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TIKET & TUR 2024

Kota vatikan, kunjungi kota vatikan dan jelajahi seni, budaya, dan sejarah berabad-abad.


Panduan Hebat

Temukan keindahan Vatikan dengan salah satu pemandu terbaik kami


Kami menemukan semua Tur & Tiket Vatikan terbaik sehingga Anda tidak perlu melakukannya!

ibu jari

Pengalaman Seumur Hidup

Jelajahi seni dan sejarah selama berabad-abad

tur kota vatikan


Kota Vatikan menyandang predikat sebagai negara terkecil di dunia dan terkenal sebagai pusat budaya dan agama Katolik Roma. Berfungsi sebagai jantung agama Kristen sejak awal abad ke-4, kota ini telah berevolusi menjadi kediaman permanen Paus. Di dalam Vatikan yang mempesona, terdapat banyak Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO yang unik, termasuk Basilika Santo Petrus, Kapel Sistina, dan Museum Vatikan yang ikonik!

Maksimalkan kunjungan Anda!

Kami telah mengumpulkan tiket dengan harga terbaik!

Tiket kombo

Tiket Kombo Colosseum & Vatikan

Jelajahi atraksi terbaik di Colosseum dan Kota Vatikan dengan tiket kombo eksklusif kami. Rencanakan jadwal Anda sendiri dan pilih waktu yang paling nyaman untuk kunjungan Anda. Kagumi kekayaan artistik Vatikan tanpa harus mengantre panjang. Rasakan keajaiban Taman Arkeologi. Kunjungi Forum Romawi, Bukit Palatine, dan Colosseum yang bersejarah. Paket tiket kombo ini memungkinkan Anda menentukan atraksi mana yang ingin Anda lihat terlebih dahulu. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan luar biasa untuk menemukan landmark paling ikonik di Roma tanpa repot!

lewati tiket antrean

Tiket Museum Vatikan

Lewati antrean tiket dan jelajahi salah satu koleksi seni terbesar di dunia di Museum Vatikan. Anda juga dapat mengunjungi Kapel Sistina dan mengagumi lukisan dinding Michelangelo.


Museum Vatikan terdiri dari 54 galeri dan museum, termasuk Kapel Sistine yang terkenal, yang terletak di ujung museum. Perjalanan melalui museum-museum ini merupakan pengalaman penting selama Anda berada di Roma. Masuklah ke Kompleks Museum dan selami lebih dari 2.000 tahun seni dan sejarah. Meskipun Raphael's Room, Map's Room, Kapel Sistine yang ikonik, dan galeri seni Pinacoteca menawarkan gambaran sekilas, namun itu hanyalah sebagian kecil dari koleksi seni yang luas dan beragam yang menanti untuk Anda jelajahi!

ruang raphael museum vatikan


Pesan salah satu Tur Vatikan pilihan kami dan dapatkan hasil maksimal dari kunjungan Anda!

Kami telah mengumpulkan tiket dengan harga terbaik dengan akses tanpa antrean!

Vatican Pass

Apakah Anda mencari cara terbaik dan hemat untuk menjelajahi Kota Vatikan? Maka Anda harus membeli Vatican City Pass ini! Dengan tiket ini, Anda akan mendapatkan akses tanpa antrean ke situs-situs utama di Roma dan Kota Vatikan, termasuk Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina. Dan sebagai tambahannya, Anda juga dapat menikmati tur bus Hop-On, Hop-Off yang nyaman di kota ini.

Dapatkan Roma Pass, hemat waktu dan uang Anda, dan jelajahi Kota Abadi sepenuhnya dengan akses tanpa antrean! Kunjungi tempat-tempat wisata utama di Roma, seperti Colosseum, Roman Forum, Borghese Gallery, dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan memesan tiket ini, Anda juga akan mendapatkan diskon untuk tiket masuk ke pameran dan acara yang berpartisipasi serta penggunaan transportasi umum kota secara gratis!

patung dan basilika st peter


Ada begitu banyak seni dan sejarah yang unik untuk dijelajahi di Negara Kepausan Kota Vatikan. Dari Lapangan Santo Petrus yang indah hingga tangga spiral yang memukau di Museum Vatikan dan keindahan sakral Kapel Sistina, setiap sudutnya menyingkap sepotong permadani budaya yang kaya!

Kagumi lukisan dinding indah yang menghiasi Kapel Sistine, yang dilukis oleh Michelangelo yang legendaris, di mana setiap detailnya menceritakan kisah penuh makna religius. Selain itu, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk melihat Raphael Rooms dan Gallery of Maps yang terkenal, yang menawarkan pengembaraan visual ke seluruh wilayah Italia, yang menggambarkan kartografi yang cermat pada era Renaisans.

Setelah Anda menyelesaikan kunjungan Anda ke Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina, jelajahi makam Basilika Santo Petrus dan temukan paus-paus terkenal yang akhirnya beristirahat di sana. Landmark Vatikan lainnya yang menakjubkan dan patut Anda kunjungi adalah Castel Sant Angelo - makam bersejarah Kaisar Romawi Hadrianus yang terletak di tepi kanan Sungai Tiber.

Mengunjungi Kota Vatikan

Menjelajahi Museum Vatikan dan melihat semua lukisan dan pahatan yang fantastis akan membuat Anda merasa seperti menjelajahi waktu. Kami sarankan untuk membaca tips kunjungan kami untuk mempersiapkan diri Anda untuk berkunjung ke Kota Vatikan dengan cara terbaik!

stpeterbasilika vatikan


Sejarah Kota Vatikan sebagai ibu kota Gereja Katolik dimulai dengan pembangunan Basilika Santo Petrus pada abad ke-4 Masehi. Basilika ini dibangun di atas makam Santo Petrus di Roma. Selama bertahun-tahun, area ini berkembang menjadi lokasi ziarah dan situs komersial yang populer. Namun, setelah kepausan pindah ke Prancis pada tahun 1309, area ini ditinggalkan.

Setelah Gereja kembali ke Italia pada tahun 1377, landmark terkenal seperti Basilika Santo Petrus yang baru, Kapel Sistina, dan Istana Apostolik dibangun di dalam perbatasan Vatikan. 

Negara Kota Vatikan didirikan dalam bentuknya yang sekarang sebagai negara merdeka yang berdaulat melalui Pakta Perjanjian Lateran pada bulan Februari 1929. dan terbuka untuk umum. Paus Fransiskus saat ini tinggal di Città del Vaticano, yang berfungsi sebagai tempat kedudukan Uskup Roma dan pusat pemerintahan Gereja Katolik Roma.

Ingin menjelajahi Kota Vatikan? Pesan tur sekarang juga!

Akses Eksklusif

Tur Scavi Bawah Tanah Vatikan

Temukan dunia tersembunyi di bawah Basilika Santo Petrus yang ikonis dengan bergabung dalam Tur Scavi Vatikan! Jelajahi makam kepausan yang sakral, naiklah ke kubah yang megah, dan nikmati pemandangan Vatikan dan Roma yang tak terlupakan dari atas. Pemandu ahli Anda akan memandu Anda sepanjang tur, memberikan wawasan tentang era Renaisans, karya seni yang akan Anda temui, dan ruang bawah tanah.

Pemandu Wisata Ahli

Tur Museum Vatikan

Pesanlah tur berpemandu Museum Vatikan ini dan bersiaplah untuk perjalanan yang menawan melalui harta karun artistik yang tak lekang oleh waktu! Lewati antrean panjang dan saksikan mahakarya yang diciptakan oleh Raphael, Bernini, dan Forlì. Selama tur ini, Anda juga akan memiliki kesempatan unik untuk melihat lukisan dinding Michelangelo yang paling terkenal, 'Penciptaan Adam', yang dilukis di langit-langit Kapel Sistina.

Posting blog terbaru dengan tips terbaik untuk mengunjungi Kota Vatikan

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7 Tempat Terbaik untuk Dikunjungi di Italia dalam Lima Hari Panduan Utama 2024

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Semua yang perlu Anda ketahui sebelum mengikuti tur Colosseum 2024

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Mengapa Memesan Tur Kubah Santo Petrus Basilika adalah Hal yang Wajib Dilakukan pada Tahun 2024

Setiap bulan, jutaan peziarah dan pengunjung mengunjungi Basilika Santo Petrus di Roma, salah satu situs Katolik tersuci di dunia. Katedral yang indah ini merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak katedral di ...


Segala sesuatu tentang tempat wisata

Museum Vatikan – tiket, harga, diskon, tur berpemandu, waktu terbaik untuk berkunjung

Pintu masuk Museum Vatikan

Museum Vatikan di Roma berisi lukisan, patung, dan karya seni lainnya yang dikumpulkan oleh para Paus selama berabad-abad.

Museum Vatikan memiliki 70,000 artefak, 20,000 di antaranya dipajang di 54 galeri berbeda, dengan Kapel Sistina menjadi galeri terakhir.

Itu sebabnya mengunjungi Kapel Sistina; seseorang harus melalui Museum.

Pada artikel ini, kami membagikan semua yang harus Anda lakukan sebelum membeli tiket Museum Vatikan.

Tiket Museum Vatikan Teratas

# Tiket Museum Vatikan termurah # Tur berpemandu ke Museum Vatikan + Kapel Sistina # Tur Pribadi Museum Vatikan

Jalur 1: Untuk turis tanpa tiket

Baris 2: untuk turis dengan tiket online, jalur 3: untuk wisatawan dengan tiket tur berpemandu, beli tiketnya dimana, harga tiket museum vatikan, tiket lewati antrean museum vatikan, tiket museum vatikan menit terakhir, tur berpemandu resmi ke museum vatikan + kapel sistina, tur pribadi museum vatikan, di mana museum vatikan berada, cara menuju museum vatikan, jam buka museum vatikan, waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi museum vatikan, berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan museum vatikan, kode berpakaian museum vatikan, pintu masuk museum vatikan, peta museum vatikan, taman vatikan, antrian museum vatikan dijelaskan.

Di pintu masuk Museum Vatikan, Anda akan melihat tiga antrian – yang pertama untuk wisatawan tanpa tiket, yang kedua untuk mereka yang memesan tiket online, dan yang ketiga untuk pengunjung yang telah memesan tur berpemandu.

Bagian ini menjelaskan masing-masing dari tiga garis di pintu masuk Museum.

Turis yang tidak membeli Tiket Museum Vatikan jauh lebih awal berdiri di garis ini.

Tergantung pada musim dan waktu, jalur ini bahkan bisa mencapai panjang 500 meter (0.3 Miles).

Museum Vatikan Que

Jika Anda mencapai pintu masuk Museum Vatikan tanpa membawa tiket masuk, Anda akan mengikuti antrean ini di bagian paling akhir dan akhirnya menunggu dan membuang waktu hingga dua jam.

Tiket menit-menit terakhir Vatikan Banyak pengunjung menyadari pentingnya membeli tiket Museum Vatikan secara online setelah melihat antrean panjang di konter. Jika Anda salah satunya, Anda masih bisa beli tiket Museum Vatikan di hari yang sama .

Jika Anda sudah membeli tiket secara online, Anda mendapatkan entri yang sangat cepat karena antrian Anda dimulai dari dekat gerbang masuk.

Cari papan nama kuning, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada foto di bawah ini.

Pintu Masuk Museum Vatikan

Dengan demikian, Anda menghemat waktu tunggu hingga dua jam di puncak musim panas.

Jika Anda bepergian dengan anak-anak dan orang tua, lebih masuk akal untuk beli tiket Museum Vatikan secara online , jauh sebelumnya.

Ini adalah antrian dengan pergerakan tercepat di Museum Vatikan.

Bila Anda pesan tur berpemandu ke Vatikan , Anda harus menemui pemandu dan rombongan Anda di titik pertemuan tertentu di dekat pintu masuk.

Pintu masuk Museum Vatikan untuk tur berpemandu

Setelah semua anggota kelompok tiba, pemandu memberi Anda penanda (pin berwarna serupa, dll.) sehingga mereka dapat mengidentifikasi Anda.

Pemandu dengan cepat memberi pengarahan kepada Anda dan membawa Anda ke dalam Museum Vatikan melalui jalur ketiga – yang tercepat.

Kembali ke atas

Anda bisa mendapatkan tiket masuk Museum Vatikan di venue atau beli secara online , jauh sebelumnya.

Jika Anda berencana untuk membawanya ke atraksi, tergantung pada waktu (dan bulan), Anda mungkin harus menunggu di loket tiket selama satu jam atau lebih.

Saat Anda memesan tiket Museum Vatikan secara online, Anda mendapatkan slot waktu pilihan Anda.

Cara kerja tiket online

Saat Anda membeli tiket masuk Museum Vatikan secara online, tiket tersebut akan segera dikirim melalui email kepada Anda.

Tidak perlu mengambil cetakan tiket Anda.

Pada hari kunjungan Anda, Anda dapat menunjukkan e-tiket di ponsel cerdas Anda dan masuk.

Tiket Lewati Antrean Museum Vatikan biaya €30 untuk semua orang dewasa berusia 18 tahun ke atas.

Anak-anak berusia enam hingga 17 tahun membayar harga diskon sebesar €18 untuk tiket masuk, dan pelajar hingga usia 25 tahun (dengan kartu identitas yang valid) membayar €22 untuk masuk.

Tiket ini adalah cara termurah dan terpopuler untuk memasuki museum.

Anak-anak di bawah enam tahun dapat masuk secara gratis.

Catatan: Saat mendapatkan diskon tiket Museum Vatikan, harap siapkan kartu identitas berfoto yang masih berlaku. Tanpa identitas yang valid, Anda akan diminta membayar tiket harga penuh untuk masuk, dan Anda tidak akan mendapatkan kembali uang untuk tiket yang didiskon.

Selain akses yang memberi Anda akses lengkap ke semua ruang terbuka dan galeri Museum Vatikan, tiket ini juga memberi Anda akses masuk ke Kapel Sistina.

Itu sebabnya tiket ini juga dikenal sebagai tiket Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina.

Setelah melihat kedua atraksi tersebut, Anda juga bisa menjelajahi Basilika Santo Petrus.

Wisatawan dapat memesan tiket tersebut dengan atau tanpa panduan audio resmi.

Harga Tiket

Tiket dewasa (18+ tahun):  €30 Tiket anak (6 hingga 17 tahun): €18 Tiket pelajar (hingga 25 tahun, dengan ID yang valid): €22

Harga Tiket dengan Panduan Audio

Tiket dewasa (18+ tahun):  €39 Tiket anak (6 hingga 17 tahun): €27 Tiket pelajar (hingga 25 tahun, dengan ID yang valid): €28

*Anak-anak di bawah enam tahun dapat masuk secara gratis.

Banyak pengunjung yang mencari tiket Vatikan di menit-menit terakhir karena lupa memesannya jauh-jauh hari.

Beberapa wisatawan bahkan mencari tiket online pada jam kesebelas setelah melihat antrean panjang di pintu masuk Museum Vatikan.

Either way, Anda tidak perlu khawatir.

Situs web perjalanan populer membeli tiket Museum Vatikan terlebih dahulu dan menjualnya sebagai tiket di menit-menit terakhir.

Tiket pada hari yang sama ini berharga €6 lebih mahal daripada tiket biasa, namun sebagian besar pengunjung tidak peduli selama mereka bisa mengunjungi Museum Vatikan.

Harga tiket

Tiket dewasa (18+ tahun): €36 Tiket anak (6 hingga 17 tahun): €34

Jika Anda mampu membelinya, kami sangat merekomendasikan tur berpemandu ke Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina.

Tur ini dioperasikan oleh Vatikan.

Pemandu ahli lokal akan membawa Anda dalam tur selama dua jam ke semua galeri dan ruangan di museum, dan pada akhirnya, Anda mengunjungi kapel.

Tur ini tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris, Italia, Prancis, dan Spanyol, dan semua tamu mendapatkan headset untuk mendengarkan panduan.

Harga tur berpemandu

Tiket dewasa (19+ tahun):  €44 Tiket anak (6 hingga 18 tahun): €33 Tiket pelajar (hingga 25 tahun, dengan ID yang valid): €33 Tiket bayi (hingga 5 tahun): Entri gratis

Jika Anda ingin pengalaman eksklusif di Museum Vatikan, lihat ini tur berpemandu premium , dengan biaya €60 per orang.

Saat Anda memesan tur pribadi ke Vatikan, Anda dapat memaksimalkan waktu Anda dengan pemandu dan menyesuaikan rencana perjalanan dengan minat Anda.

Karena ini adalah tiket khusus, Anda juga mendapat akses ke area yang biasanya tertutup untuk umum seperti Lemari Masker, dll.

Panduan Resmi Vatikan Roma akan memastikan Anda tidak melewatkan hal-hal menarik dari museum.

Tur pribadi ini hanya tersedia pada hari Senin, Selasa, Kamis, Jumat, dan Sabtu.

Harga tur pribadi

Tiket dewasa (18+ tahun):  €200 Tiket anak (6 hingga 17 tahun): €100 Tiket bayi (hingga 5 tahun): Entri gratis

Dua tiket kombo populer di kalangan wisatawan yang berlibur di Roma –  Tur kombo Colosseum dan Vatikan  dan  Tur Colosseum dan Air Mancur Trevi .

Cerita Visual : 14 tips yang harus diketahui sebelum mengunjungi Museum Vatikan

Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan tentang tiket

Berikut beberapa pertanyaan yang ditanyakan wisatawan sebelum membeli tiket Museum Vatikan di Roma.

Semua individu mendapatkan tiket masuk gratis pada hari Minggu terakhir setiap bulan. Tiket masuk gratis untuk anak-anak berusia hingga tujuh tahun, direktur lembaga museum, dewan pengelola, dan badan lain yang terlibat dalam perlindungan warisan arkeologi, sejarah, dan seni, pengunjung penyandang disabilitas dengan disabilitas bersertifikat lebih dari 74% dan pengasuh mereka, pemegang sertifikat kartu sah yang dikeluarkan oleh Icom ( Dewan Museum Internasional ) atau Icomos ( Dewan Internasional untuk Monumen dan Situs ), dan profesor di bidang Arkeologi, Sejarah Seni, Arsitektur dan Etnologi, dan dari akademi yang berbasis di Roma.

Ya, tiket tersedia di loket tiket venue. Namun karena tingginya permintaan terhadap atraksi terkenal dunia tersebut, terjadi antrian panjang di loket tiket. Selain itu, slot waktu populer mungkin terjual dengan cepat, jadi lebih baik menjualnya secara online terlebih dahulu.

Pengunjung dapat menunjukkan tiket mereka melalui perangkat seluler, namun tiket cetak juga diterima di objek wisata. Anda dapat menunjukkan tiket di ponsel Anda kepada penjaga keamanan di pintu masuk Museum Vatikan. Kemudian, lewati pemeriksaan keamanan dan pindai tiket Anda di pintu putar masuk.

Saat Anda memesan tiket atraksi, Anda harus memilih waktu kunjungan yang diinginkan. Waktu izin keamanan dapat memakan waktu lama, tergantung pada hari, jenis tiket (apakah tiket reguler atau tiket lewati antrean), dan musim turis. Mengingat hal ini, kami menyarankan Anda tiba 15 menit sebelum waktu kunjungan Anda.

Pengunjung yang datang terlambat tidak diperbolehkan berada di atraksi, dan tidak ada pengembalian uang yang akan diberikan. Tibalah setidaknya 15 hingga 20 menit sebelum waktu kunjungan yang dijadwalkan.

Atraksi ini menawarkan potongan harga tiket masuk untuk anak-anak berusia antara tujuh dan 17 tahun dan pelajar hingga 25 tahun dengan menunjukkan kartu pelajar yang masih berlaku.

Ya, atraksi ini menawarkan potongan harga tiket untuk pelajar hingga usia 25 tahun dengan menunjukkan kartu pelajar yang masih berlaku.

Atraksi ini tidak menawarkan diskon militer untuk tiket masuknya.

Ya, Jalur Kota Roma adalah pilihan hemat biaya untuk menjelajahi lebih dari 40 atraksi utama Roma, termasuk Kapel Sistina, dan menikmati tur lokal, transportasi umum opsional, dan tur bus wisata Roma naik turun 48 jam. Kartu ini juga memungkinkan Anda menjelajahi kota sesuai keinginan Anda dan menyesuaikan tiket Anda dengan opsi 2 hingga 5 hari.

Atraksi terkenal Roma memiliki kebijakan tiket ketat yang tidak dapat dikembalikan. Artinya, setelah Anda membeli tiket, Anda tidak dapat menerima pengembalian uang apa pun alasan pembatalan atau ketidakdatangannya. Kebijakan ini berlaku untuk semua jenis tiket, termasuk tiket dewasa, anak-anak, dan diskon.

Objek wisata tidak mengizinkan Anda mengubah tanggal dan waktu kunjungan Anda dalam keadaan apa pun.

Atraksi ini dapat dinikmati sepanjang musim, jadi semua tiket bersifat final.

Ketika kamu membeli  Tiket Museum Vatikan  sebelumnya disebut tiket Lewati Antrean karena membantu melewati antrean panjang di pintu masuk Museum. Tiket online ini mungkin lebih mahal beberapa Euro, namun mengingat tiket ini membantu Anda menghemat hingga dua jam menunggu di bawah sinar matahari, tiket tersebut sepadan.

Basilika Santo Petrus tidak dikenakan biaya masuk, dan Anda dapat masuk secara gratis. Namun, jika Anda mengantri di depan Basilika Santo Petrus, Anda mungkin akan membuang banyak waktu dalam antrean panjang. Kami merekomendasikan membeli  tiket Museum Vatikan , menjelajahinya, dan mengikuti kerumunan saat mereka bergerak menuju Basilika Santo Petrus melalui rute dalam ruangan. Basilika Santo Petrus tutup pada Rabu pagi karena Paus bertemu umat.

Tidak, akses ke Taman Vatikan tidak termasuk dalam tiket Museum Vatikan. Untuk mengunjungi Taman, Anda perlu membeli a  Tiket Taman Vatikan , yang selain Taman, juga memberi Anda akses ke Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina.

Museum Vatikan berada di Kota Vatikan, tepat di sebelah utara pusat kota Roma.

Vatikan adalah negara terkecil di dunia, dan kota Roma mengelilinginya.

Luasnya hanya 44 hektar (108 acre) dan berbatasan dengan Italia sepanjang 3.2 Km (2 Miles).

Vatikan memiliki empat atraksi utama Roma –

1. Museum Vatikan 2. Kapel Sistina 3. Lapangan Santo Petrus 4. Basilika Santo Petrus

Keempat atraksi ini berdekatan satu sama lain sehingga wisatawan mengunjungi mereka semua pada hari yang sama atau menjelajahinya selama dua hari.

Lokasi Museum Vatikan di Kota Vatikan

Peta Kota Vatikan

Pada peta Vatikan di atas, 'E' merah besar menandai pintu masuk Museum.

Tidak ada penghalang atau cek saat Anda berpindah antara Vatikan dan kota Roma.

Transportasi umum dan pribadi Romawi keluar masuk Vatikan sepanjang hari.

Oleh Roma Metro

Untuk mencapai Museum Vatikan dengan Metro Roma, Anda harus naik Jalur A.

Ada kereta setiap beberapa menit, jadi Anda tidak perlu menunggu lama.

Jalur ini juga dikenal sebagai 'Jalur Merah' dan memiliki dua pemberhentian yang berjarak sama dari pintu masuk Museum Vatikan – Ottaviano  dan  Siprus .

Peta Metro Roma

Kebanyakan turis turun di halte metro Ottaviano karena itulah hal pertama yang datang saat bepergian dari Roma.

Seiring berjalannya hari, antrean di pintu masuk Museum Vatikan membentang hingga 500 meter (0.3 mil) ke arah stasiun metro Ottaviano.

Kami sangat menyarankan Anda turun di Ottaviano untuk mencapai Museum Vatikan.

Museum Vatikan dan Lapangan Santo Petrus berjarak tujuh menit berjalan kaki dari stasiun Metro.

Jika Anda tidak tahu harus ke mana, ikuti kerumunan atau klik disini untuk petunjuk arah mencapai pintu masuk Museum Vatikan.

Penting: Anda dapat melewati antrean panjang ini di pintu masuk, dengan membeli Tiket Museum Vatikan secara online , jauh sebelum kunjungan Anda.

Dengan Bus Umum

Tidak seperti stasiun Termini untuk Metro Roma, tidak ada halte bus Central yang dilalui setiap rute bus.

Namun, jaringan bus Roma cukup luas, dan ada banyak bus yang lewat atau berhenti di dekat Vatikan.

Rute bus yang paling umum digunakan untuk mencapai Vatikan adalah Bus No. 40 dan 64.

Mereka mulai tepat sebelum Stasiun Kereta Termini dan berakhir di Vatikan.

Bus ini juga populer di kalangan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Colosseum karena melewati Piazza Venezia.

Anda juga bisa menaiki bus No 61 dan 81 untuk sampai ke Vatikan.

Peringatan: Bus di Roma terkenal dengan pencopetnya. Simpan barang-barang Anda dengan aman.

Dengan berjalan

Jika Anda punya waktu dan berada di Roma Tengah, kami sarankan untuk berjalan kaki ke Museum Vatikan.

Museum Vatikan berjarak 2.2 Km (1.4 Mil) dari Piazza Navona , pusat kota Roma.

Berjalan kaki menyenangkan melintasi Sungai Tiber, dan Anda dapat melihat Castel Sant Angelo di luar.

Dengan Mobil

Jika Anda ingin bepergian dengan mobil, aktifkan Google Maps dan memulai.

Ada banyak garasi parkir di sekitar Museum Vatikan.

Dari Senin hingga Sabtu, Museum Vatikan buka pada jam 9 pagi dan tutup pada jam 6 sore.

Entri terakhir adalah jam 4 sore, dan loket tiket Museum Vatikan juga tutup pada waktu yang bersamaan.

Catatan: Karena Anda harus melalui Museum Vatikan untuk mengunjungi Kapel Sistina, jam buka Kapel juga sama.

Kapan Museum Vatikan ditutup?

Museum Vatikan tetap tutup pada hari Minggu.

Museum Vatikan juga tetap tutup pada Hari Raya Santo Petrus dan Paulus (29 Juni), Hari Natal dan Pesta Santo Stefanus (26 Desember) dan Pesta St. Sylvester (31 Desember).

Minggu terakhir di bulan ini

Pada hari Minggu terakhir setiap bulan, Museum buka selama lima jam.

Pada hari Minggu seperti itu, waktu Museum Vatikan adalah dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 2 siang, dan pengunjung dapat masuk secara gratis.

Pada hari Minggu ini, entri terakhir adalah pukul 12.30.

Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Museum Vatikan adalah jam 9 pagi, dari Selasa hingga Jumat. Karena objek wisata tetap tutup pada hari Minggu, maka pada hari Sabtu dan Senin ramai.

Jika Anda memulainya lebih awal, Anda dapat menjelajahi pameran dengan tenang dan juga mengambil foto yang lebih baik tanpa ada orang asing di dalam bingkai.

Hari Senin bisa menjadi sangat ramai di Museum Vatikan karena museum lainnya di Roma tetap tutup.

Sore hari – pukul 2.30 hingga 4 – juga merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk mengunjungi museum karena antrian yang legendaris akan hilang pada saat itu.

Antrean terpanjang di Museum Vatikan

Antrean loket tiket di Vatikan sangat legendaris, dan setiap turis pernah mendengarnya.

Hampir setiap pengunjung berasumsi bahwa mengunjungi Museum Vatikan segera setelah dibuka akan membantu menghindari antrean panjang, dan akibatnya, semua orang datang lebih awal.

Oleh karena itu, antrian Museum Vatikan panjang dan padat pada jam buka.

Jika Anda telah membeli tiket Museum Vatikan secara online, Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan antrean panjang ini. Beli tiketnya sekarang !

Mengunjungi Kapel Sistina & Basilika Santo Petrus

Jika Anda berniat mengunjungi Museum Vatikan setelah makan siang, berhati-hatilah karena Kapel Sistina tutup pada pukul 5.30.

Jika Anda berencana mengunjungi Basilika Santo Petrus, Anda dapat mengambil jalan rahasia dari Kapel Sistina untuk menghindari antrian.

Lorong ini tutup pada pukul 5 sore, yang berarti Anda memiliki waktu hingga 4.45:XNUMX untuk menyelesaikan tur Anda ke Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina.

Waktu terbaik tahun ini

Bulan-bulan paling lambat di Vatikan adalah bulan-bulan dengan suhu lebih dingin, kecuali Natal dan Tahun Baru.

Oleh karena itu, akhir November hingga awal Desember dan pertengahan Januari hingga akhir Februari merupakan waktu yang ideal untuk kunjungan yang tenang dan damai ke Museum.

Dari April hingga Oktober, Museum buka pada Jumat malam mulai pukul 7:11 hingga XNUMX:XNUMX.

Kami merinci tur malam ini nanti di artikel ini.

Hari terbaik dalam seminggu

Karena Museum Vatikan tutup pada hari Minggu, semua wisatawan akhir pekan berkunjung pada hari Sabtu, sehingga menimbulkan antrian terpanjang.

Namun, pada hari Minggu terakhir setiap bulan, Museum buka.

Kecuali jika anggaran Anda terbatas, hari Minggu terakhir setiap bulan sebaiknya dihindari karena terbuka untuk umum secara gratis.

Mungkin akan lebih banyak pengunjung pada hari Senin dan Sabtu dibandingkan hari Selasa dan Kamis karena mendekati akhir pekan.

Kebanyakan wisatawan membutuhkan waktu tiga hingga empat jam untuk menjelajahi Museum Vatikan. Jika Anda sedang terburu-buru, Anda dapat menjelajahi tempat-tempat penting di ruangan-ruangan penting dalam waktu sekitar dua jam.

Jika hanya ingin melihat Kapel Sistina, Anda bisa berjalan kaki langsung dari pintu masuk Museum Vatikan menuju pintu Kapel Sistina dalam waktu setengah jam.

Catatan:  Saat peak season, ada antrian dua jam di loket tiket. Beli tiket Anda terlebih dahulu untuk menghindari membuang-buang waktu Anda. 

Pemisahan waktu yang diperlukan

Ada empat atraksi utama di Vatikan – Museum Vatikan, Kapel Sistina, Basilika Santo Petrus, dan Lapangan Santo Petrus – dan untuk melihatnya semua Anda memerlukan setidaknya empat jam.

Beberapa pengunjung menjelajahi Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina pada hari pertama serta Basilika Santo Petrus dan Lapangan Santo Petrus pada hari kedua.

Kebanyakan wisatawan mencoba mengunjungi keempat objek wisata tersebut pada hari yang sama.

Berikut ini adalah uraian yang agak kasar dari waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menjelajah –

Jika Anda berencana mengunjungi keempat objek wisata dalam satu hari, Anda memerlukan waktu empat hingga lima jam.

Hal yang perlu diingat

– Untuk menjelajahi Museum Vatikan secara keseluruhan, harus berjalan kaki 7.5 Km (4.7 Miles). Kenakan sepatu berjalan yang nyaman untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik.

– Karena ukurannya yang sangat besar, pengunjung khawatir akan melewatkan beberapa mahakarya pesan tur berpemandu .

– Kapel Sistina berada di ujung Museum Vatikan, dan Anda harus masuk ke Museum untuk mengunjungi Kapel.

– Dari Kapel Sistina, jalur langsung mengarah ke Basilika Santo Petrus. Alhasil, Anda tidak perlu antri lagi untuk menuju basilika.

Kota Vatikan adalah daya tarik wisata utama dan tempat suci agama Katolik.

Akibatnya, para penjaga menerapkan aturan berpakaian yang ketat di semua tempat wisata di Vatikan, termasuk Museum Vatikan, Kapel Sistina, Basilika Santo Petrus, dan Taman Vatikan.

Vatikan memiliki daftar barang yang harus Anda hindari selama kunjungan Anda:

– Atasan tanpa lengan – Atasan berpotongan rendah memperlihatkan bagian perut – Rok mini – Celana pendek di atas lutut – Topi

Aturan berpakaian Vatikan ini berlaku untuk wanita dan pria, dan tujuan utamanya adalah agar bahu dan lutut Anda tidak terbuka.

Aturan Berpakaian Vatikan

Ketika gaun Anda TIDAK sesuai

Jika Anda mencapai Museum Vatikan dengan pakaian yang melanggar aturan berpakaian Kota Vatikan, jangan khawatir.

Anda bisa membeli jubah plastik (ponco) yang menutupi bahu dan lutut Anda.

Namun, mengenakan jubah seperti itu bisa menjadi tidak nyaman dalam cuaca panas.

Jika Anda menolak untuk mematuhi aturan berpakaian Vatikan, Anda akan ditolak masuk meskipun Anda sudah memiliki tiket masuk Museum Vatikan.

Pintu masuk Museum Vatikan berada di Viale Vaticano (Vaticano Avenue). Arah

Itu adalah di sisi utara Vatikan.

Pintu masuk Museum adalah pintu melengkung dengan patung pahatan di atasnya dan MUSEI VATICANI tertulis tepat di bawah pahatan.

Gerbang Utama Museum Vatikan

Museum Vatikan terdiri dari begitu banyak Museum, galeri, dan ruangan yang berbeda sehingga Anda membutuhkan banyak energi dan arah yang baik agar tidak tersesat.

Cara termudah adalah dengan mendapatkan tur berpemandu ke Museum Vatikan .

Pilihan yang lebih murah adalah dengan mewaspadainya atraksi yang harus dilihat di Museum Vatikan dan membawa peta bersama .

Peta Museum Vatikan akan menghemat waktu yang berharga dan memastikan Anda tidak melewatkan mahakaryanya.

*Untuk peta area yang dapat diakses di Museum Vatikan, klik disini

Taman Kota Vatikan mencakup lebih dari separuh Negara Vatikan.

Taman ini populer di kalangan wisatawan karena selain cantik, juga eksklusif – tiket Taman Vatikan hanya dijual dalam jumlah terbatas setiap hari.

Jam buka Taman Vatikan

Taman Vatikan buka pukul 9 pagi dan tutup pukul 6 sore dari Senin sampai Sabtu.

The Gardens tetap tutup pada hari Minggu (dan hari libur Katolik lainnya).

Tur Taman Vatikan

Semua tiket Vatican Garden sudah termasuk akses ke Museum Vatikan, Kapel Sistina, dan Basilika Santo Petrus.

Urutan tur selalu – Taman, Museum Vatikan, Kapel Sistina, dan terakhir Basilika Santo Petrus.

Ada dua cara untuk berkeliling Taman Vatikan – dengan berjalan kaki atau dengan bus wisata.

Taman Vatikan dengan bus

Tiket ini memberi Anda tur selama 45 menit di Taman Vatikan, menaiki bus terbuka yang ramah lingkungan.

Wisatawan dapat duduk santai dan mengagumi kehijauan taman dan taman kota pribadi, yang mencakup lebih dari separuh negara Vatikan.

Tur bus dimulai pada jam 9 pagi, 10 pagi, 1 siang dan 2 siang.

Tiket masuk ke Museum Vatikan sudah termasuk.

Biaya: €45 (19+ tahun) dan €45 (6 hingga 18 tahun)

Taman Vatikan dengan berjalan kaki

Tiket ini memberi Anda jalan-jalan berpemandu di Taman Vatikan.

Setelah menjelajahi halaman rumput yang subur, kebun buah-buahan, dan keajaiban botani, Anda langsung berada di antrean depan untuk masuk ke Museum Vatikan.

Tur jalan kaki melalui Taman Vatikan dimulai pada pukul 9.30 pagi.

Biaya: €50 (18+ tahun) dan €39 (6 hingga 18 tahun & pelajar dengan kartu identitas)

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The Roman Guy

Italy Travel Experts Tours and Vacations

aerial view of St. Peter's Square

The Best Vatican Tours To Take in 2024 and Why + Maps

Sean Finelli Last Updated: February 21, 2024

You already know that a trip to Rome is not complete without a visit to the famous country within the city: Vatican City. But there are so many different tour options, so how do you choose? It all depends on your travel interests and schedule. In this guide, you’ll discover our best Vatican tours and which one’s right for you.

Pro Tip: It’s easier to organize your trip when you have all your resources in one place. Create a browser folder and bookmark this post in your browser along with our article on the best Colosseum tours . We also have a dedicated guide to all things Vatican City where you’ll find everything you need.

All Vatican, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica Tours

All of our Vatican tours include skip-the-line tickets, local English-speaking guides, a tour of the Vatican Museums, and a visit to the Sistine Chapel. The right Vatican tour for you will depend on your interests, whether you want to see the Sistine Chapel without the crowds, and how much time you have to soak up all this beauty.

To help you find your perfect Vatican experience, here is a link bank of all our tours, followed by more in-depth descriptions and maps below.

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if a Vatican tour is worth it .

Express Vatican Tours (2 hours)

  • Vatican Night Tour with Sistine Chapel
  • Ultimate St. Peter’s Basilica Dome Climb

Classic Vatican Tours (2.5 – 3.5 hours)

  • Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel
  • Skip the Line Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica (start times throughout the day)
  • Exclusive After Hours Sistine Chapel Tour with Aperitivo

Full Experience Vatican Tours and Combos (4 or more hours)

  • St. Peter’s Dome Climb and Sistine Chapel Combo Tour
  • Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens & Castel Gandolfo Day Trip
  • Rome in a Day Tour Including Colosseum and Vatican Museums
  • Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican Highlights Combo Tour

Vatican Tickets

Skip-the-line tickets for a self-guided Vatican visit:

  • Purchase skip-the-line Vatican tickets

The Best Vatican Tours to Take and Why

1. Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel

vatican tour harga

Everyone knows the Vatican Museums are filled with crowds most of the day. That’s why this Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour is ideal if you want to avoid the crowds and heat. Why? It enters before the general public so you can enjoy a less-crowded time throughout your tour.

With fewer crowds and cooler temperatures inside the vast Vatican Museums, you can easily follow your guide through the Vatican’s galleries and museums. Explore the Pio-Clementino, the Gallery of Tapestries, and Raphael Rooms as your guide brings each location to life.

Of course, you’ll visit the Sistine Chapel where you’ll stand in awe under the centuries-old ceiling that has captivated travelers from around the world. Starting your day early in the Vatican is the best way to maximize your vacation.

2. Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican Highlights Combo Tour

map of vatican museum tour

Want to see both the Vatican and the Colosseum? This combo tour gets you more bang for your buck by combining them! You’ll enjoy skip-the-line entry at both the Colosseum and the Vatican. First, dive into ancient Roman history at the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill where you’ll walk in the steps of Gladiators and Emperors.

After lunch, rejoin the tour at the Vatican to hear stories of papal intrigue and see some of the world’s most celebrated artworks by masters like Raphael and Michelangelo, and, of course, the Sistine Chapel.

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if Rome tours are worth it .

3. Private Skip the Line Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel

vatican tour harga

If you don’t have time for an early morning tour or would prefer to visit in the afternoon, then our Private Skip the Line Vatican Tour is the one for you. With multiple start times throughout the day and skip-the-line tickets, you’ll find a time that’s just right for you and get straight to exploring.

4. Rome in a Day including Colosseum and Vatican Museums

vatican tour harga

Our Rome in a Day Tour is one of our most popular tours to date. You start your day with a comprehensive tour of the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica with an English-speaking guide. Then you head to the city for a walking tour of the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, and Trevi Fountain. End your day tour of Rome with a full Colosseum tour that includes the Roman Forum.

This is a great way to get the main highlights of Rome before you head out to discover it even better on your own. We provide transportation from the Vatican to the center of Rome, but this tour spends a lot of time on your feet. You’ll be ready for a delicious dinner when you’re done exploring one of the best tours of the Vatican and Rome!

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our  best Rome tours to take and why .

5. Ultimate St. Peter’s Basilica Dome Climb

vatican tour harga

Looking for the best views in Rome? We know where to go. Our Ultimate St. Peter’s Basilica Dome Climb  takes you to the top of the famous dome right as it opens and before there are any lines. Most of all, it’s before the heat of the day!

After you’ve climbed to the incredible lookout and soaked up those views, your guide will escort you into St. Peter’s Basilica for a guided tour that includes the Papal Crypts. For a quick tour of St. Peter’s and the dome, this is one of the best Vatican tours you can take.

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our  Vatican Guide for more info.

6. Exclusive After Hours Sistine Chapel with Aperitivo

map of vatican city

Looking for that truly exclusive opportunity to enjoy the Vatican and Sistine Chapel? This might just be what you need. With a late afternoon entry to the Vatican, you’ll be led with your small group through the highlights. Then you’ll step into the Sistine Chapel along with no more than 100 other people (usually at least 2,000 during the day)!

Your guide’s stories about this magnificent ceiling will come to life as you experience quiet time in the Sistine Chapel that few ever will. Afterwards, enjoy a drink on us during your aperitivo in the Pinecone Courtyard.

Not ready to book a tour? Find out how to visit the Sistine Chapel .

7. St. Peter’s Dome Climb and Sistine Chapel Combo Tour

map of vatican tour

Want to get more bang for your buck? Book our St. Peter’s Dome Climb and Sistine Chapel Combo Tour . No matter how many times you’ve been to Rome, this is a great way to start your trip.

Enjoy views from the most scenic viewpoint at St. Peter’s Basilica before the crowds and the heat. Then follow your guide to your skip-the-line entrance at the Vatican where you’ll see the top highlights before stepping into the Sistine Chapel.

8. Vatican Night Tour with Sistine Chapel

vatican tour harga

On this guided Vatican visit, enter the Vatican Museums after hours and experience the museums with very few other people. You’ll feel like a VIP on this after-hours night tour of the Vatican. It’s the best way to really enjoy the quiet solitude in the 9 miles of museums here.

Not to mention, you’ll get to stand under the Sistine Chapel with just a handful of people around you. It’s almost as exclusive as you can get without booking a private tour. This Vatican Night Tour only runs on Fridays and Saturdays during the summer, making it a very exclusive experience.

9. Skip the Line Vatican Tickets

vatican tour harga

Want to explore the Vatican Museums at your own pace but with the benefit of skip-the-line tickets? Then reserve your own tickets with our privileged access that lets you bypass the crowds.

You’ll meet our helpful attendant near the Vatican Museums entrance, where they’ll escort you past the general line and into the reserved group entry. There you’ll go through security and be free to explore the Vatican and Sistine Chapel as long as you like.

10. Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens & Castel Gandolfo Day Trip

vatican tour harga

Are you visiting Rome on a Saturday during the spring or summer months? Why not make a whole day of it with our Vatican Museums, Gardens, and Castel Gandolfo Day Trip ?

With this experience, you will take a guided tour of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens, and a day trip by train to the Pope’s summer residence. A return train ticket and delicious lunch fit for a pope are included!

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vatican tour harga

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vatican tour harga

Reader Interactions

Comment (1).

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July 5, 2019

We are currently looking at all the various tour possibilities. Do you have tours which cover one or more of the restricted hidden areas of the Vatican Museums; namely the Bramante Staircase, the Niccoline Chapel and the Cabinet of Masks? Thank You.

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The Geographical Cure

How To Get Vatican Tickets, Tours, And Passes — The Complete Guide + Tips

Planning a visit to the Vatican? This Vatican guide gives you the lowdown on how to get tickets to the Vatican, how to skip the line, and advice on what tours to take.

There are a lot of options and it can be confusing. Hopefully, this guide will give you all the information you need and give you ways to score Vatican tickets and tours.

panoramic view of the Vatican museums from the dome of St. Peter's

The Vatican Museums are a bucket list item for most people visiting Rome. The Vatican offers stunning architecture, miles of art, and a rich history.

In fact, the Vatican holds one of the greatest art collections on the planet. And everyone wants to behold Michelangelo’s stunning Sistine Chapel frescos.

What you don’t want to do is wait in line. The Vatican is infamous for its infinite lines. Waiting in line when you’re in Vatican City is super frustrating. And it’s just a waste of valuable sightseeing time.

How To Get Vatican Tickets And Tours

Here are the various ways to buy and book Vatican tickets and tours. Working out which tickets you want can be tricky. So, I’ve laid out all your options.

Pinterest pin for Vatican tickets & tours

1. Line Up To Buy Vatican Tickets At The Door

You can walk up and buy your Vatican ticket at the door. But this is NOT the option I would choose, unless you’re visiting in the dead of winter. Then, it may be doable.

The lines to enter the Vatican and the lines to purchase tickets at the tickets booths are typically extremely long. So winging it is not the best way to go.

The Vatican opens at 9:00 am and people start lining up at 7:30 am. If you don’t have a ticket, it’s better to go in the late afternoon.

the Pine Cone Courtyard at the Vatican

2. Buy Vatican Tickets On The Official Website

A less stressful approach is to book tickets online. You can book timed entry tickets on the date of your choosing through the Vatican’s official website .

The cost is € 17 for a regular ticket, and € 8 for a reduced ticket (for children between the ages of 6-18). You can only book with a Visa or Mastercard.

If you are buying a reduced entry ticket for children, you must bring their official ID (passport) to prove their age. If you’re a student, you must show an internationally recognized student ID.

There’s also a € 4 surcharge for booking fees online, but that will give you skip the line access. You can bypass the queue and head straight to security.

I’ve waited in long lines at the Vatican. Trust me, it’s definitely worth it to pay more to avoid this situation at all costs.

long lines outside the Vatican Museums

In high season, tickets sell out quickly. So be organized and book your tickets weeks in advance.

After making your purchase, you’ll be sent a confirmation email including a PDF and a QR code. You can either print the ticket or display it on your phone when you arrive. You can add an audioguide either at the Vatican or as an add-on to your online ticket purchase.

3. What Does The Basic Vatican Ticket Include?

The basic ticket includes entry to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Entry to St. Peter’s Basilica is NOT included in a basic ticket. But it’s usually included on guided tours, which I discuss below.

The Vatican Gardens are not included in a basic ticket either. You have to book the gardens separately. Click here to book that ticket that includes the gardens.

French Garden section of the Vatican Gardens

Note that there is NO ticket just for the Sistine Chapel.

Once you exit the Sistine Chapel, you cannot reenter the Vatican Museums. So, make sure you’ve seen everything you want before you exit the museums.

Booking on the Vatican site might not be the best alternative for several reasons. First, you can only book a ticket 60 days in advance. That makes long term planning difficult.

Second, the Vatican website is clunky and slow. Sometimes your card is refused.

Third, these tickets are non-refundable. Fourth, if you’re late, you will forfeit your ticket. You’re only given a 15 minute window.

ceiling  in the Vatican Museums

4. Buy Vatican Tickets Through An Online Reseller

A better option is to buy your Vatican Museum tickets through a reseller. I regularly use both Get Your Guide and Viator.

The sites are fast and easy to use. They accept many forms of payment that the Vatican does not, including PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Money.

The tickets from these resellers aren’t that much more expensive than the Vatican site itself. Plus, they’re a good option if the Vatican website is sold out or you want to book early.

Reseller tickets can usually be cancelled up to 24 hours in advance, if need be. I’ve had to cancel a couple tours recently, so this is a valuable benefit indeed.

Click here to book a Vatican ticket with Get Your Guide. Click here to purchase a Vatican ticket with Viator.

Hall of Busts in the Pio-Clementine Museum

5. Buy Vatican Tickets through A Hawker

Know in advance that there will encounter plenty of people on the street and outside the Vatican walls harassing you to buy a ticket or tour from them. They are pretty aggressive.

Try to ignore them and move on. This is the worst option for getting tickets.

These would-be guides typically overcharge for tickets. Some of them are scam artists and scalpers.

Plus, they’re not always truthful. For example, they may tell you that, if you don’t buy their pricey ticket or tour, you will face long lines at both the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica.

St. Peter's Basilica

The first part may be true. But the second part isn’t.

If you’re on a tour, you enter St. Peter’s Basilica directly from a door in the Sistine Chapel. So, you will not have to go through security a second time for the basilica.

Now, if everything else is sold out and you must see the Vatican, then you may have to pony up the outrageous sums these hawkers are charging for tickets.

6. What To See At The Vatican

So what is the Vatican exactly and what is in the Vatican Museums? Here’s what you can expect.

The Vatican Museums are the public art and sculpture museums in the Vatican City complex. They’re housed in former wings of the Vatican Palace. The Vatican Museums are one of the world’s most visited attractions, attracting millions of visitors annually.

River God sculpture in the Braccio Nuovo Wing of the Chiaramonte Museum

There’s a museum path that takes you through the long corridors and wings of the Vatican Museums.

On the first floor, you’ll find the Vatican Pinacoteca, the Pio-Clementine Museum, the Chiaramonte Museum, the Gregorian Egyptian Museum, and the Gregorian Etruscan Museum.

READ : Famous Sculptures of the Vatican Museums

On the second floor, you’ll find the Tapestries Hall, the Gallery of Maps, and the Raphael Rooms. The  Raphael Rooms  are four rooms, which were the pope’s personal apartments in the time of Julius II.

The finale is the Sistine Chapel, with the world famous  Michelangelo frescos . The chapel boasts some of the most famous paintings in the history of art. It’s a room of unrivaled artistic creation.

the Gallery of Maps

7. What Tour To Book For The Vatican?

Should you book a tour for the Vatican? It’s a completely personal decision.

You can DIY the Vatican with an audioguide or have an expert show you around. I’ve done it both ways many times.

But you may get a deeper understanding of the history and significance of the place with an expert guide. The guides lead you through and point out and describe famous masterpieces.

The standard tour is generally 3 hours and covers the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica.

But the tours are widely variable. Make sure you pick one that covers everything you want to see.

Michelangelo, Pieta,1498-1500 -- behind bullet proof glass

You don’t want to be there, at the Vatican, and not see something that’s important to you.

That happened to me once when I inadvertently failed to book a tour that included the Raphael Rooms. I was disappointed.

You should also know that the Vatican Pinacoteca , or painting gallery, is not on most tours. This is despite the fact that it’s one of the world’s best small museums with masterpieces by Raphael and Caravaggio.

There’s even an exact replica of Michelangelo’s Pieta , which you can inspect up close. You can’t do that in St. Peter’s Basilica because the famous sculpture is set back behind bullet proof glass.

If you’re an art lover, you can’t miss the pinacoteca.

Raphael, School of Athens, 1509 -- in the Raphael Rooms

Here are your Vatican tour options.

You can pick a tour specifically tailored to your own interests, time frame, and museum going tastes. In general, I think the longer the better.

  • a  2. 5 hour overview on a skip the line small group guided tour
  • a  3 hour no  w ait tour that also includes the Raphael Rooms
  • a 3 hour tour that includes the Cabinet of Masks
  • a  3.5 hour tour Vatican visit with a guided tour of St. Peter’s Basilica
  • a  3 hour Friday night tour of the Vatican
  • a 3 hour tour of the Vatican Museums and the Vatican Gardens
  • a  Vatican tour that includes a climb of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica
  • a  small group Sistine Chapel first entry experience (7:30 am) with Vatican Museums  
  • a 4 hour early entry that includes a breakfast buffet

Raphael, Transfiguration, 1520 -- in the Vatican Pinacoteca

If you’re looking for a more personalized experience, you may want to book a private tour. For example, I think the Vatican Pinacoteca is fabulous. But isn’t included on the tours listed above.

Here are some private tour options:

  • a  2-3 hour private tour of the Vatican
  • a 3 hour private early entrance tour
  • a 3.5 hour private tour that includes the Pinacoteca
  • a 5 hour tour that includes the Vatican Gardens

ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangleo

If you’re taking a guided tour, you’ll access  St. Peter’s Basilica  from the back left corner of the Sistine Chapel. Once inside the basilica, you cannot re-enter the Vatican Museums.

So make sure you’ve seen everything you want to see at the Vatican before venturing into the basilica.

You can also book a guided tour of St. Peter’ s . Or book a guided tour that includes the basilica, a dome climb, and the underground grottos .

Alternatively, you can just purchase an audio guide and visit on your own. The audio tour takes about 1 hour.

Want to see the pope’s summer residence too? You can book an 1 1 hour guided tour that induces the Vatican Museums, the Vatican Gardens, and a visit to the spectacular Castel Gandolfo (16 miles south of Rome).

door you enter fore the Key master's tour

Lastly, another tour I highly recommend is the Key Master’s VIP Tour . It’s not cheap and you have to get up at dawn.

You’ll get to unlock the doors to the Vatican, including those to the Sistine Chapel. Witnessing the museum awaken, watching as the lights gradually illuminated the art, and having the Sistine Chapel all to yourself is profoundly moving.

Rome is famously bustling almost all year round, so the opportunity to explore these iconic spaces in solitude is extraordinary.

It’s important to note, however, that this exclusive tour comes with a high price tag. And while it’s not a completely solitary experience — the tour is shared with a group of 20 people, a Vatican guide, and the key master — it felt incredibly private.

It’s really a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that I believe every art enthusiast or Italy lover should experience at least once.

Pope Francis holds an audience in St. Peter's Square

8. Ticket With A Papal Audience

Would you like to see the Pope? There’s a tour on Wednesdays that allows you to do just that

You’ll get the chance to see the Pope and pray with him. Pope Francis and the Cardinals will pass through the crowd to reach the stage and then greet and bless people in different languages, with hymns and homilies.

The Audience may be celebrated in the majestic venue of St. Peter’s Square or in the dedicated Nervi Hall.

Click here to score a spot for the papal public tour.

Room 8 of the Vatican Pinacoteca, with 3 Raphael paintings

9. Vatican Pass

If you’re in Rome for a few days, you might consider purchasing the  Roma Pass . You’ll have full access to public transportation, admission to museums, and discounts on performance and exhibition tickets.

But this pass does NOT include entry to the Vatican. Vatican City is a separate country.

Thus, you may want to purchase the more comprehensive  Omnia Rome and Vatican Card . It consists of the Roma Pass and an Omnia Card. It’s essentially a comprehensive pass to both Rome and Vatican City.

Most importantly, it gives you skip the line access at the Vatican Museums, St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Colosseum. (Here’s my guide to the Colosseum with must know tips for visiting.)

view of the Vatican Museums from Castle Sant'Angelo

10. When To Visit The Vatican

Try to avoid going to the Vatican in the summer. It’s oppressively hot and crowded. You may just shuffle slowly down the Vatican path without seeing much, crushed by tour groups.

The Vatican is also incredibly crowded in December, especially the last three weeks.

Try to go during shoulder season in the spring or fall. The Vatican is quietest during November, January, and February.

Arrive early at the Vatican. Or, arrive after 3:00 pm when some of the tours have finished and people have dispersed.

As you might expect, the Vatican is busiest on Saturdays. It’s best to go mid-week between Tuesday and Thursday.

Or, if you don’t mind a nighttime visit, you can opt to go during the museums’ extended hours. During high season, the Vatican Museums are open until 10:30 pm on Friday night and until 8:00 pm on Saturday night.

the Creation of Adam, the most famous fresco in the Sistine Chapel

11. Vatican Masterpieces and Hidden Gems

If you need more information, I’ve written many articles on the Vatican. These articles tell you what to see at the Vatican, including must see masterpieces and hidden gems.

They also tell you things like how to budget your time at the Vatican, how to get to the Vatican, etc.

Here’s the list:

  • Masterpieces of the Vatican
  • Guide to the Vatican Pinacoteca
  • Guide to the Vatican’s Raphael Rooms
  • Guide to the Sistine Chapel
  • Underpants in the Sistine Chapel
  • Guide to St. Peter’s Basilica
  • 1 Day Itinerary for Vatican City
  • Hidden Gems in the Vatican
  • Famous Sculptures in the Vatican
  • Guide to Castle Sant’Angelo

the Gran Melia near the Vatican

12. Hotels Near The Vatican

If you are prioritizing the sites in Vatican City you may want to book a hotel within walking distance.

The Hotel La Rovere is a good option. It’s a pretty boutique hotel in a 19th century building with stone walls and vaulted ceilings.

For a luxe stay, check out Gran Melia Roma . It’s a resort-type hotel on a hilltop overlooking the Vatican. it’s just a 7 minute walk to the St. Peter’s.

The Eden is a beautiful hotel just a stone’s throw from the basilica. It has luxurious interiors and good views.

Finally, the Hotel de Russie has a sleek contemporary look, with a fabulous pool and spa.

view of the Saint Peter's Square from the dome of the basilica

I hope you’ve enjoyed my guide to how to get Vatican tickets and tours. You may enjoy these other Rome travel guides and resources.

  • 8 ways to spend 1 day in Rome
  • 3 day itinerary for Rome
  • 5 day itinerary for Rome
  • Hidden gems in Rome
  • Best museums in Rome
  • Archaeological sites in Rome
  • Guide to the Borghese Gallery
  • Rome’s secret palace museums
  • Guide to the Capitoline Museums
  • Guide to Palatine Hill
  • Guide to the Roman Forum
  • Guide to the Colosseum
  • Walking tour of central Rome

If you want to know how to book Vatican Tickets and tours, pin it for later.

pin for how to get tickets and book tours for the Vatican

2 thoughts on “How To Get Vatican Tickets, Tours, And Passes — The Complete Guide + Tips”

very informative, concise article which gives overall view of how where to get tickets of what types. I found this useful

Thank you! I hope you have a terrific visit.

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Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by Leslie Livingston

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How to Buy Tickets for the Vatican Museums

This article may contain compensated links. See our full disclosure here

If you’re traveling to Rome, the Vatican Museums should be high up on your list of must-see attractions. And ensuring you have your Vatican tickets booked before you get there only makes the experience more enjoyable.

It’s a good idea to book well in advance. But, with all the options available, it may be hard to know where to start noting that the official ticketing site has limited availability, refunds can be difficult, and the booking process can be confusing.

So we’ve put together this guide to help you navigate buying tickets for the Vatican Museums and ensure a stress-free visit to this Rome itinerary staple. We’ll cover everything from when to book your tickets to recommended third-party sellers and frequently asked questions.

So, continue reading to discover how to buy tickets for the Vatican Museums.

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Editior’s note – In 2024 standard opening times are expected to move to 8.00am therefore early access tours will then be deemed first access tours. We recommend choosing this option and joining a tour where the guide has the knowledge and expertise to access the Sistine Chapel quickly if that is your focus

Vatican Museums Tickets and Tours Quick Links

If you’re in a rush and would prefer to get the details ASAP, have a look at this quick summary of our recommendations for the best Vatican tours .

  • Vatican Tickets and Tours on Musei Vaticani (official booking site) > can be confusing to navigate, has limited availability, and getting refunds can be difficult.
  • Vatican Tickets on GetYourGuide (official partner site) > booking policy is fairly flexible, and the site’s more user-friendly. That said, it’s slightly more expensive.
  • Liv Tours > offers private tour options for small groups, with engaging, knowledgeable guides – Take advantage of our 5% off discount using the code – UNTOLDITALY.
  • Take Walks Small Entrance Group or VIP Key Masters Tour > join a small group for a Sistine Chapel tour or join the key masters in opening the Chapel.
  • Tiqets > their simple, easy-to-use website with a good cancellation policy but slightly higher ticket prices.
  • Viator > industry-leading flexibility, user-friendly, and slightly more expensive due to the added convenience.

DISCOVER: more about the VIP Vatican Keymaster’s tour

Vatican Museum Tickets or Tour?

Should you go with a fully guided tour or just purchase entry tickets? An entry ticket is quite limiting as you walk through mostly unmarked galleries and leave having learned almost nothing.

To get the most value out of your visit, we recommend taking a tour instead. Taking this approach means you enjoy the full experience of the museum and its 20,000+ artworks with a knowledgeable tour guide. Guides can offer fascinating and lesser-known insights and answer any questions you may have.

Certain guided tours with partner companies also offer skip-the-line access and exclusive access to areas like the Sistine Chapel before they open to the public. 

What Does Your Vatican Museums Ticket Include?

The basic ticket to enter the Vatican includes:

  • Access to the museums’ galleries, including the Sistine Chapel
  • Access to the Vatican Gardens
  • Access to the Christian Museum
  • Access to the Profane Museum

Buy Tickets on the Official Vatican Museums Site

You can buy tickets directly from the official site, Musei Vaticani . But, navigating this site and booking tickets can be frustrating.

  • Pros of booking on Musei Vaticani site – lower prices and various ticket options available.
  • Cons of booking on Musei Vaticani site – the website doesn’t offer a pleasant user experience, and it’s mainly in Italian, making it difficult for non-speakers to navigate from the homepage. Obtaining a refund is quite challenging.

Vatican Museums Tickets via an Official Partner

Tickets sell out quickly on the Vatican website. Thankfully, there are a few other places to secure your tickets. Booking tickets to the Vatican through an official, trusted partner is the best way to ensure a secure experience and avoid scams.

  • Pros of booking via official partners – Official partners offer easy, user-friendly sites and flexible cancellation policies. There are also a variety of tours and ticket options to suit your needs. Often, you’ll only be able to secure a ticket with a partner site.
  • Cons of booking via official partners – tickets cost slightly more than buying Vatican Museum tickets directly from the official website, as you’re paying for the added convenience.

Recommended Vatican Museums Tours

The best way to understand the cultural context and appreciate over 500 years of art and history is to join a guided Vatican tour, as the exhibits are quite plain and hard to understand without one.

When considering which tour to book, consider which sites in Vatican City the tour will cover, the tour style, and the duration of your tour.

Official tour partners have to go through a rigorous examination process to obtain their licenses, so you can trust that you’re getting value for money on your tour. Below are some recommended options to consider. 

  • Official Tours via Musei Vaticani – these last 30 minutes and allow a maximum group size of 10 people. Their €17.00 ticket only provides entry to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. 
  • Liv Tours – This Rome-based company offers a Skip-the-line Highlights of the Vatican tour for groups of up to a maximum of six people. This semi-private guided tour of the Vatican and Sistine Chapel draws you into over 2,000 years of history, from antiquity to the Renaissance, ending in the early 17th century. 

You’ll learn fascinating tidbits and stories surrounding the artworks, such as the fresco maps and rich tapestries that adorn the Museum. Plus! Get 5% off with our code, UNTOLDITALY.

  • Take Walks Skip the Line Vatican Highlights tour – This tour focuses on enriching visitors with captivating stories and anecdotes. Marvel at classical artworks by Michelangelo and Bernini, all while learning about their origins and history. 
  • CityWonders – Offering a skip-the-line tour of the Vatican , their expert tour guides take you on a journey to experience the Vatican in all its glory. This tour takes you to the Pinecone Courtyard, with the interesting pagan symbol of fertility planted in its center. 

The tour guides will also lead you to the Gallery of Tapestries, where stunning displays of tapestries abound. Afterward, explore the rest of the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel.

LISTEN: to our podcast on Tips and Highlights for visiting the Vatican Museums

Vatican Museums Tickets FAQ

Do you need to buy vatican museums tickets in advance.

Yes, you need to buy Vatican tickets in advance. It is no longer possible to show up on the day and stand in line to purchase tickets. All tickets purchased are effectively skip the line Vatican Museums tickets so the benefit is faster access. 

Do I Need a Separate Ticket to Visit St Peter’s Basilica?

No. A separate ticket is not required to visit St Peter’s Basilica which is free to enter however if you’d like to visit Michelangelo’s dome and the Necropolis you need to purchase separate entrance tickets. Note that it’s standard procedure for security to search your bags at the security checkpoint before you enter the church and this is not part of the ticketing system.

TIP: before entering the basilica, try to follow the dress code by wearing clothing that covers your knees and shoulders. 

When Do Vatican Museums Tickets Go on Sale?

Vatican tickets typically go on sale about two months in advance on the official site. But tickets are often sold out by that time, so it may help to look out for them earlier from official partners.

Can You Buy Vatican Museums Tickets on the Day?

There are no longer tickets available at the door – you must book them online. You can try to book your Vatican tickets online in the morning of your visit, although you may need fast fingers for that. Your best bet for last-minute tickets will be to take a look at trusted third-party providers.

What Are the Vatican Museums’ Opening Hours?

The Vatican Museums are open from 09:00 until 18:00, Mondays through Saturdays.  Opening hours in 2024 are expected to change to 8am. We will update this page as more information becomes available. The museums are closed on Sundays, except for the last Sunday of the month and on special occasions.

The museums also have extended opening hours until 22:30 from the 24th to the 30th of April and the 5th of May – the 28th of October.

What Is the Best Time to Visit the Vatican Museums?

The Vatican Museums can get busy and crowded. The best time to visit to avoid the crowds is usually on Tuesday, as this day tends to be the quietest.

Try to avoid the free admission on the last Sunday of the month unless you’re prepared for throngs of tourists.

Are There Any Discounts or Free Entry to the Vatican Museums

The last Sunday of every month is free, but it’s not a good time to visit as it’s usually very busy. That said, children between the ages of six and 18 have free admission to the Vatican Palace.

Employees — both in service and/or retired — of all Offices, Dicasteries, and other entities of the Holy See and/or Vatican City State are admitted free of charge (but only upon presentation of identity document).

Priests, seminarians, and novices are also admitted for free (upon presentation of valid documentation).

Do I Need to Print My Vatican Museums Tickets?

No. If you purchased a ticket from the Vatican Museums website, you don’t need to print it. Just show the voucher on your phone.

Is the Sistine Chapel Included in My Ticket to the Vatican Museums?

Yes, a regular ticket includes the Chapel, the Gregorian Egyptian Museum, and the Borgia Apartments in Vatican City. So there’s no need to purchase separate tickets for the Sistine Chapel or any of the other mentioned sites.

Can I stay close to the Vatican?

Yes, here is our recommendation for the best hotels near the Vatican and we also recommend staying near The Pantheon if you want to be near the Vatican and Rome’s other top sites. Or, for other options, see our detailed guide on where to stay in Rome  to choose the best location for your trip.

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Latest italy travel podcasts and articles, the 8 best hotels near rome airport 2024, how to buy tickets for the colosseum in rome, episode #217: 5 must have experiences in rome, best vatican tours: sistine chapel, vatican museums and st peter’s basilica, episode #214: rome’s best kept secrets – explore the eternal city with liv tours, how to buy tickets for the borghese gallery rome, episode #201: beyond the colosseum – hidden secrets of rome.

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When in Rome Tours


Quick Details

  • Hour Glass Duration: 3 Hours
  • Tag Tour category: Vatican Tours
  • Euro Price range: 51€ - 150€

Our Flagship Tour of the Vatican and Vatacombs

Meet your expert guide by the Vatican Museum entrance and after brief introductions enjoy skip-the-line entry to what is arguably the most important and largest art collection in the world.

The Vatican Museums weren’t always as we know them today. For over five hundred years, celebrated Popes slowly gathered and commissioned works of art from the most talented painters, architects and sculptors in Italy and brought them to the Vatican to showcase them for their own personal enjoyment and that of a carefully chosen circle of clerics, artists, nobles, and scholars. Each new Pope sought to leave a legacy, commissioning chapels, frescoes, sculptures, libraries, paintings, courtyards – one masterpiece after another until the Papal Collection finally grew to more than 70,000 works of art spread over 1400 galleries.

In 1771 Pope Clement XIV finally opened the doors to the public, making it possible for us to enter the Holy See and walk in the footsteps of Popes and the most celebrated artists from Renaissance and Baroque Italy.

On this epic Vatican Tour you’ll walk in the footsteps of Popes and Renaissance Masters as you take in the Rooms of Raphael and of course the Sistine Chapel from its commissioning to the finishing touches by none other than Michelangelo Buonarroti. With an expert guide, learn to discern between myth, fact, and popular Hollywood fiction regarding this epic work of art.

Enjoy fast-track access to St. Peter’s Basilica to view masterpieces by Michelangelo, Raphael, and Bernini among others before descending to the Papal crypts below. We conclude on the portico with an overview of Bernini’s magnificent piazza (St. Peter’s Square), the central obelisk, and of course the Swiss Guard.

  • Stand just feet away from Michelangelo’s remarkable frescoes in the Sistine Chapel
  • Take in the beauty of the extraordinary rooms of Raphael
  • Skip all lines with priority tour operator access
  • Visit the “Vatacombs,” the eerie resting place of former Popes beneath St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Expert local guide
  • Skip-the-line tickets to the Vatican Museums
  • Room of the Muses and Belvedere Torso
  • Pinecone Courtyard
  • Octagonal Courtyard
  • Rooms of Raphael
  • Gallery of Maps
  • Laocoonte Sculpture 1st Century AD
  • St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Vatacombs (papal tombs beneath St. Peter’s)
  • Visit to the Necropolis / Scavi
  • Transport to and from meeting point


  • Tour departs rain or shine
  • Unfortunately, wheelchairs and strollers cannot be accommodated on this tour. Contact us for private tour options for your group.


  • Euro 51€ - 150€
  • Tag Vatican Tours
  • Hour Glass 1h - 4h , 2.5 Hours

Vatican Ticket & St. Peter's Dome Climb

Visit St. Peter’s Dome in the Vatican. Meet your guide on St. Peter’s Square and stroll across the piazza into the Vatican City, where your climb begins.

  • Hour Glass 1h - 4h , 2 Hours

Best of the Vatican Tour

See the best of the Vatican Museums, then have the rest of the day free to enjoy Rome after booking this, the ORIGINAL Vatican highlights tour!

  • Most Popular!
  • Hour Glass 5 Hours , 5h - 9h

Vatican Tour & St. Peter's Dome Climb

The original all-inclusive Vatican City experience featuring a climb to the top of St. Peter’s Dome for an incredible view of Rome followed by our award-winning tour of the Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel.

  • Rome Attractions

Vatican Museums

  • Castel Gandolfo Papal Palace
  • St. Peter's Basilica
  • Vatican Gardens
  • Apostolic Palace
  • Papal Audience
  • Vatican Grottoes
  • Vatican City
  • Castle Gondolfo
  • Vatican Necropolis
  • Vatican Archives
  • Vatican Library

Villa Barberini

  • Vatican Easter Mass
  • Christmas Tree
  • Nativity Scene
  • Secrets of Vatican
  • Plan Your Visit
  • Skip the Line Tours
  • Guided Tours
  • Night Tours
  • Vatican Mass
  • Things to do in Vatican
  • Castel Sant Angelo
  • Rome Pantheon

Borghese Gallery

  • Roman Catacombs Tour
  • Bioparco Rome
  • Big Bus Rome Hop-On Hop-Off Tickets
  • Palazzo Barberini
  • Musei Capitolini
  • Leonardo da Vinci Museum
  • Trevi Fountain Tours
  • Roman Baths of Caracalla
  • Palazzo Merulana
  • Altare della Patria
  • Rome Underground Tours
  • Mamertine Prison
  • Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica
  • Walking Tours
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Tours
  • Bikes & Segway
  • Sightseeing Cruises
  • Travel Guide
  • Things to do
  • Trip Planner
  • Travel Tips

Vatican Museum Tickets & Tours

Headout is an authorized and trusted partner of the venue, offering curated experiences to enjoy this attraction. This is not the venue's website.

vatican tour harga

Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel & St. Peter's Basilica Guided Tour

  • From the world-famous Sistine Chapel to the extensive art collections of the Vatican Museums, uncover it all on this unforgettable tour.
  • Discover the grandeur of St. Peter's Basilica, a sanctuary of faith and artistic beauty, with skip-the-line entry and self-guided exploration.
  • Journey through centuries of history as an expert guide reveals the stories and secrets behind the art and architecture of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel.
  • Behold the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, including the iconic ceiling and Last Judgment, showcasing the genius of one of history's greatest artists.
  • Choose between local English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese-speaking guides who will regale you with intriguing anecdotes.
  • Skip-the-line entry to Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel
  • Skip-the-line entry to St. Peter's Basilica
  • Expert local English, German, French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese-speaking guide
  • Audio equipment
  • Group tour of 25 or less
  • Tip: Avoid booking on Wednesdays! Did you know the Pope speaks in St Peter's Square Wednesday mornings? Sometimes this results in last-min closures, so plan for another day if possible.
  • The Vatican Museums offer free tickets for visitors with mobility impairments (with certified invalidity exceeding 74%). In the case of visitors lacking in self-sufficiency, free entry is extended to their companions.
  • Please note: All guests must pass through airport-style security. During high season and peak hours, the wait time at the security check may be up to 30 mins.
  • Compulsory Vatican dress code: Visitors must wear clothing that covers their knees, arms, and back.
  • The experience is not accessible for wheelchair users, pram/stroller users, or baby carriages.
  • The Basilica may be subject to last-minute closures. In the event that it is closed, the tour will be extended inside the museums.
  • St. Peter’s Basilica may be closed on Wednesday mornings and afternoons as the Papal Audience takes place in St. Peter’s Square. If you’re considering visiting St. Peter's Basilica, please make plans for another day.
  • These tickets can't be cancelled or rescheduled.

vatican museums & sistine chapel guided tour-1

Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Guided Tour

  • Marvel at the stunning Renaissance and Baroque architecture of the Vatican Museums on this guided tour.
  • Are you ready for the experience of a lifetime? The expert guides share stories and hidden symbolism behind artworks, adding a whole new dimension to your experience.
  • With unforgettable masterpieces and exquisite art, explore a vast collection spanning centuries, from ancient artifacts to Renaissance marvels.
  • Tour in the language of your comfort. Choose from English, Italian, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Romanian, and Polish-speaking guides.
  • Discover Michelangelo's awe-inspiring Sistine Chapel frescoes, including the iconic ceiling and Last Judgment, showcasing the genius of Italy's most renowned artist.
  • Guided tour of Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel
  • Entry to the Vatican Museums
  • Entry to the Sistine Chapel
  • Expert English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Romanian, and Polish-speaking local guide (as per option selected)
  • Group size (up to 25)
  • Tip: Arrive early in the morning or later in the afternoon to avoid the crowds.
  • Please be dressed appropriately. Sleeveless blouses, miniskirts, shorts, and hats are not permitted.
  • Knees and shoulders must be covered for both men and women.
  • It is recommended to cover tattoos and any other similarly visible distinctive personal signs.
  • Photography and the use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the Sistine Chapel.
  • Luggage and/or large bags are not allowed inside the venue. You may drop off your bags with the free cloakroom service.
  • Pets and other small animals are not allowed in the venue, with the exception of guide dogs.

vatican museums & sistine chapel tickets-1

Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Tickets

  • Discover the Vatican Museums at your leisure with options tailor-made for you! Go solo with direct entrance, or skip long queues with hosted entrance.
  • Explore masterpieces by Caravaggio, Da Vinci, and Raphael in the Pinacoteca, then marvel at Renaissance sculptures in the Pio Clementino Museum
  • Walk in the footsteps of the Pope(s) as you explore the Gallery of Maps, Gallery of Tapestries, and Raphael Rooms at your own pace.
  • Make your way to the crowning jewel of the Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel, and marvel at Michelangelo’s famed frescoes.
  • Entry to Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel
  • Hosted entry to Vatican Museums (optional)
  • Ticket redemption (optional)
  • Booking and handling fees
  • St. Peter's Basilica tickets
  • Audio guide
  • Tip: Watch out for the only painting by Vincent Van Gogh that graces the Vatican Museums - his very own rendition of The Pieta .
  • The entrance to the Museums is timed. Be sure to select your activity starting time when booking. Once inside the Museums, you will be free to explore at your own pace.
  • The use of mobile phones and photography is strictly prohibited in the Sistine Chapel.
  • Please note that the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel are separate sites from St Peter’s Basilica.
  • For guests with documentation of disabilities and visible disabilities, entry is free along with an additional ticket for 1 companion.
  • Guests opting for the hosted entrance tickets will need to meet the host at the designated check-in location. The exact meeting point will be shared on your ticket.
  • Please note that this ticket does not include a guided tour. The host will only assist you to the entrance.

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Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Guided Tour with St. Peter’s Basilica Dome Climb

  • Commence your tour by climbing to the terrace of St. Peter’s Basilica, where you will uncover unmatched panoramic views of Rome from atop Michelangelo’s Cupola.
  • Immerse yourself in the genius of the Renaissance on VIP Vatican tour, guided by experts with skip-the-line access.
  • Discover the Basilica's Barocco charm and Michelangelo's Pieta. Then, witness Bernini and Michelangelo's Renaissance masterpieces at the Papal Sarcophagi.
  • Pay a visit to the beguiling Sistine Chapel, and marvel at the cherished murals here, such as the painted ceiling and The Last Judgement by Michelangelo.
  • Skip-the-line VIP access to Vatican Museums
  • Admission to the Sistine Chapel
  • Admission to the St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Expert English-speaking guide
  • Dome climb and visit to the Papal Sarcophagi
  • Headsets (for groups of six or more)
  • Reservation fees
  • Transportation
  • Food and drinks
  • Visit to the Necropolis / St. Peter’s Tomb / Scavi
  • Tips: Don't forget to look down as you ascend the dome. Through special windows, you can catch glimpses of the basilica's interior below, offering a unique perspective.
  • It's recommended to wear clothing that covers their knees, arms, and back.
  • The experience is not accessible for wheelchair users.
  • Note that the following are not allowed on this tour: tripod, flash photography, knives, weapons, or sharp objects.

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Combo (Save 5%): Colosseum + Vatican Museums Guided Tour

  • Save big with this combo ticket and visit 2 must-see spots in the Eternal City with an expert tour guide.
  • Explore the Colosseum, the largest amphitheater ever built, while listening to your tour guide relay stories about its past in the language of your choice.
  • Look at the most renowned Roman sculptures and paintings at Vatican Museums. Get up and close with masterpieces from the Renaissance period.
  • Visit 54 galleries in the Vatican Museums and get a chance to see some of the most impressive art collections in the world.
  • Guided tour of the Colosseum, Palatine Hill & Roman Forum
  • Expert local English, Italian, Spanish, French or German-speaking guide
  • Access to the Colosseum floors 1 and 2
  • Access to Palatine Hill & Roman Forum
  • Guided tour of the Vatican Museums with entry
  • Expert & charismatic local guide
  • Access to the Sistine Chapel
  • Access to the Colosseum underground, arena floor, or upper floors
  • Access to St. Peter's Basilica
  • Tip: Save some time to visit ancient Rome's largest temple, located right at the eastern edge of the Roman Forum and the Colosseum – the Temple of Venus and Roma.
  • For safety and security reasons, no large backpacks or pieces of luggage are allowed inside the Colosseum. No storage facility is available. You can, however, take a baby stroller into the Colosseum with you, should it be necessary.
  • Tip: Keep your cameras ready to capture the dizzyingly stunning spiral Bramante Staircase in the museum.
  • For visitors with mobility impairment, the Vatican Museums offer free wheelchair hire from the cloakroom.
  • Strict Dress Code : Knees and shoulders MUST be covered for all guests.
  • Please carry a valid ID with you and present it at the time of entry if requested. Should you fail to do so, venue authorities may deny you entry and such instances are not liable for reschedules or refunds.

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Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel Premium Small Group Guided Tour

  • Elevate your Vatican experience with this exclusive, small-group tour of the museums and Sistine Chapel. Personalized attention and a fun-filled day await!
  • Skip the crowds and embrace VIP treatment on this small group tour. Say goodbye to long lines and the hustle of larger groups.
  • Dive deeper into history with expert storytellers. They bring the Vatican and the Chapel to life with captivating stories and intriguing anecdotes.
  • Imagine Michelangelo lost in his brushstrokes as you listen to interesting backstories, in English, Italian, French, Spanish, or German.
  • Beauty awaits you at every turn! With the help of a local expert unveil Vatican's best-kept secrets and get ready to step into the world of Renaissance.
  • 2.5 - 5 hour guided tour (as per option selected)
  • Skip-the-line entry to the Vatican Museums
  • Charismatic local expert
  • English, Italian, French, Spanish, and German-speaking guides
  • Intimate group size of 16 or less
  • Tip: This tour ends inside the museums…so, why not make the most out of your visit and enjoy a coffee in the courtyard before leaving the site?
  • Strict dress code: Sleeveless and/or low-cut garments, shorts above the knee, miniskirts, and hats are not permitted.
  • On rare occasions, the Sistine Chapel closes without notice. If this happens, you will spend your full tour diving into the depths of the Vatican Museums.

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Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Reserved Entry Tickets with Vatican Gardens Open Bus Tour

  • Enjoy guaranteed access to the greatest of Vatican City attractions, spend less time waiting in ticket queues, and more time gazing at the natural and man-made treasures.
  • Settle in a comfortable open-top bus and bask in the charming scenery of the Vatican Gardens which occupy roughly half the size of Vatican City.
  • Enjoy the views of different landscaped gardens designed in Italian, French, and English styles as you tune into a multilingual audio guide to learn more about the beauty surrounding you.
  • Later, immerse yourself in the immense collection of Renaissance masterpieces at the Vatican Museums.
  • Gape at Michelangelo's incredible work on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, along with other breathtaking frescoes.
  • Vatican Gardens tour by open bus
  • Skip-the-line tickets to the Vatican Museums
  • Entry tickets to the Sistine Chapel
  • Multilingual audio guide onboard
  • Free Wi-fi at the meeting point
  • Audio guide for Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel
  • Tip: Start your visit with the Vatican Gardens aboard an open bus with an audio guide, then continue by visiting the Vatican Museums at your own pace.
  • Please note the chosen time must be respected and latecomers will not be accommodated.
  • The onboard audio guide is available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese.
  • Strict Dress Code : Guests must wear clothing that covers the shoulders and knees.

combo: vatican museums + borghese gallery tickets-1

  • Combo: Vatican Museums + Borghese Gallery Tickets
  • This money-saving combo ticket offers a convenient way to admire two of the greatest art collections in the world at the Vatican Museums and Borghese Gallery.
  • Get priority access to Vatican Museums and see priceless works of art from the Papal collections by Michelangelo, Raphael, da Vinci, and Titian, amongst others.
  • Sprawled across 54 galleries, the museums include the Gallery of Maps, Raphael’s Rooms, and more.
  • The biggest highlight is the breathtaking frescoes that adorn the walls of the legendary Sistine Chapel.
  • Enjoy an escorted entry to the Borghese Gallery in Rome and avoid the winding queues.
  • Gasp at the amazing art collections curated by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Scipione Cardinal Borghese.
  • Admire Caravaggio's iconic masterpieces like David with the Head of Goliath and Boy with a Basket of Fruit.
  • Marvel at Raphael's The Deposition and sculptures like David and Apollo and Daphne.
  • Stroll through the Villa Borghese and explore the gardens dotted with vibrant flowers in bloom.
  • Skip-the-line tickets to the Sistine Chapel
  • Escorted entry to the Borghese Gallery
  • Tickets to St. Peter's Basilica
  • Audio guide for Borghese Gallery (purchasable on-site for 5 Euros)

Top things to do in Rome


Vatican Museums | Treasure trove of art and history in Vatican City

Explore the iconic Vatican Museums, home to some of the world's most famous artworks and historical artifacts. Choose from skip-the-line tickets for quick access, guided tours for in-depth exploration, combo tickets for a broader experience, or early morning and after-hour options that offer a more private visit.

Read on to find the best ticket option that will help you dive into the impressive art collection, and architecture that make the Vatican Museums a must-visit cultural landmark.

Things to know before you book your Vatican tickets

When it comes to visiting the Vatican, the experience you have can be greatly influenced by the choices you make while booking. Here are some tips to guide you in making the best decisions for a memorable visit:

  • Skip-the-Line is a game-changer : The queues can be incredibly long, especially for St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums. Skip-the-line tickets can be bought at the venue for €17, while the prices start at €27 online. The premium cost of online booking, however us absolutely worth it because it will help you save anywhere between 1-3 hours of waiting time, irrespective of when you visit. That's time you can spend exploring more of Rome.
  • Guided tours enhance the experience: The Vatican, with its intricate history at every corner, is one attraction where a guide can profoundly enhance the quality of your visit. Opting for a guided tour can significantly elevate your experience, offering insights into the art, architecture, and stories behind the landmarks. However, if you prefer to explore at your own pace, audio guides are a flexible alternative.
  • Morning vs. afternoon: Opting for an early morning tour of the Vatican ensures a serene experience, free from the afternoon crowds. You'll enjoy unhindered views of iconic art and architecture, capturing the Vatican's beauty in the soft morning light. Plus, the cooler temperatures make for a more comfortable exploration.
  • Visiting St. Peter's Basilica: While entry to St. Peter's Basilica is free, the queues can be extensive. Purchasing guided tours allows direct entry with your guide, though a mandatory security check, which can take up to 3 hours, remains.
  • Timing matters:  The Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica operate on different schedules. When planning the sequence of your visit, note that the entry doors are 20 minutes apart. After touring the Vatican and Sistine Chapel, you'd need to circle back for the Basilica. A hidden door connecting the two closed during the pandemic and is expected to reopen during the Jubilee year in 2025.
  • Visit Vatican Gardens: The Vatican Gardens, spanning nearly 50 acres, is a serene oasis in Rome, boasting sculptures, fountains, and lush vegetation. Opt for a guided tour or explore at your leisure before heading to the basilica. Consider the open-top bus for a comfortable journey after hours of standing in the museums and basilica.

Which Vatican Museum ticket is best for you?

Skip-the-line tickets - Vatican Museums

If you are short on time

Go for: Skip-the-line tickets Duration: Flexible Sistine Chapel access: Yes Guide: No

  • Enjoy fast-track entrance into the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, allowing you to make the most of your limited time. This is especially beneficial during peak seasons when wait times can extend for hours.
  • Enjoy the freedom to focus on areas that interest you most. Whether it's the intricate frescoes of the Sistine Chapel or the vast collection of Renaissance art, you set the pace and itinerary.

Recommended tours

  • Tickets to Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel with Escorted Entrance

Vatican Museum Combo tickets

If you are seeking the full Vatican City experience

Go for: Combos tickets Duration: 5 - 5.5 hr. Sistine Chapel access: Yes Guide: Expert local guide

  • These tickets offer a comprehensive experience, covering the Vatican Gardens and St. Peter's Basilica in addition to the museums making it ideal for those who want to see all that Vatican City has to offer in one go.
  • Gain deeper insights into the Vatican by opting for tickets that provide access to the  Apostolic Palace ,  Villa Barberini , and the pontifical gardens located in  Castel Gandolfo , less than 30 km from Vatican City.

Recommended Tours

  • Guided Tour of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel & St. Peter's Basilica
  • Reserved Entry Tickets to Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel with Vatican Gardens Open Bus Tour
  • Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo & Pontifical Villas Gardens

Budget Vatican Tickets

If you are on a budget

Go for: Skip-the-line tickets, Combo tickets Duration: Flexible Sistine Chapel access: Yes Guide: No

  • Gain skip-the-line access without the cost of a guided tour and explore the museums at your own pace.
  • Explore popular Roman attractions outside Vatican City, such as the Colosseum or the Borghese Gallery at a budgeted rate with combo tickets.

Explore more:

  • Combo: Colosseum + Vatican Museums Tickets

Art and history buffs on a Guided Vatican tour

If you are an art history buff

Go for: Guided tours Duration: 2.5 hr. - 5 hr. 30 min. Sistine Chapel access: Yes Guide: Expert local guide

  • Delve deep into the Vatican Museums' extensive art collection, historical artifacts, and exhibits with the help of expert guides.
  • If you want a more personalized and interactive experience opt for a small-size tour.
  • Guided Tour of Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel

For an intimate experience:

  • Early Morning or After-Hours Skip-the-Line Tour of Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel
  • Premium Small Group Guided Tour of Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel

Discounted Vatican Tickets

Visitors between the age of 18-25 enjoy reduced pricing on their tickets.

Cancelation Policy

Most Vatican tickets can be canceled 24-72 hours before the experience begins. However, some tickets cannot be canceled or rescheduled. Please check your ticket for details at the time of booking.

Explore the Vatican

Vatican Museums

A complex of art and historical museums situated within Vatican City, established by Pope Julius II in the early 16th century. The museums house an immense collection of art and artifacts amassed by the Roman Catholic Church over centuries.

Access included: Yes

Creation of Adam at the Sistine Chapel

Commissioned by Pope Sixtus IV and consecrated in 1483, the chapel is renowned for its Renaissance art, most notably the ceiling painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512 depicting scenes from the Book of Genesis, including the famous Creation of Adam .

St. Peter's Basilica Interiors

One of the most significant and revered sites in Christianity, St. Peter's Basilica stands on the traditional site where Peter, the apostle who is considered the first pope, was crucified and buried. The basilica was consecrated in 1626, replacing an earlier church that stood on the same site.

Access included: Free entry, but guided tours and dome access require separate tickets.

Apostolic Palace

The official residence of the Pope, the Apostolic Palace is a complex of buildings including the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel.

Access: Yes, the rooms of the Apostolic Palace that visitors are allowed to view are a part of the Vatican Museums tour.

Vatican Gardens

Beautifully landscaped gardens and green spaces that cover approximately half of Vatican City's 44 hectares. Established during the Renaissance and Baroque eras, the gardens are designed with a mix of traditional Italian, French, and English styles, and feature a variety of fountains, sculptures, and grottoes set amidst lush lawns, flower beds, and tree-lined paths.

Access included: You will have to book tickets that specifically include entry into the Vatican Gardens.

Vatican Necropolis

The Apostolic Palace, also known as the Papal Palace, is the official residence of the Pope, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. It is thus, a symbol of symbol of the papacy and the Catholic Church and serves as the venue for many official ceremonies, gatherings, and decisions related to the governance of the Church.

Access included: Not all Vatican tickets include access to the Vatican Necropolis . You will have to book tickets that specifically include entry into the Vatican Necropolis.

Vatican Grottoes

The Vatican Grottoes are a series of underground chapels and tombs located beneath St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. They serve as the final resting place for many popes and other significant figures associated with the Catholic Church.

Access included: You can plan your visit to the Vatican Grottoes as part of your visit to St. Peter’s Basilica. Once you enter St. Peter’s Basilica, you can make your way below towards the grottoes.

What To See At Vatican Museums?

The School of Athens in the Raphael Rooms

The School of Athens in the Raphael Rooms

Raphael's masterpiece depicting ancient philosophers in a grand architectural setting.

The Laocoön sculpture at the Vatican

Plan Your Visit to Vatican Museums

Vatican Museum Timings

From Monday to Thursday: 9 AM to 6 PM Friday: 9 AM to 10:30 PM Saturday: 9 AM to 8 PM Last Sunday of the month: 9 AM to 2 PM

Last admission: 2 hours before closing

Closed: Sundays (except the last Sunday of each month), 1 and 6 January, 11 February, 10 April, 1 May, 29 June, 15 and 16 August, 1 November, 8, 25, 26, and 31 December.

Best time to visit: The ideal period to visit the Vatican Museums is between November to March due to fewer crowds. However, the peak season, which sees the highest number of visitors, is from April to September.

Vatican City

Address: Città del Vaticano, 00120 Vatican City

Find On Map

Getting There

  • By metro: Line A Nearest stop: Ottaviano-S. Pietro Station
  • By tram: Line 19 Nearest stop: Piazza del Risorgimento
  • By bus: 40, 64, 62, 81, 32, 982, 492, 990 Nearest stops: V.Le Vaticano/Musei Vaticani
  • By train: RE 12524 towards Civitavecchia or RE 4134 towards Pisa Centrale Nearest station: St. Pietro
  • By car: 3.2 kilometers from Roma Termini Car parking: Options include Parking Prati on Piazza Unità, 62 – 193 & Garage San Pietro on Via di Santa Maria alle Fornaci, 26 – 165

Viale Vaticano Entrance

There are two entrances to the Vatican City:

  • Via Della Conciliazione Entrance: This is the primary entrance if you're starting your visit from St. Peter's Basilica. It leads directly to St. Peter's Square and the Basilica.
  • Viale Vaticano Entrance: Ideal for those who wish to begin their Vatican journey with the Vatican Museums. This entrance is closer to the museums, and from here, you can easily access the Sistine Chapel and other significant sites within the museums.

Drinking Fountain Facility in the Vatican

  • Lost & Found
  • Post Office
  • AED Defibrillators
  • Drinking Fountains

Vatican Museum Rules & Regulations

  • Large bags, suitcases, and containers must be left in the cloakroom.
  • Knives, scissors, umbrellas, sticks, and metal tools must be stored in the cloakroom. The use of laser points is not allowed. Firearms and hazardous materials are not allowed, even if licensed.
  • Photography is allowed in most areas except the Sistine Chapel. Flash and tripods are prohibited.
  • Special authorization is needed for reproducing or drawing the displayed works.
  • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  • The use of mobile phones is discouraged. Silent mode is required, and phones are prohibited in the Sistine Chapel.
  • Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is strictly forbidden.
  • On every last Sunday of the month, the museum is open to the public for free. While this might sound like a great deal, the Vatican also tends to be the most crowded on these days, so it might be better to visit on another day.
  • No pets are allowed inside the museum. Service dogs are allowed if they have proper authorization.

Dress Code at the Vatican

The Vatican has a dress code , as it is a religious state and is quite stringent about it. Failure to adhere to the dress code can lead to you being denied entry. Clothes that expose your knees, including shorts, skirts, and dresses, are not allowed, as are offensive tattoos.

  • For men: Shirts are preferred, however, men can sport a T-shirt as long as it doesn’t feature any offensive slogans or imagery. Sleeveless t-shirts or vests are not allowed. Shorts must level with your knees.
  • For women: Women are not permitted to wear sleeveless, low-cut clothing or crop tops. The rule of thumb to follow is that the midriff and shoulders must be covered. Skirt, dress, as well as shorts, must be at least knee-length.
  • For kids: There’s no specific Vatican dress code for kids. However, the same rules as adults apply to them; shoulder and midriff should be covered. Shorts/Skirts should level with the knees.

Christmas at Vatican

Celebrating Christmas at Vatican is a magical affair. The city decks itself in pretty lights, a Christmas tree , and a Nativity scene . However, the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel is closed on December 25 and 26.

The mass at St. Peter's Basilica, which takes place on December 24, at 9.30 PM, is one of the most viewed masses around the world. To book the Papal Audience tickets, you have to fill out a form and fax it to +39 06 698 85863 at least 2 months in advance. You’ll receive a letter that confirms that the church has received your request. However, this is not a ticket confirmation. You will have to go to the Preffetura Office 4-5 days before the mass, between 8 AM to 6 PM, to get the ticket.

Pizzarium by Gabriele Bonci - Dining in the Vatican

  • La Vittoria: A quaint trattoria offering classic Roman dishes, perfect for a hearty lunch after exploring the Vatican Museums.
  • Pizzarium by Gabriele Bonci: Renowned for its gourmet pizza slices, this spot is ideal for a quick and delicious bite.
  • Il Sorpasso: A rustic eatery with a diverse menu, from fresh pastas to savory meat dishes, ensuring something for everyone.
  • Gelateria dei Gracchi: After a long day of sightseeing, cool down with some artisanal gelato, known for its natural ingredients and unique flavors.
  • Duecento Gradi: A sandwich shop offering a wide variety of paninis made with fresh ingredients, perfect for a light meal or takeaway.

Accomodation options in Vatican

  • Hotel Ferrari (5.4 km away), Taormina Hotel (7.4 km away), Hotel Dina (5.8 km away)
  • Hotel Oceania (4.8 km away), Hotel Columbia (5.3 km away), Hotel Canova (5.8 km away)
  • Castello della Castelluccia (15 km away)

Beyond the Vatican

Roman Colosseum

Built of concrete and stone, it is the largest amphitheater ever built. It was commissioned by Emperor Vespasian in 70-72 AD and completed in 80 AD.

Villa Barberini

An ancient villa set amidst lush gardens, that dates back to the seventeenth century. It offers visitors an opportunity to experience life in this historic region and explore the beauty of its architecture and art.

Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo

Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo

The historic summer residence of the Pope, nestled in Castel Gandolfo, was built in 1596 and is home to several historical artifacts from its past use as a papal retreat. The palace gardens are also open to visitors, filled with sculptures and fountains.

Frequently Asked Questions About Vatican Tickets

The starting price for Vatican Museums tickets is €29. This typically includes skip-the-line access to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Prices may vary based on additional features like guided tours or access to special areas.

You can purchase tickets to the Vatican Museums online or at the venue. Online purchasing allows you to avoid the long queues at the ticket office. Additionally, some tickets offer combined access to St. Peter’s Basilica , providing a more comprehensive experience.

Booking Vatican Museums tickets online offers several advantages: - Skip the lines: The Vatican Museums are a major tourist attraction, and the lines can be extensive, especially during peak seasons. By purchasing tickets in advance online, you can bypass the ticket lines and save valuable time. - Guaranteed entry: Especially during peak seasons, walk-in tickets might be sold out. By booking in advance, you ensure your entry. - Variety of options: Plan your experience by choosing from various options, such as guided tours or evening tours. Combo tours to visit other attractions in Rome are also available. - Discounts & offers: Online bookings often come with special discounts and offers not available at the ticket office. - Customer service: Benefit from 24/7 customer service via phone, email, or chat.

A standard Vatican Museums ticket includes skip-the-line access to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Depending on the experience you choose, you may also get guided tours or special access to areas like the Raphael Rooms.

Yes, EU citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 can avail of reduced pricing on their tickets with a valid ID. EU and non-EU citizens under 18, as well as teaching staff, can enjoy free or reduced entry into the Vatican Museums.

Absolutely! You can purchase Vatican Museums skip-the-line tickets, allowing you to bypass the long queues and enter with priority access. Some popular options include: - Tickets to Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel with Escorted Entrance - Early Morning or After-Hours Skip-the-Line Tour of Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel

Standard Vatican Museums tickets grant access to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. For entry into St. Peter’s Basilica, you'll need to opt for specific combo tickets.

The cancellation policy varies based on the ticket type. Some tickets offer a full refund upon cancellation up to 48-72 hours in advance, while others might be non-refundable. Always check the specific terms before booking.

Vatican City

About Vatican City

Vatican City History

History of the Vatican City

Vatican City Facts

Facts About Vatican City

  • Tiket Pesawat
  • Tiket Kereta Api
  • Tiket Bus & Travel
  • Antar Jemput Bandara
  • Rental Mobil

Atraksi dan Aktivitas

Produk lainnya, vatican tour with climb to st. peter's dome.

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Habis Terjual

Pengalaman yang menunggumu.

-Apa yang bisa kamu harapkan- Bergabunglah dengan tur seni dan arsitektur Roma yang luar biasa ini dan nikmati pemandangan kota dari puncak kubah megah Michelangelo. Temui pemandu sejarawan seni Anda di Lapangan Santo Petrus dan berjalanlah melintasi piazza menuju Kota Vatikan, tempat pendakian Anda ke puncak kubah dimulai: total 551 anak tangga curam – yang sedikit lebih banyak daripada yang ingin dilalui kebanyakan orang dengan berjalan kaki – tapi Anda bisa naik lift untuk sebagian perjalanan ke atas. Naiki dengan santai dan nikmati perjalanan dengan sering berhenti. Di puncak, Anda akan menikmati pemandangan 360° Kota Vatikan yang menakjubkan hingga ke Roma dan tujuh bukitnya. Anda dapat mengambil foto sebanyak yang Anda inginkan untuk pemandangan sekali seumur hidup ini. Setelah kembali turun, Anda akan beristirahat sejenak sebelum memasuki Basilika Santo Petrus, sebuah kejayaan seni dan arsitektur yang tak tertandingi di mana pun di dunia. Di sinilah patung Bernini dan karya seni Michelangelo menjulang tinggi di atas makam kepausan. Pada pukul 11.30 Anda akan berkumpul kembali di titik pertemuan untuk memulai bagian terakhir dari pengalaman Anda: tur tanpa antrean di Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina dengan pemandu sejarawan seni berbahasa Inggris.

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vatican tour harga

Alone In The Vatican: Exclusive VIP Access Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Tour

Inside the Sistine Chapel the walls and ceiling come alive.

  • Experience Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel in exquisite peace and quiet. On our VIP Vatican tour, you’ll have it entirely to yourself.
  • Gaze upon the treasures of the Vatican Museums in the company of an expert tour guide.
  • Morning tour: Arrive at the Vatican at sunrise and explore the tranquil Museums before they officially open.
  • Evening tour: Make your way through the hallowed halls of the Vatican after the gates have closed to the general public for the day.

Tour description

Explore the vatican museums alone for two full hours..

One our most exclusive Vatican tours, this VIP Vatican tour includes early or after-hours access to the Vatican Museums for a once-in-a-lifetime visit to one of the busiest attractions in Rome.

You’ll begin your VIP Vatican tour directly outside the Vatican Museums. As the sun rises over Rome or after the Museums close their doors for the day, you'll walk right into one of the most impressive collections of art in the world. For two full hours, you'll wander its empty halls alone with your small group and an expert Walks tour guide.

Discover the Vatican's renowned art collection with an expert guide.

Your guide will furnish you with all the context you need to fully enjoy your magnificent surroundings. These include the Raphael Rooms—laden with extraordinary frescoes by the Renaissance master—the ornate sculptures in the Octagonal Courtyard, and the awe-inspiring Gallery of Maps.

With 70,000 distinct pieces stretched over nine miles housed within the Vatican, it’s no wonder many visitors lose their way as they attempt to make sense of it all on their own. But with an official Vatican guide, you’ll be in the most capable hands as you traverse the best possible route to experience this renowned collection.

Without the typical crowds, you’ll have the Sistine Chapel exclusively to yourself.

The magnificence of the Vatican Museums is just the beginning. The cherry on top of your VIP Vatican tour comes at the heart of Vatican City: the Sistine Chapel. Our exclusive early and after-hours access to the Vatican Museums means you’ll step inside a virtually empty Sistine Chapel that's normally packed with crowds during the day. Enjoy this extremely rare look inside this iconic building adorned with Michelangelo’s best-known masterpiece. The Sistine Chapel is always a sure highlight on any Vatican tour, so we’ve worked directly with the Vatican itself to ensure a truly one-of-a-kind visit.

Most people who visit the Sistine Chapel aren't able to appreciate the holy space as it was intended due to the influx of other visitors. On this VIP Vatican tour, you’ll experience Michelangelo’s masterpiece in a way few others can claim to have seen it. You'll leave with a full appreciation for the masterful works contained within the Vatican’s walls.

Sites visited

Verified guest reviews, oct 20, 2023.

We were in a group of 10 with an official Vatican guide, which made a world of difference. His knowledge was exceptional on all of the art works. The wine with meat and cheese at the end was a nice finish to this tour.

Oct 14, 2023

This was a truly incredible experience. Not only are you getting the guided tour, with an exceptionally knowledgable guide, but also the quiet access to the Sistine Chapel (less than 50 people in the room), but at the end you get a rather filling, multi-plate meal with you choice of wine. It is such a good value for the price. Our specific guide was I Believe Sylvia and she was so kind and patient with all of us, explaining the importance of each piece and really bringing the history to life. I highly recommend this trip for anyone who is considering it, let it be known, this was a highlight of our family's trip to Rome.

Oct 10, 2023

Fantastic from beginning to end! Less people with the ability to see everything without being rushed especially in the Sistine Chapel. Loved this tour and the tour guide!

Oct 07, 2023

This is a very good tour . You get private time in the Sistine Chapel and a food/wine experience in the Vatican courtyard which is cool .

Oct 03, 2023

Our tour guide, Debora, was the best part about our visit to the Vatican. She is a wealth of information, and she LOVES sharing the Vatican with her groups. We had all ages in our group - 70's down to a 2 year old, and Debora was the tour guide that every single one of us needed. We were appreciative of her breadth of knowledge! She brought details to light that we would never have gotten in an audio tour. The pace of the tour was just right, although my husband became tired part of the way through. (She was so kind to periodically check on him.) In the Sistine Chapel Debora gave us about 15 minutes to reflect on what we were seeing. She knew that for each one of us our our hearts were full from all we had seen and learned - it meant so much to be able to sit amongst the masterpiece and soak it in. And one important aspect about Deborah to mention is her compassion. There was a couple in our group who mistakenly thought we would be seeing St. Peter's Basilica. When they realized it was not part of our tour, they were devastated. The next day they were flying out of Rome, so they only had that afternoon to see it. Debora went out of her way to set up a quick personal visit for them at the end of our tour, and she also escorted them there so that they would be sure to see it. The woman of the couple was so touched by Debora's willingness to orchestrate the visit that she was in tears. Debora was their superhero that day. I highly recommend this tour, and I hope you can get Debora as your guide!

In May, Vatican to offer special Marian tour of Pope's gardens

By Paolo Ondarza   

"The only way to stop war is through forgiveness!" 

The message of the Virgin Mary is both disruptive and clear. Throughout history, she has not failed to indicate to humanity her plan of salvation. At Fatima, for example, appearing to the three shepherd children, she delivered a genuine "peace plan," inviting the world to pray, to return to the Gospel, and to consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart. 

Prayer for Peace 

These words are as relevant as ever when considering the state of the world today.  

The Popes have always emphasized the importance and power of prayer for peace. The initiative "May with Mary," which will be offered by the Vatican Museums every Wednesday and Saturday, offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of the Vatican Gardens by walking through the various Marian images present there. 

Wednesday and Saturday

 "In the Marian month," explains Sister Emanuela Edwards, "on Wednesdays, pilgrims are invited to join us after the papal audience for an exceptional opening of the Gardens in honor of the Madonna. Additionally, on Saturday mornings, traditionally dedicated to Mary, visitors can take advantage of this pilgrimage tour." 

The Lourdes Grotto in the Vatican Gardens

The Queen of Peace

 "May with Mary," continues the nun, "is a visit that includes 10 stops at the most important statues and images of the Madonna. It evokes a decade of the rosary, so in this period when there are many tensions in the world, at each Marian image, we will pray for peace in the world. It is worth remembering that in the gardens, there are 27 different images of the Madonna, so we can rightly say that these are Her gardens. Mary is the "Queen of Peace," and it is right to pray in this way for peace in the world." 

The Pope’s Prayer 

The Marian images featured in the "May with Mary" tour are linked to the devotion of the peoples who have turned to the Virgin in times of war to invoke peace. Regarding the Madonna of Fatima and the conflict in Ukraine, Sister Emanuela recalls: "Pope Francis followed the Fatima appeal by consecrating the cause of peace to the Queen of Peace. During our visit, we recite this same prayer in front of the statue of the Madonna of Fatima, in communion with the intentions of the Holy Father."

Our Lady of Mercy in the Vatican Gardens

Mercy: The way to lasting peace 

Walking through the Vatican Gardens, we encounter another example of Marian intercession for peace: the Madonna of Mercy, created by Renata Minuto at the entrance of the Chalet of Leo XIII. 

"The Madonna," recalls the head of the Educational Activities Office of the Vatican Museums, "appeared to the peasant Antonio Botta in 1536. At that time, Savona was using all its forces in a war against the Republic of Genoa. Mary appeared to invite both parties to peace, urging them to use mercy and not justice, thus putting an end to the conflict. 

Appearing as Our Lady of Mercy, our Mother teaches us how to have lasting peace. This is what she wants us to remember today in our world torn by war. The only way to stop war is through forgiveness!" 

Our Lady of the Guard in the Vatican Gardens

The spirituality of the Vatican Gardens 

Nature, fountains, ancient artifacts, statues of the Virgin and saints contribute what can be defined as the "spirituality of the Vatican Gardens," a refuge of prayer and contemplation appreciated and lived by the Successor of Peter. 

"In this beautiful place, the Popes, such as John Paul II and Benedict XVI, used to take a daily walk as a moment of rest and prayer. Even Pope Francis, like his predecessors, adorned the Gardens with a statue of the Virgin of Luján, made from recycled materials to remind us that nothing is lost, nothing is discarded, but everything has meaning within the magnificent work of God. We can say that, in a sense, the garden also reflects the teachings of the Popes, and this also leaves us with an important message." 

The Vatican Gardens 

Click  here  to make a reservation join one of these May tours.

Families with children or people with sensory, motor, and intellectual disabilities can take advantage of a special service by emailing  [email protected]

The Vatican Gardens

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Rute Tour: Vatikan Roma Pisa Monaco Lourdes Paris Brussels Amsterdam

16 - 29 Oktober 2023 (SEATS FULL)

Pembimbing Rohani: Romo (Katolik)


vatican tour harga

Mengingat jadwal antrian biometrik Visa Schengen yang sangat padat, kami sangat sarankan Anda untuk mendaftar paling lambat 4 (empat) bulan sebelum jadwal keberangkatan tour.


Paket Tour Eropa – Holy Europe 14 Days – Berziarah ke Vatikan untuk mengunjungi Basilika St Petrus yang termegah di dunia, mengunjungi situs-situs ziarah di Kota Roma. Kemudian berziarah ke Assisi untuk melihat makam Santo Fransiskus Assisi. Menginap dua malam di Lourdes untuk berziarah di Gua Maria. Lalu perjalanan tour dilanjutkan dengan berkunjung ke kota Paris dan Amsterdam.

USD 3,890 / pax


Etihad Airways / Emirates Airlines / Qatar Airways



Jakarta, Bandara Soekarno Hatta Terminal 3


Tour Eropa Vatikan Lourdes 14 Hari, setibanya di bandara FCO, Roma. Anda akan diajak menempuh perjalanan tour dalam itinerary dengan menggunakan bus VIP ber-AC. Perjalanan tour ziarah Katolik di Eropa ini memakan jarak antar kota yang cukup jauh, namun tidak akan terasa di mata karena anda akan dimanjakan dengan pemandangan indah khas Eropa Barat. Jarak Kota Roma dengan Nice adalah 700 km, Lourdes – Paris: 850 km, Paris – Amsterdam: 515 km.

Hari ke-1: Jakarta

Shalom, 3 jam sebelum keberangkatan, Anda diharapkan berkumpul di Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno Hatta untuk berangkat menuju ROMA.

Hari ke-2: Arrival Roma - Vatikan

tour ziarah katolik eropa

Pagi ini Anda tiba di ROMA. Setelah itu photostop di COLOSSEUM yang merupakan 7 Kejaiban Dunia. Lalu menuju ke VATIKAN untuk mengunjungi BASILIKA SANTO PETRUS yang merupakan Gereja Katholik terbesar di dunia. Disana Anda juga mendapat kesempatan untuk berziarah ke makam Santo Petrus dan makam Bapa Suci Yohanes Paulus ke-II. Bermalam di ROMA. (L/D)

Hari ke-3: Roma Full Day

paket tour lourdes

Hari ke-4: Roma - Assisi - Pisa

Pagi hari meninggalkan Kota Roma menuju ke ASSISI, disana Anda akan berziarah ke BASILIKA SANTO FRANSISKUS ASISI . St. Fransiskus sendiri adalah seorang pendiri Serikat OFM. Setelah berdoa dimakam St. Fransiskus, perjalanan akan dilanjutkan menuju Kota Pisa. Bermalam di PISA. (B/L/D).

Hari ke-5: Pisa - Monte Carlo - Nice

ziarah katolik ke eropa

Pagi hari ini Anda akan diajak mengunjungi MENARA PISA yang merupakan salah satu dari 7 Keajaiban Dunia. Kemudian menuju Monaco dari Pisa, negara kecil di selatan Perancis. Apabila waktu dan kondisi memungkinkan Anda akan diajak untuk melintasi ARENA BALAP FORMULA 1, PELABUHAN KAPAL PESIAR, serta bukit MONACO VILLE untuk melihat ISTANA KERAJAAN GRIMALDI. Setelah itu langsung Anda akan diantar menuju ke Kota NICE, kota wisata pantai mediterania di Perancis Selatan. Bermalam di NICE. (B/L/D)

Hari ke-6: Nice - Lourdes

Pagi menuju Lourdes dan meninggalkan Kota Nice. Lourdes adalah kota dimana Bunda Maria menampakkan diri 18 kali kepada gadis bersahaja BERNADETTE. Setibanya di LOURDES , check in hotel, kemudian Anda dapat langsung berziarah di GUA PENAMPAKAN (Grotto) untuk berdoa secara pribadi. Malam Anda diajak mengikuti Prosesi Lilin dan doa Rosario. Jarak hotel dengan Sanctuary Lourdes hanya sekitar 100 meter saja. Bermalam di LOURDES (B/L/D)

Hari ke-7: Ziarah Lourdes

Paket tour lourdes

Pagi hari Anda diajak untuk mengikuti MISA KUDUS bersama. Kemudian Jalan salib untuk mengenang pengorbanan Tuhan Yesus, lalu Mandi Air Suci Lourdes. Sore hari mengikuti prosesi Sakramen Maha Kudus, Adorasi, dan Pemberkatan Orang sakit. Setelah makan siang, Anda dapat memiliki ACARA BEBAS yang dapat Anda pergunakan untuk berdoa secara pribadi di GUA MARIA atau hanya sekadar berbelanja souvenir khas Lourdes. Anda dapat membawa pulang air suci Lourdes didalam botol yang banyak dijual di toko-toko souvenir di sekitar hotel. Bermalam di LOURDES. (B/D).

Hari ke-8: Lourdes - Nevers

Pagi Hari Anda akan diantar langsung menuju NEVERS . Perjalanan jauh ini akan terasa cepat karena banyak pemandangan indah yang Anda akan jumpai. Tiba malam hari di Nevers, Anda langsung di transfer menuju hotel. Bermalam di NEVERS. (B/L/D)

Hari ke-9: Nevers - Paris

paket tour lourdes

PAKET TOUR LOURDES | Setelah mengunjungi KAPEL ST. BERNADETTE untuk melihat jasad utuh St. Bernadette yang masih cantik meskipun telah meninggal puluhan tahun dan mengikuti MISA KUDUS (apabila memungkinkan), kemudian perjalanan Anda dilanjutkan menuju Kota PARIS yang tidak lain merupakan Ibukota Negara Perancis. Berwisata sightseeing dengan bus melihat ChampsÉlysées yang terkenal sampai Place de la Concorde, kemudian mengunjungi ARC DE TRIOMPHE dan MENARA EIFFEL untuk photo stop . Bermalam di PARIS. (B/L/D)

Hari ke-10: Paris Full Day

Tour Eropa Vatikan Lourdes

Hari ke-11: Paris - Brussels - Amsterdam

Pagi ini Anda meninggalkan Kota Paris untuk menuju ke Kota Amsterdam dengan melewati Brussels, Belgia. Sebelum sampai di Amsterdam, Anda akan diajak mengunjungi GRAND PLACE, MANNEKIN PISS, dan photostop di ATOMIUM BUILDING yang merupakan landmark terkenal Kota Brussels. Bermalam di AMSTERDAM. (B/L/D)

Hari ke-12: Amsterdam Full Day Tour

Tour Eropa

Hari ke-13: Amsterdam - Transfer airport - Jakarta

Hari ini anda mendapatkan waktu free time hingga pada akhirnya, group akan diantar menuju ke Bandara AMS, Amsterdam untuk melanjutkan penerbangan pulang menuju Indonesia. Apabila memungkinkan, sebelum sampai di airport Anda akan diajak untuk photo stop sejenak di Stadion Sepakbola AJAX ArenA. Akomodasi dalam pesawat (B)

Hari ke-14: Tiba di Jakarta

Hari ini Anda akan tiba di tanah air dengan membawa sejuta kenangan yang manis dan indah bersama NAZARET TOUR. Semoga perjalanan kali ini membawa arti dan semakin memperkuat iman Anda. Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda dan Sampai Jumpa. Tuhan Memberkati.


vatican tour harga

Warmthotel / setaraf

NH Pisa / Galilei / setaraf

NH Nice Hotel / setaraf

Mercure Imperial / setaraf

Novotel Hotel / setaraf

Novotel Amsterdam Schiphol / setaraf



Tiket Pesawat Internasional PP Economy Class CGK-FCO, AMS-CGK incld. Flight Insurance

Airport Tax + Fuel Surcharge

Asuransi Perjalanan hingga usia 69 tahun (diatas 69 tahun ada tambahan biaya)

Akomodasi hotel berbintang 4 (dengan kondisi satu kamar ditempati oleh dua orang).

Transportasi harian dengan transportasi Bus modern ber-AC

Tipping Local Guide dan Driver di sepanjang perjalanan tour.

Makan sesuai program tour (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner).

Wi-Fi gratis dalam bus selama dalam tour (limited)

Exclusive Cabin Bag 18”, kaos, name tag, baggage tag, topi, Sertifikat Ziarah dan buku panduan ziarah yang menarik dari NAZARET TOUR.

Bagasi cuma – cuma 25 / 30 kg bagi tiap peserta.

Pendampingan oleh Pembimbing Rohani dan Tour Leader dari Jakarta


Pengeluaran pribadi seperti, Laundry, Extra drink, biaya overweight bagasi, mini bar hotel

Jasa pembuatan dan biaya visa Schengen Eropa

Nazaret Tour Review

Our Review on Google

Kiman Saputra


vatican tour harga


Terms & Conditions


  • Uang muka pendaftaran yang dibayarkan kepada NAZARET TOUR tidak dapat dikembalikan (down payment non-refundable) pembayaran down payment minimal IDR 7.000.000 atau sesuai dengan paket tour/destinasi yang dipilih ditambah dengan biaya visa (jika ada) .
  • Uang muka adalah tanda jadi untuk mengikuti tour yang dipilih dan BUKAN untuk mengikat nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap mata uang USD/EUR. Pembayaran pelunasan tour akan dihitung berdasarkan kurs yang berlaku pada saat pembayaran pelunasan.
  • Peserta bersedia memenuhi kelengkapan persyaratan dokumen sesuai jadwal dan ketentuan dari pihak Kedutaan Negara yang dituju.  Biaya visa tetap harus dibayarkan walaupun visa tidak disetujui oleh Kedutaan, demikian juga jika terdapat biaya lain seperti pembatalan hotel, kereta dan atau tiket pesawat yang terjadi karena adanya tenggat waktu yang belum tentu sesuai dengan waktu penyelesaian proses visa dari Kedutaan, dan juga biaya tour lainnya maka akan dibebankan kepada Peserta tour.
  • Pendaftaran tanpa disertai deposit bersifat tidak mengikat dan dapat dibatalkan tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu kepada Peserta.
  • Uang muka pendaftaran tidak dapat dialihkan atau diganti ke paket tour lainnya. (non-rerouteable, non-endrosable deposit).
  • Pelunasan biaya tour dilakukan 30 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • Pendaftaran yang dilakukan kurang dari 30 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan harus langsung dibayar lunas.
  • Bagi pendaftar yang berusia di atas 70 tahun atau memiliki keterbatasan fungsi anggota tubuh atau indera atau keterbatasan secara mental, wajib  didampingi oleh anggota keluarga, teman atau saudara yang akan bertanggung jawab selama perjalanan tour.


(Deviasi; Perubahan, perpanjangan, penambahan/penyimpangan rute perjalanan di luar rute perjalanan yang telah dijadwalkan oleh NAZARET TOUR)

  • Deviasi dapat diproses apabila sudah melakukan deposit dan melampirkan fotokopi paspor.
  • Deviasi dapat dilakukan apabila jumlah peserta yang berangkat dan yang pulang telah memenuhi kuota dari ketentuan maskapai penerbangan.
  • Apabila deviasi sudah disetujui maka akan dikenakan biaya sesuai dengan ketentuan maskapai penerbangan dan tidak dapat kembali ke jadwal semula.
  • NAZARET TOUR tidak menjamin konfirmasi pesawat, hotel dan sebagainya bila Peserta menghendaki perpanjangan jadwal paket tour. Lalu apabila permintaan deviasi tidak dapat disetujui oleh pihak maskapai penerbangan maka peserta secara otomatis akan kembali ke jadwal semula.
  • Deviasi yang akan mempersingkat jadwal paket tour, tidak diberikan pengurangan biaya dari biaya paket standar semula.


Jika terjadi pembatalan acara tour oleh peserta sebelum tanggal keberangkatan maka biaya pembatalan adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Setelah pendaftaran : Uang muka pendaftaran (Non Refundable)
  • 60-30 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 50% dari biaya pelunasan
  • 29-15 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 75% dari biaya pelunasan
  • 14-00 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 100% dari biaya pelunasan

Biaya pembatalan di atas juga berlaku untuk beberapa kejadian seperti berikut:

  • Peserta yang mengganti tanggal keberangkatan atau mengganti paket/jenis tour.
  • Peserta yang terlambat memberikan persyaratan visa dari batas waktu yang telah di tentukan Nazaret Tour dan mengakibatkan Peserta tidak dapat berangkat tepat pada waktunya karena permohonan visa nya masih diproses oleh Kedutaan/pihak berwenang terkait.
  • Bila permohonan visa ditolak, sedangkan tiket sudah diterbitkan sebelum permohonan visa disetujui, karena keharusan sehubungan dengan tenggat waktu yang ditentukan perusahaan penerbangan (airlines), maka biaya visa tidak dapat dikembalikan dan peserta tetap dikenakan denda pembatalan dan administrasi sesuai dengan kondisi terkait pihak airlines, hotel dan agen di luar negeri.
  • Uang muka pendaftaran peserta tidak dapat dikembalikan bila Peserta melakukan pembatalan secara sepihak.
  • Peserta tour yang tidak melunasi tour hingga menjelang proses penerbitan tiket, maka dianggap melakukan pembatalan secara sepihak.
  • Pembatalan keberangkatan yang dilakukan oleh Nazaret Tour karena group tidak mencukupi kuota akan di informasikan kepada peserta paling lambat 32 Hari sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.
  • Pembatalan yang dilakukan oleh Nazaret Tour yang dikarenakan tidak mencukupinya jumlah peserta minimum untuk syarat keberangkatan tour, maka seluruh dana yang telah diterima dari peserta tour akan dikembalikan secara penuh.
  • Pembatalan yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak (Peserta atau Nazaret Tour) karena bencana alam, perang, wabah penyakit, aksi teroris atau keadaan ‘ Force Majeure’  lainnya, maka ketentuan-ketentuan di atas dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, tergantung dari kebijakan pihak airlines, hotel dan agent partner di luar negeri.

(Force Majeure; Suatu kejadian yang terjadi di luar kemampuan manusia dan tidak dapat dihindarkan sehingga suatu kegiatan tidak dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya).


  • Tiket pesawat udara, kereta api, dan transportasi lainnya serta akomodasi yang tidak terpakai tidak dapat diuangkan kembali (non-refundable).
  • Bila calon Peserta tour berhalangan /sakit sebelum tanggal keberangkatan yang dijadwalkan maka pengembalian uang/biaya pembatalan, akan mengacu kepada peraturan pembatalan.
  • Bila ada pelayanan dalam paket yang tidak digunakan oleh para Peserta dikarenakan berhalangan atau sakit selama perjalanan, para Peserta tidak berhak menuntut uang kembali.
  • Bagi Peserta tour yang tidak diijinkan masuk atau dikenakan tindakan deportasi oleh pihak imigrasi Negara setempat (walaupun sudah memiliki visa), atau yang ditolak oleh perusahaan penerbangan, atau dalam perjalanan menderita sakit, atau ada kelainan jiwa, atau dalam perjalanan mengalami kecelakaan, yang terpaksa harus kembali atau menyimpang dari perjalanan yang telah ditentukan dalam acara tour, atau terpaksa membatalkan sebagian/hampir seluruh perjalanan setelah keberangkatan, tidak berhak atas pengembalian uang atau bentuk pengembalian lain apapun atas jasa-jasa yang belum atau tidak digunakan.
  • Proses pengembalian uang atau refund akan diproses Nazaret Tour minimal dalam 7 Hari Kerja atau maksimal hingga waktu yang tidak terbatas. Lama maksimal proses refund ini tergantung dari Pihak Airlines dan Agen Partner kami yang memiliki wewenang dalam proses pencairan dana refund.


  • Kecelakaan, kehilangan koper dan keterlambatan tibanya koper akibat tindakan pihak maskapai penerbangan atau alat pengangkutan lainnya, maka standar penggantian didasarkan pada ketentuan maskapai penerbangan internasional atau penyedia jasa pengangkutan yang digunakan.
  • Kehilangan barang pribadi, koper, titipan barang di airport, hotel dan tindakan kriminal yang menimpa Peserta tour selama perjalanan.
  • Keterlambatan atau pembatalan jadwal penerbangan, dan seluruh kejadian yang terjadi di luar kuasa pihak Nazaret Tour.
  • Perubahan atau berkurangnya acara perjalanan akibat dari bencana alam, kerusuhan dan lain sebagainya yang bersifat ‘ Force Majeure’ .
  • Meninggalkan Peserta akibat sakit yang diderita atau kecelakaan selama dalam tour.
  • Pembatalan keberangkatan group yang dikarenakan tidak mencapainya suatu kuota minimum peserta tour.


  • Demi kenyamanan dan kelancaran perencanaan perjalanan tour, Nazaret Tour berhak untuk menerbitkan tiket pesawat, kereta api dan transportasi lainnya, akomodasi, tiket masuk objek wisata tanpa melakukan konfirmasi lisan maupun tertulis kepada peserta tour yang telah melakukan deposit atau pelunasan.
  • Membatalkan keberangkatan tour, apabila jumlah Peserta kurang dari syarat minimum jumlah peserta untuk sebuah keberangkatan tour, dan biaya tour yang telah dibayarkan akan dikembalikan seluruhnya.
  • Demi kenyamanan dan kelancaran perencanaan perjalanan tour, Nazaret Tour berhak meminta Peserta tour untuk keluar dari rombongan apabila Peserta tour yang bersangkutan mencoba membuat kerusuhan, mengacaukan acara tour, meminta dengan paksa, dan memberikan informasi yang tidak benar mengenai acara tour, dll.
  • Mengganti hotel-hotel yang akan digunakan berhubung hotel tersebut sudah penuh dan mengganti dengan hotel lain yang setaraf sesuai dengan pertimbangan dan konfirmasi. Apabila dalam periode tour di kota-kota yang dikunjungi sedang berlangsung pameran/konferensi maka akan diganti dengan hotel-hotel lain yang setaraf di kota-kota terdekat.
  • Jadwal tour dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti kondisi yang memungkinkan dengan tanpa mengurangi isi dalam acara tour tersebut.
  • Pihak Nazaret Tour berhak menagih selisih harga tour dan lain-lainnya (jika terjadi kenaikan harga tour, airport tax, dll) kepada calon Peserta.
  • Pihak Nazaret Tour berhak menagih tipping (tips) Tour Leader dari Jakarta jika ada dari peserta tour yang belum membayar.
  • Peserta tour wajib memiliki sertifikat vaksin dari Peduli Lindungi
  • Telah menerima booster vaksin (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, atau Johnson)

Klik salah satu kontak kami dibawah ini untuk memulai percakapan di WhatsApp!


Copyright 2013-2023. PT. Nazaret Citra Mandiri.


  1. Vatican Guided Tour

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  2. Vatican City Tour And Museums

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  3. Exclusive Guided Tour of Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's

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  4. Vatican & Sistine Chapel Tour

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  5. The 7 Best Vatican Tours of 2021

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  6. The Best Vatican City Guided Tours to Take and Why

    vatican tour harga


  1. Fuel up for a Vatican tour at these top spots in Rome! #food #pizza #pizzalover #rome


  3. The Vatican Tour

  4. Uhud Tour Travel Fair 2022: Umroh Gold Plus Turkiye


  6. Vatican Museums is more than you think


  1. Prices and Tickets

    If you wish to combine free admission to the Papal Palace with a guided tour, please write in advance to [email protected]. Full entry ticket - € 20.00 (without online booking) Reduced entry ticket - € 8.00 (without online booking) € 8.00 + 5.00 (with "Skip the Line" booking on the official Vatican Museums website)

  2. Tur & Tiket Vatikan Terbaik 2024

    Dengan tiket ini, Anda akan mendapatkan akses tanpa antrean ke situs-situs utama di Roma dan Kota Vatikan, termasuk Museum Vatikan dan Kapel Sistina. Dan sebagai tambahannya, Anda juga dapat menikmati tur bus Hop-On, Hop-Off yang nyaman di kota ini. INFO LEBIH LANJUT & BELI ONLINE.

  3. Vatican Museums

    Free entry - Possibility of guided tours upon reservation. Days & Hours of closure > Navigazione info. Vatican Museums Openings/Closures 2024; Openings/Closures Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo 2024; Calendar of Events; Where we are Viale Vaticano, 00165 Rome

  4. Vatican Tours & Sistine Chapel Tours

    The Complete Vatican Tour with Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel & St. Peter's Basilica. 5754. Get a crash course in one of the world's holiest sites on this in-depth Vatican Museums tour, complete with access to the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. from $102.

  5. Vatican City: Highlights Tour with Entry Ticket

    16 Bologna. 17 Polignano a Mare. 18 La Spezia. 19 Palau. 20 Cala Gonone. Visit one of the most iconic religious locations in the world: the Vatican City on a walking tour. See the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica with this entry ticket.

  6. Book the BEST Vatican Tours in Rome

    Private Skip the Line Vatican, Sistine Chapel, and St Peter's Basilica Tour. Enjoy a tailored VIP Vatican experience with a dedicated private guide. (133) From: $452.48. A decade of experience, 1000s of 5-star reviews, and free cancellation makes our Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, and Vatican Gardens tours in Rome an ...

  7. Museum Vatikan

    Harga tur pribadi. Tiket dewasa (18+ tahun): €200 Tiket anak (6 hingga 17 tahun): €100 Tiket bayi (hingga 5 tahun): Entri gratis. ... Semua tiket Vatican Garden sudah termasuk akses ke Museum Vatikan, Kapel Sistina, dan Basilika Santo Petrus. Urutan tur selalu - Taman, Museum Vatikan, Kapel Sistina, dan terakhir Basilika Santo Petrus. ...

  8. The Best Vatican Tours To Take in 2024 and Why + Maps

    Purchase skip-the-line Vatican tickets. The Best Vatican Tours to Take and Why. Visiting the Vatican. 1. Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel. Everyone knows the Vatican Museums are filled with crowds most of the day. That's why this Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour is ideal if you want to avoid the crowds and heat.

  9. Complete Vatican Tour with St. Peter's Basilica

    1234. From $91. VIEW TOUR. A complete Vatican tour with skip-the-line tickets to the Vatican museums and St. Peter's Basilica led by an expert guide, as recommended by the NY Times.

  10. How To Get Vatican Tickets, Tours, And Passes

    2. Buy Vatican Tickets On The Official Website. A less stressful approach is to book tickets online. You can book timed entry tickets on the date of your choosing through the Vatican's official website. The cost is € 17 for a regular ticket, and € 8 for a reduced ticket (for children between the ages of 6-18).

  11. Choose your tour

    Free entry - Possibility of guided tours upon reservation. ... Vatican Museums Openings/Closures 2024; Openings/Closures Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo 2024; Calendar of Events; Where we are Viale Vaticano, 00165 Rome. Getting Here > Contact. General information +39 06 69883145 [email protected]

  12. Rome: The Original Entire Vatican Tour & St. Peter's Dome Climb

    Departure and return. Start: Largo del Colonnato, 1, 00193 Roma RM, Italy. Meet at 7:45 AM for 8:00 AM departure by the Tiare fountain (Fontana delle Tiare), just beneath Largo del Colonnato and in front of the pillars which run around Saint Peter's Square. Your guide will be holding an ItaliaTours signboard.

  13. Rome Small-Group Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica Tour 2024

    Discover the Vatican on a group tour of the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums with an expert guide. Navigate the vast complex of rooms, artwork, and history with a guide, who brings the ancient collection to life. Skip all the entrance lines to explore halls such as the Gallery of the Maps; step inside the Sistine Chapel to admire 'The Creation of Adam' by Michelangelo and finish your ...

  14. How to Buy Tickets for the Vatican Museums

    Buy Tickets on the Official Vatican Museums Site. Vatican Museums Tickets via an Official Partner. Recommended Vatican Museums Tours. Vatican Museums Tickets FAQ. Editior's note - In 2024 standard opening times are expected to move to 8.00am therefore early access tours will then be deemed first access tours.

  15. Entire Vatican & Vatacombs: Flagship Vatican Tour

    Our Flagship Tour of the Vatican and Vatacombs. Meet your expert guide by the Vatican Museum entrance and after brief introductions enjoy skip-the-line entry to what is arguably the most important and largest art collection in the world. The Vatican Museums weren't always as we know them today. For over five hundred years, celebrated Popes ...

  16. Rome: Vatican Semi-Private Tour with Skip-the-Line Ticket

    15 Taormina. 16 Bologna. 17 Polignano a Mare. 18 La Spezia. 19 Palau. 20 Cala Gonone. Beat the crowds and enjoy the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica with skip-the-line tickets. Explore the inside of these iconic sites on tours with maximum 12 participants.

  17. Vatican Guided Tours

    See iconic landmarks within Vatican City and Rome with these 2-in-1 packages. Avail guided tours to some of the most celebrated monuments in the world, like the Colosseum. Recommended tours. Combo (Save 2%): Vatican Museums + Borghese Gallery Tickets. Combo (Save 5%): Colosseum + Vatican Museums Guided Tour.

  18. Vatican Tickets

    2 hr. 30 min. - 5 hr. Elevate your Vatican experience with this exclusive, small-group tour of the museums and Sistine Chapel. Personalized attention and a fun-filled day await! Skip the crowds and embrace VIP treatment on this small group tour. Say goodbye to long lines and the hustle of larger groups.

  19. Vatican tour with climb to St. Peter's Dome

    Dapatkan harga tiket Vatican tour with climb to St. Peter's Dome 2023 termurah hanya di Traveloka! Booking sekarang untuk dapatkan promo liburan tak terlupakan bersama orang tersayang!

  20. VIP Vatican & Sistine Chapel Tour Before or After Opening Hours

    The magnificence of the Vatican Museums is just the beginning. The cherry on top of your VIP Vatican tour comes at the heart of Vatican City: the Sistine Chapel. Our exclusive early and after-hours access to the Vatican Museums means you'll step inside a virtually empty Sistine Chapel that's normally packed with crowds during the day.

  21. The BEST Vatican City Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    10. Rome: Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Tour. Discover some of the most popular attractions in Rome on a guided walking tour of Vatican City. Visit the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica with your guide, and admire the ornate interiors and the famed artworks housed here.

  22. In May, Vatican to offer special Marian tour of Pope's gardens

    For the month of May, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Vatican Museums are offering a tour of the Pope's gardens every Wednesday and Saturday dedicated to Marian spirituality. By Paolo Ondarza. "The only way to stop war is through forgiveness!" The message of the Virgin Mary is both disruptive and clear.

  23. Paket Tour Lourdes 14 Hari Vatikan Lourdes Paris Amsterdam

    Paket Tour Eropa - Holy Europe 14 Days - Berziarah ke Vatikan untuk mengunjungi Basilika St Petrus yang termegah di dunia, mengunjungi situs-situs ziarah di Kota Roma. Kemudian berziarah ke Assisi untuk melihat makam Santo Fransiskus Assisi. Menginap dua malam di Lourdes untuk berziarah di Gua Maria.

  24. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson to meet with partners in Italy, Vatican

    NASA Administrator Bill Nelson on Thursday will begin a tour of Italy, Vatican City and Saudi Arabia to speak with officials in each country about the collaborative use of space.