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Singapore Tourist Pass (STP): Jenis, Harga Terbaru Di 2024

Jika kamu berencana untuk menjelajahi Singapura dengan menggunakan sistem MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) , maka Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) bisa menjadi solusi yang praktis dan ekonomis. Dengan STP, kamu bisa bepergian sepuasnya menggunakan MRT selama satu, dua, atau tiga hari dengan harga yang terjangkau. Mari kita lihat lebih detail tentang jenis-jenis STP dan harga terbarunya.

Apa Itu Singapore Tourist Pass Dan Keuntungannya?

Singapore Tourist Pass adalah kartu EZ-Link khusus yang menawarkan wisatawan akses tak terbatas ke layanan bus dasar, kereta MRT, dan LRT di Singapura selama periode tertentu.

Dengan Singapore Tourist Pass, kamu bisa menjelajahi tempat-tempat wisata di Singapura dengan nyaman menggunakan sistem kereta api dan jaringan bus publik di pulau ini.

Dengan harga yang ramah di kantong, kamu tidak perlu khawatir kehabisan dana untuk kebutuhan transportasimu di Singapura.

Keuntungan Menggunakan Singapore Tourist Pass

Dengan memiliki Singapore Tourist Pass, kamu bisa menikmati beberapa keuntungan, antara lain:

  • Akses tak terbatas ke sistem transportasi publik Singapura, termasuk MRT, LRT, dan bus dasar.
  • Kemudahan dalam perjalanan tanpa harus membeli tiket harian atau menghitung jumlah perjalanan.
  • Fleksibilitas untuk menjelajahi berbagai tempat wisata di Singapura tanpa khawatir tentang biaya transportasi.
  • Kemudahan pembelian dan penggunaan kartu di berbagai lokasi di Singapura.

[ Baca Juga: Langkah Cara Mengisi MyICA SG Arrival Card Singapura ]

Berikut Jenis-jenis Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) Yang Ada Di 2024

Berikut Jenis-jenis Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) Yang Ada Di 2024

Singapore Tourist Pass (STP)

  • 1-DAY PASS: $10
  • 2-DAY PASS: $16
  • 3-DAY PASS: $20

Singapore Tourist Pass adalah versi standar dari kartu ini.

Dengan harga yang bervariasi tergantung durasi penggunaan (1, 2, atau 3 hari), STP menawarkan akses tak terbatas ke layanan bus dasar, MRT, dan LRT di Singapura.

Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut terkait pass ini, silahkan lanjutkan baca sampai selesai.

SG Tourist Pass (SGTP)

  • 3-DAY PASS: $29

SG Tourist Pass menawarkan akses tak terbatas ke layanan bus dasar, MRT, dan LRT di Singapura selama 3 hari berturut-turut.

Dengan harga $29, kamu bisa menikmati perjalanan tanpa batas dengan menggunakan transportasi publik di Singapura.

Hal ini memungkinkan kamu untuk menjelajahi berbagai tempat wisata di Singapura dengan lebih leluasa tanpa harus khawatir tentang biaya tambahan.

Catatan Penting:

  • Penggunaan 3-day pass harus dilakukan secara berurutan.
  • Akses tak terbatas hanya berlaku untuk layanan bus dan kereta api publik. Tidak termasuk layanan premium seperti Sentosa Express, RWS8, dan layanan bus premium lainnya.
  • Harga berlaku untuk dewasa dan anak di atas 0.9m.

SG Tourist Pass (Red)

SG Tourist Pass (Red) merupakan varian lain dari kartu ini.

Dengan harga $29, kartu ini juga menawarkan akses tak terbatas ke layanan bus dasar, MRT, dan LRT di Singapura selama 3 hari berturut-turut.

Namun, kartu ini tidak memerlukan deposit sewa.

  • Durasi dan validitas kartu berdasarkan jam operasional sistem transportasi publik dasar.
  • Penggunaan kartu 2-hari atau 3-hari harus dilakukan secara berurutan.
  • Akses tak terbatas hanya berlaku untuk layanan bus dan kereta api publik. Layanan premium seperti Sentosa Express, RWS8, dan layanan bus ekspres tidak termasuk.

Dengan menggunakan Singapore Tourist Pass, liburanmu di Singapura akan menjadi lebih mudah, nyaman, dan hemat.

Jadi, jangan ragu untuk membeli kartu ini saat merencanakan perjalananmu ke Singapura berikutnya!

Singapore Tourist Pass Plus (SG Tourist Pass Plus)

  • 3-DAY PASS: $48

Singapore Tourist Pass Plus menawarkan semua keuntungan yang sama dengan SG Tourist Pass, ditambah dengan beberapa keuntungan tambahan.

Dengan harga $48, kamu tidak hanya mendapatkan akses tak terbatas ke layanan bus dan kereta api publik, tetapi juga beberapa penawaran khusus lainnya yang akan membuat perjalananmu di Singapura lebih menyenangkan.

  • Paket dan penawaran STP+ tidak dapat dikembalikan.
  • Ketentuan penggunaan dan validitas pas harus mengikuti jam operasional sistem transportasi publik dasar di Singapura. Mulai dari penggunaan pertama hingga akhir layanan transportasi publik pada hari tersebut.
  • Seperti halnya dengan STP biasa, akses tak terbatas hanya berlaku untuk layanan bus dan kereta api publik. Tidak termasuk layanan premium seperti Sentosa Express, RWS8, dan layanan bus premium lainnya.

[ Baca Juga: Cara Asik Anti Bosan Menghabiskan Waktu Transit Di Bandara Changi ]

Jenis-jenis Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) Berdasarkan Hari Penggunaan

STP merupakan kartu isi ulang EZ Link yang dirancang khusus untuk wisatawan yang ingin menikmati kemudahan transportasi di Singapura.

Kartu ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan perjalanan tidak terbatas dengan MRT selama periode tertentu, tanpa perlu khawatir tentang pembelian tiket harian atau jumlah perjalanan.

a. STP 1 Hari

STP 1 Hari memungkinkan kamu untuk bepergian dengan MRT sepuasnya selama satu hari penuh, mulai dari pukul 00.00 hingga 23.59 waktu Singapura.

Ini adalah pilihan yang ideal jika kamu hanya memiliki satu hari untuk menjelajahi kota atau jika ingin menghemat biaya transportasi selama masa kunjunganmu.

b. STP 2 Hari

STP 2 Hari memberikan kebebasan untuk menikmati MRT selama dua hari berturut-turut.

Dengan harga yang sedikit lebih tinggi dari STP 1 Hari, opsi ini cocok bagi mereka yang ingin menghabiskan waktu lebih lama untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai tempat wisata di Singapura tanpa harus khawatir tentang biaya transportasi harian.

c. STP 3 Hari

Bagi wisatawan yang memiliki rencana kunjungan yang lebih panjang, STP 3 Hari bisa menjadi pilihan yang sangat menguntungkan.

Dengan harga yang masih terjangkau, kamu bisa menikmati akses tak terbatas ke MRT selama tiga hari berturut-turut.

Ini memberikan fleksibilitas yang besar dan memungkinkan kamu untuk menjelajahi Singapura tanpa batasan waktu.

Harga Terbaru Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) Di 2024

Saat ini, harga STP mengikuti struktur tarif berikut:

a. STP 1 Hari: $10

Harga untuk STP 1 Hari adalah $10. Dengan membayar harga ini, kamu bisa menikmati akses tak terbatas ke MRT selama satu hari penuh di Singapura.

Ini adalah pilihan yang sangat ekonomis jika kamu memiliki rencana kunjungan singkat atau hanya ingin menggunakan transportasi umum untuk satu hari saja.

b. STP 2 Hari: S$16

Untuk STP 2 Hari, harga yang harus kamu bayar adalah S$16.

Dengan tambahan sedikit dari harga STP 1 Hari, kamu bisa mendapatkan akses tak terbatas ke MRT selama dua hari berturut-turut.

Ini memberikan nilai yang sangat baik untuk uangmu dan cocok untuk mereka yang ingin menjelajahi lebih banyak tempat di Singapura dalam waktu dua hari.

c. STP 3 Hari: S$20

STP 3 Hari memiliki harga yang lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pembelian tiket harian selama tiga hari.

Dengan hanya membayar S$20, kamu bisa menikmati akses tak terbatas ke MRT selama tiga hari berturut-turut.

Ini adalah pilihan yang paling menguntungkan bagi mereka yang memiliki rencana kunjungan yang lebih panjang dan ingin menghemat biaya transportasi.

Cara Pembelian dan Penggunaan STP

Untuk mendapatkan STP, kamu dapat membelinya di Kantor Tiket TransitLink di beberapa stasiun MRT tertentu.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa mendapatkannya di Kantor Penggantian Kartu Konsesi (Concession Card Replacement Office) di stasiun Somerset.

Jika lebih nyaman, kamu juga bisa membelinya melalui Automated STP Kiosk di beberapa stasiun MRT, seperti Orchard , HarbourFront, dan Bandara Changi Airport (Terminal 2 dan 3) .

Setelah membeli STP, kamu hanya perlu mengaktifkannya dengan mengetuk kartu di gerbang MRT saat pertama kali menggunakan layanan MRT.

STP akan secara otomatis terisi dengan akses tak terbatas selama periode yang kamu pilih (satu, dua, atau tiga hari), dan kamu bisa mulai menjelajahi Singapura dengan mudah dan nyaman.

Dengan STP, kamu tidak perlu khawatir tentang pembelian tiket harian atau menghitung jumlah perjalanan selama kunjunganmu di Singapura.

Ini adalah solusi transportasi yang praktis dan hemat biaya untuk para wisatawan yang ingin menjelajahi kota tanpa repot.

Jadi, pastikan untuk mempertimbangkan STP saat merencanakan perjalananmu berikutnya ke Singapura!

[ Baca Juga: Bandara Changi Singapura: Panduan Berkunjung ]

Dimana Tempat Beli Singapore Tourist Pass (STP)?

Sekarang kita akan bahas di mana saja kita bisa membeli Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) yang keren ini.

Jadi, nggak usah khawatir lagi soal cari tempat beli tiket, karena banyak pilihan tempat yang tersedia di berbagai lokasi strategis di Singapura.

Tempat Beli Singapore Tourist Pass (STP)

Singapore Tourist Pass (STP)

24hrs Automated STP Kiosks

1. Changi Airport MRT Station @ Terminal 2

Kalau kamu tiba di Terminal 2 Bandara Changi, langsung aja cari STP di samping kantor tiket.

Gampang banget kan!

2. Changi Airport MRT Station @ Terminal 3

Kalo sampe di Terminal 3 Bandara Changi, jangan lupa cek di samping kantor tiket juga ya.

3. Orchard Station

Di stasiun Orchard juga ada loh STP. Tinggal nyamperin aja ke samping kantor tiketnya.

SimplyGo Ticket Office

Ada juga beberapa kantor tiket SimplyGo yang bisa jadi pilihan buat beli STP, ini dia daftarnya:

1. Ang Mo Kio

Buka setiap hari dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 9 malam. Jadi, kapanpun kamu bisa beli tiketnya.

2. Bayfront

Ini khusus buat hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan hari libur ya. Buka dari jam 12 siang sampai jam 3.45 sore, terus lanjut lagi dari jam 4.45 sore sampe jam 8 malam. Hari biasa tutup.

Di Bugis, kamu bisa beli Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) dari jam 10 pagi sampe jam 9 malam setiap hari.

4. Changi Airport Terminal 2

Kalau kamu lagi di Terminal 2 Bandara Changi, bisa mampir ke sini juga buat beli STP. Buka setiap hari dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 9 malam.

5. Chinatown

Di Chinatown Singapore , STP bisa kamu beli dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 12.30 siang, terus lanjut lagi dari jam 1 siang sampe jam 4 sore, dan terakhir dari jam 5 sore sampe jam 9 malam.

6. City Hall

Buka setiap hari dari jam 9 pagi sampe jam 9 malam.

7. Farrer Park

Di Farrer Park, buka dari jam 12 siang sampe jam 3.45 sore, terus lanjut lagi dari jam 4.45 sore sampe jam 7.30 malam.

8. HarbourFront

Ada juga STP di HarbourFront, buka dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 4 sore, terus lanjut lagi dari jam 5 sore sampe jam 9 malam.

9. Jurong East

Di Jurong East, buka dari jam 12 siang sampe jam 3.45 sore, terus lanjut lagi dari jam 4.45 sore sampe jam 7.30 malam.

10. Lavender

Buka dari jam 12 siang sampe jam 3.45 sore, terus lanjut lagi dari jam 4.45 sore sampe jam 7.30 malam. Hari libur tutup ya.

11. Maxwell

Kalau mau beli Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) di Maxwell, dateng aja dari jam 10 pagi sampe jam 6 sore. Hari libur tutup.

12. Orchard

Di Orchard, buka dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 9 malam setiap hari.

13. Raffles Place

Di Raffles Place, buka dari Senin sampai Jumat jam 8 pagi sampe jam 9 malam, Sabtu buka jam 8 pagi sampe jam 5 sore. Hari Minggu dan hari libur tutup.

14. Somerset (Ticketing Service Centre)

Buka setiap hari dari jam 10 pagi sampe jam 2 siang, terus lanjut lagi dari jam 3 sore sampe jam 6 sore. Hari libur tutup.

15. Woodlands

Di Woodlands, buka dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 9 malam setiap hari.

Nah, itu dia beberapa tempat di Singapura yang bisa kamu kunjungi buat beli Singapore Tourist Pass.

Jadi, gampang kan? Tinggal pilih aja yang paling deket atau paling nyaman buat kamu, trus langsung beli deh tiketnya!

Tempat Beli SG Tourist Pass

singapore tourist pass harga

Yuk, kita bahas di mana aja kita bisa dapetin SG Tourist Pass (SGTP) yang keren ini.

Gampang kok, tinggal mampir aja ke beberapa outlet Cheers yang udah terpilih.

Ini dia daftarnya:

Cheers Outlets

1. Changi Airport Terminal 1

Alamatnya di 80 Airport Boulevard #02-05A Changi Airport Terminal 1 (Departure/Check in Hall West) Singapore 819642. Jadi, kalo lagi di Terminal 1 Bandara Changi, langsung aja mampir ke sini ya.

2. Changi Airport Terminal 2

Outlet Cheers di Terminal 2 ada di 60 Airport Boulevard ,#02-24,Changi Airport Terminal 2. Kalo kamu lagi di Terminal 2, buruan cari yang ini.

3. Changi Airport Terminal 3

Di Terminal 3 juga ada lho outlet Cheers. Alamatnya di 65 Airport Boulevard, Basement 2 North #01-24, Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3. Jadi, nggak perlu bingung lagi deh kalo di Terminal 3.

4. Changi Airport Terminal 3 Departure

Kalau kamu lagi di area Departure Terminal 3, kamu bisa mampir ke outlet Cheers di Changi Airport Terminal 3 Departure/Check in hall North, #02-98.

5. Changi Airport Terminal 4

Terakhir, ada juga outlet Cheers di Terminal 4. Alamatnya di 10 Airport Boulevard, Arrival Hall, #01-09, Terminal 4, Singapore Changi Airport. Jadi, kalo kamu lagi di Terminal 4, jangan lupa mampir ke sini ya.

Jadi, itu dia beberapa tempat di Bandara Changi yang bisa kamu kunjungi buat beli SG Tourist Pass. Gampang kan? Tinggal pilih aja yang paling deket atau paling nyaman buat kamu, terus langsung beli deh tiketnya!

Tempat Beli SG Tourist Pass (Red)

singapore tourist pass harga

Nih, saya kasih tau tempat di mana kamu bisa dapetin SG Tourist Pass (Red) dengan mudah. Tinggal mampir ke lokasi berikut aja:

Sunshine Star Convenience Store @ Chinatown MRT Station

Kamu bisa langsung ke Sunshine Star Convenience Store yang berlokasi di Chinatown MRT Station, di area #B1-02 (samping Ticket Office).

Tokonya buka setiap hari mulai dari jam 8 pagi sampai jam 12 malam.

Jadi, kapan pun kamu ke Chinatown MRT Station, bisa langsung mampir ke sini buat beli SG Tourist Pass (Red) nya.

Gampang kan? Tinggal datang ke lokasi tersebut sesuai jam operasionalnya, trus beli deh SG Tourist Pass (Red) buat liburan kamu di Singapura!

Tempat Beli Singapore Tourist Pass Plus (SG Tourist Pass Plus)

Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

Nah, kalau kamu mau beli Singapore Tourist Pass Plus (STP+), bisa langsung ke counter Changi Recommends aja.

Di bawah ini, saya kasih tahu lokasi-lokasi counter Changi Recommends yang buka 24 jam setiap hari:

Counter Changi Recommends

Changi Airport Terminal 1

  • Lokasi: Hall Kedatangan Lantai 1
  • Hall Keberangkatan Lantai 2 – Area Publik dan Transit

Changi Airport Terminal 2

Changi Airport Terminal 3

Changi Airport Terminal 4

  • Hall Keberangkatan Lantai 2 – Area Publik

Jadi, kapan pun kamu di Changi Airport, bisa langsung mampir ke counter Changi Recommends ini untuk beli Singapore Tourist Pass Plus (STP+).

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Rijal Fahmi Mohamadi

Rijal Fahmi Mohamadi

Fahmi adalah seorang Digital Marketer, Travel Enthusiast, Geek Travel Blogger dari Indonesia penulis, Penulis Buku perjalanan Traveling The Traveler Notes Bali The Island Of Beauty dan The Traveler Notes Bersenang-Senang di Bali, Bertualang di Lombok. Pernah disebutkan, mentioned in Lonely Planet Indonesia 2019 as Best in Blogs. Mau menyapa saya? Kunjungi media sosial pribadi saya, atau hubungi lewat email [email protected] jika Anda ingin mengajak saya bekerja sama dan berkolaborasi.

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2024 Singapore Tourist Pass Guide: Price, Where to Buy & FAQs

On our several trips to Singapore both as tourists and business travelers, we never thought of getting a Singapore travel card like the Singapore Tourist Pass before our flights. We figured we could just get it as soon as we arrived. While we got one at the airport counter, we could have saved time and energy, if we had secured it ahead.


So, if you are traveling to Singapore soon, here’s everything you need to know about this popular travel card, from price and where to buy, to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

What is a Singapore Tourist Pass?

Singapore Tourist Pass

The Singapore Tourist Pass is a special kind of EZ-Link Card or travel card in Singapore specifically made for tourists. Unlike travel cards like the Japan Suica Card , Welcome Suica Card , Hong Kong Octopus Card , Taiwan EasyCard , and Korea T-Money Card , this SG tourist pass offers tourists unlimited rides on Singapore’s public transportation such as trains and buses.


Types of Singapore Tourist Passes

Here are the different card types to choose from:

1. Singapore Tourist Pass

  • S$22 (1-day pass)
  • S$29 (2-day pass)
  • S$34 (3-day pass)
  • Validity: 1-3 days
  • Unlimited rides on public transport
  • Includes SG$10 rental deposit

2. SG Tourist Pass

  • Price: S$29
  • Validity: 3 days
  • No rental deposit

3. Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

  • Price: S$48
  • Free 1-hour walking tour, limited-edition postcard set, S$5 Changi Travel Concierge Service credit


What’s covered by the tourist pass?

The tourist pass lets you enjoy unlimited rides on SG’s public transport such as MRT , LRT , and bus services .

On top of that, you will also get exclusive perks and discounts on Singapore attractions, shopping, entertainment, F&B, tours, and more! See the complete list of perks and discounts .

What’s NOT covered?

The pass does NOT cover rides on Sentosa Express , RWS8 , express buses , and other premium bus services in Singapore.

How much is the Singapore Tourist Pass?

Depending on the type of pass you choose, the prices could vary. See table of prices below:

Singapore Tourist Pass Prices 2024

*Prices above are correct as of writing. Visit their official website for the latest card prices.

Where to buy a Singapore Tourist Pass or EZ-Link Card?

You can buy from the following:

Option 1: Online platforms

We recommend that you secure your Singapore tourist card online before your trip to avoid any inconvenience.

KKday (EZ-Link & Tourist Pass Plus)

Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

  • Card price: S$10 (EZ-Link Card only); S$48 (Singapore Tourist Pass Plus)
  • Combo deal: walking tour, postcard set, S$5 credit for Changi Travel Concierge Service

*Go to Changi Recommends Counters of Changi Airport Singapore Terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4 to claim your card.


Klook (Singapore NETS FlashPay Travel Card)

Singapore NETS FlashPay Travel Card

  • Card price: S$22 (S$7 stored value); S$30 (S$15 stored value)
  • Klook limited design cards with Singapore icons
  • Free Red Dot Design Museum admission and S$5 shopping voucher
  • You can have the card delivered to you before your trip


Option 2: MRT Stations

If you failed to get your SG tourist card online, you may still buy from 24-hour automated kiosks and SimplyGo ticket offices at MRT stations in Singapore.

*See the complete list of where to buy the SG Tourist Pass .

Singapore Tourist Pass frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. what’s the difference between a singapore tourist pass and an ez-link card.

The Singapore Tourist Pass still works like an EZ-Link Card where you can tap the card to pay for trains and buses in Singapore. The only difference is that the tourist pass has a fixed price and validity period for unlimited rides, while the EZ-Link Card is used to pay the exact fare. Once your tourist pass has expired, you can top-up money and use it as a normal EZ-Link Card.

2. How to reload my EZ-Link Card?

Given your unlimited tourist pass has expired and you’d like to use it as a regular EZ-Link Card, you can top up or put money into your card by going to the following top-up locations:

  • General Ticketing Machines at MRT Stations
  • SimplyGo Kiosks
  • SimplyGo Ticket Offices
  • ATM Machines (DBS/POSB, OCBC, AXS)

*See the complete list of EZ-Link top-up locations .

3. Can I buy a Singapore Tourist Pass at the airport?

Yes, you can buy your SG tourist pass at the airport. Just proceed to the Ticketing Service Centre of Changi Airport MRT Station Terminal 2 or at the 24-hour automated kiosks of Changi Airport MRT Station Terminals 2 and 3.

4. Can I use my tourist pass or EZ-Link Card to pay for other people?

No, you can’t share your tourist pass or EZ-Link Card with other people. One person should hold one card.

5. When will my tourist pass expire?

It expires after the validity period. Say, you bought the Singapore Tourist Pass Plus with a 3-day validity, your unlimited pass expires after the third day of use.

6. What happens after it expires?

After your unlimited pass expires, it reverts back to a regular EZ-Link Card, which you can top-up and pay for public transport, shopping, and more like a prepaid smartcard.

7. Is my Singapore Tourist Pass refundable?

Unfortunately, it is not refundable. But you can still refund the S$10 rental deposit within five days from the purchase date at any SimplyGo Ticket Office .

8. Can I keep my tourist pass as a souvenir?

Definitely! You may keep your tourist pass as a souvenir, but the S$10 rental deposit will be forfeited if you have that card type.

9. Can I still reuse my tourist card when I’m back in Singapore?

Yes, your expired tourist pass may be used as a regular EZ-Link Card which you can reload and reuse when you’re back in Singapore.


That’s pretty much everything you need to know about the Singapore Tourist Pass. Do let us know if you have more tips or recommendations.

singapore tourist pass harga

Singapore Tourist Pass (STP): Everything You Need to Know

If you intend to use a lot of public transportation while in Singapore, the Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) could save you a lot of money on your travel expenses.

The Singapore Tourist Pass entitles you to unlimited bus and MRT transportation throughout the city. Aside from that, it provides small discounts in certain stores. The pass can be used for one, two, or three days depending on the length of time it is valid. The validity period begins as soon as the card is activated and ends at 12:30 a.m. on the last day.

How to Get Singapore Tourist Pass (STP)

What exactly is the singapore tourist pass stp, what is the singapore tourist pass (stp) eligibility criteria, how to apply for and where to look for the singapore tourist pass (stp), where can i get a tourist pass where can i get a tourist pass, where can you put stp to use, 1. are there any package deals for families buying the singapore tourist pass, 2. are there any concessionary rates for children and senior citizens, 3. how much can i save by using the singapore tourist pass, 4. what are the differences between the singapore tourist pass and a normal ez-link card, 5. is there any value in the singapore tourist pass upon purchase, 8. my singapore tourist pass is still valid after i added money to the card’s ez-link purse. how can i make sure that money isn’t removed from my ez-link purse instead of my singapore tourist pass for my trip, 9. what happens when my singapore tourist pass expire, 10. what will happen when i tap an expired singapore tourist pass on the bus or train gantry reader, 11. where can i refund my rental deposit for the singapore tourist pass, 12. can i get a refund for the singapore tourist pass after 7 days, 13. how is the five-day window period for the refund of the rental deposit calculated, 14. can i keep the singapore tourist pass as a souvenir, 15. is there a number that i can call for enquiries or feedback relating to the singapore tourist pass, google map location.

The Singapore Tourist Pass entitles you to unlimited bus and MRT transportation throughout the city.

Singapore’s excellent public transportation, which is constantly being improved, makes it simple to get around the sweltering city-state. For those who need to travel further afield on a regular basis, taxis and rideshare services are available. Bicycles rented from major hotels are also an easy way to get around the city.

The Singapore tourist pass provides unlimited use of the city’s public transportation system, which includes buses, trains, and the MRT (the city’s subway system).

It’s easy to see all of Singapore’s attractions and sights with the city’s tourist pass. So you need not worry about running out of money. It is also wallet-friendly.

It’s as simple as buying a pass and deciding how many day passes you’ll need for each trip.

Singapore Tourist Passes (STPs) aren’t just for sightseeing; these cards give you unlimited access to Singapore’s public transportation system. STP cardholders can use their cards on all buses and trains, including NightRider, the city’s night bus service that runs on seven major routes until 9:30 p.m.

If they need to take an express bus, they can do so with a Night Owl or NightRider pass as well. Other benefits include discounted LRT and MRT fares; discounted rates for online bookings at major tour operators such as,, and other websites; discounted box office theatre tickets from major theatres; discounted rates for purchases at certain movie retailers.

EZ-Link Pte Ltd., Singapore’s largest CEPAS issuer, is the company behind the Pass Card. This card is valid for adults and children who are at least 0.9 meters tall. If you get a 2-Day or 3-Day Card, you must use it for two or three days in a row.

The Singapore Tourist Pass is available for purchase by both visitors and residents of the city-state.

TransitLink Ticket Offices and Tourist Pass kiosks at MRT stations sell the pass, which can be purchased for a one-time fee. On March 1, 2021, the sale of the pass has been made available again.

A 24-hour travel card costs SGD 10 (US$ 7.40); a 48-hour card costs SGD 16 (US$ 11.80); and a 72-hour card costs SGD 20 (US$ 14.70).

When you purchase the card, you will be required to pay a deposit of 10 Singapore dollars (US$7.40), which will be refunded to you once the card is returned within five days of purchase.

If you’re flying to Singapore, the Singapore Hotel Association (SHA) offices at the airport are the best place to get the card.

You can also purchase the card at various locations throughout Singapore, such as Transit Link offices and tourist information centers.

Online ticket purchases are also possible, but they will be more expensive. You will also be charged for delivery.

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  • Yogofi By Travelwifi ( 30% Off)

Frequently Asked Questions

No, there aren’t any family package deals available at the moment.

No, there is no concessionary pricing available for the Singapore Tourist Pass at this time.

Singapore’s public transit is affordable and easy to use. A one-way bus ride costs between $0.73 and $1.66, while a one-way MRT ride costs between $0.83 and $1.95 when using an EZ-link card. With the Singapore Tourist Pass, you can take in the sights and sounds of Singapore without having to worry about how much your transportation will cost you!

During the validity time of the Singapore Tourist Pass, travellers get unlimited access to MRT and LRT trains, as well as basic bus services in Singapore. A different type of payment system called the EZ-link, is utilized to pay for each and every journey performed on the public transportation system.

The Singapore Tourist Pass is available for purchase for S$10 for a one-day pass, S$16 for a two-day pass, and S$20 for a three-day pass in Singapore. In addition to a S$5 non-refundable card fee and a S$7 travel value, the EZ-link card has a total cost of S$12.

EZ-Link passes cannot be used on the MRT or buses, therefore this is not an option. The alternative is for you to visit any EZ-Link top-up point and add extra value to your card, which will allow you to use it at retail establishments in the future.

TransitLink has put in place a rigorous system to ensure that no money is deducted from your Singapore Tourist Pass as long as your pass is valid. If you think that funds have been withdrawn from your EZ-link purse, seek assistance from any TransitLink Ticket Office at specified MRT stations.

When your pass expires, it is converted into a regular adult EZ-Link card. You can top up the card on the MRT or at any of the EZ-Link merchant acceptance sites and use it for transportation and retail purchases. If not topped up, the card will expire after three years. However, you can keep it as a souvenir and use it as a regular EZ-Link card when you return to Singapore!

When you tap an expired pass on the card reader, it will beep and display “insufficient funds” with a flashing red light. If you’re on the bus, you can pay with cash. To top up your card at an MRT station, go to the TransitLink Ticket Office or the General Ticketing Machine.

Refunds can be obtained at any TransitLink ticket office. Please click here to find the location of all TransitLink ticket offices. Please keep in mind that refunds are not available at the Singapore Tourist Pass kiosk.

No, you will only be able to claim a refund of your rental deposit if you return it within five days of purchasing it.

Bring the card back within five days of purchase if you want your rental deposit refunded. That example, if you purchase a 3-Day Pass on a Monday, you must return your card for a refund by Saturday.

The $10 rental deposit will be forfeited if you choose to keep the pass after your stay in Singapore.

If you have any questions concerning EZ-Link, please call 6496 8300, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except on public holidays. Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected] with your questions or feedback.

READ NEXT: How to Rent a Car in Singapore


EZ Link PTE Ltd.

Address: 438 Alexandra Rd, Singapore 119958 Hotline: +65 6496 8300 Email: [email protected] Website: Operating Hours: 8am to 6pm daily (excluding public holidays)

Singapore Changi Airport

Singapore Changi Airport

Singapore Tourist Passes: Making the Most of Public Transportation

Zhuang Jia Wen

Updated on: August 10, 2023

singapore tourist pass harga

For visitors planning on using Singapore’s public transportation system extensively during their stay, a tourist pass can provide convenience and potential savings compared to purchasing individual tickets. Singapore offers tourist passes valid for 1, 2, 3, or more days that provide unlimited travel on key transit options.

The main type of tourist pass is the Singapore Tourist Pass. This provides unlimited rides on the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) metro system and public buses operated by SBS Transit and SMRT Buses for the duration of the pass. Passes for 1, 2, and 3 consecutive days are available.

The Singapore Tourist Pass can be purchased at transit stations, including Changi Airport MRT Station, and online via authorized resellers. Prices vary based on the number of days, but a 3-day pass costs around $20 SGD as of 2022. Multiple riders can be covered under one pass in some cases.

To maximize the value, visitors who plan on taking multiple trips using public transportation each day during their stay should consider a tourist pass. The unlimited MRT and bus access enables efficiently getting around Singapore without hassling with individual tickets. Other benefits like discounts at certain attractions may also be included.

However, those with more limited transportation needs may find paying per trip worthwhile instead. Transportation fares in Singapore using an EZ-Link contactless transit card are distance-based and relatively affordable. Visitors should assess their planned itineraries and habits.

By offering flexibility and potential savings on Singapore’s excellent public transit system, tourist passes are a transportation option for visitors to research and consider when planning their trip.

Table of Contents

What is the Singapore Tourist Pass?

The Singapore Tourist Pass provides unlimited travel on Singapore’s MRT trains and public buses for a fixed number of days. It offers a convenient way for visitors to get around Singapore without having to buy individual tickets.

How many days are the passes valid for?

Singapore Tourist Passes are available for 1, 2, or 3 consecutive day durations.

Where can I purchase the tourist pass?

You can purchase Singapore Tourist Passes at any TransitLink Ticket Office located in every MRT station. Passes can also be purchased online via authorized resellers.

How much does the Singapore Tourist Pass cost?

Pricing varies based on duration. As of 2022, a 1-day pass costs $10 SGD, a 2-day pass costs $16 SGD, and a 3-day pass costs $20 SGD.

What is included with the tourist pass?

The pass provides unlimited travel on MRT trains and all Singapore bus routes for the duration purchased. Some additional discounts at attractions may be included. Check terms when purchasing.

Are there any limitations or blackout dates?

No, the Singapore Tourist Pass has no blackout dates or restrictions. It can be used on any day within the validity period.

Can multiple people travel on the same pass?

For the 1-day pass, up to 4 people can travel together using the same pass as long as you enter and exit the stations together. The 2- and 3-day pass are valid for 1 person only.

What identification is required when using the pass?

You just need to show the pass itself when entering/exiting stations. No photo ID or other documentation is required.

Is there an option to load the pass onto an EZ-Link card instead of a paper ticket?

Unfortunately no, the tourist pass can only be issued as a standard paper ticket. You cannot load it onto an EZ-Link stored value public transportation card.

Can I get a refund if I don’t use up the full duration?

No, there is no refund or partial refund issued for any unused days on a Singapore Tourist Pass. Make sure to only purchase the duration you will fully use.

singapore tourist pass harga

Zhuang Jia Wen serves as the chief reviewer for, leveraging her passion for travel and aviation.

A native Singaporean, Zhuang draws upon her extensive experience exploring her home country to provide authoritative reviews and travel tips. She holds a bachelor’s degree in tourism management from the National University of Singapore.

Prior to becoming’s review expert, Zhuang worked for five years as a travel agent helping organize personalized itineraries. When not visiting Singapore’s latest attractions, she enjoys cuisine from across the Lion City’s dynamic culinary landscape.

Zhuang hopes her insider perspective helps travelers make the most of their visits to her country.

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The Singapore Tourist Pass

  • Type of Passes

Where To Buy

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  • Traveller’s Essential
  • STP Travel Brochure
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SG Tourist Pass

Singapore tourist pass.

  • Sponsorships

Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

Stp charm (sold out).

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Swing By Singapore

How to Buy Singapore Tourist Passes?

How to Buy Singapore Tourist Passes?

Welcome to the step-by-step guide on how to buy Singapore Tourist Passes.  If you are reading this article and then you are probably interested in figuring out whether or not it is worthwhile buying one of these passes for your visit to Singapore?  

In this article, we will outline the benefits and the potential drawbacks of buying a Singapore Tourist Pass, and how to buy an attraction pass to save money on transport and entrance fees. Then, we will focus on how you can specifically buy one if you think it will be a smart decision for you!

We will also make some suggestions on where to stay so that you can walk directly from your hotel to an MRT station in only 1-2 minutes.

Should you buy a Singapore Tourist Pass?

Using a Singapore Tourist Pass while you are in Singapore can be a great decision or a bad one depending on your own personal circumstances.  Some of the factors that you have to consider include things such as your travel budget, which hotel and area of the city you are staying at, and how much sightseeing you plan on doing while you are in Singapore. 

Let’s break some of these variables down so we can see whether or not a Singapore tourist pass will be suitable for your visit to the city or not.

Which type of visitors will benefit from buying a Singapore Tourist Pass?

Singapore Tourist Passes are ideal if you are a very busy tourist . In this case, by ‘busy’ we mean somebody who plans on seeing a lot of different sights in many different areas of the city. These passes are ideal for somebody that wants to use the MRT and buses a lot. This means you do not plan on using taxis and private vehicles to get to different areas throughout the city. 

It is completely possible to land at Changi Airport and then use only public transportation while you are in Singapore. This includes getting to and from the airport.  If this sounds like your personal preference then you want to read further and consider purchasing one of these passes to make your trip more efficient and affordable. 

And, let’s not forget about being more environmentally friendly as well!

Types of Singapore Tourist Passes

To understand the true benefits of using a Singapore Tourist Pass you first have to understand how they work and what kind of passes are available.

At the time of writing, there are four different types of tourist passes that are available to short-term visitors to Singapore.

  • Singapore Tourist Pass
  • SG Tourist Pass
  • Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

Ultimately, all four of these passes are similar in that you are allowed unlimited public transportation rides within a specific period of time.  For example, the Singapore Tourist Pass (option #1 above) allows cardholders the opportunity to enjoy unlimited rides on public transportation options such as the MRT, LRT and bus network. 

The basic Singapore Tourist Pass includes an upfront refundable deposit that you can get back when you are leaving Singapore. The other three options do not include a down payment. But they do have some slight variations in terms of offers to visitors. For instance, the Singapore Tourist Pass Plus (option #3 above) allows pass holders the opportunity to get bundle deals on major attractions in the city. 

The Benefits of Getting a Tourist Pass

There are some clear advantages of purchasing a Singapore tourist pass or one of its variations. As mentioned before these mainly benefitted tourists who are going to be using public transportation a lot while they are in the city.

Therefore, we recommend that you think about your itinerary and where you plan on staying while you are in Singapore.  Ideally, you should try to get a tourist pass right at Changi Airport when you land.  This will make sure that you start maximizing the use of the card once you land in Singapore.  Then over the next few days while you are in Singapore you have to use the card a lot to make it worthwhile from a financial perspective.

Saving Money with the Pass

Singapore’s public transportation networks are actually quite affordably priced. But, the cost can add up if you are going all over the place. For example, if you travel 5-6 times in a day then you will be close to exceeding the $10-dollar a day average price for the pass.  This means that if you plan on travelling like 10 different places per day you will be saving a considerable amount of money over a three-day period! 

Take a look at your own individual itinerary including trips to and from Changi Airport. If you find that you are going to be making over 5 trips per day on the MRT then you are probably better off getting a tourist pass. Then, if your itinerary expands or you want to go out for another meal, for instance, then you are not spending any additional money.

We highly recommend buying an Attraction Pass to go along with your Tourist Pass . When you buy multiple passes at the same time you can save up to 52% off entrance fees!! Since Singapore is known to be expensive, any money you can save is important, and that’s why over 200,000 of these passes have already been sold online!

Saving Time

The second clear benefit of getting a Singapore tourist pass is the fact that you will bypass ticketing lines at every station throughout your trip to the city.  Tourists who do not have a pass often have to purchase single journey tickets at ticketing machines in each MRT station.  During peak times you can expect a lot of different people lining up trying to get a ticket to go to their next destination.

If you have a Singapore tourist pass all you simply have to do is tap to enter and exit the MRT Network and buses throughout the city.  Not only does this save considerable time over the course of a three-day visit, but it also relieves unnecessary headaches as well.  Nobody wants to be worried about purchasing a ticket when you are right in the middle of checking out major attractions in Singapore.  You want to maximize your time and eliminate as much stress as possible. Fortunately, these passes can do exactly that if you buy one before you start sightseeing.

Saving the Environment and Avoiding Traffic

Another consideration that you have to make when you are visiting Singapore is whether or not you want to even get in the vehicle? Singapore is a large city and you do not want to be stuck in unnecessary traffic that you could have avoided by using public transportation such as the MRT.

Buying a Singapore Tourist Pass will enable you to bypass traffic while reducing your carbon footprint as well.  Obviously, continuously hiring private vehicles and taxis is not the best option especially if you are a solo traveller. Therefore, consider the environment and what implications your travel will have on it when you are in Singapore.

The Downside of Purchasing a Tourist Pass

Since this is an unbiased overview of Singapore tourist passes we will also discuss the potential downside of getting one of these.

The risk associated with getting a Singapore Tourist Pass is that you may feel obligated to travel more than you initially wanted to because you have purchased one of the cards. For example, if you usually walk or prefer a laid-back sightseeing style, then you may not want to travel five or six times using public transportation each day. 

If you get a Singapore tourist pass that is valid for 3 days you may want to relax for half that period of time.  In this case, you would be better off either getting single journey tickets or purchasing just a one-day pass. again, it really comes back to whether you have planned a specific itinerary that consists of a lot of different transport connections.

Although Singapore Tourist Passes are actually quite affordable some budget-conscious tourists may not want to spend $30 on a pass that they are not going to maximize!  Another potential downside risk of getting a pass is that they are valid on the day that you begin using the pass and not necessarily a 24-hour period. 

An example of this would be landing at Changi Airport at 6 pm. If you activate your Singapore tourist pass that evening that will count as the first complete day on your pass even though you may only use it 1-2 times before you sleep. 

How to Buy Singapore Tourist Passes?

Our Recommendation

Our recommendation is that you buy a Singapore Tourist Pass on your first intended full day of sightseeing .  This means waking up early, getting a pass and using it for the entire day. This will ensure that you get your money out of the card before the day is up.

How can you buy Singapore Tourist Passes?

Buying a Singapore tourist pass has a very straightforward process assuming that you know where you can get one!

You can buy a Singapore tourist pass at two main potential locations:

  • Selected TransitLink Ticketing Offices
  • Automated STP Kiosks

The best place to find a complete list of TransitLink ticketing offices that sell the passes is from the official website of the Singapore Tourist Pass . Simply click the ‘listing’ tab on the page to see the exact locations and opening hours of the ticketing offices.

If you are flying into Changi Airport then you will be delighted to hear that you can get Singapore Tourist Pass once you land.

There is a TransitLink office that is open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. in Terminal 2 of Changi Airport.  

Alternatively, you can get a Singapore tourist pass at automated STP kiosks in the airport that are open 24 hours a day. They are located in Terminal 2 and Terminal 3 of Changi Airport.

Buying Singapore SG Tourist Passes

If you are not planning on getting a normal Singapore Tourist Pass, but rather an SG Pass (option #2 from above) then you can purchase these at Cheers Outlets. You can refer to this webpage for information about Cheers outlets and when they are open to customers.

In case you are flying into Changi Airport, you can pick up these passes in Terminal 1 Terminal 2, Terminal 3 and Terminal 4 of the airport.

Buying Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

You can purchase one of these three-day cards from Changi Recommends counters that are available at the airport.  These counters are physically located in Terminal 1, Terminal 2, Terminal 3, and Terminal 4 of Changi International Airport.

How much do the passes cost?

The amount of money that you spend on your pass for Singapore really depends on what type of card you plan on using, how long you want to use it for.  For example, if you want to use just the basic Singapore Tourist Pass, the cost for one day is $10 Singaporean dollars. However, this will require an additional $10 refundable rental deposit. You can get this $10 back when you return the car at a later point in time.

These basic cards cost $16 for two days and then $20 for 3 days.  

SG Tourist passes cost $25 Singaporean dollars and they allow you three days of unlimited rides on public transportation. These cards do not require a rental deposit, and therefore, you can keep the card as a souvenir on your departure from the city.

The Singapore tourist Pass Plus cards are also valid for 3 days in Singapore and provide unlimited trips on public transportation such as the LRT, MRT and bus system. They cost $38 Singaporean dollars.

The STP Charm was actually sold out at the time of writing this article, but the listed price is $36.60. It provides holders with unlimited transport for 1 day, but you get to keep it as a souvenir!

***Please keep in mind that these prices are quoted at the time of writing and therefore subject to change over time with inflation and other variables affecting prices.

Important Reminders about the Passes

Although there has been a lot of detail provided in this article we want to spend a few minutes summarizing the information above.  The first big idea is that if you are a busy traveller and spending only one to three days in Singapore then these passes are the best option for you in terms of saving time and money.

You can select between the type of tasks that you want to use which makes them quite convenient. Regardless, you really have to think about your planned itinerary and how close you are staying to an MRT Station. Singapore has tons of hotels that are within direct walking distance of stations . We strongly recommend staying as close as possible to a station if you are going to get a Singapore Tourist Pass.  This will help you to eliminate the need for getting taxis to and from the closest station every time you want to go somewhere.

Some of the most popular hotels for walking directly to MRT stations include:

Marina Bay Sands – Bayfront Station

The Fullerton Hotel – Raffles Place Station

These passes may not be ideal for you if you do not want to be obligated to travel a lot while you’re in the city. If you want to chill out for a day or two this is not the best option. 

Getting One at Changi

Remember you can purchase these tickets right at Changi Airport. However, always keep in mind the time in which you activate the card. So if you are arriving late at night you probably just want to get a single journey ticket from the airport to your hotel. Then, purchase a pass the next morning when you plan on doing the bulk of your sightseeing.

We really do hope that we have provided you with enough information on how to buy Singapore Tourist Passes. However, there is a possibility that you may want more information. In that case, please feel free to send us an email and we would be more than happy to provide you with additional information!

And remember, enjoy your time in Singapore and see what this beautiful city has to offer!

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Singapore Tourist Pass or EZ Link: Which is Better in 2024?

By Author Delilah

Posted on Last updated: January 11, 2024

Singapore Tourist Pass or EZ Link: Which is Better in 2024?

Singapore has one of the best public transport systems in the world.  The entire city was designed with this system in mind, so getting around is fast and easy.

Paying by cash is an option, but it’s quite a lot of hassle and costs significantly more.  So in order to use public transport in Singapore, you really need either a Singapore Tourist Pass or an EZ Link card .

We will tell you exactly where you can buy a Singapore Tourist Pass, what it will cost you and whether it’s worth it over the EZ Link Card.

What is the Singapore Tourist Pass?

A Singapore Tourist Pass is a card designed to allow tourists to easily use Singapore’s efficient public transport system.  The cards come in one, two or three-day versions, which give you unlimited use of the standard buses, MRT Trains and LRT Trains in Singapore for the number of days specified.  

This card is very quick and easy, allowing you to not have to worry about topping up or having insufficient funds.  Once you have bought it, you are good to go and explore all the best things to do in Singapore .

Just remember, as soon as you step on a bus or enter an MRT platform, tap the card on the panel.  Then, as you get off the bus or depart from an MRT platform, tap another panel to leave.

Singapore Tourist Pass Price

The Singapore Tourist Pass price is S$12 for one day, S$19 for two days and S$24 for three days. 

You will be required to pay a deposit of S$10 (in addition to the prices above) when you purchase the Singapore Tourist Pass.  This deposit will be refunded to you in full, as long as you return the card within five days of purchasing it.

If you choose to keep the card, you will not be refunded the S$10.  The card will transition to a standard EZ Link card.

Clarke Quay in Singapore.

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Where to Buy Singapore Tourist Pass

For most people, the easiest place to purchase and return the Singapore Tourist Pass is Changi International Airport.

You can do this at the TransitLink Ticket Office in Terminal two between the hours of 8am and 9pm.  Alternatively, there will be automated kiosks available 24/7 in both Terminal two and three.

If you have already left the airport, you can buy the Singapore Tourist Pass at a TransitLink Ticketing Office located at one of the below MRT Stations.

If you’re staying centrally at one of our favourite hotels, Marina Bay Sands Hotel , Yotel or Hipstercity Hostel , then you’ll probably want to visit the Orchard, Raffles or Bayfront MRT stations.

Singapore Tourist Pass vs EZ Link

If you are visiting Singapore for less than three days and intend to use public transport as your main method of transportation (which is very likely), then the Singapore Tourist Pass is the best option for you.

For trips under three days, this is the most cost-effective and easiest way to use Singapore’s public transport system.

If you plan to visit Singapore for longer than three days and intend to use public transport to get around, then you should choose the EZ Link card.  It is also very cheap, plus you do not need to worry about returning the card before leaving.

If you only plan to use public transport only a few times during your stay, then don’t purchase either the Singapore Tourist Pass or the EZ Link card.  It will be cheaper to just pay by cash.

Canal boats in Singapore.

Singapore Tourist Pass Refund

You will be eligible for a refund of your S$10 rental deposit when you return the Singapore Tourist Pass to a TransitLink Ticket Office or SMRT Passenger Service Centre within five days of purchase.

Note, the value of the Singapore Tourist Pass is non-refundable.  If you do not use it, or you are unhappy with it for any reason, you will not be able to receive a refund beyond the S$10 rental deposit.

You also must ensure you return the card within five days of purchase or you will not receive your S$10 refund.

Other Conditions of the Singapore Tourist Pass

One day usage of the Singapore Tourist Pass covers a 24 hour period from midnight on the day of use until 11.59pm the same day.  

This means if you arrive and use your card at 10 pm, you will only get a couple of hours usage until the day ticks over.  Try to start its use in the morning for maximum value.

The second and third day must be consecutive.  Even if you do not use your card on the second or third day, it still counts as a day.

Some transport services are excluded: Night Rider, Sentosa Express, RWS8, Fast Forward and Nite Owl Buses.

Gardens by the Bay and the Singapore Flyer.

Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

The Singapore Tourist Pass Plus is an extended version of the standard Singapore Tourist Pass sold exclusively by Changi Recommends.  It offers some additional perks for tourists, beyond unlimited use of MRT and bus service.

Currently, the Singapore tourist Pass Plus costs $38 for a three-day pass.  We feel that for the majority of people this pass won’t offer any benefit above what you already get from the cheaper, standard Singapore Tourist Pass.

What you do get is a complimentary Xplore half-day tour and a complimentary $10 Hooters Dining Voucher.  In addition to this, you will receive 5% off merchandise at Resort World Sentosa.

We would recommend that you stick to the standard Singapore Tourist Pass unless you have intentions of using the Xplore half-day tour and dining at Hooters.

For us, the perks really aren’t relevant, and as a result, we’ve never chosen to purchase this card.  If you’re unsure, it’s safe for you to save your cash and skip the Singapore Tourist Pass Plus.

Where to Stay in Singapore With an STP

For most tourists, we’d recommend staying as close to the city center as possible as it makes getting to all the major attractions as easy as possible. You’ll have plenty of spots to pick up an STP as well as a bunch of stations to choose from when catching the MRT.

We’d recommend staying anywhere between Marina Bay, Chinatown, Clarke Quay and Orchard. These suburbs are all next to eachother in central Singapore making access to anywhere on the island easy.

singapore tourist pass harga

To experience Singapore a bit more like a local would, we’d recommend also checking out suburbs like Toa Payoh, Ang Mo Kio or Bishan, however, accommodation here would be scarce. We stayed with family in these suburbs and it was awesome. All of these suburbs have bus stops and MRT stations so even if you’re not in the city center you can still get around. Google Maps is reliable all around the country, just make sure you’ve picked up a Singapore tourist sim card first so you don’t get lost!

Hotel Recommendations:

Marina Bay: Marina Bay Sands Hotel (the best of the best)

Orchard: Yotel (modern and affordable by Singapore standards)

Clarke Quay: Hipstercity Hostel (best hostel in Singapore, centrally located but still not cheap)

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' src=

Very helpful. Thanks.

' src=

Don’t buy a ‘Plus’ card – absolutely no benefit. We just arrived at Singapore yesterday and went to a ‘Changi Recommends’ counter at the airport. The attendant told us we should buy a STPP card because of how good it was. We did so paying SG$38 ea and discovered we would have been far better off getting an EZ-Link card due to how cheap most trips cost using public transport.

However, the really annoying thing we’ve discovered is there’s absolutely *no* additional benefit of getting a STPP card over the STP one. The STP is $20 with $10 deposit on the card. The STPP is $38 outright. There are no discounts specifically for STPP. Not the most costly of scams but a scam none the less.

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100% agree! Since writing this article I’m not sure what the latest ‘perks’ of the STPP are, but it’s never really been worth the extra cost. The normal STP is good value, but an EZ-Link card is useful for longer trips or if you plan to return to Singapore. This is what we use.

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Do we’ve to buy one STP per person??

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Pemandangan Orchard Road dari atas.

Berkeliling Singapura

Sistem transportasi publik Singapura sangatlah cepat dan efisien, dan dengan sekejap akan membawa Anda ke berbagai tempat menarik yang tak terlupakan tanpa repot.

Dengan kereta

Kereta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) pada jalur kereta

Apabila Anda memerlukan bantuan atau memiliki pertanyaan apa pun, kunjungilah salah satu dari tujuh Pusat Pengunjung Singapura.

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Mengenal Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) dan Cara Penggunaannya

singapore tourist pass harga

Ingin liburan ke Singapura dengan mudah dan murah? Gampang, kamu bisa bepergian dan berkeliling Singapura dengan menggunakan transportasi umum, seperti MRT, LRT dan bus. Dan untuk bisa mendapatkan harga terbaik, kamu bisa menggunakan kartu sakti bernama Singapore Tourist Pass (STP).

Kartu ini adalah kartu pass tanpa batas yang dikhususkan untuk wisatawan dari luar Singapura. Dengan STP, pemerintah Singapura berharap wisatawan asing dapat menggunakan transportasi umum lokal sepuasnya dengan berpindah dari satu destinasi ke destinasi lainnya dengan harga yang sangat bersahabat.

Catatan: STP tidak berlaku untuk Fast Forward, NightRider, Night Owl, Express Services, Chinatown Direct, bus premium, dan lainnya.

Harga dan jangka waktu

singapore tourist pass harga

Keunggulan dari STP ini adalah cukup bayar satu kali di awal, maka wisatawan dapat menggunakan transportasi umum secara berkali-kali atau tanpa batas. Kartu ini juga menggunakan sistem deposit atau uang jaminan yang dapat dikembalikan di akhir perjalanan dengan menukarkan kartu kepada petugas. Tak perlu ragu karena mahal, biaya deposit STP ini hanya $10 yang tentu saja ramah di kantong.

Sedangkan untuk jangka waktu, STP ini hanya bisa digunakan dalam waktu singkat selama satu hingga tiga hari saja. Hal ini tentu saja akan menarik bagi wisatawan asing yang akan berlibur di Singapura dalam waktu yang singkat, namun dapat menjelajahi keindahan Singapura secara keseluruhan dengan transportasi umumnya.

Berikut harga dan jangka waktu STP.

Perlu diketahui jangka waktu STP dihitung mulai saat hari pembelian. Misalnya, kamu membeli STP dengan jangka waktu 3 hari di stasiun tertentu pada hari Jumat siang pukul 14.00, berarti STP milikmu hanya bisa digunakan sampai hari Minggu. Nah selama 3 hari di Singapura, dari Jumat hingga Minggu kamu dapat bebas menggunakan transportasi umum di Singapura berkali-kali tanpa perlu membayarnya lagi atau mengisi ulang.

Tempat penjualan

Walaupun stasiun MRT di Singapura sangat banyak, tapi untuk membeli STP hanya dapat dilakukan di stasiun MRT tertentu saja. Berikut 16 stasiun MRT yang dapat kamu kunjungi.

Sumber: The Singapore Tourist Pass

Panduan penukaran

singapore tourist pass harga

Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di awal bahwa STP ini mengenakan biaya deposit atau uang jaminan sebesar $10 yang akan dikembalikan sepenuhnya jika para wisatawan telah menyelasaikan perjalanan dan menukarnya kembali.

Untuk penukaran, kamu dapat mengunjungi 16 stasiun MRT pilihan yang sudah tertera di atas. Namun perlu diketahui bahwa tempat pembelian dan penukaran STP itu tidak mewajibkan dilakukan di satu stasiun yang sama. Misalnya, kamu membeli STP di Bugis Station, maka kamu bisa menukarnya di Orchard Station, Changi Airpot, dan stasiun MRT pilihan lainnya selagi counter masih buka.

Pastikan kamu untuk menukarnya sesuai jangka waktu ya. Jika terlewat satu hari saja, maka deposit sebesar $10 akan otomatis hangus dan tidak bisa kamu ambil dengan alasan apapun.

Cara penggunaan

singapore tourist pass harga

Menggunakan STP sangatlah mudah. Kamu hanya diharuskan untuk men- tap  atau menempelkan kartu ke mesin saat masuk dan keluar stasiun MRT. Bagi pengguna bus, kamu cukup men- tap kartu di mesin yang tersedia di dekat pintu dan supir bus. Saat sesampainya di halte tujuan, kamu juga diwajibkan untuk men- tap  kartu lagi pada mesin yang tersedia di bus.

Pastikan untuk men- tap -nya sekali saja ya agar tidak terjadi eror. Namun apabil kartumu mengalami eror, jangan panik karena para petugas setempat akan membantumu hingga kamu dapat menggunakannya kembali.

Baca juga: Panduan, Tips Dan Cara Naik Bus Di Singapura

Sudah paham kan mengenai Singapore Tourist Pass? Nah, kalau sudah, ayo segera rencanakan liburan ke Singapura!

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transport tips

How to pay for MRT & bus in Singapore (6 methods compared)

Public transport in Singapore is convenient. Trains (known locally as MRT) and buses cover nearly all of the island - including popular tourist destinations such as Sentosa, Mandai wildlife parks, and Changi Airport.

Credit cards and debit cards - using the Visa or Mastercard networks - are the most popular way to pay for public transport in Singapore. The prepaid SimplyGo EZ Link card is also available to use however it has a non-refundable S$5 card fee upon purchase of a new one.

Photo of SimplyGo card stacked on a Visa credit card

Public transport fares typically cost between S$1.09 to S$2.37 per journey based on the distance travelled. A journey includes interchanging between buses and/or trains.

A 60 cent fee is added when using a non-Singaporean credit or debit card . This fee is charged per day the card is used on the network regardless of how many journeys were taken in that day.

This guide is part of my series on public transport for visitors in Singapore. In this guide I’ve included:

  • Credit cards (Visa and Mastercard)
  • Debit cards (Visa and Mastercard)
  • Prepaid SimplyGo EZ Link cards (can be purchased at airport)
  • Cash (accepted on buses only)
  • Payment apps (only Apple Pay and Google Pay, QR codes not accepted)
  • Singapore Tourist Pass

This guide focuses on trains and buses. For taxi payment methods, refer to my guide here .

1. Credit Card

Credit cards are the easiest way for visitors to Singapore to pay for bus or MRT journeys. As long as the card is a Visa or Mastercard, and the issuing bank has allowed overseas transactions (most do allow), then your card will work as a ticket on Singapore’s public transport network.

Fares paid by credit card are the same as the SimplyGo card. Each journey typically costs between S$1.09 and S$2.37.

However, a 60 cent fee is added per day when using a non-Singaporean credit card to pay for transport. This fee covers the costs of currency conversion for the public transport fare company in Singapore. It doesn’t matter if you take 1 journey or 7 journeys, the foreign credit card fee is the same 60 cents.

The card issuing bank will also likely charge a currency conversion fee, or use a less-favourable rate to cover the costs of currency conversion. I like to use cards that rebate this fee as frequent flyer miles (look out for cards that give a bonus for overseas transactions).

To use a credit card to pay for Singapore public transport:

  • Touch the card to the reader at the fare gate or as you board the bus (ensure there are not multiple Visa/Mastercard cards stacked together)
  • Ride the bus/train to your destination
  • Tap the same card as you leave the MRT station or step off the bus

Do not mix physical card and Apple/Google Pay when tapping in and out on a bus or train . You will be charged twice the maximum fare, even if it is the same card listed on the app. This is due to the way Apple and Google sit as middle-men in the transaction processing chain.

2. Debit Card

Debit cards issued on the Visa or Mastercard networks will work as a ticket for Singapore bus or MRT journeys. They work same as credit cards from a public transport perspective.

This means that for debit cards:

  • Typical costs for a journey is between S$1.09 and S$2.37
  • An additional 60 cent charge per day is applied
  • Card issuing bank may charge additional foreign currency conversion fees

I do not like using debit cards when I travel to another country as it exposes my savings to fraudulent transactions. However debit cards can be useful in Singapore for helping those without a credit card (e.g. under 18’s) pay for public transport.

3. Prepaid SimplyGo EZ Link card

The prepaid public transport card in Singapore is called SimplyGo EZ Link, however many Singaporeans will refer to it by its original name of EZ Link (pronounced the American way of eee-zee link).

The prepaid card is available to be purchased at the following locations:

  • Changi Airport - at the MRT stations or Changi Recommends booths
  • Any MRT station across the city
  • Convenience stores and some other limited shops (typically those little SIM card shops)

Purchasing an EZ Link card costs S$10 and comes with S$5 of credit, this means there’s a non-refundable S$5 charged for the card itself. Convenience and other retail shops are allowed to charge more for the card that still only comes with S$5 of credit.

Fares on the prepaid card are the same as when paying by credit or debit card. That is, between S$1.09 and S$2.37.

Topping up the EZ Link card can be done with:

  • Cash at MRT stations
  • Credit card at MRT stations or by using the EZ Link app

Photo of ticket top up machine

Top ups are not usually available at convenience stores (it’s confusing, so as a visitor the easiest way is to not rely on them).

There is a subtle difference between an EZ Link card and a SimplyGo EZ Link card , the latter will not tell you your balance on the reader. Most tourists I talk to will not notice this difference.

Cash is only available as a payment method on Singapore buses. Cash fares cannot be used for MRT rides in Singapore.

Cash fares are more expensive than card payment fares. They start at S$1.90 and can go up to S$3.00 depending on distance travelled.

Exact change should be given to the bus driver. This means you should know your destination before you get on the bus so you can prepare the correct change.

Given all the above, I do not recommend paying by cash for buses in Singapore. Try to pay by credit card or debit card instead if you don’t have an EZ Link card; even with the foreign currency fees it will be cheaper than cash.

5. Payment apps

Google Pay and Apple Pay can be used to pay for MRT and bus rides in Singapore. As long as the payment method is configured to use a credit or debit card, it can be used as a ticket for Singapore buses and MRT.

Youtrip, Revolut, and similar apps can be used for public transport payments. Using a payment card on the Visa or Mastercard network, even if it’s not a physical card, will work on Singapore’s public transport network.

The fare structure is the same as credit or debit cards. A minimum charge of S$1.09 will apply with the maximum fare chargeable being S$2.37. The foreign card fee of 60 cents per day is also added.

QR code payments are not supported by Singapore buses or at MRT stations. This means that AliPay and WeChat pay will not work for bus or train rides in Singapore.

6. Singapore Tourist Pass

The Singapore Tourist Pass is a special type of EZ Link card that allows one, two, or three days of unlimited public transport journeys depending on how many days you pay for.

There are four different types of Singapore Tourist Pass:

The Total Cost assumes you refund the pass at an MRT station once the pass has expired. The SG Tourist Pass does not require a refundable deposit (that’s why it’s slightly more expensive).

I do not recommend using the Singapore Tourist Pass . It mas small savings compared to a credit or debit card, and relies on you getting the deposit refund. If you do need the small saving though, it might be worth it.

Example itinerary showing savings:

Further Reading

For more in my series of guides on getting around Singapore, check out the following:

  • How to use buses in Singapore:
  • How to use trains (MRT) in Singapore:
  • How to use taxis in Singapore:

I used the following references in putting this guide together:

  • Land Transport Authority fare table listing all fares by distance can be found here (PDF)
  • Guide from the Land Transport Authority on how to use contactless cards in Singapore here (PDF)
  • Find out more about EZ Link cards here

Photo of me

Chris is an avid traveller and has been visiting Singapore frequently since 2001.

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Singapore, Malaysia & ASEAN Railway Travel Blog • RailTravel Station features pictures and information of railways and other means of travel with a special focus on Singapore, Malaysia and ASEAN.

singapore tourist pass harga

Singapore Tourist Pass • Unlimited MRT, LRT & Bus Rides in Singapore

Singapore tourist pass: unlimited public transport rides in singapore.

The Singapore Tourist Pass is an EZ-Link card offering unlimited travel on Singapore’s basic bus services, MRT, and LRT trains. Singapore Tourist Passes are sold in 1-day, 2-day, and 3-day denominations. Anyone can purchase the Singapore Tourist Pass, tourists and locals alike.

Singapore Tourist Pass Prices

The Singapore Tourist Pass comes in 3 denominations – 1-Day Pass, 2-Day Pass, or 3-Day Pass.

Each Singapore Tourist Pass is subjected to a S$10 refundable rental deposit . This will be refunded if you return the Singapore Tourist Pass card within 5 days after the day of purchase.

The duration and validity of the Singapore Tourist Pass is based on the operating hours of the basic public transport system. A day’s duration and validity of the Singapore Tourist Pass begins from the calendar day of your first usage of the pass to the end of public transport service for that day.

Usage of 2-day or 3-day Singapore Tourist Passes must be on consecutive days .

Where To Buy Singapore Tourist Pass

singapore tourist pass harga

The Singapore Tourist Pass can be purchased at selected TransitLink Ticket Offices only. These are usually locations frequented by tourists.

singapore tourist pass harga

The 24-hour Singapore Tourist Pass Kiosks at Terminal 2 and Terminal 3 of Changi Airport MRT Station are currently not in operation till further notice.

TransitLink Ticket Offices Selling Singapore Tourist Pass & Operating Hours

singapore tourist pass harga

I purchased my Singapore Tourist Pass from Orchard MRT Station. The Singapore Tourist Pass came with a guide book on suggested itineraries around Singapore, and information and deals around Singapore. Unfortunately, most deals expired a year ago thanks to COVID-19, and the guide book is outdated now.

singapore tourist pass harga

All I really needed was just the unlimited rides on basic buses and MRT though.

How To Use Singapore Tourist Pass

singapore tourist pass harga

The Singapore Tourist Pass activates on first tap on basic bus services, MRT, or LRT, and the countdown for the validity of the pass starts then. This also means that you can purchase the Singapore Tourist Pass in advance (up to 1 year), and tap in on a later date to start the validity then. Just remember to note the refundable rental deposit limit of 5 days from the date of purchase.

( No prizes for guessing why I purchased the Singapore Tourist Pass. )

Just keep tapping as you wish on basic bus services, MRT, and LRT as you wish throughout the validity of your purchased pass.

Here are some illustrations on how this 5 day refund window works:

  • 1 January: Purchase Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 1 January: Start using 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 3 January: Last day of 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass usage
  • 3 January: Return Singapore Tourist Pass to TransitLink Ticket Office

S$10 Refund OK ✅

  • 2 January: Start using 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 4 January: Last day of 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass usage
  • 6 January: Return Singapore Tourist Pass to TransitLink Ticket Office
  • 5 January: Start using 1-day Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 5 January: Last day of 1-day Singapore Tourist Pass usage
  • 1 January: Start using 1-day Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 1 January: Last day of 1-day Singapore Tourist Pass usage
  • 2 January: Depart from Singapore and keep Singapore Tourist Pass as souvenir

S$10 Refund Not Possible ❌

  • 5 January: Start using 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 7 January: Last day of 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass usage
  • 8 January: Singapore Tourist Pass becomes an Adult EZ-Link Card
  • 1 June: Start using 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 3 June: Last day of 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass usage
  • 4 June: Singapore Tourist Pass becomes an Adult EZ-Link Card
  • 1 January 2021: Purchase Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 1 January 2022: Start using 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass
  • 3 January 2022: Last day of 3-day Singapore Tourist Pass usage
  • 4 January 2022: Singapore Tourist Pass becomes an Adult EZ-Link Card
  • 2 January 2022: Singapore Tourist Pass becomes invalid
  • 2 January 2022: Singapore Tourist Pass becomes an Adult EZ-Link Card

Singapore Tourist Pass and S$10 Refund Not Possible ❌

Do note that the Singapore Tourist Pass uses a calendar day till the end of service, and NOT a 24-hour timeframe.

The Singapore Tourist Pass does not include travel on Sentosa Express, RWS8, Night Owl, NightRider, Chinatown Direct, express buses, or any other premium and niche bus services.

Where To Refund Singapore Tourist Pass

singapore tourist pass harga

The Singapore Tourist Pass can be refunded ANY TransitLink Ticket Offices within 5 days from the date of purchase. Click here to find the full list of TransitLink Ticket Offices. The Singapore Tourist Pass cannot be refunded at the Singapore Tourist Pass Kiosk.

If you do not refund your Singapore Tourist Pass within 5 days from the date of purchase (eg. forgot to return the Singapore Tourist Pass before leaving Singapore, or wanting to keep the Singapore Tourist Pass as a souvenir), the Singapore Tourist Pass card will become a normal Adult EZ-Link card. The S$10 rental deposit will also be forfeited.

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This Country Has The Most Powerful Passport In The World

S ome passports are more powerful than others. While many countries tie for the highest rankings compiled by the  Henley Passport Index , one comes out on top: Singapore. It had previously shared the No. 1 spot with five other countries: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain.

What exactly does it mean to have a powerful passport? Per Henley & Partners, the Passport Index is a compilation of data from 199 countries and 227 destinations, with scores determined by where passport holders can go without a visa. The top possible score is 227, and Singapore has a 195. For context, the United States has a score of 188 and currently holds eighth place by itself. However, given the amount of ties among the countries, it is actually No. 28 on the list. It's also  easier than ever to get a passport in the U.S .

The country with the lowest score is Afghanistan, at No. 107 on the list, with only 28 countries passport holders can visit without visas. Christian H. Kaelin, chairman of Henley & Partners, told Business Traveler  that visa-free travel had expanded a lot since 2006, but the contrast between the lowest and highest-ranking countries is staggering — with a difference of 166 visa-free destinations.

Read more: Unsettling Reasons You May Want To Avoid Taking A Cruise

Singapore's Status As The Most Powerful Passport

This isn't the first time Singapore topped the most powerful passport list. In 2017, it hit the top and became a record breaker for the continent. Philippe May, Managing Director of Arton Capital's Singapore office, told Yahoo , "For the first time ever an Asian country has the most powerful passport in the world. It is a testament of Singapore's inclusive diplomatic relations and effective foreign policy." At that time, Singapore only had a score of 159.

Since earning that historical place on the passport list, Singapore has regularly fought Japan to maintain its spot at the top. The two have traded places a few times in the past, with Japan now sitting in one of the No. 2 spots. When Singapore overtook Japan again for No. 1 in 2023, Urban Tech Fellow at Cornell Tech Greg Lindsay told Al Jazeera that the former's visa-free growth was significant compared to the U.S.

"Of the 34 countries ranked between 1 and 10, the U.S. boasts the smallest increase in the Henley Passport Index scores between 2013 and 2023, with additional access to only 12 countries," Lindsay shared with the outlet. "Singapore, by contrast, has seen an increase of 25 additional countries during the same period, propelling it upward by five places to the number 1 rank." That's why knowing visa status is important, whether traveling by air or  even if you're vacationing by cruise .

What Is Passport Privilege?

If you live in a country that ranks high on the passport power list, you probably have passport privilege. That's because your passport, so long as it is updated and valid , gives you access to many countries without having to apply for (sometimes lengthy) visas ahead of time. You have the privilege to simply arrive with your passport, get your stamp, and move along.

It's also worth noting that a country's ranking on the passport list is intrinsically tied to its economy and wealth in the world. TikToker gha.ibr spoke directly to this sometimes overlooked aspect in June 2023 after overhearing a conversation between a Turkish (ranked 50th at the time) citizen and an American (ranked 8th at the time). "The Turkish guy is complaining about how he keeps getting denied a visa to visit Europe and how difficult it is for him to travel — and without missing a beat, the American guy says, 'Well, why don't you just buy a beach house here in Montenegro. Maybe that will help your process.'" Being able to move freely with less time in immigration or preparation is a privilege not to be taken lightly by travelers of the world.

Ready to discover more hidden gems and expert travel tips? Subscribe to our free newsletter for access to the world's best-kept travel secrets.

Read the original article on Islands .

Woman holding passport

Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS

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Pengalaman yang menunggumu.

— What You Can Expect — Explore Singapore with ease with this tourist pass! Get a Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS and ride the subway and bus as much as you want. Use Singapore's efficient bus, MRT, and LRT train services for three days in a row to visit its many restaurants, shops, and exciting attractions. Travel almost anywhere in Singapore by taking advantage of the island's massive train system and public bus network. Don’t miss out on this deal and book with Traveloka now!

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  1. Singapore Tourist Pass

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  2. Mengenal Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) dan Cara Penggunaannya

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  3. Home page

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  4. Home page

    singapore tourist pass harga

  5. [Singapore Vacation] How to get a Singapore Tourist Pass card?

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  6. Jual Tiket Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS 3 Hari UNLIMITED TRAVEL

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  1. Singapore Tourist Pass 2023

  2. #1daypass: Singapore tourist pass with unlimited travel

  3. How Cheap Are Electronics In Singapore

  4. Tips! Jalan-jalan Murah Keluar Negeri

  5. Singapore Tourist Pass



  1. Type of Passes

    3-DAY PASS: $34. Inclusive of $10. Refundable Rental Deposit. The Singapore Tourist Pass is a special EZ-Link card that offers tourist unlimited travel* on. Singapore's basic bus services, MRT and LRT trains for the duration that it is valid. You can now take in the sights and sounds of Singapore in the comfort of the island's extensive ...

  2. Singapore Tourist Pass (STP): Jenis, Harga Terbaru Di 2024

    1-DAY PASS: $10. 2-DAY PASS: $16. 3-DAY PASS: $20. Singapore Tourist Pass adalah versi standar dari kartu ini. Dengan harga yang bervariasi tergantung durasi penggunaan (1, 2, atau 3 hari), STP menawarkan akses tak terbatas ke layanan bus dasar, MRT, dan LRT di Singapura.

  3. 2024 Singapore Tourist Pass Guide: Price, Where to Buy & FAQs

    Here are the different card types to choose from: 1. Singapore Tourist Pass. Price: S$22 (1-day pass) S$29 (2-day pass) S$34 (3-day pass) Validity: 1-3 days. Unlimited rides on public transport.

  4. Singapore Tourist Pass

    Berapa harga kartu Singapore Tourist Pass? Kartu Singapore Tourist Pass hadir dalam 3 pilihan - Pass 1 Hari, 2 Hari dan 3 Hari. Jenis Kartu Harga Kartu Uang jaminan yang dapat kembali; Pass 1 Hari: $10: $10 * Pass 2 Hari: $16: $10 * Pass 3 Hari: $20: $10 *

  5. Where to buy

    At wallet-friendly prices, Singapore Tourist Pass is also packed with plenty of Perks and Discounts around Singapore for you to recharge on your adventure. 24hrs Automated Kiosks. SimplyGo Ticket Office. Ang Mo Kio MRT Station Ticketing Service Centre. Daily: 8am - 9pm. View train system map. Bayfront MRT Station Ticket Office. Daily: 8am - 8pm.

  6. Beranda

    Harga Singapore Tourist Pass sangat terjangkau dan anda tidak khawatir akan biaya transport yang harus dikeluarkan lagi Anda hanya perlu membeli Singapore Tourist Pass, memilih jumlah hari yang diperlukan, menggunakannya pada bus dan kereta tanpa batas jumlah pemakaian, dan mengembalikan kartu sebelum meninggalkan Singapura! ...

  7. Singapore Tourist Pass (STP): Everything You Need to Know

    The Singapore Tourist Pass is available for purchase for S$10 for a one-day pass, S$16 for a two-day pass, and S$20 for a three-day pass in Singapore. In addition to a S$5 non-refundable card fee and a S$7 travel value, the EZ-link card has a total cost of S$12. 5.

  8. Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS

    Dengan Singapore Tourist Pass Plus, kamu dapat menikmati perjalanan tanpa batas di jaringan transportasi umum Singapura. Pass ini memungkinkan kamu untuk naik bus, kereta MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), dan kereta LRT (Light Rail Transit) tanpa khawatir tentang biaya tiket individu atau membeli tiket berkali-kali.

  9. Singapore Tourist Passes: Making the Most of Public Transportation

    Passes for 1, 2, and 3 consecutive days are available. The Singapore Tourist Pass can be purchased at transit stations, including Changi Airport MRT Station, and online via authorized resellers. Prices vary based on the number of days, but a 3-day pass costs around $20 SGD as of 2022. Multiple riders can be covered under one pass in some cases.

  10. Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS Tickets

    The Singapore Tourist Pass Plus is a convenient and cost-effective card for tourists visiting Singapore. It is an ideal option for exploring the city in a convenient and budget-friendly way. With the Singapore Tourist Pass Plus, you can enjoy unlimited travel on Singapore's public transportation network. This pass allows you to ride buses, MRT ...

  11. Where To Buy

    At wallet-friendly prices, Singapore Tourist Pass is also packed with plenty of Perks and Discounts around Singapore for you to recharge on your adventure. — Click on either Map or Listing tabs below to view the locations and operational hours. map listing SG Tourist Pass. In view of Covid-19 and post ...

  12. How to Buy Singapore Tourist Passes?

    These basic cards cost $16 for two days and then $20 for 3 days. SG Tourist passes cost $25 Singaporean dollars and they allow you three days of unlimited rides on public transportation. These cards do not require a rental deposit, and therefore, you can keep the card as a souvenir on your departure from the city.

  13. Singapore Tourist Pass or EZ Link: Which is Better in 2024?

    The Singapore Tourist Pass price is S$12 for one day, S$19 for two days and S$24 for three days. You will be required to pay a deposit of S$10 (in addition to the prices above) when you purchase the Singapore Tourist Pass. This deposit will be refunded to you in full, as long as you return the card within five days of purchasing it.

  14. Berkeliling sekitar Singapura

    Beli Singapore Tourist Pass— kartu isi ulang EZ Link khusus— untuk perjalanan tanpa batas selama satu hingga tiga hari. Kunjungi situs resmi. Menggunakan bus Sistem bus Singapura memiliki jaringan rute luas yang mencakup hampir semua tempat di Singapura. Selain merupakan cara hemat berkeliling Singapura, ini juga merupakan moda transportasi ...

  15. Things to Know Before Deciding to Buy a Singapore Tourist Pass

    Look for Singapore Tourist Pass machines at various MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) stations. These devices allow you to buy and collect your pass. 4. Convenience Stores. Some 7-Eleven and other convenience stores may sell the Singapore Tourist Pass. . Look out for outlets that display the Singapore Tourist Pass signage.

  16. Singapore Tourist Pass

    The Singapore Tourist Pass comes with a fixed cost per day (S$12 for 1-Day Pass, S$19 for 2-Day Pass and S$24 for 3-Day Pass). The EZ-Link card costs S$12, inclusive of a S$5 non-refundable card cost and S$7 travel value. The Singapore Tourist Pass will revert to a normal EZ-Link card upon expiry of the pass. 8.

  17. Mengenal Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) dan Cara Penggunaannya

    Dan untuk bisa mendapatkan harga terbaik, kamu bisa menggunakan kartu sakti bernama Singapore Tourist Pass (STP). Kartu ini adalah kartu pass tanpa batas yang dikhususkan untuk wisatawan dari luar Singapura. Dengan STP, pemerintah Singapura berharap wisatawan asing dapat menggunakan transportasi umum lokal sepuasnya dengan berpindah dari satu ...

  18. How to pay for MRT & bus in Singapore (6 methods compared)

    The Singapore Tourist Pass is a special type of EZ Link card that allows one, two, or three days of unlimited public transport journeys depending on how many days you pay for. There are four different types of Singapore Tourist Pass: Pass Type Total Cost Daily Cost; 1-Day Pass: S$12: S$12: 2-Day Pass: S$19: S$9.50: 3-Day Pass: S$24: S$8:

  19. Singapore Tourist Pass Plus Promo Ticket 2024

    Types of Singapore Tourist Pass. Now, you can choose the Singapore Tourist Pass according to your needs. Here are several types of STP that you can consider: 1. Singapore Tourist Pass (STP) This card has a duration of 1-3 days with varying prices. The price for a 1 day pass is IDR 240,000, a 2 day pass IDR 312,000, and a 3 day pass IDR 360,000.

  20. Singapore Tourist Pass

    TransitLink Ticket Offices Selling Singapore Tourist Pass & Operating Hours. Ang Mo Kio MRT Station. Daily: 8am - 9pm. Bayfront MRT Station. Sat, Sun & Public holidays: 12pm - 3:45pm Sat, Sun & Public holidays: 4.45pm - 6.00pm Weekday: Closed. Bugis MRT Station. Daily: 10am - 9pm. Changi Airport MRT Station.

  21. Singapore Tourist Pass Plus

    Singapore Tourist Pass Plus, disingkat STP+, adalah kartu ez-link yang memberikan Anda akses naik MRT dan LRT tanpa batas! Dengan harga yang ekonomis, STP+ adalah pilihan tepat untuk merencanakan kebutuhan transportasi Anda agar memudahkan saat tiba di tujuan. Ambil pass di bandar udara saat mendarat, dan Anda siap untuk langsung menjelajahi ...

  22. This Country Has The Most Powerful Passport In The World

    The country with the lowest score is Afghanistan, at No. 107 on the list, with only 28 countries passport holders can visit without visas. Christian H. Kaelin, chairman of Henley & Partners, told ...

  23. Singapore has world's most powerful passport

    Travellers can visit 195 countries without a visa in 2024 if they have a passport from Singapore. Holders of Spain, Japan, Italy, Germany, and France passports can visit 194 countries without a ...

  24. Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS Tickets June 2024

    The Singapore Tourist Pass Plus is a convenient and cost-effective card for tourists visiting Singapore. It is an ideal option for exploring the city in a convenient and budget-friendly way. With the Singapore Tourist Pass Plus, you can enjoy unlimited travel on Singapore's public transportation network. This pass allows you to ride buses, MRT ...

  25. Beli Tiket Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS

    Get a Singapore Tourist Pass PLUS and ride the subway and bus as much as you want. Use Singapore's efficient bus, MRT, and LRT train services for three days in a row to visit its many restaurants, shops, and exciting attractions. Travel almost anywhere in Singapore by taking advantage of the island's massive train system and public bus network.