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Tour de Manche

The 435 mile Tour de Manche is a cycling route linking Devon and Dorset in England to Brittany and Normandy in France.

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Cyclists on cycle path next to large body of water

172.9 miles, 278.3 kilometres

14 hours 40 minutes 57 hours 40 minutes

28.7% Traffic-free | 95.7% Asphalt, 2.5% Unsealed loose, 1.8% Unsealed firm

Hexagon with exclamation mark

This route takes you through a mixture of coastal and rural inland landscapes on both sides of the Channel.

Some of the highlights include Dartmoor National Park, the Jurassic Coast, the Cotentin and Bessin Regional Nature Park and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mont-Saint-Michel. 

In the UK, the route follows Routes 2, 34, 28 and 27 as it passes through Dorset and Devon between Poole and Plymouth.

Route 27 comprises the Devon Coast to Coast which also includes Drakes Trail between Tavistock and Plymouth.

This has recently been developed into a fully traffic-free stretch of National Cycle Route with the addition of the dizzying Gem Bridge. Young cyclists (and the young at heart) will find this crossing this bridge thrilling.

The route on the UK side of the channel connects Poole with Plymouth via a mixture of on-road, mainly quiet lanes, and traffic-free stretches.

It passes through points of beauty and interest including Corfe Castle, the Jurassic Coast and Dartmoor National Park.

The Jurassic Coast owes its name to the layers of sedimentary rock which contain an amazing richness of fossils and form a near-complete record of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

It has been recognised as a site of outstanding international importance for earth sciences and was designated as England’s first natural World Heritage Site in 2001.

The route passes through some quintessentially English seaside towns and some of the country’s most interesting cities including Poole, Exeter and Plymouth.

Exeter is a small but vibrant city with a rich history, magnificent cathedral, imposing Roman wall and beautiful quayside whilst Plymouth, known as Britains Ocean City, is home to breath-taking views and a historic waterfront

In France, the route uses a mixture of on-road and traffic-free sections.

This includes 230km of greenways taking you through the countryside of the Cotentin peninsula, the marshes of the Cotentin and Bessin Regional Nature Park, and past the Mortain waterfalls to the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Mont-Saint-Michel.

Ferry crossings link Plymouth to Roscoff and Poole to Cherbourg.

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We have taken all responsible steps to ensure that these routes are safe and achievable by people with a reasonable level of fitness.

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Walking and cycling routes change over time. Weather conditions may also affect path surfaces.

Please use your own judgement when using the routes based upon the weather and the ability, experience and confidence levels of those in your group.

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Cycle Route Tour de Manche

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Added on 27 Jun 2014,

on 04 Apr 2024

Cycle route metrics

Total distance in km

GPS track data

Track points in total

Track points per km (avg)


Start location

Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Normandie, FR (4 m NHN)

End location


Sources of information.

  • Official website of the Tour de Manche
  • Impressions of Maggie LaCoste

Cycling guides/maps:

  • Tour de Manche à vélo: de Cherbourg à Cherbourg French
  • Tour de Manche à vélo: de Roscoff à Cherbourg French

Between Binic and Paimpol there is a gap in the track for about 30 km.

Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure

Name and address

Latitude / Longitude

Phone Fax Mobile


Type of accommodation


The Roman numerals indicate the price group of the respective accommodation.

The price groups refer to prices for an overnight stay with two persons in the double room, if offered, with shower / bath and WC and with breakfast.

The prices on which the price groups are based do not take into account any special prices such as e.g. at trade fairs.

Price category

Rating for cyclists

Route km Dist. to route Elevation

3 km 0,1 km 21 m

Château des Ravalet

387 Avenue du Château de Ravalet FR-50110 Tourlaville

49.629800 / -1.566700


Château des Ravalet, Tourlaville

Die damalige Burg gehörte zur königlichen Domäne und wurde von König Franz I. an Jean II. de Raval aus Tourlaville verkauft. Dieser ließ 1562 ein Renaissance-Schloss errichten, lediglich der Bergfried blieb in Teilen bestehen. Nach finanziellen Problemen verkauften die Herren von Raval 1653 das Schloss an Charles de Franquetot, der insbesondere das Innere renovieren ließ. Nach dessen Ermordung hatte die Anlage mehrere Besitzer, darunter die Boudets aus Crosville und die Fouquets aus Reville. 1661 wurde es als Bauernhof genutzt.

Clérel Hervé de Tocqueville nahm es 1777 in Besitz. Dessen Enkel René de Tocqueville, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt, veranlasste die Renovierung der Gebäude und Gärten und baute ein großes Gewächshaus. Im Jahr 1906 musste er es jedoch verkaufen. Im Ersten Weltkrieg dienten die Gebäude als Lazarett. Schon 1930 war das Schloss als Monument historique im Katalog aufgeführt. Die Stadt Cherbourg erwarb das Anwesen im Jahr 1935. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges war es von der deutschen Armee und nach der Befreiung von amerikanischer Truppen besetzt.

Während der Park das ganze Jahr über öffentlich zugänglich ist, ist das Schloss nur während der Tag des offenen Denkmals (Journées du patrimoine) zu besichtigen. Park und Gewächshaus stehen gemeinsam mit dem Schlossbau seit März 1996 unter Denkmalschutz.

Der Renaissance-Park mit Wassergräben wurde 1870 mit zwei Teichen und einer Höhle versehen. Im Park und im zwischen 1872 und 1875 umgestalteten Gewächshaus befinden sich viele exotische Pflanzen und Bäume. Der Park wurde seitens der Stadt Cherbourg 1935 zum öffentlichen Garten erklärt. Ein Sturm von 1987 verursachte große Schäden.

27 km 0,4 km 47 m

FR-50260 Bricquebec

49.470306 / -1.632245

Heritage building(s)

Abbaye Notre-Dame-de-Grâce de Bricquebec

Bricquebec ist eine französische Stadt mit 4238 Einwohnern (Stand 1. Januar 2012) im Département Manche in der Region Basse-Normandie. Die Einwohner nennen sich Bricquebétais.


  • Schloss (9. Jahrhundert)
  • Abtei Notre-Dame-de-Grâce de Bricquebec (19. Jahrhundert)

40 km 0,6 km 8 m


1 Rue du Dix Sept Juin FR-50390 Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte

49.385156 / -1.527705

LʹAbbaye de Saint-Sauveur le Vicomte

Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 2157 Einwohnern (Stand 1. Januar 2012) im Département Manche in der Region Basse-Normandie.

Nach der Landung der Alliierten in der Normandie am D-Day, dem 6. Juni 1944, war die Stadt lange umkämpft. Zum Beispiel nahm Matthew B. Ridgway, später ein hoher US-General, mit der 82. Luftlandedivision am D-Day teil und kämpfte dann 33 Tage mit seinen Truppen in und um Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte.

  • Burg (11. Jahrhundert, Monument historique)
  • Abtei (12. Jahrhundert, Abteikirche Monument historique)
  • Museum Barbey d’Aurevilly im Geburtshaus des Schriftstellers Jules Amédée Barbey d’Aurevilly (Monument historique)
  • Pfarrkirche (teilweise 12. Jahrhundert)
  • Kirche von Saint-Claude de Selsouëf mit einer Marienskulptur aus dem 15. Jahrhundert (Monument historique)
  • Schloss Les Fresnais
  • Schloss Beaulieu

76 km 2,7 km 13 m

Dead Manʹs Corner Museum

2 Village de lʹAmont FR-50500 Saint-Côme-du-Mont

49.328631 / -1.268753

+33 233 236195

Dead Manʹs Corner Museum

The D-Day Paratroopers Historical Center’s mission is to pass on the memory and to collect authentic pieces to preserve them and make them accessible to the public through exhibitions and publications.

Hours of opening

Every day, from 9:00 am to 06:00 pm.

Closed on Sundays between: 01/10 and 30/04.

Closed on: December 24 and 25 - December 31 and January 1.

77 km 0,1 km 14 m

Chambres dʹhôtes 101e Airborne

26 Rue Cent Unième Airborne 28 FR-50500 Carentan-les-Marais

49.304550 / -1.250200

+33 233 710043

Private/B&B PC IV

Rating for cyclists:

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

Lockable room, closed courtyard.

78 km 0,8 km 5 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Chambres Manche

12 Rue Blactot FR-50500 Carentan

49.312086 / -1.249136

+33 233 541826

Private/B&B PC III

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ accessible bicycle parking space, Description of overnight bicycle parking:

99 km 0,2 km 14 m

Camping a la Ferme

La Rougerie Farm 1 Lieu Dit La Rougerie FR-50620 Saint-Fromond

49.229472 / -1.110528

+33 772 139295

Camping PC IV

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ info bicycle repair shops ▪ possibility of drying ▪ lockable room (0 €)

118 km 3,2 km 88 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Clé des Champs

150 chemin des Pénitents FR-50000 Saint-Lô

49.125863 / -1.054741

+33 233 570274

145 km 0,2 km 43 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Le Clos Minotte

Route de Pont-Farcy FR-50420 Tessy-sur-Vire

48.970334 / -1.060622

+33 233 558145

stay for one night ▪ breakfast

184 km 0,7 km 174 m

Hôtel Saint Pierre

20 Avenue Général Leclerc FR-14500 Vire

48.839500 / -0.890150

+33 231 680582

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC IV - V

Book accommodation

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... We have a lockable basement for the security of your bikes."

Photo of the accommodation

209 km 0,3 km 205 m

Chambres dʹhotes Manoir de Clerisson

9 route de Clerisson FR-50150 Sourdeval

48.722364 / -0.929622

+33 233 596457

Private/B&B PC IV - VII

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ accessible bicycle parking space

223 km 0,5 km 216 m

Office de Tourisme Mortain

Rue du Bourglopin FR-50140 Mortain

48.648919 / -0.941994

+33 233 591974

Tourist information

223 km 0,6 km 225 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La tour cachée

12 rue Thannhausen FR-50140 Mortain-Bocage

48.647400 / -0.941500

+33 769 256049

Private/B&B PC V - VI

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ info bicycle repair shops ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... Your bikes will be housed during your stay in a closed garage. For cycle tourists with e-bikes, it is possible for them to recharge the batteries in their rooms."

Photo of the accommodation

238 km 1,0 km 82 m

Office du Tourisme Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët

Place du Bassin FR-50600 Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët

48.577487 / -1.091703

+33 233 793888

239 km 0,7 km 52 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Maison des Isles

Route dʹAvranches FR-50600 Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët

48.579886 / -1.104377

+33 233 897450

Photo of the accommodation

256 km 0,4 km 27 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Rose de Ducey

14 Rue des Chéris FR-50220 Ducey-les-Chéris

48.619600 / -1.290800

+33 771 562668

Private/B&B PC VI - VII

breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... We have the »Accueil Vélo« label, so we have everything you need and are used to providing our guests with our private garage on our property."

Photo of the accommodation

257 km 0,4 km 13 m

Hôtel Auberge de la Sélune

2 Rue Saint-Germain FR-50220 Ducey-les-Chéris

48.619800 / -1.294700

+33 233 485362

Hotel PC VI - IX

"... The room we have for bicycles is a closed garage, located inside our closed car park which itself is closed at night. This room is shared with any other bicycles."

Photo of the accommodation

257 km 0,5 km 7 m

Hôtel Le Moulin de Ducey

1 grande Rue FR-50220 Ducey-les-Chéris

48.619195 / -1.295470

+33 233 602525

Hotel PC V - VIII

"... We have a closed courtyard, but not covered. However, we can also store your bikes in our shed, which is closed and covered."

Photo of the accommodation

264 km 0,2 km 18 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Bruyères du Mont

5 Le Mézeray FR-50220 Céaux

48.639000 / -1.377350

+33 658 847151

Private/B&B PC IV - V

"... We can provide you with our lockable bicycle storage room. Our house is well fenced with a large gate and a high hedge all around. Your bikes will be parked in complete safety."

Photo of the accommodation

269 km 0,7 km 5 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Le Relais de la Hardiesse

54 route du Mont Saint-Michel FR-50220 Courtils

48.630039 / -1.433736

+33 233 605178

Lockable room, shelter.

279 km 0,3 km 11 m

Chambre dʹhôtes LʹAncien Presbytère

Nathalie et Yves Venet-Tranchand 1 route de la Rive FR-50170 Ardevon

48.603241 / -1.475843

+33 781 243578

Private/B&B PC VIII

breakfast ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... We have a closed barn. You can leave your bikes there in complete safety."

Photo of the accommodation

283 km 0,0 km 14 m

Chambres dʹHôtes Les Salles

Joël Lecerf 16 rue de Grandelle FR-50170 Beauvoir

48.595300 / -1.501000

+33 233 488370

Private/B&B PC III - V

"... you can put the bicycles in the veranda which is our room where I serve breakfast."

Photo of the accommodation

285 km 0,2 km 8 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Vieilles Digues

Danielle Tchen 68 route du Mont Saint-Michel FR-50170 Beauvoir

48.604150 / -1.511600

+33 233 585530

Private/B&B PC V - VII

"... yes, we do have a secure place (a closed garage where I also store my own bike) for bicycles."

Photo of the accommodation

286 km 0,5 km 12 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Jacotière

46 route de la côte FR-50170 Ardevon

48.614000 / -1.504300

+33 233 602294

Private/B&B PC VI - VIII

Closed room.

Photo of the accommodation

286 km 0,2 km 10 m

Hôtel Vert

8 Route du Mont St Michel FR-50170 Le Mont-Saint-Michel

48.614800 / -1.509400

+33 233 600933

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC V - VII

stay for one night ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... a room is available to park bicycles."

Photo of the accommodation

288 km 0,1 km 45 m


LʹAbbaye FR-50170 Le Mont-Saint-Michel

48.635840 / -1.511368

+33 233 601430

Abbey/convent/World heritage site

Le mont Saint Michel

With more than 1.335 million visitors in 2010, the abbey is among the most visited cultural sites in France.

Access to the Mont Saint Michel begins at the o Welcome Center. From there, the island can be reached on foot, by shuttle bus or by horse-drawn carriage.

The abbey is open every day except the 1st of january, the 1st of may and the 25th of december. - from 2 may to 31 august: 9 am to 7 pm, last admission at 6 pm. - from 1 september to 30 april: 9.30 am to 6 pm, last admission at 5 pm.

Description of overnight bicycle parking

Indeed, bicycles are authorised on the green path - on the wooden planking west of the walkway (measures ensuing from the municipal decree of the town of Mont-Saint-Michel dated 01/12/2014):

  • from 1 October to 30 April, 24 hours a day.
  • from 1 May to 30 September, before 10am and after 6pm.

Parking your bicycles is strictly prohibited all along the dyke walkway, the esplanade and at the foot of the fortification. Cyclists are thus required to leave their bicycles in the designated areas and to pursue their trip towards the town on foot or using the shuttles . o Bicycle racks are available (48.6129, -1.5045). Due to high security level, the o lockers service (48.6124, -1.5068) is currently (2018) unavailable.

293 km 0,3 km 10 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Epinettes

8 route du Mont-Saint-Michel FR-50170 Beauvoir

48.593900 / -1.511300

+33 233 683065

295 km 2,5 km 14 m

Office de Tourisme de Pontorson

Place de l’Hôtel de Ville FR-50170 Pontorson

48.553795 / -1.509518

+33 233 602065

April, May, June, September: Monday to Friday - From Monday to Friday 9 am - 12:30 and 14h - 17h30 Saturday - Saturday 10am - 12:30 and 14h - 17h30 From October to March: From Monday to Friday 9 am - 12:30 and 13h30 - 17h Saturday 10am - 12:30 and 13h30 - 17h July and August: From Monday to Saturday 9 am - 12:30 and 14h - 18h30 Sunday 10am - 12:00

299 km 0,7 km 7 m

Chambre dʹhôtes Les Hirondelles

5 La Bégossière FR-35610 Roz-sur-Couesnon

48.584132 / -1.574980

+33 299 803247

301 km 0,8 km 35 m

Belvédère de Roz-sur-Couesnon

D289 FR-35610 Roz-sur-Couesnon

48.590364 / -1.590915

Viewing point

Le Mont-Saint-Michel vu du Belvédère de Roz-sur-Couesnon.

Viewing point to see Le Mont-Saint-Michel as a total.

305 km 1,5 km 21 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Fleurettes

1 La Gautrais FR-35610 Saint-Marcan

48.594486 / -1.623279

+33 299 802893

Photo of the accommodation

315 km 0,1 km 10 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Aux Couleurs de la Baie

36 La Larronnière FR-35120 Cherrueix

48.603250 / -1.754900

+33 290 104042

Private/B&B PC IV - VI

breakfast ▪ accessible bicycle parking space, Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... Our house has a garden enclosed by a secure gate, but no lockable room for bicycles. In July and August we rent our rooms from 3 nights and otherwise from 2 nights."

Photo of the accommodation

321 km 0,2 km 5 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Le Bout de la Ville

1 rue du Bout de la Ville FR-35120 Hirel

48.611469 / -1.834837

+33 299 587113

Lockable room.

Photo of the accommodation

322 km 0,0 km 6 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Brandelle

63 Grande Rue FR-35120 Hirel

48.614693 / -1.843550

+33 953 402564

Private/B&B PC III - IV

324 km 0,0 km 10 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Pastourelle

Les Nielles FR-35350 Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes

48.631000 / -1.864000

+33 299 891009

340 km 0,7 km 27 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Le Hindré

Le Hindré FR-35350 Saint-Coulomb

48.673974 / -1.895873

+33 299 890825

348 km 0,8 km 17 m

Manoir de Limoëlou

Rue David Macdonald Stewart FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.673700 / -1.966600

+33 299 409773

Musée Jacques Cartier, Manoir de Limoëlou-Rothéneuf

Manor Limoëlou (XVI century) is located in the district of Rothéneuf, in the municipality of Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine).

It is the only legacy of Jacques Cartier, who discovered Canada in 1534 and opened the way from France to the North American continent by way of the St. Lawrence River.

In 1541, Jacques Cartier bought a farmhouse built the previous century. He transformed it into asmall manor, adding a floor and a tower in front. He also installs a room where he can see the sea. He died in this house in 1557. During the nineteenth century, the manor becomes a farm.

The manor has been redeemed and in 1984, for the 450 years of the discovery of Canada, was transformed into Jacques Cartier museum. Most rooms have regained their old function. Exhibitions and various events are held inside the museum.

  • Every day during the months of July and August
  • From Monday to Saturday, from September to June
  • June 1st to September 30: 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m and from 2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. The ticket office closes at 5.30 p.m.
  • October 1st to May 31 : visits at 10.00 a.m. an 3.00 p.m.

353 km 0,1 km 14 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Lily Cottage

78 boulevard Châteaubriand FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.658123 / -1.995599

+33 299 196674

Closed courtyard.

353 km 1,2 km 16 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Korrigans

37 Rue Pierre Jouan FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.646600 / -1.991900

+33 768 190975

Private/B&B PC V

"... we have a fully enclosed building at the foot of our garden to store bicycles or motorbikes, which can be locked with a key."

354 km 0,1 km 27 m

Hôtel Escale Oceania

76 Chaussée du Sillon FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.654200 / -2.008700

+33 299 403636

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC V - IX

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ lockable room for extra charge (5.00 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... For parking we have places for cars (also for motorcycles or bicycles) at 20€ per place per night. Parking is secure in the basement of our hotel. We also have secure bike storage, the price of which is €5 per bike."

Photo of the accommodation

354 km 0,2 km 19 m

Hôtel ibis Saint Malo Plage

58 Chaussée du Sillon FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.653150 / -2.012200

+33 299 405777

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC VII - X

"... we have a locked room where we can store your bikes safely."

Photo of the accommodation

355 km 0,1 km 20 m

Hôtel De l`Univers

16 Place Châteaubriand FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.651050 / -2.023900

+33 299 408952

"... We confirm that we have secure storage for your bikes."

Photo of the accommodation

355 km 0,2 km 14 m

FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.649245 / -2.025974

Château de Saint-Malo

Saint-Malo ( French pronunciation:  [sɛ̃.ma.lo]; Gallo : Saent-Malô ; Breton: Sant-Maloù ) is a walled port city in Brittany in northwestern France on the English Channel.

Traditionally with an independent streak, Saint-Malo was in the past notorious for piracy. Today it is a major tourist destination, with many ancient, attractive buildings.

St. Malo is the setting of Marie de France's poem "Laustic", an 11th-century love story. Saint-Malo had a tradition of asserting its autonomy in dealings with the French authorities and even with the local Breton authorities. From 1590–1593, Saint-Malo declared itself to be an independent republic, taking the motto "not French, not Breton, but Malouins".

In World War II, during fighting in late August and early September 1944, the historic walled city of Saint-Malo was almost totally destroyed by U.S. shelling and bombing plus British naval gunfire. Saint-Malo was rebuilt over a 12-year period from 1948-1960.

Sites of interest

Now inseparably attached to the mainland, Saint-Malo is the most visited place in Brittany. Sites of interest include:

  • The walled city ( La Ville Intra-Muros )
  • ⊙ The château of Saint-Malo , part of which is now the town museum.
  • The Privateer's House ("La Demeure de Corsaire"), a ship-owner's town house built in 1725, shows objects from the history of privateering, weaponry and ship models.
  • The labyrinthe du Corsaire , (an attraction park in Saint Malo)
  • The Pointe de la Varde , Natural Park.
  • The City of Alet , in front of Saint Malo Intra Muros.

355 km 0,1 km 24 m

Hôtel des Marins

2 rue des Marins FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.648900 / -2.024850

+33 299 407515

stay for one night ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ info bicycle repair shops ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"... We provide you with a secure bicycle room, in which you will find everything you need for the maintenance of your equipment."

Photo of the accommodation

355 km 0,2 km 5 m

Ferry Saint-Malo - Dinard

Quai de Dinan FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.645821 / -2.026817

+33 825 138100

From 4 April to 27 September from 9:30 every 40 minutes a departure to Dinard until 17:50. Additional departures on Saturdays at 9:00, 18:30 and 19:10

From 11 July to 30 August additional departures.

Ticket about 10,40 € per adault and bicycle.

357 km 2,1 km 20 m

Ferry Dinard - Saint-Malo

Promenade du Clair de Lune FR-35800 Dinard

48.633398 / -2.050743

From 4 April to 27 September from 9:50 every 40 minutes a departure to Dinard until 18:10. Additional departures on Saturdays at 9:15, 18:50 and 19:30

358 km 0,2 km 43 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Villa Saint Raphaël

19 rue des Fours à Chaux FR-35400 Saint-Malo

48.629242 / -2.014493

+33 953 034509

"... I have a private garage to store bicycles which is closed."

Photo of the accommodation

362 km 2,3 km 17 m

Château de Montmarin

Le Mont Marin FR-35730 Pleurtuit

48.599700 / -2.027400

+33 299 885879

Grille du château de Montmarin à Pleurtuit

Montmarin Castle was built in 1760 by Aaron Magon. It is located in the municipality of Pleurtuit in Ille-et-Vilaine, near Saint-Malo.

The castle overlooks the estuary of the Rance.

Its French gardens of the eighteenth century and the romantic part, from 1885 (made for the family Bazin de Jessey), down to the estuary by four successive terraces plans.

The castle is the subject of a classification as historical monuments since July 1966 and the castle park is the subject of a classification since May 1995.

Its gardens are classified "Remarkable Garden".

Open daily except Saturday:

From 1 April to 31 May and from 15 September to 31 October: 2pm to 6pm

From 1 June to 14 September: 2pm to 7pm

377 km 1,5 km 60 m

Hôtel Manoir de Rigourdaine

Rigourdaine FR-22490 Plouër-sur-Rance

48.547500 / -1.993400

+33 296 868996

"... We are labeled »Accueil Vélo«, and as such we have a locked room for your bikes and with electrical outlets if you need to recharge."

Photo of the accommodation

395 km 2,3 km 19 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Ker Liviou

42 rue du Moulin FR-22770 Lancieux

48.593768 / -2.149047

+33 670 702941

Photo of the accommodation

399 km 2,5 km 12 m

Office de Tourisme Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer

Rue de la Poste FR-22750 Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer

48.597730 / -2.188775

+33 296 277191

Off season: Monday to Saturday: 9:30am-12pm and 2pm-5:30pm

July and August: Monday to Saturday: 9.30am-12pm and 3pm-6:45pm

408 km 0,0 km 60 m

Office de Tourisme Matignon

Place du Général de Gaulle FR-22550 Matignon

48.596303 / -2.291927

+33 296 411253

From September to June :

Open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 15:00 to 17:30

July and August:

Open daily Sunday from 10:00 to 12:30

418 km 0,3 km 59 m

Hôtel Le Trécelin

16 Rue Du Petit Trécelin FR-22240 Fréhel-Plévenon

48.633450 / -2.325050

+33 296 414682

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC VI - VII

"... We have a lockable wooden chalet where you can store your bikes safely."

Photo of the accommodation

422 km 3,0 km 9 m


La Latte FR-22240 Plévenon

48.667799 / -2.286171


It is a famous tourist attraction on the Cote d'Émeraude in the northeast of Brittany. This impressive castle was built on a small piece of land at the Baie de la Fresnaye in the 13th century. Various films have been shot at this site, including The Vikings (1958) by Richard Fleischer with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis. The main tower was used in a scene in Ridley Scott's documentary film Life in a Day (2011) by filmmaker brothers Calum Rhys and Morgan T. Rhys. It is also featured in the French band Manau videoclip La Tribu de Dana.

The castle has been classified as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture since 1925.

428 km 0,0 km 40 m

Chambres dʹhôtes de la Fontaine de Resnel

5 Rue du Moulin FR-22240 Fréhel

48.648400 / -2.369500

+33 640 877314

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools

Photo of the accommodation

429 km 1,6 km 57 m

Office de Tourisme Fréhel

Place de Chambly FR-22240 Fréhel

48.628079 / -2.364422

+33 296 415723

In season (July/August): Monday – Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00

An information desk is open in Sables d’Or les Pins Monday – Sunday: 10.00 – 12.30 and 14.00 – 18.00

Mid-season (Easter holidays, May, June, September and October): Monday – Saturday: 10.00- 12.30 and 14.00 – 18.00

Off-season (From November to April): Monday – Saturday: 10.00 – 12.30 and 14.00 – 17.00

430 km 0,1 km 44 m

Hotel Le Manoir Saint-Michel

Jerome Fournel 38 rue de la Carquois FR-22240 Fréhel

48.642852 / -2.389792

+33 296 414887

Boardinghouse / guest house PC V - VII

Private garage

431 km 1,9 km 44 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Boucalinière

Catherine et Marc DARIO 18 La Ville Richard FR-22240 Plurien

48.623100 / -2.389400

+33 296 724561

432 km 0,0 km 16 m

Hôtel de Diane

12 allée des Acacias FR-22240 Fréhel-Sables-dʹOr-les-Pins

48.638500 / -2.406000

+33 296 414207

Hotel PC VIII - X

"... Our hotel does have a lockable room to park your bicycles. It is a completely enclosed and covered shed with an access to the road and another to the inside of the hotel. Both are locked and need the key held by our staff to be opened."

Photo of the accommodation

433 km 0,5 km 27 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Sables

16-18 chemin de la Nonne FR-22240 Plurien

48.631293 / -2.405467

+33 296 721112

433 km 0,8 km 51 m

Hôtel Le Bon Cap

10 rue Montangué FR-22240 Plurien

48.626200 / -2.405450

+33 296 524033

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC V

"... We have a carport in our private parking lot under which we store the bicycles but it is also possible to lock them up if necessary."

Photo of the accommodation

437 km 0,4 km 21 m

Hôtel Le Beauséjour

21 rue de la Corniche FR-22430 Erquy

48.628200 / -2.468900

+33 296 723039

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC VII - IX

"... Yes we do have a closed garage for bicycles."

Photo of the accommodation

437 km 0,3 km 42 m

Chambres dʹhôtes An Diskuizh

Jean-François FOËZON 47 Rue Castelnau FR-22430 Erquy

48.626350 / -2.468500

+33 296 724541

Shelter, closed courtyard.

446 km 0,9 km 21 m

Office du Tourisme Pléneuf-Val-André

1 rue Winston Churchill FR-22370 Pléneuf-Val-André

48.590575 / -2.553311

+33 296 722055

October to March : From Monday to Saturday: 9.15 to 12.30 and 14.00 to 17.30

July and August : From Monday to Saturday: 9.15 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 19.00 On Sundays and holiday: 10.00 to 12.30 and 15.00 to 17.00

April, May, June and September : From Monday to Saturday: 9.15 to 12.30 and 14.30 to 18.00. On Sundays and holiday during long week ends: 10.00 to 12.30 and 15.00 to 17.00

447 km 0,2 km 29 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Accueil Sourire

Francis LE PAPE 26 Rue de la Cour FR-22370 Pléneuf-Val-André

48.579800 / -2.551700

+33 296 631474

448 km 0,1 km 11 m

La Maison sur le Port

26 quai des Terre-Neuvas FR-22370 Pléneuf-Val-André

48.578523 / -2.565022

+33 296 621087

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ info bicycle repair shops ▪ lockable room (0 €)

457 km 0,2 km 81 m

Chambre dʹhôtes Le Nid de La Baie

Evelyne JOLY 13 Rue du Prétanné FR-22400 Morieux

48.523900 / -2.606900

+33 953 471048

Lockable room, shelter, closed courtyard.

458 km 1,3 km 76 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Des Grenouilles

Marie Paule Périgois 13 le Logis aux Rurozets FR-22400 Morieux

48.514140 / -2.594394

+33 296 327344

477 km 1,8 km 76 m

Hôtel De Clisson

36-38 rue de Gouët FR-22000 Saint-Brieuc

48.516450 / -2.763700

+33 296 621929

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC V - VI

"... Our establishment benefits from the »Accueil Vélo« label and we confirm that we do have secure storage for bicycles."

Photo of the accommodation

477 km 1,9 km 91 m

Hôtel Champ de Mars

13 rue du général Leclerc FR-22000 Saint-Brieuc

48.512300 / -2.760350

+33 296 336099

"..., we have the possibility of storing two bicycles in the reception which will be closed from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., otherwise we have a closed room near the hotel."

Photo of the accommodation

477 km 1,9 km 75 m

Office de Tourisme Saint-Brieuc

7 rue Saint-Gouéno FR-22000 Saint-Brieuc

48.514225 / -2.762256

+33 296 333250

Monday to Saturday: 9 h 30 - 12 h 30 and 13 h 30 - 18 h Bank holidays: 10h - 13h (except 25 Dec/1 Jan and 1 May) July / August: Monday to Saturday 9 h 30 - 19 h and Sunday 10 h - 13 h

477 km 1,9 km 78 m


FR-22000 Saint-Brieuc

48.515147 / -2.763078

Façade occidentale et flanc sud de la nef de la cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Saint-Brieuc

Saint-Brieuc (bretonisch: Sant-Brieg) ist eine französische Gemeinde in der Bretagne, in Nordwest-Frankreich mit 45.936 Einwohnern (2012). Die Einwohner von Saint-Brieuc werden Briochins (m) bzw. Briochines (w) genannt.

Am Brunnen von Saint-Brieuc soll sich im 5. Jahrhundert, als die Bretagne christianisiert wurde, der Mönch Briocus († um 515; Fest am 1. Mai; in Rennes und Vannes am 11. Mai) niedergelassen haben. Dieser gab der Stadt der Legende nach ihren Namen. Der Brunnen ist seit dem 15. Jahrhundert durch eine Halle geschützt.

Weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt sind Viadukte über die beiden Flusstäler, der Aubé-Hügel und der Turm Saint-Esprit.

478 km 0,1 km 26 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Sous La Tour

51 rue Yves Kerguélen FR-22190 Plérin

48.531036 / -2.728465

+33 296 731855

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ possibility of drying ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

490 km 1,1 km 83 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Le Manoir du Pré Péan

Annie GAUBERT Le Pré Péan FR-22590 Pordic

48.574700 / -2.834000

+33 296 790032

Private/B&B PC II - IV

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ possibility of drying ▪ lockable room (0 €)

503 km 0,1 km 22 m

Hôtel Ker Moor

13 rue du Président Le Sénécal FR-22410 Saint-Quay-Portrieux

48.653300 / -2.827900

+33 296 705222

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC VIII - X

stay for one night ▪ lockable room for extra charge (15.00 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

"..., we have a secure bicycle shelter with video surveillance with secure access via digital code at the rate of €15/night."

Photo of the accommodation

512 km 0,3 km 46 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Gîtes du Goëlo

Lieu dit Rungagal FR-22580 Plouha

48.669356 / -2.909484

+33 296 224020

breakfast ▪ possibility of drying ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

514 km 0,0 km 113 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Maison Ty Jo

Joëlle SOULIER-GRAFF 1 Croas Ar Breton FR-22580 Plouha

48.686870 / -2.905570

+33 296 161883

514 km 0,9 km 93 m

Chambres dʹhôtes McLachlan

7 Rue des Islandais FR-22580 Plouha

48.682767 / -2.919689

+33 296 202308

Private/B&B PC II - III

520 km 0,1 km 78 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les hauts de Lanloup

Yvon LIBOUBAN 3 Kermagadel FR-22580 Lanloup

48.714600 / -2.961100

+33 296 554573

533 km 0,4 km 74 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Clévacances

Pierre et Maryvonne GOASDOUE 20 rue du Moulin à Vent FR-22470 Plouézec

48.754090 / -2.973600

+33 296 227102

534 km 0,1 km 69 m

Chambres dʹhôtes chez Christiane

3 Rue Hent Prat Coutel FR-22470 Plouézec

48.757639 / -2.982000

+33 296 227050

537 km 0,2 km 14 m

Abbaye de Beauport

Chemin de lʹAbbaye FR-22500 Paimpol

48.766977 / -3.019292

+33 296 551858


The Beauport Abbey: view of the buildings from the coastal path, east side.

Die Abtei Beauport wurde im Jahr 1202 mit Unterstützung von Alain I, Graf von Penthièvre († 1212) gegründet. Er stellte Land zwischen der Mündung des Correc und einer Sumpfgegend zur Verfügung, die „Pré aux oies“ (Gänseweide), auf der sich Mönche aus der Prämonstratenserabtei La Lucerne bei Avranches niederließen.

Ausgestattet mit päpstlichen Privilegien begannen sie 1203 mit dem Bau des Klosters. Beauport gedieh vor allem im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert und hatte in der ersten Hälfte der 18. Jahrhunderts eine erneute Blütephase. Dem Abstieg ab 1750 folgte die Schließung im Jahr 1790. 1797 kaufe Louis Morand, Island-Fischer aus Paimpol, einen Teil der Abtei, der Rest wurde Eigentum der Gemeinde Kérity. Die mit der Schließung einsetzende Plünderung der Abtei wurde erst 1862 beendet, als Beauport als Monument historique klassifiziert wurde.

1992 kam Beauport in den Besitz des Conservatoire du littoral. Die nun aufgenommenen Restaurierungsarbeiten machten Beauport zu einem der bedeutendsten touristischen Ziele in der Bretagne.

Von der aus dem 13. Jahrhundert stammenden Kirche stehen noch die Fassade, das Hauptschiff (ohne Dach), das nördliche Seitenschiff und das linke Querschiff. Der lange Kapitelsaal im Osten des Kloster mit seinen polygonalen Apsiden ist ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel anglonormannischer Gotik. Im Nordwesten befindet sich der Zugang zum weiträumigen Refektorium, das sich mit Rundbögen zum Meer hin öffnete. Auf den Vorhof hinaus führte das herzogliche Gebäude, das Gästehaus für die Pilger und der Zugang zum Gewölbekeller unter dem Refektorium. In einem weiteren Gebäuden wurden die Abgaben (auf Salz und Getreide) im Empfang genommen. Der zweischiffige Gästesaal wird heute als Empfangs- und Informationsgebäude genutzt.

539 km 0,0 km 11 m

Chambres dʹHôtes Soizic

Rue de Kernoa FR-22500 Paimpol

48.780580 / -3.036860

+33 624 225565

stay for one night ▪ breakfast ▪ possibility of drying ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

540 km 0,2 km 0 m

FR-22500 Paimpol

48.779287 / -3.046167

Street in Paimpol

Paimpol (Breton: Pempoull ) is a commune in the Côtes-d'Armor department in Brittany in northwestern France. It is a tourist destination, especially during the summer months when people are attracted by its port and beaches.

Blue and white striped-jumpers are immediately visible in the streets and are seen to reflect not only their pride in all things to do with the sea, but also in their région , Brittany.

The town centre leads from the port down to the coast, through cobbled streets filled with restaurants, cafés and bars. The town centre includes the Quartier Latin . It was at La place du Martray that Pierre Loti chose to put the house of Gaud, the heroine of his novel Pêcheur d'Islande . The attractions of the town are also a major theme of Guy Ropartz's opera Le Pays and Théodore Botrel's song La Paimpolaise .

540 km 0,1 km 1 m

Office de Tourisme Paimpol

Place de la République FR-22500 Paimpol

48.778479 / -3.045386

+33 296 208316

1 September to 30 June: Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 2 to 6 pm on Saturdays and bank holidays closing time is at 6.30 pm

1 July to 31 August: Monday to Saturday 9.30 am to 7.30 pm  Sunday 9.30 am to  12.30 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm

541 km 0,5 km 21 m

Chambres dʹhôtes de Kergiquel

48 Chemin de la Croix aux Outils FR-22500 Paimpol

48.777800 / -3.057850

+33 688 644845

Photo of the accommodation

554 km 2,5 km 39 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Manoir de Coat Gueno

1 Le Foreschou FR-22740 Pleudaniel

48.767688 / -3.176496

+33 296 201098

557 km 0,2 km 66 m

Chambres dʹhôtes de Ty Guen

7 Ty Guen FR-22220 Trédarzec

48.793732 / -3.215265

+33 296 380952

Photo of the accommodation

558 km 0,6 km 47 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Kergroas

Pierrette LE RHUN ROUX 1 Rue de Kergroas FR-22220 Trédarzec

48.784600 / -3.204600

+33 950 025199

560 km 0,0 km 32 m


FR-22220 Tréguier

48.787883 / -3.230734

Cloister of cathedral Saint-Tugdual de Tréguier

Tréguier (Breton: Landreger ) is a port town in the Côtes-d'Armor department in Brittany in northwestern France.

réguier ( Trecorum ), which dates from the sixth century, grew up round a monastery founded by Saint Tudwal (died c. 564). In the 9th century it became the seat of a bishopric, suppressed on July 12, 1790 (decree of November 14, 1789). Pop. (2012), 2559.

Near the cathedral there is a statue of Ernest Renan, a native of the town. As he was a prominent skeptic, author of the "pagan" Prayer on the Acropolis , the 1903 unveiling of Renan's statue, which also included a depiction of the goddess Athena, led to widespread protests from the Catholic Church. The town also houses the Renan birthplace museum. A notable war memorial, the Pleureuse de Tréguier , was designed by Francis Renaud. A commemorative memorial to Anatole Le Braz by Armel Beaufils is in the jardin du poète .

The port and harbour are picturesque, containing many pretty waterfront restaurants and crêperies. There are dramatic views of the quayside.

562 km 1,6 km 24 m

Hôtel Kastell Dinecʹh

Le Castel FR-22220 Tréguier

48.777700 / -3.252550

+33 661 429120

Hotel PC V - VII

"..., we have a secure, lockable room in our farmhouse to store your bikes."

Photo of the accommodation

580 km 0,8 km 83 m

Office de Tourisme Louannec

Rond-point de Mabiliès FR-22660 Louannec

48.785384 / -3.396347

+33 296 386634

April, Mai, June and September: Mondays to Fridays from 9.30 am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.30pm in June and September: also open Saturdays

July and August: from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm. Sundays and bank holidays from 10am to 1pm.

592 km 0,9 km 13 m

Chambre dʹhôtes Ti Mina

11 rue des Ajoncs dʹOr FR-22700 Perros-Guirec

48.831652 / -3.480927

+33 296 916631

602 km 1,6 km 91 m

Office du Tourisme de Pleumeur-Bodou

11 Rue des Chardons FR-22560 Pleumeur-Bodou

48.772246 / -3.517996

+33 296 239147

Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 12:30 and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm Sunday 10:00 to 12:30

607 km 0,1 km 17 m

Hôtel Lʹ Écume de Mer

16 corniche Goas Treiz FR-22560 Trébeurden

48.774900 / -3.578400

+33 296 235060

"... We have a ground-level lockable room within the hotel premises."

Photo of the accommodation

619 km 0,1 km 49 m

Chambre dʹhôtes Au Val Fleuri

4 rue Henri Bergson FR-22300 Lannion

48.741213 / -3.473430

+33 296 484355

622 km 0,2 km 9 m

Office de Tourisme de Lannion

2 Quai dʹAiguillon FR-22300 Lannion

48.731825 / -3.462090

+33 296 056070

All year round: Monday to Saturday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 14h to 18h

In July and August: Monday to Saturday from 9am to 18:30 continuously Sunday and public holidays from 10h to 13h

625 km 0,1 km 51 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Lannion

8 Tristan Corbiere FR-22300 Lannion-Ploubezre

48.720219 / -3.449797

+33 296 463193

Private/B&B PC II

breakfast ▪ accessible bicycle parking space

625 km 0,1 km 62 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Côte de Granit Rose

Marie-Laure THOMAS Kerbrézent FR-22300 Ploubezre

48.720100 / -3.449050

647 km 0,5 km 23 m

Chambre dʹhôtes LʹAtelier

Nadine & Philippe Allot 7 Rue de Linguez FR-29241 Locquirec

48.670843 / -3.651059

+33 298 674013

651 km 0,1 km 20 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Keric An Oll

4 Venelle de pouldrein FR-29241 Locquirec

48.692567 / -3.651303

+33 298 793461

653 km 0,5 km 24 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Keraloas

25 Route de Keraloas FR-29241 Locquirec

48.681836 / -3.669974

+33 298 793465

689 km 0,2 km 23 m

Château de Kéranroux

FR-29600 Morlaix

48.598975 / -3.838439

+33 951 772087

Château de Kéranroux à Ploujean

The park is open to the public, the Château itself is private.

694 km 1,6 km 48 m

Manoir de Coat Amour

58 Route de Paris FR-29600 Morlaix

48.576243 / -3.811393

+33 298 885702

694 km 0,6 km 17 m

Hôtel de lʹEurope

1 Rue dʹAiguillon FR-29600 Morlaix

48.577500 / -3.827400

+33 298 621199

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC V - VIII

"... we can bring the bikes into the hotel but we do not have a lockable room."

Photo of the accommodation

694 km 0,7 km 11 m

48.576577 / -3.826286

Eglise Saint-Mathieu à Morlaix

Morlaix ( French pronunciation:  [mɔʁlɛ]; Breton: Montroulez ) is a commune in the Finistère department of Brittany in northwestern France.

The old quarter of the town has winding streets of cobbled stones and overhanging houses constructed of stone and timber. Many have religious and secular sculptures on their façades.

One of these houses is "la Maison dite de la duchesse Anne", or the "so-called Duchess Anne’s house", which is now a museum, open to the public. This sixteenth-century house is said to be one of the oldest in the town. The Museum of the Jacobins in Morlaix, housed in a former convent, traces the history of Finistère. The town also contains the Parc botanique de Suscinio.

Morlaix is a great location for sea sports enthusiastic with a diverse array such as surfing, sand buggying, kite flying etc. One can also find beautiful coastal paths for walks. Morlaix is home to France’s tallest lighthouse, "Phare de L’île Vierge".

694 km 1,1 km 45 m

Chambres dʹhôtes La Maison dʹHenriette

Françoise VIDIE 28 Rue des Brebis FR-29600 Morlaix

48.573150 / -3.824700

+33 616 392636

Photo of the accommodation

694 km 0,4 km 18 m

Office de Tourisme de Morlaix

Parvis Saint-Melaine, Place des Otages FR-29600 Morlaix

48.578636 / -3.828889

+33 298 621494

Open all year round , Monday to Saturday 9am - 12.30pm and 2pm - 6pm (6.30pm in June and September).

In summer : Open all day Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm Sundays and Bank Holidays 10am - 12.30pm.

694 km 0,0 km 11 m

Hôtel du Port

3 Quai du Léon FR-29600 Morlaix

48.582100 / -3.833300

+33 298 880754

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC IV - VII

"... we actually have bicycle storage in our hotel. Open during reception opening hours."

Photo of the accommodation

694 km 0,1 km 19 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Le Logis du Port

Hervé JEANNEROD 10 Voie dʹAccès au Port FR-29600 Morlaix

48.582050 / -3.834700

+33 607 683668

"... The logis du port can park you the bikes inside the house where they also can be recharged."

717 km 0,8 km 28 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Lantrennou

Monique SAILLARD 21 Rue de Lantrennou FR-29250 Saint-Pol-de-Léon

48.673500 / -3.990100

+33 298 291800

Photo of the accommodation

717 km 0,5 km 28 m

Hôtel de la Mairie

28 rue Pen Ar Pont FR-29250 Saint-Pol-de-Léon

48.678600 / -3.988850

+33 298 690052

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC IV - VI

"... We have a place to store bicycles in the hotel."

Photo of the accommodation

718 km 0,2 km 25 m

Hôtel de France

29 Rue des Minimes FR-29250 Saint-Pol-de-Léon

48.683300 / -3.984850

+33 298 291414

"... We have a special room just for bikes. It is located in the building just next to the hotel. It is locked every night. We also have video cameras that film all night."

Photo of the accommodation

718 km 0,1 km 38 m

Hôtel du Cheval Blanc

6 rue au Lin FR-29250 Saint-Pol-de-Léon

48.684200 / -3.988050

+33 298 690100

"... I confirm that we have a secure garage for bicycles."

Photo of the accommodation

718 km 3,4 km 7 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Roses

Marie-Pierre RIVOALLON 183 Route du Dossen FR-29250 Santec

48.690000 / -4.032800

+33 298 297065

breakfast ▪ bicycle repair tools ▪ possibility of drying ▪ lockable room (0 €), Description of overnight bicycle parking:

Photo of the accommodation

718 km 0,0 km 29 m


FR-29250 Saint-Pol-de-Léon

48.685637 / -3.986705

Cathédrale Saint-Paul-Aurélien, Saint-Pol-de-Léon

Saint-Pol-de-Léon (Breton: Kastell-Paol ) is a commune in the Finistère department in Brittany in north-western France, located on the coast.

It is famous for its 13th-century cathedral on the site of the original founded by Saint Paul Aurelian in the 6th century. It has kept a unique architecture, such as Notre-Dame du Kreisker Chapel, an 80 m high chapel, which is the highest in Brittany. It was also the scene of a battle during the Breton War of Succession, where the Montfortists and their English allies defeated an army led by Charles of Blois.

It is the first vegetable producer and farmers market of Brittany (90% of French artichoke production) and exports tens of thousands of vegetables to the whole of Europe every year.

A double stone-alley, quite well preserved, is the last remains of prehistoric population on Saint Pol site. Several vestiges demonstrate a Roman military presence in the 3rd century. Based on ancient writings, Saint Pol would have then been enclosed by extraordinary high motted walls.

As of the 6th century, the monastery site became an episcopate named "Kastell Paol". The city then extended beyond its walls. In the 15th century, Saint Pol de Léon is a famous spiritual and cultural centre. The Pempoul harbour is at its rise. Fortified doors protected the 2000 inhabitants until the 18th century. During the 18th century, the bishops of Léon strongly influenced the architectural style of the city. A new episcopal house was erected in 1706 and extended in 1750. The seminary dates from 1708, the catholic college from 1788.

During the Révolution the city lost the episcopate, a rich chapter, a college, 3 religious communities, a retirement house and 15 religious houses. Then started 100 years of economical decline. "Today Saint Pol de Léon is a dead city" was Flaubert report in 1847.

As of 1883, the railway contributed to the considerable expansion of the agricultural production. In 1890 Saint Pol de Léon became the main commercial centre in France for vegetable exportation. Nowadays, the region is still the strongest concentration for horticultural production and transformation.

  • Kreisker chapel, 14th and 15th centuries, is the highest steeple in all Brittany. Norman and British influences are visible on the architecture of this classified historic monument.
  • Townhall, built in 1706, the new Episcopal palace, these days the town hall, was extended in 1750. In the town hall there is a monumental staircase ornamented with some paintings from the Louvre Museum.
  • The Prebendal house, built for a rich canon whose income, the "Prébendes" came from taxes, this exceptional house of the 16th century is of Breton Renaissance style.
  • Kéroulas manor. This small castle was erected for a noble canon around 1520. Its lay-out and decoration are a perfect example of the architectural style of Renaissance, as in most rural mansions around Saint Pol.
  • The St-Joseph chapel was built in 1846 to serve as a place of worship for the adjoining newly opened retirement home giving lodging to the elderly priests of the diocese. The church tower, 33m high, comes from the former Ursulines convent founded in 1630.
  • The St-Pierre chapel, formerly a parish church, which towers above the cemetery boasts a 15th-century nave. Designed originally in the shape of a Latin cross, its two wings were removed in the 17th century.
  • Megalith of Boutouiller.
  • Kernevez castle and park
  • Kersaliou castle

Office du Tourisme Saint-Pol-de-Léon

Place du lʹEvequé FR-29250 Saint-Pol-de-Léon

48.685721 / -3.986870

+33 298 690569

From September to June: Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 12:00 am and from 14:00 to 17:30 In July and August: Monday to Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 18:30 Sunday 10:00 to 12:30

723 km 0,7 km 8 m

Office de Tourisme Roscoff

Quai dʹAuxerre FR-29680 Roscoff

48.722800 / -3.980900

+33 298 611213

From October till March From Monday to Saturday: 10:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00

From April till June and September From Monday to Saturday: 9:30 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:30

In July and August From Monday to Saturday: 9:30 - 18:30 On Sunday and holydays: 10:00 - 16:00

723 km 1,2 km 4 m

Hôtel Armen Le Triton

1 Rue du Docteur Louis Bagot FR-29680 Roscoff

48.723399 / -3.987801

+33 298 612444

Hotel without restaurant (garni) PC IV - VIII

"... We are certified »Accueil Vélo« and provide our customers with a secure garage to store bicycles."

Photo of the accommodation

723 km 1,1 km 3 m

Hôtel La Résidence

14 rue des Johnnies FR-29680 Roscoff

48.725257 / -3.984563

+33 298 697485

stay for one night ▪ lockable room (0 €)

Photo of the accommodation

723 km 1,3 km 6 m

10 Rue Louis Pasteur FR-29680 Roscoff

48.726327 / -3.985518

Église Notre-Dame de Croaz Batz, Roscoff

Roscoff (Breton: Rosko ) is a commune in the Finistère département of Brittany in northwestern France.

Roscoff is renowned for its picturesque architecture, labeled « Petite cité de caractère de Bretagne (small town of character) » since 2009. Roscoff is also a traditional departure point for Onion Johnnies.

After lobbying by local economic leaders headed by Alexis Gourvennec, the French Government agreed in 1968 to provide a deep water port at Roscoff. Existing ferry operators were reluctant to take on the relatively long Plymouth/Roscoff crossing, so Gourvennec and colleagues founded Brittany Ferries. Since the early 1970s, Roscoff has been developed as a ferry port for the transport of Breton agricultural produce, and for car-based tourism. Brittany Ferries and Irish Ferries link Roscoff with both Ireland and the United Kingdom.

  • Roscoff parish church Our Lady of Croaz Batz ( Notre Dame de Croaz Batz ): Renaissance and Gothic church from the 16th century
  • The house known as "that of Mary, Queen of Scots"

723 km 1,3 km 8 m

Hôtel Bord de Mer

27 Place Lacaze Duthiers FR-29680 Roscoff

48.726650 / -3.985200

+33 298 612495

Hotel PC VII - X

"... We can offer you to store your bikes in an area of the hotel lobby that has restricted access for customers and is only accessible to staff."

Photo of the accommodation

723 km 0,2 km 10 m

Brittany Ferries

120 Rue Alexis Gourvennec FR-29680 Roscoff

48.720542 / -3.971205

+33 298 292813

Ferry from Roscoff to Plymouth

Daytime sailings take about 6 hours. There are up to two sailings per day.

For details see timetable .

912 km 0,1 km 6 m

Brittany Ferries Millbay Road GB-PL1 3EW Plymouth

50.364881 / -4.159028

+44 8705 360360

Ferry from Plymouth to Roscoff

Daytime sailings take 6 hours and an overnight crossing takes 8 hours. There are up to two sailings per day.

For details see timetable

913 km 0,1 km 9 m

The Caraneal

12-14 Pier Street GB-PL1 3BS Plymouth

50.364586 / -4.148844

+44 1752 663589

Photo of the accommodation

1.013 km 0,5 km 63 m

GB-EX4 3DU Exeter

50.722610 / -3.532612

Exeter Cathedral Saint Peter

Exeter is the county town of Devon and historically the administrative capital of the south-west peninsula. A historic mid-sized cathedral city with a good blend of arts, education, retail and history.

In AD 50 a Roman military base was built at a strategic crossing point on the banks of the river Exe, seven years after the main Roman invasion of Britain. The settlement quickly gained in importance as the administrative centre for the Dunmommi tribe once the legionnaires left. Indeed, its Roman name, Isca Dumnomiorum, means "town of the Dumnonii (Devonian) tribe". Parts of the original Roman walls can still be seen today. The city continued to hold regional significance through the turbulent Dark Ages, being twice captured by the invading Vikings. Following the Norman Conquest, the inhabitants rebelled against William the Conqueror, who laid siege and subsequently built Rougemount Castle to ensure future compliance. During the renaissance period it developed into an economically powerful city through the wool industry, and a period of rapid growth commenced. Later, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, industry was driven by water power from the River Exe. It remained a significant seaport (courtesy of its Ship Canal) until the age of steam, but there was no major industrialisation in the later 19th century. The city was badly damaged in an incendiary bombing raid on the High Street and surrounding areas in 1942, and although post-war reconstruction has been limited, a number of interesting buildings remain.

Now Exeter is the commercial and service centre for a largely agricultural hinterland, with a population of around 110,000. Good facilities for tourists exist, but tourism does not dominate; regularly voted among the top 3 cities in the UK for quality of life.

  • City walls - some date to Roman times and there are easily-accessible remnants next to Rougemont Gardens.
  • Historic quayside including the 17th century ⊙ Custom House , recently renovated as a headquarters for the city's archaeological service
  • Medieval churches in the city centre: ⊙ St Martin's, ⊙ St Mary Arches, ⊙ St Mary Steps, ⊙ St Olave's, ⊙ St Petrock's, ⊙ St Stephen's
  • ⊙ Parliament Street . claimed to be the world's narrowest.
  • ⊙ Underground passages , one hour Tours are easily arranged of the city's unique medieval (and now out of use) water system. Not for the claustrophobic! The entrance can be found next to the Princesshay shopping development. It is open all year, £4.90 adults, £3.40 children.
  • University of Exeter parkland campuses and sculpture walk.

1.085 km 3,9 km 5 m

Tourist-Information Lyme Regis

6 Bridge Street GB-DT7 3QA Lyme Regis

50.724979 / -2.932025

+44 1297 442138

  • Local accommodation booking
  • Book-A-Bed-Ahead service
  • Large selection of free information on attractions, where to eat, events, walking, fossil hunting, local transport
  • Selection of gifts, books, maps, postcards, greetings cards and stamps

March 31st - April 20th:

  • Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 17:00

April 21st - October:

  • Sunday 10:00 - 16:00

November - March:

  • Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 15:00

1.312 km 0,4 km 6 m

La Cité de la Mer

1 Allée du Président Menut FR-50100 Cherbourg-Octeville

49.646800 / -1.617400

Vue dʹensemble de La Cité de la Mer à Cherbourg


U-boot le redoutable.

Die Redoutable ist das erste Atom-U-Boot, das in Cherbourg gebaut wurde. Es wurde von Präsident Charles de Gaulle am 29. März 1967 eingeweiht und vom Stapel gelassen. Nach seiner Außerbetriebsetzung 1991 ist es heute das größte Atom-U-Boot der Welt, das sich besuchen lässt.

17 Aquarien (eines davon 10,7 m tief) mit mehr als 1.000 Fischen zeigen, wie sich der Mensch von der Welt der Fische inspirieren ließ, um neue Forschungsgeräte zu entwickeln und weiter in die Tiefe zu tauchen.

Ausrüstungsgegenstände und Geräte

Es existiert eine Ausstellung von internationalen Unterwassergeräten (bzw. deren Modellen), die dem Museum zur Verfügung gestellt worden sind, darunter Alvin , Mir , Nautile und Bathysphäre . Es werden auch die Menschen vorgestellt, die diese Geräte entwickelt oder getestet haben.

Der vom nationalen Marinemuseum zur Verfügung gestellte Bathyskaph Archimède kann ebenfalls besichtigt werden. Er erreichte im Kurilengraben eine Tiefe von 9.545 m.

Des Weiteren sind industrielle U-Boote des COMEX ausgestellt.

Im Jahr 2004 wurde Cherbourg von den Vereinigten Staaten als einziger ausländischer Erinnerungsort an den Sezessionskrieg anerkannt. Im Jahr 1864 wurde ein Seegefecht zwischen der CSS Alabama und der Kearsarge vor Cherbourg ausgetragen. Eine Kanone der Alabama ist im Empfangsraum ausgestellt.

„Wir haben den Ozeanboden betreten“

Sei April 2008 ist es möglich, den Ozeanboden virtuell zu besuchen.

Please use the online information about opening hours .

1.312 km 0,5 km 7 m

Chambres dʹhôtes Les Lilas à Cherbourg

Marie-Pierre & Perrot Allain 163 rue du Val de Saire FR-50100 Cherbourg-Octeville

49.638777 / -1.608219

+33 233 430693

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The Tour de Manche is a European Community supported cycle route that runs through Normandy, Brittany, Dorset and Devon. Its smaller sibling, Le Petit Tour de Manche misses out Devon and much of Brittany, Channel-hopping via Jersey. Having cycled the latter with the family – it was inevitable that one would come across Roy and Jacqui, from Signpost Cycling.

Roy & Jacqui Griffiths have been two of the leading lights in the development of the route on the English side of the Channel. At the recent Fiets en Wandelbeurs (Biking and Hiking Fair) in the Netherlands, the route came second in the Best Cycle Route category. Roy & Jacqui were there to promote it – voluntarily; both being keen promoters of cycle touring.

Roy told me, “I see this as port-to-port cycling. We wanted to produce a guide that would enable people to enjoy the journey along the English section, between Plymouth and Poole, at their own pace and in their own way.” So, the cycle route ‘toolkit’ has been developed and is now available for £19.95. 

Roy pondered long on the format and how to get the blend that would be helpful to all sorts of cyclists. So, what has he come up with? Well, if you are expecting a jersey-pocket-sized book, you’ll be disappointed. Roy describes the guide as a “toolkit” comprising a 16 page A4 printed guide together with a PDF electronic version suitable for smartphones and tablets, two Sustrans cycling maps (South Devon and the Dorset Downs), downloadable GPS files for each of Roy’s suggested stages and for the route as a whole, with directions to town centres. 

The printed guide (A4 size, makes it convenient if you want to carry a paper copy) is divided into nine stages, with a summary of the route, information about signage (though there are Tour de Manche signs, the route follows a number of different sections of the National Cycle Network), accommodation, refreshments, tourist information and so on. As an electronic document it will be easy to up-date and that is really important in these changing times. Usefully, major local events are listed – air shows, festivals, Tavistock Goose Fair and so on, along with tourist attractions.

There’s information on how to get to the start of your journey and how to get back there. Roy told me that this was a topic much discussed by Dutch cyclists at the Fiets en Wandelbeurs show. Roy discussed trains and cars only to find that many wanted to cycle to the start.

As for the paper maps? Well, I have used other maps in this series before and they are more than adequate for cycle touring. Landscape detail is more limited than on an OS 1:50 000 sheet, but lack of contours can be encouraging to some and hills don’t get lower by looking at them on a map. There’s lots of tourist information, cycle routes are clearly marked and they easily fit into a jersey pocket or a waterproof bag for clipping to a route-card holder on the bars. The scale is 1: 110000, so they cover a good area. The normal cost of these at the Sustrans shop is £4.99 each (as of Feb 2015). And, of course, unlike strip maps for routes, you have maps that cover much wider areas.

So, for the rest of your money you get up-to-date, downloadable files for your GPs device. Thus, the electronic enthusiast has the GPS, the paper lovers has their map; the former has their information on their tablet or smartphone and the latter an A4 printed guide; the belt and braces cycle-tourist has both. There’ll be no debate on the relative ways of carrying your maps and vital information here. Suffice it to say, that the aim was to allow an approach flexible enough to allow cyclists to approach their trip in a way convenient to them. It is not easy to see what more can be done to allow that. Whilst an app might aid the electronic enthusiast, the combination of the current materials and the built-in opportunity to keep it all up-to-date, will do just what it was intended to do.

Roy has divided the route into a nine stage option, a six day ride or a more challenging four day option. Those after a huge challenge could aim to do it in a day or a couple of eighty-milers. The fact is, that however you want to do it, this package gives you all you need to do to do it your way.

So, go and enjoy the English section of the Tour de Manche, whether gliding round the junctions and hoping your GPS does not run out of charge or stopping at the crossroads to consult the map without the care of where the next plug is … of course, you could always charge from a hub dynamo or a solar panel …. But that’s another story. In the meantime, Roy & Jacqui seem to have delivered the system they hoped for and it is certain that touring cyclists will appreciate the flexibility.

The pack is available for £19.95 from www.signpostcycling.co.uk/routeguide

More information on the Tour de Manche can be found at


Reviewed by Stephen Dyster

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Cycle through England and France on the Tour to Manche

Written by Fiona

October 21 2016

tour de manche

Two waymarked cycling loops, thePetit Tour de Manche and the Tour de Manche, offer riders the chance to follow a route via England and France.

Petit Tour de Manche

The route is approximately 440km (275 miles) and around half the route is on traffic-free greenways.

You could ride the full route, including ferries, over one week.

The route follows the coastlines of the southern England counties of Devon and Dorset and Brittany and Normandy in northern France.

There are two crossings of the English Channel between Poole-Cherbourg and St Malo-Weymouth. It’s up to you where you start.

The St Malo to Weymouth ferry route also offers the opportunity to cycle on the island of Jersey thanks to a ferry drop off. Alternatively you could travel on a St Malo to Portsmouth ferry .

Highlight attractions include:

In England:

  • 95-mile Jurassic coast of Dorset
  • Stunning Chesil beach in Dorest
  • Picturesque harbour of Poole.

I visited Mont St Michel in France.

  • The UNESCO World Heritage site of Mont St Michel
  • The historic city of St Lô
  • The beautiful small town of Mortain.
  • The coastal town of St Malo
  • The island of Jersey.

Tour de Manche

The route is approximately 1,200km (745 miles) and could be comfortably completed over two weeks.

This route is an extension of the Petit Tour de Manche but takes in more of Devon and Brittany. The English Channel ferry return crossing travels between Roscoff and Plymouth .

(All of the above)

  • Pink Granite Coast around Roscoff
  • Bay of Morlaix
  • Emerald Coast near St Malo

Brittany Ferries offers regular sailings from Poole-Cherbourg, Portsmouth- Cherbourg and Plymouth-Roscoff.

Find out more at Tour de Manche .

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04. May. 2025


We’ve listened to your feedback and we’re preparing for the epic 2024 Tour de Manc. Over 200 Km of Marvellous Mancunia.

With no queuing for registration and a quick scan of your barcode you’ll be at the start in no time with those that want to set off early being able to pretty much arrive and go.

We’ll have the Mad Manc’ers leaving before the Classic riders who will leave before the Manc Challengers and those doing the Northern Quarter.

In the home of the industrial revolution, we’ve created a cycling revolution. We’ve made changes to our longer routes taking them further south and east with less urban roads and more countryside cycling.

The Tour de Manc does things the Mancunian Way (although we won’t be riding on it) and even though the Tour de France finishes in Paris with the Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower and the River Seine we’ve got Piccadilly Gardens, Beetham Tower and the Ship Canal.

THE Mad Manc

  • 11 Boroughs

4th May 2025

7:00 am - 5:45 pm

Bowlee Community Park, Heywood Old Road (A6045), Middleton, Greater Manchester, M24 4SD

THE Classic Manc

The manc challenge.

8:00 am - 5:45 pm

THE Northern Quarter

9:30 am - 5:45 pm


We’ve FOUR great routes to choose from in this year’s edition of the Tour de Manc® sportive programme. A 52Km route, 120Km route, a 175Km route and a massive 205Km route. You’ll need true Northern grit! (especially if it’s raining!)

We don’t think there’s a better sportive for experience, route, friendliness, food and beer! Follow us on Strava, Facebook or Twitter. You can register below by clicking on the "register now" button.

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Everything you need to know about cycling in France your independent guide

Tour de Manche guidebook

Published by Andrew on 25 September 2018

Detailed guidebooks for the Tour de Manche bike route linking the UK to France are available from French publishers  Iterance Velo .

Tour de Manche route

The Tour de Manche bike route links Devon and Dorset in the south west of England to Brittany and Normandy in France and provides cyclists with lots of fun options to explore the varied coastlines of the two countries, using the English Channel  ferry services  to hop between the two.

In addition the Tour de Manche route also links with the European Cyclists Federation's EuroVelo (EV) network of cycleways with the route on the English side linking Plymouth to Roscoff, and continuing down  the Atlantic Coast of France as part of the EuroVelo 1 bike route, La Velodyssey.  Across the top of France, the section of the Tour de Manche from Roscoff to Carentan forms part of the  EuroVelo 4  cycling route that eventually leads to Ukraine.  

If you fancy riding all or part of the route then these guidebooks published by Iterance Velo could be worth the investment. Please note that at the moment all of the text is in French only, but if you are cycling the route the maps will be invaluable, as will be the other guidance, especially if you have a basic understanding French. We will update this blog if an English version is released.

Tour de Manche guidebook volume 2

Again please note that at the moment all of the text is in French only.  

You can buy the books  here  for v olume 1 and  here  for volume 2.

  • More information  on the Tour de Manche route 
  • Download  a GPX file of the Tour de Manche route

Find accommodation on this route

On the blog.

2024 Tour de France program and race guide

2024 Tour de France program and race guide

AVAILABLE TO ORDER NOW! The official Tour de France 2024 race program and guide includes all the route maps for each stage, plus stage start and end times, and team and rider profiles.

Posted: 20 May 2024


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Experience France by Bike

Cycling The Petit Tour De Manche: What I Liked And Didn’t Like

tour de manche

If you’re looking for a cycling route to explore Northern France and southern England, then the Petit Tour de Manche itinerary should be at the top of your list!  In its entirety, this route includes 400km of marked cycling from Dorset England to the famous Brittany town of Saint Malo.  From Saint Malo, the itinerary stops at the beautiful island of Jersey, before finishing up back in Weymouth England, assuming you do the entire itinerary round trip. I combined the French segments of the Petit Tour de Manche with deviations to the Normandy D-Day Beaches at the front end and the Ille et Rance Canal to Rennes on the back end during my trip this summer.   Although I didn’t have the time to cycle the England part of the route, it is definitely at the top of my list of future things to do!

I joined the Petit Tour de Manche north of Carentan after spending some time exploring the D-Day Beaches.  I spent 5 days cycling the itinerary to Saint Malo, a distance just over 300km.  Overall, my impressions of the route were great.  The CYCLE WEST organization that spearheaded development of this itinerary as well as the full Tour de Manche and La Velodyssee has done an incredible job creating cycle routes that are consistently safe and well marked from beginning to end.  Developing and maintaining these itineraries is expensive, time consuming and requires a lot of coordination–17 partners to be exact. CYCLE WEST’s commitment to advancing recreational cycling and promoting cyclotourism in England and France is a benefit to all cyclists.  If you cycle this itinerary, you’ll experience first hand the benefits of a professional approach to cycling itinerary development.  Kudos to CYCLE WEST!

Petit Tour de Manche symbol guides the way

I get a lot of questions regarding what different bicycling itineraries are like, so I thought it might be helpful to list some of my favorites and least favorites of this itinerary.  Hopefully my comments will help you determine if this is an itinerary you’d like to consider further!

What were my favorite things about the Petit Tour de Manche?

There is good signage along the route

There were areas where we had problems, but overall, I would rate the route signage a B+. The Petit Tour de Manche symbol on road signs confirmed that you were following the correct route, always reassuring when you are in the middle of nowhere!

Petit Tour de Manch symbol was the constant to watch for on signs

The local tourism offices are a great resource for touring bicyclists

I was pleasantly surprised to find the local tourism offices a good resource for questions on bicycle routes and deviations in the region.  This isn’t always the case, so kudos to Manche Tourism !  My favorite Manche Tourism resource is “Cycling in La Manche”, a terrific booklet with maps of all the local bicycle routes as well as the grand itineraries.  You can request this booklet in advance of a trip by e-mailing Manche Tourism or you can pick it up at a local tourism office once you get there.

A favorite resource for bicycling in Normandy

More than 75% of the route is totally car free, making the route very safe

This makes this itinerary perfect for recreational cyclists and families.  Interestingly, even though we bicycled this itinerary in the busy month of August we didn’t see many of either.

Typical pathway on the Petit Tour de Manche

The Contenin Peninsula and Contenin National Park are paradise for exploring by bike

The towns and villages in this area are charming, the food is simple but always good, and the region is steeped with history.

Quiet country roads are perfect for exploring by bike

The heart of the region is the lovely town of Carentan, where some of the fiercest fighting during the Normandy invasion occurred.  This area is so lovely to explore by bike and filled with small charming B&B’s that you’re tempted to just stay here and explore.  And if that’s not enough, the cheese, ciders, butter, seafood and Calvados brandy and other specialties will seduce you into spending more time here!

D-Day Battle here was critical to the liberation of Carentan

This itinerary is rich in WW II history and there is no more intimate way to experience it than by bike

With every pedal stroke you become more aware of the incredible sacrifices made by residents who lost everything and the soldiers who fought to liberate this area. Visiting this area during the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion was a very special and moving experience.

Memorials celebrate the sacrifices made during the invasion

Bicycling from Ducey to Pontorson

It was during this stage that I saw Mont-Saint-Michel for the first time.

My first sighting of Mont-Saint-Michel from about 28 km away

The car-free walking and bicycling path from Pontorson to Mont-Saint-Michel

Bicyclists have the opportunity to “savor” the Mont for 10km before actually visiting it.  I can’t imagine arriving at the abbey any other way….and you don’t have to pay for parking!

The view along the Pontorson greenway

The magnificent abbey at Mont-Saint-Michel and Project Mont-Saint-Michel 

The Benedictine Abbey known as Mont-Saint-Michel was built between the 11th and 16th centuries.  In 1874, it was declared a historic monument by the French and in 1979, it was added to Unesco’s list of World Heritage Sites.  This 1,300 year old abbey is the most visited tourist site in France outside of Paris, with as many as 9,000 visitors a day in the summer!  Needless to say, a visit to Mont-Saint-Michel is a once in a lifetime opportunity, just try not to go in the middle of the summer tourist season!  For the last eight years, a maritime restoration project has been underway to return the abbey to an island again.  As if seeing and visiting Mont-Saint-Michel was not enough, visitors now have the opportunity to learn about Project Mont-Saint-Michel , and to see the effects of the project first hand.

View from the observation deck over the Cousesnon River dam

The last phase of the restoration project is the demolition of the 100 year old causeway to the Mont.  Work on this had begun prior to my trip and is planned to be completed in 2015. Once this element of the project is complete, Mont-Saint-Michel will be returned to island status during high tides.  Learning about this project was nearly as amazing as a visit to the village and abbey.

The town of Pontorson

Choosing a place to stay near Mont-Saint-Michel can be very challenging, particularly if you are traveling by bike.  I chose the town of Pontorson and I couldn’t have made a better choice.  This charming town is a place I would choose to stay with or without a visit to Mont-Saint-Michel.  Having the greenway to bicycle to the Abbey is just a bonus.  Pontorson is the quintessential French town and you would never know you are just a 30 minute bike ride fr0m one of the busiest tourist attractions in France.  There are great places to stay (I stayed at Villa Mons , one of my favorites of the year), and great places to eat.  There is a large market on Thursday, great for picking up supplies for a picnic at Mont-Saint-Michel!

Pontorson market

The ride along the Brittany Coast from Mont-Saint-Michel to St-Benoit-des-Ondes

This day was perfection.  A view of Mont-Saint-Michel behind us and the salt marshes and then the ocean and oyster and mussel beds next to us.  Bright sun shining.  Days on a bike don’t get much better than this!  I celebrated by having a cornetto with my cappuccino!

My favorite treat for a perfect day!

Where to begin with Cancale?  Definitely my favorite town of the entire trip!  The town is blessed with a 15 meter tide that makes it perfect for cultivating almost all kinds of shellfish, earning it the nickname of Crustacean Capital of Brittany.  There are over 25,000 tons of oysters sold every year from here, many to the 90+ restaurants in the area.  It is magical to see the town at low tide, when the oyster beds are being worked, and even more magical after 7:00 when most of the day tourists have gone for the day!  This is a place I could easily spend 3-4 days eating oysters along the seawall and bicycling the quiet country lanes along Mont-Saint-Michel Bay.

The charming port of Cancale

What were my least favorite things about the Petit Tour de Manche?

Finding a place to stay on or near the route can be difficult, especially in the summer

A great deal of this itinerary is quite rural with most accommodations being small B&B’s or local inns.  Outside of the more touristy areas of Cherbourg, Pontorson/Mont-Saint-Michel and St-Malo, accommodations can be quite limited, particularly during the summer.  I bicycled this route in August, at which time a number of Logis along the route were closed. Most of the B&B’s along the route have only 2 or 3 rooms, so even if there are 10 B&B’s in a town, that only accommodates 25-30 people, not much for an area that is so popular. Bottom line,  it’s important to book your lodging along this itinerary early.

Signage in and out of main towns and/or around main towns is often inadequate

This is probably the #1 complaint that I receive about all bike routes in France: once you get off the main itinerary, it can be a challenge to find your way into the city center, and then difficult to find your way back to the bicycling route.  Obviously all of this is easy when you know where you are going, obviously this isn’t the case when you are traveling by bike, and lack of signage when you are dealing with city center traffic can be very frustrating.  I found the signage out of Carentan confusing, the signage in and out of St-Lo confusing, and a critical sign from Campeaux to Vire missing.  This resulted in us missing a critical turn, taking a long dissent by mistake, and then spending more than 2 hours on hilly roads trying to find our way back to the route.

There isn’t a lot to see/do through the Vire River Valley

If you are used to bicycling in Burgundy or places like the Loire or the canals of France, you’re accustomed to having a lot to see and do along the itinerary and many places to stop for a second cup of coffee in the morning.  While there’s no question that there are terrific attractions at each end of the French Petit Tour de Manche, there isn’t a lot to see in the middle.  You do need to stock up on water and snacks each morning before you set out for the day, because there are segments of the route where you won’t find places to buy water.

Lots and lots of cows

If you love bicycling in wide open spaces with lots of cows and fields, you’ll love this, but if you like to stop several times during the day for coffee and/or lunch, you might not.  After the incredible time we had bicycling around the D-Day Beaches, the itinerary from Carentan south to Mortain was a bit of a letdown, perhaps comparable to biking through endless miles of pine forests on La Velodyssee.

Typical view along the Vire River

Bike rental can be difficult

Cyclists coming from England will most probably travel with their own bikes, but if you are traveling from another continent, you may not.  Bike shops that have rentals suitable to this itinerary, and that rent for a week or longer are sparse.  Unlike the Loire and perhaps La Velodyssee, there is not great train service along the route, so picking up a bike and taking the train one way or the other is not an option.

I have found that one of the best, most reliable rental agencies that covers towns on or near the Petit Tour de Manche is LocVelo , located in Bayeux.  This bike shop offers rentals from 11 locations including Bayeux, Caen and St-Lo, which is located on the Petit Tour de Manche itinerary.   LocVelo will also deliver 2 or more bikes to locations in the Calvados and Manche Departments.  Using LocVelo , you could for example pick up a bike in St-Lo, join the Petit Tour de Manche and bicycle along the itinerary to St-Malo and then take a train back to St-Lo to return the bikes.  Depending on the time of day you travel, it takes about 2 hours by train from St-Malo to St-Lo with one transfer in Dol-de-Bretagne.  If you are interested in getting more information on whether this option would work for you, contact Francois Briane, owner at [email protected].

Overall Rating of The Petit Tour de Manche :  A-

I loved this itinerary.  Yes, there were a number of things that I didn’t especially care for, but that happens with every route.  Normandy and Brittany are gorgeous, the food is fantastic, the people are warm and welcoming, the area is full of history, it’s generally easy to find affordable lodging, and the region is very welcoming to bicyclists.  The itinerary is generally well-marked and safe.  You can’t ask for more than this from a bicycling itinerary!

I hope that this information on my favorites and least favorites of the Petit Tour de Manche itinerary have been helpful to you!  Don’t forget to share information on your experiences bicycling this and other itineraries in France with me.  I love to add these comments to the Reader Reports section so that everyone can benefit from these first-hand reports!

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About The Author

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Maggie LaCoste

4 thoughts on “Cycling The Petit Tour De Manche: What I Liked And Didn’t Like”

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bicycling around Utah Beach, bicycling the Contenin Peninsula, bicycling the Petit Tour de Manche, bicycling to Mont Saint Michel, Petit Tour de Manche, Project Mont-Saint-Michel;

This bicycling tour sounds very interesting so I have added it to my list to research for 2015.

Regards, Clark Payne

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Dear Clark,

Thanks for your note and I am happy that my article on the Petit Tour de Manche was of interest to you and that you’ve added it to your list of itineraries to consider for 2015! Have fun planning. Watch for a new 4 part series in January on bike trip planning…I think it should be something fun and helpful to anyone planning a bicycle trip to France, or anywhere else in Europe!

Have a great time planning your 2015 trip!

Maggie LaCoste Experience France By Bike

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Thanks for introducing us to the Tour de Manche. Once I saw the “over 75% car-free” part, I was hooked. I appreciate your sharing both the good & bad news. It helps travelers look forward to the best parts and prepare for the worst. So many bike paths, so little time!!

Happy Holidays Kevin!

Hope all is well in the hiking world these days! I keep thinking that if I keep writing about car-free/mostly car-free bicycling that one of these years, I will entice you to take a bicycling trip to France! So, I am very happy to hear that the Petit Tour de Manche sounded good to you! Just as with hiking trails, nothing is perfect in the world of bicycling itineraries, but this route is definitely one that I would suggest considering. Best wishes for the new year and I hope that you will continue to find more cycling itineraries that you are interested in!

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Voici une sélection de sorties à la journée. Ces propositions d'itinéraires conviennent à tout cycliste expérimenté et en bonne santé.

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Location de vélo, réservation des hébergements, transports des bagages, les agences de voyages spécialisées s'occupent de tout : vous n'avez plus qu'à pédaler !

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German tour operator FTI is filing for insolvency and canceling future trips

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BERLIN (AP) — German tour operator FTI said Monday that it is filing for insolvency protection from creditors, and trips that haven’t yet started will be canceled or scaled back.

FTI Group, which describes itself as Europe’s third-biggest tour operator, said parent company FTI Touristik GmbH, was filing an application for the opening of insolvency proceedings at a Munich court.

Since an announcement in April that a consortium of investors would come on board, “booking figures have fallen well short of expectations despite the positive news,” the company said in a statement.

“In addition, numerous suppliers have insisted on advance payment,” it added. “As a result, there was an increased need for liquidity, which could no longer be bridged until the closing of the investor process,” making the insolvency filing a legal necessity.

The operator said it is working to ensure that trips that have already started can be completed as planned, but “trips that have not yet begun will probably no longer be possible or only partially possible from Tuesday.”

A support website and hotline were set up for customers affected.

The Munich-based FTI Group has over 11,000 employees.

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Tour de France 2024 Rider Power Rankings

Less than a month out from the start of the men’s Tour de France, we ranked the top yellow jersey threats in the peloton.

cycling fra tdf2023 stage15

This is the latest edition of Bicycling’ s Power Rankings for the 2024 Men’s Tour de France, where we rank the top contenders leading up to July’s race. This continuously updated list will give you an in-depth look at the riders that have the best shot to stand atop the podium at the end of the Tour—and how they’re performing in the races leading up to July.

These rankings will be constantly refreshed, so you can see who’s up and who’s down on the road to the 2024 Tour de France.

The 2024 Tour de France was expected to bring together the sport’s four best grand tour riders: Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard (Visma-Lease a Bike), winner of the last two Tours de France; Slovenia’s Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates), winner of the 2020 and 2021 Tours de France and the recent Giro d’Italia; Belgium’s Remco Evenepoel (Soudal-Quick Step), winner of the 2022 Vuelta a España; and Slovenia’s Primož Roglič (BORA-hansgrohe), a 3-time winner of the Vuelta and the champion at last year’s Giro d’Italia.

Each rider was taking a different route to the Tour de France, with each choosing to mix race days with extended periods of time spent at training camps. And while some of their paths crossed at select races throughout the first few months of the season, they weren’t expected to all race together until the Tour. For fans, it was a dream scenario.

But the dream became a nightmare in early-April after a scary, high-speed crash during Stage 4 of Spain’s Tour of the Basque Country took down several riders, including Vingegaard, Roglič, and Evenepoel. Two of them–Vingegaard and Evenepoel–suffered serious injuries, and all of them had their Tour preparations interrupted.

That was almost eight weeks ago, and they’re all back on their bikes and training again. But with the Tour de France beginning in Florence, Italy just four weeks from Saturday, one big question still remains: Will Vingegaard–who suffered the worst injuries of the three–be on the starting line, and if he is will he have the form he needs to defend his title? This storyline is the one we’ll be watching the most in the month leading up to the start of the Tour, but it’s not the only one.

We’re also excited to see if Pogačar can become the first rider since 1998 to win the Giro d’Italia and the Tour de France in the same season (spoiler alert: we think he can). And last but definitely not least, we’re eager to learn which other contenders–if any–will be ready to challenge him.

So with four weeks left before the Tour’s “Grand Depart,” here’s our latest–and perhaps most optimistic–Tour de France contender Power Ranking.

rider headshot

Tadej Pogačar

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Previous Ranking : 1

Race Days : 31

Race Wins : 14

Best Result : 1st-place, General Classification - Giro d’Italia

Next Race: Tour de France, June 29-July 21

With about four weeks until the start of the Tour de France, there are still no questions about who the Tour’s top contender is. Pogačar just wrapped-up a three-week training camp in Italy. You may have heard it–it’s called the Giro d’Italia.

We’re kidding, right? Well, not really. Pog absolutely dominated the Italian grand tour, winning the maglia rosa by almost ten minutes over the next-closest rider on the Giro’s General Classification. Along the way he won six stages–finished second or third on three more–and won the Giro’s King of the Mountains prize. But more importantly, he finished the race healthy and reasonably fresh for a rider who just won a three-week grand tour. 

He only crashed once–near the end of Stage 2 when he flatted and his front wheel slipped out from him. It was a minor fall, and Pogačar quickly quickly got back on his bike and promptly won the stage. Otherwise, he escaped the race injury-free.

He also stayed healthy, which–considering the terrible weather that the race encountered at the beginning of the third week–was another blessing for the Slovenian. Staying safe and healthy during a three-week is often a greater challenge than overcoming the competition, and Pog came through that battle unscathed. 

And speaking of the competition, between a relatively gentle course and a rather weak (sorry, guys) start list, Pogačar was never really pushed to defend his lead. With the exception of the Giro’s two individual time trials, he basically won the race with a series of quick, uphill accelerations that no one else could follow. Then he simply rode a steady tempo to the finish line, extending his advantage as he pedaled. 

Pogačar’s near-perfect Giro–plus the fact that he raced minimally in the months before it–means that he probably ended the Giro stronger than he was when he started it. That’s bad news for the men he’ll be racing against at the Tour de France. 

With the Giro behind him, Pogačar will rest for a week and then head to a ski station in the French Alps for nineteen days of altitude training. He won’t race before the Tour de France, but with a grand tour in his legs, he doesn’t need to. 

At this rate, we’ll be eating some humble pie in late-July. At the beginning of the season, we didn’t have much faith in his chances of winning the Giro and the Tour in the same season. But given the way things are shaping up, now we’ll be more surprised if he doesn’t. 

rider headshot

Primož Roglič

Read the complete analysis.

Previous Ranking : 2

Race Days : 11

Race Wins : 1

Best Result : 1st-place, Stage 1 - Tour of the Basque Country

Next Race : Critérium du Dauphiné, June 2-10

Roglič also went down in the crash that took out Vingegaard and Evenepoel, and like the other two, he abandoned the race immediately. But after a series of medical examinations, BORA-hansgrohe reported that the 34-year-old suffered no major injuries. Compared to the others, the Slovenian dodged bullet.

He was initially expected to take part in Flèche Wallonne and Liège-Bastogne-Liège last week, but the team changed plans to give him extra time to heal. That was a good call, as the weather in the Belgian Ardennes was atrocious that week, and the risk of getting sick or worse–another crash–just wasn’t worth it. In fact, he probably made more gains by training than he would have by racing. 

The Slovenian spent the past five weeks training–which was always the plan–and now he’s heading to the Critérium du Dauphiné–which starts this Sunday–for his last big test before the Tour de France.

The Dauphiné is essentially an 8-day mini-Tour de France with several stages that mimic key stages from the upcoming Tour. It’s also early enough in the month that riders have time for one more small block of training before the start of the Tour. That makes it a popular dress rehearsal for Tour contenders, and Roglič will be going head-to-head with several of his rivals. And it’s a race he knows well: he won it in 2022. 

That’s why anything worse than a top-5 finish would be bad news for the Slovenian. He doesn’t need to win it; after all, the Dauphiné ends four weeks before the start of the Tour, and he needs to be at his best in July not June. 

But a poor performance against many of the men he’ll be racing against at the Tour will raise some eyebrows, putting even more pressure on a 34-year-old rider who might be staring down his last reasonable chance to win the Tour de France. 

rider headshot

Remco Evenepoel

Previous Ranking : 3

Race Days : 17

Race Wins : 4

Best Result : 2nd place, General Classification - Paris-Nice

Another victim of the crash at the Tour of the Basque Country, Evenepoel broke his right clavicle and scapula in Spain and had surgery a few days later in Belgium to address the broken collarbone. The injury meant the Belgian missed a chance to become only the fourth rider to win Liège-Bastogne-Liège three years in a row. 

But his injuries have healed and he’s been on his bike for several weeks. He even attended a recent training camp with his team in Sierra Nevada. So he’s back on schedule in terms of his training for this summer’s Tour de France. 

This sets Evenepoel up for an important showdown with Roglič–and others–at the Critérium du Dauphiné–the Belgian’s last race before the Tour de France–and the pressure he’ll face there will be intense. 

The winner of the 2022 Vuelta a España, Evenepoel is Belgium’s best chance to win a Tour in several decades (a Belgian hasn’t won the Tour since 1976), so he already carries the weight of a nation of passionate cycling fans on his shoulders.

So there’s really no way for the 24-year-old to come out of the Dauphiné without facing even more pressure: if races well–let’s say, finishes on the podium–everyone will start talking about him as if he’s bound to win the Tour. But a bad Dauphiné will fire up the naysayers, putting the wrong kind of pressure on a rider who sometimes struggles to handle adversity. It’s an unenviable position, but that’s life as when you’re Belgium’s first grand tour winner since 1978. 

Egan Bernal and Carlos Rodriguez

Previous Rankings : 4 (Bernal) and 5 (Rodríguez)

Race Days : 28 (Bernal) and 24 (Rodríguez)

Race Wins : 0 (Bernal) and 2 (Rodríguez)

Best Result : 3rd place, General Classficiation - Volta Ciclista a Catalunya (Bernal) and 1st-place, General Classification - Tour de Romandie (Rodríguez)

Next Race : Tour de France, June 29-July 21 (Bernal) and Critérium du Dauphiné, June 2-10 (Rodríguez) 

We’re hedging our bets with this one because–at the moment–we can’t find a reason to put one ahead of the other. But that could change after the Critérium du Dauphiné, which Rodríguez will be starting this weekend.

The Spaniard flew a bit under the radar at last year’s Dauphiné, but in hindsight he shouldn’t have: he finished ninth overall against some tough competition and won the white jersey as the race’s Best Young Rider. The then-22-year-old went on to finish fifth overall and win a stage at the Tour de France. Perhaps we should have seen it coming.

But Rodríguez won’t sneak up on anyone this year, and his performance will indicate if he’s ready to become a true Tour de France podium contender. If he is, he’ll likely bump Bernal–who last raced in late-April and is currently training in Colombia–down a notch in the team’s leadership hierarchy. And that might not be a bad thing: we like the chances of “Bernal the Dark Horse” better than those of “Bernal the Pre-Tour Podium Contender.” 

jonas vingegaard, 6

Jonas Vingegaard

Previous Ranking : Under Consideration

Race Days : 14

Race Wins : 7

Best Result : 1st-place, General Classification - Tirreno-Adriatico

Next Race : TBD

Given some recent news, we’re optimistically moving the Tour’s two-time defending champion back into our top-5—well, 6 if you consider the INEOS tandem above. 

One of the worst victims of the crash at the Tour of the Basque Country, Vingegaard lay motionless along the side of the road for a few minutes before finally being placed in an ambulance and taken to a local hospital, where tests revealed a broken collarbone and a few cracked ribs. Later the team shared that Vingegaard also suffered a pulmonary contusion and a collapsed lung. He stayed in the hospital for 12 days. 

At first, Visma-Lease a Bike wouldn’t discuss the Dane’s chances of racing the Tour de France. But now they are–albeit in uncertain terms–because Vingegaard is back on his bike and training. He was first spotted on a bike path in Denmark, and this week, he arrived in Tignes, France for altitude training camp.

At the Giro d’Italia last week, his team manager Richard Plugge confirmed that Vingegaard has indeed resumed training but would only head to the Tour if he is 100 percent ready to defend his title. And he didn’t sound as if the possibility of the Dane being ready in time was as far-fetched as it seemed a month ago.  

He won’t ride the Dauphiné, but his teammates racing it will meet him in Tignes afterwards. Things are clearly going better than they were in April for Vingegaard, and we think there’s about a 50% chance that he starts the Tour de France. 

Vingegaard started the season in dominating fashion. In fact, he was so strong that some wondered how he could possibly maintain such a high level of fitness all the way through the Tour. Assuming he’s able to get anywhere close to the form he had before the crash–and he starts the Tour–he’s good enough to break back into our Power Ranking. It’s an optimistic take, but we’re going with it–for now.

Under Consideration

If Vingegaard is ultimately unable to start the Tour de France, American Sepp Kuss (Visma Lease a Bike) –the winner of last year’s Vuelta a España–will likely lead the team instead. Kuss hasn’t raced since the Tour of the Basque Country, but he’s starting the Critérium du Dauphiné this Sunday. With three summit finishes to close out the race, it’s the perfect chance for Kuss to assert himself as a Tour de France contender.

103rd volta ciclista a catalunya 2024 stage 3

Spain’s Juan Ayuso (UAE Team Emirates) is also riding the Dauphiné and likely racing to win it. The 21-year-old finished third at the 2022 Vuelta a España and is set to start his first Tour de France this summer. He’ll be riding in support of Pogačar, but the Spaniard could be a contender himself–both as a domestique (UAE put two riders on the podium last year) and as a back-up plan (should something happen to Pog).

Ecuador’s Richard Carapaz (EF Education-EasyPost) has been training since his last race, April’s Liège-Bastogne-Liège. The 31-year-old is racing the Tour de Suisse–which takes place one week after the Dauphiné–as his final race before the Tour. And he’ll be racing with a chip on his shoulder: the reigning Olympic champion was not selected to represent his country at the games this summer. Jhonatan Narváez (INEOS Grenadiers)–who won Stage 1 at the Giro d’Italia–was chosen instead.

Since getting hooked on pro cycling while watching Lance Armstrong win the 1993 U.S. Pro Championship in Philadelphia, longtime Bicycling contributor Whit Yost has raced on Belgian cobbles, helped build a European pro team, and piloted that team from Malaysia to Mont Ventoux as an assistant director sportif. These days, he lives with his wife and son in Pennsylvania, spending his days serving as an assistant middle school principal and his nights playing Dungeons & Dragons.

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Manche: un motard grièvement blessé dans un accident face à un tracteur à Bacilly

Les numéros d'appel des urgences et des pompiers (image d'illustration).

Les numéros d'appel des urgences et des pompiers (image d'illustration). - FRED TANNEAU / AFP

Un motard a été grièvement blessé ce mardi 4 juin vers 18h30 après un accident sur la commune de Bacilly, a appris BFM Normandie auprès des pompiers de la Manche.

Le motard, âgé de 41 ans, a percuté un tracteur sur la RD41.

Grièvement blessé, il a été héliporté vers le CHU de Caen.

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Au Tour des Jeux : la flamme olympique brille dans la Manche


Au Tour des Jeux , c’est votre accès direct aux meilleurs moments du relais de la flamme olympique à travers toute la France ! Après un premier épisode énergique dans le sud-est , le 31 mai, c’est dans un lieu ô combien historique et emblématique que le deuxième opus d’Au Tour des Jeux a été réalisé. Retour sur cette journée mémorable dans le département de la Manche et son fameux Mont-Saint-Michel !

Vous commencez à vous familiariser avec le concept ! Au Tour des Jeux est la série qui vous fait vivre le relais de la flamme olympique de l’intérieur . Ksouchh et son équipe sont là pour vous faire ressentir les émotions de ce véritable road tour comme si vous y étiez. Embarquez avec eux sur cette étape 21 spectaculaire que les Manchois et Manchoises ne sont pas prêts d’oublier ! En partant de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin et en finissant au Mont-Saint-Michel (tout en passant par Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue,Saint-Lô, Sainte-Mère-Église, Granville et Villedieu), la flamme olympique a traversé pas moins de sept localités. Dans chacune d'elles, la foule était au rendez-vous pour cette journée historique qui a concerné près de 130 relayeurs .

Découvrez en vidéo ce deuxième épisode d'Au Tour des Jeux en compagnie de Ksouchh !

Une équipe de relayeurs exceptionnelle

Parmi les relayeurs, on pouvait noter la présence de plusieurs personnalités comme l'astronaute Thomas Pesquet , le cycliste Guillaume Martin , Romain Desguée , membre du Club Paris 2024 et, pour finir, Roger Lebranchu qui, à bientôt 102 ans, est le doyen des 10 000 porteurs de la flamme. Cet habitant d’Agon-Coutainville dans la Manche a eu le privilège de boucler le périple de la flamme dans son département en allumant le chaudron olympique au pied du Mont-Saint-Michel. Un moment magique pour lui qui fut résistant pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale avant d’être déporté en Allemagne dans le camp de Buchenwald. Mais Roger reste avant tout un athlète olympique puisqu’il a participé aux Jeux Olympiques de 1948 à Londres en aviron ! Porter la flamme était donc un sacré clin d'œil de l’histoire pour ce centenaire à la forme olympique.

Thomas Pasquet au rendez-vous

Originaire de Normandie, Thomas Pesquet ne pouvait pas manquer cet événement historique ! L’astronaute a en effet eu l’honneur de porter la flamme dans l’enceinte du Mont-Saint-Michel.

Toujours une fête

Partout où passe la flamme olympique, c’est une programmation riche, festive et accessible à tous qui est organisée en relation avec les collectivités. Sport, musique, spectacles, la Manche a mis les petits plats dans les grands en accueillant cette 21e étape avec son Village de la flamme établi du côté de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, ses stands des Parrains du Relais de la Flamme (Coca-Cola, Banque Populaire, Caisse d’Epargne), des animations proposées par vingt-cinq clubs sportifs locaux et des prestations culturelles assurées par de jeunes normands (spectacle de danse de l'école de Précey, l’orchestre de l'école Louis Pergaud de Pontorson, la compagnie Hors Surface).

Sur ce, on vous dit à bientôt pour un troisième épisode d'Au Tour des Jeux entre les Sable d'Olonne et le Puy du Fou !

Sélection de zones de largage et de points d'intérêt prédéfinis

Changement de format des algs. voici les infos sur la nouvelle sélection de zones de largage et de points d'intérêt prédéfinis .

Pour les allergiques à la lecture, voici une courte vidéo qui explique comment la sélection des points d'intérêt fonctionnera lors de la saison régulière de la Division 2 des ligues Pro.

Alors que débute la Division 2 de la Ligue Pro des Global Series d'Apex Legends™ (ALGS), nous sommes heureux de vous présenter un nouveau changement apporté au jeu compétitif avec l'ajout d'un système de sélection des points d'intérêt. Ce changement de format vise à égaliser les chances des Légendes tout en mettant les équipes au défi de s'adapter à différents points d'intérêt avec des styles de jeu variables. Vous avez peut-être déjà vu des discussions à ce sujet sur les réseaux sociaux, mais voici un bref aperçu de la sélection des points d'intérêt et de son impact sur la compétition. Pour en savoir plus, consultez l'annexe F du Règlement officiel mis à jour .

Avant chaque jour de match, les équipes sélectionneront à tour de rôle leurs zones de largage à partir d'une liste de points prédéterminés sur la Zone d'orage et à Bord du Monde. 

L'ordre de sélection dépend de l'événement. La sélection des points d'intérêt de la Division 2 de Ligue Pro se fera à tour de rôle avec des répartitions aléatoires. Pour les finales régionales de la Ligue Pro, les play-offs de la division 2 et le Championnat ALGS, la sélection sera pondérée selon les performances.

Chaque sélection de point d'intérêt suivra sensiblement le processus décrit ci-dessous :

  • Un représentant de chaque équipe se réunira avec ses homologues sur le discord de la Ligue Pro ALGS avant chaque sélection.
  • Pour la Division 2 de la Ligue Pro, la finale régionale ainsi que les phases de groupes des play-offs et du Championnat de Division 2, chaque équipe disposera de quatre-vingt-dix (90) secondes pour faire son choix. Pour la phase d'élimination et la finale des play-offs de la Division 1, ainsi que pour la phase d'élimination et la finale du Championnat ALGS, chaque équipe disposera de trente (30) secondes.
  • Lors de la première sélection, les équipes pourront choisir une zone de largage à Bord du Monde ou sur la Zone d'orage. À la fin de la sélection, chaque équipe devra avoir choisi une zone de largage sur chaque carte.
  • Une fois un point choisi, il n'est plus disponible pour les autres.


Voici plus d’informations sur les modalités de répartition des équipes pour chaque tournoi :

Division 2 de la saison régulière de la Ligue Pro :

La répartition sera effectuée aléatoirement dans chaque groupe de la saison régulière.

Saison régulière de Ligue Pro, finales régionales :

Les équipes seront réparties en fonction de leur classement à l'issue de la 9e journée de saison régulière en Ligue Pro.

Play-offs de la Division 2 :

  • La répartition régionale sera basée sur les performances de chaque région et le classement final des équipes lors des play-offs de la Division 1. Par exemple, étant donné que Reject Winnity a gagné, la première répartition pour la phase de groupes des play-offs de la Division 2 sera attribuée à sa région (APAC Nord), et ainsi de suite.
  • Chaque équipe dans la phase de groupes des play-offs de la Division 2 sera classée au sein de la répartition de sa région.
  • Les équipes seront réparties en fonction de leur score total dans chaque partie de la phase de groupes.
  • Les équipes seront réparties en fonction de leur score total dans chaque partie après ajout de leur score total en phase de groupes à leur score total au tour des vainqueurs ou de la manche d'élimination 1. Les équipes du tour des vainqueurs seront réparties de un (1) à dix (10), celles de la manche d'élimination 1 de onze (11) à vingt (20).
  • De même, les équipes seront réparties en fonction de leur score total dans chaque partie après ajout de leur score total en phase de groupes à leur score total au tour des vainqueurs ou de la manche d'élimination 2. Les équipes du tour des vainqueurs seront réparties de un (1) à dix (10), celles de la manche d'élimination 2 de onze (11) à vingt (20).

Voilà qui conclut cet aperçu rapide de la sélection des points d'intérêt. Pour accéder à des informations complémentaires, jetez un coup d'œil à l'annexeF du   Règlement officiel . Nous avons hâte de voir le résultat lors de la prochaine Division 2 de la Ligue Pro, qui débutera le 1er juin dans les quatre régions. Pensez à nous suivre sur les chaînes e-Sport Twitch et YouTube officielles d'Apex Legends. À très vite !

Jouez gratuitement à Apex Legends * sur PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch et PC via EA app et Steam.

Suivez les Global Series d'Apex Legends sur   X   (anciennement Twitter), abonnez-vous à notre   chaîne YouTube ou rendez-vous sur nos   forums .

Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter pour recevoir par e-mail les dernières actualités, mises à jour, présentations des coulisses, offres et plus encore relatives à Apex Legends (ainsi que d'autres actualités, produits, événements et promotions EA).

* Un compte et un abonnement sur la plateforme applicable (vendus séparément) peuvent être requis. Une connexion Internet permanente et un Compte EA sont requis. Des restrictions d'âge s'appliquent. Inclut des achats en jeu.

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Sturgill Simpson Announces New Album, Tour; Says He Will Only Record Under the Name ‘Johnny Blue Skies’ From Now On

By Chris Willman

Chris Willman

Senior Music Writer and Chief Music Critic

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Sturgill Simpson

Singer-songwriter Sturgill Simpson has always done things his way, and his iconoclasm will be in full force in July when he releases an album under the nom de plume “Johnny Blue Skies” — which he’s indicating will be the name that all his future albums will come out under.

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A press release notes that “after promising to release only five studio albums under his own name,” Simpson is marking “the beginning of a new era” with the name change to Johnny Blue Skies. He did not release any statements about why he’s making the switch. But in a 2021 interview with Rolling Stone, Simpson did indeed vow that the album he was putting out at the time, “The Ballad of Dood and Juanita,” would be his last as Sturgill Simpson. “I always said there would be five, and I wondered if I’d go back on that. But it really has cemented every step of the way how much I don’t want to carry all that weight,” he told the magazine at the time. “Not having to stand up there behind my name would allow me to be even more vulnerable, in a way.”

The track list for the new album encompasses the songs “Swamp of Sadness,” “If The Sun Never Rises Again,” “Scooter Blues,” “Jupiter’s Faerie,” “Who I Am,” “Right Kind of Dream,” “Mint Tea” and “One for the Road.” It was produced by the artist now known as Johnny Blue Skies along with David Ferguson, with sessions taking place at Clement House Recording Studio in Nashville and Abbey Road in London.

Fans will need to pre-register for the tour to queue up for tickets. Registration is open now through June 10 at sturgillsimpsonlive.com for a pre-sale that begins June 12 at 10 a.m. local time. After that, a “limited number” of tickets will be reserved for a general on-sale June 14.

Tickets will be restricted from resale except through Ticketmaster’s Face Value Exchange, which aims to circumvent secondary-market price increases by only allowing tickets to be resold for the original price.

Stops the Simpson tour will be making along the way include Forest Hills Stadium in New York Oct. 19 and Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena Oct. 25 and .

The new concerts join the two Simpson shows that were previously booked for the coming months, both festival dates — an Outside Lands gig in the Bay area in early August that will precede the official tour opening by more than a month, and two Austin City Limits Festival appearances on successive weekends in October.

All the fall headlining shows are being billed as “an evening with Sturgill Simpson”— aka no opening act — with the exception of a Sept. 20 concert at the Gorge in Washington state that will feature Lord Huron as opener.

Unpredictable as Simpson’s ways may be, it’s highly likely the tour will feature material from the artist’s landmark album “Metamodern Sounds in Country Music.” Simpson celebrated the 10th anniversary of the record in May with a commemorative reissue on vinyl featuring new and more elaborate packaging.

While he has been largely absent from the touring circuit, Simpson has taken a turn into acting, with roles in Martin Scorsese’s “Killers of the Flower Moon” and “The Righteous Gemstones.”

Sturgill Simpson’s tour dates:

August 9-11—San Francisco, CA—Outside Lands

September 14—Los Angeles, CA—The Greek Theatre*

September 15—Santa Barbara, CA—Santa Barbara Bowl*

September 17—West Valley City, UT—Maverik Center*

September 19—Bend, OR—Hayden Homes Amphitheater*

September 20—George, WA—The Gorge Amphitheatre†

September 22—Missoula, MT—KettleHouse Amphitheater*

September 24—Moorhead, MN—Bluestem Center for the Arts Amphitheater*

September 25—Minneapolis, MN—Roy Wilkins Auditorium*

September 27—Lexington, KY—Rupp Arena*

September 28—Detroit, MI—Fox Theatre*

October 1—Chicago, IL—Salt Shed*

October 2—Chicago, IL—Salt Shed*

October 4—Brandon, MS—The Brandon Amphitheater*

October 4-6—Austin, TX—Austin City Limits Music Festival

October 8—Oklahoma City, OK—Criterion*

October 9—Rogers, AR—Walmart AMP*

October 11-13—Austin, TX—Austin City Limits Music Festival

October 15—St. Louis, MO—Fabulous Fox Theatre*

October 18—Pittsburgh, PA—Petersen Events Center*

October 19—Forest Hills, NY—Forest Hills Stadium

October 22—Cary, NC—Koka Booth Amphitheatre*

October 24—Duluth, GA—Gas South Arena*

October 25—Nashville, TN—Bridgestone Arena*

November 12—Philadelphia, PA—The Met*

November 15—Hampton, VA—Hampton Coliseum*

November 18—Washington, DC—The Anthem*

November 20—Toronto, ON—Massey Hall*

November 21—Toronto, ON—Massey Hall*

November 23—Boston, MA—MGM Music Hall at Fenway*

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  1. Tour de Manche

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  2. Tour de Manche bike route

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    BERLIN (AP) — German tour operator FTI said Monday that it is filing for insolvency protection from creditors, and trips that haven't yet started will be canceled or scaled back. FTI Group, which describes itself as Europe's third-biggest tour operator, said parent company FTI Touristik GmbH, was filing an application for the opening of ...

  26. Tour de France Power Rankings

    Previous Ranking: 2. Race Days: 11. Race Wins: 1. Best Result: 1st-place, Stage 1 - Tour of the Basque Country. Next Race: Critérium du Dauphiné, June 2-10. Roglič also went down in the crash ...

  27. Manche: un motard grièvement blessé dans un accident face à ...

    Un motard a été grièvement blessé ce mardi 4 juin en fin de journée après un accident face à un tracteur sur la commune de Bacilly. ... des pompiers de la Manche. ... devant la tour Eiffel ...

  28. Au Tour des Jeux : la flamme olympique brille dans la Manche

    Au Tour des Jeux, c'est votre accès direct aux meilleurs moments du relais de la flamme olympique à travers toute la France ! Après un premier épisode énergique dans le sud-est, le 31 mai, c'est dans un lieu ô combien historique et emblématique que le deuxième opus d'Au Tour des Jeux a été réalisé.Retour sur cette journée mémorable dans le département de la Manche et son ...

  29. Sélection de zones de largage et de points d'intérêt prédéfinis

    Chaque équipe dans la phase de groupes des play-offs de la Division 2 sera classée au sein de la répartition de sa région. Tour des vainqueurs et manche d'élimination 1. Les équipes seront réparties en fonction de leur score total dans chaque partie de la phase de groupes.

  30. Sturgill Simpson Announces Tour, and New Album as 'Johnny ...

    Sturgill Simpson announced a summer album and 28-date fall tour. The album will be released under his new nom de plume, 'Johnny Blue Skies.'