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  • Transportation Security
  • Traveler Redress Inquiry Program

DHS Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP)

TSA airport checkpoint

The Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) is a single point of contact for individuals who have had difficulties during travel screenings at transportation hubs such as airports or U.S. borders. These difficulties include:

  • Denied or delayed airline boarding,
  • Repeated additional screening, or
  • Denied or delayed entry into the United States, via airport, border crossing, or seaport.

UPDATE: In October 2023, DHS TRIP launched a new multilingual support tool for the Spanish-speaking community. Travelers may now view the application and resources in Spanish by toggling their preferred language at the top of the website. Accessibility in other languages is planned for future updates.

Travel Redress Inquiry Program

Apply for redress, check the status of an existing inquiry, or find your redress control number.

Login to DHS TRIP Portal

DHS TRIP Portal is using Login.gov to allow you to sign in to your account safely and securely.

Contact DHS TRIP

Contact DHS TRIP by e-mail or postal mail.

Step 1: Should I Use DHS TRIP?

People who have been denied or delayed airline boarding; have been denied or delayed entry into or exit from the U.S. at a port of entry or border crossing; or have been repeatedly referred to additional (secondary) screening can file an inquiry to seek redress.

Step 1: Should I Use DHS TRIP? →

Step 2: How to Use DHS TRIP

The DHS TRIP Portal allows redress applicants and/or their authorized representative to submit their application online via the computer or mobile phone. The application process takes a few moments to complete and can be saved and returned to at a later date.

Step 2: How to Use DHS TRIP →

Step 3: Tracking Your Inquiry

If you want to review the status of your inquiry, please login to the DHS TRIP Portal and visit the status page. The status page will tell you if your case is in process, has been completed, or requires more information.

Step 3: Tracking Your Inquiry →

Redress Control Numbers

When you submit your DHS TRIP Traveler Inquiry Form, the DHS TRIP system automatically assigns you a unique seven-digit identifier, Redress Control Number. You will be able to use this number to track the status of your inquiry. After your inquiry is completed, you will also be able to use the number when you make an airline reservation.

Redress Control Numbers →

More About Traveler Screening

  • Global Entry  (CBP)
  • Secure Flight Program  (TSA)
  • Terrorist Screening Center  (FBI)
  • Canadian Citizens  (CBP)
  • Canadian Citizens  (USCIS) or
  • Non-Canadians  (State Department)

Domestic Travelers (TSA TRIP)

International travelers (cbp trip).

  • Preventing Terrorism and Targeted Violence
  • Aviation Security
  • Patron Screening
  • Personnel Screening
  • Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP)


  • Actualizaciones
  • Comparativas
  • Lanzamientos

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¿Trip.com es fiable? Análisis y opiniones de esta app de vuelos, hoteles y trenes

Publicado por Juan Carlos Broncano | 11 agosto 2023 | Apps , Información Util | 0 |

¿Trip.com es fiable? Análisis y opiniones de esta app de vuelos, hoteles y trenes

Trip.com es una agencia de viajes en línea que forma parte de Trip.com Group, una empresa que cotiza en el NASDAQ desde 2003. La plataforma ofrece una amplia red de vuelos, con más de 2 millones de itinerarios de vuelo individuales que conectan más de 5.000 ciudades en todo el mundo y una extensa red hotelera, con más de 1,4 millones de hoteles en 200 países y regiones diferentes. A pesar de que la aplicación acumula más de 10 millones de descargas solo en Google Play, no es tan conocida como otras opciones del mercado. Esto ha llevado a algunos usuarios a cuestionar la fiabilidad de Trip.com. ¿La página trip.com es segura? ¿Trip.com es fiable? Eso es lo que trataremos de responder a lo largo de estas líneas.

El carácter de este artículo es meramente informativo. tuexperto.com solo se limita a recopilar testimonios de usuarios encontrados en páginas de terceros, por lo que se desmarca de las opiniones expuestas por estos, así como de las acusaciones lanzadas a la empresa en torno a sus servicios de red y/o el servicio posventa .

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Todo lo que debes de tener en cuenta para saber si Trip.com es fiable

Garantía de trip.com: todas las coberturas en vuelos, hoteles y trenes.

El sistema de garantías de Trip.com cuenta con diferentes coberturas, en función del tipo de reserva y otros factores ajenos a la plataforma. En el caso de los vuelos, Trip.com garantiza que el precio del billete no cambiará después del pago ; en caso de error por parte de Trip.com que resulte en la no emisión del billete y un aumento en el precio, la plataforma asumirá dicha diferencia. En caso de no poder embarcar debido a un error de Trip.com, se ofrecerá una compensación, que podría incluir un reembolso del precio original del billete de avión y un billete gratuito para otro vuelo de sustitución.

En cuanto a los trenes, si hay algún error de la plataforma o sus proveedores que impida el embarque, se cubrirán los gastos derivados de dicho proceso . Algo similar sucede con los hoteles. Por ejemplo, si después de confirmar la reserva, el hotel no puede hacer el check-in y no se encuentra una habitación en el hotel original, se organizará una reserva en un hotel cercano .

Además, Trip.com ofrece compensación hasta tres veces el precio de la primera noche de la reserva original en ambos casos. De hecho, la garantía de cambio y cancelación de Trip.com no implica cargos adicionales y la plataforma se comunicará con el hotel para intentar reducir los cargos por cancelación en la medida de lo posible.

Puedes pagar con PayPal, con todo lo que ello conlleva

Así es. La elección de PayPal como método de pago puede ofrecer ventajas añadidas en términos de protección al comprador. En caso de encontrarnos con algún tipo de problema durante el proceso de reserva, como cancelaciones, retrasos o problemas con reembolsos, PayPal actúa como un intermediario imparcial que puede intervenir para resolver disputas. Es decir, el sistema de reclamaciones de PayPal nos da la posibilidad de iniciar un proceso de disputa en caso de que surjan inconvenientes.

Una vez presentada la reclamación a través de nuestra cuenta de PayPal, la plataforma llevará a cabo un análisis de la información proporcionada por ambas partes, con el objetivo de alcanzar una resolución justa. En situaciones en las que se demuestre que el usuario tiene fundamentos válidos, PayPal puede llegar a emitir un reembolso a nombre del cliente o trabajar para buscar una solución equitativa que atienda adecuadamente la situación.

En cuanto al resto de opciones de pago de PayPal, la plataforma también acepta Visa, MasterCard, Google Pay y Apple Pay, entre otros.

¿Es fiable Holidu? Análisis y opiniones de esta app de alquiler vacacional

Servicio de atención al cliente de Trip.com, dispones de múltiples formas de contacto

Trip.com pone a disposición de sus usuarios multitud canales de comunicación, incluida una página de soporte completa vía chat ( https://es.trip.com/pages/support/ ), un Centro de Ayuda para preguntas frecuentes ( https://es.trip.com/help?locale=es-ES&curr=EUR ) y un formulario de contacto ( https://es.trip.com/feedback?locale=es-ES&curr=EUR ). Por si esto fuera poco, la empresa cuenta con una línea telefónica a la que podemos recurrir desde cualquier parte del mundo :

  • Desde España : 910 84 03 07
  • Desde el extranjero : +34 91 084 0307

Para reservas de vuelos, el servicio está disponible todos los días de la semana , desde las 08:00 hasta las 23:00 (hora de Madrid). Para las reservas de hotel, el servicio opera de lunes a viernes, de 09:00 a 18:00 (hora de Madrid). Las condiciones horarias son las mismas para las reservas de vuelos y hotel desde el extranjero: todos los días de la semana para las reservas de vuelos, desde las 08:00 hasta las 23:00 y de lunes a viernes para las reservas de hotel, de 09:00 a 18:00 (hora de Madrid).

Cancelaciones y cambios de billetes: supuestos cobros de comisiones

Una de las problemáticas que más se mencionan en las opiniones de Trip.com que se pueden encontrar en Internet tiene que ver precisamente con el cobro de comisiones en billetes que se venden con la posibilidad de ser cancelables y cambiables . En este sentido, los usuarios han expresado su insatisfacción ante unas políticas que, aunque inicialmente prometen flexibilidad, terminan imponiendo cargos adicionales que pueden ser considerados como inesperados y poco transparentes.

Buena parte de estas opiniones describen que los usuarios se encontraron con obstáculos a la hora de solicitar cambios o cancelaciones , a menudo lidiando con penalizaciones o comisiones que no estaban claramente especificadas en el momento de la compra. Esto les ha obligado a contactar directamente con la empresa emisora, que en este caso no depende de Trip.com.

Problemas de Trip.com con el servicio de atención al cliente

La experiencia con el servicio de atención al cliente es otro de los aspectos críticos de la plataforma. A la problemática anterior se le suma la percepción de algunos usuarios de que no es resolutivo y a menudo remite los problemas directamente a las empresas contratantes , como aerolíneas y hoteles, entre otros.

Los comentarios sugieren que, en lugar de proporcionar soluciones directas a los problemas planteados, el servicio de atención al cliente a menudo se limita a actuar como intermediario entre el usuario y la empresa asociada , lo que puede resultar en demoras y una sensación de falta de control por parte del usuario. Otros usuarios aseguran que el servicio en cuestión se desentiende de las reclamaciones interpuestas por estos para mediar una solución o reclamar el cumplimiento de las condiciones de compra.

A favor de la compañía podemos decir que se esfuerza por responder a las cuestiones planteadas por los usuarios en las diferentes plataformas de opinión.

Y las escalas de algunos vuelos

La tercera problemática de Trip.com tiene que ver con la escala de algunos vuelos. Por un lado, algunos usuarios aseguran haber sufrido cambios inesperados en sus itinerarios , como cambios de vuelo a días diferentes o con escalas más cortas de lo deseado. También han experimentado ciertas dificultades a la hora encontrar soluciones ante los problemas derivados de la programación de las escalas, como el cierre de mostradores para facturación antes del tiempo previsto . La cosa no acaba ahí.

Un usuario en particular menciona que tuvo que facturar y pagar nuevamente en una escala, a pesar de haber adquirido un solo billete con opción de facturar . Lejos de ser un problema aislado, no son pocas las personas que se han encontrado con cobros inesperados. Aunque en la página se menciona que ciertos cambios son gratuitos, al final se les exige pagar por el cambio de vuelo.

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Opiniones de Trip.com positivas y negativas, ¿es fiable esta app de viaje?

Dejando a un lado todas estas cuestiones, la manera más sencilla de conocer la fiabilidad de Trip.com pasa por recurrir a las opiniones de sus usuarios. En esta ocasión, hemos recurrido a Trustpilot, donde la aplicación acumula más de 40.000 valoraciones y una nota media de 4 estrellas sobre 5 . Cabe señalar que la selección de comentarios se ha realizado de manera aleatoria y sin seguir ningún patrón en concreto.

Leemos en Trustpilot :

Tenía que cambiar el apellido de mi reserva porque sin querer lo puse mal, llamé directamente a trip.com y me lo gestionaron directamente ellos, hoy la operadora Carmen me lo ha cambiado sin problema facilitándome muchísimo el proceso. Una persona muy amable y eficaz, estoy muy contenta con esta empresa y con gente que hace tan bien su trabajo.
Nos han cambiado el vuelo a un día antes, y era escala con otro vuelo, por lo que ahora tenemos que pasar una noche en donde hacíamos escala. Ellos se limpian las manos y quieren cobrar por un cambio de vuelo y si cancelamos no devuelven el dinero, tampoco te pagan el alojamiento de esa noche. Cuando te metes en su página y ves las opciones, sale que un cambio es gratis, pero luego eso no es cierto. Son unos sinvergüenzas.
Cuando compre el vuelo en marzo lo compre para el día 19 de agosto, me cambiaron el vuelo para el día 20, por lo que tuve que reajustar todas las estancias y demás cosas contratadas sin quejarme, pero ahora me vuelven a cambiar el vuelo dándome un vuelo con una escala corta, tan corta que puedo perder dicho vuelo y con eso 3 días de mi estancia ya pagada en mi lugar de destino. Solicito me den una solución además de una hoja de reclamaciones, lo cual no quita que quiera tomar alguna otra medida por daños y prejuicios. Esta es la sexta vez que intento que me solucionen el caso.
Cuando el resto de compañeros nos colgaron el teléfono y no nos quisieron atender Zacarías fue el único que muy Amablemente me ha atendido, muy resolutivo y explicando con transparencia todo. Muy buen servicio! Trip debería contratar más personal como el.
Estaba intentando hacer un cambio de fechas a través de la app, un proceso super sencillo, muy facilito de hacer…. pues la he liado y he pulsado en cancelar para ver los precios de cancelación y claro, ya no podía modificar porque mi reserva estaba cancelándose!! Rápidamente he llamado a SAC y sin prácticamente tiempo de espera me ha atendido la agente Eman, que ha cancelado mi solicitud y me ha ayudado a cambiar mis fechas de vuelo sin problema, muy rápido y con un trato excelente. Gracias Eman por tu ayuda.
He comprado un billete de Málaga a Atenas con escala en Ibiza. Ahora me entero que debo pagar y facturar en el vuelo de Málaga y después volver a facturar en Ibiza, ya había pagado por facturar la maleta. Yo saqué un billete, no dos. con la opción de facturar y así lo hice.
Muchas gracias por la atención de Mariahn, una chica muy agradable, eficiente y eficaz que me resolvió todas mis dudas acerca de la tarjeta de embarque y como solicitar más equipaje. Muy paciente conmigo. En cuanto a TRIP, debería facilitar el proceso al usuario y hacer directamente la tarjeta de embarque.
La profesionalidad y el interés mostrado, llegando incluso a llamar al tiempo para verificar que había comprendido y realizado bien todas las indicaciones para una buena gestión, incluso de vuelos posteriores. Una excelente profesional. Se merece la nota máxima.
Compré 2 billetes con tiempo para la escala de 55 minutos. El primer avión nos deja en la otra punta del aeropuerto el Oslo, no facturan directamente las maletas y hay que esperar para poder recogerlas, y taaardan, luego hay que ir cargados de maletas hasta la otra punta del aeropuerto donde por fin aparece el mostrador para facturar de nuevo con bastante gente en la cola. 30 minutos antes cierra el mostrador del vuelo de Iberia y nos dejan en tierra y NADIE, absolutamente NADIE nos da ninguna solución.
Genial resolución! Tenía la reserva bloqueada y tenía que realizar una verificación, el equipo de Trip me ha ayudado en todo momento a seguir los pasos y a poder realizarla.
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What is a Destination Fee at Hotels?

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Booking a hotel stay can be deceiving – the advertised nightly rate often doesn’t reflect the full cost. Destination fees, sometimes called facility fees or resort fees, are a controversial surcharge many hotels now tack on top of room rates.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: Destination fees are mandatory daily charges added by hotels supposedly to cover amenities like the gym, pool, and WiFi . They typically range from $10-$50 per day.

Definition of a Hotel Destination Fee

A hotel destination fee, also known as a resort fee or amenity fee, is a daily mandatory charge added to a hotel room rate. It is an additional fee that guests are required to pay on top of the advertised room rate.

This fee is becoming increasingly common in the hospitality industry, with many hotels implementing it as a way to cover the costs of providing certain amenities and services to their guests.

A daily mandatory charge added to room rate

The hotel destination fee is a fixed charge that guests must pay regardless of whether they use the amenities included in the fee.

It is important to note that this fee is not optional and is automatically added to the total cost of the stay. The fee can vary from hotel to hotel and is typically disclosed at the time of booking or during the check-in process.

Covers ‘amenities’ like WiFi, fitness center, etc.

The hotel destination fee is intended to cover the cost of amenities and services that the hotel provides to its guests. These amenities can include access to the hotel’s WiFi network, fitness center, pool, spa facilities, and other similar offerings.

By charging a destination fee, hotels can offset the expenses associated with maintaining and operating these amenities.

While the inclusion of these amenities is often touted as a benefit to guests, it is essential to consider whether the cost justifies the value received. Some travelers may find that they do not utilize all the amenities included in the fee, making it important to evaluate the cost-benefit ratio before booking a hotel that charges a destination fee.

cost of amenities

Fee amount does not vary based on actual usage

One important aspect of hotel destination fees is that the fee amount does not vary based on the guest’s actual usage of the included amenities.

Whether a guest uses the WiFi, visits the fitness center, or takes advantage of any other included services, the fee remains the same. This is worth considering for guests who may have specific needs or preferences when it comes to these amenities.

It is advisable for travelers to carefully review the details of any destination fee before making a reservation.

By understanding the fee and what it covers, guests can make informed decisions and ensure that they are getting the most value out of their hotel stay.

Typical Costs and What’s Included

When it comes to understanding what a destination fee at hotels entails, it’s important to consider the typical costs and what is included in these fees.

Destination fees generally range from $10 to $50 per day, depending on the hotel and location.

These fees are designed to cover various amenities and services offered by the hotel, enhancing the overall guest experience. However, it’s essential to note that not all hotels charge destination fees, so it’s always a good idea to check with the hotel beforehand.

Fees generally $10-$50 per day

The cost of a destination fee can vary significantly from one hotel to another. On average, these fees typically range from $10 to $50 per day .

This range depends on factors such as the hotel’s location, reputation, and the amenities and services included in the fee. Some luxury hotels in popular tourist destinations may charge higher fees, while budget-friendly hotels or those in less popular areas may have lower fees.

Amenities covered vary by hotel

What’s included in a destination fee can vary from one hotel to another. However, there are some common amenities and services that are often covered by these fees. These may include access to the hotel’s fitness center, pool, spa facilities, Wi-Fi, complimentary snacks or drinks, and even discounted or free tickets to local attractions.

It’s important to check with the hotel directly or review their website for a detailed breakdown of what is included in their destination fee.

snacks or drinks

Does NOT usually include parking or rollaway beds

While destination fees cover a wide range of amenities and services, it’s important to note that they typically do not include certain additional charges. Two common examples are parking fees and the use of rollaway beds.

Many hotels charge separate fees for parking, which may or may not be included in the destination fee. Similarly, if you require a rollaway bed in your room, there may be an additional charge for this service. It’s always a good idea to inquire about these specific charges when booking your hotel stay.

Guest Frustration and Pushback

One of the main reasons for guest frustration and pushback when it comes to destination fees at hotels is the lack of transparency with the true room cost .

Many guests are unaware of these fees until they check out, which can come as a surprise and lead to dissatisfaction. The lack of upfront disclosure about these fees can make guests feel deceived and result in negative reviews or complaints .

Lack of transparency with true room cost

Hotels often advertise attractive room rates, but fail to mention the additional destination fees that will be added to the final bill.

These fees can significantly increase the cost of the stay, making it difficult for guests to accurately budget for their trip. The lack of transparency in disclosing these fees upfront can leave guests feeling frustrated and misled.

Charging for previously free amenities

Another source of frustration for guests is when hotels charge for amenities that were previously included for free.

Destination fees often cover amenities such as Wi-Fi, gym access, and pool usage, which guests expect to be complimentary. When these amenities are suddenly subject to an additional fee, guests may feel like they are being nickel-and-dimed, causing further dissatisfaction.

In some cases, guests may not even use or require the amenities included in the destination fee, making it feel like an unnecessary and unfair charge.

This lack of choice in opting out of these amenities can result in pushback from guests who feel they are being forced to pay for services they don’t want or need.

Difficult to avoid as fees are mandatory

Unlike optional fees that guests can choose to add or remove, destination fees are often mandatory and non-negotiable.

This can be frustrating for guests who may not want or need the amenities covered by the fee. The lack of flexibility in avoiding these fees can lead to a sense of powerlessness and contribute to guest dissatisfaction.

Guests also feel like they have limited control over their stay when they are required to pay a destination fee . It takes away the ability to customize their experience based on their individual needs and preferences.

This lack of choice can leave guests feeling frustrated and diminish their overall satisfaction with the hotel.

feeling frustrated

Hotel Industry Perspective and Trends

Part of trend toward nickel and diming guests.

Destination fees at hotels have become increasingly common in recent years and are part of a larger trend in the hotel industry toward nickel and diming guests. This trend involves hotels charging additional fees for services and amenities that were previously included in the room rate.

The rationale behind destination fees is that they allow hotels to charge guests for the use of amenities and services that they may or may not actually use during their stay. Examples of amenities that may be covered by destination fees include access to the hotel gym, pool, or spa, as well as complimentary breakfast or Wi-Fi.

Crucial revenue stream for hotels now

Destination fees have become a crucial revenue stream for hotels in recent years. With increasing competition and rising costs, hotels are constantly looking for new ways to generate revenue. Destination fees provide hotels with an opportunity to increase their bottom line by charging guests for additional services and amenities.

This additional revenue can help hotels offset the costs of providing these amenities and improve their overall profitability. In some cases, destination fees can even make up a significant portion of a hotel’s total revenue.

Here to stay as they have become normalized

Destination fees have become normalized in the hotel industry and are likely here to stay. In the past, guests may have been surprised or even outraged by the concept of paying extra fees on top of their room rate.

However, as more hotels have implemented destination fees, guests have come to expect and accept them as a standard part of the booking process.

This normalization of destination fees has been driven by a combination of factors, including the industry-wide trend toward nickel-and-diming guests and consumers’ willingness to pay for convenience and added amenities.

Tips for Avoiding Surprise Destination Fees

When booking a hotel stay, it’s essential to be aware of any potential additional charges that may be added to your bill . One such fee that has gained attention in recent years is the destination fee.

This fee, also known as a resort fee or amenity fee, is an additional charge that hotels may impose on top of the nightly room rate. To help you avoid any surprise destination fees , here are some tips to keep in mind:

Carefully examine hotel rates and descriptions

Before finalizing your hotel reservation, take the time to carefully examine the rates and descriptions provided. Some hotels may include the destination fee in the overall room rate, while others may list it separately.

By reading the fine print and asking questions if needed, you can ensure that you are aware of any potential additional charges before booking.

Additionally, look for hotels that have transparent pricing policies and clearly disclose all fees upfront. This can help you avoid any unpleasant surprises when you check out.

Consider vacation rental alternatives

If you want to avoid destination fees altogether, consider exploring vacation rental alternatives such as Airbnb or VRBO .

These platforms often provide a wide range of accommodations, including private homes, apartments, and condos, which may not come with additional fees like destination fees. Plus, vacation rentals can offer a more unique and personalized experience compared to traditional hotels.

When booking a vacation rental, be sure to read reviews and check the property details to ensure it meets your needs and preferences. Pay attention to any cleaning fees or security deposits that may apply, as these can vary from property to property.

private homes

Loyalty status may provide fee waivers

If you are a member of a hotel loyalty program, your loyalty status may come with perks such as fee waivers. Many hotels offer benefits to their loyal customers, including waiving destination fees for elite members.

By joining a loyalty program and reaching a certain status level, you may be able to enjoy a more cost-effective hotel stay.

Before booking, check the terms and conditions of the loyalty program to see if any fee waivers apply . Additionally, consider booking directly through the hotel’s website or app, as this can often provide access to exclusive deals and promotions for loyalty program members.

By following these tips, you can minimize the chances of encountering surprise destination fees during your hotel stay. Remember to do your research, explore alternative options, and leverage loyalty programs to make the most of your travel budget.

Destination fees allow hotels to advertise lower rates than guests actually pay . While frustration around these surcharges is understandable, they are becoming ubiquitous in the hotel industry.

The best way to avoid surprise fees is to scrutinize hotel rates closely and ask specifically what is included. Factoring fees into travel budgets can help minimize unpleasant surprises.

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Sara Thomas is the founder of HotelChantelle.com, a website dedicated to hotel safety products that travelers can use for added security and peace of mind.

After an unsettling hotel stay during a work trip, Sara realized a need for portable products that could secure hotel rooms. She launched HotelChantelle.com to provide devices like hidden camera detectors, portable door locks, and other discreet safety tools for travelers.

With a background in law enforcement, Sara understood the vulnerabilities of hotel rooms and wanted to empower travelers to protect themselves. She heads up a team that tests and reviews innovative security products for travelers to use in hotels globally.

Sara is committed to helping travelers feel relaxed and secure during hotel stays through access to protective gear they can easily take on any trip. The site covers products like personal safety alarms, RFID blocking gear to prevent digital pickpocketing, and items to safeguard personal data and belongings in lodging.

When she's not reviewing new products or running the site, Sara enjoys planning family vacations using the safety tools she sells on HotelChantelle.com. She lives with her husband and kids in Atlanta.

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Airport Use Fee (TUA)

What is tua, the airport use fee (tua) is a payment that mexican airports require for using their facilities. it is not specific to volaris., this charge used to be included in the cost of your ticket, but we now separate it from the airfare to make your trip more transparent., bear in mind that you have to pay for it when purchasing your flights on our website, app, or call center., see the tua* for each of the airports where we operate: .

*During the first seven days of the month, the values might have variations due to pending updates from the airports.

Last update: 06/03/2024

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Visitax México

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Visitax México

The Ultimate Guide to Mexico’s Tourist Fee: What You Need to Know

by Visitax Mx | Apr 21, 2023 | Cancun , Mexico

Welcome to Visitax Gob Mx, your go-to source for all things related to the Tourist Fee Mexico. With our comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about this mandatory tax for international travelers visiting Cancun. We’ll take a deep dive into how the fee works, who needs to pay it, and where the funds are used. Don’t miss out on this important information for your next trip to the beautiful beaches of Cancun. Get informed and be prepared!

Visitax Gov Mx: An Informative Guide to Understanding Tourist Fee Mexico

If you are planning a trip to Mexico, it is important to be aware of the tourist fee known as Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun . This fee is charged by the Mexican government to all foreign visitors to help fund tourism infrastructure and services in the country. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about the Visitax Gov Mx tourist fee.

What is the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun?

The Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun is a fee that all foreign visitors to Mexico are required to pay upon arrival. The fee is used to fund tourism infrastructure and services in Mexico such as maintaining beaches, providing tourist information, and improving public transportation.

How much is the tourist fee Mexico?

The amount of the tourist fee Mexico depends on the destination you are visiting in Mexico. The Visitax Gov Mx fee for Cancun, for example, is $11 USD per person. However, the fee may vary depending on the exchange rate and the time of year.

Who is required to pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun?

All foreign visitors to Mexico who are not citizens or residents of Mexico are required to pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun. This means that if you are traveling to Mexico from another country, you will be required to pay the fee.

How do I pay the tourist fee Mexico?

The easiest way to pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun is online through the official Visitax Gov Mx website. You can also pay the fee upon arrival at the airport or other points of entry into Mexico. It is important to keep the receipt as proof of payment in case you are asked to show it during your stay in Mexico.

What happens if I don’t pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun?

If you do not pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun, you may be denied entry into Mexico. It is important to pay the fee before you arrive in Mexico to avoid any issues at the airport or other points of entry.

In summary, the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun is a fee that all foreign visitors to Mexico are required to pay. The fee is used to fund tourism infrastructure and services in the country. The amount of the fee varies depending on the destination in Mexico and can be paid online or upon arrival. It is important to pay the fee to avoid any issues during your trip to Mexico. We hope this guide has been helpful in understanding the Visitax Gov Mx tourist fee for Mexico.

Understanding the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun: Mexico’s New Tourist Fee

The article “Understanding the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun: Mexico’s New Tourist Fee” discusses the introduction of a new tourist tax in Cancun, Mexico. According to the article, the Visitax Tourist Tax is intended to help fund necessary improvements and services for tourists in the area.

The Visitax Tourist Tax is a new fee that all tourists visiting Cancun will have to pay. The fee is $10 USD per person and will be collected upon arrival at the airport or port. The funds generated from this tax will go towards improving infrastructure and services in Cancun, such as beach clean-up and public transportation. It is important to note that this fee is separate from the Mexican tourist tax that is charged when booking a hotel.

The article also provides some tips for travelers to be prepared for this new fee. Visitors to Cancun should make sure to have cash or a credit card available to pay the fee upon arrival. Additionally , it is recommended to keep the payment receipt as it may be necessary for certain activities or services during the stay in Cancun.

Overall, the Visitax Tourist Tax is a new initiative aimed at bettering the tourist experience in Cancun. While it may be an extra expense for tourists, it is important to recognize the positive impact it can have on the local community and environment.

Preguntas Frecuentes

What is the visitax tourist tax cancun and how does it relate to mexico’s tourist fee policy.

Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun is a new tourism fee that was implemented in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, which includes popular tourist destinations such as Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum. The fee is applied to all tourists over the age of 15 who visit the region, regardless of their nationality or type of accommodation they choose to stay in.

This fee is part of Mexico’s broader tourist fee policy, which aims to increase revenue for local communities and improve infrastructure and services in popular tourist destinations. The revenue generated by Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun will be invested in projects related to environmental protection, public safety, and tourism development.

Travelers can pay the fee online before their trip or upon arrival at the airport or their place of accommodation. The fee varies depending on the length of the stay, ranging from $11 USD for stays of less than 24 hours to $24 USD for stays over nine days.

Overall, Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun is an important aspect of Mexico’s efforts to promote sustainable tourism and ensure that local communities benefit from the economic benefits of tourism.

How much is the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun and is it mandatory for all visitors to pay?

The Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun costs $224 pesos or approximately $11 USD and is mandatory for all visitors to pay. This tax was implemented in April 2021 as part of the government’s efforts to increase tourism revenue and support local infrastructure. The tax can be paid online before arriving in Cancun or upon arrival at the airport. It is important to note that failure to pay this tax may result in delays or denial of entry into Cancun.

Can I pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun online before my trip, or do I have to pay it upon arrival in Cancun?

You can pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun online before your trip. It is recommended to do so in advance to avoid lines and delays upon arrival in Cancun. The process is simple, just visit the official Visitax website, fill out the required information, and make your payment with a credit or debit card. Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email with a QR code that you will need to show upon arrival at the airport or border crossing. Payment can also be made upon arrival if preferred. However, paying in advance online is more convenient and saves time.

Are there any exemptions or discounts available for the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun?

Yes, there are some exemptions and discounts available for the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun. Children under the age of 15, Mexican citizens and legal residents, and tourists who stay in Cancun for less than 24 hours are exempted from paying the tax. Additionally, visitors who book their accommodations through certain tourism agencies or airlines may receive a discount on the tax. However, it is important to check with the agency or airline beforehand to confirm if they offer this discount.

What kind of services or infrastructure will the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun fund in Cancun and the surrounding areas?

Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun will fund a variety of services and infrastructure projects in Cancun and the surrounding areas. These may include improvements to public transportation, the development of more sustainable tourism practices, the creation of new parks and recreational facilities, and the enhancement of existing cultural and historical sites. The funds generated by the tax will also be used to enhance local emergency services, such as medical clinics and hospitals, and to support initiatives that promote environmental conservation and protection. Overall, the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun is aimed at improving the quality of life for both locals and visitors, and enhancing Cancun’s position as one of the world’s premier tourism destinations.

Are there any penalties or fines for not paying the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun, and how are they enforced?

Yes, there are penalties and fines for not paying the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun. The amount of the fine varies depending on the length of your stay and the time period in which you pay the tax. If you fail to pay the tax within 15 days of leaving the country, you may receive a fine of up to 100% of the original tax amount. Additionally, enforcement agencies such as immigration and customs officials can deny entry or exit from the country until the tax is paid. It is important to pay the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun to avoid these penalties and ensure smooth travel experiences.

Will the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun be used to promote sustainable tourism and environmental conservation in Cancun and the Riviera Maya?

Yes, the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun will be used to promote sustainable tourism and environmental conservation in Cancun and the Riviera Maya. A portion of the tax collected will be allocated towards supporting projects focused on environmental conservation and sustainable tourism practices. This includes initiatives such as beach cleanups, reef conservation efforts, and promoting responsible tourism among visitors. The goal is to ensure that the natural resources and beauty of the region are preserved for future generations to enjoy while providing visitors with an authentic and sustainable travel experience.

In conclusion, the Visitax Tourist Tax Cancun is an important initiative by the Mexican government to promote sustainable tourism in the region. While some travelers may be hesitant to pay the tourist fee Mexico, it’s important to remember that it goes directly towards environmental conservation and community development efforts. Ultimately, paying the tourist tax is a small price to pay for the privilege of enjoying the beauty and culture of Cancun and the surrounding areas. By supporting local initiatives, we can ensure that future generations can also enjoy the wonders of this unique destination.

que es trip fee

How to avoid airline change and cancellation fees

Andrew Kunesh

When an airline changes or cancels a flight because of weather, crew scheduling, maintenance or another reason, you, as the passenger, are rarely offered compensation. However, when you need to change or cancel your own reservations, some airlines will charge you a fee to do so. Others, thankfully, have generous change and cancellation policies.

For those less-than-generous airlines, there are some tricks to minimizing or avoiding these fees on paid flights altogether.

We've rounded up everything you need to know about changing and canceling your flight, giving you a one-stop shop for avoiding change and cancellation fees once they're reinstated. These tips can save you thousands of dollars depending on how many people are traveling on your itinerary, so they're worth keeping in mind as you go about your travels.

Overview of change fees

Some airlines charge change fees when you adjust your itinerary. Generally speaking, you'll need to pay a flat fee in addition to the fare difference for moving to a new flight. These fees can vary depending on the airline, destination or even how far in advance you make the change.

This can change if you want to make a last-minute flight alteration, generally on the day of your departure. Many airlines offer same-day changes for a low fee, and these are often waived for certain tiers of elite status. The benefit of same-day changes is that you do not have to pay a fare difference when moving to a more expensive flight.

One last word of warning: Many U.S. airlines won't let you cancel or change basic economy tickets unless there's a very special circumstance like a schedule change or travel waiver, so keep this in mind when booking a flight in basic economy.

Related: Guide to airline elite status challenges and matches

Overview of cancellation fees

As the name suggests, cancellation fees are typically charged when you need to cancel a nonrefundable flight completely. These vary from airline to airline, and in most cases, you'll receive a travel credit when you cancel your flight (less the applicable cancellation fee). Most major U.S. airlines will not offer refunds to your original payment method unless you're subject to special conditions like a schedule change (more on that soon) or if you book a refundable fare type.

Change and cancellation policies by airline

Each airline has its own cancellation and change policies, and some are more restrictive than others. Here's a look at all of the U.S. airlines and their respective policies for paid tickets. Note that these don't include travel waivers and other special exceptions (we'll cover those later).

Alaska Airlines

que es trip fee

Alaska Airlines removed change and cancellation fees permanently in 2020. However, you must change or cancel your flight before departure to be eligible for flight credit. If you choose to change a flight, you will be liable for any fare difference. Saver fares — Alaska's term for basic economy — cannot be changed, but they can be canceled for a full refund within 24 hours of purchasing your flight. Saver fares are also eligible for a credit of 50% of the ticket value when canceled at least 14 days prior to departure of the first flight on the ticket.

Same-day confirmed changes are $50, or $25 for flights entirely in California or Alaska Airlines' shuttle markets — and are also waived for MVP Golds and 75Ks. You do not have to pay a fare difference for these changes.

Allegiant Air

Allegiant imposes a fee of up to $75 per person each way when you change or cancel your ticket. However, you must make any changes or cancellations within seven days of departure unless you've purchased Trip Flex . This add-on allows a one-time change or cancellation up to one hour before departure, though you can't add it after the fact. You must commit to purchasing this protection at the time of booking.

Related: How to change or cancel an Allegiant Air flight

American Airlines

que es trip fee

American Airlines does not charge change or cancellation fees for flights within the U.S. or to or from Canada, the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. Also, international itineraries starting in the U.S. aren't subject to change or cancellation fees. You will only pay the fare difference when changing flights.

Unfortunately, this does not apply to basic economy tickets. These tickets cannot be changed or canceled unless there is a travel waiver in place.

Delta Air Lines

que es trip fee

As with American, Delta Air Lines does not charge change or cancellation fees on flights within the U.S. or international itineraries starting in the U.S. You're only liable for the fare difference if you need to change to a more expensive flight. As you might expect, basic economy tickets cannot be changed or canceled.

Check this link for more details on Delta's change and cancellation fees.

Frontier Airlines

que es trip fee

Frontier imposes no change fees for flights more than 60 days from departure. However, there's a $49 change fee from 59 to seven days from departure. That climbs to a $99 fee within six days of departure. For cancellations, you will pay $99 if you cancel, regardless of how far out you are from your departure date. The carrier has no change fees if you purchase its add-on option called The Works . All of these change fees are in addition to any fare differential.

Check this link for more details on Frontier's change and cancellation fee.

Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian doesn't impose change or cancellation fees on Main Cabin fares or higher. You're only liable for paying the fare difference if switching to a more expensive flight.

que es trip fee

JetBlue doesn't charge change or cancellation fees unless you're booked in Blue Basic. These tickets cannot be changed or canceled. You are only liable for paying the fare difference if you move to a more expensive ticket. Do note that you will be charged a $25 fee if you process your change or cancellation over the phone. Further, same-day changes cost $75 and the fee is waived for Mosaic elite members.

Southwest Airlines

que es trip fee

Southwest is famous for not charging change or cancellation fees, though you'll have to make up for any difference in fares. However, you can also receive a credit if the fare goes down . Only the person whose name originally appeared on the ticket can use the credit. However, if you change an award ticket that has dropped in price, surplus points are redeposited in the member's account and can later be used for travel by anyone. Just note that you must cancel paid Wanna Get Away reservations at least 10 minutes before your scheduled departure time. Otherwise, you'll forfeit the entire value of your ticket.

Check this link for more details on Southwest's fare options.

Spirit Airlines

As with Frontier, Spirit has a tiered system for flight change and cancellation fees. Changes made 60-plus days from departure are free. Flights changed or canceled 31 to 59 days from departure are $69, from seven to 30 days are $99, and up to six days are $119. Spirit elite members are also eligible for free same-day standby to an earlier flight.

Related: Everything you should know before flying Spirit Airlines

United Airlines

que es trip fee

United does not charge change or cancellation fees for flights within the U.S. and Puerto Rico, between the U.S. and Mexico and the Caribbean, and all international flights departing the U.S. Of course, this doesn't apply to basic economy tickets, and you are still liable for any fare difference.

How to avoid change and cancellation fees

In some special circumstances, the airline may be willing to waive your change or cancellation fees. Here are the possible strategies you can use.

Look for a travel waiver

Travel waivers are usually issued during times when airlines anticipate significant numbers of delays or cancellations. For example, during bad weather or natural disasters, many airlines will adjust their operations, and they'd rather provide flexibility for travelers in advance than try to accommodate you at the airport. The specifics of travel waivers vary by airline and the specific reason for the waiver, but they usually let you change or even cancel your flight(s) without incurring fees.

que es trip fee

You can find travel waivers on the airline's website. Generally, these will show at the top of the website and on-screen when you check in for your flight. The airline may even email you if you're eligible for a travel waiver, so make sure to keep your eyes on your inbox before you travel if you think there will be a waiver in place.

Keep an eye out for schedule changes

Another way to get out of paying change and cancellation fees is if your flight schedule changes after you book a ticket. For example, if your flight was set to depart at 1 p.m. but now departs at 2:30 p.m., you may be eligible to change or cancel your flight for free. Often these schedule changes are sent via email, but it's also important to frequently review your trips to identify these on your own.

As a general rule of thumb, many U.S. airlines will give you a full refund if your flight's departure or arrival time is changed by 90 minutes or more. However, schedule change policies vary from carrier to carrier, so make sure to check out our full guide to maximizing schedule changes for specific information for your airline.

Related: How to refund a nonrefundable airline ticket

Remember the 24-hour rule

Airlines are required by law to offer free 24-hour holds or refunds within 24 hours of booking as long as the flight is more than seven days in the future. This can really come in handy if the price drops or you are still nailing down some travel details. This is also applicable to tickets booked through credit card sites like Amex Travel and the Chase Ultimate Rewards travel portal .

Have a good reason

Travelers can often have change fees waived in the event of illness, a death in the family or other extraordinary circumstances like a natural disaster. Just be prepared to offer supporting documentation, as it's been a long time since airlines took passengers at their word.

Consider your credit card coverage

Keep in mind the trip cancellation and interruption insurance that comes with many travel rewards or airline credit card s if you used them to pay for the booking. In certain scenarios, this protection may cover any change or cancellation fees you'd incur in addition to other eligible, nonrefundable expenses. For example, if you have a covered reason (such as jury duty or serious illness) for needing to cancel or change your trip and you booked with the Chase Sapphire Reserve , you're eligible for up to $10,000 in reimbursement per trip .

If an emergency arises that allows you to invoke your credit card's trip delay or cancellation coverage, then you're probably worried about more than just airline change/cancellation fees, but it's nice to know that these protections exist should you need them.

Just remember that you'll need to pay for at least a portion of the covered trip with your card to receive this coverage. This often includes paying for award taxes and fees with your credit card or using points to purchase a ticket through a site like the Chase Ultimate Rewards travel portal.

Earn elite status

One of the greatest advantages of having airline elite status is that certain tiers with select carriers will waive change fees on same-day changes. This added flexibility is great if you want to move to an earlier or later flight at the last minute.

Related: Maximizing benefits with the Amex Platinum card

Use a credit card travel credit or redemption to cover your fees

If all else fails, you can use travel credits from a premium travel card like The Platinum Card® from American Express or the Chase Sapphire Reserve or redeem miles from a card like the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card (see rates and fees ) to cover your change or cancellation fees. If you go this route, you'll still be subject to paying these fees, but you may be able to cover them with a statement credit or your miles. Just note that this is most applicable to award tickets since the change or cancellation fees are often an additional out-of-pocket expense in those situations. With paid flights, the fees are deducted from the value of your ticket.

In the case of the Amex Platinum, you can only cover the change or cancellation fee for the airline that you've selected with the up-to-$200 annual airline fee credit (enrollment is required). You can choose this airline when you first get your Platinum card and once per year thereafter. It's also worth noting that Amex's system will determine which purchases are (and are not) eligible for the credit. Please read our f ull guide to the Platinum card's airline credit for more information on what we've seen.

The Sapphire Reserve card has a more relaxed travel credit that automatically applies to the first $300 in various travel purchases each cardmember year. This credit resets once per calendar year, so if you've yet to use your credit, just charge the change or cancellation fee to your Sapphire Reserve , and you'll be automatically reimbursed for your fee.

Finally, if you're required to pay a change or cancellation fee out of pocket, you could always charge it to a card like the Capital One Venture card and then use your miles at a fixed value to cover the cost. This feature of the Venture Card is very popular. However, note that transferring your Capital One miles to travel partners will likely get you a much higher redemption value.

Don't pay cancellation or change fees until you have to

If you book a flight and you need to cancel the trip later, you shouldn't pay that cancellation fee any earlier than you need to. You never know when the airline might announce a schedule change, a delay or a flight cancellation that will entitle you to change or cancel your trip without paying the fee. Also, note that airline-initiated cancellations of service should result in a refund to your original form of payment, not a travel voucher, making this a powerful tool in your arsenal if the airline can no longer provide the service you booked.

Just be sure to understand the specific policies of your airline. Unused tickets can sometimes be rebooked after the flight by paying the same change fee you would have paid in advance. Some carriers require you to cancel or change your flight before the scheduled departure.

Related: Missed your flight? Here's what you need to do now

Bottom line

Having to change or cancel a flight is never fun — especially if you were supposed to go on a family vacation or another relaxing getaway. To make matters worse, doing so may result in a large change or cancellation fee on budget carriers, so it's always good to know your options for avoiding these fees when you can.

Bookmark this page and refer to it the next time you need to cancel or change a flight you've booked. It may save you hundreds of dollars depending on the flight you've booked.

For Capital One products listed on this page, some of the above benefits are provided by Visa® or Mastercard® and may vary by product. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply

Additional reporting by Jason Steele and Tarah Chieffi.

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Traducción de fee – Diccionario Inglés-Español

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  • The entrance fee is six pounds , two pounds for the unwaged .
  • Someone proposed a motion to increase the membership fee to £500 a year .
  • The students are holding a demonstration to protest against the increase in their fees.
  • It was something of a hollow victory - she won the case but lost all her savings in legal fees.
  • For a nominal fee, they will deliver orders to customers ' homes .

(Traducción de fee del Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Traducción of fee | Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español

(Traducción de fee del Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

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¿Qué es un 'Fee'? Diferentes tipos de pagos mensuales

que es un Fee

El término "fee" es una palabra que proviene del inglés y se refiere a una tarifa o cuota que se cobra por un servicio o producto en particular. Este tipo de cobro puede ser mensual, trimestral, anual, entre otros. Los fees pueden incluir desde tarifas bancarias, de servicios públicos, membresía, suscripción y préstamos, entre otros. Es importante tener en cuenta que, aunque estas recaudaciones pueden ser pequeñas, es posible que vayan sumándose a lo largo del tiempo y tengan un impacto significativo en nuestra economía . Por lo tanto, deben conocer sobre los diferentes tipos que hay y cómo afectan nuestras finanzas para poder tomar decisiones informadas.

que es trip fee

¿Qué es un fee de ingreso?

¿qué es un fee mensual, ¿cómo hacer un fee de agencia, ¿qué es un fee como ganancia, ¿qué es fee de un artista, ¿cuánto es un fee, ¿qué es un fee de agencia.

infografia fee

Es importante elegir una empresa de buen prestigio y negociar el porcentaje del fee de manera adecuada. Además, se recomienda considerar los paquetes promocionales y el crédito ofrecido por esta antes de tomar una decisión. Con un fee de agencia bien estructurado, los negocios pueden asegurarse de que su marketing esté en buenas manos y lograr una proyección más efectiva ante los clientes.

Tratada como una tarifa única , se paga al registrarse en una agencia. El arancel es diferente a la membresía mensual pagada por el uso de sus servicios. El fee de ingreso es una tarifa de registro que te convierte en un miembro oficial de la institución . Es una manera de garantizar el ingreso inicial en la relación con la agencia y comprometerte a hacer los pagos mensuales por los servicios que se ofrecen. Por lo general, es un porcentaje relativamente bajo del monto total , pero es un paso necesario para convertirse en un miembro activo.

Se trata de una cuota que se paga periódicamente a una agencia o empresa que brinda asistencia en publicidad y marketing. Es esencial para garantizar que la promoción de un negocio se realice de manera efectiva y puntual. Al cancelar el fee mensual, se tendrá acceso a una amplia gama de servicios , incluyendo diseños y campañas de marketing que ayudarán a atraer más clientes y a mejorar la imagen de la empresa. Es una inversión que asegura la visibilidad y éxito de esta.

Para hacer un fee de agencia, es importante considerar las ventajas que conlleva adquirir esta asistencia, especialmente si se trata de una franquicia. Antes de tomar la decisión, es fundamental evaluar la comunicación en la empresa y determinar si lo que ofrecen será beneficioso para tu negocio, tus trabajadores y tus clientes.

En el proceso, debes establecer el porcentaje de ingreso y las cuotas mensuales que serán necesarias para pagarlo. Además, es importante verificar si tienes activo el Satic de tus trabajadores, dependiendo del tipo de empresa que tengas.

¿Qué es un fee financiero?

infografia fee

Un fee como ganancia es un acuerdo entre una agencia de marketing y un cliente . Este último paga una cuota mensual a cambio de publicidad y promoción de su negocio. La agencia, por su parte, asume el compromiso de protegerse de los riesgos. Asegurarse de que el dialogo con los medios de comunicación sea fluida para atraer clientes. Y aumentar las ganancias de la empresa del cliente. En este tipo de relación, ambas partes obtienen un beneficio , ya que la agencia obtiene un ingreso fijo mensual mientras que el cliente obtiene mayor visibilidad y posiblemente mayores ganancias.

El fee de un artista es un acuerdo financiero que se establece entre el artista y una agencia publicitaria. Esta agencia se encarga de impulsar la carrera del artista llevando su trabajo a más medios de comunicación social, como programas de televisión y redes sociales.

Consiste en un porcentaje del ingreso neto que se genera en cada evento , como conciertos o exhibiciones de arte. Este es destinado a la agencia para cubrir sus gastos y honorarios. El resto del ingreso neto es utilizado para pagar al artista y cubrir los gastos de producción del show.

Podemos decir que no existe un monto fijo . El porcentaje a pagar por el marketing de tu empresa es algo que negociarás con la agencia publicitaria. La cuota mensual a cancelar será establecida por ambas partes a través de un acuerdo.

Las agencias publicitarias suelen tener montos estipulados para proponer sus servicios, pero esta cantidad no es definitiva y está sujeta a cambios de acuerdo entre las partes. El costo final dependerá del tipo de promoción que se necesite, si es para un negocio, un producto o un evento completo, así como también del nivel de fama del artista o la fama de la empresa.

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Turo Vs. Traditional Car Rentals: The Pros and Cons of Booking

Sally French

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Table of Contents

What is Turo?

Turo rental car prices: are they a good or bad deal, when renting a car with turo is a smart money move, is renting a car on turo worth it.

Ever considered renting a car from the actual owner? Turo, a peer-to-peer car sharing platform, lets you do just that. The car rental alternative allows you to potentially save money compared to traditional rentals. Plus, it unlocks more potential places to rent cars beyond standard rental car facilities.

But is Turo the right fit for you? Here's your guide to renting a car through Turo, including the pros, the cons — and any potential fees to watch out for.

Turo is a peer-to-peer car sharing platform that allows car owners to rent out their own cars to regular people. Consider it a sort of Airbnb for cars .

Peer-to-peer car sharing platforms are growing in popularity. The global car sharing market was worth $2.9 million in value in 2022, and is expected to grow 20% annually from 2023 to 2032, according to January 2024 data from Allied Market Research. That would make the market for car sharing services, including Turo, worth $17.8 million by 2032.

Interest in Turo exploded in the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was an era of high rental car prices due to high demand for roadtrips and limited rental car availability. Skyrocketing rental car prices became one of the biggest pandemic-era travel stories as they hit record highs in July 2021. Given all that, alternative rental car services like Turo were often a lifesaver.

And while rental car prices have eased from their record highs set in the early years of the pandemic, they're still high. Car rental prices in February 2024 are up 23.6% versus February 2020 — the last month pre-lockdowns in the U.S.

And while Turo car rentals can provide an excellent rental car alternative, it’s not necessarily better. It's also not always cheaper. Here are some of the times you might consider booking with Turo, and what to look sorts of fees and potential pitfalls to look out for if you do:

Turo prices are highly variable. Sometimes they can be cheaper than traditional rental cars because car owners set the prices.

A car owner who now works from home and has minimal need for a car during the week might be inclined to make it available on Turo at a low price to make some extra cash or even to get some value out of a car that's otherwise sitting idle.

Many owners offer discounts for longer trips, and some offer discounts to guests who book at least a week in advance.

Beware of extra Turo fees

The total cost to rent on Turo might balloon once extra fees kick in.

que es trip fee

A 10-hour rental advertised at $30 per day can easily become twice that. In this example, there’s a mandatory $15 trip fee. Then, Turo adds standard protection for $12 by default (though you can decline damage protection). You might include extras such as a pet fee, child safety seat, unlimited mileage or prepaid refuel.

Here are some examples of Turo fees you may be on the hook for before checking out:

Turo trip fee. Turo adds a trip fee at checkout that goes to Turo (not the owner). Fees vary, but in the U.S., trip fees range from 2.5% to 100% of the overall price. 

Turo young driver fee. Folks under 24 owe a young driver fee (a minimum of $50 per day if under 21 or $30 per day if under 25 in the U.S.).

Miscellaneous extras. You may also owe other fees including airport fees, pickup or return fees, and optional extras like unlimited mileage (many rentals have a mileage cap).

And the fees might not end there, adding to why Turo could be wrong for folks anxious about potentially unknown costs.

Reimbursement bills. Hosts can send renters a reimbursement invoice for all sorts of potential situations. That might include fuel replacement, distance overages, failure to return an EV with charge, tickets and tolls, if applicable. 

Turo cleaning fees . If you return a car in a condition that violates Turo’s cleaning and disinfection policy, the host can report the issue to the company. If Turo sides with the host, you’ll owe $150 for the cleaning violation plus a 3% processing fee.

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Turo explicitly says that renters “aren’t expected to clean or disinfect the car before returning it,” but there's a gray area between what Turo considers normal wear and tear versus what teeters into violation territory.

“Significant amounts of pet hair” are a violation, as are “major stains or residue,” but “minor food or beverage spills” are OK.

Plenty of renters have documented negative experiences of receiving violation penalties they felt were unjustified, leading to back and forths with customer service to get those fees removed — or just paying the fine.

Your personal or credit card insurance may not apply to Turo

Turo offers three optional protection plans at an additional cost, each with increasingly more insurance coverage: a minimum, standard and premier plan.

Depending on the level of add-on insurance from Turo selected, prices in the U.S. start as low as $10 per rental day. It’s pretty easy to compare and add plans at checkout.

You can decline protection, but you (or possibly your own personal insurance company, if covered) are responsible for all costs related to physical, mechanical, and interior damage, plus administrative claims fees and appraisal costs.

Usually NerdWallet recommends holding a credit card that offers car rental insurance , which provides some level of free protection for rental cars paid for on that card. Some of the best credit cards with car rental insurance benefits even offer primary rental car coverage, so you don’t have to use your personal auto insurance. 

However, when renting on Turo, don’t assume your personal auto insurance policy or credit card coverage works in the same way it applies to traditional rental cars.

Many credit card car rental insurance benefits specifically exclude coverage for peer-to-peer car rental companies , such as Turo.

“Turo is not a rental car company,” according to a post on Turo’s site. “We’re a peer-to-peer car-sharing platform, so credit card companies may provide no coverage for a car booked through Turo.”

Popular credit cards consumers leverage for car rentals

To better understand if Turo is the right fit for your car rental needs, compare its three protection plans with insurance, reimbursement and rewards rate details about credit cards commonly used when renting a car. Options can include:

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

on American Express' website

Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card

Primary rental car coverage with reimbursement up to the cash value of most rental vehicles.

Booking a car rental through Chase Ultimate Rewards® earns 5 points per dollar spent.

Redeeming points to book travel through Chase — including renting cars — gives you 25% more value per point.

Earn unlimited 10x miles on rental cars booked through Capital One Travel.

Auto rental collision damage waiver.

Complimentary elite status with Avis, Hertz and National, which entitles the member to upgrades and discounts.

Secondary rental car coverage.

Other benefits include expansive airport lounge access and hundreds of dollars' worth of travel credits.

Terms apply.

Primary rental car coverage with reimbursement up to $75,000.

Booking a car rental through Chase Ultimate Rewards® earns 10 points per dollar spent.

Redeeming points to book travel through Chase — including renting cars — gives you 50% more value per point.

Cardholders eligible for special benefits from Avis, National and Silvercar.

There are a few situations where renting a car through Turo makes especial sense:

If you can pay for your rental car upfront

Turo has a generous cancellation policy, allowing you to cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before the trip starts. Trips canceled within 24 hours of the start time are typically entitled to a partial refund.

Refunds are issued immediately, though it can take three to five business days to receive the money.

While Turo’s cancellation policy is relatively generous, you still must pay upfront.

In contrast, most rental car companies allow payment at the counter. That’s convenient because if your travel plans change and you can no longer rent the car, you likely won’t be on the hook for a rental car reservation you didn’t show up for (though some do charge a no-show fee).

If Turo is more convenient to your destination

Turo operates in the U.S., Australia, Canada, France and the U.K.

What’s unique about Turo is the range of places you’ll find the vehicles. Traditional rental car companies typically operate in places with a lot of tourists, such as airports, downtowns and hotels. But with Turo, you could very well find a car available from the home next door.

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The map’s purple dots indicate available vehicles. You might find one in a location far more convenient than the nearest traditional rental car.

That’s convenient for someone who is usually car-free but wants to rent one every once in a while from a neighbor. Travelers who want a car only for part of their trip might skip the airport rental car and rent a Turo nearby for the days they need it.

But Turo isn’t available in every city. While it’s now available in all 50 states, it wasn’t until June 2022 that Turo launched in New York state. And within each state, Turo is still expanding. Availability is largely contingent upon whether a host is willing to post their car for rent. 

If you need special pickup and drop-off locations or times

When renting from many rental car companies, you’re tied to their operating hours. That’s annoying if your flight lands at 9 p.m. but the rental car company closes at 8.

Many Turo rentals, however, are available for drop-off and pickup 24/7 because of a built-in service called Turo Go. Turo Go allows renters to unlock cars directly from the Turo app, thus never needing to meet the host in person.

Other hosts prefer in-person exchanges. The owner might pick you up at the airport and drive you to your hotel before handing over the keys (typically for an additional fee, though some hosts offer the service for free).

Turo’s delivery service can be especially convenient if you want the car for only a few days or a few hours. 

While the range of pickup options can certainly be a pro, it also adds layers of complication — and it means your next Turo experience won’t be exactly like your last.

Read the pickup and drop-off rules carefully, as they vary by owner. Some cars are parked in facilities requiring a fee to exit. While Turo requires hosts to disclose such fees in their vehicle listing, it’s still one more annoying cost.

While Turo Go can certainly be convenient, you must have Wi-Fi or cellular data to unlock the car at the start of the trip. And you won’t have in-person customer support, which might pose challenges if you run into any problems upon pickup.

For one-way rentals, it’s tricky. You’re not able to book one location for pickup and a different location for return. 

There is a one-way rental workaround where you can request to change your pickup or drop-off location once the trip is booked, but you’d have to work that out with the host — and it’s not guaranteed they’ll accept.

Turo can provide myriad benefits. Especially in big cities, you might find a car in far more convenient locations. Turo Go enables pickup and drop-off at any hour, so you’re not constrained by rental car companies’ operating hours. 

Because much of the rental price goes directly back to the car’s owner, more money stays in local communities. Turo often offers a range of cars, from a tiny Smart Car to electric vehicle rentals to flashy muscle cars.

But renting on Turo also entails high variability. The experience is rarely consistent, nor are the cars (or their owners). A vehicle might have squeaky brakes, and some owners might have higher cleaning standards than others.

If Turo doesn't have sufficient options, but you're generally enticed by such rental car alternatives , you might also consider Turo's competitors, such as Getaround .

Sometimes Turo is cheaper, but once the fees add up (and you realize your credit card car rental insurance likely won’t kick in), it’s not always as budget-friendly as you might think.

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How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

1x-10x Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $1,125 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

on Capital One's website

2x-10x Earn unlimited 10X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 5X miles on flights booked through Capital One Travel, Earn unlimited 2X miles on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

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What fees do I pay? (for owners)

If you have a free listing

All bookings are taken online through our website and you pay a processing fee of 3% per booking. We calculate this commission based on your total rent, including any required and optional fees you specify for your property, for things like cleaning.

Payments can be transferred to either your bank or PayPal account. You will not pay any additional PayPal fees.   

If you have an annual listing

You pay an annual fee per property, you can decide how to receive payments from guests - either directly or online through our website.

To review the fees that you add to each booking, go to  Taxes and Fees .

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Expand the boxes on this page to see how much you need to pay for a passport, and what types of payment to use. You can also  use our fee calculator  to figure out the cost of your passport. The fees you pay depend on:

  • If you want a passport book, passport card, or both documents
  • How fast you need your passport, and 
  • Where you apply

What fees should I pay?

I'm applying for the first time as an adult (16 and older).

You will need to pay both an application fee and an acceptance fee. Pay the acceptance fee to the facility which takes your application, and the application fee to the U.S. Department of State.

Our Apply in Person page has more information on how to submit your application.

I'm an adult (16 and older) and I'm renewing my passport

Pay an application fee to the U.S. Department of State.

Adults (16 and older) may be able to renew their passport. Our Renew page has more information on how to submit your application. 

My child is under 16 and I'm applying for their passport

You will need to pay both an application fee and an acceptance fee. Pay the acceptance fee to the facility which takes your child's application, and the application fee to the U.S. Department of State.

All children must apply in person. Our  Children Under 16 page  has more information on how to apply. 

I'm changing or correcting my passport

I need to rush my passport or pay for a special service.

Add these fees to your total application fee. Include the amount in your check or money order which you make payable to the U.S. Department of State.

Passport fee calculator

Answer a few questions and we'll calculate your passport fees..

Where do you currently reside?

Check with your local U.S. embassy or consulate for information on how to apply for a passport.

Have you ever had a U.S. passport?

Do you still have the passport in your possession?

Note: If you want to renew both a valid passport book and passport card, you must submit both documents. For example, if you can submit a passport book, but you lost your passport card, you cannot renew the passport card. If you want to renew either a valid book or a card, you must submit the specific document you want to renew.

Is the passport damaged or mutilated?

Do you know the issuance date of your passport?

Do you know if your passport is still valid?

What is the Issuance Date of your passport?

Have you reported it lost or stolen to Passport Services?

Are you replacing a "Limited Validity" Passport?

Was your passport issued domestically or overseas?

What was the validity of your limited passport?

Was your passport limited due to an ongoing change of your gender marker or a naturalization certificate replacement?

What is the Issuance Date of your Limited Validity Passport?

Do you require any changes or corrections to what is currently printed on your passport?

Select all that apply:

Do you have an original or certified copy of your marriage certificate or the government-issued document demonstrating your legal name change under federal or state law?


Passport Options

Passport type, passport type: book, passport type: card, passport type: book & card, change/correct passport, renew passport, processing method, processing method: standard, processing method: expedited, processing method: expedited at agency, processing method: overseas processing.

* To be eligible, you must make an appointment and provide proof of international travel.

If you have a life-or-death emergency or other need for urgent travel abroad, the passport agency or center will do everything possible to issue a U.S. passport in time for your trip.

Total Payable to Department of State

Total Payable to Department of State - Information.

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Acceptance Facility Fee

Acceptance Facility Fee - Information.

We accept different forms of payment

Applying at a passport acceptance facility (post office, government office, library).

Go to our Apply In Person page to find the steps to apply.

You will need to pay both an application fee and an acceptance fee. Pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State, and the acceptance fee to the facility which takes your application.

To pay for the application and special services such as expediting your application:

  • Submit a check  (personal, certified, cashier's, traveler's) or  money order  payable to "U.S. Department of State"

To pay the separate acceptance fee:

  • Personal checks and money orders
  • Credit cards. The facility may add a surcharge to cover the cost of the credit card transaction.
  • Cash. You must provide the exact amount.

Renewing by Mail

If you are renewing by mail :

  • Send us a check  (personal, certified, cashier's, traveler's) or  money order  payable to "U.S. Department of State"
  • When renewing by mail from Canada, you must pay by check or money order payable in U.S. dollars through a U.S. bank.

Applying or Renewing at a Passport Agency

Go to our Passport Agency and Center page  for steps on how to apply at one of our 26 locations across the country.

  • Credit cards : Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover
  • Debit cards (or prepaid cards that are not linked to a line of credit or bank account): Visa or Mastercard
  • Digital wallet payments such as Apple, Google, or Samsung Pay

We also accept checks, money orders, and cash. Make checks and money orders payable to the "U.S. Department of State."

  • Checks: personal, certified, cashiers, and travelers
  • Money orders: U.S. Postal, international, and currency exchanges  
  • Cash: must provide the exact amount  

Requesting a Refund for Expedited Service

Service Commitment

If you paid the $60 fee for expedited service when you applied and you did not receive expedited service, you may be eligible to  request a refund  of this fee. We cannot refund any other passport fees or your travel expenses if you miss your trip.

Non-Refundable Fees

We cannot refund the passport application fee and the execution fee. By law, we collect both fees and keep them even if a passport is not issued.

Learn more about refunds on our Refund of Expedited Passport Fee page.

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No hay nada mejor para una empresa que una plantilla de perfil de empresa. Un perfil de empresa es, principalmente, un documento que proporciona una visión general de una organización para comunicarse con los clientes. Esta es una página que proporciona toda la información sobre la empresa.  Lo mejor es que, las plantillas de perfiles de empresa en formato Word son gratuitas y están disponibles en el sitio web de WPS para mejorar su negocio. A continuación, le presentamos las mejores plantillas de perfiles de compañías en formato Word.

1. Perfil de Empresa Moderno Azul

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa para Word contiene toda la información sobre la empresa. Los clientes pueden acceder fácilmente a través de este folleto. Usted puede utilizar su función premium en el sitio web de WPS.

Pruebe esta plantilla en WPS y guárdela en un documento Word:

2. Plantilla de Perfil de Empresa en Color Azul del Planeta

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa le da un aspecto único gracias a su tono color azul. Tiene múltiples páginas para añadir los datos de una empresa. Usted puede conseguir el acceso a esta plantilla del perfil de la compañía del negocio comprándola.

3.Trípticos de Presentación de Empresa:

Usted puede utilizar los trípticos para impresionar a sus clientes gracias a que son llamativos por su diseño plegable. Esta plantilla en formato Word de perfil de empresa tiene un diseño excepcional con colores refrescantes. Le da un aspecto moderno al perfil de su empresa. También puede imprimirlo para la presentación de una empresa.

4. Plantilla de Perfil de Empresa Moderna en Color Amarillo

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa de color amarillo es sencilla, pero tiene un diseño llamativo. Esta plantilla le da un aspecto único. Usted puede escribir todo lo que quiera sobre su empresa.

5. Perfil de Empresa Profesional

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa es la mejor para los negocios debido a su diseño minimalista. Le da un aspecto decente, lo cual es muy adecuado para negocios de alto nivel. Usando esta plantilla, usted puede impresionar a su jefe.

6. Plantilla de Perfil de Empresa en Color Rojo y en Formato Word

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa está diseñada de una manera única con colores de fondo en rojo y negro. Si desea actualizar su negocio de una manera decente, entonces, esta plantilla de color rojo es la más apropiada.

7. Perfil de Empresa con Rayas en Color Rojo y Negro

Si usted quiere dar un toque elegante a su perfil, esta plantilla con rayas en color negro y rojo es la mejor opción. Esta plantilla es fácil de personalizar. Puede descargar fácilmente esta plantilla de perfil de empresa desde el sitio web de WPS .

8. Plantilla de Perfil de Empresa con diseño Geométrico

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa está diseñada con cajas geométricas en las esquinas. Un perfil de empresa geométrico es ideal para crear un folleto de alta calidad. Puede descargarlo fácilmente.

9. Plantilla de perfil de Empresa Práctica

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa práctica está disponible en un diseño único. Le da un aspecto profesional. Si lo desea, puede personalizar su plantilla de perfil de empresa en formato Word según las necesidades de su empresa.

10. Plantilla de Perfil de Empresa en Folleto

Esta plantilla de perfil de empresa en forma de folleto es la mejor plantilla que usted puede usar para crear un perfil sofisticado de su empresa. Es una plantilla elegante, con más espacio para escribir el texto. Para mejorar el estilo, puede añadirle imágenes.

Está claro que las plantillas de perfiles de empresas están fácilmente disponibles en el sitio web de WPS . Usted puede utilizar estas plantillas en formato Word o PDF. Además, son fáciles de descargar y puede usarlas gratuitamente.

¿No cree que estas plantillas de perfil de empresa mejorarán su negocio?

Descargue cualquier plantilla ahora y consiga un buen negocio para su empresa.

Lee También:

  • 1. Las 10 Mejores Plantillas en Word de Perfiles Empresariales para Descargar Gratis en 2024
  • 2. Descargar Gratis Las 10 Mejores Plantillas e Infografías de Diagramas de Flujo en Formato PPT
  • 3. Las 8 Mejores Plantillas de Notas Médicas de Urgencias en Formato PDF + 4 Tipos de Plantillas
  • 4. Las 10 Plantillas Gratuitas de Actas de Reuniones de Proyectos (En Formato Excel)
  • 5. Las Mejores Plantillas de Propuestas de Investigación en formato PPT (2024)
  • 6. Descargar Gratis Las 10 Mejores plantillas de Recibos de Pago Editables en Formato Excel

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  • Vuelos a Japón
  • Vuelos a México
  • Vuelos a Rumanía
  • Vuelos a Islandia
  • Vuelos a República Dominicana
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  • Vuelos a todos los países y territorios
  • Hoteles en Andorra
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  • Hoteles en Marruecos
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  • Hoteles en Italia
  • Hoteles en Grecia
  • Hoteles en Tailandia
  • Hoteles en Islandia
  • Hoteles en México
  • Hoteles en Albania
  • Hoteles en Costa Rica
  • Hoteles en República Dominicana
  • Hoteles en Estados Unidos
  • Hoteles en China

Destinos de Vuelos Populares

  • Vuelos a Barcelona
  • Vuelos a Madrid
  • Vuelos a Tenerife
  • Vuelos a Paris
  • Vuelos Amsterdam
  • Vuelos a Mallorca
  • Vuelos a Gran Canaria
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  • Vuelos Lanzarote
  • Vuelos Baratos desde Barcelona
  • Vuelos Ibiza
  • Vuelos desde Zaragoza
  • Vuelos a Roma
  • Vuelos a Londres
  • Vuelos Fuerteventura
  • Vuelos desde Santander
  • Vuelos desde Vitoria
  • Vuelos Oporto
  • Vuelos a Florencia
  • Vuelos desde Valladolid
  • Vuelos desde Asturias
  • Billetes de tren baratos
  • Tren Madrid a Barcelona
  • Tren Madrid a Sevilla
  • Tren Madrid a Valencia
  • Tren Barcelona a Madrid
  • Tren Barcelona a Valencia
  • Tren Sevilla a Barcelona
  • Tren Valencia a Madrid
  • Tren Valencia a Barcelona

Aerolíneas y Aeropuertos Populares

  • Tap Portugal
  • Iberia Vuelos
  • Aeropuerto Valencia
  • Aeropuerto Alicante
  • Brussels Airlines
  • Salidas Aeropuerto Santiago
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • Binter Vuelos
  • Aeropuerto Hangzhou
  • Aeropuerto de Malaga
  • Ryanair Vuelos
  • Air Europa Vuelos


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Details about Booking Fee

When someone rides with Uber, a Booking Fee is added to your fare. This fee helps cover:

*The cost of mandatory commercial auto insurance that Uber provides for rideshare drivers. *Costs related to regulations, safety measures, and the operations of our services

How is the Booking Fee calculated?

Booking Fees vary by trip and is based on:

*The city where the trip starts *The distance of the trip

Learn more about how Uber trips are insured

If you want more detailed information on how Uber trips are insured in the United States, please visit our Insurance Information page .

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I-601, Solicitud de Exención de Causal de Inadmisibilidad

Si usted es inadmisible a Estados Unidos y desea solicitar una visa de inmigrante, ajuste de estatus, ciertos estatus de no inmigrante, u otros beneficios de inmigración, debe presentar este formulario para solicitar una exención de ciertas causales de inadmisibilidad. Por favor, consulte las instrucciones en determinar si usted debe utilizar este formulario.

Debe enviar las 11 páginas del formulario.

Formularios y Documentos para Descargar

Formulario I-601 (en inglés) (PDF, 600.79 KB)

Instrucciones para el formulario I-601 (en inglés) (PDF, 490.51 KB)

Diagrama: Cómo Presentar Ciertos Formularios para Exenciones de Causales de Inadmisibilidad (en inglés) (PDF, 578.67 KB)

Detalles del Formulario

04/01/24 . Puede encontrar la fecha de edición en la parte inferior del formulario e instrucciones.

Las fechas están en formato mm/dd/aa (mes, día, año).

Si usted completa e imprime este formulario para enviarlo por correo postal, asegúrese de que la fecha de edición del formulario y los números de las páginas están visibles en la parte inferior de todas las páginas y que todas las páginas completadas sean de la misma edición del formulario. Si falta alguna de las páginas del formulario o las páginas son de ediciones diferentes, podríamos rechazar su solicitud.

Si necesita ayuda para descargar e imprimir los formularios, lea nuestras instrucciones .

La dirección de presentación depende del beneficio de inmigración que usted está solicitando. Para obtener una lista completa de las direcciones, visite nuestra página  Direcciones para la Presentación Directa del Formulario I-601 .

Puede encontrar la tarifa de presentación del Formulario I-601 en nuestra página Desglose de Tarifas . 

Hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2024, no habrá una tarifa de presentación para presentar el  Formulario I-485, Solicitud de Registro de Residencia Permanente o Ajuste de Estatus , basado en la clasificación de un inmigrante especial afgano, o para cualquier tarifa asociada con los servicios biométricos o para presentar un Formulario I-601 asociado.

Hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2024, no hay una tarifa de presentación para presentar el Formulario I-601 independiente con un  Formulario I-130, Petición de Familiar Extranjero  aprobado, ante USCIS en Estados Unidos para un nacional afgano (beneficiario) con una visa disponible inmediatamente.

Usted puede pagar la tarifa con un giro postal, cheque personal, cheque de caja o  pagar con una tarjeta de crédito  o débito mediante el  Formulario G-1450, Autorización de Transacciones con Tarjeta de Crédito . Si paga con cheque, debe hacer su cheque pagadero a U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Cuando usted envía un pago, acepta pagar un servicio gubernamental. Las tarifas de presentación son finales y no reembolsables, sin importar cualquier acción que tomemos sobre su solicitud o petición, o si usted retira su solicitud.  Si paga con una tarjeta de crédito o débito, no podrá impugnar el pago posteriormente. Utilice el  Calculador de Tarifas  (en inglés) para determinar su tarifa de presentación.

Si va a presentar varios formularios, pague cada tarifa de presentación por separado. Estamos haciendo la transición al procesamiento electrónico de solicitudes de beneficios de inmigración, lo que requiere que utilicemos múltiples sistemas para procesar su paquete. Podemos rechazar todo su paquete si envía un pago único y combinado para múltiples formularios. 

Por favor, no presente esta lista de cotejo con su Formulario I-601A. La lista de cotejo es una herramienta opcional para que use mientras prepara su formulario, pero no sustituye los requisitos legales, reglamentarios, ni de las instrucciones del formulario. Recomendamos que revise estos requisitos antes de completar y presentar su formulario.  No envíe documentos originales a menos que se les soliciten específicamente en las instrucciones del formulario.

Si usted presenta cualquier documento (copias o documentos originales, si se les solicitan) en un idioma extranjero, debe incluir una traducción completa al inglés, junto con una certificación de parte del traductor en la que afirma que la traducción está completa y es exacta, y que está cualificado para traducir de un idioma extranjero a inglés.

¿Proporcionó lo siguiente?

Evidencia que demuestre por qué usted cualifica para una exención de inadmisibilidad, lo que depende de la(s) causal(es) de inadmisibilidad que le aplican a usted y debe incluir evidencia que demuestre porque deberíamos otorgar una exención de inadmisibilidad como cuestión de discreción

Evidencia para apoyar su reclamo de dificultad extrema (si corresponde)

Si va a solicitar una exención que requiera que demuestre dificultades extremas que le afectarían a un cónyuge, padre, hijo o hija de un ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente legal, debe presentar evidencia que demuestre la relación familiar y evidencia que muestre cómo la denegación de admisión podría provocar dificultades extremas a su familiar cualificado.

Si usted es un autopeticionario VAWA, podría mostrar cómo la denegación de admisión podría provocar dificultades extremas a su familiar cualificado o a usted mismo.

Evidencia que apoye una exención de admisibilidad debido a una enfermedad transmisible de relevancia para la salud pública (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye su petición de exención de vacunación (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye una exención por inadmisibilidad a causa de un desorden físico o mental y comportamiento dañino asociado (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye una exención de causales criminales de inadmisibilidad indicadas en la sección 212(a)(2) de INA (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye una exención por fraude de inmigración o falsa representación (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye una exención por inadmisibilidad debido a su membresía en un partido político totalitario (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye una exención por admisibilidad debido a trata de extranjeros (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye una exención por inadmisibilidad debido a estar sujeto a una sanción civil bajo la sección 212(a)(6)(F) de INA (si corresponde).

Evidencia que apoye una exención del veto de 3 o 10 años por presencia ilegal bajo la sección 212(a)(9)(B)(v) de INA (si corresponde).

Evidencia de que amerita una exención si es un solicitante de TPS.

Si usted desea obtener ajuste de estatus bajo la sección 202 de NACARA o la sección 902 de HRIFA, y es inadmisible bajo la sección 212(a)(9)(A) o (C) de INA, evidencia de que usted amerita una exención de inadmisibilidad basada de los factores que serán considerados si usted estuviera buscando el consentimiento para volver a presentar una solicitud.

Si usted es un autopeticionario VAWA autorizado o hijo de un autopeticionario VAWA autorizado y es inadmisible bajo la sección 212(a)(9)(C)(i) de INA, evidencia de que muestre la conexión entre el abuso o crueldad extrema que es la base para su reclamación VAWA y la remoción, salida de Estados Unidos, reingreso o reingresos a Estados Unidos, o intentos de reingreso a Estados Unidos del autopeticionario.

Evidencia para apoyar una exención si usted es una solicitante de ajuste de estatus como Joven Inmigrante Especial (si corresponde). 

Consejos para Presentar el Formulario I-601, Solicitud de Exención de Causal de Inadmisibilidad

Complete  todas las secciones  del formulario. Rechazaremos el formulario si no completa lo siguiente:

  • Dirección postal
  • Fecha de nacimiento

Consejos de Presentación:  Consulte la página  Consejos para la Presentación de Formularios por Correo Postal  para obtener información acerca de cómo asegurarse que aceptemos su formulario.

No olvide firmar su formulario.  Rechazaremos todo formulario que no esté firmado.

Notificación Electrónica (E-Notification): Si desea recibir un mensaje de correo electrónico y/o un mensaje de texto de que hemos aceptado su formulario en una localidad segura (lockbox) de USCIS, complete el Formulario G-1145, Notificación Electrónica de Aceptación de Solicitud/Petición, y adjúntelo al frente de la primera página de su formulario.

Exención de Tarifas:  Se aceptarán peticiones de exención de tarifas de:

  • Peticionario VAWA;
  • Solicitantes de visas “T”;
  • Cónyuges o hijos víctimas de maltrato por parte de un residente permanente legal de EE.UU.;
  • Un solicitante de Estatus de Protección Temporal;
  • Un Joven Inmigrante Especial; o
  • Cualquier otro no ciudadano para quien no se requiere una determinación de su posibilidad de convertirse en una carga pública bajo la sección 212(a)(4) de la Ley de Inmigración al momento de presentar su solicitud de admisión a EE.UU.

Para más información vea  Información Adicional sobre Cómo Presentar una Exención de Tarifas

  • Presentación y Adjudicación Centralizada de Formulario I-601, Solicitud de Exención de Causal de Inadmisibilidad
  • Direcciones para la presentación directa del Formulario I-601, Solicitud de Exención de Causal de Inadmisibilidad


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  2. What Is Trip Fee on Turo? Exploring the Benefits and Costs

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  3. What Is Trip Fee on Turo? Exploring the Benefits and Costs

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  4. Why Is Turo Trip Fee So High? Exploring the Cost Breakdown and Benefits

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  5. 10 travel fees you may not know about

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  6. Turo Trip Fees: What You Need to Know

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  1. trip fee

    cada cosa, la realidad es que al final del año escolar la cantidad es muy grande. ficec.jp. ficec.jp. a) cancellation up to and including 4 hours before the contractually ... Trouble Ticket Trip Fee-Applies for each dispatch when a technician is dispatched and no trouble is found on the Company's side of the demarcation point. sagetelecom.net.

  2. Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP)

    The Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) is a single point of contact for individuals who have had difficulties during travel screenings at transportation hubs such as airports or U.S. borders. These difficulties include: Denied or delayed entry into the United States, via airport, border crossing, or ...

  3. ¿Trip.com es fiable? Análisis y opiniones de esta app de vuelos

    Trip.com es una agencia de viajes en línea que forma parte de Trip.com Group, una empresa que cotiza en el NASDAQ desde 2003. La plataforma ofrece una amplia red de vuelos, con más de 2 millones ...

  4. trip fee

    Muchos ejemplos de oraciones traducidas contienen "trip fee" - Diccionario español-inglés y buscador de traducciones en español. Buscar en Linguee; Sugerir como traducción de "trip fee" ... cada cosa, la realidad es que al final del año escolar la cantidad es muy grande. ficec.jp. ficec.jp. a) cancellation up to and including 4 ...

  5. What is a Destination Fee at Hotels?

    Fees generally $10-$50 per day. The cost of a destination fee can vary significantly from one hotel to another. On average, these fees typically range from $10 to $50 per day. This range depends on factors such as the hotel's location, reputation, and the amenities and services included in the fee.

  6. What is TUA and how much does it cost?

    Zihuatanejo (ZIH) $727.39 MXN / $42.55 USD. $1,242.94 MXN / $72.71 USD. The Airport Use Fee (TUA) is a payment that airports require for using their facilities - it is not specific to Volaris. Learn more here.

  7. Trip fee

    fee. la cuota. Ejemplos. Estos ejemplos aún no se han verificado. viaje (2) All materials avaiable included in the trip fee. Todos los materiales disponibles están incluidos en la tarifa del viaje. However, it is not possible for us to prorate your trip fee based on the time you're on the trip. Sin embargo, no nos es posible ajustar el precio ...

  8. Spirit Airlines Fees: What to Know Before You Fly

    The membership costs $69.95 for 12 months, $99.90 ($5 savings) for 18 months and $129.90 ($10 savings) for 24 months. Here's how much typical bag fees cost for that same flight if you're a ...

  9. The Ultimate Guide to Mexico's Tourist Fee: What You Need to Know

    According to the article, the Visitax Tourist Tax is intended to help fund necessary improvements and services for tourists in the area. The Visitax Tourist Tax is a new fee that all tourists visiting Cancun will have to pay. The fee is $10 USD per person and will be collected upon arrival at the airport or port.

  10. Earnings and host take rate

    Host take rate is the percentage you earn of the trip price and some other guest charges Take rate is determined by the protection plan you choose

  11. How to avoid airline change and cancellation fees

    Frontier imposes no change fees for flights more than 60 days from departure. However, there's a $49 change fee from 59 to seven days from departure. That climbs to a $99 fee within six days of departure. For cancellations, you will pay $99 if you cancel, regardless of how far out you are from your departure date.

  12. TRIP

    traducir TRIP: viaje, excursión, salida, tropezar, viaje [masculine, singular], rarito/ta [masculine-feminine…. Más información en el diccionario inglés-español.

  13. FEE

    traducir FEE: honorario, cuota, tasa, tasa [feminine], honorarios [masculine], matrícula [feminine], entrada…. Más información en el diccionario inglés-español.

  14. ¿Qué es un 'Fee'? Diferentes tipos de pagos mensuales

    El término "fee" es una palabra que proviene del inglés y se refiere a una tarifa o cuota que se cobra por un servicio o producto en particular. Este tipo de cobro puede ser mensual, trimestral, anual, entre otros. Los fees pueden incluir desde tarifas bancarias, de servicios públicos, membresía, suscripción y préstamos, entre otros.

  15. Turo trip fees are insane. : r/turo

    You are wrong, Turo charges trip fees to run the platform. I've completed almost 100 trips with Turo and many of those renters do not respond to hosts requests to be reimbursed for incidentals such as tolls, tickets, gas, etc. Turo will reimburse hosts for those costs if a renter doesn't respond to a hosts reimbursement request, as long as the host has the proper proof that they're ...

  16. The Pros and Cons of Turo

    Turo adds a trip fee at checkout that goes to Turo (not the owner). Fees vary, but in the U.S., trip fees range from 2.5% to 100% of the overall price. Turo young driver fee.

  17. Acerca de Trip.com

    Trip.com es una plataforma internacional de viajes, disponible en 24 idiomas y 39 países y regiones, que acepta pagos en 35 divisas diferentes. En nuestra plataforma, puedes encontrar más de 1,1 millones de hoteles, y reservar vuelos con más de 510 aerolíneas que operan en 3.400 aeropuertos de 220 países y regiones de todo el mundo.

  18. Trip pricing

    The trip price depends on different factors including the day of the week the length of the trip and any applicable discounts Trip price is just one element

  19. What fees do I pay? (for owners)

    All bookings are taken online through our website and you pay a processing fee of 3% per booking. We calculate this commission based on your total rent, including any required and optional fees you specify for your property, for things like cleaning. Payments can be transferred to either your bank or PayPal account.

  20. Las 10 Mejores Plantillas de Planes de Estudio en Excel para Descargar

    También es posible que trabaje a tiempo parcial. Además, tendrá que ocuparse constantemente de su vida social. Un plan de estudio es importante para garantizar que aprende todo a tiempo y domina el contenido del curso. Una plantilla de plan de estudio gratis en formato Excel es una herramienta eficaz para mostrar cómo utiliza su tiempo.

  21. Activar Office 2021 Gratis con el Activador TXT (Guía en 2024)

    Paso 6: Los comandos se ejecutarán y, si la activación se realiza correctamente, usted verá "" al final del símbolo del sistema. Para confirmar la activación de Office, abra cualquier aplicación de Office 2021 para comprobar el estado de la activación. Aunque este método es algo más complejo, a diferencia del uso del archivo CMD, no requiere desactivar la Seguridad de Windows.

  22. USCIS Immigrant Fee

    Pay the USCIS Immigrant Fee. Pay the USCIS Immigrant Fee online. If you are paying for family members who will reside with you in the United States, you may pay all fees in 1 transaction. Provide valid payment information. You must pay either with a valid credit or debit card or provide your U.S. bank routing and checking account numbers to ...

  23. Passport Fees

    Passport Fees. Expand the boxes on this page to see how much you need to pay for a passport, and what types of payment to use. You can also use our fee calculator to figure out the cost of your passport. The fees you pay depend on: Your age. If you want a passport book, passport card, or both documents. How fast you need your passport, and.

  24. Las Mejores Plantillas de Perfiles de Empresa en Formato Word Gratuitas

    Esta es una página que proporciona toda la información sobre la empresa. Lo mejor es que, las plantillas de perfiles de empresa en formato Word son gratuitas y están disponibles en el sitio web de WPS para mejorar su negocio. A continuación, le presentamos las mejores plantillas de perfiles de compañías en formato Word. 1.

  25. Trip.com Oficial: Vuelos, Hoteles, y Billetes de Tren Baratos

    La agencia de viajes online, Trip.com se especializa en reservas de hotel con descuento, billetes de avión y tren baratos, más servicio de atención al cliente gratuito y disponible 24/7.

  26. Details about Booking Fee

    ES. Selecciona el idioma que prefieres. ... How is the Booking Fee calculated? Booking Fees vary by trip and is based on: *The city where the trip starts *The distance of the trip. Learn more about how Uber trips are insured.

  27. Horarios y tarifas

    Otras condiciones: consultar en [email protected] o 910 68 30 01; Visitas y eventos privados. A partir del cierre del Museo; Más información; Horarios y tarifas; Prepara tu visita; Visita en grupo; Visita accesible; Recomendaciones; Cómo llegar; Centro de Atención al Visitante +34 910 68 30 01.

  28. ChatGPT

    Plan a trip to experience Seoul like a local (opens in a new window) Create a content calendar for a TikTok account (opens in a new window) Suggest fun activities to help me make friends in a new city ... Free. Assistance with writing, problem solving and more. Access to GPT-3.5.

  29. Solicitud de Exención de Causal de Inadmisibilidad

    Si usted es inadmisible a Estados Unidos y desea solicitar una visa de inmigrante, ajuste de estatus, ciertos estatus de no inmigrante, u otros beneficios de inmigración, debe presentar este formulario para solicitar una exención de ciertas causales de inadmisibilidad. Por favor, consulte las instrucciones en determinar si usted debe utilizar este formulario.

  30. United Airlines

    United Airlines - Airline Tickets, Travel Deals and Flights If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please enable JS ...