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tour coldplay roma 2024

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Live Nation Italia S.r.l., Via Pietrasanta 14, 20141 Milano Italia

Stadio Olimpico

Mezzi pubblici.

In metropolitana Linea A - fermata Ottaviano, proseguire con autobus 32 e scendere alla fermata Piazzale della Farnesina. Linea A - fermata Flaminio, da qui prendere il tram 2 e scendere al capolinea di Piazza Mancini. In treno Dalla Stazione Termini: prendere la Metropolitana A direzione Battistini scendendo alla fermata Ottaviano e da qui prendere l'autobus 32 e scendere alla fermata Piazzale della Farnesina. Dalla Stazione Tiburtina: prendere la Metropolitana linea B direzione Laurentina fino alla fermata di Termini, effettuare il cambio di linea con la Metropolitana A direzione Battistini scendendo alla fermata Ottaviano e da qui prendere l'autobus 32 e scendere alla fermata Piazzale della Farnesina. Dalla Stazione Ostiense: prendere la Metropolitana B (a Piramide) direzione Rebibbia fino alla fermata di Termini, effettuare il cambio di linea con la Metropolitana A direzione Battistini (fermata Ottaviano) e da qui prendere l'autobus N° 32 e scendere alla fermata Piazzale della Farnesina. In aereo Arrivando all'Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino (40 km di distanza): prendere i treni per Termini, Ostiense, Tiburtina e da qui seguire le indicazioni precedenti.

In auto Dal Grande Raccordo Anulare (G.R.A.): muoviti verso l’uscita N° 6 Flaminia e segui le indicazioni per lo Stadio – Foro Italico. Dall’autostrada A1 (Milano-Bologna-Firenze): raggiungi il G.R.A. in direzione Flaminia e segui le indicazioni per lo Stadio. Dall’autostrada A24-A25 (Pescara-Teramo-L’Aquila): raggiungi il G.R.A. in direzione A1. Dall’autostrada A2 (Napoli): raggiungi il G.R.A. direzione A1.


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  • 15/07/2024 17:00

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Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres World Tour - Delivered by DHL

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tour coldplay roma 2024

Ticketmaster / 25/07/2023

Coldplay: in concerto a Roma per il Music of the Spheres World Tour

Questa gioia è elettrica! Sono i Coldplay ad aver creato questo cortocircuito annunciando quattro nuove date italiane a Roma per il tour mondiale Music of the Spheres nel 2024. Se i Coldplay sono il tuo universo, corri subito a creare il tuo account su e leggi come acquistare in modo semplice e sicuro i biglietti ufficiali dei concerti dei Coldplay a Roma prima di tutti con Ticketmaster.

Biglietti ufficiali

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one: il conto alla rovescia per il lancio della navicella dei Coldplay in missione per l’attesissimo (sì, già) ritorno in Italia è partito! Dopo lo strabiliante successo dell’estate 2023, Chris Martin e compagni hanno annunciato il ritorno in Europa trasmettendo un video con le bandiere dei Paesi europei in cui si esibiranno il prossimo anno, nell’ambito del  Music of the Spheres World Tour 2024 : Grecia, Romania, Ungheria, Francia, Germania, Finlandia, Austria, Irlanda e per finire l’Italia. I detective italiani hanno individuato anche Ponte Milvio, dunque la il mistero è stato risolto: Roma è la città italiana in cui farà tappa nel 2024 il Music of the Spheres World Tour dei Coldplay .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ticketmaster Italia (@ticketmasterit)

Dopo l’incredibile successo dei recentissimi concerti italiani a Napoli e Milano a luglio 2023, gli astronauti della musica pop di un potere superiore Chris Martin , Jonny Buckland , Guy Berryman e Will Champion porteranno la musica delle sfere a Roma per quattro concerti spaziali del Coldplay Music of the Spheres World Tour nel 2024.

Coldplay Music of the Spheres World Tour

  • 12/07/2024, Stadio Olimpico, Roma
  • 13/07/2024, Stadio Olimpico, Roma
  • 15/07/2024, Stadio Olimpico, Roma
  • 16/07/2024, Stadio Olimpico, Roma

Scopri di più sulla carriera stellare dei Coldplay e sul singolo Higher Power

Tutto quello che devi sapere sul coldplay music of the spheres world tour.

Fin dall’inizio in Costa Rica nel marzo 2022, il tour da record della band capitanata da Chris Martin ha venduto milioni di biglietti per le date in America Latina, Nord America ed Europa con recensioni entusiastiche sia da parte dei numerosi fan che della critica.

Le prime sei date italiane del Music of the Spheres World Tour sono state un successo: i Coldplay sono riusciti a far commuovere, ridere e saltare dalla gioia il pubblico, omaggiando le città che ospitavano i concerti, sia interpretando dei classici come Napule È a Napoli e O mia bela Madunina a Milano , sia con gli ospiti che li hanno raggiunti sul palco dello Stadio San Siro a Milano , due grandi nomi della musica italiana: Elisa e Zucchero .

L’Higher Power green dei Coldplay: il World Tour sostenibile

Impegnati a favore dell’ambiente fin da tempi non sospetti – nel 2002, ad esempio, per compensare alle emissioni di CO2 prodotte dalla stampa del disco A Rush of Blood to the Head , hanno piantato diecimila alberi di mango in India – i Coldplay avevano messo in pausa l’attività concertistica nel 2019 finché questa non diventasse più ecosostenibile.

Impegno ribadito con il Music of the Spheres World Tour che proseguirà negli stadi delle maggiori città mondiali anche nel 2024 con misure di compensazione della CO2 senza precedenti. Al fine di inquinare il meno possibile,  sono state scelte meno location possibili, utilizzate per più concerti . La serie rivoluzionaria di iniziative di sostenibilità adottate dai Coldplay per il Music of the Spheres World Tour include:

  • uno spettacolo alimentato al 100% da energia rinnovabile in quasi tutte le località;
  • il primo sistema di batterie da viaggio al mondo (composto da 40 batterie per auto elettriche BMW);
  • power bike e piste da ballo cinetiche grazie a cui i fan aiutano ad alimentare lo spettacolo;
  • pannelli solari e turbine eoliche in ogni sede;
  • l’impegno a ridurre del 50% le emissioni del tour;
  • incentivi per incoraggiare i fan a viaggiare con il trasporto verde;
  • un albero piantato per ogni biglietto venduto

Tutte le soluzioni green adottate per il nuovo tour dei Coldplay sono consultabili qui: .  

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Coldplay music of the spheres world tour 2024: come ottenere i biglietti ufficiali per i concerti dei coldplay a roma prima di tutti.

I fan più fedeli potranno acquistare i biglietti ufficiali partecipando alla Coldplay Presale martedì 25 luglio 2023 dalle ore 9:00 .

Per partecipare alla My Live Nation Presale registrati ora su per accedere gratuitamente dalle ore 9:00 di mercoledì 26 luglio 2023 .

Tutte le presale termineranno il 27 luglio 2023 alle ore 22:00 .

I biglietti ufficiali per il Music of the Spheres World Tour 2024 dei Coldplay andranno in vendita alle ore 10:00 di venerdì 28 luglio 2023 su

Don’t Panic e segui i nostri consigli Master per non perdere tempo il giorno della vendita dei biglietti ufficiali dei Coldplay:

  • Crea subito il tuo account su compilando tutti i campi obbligatori
  • Seleziona l’eTicket come modalità di consegna per ricevere subito i tuoi biglietti ufficiali e stamparli gratuitamente senza nessun costo aggiuntivo.

Enhanced Experiences per i concerti dei Coldplay a Roma

Il Music Of The Spheres World Tour offre delle Enhanced Experiences, ossia dei pacchetti che mirano ad arricchire l’esperienza durante l’evento.

Con il medesimo obiettivo di proteggere l’ambiente e ridurre l’impatto ambientale dei concerti, i biglietti dei pacchetti Enhanced Experiences dei Coldplay sono stati realizzati in quantità limitata con prodotti e materiali eco-friendly e lounge speciali negli stadi.


I dettagli per ogni Enhanced Experience saranno disponibili sulla pagina dell’evento a partire dall’inizio della vendita generale.

Infinity Ticket per i concerti dei Coldplay a Roma

I Coldplay hanno confermato che metteranno a disposizione nei prossimi mesi un numero limitato di Infinity Ticket per lo show. Gli Infinity Ticket esistono per rendere il Music Of The Spheres World Tour accessibile ai fan ad un prezzo conveniente. Ciascun biglietto costa solamente 20 € escluse commissioni di servizio, è possibile acquistare un massimo di due biglietti per acquirente e devono essere acquistati a coppie (saranno collocati l’uno di fianco all’altro). Gli Infinity ticket possono essere unicamente ritirati presso il luogo dell’evento e il giorno dell’evento. Ti sarà chiesto di mostrare un documento di identità, che deve corrispondere al nominativo dell’acquirente nell’account online.

Informazioni utili sui biglietti dei concerti dei Coldplay a Roma

Rivendere, cambiare il nominativo o annullare i miei biglietti, posso annullare i miei biglietti dopo averli acquistati.

No, non è possibile. Una volta che i biglietti sono stati acquistati, non sono rimborsabili, a meno che l’evento sia cancellato. In quel caso, ti forniremo tutte le informazioni sulla procedura da seguire. Nel caso in cui i biglietti siano coperti dalla Polizza Biglietto Protetto, verifica le condizioni per aprire un eventuale sinistro  qui .

Vorrei cambiare il nominativo sul biglietto acquistato. Come posso fare?

Il servizio di cambio nominativo sarà disponibile per questi eventi a partire dal 12 giugno 2024 e fino al 10 luglio 2024. Per maggiori informazioni su utilizzo e costi del servizio, clicca  qui .

Ti informiamo che sarà possibile effettuare un solo cambio nominativo per ciascun biglietto.

Non posso più partecipare all’evento. Posso rivendere i miei biglietti?

Il servizio di rivendita sarà disponibile per questi eventi a partire dal 12 giugno 2024 e fino al 10 luglio 2024. Per maggiori informazioni su utilizzo e costi del servizio, clicca  qui .

Cosa posso fare se trovo l’indicazione “attualmente non disponibile” sulla pagina di vendita?

Se trovi l’indicazione nei minuti successivi all’inizio della vendita generale, ciò significa che gli acquisti stanno continuando e che i biglietti potrebbero tornare disponibili se un processo di acquisto non avesse successo o non venisse completato. Ti invitiamo quindi ad attendere e rimanere sul nostro sito per nuove disponibilità.

Se invece i biglietti risultano esauriti dopo la fase di vendita generale, ti ricordiamo che possono ancora tornare disponibili presso i canali ufficiali, o essere rimessi in vendita in un secondo momento. Per rimanere aggiornato nel caso in cui i biglietti tornino disponibili, potrai seguire i social media dell’evento, dell’organizzatore, dell’artista o della location e iscriverti alla  newsletter  dei canali ufficiali.

Ti suggeriamo di monitorare il nostro sito per non rischiare di acquistare biglietti non validi per questi eventi su canali non ufficiali e di leggere  questo articolo  per maggiori informazioni a riguardo.

Acquista ora i biglietti ufficiali per le nuove date italiane del Music of the Spheres World Tour dei Coldplay a Roma su!

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Coldplay - Music Of The Spheres World Tour - Delivered by DHL

Sat 13 Jul 2024 -  h  17:00

Stadio Olimpico di Roma , Roma

Handling and delivery fees may be applied to your order. Artist Presale and My Live Nation Presale Ticket Limit: 4. General Sale Ticket Limit 6. Orders exceeding this limit will be checked.

NOMINATIVE TICKETS : this event is subject to the new regulation (Budget Law n. 145 dated December, 30 2018). Each entry ticket must state the name and surname of the actual participant at the event. If the name and surname do not match with the attendee's identity document, the ticket will not be valid. Check times and costs for name change and resale services for this event. For further information, READ HERE

All prices incl. VAT. From the first screen by clicking on "Fees", you will find the total price you will pay at checkout.

Event information

For further information about to this event (presales, shipping time of the tickets, resale, rename and more), please READ HERE .

Venue description

Olympic Stadium is a multifunctional Italian sports facility located in Rome, at the Foro Italico, on the slopes of Monte Mario. Originally known as Cypress Stadium, it was renamed Olympic Stadium after the assignment in Rome of the XVII Olympic Games in 1960. Since 1953, except for very brief interruptions due to renovation works, it has hosted the home matches of the two main professional football teams of the capital, AS Roma and SS Lazio. In addition, since its inauguration it has been home to athletics, rugby and other sports, as well as being an important venue for events such as concerts and stage performances. It is one of the four Italian stadiums to be included in UEFA Category 4, the one with the highest technical level.

The organizer of the event is: Live Nation Italia s.r.l

Price details

Prices quoted as all market operators

Delivery fees

Courier deliveries are tracked. You will receive your tracking number once your tickets are shipped. Click here for further information.

Consulta mappa

Coldplay statica dal 20240517

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Ticketmaster Italia srl - Milano, Via Pietrasanta 14 - VAT code 09584690961 - REA MI 2100017

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End Of a Century

Verso la musica e oltre, coldplay in concerto a roma per il “music of the spheres world tour 2024”: tutte le info sui biglietti.

Coldplay tour 2024 Roma info date biglietti

I Coldplay stanno per tornare in Italia con tre date esclusive il 12, 13, 15 e 16 luglio allo Stadio Olimpico di Roma all’interno del loro “Music Of The Spheres World Tour 2024”: di seguito tutte le info sui prezzi e come acquistare i biglietti . Annunciato con un video con le bandiere dei Paesi europei in cui si esibiranno – Grecia, Romania, Ungheria, Francia, Germania, Finlandia, Austria, Irlanda e per finire l’Italia -, Chris Martin e soci porteranno sui palchi i brani dal prossimo album “Moon Music” . Dopo l’incredibile successo dei recentissimi concerti italiani a  Napoli  e  Milano  a giugno 2023, gli astronauti della musica pop  Chris Martin ,  Jonny Buckland ,  Guy Berryman  e  Will Champion riporteranno la loro musica a  Roma  a distanza di 21 anni dalla loro ultima apparizione nella Capitale per due concerti spaziali.

Coldplay dal vivo allo Stadio Olimpico di Roma il 12, 13, 15 e 16 luglio

Tutto quello che devi sapere sul “Music of the Spheres World Tour” dei Coldplay

Fin dall’inizio in Costa Rica nel marzo 2022, il tour da record della band capitanata da Chris Martin ha venduto milioni di biglietti per le date in America Latina, Nord America ed Europa con recensioni entusiastiche sia da parte dei numerosi fan che dalla critica. Le prime sei date italiane del “Music of the Spheres World Tour” sono state un successo: i Coldplay sono riusciti a far commuovere, ridere e saltare dalla gioia il pubblico, omaggiando le città che ospitavano i concerti, sia interpretando dei classici come  “Napule È” a Napoli e “O mia bela Madunina” a Milano , sia con gli ospiti che li hanno raggiunti sul palco dello  Stadio San Siro  a Milano , due grandi nomi della musica italiana:  Elisa  e  Zucchero .

Il tour mondiale sostenibile dei Coldplay

Impegnati a favore dell’ambiente fin da tempi non sospetti – nel 2002, ad esempio, per compensare alle emissioni di CO2 prodotte dalla stampa del disco “A Rush of Blood to the Head”, hanno piantato diecimila alberi di mango   in India  – i Coldplay avevano messo in pausa l’attività concertistica nel 2019 finché questa non diventasse più ecosostenibile. Impegno ribadito con il “Music of the Spheres World Tour” che proseguirà negli stadi delle maggiori città mondiali anche nel 2024 con misure di compensazione della CO2 senza precedenti. Al fine di inquinare il meno possibile,  sono state scelte meno location possibili, utilizzate per più concerti . La serie rivoluzionaria di iniziative di sostenibilità adottate dai Coldplay per il “Music of the Spheres World Tour” include:

  • uno spettacolo alimentato al 100% da energia rinnovabile in quasi tutte le località;
  • il primo sistema di batterie da viaggio al mondo (composto da 40 batterie per auto elettriche BMW);
  • power bike e piste da ballo cinetiche grazie a cui i fan aiutano ad alimentare lo spettacolo;
  • pannelli solari e turbine eoliche in ogni sede;
  • l’impegno a ridurre del 50% le emissioni del tour;
  • incentivi per incoraggiare i fan a viaggiare con il trasporto verde;
  • un albero piantato per ogni biglietto venduto

Tutte le soluzioni green adottate per il nuovo tour dei Coldplay sono consultabili qui: .

Il 12 e 13 luglio 2024 i Coldplay arrivano allo Stadio Olimpico di Roma

Coldplay “Music of the Spheres World Tour 2024”: come ottenere i biglietti ufficiali per i concerti dei Coldplay a Roma

I fan più fedeli potranno acquistare i biglietti ufficiali partecipando alla Coldplay Presale   martedì 25 luglio 2023 dalle ore 9:00 . Per partecipare alla My Live Nation Presale registrati ora su per accedere gratuitamente  dalle ore 9:00 di mercoledì 26 luglio 2023 . Tutte le presale termineranno il  27 luglio 2023 alle ore 22:00 . I biglietti ufficiali per il “Music of the Spheres World Tour 2024” dei Coldplay andranno in vendita alle ore 10:00 di venerdì 28 luglio 2023  su , e .

Il 12 e 13 luglio 2024 i Coldplay suoneranno allo Stadio Olimpico di Roma: info e biglietti

Prezzi biglietti

Il prezzo dei biglietti per le date romane dei Coldplay non è molto diverso dal costo dei concerti del 2023 a Napoli e Milano dove il prato costava poco più di 100 € e il settore più caro sui 170€. Il pacchetto VIP più caro invece aveva un costo di circa 560 €. Prato 109,25 € Primo settore numerato 172,50 € Secondo settore numerato 143,75 € Terzo settore numerato 120,75 € Quarto settore numerato 97,75 € Quinto settore numerato visibilità ostruita 74,75 € Sesto settore numerato visibilità ostruita 57,50 €

Pacchetti VIP per i concerti dei Coldplay a Roma

Il “Music Of The Spheres World Tour” offre delle Enhanced Experiences , ossia dei pacchetti che mirano ad arricchire l’esperienza durante l’evento. Con il medesimo obiettivo di proteggere l’ambiente e ridurre l’impatto ambientale dei concerti, i biglietti dei pacchetti Enhanced Experiences dei Coldplay sono stati realizzati in quantità limitata con prodotti e materiali eco-friendly e lounge speciali negli stadi.


Di seguito i dettagli per ognuna delle Enhanced Experiences dei Coldplay:


– Un biglietto seduto di primo settore – Partecipa al Once-In-A-Lifetime pre-show backstage tour e sali sul palco per scattare una foto!* – Accesso alla pre-show Kaotika Lounge che include: – buffet e open bar (birra, vino, soft drinks, acqua); – esposizione fotografica del Music of The Spheres World Tour; – possibilità di acquisto merchandising senza folla; – photo opportunity, musica e tanto altro! – Articolo di Merchandise ideato esclusivamente per i possessori di Pacchetti Ultimate Spheres Experience** – Gift Sostenibile ideato esclusivamente per i possessori di tutti i Pacchetti Coldplay Experience** – Bracciale eco-friendly dei Coldplay


– Un biglietto seduto di primo settore – Accesso alla pre-show Kaotika Lounge che include – buffet e open bar (birra, vino, soft drinks, acqua); – esposizione fotografica del Music of The Spheres World Tour; – possibilità di acquisto merchandising senza folla; – photo opportunity, musica e tanto altro! – Gift Sostenibile ideato esclusivamente per i possessori di Pacchetti Coldplay Experience** – Bracciale eco-friendly dei Coldplay


– Un biglietto di Prato* – Ingresso anticipato nella venue rispetto ai possessori di biglietto standard** – Gift Sostenibile ideato esclusivamente per i possessori di Pacchetti Coldplay Experience*** – Bracciale eco-friendly dei Coldplay


– Un biglietto seduto di primo settore* – Articolo di Merchandise ideato esclusivamente per i possessori di Pacchetti Coldplay Experience** – Badge Ricordo del tour


– Un biglietto seduto di secondo settore* – Articolo di Merchandise ideato esclusivamente per i possessori di Pacchetti Coldplay Experience* – Badge Ricordo del tour

“Infinity Ticket” per i concerti dei Coldplay a Roma

I Coldplay hanno confermato che metteranno a disposizione nei prossimi mesi un numero limitato di Infinity Ticket per lo show. Gli Infinity Ticket esistono per rendere il “Music Of The Spheres World Tour” accessibile ai fan ad un prezzo conveniente. Ciascun biglietto costa solamente 20 € escluse commissioni di servizio , è possibile acquistare un massimo di due biglietti per acquirente e devono essere acquistati a coppie (saranno collocati l’uno di fianco all’altro). Gli Infinity ticket possono essere unicamente ritirati presso il luogo dell’evento e il giorno dell’evento. Ti sarà chiesto di mostrare un documento di identità, che deve corrispondere al nominativo dell’acquirente nell’account online.

Il "Music of the spheres World Tour 2024" dei Coldplay arriva a Roma a luglio 2024: ecco tutte le info

Informazioni utili sui biglietti dei concerti dei Coldplay a Roma (da Ticketmaster)

Posso annullare i miei biglietti dopo averli acquistati.

No, non è possibile. Una volta che i biglietti sono stati acquistati, non sono rimborsabili, a meno che l’evento sia cancellato. In quel caso, ti forniremo tutte le informazioni sulla procedura da seguire. Nel caso in cui i biglietti siano coperti dalla Polizza Biglietto Protetto, verifica le condizioni per aprire un eventuale sinistro  qui .

Vorrei cambiare il nominativo sul biglietto acquistato. Come posso fare?

Il servizio di cambio nominativo sarà disponibile per questi eventi a partire dal 12 giugno 2024 e fino al 10 luglio 2024. Per maggiori informazioni su utilizzo e costi del servizio, clicca  qui . Ti informiamo che sarà possibile effettuare un solo cambio nominativo per ciascun biglietto.

Non posso più partecipare all’evento. Posso rivendere i miei biglietti?

Il servizio di rivendita sarà disponibile per questi eventi a partire dal 30 maggio 2024 e fino al 10 luglio 2024. Per maggiori informazioni su utilizzo e costi del servizio, clicca  qui .

Cosa posso fare se trovo l’indicazione “attualmente non disponibile” sulla pagina di vendita?

Se trovi l’indicazione nei minuti successivi all’inizio della vendita generale, ciò significa che gli acquisti stanno continuando e che i biglietti potrebbero tornare disponibili se un processo di acquisto non avesse successo o non venisse completato. Ti invitiamo quindi ad attendere e rimanere sul nostro sito per nuove disponibilità. Se invece i biglietti risultano esauriti dopo la fase di vendita generale, ti ricordiamo che possono ancora tornare disponibili presso i canali ufficiali, o essere rimessi in vendita in un secondo momento. Per rimanere aggiornato nel caso in cui i biglietti tornino disponibili, potrai seguire i social media dell’evento, dell’organizzatore, dell’artista o della location e iscriverti alla  newsletter  dei canali ufficiali. Ti suggeriamo di monitorare il nostro sito per non rischiare di acquistare biglietti non validi per questi eventi su canali non ufficiali e di leggere  questo articolo  per maggiori informazioni a riguardo.

Le date del tour 2024

8 giugno Atene – Stadio Olimpico 9 giugno Atene – Stadio Olimpico 12 giugno Bucarest – Arena Națională 13 giugno Bucarest – Arena Națională 16 giugno Budapest – Puskás Aréna 18 giugno Budapest – Puskás Aréna 19 giugno Budapest – Puskás Aréna 22 giugno Lione – Stadio Groupama 23 giugno Lione – StadioGroupama 25 giugno Lione – StadioGroupama 12 luglio Roma – Stadio Olimpico 13 luglio Roma – Stadio Olimpico 15 luglio Roma – Stadio Olimpico 16 luglio Roma – Stadio Olimpico 20 luglio Düsseldorf – Merkur Spiel-Arena 21 luglio Düsseldorf – Merkur Spiel-Arena 23 luglio Düsseldorf – Merkur Spiel-Arena 27 luglio Helsinki – Olympiastadion 28 luglio Helsinki – Olympiastadion 30 luglio Helsinki – Olympiastadion 31 luglio Helsinki – Olympiastadion 15 agosto Monaco – Olympiastadion 17 agosto Monaco – Olympiastadion 18 agosto Monaco – Olympiastadion 21 agosto Vienna – Ernst-Happel-Stadion 22 agosto Vienna – Ernst-Happel-Stadion 24 agosto Vienna – Ernst-Happel-Stadion 25 agosto Vienna – Ernst-Happel-Stadion 29 agosto Dublino – CrokePark 30 agosto Dublino – CrokePark 01 settembre Dublino – CrokePark 02 settembre Dublino – CrokePark

I Coldplay ritornano a Roma dopo 21 anni

A 21 anni di distanza dall’ultimo concerto, i Coldplay torneranno finalmente ad esibirsi a Roma il 12, 13 e 15 luglio 2024. Era il  23 giugno 2003 quando Chris Martin, Johhny Buckland, Guy Berryman e Will Champion hanno suonato al Centrale del Tennis del Foro Italico , in apertura c’erano Turin Brakes e The Coral. Ora, ben 21 anni dopo, Chris Martin e soci sono pronti a tornare nella Capitale. Nel 2017  i Coldplay aveva espresso il desiderio di suonare allo Stadio Olimpico ma  l’occasione non venne colta dalla giunta di Virginia Raggi , allora Sindaco di Roma. Lo Stadio Olimpico dipende dal Mef e il direttore generale  Diego Nepi  aveva spiegato qualche mese fa:  “Coldplay allo stadio? La mia promessa è portarli a Roma e ci stiamo già lavorando per il 2024” . Una promessa oggi mantenuta: i Coldplay si esibiranno il 12 e 13 luglio a Roma, Stadio Olimpico!

Il nuovo album “Moon Music” esce nel 2024

Solo pochi giorni fa, ai microfoni di Virgin Radio , Chris Martin, leader dei Coldplay, ha rivelato che  il nuovo album si chiamerà “Moon Music” e uscirà nei primi mesi del 2024 . I brani del disco saranno promossi durante il “Music Of The Spheres World Tour 2024”. Non si tratta di un sequel della storia raccontata con Music Of The Spheres ma «è collegato, una cosa a sé stante – ha detto il cantante della band inglese a Giulia Salvi – anche se non è completo ancora. Potrei dire che è il disco cugino».  Ci saranno collaborazioni? «Forse , non lo sappiamo ancora ma ci sono delle persone che vorremmo coinvolgere».

Chris Martin of Coldplay live @ Estadio Mas Monumental Antonio Vespucio Liberti, 25 ottobre 2022 Buenos Aires, Argentina - Foto di Santiago Bluguermann/GI

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  • Tuesday, Jul 16 2024 at 17:00

Stadio Olimpico (Roma)

  • Rome , Italy

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Tue, Jul 16 2024 at 17:00

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Coldplay concerts in Rome in July 2024 sold out already

Tickets for four coldplay concerts in rome sold out ..

There was widespread disappointment among Coldplay fans in Italy on Friday after the British band's concerts scheduled in Rome next summer sold out immediately.

Last week Coldplay announced two concerts in Rome's Stadio Olimpico on 12 and 13 July 2024 as part of the group's Music of the Spheres world tour.

Due to "phenomenal demand" the band added a third and then a "fourth and final" date - 15 and 16 July 2024 - with pre-sale tickets made available on Tuesday.

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However after tickets went on general release on booking sites in Italy on Friday morning, hundreds of fans took to social media to complain that they came away empty-handed despite "waiting for hours" in an online queue.

I Coldplay hanno cantato Napulè di Pino Daniele. Tributo bellissimo, applausi. — I Gigi 78 I (@Vicidominus) June 21, 2023

Last month Coldplay played sold-out shows in Naples and Milan, where singer Chris Martin paid homage to both cities by performing  Napule è and O mia bela Madunina respectively.

The last time the band played in Rome was 20 years ago with a concert at the Foro Italico on 23 June 2003.

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tour coldplay roma 2024


Coldplay tour dates 2024

Coldplay tour dates 2024 are here, and if you’re like us, you know there’s nothing quite like the thrill of listening to Coldplay’s music. Their songs have this incredible ability to make any day better! From the heartfelt lyrics of “Fix You” to the electrifying energy of “Viva La Vida” , Coldplay’s music always feels like a comforting friend. 

That’s why we’re over the moon about their Music of the Spheres World Tour landing in Europe again this year. Do you have your Coldplay 2024 tour tickets , yet? We know we do. 😎 

Coldplay tour dates 2024: Chris Martin from Coldplay playing the piano

Don’t miss out on discovering the full list of dates and venues Keep reading to find out when and where you can catch Coldplay live in 2024! 👇🎼👇

🎶 Coldplay Music of the Spheres Tour

📍 budapest : june 16-18-19, 2024.

Venue: Puskás Aréna  

Support acts: Maisie Peters + Solére  

🛎️ When the Coldplay tour in Europe lands in Budapest, stay at MEININGER Hotel Budapest Great Market Hall ! Our hotel is ideally located in the Great Market Hall area, providing easy access to one of Budapest’s most vibrant attractions and ensuring a comfortable, memorable stay.

📍 Pilton, Somerset : June 29, 2024  

Venue: Glastonbury Festival  

📍 Lyon : June 22-23-25, 2024 

Venue: Groupama Stadium   

Support acts: Janelle Monae + Ronisia  

🛎️ Stay at the MEININGER Hotel Lyon Centre Berthelot during the Coldplay EU tour in Lyon. We’re excited to welcome you for a comfortable and memorable stay!

📍 Rome : July 12-13-15-16, 2024 

Venue: Stadio Olimpico  

Support acts: Janelle Monae + Rose Villain  

🛎️ For the best place to stay in Rome during the Coldplay Music of the Spheres Tour, choose the MEININGER Roma Termini !

While planning your trip to see Coldplay in Rome, check out our article Rome Like a Local: Insider Tips for the best local experiences and hidden gems the city has to offer. 

Coldplay tour dates 2024: a stadium filled with people for a concert

  📍 Düsseldorf : July 20-21-23, 2024 

Venue: Merkur Spiel-Arena     

Support acts: Janelle Monae + Zoe Wees  

📍 Helsinki : July 27-28-30, 2024    

Venue: Olympiastadion  

Support acts: Maisie Peters + ALMA  

  📍 Munich : August 15-17-18, 2024   

Support acts: Maggie Rogers + Wilhelmine  

🛎️ When the Coldplay EU tour arrives in Munich, stay at either the MEININGER Hotel München Olympiapark , or the MEININGER Hotel München Zentrum .  

📍 Vienna : August 21-22-24-25, 2024  

Venue: Ernst-Happel-Stadion  

Support acts: Maggie Rogers + OSKA  

🛎️ As the Coldplay tour in Europe stops in Vienna, choose between the MEININGER Hotel Wien Downtown Franz and the MEININGER Hotel Wien Downtown Sissi for your stay.

📍 Dublin : August 29-30, 2024 + September 1-2, 2024 

Venue: Croke Park  

Support acts: Maggie Rogers + Aby Coulibaly  

🌕 Moon Music era   

And did you know that Coldplay have just announced the release of their highly-anticipated 10th album, Moon Music ? 

You can get your hands on it in stores and on streaming services starting October 4, 2024. Just a heads-up: their new single, “feelslikeimfallinginlove” , is set to drop on June 21. They announced it on June 13 with a super cool teaser that showed the song’s title across a waning planet with a colorful corona. Talk about out of this world!  

Last week, they gave us a sneak peek on TikTok , where Chris Martin sang a bit of the chorus in front of a neon-lit ferris wheel. He crooned, “It feels like I’m falling in love/ You’re throwing me a lifeline/ Oh, not for the first time/ I know I’m not alone.” And if that wasn’t enough, they kept the excitement rolling during their show at the Olympic Stadium in Athens last weekend. Fans got lyric flyers for the new song – how cool is that? 

Get ready to blast “feelslikeimfallinginlove” on repeat come June 21. Coldplay’s next chapter is about to start, and we’re so here for it! 

Coldplay tour dates 2024: Chris Martin from Coldplay jumping on stage during a concert

💚 Coldplay x sustainability   

In line with their groundbreaking sustainability efforts on their current tour, which has already reduced CO2e emissions by 59% compared to their previous stadium tour, Coldplay is going above and beyond to make the physical release of Moon Music as eco-friendly as possible. 


This album will be the world’s first to be released as a 140g EcoRecord LP , with each copy made from 9 recycled PET-plastic bottles recovered from post-consumer waste. This effort will prevent over 25 metric tons of virgin plastic production and reduce CO2 emissions by 85% per kilogram compared to traditional vinyl.


Additionally, Coldplay has partnered with The Ocean Cleanup to create a special edition: the Notebook Edition EcoRecord LP . This version uses rPET that comprises 70% river plastic intercepted from the Rio Las Vacas in Guatemala, preventing it from reaching the Gulf of Honduras and the Atlantic Ocean.  

For CD lovers, the CD editions of Moon Music will be the world’s first to be released on EcoCDs , made from 90% recycled polycarbonate sourced from post-consumer waste streams. This initiative will reduce CO2 emissions by at least 78% per kilogram and prevent the production of more than five metric tons of virgin plastic. 

Coldplay tour dates 2024: FAQs

When is coldplay's music of the spheres tour in budapest.

Coldplay will be performing in Budapest on June 16, June 18, and June 19, 2024, at Puskás Aréna. Support acts include Maisie Peters and Solére. For a comfortable stay, consider MEININGER Budapest Great Market Hall.

Where can I see Coldplay perform in Lyon?

Coldplay will be in Lyon on June 22, June 23, and June 25, 2024, at Groupama Stadium. Janelle Monae and Ronisia will be the support acts. Book your stay at MEININGER Hotel Lyon Centre Berthelot for convenience and comfort.

What are the Rome dates for Coldplay's 2024 tour?

Coldplay will perform in Rome on July 12, July 13, July 15, and July 16, 2024, at Stadio Olimpico. Janelle Monae and Rose Villain will be supporting. Stay at MEININGER Roma Termini for a memorable experience. Also, check out our "Rome Like a Local" article for travel tips.

When is Coldplay performing in Düsseldorf?

Catch Coldplay in Düsseldorf on July 20, July 21, and July 23, 2024, at Merkur Spiel-Arena. Janelle Monae and Zoe Wees will be the supporting acts.

What are the Helsinki dates for the Coldplay tour in 2024?

Coldplay will be in Helsinki on July 27, July 28, July 30, and July 31, 2024, at Olympiastadion. Support acts include Maisie Peters and ALMA.

When will Coldplay perform in Munich during their 2024 tour?

Coldplay will perform in Munich on August 15, August 17, and August 18, 2024, at Olympiastadion. Maggie Rogers and Wilhelmine will be the support acts. Consider staying at MEININGER Hotel München Olympiapark or MEININGER Hotel München Zentrum.

Where can I see Coldplay live in Vienna?

Coldplay will be in Vienna on August 21, August 22, August 24, and August 25, 2024, at Ernst-Happel-Stadion. Maggie Rogers and OSKA will be the supporting acts. Stay at MEININGER Hotel Wien Downtown Franz or MEININGER Hotel Wien Downtown Sissi for a great experience.

What are the Dublin dates for Coldplay's 2024 tour?

Coldplay will perform in Dublin on August 29, August 30, September 1, and September 2, 2024, at Croke Park. Maggie Rogers and Aby Coulibaly will be the support acts.

What new album is Coldplay releasing in 2024?

Coldplay is releasing their highly-anticipated 10th album, Moon Music, on October 4, 2024. The first single, "feelslikeimfallinginlove," will be released on June 21, 2024.

How is Coldplay promoting sustainability with Moon Music?

Coldplay is making Moon Music eco-friendly by releasing it as a 140g EcoRecord LP made from recycled PET-plastic bottles. They are also partnering with The Ocean Cleanup for a special edition using river plastic. The CDs will be EcoCDs made from 90% recycled polycarbonate.

What are the details of Coldplay's support acts for the 2024 tour?

Coldplay's support acts vary by location. Maisie Peters and Solére will support in Budapest; Janelle Monae and Ronisia in Lyon; Janelle Monae and Rose Villain in Rome; Janelle Monae and Zoe Wees in Düsseldorf; Maisie Peters and ALMA in Helsinki; Maggie Rogers and Wilhelmine in Munich; Maggie Rogers and OSKA in Vienna; and Maggie Rogers and Aby Coulibaly in Dublin.

Where can I find more information about staying in cities where Coldplay is performing?

For accommodation during the Coldplay tour in Europe, MEININGER Hotels offers convenient and comfortable options near the venues:

Budapest: MEININGER Budapest Great Market Hall

Lyon: MEININGER Hotel Lyon Centre Berthelot

Rome: MEININGER Roma Termini

Munich: MEININGER Hotel München Olympiapark and MEININGER Hotel München Zentrum

Vienna: MEININGER Hotel Wien Downtown Franz and MEININGER Hotel Wien Downtown Sissi

🛎️ Need a place to stay for the Coldplay tour 2024? Forget about roughing it at the stadium! After Coldplay’s concert, relax in the cozy comfort of a MEININGER Hotel in any European city. Sleep like a star! ⭐

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Sales are now open for tickets and season tickets to watch all Roma 2024 competitions live at the Stadio Olimpico.

All information on prices, special packages, season tickets and promotions is available on Vivaticket’s official channels.

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For all other information, please contact the Roma 2024 customer care service  

Information regarding stadium admission procedures and the collection of free tickets reserved for children up to 6 years of age will be published on the website and on Vivaticket’s official channels .

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When is Glastonbury, who’s on the lineup and can you still get tickets?

Coldplay, dua lipa and sza are headlining the pyramid stage at worthy farm this year, while shania twain will take on the coveted legends slot, article bookmarked.

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Glastonbury , the world’s most famous music festival, returns this week and will see thousands of fans flocking to Worthy Farm in Somerset.

Co-organiser Emily Eavis and her team are preparing to welcome revellers to the site and play host to some of the biggest artists across pop, rock, indie, R&B, rap, punk and soul.

Here’s everything you need to know ahead of the big weekend.

When is Glastonbury 2024?

The gates to Glastonbury Festival 2024 will open at around 8am Wednesday 26 June, with the event running until Sunday 30 June. The majority of the live music performances take place between 29-30 June, with many of them also shown on TV.

A word of warning: there is no entertainment or facilities in the Glastonbury car parks, and guests are expected to remain in their cars until the festival gates open. Car parks will be open from 9pm on Tuesday 25 June, allowing festival-goers to avoid the worst of the traffic and arrive through the night.

Who’s playing Glastonbury this year?

Dua Lipa is headlining the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury 2024

After months of speculation and rumours that several bookings had fallen through, this year’s festival will be headlined by Dua Lipa, Coldplay and SZA , while country-pop superstar Shania Twain will take on the Legends Slot.

It was rumoured that Madonna was a strong contender to headline, as Eavis has previously expressed her desire to have the pop icon play the Pyramid Stage. However, The Independent understands that negotiations collapsed due to various requirements from the “Hung Up” star’s team, including the estimated cost of putting on a show that would match her 2024 Celebration tour.

Other rumoured artists in the running were Stevie Nicks, Cher and Stevie Wonder.

Other artists on the lineup include Avril Lavigne, Cyndi Lauper, Little Simz, Seventeen, Idles, The Last Dinner Party, Camila Cabello, Burna Boy, London Grammar, PJ Harvey, Janelle Monae, Fat White Family, Sugababes, Fatboy Slim, Michael Kiwanuka, Bloc Party, Two Door Cinema Club, Jessie Ware and Paloma Faith.

Are there any Glastonbury 2024 tickets left and how much do they cost?

A reveller sings along as Lewis Capaldi performs on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury 2023

The Glastonbury resale took place in April and, due to typically high demand, sold out in just 22 minutes. The cost of getting into the 2024 festival was £360 per person including the booking fee, up from £340 last year.

Eavis justified the hike last year in a statement that said: “We have tried very hard to minimise the increase in price on the ticket but we’re facing enormous rises in the costs of running this vast show, while still recovering from the huge financial impact of two years without a festival because of Covid.”

Are there any other ways to get into Glastonbury festival?

Besides the general resale, another great way to get into Glastonbury is by volunteering. Registration to volunteer for charities WaterAid and Oxfam has closed, but spaces do occasionally become available if people drop out.

Greenpeace also offers free entry to the festival and three meals a day to volunteers. In return, you are expected to work a minimum of five eight-hour shifts during the festival between 25 June and 1 July. However, applications for 2024 are now also closed.

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Glastonbury sparks confusion over ‘glaring omission’ in huge announcement

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Dua Lipa performs onstage

Headliners Dua Lipa and Coldplay are set to make history this year at Glastonbury but fans have spotted a ‘glaring omission’ by the BBC.

For years, Brits who haven’t landed tickets have been able to watch along at home with popular gigs broadcast via the BBC both on the TV and on iPlayer.

This year, for the first time ever, international music fans will also be able to watch Dua Lipa and Coldplay’s sets on the relaunched website.

Glasto 2024 kicks off on Wednesday, June 26 with thousands of music lovers arriving at Worthy Farm to see the acts along with fellow headliner Sza .

However, fans have been left baffled at the fact Sza’s festival closing headline set will not be broadcast globally.

‘Where is Sza may I ask,’ commented Max Gregory on Glastonbury’s Instagram announcement as Cat Major simply added: ‘SZA??’

SZA performs onstage during the Grammy Awards

Nate Valentino said: ‘Despite having no idea who Sza was prior to her being announced as a headliner, it’s a glaring omission to not include her in the global live stream!’

A similar sentiment was shared by many X users, with Liana tweeting: ‘But not SZA’s??’

The BBC told : ‘SZA’s performance will be broadcast on BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 1Xtra and BBC Sounds, as well as on BBC television and BBC iPlayer for UK audiences, as agreed with the artist.’

Sza bore the brunt of naysayers complaining about the line-up this year, with criticism that she wasn’t a big enough name – despite her four Grammys and Brit award.

Fellow performer Caity Baser defended the Kill Bill hitmaker , telling everyone needs to ‘chill out’ and if they’re that mad then just ‘don’t go’.

‘I don’t care [who is playing] like I’m going to go and enjoy. Also, Sza, what? She’s been my number one listened-to artist since I was like 12.

‘I love her so much! And Coldplay? What do you mean? It’s Shania Twain. What more do you want?’

Coldplay frontman Chris Martin sits on stage during a performance

In the Coldplay and Dua Lipa announcement,Tara Maitra, Chief Commercial Officer at BBC Studios shared: ‘The Glastonbury Festival is an icon of British culture, and this livestream will give fans around the globe a front-row seat to headline performances like never before.

T’This is just the latest example of our focus on bringing more cultural-defining moments like Glastonbury to fans on our platforms outside the U.K. so users can experience the best of British culture wherever they may be.’

Lorna Clarke, BBC Director of Music added: ‘At the BBC, we bring Glastonbury to you, and we’re incredibly proud of our coverage. It enables millions of people to access the magic of Emily and Michael Eavis’ festival each year.

‘The global streams of Dua Lipa and Coldplay’s performances are another exciting addition to our offer, allowing us not only to unite music fans across the country but across the world with the opportunity to experience these world-class performances as they happen.’

A general view as Sir Elton John performs on the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury Festival

Since 1997, a particularly muddy Glasto , the BBC has been broadcasting clips from the iconic festival.

It has so far only been viewable to those in the UK but now the Friday and Saturday headliners will be worldwide.

One act has already had to cancel a performance though as 00s group Groove Armada’s Stonebridge Bar set was cut due to crowd concerns.

Glastonbury wrote on X: ‘To ensure that @GrooveArmada’s many fans can enjoy the duo’s DJ sets at this year’s Festival, their performance in the lower-capacity Stonebridge Bar on Thursday night can now not take place.’

The group will perform at the Glade on Sunday, which is a much larger space.

Dua Lip’s set will be broadcast Friday 28th June from 5-6.45pm EST (11pm-12.45am CEST) and Coldplay’s gig is on Saturday 29th June from 4.45-6.45pm EST (10.45pm-12.45am CEST).

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Saturday 13 July 2024

Coldplay Concert Tickets - 2024 Tour Dates

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Via Foro Italico 00194 Rome, Italy

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Doors open: 17:00

Tour name: Music of the Spheres World Tour

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Coldplay Concert Tickets - 2024 Tour Dates

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Upcoming concerts for Coldplay

  • Friday July 12, 2024 Coldplay Stadio Olimpico, Rome
  • Monday July 15, 2024 Coldplay Stadio Olimpico, Rome
  • Tuesday July 16, 2024 Coldplay Stadio Olimpico, Rome

Related upcoming events

  • Thursday June 27, 2024 Simple Minds Auditorium Parco della Musica - Cavea, Rome
  • Friday June 28, 2024 Simple Minds Auditorium Parco della Musica - Cavea, Rome
  • Friday June 28, 2024 Simple Minds Roma Summer Fest 2024, Rome


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Coldplay Open Up Their Hearts Again on New Song ‘Feelslikeimfallinginlove’

By Jon Blistein

Jon Blistein

Coldplay are back with a new single, “Feels Like I’m Falling in Love” — or, stylized as, “feelslikeimfallinginlove” — the first offering from their upcoming album, Moon Music , out Oct. 4. 

Produced by pop maestro Max Martin, “Feels Like I’m Falling in Love” is a shimmering ode to opening up one’s heart, despite the risks of being hurt. “Feels like I’m falling in love/You’re throwing me a lifeline/Oh now for the first time/I know I’m not alone,” Chris Martin sings on the final chorus before the track peaks for its stadium-sized outro. 

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When Coldplay did announce Moon Music , the band said it would release the album on a variety of formats that meet “new sustainability standards.” For instance, each copy of the album pressed on vinyl will be made from nine recycled plastic bottles, while the CD version will be made form 90 percent recycled polycarbonate. The band said its efforts would reduce CO2 emissions in production by at least 78 percent and avoid the use of more than five metric tonnes of virgin plastic. 

Coldplay are in the midst of a European tour that will continue through September; next week they’ll return to the U.K. though to headline Glastonbury for a record fifth time. In October and November, they’ll play a bunch of shows in Australia and New Zealand. 

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How a manele performer at a Coldplay concert exposed Romania’s racial tensions

Chris martin and his band were booed during a recent show in romania after they introduced a special guest from the country’s most divisive genre..

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Mild-mannered British megastars Coldplay were roundly booed at their own show in Romania last week when they introduced a special guest. Chris Martin and his bandmates like to give the stage to a friends of theirs from the area when they tour; Bruce Springsteen came out to surprise fans in East Rutherford in 2022 and Bryan Adams was a guest in Vancouver. In Bucharest, they welcomed Babasha , a 22-year-old manele artist currently racking up millions of views on his latest single “Păi Naa,” to perform the song with Martin.

“Păi Naa” is a legitimate hit right now, with 12 million views on YouTube placing it on the trending music chart just below Benson Boone’s inescapable “Beautiful Things.” And yet Babasha was booed by the audience at the Arena Națională, something that left him upset but not surprised.

“I expected [the audience] to be divided, but I didn't expect it to be this bad,” Babasha said in a message in Romanian posted on TikTok . “For those who don't understand this, manele is only infamous because of racism, not because of the music itself,” he explained.

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Manele, in the simplest terms, is a folk genre synonymous with Roma people — Europe’s largest and arguably most marginalized minority. The music is upbeat and celebratory; “Păi Naa” is a lively dance track about falling for someone (“You've turned my compass upside down”) with an addictive riff. The music has roots in Balkan and Arabic sounds and was originally played at weddings and birthday parties. It would get your dad dancing. The sound has been updated and modernized by Roma artists such as Babasha as well as Gya , Gheboasa , and Tzanca Uraganu (Tzanca the Hurricane). In addition to “Păi Naa,” Spotify’s Manela 2024 playlist features songs like “Guli Guli,” a song by the popular Bogdan DLP that translates to “Put your hands up and never stop.”

In spite (or perhaps, because) of its popularity, manele is derided by critics as being hyper-sexual, materialistic, and linked to criminal activity. In 2010 the city council of Cluj, a city in the northwest of the country, forbade taxi drivers from listening to the music. The mayor of Timişoara, meanwhile, banned manele from public celebrations on Romania’s Great Union Day in 2023, claiming that he was “disturbed” by the genre’s lyrics.

Manele is a genre built for parties and lyrically preoccupied with the pursuit of good times. Figures in Romania’s criminal underworld have been known to hire manele artists to perform private shows as a flex of their influence and money. The world of bottle service and hard beats makes it feel a little like 2010s EDM, as heard in the brash simplicity of a hit like Luly Neamtu’s “Sugar Daddy,” crossed with the patently racist response to hip-hop’s entire history. It’s hard to imagine any mainstream rapper being booed by Coldplay fans, though.

The timing of the band’s Romania concert ties into a more widespread emboldening of prejudicial behavior in Europe at the moment. Right-wing populism is surging, with far-right parties making significant gains in the recent European Union parliamentary elections in both France and Germany. Romania is governed by the left-leaning Social Democratic Party but anti-Roma sentiment remains a part of society.

“On almost every indicator of human development, in almost every European country, the Roma fall far below the national average,” an Amnesty report reads. “They have lower incomes, worse health, poorer housing, lower literacy rates and higher levels of unemployment than the rest of the population.”

This is true in Romania, too. “Romania is the only country in Europe that treated Roma like slaves. There is a history of 500 years of Roma slavery in Romania,” Željko Jovanović, a prominent Roma rights activist and president of the Roma Foundation of Europe told EuroNews . “The population has this historical memory of Roma being less than humans or less than citizens.”

The marginalization of manele is undeniably an extension of this sentiment. It is music that reflects the socio-economic struggles of a denigrated minority while also offering moments of celebration and social mobility for those involved in making it.

Coldplay, to their credit, did not back down in the face of the discriminatory behavior of their fans. Babasha returned for a second performance with the band in Bucharest with Chris Martin telling the fans: “If you don’t like it, go to the bathroom, text your friends, or do whatever you want, but be kind.”

Babasha, meanwhile, remained resolute: “Regardless of all the booing in the world, I would have still accepted (Coldplay's invitation) because something like this happens once in a lifetime," he said on TikTok. "I'm just a 22-year-old kid who really works day and night for a dream, no matter if I'm singing manele.”


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  1. Coldplay Tickets 2024 for the tour concerts in Italy on sale

    All about Coldplay. Show dates of Coldplay in 2024. After the huge success, Coldplay return to Italy for the unmissable concerts of the Music of The Spheres - World Tour in Rome: July 12 2024 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome. July 13 2024 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome. July 15 2024 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome. July 16 2024 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome.

  2. Biglietti Coldplay 2024 per i concerti tour Italia in vendita

    13 luglio 2024 - Stadio Olimpico, Roma. 15 luglio 2024 - Stadio Olimpico, Roma - NUOVA DATA. 16 luglio 2024 - Stadio Olimpico, Roma - NUOVA DATA. Biglietti per i concerti dei Coldplay. I biglietti per le date europee del Music of The Spheres - World Tour dei Coldplay sono disponibili su Ticketmaster. Bio, carriera e curiosità sui Coldplay.

  3. Coldplay ROMA 15/07/2024 17:00 Biglietti

    Acquista su i biglietti ufficiali di Coldplay per l'evento in programma a ROMA il 15/07/2024 17:00 Per info e modalità di rimborso clicca qui ... Per questo evento sarà consentito eseguire la procedura di cambio nominativo dal 12 giugno 2024 fino al 12 luglio 2024. Come stabilito dall'organizzatore sarà possibile effettuare un ...

  4. Stadio Olimpico

    Stadio Olimpico | Coldplay. We would like to use cookies (and similar technologies) to enhance your online experience, analyse your use of our site and to support our marketing (including through ad personalisation, ad insights and ad targeting). If you are happy for us to set cookies other than those strictly necessary for our site to work ...

  5. Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres World Tour

    Buy tickets for Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres World Tour - Delivered by DHL at Stadio Olimpico di Roma on 15/07/2024 at Search for Italy and international concert tickets, tour dates and venues in your area with the world's largest concert search engine.

  6. Coldplay Tour 2024: prezzi biglietti e date concerti Roma

    Coldplay Music of the Spheres World Tour 2024: come ottenere i biglietti ufficiali per i concerti dei Coldplay a Roma prima di tutti. I fan più fedeli potranno acquistare i biglietti ufficiali partecipando alla Coldplay Presale martedì 25 luglio 2023 dalle ore 9:00.. Per partecipare alla My Live Nation Presale registrati ora su per accedere gratuitamente dalle ore 9:00 di ...

  7. Coldplay Stadio Olimpico di Roma 13 July 2024 Tickets

    Coldplay - Music Of The Spheres World Tour - Delivered by DHL. Sat 13 Jul 2024 - h 17:00 | Stadio Olimpico di Roma, Roma. Info Limited avaiability. Handling and delivery fees may be applied to your order. Artist Presale and My Live Nation Presale Ticket Limit: 4. General Sale Ticket Limit 6. Orders exceeding this limit will be checked.

  8. Coldplay Rome Tickets, Stadio Olimpico, 12 Jul 2024

    Buy tickets, find event, venue and support act information and reviews for Coldplay's upcoming concert with Janelle Monáe and Rose Villain at Stadio Olimpico in Rome on 12 Jul 2024. Buy tickets to see Coldplay live in Rome.

  9. Coldplay Rome Tickets, Stadio Olimpico di Roma Jul 13, 2024

    Coldplay is coming to Stadio Olimpico di Roma in Rome on Jul 13, 2024. Find tickets and get exclusive concert information, all at Bandsintown. ... June 18th 2024. ... A massive global tour was later commemorated on the limited-edition live compilation LeftRightLeftRightLeft, which the band gave away for free during the final stops of their Viva ...

  10. 2024 European dates announced

    Coldplay fans, rejoice! The band has just announced their 2024 European tour dates, starting from Athens and ending in Budapest. Don't miss this chance to see them live and experience their amazing music and stage performance. Check out their official website for more details and ticket information.

  11. Coldplay Tickets

    11,189 fans have viewed Coldplay tickets today! Coldplay are a pop-rock band from London, consisting of frontman Chris Martin, guitarist Jonny Buckland, bassist Guy Berryman and drummer Will Champion. Coldplay will be performing 4 events in Rome between Friday 12th July 2024 and Tuesday 16th July 2024 at the Stadio Olimpico.

  12. Coldplay Rome Tickets, Stadio Olimpico, 16 Jul 2024

    Buy tickets, find event, venue and support act information and reviews for Coldplay's upcoming concert with Janelle Monáe and Rose Villain at Stadio Olimpico in Rome on 16 Jul 2024.

  13. Coldplay a Roma nel 2024: tutte le info e prezzi biglietti

    I Coldplay stanno per tornare in Italia con tre date esclusive il 12, 13, 15 e 16 luglio allo Stadio Olimpico di Roma all'interno del loro "Music Of The Spheres World Tour 2024": di seguito tutte le info sui prezzi e come acquistare i biglietti. Annunciato con un video con le bandiere dei Paesi europei in cui si esibiranno - Grecia, Romania, Ungheria, Francia, Germania, Finlandia ...

  14. Coldplay Stadio Olimpico Rome Tickets

    Buy & sell Coldplay tickets at Stadio Olimpico, Rome on viagogo, an online ticket exchange that allows people to buy and sell live event tickets in a safe and guaranteed way. Coldplay. Jul 13 • Sat • 5:00PM • 2024. Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italia, Italy. Favorite. USD. EN. Sell. Sell Tickets. My Listings. My Sales. My Tickets. Orders. My ...

  15. Coldplay in Rome

    Find tickets and information for Coldplay's concert at Stadio Olimpico in Rome on Jul 16, 2024. Coldplay - Rome. Performer: Coldplay ... Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 | 05:00PM Genre: Alternative Rock / Indie: Tickets: Tap for prices > Go to Ticketmaster [Reseller] 119 USD > Go to Viagogo: We may receive commissions for purchases made through ...

  16. Coldplay in Rome Tickets

    You may be able to grab Coldplay Rome presale tickets before they become available to the general public. At this moment, SeatPick offers a grand total of 1,716 tickets to catch Coldplay in Rome. Don't miss out on the next Coldplay Rome show, happening live at Stadio Olimpico (Roma) on July 12, 2024.

  17. Coldplay Rome Stadio Olimpico (Roma) Tickets

    Buy Coldplay tickets Stadio Olimpico (Roma) Rome. Compare Coldplay 2024 tour ticket prices from hundreds of verified sellers in seconds. Football Tickets; Music Tickets; ... Tuesday 16th Jul 2024 at 17:00. Concert; Rock and Pop; Coldplay; See More. All Coldplay Events. All Rock and Pop Events. Stadio Olimpico (Roma) Seatings Chart.

  18. Coldplay Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Coldplay is one of the best-loved British rock bands in the world, with numerous tours, top sellers and awards to their name. Formed in 1996, the band's original line-up comprised Chris Martin, the lead vocalist, and Jonny Buckland, the lead guitarist, who met at University College in London.

  19. Stadio Olimpico (EXTRA DATE)

    Jul 16, 2024. Stadio Olimpico (EXTRA DATE) CiTY Rome . SUPPORT + Janelle Monae ... COLDPLAY WORLD TOUR APP. THE ESSENTIAL COMPANION TO THE TOUR. DOWNLOAD FOR FREE NOW. DOWNLOAD NOW Download from the App store Download from Google Play. instagram ...

  20. Coldplay concerts in Rome in July 2024 sold out already

    Last week Coldplay announced two concerts in Rome's Stadio Olimpico on 12 and 13 July 2024 as part of the group's Music of the Spheres world tour. Due to "phenomenal demand" the band added a third and then a "fourth and final" date - 15 and 16 July 2024 - with pre-sale tickets made available on Tuesday. Italy's competition watchdog investigates ...

  21. Coldplay tour dates 2024

    Don't miss out on discovering the full list of dates and venues. Keep reading to find out when and where you can catch Coldplay live in 2024!👇🎼👇 🎶 Coldplay Music of the Spheres Tour 📍 Budapest: June 16-18-19, 2024. Venue: Puskás Aréna Support acts: Maisie Peters + Solére 🛎️ When the Coldplay tour in Europe lands in Budapest, stay at MEININGER Hotel Budapest Great ...

  22. World Tour Dates


  23. Coldplay Setlist at Groupama Stadium, Décines-Charpieu

    Get the Coldplay Setlist of the concert at Groupama Stadium, Décines-Charpieu, France on June 22, 2024 from the Music of the Spheres Tour and other Coldplay Setlists for free on!

  24. Tickets

    Technical assistance on purchasing tickets and season tickets is available on Vivaticket's channels.. For all other information, please contact the Roma 2024 customer care service . Information regarding stadium admission procedures and the collection of free tickets reserved for children up to 6 years of age will be published on the website and on Vivaticket's official channels.

  25. Glastonbury: When is it, who's on the lineup and can you get tickets?

    Glastonbury 2024: When is it and can you get tickets. Coldplay, Dua Lipa and SZA are headlining the Pyramid Stage at Worthy Farm this year, while Shania Twain will take on the coveted Legends Slot ...

  26. Glastonbury 2024 sparks confusion over 'omission' in BBC ...

    Glastonbury 2024 headliners Dua Lipa and Coldplay are set to make history this week, with huge BBC announcement - but one artist is missing. ... Brits who haven't landed tickets have been able ...

  27. Coldplay Rome Tickets, Stadio Olimpico, 13 Jul 2024

    Buy tickets, find event, venue and support act information and reviews for Coldplay's upcoming concert with Janelle Monáe and Rose Villain at Stadio Olimpico in Rome on 13 Jul 2024. Buy tickets to see Coldplay live in Rome.

  28. Coldplay Release New 'Moon Music' Song 'Feelslikeimfallinginlove'

    Coldplay are back with a new single, "Feels Like I'm Falling in Love" — or, stylized as, "feelslikeimfallinginlove" — the first offering from their upcoming album, Moon Music, out ...

  29. How a manele performer at a Coldplay concert exposed Romania's racial

    Chris Martin and his bandmates like to give the stage to a friends of theirs from the area when they tour; Bruce Springsteen came out to surprise fans in East Rutherford in 2022 and Bryan Adams ...

  30. Coldplay Setlist at Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica, San José

    Get the Coldplay Setlist of the concert at Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica on June 24, 2024 from the Music of the Spheres Tour and other Coldplay Setlists for free on! ... Setlist History: Coldplay's "A Rush of Blood to the Head" Tour Kickoff. Jun 19, 2018. Concert People. I was there. Nobody was there.