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Paramount Pictures Officially Confirms Star Trek Origin Movie For Its Upcoming Film Slate

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| April 11, 2024 | By: Anthony Pascale 240 comments so far

Today, the road to the next Star Trek feature film took a small but significant step towards becoming reality.

Paramount makes it official

Earlier this year, it was reported that Paramount Pictures was developing a new Star Trek feature film in parallel development to the “Star Trek 4” sequel to 2016’s Star Trek Beyond . Today the studio made the reports official as they announced their slate of films for 2025 and 2026, an official list which includes what Paramount is now calling “Untitled Star Trek Origin Story.” The studio also confirms the previously reported details: The film is “set decades before the original 2009 Star Trek film.” Toby Haynes ( Andor , Black Mirror “USS Callister”) is directing based on a screenplay by Seth Grahame-Smith ( The Lego Batman Movie ), with J.J. Abrams returning as producer.

The Star Trek movie was just one of many the studio confirmed as part of their 2025/2026 slate at their CinemaCon presentation today. Paramount Pictures CEO Brian Robbins led the studio’s presentation at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. This is the first time Star Trek has been part of the studio’s annual CinemaCon event since Robbins took over in 2021.

The “Star Trek 4” sequel to Beyond was not part of today’s CinemaCon presentation, presumably because with the recent hiring of a new screenwriter , that film would not be ready for theaters by 2026. It has also been reported that the origin story movie is set to start filming by the end of the year. There are no details yet on the plot, specific time setting, or cast. If Paramount can move fast enough they could get the origin movie into theaters by 2026—in time for Star Trek’s 60th anniversary.

Find more news and analysis on  upcoming Star Trek feature films .

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Fool me once … ( also I want a movie but until someone gets a set built I’m not holding my breath )

I’m not pre-ordering my tickets…..

You would need a title and a premiere date to order tickets. This film has neither.

I’d wait to believe it until you actually see a movie trailer for it. Noah Hawley was in the casting stage when they cancelled his Trek movie. They might have even started on the sets.

The film is on Noah’s IMDB Credits list…

Yep. I heard ferries exist too!

Car ferries?

Even now, it potentially doesn’t matter. They could pull a Zaslav and shelve the film after it was all but released.

I won’t believe it until my butt is in the theater seat and the film starts playing.

We don’t need the origin story. We have it already. It was called “Enterprise”.

I didn’t realize there was such a large interest in a Star Trek origin movie. It’s their money to burn.

I still believe this is their way of rebooting the “prime” universe from the beginning and remaking it in a new image. I see no other point of doing an origin movie. First Contact and Star trek: Enterprise were origin enough IMO.

I don’t quite get it either. We already got that with First Contact and Enterprise. What else is there that could interest the general public.

Yeah, and for me, the period between First Contact and Enterprise just doesn’t seem that exciting. The period between Enterprise and the Nero incursion would be more interesting, I guess.

They wrote that the origin film would be “set decades before the original 2009 Star Trek film”. That film (in-universe) is set in 2233 (Nero incursion) and 2258 (main plot) respectively. So “decades before” would be after Enterprise, probably after the formation of the Federation, most probably before the Nero incursion, maybe around the turn of the century.

It’s just odd they are calling it an “origin” movie if it happens after Enterprise.

I’m curious what they mean by “origin”. The origin of Starfleet would be before Enterprise and the origin of the Federation would be after.

Also, the origin of Star Trek would have to be before the events of First Contact.

…assuming there is a concern about canon whatsoever, of course.

Many assumptions to be made at this point for sure.

Assuming this announcement doesn’t get added to the pile of previous unmade-movie announcements.

They’re calling it an origin movie to appeal to newcomers and casual fans.

Maybe we’ll see the founding of the Federation?

We already saw that in the infamous final episode of Enterprise. If they revisit that, they’d have to include the NX-01 crew and do a *lot* of deaging. 😉

They could show the first year of the Federation or something.

The obvious way to go is just do the Romulan war which leads into the founding of the Federation and what Enterprise was supposed to do.

That’s really the only thing fans actually want to see in terms of a prequel story.

Which was already scripted for Berman nearly 20 years ago by the band of brothers screenwriter.

Yep. I heard that’s what they were considering doing until the Kelvin movie got greenlit instead.

Overall the Kelvin movie was probably the better choice in terms of box office but I probably would’ve preferred the Romulan war idea because it did sound more original and different.

That’s something, the Romulan War. That’s a big event, it could have action and you probably can just invent your own characters.

Couldn’t they just carry on from the end instead of squeezing more new shows in between what we already have?

For how little Trek lore has fleshed out that imaginary bit of history, do we really need to be putting some detail to how we went from post-apocalyptic hellhole to utopian paradise in fifty years? Maybe some enterprising human stole a replicator off a Vulcan ship and reverse engineered it? Seeing the sausage being made may not be a great on screen adventure…

Eastern Europe isn’t the best example – while they’ve done okay extricating themselves from the communist wasteland, it was (and is) without its setbacks.

that’s what makes me so crazy. Discovery was the chance to reboot the “prime” universe but they have stubbornly stuck to this quisling versio

Not only that, they already did a Star Trek origin movie. Star TRek 2009. But sure lets put more money in it, have it fail, and then blame the box office on why we will never get more trek. Thats a great idea!

That was really a Kirk and Spock origin story. There’s a century of Federation/Starfleet before them that we know almost nothing about. Plenty of room for a good one-off story. Maybe a story 20-ish years before Discovery , with Captain April and Lt. Commander Pike? Could have a young Sarek, too.

First off do we even know what they mean by “origin”?

Could be about the founding of the federation, the Romulan War, or the early days of starfleet pre-Enterprise.

It may have nothing to do with Kirk and Spock, the Enterprise, might not be any kind of reboot or reset.

My gut says it’s set in the Kelvin timeline and it takes place post USS Kelvin but pre-2009 Trek. And I’m fine with that.

They already said it will be based in the prime universe, not the Kelvin. I don’t know why they framed that press release that way but I guess since the Kelvin movies are the current movies they wanted to make clear to people this movie is before all of that I guess.

And obviously will have nothing to do with Kirk and Spock because it will be before they were even born.

I agree. I’m not really interested in a ST origin film either, for the reasons you stated. I think, if they were to do one, it has to have some good hook. Say something like Kirk before Enterprise, or Robert April’s time on the Enterprise as its first captain, but I think that’s been pretty much done with Strange New Worlds.

Maybe Picard on the Stargazer before TNG?

Otherwise, you’ll be getting something with a cast of characters that you’ve never heard off, or, if you have, it’s been a line in an episode.

These announcements feel like Groundhog Day, don’t they? Maybe that’s the story they should tell.

A feature length version of Cause and Effect…

I’m guessing Romulan Star Empire Wars era setting.

Yeah, maybe it’s the concept Rick Berman pitched: a Romulan War film where the NX-01 is off vacationing at Risa.

How about Star Trek: Federation . Founding of the Federation, which is immediately followed by a crisis requiring the urgent launch of USS Federation (NCC-01). Scott Bakula has a cameo appearance as President Archer.

Here we go! :D

Star Trek Origins: The Future Begins

Yeah but it’s not as exciting when we literally have a thousand years of that future now.

This is why prequels bore so many people when we already know so much about the future it’s setting up.

At least with the Kelvin movies they were smart to not make it a traditional prequel and people still hated those too.

I will never understand the obsession of going backwards when you have a fanbase that is constantly begging to go forward and prequels don’t attract new fans at all because they are made for oddly old fans in mind. You only cared about how Anakin became Vader in the prequels if you watched the OT.

We really know almost nothing (in canon) about the entire century that elapses between Enterprise and Discovery , though. I would have preferred Kelvin Movie 4 or even a post-TNG original movie (maybe with Patrick Stewart making a cameo) but I could get behind a canon treatment about the first years of the Federation.

If it’s really something good or interesting fine. If it’s just ‘this is how the Federation was formed” we already got that already.

Now if it’s the Romulan war or something then that’s at least something people can get excited about. But yeah we already know how it ends so maybe that won’t be it either.

I just can’t really get to excited about a prequel movie.

Yeah, I think the Romulan war would be a great premise for a movie, BUT according to TOS the battles were fought with “primitive atomic weapons and in primitive space vessels which allowed no quarter, no captives, nor was there even ship-to-ship visual communication; therefore, no human, Romulan or ally has ever seen the other.”

In other words canon would have to be completely ignored – we all know Enterprise completely disregarded the TOS take of the war as the NX-01 had visual comms, phase cannons and photonic torpedoes. If the story is a good one, I am totally good with ignoring canon, but of course others are not.

Yeah that’s always the issue with the Romulan War thing, it’s really hard to make a compelling story about it when you are fighting it without directly engaging the enemy.

That said I’m 100% convinced they will just ignore that and do what they want or just find an excuse to change ot. Look at SNW, this the show that has shown the Gorn years before they were supposed to be seen and completely changed Khan’s original timeline using TCW as the reason..

Discovery had an entire Klingon War when that didn’t remotely exist in canon.

So yeah it probably won’t matter that much end of the day. They will just make what they want and then will use some excuse to do it. That’s been the case since Enterprise as you said.

Exactly! Very well put!! I just wish someone from TPTB would listen already!

Think about it prequels are easy to make because most of the writing is done for you. You don’t have to come up with where these characters will go.

Only if they are old characters though. But this sounds like Enterprise and not SNW and it will be all new characters.

So, it would be set after Enterprise and before the Kelvin fiasco. Awesome.

Probably the Romulan Wars. And with no Enterprise. Not excited

If only I could insert the Will Farrel “I don’t believe you!” GIF.

Whatever this turns out to be, hopefully it will be interesting. More likely it will turn out to be just another dead Trek movie project.

So many of these stories do seem to go absolutely nowhere! However, I am not as negative about an origin story as some fans are. At this point, I am more neutral on the movie. I can see that under the right circumstances it could be quite interesting. Although prequels can be a tough sell to Star Trek fans. Ultimately the fact that’s a movie could work in its favor though. Less storylines to produce over the years might help keep the story focused! Though I am not sure it would be a box office draw.

I’ll believe it when I’ve seen it in theaters, listened to TrekMovie’s review, and have the blu-ray on my shelf 4 months later.

Where to place the Blu-ray tho?

Before ST09 or after Beyond? …or.. Before TOS?

They go in order of release, for me. But could this be the first Trek film I don’t purchase on disc? Time may tell…

It’s an origin story taking place in the prime universe so it will go either before or after Enterprise basically.

I’ll believe it when it actually happens. Also, Seth Grahame-Smith is not a good writer, so that doesn’t bode well.

My thoughts exactly.

I liked the book Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, but not the movie.

I absolutely loved the Lego Batman movie, though. If he is able to incorporate Trek lore with as much care as he did for Batman, it could turn out to be a very good movie after all.

I’ll believe it when I’m sat i theatre turning off my phone with my Star Trek Origins screensaver and eating popcorn out my STO popcorn bucket (the lid in shape of the Starfleet A insignia )

He co wrote The Flash right? I really liked that , I could imagine something similar happening with Nero as happened with Zod in that (going back to 1st film via timetravel)

This is what’s over at Box Office Mojo: Untitled Star Trek: Beyond Sequel (????)

Grain of salt, anyone?

There are apparently two movies planned. Origin and Trek 4…

Actually there are three now including one that we all thought was DOA two minutes after it was announced.

Three movies in development from a studio who has cancelled four of them for 8 years now. And this will be the fourth new script for the next Kelvin movie.

That’s why everyone is very very confident this one is happening for sure. 🙄

The only thing we can take to the bank is we will see Section 31, starring Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh!!

Pretty much.

And a studio that is broke and in debt with junk status. None of these will likely be made or just the super cheapy origin movie if they can keep the budget low.

My thoughts exactly as well.

I’m pretty sure you got your facts wrong.

Sigh. Why do the powers that be always want to go backward in the ST timeline and do origin stories and such?

Lack of confidence in new ideas and to make it as cheaply as possible, are two things that come to mind right away.

It’s simple. They don’t want all that trek nerd baggage. They want a movie anyone would go to see and understand.

How’s that working for them?

You don’t get it.

I don’t get it either? It’s not like the prequel stuff has been huge home runs or big money makers.

The Star Wars prequels made a lot of money. That’s what Paramount still looks at, even though they have yet to duplicate that financial success.

Yes but that’s STAR WARS! It’s going to make a lot of money period. And those prequels came out when it was just the OT and nothing else for literally decades. There was a lot of hype just returning to those stories.

This is not the same thing, especially when we already had so many prequels in Trek now and with mixed results. That said I’m not saying it can’t be successful but I don’t see any huge hype around it either because most fans just seem to want to go forward and not backwards.

All the negativity over this ‘announcement’ is well deserved. Just make a fcking movie already Paramount, Jesus.

But I suspect IF this one is real it’s probably a much cheaper movie being new actors and maybe something with a lot less explosions and FX. I suspect it will probably be around $100 million.

It’s certainly doesn’t sound like something they are pushing to make a billion dollars or anything. Only people who cares about a prequel will be mostly old fans and even they aren’t exactly excited about yet another prequel judging by all the reactions so far. Maybe they will attract an A list star or a well respected one to bring more hype to it.

But same time I been pushing to just do something NEW with new characters and setting forever now. Stop trouting out Kirk and Picard, take a real chance with the franchise for a change. I was hoping it would be Post Nemesis but I should be happy I finally got half of what I wanted lol.

But I’ll believe it when I see it. I have literally been saying this line for six years now and I’m really tired of saying it. 🙄

Yup, exactly. Assuming it even happens, the premise sounds weak. Not surprised.

Yep. Unless it’s something truly mind blowing it’s not going to elicit a lot of excitement. Sure we’ll all go lol but I don’t see this thing having any real pull beyond the true believers.

It probably got the greenlight because its really cheap and it’s becoming embarrassing how long this franchise has languished.

I really only go to movie theaters to see Trek films (much prefer the comforts of home to see movies), so yup I’ll be going, good or bad. And yes, it is really pathetic the way this franchise has been treated on the big screen for the past 20 years. Disgraceful.

Ummm… what premise?? The only thing we know is that it is an origin movie. Nothing else. There IS no premise yet…

I think he means just another origin story itself feels a bit tired. But yes we don’t specifically know what that means yet but anything before TOS at this point just doesn’t really get a lot of fans all that hot and bother.

Whatever it ends up being it’s just filling in to more history we already know.

I get it. But no matter what era they make a movie in, there will be complaints. We have done prequels – some fans hate that. We have done same era as TNGish – fans complained. Likewise, we have had a show set in the future (soon to be another) – fans complained. There aren’t many options left.

Before TOS: Enterprise, JJ movies, Discovery, SNW just after TNG era: Picard, Prodigy, Lower Decks Future: Discovery, Starfleet Academy

Do they just make things in the era of TNG, DS9 and Voyager? No matter what is produced, there will always be a fan base that is unhappy.

Most people seem to really want the Legacy show though. I think for the majority of fans they may not agree with everything but there is definitely a sense they rather go forwards than backwards and why 4 of the 5 shows are post Nemesis shows.

And if you gave the option between a Legacy movie or this prequel idea, it wouldn’t be close.

I just don’t think making a prequel movie is the best idea out there. And I don’t think new audiences will remotely care one way or the other.

I’m going to start reporting you now. One guy got the boot for being an obsessive troll and like you was already banned before anyway.

Leave me alone from this point on. I mean it.

What a total disappointment. I wanted to see the Kelvin crew return. It’s going to be 10 years between films.

Please be Kirk and Spock at least.

Check the first paragraph of the article out again. This one is presumably being developed ‘in parallel’ to the Kelvin crew sequel.

Recast Kirk and Spock, I presume?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the main character is Kirk’s great grandfather, Tiberius something or other.

And not surprised there was no announcement of the next JJ verse movie. I predicted a few weeks ago that one wouldn’t get made by 2026 or the 60th anniversary. Frankly I don’t even know why they are even bothering with it anymore? Whenever it’s supposed to come out it’s already going to be the last one and over 10 years since the last one came out.

What’s even the point? They are clearly moving on from it.

As far as the origin movie why not just make it for the 60th anniversary? Why rush it? It’s already been nearly a decade, what’s one more year at this point and you can Marley it better in an anniversary year.

Its the reverse of ST 6, here we getting the prequel movie instead of the final cast film (for the anniversary)

Someone on another board said we are probably getting the sequel to First Contact so it would make sense to have it for the 6Oth anniversary 30 years apart lol.

“[S]et decades before the original 2009 Star Trek film?”

Gimme Archer & T’Pol, or else…

Neither actor has any interest in returning to Star Trek, so that won’t happen.

I’ve only heard Bakula say that about Quantum Leap , not Enterprise . And this is a feature film, a lot harder for an actor to turn down. I agree with his decision to ignore the QL reboot (that series didn’t capture the heart and soul of the original at all) but if Paramount approached him with “we want you to play President Archer for a few scenes in this movie” I doubt he’d say no.

No, no no. You’ve got it all wrong. It’s a story about a little design firm vying for the chance to design the Enterprise. It’s a story about a plucky band of mechanical engineers and physicists who come together to do the best pitch of their lives in a bidding war with three other firms. So, an origin story…from a certain point of view. ;)

I would watch,THAT!

I would write that!

I would direct that! (If I was Christopher Nolan)

No, I want Nolan doing ThePrisoner! He’s already got a script from the guy who wrote 12 Monkeys and the best stuff in Blade Runner, from over a decade back.

You probably meant it as a joke, but I’m also intrigued by this idea :D

Charlie Kaufmann does star trek.

Sure, you can store anti-matter in a glass jar. What could possibly go wrong?

Y’know, I know this is said partly in jest, but I wouldn’t mind that kind of movie if it was sort of a space race / WWII / Cold War drama, kind of a mix of Oppenheimer and The Right Stuff.

There’s a geo (spatio?) political angle (firm up the borders of the Federation, mitigate threats, and establish new allies while keeping up the exploration / first contact initiatives), the pressure on the engineering team to deliver groundbreaking new tech (and probably the cost of failed experiments, accidents, etc.), and then recruiting and training a new kind of crew – a starship crew (as Captain Merrick described them in ‘Bread and Circuses’.)

In essence, the origin of Starfleet as we know it – the first long-duration missions, the best of the best crewmembers, cross-trained, multidisciplinary, and for the first time, widely multi-species, etc.

Glad you all like. Paramount, you can send the check to: bmar, care of….

I’m thinking there’s going to be peace in the Middle East and nuclear fusion power is going to be a reality before they ever get back to the theaters.

Once upon a time I enjoyed Star Trek. Since the Nu Trek era began. I havent enjoyed any of the story arcs. They are just too aweful. There is a multitude of reasons why throught the web. Strange New Worlds S1 corrected course, however S2 not so. There are forces at work at Paramount. They are hell bent to destroy Star Trek. If Kurtzman and crew are in charge of the new movie. Get ready for more fantasy drama nonsense, and less plausable sci-fi.

Same here. I can’t get into NuTrek much at all. It feels like a shell of the golden era. For me that will always be 1966-2005.

But if others like it and getting new fans I’m very happy for them.

Same here. I’ve found a few gems in SNW S1, PIC S3, and S1 of Prodigy, but otherwise have been very disappointed in “NuTrek.” Of course I wish the franchise the best, but so far it’s been more misses than hits for me.

Yes I truly love Picard season 3! The best thing to come out of NuTrek so far. I don’t hate SNW but it railroads canon too much for my taste but it does feel like Star Trek again.

I haven’t seen Prodigy yet but I plan to watch it when season 2 begins and will watch season 1 before that one. Everyone kept saying it’s for kids and I’m far from a kid these days lol. But others here convinced me it’s a show for adults too so will give it a go

Wow, hell-bent on destroying Trek. Hell-bent, you say!! Just a tough melodramatic, are you?

Really don’t care about prequels and just want to keep going forward. Why not a movie in the 25th or 26th century with new crew and characters?

I may care more if Archer is involved or something. But I suspect this movie will bomb like the last one did. Only fans cares about prequels. New fans won’t care at all.

At least it’s in the prime universe again I guess.

But 25th or 26th century would still be a prequel to Discovery’s 32nd century :D

That doesn’t bother me because we don’t know anything about those time periods. We already know plenty about everything before TOS because it’s all been said or told now

Yeah I said this to another member the other day discussing any post Picard stories and that it will be completely new stories in a period we don’t know so it’s not the same thing. When you’re doing something like a TOS prequel you only have so much room and while it can certainly be interesting and creative it basically just like filling in to more stuff we already know.

That said the Section 31 movie time period is at least more interesting because it covers a much wider time period and they can be a lot more freer with the technology, etc so looking forward to that at least.

Yes I will admit although I’m not a big fan of the Space Nazi the time period of the movie intrigues me more. I always been curious of this period and the lead up to TNG, mostly because we know very little about it.

Discovery (in my view) kind of ruined everything in the Trek timelime. Just my opinion. Anyone who wants to just forget it happened, I’m in. Kidding, not kidding.

Agreed! I also don’t think it will be allegorical science fiction or be anything thought provoking. It will be a fast paced action adventure story that’s empty of depth and soul. Modern Star Trek is more interested in spectacle than compelling stories.

I’d guess that it means “origin of the TOS crew,” but that’s kind of weird, because we saw that in 2009.

Maybe this time they’ll start when they’re toddlers. (I kid, but not really). :)

They are going to re-do ‘A night in Sickbay’ like they did with Wrath of Khan/Into Darkness. It’ll be the same but different…..

Could this be their way of doing a George Kirk movie?

I would want to watch that, colour me intrigued…

“set decades before the original 2009 Star Trek film.”

Original 2009 Sta Trek film Sounds so wrong.

there is only two star trek origin stories i want to see the formation of the federation and it’s first few years if they have to adapt the rise of the federation novels for the movie and the origins of the borg they could adapt the plot ffor thet from the star trek destiny novels for a movie

Spot on, on both points!

2025? I hope it works out…

First we hear we are getting a Star Fleet Space Academy series that no one wants. The idea was mentioned in the 1980’s and shot down by fans. Now a retake on a Star Trek Origins films. Is any one currently running the Star Trek franchise in TV/streaming or film even listening to what the fans both old and new are saying?

It would seem not, sadly. How about establishing the time period between TUC and TNG, there’s a literal ton of stories to tell there? How the possibilities for storytelling within the franchise have been squandered over the years makes me frustrated, and frankly confused. SO many missed opportunities.

The upcoming section 31 movie will be set during that time frame as we know a young Rachel Garrett who later in life will be the captain of the enterprise c and defend the Klingon colony of narendra 3 will be in the movie maybe we will get to see the ent-b also again

Pointless movie as no audience will come see it at best it will make half its budget back. I mean they spent $250M on the 2009 movie and it showed on screen….you already know they are not spending that level otherwise it would be a Kelvin cast sequel!

I believe they spent just under 160 mil on the 09 (not counting the interest payments for holding the finished film for six months to get a summer release, or prints/advertising.) You’re probably thinking of BEYOND with the 250 number.

I still can’t see the money on screen in the 09, shooting in the damn brewery was Corman-level cheap.

The Numbers have the 09 costs 140 and BO Mojo sez 150, so yeah, way under the 250m you mention.

Can the ethos of Trek be distilled by JJ? Bob orci was bad for trek.

Kurtzman seemed to fall into trap w/discovery season 1.

Season 2, Picard, Lower Decks and SNW definitely sealed my thinking that Trek was in right hands.

Is section 31 and Rachel Garrett the right pivot for Trek? I thought 24th/25th century had plenty of stories to still tell.

Enterprise C, and possibly Tasha Yar/Sela after the events of Yesterday’s Enterprise! This should reboot TNG/Picard if ST: Legacy doesn’t happen.

Lower Decks makes me laugh Picard made me cry (good) SNW made me feel like Kurtzman should be trusted 💯

Great. Abrams ruined Star Wars and he’s finishing of Star Trek.

JJ had a planed out story plot for what he wanted to happen in the sequels but rian johnson chose to deviate from what jj had payed out so when jj returned for episode 9 he had to try and make the best of it and make his original story plot work but with the changes Johnson had made altering it so he had to come up with another evil sith mastermind and chose palpatine and he did course correct Rey’s lineage though it was different from who he had initially planned it to be and with Carrie fishers untimely passing he had to rewrite more and he had Luke show up as a force ghost to help rey when she returned to ach-to as apparently he was never going to have Luke die until the the final battle

I hope it has nudity

….and “Invincible” level action. It’ll be a hard R Quinton Tarentino could love.

Yes, we are on the same page.

CinemaCon basically works like a network upfront. You see clips and hear a lot of announcements. When there’s no cast or start date for announced projects, there’s maybe a 50/50 chance that the project will actually move forward (I was with a former employer for over 8 years and we announced a lot of stuff that generated a lot of buzz but then never materialized).

I think Brian Robbins will be gone within the next 12 months and if Robbins is pushed out this film is dead in the water.

This is probably the right answer.

I have next to no faith this will actually happen but they only have themselves to blame lol.

I remember a former poster kept saying ‘well this a new regime ‘ they aren’t the old guys’. Uh huh. It just shows end of the day they might be different but they still answer to the same shareholders and they know another Trek film is risky. Maybe this will finally get beyond a script this time but no one will be convinced until they start shooting the thing.

Rehashing old fandom letter campaign complaints from 40 years ago, don’t equate to the modern sci-fi fan, let alone the majority of Star Trek fans of 2024. The majority of complaints in the article comments are that there isn’t enough new future timeline Star Trek, so why would people NOT want a Star Fleet Academy series – new stories, new characters, new ships, new alien species/planets etc? An Origin movie is a vague enough description that it’s probably likely that the fandom can’t come anywhere close to a correct theory on when in the Trek timeline, this movie could be set.

I agreed with a commenter earlier, a George Kirk prequel movie would satisfy a lot of the fans, and hopefully generate enough interest for new and casual Star Trek moviegoers to warrant their going to a cinema complex. As to want the hardcore Star Trek fandom really want? There is too much dissent and bitter recriminations gone by, for any serious agreement by the fandom of their requirements, to stick for any longer than the next Trek major media article to be issued. And even if a majority agreement could be achieved – then we have the Mount Everest of EP Alex Kurtzman / Secret Hideout control of Trek production, to climb. A movie or series could have a billion-dollar budget, stellar A-list cast and crew, critical media acclaim for the story / screenplay. A favourable release timing and viral marketing, but fall at the last hurdle – the box office, due to the mountain of hate piled up against Paramount, Kurzman and his associates.

Now, as to the overall custodianship of the Trek franchise and its operation as a business, in general by Paramount, and its contracted creatives? Well, that’s a whole Hollywood chapter in itself. And is any of that even relevant in the long term, with the behind-the-scenes Harry Potter Wizard chess moves that are going on at the studio ownership, and network controlling interest levels? Apologies for the extended and extensive reply.

The first thing to do in order make a successful Star Trek movie is to ignore Star Trek fans.

God, please, no origin stories.

Star Trek: The Beginning, Part 1 — A Final Frontier Origin Story

Star Trek has always been a production dealing with many human issues pushing open the veils of awkwardness, embarrassment, and unaddressed behaviors that represent our culture planet wide. Thank You Star Trek. The one thing Paramount+ did that was just totally in bad taste was cancel Prodigy, bunch of morons.

Every fan’s preferences are different, but over the years I’ve ended up streamlining various ‘franchises’ I enjoy to my own liking when it comes to a re-watch – and these days my own limited Star Trek ‘canon’ purely consists of kicking things off with ‘The Cage’ pilot storyline….followed by my specific favourite TOS episodes in ‘production order’ (starting with ‘Where No Man Has Gone Before’, and skipping ‘The Menagerie’ two-part storyline)….followed by all the TOS movie storylines….and ending the Kirk crew’s adventures with ‘The Undiscovered Country’ as my preferred send-off for them all….then skip the antics of the ‘Generations’ movie, and instead continue on with my specific favourite TNG episodes (starting with the ‘Encounter At Farpoint’ introduction to Picard and his crew)….and then conclude the entire thing with the ‘First Contact’ movie’s storyline – which covers the development of ‘warp drive’, bringing everything full circle, and giving me all the ‘origin’ specifics I need..

All other ‘Trek-related shows and movies since then remain firmly on my ‘one-watch-only’ list, but I’m more than content with what I’ve outlined above.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get a ‘Star Trek’ movie which goes much deeper than glossy ‘pew-pew’ action and explosions in the future, but I remain hopeful.there might be a storyline that I really like again.

In the meantime, for my latest ‘alien contact’ fix, I’ve just finished up enjoying the excellent ‘Three-Body’ show’s inventive storyline and characters – the subtitled, 30-episode one produced by Tencent, which is currently available on YouTube and Amazon Prime (not the muddled 8-episode ‘3 Body Problem’ version by Netflix) – So much so, that I’m intending to buy the actual trilogy of books by the Chinese author, as I can’t wait for the next season to be made to find out what happens next. Some big ideas to come by all accounts, and I’m there for a bit more of that. .

The Netflix series is Superior

You’re welcome to your own preference of course.

But I far preferred the slow burn of the mystery and character build-ups in the Tencent version compared to the condensed and altered Netflix adaption. I just happen to find it a more satisfying and riveting version overall – and I will always prefer the way the ‘Judgment Day’ tanker got ‘nano-spliced’ in the Tencent version. Such an awesome sequence from start to finish!

Anyway, if the Netflix version actually gets a second season, I’ll certainly check it out too….but I am definitely looking forward to the next season of the Tencent show, which has been greenlit already.

The Tencent version is just boring to me and you can feel the Party’s hands all over it. Glad you liked it though.

I did indeed like it. A lot. I hadn’t read the books as I said, so didn’t know what to expect. Having read up on a few things since watching both shows, it seems that that there’s plenty of others that much prefer the slower build-up of the Tencent version too.

While it doesn’t include the likes of the brutal Netflix show’s opening, the hardship that the main female character endured was covered sufficiently for me throughout the show, and I’m just glad that I got to know her story by watching this version first.

And I sure didn’t miss the amount of unnecessary swearing that the Netflix version included either, which gave the Tencent version additional points. I don’t appreciate it my ‘Star Trek’ viewing, and I didn’t need it in the telling of this memorable sci-fi tale either.

And just to add, that even better for me is the fact that there’s now been a 26-episode ‘Anniversary Edition’ version of the Tencent show released, which has been re-edited by the director.

It seemingly cuts down on some ‘filler’ run-time that was added for the sake of the show’s producers initially, so that things will follow the original book’s contents even more closely now, and improve on the pacing of the show overall. I’m very pleased about that.

Whats so bad about swearing? The human race has been swearing since language was invented and we’ll be swearing 10,000 years from now.

Again, it’s just a personal preference thing.

There’s plenty of hard-edged movies and shows that contain wall-to-wall swearing which I can watch if I’m in the mood for them. But other times I’m equally inclined to watch something with less harsh language throughout.

I really disliked the F-bombs which the ‘Picard’ show included for instance, and didn’t think the ‘Star Trek’ franchise was the better for it. And I doubt that I would have enjoyed the Tencent ‘Three-Body’ adaption any better if it had contained bad language too.

Anyway, back to this supposed ‘Star Trek origin movie. I’d like to think it won’t be littered with F-bombs either.

PG13 are allowed 1 f bomb (like Guardians 3 I finally saw other night). And Trek is very comfortable to f bombs in Picard etc so safe to say we’ll be getting Treks first movie f bomb next film :)

Data said “Oh $hit” in Generations.

Which was very mild compared to what we heard in ‘Picard” Not that I would wish to show my younger family members the ‘Picard’ show anyway, considering it turned out to be so dire overall.

However, Data’s reaction was hilarious in that scene’s context I recall. Just a pity the rest of the movie was such a dud, and not part of my own ‘Star Trek’ canon anymore.

I’ll always wonder what the Tarantino script would have given us….

we don’t need origin stories for everything! in media res is the way to go – almost always – TOS just dumps you right in the middle of events without even the clunky intros of TNG Encounter at Farpoint.

If this movie does well will IT get an origin story? We’re going to end up at the pool of goo at the dawn of humankind waiting for Picard and Q to show up…

im happy with any good trek news… even if they made a direct sequel to the final frontier… but how many origin stories do we need? i’d be happy if someone forged a path forward and created new things…

So this one is set in the five-minute period between Enterprise and Discovery? Or the as-yet unexplored time between April 5th 2063 and Enterprise where it’s “stone knives and bear skins” and no Trek tech to speak of? Enterprise was the prequel! How’d that one work out?

If the movie is made ,I will judge it then.

I wanted the 4th Kelvin, do they know who their audience is? Nobody i know, Star Trek fan or general audience bothered to go see Beyond. It was like Nemesis all over again. The trailer was terrible, the movie was kind of meh to be honest. So in the intervening years since the 2009 somewhere they lost the audience. Star Trek 2009 was an event movie, and 2015 Force Awakens was as well. Good job letting JJ go to Disney so Star Trek died as a film series.

I’m guessing the fourth movie is still too costly to risk making another one at least right now.

Someone threw out an an interesting theory on the last thread discussing this for the 47th time that they suggested Paramount have no plans to actually make another Kelvin movie but just as a rouse for the next company that buys the studio.

It really makes sense at this point, they can dangle the idea the movie is in ‘development’ and then when someone actually buys it they can just decide to make it or cancel it.

I mean it doesn’t sound crazy considering where we are. It’s a movie that is working with their fourth new writer but there is still no director or even a starting date of any kind within the the next two years.

Them you have this origin movie that was just announced a few months ago and that’s already scheduled to come out next year. My guess is it will probably cost half of what another Kelvin movie would be. But yeah who knows if that will get made either, but it has a better chance than a Kelvin movie.

Ikr, Beyond totally killed interest the series , the Fast Furious teaser trailer was bad, the second trailer gave away the twist, the audience (who cared about that stuff) knew JJ had crossed over to SW (which gave the behemoth of SW7 even more publicity, making ST feel less an event), there was no hook for fans or even general moviegoers like there was for ST09/ID (like if Shatner had returned or the Borg being the villain again) and nothing ‘big’ happening in the canon like the previous ones (Orcis ST3 had the timeline under threat of being wiped out, which would’ve been a huge deal) the eventual movie was kind of meh as you say and was just abit nerdy and Insurrection looking (like it was for hard core fans only).

At the time i had some friends (some who were casual Trek fans, and some even disliked Trek) who thought 09/ID were awesome and they didn’t even bother to see Beyond bc of the trailers and the general vibe (its like it felt like abit of a turkey, like other big sequels/remakes that summer, Ghostbusters, Independence Day 2 etc, )

I actually agree with all of this and I personally think Beyond was the best of the three.

But you’re right, there was really no hook for the movie and that first trailer was just awful. It almost kept me away from watching it.

But the biggest problem is the new fans just lost interest by then. I always bring up the fact I had three friends who had never seen Star Trek before went to go see the first film and generally loved it. I thought it was truly bad but fine for a brainless action movie.

But by the time Beyond showed up all three had zero interest in the franchise by that point. They just stopped caring. I remember asking one of them that saw the first two movies in the theater if he planned to watch Beyond and his response was no because now Star Wars was back and he rather just watch that. And he thought it looked boring.

That’s the entire problem trying to get new fans onboard and a lot of them were like my friends who just saw these movies as another summer action movie but nothing beyond that. They never cared about the franchise itself and so it was very easy to move on when the next shiny toy showed up.

That’s exactly why I don’t see another one doing all that well because to newbies it’s still Star Trek and it’s not cool enough to fully get into and will probably bomb again unless the budget is just super low.

I watched Guardians Vol 3 the other night on dvd and it (and previous 2) kind of felt the same as Beyond abit , the look, the vibe, the action, set pieces, the humour, the rock songs etc . so really with Guardians (that Beyond tried to ape), along with the return of SW, Trek 3 had no chance with casual movie goers who would just consider it Guardians/SW lite , (between the generational event of SW7 and the next GOTG vol 2) .. Even more reason to have gone with Orci’s more ‘star trek’ version of ST3 featuring Shatner

I can’t name anyone who actually wants an origin movie. By the way, didn’t we get that one with First Contact already anyway?

It’s not up to you or anyone you pretend to know.

Another prequel? This is getting ridiculous now. Remember when Star Trek used to go forwards? Enough already!

Kurtzman said he didn’t have the authority to greenlight legacy. I wonder if that will be like Bennet’s academy years and never happen.

18 months is not enough time for a movie of this size unless this is ready to shoot in july.

The JJ-verse is an aberration no one is particularly a fan of. There is no one who wants to how that mess started. It’s done nothing but foul everything that went before, leaving ST-ENT, of all things, as the only remaining official classic canon. Bugger that.

I need Star Trek that is hopeful, aspirational, and inspirational. 15 yrs later neither Bad Robot or Secret Hideout has done anything close to that. Sec 31 and Starfleet Academy aren’t anything viewers want. I wish they’d just stop.

lol,if you say so…

EXCLUSIVE: Former Anonymous writer of Trek 4 shares his experience

Interviewer: Hello, we are here today to talk to a former writer for the very very very (like really very) long delayed fourth Kelvin movie. With the announcement of a prequel movie being released instead and yet ANOTHER new set of writers for the next Kelvin movie, we reached out to the only person who returned our calls; a former writer from the 2023 project.

To give us an honest insight into his experience he wishes to remain anonymous. For the sake of this interview he will be simply referred to as ‘GotohellParamount’. Thank you for meeting with me today.”

GotohellParamount’: “You’re welcome.”

Interviewer: “It sounds like your experience working on the last movie didn’t end too well. How is your relationship with the studio today?”

GotohellParamount: “Bleep them in their bleeping bleepholes. I hope they all die from bleeping Ebola.”

Interviewer: ‘That’s some pretty colorful metaphors. Can I ask what happened?”

GotohellParamount: “Their bleeps that’s what. We spent a year working on that movie. We lost the director to go work for Marvel because these bleepholes kept bleeping us around. I got so frustrated I finally texted the Head Studio Guy and said ‘will you people stop bleeping around!? Get off your bleeps and let’s make a movie already!!’

Three weeks went by and I finally got a response from them. It simply read ‘K’. Bleepholes!!! By the way you’re not going to ‘bleep’ any of these words out are you?”

Interviewer: “Um…of course not. Can you tell us a little about what the movie was about?”

GotohellParamount: “The gist was a huge black ship comes from the 25th century to the 23rd century wiping out solar systems in the Federation. It was a new villain who wanted…wait for it…vengeance. That bleep was going to be bleeping awesome!!”

Interviewer: “So who was going to be the villain?”

GotohellParamount: “That’s the greatest part of it all. He was going to call himself…you ready: Kaos. JJ Abrams himself came up with that name. But then the true reveal was that he was indeed Kirk’s great great great great great great great great great great grandson from the future and came to stop Kirk from destroying his planet so he had to destroy the Federation first. We were even thinking Chris Pine can play both parts but Paramount was worried he would demand twice the salary.”

Interviewer: “I interviewed Chris Pine a few months ago and he was hoping there would be more scenes of him riding another motorcycle. Did you include that in the script?”

GotohellParamount: “Do you remember the ending of Mission Impossible 2 with the motorcycle duel? Pretty much the same ending with our movie with Kirk versus his evil grandson; except it was going to take place either on Romulus or in San Francisco. We were still figuring it out. There was even talk of it happening on a lava planet… but that would’ve ballooned the budget.

Interviewer: “Sounds very exciting. How was he going to wipe out the solar systems?”

GotohellParamount: “The ship he was on had the power to destroy stars by breaking down their fusion reactions. The FX was going to be bleeping sick.”

Interviewer: “Wait so the ship was a…Star destroyer?”

GotohellParamount: “Yep but to get around copyright issues JJ wanted to call it a Destroyer of Stars. The man is a bleeping genius I tell you.”

Interviewer: “It’s definitely a name.”

GotohellParamount: “We were so proud of the script. We gave it to JJ to read it. After he put it down, he took off his glasses put his hand on my shoulders and said ‘this is the most original Star Trek story I’ve ever read and I’ve read three of them.’ You have no idea how much that meant coming from such a visionary like him.”

Interviewer: “I’m sure you were. Was there any casting possibilities before it was shut down?”

GotohellParamount: “Was there?? We reached out to some incredible actors! Robert Downey Jr, Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy and Matt Damon. We wanted him to actually play Kirk’s evil grandson.

Interviewer: “Wait… weren’t all of them in Oppenheimer?’

GotohellParamount: “(Hard shrug)! I don’t know I haven’t seen it yet. Unfortunately Matt Damon’s agent was the only one who bothered to call us back. Apparently he always wanted to work with John Cho. Go figure? Too late now unfortunately.”

Interviewer: “Well that’s all the time we have. Thank you for your incredible and honest insight. Any thoughts on the new movie announcement or the chances either one will actually get made?”

GotohellParamount: (Laughs for three minutes). That’s it.”

Interviewer: “Thank you.’

I laugh every.single.time! 😂

Well done per usual.

Nice. Don’t forget to throw the Beastie Boys in there someplace…wouldn’t be a Kelvin film without them…

Haha correct. How I let that one slide you got me. Having an off day I guess!

This was indeed hilarious! 😂

I love how you parody JJ Abrams. He doesn’t seem to have an original bone in his body looking at both his Star Trek and Star Wars movies.

Lol nope! I still remember watching Honest Trailer for Star Trek Into Dumbness and they even showed how much that movie copied the first one lol.

The fact both movies ended back at San Francisco when your series takes place in the freaking galaxy should tell you everything wrong with these movies.

that actually sounds like a legit potential Kelvin ST4 – Kirks evil great great grandson Kaos (Matt Damon) comes back to 23rd century to kill Kirk in his big star destroyer (sorry ‘destroyer of stars’) ship! Brilliant!!

That’s the insane part, this idea could actually pass for a Kelvin movie lol.

Thank you! 😁

Coming out of my lurker mode to say this is brilliant. I laughed my bleep off!

So glad you enjoyed it my friend! 😄

I bleeping love making them lol.

Another prequel? Why can’t they come up with new material?

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Wilson Cruz, Robinne Fanfair, Doug Jones, Anthony Rapp, Blu del Barrio, Sonequa Martin-Green, David Ajala, and Mary Wiseman in Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien. Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien. Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien.

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  • Trivia The Starfleet vessels seen in the first season, including the Discovery, the Shenzou and the redesigned Enterprise, were all designed by production artist John Eaves. Eaves' work with Star Trek spans three decades. Probably his most notable contribution was the design of the Enterprise-E for Star Trek: First Contact (1996) .
  • Goofs With Michael being the adoptive sister of Spock, the series has many flashbacks to their childhood and upbringing on Vulcan. Spock's Vulcan half-brother, Sybok, does not appear nor is mention during these scenes. In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) , Spock says that he and Sybok grew up together. However, since it's never stated when Sybok joined Sarek's home - only that he did so following his mother's death - or when he was exiled from the family, it's not impossible Sybok moved in after Burnham, and left before she graduated (the two extremes of the flashbacks). Also, since Sybok was never mentioned before Star Trek V, it seems reasonable the family never spoke of him again after his estrangement.
  • Alternate versions The serif-font legends and subtitles in the "broadcast" episodes are absent from the DVD versions, where they are replaced with the standard DVD subtitles.
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Our Star Trek streaming guide will allow you to go boldly where you've never gone before, without getting off your couch.

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How to stream the Star Trek Movies in the US

How to stream the star trek tv shows in the us, how to stream the star trek movies in the uk, how to stream the star trek tv shows in the uk.

Here's our Star Trek streaming guide, so you know where to go boldly where you've never gone before... Without leaving your sofa. We've come up with this Star Trek streaming guide because since the first ever episode aired back in 1966, there's been  a huge number of additions into the franchise. 

Star Trek is currently in a bit of a purple patch for content as Paramount Plus , which is the home of all things Star Trek, is responsible for several new shows in recent years. But, it's not just new content, you'll also find where to stream the classics both movies and TV series below. 

Before, Star Trek content was scattered all around different streaming services and searching for what you wanted to watch could feel like hunting for a cloaked Bird of Prey. However, these days you're able to stream all Star Trek content out there on Paramount Plus. However, we do have round-ups of the best sci-fi movies and TV shows on Netflix , Disney Plus and Amazon if you want to check them out. 

You can also check out our take on the Star Trek movies, ranked so you know which movies to beam up onto your device. While Paramount Plus has everything Star Trek out there, you can find the odd bit of content on other platforms. So, below you'll find where you can watch what, regardless of where you're based, in our Star Trek streaming guide.  

Walter Koenig, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, and Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek IV The Voyage Home (1986)_Paramount Pictures

The Star Trek movies can be divided into three tidy groups: the original cast, the Next Generation cast, and the reboot cast. All of them can be found on Paramount+. However, Paramount+ isn't the only place you can stream the movies and in some cases you can rent or buy from places such as Amazon .

Here’s how to stream the Star Trek movies in the U.S., in order of release:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture — Paramount+ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan — Paramount+ Star Trek III: The Search for Spock — Paramount+ Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home — Paramount+ Star Trek V: The Final Frontier — Paramount+ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country — Paramount+ Star Trek: Generations — Paramount+ Star Trek: First Contact — Paramount+ Star Trek: Insurrection — Paramount+ , Spectrum Star Trek: Nemesis — Paramount+   Star Trek (2009) — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek Into Darkness — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek Beyond — Paramount+ , DIRECTV , Freevee

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When it comes to Star Trek on the small screen, you can find them all in one place. Paramount+ not only has every episode of every legacy Trek show, it’s also the home of all the new Star Trek programming, such as Picard and Strange New Worlds. If you’re a Trekkie, you absolutely want to have Paramount+ to keep up with the object of your affection. A word of warning though, other streaming platforms may only have select episodes or series to stream.

Star Trek: The Original Series — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek: The Next Generation — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek: Deep Space Nine  — Paramount+ , Sling , Spectrum Star Trek: Voyager — Paramount+ , Pluto TV Star Trek: Enterprise — Paramount+ Star Trek: Discovery — Paramount+ , DIRECTV Star Trek: Picard — Paramount+ Star Trek: Short Treks — Paramount+ Star Trek: Lower Decks — Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy — Paramount+ ,   DIRECTV , FuboTV , Spectrum Star Trek: The Animated Series — Paramount+ Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — Paramount+

Walter Koenig, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, and George Takei in Star Trek III The Search for Spock (1984)_Paramount Pictures

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Susan Arendt is a freelance writer, editor, and consultant living in Burleson, TX. She's a huge sci-fi TV and movie buff, and will talk your Vulcan ears off about Star Trek. You can find more of her work at Wired, IGN, Polygon, or look for her on Twitter: @SusanArendt. Be prepared to see too many pictures of her dogs.

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Memory Alpha

  • View history

The Breen were a spacefaring humanoid species native to the planet Breen in the Alpha Quadrant . Notoriously reclusive and warlike , the Breen were a formidable power in their region of the galaxy . They almost always wore refrigeration suits that entirely concealed their bodies.

  • 1.1.1 Alliance with the Dominion
  • 1.1.2 Continued aggression
  • 1.2 32nd century
  • 3.1 Treatment of prisoners
  • 3.2 Language
  • 4 Science and technology
  • 5 Mirror universe
  • 6 Individuals
  • 7 Territory
  • 8.1 Appearances
  • 8.2.1 Initial references
  • 8.2.2 First appearance
  • 8.2.3 Interim
  • 8.2.4 Return
  • 8.2.5 Uncertainties and trivia
  • 8.2.6 32nd century return and unmasking
  • 8.2.7 Reception
  • 8.3 Apocrypha
  • 8.4 External links

History [ ]

The Klingons were among the first to discover that the Breen did not tolerate incursions into their space. During the Klingon Second Empire , Chancellor Mow'ga ordered an entire fleet of Klingon warships to invade and conquer the Breen homeworld . The fleet never returned and was never heard from again. ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

The Romulans ' contact with the Breen led to their coining a saying: " Never turn your back on a Breen. " ( DS9 : " By Inferno's Light ")

24th century [ ]

Even by the 24th century , much was still unknown about the Breen and their government , known as the Breen Confederacy . ( DS9 : " Strange Bedfellows ", " The Dogs of War ") The Federation had limited knowledge of the Breen, however, and was aware of Breen outposts located in Sector 97 in 2368 . That same year, Starfleet feared the Breen might have attacked the science vessel SS Vico there. ( TNG : " Hero Worship ")

Breen privateers during the 24th century often conducted indiscriminate raids against other Alpha Quadrant species. This included the Breen attack and capture of a Cardassian Central Command vessel , the Ravinok , in 2366 . The survivors of that attack were used for slave labor in Breen-operated dilithium mines on Dozaria . ( DS9 : " Indiscretion ")

In 2370 , the Breen participated in a palio held at Federation space station Deep Space 3 , during which the Ferengi attempted to bribe a Breen pilot into deliberately losing the race. ( TNG : " Interface ")

In 2371 , evidence seemed to briefly indicate that the Breen may have attacked another Federation space station, the Amargosa observatory , though the true aggressors were, moments later, determined to have been Romulans. ( Star Trek Generations ) Nevertheless, by about this point, the Breen were considered one of the most warlike species known to the Federation. ( VOY : " Elogium ")

Breen guard and Kira Nerys in refrigeration suit

Breen in a dilithium mine on Dozaria

In 2372 , the Breen captors on Dozaria were located by Kira Nerys and Gul Dukat . Dukat stated that he didn't approve of what the Breen were doing, by employing the survivors of the Ravinok as slaves but did "admire their ingenuity." The Breen guards were ambushed by him and Kira, so that they could free one of the Breen's prisoners: Dukat's daughter , Tora Ziyal . ( DS9 : " Indiscretion ") Later that year, Breen privateers raided the Bajoran colony of Free Haven ; they were, however, successfully driven away by the USS Defiant . ( DS9 : " To the Death ")

By 2373 , the Cardassian Union maintained an embassy on the Breen homeworld. ( DS9 : " Return to Grace ") The same year, Breen settlements on Portas V , near the Demilitarized Zone , dealt with the Maquis , supplying them with cold storage units . ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

JemHadar and Breen die

A Breen prisoner and a Jem'Hadar guard kill each other

Whereas a Breen individual was held captive by the Dominion at Internment Camp 371 in 2373 (before killing a couple of Jem'Hadar guards there and, in retaliation, being shot to death in that year), other species like the Ferengi had developed closer ties with the Breen by the late 24th century, as both species conducted trade negotiations in 2373. ( DS9 : " In Purgatory's Shadow ", " By Inferno's Light ", " Ferengi Love Songs ") Once, in 2374 , Ferengi engineer Rom referred to the Breen as one of the top three toughest mercenary species that he and his brother , Quark , could find (the others being Klingons and Nausicaans ). Rom suggested including the Breen in a commando team which would be sent to rescue his and Quark's mother , Ishka , who was being held prisoner by the Dominion, but Quark declined the Breen's involvement, opting for the rescue operation to be attempted by Ferengi only. Ishka's captor, Vorta clone Yelgrun , considered Breen annoying, though not as much as Ferengi. ( DS9 : " The Magnificent Ferengi ")

It was noted by Ezri Dax in 2375 , when she and Worf were captured by the Breen on the planet Goralis III , that they were a long way from Breen space . ( DS9 : " Penumbra ") The Breen interrogated Worf and Dax, but the information which the pair consequently provided was somewhat confusing. ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ", " Strange Bedfellows ") In Worf's opinion, the Breen were not only dangerous but also had no honor . ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

In 2380 , Lieutenant Barbara Brinson suspected Ensign Beckett Mariner of being a Breen infiltrator. ( LD : " Cupid's Errant Arrow ")

Alliance with the Dominion [ ]

Thot Gor and the Female Changeling meet

Watched by Weyoun and Damar , Thot Gor meets the Female Changeling for the first time

Meanwhile, Breen representative Thot Gor had been extensively conversing over subspace with the Female Changeling , the leader of the Dominion, in discussions that she found to be particularly productive. ( DS9 : " Strange Bedfellows ") The Breen were of no personal interest to her other than the military advantage they could provide against the Federation Alliance in the Dominion War , in which the Female Changeling was determined to lead the Dominion to victory. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ") In 2375, the Breen moved from a policy of low-level hostilities toward most other major powers to one of open warfare when they allied themselves with the Dominion as reinforcements. ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ", " Strange Bedfellows ") To mark the historic moment when the two parties first met in person, the Breen presented Worf and Ezri Dax as gifts to the Dominion. ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

Damar with Breen

The Breen with Damar

According to the terms of alliance , the Breen Confederacy received several planets in the Cardassian Union as compensation for joining the war. Despite being welcomed by the Female Changeling and Vorta leader Weyoun , the Breen were mistrusted by the leader of the Cardassian Union, Legate Damar , who was frustrated by the details of their treaty with the Dominion. For instance, the Breen were thereafter allowed unlimited access to the Dominion's database , whereas Damar was annoyed at them being permitted to use it at all. His frustration over how the Breen were being received led Damar to begin a Cardassian rebellion against the Dominion and enable Ezri Dax and Worf to escape back to Federation space. ( DS9 : " Strange Bedfellows ") Even for the Cardassian rebels, the addition of the Breen made the Dominion more formidable than ever. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ")

San Francisco attacked

Remains of San Francisco after the Breen attack during the Dominion War

Shortly after joining with the Dominion, the Breen attacked Earth , assaulting Starfleet Headquarters and destroying the nearby Golden Gate Bridge . Most of the Breen attack force was destroyed by Starfleet, though the majority of the damage on Earth had been done by that time.

The Breen were so secretive that the only thing Starfleet knew about them, up to then, was that they were a race of warriors , an aspect of the Breen which the Klingons learned in light of their attack on Earth, as not even the Klingons had ever attempted such a strike. Even Weyoun and Damar considered the Breen to be "full of surprises," albeit for different reasons. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ")

USS Defiant destroyed

Employment of a devastating Breen weapon results in the destruction of the USS Defiant

A short time later, the Breen assisted Dominion forces in breaking the lines at Chin'toka , launching a counteroffensive against the Federation Alliance there and breaking through in two places. To Rom's son , Starfleet Ensign Nog , the Breen now seemed unstoppable, though Worf refuted this opinion, believing that every foe could somehow be overcome. A major battle which followed, known as the Second Battle of Chin'toka , was won by the Dominion thanks to a unique Breen device, a kind of energy-dampening weapon which could completely drain all the main power systems of a starship . Those vessels which were destroyed by the Breen weapon during the battle included the USS Defiant . ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ") In fact, the only ship immune to the weapon was a Klingon Bird-of-Prey , the IKS Ki'tang , which serendipitously survived thanks to an adjustment the chief engineer had made to the ship's tritium intermix in the warp core . ( DS9 : " When It Rains... ") Under orders from the Female Changeling, the Breen allowed escape pods to carry Federation survivors to safety (believing they would sow fear in the enemy ranks after what they had witnessed), and the Breen were thanked for the decisive part they had served in the battle. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ") Both this defeat and the Breen's devastating assault on Earth dealt a huge blow to the Federation Alliance's morale. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ", " When It Rains... ") The Breen were also being used to defend numerous Dominion facilities. ( DS9 : " When It Rains... ")

Breen engineers were assigned to begin retrofitting Dominion ships with the energy-dampening weapon. The engineers were instructed to accelerate the installation program, an order that had been sent from the Female Changeling and was relayed to the engineers by Thot Pran , a Breen official. According to one report (from Kelvas V ), the Breen would start installing the weapon on Jem'Hadar fighters within a week. ( DS9 : " Tacking Into the Wind ") Although the Klingon fleet was able to make the needed adjustments against the weapon, the Federation and the Romulans were still unable to defend against the Breen. ( DS9 : " When It Rains... ", " The Dogs of War ") Hence, the Breen were prevented from acquiring final victory for the Dominion only because the Klingon vessels were present. ( DS9 : " When It Rains... ", " Tacking Into the Wind ") When the Federation finally did create a defense against the energy-dampening weapon, they forced the Dominion fleet to retreat. Thot Pran expressed an extreme distaste for surrender , and required the reassurance of the Female Changeling that, instead of surrendering, they were actually regrouping and attempting to redouble their shipbuilding and replenishment efforts. ( DS9 : " The Dogs of War ")

Axis of Evil

Thot Pran with the Female Changeling and Weyoun, reviewing plans for the forthcoming Battle of Cardassia

With the necessary countermeasures against the Breen's energy-dampening weapon obtained, the Federation Alliance was able to go on the offensive once again, choosing to try to invade Cardassia Prime itself. In hopes of raising the Breen's will to fight, the Female Changeling offered them control of Earth and Romulus if they succeeded in winning the battle. However, she then told Weyoun this was merely a political promise, designed just as motivation. While every Breen soldier on Cardassia was participating in a concerted search for Damar, the Breen, in the interest of maintaining their alliance with the Dominion, were positioned ahead of the Jem'Hadar by the Female Changeling, under pressure from Thot Pran.

During the ensuing Battle of Cardassia , the Breen were still able to inflict major casualties on the allies, even without the use of their energy-dampening weapon. Up to a third of the allies' entire fleet was destroyed during the battle, including the Romulan flagship , even though sabotage by the Cardassian rebellion resulted in the Dominion fleet being out of contact with their headquarters until midway through the battle. The Breen continued to fight for the Dominion until the end of the war, demonstrating a willingness to die for the cause which matched that of the Jem'Hadar. However, when the Cardassian forces switched sides mid-battle, the Dominion and Breen were forced to withdraw to Cardassia Prime. The Breen leaders left Dominion Headquarters in order to fight on the front lines , and both Damar and Weyoun were shot to death shortly thereafter. At the Dominion defense perimeter in orbit of the planet, the Breen were to be targeted by the Klingons, in a three-pronged attack that saw the Romulans, Cardassians and Starfleet focus on other targets.

Female Changeling signs Treaty of Bajor

The Breen leaders witness the signing of the Treaty of Bajor

After Odo convinced the Female Changeling to surrender, the Breen and their allies stood down, finally bringing an end to the Dominion War. As allies of the Dominion, Breen representatives were present during the signing of the Treaty of Bajor . ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ")

Continued aggression [ ]

Despite ceasing open hostilities with other major Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers, by 2381 the Breen had made at least one incursion into the Delos system and occupied the planet Brekka . This incursion was accidentally discovered by the crew of the USS Cerritos . ( LD : " Trusted Sources ") However, it later emerged that Vice Admiral Les Buenamigo had prior knowledge of the Breen's presence on Brekka and had been setting the Cerritos up for a crisis that would "force" him to unveil the Texas -class USS Aledo . Cerritos captain Carol Freeman was outraged when she learned this, as Buenamigo's actions had needlessly put her crew in mortal danger. ( LD : " The Stars At Night ")

Before the Burn in the 31st century , there was some diplomatic contact between the Federation and the Breen, but no official contact afterwards. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

32nd century [ ]

The Breen remained antagonists of the Federation in the 32nd century, by which time the Breen Confederacy had been succeeded by the Breen Imperium . In the late 32nd century , the Breen were embroiled in a civil war for control of the throne following the death of the Emperor . The factions were led by the six primarchs of the Yod-Thot royalty , among them Ruhn and Tahal . The Federation still had little information about the Breen beyond their hostile intentions. ( DIS : " Red Directive ", " Mirrors ", " Erigah ")

During the conflict, Primarch Tahal occupied the planet Kellerun for a time, despoiling its environment and decimating the native Kellerun population. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

Unbeknownst to the wider galaxy, the son of the late Emperor and scion of the Imperium, L'ak , had betrayed his uncle Ruhn for his Human lover Moll , and fled into exile under an erigah bounty . The pair worked as couriers until 3191 , when they stumbled upon clues to a Progenitor technology of immense power. Hoping that this technology could buy their freedom from the Breen, they competed with the USS Discovery to find pieces of a map containing its location.

After Moll and L'ak were apprehended by Starfleet, a confrontation ensued at Federation Headquarters with Ruhn, who sought to seize them as L'ak represented his claim to the throne. During an escape attempt, L'ak fatally overdosed himself on tricordrazine . Ruhn was prepared to wage war on the Federation, until Moll revealed herself as L'ak's wife and promised to deliver the Progenitor technology to him. With no better options, the Federation reluctantly agreed to release her to the Breen. ( DIS : " Mirrors ", " Erigah ")

The Discovery subsequently clashed with Ruhn's dreadnaught at the Eternal Gallery and Archive over the final piece of the map. Captain Michael Burnham surrendered the map to Ruhn in exchange for his tergun oath to spare the Archive. Though Ruhn had no intention of honoring his word, he was deposed shortly after by a mutiny led by Moll and Lieutenant Arisar . ( DIS : " Labyrinths ")

In an alternate timeline where the USS Discovery failed to free itself from a Krenim chronophage in time to stop Moll and L'ak, the Progenitor technology came into Ruhn's possession. A few weeks later, the Breen launched a devastating attack on the Federation. In 3218 , Ruhn's dreadnaught was stationed near the wreckage of Federation Headquarters and Discovery . ( DIS : " Face the Strange ", " Erigah ")

Biology [ ]

L'ak, 3180s

The face of L'ak in a gelatinous state


The face of L'ak in a solid state

The Breen were hairless , pale green humanoids with two distinct forms: a solid form, and a gelatinous form in which their tissues were translucent and flexible. Breen culture taught that the gelatinous form was their true face, whereas the solid form represented a "weak" evolutionary throwback. ( DIS : " Mirrors ")

Breen internal physiology was quite different from that of most humanoids, and was largely unknown to Federation science even in the 32nd century. They had vital organs , but no blood or other liquid circulatory system . Exposure to a specific blend of subzero gases triggered a unique immune system response and somatic cell regeneration that could potentially allow a Breen to recover from life-threatening injuries. ( DS9 : " In Purgatory's Shadow "; DIS : " Erigah ")

The Breen had male and female genders . They experienced pregnancy , often at a young age; newborn Breen were referred to as "hatchlings". ( VOY : " Elogium "; DIS : " Erigah ")

The thoughts and emotions of Breen were not detectable by telepaths such as Betazoids . ( TNG : " The Loss ")

Even as late as the 32nd century , no one appeared to have seen a Breen outside of their suits, at least not without realizing it, as no one was aware that L'ak was actually a Breen due to L'ak never being seen using a refrigeration suit. According to Worf , no outsider had ever seen what a Breen looked like under their refrigeration suits and lived. ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ") Due to this, there were many rumors regarding Breen.

Even shortly before the Dominion War was concluded, their appearance remained so completely unknown to their allies that Weyoun could not avoid wondering what the Breen looked like. ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ") Ezri Dax once had a dream that featured a male Breen taking off his helmet to reveal he was actually Julian Bashir .

Worf firmly concluded that the species didn't have claws , although Ezri Dax wasn't sure of this belief. She, on the other hand, speculated that the Breen might be covered in fur , due to their home planet purportedly having a remarkably cold climate . ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ") Dukat expected Dozaria's climate would be about fifty degrees too hot for the species, so he expressed extreme surprise at finding Breen guards on that planet. ( DS9 : " Indiscretion ") However, while the intelligence reports available to Cardassian and Dominion leaders during the Dominion War reported their homeworld to be a frozen wasteland, Weyoun remarked (in his capacity as a diplomat) that the planet was really "quite comfortable." ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ")

Society and culture [ ]

Breen entertained and taught their offspring with nursery rhymes . A particular example of a Breen nursery rhyme was made up of a heterophonic, five-line verse with an alternating tetrameter and pentameter structure. These were nonsensical phrases, strung together because they rhymed (at least to the Breen). Breen music which accompanied this nursery rhyme was written on a Lyxian scale . ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

Based on how algae paste tasted, Ezri Dax humorously speculated that the Breen were "horrible cooks ." ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

Breen marriage symbols

Breen marriage symbols

Married Breen scarred themselves with matching symbols on their forearms . Marriage to a non-Breen was considered to be an "abomination", but even so the partners were legally entitled to stay together in life or death. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

Breen culture was rigidly hierarchal. ( DIS : " Lagrange Point ")

The Breen rank structure included the title thot, which was implied to be greater than that of a Cardassian legate . ( DS9 : " Strange Bedfellows ") Other Breen worked as engineers, including at least four at the Kelvas facility . ( DS9 : " Tacking Into the Wind ") The Breen Imperium of the 32nd century was ruled by a royal caste called the Yod-Thot , which included the primarchs . Ruhn was described as being "Breen Primarch of the Sixth Flight ." ( DIS : " Mirrors ") The Breen were originally ruled by a Breen Emperor , but after the last emperor's death the disparate branches of the royal bloodline began making competing claims for the throne, resulting in a civil war between six primarchs. Ruhn's nephew L'ak was the last direct descendant of the emperor and as such, he was considered to be the Scion of the Breen Imperium. If one of the primarchs could control L'ak, they would have a legitimate claim to the throne. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

According to Commander Rayner , genocide was a necessity to the Breen and their version of the Prime Directive . ( DIS : " Erigah ")

Breen medics , at least in the 32nd century , could be distinguished by a glowing symbol in the middle of their armor. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

The Breen hold great reverence for their culture and history. ( DIS : " Labyrinths ") They have at least two known oath: a blood bounty called erigah which could only be released by the Breen themselves ( DIS : " Mirrors "); and a sacred oath called a tergun , where they swear upon the actions and the subjects within those words (and only within those), and breaking such an oath could cause the oath breaker to be hunted down by the other Breen for their dishonor. ( DIS : " Labyrinths ")

A sarkaress was a Breen feast day. Multiple Breen going together were referred to as sarkmates and would partake in an oil bath together, something that seemed to be sexual in Breen culture. ( DIS : " Lagrange Point ")

Treatment of prisoners [ ]

The Breen were known to use slave labor, and at least some of these slaves were captured in raids on other species. When the Breen were using Bajoran slaves to mine dilithium ore , there were always at least eight guards within the mines. ( DS9 : " Indiscretion ")

The Breen were very prudent when dealing with prisoners. When capturing prisoners, the Breen typically stunned them from long range with their disruptors , rather than approaching them and risking close combat. When Worf and Ezri Dax were discovered by the Breen on Goralis while sleeping , the Breen used this technique to subdue them. The Breen also fed their prisoners a diet of algae paste. ( DS9 : " Penumbra ", " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

Aboard starships, the Breen typically sent in three guards at a time when they wished to remove a single prisoner from a cell that was being shared with other prisoners. Although Worf made various attempts at escape, they all failed, including an attempt to persuade the Breen guards that Ezri was sick, as well as an attempt to short-circuit the door of their cell. When Worf attempted to attack the Breen guards, they used a type of neural truncheon to paralyze him. Even after he fell to the ground, partially paralyzed, two Breen guards continued to use the truncheons on him to ensure he would not get back up, before two guards removed Ezri from the cell. ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ") In another incident, Worf simply showed signs of anger towards Weyoun and was again shocked by the neural truncheon. ( DS9 : " Strange Bedfellows ") On the other hand, a holographic Breen , enhanced by the Hirogen and participating in Iden's Rebellion of 2377 , once helped restrain B'Elanna Torres , but did so in a way that was relatively very careful, taking Torres by the arm to a position where a force field could be activated around her. ( VOY : " Flesh and Blood ")

To extract information from captives, the Breen used cortical implants , despite the fact that they caused extreme mental and physical side effects to the recipient, including severe pain and hallucinations . ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

Language [ ]

See: Breen language

Science and technology [ ]

Given that most known humanoid species lived on class M planets with an average temperature far above the supposed temperature of Breen, the Breen were largely thought to have had to develop refrigeration suits in order to co-exist with others. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ") Underneath the suits, the Breen typically existed in their fluid state, believing that they had evolved beyond their solid state, although they were capable of taking on both. ( DIS : " Mirrors ") Doctor Hugh Culber discovered in 3191 that the subzero gasses in the suits provoked a unique immune response in the Breen triggering their somatic cellular regeneration . ( DIS : " Erigah ")

The Breen were known for their knowledge of sophisticated cold storage units, summed up in a statement Captain Benjamin Sisko once made: " If anyone knows how to keep things cold, it's the Breen. " ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

Breen interceptor, ventral

A Breen ship

By 2373 , the Breen were among multiple species known by Starfleet to use organic-based vessels . ( VOY : " Scorpion ") Some of their vessels were even believed to be fitted with cloaking devices . ( TNG : " Hero Worship ") During the mid- 2370s , Breen interceptors utilized energy-dampening weapons. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ", et al. ) The expediency with which the Breen could mobilize large fleets of ships surprised Damar. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ") The Breen's piloting skills likewise impressed Nog. ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ")

The Breen were known to use type 3 disruptors, in common with the Romulans and Klingons. ( Star Trek Generations ) The Breen also manufactured a portable hand-held cannon , the CRM 114 , which was designed to target moving objects and surface emplacements. It was among numerous weapons dealt by Ferengi arms dealer Gaila in the mid-2370s. ( DS9 : " Business as Usual ") A holographic facsimile of a pistol was almost used by the holographic Breen in Iden's Rebellion, moments prior to that Breen being deactivated. ( VOY : " Flesh and Blood ") In the 32nd century , they were capable of manifesting large Breen rifles and Breen staffs which doubled as a weapon. ( DIS : " Mirrors ", " Erigah ", " Labyrinths ")

The Breen made use of memory-probing technology, in the form of cortical implants, and neural truncheons for subduing prisoners. ( DS9 : " Indiscretion ", " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

By the late 32nd century , the Breen possessed massive dreadnaught -class starships which were so enormous that they massively dwarfed even the USS Federation . The dreadnaughts were the Breen's most powerful warship class. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

Breen dreadnaughts were equipped with a powerful energy weapon . ( DIS : " Labyrinths ")

The Breen used base-duodeca coding which was really hard to hack and shield-tunneling technology to get soldiers through deflector shields. ( DIS : " Labyrinths ")

Mirror universe [ ]

In the mirror universe , Intendant Kira once told Benjamin Sisko that Breen icicles were warmer than Professor Jennifer Sisko . ( DS9 : " Shattered Mirror ")

Individuals [ ]

  • Unnamed Breen

Territory [ ]

  • See : Breen space

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Indiscretion " ( Season 4 )
  • " In Purgatory's Shadow " ( Season 5 )
  • " By Inferno's Light "
  • " Penumbra " ( Season 7 )
  • " 'Til Death Do Us Part "
  • " Strange Bedfellows "
  • " The Changing Face of Evil "
  • " Tacking Into the Wind "
  • " The Dogs of War "
  • " What You Leave Behind "
  • VOY : " Flesh and Blood " ( hologram ) ( Season 7 )
  • LD : " Trusted Sources " ( Season 3 )
  • " Red Directive " ( Season 5 )
  • " Under the Twin Moons "
  • " Jinaal " (image only)
  • " Face the Strange "
  • " Mirrors "

Background information [ ]

In the final draft scripts of " Indiscretion " and " Return to Grace ", the term "Breen" was listed in the pronunciation guide, phonetically notated as "BREEN". [4] [5]

In the Norwegian language, the term "Breen" means glacier.

Some of the actors and stunt performers to have worn the Breen costumes are Cathy DeBuono , Todd Slayton , Max Omega , Wade Kelly , Dennis Madalone , and Tom Morga .

Initial references [ ]

Ira Steven Behr once described the Breen, considering the references to them on Star Trek: The Next Generation , as "sort of a running joke" in TNG. ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 277)) Marco Palmieri similarly reasoned that contemplating all the canonical facts about Breen biology is " enough to give the impression that as each new tidbit about the Breen was being conceived, little thought was given to the composite picture being created. And it may well be that this is exactly how the Breen started. " ( Star Trek Magazine  issue 156 , p. 49)

The first evidence of the Breen was in the TNG Season 4 episode " The Loss ", in which Data , during a meeting of the USS Enterprise -D 's senior staff , mentions the Breen as one of "many races that are not empathically detectable." Both in that episode and the next installment to mention the Breen, TNG Season 5 's " Hero Worship ", the Breen are cited as a possible culprit by Data, firstly in regard to Deanna Troi losing her empathic Betazoid abilities and secondly concerning the destruction of the SS Vico . In both cases, the Breen are found not to be the cause.

Jeri Taylor proposed exploring the Breen in an ultimately abandoned season finalé that would have ended TNG Season 6 . [6] [7] In a memo which initially outlined the story (a document which was sent from Taylor to Michael Piller on 21 January 1992 ), the Breen were described as "a bellicose, brutal species who inhabit a distant but expanding empire." In the narrative, a Breen delegation was to be met and escorted to Earth by the Enterprise -D, formally establishing diplomatic relations between the Breen and the Federation. Although the Federation had long been happy that the Breen lived far from Federation space and had been expecting the species to be adversarial, the Breen had recently made the first tentative step toward establishing ties with the Federation. The unpleasantness of the species, however, became apparent to the Enterprise -D crew when the two groups met. They arranged an initial joint mission, whereby Starfleet scientists were sent on a Breen vessel to investigate a recently discovered phenomenon, but the ship suddenly vanished without explanation. In response, the Breen volatilely accused the Enterprise of being duplicitously responsible for the ship's disappearance, but the Enterprise then discovered the Breen ship, caught in an anomaly, and attempted to rescue it, the Starfleet crew jeopardizing their own vessel in the process. Jeri Taylor was of the opinion that using the story as an opportunity to introduce the Breen as a new adversary "would infuse new energy into the 7th season ." [8] In a revised version of the plot (relayed by Taylor to Piller in a memo dated 16 February 1992 ), she suggested that the Breen delegation meet with the starship Indiana , under Riker 's command, rather than the Enterprise , though the latter still undertook the rescue attempt (much to Riker's chagrin). When Riker opted to go to the aid of the Enterprise while it was endangered due to the anomaly, the Breen were unsettled by this decision. The volatile Breen were thereafter encountered by Captain Picard , when he came aboard the Indiana , moments before he was blown out of the ship, through a rupture in its hull, and out into space. [9]

Although the Breen and their involvement in the palio on DS3 are discussed as essentially smalltalk between Picard and Vice Admiral Marcus Holt in TNG Season 7 entry " Interface ", the Breen's function as suspects was not finished. They weren't referenced at all in the first draft script of Star Trek Generations , despite being mentioned on-screen in the final version of that film , wherein Riker cites them as potentially responsible for the attack on the Amargosa observatory, though this is later determined not to have been the case.

First appearance [ ]

When the DS9 writing staff required a villain for DS9 Season 4 episode "Indiscretion", an opportunity to physically depict the Breen presented itself. " We just struck on the idea to use the Breen, " stated Robert Hewitt Wolfe . ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 277))

In the script of "Indiscretion", the Breen were described as " tall, well-armed humanoids in dark, armored pressure suits which protect them from [...] harsh atmosphere. " [10]

The hidden manner in which the Breen were portrayed – fully clothed, wearing masks and helmets – was influenced by the fact "Indiscretion" came very soon after episodes which featured large numbers of Klingons and Jem'Hadar (namely, " The Way of the Warrior " and " Hippocratic Oath " respectively). " I wasn't really in the mood to come up with a new alien race, " explained Ira Steven Behr. " So I said, 'Let's not see them. Let's just put them in costume because they normally live in the cold.' " ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 277)) An additional motive for Behr deciding that the Breen should appear in fully enclosed costumes was that this would cut down on make-up expenses. ( Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection , issue 69, p. 17)

When the Breen helmets were being designed for "Indiscretion", it was decided that they would give viewers the suggestion of a snout, like that of an Arctic Wolf . ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 277)) Terry J. Erdmann recalled about the Breen, " They were never supposed to be important at all, so when the wardrobe department first made Breen costumes, they were kind of simple; they just made a mask and put them on some guys who were going to stand in the background. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 1, Issue 17 , p. 93)

Interim [ ]

The word "Breen" was listed in the pronunciation guide for the final draft script of DS9 Season 5 installment " Let He Who Is Without Sin... ", which noted that it "rhymes with 'green'." However, the term wasn't actually used anywhere else in that teleplay. [11]

The Breen were not referenced in the first draft script of fifth season outing " For the Uniform ", despite the species being talked about in the final version of that episode.

In the first draft script of DS9 : " Sons and Daughters ", the Breen were referenced, by Jake Sisko , as having fought Bel Torthap , a writer whom Jake respected. This reference to the species lasted at least two versions of the first draft script: the original (dated 1 July 1997 ) and a revision (dated 8 July 1997). However, the Breen weren't mentioned at all in the final draft of the script for "Sons and Daughters" (issued on 11 July 1997). [12]

Thus, as of the start of DS9 Season 6 (in September 1997 ), the show's writing staff didn't have any plans to feature the Breen in the series. However, Ronald D. Moore didn't rule out such a possibility, remarking, " We could explore them in the future. " ( AOL chat , 1997 )

Mentioned above , a Breen named " Aaioa Uree " was originally to have appeared in DS9 Season 7 outing " Field of Fire ", but this idea was ultimately scrapped.

At the start of a nine-episode arc that was designed to bring an end to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , the Breen were brought into the Dominion War by the show's writers. Thus, the species went from having been used only "a handful of times" prior to DS9 Season 7 to becoming "major players" (as worded by First Assistant Director B.C. Cameron ) in the first of those installments, " Penumbra ". Their introduction into the conflict was motivated by the writers feeling sure that the Breen would heighten the stakes of the war. ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (pp. 685 & 702)) Christopher L. Bennett observed that there was probably an additional reason why the Breen were introduced into the Dominion War. " I think the main reason for bringing in the Breen, " he said, " was to establish that the Dominion saw Cardassia as disposable – not the partners they'd promised, but just a stepping-stone toward their conquest of the quadrant, to be tossed aside as soon as they'd outlived their usefulness (if you'll pardon the mixed metaphor). It was a motivator for Damar's – and Cardassia's – journey toward rebellion. " [13] As the writing staff didn't have the entire war worked out when they brought the Breen into it, they were uncertain how much would ultimately be learned about the Breen in the series. ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 685)) Nonetheless, the Breen ended up as the last major villains to be introduced in DS9. Also, the fact that so little had been established about them, thus far, gave Designer John Eaves a feeling of particular freeness while designing the Breen ship, for "Penumbra". ( Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection , issue 69, pp. 10 & 11)

The DS9 writing staff wanted to make the Breen seem highly mysterious. " We wanted to give these guys something special, " commented Ira Steven Behr. " I couldn't make them the toughest guys in the galaxy – that's the Jem'Hadar. Or the most arrogant guys – that's the Cardassians. Or the most untrustworthy guys – that's the Vorta. So we decided to make them the most mysterious guys in the galaxy, with voices that really grate on the audience. " Behr has also said that the Breen's distinctive, scratchy voice, which was first spoken in " 'Til Death Do Us Part ", was inspired by the guitar feedback on Lou Reed 's album Metal Machine Music . ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 703))

When they decided to bring the Breen back, DS9's creative staff had to reuse the same costumes which had already been created for the species. " One day, the wardrobe department gets this call. 'Guess what? We're going to use the Breen,' " Terry J. Erdmann related. " Well, those masks that those poor actors are wearing have a long bill on the front, with only a tiny hole at the end for them to breathe. They snap on to the back, so they are difficult to put on and off, and the eye holes were in the wrong place, so they really couldn't see. But these almost unusable costumes were established, so they were stuck with them. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 1, Issue 17 , p. 93) Not only did the costumes hamper breathing and seeing (the latter of which caused background extra Wade Kelly, when B.C. Cameron asked him to walk across a room, to repeatedly stumble noisily on set, during production on " Strange Bedfellows "), but wearing them also brought a host of other problems too. B.C. Cameron pointed out, " They're wearing big, clumsy boots, and their outfits are layered like an armadillo, making it very hard for them to move. " Regarding the difficulties of using the Breen helmets, Steve Oster explained, " They're held together with magnets and they fall off any time someone bumps them. And before we redesigned them, the switches for the little blinky lights were on the inside of the helmet. " This meant the helmets had to be removed from the actors every time the lights needed to be turned on. " And for some reason we never did figure out, " continued Oster, " the nine-volt batteries only lasted minutes before they burned out. " Thot Gor actor Todd Slayton considered "the biggest problem with the Breen mask" was the tiny hole for breathing, which he estimated was about eight inches away from the wearer's nose. He also noted that the viewing lens in the mask often steamed up quite quickly. ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 702))

During the course of writing the Dominion War, the DS9 writers were very intent on establishing the Breen as extremely formidable, tough aliens. This inspired the introduction of the Breen energy-dampening weapon and the destruction of the USS Defiant , in " The Changing Face of Evil ". ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 693))

The final Breen to be depicted (in live action) until Discovery was the holographic individual in VOY : " Flesh and Blood ". The final draft script of "Flesh and Blood, Part I" called for multiple holographic Breen to appear in the episode, although only one is present in the final version.

Uncertainties and trivia [ ]

Ultimately, Deep Space Nine never made clear how the Breen actually looked inside their costumes. Whereas First Assistant Director Lou Race "always" suspected the Breen looked similar to Donald Duck (owing to the beak-like part of their helmets), Make-Up Supervisor Michael Westmore admitted that he wasn't really sure how they looked. However, he also reflected, " I actually had an unused head in the lab that would have been great. I thought we could put a little bit of a snout onto it, so we could justify the snout on the helmet. But we never had the opportunity to show one of them. " ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (pp. 701-702))

It was also left unclear whether anyone had ever seen a Breen and survived the experience. In "'Til Death Do Us Part", Worf states, " No one has ever seen [a Breen] and lived to speak of it. " However, "Indiscretion" implies that Kira and Dukat must have gotten a look at a pair of Breen whose uniforms they stole. Compounding the continuity problem, Kira is implied as having dispatched another Breen, again for his uniform, in DS9 series finalé " What You Leave Behind ". In hindsight, Ronald D. Moore regarded this continuity glitch as one of numerous frustrating details that, due to their sheer quantity, the creative team hadn't managed to keep track of. On the other hand, Ira Steven Behr proposed an in-universe explanation, saying, " There's nothing in those helmets. I don't think there's a guy in there, which is something we never got around to saying. " After a pause, he added, " Or maybe there's a little slug, some tiny little creature in there. I never wanted them to be humanoid in any way. " ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion  (p. 702)) Despite this, not only did the aforementioned script of "Indiscretion" regard the Breen as "humanoid" but so do the reference works Star Trek Encyclopedia  (3rd ed., p. 54) and Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 35) as well as the StarTrek.com database entry about the species. [14]

The model for the Breen helmet closely resembles a Ubese Bounty Hunter suit that Princess Leia wore to Jabba the Hutt 's Palace in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi . [15]

32nd century return and unmasking [ ]

Glenn Hetrick of Star Trek: Discovery expressed an interest in the Breen appearing in that series without their masks. Hetrick commented, " No one in the universe, as per Worf, has ever seen what they look like under the refrigeration suits. So, that is definitely – as many times as I can put it forth – I want to get one of those refrigeration suits off and see what the Breen look like. " [16]

Carlos Cisco lobbied hard for the Breen to appear in DIS Season 5 . " The Breen were one of my strongest pushes for the season. Early on a couple of us who were really into the lore were asked for ideas on the season big bads and [staff writer] Eric [Robbins] was pushing for the Vidiians and I was like we should do the Breen.” Because, A: They’re not going to have horrible makeup, and B: We can just put a bunch of big guys in suits and they don’t need to talk. Being mindful of the COVID protocols , the suits and masks would be really great. And then there were all the possibilities for the Breen because in every season Discovery is trying to do something we have never seen before. And getting to unmask the Breen was a really big privilege. "

Regarding their appearance, Cisco said, " I don’t remember where in the process we landed on “gelatinous” but when we hit the art team with that they came back to us with deep sea fish like the Barreleye Fish with a see-through head. We got really excited about that. So we started talking about what is this species? Why do they wear the suits? So, the thing we landed on is they have this soft gelatinous form and also a hardened form. Our thinking was that the Breen came up on a very harsh planet with a harsh environment. So they developed a way to protect themselves which was hardening their outer shell into basically a skin, but that takes an immense amount of concentration and energy, making them slower, more sluggish, less intelligent, basically. Over time, they compensated for that by creating the refrigeration suits. Then culturally, it became anathema for them to display that solid face, especially to outsiders, because it was essentially a sign of weakness. " [17]

Reception [ ]

The writers of Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection (issue 69, pp. 16 & 17) approved of the Breen. They regarded them as "vitally important to the Dominion War" and further remarked, " Despite the hazards of the costume, the Breen proved a tough and formidable adversary that ratcheted up the threat to the Federation in the final months of the Dominion War. Without them, the final story arc would not have been so tense and compelling. "

Marco Palmieri wrote, " You have to hand it to the Breen: For a civilization that started out as a sometimes-mentioned but never seen running gag on The Next Generation , they eventually came incredibly close to handing the Founders a decisive victory in the Dominion War. Along the way, the Breen not only destroyed the Starship Defiant , they succeeded where no other enemy empire had before: attacking Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. Even the Klingons had reason to fear them [...] [considering] an Imperial fleet sent to conquer the Breen homeworld was never heard from again. That's not a bad résumé as Star Trek villains go. " ( Star Trek Magazine  issue 156 , p. 48)

Gary Russell cited the Breen as his favorite race. ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 30 , p. 63)

Apocrypha [ ]

In the novel Zero Sum Game , the Breen are revealed to be comprised of several different species, with "Breen" as the name of a society, rather than a single species. The primary reason for this is to judge individuals on their skills and abilities rather than their physical appearance. In reality, however, this approach was taken by Zero Sum Game author David Mack because he believed that trying to reconcile all the canonical "facts" about the Breen's physiology would otherwise be impossible, as he thought there were too many discrepancies. ( Star Trek Magazine  issue 156 , p. 50)

Among the species in the Breen Confederacy mentioned in Zero Sum Game , only four were mentioned by name and described in some detail, and an additional fifth species was described in the novel Plagues of Night . Two more species were named in the novels Disavowed and The Hall of Heroes . They include:

  • The Silwaan ( β ) , a humanoid species and a founding species of the Confederacy, who possessed (in the case of the character Chot Nar) bronze-tinted skin , white hair , and jade-colored eyes .
  • The Fenrisal ( β ) , a furred , lupine humanoid species whose snouted facial structure served as the inspiration for the archetypical Breen helmet design.
  • The Paclu ( β ) , a large, powerful humanoid species who often served in the Confederacy military thanks to their strength. They are noted to possess four-lobed brains that make their minds difficult to read, as well as an unspecified number of hearts .
  • The Amoniri ( β ) , a humanoid species whose bodies possessed no blood and evaporated when exposed to normal M-class atmospheres, requiring them to wear actual refrigeration suits to function outside of their regular environment. They also served commonly in the Confederacy military alongside the Paclu.
  • The Vironat ( β ) , a humanoid species with cleft arms and legs with highly accurate sensory organs located along their lengths that granted them exceptional tactile abilities, making them highly effective engineers. The enhanced sensory abilities of the species also rendered them prone to motion sickness .
  • The Silgov ( β ) , a humanoid species that can easily mingle among the peoples of the Federation. Author David Mack has said that this is actually a mistake, which is meant to refer to the Silwaan. [18]
  • The Kalystarians ( β ) , a humanoid species with no nose and a pale, scaly complexion.

The Breen were members of the Typhon Pact, an alliance of several powers antagonistic towards the Federation, which allied them with the Romulans, the Tholians , the Gorn , and the Tzenkethi .

Decipher 's Star Trek Roleplaying Game supplement Aliens explained the discrepancy over whether anyone had seen a Breen and lived by establishing that the Breen disintegrate upon exposure to atmosphere .

The video game Star Trek: Conquest features Breen as one of the people groups which players can assume the role of. Of the three types of commanders available – attack, defense, and movement – the Breen only have defense (2) and movement (1) available.

In Star Trek Online , the Breen were the main antagonists in a short episode arc. During the arc, the Breen invaded Deferi ( β ) space, hoping to acquire Preserver ( β ) technology.

External links [ ]

  • Breen at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Breen at Wikipedia
  • 3 Marlys Burdette

Full Cast of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 - Every Main Character & Actor Who Appears (Photos)

Star Trek Discovery Season 5 wallpaper characters

As Star Trek: Discovery ’s final season commences, the principal actors from the hit series must say goodbye to characters they have played for several years.

When Star Trek: Discovery premiered in 2017, it was met with its fair share of backlash. Trek die-hards criticized the show’s design, cast, and even the time period in which it was set.

Still, Discovery won over a good portion of fans, many of whom were just glad to have a new Star Trek series again, after the franchise’s extended absence from television. Now, the show has launched Season 5, set to be the show’s final voyage.

The Characters & Actors of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

Sonequa martin-green - michael burnham.

Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery

Sonequa Martin-Green plays Captain Michael Burnham, the adopted sister of Star Trek icon Mr. Spock. Burnham was given command of the series’ eponymous starship, the USS Discovery, at the end of the third season, after the cast wound up in the far-flung future of the 32nd Century.

Apart from her work on Discovery , which is undeniably her most well-known role, Martin-Green has also been a part of shows like The Walking Dead and The Good Wife .

Doug Jones - Saru

Doug Jones and Saru in Star Trek: Discovery

Veritable chameleon Doug Jones portrays Saru, Burnham’s first officer. Saru is a Kelpian, a species with a kind of biological early warning system that acts like a sixth sense. Saru has served as a fan-favorite since the series began, with many viewers calling for him to take on Discovery’s captain‘s chair.

Doug Jones has appeared in many major projects, but he is often completely unrecognizable, buried under prosthetics and makeup. He was Abe Sapien in the Hellboy movies and the Amphibian Man in 2017’s The Shape of Water .

Anthony Rapp - Paul Stamets

Anthony Rapp as Paul Stamets in Star Trek: Discovery

Anthony Rapp plays the groundbreaking role of Commander Paul Stamets, a science officer and one of the two first openly gay Star Trek characters (The other being Stamets’ husband Dr. Hugh Culber).

Rapp has long been a fixture of stage and screen, having performed as a part of several high-profile Broadway shows, such as Rent , in which he was an original cast member. 

Mary Wiseman - Sylvia Tilly

Mary Wiseman as Sylvia Tilly in Star Trek: Discovery

Sylvia Tilly, brought to life by Mary Wiseman, started the series as a quirky but very driven cadet on board Discovery. Later on in the series, after the crew’s one-way trip to the future, she took a teaching position at Starfleet Academy.

Mary Wiseman is most famous for her part as Tilly but she’s also appeared in Baskets and the Western show Longmire to name a few.

Wilson Cruz - Hugh Culber

Wilson Cruz as Dr. Hugh Culber in Star Trek: Discovery

Wilson Cruz plays Dr. Hugh Culber, one of the USS Discovery’s physicians. Earlier in the series, Culber was killed by another, out-of-control officer. But eventually, the good doctor was brought back to life through the use of the mycelial network.

Cruz cut his teeth on the classic 1990s teen drama My So-Called Life , playing Rickie. He’s additionally had roles on hits like Grey’s Anatomy , Monk , and The West Wing .

Blu del Barrio - Adira Tal

Blu del Barrio as Adira Tal in Star Trek: Discovery

Adira Tal is portrayed by Blu del Barrio. The character’s backstory involved them becoming the host for a Trill symbiont called Tal, which they inherited from their romantic partner. Currently, Adira is a Starfleet ensign, having been granted commission in Season 3.

Blu del Barrio holds the significant distinction of being Star Trek ’s first openly non-binary actor. They are also a graduate of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

Callum Keith Rennie - Rayner

Callum Keith Rennie as Rayner in Star Trek: Discovery

Callum Keith Rennie’s Rayner is a new character for Season 5 of Star Trek: Discovery . Rayner is a Kellerun, which is a species first introduced in the 1994 episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , “Armageddon Game”.

Rennie has a lengthy resume, starring in a vast array of Canadian shows and films. He has also acted in the Battlestar Galactica reboot as well as Showtime’s Californication .

David Ajala - Cleveland “Book” Booker

David Ajala as Book in Star Trek: Discovery

David Ajala plays Book, a man introduced to the crew upon their arrival in the year 3188. As a Kwejian, Book can empathically connect with plant and animal life, including his pet cat Grudge. He also has a close personal bond with Michael Burnham.

Alaja previously had roles in Nightflyers and CW’s Supergirl , where he played the villainous Manchester Black.

Eve Harlow - Moll

Eve Harlow as Moll in Star Trek: Discovery

Moll, played by Eve Harlow, is a pirate who is seeking an ancient technology that has ties to the classic Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Chase”.

Eve Harlow has acted in favorites such as NCIS: Los Angeles and The Rookie . She also played the recurring character Tess on Agents of SHIELD .

Elias Toufexis - L’ak

Elias Toufexis as L’ak in Star Trek: Discovery

L’ak, a green-skinned alien of unknown descent, is played by Elias Toufexis. He serves as Moll’s literal partner in crime.

Toufexis has appeared in another popular sci-fi series The Expanse , as well as several other television series, like Shadowhunters and Criminal Minds .

Oded Fehr - Charles Vance

Oded Fehr as Admiral Vance in Star Trek: Discovery

Oded Fehr plays Admiral Charles Vance, who was introduced to Star Trek: Discovery in Season 3. As commander in chief of Starfleet, Vance wields a considerable amount of influence within the spacefaring organization.

Fehr would be best recognized for his character of Ardeth Bay in 1999’s The Mummy and its 2001 sequel. He’s also guested on shows such as The Blacklist and How to Get Away With Murder .

Chelah Horsdal - Laira Rillak

Chelah Horsdal as Laira Rillak in Star Trek: Discovery

Laira Rillak, in addition to serving as Federation president, is of multi-species descent, a hybrid of human, Cardassian, and Bajoran genetics. Typically, Starfleet and Federation top brass are portrayed as having lesser quality moral fiber, but Rillak has stood out as an exception.

Chelah Horsdal has appeared in a wide variety of movies and series including Arrow , Hell on Wheels , and Rise of the Planet of the Apes .

Tara Rosling  - T’Rina

Tara Rosling as T’Rina in Star Trek: Discovery

T’Rina is a Vulcan woman who first showed up in Discovery in the seventh episode of the third season. Since then, she has become romantically linked with Saru. T’Rina is also president of Ni’Var, the planet formerly known as Vulcan.

In addition to her Star Trek role, Rosling has also cropped up in The Expanse and The Handmaid’s Tale .

David Cronenberg - Kovich

David Cronenberg as Dr. Kovich in Star Trek: Discovery

David Cronenberg portrays Dr. Kovich, a Federation agent and galactic historian. Kovich first appeared in Discovery ’s third season and has gone on to become a well-liked recurring character.

As a veteran filmmaker, David Cronenberg is credited with bringing the genre of body horror into popular culture. His newest film, The Shroud , will hit theaters this year.

Tig Notaro - Jett Reno

Tig Notaro as Jett Reno in Star Trek: Discovery

Comedian Tig Notaro breathes life into Jett Reno, the fast-talking, wise-cracking Discovery engineer with a heart of gold. Reno has more than cemented herself as an audience favorite.

Alongside Notaro’s standup work, she’s had parts in Community , Bob’s Burgers , Suburgatory , and many more.

Star Trek: Discovery can be streamed exclusively on Paramount+ . The next new episode premieres on Thursday, April 11.

Star Trek: Picard Cast - Every Actor & Character in Season 3


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  7. Where to Watch

    Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1-4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV "Star Trek" channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain ...

  8. Star Trek: Discovery

    Star Trek: Discovery is an American science fiction television series created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman for the streaming service CBS All Access (later rebranded as Paramount+).It is the seventh Star Trek series and debuted in 2017. The series follows the crew of the starship Discovery beginning a decade before Star Trek: The Original Series in the 23rd century.

  9. Star Trek: Discovery

    Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1-4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV "Star Trek" channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain ...

  10. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV Series 2022- )

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Created by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman, Jenny Lumet. With Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, Christina Chong, Melissa Navia. A prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series, the show follows the crew of the USS Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike.

  11. Münzen und Prägungen

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  12. Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series 2017-2024)

    Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series 2017-2024) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  13. Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series 2017-2024)

    Star Trek: Discovery: Created by Bryan Fuller, Alex Kurtzman. With Sonequa Martin-Green, Anthony Rapp, Doug Jones, Mary Wiseman. Ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien.

  14. Deanna Troi

    Deanna Troi was a female Betazoid-Human hybrid Starfleet officer.Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, she served as the counselor aboard the USS Enterprise-D and the USS Enterprise-E.In 2379, Troi transferred to the USS Titan (Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek Nemesis).By 2399, she and her husband William T. Riker lived on the planet Nepenthe with their daughter, Kestra Troi ...

  15. Michael Burnham

    Michael Burnham is the protagonist of Star Trek: Discovery, portrayed by American actress Sonequa Martin-Green. She originally appears as the First Officer of USS Shenzhou under Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) until she commits mutiny, for which she is stripped of rank and sent to prison for life.Burnham is later recruited by Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs) on USS Discovery as a science ...

  16. Star Trek streaming guide: Where to watch Star Trek online

    The Star Trek movies can be divided into three tidy groups: the original cast, the Next Generation cast, and the reboot cast. All of them can be found on Paramount+. However, Paramount+ isn't the ...

  17. Breen

    The Breen were a spacefaring humanoid species native to the planet Breen in the Alpha Quadrant. Notoriously reclusive and warlike, the Breen were a formidable power in their region of the galaxy. They almost always wore refrigeration suits that entirely concealed their bodies. The Klingons were among the first to discover that the Breen did not tolerate incursions into their space. During the ...

  18. Watch Star Trek: The Original Series on demand for free!

    STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES follows the 23rd century adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise, a powerful interstellar spacecraft dispatched by Starfleet to explore the galaxy and seek out new life and civilizations. Stream Star Trek: The Original Series free and on-demand with Pluto TV. Free Movies & TV Shows. Stream now.

  19. Khan Noonien Singh

    Khan Noonien Singh is a fictional character in the Star Trek science fiction franchise, who first appeared as the main antagonist in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Space Seed" (1967), and was portrayed by Ricardo Montalbán, who reprised his role in the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.In the 2013 film Star Trek Into Darkness, he is portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch.

  20. Full Cast of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

    Callum Keith Rennie's Rayner is a new character for Season 5 of Star Trek: Discovery. Rayner is a Kellerun, which is a species first introduced in the 1994 episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Armageddon Game". Rennie has a lengthy resume, starring in a vast array of Canadian shows and films. He has also acted in the Battlestar ...

  21. Star Trek™

    star trek. star trek - starfleet command coin; star trek™ - the original series coin collection 2023; hasbro. magic : the gathering "chandra" 2024; magic : the gathering "jace" 2024; my little pony collection; monopoly - rise to wealth; monopoly 2023; mr monopoly shape coin 2023; transformers - casseticon set; optimus prime shape coin 2023

  22. List of Star Trek television series

    Logo for the first Star Trek series, now known as The Original Series. Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise that started with a television series (simply called Star Trek but now referred to as Star Trek: The Original Series) created by Gene Roddenberry.The series was first broadcast from 1966 to 1969 on NBC.Since then, the Star Trek canon has expanded to include many other ...

  23. Timeline of Star Trek

    The USS Enterprise 's five-year mission under Captain Kirk lasts from 2207 to 2212. [57] The events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture occur in 2217. [57] The events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan occur around 2222 (dialogue in the film says it is set "fifteen years" after the Season One episode "Space Seed").