The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour - with unbiased reviews

Walking Tour of Marseille's Old Town


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Welcome to our vibrant walking tour blog post, designed to take you on a journey through some of Marseille’s most popular and iconic landmarks. This tour is perfect for anyone eager to explore the city’s rich heritage and breathtaking architecture.

We’ll begin at the historic heart of the city, the Vieux Port (Old Port) , a bustling harbor that has been the center of life in Marseille since ancient times. From here, you can watch the fishermen bring in their daily catch and soak in the lively atmosphere. Continuing our exploration, we’ll visit the grand Cathédrale de la Major (Marseille Cathedral) , located near the port. This cathedral, with its striking domes and intricate façades, is a testament to Marseille’s status as a cultural crossroads. Our path will then lead us to the MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations) , a stunning piece of contemporary architecture that bridges the gap between the oldest part of Marseille and the newest. It’s a cultural hotspot that explores the diverse histories of the Mediterranean region.

On the other side of the port we’ll ascend to the Palais du Pharo , an imperial residence turned public park, where you can enjoy lush gardens and stunning views of the sea. We’ll wrap up our tour with a visit to the majestic Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde , affectionately known as “La Bonne Mère.” Perched on a limestone outcrop, this basilica offers panoramic views of Marseille and the Mediterranean Sea, and its opulent interior is just as impressive.

Join us as we explore these must-see landmarks of Marseille, each offering a unique glimpse into the city’s soul and story. This walking tour promises not just sights but an immersive experience into what makes Marseille a cherished destination.

Guided or Self Guided Tour? This guide will take you around all the main attractions, whoever if you are in a hurry or want a more personalised tour, you may want to consider taking a walking tour with a local guide. This is one of the most complete and best-rated city tour s that covers the main, must-see attractions in about 3 hours.

Parking: If you are driving to Marseille and are planning the whole tour you could park at the Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde . Otherwise I would suggest the fairly centrally located Parking Bourse .

Vieux Port (Old Port), Marseille

Vieux Port Marseille

Walk along the quay with the sea on your left and you will see the Église Saint-Ferréol les Augustins.

Flanked by the historic Panier (Old Town) on one side and the majestic Notre Dame de la Garde on the other, the Old Port, or Vieux Port, has been the vibrant center of Marseille for over 2,000 years. Today, it remains a beloved gathering place where locals and visitors alike come to stroll, dine, debate, fall in love, trade fish, enjoy music, sell sunglasses, and relish life’s moments. Moreover, the city center received a significant facelift in 2013 when Marseille was the focal point of the European Capital of Culture, further cementing the Old Port’s role as a communal hub.

Established in 600 BC by Greek settlers from Phocaea in Asia Minor, now Turkey, Marseille is France’s oldest city and still carries its ancient moniker, La Cité Phocéenne, with pride. The port evolved through Roman and medieval times and expanded under the direction of Louis XIV in 1666, who also initiated the construction of two fortresses at the harbor’s entrance and the development of the famous Canebière boulevard. Although the original structure was heavily damaged by Nazi bombings in 1944 and subsequently demolished post-World War II, discussions of rebuilding the bridge occasionally resurface, though no concrete plans have materialized. Today, the Old Port, with its shallow depth of just six meters, no longer supports commercial maritime traffic or the daily influx of large cruise ships, which now dock at the nearby Joliette port.

The Vieux Port now serves as the city’s largest marina, accommodating thousands of berths. Here, traditional fishing boats known as pointus compete for space with luxurious yachts, a few majestic tall ships, and various motor launches.

Le Jardin des Vestiges

Jardin Des Vestiges Marseille

Walk to the back of Église Saint-Ferréol les Augustins, and turn left to reach Le Jardin des Vestiges and Marseille History Museum.

In 1967, during construction in central Marseille, archaeologists discovered several ancient ruins. These historical remnants, now integrated into a landscaped garden known as Le Jardin des Vestiges, are situated in the bustling heart of the contemporary city. Designed by the esteemed landscape architect Joël-Louis Martin, this garden is a part of the Museum of Marseille. The discovery was made while planning to build a shopping center, unveiling ruins of an ancient Greek port from the Roman era. In its prime, this port was a dynamic hub, extending further east, teeming with traders unloading their goods. Today, the wharves from this port, which date back to Roman times, are still visible and form a key feature of the garden.  Le Jardin des Vestiges stands as a striking juxtaposition of Marseille’s ancient past against the modern urban landscape that now surrounds it.

Marseille History Museum

Musée D’histoire De La Ville De Marseille

The Musée d’Histoire de Marseille, or Marseille History Museum, is dedicated to exploring the city’s rich historical tapestry, from its ancient origins to the 18th century. This local history and archaeology museum holds a comprehensive collection that vividly illustrates Marseille’s significant role in French history over the millennia.

Visitors to the museum can explore a wide range of displays, including artifacts, ephemera, photographs, and documents that cover the extensive timeline of the region. From its earliest settlers, through the era of Viking explorers, to Roman conquests and beyond, the museum provides an educational and engaging experience suitable for all ages.

The museum’s vast permanent exhibition features many items unearthed during archaeological excavations that began in the 1960s. Among the standout pieces is the hull of a second-century ship, which is one of the best-preserved of its kind globally. Additionally, visitors will find artifacts from medieval potter workshops and items related to the plague of 1720.

The exhibits also delve into the prehistory of the region, showcasing the lives of the Ligures and Phoaceans, as well as the ancient Greek and Roman ports that once thrived here. Further exhibits cover the spread of Christianity through the sixth century and the era of Louis XIV, providing a thorough and fascinating overview of Marseille’s historical journey.

Porte d'Aix

Marseille - Porte DAix

Turn right onto Rue Henri Barbusse and next right at Rue Neuve Saint-Martin and left onto the large Cr Belsunce. At the begining of Rue d’Aix you can see the impressive Porte d’Aix at the far end.

Porte d’Aix, also known as Porte Royale, is a triumphal arch located in Marseille, France, which serves as a historical marker for the city’s old entrance from the road leading to Aix-en-Provence. The arch’s design, by Michel-Robert Penchaud, draws inspiration from the grand triumphal arches of the Roman Empire. Originally conceived in 1784, the Porte d’Aix was intended to honor King Louis XVI and commemorate the Peace of Paris (1783), which concluded the American Revolutionary War. However, the project was halted and later resumed in 1823 following the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy, this time to celebrate French military successes during the Spanish Expedition, particularly the victory at the Battle of Trocadero on August 31, 1823. The arch was finally completed in 1839, embodying a broader theme of victory.

La Vieille Charité

Chapelle Et Hospice De La Vieille Charite

After admiring Porte d’Aix from afar walk west along Rue Colbert. On your right you will pass the slightly neglected La Halle Puget, designed by Pierre Puget and erected in 1672, the Puget Hall housed fish merchants and butchers’ stalls. In the 19th century, it was walled up and transformed into a chapel, then into a Commissariat in the early 20th century. Abandoned in the 1980s, it threatened to collapse until finally restored. Go straight across at the roundabout and ascend the right Escalier “Le Panier”. “Le Panier” refers to a specific neighborhood in Marseille, known as the oldest quarter of the city. Keep to the right up Rue Saint-Antoine, then left and right again up Petit Puits.

Located in the vibrant Le Panier quarter of Marseille, the grand almshouse designed by Pierre Puget (1620–1694), a native of the area who ascended to the position of architect for Louis XIV, stands as a testament to his architectural and sculptural prowess. This beautiful structure features a neoclassical central chapel and an elegantly arcaded courtyard, embodying a sense of harmony and grace.

The origins of La Vieille Charité in Marseille trace back to a 1640 Royal Edict aimed at “locking up the poor and beggars.” Despite initial plans by the municipality to house this population, the project faced numerous delays. It wasn’t until 30 years later that Pierre Puget, a local and distinguished architect, devised the plans for what would become one of his most notable works. Construction, overseen by his son François Puget, spanned from 1671 to 1745.

For over a century, La Vieille Charité served as a shelter for the city’s beggars, until the French Revolution transformed it into a hospice. By 1905, it was repurposed by the Army, and in 1922, it provided social housing for those whose homes were destroyed. During World War II, in 1943, it housed families evacuated prior to the destruction of the Old Port by German forces.

The building was nearly abandoned by the early 20th century until Le Corbusier alerted the municipality about its deteriorating condition, prompting restoration efforts. In 1951, the chapel and hospice were designated as historic monuments, and comprehensive restoration began in 1961, continuing for nearly 25 years after all residents had been relocated.

Today, La Vieille Charité has been revitalized as a vibrant multi-purpose cultural center. Its tranquil atmosphere and stunning beauty make it a unique landmark in Marseille. The architectural style is emblematic of the 17th century, featuring the magnificent Baroque Puget Chapel with its distinctive ovoid shape. The front facade, in the Second Empire style, is adorned with motifs relating to charity. The structure’s unity of style is highlighted by the use of pink and white stone from the La Couronne quarry in northern Marseille. The building comprises four wings that open inward to face the chapel, connected by three levels of galleries, creating a harmonious and serene space that now hosts various cultural institutions.

Entry to the almshouse itself is free, which also gives access to the permanent collections of the Musée d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne and the Musée d’Arts Africains, Océaniens, et Améridiens.

Cathédrale de la Major (Marseille Cathedral)

Marseille - Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure

Head across the small Place de la Charité and continue down the Rue du Petit Puits, down the steps at the end and turn right and then left to get to the Cathedral.

Cathédrale La Major stands as one of the grandest cathedrals built in 19th-century Europe, located in the historic Le Panier district of Marseille. This majestic cathedral adopts a Romanesque-Byzantine style, reminiscent of Eastern churches, with its striped facade crafted from multi-colored stones and adorned with multiple ornate domes and cupolas. Overlooking Marseille’s bustling port, it has witnessed the comings and goings of ships from around the world for centuries.

Known affectionately by locals as ‘La Major,’ the site of the cathedral has a rich history, dating back to a Roman temple dedicated to the goddess Diana, followed by a 5th-century baptistry. After a Saracen attack in the 11th century, the church was rebuilt using pink stone from the La Couronne quarries, in a Romanesque style. Elements of this earlier structure are still visible in the cathedral’s choir and part of the nave.

The cornerstone of the current structure was laid by Napoleon III in 1852, symbolizing Marseille’s prosperity and prominence. Designed to accommodate up to 3,000 worshippers, Cathédrale La Major is constructed from lavish materials, including Italian marble, Tunisian onyx, porphyry, and local Cassis stone. Visitors enter through the southern end via red doors, which are intricately detailed with metal scrollwork. Above, Venetian mosaics enrich the arches, while the interior boasts extensive mosaics across the nave floor, a statue of Joan of Arc, and a marble depiction of Saint Veronica aiding Christ.

At the northern end, the cathedral features chapels radiating around the tomb of Saint Eugene de Mazenod, a former bishop of Marseille, and houses his relics, including a reliquary of his arms and skull. The Chapel of the Virgin displays a collection of paintings depicting saints and religious figures. Additionally, two meticulously crafted scale models of the cathedral provide a comprehensive view of its impressive architecture, allowing visitors to appreciate its scale and beauty fully.

Eglise Saint-Laurent (Saint-Laurent Church)

Marseille Eglise Saint-Laurent

Walk directly away from the Cathedral and slightly ascend Esp. de la Tourette.

The origins of Saint-Laurent Church in Marseille trace back to 870 AD, when Bishop Babon constructed a fortified wall to protect the city from invasions. Centuries later, as Marseille flourished, Saint-Laurent Church was erected using pink stones sourced from the Cap Couronne quarry, on a site previously occupied by an ancient pagan temple dedicated to the god Apollo. This marked the church’s beginning as the 4th parish of Marseille. Built in the Romanesque-Provençal style, its unadorned simplicity mirrors the austere elegance of the Cistercian abbeys known as the “Three Provençal Sisters”: Le Thoronet, Sénanque, and Silvacane. The church features three naves, each separated by large square pillars. By the 13th century, Saint-Laurent became the designated parish for Marseille’s fishermen. The 17th century saw the addition of the Sainte Catherine Chapel by the white penitents to accommodate the growing congregation, officially opening in 1604. In 1668, parts of the church facing the sea were demolished to facilitate the construction of Fort Saint Jean, leading to the reconstruction of the church’s bell tower. During the Great Plague of 1720, the Bishop of Marseille held a mass at the church to pray for the city’s protection. The French Revolution brought devastation, with the church’s gold and silver treasures melted down to mint coins, and its use as a military warehouse in 1794. It was eventually reopened for worship in 1801. World War II spared the church from total destruction, unlike much of the Old Port district, but it still suffered significant damage. Reconstruction efforts were gradual and only recently completed.

MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations)


Cross the Passerelle Parvis-St Jean to get to Fort Saint-Jean and MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations).

Located at the forefront of the J4 promenade, the MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations) represents a landmark initiative by the French government to establish a major national museum outside of Paris. This museum consolidates the collections from the former museum of folk art and the museum of man, focusing on showcasing both the commonalities and unique traits of various European and Mediterranean civilizations and cultures.

The MuCEM features an innovative museography approach, incorporating a permanent reference exhibition alongside temporary exhibitions that explore significant societal issues. It also includes a forum and a cultural center that interact with other public facilities within the Cité de la Méditerranée.

In June 2002, an international architecture competition was initiated by the Minister of Culture, resulting in the selection of a design by the collaborative teams of Rudy Ricciotti and Roland Carta. The museum’s structure is notable for its parallelepipedic volume with a square footprint measuring 72 meters on each side, enveloped by a distinctive perforated concrete mesh inspired by marine rock.

The MuCEM complex consists of two main structures: the rehabilitated Fort Saint-Jean, which hosts temporary exhibitions, and a new building on the J4 esplanade dedicated to both permanent and temporary displays. These two buildings are connected by an elevated pedestrian walkway that stretches over the dock, providing a unique vantage point and linking the historical and contemporary elements of the museum.

Fort Saint-Jean

Marseille - Fort Saint-Jean

Fort Saint-Jean stands as a historic fortress in Marseille, France, providing breathtaking panoramic views of the bustling boats in the bay and the cityscape beyond. Constructed in 1660 by King Louis XIV at the entrance of the Old Port, Fort Saint-Jean has become one of the city’s most frequented monuments, rich with centuries of captivating history.

In 2013, two footbridges were added, enhancing access to the fortress. These bridges link Fort Saint-Jean with the historical district of Le Panier and the MuCEM (Museum of the Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean), seamlessly connecting the past and present. Visitors to Fort Saint-Jean can embark on a journey through time, exploring the fortress’s extensive heritage while enjoying its strategic views that have overseen Marseille’s evolution over the ages.

Museum of the Roman Docks

Musée Des Docks Romains

Walk along the quayside cross over the road at the second zebra crossing and to the next street, Rue de la Loge. Turn right and left under the flats to get to Pl. Vivaux. The Museum of the Roman Docks is to the right on the building in front of you.

The Museum of Roman Docks in Marseille is a fascinating site that showcases the remains of one of the few Roman commercial warehouses known globally. Discovered in 1947 during the post-World War II reconstruction of areas destroyed by German occupiers, the site was preserved thanks to the efforts of historian and archaeologist Fernand Benoit. Officially opened to the public in 1963 and later renovated in 1987, the museum displays an impressive collection of 30 dolia—large ceramic containers from Roman times.

These dolia, used primarily for agricultural purposes, were integral to ancient Roman commerce, especially in wine and oil storage. Typically found in vineyards next to presses, these containers could stand approximately 1.70 meters in height and 1.60 meters in diameter, holding between 1,800 to 2,000 liters. They were partially buried in the ground to maintain a stable temperature, sealed with a similar material lid, and coated internally with resin to preserve the contents from temperature fluctuations, which was crucial for maintaining the quality of the wine.

The museum also offers a glimpse into the history of maritime trade, featuring exhibits along the walls that detail findings from underwater excavations of 20 shipwrecks in the Marseille harbor. These displays provide insight into the extensive trade networks and the rich commercial history that shaped the region. Visitors to the museum can explore both the remnants of medieval structures and the ancient Roman dolia, making it a unique and educational experience that bridges the city’s past and present.

Maison Diamantée

Maison Diamantée

Continue along Pl. Vivaux past the square whic often has lovely olive trees in pots (Oliviers en pots). Maison Diamantée is on your left as you get to the large square.

The Diamond House, formerly known as the hotel of Saboulin Bollena, is a historically significant building located just behind the City Hall in Marseille. Its name derives from the distinctive diamond-shaped stones that adorn its facade. Together with the Hotel Cabree, it stands as one of the most well-preserved residences in the area today.

Constructed in the 15th century, the Diamond House was built on the former palace gardens of Provence by wealthy Spanish and Italian investors. Over the centuries, it has served as the home for some of Marseille’s most prominent families, including Pierre Sebolin de Bollena, who was the second sheriff of Marseille in 1685, followed by his nephew, Francois de Sabolin Bollena, who became the first sheriff of the city in 1702.

From 1967 until 2009, this building housed the Museum of Old Marseille, preserving and showcasing the city’s rich history. After 2009, its collections were incorporated into the Marseille History Museum. This museum offers a detailed portrayal of life in Marseille during the 18th and 19th centuries and features an impressive exhibit on the Plague of 1720, providing insights into one of the most challenging periods in the city’s history.

Hotel de Ville (City Hall)

Marseille-Hotel De Ville

Head back to the quay ant tur left.

You can’t overlook the Town Hall as you stroll through the Old Port. The grand mayoral residence stands tall on the right bank, overlooking Notre-Dame de la Garde. Situated near the Panier district, it’s worth pausing to admire its magnificent architecture and rich history.

Fort Saint Nicolas & Fort d'Entrecasteaux

Fort Saint-Nicolas Marseille

The tour on the southside of the port is more spreadout and does have a bit of a climb to the Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde. To continue you cross over the dock on the ligne du ferry which runs daily (07:30 – 20:30) and only costs €0.50 (free for RTM or CityPass subscription holders). Or you can either continue along the quay to end the tour where we started.

Crosing over the ferry head west, with the water on your right. Fort Saint-Nicolas will be on your right.

The fortress complex at the entrance to Marseille’s Vieux Port, comprising Fort d’Entrecasteaux and Fort Ganteaume, is a testament to the strategic military architecture of the 17th century under Louis XIV. Designed to maintain control over Marseille in the event of local insurrection, this fortification exemplifies the era’s military foresight and the evolving art of warfare.

The fort occupies a critical limestone spur, strategically positioned between the port, the Saint-Victor abbey, and the Pharo. Historically, it encapsulated the medieval Saint-Nicolas chapel, which was subsequently demolished. The construction, initiated in 1660 by the Chevalier de Clerville, incorporates a sophisticated double-enclosure system of ditches and bastions, specifically engineered to counteract the enhanced offensive capabilities introduced by fire artillery at the time.

This defensive structure was divided into two distinct tiers. The lower tier, known as Fort de Ganteaume, functioned historically as a farmyard with strategic views over the port. It was isolated following the construction of Boulevard Charles Livon in 1862, during the establishment of the nearby Imperial Residence, le Pharo. This lower portion remains under military jurisdiction.

The upper fort, Fort d’Entrecasteaux, features dual interlocking enclosures that adhere to a quadrangular plan optimized for the terrain’s steep escarpment. The construction showcases exemplary masonry with large blocks of pink La Couronne limestone, accentuated by bossed quoins and string courses that trace arabesques of counter-curves along the slopes, lending an air of serene power to the structure.

Currently, the upper fort has undergone extensive restoration and is now accessible to the public. It is managed by the Citadelle de Marseille, offering visitors a unique glimpse into the historical military architecture and the continuous evolution of defense strategies in response to advancements in warfare technology. This fort not only served as a bulwark but also chronicles the broader narrative of military engineering and its implications on urban development and regional control.

Palais du Pharo

Palais Du Pharo Et Vieux-Port

Walk up Bd Charles Livon, stop and admire to view from the small, Jardin Missak Manouchian dedicated to this resistance fighter of Armenian origin and his comrades, foreigners who died fighting for France. Parc Émile Duclaux and Palais du Pharo is on your right.

Intended as an imperial abode, the Palais du Pharo stands as a splendid Napoleonic edifice that merits exploration for both its architectural grandeur and its surrounding park.

While the Palace itself is not open for tours, it is surrounded by nearly six hectares of gardens named after Émile Duclaux. The Parc du Pharo presents a stunning view of the Vieux-Port and Marseille’s northern coastline, making it a popular spot for leisurely walks. These verdant areas attract families, walkers, and tourists, ranking among the city’s most delightful green spaces.

Abbey of Saint-Victor

Abbaye Saint-Victor, Marseille France

Walk down Av. Pasteur and left onto Av. de la Corse. Turn left down Rue du Commandant Lamy to the Abbey of Saint-Victor.

The Abbey of Saint-Victor stands as a premier attraction in Marseille, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the city’s religious heritage. A visit to the Basilica and its crypts offers a spectacular view of the Vieux-Port (Old Port). Historically, the abbey’s tower has served as a significant landmark for the people of Marseille. Beyond the breathtaking vistas, the abbey is a treasure trove of Early Christian art, deeply entwined with the history of Marseille. Those passionate about culture and history will find great delight in exploring its crypts, chapels, and sarcophagi.

Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde

Notre Dame De La Garde, Marseille

Head back past Av. de la Corse and walk up Rue d’Endoume for 700m. Yuo will see the steps on your left leading up to Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde.

The Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde is a striking 19th-century landmark visible throughout Marseille. It is built atop the remnants of a 12th-century chapel and a 16th-century fort, serving historically as both a sacred site and a strategic defensive position. Today, it remains a place where locals frequent to seek blessings for safe travels and health recoveries.

The basilica is renowned for its magnificent location which offers stunning panoramic views, attracting visitors as much for its visual appeal as for its richly decorated interior. It plays a central role in many of Marseille’s significant festivities, including being a prime spot for viewing Bastille Day fireworks. Atop the basilica, the golden statue of the Virgin Mary, affectionately known as La Bonne Mère, is said to watch over the city. Historically, Garde Hill, where the basilica stands, has served as a critical lookout point and a pilgrimage site for sailors praying for safe voyages. In the 16th century, King François I ordered the construction of a fort here to protect Marseille from potential Spanish invasions, around the same period the Château d’If was established.

The foundation stone of the current basilica was laid in 1853, incorporating the base of the former fort. Above the north door, the symbol of King François—a salamander—is still visible. The architecture of the basilica is inspired by Byzantine designs, characterized by a striking façade of alternating red and white stones, ornate domes, and elaborate mosaics that adorn the interior.

Head down Montee de l’Oratoire. You will see a monument “ Le char Jeanne d’Arc”, a sherman tank left from the second world war. It remains where it was destroyed, advancing up the hill to attack a German position. Carry on down Montee de l’Oratoire, turn right to walk down the steps next to Caniparc. Take a shortcut down Rue des Brusques and head straight across the roundabout to walk down Rue Fort Notre Dame back to the port.

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Discover Marseille: Old Town and City Highlights Free Tour

Discover Marseille: Old Town and City Highlights Free Tour France — #1

Overview of the tour in Marseille

Join us to explore this wonderful city of 2,600 years on a two-hour walking tour, where we'll embark on an exciting journey. We'll start our adventure at the marvelous Old Port, a natural harbor and the birthplace of the city, where it all began! From there, we'll delve into the Le Panier District, a beautiful old town with a long history dating back to the founding of Marseille by the Greeks in the 6th century BC. Over the centuries, this neighborhood has been home to a mix of communities, including Romans, Armenians, Neapolitans, and Africans, among others, reflecting the cultural diversity that permeates its architecture and atmosphere. We'll continue our tour by visiting the impressive Marseille Cathedral, one of the architectural symbols of the city. We'll conclude our experience at the entrance of the Museum: a new icon of Marseille. The Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations is one of the most visited places in the city, thanks to its modern architecture that blends with the Renaissance-era Saint-Jean Fortress. Here, you can enjoy an unforgettable panoramic view of the city and capture memorable photos of the coast.

This activity includes:

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Ezequiel — Guide of Discover Marseille: Old Town and City Highlights Free Tour, France

Meeting point

Exit "Vieux Port" of metro 1, under the mirror ceiling called "L`Ombriere de Norman Foster", across the street from the Burger King

The tour starts at Vieux Port (Old Port) Meeting point under the mirrored ceiling called 'L'Ombrière de Norman Foster'. Look for the light blue umbrella!

Things to note

We'll be waiting for you with a light blue umbrella!

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Discovering Marseille by tuk tuk

  • Blog Marseille
  • Discover Marseille by Tuk-Tuk

Visit Marseille by tuk tuk, a kind of three-wheeled “taxi”, an original transport to visit Marseille! From the Old Port to the basilica  Notre Dame-de-la Garde, via Corniche Kennedy and finally the emblematic  Panier district, this more than original ride will amaze and surprise you with the richness of  the city of Marseille.

An unusual walk in Marseille

From the old port to  notre-dame….

Today all lights are green to enjoy a shining day,  the weather is good without any wind like the mistral ( a typical strong south wind )and the temperature is mild, so what to do?

I decide to rediscover Marseille but this time in a more original way, by tuk tuk! Nicolas will be our guide and driver, a couple will join us a few minutes later to share this tour. After a quick introduction, Nicolas explains what our journey is going to be and invites us to board his “pitchoune”( affectionate expression from Marseille meaning little girl “fillette”).

We settle into the seats which are very comfortable: there are even blankets  for the most sensitive.

The meeting point is located on the Old Port, ideal to start our visit well. We can admire the sailboats and even see their names and dates of manufacture written on them.

Then, we continue on to Corniche Kennedy where we have a breathtaking view of Frioul islands . Nicolas explains that it is here where the Chateau d’If (If Castle) is located and the place where the Count of Monté Cristo was imprisoned and who was made famous by Alexandre Dumas’s novel.


…Passing by the Vallon des Auffes…

We are heading now into the narrow streets of the beautiful Endoume district and after a few minutes we have reached the small fishing port of the Vallon des Auffes , my favourite place in Marseille. Indeed, it is a place full of charm located in a quiet location, far from the traffic and accessible only by foot, bicycle or…by tuk tuk! We talk with some fishermen on our way getting ready to go and drink “Une Mauresque”( a  famous south cocktail with pastis and barley syrup).

In order to reach the emblematic Notre-Dame de la Garde , we go up through the Roucas-Blanc district, where we can admire beautiful houses.

I’m not very sporty by nature, so I’m glad that Nicolas and his “pitchoune” spared our efforts  to climb the 200 or so steps to get to the top! The view over Marseille is breathtaking. Nicolas suggests that we stop for 20 minutes to enjoy the view and discover the basilica if we wish.

… To finish with the Panier district

After taking  many pictures and sharing our common passions, we head back towards the  Panier , the oldest district in Marseille! Famous for its narrow streets and typical Provençal colors, life is good here, a great place to live in.

On our way to the Panier district, we passed by the Intercontinental Marseille Hotel -Hôtel Dieu- as it used to be called, a former Marseille hospital dating from the 16th century and classified as a historical monument. As we passed, Nicolas suggested that we stop to taste some Navettes in a very famous artisanal biscuit factory in Marseille : Les Accoules . Products of an ancestral know-how, these orange blossom biscuits are sure to awaken the taste buds.

Under the sound of the bells of the Accoules Church, we continue our journey through the majestic cathedral of “La Major” then we enter the heart of the Panier district rich by its heritage and culture. The streets are narrow, the tuk tuk barely passes by but thanks to it we were able to admire the Street Art present in many alleys.


An original and enriching outing

To finish our excursion we pass again on the port, the spectacle is always as pleasant. We are so comfortable in the tuk tuk that we don’t see the time passing.

During this ride we do not fail to be noticed, the tuk tuk is equipped with an old « pouet pouet » type horn, funnier than annoying, it can be very useful in traffic which can sometimes be busy.

In addition to being very enjoyable, this walk was very rewarding. Nicolas always has the references to answer our questions, he taught us a lot about the history of Marseille and its culture. If you want to go on an original, enriching and good-humored ride, go ahead for it!

  • I book my visit!

Did you know?

Nicolas is passionate about his city and his region, he will be able to give you the best tips and places to visit and thus make your stay an unforgettable moment. Currently, he is the only tuk tuk driver in Marseille. So, feel privileged by experiencing  this escapade rich in discoveries and emotions.

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Stand-up, cinéma, football... Redouane Bougheraba, le phénomène marseillais

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PORTRAIT - Premier humoriste à se produire au Stade-Vélodrome de Marseille, le 22 juin prochain, celui qui a percé grâce à ses vidéos postées durant la pandémie de Covid, sera sur scène les 12 et 13 juin, à l’Accor Arena de Paris.

Quand l’attachée de presse de Redouane Bougheraba nous donne rendez-vous au Murat (16 e  arrondissement de Paris), la consigne est claire: l’entretien doit être terminé avant 21 heures. L’humoriste natif de Marseille est un mordu de football. Ce soir-là, l’OM, son équipe favorite, affronte l’Atalanta Bergame en demi-finale aller de Ligue Europa et pour rien au monde il ne manquerait le match qu’il ne peut malheureusement pas suivre au Stade-Vélodrome.

Qu’importe, il en a déjà vu des rencontres dans l’enceinte sportive mais surtout, le 22 juin, c’est lui qui investira ce lieu mythique. Non pas pour participer à un nouveau match amical avec Zinédine Zidane - le 14 mai dernier, il a affronté le champion du monde pour les 100 ans du Stade Lescure - mais pour jouer devant 60.000 personnes On m’appelle… , son nouveau spectacle. «Mon rêve, c’était de remplir L’Olympia, je l’ai fait. Après, c’était le Palais des sports, j’en ai fait dix. Le Stade-Vélodrome, c’est la consécration!» , analyse-t-il avec…

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le 11/06/2024 à 22:33

Encore un qui doit tout à la France....

le 11/06/2024 à 17:00

J'ai déjà visionné certaines de ses vidéos : franchement, cela ne vole pas haut. Que dire ? C'est du nivellement pas le bas : pas de culture générale, une français parlé de manière très approximative, c'est vulgaire, sans finesse...c'est clanique.


le 11/06/2024 à 16:57

Humour rafraîchissant, décapant mais toujours bienveillant. Il envoie du lourd et son publique en redemande;) Il vanne sur les races, les religions, les tabous, sur tout!!!! Et chacun en prend pour son grade. À regarder sans modération

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«On avait tous Françoise Hardy au cœur», les très nombreuses réactions à la mort de l’icône de la chanson

Étienne Daho, Michel Polnareff, Carla Bruni, Julien Doré, Patrick Bruel...les hommages à la chanteuse partie mardi, symbole de l’élégance française, se multiplient.

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original tour marseille

Be Original Tours

Free Marseille Original Pub Crawl

Explore Nightlife in Marseille

The port city of Marseille is the oldest city in France, rich in history and deep culture. The city receives a massive influx of travelers from all around the world all year round. It is highly vibrant and because it’s a port city, you should already know that the nightlife here will be very thrilling. In this free Marseille Pub Crawl, we bring you the best deals from the best bars in town. Try out the locally made brew, fancy drinks, and martini mixes.

We explore the city’s most popular bars and pubs to the least popular fine ones. From street to street we discover the life and fun that the city has to offer. On this free Marseille pub crawl, we experience the city’s nightlife in full.

You may have been used to spending your vacation nights in one spot, not anymore! Join us on our free Marseille pub crawl, let’s explore premium drink specials, reserved for Originals alone.

Why Choose Us

  • Diverse Destinations: We explore all of the local and urban bars across the city to bring you an authentic experience beyond the reach of any other travel company.
  • Jolly Tour Guide: Each tour guide brings something unique to the table, with great enthusiasm and an enjoyable presence, they take you around the city.
  • Fast Booking:  Book your tour using our website guide or mobile app in less than 5 minutes.
  • Instant Support: Travelling gives rise to queries, concerns, and doubts; so, we make sure that we’re always here to put your mind at ease.

Perfect for:

  • Backpackers
  • Night Crawlers

TIP:  If you want to know where to find live music, the best clubs to pass the night, and the best restaurants to eat in – we’ll make sure you get all the inside info!

For a daytime adventure around the city, join us on our Free Marseille Original Walking tour and our Free  Marseille  Alternative Street Art tour . To get a complete fun experience.

N.B.: The tour may take one of the several routes through the city depending on the guide, the needs of the group, and the weather on the day.

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original tour marseille

The Original Marais Food Tour

Simply one of the best places to shop in Paris! Discover the secrets of little shops and indulge - yourself in the Marché des Enfants Rouges . Within a stone's throw from the Pablo Picasso Museum, this indoor market is the oldest one in Paris. From Beaubourg to Bastille, the Marais concentrates most of the pleasures  that Paris offers. Old mansions, trendy art galleries, fashion shops and of course a huge range of food shops . Tuesday to Sunday 10:30 Am to 1:30 PM - 2 PM 4 PM to 7:30 PM 3 to 3.5 Hours 115 Euros Per Person 95 Euros for kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Lyon Original Old Town Food Tour

From the Saint Jean District with the cathedral to the « traboules & bouchons lyonnais », we offer you to discover the Lyon old town  and to stroll all along the pedestrian zone discovering some of the best artisans of the street . Known as one of the Largest Renaissance areas in Europe with Venice, the « Vieux Lyon » is a very rich place for french History, and now a district to go to discover the « Lyonnaises Specialties »: a must-see when you’re visiting Lyon. So come and join us, to share a moment and discover some dishes that make the Lyon ’s fine reputation . Tuesday to Sunday 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM- 2 PM 5 PM to 8 PM- 8.30 PM 3 to 3.5 Hours 90 Euros Per Person 80 Euros Kids up to 14  

original tour marseille

Montmartre Walking Food Tour

Explore the historic and picturesque artists' dream that is Montmartre . Did you know that Picasso and Van Gogh lived here?   Join us on this fantastic food tour to taste and learn everything you've ever wanted to know about French gastronomy. Savoury and sweet specialities will delight you all along the way, from le Moulin Rouge to le Sacré Coeur . Monday to Sunday

10.30 AM to 1.30 PM - 2 PM 11.30 AM to 2.30 PM - 3 PM 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM - 6 PM 4 PM to 7 PM - 7.30 PM (except on Mondays)

110 Euros Per Person 95 Euros for Kids up to 14  

original tour marseille

Original Wine, Sweet and Savory Food Walking Tour in Bordeaux

Take a tour in Bordeaux and visit both side : New city and Old town ! This complete food and wine tour will take you to some of the iconic places in Bordeaux . The history of Bordeaux wine started almost 2000 years to Roman times when the first vineyards were planted. If the Bordeaux region began first of all on the english market during the Middle Ages, when Henry Plantagenet and Eleanor of Aquitaine get married, it's today one of the most famous wine-growing area of France . 10.30 AM to 2.30 PM 4.00 PM to 8.00 pm  4 Hours 110 Euros Per Person 100 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

The Original Tapas and Wine Walking Tour

Returning soon!  Come and join us for on the late evening to taste tapas and get immersed into the night atmosphere in Madrid.

Walk in the street, and come into several bars or restaurants to learn about the Spanish culture of the ‘’Aperitivo’’ .

A Few meters away from the ‘’ Puerta del Sol ”, you will discover an area rich of historical places, and live this moment as a local, since your guide will just make you discover typical stops.

On this tour we will be moving around some great bars and restaurant to appreciate some amazing wines , vermouth , and some of the best tapas Madrid can offers.

Monday to Sunday 6:30 PM to  9:30 PM 3 Hours 105 Euros Per Person 90 Euros kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Morning Food Market Tour in Les Halles Paul Bocuse

Have you ever heard about Paul Bocuse  ? The chef who was considered as the Pope of the French Gastronomy , pioneer in its field, and owner of a restaurant with 3 Michelin stars during fifty-three years. By discovering « Les Halles Paul Bocuse » we offer you to discover a temple of the French and Lyonnaise Gastronomy . Get immersed into the best place to shop in Lyon : from « Lyonnaise Specialties » to Cheese and Wine tasting , you will have the opportunity to try some of the dishes that compose the typical french meal ! Tuesday to Sunday 10 AM to 12.00 / 12.30 2 to 2.5 Hours 100 Euros Per Person 90 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

The Original Markets and Tasting Food Tour in Madrid

Returning soon! From Chamberi to the famous area of Chueca , enjoy a local food experience with us! Between streets, shops and markets enjoy a food tour in two of the most vibrant neighborhoods of Madrid. You will feel immersed into the Spanish life , since your local guide will expose to you the different steps of the Madrid’s food daily routine :  the break with tapas in a bar, how people do shopping or share a moment in a food market , typical stores where they found the best food in the city… Discover the secrets of little shops , learn about the history of the country and taste some of the best food and drinks that Madrid can offer! Monday to Sunday 11 AM to 2:30 PM 3 Hours 30 100 Euros Per Person 85 Euros kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Bordeaux Old Town & Market Food Tour

Welcome To Bordeaux ! The city of wine ? Yes, but not only !  Bordeaux has one of France finest gastronomy with some dishes and delicacies unique to Bordeaux and the South West of France : The " foie gras " and its cooking method, the " canelé ", the " bouchon de Bordeaux " but not only ! Tuesday to Sunday 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM 3 to 3.5 Hours 100 Euros Per Person 90 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Afternoon Food and Wine Tour in Nice

Join us on a tour and get immersed into the Old Town , a very different way, drinking and eating local specialties . Take the opportunity to meet the locals , and to share with the shopkeepers and restaurant owners. Your food lover and expert guide will be with you, to explain you the history of the neighborhood and to share about the quality of food you will be able to try during the tour. Tuesday to Sunday (All year around) 3 PM to 6-6.30 PM 3-3.5 Hours 110 Euros Per Person 100 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Private Food Tour in Madrid

Returning soon a 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in madrid . by choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of madrid and try several tastings with always the same rule : qua-li-ty. .

original tour marseille

Lyon Old Town Original Private Food Tour

Private Foodie Tour in Lyon Old Town.

A 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in Lyon. By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Lyon and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY .

original tour marseille

Original Private Wine, Sweet and Savory Food Walking Tour in Bordeaux

A 4 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in Bordeaux. By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Bordeaux and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY. Take a private tour in Bordeaux and visit both side : New city and Old town ! This complete food and wine tour will take you to some of the iconic places in Bordeaux . The history of Bordeaux wine started almost 2000 years to Roman times when the first vineyards were planted. Departure time depending your schedule. A minimum of 2 people required Tuesday to Sunday 4 Hours Departure time depending on your schedule 200 Euros per person 185 Euros for children (under 14)

original tour marseille

The Original Chocolate , Pastries & Macaron Walking Tour of Saint-Germain

In the romantic left bank of Paris, this unique chocolate food tour explores the picturesque area of Saint Germain , a place well known for its world-class chocolatiers . The French favourite is the chocolate chou ,  which you will get to sample for yourself during the tour. You will also enjoy beautifully made macarons , mouth-watering pastries and a range of other chocolate treats like you've never tasted before.

  Monday to Sunday 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM    3 Hours  99 Euros Per Person 79 Euros Kids up to 14  

original tour marseille

Private Markets and Tasting Food Tour in Madrid

Returning soon! A 3,5 hours Private food tour  with some of the best artisans you can find between Chamberi and Chueca areas. By choosing our private adventure you will explore two amazing areas of Madrid and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY .  Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you directly at your hotel, special diets....We will offer you different options : this is you who personalize the tour !  Departure time depending your schedule. Monday to Sunday 3 to 3.5 Hours 160 Euros Per Person 140 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Taste of Saint Germain Sweet & Savory

Marked by History , elegance and French refinement , Saint Germain des Prés is also a formidable hotspot for  foodies from all over the world.  There, you will not only have a chance to taste exquisite chocolate and pastries  but also some unique cured beef , fresh cheeses produced in the Alpes mountains and a selection of great French wines . Off the beaten path, you will never forget this authentic Parisian experience! Tuesday to Sunday 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM- 2 PM 3 to 3.5 hours 120 Euros Per Person 100 Euros for kids up to 14  

original tour marseille

Original Private Bordeaux Old Town & Market Food Tour

A 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in Bordeaux. By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Bordeaux and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY. Bordeaux has one of France finest gastronomy with some dishes and delicacies unique to Bordeaux and the South West of France : The "foie gras" and its cooking method, the "canelé", the "bouchon de Bordeaux" but not only ! By joining this private experience you will discover the effervescence of Bordeaux's markets and will spend a great time in the Old town of Bordeaux with your local and food expert guide . Departure time depending your schedule. A minimum of 2 people required Tuesday to Sunday 3 Hours Departure time depending on your schedule 200 Euros per person 185 Euros for children (under 14)

original tour marseille

Original Private Food Market Tour in Les Halles Paul Bocuse

Private Market Tour in Les Halles Paul Bocuse. A 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in Lyon. By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Lyon and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY.

Have you ever heard about Paul Bocuse ? The chef who was considered as the Pope of the French Gastronomy , pioneer in its field, and owner of a restaurant with 3 Michelin stars during fifty-three years. By discovering « Les Halles Paul Bocuse » we offer you to discover a temple of the French and Lyonnaise Gastronomy . Get immersed into the best place to shop in Lyon : from « Lyonnaise Specialties » to Cheese and Wine tasting , you will have the opportunity to try some of the dishes that compose the typical french meal !

A minimum of 2 people required Pick up hotel can be arranged. Monday to Sunday 3 Hours 200 Euros Per Person 185 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Private Tapas and Wine Walking Tour in Madrid

Returning soon! A  3 hours Private food tour  with some of the best stops you can find in Las Letras area. By choosing our private adventure you will explore this amazing area of  Madrid  and try several tastings with always the same rule :  QUA-LI-TY.  Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you directly at your hotel, special diets....We will offer you different options :  this is you who personalize the tour !  Departure time depending your schedule. Monday to Sunday 3 to 3.5 Hours 180 Euros Per Person 160 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Private Food Tour in Bordeaux

A 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans  in Bordeaux. By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Bordeaux and try several tastings with always the same rule: QUA-LI-TY.   You choose the area and we will offer you different options, being very flexible:  you're the one personalizing the tour !  From pastries to cheese: this will be the best way to get immersed into the French culture! Your local food expert will be taking you to some of Bordeaux's hidden gems!  Tuesday to Sunday 3 Hours Departure time depending your schedule. 200 Euros per person 185 Euros for children (under 14)

original tour marseille

Bastille & Paris Best Market

Paris Best Market Tour Bastille square, Aligre & Beauvau markets ( outdoor & indoor ) : Two markets into one, and a district. Enjoy a Food Tour in the most distinct & vibrant neighbourhood of Paris, situated in the 12th arrondissement. You will feel like one of the locals as you chat to shopkeepers and taste local cheese, cured meats and pastries . Your guide will take you to some of the locals favorite food places.  End the tour with a glass of wine and sharing platter. Tuesday to Sunday (Mornings Only) 10 AM to 1 :30 PM 3 Hours 30 99 Euros Per Person 85 Euros for kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Private Tour in Lyon

Private Foodie Tour in Lyon. A 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in Lyon. By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Lyon and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY.  You choose the area : Lyon Old Town or "Les Halles Paul Bocuse"... and we will offer you different options : this is you who personalize the tour !  From pastries to cheese : this will be the best way to get immersed into the French culture ! Your local food expert will be taking you to some of Lyon hidden gem !  Departure time depending your schedule. Monday to Sunday 3 Hours 200 Euros Per Person  185 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Montmartre French Bistrologie & Wine Tour

L'apéritif !! Or l'apéro ! As the French say.

Wine drinking and Wine bars are famous all over France, especially in Paris.  Evenings begin with wine in local bistros, cafes and bars across the city. For the French " l’aperitif " is the equivalent of “happy hour” and leads into a great night out or a wonderful meal. Wine drinking in a good local wine bar is a big part of the french life and culture .

On this tour we will be moving around some great Bistros and wine bars to appreciate the  amazing wine and soak up the great atmosphere .  

Tuesday to Sunday 6 PM to 8.30 PM 2.5 to 3 Hours 120 Euros Per Person  

original tour marseille

Crepes, Chocolates and Macarons in Montmartre

Crepes,   Chocolates and Macaron in the charming streets of Montmartre! Stroll the streets of Montmartre and its history via a true French afternoon tea time !  Montmartre's reputation is second to none for its artiste and laid-back atmosphere with so many secrets. In this afternoon's sweet walking tour you will get the chance to visit the main points of interest of Montmartre while tasting some amazing treats!  Visit bakeries , pâtisseries and local food artisan s that make Montmartre so special. Monday  to Sunday 2.30 pm to 5 pm  2 .5 Hours 90 Euros Per Person 80 Euros for kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Private tour in Le Marais

A 3-hour Private food tour  with some of the best artisans in Le Marais . By choosing our private adventure you will explore this amazing area of Paris and try several tastings with always the same rule: QUA-LI-TY .  Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you up directly at your hotel, special diets...We will offer you different options: you're the one personalizing the tour!  Departure time depending on your schedule. Tuesday to Sunday 3 to 3.5 Hours 185 Euros Per Person (adults and kids). 180 Euros Per Person (adults and kids) for groups of 6 people and more.  

original tour marseille

Private tour in Montmartre

A 3 hours Private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in Montmartre . By choosing our private adventure you will explore this amazing area of Paris and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY .  Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you directly at your hotel, special diets....We will offer you different options : this is you who personalize the tour !  Departure time depending your schedule. Monday to Sunday 3 to 3.5 Hours 185 Euros Per Person (adults and kids). 180 Euros Per Person (adults and kids) for groups of 6 people and more.  

original tour marseille

Private Chocolate , Pastries & Macaron Walking Tour of Saint-Germain

A 3-hour Private food tour  with some of the best Chocolates and Pastries makers and artisans you can find in the world . By choosing our private adventure you will explore this amazing area of Paris and try several tastings with always the same rule: QUA-LI-TY.  Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you up directly at your hotel, special diets...We will offer you different options: this is you who personalize the tour!  Departure time depending your schedule. Monday to Sunday 3 to 3.5 Hours 185 Euros Per Person (adults and kids). 180 Euros Per Person (adults and kids) for groups of 6 people and more.

original tour marseille

Private tour in Saint Germain

A 3-hour Private food tour with some of the best artisans in Saint Germain des Prés. By choosing our private adventure you will explore this amazing area of Paris and try several tastings with always the same rule: QUA-LI-TY .  Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you up directly at your hotel, special diets...We will offer you different options:  you're the one personalizing the tour!  Departure time depending your schedule. Monday to Sunday 3 to 3.5 Hours 185 Euros Per Person (adults and kids). 180 Euros Per Person (adults and kids) for groups of 6 people and more.  

original tour marseille

Best of Both ( left and right banks ) Food Trail

Best of Both ( left and right banks ) Food Trail  Coming soon! Have you ever dreamed of a trip to the heart of French gastronomy while exploring the best of the two banks that surround the Seine River? We have been working for a long time on this tour to try to gather in a single food tour the best craftsmen-creator of Paris, the most beautiful buildings (Louvre / Pont des Arts / st germain / Islands) and the most delicious products for an incredible food trail of 4 hours 30 through the city of lights. This unique tour is only for  Real Foodies who want an immersive experience in a small group (limited to 10 people) and accompanied by a local expert in French gastronomy.  Tuesday to Sunday   10.30 AM to 2.30 PM 4 to 4.5 Hours 140 Euros Per Person 110 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Private Tour in Paris

original tour marseille

Good Evening Paris !

Hop on and hop off restaurants!

Enjoy an evening in a Paris restaurant and practice your French skills with the locals! Cocktails or Wine? Tapas or A La Carte? Whatever your choice we'll be moving to different places around the City! Monday to Sunday 8 PM to 10.30 PM - 11 PM 2.5 to 3 Hours 150 Euros Per Person  

original tour marseille

The Original Food and Wine Stroll Naples

The best moment to visit Napoli is in the early evening. The restaurants and bars begin to buzz and the energy is infectious.  Join us on a tour and get immersed into the Old Town, a very different way, drinking and eating local specialties. Take the opportunity to meet the locals, and to chat with the shopkeepers and restaurant owners, while you enjoy some wine.  

original tour marseille

Marché D'aligre Walking Food Tour

Paris Best Market Tour

Aligre & Beauvau markets ( outdoor & indoor ): Two markets into one . 

Enjoy a Food Tour of the most distinct & vibrant market in Paris, situated in the 12th arrondissement. You will feel like one of the locals as you chat with shopkeepers and taste local cheese , cured meats and chocolate .

Your guide will take you to some of the local's  favourite food places. 

End the tour with a glass of wine and sharing platter.

Tuesday to Sunday  (Mornings Only) 10 AM to noon 2 Hours 75 Euros Per Person 70 Euros for kids up to 14  

original tour marseille

Fun Chocolate Workshop

The Chocolate Workshop

Learn to make world-class chocolate with a master chocolatier in this fantastic atelier!

Situated near Place de la Concorde, and the famous champ élysées our chocolatier keep on amazing us with their knowledge and adventurous approach all in great fun!

If you wish to privatize this tour just send us a mail on the dates required.  

Friday Only   2.30 PM to 4 PM 1.30 Hours 55 Euros Per Person  

original tour marseille

The Original Secret Roman Backstreets Food Tour

Our food tour of this incredible city is also inspired by a dream. Our dream is to share the Rome of the locals , far from the tourist trap zones like Travastere, we dine in the Rome of the Romans. give you the opportunity to be a part of the old-Roman culture and traditions, in the vibrant Monti You will feast on the most delicious food and wine, as we tell you the stories of our ancient traditions.  Of course there will be Pizza, Porchetta, Mortadella, Meatballs,  Wine and much, much more. And in the true Roman style we take time. Time to eat, time to drink, time to laugh, enjoy and be alive. 

original tour marseille

2 Days 1 Night Weekend Foodie in Paris

1 night 2 days foodie weekend  A city of love , culture and cuisine ! Paris is a magnet for lovers and nearest and dearest , a sleepless and sophisticated capital fueled by champagne and dreams , with a  unwavering allure for the world art and culture connoisseurs.  A 2 day 1 night to explore ,taste & sample as you go along . Staying in our secret 3 start hotel ideally place  in the Paris city center near all major tourist attractions , you will be able to discover Paris at your pace . Saturday : 11.30 am : The Marais Food Tour  Sunday : 10.30 am : Montmartre Walking Food Tour  Saturday & Sunday  All year around and suitable for family's . Airport transfers included. 950 Euros for 2 people   

original tour marseille

Caviar & Champagne Tasting

Coming soon!

original tour marseille

Best of Both Tour

Indulge in a sensational 5-hour food tour that will whisk you away on a mouth-watering voyage through the enchanting streets of Paris. Starting on the right bank and ending on the left bank , this exceptional experience makes you taste the finest flavors of both sides of the city . Immerse yourself in the ambience of Parisian culture as you try sweet and savory delights , exquisite cheeses , and perfectly paired wines . Our journey takes us through iconic locations such as the prestigious Île Saint-Louis , known as the "Island of Paris", the  Marché des Enfants Rouges,  oldest covered market in Paris, the charming neighborhood of Saint Paul , the vibrant Jewish quarter , the awe-inspiring Notre Dame Cathedral , and the bohemian heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés . This experience promises an unforgettable exploration of Paris' culinary treasures , with a minimum of ten stops tailored to the season's freshest offerings. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and create lasting memories on this adventure across the City of Lights.

original tour marseille

Chocolate Tour By Bus

Visit Paris by open bus via the chocolate route !  Ideal for large groups up to 50 people. 

A 2.5 hours journey around Paris on your private tour bus. 

In partnership with the open tour bus original food tours invite you to a Paris chocolate route and pictures opportunities  around the city of love .

Starting Place de la Madeleine where is house of some of Paris great names such Patrick Roger. This chocolate tour and tasting game will see you cruising some of the fines monuments Paris as to offer.  

From 65 euros per person

Private Departure 

original tour marseille

Original Old Town Food Tour in Nice

Welcome to Nice  - Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur ! From the famous Place Masséna to the heart of the old town, Nice inspire people everyday due to the local architecture and because of the fantastic regional food ! Unique to Nice and its region, some dishes built a big part of the french culture. Have you ever tried the " salade niçoise ", the "ratatouille " or even the socca ? Come with us and discover plenty tastings from south of France ! Tuesday to Sunday 10.30 AM to  2 .00 PM 3.5 Hours 100 Euros Per Person 90 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Evening Food and Wine Tour in Nice

One of the best moments to visit Nice it's in the evening, when all restaurants and bars begin to buzz! Join us on a tour and get immersed into the Old Town , a very different way, drinking and eating local specialties . Take the opportunity to meet the locals , and to share with the shopkeepers and restaurant owners. Your food lover and expert guide will be with you, to explain you the history of the neighborhood and to share about the quality of food you will be able to try during the tour. Tuesday to Sunday 5 PM to 8-8.30 PM (From March 1st to October 15th) 3-3.5 Hours 110 Euros Per Person 100 Euros Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

The Evening Wine Stroll

Monti is the most happening area for Romans, a buzzing neighborhood night and day. Monti contains the favorite bars and restaurants of the locals and the most authentic food . You will recognize many of the sites from films as we explore this naturally cinematic neighborhood.  This is a party , not a wine eduction class although we do welcome questions and will make sure you always know what you are drinking.  As you drink and stroll you see the most Amazing sites including an instagram worthy view of the Colliseum at night .  Join us for a truly unforgettable evening. 

original tour marseille

Original Private Food Tour in Nice

A 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans you can find in Nice.  By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Nice and try several tastings with always the same rule : QUA-LI-TY .  You choose the area and we will offer you different options, beeing very flexible  :  this is you who personalize the tour  !  From pastries to cheese : this will be the best way to get immersed into the French culture ! Your local food expert will be taking you to some of Nice hidden gem !  Departure time depending your schedule. Tuesday to Sunday 3 Hours 185 Euros Per Person (adults & kids)

original tour marseille

The Private Roman Tour

The Ultimate private Roman Experience steps from the Colisseum.  We design this tour around what interests you. Tell us your  Rome. We take the time we need to give you the Ultimate Roman experience. 

original tour marseille

The Original Ultimate Napoli Food Tour

Enter the Gateway to a whole new world. See why Stanley Tucci so loved Napoli and more importantly, taste the reasons why. Rome is stately and impressive; Florence is all beauty and enchantment; Genoa is picturesque; Venice is a dream city; but Naples is simply — fascinating. ...Down every narrow street and impossibly small alleyway we have found something to love, and to taste. We begin at the square opposite the Municipo station at the Port and your guide will take you on a journey through time, space, and culinary history as we steer clear of the tourist traps to bring you the classics. Wine, pasta, pizza, of course and so much more.  Napoli dates back to 2000 B.C. And it all began at the same port where we begin our culinary journey. 

original tour marseille

The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour

Simply one of the best places to eat in the world Discover the secrets of little shops and indulge - yourself from the Port to the Daily Market as we taste the world. From Greece to Africa, From Italy to Columbia discover why the oldest city in France is the most diverse Monday to Friday 10:30 am to 2 3.5 to 4 Hours 109 Euros Per Person 99 Euros for kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Original Private Tour Berlin

The Original Ultimate Berlin Private Tour.  Berlin is experiencing a culinary revival. The cuisine was historically shaped by two world wars and was a cuisine born of poverty, Currywurst and Kebab ruled. Now this European Capital is fast becoming the destination for new chefs looking to make their name in the world.  Whether you are looking for a Vegan experience or a traditional Beer Hall , we have the perfect private tour for you.  This is completely customizable based on your tastes and your dreams of Berlin. Berlin is both Germany and not Germany as our cuisine is influenced by being at the Center of Europe  and a destination for immigrants from Thailand and Turkey.  Come and discover a chef-led idea of the best of the city we love. 

original tour marseille

The Original Bonsoir Marseille Tour

Simply one of the best places to Eat in the world! A relaxing stroll as the sun begins to set as your guide introduces you to French wine and some of the delicious and distinctive bites of Marseilles.  Thursay to Saturday 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. 3.5 to 3.5 hours 109 Euros Per Person  

original tour marseille

Original Private Food Tour in Cannes

A 3 hours private food tour with some of the best artisans in Cannes. By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area of Cannes and try several tastings with always the same rule: QUA-LI-TY.  You choose the area and we will offer you different options, being very flexible: this is you who personalize the tour!  From pastries to cheese: this will be the best way to get immersed into the French culture! Your local food expert will take you to some of Cannes' hidden gems!  Departure time depending your schedule. Tuesday to Sunday 3 Hours 185 Euros Per Person (adults & kids)

original tour marseille

Original Private Marseilles Tour Day or Night

With a flexible time departure, you will begin the tour in this fantastic area and get introduced to Marseilles specialities thanks to your passionate, local and private guide.  Discover the secrets of little shops and indulge - yourself in this fascinating port city, the oldest city in France. During the tour, you will have the opportunity to discover small artisans with a very traditional way to work.  If you have any special requests, do not hesitate: we will be happy to try to make your dreams possible! 

original tour marseille

Pintxo Dinner Experience San Sebastian

Along the route we’ll show you the sites & tell you about the history & culture of the Basque Country, but the focus is definitely on FOOD & DRINK. There's no better way to learn why this is one of the world's most delicious culinary capitals. And we make learning fun with a glass of wine in your hand!  By the end of our experience you will know how to navigate the city & be confident enough to approach the bars on your own—we’re going to show you how it’s done.

original tour marseille

Chef-Led Market Tour & Pintxo Lunch San Sebastian

The secrets of San Sebastián are revealed on this walking, eating & drinking experience you'll never forget!

original tour marseille

Tastes of Chinatown

Welcome 欢迎 Selamat Datang வரவேற்பு Returning soon! Chinatown is an ethnic neighbourhood that was once home to the early Chinese migrants. The area also displays remarkable religious diversity, where Hindu temples and mosques sit right next to Chinese temples. The rich heritage of Singapore is also evident in the wealth of food choices.  Join our Walking Food Tour for a heady experience blended by culture and lip-smacking local delights . Tuesday to Sunday  10.30am - 1.30pm 4.00pm - 7 pm 3 Hours $100 SGD per Person $90 SGD Kids up to 14

original tour marseille

Katong Walking Food Tour

Welcome 欢迎 Selamat Datang வரவேற்பு

original tour marseille

Sweet and Savory Evening Hawker Food Tour

original tour marseille

Champagne Discovery

This is a Deluxe Champagne Tour - You will visit the village of Epernay and the Cathedral of Reims! Discover and taste Champagnes from two Champagne producers of the area, whilst enjoying a perfect Lunch. Private Tour Only

Full Day Tour - Approx 10 - 12 Hours 7am to 6.30/7.30 pm

1950 Euros for 4  People (Includes Lunch & Champagne)

original tour marseille

The Chinatown Private Food Tour

original tour marseille

Wine of the Loire Valley

Discover the wine of this romantic area, taste and learn how the wine is made. Visit the city of the Tour, enjoy fabulous chateaux and domaines. Enjoy premium quality wines with your lunch. Private Departure Only

Full Day Tour - (10-12 Hours) Leaving paris 7.00 to 7pm / 8pm

From 1800 euros for 4 people 

original tour marseille

The Katong Private Food Tour

original tour marseille

The Hawker Private Food Tour

original tour marseille

Private Tour Singapore

original tour marseille

Kampong Glam & Haji Lane Food Trail

Kapong Glam & Haji Lane Food Trail  Welcome欢迎Selamat Datangவரவேற்பு Returning soon!

original tour marseille

Unique Singapore Sauce Making Workshop

original tour marseille

The Singapore Foodie Challenge

original tour marseille

London food tour

Returning soon! For hundreds of years the best restaurants have always been close to the iconic markets in London, where the best of British produce is to be found.  Modern Londoners have rediscovered the joy of the street markets where they enjoy an amazing array of food and drink from across the UK. Sample real ale from microbreweries and delicious artisan bread and cheese, so our food tour will take you to amazing places.  Tuesday to Saturday 10.30am to 2.30pm  120 Euros pp

original tour marseille

Good Evening London

Returning soon! Good evening London! A  Casual evening in London means..jumping to pubs and bars!  London pubs today are much more than just drinking pubs! They often served amazing traditional British cuisine and tapas-style delicacy that make London great! Microbrewery is all over the place and offers a great way to discover London. Each night a different area of London often away from the tourist crowd. Your guide will take you to some of the vibrant parts of the city where you can get to talk and mingle with locals. Wednesday to Saturday  130 euros pp 

6.30 PM to 10pm

original tour marseille

Hong Kong Original Private Food Tour

Returning soon! A 3.5-hour  Private food tour  with some of the best local artisans  in Hong Kong . By choosing our private adventure you will explore an area and try several tastings with always the same rule:  QUA-LI-TY .  Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you up directly at your hotel, special diets...We will offer you different options:  you're the one personalizing the tour!  Departure time depending your schedule. A minimum of 2 people is required  Monday to Sunday  3 hours to 3.5 hours  $180 US per Person (Local devise : 1400 HK$) $160 US per Kids up to 14 (Local devise : 1240 HK$)

original tour marseille

Hong Kong Evening Food Tour

Hong Kong Evening Food Tour  Returning soon! Monday to Sunday 5 pm - 8.30pm 3.5 Hours $120 US per Person $100 US Kids up to 14 

original tour marseille

Bangkok Original Private Food Tour

A 4 hours Private food  tour with some of the best local artisans you can find in Bangkok . By choosing our private adventure you will explore this amazing city and try several tastings with always the same rule :  QUA-LI-TY.   Flexible time of departure, possibility to pick you directly at your hotel, special diets....We will offer you different options :  this is you who personalize the tour !  Departure time depending your schedule. Monday to Sunday 4 Hours $140 US per Person (Local Devise 4700 à¸¿) $100 US per Kids up to 14 (Local Devise 3300 à¸¿)

original tour marseille

Darjeeling Tea World

Take the world most amazing and vibrant  tea route in the Himalayas! A 7 days food culture trip and adventure in this unique environment.  Visit and taste your way with the locals enjoy and be part of the village culture . Find the world best tea . Learn about the different spices and stroll the local markets ,cook with a local chef and enjoy a beverage with your host. 7 Days Saturday to Saturday  1550 euros pp   


  1. Free Marseille Original Walking Tour

    original tour marseille

  2. Après 3 ans et demi de travaux, la tour la Marseillaise, qui domine la

    original tour marseille

  3. Tour Marseillaise, un drapeau dans le ciel phocéen

    original tour marseille

  4. Original guided tours Marseille

    original tour marseille

  5. Original guided tours Marseille

    original tour marseille

  6. Le tour de Marseille en 36h …

    original tour marseille


  1. Marseille

  2. Le tour Auto 2023 : Un superbe Plateau pour cette 32 ème édition

  3. Marseille, France. Walking tour [4K]. Vieux-Port

  4. Dans les coulisses du Vélodrome avec les visites de l'OM Tour


  1. Our tours

    The Original Bonsoir Marseille Tour. Simply one of the best places to Eat in the world! A relaxing stroll as the sun begins to set as your guide introduces you to French wine and some of the delicious and distinctive bites of Marseilles. Thursay to Saturday 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. 3.5 to 3.5 hours 109 Euros Per Person . Details & Booking »

  2. Marseille Original Food Tours

    Marseille Original Food Tours. We are Food & Beverage Tour organizers with lots of knowledge. Food tours is OUR thing! Our Food routes are unique with lots of true local delicacies and lots of fun! For the past 15 years, we traveled the world in a quest of learning the food cultural differences between each country or indeed regions!

  3. Benjamin Potet

    About the activity provider. Benjamin is a French licensed tour guide. During his tours, he's trying to make you feel, discover and understand the most beautiful city of the world : Marseille Tours available in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese Benjamin est guide-conférencier à Marseille.

  4. The Original Bonsoir Marseille Tour

    The Original Bonsoir Marseille Tour. Bonsoir Marseille or Good Evening Marseille as we share a relaxing evening with wine, a stroll round the port and some great tastes. From the port to a hidden area rarely seen by tourists we have found some delicious wines and bites to enjoy. As the temperature cools and the sun begins to set we relax together seeing the city in a natural relaxed way.

  5. Original Tour

    Original Tour, Marseille, France. 389 likes. Vous aimez vous évader? ça tombe bien, nous aussi ! Qu'importe la destination; partons ! ... Like

  6. Original Private Marseilles Tour Day or Night

    The Original Private Marseilles Food Tour You can choose the time of day to depart and we can mix the day and evening options or customize to your desires. From the port to the backstreets we make a full circle.

  7. Free Marseille Original Walking Tour

    Marseille has its own massive share of French history and culture, as we go on this free Marseille walking tour you can expect to discover old cathedrals like the popular Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde. A great stop for visitors and travelers alike. Other scenic sights include the fortress Chateau d'lf and Fort Saint-Jean.

  8. Marseille Original Food Tours

    Marseille Original Food Tours. #41 of 53 Food & Drink in Marseille. Walking ToursFood ToursWine Tours & Tastings. Write a review. About. We are Food & Beverage Tour organizers with lots of knowledge. Food tours is OUR thing! Our Food routes are unique with lots of true local delicacies and lots of fun! For the past 15 years, we traveled the ...

  9. Citytours in Marseille

    Unusual city tours in Marseille. Enjoy an original tour in Marseille ! Visit Marseille by Tuk Tuk. Discover Marseille in a Tuk Tuk tour: from the Panier to Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, passing by the Corniche and the Vallon des Auffes, explore the city on board a soft and environment-friendly vehicle. Visit Marseille by side car

  10. 2024 The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour

    The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour cancellation policy: For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience. ... Aix en Provence & Marseille Tour. 1. Full-day Tours. from . $907.46. per adult (price varies by group size) Walking Tour in Marseille with Local Experiences. 2. Historical Tours. from ...

  11. Free Marseille Walking Tour

    The Original Free Marseille Walking Tour allows you to see the city in an enjoyable and informative way. Over the 2.5 hours duration of the tour, you will be able to see many of the major sights in Marseille as well as some of the lesser known ones. Original Free Marseille Walking Tour includes: Marseille Cathedral. Marseille City Hall.

  12. Walking Tour of Marseille's Old Town

    Porte d'Aix, also known as Porte Royale, is a triumphal arch located in Marseille, France, which serves as a historical marker for the city's old entrance from the road leading to Aix-en-Provence. The arch's design, by Michel-Robert Penchaud, draws inspiration from the grand triumphal arches of the Roman Empire.

  13. The 10 BEST Free Walking Tours in Marseille

    The Original Marseille Free Alternative Tour is for you if you're seeking for something different from your typical tour. We delve into the underground scene, which only a native would be able to show you. Pub Crawls. We strive to provide experiences that are convenient for you, whether it is during the day or at night. Marseille's live ...

  14. Discover Marseille: Old Town and City Highlights Free Tour

    Overview of the tour in Marseille. Join us to explore this wonderful city of 2,600 years on a two-hour walking tour, where we'll embark on an exciting journey. We'll start our adventure at the marvelous Old Port, a natural harbor and the birthplace of the city, where it all began! From there, we'll delve into the Le Panier District, a beautiful ...

  15. Marseille Highlights (Marseille)

    Marseille Highlights. Enjoy a morning tour of Marseille and explore its must-see sites with a guide. Start with a walking tour through the old town and the trendy south bank and end with a drive to the best viewpoint in the city! Guided walking tour of Marseille. The "Vieux Port" and its very original "Ombrière". Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica.

  16. The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour

    The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour. The Original Marseilles Food Tour ... Your English-speaking local tour leader and guide will take you to some of the great food shops of Marseille and you will learn about the food as you sample Monday to Friday 10:30 to 2 3.5 to 4 Hours 109 Euros Per Person

  17. The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour

    Embark on 'The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour' for a mysterious exploration of Marseille's hidden gems and untold secrets...

  18. 2024 The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour

    The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour. 5. The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour - with unbiased reviews. ... All things to do in Marseille Commonly Searched For in Marseille. Budget-friendly Good for a Rainy Day Good for Children Free Entry Good for Couples Good for Big Groups Hidden Gems Good for Adrenaline Seekers Honeymoon spot.

  19. The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour

    Embark on an enchanting exploration of the hidden corners of Marseille with The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour. This captivating journey will transport

  20. The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour 2024

    All Inclusive Food & History Tour of Marseille with Local Guide. 9. from $140.47. Marseille, Provence. Delicious Wine and Food tour in Marseille. 6. ... The Original Marseilles Backstreets Tour. 2. 3 hours 30 minutes. Free Cancellation. From. $119.32. Marseille Food Tour - Do Eat Better Experience. 251. 3 hours 30 minutes. Free Cancellation.

  21. Discover Marseille by Tuk-Tuk

    Discover Marseille by Tuk-Tuk. Visit Marseille by tuk tuk, a kind of three-wheeled "taxi", an original transport to visit Marseille! From the Old Port to the basilica Notre Dame-de-la Garde, via Corniche Kennedy and finally the emblematic Panier district, this more than original ride will amaze and surprise you with the richness of the city ...

  22. Stand-up, cinéma, football... Redouane Bougheraba, le ...

    PORTRAIT - Premier humoriste à se produire au Stade-Vélodrome de Marseille, le 22 juin prochain, celui qui a percé grâce à ses vidéos postées durant la pandémie de Covid, sera sur scène ...

  23. Free Marseille Original Pub Crawl

    For a daytime adventure around the city, join us on our Free Marseille Original Walking tour and our Free Marseille Alternative Street Art tour. To get a complete fun experience. N.B.: The tour may take one of the several routes through the city depending on the guide, the needs of the group, and the weather on the day. ...

  24. Our tours

    The Original Bonsoir Marseille Tour. Simply one of the best places to Eat in the world! A relaxing stroll as the sun begins to set as your guide introduces you to French wine and some of the delicious and distinctive bites of Marseilles. Thursay to Saturday 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. 3.5 to 3.5 hours 109 Euros Per Person . Details & Booking »

  25. 2024 ATP Tour

    The 2024 ATP Tour is the global elite men's professional tennis circuit organized by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) for the 2024 tennis season. The 2024 ATP Tour calendar comprises the Grand Slam tournaments, supervised by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the ATP Finals, the ATP Masters 1000, the United Cup (organized with the WTA), the ATP 500 series and the ATP 250 ...