Memory Alpha

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Ensign Gates was a female Human who served as a flight control officer aboard the USS Enterprise -D under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard during the late 24th century .

  • 3.1 Background information
  • 3.2 Appearances

Service history [ ]

Gates was on duty on the bridge and working on an aft station when the Vulcan Ambassador Sarek was beamed aboard. She later witnessed the effects of Sarek's Bendii Syndrome on Captain Picard and Commander William T. Riker on the bridge. ( TNG : " Sarek ")

She was on duty on the bridge when the Enterprise -D encountered a Zalkonian warship in late 2366 and the crew suffered from its weapon. ( TNG : " Transfigurations ")

Gates was part of the medical staff who received instructions from Doctor Beverly Crusher regarding radiation poisoning treatment in sickbay . ( TNG : " Final Mission ")

She was working at an aft console of the bridge when the Enterprise -D was rapidly approaching a cosmic string due to the influence of two-dimensional beings . ( TNG : " The Loss ")

Gates was also taking Mok'bara lessons in Worf 's course. ( TNG : " Clues ")

She was enjoying a drink in Ten Forward after the ship had successfully delivered a spaceborne species dubbed " Junior " to the Alpha Omicron asteroid belt . ( TNG : " Galaxy's Child ")

Gates was working on the bridge when the ship went into orbit of Tarchannen III to investigate the mysterious disappearing of several crewmembers. ( TNG : " Identity Crisis ")

She was in the audience of Doctor Crusher's adaptation of the play Cyrano de Bergerac in the ships theater . ( TNG : " The Nth Degree ")

Gates manned the conn when the Enterprise -D went into orbit of Kaelon II and took Kaelon scientist Timicin aboard. ( TNG : " Half a Life ")

She manned the conn when the Enterprise -D transported the Trill Ambassador Odan for peace negotiations to the planet Peliar Zel II . She was present on the bridge when the shuttle Hawking transporting Odan was attacked and also later when the William T. Riker joined with the Trill symbiont negotiated with Leka Trion . ( TNG : " The Host ")

Gates passed Data in a corridor when he brought Jenna D'Sora flowers . ( TNG : " In Theory ")

Gates candlelight dinner

Gates enjoying a candlelight dinner

Gates manned the conn when the Enterprise -D went into orbit of El-Adrel IV and Captain Picard was kidnapped by the Children of Tama . ( TNG : " Darmok ")

She came on the bridge to mann the conn when Data showed Captain Picard an image of Senator Pardek . ( TNG : " Unification I ")

Gates was again at the conn when Worf met Captain Picard in his ready room . ( TNG : " New Ground ")

Gates manned the conn when the Enterprise -D approached a stellar core fragment near Moab IV and was later replaced by Ensign Felton . ( TNG : " The Masterpiece Society ")

She was one of the crew members held captive in Ten Forward by Ux-Mal terrorists while the Enterprise -D was in orbit of Mab-Bu VI in 2368 . ( TNG : " Power Play ")

Gates manned the conn when the Enterprise -D crew assisted the J'naii during their rescue mission for their shuttle Taris Murn . She later set course for the Phelan system . ( TNG : " The Outcast ")

She was again manning the conn when the Enterprise -D was infected by nitrium parasites . Due to the loss of the life support system she became unconscious at her station. ( TNG : " Cost Of Living ")

Gates served as conn officer during the mission to the Argolis Cluster and when the crew beamed the Borg Hugh aboard. ( TNG : " I Borg ")

She had a candlelight dinner together with a lieutenant in his quarters in late 2368. The two were interrupted by Lieutenant Commander Data who detected a huge chroniton field in these quarters. ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Gates manned the conn again when Captain Picard was affected by the Kataan probe . ( TNG : " The Inner Light ")

She set course for the planet Devidia II after Data's head was found as an artifact of the 19th century in San Francisco on Earth. ( TNG : " Time's Arrow ")

Gates, early 2369

Gates in her mok'bara outfit

Like in the last year, she took part in Worf's mok'bara class in early 2369 along with Counselor Troi and Ves Alkar . ( TNG : " Man Of The People ")

Gates manned the conn when the Enterprise -D arrived at Tagra IV and received a call from Orn Lote . ( TNG : " True Q ")

She was also on the bridge when the new Captain Edward Jellico ordered a fourth duty shift . ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ")

She manned the conn when the Enterprise -D arrived at Relay Station 47 and investigated the case of Lieutenant Aquiel Uhnari and Lieutenant Keith Rocha . ( TNG : " Aquiel ")

Gates had a drink in Ten Forward in an alternate timeline created by Q in which Picard served as ensign aboard the Enterprise -D. ( TNG : " Tapestry ")

She manned the conn when the Enterprise -D headed to the planet Bersallis III to rescue colonists and patients from the fire storms . ( TNG : " Lessons ")

She passed Doctor Crusher in front of the shuttlebay shortly after Doctor Jo'Bril 's death . ( TNG : " Suspicions ")

Gates was along with Jae part of the day shift which replaced the night shift in 2369. ( TNG : " Rightful Heir ")

Ensign Gates served as flight officer when the Enterprise -D answered a distress call from Ohniaka III and was attacked by a Borg ship. ( TNG : " Descent ")

She was among one of the away teams which searched for Data and the Borg Crosis on an unnamed planet and was beamed back aboard the Enterprise -D where she resumed her navigational station. ( TNG : " Descent, Part II ")

Ensign Gates served as flight officer when the Enterprise -D received a distress call from the Federation starship USS Raman and arrived at the coordinates to help the Raman . ( TNG : " Interface ")

She served at the conn when the Enterprise -D left Starbase 84 and activated the new warp core . ( TNG : " Phantasms ")

Gates also manned the conn while the Enterprise -D was in orbit of Kesprytt III ( TNG : " Attached ") and when the two scientists Serova and Rabal beamed aboard the ship. ( TNG : " Force of Nature ")

She was off duty when she visited Ten Forward while Pran Tainer and Juliana Tainer came aboard the ship. ( TNG : " Inheritance ")

Gates and Picard

Gates with Captain Picard on the bridge.

In an alternate quantum reality , Gates attended the surprise birthday party for Worf at his 30th in his quarters. Later she manned the conn, when the Cardassians under the command of Gul Nador attacked the Enterprise -D. ( TNG : " Parallels ")

Gates was frequently at the helm of the Enterprise -D during 2370 , following the departure of Ensign Ro Laren . Gates was a capable officer, and her merits include piloting the Enterprise -D inside an asteroid . ( TNG : " The Pegasus ")

Gates helmed the conn when the Enterprise -D arrived at Boraal II after they received a distress call from Nikolai Rozhenko . Later she was ordered by Captain Picard to go to warp. ( TNG : " Homeward ")

She was part of the beta shift alongside Jae , which replaced the alpha shift , including Commander Riker and Sam Lavelle in 2370. She also had a drink in Ten Forward shortly after Ensign Sito Jaxa went missing and again took part in Worf's Mok'bara class, together with Martinez . ( TNG : " Lower Decks ")

Gates manned the conn when the Enterprise -D left orbit of Maranga IV to search for the Duras sisters Lursa and B'Etor ( TNG : " Firstborn ") and when the Enterprise -D created an emergent lifeform and the crew lost control of the ship. ( TNG : " Emergence ")

In late 2370 she manned the conn when the Enterprise -D received a distress signal from the Vetar . She was replaced by Ro Laren. ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")

Gates served as flight control officer when the Enterprise -D investigated the temporal anomaly in the Devron system . ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

Hologram [ ]

A hologram of Gates passed Commander Riker and his son Jean-Luc when she left the turbolift. This scenario was part of an illusion created by the alien Barash on Alpha Onias III . ( TNG : " Future Imperfect ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Ensign Gates was played by regular background actress Joycelyn Robinson who received no credit for her appearances. Her only line, " Course plotted, sir. ", was stated in " The Pegasus ".

Gates was named after Gates McFadden , who played Dr. Beverly Crusher . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 268) She was first referred to by name in " Phantasms ".

The Star Trek Encyclopedia , 3rd ed., p. 170 erroneously claims that Gates first appeared in Descent and then in several seventh season episodes, although she had appeared as early as the third season in Sarek .

Appearances [ ]

  • " Transfigurations "
  • " Future Imperfect " (hologram)
  • " Final Mission "
  • " The Loss "
  • " Galaxy's Child "
  • " Identity Crisis "
  • " The Nth Degree "
  • " Half a Life "
  • " The Host "
  • " In Theory "
  • " Unification I "
  • " New Ground "
  • " The Masterpiece Society "
  • " Power Play "
  • " The Outcast "
  • " Cost Of Living "
  • " The Next Phase "
  • " The Inner Light "
  • " Time's Arrow "
  • " Man Of The People "
  • " Chain Of Command, Part I "
  • " Tapestry "
  • " Lessons "
  • " Suspicions "
  • " Rightful Heir "
  • " Descent "
  • " Descent, Part II "
  • " Interface "
  • " Phantasms "
  • " Attached "
  • " Force of Nature "
  • " Inheritance "
  • " Parallels "
  • " The Pegasus "
  • " Homeward "
  • " Lower Decks "
  • " Firstborn "
  • " Emergence "
  • " Preemptive Strike "
  • " All Good Things... "
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Calypso (episode)

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Ensign Gates

Discussion in ' Star Trek: The Next Generation ' started by Lighthammer , Dec 11, 2012 .


Lighthammer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

Has anyone noticed Ensign Gates was in a lot of episodes of TNG? I just recently rewatched the series star to finish and ever since her introduction in Sarek (according to Memory Alpha), it seems like she's had more episode appearances then any of the third string characters (Ensign Ro, Wesley Crusher, Chief O'Brian, Nurse Ogawa, Guinan, Barclay, Ensign Sito and a few others). According to Memory Alpha she appeared in 45 / 178 episodes, but simply looking over the page, I do remember her in a few others without extensively / exhaustively going back to looking over each episode. Anyone else think it would have been interesting to give her a little more on screen development then she got? It just seems like she would have been a great candidate for Lower Decks. TNG loved third string characters, I'm just a little surprised with as many episodes as she was in, she never got a little bit of character development considering how many episodes she was in.  


Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

Sure, onscreen development would have been nice for a lot of repeating background personnel. But if they had dialogue scenes, union rules might require higher pay for their lines.  
Colm Meaney probably only got his "big role" because he was already a semi-established actor before Star Trek. I thought I even heard some where on the road that they had considered him for a main role before the series launched, but he just happened to be around for the pilot shooting and kind of stuck with it when fans started to ask about him more and more. Although I don't doubt union rules may have contributed somewhere a long the line, we've seen plenty of background characters only ever meant to be background characters evolve beyond that role as a background character. It seems like Ensign Gates may have been one of those characters that was in far more then her share as extra roles and was one of the few (if not the only one) that was in as many episodes as she was without having the character expanded upon, sadly, not even in fan fiction or other related media. It just kind of struck me as odd considering almost every other TNG background character seemed to have gotten their share of the lime light (even if it was just to get assimilated in First Contact!).  


Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

Personally I'm more interested in the backstory of the background character Diana Giddings . She's in practically every episode from season one and some of the later seasons. Also, I demand a full episode about this chick from "Coming of Age":  


Minuet Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

You know, a lot of people deride the skant version of the uniform as particularly sexist in a '60s TOS sort of way, but the idea was that both men and women would be able to wear it. They wanted to originally show more gender equality in the future. They kind of botched it, though, with men in the skant only appearing in a few background scenes. I kind of like it, though, and this is coming from a woman (one who likes kitschy '60s inspired things anyway). And I love the idea of men being able to wear a version of it as well. It never panned out that way, of course, and it was basically only used to show off more female thigh and boost ratings.  


Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

IIRC the short skirts in TOS weren't seen as sexist, they were liberating for women who before would be consider a slut for wearing a hemline over the knee.  

Mott the barber

Mott the barber Commodore Commodore

I remember the whole theater let out a laugh at the Asian dude in the skant in the S1 theater screening.  


Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

Heck Crusher had Martinez on her staff for ages & I'm not even sure he got a line. He and Jae were in far more episodes than Gates, her 62 & him 83, & they both even had movie appearances  


Ro_Laren Commodore Commodore

M said: ↑ Personally I'm more interested in the backstory of the background character Diana Giddings . She's in practically every episode from season one and some of the later seasons. Click to expand...


Mark_Nguyen Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

More than Morn. ALMOST more than Ayala. TNG sure treated their regular extras right. :P Mark  
Ro_Laren said: ↑ I immediately remembered who Ensign Gates was when I read her name, even though her pic isn't posted in this thread. But, even after seeing the Diana Giddings article in Memory Alpha, I can only semi-remember her. The end of the article said: Click to expand...

R. Star

R. Star Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

This is probably the biggest weakness of TNG, the virtual lack of secondary characters on the show. Even O'brien, Barclay and Ro weren't around -that- much, and it went down hill from there. It even got to the point where even it was virtually established the command clique is standoffish and confrontational towards outsiders as a rule.  
Frankly, it was all contractual, & union related. They had regular recurring cast that were contracted to parts based on lines, such that Gates was only there in the same capacity as say Lt. Monroe from Disaster who had a few lines & then died. Except, Gates doesn't die. Her & a few others stick around, because presumably there was room on the payroll for some regular one or two line actors, which apparently is still a good paying gig in tv work I'm actually amazed that even one of them broke out into something more, Alyssa Ogawa. Perhaps they fought a bit to have one expanded some, & if that's the case, I'm glad they chose Ogawa, because there's lots of speaking characters on the bridge, but sick bay had almost none  

The Castellan

The Castellan Commodore Commodore

M said: ↑ Personally I'm more interested in the backstory of the background character Diana Giddings . She's in practically every episode from season one and some of the later seasons. Also, I demand a full episode about this chick from "Coming of Age": Click to expand...
Ro_Laren said: ↑ M said: ↑ Personally I'm more interested in the backstory of the background character Diana Giddings . She's in practically every episode from season one and some of the later seasons. Click to expand...
Also, I liked the Conn from "The Emissary" during the probe tractor.  
Mott the barber said: ↑ Ro_Laren said: ↑ M said: ↑ Personally I'm more interested in the backstory of the background character Diana Giddings . She's in practically every episode from season one and some of the later seasons. Click to expand...
The Castellan said: ↑ Mott the barber said: ↑ Ro_Laren said: ↑ I immediately remembered who Ensign Gates was when I read her name, even though her pic isn't posted in this thread. But, even after seeing the Diana Giddings article in Memory Alpha, I can only semi-remember her. The end of the article said: Was her name even mentioned in an episode? Did she ever have any lines? BTW, does anyone know which "door" is mentioned in my quote? Also, I love Gate's "memorable quote" that Memory Alpha mentions.... "Course plotted, sir." Click to expand...
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Joyce Robinson

star trek tng ensign gates

Series: TNG

Movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Character: Ensign Gates, Excelsior crewman, Dead body

Joycelyn “Joyce” Robinson Agu is an actress and stunt actress who portrayed the role of Ensign Gates in several episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. She also performed stunts in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, where she received credit as Joycelyn Robinson and served in addition as stand-in and stunt double for Iman. Robinson received no credit for her television appearances.

In the early ’90s, she did a promotional tour for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine where she portrayed Ensign Gates and appeared alongside fellow Star Trek extras Cameron (as Kira Nerys), Tracee Lee Cocco (as a Ferengi), and Michael Braveheart (as a Klingon). Beside her work as Ensign Gates, Robinson also served as stand-in for several guest stars such as Lanei Chapman in the episodes “Galaxy’s Child”, “Night Terrors”, “Relics”, and “Schisms”, Fran Bennett in the episode “Redemption II” and April Grace in the episodes “Galaxy’s Child” and “The Perfect Mate”. Robinson was again scheduled to work as stand-in for Fran Bennett on the fifth season episode “Unification I” but was out when Bennett was replaced by Karen Hensel.

According to the call sheets, Robinson was scheduled to appear in the fourth season episodes “First Contact”, “Qpid”, and “Redemption” in scenes on the bridge but was either not filmed or cut from the final episodes. She also filmed scenes for the fifth season episodes “Redemption II”, “Silicon Avatar”, “Unification II”, “Violations”, and “Conundrum” but did not appear in the aired versions. Robinson filmed scenes at the conn for the episode “The Perfect Mate” but was out of the camera focus and thus not part of the aired episode.

star trek tng ensign gates

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  • Starfleet personnel
  • Starfleet personnel (24th century)
  • Starfleet helmsmen and flight controllers
  • Starfleet ensigns
  • USS Enterprise-D personnel
  • 24th century births
  • View history
  • 1.1 Connections
  • 1.2.1 Appearances
  • 1.3 External link

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], appearances and references [ ], appearances [ ].

  • TNG episode : " Sarek "
  • TNG episode : " Transfigurations "
  • TNG episode : " Final Mission "
  • TNG episode : " The Loss "
  • TNG episode : " Clues "
  • TNG episode : " Galaxy's Child "
  • TNG episode : " Identity Crisis "
  • TNG episode : " The Nth Degree "
  • TNG episode : " Half a Life "
  • TNG episode : " The Host "
  • TNG episode : " In Theory "
  • TNG episode : " Darmok "
  • TNG episode : " Unification "
  • TNG episode : " New Ground "
  • TNG episode : " The Masterpiece Society "
  • TNG episode : " Power Play "
  • TNG episode : " The Outcast "
  • TNG episode : " Cost of Living "
  • TNG episode : " I, Borg "
  • TNG episode : " The Next Phase "
  • TNG episode : " The Inner Light "
  • TNG episode : " Time's Arrow "
  • TNG episode : " Man of the People "
  • TNG episode : " True Q "
  • TNG episode : " Chain Of Command "
  • TNG episode : " Aquiel "
  • TNG episode : " Lessons "
  • TNG episode : " Suspicions "
  • TNG episode : " Rightful Heir "
  • TNG episode : " Descent "
  • TNG episode : " Interface "
  • TNG episode : " Phantasms "
  • TNG episode : " Attached "
  • TNG episode : " Force of Nature "
  • TNG episode : " Inheritance "
  • TNG episode : " The Pegasus "
  • TNG episode : " Homeward "
  • TNG episode : " Lower Decks "
  • TNG episode : " Firstborn "
  • TNG episode : " Emergence "
  • TNG episode : " Preemptive Strike "
  • TNG episode : " All Good Things... "

External link [ ]

  • Gates article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 William T. Riker


  • Web Channels
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Ensigns of Command

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When a alien race demands that a lost human colony is to be evacuated, Data is sent to deal with the issue and has problems convincing the leader of the colony to abandon their homes.

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Colm Meaney

Grainger Hines

Grainger Hines

Mark L. Taylor

Mark L. Taylor

No image (yet).

Mart McCesney

Eileen Seeley

Eileen Seeley

Richard allen, cast appearances.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Patrick Stewart

Commander William T. Riker

Jonathan Frakes

Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge

LeVar Burton

Lieutenant Worf

Michael Dorn

Dr. Beverly Crusher

Gates McFadden

Counselor Deanna Troi

Marina Sirtis

Lt. Commander Data

Brent Spiner

Ensign Wesley Crusher

Wil Wheaton

Episode discussion.

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Home » Entertainment Trading Card Sets » 2022 Entertainment Trading Cards » 2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Trading Cards Checklist

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Trading Cards Checklist

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Trading Cards Checklist

Product details, set checklist, inscriptions checklist.

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions boldly returns to the popular 1980s/199os television series with a new trading card release.

While Rittenhouse has heavily covered the Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) franchise, the Archives and Inscriptions product naturally focuses on autographs, which average four per box. Two of the signed cards in each box add inscriptions.

Hobby boxes sell for $169.99 on the Rittenhouse website. There are 7,500 Hobby boxes in total. There is also an official binder with an exclusive promo card.

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions Base / Inserts

Starting things off, 2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions includes a Base Quote set with multiple cards for at least 60 characters. Each subject has between nine and 18 different quote variants to collect.

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Trading Cards Checklist 2

Among several bonus inserts, the "Encounter at Farpoint" Uncut set offers a detailed breakdown of the very first episode. The product also digs deep with "The Best of Both Worlds" Uncut, covering the Patrick Stewart as Locutus episode.

Rittenhouse Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions Insert Rundown

  • "Encounter at Farpoint" Uncut - 46 cards; 1:12 packs
  • "The Best of Both Worlds" Uncut - 53 cards; 1:12 packs
  • Star Trek TNG Laser Cut Villains Expansion Set - 18 cards; 1:24 packs
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks Characters - 22 cards; 1:24 packs
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks Episodes - 20 cards; 1:12 packs
  • Star Trek Infinite Possibilities - 9 cards; 1:24 packs
  • Star Trek TNG UK Stamp Cards - 2 cards; 1:864 packs

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions Autographs / Sketch

Boasting many inscribed cards, 2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions supplies autographs at a rate of 1:6 packs. Look for two inscriptions in every box.

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Trading Cards Checklist 3

Limited Sketch cards display another batch of hand-drawn artwork.

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Trading Cards Checklist 4

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions Incentives

As usual, 2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions also adds a few case-incentive cards to the mix.

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Trading Cards Checklist 5

  • 6-Case : Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard) Costume Relic from "Pen Pals"
  • 9-Case : Rick Berman (Executive Producer) Inscription Autograph
  • 18-Case : Archive Box with Printing Plates set and more

Release Date: August 3, 2022 Product Configuration: 5 cards per pack, 24 packs per box, 12 boxes per case

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions Hobby Box Break

  • 4 Autographs (2 inscriptions)

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Checklist

Subject to change. 

  • View available 2022 Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions cards on eBay.

Base Set Checklist

01 Captain Jean-Luc Picard (18 Variations) 02 Commander William T. Riker (18 Variations) 03 Lt. Commander Data (18 Variations) 04 Lt. Commander Worf (18 Variations) 05 Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge (18 Variations) 06 Dr. Beverly Crusher (18 Variations) 07 Counselor Deanna Troi (18 Variations) 08 Q (18 Variations) 09 Wesley Crusher (9 Variations) 10 Guinan (9 Variations) 11 Katherine Pulaski (9 Variations) 12 Lt. Tasha Yar (9 Variations) 13 Dr. Leah Brahms (9 Variations) 14 K'Ehleyr (9 Variations) 15 Miles O'Brien (9 Variations) 16 Alexander Rozhenko (9 Variations) 17 Kyle Riker (9 Variations) 18 Thomas Riker (9 Variations) 19 Ambassador Sarek (9 Variations) 20 Surna Kolrami (9 Variations) 21 Ro Laren (9 Variations) 22 Gowron (9 Variations) 23 Lwaxana Troi (9 Variations) 24 The Traveler (9 Variations) 25 Admiral Mark Jameson (9 Variations) 26 Thadiun Okona (9 Variations) 27 Salia, the Dauphin (9 Variations) 28 Ves Alkar (9 Variations) 29 Captain Rachel Garrett (9 Variations) 30 Vash (9 Variations) 31 Tam Elbrun (9 Variations) 32 Dr. Ira Graves (9 Variations) 33 Spock (9 Variations) 34 Scotty (9 Variations) 35 Dr. Noonian Soong (9 Variations) 36 Dr. Paul Stubbs (9 Variations) 37 Captain Edward Jellico (9 Variations) 38 Dr. Bruce Maddox (9 Variations) 39 Lal (9 Variations) 40 Ensign Sito Jaxa (9 Variations) 41 Amanda Rogers (9 Variations) 42 Ensign Robin Lefler (9 Variations) 43 Lore (9 Variations) 44 Duras (9 Variations) 45 Ardra (9 Variations) 46 DaiMon Bok (9 Variations) 47 Locutus of Borg (9 Variations) 48 Sela (9 Variations) 49 Cyrus Redblock (9 Variations) 50 Captain Korris (9 Variations) 51 Armus (9 Variations) 52 Kivas Fajo (9 Variations) 53 Gul Madred (9 Variations) 54 Hugh (9 Variations) 55 DaiMon Tog (9 Variations) 56 Kahless (9 Variations) 57 Captain Benjamin Maxwell (9 Variations) 58 Professor Moriarty (9 Variations) 59 Berlinghoff Rasmussen (9 Variations) 60 Admiral Alynna Nechayev (9 Variations)

2022 Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions Autograph Checklist

  • Buy 2022 Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions autographs on eBay.

Classic TNG and Aliens Autographs Set Checklist

Tng inscription autograph signers checklist, incentive autographs set checklist, 2022 star trek tng archives & inscriptions relics / sketch checklist, relic set checklist, incentive relic set checklist, star trek stamps set checklist, sketch set checklist.

Achilleas Kokkinakis (TNG) Adam & Bekah Cleveland (TNG) Alex Pelletier - Offical Paramount Animation Studio Artist (Lower Decks) Brent Ragland (TNG & Lower Decks) Charles Hall (TNG) Chris Meeks (TNG) Connie Faye (TNG) Dan Gorman (TNG) David Day (TNG) Debbie Jackson (TNG) Eric McConnell (TNG) Francois Chartier (TNG) Gavin Hunt (TNG) Gener Pedrina (TNG) Helga Wojik (TNG) Irma Ahmed (TNG) James Hiralez (TNG) James Monnery (Lower Decks) Jason Davies (TNG) Jason Kemp (TNG) Jason Saldajeno (TNG) Javier Gonzalez (TNG & Lower Decks) Jeff Mallinson (TNG) Jim Faustino (TNG) John Jackman (TNG) Judit Tondora (TNG) Keith Carter (TNG) Kevin Graham (Lower Decks) Kristin Allen (TNG) Laura Inglis (TNG) Lee Lightfoot (TNG) Leon Braojos (TNG) Marcia Dye (TNG) Matt and Mick Glebe (TNG) Mike James (TNG) Nathan Nelson (TNG) Prescilla Petraites (TNG) Rich Kunz (TNG) Rich Molinelli (TNG & Lower Decks) Richard Salvucci (TNG) Robby Cook - Offical Paramount Animation Studio Artist (Lower Decks) Roy Cover (TNG) Rusty Gilligan (Lower Decks) Scott Houseman (TNG) Scott Rorie (TNG) Sean Anderson (TNG) Sean Pence (TNG) Seth Ismart (TNG) Tanner Padlo (TNG) Tim Levandoski (Lower Decks) Tirso Llaneta (TNG) Wu Wei (TNG)

2022 Star Trek TNG Archives & Inscriptions Insert Checklist

Infinite possibilities set checklist.

IP1 Admiral Jean-Luc Picard from "Future Imperfect" IP2 Admiral William Riker from "All Good Things" IP3 Commander Data from "Future Imperfect" IP4 Commander Worf from "Parallels" IP5 Counselor Troi from "Future Imperfect" IP6 Captain Beverly Picard from "All Good Things" IP7 Lt. Tasha Yar from "Yesterday's Enterprise" IP8 Lt. Wesley Crusher from "Parallels" IP9 Captain Geordi La Forge from "Timeless"

Star Trek Lower Decks Characters Set Checklist

LDC01 Beckett Mariner LDC02 Brad Boimler LDC03 D'Vana Tendi LDC04 Sam Rutherford LDC05 Carol Freeman LDC06 Jack Ransom LDC07 Shaxs LDC08 Dr. T'Ana LDC09 Q LDC10 William T. Riker LDC11 Deanna Troi LDC12 Andy Billups LDC13 Badgey LDC14 Peanut Hamper LDC15 Vindicta LDC16 Kayshon LDC17 Jet Manhaver LDC18 Tom Paris LDC19 William Boimler LDC20 Jennifer Sh'reyan LDC21 Sonya Gomez LDC22 Borg Queen

Star Trek Lower Decks Episodes Set Checklist

LDE01 Second Contact LDE02 Envoys LDE03 Temporal Edict LDE04 Moist Vessel LDE05 Cupid's Errant Arrow LDE06 Terminal Provocations LDE07 Much Ado About Boimler LDE08 Veritas LDE09 Crisis Point LDE10 No Small Parts LDE11 Strange Energies LDE12 Kayshon, His Eyes Open LDE13 We'll Always Have Tom Paris LDE14 Mugato, Gumato, LDE15 An Embarrassment of Dooplers LDE16 The Spy Humongous LDE17 Where Pleasant Fountains Lie LDE18 I, Excretus LDE19 wej, Duj LDE20 First First Contact

TNG Laser Cut Villains Set Checklist

L43 Duras L44 Lursa L45 B'Etor L46 Ardra L47 DaiMon Bok L48 Locutus of Borg L49 Commander Tomalak L50 Kivas Fajo L51 Yuta L52 Tallera L53 Senator Pardek L54 The Bynars L55 Devinoni Ral L56 Arctus Baran L57 Jev L58 Berlinghoff Rasmussen L59 Commander Dexter Remmick L60 Crosis

The Uncut "Encounter at Farpoint" Set Checklist

#1-46 Encounter at Farpoint

The Uncut "The Best of Both Worlds" Set Checklist

#1-53 The Best of Both Worlds

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Star Trek: TNG Forgot About Worf's Other "Brother"

  • Worf's Klingon heritage conflicted with his Starfleet duties, leading to touching moments like the bonding ritual with Jeremy.
  • After Worf's mother's death, he bonds with Jeremy, who blames him, in a heartfelt and emotional episode of TNG.
  • Jeremy's fate is never revealed after "The Bonding," as producers considered bringing him back but ultimately decided against it.

Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) had another "brother" on Star Trek: The Next Generation , but he only appeared in one episode before being forgotten. As the only Klingon in Starfleet, Worf often struggled to reconcile his duties as a Starfleet officer with his Klingon culture. As Chief of Security on the USS Enterprise-D, Lt. Worf performed his role well and Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) often encouraged Worf to explore his Klingon heritage. Throughout TNG's seven seasons, Worf learned more about his Klingon family, eventually meeting his biological brother, Kurn (Tony Todd).

In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 5, "The Bonding," Worf leads an away mission during which archeologist Lt. Marla Aster (Susan Powell) is killed. Tragically, Aster had a son named Jeremy (Gabriel Damon) who lived on the USS Enterprise-D with her. Captain Picard delivers the news of Marla's death to the now-orphaned Jeremy, who struggles to express his grief and anger. Feeling responsible for Marla's death, Worf offers to perform a Klingon bonding ritual called R'uustai with Jeremy, which would effectively make them brothers in the eyes of the Klingons.

Best Star Trek: TNG Episode Of Each USS Enterprise-D Main Character

All of the main characters of Star Trek: The Next Generation get their moment in the spotlight, and these are the Enterprise-D crew's best episodes.

Worf Made Jeremy Aster Part Of His Family In Star Trek: TNG

The two completed the r'uustai, a klingon bonding ritual..

As Worf was also orphaned at a young age, he understandably relates to Jeremy and wishes to help him. Jeremy, however, blames Worf for his mother's death. The boy's grief is further complicated when a non-corporeal alien takes on the appearance of his mother. With the help of Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), Picard and Worf help convince Jeremy that the alien version of Marla isn't real. Having also lost his father on an away mission, Ensign Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) shares some of what he felt, which helps Jeremy begin to come to terms with his loss.

Worf, too, shares the story about how he lost his own parents, assuring Jeremy that his mother will live on in their hearts. Worf then offers to perform the bonding ceremony with Jeremy, saying: "You will become part of my family now and for all time. We will be brothers." Later, in Worf's quarters, Worf and Jeremy light candles in memory of their mothers, and Worf declares that their two families are now bonded. Although Jeremy's fate after "The Bonding" is never revealed on screen, Troi remarks that he has an aunt and uncle living on Earth, so he presumably went to live with them.

Why Star Trek: TNG Forgot About Worf's "Brother" Jeremy Aster

Tng's producers considered bringing jeremy back but ultimately decided against it..

Although the R'uustai supposedly made Worf and Jeremy family, the boy is never seen or mentioned again on screen. According to screenwriter Ronald D. Moore (who penned the original script for "The Bonding"), Star Trek: The Next Generation's producers considered bringing Jeremy back, but there were a few reasons why this never happened. For one thing, serialization or continuity between episodes of television was still not commonplace during the early days of TNG. Most episodes were meant to stand on their own, and the idea of doing follow-up stories was not even discussed.

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3 Blu-ray episode commentary, Ronald D. Moore says that he imagines Jeremy went back to live on Earth and sends Worf "occasional postcards."

After Worf's son Alexander (Jon Paul Steuer, Brian Bonsall) was introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 4, adding more stories about Jeremy may have felt redundant. Moore also stated that he had not come up with any interesting ideas for Jeremy as a character, and he was not the biggest fan of the young actor who played him. While it might have been interesting to see a follow-up to Worf and Jeremy's story, "The Bonding" remains a solid episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation , with several great character moments and a rare glimpse into a more vulnerable side of Worf.

Cast Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton, Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore

Directors David Carson

Showrunner Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Rick Berman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: TNG Forgot About Worf's Other "Brother"

Screen Rant

Star trek: why ensign ro laren left tng (& how it set up ds9).


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Star Trek: TNG Forgot About Worf's Other "Brother"

Netflix's best suits replacement already has a better revival plan than suits la, the peaky blinders movie needs to reverse one part of the show's ending if it's going to work.

Michelle Forbes' Star Trek: The Next Generation character, Ensign Ro Laren, was intended to spin off as a lead character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , but here's why the actress rejected the part and left the franchise. The surprising move necessitated the creation of a new Bajoran character, Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor), which ended up serving DS9 even better in the long run. Ro Laren was introduced in the TNG season 5 episode "Ensign Ro" and she quickly became one of the show's most popular recurring characters.

Ensign Ro appeared in eight  TNG episodes, six in season 5 and one in season 6, which was the popular episode "Rascals" where Captain Picard , Ro, and other members of the  Enterprise-D' s crew were de-aged into children. She also appeared in season 7 episode "Preemptive Strike", which wrote Ro's character off TNG . Additionally, Ro Laren was the basis of the entire Bajoran race and its conflict with the Cardassians that played a pivotal role in Deep Space Nine . This included the innovations of the Bajorans' famous nose ridges, which were designed as a way to make Forbes appear appropriately alien but not hide her attractive features, and the fact Bajorans' surnames come before their first names. Amusingly, Patrick Stewart pronounced "Bajor" as "The Bah-JOR" in "Ensign Ro" before the proper pronunciation of "BAY-Jor" (no "The") was firmly established for the planet and the Bajorans.

Related: Star Trek: How TNG's First Contact And DS9 Mocked Each Other (& Why)

Despite the plan to move Ro to become second-in-command of  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , Forbes flatly turned down the role. As TNG 's executive producer and DS9 's creator/original showrunner Michael Piller said of Forbes' exit in oral history The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years : "It had been assumed that she would be one of the people spun off and moved over to DS9, but she wanted to be a feature actress." Indeed, soon after she left TNG , Forbes starred opposite Brad Pitt in thriller  Kalifornia and had several other movie roles. Forbes then returned to television and was featured in many hit series like Battlestar Galactica  and True Blood .

Forbes' turning down DS9  left her on bad terms with Star Trek and the actress originally wasn't planning on returning for the TNG season 7 episode, "Preemptive Strike", which wrote her out of the series. When Forbes turned down DS9 , her final appearance was meant to be "Rascals." However, in the final season of TNG , the series was rushing towards its finale and the producers had no workable story ideas for the show's penultimate episode besides "Preemptive Strike," which required Forbes to reprise Ro. Showrunner Jeri Taylor spoke to Forbes and was able to convince the actress to play Ro one final time so that she would betray Picard and Starfleet and join the Maquis . Not having Ro Laren as the main Bajoran on DS9 ultimately worked out better for the spinoff. As Michael Piller explained:

I found there was a great deal more conflict in having the Bajoran not be Starfleet... [The priorities and agendas] between Sisko and Ro would have been a much different one [than Sisko and Kira] because ultimately, [Ro is] Starfleet and has to do what the boss says. Kira Nerys could do things that are not appropriate Starfleet behavior.

Meanwhile, the foundation built around Ro Laren on TNG also became a major part of the Starfleet/Maquis conflict that kicked off Star Trek: Voyager .  While Ro was a rebel within Starfleet, Major Kira being a member of the Bajoran Militia did open up intriguing new storytelling possibilities - including her later romance with Odo (Rene Auberjonois) - that wouldn't have been possible with Ro. Still, it's a testament to Michelle Forbes' charismatic work on Star Trek: The Next Generation that her character is still so fondly remembered by Trekkers even though Ensign Ro never appeared again.

Next: Star Trek: Every Starfleet Officer Who Was Court-Martialed

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Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV Series)

New ground (1992), full cast & crew.

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    star trek tng ensign gates

  2. Pin on Gates McFadden

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  3. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

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  4. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

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  5. Ensign Gates TNG Season 3 / Wave 1

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  6. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

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  1. Gates

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  2. Ensign Gates

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  4. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Aquiel (TV Episode 1993)

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  5. Joyce Robinson

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  6. The Arsenal of Freedom

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  8. Gates

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. Gates was a 24th century Human woman, an ensign who served in Starfleet aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard as a flight controller. 2366 TNG episode: "Sarek" TNG episode: "Transfigurations" 2367 TNG episode: "Final Mission" TNG episode...

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  13. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Descent (TV Episode 1993)

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  14. Star Trek: The Next Generation

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  17. Star Trek The Next Generation Archives & Inscriptions Checklist

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  18. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" The Ensigns of Command (TV ...

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  19. Star Trek: TNG Forgot About Worf's Other "Brother"

    Throughout TNG's seven seasons, Worf learned more about his Klingon family, eventually meeting his biological brother, Kurn (Tony Todd). In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 5, "The ...

  20. Every Star Trek Cast Says "Save Lower Decks"

    Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. 812K subscribers in the startrek community. A casual, constructive, and most importantly, welcoming place on the internet to talk about Star Trek.

  21. Star Trek: Why Ensign Ro Laren Left TNG (& How It Set Up DS9)

    Michelle Forbes' Star Trek: The Next Generation character, Ensign Ro Laren, was intended to spin off as a lead character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but here's why the actress rejected the part and left the franchise.The surprising move necessitated the creation of a new Bajoran character, Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor), which ended up serving DS9 even better in the long run.

  22. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" The Ensigns of Command (TV Episode

    Gates McFadden ... Doctor Beverly Crusher: Marina Sirtis ... Counselor Deanna Troi: Brent Spiner ... Lieutenant Commander Data: Wil Wheaton ... Wesley Crusher ... Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 3) a list of 26 titles created 08 Jul 2015 Star Trek: The Next Generation (Season 3/ 3ª Temporada) ...

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    And TNG was a ratings hit right out of the gate in 1987, ... Ensign Sidney La Forge (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut). ... Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star ...

  24. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" New Ground (TV Episode 1992)

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