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Edition du Soir Meurthe-et-Moselle

Edition du Soir Meurthe-et-Moselle

sam. 22/06/2024

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  • Programmation, accès, restauration... Tout savoir sur le Monumental Tour

Nancy Programmation, accès, restauration... Tout savoir sur le Monumental Tour

À l'approche du Monumental Tour qui a lieu pour la première fois à Nancy, c'est l'occasion de faire un point sur le programme bouillant qui attend les 15 000 fêtards ce vendredi 15 septembre au soir. L'événement se tiendra sur la Place Stanislas dans le cadre du 40e anniversaire de l’inscription de celle-ci au Patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. Un spectacle moderne utilisant les nouvelles technologies pour un show inédit afin de redécouvrir Nancy sous un angle inattendu. Horaires, accès, jauge, buvette... Voici tout ce qu'il faut savoir.

Michael Canitrot à la cathédrale de Laon dans le cadre de son Monumental Tour. Photo DR

Qu’est-ce que le Monumental Tour ?

C'est l'événement incontournable de la rentrée et il a cette année lieu à Nancy. Ce show gigantesque et unique est prévu le 15 septembre sur la place Stanislas . Ce spectacle, imaginé par le DJ français Michael Canitrot, mêle musique électro, projections lumineuses et patrimoine.  Mathieu Klein , le maire de Nancy, y voit « un beau cadeau d’anniversaire pour les 40 ans du classement Unesco » de la place.

Le Monumental de Nancy sera le 15ème. La place Stanislas fera donc partie des monuments emblématiques visités par le Monumental Tour, tout comme le Château de Chantilly, le Palais Royal de Paris ou encore le Mont Saint-Michel.

Monumental Tour place Stan : l’électro à la rencontre du patrimoine

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Quelle est la programmation de la soirée ?

Michael Canitrot , créateur du Monumental Tour sera accompagné de la chanteuse, DJ, productrice et auteure-compositrice, AWEN , ainsi que Leblanc et Gatz, le gagnant du tremplin RIFFX en première partie. Le tout sublimé par un spectacle visuel.

L'ouverture se fera à partir de 18 h avec les premières fouilles, et il faudra patienter un peu avant de voir le début des festivités :

  • 19h30 - 20h00 : Première partie Gatz, Talent RIFFX
  • 20h00 - 20h30 : Leblanc - Talent CNM
  • 20h30 - 21h30 : Awen
  • 21h30 - 22h30 : Michael Canitrot accompagné du show visuel

Les projections qui s’étendront sur les cinq façades de la place Stanislas ne feront pas référence à l'histoire de Nancy, comme le son et lumière a l'habitude de le faire chaque année , mais bien au Monumental Tour lui-même.

Comment accéder à l'événement et à quel prix ?

L'accès se fera par les 6 entrées habituelles : - Angle rues Gambetta et des Dominicains - Rue Stanislas - Arc Héré (places de la Carrière et Vaudémont) - Place Nelson-Mandela - Rue Sainte-Catherine - Angle rues Lyautey et Préfet-Claude-Erignac

La soirée sera gratuite pour le public sans condition, mais dans la limite des places disponibles.

Quel est la jauge de spectateurs fixée par la mairie de Nancy ?

La jauge est limitée à 15 000 personnes sur la place Stan. Attention, lorsque cette jauge sera atteinte, le service de sécurité de la Ville bloquera les entrées. De nouvelles personnes pourront entrer une fois que d'autres auront quitté l'espace.

Il est conseillé de venir avant 18 h pour être sûr d'accéder à la place Stanislas.

Sera-t-il possible de se restaurer ?

Les terrasses des bars et des restaurants resteront bien ouvertes. La v ente de boissons et la restauration seront donc assurées par les commerçants de la place Stanislas et du quartier.

Certains restaurants de la place Stanislas proposeront également des stands avec de la vente à emporter (hot-dog, frites, boissons...)

Qu'est-il interdit d'emporter avec soi ?

Les objets dangereux (tranchants et contondants), armes même factices, feux d’artifice, toutes installations à gaz, boîtes de conserve, canettes et gourdes en métal, bouteilles et objets en verre, pointeurs laser, mégaphones et talkies, appareils de diffusion audio et les substances illicites sont évidemment strictement interdits dans l’espace d’accueil du public.

En application du plan Vigipirate, l'accès au site est interdit à toutes valises, sacs de voyage et sacs à dos de taille supérieure au format A3. Aucun animal de compagnie n'est autorisé sur le site.

En revanche, les sandwichs, bouteilles de 50 cl maxi et gourdes en plastique sont autorisés.

Où peut-on se garer à proximité ?

Les parkings à proximité resteront ouverts aux tarifs habituels.

Où peut-on trouver des toilettes ?

Des sanitaires gratuits sont disponibles dans la r ue Sainte-Catherine et au niveau de la place Nelson-Mandela.

🖋️ Nos deux longs formats sur la Place Stanislas : le Monument préféré des Français ; Un  joyau classé au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco depuis 40 ans

📄 Les dernières infos sur la Place Stanislas

  • Edition Nancy et agglomération
  • Région Lorraine
  • Nancy-ville 54B
  • Mathieu Klein
  • Place Stanislas

Monumental Tour place Stan : l’électro à la rencontre du patrimoine


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Monumental Tour 2023, Nancy

monumental tour nancy programme

The Monumental Tour in Nancy with the Modulo Player media server

In September 2023, the emblematic Place Stanislas of Nancy welcomed the Monumental Tour as a celebration of the 40-year anniversary of its UNESCO World Heritage listing.

To illuminate the monumental public square, including the impressive city hall, AV EXTENDED used 6 RQ35 and 1 RQ22 Panasonic projectors. These were powered by 2 Modulo Player media servers by Modulo Pi . The media server’s X-Map function was instrumental to the projection mapping and helped warp outputs with ease.

The spectacular show was attended by 22.000 people.

Monumental Tour Initiated by the DJ and Producer Michael Canitrot, The Monumental Tour offers a unique experience blending electro music and digital art, in the core of emblematic heritage sites. A strong partner in the project, AV EXTENDED is entrusted with the visual and lighting design to sublimate the exceptional sites serving as backdrops for the Monumental Tour.

Cockpit mapping

Cockpit mapping

monumental tour nancy programme

St Jean Celebration

monumental tour nancy programme

Yeezy show – Paris Fashion Week

monumental tour nancy programme

Porte Saint Georges - Nancy

Guided Tours

  • To see, to do
  • Visits, tours and City Pass
  • Guided tours

Discover the riches of the capital of the Dukes of Lorraine and enjoy a taste of history, culture and art de vivre . Accompanied by a Heritage tour guide, set off to discover the historical centre or the city’s art nouveau. Or, if you prefer, you can discover the city comfortably seated aboard the mini tourist train.


Audio guided tours

Explore the city at your own pace and unravel the secrets and anecdotes of its most iconic monuments with our brand new multimedia audioguide. Board on an auditory and visual journey with lively commentaries, photographs, archive images and interactives quizzes.

Three itineraries are already included: Historical Center, “Art Nouveau” and “Renaissance”.

Available in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and Polish.

Each audioguide is carefully sanitized before they are handed out to participants and after they returned it.

** €100 refundable deposit for audio guide

Petit Train Touristique - Nancy

The Little Touristic Train

Let yourself carried away

Explore the historic 18th Century city and the Old Town sitting comfortably in the little train. Recorded commentaries in French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Chinese and Japanese.

The little train of Nancy is running from March 29, 2024 to November 3rd, 2024 – Departs every hour except at 1 PM.

*Children from 6 to 14 y.o

  • More information about the Little Touristic Train

Visite Guidée

Guided tours by the tourist office

The annual programme of city visits allows visitors to discover the city from a different angle (in French for individuals).

All throughout the year, the Tourist Office also offers a dense programme of guided tours for groups . Don’t miss these visits designed for all types of groups, on themes like the Historical Centre, Art Nouveau, and Monuments and Heritage. You can also find tours exploring the more unusual aspects of the city – see the ‘Themed Walks’ page.

  • Book your visit online

On the same subject

Porte Saint Georges - Nancy

Je vous souhaite un excellent dimanche ✨ . #placestan #placestanislas #reflet #photography #nancy #nancyville #nancyfrance #igers_nancy #igers_lorraine #lesensdelavisitenancy #nancytourisme #meurtheetmoselle #lorraine #grandest #visitgrandest #voyageenfrance #reflections #france #jaimelafrance #reflection #monumenthistorique #photooftheday #jeparsenvacances #architecture #art #francephotography #style #architect #architecturephotography #architecturelovers

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#placestanislas #placestan #nancy #nancytourisme #beautifuldestinations #beautiful

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Le retour de la place Stan, avec au loin la cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-l’Annonciation ✨ . #placestan #placestanislas #placestanislasnancy #photography #nancy #nancyville #nancyfrance #igers_nancy #igers_lorraine #lesensdelavisitenancy #nancytourisme #meurtheetmoselle #lorraine #grandest #visitgrandest #voyageenfrance #city #citynights #france #jaimelafrance #architect #monumenthistorique #photooftheday #jeparsenvacances #architecture #art #francephotography #style

Instagram #destinationnancy

Magie hivernale Place Stanislas ❄️✨ La neige fraîchement tombée transforme la ville en un conte de fées. Les lumières scintillent, mettant en valeur le dragon qui veille silencieusement selon la légende sur les anciens marécages sur laquelle la place est construite. #lempreurlumiere #dragon #placestanislasnancy #placestanislas #unesco #placestanislasbynight #nancy #nancyville #nancytourisme #nancynotreville #nancymaville #nancyfrance #vieillevillenancy #igersnancy #igerslorraine #igersfrance #grandest_focus_on #grandest #coupdecoeurgrandest #destinationnancy #destinationlorraine #france4dreams #tourisme54 #nikonphoto #lorraineactu #francebleusudlorraine #france3lorraine

Instagram #nancytourisme

Villers-lès-Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, décembre 2023. #villerslesnancy #nancy #nancynotreville #nancymaville #igersnancy #nancytourisme #grandnancy #metropoledugrandnancy #meurtheetmoselle #departement54 #lorraine #lorrainetourisme #igerslorraine #grandest #igersgrandest #tourismingrandest #france #undimancheenlorraine #jardinbotaniquejeanmariepelt

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Around Polezhaevskaya Metro Station

Richard sorge monument.

A short walk from Polezhaevskaya metro station standing at the beginning of Ulitsa Zorge is a statue to the master Soviet spy Richard Sorge (sometimes transliterated Zorge).  Sorge operated from Japan during the Second World War.  Two vital pieces information that Zorge gave to Stalin was that in June 1941 Germany was preparing an invasion of the USSR for 22 June (information that Stalin chose to ignore) and that in September 1941 Japan was not planning an attack, which thankfully Stalin believed and permitted Siberian troops to be transferred to defend Moscow. Sorge was eventually caught and hanged in 1944, after the Soviets refused an exchange stating they had no connection with Sorge. Sorge is often regarded as one of the best spies ever and even as an inspiration for James Bond.  This monument to him was erected in 1985.

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Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker

Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker

  • Date Dec. 04 , 2018
  • Event Starts 7:00 PM
  • Venue Fine Arts Theatre
  • Doors Open 1 Hour Prior To Performance
  • Ticket Prices $30.50-$177.50
  • Availability On Sale Now
  • Seating Chart View Seating Chart

Event Details

Christmas is coming and so is the one and only Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker. Presenting world class Russian artists, hand-painted sets, Russian Snow Maidens, and jubilant Nesting Dolls – Great Russian Nutcracker brings the Christmas spirit to life for all ages. “Kids wide-eyed with delight!” says the New York Times. Experience the Dove of Peace Tour, spreading goodwill in over 100 cities across North America. Get seats now for the whole family and make memories for a lifetime at Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker!

Additional Ticket Information

Ticket Prices

$177.50 - platinum.

  • Floor: Row F, Seats 22-36
  • Meet-n-Greet and Photo Opportunity with the world-renowned Moscow Ballet Ballerinas and Danseurs
  • Take Home Gifts including one-of-a-kind, Moscow Ballet branded memorabilia! *Please note! Platinum Experience patrons meet the Moscow Ballet Tour Manager in venue lobby 45 minutes prior to opening curtain in order to guarantee the personal Meet-n-Greet. Moscow Ballet cannot guarantee a Meet-n-Greet if patrons are not in the venue lobby 45 minutes prior to curtain.

$104.50 - Gold Circle

  • Floor: Row B, Seats 9-33
  • Floor: Row C, Seats 10-34
  • Floor: Row D, SEats 13-37
  • Includes Moscow Ballet Gift Package including:
  • Moscow Ballet hand-crafted, wooden Nutcracker Doll
  • Limited Edition Moscow Ballet Souvenir Program book filled with over 50 pages of stunning images.  Please note - Gold Circle patrons redeem Gift Packages at Moscow Ballet merchandise table prior to the performance.
  • Floor: Row(s) A & E and G-N
  • Floor: Row B, Seats 1-8 & 34-39
  • Floor: Row C, Seats 1-9 & 35-42
  • Floor: Row D, Seats 1-12 & 38-47
  • Floor: Row F, Seats 1-21 & 37-55
  • Floor: Rows O-V
  • Balcony: Rows AA-EE
  • Floor: Rows W-ZZ
  • Balcony: Rows FF-LL

Monument Health Founding Partner.png

monumental tour nancy programme

  • MONUMENTAL TOUR CÉLÈBRE EIFFEL: a unique electro show at the Eiffel Tower

a unique electro show at the Eiffel Tower with Michael Canitrot to mark the centenary of Gustave Eiffel's death.

Monumental eiffel tower.

To mark the centenary of Gustave Eiffel's death, the Eiffel Tower has teamed up with artist Michael Canitrot for a unique artistic collaboration, offering a rediscovery of the monument through a unique fusion of heritage, electronic music and artistic performance. On December 27, 2023, the anniversary of Gustave Eiffel's death, this audio-visual concert will be broadcast on television and social networks. This collaboration brings to a close an exceptional year punctuated by events paying tribute to Gustave Eiffel and his work.

After the success of five sold-out dates for his Monumental Tour project, including performances at Nancy's Place Stanislas in front of more than 22,000 people and the first date in Italy at Genoa's Palazzo Ducale in front of more than 10,000 people, DJ and producer Michael Canitrot closes 2023 on a high note with this unprecedented performance in the heart of the Eiffel Tower.

For this exceptional show, Michael Canitrot will present an unprecedented artistic performance on the monument: a spellbinding DJ set oscillating between melodic techno and progressive house, accompanied by a grandiose light show with the participation of several guest artists including the "Spectre" choir, Yana Mann, mezzo-soprano singer, Ablaye Diop contemporary dancer passionate about electronic music and Yann Dulché, pianist fusing electro beats and classical notes. Award-winning actor Philippe Torreton will lend his voice to Gustave Eiffel, offering a moving interpretation to guide spectators on this sonic and visual journey. An original creation that puts the monument in a new light, while paying tribute to Gustave Eiffel's audacity and creative genius.

monumental tour nancy programme

The "Monumental Tour célèbre Eiffel" show will be broadcast on December 27, 2023, the anniversary of Gustave Eiffel's death, at 9pm as a preview on the Youtube and Facebook pages of Michael Canitrot and the Eiffel Tower, before its televised broadcast on the CSTAR channel at 10:50pm. Lasting 50 minutes, the program will then be broadcast on C8 and available for replay on MyCanal, the Canal+ group's channel platform.


  1. Vous n'avez pas pu assister au Monumental Tour à Nancy ? Revivez-le en images

    monumental tour nancy programme

  2. Monumental Tour

    monumental tour nancy programme

  3. Concert géant, mapping vidéo... Un spectacle unique prévu en septembre à Nancy, place Stanislas

    monumental tour nancy programme

  4. Vous n'avez pas pu assister au Monumental Tour à Nancy ? Revivez-le en images

    monumental tour nancy programme

  5. "Ça va monter crescendo" : pourquoi il ne faut pas rater le Monumental Tour vendredi à Nancy

    monumental tour nancy programme

  6. Monumental Tour à Nancy : voici 5 choses à prévoir pour organiser au mieux votre venue

    monumental tour nancy programme


  1. Monumental Tour

    Placé sous le patronage de la Commission nationale française pour l'UNESCO, le Monumental Tour est un concept de tournée alliant musique électronique, patrimoine culturel et art digital créé par le DJ et producteur français Michael Canitrot. L'occasion de faire dialoguer notre patrimoine avec les nouvelles technologies, afin de ...

  2. Billetterie

    Le MONUMENTAL TOUR célèbre le 40e anniversaire de l'inscription de la mythique PLACE STANISLAS à Nancy au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO avec un CONCERT ÉLECTRO grandiose accompagné d'un VIDEO-MAPPING à 270° au coeur de la plus belle place européenne.

  3. Monumental Tour

    Under the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO, the Monumental Tour is a tour concept combining electronic music, cultural heritage and digital art, created by French DJ and producer Michael Canitrot. It's an opportunity to bring our heritage into dialogue with new technologies, and rediscover our monuments from a whole new ...

  4. Programmation, accès, restauration... Tout savoir sur le Monumental Tour

    À l'approche du Monumental Tour qui a lieu pour la première fois à Nancy, c'est l'occasion de faire un point sur le programme bouillant qui attend les 15 000 fêtards ce vendredi 15 septembre ...

  5. "Ça va monter crescendo" : pourquoi il ne faut pas rater le Monumental

    Le vendredi 15 septembre, le Monumental Tour fera étape à Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) pour un show inédit et unique. Lorraine Actu vous dit tout ce qu'il faut savoir. 3 heures de spectacle

  6. Monumental Tour @ Place Stanislas à Nancy (40e anniversaire ...

    Event by Monumental Tour and 7 others on Friday, September 15 2023 with 12K people interested and 2.2K people going. 55 posts in the discussion. Monumental Tour @ Place Stanislas à Nancy (40e anniversaire - Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO)

  7. Concert géant, mapping vidéo... Un spectacle unique prévu en ...

    L'événement Monumental Tour passera par la place Stanislas à Nancy, le 15 septembre. Au programme : DJ set, show de lumière et mapping vidéo. Le tout gratuitement.

  8. MONUMENTAL TOUR (@monumental.tour) • Instagram photos and videos

    81K Followers, 936 Following, 243 Posts - MONUMENTAL TOUR (@monumental.tour) on Instagram: "⚡️L'électro à la rencontre du Patrimoine Presented by @michaelcanitrot, showcasing electronic music and cultural heritage through a unique show."

  9. Monumental Tour

    Monumental Tour is a touring exhibition empowering social change through the arts. Curator, Marsha Reid works with municipalities, institutions and agencies to navigate access to 'public spaces' & to build out those sites in a way that exemplifies how American public art can inspire equitable commemorative landscapes. In these sites ...

  10. Monumental Tour (@monumental_tour) • Instagram photos and videos

    1,549 Followers, 341 Following, 129 Posts - Monumental Tour (@monumental_tour) on Instagram: "#MonumentalTour Traveling public art exhibition, empowering social change through the arts. Curated & Produced by Marsha Reid for @kindred_arts" ... Check out all three works deployed across New Orleans & stay tuned for program announcements ...


    Adult. 10 €. From April 27, 2024. until. Saturday. 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM. Step back in time and explore Nancy's origins from the Middle Ages to its incorporation into the Kingdom of France in 1766. Immerse yourself in the city's fascinating history by discovering its emblematic sites, such as the ducal palace and private mansions, which bear ...

  12. Monumental Tour

    The exhibition can be experienced in person or virtually. We encourage you to interact with the various pieces. Learn about their cultural significance and develop your own interpretations and ideas around the movement. VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE. About MONUMENTAL TOUR.

  13. Ticketing

    MONUMENTAL TOUR celebrates the 40th anniversary of the inscription of Nancy's mythical PLACE STANISLAS as a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a grandiose ELECTRO CONCERT accompanied by a 270° VIDEO-MAPPING in the heart of Europe's most beautiful square. ... MONUMENTAL TOUR celebrates the 40th anniversary of the inscription of Nancy's mythical ...

  14. Modulo Player powers the Monumental Tour in Nancy

    The Monumental Tour in Nancy with the Modulo Player media server. In September 2023, the emblematic Place Stanislas of Nancy welcomed the Monumental Tour as a celebration of the 40-year anniversary of its UNESCO World Heritage listing.. To illuminate the monumental public square, including the impressive city hall, AV EXTENDED used 6 RQ35 and 1 RQ22 Panasonic projectors.


    Voici le programme de la tournée 2023 ! Pour cette nouvelle saison du #MonumentalTour, nous sommes ravis...". MONUMENTAL TOUR | 🚨 Vous l'attendiez, il est là...

  16. 2024 Guided tour of the Historic Center of Nancy

    1h30 guided tour. What to expect. Departure and return. Start: Basilica of Saint Epvre of Nancy, Pl. Saint-Epvre, 54000 Nancy, France. The visit starts in front of the steps of the Saint-Epvre basilica. End: Place Stanislas, Pl. Stanislas, 54000 Nancy, France. We end the visit Place Stanislas.

  17. Guided tours

    Explore the historic 18th Century city and the Old Town sitting comfortably in the little train. Recorded commentaries in French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Chinese and Japanese. The little train of Nancy is running from March 29, 2024 to November 3rd, 2024 - Departs every hour except at 1 PM. Tours. Period.

  18. Place Stanislas

    The Monumental Tour set down its decks on Nancy's Place Stanislas, an exceptional date marking the opening of the European Heritage Days. It also marked the 40th anniversary of the inclusion of Place Stanislas, Place de la Carrière and Place d'Alliance in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Over 20,000 people attended the event.

  19. Moscow Kremlin Museums: VISIT US

    In the summer period (from May 15 to September 30) the Moscow Kremlin Museums are open from 10.00 to 18.00, in the winter period - from 10.00 to 17.00. The Armoury Chamber is open to the public from 10.00 to 18.00 according to timed admission system. Day off - Thursday. Please check the main page of our website for changes to opening hours.

  20. Richard Sorge Monument

    Richard Sorge Monument. A short walk from Polezhaevskaya metro station standing at the beginning of Ulitsa Zorge is a statue to the master Soviet spy Richard Sorge (sometimes transliterated Zorge). Sorge operated from Japan during the Second World War. Two vital pieces information that Zorge gave to Stalin was that in June 1941 Germany was ...

  21. Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker

    June 2024. Great Russian Nutcracker brings the Christmas spirit to life for all ages. "Kids wide-eyed with delight!" says the New York Times. Experience the Dove of Peace Tour, spreading goodwill in over 100 cities across North America. Get seats now for the whole family and make memories for a lifetime at Moscow Ballet's Great Russian ...

  22. MONUMENTAL TOUR CÉLÈBRE EIFFEL: a unique electro show at the Eiffel

    After the success of five sold-out dates for his Monumental Tour project, including performances at Nancy's Place Stanislas in front of more than 22,000 people and the first date in Italy at Genoa's Palazzo Ducale in front of more than 10,000 people, DJ and producer Michael Canitrot closes 2023 on a high note with this unprecedented performance in the heart of the Eiffel Tower.

  23. imagine moscow; architecture, propaganda and revolution tour proposal

    tour proposal . Valentina Kulagina, We Build, 1930's, Ne boltai! ... touring programme The Design Museum touring programme was set up in 2002 with an aim to bring design exhibitions to audiences around the UK and internationally. Since then, more than 100 exhibitions have toured to 90 venues in 21 ... (1927), a monumental scientific research ...