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Austrian Airlines optimizes staff travel management with IT from Lufthansa Systems

Austrian Airlines relies on myIDTravel, Lufthansa Systems’ integrated ID travel management solution for staff travel, as well as the listing functionality, myIDListing. The system enables Austrian Airlines to introduce self service e-ticketing for ID travelers on private trips on other airlines, which support the carrier in reducing costs by optimizing handling processes for staff travel. With myIDListing, employees can list themselves as well as family members and travel partners on other airlines from any web-enabled device at any time.

myIDTravel is an integrated solution for efficient ID travel management. Through e-ticketing, the integration of self-service functions and a high level of automation, airlines can optimize their ID travel management. In the field of staff interline travel, thousands of paper tickets are still issued each day by airlines. myIDTravel eliminates the need for paper tickets and enables airlines to issue electronic ID tickets for interlining flights. In addition to e-ticketing, airlines benefit from streamlining all processes involved in ID travel - from managing eligible travelers, checking availability and listing for flights to revenue accounting.

Austrian Airlines comprises the Austrian, Austrian arrows and Lauda Air brands and is a member of the Star Alliance. The airline has its base in Vienna and serves 130 destinations worldwide with a fleet of 83 aircraft. The Austrian Airlines Group transports around 11 million passengers per year.

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How to Staff Travel?

The best perk of working with an airline is the severely discounted rates for flights (if not free!) on your airline. But what if your airline doesn’t fly to that amazing island in the Azores? Luckily, you know that one of your ZED partners probably does.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to fly on another airline to your dream destination and how to be a StaffTraveler!

What is Staff Travel?

Staff travel is when an airline employee flies using their staff benefits. It is also known as non-rev travel. Here is an article explaining some of the terms you may come across.

Where should I go?

What an excellent question! This is a difficult one, as it really depends on your hobbies, timeframe, etc. Personally, I like to draw inspiration from Instagram and TikTok . Here, you can explore photos from various locations and popular tags.

I follow a few travelers who frequently post about trips they’ve taken. Usually, I draw my inspiration from them! Additionally, I love hearing about places my friends and co-workers have visited. Word of mouth is also an excellent way to find inspiration for your travel destinations.

The final place I like to draw inspiration from is my life goals. For me, this was my trip to Thailand. I spent some time in an animal rescue sanctuary near Chiang Mai. Being near rescued dogs, elephants, and buffalo was such an amazing experience. Even better, I was able to camp among them! That memory of being in Chiang Mai will be one I cherish forever. This is why I encourage you to chase your life goals.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bubbleroom (@bubbleroom) on Jul 7, 2019 at 10:45pm PDT

When Should I Go?

As before, this is a difficult question to answer and depends on you! Being a StaffTraveller on standby could be difficult. So, the location and time of year will determine how hard of a trip it’ll be!

The three main things I try to do when I Staff Travel are:

  • Avoid the peak season
  • Avoid flying on the weekends
  • Aim for the first flight of the day

For some, this isn’t as difficult, especially who can take the jump seat. I am not able to fly jump seat but I wish I could!

How Do I Get There?

This is where the real fun begins.

The first thing I like to do is to determine what airports I’d like to fly into. For example, If I wanted to fly from Amsterdam to Hong Kong, a quick search in the StaffTraveler app tells me that I should fly to HKG and that I might have multiple options. 

The next thing you’ll want to do is check your company website to find a list of airlines you can fly with. These airlines should be part of your ZED Agreement, which you can find through your airline.

Chances are, your airline uses myIDTravel as their staff travel booking system. To access myIDTravel, you must go through your airline’s employee website. Below, I’ll walk you through how to check which airlines you can staff travel with on myIDTravel. Keep in mind that your airline might use a different system or their own.

staff travel austrian

Which Airlines Can I Choose From?

I’ll be honest here: myIDTravel is not the friendliest research system. However, once you get the hang of it, you can navigate it with minimum tears. To begin, enter your desired departure, destination, and airline, select the departure date, and let it roll.

A sample of a MyIDTravel listing going from Hong Kong to Bali for a Staff travel

Once you land on the next page, you’ll see some smiley faces to indicate your chances of making it on your desired flight. Let me be the first to tell you, this is not the most effective tool to gauge your chances of spending your weekend in Hong Kong. Rarely accurate, the smiley faces are green (happy), yellow (meh) and red ( no-way-Jose-you’re-not-making-this-flight ). Personally, I’ve rarely found these to be reliable, and don’t trust them when making plans.

Meet StaffTraveler

To make my staff travel experience as painless as possible (who among us hasn’t slept in an airport before?), I use the StaffTraveler app . Thanks to this app, you no longer need to rely on the mercy of three old-fashioned emojis. Instead, you can have a vast network of airline employees cheering you on! StaffTraveler provides the most accurate flight availability; some call it “the world’s best non-rev app.” Yep, shameless plug.

Checking the flight loads on other airlines Let’s go from Hong Kong to Bali (Denpasar)!

Querying Stafftraveler for a flight from Hong Kong to Bali for a Staff Travel Trip

To get started, download the StaffTraveler app in your App Store (iOS & Android).

Inform Yourself

There’s too much to know about staff travel to cover everything in a single blog post. Luckily, there’s a wealth of information in the StaffTraveler Insider Knowledge Base . Also, every airline has its own quirks. Make sure you inform yourself thoroughly about the particularities of the airline you wish to travel with. You’ll find everything you need to know to non-rev like a pro in the StaffTraveler Airline Notes .

Are you ready to go? Check your flights with StaffTraveler, pack your stuff and have a wonderful time!

More on Staff Travel

Adventurous, relaxing, or both: tips for planning your non-rev trips.

Your Non-Rev Trips

StaffTraveler’s Fair Refund Policy: Get Your Credits Back When Plans Change

StaffTraveler Search options

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staff travel austrian

Austria — 14 min

Employee benefits in Austria: All you need to know

Bruce Gilbert

Austria is an alluring target for international employers due to its highly-educated labor market and a reputation for skilled professionals in the sectors of professional services, financial services, and information technology. The Austrian Business Agency reported that the nation’s ICT sector is now a €36.6 billion (USD 41.38 billion) market , spurred by its local research initiatives and funding programs. IT outsourcing alone is forecasted to reach USD 1.825 billion by the end of 2021.

If you’re looking to expand your hiring horizons to Austria, you must understand the local legal requirements, especially those relating to regulatory compliance and employee benefits.

Who is entitled to benefits in Austria?

Benefits for austrian contractors, statutory employee benefits in austria, supplemental benefits in austria, how to set up and manage benefits for international employees, when should you use an employer of record.

There are no laws specifically dealing with outsourcing talent in Austria. There are, however, several stringent laws that could apply to the transactions and activities involved in outsourcing — including the EU Data Protection and Copyright laws. Running afoul of the EU’s strict regulations will lead to harsh penalties and fines.

Additionally, rounding out your contracts with a benefits package that meets and exceeds candidate expectations not only ensures compliance but also guarantees the attractiveness of your job offers to highly qualified Austrian talent.

As an experienced employer of record with entities all over the world, Remote knows that managing a competitive and compliant benefits package across multiple countries (including Austria) can be simple, inexpensive, and scalable. We want to make it easy for you to understand your obligations as an employer of Austrian talent.

In this guide, we’ll explain the mandatory benefits you must provide in Austria as well as additional perks you can offer that will give your business an edge in the local market. We’ll focus on the following key areas:

Statutory and common employee benefits

Supplemental benefits to consider for Austrian employees

All professionals classified as employees and workers are entitled to benefits in Austria, with some minor differences between them.

Employees and workers in Austria are differentiated by the nature of their work: workers typically perform skilled manual labor, whereas employees perform office work or commercial, or more demanding noncommercial, services. Different rules apply to workers and employees based on their industry, but generally, there is an effort to apply the same set of labor laws to both classifications.

Unlike workers and employees, those classified as independent contractors are generally not entitled to benefits. What differentiates employees or workers from independent contractors is primarily based on personal dependence — or how much of the way the employees perform their tasks is controlled by the employer.

It’s important to understand this delineation. If you inadvertently misclassify employees as independent contractors and thereby withhold benefits that they are entitled to, you may be liable to pay back everything you missed at a great cost to the company. This is outside of the additional associated fines, penalties, and legal costs involved.

(For more detailed information about understanding this concept, be sure to read our dedicated guide to misclassification .)

In some cases, it may make sense to offer certain benefits to long-term contractors. Just because benefits aren’t mandated, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still provide equitable compensation to contractors.

If you value your contractors, benefits can build strong trust and connection with your business, especially in a remote workforce. You do still need to be careful of triggering permanent establishment or misclassification dangers with the type of benefits you provide.

Value-based benefits like paid time off, flexible working hours, and parental leave provisions can often keep you on the safe side of this legislation (more on this in our guide to offering benefits to international contractors ).

An employer of record (EOR) like Remote should be able to give you more specific advice to minimize associated risks according to the employment legislation of Austria (or any other nation).

Statutory benefits, also known as mandatory benefits, are entitlements that employers are obligated to provide to their employees by law. Common examples include benefits like paid annual leave, parental leave, worker's compensation insurance, and paid sick leave.

When it comes to statutory benefits for employees and workers, either all or none of the related Austrian labor laws apply. In a few cases — for instance, when personal dependence is not established and the relationship relegates the professional as a quasi-subordinate — some specific laws may apply.

The differences between employees and workers when it comes to benefits generally relate to:

Reasons for absences

Remuneration dates

Notice periods and dates

Reasons for premature contract cancellation

Additionally, specific clauses in collective bargaining agreements or contracts may also be different.

Maximum overtime in Austria is two hours a day or 10 hours a week unless specific regulation, depending on industry or job classification, permits otherwise. To allow for flexibility in working hours for roles that require a lot of standby duty (e.g., night shift duty physicians), overtime can be extended to a maximum of four hours per day up to 20 hours per week.

Employees can choose to be paid overtime at a 50% surcharge either by cash or as time off. Thus, every overtime hour is charged at 150% of the normal contract rate, or it entitles the employee to an hour and a half of time off.

Annual leave in Austria

Austrian employees and workers on a typical five-day workweek are entitled to 25 paid leave days annually. After 25 years of employment, this is increased to 30 paid leave days. The country celebrates 13 public holidays on which employees are also paid in full, aside from being guaranteed 24 hours of uninterrupted rest periods (i.e., a full day needs to pass before being called into work again).

Employees working six days from Monday to Saturday are entitled to 30 paid leave days annually, which increases to 36 paid leave days after 25 years of employment.

All employees in Austria are covered by social insurance, which spans health, accident, maternity, pension, and unemployment benefits among others.

All insured persons are entitled to some, but not all, of the benefits social insurance covers. These are funded by income-related contributions as well as support from the government. Social insurance contributions are based on income with a cap of €5,220 per month — the more employee earns, the more they contribute.

Social insurance calculated at the highest bracket (i.e., a monthly income of €5,220) works out to 39.35% of employee salary, split between the employer contribution (21.23%) and employee contribution (18.12%).

Austrian maternity and parental leave

Women are entitled to eight weeks of pregnancy leave before childbirth and eight weeks of maternity leave afterward, which can be increased to 12 weeks for high-risk instances (i.e., C-section or premature or multiple births). During this time, they must receive monetary maternity benefits.

They are also entitled to benefits in kind, such as consultations with physicians and midwives and the provision of medical devices and medication.

If the child was born before November 1, 2023, both parents are entitled to parental leave until the child's second birthday.

If the child was born on or after November 1, 2023, the rules are slightly more complex:

If only one parent takes parental leave, it can last for up to 22 months

If both parents take parental leave alternately , it can last for up to 24 months

If there is an overlap of one month where both parents are on parental leave, the limit is 23 months

Parental leave can be split twice. For example, if both parents are eligible, the mother might take the first and last eight months, and the father the second eight months (i.e., mother, father, mother). Alternatively, the mother might just take parental leave for the first year, and the father the second.

Note that for single parents and couples of whom one parent is not entitled to parental leave (i.e., they are self-employed), the limit is 24 months. So a self-employed mother might take the first year, for instance, and then the eligible father might take the second.

Employers must be notified of the parent's intention to take leave in advance.

In addition, new fathers can also take a protected "father's month" (Papamonat), provided they live in a shared household with the other parent and the child. Companies do not have to pay the employee during this leave, but the government provides "bonuses" of:

€23.91 per day (or €741.21 for the month) if the child was born before August 1, 2023

€47.82 per day (or €1,482.42 for the month) if the child was born on or after August 1, 2023

€52.46 per day (or €1,626.26 for the month) if the child was born on or after January 1, 2024

It's also now possible for parents to request parental part-time work, up until the child's eighth birthday. The specifics of this arrangement are calculated on a case-by-case basis, but to obtain this status, employees must cut their hours by at least 20% (at a minimum of 12 hours per week).

We strongly recommend providing additional parental leave to Austrian employees to maintain a globally consistent parental leave provision. This benefit will be met with loyalty and commitment in return.

In Austrian culture, family connections are strong and the immediate family unit tends to be very close. As a result, any additional provisions aimed at assisting with parental care are so highly valued by employees.

Pension and retirement contributions

Pension contributions are shared. The employer contributes 12.55% of the employee salary and the employee contributes 10.25% of their salary.

Employer contributions are tax-deductible business expenses, while employee contributions are income-related expenses, which are taxed less.

Download your Global Benefits Guide and attract top global talent

Remote's global HR experts share practical advice for building a locally relevant and globally compliant benefits program to help you attract and keep the world's best talent.

Modern global benefits guide download

You must provide statutory employee benefits to satisfy required regulatory compliance, but growth-focused employers should also provide supplemental benefits to attract, motivate, and retain the best local talent.

Remote cares about providing perks and benefits to enable your global team to enjoy security, stability, and work-life balance. Our team of HR specialists and global benefits experts are constantly working with our customers to create the most competitive local benefits packages to attract top talent .

Offering the bare minimum won’t cut it in almost any international talent market. Workers today are seeking out additional perks now that remote work is readily available with businesses across the world (we explain in more detail in our values-based benefits guide ).

Private Health Insurance

Austria has a high-quality public healthcare system, which is paid for through salary deductions or free for those with low income or who are unemployed. There is also a private healthcare system, which offers no wait times and greater optionality when it comes to physicians or hospitals. It also ensures more comfortable care, like a private or double room in a hospital. Private insurance is typically used as a supplement to the public system.

Forward-thinking employers can bolster the provisions of Austria’s social insurance programs with a strong private health insurance plan. You should strongly consider this benefit to give your employees access to premium coverage.

Private insurance inclusions can range from dental to optical coverage as well as other specialized care that the public sector may not offer. This will help employees pay for care such as emergency room visits, hospital stays, outpatient surgery, and other extra costs.

Offering health coverage and additional insurance benefits (like dental insurance, vision insurance, and life insurance), can be an effective way to build trust with new hires and separate your offer from that of a competitor.

Value-based benefits to attract remote workers

As more employees moved toward remote or hybrid working solutions over the past couple of years, the demand for employer-provided support for telecommuting has increased.

R ecent regulation that entered into practice last April 2021 in Austria not only allowed flat rate non-taxable allowances for offices operated within private homes but also required employers to either provide remote employees ergonomic home office provisions or lump sum compensation to cover the necessary costs.

Home office stipends and personal development programs are indeed highly preferred benefits . Allowances to compensate for the likely increased cost of internet, electricity, and phone contracts will also help to provide specific support for Austrians who are working from home.

Additional perks can also act as powerful motivators for star candidates to join and stay with a given company. We’ve gathered a short list below for you to consider:

Personal learning budget

Therapy or coaching allowances

Mentorship programs

Volunteering days

Birthday leave

Meal and travel expenses

Gym or health club membership

Flexibility in work hours

Remote work has also shown that the regular nine-to-five grind can be replaced by a bit more flexibility. This indeed reflects in national law in Austria, where overtime may be extended by an additional two hours per day for specific job functions with a lot of standby duty.

The provision of flexible work hours in a contract adds value towards work-life balance, which again is continuously changing alongside remote and hybrid work environments.

Providing cost-effective benefits packages to remote workers

The size of your business shouldn’t prevent you from sourcing international talent either. Even if you’re a smaller business looking to employ Austrians (or any other international workers), you can still develop a competitive AND affordable benefits plan.

Bundling supplementary and value-based benefits into a job offer always comes with key considerations in terms of cost-effectiveness. This is especially true for businesses of smaller scale that want to work with remote employees in Austria but may struggle to remain competitive in the job market and thus lose out on providing benefits.

Home office support stipends and supplementary insurance coverage notwithstanding, you can tweak your benefits package to suit the nature of the work required from your remote workers to include benefits such as more paid time off, or even, assistance with basic needs such as groceries and food.

There are also more traditional approaches like stock options or profit-sharing, which lend themselves well to responsibilities with high ownership and impact.

The key is to spend less on vanity perks and focus on benefits that let employees live the lives they want — which is made possible by their situation as remote professionals. You can read our guide to affordable perks small businesses can offer remote teams to learn more.

Complex international hiring as well as managing payment and benefits for global workers is a challenging task because the processes involved are incredibly difficult to manage internally.

You will need a solution that allows you to stay compliant with all of the local labor laws in each country of operation.

Instead of building a fully-owned local legal entity with a specialist HR function in each new market, an employer of record (EOR) provides a cost-effective, fast, and secure alternative to help you grow your team across borders.

If you don’t have an established process to manage the complicated parts of scaling global hiring In Austria, or any other country – an EOR like Remote will give you immediate relief.

Remote’s EOR service gives you the advantage of dedicated local employment experts that can offer the insight you need to create a strong benefits package, a compliant employment contract, and a competitive offer to your candidate.

Remote manages the complicated parts of international employment. The combination of Remote’s simple software hub and our team of global HR experts combine to organize all the tiny details of managing a distributed team.

Our team of global employment experts handles the complexities of running your global HR operations in the backend and our software puts everything in one dashboard where you can:

Manage payroll and time off

Handle local employment taxes

Stay compliant with statutory benefits

Offer competitive and equitable global compensation packages

Scale your global team faster

You can learn more about how Remote simplifies international hiring so you can scale your distributed team faster.

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In Europe's Schengen area , your passport must be valid for at least six months at the time of your entry. At present, the Schengen area includes most European Union (EU) countries, except for Cyprus and Ireland.

If you are transiting through Canada or the United Kingdom (UK) enroute to the Schengen area : your passport must be valid for at least six months, even though Canada and the UK do not themselves have the six-month rule. If your passport will expire within six months, airlines may not let you board your onward flight to Europe.

Traveling in Europe

If you plan to travel in Europe, you need to know about the Schengen Borders Agreement, which allows you to move freely within a number of countries without border checks. Tourists, exchange students, and people visiting for business from certain countries, like the United States, can travel in the Schengen area for up to 90 days. The Schengen area includes most EU countries, except for Cyprus and Ireland. It also includes four non-EU countries: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.

Before you travel to the Schengen area, we recommend you do the following:

  • Check the expiration date on your passport book carefully before traveling to Europe. Ensure your passport book is valid for at least six months when you enter the Schengen area. This is especially important for minors under age 16 as their passports are only valid for five years. In contrast, U.S. citizen adults aged 16 and older receive passports that are valid for 10 years.
  • Always carry your passport book with you when traveling to another country in the Schengen area. Even if there is no border check at that time, officials may reinstate border controls without notice.
  • Be prepared to explain your purpose of travel.
  • Be prepared to provide proof of sufficient financial resources for the visit.
  • Comply with other entry requirements for each country you will visit or transit.

On our Country Information pages , you can find passport validity requirements and other important information for your destination country. If your passport does not meet the Schengen requirements, you may be:

  • Refused boarding by the airline at your point of origin or while transferring planes.
  • Denied entry when you arrive in the Schengen area, regardless of how long you will stay.

An immigration official will determine if you qualify for visa-free entry to the Schengen area when you first cross any external Schengen border. You will have to present your passport at that time. The officer may deny your entry if you do not qualify.

You should also check passport validity requirements if traveling onward from the Schengen area to a country outside the Schengen area. You can find this information in our Country Information pages.


  • With a valid U.S. passport book, you can stay up to 90 days in the Schengen area for tourism or business during any 180-day period. You must wait an additional 90 days before applying to re-enter the Schengen area.
  • If you plan to stay in the Schengen area longer than three months, contact the embassy of the country where you plan to spend the majority of your time and apply for a visa.

Countries in the Schengen area may reinstate temporary internal or external border control without notice. U.S. citizens should carry their U.S. passport book at all times when entering or leaving the Schengen area. They should also bring it when traveling between Schengen countries.

How can the U.S. government help me if border officials do not let me enter?

  • We can give you the contact information of foreign embassies of the countries you wish to visit.
  • We can provide information about hiring an English-speaking foreign attorney overseas if you choose to do so.
  • Note: We cannot influence a foreign government’s decision about allowing you to enter. We cannot intervene in another country’s criminal or administrative procedures.

What countries are members of the Schengen Borders Agreement?

Click on the country name for more information.

Bulgaria (entering in March 2024)

Czech Republic



Romania (entering in March 2024)


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staff travel austrian

Airbus A320 heavily damaged by mid-air hail storm prior to landing in Austria

A n Airbus A320 was heavily damaged by a mid-air hail storm on a Sunday flight from Palma de Mallorca to Vienna, Austrian Airlines confirmed.

The airline said the crew of Flight OS434 declared a mayday distress call as hail pummeled the airplane. Photos posted on social media showed that the cockpit windows were shattered and parts of the nose were missing. The airline said that no one was injured.

"The aircraft encountered a thunderstorm cell during approach to Vienna, which according to the cockpit crew, was not visible on the weather radar. As of now, the hail has damaged the two front cockpit windows, the aircraft nose (radome), and some coverings," the airline said in a statement. "The aircraft was able to land safely at Vienna-Schwechat Airport. All passengers on the flight were unharmed. The Austrian Airlines technical team is already tasked with assessing the specific damage to the aircraft. The safety of our passengers and crews is the top priority for Austrian Airlines."

Travelers can now book Southwest tickets on Google Flights

According to FlightAware, the flight landed at 5:59 p.m. local time after a two-hour, 19-minute flight.

There have been a handful of incidents involving mid-air hail storms. In 2018, a hail storm caused significant damage to a Boliviana de Aviación airline flight near Buenos Aires. No one was injured in that incident.

Also in 2018, an American Airlines flight bound for Phoenix diverted to El Paso after hail caused damage to the plane.

Damage to Austrian Airlines flight

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Current information and flight irregularities, quick help in case of flight irregularities.

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Demand for Canadian Banknotes from International Travel: Indirect Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Recent trends suggest that domestic demand alone may not be enough to explain the increase in overall demand for Canadian banknotes (Engert et al., 2019). Estimating foreign cash demand is difficult due to data availability issues and confounding factors that simultaneously affect domestic demand. In this paper, I provide a quantitative causal estimate of banknote demand from international visitors to Canada by exploiting the exogenous shock from COVID-19 international travel restrictions, which led to an unprecedented drop in cross-border travel. To identify international visitor demand shocks from contemporaneous domestic demand shocks due to the pandemic, I apply a difference-in-differences strategy, taking advantage of foreign traveler demand’s distinct regional patterns and data from the Bank of Canada’s Bank Note Distribution System. I find that each international visitor brought on average $165 worth of hundred-dollar notes with them to Canada prior to the pandemic. Under plausible assumptions, total holdings by international visitors constitute roughly 10% of total $100 CAD notes in circulation at the end of 2019.


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  • Buckeyes In the NFL

Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Western Michigan Broncos: Way-too-Early Week 2 Predictions

Gaurav law | 20 hours ago.

Dec 29, 2023; Arlington, TX, USA;  Ohio State Buckeyes defensive end Jack Sawyer (33) celebrates his sack of Missouri Tigers quarterback Brady Cook (12) in the third quarter during the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic at AT&T Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Kyle Robertson-USA TODAY Sports

  • Ohio State Buckeyes
  • Western Michigan Broncos

When the Ohio State Buckeyes play a team from Michigan, the game tends to get more attention than usual.

When Western Michigan meets Ohio State in Columbus on Sept. 7, the two will go head-to-head for their stretches of non-conference games. While the Buckeyes will face another Mid-American Conference team in Akron in Week 1, the Broncos will have an unfortunate start against back-to-back Big Ten teams in Wisconsin and Ohio State.

Here's what the BuckeyesNow staff thinks about the Week 2 matchup :

Matt Galatzan, Managing Editor

Another easy test for the Buckeyes from the MAC here. This will give the offense another tune-up opportunity and allow the defense to get honed in. The Buckeyes get another blowout win. Ohio State 48 Western Michigan 6

Gaurav Law, Staff Writer

Western Michigan simply won't be able to hang with the Buckeyes. They will likely get worked by Wisconsin and figure out what needs to change before they play in the third-largest stadium in the country. Chances are they will be too beat up from Big Ten football after week 1 and won't perform well on either side of the ball in Week 2.

Ohio State hasn't lost to a non-Power 5 team since 1990. That's not going to change in the first three weeks of the 2024 season.

Ohio State 59 Western Michigan 17

Caleb Spinner, Staff Writer

Ohio State has probably never had a better chance to post 120 points or more over two games than they do this season. Pummeling Akron to start the year will give the Buckeyes some momentum going into their bout with Western Michigan (not that they need it).

The Broncos are going to be beyond outmatched across the board. I hope however much money they got to play the Buckeyes in Columbus was worth it, because this won’t be pretty.

Ohio State 63 Western Michigan 6

Gaurav Law

You asked: Is it safe to eat airport sushi?

Doctors, airports and a food writer weigh in on a traveler’s sushi suspicions.

staff travel austrian

Traveling has always come with complications. Our By The Way Concierge column will take your travel dilemmas to the experts to help you navigate the unexpected. Want to see your question answered? Submit it here .

“Is it unsafe to eat airport sushi? What is a good way to know if the sushi is safe if at all?” — Nathan R., Silver Spring, Md.

I’ve been known to dabble in airport sushi when the mood strikes. But I have a high risk tolerance, so I reached out to doctors, airports and a food writer to get their take.

Ali A. Khan, a gastroenterologist with Gastro Health in Fairfax, Va., said eating sushi is a risky option, not just at the airport, but anywhere you eat it. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention labels raw fish dishes including sushi and ceviche a “ riskier choice ,” along with other delicious foods like alfalfa sprouts, eggnog and unpasteurized cheese.

Khan said you may increase the chances of food poisoning at the airport where “there’s a lot more potential and room for error as far as storage and handling” goes, which is why he usually saves sushi for other occasions.

The food writer had a similar concern. For the critic’s perspective, I sent your question to my James Beard Award-winning colleague Tim Carman . Turns out, he does have some reservations about eating raw fish at the airport, opting for burgers, sandwiches or salads instead of sashimi.

“I just know how most restaurants operate in airports,” he told me in a chat. “They’re usually not run by the restaurants themselves, but by a third-party concessionaire. I don’t want to put myself in the hands of a third-party concessionaire when it comes to sushi.”

Airport representatives (predictably) disagree with such criticisms.

A spokesperson for Denver International — home to two restaurants that serve sushi — said their concessionaires are required to follow all state and local food handling regulations, and are governed by the same public health agencies as a restaurant outside of the airport.

“These agencies hold all concessionaires to the highest level of food safety and quality standards,” the spokesperson wrote in an email.

Jonathan O. Dean, a spokesperson for the Baltimore-Washington International Marshall Airport, pointed me to Gachi House of Sushi’s Yelp page , where travelers have given the airport sushi spot strong reviews.

It’s so popular, in fact, that “it’s a regular sight, pilots and airline flight crews exiting their aircraft and making a beeline for Gachi,” Dean told me by email. So popular, moreover, they’ve expanded to airports in Philadelphia and Boston.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Budi Suryakusuma (@gachisushi)

Even with food safety standards, eating raw fish comes with risks. Cooking meat kills harmful microbes that may have contaminated seafood, said Dave Love, research professor at Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future — who’s studied fisheries and the food system issues related to the industry.

Mark Gendreau, a physician and the chief medical officer of Beverly and Addison Gilbert hospitals in Massachusetts, agreed. There are multiple organisms that can contaminate raw fish, and several can cause symptoms fairly quickly, as in: you could get hit with severe nausea and vomiting followed by diarrhea on your flight.

There are a few ways you can reduce some risk for safer sushi eating, New Jersey-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade told me. Like using good judgment when you’re deciding where and what to eat. Ordering some at a well-known, reputable restaurant is a safer bet than a premade tray that may have been stored at an improper temperature for an extended time. If you are going for a to-go container, check out the fish. Is it bright and appetizing? Or is it discolored? Dried out? Unpleasantly aromatic?

Similarly, Neil Slabbert, regional chief medical officer, Asia-Pacific, for the travel risk management company World Travel Protection , said airport diners should ask a few questions before digging in: Can you tell how long the sushi has been sitting out? Is there a food safety rating prominently posted? If you can see the food prep area, does it look clean?

Love also said you should eat your sushi ASAP; don’t let it sit out for hours before your flight. “Just like any seafood, it needs to be consumed or refrigerated,” he said.

Unfortunately, such scrutiny isn’t perfect. Khan said it can be “basically impossible” to tell if sushi is contaminated or not.

“It may smell bad or have a fishy odor to it, and this may be an indicator that it’s not the freshest,” he said. “But just because it doesn’t smell bad doesn’t mean that it’s not contaminated.”

If you do happen to get sick, “healthy people tend to get better after a few days,” Khan said. You should drink plenty of fluids — water, sports drinks, broth — and try to stay hydrated. If your symptoms aren’t getting better, seek medical attention.

Should such risks put you off raw fish, you could go for vegetarian sushi or sushi made with cooked seafood instead; shrimp tempura rolls are Khan’s favorite.

Or, you can just accept the risks and pass the wasabi.

“That is life — everything is hazardous,” Khan said.

Have a travel dilemma for By The Way Concierge? Send it to us here .

More travel tips

Vacation planning: Start with a strategy to maximize days off by taking PTO around holidays. Experts recommend taking multiple short trips for peak happiness . Want to take an ambitious trip? Here are 12 destinations to try this year — without crowds.

Cheap flights: Follow our best advice for scoring low airfare , including setting flight price alerts and subscribing to deal newsletters. If you’re set on an expensive getaway, here’s a plan to save up without straining your credit limit.

Airport chaos: We’ve got advice for every scenario , from canceled flights to lost luggage . Stuck at the rental car counter? These tips can speed up the process. And following these 52 rules of flying should make the experience better for everyone.

Expert advice: Our By The Way Concierge solves readers’ dilemmas , including whether it’s okay to ditch a partner at security, or what happens if you get caught flying with weed . Submit your question here . Or you could look to the gurus: Lonely Planet and Rick Steves .

staff travel austrian

Surge in summer travel expected after Houston Airport System experiences 2nd busiest day in history

KTRK logo

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Houstonians, get ready for a busy travel season this summer.

According to Houston Aiport System officials, they reached their second busiest travel day in history last week, on June 6.

The Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, processed 83,796 passengers through its checkpoints at George Bush Intercontinental and William P. Hobby airports.

The video above is from a previous report on travel tips .

HAS said the significant increase in travel on June 6 aligns with the last day of school for several Houston-area students, on June 5, marking the official start of summer vacation.

Officials said this indicates a busy and record-setting summer travel season, with more than 19 million people at Bush and Hobby airports expected through Labor Day.

The 2024 summer forecast is said to be a 7% increase in travel compared to summer 2023.

HAS added that Thursday, Friday, and Sunday will be peak travel days this season, so you may want to plan before booking that flight.

Houston Airports recommends the following tips for travelers flying from Bush and Hobby airports:

  • Secure Your Parking Spot in Advance : You can beat the scramble for parking by reserving your spot online at least 12 hours before your arrival at the Houston Airports parking page . This option lets you choose your preferred garage and parking space, saving valuable time upon arrival.
  • Download the Houston Airports App : Stay informed with the free Houston Airports app, which provides real-time updates on TSA security wait times at IAH and HOU, allowing you to plan your arrival accordingly. Additionally, the app features interactive maps to help you locate parking, dining options near your gate, and other essential amenities.
  • Expedite Security with TSA Pre-Check : For travelers seeking a faster security screening experience, consider signing up for TSA Pre-Check. Applications can be submitted online, and the approval process can be completed in as little as five days. This feature allows pre-approved travelers to keep their shoes, belts, and light jackets on during security screening.

SEE ALSO: Expect the cost of your airfare to continue to rise, an aviation trade group warns

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