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  • Travel Guide

How To Be A Museum Tour Guide

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Rosa Umana

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Travel Tips



Welcome to the world of museum tour guiding! Being a museum tour guide is a rewarding and exciting experience that allows you to share your passion for art, history, and culture with visitors from all over the world. As a guide, you have the opportunity to educate and inspire others, making their museum visit a memorable and enriching experience.

In this guide, we will take you through the essential steps to becoming an exceptional museum tour guide. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to enhance your skills or someone who is just starting out in the field, there is something here for everyone.

Museum tour guiding requires a unique set of skills, including in-depth knowledge about the museum and its collections, effective communication techniques, and the ability to engage with visitors on a personal level. We will explore each of these aspects in detail, providing you with practical tips and strategies to excel in your role.

Additionally, we will discuss the importance of managing groups and creating a welcoming atmosphere for visitors. We will also address how to handle difficult situations and answer challenging questions from curious guests. Furthermore, we will share resources and recommendations to better assist visitors in their exploration of the museum.

So, whether you are preparing for your first tour or looking to refine your skills, get ready to embark on a journey that will empower you to become an exceptional museum tour guide.

Step 1: Understanding the Role of a Museum Tour Guide

Before diving into the specifics of becoming a museum tour guide, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the role itself. A museum tour guide is not just a person who walks visitors through the galleries, pointing out interesting artifacts. It is a role that requires a deep knowledge of the museum’s collections, a passion for art and history, and the ability to engage and educate visitors.

First and foremost, a museum tour guide serves as a storyteller. Your job is to bring the museum’s collections to life and connect visitors with the stories behind the artifacts. This involves researching and understanding the historical and cultural context of the exhibits, as well as the artists or civilizations they represent. By weaving narratives and anecdotes into your tours, you can create a captivating and memorable experience for your guests.

As a tour guide, you also play a critical role in educating visitors about the significance of the museum’s collections. Your knowledge and insights can help visitors appreciate and understand the value of the artworks or artifacts they encounter. This includes providing historical context, explaining artistic techniques, and highlighting the cultural importance of the pieces.

Furthermore, a museum tour guide must possess strong communication skills. You need to be able to convey information clearly and concisely, adapting your language and style to suit the audience’s level of understanding. Effective communication goes beyond simply reciting facts – it involves engaging with visitors, asking questions, and encouraging dialogue. By fostering conversation and interaction, you can create a more immersive and participatory experience for your guests.

Finally, a museum tour guide must be a welcoming and approachable presence in the museum. Visitors often have various levels of knowledge and interests, and it’s your role to cater to their needs and make them feel comfortable. Having a friendly and enthusiastic demeanor can help create a positive atmosphere and encourage visitors to ask questions and engage with the exhibits.

Understanding the multifaceted role of a museum tour guide is the foundation for success in this field. In the following steps, we will delve deeper into the practical skills and techniques that will enable you to excel as a museum tour guide.

Step 2: Gaining Knowledge about the Museum and its Collections

One of the most important aspects of being a museum tour guide is having a comprehensive understanding of the museum and its collections. This knowledge serves as the backbone of your tours, allowing you to provide accurate and insightful information to visitors. Here are some steps to help you gain a deep knowledge of the museum:

  • Research and Study: Start by immersing yourself in the history and background of the museum. Explore the museum’s website, read books and articles about its collections, and attend any special exhibitions or lectures. The more information you gather, the better equipped you will be to deliver engaging tours.
  • Engage with Curators and Staff: Take advantage of opportunities to interact with curators, museum staff, and experts in the field. They can provide valuable insights into the collections, share behind-the-scenes stories, and answer any questions you may have. Building relationships with museum professionals can enhance your knowledge and enrich your tours.
  • Take Guided Tours: Go on guided tours yourself to gain a visitor’s perspective and observe the techniques and strategies used by experienced guides. Pay attention to how they engage with the audience, the flow of the tour, and the information they provide. This can inspire you and offer new ideas for your own tours.
  • Attend Workshops and Training Programs: Many museums offer workshops and training programs specifically designed for tour guides. These sessions can provide valuable insights into best practices, communication techniques, and interpretation methods. Taking part in such programs can help refine your skills and keep you up to date with the latest trends in museum education.
  • Continuous Learning: Remember that learning is a lifelong process. Stay curious and strive to expand your knowledge beyond what is immediately necessary for your tours. Keep up with current art and historical events, attend conferences or seminars, and read about new discoveries or interpretations in the field. This ongoing learning will make you a more well-rounded and knowledgeable guide.

By investing time and effort into gaining knowledge about the museum and its collections, you position yourself as a trusted source of information. This expertise will shine through in your tours, ensuring that visitors have a meaningful and educational experience. It’s the foundation upon which you can build your skills as a museum tour guide.

Step 3: Developing Effective Communication Skills

As a museum tour guide, your ability to effectively communicate is essential in engaging and delivering information to visitors. Developing strong communication skills will enable you to connect with your audience and make the museum experience more enjoyable. Here are some strategies to enhance your communication skills:

  • Practice Clear and Concise Speaking: Speak clearly and enunciate your words to ensure that visitors can understand you. Avoid using complex jargon or technical terms unless necessary, and explain them in a simple and relatable manner. Take the time to practice your speaking skills by recording yourself or rehearsing in front of a mirror.
  • Use Varied Language and Tone: Vary your language and tone to maintain visitors’ interest and engagement. Avoid using a monotonous voice or reading from a script. Instead, aim for a conversational tone and use intonation, emphasis, and pauses to highlight key points or add excitement to your delivery.
  • Utilize Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal cues can enhance your communication and make it more engaging. Utilize gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey enthusiasm, interest, and emphasis. Maintain eye contact with your audience to establish a connection and show that you are attentive to their needs.
  • Encourage Interaction: Foster a participatory environment where visitors feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their thoughts. Encourage interaction by posing thought-provoking questions, seeking visitors’ opinions, and actively listening to their responses. This creates a dialogue and makes the tour more interactive and engaging for everyone.
  • Adapt to your Audience: Tailor your communication style to suit the needs and preferences of your audience. Consider the age range, cultural background, and prior knowledge of your visitors. Adjust your language, content, and examples accordingly to ensure that everyone can understand and connect with the information you are providing.
  • Be Responsive and Flexible: During your tour, be attentive to the reactions and interest level of your audience. Adapt your pace, content, and delivery based on their engagement. If visitors seem particularly interested in a certain topic, spend more time exploring it. Similarly, if they appear disengaged, change tactics and find ways to re-ignite their interest.

Effective communication skills not only enable you to convey information successfully but also create a positive and enjoyable experience for visitors. By honing your speaking abilities, utilizing non-verbal cues, encouraging interaction, and adapting to your audience, you will be well on your way to becoming a proficient museum tour guide.

Step 4: Engaging with Visitors through Interactive Presentations

Engaging with visitors through interactive presentations is a key aspect of being a successful museum tour guide. By incorporating interactive elements into your tours, you create a dynamic and immersive experience for your audience. Here are some strategies to effectively engage with visitors:

  • Visual Aids: Utilize visual aids such as images, maps, or diagrams to supplement your verbal explanations. These visual representations help visitors visualize the information and make it more memorable. Consider using props or replicas to provide a tactile experience, allowing visitors to interact with the objects.
  • Hands-on Activities: Plan activities that encourage visitors to actively participate in the learning process. For example, you can organize small group discussions, creative exercises, or object handling sessions. These activities promote engagement and allow visitors to connect with the museum’s collections on a deeper level.
  • Storytelling: Engage visitors by telling captivating stories that relate to the museum’s exhibits. Share interesting anecdotes, historical facts, or personal narratives that connect with the artifacts on display. Storytelling adds a human element to the experience and helps visitors connect emotionally with the museum’s collections.
  • Question and Answer Sessions: Incorporate time for question and answer sessions throughout your tour. Encourage visitors to ask questions and provide thoughtful answers that deepen their understanding of the topic. This fosters a sense of curiosity and encourages active participation from your audience.
  • Technology and Multimedia: Take advantage of technology and multimedia resources available to enhance your presentations. Use audio guides, videos, or virtual reality experiences to provide a multi-sensory experience for visitors. These digital tools can offer additional insights and perspectives that complement your verbal explanations.
  • Group Activities: Engage visitors in group activities that promote collaboration and interaction. For example, you can organize scavenger hunts, art interpretation games, or group discussions. These activities facilitate social interaction between visitors and create a lively and memorable museum experience.

By incorporating interactive elements into your presentations, you encourage visitors to actively participate and connect with the museum’s collections in a meaningful way. The use of visual aids, hands-on activities, storytelling, question and answer sessions, technology, and group activities all contribute to a more engaging and immersive tour experience.

Step 5: Managing Groups and Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere

As a museum tour guide, it is important to not only provide an informative tour but also create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for visitors. Managing groups effectively and cultivating a positive environment can greatly enhance the museum experience. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Set Clear Expectations: At the beginning of the tour, establish clear expectations regarding the duration, rules, and code of conduct. Communicate any guidelines for photography, cellphone use, or touching of artifacts. By setting clear expectations, you establish a sense of order and respect among the group.
  • Manage Group Dynamics: Large groups can sometimes be challenging to handle. Stay organized by providing a designated meeting point or using visual aids such as flags or signs to help guide visitors. Pay attention to the group’s energy levels and adjust your pace accordingly to maintain engagement throughout the tour.
  • Create a Welcoming Atmosphere: Make visitors feel welcome and comfortable from the moment they join your tour. Greet them with a smile and introduce yourself, offering any necessary information or directions. Engage in small talk and try to remember visitors’ names, as this personal touch helps create a friendly and inclusive environment.
  • Be Attentive and Responsive: Pay attention to the needs and interests of your group. Be ready to adapt your tour based on their reactions and feedback. If visitors show a particular interest in a certain artifact or topic, allocate more time to explore it in depth. Respond to their questions and comments with enthusiasm and respect.
  • Ensure Accessibility: Make the museum experience accessible to all visitors, regardless of their physical abilities or limitations. Provide wheelchair accessibility, offer large-print materials, and use inclusive language in your explanations. Pay attention to visually impaired visitors and offer detailed verbal descriptions of the exhibits.
  • Maintain a Positive Attitude: Your attitude and enthusiasm are contagious, so maintain a positive outlook and show genuine interest in the museum’s collections. Smile and be approachable, encouraging visitors to connect with you and ask questions. By radiating positivity, you create a welcoming atmosphere that encourages visitors to engage with the exhibits.

By effectively managing groups and creating a welcoming atmosphere, you ensure that visitors have a comfortable and enjoyable museum experience. Clear communication of expectations, managing group dynamics, creating an inclusive environment, and being attentive to visitors’ needs will contribute to a positive and memorable tour.

Step 6: Handling Difficult Situations and Answering Questions

As a museum tour guide, you may encounter challenging situations and receive a wide range of questions from visitors. Being prepared to handle these situations with professionalism and grace is crucial to maintaining a positive experience for everyone involved. Here are some strategies to effectively manage difficult situations and answer questions:

  • Remain Calm and Composed: Difficult situations can arise unexpectedly, and it is important to stay calm and composed. Take a deep breath, maintain a professional demeanor, and remember that you are there to assist and educate visitors.
  • Active Listening: When someone expresses dissatisfaction or frustration, actively listen to their concerns. Give them your full attention, maintain eye contact, and refrain from interrupting. Let them vent their frustrations and validate their feelings. This shows empathy and demonstrates your willingness to address their issues.
  • Empathetic Response: Respond to difficult situations with empathy and understanding. Avoid becoming defensive or argumentative. Instead, acknowledge the visitor’s concern, apologize if necessary, and offer potential solutions or alternatives to address their issue. Remember that each visitor is unique, and treating them with respect and empathy can defuse a difficult situation.
  • Provide Accurate Information: It is essential to have a comprehensive knowledge of the museum’s collections and exhibits. This will enable you to answer questions confidently and accurately. If you are unsure of an answer, do not guess. Instead, offer to find the information and follow up with the visitor at a later time.
  • Encourage Curiosity and Questions: Foster an environment that encourages visitors to ask questions. Be open to all inquiries, regardless of their complexity or nature. Respond to questions patiently and provide explanations in a clear and concise manner. If faced with a question that stumps you, admit that you don’t know the answer but offer to research it further.
  • Stay Positive and Professional: Maintain a positive and professional attitude when dealing with difficult situations or challenging questions. Avoid engaging in arguments or displaying frustration, even if the visitor becomes confrontational. Remember your role as an educator and ambassador for the museum.

Handling difficult situations and answering questions play a pivotal role in providing visitors with a satisfying museum experience. By remaining calm, listening actively, responding empathetically, providing accurate information, and maintaining professionalism, you can effectively manage challenging situations and ensure that visitors feel heard and respected.

Step 7: Providing Additional Resources and Recommendations

As a museum tour guide, your role extends beyond the guided tour itself. One way to enhance the visitor experience is by providing additional resources and recommendations for further exploration. This step allows visitors to continue their engagement with the museum’s collections and deepen their understanding. Here are some strategies to provide valuable resources and recommendations:

  • Handouts and Brochures: Prepare handouts or brochures that summarize key information about the museum, its collections, or specific exhibits. Include highlights, interesting facts, and suggested routes for self-guided exploration. These resources serve as a useful reference for visitors to review after the tour.
  • Artifacts or Replicas: Consider showcasing replicas or small artifacts that visitors can handle or examine closely. These tangible objects provide a unique opportunity for visitors to further engage with the museum’s collections. Discuss their significance and encourage visitors to think critically about their observation.
  • Recommended Reading: Compile a list of recommended books, articles, or websites related to the museum’s collections or the topics covered during the tour. Include a range of resources for visitors with varying interests and levels of expertise. Highlight works that provide in-depth analysis or personal perspectives on the subject matter.
  • Virtual Resources: In the digital age, virtual resources are becoming increasingly popular. Share links to online exhibitions, virtual tours, or interactive websites where visitors can further explore the museum’s collections from the comfort of their own homes. These resources allow visitors to delve deeper into the artwork and expand their knowledge.
  • Events and Programs: Inform visitors about upcoming events, lectures, workshops, or special programs taking place at the museum. These activities offer additional opportunities for visitors to engage with the museum’s collections in a different context. Encourage visitors to participate and continue their exploration by attending these events.
  • Related Museums or Sites: If there are other museums or historical sites in the area that complement the themes or periods covered in your tour, recommend them to visitors. Provide information about their exhibits, admission details, and any special features that may interest your audience. Expand their cultural experience by suggesting other places to visit.

By providing additional resources and recommendations, you extend the visitor’s engagement beyond the guided tour. Handouts, recommended reading, virtual resources, events, related museums, and sites all contribute to a more comprehensive and enriching museum experience for visitors.

Congratulations! You have now completed the journey to becoming an exceptional museum tour guide. Through the various steps outlined in this guide, you have gained an understanding of the role, acquired knowledge about the museum and its collections, developed effective communication skills, engaged with visitors through interactive presentations, managed groups, handled difficult situations, and provided additional resources and recommendations. You are now equipped with the skills and tools necessary to excel in this field.

Being a museum tour guide is a fulfilling and rewarding experience. You have the opportunity to share your passion for art, history, and culture with visitors from all walks of life. Your dedication to creating a welcoming atmosphere, engaging with visitors, and providing valuable information will contribute to a memorable and enriching museum experience for everyone who participates in your tours.

Remember, the journey of learning is never complete. Keep exploring, educating yourself, and seeking new ways to enhance your skills. The museum world is constantly evolving, and there is always more to discover and share with others.

So, go forth with confidence and enthusiasm, and continue to be a guide who inspires and enlightens visitors through the rich and intriguing world of museums. Enjoy the adventure, and may your tours be filled with knowledge, engagement, and a deep appreciation for the wonders of art and history!


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How Our Tours Work

All of our tours are private, not public. So the tour is arranged just for you and yours.

  • We recommend using our online booking tool for up-to-date availability.
  • Select your tour experience and set your preferred date and time.
  • Our booking system will help you select the right guide from our team of art historians based on the guides' availability.
  • Tell us a bit about your interests and private group. We'll customize your tour from there.
  • Your confirmation will show where the guide will meet you at the museum.
  • Private tours for 1 - 4 people in your group booked online* are $225 per hour (a $5 discount over tours booked via email or phone).
  • All tours have a two-hour minimum.
  • Additional people and/or additional time have an additional fee.
  • Museum admission needs to be added for each person. This will be added during your booking.
  • We'll get your tickets ahead of time for you. So you can skip the lines!

Prefer a personalized booking experience?

* For those who need a bit more service via email and phone, our pricing is $225 per hour for 1 – 4 people. Larger groups are $50 per adult, $25 per child.

Real Art Historians, not scripted actors

ART SMART's art guides are primarily graduate-level professional art historians from top universities who have their fingers on the pulse of the art world.

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Tour the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Tour the Metropolitan Museum of Art

ART SMART helps navigate through the countless epochs and geographic areas by crafting a tour that incorporates only the art objects that most interest you

Private Guided Tours of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Looking for a Met tour? The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is one of the largest and most impressive art museums in the world. With dozens of galleries filled with American, European, Egyptian, Asian, Modern and Contemporary, and Ancient art (plus rotating exhibitions), there is no end of things to see and do on your Met tour. It is the perfect NYC museum to explore if you want to get a broad selection of the finest art.

A private, guided tour with ART SMART makes the Met more manageable and memorable. Whether you are on your own or traveling with friends, colleagues, or family, our professional art historian guides will take you off the beaten path of the standard tour and straight to the collections and exhibitions that will appeal to you and your companions.

Museum Details

Sunday–Thursday 10:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.

Admission $22 per adult, $15 per senior, and $10 per child.

Book Yours Now

2. select tour length.

3. Booking Summary

4. payment details, pricing questions.

Private tours for 1 – 4 people in your group booked online* start at $225 per hour (a 5% discount over tours booked via email or phone). All tours have a two-hour minimum. Additional people and/or additional time have an additional fee. Museum admission needs to be added for each person. This is added during your booking. We will get your tickets ahead of time for you. So you can skip the lines!

* For those who need a bit more service via email and phone, our pricing begins at $225 per hour for 1 – 4 people. Larger groups are $50 per adult, $25 per child.


Our Met Museum Private Tours

How to look at art.

Looking at Art

A History of Western Art Tour

A History of Western Art at the Met

Top 10 Things You Should Know About Art Tour

Top 10 Things You Should Know About Art

Highlights Tour

kate conn fall

Feast Your Eyes Met Foodie Tour & Tasting

tour guide at an art museum

A Romantic Tour at The Met

A Romantic Tour around The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Hidden Treasures Tour

Our Hidden Treasures

VIP Tour at The Met

A VIP Night at the (Met) Museum with Wine

Get the Full Picture

Learn and Understand Art at the Met Tours

VIP Before-Hours Tours

Take a before hours tour at the MET

Celebration of Love Wedding Tour at The Met in NYC

Bride Bachlorette

Gems & Jewels Tour

Gems and Jewels

Custom Met Tour

Custom Met Tour NYC

The Met Museum and Frick Old Masters Tour

The Met Museum and Frick Old Masters Tour

Secret Stories of Color Tour

met museum color private tour

‘Tis the Season Holiday Tour

met christmas tree

Photo looking out of a window in the Martin Building to the Denver city skyline

Photo by James Florio

Architecture Tours

Led by specially trained docents, these 60-minute tours explore the dynamic character of the Denver Art Museum’s campus. Discover how its three unique buildings exemplify the changing vision of what an art museum can be. Weather permitting, the tours will include time outdoors exploring the buildings’ exteriors in addition to the galleries.

These tours occur on the second Saturday of each month. To join a tour, look for the docent in the lobby of the Hamilton Building. If you are visiting with a group larger than 10, consider booking a group tour .

Cincinnati Art Museum

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Cincinnati Art Museum

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Take a Tour and Discuss Art!

by Sai Ashish Bommasani, Visitor Services

public tours , docents

Staff at the Cincinnati Art Museum are working diligently to make sure our summer special exhibitions — including From Shanghai to Ohio: Woo Chong Yung, Rodin | Response and The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century (opening June 28) are installed and ready for visitors to enjoy. But in addition to these shows, visitors can also enjoy the museum’s collection of artworks displayed throughout the galleries and spanning the past 6,000 years.

Did you know that CAM offers free public tours of the collection open to everyone from all walks of life? Our tour guides, known as docents, train rigorously for over a year to become properly certified tour experts.

The museum goes above and beyond to accommodate our visitors, offering unique and lively experiences, including our docent-led tours. When a guest stops by the main desk and asks me what is covered on a public tour, I always answer, “That’s an excellent question that I am sure our docents would love to answer for you.” The reason for my answer: the docents typically focus their tours on the interests of our visitors. You might think, “What kind of museum doesn’t have a set tour?” But you can also ask a more philosophical question, “Does life have a set path?”

As in our own lives, we enjoy engaging our family and friends with interesting topics, just like the museum’s docents enjoy sharing the collection with visitors who want to learn more and participate in discussions about art. Each tour is different from the tour before, and the one after, because docents have the freedom to choose which works to discuss, based on the interests of our visitors and which works resonate with them.

So next time you visit the Cincinnati Art Museum, check out a public tour from one of our fantastic docents and enjoy a conversation about art!

A docent points at a massive painting in front of a crowd of people

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Terrace Café

The Cincinnati Art Museum is supported by the generosity of tens of thousands of contributors to the ArtsWave Community Campaign, the region's primary source for arts funding.

ArtsWave, Funding Arts. Fueling Community.

Free general admission to the Cincinnati Art Museum is made possible by a gift from the Rosenthal Family Foundation. Exhibition pricing may vary. Parking at the Cincinnati Art Museum is free.

Generous support for our extended Thursday hours is provided by Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program.

Art Bridges Foundation Access For All

General operating support provided by:

Ohio Arts Council

Chazen Museum of Art | Sunday Tour: Wisconsin Artists

Chazen Museum of Art | 750 University Ave. Madison, WI June 30, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Sunday Tour: Wisconsin Artists

Join us for a guided tour delving into the world of Wisconsin-based artists! Meet our guide at the welcome desk for a 60-minute exploration of collection highlights. Engage in conversation and uncover the diverse talent of these artists.

tour guide at an art museum

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We are closed today.

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Utagawa Hiroshige’s “Plum Garden, Kamata (Kamata no umezono)”

Utagawa Hiroshige. Plum Garden, Kamata (Kamata no umezono), no. 27 from 100 Famous Views of Edo , 2nd month of 1857. Woodblock print. Brooklyn Museum; Gift of Anna Ferris, 30.1478.27. (Photo: Brooklyn Museum)

Scent Tours: Hiroshige’s Seasons—Sold Out

Thursday, July 11, 2024 Thursday, July 25, 2024

6:30–8 pm

Morris A. and Meyer Schapiro Wing and Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Gallery, 5th Floor

These programs are sold out.  Immerse yourself in a multisensory tour of Hiroshige’s 100 Famous Views of Edo (feat. Takashi Murakami) led by Jessica Murphy, a fragrance historian and Manager of Group Experiences at the Brooklyn Museum. The Museum’s complete set of Utagawa Hiroshige’s 100 Famous Views of Edo , a meticulously executed and beautifully preserved series of prints, is one of our greatest treasures. The series’ vivid colors, innovative compositions, and rich detail evoke daily life in mid-19th-century Edo (modern-day Tokyo), with an emphasis on locations where people gathered to observe the changing seasons. 

In this guided tour, we’ll enhance the viewing experience by pairing selected prints with scents specially created by Brooklyn-based Joya Studio . Using our senses, we’ll reflect on the tension between natural and human-made elements in Hiroshige’s vistas of a rapidly changing city.

Tickets are $35 and include a one-time 10% discount in the Museum Shop. Tickets also include admission to Hiroshige's 100 Famous Views of Edo (feat. Takashi Murakami) . Member tickets are $30. Not a Member? Join today!

Featured Events

tour guide at an art museum

Brooklyn Pop-Up Market

Sun, June 30, 2024

10:30 am–5:30 pm

tour guide at an art museum

Studio Immersion: Paul McCartney and Candid Photography

2–6 pm

Utagawa Hiroshige’s “Plum Garden, Kamata (Kamata no umezono)”

Thu, July 11, 2024

George Harrison taking a drink from a woman in a bikini

Art History Happy Hour: Paul McCartney Photographs

7–9 pm

tour guide at an art museum

Yoga on the Stoop

Sat, July 13, 2024

10–11 am

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Stanford University

Livien Yin: Thirsty

Livien yin: thirsty august 21, 2024 – february 2, 2025, the artist’s first solo museum exhibition merges archival research with contemporary and historical subjects to create speculative portraits of asian american communities across time.

The Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University is pleased to present Livien Yin: Thirsty , the first solo museum exhibition of Brooklyn-based Chinese-American artist and Stanford MFA ’19 alum Livien Yin . On view from August 21, 2024 to February 2, 2025 , the exhibition features new and recent paintings by Yin that reflect their research-driven approach to creating imaginative reconstructions of contemporary subjects alongside historical Asian Americans and their environments. Livien Yin: Thirsty is one of three 2024 exhibitions of the Asian American Art Initiative (AAAI)—a cross-disciplinary, institutional commitment at Stanford University dedicated to the study of artists and makers of Asian descent—curated by AAAI co-founder, Associate Curator Aleesa Pitchamarn Alexander with Kathryn Cua , curatorial assistant for the AAAI. “This exhibition perfectly exemplifies the interdisciplinary scope of the Asian American Art Initiative, as Livien Yin received their MFA from Stanford in 2019; has been inspired by archival material in Stanford Special Collections; and now makes their institutional debut at the Cantor with their first solo museum exhibition”   says Veronica Roberts, John and Jill Freidenrich Director at the Cantor , “The museum is so proud to shepherd in this full-circle moment for Yin and celebrate their work.”  Aleesa Pitchamarn Alexander, AAAI co-director and Robert M. and Ruth L. Halperin Associate Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, comments: "Livien Yin stands out as one of the most exciting young artists working today, and we are thrilled to be presenting their inaugural museum solo show. Their innovative approach to interweaving personal stories with historical narratives, particularly highlighting the presence of Asian Americans in the Bay Area, enhances our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Supporting an artist at this pivotal stage in their career aligns with the mission of the Asian American Art Initiative, and we are honored that Yin has chosen to collaborate with us on this project." Featuring Yin’s evocative painting series Paper Suns —which reexamines narratives about Chinese migration to the U.S. during the era of the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882-1943)—alongside new works capturing the enduring intergenerational connections within the Asian diaspora, the exhibition pays tribute to the radical resilience of Asian American networks across time. Yin’s paintings create spaces of possibility, unfixing the past while focusing on everyday practices of transformation often ignored or suppressed within historical narratives.  Developed over several years, Paper Suns takes the form of fictional portraits inspired by the Chinese-born “paper sons and daughters” who entered the U.S. by obtaining forged documents stating they were children of U.S. citizens. Drawing from archival sources, including those in Stanford Special Collections , Yin’s canvases stage speculative histories in the absence of extant visual documentation, using the gaps in the historical record as fertile ground to envision the joys, pleasures, and pains of these individuals—capturing the indescribable and ephemeral elements of the so-called “paper” identities.

In Coaching Notes (2021, 2024), for example, Yin captures the historical significance of seemingly mundane acts. Specifically, the means by which the “paper sons and daughters'' clandestinely memorized details of their forged backgrounds—from village maps to family trees—outlined on paper notes which were smuggled in everyday food items like fruit, pork buns, and peanuts, as the artist’s compositions zoom in on the individuals’ hands and the papers themselves. By contrast, Dreaming Host (2022) zooms out to investigate the context and political resonances of a public as opposed to private event, as Yin’s painting reimagines the enigmatic figure known only as the “Chinese Beauty,” who often dozed off during her appearance at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. By enlisting a friend dressed in contemporary attire to portray the woman succumbing to sleep before a backdrop of expectant onlookers in period clothing, Yin invites viewers to consider the implications of this widely circulated incident. In doing so, Yin suggests that the “Chinese Beauty” may have feigned sleep as an act of defiance in the face of exploitation.  Yin’s newest works extend their exploration of Asian American history by poignantly chronicling cross-generational connections. Portraying their friends and collaborators in vibrant, intimate portraits, the artist crafts a visual tapestry highlighting the transnational experience of assimilation, the rediscovery of ancestral knowledge, and the sharing of critical histories of defiance. By foregrounding their community, Yin reveals the networks necessary for propagating shared wisdom and compassion across generations. Juxtaposing a scene of the artist and a friend in contemporary garb playing pool against a backdrop of men in mid-century dress, Manang (2024) exemplifies the intergenerational conceit of Yin’s recent work. Paying tribute to the history of the International Hotel (I-Hotel) and its significance in Asian American activism in the Bay Area, this painting draws inspiration from a farewell party at the Lucky M Pool Hall, a famous hangout spot for the I-Hotel residents, before its closure. Primarily housing low-income elderly Filipino and Chinese men—many of whom were lifelong bachelors due to immigration bans on Asian women—the I-Hotel became a symbol of resistance for Asian Americans when its future was threatened by eviction. Yin’s blending of timelines and figures—current friends and community ancestors—reflects and celebrates the enduring impact of the I-Hotel’s legacy. Amid a far more contemporary scene of moving boxes and a suitcase, The Comma Between (2024) similarly features a friend of the artist, seen shortly after relocating to a temporary living situation. A mirror perched atop the suitcase offers a second view of their friend’s profile. Reflecting on the process of bifurcation, redefinition, and growth, this work encapsulates the artist’s own evolving and increasingly nuanced definition of home, rooted in friendship and proximity to loved ones.

ABOUT LIVIEN YIN Livien Yin (b. 1990, Boston, MA; lives and works in Brooklyn, NY) received their MFA in Art Practice at Stanford University and their BA in Studio Art at Reed College. Recent solo exhibitions include Ka-la-fo-ne-a , Friends Indeed, San Francisco (2022) and Paper Suns , The New Gallery, Calgary (2021). Notable group exhibitions include Expanding the Collections , New-York Historical Society (2023); The Descendants , curated by Melanie Lum, Micki Meng, and Kevin Poon at K11 MUSEA, Hong Kong (2023); and Wonder Women , curated by Kathy Huang at Jeffrey Deitch, New York and Los Angeles (2022). Yin has completed residencies at Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, Denniston Hill, Shandaken Projects, Silver Art Projects and Headlands Center for the Arts, among others. Their work is in the permanent collections of the Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University; New-York Historical Society; Imina Paula Museum; Brazil; and ICA Miami. ABOUT THE ASIAN AMERICAN ART INITIATIVE: Based at the Cantor Arts Center, the Asian American Art Initiative (AAAI) is dedicated to the study of artists and makers of Asian descent. Co-founded by Aleesa Pitchamarn Alexander, Robert M. and Ruth L. Halperin Associate Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, and Marci Kwon, Assistant Professor of Art History at Stanford, and announced in January 2021, the AAAI encompasses a range of activities, including collecting and exhibiting works of Asian American and Asian diaspora artists; preserving archival materials; fostering undergraduate and graduate education; and cultivating community collaboration and dialogue through public programming.   The AAAI aims to establish Stanford as a leading academic and curatorial center for the study of Asian American and Asian diaspora artists. Rather than a discrete identity category, the AAAI approaches the term “Asian American” as a diverse and relational term that signifies the interplay of social inclusion, exclusion, and racialization, as well as connections among East, Southeast, and South Asia; the Pacific Islands; and the Americas. The AAAI strives to foster innovative, interdisciplinary research into the work by Asian American and Asian diaspora makers. ABOUT THE CANTOR ARTS CENTER: Serving the Stanford campus, the Bay Area community, and visitors from around the world, the Cantor Arts Center provides an outstanding cultural experience for visitors of all ages. Founded when the university opened in 1891, the historic museum was expanded and renamed in 1999 for lead donors Iris and B. Gerald Cantor. The Cantor’s collection spans 5,000 years and includes more than 41,000 works of art from around the globe. The Cantor is an established resource for teaching and research on campus. Free admission, tours, lectures, and family activities make the Cantor one of the most visited university art museums in the country.

EXHIBITION CREDITS:  We gratefully acknowledge major support for Livien Yin: Thirsty provided by Pamela and David Hornik. Sustained support generously provided by the Halperin Exhibitions Fund.

VISIT THE MUSEUM Cantor Arts Center 328 Lomita Drive at Museum Way Stanford, CA T: 650-723-4177 Wednesday – Sunday 11:00am – 5:00pm FREE ADMISSION PRESS CONTACTS Cultural Counsel Evan Lenox-Samour, Associate Director [email protected] Hannah Kay, Account Executive [email protected]

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©2022 Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University. All rights reserved


50 of the most charming spots to visit on the U.S. East Coast

Posted: May 16, 2024 | Last updated: May 16, 2024

<p class="p1"><span>Discover some charming spots on your next trip along the East Coast. While exploring this fascinating region of the United States, be sure to add some of the 50 points of interest described below to your travel itinerary.</span></p>

Discover some charming spots on your next trip along the East Coast. While exploring this fascinating region of the United States, be sure to add some of the 50 points of interest described below to your travel itinerary.

<p class="p1"><span>The red rocks found on Mount Desert Island in Acadia National Park are a sight to behold. Nature lovers who also enjoy a bit of a thrill will get goosebumps knowing that this park is only <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>80 km from Bangor</span></a>, home to <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>author Stephen King</span></a>.</span></p>

Marvel at the red rocks near Bar Harbor (Maine)

The red rocks found on Mount Desert Island in Acadia National Park are a sight to behold. Nature lovers who also enjoy a bit of a thrill will get goosebumps knowing that this park is only 80 km from Bangor , home to author Stephen King .

<p class="p1"><span>Check out the wide range of Portland’s fabulous restaurants. Did you know that <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>guided tours are available for foodies</span></a> and <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>beer enthusiasts</span></a>?</span></p>

Take a food tour in Portland (Maine)

Check out the wide range of Portland’s fabulous restaurants. Did you know that guided tours are available for foodies and beer enthusiasts ?

<p class="p1"><span>Cape Elizabeth’s emblematic <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>1791</span></a> lighthouse stands tall in <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Fort Williams Park</span></a>, offering visitors the opportunity to take countless photos of the rocky coastline. In fact, the entire landscape will take your breath away!</span></p>

Snap a photo of the lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth (Maine)

Cape Elizabeth’s emblematic 1791 lighthouse stands tall in Fort Williams Park , offering visitors the opportunity to take countless photos of the rocky coastline. In fact, the entire landscape will take your breath away!

<p class="p1"><span>Will you begin with a walk on the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Old Orchard Beach Pier</span></a> or take a turn on the Palace Playland Ferris wheel? You can, of course, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>do both</span></a>. Be sure to stick around for the truly magical sunset, perhaps while enjoying a drink at the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Pier Patio Pub</span></a> at the far end of the pier. The view is unbeatable!</span></p>

Ride the Ferris wheel in Old Orchard Beach (Maine)

Will you begin with a walk on the Old Orchard Beach Pier or take a turn on the Palace Playland Ferris wheel? You can, of course, do both . Be sure to stick around for the truly magical sunset, perhaps while enjoying a drink at the Pier Patio Pub at the far end of the pier. The view is unbeatable!

<p class="p1"><span>Visitors can’t help but slow their pace when exploring the seaside community of <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Kennebunkport</span></a>. Take time to enjoy a leisurely stroll. Delight in wandering through each and every one of Kennebunkport’s small boutiques.</span></p>

Stroll around Kennebunkport (Maine)

Visitors can’t help but slow their pace when exploring the seaside community of Kennebunkport . Take time to enjoy a leisurely stroll. Delight in wandering through each and every one of Kennebunkport’s small boutiques.

<p class="p1"><span>At the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, visitors can observe various types of <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>birds</span></a>, including plovers like those seen in Pixar’s short film <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span><em>Piper</em></span></a>. This is one <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>nature walk</span></a> you’ll simply adore!</span></p>

Birdwatch in Wells (Maine)

At the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, visitors can observe various types of birds , including plovers like those seen in Pixar’s short film Piper . This is one nature walk you’ll simply adore!

<p class="p1"><span>The word “ogunquit” means “<a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>beautiful place by the sea</span></a>” in Abenaki, and you’re likely to agree after exploring the town’s beaches, dunes, and coastlines.</span></p>

Fall under the spell of Ogunquit (Maine)

The word “ogunquit” means “ beautiful place by the sea ” in Abenaki, and you’re likely to agree after exploring the town’s beaches, dunes, and coastlines.

<p class="p1"><span>For those who enjoy a good walk, check out this fantastic path along the Maine coastline. A full circuit (round trip) totals <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>just over 4 km</span></a>. According to <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>the map</span></a>, however, you can access the trail at several points. Benches found along the path invite strollers to pause and admire the superb ocean view.</span></p>

Walk along the Marginal Way near Ogunquit (Maine)

For those who enjoy a good walk, check out this fantastic path along the Maine coastline. A full circuit (round trip) totals just over 4 km . According to the map , however, you can access the trail at several points. Benches found along the path invite strollers to pause and admire the superb ocean view.

<p class="p1"><span>Lobster is king on menus in towns and cities along Maine’s coastline, and Perkins Cove is no exception. This fishing village serves up its <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>extremely fresh lobster</span></a> in several restaurants, including the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>famous Barnacle Billy’s</span></a>, a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>50-year-old establishment</span></a> that often hosted <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>former US President George H. W. Bush</span></a>.</span></p>

Eat lobster in Perkins Cove (Maine)

Lobster is king on menus in towns and cities along Maine’s coastline, and Perkins Cove is no exception. This fishing village serves up its extremely fresh lobster in several restaurants, including the famous Barnacle Billy’s , a 50-year-old establishment that often hosted former US President George H. W. Bush .

<p class="p1"><span>Tour Portsmouth’s old port and historic district or visit the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Children’s Museum of New Hampshire and the Ogunquit Museum of American Art</span></a>.</span></p>

Walk through history in Portsmouth (New Hampshire)

Tour Portsmouth’s old port and historic district or visit the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire and the Ogunquit Museum of American Art .

<p class="p1"><span>New Hampshire boasts <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>93 national parks</span></a>. Most people go to Echo Lake State Park to enjoy, well, the lake. <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Take the trail that circles Echo</span></a></span><span> Lake</span><span> to take part in a variety of activities. Don’t forget to snap lots of photos. The view is simply magnificent.</span></p>

Take a break at Echo Lake in North Conway (New Hampshire)

New Hampshire boasts 93 national parks . Most people go to Echo Lake State Park to enjoy, well, the lake. Take the trail that circles Echo Lake to take part in a variety of activities. Don’t forget to snap lots of photos. The view is simply magnificent.

<p class="p1"><span>Hampton Beach is the ideal spot for seeing <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>fireworks throughout the year, namely on Wednesday evenings during the summer, July 4, and December 31</span></a>. Timing your visit to coincide with one of these dates is definitely worth the effort. Otherwise, enjoy the extensive shoreline and many other beach events.</span></p>

See the fireworks at Hampton Beach (New Hampshire)

Hampton Beach is the ideal spot for seeing fireworks throughout the year, namely on Wednesday evenings during the summer, July 4, and December 31 . Timing your visit to coincide with one of these dates is definitely worth the effort. Otherwise, enjoy the extensive shoreline and many other beach events.

<p class="p1"><span><a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">Salem</a></span><span> is famous for its 17th-century witch hunts, and a tour of the town will reveal that witches, both old and modern-day, still hold a prominent place.</span></p>

Scare up some witches in Salem (Massachusetts)

Salem is famous for its 17th-century witch hunts, and a tour of the town will reveal that witches, both old and modern-day, still hold a prominent place.

<p class="p1"><span>You’ll quickly feel at ease and truly on vacation in this <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>small coastal town</span></a>, with its picturesque charm and historical sites.</span></p>

Relax in Newburyport (Massachusetts)

You’ll quickly feel at ease and truly on vacation in this small coastal town , with its picturesque charm and historical sites.

<p class="p1"><span>Catching a sunset in person on Plum Island is nothing short of amazing. Sunrises are just as spectacular. Take advantage of your visit to this island near Newburyport to relax on its lovely beach.</span></p>

Admire the sunset from Plum Island (Massachusetts)

Catching a sunset in person on Plum Island is nothing short of amazing. Sunrises are just as spectacular. Take advantage of your visit to this island near Newburyport to relax on its lovely beach.

<p class="p1"><span>If being out on the open water doesn’t make you seasick, try taking a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>whale-watching excursion off the coast of Gloucester</span></a>. Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone. Just remember to keep a tight grip on it.</span></p>

Watch whales in Gloucester (Massachusetts)

If being out on the open water doesn’t make you seasick, try taking a whale-watching excursion off the coast of Gloucester . Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone. Just remember to keep a tight grip on it.

<p class="p1"><span>Enjoy a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>guided tour of legendary Harvard University or choose a mobile tour via instructions on your smartphone</span></a>. Take in the history while imagining the prestige of studying on this impressive campus.</span></p>

Visit Harvard (Massachusetts)

Enjoy a guided tour of legendary Harvard University or choose a mobile tour via instructions on your smartphone . Take in the history while imagining the prestige of studying on this impressive campus.

<p class="p1"><span>The legendary Plymouth Rock marks the traditional landing site of the famous <em>Mayflower</em> upon its arrival from England. Its passengers would go on to found <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>the first permanent Massachusetts colony in 1620</span></a>.</span></p>

Drop anchor at Plymouth Rock (Massachusetts)

The legendary Plymouth Rock marks the traditional landing site of the famous Mayflower upon its arrival from England. Its passengers would go on to found the first permanent Massachusetts colony in 1620 .

<p class="p1"><span>If you’re walking around Cape Cod, make your way to Mayflower Beach to see a breathtaking sunset over the ocean. Enjoy this beach’s <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>silky sands</span></a> during extended, daytime rambles.</span></p>

Lose track of time at Mayflower Beach in Dennis (Massachusetts)

If you’re walking around Cape Cod, make your way to Mayflower Beach to see a breathtaking sunset over the ocean. Enjoy this beach’s silky sands during extended, daytime rambles.

<p class="p1"><span>Cape Cod’s Hyannis has strong ties to the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>famous Kennedy family</span></a>. In fact, Hyannis is home to an engaging museum dedicated to telling the Kennedy story through the lens of US history.</span></p>

Relive JFK history in Hyannis (Massachusetts)

Cape Cod’s Hyannis has strong ties to the famous Kennedy family . In fact, Hyannis is home to an engaging museum dedicated to telling the Kennedy story through the lens of US history.

<p class="p1"><span>Did you know that Chatham has a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>great white shark research centre</span></a>? Indeed, this charming village has <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>essentially turned <em>Jaws </em>into its very own trademark</span></a>. For a less hair-raising outing, take a walk down Chatham’s main street and visit its many attractive shops.</span></p>

Learn more about sharks in Chatham (Massachusetts)

Did you know that Chatham has a great white shark research centre ? Indeed, this charming village has essentially turned Jaws into its very own trademark . For a less hair-raising outing, take a walk down Chatham’s main street and visit its many attractive shops.

<p class="p1"><span>Martha’s Vineyard is an island located off the coast of Cape Cod. The island’s village of Oak Bluffs invites you to “savour” its charming homes known as <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>gingerbread cottages</span></a>. Revel in their colourful walls and porches detailed in delicate, lacy patterns. Don’t miss this absolutely magical sight!</span></p>

Delight in gingerbread houses on Martha’s Vineyard (Massachusetts)

Martha’s Vineyard is an island located off the coast of Cape Cod. The island’s village of Oak Bluffs invites you to “savour” its charming homes known as gingerbread cottages . Revel in their colourful walls and porches detailed in delicate, lacy patterns. Don’t miss this absolutely magical sight!

<p class="p1"><span>For the past several years, Provincetown has proudly claimed to be among <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>the most LGBT-friendly places</span></a>. Its history is marked by tolerance, harmony, and open-mindedness. Provincetown sits at the tip of Cape Cod.</span></p>

Take life easy in Provincetown (Massachusetts)

For the past several years, Provincetown has proudly claimed to be among the most LGBT-friendly places . Its history is marked by tolerance, harmony, and open-mindedness. Provincetown sits at the tip of Cape Cod.

<p class="p1"><span>Follow <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>a red line marking a nearly 4 km route across Boston</span></a> and travel back in time to gain a better understanding of the American Revolution. Visit <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>16 sites</span></a> that played a key role in this important moment in US history.</span></p>

Follow the Freedom Trail in Boston (Massachusetts)

Follow a red line marking a nearly 4 km route across Boston and travel back in time to gain a better understanding of the American Revolution. Visit 16 sites that played a key role in this important moment in US history.

<p class="p1"><span>Be sure to pay a visit to the statue of George Washington as you stroll through Boston’s Public Garden in the city’s downtown. George Washington was the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>first president of the United States</span></a> (from 1789 to 1797) and the garden is America’s <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>first botanical garden</span></a> (inaugurated in 1837).</span></p>

Say hello to George Washington in Boston (Massachusetts)

Be sure to pay a visit to the statue of George Washington as you stroll through Boston’s Public Garden in the city’s downtown. George Washington was the first president of the United States (from 1789 to 1797) and the garden is America’s first botanical garden (inaugurated in 1837).

<p class="p1"><span>Exploring a city on foot gives you the freedom to prolong your visit and include attractions that spark your interest or indulge a passion. Check out the numerous <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>themed printable guides and maps</span></a> available to visitors looking to maximize their fun.</span></p>

Stroll through Providence (Rhode Island)

Exploring a city on foot gives you the freedom to prolong your visit and include attractions that spark your interest or indulge a passion. Check out the numerous themed printable guides and maps available to visitors looking to maximize their fun.

<p class="p1"><span>To catch a glimpse of giraffes, lions, zebras, a Komodo dragon, red pandas, and lots of <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>other animals</span></a>, stop by Providence’s Roger Williams Park Zoo. </span></p>

Visit the zoo in Providence (Rhode Island)

To catch a glimpse of giraffes, lions, zebras, a Komodo dragon, red pandas, and lots of other animals , stop by Providence’s Roger Williams Park Zoo.

<p class="p1"><span>Impressive! Huge! Majestic! These are just some of the words you might hear when visiting the Breakers mansion or any of <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Newport’s other remarkable residences</span></a>. Get ready for one high-class tour.</span></p>

Explore mansions in Newport (Rhode Island)

Impressive! Huge! Majestic! These are just some of the words you might hear when visiting the Breakers mansion or any of Newport’s other remarkable residences . Get ready for one high-class tour.

<p class="p1"><span>This <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>long walk stretching just over 5.5 km</span></a> will please anyone keen to explore the city’s many features on foot. Take in Newport’s natural beauty, architecture, and history while appreciating impressive views of historical mansions.</span></p>

Embark on the Cliff Walk in Newport (Rhode Island)

This long walk stretching just over 5.5 km will please anyone keen to explore the city’s many features on foot. Take in Newport’s natural beauty, architecture, and history while appreciating impressive views of historical mansions.

<p class="p1"><span>You may feel as though you already know this <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>famous downtown park</span></a> even when visiting it for the first time. After all, Central Park, which is larger than the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Principality of Monaco</span></a>, has <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>appeared in over 300 films</span></a>.</span></p>

Wander through fabled Central Park (New York)

You may feel as though you already know this famous downtown park even when visiting it for the first time. After all, Central Park, which is larger than the Principality of Monaco , has appeared in over 300 films .

<p class="p1"><span>Curious tourists with a thirst for knowledge will adore a stop at the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>American Museum of Natural History</span></a>. During your visit, don’t be surprised to find yourself recalling scenes from <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span><em>Night at the Museum</em></span></a>, a movie filmed on the premises.</span></p>

Get smart at the American Museum of Natural History in New York (New York)

Curious tourists with a thirst for knowledge will adore a stop at the American Museum of Natural History . During your visit, don’t be surprised to find yourself recalling scenes from Night at the Museum , a movie filmed on the premises.

<p>New York is one of the most-visited cities in the world for a reason. Everyone has to experience the Big Apple at least once in their lifetime (just don’t call it the Big Apple while you’re there). But for a truly life-changing experience, skip the tourist traps and explore <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">everything that the city has to offer</a>.</p>

Spend an evening in Times Square (New York)

Explore Times Square after dark and feel the full effect of the big city lights. Next, dive below the surface of this complex city with a visit to the Museum of the City of New York .

<p class="p1"><span>The 72 steps leading to the southern facade of the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Philadelphia Museum of Art</span></a> were made famous when the well-known character Rocky (played by Sylvester Stallone) ran to the top before raising his arms in victory. Immortalize your own climb during your next visit.</span></p>

Climb the stairs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (Pennsylvania)

The 72 steps leading to the southern facade of the Philadelphia Museum of Art were made famous when the well-known character Rocky (played by Sylvester Stallone) ran to the top before raising his arms in victory. Immortalize your own climb during your next visit.

<p class="p1"><span>The Liberty Bell on display at <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>526 Market Street</span></a> is an enduring symbol of American independence. The bell is believed <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>to have been rung</span></a> during the first reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Consider visiting the nearby <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Independence Visitor Center</span></a> as well.</span></p>

Relive American history in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

The Liberty Bell on display at 526 Market Street is an enduring symbol of American independence. The bell is believed to have been rung during the first reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Consider visiting the nearby Independence Visitor Center as well.

<p class="p1"><span>Life in Lancaster’s Amish community <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>resembles that at the turn of the last century</span></a>. Sign up for a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>guided tour</span></a> to learn more about their simple, self-sufficient lifestyle.</span></p>

Step back in time with the Amish in Lancaster (Pennsylvania)

Life in Lancaster’s Amish community resembles that at the turn of the last century . Sign up for a guided tour to learn more about their simple, self-sufficient lifestyle.

<p class="p1"><span>Atlantic City is the Las Vegas of the East Coast, complete with neon lights and <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>casinos</span></a>. Revel in its supercharged ambiance, especially at night when the city comes to life around you.</span></p>

Place a bet at a casino in Atlantic City (New Jersey)

Atlantic City is the Las Vegas of the East Coast, complete with neon lights and casinos . Revel in its supercharged ambiance, especially at night when the city comes to life around you.

<p class="p1"><span>Why not make the most of your proximity to Cape May by visiting a vineyard? You’ll have nearly 10 wineries to choose from, including the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Cape May Winery</span></a>, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Willow Creek Farm and Winery</span></a>, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Turdo Vineyards and Winery</span></a>, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Natali Vineyards</span></a>, and <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Jessie Creek Winery</span></a></span><span>, Vineyard, and Inn</span><span>.</span></p>

Raise a glass in Cape May (New Jersey)

Why not make the most of your proximity to Cape May by visiting a vineyard? You’ll have nearly 10 wineries to choose from, including the Cape May Winery , Willow Creek Farm and Winery , Turdo Vineyards and Winery , Natali Vineyards , and Jessie Creek Winery , Vineyard, and Inn .

<p class="p1"><span>Never let a chance for some fun pass you by! After a few hours at the beach, head to <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Morey’s Piers and Water Parks</span></a>, an amusement park where you’re sure to rediscover your inner child. End your day with a stroll along the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>boardwalk</span></a>.</span></p>

Have fun in Wildwood (New Jersey)

Never let a chance for some fun pass you by! After a few hours at the beach, head to Morey’s Piers and Water Parks , an amusement park where you’re sure to rediscover your inner child. End your day with a stroll along the boardwalk .

<p class="p1"><span>Washington is the seat of political power in the United States and offers numerous sightseeing possibilities, such as the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>White House</span></a>, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Capitol Hill</span></a>, the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Washington Monument</span></a>, and <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>several museums</span></a>. Make the most of every minute by opting for <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>guided evening tours</span></a>.</span></p>

Launch a political tour in Washington (District of Columbia)

Washington is the seat of political power in the United States and offers numerous sightseeing possibilities, such as the White House , Capitol Hill , the Washington Monument , and several museums . Make the most of every minute by opting for guided evening tours .

<p class="p1"><span>Circle the globe in a flash by simply strolling down Embassy Row, where you’ll find <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>more than 40 embassies housed in mansions</span></a>.</span></p>

Travel the world on Embassy Row in Washington (District of Columbia)

Circle the globe in a flash by simply strolling down Embassy Row, where you’ll find more than 40 embassies housed in mansions .

<p class="p1"><span>Discover some charming spots on your next trip along the East Coast. While exploring this fascinating region of the United States, be sure to add some of the 50 points of interest described below to your travel itinerary.</span></p>

Greet Neptune in Virginia Beach (Virginia)

Did you know that Virginia Beach is home to King Neptune ? This bronze statue of the Roman god of the sea rises to an impressive height of 10 metres. Have fun snapping original photos of Neptune, like those seen here .

<p class="p1"><span>Cape Hatteras offers visitors <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>all sorts of seaside activities</span></a>, but don’t forget to visit its <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>iconic lighthouse</span></a>. Its black and white spirals will be the highlight of all your photos.</span></p>

Breathe in the sea air in Cape Hatteras (North Carolina)

Cape Hatteras offers visitors all sorts of seaside activities , but don’t forget to visit its iconic lighthouse . Its black and white spirals will be the highlight of all your photos.

<p class="p1"><span>Are you looking to escape those all-too-familiar, overcrowded tourist sites? Head to Wilmington and discover its <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>historic district</span></a>, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>beaches</span></a>, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span><em>Dawson’s Creek</em> guided tour</span></a>, and <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>other attractions</span></a>. You won’t regret saving a spot on your itinerary for this charming city.</span></p>

Find tranquility in Wilmington (North Carolina)

Are you looking to escape those all-too-familiar, overcrowded tourist sites? Head to Wilmington and discover its historic district , beaches , Dawson’s Creek guided tour , and other attractions . You won’t regret saving a spot on your itinerary for this charming city.

<p class="p1"><span>Myrtle Beach’s white sands stretch for over <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>one hundred kilometres</span></a>. Indulge in long walks beside crashing waves or take in a round at one of the 120 nearby <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>golf courses</span></a>.</span></p>

Enjoy kilometres of shoreline in Myrtle Beach (South Carolina)

Myrtle Beach’s white sands stretch for over one hundred kilometres . Indulge in long walks beside crashing waves or take in a round at one of the 120 nearby golf courses .

<p class="p1"><span>One glimpse of the palm-lined streets will confirm that you are well and truly in the South. Treat yourself to the flavours, traditions, history, and art of Charleston. Creative travellers will want to stay for at least three days to complete this <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>art-filled itinerary</span></a>.</span></p>

Take in some art in Charleston (South Carolina)

One glimpse of the palm-lined streets will confirm that you are well and truly in the South. Treat yourself to the flavours, traditions, history, and art of Charleston. Creative travellers will want to stay for at least three days to complete this art-filled itinerary .

<p class="p1"><span>Nothing will bring out the romantic in you like a stroll down the impressive tree-lined paths in<a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span> Forsyth Park</span></a>, one of Savannah’s oldest public parks.</span></p>

Take a romantic stroll in Savannah (Georgia)

Nothing will bring out the romantic in you like a stroll down the impressive tree-lined paths in Forsyth Park , one of Savannah’s oldest public parks.

<p class="p1"><span>Jax, as locals like to call it, is full of surprises from morning to night. During the day, choose from among its <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>nearly 20 museums</span></a> and <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>numerous beaches</span></a>. Once evening falls, be sure to leave room in your schedule for enjoying a rooftop beverage. Jacksonville boasts no fewer than <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>nine rooftop bars</span></a> where patrons feel as though they’re sitting on top of the world.</span></p>

Sip a rooftop drink in Jacksonville (Florida)

Jax, as locals like to call it, is full of surprises from morning to night. During the day, choose from among its nearly 20 museums and numerous beaches . Once evening falls, be sure to leave room in your schedule for enjoying a rooftop beverage. Jacksonville boasts no fewer than nine rooftop bars where patrons feel as though they’re sitting on top of the world.

<p class="p1"><span>This northern Florida city prides itself on being <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>the oldest city in the country</span></a>. Its <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Spanish-inspired architecture</span></a> will astound you. Be sure to visit the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Castillo de San Marcos</span></a>, one of the oldest fortresses in the United States.</span></p>

Walk the streets of the nation’s very first city in Saint Augustine (Florida)

This northern Florida city prides itself on being the oldest city in the country . Its Spanish-inspired architecture will astound you. Be sure to visit the Castillo de San Marcos , one of the oldest fortresses in the United States.

<p class="p1"><span>When you get to West Palm Beach, enjoy a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>pleasant cocktail-hour catamaran cruise</span></a>, perfect for admiring the sunset and magnificent scenery. It’s also a great way to relax before heading to one of the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>fine nearby restaurants for dinner</span></a>.</span></p>

Celebrate happy hour in West Palm Beach (Florida)

When you get to West Palm Beach, enjoy a pleasant cocktail-hour catamaran cruise , perfect for admiring the sunset and magnificent scenery. It’s also a great way to relax before heading to one of the fine nearby restaurants for dinner .

<p class="p1"><span>Miami beaches are, of course, unbeatable, but there’s much more than sand to enjoy in this town. Visit its <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>art deco district</span></a> or the <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens</span></a> where this very American city shows off its traces of European artistry.</span></p>

Catch some sun and art in Miami (Florida)

Miami beaches are, of course, unbeatable, but there’s much more than sand to enjoy in this town. Visit its art deco district or the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens where this very American city shows off its traces of European artistry.

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Art Making with the Whitney Museum

Saturday, June 29, 2024

11 a.m.–2 p.m. | At the Garden

The Whitney Museum of American Art is coming to the Bronx for a special artmaking project at the New York Botanical Garden. Artists of all ages are welcome to join us for a tour of the Azalea Garden and to create watercolors inspired by the scenic surroundings.

This artmaking project is inspired by artist Joseph Stella , an Italian immigrant who—missing the plants from his native country—would visit the New York Botanical Garden in the 1920s for artistic inspiration. One of the works he created that was inspired by the New York Botanical Garden, Neapolitan Song , was featured in the first-ever Whitney Biennial —a showcase of what’s new and exciting in contemporary American art, and a part of the NYC cultural landscape since 1932.

Included in an All-Garden Pass ticket; This weekend is FREE for kids ages 12 and under who arrive in Wonderland-inspired attire . Offer available onsite only June 29 & 30, 2024. See any ticket window for details.

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Visiting Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion?

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  2. For Many, Student Tour Guides are the Face of Art Museums

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  1. MetTours

    MetTours. Explore the vast world of art and culture through the lens of various viewpoints in programs ranging from gallery tours to storytelling sessions and interactive experiences with works of art. MetTours connects you with works of art, with curators, conservators, educators, and artists alike guiding you through the collection and ...

  2. Guided Tours

    Guided Tours. Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the diverse Met collection. Join engaging, hour-long tours with Museum-trained volunteers at 11:30 am, and 12:30 and 2:30 pm daily. Spanish and French tours are also available. All tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. A limited number of FM ...

  3. How To Be A Museum Tour Guide

    A museum tour guide is not just a person who walks visitors through the galleries, pointing out interesting artifacts. It is a role that requires a deep knowledge of the museum's collections, a passion for art and history, and the ability to engage and educate visitors. First and foremost, a museum tour guide serves as a storyteller.

  4. Book a tour

    Guided tours. Professional art historians are available to provide guided Museum tours of masterworks in MoMA's collection, the Museum's architecture, and current exhibitions. Tours can be customized to focus on specific galleries, mediums, or collection areas, and are available in multiple languages. Tours during Museum hours. Schedule a tour with a MoMA guide. Tour rates Adults: $50 ...

  5. Visitor guide

    Listen to audio, take self-guided tours, discover MoMA highlights, use an interactive museum map, and more. Available in 40 languages. Learn more about the app

  6. Art Travel

    Your confirmation will show where the guide will meet you at the museum. Private tours for 1 - 4 people in your group booked online* are $225 per hour ... Itinerary planning for self-guided tours An Art Smart consultant will work with you to develop a detailed itinerary featuring the perfect mix of experiences for your destination. We'll ...

  7. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Hours: Thursday-Tuesday: 10 am-5 pm. Closed: Wednesday. Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, and January 1. Visitor Guidelines. Review our visitor guidelines to get the most out of your Met experience. Directions and Parking. Plan your route to the Museum. Museum Map.

  8. Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Museum Details. Sunday-Thursday. 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Admission. $22 per adult, $15 per senior, and $10 per child. Private, Guided Tours of the NY Met Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art). Better than Docent Tour, our Guides will Guide You on a Custom Visit.

  9. NYC: Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET)

    18 St. Augustine, Florida. 19 Everglades City. 20 San Antonio. New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. On this tour you'll be able to skip the line & explore it's most famous pieces with the help of an engaging guide.

  10. Tours, Guides, and Maps

    Tours, Guides, and Maps. Explore the National Gallery's collection, exhibitions, and Sculpture Garden with audio tours, stories, and more. ... Free tours at the National Gallery of Art complement and enhance classroom learning. During interactive tours, your students will look carefully at original works of art, ask questions, and develop their ...

  11. How To Become a Museum Tour Guide (With Steps and Skills)

    For example, a tour guide in an art museum might need a bachelor's degree in art history. 4. Gain experience As with most professions, experience is often just as valuable as formal education. Completing an internship in a museum or within the field can help bolster your resume and set you apart from other candidates. You may also benefit from ...

  12. Tours

    Architecture Tours. Free architecture tours are offered the second Saturday of every month at 11am. Explore the dynamic character of the Denver Art Museum on these 60-minute public tours. To join a tour, look for the docent in the lobby of the Hamilton Building. If you are visiting with a group larger than 10, consider booking a group tour.

  13. Group Tours

    The Denver Art Museum welcomes adult and college groups (minimum of 10, maximum of 40) to request a guided group tour of the museum's collections and special exhibitions. Requests must be made at least three weeks in advance. To make reservations and schedule your group tour, fill out a request form online or contact us at 720-913-0088 ...

  14. THE BEST Elektrostal Art Museums (with Photos)

    Top Elektrostal Art Museums: See reviews and photos of Art Museums in Elektrostal, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  15. Architecture Tours

    Architecture Tours. Occurs monthly on Saturday. Next is July 13, 2024 - 11 am - 12 pm. Led by specially trained docents, these 60-minute tours explore the dynamic character of the Denver Art Museum's campus. Discover how its three unique buildings exemplify the changing vision of what an art museum can be.

  16. How To Visit An Art Museum: Guided by an Art Tour Expert

    Visiting the art museum is an amazing opportunity for kids to visit collections of contemporary, classical, and modern art. And we believe that museum walkth...

  17. Portland Art Museum

    The Portland Art Museum has several strong collections featuring thousands of talented artists. Vincent Van Gogh's Ox-Cart painting (1884) — one of Van Gogh's earliest works — is one of the museum's most valuable and well-known artworks. Other notable pieces include Claude Monet's Waterlilies (1914), Kehinde Wiley's Likunt Daniel Ailin (2013), and work by famous artists such as ...

  18. Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Electrostal History and Art Museum, Elektrostal: See 19 reviews, articles, and 22 photos of Electrostal History and Art Museum, ranked No.3 on Tripadvisor among 11 attractions in Elektrostal.

  19. Take a Tour and Discuss Art!

    Our tour guides, known as docents, train rigorously for over a year to become properly certified. ... So next time you visit the Cincinnati Art Museum, check out a public tour from one of our fantastic docents and enjoy a conversation about art! 953 Eden Park Drive Cincinnati, OH 45202. Phone: (513) 721-ARTS (2787) Toll Free: 1 (877) 472-4226

  20. Guided Tour Volunteer Program

    Guided Tour Volunteer Program. Volunteers at The Met guide tours and lead gallery chats of the collection and exhibitions to make works of art accessible for students (grades K-12) and adults. We are committed to inclusivity, access, and equity, and believe that The Met Volunteer Organization should represent the diversity of New York City.

  21. Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Art MuseumsHistory Museums. Write a review. All photos (22) Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, learn more. The area. Nikolaeva ul., d. 30A, Elektrostal 144003 Russia. Reach out directly.

  22. Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Art MuseumsHistory Museums. Write a review. Full view. All photos (22) Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing. The area. Nikolaeva ul., d. 30A, Elektrostal 144003 Russia. Reach out directly.

  23. Brooklyn Museum: Gallery Tours: A Few of Our Favorite Things

    The Brooklyn Museum is an art museum located in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. At 560,000 square feet, the museum is New York City's second largest in physical size and holds an art collection with roughly 1.5 million works. ... for a free tour through our galleries. The guide will share a few of their own favorite works, and together ...

  24. Chazen Museum of Art

    Sunday Tour: Wisconsin Artists Join us for a guided tour delving into the world of Wisconsin-based artists! Meet our guide at the welcome desk for a 60-minute exploration of collection highlights. Engage in conversation and …

  25. Brooklyn Museum: Scent Tours: Hiroshige's Seasons—Sold Out

    These programs are sold out. Immerse yourself in a multisensory tour of Hiroshige's 100 Famous Views of Edo (feat.Takashi Murakami) led by Jessica Murphy, a fragrance historian and Manager of Group Experiences at the Brooklyn Museum. The Museum's complete set of Utagawa Hiroshige's 100 Famous Views of Edo, a meticulously executed and beautifully preserved series of prints, is one of our ...

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    On a street art tour with Skyliner, you'll find out how the area became filled with creatives, the stories behind some of the street art, and knowledgeable guide, Hayley, will discuss social issues.

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    The Cantor's collection spans 5,000 years and includes more than 41,000 works of art from around the globe. The Cantor is an established resource for teaching and research on campus. Free admission, tours, lectures, and family activities make the Cantor one of the most visited university art museums in the country.

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    Tour Portsmouth's old port and historic district or visit the Children's Museum of New Hampshire and the Ogunquit Museum of American Art. Shutterstock Take a break at Echo Lake in North Conway ...

  29. Art Making with the Whitney Museum

    The Whitney Museum is coming to the Bronx for a special artmaking project at the New York Botanical Garden. Artists of all ages are welcome to join us for a tour of the Azalea Garden and to create watercolors inspired by the scenic surroundings. This artmaking project is inspired by…

  30. What's On

    You must join the virtual exhibition queue when you arrive. If capacity has been reached for the day, the queue will close early.