The Little Toursit Train of Marseille

Le little train tour: in the heart of old marseille.

The little train: ideal for admiring Marseille without getting tired. The speed of the train allows you to take beautiful pictures. You will explore the streets of Le Panier, the Old Port, up to the Bonne Mère, but also Friuli if you make the crossing. 3 tours in total to visit the Phocaean city in all tranquility.

marseilles train tour

174 quai du Port, 150 metres from the Town Hall

1h05 with a 30 min stop

Round trip fares

8€ for adults / 4€ for children (between 3 and 11 years old)

Little Train visit: Salute the Bonne Mère

This is undoubtedly the route most requested by visitors, the "Notre Dame de la Garde" circuit. It must be said that it is climbing pretty high and that the idea of climbing the Chemin de Croix in the middle of summer does not appeal to everyone. A circuit that does not only stop at La Bonne Mère, but also passes through the Corniche Kennedy to admire Vallon des Auffes, the Friuli Islands and Château d'If . From April to October, departures take place every 20 minutes from 10am to 12:20pm and from 1:40pm to 6:20pm. From November to March, departures take place every 40 minutes or every hour and a half depending on the number of people, from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm.

1h20 with a 30 min stop

Friuli Little Train: off Marseille

The third and last tour is of the Friuli islands, avaimable only during the summer season from July 1st to September 1st. Visit the island without getting tired, and discover the Caroline Hospital, Sainte Estève beach or Fort Ratonneau which gives a magnificent view of the Château d'If and the bay of Marseille.

marseilles train tour

In front of the pier, depending on the arrivals of the maritime shuttles.

30 min approximately

Round trip prices

4€ for adults / 2€ for children (between 3 and 11 years old)

4€ pour les adultes / 2€ pour les enfants (entre 3 et 11 ans)

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This circuit will take you from the Old Port to Notre Dame de la Garde, passing by the corniche, by the sea, where you will discover its riches, such as Fort Saint Jean and Fort Saint Nicolas, the Palais du Pharo, the Abbaye St Victor, the breathtaking view of the Pont de la Fausse Monnaie, Château Valmer and the famous Vallon des Auffes. In the background, you will admire the islands of Frioul and the Château d'If. The train will then branch off to take you to the Vallon de l'Oriol where you will discover magnificent “Marseilles” residences, clinging to the hillside. You will then climb up to an altitude of 162 meters where the Good Mother watches over Marseille and the people of Marseille. At this place, a grandiose spectacle will be offered to you with a breathtaking 360° panorama of the city. After a necessary and required break time (a train every 30 minutes), the walk will continue and you will dive into the city passing in front of the famous Ferry-Boat, on the Old Port.

Circuit 2: Old Marseille and the Terrasses du Port, which will take you to the famous Panier district OPEN FROM APRIL 1 TO DECEMBER 31

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marseilles train tour

Circuit 2 Vieux Marseille - Terrasses du Port

Tour details, train departure.

174 Quai du Port 13002 Marseille

Adults: €10 Children: €5

Vieux Marseille – Terrasses du Port

Before taking you to the oldest districts of Marseille, this tour will introduce you to magnificent monuments such as the Hôtel de Cabre, the Hôtel Dieu, the church of St Laurent and the magnificent Cathédrale de la Major. The train will then take you past the former Vieille Charité hospice, which has been completely renovated and now houses the famous Musée d'Art Africain, Océanien et Amérindien (Museum of African, Oceanic and Amerindian Art). During this stopover, you can discover the picturesque Panier district, with its narrow streets, pedestrian areas and welcoming squares where life is good (Place de Lenche, Place des Moulins...). You'll love browsing through the artists' boutiques (paintings, ceramics, pottery, etc.). This discovery of the heart of Old Marseille is full of surprises and will delight the most curious.

The second possible drop-off point is in front of Les Docks.

The tour includes the Docks, the Joliette, the Halles de la Major and the Mucem.

Overview of the route

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🪼🤿🐟 BAPTÊME DE PLONGÉE 🐙🌊🐚 Venez vivre une aventure sous-marine fascinante !! 🤿🤿🤿 Vous connaissez le Parc National des Calanques pour ses paysages époustouflants au-dessus de l'eau mais il regorge de trésors qui vous émerveilleront dans ses profondeurs 💙 Pensez à apporter votre maillot de bain 👙🩳 et votre enthousiasme 😃, on se charge de l’équipement de plongée nécessaire afin que vous puissiez profiter pleinement de cette aventure ! Prêts à plonger ?? 🐬 Dites nous en commentaires avec qui vous aimeriez vivre cette expérience !! 👯‍♂️ 📍 parc_national_des_calanques 📷 fabricedudenhofer 🤿 aureliep88 & Margaux — 📞 04 91 72 54 12 📩 [email protected] 🌳 #PlongeeSousMarine #AventureAquatique #DecouverteSousLesVagues #baptemedeplongée #marseillevilledaventure #marseilleexperience

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Circuit en mer 🚤 Prêt(e)s à embarquer pour une balade en mer à bord d’une barquette Marseillaise et partir à la découverte du patrimoine historique Marseillais ? ⚓ Montez à bord d’une barquette historique au Vieux-Port et naviguez à travers les eaux pour découvrir sous un nouvel angle le Palais du Pharo, la Bonne Mère, le Mucem... 🧭 Parfait en groupe, entre amis ou en famille pour profiter d’une balade en mer agréable et divertissante ! 😄 🕒 Durée : 2 heures 💸À partir de : 350 € 📅 Tous les jours Lien pour réserver dans la bio 🎟️ #marseille #marseilleexperience #activites #circuit #barquette #choosemarseille #visitmarseille #cestmarseillebb #marseilleworld #instamarseille #provence

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ACTIVITÉ INÉDITE Envie d’une découverte atypique en side-car en direction des Gorges du Verdon ? 🕶️ Traversez le lac d’Esparron et profiter d’une vue imprenable sur le paysage en roulant à travers les routes provençales. 🤩 “Ride in style” comme Indiana Jones pour une expérience mémorable ! 🤠 🕒 Durée : 7h 💸 À partir de : 619 € 📅 Tous les jours Lien pour réserver dans la bio 🎟️ #marseille #marseilleexperience #activites #sidecar #GorgesduVerdon #choosemarseille #visitmarseille #cestmarseillebb #marseilleworld #instamarseille #provence

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VISITE GUIDÉE Envie d’explorer l'un des 111 quartiers qui composent la ville de Marseille ? 🏘️ Pourquoi ne pas découvrir le quartier de Mazargues, un village de pêcheurs sans la mer, célèbre pour son obélisque situé au bout du Boulevard Michelet ! 🏛️ Visitez ce village aux portes des Calanques afin d’en apprendre plus sur la cité phocéenne. 🎣 🕒 Durée : 1h30 💸 À partir de : 12 € 📅 Le 21 février Lien pour réserver dans la bio 🎟️ #marseille #marseilleexperience #activites #visiteguidée #Mazargues #choosemarseille #visitmarseille #cestmarseillebb #marseilleworld #instamarseille #provence

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ACTIVITÉ EN PLEIN AIR Pédalez jusqu’aux Calanques grâce à ce tour en e-bike !🚲 Cette balade guidée vous emmènera du Vieux-Port puis le long du littoral marseillais pour une journée en vélo inoubliable. 😍 Une activité sportive à ne surtout pas rater en famille ou entre amis ! 👌 🕒 Durée : 7h30 💸À partir de : 79 € 📅Tous les jours Lien pour réserver dans la bio 🎟️ #marseille #marseilleexperience #activites #vélo #calanques #choosemarseille #visitmarseille #cestmarseillebb #marseilleworld #instamarseille #provence

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MARSEILLE [Bouches-du-Rhône] Encore une photo du Panier mais il faut dire qu'on a vraiment adoré cet endroit ! Dans notre tout dernier article, on vous partage toutes nos bonnes adresses dans le plus vieux quartier de la ville 😍 * * * #marseille #igersmarseille #marseille_focus_on #choosemarseille #marseilleexperience #visitmarseille #marseillecity #myprovence #provence #provencetourisme #pacatourisme #sudest_focus_on #sudest #jaimelapaca #beautifuldestinations

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Complétez: les îles du Frioul vues depuis … 🧐😘 #marseille #frioul #massilia #plusbellelavie #ilesdufrioul #chateaudif #marseillebébé #provence #lebonair #plusbellevilledumonde #cartepostale #marseilleexperience #choosemarseille #cheznousamarseille #beautifulmarseille #calanques #parking #notredamedelagarde #labonnemere #marseilles

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VISITE GUIDÉE EN FAMILLE Voyagez dans le temps à Marseille et redécouvrez l'époque de Louis XIV avec ce jeu de piste historique ! ⚜️ Résolvez les énigmes pour démasquer le conspirateur qui complote contre le roi et plongez au cœur de l’intrigue. 🗝️ Découvrez les quartiers historiques de Marseille avec cette visite ludique à faire en famille ! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🕒 Durée : 2 heures 💸À partir de : 15 € 📅 Le 20 janvier, 17 février, et le 2 mars Lien pour réserver dans la bio 🎟️ #marseille #marseilleexperience #activites #visiteguidée #jeudepiste #choosemarseille #visitmarseille #cestmarseillebb #marseilleworld #instamarseille #provence

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How to get around France: from cycling to traversing by train

Nicola Williams

May 18, 2024 • 7 min read

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A high speed train zips over the Cize-Bolozon viaduct, a combination rail and vehicular bridge over the Ain gorge © Gregory_DUBUS / Getty Images

With cyclists in the French capital outnumbering carbon-spewing motorists and short-haul domestic flights outlawed in 2023, getting around la belle France has never been so green.

In the 1980s the country’s emblematic TGV ( train à grande vitesse or high-speed train) turned heads. Now it is its omnipresent green mobility – spearheaded by an eco-smart capital city stitched from 900-odd miles of cycling lanes and rural landscapes flush with drop-dead-gorgeous hiking, biking and e-biking trails – that trumps. France’s drive to achieve carbon neutrality for land transport by 2050 is fierce.  

Away from cities and towns, motoring remains the most convenient way to cruise through France’s magnificent kaleidoscope of châteaux, farmsteads, wineries and village idylls – albeit at a price. Filling up in France is pricier than the European average and you pay tolls to use the country’s sleek network of autoroutes (highways). Public transport is scarce or non-existent in many rural areas, with buses on school routes filling some gaps on weekdays at least.

Getting around by train – state-of-the-art speedy or gloriously slow – has never lost its edge. In the Alps, Pyrenees and other mountainous areas, a fleet of cable cars and funiculars encourage France curios to scale fabulous new heights. Bon voyage!

A mother and son riding on a train in France

Ride the rails to soak up stunning scenery

Cruising the length of the celebrity French Riviera by slow train, lurching sharply up mountain to France’s longest glacier , pulling into Nice aboard a millennial reincarnation of the mythical Bleu Train, or plunging into Pyrenean backcountry aboard an old-world steam train : train journeys in France are invariably breathtakingly scenic.

Frequent, reliable, affordable trains operated by SNCF zip cover much of the country. Principal rail lines radiate out from Paris like wheel spokes: getting between towns on different spokes can be slow or require a laborious change of trainline and gare (station) in Paris. High-speed TGV trains make light work of long-distance routes (count just over two hours from Paris to Bordeaux , three hours to Marseille ) and require an advance seat reservation. Book in advance to bag cheaper fares.

An adventure in itself, you can also catch an Intercité de nuit (domestic night train) from Paris to Nice, Toulouse , Lourdes, Perpignan and Aurillac in cheesy Cantal in central France.

Riding French rails several times a year? Consider a Carte Avantage discount card. Watch for brilliant seasonal and/or regional deals: France’s €49 summer rail pass covers unlimited travel for anyone under 27 in July and August on regional TER and Intercity trains. 

Tip for calculating carbon-saving: Download the SNCF Connect app to consult train schedules in real time, check rail deals and buy tickets. In return, once a year, SNCF sends you an annual tally of your train mileage and CO2 emissions saved by trading car for train.

Follow this itinerary for a car-free day-trip on the Côte d’Azur

Overhead view of Route des crêtes, Cassis in France

Rent a car to get under the skin of rural France

With infrequent or non-existent public transport, a car is the only realistic option for exploring mountainous or overtly rural areas like the French Alps , Pyrenees , Lot, Dordogne and volcano-spawned Auvergne . Many impossibly charming chambres d’hôtes (B&Bs) – in centuries-old farms, renovated oil mills and châteaux – are lost in vineyards or down isolated country lanes.

Pick up wheels at major rental outlets at airports and train stations in major towns; many have electric vehicles. Reserve well in advance during busier periods (July and August, December to March during peak ski season). Cut cost with an online car-rental platform such as Getaround .

Rental vehicles picked up at Grenoble , Lyon and Geneva (Switzerland) airports in winter are automatically fitted with winter tires – required by law in mountainous areas between 1 November and 31 March. Road signs indicate when snow chains in addition are compulsory during snowy conditions.

Once on the road, drive on the right. At automated toll booths on highways (motorways), an illuminated green arrow indicates cash payment, a white card symbol payment by card. Watch out for France’s unique priorité au droite rule whereby traffic entering an intersection from a road on the right has priority. In villages and small towns particularly, beware of motorists suddenly zipping out in front of you from a lane on the right.

Tip for tracking traffic conditions: Dodge bouchons (traffic jams) on larger roads and highways with Bison Futé , an app to check traffic and road conditions in real time, availability of electric-charging stations, etc.

Planning to do some motoring in France? Save these best road trips

Cruise on a budget: rideshare

If you don’t drive or want the hassle of constantly having a car in tow, split fuel costs and motor from A to B with another motorist. Covoiturage (ridesharing) has been around for decades in France and bagging a ride with BlaBlaCar or similar rideshare app is not difficult. Practice your French at the same time!

Many French cities have a public car-sharing scheme; zip around Paris on an electric moped with Cityscoot . Self-service electric cars accessible via the Mobilize Share app are available for an hour, day or week/s in Lyon, Avignon, Nice and dozens more towns. Car-sharing platform Truro unlocks access to all sorts of wheels, 4WD vehicles to tackle off-road mountainous terrain, camper vans, beachy golf carts included.

Flat boat navigating a Tree lined bend on the Canal du Midi in south of France. The sycamores perfectly reflected in water

Make the journey the destination afloat a ferry or boat

It’s worth slotting the Dordogne, Lot or Toulouse into your French itinerary, simply to kick back on deck, glass of chilled rosé in hand, and float beneath a tranquil green tunnel of plane trees along the UNESCO-listed Canal du Midi. Wine-rich Burgundy , the flamingo-specked Camargue , the Loire Valley and Brittany are other popular canal- and river-boating regions with superlative scenery in spades.

Sailing into the Vieux Port of A-lister St-Tropez is the only recommended way to arrive in the celebrity Riviera’s most desired town, a traffic-congested hell in high season; train it to St-Raphaël then hop aboard a boat operated by Les Bateaux Bleus. Dozens more shuttle boats and ferries yo-yo along the Mediterranean coast. Ditto for the Atlantic where the 30-minute Arcachon –Cap Ferret boat ride by way of oyster farms or the trip across choppy waters from ocean-faring Lorient to naturally wild, picture-book Breton islet Île de Groix are particularly memorable.

Tip to sail to paradise: Reserve boat tickets for Med island-idyll Île de Porquerolles, accessible from La Tour Fondue near Hyères, well in advance; this lush "Garden of Eden" paradise island is limited to 6000 visitors a day.

If canal boating in France piques your interest, read more here

People eating and drinking on the terrace of the famous Hotel du Nord with bike share in the foreground

Spin between châteaux, wineries and pretty villages on two wheels

Cycling has been huge in France for decades and as electric bikes gain traction, dedicated cycling paths mushroom, and themed cycling itineraries celebrating wine, wildlife, lakes, châteaux and all sorts boom, there really is no excuse not to join the peloton.

In Paris, Lyon, Marseille and other cities, public-sharing bikes and e-bikes make light work of longer urban distances along dedicated cycling lanes. Countrywide, long-distance bike-packing routes like Burgundy ’s Route des Grands Crus (500 miles/800km) and the Atlantic’s breathtaking coastal odyssey La Vélodyssée (807 miles/1300km) break down into convenient day and half-day soundbites, making them accessible to casual cyclists too.

Bike helmets are legally only required for children under 12, but most adults wear them too. If a rental shop doesn’t automatically offer you a helmet (common in laidback beach destinations such as Biarritz ) ask for one. Helmets are included in the rental price. The legal speed limit is 25km/h, including for e-bikes (45km/h for s-pedelecs with number plate). Forget spinning between chateaux to the beat of your favorite tune though, it’s illegal to cycle on roads using headphones or ear-pods.

Tip to trip plan: Source itineraries and download GPX files at France Vélo Tourisme , the definitive digital guide to exploring France by bike.

Accessible transportation in France

Despite the superabundance of cobbled streets, vertical villages teetering atop perilous crags and cafe terraces spilling inconveniently across pavements, inroads are being made to help  those with accessibility issues get around France more easily – even smoothly.

In Paris an excellent network of city buses with retractable ramps to get on board and raised pavements at bus stops compensate for an age-old, largely inaccessible metro; few elevators to access subterranean platforms actually function. Paris’ airports sport an Assistance Mobilité service to assist passengers, as does the country’s national train service SNCF . You can also rent an adaptive car through car-sharing service Wheeliz .

This article was first published Jun 4, 2021 and updated May 18, 2024.

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Thousands of fans pack Lincoln Financial Field for the Rolling Stones

Bryanna Gallagher Image

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Tens of thousands of fans packed Lincoln Financial Field for one of the hottest concerts of the summer.

The Rolling Stones were in town Tuesday night. For many people, seeing them perform is a family affair.

We talked to fans who have been to more than 70 shows, some first timers and even one as young as eight years old.

"This will be my third Stones concert, so I'm excited to share it with the younger generation," said the Nguyen family.

People from all generations made their way to South Philadelphia.

"This is my first concert. I've always wanted to see the Stones. It's crazy, 40-50 years later they're putting on the show. So it's a real honor to be here," said Matthew Fritz, who came with his dad.

"My dad took me to see the Stones in 1966. My son is taking me to see at Lincoln Financial Field in 2024," said Bob Douglas who was here with his dad, also named Bob.

Fifty-eight years ago, the pair saw the Stones in Atlantic City. The band jumped out of a helicopter and walked feet away from them at the Steel Pier.

"I said Bob, 'That's the Rolling Stones.' He was six years old. I could pick him up and put him on my shoulders. They walked right by us," said the elder Douglas.

Decades later, Mick still has it, and their fan base proves that.

"We want to see Mick dance... just bring it. He's got a lot of life in him for his age," said Candice and Joe Kent, of Phoenixville.

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Detroiters get 1st look inside revived Michigan Central Station during tours

Detroiters on Friday get their first look inside revived Michigan Central Station after Thursday's blowout opening night concert .

Visitors, who had to sign up in advance for tours for the Detroit train station, will encounter a range of activities and exhibits honoring the station's history and six-year restoration. Tours continue daily through June 16, but they are fully booked. The station will be open for self-guided tours on Fridays and Saturdays through August.

The first floor of the station, by then with some shops and other features expected to be built out, is scheduled to be open to the public in September.

Follow along here to experience Detroiters' first steps inside the renovated station.

Michigan Central Station tours: How to visit Ford's renovated train depot

3:40 p.m.: A job loaded with smiles

John Martin is a new Michigan Central ambassador, after making a career out of cable TV advertising and spending a couple of more years working part-time gigs. Friday was just his second day of work after he snagged the job just in time for the station’s reopening.

Martin grew up in Lincoln Park and later worked in downtown Detroit, so he spent most of his life watching the city up close.

“Being that I worked down here, I’ve always been interested about what’s going on in the city, and that never left me even after I found another job,” he said.

He toured Michigan Central’s open house back in 2018 after it was acquired by Ford and has since been stunned by Detroit’s numerous and gorgeous renovations.

After he stopped working one of his part-time jobs earlier this year and almost simultaneously came across the Michigan Central ambassador position, he knew he could take the job and have a good time with it.

Martin stands at the doors of the Grand Hall and greets people as they enter with smiles widening and eyes lighting up at their first sight of the hall.

“One of my jobs that I didn’t do this year after working it for 12 years was at a golf course … You get a lot of interaction with folks. You’re not always putting out fires, but there always seems to be one on your shift. So, I thought, jeez, I could come in here and how many fires could I have? People are coming in here awestruck, they’re not complaining,” he said.

3 p.m.: Streets around train station returning to normal

By Friday afternoon, Michigan Avenue opened to vehicles after being closed for Thursday's opening festivities, and there was no traffic congestion even as thousands of people descended on the train station for the first day of public tours.

As workers outside continued to dismantle the concert stage, about 1,800 visitors walked through the train station as of 3 p.m., Michigan Central spokesperson Dan Austin said.

A total of 5,000 visitors were expected Friday, with tours ending at 10 p.m., he said. 

1:55 p.m.: Details make the difference

Christina Roki of Sterling Heights, and Grant Sloan of West Bloomfield, two automotive content creators who were invited to opening day by Ford, said they were brought to tears by the stories preserved inside Michigan Central Station.

“What we appreciate about it most is how much detail Ford cared to preserve to show the story. They kept part of the graffiti on the walls, they preserved a lot of the tickets they found … Even the brick, all the chisels we see on the brick, they didn’t try to make fine cut lines, they still want to show all the history that this building has,” said Roki.

As their tour guide led from room to room in the building, they remained at a loss for words.

“The inside was literally mind-blowing. I feel like I was walking in on such a big piece of history that’s been preserved for so long, so it’s crazy to think that this is something they’ve been working on in the past few years,” said Roki.

But for the two metro Detroiters, one of the most significant parts was just to see how Michigan Central had been given new life, narrowly dodging demolition. Sloan remembered times passing by the station with his friends just before the renovation began to see the graffiti and decay; now, to see that part of modern history meshed with its historical past, he said to step inside the new shiny floors was an awesome experience.

“Any Detroiter will agree that this building was such an eyesore for such a long time. Growing up in Detroit and knowing its history but never seeing it operational… But now seeing it up in running, it’s really touching to see that Ford took on such a large project,” said Sloan. “It’s early but I think it’s safe to say that the investment already paid off.”

— Kylie Martin

1:45 p.m.: Returning soon

Southwest Detroit resident Jennifer Serra set an alarm in hopes of scoring tickets to see the train station on its first day of public tours. 

“There's just not enough wonderful words to describe it,” Serra, 45, said after securing tickets and touring the station Friday. 

The only problem? She had somewhere else to be this afternoon and wanted to spend more time in the station. She’s already made plans to come back for another tour in a few days. 

“I feel like it's like a symbolic representation of what goes on in our city,” she said of Michigan Central Station. “I feel like there's just these landmarks in certain cities … that just really kind of embody the overall history of what's going on. I feel like this helps us bring a little bit of closure to some tough times and show renewal.”

— Adrienne Roberts 

1 p.m.: 'Another crown jewel'

Tom Schultz and his wife, Sylvia Ross-Schultz, are both born and raised Detroiters, but more than that, they’re Detroit-lovers.

“We’re so glad to see it getting so much better, and it’s beautiful … It’s just in my heart, it’s been the neatest thing,” said Ross-Schultz. “It’s another crown jewel in the renovation of Detroit.”

“I made the statement, and I was wrong, that (the comeback) would never happen in my lifetime,” said Schultz. “The rebirth is off the charts.”

Remembering the good old days of Michigan Central Station in the 1970s, the couple knew they had to tour the station on opening day, and so did Ross-Schultz’s cousin and her husband, Renee and Tom Toft. With ancestors who worked in the building, the families are woven into the fabric of Michigan Central, as well as the city of Detroit.

Additionally, the Tofts took what they called the “falling apart” tour of the station back when Ford purchased it in 2018.

Now, the four stood waiting for their tour in awe at the renovated front of the building.

“Instead of just knocking it down, to bring it back to this grandeur is absolutely fantastic,” said Ross-Schultz.

“You see the work they did out here, they recreated everything the right way,” said Tom Toft. “It’s spectacular. We haven’t even gone inside yet but I know its going to be spectacular.”

12:40 p.m.: Eager to return

Donny Wilson and his brother Paul Wilson had never been inside the train station until Friday morning, but they’re all ready to come back.

Donny Wilson, 41, an influencer who lives in Oak Park, wants to bring his family and friends to the station to see it. 

“I can't wait until all this stuff is actually in there …the shops, hotel …” Donny Wilson said after touring the station.

Paul Wilson, 42, a Detroit resident, said he’s just thought of the station as a ruin his whole life — until now. “It’s so cool how they refurbished everything and still kept a whole lot of the building intact,” Paul Wilson said.

Noon: 'Berliners are obsessed with Detroit'

NPR reporter Bobby Allyn, 35, walked quickly toward Michigan Central Station as he prepared to interview President Joe Biden’s director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Arati Prabhakar, at Newlab on Friday. He said he was super excited to be in Detroit, having heard so much about the city when he lived in Berlin.

“Berliners are obsessed with Detroit because of techno music,” Allyn said. “It’s the birthplace of techno. Look up Jeff Mills of Detroit and techno. You’ll see. When you go to Club Berghain in Berlin, it’s impossible to get in but if you wear a hat that says, ‘Detroit,’ they let you in.”

Allyn, a technology correspondent , reports on startups, artificial intelligence, privacy issues and tech litigation. While he was directed to the building next door to Michigan Central Station, the whole site is part of the mobility hub led by Ford Motor Co. Allyn said he couldn’t wait to see the inside of the restored train depot after the interview.

— Phoebe Wall Howard

11:50 a.m.: Memories rekindled outside Michigan Central

Bob Bilkie, 63, and Shari Bilkie, 62, of Northville walked the side streets surrounding Michigan Central Station as they waited for the noon public tours to begin. They parked at 10 a.m. and took in the sights of the Corktown neighborhood on the cool, cloudy day.

As they approached their 41st wedding anniversary on Monday, they talked about dates at Lafayette Coney Island in Detroit, ordering their lemon meringue pie and Faygo Red Pop. That’s pretty much all Bob Bilkie could afford as an intern at Detroit Edison. At lunch, he ordered coney dogs with lots of onions and mustard because that’s what he could afford. Now Bob is an investment adviser and Shari is a compliance officer for a financial firm.

Being in Detroit together during this special time also celebrates memories of their families. Her grandfather went to Cass Tech High School and owned Ward’s Bar in Dearborn. They went to the old Tiger Stadium around the corner as a family. His father worked at American Motors as a fabricator, and his grandfather worked for the railroad.

“He probably worked here,” Bob said, glancing up at the 18-story Beaux Arts-style building from the corner of Wabash and Marantette.

Shari said smiling, “It is so cool, the fact that they took something decrepit, falling apart, an eyesore and turned it into something absolutely beautiful.”

11:35 a.m.: The morning after and a new dawn

On a much noticeably cooler and windier morning compared with Thursday, Corktown appeared to be just waking up after last night’s celebration. 

With much of Michigan Avenue still closed off to vehicles Friday morning, the few businesses that were open had just a couple of customers. 

The train station, however, was bustling with activity, albeit a different kind of energy compared with Thursday night, as workers dismantled the concert stage that the night before featured acts including massive music concern in Roosevelt Park a night earlier that featured Diana Ross, Eminem, Jack White and Big Sean. 

— Adrienne Roberts

11:25 a.m.: Michigan Central prepares for company

The sounds of Motown and techno music filled the halls of Michigan Central Station, spilling from speakers in a gallery plastered with vintage posters less than an hour before the doors officially opened to visitors on Friday.

Inside the station, hundreds of workers dashed about, putting final touches on exhibits scheduled to attract 60,000 people over 10 days.

A woman from Chicago leading a group of eight South Korean government officials, walking through the renovated station half an hour before the official open, explained that the visitors oversee small- and medium-sized businesses and they’re looking at the 30-acre innovation zone created by Bill Ford, executive chair of Ford Motor Co.


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  1. Tourist train and Hop-on Hop-off bus Marseille

    There are 3 little train tours in Marseille, departing on the Canebière and on Frioul islands (sea shuttle not included). The timetable of the little trains in Marseille varies according to the period of the year: every 20 minutes in high season, every 40 minutes in low season. Tickets can be booked directly on the little train office.

  2. Petit Train Marseille

    We didn't have enough time to tour Marseilles, but on a very hot summer day, we were very grateful to take the train to see the basilica. As the train climbs up, there is a very nice breeze. There is a train every twenty minutes from what it seemed (although it says they take a lunch break from 1220 to 140, we still saw trains so maybe double ...

  3. The Little Toursit Train of Marseille

    The speed of the train allows you to take beautiful pictures. You will explore the streets of Le Panier, the Old Port, up to the Bonne Mère, but also Friuli if you make the crossing. 3 tours in total to visit the Phocaean city in all tranquility. The "Petit train du Panier" tour lasts about 1 hour and 05 minutes with a 30-minute stop in the ...

  4. Le Petit Train touristique de Marseille

    Marseille's little tourist train is a must for all visitors to the city! Enjoy a guided tour of the city aboard a picturesque, comfortable and fun train. Departing from the Vieux-Port, the train will take you on a tour of the city's main tourist attractions, including the Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, the famous Panier district and the MuCEM.

  5. Small Tourist Train of Marseille, circuits, timetables, prices

    Small Tourist Train of Marseille. 174 Quai du Port, 13002 Marseille. 5786. Category: Transport / Tourist Buses. Borough : 2ème. Website : Print. The sheet Photos Video Map. Discover Marseille aboard the little tourist train.

  6. Le Petit Train touristique de Marseille

    Découvrez Marseille d'une manière unique avec le Petit Train de Marseille ! Laissez-vous guider à travers les rues pittoresques, les monuments emblématiques et les sites historiques de Marseille à bord de notre petit train touristique. Les Circuits. Circuit 1 - Notre Dame de la Garde;

  7. The BEST Marseille Rail tours 2024

    Book the most popular Rail tours in Marseille. Best price and money back guarantee! Read the reviews of your fellow travelers.

  8. Petit Train Marseille

    Petit Train Marseille. 985 reviews. #33 of 282 Tours & Activities in Marseille. Bus Tours. Closed now. 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM, 1:45 PM - 5:15 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About.

  9. Vieux Marseille

    174 Quai du Port. 13002 Marseille. Before taking you to the oldest districts of Marseille, this tour will introduce you to magnificent monuments such as the Hôtel de Cabre, the Hôtel Dieu, the church of St Laurent and the magnificent Cathédrale de la Major. The train will then take you past the former Vieille Charité hospice, which has been ...

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    2. Private guided walking tour of Aix en Provence and Marseille. Historical Tours. 6+ hours. This walking tour will allow you to experience the best of Aix-en-Provence, from its historic landmarks to its vibrant modern…. Free cancellation. from. $338. per adult.

  11. Marseille by Train

    The current timetables for train services out of Marseille can be downloaded from the SNCF TER website. There is a regular shuttle bus from Marseille-Provence Airport to the bus station which is integrated into Saint Charles station. It runs every 10-15 minutes, depending on the time of day, and the journey takes about half an hour.

  12. Marseille Experience: booking activities

    All our guided tours in Marseille. Museums, activities, boat ... CityPass Marseille. Valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours, visit Marseille thanks to an all-inclusive formula! Museums. Public transports (option) Boat to If Castle and Frioul islands. Tasting and small gifts. Touristic bus and small train.

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    Spend the afternoon with Vincent Van Gogh on a self-guided Van Gogh-themed walking tour - the Dutch post-impressionist artist painted more than 200 canvases while living in Arles in 1888. ... Frequent regional TER trains trundle between Marseille St-Charles and Arles (€9.90 to €16.30, 45 minutes to one hour).

  14. Train Tours to Marseille from €151

    Tours to Marseille train times. Trains run once a week between Tours and Marseille. The service departs Tours at 14:28 in the afternoon, which arrives into Marseille at 19:27. All services run direct with no transfers required, and take on average 4h 59m. The schedules shown below are for the next available departures.

  15. Cheap train Tours

    Last-Minute Tours - Marseille Trains. Booking tickets in advance, perhaps even when they are first released, is a good solution when you are planning a journey several weeks or months in advance. However, for last-minute train tickets from Tours to Marseille, you can search our website to find the lowest prices within 5 to 7 days of your ...

  16. Tours to Marseille train tickets from $32 (€28)

    Cheap train tickets from Tours to Marseille can start from as little as $70 (€60) when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Tours to Marseille is $139 (€120); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.

  17. Train timetables Tours-Marseille

    Train timetables Tours-Marseille Friday 31 May 2024 Train timetables Tours-Marseille Friday 31 May 2024; Departure Arrival Duration Carrier; 6h 42m: 12h 14m: 5h 32m: TGV INOUI: 1 connection Booking. 6h 42m. Tours TGV INOUI 8306. 6h 48m. Saint-Pierre-Des-Corps 7h 12m ...

  18. Tours to Marseille train tickets from €81.22

    What are the Tours to Marseille train times and schedule? If you're travelling on a weekday, you'll find the earliest train to Marseille leaving Tours at around 05:54 and the last train leaving at around 19:14. At weekends, the first train of the day leaves Tours at around 06:03, with the final departure at 18:56.

  19. Tours to Marseille by Train from $103.70

    Tours to Marseille by train. It takes an average of 8h 4m to travel from Tours to Marseille by train, over a distance of around 363 miles (584 km). There are normally 21 trains per day traveling from Tours to Marseille and tickets for this journey start from $103.70 when you book in advance. First train. 6:42 am.

  20. Marseille → Tours by Train from £56.83

    Marseille to Tours by train. It takes an average of 7h 52m to travel from Marseille to Tours by train, over a distance of around 363 miles (584 km). There are normally 19 trains per day travelling from Marseille to Tours and tickets for this journey start from £57.07 when you book in advance. First train. 06:13.

  21. Petit Train Marseille

    Petit Train Marseille. 987 reviews. #33 of 287 Tours & Activities in Marseille. Bus Tours. Closed now. 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM, 1:45 PM - 5:15 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About.

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    An important military complex, Fort Saint Jean is a vital piece of Marseilles history. The steep ramps connect sections of the fort, making the assent slightly challenging, but the reward is ...

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    With cyclists in the French capital outnumbering carbon-spewing motorists and short-haul domestic flights outlawed in 2023, getting around la belle France has never been so green.. In the 1980s the country's emblematic TGV (train à grande vitesse or high-speed train) turned heads.Now it is its omnipresent green mobility - spearheaded by an eco-smart capital city stitched from 900-odd ...

  24. Đường Tàu

    Đường Tàu. 938 reviews. #32 of 331 things to do in Hanoi. Points of Interest & Landmarks. Write a review. About. Nestled in Hanoi's Old Quarter, this narrow alley attracts travelers hoping to snap a picture on the active train track, and even catch a train whizz by! This alley is actually a residential area—many locals have converted ...

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    Philly police train more officers stop illegal ATVs, car meetups Jersey Shore towns follow up on 1st weekend of bag bans, teen curfews Man convicted of repeatedly raping young girl in Bucks County ...

  26. Michigan Central Station tours: How you can see train depot

    The first 10 days of public open house tours at Michigan Central Station, running June 7-16, are sold out. Those visits required advanced registration that is now closed. Guests will explore the ...

  27. PDF 11 Suspended Lobbyist Report

    City Tour Members of City Commission City Manager & Staff Tour Bus Concession and Regulations Cunningham Phillip Suspended O, Miami, Inc. (Phillip S Cunningham) CAC Annual Grant Application CAC Grant; Cultural Anchor Daroch Matias Suspended MSB 8430 LLC (Jagat Bhuyan) HPB HPB 22-0512; 8430 Byron Ave

  28. Train Marseille to Tours from €163

    Marseille to Tours train times. Trains run four times a day between Marseille and Tours. The earliest departure is at 12:14 in the afternoon, and the last departure from Marseille is at 18:19 which arrives into Tours at 09:03. All services require a transfer at MARNE LA VALLEE CHESSY and take an average of 7h 49m.

  29. Michigan Central Station tours give Detroiters 1st look inside

    Detroit Free Press. 0:07. 1:22. Detroiters on Friday get their first look inside revived Michigan Central Station after Thursday's blowout opening night concert. Visitors, who had to sign up in ...

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    The Western Caribbean itineraries feature calls on Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Roatan, Cozumel and Costa Maya, Mexico. The Southern Caribbean voyages sail to islands such as St. Lucia, Barbados, Aruba ...