Short Trip: an interactive illustration that took five years to make

How artist Alexander Perrin created a peaceful pencil-art meditation about a cat and a tram.

short trips game

Faded, silvery graphite sketchings of trees. Babbling brooks and rolling hills. The twittering of birds and the sighing of the wind. These things pull you into a dreamlike world, a mystical land blanketed in peace. In this new world you’re cast as an anthropomorphic cat, hopping about on two legs. Using the right and left arrow keys to move about, you happen upon a tram, and you’re off on your way through an idyllic storybook countryside. 

Short Trip is an experiment in digital illustration by Australian artist Alexander Perrin. It’s the first part of a series in which Perrin aims to temporarily send his audience to another world. A fleeting experience, lasting just five minutes or so, it captures the feeling of a quaint journey perfectly. Perrin says he got the inspiration for Short Trip from the Hakone Tozan railway line in Japan, a small electric train line that travels through the rural mountainside of eastern Japan, south of Tokyo. Perrin says the Hakone Railway reminded him of a model railway, "just massive but in a way that every piece of rail is easily integrated into the landscape and into the trees and everything just sort of fits magically," he explains. "It all feels illustrated."

short trips game

Dreamy Japanese railways weren’t the only source of inspiration for Short Trip. He drew from a collection of influences that struck him over the course of Short Trip’s five-year creation including Eastern European architecture and his mother’s eclectic home decor. As he collected inspiration over the course of those five years, he drew single images of trees or plants here and there until a world started to emerge. Part of the reason it took so long is because Perrin works a day job to support his art career. 

I thought it was just interesting to see if it actually could be done with two pencils alone. Alexander Perrin

"It was the only way I could get this done. Just being able to make these little drawings, like little visual components one by one, and incrementally add them into the world over the months and then years, was actually just a practical way of doing it," he admits. 

While it was a slow process, it’s also something Perrin revels in both from a creative perspective and as a videogame enthusiast from childhood. Growing up, Perrin was drawn towards games that allowed players to create their own worlds and civilizations. "There's something extremely quixotic and therapeutic about building and constructing and forming worlds full of life even though they're all digital," Perrin says.  

short trips game

Perrin created his own 'asset library' for his art inspired by his favorite games, like Age of Empires, which allowed players to create structures and worlds from a library of objects—walls, trees, rocks, and more. "I think one of my greatest joys about creating games and virtual worlds and spaces or any sort of art is being able to create smaller components and stack them, and make a library of my own assets, which I can use to create my worlds."

The illustration was a technical challenge of sorts for Perrin, who was trying to make something that hadn’t been done before. He wanted to create a browser-based world purely illustrated in graphite. "I thought it was just interesting to see if it actually could be done with two pencils alone. And I think it worked," Perrin says. 

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It did. The soft graphite lines of the illustration lend themselves to Short Trip’s whimsical storybook quality. Digitizing the graphite illustrations themselves was a relatively easy process for Perrin, who simply scanned them in and did a few touch ups here and there. 

short trips game

"The natural roughness and the grain of the graphite and the paper meant that a lot of the scenes are hidden," Perrin says. Normally, when creating art using digital media, it’s harder to hide flaws in your artwork because all of the lines are so precise. That’s not the case with graphite. "I feel like the natural nature of the physical mediums hide all the yucky stuff, so it was really quite encouraging in that way," he explains.

It was definitely built also as a tool for people to just chill out for five, 10 minutes, however long they want to Alexander Perrin

However, animation did present a few challenges. "In the game, a lot of the moving objects, like the windmill, while it felt interesting, you really had to make everything really subtle because the graphite is not really meant to be moving," Perrin notes. "When [it] did start moving, it sort of lost the magic of its natural qualities, and just looked like a kind of cheap digital reproduction. So, most technical challenges were finding out how high to push the graphite into the digital context and find where its natural limits were."

Stylistically, Short Trip masks these difficulties quite capably. "Even the characters, their legs, nothing on them really move. They kind of hop about, but it really works because they're kind of like paper cut outs, and it didn't shatter the graphite style," Perrin says. 

short trips game

The final product, once the illustrations and animations all came together, is not exactly a game, but an illustration with participatory elements. This was a deliberate choice on Perrin’s part. was up on a screen, and they built a big controller for it using some sort of hacked electronics kit so kids could go up and push these buttons and ring the bell Alexander Perrin

"I wanted it to be a really appealing and not alienating project for a much wider audience. Particularly those who find the term videogame [has] a bit of a stigma, or so that older audiences can pick it up," Perrin says.   Perrin’s term of choice instead is 'interactive illustration.' "It’s something [where] the main focus is to chill out and observe. It's a very passive experience in a way," he adds. 

The internet today can be a stressful place, with the overwhelming shadow of social media and a constant news stream. Experiences like Short Trip, designed to be played right there in a browser, provide sweet moments of respite. "It was definitely built also as a tool for people to just chill out for five, 10 minutes, however long they want to," Perrin notes. "There's a lot of anxiety-inducing content out there, so I think that's just meant to calm that, there's plenty of room for that."

short trips game

Accessibility was also a big goal for Short Trip. Perrin wanted a wide audience to discover it. "I'm very happy that it was able to run on most web browsers. It opens up the audience for people who can play it, people who aren't familiar with and don't want to download stuff to their computer can just see it there and then," he says. 

That accessibility has produced interesting results. Perrin recalls seeing a picture posted on Twitter of a grade school class playing the game on a projector. "I think it was a library or something, and it was up on a screen, and they built a big controller for it using some sort of hacked electronics kit so kids could go up and push these buttons and ring the bell and see [the tram] move.” 

Perrin says he doesn’t mind if people call Short Trip a videogame or something else, but the internet could use more digital experiences like it—the kind designed to provide a sense of peace in a chaotic, competitive culture.

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short trips game

A Short Trip: A Game

Australian artist alexander perrin has a passion for meticulous dynamics, detailed digital rendering techniques, and cats. a   short trip  is the first in a collection of interactive illustrations he is creating for the web. think of his games as “slow play.”.

Alexander Perrin has been developed as a study in capturing and respecting the essences and affordances of graphite pencil on paper within a digital context. Players are invited to transport feline passengers to their respective destinations as the sole operator of a scenic mountain tramway. There is no strict schedule on this particular line, so take all the time you need!

Join us in playing  A Short Trip .

Alexander Perrin is an illustrator, technical artist, and game developer based in Melbourne, Australia. Alex aims to create engaging, intuitive and welcoming experiences which appeal to a wide range of players, including those who do not typically identify with the video game world. Alex is currently working alongside artist Josh Tatangelo at 2pt Design Studios to create considerate games and interactive media.

Inter/De-pen-dence: A Game

It is as if you were doing work: a game, lost wage rampage: a game.

Ding ding! Drive a cat tram in browser game Short Trip

Short but sweet

Fancy driving a tram through picturesque mountain villages populated by cats? Course you do! What you want is Short Trip [ official site ], a new free browser-based game from Alexander Perrin. It's a delightful hand-drawn tram simulator rolling through hamlets and forests, over streams and up hills, taking in the sights and sounds. Just the ticket on a Monday!

As a cat person yourself, potter out your horse, board the tram, and roll on along your route, pick up and dropping passengers off along the way. I suppose you could not let passengers on or refuse to let them off, powering on through the landscape while ringing your bell wildly.

Oh yes, hot tip: press space to ring your bell.

You can play Short Trip free in your browser on Perrin's own site or Itch .

One little detail I always enjoy: the build village clocks reflect your system clock. Yes, this short trip is exactly what I need right now.

Looking at Perrin's other work, I see he previously worked on something with a similar style. Noirmittens was a game about catfolk transporting goods by boat and by walking house, but he stopped working on it in 2015. As much as I like this boat, Short Trip is certainly more my bag.

Cover image for YouTube video

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Alexander Perrin

Interactive Media and Illustration

short trips game

Play here:

Short Trip is the first instalment in a collection of interactive illustrations created for the web. It has been created as a study into capturing the essence of graphite on paper within a digital context, and to learn more about web-based graphics technologies. Short Trip will run on most devices supporting WebGL, including mobile devices.

Short Trip has been featured on the front page of  Hacker News (Y Combinator),  Colossal , Hyperallergic , WeTransfer and more!

Due to the current limitations of both WebGL technologies and my understanding of them, there’s bound to be issues found here and there. If you’ve found something particularly odd and have a spare few minutes it would be greatly appreciated if you tell me about it here . At the moment there’s a few known issues particularly relating to Android support. I hope that these will improve with time.

Regardless, I hope that you enjoy your journey.

This is by all means free for you to enjoy! However, if you would like to support the project you’re welcome (but by no means obliged) to make a donation via PayPal.

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Sensitive to Art & its Discontents

Drive a Hand-Drawn Tram for Cats in This Illustrated Game

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Screenshot from <em srcset=

Screenshot from Short Trip (courtesy Alexander Perrin)

Short Trip  is an interactive illustration in which you drive a tram for cats as it rumbles up and down the hand-drawn mountains. It’s a peaceful and lovingly designed experience that only lasts a few minutes, yet the attention to detail, from the sound to the sketched trees and turning windmills, is transporting.

Why cats? Australian artist  Alexander Perrin  was inspired both by his mother’s passion for cats, and his own feline companion in sketching the characters that populate Short Trip .

“I started making video games with my cat  as the lead protagonist a few years ago as a tribute to her, and for whatever reason I’ve kept her in that position ever since,” Perrin told Hyperallergic. “Why she would take to driving trams, I can’t say I know, but ever since I visited the Hakone Tozan Mountain Railway in Japan I’ve been set on creating an experience which would emulate the crafted form and feel of that journey with her paws at the helm.”

Hello! My web-based, hand-drawn scenic tram simulator ‘Short Trip’ is now in service. Take a 5 minute ride at — Alexander Perrin (@alexanderperrin) September 24, 2017

A cat with control of a train is less terrifying than expected in  Short Trip, with keyboard arrows (and a space bar to ring the bell) peacefully guiding the tram along. I may have given the upright-walking cat passengers whiplash as I got the hang of starting and stopping, though, and some of the pedestrians milling about at markets and churches fled the approaching car. Overall, it’s a meditative ride, and elegantly animates graphite drawings without losing that handmade touch.

“I’ve often found that the use of physical mediums in digital contexts is seemingly done for novelty’s sake, and not in any meaningful or convincing way.” Perrin said. “They have very different affordances and qualities which I feel should be acknowledged when being smooshed together.”

Short Trip is planned to be  the first  by Perrin in a collection of interactive illustrations. This inaugural edition is available to play for free ( donations are welcome ) on both his  site and  With all the stress in the world, it is a respite of calm, with birds chirping in the background as the cats leisurely prowl their scenic environment. As Perrin stated, “I suppose cats feel right to support the tramway as they never seem to have a necessary destination, they just move to wherever seems pleasant at the time.”

Screenshot from <em srcset=

Short Trip  by Alexander Perrin is available to play online . 

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Allison Meier

Allison C. Meier is a former staff writer for Hyperallergic. Originally from Oklahoma, she has been covering visual culture and overlooked history for print and online media since 2006. She moonlights... More by Allison Meier

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Short Trip , created by Alexander Perrin at 2pt is the first instalment in a collection of interactive illustrations created for the web. Play it here

It has been created as a study into capturing the essence of graphite on paper within a digital context, and to learn more about web-based graphics technologies. Short Trip will run on most devices supporting WebGL, including mobile devices.

You can play the game in your browser at Alexander's personal website

Short Trip has been featured on Colossal, Hyperallergic and WeTransfer

short trips game

GTA Wiki

Short Trips

  • View history

Short Trips is a series of three missions available in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Contract update.

  • 1 Description
  • 2.1 Short Trip - Seed Capital
  • 2.2 Short Trip - Fire It Up
  • 2.3 Short Trip - OG Kush
  • 3.1 Tripping
  • 3.2 Rewards
  • 3.3 Promotional Screenshots
  • 3.4 Trailer
  • 4 Bugs/Glitches
  • 5 References
  • 6 Navigation

Description [ ]

2 players are required for each of these missions.

On first playthrough, the first tip is initiated by Franklin Clinton passing on an invitation from Dr. Dre to undertake a tour of Record A Studios . Players can invite an associate to join them as they enter the studio. After meeting Franklin and Lamar Davis inside, they take a short tour led by DJ Pooh . The players find the smoking room and sit down to smoke LD Organics weed, and are joined by Pooh, Franklin, and Lamar.

They then pass out and the player and their associate have an "out-of-body experience [1] ", where the host will control Franklin and the second player will control Lamar.

The second and third trip and subsequent trip replays are initiated by the host entering the studio, using the green Corona outside the smoking room, and then smoking the Special Strain.

In all missions, the players will not have access to their own weapons on the weapon wheel nor any of their armor, instead having a pre-defined weapon and ammo load-outs, but they will have access to their character's inventory of snacks via the Interaction Menu .

These missions initially became available to leaders after completing the The Contract: Dr. Dre , however with effect from the Valentine's Day 2022 event week [2] all players could access the missions immediately from the Pause Menu >Online> Play Job > Rockstar Created > Missions or Quick Job from their Mobile Phone , and they do not need to be completed sequentially. The Game description in the pause menu indicated the Rank requirement was 9999, however this is a display issue only, and all players from Rank 1 can launch the jobs.

To change the difficulty from the default setting of "Normal" to "Hard" players must first complete the mission concerned without any failure and they will then be able to change it via the Interaction Menu in the Smoking Room when replaying it. Restarting the game will reset the difficulty back to "Normal".

Missions [ ]

Short trip - seed capital [ ].

Main article: Short Trip - Seed Capital

Lamar pulls Franklin out to deal with some business and ask DJ Pooh to look after his partners for them. Franklin and Lamar travel to LD Organics to restock from his weed supply. When they reach the warehouse, Lamar discovers that it was being raided by the Vagos. After fighting off the gang members outside and inside, they leave to find Lamar's Mule loaded with stock is being taken and fight to get the truck back.

Short Trip - Fire It Up [ ]

Main article: Short Trip - Fire It Up

Lamar asks for Franklin's assistance in storming the Vagos' weed storage facilities in Blaine County and destroying their marijuana plants as payback for them having destroyed his stash and the Mule.

Short Trip - OG Kush [ ]

Main article: Short Trip - OG Kush

Lamar starts by showing Franklin his new LD Organics van which he explains is made of "LD Organics patented marijuana bioplastic", and tells Franklin that he was able to make a connection with a celebrity ( Jimmy Boston from the Epsilon Program ) to promote LD Organics as having a celebrity would definitely make the brand into a big thing and they travel to the Redwood Lights Track to make the deal. The Vagos storm the deal due to Lamar publicising the "top-secret location" on Snapmatic . After fighting off the Vagos, the pair drive the increasingly damaged weed-van back to the city and end up at Tequi-la-la .

Gallery [ ]

Tripping [ ].

Lamar raps on the first playthrough studio tour.

Rewards [ ]

Collection of Short Trip trophies in the GTA Online Protagonist's Agency office.

Promotional Screenshots [ ]

First promotional artwork for the Short Trips.

Trailer [ ]

Bugs/Glitches [ ]

  • Sometimes, after completing a Short Trip mission, the player might retain the Franklin/Lamar model when they return to Freeroam . Dying in this state will turn the player invisible when they respawn.
  • After completing a Short Trip mission, a customized radio wheel may be scrambled with stations excluded or added back in, to no stations showing up at all. Within the session, the solution is to go Inventory > Radio Station Favorites and reconfirm each choice, which will reset each station. Changing sessions will also reset the radio wheel to normal.
  • Due to this, it is recommended to do the first Short Trip mission as soon as it becomes available. Leaving Grand Theft Auto Online will reset the mission marker and require the player to wait for the second phone call all over again.
  • This issue was likely the reason the missions were unlocked on February 10th 2022 for all players via the Pause Menu and Quick Job.

References [ ]


Official Social Media description of the missions

  • ↑ “ 2X GTA$ and RP on Short Trips Short Trips are now available for all players to experience via the Jobs menu, removing the previous requirement to complete Dr. Dre’s VIP Contract. You can also jump straight into these out-of-body misadventures by using the Quick Job feature on your iFruit. Tag team your way through setting up the most exclusive organics business in Los Santos and earn 2X GTA$ & RP for the privilege. ” — Newswire

Navigation [ ]


  • 1 Dewbauchee
  • 2 Vehicles in GTA V
  • 3 Vehicles in GTA Online

GTA Online Short Trips Now Available to Everyone


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GTA Online Players Miss a Removed Feature

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Rockstar Games has announced that Grand Theft Auto Online will be unlocking access to a series of side missions that were previously only available when completing a different event earlier in the game. The mission, called Short Trips , is one of the game's few multiplayer activities that only puts two GTA Online players together , as opposed to grabbing groups of four like the popular heists.

Previously, the Short Trips mission was only available as a part of the quest, The Contract , which tasked players to hunt down music hidden by Dr. Dre in Grand Theft Auto Online . So, this new access means that players won't be required to finish these previous missions in order to take on the tasks set out by Short Trips and walk away with a few special rewards.

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The mission itself will only be made available for a limited time, starting from when Rockstar first announced the easier access early February 11th, through February 16th. While playing Short Trips , groups of two players will be given control of the characters Franklin and Lamar, previously seen in San Andreas and coming to Los Santos as part of Grand Theft Auto Online . That makes this an exceedingly rare mission for the online title, as players won't be either their own customizable character or the three main protagonists from the connected Grand Theft Auto V .

In addition to making this mission available, players will also earn extra rewards in the form of double cash and RP for finding and completing Short Trips before February 16th. So, not only do all players now have easy access to a story-heavy activity in Grand Theft Auto Online , but also an extra incentive to go jump in with a friend and play the roles of Franklin and Lamar. However, the limited-time nature of this access does mean that players will have to act fast in order to take Rockstar up on this offer to get a free look at this unique content.

There is currently a laundry list of things to do in GTA Online , from story missions to public challenges, but there is no such thing as too much content for this type of living game. This makes the reintroduction of Short Trips and other pieces of side content all the more welcome, especially to new players who might be a ways off from access to the mission otherwise. Hopefully, this new availability can also show that smaller story content than just more heists are also among what fans have been looking for and could lead to similar new missions releasing in the future.

Grand Theft Auto Online is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a PS5 and Xbox Series X/S release set to release March 15th.

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GTA Online Short Trips has given Rockstar a framework for future story DLC

GTA Online Short Trips shows what's possible for GTA 6 story expansions, and even a GTA Online co-op mode

GTA Online

GTA Online Short Trips is a masterstroke. That's not to praise Rockstar without cause – I think the fact we've not seen paid-for single-player DLC for GTA 5 going on nine years, despite it being promised early doors , is a bit of a travesty. But to finally deliver on extra story mode content through the lens of two of the game's most beloved and charismatic characters, in a GTA Online co-op mode, off the back of GTA Online's most ambitious complimentary update yet, and ahead of its push towards the incoming and somewhat preemptively maligned Expanded and Enhanced edition on PS5 and Xbox Series X, is a smart and welcomed move from the developer. 

Having recently acknowledged the development of GTA 6 in earnest, the process through which Franklin and Lamar's Short Trips has been made accessible, for me, has set a precedent for how story mode content could, and should, be delivered to Grand Theft Auto in future.

GTA Online

GTA Online The Contract interview: Shawn Fonteno on returning as Franklin and reuniting with Dr. Dre

Fans of GTA 5 have been calling for story content for years, pretty much since Franklin Clinton's mainline narrative concluded at the climax of the base game's Story Mode. Alongside Michael De Santa and Trevor Philips, Franklin is, of course, one of GTA 5's playable single-player protagonists, who is often helped and hindered by childhood pal Lamar Davis. In the early days of GTA Online, Lamar enjoyed a small but distinct presence in Los Santos, first welcoming the player to the live-service sandbox and then offering a total of 17 low-level missions (nine originally, with a further eight introduced in 2015's Lowriders update). Franklin, on the other hand, reentered the fold for the first time in eight years via last December's The Contract update – much to the delight of players and Shawn Fonteno, the voice of Mr Clinton himself . 

In doing so, it was nice to see Franklin and Lamar reunited, and great to see eternally good-boy Chop the dog still chewing a bone while sporting a shock of stately grey hairs. Gamified versions of music legends Dr Dre, DJ Pooh, and Jimmy Iovine were pretty sweet too, as was Short Trips – a trio of Story Mode-like ventures starring Franklin and Lamar that, once activated, let you temporarily ditch your customised GTA Online avatar to fill the shows of the gruesome twosome in two-player co-op. Given that Short Trips could only be unlocked after completing Dr Dre's multi-tiered string of VIP contract missions, Rockstar had in essence slipped in a story-driven expansion at the very end of an already stellar and free-of-charge update. 

At the tail-end of last week, approximately two months after the launch of The Contract on December 15, 2021, Short Trips was made available to all players, meaning the requirement to work through Dre's map-spanning set-pieces in order to reunite with Franklin and Lamar no longer stands. Players can now jump into Franklin and Lamar's capers as they storm Vagos drug warehouses, literally burn down the competition, and drive a van composed of actual weed whenever they please. 

GTA Online

"Story-driven added content for GTA 5 once felt like matter of when and not if."

Which is a pretty big deal. In a Newswire post dated December 9, 2013, Rockstar reflected on GTA Online just a few months after launch while looking to the future. Under the heading 'Coming in 2014', the developer said it had "big plans for substantial additions continuing Michael, Franklin and Trevor's action" for those players "ready to jump back into the story of Grand Theft Auto 5". Following the success of GTA 4's single-player expansions – The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned – a few years earlier, story-driven added content for GTA 5 felt like matter of when and not if . 

And then GTA Online took off. With record-breaking player counts recorded after every substantial update, a seemingly unshakable spot on most-played and top-sellers charts across the board, and untold revenue streams gleaned from Shark Cards – in-game items that grant players in-game money, purchasable with real-world cash – the notion for single-player DLC, on the developer's side at least, was promptly parked. In a 2017 interview with Game Informer , then Rockstar design director Imran Sarwar said skipping a GTA 5 story expansion wasn't a conscious decision, but said upgrading the game's visuals for next-gen consoles in 2015 took a year to complete, before Red Dead Redemption 2 swallowed resources further still. "We did not feel single-player expansions were either possible or necessary," he said.

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The fact that you can now boot up GTA Online and access Short Trips via the game's Jobs Menu without completing Dre's VIP missions – access to which demands a minimum in-game spend of $2million on an Agency property – almost contradicts what Sarwar said five years ago, or at least suggests that attitude behind the scenes has changed in the interim. Short Trips isn't strictly a single-player expansion, it's accessed through GTA Online and takes the form of two-player co-op, but in GTA terms, it's as good as one. At the time of writing, matchmaking with a partner is essentially an instantaneous process, and, opting to play as the host (Franklin) or the guest (Lamar) will ensure you assume control of the same character every time.

San Andreas love 

GTA Online

"Rockstar is an expert in hype – a skill it's spent 25 years refining; the pinnacle of which saw Dr freaking Dre release six never-before-heard tracks as timed-exclusives in GTA Online."

This, surely, is the best of both worlds for both GTA's playerbase and Rockstar moving forward. The latter is an expert in hype – a skill it's spent 25 years refining; the pinnacle of which saw Dr freaking Dre release six never-before-heard tracks as timed-exclusives in GTA Online – and yet, as the backlash against the Trilogy's Definitive Edition last year showed, it is by no means infallible. It could be argued that Rockstar's recent acknowledgment of GTA 6 being in active development, something it surely did not need to do, was a gesture of goodwill. Looking at it more cynically, however, it could also be argued the reveal was designed to drum up publicity for GTA 5's incoming Expanded and Enhanced edition, due on March 15 – the GTA 6 nod featured in the same E&E-focused Newswire post, after all. 

Ultimately, I don't think it matters either way, though, because it feels like Rockstar has set a new precedent for how it handles story-driven add-ons and how they're introduced. Don't get me wrong: I'd love to see standalone expansions in the vein of The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned for GTA 6. But a far more likely outcome is the staggered approach pioneered here by Short Trips – where content is rolled out within the bounds of a big-budget (free to the player if they own the base game) Online update, before being drip-fed to the masses down the line. 

Like Fortnite, PUBG Battlegrounds, Warzone, and Apex Legends, GTA Online proves gaming's live-service trend isn't going away anytime soon – and, given its success, it's unlikely that Rockstar's fascination or interest with it will do so either. But that shouldn't mean Rockstar's scope for telling great stories should suffer in turn. With Short Trips, it feels like the studio has found a home for both, which bodes well for the next Grand Theft Auto and whatever shape its online component takes. 

Here's How to play GTA Online Short Trips for co-op adventures with Franklin and Lamar. 

Joe is a Features Editor at GamesRadar+. With over seven years of experience working in specialist print and online journalism, Joe has written for a number of gaming, sport and entertainment publications including PC Gamer, Edge, Play and FourFourTwo. He is well-versed in all things Grand Theft Auto and spends much of his spare time swapping real-world Glasgow for GTA Online’s Los Santos. Joe is also a mental health advocate and has written a book about video games, mental health and their complex intersections. He is a regular expert contributor on both subjects for BBC radio. Many moons ago, he was a fully-qualified plumber which basically makes him Super Mario.

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short trips game

All The Best Free Video Games With New Additions Every Day

Short Trip – Browser Game

Short Trip is a super chilled out little interactive experience in which you operate a little tram as it travels through beautifully hand drawn villages and scenic countryside.

The actual gameplay in Short Trip is fairly minimal, you simply drive a tram along the tracks, ringing the bell and stopping to pick up passengers along the way. The hand drawn artwork is absolutely fantastic – you’re effectively driving through a sprawling work of art, packed full of character and a fantastic amount of detail as you glide your little tram through its countryside.

There is an ending of sorts, with you reaching the end of the tracks at the top of a large hill, but you can travel up and down the railway as much as you want, and that artwork really deserves multiple passes to fully take it in. It’s a very peaceful and relaxing experience, with the ambient sounds and superb artwork transporting you to a simple, idyllic and stress-free place where you can just chill out and enjoy the scenery. A beautiful little tram trip that makes all your troubles drift away as you trundle along its tracks.

Controls: Arrow Keys – Movement, Spacebar – Ring Bell Available On: All Browsers Gameplay Video: Here

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Afternoon Tea Reads

33 Best Travel Games To Play On Your Next Vacation

Posted on Published: November 13, 2020  - Last updated: January 9, 2024

Categories Travel , Travel Tips

There are many reasons you may want to bring board games on the go.

Travel games are the perfect source of entertainment while you’re on a road trip , waiting for a flight, have some time to spare before dinner reservations, or are just looking for something to do that isn’t staring at a screen.

My partner and I are huge board game fans when we’re at home, so we love packing some games any time we’re travelling. Not all games are good travel games though … so I put together a list of the best games for travel.

To qualify as a travel game, it has to be either small and compact, easily malleable, or you can transfer all the pieces from the box to one convenient travel pouch.

I’ve included travel games for adults, solo games, family friendly games, party travel games, and games lasting anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours! 

Psst! This post contains affiliate links. It sends a bit extra my way if your buy anything through my links, at no extra cost to you!

Top East To Pack Travel-Friendly Games To Bring on Your Next Vacation #travelgames #packablegames #easytopackgames #travelfriendlygames

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In a cooperative game, every one plays on the same team – you win together and you lose together. This is my favourite type of game and it’s perfect to avoid any added fights on vacation!

Classic Card Travel Games To Play On Vacation

Card games are no brainer travel games because they’re SUPER packable ! There isn’t much to pack, except for well… a deck of cards.  

They fit into almost any space, and can be played anywhere. You usually don’t need a large surface to play a card game like would need for a board game.


1. A Simple Deck of Cards


The possibilities are pretty much endless with a basic deck of cards. There’s always another card game you could play and replay.  

There are solo games like Solitaire, two-player games like Spit, and group games like Go Fish!

See the ultimate list of games you can play with a deck of cards here .

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Players : 2-10 Age : 7+ Average Game Time : Varies 45 minutes

Is there any better classic card game than UNO? This was a must bring on every family vacation.

The game is simple: everyone is trying to get rid of all their cards to win.

The only problem? You keep having to pick up cards to match specific colours and numbers. So, it may be easier said than done!  

There’s classic UNO, but these days there’s many other iterations of this family fun game.

P.S. UNO is also very similar to the classic game of Crazy Eights that you can play with any deck of cards if you don’t have UNO on hand. 

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Travel Games: Protect Your Cards While Traveling…

Hermitshell Hard Travel Case for Mattel UNO Classic Card Game - Not Including Cards (Black)

  • Hermitshell Hard Travel Storage Carrying Case
  • Protect your favorite device from bumps dents and scratches
  • Made to fit Mattel UNO Classic Card Game – Not Including Cards

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3. Monopoly Deal

Players: 2-5 Age : 8+ Average Game Time: 15 minutes

If you like Monopoly and are upset that the board is just to big to travel with, Monopoly Deal is the ultimate alternative to turn Monopoly into one of the best games for travel! 

Monopoly Deal is a card-only version of Monopoly. It’s the same idea as the original, you’re trying to build the same colour set of properties. But instead of moving around a board, you play and pick up cards. 

It’s a lot quicker than Monopoly too, so you can play a round in 10 to 20 minutes . This makes it a game to play at the beach, before dinner reservations, or waiting for a connecting flight.

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4. mille bornes.


Players : 2-6  Age : 7+ Average Game Time : 20 minutes

Milles Bornes is the original racing card game! I loved this card game growing up but it isn’t just for kids. It’s one of the best card travel games for adults – it’s fast paced, and unexpected!  

The object of the game is to be the first person to reach 1000 kilometers. But watch out, you don’t want to run out of gas, get a flat tire, or crash!  

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Players: 2-6 Age: 7+ Average Game Time: 20 minutes

Similar to UNO, the winner is the first person to get rid of all their cards. But, in Skip Bo, it works a bit differently. 

In Skip Bo, each player has their own draw pile and there are 4 build piles in the middle. Everyone is trying to build the piles in ascending order.

So when it’s your turn to build on the piles, the goal is to get rid of as many cards as you can.  

Shop Skip Bo!


Unique Card Travel Games

These next set card games are more unique, but are some of the best games for travel!

If you’re a bit more of an avid gamer, these will probably be more up your ally. Requiring a bit more strategy and a bit less luck. They resemble more of what you’re used to with board games, just with cards only! 

I’ve also included some cooperatives travel games which means you’ll be teaming up with your travel partners to win! These are perfect if you’re travelling with family and you want to avoid any sibling fights…

P.S. Interested in more cooperative board games for travelling? Check out my 10 top in my post here.


Going on a road trip?

Check out my digital and printable road trip I Spy game on Etsy .


Players: 2-5 Age: 8+ Average Game time: 20-30 minutes Similar Games: The Mind

We actually bought Hanabi while travelling in Aix-en-Provence for a month and now it’s one of our go-to travel games. 

Hanabi is a very different game than what you might be use to. It’s a co-op game that teaches you how to communicate with others, without actually being able to vocalize anything.

You see, in Hanabi, you don’t get to look at your own cards, so it’s up to your teammates to tell you what to play. 

The objective of the game is to “light” 5 sets of fireworks by matching the number and colour… all without seeing your own cards.  

An alternative option to Hanabi is The Mind (see it on Amazon here ).

Shop Hanabi

7. kittens in a blender.


Players : 2-4 Age : 6+ Average Game Time: 30 minutes

Before disregarding this game based on the title, know that no cats are harmed while playing. Although I’ll admit the subject matter is a bit dark, so perhaps this is one of those travel games for adults only…

To play Kittens In A Blender, each player has kittens they’re trying to save, while also trying to blend those of your opponent.

The winner is the player who has the least amount of kittens blended.

The best part is that you use the box it comes while playing, so all the cards stay contained.

Shop Kittens In A Blender

8. pack o games.


Pack O Games are THE SMALLEST travel games you can find. I always throw them in my bag regardless of where I’m going, just because they’re so small.  

The downside is that although the cards themselves are small too.

The games I own also take up quite a bit of table space while playing as well.  

I own four Pack O Play: Boo, Bus, TKO, and Gym. Each one is significantly different, with varying game-time as well.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to get them in Canada. You can order them online from their website , or if you find yourself in the States, pick them up at Barnes & Noble.

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9. Codenames

short trips game

Players : 2,6, or 8 Age : 10+ Average Game Time : 15 minutes

Alternate Version : Codenames Duet, Harry Potter Codenames, Disney Codenames.

Similar (easier) Game Cross Clues  

Codenames is a bit of a trickier game to travel with, but it’s still do-able. You only need to pack 2 decks of cards, which can fit into a pouch or bag. The downside to this game is the amount of space you need to set it up. You need a decent size table to create a 5×5 grid.  

To play Codenames, you also need an even number of players . The idea is to get your partner to guess certain cards based on a one word clue you’ve given them. Watch out though, there are certain cards that will cause you to lose the game if your partner guesses it instead! 

If you’re traveling with only two players, I recommend Codenames Duet , as it’s tailored to 2 players.

There are also a few themed Codenames you can buy. For example, we own Harry Potter Codenames but there’s also Disney Codenames! What I like about Harry Potter (aside from the theme) is that they also give you different scenarios to play.

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10. The Fox In The Forest


Players : 2 Age : 10+ Average Game Time : 30 minutes

The Fox in the Forest is what’s known as a trick-taking game . You have to play cards to take your opponents card (similar to the card game WAR, but with actual strategy).

This is a max 2 player game , so it’s the perfect travel game for couples.

There are actually two versions of this game:

The original Fox in the Forest is competitive , where you’re playing against your opponent to get the most points (cards).

They’ve also released Fox in the Forest Duet, where you’re on a team with your partner. You can’t talk to each other though, which adds a very interesting dynamic to the game.

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barcelona-skyline-at_sunset- travel-tips-for-couple

Simple Travel Hacks For Couples (To Save You Money)

11. The Crew

short trips game

Players:  2-5 (best 3+ but there is a 2 player variant) Age : 10+ Average Game Time:  20 minutes

This game is AMAZING! It’s so simple, so packable, and quick to learn and play. The Crew is a limited communication and cooperative trick taking game but with an outer space theme. 

(P.S. They’ve just released a new edition The Crew Mission Deep Sea !)

That means you’re working together through different missions to win the game… but you can’t speak to each other.

The Crew changes it up by giving you different missions each time you play. You might need one person to win a specific card or maybe they can’t win any cards at all! Remember, if a person fails their mission, you’ll all fail.

A mission can take you anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. But there’s no limit to how many missions you can play in a row. 

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12. spot it.


Players:  2-8 (best Age : 6+ Average Game Time:  5 minutes

Spot It! is an extremely compact game to travel with, perfect for any age!

The goal is to find a common symbol between two cards.

It sounds simple, but it’s fast paced, and beyond fun!

The game even comes with 5 different ways to play to change things up a bit!

Shop Spot It!

Card travel games for adults.

The next two card travel games I’d only really recommend as adults games to play on vacation due to their difficulty and subject matter.


My digital and printable packing guide on Etsy . Filled with packing planning prompts for your next trip!


Players : 2-6 Age : 13+ Average Game Time : 15 minutes

Coup is a travel game of deception.

Essentially, you have to trick your opponents into believing you have a certain character cards.

Each character has a different ability that you may need to win the game, but you’re only dealt 2 cards.  

The game says you can play two players, although I don’t recommend it. It becomes very quick and not that interesting, so it’s much better at higher player counts.  

If deception games are up your alley, there’s no better travel games for adults than Coup. The only thing you will need to pack are a deck of cards and a few tokens.

You also don’t need a lot of space to set up the game.

14. The Grizzled


Players:  2-5 (best 3+ but there is a 2 player variant) Age : 14+ Average Game Time:  30 minutes

The Grizzled  is another cooperative card game that is perfect to bring on your next trip.

This is the ultimate game for board game lovers. On the outside, it looks like a simple card game, but the game play can be quite complex.

Even though it’s such a small box, the game gives you all the complexities of a larger board game! 

The Grizzled has a WWI theme where players are friends that are working together to come home safely, but there’s a catch…. You can’t speak to each other! This makes it a very strategic game.

We’ve only ever won a handful of times! It plays best with three or more players, but we play it with two and still love it!

There’s also  an expansion you can buy  if you want even more replay-ability!

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Best Group Board Games For Travelling (& Partying!)

These next few are easy to pack travel games are perfect if you’re travelling with a bigger group. All these travel games work for 8 or more people, but some can still be played solo or in pairs. 

These are the best board games for travelling if you’re renting a cabin in the country with some friends, or going on a family vacation. 

15. Paku Paki


Players: 2-8 Age: 8+ Average Game time: 10 minutes

Paku Paku is a whirlwind of fun in such a tiny box!

It’s the perfect game when you only have a few minutes to spare, or to ramp up the start of the evening games.

You’re rolling and passing die as fast as you possibly can because you don’t want to end up with all of them.

On top of that, if you roll the wrong thing, then you’ll have to stack a dish and hope the stack doesn’t come crashing down!

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16. sushi go (party).

short trips game

Players: 2-8 Age: 8+ Average Game time: 20 minutes

Sushi Go is a pass-and-go sushi building game! You get points for building different sushi rolls. But I said it was pass and go right, so your cards are always changing .

The person with the most points at the end wins! 

You can play this game with as little as two people, but I find it a lot more fun the more players you have.

Sushi Go Party is the same as the original Sushi Go, it just comes with a board, more cards, and let’s you play with more people. I’ve only heard good things about the Party version, and it’s the recommended game to get out of the two.

Either way, it all comes in a beautifully compact tin which makes it one of the best games for travel!

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Buy Sushi Go Party

17. Cards Against Humanity

Players : 4-20+ Age:  17+ Average Game Time:  30-90 minutes

Similar game : Joking Hazard , where you finish a comic strip instead of a sentence.   

Some advance warning, this game isn’t for the faint of heart, but it is hilarious!

You’ll be sure to have a grand time with your friends playing this game.  

The goal of the game is to answer questions, or finish sentences with the cards in your hand. You want to come up with the most ridiculous answers to win.  

This game is sure to get the party started and everyone laughing their heads off. You’ll end up with some hilarious responses, and ones that make absolutely zero sense. 

There are expansion packs you can also buy, or knock offs based on specific themes. This is another example of travel games for adults, but in this case there are more family friendly versions called Cards Against Maturity – see it on Amazon here .

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18. bananagrams.


Players : 1-8 Age : 7+ Average Game Time:  10 minutes

Bananagrams is similar to Scrabble, only you don’t need a board, and you’re racing others to build your own crossword grid.

So, although you do need space for everyone to build their own grid, it comes in the most handy travel pouch ever – one that’s shaped like a banana!

This game is perfect for larger groups, or by yourself trying to beat your best time! 

If you are planning on playing it in a larger group, you can also pick up Bananagrams Party (see it on Amazon here ), which adds extra chaos tiles to the game to make it more interesting.

Shop Bananagrams

19. 5 second rule.


Players : 3+ Age : 10+ Average Game Time : 30 minutes

5-Second Rule is a fast paced game that is sure to stump you.

The object of the game is to answer questions in only 5 seconds . Rapid fire fun! It’s so easy to pick up and learn, so it’s perfect if you’re a bigger group! 

This game really gets you thinking! The answers people come up with when they only have 5 seconds to think will shock you! It’s a game that keeps everyone laughing the whole night long!

If you’re short on space, leave the board at home and just bring the timer with some cards! 

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20. sherlock holmes consulting detective.


Players : 1-8 Age : 14+ Average Game Time:  90+ minutes

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective is a cooperative game where you’re trying to solve mysteries in London faster than Sherlock Holmes can.

We were very skeptical about this game at first but fell in LOVE!

You’re given 10 Sherlock Holmes cases to solve. Head ups, it’s very story heavy with a lot of reading. But, there’s also a lot of heated discussion and problem solving with the other players that takes place.

Keep in mind, you’ll only be able to play each scenario once (because then you’ll know the answers!).

But, I find it takes us a lot longer than they say to solve each case. Each case could last as long as 2-3 nights to play.  

You don’t have to bring the entire huge box with you either. Pack one or two case files, the map, and directory. It makes for a spooky, collaborative game night on vacation!  

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21. Table Tennis


This game isn’t really a group game because only two people can play at once, but it is a more physically active game to bring, and you can always set up rules to play the winner.  

The pieces are packable and you can set it up on any table!

Shop Table Tennis


Best Board Games On The Go That Are Easy To Pack

Everyone loves classic games like Scrabble and Battleship, but did you know there are travel-friendly versions to take with you on vacation!?

You can also turn most games into vacation games by leaving the huge box at home and packing your game contents in a pouch ( like these on Amazon ). Now it’ll fit almost anywhere! I own several pouches, of all different sizes.

22. Travel Scrabble


Players : 2-4 Age : 8+ Average Game Time : 25 minutes

Scrabble, the classic word game! You probably wouldn’t think of Scrabble when you think of travel games. I mean, there are a lot of loose pieces!

But they actually sell a travel-friendly Scrabble. It’s the same game you know and love, building words with letters to maximize points. But it comes in a compact zip folder where you can store all the pieces. The letters also click into the board so you don’t have to worry about losing any pieces haphazardly.  

We used to play this game on our long drive to Florida from Montreal in the car!  

Shop Travel Scrabble

23. trivial pursuit.


The classic game of Trivial Pursuit tests your knowledge. They sell different board-less versions, plus they have a  ton of themes  for you to choose from!

If you have the original board game, you can still travel with it by leaving the board at home. Just take the cards and dice along with you to play on the go.  

We bought the Harry Potter version (of course) but they also sell Friends version and one for horror fans  …etc.. You can also buy a few based on your interests and mix and match, or build up your collection over the years!

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10 Best Cooperative Board Games For Travelling: Perfect For Families!

24. Pictionary


Players: 4 Age: 8+ Similar: Pictionary Card Game, Pictionary Air

Pictionary is a group drawing and guessing game. You’re in teams, so you do need an even number of people to play .  

It’s one of the best games for travel because the game can be as small as you want it to be. The largest part is the box, but if you remove all the contents it becomes a pretty compact game.

We used to need to bring tons of paper when we brought this game on family vacations, but now it even comes with a dry-erase board .

They also sell a card only game  if you prefer card travel games. You build your pictures with pre-drawn cards. Or,  Pictionary Air , if you’re bringing an IPad with you on vacation. 

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Players : 4+ Age:  13+ (option for Taboo Jr with easier words)

Taboo is the opposite of Pictionary. Instead of of drawing, you have to use words. But in Taboo some words are off limits and can’t be spoken! 

The game contains a timer, cards, buzzer, and die (to select the word category). Perfect for travelling, just put it in a pouch and you’re good to go. It’s also quick to pick up and play on the whim! 

26. Battleship


Players: 2 Age: 7+ Average Game Time : 15 minutes

The classic game of Battleship also comes in a travel-friendly compact size . This game can only be played with two people though. 

You set up your boats in the ocean and call out coordinates to try and sink your opponent’s boats.  

You want to have the last battleship standing to win the game. 

Shop Battleship

27. the bloody inn.


Players : 2-4 Age:  14+ Average Game Time : 30-60 minutes

You’ve probably never heard of The Bloody Inn, but it’s one of our favourite travel games.

It has the potential to be short or long making it super flexible for travel WITH. 

The theme is exactly what you’d imagine. You’re murdering guests at the hotel, and trying to get away with it (it’s also in the travel games for adults section!).

Each player is building their own deck, and trying to get the most points at the end of the game.  

It comes with a board, cards, and a few tokens. The board is quite small, so it easily fits in a small pouch, making one of the ultimate boards games on the go! 

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28. Quoridor


Players : 2-4 Age : 8+ Average Game Time : 10 minutes Similar Games : Blokus

A bartender in Vienna recommended this game to us as it was simple to explain and the game time was relatively short.

Quoridor similar to games like chess or checkers, where the goal is to get your pawn to the other side of the board. But in Quoridor, you also have pieces to block your opponent or secure your own path to the other side.  

It’s a very interesting strategy game that can be so frustrating at times but that will keep you playing time and time again! 

You can buy the full size version, but it also comes in a lightweight travel size, making it one of the best board games for travelling! 

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short trips game

Best Games For Travel – Solo Travel Games

These next few travel games are perfect if you’re a solo traveler, or you want to zone out by yourself for a bit. There are times when you want a single player game to pass the time. 

These were my top board games on the go for our 25 hour drive to Florida from Montreal. I was always in the back row of our van by myself. I’d zone out with some music and entertain myself for a few hours with these travel games.

That being said, these games also have the possibility to be played with other people. You can collaborate and think of solutions together. 

29. 20 Questions


The goal of 20 Questions is to figure out what you’re thinking about in 20 questions or less… with only yes or no questions.

You can play this game by yourself and with others, and without any device at all. But, this game console kept me entertained for HOURS – even when no one else wanted to play.  

I’d see things on the road and would try and have the game figure out what I was thinking of. It’s surprising how many times it got the right answer!

Shop 20 Questions

30. rush hour.


I LOVE Rush Hour!

It’s a problem solving strategy game that’s small enough to travel with.  

You’re a car stuck in traffic, and you’re trying to rearrange yourself and the other cars to get to the exit.

Cards give you different scenarios to solve, increasing the difficulty as you go.  

The cards are stored away in the box, and the pieces fit on the board while you play.

Shop Rush Hour

31. shape by shape.


Shape by Shape is very similar to Rush Hour.

Instead of trying to move the pieces around to get out of traffic, you’re recreating images with shapes.

It’s way harder than it looks! You have to get all the shapes to fit together perfectly.

Shop Shape By Shape

Best electronic game console for travel: the nintendo switch.

If you’re interested in having a travel-friendly console, there’s none better than the Nintendo Switch (see it on Amazon here ).  

Game consoles are actually very convenient for travel. All you have to pack is the console itself, which is typically pretty small, and some games.

The games take up no space at all! They’re small SD cards, or you can buy them directly on your switch and have them pre-downloaded. 

I had a NintendoDS growing up and would take it with me on every vacation. Now, I have (well, my partner has) a Nintendo Switch and we LOVE it! It’s the only console you’ll ever need because it hooks up to the TV if you want to play with a larger group, but you can also play handheld if you’re a single player.

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32. Best Single-Player Travel Games On the Nintendo Switch

There are countless single player games for the Nintendo Switch. We buy more multi-player games to play together, but these are some of our favourite single player games on the Switch.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Nintendo Switch (International Version)

33. Best Multi-Player Travel Games On the Nintendo Switch

This is what I love about the switch: the ability to pack and play by yourself and others. We’ve brought it to the country to play with friends. Nintendo sells tons of games that are perfect party games.  

For example, Mario Party, Arms, Mario Kart, Super Smash…etc. All of these also have a solo mode, but they’re the perfect party game. You can even buy classic games like  Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, and Risk for the Switch  ( U.S. link ) !

Nintendo Super Mario Party (Nintendo Switch) (European Version)

Take Almost Any Board Games On The Go​

You can transform almost any game into a travel friendly version by buying a pouch or smaller tin to transport the contents in, as long as the board is small enough to fit inside, and there aren’t too many pieces to keep track of.

It’s the box that takes up most of the space, and they’re usually half empty! 

I’ve brought countless games on vacation by just removing them from their box and putting all the contents into a separate pouch.  

If you’re worried about bending your cards, they also sell convenient cases to keep all your cards safe in.

Orzly Carry Case Compatible with Nintendo Switch and New Switch OLED Console - Black Protective Hard Portable Travel Carry Case Shell Pouch with Pockets for Accessories and Games

Read More Travel Tips

  • 10 Best Cooperative Board Games For Travel: No Fights Here!
  • Top 11 Travel Essentials I Never Leave Home Without
  • Useful Travel Gift Ideas From $5 To $100+ Every Traveller Will Love [2022]

Share The Best Travel Games To Take With You On Vacation!

Top East To Pack Travel-Friendly Games To Bring on Your Next Vacation #travelgames #packablegames #easytopackgames #travelfriendlygames

Last update on 2024-05-30 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Sunday 4th of June 2023

Hi, I just wanted to say that your list was amazing - it had all sorts and was so well written. I felt that I understood the gameplay and whether or not it was my kinda game!

I've just ordered The Crew thanks to your list.

Hope to read more board game recommends in the future. :)

Monday 5th of June 2023

Thanks so much for your comment - made my day to read :D I'm so glad you liked my post and recommendations. I really hope you enjoy The Crew! It's one of our favourites to bring on family vacations!

Tuesday 9th of May 2023

Very good tips - I will certainly try them out. I liked the way you shared all this information in detail.

Saturday 6th of May 2023

Awesome post! Thanks for the ideas! A couple of our family favorites are Zombie Dice and Get Bit Deluxe. Get Bit also has a regular version, but the deluxe version is in a tin that makes it more durable.

Monday 8th of May 2023

Thanks so much! I'll definitely have to check those out - I love a good game that comes in a tin for travel! Just so convenient!


Thursday 4th of May 2023

We like to take Love Letter with us when we travel. It fits in my purse and is easy to teach to random strangers who want to play a game haha!

Hi Lindsay, I love that!!

I've seen that game in so many board game stores but have never played it! I'll have to pick it up the next time and give it a try!

Tuesday 30th of August 2022

Hi! There's a great new holiday game that should be on your list! It's called Bah Humbug!

Tuesday 6th of September 2022

Thanks so much for the suggestion I'll be sure to keep an eye out to play that game this holiday season! Right now I couldn't find it for sale, it seems relatively new but supposed to be released this year!

Best road trip games to play with your partner and family

30 Best Road Trip Games That Are Super Fun

Road trip games can make any journey more enjoyable and fun whether you're going on a long drive across the country or spending a few hours in the car with the kids.

Our list of the 30 of the best road trip games will provide entertainment for children and adults alike, ranging from music-related games and foodie challenges to word contests and devious pranks.

You will never have to think of what to do on a long car ride again! The following is the ultimate list of games you can play on a road trip.

1. The Story Game

The Story Game can take up a good chunk of a road trip if everyone's memory holds up!

Entertaining for adults and kids alike, this is storytelling with a twist - you go round the car and each passenger adds just one word following on from the player before.

See how crazy you can make the story, and get someone to record it on their phone so you can listen back to the hilarious progression of the plot as you make way along your road trip. You could go from sunbathing in Spain to training alpacas in Chile in a matter of seconds.

Trust us, you're in for a laugh with this one and if your passengers are good, these stories can get seriously long!

2. I'm Going On A Road Trip

The I'm Going On A Road Trip game will definitely test your memory!

This road trip game requires a bit more brain power than some of the others, but is still really entertaining and great for all ages. To play, passengers take it in turns to state 'I'm going on a road trip and I'm bringing…' followed by an item of their choice.

The next person has to repeat the phrase, saying the last person's item and adding one of their own and so on - eventually you'll have a really long list of crazy items to try and remember, and it's always amusing watching people try and get it right a few rounds in.

Be sure to throw in a few weird and wonderful items to confuse the rest of the players!

3. The Quiet Game

The Quiet Game can be a great way to earn 5 minutes of silence on a road trip.

This game is a bit of a joke for the adults who want a few minutes of peace and quiet from their squabbling kids. The rules are hilariously simple - just say 'who can stay quiet the longest?' and breathe as the competitive siblings fall instantly silent.

Just a word of warning though: don't expect it to last very long, so have another kid-friendly car game lined up for when they get bored.

4. The Banana Game

A bright yellow classic Beetle is one of the cars you can find in the Banana road trip game.

This game is all about the color yellow and is super simple - points are awarded whenever a passenger spots a yellow vehicle.

Come up with a scoring system for different types of vehicle (e.g. one point for a car, two for a van, and three for a lorry) and whether you saw it parked (one point) or in motion (two points). Add any extra rules you fancy, and prepare to get competitive about who saw it first.

5. Never Miss A Beat

Never Miss A Beat is more of a group singalong than a game.

This game may be more of a singalong than a game, but it's still awesome!

Never miss a beat offers another chance to show off your singing skills and unusually gets everyone playing together rather than against each other.

All you need to do is stick on your family's favorite song or a song everyone knows the words to and start singing. Someone then needs to turn it down for 10 seconds whilst everyone keeps singing, before turning it back up again to see if you've kept the beat and stayed in time.

This game is mainly just a bit of fun, but you could always turn it into a competition by splitting into teams!

I Spy is an all time great road trip game and requires no preparation or props.

Another classic you've probably played a thousand times before but never get bored of.

Passengers take it in turns to find an object either inside or outside the car and say "I spy with my little eye something beginning with…" the first letter of whatever the object is.

The other passengers must then try and guess the answer (clues can be given if it's really hard), with the winner taking the next turn. This is an easy car game to play with kids and always a great one to keep bored passengers entertained for a surprisingly long time.

7. 20 Questions

The 20 Questions road trip game only allows Yes/No questions.

This classic road trip game probably doesn't need much of an introduction - simply choose one passenger to start by thinking of a random object, and the other passengers take turns asking 20 yes-or-no questions to guess the object.

Whoever finds the answer first gets to think of the random thing in the next round, but if the object has everyone stumped, they get to keep their role for the next round.

There are no rules on the object you can pick, but lying in your answers is strictly forbidden!

8. Car Bingo

Spotting wildlife can be a fun game on the road - like this elk in the Yellowstone National Park.

This kid-friendly game takes a little prep before you set off, but it's well worth it if you need to keep the kids entertained on a long journey.

Make a list of things the children might see along the road trip route - e.g. cows, a tractor, a red car etc, to give to them when you get into the car.

As you drive they can cross things off as they see them, not only distracting them from boredom but also encouraging them to look around and learn about the places they're visiting.

Make the list as specific to the place you're going as you want. In Texas you might have anything mentioning the Lone Star and in Wyoming you might be on the lookout for elk!

You can tailor the difficulty and number of things to find depending on the age of your children.

9. Sweet Or Sour

The Sweet Or Sour road trip game is all about waving at other people.

The rules of this road trip game are super simple: passengers take turns waving at passing pedestrians or people in nearby cars. If they wave back they're sweet, if not they're sour. You win a point for every sweet passerby you get, so aim to find as many friendly people as possible along the way.

For obvious reasons, the driver should opt out of this one, but it can be extra fun if they divert the car through a busy area of town to rack up some extra waving opportunities!

Remember not to distract other drivers!

10. Secret Place Race

Kids looking at a map to find secret places along the road trip route.

Make use of that old road map that sits in the car seat pocket to entertain the kids. All you need to do for the secret place race is pick a place they're unlikely to know such as a tiny village, river, or mountain, and see how long it takes them to find it on the map.

This can be incredibly entertaining in a Where's Waldo kind of way, except their mission in finding the village can be made critically important for the driver to be able to find the right way!

Have a reward on hand if they're able to find it in less than 5 minutes, and watch as they're completely engrossed in the task. A simple yet satisfyingly effective game.

11. Punch Buggy

Spotting a VW Beetle or another car of your choice is a great reason to playfully punch each other on a road trip.

First gaining popularity as part of one of Volkswagen's marketing campaigns in the 1960s, the aim of this game is to give your fellow passengers a playful punch whenever you see a VW Beetle drive past.

This is one of those road trip games that is universally loved by children (as long as you monitor the punching to avoid disaster), although we don't see why the adults wouldn't enjoy it too.

Granted - in some parts of the world, seeing a Beetle is incredibly rare, so if you're struggling to see many Beetles, you could always choose a specific color of car or another funny model as the target instead to make it a touch easier.

12. Regional Car Pantry

Buying a selection of different foods and snacks along the length of your road trip can become a game itself.

One for the foodies. Stretching across the full duration of your road trip, collect as many local snacks as you can at every stop along the way to build up your car pantry.

Make sure you take pictures of each snack (or buy duplicates if they'll keep) so you can see what you've managed to collect at the end of the trip, and be sure to take some weird and wonderful treats home for friends and family to try.

Do some research beforehand and make a list of all the foods you want to find, or just wing it and see what local delicacies you stumble across as you go.

13. The License Plate Game

A selection of US license plates that would be perfect for the License Plate game.

You'll need pens and paper for this game so make sure you've packed some before you head off. The aim is to spot license plates from as many different countries or US states (depending on where your road trip is taking place) as possible.

Write a list of the places you've seen and compare it with the other passengers at the end of the drive. This is the ideal game for those long stretches of boring motorway where you'll probably rack up a surprisingly long list, and the person with the most countries gets to ride shotgun for the next leg of the journey.

The end of this road trip game can get very controversial - if you spot a real game winner, photographic evidence is a good idea so get your phone out and take photos in secret!

14. The Fortunately - Unfortunately road trip game

The Fortunately Unfortunately road trip game can be played absolutely anywhere based on what you see along the way.

This is similar to the Story Game (see #1 above), however players get a little more control and creativity. You can say more than one word this time!

One player starts off with a 'fortunately' sentence, and the next has to follow with an 'unfortunately' sentence to build a story of luck and misfortune. For example, one player might start with 'fortunately, the sun was shining' with the second player adding 'unfortunately they had a long drive ahead of them' and so on.

This game can make it a little easier to remember the long string as everything has to be either fortunate or unfortunate! Get as creative as you can and you'll find yourself at your destination in what seems like no time at all.

15. The Complete Food Menu Game

The Complete Food Menu game involves ticking off restaurant types as you pass them on your road trip.

This is the perfect road trip game to play if you're passing through a few towns on your way although roadside restaurants and chains will do just fine.

Print out a sheet with all the food types you can think of in a grid against the names of people in the car.

Every time you drive past a restaurant of some kind, the first person to spot it gets to collect the tick for the food type it serves. Steaks and pizzas should be easy to collect by everyone, but you might just win if you're the only one who spotted the seafood restaurant in the middle of Oklahoma!

16. The Name Game

The more random names you know, the better you will do in the Name game on your road trip.

This is another simple game that keeps your brain occupied during a long drive without being too strenuous. One person simply says any name they can think of and the next person must say another name that begins with the last letter of the name before, and so on.

For example if passenger one says Tom, passenger two might say Mary. If you've made any friends during your road trip, try and include their names to make it a tad more topical.

Obviously adding the rule of not repeating the same names once they have been mentioned makes this a whole lot more interesting as the game progresses although you're guaranteed to have a disagreement over whether a name has or has not been mentioned already!

17. Guess The Song

Guess The Song is not only reserved for road trips, but an awesome way to have fun on the way.

If you're comfortable in your musical knowledge you'll definitely want to suggest playing this one. The rules are simple: get the front passenger to play the first few seconds of a song and whoever can guess the artist and song title the quickest wins a point.

This is much easier if you can connect your phone to the car for the road trip and play songs from there so you can easily search and pause the music.

The person with the most points after half an hour gets control of the music for the rest of the journey, so there's a lot at stake...

18. Sing The Next Line

Two women enjoying playing Sing The Next Line game in their car.

A variation on the Guess The Song game above, except this game relies on your vocal chords.

Instead of just guessing the song after a few seconds, players have to rack their brains and try and sing the next line, and the person who successfully remembers it first wins a point. Think of a reward for whoever wins, and if you attempt it but get it wrong you have to do a forfeit chosen by the driver.

19. Radio Roulette

Be prepared to listen to some seriously wacky tunes in the Radio Roulette game.

This game's a little less hands-on but no less entertaining. Use your road trip driving time to discover all the local radio stations of the place you're visiting by re-tuning every ten minutes and choosing a new station at random.

You'll probably find some pretty wacky programs and get to know traditional and popular music in that country - a great way to appreciate culture even when you're between destinations.

If you a radio station that is really wacky, let us know!

20. Would You Rather

Would You Rather is a game that can be as innocent or outrageous as you are comfortable with.

This road trip game can be be as PG or as outrageous as you like depending on the age of the passengers.

Take turns asking the car whether they would rather do one thing or another (e.g. 'would you rather go to France or Spain?') and see what they answer. Make it as difficult as possible to choose between the two options for maximum entertainment value, whether that's making them equally amazing or equally horrible, it's up to you…

You can see how this game can get as interesting in group of adults as with kids - answering the question is compulsory and providing reasons is where it gets fun!

21. Car Rules Road Trip Game

The Car Rules road trip game will keep you thinking in case you go over a bridge or pass a yellow car on the way.

Everyone in the car gets to make up a silly rule, e.g. whenever we cross a bridge everyone has has to touch their nose, or whenever we stop at a red light everyone has to touch the roof of the car.

The last person to join in when an action is enforced gains a point, and the person with the most points at the end of the drive loses. Get as creative as you like with the rules and try and catch people out where possible so you can take the victory.

The loser has to go pay for parking or buy ice creams at the next stop!

22. Hot Seat

The Hot Seat game can get you to know your close friends even better and have a laugh.

If you're that nosy friend that wants to find out all of your companions' deepest secrets then you'll like this one. Passengers take it in turns to be in the hot seat and are asked 5 questions, one of which they're allowed to veto and the other four must be answered honestly.

This is best played in an adult-only car (questions get notoriously cheeky) and is the ideal way to pass the time finding out some interesting new facts about your road trip friends.

You can use it as a warm up or a step up from the car version of Truth or Dare (see #27 below) depending on how close your friendships are!

23. People Watching

People watching is fun - some cars will really make you scratch your heads as you pass them on your road trip.

Someone picks a car full of people that everyone can see (this works best if you're stuck in traffic), and together you make up a story about the people - who they are, where they're going, what they do for a living. The funnier and more far-fetched the story, the better - just make sure you're not staring too obviously at your subjects or it might get a little awkward...

Use your imagination to make the stories controversial and see how far you can go with making things up!

You might just surprise yourself how the most innocuous of road trip games will make you spot things you would never otherwise see just by looking at the cars around you.

24. Kiss, Marry, Avoid

The Kiss, Marry, Avoid road trip game will let you debate the qualities of famous people or mutual friends.

Another one for the older crowd. Take turns listing three famous people and the other passengers in the car have to choose which person they would kiss, which they would marry, and which they would avoid.

Make it really hard to decide so that everyone has a bit of a laugh, and try to predict each other's answers to add an extra twist to the game.

If you want to add a little spice to the game, use people you all know or move to people in the car!

25. While You Were Sleeping

While You Were Sleeping is a road trip game where your imagination can run wild!

There's nothing more tempting than pulling a prank on a passenger who falls asleep en route, and whilst we don't dispute the whole drawing-a-mustache classic, we've got something even craftier.

Whilst they're taking a nap on the road trip, have a brainstorm with the awake members of the party and come up with an epic story or scenario of something that they missed during their nap.

The aim of the game is to get them to believe the story, so make sure nobody laughs or breaks character (come up with a forfeit if they do), and keep the lie going for as long as possible. If you manage to pull it off this is far better than a DIY mustache... but by all means, draw one on for good measure.

This classic road trip game can really take a turn for the worse if you want it to. A simple horror story about a truck that followed the car for miles that you just managed to pull away from before getting a flat tyre can go a long way as you're parked on the side of the road. Peer into the rear view mirror in horror and watch their face when a random truck appears on the horizon!

26. Categories

Beatles songs is one possible option for the Categories road trip game.

Popular with kids and adults alike the world over, Categories can be an awesome game to play on road trips as well.

The premise is simple - somebody picks a category which can have multiple different answers. Fruit or Beatles' songs can both be great options.

Players have to then take turns to name one item from the category at a time. Players are eliminated when they can't name one until there's one winner. Either the winner or the next person in turn gets to choose the next category.

That brings our list of the best road trip games to an end. Do you have other games you enjoy? Get in touch to let us know and we'll add it to our list!

27. Truth Or Dare (The Car Edition)

Playing Truth Or Dare on a long road trip can really help pass the time and get people laughing.

The old classic can and should be played on road trips! Players take turns to either answer an embarassing question truthfully or perform a dare set by other players.

The dares obviously have to be contained to the realms of the car or the roadside so you'll have to get creative.

Needless to say, this game is very different when played with kids as a family or with adult friends and is equally great in both cases!

28. 6 Degrees of Separation

How is a gaucho from Patagonia connected to Prince Charles? That's what the 6 Degrees of Separation game is all about.

This is a road trip game that will require some imagination and provide plenty of topics for conversation.

Take turns and pick two people who you may know or make them up (e.g. a Shaolin monk). The more different the background and location of these people the better!

Then proceed to discuss how these two people are connected through 6 connections or less. You don't have to know the whole chain - that's actually where the fun is.

How is a gaucho from a remote farm in southern Argentina connected to Prince Charles? The gaucho must know his ranch's boss (1). The boss knows the boss of the company that buys beef from local producers (2). That company has a liaison manager in a UK-based Argentinian beef importing firm (3). This manager has a colleague who imports fine wines from around the world for the same company (4). The colleague personally provides the fine wines to the Royal sommelier (5) and the sommelier personally knows Prince Charles (6). Bingo!

29. The Stop Joker Card road trip game

The Stop Joker Card game allows every person the road trip to pick a stop wherever they want.

If you're going on a long trip and you're going to be driving all day or even longer than that, this is a great way to give everyone in the car, kids included, a way to have a bit of control.

At any point during the trip, each person can enact their Stop Joker Card - this means the car has to stop wherever they are passing and spend some time there doing an activity or just relaxing.

Your kids might see something really fun halfway along and use their card to break up the journey and everyone gets to have their stop along the route!

30. Pick One Car road trip game

You have to be quick if you spot a dream car on your road trip to win the One Car game.

This one is a game of patience and opportunity. Every person in the car has one chance during the journey to pick a car that you can see on your way as their ultimate One Car. The objective is to pick the coolest/fastest/most amazing car possible.

Once you've chosen a car, you can't change it - you only have one go so you better make it count - if you're passing something that is decent but not stellar, you might have to make a tough choice.

The game is made even more difficult by the fact that the first person to call the car out gets to have it so you have to be alert and on the lookout if you haven't got one yet.

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$100M project to redesign one of Las Vegas’ busiest throughways could last 7 years

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – One of the busiest throughways in Las Vegas is preparing to be dug up and rebuilt, costing the city millions of dollars more than first expected in an area encompassing several low-income communities.

The Stewart Avenue Complete Street Project was first announced in 2022 and focused on four and a half miles between 6th Street and Nellis Boulevard. 28% of the area’s population lives below the poverty line, according to Nicole Melton.

She is the project’s engineering manager, who told 8 News Now the poor conditions of the road and adjoining sidewalks have been on the city’s “radar” for years.

“We need to provide options so that they have a means of transportation, and right now if you’re out there, the sidewalks have some obstructions,” Melton said inside city hall Wednesday, acknowledging a vast dependence on walking and public transportation by nearby residents.

“The goal of the Stewart Avenue Project is to provide more safety, more equity, and make more accessible options,” she added.

On the drawing board for the project is a laundry list of improvements and additions, some of which are stipulated as part of the federal funding received for it. They include:

Widened sidewalks

Resurfaced streets

Protected bicycle lanes

Replaced street lights

Midblock pedestrian crosswalks and signals

Significant landscaping and shade-bearing tree installation

Bus stop improvements

Traffic light and crosswalk technology enhancements

Renderings of the completed project show portions of the road closer to Downtown Las Vegas with one-lane travel in both directions, parking spots protecting bike lanes from the main road, and one turn lane in the middle. Other renderings indicate travel returning to two lanes in both directions east of Eastern, closer to residential neighborhoods.

As recent as this past January, the city’s public works department director projected the cost as “north of $50 million.” $23.9 million of that came via the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program, which aims to help urban and rural communities modernize roads and create safer transportation options.

Melton added that the city is required to match this funding, which will pay for the roadway-specific improvements. The Regional Flood Control District is also improving its storm drain facilities along Stewart from Eastern Avenue to the Las Vegas Wash.

“That is a separate funding source and that will be somewhere in the realm of $40 million to $50 million,” Melton said, acknowledging the total project cost will likely exceed $100 million. “We’re very early in design at this point. Those costs could change.”

If the city maintains its 2029 completion goal, the project will have spanned 7 years. Melton expects the formal design creation and performance of necessary environmental studies through the end of 2026 after beginning this past March.

Construction is scheduled to begin in 2027, which is about two years later than the timeline announced in 2022.

“As engineers, we must take public safety into account first and foremost, so that’s why sometimes projects like this take so long,” Melton said. “There are stipulations as part of the (federal) grant, so that is the timeline that we are sticking to, and we are going to do everything in our power to make sure that happens.”

For context, Melton points to the Las Vegas Boulevard Construction Project which she said required three years of construction and around a decade of designing beforehand.

Those living along the street, such as Crystal Verdejo, said they depend on public transit to travel to work and school. Walking to these bus stops is not always safe, she added.

“There’s no bike lane. The sidewalks are not humongous, so we all got to share,” Verdejo said, standing on her front lawn that borders the road Wednesday morning. “I have seen people jump the curb… (Drivers) just don’t want to wait for the cars to pass by. They try to come out and they almost get in car accidents. I’ve seen it multiple times out here and I’ve seen it multiple times out here and I’ve only lived here since November.”

Business owners along Stewart Avenue, like Craig Duerson of Assurance Behavioral Health, are expecting more customers and less traffic buildup. His business is located next to a short window to get on and off the freeway, which he calls a hotspot of collisions.

“I actually stay late so I can drive out and miss the traffic,” Duerson said outside his business Wednesday morning. “(The project) would definitely bring a different kind of foot traffic through here.”

The city is hosting a town hall-type community meeting Wednesday night inside the East Las Vegas Community Center at 5:30 pm. Melton said it will be the first of several meetings, though future ones will likely not be scheduled until early 2025.

Additional project-specific information can be found on its website.

Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Songs of Travel 9+

An interactive graphic novel, causa creations interactive media gmbh, designed for ipad, screenshots, description.

An animated graphic novel exploring the unique stories of five migrants. An animated graphic novel exploring the unique stories of five migrants seeking new beginnings in Europe. Together, these stories paint a mosaic of themes such as our hopes, dreams, and identities and the things we treasure most. The aim of Songs of Travel is to bring the personal stories of migrants to a wider audience and paint a vivid picture of the topic of migration. The narratives are tied together by the experiences of the Syrian artist Jack Gutmann, who co-developed the award-winning game "Path Out" with the game’s developer, Causa Creations. These tales are set to the backdrop of a specially curated soundtrack by Northern Irish composer Elaine Agnew. The use of this music is a vital element of the project, which will be presented in the four partnering festivals in Ireland (Cellissimo), Sweden (Fairplay Chamber music), Norway (Valdres Sommersymfoni) in 2024, and in the Netherlands (Piano Biennale) in 2025. Follow the narratives of: * Light, a non-binary Syrian refugee who arrives in Vienna after years of hardship and war in Syria and the United Arab Emirates. * Vân, the daughter of a Vietnamese contract worker who grew up in East-Germany and who must deal with the duality of being Vietnamese-German. * Michele, the son of Francesco Cicora, an Italian coal miner who died in the great mining disaster of Marcinelle 1956 in Belgium. * Hasan, who came to Austria at the age of 1, when his mother moved there from Istanbul, Turkey. * Olya, a Ukrainian lawyer and a refugee who has had to flee twice: first when she left her home of Donetsk in 2014 and fled to Kyiv, and then when she fled from Ukraine once war erupted in 2022.

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Mizzou falls one game short of a trip to the Women’s College World Series

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Mizzou softball fell in heartbreaking fashion to Duke on Sunday night. With a trip to the Women's College World Series on the line, the Tigers lost to the Blue Devils 4-3 in nine innings. Although it would have been MU's first trip to the Women's College World Series since 2011, the team did still finish the 2024 season 48-18 overall.

You can watch the full postgame press conference with head coach Larissa Anderson, senior Jenna Laird and freshman Abby Hay in the video player below.

It was a pitcher's duel all the way until the ninth and final inning.

Laurin Krings got the start in the circle, once again, and carried a shutout into the ninth inning. That's when D'Auna Jennings lifted up a solo home run off of the senior to take the first lead of the day. After that homer, head coach Larissa Anderson pulled Krings and decided to go with closer Taylor Pannell. The Blue Devils capitalized on that change by sending in two more runs. Anderson then changed to freshman Marissa McCann, but Duke sent in a run off her, as well, to go up by four runs.

Mizzou fought until the very end, though. Jenna Laird and Alex Honnold each got on base with singles in the bottom of the ninth. They were brought home on a three-run homer from Rock Bridge alum Abby Hay to put MU within one. However, it was not enough.

Krings is handed the loss for Mizzou. She went 8.0 innings and allowed one run on four hits and tallied three strikeouts.

For the Blue Devils, Cassidy Curd earned the win to improve to 13-3 overall. She stuck out seven Mizzou batters and allowed six hits.

Up next - Mizzou will look ahead to the 2025 season.

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Nathalie Jones

Nathalie anchors and reports sports for ABC17. She started working at the station in June 2020.

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Lionel Messi scores goal in return to lineup, but Inter Miami falls 3-1 to Atlanta United

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Lionel Messi returned to action, rested and engaged. But most of his Inter Miami teammates felt the ill-effects of the longest road trip in Major League Soccer on Wednesday night.

Messi scored in the 62nd minute, but Inter Miami fell 3-1 to Atlanta United at Chase Stadium – four days after the club won 2-1 at Vancouver without Messi, Luis Suárez and Sergio Busquets.

Saba Lobjanidze scored in the 44th and 59th minutes for a brace, while Jamal Thiaré finished a sliding goal in the 73rd minute to help Atlanta win its fourth match of the MLS season and hand Inter Miami its third loss of the season.

“The truth is we were missing a gear,” Inter Miami coach Tata Martino said after the loss. “Let's say it was a night where the team went backwards compared to other matches, where we always found positive moments, even in difficult moments.”

The good news for Inter Miami: It retains first place in the MLS Eastern Conference with FC Cincinnati one point behind in the standings after Cincinnati lost 2-0 at home to Nashville.

Messi, Suárez and Busquets returned to action for the first time since May 18, given 10 days between matches to rest and recuperate — and avoid travel to and from South Florida to Vancouver last weekend.

Inter Miami plays again on Saturday night against St. Louis City, which ranks 11th out of 14 teams in the MLS Western Conference. But it’s not yet definitive Messi, the 2022 World Cup champion who will captain Argentina in Copa América next month, will play on Saturday. His status will likely be decided after Friday's practice.

Messi could use the work to maintain his form before Copa América, which could be the final major tournament he’ll play for Argentina in his legendary career. He turns 37 on June 24.

Messi appeared healthy as a lingering left leg injury, a blow he took at Montreal on May 11, did not affect him against Atlanta.

Messi nearly scored on a header in the opening minutes, but his dive toward the net ended with the ball sailing over it.

Messi, Suárez and Jordi Alba forced the issue offensively in the first half, but they were unable to find holes in Atlanta’s steadfast defense.

As the first half neared its end, Inter Miami’s fatigue from travel and nighttime humidity showed as Lobjanidze scored before halftime.

While Messi’s goal reignited Inter Miami and its home crowd, the goal by Thiaré proved to be the dagger.

Inter Miami has won just one of six matches played on a Wednesday this season, a 3-1 win over Nashville in the Concacaf Champions Cup being the lone exception.

“When a team gets defeated like we did, it’s an excuse to talk about the trip or the calendar,” Martino said.

Jamal Thiaré goal: Atlanta United 3, Inter Miami 1

Inter Miami is on the brink of defeat.

Jamal Thiaré finished a sliding goal in the 73 rd minute to give Atlanta a 3-1 lead against Inter Miami.

The play was orchestrated by Thiago Almada, and Caleb Wiley delivered the assist.

Messi scores goal to respond: Atlanta United 2, Inter Miami 1

Messi has responded to Inter Miami’s 2-0 deficit with a goal in the 62 nd minute, a strike that found the bottom right corner of the net.

The quick response in Messi’s goal has reignited the home crowd at Inter Miami’s Chase Stadium.

Saba Lobjanidze scores again for brace: Atlanta 2, Inter Miami 0

It might not be Inter Miami’s night.

Saba Lobjanidze scored in the 59 th minute to give Atlanta United a 2-0 lead over Inter Miami in the second half.

Atlanta’s Thiago Almada navigated the steal from Inter Miami’s stars and Lobjanizde doubled their lead.

Messi slips, misses shot on goal: Atlanta 1, Inter Miami 0

A swing and a miss in the 55 th minute by Messi, who also slipped after his latest shot attempt in the second half.

Inter Miami’s Matias Rojas, who has scored three goals this season, has entered the match for Julian Gressel.

Saba Lobjanidze goal: Atlanta United 1, Inter Miami 0

Messi and Inter Miami are out of sorts in the first half and they fell behind just before halftime.

Atlanta United’s Saba Lobjanidze scored in the 44th minute to help his side take a 1-0 lead over Inter Miami.

Messi, Alba, Suárez try to connect again, but offsides: Inter Miami 0, Atlanta 0

Messi, Alba and Suárez performed a set piece after a corner kick, to no avail.

Alba found Messi streaking down the right side, and Messi used his head to find Suarez cutting toward the net. But the ball appeared to be deflected by Atlanta United goalie Josh Cowen in the 26th minute.

Messi drives downfield, Suárez misses shot: Inter Miami 0, Atlanta 0

Messi pursued an opportunity with a full head of steam from midfield, and dropped off a pass to his right to Julian Gressel. But Gressel veered offsides after dropping off a pass to Luis Suárez, who kicked it directly to Atlanta United goalie Josh Cowen in the 19th minute.

One minute later, Messi chipped a pass in the goal area to Robert Taylor, who was unable to handle it.

Messi misses diving header in early minutes: Inter Miami 0, Atlanta 0

Messi made a hard run toward the net, and tried to use his head to find the back of the net. But Messi’s shot bounced over the net in the fourth minute.

Messi got up after his dive with a thumbs-up for Jordi Alba, who delivered the pass into the goal area.

Messi, striker Luis Suárez and midfielder Sergio Busquets are in the starting lineup again after missing the Vancouver match last Saturday.  

A new addition to the starting lineup is midfielder Federico Redondo, who returned from a knee injury to play against Vancouver. He replaces Benjamin Cremaschi, who will likely enter as a substitute.

Is Messi playing tonight?

Yes, Messi is expected to play against Atlanta , after staying home in South Florida and missing Inter Miami’s 2-1 win at Vancouver . He’s in the startling lineup.

WATCH :  Messi and Inter Miami take on Atlanta United FC on Apple TV

TICKETS :  Experience Messi and Inter Miami in person when they host Atlanta United FC

SHOP :  Get the latest Messi and Inter Miami team gear from the MLS Store

How to watch Inter Miami vs. Atlanta United live stream 

Inter Miami and Atlanta begin play at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday at Chase Stadium. The game is available via MLS Season Pass on Apple TV .

Messi, Inter Miami arrive at Chase Stadium

Messi and his Inter Miami teammates have arrived at Chase Stadium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for tonight's game against Atlanta United. The players were spotted leaving their bus shortly after 6 p.m. ET.

Inter Miami vs. Atlanta United prediction

Inter Miami 3, Atlanta United 0: Messi returns to form with a goal and assist, Suárez adds another goal, and Benjamin Cremaschi scores as goalkeeper Drake Callender has a shutout. — Safid Deen, Lionel Messi reporter

Inter Miami vs. Atlanta United betting odds

Inter Miami is a -225 favorite at home, while Atlanta is a +380 underdog with +450 odds to draw, according to BETMGM .

What’s at stake as Inter Miami hosts Atlanta United?

Inter Miami leads the MLS Eastern Conference with 34 points from 10 wins, four draws and two losses. Luis Suárez is tied for second in MLS with 11 goals scored, while Messi is third with 10 goals scored and a league-leading 12 assists this season.

Meanwhile, Atlanta is 12th among 15 Eastern Conference teams with 14 points from three wins, four draws and seven losses.

A win would increase Inter Miami’s lead in the East.

Messi shines in Bad Boys movie promo with Will Smith, Martin Lawrence and Jimmy Butler

Messi speaks in English, and delivers the punchline in a hilarious promo for “Bad Boys: Ride or Die ."

Why did Messi not travel, play in Vancouver?

Messi, Luis Suárez and Sergio Busquets did not travel to Vancouver for rest purposes – to avoid the cross-continent journey from South Florida – with home games on tap tonight and Saturday, especially with Copa América on deck .

All three are expected to play Wednesday and Saturday vs. St. Louis City.

Messi’s upcoming Inter Miami, Argentina schedule

Messi is expected to play again Saturday as Inter Miami hosts St. Louis City. Then, he’ll join Argentina for Copa América training.

Messi will participate in Argentina friendlies or Copa América warmup matches in Chicago on June 9 and the Washington D.C. area on June 14.

Then, Messi and Argentina take center stage in the Copa América opener against Canada in Atlanta on June 20.

Here’s more info on Messi and Argentina’s Copa América schedule .


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  1. Shortest Trip To Earth

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    Short Trip - Alexander Perrin, 2017. Hold left or right to move. Read more about the project here. Thank you to Dom Willmott for audio support. If you would like to support Short Trip, you're welcome (but not obliged) to make a contribution here. Quality Mode: Default Eco Sound: On Off

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  4. A Short Trip: A Game

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  5. Short Trip: gorgeous hand-drawn scenic tram simulator

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  8. Short Trip is an aimless game that is all about a delightful web ...

    September 25, 2017 - 11:12 am. Not every game needs a purpose or a thrilling ending to suck you in - and this little web experience nothing but proves this. Unlike most game, Short Trip has no ...

  9. Short Trip

    Short Trip is the first instalment in a collection of interactive illustrations created for the web. It has been created as a study into capturing the essence of graphite on paper within a digital context, and to learn more about web-based graphics technologies. Short Trip will run on most devices supporting WebGL, including mobile devices.

  10. Drive a Hand-Drawn Tram for Cats in This Illustrated Game

    Artist Alexander Perrin's Short Trip is a hand-drawn interactive game in which players drive a trolley for cats. by Allison Meier October 2, 2017 August 3, 2021. Support Independent Arts Journalism.

  11. Short Trip

    Games and interactive digital playthings. Short Trip, created by Alexander Perrin at 2pt is the first instalment in a collection of interactive illustrations created for the web.Play it here. It has been created as a study into capturing the essence of graphite on paper within a digital context, and to learn more about web-based graphics technologies.

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    Short Trip - A Beautifully Illustrated Tram Ride Through The CountrysideRead More & Play The Full Game:

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    Go to Online > Play Job > Rockstar Created > Missions then scroll all the way down until you find the GTA Online Short Trips options. Pick the mission you want to play, then you'll be whisked away ...

  14. Short Trips with Franklin and Lamar Now Available for ...

    Short Trips with Franklin and Lamar Now Available for All Players - Rockstar Games. It's been quite some time since Franklin Clinton and his notorious accomplices knocked over the biggest targets in Southern San Andreas. Since then, Franklin's put down roots in Los Santos — getting married, starting a family, and even wearing a suit...

  15. Short Trips

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  16. GTA Online Short Trips Now Available to Everyone

    Published Feb 13, 2022. Grand Theft Auto Online is allowing players to jump into the Short Trips missions for a limited time without the previous requirements completed. Rockstar Games has ...

  17. GTA Online Short Trips has given Rockstar a framework for ...

    The fact that you can now boot up GTA Online and access Short Trips via the game's Jobs Menu without completing Dre's VIP missions - access to which demands a minimum in-game spend of $2million ...

  18. Short Trip

    Short Trip is a super chilled out little interactive experience in which you operate a little tram as it travels through beautifully hand drawn villages and scenic countryside.. The actual gameplay in Short Trip is fairly minimal, you simply drive a tram along the tracks, ringing the bell and stopping to pick up passengers along the way. The hand drawn artwork is absolutely fantastic - you ...

  19. Piske & Usagi's Short Trip

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    3. Monopoly Deal. Players: 2-5 Age: 8+ Average Game Time: 15 minutes. If you like Monopoly and are upset that the board is just to big to travel with, Monopoly Deal is the ultimate alternative to turn Monopoly into one of the best games for travel! Monopoly Deal is a card-only version of Monopoly.

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    2. I'm Going On A Road Trip. Another one for training memory, I'm Going On A Road Trip is a great road trip game for the whole family. Monkey Business Images/ This road trip game requires a bit more brain power than some of the others, but is still really entertaining and great for all ages.

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  29. Inter Miami vs Atlanta United highlights: Messi scores goal in 3-1 loss

    Messi and his Inter Miami teammates have arrived at Chase Stadium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for tonight's game against Atlanta United. The players were spotted leaving their bus shortly after 6 ...