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The Ultimate Mount Rinjani Trekking Guide (2024 Update)

Picture of Jane And Stephen

  • Last Updated: December 12, 2023

A Mount Rinjani trekking tour is not for novice hikers or casual travellers. But if you’re ready for an epic 3-day journey to the summit of the second highest volcano in Indonesia, here’s everything you need to know before you go in our guide.

At 3,726 metres above sea level, Mount Rinjani looms large over the entire island of Lombok in Indonesia.

Of the 130 volcanoes in the country, Rinjani is the second-highest (topped only by Mount Kerinci on Sumatra).

Rinjani’s ominous silhouette is a constant reminder of the powerful forces rumbling just beneath the surface of the earth.

That power is what draws hundreds of intrepid hikers to Rinjani every day.

Mount Rinjani Trekking

Table of Contents

Why Do a Rinjani Trek?

Could you handle a rinjani trek, sembalun or senaru: where to start, how many nights on rinjani, what’s the food like on a rinjani trek, where do you sleep on rinjani, what does a rinjani trekking tour cost, how to choose the best rinjani trekking service, what’s included on a mount rinjani tour, tips for trekking mount rinjani, rinjani trekking packing list, save this pin for later.

The tough hike to the crater rim is rewarded by absolutely magnificent views.

Rocky black soil at the summit drops off into a lush valley filled with purples so deep and greens so bright they don’t look like they should exist in nature.

Lake Segara Anak, nestled in the bottom of the gaping crater, is a deep turquoise, echoing the spectacular colour of Lombok’s seas.

On the edge of the lake sits an active volcano, Mount Barujari, which steadily spews threatening clouds of smoke into the air.

Mount Rinjani Trekking

And at night, the sky is blanketed with stars so thick they look painted on.

While the views inspire awe, the most compelling reason to trek Mount Rinjani is to challenge your body and your mind, leap firmly out of your comfort zone, and be able to shout “Hell yes, I did it!”

If that sounds good to you, read on for everything you need about…

How to Plan Your Epic Mount Rinjani Trekking Adventure

I’ll admit, we went into the Mount Rinjani trek with a bit of a cavalier attitude. Sure, we’d read the stories about how hard it was supposed to be, but we’re experienced trekkers with decades of challenging mountain hikes behind us.

We’ve trekked all over Canada, Europe, and even in Vietnam .

How much harder could trekking Mount Rinjani possibly be?

As it turns out, trekking Rinjani is hard. Really freaking hard.

The Rinjani trek starts with a climb of 1500 m over 8 km. Most of that elevation change takes place during in the final 4 km, which take about 4 hours.

Yep, that’s just one measly kilometre an hour.

To make matters more difficult, there is next to no trail maintenance, so the route is sandy, slippery, and ridiculously steep.

Unless you’re a trail running hero or an actual superhero, be prepared to have your will and your body pushed to their limits on your way up Mount Rinjani.

And that’s just the first day.

The second day starts in the middle of the night, so hikers can summit for sunrise. To get the summit, there’s another 1000 m of elevation gain, along a narrow trail of slippery loose scree.

It’s cold up there, too. Even in August, the temperature hovers around freezing.

After all the climbing, the descent should be a relief. Instead, it seems to go on for days, requiring every ounce of hamstring strength you can muster, plus knees of steel, and an excellent sense of humour.

Trekking Mount Rinjani

If you come away without any scraped knees or sore muscles, you’re definitely part mountain goat!

So, could you handle trekking Rinjani?

If you’ve read all of this and you’re thinking “Hell, yeah! Bring it on!” then keep reading.

If you’re still not sure, check out my 7 Essential Tips For Surviving A Mount Rinjani Trek →

What Are The Options For a Rinjani Trekking Tour?

There are two main points of entry to Rinjani National Park.

You can ascend from the village of Sembalun or from Senaru. On three- and four-day hikes, you depart from one village and descend to the other.

We highly recommend starting in Sembalun because of the way the trails are configured.

The first day of ascent from Sembalun is steep and sandy. It looks like it would be absolutely brutal going in the opposite direction.

Likewise, the descent to the crater lake is so steep and rugged, that it would be a real leg-breaker going the other way.

If you want a more off-the-beaten track experience, book a private tour and ask about one of the less-used routes, like the trails from Aik Berik or Torean. We wish we had known about them before our trek!

Three Days, Two Nights

The most popular option (and the one we recommend) is the 3-day, 2-night trek . This gives you just enough time to climb to the summit and also visit the crater lake and hot springs.

If you’re in no rush, consider the 4-day, 3-night option , which goes to the same locations but provides a little more free time to relax and enjoy Mount Rinjani.

Two Days, One Night

The 2-day, 1-night tour from Sembalun includes the option to summit at sunrise. If you’re in amazing shape and love to punish your machine, go for it!

Otherwise, take pity on your poor body and give yourself more time on the mountain.

The 2-day, 1-night trek from Senbaru takes trekkers to the crater rim opposite the summit. This is the easiest (not to say that it’s easy) of the Mount Rinjani trekking options.

You don’t get near the summit or the lake but it does provide incredible views of the crater. If you think you can’t handle a longer trek but still want to experience Rinjani, this is probably the best option.

If you book the full 2-day, 1-night tour on Klook they will pick you up from anywhere in Lombok and provide everything for you.

BONUS –  Booking ahead of time ensures you won’t miss out on the tour, and get the best price too! And just for NOMADasaurus readers, if you use the Klook discount code  “NOMADS10”  on the website when checking out, you’ll get $10 off your first booking!

Mount Rinjani Trekking

Be aware that “one night” or “two nights” refers to number of nights on the mountain. Most Rinjani trekking companies encourage you to spend a night in Senbaru before the tour to get an early start. This hotel is often included in the price, but be sure to check!

Private Tours and Hiking Rinjani Without A Guide

While it is technically possible to trek Mount Rinjani without a tour or a guide, it is actively discouraged both by the government and the community. Unless you are an extremely experienced hiker and have hiked in the tropics before, don’t even consider it. If you’re injured on the mountain without a guide or porters, you’ll be in some serious trouble.

If you do decide to trek Rinjani independently, please sign in at the park office and pay the entrance fee. Though it’s questionable whether the fees are used to maintain Rinjani, signing in is for your own safety.

On our day-one lunch break, we were astonished to see full-on camp kitchens being set up by all the guides and porters on the mountain.

In Canada, you’re lucky to get a squashed peanut butter sandwich for lunch on a long hike.

On Rinjani, you get a heaping plate of fried vegetables, tofu and tempeh, a pile of freshly cooked rice crackers, all the rice you can eat, plus a massive fruit plate for dessert. And that’s just the vegetarian option!

Mount Rinjani Trekking Meals

This meal was not unusual. Everything we ate on Rinjani, and everything we saw being served to fellow trekkers, was freshly cooked and plentiful. There was so much food, we were rarely able to finish our meals.

You’ll sleep snuggled in a tent at a campsite on the crater rim or by the lake.

Our tent was clean and modern, if a little bit short for our long bodies! The sleeping bags had been freshly laundered and the camp pillows were also clean.

You won’t find much solitude at your campsite though, since hundreds of other trekkers will be camping right alongside you.

There’s a huge range of prices for trekking Rinjani, depending on which company you go with, where and when you book, and which tour option you choose. I saw prices quoted anywhere between $80 and $450 US for similar tours.

Avoid the cheapest companies, as many don’t provide essential services like an experienced guide, good sleeping bags, garbage pack-out, and a toilet tent.

You can save money by booking once you’re already on Lombok. Just make sure you know which Rinjani trekking company you’re going with so you can ask the essential questions and check their reviews.

If you don’t have time to wait around on Lombok looking for a tour with availability, it is best to book ahead . Check out some of the tours I’ve linked to on this page.

Rinjani Trekking Porters

Budget a little extra for tipping. After you see how hard your porters and guide work, you will be happy to supplement their incomes.

A minimum of 100,000 IDR (around $8 US) per guide/porter from each hiker is a good guideline.

Choose your Mount Rinjani trekking package carefully. Yes, you can pick up el cheapo tours after you arrive in Lombok but you tend to get what you pay for on Mount Rinjani.

I recommend ignoring the cheapest options and spending a little more to ensure you are comfortable and safe on the mountain.

Hajar Trekking took excellent care of us during our Mount Rinjani tour. We can enthusiastically recommend them.*

Hajar grew up in Senbaru and he cares deeply about the mountain and the future of tourism there. Our guide, Adi, was funny, informative, and always put our safety first.

He has been up the mountain hundreds of times, knows every rock and tree root on the trail, and was patient with our endless stops for photos and videos.

Mount Rinjani Trekking

The two porters who took care of us were just amazing, too, working their butts off to lug our camping gear and food up the mountain and to get our campsite set up and perfect before we arrived.

These are the things that should be included in your Rinjani trekking package. If they aren’t, look for another company.

  • One English-speaking, licensed, experienced guide
  • One porter per person in your group
  • Meals, snacks, soft drinks and water
  • Tent and sleeping bag
  • Transportation to and from any town on Lombok
  • Transportation between Senbaru and Sembalun
  • Hotel stay in Senbaru the night before the trek

Some companies provide a few nice-to-have extras. This is what we got:

A toilet tent allowed us to do our business in private and to bury our waste. Without a toilet tent, you take your chances in the bushes where privacy is very hard to come by.

A camping pillow which helped us get a better night’s sleep.

Two camping chairs that kept us out of the thick Rinjani dust at mealtimes.

Winter jackets to keep us warm at the top of the mountain. Even in August, the summit was around 5 degrees celsius! Brrrr.

We recommend having a good backpack for hiking as well .

Rinjani Trekking

Headlamps to make the ascent to the Rinjani summit possible. A headlamp leaves your hands free to carry trekking poles or help you scramble up the steepest sections.

Trekking poles to save your knees on the steep descents and give you extra ability to balance on the often treacherous trails.

Other Essential Questions To Ask About Your Rinjani Trekking Package

What do the porters carry? Usually, hikers carry all their personal items (clothes, toiletries etc) and the porters carry food, water and camping equipment.

What is the group size? We were on a private tour, but if you go with a group, be sure to ask about the group size. The larger groups on the trail tended to be noisy and experience more delays.

What do they do with garbage? You are going to go through a lot of food and water on the trail. Make sure your tour company pays their porters to carry your garbage out, instead of dumping it or burning it on the mountain. There is a lot of garbage on Rinjani – please don’t add to it!

Who runs the company? What is their story? We love to travel with private companies run by local people. They tend to care deeply about the environment and the longevity of their business and less about earning a quick buck.

Request trekking poles. We had never trekked with poles before but they were indispensable for this trip. They’ll help keep you upright through the sandy, slippery slopes and will save your knees after hours of steep descents.

Be prepared. The trail will probably be harder than you think. Take your time, stopping every few steps to catch your breath if you need to. If you just keeping taking the next step and then the next, you will eventually make it to the top. Read up on our top hiking tips for beginners for more help.

Be OK with not summiting. Don’t be ashamed to say “no” to the sunrise summit trek. Plenty of people don’t go up! If the first day nearly killed you, stay in your tent and rest. There is plenty of exciting hiking to come without risking injury or exhaustion just to see the summit.

Don’t get too cocky on the descent. The trail down is steep and precarious. It’s easy to slip and fall and even easier to injure your knees. Just because the porters are running down the trail in flip-flops doesn’t mean you have to do it too!

Be respectful. Try to stay aware on the trail, even when you’re exhausted. Let faster hikers go by you and always move over for porters. Remember, they are working while you are there for fun!

Don’t add to the Rinjani litter problem. It’s no secret that there is a lot of garbage on Mount Rinjani. Bring a ziplock bag with you and please pack out your own toilet paper, baby wipes, cigarette butts and other personal garbage. If you want to do more, bring a garbage bag and pick up rubbish along the trail.

Bring as little as possible. If you think you’ll survive without something, leave it behind! You’ll regret the extra weight when you’re on your 1200th metre of ascent for the day!

  • Hat, gloves & scarf (it’s very cold at the top)
  • Good hiking shoes (running shoes are not grippy enough)
  • Headlamp (for the night hike to the summit)
  • One/two sweat-wicking t-shirts
  • One pair of shorts
  • One pair of long pants
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Sun hat (if you don’t have one make this easy DIY hat )
  • Lip sunscreen (our lips got burned – not a good look)
  • Socks & undies
  • ID and cash for tipping

Optional items:

  • Base layer (it gets freaking cold at the summit)
  • Baby wipes (if you pack them in, pack them out)
  • Soap or hand sanitizer

That’s everything you need to know before you book your Rinjani trekking tour. If we missed something or if you have questions, ask away in the comments section below!

Disclaimer: We were guests of Hajar Trekking for our Rinjani trip. But we would never recommend something we didn’t love ourselves and you know Jarryd and Alesha wouldn’t let us get away with it either!

Mt Rinanji Pinterest Image

Jane And Stephen

Hi, We’re Alesha and Jarryd!

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Wow, this guide is incredibly detailed and informative! I’m planning to tackle Mount Rinjani in 2024 and this guide has already helped me so much in planning my trip. The route descriptions and tips on acclimatization are especially useful. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

The track to Rinjani is getting more and more difficult, bro, after a fairly large earthquake in Lombok, several trekking routes, especially from the lake to the Senaru Crater, were damaged and you need to be careful when climbing because rocks often fall.

thank you for promotion mount rinjani in lombok we hope many hiker come to rinjani.

We are currently in Lombok to do the hike. We went to the park office without guide, they refused to sell tickets. At least now you have to book a guide to enter.

Great post! I did the 27K race of the Rinjani 100 a few months ago. It’s pretty much the same thing only that you race up from Sembalun all the way to the crater rim and back with a cut-off time of 9 hours. It was one tough but incredible adventure! Love the blog, keep it up, guys.

Great article. Having hiked Gunung Rinjani back in my twenties (late 1990’s) with 4 experienced local friends it was interesting to read this report. Back then , we did not encounter a single “western” tourist (only 3 or 4 groups of religious pilgrims) or a single piece of rubbish throughout the 4 days (it was probably off season). We carried all the cooking gear and basic fishing equipment ourselves and had to rely on our most experienced group member to find the few scatterered water holes for our drinking water. Most of us were wearing flipflops though I think – and yes it was pretty hard, but youthful enthousiasm and maybe some guardian angels, made that everything went well and the sore muscles just ignored. With one of the guys I even made the sunrise summit hike, barefoot – too slippery for anything else. We spent a day or two resting and fishing carp until we couldn’t eat any more. The lake is considered sacred and so is a nearby mystic cave – I dearly hope they are still being taken care of….and it has not drowned in rubbish and disrespect. On the end of the last day, we did get a big scare: one of our friends had disappeared – with the owner of the very first and lonely litlle warung, I headed straight back to look for him as it was getting dark. Luckily we found him after about half an our, resting next to the path and suffering from exhaustion. In the end everything turned out fine. I have not been since, but reading this article, I would strongly recommend sticking to the recommendations of the article and please be respectful of this place – it is still considered a sacred place by many and who knows, leaving a silent private little prayer just for yourself will pay off more than leaving rubbish or nad vibes.

P.S. Unfortunately I have lost contact with my Chinese/Indonesian friends from Mataram – IF you are reading this by some huge coincidence, PLEASE contact me by email….

This article very helping. Thank you very much for share

We as Lombok people are very grateful for your advice to give tips to the porters. Their task is very heavy not comparable to their daily wages.

Mount rinjani Reopen Again Sice Mart In Same Time With Event Motogp In Lombok Indonesia, In This April are Many Trekker Do. Just We Share The Tips For You. If you would like To Hike You Have To Book Your Trip In Advance. Cause This yeas used Quota.

I missed so much the MIGHY RINJANI, Did summited twice, solo in 2017 and with my Girlfriend in 2018 as she wanna experienced it. and supposed to return again bringing a few gang in MAY 2020 but had to cancel due to covid.

Where does your luggage stay during the hike, at the hotel you stayed at the night before the hike or?

Hi JP, thanks for your comment. This is a guest post from our friends over at My Five Acres.

I am gathering that is what happens. You can arrange for you luggage to be stored there as long as you book a night there when you return from the hike. This is what has happened with other hikes we have done in other places. Sorry we can not help you more. Please let us know what your outcome is.

All the best.

I hope I will be there some day.

We hope so too. 🙂

This is Really Help full for me thanks A million

Glad the article was helpful. 🙂

Hi, any idea if mt rinjani is open to climb this year particularly in june?

Hi Joven, we are not too sure. Please contact the tour companies. They will be able to assist you. All the best

hi, have you got the certain information for rinjani open day, our schedule is June 1

Hi Sky, we are not too sure. Please contact the tour companies. They will be able to assist you. All the best

Wow, I did not know this place until I read this article. It makes me want to try.

Glad Jane and Stephen could help. 🙂

I plan to climb Rinjani this April, but I check the National Park website, they say they are still closing the climb until the time that has not been determined, I think this has something to do with the earthquake last July.

Maybe it might be or for the rainy season. Hope you get to climb Rinjani another time. 🙂

THANKS TO THIS POST I was able to do my hike to Mount Rinjani, I recently did a 2 days 1-night hike from the aik berik route(1 of the 4 legal routes), it was only a crater rim trek but its worth every second of it. it was a really spectacular experience!

We got the track and cloud forest waterfalls for ourselves because everyone still doesn’t know about it! the Aik Berik route is still ‘virgin’, clean, and not crowded.

Note: Aik Berik Village is the only available route until 2020, and the route will be closed from January to March, so you only have ONE MONTH to go before the mountain closed due to heavy rains.

FYI Aik berik is the only route you can enjoy on mount Rinjani, it’s not possible to reach the summit and the lake but still, you can enjoy Rinjani from a completely different angle. it is already opened on 19th November 2018 and I suggest you go trekking with an eco-friendly company such as since this new company has a mission to alleviate poverty around mount Rinjani. They took care of me and my friends from start to finish, they cook the most delicious Indonesian food! check them out.

Thank you so much for sharing. It sounds like you have a blast. Thanks for all the information.

Thank you very much for share the great article for Mount rinjani Trekking Information, Is very helpful and informative.

Glad the article was helpful. Thank you. 🙂

is the trek open at the begining of october?

Sorry not too sure Alina. You will have to contact the companies. This is a review on a tour one of our writers went on. All the best

Hi there, thanks for the informative article! I’m thinking of doing the Mt Rinjani hike in late October, would it be too cold up there? Also, I’m arriving in Bali on a Wednesday and leaving again on a Sunday. Would that be too little time to get to Lombok, do the trek and get back to Denpasar? Cheers, Angie

Hi Angie, That is exciting for your up coming trip. We are not to sure as we have not done this hike. Please contact Jane over at My Five Acres and she’ll be able to help. Thanks.

I appreciate your post – it really helped me prepare for doing it. I just got back, and while this is fresh in my mind, here are a few things you left out/glimpsed past that may help others:

-Bring a gaiter/handkerchief/face mask if you can – its lightweight but will protect against the insane amount of dust that will get into your mouth/eyes. I had black boogers every night, someone in my group got a piece of debris in her eye, and my throat was perpetually dry from all of the dust. I’d recommend the gaiter+handkerchief combo to battle sweat and dust. -The porters work so hard. I only know the figure for the guides – 35€/trip (3D/2N). The porters definitely make less. TIP YOUR PORTERS AND GUIDES. Yes, I get it, “well, I paid 1.X million and that should be enough”, and “well, they’re used to this”, is bullshit. The money means so much more to them than it does to you – back at home you’d not flinch at the idea of ordering a cup of coffee for 5€, so why not help a human being who is keeping you safe? -Bring a plastic bag to carry your/other rubbish with you. Especially the last day of the 3D/2B you’re only going down and it’s relatively easy (after your legs are jelly, granted) – if we all pitched in and helped pick up stuff and bring it down, the mountain would be so much cleaner. -Take your time and POUND water. For altitude poisoning, you usually take acetazilomide (diamox) to combat it (that’s what I did for my salkantay trek to machu picchu) but the Indonesians are not as aware – I couldn’t find it anywhere in the country. A natural way to help is to breathe deeply, take your time, and drink water like there’s no tomorrow. It’s not a race – it’s a test of will power!

Thank you so much for your tips and advice for future trekkers. 🙂

hi, thanks for the blog, loved to read it 🙂 I did the 4 day/3 night in 2006, just me and a guide plus a porter, starting from senaru going up the rain forest and coming down again through the savana to sembalun. It was an absolute awesome experience but I wish I had prepared better lol It was early in may and def the wrong time as the nights were brutally cold and the sleeping bag to thin to sleep on the bare ground of the tent. Luckily, I had brought some small heating pads which I put on my belly at night and a survival silver foil, otherwise I would not have made it. Another thing I didn’t know was the heavy rainfall up there at that time of the year, meaning being soaked was the norm starting on day 2 on the climb down the crater… it was always a big challenge to get my sneakers dry again and on the final descent on day 4, I simply gave up and did it in my flip flops like the guys. It rained and I had walk very carefully on the slippery grass that’s why it took us 7 hours to get down! Anyhow, it was a worthwhile experience and I hope to do it again, only this time better prepared. What worries me a bit is that there seems to be a run on rinjani in these days… that’s really bad news, when I went there were hardly any other people… so maybe the wrong time was the right time in the end 🙂

So glad you had a great time. Sounds like you had a great adventure. 🙂

I am going to this Mt. Rinjani trekking on this Saturday, 7th July 18 and this is my first time on trekking. Thanks for your useful information and would prepare for it. Anybody can advice, is there any telecom service provider (mobile phone line) during the journey to the summit?

Glad we could help. Jane wrote a great article for us. Not too sure about the telecom service. Maybe drop Jane any email over at My Five Acres. All the best

Extremely helpful article, many thanks guys.

I am traveling in August to Lombok and for sure will try with Mt Rinjani, and will definitely contact Hajar.

The only thing we’ve been told it’s full of trash….such a pity

Hi Alvin, could you please let us know how it was at this time of the year? I like to know about temperatures at night and how many people there were. Thanks in advance

Thanks for the information! I am traveling through Indonesia for two months (so my bagpack is VERY big!). Do you know if it is possible to leave some things at the hostel in Sembalun or I will have to carry my entire bagpack to Mt Rinjani?!?!

There definitely would be Maria. If not at your accommodation, I am sure you will be able to leave it at the tour company’s shop.

KINGS of the MOUNTAIN! Rinjani Trekking Club recently experienced the challenging climb to the top of the Rinjani mountain and would like to salute the fantastic supports extended by porter who help tourist and visitor achieve new heights.

Their incredible fitness allows them to climb, bare feet or with flip flops, and even sometimes run, with heavy loads of equipment and food to ensure the best comfort for visitors. When in difficulty in the last few hundred meters to the top, they patiently wait for you; when hungry, they cook for you; when tired they prepare your camp so that you can rest.

When you came across some groups of courageous climbers not using the support of the porter, you can be assured that their experience of the Mount Rinjani is much more demanding and somehow less enjoyable, since they do not have the comfort of climbing unloaded nor the company of truly warm and welcoming sasak people.

Hello, I’m Jamal

Thank you so much for your information for the trekking , its was helpful article for other climbers ,

Thanks again hope you’re well and good day

Glad we could help. Thanks

Very helpful article. Thank you so much Alesha & Jarryd 🙂 I’m going on 23-28 JUNE 2018. Coming sooooon~so nervous and excited now!!

So awesome. Have a great time. 🙂

Nice information on Rinjani. I don’t think you can get 80 USD for a 3D2N trek in Rinjani, maybe 2D1N to crater rim or something is possible.

Lovely article, very helpful!!

I’m dying to this hike; hopefully I’ll get to it this spring.

What do you reckon is the earliest the hike can be done after the rainy season?

Thanks so much for ready Ester. Our friend Jane wrote this article for us. It does sound like a wonderful hike. Your best option is to message her on Facebook . She’ll be happy to answer you questions. Happy travels. 🙂

Hi I’m Ronie From Rinjani – Lombok Mount Rinjani, Lombok’s highest peak ( 3726 m asl or 12,200 ft. ), draws religious pilgrim and adventure tourist alike. its crater frames a lake, which is 5 miles wide and known as segara anak, which means the lake of child. this crater also contains an active volcano, Gunung Baru.

Thank you for the information Ronie. 🙂

I was lucky enough to hike it in 1997 before the hoards of tourists discovered it. Spent one night in Senaru and went up from there. With no previous hiking experience, just a friend and one guide that we hired, it was physically challenging but SO worth it! I was lucky enough to hardly see many people on the mountain. I don’t think I’d like to do it now.

Wow Julie, what an experience. So happy you got there in the early years. Thank you for your comment. 🙂

Thanks you for sharing your experience. One day I will hike mount rinjani too.

Us too Mickel. It looks amazing. Jane and Stephen wrote a great article for us.

wooow….!That is a wonderfull experienced trek in rinjani Mountain and is a perfect information about All of Rinjani Trekking activity.

I’ve read all the climbers blogs that have been to Rinjani but the most complete info I’ve seen is on this blog. congratulations and success for you.

Thank you so much. Glad this post could help Herman. Jane and Stephen had a great time. Happy travels

Waow really nice article and good experienced. Thank you for your sharing

This looks like a great hike. I recently did a fantastic hike around the crater lake of Quitaloa in Ecuador; an exhilarating adventure in which I also had the chance to soak up plenty of local culture and knowledge.

It does doesn’t it. Jane and Stephen had a blast. We can not wait to trek it now. Your hike in Ecuador sounds amazing. We were in South America for most of the year but unfortunately didn’t see anything of Ecuador. We will have to go back. Happy travels Mark.

This was a brutal hike, but definitely worth it. I actually got a black eye on the hike down. 🙁 It was also before a 3-day music festival, so not a good look! haha

Oh no. How did you get a black eye? We are looking forward to trekking Mt Rinjani one day. Hope you had a blast at the music festival. Lest the trek wasn’t after the festival. 🙂

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Open Trip Rinjani Sembalun Torean 3H2M 4H3M Bulan Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember 2022

Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya milik Rabb semesta alam

Sehingga pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini kami ingin mengundang temen temen semuanya untuk mengikuti Open Trip Pendakian Gunung Rinjani Naik via Sembalun Turun via Torean selama Trekking 3H2M atau 4H3M yang bisa disesuaikan dengan jadwal libur temen temen semuanya.

Jadwal Pendakian 3H2M

Open trip gunung rinjani 2022 via sembalun - senaru - torean - aik berik bonus bukit merese, pantai kuta lombok, pantai tanjung aan dan desa sade, jadwal trip 2022,  juli 2022.

  • 01-05 Juli 2022
  • 08-12 Juli 2022
  • 15-19 Juli 2022
  • 22-26 Juli 2022


  • 03-07 Agustus 2022
  • 13-17 Agustus 2022
  • 17-21 Agustus 2022
  • 24-28 Agustus 2022


  • 01-05 September 2022
  • 08-12 September 2022
  • 15-19 September 2022
  • 21-25 September 2022


  • 05-09 Oktober 2022
  • 13-17 Oktober 2022
  • 19-23 Oktober 2022
  • 27-31 Oktober 2022


  • 03-07 November 2022
  • 09-13 November 2022
  • 17-21 November 2022
  • 24-28 November 2022


  • 01-05 Desember 2022
  • 09-13 Desember 2022
  • 15-19 Desember 2022
  • 20-25 Desember 2022
  • 26-30 Desember 2022
  • 28 Desember 2022 - 01 Januari 2023


  • Transportasi Jakarta, Yogyakarta ke Surabaya
  • Transportasi Surabaya ke Lombok ( kapal laut )
  • Transportasi Lombok ke Sembalun PP
  • Transportasi Sembalun ke Pintu Rimba PP
  • Transportasi Bukit Merese, Tanjung Aan dan Pantai Kuta Lombok
  • Rumah Singgah di Sembalun
  • Tiket Masuk Pendakian ( SIMAKSI Pendakian )
  • Guide ( Leader dan Sweeper )
  • Porter Grup / Team
  • Makan selama di pendakian
  • Teh + Kopi selam pendakian
  • PPPK ( P3K ) standart pendakian
  • HT (team) 

Tidak Termasuk

  • Sleeping Bag
  • Porter Pribadi ( bisa request )
  • Perlengkapan pribadi
  • Hal hal yang tidak kami sebutkan


Hari pertama trip hari persiapan pendakian.

  • 14.00 semua sudah kumpul di Bandara Lombok International Airport
  • 14.00-19.00 perjalanan menuju Sembalun
  • 19.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Kedua Trip Hari Pertama Pendakian

  • 05.00-07.00 bersih diri, makan pagi dan persiapan pendakian
  • 07.00-17.00 pendakian ke Plawangan Sembalun
  • 17.00-00.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Ketiga Trip Hari Kedua Pendakian

  • 00.00-01.00 prepare dan brifieng summit attack
  • 01.00-06.00 summit attak Puncak Anjani Gunung Rinjani 3.726 mdpl
  • 06.00-08.00 Xplore Puncak Anjani Gunung Rinjani 3.726 mdpl, free program
  • 08.00-10.00 turun kembali ke Plawangan Sembalun
  • 10.00-12.00 istirahat, makan dan prepare
  • 12.00-17.00 turun ke Danau Segara Anak
  • 17.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Keempat Trip Hari Ketiga Pendakian

  • 05.00-10.00 bersih diri, makan dan persiapan melanjutkan perjalanan
  • 10.00-17.00 pendakian kembali ke Plawangan dilanjutkan Turun di Senaru atau Torean
  • 17.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program di Senaru atau Torean

Hari Kelima Trip Hari Terakhir Trip

  • 05.00-07.00 bersih diri, makan pagi dan persiapan melanjutkan perjalanan
  • 07.00-15.00 perjalanan ke Bukit Merese dilanjutkan ke Pantai Tanjung Aan dilanjutkan ke Pantai Kuta Mandalika
  • 15.00-17.00 perjalanan ke Bandara Lombok International Airport atau Pelabuhan Lembar Lombok
  • Trip selesai
  • Sampai ketemu di Trip selanjutnya.


  • Itenerary program sebagai acuan pelaksanaan
  • Itenerary program berubah sesuai situasi dan kondisi
  • Bagi yang meeting point Surabaya maka kumpul di Stasiun Pasar Turi jam 11.00 dan finish lagi di Stasiun Pasar Turi sekitar jam 22.00

Jadwal Pendakian 4H3M

  • 01-06 Juli 2022
  • 08-13 Juli 2022
  • 15-20 Juli 2022
  • 22-27 Juli 2022
  • 03-08 Agustus 2022
  • 13-18 Agustus 2022
  • 17-22 Agustus 2022
  • 24-29 Agustus 2022
  • 01-06 September 2022
  • 08-13 September 2022
  • 15-20 September 2022
  • 21-26 September 2022
  • 05-10 Oktober 2022
  • 13-18 Oktober 2022
  • 19-24 Oktober 2022
  • 27 Oktober - 01 November 2022
  • 03-08 November 2022
  • 09-14 November 2022
  • 17-22 November 2022
  • 24-29 November 2022
  • 01-06 Desember 2022
  • 09-14 Desember 2022
  • 15-20 Desember 2022
  • 20-26 Desember 2022
  • 26-31 Desember 2022
  • 28 Desember 2022 - 02 Januari 2023
  • Trasportasi Jakarta, Yogyakarta ke Surabaya
  • 10.00-08.00 istirahat di Plawangan Sembalun
  • 06.00-08.00 istirahat, makan dan prepare
  • 08.00-13.00 turun ke Danau Segara Anak
  • 13.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Kelima Trip Hari Keempat Pendakian

  • 05.00-08.00 bersih diri, makan dan persiapan melanjutkan perjalanan
  • 08.00-17.00 pendakian kembali ke Plawangan dilanjutkan Turun di Senaru atau Torean
  • 18.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program di Senaru atau Torean

Hari Keenam Trip Hari Terakhir Trip

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Paket Pendakian Gunung

Package corporate, package honeymoon, safary trip, formulir kontak, xplore wisata.

XploreWisata merupakan salah satu jasa penyedia jasa layanan guide dan porter pendakian gunung.



Rinjani open trip 4 days 3 nights via sembalun.

Start IDR 2.990.000 Per Person

Rinjani Sharing Open Trip

We’re Sorry!

Rinjani open trip package 4 days 3 nights is currently unavailable., only private tour packages are offered.

We have arranged this Rinjani Open Trip so that you can enjoy the natural beauty of Mount Rinjani with a cost-sharing system.

This 4 Days 3 Nights trip is arranged with a trekking program of 3 days 2 nights where the day before is the time needed to travel to Sembalun Village and spend the night in the highest village on the island of Lombok.

So what are you waiting for! Book now and set your foot on the peak of 3726 masl Mount Rinjani!

Rinjani Open Trip Schedule

Rinjani open trip itinerary, day 1: lombok international airport – senaru village (d).

  • Meeting point at Lombok International Airport at 12.00 WITA (afternoon departure)
  • Head to Senaru Village, North Lombok, about 2.5 hours drive while shopping for your personal needs
  • Check in inn and free program until dinner time

Day 2: Senaru Village – Bawaq Nao – Plawangan Sembalun (L & D)

  • Breakfast at the inn, registration then start trekking at 08.00 WITA
  • The first route is to Pos 1 for approximately 2 hours, rest for a while then continue the journey to Pos 2
  • Lunch is served at Pos 2 or Pos 3 depending on the time (flexible)
  • After lunch, the journey continues by climbing the Hill of Regret to Plawangan Sembalun
  • Around 17.00 WITA arrived at Plawangan Sembalun, built a tent then rested

Day 3: Plawangan Sembalun – Top Of Rinjani – Segara Anak Lake (B, L & D)

  • The journey to the top starts at 01.00 WITA in the morning, you will be woken up and ready to climb to the top of Rinjani 3726 masl
  • Around 06.00 WITA you are back in Plawangan Sembalun
  • Breakfast and rest for a while then the journey continues with a downward track to Lake Segara Anak
  • Arrive at Segara Anak Lake at 16.00 WITA, build a tent, rest and free program (you can also go to a hot spring to relax your body or take pictures with the background of Anak Gunung Baru Jari)

Day 4: Segara Anak Lake – Torean Village – Hotel/Airport (B & L)

  • Wake up at 06.00 WITA, have breakfast, then prepare to return (via the Torean Line)
  • Lunch on the way to Torean Village, depending on time (flexible)
  • After lunch the journey continues back to Torean Village
  • Arriving at Torean Village around 17.00 WITA then you will be picked up by our transportation to Mataram City (for those who spend the night in Mataram) or the airport (maximum 21.00 WITA)
  • Program completed
  • Professional Guide and Porter
  • Lodging in Senaru Village on the first day (before trekking)
  • Trekking equipment (tent, toilet tent, and cooking equipment)
  • Eight meals during the program according to the itinerary above, including on the mountain cooked by our porter
  • Fruits, snacks, mineral water and hot drinks during the hike
  • Twice transport (Airport – Senaru Village) (Senaru Village – Hotel in Mataram/Senggigi or directly to the airport)
  • Mount Rinjani National Park entrance ticket
  • First Aid Standard
  • Airfare and airport tax
  • Lodging on the fourth day
  • Other personal expenses
  • Tipping for guides and porters

Customer Testimonials


  • In each Rinjani Open Trip program, it will be handled directly by several guide and porters.
  • Participants 1 – 5 people using 1 guide
  • Participant 6 – 10 people using 2 guide
  • Participants 1 persons using 1 porters
  • Participants 2 – 4 people using 2 porters
  • Participants 5 – 6 people using 3 porters
  • Participants 7 – 8 people using 4 porters
  • Participants 9-10 people using 5 porters
  • Participants 1 – 4 people using Avanza
  • Participants 5 – 6 people use Innova
  • Participants 7 – 10 people use Toyota Hiace

Equipment Participants Must Bring

  • Daypack 45 litre, sleeping bag and mattress
  • Personal Clothing + Spare; Warm Shirt (Sweeter Etc.) & Long Pants (as needed)
  • Camera / Handycam
  • Bath & Worship Equipment
  • Raincoat / Raincoat
  • Trekking Shoes & Sandals (Strong and not too narrow shoes)
  • Thick Socks, Gloves, Head Gloves & Field Cap
  • Headlamp/Flashlight
  • Sunglasses & Sunblock (If any)
  • Personal Additional Food and Drink
  • Personal Medicines & Tiger Balm / Muscle Spray (for muscle pain)
  • It is not recommended to join the Rinjani open trip program for participants who have shortness of breath, coronary heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, Vertigo indications and other dangerous diseases.
  • It is recommended to warm up before starting the climb at least 7 days before joining the Rinjani open trip program.

Terms and Conditions

  • The price above is valid without minimum quota. Even thought there is 1 participant, the open trip continues.
  • Registration of participants is done by paying a down payment of IDR 1.450,000 and the rest is paid a maximum of 1 day before the open trip takes place.
  • Each participant who registers will be included in the whatsapp group to facilitate communication between The Langkah Travel Team and Rinjani open trip participants.
  • Participants who have not paid a down payment are considered to have not registered and have not been included in the WhatsApp group.
  • The DP that has been transferred by the participant will be forfeited if the cancellation occurs at the participant’s own will.
  • Participants who cancel the open trip are allowed to find a replacement on the condition that the replacement participant is searched for by the canceled participant.
  • If the cancellation occurs because of the Force Majore or because it is canceled by us, we will refund 100% of the participant’s DP.
  • Prospective participants are considered to understand

See also: Another Open Trip/Sharing Cost Program in Lombok Island

Lombok Sharing Open Trip 3 Days 2 Nights

Lombok Open Trip 3 Days 2 Nights

Start IDR 1.360.000 Per Person

PT Langkah Liburan Bersama

© 2024 PT Langkah Liburan Bersama

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Mount Rinjani via Torean Route

Mount Rinjani via Torean Route

Bahasa Melayu, English

About this tour

Having a height of 3,726 meters above sea level, Rinjani is lined up as the second-highest volcano in the world. So, did you know that since April 1 2021, the Mount Rinjani National Park Center has added two official climbing routes: Tete Batu and Torean. Completing the four official hiking trails that already existed: Sembalun, Senaru, Aik Berik, and Timbanuh. Between the two official routes which were only inaugurated a few months ago, Torean is predicted to be the favorite route for climbers to descend from the top of Rinjani and spend the night at Segara Anak Lake.

  • RM1100 per pax (min 5 pax to proceed)
  • RM 900 per pax (6 – 10 pax)
  • RM 850 per pax (10 – 15 pax)
  • RM 800 per pax (15 – 20 pax)

Required minimum 5 pax to proceed

Meetup location

Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok

Pick you own date. Best time to explore between April to June

For more info, Click HERE to chat

Booking terms

Booking must be made at least 14 days before trip

Refund and cancellation

Non refundable unless the trip is cancelled

  • Trip organiser will add you into Whatsapp group for ease of communication.
  • There might be participants from other group will join in this trip
  • Please purchase your flight ticket before or after you book this trip
  • The unique Segara Anak Lake
  • Majestic Penimbungan Falls


  • Transport (Van in Lombok)
  • Accommodation
  • Guide/Porter (Group)
  • Shelter/Carrymat/Sleeping Bag
  • Meals during trekking
  • Personal expenses
  • Meals outside trekking
  • Travel Insurance

0200pm: Arrival in Lombok Airport 0300pm: Free and Easy and outdoor store shopping 0600pm: Depart to Sembalun Base Camp

0800am: Briefing 0900am: Start hike 1100am: Arrive at Pos 1 1200am: Arrive at Pos 2 0200pm: Arrive at Pos 3 0600pm: Arrive at Plawangan Sembalun campsite (2641m)

0200am: Summit attack 0600am: Rinjani Peak (3726m) 0900am: Descend to Plawangan Sembalun campsite 1100am: Rest and lunch 1200pm: Camping at Danau Segara Anak

0600am: Breakfast 0700am: Move out via Torean 1100am: Gua Susu and Gua Taman junction 0300pm: Arrive at Kokok Putih River 0400pm: Arrive at Penimbungan Falls 0500pm: Arrive at Pos 1 0600pm: Arrive at Dusun Torean

0700am: Trekking to Tiup Kelap Waterfall 0900am: Transfer to Lombo Airport 1200pm: Arrive at Airport

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Green Rinjani Lombok

Rinjani Trekking Route Mount Rinjani trekking route recommended 2022

After the earthquake that hit Lombok Island in 2018, Mount Rinjani was closed to climbers due to landslides. Several months after the earthquake, the government, through the management of Mount Rinjani, repaired the climbing route.

open trip rinjani 2022

After the trekking trail was repaired and declared safe for visitors. Although there are some steep parts compared to before the earthquake.

Do you have a plan to visit Mount Rinjani this year?

Here 3 different trekking routes Recommended for you:

  • Sembalun trekking routes
  • Senaru trekking routes
  • Torean trekking routes

Sembalun Trek route

If you would like to start the trekking from Sembalun village. We will start from 1.100 meters to 2.639 meters above sea level at Sembalun Crater Rim. From these trekking routes, the climbers will pass through a wide expanse of Savanna. Amazing views also will be found along the way when the weather is sunny.

open trip rinjani 2022

There are 4 resting posts on this route, and after heading 3 climbers will face a steep incline which is called Regret Hill with a slope of about 60 degrees. When descending the participants will go through the Senaru route, on this Senaru route climbers can see the full view leading to Lake Segara Anak, Mount Baru Jari, and the peak of Mount Rinjani from Senaru crater. Senaru crater rim is the best spot for sunset

open trip rinjani 2022

Along the way on Sembalun trekking routes, 4 resting posts will be passed 1. Post 1 1,300m altitude monitoring 2. Post 2 tenngean 1,500m high 3. post 3 on a balloon with an altitude of 1,800 m 4. Post 4 altitude 2100 m 5. Pelawangan sembalun ( sembalun crater rim camping area ) 2,639m

open trip rinjani 2022

Senaru Trek route

This is by far the most used route as it allows the (relatively) less strenuous trek to the crater rim only. You start at an elevation of 600 m in Senaru village, normally in the late morning or early afternoon, and make the 6 hour ascent to the crater rim before dark.

First part of the trek is through tropical rain forest. Look and listen out for the lutung, or black monkey, swinging through the trees in the late morning.

open trip rinjani 2022

They are extremely shy, unlike the common macaques which may gather near rest stops waiting for scraps. The route passes through POSII at 1,500 m, breaches the treeline at 2,000 m (POSIII) and then it is a bit of slog up gravel paths to the camp site just below the crater rim at 2,600 m.

There is no clear path at the last section nearing the crater rim, at an incline of 45 degrees. There is a POS Extra after POS 3, but it is pretty much gone, and the remaining bits have been chopped up by porters as firewood.

If that has not sapped all of your energy you can then make a very precarious descent down to the shores of the crater lake and bath in the hot waters. You need some confidence to do this as it is a steep descent of 600+ m using handrails and ropes.

And then it is back to Senaru the way you came. Local guides claim going down is faster, but speed varies for individuals.

Patience is vital for first timers, as it can get frustrating watching porters sail past you with their load balanced on one shoulder, clad in slippers or even walking barefoot. Descent from POS Extra to POS 3 can be slippery when weather is dry, as scree tends to give way under your feet.

From POS 3 to POS 2, the descent can take 1.5 to 2 hours, as Savannah grasslands fades away, and the humidity and heat from the tropical rain forest begins to set in.

There is an option to go on to Plawangan II where you overnight again before making the ascent to the absolute summit. This is not especially recommended from the Senaru side though. If you want to get to the top, the climb to Plawangan II is best made from Sambulan Lawang

Torean Trek Route

New trekking route from Torean village 40 minutes from Senaru village West Lombok. Torean trekking route really famous for trekkers who want to direct to The lake in the same days.

The trails flatter then Senaru or from Sembalun route, but the trekking route is more longer then another trekking route. Its take about 9 hours walking in total, from starting point to the lake camping area. The trail is nice and fantastic.

open trip rinjani 2022

After earthquake 2018 this trekking route the most used route as it allows the (relatively) less strenuous trek to the lake.

We will start at an elevation of 585 m in Torean village in early morning and make the 9-10 hour ascent to the LAKE before dark.

First part of the trek is through tropical rain forest. We will found Lutung or black monkey, swinging through the trees in the late morning. They are extremely shy, unlike for the common macaques which may gather near rest stops waiting for scraps.

The route passes through PINTU MASUK at 779 m, breaches the tree line at 821m ( POS I ) and then it is a bit of long up paths to the next ( POST 2 ) Birisan nangka At 1.078m and form this point to get in to the next stop we have passes the famous waterfall ( Penimbungan waterfall ) at 1,299m.

Continue walking to the (post 3 ) 1,355 m and still walking up to get in to Pelawangan Torean ( babanan propok ) 1585m And after take water break at Propok we continue walking up and down hill to the lake camp 2.000m.

We offers three option trekking packages starting from Torean village end Senaru village or Sembalun village. All trekking option will show different view and atmosphere



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open trip rinjani 2022

Open Trip Rinjani Trekking 4 Days

Open trip trekking mount rinjani 4 days, 3 nights.

Open Trip Trekking Mount Rinjani 4 days, 3 nights is the most adventurous trip to explore the Mount Rinjani National Park with a low budget price .

The route starts in Sembalun Lawang and finishes in North Senaru Village, covering Sembalun village , Crater Rim Sembalun (2639m), the summit of Mount Rinjani (3,726 m), Segara Anak Lake, Hot Springs, Senaru Crater Rim Senaru (2641m), and walking in savanna and tropical rain forest.

Minimum participant booking: 2 persons. We will share you with other clients to join the trek, and you will meet others in Sembalun on the day of trekking.

open trip rinjani 2022

Itinerary: Open Trip Rinjani Trekking 4 Days

Day.01. airport or hotel senaru village ( senaru home stay).

  • Transfer to senaru village & overnight at senaru home stay (exclusive Lunch & dinner)

Day 02. Hotel seneru – sembalun – crater rim sembalun  (breakfast at home stay, lunch, dinner at mountain)

  • Breakfast at hotel Senaru , 07.00 AM Transfer to sembalun arrive at sembalun at 08.00 am
  • 08. 00 Registration at Rinjani Information Center (RIC) 1051m
  • 09.00 Start the trek to POS 1 (Pos Pemantauan 1.300 M) 2 hours walk, take a rest 10 minutes at POS 1
  • Walk to POS 2 for 1 hour (Pos Tengengean 1.500m), take a rest 10 minutes
  • Continue to POS 3 (Pada Balong 1.800m), a 1-hour walk. Lunch will be prepared at POS 3 and take a rest for 2 hours.
  • Continue the 3-hour heading to Crater Rim (Plawangan Sembalun 2,639m), have dinner and overnight at Crater Rim Sembalun, and enjoy the sunset and sunrise the next day.

Day 03. crater rim sembalun – summit- lake segara anak-crater rim senaru  (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner at mountain)

  • Wake up at 02.30 am, breakfast, at 03.00 am climb up the top of Mount Rinjani.
  • Heading Summit Rinjani (3.726m), walking time approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes
  • From the summit, you can see all of Lombok Island, Bali, Sumbawa, and Segara Anak Lake
  • Back to camp to get breakfast
  • Walk down to Segara Anak Lake and Hot Spring water for 3 hours
  • Lunch will be provided by the Lake Segara Anak, hot spring water just a walk 100m from Lake
  • After enjoying the hot spring water, prepare to climb up to the crater Rim of Senaru 3 hour’s walk
  • The camp will prepare on the Crater Rim of Senaru, and enjoy an incredible sunset over the mountain Agung in Bali.
  • Enjoy Dinner and take a rest

Day 04. Crater rim Senaru- Senaru village ( breakfast and Lunch at mountain)

  • After breakfast and enjoying the sunrise prepare to walk down to Senaru village
  • Lunch will prepare on the way between POS 2 or POS EXTRA.
  • Arrive at Senaru Rinjani Trekking Centre around 13.00 PM.
  • Prepare your self for transfer to Senggigi, Mataram, or Bangsal harbor

4 days rinjani trekking

How to book: Open Trip Rinjani Trekking 4 Days

  • Fill out the reservation form in the section below or contact us via What’s App at +62 818365070.
  • We will process your booking and send you an online invoice via email or What’s App.
  • Please finalize the payment (  Terms and conditions ). For more details, please refer to the payment methods section.
  • Present your voucher (e-voucher or printed version) on-site. Happy Trekking

open trip rinjani 2022

Price includes: Open Trip Rinjani Trekking 4 Days

  • Mountain guide & porter
  • Trekking equipment.
  • Ticket mount Rinjani
  • 1 liter Per day
  • Transport airport or hotel- senaru – sembalun one  way
  • Home stay one night at senaru
  • Meal on trekking only

 Price excludes:

  • Alcohol beverage
  • Personal purchase, tipping guide & porter
  • Hotel or home stay after trekking.
  • Transport to next destination after trekking from senaru
  • Extra porter

Note : Open Trip Rinjani Trekking 4 Days

  • These trekking program will organize by our third party, You can not get better service like private program
  • Pick up service from airport or kuta area to senaru one way additional IDR. 150.000 per person

Items that must be Prepared to Trek mount Rinjani Male or female 

  • Gym shorts (for walking)
  • Long leggings (for sleeping)
  • Long pair of the warm pant (1)
  • Pair of underwear for each day (1)
  • Pair of socks for each day (1)
  • Short-sleeved shirt (1)
  • Long-sleeved shirts/ hood less (depending on how cool you get 1-2)
  • Rain jacket
  • Trekking poles (2)
  • Head torch or hand torch (1)
  • Pair of flip flops (to wear at camp)
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Facial cream
  • Emergency toilet paper (essential)
  • Hairband (women)
  • Sports bra (1)

Important Notes: Open Trip Rinjani Trekking 4 Days

  • Minimum participant 2 persons
  • If participant stays in Kuta area additional fare transport IDR 250.000 one way.
  • This trekking program is not suitable for beginner trekkers.
  • Required a good level of fitness and strong walks.
  • Trekking is not allowed for children under 5 years old.
  • People with mountain sickness or height phobias are not allowed to join this trek.

Contact US FOR bookings OR information.

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Rinjani Backpacker Club Package

Welcome to Rinjani Backpacker Club Senaru Lombok

Are you a backpacker and planning to climb mount rinjani in a group and try new adventurers to conquer mount rinjani with the lowest price and the best service according to expectations come join us with the availability of packages every day..

Our professional team, consisting of drivers, guides, and porters as the backbone of Rinjani Trekking and Hike Services, is dedicated to ensuring that your journey to the summit is not only safe and comfortable but also unforgettable.

We explore, enjoy, and preserve Wonderful and Great Mount Rinjani. Our Club members are passionate about Trekking and Hiking! Our mission also includes education about the wilderness and advocacy for important conservation issues. In addition, we take pride in maintaining the Sustainability of the Rinjani National Park, keeping it clean and free from trash to remain sustainable.

With our comprehensive package services, we take care of everything from transportation, accommodation, food, and experienced guides, so all you have to worry about is enjoying the breathtaking views and making memories to last a lifetime at Cheap Rinjani Trekking Package.

We are provide Rinjani Package with Private Package and Share on a group option (affordable and cheap price with best quality) in  2 Days 1 Night  to Summit only, the  3 Days 2 Nights Package , which includes a tour to the Rinjani Peak, Segara Anak Lake, Hot Spring water, or the  Rinjani 4 Days 3 Nights  Package that we specifically designed for family tours or Asian trekkers who want to make Mount Rinjani Trekking unforgettable.

Popular Mount Rinjani Trekking Destination For Backpacker On Map

Choose your best destination on Mount Rinjani with the Rinjani Backpacker Club, in a variety of affordable choice service packages guaranteed quality of service within 2 to 4 days

Summit Rinjani

It has an altitude of 3726 MASL and is a favorite destination for climbers with challenging tracks

Hot Spring Water

If you choose the 3-4 day package, then you will find this destination as a place to take a warm bath to refresh your body

Rinjani Backpacker Club

Segara Anak Lake

Formed from the remnants of the eruption of Mount Samalas, as a fishing spot by trekkers

Senaru Crater Rim

A camping spot with stunning sunset and sunrise views, can see the lake, Rinjani summit and Mount Agung Bali Summit from there

We Are Proudly Prsent For Best Price and Best Service Of Mount Rinjani Trekking For Backpacker And Solo Hiker

open trip rinjani 2022

2 Days 1 Night

  • Durations : 3 Days (Arrival Day + 2 Days in Mountain)
  • Level : Advance
  • Starting Point: Sembalun Village Route
  • Finished: Sembalun Village, estimated at 3:00 - 3:30pm

Contact Rinjani Backpacker Club

3 Days 2 Nights

  • Duration: 4 Days (Arrival Day + 3 Days in Mountain)
  • Level: Advanced
  • Finished: Senaru Village, estimated at 12:00 - 1:00pm

Rinjani Hike 4days and 3nights For Asian Trekker

4 Days 3 Nights

  • Duration: 5 Days (Arrival Day + 4 Days in Mountain)
  • Level: Beginner - Advanced
  • Finished: Senaru Village, estimated at 11:00 - 12:00

open trip rinjani 2022

  • Duration: 3 Days (Arrival Day + 2 Days in Mountain)
  • Starting Point: Senaru Village Route

Get Special Offers By Contacting Us Directly Here

What are the reasons for choosing our service.

We provide a wide selection of Mount Rinjani Trekking and Hike packages with the best price offers and satisfying service and are very friendly for Backpackers who have limited budgets.

Easy To Book

Insurance covered, expert local guide, green environmental, all services provided, backpacker friendly price, what's customers say about rinjani backpacker club.


Useful Info About Mount Rinjani Trekking Activity Must Know Before You Go

Rinjani Trekking Preparation

Rinjani Trekking Preparation

Rinjani Trekking Preparation : Mountain Trekking and Hiking has become a popular activity for all ages. However, considering the terrain

Rinjani Trekking Senaru Route to senaru Rim via Black Monkey Forest Trail

Rinjani Trekking Senaru Route Info

The Rinjani Trekking Senaru Route is one of the most popular hiking routes on Mount Rinjani, located on the island

Package Mount Rinjani Trekking Price 2023

Rinjani Trekking Price 2023 : Discover the Best Package

Rinjani Trekking Price 2023: Are you an adventure lover and looking for a thrilling experience? Do you have a keen

Rinjani Trekking equipment, Conquering Mount Rinjani on a Backpacker Plan

What kind of Rinjani Trekking equipment needs to be brought?

Rinjani Trekking equipment needs What kind of Rinjani Trekking equipment needs to be brought? : When climbing a mountain, a

Conquering Mount Rinjani on a Backpacker Plan

Conquering Mount Rinjani: A Backpacker’s Guide to the Ultimate Adventure

Conquering Mount Rinjani on a Backpacker Plan: Mount Rinjani, standing tall in Indonesia, beckons adventure enthusiasts from around the globe.

How to Get Rinjani Trek from Bali and Gili Trawangan?

How to Get Rinjani Trek from Bali and Gili Trawangan?

If you are currently in Bali or Padangbai and Gili Trawangan, but want to continue your trip and adventure to

Visit Mount Rinjani



Why choose us.

  • Best Service: We respectfully provide our best service during your trips, since your satisfaction is our top priority
  • Convenient Transportation: Our car is equipped with air conditioning and an experienced driver.
  • Professional and Reliable: Our team works incredibly professionally and responsibly for your climb!
  • Best Hotels: We provide comfortable hotels that are near to the natural landscapes that you may tour before climbing.
  • First Party Company; We are a company based on the island of Lombok that will coordinate your tour without the involvement of the second or third parties. 
  • Best Service, Friendly Prices.


open trip rinjani 2022

Senaru Crater Rim (2 Days 1 Night Package)

open trip rinjani 2022

Summit Program (2 Days 1 Night Package)

open trip rinjani 2022

Full Trek (3 Days 2 Nights Package)

open trip rinjani 2022

Extra Time (4 Days 3 Nights package)

The drone package.

open trip rinjani 2022

The map of Mount Rinjani

open trip rinjani 2022

More than 340k followers on Instagram

Mount Rinjani


727 349,723

#1 Rinjani Information & Trekking Partner

Standby at the VIP Parking Area of Lombok Airport. Today, we are picking up nine international tourists from Singapore 🇸🇬 #visitmountrinjani

open trip rinjani 2022

Standby at the VIP Parking Area of Lombok Airport. Today, we are picking up nine international tourists from Singapore 🇸🇬 #visitmountrinjani ...

The best views of Mount Rinjani can be seen in the full video on the Visit Mount Rinjani YouTube Channel. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani

The best views of Mount Rinjani can be seen in the full video on the Visit Mount Rinjani YouTube Channel. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani

The best views of Mount Rinjani can be seen in the full video on the Visit Mount Rinjani YouTube Channel. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani ...

Breakfast time 🍽️ #mountrinjani

Breakfast time 🍽️ #mountrinjani

Breakfast time 🍽️ #mountrinjani ...

Standing at the top of Mount Rinjani #3726mdpl #mountrinjani

Standing at the top of Mount Rinjani #3726mdpl #mountrinjani

Standing at the top of Mount Rinjani #3726mdpl #mountrinjani ...

Make It Real 🌋 🇸🇬

Make It Real 🌋 🇸🇬

Make It Real 🌋 🇸🇬 ...

The best view at Mount Rinjani 🌋🌥️

The best view at Mount Rinjani 🌋🌥️

The best view at Mount Rinjani 🌋🌥️ ...

Thank you for choosing our company as your partner for the Mount Rinjani trek. #mountrinjani #visitmountrinjani

Thank you for choosing our company as your partner for the Mount Rinjani trek. #mountrinjani #visitmountrinjani

Thank you for choosing our company as your partner for the Mount Rinjani trek. #mountrinjani #visitmountrinjani ...

Great Team, Excellent Service #rinjani

Great Team, Excellent Service #rinjani

Great Team, Excellent Service #rinjani ...


Our trekking packages include pick-up services and accommodation at one of our best accommodations in Senaru.

open trip rinjani 2022

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Member of PT. Netcruiser Multimedia Network


Mount Rinjani Open Trip 2024 Via Sembalun – Torean Trails

USD / Person

  • 4 Days / 3 Nights
  • Shared Trip

Limited Slots! Our 4 Days 3 Nights Rinjani Open Trip Package for 2024 is a guaranteed go, designed to offer a more affordable trekking experience.

The package includes transportation from the airport to the village of Sembalun and from Sembalun to the city of Mataram/Senggigi.

Accommodation in Sembalun (on the first day) is also covered in this open trip package.

Take advantage of the Rp. 200,000/person cashback program for those who register a minimum of 4 people at once with full payment in advance for open trip schedules at least 5 months ahead.

Rinjani Open Trip Schedule 2024

Choose a date that suits your holiday, because quotas are very limited.

  • 12-15 April 2024
  • 9-12 May 2024
  • 23-26 May 2024
  • 13-16 June 2024
  • 11-14 July 2024
  • 15-18 August 2024
  • 13-16 September 2024
  • 17-20 October 2024
  • 14-17 November 2024
  • 26-29 Desember 2024

Rinjani Open Trip Itinerary

This Rinjani open trip itinerary lasts for 4 Days and 3 Nights (3 Days and 2 Nights of Trekking), starting via Sembalun and finishing via Torean.

We have designed this Rinjani itinerary to the best of our abilities for your satisfaction. However, if you desire any changes during the trek, please consult with our guide.

Make sure you choose a flight as early as possible because pick-up at the airport as a meeting point is only until 12:00 WITA. The journey to Sembalun village only takes a maximum of 3 hours. Continue with lodging checkin. Please rest or enjoy the surrounding views.

We will start climbing as early as possible so that we have enough time to enjoy the beautiful panorama during the Rinjani climb.

It took 2 hours to get to post 1 Rinjani. There we will rest for a moment while enjoying the surrounding views before continuing the climb to post 2

During the day, around 12.00 to 13.00 local time, arrive at post 3. Please stretch while waiting for our guide and porter to prepare lunch and hot drinks.

From post 3, it's time to continue to Pelawangan Sembalun (Rinjani Ridge) which takes around 3 hours.

At Pelawangan Sembalun our porter and guide set up a tent and prepared dinner.

In this place you can see the beauty of Lake Segara Anak and Mount Rinjani from a height.

At night we suggest you immediately rest for the more difficult climb to the top of Rinjani.

At around one in the morning, our guide will wake you up to start climbing to the top of Rinjani 3726 MDPL.

At around five or six in the morning you can be at the top of Mount Rinjani, greeted by a luxurious golden sunset.

Return to Pelawangan Sembalun to fill your stomach as provisions for the journey to Lake Segara Anak which can take approximately 3 hours.

At around twelve o'clock in the afternoon we arrived at Segara Anak and set up a tent on the edge of Segara Anak lake.

There are many activities that can be done at Segara Anak Lake, such as fishing, taking a warm bath, burning a campfire while grilling fish, looking at the stars which appear very clear and close to the milkyway.

  • A 50% down payment is required to secure your slot, with the balance due upon airport pickup.
  • The down payment will be fully refunded (100%) in the event of force majeure, such as a volcanic eruption that necessitates the cancellation of the trek. However, there will be no refunds for unilateral cancellations by participants.
  • Cashback promotions will be paid after the trip is completed.
  • You may find a replacement participant if you are unable to go on the trek.
  • If the cancellation is due to force majeure or if it is canceled by our side, we will refund the participant's down payment 100%.
  • Porters only carry team equipment, not personal belongings of the participants.
  • We provide mattresses and sleeping bags, but it is the responsibility of the participants to bring their own.
  • You must be willing to share a tent with other participants.
  • By securing your slot, you are confirming your agreement to the above terms and conditions.

Rinjani Open Trip Conditions

  • A 50% Down Payment is required to secure the slot, with the remaining balance to be settled 7 days before the selected trekking date.
  • The Down Payment will be fully refunded (100%) in the event of force majeure circumstances such as a volcanic eruption resulting in the cancellation of the trek. However, there will be no refund for unilateral cancellations by participants.
  • The trip concludes at your hotel/homestay in the Mataram City area.
  • It’s not possible to catch flights on the last day, so please book your flight at least h+1 after the trip ends.
  • Hotel or homestay on the last day is not included in this package.
  • Cashback promo will be paid after the trip ends.
  • You may find a replacement participant if it’s not feasible for you to go on the trek.
  • If cancellation occurs due to Force Majeure or is canceled by us, the participant’s down payment will be fully refunded.
  • Porters only carry team equipment, not personal belongings of participants.
  • We provide mattresses and sleeping bags, but bringing them is the participant’s responsibility.
  • We provide a toilet tent for the group, but please don’t expect more facilities as we are in nature. You need to dig soil and bring your own water or tissues.
  • Be prepared to share a tent with other participants.
  • By securing your slot, you have agreed to the terms and conditions above.
  • airport pick-up
  • Senggigi / Mataram Hotel Drop Off
  • One Day Stay at a Homestay
  • Trekking Gear (Tent, Sleeping Bag, matress, toilet tent dan nesting)
  • 8 Times Healthy & Nutritious Food
  • Tea & Coffee
  • First Aid Kit
  • Accommodation on the fourth day
  • Personal Medicine
  • Jacket & Wind Breaker Suit
  • Sun protector dan UV filter
  • Trekking Shoes

Things to Bring

  • Identification cards such as an ID card (KTP), passport, or driver’s license for administrative purposes and climbing permits.
  • Carrier bag with a minimum capacity of 45 liters.
  • Trekking shoes and sandals.
  • Mountain jacket and warm clothing.
  • Spare of clothes.
  • Medications if you have a specific medical history.

Mount Rinjani Open Trip Price

For just USD 200 per person, you can enjoy a trip with facilities equivalent to USD 400 per person. Even more with the cashback program we offer.

The trekking route map

air terjun penimbungan torean rinjani

Swim With Whale Shark in Saleh Bay Waters

Update destinations and new exciting things.

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Your travel partner on Lombok Island for more than 10 years.

Main Services

  • Lombok Tours
  • Mount Rinjani Trekking
  • Rinjani Open Trip

Other Services

  • Rinjani Photographer
  • Live Streaming
  • Documentation
  • Drone Rental
  • Bike Rental

6 Paket Open Trip Rinjani Terbaik, Harga Mulai 1 Jutaan

open trip rinjani 2022

Saat ini sudah semakin banyak tipe traveling yang biasa dilakukan oleh orang Indonesia salah satunya yaitu open trip.

Aktivitas ini dianggap lebih seru dibandingkan solo trip atau bakcpackeran, dimana selain bisa mengenal teman baru, kamu pun tidak perlu repot menyusun rencana perjalanan sebab sudah disediakan itinerary lengkapnya juga.

Nah kali ini kami akan berikan beberapa referensi paket open trip untuk kamu yang berniat untuk liburan ke Rinjani dalam waktu dekat ini.

1. ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Kemang Raya Nomor 15, Bangka, Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan 12720 Map: Klik Disini No. Telp: 0813 1907 2987 WhatsApp: 0878 8078 7522 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.700.000,-

Opsi pertama yang bisa dipilih adalah dengan budget biaya open trip mulai dari 1,7juta start Lombok.

Selain Lombok, kamu pun bisa pilih start point dari Jakarta, Surabaya dan Bandung. Harga tersebut sudah termasuk tiket pesawat Lombok PP, transportasi antar jemput, tenda, sleeping bag, konsumsi, peralatan masak, dokumentasi, dll.

2. The Langkah Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Hijrah, Gang Ganista 1 Nomor 2, Kelurahan, Brang Bara, Unter Iwes, Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat 84314 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0821 4435 6010 WhatsApp: 0821 4435 6010 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.850.000,-

The Langkah Travel juga menawarkan open trip trekking Rinjani dengan budget mulai dari 1.850ribu nih.

Durasi perjalanan yang ditawarkan oleh The Langkah Travel ini adalah 4D3N dengan beberapa pilihan destinasi. Minimal keberangkatan open trip Rinjani ini adalah 10 orang. Tertarik?

3. Ime Summits ❤️

Alamat: Ketabang, Genteng, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60272 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0822 3532 5545 WhatsApp: 0822 3532 5545 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.350.000,-

Masih belom cocok dengan harga kedua paket diatas? Paket open trip dari Ime Summits ini mungkin bisa jadi solusi terbaikmu nih sebab budget yang diperlukan yaitu hanya 1.350ribu saja.

Dengan budget segitu kamu bisa mengunjungi beberapa destinasi seperti Sabana Sembalun, Puncak Rinjani, Jalur Senaru, Danau Segara Anak dan Aik Kalak Hotspring.

4. ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Cililin Nomor 11, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan 12170 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 021 7279 2903 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.350.000,- pun bisa kamu andalkan untuk dijadikan sebagai kawan setia perjalananmu ke Rinjani. Open trip yang ditawarkan oleh ini yaitu mulai dari 1.350ribu saja per orangnya.

Beberapa aktivitas yang akan kamu nikmati jika open trip bersama diantaranya ada beach exploring, backpacking, culinary dan hiking.

5. Lombok Journey ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Tambora Nomor 2, Gomong Square No. 9, Dasan Agung Baru, Selaparang, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 8312 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0822 1199 9323 WhatsApp: 0822 1199 9323 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.000.000,-

Paket open trip Rinjani selanjutnya bisa kamu dapatkan juga dari Lombok Journey nih. Bersama mereka kamu bakal diajak mendaki ke Rinjani selama 2 hari 1 malam dengan budget mulai dari 1jutaan saja.

Harga tersebut sudah termasuk guide & porter trekking, homestay sembalun, perlengkapan camping, konsumsi, transport, foto dokumentasi, dll.

6. Eka Lombok Tour ❤️

Alamat: Permata Regency, Jalan Gili Lawang C-01, Pagutan Barat, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83117 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0812 3640 8208 WhatsApp: 0812 3640 8208 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.840.000,-

Opsi terakhir ada Eka Lombok Tour yang siap menemanimu explore Rinjani. Paket open trip dari Eka Lombok Tour ini berdurasi 4 hari 3 malam.

Beberapa highlight paket yang diberikan diantaranya ada Sembalun, Vegetable Garden, Puncak Rinjani, Danau Segara Anak dan Senaru Rim Crater.

Itulah beberapa referensi paket open trip Rinjani yang bisa kamu pilih untuk mengisi agenda liburanmu nanti.

  • Tentang Kami

open trip rinjani 2022

Jadwal Open Trip Gunung Rinjani 2023 – 2024 | PAKET HEMAT | Sembalun-Torean/Senaru

9 January 2023 1.281x Open Trip Rinjani , Private Trip Rinjnai

Jadwal Open Trip Gunung Rinjani 2023 – 2024 | PAKET HEMAT | Sembalun-Torean/Senaru

Gunung Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia. 3726 meter dari paras laut. Gunung ke ketiga dalam senarai “7 summits of Indonesia”. Sembalun-Plawangan-Puncak-Danau-Torean. Gunung yang penuh dengan bermacam jenis rintangan dan membuka perkenalan baru kepada diri sendiri. Kami membuka open trip Gunung Rinjani 2023 dengan fasilitas hemat atau bisa di kombinasikan sesuai permintaan anda. Open trip dengan durasi pendakian 3hari 2malam atau bisa 4hari 3malam sesuai permintaan. Untuk jadwal open trip tahun 2023 sudah kami rilis bisa di cek di bawah ini.

Jadwal 2023 Open Trip Rinjani 2023 Sembalun Torean

Maret : (19-24) (22-27) (29-03) April : (1-5) (6-10) (13-17) (23-27) (24-28) (25-29) (26-30) (27-01) Mei : (04-08) (11-15) (17-21) (18-22) (25-29) (31-04) Juni : (01-05) (08-12) (15-19) (12-26) (28-02) (29-03) Juli : (06-10) (13-17) (15-19) (19-23) (27-31) Agustus : (03-07) (10-14) (16-20) (17-21) (24-28) (31-04) September : (06-10) (13-17) (20-25) (27-01) Oktober : (04-08) (11-15) (18-22) (25-29) November : (01-05) (08-12) (15-19) (22-26) Desember : (01-05) (06-10) (13-17) (21-25) (26-30) (27-31) (28-01)

jadwal bisa riquest bebas sesuai permintaan ambil paket private trip, dengan harga sesuai paket hemat open trip

Berikut IDR untuk pendakian Rinjani : 3hari 2malam : IDR : 2.650.000/pax (minimal 6 orang) RM : 850/pax (exclude permit minimal 10 orang)

4hari 3malam IDR : 3.150.000/pax (minimal 6 orang) RM : 950/pax (exclude permit minimal 10 orang)

Fasilitas termasuk : – Transport bandara lombok – sembalun – Transport torean – bandara/mataram – Transport explore bukit merese + desa sade + sirkuit moto gp mandalika – Pickup sembalun – pintu rimba – Simaksi online masuk TNGR – Hotel/Homesty Sembalun – Breakfast 1x sebelum pendakian – Makan selama pendakian (3x sehari) – Minuman teh + kopi selama pendakian – Guide pendakian – Porter lokal (angkut logistik + peralatan team) – Tenda dome (1tenda 3orang) – Tenda toilet – Alat masak kelompok – Alat makan + minum – Tenda toilet – P3K – HT (team)

Harga sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah

Tidak Termasuk: – Perlengkapan pribadi – Porter pribadi – Surat keterangan sehat – Tiket pesawat dan airport tax – Penginapan di hari keempat – Pengeluaran pribadi lainnya – Tipping untuk guide dan porter

Adapun untuk transportasi dari lokasi penjemputan menuju Desa Sembalun menggunakan: – Peserta 1 – 4 orang menggunakan Avanza – Peserta 5 – 6 orang menggunakan Innova – Peserta 7 – 10 orang menggunakan Haice

CATATAN: 🔘 Anda cukup membawa alat pribadi saja dari rumah dan selama pendakian (carrier 40L cukup) 🔘 Selama pendakian sudah dimasakin oleh koki lokal porter 🔘 Harus booking dari jauh hari, antisipasi kehabisan kuota pendakian 🔘 Sewa porter pribadi @350.000/hari

Syarat Pendakian Gunung Rinjani 2022 1. Harga tersebut jika jumlah peserta open trip mencapai minimal peserta 6 orang. 3. Akan ada penyesuaian harga jika peserta open trip kurang dari 6 orang. 4. Jika kuota tidak memenuhi akan di gabung dengan rekan Trip Organizier 5. Down Payment Sebesar 50% untuk mengunci slot dan pelunasan saat penjemputan di bandara. 6. Bersedia dimasukkan ke dalam group pendakian setelah melunasi down payment untuk memudahkan komunikasi dengan kami dan sesama peserta. 7. Down Payment akan dikembalikan seutuhnya ( 100% ) jika terjadi keadaan force majeure seperti gunung meletus yang mengakibatkan pendakian harus dibatalkan. Namun Tidak ada pengembalian untuk pembatalan sepihak dari peserta 8. Anda boleh mencari peserta pengganti jika memang tidak memungkinkan untuk mendaki. 9. Jika pembatalan terjadi karena Force Majore atau karena dibatalkan sendiri oleh pihak kami, maka DP peserta akan kami kembalikan 100%. 10. Dengan mengunci slot anda telah menyatakan untuk setuju pada syarat dan ketentuan di atas.

Detail info : ☎️ WA : +6281-3388-999-54 🌏 🌎

Cari Trip Gunung!

Wisata gunung.

  • Private Trip Gunung Rinjani Pendakian Singkat 2 Hari 1 Malam | Paket Pendakian Gunung Rinjani 2024-2025
  • Private Trip Gunung Rinjani: Pendakian Eksklusif Menuju Puncak Tertinggi Lombok
  • Daftar Agen Private Trip Gunung Rinjani, Siap Temani Pendakianmu ke Atap Pulau Lombok
  • Pendakian Gunung Rinjani Private Trip Yuk, Jelajahi Keindahan Rinjani Bareng Geng!
  • Jasa Guide Private Trip Gunung Rinjani: Pendakian Aman dan Nyaman Bersama Profesional

Gunung Rinjani - Paket Private Trip Pendakian Gunung Rinjani

Kontak kami.

Apabila ada yang ditanyakan, silahkan hubungi kami melalui kontak di bawah ini.

open trip rinjani 2022

Porter Gunung !! Open Trip, Private Tour Operator Pendakian dan Provider Wisata Terbaik di Indonesia

Header Ads Widget

Porter Gunung !! Open Trip, Private Tour Operator Pendakian dan Provider Wisata Terbaik di Indonesia

  • _Private Tour
  • __Ndaki Gunung
  • __Tour Corporate
  • __Honeymoon
  • __Study Tour
  • _Transportasi
  • Sevent Summits
  • _Ilmu Survival
  • _Panduan Mendaki
  • WA 62 85 643 455 685

Jadwal Open Trip dan Private Trip. Private Trip, Mountain Guide, Porter Gunung, Paket Honeymoon, Study Tour, Family Gathering, Outbond, Outing, dll +62 85 643 455 865 (( WA / SMS / Telp )

Porter rinjani, open trip rinjani sembalun torean 3h2m 4h3m, open trip rinjani sembalun torean 3h2m 4h3m bulan mei, juni, juli, agustus, september, oktober, november, desember 2022.

Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya milik Rabb semesta alam

Sehingga pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini kami ingin mengundang temen temen semuanya untuk mengikuti Open Trip Pendakian Gunung Rinjani Naik via Sembalun Turun via Torean selama Trekking 3H2M atau 4H3M yang bisa disesuaikan dengan jadwal libur temen temen semuanya.

Jadwal Pendakian 3H2M

Open trip gunung rinjani 2022 via sembalun - senaru - torean - aik berik, bonus bukit merese, pantai kuta lombok, pantai tanjung aan dan desa sade, jadwal trip 2022, januari 2022, februari 2022.

  • 07-11 April 2022
  • 13-17 April 2022
  • 21-25 April 2022
  • 04-08 Mei 2022
  • 05-09 Mei 2022
  • 06-10 Mei 2022
  • 12-16 Mei 2022
  • 26-30 Mei 2022
  • 28 Mei - 01 Juni 2022
  • 01-05 Juni 2022
  • 08-12 Juni 2022
  • 16-20 Juni 2022
  • 23-27 Juni 2022
  • 01-05 Juli 2022
  • 08-12 Juli 2022
  • 15-19 Juli 2022
  • 22-26 Juli 2022


  • 03-07 Agustus 2022
  • 13-17 Agustus 2022
  • 17-21 Agustus 2022
  • 24-28 Agustus 2022


  • 01-05 September 2022
  • 08-12 September 2022
  • 15-19 September 2022
  • 21-25 September 2022


  • 05-09 Oktober 2022
  • 13-17 Oktober 2022
  • 19-23 Oktober 2022
  • 27-31 Oktober 2022


  • 03-07 November 2022
  • 09-13 November 2022
  • 17-21 November 2022
  • 24-28 November 2022


  • 01-05 Desember 2022
  • 09-13 Desember 2022
  • 15-19 Desember 2022
  • 20-25 Desember 2022
  • 26-30 Desember 2022
  • 28 Desember 2022 - 01 Januari 2023


  • Transportasi Surabaya ke Lombok ( kapal laut )
  • Transportasi Lombok ke Sembalun PP
  • Transportasi Sembalun ke Pintu Rimba PP
  • Transportasi Bukit Merese, Tanjung Aan dan Pantai Kuta Lombok
  • Rumah Singgah di Sembalun
  • Tiket Masuk Pendakian ( SIMAKSI Pendakian )
  • Guide ( Leader dan Sweeper )
  • Porter Grup / Team
  • Makan selama di pendakian
  • Teh + Kopi selam pendakian
  • PPPK ( P3K ) standart pendakian
  • HT (team) 

Tidak Termasuk

  • Sleeping Bag
  • Porter Pribadi ( bisa request )
  • Perlengkapan pribadi
  • Hal hal yang tidak kami sebutkan


Hari pertama trip hari persiapan pendakian.

  • 14.00 semua sudah kumpul di Bandara Lombok International Airport
  • 14.00-19.00 perjalanan menuju Sembalun
  • 19.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Kedua Trip Hari Pertama Pendakian

  • 05.00-07.00 bersih diri, makan pagi dan persiapan pendakian
  • 07.00-17.00 pendakian ke Plawangan Sembalun
  • 17.00-00.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Ketiga Trip Hari Kedua Pendakian

  • 00.00-01.00 prepare dan brifieng summit attack
  • 01.00-06.00 summit attak Puncak Anjani Gunung Rinjani 3.726 mdpl
  • 06.00-08.00 Xplore Puncak Anjani Gunung Rinjani 3.726 mdpl, free program
  • 08.00-10.00 turun kembali ke Plawangan Sembalun
  • 10.00-12.00 istirahat, makan dan prepare
  • 12.00-17.00 turun ke Danau Segara Anak
  • 17.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Keempat Trip Hari Ketiga Pendakian

  • 05.00-10.00 bersih diri, makan dan persiapan melanjutkan perjalanan
  • 10.00-17.00 pendakian kembali ke Plawangan dilanjutkan Turun di Senaru atau Torean
  • 17.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program di Senaru atau Torean

Hari Kelima Trip Hari Terakhir Trip

  • 05.00-07.00 bersih diri, makan pagi dan persiapan melanjutkan perjalanan
  • 07.00-15.00 perjalanan ke Bukit Merese dilanjutkan ke Pantai Tanjung Aan dilanjutkan ke Pantai Kuta Mandalika
  • 15.00-17.00 perjalanan ke Bandara Lombok International Airport atau Pelabuhan Lembar Lombok
  • Trip selesai
  • Sampai ketemu di Trip selanjutnya.


  • Itenerary program sebagai acuan pelaksanaan
  • Itenerary program berubah sesuai situasi dan kondisi
  • Bagi yang meeting point Surabaya maka kumpul di Stasiun Pasar Turi jam 11.00 dan finish lagi di Stasiun Pasar Turi sekitar jam 22.00

Jadwal Pendakian4H3M

  • 28 Mei - 02 Juni 2022
  • 01-06 Juni 2022
  • 08-13 Juni 2022
  • 16-21 Juni 2022
  • 23-28 Juni 2022
  • 01-06 Juli 2022
  • 08-13 Juli 2022
  • 15-20 Juli 2022
  • 22-27 Juli 2022
  • 03-08 Agustus 2022
  • 13-18 Agustus 2022
  • 17-22 Agustus 2022
  • 24-29 Agustus 2022
  • 01-06 September 2022
  • 08-13 September 2022
  • 15-20 September 2022
  • 21-26 September 2022
  • 05-10 Oktober 2022
  • 13-18 Oktober 2022
  • 19-24 Oktober 2022
  • 27 Oktober - 01 November 2022
  • 03-08 November 2022
  • 09-14 November 2022
  • 17-22 November 2022
  • 24-29 November 2022
  • 01-06 Desember 2022
  • 09-14 Desember 2022
  • 15-20 Desember 2022
  • 20-26 Desember 2022
  • 26-31 Desember 2022
  • 28 Desember 2022 - 02 Januari 2023
  • 10.00-08.00 istirahat di Plawangan Sembalun
  • 06.00-08.00 istirahat, makan dan prepare
  • 08.00-13.00 turun ke Danau Segara Anak
  • 13.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program

Hari Kelima Trip Hari Keempat Pendakian

  • 05.00-08.00 bersih diri, makan dan persiapan melanjutkan perjalanan
  • 08.00-17.00 pendakian kembali ke Plawangan dilanjutkan Turun di Senaru atau Torean
  • 18.00-05.00 istirahat, ramah tamah, free program di Senaru atau Torean

Hari Keenam Trip Hari Terakhir Trip

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Tour Detail

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Contact Information

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By clicking "Process My Order" button I certify the data has been valid identity. I have also read and agree to the Terms & Conditions on this website.

  • Terms & Conditions

Pilihan Tanggal Open Trip Rinjani Program 3 Hari 2 Malam Tahun 2024:

13-16 April 2024 1-4 May 2024 8-11 May 2024 22-25 May 2024 13-16 June 2024 17-20 July 2024 14-17 Aug 2024 12-15 Sep 2024 16-19 Okt 2024 13-16 Nov 2024 25-28 Des 2024 28-31 Des 2024

======================================================= A. FASILITAS TRIP =======================================================

  • Mobil MVP Bandara ke Basecamp Sembalun PP (1 Mobil isi 6)
  • Pick Up Basecamp Sembalun ke Gerbang Pendakian PP
  • Simaksi, Tiket Masuk & Asuransi
  • Guide dan Crew Gunung Sertifikasi APGI
  • Porter Tim (Pikul Tenda, Alat Masak & Logistik)
  • Tenda (1 tenda maksimal 3 orang)
  • Matras alas tidur
  • Alat Masak Tim
  • Alat Makan Peserta
  • Makan 3x di Basecamp Sembalun (2x sebelum dan 1x setelah trekking)
  • Makanan Pokok Selama Pendakian 6x
  • Penginapan 2 malam di sembalun (1 Kamar 2 orang)

Exclude Fasilitas :

Harga tidak termasuk item lainnya yang tidak disebutkan di fasilitas.

Info Tambahan :

  • Setiap peserta wajib menyiapkan surat keterangan sehat atau hasil tes rapid antigen (jika diminta)
  • Mempersiapkan Foto Kopi KTP dan diserahkan ke crew yang bertugas

======================================================= B. ITINERARY TRIP  =======================================================

SCHEDULE TREKKING RINJANI ATURAN BARU 3 HARI 2 MALAM DI GUNUNG Total hari kegiatan 4 hari namun 1 hari di hari pertama Istirahat terlebih dahulu di Desa Sembalun.

Sesuaikan jadwal dibawah sesuai pilihan fase trip, contoh jika memilih pilihan fase 1 : 17-20 July. Jadi jadwalnya adalah sebagai berikut :

Hari 1 :17 July 2021 Hari 2 : 18 July 2021 Hari 3 : 19 July 2021 Hari 4 : 20 July 2021

Sesuaikan dengan itinerary dibawah ini :

Hari 1 : 18.00-20.00 : Kumpul di Bandara Int Lombok 20.00-23.00 : Menuju Sembalun 23.00-xx.xx : Istirahat di homestay, jangan lupa repacking sebelum tidur |Makan 1|

Hari 2 : 06.00-07.00 : Bangun, sarapan dan persiapan pendakian |Makan 2| 07.00-08.00 : Menuju pintu rimba dengan pickup 08.00-13.00 : Trekking menuju Pos 3 12.00-13.00 : Istirahat dan Makan Siang di Pos 3 |Makan 3| 13.00-19.00 : Trekking menuju Plawangan Sembalun 16.00-xx.xx : Camp di Plawangan Sembalun |Makan 4 |

Hari 3 : 02.00-03.00 : Bangun dan persiapan summit Rinjani |Makan 5| 03.00-08.00 : Menuju puncak Rinjani 08.00-09.00 : Menikmati puncak Rinjani 09.00-12.00 : Kembali ke Plawangan Sembalun 12.00-14.00 : Istirahat, Packing & Makan |Makan 6| 14.00-17.00 : Turun kembali ke pos 3 / 2 17.00-xx.xx : Camp di pos 3/2 |Makan 7|

Hari 4 : 06.00-08.00 : Bangun, packing dan sarapan |Makan 8| 08.00-12.00 : Trekking kembali ke Basecamp Sembalun 12.00-xx.xx : Sampai di Sembalun, Istirahat dan makan |Makan 9|

Untuk kembali ke Lombok menyesuaikan dengan tiket pesawat peserta

Trip Selesai dan Sampai Jumpa

*Itinerary bersifat kondisional menyesuaikan dengan sikon alam, fisik dan kondisi force majeure lainnya. ======================================================= C. ALAT PRIBADI PESERTA (WAJIB) =======================================================

1. Tas Ransel 45 liter 2. Sleeping bag & Matras 3. Cemilan & air minum pribadi 4. Jaket gunung (Waterproof dan windproof) Untuk Summit dan tidur 5. Jas hujan 6. Pakaian Ganti (2 Pasang) 7. Pakaian trekking dryfit (1 Pasang) 8. Kupluk & sarung tangan 9. Sendal swallow untuk di camp area 10. Sepatu gunung digunakan untuk trekking (WAJIB) 11. Senter / headlamp flashlight & baterai cadangan 12. Obat-obatan pribadi 13. Masker dan buff

======================================================= D. KETENTUAN UMUM ======================================================= 1. Peserta terbuka untuk umum 2. Peserta minimal 10 orang 3. Meeting Point : Bandara Internasional Lombok atau di Mataram sesuai jeluar ke Sembalun 4. Calon Peserta di wajibkan membayar uang muka minimal 30% dari total harga 5. Tidak menerima booking tanpa uang muka 6. Biaya dapat dibayar secara berangsur minimal 2x 7. Pelunasan dilakukan maksimal H-5 dengan sistem transfer ke rekening resmi PT Fournusa Infinity Travelindo 8. Deadline Pendaftaran maksimal H-30 sebelum tanggal trip 9. Bagi peserta yang memiliki penyakit khusus disarankan berkonsultasi dengan dokter terlebih dahulu dan mempersiapkan obat-obatan pribadi 10. Persiapan pendakian akan dilakukan melalui Group Whats App dan akan dilengkapi dengan MoU  dan Juknis (Petunjuk Teknis)

======================================================= KETENTUAN KHUSUS ======================================================= 1. Apabila peserta membatalkan keikutsertaanya maka pembayaran hangus. Aturan ini kami buat karena pembayaran peserta yang sudah registrasi langsung kami setorkan ke operasional trip seperti perijinan, pembayaran alat, booking porter dan kebutuhan lainnya.

2. Bagi peserta yang menyatakan mundur dari kegiatan dapat mencari pengganti untuk menggantikan keikutsertaanya dalam kegiatan

3. Apabila jumlah quota minimal tidak terpenuhi maka peserta akan diberikan pilihan :

A. Trip tetap dilaksakanan dengan penyesuaian harga. Rumus perhitungaya adalah (jumlah kuota minimal x biaya perjalanan) dibagi jumlah peserta yang terdaftar. B. Trip tetap dilaksanakannamun untuk konsep perjalanan akan dirubah menjadi perjalanan share sost. Biaya trip share cost diperlakukan dengan cara total semua biaya kebutuhan : jumlah peserta. Selama berjalannya kegiatan maka semua pengeluaran akan diperlakukan secara kolektif ditempat dan dikoordinir oleh guide yang bertugas. C. Peserta yang terdaftar akan di oper ke trip operator lain yang melaksanakan kegiatan ditanggal dan tempat yang sama dengan penyesuaian sesuai peraturan operator tersebut. (Jika tersedia) D. Peserta dapat memilih alih ke fase lainnya untuk tujuan yang sama E. Peserta dapat memilih ganti ke perjalanan tempat lain ditanggal yang sama atau tanggal yang berbeda dengan penyesuaian biaya. 4. Apabila terjadi pembatalan perjalanan dari pihak panitia maka pembayaran akan dikembalikan seluruhnya dengan dipotong biaya tiket kereta/pesawat yang sudah terbeli dan tiket akan diserahkan ke peserta (jika fasilitas trip include tiket kereta/pesawat). Waktu proses refund maksimal H+14 dari tanggal berakhirnya kegiatan.

5. Apabila terjadi kejadian FORCE MAJEURE sehingga kegiatan tertunda atau batal maka peserta akan diberikan pilihan :

A. Alih trip ke fase lainnya B. Alih destinasi perjalan ke tempat lainnya pada tanggal yang sama atau tanggal yang berbeda (merujuk informasi trip di website) C. Membatalkan kepesertaan dan pembayaran hangus

6. Peserta yang sudah melakukan pendaftaran pada perjalanan ini kami anggap mengerti dan menyetujui semua ketentuan di atas

* FORCE MAJEURE : Force Majeure yang dimaksud dalam perjanjian ini adalah suatu keadaan memaksa di luar batas kemampuan kedua belah pihak yang dapat mengganggu bahkan menggagalkan terlaksananya kegiatan seperti bencana alam, peperangan, pemogokan, sabotase, pemberontakan masyarakat, blokade, dan kebijaksanaan pemerintah khususnya yang disebabkan karena keadaan di luar kemampuan manusia

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open trip rinjani 2022


Wisata gunung fournusa - profesional adventure service.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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open trip rinjani 2022

9 Pendaki Tewas di Gunung Rinjani dari 2017 hingga 2024

Proses evakuasi hari pertama pendaki jatuh di puncak Gunung Rinjani, Lombok Timur, NTB, Sabtu (20/8/2022).

1. Wanita Swiss Tewas Mendaki Rinjani Setelah Jatuh di Bukit Anak Dara

2. pendaki rinjani tewas terjepit di gua susu, 3. pendaki lansia tewas mendaki rinjani karena kelelahan, 4. pria asal lombok timur meninggal kelelahan, 5. pendaki tewas karena sesak napas, 6. wn portugal tewas terjatuh di puncak, 7. pendaki surabaya tewas jatuh ke jurang, 8. pendaki asal sulsel tewas akibat gempa saat di puncak rinjani, 9. taufik tewas mengapung di air panas di gunung rinjani.

Sejumlah pendaki dilaporkan tewas saat mendaki Gunung Rinjani, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Penyebabnya beragam, mulai dari kelelahan, terjatuh dari bukit, hingga terjepit gua di gunung berapi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia ini.

Dalam beberapa tahun, setidaknya sudah terjadi 9 pendaki yang meregang nyawa di Gunung Rinjani. Berikut rangkuman kasus pendaki tewas di Gunung Rinjani hingga Juni 2024 yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.

Pada awal Juni 2024, seorang pendaki dilaporkan tewas ketika mendaki Bukit Anak Dara di Gunung Rinjani. Pendaki tersebut bernama Melanie Bohner, warga negara (WN) Swiss.



Melanie tewas setelah terjatuh di jalur pendakian Bukit Anak Dara, Kecamatan Sembalun, Lombok Timur. Bule perempuan itu nekat mendaki lewat jalur ilegal.

Melanie diketahui tewas saat mendaki Bukit Anak Dara di kawasan Rinjani, pada Sabtu (1/6/2024) siang. Jenazahnya baru bisa dievakuasi pada Sabtu (2/6/2024) pukul 22.00 Wita yang kemudian langsung dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Mataram untuk dilakukan visum.

Pada Oktober 2023, seorang pendaki Gunung Rinjani berinisial LMH dilaporkan tewas terjepit di Gua Susu. Pria berusia 59 tahun itu meninggal dunia pada Selasa (31/10/2023).

Kepala Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani Dedy Asriady menjelaskan korban ditemukan meninggal dunia akibat terjepit di dalam Gua Susu saat sedang berobat bersama beberapa orang rekannya.

Pendaki lansia asal Lombok Tengah berinisial ALD dilaporkan meninggal dunia saat melakukan pendakian di Gunung Rinjani. Pendaki berusia 66 tahun ini tewas pada Sabtu (28/10/2023).

Berdasarkan informasi rekannya, ALD sempat terlihat kelelahan saat berjalan di jalur pendakian. Korban sempat duduk sebentar untuk beristirahat. Lansia itu meninggal diduga akibat kelelahan.

Pria bernama Abdullah (40) asal Desa Rempung, Kecamatan Pringgasela, Lombok Timur, meninggal dunia dikarenakan kelelahan saat mendaki Gunung Rinjani. Ia meninggal setelah tiba di pos 3 jalur Timbanuh saat mendaki melalui jalur Dasan Lekong yang disebut jalur tikus atau ilegal pada Selasa pagi (12/9/2023).

Jasad Abdullah pun dievakuasi oleh tiga tim yaitu warga setempat, SAR Lombok Timur, dan juga Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Lombok Timur.

Pendaki asal Desa Santong, Kecamatan Kayangan, Lombok Utara, tewas di tengah hutan Gunung Rinjani, Senin (24/4/2023) sore. Pendaki bernama Pawadi (40) tersebut diduga tewas saat mendaki bersama empat rekannya via jalur pendakian Santong, Lombok Utara.

"Benar korban (Pawadi) berangkat Senin pagi. Saat di tengah hutan, korban tiba-tiba sesak napas atau alami asma," kata Ketua Kelompok Pemuda Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Desa Santong Malkam Hadie, Selasa (25/4/2023) sore via WhatsApp. Pawadi berjalan di urutan paling belakang dengan jarak yang tidak terlalu dekat dengan empat teman di depannya.

Pawadi ditemukan dalam keadaan sulit bernapas. "Jadi, temannya mengira korban ini hilang. Tapi tahunya sesak napas. Selang beberapa menit nyawa korban tidak tertolong," kata Malkam.

Dilansir dari laman resmi Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi Kemenkum HAM RI, seorang warga negara (WN) Portugal berinisial BBA, mengalami kecelakaan pada Jumat (19/08/2022). BBA ditemukan meninggal karena terjatuh di sekitar Puncak Gunung Rinjani dengan ketinggian 180 meter.

Proses evakuasi berlangsung pada Senin (22/08/2022) pukul 16.09 Wita dibantu oleh Basarnas NTB dan relawan. Jenazah BBA berhasil dievakuasi melalui pintu Sembalun dan disemayamkan di RS Bhayangkara Mataram.

Pada Desember 2021, seorang pendaki bernama Muhammad Fuad Hasan (26) asal Kota Surabaya, tewas saat melakukan pendakian di Gunung Rinjani melalui jalur Senaru, Lombok Utara. Fuad terjatuh ke dalam jurang dengan ketinggian mencapai 100 meter.

Muhammad Ainul Taksim, pendaki asal Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, meninggal di Gunung Rinjani akibat gempa Lombok berkekuatan magnitudo 6,4 pada Minggu (29/7/2018). Taksim diduga meninggal dunia karena tertimpa longsor bebatuan ketika beranjak dari Danau Segara Anak, Gunung Rinjani.

Pada 2017, seorang pendaki ditemukan tewas mengapung di area kolam pemandian air panas, Danau Segara Anak. Pendaki tersebut bernama Taufik (23) asal Bantul, Jawa Tengah.

Jenazah Taufik kemudian dievakuasi menuju kaki gunung. BTN Gunung Rinjani menyampaikan korban melakukan registrasi bersama dua rekannya pada Jumat (21/4/2017).

Mereka mendaki selama 3 hari 2 malam. Pada Minggu (23/4/2017) sekitar pukul 07.30 Wita, Taufik bersama rekannya, Muhamad Ali S pergi mengambil air di sekitar air panas.

Setelah mengambil air, Taufik dan Ali berfoto. Taufik lalu mengajak Ali mandi.

Ali sempat menyarankan untuk mandi di lokasi air yang berada di atas, namun terlebih dahulu Ali menaruh air dulu di atas bukit (jarak TKP dengan tempat menaruh air sekitar 20 meter). Setelah kembali, Ali langsung turun ke TKP dan melihat Taufik tewas mengapung.

Demikianlah sederet kasus pendaki yang tewas di Gunung Rinjani dari 2017 hingga 2024. Semoga informasi ini dapat semakin menumbuhkan kewaspadaan ketika akan mendaki.

Artikel ini ditulis oleh Ni Wayan Santi Ariani peserta Program Magang Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka di detikcom.

Dalam 8 Tahun, Ada 9 Pendaki Tewas di Rinjani

Fakta 103 pendaki gunung rinjani dipaksa turun, tak punya izin gegara tertipu, viral 103 pendaki di gunung rinjani dipaksa turun gegara ditipu open trip, 105 pendaki gagal mendaki rinjani gegara ditipu open trip, jasa ojek naik gunung rinjani bertarif rp 200.000, gaya tatjana saphira naik gunung rinjani, tetap cantik.

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  1. Open Trip 2022 Gunung Rinjani Jalur Pendakian Via Sembalu

    open trip rinjani 2022


    open trip rinjani 2022

  3. Mount Rinjani via Torean Route

    open trip rinjani 2022

  4. Open Trip Rinjani

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  5. Opentrip Rinjani 16 Des || Vlog Rinjani Terakhir di Tahun 2022

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  6. 75 Pendaki Ditelantarkan Open Trip Gunung Rinjani, Ini Fakta Terbarunya

    open trip rinjani 2022


  1. Gagal Muncak G Rinjani, Gara gara Open Trip bermasalah


  1. Mount Rinjani via Torean Route

    Having a height of 3,726 meters above sea level, Rinjani is lined up as the second-highest volcano in the world. So, did you know that since April 1 2021, the Mount Rinjani National Park Center has added two official climbing routes: Tete Batu and Torean. Completing the four official hiking trails that already existed: Sembalun, […]

  2. The Ultimate Mount Rinjani Trekking Guide (2024 Update)

    A Mount Rinjani trekking tour is not for novice hikers or casual travellers. But if you're ready for an epic 3-day journey to the summit of the second highest volcano in Indonesia, here's everything you need to know before you go in our guide. At 3,726 metres above sea level, Mount Rinjani looms large over the entire island of Lombok in ...

  3. Open Trip Gunung Rinjani 4H3M 2022 via Sembalun Torean 3H2M

    Open Trip Rinjani Sembalun Torean 3H2M 4H3M Bulan Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember 2022. Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya milik Rabb semesta alam. Sehingga pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini kami ingin mengundang temen temen semuanya untuk mengikuti Open Trip Pendakian Gunung Rinjani Naik via Sembalun Turun via ...

  4. Rinjani Open Trip 4D3N Via Sembalun And Down Via Torean

    September 23 - 26, 2022: Maksimum 10 Persons: Not Available! October 28 - 31, 2022: Maksimum 10 Persons: Not Available! November 25 - 28, 2022: Maksimum 10 Persons: Not Available! December 5 - 8, 2022: ... In each Rinjani Open Trip program, it will be handled directly by several guide and porters.

  5. Private Trip Open Trip Gunung Rinjani

    Private Trip Open Trip Gunung Rinjani 2022 Paket Pendakian. Trip Gunung Rinjani bonus eksplore wisata di sekitar lombok mulai tanjung ann, desa sade, sirkuit Mandalika dan bisa beli oleh-oleh di mataram. Durasi di gunung 3hari 2malam Total durasi 5 hari. PENDAFTARAN INFORMASI WhatsApp : 081338899954. INVESTASI / pax - Jumlah 1 orang Rp 6.500. ...

  6. Mount Rinjani via Torean Route

    Between the two official routes which were only inaugurated a few months ago, Torean is predicted to be the favorite route for climbers to descend from the top of Rinjani and spend the night at Segara Anak Lake. Price. RM1100 per pax (min 5 pax to proceed) RM 900 per pax (6 - 10 pax) RM 850 per pax (10 - 15 pax) RM 800 per pax (15 - 20 pax)

  7. Open Trip Gunung Rinjani by Barameru Adventure Indonesia

    Paket perjalanan pendakian Gunung Rinjani, Lombok. Sudah termasuk fasilitas lengkap: tiket kapal penyebrangan pulang pergi, porter, koki gunung, makan selama pendakian, dan banyak lagi. Open trip: digabung dengan partisipan lain. Termasuk gratis eksplorasi tempat-tempat ini di Lombok: Desa Sade, Kuta Mandalika, Bukit Marese, dan pusat oleh-oleh.

  8. Rinjani Trekking Route

    Mount Rinjani trekking route recommended 2022. After the earthquake that hit Lombok Island in 2018, Mount Rinjani was closed to climbers due to landslides. Several months after the earthquake, the government, through the management of Mount Rinjani, repaired the climbing route. After the trekking trail was repaired and declared safe for visitors.

  9. Open Trip Gunung Rinjani by Barameru Adventure Indonesia

    November: 4-13. December: 19-28, 22-31, 28-6 Jan. Mount Rinjani (Lombok) climbing trip package. Includes complete facilities: round-trip ferry ticket, porter, mountain chef, meal during the climb, and many more. Open trip: combined with other participants. Includes free exploration of these places in Lombok: Sade Village, Kuta Mandalika, Bukit ...

  10. Open Trip Rinjani Trekking 4 Days

    Open Trip Trekking Mount Rinjani 4 days, 3 nights is the most adventurous trip to explore the Mount Rinjani National Park with a low budget price . The route starts in Sembalun Lawang and finishes in North Senaru Village, covering Sembalun village, Crater Rim Sembalun (2639m), the summit of Mount Rinjani (3,726 m), Segara Anak Lake, Hot Springs ...

  11. Rinjani Backpacker Club

    Rinjani Backpacker Club | Affordable Mt. Rinjani Trekking Packages Service with Expert Tour Guides in Senaru Lombok ... When Mount Rinjani Open 2023 Season? On April 1, 2023, Mount Rinjani located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa. ... 2022 No Comments If you are currently in Bali or Padangbai and Gili Trawangan, but want to continue your trip ...

  12. Gunung Rinjani

    Melalui open trip, kamu juga bisa menghemat budget yang dikeluarkan. ... Trip Gunung Binaiya 2022 Rp 6.500.000 / pax. Total Durasi 4 Hari . Lihat Detail. Trip Gunung Tambora Rp 2.800.000 / pax. ... 14 February 2024 245x Open Trip Rinjani, Porter Gunung Rinjani, Private Trip Rinjani, ...

  13. Visit Mount Rinjani: #1 Rinjani Information and Trekking Partner

    Visit Mount Rinjani is one of the trekking companies to Mount Rinjani whose staff has more than 20 years of experience. During your expedition journey to Mount Rinjani, the staff will assist you in creating numerous unforgettable memories. Our company offers the most popular Mount Rinjani trekking itineraries on the island of Lombok, beginning ...

  14. Open Trip Rinjani

    1 October 2022 11 February 2024 admin 239 Views 2 ... Mount Rinjani Open Trip 2023 this trip specially for trekking affordable and Low Budget cost and happy for trekking with a group with in 14 people in a group accompany with 2 guides and 8 porters. minimum reservation in 2 pax and you will meet each other in senaru village for meeting point ...

  15. Mount Rinjani Open Trip 2024 Via Sembalun

    Rinjani Open Trip Itinerary. This Rinjani open trip itinerary lasts for 4 Days and 3 Nights (3 Days and 2 Nights of Trekking), starting via Sembalun and finishing via Torean. We have designed this Rinjani itinerary to the best of our abilities for your satisfaction. However, if you desire any changes during the trek, please consult with our guide.

  16. 6 Paket Open Trip Rinjani Terbaik, Harga Mulai 1 Jutaan

    Paket open trip Rinjani selanjutnya bisa kamu dapatkan juga dari Lombok Journey nih. Bersama mereka kamu bakal diajak mendaki ke Rinjani selama 2 hari 1 malam dengan budget mulai dari 1jutaan saja. Harga tersebut sudah termasuk guide & porter trekking, homestay sembalun, perlengkapan camping, konsumsi, transport, foto dokumentasi, dll. 6.

  17. Jadwal Open Trip Gunung Rinjani 2023

    Kami membuka open trip Gunung Rinjani 2023 dengan fasilitas hemat atau bisa di kombinasikan sesuai permintaan anda. Open trip dengan durasi pendakian 3hari 2malam atau bisa 4hari 3malam sesuai permintaan. Untuk jadwal open trip tahun 2023 sudah kami rilis bisa di cek di bawah ini. ... Syarat Pendakian Gunung Rinjani 2022 1. Harga tersebut jika ...

  18. Porter Rinjani, Open Trip Rinjani Sembalun Torean 3H2M 4H3M

    Porter Rinjani, Open Trip Rinjani Sembalun Torean 3H2M 4H3M. Open Trip Rinjani Sembalun Torean 3H2M 4H3M Bulan Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Ok


    Pilihan Tanggal Open Trip Rinjani Program 3 Hari 2 Malam Tahun 2024: Exclude Fasilitas : Harga tidak termasuk item lainnya yang tidak disebutkan di fasilitas. Info Tambahan : Total hari kegiatan 4 hari namun 1 hari di hari pertama Istirahat terlebih dahulu di Desa Sembalun.

  20. 9 Pendaki Tewas di Gunung Rinjani dari 2017 hingga 2024

    Proses evakuasi hari pertama pendaki jatuh di puncak Gunung Rinjani, Lombok Timur, NTB, Sabtu (20/8/2022). Foto: Istimewa. Daftar Isi. 1. Wanita Swiss Tewas Mendaki Rinjani Setelah Jatuh di Bukit Anak Dara ... Viral 103 Pendaki di Gunung Rinjani Dipaksa Turun gegara Ditipu Open Trip 105 Pendaki Gagal Mendaki Rinjani gegara Ditipu Open Trip


    Write a review. Hotel Yantar-City is located in Elektrostal. The front desk is open 24 hours a day and offers free Wi-Fi. Guests can visit the restaurant or order room service. The hotel has a shared lounge and luggage storage. Rooms are equipped with a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom. All rooms are equipped with a refrigerator. Read more.

  22. APART HOTEL YANTAR (AU$47): 2022 Prices & Reviews ...

    From AU$47 per night on Tripadvisor: Apart Hotel Yantar, Elektrostal. See traveller reviews, 27 photos, and cheap rates for Apart Hotel Yantar, ranked #2 of 6 hotels in Elektrostal and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  23. MINI HOTEL BANIFATSIY (AU$73): 2022 Prices & Reviews (Elektrostal

    From AU$73 per night on Tripadvisor: Mini Hotel Banifatsiy, Elektrostal. See 8 traveller reviews, 9 candid photos, and great deals for Mini Hotel Banifatsiy, ranked #2 of 10 Speciality lodging in Elektrostal and rated 3.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  24. Lyubertsy, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024

    Lyubertsy Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,975 reviews of Lyubertsy Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Lyubertsy resource.