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Trip to China by the President of the Government

Pedro Sánchez: "I have conveyed to Xi Jinping that Spain supports Zelenski's Formula for Peace and I have encouraged him to hold talks with the Ukrainian President"

President's News - 2023.3.31

The president has met with the three highest authorities in the country: President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Qiang and the President of the National People's Congress, Zhao Leji.

Beijing (China)

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has met in Beijing with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, during his official visit that has also included two bilateral meetings with the Premier Li Qiang and the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Zhao Leji.

This trip, President Sánchez underlined, has taken place at a particularly symbolic moment for the two countries, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. "The world has changed enormously in five decades, so this is an excellent opportunity to renew the ties that bind us", he said.

Pedro Sánchez has met with the three highest authorities in the country: President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Qiang and the President of the National People's Congress, Zhao Leji. These bilateral meetings have been hugely profitable for exploring three subjects in depth: the relaunching of relations between China and Spain after the pandemic, EU-Chinese relations, and several of the global and strategic challenges that define the current international situation.

Spain and China have today adopted several agreements and laid the foundations to give new impetus to cooperation between the two countries. This was emphasised by the President of the Government, who noted that they will now resume the High-Level Dialogues established in 2018, strengthen cooperation in economic and trade matters and resume the Joint Commission for Economic and Industrial Cooperation. "We are also going to expand the Spanish embassy in Beijing, with a new finance counsellor's office," he said.

During the official trip, President Sánchez also met with a group of businessmen based in China. "I have asked the Chinese authorities to work to ease the conditions for foreign companies," he said. As far as bilateral trade relations are concerned, the President of the Government welcomed the adoption of two phytosanitary protocols for the export of persimmon and almonds, for which the Chinese market has enormous potential. "The sector forecasts that by 2025, some 50,000 tonnes of Spanish almonds could be exported to China, representing more than 40% of production". In this context, the president has conveyed to the Chinese authorities his willingness to speed up the adoption of protocols of this nature for more agri-food products.

spanish prime minister visit to china

On the subject of tourism and culture, the President of the Government recalled that the Spain-China Dual Year of Culture and Tourism will be celebrated in 2023, and welcomed the fact that Spain has been included in the list of countries to which Chinese travellers can travel in groups. In this context, President Sánchez was able to hear first-hand the needs of the Chinese tour operator sector during a meeting in which they expressed their great interest in the Spanish tourism offer. "In 2019, more than 700,000 Chinese tourists chose Spain as a holiday destination and we hope to soon be able to recover the pre-pandemic figures and even surpass them," the president said. "We are making every effort to facilitate the issuing of the corresponding visas to Chinese tourists, and I am happy to announce that we will be holding a new edition of the Spain-China Tourism Forum this year," he said.

During the visit, an important agreement was reached for the opening of a Cervantes Centre in Shanghai. "We will become the first country in the world with two cultural centres in the People's Republic of China," he announced. "The prime minister himself has indicated to me that this is a highly exceptional measure and an expression of the friendship and cooperation between our two countries," the president highlighted.

The trip was also an opportunity to discuss cooperation in education and sports. In this regard, Spain and China have today signed the new Education Cooperation Programme for the years 2023-2026, and a memorandum of understanding between the Higher Council for Sports and its Chinese counterpart.

The President of the Government had the opportunity to discuss EU-Chinese relations with the Chinese authorities. As the country that will assume the presidency of the Council of the EU next July, Spain will try to boost relations between the two regions, "which are called upon to cooperate", said the president, and especially in global challenges such as climate change, the strengthening of multilateralism and the fight against growing inequality. "I have conveyed to the Chinese authorities that we welcome the resumption of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue and my hope that this dialogue will be ongoing", he said.

In economic and trade matters, the President of the Government conveyed to the Chinese authorities the need to find a better balance in our economic and trade relations, respecting the rules of the game, improving transparency and guaranteeing reciprocity in access to markets, matters he also addressed this Wednesday at the annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia. "These changes are necessary for the global economy to continue to grow and to guarantee the EU's open strategic autonomy, the two main objectives that are currently guiding Spanish foreign policy", he explained.

The bilateral meetings between the president and the country's three highest authorities have also served to address global issues, and in this regard, he was able to convey his concern about Russia's illegal war of aggression against Ukraine. Pedro Sánchez stressed the need to continue to support a just and lasting peace, in accordance with the United Nations Charter, and one that respects the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the attacked country, Ukraine, as called for by President Zelenski in his Formula for Peace, which Spain supports, as Pedro Sánchez expressed to President Xi. He encouraged the President of the People's Republic of China to hold talks with President Zelenski, as it is Ukraine's right to decide on the conditions for accepting negotiations.

"Some take it for granted that the 21st century will be a century of fragmentation, warlike tensions and division between blocs, but we believe that a drift of this kind would benefit no one and that it need not happen," he stressed. In this regard, he emphasised that among the protectionism and mistrust that loom on the horizon, Spain will defend realistic and fair openness and trust between partners, based on symmetrical cooperation, mutual benefit and respect for the rules.

Non official translation

31/03/2023. Pedro Sánchez meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Meeting between the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, ...

Meeting between the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping (Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa)

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  • Spain and China sign agreements allowing Spanish almonds and persimmons to be exported to China (2023/03/31)

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Spanish PM seeks international image with China visit

Madrid (AFP) – Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez begins Thursday a visit to China he hopes will show Spain has gained global influence under his watch ahead of a tight year-end general election.

Issued on: 29/03/2023 - 14:56 Modified: 29/03/2023 - 14:55

The two-day visit comes as Spain is gearing up to take over the European Union's rotating presidency in July which will also serve to project the country on the world stage.

Sanchez will attend the high-profile Boao Forum for Asia on the Chinese island of Hainan on Thursday before meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

He will be only the second leader of a European country to visit China since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic three years ago, after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's visit in 2022.

Sanchez said last week that Xi's invitation proves "the international recognition given to Spain during a time of such complex geopolitical difficulties."

Sanchez's talks will focus on the Ukraine conflict, with Xi trying present himself as a mediator.

The world should listen to China's "voice" in order to find a way out of the war in Ukraine, Sanchez said on Friday ahead of his visit to Beijing.


Spain is not "in the first division of global actors" and is not "decisive regarding strategic issues relating to China or Russia," said Jose Ignacio Torreblanca, a senior fellow with the European Council for Foreign Relations.

But the country has "easy" ties with Beijing and it "could act as a facilitator," he told AFP.

Sanchez, a socialist, has made international affairs a priority since he came to power in June 2018, in contrast to his conservative predecessor.

Spain lost influence in the EU, especially during the country's deep economic downturn sparked by the 2008 global financial crisis, said Raquel Garcia, an analyst with Madrid's Elcano Royal Institute, a think tank.

But in recent years Madrid has had "a much more pro-active attitude when it comes to defending its positions, presenting its ideas" in Brussels, she added.

Sanchez managed in 2019 to get his then foreign minister, Josep Borrell, named as the EU's foreign policy chief.

The Spanish premier has also taken advantage of "the loss in leadership of the Franco-German axis" to present Spain as a country that can "make the difference when it is time to form alliances," said Garcia.

Sanchez has been a staunch ally of Ukraine and has visited the country twice since Russia's invasion.

'Reinforce his leadership'

Despite being on the other end of Europe, Spain has welcomed 165,000 Ukrainian refugees, according to Eurostat.

Within the EU, only Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic have received more.

"Spain is not part of the G7 and is only invited as a guest to G20 meetings. It is in Europe where it can best exercise a certain form of leadership," said Garcia.

Having a clear position on Ukraine is "a way to reinforce his leadership" on "the issue which is central in the EU", she added.

Spain's upcoming presidency of the EU will also be the focus of Sanchez's talks with Xi.

"China wants to obtain precise things from the European Union and wants to get closer to Pedro Sanchez" for this reason, said Torreblanca.

Sanchez's taste for diplomacy could also be an asset in the run-up to a general election expected in December, even if the campaign will not focus on international relations.

"The temptation exists to take advantage of foreign policy for electoral purposes for a very simple reason: it's a subject where the opposition does not act," said Torreblanca.

Most polls put the main opposition conservative Popular Party (PP) several percentage points ahead of Sanchez's Socialists.

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Xi Jinping Meets with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón

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On the afternoon of March 31, 2023, President Xi Jinping met with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, who was on an official visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People.

Xi Jinping asked Sánchez to convey his sincere greetings to King Felipe VI of Spain. Xi Jinping pointed out that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Spain. Over the past half century, China and Spain have adhered to mutual respect and exchange and dialogue, actively carried out mutually beneficial cooperation, and established and developed a comprehensive strategic partnership. China is committed to advancing Chinese modernization on all fronts through high-quality development, which will provide other countries, including Spain, with a broader market and more cooperation opportunities. China is ready to work with Spain to take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as a new starting point to deepen and substantiate mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.

Xi Jinping stressed that the two sides should adhere to planning bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, stay committed to the fundamentals of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Spain, and support each other on issues concerning respective core interests including sovereignty, security and development. The two countries should follow the general direction of friendship, mutual trust and cooperation, and be strategically focused in developing bilateral relations. The two sides should synergize development strategies and tap into cooperation potential. China is willing to import more quality goods from Spain and hopes that Spain will provide a fair and just business environment for Chinese companies. China and Spain are both countries with ancient civilizations and great cultures of global influence. The two sides should ensure the success of the China-Spain Year of Culture and Tourism, promote dialogue and exchanges among world civilizations, maintain close communication within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and the G20, and make positive contributions to tackling the common challenges facing humanity.

Xi Jinping stressed that the sound development of China-EU relations requires the EU to uphold strategic independence. Both China and the EU uphold multilateralism, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and the peaceful settlement of international disputes. The two sides should be partners on the road to modernization and good friends that address global challenges together. China is ready to carry out comprehensive dialogue and cooperation with the EU in the spirit of independence, mutual respect, mutual benefit, and seeking common ground while shelving differences, so as to fulfill their responsibilities for world peace and development. He expressed the hope that Spain will play a positive role in promoting dialogue and cooperation between China and the EU.

Sánchez conveyed cordial greetings from King Felipe VI to Xi Jinping. Sánchez said that it gave him great pleasure to visit China this year on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Spain and China. As the world is full of uncertainties, it is only through cooperation that countries can meet various challenges more effectively and promote world peace and global development. Spain is willing to maintain candid communication and dialogue with China, constantly enhance mutual trust, deepen bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation, especially cooperation in areas including electric vehicles, green energy and digital economy, strengthen communication and coordination on climate change and other international and regional issues, and jointly promote further development of Spain-China relations. Spain will take over the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of this year, and will commit itself to promoting dialogue and cooperation between the EU and China.

The two sides exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. Xi Jinping stressed that China’s position is consistent and clear, which is promoting peace talks and political settlement. The Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation should be abandoned, and so should extreme sanctions and pressure. He expressed the hope that relevant parties will build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture through dialogue and consultation.

Sánchez briefed on the views of Spain and said that Spain speaks positively of the document titled “China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis”, and appreciates China’s constructive role in the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

Wang Yi and Qin Gang, among others, were present at the event.

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Spanish PM to talk Ukraine war and peace with China’s Xi Jinping

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez arrives in Beijing for a meeting with Xi Jinping and talks that will also focus on ending the war in Ukraine.

Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez gestures next to China's President Xi Jinping at the Moncloa palace in Madrid, Spain, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Susana Vera

Madrid, Spain – When Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez in Beijing this week, they will ostensibly be celebrating half a century of diplomatic relations by discussing economic and trade ties.

However, the real subject for conversation between the two leaders will be the fate of Ukraine , analysts said, as Spain is about to join international efforts to end the invasion by Russia.

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Spain has been thrust centre-stage as a possible diplomatic interlocutor in the conflict because it takes over the European Union’s rotating presidency in July at a time when Europe is experiencing its first major land war since World War II.

The Spanish premier will be keen to let the Chinese Communist Party leader know when they meet on Friday that he believes Ukraine should have a right to decide on any possible peace agreement with Russia.

On February 24, exactly one year after Russia invaded Ukraine, Xi published a 12-point plan which China claimed offered a path out of the crisis in Ukraine. The plan received a cool reception from Western leaders who claimed China lacked credibility – and impartiality regarding Moscow – to lead peace efforts.

Xi, on a two-day visit to Moscow last week, made it clear to observers that he sees himself as a global mediator, including in the war between Moscow and Kyiv.

Sánchez has made no secret of the fact he wants to use the visit to China to drive home his views on what he called the “global crisis” caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine .

The Spanish premier said that during his state visit to China he would push for a fair peace in the war in Ukraine, one which guaranteed “territorial integrity”.

“The most important thing…is that when this peace is reached in Ukraine, it will be fair and lasting… and when we talk about fair, I mean that the territorial integrity of Ukraine, which has been violated by Russia, is respected,” Sánchez said during a news conference on Saturday at a meeting of Latin American leaders in the Dominican Republic.

At the same time, Sánchez said the world should listen to China’s plan for peace.

“China is a global actor, so obviously we must listen to its voice to see if between all of us, we can put an end to this war and Ukraine can recover its territorial integrity,” he said on Friday during a meeting in Madrid.

Earlier, the Spanish leader said any peace talks must be based on respect for international order established by the United Nations.

Sánchez also said it was important that Spain play a role at “such a complicated moment in geopolitical difficulties”.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez attend a joint news briefing, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Kyiv, Ukraine February 23, 2023. REUTERS/Viacheslav Ratynskyi

‘Spain could be key’

Mario Esteban, senior investigator on Asia at the Real Elcano Institute, a think tank in Madrid, said all eyes will be on whether Spain can play a role in forging a peace deal in Ukraine.

“Spain has spent a lot of time talking to China about Ukraine,” Esteban said.

“Sánchez spoke to Xi in Bali [G20 conference in November] and [Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel] Albares spoke to Qin Gang [Chinese foreign minister] in New Delhi earlier this month,” he told Al Jazeera.

“Spain understands that China is an important diplomatic interlocutor for Ukraine. At the same time, Spain has the EU presidency. So, for China, there is a major interest in trying to see if Spain can play a role.”

Esteban said Spain has been clear that it believes Ukraine should decide its own future, but it remains to be seen if Spain can help to secure a peace deal.

“At times, things like this start with great expectations but we have to see what happens,” he said.

Sánchez has been keen for Spain to play a greater role on the international stage since coming to power in 2018. Spain is also a staunch supporter of NATO and has had United States fighter jets based at two military bases in the south of the country for decades as part of a deal with Washington.

China's President Xi Jinping and Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez shake hands at the end of a signing ceremony at the Moncloa palace in Madrid, Spain, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Susana Vera

Since Brexit lessened Britain’s role in Europe and Italy voted for an unstable right-wing coalition government, Spain has assumed a more important role in Europe.

Ruth Ferrero, an expert in European relations at the University of Complutense in Madrid, said China was trying to act as a global mediator in the war between Russia and Ukraine, and Spain was in a good position to participate in peace efforts.

“All attempts at mediation take time. China wants to see if Spain, which takes the EU presidency in the second half of the year, could be involved,” she told Al Jazeera.

“The presidency of Spain could be key. It starts at a time when other factors are coming to fruition: the Leopard tanks will have arrived in Ukraine. On the other hand, you have the demand by the International Criminal Court to indict Putin for war crimes,” Ferrero said.

Ferrero said she believes that possible peace talks could come to fruition this summer.

The Spanish prime minister will hold commercial meetings during the Boao Forum for Asia on the Chinese island of Hainan on Thursday before travelling to Beijing to meet Xi on Friday.

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China’s Xi Jinping invites Pedro Sánchez on state visit at end of March

Chinese President Xi Jinping has invited Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to Beijing for a state visit as Xi tries to galvanise support for China’s peace proposal for Ukraine .

Spain’s minister for the presidency, Félix Bolaños , confirmed late Wednesday that Sánchez would visit China on 30-31 March, citing Xi’s ‘possible mediation in the war in Ukraine’ as a key reason for the visit.

‘The visit of Pedro Sánchez  to China highlights the importance to the government in international relations. And also, to facilitate economic and trade relations between China and Spain,’ said Bolaños.

Spain takes over the European Union’s rotating presidency in July, and Sánchez has portrayed his nation on the world stage as a staunch NATO ally of Ukraine.

He plans to hold commercially focused meetings during the Boao Forum for Asia on the Chinese island of Hainan on 30 March before travelling to Beijing to meet with Xi on 31 March, the prime minister’s office said.

Xi met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin this week to promote Beijing’s peace plan for Ukraine, which Western nations have all but dismissed as unviable. Putin said it could be a basis for ending the fighting when the West is ready but added that Ukraine’s Western allies have not shown interest.

La visita de @sanchezcastejon a China pone en valor cuál es la importancia que tiene el presidente del Gobierno en las relaciones internacionales. Y también, facilitar las relaciones económicas y comerciales entre China y España. 🇨🇳 🤝 🇪🇸 Félix Bolaños #DefiendeLoQuePiensas pic.twitter.com/kwKsIPD9qj — PSOE (@PSOE) March 23, 2023

Pedro Sánchez and Xi Jinping

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Spain’s prime minister plans to visit Beijing for talks on China’s contentious peace proposal.

China has been trying to build support for its proposal to start peace talks, but Ukraine’s allies hold that its call for an immediate cease-fire would only help Russia consolidate territorial gains.

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By José Bautista

  • March 23, 2023

MADRID — The Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, will travel next week to China for talks with President Xi Jinping, and intends to discuss China’s framework for negotiating a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine, he announced on Thursday.

Mr. Sánchez, speaking to reporters at a European Union meeting in Brussels, said he intended to “find out first hand” what Mr. Xi’s peace framework consists of and to transmit the message that Ukraine must establish the conditions for talks.

Mr. Xi, who just returned to Beijing after a state visit to Moscow , has been trying to build support for his peace framework, which has received a cold reception in the West . The United States and other allies of Ukraine have said China’s proposal for an immediate cease-fire would only help Russia consolidate its territorial gains.

“The most important thing is to guarantee a stable and lasting peace,” Mr. Sánchez said. “And that means respecting the United Nations Charter, the territorial integrity that is being violated by Russia in Ukraine and the conditions established by the Ukrainians to start the peace dialogue.”

Spain under Mr. Sánchez has been a staunch ally of Ukraine, sending military supplies and promising to contribute modern battle tanks to Kyiv’s war effort. But the Spanish prime minister has also signaled that he is open to the possibility that China, which has remained allied with Russia, might be able to mediate peace talks, a position that differentiates him from other European leaders.

Spain takes over the European Union’s rotating presidency for six months in July, giving Mr. Sánchez a bigger platform for influencing the bloc than he usually has.

Mr. Sánchez’s trip takes place in the context of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Spain and China, and the two countries expect to reach trade agreements, a senior official in Mr. Sánchez’s office said.

The prime minister will begin his trip next Thursday, with economic meetings on the Chinese island of Hainan, at the Boao Forum for Asia, a conference modeled after the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The next day, he will travel to Beijing for meetings with Mr. Xi, Prime Minister Li Qiang and Zhao Leji, the chairman of the National People’s Congress, his office said.

The Spanish defense ministry confirmed on Thursday that it was shipping six modern Leopard tanks to Ukraine next week after tests. “Once the pending firing tests are completed, at the end of next week, the tanks will be ready to be sent to Ukraine,” defense officials said.

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

President Vladimir Putin of Russia and North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, revived a Cold War-era mutual defense pledge  between their nations, a deepening  of ties  propelled by Putin’s need for munitions to use against Ukraine.

Mark Rutte, the departing prime minister of the Netherlands who has guided more than $3 billion in Dutch military support to Ukraine since 2022, is poised to become NATO’s next secretary general .

The European Union will impose economic penalties targeting some shipments of Russian natural gas  for the first time, hoping to deprive Moscow of income.

Inside Russia’s Chechen Units: After hundreds of years of enmity with Russia, Chechens are deploying to Ukraine to fight Moscow’s war .

Narrowing Press Freedoms: Journalists in Ukraine say they are subject to increasing restrictions and pressure from the government , adding that the measures go beyond wartime security needs.

Belugas Escape Ukraine: A pair of beluga whales were transported out of danger in Kharkiv to an aquarium in Spain in an incredibly complex rescue .

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Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

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Xi meets Spanish PM

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BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in Beijing on Friday.

Xi asked Sanchez to convey his best regards to King Felipe VI of Spain. Xi said that over the past half century, China and Spain have adhered to the principles of mutual respect, exchange and dialogue, actively carried out mutually beneficial cooperation, and established and developed a comprehensive strategic partnership.

"China is committed to promoting Chinese modernization in a comprehensive way through high-quality development, which will provide other countries, including Spain, with a broader market and more cooperation opportunities," Xi said.

He said China is ready to work with Spain to use the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties as a new starting point to deepen and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.

The two sides should plan bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, adhere to the fundamentals of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Spain, and support each other on issues concerning core interests, such as sovereignty, security and development, Xi said. The two countries should follow the general direction of friendship, mutual trust and cooperation in developing bilateral relations, he added.

Calling on the two sides to synergize development strategies and tap into cooperation potential, Xi said China is willing to import more quality Spanish goods and hopes that Spain will provide a fair and just business environment for Chinese companies.

Noting that China and Spain are both countries with ancient civilizations and great cultures of global influence, Xi said the two sides should ensure the success of the China-Spain year of culture and tourism, promote dialogue and exchanges among world civilizations, and make positive contributions to handling the common challenges of humanity.

"The sound development of China-European Union relations requires the EU to uphold strategic independence," Xi said, adding that both sides should be partners on the road to modernization and good friends that address global challenges together.

Xi said China is ready to carry out comprehensive dialogue and cooperation with the EU in the spirit of independence, mutual respect, mutual benefit, and seeking common ground while shelving differences.

He expressed the hope that Spain would play a positive role in promoting dialogue and cooperation between China and the EU.

Sanchez conveyed cordial greetings from King Felipe VI to Xi.

As the world is full of uncertainties, it is only through cooperation that countries can meet various challenges more effectively and promote world peace and global development, Sanchez said.

He said Spain is willing to maintain candid communication and dialogue with China, constantly enhance mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, especially in areas such as electric vehicles, green energy and digital economy, strengthen communication and coordination on international and regional issues such as climate change, and jointly promote the further development of bilateral relations.

Spain will take over the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of this year, and will commit itself to promoting dialogue and cooperation between the EU and China, Sanchez said.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis.

Xi stressed that China's position is consistent and clear, which is promoting peace talks and political settlement. He said the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation should be abandoned, and extreme sanctions and pressure should be done away with. He expressed the hope that relevant parties would build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture through dialogue and consultation.

Sanchez said that Spain speaks positively of the document on China's position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, and appreciates China's constructive role in the political settlement of the crisis.

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China's Xi invites Spanish PM on state visit next week

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MADRID (AP) — Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has accepted an invitation from Chinese President Xi Jinping to make a state visit to Beijing as Xi tries to galvanize support for China's peace proposal for Ukraine.

Sánchez plans to be in China on March 30-31, Spain’s minister for the presidency, Félix Bolaños, said late Wednesday, citing Xi’s “possible mediation in the war in Ukraine” as a key reason for the visit.

Spain takes over the European Union's rotating presidency in July, and Sánchez has portrayed his nation on the world stage as a staunch NATO ally of Ukraine.

Sánchez told reporters in Brussels, where he was attending an EU summit on Thursday, that he would “find out first hand what (China’s) position is for peace in Ukraine, and transmit the message that the Ukrainians will be the ones who establish the conditions for peace.”

He plans to hold commercially focused meetings during the Boao Forum for Asia on the Chinese island of Hainan on March 30 before traveling to Beijing to meet with Xi on March 31, Sánchez's office said.

“China and Spain enjoy sustained, sound and stable development of relations," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said Thursday when asked about the prime minister's visit. “The two leaders maintain good communication,” he added, without providing further details.

Xi met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin this week to promote Beijing’s peace plan for Ukraine, which Western nations have all but dismissed as unviable. Putin said it could be a basis for ending the fighting when the West is ready but added that Ukraine's Western allies have not shown interest.

Follow AP's coverage of the war in Ukraine: https://apnews.com/hub/russia-ukraine

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spanish prime minister visit to china

On the morning of March 31, 2023, Premier Li Qiang of the State Council held talks in the Great Hall of the People with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón on his official visit to China.

Li Qiang said that Spain is a major country of the European Union (EU), and plays a positive and important role in regional and international affairs. China is ready to work with Spain to take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries as an opportunity, to constantly deepen friendship, expand cooperation across the board, and engage in close multilateral coordination, so as to jointly push for a new development of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries and make positive contribution to world economic recovery and growth.

Li Qiang said that China and Spain should consolidate political mutual trust, increase exchanges and communication, and create synergy between their respective development strategies. China appreciates Spain for its long-term commitment to the one-China policy. The two countries are both promoters and beneficiaries of multilateralism and globalization, and should take a clear-cut stand against unilateralism and protectionism, jointly safeguard the international order and international system with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter as the core, and jointly defend stable and unimpeded industrial and supply chains. China is ready to work with Spain to develop trade and investment, strengthen industrial alignment, foster such new growth sources of cooperation as new energy and advanced materials, and deepen Belt and Road cooperation. More Spanish enterprises are welcome to invest and do business in China, and it is hoped that Spain will continue to provide Chinese enterprises with a fair, just and non-discriminatory market environment. Both sides should focus on the China-Spain Year of Culture and Tourism to host rich and colorful events of cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

Li Qiang said that Spain is a trustworthy partner of China in the EU. A steady China-EU relationship serves the interests of the two sides, and is conducive to the solidarity of the international community in response to challenges. China always firmly supports European integration and strategic autonomy, and both sides should strengthen communication and coordination, follow the attitude of respect and equality to engage in exchanges and dialogue, seek common ground while shelving differences, be well prepared for the China-EU leaders’ meeting this year, ensure the success of high-level dialogue in various fields, enhance complement of respective advantages, and jointly foster such new growth engines of cooperation as digital economy, green and environmental conservation, and artificial intelligence. China stands ready to work with the EU to adhere to true multilateralism, reject bloc confrontation and a new Cold War, and join hands to safeguard world peace and stability.

Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón said that Spain views China as an important strategic cooperative partner, and hopes to further enhance bilateral exchanges and dialogue in the post-pandemic era to strive for greater development of Spain-China relations. Spain is ready to work with China to take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as an opportunity, to deepen cooperation in such fields as economy and trade, investment, culture, education and tourism, and achieve mutual benefits and win-win outcomes. EU-China relations are very important, and both sides enjoy tremendous opportunities for cooperation. Spain supports the EU and China in strengthening exchanges and cooperation, and will give a strong boost to this endeavor during the rotating EU Presidency in the second half of this year. Spain and the EU are both firmly committed to the one-China policy.

After the talks, Li Qiang and Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón jointly witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation documents in such fields as education, customs, and sports.

Before the talks, Li Qiang held a welcome ceremony for Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón at the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Qin Gang, among others, attended the events.

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Spanish PM Seeks International Image With China Visit

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Sanchez will be only the second leader of a European country to visit China since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez begins Thursday a visit to China he hopes will show Spain has gained global influence under his watch ahead of a tight year-end general election.

The two-day visit comes as Spain is gearing up to take over the European Union's rotating presidency in July which will also serve to project the country on the world stage.

Sanchez will attend the high-profile Boao Forum for Asia on the Chinese island of Hainan on Thursday before meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

He will be only the second leader of a European country to visit China since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic three years ago, after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's visit in 2022.

Sanchez said last week that Xi's invitation proves "the international recognition given to Spain during a time of such complex geopolitical difficulties."

Sanchez's talks will focus on the Ukraine conflict, with Xi trying present himself as a mediator.

The world should listen to China's "voice" in order to find a way out of the war in Ukraine, Sanchez said on Friday ahead of his visit to Beijing.

Spain is not "in the first division of global actors" and is not "decisive regarding strategic issues relating to China or Russia," said Jose Ignacio Torreblanca, a senior fellow with the European Council for Foreign Relations.

But the country has "easy" ties with Beijing and it "could act as a facilitator," he told AFP.

Sanchez, a socialist, has made international affairs a priority since he came to power in June 2018, in contrast to his conservative predecessor.

Spain lost influence in the EU, especially during the country's deep economic downturn sparked by the 2008 global financial crisis, said Raquel Garcia, an analyst with Madrid's Elcano Royal Institute, a think tank.

But in recent years Madrid has had "a much more pro-active attitude when it comes to defending its positions, presenting its ideas" in Brussels, she added.

Sanchez managed in 2019 to get his then foreign minister, Josep Borrell, named as the EU's foreign policy chief.

The Spanish premier has also taken advantage of "the loss in leadership of the Franco-German axis" to present Spain as a country that can "make the difference when it is time to form alliances," said Garcia.

Sanchez has been a staunch ally of Ukraine and has visited the country twice since Russia's invasion.

Despite being on the other end of Europe, Spain has welcomed 165,000 Ukrainian refugees, according to Eurostat.

Within the EU, only Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic have received more.

"Spain is not part of the G7 and is only invited as a guest to G20 meetings. It is in Europe where it can best exercise a certain form of leadership," said Garcia.

Having a clear position on Ukraine is "a way to reinforce his leadership" on "the issue which is central in the EU", she added.

Spain's upcoming presidency of the EU will also be the focus of Sanchez's talks with Xi.

"China wants to obtain precise things from the European Union and wants to get closer to Pedro Sanchez" for this reason, said Torreblanca.

Sanchez's taste for diplomacy could also be an asset in the run-up to a general election expected in December, even if the campaign will not focus on international relations.

"The temptation exists to take advantage of foreign policy for electoral purposes for a very simple reason: it's a subject where the opposition does not act," said Torreblanca.

Most polls put the main opposition conservative Popular Party (PP) several percentage points ahead of Sanchez's Socialists.

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023 in Boao, south China's Hainan Province, March 30, 2023. Photo:Xinhua

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023 in Boao, south China's Hainan Province, March 30, 2023. Photo:Xinhua

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The weekly rundown: south american foreign ministers visit china, the spanish premier announces his political future.

Apr 27, 2024 | 13:00 GMT

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and his wife, Begona Gomez, arrive Oct. 5, 2023, at the Carlos V Palace at the Alhambra in Granada, Spain.

(JORGE GUERRERO/AFP via Getty Images)

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South American foreign ministers visit China. The foreign ministers of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru will travel to China and meet with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, with Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino arriving April 27 and Bolivian Minister of Foreign Affairs Celinda Sosa Lunda and Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea Franco arriving April 28. As the three countries possess large lithium and copper reserves, the meetings will likely focus on trade as well as further Chinese investment in Peru's and Bolivia's mining sectors. Meetings between Mondino and Wang will likely be strained given elevated tensions between the countries following Argentine President Javier Milei's threat during his 2023 campaign to cut off ties with China. The Argentina-China meeting will likely focus on stabilizing relations and showing businesses in both countries that a break in relations is not impending. To this end, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Wang Wenbin on April 25 stated that the countries are "integral strategic partners" and that China is willing to deepen bilateral ties with Argentina. 

Spain's prime minister announces his political future. Spanish Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is expected to make an announcement about his political future on April 29 following his surprise decision April 25 to suspend public appearances after a court in Madrid announced an investigation into his wife for alleged influence-peddling and corruption. Sanchez could simply ask parliament to hold a vote of confidence on his government, which he would likely win. But should he announce his resignation, the Spanish legislature will have to appoint a new premier, who is likely to come from the same center-left majority that currently supports Sanchez. If parliament fails to appoint a prime minister for two months, then an early general election would be required.

The president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo visits France. Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi will meet French President Emmanuel Macron during an April 29-30 state visit to France. Topping the Congolese president's agenda will be the ongoing conflict in eastern Congo, with Tshisekedi likely seeking stronger military cooperation with Paris as well as encouraging Macron and French lawmakers more strongly to condemn Rwandan support for March 23 Movement rebels operating in eastern Congo. Macron and Tshisekedi are also likely to discuss bilateral and EU-Congo cooperation in the field of strategic minerals such as cobalt, which plays a critical role in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries used to power electric vehicles — and of which Congo is the No. 1 producer globally. Tshisekedi will also attend a convention of France's leading employers federation with the goal of attracting French investments into Congo, especially in the mining, agriculture and energy sectors. 

Foreign officials meet in Saudi Arabia to discuss Gaza. Saudi Arabia will host foreign officials including U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and potentially British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, on April 29 in Riyadh to discuss the future of Gaza including postwar governance and humanitarian assistance. While the Palestinian Authority will likely have representation, neither Israel nor Hamas will. The meeting comes as the United States is constructing a temporary pier in Gaza to increase the flow of humanitarian aid as the Gaza Strip faces significant food insecurity. While this is unlikely to result in many concrete plans, especially for Palestinian-led governance after military operations end, aid efforts will likely increase.

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Spanish premier’s visit to Beijing brings Spain closer to China, but not on Ukraine

Pedro sanchez reiterates support for ukraine’s proposed peace plan.

Spanish premier’s visit to Beijing brings Spain closer to China, but not on Ukraine


 Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Friday said that his official visit to China allowed him to deepen bilateral ties and encourage China to back Ukraine against Russia’s “illegal aggression.”

In his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Sanchez said he shared Spain’s support for Ukraine’s peace plan — not China’s — and encouraged the Chinese leader to talk to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“There are those who assume that the 21st century will be fragmented, divided and marked by conflict. We don’t think that will benefit anyone,” said Sanchez. “So instead of protectionism, Spain will always defend opening to partners.”

“The future can be one of international prosperity and cooperation, and I think this visit to China is helping us build that,” he continued.

When asked by reporters to share Xi’s position on Ukraine, Sanchez refused to offer any details.

The Spanish prime minister also held separate meetings with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang and top legislator Zhao Leji on Friday.

As a result, Spain and China decided to restart the high-level dialogue that began in 2018, expand the Spanish Embassy in Beijing and restart the commission for industrial cooperation.

“Spain wants a balanced and respectful relationship based on reciprocity that will benefit us both,” Sanchez said.

In line with correcting the massive trade imbalance between China and Spain, he announced that Beijing has approved imports of almonds and persimmons from Spain.

According to Sanchez, that will mean by 2025, 40% of Spain’s almond production will be exported to China. The Spanish prime minister encouraged Chinese authorities for more similar approvals and to make it easier for Spanish companies to do business in China.

Meanwhile, the countries agreed that Spain will open a new Cervantes Institute in Shanghai, making it “the first country with more than one official cultural center in China,” said Sanchez.

Tourism was another subject of discussion, and the Spanish prime minister announced that a China-Spain tourism forum would be held in June.

Sanchez said he also discussed Spain taking over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU in July.

In that role, Sanchez said Spain will try to bring the EU and China together on questions like human rights and improve symmetrical trade relations.

“The relationship between the EU and China is complicated. It’s also very important,” he said.

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Malaysian leader Anwar says China a ‘true friend’ and not to be feared as Premier Li ends visit

In this photo released by Malaysia's Department of Information, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim speak during a business luncheon with China's Premier Li Qiang at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Malaysia's Department of Information via AP)

In this photo released by Malaysia’s Department of Information, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim speak during a business luncheon with China’s Premier Li Qiang at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Malaysia’s Department of Information via AP)

In this photo released by Malaysia’s Department of Information, China’s Premier Li Qiang speaks during a business luncheon with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Malaysia’s Department of Information via AP)

In this photo released by Malaysia’s Department of Information, China’s Premier Li, center left, and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, center right, attend during a business luncheon at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Malaysia’s Department of Information via AP)

In this photo released by Malaysia’s Department of Information, China’s Premier Li speaks during business luncheon with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Malaysia’s Department of Information via AP)

In this photo released by Malaysia’s Department of Information, China’s Premier Li speaks during a business luncheon with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 20, 2024. (Malaysia’s Department of Information via AP)

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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on Thursday rejected the notion that China’s dominance is to be feared, calling China a “true friend” at the end of Premier Li Qiang’s visit to mark 50 years of diplomatic ties between their countries.

While the leaders raised some contentious bilateral issues, Anwar said they discussed them as “equal partners, as trusted friends.” He didn’t give details but was likely referring to the prickly issue of overlapping territorial claims in the South China Sea .

“People say, well, Malaysia is a growing economy. Don’t let China abuse its privilege and extort from the country. I said no. To the contrary, we want to benefit from one another, we want to learn from one another and we want to profit from this engagement,” Anwar told some 200 business leaders at a luncheon attended by Li.

His words will be welcomed by China’s leadership, which finds itself increasingly at odds with countries from the Philippines to Japan as it grows as a regional power in Asia. During his visit, Li held up what he called the “friendship” between China and Malaysia as a positive example for country-to-country relations in the region.

In this photo released by Malaysia's Department of Information, China's Premier Li Qiang, left, shakes hands with Malaysia Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim before their meeting in Putrajaya, Malaysia, Wednesday, June 19, 2024. (Malaysia's Department of Information via AP)

Anwar said he rebuked the “incessant propaganda that we should cast aspersions and fear the dominance of China economically, militarily, technologically.”

“We do not. We in Malaysia, having a neutral stance, have the resolve to work with all countries and with China,” he said. “We see Premier Li Qiang as a friend that would work together with us.”

Li, who is China’s No. 2 leader after President Xi Jinping, was the first Chinese premier to visit Malaysia since 2015. He flew in for a three-day visit on Tuesday on the last leg of a regional tour. Li was also the first Chinese premier to visit New Zealand and then Australia in seven years.

The two leaders on Wednesday agreed that China and other claimant countries in Southeast Asia should tackle the South China Sea dispute “independently and properly” through dialogue and cooperation, and via bilateral settlement.

No details were given but the statement came amid concerns the dispute could escalate tensions between the U.S. and China. The U.S. renewed a warning Tuesday that it is obligated to defend treaty ally Philippines, after Chinese forces seized two Philippine boats delivering food and supplies to a military outpost in a disputed shoal and injured several Filipino navy personnel.

Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan all dispute Beijing’s claims to almost the entire South China Sea. Malaysia’s government prefers diplomatic channels and rarely criticizes Beijing publicly, even though Chinese coast guard ships have sailed near Malaysia’s waters. This is partly to protect economic ties as China has been Malaysia’s top trading partner since 2009. Bilateral trade surged to $98.8 billion last year, accounting for 17% of Malaysia’s global trade.

At the luncheon, Li urged businesses to expand cooperation in emerging fields such as green development, digital economy and artificial intelligence.

“The journey of China and Malaysia over the past 50 years... is like an expedition where two people have joined hands and waded through mountains and rivers, and won a milestone full of achievements. It also marks the official beginning of the next journey full of hope,” Li said.

Li was given a red carpet ceremonial send-off and an honor guard as he departed for home later Thursday.

The two countries renewed a five-year trade and economic cooperation pact on Wednesday and inked a rash of pacts to cooperate in various sectors.

The Trade Ministry said 11 more memorandums were signed between Malaysian and Chinese entities on Thursday that could bring in potential investment of 13.2 billion ringgit ($2.8 billion). These included proposed collaborations in high value-added sector such as oil and gas, energy, education, agriculture, automotive and utility services, it said in a statement.

A joint statement by the two governments Thursday said China will extend visa-free travel for Malaysian tourists until end-2025, while Malaysia will reciprocate with a longer period until end-2026.

It said the two countries will also jointly nominate the lion dance, a cultural dance performed during Lunar New Year and festivals, to be on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage. About a quarter of Malaysia’s 33 million people are ethnic Chinese.

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A smiling lady in a pink hat and top waves her hands as she stands in crowd in bright sun outside Federal Parliament.

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"The Chinese community is very happy about this news."

The 15-day visa-free travel for Australians was announced by Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Monday, after a formal meeting with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese shake hands while standing in front of national flags.

"We agreed to provide each other with reciprocal access to five-year multiple entry visas for tourism, business and visiting family members — so as to better facilitate personal exchanges, China will also include Australia in its Visa Waiver Program," the premier said.

This change will also save Australians about $110, the current cost for a single-entry tourist visa.

The new visa-free travel scheme is due to come in within the next few months.

An infographic shows a list of 14 countries that have visa free travel arrangements with China.

China's tourism industry peaked in 2019 at a value of $580 billion and has been recovering slowly, according to Statista.

They had forecast that it could take another five years to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels.

Not everyone happy with move

While Ms Zhang was thrilled with the upcoming change, Ramila Chanisheff, the president of the Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women's Association said it would not help members of her community.

"Our family members … we can not even talk to them — let alone visit them," she told the ABC.

"Not all of us will be given visas to visit our family members. And if we do, we will be worried about our safety."

A woman with a dark top and blue and white scarf stands near a large crowd where people are waving flags in front of parliament.

Dawa Sangmo, the Chinese liaison officer of the Tibet Information Office in Canberra raised similar worries.

"The visa-free policy is not only an issue that relates to our safety, but a matter that is more beneficial to China and its government," she told the ABC.

A woman in a woolen coat stands outside parliament with a group of flag-waving protesters behind her.

There was not much detail in the announcement, but Premier Li did mention it would be "reciprocal", making it easier for Chinese travellers to enter Australia.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the second highest amount of tourists visiting Australia came from China, only behind arrivals from New Zealand, as of April this year.

However, overall, the amount of people travelling out of China is down 40 per cent from pre-COVID levels in 2019, Reuters reported.

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