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Mountainbike Touren in Winterberg


LogoFerienwelt Winterberg

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Die 10 schönsten Mountainbike Touren in Winterberg

mtb tour winterberg

Entdecke viele weitere Touren in der Tourensuche

Plane ganz einfach eigene Touren

  • Alles in Radfahren
  • Mountainbike
  • Gravel-Bike

Wetter für Winterberg

Empfehlungen aus der community, mountainbike touren in den nachbarregionen, ähnliche aktivitäten in winterberg.

Trailpark & Bike Arena

Trailpark winterberg this is where you empower yourself.

Our bike rental is located in the middle of the Trailpark Winterberg and is the perfect starting point for your tour.

Seven routes stretch their 40 km long network of paths over the mountains of the ski lift carousel Winterberg, sometimes easy, sometimes difficult - you decide. Look forward to 20 km of flowing trails, family-friendly routes and demanding descents.

mtb tour winterberg

Schwing dich auf den Sattel!

Entdecke das sauerland auf dem rad.

mtb tour winterberg

  • Freizeithighlights
  • Erlebnisse & Führungen
  • Familienzeit & Kinderlachen
  • Gruppenerlebnisse & Teamevents

Blick auf die St. Georg Sprungschanze und einen Teil von Winterberg in der Abendsonne.

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  • Gesundheit & Wellbeing
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  • Naturschutz & Nachhaltigkeit
  • Kultur & Tradition

Eine Familie in ihrer Ferienwohnung beim lesen und spielen.

  • Online buchen
  • Campingplätze
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  • Gruppenunterkünfte

Eine Mitarbeiterin der Tourist Information erklärt Gästen etwas auf einer Wanderkarte.

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Eine Mutter mit zwei Kindern beim Golf spielen auf der Adventuregolf Anlage.

  • Aktivitäten & Erlebnisse

Radfahren & Mountainbiken Sportliche Hochgefühle erfahren

Auf geht's nach Winterberg: Erlebe in der Bike Arena Sauerland 1.140 km Traumtrails für jede Stufe! GPS-geführte Routen führen dich durch atemberaubende Natur, wo jeder Aussichtspunkt den Puls höherschlagen lässt. Egal ob Anfänger oder Pro, Mountainbiker,  Rennradfahrer oder einfach Genussradler – such dir deinen Weg! Spüre die Begeisterung auf Touren, die an Alpenpanoramen erinnern und sei bereit für den Adrenalinschub bei rasanten Abfahrten.  Der Trailpark Winterberg mit 40 km und 20 Trails vervollständigt dein Bike-Vergnügen. Deine Reise ins Radglück startet hier!

Geführte Biketouren bieten eine sichere und spannende Möglichkeit, die schönsten Strecken der Region zu erkunden.

Unsere Bikeverleiher stehen dir zur Verfügung und bieten eine breite Auswahl an hochwertigen Fahrrädern für jedes Abenteuer.

Unsere bikefreundlichen Unterkünfte heißen Radfahrer herzlich willkommen und bieten spezielle Annehmlichkeiten für einen entspannten Aufenthalt nach einer aufregenden Tour.

Zwei Radfahrer fahren vor toller Kulisse bei Sonnenuntergang einen Forstweg entlang.

Aktueller Hinweis

Bitte beachte, dass es aufgrund der Borkenkäferkalamität und der damit verbundenen Forstarbeit und Holzabfuhr punktuell zu Einschränkungen kommen kann, dies kann an der ein oder anderen Stelle die Qualität unserer Wege beeinträchtigen.

mtb tour winterberg

Tourentipps Mountainbike Abenteuer auf zwei Rädern: Der Reiz des Mountainbikens

Die Mountainbike-Touren führen größtenteils über Forst- und Schotterwege, beinhalten starke Ansteige, steile Passagen und einige wenige Pfade.

Tour 2 - Bergseerunde - mit Start und Ziel am Radpoint in Winterberg

Tour 3 - gipfelstürmer mit start und ziel am radpoint in winterberg, der bike - halbmarathon, bike arena sauerland - hochsauerland-zweitausender nr. 24, tour 4 - zwei-städte-runde (wiha).

mehr Touren im Tourenportal

Tourentipps Tourenrad Komfort und Ausdauer: Mit dem Tourenrad die Welt entdecken

Die Runden für Tourenradler führen über Asphalt-, Schotter- und Forstwege, beinhalten aber auch leichtere Anstiege und Abfahrten.

GeoRadroute Ruhr-Eder

Ruhrtalradweg, tour 1 - hille-ziegenrallye mit start und ziel am radpoint in winterberg, tourentipps rennrad geschwindigkeit und präzision: die faszination des rennrads.

Die Rennradtouren führen größtenteils über befahrene Straßen und eignen sich weniger für Einsteiger im Rennradsport.

Mit dem Rennrad zum Diemelsee

Bike arena sauerland - winterberger wellenreiter, bike arena sauerland - trans-rothaar, bike arena sauerland - ederrunde, tourentipps für familien gemeinsam unterwegs: familienausflüge mit dem fahrrad.

Unsere Familienrunden sind sehr vielfältig und reichen von sehr kurzen Laufradrunden ohne Steigung bis zu anspruchsvollen Runden für größere Kinder mit kleinen Anstiegen und ersten Mountainbikeerfahrungen.

Family First

Rund um hallenberg, schmantelrundweg, start und ziel in winterberg, sürenberg sause, tourentipps gravel allrounder für jede strecke: die vielseitigkeit des gravelbikes.

Die ausgewiesenen Gravelrunden werden wir in der nächsten Zeit ausweiten und ergänzen.

Bike Arena Sauerland - Durch das Orketal Nr. 8

Bikefreundliche betriebe.

Diese Unterkunftsbetriebe in der Ferienregion Winterberg mit Hallenberg sind ganz besonders auf Radfahrer eingestellt.

Unsere Radverleiher im Überblick

Erlebe die Natur von Winterberg und Hallenberg vom Fahrradsattel aus! Unsere lokalen Verleiher bieten hochwertige Markenräder, die für Abenteuer bereit sind. Und keine Sorge, falls mal etwas schiefgeht – viele Anbieter haben Reparaturservices direkt vor Ort.

UPPU Bike Tours

Bikeverleih poppenberg, geführte biketouren buche dein erlebnis auf 2 rädern.

Der Bergsee umgeben von hohen Felswänden.

Lasst euch von den bildgewaltigen Naturschönheiten überraschen und beeindrucken. (Ohne Leih-Bike)

Jetzt buchen!

Ein Mann und eine Frau auf E-Bikes, die gerade eine Pause machen, während der Mann auf etwas in der Ferne zeigt.

Naturerlebnis, mit faszinierenden Fotomotiven und Einkehr. (Ohne Leih-Bike)

Drei Personen bei einer Mountainbiketour durch das Skiliftkarussell genießen die tolle Aussicht.

Erlebe eine unvergessliche Biketour durch das sommerliche Skiliftkarussell Winterberg!

Unsere geführten Biketouren sind natürlich auch individuell für Gruppen buchbar!

Zu den Gruppenerlebnissen

Ein Mann fährt mit seinem Mountainbike auf einem Trail des Trailparks durch eine scharfe Kurve

Radmagazin zum Durchblättern

Das Logo vom Mountainbike Tourismusforum

Folge uns auf unseren Social Media Kanälen, um immer über aktuelle Angebote, Events und Neuigkeiten rund um unsere Destination informiert zu werden.

Guide to Bikepark Winterberg

Want to know how to make the most of your next trip to bikepark winterberg keep reading.

Guide to Bikepark Winterberg

Bikepark Winterberg is undoubtedly the largest and best-known bike park in Germany. And it's no surprise: this bike park in the Hochsauerland district of North Rhine-Westphalia offers adrenaline and variety for all ages and skill levels, from beginners to professionals, on a total of eleven routes and 15 km in length. Due to the proximity to the Ruhr area, it takes less than two hours by car from Münster, Dortmund or Siegen - perfect for a getaway on your mountain bike. Winterberg is also easy to reach from other regions in Germany, thanks to its central location. We've put together the ultimate guide with the answers to the most common questions. You can find out everything you need to know about the Bikepark Winterberg here.

Guide to Bikepark Winterberg

When does Bikepark Winterberg open and how much does a day cost?

Depending on the weather, Bikepark Winterberg opens its doors in April and remains open daily until the beginning of November. The same applies to the bike station with shop and rental ( mountain bikes , helmets, protectors) as well as the lifts. Good to know: Admission and use of the trails during opening hours are free of charge. However, if you want to use the lifts, you will need a ticket, which you can buy in advance online or - Coronavirus permitting - in the shop on site. The price for a day ticket starts at 19 EUR for kids, youths pay 26.50 EUR, adults 36.50 EUR. There are also morning and afternoon tickets or transferable point tickets that can be used by several riders.

Can I ride an e-MTB at Bikepark Winterberg?

The use of the trails in the Bikepark Winterberg is free of charge; tickets are only required for the use of the lifts. If you want to use the forest paths and roads with your e-mountain bike to get back to the trail entrance, of course, this is an option.

Guide to Bikepark Winterberg

What trails are there at Bikepark Winterberg?

You can choose between eleven descents - and if that's not enough, Trailpark Winterberg is directly opposite, offering a network of 40 km, 20 km of which are on free-flowing trails. The trail park offers more family-friendly laps but also has some surprises on offer in the form of crisp climbs or descents. At Bikepark Winterberg, on the other hand, it's all downhill. The chairlift takes you quickly and comfortably uphill. Please note that full-face helmets are compulsory on all routes - except for the Beginner & Kids course at the bike station. A half-shell helmet is not sufficient. On the most difficult black routes, a safety vest or protective shirt with an integrated chest and back protector is also compulsory. This brings us to the colour markings of the downhill runs: Similar to ski slopes, the routes are divided into categories by colour and so indicate their respective levels of difficulty. You will always find these colour markings at the beginning of each trail, but also throughout the rest of the course. Blue trails are easy descents that are ideal for learning riding techniques. The number of obstacles is manageable. In addition, they can either be easily rolled over or ridden around. Red trails are for advanced riders: Here, you will find tables (jumps that can be rolled over), various jumps and drops that require a certain level of riding skill and experience. Only those who have plenty of bike park experience and the corresponding riding skills should venture onto the black tracks: Gaps (jumps that cannot be rolled over), rough stone fields, technical root passages, fast steep sections, and much more are waiting for you to master them.

Get ready: Blue Lines - ideal for beginners and for improving your riding technique.

Let's take a closer look at the individual highlights of the course. The blue "Flow Country" route offers - as the name suggests - pure flow. On this trail with a length of 1600 m you surf over bumps, through countless bends, and you can gradually familiarise yourself with the jumping technique on smaller tables. The "Flow Country" is aimed more at beginners, but experts will also have fun here, as you can really let it rip. On the "Kyrill" track, which is also blue, you can make your first attempts at getting some air under your tyres. The table jumps are made for this. They are also suitable for improving your jumping technique or trying out new, simple tricks. And everyone else can ride this track, too. The "Woodpecker" is a red section above the "Kyrill" run with various wooden elements, wallride and drops for beginners and advanced riders. The "Beginner & Kids Parcours" at the bike station is aimed at all ages and skill levels and thus rounds off the diverse range of routes at Bikepark Winterberg.

Guide to Bikepark Winterberg

Red routes: More features for advanced riders

On the red "Loose Lee" track, 34 approach curves and some table jumps ensure riding fun. In the lower section, the Road Gap is also waiting for advanced riders. Our tip if you want to jump: Make sure you do the speed check beforehand and watch the locals. You need relatively little speed here to sail perfectly into the landing. The red "North Shore" is certainly one of our favourites with its 1200 m length and the many wooden elements, drops, wallrides and jumps. The flowing course and the fun features provide variety. The red "Freeride" runs right next door: fast berms, tables and a stone field are the order of the day here. The obstacles can be ridden around.

Black is beautiful: The black runs offer adrenalin and airtime for experts.

Not enough for you? Then take on the "Black Line" and the "Downhill". The "Black Line" runs through the forest to the left of the chairlift: roots, steps and steep sections define this natural trail. Therefore, only experienced mountain bikers and enduro riders should try this route. The "Downhill" is a classic as a competition trail at Winterberg. Root passages, stone fields and other features challenge you and motivate you to improve your route choice every time. You'll get plenty of airtime on the red "Slopestyle" course and the black "Jump Line". On the "Slopestyle" area, you can try out drops at different heights or practice new jumps on the dirt routes. The "Jump Line" used to be the park's 4X track, but it has been rebuilt in recent years and now combines speed and medium to big gap jumps. Therefore it's only for the experts.

What kind of bike is recommended for use in the bike park?

We recommend a full-suspension mountain bike , i.e. a full-suspension mountain bike with at least 150 mm suspension travel front and rear. The suspension travel and the reserves are important, as well as the frame construction and geometry if you want to spend a successful day at Bikepark Winterberg. At Canyon, you can orientate yourself with categories 1-5 of these bikes. Mountain bikes start from category 3, are much more robust and were developed for off-road use. From category 4, they are approved for regular bike park use. They have everything you need: a stable frame, reliable components and 150-170 mm suspension travel. With these bikes, you can master trails on your doorstep that have the occasional uphill, as well as all the descents of the bike park. If you mainly or exclusively want to ride in a bike park, you should take a closer look at our category 5 downhill bikes . They have 180 to 200 mm of suspension travel, are ultra-robust and have been specially developed for extensive sessions on jump routes and downhill tracks. The more technically demanding, obstructed and faster the descent or the bigger the jumps, the more the extra travel, a longer reach and a flatter steering angle pay off. If you also want to ride trail tours away from a bike park, we recommend an all-rounder like our Spectral. If you want maximum speed downhill on the toughest trails, try our downhill bullet Sender. The Sender represents 100% uncompromising downhill action; you can only climb to altitude on a lift or in a shuttle van.

If you want to climb under your own steam to the trail entrance, then our freeride bike Torque is the one for you: it combines the ideal mixture of control at high speed and playful agility on bike park tracks and jump routes. This is ensured by perfectly tuned kinematics, a sturdy chassis and robust features. As you can see: more suspension travel does not always mean better; it depends on where you're going to use it. Would you like to find out more? Then we have good news for you: We are going on tour with a test event for our mountain bikes. Visit us at the CLLCTV SESSIONS, and have a great time testing our MTBs or e-MTBs. You can find an overview of the forthcoming dates here. We look forward to your visit!

Discover our Mountain Bikes

Mountain Bikes

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Official MTB trails in Germany

Bikepark Winterberg

Kleines Bild zwischen Adresse, Saison etc klein.jpg

Target group:

Opening hours:.

Karte TrailGround Brilon

Type of lift: Two modern chairlifts with bike suspensions ensure that there is hardly any waiting time even when the lift is busy. The 6-seater chairlift operates daily. The panorama lift is additionally in operation on weekends and during vacations.

Driving technique guiding offer: own bike school with driving technique courses for beginners & advanced riders, private or group courses, driving technique youth camps during the summer vacations.

Bike/equipment rental: 70 cutting-edge rental bikes (downhill and freeride), rental of protectors, as well as helmets from iXS.

Workshop and bike station: qualified service workshop for our rental bikes, as well as minor customer repairs. We offer service & tips for everything behind the SRAM brand. Repairs, sale of spare parts, accessories and clothing (SRAM, iXS, 100%, Leatt, Muc-Off) in the Bikestation. Annual sale of all rental bikes at top prices at the end of the bike season via our own online store.

Gastronomy: biker-friendly restaurant with great outdoor terrace 200 m from the bike station: Panorama Café Restaurant Lounge (https://panorama-winterberg.com/) & for the small purse: fast food snack directly at the bike station.

Overnight stay : cheap accommodation with bike park discount in the Histel Erlebnisberg Kappe (https://www.hostel-winterberg.de/) 200 m away.

Special events / races : iXS Dirt Masters Festival (https://dirtmasters-festival.de/) . Europe's biggest freeride festival with 2000 participants and over 35 000 visitors, numerous contests (downhill, slopestyle, etc.), large expo area with 150 exhibitors and many side events. Admission free!

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Bikes - Herrloh

Our bikes in the rental at herrloh, our brands:.

GHOST Logo -  zu finden auf Homepage Bike Klante Winterberg

In search of the next "best day" in the mountains?

Are you planning a trip to Winterberg? The Herrloh rental station near the ski lifts offers the perfect starting point for your bike tours. Equipped with a powerful battery, the e-bikes allow you to cover long distances effortlessly.

The bikes are well maintained, reliable and available in different sizes. The friendly staff will give you all the information you need to operate the bike and plan the perfect route.

Whether you are looking for a challenging mountain bike adventure or a relaxing ride through breathtaking landscapes, renting an e-bike from Bike Klante offers you an unforgettable experience to explore the beautiful nature around Winterberg.

Please note that the bikes from the rental shop at Herrloh are NOT suitable for the bike park and may not be ridden there. Thank you for your understanding.

Fun, we want fun!

E-bike hardtail – E-Teru Universal

A sporty E-MTB for high demands: The E-Teru Y Universal is at home on asphalt as well as on rooty forest trails.

High-quality components from Shimano and SR Suntour and the excellent Yamaha motor make it a first-class e-mountain bike for extended tours and any everyday ride.

With the new SuperFit geometry, everyone will find a frame that fits perfectly. The components are thereby adapted to the respective frame size. The battery is elegantly integrated and a 120mm suspension fork provides a lot of riding comfort off the road.

Engine: Yamaha Pw series Battery: yamaha 500 w intube Fork: SR Suntour XCM


Rossignol Logo zu finden auf Homepage Bike Klante Winterberg

E-Bike Hardtail – Ambient EVO

If riding a hardtail brings a smile to your face, then you’ll be grinning up to your ears with the new Ambient EVO.

With the power of a Bosch motor and tires that roll over any surface, climbs and inclines on the trail are no longer a problem.

Motor: Bosch Performance CX, Gen. 4 250W Battery: Bosch Power Tube 500Wh Fork: SR Suntour XCR 34-Air, 120mm

The rocket for any fun!

E-Bike Hardtail Premium – Hybrid Lector S 6.7 LC

What happens when man and machine join forces? It’s getting down to business! Our HYBRIDE LECTOR Line does not deny its racing genes – on the contrary, it increases performance!

For all sporty e-bikers who value exclusivity, elegance and a real cross country attitude.

The smart MXer Concept with 29 “wheels in front and a 27.5 “+ tires in the rear, a supple suspension fork with 120 mm travel, the chic LC carbon frame with integrated battery and the thoughtful component selection let every exquisite e-bike gusto rejoice with rapture!

Experience the ultimate trail eBike adventure and unleash the adventurer in you!

E-Bike Fully – Hybrid ASX

Get out of the house, get on the bike, switch on the engine and switch off. If you are looking for a reliable fully for alpine adventures, then the HYBRIDE ASX is the right E-MTB for you. The powerful Bosch Performance CX motor brings you full throttle to the trail entrance – and thanks to the well-balanced weight distribution you shoot back downhill with a lot of safety and riding fun. A true all-mountain e-bike for those who want to experience something after work and on the weekend.

Motor: Bosch Performance CX, Gen. 4, 250W Battery: Bosch Power Tube 625 Wh Fork: Rock Shox Lyrik Select+ Shock: Rock Shox Super Deluxe Tires: Front 29′, rear 27.5′ Seatpost: hydraulic

E-bike for kids - safe, fun and go!

Rossignol Logo

E-Bike Junior – E-Track 24

The E-track24 is a hardtail: it has a non-padded rear part of the frame (Chariot), a feature that allows you to save energy while pedaling. Thus, directly the frame construction ensures a stable and comfortable platform even during long trips.

A rotating handle allows the child to modulate the 9 speeds and benefit from support at three levels. The fork is sprung, which is a good point for use in curvy terrain.

MTB Fully – Auric 1.1

Downhill? No problem. Uphill? Give it to me. Everything else? A dream. Just don’t forget to smile when it finally starts.

The new Fuji Auric 1.1 is the all-mountain enduro bike you’ve been waiting for.

Welcome to the rental at Herrloh

Explore the great nature of Winterberg by renting high quality bikes from our rental shop at Herrloh. The bikes are inexpensive, well maintained and perfect for exploring the area.

The competent and friendly staff can recommend the best routes for you to admire the beautiful scenery around Winterberg. Don't miss this great opportunity - book your bike now.

your claims?

Which route would you like today.

Relaxed cycling through our beautiful nature and enjoy the views


Up the mountains and down again. A trip crisscrossing the Sauerland.

Over hill and dale on the single trail through the Winterberg ski lift carousel

Cande Rossignol MTB Two bikers 01

©2024 all rights reserved – Klante biking

Mountainbiken Winterberg: de mooiste routes op een rij

Winterberg in het  Sauerland  is een uitstekende bestemming voor een mountainbiketrip. De bestemming ligt op slechts een paar uur rijden van Nederland en heeft meer dan 250 kilometer aan routes te bieden. In de heuvelachtige omgeving kun je veel hoogtemeters maken en bovendien is er een uitdagend bikepark. Zowel beginners als ervaren bikers kunnen uit de voeten op de mountainbikeroutes rond  Winterberg .

Bikepark Winterberg

Het bikepark in Winterberg is te vinden bij de bobsleebaan op de ‘belevenisberg’ Kappe. Wanneer je één van de 16 parcoursen (totaal 18 km) hebt afgewerkt, kun je door middel van de stoeltjeslift weer omhoog. De parcoursen zijn voorzien van sprongen, snelle bochten en andere soorten obstakels. Er zijn eenvoudige afdalingen (o.a. SRAM Flow Country en Kyrhill), en zware routes (IXS Downhill) waar een speciale downhill bike voor vereist is. Een dagkaart voor het Bikepark Winterberg kost € 41,50, kinderen betalen € 20,50. Bij het Bikestation kun je een mountainbike inclusief uitrusting huren.

Trailpark Winterberg

Trailpark Winterberg bestaat uit 40 kilometer (20 km singletrails) aan routes die allemaal beginnen op de parkeerplaats Am Bremberg tegenover het Bikepark. De vijf routes zijn vrij toegankelijk en variëren in niveau. Er zijn routes die prima geschikt zijn voor gezinnen, maar ook trajecten die meer vaardigheden vereisen. Het pluspunt van een trailpark is dat de routes afwisselender zijn dan cross-country-routes, maar gemakkelijker dan die in een bikepark. Alle routes zijn duidelijk gemarkeerd, variërend van eenvoudig tot moeilijk.

Cross-country mountainbikeroutes Winterberg

Liefhebbers van cross-country mountainbiken zitten ook goed in Winterberg. Net als de routes van het Trailpark starten diverse langeafstandstrajecten ook op de Am Bremberg parkeerplaats. De routes variëren in lengte van 27 kilometer (480 hm) tot 73 kilometer (2000 hm) en zijn duidelijk aangegeven met gele bordjes waar het nummer van de route opstaat. Hieronder enkele voorbeelden van routes:  Nr. 2: Zu den Steinen, 53 km Lange, maar middelzware tour met als hoofddoel het vakwerkdorp Bruchhausen en de rotsformatie Bruchhauser Steine. De route bestaat uit bospaden, asfaltstroken en enkele korte, maar aantrekkelijke singletrails.  Nr. 11: Panoramatour, 41 km De bekendste berg van het Sauerland, de Kahler Asten (843 m), vormt het middelpunt van deze aansprekende route. Constant gaat het op en af en je rijdt door diverse landschappen.  Nr. 24: Hochsauerland tweeduizender, 73 km Route nr. 24 is de meest uitdagende in de omgeving van Winterberg. In 73 kilometer overwin je 2000 hoogtemeters en fiets je over de Kahle Asten, Hohe Knochen en het Sorpetal. 

Welke mountainbike is geschikt voor Winterberg?

Het aanbod van routes rond  Winterberg  is zo divers dat ieder type mountainbiker hier uit de voeten kan. In het Trailpark Winterberg hebben ervaren professionals geschikte wegen en paden in het bos uitgezocht en deze gecombineerd met single trails. Ook zijn er kuipbochten, passages met stenen en boomwortels en zogenoemde North-Shore-elementen aangelegd. Daarmee is het park geschikt voor de complete doelgroep mountainbikers, van cross-country tot aan ‘adrenalinejunkies’. Voor het Bikepark Winterberg geldt hetzelfde, van fun op je fully tot lekker afdalen op je hardtail, alles is mogelijk. Ook de e-mountainbike wordt steeds meer gesignaleerd in het Trailpark.

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Thijs verkent de bergen in de zomer het liefst op de racefiets. De schoonheid van het landschap en de strijd aangaan met de berg zijn aspecten waarvoor hij graag afreist naar de Alpen. Naast het beklimmen van bekende Alpenreuzen als Alpe d’Huez, Col du Galibier en Mont Ventoux fietst hij ook graag in de heuvels van Zuid-Limburg.


two wheel drive


Travel Discover Experience Learn

Hello, I am Lukas Winterberg, a former professional cyclist in the disciplines of roadcycling, mountainbike, cyclocross and a certified guide for mountainbike-, road- and graveltours in Switzerland. I offer individual and group tours and do everything I can to give you the perfect travel experience.

Which tour suits you?

Swiss cycling guide and former professional cyclist

My range of tour guiding, riding technique training and safety training helps everyone who owns a bike and who wants to develop technically on the bike in their free time, feel safe, improve fitness and expand new horizons in the area. My offer is based on 15 years of professional racing experience in the cycling disciplines of mountain bike, road bike, cyclocross and gravel. 

Growing up on the farm, I was always in harmony with nature. The bike was also a part of my life very early on. Today the two components connect me more than ever and bring me my life energy.  Since 2013 and throughout my career as a professional athlete, I have repeatedly worked as a co-guide on bike and bicycle tours. After my retirement in 2020, I want to share my passion and help you turn your vacation into an unforgettable trip. I love meeting new people and showing you the hidden places in Switzerland. No matter whether we spend an hour, a day or a week together: you will definitely discover something new.

mtb tour winterberg


WhatsApp Image 2023-11-28 at 17.56.08.jpeg

"The routes were very well planned. We get to experience riding in different types of road conditions to enjoy beautiful scenery and most important, it was safe!"

Nicholas Xu, Singapore



unforgettable experiences



190.-CHF* per person & day

My guided tour through the Swiss Alpine passes offers you the opportunity to have new, exciting experiences on your vacation, discover new passes and come into contact with locals. I'll take care of all the details. All you have to do is enjoy it!

Minimum number of participants is 4 people. 

If there are fewer than 4 participants, the basic day applies flat rate of 760.- CHF

* Also note this  Terms and Conditions ​​



You can explore new places alone, but then you would miss a lot. If you choose my Swiss Alpine Trails tour, you will experience the added value that a professional and knowledgeable guide for mountain bike tours offers for your trip.

If there are fewer than 4 participants, the basic  day flat rate from 760.- CHF



190.-CHF* per person &day

If you want to discover something truly unique, choose the gravel tour through the Swiss hilly landscape. You'll see hidden places, hear surprising stories and feel like a real local. Sign up and I'll take care of all the details.

If there are fewer than 4 participants, the base  day flat rate from 760.- CHF

*also note this  Terms and Conditions ​​



130.-CHF* per person, ½ day

You circle the Stanserhorn on gravel, trails and asphalt

Level: S2 - S3

Ascent: gravel, asphalt, trail

Departure: Trail, gravel, asphalt

Minimum number of participants is 3 people. 

If there are fewer than 3 participants, the 

basic ½ day flat rate of 390.- CHF

*Also note this  Terms and Conditions ​



130.-CHF* per person,  ½ day

The circular tour on Pilatus with a descent to Lake Lucerne 

Level: S3 

*Also note this  Terms and Conditions ​​



Panorama bike tour with a magnificent view of Lake Lucerne

Level: S2 

Ascent: gravel, asphalt

Departure: Trail, gravel, meadow path, asphalt

basic ½ day flat rate of 390.- CHF



Discover the diverse Nidwalden shores of Lake Lucerne

Surface: Mostly flat on gravel, asphalt



By bike through the local alpine pastures with a wonderful view over the Engelbergertal

Level: S2 / S3

Climb asphalt

Trails (S3) or road (S2) exit

base ½ day flat rate of 390.- CHF

Successful teamwork

mtb tour winterberg

Sports socks

mtb tour winterberg

Sports nutrition

mtb tour winterberg

Shoes for bicycles and mountainbikes

mtb tour winterberg


Bicycle dealer

Authorities investigate Vingegaard team's 'control room' on Tour de France

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A sticker of the Solidarity Programme of the UCI is pictured on the bike of an Afghan refugee in Aigle

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Former hells angels prez warns 'bikeriders' fans to be careful how they dress, former hells angel 'bikeriders' will bring club interest ... posers better beware.

A biker outlaw legend is weighing in on the new motorcycle club action-drama "The Bikeriders" ... saying people will flock to the life after seeing the flick, but they'd better earn their stripes the right way.

We talked with George Christie -- a former Hells Angels president for the Ventura chapter of the infamous motorcycle club -- and he knows a lot of young men and women will want to join big-name clubs after watching the feature film ... especially because America's obsessed with outlaw culture.

But, if they don't join a club, and just try to wear a Hell's Angels patch ... George says they could encounter big problems -- ranging from a "good ass-chewing to a good ass-kicking."

He says some people are selling the Hells Angels colors online these days ... and, people who buy don't always know what they're getting into -- especially with the infamous diamond patch he lays out for us.

If you don't know, 'Bikeriders' follows a chapter of the Vandals -- a midwestern motorcycle club -- as they go from simply riding around as a group to full-out embracing an outlaw lifestyle.

The movie boasts an all-star cast ... including Austin Butler , Tom Hardy , Norman Reedus , Jodie Comer , Mike Faist and Michael Shannon -- among others.

It's based on a true story ... and George says he even knew the character Reedus plays, Funny Sonny, personally and says Norm totally nailed it.

BTW ... we had to ask Christie how he felt about Shannon not learning how to ride a bike for the flick -- and, George has an offer for the two-time Oscar nominee. Take a listen for yourself.

Bottom line ... Christie has no problem with the movie inspiring people to join motorcycle clubs, as long as they know what that's all about ... for real!

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Tour de France

Bike check: cavendish gets a special paint job for his tour de france record attempt, vision, prologo, and shimano components come together on this wilier filante slr with paint representing a legendary career..

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One of the most compelling storylines at this year’s Tour de France is that of Mark Cavendish. Last year the Tour ended with Cavendish and Eddy Merkx continuing to share a tied record of 34 stage wins. This could be the last chance for an aging, and recently knighted , Mark Cavendish to secure one more tour win and cap off an incredible career.

To help celebrate what could be the end of the Cavendish journey, Astana-Qazaqstan sponsor Wilier put together something special. According to the brand, the idea started after Cavendish stopped by Wilier HQ in March. Seeing a picture that struck him, he asked to leave the rear of the bike black and apply the picture to the front.

Cavendish at Wilier factory

Instead of merely applying whatever picture Cavendish saw, Wilier went conceptual. The colors are abstractions.

“Green is a reference to the Tour de France green jersey, the symbol of the best sprinter,” the teams says. “The bright yellow represents the prestige of the yellow jersey, a symbol of leadership in the Tour de France, and pays tribute to his victories at the Grande Boucle. Blue, red, and black complete the paint job, recalling the colors of the rainbow and the road world champion title won in 2011 in Copenhagen.”

CVNDSH x Filante SLR paint

Underneath the paint you’ll find the Wilier Filante SLR aero bike. And FSA brand Metron has gotten in on the color scheme, most notably with the Metron 5D ACR Integrated Handlebar up front.

As you follow the fork down it fades to black showing off the “CVNDSH” text and the custom painted blue and yellow Metron 60 SL TL Disc wheelset shod in Vittoria Corsa Pro rubber. For those keeping score at home, the “Manx Missile” is running 28mm tires on the 21mm internal rim width wheels. Prologo handles the rest of the cockpit with bar tape and a Prologo Zero II saddle.

CVNDSH x Filante SLR paint

Gearing and shifting comes from Shimano in the form of Dura-Ace. Up front you will find the Dura-Ace R9200-P Dual-Sided Power Meter crankset paired with the 55/42T chainrings. Interestingly, that 55T chainring option is only available in the 11 speed Shimano groupsets, so the team is using older 11-speed chainrings to get a bigger gear.

In the rear, things are harder to see. The mix of colors in the cassette paints it as a Dura-Ace unit but it’s not clear which one it is. Given the man it’ll be under, it’s likely closer to the 11-30T version.

We weighed the bike at 7.45kg (16.42 pounds).

Dura-Ace cassette

If you want your own CVNDSH x Filante SLR, it is available until the end of 2024 at wilier.com

Gallery: Special Edition Tour de France Cavendish Wilier Filante SLR

CVNDSH x Filante SLR paint

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Meet the Stage Hunters of the 2024 Tour de France

Not every rider goes for the yellow jersey. Instead, some go hunting for career-defining stage wins—and sometimes, these races within the race are the most exciting.

109th tour de france 2022 stage 17

Okay, maybe that’s a bit much, but here’s the point: while the battle to win the maillot jaune is always the main focal point of the Tour, there are also races within the race, races that take place on each stage each day.

That’s why, for many riders, a single stage win is an achievement that defines their careers, forever making them known as “Such-and-Such, Tour de France Stage Winner,” a moniker that will follow them for the rest of their lives.

And there’s no more exciting way to win a stage than from a breakaway. Luckily, the 2024 Tour de France is filled with stages that look to be the perfect playgrounds for opportunists who don’t quite fit the mold of “pure climber” or “pure sprinter” and some teams who might be starting to feel the pressure that comes with having never won a stage of their own.

Here’s a look at some of the most prominent, accomplished (and desperate) stage hunters in the 2024 Tour de France.

Wout van Aert (Visma-Lease a Bike)

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Van Aert wasn’t even supposed to be racing this year’s Tour de France. After completing what he had hoped would have been a successful run at the cobbled Classics, the Belgian was planning to head to the Giro d’Italia, where he would build a base for his bid to win a gold medal at the Summer Olympics. But he crashed violently at Dwars door Vlaanderen in late March, breaking his collarbone and several ribs–and ruining his plans for the first half of the season.

So now he’s riding the Tour, where he’s hoping to build form for the Olympics, to help Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard to a high GC finish, and to win a stage. After going winless last year before heading home early for the birth of his second child, the Belgian will be extra-hungry to prove to himself and his rivals that he’s still one of the best in the sport.

Mathieu van der Poel (Alpecin-Deceuninck)

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Without Van Aert, van der Poel dominated the cobbled Classics, winning his third Tour of Flanders and then defending his title in Paris-Roubaix a week later, completing the Flanders-Roubaix double by winning both Monuments in the same week. The World Champion raced through Liège–Bastogne–Liège, then took a break before starting his own preparation for the Summer Olympics, a preparation that begins with the Tour de France.

The Tour will be the first stage race of the Dutchman’s season–he’s raced only seven times on the road so far this year–and we’re expecting him to head to the French grand tour with two goals: assist Belgium’s Jasper Philipsen in winning as many stages as possible (and the green jersey) and hopefully win a stage for himself.

Magnus Cort (Uno-X Mobility)

76th criterium du dauphine 2024 stage 2

Cort is one of the best stage hunters in professional cycling, a rider who combines strength with tactical savvy–and a little bit of luck–to score important victories on all types of terrain. The Dane already has nine grand tour stage wins on his resume, and last year–while riding for EF Education-EasyPost–he won his first stage at the Giro d’Italia, meaning he’s now won stages in all three grand tours as well.

During the off-season, the 31-year-old transferred to Uno-X Mobility–a Norwegian wild card team racing its second Tour de France this year–where his primary goal will be winning the team its first Tour stage. We’ll be keeping an eye on him during some of the Tour’s transition stages (too hilly to end in a sprint, but not hard enough to be a day to shuffle the GC) during the second and third weeks. Breakaway stage wins are often hard to predict, but this is a rider who always seems to pull one off.

Ben Healy and Alberto Bettiol (EF Education-EasyPost)

Cort’s a hard rider to replace, but if Healy and Bettiol have their way, EF Education-EasyPost won’t miss him for long. Healy–an Irishman–has been one of cycling’s brightest young stars over the past two seasons. He took his first grand tour stage victory at last year’s Giro d’Italia, and now the 23-year-old has his sights set on winning a stage at the Tour.

Bettiol–who just celebrated his tenth year with the team–has become the team’s spirit animal lately, racing with the kind of panache that inspires his teammates and delights his fans. The Italian was a popular winner at last weekend’s Italian National Championships and now gets to show off his new tricolore jersey in the Tour de France, where he’ll find several stages to his liking.

In general, EF Education should be one of the more exciting teams in this year’s race, with a roster stacked with riders capable of winning stages on any given day. Expect to see the team’s pink kit in the thick of the action on just about every stage.

Matej Mohorič (Bahrain-Victorious)

115th milano sanremo 2024

Like EF Education-EasyPost, Bahrain-Victorious comes to the Tour de France with a roster that’s loaded from top to bottom with riders capable of winning a stage or two or three–so it’s hard to pick just one to feature.

But we’re going with Mohorič, the Slovenian who took an emotional stage win late in last year’s race and then gave what has to be one of if not the best post-race interviews in the history of professional cycling.

Like many successful stage hunters, the 29-year-old is an adept one-day rider–he won Milan-Sanremo in 2022 and last year’s gravel world championships–who already has three Tour de France stage wins to show for his efforts. With Spain’s Pello Bilbao, the Netherlands’ Wout Poels, and Great Britain’s Fred Wright, Bahrain-Victorious definitely has a team capable of equalling–and possibly bettering–its three stage wins from last year.

Derek Gee (PremierTech)

76th criterium du dauphine 2024 stage 3

Gee’s big breakthrough came at last year’s Giro d’Italia, where the Canadian scored four second-place stage finishes (and took second in the Points and King of the Mountains competitions as well). But the team didn’t bring him to the Tour de France, which made sense considering the Giro was the first grand tour of his career.

But Gee’s been building his 2024 season around the French grand tour, and after a stage win and third-place overall finish at the Critérium du Dauphiné in early June, he’s primed to finally get his first grand tour stage victory–and on the sport’s biggest stage. Frankly, if the Canadian doesn’t win at least one stage, we’ll be shocked.

Toms Skujiņš (Lidl-Trek)

109th tour de france 2022 stage 17

Lidl-Trek is once again coming to the Tour on the hunt for stage wins, led by Denmark’s Mads Pedersen–who won stages in 2022 and 2023–and Italy’s Giulio Ciccone–last year’s King of the Mountains. But while Pedersen will serve as the team’s sprinter and Ciccone as the team’s climber, Skujiņš will have the freedom to hunt for a stage win n from the breakaway.

We’re eager to see how he does on Stage 9, the Tour’s first gravel stage. Second in Italy’s Strade Bianche this March, the Latvian has proven to be an effective Classics rider when given the chance. Stage 9 could be a perfect day for him to take his first grand tour stage victory–especially if the GC contenders spend most of the afternoon marking one another instead of trying to win the stage themselves.

Maxim Van Gils (Lotto Dstny)

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Van Gils doesn’t get as much press as van Aert and Philipsen–and for good reason–but the 24-year-old Belgian could start to move the needle in his own direction with a stage win at the Tour de France. He rode well in his Tour debut last year–he took second on Stage 13 atop the Grand Colombier–and has three wins–and some other important high placings–so far in 2024. He’s one of the riders Lotto Dstny is counting on to win the team its first stage since 2020.

Anyone From Arkéa-B&B Hotels and Intermarché-Wanty

With Cofidis–who hadn’t won a Tour de France stage since 2008–winning two stages last year, the focus this year will be on two of three teams in this year’s Tour that have not yet won a stage of their own.

It’s been ten years since Arkéa-B&B Hotels first raced the Tour de France, and the French team still has no stage wins to show for its efforts. (In fact, it’s never had a rider finish better than sixth–which is, uh, not great.) This year, the team will be led by France’s Arnaud Démare, who twice won sprint stages at the Tour but might find it hard to win a third, given the depth of this year’s sprinters. In the end, the team’s best bet might be France’s Kévin Vauquelin, a 23-year-old Tour rookie who finished second at Flèche Wallonne in April.

And then there’s Belgium’s Intermarché-Wanty, who raced its first Tour de France in 2017–which means the team’s “We’re New to the Tour” grace period has ended. Always aggressive, the team has yet to win a stage, but with riders like Eritrea’s Biniam Girmay, South Africa’s Louis Meintjes, and the Netherlands’ Mike Teunissen–who won a stage and wore the yellow jersey with Jumbo-Visma in 2019–the team has the firepower and experience it needs to win its first stage this year.

Since getting hooked on pro cycling while watching Lance Armstrong win the 1993 U.S. Pro Championship in Philadelphia, longtime Bicycling contributor Whit Yost has raced on Belgian cobbles, helped build a European pro team, and piloted that team from Malaysia to Mont Ventoux as an assistant director sportif. These days, he lives with his wife and son in Pennsylvania, spending his days serving as an assistant middle school principal and his nights playing Dungeons & Dragons.

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  • Routeplanner

mtb tour winterberg

De beste MTB-routes rond Winterberg

Mountainbiken rond Winterberg is een van de beste manieren om meer van het landschap te zien, maar het is vaak lastig om te weten waar je moet beginnen. Om je te helpen de beste MTB-routes te vinden zijn hier de populairste tochten rond Winterberg.

Plannen, opslaan en navigeren. Je beste avonturen wachten op je.

Start vandaag nog met een gratis komoot-account

Blick auf Skywalk Willingen – Vloeiend wortelpad rondtocht vanuit Winterberg (Westf)

Silbersee – vloeiend wortelpad rondtocht vanuit winterberg (westf).

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Laat de mobiele komoot-app de weg wijzen

Schitterend uitzicht op het orketal – door het orketal rondtocht vanuit winterberg, kahler asten turm – schitterend uitzicht op het orketal rondtocht vanuit winterberg (westf), bergopwaarts winterberg – trailpark winterberg rondtocht vanuit winterberg.

Onze aanbevelingen voor Tours zijn gebaseerd op duizenden activiteiten die andere personen met komoot gedaan hebben.

Ontdek de populairste

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Wandelen rond Winterberg

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Fietsroutes rond Winterberg

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Wielrenroutes rond Winterberg

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Hardlooproutes rond Winterberg

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Gravelbiken rond Winterberg

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Bergwandelingen rond Winterberg

Ontdek de populairste bezienswaardigheden

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De mooiste attracties rond Winterberg

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De mooiste bergtoppen rond Winterberg

De mooiste berghutten rond Winterberg

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De mooiste meren rond Winterberg

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De mooiste bikeparks rond Winterberg

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De mooiste natuurmonumenten rond Winterberg

Ontdek meer:

  • Altastenberg
  • Sundern (Sauerland)
  • Schmallenberg
  • Naturpark Diemelsee
  • Stadtwald Neheim / Luerwald
  • Naturpark Arnsberger Wald
  • Rothaarkamm Am Grenzweg
  • Sorpetalsperre
  • Waldreservat Schanze
  • Nsg Eselsbruch / Harlebachsystem


  1. Die 10 schönsten Mountainbike-Touren rund um Winterberg

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  2. 3. deutscher MTB-Tourismuskongress vom 16.–18.05.2017 in Winterberg

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    mtb tour winterberg

  4. Bikepark Winterberg + Slopestyle Parcour MTB Edit Juni 2020 #4

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  5. Winterberg*Niedersfeld*Schlossberg*Elkeringhausen ... E-MTB-Tour

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  6. Mountainbiken im Sauerland

    mtb tour winterberg


  1. Bikepark Winterberg #mtb #downhill #mountainbike #bikelife #mtblife #bikeparkwinterberg #gopro

  2. Bikepark Winterberg August 2023 flowiger Trail MTB DH

  3. Winterberg bøvl! #winterbergbikepark #mtb #enduro

  4. Winterberg

  5. Bikepark Winterberg North Shore

  6. neuer MTB Lift Bikepark Winterberg 2014


  1. Top 20 Most Beautiful MTB Trails around Winterberg

    Uphill Trail Winterberg - TrailPark Winterberg loop from Winterberg. Intermediate mountain bike ride. Good fitness required. Suitable for all skill levels. to see 416 more rides around Winterberg. Mountain Bike Trails around Winterberg: See the top 20 most beautiful MTB routes and trails with personal tips from other mountain bikers.

  2. Die 20 schönsten Mountainbike-Touren rund um Winterberg

    Mountainbike-Touren rund um Winterberg: Die 20 schönsten MTB-Routen und Trails mit persönlichen Tipps und Bildern von anderen Mountainbikern. MTB-Touren eignen sich hervorragend, um die Landschaft rund um Winterberg zu erleben. ... Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik nötig.

  3. Die schönsten MTB Touren & Trails in Winterberg

    Die schönsten MTB-Trails Winterberg › MTB-Touren planen, tracken und speichern inkl. App für Mountainbikestrecken Jetzt testen! Zum Inhalt springen. Karte; Tourensuche; ... MTB-Tour: Die große Tour zum Wasserfall Top empfohlene Tour Schwierigkeit S2 mittel. 1. 33,4 km 4:37 h ...

  4. Panorama Tour (Winterberg)

    Panorama Tour (Winterberg) is an expert mountain bike ride: 41.5 km and takes 03:38 h. View this route or plan your own! Schnecke planned an outdoor adventure with komoot! Distance: 41.5 km | Duration: 03:38 h. ... Mountain Biking Collection by Sauerland-Tourismus. Over hill and dale - e-biking in Germany's Schmallenberg Sauerland ...

  5. 10 Best Mountain Biking Trails in Winterberg

    Demanding and promising mountain bike tour in the Sauerland near Winterberg, North Rhine-Westphalia. The MTB tour begins at the Bremberg car park. It goes first over Winterberg and through the Ruhr valley to Niedernfeld. From here it gets demanding - the path goes steeply uphill towards Langenberg and Hochheide.

  6. Siedlinghausen

    Get to know this 21.2-mile loop trail near Winterberg, North Rhine-Westphalia. Generally considered a moderately challenging route. This is a popular trail for mountain biking, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day. Promising and adventurous mountain bike tour in Siedlingshausen near Winterberg, North Rhine-Westphalia.

  7. MTB: Rund um Winterberg und Niedersfeld

    Diverse, challenging mountain bike circuit near Willingen. This round leads from Stryck through Winterberg, Siedlinghausen and along the Neuer Hagen nature reserve. A tour for bikers who are in good shape and who do not want to do without a technical level. Highlights of the round: - NSG Neuer Hagen - Varying landscape - Demanding climbs

  8. Bikepark Winterberg Mountain Bike Trail in Winterberg, Germany

    Bikepark Winterberg is a singletrack mountain bike trail in Winterberg, Germany. View maps, videos, photos, and reviews of Bikepark Winterberg bike trail in Winterberg. Trails Gear Community Tips Deals Latest Support

  9. Trailpark Winterberg & Bike Arena Sauerland |Infos

    Our bike rental is located in the middle of the Trailpark Winterberg and is the perfect starting point for your tour. Seven routes stretch their 40 km long network of paths over the mountains of the ski lift carousel Winterberg, sometimes easy, sometimes difficult - you decide.

  10. Biketours

    Willkommen bei Uppu-Biketours - mitten im Bikeparadies Winterberg, nur einen Katzensprung von super Trails und Bike-Strecken entfernt. Hier bekommst du alles, was dein Bikerherz begehrt: E-Bikes und Mountainbikes von RADON, individuell geführte Touren mit erfahrenen Guides und einen top Bike-Service mit jeder Menge Know-how.

  11. Radfahren & Mountainbiken in Winterberg

    Radfahren & MountainbikenSportliche Hochgefühle erfahren. Auf geht's nach Winterberg: Erlebe in der Bike Arena Sauerland 1.140 km Traumtrails für jede Stufe! GPS-geführte Routen führen dich durch atemberaubende Natur, wo jeder Aussichtspunkt den Puls höherschlagen lässt. Egal ob Anfänger oder Pro, Mountainbiker, Rennradfahrer oder ...

  12. The No. 1 in Winterberg

    The Schneewittchenhaus station directly in the ski area and the Winterberg Bike Park and offers the perfect starting point for your bike tours. The bikes are well maintained, reliable and available in different sizes. The friendly staff will give you all the information you need to operate the bike and plan the perfect route.

  13. Guide to Bikepark Winterberg

    Depending on the weather, Bikepark Winterberg opens its doors in April and remains open daily until the beginning of November. The same applies to the bike station with shop and rental ( mountain bikes, helmets, protectors) as well as the lifts. Good to know: Admission and use of the trails during opening hours are free of charge.

  14. Bikepark Winterberg

    Kapperundweg 3. 59955 Winterberg. Phone (+49) 2981/9199909. [email protected].

  15. Bike Park Winterberg

    End your day on the trails in the cozy mountain huts with authentic German cuisine and drinks. Winterberg's bike park and bike rental Klante offer the perfect mountain bike adventure. BikeparK opening hours: 09:30 - 17:25. Helmet compulsory in bike park. Full-face helmets are compulsory on all routes and, in addition, full-body protection ...

  16. Bikes

    High-quality components from Shimano and SR Suntour and the excellent Yamaha motor make it a first-class e-mountain bike for extended tours and any everyday ride. ... Explore the great nature of Winterberg by renting high quality bikes from our rental shop at Herrloh. The bikes are inexpensive, well maintained and perfect for exploring the area.

  17. Discover a mountain bike paradise in the Winterberg-Hallenberg ...

    With the new cycling booklet from the Winterberg-Hallenberg holiday region, you're perfectly equipped to enjoy the region. The booklet contains a total of 23 different Tours, showcasing a range of awesome routes suitable for a cross-section of disciplines, from full-day bike tours, road rides, e-bike rides and ambitious mountain bike rides.

  18. Mountainbiken Winterberg: de mooiste routes op een rij

    Constant gaat het op en af en je rijdt door diverse landschappen. Nr. 24: Hochsauerland tweeduizender, 73 km. Route nr. 24 is de meest uitdagende in de omgeving van Winterberg. In 73 kilometer overwin je 2000 hoogtemeters en fiets je over de Kahle Asten, Hohe Knochen en het Sorpetal. Overige mountainbikeroutes in Winterberg.

  19. MTB in Winterberg. Any advice? : r/MTB

    The zip line is also cool. Book tables in places if you want to eat. Loads of Dutch people go to Winterberg. That's it! Enjoy. My advice is to keep driving until you see real mountains, means austria. Saalbach, Nauders, Sölden, Innsbruck. Me and a few mates want to go to Winterberg for about 4 days next summer.

  20. Start

    You can explore new places alone, but then you would miss a lot. If you choose my Swiss Alpine Trails tour, you will experience the added value that a professional and knowledgeable guide for mountain bike tours offers for your trip. Minimum number of participants is 4 people. If there are fewer than 4 participants, the basic day flat rate from ...

  21. Arthritis Foundation Launches Carolina Hills Classic Bike

    About the Carolina Hills Classic Bike Tour The Arthritis Foundation's Carolina Hills Classic is a fully supported, four-day road biking adventure traversing the foothills of the Blue Ridge ...

  22. Jonas Vingegaard Is On Visma-Lease a Bike's Roster for the 2024 Tour de

    The rest of the Visma-Lease a Bike team for the Tour de France will include Sepp Kuss, Tiesj Benoot, Wilco Kelderman, Matteo Jorgenson, Christophe Laporte, and Jan Tratnik.If everyone stays ...

  23. Every Swap-Out Team Kit at the 2024 Tour de France

    Team Visma - Lease a Bike team's Danish rider Jonas Vingegaard waves during the team presentation for the 111th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, on Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence in Italy, on June 27, 2024.

  24. Winterberg

    August 3, 2020. Raymond. Winterberg is a town and municipality in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, located in the Hochsauerlandkreis. The city has 12,611 inhabitants. [1] Neighboring places include Hallenberg (14 km), Olsberg (21 km), Schmallenberg (23 km), Willingen (30 km) and Marburg (58 km).

  25. Authorities investigate Vingegaard team's 'control room' on Tour de

    The International Cycling Union (UCI) is investigating the proposed use by Visma-Lease a Bike, the team of defending Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard, of a 'control room' from which live ...

  26. Former Hells Angels Prez Warns 'Bikeriders' Fans to Be Careful ...

    If you don't know, 'Bikeriders' follows a chapter of the Vandals -- a midwestern motorcycle club -- as they go from simply riding around as a group to full-out embracing an outlaw lifestyle.

  27. Gallery: Mark Cavendish's Custom Painted 2024 Tour de France Bike

    We weighed the bike at 7.45kg (16.42 pounds). (Photo Alvin Holbrook/Velo) If you want your own CVNDSH x Filante SLR, it is available until the end of 2024 at wilier.com. Gallery: Special Edition Tour de France Cavendish Wilier Filante SLR The paint extends to the cockpit, in a collaboration between Astana-Qazaqstan sponsors.

  28. TrailPark Winterberg

    Discover the best MTB trails and routes to and around TrailPark Winterberg. Plan your own MTB tracks on the map and start your next adventure. ... Best Mountain Biking Routes to TrailPark Winterberg. Expert. 5.0 (1) 7. TrailPark Winterberg - Beautiful view loop from Stryck. 05:52. 60.1 km. 1,490 m.

  29. Who Are the Stage Hunters of the 2024 Tour de France?

    Here's a look at some of the most prominent, accomplished (and desperate) stage hunters in the 2024 Tour de France. Wout van Aert (Visma-Lease a Bike) Pool // Getty Images.

  30. De 20 mooiste MTB-routes rond Winterberg

    Bergopwaarts Winterberg - TrailPark Winterberg rondtocht vanuit Winterberg. Gemiddelde mountainbikeroute. Goede conditie vereist. Geschikt voor alle niveaus. MTB-routes rond Winterberg: bekijk de 20 mooiste mountainbike routes met tips van andere mountainbikers.