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15 Corporate Incentive Travel Program Tips

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: May 01, 2023

You found our list of the best corporate incentive travel program tips !

Corporate incentive travel programs are initiatives that offer all-expenses paid trips and experiences in exchange for extraordinary performance. For example, a trip to Thailand or Mexico. These programs aim to motivate employees and raise morale, loyalty, and productivity.

Travel incentive programs are one example of employee incentives and employee engagement ideas , and can be a popular employment benefit .

This article includes:

  • incentive travel examples
  • incentive trips for employees
  • group travel incentive programs
  • corporate incentives besides travel

Here is the list!

Incentive travel examples

When it comes to destinations and trip experiences, possibilities are endless. Here are a few examples of incentive travel programs to give you inspiration:

  • A stay in the British countryside complete with castle tours
  • A food tour through Italy or France, or through your home city
  • Museum crawl through New York City
  • Hotel and tickets to a Broadway or West End show
  • A Seine River expedition through Germany
  • Weeklong country-hopping tour
  • Hiking excursion in the mountains
  • Wildlife interaction at a sanctuary
  • Wine country visits
  • Behind the scenes tour of a nearby brewery
  • Weekend stay at a local bed and breakfast
  • Tropical beach escape
  • Historical tour of a prominent city
  • Hot air balloon rides
  • Passes and accommodation to a cultural festival
  • Company cruises
  • Glamping or camping
  • Team building retreats

The items on this list provide a solid baseline for program structures, but there are many possibilities for irresistible trips that will drive employees to perform at their best.

Corporate incentive travel program tips

From soliciting suggestions from staff to leveraging social media, here are the steps for creating an effective corporate incentive travel program.

1. Ask your staff for ideas

A travel program is only an incentive if your staff wants to take the trips you choose. Instead of outright guessing, or stealthily scanning your staff’s Instagram vacation posts, ask your staff for destination and activity ideas.

First, gather plausible options for countries, cities, accommodations, excursions, and activities. Then, distribute a survey, and use the feedback to inform your selections. Consider including a write-in option on your questionnaire so employees can point you towards any useful travel resources or discount programs.

2. Determine the goal of your program

The point of an incentive program is to achieve a particular result or encourage a certain behavior. Thus, when designing your incentive trips for employees, it is important to outline the goal.

Corporate incentive travel program objectives may include:

  • Specific sales targets
  • Increased client satisfaction scores
  • Decrease in paperwork errors
  • Shorter customer wait times
  • Quicker production turnaround time

The goal of the program may include multiple aims, and targets may vary by position or department.

Trips are a significant investment, and organizations expect a worthwhile return on such a weighty investment. By outlining clear goals when introducing the program, you justify the expenditure and link the reward to a clear result.

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3. Provide clear guidelines to staff

Higher management are not the only parties that benefit from having accurate expectations for the program. When announcing the initiative, provide clear guidelines to the staff so employees understand how to earn the rewards. For best results, communicate the necessary targets, performance period timeline, methods of measurement, and ultimate prizes.

You may also want to mention:

  • The level of date flexibility for trips. Can attendees choose from multiple months or weekends, or will there only be one date for the trip? If the latter, then disclose the date upfront.
  • Whether or not family members and guests can join the trips.
  • Included amenities vs add-on options.
  • Accommodations the company can make for staff with special circumstances.

Misunderstanding requirements could lead to staff missing out on the opportunity, causing disappointment. Employees want to feel that managers are upfront and honest, and clear communication fosters trust.

4. Consult a travel expert

Corporate travel programs require a great deal of planning and logistics management. Coordinating such a program alone can feel overwhelming, but travel and events companies that specialize in running incentive programs can simplify the process.

Here are some recommended travel incentive companies:

  • American Express Meetings & Events
  • Creative Group Inc.
  • First Incentive Travel
  • Peak Performance Meetings & Incentives
  • Bishop McCann
  • Bi Worldwide
  • Fox World Travel
  • Maritz Global Events
  • George P. Johnson Experience Marketing
  • World Travel Inc

Even if you decide not to hire a third-party vendor to manage incentive trips, consider consulting a travel agent or other professional who has experience planning and executing group trips. If nothing else, then read HR blogs for advice. You do not need to reinvent the wheel; you can rely on the guidance of professionals who have seen success with incentives to shape your program.

5. Research multiple vendors

While destination management companies often advertise packages that remove the hassle from corporate travel planning, these all-inclusive offerings are not always the best options for your needs. Working with multiple event providers may be a more cost-effective solution that results in better experiences for your employees.

Consider branching out and enlisting different companies for transportation, accommodations, catering, and experiences such as museum tours or adventure sports outings. At minimum, research and compare multiple destination management companies to ensure you find the best deal and optimal level of service.

6. Negotiate exclusives

Most travel incentive companies work with organizations to create tailored, customized plans. When designing trips, securing exclusive amenities and activities can make the experience even more attractive. For instance, booking an illustrious restaurant for a private party with a special menu, or receiving an after-hours, behind-the-scenes tour of a historical site with an expert. Planning experiences that attendees cannot replicate during personal visits makes the experience feel more unique, which compels employees to work harder to secure their spots on the trip.

7. Use organizational resources

While a travel incentive trip differs from a business trip, branches in other geographical regions can be a great help to your planning process. Offices in other states or countries might be able to make an introduction to a contact such as a travel coordinator, local guide, restaurateur, or hospitality professional that can help you coordinate your trip. You might even take advantage of special corporate discounts or offerings thanks to your relationship with the sister site.

Even if your organization does not have locations worldwide, you may employ a teammate who has previously worked, traveled, or lived in your destination and can offer recommendations. Tapping into your company’s internal resources improves the journey.

8. Stick to a budget

Travel programs are rarely low-cost perks. Expenses like transportation, accommodation, meals, and entertainment add up quickly, even if your group remains local. While increases in worker output and performance often justify the price of the program, it is still important to stick to a budget to ensure a balanced return on investment.

Researching beforehand helps avoid overspending. Before you commit to a destination or travel package, ensure you understand the total cost, including any additional expenditures such as insurance, service fees, non-included meals, transportation between venues, and tips for service staff.

Remember that if employees show interest in pricey experiences that the company cannot cover, then you can compensate by scheduling free time and allowing attendees to purchase optional activities.

Here is a list of ways to spend your budget at year-end .

9. Be liberal with options

Your group is a diverse bunch with a wide range of interests. One employee’s dream trip might not be another’s. To guarantee that all travelers enjoy the experience, arrange an array of activities that suit many tastes. For example, plan a bar crawl one evening and an open mic the next. Or, give attendees the choice between wine tasting, rock climbing, or touring a museum.

When planning activities, keep in mind:

  • Physical ability
  • Level of socialization
  • Dietary needs
  • Non-alcoholic options for non-drinkers
  • Price, if members pay out of pocket
  • Cultural sensitivity and inclusivity

Keep these considerations in mind not only when planning activities, but also when booking trip details. For instance, steer clear of destinations with recent human rights violations or recent racial tensions in favor of diverse and inclusive locations where all guests feel welcome.

10. Focus on the experience more than the destination

While the ability to travel to a foreign country or a lively city is a major draw, the location is not as important as your team’s overall happiness. Instead of fixating on the destination, focus on the experience. You do not need to pick a flashy locale to garner interest in the program. Attendees can have fun in a neighboring town or an off-the-beaten-path destination if you plan meaningful and engaging activities.

When choosing a venue for your trip, explore unconventional options and open yourself to interesting possibilities. Aim to connect your staff meaningfully with the local culture and with each other. Keep an eye out for experiences unique to your host city, and aim to be travelers rather than simply tourists. In essence, unlock the full potential of each city, neighborhood, or business instead of relying on the allure of the destination to do the heavy lifting.

11. Offer resources and assistance

Assuming that every trip member is an experienced traveler is a mistake. Travel programs generate interest among a wide range of attendees, from globetrotters to folks who have yet to step foot in an airport. Because there may be a discrepancy in the travel knowledge within your group, offering resources and assistance is helpful. Even if your package includes transportation, members may need to book plane tickets individually, in which case you should designate a helper to answer questions and resolve issues.

Consider also providing:

  • Passport and visa application assistance
  • Packing tips
  • Applicable CDC advisories and vaccine information
  • A guide to cultural norms in your destination country
  • Travel medical and insurance resources
  • Currency exchange services
  • Safety recommendations and emergency contact information

You can equip the group with helpful literature, hold informational sessions, and create online forums where attendees can ask and answer questions, too.

12. Use trips as an opportunity to expand employees’ worldviews

While the trip acts first as an incentive and reward, the vacation can serve as an educational tool, too. By incorporating cultural experiences, you expand teammates’ worldviews, teach empathy, and develop soft skills that enhance employees’ abilities to interact with clients and colleagues.

To capitalize on the effects of the trip, select a destination that pushes staff out of their comfort zone and introduces new viewpoints and experiences. To achieve this end, the destination does not have to be a foreign country. Every country is culturally diverse, and workers benefit from visiting a new region, or even connecting with a distinct subculture close to home. The trip can be an opportunity not only for employees to relax and have fun, but also to grow.

13. Maximize team bonding

Being in an unfamiliar place together can bring a group closer together. Shared experiences are the root of team building, and group trips establish common ground and memories that form a foundation for continuing relationships. Group travel incentive programs can not only save companies time and money, but also supercharge group development. One of the best approaches to travel programs is to maximize team bonding potential by planning group excursions and team building activities and scheduling time for group reflection.

By dedicating Slack channels, social media groups, team chats, pre and post trip sessions, and shared online photo albums to the trip group, you can further fuel interactions between members.

Here is a list of team building ideas to try.

14. Leverage employee testimonials and social media

Organizations devote significant resources to travel programs. One way to optimize return on investment is to leverage employee testimonials and social media as a way to market company culture and motivate colleagues to strive for future travel incentives.

A few suggestions:

  • Distribute a survey at the end of the trip. Make the survey completion a scheduled activity, or incentivize feedback by holding a prize drawing in tandem.
  • Ask employees to submit photos and captions to the marketing team for the company social media page
  • Coordinate a social media takeover campaign where trip attendees schedule content for company social media channels
  • Encourage attendees to tag posts on personal accounts with the company handle and a specific hashtag.
  • Dedicate blog posts to the experience
  • Compile a highlights reel of the trip by editing together video clips
  • Allow participants to speak about the trip on a company podcast
  • Invite attendees to speak at information sessions for future trips

Most folks appreciate having a platform to share their stories and experiences. This user-generated content has many uses both internally and externally, such as in recruitment materials, marketing projects, and employee engagement campaigns .

15. Offer alternatives to travel

Although travel is an enticing incentive, it is not a universal motivator for all employees. Familial obligations, health complications, fear of flying, or a distaste for travel are examples of conditions that might prevent staff from reaping the rewards of the program. To better suit the needs of your entire organization, offer alternatives to trips, such as material bonuses or more localized experiences. Examples might include a chartered day at a nearby winery, tickets to the hometown sports team game, or extra paid time off. Read the next section for more suggestions on non-travel incentive rewards.

Other corporate incentives besides travel

Travel is not viable to every employee’s circumstances. For a more universally appealing incentive program, consider offering alternatives to travel. The following list offers a few suggestions.

Bonuses are the most common employee incentive. Monetary rewards give employees more autonomy over their winnings, since staff has the discretion to use the extra cash as they see fit. Not to mention, a financial award sends the message that the organization shares extra profits with staff, thus compelling employees to generate more revenue for the company.

When introducing financial incentives, it is important to explain a clear bonus structure so that the staff has a solid understanding of expectations and performance metrics.

2. Extra paid time off

Instead of scheduling a trip for employees, you could offer extra paid time off so that employees can travel when, where, and with whom they prefer. Through this method, your staff may opt for a staycation instead, choosing to use the extra time to catch up on errands, develop side hustles, spend time with family members, or relax at home. This approach signals that the company values employees’ personal time and appreciates work life balance. Plus, offering extra time awards employees more freedom to customize their prize.

3. Concerts

Concerts are close-to-home adventures. Music and nightlife enthusiasts love the chance to attend live performances. Access to sold-out or exclusive events, good seats or entry into VIP areas, and other perks like complimentary food or merchandise sweeten the deal. Partnering with a corporate-facing event company or local concert venue can help you net discounts and special offers for your employees.

4. Sporting events

Tickets or company box seats at a sporting event are an enticing prize for sports fans, salespeople, and anyone who relishes the energy of a live game. Best of all, since seasons consist of many games, you can divide the performance period into multiple benchmarks, and employ ticket giveaways as an ongoing motivator. Also, sports inspire attitudes of camaraderie and teamwork which you can channel into your workplace.

5. Technology

New gadgets and upgrades hit the technology market daily. Keeping all gadgets updated can be a challenge, so technology rewards are tempting incentives.

A few suggestions for technology incentives:

  • smartphones
  • video game systems
  • action cameras
  • smartwatches and fitness trackers
  • wireless earbuds
  • 3-D printers

Consider offering technology upgrades for personal use, work use, or a mix of both. For example, promise to buy high-tech printers for the winning department.

6. Parking spots

Parking can be a surprisingly effective employee motivator, especially if you work in a city with scarce or expensive parking options. Even if the office building houses a company garage, employees may eye a desirable spot. Winning a prized parking spot or a complimentary pass checks one box off of the proverbial to-do list and makes the morning commute less hectic. If parking is not part of your employee benefits package, then consider offering the amenity as a prize.

7. Fitness classes

Fitness is important, but not always inexpensive. While many companies offer wellness credits, gym memberships, or exercise classes as perks, bonus fitness services can make attractive prizes.

Here are some ideas for fitness incentives:

  • Home gym equipment
  • Subscription to online Yoga classes or Peloton
  • Personal trainers
  • Workout wardrobes
  • Fitness trackers and smart devices
  • Unusual exercise classes like parkour or circus aerobics

Even if your company provides regular exercise options, an upgraded fitness experience can serve as extra motivation.

8. Charity donations

Monetary gain is not a universal motivator, and at times philanthropy can drive efforts more effectively than cash rewards. One alternative to material prizes is to donate an agreed amount to a charity of the awardee’s choice.

Pro tip: Allow employees to suggest charities that fall within prescribed guidelines instead of picking from a limited list to ensure that workers can raise money for a cause they are passionate about.

9. Task management services

While you may not be able to give your employees extra hours in the day, gifting task services is the next best option. Hiring professional errand-runners frees up time in your employees schedules for relaxation, self-care, and self-improvement.

Suggestions for task services:

  • Grocery deliveries
  • Laundry and dry cleaning services
  • Cooks or professional meal preppers
  • Cleaners or organizing consultants
  • Childcare services

Consider gifting credit towards multiple-service providers like TaskRabbit and Thumbtack so awardees can choose the most useful options.

10. Meals with executives

Lunch or dinner with a member of the C-suite serves the dual function of providing a complimentary meal along with quality time with higher management. For best results, offer one-on-one meetings or small group experiences so that every awardee has ample opportunity to interact with the executive. Similar bonding opportunities include golf games, tennis matches, hikes, creative classes, winery or brewery trips, or video game showdowns.

11. Massages and self-care

Some workers might not treat themselves to massages, spa-days, and other self-love splurges, but will indulge if gifted an activity. Pampering experiences inspire employees to achieve a goal while emphasizing the importance of self-care.

Here are some examples of self-care incentives:

  • Manicures and pedicures
  • Salon appointments
  • Meditation session
  • Career consulting or meeting with a life coach

These prizes send the message that companies care about employee wellbeing as well as performance.

12. Extraordinary events

Though some folks use the term incentive events interchangeably with incentive trips, at-home events can offer the excitement of travel minus the forms, transportation costs, or downtime at the airport. Extraordinary events give employees opportunities to socialize, participate in new experiences, and make memories with colleagues.

Some examples of event incentives include:

  • Improv or standup comedy shows and workshops
  • Cooking classes with renowned chefs
  • Laser tag tournaments
  • Winery or brewery tours
  • Cocktail party at the CEO’s house
  • Amusement park trips
  • Early access to a new venue
  • Special sales or product trials

Limiting the number of spots at these events and awarding entry only to high-achieving employees makes the occasion feel more special and motivates staff to strive towards a goal.

Final Thoughts

Travel is one of the most common bullet points on bucket lists, which means that trips serve as a powerful motivator. By affording employees opportunities to travel, you expand their world views and supercharge their relationships with teammates, all while rewarding extraordinary efforts and results and assigning great value to your workers’ contributions.

Next, check out this list of employee wellness program ideas and this list of incentives to return to the office .

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FAQ: Corporate incentive travel programs

Here are answers to the most common questions about corporate incentive travel programs.

What are corporate incentive travel programs?

Corporate incentive travel programs are motivational campaigns that reward top-performing employees with trips or special experiences. The aim of these programs is to increase staff loyalty, morale, and productivity. Incentive programs typically target specific goals such as fulfilling sales quotas, meeting product development deadlines, or raising customer satisfaction scores.

What are some good corporate incentive travel program tips?

Some good corporate incentive travel program tips include:

  • Ask your staff for ideas
  • Determine the goal of your program
  • Provide clear guidelines to staff
  • Consult a travel expert
  • Research multiple vendors
  • Negotiate exclusives
  • Use organizational resources
  • Stick to a budget
  • Be liberal with options
  • Focus on the experience more than the destination
  • Offer resources and assistance
  • Use trips as an opportunity to expand employees’ worldviews
  • Maximize team bonding
  • Leverage employee testimonials and social media
  • Offer alternatives to travel

Though travel programs require extensive planning and organization, following the proper steps can ensure that your program pays off by raising employee output and morale.

What are good companies to use for corporate incentive travel programs?

There are many providers who offer and arrange trips and engaging events for corporate incentive programs.

Here are some recommended companies to use for corporate incentive travel programs:

When selecting a partner organization, research multiple providers and choose an option that fits your company’s budget, company culture, and particular needs.

Do corporate incentive travel programs work?

Travel programs can be powerful motivators. Employer-sponsored trips are an attractive reward, especially when the experiences include exclusives such as exclusive tours, private accommodations, and company parties. Travel programs are an especially compelling incentive for sales teams, though the perk can motivate a vast variety of positions and departments.

Though travel is a hefty investment for organizations, the corresponding rise in productivity is significant. Plus, funding trips signals that employers value their workers efforts and personal growth.

What makes incentive travel programs effective?

Clear goals and benchmarks, measurable metrics, smart internal marketing, meaningful experiences, and attractive awards are all factors that make incentive travel programs effective. The best determinant of the operation’s success is the level of foresight, consideration, and communication that goes into the planning and execution of the program.

Besides travel, what can employers offer in incentive programs?

Some non-travel incentive program rewards include:

  • Extra paid time off
  • Sporting events
  • Parking spots
  • Fitness classes
  • Charity donations
  • Home services
  • Meal with an executive
  • Massages and self-care
  • Extraordinary events

Not every team member is able to travel, yet providing alternate rewards allows dedicated employees to reap the rewards of their efforts.

What is the difference between a corporate incentive program and an employee benefits program?

Organizations offer employee benefits across the board to all workers, although benefits packages might vary depending on position and band level, and individual candidates may be able to negotiate a more attractive package. While benefits programs are ongoing, built-in rewards, incentive programs are auxiliary, often limited-time offers. Corporate incentive programs exist to motivate employees to hit specific targets within a particular time frame.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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travel incentive for staff

Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com.

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Post: Employee Incentive Travel Programs

Employee Incentive Travel concept photo with man dressed in a suit typing on laptop with a travel bubble to the left of his head

Employee motivation is a cornerstone in the overall performance of any organization. Besides monetary compensation, it has been proven that employees respond positively to the added benefits that their workplace brings them. That’s why many organizations are adopting Employee Incentive Travel (EIT) Programs to keep the spirits up. How do you design an incentive travel program? Why should organizations consider the option? What are the benefits of a travel incentive program? These are some of the questions we will cover in this article.

What is an Employee Incentive Travel Program?

An Employee Incentive Travel Program is a recognition program for rewarding exceptional employees with an all-expenses-paid trip to their favorite destination. The essence of the travel incentive program is to reward high-performing employees and motivate the rest to reach the desired standards. 

Some organizations also offer these incentive programs to employees for their loyalty and years of service. 

Benefits of the Travel Incentive Programs

Incentive travel has many benefits, mainly impacting the company’s overall performance. According to Forbes , employee recognition is vital to improve performance and work ethics. Besides improving overall morale, employee appreciation makes them feel they’re part of the company, creating a hospitable working environment that boosts productivity. Here are some common benefits of incentive travel Programs:

Increases Employee Engagement and Motivation

A travel incentive program helps improve focus and motivation, with employees knowing they can earn a well-deserved vacation based on their performance. It creates a serene environment that boosts engagement, with every worker performing at their best. 

Improves Satisfaction and Morale

Job satisfaction is critical to employees’ performance and work ethics. Having something positive to look forward to improves the workers’ morale, which reflects on their performance. A company can reach its objectives and desired goals promptly when everyone executes their roles as required. 

Increases Brand Loyalty

In a world where many workers feel unappreciated and undervalued, brand loyalty is becoming a rare virtue. However, introducing a travel incentive program could counter this feeling by creating a positive workplace culture of inclusivity. Employees tend to be loyal to a brand that appreciates them, with some even bringing in new clients. 

Strengthening Team Relationships

Besides being a getaway, corporate incentive travel programs may also act as a team-building exercise that helps create and strengthen worker bonds. Vacationing together and experiencing new things establishes long-lasting relationships between colleagues, translating to a positive working environment. 

How do You Design an Effective Employee Incentive Travel Program?

Any effective workplace policy should consider inclusivity and fairness when creating it. The same applies to designing an incentive travel program. As a rule of thumb, you should clarify what employees need to do to earn a spot. You could use a point-based system, where workers earn points for every workplace achievement. 

Choosing a preferred destination also boosts morale and motivation. Although a tropical destination is ideal, always consider employees’ needs and interests when picking a spot. 

Make it clear whether the program applies company-wide or targets specific departments. Picking a target audience also helps to tailor the program to their specific needs. In most cases, many companies have multi-department incentive programs to boost morale and motivation. 

It’s proven that having a company-wide incentive program might discourage some from participating due to the increased competition. However, targeting departments narrows down the competition, making everyone believe they can win. 

A budget is also crucial as it determines the destination and the overall experience. Budgeting in advance allows for determining the trip’s length and the activities included. 

Planning for logistics, like accommodation, traveling plans, activities, and meals in advance eliminates the pressure of last-minute cancellation. Only work with the best incentive travel program logistics agency. 

Types of the Incentive Travel Programs

Corporate incentive travel programs take different forms depending on the company’s goals and objectives. However, here are some common incentive travel programs found in many organizations today:

Performance-based Incentive Travel Programs

Every company has predefined performance metrics and awards this program to high-performing employees or teams. Some objectives include meeting project milestones, achieving sales targets, or surpassing key performance indicators (KPIs). It is the most common incentive trip in many organizations. 

New Product Launch Incentive Travel

Companies are known to launch new products regularly and offer this program to a team that helps to launch the product successfully. Market impact is crucial to any new product launch, and motivating employees responsible for this throughout the entire process translates to a successful project.

Sales Incentive Travel Programs

The program is commonly offered to outstanding sales teams and individuals in sales-driven companies for reaching or exceeding the pre-determined sales quotas. The travel incentives might include taking a holiday to a desired destination, staying in a luxury hotel, fine dining, or spa treatments, depending on the company’s budget. Sales incentive trips are usually recommended to motivate employees and achieve desired goals.

Customer Service Incentive Trips

Customer service employees might receive these incentive rewards for their outstanding work helping clients with queries or technical problems. The employee with the most positive client feedback receives the incentive trips, which might include water sports activities or theme park tickets. Doing so improves the customer service department, which helps to retain clients and even get referrals for outstanding work. An all-expenses paid trip eliminates the poor customer service record as everyone is focused on the travel incentives for top-performing employees.

Years of Service Incentive Travel

By offering work anniversary incentives , companies can show employees who have been committed to the company for many years. It’s meant to recognize their years of dedication and hard work during that period. Many companies go overboard to show how they appreciate the veterans by offering incentives like staying at a luxury cruise ship or a vacation to an exotic destination. 

Leadership and Management Development Travel Incentive Programs

The program is reserved for executives, like managers and supervisors, for their outstanding work guiding their teams to reach the objectives. Awarding employees who show initiative and stand out in their roles is also common.

Why Should Organizations Consider Incentive Travel Programs?

Besides motivating employees to perform at their best, travel incentive programs also create a harmonious working environment, especially when the incentive is aimed toward a team. In this case, collaboration and teamwork is the key to getting the reward. In return, the company experiences growth and progress as everyone works together toward a common goal. 

Workplaces can be stressful, especially when trying to reach objectives and goals. Creating an incentive travel program can spice things up, making employees look forward to working days. It also helps them develop the mental resilience to deal with everyday workplace stressors, knowing there is a reward once the project concludes. 

Which Program Works Best for an Organization?

Every organization is different, with varying objectives and projects. Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the type of incentive travel program to offer, it helps target departments, as this helps increase competency and performance. 

In this case, members of these departments will have to perform exceptionally to get a chance at winning a spot. 

However, it’s crucial not to alienate any department, as this will be seen as favoritism and generate opposite effects. If an organization cannot afford to sponsor multiple travel incentive programs, it should have one where everyone is eligible to participate. Alternatively, an organization can rotate the programs yearly, with each department receiving a fair shot. 

Keep Employees Motivated

Employee Incentive Travel Programs are crucial for rewarding outstanding workers and motivating others to perform at their best. The programs aim to recognize rising talent and exceptional performers and appreciate long-serving employees. It’s a way of creating a hospitable working environment and alleviating pressure from everyday work. 

Before setting up an incentive travel program, it’s best to consider logistics, budget, a desired location, and the target audience. A successful incentive travel program promotes inclusivity and a fair chance for every employee to participate. It could be awarded to an individual or a team based on the company’s policies and objectives. 

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What Is Incentive Travel? (Explained With 7 Examples)

What Is Incentive Travel? (Explained With 7 Examples)

In today's competitive business landscape, organizations are continually seeking innovative ways to motivate their employees and drive success. One such strategy that has gained immense popularity in recent years is incentive travel. Let’s delve into the world of incentive travel, explore what it is, how it compares to cash bonuses, its impact on employee motivation, and its significance for organizational goals. We'll also discuss the different types of incentive travel, the target audience for such programs, their frequency, and whether you should create a plan in-house or collaborate with an agency like MICEHospitality. Additionally, we'll provide you with a useful checklist for creating an effective incentive travel plan and share some inspiring examples of successful incentive travel programs.

What is Incentive Tour?

Incentive tour is a powerful motivational tool used by organizations to reward and recognize their top-performing employees. It involves offering a travel experience as a reward for achieving specific performance goals or targets. Unlike cash bonuses, which often get absorbed into routine expenses, incentive tour offers a memorable and highly motivating experience that employees can cherish for a lifetime.

The concept of incentive tour is rooted in the idea that employees who feel valued and appreciated for their contributions are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work. It goes beyond the traditional approach of monetary compensation and taps into the fundamental human desire for experiences, adventure, and personal growth.

Incentive Tour vs. Cash Bonus

The debate between incentive tour and cash bonus is a common one in the realm of employee motivation. While both approaches have their merits, incentive tour stands out for several reasons. First and foremost, it provides a tangible and exciting reward that goes beyond monetary compensation. When employees are offered a chance to embark on an all-expenses-paid trip to a dream destination, it creates a sense of anticipation and excitement that money alone cannot match.

Moreover, incentive tour offers a unique opportunity for team building and bonding among employees. When colleagues travel together, they form stronger connections and develop a deeper sense of camaraderie, which can positively impact workplace dynamics. Cash bonuses, on the other hand, do little to foster such relationships.

In addition to the tangible rewards, incentive tour offers intangible benefits that can have a lasting impact on employees. Travel experiences often lead to personal growth, cultural enrichment, and the creation of cherished memories. These aspects contribute to an employee's overall well-being and happiness, which, in turn, can enhance their job satisfaction and performance.

When employees return from an incentive trip, they often bring back newfound energy and enthusiasm to the workplace. This boosts their morale and leads to increased productivity and a more positive work atmosphere. In contrast, cash bonuses, while appreciated, may not have the same long-term effect on employee motivation and engagement.

Why Incentive Trips Are Important: Impact on Employee Motivation and Organizational Goals

Incentive trips play a pivotal role in boosting employee motivation. They serve as concrete milestones that employees strive to achieve, knowing that their hard work will be rewarded with a remarkable travel experience. This anticipation can fuel increased productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction among employees.

From an organizational perspective, incentive travel aligns employee efforts with company goals. By setting specific performance targets tied to the trip, businesses can channel their workforce's energy towards achieving strategic objectives. Whether it's increasing sales, improving customer satisfaction, or enhancing productivity, incentive travel programs can be tailored to support various organizational priorities.

Types of Incentive Travel

Incentive travel programs come in various forms, each catering to different employee preferences and organizational budgets. Here are the most common types:

All-Expense-Paid Trips: These are the most extravagant incentive travel programs, covering everything from flights and accommodation to meals and activities. They offer employees a worry-free experience, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the destination.

Just Stay Incentives: In this type of program, employees are rewarded with a complimentary stay at a luxurious resort or hotel. While it doesn't include travel expenses, it still provides a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

Just Travel: Here, the focus is solely on the travel aspect. Employees receive travel vouchers or points that they can use to plan their dream vacations. This option offers flexibility and allows individuals to choose destinations that resonate with their interests.

Adventure-Based Incentives: For employees seeking thrill and adventure, organizations can offer incentive programs that include activities such as zip-lining, hiking, or water sports. These programs appeal to those with a sense of adventure and a love for the outdoors.

For Whom Should You Run an Incentive Travel Program

Incentive travel programs are versatile and can be tailored to suit various industries and roles. They are particularly effective for:

Sales Teams: Rewarding top-performing salespeople with incentive trips can drive revenue growth and motivate others to excel.

Customer Service Teams: Recognizing outstanding customer service representatives can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Managers and Executives: Providing leadership with incentive travel opportunities can strengthen their commitment to the organization's success.

Cross-Functional Teams: Incentive travel programs can also be designed to encourage collaboration and teamwork among employees from different departments, fostering a more cohesive and innovative workplace culture.

How Often Should You Run an Incentive Travel Program

The frequency of incentive travel programs can vary depending on your organization's goals and resources. Some companies offer annual trips to maintain consistent motivation, while others may opt for quarterly or biannual programs for more frequent rewards. The key is to strike a balance that keeps employees engaged without overextending the budget.

Annual programs work well for organizations with stable financial resources and a larger workforce, as they can spread the costs over a longer period. Quarterly or biannual programs, on the other hand, are suitable for smaller companies or those with budget constraints.

When determining the frequency, it's essential to consider the nature of your industry and the typical sales or performance cycles. For example, in industries with seasonal fluctuations, it may be more meaningful to schedule incentive trips during off-peak periods to maintain motivation year-round.

In-House Planning vs. Agency Collaboration

When it comes to planning your incentive travel program, you have two primary options: handling it in-house or partnering with a specialized agency like MICEHospitality. Each approach has its advantages.

In-House Planning


Greater Control: Planning in-house allows for complete control over every aspect of the program, from destination selection to itinerary planning.

Customization: You can tailor the program to align with your company culture, values, and employee preferences.

Cost Control: In-house planning can sometimes be more cost-effective, as you have direct control over expenses.


Resource Intensive: Planning incentive travel programs can be time-consuming and require significant resources, including staff time and expertise.

Logistics: Managing the logistics of travel, accommodation, and activities can be complex, especially for large groups.

Agency Collaboration

Expertise: Specialized agencies like MICEHospitality have industry-specific knowledge, contacts, and experience to ensure a seamless and memorable travel experience.

Streamlined Logistics: Agencies handle all the logistical details, from negotiating with vendors to managing travel arrangements.

Time Savings: Partnering with an agency frees up your internal resources, allowing your team to focus on other critical tasks.

Cost: Agency services come at a fee, so it's essential to weigh the cost against the convenience and expertise they provide.

The choice between in-house planning and agency collaboration ultimately depends on your organization's resources, expertise, and specific goals. Whichever route you choose, meticulous planning and attention to detail are crucial for a successful incentive travel program.

Checklist for Creating an Effective Incentive Travel Plan

Creating a successful incentive travel plan requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. Here's a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process:

Define Clear Goals: Begin by clearly outlining the performance targets and metrics that employees must meet to qualify for the incentive trip. These goals should align with your organization's broader objectives.

Select the Right Destination: Choose a destination that aligns with the interests and preferences of your employees. Consider factors such as travel time, cultural appeal, and accessibility.

Budget Wisely: Determine a budget that allows for a memorable experience without straining your resources. Consider all costs, including travel, accommodation, meals, activities, and incentives.

Engage Employees: Involve employees in the planning process to ensure their preferences and needs are considered. Conduct surveys or focus groups to gather input on destination choices, travel dates, and activities.

Design an Engaging Itinerary: Craft an itinerary that strikes a balance between work-related activities (e.g., recognition events, meetings) and leisure activities (e.g., sightseeing, team-building exercises). Ensure that the itinerary caters to various interests and preferences.

Consider Logistics: Pay meticulous attention to travel arrangements, including flight bookings, airport transfers, and ground transportation. Additionally, carefully select accommodations that offer comfort and convenience.

Safety and Health Measures: In the post-pandemic world, prioritize the safety and well-being of your employees. Implement health and safety protocols, and stay updated on travel advisories and restrictions.

Communication: Clearly communicate the program's goals, rules, and rewards to all eligible employees. Maintain open lines of communication throughout the planning process and provide regular updates.

Recognition and Awards: Plan recognition events during the trip to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of participants. Consider awards or certificates to commemorate their success.

Feedback Mechanism: After the trip, solicit feedback from participants to evaluate the program's effectiveness. Use this feedback to make improvements for future incentive travel programs.

Evaluate ROI: Assess the return on investment (ROI) of the incentive travel program by measuring its impact on employee performance, engagement, and organizational goals.

By following this comprehensive checklist, you can create an incentive travel program that not only outranks competitors but also elevates your organization's performance and employee satisfaction.

Successful Incentive Tourism Examples

To inspire your incentive travel planning, here are some real-life examples of companies that have executed remarkable incentive travel programs:

Reliance Industries Limited

Program Highlights: Reliance Industries, one of India's largest conglomerates, runs incentive travel programs for its employees to recognize exceptional performance. The company offers all-expense-paid trips to both domestic and international destinations. These trips often include luxury accommodations, cultural experiences, and team-building activities.

Tata Motors

Program Highlights: Tata Motors, a subsidiary of Tata Group, is known for its innovative incentive travel initiatives. The company organizes trips for top-performing employees, which include visits to manufacturing plants, international auto shows, and adventure getaways. These programs align with Tata Motors' commitment to recognizing and nurturing talent.

Program Highlights: Infosys, a global IT services company, conducts incentive travel programs for its employees in India. These programs typically feature a mix of professional development, such as training sessions and conferences, along with leisure activities at picturesque destinations. Infosys emphasizes the holistic development of its workforce through these initiatives.

Program Highlights: IBM India, a subsidiary of IBM Corporation, offers incentive travel opportunities for its employees. These programs often include participation in international conferences, workshops, and recognition events at exotic locations. IBM India's incentive travel initiatives align with its commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and excellence.

Program Highlights: Accenture, a global consulting and technology services company with a significant presence in India, runs incentive travel programs for its Indian employees. These programs may involve global recognition events, conferences, and networking opportunities held in desirable international locations. Accenture's incentive travel initiatives aim to reward high performance and promote career growth.

Microsoft India

Program Highlights: Microsoft India, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation, operates a variety of incentive travel programs for its employees. These programs offer opportunities to attend international conferences, recognition events, and leadership development seminars in attractive destinations. Microsoft India emphasizes employee engagement and professional growth through these initiatives.

HCL Technologies

Program Highlights: HCL Technologies, a leading IT services and consulting company based in India, has implemented incentive travel programs as part of its employee recognition strategy. These programs often include global forums, seminars, and recognition events that allow employees to network with international counterparts. HCL Technologies values employee empowerment and growth through these initiatives.

These incentive tourism examples illustrate how both Indian companies and multinational corporations operating in India prioritize incentive tour as a means of recognizing and motivating their employees. By providing employees with opportunities to travel, learn, and bond with colleagues, these companies not only boost performance but also foster a positive work culture that values achievement and personal development.

In conclusion, incentive travel is a potent tool for enhancing employee motivation, aligning organizational goals, and ultimately driving success. Whether you choose to offer all-expense-paid trips or travel vouchers, the key is to create a program that resonates with your employees and inspires them to excel. By following the checklist and drawing inspiration from successful examples, you can craft an incentive travel program that not only outranks competitors but also elevates your organization's performance and employee satisfaction.

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Incentive Travel: A Proven Strategy for Employee Engagement

Meetings & Incentives

Incentive travel: a proven strategy for employee engagement.

When considering opportunities to motivate employees, increase productivity and encourage staff retention, an incentive travel program can be one way to engage your team and boost morale.  

What Is Incentive Travel?

An incentive travel program rewards top-performing employees with a specially crafted and curated vacation, paid for by the company. An employee typically qualifies for the trip by meeting a specific goal, which could be tied to an increase in sales, production, customers, etc.  According to Anne Albright, executive vice president for MCI USA’s Strategic Events, Meetings & Incentives (SEM&I) business unit, “The primary goals [of an incentive travel program] are to motivate your team and to drive sales. An effective incentive trip pays for itself, while increasing profits.” 

Benefits of Incentive Travel Programs  

Being able to drive sales and increase profits is just one benefit of incentive travel. Another, Albright says, is building camaraderie and “esprit de corps” — or a shared feeling of fellowship and pride — among the team, even those who do not receive the trip especially if they know they can try again for it the following year.   “[Through incentive travel], you are creating a special club that people become aware of, and as time goes on, the club becomes more and more important,” she says. “People really want to be part of it.”  The trips are also one of the few times top salespeople are able to interact on a one-on-one basis with senior management in a social setting. Albright explains, “There’s extreme value that comes from that type of interaction that you don’t get with someone sitting across your desk or, these days, behind the screen of a monitor. You’re building shared memories, and there is something very strong about having shared experiences with people with whom you work.” 

Considerations for Planning Incentive Travel  

Incentive travel programs can widely vary from company to company based on budget, corporate culture, size of the team, destination and more. Because there are so many factors to consider, most organizations outsource a specialist like Albright to coordinate their program. She offers these five considerations for getting started planning an incentive trip. 

  • Think about the experience of the employee — and their spouse. “Most of the time, if the employee has a partner, this trip is for both of them,” Albright says. “You truly want the spouse to be equally invested because their partner is likely putting in a lot of time to earn that trip, and you want them to share in the reward.”  
  • Select a destination that is motivational and aligns with your company culture. “You want people to long to go on this trip,” Albright says. That starts with knowing your team and what kind of destination may incentivize them the most. For instance, a team comprised of seasoned professionals who regularly travel may warrant an international trip with more amenities and special events offsite. Think about how you can maximize your incentive program’s budget to ensure everyone has a unique and enjoyable experience they’ll be talking about for weeks to come.    
  • Ensure you’ll have sufficient lift and ease getting to the destination. “If you have large numbers of people coming out of one city, you’ll quickly fill up the aircraft, and we live in a world of capacity-controlled inventory,” Albright explains. “You're going to drive the price of your air travel up if you don't have proper lift going into a destination.”   
  • Determine the best time of year to travel. “You can extend your dollars and offer a lot more for less if you can consider the time of year you're traveling,” Albright says. Traveling during a shoulder season or off-season is one way to extend the budget. It’s also beneficial to think about the geography of your employees when determining when to travel. For instance, those based in the north may favor a tropical destination during the winter months.   

When it comes to incentive travel, it’s important to build a program that team members look forward to participating in year after year. Not only will your company reap the rewards of their efforts, but employees will have the opportunity to engage in an experience developed especially for them as a result of their hard work.  Are you ready to curate incentive experiences that go beyond mere rewards? Embark on a travel experience that will be talked about for years to come. Connect with MCI USA today , and let us show you the power of incentive travel in motivating performance. 

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Incentive Travel: the Best Way to Motivate Your Employees

woman sits by a pool at a tropical resort

Business travel isn’t quite back to pre-pandemic levels the way it’s complement, leisure travel, is. But there is a growing realization among senior level executives that the strategic use of employee rewards can increase profitability . And with much talk the past few years about increasing travel by outlets like Forbes , it’s no surprise that incentive travel is on the rise in the corporate sector. But does your organization really need one? Keep reading to learn the basics of incentive travel with tips and tricks from professional incentive travel planners you won’t find anywhere else.

What is incentive travel?

Incentive travel is any trip paid for by a company as a reward for employees with stellar performance. It’s often used to motivate and reward employees or partners.

Getaways typically last three or more days. Activities include everything from team-building exercises to networking opportunities to and free time to explore the destination.

And while they can be given to any department, incentive travel is most commonly used to motivate sales teams. As for who pays the bill, the company typically funds the majority of the expenses. Some incentive trips are offered separately or in combination with other perks.

Cvent interviewed Susan Shure of Susan Shure Travel who gave us some more thoughts on incentive travel.

“Incentive travel is also known in a lot of companies as employee reward programs,” she told us. “Companies can reward employees for years of service, employee of the month or year, and more. These rewards can include trips abroad [to places like] Europe, Caribbean all inclusive, [and] Hawaii, cruises and more.” They may include corporate meetings or some work-related events in addition to the vacation-like itinerary.

Incentive travel has been around since the 1970s, but it is often misunderstood due to the wide variety of forms it can take. But as non-monetary rewards, such as increased paid PTO, are becoming more prevalent in the corporate world, it’s no surprise that there’s a newfound interest in creating programs like these.

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The incentive travel industry as a whole is rebounding from its recession years ago, largely due to the backlash it received from the media and politicians, and from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the 2019 Incentive Research Fund index, 84% of U.S. businesses used non-cash incentives to retain and motivate their employees, with incentive travel being a popular option before the pandemic. Now with the looming economic recession, non-cash incentives can be a great way to retain employees.

And it’s clear why.

Incentive programs offer a lot of benefits

Like other perks, incentive travel is used to boost employee engagement and productivity. It works by encouraging employees to improve their performance and reach goals. This is especially motivating for younger and mid-career employees.

As of 2020, Millennials make up half of the world’s workforce . And if there’s one thing Millennials love, it’s travel. They’ve reportedly made travel more of a priority than any generation before them . So it’s easy to see why incentive programs are a great fit for most organizations.

Not only that but a travel program helps organizations create a culture of collaboration and commitment to a shared mission. Unifying teams through experiences rather than monetary incentives alone promotes better relationships with the company and positive associations with the business they work for.

This level of customization is one of the most attractive benefits of incentive travel. Not only do businesses have control over what activities they offer but they can also stay within budget and book for their specific party size.

Ni Wayan, Editor and Contributor at Balipedia , adds that the benefits for employers don’t stop there. “I believe that incentive travel is one of the most famous non-cash prizes that’s used by companies to motivate sales staff, partners, and even consumers to greatly improve sales, keep their best reps from going, and motivate the remaining sales staff to pick it up,” says Wayan.  

Incentive travel is also a great way to tie in your company’s values. Christopher Hill of Hands Up Incentives told Cvent via email that his company “specializes in sustainable incentive trips that include a CSR component in order to engage employees, bring them closer together, and enhance their reputation.”

There are many examples of incentive travel

Shure shared with Cvent the following examples of incentive travel packages she has organized:

● An all-expenses-paid trip to Bungalows Key Largo ● All-expenses-paid trip to Maui for a week ● A three-day cruise to the Bahamas ● Four nights at an all-inclusive hotel or resort

And Hill provided another example of a Hawaiian incentive travel package they arranged recently. It “included two days of building a community cultural center in a low-income part of Honolulu.” They also booked a luxury hotel and gala dinners for the group.

As for activities, Hill said they enjoyed everything from “cage shark swimming to mountain biking to a private tour of Pearl Harbor”.

Is incentive travel really worth the investment?

Annual incentive travel spending averaged $4,260 per employee in the U.S. before the pandemic. The return on investment that companies see in their travel programs is often measured in terms of profitability. This method helps determine if the program is working and, in turn, generating higher profits.

Many business owners are not convinced that paying for a perk is worth the intangible value it brings. Nevertheless, companies that choose to create incentive travel programs gain increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and profitability.

These can be measured through various metrics by department or by employee survey. So it is, in fact, more substantial than most executives believe.

And according to the IRF's Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program , “Examining the tenure and company performance ratings of 105 of the employees who earned the incentive trip, researchers found that 55% of incentive travel earners had top performance ratings and tenure of four years or more, showing a very real correlation between incentives, longevity and quality.” In other words, not only are incentive travel programs fun, they’re also impactful at a high level.

In a nutshell: incentive travel is an investment that's made to maximize business results.

Get to know the bleisure traveler

Wondering how to plan an incentive travel program employees will love?

It takes a little planning and forethought, but the process is relatively straightforward.

1. Have a vision

Set clear, achievable goals that are aligned with strategic business objectives. These goals should be measurable and specific. Even if your company isn’t ready to develop an entire program, you could still offer smaller perks such as plane tickets and a hotel voucher.

2. Know your team

Planners will also need to have a strong understanding of what motivates their employees. It should feel like an award that employees wholeheartedly respond to, so much so that they feel encouraged to develop new skills and ideas to unlock this achievement.

3. Make everything trackable

Adhere to a consistent communication style. Whether it's through a software system or an interactive leaderboard, employees must be able to follow their progress and prove it through detailed records.

4. Promote it often

Supporting the travel program is an integral part of a company's strategy. It should be promoted regularly and celebrated at all levels. During this qualification period, team members will work hard to reach their goals. The continuous effort and excitement management puts into building up the anticipation for the trip will motivate employees even more.

5. Evaluate your program

Continual evaluation of your program rewards and structure is key to sustaining this strategy long term. Use a combination of KPI data linked to goals and an end-of-event assessment to determine if the program is meeting its intended purpose. Simply by asking attendees to rate the events and their overall experience, companies can easily measure the program's success.

6. Reap benefits long term

In that same study conducted by IRF, employees who earned an incentive getaway continued to perform at an elite level after they returned which was inspired by their trip.

Why should you partner with a professional to create your program?

Companies like Shure’s help businesses organize, book, and manage incentive travel. “Susan Shure Travel can put together any kind of employee incentive you want,” says Shure. “We can even arrange for you to charter a cruise ship as a company incentive.” As you can tell by now, the only limit to incentive travel is your imagination.

Follow the road less traveled to secure deals

In an email to Cvent, Broke Backpacker Founder and CEO Will Halton said that there is one often overlooked department of any travel brand you should contact directly when looking for affordable incentive trips. “If you are passionate about travel, look to speak to the marketing team of certain companies to see whether you can work together. Please note that this does[n’t] mean free stays or travel. It means creating a relationship which will help you explore the destination but also help the company to attract new audiences. A relationship is way more valuable in the long term [than] a discounted stay for one or two nights.”

In other words, this long-term strategy is great for securing travel incentives as long as you develop a network of hospitality marketers.

Up next, check out these fabulous venues and destinations for your next travel incentive getaway in The Palm Beaches .

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Cvent is a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,000 employees, ~21,000 customers, and 200,000 users worldwide.

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The Benefits of Incentive Travel: Motivating Employees and Beyond

Incentive travel is trending, are you ready.

Yes, you heard that right. Consider the two driving themes of late: post-pandemic travel and employee retention.

With the pandemic further and further in the rearview and individuals itching to get out of the house, travel is coming back in a big way ( even with inflation ).

Incentive trips can check both boxes simultaneously with incredible trips that reward your teams for their work and engender loyalty.

But is incentive travel right for your company? Will it benefit your teams and improve business? We argue: yes, it can be highly beneficial for your company and employees.

From higher retention to better connections, here's a quick rundown of the top seven benefits of incentive travel.

Quick Refresher: What is an Incentive Trip?

An incentive trip motivates and rewards employees for hitting significant goals or milestones. It can be an individual or group trip with multiple employees and leadership, and is usually completely paid for by the company.

Sometimes called The President's Club, Diamond Club, or The Winner's Circle, incentive travel is a great opportunity to boost employee morale, employee loyalty, and employee productivity.

These trips can take place in any location, from more exotic locales like Fiji to ones closer to home like Hawaii. Usually, the trips are a mix of group activities, high-end dinners, and personal time to relax and recharge.

group of people on boat enjoying incentive travel benefits in Cabo

What Are the Top Incentive Travel Benefits to my Company?

From improving company culture through team building and bonding, to encouraging teams to hit their sales targets, incentive travel offers many benefits to companies and employees alike.

These experiential rewards often provide more benefits than traditional cash rewards and can be a better way to increase motivation. Plus, even with a large price tag, these non cash rewards can be more cost effective than cash rewards since they garner even higher ROI .

There are many ways an incentive travel program can benefit your company. Let's take a look at some of those benefits of incentive travel now.

1. Reward Employees for Their Hard Work

Many companies struggle to motivate their teams in today's remote and hybrid work environment. When high-performing employees feel they're truly appreciated and have the opportunity for growth, they stay and work harder.

In one study, 65% of employees surveyed strongly agreed that they remember travel and merchandise rewards longer than cash rewards.

The incentive program itself can be a reward, but there are also employee recognition rewards you can tie into the program as well, including award ceremonies, gifts, and excursions for top talent. Think through what would make your team feel most appreciated.

2. Encourage Employee Competition

Incentive travel programs are a fantastic way to create an environment of healthy competition among your workers. They help motivate teams to work hard and achieve their goals so they can attend the trip.

Whether it's hitting targets or gaining more sales, travel incentives boost employee productivity prior to the trip. It's a tangible goal that they can work toward, and it feels more rewarding than a cash bonus, which often can feel like a given part of total compensation.

Motivated employees equal business success.

3. Reinforce Your Brand

Travel incentive travel programs give you the ability to infuse your brand into every aspect of the fun trip, from branded pillows to brand-mission conversations. It's a unique time when employees feel more relaxed and open to conversations about successes and strategies.

Use that time to also reinforce your brand message and engender a greater feeling of loyalty.

We encourage our clients to use custom logos to make the trip feel exclusive. These can be used in social media posts before and after the event, throughout the event on branded cocktail napkins, flags and more, and also on gifts. Try to balance using the brand throughout while still making the experience feel high-end.

group of people on incentive trip in cabo eating dinner next to the ocean

4. Create Memorable Experiences

After years of high stress and burnout, employees are ready to relax. Incentive trips allow for travel without the hassle of planning a vacation themselves.

This takes the pressure off the employees and allows them to relax and enjoy the trip. Those few extra days away from the computer might be exactly what they need to boost creativity and come back refreshed and ready to seize the world again. 

For this reason, most companies that provide incentive travel programs put the utmost importance into providing chances for relaxation, connection, and fun for their employees.

5. Improve Retention Among Top Employees

An incentive trip for your top performers may improve your retention and reduce employee turnover. When hiring a new employee can cost up to 40% of salary , it's wise to keep your best employees feeling appreciated and well rewarded.

Those who feel appreciated and connected to the company culture will feel greater job satisfaction and more company loyalty, and thus will have more incentive to stay.

incentive travel participants enjoying the views of mallorca

6. Attract New Talent

Some companies are known for their travel incentive programs and this can in turn attract high-performing talent. Incentive travel is a major perk for new talent and can be used as a recruitment tactic as part of your new employees' total package.

Make sure these travel rewards are well-communicated in job listings and even offer a sneak peek into these trips on your website.

7. Bring Your Teams Together

Group incentive travel programs give your team and your leadership time to interact and bond. Whether in-office or working from home, your teams need time to connect.

One study stated that 70% of respondents said maintaining relationships with their co-workers was just as important as their job.

During a group incentive trip, leaders can spend time with top talent to build relationships and loyalty and nurture the next generation of leaders in their organization.

Your top sales teams can also spend time swapping stories of success, which they can then use in the future to perform even higher. These casual conversations during sailing trips or zipling tours also help promote stronger company culture and bonds, which benefits everyone.

man jumping off boat into clear ocean water experiencing the benefits of incentive travel

Recap: Will Incentive Travel Benefit My Company?

Incentive programs are an excellent way to improve employee motivation, reduce turnover, connect with executives, and provide a relaxing escape for your top performers. Companies that have implemented experiential rewards see all these benefits and more, and it could be a great way to boost your company's performance.

Unsure yet if incentive trips will work for your company? Discover what's needed to make a successful incentive travel program here.

Work with GoGather on Your Incentive Program

Want to brainstorm an upcoming incentive program with us? GoGather can help you figure out the right plan, from selecting the right location to building an agenda that's enticing and fun. Let's chat.

Plan Your Next Incentive Trip with GoGather

Katie Moser

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What are the benefits of incentive travel programs & rewards?

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Throughout America, Europe and Asia, budgets for incentive travel are growing as companies recognise the benefits and move away from monetary awards and mandated corporate events.

In this article, we learn why incentive travel programs are so popular and look at the benefits for both organisations and employees. ‍

What are the benefits of incentive travel?

Corporate incentive travel programs have become increasingly popular as a way of achieving goals and rewarding top performers. As organisations recognise the benefits of incentive trips, allocated budgets have grown exponentially from 0.5% in 2018 to almost 6% in 2022.

So why have travel incentive programs become so popular? And what makes them preferable over traditional monetary rewards? ‍

Benefits of incentive travel for employers

At one time, organisations would disregard incentive travel programs because they considered them to be exuberant and unnecessary with little tangible value. 

But that school of thought is on the way out.

Leading companies now agree that incentive travel programs are highly effective with a measurable ROI.

  • Tangible benefits: It will come as no surprise that monetary incentives are still the leading reason organisations invest in incentive travel programs. A study by IRF in 2019 deemed that “increased sales and/or profits for the company” is still the leading benefit of incentive travel. Hard dollars and corporate profitability are, naturally, of the utmost importance. ‍
  • Soft power benefits: While increased sales and profits are still the primary reason organisations are using incentive travel awards, IRF’s 2019 study found that “soft power” benefits such as higher employee engagement , better productivity, improved relationship-building between employees and management and the retention of employees and partners are becoming more important to buyers. But that doesn’t mean “soft benefits” don’t produce monetary rewards.  Motivated employees are inspired to develop themselves professionally and reach higher levels of success. This leads to improved performance, more sales and, eventually, increased revenue. ‍
  • Additional benefits: The benefits of incentive travel permeate deep into the fabric of your organisation which can cause some benefits to escape unnoticed. Improved performance can be quite simply correlated to incentive travel programs. But what about other factors?  Consider, for example, how your long-term employees could serve as ambassadors for your brand and inspire new hires to reach their full potential, or how a united workforce demonstrating a strong company culture helps attract top-level talent from your competitors.  These more subtle benefits form part of a high-performing organisational ecosystem that gives you a significant competitive advantage. ‍

Benefits of incentive travel for employees

Despite the obvious joy of a free holiday, incentive travel initiatives provide many benefits for employees:

  • Improved growth opportunities: Incentive trips allow employees to transgress the often impenetrable barriers of the corporate hierarchy. This nurtures their emotional bond with the company and enables them to connect with corporate heavyweights.  Creating opportunities for employees to further their careers is critical for job satisfaction. Most of your employees don’t want to be stuck in the same role forever, they want to grow and take on more responsibility. ‍
  • Stronger interpersonal connections: Incentive travel also provides employees with quality time away from the office, allowing them to build strong relationships and lasting memories. These connections contribute to job satisfaction and improve collaboration.  Strong emotional ties increase the likelihood of an employee going the extra mile or supporting a colleague, even when the task at hand doesn't pertain directly to their role. This is a great indicator that your employees are satisfied and engaged at work. ‍
  • Recognition of contributions: Employees want their hard work to be acknowledged. That shouldn’t come as a shock. According to a SurveyMonkey study of 1,500 employees Americans, 82% of employees are happier when they’re recognised at work .  Travel rewards are a fantastic way of demonstrating appreciation to an employee and making an example of their efforts. When mid-level employees see that their top-performing peers are being well rewarded, they’re more likely to reach strive for success themselves. ‍

Why are incentive travel programs so effective?

People value experiences more than things , that’s what makes incentive travel programs so effective.

The prospect of jetting off on a five-day trip to Hawaii with friends and colleagues is much more appealing than a cash bonus, and once word starts to spread about a potential holiday in the tropics, excitement in the office will build quickly.

This buzz is fundamental to the effectiveness of an employee incentive program — nobody wants to be left behind while the rest of the team packs their swimming trunks. This motivates the potential earner to work harder to meet the criteria for the trip.

In the IRF’s June 2021 study , The Impact of Destination Choice on Motivation , they reported that group incentive travel awards are considered ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ motivating by 80% of survey respondents. ‍

Why monetary rewards don’t help you meet your company goals

Traditionally, managers would motivate behaviours with monetary rewards. But now, 84% of U.S. businesses are using non-cash incentives to push their agendas and as many as 40% are using recognising employee contributions with travel rewards.

That’s because cash rewards aren’t effective motivators. Sure, nobody is going to turn down a juicy end-of-year bonus, but they aren’t sufficient for encouraging new behaviours.

Cash is fleeting. It generates temporary pleasure that’s almost immediately squandered on mundane responsibilities like mortgage payments, credit card debts and utility bills. It’s also extremely personal and doesn’t generate excitement at a group level. 

To turn a mid-level performer into a top-level performer, the reward needs to be highly attractive, like a long weekend in Athens , perhaps?

travel incentive for staff

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How A Sales Incentive Travel Program Can Motivate Your Team

Daniel Doan

Updated: March 06, 2024

Published: July 29, 2014

When things get a little stressful — whether that be in work or in life — I always look forward to my next vacation. Getting away from it all gives me a chance to reset so I can return refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges in my role. So if your sales team is looking for an incentive, travel may be the answer. You can recognize their hard work and give them some well-deserved rest.

sales incentive travel program with free drinks

When designing a sales incentive travel program, you’ll need to build out experiences that actually motivate your team. Beyond that, you’ll need to find ways to make goals achievable and celebrate those who hit ambitious targets.

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In this article, we’ll explain how to craft a sales incentive travel program. We’ll also share some killer destinations to spark your thinking. Let’s dive in.

What is incentive travel?

Incentive sales travel refers to compensation programs that companies, especially sales departments, use to motivate their sales teams and recognize their accomplishments. These trips are typically awarded to sales personnel who meet or exceed their sales targets or achieve specific goals set by the company.

The concept is to offer an all-expenses paid trip to a desirable spot as a tangible and experiential reward . This gives your company a way to praise above-and-beyond performance and inspire your reps to meet these goals.

Incentive sales trips can serve multiple purposes beyond just rewarding top performers. They are versatile tools that can connect teams and boost morale. Here are some other instances of incentive travel:

  • Kickoffs. Start the fiscal or sales year with a kickoff, setting a motivated and enthusiastic tone for the upcoming period.
  • Offsites. Offsite meetings can focus on strategic planning and team-building activities in a different, fun environment.
  • Team building and engagement. Besides simple vacations, these trips often include team-building exercises, personal and professional development, and opportunities to strengthen team cohesion and commitment.
  • Overcoming challenges. They can be strategically used to crush internal challenges like a lack of motivation , difficulty meeting sales goals, or rejuvenating a team that needs a boost.

Incentive sales travel is a great approach for rewarding high-performing sales teams and meeting organizational needs such as kickoffs, offsites, and team building to develop a more motivated, cohesive, and effective sales force.

Your incentive travel experience should balance rest, local activities, and unique experiences. Marissa Wagoner, a team lead at One10 Marketing, works with companies as they plan incentive and reward trips.

She explains, “People love when you incorporate the local culture of the destination they are visiting. Working with local chefs, merchants, and business owners can be a great way to craft a unique experience that will make people really feel like they are part of the community.”

Why Use A Sales Incentive Travel Program

Sales results and employee morale get a big boost from sales incentive programs. The benefits of a sales incentive travel program include the following.

sales incentive travel program benefits

Boosting Productivity and Revenue

Travel incentives have a track record of enhancing productivity as they give team members an objective, often leading to heightened sales and increased revenue. Travel rewards tied to sales goals motivate employees to exceed expectations and help your company grow.

Improving Employee Morale

The excitement surrounding a travel incentive builds a vibrant atmosphere within the organization. Collecting and sharing travel experiences creates a sense of community and excitement, which helps boost morale. Workplaces with positive environments are more productive and efficient.

Cultivating Employee Loyalty

Earning a spot in a travel incentive program inspires employees to feel accomplishment and recognition. Regardless of their participation in the trip, this sense of appreciation often fosters a deeper allegiance to the company. Devoted staff members are more inclined to stay with the organization for the long haul and contribute steadfastly to its success.

Tips for Implementing A Travel Program

A successful travel incentive program requires thoughtful planning and execution. Here are key tips to ensure your program is effective and impactful.

sales incentive travel program destinations

1. Ask your team for possible ideas.

Creating a travel program that genuinely resonates with your team means going beyond just picking popular destinations. Put together a list of travel locations, accommodations, and activities. Instead of guessing what might appeal to your team, directly involve them in decision-making.

How? Conduct a straightforward survey — it‘s that simple. By allowing your team to voice their preferences, the travel opportunity becomes something they’re actually excited about. It's also a good idea to include a section for additional suggestions in the survey.

Doing this, you might discover bargains or special deals that hadn't been on your mind. You want to offer a travel incentive that feels personal and appealing to your team, not just another corporate thing.

2. Have a clear objective.

An incentive program aims to achieve a particular result or encourage a certain behavior. This holds especially true for employee incentive trips. When crafting these programs, have your “why.” These goals could include:

  • Reaching specific sales targets.
  • Elevating client satisfaction scores.
  • Reducing paperwork errors.
  • Shortening customer wait times.
  • Enhancing production efficiency.

The program‘s objectives might encompass a range of targets, varying based on departmental roles or individual positions. Given the significant investment in organizing such trips, companies naturally seek a meaningful return. Defining these goals upfront as you introduce the program means you’re more than just justifying the expense.

You're also making the reward directly related to the results. Employee effort is matched with company goals when a travel incentive has a clear purpose.

3. Provide clear guidelines to staff.

Effective sales incentive travel program implementation hinges on setting clear, achievable goals. As you introduce this initiative, comprehensively outline the program's parameters to ensure your team understands what it takes to earn these rewards. Focus on communicating the performance targets, the timeline for evaluation, the criteria for measurement, and details of the rewards.

Important aspects to include are:

  • Date flexibility for the trips. If there's a specific travel date, inform the team upfront.
  • Clarify whether family members or guests are allowed to accompany them.
  • Distinguish between amenities included in the package and additional options.
  • Address any special accommodations your team members might need.

Maintaining morale is all about avoiding misunderstandings. Transparent and direct communication from the outset fosters a culture of trust and keeps your team aligned and motivated.

4. Offer resources and assistance to the staff.

Assuming all trip participants are seasoned travelers can lead to oversights.

Sales incentive travel appeals to a wide audience, from seasoned globetrotters to those who have never set foot in an airport. Any resources and help you can give your team will be appreciated. There may still be individual needs, like booking flights. You can make preparations easier by assigning a dedicated support person.

Provide essential support such as:

  • Help with passport and visa applications.
  • Practical packing advice.
  • Information on CDC advisories and vaccinations.
  • Insights into cultural norms at the destination.
  • Guidance on travel health insurance and medical resources.
  • Currency exchange services.
  • Safety tips and emergency contacts.

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Incentive Trips Employees Actually Want

The best sales incentive travel experiences offer stunning natural beauty, vibrant culture, and exceptional amenities to inspire and motivate teams. These locations give you that perfect balance of relaxation and adventure. Whether it‘s Hawaii or Europe, it’s sure to be unforgettable for any sales team.

Want to create something that appeals to everyone? Offer a few options that your team can choose from. You can then offer something for everyone.

sales incentive travel program destinations

An exemplary incentive destination, Hawaii offers more than just famous white-sand beaches and secluded palm trees. This island is like no other, with waterfalls, rainforests, live volcanoes, and black sand beaches.

Pro tip: Remember that a trip to Hawaii goes beyond just the hotel, pool, and beach. Your team should create a roster of activities that employees can choose from. You can cover surfing classes for your active teammates or cultural center visits for those who want to learn about Hawaiian culture.

2. Florence, Italy

Often overshadowed by Rome, Florence is a hidden treasure offering a perfect blend of adventure and tranquility. It’s a vibrant, open-air museum often called the “Jewel of the Renaissance.” World-renowned art, exquisite cuisine, and outstanding architecture are all found here. Visitors can experience culture, eat some drool-worthy food, and shop for leather goods here.

Just a short journey from Florence, the rolling hills of Tuscany provide a stunning contrast. Visitors can explore ancient cities, go off-roading, and drink Chianti wine.

High-quality incentive properties like the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze , St. Regis Florence , and the Belmond Villa San Michele offer exceptional service, combining luxury with the region's artistic heritage.

Pro tip: Remember that your team will need a way to get around the area. Provide guidance on using the train or offer shuttle services to take participants from place to place.

3. Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Beyond its capital, Costa Rica reveals its true attraction in Guanacaste province. Exceptional properties like the Four Seasons Resort and Andaz Costa Rica grace the Papagayo Peninsula, offering quintessential Costa Rican experiences: exquisite cuisine, stunning landscapes, and occasional monkey visits.

Best for: Costa Rica is known for eco-tourism. If your team is more adventurous, this may be the perfect incentive trip destination. Visitors can indulge in beachfront leisure, water sports, ziplining, and jungle tours.

Southward, Playa Conchal hosts upscale resorts such as Westin Reserva Conchal and W Costa Rica , providing luxurious beaches and event spaces for an unforgettable incentive experience.

4. San Francisco, California

San Francisco‘s innovation, natural beauty, and urban charm make it a favorite among incentive travelers. You can’t miss the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz Island. There’s a lot of culture to soak up in the city’s diverse neighborhoods.

San Francisco's culinary scene is complemented by a vibrant arts scene. It’s a great place for urban and nature exploration, with its parks and outdoor spaces.

Sales teams can participate in team-building activities in a vast redwood forest and immerse themselves in San Francisco's urban environment.

Best for: If you’re looking for an offsite or kickoff location, San Francisco is a great option. You’re in the heart of the tech scene, and the businesses around you can inspire your sales team to reach new targets.

5. Mallorca, Spain

You can‘t beat Mallorca’s beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, and nice weather. It's somehow the perfect combination of massive mountains, historic buildings, and incredible food. There are even olive oil and wine-tasting experiences that you can add to your agenda.

Pro tip: If you choose Mallorca, consider adding cultural immersion activities to your programming. A flamenco dance lesson reflects the local culture, and a mosaic-making class lets you dive into Mallorcan art.

travel incentive for staff

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6. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Cabo San Lucas is a popular choice for corporate incentive travel, particularly with U.S. groups. Everything about it is perfect year-round: the perfect climate and the perfect water activities.

Whether you’re into farm-to-table tastings or more hands-on cooking classes, you can sample it all here. You can even dabble in more creative endeavors like sugar cranium or on-web website online dance lessons.

Pro tip: If your team is looking to provide VIP treatment, consider booking a trip at an all-inclusive resort. This may be easier for you to coordinate than finding activities, covering food, and paying for a hotel separately.

7. Bali, Indonesia

Bali is the perfect tropical paradise for incentive travel. It‘s got beautiful beaches and surfing spots, but don’t forget to visit Bali’s temples and art scene for a glimpse of Balinese culture.

You can do everything from whitewater rafting and jungle hiking to yoga retreats and traditional cooking classes on the island. That includes:

  • Hands-on Balinese cooking lessons.
  • Serene yoga classes by the Ayung River.
  • Workshops with local artisans on traditional Balinese art forms.

Best for: Bali is famous for wellness retreats and spirituality. If your business is in the wellness space, offering an incentive trip to Bali may be a natural fit.

8. Disneyland or Disney World

International travel may not appeal to all of your employees. Some may prefer a trip to Disney. After all, it’s the happiest place on earth for a reason. If you go for this option, your team should provide hotel accommodations, park admission, and an amount dedicated to dining and entertainment.

Pro tip: Consider adding a companion pass as a part of the reward. Your top performers will likely want to bring loved ones along with them — whether that be a spouse or one of their kids.

9. Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown is a paradise for adventurers with breathtaking views. Experience Maori culture with traditional dance, music, and food.

With its natural beauty and first-class restaurants, this city has it all. Take scenic wine tastings, art classes influenced by local culture, or outdoor yoga sessions.

Explore nearby majestic fjords, immerse yourself in Maori culture, and take in the Queenstown skyline with panoramic views. You can reward good teamwork in Queenstown thanks to its natural splendor and cultural diversity.

Best for: Providing a wide range of experiences in one location, Queenstown is an excellent choice for group incentive travel.

10. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Famous for crystal-clear water, sunny beaches, and coral reefs, groups will love the natural beauty, high-end resorts, and activities this island has to offer. Learn about Polynesian culture through guided tours, dances, and crafts.

You can snorkel in vibrant lagoons, scuba dive, and relax on the beach.

Pro tip: The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort epitomizes this paradise with overwater bungalows and beachfront villas, offering a secluded retreat for incentive groups.

Inspiring Corporate Achievements with Incentive Journeys

Sales incentive travel is a powerful motivator to ignite a collective drive for success. They create unforgettable experiences that connect teams and strengthen company values. Instead of strengthening crew cohesion, this method increases productivity. This is funding in crew spirit that results in measurable enterprise success.

Editor's note: This article was originally published in July 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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MTI Events

6 Benefits of Incentive Travel Programs

  • March 7, 2022
  • Incentive Travel


Corporate travel incentive programs are cost-effective rewards for top performers . They benefit the company by promoting revenue growth and customer acquisition and increasing sales .

Travel incentive programs create these benefits by using the reward of company-funded travel to a gorgeous and activity-packed destination to boost employee morale, stimulate employee productivity, aid employee retention , and improve ongoing recruitment efforts. These benefits lead to success for the program, revenue growth for the company, and higher reported job satisfaction of the employees.

1. They Pay for Themselves

While it might seem like incentive travel programs have a high price tag, it’s important to consider that cost in the proper context: as a benefit to employees that will incentivize them to do their best work and result in greater benefits to the company over time.

If you haven’t considered an incentive travel program before, it may also be less expensive than you imagine. MTI Events has options available for all different budgets and different types of incentive travel so that any company, big or small, can offer this benefit to employees and see impressive returns!

2. They Boost Employee Morale

When employees feel genuinely appreciated by their managers and the company in general, they’re more likely to have a better attitude that improves all aspects of their work life. You can show employees that their work is appreciated by awarding regular raises and bonuses, but if you want employees to go above and beyond, it’s best to lead by example!

3. They Boost Employee Productivity

Besides increased morale and higher job satisfaction, one of the most significant predictors of employee productivity is stress. While you can’t remove all your employees’ stressors outside of work, you can use incentive travel programs to provide them an opportunity to truly get away from it all for a while.

Being physically away from work and home will allow them to relax. Activities offered at the travel location will help them reenergize by enabling them to try something new or do something they enjoy but don’t have the opportunity to do at home because of time or budget constraints.

It’s also impossible to travel with other people without bonding with them. Incentive travel programs set up a scenario where you’re putting all your top performers in a casual environment where they can get to know each other better and informally discuss business matters. This almost always results in employees returning to work with fresh perspectives and improved tactics for doing their jobs.

4. They Improve Employee Retention

One of the biggest expenses for any company is churn—the cost of training replacements when employees leave the company and paying for coverage while replacements are brought up to speed. While some of this is an inevitable cost of doing business, much of it isn’t.

When employees are happy with their situation, feel competent in their role, get along with coworkers and management, and believe their pay and benefits are generous, they’re more likely to stay with a company for longer. Being generous with employees and sharing the revenue they bring to the company persuades them to stay with you longer.

5. They Improve Ongoing Recruitment Efforts

When you do need to hire new employees, it will be much easier to recruit top talent if you have a workplace full of satisfied employees and a track record of unique benefits like incentive travel programs .

Think about it! If you were a top sales performer with a stellar resumé, which company would you want to work at? The company with the annual Christmas party or the company that sent their top sellers to the Caribbean? (Trick question: you’d want to work at the company that sent their top sellers to the Caribbean for Christmas.)

6. They Increase Revenue

Employees who are satisfied with their company and work at peak productivity will increase revenue for the company. Incentive travel programs aren’t only an excellent way to boost morale and engagement; they’re also a great way to motivate employees to achieve stretch goals well beyond your sales targets.

When people are appropriately incentivized, they’ll work harder to achieve the expectations that have been set for them. There’s no better way to incentivize working professionals than with an incentive travel program .

Reap the Benefits of Incentive Travel with Help from MTI Events!

Planning a travel incentive program involves event planning, location selection, contract negotiation, event production, and related logistics, including negotiating with airlines, hotels, and transportation providers. That’s a lot of work, which is where MTI Events comes into play!

Our hard-working and dedicated representatives are skilled in all aspects of travel incentive programs. We cover all the details and logistics so that you can focus on the most important part of your company’s program: the benefits you’ll experience from the start of the program to the end of the vacation and beyond.

We can build individual incentives , team incentive travel programs , or both. The best part is that you don’t have to set aside time to build, establish, and manage these programs. We’ll take care of them for you! Give us a call at (913) 521-8680 if you have any questions.

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32 Ways a Travel Incentive Program Boosts Revenue and Morale

Reward and motivate employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

“Economics is, at root, the study of incentives.”

– Steven Levitt, Freakonomics

Incentives control every aspect our lives, starting when we first learn to eat our peas if we want a cookie.

Today successful organizations utilize incentives to reward and motivate employees, customers, and other stakeholders to adopt certain behaviors and avoid others. Incentive programs increase innovation and revenue, decrease losses and expenses, and reinforce corporate culture.

One analysis of incentive travel trends  found a 22 percent gain in performance after implementing a new program, jumping to 44–48 percent for programs in place longer than six months. Another study found that firms with effective incentive programs enjoyed 31 percent lower voluntary turnover.

To gain an edge in their markets, businesses invest in rewards including cash, gift cards, trophies, recognition, time off, professional development, trendy merchandise, and the most coveted award of all, leisure travel.

1. Travel incentive programs offer enormous impact.

US organizations spend more than $100 billion per year on incentive rewards. Across all programs, the prevalent rewards are gift cards (71% of organizations), merchandise (38%), award points (36%), and travel (30%). Eighty percent of programs employ more than one type.

For sales programs, the top objectives are to increase overall revenue (80% of programs), boost morale (76%), and improve productivity (58%).

Cash and gift cards are used to minimize administration when many participants will be earning rewards. Trendy merchandise and leisure travel are used when buzz is more important.

Individual travel is the ultimate reward. It offers enormous impact—no one ever forgets it—although travel can be difficult to administer. To eliminate most of the admin for planners, Celebrity Cruises offers individual cruise gift cards and certificates .

2. Get more value via word of mouth.

Compared to cash and cards, the most powerful advantage of tangible noncash rewards is the recognition value.

Tangible awards are highly visible. Everyone knows who earned them and how. They generate anticipation before, social media during, and an afterglow well beyond the awarding. Winners will gush enthusiastically to any willing listener about a luxurious resort or cruise experience they enjoyed—and the organization that made it happen.

Bragging about a cash reward, on the other hand, is just awkward.

3. Increase motivation by increasing desire.

Tangible rewards like those given by incentive travel programs occupy more mental space, compared to cash and cards, making them feel more desirable despite equivalent value.

The added value of these awards translates into measurable increases in effort, perseverance, and performance by recipients. More emotional attachment means more behavioral change.

In one field experiment that followed consecutive sales contests, with one cohort receiving cash and the other receiving prizes, performance in the initial round was comparable. But in subsequent rounds, the median sales results were significantly better from prizes rather than cash.

In laboratory experiments, participants receiving tangible rewards provided work of greater quality, committing fewer mistakes, compared to the cash recipients.

4. Increase productivity and creativity with the reciprocity effect.

While cash and cards tend to be viewed as transactional, tangible rewards feel more like gifts, more social in nature. They lead to more emotional relationships.

Coveted noncash rewards such as cruise vacations also trigger appreciation and a desire to reciprocate the gift. When employees associate an emotionally impactful reward with the organization that gives it, they seek ways to respond through greater productivity and creativity.

Such a reciprocity effect persists well beyond the transaction, because recipients recall the gift more frequently and more fondly than they would a cash reward, resulting in feelings of greater valuation by their organizations and more positive workplace behaviors such as attendance and engagement.

5. Improve employee retention by showing appreciation.

People often expend more effort for no pay (a social market) than they do for a little pay (a monetary market). Mere acknowledgement of a person’s good work creates a human connection, a bit of magic that can spark a transformation.

Employees who already earn sufficient salaries are motivated more by managerial praise and one-on-one time with leaders than by cash rewards, stock options, even pay raises. Those who are happiest at work say their managers excel at giving feedback and recognition.

Conversely, nearly 80 percent of employees who quit their jobs cite lack of appreciation.

One large study of customer service employees concluded that fair, consistent, timely recognition by managers and peers improved employee behavior and customer experience significantly. A similar study of managers found that employee recognition was the most effective form of reward, improving retention, communications, sales, customer satisfaction, and teamwork.

Members of Fortune magazine’s list of 100 Best Companies to Work For average 50 percent lower turnover and enjoy 15–25 percent greater return to investors than do other companies in their industries.

6. Attract employees with rewards and recognition.

Rewards and recognition impact a company’s ability to acquire talent and achieve customer objectives like satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability. With unemployment near record lows, the best organizations understand that competitive rewards and recognition help attract better employees.

Dollar for dollar, tangible noncash rewards derive added value from their personal meaning. The best travel incentive programs are designed to ensure that recognition be personalized. The more that recipients enjoy and recall incentives like luxurious vacations, the more they talk up their organizations.

Some of the best company retreat ideas are group incentives, which promote social connections, enabling coworkers to spend quality time with colleagues they care about and generating more positive feelings for the organization.

Whether in groups or individually, cruises and other leisure travel stimulate parts of the mind that cash does not.

7. Reward top performers with a tiered approach.

Top-performing companies are better at leveraging their rewards programs, compared to average-performing companies. The top performers can be defined as those with sales of $100 million or more, revenue or stock growth of at least 5 percent, excellent customer ratings, and 90 percent employee satisfaction.

Incentive program design has shifted over time from rewarding only the truly exceptional employees (exclusivity) toward ensuring that many high-performing employees feel the love (reach). When designing their incentives, top organizations focus on reach, rather than exclusivity.

To help planners tailor awards, Celebrity’s travel certificates can be tiered, rewarding different groups of high-performing employees appropriately.

8. Appeal to all kinds of employees.

Incentive programs—especially travel programs—must respond to the personalities and desires of their potential recipients. In that way, they also instill an organization’s culture, succeeding to the degree that they reflect the values of that culture. Incentive programs—especially travel programs—must respond to the personalities and desires of their potential recipients. In that way, they also instill an organization’s culture, succeeding to the degree that they reflect the values of that culture.

Incentive travelers can be viewed in five general categories:

  • Culture seekers
  • Golden travelers
  • Practical vacationers
Value vacationers

A successful travel incentive program must offer something of value for each personality type. With hundreds of destinations and thousands of engaging shore excursions around the world, Celebrity vacations have everyone covered.

9. Give culture seekers the authentic experiences they want.

These travelers desire in-depth experiences. They have intellectual personalities, appreciate new technologies, enjoy fine dining and wine, and influence their friends. They may use their travel certificates to sail the Arabian coast, explore Angkor Wat, or dive the Great Barrier Reef.

10. Provide the perfect escape for trendsetters.

Your best influencers are confident, younger, more affluent, and enamored of technology. They book the suite, enjoy the spa, and use the gym. Trendsetters choose the shore excursions that promise new travel experiences. They may use their travel certificates to discover the massive glaciers of Alaska, explore the iconic cities of Europe, or round the faraway tip of South America.

11. Empower golden travelers to see the world their way.

These award winners feel young at heart. They don’t travel for romance or extravagance, but for flexibility and freedom. They may use their travel certificates to stroll the pretty pink beaches of Bermuda or cruise the rocky coast of New England.

12. Travel incentive programs offer R&R for practical vacationers.

They’re married and enjoy time at home. Vacations are well-earned breaks from responsibility, not wild adventures. They may use their travel certificates to relax on the beaches of the Caribbean, tropical drink in hand, occasionally splurging on restaurants.

13. Let value vacationers bring their families along.

These hard-working, positive, practical people shop for value, minimize planning, and maximize quality time with loved ones. They may use their travel certificates to treat the whole family.

14. Give awardees what they really want.

Determine what your awardees really want and remember that greater freedom of choice generates higher return on investment.

The most desirable rewards tend to be unforgettable experiences—from luxurious escapes to Bermuda to cultural journeys through Europe to leisurely explorations in the Land Down Under. Even greater value comes from travel associated with big events like Mardi Gras, the British Open, holidays, and celebrations. The most meaningful travel includes friends and family.

Celebrity builds overnight stays into longer itineraries, so guests can experience the nightlife. Camp at Sea entertains younger vacationers, Family Tour Challenges engage everyone, and the culinary program extends from ship to shore excursion via Chef’s Market Discoveries.

15. A tropical vacation is the ultimate reward.

Many of your prospective awardees would gladly work harder, smarter, and more effectively all year in exchange for a week or two of lounging on sandy white beaches, basking in warm winter breezes, and gazing at epic sunsets in The Bahamas, Caribbean, or Hawaii . In Australia , New Zealand, and the South Pacific, when it’s winter here, it’s summer there.

They’ll tan their faces in the golden sunshine, cool their bodies in the blue waters, and return to work relaxed, recharged, and ready for anything—while telling everyone about the wonderful experience they had and the generous organization that treated them.

16. Treat awardees to the pink sands of Bermuda.

Nothing adjusts an attitude quite like a few days and nights in British Bermuda—pink sand beaches under foot, rum swizzle in hand, world-class golf all around, and brilliant blue waters as far as the eye can see. Bermuda cruises depart from Northeastern cities and include multiple days and nights in port.

Celebrity’s Bermuda cruises also include visits to the charming Southern city of Charleston, the picturesque coast of New England, or the maritime islands of Canada. New itineraries include the dramatic fjords of Greenland and Iceland.

17. Experience the art, architecture, culture, and cuisine of Europe.

The Old World can always show your award winners something new, even if they’ve been to Europe a dozen times. Culture seekers definitely find much to discover in the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, and the British Isles.

All along the sparkling Mediterranean, they fall in love with iconic cities like Barcelona, Rome, Naples, and Athens. Vacationers can climb the famous Rock of Gibraltar, taste French wines and cheeses at the source, even race gondolas through the romantic canals of Venice.

Northern Europe itineraries explore natural wonders like the Norwegian fjords, as well as artistic gems like the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Sailings around the British Isles delight travelers from the theater district of London to the ancient castle in Edinburgh to the Irish pubs of Dublin.

Celebrity deploys six of our luxurious ships in Europe, including two of our newest.

18. Recharge in the majestic wilderness, from Alaska to the ends of the Earth.

Nature lovers flock to Alaska , amazed to watch the eagles soaring, whales breaching, and glaciers thundering into the sea. Many upgrade their adventures to land-and-sea Cruisetours, trekking up to Denali or into the Canadian Rockies.

The Last Frontier makes a natural choice for families. They can mush the huskies, pan for gold, meet indigenous peoples, and post eye-popping selfies, telling breathless stories for years. The Celebrity Revolution, a $500 modernization of our entire fleet, began this year in Alaska.

At the other end of the planet, adventurers can feel the roar of Iguaçú Falls, world’s largest waterfall system, wedged between Brazil and Argentina. They can join the beautiful people on the famous beaches of Rio, tango down the vibrant avenues of Buenos Aires, even explore the very ends of the Earth, Antarctica.

19. Make exotic discoveries in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

Nothing generates buzz for your program quite like an incentive trip to the inscrutable East or the Land Down Under. Incentive winners who choose exotic Asia , Australia , or New Zealand travel discover vibrant cities from Tokyo to Melbourne, natural beauty from the deserts of Arabia to the Great Barrier Reef, rousing foods to thrill the senses, and enduring customs to open their hearts.

Celebrity ships explore Asia and Oceania from Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, and other convenient departure cities.

20. Give them the adventure of a lifetime in the Galapagos.

Your most intrepid travelers covet the most exotic destinations, like the Galapagos Islands , an isolated archipelago in the Pacific whose wonders inspired Charles Darwin, and Machu Picchu, the stunning 15th-century Inca citadel high in the Andes Mountains.

A site of endless scientific study, the Galapagos exist in a world apart—so far apart that their extraordinary creatures are found nowhere else. They haven’t learned to fear humans, so the few people who ever get to visit them are rewarded with incredible access—a trophy experience worthy of your top awardees.

Celebrity just expanded our fleet here by launching a luxurious, all-inclusive, mega yacht designed specifically to explore these islands, with shore excursions led by expert naturalists.

Optional vacation packages make it easy to add Machu Picchu, on the South American mainland.

21. Offer variety for best results.

Make rewards meaningful to each winner. For some, fungible rewards like cash and gift cards are appropriate, but at the cost of long-term memorability.

A winner’s mental accounting lumps cash into the same category as wages, so it’s not appreciated as much as trendy merchandise or luxurious travel. Cash may also ignite inflationary expectations. Programs for front-line workers often include cash or cards for everyday purchases.

For top performers in top-performing organizations, however, awards such as luxurious cruise vacations are more motivating. Incentive travel can refocus a salesperson’s attentions quickly and effectively.

Whether cash, merchandise, or travel, remember to allow choice and provide unique adventures.

22. Experiences are worth more than cash.

Rewards of all types should be geared to spark the positive emotions that come with feeling included, valued, and appreciated. Research finds that tangible noncash rewards deliver greater returns than the equivalent cash. These findings are somewhat counter-intuitive, since cash and equivalents are the most fungible rewards—they can be spent on anything.

The more people earn, however, the greater their preference for tangible noncash rewards, especially travel, experiences, and merchandise they would not normally buy for themselves. People often prefer noncash rewards because they know they’ll just spend cash on something pedestrian.

Another data point arguing in favor of well-chosen noncash rewards is the extent of their use. In 2016, 84 percent of US organizations used tangible rewards, a three-fold increase from 20 years earlier.

23. Give foodies something to talk about.

Imagine the fresh salmon while sailing Alaska, the jerk chicken while cruising the Caribbean, the pizza in Naples, the wine in France. Fine dining and drinking may be the highest and best use of incentive travel.

When travel programs are limited to hotels and resorts, however, great cuisine can be difficult to incorporate. Conveniently, cruise lines include meals, and the food ranges from good to excellent. While stereotypes about buffet lines persist, many ships feature multiple restaurants. Luxury lines make their cuisine a key selling point.

Celebrity ships, for example, offer up to 18 cafés and restaurants. Venues include Tuscan Grille steakhouse, Murano for French fare, and Sushi on Five. Bars and lounges range from the ice-topped Martini Bar to Rooftop Terrace, where guests enjoy movies under the stars with cocktails and snacks.

24. Woo them with luxurious suites and superlative service.

Your award winners deserve well-appointed staterooms and suites, with plenty of room to spread out and private verandas for breakfast at sunrise, drinks at sunset, and panoramic views any time.

On Celebrity’s new Edge ® Series ships, guests can turn their entire stateroom into a veranda or, conversely, bring the entire room out to the water’s edge.

In Concierge Class, staff takes care of all the little details that can make a world of difference, and in AquaClass ® , guests enjoy proximity to the spa and access to their own restaurant. Award winners live large in suites with personal butlers, a private restaurant, and an exclusive lounge.

25. Memorable activities will have them longing for more.

Your award winners crave exciting entertainment and engaging activities. The best travel incentive programs include stage productions with inspiring stories and amazing talent—maybe a bit of street theater—although incorporating such experiences can be challenging for planners.

Nothing relaxes, rejuvenates, and rewards your top performers quite like an indulgent spa day—massage, facial, maybe an aesthetic touchup. For many of your top producers, just finding time for the gym, a fitness class, some personal training—these are luxuries that often wait for vacations.

How about some casino action—blackjack, roulette, poker, slots? The odds are good that you have some gamers among your top performers.

Luxury ships bring entertainment, spa time, gym time, casino action, and more under one roof and make them easy to incorporate into your rewards program.

26. Travel incentive programs offer opportunities for learning.

When your incentive travelers are not exploring new destinations, they can be learning new skills, like video editing, hot glass blowing, or wine blending.

Guests with a passion for food and wine can savor activities like wine appreciation 101 and wine pairing workshops.

Intellectual types can indulge their curiosity, develop the gray matter, and have some fun discovering new science, technology, engineering, and math activities.

Guests into fun and games can learn to spin tracks, practice dance moves, hone archery skills, or challenge fellow nerds with their command of trivia.

Since vacations are all about renewal, they can (re)start fitness programs—high-intensity interval training to burn fat, boxing for a hit of adrenaline, yoga for healing and rejuvenation.

Cruise ships make it easy to provide enrichment activities for your incentive travelers. Most are included.

27. Allot a portion of sales to incentive programs for maximum effect.

Highly performing companies in the United States believe in noncash rewards such as incentive travel for their recruitment, retention, and engagement value.

They plan budgets from the bottom up, using a percentage of sales or employee income, rather than from the top down, based on prior spending. From studies of sales reward programs , top-performing companies invest 9.4% of projected income, while average businesses spend just 7.2%.

Almost 80% of the top-performing businesses set no ceiling on their sales incentive programs, while average companies tend to cap their programs.

Top-performing companies invest in higher payouts: $3,916 per salesperson, compared with $2,749 in average companies. Top-performing individuals in these companies earn over $5,000 in awards. They prioritize reach, rewarding more high performers, rather than exclusivity, rewarding only elite performers.

For maximum buzz, they integrate incentive communications into their broader organizational communications.

28. Set metrics to measure the benefits.

One study shows the three performance metrics used most often to evaluate sales incentives are revenue (66%), net new customers (49%), and product sales in units (37%). Other key metrics include productivity (25%), budget (24%), return on investment (20%), tenure (20%), and satisfaction (14%).

In performance-based programs, such as those for sales, partner channels, safety, and productivity, the rewards are designed to impact key performance indicators that have natural metrics and baselines.

However, programs designed to improve morale, reinforce culture, or build teamwork often have no KPIs, making them hard to evaluate objectively. Managers of these programs review engagement surveys, conduct focus groups, and track participation.

While revenue and expenses are easy to measure, the intangible benefits of tangible incentives—often the most valuable part—are the hardest to translate into firm numbers. Typical metrics include decreased turnover, increased productivity, market share, and customer satisfaction.

Across all types of recognition programs, one big indicator of success is the enthusiasm of participants. Just to get people engaged with an organizational objective is an achievement.

With or without KPIs, executives from top-performing companies support their incentive programs, which become part of corporate culture.

29. Make it easy with travel certificates.

Incentive planners understand that personal rewards, especially vacation travel, are the most effective both for winners and for programs. But planning can be labor intensive and costly.

Meanwhile, cash is easy. It requires little thought, gets transferred electronically, and scales easily. Cash has a clear, fixed value, and recipients can spend it on whatever they want, even something mundane and devoid of incentive value. Like rent.

Cruise travel certificates, however, are just as easy to manage as cash while incentivizing winners more effectively. Certificates can reward and motivate any number of recipients with minimal planning and administration.

With Celebrity certificates, you establish the award tiers, and your awardees choose their own ships, schedules, and itineraries. Tiers can be designated by ship, by destination (Caribbean, Mediterranean, etc.), by class of accommodation (veranda, suite, etc.), or by other criteria you choose.

With three hundred destinations around the world, plus thousands of shore excursions and itineraries, everyone will be thrilled—including planners.

30. Travel incentive programs offer rewards for all kinds of awardees.

Incentive programs use individual travel certificates to reward salespersons, channel partners, employees in operations, important suppliers, and other VIPs for:

  • Achieving sales goals
  • Closings on homes, mortgages, or cars
  • Reaching productivity goals
  • Demonstrating loyalty
  • Winning contests or sweepstakes
  • Participating in fund-raising events

Individual travel certificates provide organizations with flexibility, cost effectiveness, and ease of implementation, while Celebrity cruises provide them with some of the most incentivizing incentives ever devised.

31. Reduce overhead and costs by choosing a travel incentive program partner.

Top organizations allocate an estimated 49% of their total rewards budgets for design and operation of their programs. This expense can be reduced significantly depending on which rewards are utilized.

Cash and cash equivalents are the fastest and easiest programs to administer.

On the other end of the spectrum are group events, which make the most effective incentives as well as fun work retreat ideas. However, when utilizing hotels and resorts, the planning requires not only air transportation and rooms but also meals, entertainment, venues, AV, and ground transportation.

Cruise ships eliminate much of that work, since meals, entertainment, and venues are included with the guest rooms, and no local ground transportation is required. When partnering with Celebrity Cruises, even the air transportation can be handled easily, using Flights by Celebrity.

32. Calculate and quantify your return on investment.

Organizations calculating total return on investment should consider every benefit that can be converted into money.

Employee and customer retention can be converted to hard dollars easily. Employees arriving late, leaving early, or missing work can all be quantified. Look at absenteeism, attrition, and the cost of losing or gaining a customer, and attach a dollar value to each. For wellness programs, calculate increased enrollment and utilization of benefits that translate into lower health.

Perform tangible and intangible return-on-investment calculations before and after incentive campaigns.

Overall, expect a return on investment of 2:1 to 5:1, with typical returns of $2 to $3 for each dollar invested in the incentive program, adjusted up or down for general declines or improvements in your market.

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2024 Travelers Championship purse, prize money: Payouts for golfers in field from $20 million pool

The most lucrative season in pga tour history rolls on at tpc river highlands.

Travelers Championship - Round One

The 2024 Travelers Championship this week marks the last of eight huge-money signature events for the PGA Tour this season. Many such tournaments have been of the no-cut variety, like the Travelers Championship will be, though all of them have offered total purses of $20 million.

It is certainly a good time to be a professional golfer. It is also a good time to be Scottie Scheffler. With over two months left on the season, Scheffler has already set the PGA Tour's all-time earnings record with just over $24 million picked up so far this year. That breaks his old record set just a year ago when he claimed over $21 million.

Fueling that massive $24 million take-home total is Scheffler emerging victorious at three of the first seven signature events, which started back in January. Here are your first seven winners from signature events this season:

  • The Sentry: Chris Kirk ($3.6 million)
  • Pebble Beach Pro Am: Wyndham Clark ($3.6 million)
  • Genesis Invitational: Hideki Matsuyama ($4 million)
  • Arnold Palmer Invitational: Scottie Scheffler ($4 million)
  • RBC Heritage: Scottie Scheffler ($3.6 million)
  • Wells Fargo Championship: Rory McIlroy ($3.6 million)
  • The Memorial Tournament: Scottie Scheffler ($4 million)

This week's $20 million purse will be split between 71 players. There were supposed to be 72 players in the field, but following his heartbreaking loss at the U.S. Open a week ago, Rory McIlroy withdrew from the event early this week. McIlroy will next be seen when he returns to the Scottish Open as the reigning champion this July.

Let's take a look at the payout list for the 71 players who will be in attendance at the 2024 Travelers Championship.

2024 Travelers Championship prize money, purse

Total purse: $20 million

1st: $3,600,000 2nd: $2,160,000 3rd: $1,360,000 4th: $960,000 5th: $800,000 6th: $720,000 7th: $670,000 8th: $620,000 9th: $580,000 10th: $540,000 11th: $500,000 12th: $460,000 13th: $420,000 14th: $380,000 15th: $360,000 16th: $340,000 17th: $320,000 18th: $300,000 19th: $280,000 20th: $260,000 21st: $240,000 22nd: $223,500 23rd: $207,500 24th: $191,500 25th: $175,500 26th: $159,500 27th: $153,000 28th: $147,000 29th: $141,000 30th: $135,000 31st: $129,000 32nd: $123,000 33rd: $117,000 34th: $112,000 35th: $107,000 36th: $102,000 37th: $97,000 38th: $93,000 39th: $89,000 40th: $85,000 41st: $81,000 42nd: $77,000 43rd: $73,000 44th: $69,000 45th: $65,000 46th: $61,000 47th: $57,000 48th: $53,500 49th: $51,000 50th: $50,000 51st: $49,000 52nd: $48,000 53rd: $47,000 54th: $47,000 55th: $46,000 56th: $45,500 57th: $45,000 58th: $44,500 59th: $44,000 60th: $43,500 61st: $43,000 62nd: $42,500 63rd: $42,000 64th: $41,500 65th: $41,000 66th: $40,500 67th: $40,000 68th: $39,500 69th: $39,000 70th: $38,500 71st: $38,000

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Migrant taken to the hospital for pneumonia, dies from a head injury incurred at the hospital after being released from CBP custody

On March 16, 2024, at approximately 5:23 a.m., a Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS) Trooper encountered and arrested an undocumented female migrant, a citizen of Honduras, near the Travis D. Kelly Hydroelectric Water Plant, located approximately 8.75 miles northwest of Eagle Pass, Texas. At approximately 6:38 a.m., TXDPS Troopers transported the woman to the State of Texas’ Val Verde Processing Center (VVPC) in Del Rio, Texas. At approximately 7:50 a.m., the woman advised VVPC intake staff that she had attempted suicide three months prior by stopping her medication. During processing, intake staff requested emergency medical services (EMS) because the woman was having trouble breathing. An on-site emergency medical technician (EMT) screened the woman, then cleared her and placed her on direct observation at 8:15 a.m. At approximately 4:02 p.m., the woman appeared before a Maverick County magistrate and was subsequently charged with criminal trespassing. The Maverick County magistrate determined there was reasonable cause to believe that the woman had a mental illness or was a person with an intellectual disability and ordered a service provider with VVPC to provide mental health or intellectual and developmental disability services to her. On March 17, 2024, at approximately 6 a.m., the woman was transferred to the Lopez State Jail in Edinburg, Texas, pending criminal state charges. On March 26, 2024, at approximately 5 p.m., the woman was released from the Lopez State Jail and transferred to the Jim Hogg Temporary Processing Center (JHPC), in Hebbronville, Texas which is also operated by the State of Texas. At approximately 6:54 p.m., JHPC advised U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Hebbronville Station personnel that the state charges were dismissed; therefore, she was being released and would be turned over to Border Patrol. JHPC reportedly advised Border Patrol personnel that the woman had a pre-existing heart condition but was not currently experiencing any issues. At approximately 7:35 p.m., Border Patrol agents arrived at JHPC and determined the woman was an undocumented noncitizen. Agents took custody of the woman and transported her to the Hebbronville Station, where they arrived approximately four minutes later. At approximately 8:15 p.m., during intake procedures, CBP contract medical staff conducted a medical assessment of the woman. During the assessment, the medical staff determined that she needed advanced medical care because of low oxygen, persistent cough, possible pneumonia, and congestive heart failure. At approximately 8:23 p.m., a Supervisory Border Patrol agent requested EMS via telephone. At approximately 8:29 p.m., Skyline EMS arrived at the Hebbronville Station and prepared the woman for transportation. At approximately 8:45 p.m., Skyline EMS transported the woman to Laredo Medical Center while Border Patrol personnel followed in a marked vehicle. At approximately 9:42 p.m., the woman arrived at the hospital and Border Patrol personnel established hospital watch. On March 27, 2024, at approximately 9:10 a.m., while under treatment, the woman was diagnosed with pneumonia and at approximately 10:50 a.m., was admitted to the hospital and assigned a room. On March 28, 2024, at approximately 4:32 p.m., agents served the woman with a Notice to Appear/Order of Release and released her from CBP custody. The woman remained at the hospital pending additional treatment. On April 4, 2024, the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office (BCMEO) notified Border Patrol personnel assigned to the Hebbronville Station that, while being treated at the Brooks Army Medical Center (BAMC), the woman had died on April 3, 2024, at 3:07 p.m. Hebbronville Station personnel notified Special Agents from CBP’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), who responded to the incident. After reviewing the medical documentation from LMC and BAMC, OPR special agents discovered that on March 30, 2024, at approximately 11:00 p.m., the woman had reportedly fallen while at LMC, which resulted in a subdural hematoma (SDH). After the fall, LMC medical staff monitored her, and on the morning of April 1, 2024, the woman had a change in mental status and required intubation. She was subsequently transferred to BAMC in San Antonio, Texas, for advanced medical care. Two days later the woman died. On April 10, 2024, at approximately 5:20 p.m., a BCMEO Investigator notified agents from the OPR Laredo Field Office that an autopsy was performed on April 6, 2024. The manner and cause of death is pending. BCMEO will give the results of the autopsy when they are complete. The BCMEO is investigating this incident and CBP OPR is reviewing it. The Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General has been notified.

CBP OPR identified information and timeline based on its preliminary review of radio traffic, medical documentation from CBP and local medical facilities, and statements of involved personnel from CBP, TXDPS, and BCMEO. This notification is being issued to the public pursuant to the CBP policy regarding Notification and Review Procedures for Certain Deaths and Deaths in Custody and the Department of Homeland Security FY 2021 Appropriation (H. Rept. 116-458) reporting requirements related to CBP-involved deaths.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is America's frontline: the nation's largest law enforcement organization and the world's first unified border management agency. The 65,000+ men and women of CBP protect America on the ground, in the air, and on the seas. We facilitate safe, lawful travel and trade and ensure our country's economic prosperity. We enhance the nation's security through innovation, intelligence, collaboration, and trust.

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Employers are upping their incentives to bring workers back to the office

By Khristopher J. Brooks

Edited By Anne Marie Lee

June 21, 2023 / 5:57 PM EDT / MoneyWatch

Free lunch and game nights and live concerts — oh boy!

These are some of the perks a growing number of U.S. employers are dangling in front of workers, in hopes of luring them back to the office. Companies are also relaxing their dress codes, adding commuter benefits and even raising salaries to entice employees. 

"Salesforce now is saying to every employee who comes in, we'll make a $10 charitable contribution to a cause of their choice," Emma Goldberg, reporter for the New York Times,  told CBS News. "So that's a nice spin on these incentives."

The incentives have been hit or miss so far, Goldberg added. As of May, about 12% of full-time employees are working fully remote while 29% are hybrid and 59% are in office, according to data from WFH Research, which tracks remote work trends. A hybrid work schedule is the most common setup for workers allowed to work from home, the WFH survey shows. 

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New reality: hybrid work

"I think we're seeing that hybrid work is our permanent reality," Goldberg said. "The office is not going to look like it did in 2019."

The pandemic made working from home a necessity for millions of U.S. workers, but many companies now want employees to commute into the office again, arguing that staff members are more productive when they're in the same setting as their co-workers. 

A 2020 study  published  in the Harvard Business Review found that 38% of managers either agree or strongly agree that "the performance of remote workers is usually lower than that of people who work in an office setting." Forty percent of respondents disagreed, and 22% were unsure.

Amazon, Apple and Starbucks are among the companies now requiring employees to come in to the office three days a week, despite resistance from some. A  February survey  by the recruiting firm Robert Half found that 32% of workers who go into the office at least once a week would be willing to take a pay cut to work remotely full-time.

Employees are pushing back on return-to-office mandates because many say the time they spend commuting takes time away from caring for loved ones, Goldberg said.

"We're not just talking about commutes and finding parking," she said. "We're talking about people's families and their lives."

Khristopher J. Brooks is a reporter for CBS MoneyWatch. He previously worked as a reporter for the Omaha World-Herald, Newsday and the Florida Times-Union. His reporting primarily focuses on the U.S. housing market, the business of sports and bankruptcy.

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Ohio teachers' pension system board narrowly votes against employee bonus plan

The State Teachers' Retirement System of Ohio board voted 5-4 against approving a bonus plan for employees to applause from some of the current and retired teachers assembled at its meeting on Friday.

STRS Ohio, which oversees more than $90 billion invested on behalf of 500,000 teachers and retirees, is governed by an 11-member board.

The system is facing  historic turbulence  as control of the board tips toward "reformers," its executive director remains on paid administrative leave, a national consulting firm canceled its contract early and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost  filed a civil lawsuit  to remove two board members.

Acting Executive Director Lynn Hoover presented the recommendations for bonuses that could be earned from July 1 to June 30, 2025, for 69 eligible employees. The plan is presented annually for board approval.

Board members Rudy Fichtenbaum, Steven Foreman, Elizabeth Jones, Julie Sellers and Wade Steen voted against the plan. Board Member Pat Davidson was absent and one seat is vacant.

Some board members expressed concerns about bonuses for employees when retirees have not had regular cost of living adjustments in recent years.

Board Member Julie Sellers said retirees have no inflation protections on their money and need a pension they can live on.

"When you start thinking of all of the whammies that the retirees are living through, it's it's no wonder they are so upset because it is impacting them in their daily lives," she said.

Multiple board members and staff mentioned potential issues with employee recruitment and retention without bonuses.

Board member Alison Lanza Falls cautioned against tying the bonuses to the COLA. She said by doing so, the board is asking staff to manage a fund that is not itself the total solution to providing for retirees.

"The total solution actually rests with this board, not the investment staff," she said. "And I don't know that the board has looked at all of the things we can do."

The board agreed to explore alternative plans for employee performance incentives at a meeting in July, but did not set an exact date.

How we got here

In 2012, state lawmakers passed pension reform legislation to help the five public retirement systems shore up their finances. For the most part, employees and retirees shouldered the burden of working longer for fewer benefits.

The 114-page  reform law  concluded that STRS members didn't have "a legitimate expectation of any particular future cost-of-living adjustment" and that changes to the COLAs were the "most effective means for restoring the long-term solvency."

Under the new law, STRS stopped giving retirees annual 3% cost of living adjustments for several years in a row. The board only recently approved small increases of 3% and 1%.

The halt in inflationary increases, along with STRS investment staff receiving millions in bonuses, ignited pushback from the Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association.

ORTA, a dark money group that is not required to disclose its donors, has lobbied the STRS board to dial back on staff bonuses and restore the COLA for retired teachers. ORTA-endorsed candidates for STRS board seats have won a string of victories in recent years, resulting in "reformers" taking control of the board.

When Gov. Mike DeWine removed Steen as his appointee in May 2023, ORTA started a legal defense fund to help Steen fight in court. A year later, the 10th District Court of Appeals ruled that DeWine lacked the authority to replace Steen.

Erin Glynn and Laura Bischoff are reporters for the USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau, which serves the Columbus Dispatch, Cincinnati Enquirer, Akron Beacon Journal and 18 other affiliated news organizations across Ohio.


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  2. Incentive Travel

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  4. 10 Ways a Travel Incentive Program Boosts Morale Of Employees

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  5. 6 Benefits of Incentive Travel Programs

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  6. Why You Need to Invest in Travel Incentive Programs

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  1. 15 Corporate Incentive Travel Program Tips

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  2. The complete guide for incentive trips for employees

    A chance for rest and improved work-life balance. Incentive travel gives your employees the chance to take a well-deserved getaway from work to unwind, relax, and enjoy some free time. This is especially true since your company will take care of all the details involved in planning, booking, and managing all aspects of the trip.

  3. Employee Incentive Travel Programs: A How and Why Guide

    An Employee Incentive Travel Program is a recognition program for rewarding exceptional employees with an all-expenses-paid trip to their favorite destination. The essence of the travel incentive program is to reward high-performing employees and motivate the rest to reach the desired standards. Some organizations also offer these incentive ...

  4. Employee Performance Incentive Programs with Travel Benefits

    First things first, the chosen travel incentives must be relevant, attainable, and aligned with employee preferences and aspirations, and there must be clear criteria for earning and redeeming travel rewards. Once your employee performance incentives are in place, select key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the impact of travel benefits.

  5. What Is Incentive Travel? (Explained With 7 Examples)

    In conclusion, incentive travel is a potent tool for enhancing employee motivation, aligning organizational goals, and ultimately driving success. Whether you choose to offer all-expense-paid trips or travel vouchers, the key is to create a program that resonates with your employees and inspires them to excel.

  6. How to plan an incentive trip: a step-by-step guide

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  7. Top 7 incentive travel companies

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  8. What is Incentive Travel? (With 4 Examples + Top Locations)

    Incentive travel programs are an especially effective way to show that appreciation, which can in turn help improve retention rates. 3. Enhanced team building and communication. Incentive travel trips often involved team-building activities that can help improve communication and collaboration among employees.

  9. What is incentive travel? (4 Incentive travel program examples)

    Incentive travel programs can be used to achieve a variety of desired outcomes from improved employee engagement to client spending incentives. Let's take a closer look at four possible uses of corporate incentive travel programs. 1. Employee motivation. One of the best ways to overcome organisational challenges such as low productivity ...

  10. How to Use Incentive Travel to Motivate Your Team

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  11. Proven Corporate Employee Travel Incentive Programs

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  12. Incentive Travel Programs: Boost Morale & Productivity

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  14. How Employee Travel Incentives Improve Performance

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  15. The Benefits of Incentive Travel: Motivating Employees and Beyond

    For this reason, most companies that provide incentive travel programs put the utmost importance into providing chances for relaxation, connection, and fun for their employees. 5. Improve Retention Among Top Employees. An incentive trip for your top performers may improve your retention and reduce employee turnover.

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    Travel incentive programs allow employees to tick items off their bucket list without the associated guilt. 4. The Gift of Travel Is More Memorable Than Money. According to the Journal of Economic Psychology, when given the choice in the abstract, employees generally choose cash rewards over non-cash rewards.

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    Travel incentives significantly boost employee engagement and motivation. When employees know they can earn rewards for making cost-effective travel choices, they are more likely to take an active interest in the company's travel policies. This sense of involvement in their efforts enhances job satisfaction. 2.

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    3. They Boost Employee Productivity. Besides increased morale and higher job satisfaction, one of the most significant predictors of employee productivity is stress. While you can't remove all your employees' stressors outside of work, you can use incentive travel programs to provide them an opportunity to truly get away from it all for a ...

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  30. Ohio STRS pension board votes against bonus plan for employees

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