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Video: jesus horrified jeffrey epstein in heaven – larry flynt reports – premiere, the tsms lakonia….

Posted by: Michael Grace April 23, 2012

Fire at sea… the last moments for the TSMS LAKONIA.

The passenger ship TSMS Lakonia, sailed by Greek Line, was sailing on a Christmas cruise on December 22, 1963 around 11 pm while the ship was about 180 miles north of Madeira when fire broke out.

There were 646 passengers and 376 crewmen on board: a total of 1,022 people. All but 21 of the passengers were British citizens, and the crew members were mostly Greek and German. The captain of the Lakonia was 53-year-old Mathios Zarbis.

The Lakonia looking simply superb and ready for another cruise.

Evacuation of the ship was extremely difficult. Some lifeboats burned before they could be lowered. Two of the lifeboats were swamped, spilling their occupants into the sea; one when it was lowered only by one end, and the other when its davits broke off. Chains had rusted in many of the davits, making boats difficult or impossible to move. In the end, just over half of the lifeboats made it safely away from the Lakonia, some of them less than half full. Several people who dived overboard struck the side of the ship on the way down, killing them before they hit the water.

When all of the boats were away, there were still people adrift in the water and over 100 people left on board the burning ship. The Lakonia continued to burn fiercely and was rocked by violent explosions. Those who remained on board flocked to the glass-enclosed Agora Shopping Center at the stern of the ship. After several hours, the flames closed in on them, and they were forced to descend ropes and rope ladders into the ocean. The port and starboard gangways were lowered as well, and people walked down the gangways single file into the sea.

At 3:30 a.m., four hours after the first distress call, the 495-foot (151 m) Argentine passenger ship Salta arrived on the scene. The Salta, under the command of Captain José Barrere, had been on its way from Genoa, Italy to Buenos Aires. The 440-foot (130 m) British tanker Montcalm arrived half an hour later at 4:00 a.m. The majority of the survivors were saved by these two ships. The Salta rescued 475 people and took aboard most of Lakonia’s lifeboats.

In the hours that followed, the Belgian ship Charlesville, the Brazilian freighter Rio Grande, the British passenger ship Stratheden and the Panamanian freighter Mehdi all arrived to take part in the rescue. Each of the rescue vessels dispatched boats to pluck survivors from the water. Also, four United States Air Force C-54 planes were sent from the Lajes Air Base in the Azores. The planes dropped flares, lifejackets, life rafts and survival kits to people in the water.

A total of 128 people died in the Lakonia disaster, of which 95 were passengers and 33 were crew members. Only 53 people were killed in the actual fire. The rest died from exposure, drowning and injuries sustained while diving overboard

Lakonia had originally been the Johan van Oldenbarnevelt operated by Netherland Line and later by Holland America Line.

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lakonia cruise ship sinking


  • Simon Biggs
  • Dec 22, 2018

Royal Marines Search for Survivors of the Lakonia Disaster 1963

Royal Marines Bandsman from HMS Centaur search for survivors from the Lakonia Disater which caught fire and sank north of Madeira on 22 December 1963, with the loss of 128 lives.

TSMS Lakonia was a Greek cruise ship 609 feet in length and 20,300 tons. She had sailed from Southampton on the 19th December bound for Madeira, the first stop in a cruise round the Canary Islands carrying 1022 on board, 646 passengers, all but 21 British, and 376 mainly Greek and German crew members. Smoke was first seen coming from the hairdressing salon and fire spread with ever increasing speed although passengers were unaware that the quietly-ringing bells heard for just a short time were trying to warn of the horrors to come. It was still dark as Centaur arrived at the scene at "dead slow", making just enough headway to keep her bow into the stream. As the sky began to lighten on that Christmas Eve, evidence of the shambolic evacuation of a ship in trouble was spotted in the heavy swell as the first body was seen in it's brightly-coloured lifejacket.

lakonia cruise ship sinking

It was decided to launch the first of Centaur's cutters to search for survivors crewed by a junior officer as skipper, a stoker/engineer, a coxswain and two medics.......i.e. Royal Marine Bandsmen! These were Musn Richard "Bagsy" Baker, euphonium and cello and BR "Willi" Watson, horn player, Neptune House pals as boys with Baker the elder by just a few months. They were "2nd Watch" that day and, grabbing their "medical" kit, they embarked on the pitching cutter and set out into the heavy Atlantic swell.

lakonia cruise ship sinking

The first body found and pulled aboard the cutter surprised the two bandies by how heavy it was. Full of sea-water it took a great deal of strength to haul it over the gunwale and as they succeeded they heard a loud groan coming from the victim, raising their hopes that there could be life there. It soon became apparent that movement and weight exerted pressure that forced air past the dead person's vocal chords... and they were to hear this dismal sound many times during the day.

lakonia cruise ship sinking

Read more of the account from Willi Watson ex RMB 3599: HMS CENTAUR 1963/64HMS CENTAUR and the "LAKONIA" DISASTER, DECEMBER 1963. A 50th ANNIVERSARY RECOLLECTION.

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The Last Voyage of the Lakonia – Deadly Christmas Cruise

High Seas: The Last Voyage of the Lakonia Two nights before Christmas, the ship was in a festive mood. In the main lounge, Captain Zarbis was judging costumed contestants at a Tramps’ Ball; first prize—a bottle of white wine—had just been awarded to a 13-year-old girl in beatnik tights when alarm bells started to ring. In the ship’s cinema, where Bob Hope was cavorting on the screen with Anita Ekberg in Call Me Bwana, the audience at first thought that the ringing bells were part of the film’s plot. But the smell of smoke soon convinced them that something was amiss. Other passengers who had gone to bed early were not yet fully aware of the danger. No fire instructions were issued over the loudspeaker, and the alarm bells stopped ringing so quickly that many people thought it was only a drill.

At 12:22, shortly after Captain Zarbis gave the order to abandon ship, the last mayday message was flashed: “S O S from Lakonia. Last time. I cannot stay any more in the wireless cabin. We are leaving the ship. Please help immediately.”

More than 3,000 miles away, the distress signals were picked up by a U.S. Coast Guard station. The Lakonia’s position was immediately fed into an AMVER (Atlantic Merchant Vessel Report) computer, which plots the location, course and speed—and records such information as whether a doctor is on board—of some 850 merchant ships in the North Atlantic. Within moments, the computer’s memory drums typed out the names of five vessels within 100 miles of the Lakonia, and urgent messages were flashed to them to proceed to the stricken liner. The five were the Argentine passenger liner Salfa, the Belgian merchant ship Charlesville, the British freighters Montcalm and Stratheden, and the Brazilian freighter Rio Grande. Some were already on the way, having picked up the S O S on their own radios. The R.A.F. at Gibraltar hurriedly organized a flight of rescue planes.

Screams in the Air. At Lajes Air Force Base in the Azores, the U.S.’s 57th Air Rescue Squadron also swung into action. Shortly after the Lakonia’s last message was received, four C-54 rescue planes swung out over the Atlantic toward the flaming vessel, 3 hr. 30 min. flying time away. The planes were loaded with 42 life rafts that could carry 600 persons, 400 blankets, food and survival packages, flares of 300,000 candlepower, and six paramedics who could jump into the ocean to help passengers, if necessary.

On board the Lakonia, the nightmare was all too real. With the loudspeaker system not operating, there was near-anarchy on deck. Officers issued contradictory instructions, and crewmen milled around unsure of what to do. Screams filled the air in half a dozen different languages. Unable to comprehend the crew’s cries, passengers took charge of small groups and tried to lead them through the thick smoke to their boat stations. Pressed against the rail were scores of passengers in every variety of dress—nightgowns, pajamas, tramp costumes and evening clothes.

The water was 64°, but many of the children and the elderly passengers were soon dead nevertheless. As dawn broke, the rescue fleet, now swollen to some 20 vessels, looked out on a vast scene of lifeboat debris and bobbing bodies. Despite the calm seas, it was not easy to pick them up. The rafts and lifeboats kept banging into the windward side of the waiting merchantmen; hour after hour the arduous task continued, until at last all the living and dead were hauled aboard. On the Salta, which picked up 478 people from the sea, cognac and blankets were passed out to the shivering survivors, but the crush was so great that soon there was not enough of either to go around. The British aircraft carrier Centaur picked up 55 bodies, then dispatched a helicopter to the Lakonia to see if anyone was still on board; from the vessel, a British officer reported that the liner was a burnt-out hulk. As the rescue ships sped from the scene toward the port of Funchal in Madeira, the ruined liner was taken into tow by the Norwegian salvage tug Herkules.

Thanks to James Walker at CruiseLaw for tweeting about the Lakonia tragedy.

The Last Voyage of the Lakonia – Deadly Christmas Cruise — 64 Comments

This is an excellent reminder of the risks of seagoing. It should be sent to the propaganda – oh Marketing – Departments of ALL Cruise Lines, the CLIA, USCG Marine Safety Offices and NTSB. It is beyond time to a standard for correct and truthful advertising in the cruise industry. Disasters are a series of small incidents which combine and grow to the major event. We are seeing a very troublesome series of incidents in vessels increasing in size, complexity and the number of persons on board, now nearing 5000. Crew standards are NOT improving at the same rate according. Presently serving Officers who are greatly concerned and are contacting me more and more. NAUTICAL LOG is going to take a highly active role and will be posting on this subject during the coming year of 2011. Speculation is not a bad thing when applied logically and aimed at preventing these incidents. Sadly one fears that the major incident is about to happen most likely on one of these floating resorts with 4000-5000 persons aboard. Good Watch.

My grandparents survived this tragedy despite the fact that they floated around in life jackets for hours before they were rescued. The few lifeboats available were immediately picked up by the Greek crew who deserted the scene immediately. The fire started in the kitchen,and passengers were informed quite a long time after the fire began. There were many elderly people on board since it was a winter cruise, and many children since it was the Christmas holidays. Many people were rescued too late and died in the freezing water. My father flew out from London to Madeira, thankful that his parents had survived although they were very ill and in a hospital in Funchal. A lawsuit ensued for many years afterwards as surviving passengers and relatives of those who died fought for compensation. Most of the elderly passengers who survived, including my grandparents, continued to have health problems til the end of their lives.

Sometime about 1967 – 68 I met a man and his wife who were aboard the Lakonia on that fateful cruise. They recounted that they met a survivor of the Titanic sinking who was also on the Lakonia and who ended up in the same Lakonia lifeboat as they. This gentleman was a child in 1912 and is understood to have participated in the BBC 1962 commemorative programme featuring Titanic survivors. I have endevoured to find some record of a Titanic survivor being on the Lakonia but without success and I wonder whether anyone else has heard anything of this incredible coincidence.

I started working in Thos Cook in Berkeley Street in 1964 as a junior shorthand-typist. At that time travellers cheques were very popular as credit/debit cards were non-existent. My office dealt with those cheques belonging to both the survivors and deceased of this tragedy. I can remember each cheque being cellophaned for handling. The serial numbers were checked for ownership and then I helped prepare correspondence to customers and solicitors. Reading this article brought back many memories.

there were quite a few of my family on the Lakonia that day my auntie was never found. I have been searching for a passenger list but upto now have never found one. thanks for information. JAN

My Uncle was on the Lakonia. He was born in the North East of England. He met and married a Guernsey girl and they ran a smalll hotel in Guernsey established by her father. As they were in the hotel nudiness holidays were taken off season, he was travelling alone his body was washed ashore, I cannot remember where.

Fascinating to still read comments about this disaster as recently as just a few weeks ago. My grandparents were aboard and survived and my only recollections as a seven year old were of a photographer and journalist arriving at my parents house in Glasgow to do an article with my father about his parents being found safe and well and taken to Madeira to recuperate. Some years later we found a diary my grandfather had kept of the cruise where he alleged that many of the crew fended for themselves and had no thought at all for the passengers.

I remember that night very clearly, I was sitting at the captains table at the tramps ball with my family when an officer came to the table to report the problem, we knew there was a problem as smoke was drifting in as he came through the door. I was then 21 years old and on holiday with my parents ,sister & aunt. We were the only large party to survive intact! My father ( ex regimental sgt major& Dunkirk surviver) said ” give me a hand and we will be fine – this lot haven’t a clue” He insisted on making sure that all the woman were on the lifeboats first.

He and I left the ship on the last lifeboat when the flames were leaping 50 feet or more into the sky. He gave away our life jackets as we could swim , my mother gave him a hard time about this for years.

The life boat my mother sister, & aunt was on drifted under the bilge pumps and filled with water,my sister was hit with an oar in the confusion and was knocked out. There is no doubt that she would have drowned if my mother & aunt hadn’t held her head out of the water until she recovered her senses.

Our boat had the wireless, however the W /O forgot to bring the morse key! We also had an engine, however the officer in charge was useless , he did not stop crying. My father threatened to kick him in the nuts at one stage as he kept holding on to him and sobbing.

The 3-4 crew members did nothing to assist, the german stewards and the passengers on the other hand were great. I rowed most of the night with one of the stewards sharing an oar , my father was also rowing with another steward, some of the row locks were missing so we could not use all the oars. If you we’re there that night you may remember the parachute flares that were sent up ( that was me) I broke open the flair locker and thankfully the instructions were in English. I do believe that there were no other flares sent up that night.

We were amazed when we could suddenly see in the light of the flares dozens of people in the water, however we could not get to them – I think about that to this day – most of those people must have died that night!

At daylight we were picked up by the Salta, suddenly the crew came to life and scrambled up the ladders ahead of the passengers pThe officers of the Salta had to restrain their crew who wanted to throw them off the ship. I heard one shouting ” real sailors don’t behave like that.

I remember being given cognac and a blanket by a nun who also stuck a lighted cigarette in my mouth! ( I was no t a smoker – but it seemed impolite not to accept it).

The Salta was taking immigrants to South America, the passengers were not wealthy People ,but they and the crew .were so generous we had the best possible treatment they could under the circumstances.

My mother’s boat was picked up several hours later, she. Yelled out “get the kettle on” as she was being pulled up – as tough as nails , her sense of humour still intact.

We circled the area for a two days,picking up survivors and bodies, we ended up in Madeira. We were taken to Reid’s Hotel and stayed there for a few days including New Years Eve, t he party at Reid’s was bizarre – we were excused evening dress – Sandy Gaul the ITN reporter who was there was three sheets to the wind and kept us amused by using the rolls of film as party streamers!

Almost 50 years have passed since the incident now and this is the 1st time I have written about it, I have all the. Press cuttings and around Christmas time each year I look a t them and count our blessings.

Norman Geller

I was crew member of SS Stratheden which steamed to help the rescue of passengers but we understood that wrong ships position was provided, hence we arrived after all other vessels. The public room I worked in was stripped of all furniture and replaced with camp-beds. Our grand piano we were given to believe would be used as operating table (we had a surgeon on-board), but non of this was used due to the late arrival. Just a few seriously injured were taken aboard.

My Grandad was on the Lakonia. He was picked up from the water. He was 75 years old. He had a knee injury and always walked with a limp after that. I was 9 years old at the time and i always remember my father saying they found out he was still alive on Christmas Day.

I was on board HMS Centaur. We had just left Portsmouth for our deployment to the Far East when the engine speed picked up and we went to join the rescue. When we arrived at the scene the Laconia was still on fire and sadly we were tasked with collecting and preparing the bodies recovered for delivery to Gibraltar on Christmas Day. Our crew responsible for preparing the bodies were issued with an extra rum ration to help them in the task. For our humanitarian assistance, the Centaur, having missed the transit convoy through the Suez was allowed to transit on her own

My father ,step mother ,uncle and aunt were passengers on the Lakonia and were rescued by the Montcalm,except my uncle who drowned and I believe is buried in Gibraltar,but this has never been confirmed. Can anyone confirm this?

I was on the Lakonia aged 6 with my older brother Stuart and my parents Valerie and Alan. Thank god we all survived due to the ability of my father to find his way from our cabin to the top deck in total darkness due to the acrid thick smoke. He says that he had some sort of premonition and had memorised the route. We all held hands and felt our way. My father always maintained that it was he who raised the alarm as he was playing bridge late into the night and smelled the smoke. After reaching the top deck, I have memories of the lifeboat lowering mechanisms being seized, rusty and non-functioning. We had to cut the supporting chains at both ends of the lifeboat with axes, hoping that they would snap at the same time. I understand that some did not, and the lifeboat occupants were tipped into the sea. We spent many hours in the lifeboat. I was constantly seasick over my father before we were eventually picked up by the Montcalm. I remember holding onto the shoulders of a sailor who climbed up the net onto the rescue boat. We were taken to Casablanca from where we flew home the following day after spending the night in a local hotel. I will never forget that particular christmas and I have never been on a boat cruise since.

I was the Chief Engine Room Artificer of the arresting gear crew on board HMS Centaur and was working on the flight deck as the dead were collected by our helicopters and sea boats. I can assuire relatives and survivors that every care was taken, as far as the circumstances allowed and the dead were treated with respect. All were medically examined, photographed and dental notes were made to assist later identification. We had no body bags: all were sewn in blankets and stored in a cooled aviation weapons magazine. They were landed in Gibraltar on Christmas Day and I believe most were buried there. The effect on Centaur’s ships company seeing the dead men, women and children, was quite devastating. We had left our own wives and children a week before Christmas to get to our duty station, East of Suez, to allow HMS Ark Royal (I think) to get home for their families. Although I left the Royal Navy in 1972 and have lived 41 years in New Zealand that episode left me with lasting, not very pleasant memories. My best wishes to those attending the 50th anniversary memorial ceremonies in Gibraltar later in December.

I was also on board H.M.S.Centaur, I was 17 years of age and nearly 50 years on the events are still very much in my mind. About 6 years ago I started searching for information relating to where the victims where actually buried, and at that time there was very little information available on the internet. I eventually started to get help from, I am a member of the forum and some of the members actually worked in Gibraltar so they where able to assist me. So several years have now passed since I started my quest, and I will be attending the ceremony in Gibraltar on Friday 6th December, 2013, almost 50 years after the tragedy, where a plaque will be unveiled on that day to remember that tragic time. There is much information available about the T.S.M.S Lakonia tragedy at, and I can be also contacted there, if anyone requires further information. Gordon Holme

Yesterday 25th. November 2013, I spoke with Patrick Gleeson of Limerick, Ireland. Pat was the Radio Officer of the m/t. “Montcalm” and his story was published in ” The Radio Officer Story 1900-2000 – The Long Silence falls………………. Pat is a true gentleman and now in retirement lives with his wife and family in Limerick. Pat done an excellent job as a Marconiman — Christmas 1963. All Remembered 50 years on. Colman

The evening before the 50th anniversary of this disaster I’m feeling quite emotional but incredibly lucky that my family of six all survived. My mother, grandmother, sister, brother and I were in one of the fortunate lifeboats (that stayed upright) for 8 and a half hours and were picked up by the Salta. I was 13 at the time. We were taken to Madeira and stayed at Reid’s Hotel. My father swam for over 4 hours. We had the most wonderful present on Christmas Day when we discovered he was still alive.

My mother wrote an interesting 8 page account of the disaster and she would be happy to share it with anyone who would like to read it. I can be contacted at [email protected] .

Jill Tovey Somerset

I too had relatives aboard but this disaster happened seven years before I was born. My great uncle Roy Wilkinson and his wife, Elizabeth (known as Bish) were survivors but their two young boys, aged around six and eight sadly were not. They were asleep in their cabin whilst their parents dined. Nobody could get to them. It’s heartbreaking and I only found out as my son came home having been taught about this Christmas Cruise, with this year, 2013 being the fiftieth commemorative anniversary of the disaster. I knew an incident at sea had involved my family but assumed it was much longer ago than 1963 and the family had never mentioned christmastime. So devastating to find out. Earlier this month, a group of people related to the disaster met up in Gibraltar and ensured a plaque was placed to commemorate those list and celebrate those who survived. Sadly I feel now that I will feel affected every 22nd December. It’s something I wish I had known earlier in my life when I could maybe have spoken to my great uncle Roy if he felt able to discuss it.

I has two others was serving on hms centaur at the time of the disaster, they say it was traumatic for our ships company,but to hear the stories confirmed about the greek crew who left a lot to be desired in the safety of the passengers,was more traumatic for the passengers that these so called seamen didn’t have a clue, which led to this tradergy I personally have never forgot this xmas cruise my heart goes out to all the families that lost loved ones on that fateful cruise at the time I was just 19 to see all that at an early age leaves a great sadness

just brought back a very sad memory of that terrible time xmas 1963 aboard hms centaur who had the unenviable task of recovering the lost souls that perished they were treated with the upmost respect as befitting the men who servedand had the task to recover the bodies my heart goes out to those who suffered such a great loss I will never forget those lost souls who I never knew god bless to all familys

My grandmother was 65 and was a survivor of the Lakonia tragedy. All the lifeboats had gone and she resigned herself to going down with the ship. An older man convinced her to jump which she did, injuring herself terribly on the furniture in the water. But she was a very strong swimmer and swam away from the ship alone into the night. She was picked up 7 hours later by a light shining on her saying we have got you. A well as terrible facial injuries she had broken almost all the bones down one side.

My grandmother was 65 and was a survivor of the Lakonia tragedy. All the lifeboats had gone and she resigned herself to going down with the ship. An older man convinced her to jump which she did, injuring herself terribly on the furniture in the water. But she was a very strong swimmer and swam away from the ship alone into the night. She was picked up 7 hours later by a light shining on her saying we have got you. A well as terrible facial injuries she had broken almost all the bones down one side. She was called to give evidence against the captain. She was left with one shorter leg and had several plastic surgeries but happily lived on till 93.

Today I took a walk round our local cemetery once again reading some of the very interesting names and facts of people long gone including some relatives and a number of old friends. One grave I always visit is right at the bottom of the cemetery facing Horselunges Manor in Hellingly, East Sussex. There is a large family grave and a photograh of a woman and a small boy. The writing has faded terribly over the years, but they lived at the manor and it says they were drowned on the Liner Lakonia in 1963. I have always been intrigued and now I know their story. I can only assume their bodies were brought home. Years later it says her husband was buried there too, Major Fishenden. They face their beautiful home which is I think rather nice.

In reply to David Hollman’s post ex C.E.R.A H.M.S. Centaur. At the time of this tragedy I was serving on H.M.S. Ark Royal, and indeed it was the Ark that was at anchor in the Suez Bitter Lakes, our homeward passage delayed whilst Centaur responded to the tragedy unfolding with the Lakonia. We had sailed from Aden and whilst in Aden at anchor we had a fleet smoker ( concert put on by the ships company) with American guests onboard. The news filtered through that JFK had been shot. a helicopter arrived to take off 3 U.S. Officers back to their ship, the helicopter ditched and all five onboard were killed. So this period was uncertain and gloomy with the Lakonia sinking too. Back home on leave in the Midlands I sort to buy my first car, next to the car I eventually bought was a beautiful Armstrong Siddeley with the perforated door panels. I was told that the previous owner had perished when the Lakonia sank. Quite a coincidence and a sad reflection for me. Respects to all who lost loved ones on the Lakonia and other maritime disasters. M.G. Ex R.N.

I’d be interested if anyone connected with the Lakonia tragedy knows about one victim, Dennis Vernon, who was a US government employee.

Both my parents were aboard the Laconia and happily both survived. Neither of them ever spoke much about that time and I would really like to get a better understanding of what actually happened to them. I know they were both in the same lifeboat and the only vague story that I remember is my father saying that their boat had taken on water from bilge pumps. I think therefore it may be connected with the story from Norman Geller above and I would love to hear from him or anyone else who can fill in any gaps for me. contact:- [email protected]

I am the sister of Andy Griggs (above). After the Lakonia disaster in which both our parents survived, our father Percy Griggs organised the presentation of a plaque giving thanks to the crew of the s.s Salta in which he and our mother were rescued. The plaque was presented to the captain of the Salta at the Argentine Embassy in London and from then on was attached inside the rescue ship as a mark of respect and thanks to the crew. Many of the survivors contributed to the cost of the memorial.

I was just 10 years old when I went with my parents on the Lakonia for the Christmas holidays. My father became ill soon after we left Southampton and was in fact in the ship’s hospital at the time that the fire broke out. Because of this he was able to come on the lifeboat with my mother and I. I remember being terribly sick all over a lady’s mink coat – she was sitting opposite me in the lifeboat! We were rescued by the Salta and as my father was being pulled up the side of the Salta from the lifeboat he seemed to lose his hold and fell between both the boats. Fortunately they managed to pull him up to safety. However, once we arrived on Madeira he was taken to the English Hospital in Lisbon where he remained for 2 months. My mother and I stayed in a hotel in Lisbon – I’ve completely forgotten the name of the hotel now. When we finally returned to the UK we arrived back to our house only to find that word had got out that a ‘local estate agent was on the ship that went down in the Bay of Biscay and had been badly hurt’ and burglars had been into our house and completely cleared out anything of any value – not the best homecoming! I wish I had known about the 50th Anniversary Service I would love to have gone. Both my parents have now passed away but I still recall the events of that night. I know that I would never ever go on another cruise!

I am from Argentina. My Father Ramón was one of the Salta´s sailors . He participated in the rescue. I was 2 years old at the time. My father always told me about that moment. He received one medal for his heroism … All the rescued people joined money to give them to the rescuers..but that money was donated to an institution for help against Poliomyelitis . The rescuers did not care about medals or money … They was happy for helping … a human being helping another human being regardless of language or religion or flag.☺ ♥♥♥ Jill, I will send you an e-mail…i am intetested in your mother report Now I am supporting a facebook group to keep searching an argentine sailbout lost in the Atlantic. Here to help

I’ve just been reading my Grandmother’s letter to my parents on Christmas Day 1963 recounting her dramatic rescue from the Lakonia, just a few months after I was born. My grandfather was in the engine room of the ship as the test engineer for the company that made the engines. My grandmother had gone with him for the trip. She refused to leave with the other passengers as she wanted to leave with my grandfather. In the end, she was one of the last to leave, lowered down dangling on the end of a rope to a life raft dropped by one of the American planes. My grandfather fell in but was hauled aboard another raft, so they were both safe. Each raft was picked up by a different ship. My grandmother who wasn’t very tall said she had to climb netting and ropes to get aboard her rescue ship. She was taken to Madeira but then had an anxious wait to find out where my grandfather was. They were reunited in Casablanca 10 days later. They didn’t talk much about it in later years other than about the chaotic instructions that made some people think that they had time to pack their cases. In the end they lost everything they had taken and only had the clothes they stood in. My grandmother was upset at losing all her jewellery. They both lived into their 80’s.

Hi , my grandfather was on board this ship when she caught fire , he was an X SAS officer in WW2 so a pretty good swimmer , he managed to pull a large lady and a child miles in the dark to a beach , the lady died just as they reached the shore , the child survived and i always wanted to find that little boy , he never felt right after that and a year later died from a heart attack , doctor said the strain from the swim had killed him , his name was alf hebert wagstaff …from leicester…

Refernce to comments by S Gothard re Lakonia.

My parents were married in 1937 and went to Guernsey for their honeymoon. Also in 1938 and stayed at the Petite Bot hotel owned by Mr & Mrs Noble. When war came they evacuated and came to stay with us in Romford, Essex I was born March 1940 and I remember the five of us sleeping in an air raid shelter at the bottom of the garden. We had holidays there in 1947 & 1948. I thought it great playing on the German guns. My mother read in the Daily Telegraph the casualty list and Mrs Noble of Petit Bo was listed as one of them.

To S Gothard. Please contact me. on “[email protected]” My Patents married in 1937 and went to Guernsey for their honeymoon and stayed at the Hotel Run by Mr & Mrs Nobel and again in 1938. When they evacuated the Island in 1940 they wrote to my parents and asked them if they could find them accommodation. My parents replied come and stay with us then you can find your own accommodation. I was born in March 1940 and my first recoclections of life was of 5 of us sleep every night in an air raid shelter at the bottom of the garden. They went up to Newcastle to work in a munitions factory. The reason they got on so well was because my mother came from Newcastle. We h holidayed there again in 1946 & 47. My mother later read in the Dailky Telegraph about the disaster and Mr Nobel was one of the casualties,.

Bernard Reynolds, Kings Lynn, Norfolk.

to all concerned i was a seamen on cargo boat MONTCALM the first mate ,my mate alf and myself spent from seven in the morning till four in the afternoon in our liveboat picking up people from the sea taking them back to the montcalm hoisting them up to the deck JUST DOING THAT WAS DANGERS then back to looking for more survivers till four in the afternoon. By the way the doctor that done the surgery on the person that had there throat cut , came from the RIO GRANDE with his wife she was a doctor to

My grandfather, Theodore Kopff, (Bremerhaven, West Germany) was a musician on board this cruise liner. Some how, someone took a picture of what was happening during those terrifiying moment at sea. He and other crew members were handling a firehose. He perished on board that ship. His final resting place is known to my mom and grand mother, who are now deceased as well. Does any one know where some of the crew final resting place are? Mel

In the January of 1964 l and number of others were in the school cloak room at Windermere Grammar School and a younger pupil “Scottie” was telling us about his experience he had lived through the Christmas of 1963 & of the disaster of the Lakonia. I can not recall his Christian name, but his parents owned a hotel in Ambleside. One thing l always have remembered was he said the crew were abandoning ship before the passengers.

Good morning. I hope you can help me. For years i have been reuniting WW2 evacuees with wartime friends. I have been contacted today by Bernard Reynolds whose family took in Mr and Mrs Noble, two adult evacuees from Guernsey, during the war. Mr Reynolds read your website about the Lakonia and saw the following comment “S gothard says: November 30, 2012 at 5:50 pm My Uncle was on the Lakonia. He was born in the North East of England. He met and married a Guernsey girl and they ran a smalll hotel in Guernsey established by her father.” Bernard is sure that S Gothart’s Uncle is Mr Noble, the Guernsey evacuee that his family took in. Would it be possible for you to pass my email address on to S Gothard, with this message, if your have his email address logged in your website somewhere? Thank you for your time in reading this email. Kind regards, Gillian Mawson, Derbyshirfe, UK

I to was on the centaur on that horrible day. I was attached to the flight deck. as LME. incharge of fuelling Acraft. hellecoptors. Etc. I do think of that day. from time to time. rest in peace.

I was 10 years old and went on a cruise with my parents and brother on the Lakonia. This was the trip previous to the tragic events of December. My brother was studying at London Nautical School and pointed out that fire drill was always carried out with the same lifeboat. All the others were painted over time and again, making them virtually impossible to lower. If a 14 year old can spot this problem, why could nobody else? Does anybody know what happened to Fritz the barman?

My grandad was on board the Lakonia. He was rescued by the Greek ship. He had damaged his knee and always walked with a limp after that. I was 9 years old at the time and I remember it was Christmas Day when we found out he was safe. He must have been in his 70s at the time because he died in 1972 aged 84.

Every Christmas from born we all cry in our house. i was not born then, however my Father was the head waiter on the Ship, he has sat us down every Christmas and has explained the whole story on how the ship went down and how the ship caught fire. during them years the true story did not come out people were to scared to talk, even until now know one really understands the truth. he saved many people as he was one of the last to get off. he even punched a fellow worker across the face as he was crying and screaming whilst helping passengers to get off. his life boat was full but he gave his place to other passengers to get on. lucky for him but not for others that boat turned over and everyone on board capsized in to the sea. safety errors from the crew. he is 78 now and still not a day goes by without him thinking of the ship. he saw friends and passengers die he gave one guy the kiss of life and kept him alive. Iv told him to write a book from his side on what he saw, he told me No because in his words YES many were saved but so many did not make it. as a mark of respect No book.

He sleeps with a photo of his best friend from a previous ship both of them smiling with the ship and sea in the background. His best friend died that night.

My parents were on the Lakonia cruise previous to the tragedy and were horrified to see the news that Christmas. Would I be right in thinking they left from Southampton ? I have a recollection ( as a small child) of going on board before the ship left port . They had absolutely loved their cruise and my mum kept copies of all the beautiful dinner menus and many other artefacts and souvenir photos until her death. Just behind me ,on the sideboard, I have a photo of my 6 foot 3 inches slim father with the diminuitive Captain Zarbis. My mother always insisted he was an absolutely charming man and felt sorry for him when he was court martialled. I was given to believe all those years ago ( and I don’t know if it is true) that the Captain was the last (or one of the last) to leave the ship. Sincere condolences to all those touched by this appalling tragedy. I am struck and deeply touched by how vividly and eloquently everything is recalled by the passengers and rescuers and by their brave stories.

I just read Frances Lulham’s post (May 15 2014)and was very moved as I had been looking on the internet for any mention of a little boy I used to play with who was drowned with his mother on the Lakonia and there was Frances’s description of the family grave that she had just visited. The little boy was Nicholas, the same age as myself, and we used to play together in the playground of a club in London our families belonged to. I think his mother’s name was Heather. She was much younger than Nicholas’s father (2nd marriage, I think) and very pretty. It IS nice to think they are all there together by their home. I have never forgotten Nicholas and what happened to him and his mother.

Does anybody recognise the name Merton J Mason, who was on the Lakonia and the list states that he died onboard the ship. I don’t know if he was a passenger or a crew member, he was aged approx 35 years old.

I was a lucky survivor with my Mum. I have loads of paper cuttings and some telexes which are amazing from the Salta to UK. Also from the Arcadia to my Father in the UK. I even have the tag with my cabin number on it, but the actual key has been wrenched off. What do I do with all this? Any suggestions welcome. Julia (Nee Morgan)

Death of Richard Burca, survivor of the Lakonia disaster. Richard, 15 at the time, was one of the sons of the manager of Reids Hotel on Madeira. He was returning home to Madeira, from school in England with his brother.

He had been ill for some time and died early in August 2015.

I hope this information is of interest to this blog.

Richard Turner

i am setting here with TERRY MOORE he was one of the crew ofthe ship and helped save ppl rescue in 1963 he now lives it altoona. p.a.- u.s.a as his friend i say GODBLESS you as a good friend he is…

My grandfather was Theodore Kopff (65) from Bremerhaven, West Germany. He was a musician on board this cruise liner. Mel, Omi would talk about this tragic day and mentioned that Opa was taken to Morocco where he was laid to rest. If anyone has any information on this, please let us know. Thank you Rob

To Cynthia Nicholas (née Neary) – posted September 2013: Was your uncle Fredric Neary? Did anyone respond to your question?

I sit here reading all these stories and it simply gives me goosebumps, my father was a crewman the night of the fire. I only today started researching more about the tragic accident and it is exactly how my father explained to us many many years ago. My father is 80 on the 27th of December he was born in Chios Greece he was 5 days away from 28. I sat next to him tonight as he was re-living the past with his sister. I would love to hear from anyone who was there or has a story, I would love to locate I think it could be the navigators son who my father saved from drowning, he handed him over in Casablanca the baby was 2-3 years old. My father also saved a lady from England he was treading water for a few hours before he was rescued. My father constantly reminds us how the lady he rescued issued an official complaint as he accidently touched her breast at the time he was trying to save her. As we all know the ship started to burn at approx 11pm it was dark he couldnt see a thing. Nearly all the survivors were placed in quarantine for about 7 days my father was made to defend himself regarding the allegation. I would love to hear from anyone. thank you

I would love if Adeline Julia Ives would contact me as my father was on the Arcadia prior to Lokonia. We live in Australia. [email protected] or +61447219113. Please wouldnt it be amazing if we could arrange a reunion.

I was on the Stratheden with my parents and brother and remember the engines going full blast during the night to reach the Lakonia (normally they were much quieter at night). We passengers were all asked to donate an item of clothing to the survivors as we were the only passenger ship in attendance. We were told that back of the ship was made into a morgue but there were no bodies taken on board.

I now know That Merton Jack Mason was a Cruise Director on the Lakonia, he was aged 41…he was, according to his death certificate, drowned. I am trying to find any survivor who remembers him, plus the place where he is buried. Anybody know ?? Jff

Having just turned 21 three days before the Lakonias distress call I was the youngest officer on the MV Montcalm. Our own voyage had not been without incident as we were caught up in Chicago in late November due to the JFK assassination. This delay combined with early winter ice setting in meant we had to miss ports in order to clear the Great Lakes before being stranded until the Spring. When we left the St. Lawrence Seaway we were unable to get alongside in Montreal due to ice and with the help of icebreaking tugs berthed in Quebec taking essential cargo we needed for stability to cross the Atlantic. Our first port was to be Casablanca and on the early morning of December 22nd we received the Lakonia distress call. Heading to the given position there was no vessel in site and were then given another position by Casablanca Radio. As we headed south it was the flames on the horizon that gave us her true position.In the three hours to get there every one was on duty getting the ship ready for the worst. Thankfully we had posted a lookout on the fo’c’sle who spotted the first survivors in the water well away from the Lakonia but in our line of drift. A second ship to the south of the Lakonia, the MV Salta had also arrived and she informed us that lifeboats were approaching them. After putting one of our own boats down to pick up those who were in the water the first two Lakonia life boats were coming alongside. I managed to take photographs of the Greek officer after catching our line tying a bottle of spirits to it and shouting to us to be careful with it. We now had over 60 survivors on board and dawn had not yet broken. As the day went on we were picking more and more up from the sea until we had 258 and unfortunately 14 who we had save but had died due injury and or hypothermia. We laid each body out on number 4 hatch just aft of the ships accommodation block and covered them up as respectively as was possible. Every cabin was given over to the survivors and the whole crew down to a man slept where they could until we reached Casablanca on Christmas Eve. The Moroccan longshore men refused to handle the dead so we took them to waiting vehicles during which time all of our cabins were looted. Life Magazine acquired the film I had taken photographs on and they appeared in the January edition in prominent pages including inside cover with my name as photographer. They also sold them to Paris Match and Der Spiegel where they hit the front cover. I will never forget the trauma and suffering of those survivors who did not know if their loved ones were alive or dead as we steamed towards Casablanca.

My father, stepmother and my brother who was only 2 at the time were on that ship, my brother had to be rescued from the cabin my dad put his wife and child on 1 lifeboat and they were saved. My stepmother’s mother was also on board and was put on a different life boat and was never seen again. My father was in the water until he was rescued he said that most of the crew abandoned ship.

It is with deep sadness that I read the passing of Radio Officer, Patrick Gleeson of Limerick. Pat served on the m/t. “Montcalm” during the SOS of the TSMS” Lakononia” of December 1963. Pat was a true gentleman. Ar dheis De go raibh an hanam. Our condolence to his family and friends. Colman J. Shaughnessy, Radio Officer Association.

My Grandmother and grandfather both perished in this disaster, leaving behind 6 children, the youngest was about 14 and so my mother and father ( a young married couple with 2 young children at the time) took on the care of her until she left school and went to university. My grand fathers body was never found and my grandmother is buried in Gibraltar. I visited her grave just 2 days ago as I was holidaying nearby and took a day day trip to Gibraltar. I never knew her as I was born 7 years after she died but I have always known about this as long as I can remember. My father has a whole scrapbook of press cuttings and other information including the original holiday brochures,booking information and paperwork that followed.

The Obituary of Radio Officer, Patrick Gleeson is published on the website . “Silent Key”

Colman J. Shaughnessy, Radio Officer Association.

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I was at school in Gibraltar at the time of the tragedy. We rushed home from Spain that day in appalling weather, as my parents’ friends were coming for Christmas dinner that night. We were surprised when they didn’t turn up, so my father (Army) went into town to find out where they were. My parents’ friends were the Hambly family, and Padre Hambly (Army PAdre) was at work in the cemetery burying bodies that were landed ashore. The conditions were awful and they kept sliding into the graves owing to the rain and slippery mud. Whenever someone was identified as related to someone already buried, the latter were exhumed so that they could be buried together. A really dreadful Christmas for everyone concerned. I am not sure which cemetery the bodies were buried in, but I think they were denominational, as clergy from all religions were at work that night.

I am a BBC journalist researching for a radio programme on the Lakonia due to be broadcast this December.

I have been in touch with a number of survivors and rescuers and would be interested in speaking to anyone connected to the Lakonia disaster – including the crew or anyone who was involved in the rescue on the Salta or Montcalm

I can be reached at dan.maudsley[at] (replace [at] with the @ sign)

I’ll post details of the programme nearer the date for those who are interested in listening.

Many thanks

An update on the above post. The live Lakonia broadcast will be on 5 live Daily with Adrian Chiles on 20th December. We’ll be on air from 10am till 1pm GMT. You can listen by radio on DAB or AM (909 or 693), via the BBC iPlayer or iPlayer Radio app, or online at

If you’d like to call or text while we’re on air the number to call is 0500909693, text 05850. I can be reached before the programme by email at dan.maudsley [at] (replace [at] with the @ sign).

Let me share one of the stories that has come to light ahead of the programme, from the grandson of Ian Harris. It was Ian Harris who took the pictures on board the Lakonia that appear in the Life magazine article.

See Adam Gee’s blog here:

For those who missed today’s broadcast or would like to listen again, it is available here for the next month:

5 live Daily – with Adrian Chiles

The Lakonia coverage starts around 35 minutes in for 1hr and 25 minutes, and then again for the last 25 minutes of the programme.

Nostalgia Central

Lakonia Disaster (1963)

lakonia cruise ship sinking

The Greek cruise ship TSMS Lakonia left Southampton on 19 December 1963 for an 11-day Christmas cruise of the Canary Islands. She carried 646 passengers and 376 crew: a total of 1,022 people.

The ship’s first scheduled stop was to be the island of Madeira.

A fire broke out onboard at around 11.00 pm on 22 December when the ship was about 180 miles north of Madeira. Most of the passengers were in the ship’s ballroom and as the fire spread, alarms sounded too softly to be heard by most people aboard.

As smoke began to fill the ballroom at about 11.30 pm, the band stopped playing and the frightened passengers were ushered to the boat deck. The upper deck was ablaze within 10 minutes.

lakonia cruise ship sinking

The direction to abandon ship was given shortly before 1.00 am but the evacuation was hampered by the overcrowding of lifeboats and the loss of several boats to fire.

Just over half of the lifeboats made it safely away from Lakonia , and some of them less than half full.

128 people were killed in the disaster. Some deaths were caused by the fire itself, others by accidents when abandoning ship, and others by exposure or drowning in the sea. Several people who dived overboard struck the side of the ship on the way down, killing them before they hit the water.

On 24 December ocean tugs took Lakonia in tow and tried to tow her to Gibraltar. But the ship had developed a list and on 29 December, she sank in the Atlantic, 230 nautical miles southwest of Lisbon, Portugal.

A board of inquiry traced the fire to faulty electrical wiring but strongly criticised the maintenance of equipment, thoroughness of lifeboat drills, and the standard of supervision. The board of inquiry ruled that the order to abandon ship was given too late, operations on deck were not supervised by responsible officers, and the crew – except for a few acts of self-sacrifice – failed to rescue sleeping passengers from their cabins below decks.

Eight of the ship’s officers were charged with negligence.

The Lakonia was originally launched in 1929 for Netherland Line as the ocean liner Johan van Oldenbarnevelt . She served in the Second World War as an Allied troopship. She was refitted several times and in 1962 she became the Greek Line cruise ship TSMS Lakonia , operating cruises out of Southampton.

lakonia cruise ship sinking

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Cruise disaster survivor: i want to find the man who saved my life.

Joe Benveniste, a hairdresser on the TSMS Lakonia when it sunk 55 years ago, was saved from certain death by a man he only knows as 'Tony'

Ben Weich

BY Ben Weich


As he was bobbing in the Madeiran sea, his cruise ship ablaze behind him and the starry night’s sky above, Joe Benveniste thought himself as good as dead.

Four days earlier Mr Benveniste, a Jewish Londoner of Greek heritage, boarded the TSMS Lakonia as one of its team of hairdressers and barbers.

After suffering through a bout of depression, he had decided to seize what appeared to be the gig of a lifetime, with its promise of voyages to parts of the world he would otherwise never have seen.

The ocean liner, which had previously served as an Allied forces troopship, set off from Southampton on December 19, 1963. It was due to sail to the Canary Islands, via Madeira, on an 11-day Christmas cruise.

Aboard were 646 passengers, all but 21 of them British. There was a healthy Jewish contingent. Sailing under captain Mathios Zarbis was a crew of 376, from Britain, Greece, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Belgium, France and China.

lakonia cruise ship sinking

Mr Benveniste, who at the time was a member of the Sephardi Holland Park Synagogue, in West London, was in the on-board cinema when disaster struck. At about 11pm, a plume of thick, black smoke was spotted billowing from the hair salon. An alarm was raised, but it was too faint.

“The fire alarm bell was so weak it sounded like someone calling the waiter to ask for tea,” a survivor later told a reporter. Others remarked that they had assumed it was a drill. At first the smell of smoke was dismissed as coming from a cigar.

Within ten minutes the ship’s upper deck was ablaze, and by 11.30pm the ballroom was filling with smoke. Panic set in.

“It didn’t help that as soon as the fire was spotted, some of the crew members put water on it. Because it turned out to be an electrical fire, it just made things worse,” Mr Benveniste, now 75, said.

“People just started panicking. We couldn’t see any land, but we could see rescue ships in the distance. We knew we would have to get off the ship. You could feel the heat below your feet.”

With all lifeboats taken, those remaining on board were told they would have to jump into the freezing waters below.

“All I could hear were screams. And a really terrible crashing noise as people were hitting the water one by one,” he said.

“I got halfway down the rope ladder, and I knew I had to jump. It was about 30 feet in total. The rescue ships were on the horizon; they couldn’t get any nearer to us because they thought the ship might explode.”

With the strong Atlantic current sapping his strength, Mr Benveniste feared the worst. Were it not for his mysterious saviour, named Tony, he surely would have become the night’s 129th fatality.

At the point of surrender, Tony hauled him out of the water.

“He came swimming along and he said to me ‘put your head on this pillow’,” Mr Benveniste said. “I just remember asking his name, and he told me it was Tony. I didn’t think to ask his surname, or where he lived. I still don’t know who he is. But I know if it wasn’t for him I would have been left to die there.

“The next thing I knew, I was awake on the rescue ship. I had been in the water for five hours.”

Ninety-five passengers perished in the Lakonia disaster, along with 33 crew members. British Pathé newsreel captured in the immediate aftermath shows the ship’s gutted, charred remains being towed by rescue ships.

After receiving medical attention in the Moroccan city of Casablanca, Mr Benveniste and his fellow survivors were flown back to the UK.

A period of recuperation followed, and he was eventually able to resume his career as a hairdresser, but the events of the night have stayed with him for the past 55 years.

An investigation later found basic emergency preparations on the Lakonia had been inadequate.

lakonia cruise ship sinking

A number of lifeboats failed to deploy, while the finger was pointed at some members of the crew after the order to abandon ship was issued too late.

Some sleeping passengers were also never alerted. Eight officers were charged with negligence.

In 2013 Mr Benveniste visited Gibraltar, where many of the victims were buried, to mark the 50th anniversary of the disaster, along with his wife, Vivian, and two sons, Jeffrey and David.

Mr Benveniste said he would now like to reconnect with other survivors — and one in particular.

“Since I was one of the youngest people on board, I would imagine many of the others have passed away. But if there are any relatives or children, too, I would encourage them to get in touch,” he said. “They may want to know what happened, after all these years.”

“And obviously it would be amazing to finally find Tony, and thank him for what he did — for saving my life. It would mean a lot.”

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M.S. Johan van Oldenbarnevelt , became the T.S.M.S. Lakonia in 1963

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With Reuben Goossens

Maritime Historian , Author, Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer and Maritime Lecturer

Please Note: All ssMaritime and related maritime sites are 100% non-commercial and privately owned, thus ssmaritime is NOT associated with any shipping company or any other organisation! Although the author has worked and been involved in the passenger shipping industry for well over 60 years, but due to his old age and poor health, he was forced to retire. Yet, he has completed well over 1,365 Classic Liners, Passenger-Cargo Liners as well as humble converted C3 converted Migrant Liners, which has transported countless thousands of folk to the new world, as well on vacations’. I trust the features online will continue to provide Classic Liner and Ship enthusiasts both the information they are seeking, but more so provide a great deal of pleasure and relive many happy memories!

  “Memories of the JVO ”

M.S. Johan van Oldenbarnevelt

Chapter Seven

The “Greek Line”

The ill-fated Cruise Ship

T.S.M.S. Lakonia

The gleaming white T.S.M.S. Lakonia is still showing her original Dutch heritage,

is seen at Southampton on April 24, 1963.

The JVO, now thirty-three years old, was considered to be a worthwhile purchase by the “Greek Line” and considering she had a major refit and a face-lift just a few years ago, the company decided to use her as a running mate for their other cruise ship, the “Arkadia.” Both ships would cruise in and around Europe . The JVO arrived in Genoa , Italy on March 7, 1963.

JVO's arrival in Genoa March 7, 1963

The elegant M.S. Johan van Oldenbarnevelt was officially handed over at 1600 hours (4 P.M.) on March 8 to her new owners; the British based Mr. Goulandris ’ “Ormos Shipping Company,” being a subsidiary of the “Greek Line”. He had purchased her for an undisclosed price!

Here we see the official handing over that took place onboard the ship

Officine Mariotti completed a refit at Genoa . Her eleven public rooms were all renamed with more suitable Greek Line names for cruising, such as, the “Tropicana Restaurant,” the “Mocambo Lounge” and Bar, the “Atlantic Room,” and “Pavilion Theatre.” Only the Night Club retained its original name, the “Riviera Bar”. Her decks were also renamed, like Sun, Sports, Boat, Promenade, Main and Restaurant. The aft swimming pool was enlarged and its surround was reshaped and modernised. Twelve additional cabins were added, and all cabins now featured bedsteads instead of berths. Air-conditioning was extended throughout the ship. Upon completion, she was now registered as being 20,238 GRT (Gross Registered Tons).

The Greek Line Cruise Ship, T.S.M.S. Lakonia

The ship, also lovingly known as the "Grand Old lady,” now reappeared painted all white and a new name, “Lakonia”. She now looked more like a young maiden. Soon she headed for Southampton , sailing via Amsterdam her original homeport as the “JVO” and then headed for the UK , arriving mid morning on April 24, 1963.

On that same day the T.S.M.S. Lakonia departed on her maiden Cruise for the Greek Line, departing at 1700 hours, bound for Madeira as well as several other popular ports. Ports of call would vary; these would always include Madeira, others would be; Le Havre , Tenerife and Las Palmas . A feature being, that passengers could leave at a port and holiday there then later rejoin the ship for the voyage home to the UK . Other ports of call in some itineraries would include one or two of the following, Lisbon , Vigo , Tangiers, Casablanca , Malaga and Cadiz .

The Lakonia is seen during her maiden cruise in April 1963

Two of the passengers who boarded on the T.S.M.S. Lakonia for her “Maiden Cruise” on April 24, 1963 were Mr & Mrs. Walter and Margaret Harding and from all accounts they had a very happy cruise! Their son Phillip Harding kindly provided me with the ships just released Deck Plan which he discovered amongst his parents paperwork, and I am most grateful to him for sending it. PS: The plan will be shown down the page.

The company planned a vigorous schedule of some twenty-seven cruises from April through to November 1963 followed by another twenty-seven thereafter into following year.

Above & below : Cruising life on board T.S.M.S. Lakonia

For a variety of mechanical reasons, Lakonia's performance sadly began to slow and she fell behind schedule. Finally, she arrived in Southampton on November 22, 1963 three days late. She discharged her passengers at berth 106 and she was then transferred to berth 101, being a berth where liners awaiting a refit or re-deployment would normally use this berth.

On December 9, 1963, she entered Number 6 Dry Dock for yet another extensive refit. The fuel injection system was changed from blast air, being a novel item when the ship was originally built, to a pneumatic system. This was considered to be the problem of her poor performance. The company that refitted her, “Thornycrofts” guaranteed that this new system would enhance her performance as well as fuel economy.

 The Ocean Bar & the New Agora Shopping Center aft on Promenade deck

Other improvements undertaken at the time were a new kitchen and pantry. Cabins were redecorated and there were those that had new and additional bathrooms fitted. By Thursday December 13, 1963, she was placed at berth 107, where she went through a major inspection, and passed all her safety regulations. The crew had been put through the full lifeboat and fire-drill. Seven lifeboats were lowered to the embarkation deck, after which four were lowered into the water. The T.S.M.S. Lakonia was well equipped with twenty-four lifeboats, with capability of saving 1,500 people in case of an emergency. The Lakonia was also in possession of a foreign ship certificate and her inspection was completed with satisfaction by the British Inspectors.

To all concerned, the Lakonia was almost like a new ship, fully refitted, with greatly improved engines and her interiors beautifully redone, etc, she liked the perfect cruise ship for her time. This was a ship that had been tried and tested for many years, sailing the globe, and she was ready to continue her new cruising career BUT!

Captain Mathios Zarbis , a veteran sailor from the Aegean Island of Andros

On Thursday December 19, 1963, she was berthed between the RMS Queen Elizabeth and RMS Queen Mary and the T.S.M.S. Lakonia was gaily flag-bedecked and she looked splendid with her hull gleaming white with her fresh coat of paint. The Lakonia was indeed ready for her second season and her eighteenth cruise in her brand new guise.

T.S.M.S. Lakonia seen at Southampton ready to depart for her cruise

Passengers arrived in full anticipation of what might lie ahead for them, on what was expected to be a wonderful “Christmas Cruise” with a number of delightful destinations where the weather hopefully would be much warmer than in the UK . Her eleven-day cruise was scheduled to call at Madeira, then Tenerife for an overnight stay on Christmas Eve and finally Las Palmas before returning home to Southampton . Passengers had read in the brochure the following statement;

"Here is a holiday you will remember and talk about for the rest of your life."

No truer statement could have been made! For the trust is that this cruise would indeed be remembered and talked about, not only by her passengers, but by the entire world!

The Ships Deck Plan

Above we see the wonderful Deck Plan of the T.S.M.S. Lakonia as was so kindly provided to me by Phillip Harding , who is the son of Walter and Margaret Harding who actually sailed on Lakonia’s maiden cruise on April 24, 1963. As I stated above, I am most grateful to Phillip and his parents for providing this fine plan. However, there is a larger version available by clicking on the plan above or CLICK-HERE .

Please Note : Photographs are mostly from the author’s private collection or as otherwise stated,

there are many that originate from a brochure I have had from the 1960’s


Chapter 8 - Lakonia's Final Voyage

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TSMS Lakonia ocean liner disaster...

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lakonia cruise ship sinking

Old cruise ship with Hollywood past sinking into Delta now refloated

S AN JOAQUIN COUNTY – The decommissioned cruise ship that was sinking into the Delta near Stockton has now been refloated, officials say.

Work to refloat the Aurora got underway over the weekend, according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Spill Prevention & Response. CDFW announced on Wednesday that the refloating had been completed.

Last week , crews had installed dewatering pumps onto the Aurora . The old ship – notable for its historic Hollywood connections – had been docked in Potato Slough when it started taking on water in late May.

Crews have recovered about 14,900 gallons of water that had been mixed with oil from the sinking ship, CDFW says. Other debris and hazardous waste has also been removed.

More spill mitigation work will be ongoing, officials say. Crews will also continue to stabilize the vessel and the safety zone around the Aurora remains in place.

Before being moored near Stockton, the Aurora had a storied past that included an appearance in a James Bond film. The Aurora was also the inspiration for the 1970s TV show "The Love Boat." 

Old cruise ship with Hollywood past sinking into Delta now refloated


  1. TSMS Lakonia

    TSMS Lakonia was an ocean liner that was launched in 1929 for Netherland Line as the ocean liner Johan van Oldenbarnevelt.In 1962 she became the Greek Line cruise ship TSMS Lakonia.On 22 December 1963 she caught fire at sea and on 29 December she sank. 128 people were killed in the disaster. In the 1930s Johan van Oldenbarnevelt ' s regular route was between Amsterdam and the Dutch East Indies.

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    BBC News. A former Royal Marine musician involved in the rescue effort of one of the worst UK cruise ship disasters said it is "still as clear as day" 60 years on. The TSMS Lakonia caught fire on ...

  3. Laconia incident

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  4. Horror at Sea; The Burning of TSMS Lakonia 1963

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  5. Lakonia disaster: Centenarian reflects on cruise ship sinking 60 years

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  6. Lakonia Disaster: 'Our vivid memories 60 years on'

    Two siblings who survived one of the UK's worst cruise ship disasters say the memories are still "very vivid". The T.S.M.S. Lakonia caught fire on its way from Southampton to Madeira on 22nd ...


    The passenger ship TSMS Lakonia, sailed by Greek Line, was sailing on a Christmas cruise on December 22, 1963 around 11 pm while the ship was about 180 miles north of Madeira when fire broke out. There were 646 passengers and 376 crewmen on board: a total of 1,022 people. All but 21 of the passengers were British citizens, and the crew members ...

  8. Royal Marines Search for Survivors of the Lakonia Disaster 1963

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  9. History

    On 22 December 1963, a Dutch-built, Greek-owned cruise ship called the TSMS Lakonia was sailing off Madeira. She was on an 11-day Christmas cruise of the Canary Islands, sailing from Southampton, with a brief visit to the Azores first. Aboard were 646 passengers and 376 crew; nearly all the passengers were British or Irish, enjoying a special ...

  10. Background history of the 1960 TSMS Lakonis disaster, Andalucia

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  12. Lakonia Disaster (1963)

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  13. Cruise disaster survivor: I want to find the man who saved my life

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  14. Survivors Stories of the 1963 TSMS Lakonia disaster.

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  15. Chapter Seven

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  17. The TSMS Lakonia was a Greek-owned...

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  18. TSMS Lakonia ocean liner disaster...

    THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 23, 1963 * TSMS Lakonia burning & sinking * Paul Robeson - singer & actor The front page has a four column headline: "1,000 ABANDON BURNING CRUISE SHIP TAKING TO LIFEBOATS IN ATLANTIC; MANY PICKED UP BY RESCUE CRAFT" with subheads and photo. (see) 1st report coverage on the burning and sinking of the TSMS Lakonia cruise liner.

  19. PDF TSMS Lakonia Disaster 50th Anniversary

    TSMS Lakonia Disaster. 1963 by BENIDORM on Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:45 pm My father was the ship's doctor, James Riordan. It was his first voyage on a cruise ship. His body was never positively ID'd. I actually live in Australia, but about 8 years ago we'd returned to the UK and tacked on a week's holiday in southern Spain.

  20. Lakonia disaster 1963

    Lakonia disaster 1963. This Christmas marks the 50th anniversary of the sinking of the Greek cruise liner Lakonia ex Johan Van Oldenbarnvelt. It is also the 50th anniversary of my grandfathers death in the disaster. I knew little of the events apart from the hazy memories of a then 8 year old as I then was. However my posting of a piece about ...

  21. On December 22, 1963, the Greek ocean liner TSMS Lakonia ...

    On December 22, 1963, the Greek ocean liner TSMS Lakonia caught fire north of Madeira. She burned for two days and sank while under tow on December 29. 128 of the 1,022 were killed. ... but at the time of the fire she had been converted into a cruise ship. Reply ... Sinking of the Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent István in 1918. juoig7799 ...

  22. Old cruise ship with Hollywood past sinking into Delta now refloated

    The decommissioned cruise ship that was sinking into the Delta near Stockton has now been refloated, officials say. ... Crews have recovered about 14,900 gallons of water that had been mixed with ...