• Therapy Center
  • Febvotte-Marat

Sandra Robin Kinesitherapeute

Show number

13 Bd Jean Royer, 37000 Tours, France

  • Get directions

Sandra Robin Kinesitherapeute


13 Bd Jean Royer, 37000 Tours, France

Opening times

8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Treat yourself anytime, anywhere

Hair Salons

Therapy Centers

Nail Salons

Tattoo & Piercing


Beauty Salons

Mani Pedi Treatments

Hair Colouring Highlights

Russian Manicures

Dry Needling

Nail Polishing

Wig Installations

Balayage Hair Colouring

Women's Haircuts

Nail Art and Nail Designs

Nose Piercing

Body Wrap Treatments

Locs Hair Styling

Children's Haircuts

Nail Extensions

Men's Manicures

Hair Colouring

Blow Dries and Blowouts

Men's Haircuts

Massage in Alouette Sud

Therapy Centers in Alouette Sud

Physiotherapists in Alouette Sud

Dry Needling in Alouette Sud

Sports Massages in Alouette Sud

Chiropractors in Alouette Sud

Hair Salons in Les Fontaines

Beauty Salons in Les Fontaines

Nail Salons in Les Fontaines

Massage in Les Fontaines

Therapy Centers in Les Fontaines

Nail Extensions in Les Fontaines

Back Waxing in Les Fontaines

Dry Needling in Les Fontaines

Remedial Massages in Les Fontaines

Physiotherapists in Les Fontaines

Prenatal Massages in Les Fontaines

Russian Manicures in Les Fontaines

Gel Nail Extensions in Les Fontaines

Swedish Massages in Les Fontaines

Reflexology Massages in Les Fontaines

Women's Haircuts in Les Fontaines

Spa Packages in Les Fontaines

Chinese Massages in Les Fontaines

Foot Massages in Les Fontaines

Therapeutic Massages in Les Fontaines

Acrylic Nails in Les Fontaines

Relaxing Massages in Les Fontaines

Hair Perms in Les Fontaines

Mani Pedi Treatments in Les Fontaines

Sandra ROBIN, Kinésithérapeute, TOURS

Sandra ROBIN, Kiné TOURS ☤

  • > Nos locaux
  • > Où nous trouver
  • > Rééducation en BALNÉOTHÉRAPIE
  • > Traitement par ondes de choc
  • > Massages et rééducation fonctionnelle en orthopédie, en traumatologie, en rhumatologie, en neurologie
  • > Rééducation cardio-vasculaire et respiratoire, bronchiolite bébé
  • > Kinésithérapie du sport
  • > Rééducation périnéale et gymnastique abdominale hypopressive
  • > Pilates
  • > Drainage lymphatique manuel / Pressothérapie
  • Votre contact

sandra robin tours

Votre Cabinet de kinésithérapie et Balnéothérapie  au  13, boulevard Jean Royer 37000 TOURS

Une équipe composée de trois kinésithérapeutes

sandra robin tours

Masseur-Kinésithérapeute D.E.

Un cabinet neuf, moderne et équipé, un bassin de balnéothérapie chauffé à 33°c, permettant une rééducation douce et progressive, adaptée à votre pathologie., un plateau technique de rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelle., six salles individuelles de rééducation., des équipements spécifiques :.


sandra robin tours



Vous souhaitez consulter un kiné aujourd'hui ?

Si vous n’arrivez pas à trouver les coordonnées d’un kinésithérapeute en naviguant sur ce site, vous pouvez appeler le 118 418 qui trouve le numéro et les coordonnées de professionnels :

Appelez le 118 418 et dites "INFO KINÉ"


Numéro distinct de l'Ordre des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, le numéro 118 418 est un numéro de renseignements téléphoniques 24h/7j pour lequel une licence a été délivrée par l’ARCEP. La base de données annuaire est mise à jour régulièrement.


13 Boulevard Jean Royer 37000 TOURS Rpps : 10005359665

Masseur-kinésithérapeute à TOURS, Sandra Robin vous accueille au , 13 Boulevard Jean Royer, 37000 TOURS de 08h00 à 17h00 tous les jours de la semaine.

Situé dans la ville de TOURS, le kinésithérapeute Sandra Robin est un diplômé d’Etat en masso-kinésithérapie qui utilise à la fois des techniques passives ou actives. Vous pouvez le contacter en appelant le numéro de téléphone ci-dessous et nous vous mettrons en relation immédiatement. Il est important de se rappeler que les kinés de TOURS peuvent souvent se déplacer à domicile, ce qui est très pratique surtout si on sort d’une hospitalisation ou d’une blessure musculaire. Dans tous les cas, un rendez-vous par téléphone est primordial et vous évitera un temps d’attente trop grand pour démarrer votre traitement et vos soins.

Il existe deux méthodes de kinésithérapie : passive et active. Les méthodes passives passent par des massages et des étirements musculaires : le but principal étant de re-tonifier les muscles et d’améliorer la mobilité de vos articulations. Quand à la méthode active, il s’agit ici d’une autre philosophie car le traitant est lui même acteur de sa guérison et le masseur kiné lui propose des exercices physiques (avec ou sans machine voire en piscine) afin de rééduquer une articulation ou renforcer un muscle. A savoir que les masseurs kinésithérapeutes de Indre-et-Loire sont aptes à prodiguer l’une et l’autre de ces méthodes. Vous n’aurez donc pas à voir plusieurs kinés pour vos soins.

En cas d'urgence, vous pouvez contacter un kinesithérapeute le soir, week-end et jours fériés,. Entrez une ville ou un code postal pour le trouver dans votre secteur géographique.


Appelez le 118 418 et dites "ANIMAUX"

Contactez nous

contact @ kinesitherapeutes.net

Conditions générales d'utilisation Mentions légales

kinesitherapeutes.net Qu'est ce que c'est ?

Annuaire des kinésithérapeutes pratiquant en France et indépendant de l'Ordre des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, notre site permet la mise en relation avec un service universel de renseignements téléphoniques, le 118 418, vous permettant de rechercher un numéro de téléphone, de fournir des coordonnées et de vous mettre en relation avec le numéro recherché uniquement sur demande.

Nos spécialités

  • Trouver votre dentiste
  • Trouver votre infirmier à domicile
  • Trouver votre kiné
  • Trouver votre dermato
  • Trouver votre ophtalmo
  • Trouver votre véto
  • Trouver votre pharmacie de garde

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Doctoome > Kinésithérapeute > Tours (37000) > Mme Sandra ROBIN

Mme Sandra ROBIN


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La mission de Doctoome ?

Doctoome met gratuitement à votre disposition ses services pour vous trouver l'offre de soin personnalisée et disponible dans votre région.

  • Trouver les praticiens adaptés à ma pathologie ou aux besoins de mon entourage
  • Trouver et réserver mes médicaments disponibles tout de suite dans les pharmacies autour de chez moi
  • Prendre soin de moi en m'accompagnant au quotidien dans mon suivi personnalisé

Toutes les informations sur Sandra ROBIN

Adresse du cabinet médical.

13 Boulevard Jean Royer, 37000 Tours

Prise en charge

Horaires de consultation, présentation de sandra robin.

Sandra ROBIN qui exerce la profession de Kinésithérapeute, pratique dans son cabinet situé au 13 Boulevard Jean Royer à Tours. prend en charge la carte vitale et pratique un tarif conventionné secteur 1.

Le kinésithérapeute ou plus communément appelé un kiné accompagne les patients du nourrisson à l’adulte jusqu’au senior afin de soulager les douleurs de manière douce et efficace. Il assure également la rééducation motrice et fonctionnelle suite à une blessure. Il peut également apporter un soutien et soulager les douleurs de nombreuses pathologies et peut également faire du domicile pour les personnes ne pouvant se déplacer.

Prenez un rendez-vous en ligne dès à présent avec Sandra ROBIN.

FAQ de Sandra ROBIN

Derniers articles liés au métier de kinésithérapeute.

Les différentes formes de spondylarthrite

La spondylarthrite est un terme générique qui regroupe plusieurs formes de rhumatismes inflammatoires chroniques. Ces maladies se caractérisent par des douleurs et une inflammation au niveau des articulations, en particulier celles de la colonne vertébrale et du bassin.

La spondylarthrite ankylosante, symptômes et traitements

La spondylarthrite ankylosante, une maladie inflammatoire chronique qui affecte la colonne vertébrale et les articulations sacro-iliaques. Cet article explique les symptômes, les traitements, les examens à faire, qui consulter et les facteurs et causes liés à la maladie.

Lombalgie : Comment la soigner efficacement ?

La lombalgie, également connue sous le nom de mal de dos ou douleur lombaire, est une douleur ressentie dans la région inférieure de la colonne vertébrale, qui peut s’étendre vers les fesses et les jambes. C’est l’un des problèmes de santé les plus courants dans le monde, touchant des millions de personnes de tous âges et de toutes professions.

Parole de kinésithérapeutes

Ces autres kinésithérapeutes pourraient vous intéresser

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Masseur-kinésithérapeute, robin sandra.

13 Boulevard JEAN ROYER 37200 Tours

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  • Toutes les spécialités
  • Masseur-Kinésithérapeute - Masseur kinésithérapeute à Tours
  • ROBIN Sandra
  • Informations

Adresse d'exercice de ROBIN Sandra

  • 13 Boulevard Jean Royer, 37000 Tours

informations complémentaires

  • n° FINESS : 377009642

Présentation : Masseur kinésithérapeute

Sandra ROBIN (Masseur kinésithérapeute) exerce son activité à 1 adresse : - 13 Boulevard Jean Royer, 37000 Tours

Moyens de Transports les plus proches

icone du bus

  • Boisdenier (Arrêt de bus)
  • Salengro (Arrêt de bus)
  • Liberté (Arrêt de bus)
  • Royer (Arrêt de bus)
  • Palais des Sports (Arrêt de bus)
  • Carnot (Arrêt de bus)

Réseau de ROBIN Sandra

  • Sandra Robin (Masseur-Kinésithérapeute Tours)
  • Eric Auperin (Masseur-Kinésithérapeute)
  • Guillaume Behaegel (Masseur-Kinésithérapeute)
  • Sandra Robin (Masseur-Kinésithérapeute)
  • Dr Vincent Magdalena (Médecin Spécialiste en Médecine Générale)
  • Dr Celine Dechanet (Médecin Qualifié en Médecine Générale)
  • Dr Benjamin Faivre D'arcier (Médecin Chirurgie urologique)
  • Francoise Guillot (Sage-Femme)
  • Noemie Peter-gyan (Sage-Femme)
  • Dr Annie Jacquet (Médecin Gynécologie médicale et obstétrique)
  • Dr Frederique Beau-salinas (Médecin Qualifié en Médecine Générale)
  • Dr Agathe Saby (Médecin Psychiatrie)
  • Dr Francois Labarthe (Médecin Pédiatrie)
  • Dr Benjamin Cohen (Médecin Anesthesie-réanimation)
  • Laurent Pain (Masseur-Kinésithérapeute)
  • Dr Delphine Gatillon (Pharmacien)
  • Dr Vanessa Brebion-maupetit (Pharmacien)
  • Dr Charlotte Pleau-lefer (Pharmacien)
  • Alexis Rabouan (Masseur-Kinésithérapeute)
  • Dr Romain Dumay (Chirurgien-Dentiste)
  • Lea Raimon (Psychologue)
  • Eric Trouve (Ergothérapeute)
  • Christele Cisse (Infirmier)
  • Jean Claude Morin (Orthopédiste-Orthésiste)
  • Isabelle Jourdain (Infirmier)
  • Pauline Vallet (Orthophoniste)
  • Sarah Naud (Psychomotricien)
  • Laëtitia Thion (Psychologue)
  • Carole Fillatre (Psychologue)

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Sandra Robin Kinésithérapeute Kiné

image kinésitherapeute Sandra Robin Kinésithérapeute

Sandra Robin Kinésithérapeute, 13 Bd Jean Royer, 37000 Tours, France

Consultation : Avant chacune de vos consultations avec un kinésitherapeute, que ce soit pour une consultation, prenez soin de vous munir des documents suivants : - Votre carte vitale ou attestation de moins de 3 mois. - Votre attestation de mutuelle à jour. - Lors de votre première consultation se présenter un quart d’heure en avance.

Pour tout renseignement ou prise de rendez-vous, veuillez contacter ce professionnel grâce aux coordonnées présentes sur notre plateforme.

Besoin d'une bonne mutuelle pour vos soins chez le kiné ?

Attention, les soins chez le kiné ne sont remboursé que à 60 % du tarif de convention. Sans prescription, la Sécurité sociale ne rembourse que 30 % de ce tarif.

Grâce à ce comparateur gratuit nous vous aidons à comparer les garanties et tarifs des mutuelles de santés. Économisez en moyenne 36%* sur votre mutuelle! 🙂

Horaires d'ouverture ⏰

Attention, les soins chez le kiné ne sont remboursé que à 60 % du tarif de convention. Sans prescription, la Sécurité sociale ne rembourse que 30 % de ce tarif. Grâce à ce comparateur gratuit nous vous aidons à comparer les garanties et tarifs de 25 assureurs. Économisez en moyenne 36%* sur votre mutuelle ! 🙂

Prenez 2 minutes pour le savoir, c'est gratuit !

Prendre RDV 🏥

Vous êtes le praticien 👩🏻‍⚕️, monkinési vous recommande ces kinésitherapeutes vérifiés à tours.

image kinésitherapeute Kiné-Souffle


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Piquet Jérome

238 Rue Giraudeau, 37000 Tours

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Carlier François

83bis Av. de Grammont, 37000 Tours

image kinésitherapeute Sandra Robin Kinésithérapeute

Sandra Robin Kinésithérapeute

13 Bd Jean Royer, 37000 Tours

image kinésitherapeute Martineau Pascaline cabinet des halles

Martineau Pascaline cabinet des halles

68 Rue Néricault Destouches, 37000 Tours

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Dubois Audrey

58 Rue Marcel Tribut, 37000 Tours

Moscow Bike TOur

  • Page active




  • Find adventure at every turn
  • Take pride in covering Moscow in record time
  • Enjoy the icons in style
  • Explore off the beaten path routes of Moscow
  • Expert commentary as you travel around the city
  • Test your nerve, driving on crazy Russian roads
  • Get an Endorphin Rush
  • Savour delicacies from different regions of Russia in a traditional restaurant

Only in Moscow for a short time and want to get the most out of the city and have fun? Then a 3-hour bike tour in Moscow is what you need! You won’t hear much about Russian history or become an expert on Russian art, but you will experience all the rest of Russian culture! This tour gives you a unique perspective of a little bit of everything in 3 or 5 hours: must-see tourist sights, local hangouts, Russian food, a glimpse of the modern Moscow life, amazing photo opportunities, a bit of Russian history, and a lot of fun!

This is a great opportunity to cut the usual all day tour down to only 3 or 5 hours and get the most out of the city while having fun and being fit in the greatest locations around Moscow!

A bike trip is sure to capture your heart. It enables you to see the heart of Moscow within the Boulevard Ring and to explore some non-touristic areas of the city, to get an image of the city centre and to work out at the same time.

Our tours differ and depend on whether you are interested in city scenery or nature-like landscape. A variety of places in Moscow are great for riding a bike: these are large parks, yards with old mansions, and historical streets in the centre.

Let’s see what’s waiting for you!

Here are 4 suggested itineraries for a 3-hour tour:.

Moscow Bike Route #1

St. Basil's Cathedral, GUM, Kazan Cathedral, State Historical Museum and Lenin's Mausoleum

Revolution Square and Theatrical Square

Bolshoy Theatre, Metropol Hotel, Chinese Wall, State Duma of Moscow

Alexander Garden

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, fountains, the Grotto, Central Exhibition center, Kutafya tower, Kremlin wall and towers

Historic City Center

Tverskaya street with its beautiful historical architecture, China town (Kitai-gorod), an old historical area of Moscow

Beautiful  City bridge  leading to  Gorky Park  with scenic views of  Christ the Savior  cathedral and the Moscow River. Explore all the beauties riding a bike along the riverside pathways.

Sculpture Park

Peaceful  Crimean embankment  is one of the quietest area of Moscow city with painters' works at the  Vernisage , close proximity to new  Tretyakov Gallery  and good views of  Christ the Savior Cathedral ,  Peter the Great  monument and the Crimean bridge.

Delicious lunch at a café/restaurant

Arbat street + Stalin Skyscraper

The  Arbat  has existed since at least the 15th century and is proud of being the oldest surviving street of the Russian capital. Nowadays, it is now an entertainment and event mecca for Muscovites and tourists alike.

Victory park

Get thrilled with 142 metres  Obelisk  and  Victory Park museum , which is an open-air museum dedicated to the Russian victory of 1945, built in 1995 to celebrate 50 years of victory

Moscow Bike Route #2

Pyatnitskaya street - the Tretyakov Gallery - Luzhkov Bridge - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - the Gogolevsky Boulevard - the Nikitsky Boulevard - the Tverskoy boulevard - Teatralnaya street - the Bolshoi Theatre – the Kitai - Gorod - Red Square and GUM store - the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge

This route is the best one if you want to see the heart of Moscow. It goes right through the major places of interest and touches upon the most exciting and vibrant areas of Moscow such as part of the Boulevard Ring, which is absolutely loved by everyone.

Cozy streets of Zamoskvorechye will never leave you indifferent. This district has a long and vivid history and is full of old baroque houses along with Stalinist buildings. It includes three theatres, three museums and sixteen churches.

Back in the 18 th century Zamoskvorechye was known as a quiet, country-like land of single-storey houses and conservative businessmen. It remained country-like and is much more filled with business than before, as this area is just right in the city centre.

You’ll learn:

  • what was previously on the site of the Novokuznetskaya metro-station;
  • names of four abandoned metro stations and how to find these stations;
  • what is the oldest bridge among all the bridges in Moscow;
  • how old was Pavel Tretyakov when he decided to collect paintings, that are now exhibited in the Tretyakov gallery;
  • what does the real form of the Boulevard Ring in Moscow look like;
  • what tricks did the Russian government used to save the houses and buildings from bombing during the World War II;
  • what unofficial name the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky bridge has

Moscow Bike Route #3

View over the Kremlin - The Luzhkov Bridge –  The Strelka Institute –  The Muzeon Park –  The Gorky Park –  Neskuchny Garden –  Sparrow Hills –  The Luzhniki Stadium -  Novodevichy Convent – The Arbat Street – The Gogolevsky boulevard - The Cathedral of Christ the Savior –  The Bolotnaya Square

This route includes the most popular city-sights and goes along the Moskva-River. It starts with an observation point, from which you may enjoy the view over the Kremlin, and covers all the most beautiful green areas of Moscow. Historical sites are included into the route so you can feel the historical vibes of ancient Moscow.

  • where is hidden an island Moscow;
  • where in Moscow you can get printed music of the most sweet masterpieces like “Chocolate waltz” and “Cake-gallop” along with a box of chocolates of the 18 th century;
  • why the Luzhkov bridge is also called “the bridge of kisses”;
  • the place where the famous Olympic symbol – the Olympic Bear of the Olympics-1980 was flown from;
  • the stage where Rolling Stones and Madonna performed when they came to Moscow;
  • why the Krymsky bridge was Stalin’s favourite bridge and what musical instrument it represents;
  • where living statues in Moscow could be found in 1740s;
  • myths and legends about inhabitants of the main building of Moscow State University;
  • story about why Sparrow Hills were called that way;
  • how Napoleon was cheated when he was going to burn down the Novodevichy convent;
  • what was supposed to be on the site where the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is now;
  • why Moscow was nearly burnt down in the 15 th century and which role the Arbat street played in it.

Moscow Bike Route #4

Starting with wide area of the VDNKh, you are to learn interesting and fun facts about this spectacular part of Moscow.

  • where is a hidden the secret bunker under Moscow (and no, it’s not a famous Bunker 42 everybody knows about;
  • why the number of golden statues at the fountain is more than the number of Soviet republics, although it is said to correspond them;
  • why one of the Stalin statues was called “matryoshka” (Russian doll);
  • what was Picasso’s favourite statue at the exhibition in Paris in 1937.

You’ll see:

  • the world’s first light-music fountain that was built in 1950-1954;
  • pavilions that symbolize Soviet republics;
  • the Botanic garden which is twice as big as the Principality of Monaco;
  • the largest green-house in Europe (for the opening day in 1945);
  • English garden at the Ostankino mansion;
  • Ostankino Tower, one of the tallest structures in Europe;
  • the most beautiful flowers in hidden places of the parks.

Biking through VDNKh, Botanic garden and the territory of the Ostankino park will definitely be appreciated by nature-lovers and all those who are keen on speed, who knows no limits and want to explore off the beaten path of Moscow.

We can customize your bike adventure to meet your individual interests.

Our bicycle tour in Moscow gives you a chance to have a s pectacular ride  with  wonderful photo opportunities  and an  unforgettable cultural experience!

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow
  • + Private & customized tour
  • + An exciting tour, not just boring history lessons
  • + An authentic experience of local life
  • + Flexibility during the tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri)
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow

*This tour can be modified to meet your preferences

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Our Tour Leaders

  • Home Tour Leader


Acclaimed Horticulturist and gardening media presenter

Graham is a horticulturist, plantsman and garden media presenter. He started the Garden Clinic Radio Show on 2GB in 1980, and has been gardening presenter on Better Homes & Gardens TV since 1995. He’s also publisher of the Garden Clinic Journal, the magazine of the Garden Clinic Club , Australia’s largest gardening club. Graham is a recipient of the Veitch Memorial Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society in London, only the fourth Australian given this honour since its creation in 1870. Graham’s passion for gardening, travel and people comes together in every Ross Garden Tour.

Find out more on Wikipedia


Horticulturist, writer and broadcaster

Sandra is a horticulturist, garden writer, broadcaster and popular tour leader. She has the very enviable task of planning new itineraries for Ross Garden tours, a job which takes her exploring all over Australia and the world. She ensures that well-known gardens are maintaining their good looks, seeks out lesser-known but extraordinary places and finds hotels that offer our groups affordable luxury. Sandra was behind one of our most popular tour developments – four night stays in cities so that guests can unpack and relax. Sandra’s spare minutes are spent in her lovely garden.


Landscape architect, garden creator, author and presenter

Brendan is a practicing landscape architect and garden creator as well as author, and occasional TV host (Home, Moar Gardening, Dry Spell Gardening & Coast Australia). Beyond TV Brendan has authored two books, Grounded and Green, spent 10 years as the Garden Editor for InsideOut magazine, works as an MC for charity and corporate functions, and conducts face to face garden workshops for aged care provider Transcare in the Upper Hunter. Over the last 30 years Brendan has maintained his career as a landscape architect and works on a wide variety of public and private projects of all scales both nationally and internationally.


Garden designer, writer and host of ABC TV series Dream Gardens

Over his 30 years of designing gardens, working in gardens, and writing about gardens, Michael has not lost a single iota of his enthusiasm for the wonder of growing things, and the sensory and emotional satisfactions offered by really fine gardens. His unique approach to talking about gardens, born of being both botanist and garden designer, has won him many fans of his books ‘Michael McCoy’s Garden’ and ‘The Gardenist’. You can read his musings on gardening at www.thegardenist.com , where you’ll also be impressed by his great photography. Some of his images are reproduced here on the website.


Horticulturist, landscape designer and presenter

Colin grew up in England and developed a fascination with Australian plants when he started cultivating seeds sent to him by Australian relatives. He fell in love with the country itself when he visited Perth aged 13, and emigrated 8 years later. Colin is a passionate horticulturalist, landscape designer and gardening communicator. He lectures, appears on television and radio, writes for newspapers and magazines and designs gardens for private clients and for garden shows. His three daughters have caught the garden bug and are contributors to the Garden Clinic Magazine.


Well-known food and gardening writer and photographer

Robin has been writing and photographing gardens for newspapers and magazines for more than 20 years and still gets a thrill when she walks through the entrance of a lovely garden. Robin is also a well-known food writer for the Sydney Morning Herald, for which she has been writing about seasonal produce for several years. Her enthusiasm for gardening, food, wine, history and art make her a great tour companion. You can see some of her photographs on this site.


Garden researcher Better Homes and Gardens, Designer for River Cottage Australia

Paula co-owns a design, construction business in Merimbula, NSW. Even after more than 30 years in the industry Paula’s passion for gardening is stronger than ever. Paula is a firm believer that you can have a lifetime of career changes and still stay in the Horticulture industry. Garden researcher for Better Homes and Gardens, location manager and designer for River Cottage Australia are just a couple of different highlights of her career as well as proud business owner.


Horticulturist, Author, Presenter and Communications Manager at Yates

Angie Thomas is the Communications Manager for Yates and has been a horticulturist for more than 25 years. She writes for several gardening magazines, appears on national radio to talk about gardening, has written three Yates gardening books and edited the Yates Garden Guide. Angie is an avid gardener and is passionate about growing food and flowers, as well as filling her home with indoor plants. She is a keen and cheerful traveller and loves inspiring people to experience the joys of gardening.


Founder and Principal Designer of Candeo Design, Horticulturist and Plantsman

Brent Reid is the founder and principal designer of Melbourne based Landscape Design Company Candeo Design. Brent is proud of his passion for Plants and Horticulture and has a great appreciation for the art of architecture. More than half of Brent’s life has been devoted to landscape design and horticulture, the other half to basketball, these two passions rarely mix.


Horticulturist, Botanist, Presenter of 'Garden Australia' and Native Plant Specialist

Angus has one of the best-known faces, and voices, in the Australian garden media. He has been a presenter for ABC TV’s Gardening Australia program for the past five years and is a regular on ABC702’s Weekend Program on Saturday mornings between 9 and 10am. He has written hundreds of magazine articles and a handful of books. Incredibly he has also found time to develop some new varieties of Australian plants, particularly the Bush Gem series of kangaroo paws, which are now grown around the world. His website offers advice to gardeners keen to use Australian plants: www.gardeningwithangus.com.au


Horticultural Presenter and Teacher

Matthew is a horticultural teacher and garden media presenter with over 25 years experience – some of those years with Graham's Garden Clinic. He has also worked with Greenlife Industry Australia (formerly Nursery & Garden Industry Australia) on their national marketing programs and as a plant buyer in independent garden centres.

A regular MC and presenter at both industry and consumer gardening events across the country, Matthew fuses the fun of gardening with facts on how it is done in both a domestic and commercial setting - often under the alias Hortiman . 

Matthew has travelled the world extensively, exploring how gardens and cultures intertwine and relishes sharing this with other travellers.

Matthew was awarded Australian Institute of Horticulture Young Horticulturist of the Year in 2012; The Allan Seale award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Horticultural Industry in Media’ by the Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT in 2014; and a Horticultural Media Association Australia Laurel for his work on digital media for the Nursery & Garden Industry Australia in 2012

Follow Matthew here @hortiman


Horticulturist and Landscape Gardener

Tyler is a young horticulturist, plantsman and landscape gardener with over 9 years experience. Tyler has been in the garden since he was a child. Coupled with a diploma of horticulture, there's not much he hasn't come across. 

Having worked in gardens such as Royal Botanic Gardens - Sydney, Hampton Court Palace - London, Chelsea Flower Show 2022 and Claude Monet's garden in Giverny - France; Tyler has worked in some of the finest gardens of the world. From weekend broadcasting with Graham Ross on 2GB to running his own landscape design and gardening business, Tyler is ready to talk gardens and takes a unique approach. 

Tyler is on the National Council of the Australian Institute of Horticulture, and is keenly involved within the industry.


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Golden Ring Tours

An opportunity to travel in time and experience the medieval towns of the Russian province

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Home / Russia travel Destinations / Golden Ring Tours

Golden Ring Tours Immerse in Russian heritage, architectural masterpieces & stunning landscapes.

Golden ring tours overview.

Our Golden Ring Tours take place close to Russia's capital Moscow, yet seemingly a world away, adventuring to the beautifully preserved ancient cities of the Golden Ring route is a must. The cities of the Golden Ring are perfect destinations for travellers seeking the idyllic, provincial Mother Russia of old. A must short detour when Visiting Moscow. Scattered across a rural landscape of rolling hills, flower blanketed meadows, rivers and streams. The cities of the Golden Ring were considered political backwaters by the time Soviet industrialisation took hold, escaping much of the urban progress that rapidly engulfed Moscow and its surroundings. Consequently, many locals to the Golden Ring still lead a largely traditional existence, living in tight-knit communities where the ancestral izba (wooden farmhouse) is the centre of daily life.

 Golden Ring Russia, Travel Highlights:

  • Regarded as open-air museums, be enthralled by many of the Golden Ring’s ancient settlements and architectural masterpieces . These include the UNESCO-listed monasteries and onion-dome cathedrals in Yaroslavl, the white stone monuments of Vladimir (the Golden Gates, the church of Boris and Gleb), and the medieval wooden houses and windmills in Suzdal.
  • Our Golden Ring Tours facilitate immersion in the colourful culture of provincial Russia. Towns such as Ivanovo and Kostroma still maintain a largely traditional way of life. When you visit the Golden ring, be sure to try the delicious traditional Russian cuisine, admire time-honoured handicrafts and unearth ancient relics of the Soviet times.
  • Discover the sacred places of the orthodox religion at their many cathedrals, churches and historical monuments like the Trinity Lavra of Saint Sergius, the Holy Assumption Cathedral and the Cathedral of Transformation.
  • Uncover the age-old allure of Russia by delving into the rich history and legends of the Golden Ring. From Russian princes and knights to the early Tsars and Mongol invasions, you will experience something straight out of a fairytale.
  • Admire the stunning natural landscapes of the Golden Ring dominated by rippling meadows, lush green forests and winding rivers used to link fortified towns in the middle ages.

Many Golden Ring cities date back to at least the 10th century, and played a vital role in Medieval history, associated with the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church, the reign of Tsars and the Mongol Invasions. When you go on a Golden Ring tour, you will notice that virtually every town is a living museum, made up of ancient forts, towering monasteries, imposing palaces and magnificent cathedrals. Recognised for their artistic merit as an important place in history, four sites on the Golden Ring circuit have gained UNESCO World Heritage Site status, including the 1,000-year-old city of Yaroslavl.

Explore Golden Ring Tours

Golden Ring tour Russia Suzdal

Golden Ring at a Glance

Take a short detour from Moscow to discover the age-old allure of Russia. Travelling from the capital to the countryside, where golden spires and the onion-shaped domes of colourful monasteries dot the horizon, explore the historic and enchanting towns of Suzdal, Vladimir and Sergiev Posad.

Golden Ring Russia tour

Golden Ring - Reflections of Russian Heritage

The tour will take you to the eight cities of the Golden Ring, starting from Vladimir. The 'classical' route will take you to the fascinating sites of ancient cities. Get to see calm, slow, peaceful life in rural Russia and enjoy its architectural gems, culture and history.

Moscow St Petersburg Golden Ring Tour Russia

Moscow, St Petersburg and Golden Ring Rendezvous

This tour of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Golden Ring explores the places that shaped Russia’s history – past, present and future. Uncover Moscow’s ongoing revolutionary spirit, before journeying back in time to rural, medieval Russia. End in St Petersburg, a city of royal splendour and undeniable romance.

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Golden Ring Tours and more

Our 10 Best Golden Ring Tours of 2022

Journey to Russia’s Golden Ring with us and let us take you back in time to medieval Russia when the Tsars ruled. The Golden Ring is a set of beautiful, ancient and mysterious Russian cities not far from Moscow. Tours can be combined with any of our Moscow tours and customized to fit your plans and budget. Our most popular classic tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Golden Ring tours using the form at the bottom of the page. Feel free to also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists. Many travelers have found this to be the best way to together, create an unforgettable customized tour for you.

Sergiev Posad, Russian Vatican

Sergiev Posad, Russian Vatican

This short tour takes you to Sergiev Posad, the temporary residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. You will visit the magnificent Trinity St. Sergius Monastery which is included in the UNESCO list of World Cultural Heritage.

  • Schedule Tour can be started on any day
  • Route Moscow - Sergiev Posad - Moscow
  • Languages English-speaking guide is guaranteed. Other languages are on request.
  • Accommodation The following hotel options are available: This is a one-day tour, accommodation is not included.
  • PRIVATE TOUR This is a private tour, there won't be other people in your group

Sergiev Posad and Vladimir

Sergiev Posad and Vladimir

This Golden Ring tour covers two ancient Russian towns. Vladimir dates back to the XI century and is one of the oldest and most important towns along the ring. Sergiev Posad dates back to the XIV century and is sometimes called the Russian Vatican.

  • Route Moscow - Sergiev Posad - Vladimir - Moscow

Sergiev Posad and Suzdal

Sergiev Posad and Suzdal

This short tour takes you to Serviev Posad, the temporary residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, and Suzdal, a quiet, beautiful town with an ancient Kremlin and a museum of wooden architecture.

  • Route Mocsow - Sergiev Posad - Suzdal - Moscow

Vladimir and Suzdal

Vladimir and Suzdal

This tour includes two very important towns on the Golden Ring. Vladimir dates back to the XI century and it is one of the oldest towns along the ring. Suzdal is full of old churches, wooden houses and the sounds of bird song and the ringing of church bells.

  • Route Moscow - Vladimir - Suzdal - Moscow

Express Golden Ring (hotel in Vladimir)

Express Golden Ring (hotel in Vladimir)

Although this tour covers only a small section of the Golden Ring, it is probably the most beautiful part. You will visit Suzdal with its beautiful old churches, Vladimir with its famous Golden Gate and the small village of Bogolyubovo.

  • Route Moscow - Vladimir (overnight) - Bogolyubovo - Suzdal - Moscow
  • Accommodation The following hotel options are available: 3 stars - 4 stars

3 Gems of the Golden Ring

3 Gems of the Golden Ring

This Golden Ring tour covers three ancient Russian towns: You will learn about Russia�s tumultuous history in Vladimir, listen to the church bells ringing in beautiful Suzdal and admire the grandeur of Sergiev Posad, sometimes called the Russian Vatican.

  • Route Moscow - Sergiev Posad - Vladimir - Suzdal - Moscow

Express Golden Ring (hotel in Suzdal)

Express Golden Ring (hotel in Suzdal)

This tour covers two ancient Russian towns and one ancient village along the route of the Golden Ring. You will visit Vladimir dating back to the XI century, Suzdal with its ancient churches, and the marvelous, tranquil village of Bogolyubovo.

  • Route Moscow - Suzdal (overnight) - Bogolyubovo - Vladimir - Moscow

Highlights of the Golden Ring

Highlights of the Golden Ring

Travel to the Golden Ring with us! Visitors will enjoy this tour to 6 ancient Russian towns along the Golden Ring. This Golden Ring tour takes you through Suzdal known as the Russian Mecca, majestic Kostroma, beautiful Yaroslavl and Vladimir. You will truly feel the heart and soul of Russia.

  • Route Vladimir - Bogolyubovo - Suzdal - Kostroma - Yaroslavl - Rostov Veliky

Classic Golden Ring

Classic Golden Ring

Visitors will enjoy this tour to 6 ancient Russian towns along the Golden Ring. This tour takes you through Suzdal known as the Russian Mecca, majestic Kostroma, beautiful Yaroslavl and Vladimir. One of our most popular tours, you will truly feel the heart and soul of Russia.

  • Route Moscow - Vladimir - Bogolyubovo - Suzdal (1 night) - Kostroma (1 night) - Yaroslavl (1 night) - Rostov - Sergiev Posad - Moscow

Treasures of the Golden Ring

Treasures of the Golden Ring

This is our most complete tour across the entire Golden Ring. You will visit magnificent Vladimir, serene Bogolubovo, picturesque Suzdal, majestic Kostroma, beautiful Yaroslavl, ancient Rostov Velikiy, and Sergiev Posad sometimes called the Russian Vatican.

  • Route Moscow - Vladimir - Bogolubovo - Suzdal (2 nights) - Kostroma - Yaroslavl (2 nights) - Rostov - Pereslavl Zalessky - Sergiev Posad - Moscow

Ancient Russia, the Beginning

Ancient Russia, the Beginning

The Central European part of Russia is known for its ancient towns. On this tour you will make stops in the most important towns of the Silver Ring - Velikiy Novgorod, Pskov, Izborsk and Pechory. Each of these towns are home to unique monuments of Russian history and culture.

  • Route St. Petersburg - Novrogod (1 night) - Pskov (2 nights) - Izborsk - Pechory - Smolensk (1 night) - Moscow


Just returned from a fanstastic and rich experience in moscow, the Golden cities and St. Petersbrg. We felt taken care of as if we were royalty! our guides were extremely knowledgable and so we learned so much and gained such an appciation for the people, the struggles and the country. Witout the guide and driver, we would have just appreciated the architecture but learned nothing. You helped at every turn - this could not have been a better experience and we cannot thank you enough.

I just want to inform you that we have completed our trip to Russia. We really enjoyed the arrangement you have made for us, from the airport transfer, picking up our Bolshoi tickets, the hotel in Moscow, and of course the Golden Ring tour itself. Our tour guide, Irina, provided us with a lot of information on the buildings and history, which make our following visits to Moscow+St. Petersburg more rewarding. Thanks again for making our visit to Russia a wonderful one.

The Golden Ring of Russia

The Golden Ring is a group of medieval towns and cities that form a ring to the northeast of Moscow. These towns played a significant role in early Russian history and in the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church. The towns are full of ancient Russian architecture from the Middle Ages including kremlins (walled fortresses), monasteries, cathedrals and churches. Visiting the Golden Ring will give you a chance to go back in time and imagine a Russia that used to be. The cities are associated with Russian Princes and knights, early Tsars such as Ivan the Terrible, the Mongol invasions and many other historical figures and events. Listening to the history and legends told by your experienced guide will evoke memories of storybooks and fairy tales. The towns of the Golden Ring are all in the Russian countryside which is beautiful – full of forests and fields and rivers and lakes. Apart from the Golden Ring, we also offer tours to the Silver Ring of Russia. These tours include such famous towns as Veliky Novgorod and Pskov. Your time in these ancient areas will be a great break from the bustle of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Walk along ancient Kremlin walls and see the onion domes rising from cathedrals where time has stopped, or follow paths along old riverbanks – travel back in time with our Golden Ring tours. An unforgettable adventure awaits.

Ipatiev Monastery, Kostroma

Tours to the Golden Ring

Our Golden Ring tours are offered as land only where you arrange your own airfare and we meet you at the airport and handle everything else. You can easily book the discount tickets yourself through our own discount internet ticket office . Please browse our discount air tickets section to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

How far are the golden ring cities from moscow.

The Golden Ring cities are located within 2-4 hours drive of Moscow. The distance by road between Moscow and Suzdal is 219 km (3-4 hours drive), between Moscow and Sergiev Posad – 73 km, nearly a 2 hour drive. However, the distance between the cities of Golden Ring is rather short: e.g. between Vladimir and Suzdal it’s only 37 km.

Which cities of Golden Ring are worth visiting?

The following cities are the most well-known and attract the most attention: Suzdal, Vladimir and Sergiev Posad. If you have more than 1-2 days, we recommend Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky and Kostroma.

Why do people call this group of cities the “Golden Ring”?

The cities of the Golden Ring, located northwest of Moscow, are spread out in a ring shape. The term was created in 1967 by historian and journalist Yuri Bychkov who wrote travel articles under the name “Golden Ring” because his route took the shape of a ring as he travelled through these cities.

How to get to the Golden Ring cities of Russia?

You can travel by train from Moscow to Vladimir, Sergiev Posad, Kostroma, Rostov Veliky and Yaroslavl. Alternatively, you can order a private tour and go by car with a private driver

What can I do while visiting the Golden Ring cities and towns?

Golden Ring cities and towns are very different from Moscow and St Petersburg. Instead of visiting art museums and ballet performances, you can enjoy exploring local Kremlins and fortresses, ancient churches and monasteries, listening to the church bells ringing, enjoying local foods and drinks, visiting banyas, spending time in pristine nature, and strolling along the Volga river.

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Robin Trower

Robin cancels 2024 US Tour

Statement from Robin Trower: “It is with great regret that I must inform you that I will be unable to fulfil the upcoming tour of the USA in September/October.

I have struggled with health issues for some time now. Following my latest stay in hospital a few weeks ago, my doctor advised me that the only possible way for an effective long-term solution is to undertake a major operation as soon as possible.

I am currently awaiting confirmation of that date. I have also been advised that the recovery time to 100% full fitness could take a while. This makes committing to a fixed touring period in the near future impossible. I have struggled with this decision but realize I cannot continue touring at this time.

I know that you will be as disappointed as I am, but I am very hopeful that this procedure will give me a new lease of life and I can return to doing what I love the most- playing live ASAP. I look forward to catching up with you all as soon as I am able.”

sandra robin tours


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Good luck with your operation and please have a speedy recovery.

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Get well, the only important things in life is your family and yourself! Hope you are back on your feet soon!

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I understand your health is more important that you tour. You must focus on your health and wish you well with your health endeavors.

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Best of luck and god bless you Robin.

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I saw you at CES in Vegas years ago & it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen. My 17 year old nephew was blown away. He had never heard of you and I kept telling him he’ll never forget this show … I was proven correct! I hope to see you again … in Texas this time! Get past this issue & do what you love!

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Please Robin, take care of yourself. Your family and fans care about you.

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So sad to hear about this. I was really looking forward to seeing you rock the house once again. Get well and come back stronger.

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Robin , Sorry to hear about your condition and will keep you in our prayers for a full and speedy recovery. I have been a fan since first hearing the album “ A Salty Dog”. Take care. 🙏🙏

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Take as much time as you need. Your health is more important than a tour of our country. Take care of yourself and we’ll see you soon.

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Best wishes on a full recovery, hope you take all the time you need. Absolutely love your music.

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Get better soon, Robin you LEGEND!!!! thank you for all you have and continue to give us.

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Get Well soon Robin your health is more important than any tour or new recordings at this time look after number 1 us fans will still a d always be there to support you Rest, Recuperate and Recover you Legend ❤️

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Take care of you Robin. Be well speedy recovery. Hope to see ya live for a 6th time

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Hey Robin. I’ve attended 70 of your shows over the years in and around NY area, and was fortunate to meet you and have a great photo with you. Was hoping for number 71 but I can wait until you are back 100 pct. Prayers coming your way Robin. You will be great

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Wishing you a full and speedy recovery, and looking forward to seeing you play live ASAP! Sending You Peace & Love!

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Health is #1, whatever needs to be done, do it. Heal and become strong through everything that happens. We hear sounds in our life that soothes us and also makes us smile. Lets give Robin a big roar of positive vibes. Because the sounds, songs and performance’s he gives is beyond measure. Take care Robin, Peace brother.

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Wishing you a fast and speedy recovery sir! Been listening to your music since I was in highschool in the 80s. Your an inspiration.

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Sad news. Wishing for a quick recovery.

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You are an amazing guitarist whom my siblings and I have admired for years. We wish you a speedy recovery.

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God bless you and prayers for a speedy recovery. We know you rather be playing!! Dan

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robin whats the sugery for, love tom

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Nathan Lane Looks Back on Filming The Birdcage with Robin Williams: 'He Was Incredibly Generous' (Exclusive)

Nathan Lane remembers his 'The Birdcage' costar Robin Williams as "the dearest and sweetest guy in the world, and so talented"

Nathan Lane has fond memories of acting opposite Robin Williams .

As Lane, 68, stepped out at the 2024 Drama Desk Awards on Monday, the actor reminisced on his time filming the 1996 comedy classic The Birdcage with Williams, who died at 63 in 2014.

"It was an extremely happy experience," Lane says. "When [director] Mike Nichols asked me to do it, I remember him saying, 'Nathan, I want only nice people on this movie.' And I said, 'Okay, I'm sure there are some nice people in show business who would be willing to do this.' And he did."

"He put together an extremely nice group of people who were also very, very talented and led by Robin, who was the dearest and sweetest guy in the world, and so talented," the actor adds of Williams. "He was incredibly generous to me."

Lane received a  Golden Globe nomination  in 1997 for his performance in The Birdcage , in which he and Williams memorably portrayed a gay couple who pose as straight in order to endear themselves to their son's future in-laws. The movie marked a transitional moment in Lane's career, and he has previously commended Williams for supporting him on the film's press tour.

Dominik Bindl/Getty; Ben Gabbe/Getty

During a March 2023 appearance on Sunday TODAY  on NBC, Lane recalled that Williams helped Lane avoid questions from Oprah Winfrey regarding his sexuality when they appeared together on The Oprah Winfrey Show . At that time, Lane had not yet publicly come out as gay, and he told host Willie Geist at the time that he was " not prepared at all " to share that information.

Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay up-to-date on the best of what PEOPLE has to offer​​, from celebrity news to compelling human interest stories. 

Lorey Sebastian/United Artists/Kobal/Shutterstock 

"I don't think Oprah was trying to out me, but I said to Robin beforehand: 'I'm not prepared. I'm so scared of going out there and talking to Oprah. I'm not prepared to discuss that I'm gay on national television, I'm not ready,' " Lane said at the time. "And he said, 'Oh, it's alright, don't worry about it, we don't have to talk about it, we won't talk about it.' "

Video from the pair's appearance on the show available on  YouTube shows that Williams did interject to allow Lane time to form an answer when Winfrey asked him about his sexuality.

United Artists / Getty Images

Lane appeared at the Drama Desk Awards to receive the Harold S. Prince award for lifetime achievement in the theater. He has been performing on Broadway since 1982, with roles in as many as 38 productions, according to Playbill .

“It's just where I started and it will just always be home, and it's the place where you, I think, have the most freedom as an actor,” Lane tells PEOPLE of his love for acting for the stage.

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Welcome to Russia!

We are Sergey and Simon, a Russian and a Frenchman, both  passionate about Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and classic cars. Together, we have created Put-in tours. Our goal is to help you experience Russian culture off the beaten path. Join us onboard our classic Soviet van and let’s get rolling!

In Moscow we offer you a city tour to discover most of the city in an original way as well as a night tour to admire the lights. Our pubcrawl is ideal to explore Moscow’s night-life and have fun. If you are craving to discover Russian culture, come impress your senses during our monastery diner or join our 100% Russian Banya Excursion . The latest will also bring you to Sergiyev Posad and it’s famous monastery!

For the most extreme travellers, our shooting tour will deliver your daily dose of adrenaline whereas our tank excursion will let you ride a real tank and shoot a bazooka.

We also offer help to receive your visa , safe and multilingual airport transfers , as well as organisation services for team-building events or bachelor parties .

All our excursions (but the monastery diner) happen onboard our Soviet military vans and can be covered by our  professionnal photographer or videographer.

In Saint Petersburg

We welcome you in Saint Petersburg onboard our Soviet van to discover the imperial city with our city tour and night tour .

Continue your discovery in style! The adrenaline lovers will like our shooting tour  which brings 3 Russian weapons to the tip of your trigger finger.

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At Put-in tours, we put you in our classic Soviet vans to go explore Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Russian culture off the beaten path. Discover our Moscow city guided tour, visit Moscow by night, join our banya & Sergiyev Posad excursion, visit and dine in one of Moscow's oldest monastery or even Luzhniki stadium, before you party on our famous pubcrawl! Original and atypical tours : Shoot AK47 and a bazooka after riding on a tank with our tank & bazooka excursion ! Extreme tours: Fly a fighter jet in Moscow onboard a L-29 or L-39 aircraft!

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Padraig Harrington, Sandra Palmer lead Class of '24 inducted into World Golf Hall of Fame

2024 inductees Sandra Palmer and Padraig Harrington at the World Golf Hall of Fame ceremony. (Tracy Wilcox/PGA TOUR)

2024 inductees Sandra Palmer and Padraig Harrington at the World Golf Hall of Fame ceremony. (Tracy Wilcox/PGA TOUR)

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The Hall of Fame is largely an American thing, though Harrington fully understood that it was a label attached to the very best. That was the case particularly on the PGA TOUR Champions when he heard the “Hall of Fame” reference to so many of his peers, from Bernhard Langer and Vijay Singh, from Ernie Els to Fred Couples.

“You kind of look at these guys and you want to be one of them. You want to be part of it,” Harrington said. "And many of the guys on the Champions Tour, their careers were a little bit ahead of me so they were actually guys I would have looked up to when I was turning pro. They're guys I would have watched on TV at pro events.

“So it's nice to be part of that crowd.”

Harrington was to take his place among them Monday night at the first World Golf Hall of Fame induction ceremony since the shrine moved from St. Augustine, Florida, to Pinehurst when the USGA established a second home.

It is on the second floor of the USGA Experience building.

Harrington, whose 21 worldwide wins include The Open Championship in 2007 and 2008 and the PGA Championship in 2008, joins LPGA star Sandra Palmer as the only living inductees.

LPGA great Beverly Hanson, former Open champion and golf course architect Tom Weiskopf and former U.S. Open champion Johnny Farrell were to be inducted posthumously.

Also being inducted were the remaining seven founders of the LPGA – Alice Bauer, Bettye Danoff, Helen Dettweiler, Helen Hicks, Opal Hill, Sally Sessions and Shirley Spork – who will be going in as a group. The other six founders previous were inducted on their own.

It will be the largest World Golf Hall of Fame class since 2008.

Harrington was the star attraction in this class, an Irishman with one of the great minds who was willing to try anything to get better and often did. He got his first big breakthrough at Carnoustie in 2007 when he overcame a double bogey on the final hole to beat Sergio Garcia to win The Open.

A year later, he won The Open at Royal Birkdale and then became the first European winner of the PGA Championship in 78 years.

He had three other wins on the PGA TOUR, 12 other wins on the DP World Tour and five other on circuits around the world. He also played on six Ryder Cup teams and was captain in the 2021 matches at Whistling Straits.

Harrington, 52, has seven wins on the PGA TOUR Champions, including the U.S. Senior Open two years ago.

“When you’re in your career and you win tournaments and you receive awards and accolades, you always assume they’re going to be there and you’re going to keep winning. You always think there’s going to be another one,” he said. "You maybe don't enjoy them the way you should at the time.

“So by getting into the Hall of Fame it brings a lot of emotions. Validation, no doubt about it. Satisfaction, no doubt about it. It’s a deep-set satisfaction that I’ve done it and I’ve done well.”

Palmer was a two-time major champion among her 19 LPGA victories. She went seven years before winning her first LPGA event in 1971, and then she won with alarming regularity. Her first major was the 1975 U.S. Open.

Weiskopf, who died in August 2022 of pancreatic cancer, won 16 times on the PGA TOUR and captured his lone major at Royal Troon in The Open. His contributions extended to golf architecture and candid, unfailingly accurate commentary on television. His design work was known for the short par 4s, among the most exciting and enjoyable holes.

Hanson was renowned not only for what she won but whom she beat. The North Dakota native won 17 times on the LPGA and three majors. She won her first event as a pro by beating Babe Zaharias, and she won two of her majors by beating Louise Suggs.

Farrell previously was a member of the PGA Hall of Fame in Pinehurst before it moved to Florida under the name World Golf Hall of Fame. A 22-time winner, he was famous for his one-shot victory in a 36-hole playoff against Bobby Jones in the 1928 U.S. Open. He spent the second half of his life as a club pro at Quaker Ridge and Baltusrol.

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Russell Crowe Says He’s ‘Slightly Uncomfortable’ With ‘Gladiator 2’: ‘There’s Definitely a Tinge of Melancholy’ and ‘Jealousy’

By Ellise Shafer

Ellise Shafer

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GLADIATOR, Russell Crowe, 2000. ©DreamWorks/courtesy Everett Collection

Russell Crowe has admitted that he’s “slightly uncomfortable” with the fact that Ridley Scott is making a sequel to “ Gladiator .”

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The 60-year-old actor — who after “Gladiator” went on to star in “Master and Commander,” Scott’s “Robin Hood” and “Les Misérables” — added that the forthcoming new installment has caused him to look back on his career.

“I reflect back on the age I was when I made that film and all the things that came after it and the doors that particular movie opened for me,” he said. “So there’s definitely a tinge — and this is just being purely honest — a tinge of melancholy, a tinge of jealousy. Because I remember when I had tendons.”

Despite his apparently decaying tendons, Crowe is in post-production on four films: horror movie “The Exorcism,” Marvel’s “Kraven the Hunter” starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, the biopic of painter Mark Rothko titled “Rothko” and historical drama “Nuremberg.”

Watch the full interview with Crowe here .

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