Customer Journey Mapping Fundamentals

A practical online course to get started with journey mapping.

Learn the proven step-by-step process of creating a journey map from scratch. Get a certificate of completion for your CV or LinkedIn profile.

Format: Interactive. Self-paced. 100% online. Language: English, Espanol Price: $50

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Gain hands-on experience with proven strategies, learn how to apply them in your work.


Discover new things and structure the knowledge you already have.


Save your time: leverage journey mapping best practices and use professional software.

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The Customer Journey Mapping course is for people in


UX/UI design

CX management

Marketing & Sales

Branding & Communications

Product development

And everyone who wants to develop a customer-centric mindset


Making your first steps in launching journey mapping initiatives within the organization?  

Check out Academy for Teams to learn how to set up the right processes and avoid pitfalls.

What you will learn

What customer journey mapping is.

Get acquainted with the concept of customer journey mapping:

What customer journey mapping is (and is not);

The value of visualizing your customer journey;

Where to get data for your map.

Touchpoints and channels

Analyze the path the customer goes through by differentiating touchpoints and channels:

The difference between touchpoints and channels;

How to identify them in a real customer interview.

Moments of truth

Practice in identifying and mapping the moments of truth:

What the moments of Pain and Glory are;

How to identify them.


Approximately 7 hours to complete the course

Download a detailed curriculum

Journey mapping stages

Learn by practice. Define all the stages in the customer journey. You will find out:

Stages in journey map;

How they reflect the major goals your customer is trying to achieve.

Goals, problems, and emotions

Put yourself in customer's shoes to gain an understanding of:

The role of goals, problems, and emotions in journey mapping;

How to understand customer goals;

Why the emotional journey is so crucial.

Ideas and opportunities

Practice in finding opportunities and generating ideas on how to:

Fix existing problems;

Optimize the processes;

Increase customer satisfaction;

Other ways to improve the product or service.

As a bonus, you'll get one month of the UXPressia Starter plan for free, so you can start using the advanced functionality of the platform.


You will also get


Customer journey mapping checklist

Checklist for a customer journey mapping workshop

Prefilled customer journey map templates

Print-ready journey mapping cheat cards

What to expect

Interactive learning.

We built the whole course in a conversation-based format to make your learning experience interactive and fun.


Learn by doing

Learn CJM concepts and tools and immediately put them into use during practical tasks.


A digital mentor will help you make the most of the course by sharing continuous feedback.


Throughout the course, you’ll be creating a customer journey map based on a real business case.


Students and experts about the course

While taking online courses you expect to have videos, this one is more like a chatbot dialog where you progress through different stages. It would be great for people who never did a customer journey – they do it while talking. Overall I think it’s quite engaging and helping you a lot to structure your knowledge.

Anfisa Bogomolova, UX design trainer, Senior UX designer @ Citrix


I have my students do Google, Hootsuite, Hubspot, and other certifications in this class so that they have a competitive advantage when looking for a job. It felt like a perfect match when I stumbled upon UXPressia Academy. Their customer journey mapping fundamentals course had everything that I needed and even more. It was super easy to integrate the course into the learning process. It helped to reinforce my lectures and gave my students a different take on the topic.

Glenn Platt, Director of Miami University’s Emerging Technology in Business + Design Program


Having us learn in an interactive way is something I really loved. In addition, the tool was very helpful while learning the concepts to practice instantly.

I’m really in love with the experience because the storytelling makes everything much easier to comprehend! I’m super happy with the opportunity to take the course.

Amazing course. It was so interactive and it also told case samples quite well. Nice and simple, with humor, love it.

Interaction designer @ Digital product school

Desirée Nyári

UX Designer @ Banco Carrefour

Juri Hartikainen


Earn a certificate

A certificate from UXPressia Academy to provide proof for your employer, colleagues, school, or other institution that you have successfully completed the course. You can add it to your CV or share on Linkedin.


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Shareable course completion certificate

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any videos to watch.

There are none. It’s an interactive course in the form of dialogue. Built like a game, the course turns learning into a fun and interactive experience.

Can journey mapping beginners take the course?

Yes! This course requires no prior customer journey mapping experience. This course will teach you how to create successful customer journey maps from scratch.

I’m already working on a customer journey map. Should I take the course anyway?

Sure thing. This course will help you to improve your CJM skills and you will create better maps as this course was designed by people who created professional CJM software.

What if I don't like the course?

No problem! Just send an email to [email protected] within a week after the purchase and we’ll refund you, no questions asked.

How much time does the course take?

The estimated workload is 7 hours. There are no deadlines to complete it, meaning that you can learn at your own pace. You can either develop your own curriculum or use one of those we offer to learners.

When can I start the course?

You can begin the course anytime. All participants get lifetime access to the course and its future updates. After you complete the course, you will be able to review specific sections whenever you want, take it all over again, and view course updates.

What software do I need to complete the course?

You don’t need to purchase or install special software. You can create customer journey maps in a way that suits you best (e.g., with a notebook and pen). We will also give you 1 month of free access to the UXPressia paid plan so that you learn how to create CJMs with industry-standard software.

Can I get an invoice?

Yes! Just send an email to [email protected] and we'll send you an invoice.

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Banking & Financial Services Customer Journey Maps

Improve the experience inside and out for your customers and clients and build long-term relationships with them.

Help your clients start viewing you as a partner who cares about their banking or financial services journey by making it less stressful and more enjoyable.

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Easily visualize complex backstage processes

Banking and financial organizations often have to deal with complex, hard-to-understand backstage processes.

To see what can be improved, leverage UXPressia to visualize and understand how different stakeholders and departments are involved in the entire process, interact with and affect each other.

Move away from narrow financial customer journeys by creating comprehensive service blueprints to develop a shared, user-centric vision within the organization.

Tailor your product or service to the needs of different audiences

Trying to win a fierce competition for customers, banks and financial services companies often target diverse audiences.

Building customer journey maps in UXPressia, you can capture your customers’ needs, goals, motivations, frustrations and compare the experience you provide to each audience.

Use this data to identify customer experience gaps, issues, and improvement opportunities.

Tailor your product or service to the needs of different audiences

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Visit our Compliance Security page or contact the sales team to learn more.

Free banking & financial customer journey mapping set

Everything you need to create a financial services or banking customer journey map for your project:.

Finance journey mapping whitepaper with trends and tips

16 svg images to use in your map

15 banking & finance icons

Financial & banking customer journey map templates

There are no same journeys, but they can have some things alike. Our ready-to-go banking and financial customer journey map templates will help you quickly create a map for your business.

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My job role requires building personas and customer journey maps, and your tool meets all my needs. Plus, I can forget about paperwork — I do everything online.

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I started with one project in a free account, and now I'm a PRO user with many projects, and more are on the way. UXPressia templates are fantastic, and the multipersona feature available in the CJM tool helps me a lot.

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UXPressia is an easy to use tool that you can pick up in minutes to begin designing a better customer journey and experience.

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Learn how to create customer journey maps and assign tags to them

Nina avatar

There are two places where you can create a customer journey map.

#1 Dashboard page

On the Dashboard page, click ‘+ADD NEW’ and...

new impact map in UXPressia

… go to the ‘Journey maps’ tab. Select a CJM (a blank one or one of the templates) and hit ‘ADD’:

adding a new journey map

You’ll be taken to a new document page:

new CJM settings

On the popup, you can set a map name, assign it a status , manage document owners, and add tags .

Note: If you don't add any tag to the document, it will be visible only to you and the people you share this doc individually.

#2 Tag page

Open up a tag to which you want to add a new journey map. You can find a list of tags on the left panel:

list of tags on the left panel

Click on the ‘ADD NEW’ button and select a journey map.

creating impact maps

Also, feel free to check out our Template library . You can add any of the templates to your workspace and tweak it to your project needs.

uxpressia customer journey map example

Note: By adding a journey map template to your workspace, you create a customer journey map inside the workspace. If the template contains a persona, you also create a new persona inside your workspace.

How to add and remove tags

Documents inside a workspace can have multiple tags.

You can assign a tag to your customer journey map:

On the Dashboard page

Go to the settings in the Tags column…

tags column

… or to the document settings:

impact map settings

You can also assign tags to documents in bulk:

adding tags to impact maps in bulk

On the Tag page

customer journey list on the tag page

Creating a map on a Tag page automatically assigns this tag to the map. You can remove this tag or add more tags afterwards if needed.

On the document page

CJM settings

You can manage tags on the Settings popup:

sharing of the journey map

Note: If a document has no tags, it is visible only to its creator. To make it visible to other people, this user can:

assign the document a Workspace tag, making it available to everyone in the workspace;

assign the map a personal tag and share this tag with specific people;

share this document individually with others:

sharing a CJM

New NPM integration: design with fully interactive components from top libraries!

UX Customer Journey — How to Map Out User Experience

ux customer journey

Customer journey maps are effective visualizations that help organizations understand their customers and create better experiences. Product teams use these journey maps during the design process to solve usability issues, streamline user experiences, and identify opportunities that help the organization achieve its business goals.

Creating customer journey maps requires research, collaboration, the right tools, and an appropriate visualization format. Luckily, there are plenty of tools to streamline journey mapping, which we cover later in this article.

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What is a UX Customer Journey?

A customer journey represents the steps customers go through when interacting with a product, service, or business process. Companies use journey maps to visualize this end-to-end process and identify customer needs across multiple touchpoints.

User journey map vs. customer journey map

While the theory and application are similar, there is a slight difference between a user journey map and a customer journey map:

  • User journey map : A visual representation of the steps to complete a specific task or goal.
  • Customer journey map : A broader view of the entire customer experience across multiple touchpoints, including all the interactions with an organization.

Benefits of mapping the customer journey

Mapping customer journeys offer many benefits for organizations and teams, notably improving user experience and customer satisfaction by identifying pain points and opportunities.

Some key benefits of customer journey maps include:

  • Enhanced customer understanding: helps organizations gain insights about their target audience’s needs, preferences, motivations, and pain points by visualizing the experience from the customer’s point of view.
  • Pinpoint issues and opportunities: allows teams to identify which steps cause difficulty or frustration for customers. Conversely, the organization can find areas for improvement and innovation.
  • Streamlined and consistent experiences: organizations can identify and fix inconsistencies and gaps across multiple touchpoints, creating a more cohesive and consistent user experience.
  • Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty: by streamlining and optimizing product processes, organizations improve customer satisfaction leading to increased loyalty, recommendations, and growth.
  • Informed decision-making: journey maps help teams across the organization make decisions about design, development, marketing, etc. Many organizations use these visualizations to prioritize features, updates, and investments.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: customer journey maps allow organizations to visualize how customers pass through each department, creating opportunities for teams to collaborate and find ways to improve the customer experience at each touchpoint–UX design, marketing, customer support, social media, etc.
  • Creating benchmarks and continuous evaluation: organizations can use customer journey maps to evaluate projects and how products evolve and improve with releases.

Customer Personas – The Foundation for Customer Journey Maps

user choose statistics group

A user persona (customer persona) is UX research artifact design teams use as a fictional representation of a user group, including their demographics, behaviors, goals, and pain points.

These user personas are the foundation for customer journey maps because they provide the framework for understanding how different types of users engage with the organization and its products.

For example, if a company is designing a fitness app, the research team might create personas for three primary user groups:

  • Yoga practitioners

These three user personas will have different needs, priorities, goals, challenges, and ambitions. Their interactions with your brand and how they enter customer journeys will also differ.

Incorporating personas into the customer journey

User personas give designers a start and end goal for customer journey maps. They can use the persona’s behavioral patterns to highlight how these users interact with a product or service and tailor content that meets their needs.

Returning to our fitness app example above: Researchers learn that yoga users prefer to use the desktop application at home, while gym-goers use the mobile app in their local gym. The runners view their daily running program on a mobile device before their run and don’t view the app again until they return.

The customer journey maps for these three users will look completely different, each with varying steps, challenges, and goals.

This example demonstrates how customer journeys for each persona vary and the importance of separately acknowledging each group’s needs, behaviors, challenges, and goals.

Stages of a Customer Journey

direction process path way

There are several key stages of a customer journey:

  • Awareness: the moment someone becomes aware of your brand through social media, paid ads, word-of-mouth, etc.
  • Consideration: customers research your product and compare it to others by reading reviews, comparing prices, and evaluating features.
  • Onboarding: once customers decide to use your product, they set up an account and learn to use its features . If your product uses a freemium model, these people may be users before converting to paying customers.
  • Engagement: customers regularly use and engage with your product, its features, and its content. During engagement , they often upgrade to paid services and make purchases.
  • Support: customers may require support during their journey. Organizations must answer questions (customer service, docs, etc.), identify ways to streamline experiences, and reduce support queries.
  • Retention & loyalty: when customers have positive engagement and support experiences, they will continue using the product and recommend it to others.

Touchpoints and Channels

Touchpoints and channels are points of interaction between a brand and its customers.


Touchpoints are the interaction points between a customer and a brand, including physical, digital, and emotional. Some touchpoint examples include paid ads, social media posts, customer service interactions, and product experiences.

Channels are the mediums or platforms delivering these touchpoints–for example, social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), email marketing, ad channels (Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads), digital products, and physical locations (stores, service centers, events, etc.).

Organizations map these touchpoints and channels to identify areas for improvement and optimize the customer experience.

Emotions, Motivations, and Pain Points

Understanding a user’s emotions, motivations, and pain points throughout the customer journey is crucial, as these elements drive user actions and decision-making.

Here is a rough outline of how these core user elements relate to each other:

  • Emotions: The feelings people experience at each stage of the customer journey, including excitement, happiness, frustration, disappointment, and anger. Designers use empathy maps to visualize these emotions across the customer journey. 
  • Motivations: The reasons why people take action at different stages of the customer journey.
  • Pain points: The challenges or obstacles customers experience during a customer journey.

By identifying these factors at each stage of the customer journey map, product teams can create solutions to reduce and mitigate problems while streamlining customer experiences.

Creating a Customer Journey Map

testing user behavior pick choose

Select the appropriate format and tools for your journey map

The format and tools required for your journey map will depend on its complexity, level of detail, and available resources. Here are some tips:

  • Consider your audience: who is the journey map for, and what are their needs? Do you need a high-level overview or a detailed step-by-step analysis?
  • Choose a format: the level of detail will dictate the structure and medium of your journey map, including flowcharts, diagrams, infographics, and spreadsheets.
  • Use tools: there are many tools for creating and sharing high-quality journey maps, including Lucidchart, UXPressia , Canva, Miro, Mural, and design tools.
  • Find collaborators: identify teams, stakeholders , and departments that can offer insights and different perspectives about your customers to make journey maps as accurate and relevant as possible.

Collect and incorporate data from various sources

  • List the touchpoints and channels customers will have with your brand for the specific journey, including website, social media channels, customer service, etc.
  • Gather research data from customer surveys, user research, user interviews, analytics (product, social media, etc.), and other relevant sources.
  • Analyze the data to identify patterns, trends, and behavior . The key is to find common customer pain points and friction across the journey.
  • Create a visual representation of your customer journey, illustrating touchpoints and interactions and noting customer emotions, motivations, and pain points at each stage.

Visualize the customer journey in a clear and engaging way

Use your research to create a visualization of your customer journey. Start by sketching the journey and touchpoints or create a simple flow diagram mapping each step.

We recommend using customer journey map templates from Mural , UXPressia , or Miro to streamline the process and produce beautiful visualizations to share with your organization. You can even use a free whiteboard tool like Google Jamboard or create your journey map in a spreadsheet.

Recommended reading from UXPressia: Customer Journey Mapping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them .

Customer Journey Map Examples of Templates

Here are some customer journey map examples of templates that you may use at work or as an inspiration for your own visualizations.

user journey map interaction design example min

Design, Prototype, and Test Customer Experiences with UXPin

Prototyping and testing are crucial for iterating and evolving customer experiences. Designers must assess various user experiences within a customer journey to ensure they’re free of roadblocks, usability issues, and friction.

Product design teams can use UXPin’s advanced features to build prototypes that accurately replicate the final product experience. These interactive prototypes give designers meaningful, actionable feedback from usability participants and stakeholders to iterate and improve. Create beautiful, intuitive product experiences your customers will love with UXPin. Sign up for a free trial .

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by UXPin on 17th April, 2023

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Guides » User Journey Map » User Journey Map Examples

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User Journey Map Examples

In this part of the guide we are going to present you some user journey map examples, describing their types, components and differences..

uxpressia customer journey map example

Last update 13.07.2023

User journey maps come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the type of product, persona and the goals you’ve defined for the research project. We understand it can be confusing to come up with your own structure suitable for your specific use case. That’s why we gathered 5 different user journey map examples to make sure you have something to look up to when working on your own map. 

It’s always easier to create something based on the examples of professionals who’ve already done it! 

In examples below we go through user journey maps of :

  • Indian Railways

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Example 1: NN/group

We chose NN/group ’s user journey map as the first example for one reason. It’s very simple and easy to recreate and can serve as the most basic template with all the crucial components inside. In this particular case, we’re looking at the user journey map of the Jumping Jamie, who is looking to switch her mobile plans in order to save money. 

The map perfectly outlines the 4 user stages she goes through: define, compare, negotiate, select .

We can see that at each stage Jamie completes different steps on the way to her final goal. We can also see the feelings she has along the way and the line which represents her emotions, going from the low to high points, depending on her satisfaction with the experience. The bottom of the map serves as the conclusion, defining the opportunities for improving the customer journey and internal ownership. 

user journey map examples

Source: NN/group

Example 2: Spotify

Spotify’s map for improving their music sharing experience is a great example of a B2C customer journey map . It was created as a part of a design project with the goal to add a music sharing feature that would allow listeners to send each other playlists and songs either within the platform or using other platforms. The project included customer journey mapping together with developing a persona as a part of the research stage. Check out the full Spotify case study to learn more.

As we can see on this map, there are a lot more stages a typical Spotify user goes through. Their thoughts and actions are described a lot more detailed and there are also additional sections such as touchpoints and actors. This map helped the design team understand at which point and why users get motivated to share music with each other. One of the key insights was that users are much more likely to share a song when the sharing feature is visible to them.

Meghana Bowen , a UX designer who worked on the project talks about pain points they uncovered: “ The biggest pain points discovered during the research stage was that the participants were worried about being judged for their music habits, as well as, most users were not aware of a share functionality existing.” 

user journey map examples

Example 3: Hubspot

In 2018 Hubspot created their own customer journey map and wrote a whole article about it providing you tips to create your own. 

They chose a classical linear structure and used color-coding to make it more readable. A great idea was to add testimonials of their actual customers dealing with the product during the user research stage. This helped to empathize with them better, make existing problems feel more real and urgent and justify the data about their feelings.

It’s also a great thing to add for those who you’ll be presenting your user journey map to. These people will not be completely familiar with the research process behind it, but reading the testimonials could help them get more context on what’s going on at each stage of the journey.  

user journey map examples

Example 4: UXPressia 

Another user journey map example, this time by UXPressia. It perfectly represents the B2B customer journey , outlining the stages a user goes through while making a purchase, from awareness to bonding or detachment. 

UXPressia’s user journey map also includes 2 handy sections: barriers and motivators, that they describe under each stage. We can see that while there are no detailed emotions described at this map (as in the previous ones, for example), it’s still informative due to the motivators and barriers sections.

That again proves that user journey maps can and should look differently, as long as they are informative and clearly represent your user’s POV. 

user journey map examples

Example 5: Indian Railways

Our last example will be a user journey map created by Deepika Sinha from a research case study found on Behance. The study was conducted with a goal of improving the mobile UX of an Indian Railway app. You can check out the whole case study here .

This is a great example of how you can make an informative user journey map while still keeping it clean, visually appealing and not scary to read. The map shows the experience of booking tickets through the app, describes the pain points a user goes through and the opportunities for designers to improve the experience.

user journey map examples

How to create a user journey map?

Creating a user journey map is an iterative process that not only includes building a map itself, but also a lot of user research and usability testing done throughout the whole process.

Creating a user journey map for your specific persona helps to look at the product from their point of view, uncover pain points and opportunities for fine-tuning the user flow in order to make it more intuitive. 

To create a user journey map we recommend following these 7 steps:

  • Set the objectives
  • Define user personas
  • Get to know your audience
  • Define the journey phases
  • Map out each phase
  • Validate the user journey
  • Identify confusions and areas of improvement

Check out our user journey map page, where we explain each of the steps in detail and walk you through the process of creating your own map.

Get access to actionable templates and examples! Learn how to create the perfect customer journey map today with our free ebook guide. ⬇️

uxpressia customer journey map example

Customer Journey Ebook

How to create a customer journey for your business

User Journey Map Tools

User journey map template, topics: user journey map.

  • 01. User Journey Map
  • 02. User Journey Map Tools
  • 03. User Journey Map Examples
  • 04. User Journey Map Template

uxpressia customer journey map example

User Journey Map

  • Card Sorting
  • Tree Testing
  • Preference Test
  • Five Second Test
  • Session Recording
  • Freeform Interviews
  • Study Interviews
  • Mobile Testing
  • First Click Test
  • Prototype Testing
  • Website Testing
  • Onsite Recruiting
  • Own Database
  • Documentation
  • Product features
  • UX Glossary
  • Comparisons

What is customer journey mapping?

uxpressia customer journey map example

Customer journey mapping serves as a critical exercise for teams dedicated to improving how customers discover, interact with, and grow loyal to their products, services, and brand. This article sets out to demystify the concept of journey mapping by providing a detailed exploration of its process, significance, and impact. Through journey mapping, businesses can identify and dismantle the barriers hindering customer engagement and satisfaction, thereby enhancing their path to conversion and loyalty. In this article, we'll delve into the specifics of what makes an effective customer journey map, the stages involved in creating one, and how it can serve as a cornerstone for decision-making aimed at fostering a customer-centric culture. By the end of this piece, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of customer journey mapping as not just a tool for visualization, but as a strategic asset for aligning business operations with the needs and expectations of their customers.

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation that illustrates the steps your customers go through in engaging with your company, whether it be a product, an online experience, retail experience, or a service, or any combination. It’s a holistic view that captures every experience and emotion your customers encounter, highlighting both the high points and the pain points of their journey. By plotting out these interactions step by step, from initial discovery through various stages of engagement to long-term loyalty, organizations gain invaluable insights into where they excel and where obstacles exist that may deter customers.

Because there’s a gray area in the differences between a “customer” and a “user,” product designers and marketers tend to use the terms “customer journey map,” “user journey map,” “buyer journey map,” and sometimes “ empathy map ” interchangeably. 

Lots of teams map the customer journey to develop empathy for the customer . It helps them keep the customer’s needs and intentions at the center of their decisions. This is a must for companies that want to be customer-centric.

The important thing to understand is that these labels refer to the same exercise of visualizing a person’s journey of interactions with a product or experience. it’s an extremely valuable exercise that'll give you a clear picture of the interactions customers have with your brand—both positive and negative. And it’ll help you discover opportunities to increase conversions and provide a better customer experience. Ultimately, organizations create customer journey maps to have a single source of truth for understanding their customers and their experience. 

Today, organizations must do all they can to capture the attention and delight of customers. That’s why customer journey mapping is an essential framework organization use to get a bird’s eye view of the entire customer experience to optimize customer interactions before, during, and after the buying process.

Related reading: What’s the difference between CX and UX?

Using touchpoints in your customer journey map

A good customer journey map thoroughly explores each customer interaction with the brand. These interactions between customer and brand are called “touchpoints.” They come in both physical and digital forms. Examples of physical touchpoints include billboards, mail, in-store experiences, and interactions with salespeople. 

Digital touchpoints can happen via social media, email, search engines, film, video, podcasts, in-app experiences, and more. As technology becomes more integrated with the physical world, the lines between physical and digital touchpoints will continue to blur. Already, brands are using omnichannel testing to ensure a consistent experience that can start on one piece of tech and end on another. 

Related reading: What’s the difference between multichannel and omnichannel?

The size and scope of customer journey mapping

Customer journey maps vary widely. For some organizations, their business revolves around one customer journey map. Larger organizations could have dozens of products with multiple maps associated with each. 

Generally speaking, marketing and sales teams create customer journeys focused on problem recognition, information search, solution comparison, and purchase evaluation. Product design and UX teams create customer journey maps for different product “flows” or key moments that occur while customers use the product. Of course, these two realms frequently overlap. The best organizations have thorough multichannel testing procedures to ensure the brand experience is consistent across devices and experiences.

How customer journey maps improve customer experiences

With technological advances, organizations have more potential touchpoints than ever. At the same time, customers’ attention spans and tolerance for subpar experiences are shrinking. 

Customer journey maps are like a map of the battlefield for organizations. They’re vital. Without a single source of truth to rally around, internal conversations tend to go nowhere. Stakeholder disagreements abound, and wheels spin as teams toss ideas around with little rationale to back them up. Real human needs tend to fall by the wayside as speculation and guesswork drive decision-making.

Organizations today must ensure that a person’s journey from customer to lifetime advocate is seamless. To retain customers, customers’ experience of the product must be delightful and consistent with the journey that first drew them in. Journey maps are useful tools that provide clarity and allow organizations to be more strategic as they refine their offerings. 

Understanding the customer and their challenge

Teams create a customer persona to fully understand the human experience behind the problem they’re trying to solve. Teams need to know details like age, role, preferences, feelings, and more before they think about brainstorming solutions. To fully understand the problem customers need to be solved, look at any methods customers currently employ to reach their goals. Create competitor audits and conduct qualitative or qualitative research to identify pain points and customer behavior. Note any moments of friction or opportunities for innovation in your findings.

4 stages of a customer journey map

The customer lifecycle has four general stages: 

At this initial stage, prospects become aware of a potential product or service as a solution to their problem. This awareness can stem from various sources: social media content, word-of-mouth recommendations, advertising, or even a search engine result. It's crucial for brands to identify the most effective channels for reaching their target audience during this phase. The goal is to make a strong first impression that not only informs the prospect about the product but also engages them on an emotional level, prompting them to learn more.


Once prospects are aware of their options, they move into the consideration stage, where they gather more information and evaluate the different solutions available. This is where detailed product information, user reviews, and comparison content play a significant role. Brands should focus on providing comprehensive resources that help prospects understand how their offering solves the problem more effectively than competitors. Content formats such as webinars, case studies, and detailed guides are particularly effective in engaging customers at this stage.

The decision stage is a critical juncture where a prospect chooses whether or not to purchase a product or service. At this point, factors like price, customer service, warranty, and return policies can significantly influence the final decision. Brands need to ensure that all questions or concerns are addressed promptly, offering personalized communication through channels like live chat or direct emails. Demonstrating value through free trials or demonstrations can also tip the balance in favor of a brand.

After the purchase, the focus shifts to retaining the customer and nurturing their loyalty. This phase is about ensuring the product or service lives up to the promises made during earlier stages. Follow-up emails, customer support, loyalty programs, and requests for feedback are all part of maintaining a positive relationship with the customer. Additionally, providing ongoing value through educational content, updates, and exclusive offers can encourage repeat business and referrals.

Product teams track behavior across every phase of the customer lifecycle. Creating detailed customer journey maps for each phase allows teams to identify and optimize every touchpoint in the customer's interaction with the brand. Depending on the complexity of their offerings and the diversity of their customer base, organizations may develop a single comprehensive journey map or multiple maps focusing on different aspects of the customer experience. This flexibility makes journey mapping a valuable tool for understanding and enhancing the customer's path, whether viewed from a broad perspective or in specific, targeted scenarios.  

Things to remember about journey phases:

  • Define the phases by the customer’s point-of-view, not your own. Making assumptions or guessing will not provide you with genuine, actionable insight.
  • Remember to base each phase on actual observable customer behavior, not cold hard data.
  • Create a model that can accommodate all scenarios.
  • Provide clear definitions for each stage.
  • Discuss it with others in the organization and get internal buy-in from executives.

How to map a customer journey

With the customer persona and challenge documented, the team then establishes a primary goal that the customer or user will accomplish by the end of the journey map.

Creating a customer journey map is a collaborative and strategic process that uncovers the path your customers take with your brand. This detailed mapping helps in visualizing the customer's experience from initial contact through various touchpoints and ultimately to long-term loyalty. Here’s how to approach it:

1. Define Customer Personas

Start by defining detailed customer personas. These personas represent your ideal customers based on market research and real data about your existing customers. Include demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. The more detailed you are, the better you can tailor the journey to fit their needs.

2. Identify Goals and Challenges

Understand the primary goal of your customer journey map. Are you focusing on a specific part of the journey or looking at the entire lifecycle? Identify the main challenges your customers face at each stage of their journey. This understanding will guide the creation of your map.

3. List Customer Touchpoints

Identify all possible customer touchpoints. These are all the places where customers come into contact with your brand, both online and offline. Don’t overlook indirect touchpoints like reviews and social media mentions. Mapping out these touchpoints will help you see the journey from the customer's perspective.

4. Document the Stages of the Journey

Break down the customer journey into detailed stages—Awareness, Consideration, Decision, and Retention. For each stage, list out what the customer is doing, thinking, and feeling. This step will require gathering data from various sources, including sales data, customer feedback, and web analytics.

5. Identify Customer Needs and Company Inputs

Determine what information the customer needs to move to the next stage in their journey and what actions you want them to take. Also, consider what information your company needs to gather from customers to better serve them at each touchpoint.

6. Highlight Choices and Feedback Opportunities

Outline what options customers have at each stage of the journey and how they can provide feedback. This might include product choices, service levels, or channels for communication. Make sure there are mechanisms in place for capturing this feedback.

7. Note Critical Moments and Touchpoints

Identify critical moments in the journey that are make-or-break points for customer satisfaction and conversion. Pay extra attention to these moments to ensure they are as positive and seamless as possible.

8. Estimate the Journey Duration

Provide an estimate of how long the entire journey will take from the customer's perspective. This helps in setting realistic expectations and identifying any stages that may take longer than they should.

9. Address Internal Bottlenecks

Identify any internal processes or policies that could be creating bottlenecks or roadblocks in the customer journey. These are areas where internal changes could significantly improve the customer experience.

10. Map Out Each Step Sequentially

With all the above information at hand, start laying out the journey map. Use a format that allows you to visually represent each stage, touchpoint, customer action, thought, and emotion, and align your internal actions accordingly.

11. Collaborate and Refine

Creating a customer journey map is not a one-time task but a continuous process of refinement. Share the map with different teams within your organization to get their insights and make necessary adjustments. The goal is to create a map that is as accurate and actionable as possible.

Finalizing Your Customer Journey Map

Once your journey map is laid out, use it to identify areas for improvement, innovate on customer touchpoints, and ultimately enhance the overall customer experience. Remember, the map should evolve as your customers and your business do, making regular updates and reviews a key part of your strategy.

Now that the data has been gathered, the team collaborates to map out every step of the customer journey. Stages of the customer journey map are laid out sequentially, and important data from the above list (touchpoints, customer feelings, needs, choices, etc.) are organized underneath each stage.

Take a look at these 4 steps for building the customer journey map:

To draw out your map, you can use a whiteboard, paper and sticky notes, or a spreadsheet. There are also several online tools that you can use to build your map, like UXPressia and Canvanizer .

1. Identify the stages of a customer's interaction with your brand

Whatever medium you choose, the first step is to identify the stages of a customer’s interaction with your brand, from when they first hear about your company through the point when they become a brand advocate and customer for life. It will probably be something like this: discovery, research, conversion, and post-sale engagement.

2. Break down stages into activities

Next, break those stages into common activities that customers will complete at that part of their journey. For example, the Discovery phase for an airline company might have activities like “Search for a flight for an upcoming trip” or “Learn about traveling internationally.” Plot the stages and their activities across the top of your map:

uxpressia customer journey map example

3. Fill out the different channels

Now we’re going to fill out the different channels. Think of the ways your customers interact with your brand. You’ll probably want to include channels like Website (Desktop), Website (Mobile), Mobile App, Social Media, Phone, In-Person, and Chat Support. Plot these out on the left side of your map, from top to bottom.

uxpressia customer journey map example

4. Fill out the customer journey map

For this step, you’ll need to think about your personas. Which activities do they complete along their customer journey? Which channels do they use for each activity?

Remember, the exact journey isn't the same for each customer. Some customers will make a quick decision and move from discovery to purchase right away on a single channel. Others will take more time to research, compare, and ask questions across several channels.

For each persona, plot a point for each activity on the map and then connect the dots.

uxpressia customer journey map example

How to improve your customer journey maps

Creating a customer journey map is a critical step in understanding and enhancing the customer experience. However, the work doesn't stop once the map is created. Continuous improvement is key. Here are steps to refine and enhance your customer journey maps:

1. Gather Comprehensive Data

Start with a broad collection of data from various sources to ensure a complete understanding of the customer experience. Utilize analytics tools to gather quantitative data about how customers interact with your website, social media channels, and other digital platforms. Combine this with qualitative feedback from customer interviews, surveys, and feedback forms to understand the why behind their actions.

2. Implement A/B Testing

Use A/B testing to experiment with changes in the customer journey and directly measure their impact on customer behavior and satisfaction. Test different aspects of your website, email campaigns, and other touchpoints to see what resonates best with your audience. This approach allows for data-driven decisions that can lead to more effective customer interactions.

3. Engage with Customer Feedback

Actively seek out and listen to customer feedback at all stages of the journey. This can include direct feedback from surveys and social media, as well as indirect feedback through behavior analysis and customer support interactions. Understanding customer feelings and experiences is crucial for identifying areas for improvement.

4. Map Emotional Journeys

Beyond the physical touchpoints and actions, map out the emotional journey of your customers. Identify the highs and lows in their experience and consider how you can enhance the positive emotions while addressing and mitigating the negative ones. Emotional mapping can reveal insights into customer loyalty and satisfaction that traditional touchpoint analysis might miss.

5. Utilize Cross-Functional Teams

Involve teams from across your organization in the journey mapping process. Sales, customer service, marketing, and product development teams can all provide unique insights into the customer experience. Collaboration ensures a more comprehensive understanding and identification of opportunities for improvement.

6. Regularly Update Your Maps

Customer behaviors and expectations evolve, and so should your customer journey maps. Make it a regular practice to review and update your maps based on the latest data and feedback. This ensures your strategies remain relevant and effective in meeting customer needs.

7. Prioritize Actionable Insights

As you identify areas for improvement, focus on actionable insights that can have a tangible impact on the customer experience. Prioritize changes that offer the most significant benefit to your customers and your business, and plan for implementation in stages if necessary.

8. Measure and Iterate

After implementing changes, closely monitor their impact. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to each stage of the customer journey to measure success. This could include conversion rates, customer satisfaction scores, or net promoter scores (NPS). Use these metrics to iterate and further refine your customer journey maps over time.

Leveraging Your Improved Customer Journey Maps

By following these steps, marketing and design teams can not only improve their customer journey maps but also ensure they are continually evolving to meet customer needs. Improved journey maps can lead to enhanced customer experiences, increased loyalty, and ultimately, greater business success.

How to use a customer journey map

Here’s where things get fun (and actionable)! You’ll use the map to find opportunities to increase conversions and improve the customer experience.

Plotting your known high points and low points

First, mark your known pain points on the customer journey map.

A great starting place is to check in with your support team and find out what problems they address daily. For example, they might tell you that site visitors often chat because they’re confused about the pricing on your website.

You can also use any survey results you already have to find any problem areas. You might have a customer satisfaction survey that shows that your customers think it takes too long to get through to anyone on the phone when they need help.

Now, you’ve already identified a couple of optimization opportunities! Go ahead and mark them on the map.

You can do the same thing for places where you’re currently doing great. Do you often hear positive feedback from customers about how smooth your signup process is or how helpful your content marketing is? Add that to the map!

uxpressia customer journey map example

Discovering new opportunities

What about the interactions that aren’t positive or negative? At this point, you’ll use your analytics data and qualitative feedback to fill in the gaps in your customer journey map.

Maybe there are places where you might suspect there’s room for improvement, but you’re not sure what’s going wrong or what needs to be fixed. For example, when you look at your analytics, where are visitors bouncing from your site, abandoning their orders, or unsubscribing from your emails? When do they stop replying to your sales team’s outreach efforts? These actions tell you that there’s room for improvement and optimization.

So how do you determine what’s going wrong at these points? The best bet is to ask your customers directly. Ask questions like:

On a scale of 1 (very unlikely) to 10 (very likely), how likely would you be to recommend our company to a friend, and why?

What would you change about this product if you had a magic wand?

How did your experience today compare to your expectations? Why?

You can ask these questions via a survey, a user test, or even over the phone, depending on what stage you’re investigating.

By now, your map should be getting pretty full. Give yourself bonus points if you can add a few words describing the customer's mindset at each interaction.

Testing a customer journey map

To test a customer journey map, teams need a strong balance of qualitative and quantitative data to understand what it’s like to be their customer. 

Quantitative data for customer journey maps

Quantitative research gives teams a high-level view of customer behavior at each stage of the journey map. The data is focused on understanding behavior in numbers. The more customers who go through the journey map, the better teams will be able to identify trends. 

Suppose a team is gathering quantitative data on a journey map for their website, for instance. In that case, they’ll look at factors like traffic sources, conversion rates, drop-offs, heatmaps, treemaps, and more to understand the moves customers make at each touchpoint. Quantitative data can also include survey responses, ratings, A/B tests, or web analytics that might help the team benchmark performance. 

Qualitative data for customer journey maps

Often, quantitative data will illuminate problems that only qualitative data can solve. It’s valuable to know that customers are dropping off at a specific touchpoint, but understanding why they’re dropping off is the key to innovation. 

Qualitative testing allows teams to drill deeper into human behavior's reasons. This type of research is focused on subjective emotional components and non-numerical data. Teams seek to understand customers’ values, opinions, and choices based on observation and interviews.

uxpressia customer journey map example

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  2. Customer Journey Mapping Tool Online

    Make customer journey maps online, save them into other formats to pass them on to other software or store them on your device — export maps as PDF, PNG, CSV files, or PPTX presentation slides. Download scalable PDFs to print maps out and hang them on a wall. Download export examples: PNG, PDF, CSV, and PPTX.

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  7. Customer Journey Mapping Tutorial is a user experience platform that allows you to сreate, export, and share customer journey maps, personas, and impact maps o...

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    Importing Google Sheets. It takes three steps to import a journey map from a Google Sheet: Connect your Google Drive account with UXPressia. Select the map you want to import: Let the UXPressia platform know what rows/columns of your file contain map stages and section names: Preview imported map and make re-arrangements if needed:

  16. Customer Journey Mapping Course

    Take the course to. Learn in-demand skills and increase your professional value. Gain hands-on experience with proven strategies, learn how to apply them in your work. Discover new things and structure the knowledge you already have. Save your time: leverage journey mapping best practices and use professional software.

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    Start with creating a Tag which will group the Master map and all the secondary maps (aka the stage maps) together: Suppose you are mapping a customer journey of a coffee shop; it has 9 stages — Aware, Search, Way to Coffee, Order, Wait, Drink, Bonus program, Leave, and Feedback. In this case, you can group these stages in the following way:

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  22. UXPressia

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    Take a look at these 4 steps for building the customer journey map: To draw out your map, you can use a whiteboard, paper and sticky notes, or a spreadsheet. There are also several online tools that you can use to build your map, like UXPressia and Canvanizer. 1.

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    Panorama Data Insights社は、2023年の企業機会、成長計画、動向、技術革新、競争環境に関する重要な詳細を提供する回復ベースのレポート「カスタマージャーニーマッピングソフトウェア市場」を発行しました。関連市場と地域区分に基づいて、世界市場のこの徹底的な評価には、過去の分析(2014年 ...