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sto tour the galaxy tips

Tour the Galaxy 2024! Route & Ship Build.

Weapons Hot Admin

Tour the Galaxy remains a popular way to make up to 1.25 million EC daily in STO, but you need a fast ship and an efficient route. There are many methods to complete the Tour. Here is a cheap-to-play approach.

Most route maps on the internet are out of date because Cryptic added the Delta and Gamma Quadrants in 2022. This route is current. Video walk-through of the entire route is here .

sto tour the galaxy tips

The Risian Corvette is the best ship for Tour the Galaxy, but it is expensive and would take a long time to recoup its cost in EC! The Fleet Magee Light Pilot Escort is almost as fast and free with fleet ship modules from the Reputation System , and it’s a better general-purpose ship. Purchase it at your Ship and Shuttle Requisition Officer.

This ship build uses the Chroniton Integrated Slipstream Drive from the Multi-Mission Vesta ships in the C-Store. You only need two of the ships consoles from the multi-mission ships to get the set bonus that awards this drive. When on sale, the three-ship Vesta bundle is a better value than buying the individual ships.

Personal Space Traits

  • Lead Foot (Exchange/Lock Box)

The Lead Foot trait is a must have for its 25% turn rate and 10% Sector Speed boost. It can be purchased on the exchange. Run the Tour daily, do Admiralty, and sell “ship trash” at vendors, to purchase it.

Starship Traits

Space reputation, boff ability, fore weapons, deflector/impulse/warp/shields.

  • Any Deflector
  • M.A.C.O. Impulse Engines Mk XV [Secspd-2][Secspd] (Reputation – Task Force Omega Tier III)
  • Gamma Synergistic Overload Warp Core Mk XII (Reputation – Gamma Task Force Tier I)

Impulse speed and turn rate buffs do not matter for Sector Speed travel. The M.A.C.O impulse engines must be Epic , as this grants the [Secspd-2] modifier. The Gamma core does not need to be upgraded beyond purple quality.

Aft Weapons

Engineering consoles.

  • Console – Engineering – Polaric Modulator Mk XII (Mission“Delta Flight” in the Iconian War story arc)
  • Console – Universal – Multidimensional Wave-Function Analysis Module (Rademaker Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer or Multi-Mission Vesta bundle)
  • Console – Universal – Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver (Vesta Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer or Multi-Mission Vesta bundle)

The experimental set consoles provide the set bonus to get the Chroniton Slipstream drive. The Polaric Modulator does not need to be upgraded. The other console slots are empty on this build because nothing else is needed.

  • Astrometrics Scientist – Recharge time reduced on all Transwarp abilities (200%)

There is enough time between stops that you don’t need a purple quality Transwarp officer — a green one is fine. You won’t need this when you acquire the Well Travelled trait.

You need 5 points in science skills to earn Sector Space Travel Speed. See our generic skill tree guide for more information. The Impulse speed buff in the Endeavor system provides no benefits.

Transwarp Missions

The goal is to minimize Sector Speed/Warp travel. You need to queue up four missions to Transwarp to quadrants or far points. These can be found in your available or episodes mission tab.

  • “Second Wave” or any Deep Space 9 mission.
  • “Butterfly” in the Iconian Story Arc. This takes you to the Delta Quadrant.
  • “ Doomed to Repeat” from the Gamma Quadrant story arc. This takes you to Masan system.
  • “Cold Comfort” takes you to the Raveh system, which is the closest point to the remote Breen system. You can also jump to K-13, but it takes much longer. Cold Comfort is in the Cold War Story Arc.

The Quadrant Route Maps

Begin the tour in the Beta Quadrant near Sanek. Start about five-light-years away to the lower right of the system, facing Q’onos. You will need to stop at Pheben to turn your ship towards Iconia.

The Alini System has a bug in that it won’t register your visit. Travel close to the Burgus system then click Alini. If you hit it from above, you get credit.

Stop at Nimbus and turn your ship towards Vendor. You will slow travel all the way to Argelius.

As you reach Traelus, queue up your “Transwarp Destinations” menu and open the Beta Quadrant. Transwarp to Risa.

sto tour the galaxy tips

From Teenebia, travel to the Beta Quadrant. Engage your Slipstream near Mizar. At Arawath, your officer will warn about Deep Space. Make sure you have “Keep moving during contact dialogs” enabled in Settings at the Controls tab.

sto tour the galaxy tips

When at Algira, jump to DS9 using “Second Wave”.

sto tour the galaxy tips

At DS9, take the Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. Go to New Bajor. From there, use the “Doomed to Repeat” mission to jump to Masa. This saves about 30 seconds of slow travel time.

Go to Kurill. Engage your Slipstream drive until you reach Umbral. At Umbral, select the “Butterfly” mission to jump to the Delta Quadrant. You can also use the Dyson Sphere added to this Quadrant from the “Quark’s Lucky Seven”mission, but it is no faster than Butterfly.

sto tour the galaxy tips

At the Delta Quadrant, slow travel to Argala. Stop your ship and line up with New Talax. At New Talax, engage Slipstream until you reach Vaadwaur. Jump back to DS9 using “Second Wave”.

sto tour the galaxy tips

At the Alpha Quadrant, travel to Corwin. Stop at Betazed and point your ship to Chapel. At the Chapel System, use the “Cold Comfort” mission to jump to Raveh. Engage your Slipstream drive and travel to Breen. At Breen, your ship officer will warn that you cannot enter deep space. Continue to Ferenginar.

You will drop out of Slipstream after Izar. When you leave from Feraza, the Delta system will “trap” your ship. Instead click Stameris and wait until you are close to Delta, then click it.

Stop at Delta. Click Sauria, wait a few seconds, and engage your Slipstream to reach it. You are one million EC richer!

Miscellaneous Notes:

  • Your results may vary if you use other warp drives, ships, consoles, or traits. Other drives may have faster Sector Space travel speed, but much worse Sector Speed turn rate, so will not work with this route.
  • The Experimental Systems Set Consoles have little use apart from their set bonus, but the Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver can be used for the Hull Healing Endeavor (Space).
  • Some faction-specific missions reduce travel time, but this route aims to be agnostic.
  • Many players use”Sunrise” to jump to DS9, but it displays a dialog box that slows you down. “Boldly they Rode” is another good alternative.

Premium Options:

These are nice to have:

  • Synthetic Good Fortune – Mastery trait from the Equinox Pilot Scout Ship . IT grants a passive +25 Starship Sector Speed.
  • “Diplomatic Immunity” or “Raiding Party” buff from other players to grant +50 Sector Speed.
  • The Legendary Intrepid Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel from the 10th Anniversary bundle includes a trait called “Extensively Modified Warp Core” that improves Flight and Turn Speed at Warp. There is no quantification of how much this adds, so it is up to you to purchase the $180 USD 10th Anniversary Bundle for this trait.
  • Run the “Perform Antimatter Containment Leak Drills” Duty Officer assignment in your Personal tab for +25 Sector Speed. This only appears randomly in DOFF assignments and it takes two hours to run, so don’t depend on it.

sto tour the galaxy tips

Alternative Ship Options

These are good TtG ships:

  • Terran Eagle Pilot Raider
  • Shran Light Pilot Escort (same ship as Fleet Magee with meta trait)
  • M’Chla Pilot Bird-of-Prey
  • Ouroboros Temporal Raider
  • Vulcan Experimental Scout Vessel
  • Kelvin D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey
  • Fleet Magee Light Pilot Escort
  • Fleet M’Chla Pilot Bird-of-Prey
  • Risian Pilot Corvette
  • Herald Baltim Heavy Raider
  • Na’kuhl Tadaari Raider

Complete Map

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Let us know if this helps you complete the Tour!

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sto tour the galaxy tips

Star Trek Online

sto tour the galaxy tips

Originally posted by VoodooMike : Any of the Miracle Worker ships should do the job - their slipstream drives have a two-minute active time and only a thirty-second recharge. Vellari's suggestions about the impulse engine and core are spot on, too. I always keep one miracle worker ship out of dry dock and heaped with travel boosting gear for events that require sector travel.. though with the removal of the EC cost on mission transwarp, that has become less of a thing lately.

sto tour the galaxy tips

Originally posted by TE5LA : They are 90 seconds, not 2 minutes. Burn is 90, cooldown is 30, thus 2 minutes total.
Originally posted by VoodooMike : Originally posted by TE5LA : They are 90 seconds, not 2 minutes. Burn is 90, cooldown is 30, thus 2 minutes total.
Originally posted by TE5LA : Originally posted by VoodooMike : Yes, the maximum slipstream time is 90 seconds not 120 seconds. The cooldown is also, realistically, 2 minutes not 30 seconds due to the Cyclic drive being bugged... the only time you get the reduced (30 second) cooldown is if you run it for the full 90 seconds... if you stop it prematurely (such as by zoning or entering a system) the base CD is 2 minutes.

sto tour the galaxy tips

Originally posted by Vellari : Originally posted by TE5LA : Perhaps they did this to prevent doing Tour the Galaxy and cleaning up.
Originally posted by sandrastarling : Originally posted by Vellari : Not really, (like in my original video post) all you need is 60 second slip (many many ships), some impulse engine that goes past warp 10 (again many many choices) and the Gamma reputation core...with that it takes about 12 minutes to do the entire tour (3 minutes to spare).
Originally posted by TE5LA : Is that mission still viable to make EC? Were the payouts increased? Seems like, with the EC inflation in the game, it wouldn't be as lucrative. What is the payout for completing the entire course? How about the old days when I would make money buying Fire At Will I from an NPC for 250 and selling on Exchange for 80,000 :)
Originally posted by sandrastarling : Originally posted by TE5LA : Is that mission still viable to make EC? Were the payouts increased? Seems like, with the EC inflation in the game, it wouldn't be as lucrative. What is the payout for completing the entire course? How about the old days when I would make money buying Fire At Will I from an NPC for 250 and selling on Exchange for 80,000 :)

sto tour the galaxy tips

Originally posted by TE5LA : How about the old days when I would make money buying Fire At Will I from an NPC for 250 and selling on Exchange for 80,000 :)

sto tour the galaxy tips

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6. Star Trek Online Dailies and Checklist

This page goes over each achievement and the tasks involved that can be considered 'dailies'. These are things you should be checking on and doing at least once a day to complete the game. If you are choosing not to do the Agents of Yesterday DLC, you should avoid doing any of the actions marked under the AoY DLC tags. You should, however, still do your Tour the Galaxy mission every day for energy credits, as that will help you buy datachips off the exchange.

AoY DLC - Duty Officers

Starting from Level 11, you have the ability to manage up to 100 Duty Officers. Unlike Bridge officers, these are more behind the scenes figures that you can send out on assignment to perform tasks. When you enter the Duty Officers menu, you'll be able to see assignments you've completed, assignments in progress, and an option to 'Find Assignments'. You'll also be able to view your roster, including class and quality of officers. Assignments are available almost everywhere, but are easiest started in sector space. While going through the story, you'll be doing a significant amount of travel between systems, where you'll have the opportunity to quickly start different assignments. Each assignment will require a certain amount and type of duty officers, as well as occasionally credits or commodities. Starting the mission is as easy as hitting begin assignment. The achievement is for getting any single commendation track up to Level 4, which will take 100,000 experience. Assignments have different timers, anywhere between 30 minutes and 72 hours. When you get a chance, browse through looking for any assignments that reward 400+ experience and start them. The higher experience granted, the better. With each assignment, it will tell you your percent chance to pass or fail. A critical will give you significantly more experience than was listed, while a disaster typically sends your duty officer to sickbay, though there's a small chance they'll be killed. There are 11 Commendation tracks: Diplomatic/Marauding, Science, Engineering, Military, Exploration, Espionage, Medical, Colonial, Trade, Development, and Recruitment.

Recruitment, Trade, Colonial, and Diplomatic are difficult to raise, so don't worry about them. I would recommend looking through Development first, then Medical, then Espionage or Military, as I've found those are the ones that most often have higher experience assignments that don't require much to start. Certain assignments grant more duty officers, officers can be bought from fleets for Fleet credits, and assignments to requisition more can be found from a personnel officer in the Starfleet Academy or the Klingon Academy. Getting any commendation track to four will net the achievement. If you are advancing Development, you'll find several duty officer assignments in Starfleet or Klingon Academy that provide decent Development experience and only require one officer.

Achieved Level 4 in any Duty Officer commendation track

Complete Commendation

AoY DLC - Research and Development

Crafting is relatively simple, and is done through the Research and Development menu, found under Duty Officers in the main menu. The In Progress tab shows you how many slots you have available and, if projects are being worked on, what they are and how long they have remaining. You can rush jobs by spending Dilithium, but rushing isn't necessary. When a job is completed, you can 'collect' the rewards from this tab. The research tab shows you the various crafting categories allowed. There are 8 schools that can be raised: Beams, Cannons, Engineering, Ground Weapons, Kits and Modules, Projectiles, Science, and Shields. Officer Training projects don't grant experience, and Special Projects is for limited time events. Each school allows crafting of different items of the school type; Beams creates beam weapons and beam consoles, Engineering creates engines and engineering consoles. Each school has a 'Research Project' option within it. It will be a 20 hour assignment that will grant 6000 experience, plus an additional 1000 if the job gets a critical success.

At Level 15, you gain one slot you can use to begin crafting. Upon raising a single school to level 2, you will gain another slot, and then another slot at level 3. Each assignment requires an available 'Research Lab Scientist Duty Officer', which is a Science Duty Officer you can acquire from personnel requests, fleet vendors, or easily buy them on the exchange. A white (common) duty officer is good enough for the project. Each research assignment only requires one of a single crafting material that are easy to find. If you discover you don't have enough, buying them on the market will be an inexpensive method of building your supply. You can run 3 'Research Project' assignments for the same school at a time, so the most efficient method is to pick a single school and ensure that's always being researched every day. You need an estimated 630,000 experience in a single school to reach level 15, netting you the achievement.

Achieved Level 15 in one Research and Development school

Superior Research

AoY DLC - Admiralty

Once your character reaches Level 50, they unlock the Admiralty campaigns, which are found under the Duty Officers section of the main menu. These are background assignments much like duty officers, only the assignments use your ships instead of officers. For that reason, it's best to never delete or destroy any ship you receive while leveling up. There are three campaigns within the section: United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Republic. The campaigns are not restricted, so each character can participate in all three campaigns. The one you will want to focus on is the United Federation of Planets campaign, as it will also help you progress towards the Specialist achievement.

There are always three available assignments, and two 'On Deck' assignments. Each assignment gives a certain amount of campaign experience, a certain amount of specialization experience (used towards the Specialist achievement and leveling), and occasionally things such as energy credits or crafting materials. The most important assignment within the campaign is called the Tour of Duty assignment, which is a 10 step chain assignment, where each time its completed it advances the chain another step. Completing all ten of the Tour of Duty chain in the Federation campaign gives a full two specialization points, which are very valuable to completing the Specialist achievement. Each Tour of Duty also gives a significant amount of campaign experience compared to the other assignments.

Each assignment has a 'Engineering/Tactical/Science' point requirement, and each ship has an Engineering/Tactical/Science value on it. Each ship will also have a 'bonus' value to it, which can range anywhere from increased critical chances, to '+30 tac when alone'. When allocating ships, the closer you get the points to match, the more successful percentage you get with the assignment. Always prioritize your best ships to the Tour of Duty assignment, to get the best possible chance of completing it. Each Tour of Duty assignment completion grants 'pass' tokens, which allow you to skip low experience assignments to get access to 'On Deck' ones instead. You want to use these whenever you see an orange 'Tour of Duty' assignment on deck. Only one tour can be present at a time, so if you have one already in progress, complete other assignments until its done for the Tour to show up again. Reaching Level 10 in any single campaign nets you the achievement.

Achieved Level 10 in one Admiralty campaign

Concluded Campaign

Tour the Galaxy

At level 50, begin doing a daily Tour the Galaxy mission. There is no achievement tied to Tour the Galaxy, however it is an invaluable way to make a significantly large amount of Energy Credits in 15 minutes. It will greatly help you in buying Datachip items off the exchange for the Path to 2409 and History of New Romulus achievements, and whatever else you may need. This will give you another method of acquiring the Datachip that you might be missing for those achievements other than the daily restrictions. Tour the Galaxy is a mission with a 20 hour cooldown, so can be done once a day. It tasks the character with visiting as many systems in the Alpha and Beta quadrant as they can within 15 minutes. Each system visited gives the character 25 thousand energy credits, with additional bonuses after certain amounts of systems have been reached. Finishing the Beta quadrant grants 625 thousand, which can be easily acquired by following this walkthrough. A perfect and complete run will grant 950 thousand, however this takes endgame items that are unnecessary to acquire for the purposes of an achievement walkthrough.

There are two mission reward items in the story arcs that the Story pages pointed out were important and should be saved, and they come in very handy to significantly boost your speed for this mission and allow more energy credits to be gained. They are the 'Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core', obtained from the Sphere of Influence mission in the Solanae Dyson Sphere, and the 'Console - Engineering - Polaric Modulator', obtained from the Delta Flight mission in The Iconian War. These allow your ship to both move faster, and enter slipstream more often. You will also want to find a ship with a good turn rate, which might not be the ship you've chosen to fly. For Federation, a good ship is the T2 Escort for only 8,500 dilithium, if you don't already have it. This ship has a turn rating of 18. For Klingons, a good ship is the T1 B'rel Bird-of-Prey for 5,000 dilithium with a turn rating of 23, or the T2 QulDun Bird-of-Prey with a turn rating of 22 for 10,000 dilithium. Romulans must buy and use one of the ships for the faction they're aligned with, as the Obelisk Warp Core won't work in a Romulan ship. Whatever ship is chosen only needs to be flown for the Tour the Galaxy mission, and doesn't need to replace your main ship. Your slipstream drive can be found under the LB tray wheel, and should be slotted so you can always see when it's off cooldown. Use it when it makes sense, but it's always better to use it instead of waiting too long, and never right before you'll have to make a sharp turn. When you need to make a sharp turn, it's better to slow down to 1/4th impulse, as you turn significantly faster than when flying full speed.

Image 1

These are the optimized routes for both quadrants, with Alpha showing both routes depending on where you can Transwarp to. You'll want to ensure you're where you want to start before accepting the mission. I would recommend starting two lightyears directly northeast of Nimbus and proceeding that direction. You never want to start directly in the system, as occasionally it won't register. Likewise, when flying through systems, you want to try and fly close to the star, but not close enough that you bounce off of it. When the route requires you make a sharp turn, it's best to slow down to half speed, turn as sharp as you can, then speed back up. This is why a ship with a high turning rating is best. When you're at your starting point and ready to begin, go to the menu, go to missions, then mission journal, then tab over to Incoming Hails. Scroll down until you find 'Tour the Galaxy (Daily)'. Then hail and accept, then quickly back out and proceed as far as you can.

If you do manage to complete the Beta Quadrant entirely, it's recommended to Transwarp to DS9 or Defera (Whichever you have access to), then quickly depart the system, and proceed as far as you can along that route as well until you run out of time. If you're looking to go even faster and collect more, another item you could get is the Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines, which are reputation Impulse Engines available after Tier 3 of Task Force Omega is acquired, and a requisition assignment is done. This requires more endgame content completion, but with those three items and very good flying, you can complete both quadrants in time.

Daily Checklist

This checklist will show exactly what you should do each day to gain all the related achievements. Note that the cooldown timers are all based on when you last did the mission, not a set time specifically. So most things with a 20 hour cooldown are based on when you received or completed the mission.

  • For Research and Development, collect completed research projects and start three new projects within the same school.
  • For Admiralty, collect completed assignments and begin as many assignments as you can. If Tour of Duty is available, begin that first with the best three ships available.
  • For Duty Officers, accept all completed assignments, then go to Sector Space and start as many higher experience assignments as you can. Faction headquarters may contain additional assignments.
  • For Path to 2409, bring every level 10+ character available to their appropriate mission giver (Whether in Starfleet Academy or Klingon Academy) and retrieve one datachip per character. Mail any new datachips to the main character collecting the lore, and update your master list of datachips required.
  • For History of New Romulus, bring each Level 50+ character to the New Romulus Staging Area. Head to the library and receive the Duty Officer assignment from the Romulan Historian to Research History of New Romulus. If you do not have 4 'New Romulus Research' items, do the episode 'Overgrown Caves' in the New Romulus story arc and find the three figurines. If more are needed, complete the episode 'Mountain Base' as well and find the three terminals. Send all datachips to the main character collecting the lore, and update your master list of datachips required.
  • OPTIONAL - If doing Reputation, collect each completed reputation daily. Advance any tiers that are applicable. Begin each daily mission for each desired reputation. If you've run out of marks, do an applicable PVE queue to gain more.
  • Complete the 'Tour the Galaxy' mission.
  • Refine your daily Dilithium ore, under the assets tab.

Endeavor System/Universal Endeavor List

  • VisualEditor

This is a list of all known Universal Endeavors. This list is updated regularly as more Endeavors are added to the game.

  • 1 Phoenix Prize Pack
  • 2 Phoenix Redemption Store
  • 3 Playable starship

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Tour The Galaxy (a.k.a. Sector Speed!)

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Last Updated 2/8/2022. Here is the build I use for Tour the Galaxy, including everything I could find to increase Sector Speed. My current personal best is 7 minutes 16 seconds for completing the full Tour the Galaxy: UPDATE: As of 11/2021, a new sector speed trait is available: Synthetic Good Fortune, from the Equinox […]


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    sto tour the galaxy tips


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  1. cheap and fast Tour the Galaxy Completion Guide : r/stobuilds

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  2. Mission: Tour the Galaxy/Walkthrough

    Tour the Galaxy is a mission that requires the player to race around the Alpha and Beta Quadrants within the 15 minute time limit. This guide uses a suggested route for Federation and Federation-aligned characters, which can be completed in under 15 minutes, allowing for a couple of mistakes. While there are a few ways of completing the tour ...

  3. Tour the Galaxy (2022 Update) Guide

    Tour the Galaxy is a great way to earn easy Energy Credit in Star Trek Online. A few months a go the mission was updated with new destinations, so in this v...

  4. Tour of the Galaxy : r/stobuilds

    The vesta has 60 seconds of slipstream followed by a 2 minute cooldown. With gear I believe that cooldown can be reduced to 45 seconds-ish. So out of a 2 minute period, a miracle worker ship is going to spend considerable longer in slipstream. And over the course of an entire tour the galaxy, that gap will grow even further.

  5. r/sto on Reddit: Tour of the Galaxy (My route, actual equipment and

    First, the equipment. The recommended equipment to complete the Tour are the following ones: Adapted M.A.C.O. engines on the Epic level (to acquire them, you must first get the normal M.A.C.O. set from the Omega reputation to unlock the adapted version), the Gamma Synergistic Overcharged warp core from the Gamma reputation at tier 1 (that core ...

  6. Star Trek Online

    Star Trek Online guide and tips for the Tour the Galaxy daily quest. This quest is one of the best methods for farming energy credits in the game ($925,000 E...

  7. Tour the Galaxy 2024! Maps and Ship Build.

    Tour the Galaxy remains a popular way to make up to 1.25 million EC daily, but you must have a fast ship and an efficient route. There are many methods to complete the Tour. Here is cheap-to-play approach that works! Most of the route maps on the internet are out of date because Cryptic added the Delta and Gamma Quadrants in 2022, but this route is current.

  8. Tutorial

    Tour the Galaxy is a daily mission that can net you up to 475,000 ec and a bit of commendation xp, depending on how many sector blocks you can travel through in the 15 minute time limit. You can also earn the Well Travelled passive trait by getting through 8 sector blocks. This trait grants a 20% reduction in transwarp cooldown time.

  9. Tour the Galaxy advice pls :: Star Trek Online General Discussions

    Hi, When I first played STOL the Tour the Galaxy had you trying to visit every sector for EC. Now I'm back and its changed to have you visit specified systems. Anyone got any tips as on: Useful ship/captain traits. If there is a route that's better/quicker than others. ( Generally start in Sol go down and then across through Kilgon Ter. but expect there's a better way.).

  10. Tour the Galaxy

    A guide to getting the best from the 'Tour the Galaxy' mission in Star Trek Online.All rights respected, this video is for entertainment purposes only and al...

  11. Tour The Galaxy (a.k.a. Sector Speed!)

    Last Updated 2/8/2022. Here is the build I use for Tour the Galaxy, including everything I could find to increase Sector Speed. My current personal best is 7 minutes 16 seconds for completing the full Tour the Galaxy: STO Tour The Galaxy 2021 - 7:16 - Star Trek Online. 7 minutes 16 seconds, full run. UPDATE: As of 11/2021, a new sector speed ...

  12. Updated Tour the Galaxy Destinations : r/sto

    ok so I've done the updated Tour of the Galaxy and found the best possible missions to use to transwarp to Delta and Gamma Quadrants to get maximum value (closest system to where your next destination is) *Delta Quadrant* Instead of using Mission "Dust to Dust" to get to Kabali prime, Use "The Dragon's Deciet" - it will get you to the 'Kartella ...

  13. Guide for Star Trek Online

    Tour the Galaxy is a mission with a 20 hour cooldown, so can be done once a day. It tasks the character with visiting as many systems in the Alpha and Beta quadrant as they can within 15 minutes.

  14. STO Tour The Galaxy 2024

    Star Trek Online, running the updated Tour The Galaxy in 11 minutes and 55 seconds. https://informationanarchy.org/sto/tour-the-galaxy/Still figuring out the...

  15. Mission: Tour the Galaxy

    Tour the Galaxy / Targak's Challenge is a daily mission in which you are charged to explore every Sector Block in the game. Starting and ending at Earth / Qo'noS the player must race across the Galaxy to earn rewards! The player earns, EC, Exploration, Trade, Recruitment and Development XP from traveling the Galaxy in under 15 minutes. There are no accolades specific to this mission ...

  16. Tour the Galaxy Routes? : r/sto

    Not exactly a tour the galaxy expert but here's another couple of things that might help you. Lead foot trait (from vad lockbox) +5% slipstream speed; costs around the million EC now, was about a quarter of that til recently but still just about worth it. couple of days of TtG and it prob pays for itself. Dauntless t6 fed ship; Expensive (3k ...

  17. Tour The Galaxy

    September 2016. Not really germane for the Subject of this Thread but my Tuffli that I used to run from Cluster to Cluster, has Consoles, Engines, Doffs, and Warp Cores that allow it to recharge Transwarp in 2 minutes and 40 seconds (instead of 14 minutes) and Slipstream in 30 seconds (instead of 2 minutes). I have never tried Tour the Galaxy.

  18. Star Trek Online: Tour the Galaxy Specialized Build

    Please subscribe, like, and share!Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/c/ÉtoileZalos?sub_confirmation=1Discord: https://discord.gg/uUG8Xp9Join this channe...

  19. Endeavor System/Universal Endeavor List

    Talk to Jay Yim / Targak to start the Tour the Galaxy mission. Visit 6 systems before time runs out. Once you start, you have 15 minutes to complete your tour. The more systems you visit, the greater your rewards. You can (also) start this mission by going to your journal and clicking the Available tab, then clicking on Tour the Galaxy (Daily).

  20. Tour the Galaxy updated path list : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  21. General

    Last Updated 2/8/2022. Here is the build I use for Tour the Galaxy, including everything I could find to increase Sector Speed. My current personal best is 7 minutes 16 seconds for completing the full Tour the Galaxy: UPDATE: As of 11/2021, a new sector speed trait is available: Synthetic Good Fortune, from the Equinox […]

  22. STO

    Raw video of the Tour of the Galaxy, using my Odyssey speed/fly setup. Contact me if you need any help.... @nuno#esp** Link to the build and route: https://...

  23. Console tips for Tour the Galaxy : r/sto

    Console tips for Tour the Galaxy . Console ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. ...