tour guide jobs puerto rico

Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Tour Guides and Travel Agencies

List of new request for travel agencies and wholesalers.

Objection Process

Any natural or legal person who wishes to object to the request filed or who wishes to appear and be heard in relation to the petition shall submit a sworn document detailing the facts on which he bases his right to intervene and be heard, within a period of fifteen (15) days, counted from the date of presentation of the request.  notifying the petitioner in writing at his mailing address and the Company at the following address:

Oficina de Servicios y Fiscalización Turística- Secretaría

P.O. Box 9023960

San Juan, P.R. 00902-3960

Tour Guides

Tour guides play an extremely important role in promoting a destination, as they offer not only information, but also enhance the image of the destination and the experience of a guest visiting a place or tourist attraction. As a key element in the quality and way that a customer understands and enjoys the activities during his visit, these professionals have to follow high quality standards. The CTPR is the agency that supervises the certification and education of tour guides on the island, as selected by the government of Puerto Rico. 

Click on the links on the side to learn more about tour guide certifications and laws and regulations that apply to the field in Puerto Rico.

  • Act 52 – May 6, 2008 (in Spanish)
  • Hoja de Requisitos para Certificación Guía Turístico 2021 (in Spanish)
  • Brochure Guias Turisticos 2021 (in Spanish)
  • Tour Guides Requirements Certification (in Spanish)
  • General Tour Guides List (in Spanish)
  • Municipal Tour Guides List (in Spanish)
  • Interpreter Requirements (in Spanish)
  • Special Permit for Tour Guides (in Spanish)
  • Renewal Requirements for General and Specialized Tour Guide Certification (in Spanish)
  • Interpreter Renewal Requirements (in Spanish)
  • Employer Change Requirements for Interpreters (in Spanish)
  • General Tour Guide Listing (in Spanish)
  • Municipal Tour Guide Listing (in Spanish)

Travel Agencies and Wholesalers

A travel agent is a person who serves as an intermediary between service providers for travelers, such as airlines, hotels and consumers, and offer advice on transportation options, accommodations and details regarding trip planning. Most travel agents are affiliated to a travel agency but some are self-employed. The tourist transportation department of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company ensures that travel agencies operate under the applicable law and serve as a mediator when difficulties arise with a client.

Click on the link to learn more about the laws and regulations that apply to travel agencies in Puerto Rico.

  • Act 212 – August 28, 2003 (in Spanish)
  • Travel Agents and Wholesalers Regulations (in Spanish)
  • Travel Agents and Wholesalers Brochure (in Spanish)
  • Travel Agencies Authorized By PRTC
  • Travel and Excursion Wholesalers Authorized by PRTC
  • Independent Contractors Authorized by PRTC
  • Order and Resolution -2018-01 (in Spanish)

Click on the link below to download the request.

  • Renewal for Travel Agencies and Travel and Excursions Wholesalers – Corporation / LLC
  • Renewal for Travel Agencies and Travel and Excursions Wholesalers – Individual
  • New Travel Agency or Wholesaler – Corporation / LLC
  • New Travel Agency or Wholesaler – Individual
  • Transfer Travel Agency or Wholesaler – Individual
  • Transfer for Travel Agencies and Travel and Excursions Wholesalers – Corporation / LLC
  • Independent Contractor Requirements

Click on the links below to learn about the processes:

  • Grievance Filing Process (in Spanish)
  • Complaint and grievance investigation process (in Spanish)

Regulatory orders issued

Misc. Num. MISC-2023-01

Misc. Núm. MISC-2005-009 (A)

Misc. Núm. MISC-2005-009

Misc. Núm. MISC-2006-004

Misc. Núm. MISC-2006-07

Misc. Núm. MISC-2007-03

Misc. Núm. MISC-2007-003A

Misc. Núm. MISC-2007-03B

Misc. Núm. MISC-2009-06

Misc. Núm. MISC-2009-06A

Misc. Núm. MISC-2009-06B

Misc. Núm. MISC-2019-04

Misc. Núm. MISC-2019-01A

Misc. Núm. MISC-2019-01

Misc. Núm. MISC-2018-01

Misc. Núm. MISC-2017-11

Misc. Núm. MISC-2016-15

Misc. Núm. MISC-2012-02

Local Routes endorsed by the Tourism Company

Local and international travelers can visit off-the-beaten-path locations and historic landmarks through the Island by following the thematic routes endorsed by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company. Each route offers the opportunity to discover more about the culture and history of the Island. Plan your tour with a PRTC certified guide so you don’t miss any of the details in the route or enjoy the route on your own.

  • Ruta de la Salsa – Santurce “De Barrio Obrero a la 15….”
  • Ruta de la Salsa – Viejo San Juan “Calle Luna Calle Sol….”
  • Ruta de la Salsa – “Salsa es Ponce”
  • Ruta Criolla de la Salsa – Caguas
  • Ruta San Juan Bautista
  • Ruta Porta del Sol Sagrado

tour guide jobs puerto rico

tour guide jobs puerto rico

Custom Puerto Rico Tours

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Questions about your booking? Call us!

 (406) 802-2304

Why Choose Puerto Rico Fun Guides?

Welcome to PR Fun Guides, where your dream Puerto Rican adventure awaits! Here, we don't just offer tours; we create unforgettable, tailor-made experiences that resonate with your unique travel aspirations. Our custom tours are more than just itineraries; they're pathways to discovering the heart and soul of Puerto Rico, crafted specifically for you. Whether you seek serene twilight excursions, or exhilarating hikes, our personalized adventures promise to transform your vacation into an extraordinary journey.

Why Choose a Custom Tour?

Imagine a vacation that’s designed around your interests, pace, and desires. That's the essence of our custom tours. With us, you're not just another tourist; you're an explorer diving into experiences that resonate with your personal story. Our custom tours are about flexibility, exclusivity, and a deep connection with the Puerto Rican landscape and culture. Hear from our satisfied adventurers:

“The twilight hike was like stepping into a different world, tailor-made for our love of nature. PR Fun Guides truly made our trip magical!” – Emily & Mark

Tour Options:

Hiking Adventures: Immerse in the Lush Beauty of El Yunque and Luquillo

Exploration at its Finest: Our Hiking Adventures are personalized treks through the heart of Puerto Rico’s natural wonders, offering an intimate encounter with the island's vibrant ecosystems and breathtaking views.

Discover the Wonders of El Yunque National Forest:

Embark on a journey through the lush greenery of El Yunque, the only tropical rainforest in the U.S. National Forest System. Each step in this vibrant forest unveils a world brimming with diverse flora and fauna, hidden waterfalls, and mystical trails.

La Mina Falls: Traverse the paths leading to this stunning waterfall. The sound of cascading water complements the chorus of native coqui frogs, creating a symphony of natural sounds.

Mount Britton Tower: Hike up to this historic stone tower for panoramic views of the rainforest canopy, stretching all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

The Dwarf Forest: This unique ecosystem, characterized by its stunted growth due to high altitude and wind, offers a rare glimpse into the adaptability of nature.

El Yunque Peak: For the more adventurous, a hike to the summit of El Yunque Peak promises breathtaking vistas and a sense of accomplishment like no other.

Luquillo Beach: A Coastal Contrast:

Transition from the dense rainforest to the serene coastline of Luquillo Beach. This area offers gentler hikes along sandy shores and coastal trails, providing a different perspective of Puerto Rico’s natural beauty.

Beach Trails: Walk along the golden sands, with the Atlantic Ocean as your backdrop. These trails are perfect for witnessing spectacular sunrises or sunsets.

Nature Observations: Luquillo Beach is not just about relaxation; its coastal ecosystems are thriving habitats for various bird species, offering ample opportunities for bird watching and nature photography.

Your Hike, Your Way:

At PR Fun Guides, every hiking adventure is customizable to your fitness level and interests. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or prefer leisurely nature walks, our guides ensure your experience is safe, enjoyable, and enlightening. We bring to life the stories of the land, offering insights into the history, ecology, and cultural significance of the places you explore.

Step into a World of Natural Wonders with PR Fun Guides

Join us for a hiking adventure that goes beyond the trail. Discover the secrets of El Yunque National Forest and the tranquil beauty of Luquillo Beach, all while creating a deeper connection with nature and Puerto Rican culture. Your personalized hiking experience awaits!

Snorkeling Adventures: Explore the Underwater Marvels of Puerto Rico

A World Beneath the Waves : Our Snorkeling Adventures are curated to unveil the vibrant marine life and stunning seascapes of Puerto Rico, offering an immersive experience in the island’s crystal-clear waters.

Dive into Pristine Waters at Exotic Locations:

Puerto Rico's coasts are a snorkeler's paradise, teeming with aquatic life and breathtaking underwater landscapes. Our snorkeling adventures take you to the best spots for an unforgettable underwater journey.

Luquillo Coral Reefs: A Kaleidoscope of Marine Life:

Just off the shores of Luquillo Beach, the coral reefs are bustling with a diverse array of marine life. Snorkelers can expect to see colorful fish, sea turtles, and a variety of coral formations, making it an ideal spot for both beginners and experienced snorkelers.

Seven Seas Beach, Fajardo: Underwater Gardens:

Known for its clear waters and abundant sea life, Seven Seas Beach is a snorkeling haven. Here, you can glide over flourishing coral gardens, home to vibrant fish, starfish, and occasionally, playful dolphins.

A Tailored Snorkeling Experience:

Our snorkeling tours are customized to cater to your comfort and interest levels. Whether you’re a first-time snorkeler or an experienced underwater explorer, our knowledgeable guides ensure a safe and enriching experience.

Guided Snorkeling Tours: Our guides lead you to the best spots, sharing insights about the marine life and ecosystems you encounter.

Eco-Friendly Approach: We emphasize sustainable snorkeling practices, ensuring the protection of the underwater environments we explore.

More Than Just Snorkeling:

Along with the thrill of snorkeling, we offer a glimpse into the local coastal culture. Learn about the conservation efforts to protect Puerto Rico’s marine habitats and the importance of these ecosystems to the island's natural heritage.

Submerge Yourself in the Beauty of Puerto Rico’s Waters

Join PR Fun Guides for a snorkeling adventure that goes beyond the surface. Explore the vibrant underwater world of Puerto Rico, where each dive reveals new wonders and lasting memories. Book your snorkeling journey today and experience the magic beneath the waves!

Spearfishing and Lobster Hunting Adventures: The Thrill of the Hunt Underwater

A Unique Undersea Challenge: Our Spearfishing and Lobster Hunting Adventures offer an exciting and sustainable way to engage with Puerto Rico's marine life, providing an authentic and thrilling experience in the island’s bountiful waters.

Embark on an Unforgettable Marine Expedition:

Puerto Rico’s coastal waters are not only beautiful but also abundant in marine life, making them ideal for spearfishing and lobster hunting. These adventures provide a hands-on experience in the art of underwater hunting, guided by our expert and environmentally conscious instructors.

Spearfishing in the Reefs:

Delve into the crystal-clear waters near Luquillo and Fajardo, where the reefs teem with a variety of fish species. Ideal for both beginners and experienced spearfishers, these locations offer a challenging yet rewarding experience. Learn the skills of spearfishing while adhering to sustainable practices, ensuring minimal impact on the marine ecosystem.

Lobster Hunting Adventures:

The rocky seabeds and hidden crevices along Puerto Rico’s coast are perfect habitats for lobsters. Our guided lobster hunting excursions teach you the traditional and sustainable methods of catching lobsters, a skill that’s as exciting as it is rewarding.

Tailored to Your Skill Level:

We customize each spearfishing and lobster hunting trip to suit your experience and comfort levels. Our instructors provide comprehensive training on safety, technique, and sustainable practices, ensuring a responsible and exhilarating adventure.

Spearfishing Gear and Training: We provide all the necessary gear and a thorough briefing on its use, along with training in underwater hunting techniques and safety procedures.

Conservation and Respect for Marine Life : Our guides emphasize the importance of respecting marine life and ecosystems, focusing on sustainable and ethical hunting practices.

Beyond the Hunt:

These adventures offer more than just the thrill of the hunt; they are an opportunity to connect deeply with the ocean and understand its ecological importance. Participants gain a greater appreciation for marine conservation and the role of sustainable practices in underwater activities.

Experience the Ocean’s Bounty with PR Fun Guides

Join us for a spearfishing and lobster hunting adventure with PR Fun Guides, where the thrill of the hunt meets respect for the ocean’s wonders. Dive into Puerto Rico’s vibrant waters for an experience that combines excitement, skill, and a deep appreciation for marine life. Book your underwater hunting adventure today and discover a new way to connect with the sea!

Understanding the Laws for Spearfishing and Lobster Hunting in Puerto Rico

Adhering to Regulations for a Sustainable Adventure:

At PR Fun Guides, we prioritize sustainable and responsible spearfishing and lobster hunting practices. It's essential for our guests to understand and respect the local laws and regulations that govern these activities in Puerto Rico. These laws are in place to protect marine life and ensure the health and sustainability of our ocean ecosystems.

Spearfishing Regulations:

Permit Requirements: All spearfishers are required to have a valid fishing license from the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico.

Equipment Restrictions: The use of scuba gear while spearfishing is prohibited in Puerto Rico. Spearfishing is allowed only with free diving techniques.

Species and Size Limits: There are specific regulations regarding the species that can be caught and their minimum size. These regulations are in place to protect juvenile fish and endangered species.

Protected Areas: Spearfishing is not permitted in marine reserves, natural reserves, or certain designated areas to preserve marine biodiversity.

Lobster Hunting Regulations:

Seasonal Restrictions: Lobster hunting in Puerto Rico is subject to seasonal closures. These closures are crucial for the lobster breeding season and population recovery.

Size and Bag Limits: There are specific size limits for lobsters that can be legally harvested. The possession of egg-bearing female lobsters is strictly prohibited.

Permit Requirements: Similar to spearfishing, a valid fishing license is required for lobster hunting.

Our Commitment to Responsible Practices:

Guided Compliance: Our guides are well-versed in local laws and regulations and will ensure that all activities are compliant.

Conservation Education: We educate our guests on the importance of these regulations and the role they play in marine conservation.

Eco-Friendly Approach: Our approach goes beyond legal compliance; we advocate for and practice eco-friendly and sustainable methods in all our activities.

Safe and Sustainable Underwater Hunting with Puerto Rico Fun Guides

We at Puerto Rico Fun Guides are committed to providing exhilarating yet responsible spearfishing and lobster hunting experiences. By respecting and adhering to local laws and regulations, we ensure that our adventures contribute positively to the preservation of Puerto Rico’s precious marine environment. Join us for an adventure that is not only thrilling but also supports the sustainability of our ocean’s resources.

Twilight Excursions with Puerto Rico Fun Guides: Personalized, Safe, and Unforgettable

Tailored Sunset Adventures on Your Schedule:

Discover the enchanting evenings of Puerto Rico with our custom twilight excursions. Designed with your convenience and safety in mind, our private tours offer a seamless experience from pickup to drop-off, allowing you to explore the island's beauty on your terms.

Exclusive Ground Transportation:

Comfort and Safety: Travel in the comfort of our private vehicles, guided by our knowledgeable and safety-conscious drivers.

Flexible Itinerary: Your schedule is our priority. Choose the start and end times that work best for you, creating a tour that fits seamlessly into your vacation plans.

Customizable Twilight Activities:

Hiking into Sunset: Journey through the trails of El Yunque National Forest as the day turns to dusk. Experience the forest's transformation at twilight, a time when the natural beauty takes on a mystical quality.

Beachside Serenity: Stroll along the tranquil shores of Luquillo Beach, where the sunset creates a picturesque backdrop. It’s the perfect setting for relaxation or a romantic walk.

Custom lobster hunt Tinajas hike water slide, cliff jump, rope swing, waterfalls, swimming adventure

Twilight Chipu Cabre hunt 

Dining Under the Stars:

Beachfront Dining Experience: We can arrange special dinners right on the beach, complete with local cuisine and a serene ocean view, providing an intimate and memorable dining experience.

Culinary Tours: Explore the flavors of Puerto Rico with tours of local eateries. From traditional dishes in cozy restaurants to innovative cuisine in renowned dining establishments, savor the best of the island’s culinary offerings.

Collaboration for Enhanced Experiences:

Partnering with Local Providers: While we don’t have our own boats, we can coordinate with local marina providers for those interested in adding a marine element to their evening.

Complete Experience Management: From planning the perfect hike or beach visit to organizing unique dining arrangements, we handle all the details, ensuring your twilight excursion is hassle-free and enjoyable.

Experience the Magic of Puerto Rican Evenings with Us

With Puerto Rico Fun Guides, your twilight excursion is more than just a tour; it’s a personalized journey through the island’s stunning landscapes and rich culture. Our commitment to safety, convenience, and personalization ensures an experience that’s as unique as you are. Embark on a twilight adventure with us and let the beauty of Puerto Rico illuminate your evening.

Why Our Custom Tours Stand Out

Expert Guidance: Knowledgeable, Passionate, Unforgettable

Diverse Expertise: Our guides are more than just experts; they are passionate about Puerto Rico’s rich history, vibrant ecology, and diverse cultural heritage. They bring a depth of knowledge that turns every tour into an educational and enjoyable experience.

Storytelling at Its Best: Imagine hearing fascinating tales of local legends, historical facts, and ecological insights as you explore. Our guides are storytellers who make every location come alive with captivating narratives.

Personalized Attention: Each guide is dedicated to creating a connection, understanding your interests, and tailoring their guidance to make your experience uniquely engaging.

Flexible Scheduling: Your Time, Your Adventure

Adaptable Itineraries: We understand that travel plans can change. Our flexible scheduling allows for adjustments to suit your preferences and needs. Whether it's a change in start time, a shift in activities due to weather, or accommodating a special request, we’re here to make it happen.

Catering to Your Interests: Want to spend more time snorkeling or hiking? Our itineraries are not set in stone. We adapt to focus more on what excites you, ensuring your adventure is exactly as you envisioned.

Safe, Reliable Transportation: With our four-wheel-drive vehicles, we ensure safe and comfortable transportation to and from your destinations, no matter the terrain or weather conditions.

All-Inclusive Packages: Effortless Adventure Awaits

Everything Included: From the moment you embark on your adventure, we’ve got everything covered. This includes transportation, entrance fees (if any), and all necessary equipment for activities like snorkeling, hiking, and more.

Quality Gear for Every Activity : Whether it’s snorkeling gear, beach gear, or equipment for lobster hunting, we provide top-quality, well-maintained equipment to ensure your safety and enjoyment.

Hassle-Free Experience: Our all-inclusive packages are designed to let you focus on the fun and the adventure. Leave the logistics and planning to us, and immerse yourself in the beauty and excitement of Puerto Rico.

Experience Puerto Rico Like Never Before with Our Custom Tours

At Puerto Rico Fun Guides, we pride ourselves on delivering custom tours that are educational, flexible, safe, and packed with adventure. Our goal is to provide an unforgettable experience that highlights the best of Puerto Rico, tailored just for you. Ready for your next adventure? Let us take you there!

Embark on Your Personal Adventure Today!

Puerto Rico is not just a destination; it's a mosaic of cultures, histories, and natural wonders. From the mystic El Yunque National Forest to the historic streets of Old San Juan, the island offers a tapestry of experiences. Our custom tours let you dive deep into this richness, creating memories that last a lifetime.

Ready to explore Puerto Rico like never before? Book your custom tour now and step into a world of personalized adventure. Your journey of a lifetime is just a few clicks away!

tour guide jobs puerto rico

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do i book a custom tour with puerto rico fun guides.

To book a custom tour, simply fill out a short form on our website detailing your dream vacation in Puerto Rico. We'll review your preferences and quickly respond with tailored options and recommendations, ensuring a personalized experience that aligns with your interests and needs.

What measures does Puerto Rico Fun Guides take to ensure safety during tours?

Your safety is our top priority. Our guides are trained in safety protocols, including CPR, and we only use well-maintained, reliable equipment. Our tours are designed with safety in mind, from careful route planning to ensuring all activities adhere to the highest safety standards.

Can Puerto Rico Fun Guides accommodate specific requests or needs during the tours?

Absolutely! We strive to accommodate your specific requests and needs. Whether it's adjusting the itinerary for physical comfort, catering to dietary preferences, or incorporating special activities, we're flexible and attentive to making your tour as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

How does Puerto Rico Fun Guides ensure an eco-friendly and sustainable experience?

We are committed to eco-conscious tourism. This includes practicing sustainable activities, respecting local wildlife and habitats, and educating our guests on the importance of environmental preservation. We actively support eco-friendly practices to minimize our impact on Puerto Rico's natural beauty.

What makes a custom tour with Puerto Rico Fun Guides unique?

Our custom tours stand out due to our personalized approach, expert guidance, and in-depth knowledge of Puerto Rico. We craft experiences that go beyond typical tourist paths, showcasing the island's rich culture, history, and natural wonders, all tailored to your personal preferences.

Are the custom tours suitable for families with children?

Yes, our custom tours are family-friendly and can be tailored to suit all ages. We adjust activity levels and content to be engaging and suitable for children, ensuring a fun and educational experience for the entire family.

What kind of activities can be included in a custom tour?

Our custom tours can include a wide range of activities, from serene hikes in El Yunque National Forest and relaxing beach strolls to exhilarating surfing lessons and insightful snorkeling trips. We tailor the activities to match your interests and adventure level.

How flexible are the tour schedules? Can I make changes after booking?

Our tours offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your plans. If you need to make changes after booking, we'll do our best to adjust the itinerary accordingly, ensuring your tour experience aligns with your preferences and any unforeseen changes.

Will I have a guide with me throughout the tour?

Yes, you will have an expert guide accompanying you throughout the tour. Our guides are passionate about Puerto Rico and bring each experience to life with their knowledge, enthusiasm, and attentive guidance.

How does Puerto Rico Fun Guides handle transportation during the tours?

We provide safe, reliable, and comfortable transportation throughout your tour. Our vehicles are equipped to handle various terrains, ensuring a smooth journey as you explore the diverse landscapes of Puerto Rico.

What should I pack for my Puerto Rico Fun Guides tour?

We recommend comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing, sturdy shoes for hiking or walking, swimwear for water activities, sunscreen, a hat, and a camera. For specific activities like snorkeling or surfing, all necessary equipment is provided, but feel free to bring your own gear if you prefer.

What is the best time of year to visit Puerto Rico for a custom tour?

Puerto Rico is a great year-round destination, but the best time to visit depends on your preferences. Winter (December to April) offers cooler, dryer weather, ideal for outdoor activities, while summer (May to November) is warmer and perfect for beach and water activities, despite being the rainy season.

Can Puerto Rico Fun Guides accommodate dietary restrictions on their tours?

Yes, we can accommodate most dietary restrictions. Please inform us of any specific requirements or allergies when you book your tour, and we will ensure that your dining experiences during the tour cater to your needs.

Is English widely spoken in Puerto Rico?

Yes, English is widely spoken in Puerto Rico, especially in tourist areas and by our guides. However, Spanish is the predominant language, and a basic understanding of Spanish can enhance your experience.

What is the currency in Puerto Rico, and are credit cards widely accepted?

The currency in Puerto Rico is the U.S. Dollar. Credit cards are widely accepted in most establishments, but it's advisable to have some cash on hand, especially in smaller towns or for smaller purchases.

Do I need a visa to travel to Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, so U.S. citizens do not need a passport or visa to travel here. Visitors from other countries will need a passport and may need a visa, depending on their nationality.

What kind of wildlife can I expect to see in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico is home to diverse wildlife, including the famous coqui frog, various bird species, marine life like sea turtles and dolphins, and unique ecosystems in places like El Yunque National Forest.

Are there any cultural norms or etiquette I should be aware of while in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Ricans are known for their warm hospitality. Common courtesies and respectfulness are appreciated. It's also customary to tip for services, similar to mainland U.S. standards.

What are the typical weather conditions in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico has a tropical climate with relatively stable temperatures year-round, averaging around 80°F (27°C). The island experiences a wet season from May to October and a dry season from November to April.

  • All-Inclusive Convenience: Just show up and have fun. We handle the rest!
  • Local Experience: Dive into the authentic Puerto Rican culture.
  • Safety First: All tours are conducted by CPR-trained guides.
  • Personalized Attention: We cater to your needs for an unforgettable experience.

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Contact Info

Booking: (406) 802-2304

14 CaLLe Cervantes

Unit 3A San Juan PR 00907

(619) 201-1148

7 Days a week.

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or a little bit of both, we have the perfect tour for you. From thrilling zip line tours through the rainforest canopy to tranquil horseback rides along the beach, we offer a diverse range of tours that cater to all interests and abilities.

We are a leading tour guide company that specializes in providing a wide range of exciting and immersive tours throughout this beautiful island. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable guides is passionate about sharing their love for Puerto Rico with visitors from all over the world, and they go above and beyond to ensure that each tour is informative, entertaining, and unforgettable.

Our Top Tours

Don’t just take our word for it.

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Our Latest Tours

"Embark on unforgettable tours in Puerto Rico, where breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage await your exploration."

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Choose a destination in the Island

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Enjoy a wonderful experience

This is your chance to embark on an authentic journey guided by a certified local tour expert. Growing up near the forest and sharing a profound connection with El Yunque, we offer you an opportunity to truly explore the heart of “El Yunque,” leaving you with an authentic, non-touristy experience.


Muddy Trail

Bathing areas/natural pools, natural waterslides, rainforest & waterfalls.

Hello! I’m Jean E, your enthusiastic tour guide at Tours To Do PR. With over 5 years of experience leading adventure tours in El Yunque rainforest, I’m thrilled to share my passion for this stunning ecosystem. Being a local, I have an intimate connection with the rainforest and its surroundings, having explored its trails and hidden treasures extensively. My expertise covers the local flora, fauna, history, and culture, and I’m eager to impart this knowledge to our wonderful guests from around the globe. Let’s embark on an unforgettable journey together!

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Certified Tour Guide

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Safe Transportation

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Enviroment Friendly

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Adventure talks.

Scott Everson


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  3. Online Clasificados-Clasificados Online Interactivos y Virtuales


  1. Apply for Tour Guide Jobs in Puerto Rico Today

    Ghost Tour Guide (Must be Licensed) US Ghost Adventures. San Juan, PR. $25 - $50 an hour. Part-time. Monday to Friday + 3. Easily apply. If required by the city, applicants must possess or be willing to attain a tour guide license in accordance with the city's requirements. Employer.

  2. Tour Jobs, Employment in Puerto Rico

    Bio Bay Tour Guide (On-Call) Kayaking Puerto Rico Adventures, Inc. Fajardo, PR 00738. $100 - $120 a day. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 5. Easily apply. Guides are primarily responsible for leading groups, and interpreting natural sites all while looking out for the safety and enjoyment of all visitors. Active 4 days ago ·.

  3. 11 tour guide Jobs in Puerto Rico, June 2024

    11 Tour guide jobs in Puerto Rico. Hacienda Carabali. Tour Guide - Horseback Area and ATV. Luquillo, PR. $9.50 Per Hour (Employer est.) Easy Apply. Indispensable ser bilingues (español e inglés MUST), mayor de 18 años, trabajar en equipo, tener disponibilidad para tiempo completo y turnos rotativos.…. 30d+. XL Event Lab.

  4. 20 tourism Jobs in Puerto Rico, June 2024

    20 Tourism jobs in Puerto Rico. Hacienda Carabali. Tour Guide - Horseback Area and ATV. Luquillo, PR. $9.50 Per Hour (Employer est.) Easy Apply. Indispensable ser bilingues (español e inglés MUST), mayor de 18 años, trabajar en equipo, tener disponibilidad para tiempo completo y turnos rotativos.…. 30d+. Rico Sun Tours.

  5. 19 tourism Jobs in Puerto Rico, March 2024

    19 Tourism jobs in Puerto Rico. Most relevant. Hacienda Carabali. Tour Guide - Horseback Area and ATV. Luquillo, PR. USD 9.50 - 10.00 Per Hour (Employer est.) Easy Apply. Se solicitan guias turisticos para ofrecer tours en el area de los caballos y de los atv.…. 30d+.

  6. 116 empleos de Tour Guide en San Juan, Puerto Rico (5 nuevo/s)

    Los 116 principales empleos del día de Tour Guide en San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sácale el máximo partido a tu red profesional y consigue que te contraten. Se añaden nuevos empleos para Tour Guide a diario.

  7. Employment Opportunities

    Employment Opportunities. To apply for a position, click "Apply now" on any of the listings below. Please be sure to attach your resume and include your contact information. If you are having difficulty using the link, please email [email protected] directly. Various Chauffeur/Tour Guide positions available.

  8. 20 Best tours jobs in puerto rico (Hiring Now!)

    50 tours jobs available in puerto rico. See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired. New tours careers in puerto rico are added daily on ... If required by the city, applicants must possess or be willing to attain a tour guide license in accordance with the city's requirements. $25 - $50 an hour. Quick Apply. 6d.

  9. Guide Tour Jobs, Employment in Puerto Rico

    Guide Tour jobs in Puerto Rico. Sort by: relevance - date. 11 jobs. Tour Guide (Must be Licensed) US Ghost Adventures. San Juan, PR. Typically responds within 1 day. $25 - $50 an hour. Part-time. Monday to Friday +3. Easily apply.

  10. 18 Best tourism jobs in Puerto Rico (Hiring Now!)

    18 tourism jobs available in Puerto Rico. See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired. New tourism careers in Puerto Rico are added daily on ... ¡ESTAMOS EN BÚSQUEDA DE TOUR GUIDE COMPLETAMENTE BILINGÜE!*. HORARIO: LUNES A SÁBADO 8:00AM-7:00PM (TURNOS ROTATIVOS). EXPERIENCIA PREVIA COMO TOUR GUIDE. $10 an hour.

  11. Careers

    The Puerto Rico Tourism Company (PRTC), founded in 1970, is a public corporation responsible for stimulating, promoting, and regulating the development of Puerto Rico's tourism industry. #2 Paseo La Princesa, San Juan, PR 00902 Phone: (787) 721-2400 email: [email protected]

  12. Tour Guides Jobs, Employment in Puerto Rico

    11 Tour Guides jobs available in Puerto Rico on Apply to Tour Guide, Culebra Snorkel Tour Leader, Attendant and more!

  13. 20 Best travel jobs in puerto rico (Hiring Now!)

    170 travel jobs available in puerto rico. See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired. New travel careers in puerto rico are added daily on ... If required by the city, applicants must possess or be willing to attain a tour guide license in accordance with the city's requirements. $25 - $50 an hour. Quick Apply.

  14. Tour Guides

    The tourist transportation department of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company ensures that travel agencies operate under the applicable law and serve as a mediator when difficulties arise with a client. Click on the link to learn more about the laws and regulations that apply to travel agencies in Puerto Rico. Act 212 - August 28, 2003.

  15. Tour Guide Puerto Rico Exploradise, Clasificados Empleos Puerto Rico

    Empleo en Puerto Rico, Tour Guide Puerto Rico Exploradise. ... Empleos en Puerto Rico Jobs in Puerto Rico Turismo. Publicidad Advertising Preguntas Frecuentes Frequent Questions; Socios Partners: Anuncios Gratis Free Ads: Destaques Upgrades: Socios Partners: Banners: Destaques Upgrades: Eventos Events:

  16. Tailor-Made Puerto Rico Tours: Custom Adventures with PR Fun Guides

    Create your dream Puerto Rican adventure with PR Fun Guides' Custom/Private Tours. From serene twilight excursions and exhilarating surfing to tranquil snorkeling and adventurous hikes, our personalized tours are crafted to suit your desires. Experience the breathtaking landscapes of Puerto Rico with flexible scheduling, expert guidance, and a range of activities for all skill levels. Start ...

  17. Tourism Jobs, Employment in Puerto Rico

    Bio Bay Tour Guide (On-Call) Kayaking Puerto Rico Adventures, Inc. Fajardo, PR 00738. $100 - $120 a day. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 5. Easily apply. Guides are primarily responsible for leading groups, and interpreting natural sites all while looking out for the safety and enjoyment of all visitors.

  18. Puerto Rico Travel Guide

    Puerto Rico is full of people who are welcoming and buena gente (which is Boricua lingo for kind and friendly). Here, you'll feel like family instead of just a visitor. Discover vibrant cultural experiences, a celebration of life, and a captivating rhythm around every corner. Let us be the first to say ¡ bienvenidos!

  19. Puerto Rico As A Local LLC hiring Tour Guide/Driver Job in United

    Job Overview:We are seeking for an experienced, knowledgeable and enthusiastic Certified Tour Guide/Driver to join our t... See this and similar jobs on Glassdoor

  20. Top Tours

    Welcome to our premier tour guide company in Puerto Rico! We offer exceptional tours that showcase the island's natural beauty, rich culture, and history. Our experienced and knowledgeable guides are passionate about sharing their love for Puerto Rico with our guests, and we offer a diverse range of tours that cater to all interests and abilities. From exhilarating zip line adventures to ...

  21. Guide Jobs, Employment in Puerto Rico

    Adventure Guide. Urban Park, Toro Verde. San Juan, PR. $9.50 - $10.00 an hour. Part-time + 1. 24 to 36 hours per week. Weekends as needed + 4. Easily apply. Guides will be expected to teach necessary skills and facilitate meaningful outdoor adventures while managing risk and social group dynamics for every trip.

  22. Home

    Hello! I'm Jean E, your enthusiastic tour guide at Tours To Do PR. With over 5 years of experience leading adventure tours in El Yunque rainforest, I'm thrilled to share my passion for this stunning ecosystem. Being a local, I have an intimate connection with the rainforest and its surroundings, having explored its trails and hidden ...

  23. Travel News, Tips, and Guides

    The latest travel news, deals, guides and tips from the travel experts at USA TODAY. All the travel insights you need to plan your dream vacation.

  24. Travel Guide jobs in Puerto Rico

    Travel Guide jobs in Puerto Rico. Sort by: relevance - date. 50+ jobs. NATIONWIDE SEARCH: PUERTO RICO-BASED FAMILY SEEKS FULL-TIME TRAVEL NANNY/EDUCATOR. ... The family plans to spend around 5-7 months a year in Puerto Rico, travel all over the US, and spend a significant amount of time traveling through Europe (2-3 months at a time) and other ...