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Can Americans Travel to Cuba? [2024 Legal Cuba Travel Guide]

I’m an American citizen who travels to Cuba all the time, so “can Americans travel to Cuba?” is one of the questions I’m most frequently asked related to Cuba travel. While many Americans believe that Cuba is still “off-limits” to American citizens, this couldn’t be further from the truth; there are many ways to legally travel to Cuba for American citizens.

Want to travel to Cuba from the United States – as a U.S. citizen or otherwise? Our ultimate guide to Cuba travel for Americans will show you how, answering some of the most common questions about Cuba travel safety , Support for the Cuban People travel , and more.

old havana cuba

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American Travel to Cuba

The short answer to the question “can Americans travel to Cuba” is YES, American citizens can travel to Cuba.

Non-U.S. citizens are allowed to travel to Cuba via the United States as well. American citizens can fly from the United States directly to Cuba, travel independently (no need for a group trip or guided trip here!), and enjoy Cuba just as they would any other travel destination.

The longer answer to the question “can Americans travel to Cuba” is that while legal travel to Cuba is entirely possible and even quite easy, there are some important regulations around American travel to Cuba that travelers should be aware of.

U.S.-Cuba Policy Changes

For years, U.S.-Cuba travel by citizens of the United States has been restricted in many ways. In 2014, President Obama announced a new way forward in the relationship between the United States and Cuba, including lifting many of the travel restrictions that made it quite challenging for U.S. citizens to travel to Cuba.

While the subsequent Trump and Biden administrations have made slight changes to Obama’s new policies, Obama’s new Cuba policies remain mostly intact. Americans can still travel to Cuba more easily than they’ve been able to in decades .

Cuba Travel 101

  • Currency in Cuba: A Local’s Guide for Travelers
  • How to Get Wifi in Cuba [Updated!]
  • Is Cuba Safe? Updated Cuba Safety Guide
  • Ultimate Cuba Travel Guide – A Local’s Advice for Travelers

Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

Here’s why so many travelers ask us, “can Americans travel to Cuba?” – because Americans are still not able to legally travel to Cuba purely as “tourists.” Americans must still have a “reason” for traveling to Cuba.

Currently, the U.S. government doesn’t allow American citizens to Cuba as tourists. However, the U.S. government allows American citizens to travel to Cuba so long as they support local, non-government-owned businesses while in Cuba.

Essentially, yes, you can visit Cuba and travel exactly as you would anywhere else. Just avoid government-run hotels, restaurants, and tours while you’re there. This is actually incredibly easy, as all the best things to do in Cuba and the best places to visit in Cuba are local anyway!

So why might it feel like Americans can’t travel to Cuba (when it’s actually quite easy to travel to Cuba)? Americans must give a “reason” for traveling to Cuba – usually when purchasing an airline ticket or booking a hotel room.

How Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

You’ll probably need to check a box when purchasing your airline ticket asking for your “reason” for traveling to Cuba. No need to get nervous; this is easy – by stating that your trip to Cuba is in “ Support for the Cuban People ,” you’re simply acknowledging that while in Cuba, you won’t be staying at government-run hotels and the like.

It’s really that easy. Check a box on a form, and travel to Cuba.

Former President Obama’s policy changes towards travel to Cuba made this possible by creating 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba , travel that is permitted by the U.S. government for American citizens looking to travel to Cuba. Now it’s as easy as checking a box and booking your airline ticket!

Best Places To Stay in Havana

  • Casa Giraldilla ($) 
  • Casa Flamboyan ($ – $$) 
  • Residencia Santa Clara ($$) 
  • El Candil Boutique Hotel ($$ – $$$) 
  • La Reserva Vedado ($$$) 

cienfuegos cuba hotels

12 Categories of Authorized Travel to Cuba

Now when traveling to Cuba, you simply choose one of these twelve categories of authorized travel to Cuba that applies to your trip. Most travelers’ trips fall under the Support for the Cuban People category of authorized travel, which allows for travel to Cuba so long as it supports local businesses.

These are the Twelve Authorized Categories of travel to Cuba:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and international organizations;
  • Journalistic activity;
  • Professional research and professional meetings;
  • Educational activities;
  • Religious activities;
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions;
  • Support for the Cuban People ;
  • Humanitarian projects;
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes;
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials;
  • Certain export transactions.

When you book your airline ticket to Cuba or book your accommodations in Cuba in advance, you may be asked your “reason” for traveling to Cuba. It’s as simple as stating “Support for the Cuban People.”

Read More: Support for the Cuban People Travel Guide

Support for the Cuban People

Most travelers looking to experience Cuba need to only offer “ Support for the Cuban People ” as their “reason” for traveling to Cuba. When you do this, it means you’re saying to the U.S. government that you acknowledge that you’re planning to spend your travel dollars with local, non-government-run businesses while you’re in Cuba – that’s it!

This is stuff that you’d be doing on a trip to Cuba anyway – which is what makes it so easy to travel normally this way.

Stay at a casa particular (room for rent or apartment for rent owned by a Cuban, Airbnb style) or a small boutique hotel, meet up with local guides, eat at any of the innovative new restaurants around the island , or experience Cuba from a local’s eyes. This is all permitted and encouraged on a “Support for the Cuban People” trip.

Travel Insurance

Cuba requires that all travelers have proof of a comprehensive travel insurance policy in order to enter the country. Check out our guide to travel insurance for Cuba for more details. We recommend these brands for Cuba travel insurance:

  • Visitors Coverage : Coverage for Cuba travel available to citizens of all countries, though not currently available to residents of New York and Maryland in the United States.
  • Insubuy : Coverage for Cuba travel available to citizens of all countries and states of the United States.

vinales cuba

Regulations on American Travel to Cuba

While many continue to ask, “ can Americans travel to Cuba ?” – one of our most frequently asked questions on this website! – the answer is yes, and with these new regulations, it’s easier than ever.

However, keep in mind that some travel regulations put in place by the U.S. government still apply to American travelers visiting Cuba. These include:

  • American citizens are no longer able to bring rum or cigars back from Cuba ;
  • American citizens are now prohibited (by the U.S. government – not the Cuban government) from staying at a variety of hotels in Cuba ;
  • Some methods of traveling to Cuba, such as “ people to people Cuba ” travel organized tours and the ability to travel to Cuba by cruise, have been scaled back or eliminated.

Read on for some of the regulations on travel to Cuba that Americans should be aware of during their trip.

Restricted Hotels in Cuba

One of the newer travel restrictions for Americans traveling to Cuba relates to places where American citizens are not allowed to stay while visiting Cuba. The Trump Administration developed a list of specific hotels and guesthouses that are either partially or entirely owned by the Cuban government and declared them off-limits to American travelers.

Check out the full list here before you book your accommodations in Cuba.

Some newspapers and websites have been incorrectly reporting that Americans are not allowed to stay in any hotel in Cuba, but this is not actually the case. Americans are just prohibited from staying in certain hotels that are owned entirely or partially by the Cuban government.

There are many boutique hotels with private ownership where Americans are still able to stay, plus private rentals called “casas particulares” or private home rentals like Airbnbs. In fact, some of our favorite hotels in Havana and around the country are still open and ready for business for American travelers ( La Reserva Vedado , La Rosa de Ortega , El Candil Boutique Hotel , and plenty of other Old Havana hotels are among our favorites in the capital).

Read More: Accommodation Guides in Cuba

  • What is a Casa Particular Guest House in Cuba?
  • Where To Stay in Havana, Cuba
  • 10+ Best Resorts in Cuba
  • 16+ Best Hotels in Cuba

Financial Restrictions in Cuba

It’s very important that American travelers to Cuba be aware of the financial and banking restrictions they will experience while traveling in Cuba. Because of the decades-long U.S. embargo against Cuba, American debit cards and credit cards will not work on the island as they do for those traveling from any other country .

That means that while American citizens can travel to Cuba, they can’t access their money from Cuba. This is quite important, as it means that if plan to travel to Cuba, you need to plan ahead and bring the money you’ll need for your trip with you in cash .

You can bring American dollars and convert them into Cuban pesos once you arrive in Cuba. Please read our complete Cuban currency guide before doing this – you’ll see why it’s not wise to exchange your money for Cuban pesos at the airport, for example, and learn how much money to bring with you on your trip to Cuba.

Read More: Financial Restrictions in Cuba

  • The Ultimate Guide to Currency in Cuba
  • Budget Your Trip: How Much Money To Plan To Bring to Cuba

Internet Restrictions in Cuba

There are no internet restrictions in Cuba that are specific to American travelers. However, it’s important to be aware of some important internet-related challenges in Cuba.

We get a lot of questions about whether there is internet access in Cuba , and if there is, if it’s safe to use or restricted by the government.

While the internet in Cuba is slower than you may be used to, it is now quite widespread and is pretty easy to use in most places in Cuba. Some websites are blocked in Cuba , and there have even been widespread internet outages during times of social unrest, though these blockages have mostly been of news websites that have been critical of the Cuban government.

However, the United States embargo of Cuba and the related financial and economic restrictions on U.S. companies doing business in Cuba means that some companies can’t offer their services to internet users in Cuba (notably, PayPal and many other banking apps, but the list changes) . You will not be able to access these websites from Cuba.

You can easily get around this if you want by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) in Cuba . We recommend NordVPN – it’s by far the best VPN to use in Cuba But, even without a VPN, you can still use the internet in Cuba without too much of a hassle.

Read More: How To Use the Internet in Cuba: A Local’s Guide For Travelers

Read More: Internet in Cuba

  • Guide to Using the Internet + Getting Wifi in Cuba
  • Best VPN For Cuba ( + How to Use a VPN in Cuba)

Packing Restrictions in Cuba

There are some limitations worth noting about what you can bring into Cuba. While most are quite obvious – the usual dangerous substances and the like – there are a few rules for packing for Cuba , both for travelers from the United States and elsewhere :

  • Travelers can not bring drones to Cuba
  • Travelers can not bring devices like walkie-talkies, satellite phones, or GPS devices. Any personal computers, cell phones, cameras, or any other devices you normally travel with are absolutely fine – no worries here.
  • Avoid bringing any literature to Cuba that may be seen as critical of the Cuban government. My brother was once held up in customs for bringing a university textbook with Donald Trump on the cover.

What to Pack for Cuba

Check out our  Ultimate Cuba Packing List   to help you pack for your trip – we’re sharing exactly what to bring to Cuba and what we never travel without.

havana cuba

American Travel to Cuba – Frequently Asked Questions

Can americans fly to cuba.

Yes – Americans can fly to Cuba! American citizens can fly to Cuba either from the United States directly or from other countries. Flights to Cuba leave regularly from many of America’s largest cities like Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta, and New York.

We frequently get the “can Americans fly to Cuba?” question because when travel to Cuba was more restricted, many Americans used to fly to Cuba through Canada or Mexico as a way to skirt travel restrictions .

However, flying to Cuba via another country like Mexico or Canada is no longer a necessity. Obama’s Cuba policy changes allowed many more American citizens to travel to Cuba much more easily, kicking off many more flights to Cuba from the United States.

Do Americans Have to Travel to Cuba With A Group?

One of the most popular ways to travel to Cuba prior to the Cuba travel policy changes of former President Obama was with a “people-to-people” group or as part of an educational tour. However, with the ease of traveling to Cuba from the United States now, these group travel to Cuba experiences are no longer a necessity to visit the island.

While there are groups that travel to Cuba and tout the ease of traveling to Cuba by purchasing a spot on a group trip doing so, it isn’t necessary to travel to Cuba with a group . Feel free to travel to Cuba with a group if this is your preferred style of travel – or plan your trip to Cuba independently, too!

Looking for some engaging tours in Cuba, ways to meet up with local guides, or fun activities and excursions in Cuba? We recommend Civitatis , a fantastic company we’ve used countless times before that runs tours with local guides all around Cuba.

cayo coco

Is Cuba Safe for Americans?

While Cuba isn’t crime free, Cuba is a safe travel destination for all travelers, including American travelers. Statistics prove Cuba is quite a safe destination for travelers, and my own experience exploring Cuba, even as a solo female traveler, confirms it.

In all my years of visiting Cuba, I’ve never been met with anything other than curiosity when people leave I’m from the United States. While many Cubans disapprove of the government of the United States, I’ve never met a single Cuban who holds this against the average American citizen.

Overall, Cuba is safe for Americans , and as a traveler, you have absolutely nothing to fear while visiting.

Read More: Is Cuba Safe for Americans?

Travel Essential

Don’t think about traveling to Cuba without a good  VPN (Virtual Private Network) . Using a VPN while connecting to the internet is an easy way to keep your personal information safe from hackers and trackers.  We’ve used  NordVPN  for years and couldn’t recommend it more – it’s a must for safety online, especially in Cuba. 

plaza vieja havana

American Embassy in Cuba

Part of the policy changes of former President Obama in 2014 paved the way for reopening the United States Embassy in Cuba after nearly 60 years of closure. The American Embassy in Cuba offers emergency services to American citizens traveling in Cuba, including assistance with lost passports, registering births abroad, and more.

Located prominently along the Malecón sea wall in central Havana, the American Embassy in Cuba is currently providing services to American citizens and has just started providing limited services to Cuban citizens seeking visas to the United States.

As a U.S. traveler to Cuba, you should save the address and contact information for the embassy just in case you need it:

U.S. Embassy Havana Malecón, Calzada between L & M, Vedado Havana, Cuba Phone: (53)(7) 839-4100

Travel to Cuba

There are so many things to do in Cuba – much more than laying on the beach and riding in old, classic American cars.

Anything from taking a guided tour of Havana to eating at a restaurant operated as a small business or taking salsa classes are ways to enjoy Cuba. And guess what – all of these things are perfectly legal – and welcome! – when you travel to Cuba as part of a Support for the Cuban People trip.

For more travel ideas, we put together a guide to the top ten activities in Cuba for a Support for the Cuban People trip with our favorite ideas for a fantastic trip! Go ahead – get started planning your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Cuba! As always, we’ll be here to help you get started.

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila is a bilingual travel writer, editor, content marketer, and the founder of the digital travel publications Home to Havana and Explorers Away. She is a serial expat and traveler, having visited 40+ countries and counting. Carley has written for publications like Travel + Leisure, MSN, Associated Press, Weather Channel, Wealth of Geeks, and more. Find her front row at a Bad Bunny concert, befriending street cats, and taste-testing every pizza in Havana.

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Yes, Americans Can Still Travel to Cuba. Here’s How

Is it legal for u.s. citizens to travel to cuba what types of travel can they take and what are cuba tourist cards here’s what you need to know about visiting cuba..

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A classic 1950s car outside row of two- and three-story pastel-colored buildings

Havana, Cuba’s capital city, is known for its vintage cars and historic architecture.

Courtesy of Spencer Everett/Unsplash

Cuba is a beautiful Caribbean island with a complex history and rich culture. But for decades, it’s been just beyond the reach of many Americans. In addition to several difficult years involving devastating hurricanes, pandemic-era travel restrictions, ever-changing U.S. State Department travel advisories, and frequently updated trade and tourism regulations , it’s not surprising that many Americans may be confused about whether and how U.S. travelers can legally visit Cuba .

As of early 2024, the short answer is: Yes, you can travel to Cuba as a U.S. citizen. There are, however, some hoops you’ll need to jump through, because (technically speaking) travel to Cuba for pure vacationing isn’t allowed. For U.S. citizens interested in planning a trip to Cuba, here’s what you need to know before you go.

Can you travel to Cuba?

The relationship between the United States and Cuba has been tumultuous, to say the least. Following the Cuban Revolution during the 1950s and the subsequent rise of Fidel Castro’s regime, diplomatic ties between the two nations deteriorated rapidly. In 1960, the United States imposed a trade embargo on Cuba, effectively severing most economic and political connections.

In the time since, travel between the two countries has been heavily restricted by the U.S. government, which has implemented various policies to discourage or prohibit its citizens from visiting Cuba. Making matters more complex, those policies often changed with each presidential administration. The island nation was more accessible during the Carter, Clinton, and Obama years and more closed off during the G.W. Bush and Trump years.

In 2014, it became significantly easier for Americans to visit Cuba after President Obama announced a series of measures aimed at normalizing diplomatic ties and loosening travel restrictions to allow Americans to visit for certain purposes (more on that later). Additionally, in 2016, commercial flights between the United States and Cuba resumed for the first time in more than half a century.

However, the Trump administration made it significantly harder to visit Cuba. During his time in office, President Trump enacted more than 200 measures against Cuba , which included limiting what Cuban airports flights from the U.S. could fly into, banning cruises from stopping in Cuba, and eliminating the most common visa category under which U.S. citizens planned legal visits to Cuba (known as “people-to-people” travel).

Then in May 2022, President Biden’s administration announced it would undo many of the Cuba-related restrictions enacted under Trump and would work on expanding authorized travel. Under the new order, regular passenger and charter airplanes are again allowed to fly to any Cuban airport (and airlines announced new flight paths ). And officials said that the “people-to-people” category of travel, under which many tours and organized travel companies bring U.S. travelers to Cuba, will ultimately return, though there is no timeline on when that will happen.

Several musicians on the street in Cuba in front of a turquoise building

Cuba’s music scene is also a big draw.

Photo by Shutterstock

How to travel to Cuba as an American citizen

U.S. law states that those who want to go to Cuba need to qualify for a “general license” based on one of 12 approved categories.

The 12 categories currently authorized by U.S. government, for travel to Cuba are:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials
  • Certain authorized export transactions

Licenses are self-qualifying, meaning that when you purchase your airline ticket, you’ll be asked to state your category in a signed affidavit before checkout.

When former President Obama first eased travel restrictions to Cuba , the move allowed leisure travelers to pursue self-led trips under the “people-to-people” educational activities category. Today, the “support for the Cuban people” category is the most popular because it’s the broadest.

What the “support for the Cuban people” license entails

To adhere to the requirements for independent travel under “support for the Cuban people,” travelers must first declare the category (when prompted) while booking flights and lodging. As part of the license, travelers are also expected to prepare an itinerary outlining how their trip will fulfill the category’s terms and contribute to Cuba’s local economy. (This itinerary could be—but isn’t always—requested on arrival to the country.)

An appropriate “support for the Cuban people” itinerary could including staying in casa particulares (locally run guesthouses), visiting Cuban-owned businesses, going on tours (like classic car rides or architecture walking tours) run by Cubans, visiting independent museums and galleries, partaking in cultural dance and music classes, and eating at locally owned restaurants and markets. (For specific recommendations and local resources, check out AFAR’s Cuba Travel Guide .)

Travelers can visit independently under that category, though it’s important you keep a record of your itinerary and your receipts: The U.S. government can ask for them up to five years after the trip.

Can you still travel to Cuba with organized tour operators?

Even though the Trump administration’s tightened restrictions on travel to Cuba prohibited organized “people-to-people” tours entirely, many tour companies have switched their approach to adhere to the “support for the Cuban people” license, according to Tom Popper, president of U.S.-based tour operator InsightCuba . Other tour providers that offer “people-to-people” trips, such as GeoEx Adventure Travel , Flash Pack , Intrepid Travel, and G Adventures, have similarly transitioned their program itineraries in order to offer legal trips to Cuba that comply with the regulations.

Challenges and considerations for travel to Cuba

Despite the easing of restrictions, traveling to Cuba as an American still presents some challenges. For example, there are limited banking services available to U.S. visitors, and American credit and debit cards are not typically accepted (as noted on the website for the U.S. embassy in Cuba ), so it’s important to bring plenty of cash. Similarly, internet access in Cuba is limited —expect connections to be patchy .

How to get a Cuba Tourist Card

Cuban Tourist Card with blue pen

The terms Cuba Tourist Cards and Cuban visas are sometimes used interchangeably.

Courtesy of Easy Tourist Card

Regardless of the license under which you travel to Cuba, you’ll still need to organize a few important documents before you go.

The Cuban government requires that all travelers entering the country provide a valid passport and proof of travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and evacuation by air. In addition, all U.S. travelers—adults, children, and infants—must purchase a Cuba Tourist Card , which grants visitors a maximum stay of 30 days on the island. Tourist Cards are valid for 180 days after purchase, which means you will need to travel within six months of obtaining the document. Note that the terms Cuba Tourist Card and Cuban visa are sometimes used interchangeably; they’re the same thing.

There are several ways to buy a Cuba Tourist Card: Many U.S. airlines with direct service to Havana—among them United Airlines , JetBlue , American Airlines , Delta , and Southwest —offer Tourist Cards either online or at the gate; prices and purchase locations vary among carriers, so it’s important to check in advance.

Websites like Easy Tourist Card allow travelers to apply for and purchase Tourist Cards online with two-day international shipping. Those who plan to fly to Havana directly from the United States will need to purchase a pink Tourist Card at a rate of $100, while those departing from non-U.S. airports can purchase a green Tourist Card for $37, even with a U.S. passport.

“U.S. travelers should note that travel to Cuba has been regulated since 1963 and has changed under each presidential administration since that time,” states Popper of InsightCuba. “Cuba travel has always been a hot political topic, and you never know when the rules are going to change. I always tell people to go now—while you can.”

This article was originally published in 2018. It was most recently updated on March 21, 2024, to include current information.

The Santiago Calatrava-designed Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge spans Dallas’ Trinity River.

Tour Republic

Can Americans Travel to Cuba in 2024? Yes, But Not for Tourism.

If you are a US citizen, you can still visit Cuba in 2024. However, unlike your neighbors traveling from Canada , you will be subject to specific regulations from the US government.

For example, doing “tourism,” like staying at a resort on a Cuban beach , isn’t allowed. Your trip must fall into one of 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba. You must also comply with certain financial restrictions while on the island.

This article offers our first-hand experience organizing trips from the US to Cuba for over seven years. We will answer all your questions about going to Cuba as an American, including the entry requirements, the 12 categories of authorized travel, People-to-People travel, the Support for the Cuban People license, and much more.

In this guide, we cover all of it.

Can Americans Travel to Cuba in 2024? 

How to travel to Cuba - Cuban giving thumbs up from balcony (1)

The simple answer is yes. It’s perfectly legal for Americans to travel to Cuba, except for explicit tourism purposes.

Americans can’t go to Cuba for tourism thanks to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations of July 8, 1963, which imposed a trade embargo on the island.

However, you can travel legally to Cuba if you comply with certain Cuban and US government regulations.

Specifically, the Cuban government asks you to bring the following documentation:

  • The Cuban Tourist Card (a.k.a Cuban Visa).
  • Health travel insurance.
  • Customs and health declaration forms.

On the other hand, the US government requires you to:

  • Self-certify under one of the 12 travel categories of authorized travel to Cuba
  • Avoid spending money at certain restricted businesses.
  • Keep your travel receipts and records for five years.

Does that sound like a lot? In the sections below, we explain how to meet these requirements so you can travel legally to Cuba from the US.

The Cuban Tourist Card

Pink Cuban Tourist Card

The Cuban Tourist Card is a tourist visa that almost everyone traveling to Cuba for tourism must bring. They come in two colors: pink and green.

In most cases, US citizens must get the pink Cuban Tourist Card because they fly directly from a US airport to Cuba. However, if you plan on leaving from a non-US airport, you will need the green version.

In any case, we suggest you purchase the Cuban Tourist Card through your airline or on EasyTouristCard.com .

Buy it From Your Airline

The cost of the Cuban tourist visa is usually bundled into the ticket price. However, in some cases, you will need to purchase the visa separately. Prices range from 50 to 80 US dollars, depending on the airline.

Please note that only a few US airlines fly to Cuba. Check out Skyscanner to find all available flights from the US to Cuba.

Purchase it on EasyTouristCard.com

If you can’t get the Cuban Tourist Card through your airline, the best alternative is to purchase it online from Easy Tourist Card , a widely trusted provider.

The pink version costs about 100 US dollars, while the green version sells for roughly 35 US dollars.

Mandatory Travel Health Insurance

Travel health insurance is an entry requirement to Cuba.

Your policy must cover emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, and repatriation. The Cuban government won’t allow you to leave the country with outstanding medical bills!

Based on our assessment of the most popular travel health insurance providers for Cuba , we recommend Insubuy .

On Insubuy , coverage for medical emergencies, hospitalization, and repatriation starts at 8 USD per week per person and is pretty comprehensive.

Customs and Health Declaration Forms

Cuba requires all travelers to bring a Sanitary Statement and a Customs Declaration form.

You can complete the documentation at D’Viajeros , the government’s website. It will save you time and annoyance at the Havana Airport !

The 12 Categories of Authorized Travel to Cuba

Selection of 12 Categories of Authorized Travel to Cuba

A “category of authorized travel to Cuba” is also known as a “travel license” or “general license.”

Confusingly, even though it’s called a license, it is not a physical or digital document. It’s a self-certification you need to do when travel providers, such as airlines and hotels, ask you about it. In most cases, it’s just about ticking a box.

Obviously, before you tick that box, you should review whether you meet the criteria for traveling to Cuba under your chosen category.

There are 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba , as defined by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC):

  • Family visits
  • Official business for the US government, foreign government, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban People
  • Exportation, importation or transmission of information or informational materials
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Certain export transactions

In 90% of the cases, a US citizen will travel to Cuba under either the Education Activities or the Support for the Cuban People categories.

Educational Activities (People-to-People Travel)

People-to-people travel falls under the Educational Activities category. This license aims to promote people-to-people contact, support civil society in Cuba, and encourage the Cuban people’s independence from Cuban authorities.

You can travel under this license provided that your trip is:

  • Organized by a US travel company (the “sponsoring organization”).
  • Escorted by an employee of the sponsoring organization.

People-to-people travel is the best option for Americans who want to go in a group and prefer to avoid the hassle of planning an itinerary in compliance with the US-Cuba travel regulations.

However, not everyone likes the crowds or having a chaperone around. Besides, traveling to Cuba independently is still legal, easy, and safe . For those, there is the Support for the Cuban People category.

The Support for the Cuban People Travel Category

The Support for the Cuban People category intends to promote US travel to Cuba to strengthen civil society on the island. It covers activities that:

  • Foster closer connections with the Cuban people,
  • Contribute to the development of Cuban civil society, or
  • Advocate for the independence of the Cuban people from the government; and
  • Involve meaningful engagement and interaction with individuals in Cuba.

American travelers love this category because it’s pretty vague. You have lots of wiggle room and can pretty much do many of the activities you would in any other country.

Here are examples of activities that can “strengthen Cuban society”:

  • Visiting museums and historical sites.
  • Eating at locally-owned restaurants (paladares).
  • Taking Cuban cooking classes.
  • Taking salsa dancing lessons.
  • Touring a tobacco farm and learning how to roll Cuban cigars.
  • Taking a tour through the best of Havana .
  • Volunteering with a local organization or non-profit.

How does it sound?

However, we must remind you that you still can’t do tourism in Cuba under the Support for the Cuban People license. In fact, you should spend about 6-8 hours on a schedule of activities actually supporting the Cuban people.

That said, it’s not like an American official will call you daily to verify your schedule, so don’t stress too much about it.

You can also support the Cuban people in less subtle ways by:

  • Bringing inexpensive items as gifts for locals . Most essential products you take for granted (toiletries, hygiene products, etc.) are hard to come by in Cuba. Bringing a thoughtful gift will show your appreciation and may meet your hosts’ vital needs.
  • Tipping . The base wage for workers in Cuba is the equivalent of a few US dollars a month. Therefore, locals expect and highly appreciate tipping.

Finally, considering that the Internet is limited in Cuba , you should arrange your activities before you land on the island.

Restricted Businesses and Accommodations

The US Treasury Department doesn’t like Americans spending money anywhere in Cuba.

The Treasury keeps a list of businesses to which Americans must refrain from giving money. Most of these businesses are owned by the Cuban military or security services, with which the US still has a frosty relationship. You can see the full, updated list here .

The US government also forbids Americans from staying at specific accommodations listed in the Cuba Prohibited Accommodations List .

To be safe, we recommend renting a room from Cuban Airbnbs , also known as “casas particulares.” These privately owned and highly affordable accommodations can provide you with an authentic Cuban experience.

Check out Skyscanner for the latest listings of “casas particulares” and hotels in Cuba.

Travel Receipts and Records for Five Years

The US government can ask you for your travel records and receipts for up to five years after your Cuba trip.

This sounds spooky, although anecdotally, it doesn’t happen very often. But it’s better to be safe than sorry, so keep your records safe for five years if you’re questioned about your trip.

Bonus Tip for Americans Traveling to Cuba: Stick to Private

How to Travel to Cuba - African Cuban Woman

Generally, you should purchase most travel services and products from Cuban private businesses.

We know you can’t always stick to this principle because the Cuban government owns most of the travel facilities and services on the island, including hotels, car rental companies , tour agencies, and souvenir shops.

But whenever you can support Cuban entrepreneurs, please do so. You will strengthen the legality of your trip and genuinely help Cuban society.

Besides, if you want to cut your trip to Cuba costs , purchasing from locals will get you more bang for your buck. Not only is it more affordable, but you will likely pay in Cuban currency , the Cuban Peso, which is hugely devalued compared to the US dollar.

This includes:

  • Booking tours from local guides .
  • Staying in “casas particulares.”
  • Eating at “paladares” (check out our food safety guide for Cuba ).
  • Riding in private taxis, including “almendrones,” Cuba’s old classic cars .
  • Buying souvenirs directly from local sellers.

For more tips and tricks you can pull in your trip to the island, read our 58 travel tips for Cuba .

US Legal Travel to Cuba, Summarized

If you are an American traveling to Cuba, you can break down the process into five relatively simple steps:

  • Choose the best travel category to Cuba based on your travel purpose. If you are going in a group, it will likely be Educational Activities (People-to-People travel) or Support for the Cuban People if you travel independently.
  • Ensure your itinerary has a full schedule of activities covered by your chosen travel category.
  • Avoid booking an accommodation included in the Cuba Prohibited Accommodations List .
  • Do not spend money on the specific prohibited businesses in Cuba .
  • Keep your records and receipts for five years.

Once you overcome the legal (but easy!) challenges of traveling to Cuba, you will see that the effort was well worth it. If you feel ready but don’t know when, check out our guide to the best time to travel to Cuba .

Have you traveled to Cuba as a US citizen? We want to hear from you. Please share your experience in the comments below!

Essential Travel Logistics For Cuba

Cuban Tourist Card –  If your  Cuban Tourist Card (a.k.a Cuban Tourist Visa) isn’t bundled into your airline ticket or travel package, buy it only through EasyTouristCard . 

Travel Health Insurance –  Travel medical insurance is an entry requirement for Cuba, so you can’t skip it. Travelers can get travel health insurance for Cuba via  Insubuy . Travel protection benefits such as trip interruption and cancellation, baggage delay insurance, etc., are not required.

Essential Items to Pack –  Bring the essential travel necessities that you may not be able to get in Cuba:

  • First aid kit
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Water bottle with filter
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Pin adapter (for Europeans)
  • Travel guide
  • Spanish-English phrasebook
  • Suggested Reading: The Cubans: Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times

Read our complete packing list for Cuba .

Find Accommodations –  Find hotels or casas particulares (private accommodations) on Skyscanner , which lists thousands of accommodations available in Cuba.

Book Your Flight –  Book cheap flights to Cuba on Skyscanner , our favorite flight search engine to find deals on flights to Cuba.

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About the Author

Tour republic.

Tour Republic is a marketplace where you can discover, book, and review the very best experiences Cuba has to offer. We are a team of tourism professionals and journalists who have partnered with Cuban entrepreneurs to provide travel experiences that can transform your trip into a life-changing adventure. We also share our profound love for Cuba through in-depth travel guides, myth-busting articles, and captivating narratives. Whether you want to explore Cuba's wonders or understand its intricacies, our blog posts are your gateway to the heart of this extraordinary country.

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Assuming we meet all the other qualifications, is there no way for an American to go a beach in Cuba?

Hi Kat, Unfortunately, Americans are not allowed to simply go to the beach. I also don’t see going to the beach as an activity covered by any of the 12 travel categories. Honestly, if you go to the beach, it is unlikely that you will be fined since it’s hard for an US official to know that you did. However, it is not permitted.

Hola, queria saber si mi novia con ciudadania estadounidense y salvadoreña tiene que pedir algun tipo de visado especial ? Yo soy cubano con pasaporte cubano aun vigente.

Hi we booked our tour package from Canada, flight plus stay at the resort. I understand that my husband (Canadian citizenship) won’t have any problems, but for me (US Citizenship, Canadian resident) do I need to book separately a casa particulares to get into the country? And when i get in there, can I stay with my husband at the resort?

Hi juju, According to the regulations, you shouldn’t. First, you need to make sure that the resort is not on the restricted list . Secondly, keep in mind that Americans are not allowed to go to Cuba only for tourism purposes. Therefore, you should have an schedule of activities that fall under any of the 12 general licenses to travel to Cuba, as explained in the article.

The question: “Do you need a password to Cuba?” Should be: Do you need a PASSPORT to Cuba?

Fixed. Thanks a lot!

Thank you for the great information , very helpful . As an European flying from Miami to Havana with a valid ESTA visa could I enter back the USA with on the same Esta visa . Not easy to get as answer on the official us pages . Thanks .

It appears that you will need to apply for a visa to re-enter the United States. Read more here .

I tried to buy the pink visa on easy tourist but almost at the end my country is not on the list. Puerto Rico is part of USA but can’t complete the order. They wrote me but do not get the problem of the country. Where else can I buy online?

Hi, I’m Italian and I would like to travel to Cuba via Miami, but it seems the nationality doesn’t matter because we need to declare a specific category. But what if I just need to go to Cuba from USA with a one-way flight and I will come back home directly from Cuba to Europe?

How did it go? Where you able to do the trip as mentioned?

I am an adult I was born in the US. Lived here my whole life.

My mom and dad were born in cuba, came to America in the 90s, and got their citizenship over 8 years ago.

I believe for my parents to travel to cuba they may need a Cuban passport because I read that cuba does not recognize them as American, just Cuban.

However, I also read that because both of my parents were born there, I am the daughter and I too am a Cuban citizenship under Cuban law

I’ve read that a few times in a few pages and I wanted to know if it was true. And if I would need to get a Cuban passport myself

Please let me know! Thanks .,

Hi Aileen, If you were born in the US, you don’t need a Cuban passport to enter the country.

In your article, when quoting OFAC, the text “during his or her four-day trip” was included. Are visits to Cuba limited to four days?

I am a professional orchestral and choral conductor and composer, and my associate is a full-time jazz pianist and composer. We want to visit Havana to listen to Cuban salsa, jazz, etc, and to engage in one to one conversations with Cuban musicians—and maybe even join in playing, if invited! Six to eight hours per day would hardly be enough for us: we’d start at 17:00 and leave when everybody goes home—and that’s just the evening. Which category would you recommend for us? EXCELLENT website! Thanks so much!

kayak wont quote flights to me as of today siting regulatory issues…. has something changed?

Hi Danial, That’s correct. It appears that Kayak is not quoting flights to Cuba currently. I suggest you use Skyscanner instead.

So to be clear. We still can’t bring back any alcohol or tobacco from Cuba back into the US? I read in this article that there Is now no value restrictions like there used to be.. Can you advise please?

Hi Mark, No, legally, you cannot bring Cuban tobacco or alcohol to the US.

Ummmm damn I guess I’m the only one with this problem. Can felons go? Not on parole and the case is over and done but I know some counties trip and some don’t. So what’s cubas stance on it?

Hi Mike, According to Felony Record Hub , felons can enter Cuba as long as they don’t have an outstanding felony warrant or are not on a no-fly TSA list. Hope it helps!

Hey great information!! Thank you

When you say you have to declare your license(which mine would fall under the 12) during booking, what does that mean? How do you declare it?

Hi Orlando, Usually, travel providers will provide you with a form where you have to select the license you are using traveling to Cuba. You don’t have to get an “actual” license. That’s it 🙂 The only licenses that do require a physical license from OFAC are: – Professional research and professional meetings. – Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions.

Hello! This is a great article. I am a US citizen considering sailing my boat from the Dominican Republic to Cuba and then on to Belize. Some of our crew (US citizens as well) may fly directly back to the US from Cuba. Is this plan legal and possible? Will the Cuban authorities have a problem with this plan? Will the US authorities have a problem with it once we return?

Hi Christopher,

Did you ever find out if you can go to Cuba by private boat?

Thanks, Sarah

My fiancée from Ukraine suggested we take a winter trip to Cuba. Since she is booking through a Ukrainian travel agency our stay and flight – is it okay to stay as her guest at a prohibited resort and when would I declare my travel intent/licensing? We would otherwise try to use up 6-8 hours per day supporting the local economy.

Hi Gerald, Usually, travel service providers (airlines, travel agencies, booking sites, etc.) ask you to declare your travel category while booking the trip, not after. I’m not sure at what point the Ukrainian travel agency would ask you about it or if they will do it at all. Unfortunately, if you are a US citizen, you shouldn’t stay at a prohibited accommodation in Cuba, regardless of where you are flying from.

my concern is nobody writes how long does it take to get permit to travel there, on one of our government pages it says up to 6 months ??

Hi there, You don’t need to apply for an actual license unless you are traveling under any of these two categories: – Professional research and professional meetings – Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions.

I just found this concerning my question on banks in Cuba from US government site. Wonder what the alternative/s is to have funds in Cuba?

U.S. credit and debit cards do not work in Cuba. The Cuban Central Bank announced new restrictions on the use or conversion of U.S. dollars beginning June 21, 2021. U.S. dollars in cash cannot be converted to local currency, may not be accepted for payment, and cannot be used to pay fees or taxes at the airport. Travelers should confirm alternative payment options before traveling, as policies concerning the use of U.S. dollars in Cuba are subject to change. The Cuban government requires that travelers declare cash amounts over the equivalent of 5,000 USD.

Great article, but severely lacking in one area, at least for me. You have nothing on banking inside Cuba. I don’t like to carry large sums of money. Do the banks there work for US banks for ATM’s? Are they few (only in banks) or difficult to receive money from such as small limits for withdrawals?? With limited internet there, I’m assuming if someone changes around to different home casa’s then cash is the only way to purchase rooms? ATM again. Thx!

We actually wrote a whole guide to using money in Cuba as a tourist. Check it out here – https://www.tourepublic.com/blog/cuban-currency/

But I think you figured out the answer to your questions: U.S. credit and debit cards do not work in Cuba.

Are you currently operating tours given the political climate in Cuba? Today is November 15, 2021 and there were planned protests etc.

Thank you, Ash

Hi Ashley, At the moment, we are not operating tours in Cuba.

Are the covid restrictions still in place?

Hi MZ, They are, but most will be lifted on November 15th, 2021 (next week!). We will update the article accordingly.

Hey MZ. Just wanted to give you the heads up that we updated our guide to the latest Cuba travel restrictions . Check it out!

I want to travel to Holguin Cuba to visit friends I have dual citizenship USA-Uruguayan. If I leave from Uruguay do I need to do all of these activities? What happens if I don’t book tours i visiting friends what do you recommend

Hi Alicia, Unfortunately, the current US travel restrictions to Cuba apply to all persons subject to US jurisdiction, regardless of where that person is residing. Therefore, if you are a US citizen, you will need to follow the US regulations to travel to Cuba, even if you use an Uruguayan passport. Follow the steps and advice outlined in the article and you should be fine. I believe that Support for the Cuban People is the right category for you -unless you have family in Cuba- but then again, we can’t offer legal advice.

I am a retired dentist and would like to visit hospitals and dental clinics in Cuba. I would like to professional Oral surgery to people of Cuba. Can I get any information?

Hi Peter, I think you should contact the US embassy in Cuba for more information – https://cu.usembassy.gov/ Thanks,

Why don’t you give advise for foreign tourists who fly to miami then onto Cuba. What can we do and what can’t we do as non Americans. I plan to visit Cuba in febuary/march 2022 via miami/fort laudedale.

Hi, I have the same problem as you. I’m Italian and I would like to travel to Cuba via Miami, but it seems your nationality doesn’t matter, we need to declare a specific category. But, if we choose the ‘Support for the Cuban People’ category, when we have to declare all the activity that we have done? And I didn’t understand if they will check every day’s activities or we just need to show them some of the activities done in the week.

Hi Alessia, You won’t need to declare all the activities you will do in Cuba. You only need to choose the Support for the Cuban People category, and that’s it. In Cuba, no one will monitor what you will be doing. Hope it helps.

So essentially it’s the U.S. government enforcing these restrictions and calling it “Support for the Cuban People” when it really means interacting mostly with civilians likely to oppose the Revolution and tell a one-sided narrative about what it’s like to live in Cuba. U.S. travelers are being carefully kept away from actually supporting Cuba as a sovereign nation whose government has made remarkable progress in health and education, putting the U.S. to shame. This explains why the few friends who went to Cuba come back with a story about happening to run into a Puerto Rican who disses the Cuban government. It’s all a set up, and extremely lame on the part of the U.S. Get over it–Fidel defeated your and overthrew your puppet dictator. Stop this ridiculous embargo and these stupid sanctions.

you’re 100% right, Ann. it’s embarrassing

The U.S. will do anything to make Cuba look bad and undo the revolution. I was looking to travel there to actually learn from and support the Cuban people, not support the counter-revolutionaries

Grow up Ann. Stop trying to aggrandize La Revolución. Many of us who actually lived in Cuba under the regime know the truth.

The problem with fanboys and fangirls (like you and Anthony) is the same as the problem with haters: instead of objectively evaluating things, they just say what feels “truthy” to them.

For instance, a “hater” will say that the Cuban government has not accomplished anything in education or healthcare. But a fan has the opposite problem: they oversell it. So to them—to you—Cuba’s 14.4 average years of education and life expectancy of 73 or so “put to shame” the 77 year of life expectancy and 16 or so years of education of the United States. Someone looking at the situation might give the government some credit by pointing out that this is notably better than the average for the Caribbean or Latin America, without feeling the need to exalt the government with incorrect statements.

I might also mention your assumption, and that of Anthony, that staying at someone’s house means interacting with someone who does not support the Cuban government.

I’m noticing Kayak and Expedia aren’t showing any flights from Boston to Cuba – do you have any info on this? Any other suggestions on how to find flights from Boston to Cuba

Hi Michaela, Sadly, I don’t have much information on this. Did you try Google Flights? I played a little with dates for BOS-HAV flights and found one-stop flights with JetBlue in May, but nothing else 🙁

Hello, I understand that we are able to stay at hotels that are not on the restricted list. Except for the first two days (48 hours) of quarantine required after arrival till receiving PCR test results, if we participate in local guides, local shopping visits, local business services during day activities, hire cuban local to spend time with beach activities, but without staying at Casa Particular, do these qualify for Support for Cuban People license?

Hi there, I am a dual national British and American. I have a UK passport and an American passport. I live in the UK, and my partner (British) and I want to go to Cuba in May 2020. We will be using airmiles from British Airways/American Airlines to get there. There is no availability from Cancun…we tried. As I will be going from the US to Cuba, can I still use my British passport and avoid all of the legal hoopla – and restrictions, or do I need to go on my American passport (since we will be leaving from the US) and comply fully. Don’t want to get turned away at the airport after planning/booking the trip.

Hi John, According to the UK’s government advice on traveling to Cuba , it seems that you will have to comply with the US law if you are traveling to Cuba from the US, regardless of the passport you use. It means that you will have to declare a travel “license” and cannot be for tourism purposes.

This might seem like a dumb question but can I pack my smokes & take them w/me?

I’m wondering if participating and supporting (both economically and artistically) a starting art project would be considered in the “Support for the Cuban people” category. Thank you.

It could be considered as such as long as you have a daily full-time schedule of activities (6-8 hours) to support the private art project. Also, document everything you do while in Cuba. For more specific legal advice, I would suggest you talk to a legal specialist.

I was born in Cuba and would like to take a cruise there. I came to the states in 1961 at the age of 5. I am an American Citizen and was told I need to get a form H-11 from the Cuban Embassy in the U.S. in order to travel to Cuba. I have tried to contact them via email and phone several times, but I’ve not heard from them. Do you have any suggestions?

Best to use an agency rather than try to communicate directly with the Cuban consulate – especially after the US government expelled most of those who work in the visa section.

World Nomads is no longer providing (ar least Canadians) insurance for Cuba. Please suggest another all encompassing insurance provider? Thank you

Hi Dylan, Thanks for the heads up! They for Americans, but haven’t confirmed if their plans are also available for Canadians. Another popular travel insurance provider for Cuba is RoamRight . UPDATE: It seems that they don’t offer insurance for Canadians either. We will do some research and get back with some alternatives. Thank you again!

Can we book a family and friends group to Cuba, intending to do all the required activities?

Yes! You can do it Bee, as long as those activities are covered by the travel license that you declare.

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Cuba Travel Advisory

Travel advisory january 5, 2024, cuba - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with updates to crime information.

Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to  crime .

Country Summary:  Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery and homicide, sometimes occurs in Cuba.

Travel outside of the Havana area for U.S. Embassy employees requires a special notification process which may affect the Embassy’s ability to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens in Cuba.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Cuba.

If you decide to travel to Cuba:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.

U.S. citizens should always exercise caution when traveling abroad:

  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Cuba.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Travel Advisory Levels

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Entry to Cuba: Visas & Travel Requirements

Traffic by the Capitol building, Havana

Photo: Shutterstock

Stay updated with the latest travel information for your trip to Cuba!

Embarking on a journey to Cuba? Here's your guide to the latest visa requirements and travel protocols. Whether you're coming from North America, Europe, or elsewhere, we've got you covered.

travel to cuba and usa

Cuba visa application form

What are the visa and entry requirements to Cuba?

US Citizens

Planning a trip to Cuba as a US citizen? There are special regulations you need to be aware of. While tourism trips to Cuba aren't yet authorized, general licenses have been issued for a variety of travel categories. If you meet the requirements of the general license under which they plan to travel, you won't need to apply for another permit from the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Treasury Department) for your trip.

However, it's important to note that the US Embassy in Havana and the State Department in Washington D.C do not process visa applications for trips to Cuba. If you need to apply for a visa or have any questions regarding your specific case, you should contact the Cuban Embassy in Washington D.C.

And remember, certain activities may not be allowed, so it's best to check with the US embassy for information on organizations or businesses in Cuba that U.S. citizens are not allowed to engage with due to economic sanctions or other legal restrictions.

Canadian Citizens

As a Canadian citizen, you'll need a valid passport for the duration of your stay in Cuba. Make sure your passport's expiration date isn't near to avoid any travel hiccups. Depending on your trip's purpose, you may need different types of visas. If you're traveling as a tourist, you'll need a tourist visa, which can be obtained from tour operators, airlines, or a Cuban government office in Canada.

European Citizens

If you're a European citizen planning to travel to Cuba, remember that visa protocols can vary depending on your country of residence. For most European citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. Some countries, like Spain, require the passport to be valid for at least 6 months.

It's also important to note that if you plan to travel to the United States after visiting Cuba, you'll need a visa. This is because the electronic system for travel authorization (ESTA) is not sufficient for those who have traveled to Cuba before. This visa must be obtained at the Consulate General of the US Embassy in your place of residence.

Given the varying requirements, it's a good idea to contact your tour operator or travel agency to understand the specific visa requirements for your travel.

Latin American Citizens

For Latin American citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. You'll also need to obtain a tourist visa or tourist card for your trip. This can be processed at tourism agencies or airlines, which usually handle its issuance.

The visa is generally issued for about 90 days and can then be extended. It's also important to note that you should have travel insurance with medical coverage. 

Visa Costs: What to Expect

Visa costs can vary depending on where it's issued. Generally, prices range between $20 and $80. If you apply online, additional charges may apply, and prices can range from $110 to $150.

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Jose Marti International Airport in Havana

What items can I bring to Cuba?

When packing for your trip to Cuba, you can bring personal effects, including personal phones and computers, free of charge. The range of objects you can bring to Cuba is quite wide, from musical instruments to televisions. However, some items may be subject to charges depending on Customs regulations.

Some items can be brought into the country without having to pay any import taxes. These include used personal objects, art and literature books, music discs, manufactured pharmaceutical products, and wheelchairs, among others.

However, it's crucial to be aware of prohibited items. While some of these, like explosives, drugs and narcotics, and blood derivatives, may seem obvious, others might surprise you. For instance, literature, articles or objects that are considered obscene, pornographic or that attack the general interests of the nation are also prohibited.

If you attempt to bring into the country articles that are not allowed for import, the General Customs of Cuba can exercise administrative sanctions. This means that Customs can seize those imported articles whose entry is prohibited in Cuba, as well as products that have been entered with a fraudulent declaration.

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Travelers on a beach in Varadero

Photo: Unsplash

Health and Vaccinations

Before you embark on your journey to Cuba, it's important to ensure you're up to date with routine vaccines. This includes vaccines against chickenpox, tetanus, influenza, rubella, and polio. In the current climate, being vaccinated against COVID-19 is also essential.

Additionally, consider getting vaccinated against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. If your trip to Cuba includes exploring nature or venturing into rural areas away from the city center for activities such as outdoor camping, the rabies vaccine is also recommended. Travelers are also advised to consider the typhus vaccine.

Can I bring my pet to Cuba?

If you're planning to bring your pet to Cuba, there are a few requirements you need to meet. Make sure your pet has the necessary vaccines and an official health certificate. You'll also need to request a travel certificate for your pet from the Consulate or Embassy of Cuba in your country.

Written by Teresita Padrón .

Published July 2023.

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20 things to know before visiting Cuba

Brendan Sainsbury

Jan 5, 2024 • 8 min read

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Be ready for your visit to Cuba with these top tips on what to expect © Westend61 / Getty Images

To a first-time traveler, Cuba can seem like a confusing jigsaw puzzle, particularly if you’re breaking free of the resorts and traveling around on your own.

The Spanish spoken here is fast and hard to decipher, many streets have two different names and the country’s fickle and highly complicated monetary situation could fill its own guidebook. Yet the country’s pleasures are well worth the research you should do before you set off.

To help you be prepared, here is everything you need to know before planning a trip to Cuba.

1. Double-check your insurance

You are required to have medical insurance to visit Cuba and will need to bring digital or printed proof of your policy. Random checks are made at the airport. If you arrive without insurance, you’ll be asked to buy a Cuban policy at the airport for US$30.

2. Fill out your passenger information in advance

Cuba uses an online form called  D’Viajeros  to gather traveler information, including immigration and health data, in advance of travel. Fill out the form digitally up to 72 hours before your arrival in Cuba.

Friends sit on a coastal wall with their legs dangling over the sea and pose for a selfie

3. Every visitor needs a tourist card

To enter Cuba, all visitors need to present a completed tourist card . It’s usually available through your airline (ask when booking) and included in the price of your ticket.

If not, you can purchase one through a Cuban travel agency. Costs range from US$50 to US$85. Citizens of 20 African and Asian countries require a formal visa to enter Cuba. Check the situation for your country before booking.

4. Cash and currency: it’s complicated!

Money in Cuba is confusing, even to Cubans . Since the country abolished convertibles (CUC) in January 2021 and took the US dollar out of circulation in June 2021, there has been massive inflation and the emergence of a rampant black market. The knock-on effect is a bewildering dual economy.

The official currency of Cuba is the Cuban peso (CUP), but foreign currencies are also widely accepted, especially by private businesses who need hard cash to buy non-rationed goods in MLC (freely convertible currency) shops.

State-run enterprises and banks use official exchange rates. However, the prices of the superior services offered by private businesses generally reflect black market exchange rates.

Hence a main dish in a private restaurant in Havana will cost around CUP$500 (US$21). That’s an expensive meal if you’re paying in pesos bought from a Cuban bank.

However, most private restaurants will also accept payment in euros using a more favorable exchange rate. Some will even have a separate menu with prices printed in euros.    

When buying something from a private business – be it a restaurant, casa particular (private accommodation) or taxi service – it’s usually best to pay in a foreign currency. Always ask upfront what currencies they accept and what exchange rate they use for their published peso prices.

Euros is the most interchangeable currency and the one preferred by Cubans. You can also use and exchange Canadian dollars and pound sterling.

US dollars still circulate on the black market, but we don’t recommend bringing them. The best bet, when you arrive, is to keep most of your money in a foreign currency and only change small amounts into pesos for incidentals like museum entry, concert tickets and tips.

5. MLC is a currency with no cash form

The Moneda Libremente Convertible (MLC) is a currency approved by the Cuban government in 2020 that can be used in certain shops to buy higher-end goods.

The currency doesn’t exist as cash and its value is pegged with the US dollar. It’s used mainly by Cubans with special magnetic cards. 

Tourists needn’t worry too much about MLC$, although prices will sometimes be displayed in the currency in state-run enterprises such as cigar shops or airport souvenir stores where you can pay with a non-US credit card.

6. Only some credit cards will work

Credit cards are increasingly popular in Cuba and in many state-run businesses are the preferred (and sometimes only) method of payment.

Despite promises made in the Obama era, credit cards linked to US banks are not accepted. Private businesses almost never have credit card machines, meaning your only option is cash.

A blue classic car passes a cowboy-hatted man on a horse on a dirt road leading into Vinales, Cuba

7. Pack your favorite casual clothes – and men need a shirt

Dress in Cuba is casual, so you can leave your high heels and tux behind. The only real dress code is in cinemas, theaters and nightclubs, where male patrons are required to wear long trousers and shirts with sleeves or half-sleeves.  

8. Cuban Spanish is fast and often informal

If you speak Spanish, you’ll find that Cubans mostly use the informal tú form of address, rather than usted . In the plural, ustedes is used over vosotros .

If you don’t know someone, it’s best to address them as señor or señora , though you’ll hear Cubans use all kinds of substitutes such as socio , hermano , papa , chica/o  and asere .

9. Cuban cities are where the streets have two names

In most Cuban cities , the streets have two names: a contemporary one that is noted on maps and marked on street signs, and a pre-revolutionary one that is still used widely by the locals.

This can become confusing, especially when locals, unaware of the new street names, start giving out directions or addresses using the colloquial nomenclature. Always double-check addresses and, if possible, get two potential names for the street you’re looking for.

10. Understand the local art of queueing

Cubans have to endure a lot of long waits in boring queues, so they’ve invented a way of doing it that doesn’t involve standing in line. In a Cuban queue, you simply roll up at the bakery/clinic/visa office and yell out to the assembled masses, "Quien es último?" (Who’s last?).

Hopefully, someone in a 400m vicinity will answer your polite entreaty with the word, "yo" (me). That person is your yardstick. As long as they’re still around, feel free to go for a walk, sit in the lotus position or buy ice cream. When they get called up, be on your toes, you’re next!

11. Ask questions more than once  

Thanks to heavy bureaucracy, answers to simple requests aren’t always straightforward – or even correct. Probe politely and ask at least five different people before you make important decisions.

12. Bring something to keep you warm on a cold bus journey

Cuba has a countrywide state-run bus service called  Víazul that connects all of the main cities and some of the smaller towns. Prices are charged in MLC$ (the same rate as the US$) and tickets must be paid for with a credit card either in person or online.

A second service called Conectando, run by Cubanacán, also puts on buses in peak season along some of the more popular routes. Bring a sweater/jacket for long bus rides – the air-conditioning is akin to a chilly day in Vancouver.

Woman with camera in a candid shot in Trinidad, Cuba

13. Cuba is considered a safe place to travel

Cuba is one of the safest countries in the Americas in terms of violent crime. Pick-pocketing is more common but not rampant, and is mostly avoidable if you follow a few basic precautions: Wear a money belt, use safe boxes in hotel rooms and don’t flash your cash in public.

14. Solo female travelers report receiving unwanted attention

Solo female travelers report experiencing a good deal of unwanted attention, but it didn't necessarily spoil their enjoyment of traveling in Cuba.

There is a fine line between being open and friendly and harassment, and some men can cross that line by being overly familiar or asking too many personal questions. Learn some key phrases in Spanish that make it clear when you're not interested.

15. Beware of forgeries

Never change money with unlicensed traders on the streets. You run the risk of receiving estafas (forged notes).

16. Bring your own medicines

On one level, Cuba has a good health system (it invented and quickly distributed three COVID-19 vaccines); on the other, it is perennially short of pharmaceuticals.

Bring all the prescription medications you think you’ll need, as well others you might like ibuprofen or paracetamol. If you’d like to donate some medicines to the people of Cuba, it is currently possible to bring in 10kg of medical supplies tax-free (pack them in a separate bag). 

Portrait of an Afro-Cuban woman smoking cigar and smiling in Havana, Cuba

17. Avoid dodgy cigars

Cuba has its share of jineteros (touts) spinning elaborate stories about super-cheap, high-quality cigars procured by their brother/mother/cousin from the factory. Don’t believe them. Instead, buy your cigars in state-run shops such as the Casa del Habano chain. Cigars sold on the street are invariably factory cast-offs and not genuine.

18. Driving is not as easy as you think

With light traffic on the road, driving might seem like an easy proposition , but with elevated rental prices and cars often in short supply, it’s not always so.

Add in sporadic signposting, potholed roads and a wide array of hazards – goats, horses, bicycles, kids and slow-moving, fume-belching trucks – and you might want to consider getting the bus or, at least, employing the services of a chauffeur .

19. Bring toilet paper and sanitary products

The pandemic made the provision of antiseptic hand lotion more common, but the same can’t be said of toilet paper. Carry your own roll and/or gravitate to four- or five-star hotels when you’re caught short in the city.

Re-usable pads and silicon cups, or disposable pads and tampons are must-pack items if you're expecting your period while you're in Cuba. These are in high demand here.

20. Don’t drink the water

The water won’t kill you, but it might give you a little queasiness or an upset stomach. Fortunately, bottled water is abundant and cheap. An even better idea is to bring your own filter bottle or water purification tablets.

This article was first published Feb 5, 2022 and updated Jan 5, 2024.

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  • Travel Advice
  • General Information

Can Americans Travel to Cuba? 2024 Complete Guide

Can Americans Travel to Cuba? 2024 Complete Guide

Last Updated: December 15, 2022 June 25, 2024

In short, yes, it is possible for Americans to visit Cuba. However, the country still remains off limits for tourist activities. This means U.S citizens currently cannot visit Cuba when the sole purpose of their trip is to sightsee, go to the beach, and explore.

In 2024, U.S. citizens that wish to travel to Cuba must fall into one of the 12 approved categories of travel, determined by the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) .  Visiting Cuba is not as straightforward for Americans as it is for citizens of other nations, like Canada or the United Kingdom. U.S citizens can apply for a general license under one of the authorized categories, which can take anywhere from four to six months to process, according to regulation experts . The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba include:

  • Family Visits
  • Journalistic Activity
  • Professional Research and Meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious Activities
  • Public Performances, Clinics, Workshops, Exhibitions, Athletic and Other Competitions
  • Support for the Cuban People
  • Humanitarian Projects
  • Activities of Private Foundations, or Research or Educational Institutes
  • Official Business of the U.S. Government, Foreign Governments, and Certain Intergovernmental Organizations
  • Exportation, Importation, or Transmission of Information
  • Authorized Export Transactions

To apply for a license, or to learn more about the different categories of approved travel, visit the official OFAC website .

Cuba Travel Restrictions & Requirements

The U.S Passport is welcome and accepted at the Cuban borders. Most of the policies in place that prohibit tourist travel to Cuba come from the United States. Below are some of the main travel restrictions and requirements to keep in mind when traveling to Cuba.

Cuba Entry Requirements 

To gain entry to Cuba, American citizens are required to possess specific documents upon arrival. It’s important to start gathering these documents as early as possible to avoid issues at the border. Below is a simplified list of entry requirements, compiled by Cuba Unbound . 

  • Return Travel Documents: Travelers must show proof of entry and departure dates in order to receive a valid visa. 
  • Valid Cuban Tourist Card/Visa: U.S citizens traveling to Cuba must acquire a valid Visa, also known as a Cuban Tourist Card. These cards can be purchased online for $50-$100, are valid for 30 days, and take roughly 48 hours to process. 
  • Certification of Travel Form: This document outlines the approved category in which U.S citizens are traveling to Cuba. 
  • Valid Passport : Americans are required to have a passport that is valid for the duration of their stay. 
  • Proof of Travel Medical Insurance : Cuba requires all foreigners to purchase medical insurance prior to entry.

Cuba Travel Insurance Requirements 

Since 2010, the Cuban government has required all visitors from abroad to provide proof of medical insurance when visiting the island. While there are no requirements on the amount of coverage travelers need, U.S citizens visiting Cuba must purchase a policy that includes Emergency Medical coverage, as well as Medical Evacuation & Repatriation coverage. Squaremouth recommends travelers visiting Cuba consider a travel insurance policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage, and at least $100,000 in Medical Evacuation & Repatriation coverage. Squaremouth’s Cuba Travel Insurance page provides more information and specific policy recommendations for travelers planning to visit the country.

Typically, single trip travel insurance premiums will equate to 5-10% of a traveler’s total insured trip costs. According to Squaremouth data, the average Cuba travel insurance policy cost travelers roughly $200.

Visiting Cuba From the U.S.

For more than 60 years, U.S travel to Cuba has been a complex issue. With that said, there are plenty of reasons why Cuba, home to more than 400 white-sand beaches and over 3,500 miles of coastline, has remained a desirable destination for American travelers. In relation to neighboring Caribbean countries, many of which are consistently among the most popular destinations for Americans, Cuba has a relatively low crime rate. With that said, the U.S Department of State’s Cuba Travel Advisory recommends exercising increased caution when visiting the island due to petty crime, such as theft, sometimes targeted towards tourists.

What Airports Fly to Cuba From the U.S?

Regardless of the complexities of traveling to Cuba as a U.S citizen, there are still multiple airports and airlines that provide non-stop flights to Havana, the nation’s capital. According to Simple Flying , eligible U.S citizens traveling to Cuba can find non-stop service from the following airports: 

  • John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York
  • Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), New Jersey
  • Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH), Texas
  • Tampa International Airport (TPA), Florida
  • Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL), Florida
  • Miami International Airport (MIA), Florida

For those interested in which airlines fly directly to Cuba, SkyScanner shares that American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, jetBlue, and United all provide such services to eligible U.S citizens. 

Travel Tips When Visiting Cuba

Currency: The currency used in Cuba is known as the Cuban Peso. One US dollar is equivalent to roughly 25 Cuban Pesos. Credit cards and debit cards are commonly accepted in major cities, but cash is typically preferred.

Language: Spanish is the official language of Cuba, but you may find most locals speaking a unique variety of Spanish known as Cuban Spanish. English is not commonly spoken throughout Cuba.

Accommodations: As of December 2020, US travelers are not permitted to stay in Cuba’s government-run hotels. Instead, most Americans that visit Cuba will stay in a casas particulares, a home-sharing program similar to Airbnb.

Embassy: There is a U.S. Embassy located in Havana. The embassy may be able to assist with issues with your Cuban visa or help arrange emergency transportation back to America.

Cuba Travel Restrictions and Warnings: What You Need to Know

travel to cuba and usa

Brent Winebrenner / Getty Images

The ability for Americans to travel freely to Cuba has been a hotly contested topic since the 1960s, with conservative administrations routinely placing embargos on American tourism and progressive administrations oftentimes lifting those restrictions and allowing forms of transit between the two countries.

In June 2017, the United States Department of State policy explicitly banned tourism to Cuba from the U.S., even on the "people-to-people" programs (licensed guided tours). A June 2019 announcement from the U.S. Department of State furthered restrictions, declaring that the U.S. additionally "no longer permits visits to Cuba via passenger and recreational vessels, including cruise ships and yachts, and private and corporate aircraft."

However, there are some exceptions to these laws that permit travel for families and students who book travel on commercial airlines. Knowing the history and current travel restrictions, advisories, and rules regarding travel to Cuba is ultimately essential to planning a trip to this Caribbean destination.

History of Travel Restrictions to Cuba

The U.S. government has limited travel to Cuba since 1960—after Fidel Castro came to power—and to this day, travel for tourist activities remains controlled largely due to a fear of communism in Cuba. Initially, the American government limited sanctioned travel to journalists, academics, government officials, those with immediate family members living on the island, and others licensed by the Treasury Department.

In 2011, these rules were amended to allow all Americans to visit Cuba as long as they were taking part in a "people-to-people" cultural exchange tour. The rules were amended again in 2015 and 2016 to effectively allow Americans to travel solo to Cuba for authorized reasons, without getting prior approval from the U.S. State Department. Travelers were still required to prove that they engaged in authorized activities if asked upon return.

In the past, authorized travel to Cuba typically took place via charter flights from Miami as scheduled flights by U.S. airlines had long been illegal. However, President Barack Obama's Cuba travel rules opened up direct flights from the U.S. to Havana and other major Cuban cities beginning in the fall of 2016. Additionally, cruise ships once again started calling on Cuban ports.

Some U.S. citizens—tens of thousands, by some estimates—skirted the U.S. travel regulations by entering from the Cayman Islands,  Cancun , Nassau, or Toronto, Canada. In the past, these travelers would request that Cuban immigration officials not stamp their passports to avoid problems with U.S. Customs upon returning to the U.S. However, violators faced fines or more severe penalties.

2017 Travel Restrictions to Cuba

On June 16, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a return to the strict policies surrounding American travel to Cuba that existed before President Obama softened the country's stance in 2014. This edict restricted Americans from visiting the country as individuals under the "people-to-people" program, and most travel would be done by guided tours run by licensed providers. 

Visitors were also required to avoid financial transactions with military-controlled businesses within the country, including certain hotels and restaurants. With these changes, some airlines stopped flying to Havana, while others continued to do so; cruise ships continued to take passengers to Cuba and offer group tours from the ships.

Under the 2017 rules, Americans could still travel to Cuba independently under some of the 11 categories of allowed travel, including travel for humanitarian purposes and in "support of the Cuban people." Tourists could also still conduct transactions while visiting local restaurants and shops as long as they are not affiliated with the dis-allowed government entities. In fact, in doing so they were "supporting the Cuban people."

2019 Restrictions for Travel to Cuba

On June 4, 2019, the U.S. Department of State announced new travel restrictions on United States citizens traveling to Cuba:

"Going forward, the United States will prohibit U.S. travelers from going to Cuba under the previous ‘group people-to-people educational’ travel authorization. In addition, the United States will no longer permit visits to Cuba via passenger and recreational vessels, including cruise ships and yachts, and private and corporate aircraft."

These regulations only permitted travel from the United States aboard commercial airlines, largely for Cuban families, military service members, and other licensed and authorized travelers.

State Department Advisory for Cuba

In addition to the 2019 travel restrictions, the United States Department of State issued a Level 2 Advisory on August 23, 2018:

"Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to attacks targeting U.S. Embassy Havana employees resulting in the drawdown of embassy staff. Numerous U.S. Embassy Havana employees appear to have been targeted in specific attacks. Affected individuals have exhibited a range of physical symptoms including ear complaints and hearing loss, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, cognitive issues, visual problems, and difficulty sleeping. Attacks have occurred in U.S. diplomatic residences (including a long-term apartment at the Atlantic) and at Hotel Nacional and Hotel Capri in Havana."

In response, the U.S. Embassy in Havana reduced its staff, and restricted family members from accompanying U.S. government employees who work in Cuba. Only U.S. diplomatic staff were affected by the attacks. No tourists were involved.

Spending Money in Cuba

If you are allowed to visit Cuba, it's still not easy to spend American dollars there. U.S credit cards generally don't work in Cuba, and exchanging dollars for convertible Cuban pesos (CUC) includes an extra fee that's not charged to any other international currency.

As a result, many savvy travelers take Euros, British pounds, or Canadian dollars to Cuba, which get a fair exchange rate. Ultimately, though, you'll still need to bring enough cash for your entire trip if you're traveling from the U.S. since American credit cards and bank cards likely won't work where you're going.

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  • Entry Requirements - YES! YOU CAN STILL TRAVEL TO CUBA!
  • Travel Essentials


Updated december 2023.

***We are pleased to offer guidance to our valued Cuba Unbound guests. For your convenience, please consult the information below or call us with your reservation number. Regrettably, if you are not a guest of Cuba Unbound, we are unable to provide advice or assistance regarding your Cuba visa. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to explore the resources available online.

Here is an explanation of the recent history of travel to Cuba as it pertains to U.S. citizens.  Bear in mind that several million people a year from countries such as Canada, England, France, Italy, Germany and many more, go to Cuba on vacation every year. The United States is the only country that restricts its citizens from traveling to Cuba for touristic reasons, however, at the same time, the U.S. does allow travel to Cuba under one of 12 permitted travel categories (listed below).  Of these categories, most of our travelers are traveling under either "Support for the Cuban People" or "Educational People-to-People" travel.  

When you travel with Cuba Unbound, we take care of all the legal details and make sure that your trip is stress-free and superbly organized.  As well, we include your Cuban visa or "Tourist Card" as part of your tour with us.

Support for the Cuban People

Cuba Unbound is licensed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which is part of the United States Treasury Department, to provide travel services to Cuba under the category of Support for the Cuban People. This category is intended to direct the economic activities of U.S. travelers to primarily benefit the private sector in Cuba as well as engaging our travelers in meaningful interactions with individuals in Cuba. This requires a full-time agenda of such activities and thus tours in Cuba have somewhat less flexibility than our tours in other countries.  Every day is structured to include enriching, educational and meaningful Support for the Cuban People activities.

US Regulations Regarding Flights and Hotels for Travel to Cuba

When you purchase your air travel to Cuba from the United States, you will select the OFAC category of Support for the Cuban People during the reservation process.  For those people who are subject to US jurisdiction (US citizens for example), you are able to extend your stay in Cuba beyond your tour dates. 

The Support for the Cuban People category of travel also encourages travelers to stay in private accommodations, eat in private restaurants and generally avoid spending any money with the Cuban government. Also note that OFAC has issued a list of specific “restricted” entities that Americans are forbidden from having direct financial transactions with, including certain hotels. You can review this list here . Fortunately, we are here to navigate all these rules on your behalf.


Here's a simplified list of Cuban entry requirements:

  • For Cuba - Complete the D'Viajeros Advance Information of Travelers Form .  This can only be completed once you are within 48 hours from departure for Cuba. This is a simple form that asks some health questions as well as including the customs declaration form.  You must fill this out before you leave home but not sooner than 48 hours prior to departure. Upon submission of the form you receive a QR code and an email that you present to Immigration officers on your arrival in Cuba. You can view our instructions for filling our this form here.  
  • Valid Cuban Tourist Card/Visa - We include this for all our travelers! See below. You can find instructions on how to complete the form  here.
  • Valid Passport—valid for at least 6 months after your entry into Cuba. 
  • Proof of Travel Medical Insurance. 


Travelers to Cuba require a visa, also known as a  Cuban Tourist Card .  Cuba Unbound includes these as part of your tour and we mail it to you upon receipt of your final balance.  If you were to lose it, or forget it, and you are flying from the USA, the U.S. air carrier will have these visas available for sale in the boarding area, at a price ranging from $80-$120.  It’s also legal to fly through another country like Canada or Mexico.  In that case you can also obtain the visas at the airport. *Please note that you must hold onto this visa card for the duration of your trip as you will need it to exit the country in addition to entering. 


GENERAL LICENSES: Cuba Unbound is licensed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) under section 31 C.F.R.§ 515.572(a)(1) to provide travel services to Cuba. Cuba Unbound also has contracts with Cuban travel agencies that allow us to bring U.S. travelers to Cuba.


Restraints regarding visits for purely tourist and recreational purposes are still prohibited. Cuban travel remains more accessible than it has been since the embargo in 1961 because there are additional travel categories that do not require OFAC authorization, but visits must have a purpose beyond beachfront relaxation. Under current regulations, “Recreational travel, tourist travel, travel in pursuit of a hobby, or research for personal satisfaction only” remain illegal.  


Cuba requires all travelers to Cuba to have travel medical insurance and the good news is that U.S. airlines include the mandatory level of travel medical insurance in your ticket*.  The  travel medical insurance must include coverage for medical evacuation, emergencies, and repatriation. The company providing your travel medical plan must be able to make payments from a non-U.S. banking institution. The Cuban health insurance that is included in your ticket with any U.S. airline, is provided by ESICUBA and is valid for 30 days. If you are staying in Cuba beyond 30 days, you’ll need to purchase additional insurance to cover the remainder of your stay. Guests may purchase supplementary coverage at their discretion. For those travelers who would like additional coverage, Cuba Unbound partners with Travel Insured International for this supplementary coverage, the costs of which depend on coverage amount, length of travel, and age of traveler.  (*If you travel to Cuba from another country like Mexico, your air ticket will not include this insurance and you may be asked to show proof of insurance on arrival. Simply carry your own insurance card with you, or a copy of your travel insurance policy, to show Immigration Officers if you are asked.)

If you have further questions, the U.S Department of the Treasury is a great resource. Check out their updated FAQs for more information!

The Recent History of Travel to Cuba for U.S. Citizens Looks Like This:

  • Dec 17, 2014: President Obama announced that America was reestablishing diplomatic relations.  This made for easier travel, trade, and financial relations between the two countries, the removal of Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list and the reopening of the U.S. Embassy in Havana.  Cuba Unbound operated our first trips in November, 2015 based on these new regulations.
  • June 16, 2017:  President Trump announced some modifications to the regulations.  The biggest change was that individual travel for educational people-to-people purposes was no longer allowed. However, group travel using the people-to-people category was still allowed.
  • June 4, 2019: The Trump Administration removed the people-to-people category from the categories of allowable travel. 
  • October 25, 2019:  U.S. Administration bars U.S. airlines, other than charter airline companies, from flying to any Cuban airport other than Havana. 
  • June 1, 2022: The US Transportation Department rescinded the Trump-era restrictions regarding U.S. airlines flying to Cuba, allowing them to resume service to airports other than Havana.  It wasn't long before American Airlines started service to Holguin and Camaguey.  Other U.S. Airlines such as JetBlue, United and Southwest soon followed with flights to airports other than Havana. 
  • June 9, 2022:   President Biden reinstates the allowance of group People-to-People travel.  Specifically: Effective June 9, 2022, OFAC amended 31 CFR § 515.565(b) to authorize group people-to-people educational travel conducted under the auspices of an organization that is subject to U.S. jurisdiction and that sponsors such exchanges to promote people-to-people contact, provided such travelers are accompanied by an employee, paid consultant, or agent of the sponsoring organization.  Travel-related transactions authorized pursuant to § 515.565(b)   must be for the purpose of engaging, while in Cuba, in a full-time schedule of activities that are intended to enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people’s independence from Cuban authorities; and will result in meaningful interactions with individuals in Cuba.

The 12 Categories of Permitted Reasons for Travel to Cuba

When you book or check in for your flight, you will be asked to certify the reason for your visit. There are currently two ways to gain permission to travel to Cuba: with a general license or with a specific license.

If you meet the regulations and conditions of a general license, you will not need to apply for a specific license. There are 12 categories of general licenses related to Cuba travel.  These are listed below.  When purchasing your airline ticket, choose "Support for the Cuban People."

  • Family visits
  • Official government business
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research or meetings
  • Religious activities
  • Sports and public events
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Informational materials
  • Authorized export activities
  • Non-immigrant Cuban National

You will not qualify for a general license if the reason for your travel is not listed above, and you will be required to apply for a specific license from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). All license applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please see the  U.S. Department of the Treasury's OFAC FAQ page for more information. Cuban Nationals returning home do not need a license.

Support for the Cuban People and People to People Educational Travel

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How to fly to cuba from the us - a complete guide.


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While it's been a few years, Cuba is still a relatively new international destination served from the United States. The first flight to Cuba from the United States in over 50 years took off in late 2016. While general tourist travel remains banned, there is a healthy market for travelers wanting to fly to Cuba for other purposes. With this in mind, let's take a look at US flights to Cuba!

Who can travel to Cuba?

Before you start packing your bags and making a flight reservation to the Caribbean nation , it is important to know that general tourist travel to Cuba is banned for US citizens. However, according to the US Embassy in Cuba, these are the authorized purposes for travel:

  • Family visits;
  • Official business of the US government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations;
  • Journalistic activity;
  • Professional research and professional meetings;
  • Educational activities;
  • Religious activities;
  • Public performances,
  • Clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions;
  • Support for the Cuban people;
  • Humanitarian projects;
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes;
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials;
  • and certain authorized export transactions.

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Airline links to Cuba

There are several major US airports that offer direct services to Havana. These include New York JFK and Newark Liberty, as well as Houston Intercontinental, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami. Airlines like American, JetBlue, Southwest, and United are responsible for such services. The pandemic severed a number of air links to the island nation, and it is taking some time to restore such services.

Overall, Havana has the most air connections to the United States out of any airport from Cuba. And, rightly so. As the largest city and capital of Cuba, Havana is a major gateway for flights to the United States. Most flights on carriers from Havana are to major hubs . In addition, most flights are to destinations in Florida which has a high population of Cuban expatriates.

And it's not just Havana that is served. Indeed, American Airlines flies to numerous other Cuban destinations.

The decline of flights to Cuba

When Cuba was first opened for flights to the United States, airlines rushed to add service. As the years progressed, Alaska Airlines, Silver Airways, and Frontier canceled services to Cuba. Additionally, American Airlines canceled their flights between Charlotte and Havana and JetBlue had cut capacity to Cuba by operating smaller aircraft.

The bottom line

Ultimately, if you're wanting to go to Cuba from the United States (and vice versa), there are a few options available. If you live in the cities mentioned above, a direct flight should be available to the capital of Havana. If you live in Miami, then you'll be able to access much more of the country with the help of American Airlines. But in most cases, it shouldn't be too hard to secure a one-stop itinerary to get to Cuba.

If you're a foreign national, you will probably find it easier to fly out of a European gateway, as quite a few airlines operate services from Europe to various destinations in Cuba.

Have you flown to Cuba from the United States? Is it something you might do this winter? Let us know in the comments!

  • North America

clock This article was published more than  2 years ago

Biden’s revised Cuba policy creates more options for U.S. travelers

The United States just approved flights to airports beyond Havana and will restore the group tours banned under Trump

travel to cuba and usa

Americans who want to travel legally to Cuba will have more options after the Biden administration announced it was undoing some of the restrictions President Donald Trump imposed before the pandemic.

While a timeline for all of the changes is not yet clear, travelers should eventually be able to choose from flights to more destinations and take the kind of group-based educational trips that have been off-limits for nearly three years.

Under an order issued Wednesday by the U.S. Transportation Department, airlines will again be allowed to fly to Cuban destinations beyond Havana, an avenue that was cut off in late 2019. Public charter flights will also be permitted to go to airports outside Havana after being suspended in early 2020.

The Transportation Department issued the order rescinding the Trump-era restrictions after a request this week from Secretary of State Antony Blinken. He wrote that scheduled and charter air services could resume “effective immediately” once the department took action.

That formal request followed a May 16 announcement that the Biden administration was taking measures, including allowing the additional flights, to “increase support for the Cuban people in line with our national security interests.”

As Biden eases Trump’s sanctions, Cubans hope for an economic lift

Peggy Goldman, president and co-owner of two travel companies that bring visitors to Cuba — Friendly Planet and Insight Cuba — called the permission to add flights “wonderful news.”

“It makes it possible to enjoy much more of the island, and having these additional flights is a hallelujah moment for us,” she said. She added that her companies have been “badgering” airlines on a daily basis about increasing service.

U.S. carriers that offer scheduled flights to Havana, including American Airlines, JetBlue and Southwest, told The Washington Post this week — before the DOT’s order — that they did not have any additional services to announce. American Airlines flew to five destinations in addition to Havana until December 2019, and JetBlue once flew to three cities beyond the capital city.

“While we do not have any news to share at this time regarding changes to our operations in Cuba, we regularly evaluate new opportunities throughout our network,” JetBlue said in a statement.

Cuba reopened to visitors in November after closing its borders earlier in the pandemic.

Can Americans travel to Cuba? Yes, but it’s complicated.

U.S. officials have said that a popular authorized way for groups of travelers to visit Cuba — called “people-to-people” trips — will be back at some point. The Trump administration eliminated the option in mid-2019. The State Department said it would reinstate the option, along with other categories of group educational travel and some additional travel connected to professional meetings and research.

“We’ll certainly ensure travel is purposeful and in accordance with U.S. law. And we’ll note something that President Biden had said often, which is his belief that Americans are the best ambassadors for democratic values,” a senior administration official said on background during a press call last month. “And facilitating group people-to-people travel will allow for greater engagement between the American people and the promotion of their democratic values.”

The State Department did not release a timeline for reopening that category of travel, but it said in a statement that the administration is “working expeditiously to implement these changes, via regulatory amendments and other steps on an expedited basis.”

Collin Laverty, founder of Cuba Educational Travel, said people-to-people trips were a prominent way to visit Cuba before the Trump administration prohibited them. He described those trips as “having a full-time schedule that involves meaningful interaction with the Cuban people” — though independent tourism is not allowed.

Americans have been allowed to visit the island under categories that remain legal, including family visits, religious activities, competitions, educational activities and professional research, and meetings. After the Trump administration eliminated the “people to people” option, first for individuals and then for groups, most travelers opted to visit under the “support for the Cuban people” category.

Under that option, travelers need to have a full-time schedule of activities that enhance contact with locals, support civil society in Cuba, result in meaningful interaction with residents or promote independence from Cuban authorities, The Washington Post reported in 2019.

2019: Trump administration ends group travel to Cuba by Americans

The two categories were similar, but supporting the Cuban people required more direct aid to locals on the ground. Some tour operators told The Post when the changes were first announced a few years ago that they were skipping attractions such as Ernest Hemingway’s house and famous cemeteries. To keep their programming in compliance, they said, they would meet with craftspeople who make humidors instead of going to cigar factories, and they would visit artists in a studio cooperative instead of going to a museum.

David Lee, founder of Cultural Cuba, has always provided trips that meet the requirements of supporting the Cuban people and calls it “the best way to go by far.” But still, he and others said, the news about Trump restrictions being dropped had led to an increase in inquiries.

“Some of the changes that the Trump administration made definitely made people think they could not come to Cuba,” he said. “If this announcement has people believing, ‘Oh, it’s open again’ — even though it was always open ... and at least leads people to put Cuba back on their list as a destination, awesome.”

Laverty said he expects the return of U.S. travelers to Cuba to be slow, noting that he doesn’t see any regulatory changes that would lead to an “avalanche” in demand.

While the Biden administration’s goal is to expand authorized travel to Cuba, the State Department said the recently announced moves are not a return to the Obama-era policies that allowed cruise ships to visit the island and individual travelers to embark on people-to-people trips.

In Cuba, a desperate search for milk

Other Trump crackdowns prohibiting travelers from staying in military- or government-owned hotels remain in effect. They pose continued challenges to travelers and tour groups who have to find accommodations without those government or military ties.

“With new flights and group People to People programs being announced, more travelers will be able to visit Cuba safely but they will need more safe places to stay,” Michael Zuccato, CEO of Cuba Travel Services, said in an email.

Laverty said the last decade has brought “incredible development” in private-sector lodging, including privately owned apartments, rooms and boutique hotels. His company will sometimes split groups between multiple properties if needed.

“It definitely adds an extra logistical layer,” he said. “Trying to look at the positive side, it’s a really cool experience” where guests get to interact with their host and learn more about what it’s like to live in Cuba.

With economic hardships and severe shortages in Cuba that led to widespread protests last year, Laverty said he was concerned about what the travel experience would be like when his company started bringing Americans back earlier this year.

“What we’ve found over the last few months is U.S. travelers have really been exposed to shortcomings and challenges and also support Cubans through their travel and get an honest picture of the good and the bad in Cuba and still have a really great experience,” he said.

More travel news

How we travel now: More people are taking booze-free trips — and airlines and hotels are taking note. Some couples are ditching the traditional honeymoon for a “buddymoon” with their pals. Interested? Here are the best tools for making a group trip work.

Bad behavior: Entitled tourists are running amok, defacing the Colosseum , getting rowdy in Bali and messing with wild animals in national parks. Some destinations are fighting back with public awareness campaigns — or just by telling out-of-control visitors to stay away .

Safety concerns: A door blew off an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 jet, leaving passengers traumatized — but without serious injuries. The ordeal led to widespread flight cancellations after the jet was grounded, and some travelers have taken steps to avoid the plane in the future. The incident has also sparked a fresh discussion about whether it’s safe to fly with a baby on your lap .

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Popular destinations in cuba.

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Frequently asked questions

  • José Martí international Airport (HAV) (HAV) in Havana
  • Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport (VRA) in Varadero
  • Frank Paìs International Airport (Holguin) (HOG) in Holguin
  • International Airport "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" of Santa Clara (SNU) in Santa Clara
  • Cayo Coco Jardines del Rey (CCC) in Cayo Coco
  • Santiago de Cuba International Airport (SCU) (SCU) in Santiago de Cuba
  • Camaguey Airport (CMW) in Camaguey
  • Aeropuerto Internacional Jaime González (CFG) in Cienfuegos
  • Cayo Largo del Sur Vilo Acuna International (CYO) in Cayo Largo del Sur

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These are the BEST Cuban Beaches

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Dreaming of sun-soaked shores and crystal-clear waters? Cuba offers some of the most breathtaking beaches, each with its unique charm and vibe. Whether you’re seeking vibrant local scenes or tranquil escapes, there’s a perfect Cuban beach waiting for you. Let’s dive into some of the best!

Playas del Este

Just a short trip from Havana, Playas del Este is a summertime favorite. Easily accessible by taxi or bus, this area is buzzing with energy as locals flock here to swim, relax, and play music. For a full-on Cuban experience, head to the strip near Hotel Atlantico where families and friends gather in lively groups. If you’re looking to embrace Havana’s LGBTQ+ scene, Mi Cayito Beach is the place to be.

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Cayo Jutías

If you find yourself in Viñales, make sure to visit Cayo Jutías. This picture-perfect white sand beach is just an hour away and offers a serene escape. Enjoy fresh fish lunches and cocktails at the small local restaurants, or try some watersports. The classic car ride from Viñales to Cayo Jutías adds an extra touch of adventure, costing around $40 per person each way.

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Cayo Levisa

Our personal favorite, Cayo Levisa, is a must-visit. Accessible only by boat from Palma Rubia, this uninhabited island is all about pristine beaches. While the Cayo Levisa hotel is currently closed, you can still take a day trip from Viñales to enjoy 2km of white sand and crystal-clear waters. Day trips can be organized through Cubania Travel or your casa particular in Viñales.

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Playa Ancon

Staying in Trinidad? Then Playa Ancon is a must. This beach on the South Coast features calm, clear waters and lovely sandy stretches. There are plenty of small restaurants and cafes where you can rent a sunshade and relax on a sunbed. A taxi from Trinidad to Ancon Beach costs about $30 round trip. Varadero Cuba’s most famous beach, Varadero, consistently ranks in TripAdvisor’s top ten beaches of the world. This 13-mile stretch of white sand beach offers numerous accommodation options and is Cuba’s largest beach resort. It’s perfect for those looking to enjoy both luxury and the natural beauty of the beach.

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If you don’t want to travel all the way to Varadero, Jibacoa is a fantastic alternative. This beautiful beach is nestled between tropical mountains and the sea. You can stay at the Memories Jibacoa All-Inclusive Hotel or opt for a more bohemian experience at MontEcorales, a sustainable bed and breakfast in Boca de Canasi.

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Looking for an off-the-beaten-track destination? Caleton offers a hippy-style beach scene with cute huts for rent right along the waterfront. The area is rich in mangroves, and while the water can turn a reddish color when it rains, the tranquil atmosphere is perfect for unwinding. From Caleton, you can easily explore the Bay of Pigs, known for its historical significance and beautiful coral reefs.

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For the hardcore adventurers, Maguana Beach near Baracoa is worth the journey. It’s a bit of a trek—six hours by bus from Santiago to Baracoa, followed by another hour to reach Maguana—but the secluded beauty of this beach makes it all worthwhile.

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Cuba’s diverse beaches offer something for everyone, from lively local hotspots to serene, untouched paradises. Ready to start your Cuban adventure? Get in touch to customize your own personal tour and plan your beach getaway!

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Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States

Health Alert Network logo.

Distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network June 25, 2024, 2:30 PM ET CDCHAN-00511

Summary The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is issuing this Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to notify healthcare providers, public health authorities and the public of an increased risk of dengue virus (DENV) infections in the United States in 2024. Global incidence of dengue in 2024 has been the highest on record for this calendar year; many countries are reporting higher-than-usual dengue case numbers . In 2024, countries in the Americas have reported a record-breaking number of dengue cases, exceeding the highest number ever recorded in a single year. From January 1 – June 24, 2024, countries in the Americas reported more than 9.7 million dengue cases, twice as many as in all of 2023 (4.6 million cases). In the United States, Puerto Rico has declared a public health emergency (1,498 cases) and a higher-than-expected number of dengue cases have been identified among U.S. travelers (745 cases) from January 1 – June 24, 2024. In the setting of increased global and domestic incidence of dengue, healthcare providers should take steps including:

  • Have increased suspicion of dengue among people with fever who have been in areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission within 14 days before illness onset,
  • Order appropriate diagnostic tests for acute DENV infection: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR] and IgM antibody tests, or non-structural protein 1 [NS1] antigen tests and IgM antibody tests,
  • Ensure timely reporting of dengue cases to public health authorities, and
  • Promote mosquito bite prevention measures among people living in or visiting areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission.

Background Dengue is the most common arboviral disease globally. It is caused by four distinct but closely related dengue viruses (DENV-1, -2, -3, and -4). DENVs are transmitted through bites of infected Aedes species mosquito vectors. Infection with one DENV generally induces life-long protection against infection from that specific DENV but only protects against other DENVs for several months to years. Dengue is a nationally notifiable disease in the United States. Six U.S. territories and freely associated states are classified as areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission : Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. In the rest of the United States, local transmission of DENV has been limited, with sporadic cases or small outbreaks in Florida, Hawaii, and Texas. However, confirmed local DENV transmission has also been reported by Arizona and California over the past two years.

Approximately one in four DENV infections are symptomatic and can be mild or severe. Symptoms begin after an incubation period of 5–7 days (range 3–10 days) and present as fever accompanied by non-specific signs and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, rash, muscle aches, joint pain, bone pain, pain behind the eyes, headache, or low white blood cell counts. Warning signs are specific clinical findings that predict progression to severe disease. Warning signs include abdominal pain or tenderness, persistent vomiting, clinical fluid accumulation (e.g., ascites, pleural effusion), mucosal bleeding, lethargy or restlessness, progressive increase of hematocrit, or liver enlargement >2cm. Severe disease, with associated severe bleeding, shock or respiratory distress caused by plasma leakage, or end-organ impairment, develops in 1 in 20 people with symptomatic dengue. Infants aged ≤1 year, pregnant people, adults aged ≥65 years, and people with certain medical conditions are at increased risk of severe dengue. Although a second DENV infection (i.e., with a different DENV from the first infection) carries a higher risk of severe disease than a first, third, or fourth infection, any infection can lead to severe disease.

Patients with symptoms compatible with dengue can be tested with both molecular and serologic diagnostic tests. All patients with suspected DENV infection should be tested with RT-PCR (i.e., a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)) or a NS1 antigen test, and also with IgM antibody test to confirm DENV infection. These tests can be considered regardless of the symptom onset date, although the test sensitivity of RT-PCR and NS1 antigen tests decrease after the first 7 days. IgG detection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in a single serum sample should not be used to diagnose a patient with acute dengue because it does not distinguish between current and previous DENV infection. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved testing is available at public health laboratories and some commercial laboratories. State, tribal, territorial, and local health departments, and CDC can offer additional testing guidance.

There are no antiviral medications approved to treat dengue. Treatment is supportive and requires careful volume management. Appropriate triage, management, and follow-up remain the most effective interventions to reduce dengue morbidity and mortality. Expectant management of patients at high risk for severe disease and rapid initiation of a standardized fluid replacement strategy recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) can decrease mortality from 13% to <1%. In June 2021, the Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices recommended a dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia , for children aged 9–16 years with laboratory confirmation of previous DENV infection and living in areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission such as Puerto Rico. While the vaccine is considered safe and effective, the manufacturer (Sanofi Pasteur, Inc., Paris France) has discontinued production citing a lack of demand. Vaccine administration will continue in Puerto Rico until available doses expire in 2026.There are no vaccines recommended for travelers, adults, or persons without a previous DENV infection.

Dengue cases resurged globally after the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2023, more than 4.6 million cases and 4000 deaths were reported in the Americas region. As of June 24, 2024, more than 9.7 million dengue cases have been reported in the Americas, twice as many as in all of 2023 (4.6 million cases). Dengue transmission peaks during the warmer and wetter months in many tropical and subtropical regions. Dengue cases are likely to increase as global temperatures increase. Higher temperatures can expand the range of the mosquitoes that spread dengue, as well as affect other factors that facilitate virus transmission like faster viral amplification in the mosquito, increased vector survival, and changes in reproduction and biting rates. U.S. summer travel often overlaps with the months of increased dengue activity in many countries. Epidemics in the Americas region increase travel-associated cases and limited local transmission in the continental United States. A higher-than-expected number of dengue cases (total of 2,241 cases, including 1,498 in Puerto Rico) were reported in the United States from January 1 – June 24, 2024. Public health authorities in Puerto Rico declared a public health emergency in March 2024 because of the high number of cases reported during the low dengue season. Healthcare providers should be prepared to recognize, diagnose, manage, and report dengue cases to public health authorities; public health partners should investigate cases and disseminate clear prevention messages to the public. The CDC is actively implementing several strategies to address the increase in cases of dengue in the United States, including:

  • Launching a program-led emergency response, which was activated on April 8, 2024.
  • Providing regularly scheduled monthly situational updates on dengue to partners, stakeholders, and jurisdictions.
  • Expanding laboratory capacity to improve laboratory testing approaches.
  • Collaborating with State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments to strengthen dengue surveillance and recommend prevention strategies.
  • Educating the public on dengue prevention.

Recommendations for Healthcare Providers

  • Maintain a high suspicion for dengue among patients with fever and recent travel (within 14 days before illness onset) to areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission .
  • Consider locally acquired dengue among patients who have signs and symptoms highly compatible with dengue (e.g., fever, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, aches, pains, rash) in areas with competent mosquito vectors .
  • Order appropriate FDA-approved dengue tests (RT-PCR and IgM antibody tests, or NS1 and IgM antibody tests), and do not delay treatment waiting for test results to confirm dengue.
  • Know the warning signs for progression to severe dengue, which include abdominal pain or tenderness, persistent vomiting, clinical fluid accumulation, mucosal bleeding, lethargy or restlessness, and liver enlargement.
  • For people with suspected dengue who do not have warning signs and are not part of a population at high risk for severe dengue, consider outpatient management with close follow-up.
  • Teach patients about the warning signs that may appear as their fever starts to decline and instruct them to seek care urgently if they experience any warning signs.
  • Recognize the critical phase of dengue. The critical phase begins when fever starts to decline and lasts for 24–48 hours. During this phase, some patients require close monitoring and may deteriorate within hours without appropriate intravenous (IV) fluid management.
  • Hospitalize patients with severe dengue or any warning sign of progression to severe dengue and follow CDC/WHO protocols for IV fluid management .
  • Follow local guidelines to report dengue cases to state, tribal, local, or territorial health departments.

Recommendations for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments

  • Use FDA-approved dengue tests. Ensure access to dengue testing for all patients with suspected dengue.
  • Remind clinicians of the high risk of dengue among patients with fever who have been in areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission .
  • Remind clinicians that local transmission can occur in areas with competent vectors and to test patients with compatible illnesses even without a history of having been in an area with dengue.
  • Inform healthcare providers and the public when locally acquired and travel-associated dengue cases are detected in the area.
  • Report dengue cases to CDC via ArboNET , the national arboviral surveillance system managed by CDC and state health departments.
  • Take the lead in investigating dengue cases and outbreaks.
  • Consider targeted outreach about increasing dengue risk to healthcare providers more likely to identify dengue cases (i.e., travel medicine clinics, infectious disease physicians, or healthcare systems serving highly mobile populations such as migrant and border health clinics, and clinics with frequent travelers to areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission) and messaging to populations at higher risk for dengue.

Recommendations for the Public

  • Use Environmental Protection Agency-approved repellents during travel to and after returning from areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission.
  • Wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved pants and shirts.
  • Use air conditioning and window screens when possible, to lower risk for mosquito bites indoors.
  • Dump and drain containers that hold water to reduce mosquito egg-laying sites in your home and neighborhood.
  • Seek medical care if you have a fever or have dengue symptoms and live in or traveled to an area with dengue outbreaks .
  • If you plan international travel to a an area with frequent or continuous dengue transmission , protect yourself from mosquito bites during and after your trip.

For More Information

Healthcare Providers

  • Clinical Testing Guidance for Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Guidelines for Classifying Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Clinical Features of Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengue Case Management Pocket Guide | CDC
  • Dengue During Pregnancy | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengue Vaccine | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengvaxia: What Healthcare Professionals Need to Know | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengue | CDC Yellow Book 2024
  • Dengue Clinical Management Course | Dengue | CDC
  • Webinar: What Clinicians Need to Know about Dengue in the United States | CDC

Health Departments and Public Health Professionals

  • Data and Statistics on Dengue in the United States | Dengue | CDC
  • What You Can Do to Control Mosquitoes During an Outbreak | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • ArboNET | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • Dengue case investigation report | CDC
  • Dengue Print Resources | Dengue | CDC
  • Communication Resources | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • Submitting Specimens for Dengue Virus Tests | Vector-Borne Diseases | CDC
  • Preventing Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Caring for a Family Member with Dengue | CDC
  • Mosquito Control at Home | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • Get Rid of Mosquitos at Home | CDC
  • Your Infant has Dengue | CDC
  • Areas with Risk of Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Travel Health Notices | Travelers’ Health | CDC
  • Find a Clinic | Travelers’ Health | CDC
  • Pan American Health Organization. Epidemiological Update Increase in dengue cases in the Region of the Americas. https://www.paho.org/en/documents/epidemiological-update-increase-dengue-cases-region-americas-18-june-2024
  • Wong JM, Adams LE, Durbin AP, et al. Dengue: a growing problem with new interventions. Pediatrics . 2022;149(6):e2021055522. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2021-055522
  • Paz-Bailey G, Adams L, Wong JM, et al. Dengue vaccine: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2021. MMWR Recommendations and Reports . 2021;70(6):1–16. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.rr7006a1 .
  • World Health Organization. Disease Outbreak News; Dengue – Global situation. May 30, 2024.   https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON518

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protects people’s health and safety by preventing and controlling diseases and injuries; enhances health decisions by providing credible information on critical health issues; and promotes healthy living through strong partnerships with local, national and international organizations.

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12 Things To Do In Moscow: Complete Guide To A Unique Idaho City

M oscow, Idaho, is a small city with plenty to offer lovers of the outdoors and culture aficionados. Moscow is the county seat of Latah County in the panhandle region of Idaho. It’s known as the home of the University of Idaho, which is a great campus with galleries and gardens for visitors to explore.

Moscow’s landscape is particularly unique as it is set in the Palouse region , an area between Idaho, southeastern Washington, and even Oregon, known for its peculiar rolling green hills, which make it one of the most beautiful vistas in the state . d.

UPDATE: 2023/08/22 16:57 EST BY NOAH STAATS

There Are More Things To Do While In Moscow, Idaho!

This article has been refreshed with new stops in Moscow, Idaho, as well as tips, tricks, and things to experience in town. From fun waterslides to nature preserves to beer, here are all the reasons Moscow should be on the itinerary this fall and beyond!

Things To Do

Here is everything travelers need to know about planning a great trip to Moscow, Idaho, including the best time of year to visit, where to eat and drink, and the best activities.

Check Out The Historic McConnell Mansion

One thing to do while in Moscow, Idaho, is to go see the McConnel Mansion , located in Moscow's historic neighborhood. Here is where a home built by the former governor sits, now working as a place to learn more about Moscow, as well as see how life and architecture looked back then.

Constructed in 1886, this museum also features period rooms and decor, so it's certainly worth seeing for people in the area.

  • Address: 110 S Adams St, Moscow, ID 83843
  • Hours: Dependent on season/tour

Soak Up The Sun At Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center

The next thing to do in Moscow, Idaho, is to check out the Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center . Here is where families or groups can enjoy the outdoor seasonal water park with a lazy river, large pool, waterslides & interactive play area.

This aquatic center boasts a great summer itinerary, making it perfect for travelers with children.

  • Address: 830 N Mountain View Rd, Moscow, ID 83843
  • Hours: Open daily from 12 PM to 7:30 PM (Open at 11 AM on Saturdays and Sundays)
  • Tickets: Children 3 and under FREE, Children 4-17 $5.75 including tax, Adults 18-64 $7.75 including tax, Seniors 65+ $5.75 including tax

Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute

Another idea while in town would be to visit the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute. Here is where people visiting Moscow can explore a 26.2-acre nature preserve in the city, as well as walk around and enjoy the fresh air.

  • Address: 1040 Rodeo Dr, Moscow, ID 83843
  • Hours: Open Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM

See A Show At The Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre

The next idea for a Moscow, Idaho, visitor is to catch a performance at the city's Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre . Here lies a restored historic theater that offers classic films, community events, and a variety of stage performances.

  • Address: 508 S Main St, Moscow, ID 83843

Cycle Some Of The Palouse Bike Trails

A very popular tourist activity in Moscow is to rent a bike and cycle through some of the Palouse bike trails. A popular trail is the 7-mile Bill Chipman Palouse Trail between Pullman in Washington and Moscow.

  • Admission: Bike rental costs will vary; check out Paradise Bike Rentals
  • Address: The trail end points are SE Bishop Blvd. (Pullman, WA) and Farm Rd. (Moscow, ID)

View The University Of Idaho Arboretum & Botanical Garden

Spend an afternoon checking out the countless plants from across the world in the University’s Arboretum & Botanical Garden . The garden is open every day, from dawn to dusk.

  • Admission: Free
  • Address: 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2281, Moscow, Idaho

Head To The Moscow Farmer’s Market

Visiting the Farmer’s Market is the big thing to do in Moscow and is incredibly popular with locals and visitors alike. It’s held from May to October from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. Check out the fresh produce and enjoy some local performers entertaining the crowds.

  • Address: 101-155 W 4th St, Moscow, ID 83843

Camp Out In Robinson County Park

This campsite is great for those who would like to immerse themselves in nature but also want to be close to town, and the campsite in Robinson is just a ten-minute drive from downtown Moscow. This park has plenty of trails and picnic spots to enjoy.

  • Admission: $20 a night to camp
  • Address: 5168 Robinson Park Rd, Moscow ID 83843

Related: 8 Idaho State Parks To Add To Your Scenic Bucket List

Check Out The Appaloosa Museum & Heritage Center

For those wanting to learn about the history of the beautiful Appaloosa horse breed, native to the Palouse region, the Appaloosa Museum & Heritage Center is a perfect place to spend the afternoon.

Here is where guests can tour the Davis-Gillman Activity Center, Gift Shop, and Picnic Area, all while learning more about this area's rich culture.

  • Address: 2720 Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID 83843, USA
  • 1912 Center: Check out some local art and learn about cultural initiatives in Moscow
  • Address: 412 E. Third St. Moscow, ID 83843

Tour The Third Street Gallery

Next up, guests of the city of Moscow, Idaho, can check out the Third Street Gallery. The Third Street Gallery is located on the second and third floors of Moscow's beautifully renovated and historic City Hall, making that another nice thing to see while here.

  • Address: 206 W 3rd St, Moscow, ID 83843, USA
  • Hours: Seasonally/dependent on art and creators

Skate At The Palouse Ice Rink

Another fun stop in the Moscow area is the Palouse Ice Rink , a fun place to visit for all the family for some ice skating and hockey in the winter and rollerblading during the summer.

This could be a nice location to bring the family, especially for people with young kids.

  • Admission: Adults - $10, Children 6-17 - $8.00, 5 and under free
  • Family Admission (up to 5 members) - $35.00
  • Address: 1021 Harold St, Moscow, ID 83843, USA

Taste Local Moscow Craft Beers

Moscow has a pretty extensive craft beer culture, and it's well worth making a day of visiting some of the local breweries. Here are several great breweries to check out.

Moscow Brewing Company : Be sure to visit Moscow’s first brewhouse for some great history and even better beer

  • Address: 630 N Almon St #130, Moscow, ID

Hunga Dunga Brewing Company - Offering unique IPAs, Stouts, and so much more.

  • Address: 333 N Jackson St, Moscow, ID 83843, USA

Rants & Rave Brewery - A brewery and a grill, what’s not to love?

  • Address: 308 N Jackson St, Moscow, ID, USA

Best Time To Go To Moscow, Idaho

Moscow, Idaho, has a temperate climate with hot summers and cold winters. During the summer months, the temperature can reach into the 90s and can be quite dry. The winters are cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing and the area receiving some snowfall. Spring and fall are mild, with temperatures ranging from the 40s to 60s.

The best time of year depends on what visitors have planned for the trip. The months of June, July, and August are great for outdoor activities like hiking and biking.

Related: Drive Mesa Falls Scenic Byway & See Idaho's Most Stunning Views

However, in the winter months, there are local mountains and resorts suitable for snowboarding, skiing, and snowshoeing for those interested in winter sports. The Palouse Ice Rink is a popular spot for locals and visitors during the winter, too, and also offers some family-friendly activities the whole year round. Even a scenic road trip can be enjoyable during Idaho's winter .

The city tends to be a bustling hub of activity during its festivals, like the Rendezvous in the Park music festival, which usually takes place on the third weekend in July, or the Moscow Winter Carnival, which takes place in early December.

Best Ways To Get Around Moscow Idaho

Moscow is a very walkable city, and most of the main destinations for tourists can be accessed on foot, especially during the summer. Getting around on a bike is a great option; Moscow has 36 miles of paved trails, so renting a bicycle in town could be a good choice for visitors.

  • Paradise Bike Rentals is a convenient bike rental shop on Main Street.

Moscow also has a public bus system called the Sustainable Moscow Area Regional Transportation or SMART transit that covers two loops, one in the west and one in the east of the town, and the fixed routes are free.

There are multiple taxi and rideshare companies in Moscow, and Uber and Lyft are also available. Here are some local Taxi company options:

  • Moscow Taxi
  • Pegasus Taxi

It’s possible to rent a car coming from the regional Pullman Moscow airport from companies Avis, Hertz, Enterprise, and Budget.

Where To Eat In Moscow, Idaho

Moscow, Idaho, has some great spots for food, drinks, and coffee if visitors know where to look. The food options in Idaho tend to pleasantly surprise visitors. As it's a student town, there are more than a few fun bars too.

Best Breakfast in Moscow, Idaho

One World Café, Breakfast Club, Varsity Diner

Delicious Lunches in Moscow, Idaho:

Shari’s Café and Pies, Einstein Bros Bagels, Stax

Fantastic Dinners in Moscow, Idaho:

Nectar, Tapped - Taphouse & Kitchen, Lodgepole

Great Coffee Shops in Moscow, Idaho:

Café Artista, Bucer's Coffee House Pub, Steam Coffee

Fun Bars in Moscow, Idaho:

John’s Alley Tavern, Mingles Bar & Grill, Neat Whiskey Bar

Where To Stay In Moscow, Idaho

There are a number of hotels and rentals in the city, although some travelers also opt to stay in the nearby Washington state town of Pullman. Here are a few options in Moscow itself:

Highly rated hotels in Moscow Idaho

Best Western Plus University Inn : Room rates at the Best Western Plus University Inn start from $120 per night

  • Amenities: Swimming pool, fitness center, on-site restaurant, and bar
  • Address: 1516 Pullman Road, Moscow, Idaho 83843

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Moscow : Room rates at the Fairfield Inn & Suites start from $140 per night

  • Amenities: Free breakfast, indoor pool, and fitness center
  • Address: 1000 West Pullman Road, Moscow, Idaho 83843, United States

Mid-Tier hotels in Moscow

The Monarch Motel Room rates at the Monarch Hotel start from $100 per night

  • Amenities: garden/chill-out area
  • Address: 120 W 6th St, Moscow, ID 83843, United States

Hotel Mccoy Pullman Room rates at this property start from $140 per night

  • Amenities: Fitness center, Restaurant, Bar/Lounge, Free Wi-Fi, Free parking
  • Address: 455 Southeast Paradise Street, Pullman, WA 99163

Related: Idaho The Potato State: Why Not Sleep In A Hotel Shaped Like One?

Budget hotels in Moscow Idaho

La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Moscow Pullman : Room rates at La Quinta Inn & Suites start from $130 per night

  • Amenities: Free breakfast, airport shuttle, shuttle to local attractions
  • Address: 185 Warbonnet Dr, Moscow, ID 83843, United States

Super 8 by Wyndham Moscow / Pullman: Room rates at Super 8 by Wyndham Moscow start from $80 per night

  • Amenities: Mobile check-in, Wi-Fi, free coffee & breakfast Item
  • Address: 175 Peterson Drive Pullman Hwy and 175 Peterson Dr, Moscow, ID 83843

Tips For Visiting Moscow, Idaho

Moscow is a University city in north central Idaho and has a population of just over 25,000. It’s about 8 miles east of the Washington State border. It’s been home to the University of Idaho since 1889.

Moscow is served by a regional airport, The Pullman Moscow Airport is four miles west of the city, and the closest major airport is Spokane International Airport in Washington, located within 90 miles east of the city.

From here, visitors can rent a car or arrange a shuffle to get to Moscow; it will take about an hour and 40 minutes.

Related: Explore Idaho's Capital City: The Ultimate Travel Guide To Boise & Things To Do

Moscow is located along Highway 95, which runs north and south through the city. It’s also possible to travel to Moscow by bus from Spokane and Seattle. It’s good to know a little bit about the unique landscape travelers will get to explore when visiting Moscow. It’s part of the Palouse region, which encompasses parts of north central Idaho, southeastern Washington, and a little bit of Oregon.

Its distinctive and peculiar rolling green hills are made of a material called loess, which is mainly dust and silt blown in over thousands of years from the southwest.

After periods of deposition and erosion in harsh weather, unique dune-like shapes formed in the landscape. The Palouse region is a major agriculture zone, mainly for grain production, and it's also a stunning place to experience as a tourist.

How To Spend The Perfect Day In Moscow, Idaho

A perfect day in Moscow will start with a great breakfast, so head to the popular One World Café for a delicious bite to eat and then get ready to take on some of the incredible Palouse biking trails. Rent a bike for the afternoon and take the Bill Chipman Palouse trail nearby by Pullman and back.

Don’t forget to bring a camera. Head for lunch at Stax for some soup and sandwiches, and then visit the University of Idaho campus for a stroll through the arboretum and Botanical Garden. While on campus, check out some of the famous landmarks, like the Kibbie Dome or the Prichard Art Gallery.

In the evening, enjoy a fancy dinner at Lodgepole and polish the evening off with a drink at John’s Alley Tavern.

12 Things To Do In Moscow: Complete Guide To A Unique Idaho City

New Mexico wildfire map: Track Ruidoso area fires as responders work to contain them

Click here to see live updates on the New Mexico wildfires.

Emergency responders are working to contain the two wildfires that prompted evacuations in southern New Mexico.

As of Tuesday, June 25, the Salt Fire and the South Fork Fire had spread over 25,500 acres:

  • South Fork Fire: 17,556 acres; containment: 54%.
  • Salt Fire: 7,947 acres; containment: 38%.

New Mexico wildfire map and smoke tracker

The fire tracker provides a map with pinpoint locations of each fire and shows where red flag warnings are in effect, among other information. You can also click on each point to see detailed information on the fire in that area.

If you can't see the map above,  click on this link .

SEE: Photos of South Fork Fire

View more: South Fork Fire continues to burn near Ruidoso. Here's what the fire looks like in NM

New Mexico communities ordered to evacuate

The Village of Ruidoso, with a population of nearly 8,000, was placed under mandatory evacuation orders on June 18 as the wildfires rapidly spread and have caused property damage. However, full-time residents have been allowed to return to the area with a week's worth of food and drinking water. The village warned some homes may not have utilities, and a boil water advisory was put into effect Saturday, June 22

Two deaths have been reported  and over 23,000 structures have been affected. Portions of US Highway 70 and US Highway 48 have remained closed.

Tribal members who have been displaced outside of the Mescalero Apache Reservation due to the fires may contact the Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for assistance returning to the reservation. If stranded out of town at other evacuation sites, members may call the EOC at 575-464-9214 for more details. 

Ruidoso live webcams: See the fires in real-time

These live views from Ruidoso are courtesy of  ruidoso.net . Additional webcams are available here .

Ukraine war latest: Russia says it is considering nuclear shift - and tells West it is 'playing with fire'; US leads drills after North Korea warhead test

A senior Russian diplomat says Putin is reviewing the country's nuclear doctrine - and warns the West it is "playing with fire". Meanwhile, a Russian navy missile cruiser carries out drills in the Mediterranean. Listen to a Sky News podcast on Putin and North Korea while you scroll.

Friday 28 June 2024 08:56, UK

  • US warned of 'dangerous illusions' as Russia mulls change in nuclear stance
  • EU signs security agreement with Ukraine in Brussels
  • Ukraine receives latest EU financial support package worth £1.6bn
  • N Korea tests multiple warhead missile - as US leads drills after Putin-Kim pact
  • Your questions answered : Has the West been honest about Ukraine's failures?
  • Big picture : What you need to know this week
  • Listen to the Daily above and tap here to follow wherever you get your podcasts
  • Live updates by Katie Williams

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We're pausing our live coverage of the war in Ukraine for this evening.

Scroll through below to catch up on the latest developments.

Two people have been killed and two more are wounded as a result of Russian shelling in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region, an official has said.

Vadym Filashkin, head of the regional military administration, said Russian forces struck the centre of Kurakhove city, killing a woman and a 40-year-old man.

Two injured people were taken to hospital, he said.

He added that the extent of the damage in the attack was being assessed.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban had a seemingly lively chat ahead of a meeting of European leaders in Brussels today.

It's not known what that the two men discussed - but relations between Budapest and Kyiv have become more strained since the Russian invasion in 2022.

Hungary is Russia's closest ally in the EU and Mr Orban has maintained a friendship with Vladimir Putin while criticising the EU's strategy on Ukraine.

In December, Mr Orban blocked a €50bn aid package for Ukraine in a move that frustrated other EU leaders. He lifted the veto several months later.

Two people have been injured in a Russian drone attack on southern Ukraine, an official has said.

The Kherson regional administration said Russian forces launched an attack on the village of Novodmytrivka, leaving a 66-year-old man and 71-year-old woman hurt.

Both have blast injuries and have been taken to hospital for treatment, it said on Telegram.

The US, Israel and Ukraine are all in talks to provide Ukraine with up to eight Patriot air defence systems, according to the Financial Times.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has repeatedly called for NATO members to send his country the US-made Patriot systems as it battles intensifying Russian attacks.

The FT said the deal would likely involve Israel first sending the systems it plans to retire to the US, before they are handed over to Kyiv.

Sources with knowledge of the negotiations told the paper the outlines of the deal have been discussed between ministers and senior officials from each of the three countries.

Mr Zelenskyy said in May that Kyiv urgently needed at least seven more Patriot missile systems to ward off Russian strikes against its power grid, civilian areas and military targets.

Pictures have emerged this evening of the aftermath of Russia's latest airstrike on the northeastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv.

Emergency services said earlier that five people were injured and buildings were damaged in the attack (see 17.55 post).

Russian forces launched an assault on a new front in Kharkiv in May, after months of fighting focused on the east.

Ukrainian troops have repelled Russian forces from a neighbourhood in the frontline town of Chasiv Yar, a Ukrainian military official has said.

Nazar Voloshin, a spokesman for the Khortytsia operational-strategic group, told the Interfax-Ukraine news agency that Russian forces had been pushed out of the Kanal neighborhood in the east of the town.

Mr Voloshin claimed Moscow's forces were not slowing down in their push to break through in Chasiv Yar, and said two assault operations were ongoing.

"Ukrainian defenders reliably hold the defence in this area and give a decent rebuff to the Russian aggressor," he told the agency.

For context: Chasiv Yar, a strategically-important town in the eastern Donetsk region, has long been a Russian target.

It has been pummelled by Russian air, artillery and drone strikes for months now, as Moscow views the town as a gateway to launch direct offensives against several Ukrainian "fortress cities".

Chasiv Yar had a pre-war population of more than 12,000, but now only a few hundred residents remain.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged EU leaders to make good on their promises to provide his country with military aid after the bloc signed a security agreement underlining its support for Kyiv in the long term.

"Fulfilment of every promise is important, not only in terms of protecting lives but also to destroy the Russian illusion that they will achieve something by war," he said at the summit in Brussels today.

The Ukrainian president thanked countries that have so far promised equipment and arms aid, but pointed out that they were "needed urgently on the battlefield".

He also urged more help on "the urgent things - air defence, that is one".

The EU-Ukraine security agreement entrenches the EU's commitment to help Ukraine in nine areas of security and defence policy - including arms deliveries, military training, defence industry cooperation and demining,

In essence, it encapsulates what the 27-nation bloc has been doing for the country since the start of the war.

But the EU has made a specific commitment to the "predictable, efficient, sustainable and long-term provision of military equipment" for Ukraine.

Kyiv in return has promised to uphold European values and continue on its reform path in preparation to join the EU.

Five people have been injured in Russian airstrikes in Ukraine's northeastern Kharkiv region, according to emergency services.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine said the strikes hit a residential area of the region, partially destroying one building and damaging others - including a school - as well as cars.

Crews at the scene said five people were hurt.

The windows and gates of the local fire station were also damaged, the emergency service said.

While the apparent gains made by Russia during its spring offensive in Kharkiv were the focus of much of the news coverage of the way in May, a new report indicates any progress made by Vladimir Putin's troops came at a significant cost.

According to UK and other Western intelligence agency sources cited by the New York Times, more than 1,000 Russian soldiers were injured or killed each day last month.

However, the newspaper also cites US officials as saying Moscow is continuing to recruit between 25,000 and 30,000 new soldiers a month - roughly as many as it is losing from the battlefield.

American officials told the outlet that Russia achieved a critical objective of Mr Putin in creating a buffer zone along the border to make it more difficult for the Ukrainians to strike into the country.

But, the Western officials said, this did not threaten Kharkiv and was ultimately stopped by Ukrainian forces.

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travel to cuba and usa


  1. Traveling to Cuba

    Travel to Cuba for tourist activities remains prohibited by statute. However, the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued general licenses for 12 categories of travel. ... In accordance with the National Security Presidential Memorandum on Strengthening the Policy of the United States Toward Cuba of June ...

  2. Can Americans Travel To Cuba? [2024 Legal Travel Guide]

    American Travel to Cuba. The short answer to the question "can Americans travel to Cuba" is YES, American citizens can travel to Cuba. Non-U.S. citizens are allowed to travel to Cuba via the United States as well. American citizens can fly from the United States directly to Cuba, travel independently (no need for a group trip or guided trip ...

  3. Is it Legal for U.S. Citizens to Travel to Cuba?

    U.S. law states that those who want to go to Cuba need to qualify for a "general license" based on one of 12 approved categories. The 12 categories currently authorized by U.S. government, for travel to Cuba are: Family visits. Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations.

  4. Cuba International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  5. Can Americans Travel to Cuba in 2024? Yes, But Not for Tourism

    Tour Republic January 29, 2024. If you are a US citizen, you can still visit Cuba in 2024. However, unlike your neighbors traveling from Canada, you will be subject to specific regulations from the US government. For example, doing "tourism," like staying at a resort on a Cuban beach, isn't allowed. Your trip must fall into one of 12 ...

  6. The rules for Americans visiting Cuba in 2022

    The 12 categories of travel licenses for US citizens. US law states that US citizens can only travel to Cuba on a 'general license' based on one of 12 different approved categories, which include family visits, educational and religious activities, public performances and exhibitions, and the vague sounding 'support for the Cuban people.'Licenses are self-qualifying (there's no long ...

  7. Cuba Travel Advisory

    Travel Advisory. January 5, 2024. Cuba - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution. C. Reissued with updates to crime information. Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to crime. Country Summary: Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery and homicide, sometimes occurs in Cuba.

  8. Entry to Cuba: Visas & Travel Requirements · Visit Cuba

    For most European citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. Some countries, like Spain, require the passport to be valid for at least 6 months. It's also important to note that if you plan to travel to the United States after visiting Cuba, you'll need a visa. This is because the electronic system for travel authorization ...

  9. How to Travel to Cuba If You Are an American

    Using the Havana Embassy. The U.S. Embassy in Havana reopened in August 2015, as full diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States have been restored. Although the relationship is now strained thanks to the Trump administration, this embassy will still help American citizens in Cuba in a variety of different ways.

  10. 20 things to know before going to Cuba

    1. Double-check your insurance. You are required to have medical insurance to visit Cuba and will need to bring digital or printed proof of your policy. Random checks are made at the airport. If you arrive without insurance, you'll be asked to buy a Cuban policy at the airport for US$30. 2.

  11. Traveling to Cuba as a US Citizen: 2024 Guide

    In short, yes, it is possible for Americans to visit Cuba. However, the country still remains off limits for tourist activities. This means U.S citizens currently cannot visit Cuba when the sole purpose of their trip is to sightsee, go to the beach, and explore. In 2024, U.S. citizens that wish to travel to Cuba must fall into one of the 12 ...

  12. Cuba Travel Restrictions and Warnings for U.S. Citizens

    2019 Restrictions for Travel to Cuba. On June 4, 2019, the U.S. Department of State announced new travel restrictions on United States citizens traveling to Cuba: "Going forward, the United States will prohibit U.S. travelers from going to Cuba under the previous 'group people-to-people educational' travel authorization.

  13. Cuba Travel Guide for U.S. Citizens: What to Know Before You Go

    Getting WiFi in Cuba. If a travel guide says there are only one-hour WiFi cards, it is outdated. Now, you can access WiFi on a one-hour or a five-hour card. WiFi is now cheaper in Cuba—it was $5 USD per hour; now, it's $1 USD per hour. We only needed one 5-hour card per person for the whole week.

  14. Thought you couldn't legally tour Cuba as an American? You can ...

    Despite recent restrictions imposed by the US government, Americans can travel to Cuba if their trips falls into one of 12 categories, including "Support for the Cuban People."

  15. Can US Citizens Travel to Cuba

    The United States is the only country that restricts its citizens from traveling to Cuba for touristic reasons, however, at the same time, the U.S. does allow travel to Cuba under one of 12 permitted travel categories (listed below).

  16. How To Fly To Cuba From The US

    While it's been a few years, Cuba is still a relatively new international destination served from the United States. The first flight to Cuba from the United States in over 50 years took off in late 2016. While general tourist travel remains banned, there is a healthy market for travelers wanting to fly to Cuba for other purposes.

  17. Biden's new Cuba policy creates more options for U.S. travel

    7 min. Americans who want to travel legally to Cuba will have more options after the Biden administration announced it was undoing some of the restrictions President Donald Trump imposed before ...

  18. Travel to Cuba Legally From US

    YES! U.S. citizens can still travel to Cuba legally. Join Cultural Island Travel on our authentic tours to Cuba & see Cuba from an insider's perspective. We have over 20 years experience arranging safe, legal & unique trips to Cuba. Contact us today to plan your dream vacation & learn how to travel to Cuba!

  19. Can Europeans travel to the US if you have been to Cuba?

    But fear not, in this blog, Cubania Travel's Director Lucy explains everything you need to know to enjoy your trip in Cuba AND travel to the USA worry-free. The Issue. From 12th January 2021, the US placed Cuba on the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism, a last-minute callous move by the Trump administration as they were leaving the White House.

  20. Find Cheap Flights Options to Cuba

    Tracked flight prices. Price guarantee. Change language. Change currency. Change location. Change currency. Feedback. Help. Find cheap flights to Cuba with Google Flights. Explore popular ...

  21. What You Need To Be Aware Of As A Tourist Visiting Cuba

    Cuba is just 103 miles from the tip of Florida making it the ideal winter getaway for sun-seeking Americans. However, the U.S. imposed restrictions on travel to Cuba in 1963 and while the level of ...

  22. New Local-Led Experiences Make Travel to Cuba Easier

    However, travel between both countries has become easier over the last decade. President Barack Obama's 2014 Cuban thaw made it possible for many Americans to travel to Cuba without prior authorization from the United States government. His visit following these changes made him the first president to visit Cuba since Coolidge's trip in the ...

  23. These are the BEST Cuban Beaches

    Dreaming of sun-soaked shores and crystal-clear waters? Cuba offers some of the most breathtaking beaches, each with its unique charm and vibe. Whether you're seeking vibrant local scenes or tranquil escapes, there's a perfect Cuban beach waiting for you. Let's dive into some of the best! Playas del Este Just a short trip from […]

  24. Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States

    Epidemics in the Americas region increase travel-associated cases and limited local transmission in the continental United States. A higher-than-expected number of dengue cases (total of 2,241 cases, including 1,498 in Puerto Rico) were reported in the United States from January 1 - June 24, 2024.

  25. Cheap flights from Moscow to Cuba

    Simply hit "search." From United Airlines to international carriers like Emirates, we've compared flights from all major airlines and online travel agents to find the cheapest Moscow-Cuba flights. And with us, there are no hidden fees - what you see is what you pay. Flex your dates to secure the best fares for your Moscow-to-Cuba ticket.

  26. Cheap flights from Moscow to Cuba

    Simply hit 'search'. From British Airways to international carriers like Emirates, we've compared flights from all major airlines and online travel agents to find the cheapest Moscow-Cuba flights. And with us there are no hidden fees - what you see is what you pay. Flex your dates to secure the best fares for your Moscow to Cuba ticket.

  27. Russian flotilla docks in Cuba as Kremlin flexes military muscle

    The message to the USA is clear: "Look, we can be right under your nose." This was precisely the purpose of the Russian flotilla's visit to Cuba in June. After completing maneuvers in the ...

  28. 12 Things To Do In Moscow: Complete Guide To A Unique Idaho City

    Best Time To Go To Moscow, Idaho . Moscow, Idaho, has a temperate climate with hot summers and cold winters. During the summer months, the temperature can reach into the 90s and can be quite dry.

  29. New Mexico wildfire map: Track Salt Fire, South Fork Fire in real-time

    Two rapidly spreading wildfires in southern New Mexico, have forced local residents to evacuate. See tracker, list of emergency centers.

  30. Ukraine war latest: Russia says it is considering nuclear shift

    However, the newspaper also cites US officials as saying Moscow is continuing to recruit between 25,000 and 30,000 new soldiers a month - roughly as many as it is losing from the battlefield.