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Church on the North Coast prepares for upcoming…

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Church on the North Coast prepares for upcoming Israel tour

Lead pastor Troy Thompson

Courtesy - Church on the North Coast

Lead pastor Troy Thompson

The 2016 Israel tour group sitting on the stairs behind...

Courtesy - Vanessa Rodriguez

The 2016 Israel tour group sitting on the stairs behind the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

The 2016 Israel tour group on top of a mountain...

The 2016 Israel tour group on top of a mountain at Masada National Park.

A group photo of the 2016 Israel tour with the...

A group photo of the 2016 Israel tour with the Church on the North Coast overlooking Jerusalem.


After taking his first tour about eight years ago, he decided to bring the annual tours back to his church, which had already been taking them on and off for the past 40 years.

Thompson said by continuing the Israel tours, he has followed in the steps of his father-in-law Louis Kayatin, who took tours on and off during his 10 years as pastor with the church.

“It’s just something I felt impacted me so tremendously when I went,” said Thompson, who works out of the church’s Lorain location at 4125 Leavitt Road . “It impacted my faith and how I saw the scriptures. Honestly, it just felt like a place I’d never been but a place that I needed to land in.”

The church has officially announced the dates of this year’s tour, slated for Dec. 5 through 15, and will be Thompson’s fourth through the church.

He said he welcomes anyone regardless of background or religious affiliate to express interest in the tour.

This time frame for the trip is particularly special to Thompson.

“I love going during in December because it’s Christmas,” he said. “Can you imagine singing Christmas carols on the hills of Bethlehem?”

By seeing traditional sights such as the Garden Tomb, swimming in the Dead Sea, getting baptized in the Jordan River and Hezekiah’s Tunnel, he said the tour provides a one-of-a-kind experience.

“When they get there, it’s a spiritual and bonding experience for the community and the pastor,” said longtime tour guide Leor Ilan.

A religious experience

Thompson said the tour acts more like a pilgrimage than a trip.

“A pilgrimage suggests that you’re going back in time basically, to connect with destiny,” he said.

Vanessa Rodriguez, who is the organizer of the tour and is attending ministry school to become licensed through the state, said it’s the immersive nature of the tours that make them unique.

“To be able to experience that type of culture and seeing how all three (Christian, Muslim and Jewish) cultures intermingle, it’s beautiful,” she said.

Thompson said common feedback about the tour describe it as life-changing, allowing participants to strength their relationship with God.

“There’s a tangible presence of God there that isn’t like anywhere else in the world that I’ve gone to,” he said. “I feel like people’s spirits understand that, know that and feel that.”

Since the Israel tour is custom-built to what a given year’s participants want to see, Thompson said the trip is packed with both traditional and lesser-known sights to see.

Accompanied by Ilan and Thompson, participants will be taken to see sights from sun up to sun down every day.

“People have an image of what that looks like in their mind but it’s really nothing like that,” he said.

Thompson said those who are interested in the tour should plan 24 months in advance by beginning to save funds for the trip.

While Rodriguez said each trip takes about a year and a half to plan, time in between trips is spent building a sense of anticipation among church members and participants.

“We invite them into the process and we make that process very appealing for people that want to go,” Thompson said. “We try to paint a picture of what this trip is really like.”

Currently, this year’s tour has 10 people signed up, leaving about 10 or 15 more spots open.

The tour is entirely self-funded, usually averaging $3,500 per person. Amenities, lodging and almost all meals are included in the cost.

Travel documents like passports and optional travel insurance are not included.

Those interested in the tour can contact the church at 440-960-1100 for more information or can visit their website .

Above all, Thompson said the trip becomes a special opportunity for deep personal connections.

“There’s really the sense of community that comes from the trip,” he said. “Heaven invades Earth when people connect. There’s just a beauty that happens when people connect deeper than just pleasantries.

“Once you go deeper, that’s gospel.”

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North Coast Calvary Chapel

Walk with Jesus Tour

2023 tour to israel jordan & lebanon, please note:.

Registration for this trip is now full but we encourage you to join our Waiting List. In the event of any cancellations, we will fill open spots on the trip in order off the List.

Walk with Jesus: Israel, Lebanon & Jordan

October 3-17, 2023.

A journey to Lebanon, Jordan, and the Holy Land! We want to invite you on an unforgettable journey filled with ancient biblical history, culture and spiritual blessings. Visit the places that witnessed the events of such decisive and enduring importance in the history of humanity.

This journey will provide you a deeper understanding of scriptures traveling through the lands of the Bible. Your journey will start in Lebanon where we visit Byblos and Sidon, just to name a few. You will then depart for Jordan and visit Petra, Madaba and get a view of Israel from Mt. Nebo just like Moses would have. Imagine visiting one of the Seven Wonders of the World Petra! Next, you will get a closer look at the life of Jesus Christ and His mission of redemption as you travel through Israel.

Picture yourself sailing in a boat like the disciples on the Sea of Galilee (“And Jesus said to them, follow me and I will make you become fishers of men” Mark 1:17), floating in the Dead Sea, seeing our Lord Jesus’ birth place in Bethlehem, walking the streets of Jerusalem and having communion at the empty tomb where Jesus rose from the dead (“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay” Matthew 26:6).

When you make this journey in the company of friends and others of like mind, you can look forward to an unforgettable experience. At the end of this tour two things will most certainly be changed: you, and your understanding of the Bible. Join us on this life-changing tour.

Trip Details

DAY 1 – Tuesday, October 3, 2023 LOS ANGELES / ISTANBUL Today we will meet at Los Angeles International airport for our connecting flights to Istanbul via wide-body aircraft arriving the next day. Meals served on board.


DAY 2 – Wednesday, October 4, 2023 ISTANBUL /BEIRUT This afternoon we arrive in Istanbul and transfer to our flight to Lebanon. We will have an evening arrival in Beirut where we will be met and taken to our hotel for overnight.


DAY 3 – Thursday, October 5, 2023 BEIRUT Today we enjoy a visit to the beautiful coastal city of Byblos where we see the Crusader Castle, old souk, and St. Jean Marc Cathedral.  Continue on to the Cedars of Lebanon Forest and the Gibran Museum, a 19th century monastery transformed into a museum to honor Khalil Gibran, the famous poet and writer from Bcharre.  Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

DAY 4 – Friday, October 6, 2023 BEIRUT / SIDON CITY / AMMAN This morning we check out of the hotel and board our bus for a tour to Sidon, the third largest city in Lebanon.  Sidon was an influential, wealthy Phoenician city when the kings of Israel and Judah ruled during the Iron Age and was the hometown of Jezebel. People came from Sidon to hear Jesus’s teaching, and later he travelled through the territory of Sidon (Mark 3:8; 7:31).  Return to Beirut where we board our flight to Jordan.  Upon arrival in Amman we will be met and taken to our hotel for dinner and overnight.


DAY 5 – Saturday, October 7, 2023 JORDAN RIVER / MT. NEBO /MADABA / PETRA This morning we board our bus for a short drive to the recently discovered baptismal site of “Bethany beyond the Jordan” For us Christians, the most significant event associated with the River Jordan is undoubtedly the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. It is strongly suggested that this took place very close to Beit Abara, where Joshua, Elijah and Elisha crossed the river. In the New Testament times, it became known as Bethany, the village of John the Baptist. (This Bethany is not to be confused with the village of Bethany near Jerusalem, where the Bible says Lazarus was raised from the dead) “ The Bible clearly records that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist (Matthew 3: 13-17), and that John the Baptist lived, preached and baptized in the village of Bethany, on “the other side of the Jordan” (John 1: 28). The baptism site, known in Arabic as al-Maghtas, is located at the head of a lush valley just east of the Jordan River. It is now protected and since 1999 it is accessible to visitors. After Jesus’ baptism at Bethany, he spent forty days in the wilderness west of the River Jordan, where he fasted and resisted the temptations of Satan (Mark 1: 13, Matthew 4: 1-11).”  Continue to Mt. Nebo, from where God showed Moses the Promised Land and then on to St George’s Church in Madaba  where we will see the 6th century mosaic floor showing a map of the Holy Land as Christian pilgrims knew it in that period.  Continue along the Exodus routealong the famed historical King’s Highway to Petra. Petra is one of the most scenic places in the world.  Check into our hotel for dinner and overnight.


DAY 6 – Sunday, October 8, 2023 PETRA / AQABA This morning we visit Petra one of the Seven Wonders of the World, in the heart of the rose red Seir mountains as mentioned in the Biblical Book of Genesis. This mountain range houses the Aaron Peak, which is the highest locality in Petra and the burial place of Aaron brother of Moses. A walk down through the narrow ‘Siq’ passage, being the main entrance to Petra, along 1250 meters brings you to the first monument Treasure “the same as the one seen in the Indiana Jones’ movie”. A walk further down through the outer ‘Siq’ encompassed by tombs and burial chambers brings you to one of the largest theaters in Jordan. This theater is carved into the sand stone mountains of Petra at the bottom of the High place of Sacrifice Mountain. Apparently some sacrificial rituals used to take place here. Now, it is time to walk up hill to the Royal Tombs. You will have a great view of the lower part of Petra with all its Roman remains. These tombs are: The Urn- Corinthian- Silk- and Palace tombs. We retrace our steps to the entrance and board our bus traveling to our hotel in Aqaba for dinner and overnight.


DAY 7 – Monday, October 9, 2023 AQUABA / BEERSHEBA / JERUSALEM Today we leave Jordan behind, crossing the border into Israel.  Continue north where we view Solomon’s Quarries and then on to Beersheba, ancient city of Judah.  Beersheba, a watering hole and trading post for thousands of years, is the center of desert traffic, being located on the edge of the vast Negev Desert. Here we catch a glimpse of Bedouin life. Continue on to Jerusalem.  Our lodging for the next four nights will be in Jerusalem.


DAY 8 – Tuesday, October 10, 2023 AROUND JERUSALEM- BIBLE TIMES / TEMPLE MOUNT / BETHLEHEM Conditions permitting, we will visit the Temple Mount, with commentary on the Temple Periods, and the variety of belief systems past and present that make this area so valuable. Next we will visit the Wailing Wall and then the fascinating Rabbinical Tunnels leading us through the Second Temple era. The tunnel and exhibit give a clear understanding of the amazing construction of the Temple Mount, giant stones, water supply and Roman Street where our Lord was led to judgment. Before exiting the tunnel, we see the immense cornerstone rejected by the builders.  We visit the Southern Wall Excavations. This southern side of The Temple was the main entrance for the common folk, whereas the Priests and Levites had their own entrance from the higher eastern side. Parts of the giant stairs, which led to the Temple Mount from the courtyard have been unearthed along with the purification pools. From here Jesus entered the Temple Mount and drove out the vendors and money exchangers who were exploiting the people. It is also likely that this is the place that Peter stood and preached and where thousands were saved and baptized on the Day of Pentecost. Those who wish may stay in the city marketplace for shopping, while others may choose to spend the remainder of the day surrounding the birth of Christ as we visit Bethlehem.

DAY 9 – Wednesday, October 11, 2023 MASADA / EIN GEDI / QUMRAN / ABRAHAM’S TENT / JERUSALEM Our day begins with a cable car ride to the mountain top fortress of Masada. Here our guide will treat us to the history of the famous zealot stand. Afterwards we proceed to Ein Gedi, “Spring of the Goat,” an oasis on the western shore of the Dead Sea. Because of its warm climate and abundant supply of water, the site developed a reputation for its fragrant plants and date palm groves. This is where King David hid from Saul, and where God defeated the enemies of the Israelites by praise and worship led by King Jehoshaphat. Next we visit Qumran Caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. This afternoon we will take part in the Genesis Land/Dinner in Abraham’s Tent, where we enjoy a trip back in time: a reliving of life in the time of the Patriarchs, complete with costume, dramatic presentation, and authentic food.


DAY 10 – Thursday, October 12, 2023 HOUSE OF CAIAPHAS / ISRAEL MUSEUM / YAD VASHEM This morning we visit the House of Caiaphas where Jesus was beaten and spit upon. See a pit where he may have been held for the evening and the ancient hillside steps he walked as he was taken to be condemned. An interesting and educational time awaits us today at the Israeli Museum. Walk through collections of century’s old Israeli artifacts including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and then a guided walk through an accurately detailed model of Biblical Jerusalem. This model will help put into perspective all that you have seen over the previous days touring.  We conclude the day with a visit to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum, for a needed reminder of what the Jews have suffered as a people. This evening we enjoy a special lecture by a local believer prior to dinner, giving us a perspective of Messianic life in Israel.

DAY 11 – Friday, October 13, 2023 JESUS’ STEPS / LAST DAYS / WAY OF SUFFERING / GARDEN TOMB Today we walk where Jesus walked, beginning the day with a panoramic view of the city, Mount Moriah and the Dome of the Rock from atop the Mount of Olives and then the Garden of Gethsemane. How many have wished to be whisked back in time to get a glimpse of our Lord or hear His voice if only for a moment? To walk between the ancient olive trees, read the scriptures of Jesus’ prayer and take time for personal reflection is important here. Passing by the Protestant Cemetery, we visit the “Upper Room” just outside the Zion Gate where the disciple whom Jesus loved laid his head on His breast and where later Thomas cried, “my Lord & my God.” We move on to the Judgment Hall of Pilate, hear of those who conspired against Him and are reminded of His brutal beating and humiliation. From here we will also be able to see the Pool of Bethesda, Stephen’s Gate and St. Ann’s Church. While walking along the Via Dolorosa, we are reminded of His way of suffering along with a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Our guide will explain the differing opinions on the route that Christ was led and the actual place of crucifixion and burial is a very interesting study. The climax of the day is the area of Golgotha (place of the skull) and the Garden Tomb, where we celebrate the resurrection with communion and a time of praise.

DAY 12 – Saturday, October 14, 2023 JERUSALEM / BET SHEAN / SEA OF GALILEE / TIBERIAS This morning we leave the Holy City and through the Judean wilderness to the Jordan River Road. Continue to Bet Shean, where King Saul and his sons were pinned to the walls. It became the Decapolis Capital and was traveled by Jesus and known as Scythopolis. See the ancient theater, Circus Maximus and Cardo Maximo. Travel to the Crusader fortress of Belvoir.

This afternoon we arrive at the Sea of Galilee. We continue to Capernaum and see first century ruins, then visit Tabgha and the Mount of Beatitudes. At sunset we take a relaxing boat ride on the Sea of Galilee where we will be able to look to the shore where so many miracles occurred. Check into our hotel for dinner and overnight.


DAY 13 – Sunday, October 15, 2023 DAN / CAESAREA PHILIPPI This morning our drive takes us through the Hula Valley past Hazor, to the northern limits of Jesus’ travel as we cross the River Hatzbani to Dan.  Here we combine a nature walk beside the Upper Jordan with views of the ancient ruins, topped by the Israelite high place that supported a golden calf (I Kings 12). Then a short drive to Banias (Caesarea Philippi), dedicated to Pan the Greek god of pastures, flocks and shepherds; here Peter made his great profession of faith, recognition of Christ Jesus (Matthew 16). Driving along the foot of Mount Hermon, we ascend onto the Golan Plateau for a magnificent view of upper Israel. On our return we will stop at Chorazin and then on to Kursi, where Jesus healed two demon-possessed men, before returning to our hotel for dinner and overnight.

DAY 14 – Monday, October 16, 2023 TIBERIAS / NAZARETH / CAESAREA / TEL AVIV We leave Tiberias for Tel Aviv, on the way we pass through Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle. Continue to Nazareth, boyhood home of Jesus and then proceed across the Plain of Jezreel to Megiddo to visit the excavations of over 20 different civilizations. Visit Muhraka on Mount Carmel.

In the afternoon we visit Caesarea on the Mediterranean, the Roman aqueduct and port, Crusader’s Moat, and the famous Roman Theater.  Proceed to our hotel in Tel Aviv for check-in and dinner.

HOTEL: GORDON BEACH (formerly the Leonardo Art), Israel

DAY 15 – Tuesday, October 17, 2023 TEL AVIV / BEN GURION / USA We transfer to the airport for our flight home with unforgettable memories to cherish always. Knowing we have walked in the footsteps of Jesus and the early Christians on such a memorable tour will bring new meaning to our Bible reading.

Flight Information

October 3, 2023 Turkish Airlines #180: Depart Los Angeles 1:55pm, Arrive Istanbul 12:55pm on October 4, 2023

October 4, 2023 Turkish Airlines #826: Depart Istanbul 6:40pm, Arrive Beirut 8:30pm

October 6, 2023 Royal Jordanian #404: Depart Beirut 8:15pm, Arrive Amman 9:25pm

October 17, 2023 Turkish Airlines #865: Depart Tel Aviv 8:25am, Arrive Istanbul 10:45am Turkish Airlines #9: Depart Istanbul 1:15pm, Arrive Los Angeles 4:55pm

Lodging Information

Tuesday, October 3, 2023                PLANE ‐ USA Wednesday, October 4, 2023           BEIRUT MOEVENPICK HOTEL ‐ LEBANON Thursday, October 5, 2023               BEIRUT MOEVENPICK HOTEL ‐ LEBANON Friday, October 6, 2023                    INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL AMMAN ‐ Jordan Saturday, October 7, 2023                PETRA MOON HOTEL ‐ Jordan Sunday, October 8, 2023                  INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL AQABA ‐ Jordan Monday, October 9, 2023                 DAN PANORAMA JERUSALEM ‐ Israel Tuesday, October 10, 2023              DAN PANORAMA JERUSALEM ‐ Israel Wednesday, October 11, 2023         DAN PANORAMA JERUSALEM ‐ Israel Thursday, October 12, 2023             DAN PANORAMA JERUSALEM ‐ Israel Friday, October 13, 2023                  DAN PANORAMA JERUSALEM ‐ Israel Saturday, October 14, 2023              SOFIA TIBERIAS ‐ Israel Sunday, October 15, 2023                SOFIA TIBERIAS ‐ Israel Monday, October 16, 2023               GORDON BEACH ‐ Israel Tuesday, October 17, 2023              PLANE ‐ USA

  • The estimated package price for this trip is $7,350.00 per person , double occupancy from San Diego.
  • Land Only package is available for $6,150*
  • Supplement for a single room – $1,550

Rates include:

  • Economy class airfare LAX to Beirut & Tel Aviv to LAX (Land Only excluded)
  • Airport taxes & airline fuel surcharges currently at $719
  • Economy class airfare from Beirut to Amman (included in Land Only package as well)
  • Gratuities to guide, driver, restaurant staff, porters, etc.
  • 13 overnights accommodations in first & deluxe class hotels based on twin occupancy with bath.
  • 13 buffet breakfasts
  • 13 dinners [12 at hotels – one (1) off-site]
  • Porterage in/out service at all hotels
  • Transfers and tour with private coach
  • Local professional tour escort for all 13 days

* If you choose the “land only” option the Amman Flight is still included in this package.  Anyone booking “land only” will be responsible for all costs incurred to get in sync with the group travel plans once overseas.


  • Package price does NOT include lunches, special drinks at meals, extras at hotels, extra tips, or any expense of a personal nature.
  • Airline prices are subject to change due to new airline fuel surcharges and/or tax increase that may be changed up to the non-refundable airline ticketing date.
  • Price is based on international tariffs and rates in effect on date of proposal and is subject to change should there be a revision in AIR or LAND rates prior to payment in full of the tour price.
  • Roommates: If you need a roommate, we are usually able to provide one. A single supplement fee may be applied if you are among the last to register and we cannot provide one for you, so please register early.

Payment Information & Cancellation

Payment Schedule:

  • An initial trip deposit of $500 per person is due upon registration (Travel insurance is optional but requires full payment at time of registration).
  • A second deposit of $2,500 per person is due by April 1, 2023  PAY 2nd DEPOSIT
  • A third payment of $2,500 per person is due by June 1, 2023 PAY 3rd DEPOSIT
  • A fourth and final payment of $1,850 per person, or $650 for the Land Only Package, (plus $1,550 for single supplement, if applicable) is due by Aug 1, 2023. MAKE FINAL PAYMENT

Cancellations (Refunds & Penalties): All cancellations must be in writing to Bob Mackenzie at NCCC.  The following cancellation fees apply regardless of reason including medical and family matters:

Before Apr 30, 2023              $200 Administrative Fee May 1 – May 31, 2023           $500 Cancelation Fee Jun 1 – Jun 30, 2023             25% of total package July 1 – Aug 15, 2023            50% of total package On or after Aug 15, 2023       No Refunds

Fit to Travel

By registering, passengers accept responsibility for being in good health and able to walk and travel on the tour. Many sites are not accessible to physically challenged and may limit the overall tour experience. Our tour partner, Maranatha Tours does not provide additional assistance to passengers with physical or mobility limitations as tour itineraries require full mobility. Please advise Maranatha Tours if you have any limitations that may impact your tour.

Sight Seeing

By modern motor coach including services of English-speaking guides and entrance fees to places included in the itinerary. Where available all groups will be provided with portable listening devices. Passengers are responsible for loss or damage of the device.

Passport & Visas

A valid passport is required for all passengers. and must be valid for 6 months after return date. There are no Visa requirements for travel to Lebanon, Jordan, or Israel.

Travel Insurance (Optional)


Travel insurance is optional but highly recommended to protect yourself against any trip cancellation and loss of funds / penalty fees.   If you choose not to purchase travel insurance, you are assuming the risk responsibility to be completely yours for non-refundable fees paid per the cancellation section below and not hold NCCC responsible for any loss of funds.

Travel insurance is non-refundable with payment due in full at time of registration.

The following insurance option is available for purchase through our tour partner, Maranatha Tours:

Travel Insurance covers non-refundable expenses if the trip is canceled due to travel restrictions covered by the plan purchased.  If you are looking for a more extensive insurance package, such as cancellation coverage for any reason please visit your insurance provider for travel package options.

Dan Anderson (Trip Coordinator) [email protected] for questions about itinerary, travel arrangements, insurance options, etc.

Abby Wallace (Admin) [email protected] or 760.929.0029 x112 for questions about online registration or online payments

north coast church israel trip

The North of Israel: 7 Best Places to Visit

The North of Israel is a picturesque region that is a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. It is home to some of the most stunning towns and ancient cities in the country. From the stunning Bahai Gardens in Haifa to the natural wonder of Golan Heights, the North of Israel has something to offer everyone.

Are you looking for an adventure off the beaten path in Israel? The North of the country offers a wealth of unique places to explore and discover. Get ready to be inspired by this beautiful region and all it has to offer. Pack your bags and start planning an incredible adventure to the North of Israel!

1. The Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee, also known as Lake Kinneret, is a landmark in Northern Israel and an essential part of any visit to the country. Located on the Jordan River, the lake is often referred to as ‘the Jewel of Israel’ and it is easy to see why! With its astonishing beauty, it has become renowned for being among one of the best places to visit in North Israel.

At just over 13 kilometers long and 8km wide, The Sea boasts clear waters that reflect an incredible array of blues and greens which only add more beauty to its breathtaking sunsets. A favorite spot for travelers who are looking to take picturesque photographs, many flocks here in their droves – particularly during the summer months when days can be especially warm.

1. The Sea of Galilee

Visitors who are keen to take some quality time out can rent one of the colorful wooden boats or, if they prefer something slower-paced, a fishing trip may be more suitable! Those seeking a little bit more action can swim around the lake or indulge in some water sports like snorkeling or windsurfing.

The Sea of Galilee is also home to several ancient churches and synagogues which serve as important spiritual sites for Christians and Jews alike. Paying a visit will enable you to learn about this fascinating history whilst offering wonderful views of the lake from afar.

Whatever it may be that brings you here, The Sea promises visitors something truly magical – be sure not to miss it if you find yourself traveling through North Israel!

Navigate here to see the location’s actual view.

2. Nazareth

Nazareth is a vibrant city located in the North of Israel which has long since been known for its religious significance. Widely thought of as the capital of Galilee and believed to be the childhood home of Jesus, it has become a well-loved destination amongst those who are searching for an enriching spiritual experience.

Whether you follow a certain faith or not, it’s impossible to not feel moved by your visit here – there’s so much to explore across the nine churches that are spread out across the city! For example, The Church of Annunciation is said to be where Mary was told she would give birth to Jesus. While The White Mosque features exquisite tiles and colorful Islamic artistry – these are both must-sees!

2. Nazareth

Beyond religion, Nazareth also offers plenty of other options for visitors who are keen to learn more about its unique culture and history. From hiking up Mount Tabor which offers incredible views right across Northern Israel, to indulging your taste buds with some traditional Middle Eastern cuisine at one of the many restaurants – Nazareth is sure to leave you feeling captivated!

If you find yourself in search of something truly special then make time for a trip here whilst touring through North Israel and you won’t be disappointed.

3. Mount Hermon

Nestled in the Golan Heights along the northern border of Israel lies Mount Hermon – a site that has long been revered for its natural beauty and incredible vistas. Translated to mean ‘the holy mountain’, it is often referred to as being one of the best places to visit whilst in North Israel.

Those seeking a challenge can make their way up the towering crags on foot or by bike. Once at the summit, you’ll be able to take advantage of some breathtaking views which stretch all the way from Lebanon across to Jordan and onto Syria – this is definitely an experience not to be missed!

The ski resort on Mount Hermon is especially popular amongst visitors during the winter months who flock here for outstanding powder snow which sees many trails open throughout February – April.

3. Mount Hermon

And if skiing isn’t quite your thing then there are plenty of other outdoor activities available here too – such as fishing, horse riding, and camping! Wintertime also brings with it a blanket of white snow over the peaks which adds yet another layer of charm to this already stunning destination.

Whether you’re drawn here by its spiritual atmosphere or majestic landscapes, you can be confident that your time spent on Mount Hermon will leave you with memories that will stay with you forever. Make sure to add it to your itinerary when coming through North Israel!

Akko (or ‘Acre’ as it’s often known) is a coastal city located in the North of Israel – and it’s brimming with an abundance of history, culture, and beauty! This UNESCO World Heritage Site has been around since the days of Crusader rule, so if you’re looking for a truly unique experience then this is the place to be.

The old city holds many secrets – from its impressive fortress where Napoleon once stayed, to the diverse mix of ethnic quarters that date back centuries. All these different cultures have left their mark here, making it one of the most vibrant places to visit in Northern Israel!

4. Akko

The port town is also renowned for its bustling flea markets and bazaars which showcase an array of local handicrafts and furniture – perfect for picking up some memorable souvenirs. Make sure to stop by Mahrame Square which hosts live music performances throughout the week – often featuring musicians from all over the Middle East.

Other popular attractions include swimming at Banai Beach, exploring Haifa’s Bahai Gardens, and admiring the architectural splendor of Al Jazzar Mosque – all just a stone’s throw away. Whether you are keen on immersing yourself in its rich past or would rather take part in some fun activities, make sure to add Akko to your itinerary when coming through North Israel!

Sitting on the Mediterranean coast, Haifa has long been a popular destination for travelers heading to North Israel. It’s one of the country’s largest cities and provides easy access to a number of attractions – making it perfect for those who are short on time but still want to experience all that this region has to offer.

The stunning coastal promenade, Bat Galim, is an excellent spot to take in the city skyline and capture some fantastic photos as well! Be sure to explore the local cafes, bars, and restaurants while you’re there too – they have something for every taste and budget.

5. Haifa

Haifa also boasts a wide range of cultural attractions including two incredible museums – Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art and National Maritime Museum – both of which are must-visits. Another great option for those seeking adventure is exploring Mount Carmel on foot or by cable car for some truly breathtaking views over the city.

This vibrant city also offers stunning beaches such as Hof Hakarmel Beach, fishing trips out into Akko Bay, and plenty of delicious food from its many markets – so whatever you choose your time spent here won’t disappoint! Don’t forget to add Haifa to your itinerary when coming through North Israel.

6. Masada National Park

Nestled amidst stunning desert scenery, Masada National Park offers some of the most incredible sights in North Israel. This UNESCO World Heritage Site plays a unique role in the history of the region, being home to King Herod’s imposing palaces as well as an ancient Jewish settlement symbolic of prophetic resistance.

The park has plenty of activities for visitors to enjoy including fascinating archaeological tours, panoramic cable car rides, and visits to the nearby Dead Sea – known for its curative properties and black mud baths!

6. Masada National Park

You can also soak up some sun on one of the many beaches around Masada such as Ein Gedi or Sunset Beach, or take a walk through its hiking trails that provide incredible views of this rugged landscape. Don’t forget to visit King Herod’s Palace too – with its luxurious mosaic floors and royal chambers it’s truly a sight to behold!

No trip to North Israel would be complete without visiting Masada National Park – so make sure you add it to your itinerary if you want to experience this historical site in all its glory.

Address: Israel

Opening Hours:

Summer hours:

  • Sunday–Thursday and Saturday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday and holiday eves 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Winter hours:

  • Sunday–Thursday and Saturday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Friday and holiday eves: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Holiday eves: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Yom Kippur eve: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Holiday eves 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Phone: +972 8-658-4207

Email: [email protected]

For pictures, booking, and more information, click here .

7. Golan Heights

The Golan Heights is an important region in northern Israel, stretching across the border with Syria and offering some of the most stunning scenery in the country. This region is home to a number of extraordinary sites, including Mount Hermon ski resort – perfect for winter sports enthusiasts – and the mystical Lake Ramalot which is surrounded by lush greenery.

It’s also home to some incredible archaeological sites such as Gamla Nature Reserve, which contains the ruins of an ancient Jewish fortress, and Nimrod Castle – a 13th-century Crusader fortification that was once used to guard this section of land.

7. Golan Heights

The Golan Heights offers plenty of outdoor activities too – from cycling and kayaking to horse-riding and off-road driving – so there’s something for everyone. For those seeking an unforgettable experience, take a hike along one of its many trails and explore this remarkable landscape firsthand!

Whether it’s history or adventure you’re looking for, add the Golan Heights to your itinerary when you visit North Israel – you won’t regret it.

In conclusion

Visiting North Israel is sure to be an unforgettable experience that you’ll never forget! From the spiritual sites of Nazareth to the breathtaking views of Mount Hermon and the ancient ruins at Masada National Park – this region has something for everyone.

Whether it’s an adventure you’re looking for or a tranquil break, make sure to add these incredible destinations to your itinerary and make the most of your time in North Israel!

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north coast church israel trip

Israel In Depth Study Tour - North Coast Church

June 18-29, 2018, led by paul savona, rich ferreira, subscription options are no longer available for this tour..

Help support our friends in Israel in their time of need.

Trip Blog Posts

north coast church israel trip

Our Last Day

posted on Friday June 29 2018 at 2:30 am UTC

Thursday morning, promising to be one of our busiest days, we gladly accepted an extra half hour sleep, then we headed to the Temple Mount. The group was especially excited to visit the temple because earlier in the week we had a change of plans due to a flat tire. And yet, that flat tire turned into...

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north coast church israel trip

The place where it all began

posted on Thursday June 28 2018 at 2:30 am UTC

Today we started at the place where it all began! But first... On the first day of our time in Israel we heard about David, the little shepherd boy, fighting and defeating the giant Goliath. Although David was emboldened by his firm belief and trust that God was with him, he was also enticed by...

north coast church israel trip

posted on Wednesday June 27 2018 at 2:30 am UTC

Walls. Walls everywhere today. Put a few blocks on top of each other and you have a wall. What could be easier? From ancient times, Jerusalem had walls to protect its people from those who would invade. Today they slow the traffic in a city of nearly a million and endless streams of tour busses....

north coast church israel trip

How life was for Jesus and the disciples

posted on Tuesday June 26 2018 at 2:32 am UTC

It has been week since we left the parking lot at North Coast Church, seems like so much longer! Maybe because Ronan, Paul, Connor, Bree and Rich have taken us back in time and made the people, towns, cities and stories we have read about all our lives come alive. We were told that, time and time...

north coast church israel trip

Day 05 - Sun Jun 24

posted on Monday June 25 2018 at 2:30 am UTC

Another great day in Israel. For Linda’s family she was with us all day and doing great. First stop was Capernaum. We got to see a Synagogue where Jesus taught at and the A postle Peter’s house. The house was on the Galilee where Jesus performed three of his miracles. [topic...

north coast church israel trip

Draw near to me…

posted on Sunday June 24 2018 at 2:30 am UTC

Like rolling waves, the hills of lower Galilee; like the softest song, western winds whispering, “Draw near to me…” Draw near to me… From the rocky perch of Mount Arbel, we got a panoramic view of the Sea of Galilee. At the base of Mount Arbel, Jesus arrived from Nazareth,...

north coast church israel trip

Living Water

posted on Saturday June 23 2018 at 2:32 am UTC

One thing I learned was about ritual cleansing using the Mikveh. If you come in contact with the dead or even visit a cemetery you are unclean. The process for cleaning involves going to one of these baths. You take stairs into the bath and then let the clean water in. I think you immerse yourself...

north coast church israel trip

Masada and Bedouin Hospitality

posted on Friday June 22 2018 at 2:30 am UTC

Today was amazing! There was a lot of excitement among the group during breakfast as we prepared to hike the infamous Masada. There are two ways up, one via cable car, the other walking up the snake path. The snake path is less than a mile (which I was extremely disappointed to learn) but it is an...

north coast church israel trip

Flourishing through obedience

posted on Thursday June 21 2018 at 2:31 am UTC

After nearly 24 hours of travel, we made it to Israel! The anticipation mounted throughout our travel day and by early Wednesday morning, despite a 1am check in, we piled on the bus for our first full day. The excitement felt palpable as we headed out, anxious to see what God had in store for us....

north coast church israel trip

We've Arrived

posted on Wednesday June 20 2018 at 3:22 am UTC

Just a quick update to let everyone know that we made it to Israel safe and sound. What a long flight with a few delays but as they say, once you board an airliner to the Middle East your trip to the Holy Land begins. Too many stories to tell but let’s just say it was fun to experience so many...

north coast church israel trip

A Long Flight Ahead

posted on Tuesday June 19 2018 at 2:30 am UTC

After many months of anticipation, our study tour is upon us! We'll be departing this evening on our two-leg journey to Israel. If you want to follow along with our flights, check out the links below. Los Angeles (LAX) to Istanbul (IST) on TK10 Track it! Istanbul (IST) to Tel Aviv (TLV) on...

north coast church israel trip

Preparing for Israel

posted on Wednesday June 06 2018 at 2:35 am UTC

Our trip to Israel will be here before you know it! Once we're on the ground in Israel, we'll post periodic updates and photos. Check back often or get update notifications using the subscribe options on this page. We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family,...

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time

  • En Español
  • Call: 1 800 933 4421

Register for a tour

Christian Church Group Travel Tours to Israel and Holy Land

Christian Leaders Organize and lead others to the Promised Holy Land, the Land of the Bible, now is the time to begin one of the most spiritual and rewarding Christian experiences. Lead and organize your Christian Church group to Israel.

1 Peter 5:2-4

Tour Leaders tour for free* Organize a church group & receive special group rates.


  • Fully Escorted Church Group Tour of Israel
  • Signature Designed Holy Land Israel Tour Operated by Us
  • Tour All Day with your Church group (some companies only tour half-day)
  • *1 Tour Leader / Conductor for every 15 passengers free (i.e., 16th passenger will be free sharing twin room). Applies to land package only, airfare not included
  • Stay in a 5 Star Deluxe or 4 Star First Class Hotel Accommodations
  • Special visit to Magdala, known as the Home of Mary Magdalene
  • Sail on a Boat Ride in the Sea of Galilee
  • Stay one Night in the Dead Sea Resort Area
  • Dead Sea Spa Gift Products Courtesy of Daniel Dead Sea Hotel for our Guest
  • Breakfast Buffet Daily 
  • A Special Complimentary St. Peter's Fish Lunch by the Sea of Galilee
  • Dinner Daily
  • English Speaking Tour Guides that know the Bible and Christian Sites and Teachings
  • Professional Tour Guide Certified by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism


  • Transfer from Ben Gurion International Airport to your hotel in Tel Aviv.
  • Dinner at your hotel.
  • Your selection of 5 Star Deluxe or 4 Star First Class hotel accommodations.

Day 3 From Tel Aviv/Jaffa to the Sea of Galilee, Mediterranean coast and the Valley of Armageddon Caesarea / Mt. Carmel / Megiddo / Nazareth/ Sea of Galilee / Tiberias In the morning visit to the Old Town Jaffa , walk through the narrow passages of Old Jaffa, believed to be the oldest port city in the world and where cedars from Lebanon arrived to build Solomon's Temple ( 2 Chronicles 2:16 ), see St. Peter's Church and take a spectacular view of Tel Aviv Shoreline from Jaffa Hilltop. Peter came to Jaffa (Joppa) from Lydda to raise Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead (Acts 9:36-43 ) . While in Jaffa, the apostle stayed at the house of Simon the Tanner . St. Peter's Church  marks the traditional site of Peter’s vision of the Great Sheet (Acts 10:9-16) . Depart Tel Aviv driving north along the coastal plain to Caesarea Maritima (Acts 9:30 Acts 10:24-48) which was the center of early Christians, and capital of Judea under the Romans. Visit the excavations of this ancient city, the Roman theatre and aqueduct, here where Paul made his defense before Festus and King Agrippa prior to his final journey to Rome (Acts 25-26) . We'll stop at Mount Carmel (Muchraka) , where Elijah issued his challenge to the False Prophets (1 Kings 18:16-24) . We continue and enjoy a breath taking panoramic view of Haifa Bay and the Western Galilee region. Continue to Megiddo (Joshua 12:21, 1 Kings 9:15, 2 Kings 23:29 & Revelation 16:16) , identified as the site of Armageddon (Revelation 16) , see the remains from Solomon’s days, view the site where the Battle of Armageddon will be fought (Revelation 16:14-16) . Visit the archaeological excavations at Megiddo , including the well preserved water supply system. Continue along the Jezerel Valley to visit the town of Nazareth (Luke 1:26, Luke 4:16, Luke 4:29 & Matthew 2:23) we will take a beautiful view from the top of Mount Precipice , also known as Mount of Precipitation , or Mount of the Leap of the Lord . It's believed to be the site of the rejection of Jesus (Luke 4:29 Luke 4:30) , continue to the Basilica of Annunciation the church and site that celebrates the news from Gabriel that Mary would give birth to Jesus (Luke 1) . If time permits, and we'll drive to Cana of Galilee where Jesus performed his first public miracle, the turning of water into wine at the wedding feast (John 2:1 John 2:11) , and the Lower Galilee region to the beautiful Sea of Galilee to the town of Tiberias . The hotels situated right on town’s center and the shores of the Sea of Galilee make it possible to walk along the shores of the Sea of Galilee and explore the town of Tiberias. Overnight Sea of Galilee - including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.

  • Breakfast at your hotel.
  • Professional certified licensed Tour Guide, entrance fees, and attractions per day itinerary.

Day 4 Sea of Galilee, the Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights Magdala / Sail on the Sea of Galilee / Jesus Boat / Golan Heights / Upper Galilee / Caesarea Philippi / St. Peter's Fish Lunch / Yardenit We begin this Holy Land touring day with a visit to Magdala (Matthew 15:39) , known as the home of Mary Magdalene. Here we'll explore a first century Jewish city where Jesus' healed the afflicted, and the oldest excavated synagogue in the Galilee from the time of Jesus' ministry where surely he taught. After we board a wooden boat and sail on as the disciples did 2,000 years ago on the Sea of Galilee where the Lord calmed the storm (Luke 8:22-25) , and where He made one of the most dramatic miracles, walking on water (Mark 6:47-52) , and it was here along the shores of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus appeared for a third time after being raised from the dead, and asked his disciples to throw their net to the right side of the boat and caught many fish, and where the Lord made the disciples breakfast  (John 21) . We'll dock at Kibbutz Nof Ginosar and visit the " Ancient Jesus Boat " the remains of a 2,000 years old boat that was discovered in 1986. This boat was used at the time of Jesus and his disciples. We will drive to the beautiful Golan Heights . Visit Banias - ancient Ceasarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13 and Mark 8:27) where Jesus said “On this rock I will build my Church” (Matthew 16:18) . Continue to the Hula Valley and the Upper Galilee, returning to the Sea of Galilee and visit the baptismal site of Yardenit on the Jordan River, where believers celebrate and some take the opportunity to submerge themselves in the same waters where the Holy Spirit descended like a dove from heaven, when  John the Baptist baptized up out of the water Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17) . Overnight Sea of Galilee– including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.

  • Special St. Peter's fish lunch.

Day 5 Jesus early Ministry along the Sea of Galilee, Jordan River Mount of Beatitudes / Tabgha / Capernaum / Beit She'an / Dead Sea Today we'll visit early Jesus Ministry around the Sea of Galilee, visiting Mount of Beatitudes (Matthew 5, Matthew 6, Matthew 7, Matthew 8) where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount , see the famous Church of the Beatitudes  chapel, constructed between 1936 and 1938 by the noted architect Antonio Barluzzi and enjoy the view. Visit Tabgha - the site of the Feeding of the 5,000 and Primacy of Peter (Matthew 13, Mark 33, Mark 45, & John 21) , Church of Multiplication with its 4th Century Mosaic floor, Capernaum ( Matthew 4:13, Matthew 13:54, Matthew 17:24, Luke 7, Mark 1:2, John 4:46 John 4:54) where is believed to have been Jesus' home and the center of his ministry, here we can stand in what is left of the synagogue in which Jesus ministered, and where he preformed many miracles, and it's in Capernaum where Peter’s mother-in-law lived and was healed (Luke 4:38-40) . Journey through the Valley of Beit She'an to the ancient city of Beit She'an (Mark 5:20, Mark 7:31) , view the archeological site. It was here that after defeating Saul and his sons on Mount Gilboa, the Philistines hanged their bodies on the walls of Beth Shean (2 Samuel 21:12-14) , continue through the Jordan Valley past the city of Jericho and arrive to the Dead Sea , the lowest place on earth. Check in at the hotel located at the shores of the Dead Sea, enjoy optional spa treatments and a massage, float on the salty water of the Dead Sea or enjoy a swim in your hotel pool. Overnight Dead Sea- including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.

  • Special spa gift products; Dead Sea mineral mud pack and salt pack courtesy of Daniel Dead Sea Hotel.

Day 6 Dead Sea, Masada, Ein Gedi, Qumran, Judean Desert, Jerusalem Today on your Holy Land tour will visit the 1500 feet mountaintop fortress of Masada famous for being the last stronghold of the Jewish rebellion against the Romans. We will ascend to Masada by cable car and discover the first century Synagogue, King Herod’s Bathhouse and other sites atop of Masada, descend and continue to the oasis of Ein Gedi , where David hid in a cave when running from Saul (1 Samuel 23) , it was here that David composed several of his Psalms, next visit to Qumran where a cache of ancient biblical texts the Dead Sea Scroll were discovered in 1947. Continue to the Golden City of Jerusalem , and proceed to a panoramic view of Jerusalem from Mount Scopus , and take time for prayer. Continue to the hotel conveniently located within walking distance from the Old City Jerusalem. Overnight Jerusalem- including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.

Day 7 Old Jerusalem, Temple Mount in Jesus times, Mount of Olives/Kidron Valley/Garden of Gethsemane/Western Wall tunnels (Kotel Tunnels)/Pool of Bethesda/Church of Holy Sepulcher/Via Dolorosa/Christian Quarter From the top of Mount of Olives where the Lord ascended into heaven (acts 1) we will have a view across the Kidron Valley to the Eastern Gate where the prince of Peace will enter (Ezekiel 44) . We pass by Pater Noster Church standing on the traditional site of Christ's teaching of the Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:2-4) , and visit Dominus Flevit where "The Lord wept" as he beheld the Holy City (Luke 19:41-44) . Through Palm Sunday Road proceed down to the Gethsemane (Mark 14:32, John 18:1 & Matthew 26:36)  where you will see 2,000 year old Olive trees that date back to the time of Christ. In the Garden of Gethsemane the place that Jesus prays (Luke 22:39) and his disciples customarily visited, which allowed Judas to find him on that fateful night of his arrest (Luke 22:47-52) , and it's in Gethsemane where an angel from heaven appears to strengthen Jesus  (Luke 22:43) , and where he found his disciples sleeping and awakes them and tells them to get up and pray (Luke 22:46) . Then to the Western Wall - The holiest site in Judaism and one of the original walls that retained the Temple. We will visit the Western Wall Tunnels running along the base of the Western Wall will lead us through the Second Temple era and reveal the amazing construction of the Temple Mount , water supply and Roman street where our Lord was led to judgment. Continue to St. Anne Church and the Pool of Bethesda , where Jesus performed the famous miracle of healing of the paralytic (John 5) . We will walk the Stations of the Cross - the Via Dolorosa including Station 2 Judgment Hall of Pilate (John 18:33) , located at the Church of the Flagellation and Church of the Condemnation and Imposition of the Cross , all the way to the final Station 14 inside  Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Matthew 27, Matthew 33:57, Matthew 28:10) . In the afternoon you will enjoy time to shop the colorful bazaars (markets). We'll join the prayer at the Western Wall , and after return to the Hotel for Shabbat Dinner. Overnight Jerusalem– including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.

Day 8 Jerusalem Old and New City Mt. Zion / Upper Room / King David Tomb / Jewish Quarter / Ein Kerem / Bethlehem / Church of the Visitation/Church of the Nativity / Shepherd’s Field / Garden Tomb We begin the day going to Mount Zion , visit the Upper room (Luke 22) , Lord’s Supper, visit King David Tomb , and walk through the Jewish Quarter . Drive through the New City and pass the Knesset (Israel Parliament) and continue to Ein Karem , the birthplace of John the Baptist (Luke 1:57-80) , the one to announce the coming of the Lord (Isaiah 40:3) . Visit the Church of the Visitation which commemorates the visit made by Mary the mother of Jesus', to Elizabeth , the mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1:39-56) , then continue to Bethlehem where Joseph traveled there (Luke 2:1-7) with Mary whom was pregnant, and where Jesus was born (Matthew 2:1-5) , and visit the Church of Nativity . Proceed to see the Shepherd’s Field  where an angel appeared to announce the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:8-20) . In the afternoon visit The Garden Tomb , to celebrate the resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15, Luke 24:6-7, Mark 16:5-7) with a time for prayer. Enjoy a evening farewell dinner at the hotel. Overnight Jerusalem- including Full Buffet Breakfast and Dinner.

Day 9 Enjoy free day in Jerusalem later in the day transfer to Ben Gurion airport according to your flight schedule After Breakfast, and by 12 noon, Check out from your hotel and store your luggage at the hotel storage room to enjoy free day in Jerusalem. Passengers booked 4 Stars First class hotels ,in Jerusalem the Grand Court hotel within walking distance to the Old City. Passengers booked 5 stars Deluxe hotels, in Jerusalem The Leonardo Plaza hotel within walking distance from the Old City and the center of West Jerusalem. You can visit again the Holy sites and the colorful bazaars, Yad Vashem Israel’s memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, the Davidson Center at the Western Wall, Ben Yehuda street with shopping stores, restaurant and coffee shops, Mahaneh Yehuda market, with authentic Jerusalem Restaurants, and food markets. Explore on your own the newly renovated Israel Museum and Shrine of the Book .

Transfer from the lobby of your hotel to Ben Gurion International Airport 4 hours Prior to flight departure.

  • Transfer from your Jerusalem hotel to the Ben Gurion International Airport for your departure flight back home or to your next destination.

If your flight departs in the morning you will arrive back in America the same day of your departure.

If your flight departs in the night you will arrive back to America the following day of your departure.


Prices are land package prices based on double occupancy and are per person in U.S. dollars inclusive of all taxes.

*1 Tour Leader / Conductor (Passengers) for every 15 passengers free (i.e., 16th passenger will be free sharing twin room). Applies to land package only, airfare not included.

Not included services in our tour rates: 1. Tips to guide/driver and hotel/restaurant staff. 2. Personal extras or meals not mentioned above. 3. Lunches.

Create your own Holy Land Group or Join other Christians on our Holy Land Tour Departures.

Seacoast Stories: Israel Trip

Grow your faith while exploring the holy land.

north coast church israel trip

It is our desire to provide a valuable and beneficial experience without the burden of debt; therefore, the tuition for the North Coast Leadership Academy is $1200 per year. This cost does not include the cost of any short term mission trips, or the trip to Israel every second year. The cost does include textbooks and instructional materials needed for the classes.

A non-refundable application fee of $40 is due with your application to the North Coast Leadership Academy.


DUE BEFORE 08.13.2024


DUE BEFORE 01.13.2025


DUE BEFORE 03.15.2024

north coast church israel trip

Leader Guide 2022: Winter Week 1

Life group leader guide.

For the week of January 16, 2022 This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.

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  • Leader Guide PDF
  • Leader Guide DOC

COVID NOTE TO LEADERS:  We trust you in continuing to be safe, aware and ready to flex with the needs of your group. We have the same guidelines we have had this past year and at our weekend services. Anyone who is sick or has recently tested positive with COVID should not attend your group. If the majority of people in your group are sick or not comfortable attending, you may want to consider delaying the start of your group for a week or provide a zoom option. Please know your Life Group Pastoral Team is ready to help navigate, if needed.

This week we kick off our Winter Life Group Quarter. Your first gathering is designed to give you time to get acquainted, enjoy a meal together and connect with each other, as well as time to discuss how to make your Life Group meetings great! The study questions have been shortened this week to allow ample time to accomplish all of this. To prepare for your first meeting, take some time to focus on the questions below and be prepared to share your answers with the group.

As we start this new quarter of Life Groups, please help us continue to keep group members safe by staying home from group if you are not feeling well. We hope you have a great time together as you connect, encourage one another to grow and see how God might work!

Online Groups – If your group is meeting online, your leaders will be sending you the link for your group. Use this link for tips on meeting with your group online:

AGENDA FOR YOUR FIRST MEETING Looking for more guidance on your first meeting? You can find the “First Night Agenda” on how to make your first night great on the Leader Tools page of our website. ( ) You can also listen to the audio version of the leader guide here.

How We Measure Success Week to Week: Hearing from everyone at every meeting and keeping God’s Word at the center.

Make sure you leave plenty of time to go over the Life Group Commitment Form with your group.

  • Welcome & Eat – Potluck is a great option. Online groups can try a virtual dinner option if they would like.
  • Group Sharing – Discussion Note: You can transition from the “Getting to Know You” section to the “Looking Ahead” section.
  • Study Questions Discussion (optional – we do encourage you to spend time on the “Honoring” question that has Colossians 3:12-17)
  • Go over the Life Group Commitment Form – Use the last question in the Leader Guide to Study Questions below to transition into reviewing the Commitment Form.
  • Close in prayer.
  • Mingle afterward.

Discussion Note: Add these questions if you have new people in your group or a completely new group. If it hasn’t come up in conversation before the meeting officially starts, have everyone in the group share how long they have been attending North Coast, if they have been in a Life Group before and their favorite hobby.

Discussion Tips: These are effective for both in-person and online groups. Remember to set time limits to ensure everyone has an opportunity to answer the questions. Possibly use the “Tag— You’re It” method to ensure everyone can share. Once one person is finished sharing, they select the next person to share.

  • Would you rather be super strong or have super speed?
  • What is your favorite road trip snack?
  • If you had to work at an amusement park or a famous landmark for the rest of your life, which place would you choose?
  • As we start the new year, what are one or two things you’re looking forward to in 2022? Great question to have everyone answer. You may want to have them answer the two questions in the “Looking Ahead” section also and then transition into going over the Commitment.
  • Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or something that caught your attention, challenged or confused you?

Discussion Note: Because of the potluck, make sure you have enough time to spend on the “Looking Ahead” section below.

This weekend we heard how the story of David and Goliath is not just a story about a giant being killed, but more importantly a turning point for Israel – for 16 chapters, Israel has not been honoring God, and that is a needed change. But what does it look like as a follower of Jesus to depend on God’s power and honor Him? Colossians 3:12-17 offers us some great insight into what living this way looks like. As you read through these verses, circle two or three statements that are catching your attention and jot down any thoughts on how they may help you depend on God, see Him work and honor Him in all you do in 2022.

(If your group has extra time, feel free to look at the entire chapter.)

Colossians 3:12-17 12  Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  13  Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  14  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

15  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.  16  Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.  17  And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

One of the key reasons we meet in Life Groups every week is to gain the encouragement and support we each need to honor God in all we do and keep our focus on Jesus. Before you go over the Life Group Commitment in your group, take a moment and write down your responses to the questions below:

What are you looking forward to in your Life Group this quarter?

Looking back at what you circled in Colossians 3:12-17, which one or two would you like to see God sustain and/or grow in you this next quarter?

Memory Verse Challenge Option  – Have everyone memorize Colossians 3:17.

Is there anything specific you need prayer for, or is there any other focus you would like to have in order to grow this next quarter?

Use this question as an option if it flows well with your group.

Transition Statement to Life Group Commitment: “It’s great to hear what each of you has said about what you want to get out of your time in our group. One of the great benefits of being in a Life Group is the opportunity to have help from others as we seek to be strategic and intentional about our spiritual growth. The Life Group Commitment is designed to serve as intentional guidelines to help us make the most of our time together.”

Link to the form for people in your group

Go over the Life Group Commitment Form with your group. See below, or you can download the Leader Guide to the Life Group Commitment . Use this as a guide to keep your group healthy in communicating and caring for one another each week. (The leader audio will give you more details on how to do this effectively.)  

Close in prayer: If you have anyone new in your group and you don’t know them, it is recommended to close with your host or one person praying. Next week, the Study Questions will include an introduction to praying in a group, so if you have a new group or a lot of new members, it’s suggested that you wait until week two to do any group prayer.

Mingle with everyone after the meeting. Even if you’re online, stay on an extra 10 minutes to see if anyone wants to connect and hang out just like you would at an in-person meeting. 

Life Groups exist to promote spiritual maturity and personal growth through meaningful Christian relationships and the study of God’s Word (Romans 8:29 & Hebrews 10:24-25). Here’s how it will happen:

Each week we’ll take time to share what is happening in our lives. At first this sharing will include planned “sharing questions.” But after the first few weeks, it will become more informal and personal as we feel more comfortable.

Each week we’ll study a section from God’s Word that relates to the previous weekend’s sermon or an appropriate personal growth topic. Our goal is to learn how to live out our Christianity in everyday life.

Each week we’ll learn how to take care of one another as Christ commanded (John 15:9-13). This care can take many forms, such as prayer, encouragement, listening, challenging one another and meeting real needs.

Spiritual growth is fostered not only by what we gain through the support and input of others, but also through service to others. The role each of us fills is important to the health of the church and for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the community in which we live (Ephesians 4:11-16). Throughout the quarter, it is our hope that you can find and/or be affirmed in the ways God has designed you to serve and make a difference in God’s Kingdom.

north coast church israel trip

Financial Peace University at Vista

Mondays beginning January 31 (9 weeks), 7-9pm We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! FPU presents practical steps to help you get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely and much more! Register at .


  • El Dorado Hills
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  • Rancho Bernardo
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north coast church israel trip


Summer at carlsbad campus, this summer is all about staying connected. check out these upcoming special events, classes, and camps. it’s going to be a great summer, coming up at carlsbad campus, simple life skills: biblical “how-to's” for real life, carlsbad women salsa swap, coast kids day camp, carlsbad parenting with focus, carlsbad practicing the way, carlsbad share the struggle: freedom from anxiety, carlsbad share the struggle: moving through trauma, discovering your spiritual gifts, your best yet at carlsbad, carlsbad jr high school (6th - 8th grade) summer camp, carlsbad tables for eight, carlsbad high school (9th - 12th grade) summer camp, late night worship at carlsbad, baptisms at carlsbad, intro to life groups at carlsbad, mommy and me.

Israel-Hamas war latest: Israeli military announces 'tactical pauses' in parts of southern Gaza - as minister says cabinet was not informed of decision

The IDF says it will hold daily tactical pauses in parts of southern Gaza to allow more aid to flow into the territory, where international aid organisations have decried a worsening humanitarian crisis. Itamar Ben-Gvir says the military did not seek cabinet approval for the plan.

Sunday 16 June 2024 21:26, UK

  • Israel-Hamas war

Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player

  • Israeli military announces 'tactical pauses' in parts of southern Gaza
  • Ben-Gvir slams 'delusional' plan - and says it was not approved by cabinet
  • Route of 'pauses' outlined by IDF
  • Alistair Bunkall analysis: Why 'tactical pauses' don't spell an end to fighting
  • US Navy details commercial ship crew rescue after Houthi attack
  • Ceasefire response 'consistent' with Biden's plans, Hamas chief says
  • Live reporting by Ollie Cooper

Thanks for following our live coverage, that's all for today. 

The Israeli state will continue to pay for the temporary housing and hotels for citizens caught up in the 7 October Hamas attacks and the resulting conflict with militant groups in Gaza and Lebanon. 

Thousands of Israelis, particularly in the areas bordering Gaza and Lebanon, have been put up at the expense of the state since their displacement - allowed to return to their homes only when the security situation allows. 

Earlier this year, our international correspondent Alex Rossi   visitedKiryat Shmona, an evacuated Israeli settlement near Lebanon, and described a ghost-town like scene...

Some of those in temporary living situations were hoping to return soon, but today the government's extension of the scheme seems to have poured cold water on that. 

"The government, today, approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposal... to extend the period of lodging for residents who have been evacuated from their homes, in the hotels and temporary housing solutions, which are being financed by the state, until 15 August 2024," a statement from Mr Netanyahu's office read.

"This is according to professional considerations and an assessment of the overall conditions that would allow for the residents to return to their homes."

The Israel Defence Forces has struck what it says are Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. 

It said the air force had "intercepted a suspicious aerial target over southern Lebanon" and fighter jets were dispatched in response.

"IDF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Yaroun in southern Lebanon," it said in a statement, adding: "IDF [also] artillery fired to remove a threat in the area of Amra."

For context: Iran-backed, Lebanon-based Hezbollah, which means "Party of God" in Arabic, openly calls for the destruction of the "Zionist regime in Palestine" and is deemed a terror organisation by most Western powers.

The militia has long aligned itself with Hamas and Islamic Jihad and has frequently clashed with IDF forces on the Israel-Lebanon border since the most recent conflict broke out on 7 October.

But the violence has largely been contained to areas at the border, shaped by what observers have called unwritten rules of engagement between adversaries that have long threatened each other with catastrophic damage in the event of war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has previously warned that Beirut would be turned "into Gaza" if Hezbollah started an all-out war.

These images show Muslims in Jerusalem praying outside the Al Aqsa mosque, known to Jews as the Temple Mount. 

Access to the mosque has been strictly supervised by the Israel Defence Forces in recent months, with many worshippers complaining about unnecessarily tight rules for a holy place. 

As we outlined in our 7.12am post, today Muslims are holding prayers for Eid al Adha.

The holiday, commonly translated as the Feast of Sacrifice, is the second of the two main Islamic holidays alongside Eid al Fitr.

The US Navy has shared details of how its sailors rescued the crew of a commercial ship struck by the Yemeni Houthi group.

The Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk cargo carrier M/V Tutor was struck by a Houthi "unmanned vessel" in the southern Red Sea on 12 June, which "caused severe flooding and damage to the engine room".

"A helicopter from helicopter maritime strike squadron 74 airlifted 24 civilian mariners from Tutor to Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea," the navy said.

"From there, helicopters from helicopter sea combat squadron 7 transported the group to USS Dwight D Eisenhower." 

After being medically checked on board, the mariners were flown ashore for follow-on care.

One civilian mariner remains missing, however. 

For context: The Yemen-based, Iran-backed Houthis say they are targeting any and all ships they believe are linked, operated, owned, flagged or travelling to or from Israel. 

US and British destroyers are among an international naval taskforce set up to combat the Houthi attacks in the area. 

Earlier, we brought you the words of Israel's far-right security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who dubbed the "tactical pause" plans for parts of southern Gaza "delusional". 

Finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, who chairs the ultra-nationalist Religious Zionist Party, has similarly criticised the plan.

Mr Ben-Gvir and Mr Smotrich are two of the biggest supporters of the war in Gaza, but often suggest the military or those controlling it do not go far enough.

"The 'humanitarian aid' that continues to reach Hamas keeps it in power and may put the achievements of the war down the drain," Mr Smotrich said. 

"The problem is that the [IDF's] general headquarters is completely disconnected from the existence of the forces in the field," he added. 

Reports have swirled that neither cabinet nor the prime minister and his defence secretary were made aware of the IDF announcement before it went public. 

By  Alistair Bunkall ,  Middle East correspondent 

The decision to pause fighting for 11 hours a day along two main routes in Gaza comes as a result of international pressure on Israel and the desperate need to get aid flowing around the Strip.

The Rafah crossing, between Gaza and Egypt, has been closed ever since Israel began military operations there some weeks ago. 

As well as humanitarian aid, it was also the main route for fuel into Gaza.

The US floating pier has been unsuccessful and is again being temporarily dismantled due to rough seas.

Aid has been piling up on the Gaza side of the Kerem Shalom crossing with too few lorries to collect it. 

When the trucks do move, they're often looted before getting far. 

This localised pause does not mean an end to the fighting. 

In fact, the fighting around Rafah has been particularly intense over recent days and Israel has made it clear operations will continue there and elsewhere.

The corridor, although limited, should help movement of aid, however, and could be expanded if successful. 

These images show the scale of recent protests against Benjamin Netanyahu's government in Tel Aviv. 

As we reported earlier, protests are increasing in frequency, attendance and tension as parts of the Israeli public voice their anger at the lack of movement on a ceasefire and hostage deal with Hamas (see 8.59am post). 

These pictures were taken by a drone last night. 

Tactical pauses near Rafah are "delusional", Israel's far-right security minister has said. 

Itamar Ben-Gvir said: "The one who decided on a 'tactical truce' for the purpose of a humanitarian transition, especially at a time when many of our soldiers are falling in battle, is evil and a fool who should not continue in his position. 

"Unfortunately, this move was not brought before the cabinet and is contrary to its decisions."

Mr Ben-Gvir has repeatedly called for Israel to stop aid deliveries to Gaza during the war and to re-occupy the territory.

"It's time to get out of the concept and stop the crazy and delusional approach that only brings us more dead and fallen," he concluded.

There are also reports among Israeli outlets that the announcement this morning also came as a surprise to the remaining war cabinet ministers - defence minister Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Hamas's response to the Joe Biden ceasefire proposal was largely consistent with the US president's plans, the group's leader has said. 

Speaking to mark Eid al Adha, Ismail Haniyeh said: "The movement, along with all the resistance factions, has shown great seriousness and great flexibility in order to reach an agreement that will spare the blood of our people and stop the aggression.

"Our response... is compatible with the foundations contained in Biden's speech and the Security Council resolution regarding the three stages of the deal and the terms of the ceasefire," he added. 

Haniyeh then blamed Israel for not showing any flexibility and attempting "to circumvent and deceive through proposals and ideas aimed at obtaining prisoners and returning to resume the war of extermination again".

For context:  Joe Biden's proposal, outlined at the end of May, was accepted by Israel on Tuesday night - but not publicly. 

Hamas initially suggested it had accepted the deal, but on Wednesday, Antony Blinken spoke in Qatar and said Hamas had requested changes to the deal. 

"Some of the changes are workable, some are not," he said. 

Reports suggested Hamas wants written guarantees from the US over a permanent ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza before it signs off on the deal. 

What is the proposed deal?

The first of the proposed three-phase deal would be a ceasefire lasting six weeks, during which Israel and Hamas would negotiate a permanent end to the fighting in Gaza, Mr Biden said when outlining the plan at the end of May.

If the negotiations take longer than six weeks, the ceasefire would continue for as long as it takes to strike a deal, he added.

Phase two would involve Hamas handing over the remaining hostages and Israel withdrawing all of its forces from Gaza.

The final phase would be about a "major reconstruction plan" for Gaza, according to the president.

It was backed by the United Nations Security Council on Monday. 

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north coast church israel trip

north coast church israel trip


Life Groups are currently on a summer break in an effort to help us create healthy, sustainable rhythms. Our next Life Group Sign-up period begins August 31, 2024. If you are looking for ways to get connected in the meantime, sign up for a summer class or reach out to our team! We would love to help answer any questions you have! Email [email protected] .

 Group Finder

north coast church israel trip

Adrian Lamb

This men's group really values quality discussion time. The objective of the Saturday Morning Men's Group is to create a sense of community among men for growth, prayer, connection, friendship, sup...

Carlsbad Campus, Men's Ministry

North coast church, carlsbad campus.

This men's group really values quality discussion time. The objective of the Saturday Morning Men's Group is to create a sense of community among men for growth, prayer, connection, friendship, support, etc. This group is open to all ages of men who wish to drop in on a Saturday morning. Adrian has been attending NCC since 2008 and has been involved in Life Groups since then. He is a general contractor and loves the outdoors.

north coast church israel trip

Andrew Porter

This group desires to add additional married couples. The goal of this group is to laugh and grow together in their relationship with God. They strive to walk through their Christian life with othe...

Carlsbad Campus, Empty Nest

Carlsbad: el camino real & la costa ave.

This group desires to add additional married couples. The goal of this group is to laugh and grow together in their relationship with God. They strive to walk through their Christian life with others without judgement. Andrew started attending North Coast Church in 2004 and has been involved in Life Groups for 10+ years. He is in Digital Marketing and loves concerts, cycling, cooking and his pets.

north coast church israel trip

Ben & Emily Kuhnel

This group wants families in their community to have a comfortable place to talk freely about Jesus and find spiritual encouragement. They want their kids to know and have fun with Godly peers and ...

Carlsbad Campus, Parents of Kids K-6

Carlsbad: garfield st & hemlock ave.

This group wants families in their community to have a comfortable place to talk freely about Jesus and find spiritual encouragement. They want their kids to know and have fun with Godly peers and their parents who live and work in their schools and community. They would like parents--single or married--to pray together, grow spiritually, and find accountability to dig into scripture. This group hopes to have some meetings with just parents, and some including kids. Ben and Emily have been married since 2011 and have been attending North Coast Church since 2006. Ben is a Civil Engineer and Emily, a stay at home mom, has a background in journalism. As a family they love to camp, hike, read, go out to eat and bike in Carlsbad Village.

north coast church israel trip

Bill & Joyce Boyajian

Bill is the former long-time president of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in Carlsbad. Since his retirement in 2006, he's been consulting for companies in the jewelry industry and servin...

Carlsbad Campus, General

Carlsbad: aviara pkwy & el camino real.

Bill is the former long-time president of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in Carlsbad. Since his retirement in 2006, he's been consulting for companies in the jewelry industry and serving on a few boards of directors. Joyce has been a full-time homemaker during their marriage, and was a discussion leader for Bible Study Fellowship for some. They have attended North Coast since 2002 and have been leading a Life Group since 2006. They have two grown children.

north coast church israel trip

Bill Ebbeling

This group would like an additional couple to join. This daytime group seeks to foster relationships with those in their senior years of life with sermon based Bible study. They enjoy going out to ...

Carlsbad Campus, Senior Adults

Carlsbad: college blvd & el camino real.

This group would like an additional couple to join. This daytime group seeks to foster relationships with those in their senior years of life with sermon based Bible study. They enjoy going out to lunch after meetings for more fellowship.

north coast church israel trip

Bob & Pat Chapman

The goal for this Senior Adult Life Group is to draw closer to Jesus by studying the Word, praying for one another, and having discussions that encourage spiritual growth. Pat has been attending N...

Vista: Shadowridge Dr & S Melrose Dr

The goal for this Senior Adult Life Group is to draw closer to Jesus by studying the Word, praying for one another, and having discussions that encourage spiritual growth. Pat has been attending North Coast Church since 1998, loves being retired from the City of Vista, quilting, gardening, and serving the Lord. Bob and Pat have been married since 1985 and serve at the Carlsbad campus Welcome Center on Saturday nights.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'God's Unbreakable Promise' (Sue)

This group will meet mostly online and is for single and married women who encourage each other as they learn and grow spiritually and individually. The group loves the outdoors and is creative wit...

Carlsbad Campus, Women's Ministry

This group will meet mostly online and is for single and married women who encourage each other as they learn and grow spiritually and individually. The group loves the outdoors and is creative with virtual games and time together.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Brette)

Brette has been attending North Coast since 2016. She is married to her wonderful husband Sam, and has two daughters that light up her world. Brette is currently the pastor and director of Carlsbad...

Carlsbad: El Camino Real & College Blvd

Brette has been attending North Coast since 2016. She is married to her wonderful husband Sam, and has two daughters that light up her world. Brette is currently the pastor and director of Carlsbad Women where she is thankful for the opportunity to encourage women - not only to deepen their relationship with Jesus, but to shine and confidently use the gifts God has given them. Outside of being a "kid transporter", she enjoys spending time with her family, trying new restaurants and traveling locally and abroad.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Janine & Kathy)

This group seeks to form meaningful relationships so that they can encourage one another on their journeys of faith. They use the study content as a foundation of their discussions, but carve out e...

This group seeks to form meaningful relationships so that they can encourage one another on their journeys of faith. They use the study content as a foundation of their discussions, but carve out enough time for personal discussion and prayer. Janine has been married to her husband, Tim, since 1992 and has attended North Coast Church since 2004. She loves to do Jazzercise, take walks, read and spend time with family. Janine has 2 children; a daughter at Chapman University and a son in High School. Kathy and her family have been attending North Coast Church since 2001 when they moved to Carlsbad. She is part of an Executive Team at Neiman Marcus San Diego where she oversees the budget and operations in the store. Kathy loves fashion, the performing arts (concerts, movies, theater), living in Carlsbad and taking walks on the beach. She has 1 daughter, 2 sons and 2 awesome grandsons.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Jayne)

This group loves to keep in touch during breaks in the bible studies with game days and coffee get-togethers. Joyce and her husband Jim have two adult sons. Her background includes teaching element...

This group loves to keep in touch during breaks in the bible studies with game days and coffee get-togethers. Joyce and her husband Jim have two adult sons. Her background includes teaching elementary; homeschooling both of their boys through eighth grade; and several administrative jobs over the years. She has had the opportunities to live in Venezuela and Japan. Most recently, she is learning that God has special reasons for moving her from Minnesota to Carlsbad. She is discovering Him in deeper and different ways than she ever could have staying in her familiar place. She is delighted to have the opportunity to be part of Carlsbad Women and to be part of a new group of friends who are digging into a deeper knowledge of Jesus.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Kerry & Christie)

Kerry has been married to her husband, Paul, since 2002. They have attended North Coast Church since 2014 when they moved from Orange County. Kerry worked as a Registered Nurse for over 10 years bu...

Kerry has been married to her husband, Paul, since 2002. They have attended North Coast Church since 2014 when they moved from Orange County. Kerry worked as a Registered Nurse for over 10 years but now stays at home with her children (Charlotte and Rebekah). She loves cooking, listening to music, running and biking. The focus of this group is to learn new things about scripture and how to apply it to your life.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Kristen)

This is an On-Line group. The goal of this group is to have a loving, supportive, nurturing and safe environment where women can come together to fellowship and grow together in God's Word. Kristen...

Online Only

This is an On-Line group. The goal of this group is to have a loving, supportive, nurturing and safe environment where women can come together to fellowship and grow together in God's Word. Kristen has been attending NCC since 2021. She is a homeschool mom of 3 and loves it! Kristen also enjoys reading, walking, hiking, biking, camping, art and women's ministry.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Mary & Elizabeth)

This group meets mostly online. Mary has been attending North Coast Church since 2000. She is a consultant/trainer and has been involved in missions and led bible studies. She is an active mom to a...

This group meets mostly online. Mary has been attending North Coast Church since 2000. She is a consultant/trainer and has been involved in missions and led bible studies. She is an active mom to a 12 year old and loves the ocean, fishing, swimming and biking. This group wants to feel and know the love of God so that they can give it to others.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Nicole & Michelle)

Nicole and Michelle begin their group with weekly worship, stretching and strengthening and then a discussion designed to foster authentic community and a deeper relationship with God. Both Nicole ...

Nicole and Michelle begin their group with weekly worship, stretching and strengthening and then a discussion designed to foster authentic community and a deeper relationship with God. Both Nicole and Michelle are busy, working moms juggling marriage, health, family, church, and friendships.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Sam & D'Andrea)

The goal of this group is to allow each member to feel heard, loved and appreciated. Sam has been attending North Coast Church since 2021 and has been involved with Life Groups since then. Sam is ...

The goal of this group is to allow each member to feel heard, loved and appreciated. Sam has been attending North Coast Church since 2021 and has been involved with Life Groups since then. Sam is currently employed as the Purchasing Coordinator for North Coast Church, Carlsbad and has volunteered with Coast Kids. She is an avid reader and loves musical theatre and traveling. She also loves to cheer her daughter on in volleyball.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'Jude' (Teri)

The goal of this group is to build relationships with each other, dig deeper into God's Word, discuss what is being learned and have a meal out together from time to time. Teri has been attending N...

The goal of this group is to build relationships with each other, dig deeper into God's Word, discuss what is being learned and have a meal out together from time to time. Teri has been attending North Coast Church since 2013 and been involved with Life Groups since 2016. She is an Executive Assistant and volunteers at the Carlsbad Campus as a weekend House Manager. Teri loves to hike, play games, walk the beach and travel.

north coast church israel trip

Carlsbad Women: 'The Book of Acts' (Jodi-Friday)

Jodi Ross leads a full life, juggling family, work, friends, fitness, and her relationship with God. She values community around God's word and is looking forward to sharing life with you.

Carlsbad: Aviara Pkwy & Poinsettia Ln

north coast church israel trip

Dan Hernandez

This is a NEW Group! The goal of this group is to create a discussion/support group going thru the book of Job. This group wants to have fun and do life together. Dan has been attending North Coas...

Carlsbad Campus, Common Interest

This is a NEW Group! The goal of this group is to create a discussion/support group going thru the book of Job. This group wants to have fun and do life together. Dan has been attending North Coast Church since 2012. He is self-employed and loves motorcycles, fishing, camping, the desert, working on cars/bikes and diy projects.

north coast church israel trip

Ed Sebrasky

The groups focus is striving for accountability, encouragement, and being Men of God. Ed has been attending North Coast Church since 2009 and has been involved in Life Groups since 2000. He current...

The groups focus is striving for accountability, encouragement, and being Men of God. Ed has been attending North Coast Church since 2009 and has been involved in Life Groups since 2000. He currently serves on our weekend teams helping our services run smoothly. Ed is a Postal Carrier and enjoys hiking, playing and spectating sports of all kinds.

north coast church israel trip

Frank Tecca

This group is for Single Men & Women ages 35 and over. The goal of this group is to be social with game nights and outings and come up with new and exciting ways to get involved in the community ma...

Carlsbad Campus, Singles (35+)

This group is for Single Men & Women ages 35 and over. The goal of this group is to be social with game nights and outings and come up with new and exciting ways to get involved in the community matched with their weekly theological discussions.

north coast church israel trip

Freddy & Traci Keiaho

This is a group for couples only! The goal of this group is to do life together, share some family meals together and where iron sharpens iron. Freddy and Traci have been married since 2006 and hav...

Carlsbad Campus, Parents of Teens

Carlsbad: melrose dr & w san marcos blvd.

This is a group for couples only! The goal of this group is to do life together, share some family meals together and where iron sharpens iron. Freddy and Traci have been married since 2006 and have been attending North Coast Church since 2017. They have been involved with Life Groups since they began attending. Freddy is self-employed and Traci is a wife and mother. Together they enjoy beach life, making food for friends and family, family activities and adventure!

north coast church israel trip

Greg Hamilton

The goal of this group is to give thanks to God, review the weekly sermon, share questions and thoughts, give support and community, and to be in the Spirit. Greg has been attending North Coast Chu...

The goal of this group is to give thanks to God, review the weekly sermon, share questions and thoughts, give support and community, and to be in the Spirit. Greg has been attending North Coast Church since 1989 and has been involved in Life Groups for 15 years. He is retired from a career in Education. He enjoys the three C's of deep sea fishing :catch'em, clean'em , cook'em. Greg also enjoys working around the house (gives him a sense of job security!), walking his dog, Milo, at the harbor, traveling, and walking and growing with the Lord!

north coast church israel trip

John & Lexi Schad

This group will focus on best practices of parenting and weekly sermons. John & Lexi have been married for 19 years. They have 2 daughters, ages 12 and 7. John is a Pastor for North Coast Church, ...

Carlsbad Campus, Young Families

This group will focus on best practices of parenting and weekly sermons. John & Lexi have been married for 19 years. They have 2 daughters, ages 12 and 7. John is a Pastor for North Coast Church, Carlsbad and Lexi is a Junior High School Counselor. In their spare time, they do what the kids want to!

north coast church israel trip

Life Group Cafe

This group values catching up, supporting one another and reviewing the sermon.

north coast church israel trip

This is a group for single men and women over the age of 50 only.

north coast church israel trip

Mark Henning

This group will meet weekly to discuss the sermon and enjoy each others company.

Encinitas, El Camino Real & Encinitas Blvd

north coast church israel trip

This is a NEW group! This group will be doing a book study, "Jesus Over Everything". Their goal is to create a group who craves community and wants to deepen their walk with the Lord. They will be ...

This is a NEW group! This group will be doing a book study, "Jesus Over Everything". Their goal is to create a group who craves community and wants to deepen their walk with the Lord. They will be meeting every other week and will be meeting in various fun places in North County to chat, laugh and enjoy their current book study. Meg has been attending North Coast Church since 2009 and has been involved in Life Groups for 12 years. She is a Professional Caregiver and loves hanging out with friends…especially if it’s at North Coast Church! Meg is a crafter, decorator, solo world traveler and volunteer.

north coast church israel trip

Mike & Joann Phillips

The goal of this group is to provide a comfortable and supportive place where parents can enjoy meaningful Christian fellowship as you do life together. Mike is psychologist who enjoys playing and ...

The goal of this group is to provide a comfortable and supportive place where parents can enjoy meaningful Christian fellowship as you do life together. Mike is psychologist who enjoys playing and collecting guitars. Joann is high school teacher who enjoys cooking and sewing in her spare time. Together they hold down the fort, juggling a preschool and elementary boy. They love watching classic films and cozy British mysteries.

north coast church israel trip

More Than Your Past-Megan Castle

In this women's-only group we'll be walking through what it looks like to overcome your past and embrace the value God has given you. This women's group will pay special attention to women navigati...

In this women's-only group we'll be walking through what it looks like to overcome your past and embrace the value God has given you. This women's group will pay special attention to women navigating through and recovering from domestic abuse and women healing from sexual trauma. There will be a special table for young people with a minimum age of 14. There is a $40 course fee which will include a workbook and all study materials.

north coast church israel trip

Nancy Piretti

This Life Group is sermon-based, and yet geared to "women who feel they walk alone". This could include widows, divorcees, single women, and/or women who live in a blended family or married to some...

Vista: S. Melrose Dr & shadowridge Dr

This Life Group is sermon-based, and yet geared to "women who feel they walk alone". This could include widows, divorcees, single women, and/or women who live in a blended family or married to someone who does NOT YET follow Jesus.

north coast church israel trip

Nathan Holland

Nathan has attended North Coast since 2004. He owns a custom cabinet shop in Vista and has two grown children and three grandkids. He enjoys snowboarding, surfing, running, Pilates, and would like ...

Carlsbad: I-5 & Poinsettia Ln

Nathan has attended North Coast since 2004. He owns a custom cabinet shop in Vista and has two grown children and three grandkids. He enjoys snowboarding, surfing, running, Pilates, and would like to do more short term missions trips.

north coast church israel trip

Ollie & Christie Adcox

This group welcomes parents of kids K-12 and all teenage years. The goal of this group is to be a welcoming place to be authentic and grow in relationship with God and others. Ollie and Christie ha...

San Marcos, Melrose Dr & Rancho Santa Fe Rd

This group welcomes parents of kids K-12 and all teenage years. The goal of this group is to be a welcoming place to be authentic and grow in relationship with God and others. Ollie and Christie have been attending NCC since 2021. Ollie is in the Military and Christie is a Cosmetologist. Together they enjoy cooking, playing sports with their younger kids, and working out. They have 5 children (ages 10,14,17,18,22). They love good food and hanging with friends. Bob and Jodie have been attending NCC since 2020. Bob is in Real Estate/Residential Mortgages and Jodie is in Counseling. Together they love to travel with their 3 children (ages 6, 11 and 14), eat amazing food and spend time as a family at home.

north coast church israel trip

Parents of Kids on the Spectrum

The goal of this group is to build community and fellowship between people who have children on the Spectrum. This group is for parents of neurodiverse children with diagnoses like Autism, ADHD, Dy...

Encinitas: Encinitas Blvd & El Camino Real

The goal of this group is to build community and fellowship between people who have children on the Spectrum. This group is for parents of neurodiverse children with diagnoses like Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia or other learning and life challenges. This will be a place for support during the struggles of raising kids who don't fit "in the box." Led by an Occupational Therapist and hosted by a family with a child on the Autism spectrum.

north coast church israel trip

Ralph & Grace Chapman

This group enjoys lively discussions and great potlucks! Ralph and Grace enjoy spending time with their adult daughters and their dog. They love barbecuing, watching movies, listening to music and ...

Carlsbad: El Camino Real & Tamarack Ave

This group enjoys lively discussions and great potlucks! Ralph and Grace enjoy spending time with their adult daughters and their dog. They love barbecuing, watching movies, listening to music and singing!

north coast church israel trip

Randy Phillips

This group will begin by re-watching part of the sermon and then members will be encouraged to participate and bring their own perspectives to the group discussion. Randy has been attending North C...

This group will begin by re-watching part of the sermon and then members will be encouraged to participate and bring their own perspectives to the group discussion. Randy has been attending North Coast Church since 2007 and has been a member of a Life Group since 2019. He is retired and enjoys living near the ocean and Carlsbad Village, walking his dogs on the beach and traveling. He recently came back from an amazing trip to Israel where he walked on the floor of the synagogue where Jesus walked!

north coast church israel trip

Rebekah Dominguez

This is a group for single men and women ages 35-50. This group is for those who want to grow in faith together and come to know that being single doesn't mean being alone. Rebekah has been attendi...

This is a group for single men and women ages 35-50. This group is for those who want to grow in faith together and come to know that being single doesn't mean being alone. Rebekah has been attending North Coast Church since 2015 and has been involved in Life Groups for 4 years. She is a Bank Manager and enjoys hiking. She also loves turtles and national parks.

north coast church israel trip

Russian Speaking (Grigory & Irina Yasninskiy)

This is a group for Russian speaking participants. Grigory and Irina have been attending NCC since 2014 and have been married since 2007. Grigory is an IT Director and Irina a Homeschool Mom. Toget...

Vista: Shadowridge Dr & Sycamore Ave

This is a group for Russian speaking participants. Grigory and Irina have been attending NCC since 2014 and have been married since 2007. Grigory is an IT Director and Irina a Homeschool Mom. Together they enjoy watching sport and movies, and spending time with family. Alexey and Yulia have been attending NCC since 2022 and were married in 2000. Alexey is an Accountant and Yulia is a Hairstylist. They enjoy spending time with familiy, hiking, working on house projects, and watching sports.

north coast church israel trip

Ryan Dalzell

The goal for this group is to help those in the group grow closer to Jesus and closer to each other through really applying what you learn on Sunday into the practical parts of your daily lives. Fr...

San Marcos: San Elijo Rd & Rancho Sana Fe Rd

The goal for this group is to help those in the group grow closer to Jesus and closer to each other through really applying what you learn on Sunday into the practical parts of your daily lives. From your relationships with your spouse, family members, co-workers etc, to making and building God's kingdom through using your gifts and abilities to show Jesus to those in your circles. Ryan has been attending North Coast Church since 2019 and has been involved in Life Groups since 2020. He married his wife, Julie, in 2000 and together they have 3 children. Ryan manages Investment Funds and enjoys golfing and traveling, and is a licensed pilot.

north coast church israel trip

Shane Boley

The goal of this men's group is to help each other apply the week's teachings to life. Shane has been attending North Coast Church since 2021 and has been involved in Life Groups since then. He is ...

Carlsbad: Carlsbad Blvd & Carlsbad Village Dr

The goal of this men's group is to help each other apply the week's teachings to life. Shane has been attending North Coast Church since 2021 and has been involved in Life Groups since then. He is a Health and Fitness Professional and loves working out, walking, hanging out at the beach with his dog, and going to baseball games.

north coast church israel trip

Tom & Nancy Pilcher

This group prefers couples.

Carlsbad: I-5 & Carlsbad Village Dr

north coast church israel trip

Tyler Griesinger

This group is for 25-35yr singles, and meets on Thursday nights. The desire for this group is to create a space where its members can encourage each other to grow and dig deeper into their faith to...

Carlsbad Campus, Twenty5Thirty5

Carlsbad: park dr & tamarack ave.

This group is for 25-35yr singles, and meets on Thursday nights. The desire for this group is to create a space where its members can encourage each other to grow and dig deeper into their faith together. They will have monthly social events, a service project and share meals together during the semester!


  1. GTI Tours

    Israel Study Tour with North Coast Church. Registration is not yet open for this trip. To learn more call 800-829-8234 or 616-396-1234 or email your travel coordinator Signe Koning. Please take a moment to review our policies and your travel insurance options.

  2. Trip Blog for Israel Study Tour with North Coast Church

    Israel Study Tour with North Coast Church July 17-28, 2023 Led by Kip Strawbridge, Paul Savona. ... We'll be sharing our travel experiences online with you, our friends and family, to not only bring you along... View Full Post. Our Office. 513 E 8th St. Holland, MI 49423. Hours: M-F 9am-5pm (800) 829-8234 (616) 396-1234.

  3. North Coast School of Ministry Israel...

    North Coast School of Ministry Israel trip recap, applications, Your Story ... This is "North Coast Weekly - January 27-28" by North Coast Church on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. All reactions: 20. 1 comment. 3 shares. Like. Comment.

  4. Haifa & Acre: the north coast of Israel

    It was really cool to see the inside of the fortress, too; love all the history in Israel. On the north coast of Israel and approaching the Lebanese border hide two of the most picturesque sights of the Middle East: the city of Haifa with its Bahá'í Gardens, a holy site for the Bahá'í Faith; and the city of Acre , a settlement continuously ...

  5. Fallbrook

    Fallbrook Adult Whitewater Trip - June 25, 2023 - June 29, 2023 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Fallbrook Israel Study Tour - October 23, 2023 - November 03, 2023 - 7:00 am - 1:00 am; Locations. North Coast Church has multiple locations as well as online services.

  6. North Coast

    Heading North of Tel Aviv, Israel's coastline becomes increasingly dramatic and less populated. Israel's Northern Coastline is home to some of the most impressive historical sites, natural beaches and works of nature, and diverse and interesting places to visit. The north coast of Israel includes areas like Mount Carmel, Ramat Hanadiv, Nahariya, Akko and much more.

  7. Church on the North Coast prepares for upcoming Israel tour

    For Church on the North Coast Senior Pastor Troy Thompson, an annual trip to Israel was too good to keep to himself. After taking his first tour about eight years ago, he decided to bring the annua…

  8. North Coast Church

    Dive into some worship videos to carry you through to the weekend. North Coast Church offers multiple locations & service times. Each location & venue features outstanding worship, the same message, and full youth programs. We are a Bible teaching church and would love to help you grow.


    ISRAEL TRIP Experience the Bible in a brand new way by walking where Jesus walked! Pastor Tracie will be leading a trip to Israel next summer: June, 2024. Want more info? Message us today!

  10. Walk with Jesus Tour

    Payment Schedule: An initial trip deposit of $500 per person is due upon registration (Travel insurance is optional but requires full payment at time of registration).; A second deposit of $2,500 per person is due by April 1, 2023 PAY 2nd DEPOSIT; A third payment of $2,500 per person is due by June 1, 2023 PAY 3rd DEPOSIT; A fourth and final payment of $1,850 per person, or $650 for the Land ...

  11. About

    The largest campus is located in Vista. Instead of a single large sanctuary, the 40-acre campus features several separate worship venues, all of which feature the same sermon but differ in atmosphere, music and feel. All North Coast campuses also offer multiple service times, full children's programs, youth programs, a campus pastor and the ...

  12. GTI Tours

    Israel Study Tour with North Coast Church. Registration is not yet open for this trip. To learn more call 800-829-8234 or 616-396-1234 or email your travel coordinator Sandee Grasman. Please take a moment to review our policies and your travel insurance options.

  13. The North of Israel: 7 Best Places to Visit

    1. The Sea of Galilee. The Sea of Galilee, also known as Lake Kinneret, is a landmark in Northern Israel and an essential part of any visit to the country. Located on the Jordan River, the lake is often referred to as 'the Jewel of Israel' and it is easy to see why! With its astonishing beauty, it has become renowned for being among one of ...

  14. Trip Blog for Israel In Depth Study Tour

    Israel In Depth Study Tour - North Coast Church June 18-29, 2018 Led by Paul Savona, Rich Ferreira ... Giving Back. Trip Blog Posts. Our Last Day. posted on Friday June 29 2018 at 2:30 am UTC. ... It has been week since we left the parking lot at North Coast Church, seems like so much longer! Maybe because Ronan, Paul, Connor, Bree and Rich ...

  15. Christian Church Group Ten Day Holy Land Travel Tour

    Fully Escorted Church Group Tour of Israel. Signature Designed Holy Land Israel Tour Operated by Us. Tour All Day with your Church group (some companies only tour half-day) *1 Tour Leader / Conductor for every 15 passengers free (i.e., 16th passenger will be free sharing twin room). Applies to land package only, airfare not included.

  16. Group Finder

    Don and Tara have been married since August 2004 and have attended North Coast Church since 1999. Don is a high school teacher and Tara is a school psychologist. They have twin boys. They love to travel and hang out with family and friends. Hosts Morgan & Rya have been attending North Coast Church since 1998. They have three school age children.

  17. Israel Trip Archives

    Grow Your Faith While Exploring The Holy Land. #Grow Your Faith #Israel Trip. Join Seacoast Churc for a study program in Israel designed for those who want to discover the roots of our faith and deepen their study of [...] Read More.

  18. Tuition

    This cost does not include the cost of any short term mission trips, or the trip to Israel every second year. The cost does include textbooks and instructional materials needed for the classes. A non-refundable application fee of $40 is due with your application to the North Coast Leadership Academy.

  19. Leader Guide 2022: Winter Week 1

    The role each of us fills is important to the health of the church and for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the community in which we live (Ephesians 4:11-16). Throughout the quarter, it is our hope that you can find and/or be affirmed in the ways God has designed you to serve and make a difference in God's Kingdom.

  20. Group Finder

    Adrianna Echeverria. North Coast Church, Fallbrook Campus. Sermon Based, In person. This is a group that accepts you with all your imperfections, a place to support one another and a safe place to worship! Adrianna enjoys crafting, classic cars, and volunteering in the community. Fallbrook Campus. More Info.

  21. Group Detail

    Edith Israel. Location Cross Streets: North Coast Church, Vista Campus. Vista, CA 92084. About Israel & Edee Carreon. Israel & Edee have been attending North Coast since 2015 and married since 1987. Israel is a county worker with CPS and Edee is a middle school teacher. ... North Coast Church has multiple locations as well as online services ...

  22. Summer at Carlsbad Campus

    This summer Carlsbad High School students are heading out for a weeklong whitewater rafting trip in beautiful Northern California. Read More. Carlsbad. Adults, Children, Church Family, Classes, Students. ... North Coast Church has multiple locations as well as online services.

  23. Israel-Hamas war latest: Houthis launch 'drone boat' attack; ceasefire

    Welcome back to our live coverage on the Israel-Hamas war and the wider Middle East crisis. Last night, Hamas official Taher al-Nunu accused US secretary of state Antony Blinken of bias for ...

  24. Group Finder

    NORTH COAST CHURCH . Watch; Ministries; Life Groups; Give; About; Locations; Plan a Visit; LIFE GROUPS ARE CURRENTLY IN SESSION. Look for Life Group Sign-ups to open January 6-14, 2024. If you are looking for ways to get connected in the meantime, watch for Intro to Life Groups to open or reach out to our team! We would love to help answer any ...