscourge Radahn, a notoriously challenging boss. To face him, traverse Redmane Castle in Caelid during the Radahn Festival and take the elevator down to fight him on the beach. You’ll also have to have bested Mohg, Lord of Blood. He can be found at Mohgwyn Palace, reached by following Varré’s questline or using a Waygate hidden in the Consecrated Snowfield. Mohg is known for being a particularly tough fight, but other Tarnished have been setting up summon spots next to the battle to help shepherd fighters through and open the DLC. At the back of the Mohg boss arena you’ll discover Miquella’s cocoon. If both foes have been conquered (and expansion downloaded) a new interaction option will appear when you stand by the cocoon. Accept, and you’ll enter the Shadow Realm and begin your journey into the Shadow of the Erdtree.

Navigating the world

If you put dozens of hours into Elden Ring’s base game, it’s easy to forget that you originally had to collect map fragments in order to build up a picture of the world around you. In Shadow of the Erdtree, this feature returns, meaning when you first enter the Shadow Realm, your map will be blacked out, with one exception; a single bright spot somewhere in the darkness. One of your first objectives should be to navigate to this point, where you will find a map fragment beneath a tall obelisk. Collecting this will reveal the region’s map, but be warned — Shadow of the Erdtree’s world design uses verticality on a scale unlike almost anything seen in the Lands Between, meaning there is still so much more to be discovered – both above and below – what the map can show you. This world is dense with secrets, so be sure to explore every nook and cranny. You’ll no doubt be rewarded with weapons, spells and items for your effort.

Making friends and enemies

The starting area of the Shadow Realm is full of friendly (and not-so-friendly) characters who can help fill you in on the story, point you in the direction of hidden areas, send you on missions or challenge you to a duel.  You’ll come meet warriors, tribesmen, worshipers and devotees among others within your first hour or so of gameplay. Speaking to them, bringing them items they require, or taking the correct action in front of them can help progress their story arc within the overall narrative. And of course, they may reward you with items, join you as companions in battle and more.

Using Shadow Realm Blessings

While you can still level up your character as before, within the Shadow Realm, character progression comes in the form of special blessings. Two new consumables, Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes, can be found around the world and used at a Site of Grace to buff your character and their skills, so seeking them out during your first few hours is a worthwhile endeavor. 

Shadow Realm Blessing is a menu option when sitting at a site of Grace

Scadutree Fragments: These increase both damage negation and attack power for your character, meaning you receive less damage from enemy attacks and deal more with your own. Revered Spirit Ashes: These have a similar purpose but apply to your Spirit Ashes, granting your summons more survivability and power, so you can beef up your Mimic Tear or Black Knife Tiche before facing that next boss. (Other Spirit Ashes are available…) Note that both of these special blessings only apply to the Shadow Realm, and therefore will have no effect in the base game.

Managing new discoveries

Like all FromSoftware games, Elden Ring is chock-full of items and consumables, some useful, others mysterious. Alongside Shadow of the Erdtree, Hidetaka Miyazaki and his team have introduced a new quality of life feature that allows you to more easily explore the recent commodities you’ve discovered on your adventure. This new feature, which is turned off as standard, will highlight new pick-ups with a “!” in your inventory, making it easier to survey your collection. It also offers an optional Recent Items Tab, where everything you’ve found recently is collated into one easy-to-understand menu. Both of these features make it simpler to uncover the use of the many new items in Shadow of the Erdtree, but the choice of whether to use them or the original system is entirely yours. If you wish to turn these features on, they can be found under the Display section of the Settings menu. Here you can turn on either Mark New Items or Show Recent Items Tab, or use both together.

In the System Settings menu, two new options are available under the Display tab; “Mark New Items” and “Show Recent Items Tab”.

These tips should help you enter the Shadow Realm and make smooth progress during your first few hours. But there is still so much to be discovered when Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree launches tomorrow, June 21.

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