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360° Virtual Campus Tour

Take our 360 degree tour of the International Department and discover our facilities. Visit example rooms in the dormitory along with their kitchens, take a look at a seminar room or view the hallway with the staff's offices!

We are getting a new auditorium!  After three years of planning, the International Department is currently under construction in the courtyard building a new auditorium with barrier-free accessibility and fully-equipped with state-of-the-art technology. We are excited for the inauguration in May 2023. Stay tuned!

Are you interested in following the process? Visit our  construction blog  to see what happens!

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  • Master of Science
  • Further Education
  • Industry Collaborations
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  • Industry and Academia
  • Accommodation
  • Room Rent for Externals
  • Karlsruhe, Germany

360° Virtual Campus Tour

Take our 360 degree tour of the International Department and discover our facilities. Visit example rooms in the dormitory along with their kitchens, take a look at a seminar room or view the hallway with the staff's offices!

We are getting a new auditorium!  After three years of planning, the International Department is currently under construction in the courtyard building a new auditorium with barrier-free accessibility and fully-equipped with state-of-the-art technology. We are excited for the inauguration in May 2023. Stay tuned!

Are you interested in following the process? Visit our  construction blog  to see what happens!

Campus in the center of Karlsruhe

Welcome to our unique place in the center of Karlsruhe: Modern educational lecture hall and seminar rooms, calm rooms to study and stay between vivid shopping streets, the historic castle and a park to relax and go running.

Campus Atrium

HECTOR School provides its students with secure on-campus housing in the city center of Karlsruhe, Germany, with the intention to offer a perfect working and living atmosphere. Find out more about our rooms and apartments.

Karlsruhe - City with sun rays

The city of Karlsruhe as well as the surrounding region have a lot to offer. It´s not only the location of several namable companies but also provide a rich cultural program to residents and visitors.

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Campus Tours

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  • Online Info Sessions

In the center of Karlsruhe, the Carl Benz School offers modern educational spaces as well as high standard accommodation. Come and visit us to get a real impression of the  Campus  of the Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT. Our CBS Program Consultants will personally show you and your family through our facilities, the KIT Campus, and introduce you to our program. You will have the chance to ask any questions that you might have during the tour.

A campus tour approximately covers a duration of 90 minutes and is free of charge.

campus, kit, cbs, Carl Benz School

We here at the Carl Benz School of Engineering are closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 situation and the health and safety of our visitors is of our upmost concern. All campus tours will be held in accordance with the current COVID-19 regulations. 

Book your campus tour

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Campusführungen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Komplexe Forschungseinrichtungen oder die Kunstsammlung des KIT kennenlernen, vielleicht gar bei einem historischen Spaziergang einen Blick in die Vergangenheit werfen – bei einer Campusführung gibt es vielerlei zu entdecken. Mit Vorträgen und Führungen vermitteln Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler Einblicke in die vielfältigen Themen des KIT.

Campus Nord - Großforschungsaufgabe

Entdecken Sie den Campus Nord des KIT bei einer der themenspezifischen Campusführungen. Das Programm umfasst eine Einführung in die Forschungsschwerpunkte des Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, eine Geländerundfahrt und die Besichtigung mehrerer wissenschaftlich-technischer Einrichtungen aus den verschiedenen Themengebieten. 

Folgende Führungspakete können über den Buchungskalender gebucht werden:

  • Der Campus Nord des KIT kann nur an den angebotenen Terminen besichtigt werden. Führungen können bis zu vier Wochen vor der Führung über den untenstehenden Veranstaltungskalender gebucht werden. 
  • Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer dürfen nicht jünger als 16 Jahre alt sein.
  • Führungen finden ausschließlich in deutscher oder englischer Sprache statt. 
  • Bitte beachten Sie die angegebenen Personenbegrenzungen innerhalb der verschiedenen Führungspakete. Größere Personengruppen müssen gesondert angefragt werden. 
  • Die Besichtigungen beginnen – sofern nicht ausdrücklich anderes vereinbart ist – im Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU), links vor dem Haupteingang. Dort wird die Gruppe von einem Guide erwartet.
  • Für die Besichtigung auf dem Gelände wird ein mit einer Lautsprecheranlage ausgerüsteter Bus benötigt. Gruppen, die nicht mit dem eigenen Bus anreisen, kann das KIT einen betriebseigenen Bus zur Verfügung stellen. Die Kosten für den Bus belaufen sich auf 100 Euro. 


  • Interessierte / Jede(r)
  • Forschung für die Energiewende
  • Großexperimente für die Wissenschaft
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Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research

Atmospheric Aerosol Research

AIDA Chamber

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Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Aerosol Research

Welcome to the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmopsheric Aerosol Research (IMK-AAF), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Our research focuses on the role of aerosols in the climate system, the hydrological cycle, and the environment. The IMK-AAF

  • operates the internationally renowned AIDA aerosol and cloud simulation chamber
  • runs laboratories for aerosol and cloud research
  • participates in ground-based and aircraft field campaigns around the world

The head of the division, Thomas Leisner, is professor at the Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg

  • Atmospheric Aerosols in Urbanised Arid Regions: From Air Quality tho Human Health
  • How to bring the A and I in FAIR - A short introduction to the IMK THREDDS Server
  • Bridging Scales in Atmospheric Aerosol Modeling


The new video series " KIT-That's why " shows in five contributions what is special about KIT and what it means to study at KIT. In the contribution "Sustainability and Climate" , the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research also introduces itself and shows the diversity of research-oriented studies at KIT.


The campus tours at KIT Campus North have been revised and have been given a modern booking system. In addition to a general lecture on the main areas of research at KIT and the tour of the campus, scientific and technical facilities can also be visited. The employees themselves now provide insights into the facility and the daily tasks and issues. AIDA is a bookable tour package and can be visited on Wednesdays between 09:30 and 11:00 am and on Thursdays between 12:30 and 14:00 pm.


The International Excellence Talk by Daniel Cziczo on Nov 29, 2023 entitled

Improving our understanding of Earth’s upper troposphere and lower stratosphere by combining aircraft and laboratory studies

is now available online. In his talk, Daniel Cziczo reviews how aircraft measurements and laboratory studies have been, and will continue to be used to better understand atmospheric chemistry, precipitation and our climate.


In a joint project by the Universities of Munich (LMU, TU), Harvard and KIT, the air quality in Munich is comprehensively investigated. The aim of the project is to understand air pollution processes and improve air quality in the long term. Initial measurements of aerosol particles and trace gases were carried out in August 2023 using a city-wide sensor network, mobile observations, remote sensing methods and detailed chemical analysis. KIT contributes reference measurements with mass spectrometers and an aerosol lidar. The results are now linked to models in order to develop strategies to improve air quality.


Dr. Daniel Cziczo was named KIT International Excellence fellow and has started his visit to the IMK-AAF beginning of October. The IMK-AAF and Daniel Cziczo are linked by years of excellent joint research in the laboratory as well as in the field. During his visit, we will work on new instrument developments and perform AIDA campaigns to validate instruments and elucidate recent aircraft observations made by Cziczo and his team.

We are honored and delighted to have Dan with us and are looking forward to our collaboration.


In June and July 2023, we measure the number, size, composition and ice nucleation capacity of aerosol particles on the Feldberg (1493 m asl.). Within the framework of the Swabian MOSES campaign, we investigate in particular the role of aerosols in extreme weather events.

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Campus Benefits of the KIT

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  • Excellence University
  • Reasons for CBS
  • Academic Network
  • Our students
  • 360° Virtual Tour

Carl Benz School students benefit from the comprehensive university infrastructure of the KIT. For example, they have access to the 24/7-Library, the cafeteria, and the KIT culture, music and sport programs. As a university with a long mechanical engineering tradition, the KIT has numerous student organizations related to engineering, where students can put the theory from their lectures into practice. There is, for instance, a formular student team ( KA-RaceIng ), a group working on autonomous model cars ( KITcar ), students building and flying sailplanes ( Akaflieg ), or a team for innovative field robots ( KaMaRo Engineering e.V. ).

KIT building

Central location of Carl Benz School

24/7-library, kit sport programs, dining hall, read more about our location and the carl benz school's campus.

cbs campus, Carl Benz School

The CBS campus is only a few steps away from the KIT and offers modern educational spaces as well as high standard accommodation to provide the perfect living and study environment for CBS students.

campus, campus tour, Carl Benz School

Come and visit us on our campus in Karlsruhe! Our CBS Program Consultants will personally show you and your family through our facilities, the KIT Campus, and introduce you to our program.

location, Karlsruhe, Carl Benz School

Directly in front of the Karlsruhe Palace and next to the KIT Campus, the CBS Campus is located in the center of Karlsruhe. It is only a few steps away from the main shopping street, but still very calm.

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Locations and Directions

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is distributed over several locations. While the campus north is situated in the administrative district of Karlsruhe near Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, the campus south is about 10 km away in the heart of the city of Karlsruhe. Moreover, there are further locations in the city of Karlsruhe, as well as in the city of Dresden, Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Ulm. Before you plan to visit us, please make sure to get informed about how to reach the location you are looking for.

At a Glance


Aerial view of campus north

Campus North

By car and by public transport By plane

Download map campus north

Visitor Address

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Phone: +49 721 608-0   

Mailing Address

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology P.O. Box 3640 76021 Karlsruhe Germany

Aerial view of campus south

Campus South


Download map campus south

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Kaiserstraße 12 76131 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 608-0

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology P.O. Box 6980 76049 Karlsruhe Germany

Aerial view of campus east

Campus East 

Download map campus east

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Rintheimer Querallee 2 76131 Karlsruhe

Buildiings on campus west

Campus West

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Hertzstraße 16 76187 Karlsruhe

Aerial view of the institute of meteorology and climate research (imk-ifu) in Garmisch-Partenkirchen


Visitor Address 

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research  (IMK-IFU) Kreuzeckbahnstraße 19 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Directions

Building of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm

Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) for Electrochemical Energy Storage Helmholtzstraße 11 89081 Ulm Directions

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Project Management Agency Karlsruhe - Office Dresden - Hallwachsstraße 3 01069 Dresden

Campus Maps and Transport

Campus maps:

  • Interactive campus map
  • Campus North (PDF)
  • Campus South (PDF)
  • Campus East (PDF)


  • KIT shuttle  (Campus North - Campus East - Campus South)
  • Buses and trams to Campus North
  • Mobilitätsportal der Stadt Karlsruhe und der TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe (Mobility website of the Karlsruhe city and the technology region)
  • Veranstaltungen
  • Studienaufbau
  • Rückmeldung
  • Bescheinigungen
  • Persönliche Daten
  • Vorlesungsverzeichnis
  • Erweiterte Suche nach Veranstaltungen
  • Vorlesungsfavoriten
  • Stundenplan
  • Prüfungsanmeldung
  • Bezahlen und Rückmelden
  • Rückmeldesperren
  • Studienbescheinigungen
  • Notenspiegel
  • Verifikation von Bescheinigungen

Informationen und Programme zum Studieneinstieg gibt es hier . 

Das KIT stellt Ihnen verschiedene E-Learning-Dienste bereit:

  • ILIAS-Lernplattform
  • Lecture Translator
  • Medienservice (DIVA) der KIT-Bibliothek
  • KIT on iTunes U
  • KIT Lehre und Wissen  (YouTube)

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie beim Zentrum für Mediales Lernen (ZML) .

Im Self-Service-Portal  des SCC können Sie Einstellungen Ihres KIT-Accounts vornehmen:

  • Account-Informationen
  • E-Mail-Weiterleitung
  • De-/Pseudonymisierung
  • Passwortänderung
  • Tokenverwaltung (2FA)  

  Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Fragen zu diesen Punkten ausschließlich an den SCC-ServiceDesk .

  • Bewerbung und Zulassung
  • Career Service
  • clicKIT Magazin
  • Druckservice
  • EPICUR European University
  • Eucor - The European Campus
  • Fachschaften
  • Hochschulgruppen
  • Hochschulsport
  • International Student Office
  • KIT-Fakultäten
  • KIT-Shuttle Fahrplan
  • Kummerkasten
  • Mensapläne
  • Studiengänge
  • Studierendenservice
  • Studium und Behinderung
  • Termine und Fristen
  • VPN (Remote-Zugang)
  • Webmail (Outlook Web Access)
  • Zentrale Studienberatung

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Zur Nutzung des Campus Management Portals ist JavaScript erforderlich. Bitte aktivieren Sie JavaScript in Ihrem Browser.

Willkommen  im Campus Management Portal des KIT

Das Campus Management Portal bietet den Studierenden des KIT verschiedene Services zur Selbstbedienung im Bereich der Studierendenverwaltung. Dazu gehören:

  • die Suche nach Veranstaltungen mit Erstellung eines Stundenplans,
  • die An- und Abmeldung zu Prüfungen ,
  • den Studienaufbau und -inhalt von einzelnen Studiengängen sowie deren Module und Teilleistungen,
  • die Rückmeldung in das Folgesemester via Überweisung oder Lastschriftverfahren,
  • der Download von Bescheinigungen (z.B. Studienbescheinigung, KVV-Bescheinigung, Notenauszug),
  • die Änderung von persönlichen Daten .

Weitere Informationen zur Nutzung des Portals sowie häufig gestellte Fragen und die jeweiligen Ansprechpartner/innen entnehmen Sie bitte den FAQ .


Aufgrund der Migration der Daten von HIS-SOSPOS nach HISinOne stehen bestimmte Funktionen im Portal

von Montag 10.06. bis Freitag 14.06.2024

nicht oder nur teilweise zur Verfügung. Unter "Persönliche Daten" können die Anschrift und die Telefonnummern in dieser Zeit nicht geändert werden. Studierenden oder eingeschriebenen Doktoranden, deren Studiengänge noch über HIS-POS verwaltet werden, stehen die Prüfungsanmeldung und -abmeldung und diverse Bescheinigungen nicht zur Verfügung. Studierende mit Studiengängen in CAS Campus sind hiervon nicht betroffen.

  In der Reihe "How to Ersti" beantworten unsere Studis euch Fragen zum Studienstart am KIT und geben persönliche Tipps. In kurzen Videos auf YouTube erklären wir das Wichtigste, was neue Studierende am KIT wissen müssen.

Das Vorlesungsverzeichnis für das Sommersemester 2024  ist verfügbar. Bitte denken Sie daran, dass  Semester vorher auszuwählen (ab dem 01.04. ist das Sommersemester 2024 standardmäßig eingestellt).

Ab sofort können die ZAK-Begleitstudiengänge im Bereich Zusatzleistungen als Module in den Studienablaufplan gewählt werden.

Zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit Ihres KIT-Kontos können Sie für die Anmeldung am Campus Management Portal und an ILIAS eine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA) einrichten. Die Erzeugung eines Tokens und die Aktivierung der 2FA für ILIAS und Campus Management Portal erfolgt im Self-Service-Portal des SCC unter "Tokenverwaltung".

  Bei Lehramtsstudiengängen (Bachelor/Master of Education) wurde die Modulwahl für die Abschlussarbeit geändert. Bitte beachten Sie dazu die folgende Anleitung, wenn Sie die Abschlussarbeit in Ihrem gewünschten Teilfach wählen und anmelden möchten:


Wie melde ich mich an? Wo finde ich meine Veranstaltungen? Wie kann ich über ILIAS kommunizieren?

Prüfungsanmeldung in Campus

Für Studierende, deren Studiengänge in CAMPUS verwaltet werden, bieten wir eine Unterstützung bei Problemen zur Prüfungsanmeldung in verschiedenen Videotutorials an.

Videotutorials "Prüfungsanmeldung in CAMPUS"

Für ERASMUS Studierende bieten wir gesonderte Videotutorials, die bei der Prüfungsanmeldung unterstützen sollen.

Videotutorials "Prüfungsanmeldung für ERASMUS Studierende"

Nach oben


  1. KIT

    kit campus tour

  2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), campus north

    kit campus tour

  3. Alles Tragwerk

    kit campus tour

  4. Directions

    kit campus tour

  5. Ein Rundgang über den KIT-Campus Nord: Was wird hier eigentlich geforscht?

    kit campus tour

  6. KIT

    kit campus tour


  1. KIIT Campus Virtual Tour

  2. Campus Tour 🛩️ of KIT Kanpur

  3. Campus Tour IIT Hyderabad, May 2022

  4. KIIT Bhubaneswar Campus Tour 2022

  5. Hairdressing Level 5 and Level 6 Courses at Douglas Street Campus


  1. Campus Tours

    Our CBS Program Consultants will personally show you and your family through our facilities, the KIT Campus, and introduce you to our program. You will have the chance to ask any questions that you might have during the tour. A campus tour approximately covers a duration of 90 minutes and is free of charge. We here at the Carl Benz School of ...

  2. KIT-CSE- Events

    Discover KIT's North Campus on one of the themed campus tours. The programme includes an introduction to the main research areas of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, a tour of the grounds and a visit to several scientific and technical facilities from the various subject areas. The following tour packages can be booked in the booking calendar:

  3. 360° Virtual Campus Tour

    Experience our campus at the International Department! Take our 360 degree tour of the International Department and discover our facilities. Visit example rooms in the dormitory along with their kitchens, take a look at a seminar room or view the hallway with the staff's offices! We are getting a new auditorium! After three years of planning ...

  4. Campus Tours

    Come and visit us to get a real taste of the campus of the Technology Business School of the KIT. Our program consultants will personally show you through our facilities, the KIT campus, and introduce you to our Master's programs. You will have the chance to ask any questions that you might have during the tour. Upcoming Tour Dates: June 07, 2024

  5. Carl Benz School of EngineeringExplore CBS

    Campus Benefits of the KIT. 360° Virtual Tour. 360° Virtual Campus Tour. Experience our campus at the International Department! Take our 360 degree tour of the International Department and discover our facilities. Visit example rooms in the dormitory along with their kitchens, take a look at a seminar room or view the hallway with the staff's ...

  6. KIT

    Carl Benz School / KIT Virtual 360° Tour. The campus of the International Department is located in the center of Karlsruhe right next to the KIT campus. It offers perfect working and living environment for our students. Experience our campus at the International Department and take a 360 degree tour. Discover our facilities, visit example ...

  7. Sign up to a Campus Tour

    In cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the HECTOR School of Engineering and Management offers part-time Master´s Programs and certificate courses for engineers, economists and computer scientists.

  8. KIT

    A room on our campus is guaranteed to at least 50 first year College Program participants. Students at the Carl Benz School live in single or double rooms distributed over three floors. Groups of four to six students share a modern kitchen as well as dining and working areas. These shared sections all overlook an attractive atrium that is used ...

  9. 360° Virtual Campus Tour

    KIT Campus; 360° Virtual Tour; 360° Virtual Campus Tour . Experience our campus at the International Department! Take our 360 degree tour of the International Department and discover our facilities. Visit example rooms in the dormitory along with their kitchens, take a look at a seminar room or view the hallway with the staff's offices! ...

  10. KIT

    As part of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Carl Benz School of Engineering offers a Bachelor Program in Mechanical Engineering. KIT - Carl Benz School of EngineeringMeet CBS - Events and Tours - Campus Tours

  11. KIIT

    KIIT 360° virtual campus tour. Explore our cutting-edge facilities from anywhere.

  12. KIT

    In 2023, KIT welcomed about 25,000 visitors at the Open Day on Campus North. After a four-year break due to the pandemic, we were back on site: On June 17, visitors of Campus North in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen were given exciting insights into research. During guided tours, lectures, and hands-on activities, visitors could ask questions, marvel ...

  13. KIT-CSE- Events

    Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie bitte das Team Veranstaltungsmanagement unter event∂kit.edu. Die Campusführungen beginnen vor dem Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU) links vor dem Haupteingang des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie, Campus Nord. Der Treffpunkt ist auf dem Lageplan eingezeichnet.

  14. KIT

    Meet us at school tours and education exhibitions worldwide! Meet us at one of the many worldwide school tours and education fairs that we participate in. Take a look at our calendar below for our upcoming dates. If you are interested in scheduling a private consultation at the event location please send an e-mail to info∂carlbenzschool.kit.edu.

  15. Schedule your campus visit

    In-person info sessions and tours. We offer two types of campus visits each week. Info session and student-led tour: Our info sessions are hosted by admissions officers who share details about academics, campus life, the application process, and financial aid.A student-led campus tour immediately follows the info session.

  16. Kit

    KIT/ Markus Breig Guided tour package "(Small particles, big) climate research" - AIDA is part of the KIT campus tour. The campus tours at KIT Campus North have been revised and have been given a modern booking system. In addition to a general lecture on the main areas of research at KIT and the tour of the campus, scientific and technical facilities can also be visited.

  17. Kit

    The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is "The Research University in the Helmholtz Association.". As the only German university of excellence with a national large-scale research sector, we offer our students, researchers, and employees unique learning, teaching, and working conditions. The roots of the academic education institution ...

  18. KIT

    Daniel Jung Media GmbH Math Tutoring for Everyone - Daniel Jung to Visit KIT. Live event of the "Startup Date" talk series at Kronenplatz in Karlsruhe on June 27, 2024 with YouTuber Daniel Jung. ... June 20, 2024 16:30 - 18:00 KIT, Campus Süd Geb. 30.41, Chemie-Hörsaal I Kaiserstraße 12 76131 Karlsruhe.

  19. Carl Benz School of EngineeringExplore CBS

    24/7-Library. The KIT library supports students and scientists around the clock with over two million books and 28,000 magazines. Focus areas are natural sciences, engineering and economic sciences. The latest literature is freely accessible in the respective reading rooms. Additionally, the library offers several services via the internet ...

  20. Visit FIT

    The best way to get to know FIT is to visit our campus. Prospective students, applicants, and their families are invited to join us for one or more of the events listed below. We look forward to showing you all that FIT has to offer! The Admissions team is available to assist you on-campus, by email, and phone. Office Number: (212) 217-3760.

  21. KIT

    Campus North. Directions. By car and by public transport By plane. Campus Map. Download map campus north. Visitor Address. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Phone: +49 721 608-0 . Mailing Address. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology P.O. Box 3640 76021 Karlsruhe Germany

  22. KIT

    Willkommen. im Campus Management Portal des KIT. Hallo Gast! Anmelden. Das Campus Management Portal bietet den Studierenden des KIT verschiedene Services zur Selbstbedienung im Bereich der Studierendenverwaltung. Dazu gehören: die Suche nach Veranstaltungen mit Erstellung eines Stundenplans,

  23. Campustour |O-Phase FS-ETIT

    Campus tour. During the Campus tour your tutors will show you the campus and its particularly important places from study services to frequently visited lecture halls. Startpoint? In front of Carl-Benz Hörsaal. When? Monday, 10.10.2022, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Back to main page