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Temporary foreign workers find a new job in canada.

Search jobs from Canadian employers who want to recruit temporary foreign workers. These employers have already obtained or applied for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) .

Search 12,144 job postings

As a temporary foreign worker, you have the right to change employers while you are in Canada. You can use Job Bank to find a new job, and other useful information – all for free.

It is illegal for your employer to punish or deport you for looking for another job.

When you came to Canada as a temporary foreign worker, you were granted a work permit for a period of time. You may need to change your work permit before you can start working for a different employer.  Learn more about work permits .

Search for jobs

Apply to job postings, useful resources.

On Job Bank, it’s easy and free to search for a new job in Canada.

1 Start your search:

Click on this button to view all jobs from Canadian employers who want to recruit temporary foreign workers.

You may need to change your work permit before you can start working for a different employer. Learn more about work permits .

2 Get better results:

Use the search fields at the top of the page if you want to see only certain types of jobs. For example, you can search:

  • A job title or keywords, like “Administrative assistant”, “Cook”, “Farm worker” or “Truck driver”.
  • The location where you want to work.

You can also select filters on the left side of the page to narrow your search.

Screenshot of the job search field.

3 View job postings:

Scroll through your search results to get a preview of the jobs, including:

  • Name of the employer
  • Work location
  • Date posted

When you find a job that interests you, click on the job title to view the full details. You can also learn about how to apply for the job.

Screenshot of a job posting preview in search results.

You can search and apply for jobs on the Job Bank website for free .

Employers should never ask you to pay them to hire you.

On Job Bank, a job posting contains many details. Here are some of the most important.

Screenshot of important information included in a job posting.

  • Where you will be working.
  • How much the employer will pay you.
  • How long you will be expected to work.
  • When the employer wants you to start.
  • How the employer wants you to apply.

Use this information to decide if you want to apply for the job. If you choose to contact an employer, they may ask you about:

  • Your current job.
  • Where you are in Canada.
  • Your work experience.
  • If you have a valid work permit.

An employer may respond and ask you questions. They may also invite you for an interview. You do not have to provide information or respond to an employer if you change your mind or do not feel comfortable. The employer may also decide not to hire you.

You will get a formal  job offer letter  if the employer wants to hire you. People often apply for many jobs before they are hired.

You may need to change your work permit before you can start working for a different employer.  Learn more about work permits .

Job postings may also include the status of the employer’s application for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) .

  • The LMIA is pending. The employer has asked permission to hire a foreign worker to fill a job temporarily.
  • The LMIA is approved. The employer already has permission to hire a foreign worker to fill a job temporarily.

If their LMIA is already approved, you may be able to start working for that employer right away. Learn more .

Your employer is not allowed to make you pay for the Labour Market Impact Assessment.

To report abuse

  • Learn about your rights as a temporary foreign worker.
  • Report abuse of temporary foreign workers by calling Service Canada at 1-866-602-9448 or use their online reporting tool .
  • Facing abuse as a temporary foreign worker? Apply for an open work permit for vulnerable workers.

Your employer cannot penalize you or have you deported for reporting them.

To change work permits

  • IRCC Help Center
  • Extend or change the conditions on your work permit: Changing jobs or employers – Canada.ca
  • List of employers who have been found non-compliant under the TFW Program or International Mobility Program

Make sure you are aware of the changes required to your work permit before accepting a new job in Canada.

For more job search help

  • Watch a video about searching for jobs in Canada

Watch a video about searching jobs in Canada

Transcript: finding a job is a job.

Video length: 5:47 minutes

Music is heard in the background.

Text appears at the bottom of the screen. It reads, “This video was produced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some images may not depict current social distancing measures.”

The scene opens with a satellite map of Canada. An animated airplane flies over the country towards the west. The map shifts to the left and 2 different images of a plane landing appear.

Female narrator : Canada welcomes newcomers from around the world and helps them build a new life in Canada.

We transition to a screen split into 3. The top image shows people waiting at an airport. The bottom left image shows a passport with a “Welcome to Canada” stamp. The bottom right image shows a view of Parliament Hill in the National Capital Region.

Female narrator : This includes finding a job so they can contribute to their new country.

The scene cuts to a keyboard. One button has a Canadian flag and another button reads “Find a Job” .

Male narrator : This video will show you how you can find work and settle in Canada.

The image cuts to a screen split into 4 showing 4 Canadians from different ethnic backgrounds, smiling and looking into the camera.

The 4 images are replaced and 4 new Canadians from different ethnic backgrounds are revealed. They are also smiling and looking into the camera.

Female narrator : Planning and persistence are key to finding a job.

We transition to a graphic icon of someone on a computer. Text appears on screen that reads “Planning and persistence”.

Male narrator : There are lots of opportunities for work in Canada, but you might find that getting a job can be challenging ? the process is probably different from the one you’re used to.

The graphic shifts to the left and we see a crowd of people walking on a busy sidewalk. The scene then cuts to a time-lapse video of a large city.

Female narrator : Also, job titles and duties may be different from where you have worked before.

We transition to a young woman working on a laptop computer. The scene then cuts to 2 women talking during a job interview, followed by a woman doing research on the Internet, followed by a medical professional speaking to a patient.

Female narrator : So, you should research what skills, qualifications and experience are needed where you plan to live, even before you arrive.

The scene cuts to a woman wearing a lab coat and a stethoscope taking notes, followed by an overhead shot of a group discussing pie charts, followed by an image of apartment buildings.

Male narrator : Some professions and trades are regulated in Canada.

We transition to a graphic icon of someone on a computer. Text appears on screen that reads “Regulated professions and trades”.

Male narrator : That means you need to have a licence before you can work in them.

We transition to a screen that is divided into 3. The top section shows workers on a construction site. The bottom left section shows a patient consulting with a doctor and a nurse. The bottom right section shows a veterinarian examining a dog. The scene then changes to a screen that is divided into 2. The left section shows prescription drugs. The right section show an electrician working. 

Female narrator : The majority of these occupations are in the medical, dental, legal, financial and construction fields.

The scene cuts to a nurse talking with a doctor followed by a dental hygienist assisting a dentist. The image shifts to the left to include 2 other images. The top right image shows a man and a woman in business clothing looking through papers and talking. The bottom right image shows a man analyzing financial results on a computer screen. The scene then changes to 2 construction workers discussing a project.

Male narrator : Make sure you have a certified translator provide an English or French translation of your education, training and work certificates.

We transition to a young man speaking with a woman. Text appears at the bottom of the screen on a green background. It reads “Certified translation”.

Female narrator : Getting a licence to work in a regulated job can take time.

The scene cuts to 2 students reading and taking notes.

Female narrator : The earlier you apply to have your credentials assessed, the sooner you may become qualified to work.

The scene cuts to a man handing his resume over to a hiring manager, followed by a different man and woman shaking hands.

Female narrator : In the meantime, you may have to find another job related to your field.

We transition to a screen that is split into 2. The top section shows a man getting into a delivery truck. The bottom section shows 2 women gardening in a greenhouse.

Male narrator : Most jobs in Canada are not regulated.

We cut to a cashier at a grocery store scanning items, followed by a chef in a restaurant preparing a meal.

Female narrator : The fastest and easiest way to look for jobs and connect with people is online. The Government of Canada’s Job Bank is a great place to start your search.

We transition to an animated map of Canada. Text appears in the middle of the screen over the map of Canada. It reads “www.jobbank.gc.ca”. A sound of typing on a keyboard is heard while the website is revealed. 

Male narrator : Learn about online employment and networking websites and if you need assistance, go to a settlement service provider or a government employment agency.

We transition to a woman chatting by video conference in an office. The scene then cuts to a woman working on a computer, followed by a man looking over a client’s resume.

Female narrator : Take the time to create a profile on one of these sites.

The scene then cuts to a screen divided in 2. The left section shows a man doing research on the Internet. The right section shows a woman also working on her computer.

Male narrator : Many local settlement service provider organizations provide workshops and support to help you find a job.

We transition to a graphic icon of someone on a computer. Text appears on screen that reads “ Settlement Service Providers”.

Female narrator : Being able to speak, write and read in English and/or French is essential to finding a job and succeeding in the workplace.

We transition to a saleswoman in a clothing store helping another woman. Text appears on the right side of the screen on a green background. It reads “Speak, write and read in English or French”. The text remains as the scene cuts to a female fitness trainer instructing another woman.

Male narrator : Language training is available for free to permanent residents through local settlement service providers.

We transition to a screen divided in 3. The left section shows a teacher talking to students in a classroom. The 2 sections on the right show students listening to the teacher. Text appears on the right side of the screen on a green background. It reads “Language training”.

Female narrator : And Francophone organizations across Canada offer employment services in French.

We transition to a man attending a community meeting. The scene then cuts to another man speaking to a group in a community meeting.

Male narrator : An effective resume is important to finding work in Canada.

We transition to a graphic icon of someone on a computer. Text appears on screen that reads “Resume”.

Female narrator : A resume lists your work experience, skills and education related to the job you are applying for.

A checklist appears. It reads “Experience, Skills, Education”.

Male narrator : Some types of job applications also ask for a cover letter. This letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself and show the employer why you are right for the job.

The text on screen disappears, and new text appears. It reads “Cover letter”. A checklist with 2 items appears. The items are “Introduce yourself” and “Why you’re right for the job”.

Female narrator : If you don’t know how to write these, ask for help from your settlement service provider, or look for examples online.

The graphic shifts to the top and we see 2 women chatting over a laptop. The scene then cuts to a man answering questions in an interview, followed by a man doing research on the Internet.

Male narrator : Settlement service providers can also help you prepare for job interviews. The more you know about workplace culture in Canada, the better your chances of getting a job.

The scene changes to 2 women working on a computer. Text appears on the right side of the screen on an orange background. It reads “Prepare for job interviews and learn about workplace culture”. The text remains as the scene cuts to 2 other women also working on a computer.

Female narrator : There are a number of other things you can do to help you find a job.

The scene cuts to a man and a woman working on a computer. 

Male narrator : Many jobs are not advertised.

The scene cuts to a man and a woman talking at an event.

Male narrator : Workers often find jobs through the people they know, so it’s important to build your professional network.

The scene cuts to a group of people speaking to one another outside in a park, followed by a group 4 people talking to each other and consulting a computer. Text appears on the bottom of the screen on an orange background. It reads “Network”.

Female narrator : Find people who work where you want to work. Ask them how they got their job and what you need to know about working there. Ask them for other contacts.

We transition to a man and a woman having a discussion. The screen then divides itself and another section appears on the right showing a man and a woman having a chat and looking through documents at a coffee shop. A third section pops up in the bottom right corner and we see another conversation between a man and a woman.

Male narrator : While building your network, you might even find a mentor.

We transition to a screen divided in 2. The left section shows a woman and a man analyzing and commenting on a document. The right section shows an overhead shot of the same man and woman. Text appears on the bottom on an orange background. It reads “Mentor”.

Male narrator : A mentor is a person with experience in your area who is willing to guide you.

The screen then splits in 2. The top section shows a woman showing another woman something on her phone. The bottom section shows a man and a woman having a discussion.

Male narrator : Your local settlement service provider can also help with this.

The scene changes to a man in a coffee shop working on a computer and getting help from another man.

Female narrator : If you are invited to a job interview, make sure you do some research about the organization before you go.

The scene cuts to a man speaking in an interview. Text appears at the bottom of the screen on an orange background. It reads “Interview”. The text remains as the scene changes to show the 3 interviewers.

Male narrator : Be prepared to tell the hiring manager why you want to work there, the value you will add to the company, and specific examples of how you did well in previous jobs.

The scene cuts to a wide shot of an interview with the 3 interviewers and the candidate, followed by views of 2 different interviews.

Female narrator : Think about a few questions you could ask about the company or the job you are applying for, such as what kind of tasks you would do in a typical day. This is a common practice in Canada.

The scene cuts to another interview. Text appears on the right side on an orange background. It reads “Ask questions about the company and the job”. The text remains as the scene cuts to a woman talking during an interview.

Male narrator : And be ready to give the names of 2 or 3 people, called references, who a hiring manager can call to ask more about you and your skills. Provide Canadian references, if possible.

The scene cuts to a man sitting on a couch talking on the phone. Text appears at the bottom of the screen on an orange background. It reads “References”. The text remains as the scene changes to a woman talking on her cell phone while checking out information on a computer, followed by a man typing on a keyboard. 

Male narrator : Don’t be shy. In Canada, it’s important to promote yourself ? your skills, your experience and what makes you the right “fit” for a job.

The scene cuts to a woman consulting a manager in a warehouse, followed by a woman taking inventory in a warehouse.

Female narrator : Canadian employers value their employees’ “soft” skills ? things like being reliable and dependable, being able to work well with others, and being able to quickly learn new things. Be ready to talk about these types of skills during the interview.

We transition to a view of tall office buildings as seen from the ground looking up. Text appears on the right side of the image on an orange background. It reads “Soft skills:” followed by the bullet points “Reliable, Dependable, Work well with others,” and “Quickly learn new things”. The text remains as the scene cuts to 2 employees stocking fruits and vegetables in a grocery store, followed by a man explaining something to a group of people around a computer screen, followed by a man and a woman sitting in a restaurant doing an interview.  

Female narrator : Having experience in Canada will help you get a job.

We transition to a screen that is divided in 2. The left section shows an aerial view of a large city. The right section shows the Canadian flag waving in the wind.

Male narrator : Volunteering is a good way to get some experience. It can help you learn about Canada’s workplace culture, practise your language skills and meet people who may be able to help you.

We transition to a group of individuals listening to a man speaking in a community centre. Text appears on the bottom of the screen on an orange background. It reads “Volunteering”. The text remains as the scene cuts to a team encouraging each other in a circle, followed by a young woman looking directly at the camera and smiling while volunteers work in the background.

Female narrator : You might also meet someone who can be a reference for you.

The scene cuts to a shot of 2 women collaborating in a clothing design workshop.

Male narrator : Looking for a job can be challenging. Plan your actions, be persistent by trying new things and don’t give up. Take advantage of all the resources available to you in your community and keep networking.

We transition to a graphic icon of someone on a computer. Text appears on screen that reads “Planning and persistence and flexibility”.

Female narrator : Learn more about looking for work in Canada and how to find a settlement service provider near you on the Government of Canada’s website.

We transition to a graphic icon of someone on a computer. Text appears on screen that reads “ Canada.ca/newcomers-employment ”.

The image then cuts to the signature of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada on a black background and the copyright notice “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 2020.”

The image then cuts to the Canada wordmark displayed on a black background.

It looks like you are visiting Job Bank from outside Canada.

If you are not legally authorized to work in Canada, you can’t apply for every job on Job Bank . Most Canadian employers will not hire you if you do not have a valid visa or work permit.

Visit Job Bank’s page for foreign candidates to review your options and find jobs from employers who are recruiting outside Canada.

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  • Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities for Physicians
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  • Immigrate to Quebec
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  • Certificat de Selection du Quebec (CSQ)
  • Quebec Immigration FAQ
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  • Permanent Resident Card Renewal
  • Permanent Resident Travel Document
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  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
  • Atlantic Immigration Program
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  • Past Caregiver Programs
  • Canada Immigration FAQ
  • Moving to Canada from the USA
  • Work in Canada
  • Business Visitors
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • Facilitated LMIA (Quebec) List of Occupations
  • Canada Global Talent Stream (GTS)
  • Intra-Company Transfers
  • CUSMA (formerly called NAFTA) Work Permit
  • Working with CSQ
  • CETA Work Permits
  • Post-Graduate Work Permit
  • International Experience Canada
  • Spouse Open Work Permit (SOWP) Canada
  • Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) Canada
  • Job Search Tool
  • Social Media Presence Guide
  • Canadian Resume Guide
  • For Employers
  • Study in Canada: Changes for 2024 -2026
  • Our International Student Program
  • Canadian Designated Learning Institutions (DLI)
  • Levels of Study
  • Student Direct Stream (SDS) Canada
  • Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL)
  • Certificat d’acceptation du Quebec (CAQ)
  • Refusals and Appeals
  • International Students in Canada
  • Extend a Study Permit
  • Quebec Health Insurance Plan for International Students
  • Student Accommodation
  • Work While Studying
  • International Students: Spouse and Family Dependent Visa
  • Permanent Residence (PR) for international students


  • Canada Sponsorship
  • Inland Sponsorship
  • Outland Sponsorship
  • Spousal Sponsorship Quebec
  • Child or Other Dependant Sponsorship
  • Super Visa Canada
  • Minimum Necessary Income (MNI) Requirements for 2024
  • Canada Sponsorship FAQ
  • Business Immigration
  • Federal Investor Program (Terminated)
  • Federal Venture Capital (Closed)
  • Federal Entrepreneur Program (Terminated)
  • Start-Up Visa Canada
  • Federal Self-Employed
  • Quebec Self-Employed
  • About our Business Immigration Team
  • Our Canadian Immigration Services
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  • Temporary Resident Permit (TRP)
  • Medical Inadmissibility
  • Legal Opinion Letters
  • DUI Convictions
  • Criminal Rehabilitation
  • Citizenship Requirements
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  • Citizenship FAQ
  • Canadian Economy
  • Taxation in Canada
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  • How to Find Accommodation in Canada
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  • electronic Travel Authorization (eTA)
  • Canadian Immigration News & Updates
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  • CLB Language Converter
  • Visiting Canada Tool
  • What is a NOC Code in Canada?
  • How to Write a Reference Letter
  • Educational Credentials Assessment (ECA) Guide
  • Canadian Cover Letter Guide
  • Canadim’s Employment Services
  • Canadian Language Benchmark Guide
  • Canadian Immigration Glossary
  • See all guides & FAQs
  • Refugees & Humanitarian
  • Canadian Immigration Processing Fees

Visiting Canada

Can a Visitor Work in Canada?

While work and study permits are issued for performing or undertaking specific activities in Canada, a visitor visa has a broader scope. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any restrictions on what you can and cannot do as a visitor in Canada.

Canadian work regulations apply to all individuals who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents. If you are visiting Canada with a Visitor Visa, there are crucial considerations to keep in mind before seeking employment in the Canadian labor market. That’s why, in this blog, we will provide a clear breakdown of what is permissible and what is not while under a Visitor Visa.

Under a Visitor Visa You Cannot…

1. stay permanently.

A visitor visa allows you to enter Canada and gives you temporary  legal status in the country. However, you only maintain that status for as long as your visa is valid. You cannot legally stay in Canada on a visitor visa that is no longer valid.

2. Work in Canada

You need a valid work permit to work in Canada. A visitor visa does not allow you to work in the country. So, you need to make sure you don’t engage in any commercial activity where you directly enter the labour market of Canada during your stay as a visitor.

3. Study in Canada

As a visitor visa holder, you cannot study in Canada except under the specific conditions listed above. In all other cases, you need a study permit to legally study in Canada.

4. Apply for a study permit

You cannot apply for a study permit from within Canada on the basis of your status as a visitor. You will have to initiate the study visa process after returning to your country. One exception to this rule that allows a visitor to apply for a study permit from within Canada is if he or she has a family member holding a valid Canada study or work permit.

But Under a Visitor Visa You Can…

1. enter and stay in canada.

Firstly, and most importantly, a visitor visa allows you to enter Canada. Once inside Canada, your visitor visa gives you temporary legal status to live or travel anywhere you want in Canada. When visiting Canada and considering it as a potential destination for work or immigration, you have the unique opportunity to compare cities, labor markets, job prospects, cultural experiences, and the best places to live. This firsthand experience allows you to envision what life in Canada could be like if you plan to immigrate in the coming years. Keep in mind, though, that this is a temporary status. Visitor visas can be issued for periods up to six months. The exact validity period of your visa will be determined by the officer who issues the visa. Once the validity period is over, your visa will expire and you will lose your legal status as a visitor in Canada.

2. Search for Work in Canada

While visitor visas are not meant to be used as a vehicle to find work in Canada, visitor visa holders are  not  expressly prohibited from searching for work while they’re in Canada. In fact, Canadian employers often prefer to meet candidates in person before they hire them, so searching for work from inside Canada may be more effective than trying to find a job from overseas. However, if you do choose to search for work while you’re on a visitor visa, you should keep the following in mind:

  • Never conceal or falsify your reason for visiting Canada from an immigration officer.
  • You will be expected to prove your intention to return to your country when your visitor visa expires irrespective of the outcome of your search for work.
  • You will be expected to prove that you won’t work in Canada without a valid work permit.

3. Join a short-term course in Canada

Normally, you must obtain a study permit to be eligible to study in Canada. However, there are some rare exceptions that allow you to study in Canada on a visitor visa if you meet the following conditions:

  • The school offering the course is  not  a Designated Learning Institute (DLI).
  • The duration of the course or program is less than six months.
  • The course is not a part of a longer program.
  • You will complete the course before the expiry of your visitor visa.

4. Apply to extend your stay in Canada

Visitor visas can be issued for a period of up to six months. However, if you would like to extend your stay beyond the initial validity period of your visa, you can apply for an extension. Whether or not the extension is issued, and the validity period of the extension, are at the discretion of the immigration officer reviewing your application.

5. Perform business activities

While you generally need a work permit to work in Canada, you can carry out some business activities while on a visitor visa, as long as you do not directly enter the Canadian labor market. For example, you can:

  • Purchase goods or services for a foreign business from Canadian businesses.
  • Visit a business site.
  • Receive training for product use, sales or other business functions under invitation from a Canadian business.
  • Meet and interact with people for initiating and concluding a business transaction.

6. Apply for a work permit

Usually, visitors do not have the right to apply for a work permit while in Canada. However a temporary measure valid until the end of February 2025, makes it possible for visitors who receive a valid job offer while in Canada to apply to get a work permit while in Canada on a visitor visa.

Prior to this temporary policy change, those applying to work in Canada would typically need to apply for their initial work permit before they came to Canada. If they were already in Canada with visitor status when they were approved for a work permit, they would need to leave Canada to be issued their work permit. With this policy in place, leaving Canada isn’t necessary.

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Canada extends meaure allowing visitors to apply for a work permit

A pandemic-related measure is being extended until 2025

Shelby Thevenot

By Shelby Thevenot

Posted on February 28, 2023

Updated on January 30, 2024

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Share article, visitors in canada can continue to apply for a work permit without needing to leave the country, provided they have a valid job offer..

The measure also applies to people who held a work permit within the last 12 months and who are still in Canada on visitor status.

This COVID-era temporary public policy was supposed to expire February 28, 2023. However, it has been extended until February 28, 2025. It allows visitors to get a job in Canada without having to leave the country.

Before Canada introduced this policy, you would typically need to apply for your initial work permit before arriving in Canada. If you were already in Canada with visitor status when approved for a work permit, you would need to leave the country in order to get your work permit.

With this policy in place, leaving Canada isn’t necessary.

How to convert visitor visa to work permit in Canada

To be eligible to apply to transfer your visitor visa to a work permit in Canada, an applicant looking to benefit from this temporary public policy must meet the following requirements:

  • You need to have valid status in Canada as a visitor on the day you apply
  • You need to have a job offer that is supported by a labour market impact assessment (LMIA) or an LMIA-exempt offer of employment
  • You need to submit an application for an employer-specific work permit no later than February 28, 2025
  • And, you must meet all other standard admissibility criteria (i.e. criminal and medical admissibility)

Applicants who currently have visitor status but who have held a valid work permit in the past 12 months can follow special instructions on the IRCC website to get what’s called “interim work authorization” to start working for their new employer before their work permit application is finalized.

Job vacancies in Canada

Employers in Canada are facing significant labour shortages, during a period of economic expansion. By leaving this policy in place, foreign nationals can get a job in Canada while on a visitor visa, and not have to leave.

This not only supports newcomers who may want to work and eventually immigrate to Canada, but it also eases the burden on employers who have job vacancies.

According to Statistics Canada’s most recent job vacancies report , there are more than 800,000 job vacancies in Canada. The highest vacancy rates are in the accommodation and food services, as well as the healthcare sectors.

Are you looking for a job in Canada? Check out the listings on the Moving2Canada Job Board .

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About the author.

Shelby Thevenot

Shelby Thevenot


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It's never too early to start your Canada job search.

Finding the right job in Canada is important to you if you are in the Canadian immigration process or even if you are just thinking about immigration to Canada.

The many advantages of obtaining a genuine Canadian job offer include:

  • Additional points under the Federal Skilled Worker (Professional) Category of Canadian Immigration.
  • An essential element for qualification under the Provincial Nomination Program (PNP).
  • Priority processing of your application for a Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa.
  • Quick entry to Canada on a Work Permit during the processing of your Canadian Immigration application.
  • And most importantly, a Canadian job will put food on your table and a roof over your head.

Canadavisa.com's free Job Search Tool pulls together current job postings and employer contact information from numerous Canadian government and private sector job search engines. Job search results are displayed in real-time and are constantly updated.

Our clients can request that we communicate with their potential employers to explain the simplicity of a Canadian job offer in the Canadian Immigration process.

Visit the rest of the Canadavisa Work in Canada zone for more information on the Canadian labour market and tips on getting the job you want in Canada.

Latest News

Canada's express entry draw results from june 19, 2024.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has conducted another Express Entry draw today. Here are the results from the department's latest Express Entry draw on June 19, 2024.

IRCC conducts its first Express Entry draw for CEC candidates since 2021

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has issued its first round of Express Entry invitations for Canadian Experience Class (CEC) candidates since September 14, 2021. Read on for the results of IRCC's May 31 Express Entry draw.

  • • USA to Canada Options
  • • Immigrate from Nigeria
  • • Immigrate from India
  • • Immigrate from Pakistan
  • • Immigrate from the Philippines
  • • Immigrate from Kenya
  • • Immigrate from Saudi Arabia
  • • Immigrate from the UAE
  • • Immigrate from Qatar
  • • Hong Kong Options
  • • Ukraine Measures
  • • Study Pathways to PR
  • • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • • Canadian Experience Class
  • • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • • Comprehensive Ranking System
  • • Improve Your CRS Score
  • • Invitations to Apply
  • • Express Entry Draw Results
  • • Alberta
  • • British Columbia
  • • Manitoba
  • • New Brunswick
  • • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • • Northwest Territories
  • • Nova Scotia
  • • Ontario
  • • Prince Edward Island
  • • Saskatchewan
  • • Yukon
  • • Quebec Skilled Worker Program
  • • Quebec Experience Program
  • • Expression of Interest System
  • • Arrima Portal
  • • Quebec Immigration Pilot Programs
  • • Quebec Immigration Levels Plan
  • • Atlantic Immigration Program
  • • Caregivers
  • • Agri-Food Immigration Pilot
  • • Rural and Northern Pilot
  • • Start-Up Visa Program
  • • Self-Employed Persons Program
  • National Occupational Classification
  • Language Test Requirements
  • Education Credential Assessment
  • Immigration Levels Plan
  • About the Immigration Department
  • About the Immigration Minister
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  • • After Sales Service / Warranty
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  • • IT Workers as Business Visitors
  • • Guest Speakers in Canada
  • Options for H-1B Visa Holders
  • Tech Talent Options
  • • Canada's Free Trade Agreements
  • • Post-Graduation Work Permits
  • • PGWP Open Work Permit Extension
  • • Spousal Open Work Permit
  • • Temporary Work Permits In Quebec
  • • International Mobility Program Plus
  • • Significant Benefit
  • • Intra-Company Transfers
  • • TV and Film Production Workers
  • • Bridging Open Work Permit
  • • Open Work Permits
  • • Vulnerable Workers
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  • • Advertising Requirements
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  • Child or Other Dependent
  • • PGP Invitation to Apply
  • • Super Visa
  • • Minimum Necessary Income
  • • Canada Study Assessment Form
  • • Getting Admitted
  • • Designated Learning Institutions
  • • Letter of Acceptance
  • • Programs and Areas of Study
  • • Levels of Study
  • • Transfer Programs
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  • • Accommodation
  • • Financial Aid
  • • Student Health Insurance
  • • Compliance
  • • Student Direct Stream
  • • Study without a Study Permit
  • • Study Permit Refusals
  • • Renewing or Changing a Study Permit
  • Study Pathways to PR
  • Bringing your Family to Canada
  • Working While Studying
  • Post-Graduation Work Permits
  • • Citizenship Eligibility
  • • Calculate Your Citizenship Eligibility
  • • How to Apply for Citizenship
  • Benefits of Canadian Passport
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  • Citizenship Ceremony
  • Overcome Inadmissibility
  • • What is a TRP?
  • • Individual Rehabilitation
  • • Deemed Rehabilitation
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  • • Entering with a Felony
  • • Entering with a Misdemeanor
  • • Denied Entry to Canada
  • • Deported from USA
  • • Serious Criminality
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  • Overcome Medical Inadmissibility
  • Canada Border Services Agency
  • • Our Legal Advice
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  • Workers' Rights in Canada
  • • Electronic Travel Authorization
  • • eTA FAQ
  • • Immigration Processing Times
  • • Skilled Occupations by NOC
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  • Business Immigration Overview
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  • • Filing your Taxes
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  • • Writing a Canadian Resume
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  • • Bridging Programs
  • • Workers' Rights in Canada
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A Canada work visa ahead, a promising future awaits.

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  • 14.10.2023 Canada announces conditional student visa
  • 16.10.2023 Canadian language schools push for government support for “Study Safe Corridor”
  • 18.10.2023 Hire a home child care provider or home support worker
  • 23.11.2023 Canada Targets 500,000 Annual New Immigrants
  • 07.12.2023 Canada to speed up work-permit processing by automation
  • 08.12.2023 Start your study in Canada journey
  • 07.12.2023 Canada to welcome 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024
  • 12.12.2023 Revised requirements to better protect international students
  • 12.12.2023 IRCC to increase cost-of-living requirement for study permit applicants
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Come to Canada as a Visitor and Explore Jobs

  • Where does it come from?

Have you ever heard about exploration job visas? Then the fact is that there is no such thing as an exploration job visa for Canada. However, you can arrive in Canada as a visitor and explore jobs that suit you.

Canada uses many measures that allow its visitors to come and apply for work permits. It is indeed a Covid-19 pandemic-related counteractive measure initiated by the government and extended till 2025 to cope with the enormous labour shortage in the country. Without having to leave Canada, visitors with valid job offers can now continue with their work permit applications by staying here.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicants who wish to make use of this provisional government public policy must be able to meet the following requirements as mentioned below to become qualified for work permit applications:

  • The applicants must possess a valid status as a visitor in Canada on the date when they apply
  • The job offers must be supported by either a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or LMIA-exempt offer of employment
  • The applications for employer-specific work permits must be made on or before February 28th, 2025
  • The applicants must be able to meet all the standard admissible criteria, including criminal and medical admissibility

Visiting Canada To Find Jobs

Canada visitor visas are not considered to be treated as a medium for finding jobs, but people with visitor visas are not restricted from seeking employment in Canada. Usually, most Canadian employers prefer directly interacting with the job candidates before being hired. Therefore, it is ideal and more effective to search for jobs while you are in the country rather than applying from overseas. However, you should keep the below-mentioned facets in mind if you prefer to apply for employment while holding a visitor visa:

  • Never conceal or lie to an immigration officer regarding the purpose of your visit to Canada
  • You are expected to convince the immigration authorities that you will return to your home country once your visitor visa expires and no matter what the outcome of your job search is.
  • It would be best if you could convince the immigration officer that you won’t work in Canada without having a valid work permit

Foreign nationals can arrive in Canada on a visitor visa when they prefer to secure a genuine job offer and then later apply for Permanent Residence (PR) under Federal, Provincial or Regional programs. Generally, Canadian employers hesitate to hire foreign nationals for work if they apply from abroad. They prefer hiring potential employees inside Canada holding valid work permits. Therefore, by being a visitor in Canada, you can enhance your chances of getting a job offer. And subsequently, with a genuine job offer, your chances of getting the Invitation To Apply (ITA) for obtaining a PR will also increase.

A visitor visa, in other words, is a temporary Canadian resident visa. The maximum validity period for multiple-entry visitor visas is five years. It can also be one month before the expiry date, as mentioned on your passport/ re-entry visa. On every visit, the applicants can stay in the country for up to six months. After that, they should leave or can apply for an extension to remain in Canada. The good thing is that there are no limits on the number of extensions of the stay applications. The applicants, however, must explain the reasons for the extended visit. Always remember that a Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) officer can curb the stay duration of a visitor or can even restrict entry into the country at any Canadian Port Of Entry (be it land, airport, or sea).

Dos and Don’ts of Coming on a visitor visa

  • You can study a course for less than six months
  • You can apply for a work permit inside the country if your job offer is either approved by LMIA or the respective provincial government authority or regional authority
  • You cannot work while you are on a visit visa
  • You cannot study a course for more than six months

Eligibility Criteria For Visitor Visa

  • You must have a legit travel document, like your passport
  • You must be in good health
  • You must not have any criminal or immigration-related charges against you
  • You must be able to prove to the immigration officer that you have strong ties back in your home country, such as valid employment, home, family, and financial assets, and you will return
  • You must convince that you will leave Canada by the end of your visit period
  • You have ample financial resources to support your stay in Canada
  • You should take a medical examination and have a letter of invitation from someone who resides in Canada

Inadmissibility Reasons

There are some people who are not permitted to enter Canada. Several reasons can make a person inadmissible to Canada, as mentioned below:

  • Criminal activities
  • Human rights violations
  • Organized crimes


Canada Business Visitor Visa

The validity period of a business visitor visa is up to ten years or up to the passport expiry of the applicant. Business visa applicants can stay in the country for six months on every visit. And after that, they may leave or apply for a stay extension. There are no limits or restrictions on the number of extensions of the stay applications. However, the applicants must explain the reasons for their extended visit.

Biometric Requirement

Once every ten years, foreign nationals residing in Canada must provide their biometrics in person.

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Get In Canada

Can I work in Canada as a visitor?

In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about traveling to Canada, including the activities you can engage in and the restrictions you might encounter, especially if you’re considering an extended stay for work purposes.

There are some considerations you have to keep in mind before deciding to move to Canada, so we will discuss all the things you need to know before moving, and also what you can do and what you can’t.

Can I work in Canada as a visitor?

As a visitor, you are allowed to do the following:

1. you can enter and stay in canada as a visitor:.

The visitor visa is a legal status to lets you stay in Canada for up to 6 months at a maximum, so if you are planning to immigrate to Canada soon, you can visit Canada to know how it goes with life in Canada and also compare provinces work-wise, cultural experience and best places to live.

Whenever your visitor visa expires you have to get back to your home country so you can enter Canada in the future again.

2. Start your process of searching for a job :

Although you aren’t allowed to apply for a work permit as a visitor, you can start searching for job opportunities as employers prefer to meet the employee in person before hiring him/her.

But to apply for a job opportunity, you have to:

  • Prove that you will return to your country.
  • Prove that you won’t work in Canada without a valid work permit.
  • Don’t lie to the immigration officer in any way.

3. You can join a short-term course:

To be eligible to study in Canada, a study permit is generally required. Nonetheless, under certain uncommon circumstances, you may study in Canada using a visitor visa, provided these criteria are met:

  • The educational institution conducting the course is not a Designated Learning Institute (DLI) .
  • The course or program’s length is under six months.
  • The course is not part of a longer academic program.
  • You will finish the course within the validity period of your visitor visa.

4. Apply for extending your stay in Canada:

Visitor visas are initially valid for up to six months. If you wish to extend your stay past this period, an application for an extension can be made. The decision to grant the extension, as well as the duration of the extended period, depends on the judgment of the immigration officer evaluating your request.

5. You can start performing business activities while being in Canada:

Typically, a work permit is required to work in Canada, but certain business-related activities can be conducted with a visitor visa, provided they don’t involve entering the Canadian job market directly. Activities you can engage in include:

  • Buying goods or services from Canadian companies for a foreign business.
  • Conducting site visits to businesses.
  • Attending training sessions for product use, sales, or other business-related activities at the invitation of a Canadian company.
  • Engaging in meetings and interactions to start and finalize business deals.

6. Apply for a work permit:

Ordinarily, visitors in Canada cannot apply for a work permit during their stay. However, under a temporary rule effective until the end of February 2025, visitors who receive a valid job offer while in Canada can now apply for a work permit without leaving the country, even if they are there on a visitor visa.

Before this temporary adjustment, applicants for work in Canada were generally required to apply for their initial work permit before entering Canada. If they obtained a work permit while holding visitor status in Canada, they had to exit Canada to have their work permit issued. This current policy eliminates the need to leave Canada for work permit issuance.

Find out if you are eligible to get in Canada →

As a visitor, you aren’t allowed to do the following:, 1. you can’t stay in canada permanently as a visitor:.

You can stay in Canada with a legal status as a visitor, but once your visitor visa expires you have to leave Canada because the visitor visa is a temporary visa to stay in Canada.

2. The visitor visa isn’t an authorization for you to work in Canada:

To work in Canada, it’s essential to have an appropriate work permit. Holding only a visitor visa is not sufficient for employment purposes in Canada. Therefore, while visiting, ensure that you refrain from participating in any form of employment or commercial activity that involves entering the Canadian labour market.

3. You can’t study in Canada while having a visitor status:

If you hold a visitor visa, studying in Canada is generally not permitted, except in the specific scenarios previously mentioned. For all other instances, obtaining a study permit is necessary to legally pursue education in Canada.

4. You can’t apply for a study permit while visiting Canada:

If you are in Canada on a visitor status, you are not eligible to apply for a study permit from within the country. Generally, you must start the process for a study visa once you return to your home country. However, there is an exception: if you have a family member in Canada with a valid study or work permit, then as a visitor, you can apply for a study permit from within Canada.

In conclusion, working in Canada as a visitor is not permissible under the standard visitor visa guidelines. This blog has outlined the essential requirements and restrictions for those wishing to work in Canada, emphasizing the need for a valid work permit. While visitor visas allow for travel and short stays, they do not grant the holder the legal right to engage in employment. Understanding and respecting these regulations is crucial for anyone considering working in Canada. For those who do wish to work, it’s advisable to explore the proper channels for obtaining the appropriate work permits, ensuring a legal and hassle-free experience in Canada.

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Application for a Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa - TRV)

You need to give your biometrics.

In most cases, you now need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) after you apply.

Find out who needs to give biometrics and how the new application process works.

Biometrics and the application process

Image that represents the different stages of the application process and biometrics.

We refer to your fingerprints and photo as biometrics. We collect biometrics for most applications. Find out what happens from when you submit your application to when you get to Canada and where biometrics fits in the process.

1. Apply for your visitor visa, study permit or work permit

If you want to visit, study or work in Canada, make sure you’re eligible to apply. Use our application guides to help fill out your application properly, then submit your application.

Avoid processing delays by sending us a complete application .

2. Get your fingerprints and photo taken

If you’re between 14 and 79 years old, you probably need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics).You only need to give your biometrics once every 10 years to make repeat trips to Canada easier.

  • You must pay the  biometrics fee   when you submit your application.  Otherwise you may experience delays.
  • Get this done  as soon as you get the letter  from us that tells you to give biometrics.
  • You have  30 days  to do this from the date on the letter.

Find out who needs to give , how to give , and  where to give your biometrics .

COVID-19: Biometrics deadline

Some biometrics collection sites are closed. If the site closest to you is closed, we’ll extend your deadline to give your biometrics. Find out how COVID-19 is affecting biometrics .

3. We process your application

After we get your biometrics, we start processing your application. See how long it takes to process your application.

If we need more information from you, we’ll contact you.

4. We make a decision on your application

When we finish reviewing your application, we let you know if you’re approved to come to Canada. If you are, we issue your documents.

If your application is refused, we send you a letter that tells you why.

5. You travel to Canada (if you’re approved)

Make sure you travel with the documents we gave you. This includes travel documents like a visitor visa, study or work permits or an eTA (electronically linked to your passport).

Airline staff and border service officers at ports of entry will ask to see your travel documents. If you don’t have them, you may not be able to board your flight to Canada.

Make sure children under 18 travel with the right documents .

6. We check your identity when you arrive in Canada

When you arrive, we check your identity to make sure that you are the same person who was approved to travel to Canada. We may use your biometrics to do this.

If we can’t verify your identity, you may be detained by a border services officer. These officers help protect the health and safety of Canadians.

If the officer determines that you’re not admissible to Canada, you won’t be allowed to enter Canada. If you came by air, you’ll have to take a return flight to where you came from.

7. You’re allowed to enter Canada

If you pass the identity check and meet the entry requirements , the border services officer stamps your passport and lets you know how long you can stay in Canada. You’re normally allowed to stay in Canada for up to six months.

Children under 18 must meet the same entry requirements as adults. The border services officer may ask minor children to show other documents depending on whether the child is travelling alone or with someone.

Basic entry requirements

You must meet some basic requirements to enter Canada. You must:

  • have a valid travel document, like a passport
  • be in good health
  • have no criminal or immigration-related convictions
  • convince an immigration officer that you have ties—such as a job, home, financial assets or family—that will take you back to your home country
  • convince an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit
  • The amount of money you will need depends on how long you will stay and if you will stay in a hotel, or with friends or relatives.

Some people are not admissible to Canada, which means they are not allowed to enter the country. You can be inadmissible for several reasons, including being involved in:

  • criminal activity
  • human rights violations
  • organized crime

You can also be inadmissible for security, health or financial reasons.

Find out more about inadmissibility .

Biometrics fee

  • Individual  applicant: CAD $85
  • Families applying at the same time : maximum total fee of CAD $170
  • Groups of 3 or more performing artists and their staff  who apply for work permits at the same time: maximum total fee of $CAD 255

You can apply online or on paper (in specific situations) for:

  • visitor visas (also known as temporary resident visas)
  • super visas (for parents and grandparents)
  • transit visas

Apply online

Before you apply, make sure you need a visa to enter Canada. Find out what document you need to enter Canada .

You must have both of these to apply online:

  • access to a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents to upload
  • a valid credit card to pay with

How you apply depends on what you apply for. Select the document you want to apply for to get instructions:

Visitor visa : Option 1 of 3

Apply for a visitor visa

Super visa (for parents and grandparents) : Option 2 of 3

Apply for a super visa

Transit visa : Option 3 of 3

Apply for a transit visa

Apply on paper (in specific situations)

Before you apply , make sure you need a visa to enter Canada. Find out what document you need to enter Canada .

Read the instruction guide to get all the details to apply on paper.

  • Instruction Guide 5256

Once you have read the guide, you can prepare your application package. You must select the country or territory from which you will apply to get your local visa office instructions.

visit visa canada jobs

Permanent residents of Canada

We do not issue temporary resident visas (TRV) to permanent residents (PR). If you are outside Canada without a valid PR card, you must apply for a permanent resident travel document (PRTD) instead. If you meet the requirements for a PRTD, you can return to Canada as a PR.

If you no longer want to be a PR, or if you know you do not meet the requirements to keep your PR status, you can voluntarily give up (renounce) your PR status to apply for a TRV.

Application for Temporary Resident Visa

You can’t fill out and save the application form using your Internet browser. To use the form, you need to:

  • Use your computer (Mac or PC). The form won’t open on mobile devices (iPads, tablets, mobile phones, etc.)
  • Install Adobe Reader 10 (or higher)
  • Download the PDF file to your computer . Save the file in a place you can remember.
  • Make sure you use Adobe Reader to open the form. Sometimes if you try to open the form directly, it will use your Internet browser to try to open it.

Note: If you are applying online , you don’t need to print and sign the form. Leave the signature section empty.

Get the form

  • Application for Temporary Resident Visa [IMM 5257] (PDF, 556.66 KB) June 2019

Having issues with the form?

  • I can’t open my visa application form in PDF format. What can I do?
  • After clicking the “validate” button on my visa application form, nothing happens and I don’t see the barcodes. Why is this happening?

How-to video

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Find out if you are eligible

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Living in Canada tool

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Kelia Losa Author Kelia Losa Reinoso is a qualified content writer with a Master of Arts degree in Journalism and Media Studies https://www.canadianvisa.org/author/kelia-losa-reinoso

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Some companies in Canada will sponsor foreign workers by hiring them to fill the labour gap that the country is experiencing.

  • Work in Canada

5 Canadian Companies That Sponsor Foreign Workers


Kelia Losa Reinoso is a qualified content writer with a Master of Arts degree in Journalism and Media Studies

5 Canadian Companies That Sponsor Foreign Workers

If you are an international student or a foreign worker hoping to work in Canada, finding companies that can sponsor your visa is crucial. Visa sponsorship jobs provide an excellent opportunity to kickstart your career in the country. According to the Government of Canada, Immigration accounts for almost 100% of Canada's labour force growth. Roughly 75% of Canada's population growth comes from immigration, mostly in the economic category.

International graduates can join the Canadian job market through the Labor Market Impact Assessment ( LMIA ). While Canadian companies may not directly "sponsor" foreign workers, they can assist you in applying for an LMIA on your behalf to the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) .

Let’s explore a list of companies facilitating the LMIA procedures, providing valuable information to extend your stay in Canada. These companies understand the importance of foreign workers and are willing to support the process of hiring qualified individuals like you. Here are some opportunities that await you with these Canadian companies sponsoring foreign workers.

Canadian Companies that Sponsor Foreign Workers

Canadian Companies that Sponsor Foreign Workers

Here’s our comprehensive list of Canadian companies that can sponsor visas, offering valuable opportunities for foreign workers. These companies understand the importance of hiring international talent and are willing to provide sponsorship to work in Canada.

Whether you are an international student or a skilled professional, this list of Canadian employers looking for foreign workers will guide you in finding the right company to kickstart your career in Canada. Let's explore the top companies in Canada that offer visa sponsorship and welcome foreign workers to join their teams.

Google Canada

Based in Toronto , Google Canada  has a huge international staff network. Jobs are available for all types of professions in Engineering and Technology, Sales, Legal and Design. Because Google is an equal opportunity leader, they don’t discriminate on race, colour, national origin, disability, or gender. Your chances of getting hired at this global company branch in Canada are much higher if you have many years of experience and can speak English or French fluently. There are plenty of sponsorship jobs in Canada available at Google.

P&H Farming

Another company that sponsors work visas in Canada is P&H Farming . This Canadian family-owned company with over 100 years of agricultural experience. Founded in 1909, P&H is a growth-oriented, diversified, and vertically-integrated company with activities in grain marketing, crop inputs, flour milling, and feed mills.

Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited assists Canadian producers and food manufacturers who sell crops and baked products to local and international markets. Parrish &; Heimbecker, Limited uses its well-established asset network, strong customer connections, and continuous infrastructure development to serve Canadian farmers from seed to final export and every step in between.

Because agriculture is a huge industry in Canada, farming companies like P&H want to hire foreign workers to fill the labour gap and ensure that there’s always food on the table. While farming falls under unskilled work, having some experience and being a younger person will benefit your application.

Another way of finding sponsorship jobs in Canada is by looking at financial companies. Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler or KPMG is an auditing and tax advisory company based in Vancouver , Canada. Not only do they provide careers in the financial industry to experienced professionals and executives, but to students in training as well. They brand themselves as inclusive and place diversity and equity at the forefront of their recruitment.

KPMG Canada is committed to fostering a courteous, inclusive, and barrier-free workplace where individuals may bring themselves to work.

They believe workforce inclusion, diversity, and equality benefit the company and enrich the work culture. It also allows the company to develop relationships with clients, colleagues, and communities.

The variety of their employees mirrors the diversity of their customers and the communities in which they work. These values are depicted in their multicultural staff.

Next on our list of Canadian employers looking for foreign workers is Scotiabank. The Bank of Nova Scotia, or Scotiabank , is a global Canadian banking and financial services corporation based in Toronto, Ontario . It is the third biggest Canadian bank by deposits and market capitalization, one of Canada's Big Five banks.

Consider finance and accounting job openings to improve your financial knowledge. Learn about Commercial Banking to assist clients in growing their businesses. By joining Scotiabank's Global Banking and Markets division, you can earn and develop as you work with industry-leading clients.

Scotiabank's reputation stems from its employees. Their open culture promotes diversity, and their numerous awards derive from this good atmosphere. They pride themselves on nurturing bold ideas, professional development, and mutual respect. Their inclusive work environment is a welcoming space for foreign workers. They’re always looking for new members to join the team.

Elastic Path

The final entry of this list of Canadian companies that sponsor foreign workers is Elastic Path . Elastic Path is a headless commerce solution integrating template-less eCommerce as middleware into Enterprise Resource Planning. The solution is API-based and is aimed primarily at Enterprise-level organizations. Find careers at this Vancouver-based company in business development, HR, Marketing and Product Development, Sales and more.

Why International Companies

Regarding job opportunities in Canada, international companies like Google and Amazon are excellent places to start your search, especially if you have previous experience working for them in your home country or a similar field. These companies value diversity and inclusion in the workplace, providing equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background.

One notable international company to consider is Amazon. Known for its commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive environment, Amazon is an equal opportunity employer that prohibits discrimination based on various factors such as race, country of origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, handicap, age, other legally protected characteristics.

Finding Companies Hiring Foreigners in Canada

Regarding finding job opportunities as a foreign worker in Canada, there are various avenues to explore. Many Canadian companies actively advertise their job openings and explicitly state their interest in hiring foreign workers. Online platforms such as Indeed and LinkedIn can be valuable resources in your search for these specific opportunities.

Indeed, one of the leading job search websites, allows you to filter job postings based on specific criteria, including visa sponsorship or foreign worker requirements. By using keywords like "sponsorship visa" or "foreign worker," you can narrow down your search and find companies that are actively seeking international talent.

Similarly, LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, provides an extensive database of job postings. Utilize the advanced search feature to specify your preferences, such as location, industry, and the desired sponsorship of foreign workers. LinkedIn also allows you to connect with professionals in your field and expand your network, increasing your chances of discovering more job opportunities on these job sites .

Additionally, watch for career fairs, industry events, and networking sessions that specifically cater to foreign workers or showcase companies actively looking to hire international talent. These events provide an excellent opportunity to connect directly with recruiters and hiring managers interested in sponsoring work visas for foreign workers.

Persistence and thorough research are key when searching for companies hiring foreigners in Canada. By leveraging online platforms and actively networking, you can uncover exciting job prospects and increase your chances of securing employment with a Canadian company willing to support your work visa sponsorship.

Applying for Sponsorship to Work in Canada

Applying for Sponsorship to Work in Canada

Once you have secured a work offer from a Canadian company, the next step is to apply for a work permit, which allows you to work legally in Canada. Understanding the types of work permits available is essential to ensure a smooth and successful application process. Let's explore the two main types of work permits :

Open Work Permit

An open work permit provides flexibility and freedom as it has no limitations. It does not specify any particular employer or job position. This type of work permit does not require an LMIA or an offer of employment. With an open work permit, you can work for any employer in Canada.

Employer-Specific Work Permit

An employer-specific work permit is tied to a particular employer and job position. It specifies the type of employment and your employer's name, restricting you to that specific position. If you wish to work for another company, you must apply for a new work permit. However, in most situations, you can retain your current work permit.

To obtain an employer-specific work permit, you must have a job offer from a Canadian employer and a LMIA. The LMIA assesses the impact of hiring a foreign worker on the Canadian labor market. Once you meet these two conditions, you can legally apply for a work permit in Canada.

Finding a company to offer you a job is only one step in moving to Canada. Your first step should be to check your eligibility. This will show you which, of the hundreds of pathways to Canada, you should go for.

Watch our clip on the best companies that hire foreign workers

Addressing Labour Shortages in Canada: Why Companies Sponsor Foreign Workers

Labor shortages have become a pressing issue in Canada due to its aging population and low birth rate. This demographic shift has created opportunities for immigrants to enter the workforce and fill the skill gaps in various industries. As a result, Canadian companies are increasingly seeking immigrants with the necessary qualifications and expertise to sustain their businesses.

While it's important to note that not all Canadian businesses directly sponsor foreign workers, they can assist in the application process for a LMIA through ESDC. The LMIA evaluates the impact of hiring a foreign worker on the Canadian labor market.

In addition to the industries mentioned earlier, such as accommodation and food services, healthcare and social assistance, and retail trade, several other sectors are experiencing significant skill shortages. To explore potential employment opportunities, it is advisable to reach out to companies that may be willing to support you in applying for an LMIA on your behalf.

For example, the Quebec Immigration Ministry regularly updates its list of occupations eligible for facilitated LMIA processing. Employers in Quebec can bypass the requirement to demonstrate a lack of available Canadian workers for these specific roles, given the proven labor shortages in these occupations.

If you want to pursue permanent residency in Canada, securing full-time work experience in skilled jobs is crucial. This ensures that you meet the requirements for various immigration programs prioritizing candidates with valuable work experience in high-demand fields.

By understanding the reasons behind Canadian companies sponsoring foreign workers and identifying industries grappling with labor shortages, you can strategically position yourself to benefit from the available opportunities and contribute to Canada's workforce.


What is an LMIA?

Before a Canadian employer can hire a foreigner, they need to get a positive LMIA. This ensures the IRCC that there are no suitable Canadian citizens or residents to fill the gap in the labour market. A need for a foreigner to take the post arises and the government should grant the foreigner a work permit to travel to Canada and fill this gap.

How Do I Find a Job in Canada?

The first thing you need to do is create a CV in the style that Canadian employees require. It must be neat, clear, in English and truthful.

Secondly, you can search for these Canadian Companies That Sponsor Foreign Workers on Google and what occupations are available. Ensure you meet the minimum requirements for the occupation before applying to avoid disappointment.

Thirdly, you can go onto job searching sites like Indeed or Linked In. Make a profile with your goals, location, experience and qualifications and begin searching. Make sure you filter for ‘visa sponsorships’ or ‘jobs for foreigners.

Do I Need a Job to Immigrate to Canada?

While you do not need a job to immigrate to Canada, having one will add points to your Comprehensive Ranking System Score (CRS) , which increases your chance of getting Canadian permanent residence. Here's our CRS calculator to find out your current CRS score. Additionally, getting a work permit in Canada can assist you in eventually getting permanent residency.


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Visitors can now apply for work permits from within Canada

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International visitors who are currently in Canada with a job offer can now apply for a work permit without having to leave the country.

The new policy goes into effect immediately, according to an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) media release . It will benefit temporary residents who are already in Canada with a job offer, but it does not apply to anyone arriving in Canada as a visitor after today, August 24.

Visitors who meet the eligibility criteria are able to apply to the new temporary immigration policy, which includes Super Visa holders , business visitors , and people who came to Canada through a Global Skills Strategy work permit exemption.

Contact a lawyer to help you and your employer with the work permit process.

Before today, people applying for their work permits as temporary residents would usually need to apply for their initial work permits before coming to Canada. If they already had visitor status when they were approved for a work permit, they would need to leave the country and return in order to activate the permit.

The policy also benefits Canadian employers who are hiring foreign workers, some of whom have faced ongoing labour shortages throughout the pandemic.

“We have heard from employers who continue to face challenges recruiting and hiring the workers they need during the pandemic,” Canada’s immigration minister, Marco Mendicino, said in the release. “This exemption from the normal temporary work permit requirements is aimed at removing barriers to create a more agile workforce that leverages visitors with the skills and experience to accelerate our economic recovery.”

Canada encouraged temporary residents who stayed in Canada to maintain legal status. Given that air travel has been restricted around the world, some visitors have been unable to leave, and some foreign workers had to change their status to "visitor" because their work permit was expiring and they weren't able to apply for a new work permit because they didn't have a job offer.

Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • valid status in Canada as a visitor on August 24, 2020, with the intention to stay in Canada;
  • a job offer;
  • an application for an employer-specific work permit supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or an LMIA-exempt job offer submitted no later than March 31, 2021; and
  • meet all other standard admissibility criteria.

Applicants who meet all these criteria, and who had a valid work permit in the past 12 months, will be able to begin working for their new employer before their work permit has been fully approved.

IRCC says work permit applicants can contact them via their web form to apply for work authorization while waiting on their new permits.

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should I ask my job before traveling abroad

Asking your employer before travelling abroad is crucial to ensure a smooth transition and avoid unpleasant surprises. Here are some key questions to consider:

- What are the working conditions and expectations, including working hours?

- Will the company cover travel expenses, accommodation, or provide relocation assistance?

- What type of visa is required, and who will manage the requirements?

- What is the salary, compensation package, and are there any additional benefits such as medical insurance or paid leave?

- What is the company culture like, and what support is offered for adjusting to a new location?

- Are there any technological requirements or needs that need to be addressed?

What You'll Learn

What are my working hours and expectations, what are the working conditions.

  • Will my travel expenses be covered

What is the company culture like?

What is the accommodation situation.


When considering a job abroad, it is important to ask your employer about your working hours and expectations. This includes understanding the company's working culture and expectations of you within your role. Here are some key points to consider:

Working Hours:

  • Be clear about your expected working hours, especially if you are working remotely or in a different time zone. Are you expected to work the standard office hours of the country you are in, or will you need to adjust your schedule to align with your team or clients in a different location?
  • Consider the impact of time zone differences on your work-life balance. For example, if you are working evenings to align with a team in a different time zone, you may miss out on social activities or have limited time for personal errands.
  • Discuss any flexibility in working hours with your employer. For example, if you need to accommodate childcare or other commitments, you may need to adjust your hours accordingly.
  • Understand the expectations around working hours. Are there core hours that everyone is expected to work, or is there flexibility to start and end your day earlier or later?

Work Expectations:

  • Understand the company's expectations of you in your role. Ask about your responsibilities, who you will report to, and how your performance will be evaluated.
  • Discuss the company culture with your employer. Is there a good work-life balance, or are employees expected to work longer hours regularly?
  • Inquire about the company's approach to teamwork and collaboration. Is it a collaborative environment, or are employees expected to work more independently?
  • Find out about the company's performance evaluation process. How often are performance reviews conducted, and what are the key metrics for success in your role?
  • If you are relocating internationally, ask about any cultural differences that may impact your working style. For example, are there differences in business etiquette or communication styles that you should be aware of?

Remember, it is important to ask these questions to gain clarity and make an informed decision about the job opportunity. Don't be afraid to seek this information, as it will help you understand if the role and company are the right fit for you.

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You may want to see also

When considering taking a job abroad, it is important to ask your employer about the working conditions to ensure that you are making the right decision and to help you make the relocation process less stressful.

Firstly, make sure you read the job description and sign a clearly written contract before accepting any form of employment. Not all countries have strict employment laws, and employers will not necessarily enforce these rules. Therefore, it is important to look into the regulations of your destination country to ensure that you are not taken advantage of. Ask questions related to your job, such as who you will report to, how many people you will manage, and how your performance will be evaluated.

Secondly, ask about the company's working hours and expectations. If you will be working across different time zones, you may need to keep odd hours to engage with your team. Find out if your employer expects a certain amount of timely responsiveness and whether they expect you to occasionally visit the office, and whether they will pay for travel.

Thirdly, examine the fine print on your health care policy and ask about coverage. While most companies provide health care, it may not extend internationally. Gain clarity from your employer about liability so that you know what risks you are assuming before working abroad.

Finally, determine your tech needs and requirements. Find out if you will be responsible for maintaining a local phone number and get fully briefed on everything related to technology. Ask questions such as whether the company is liable if you lose your laptop, how you will gain full access to sensitive data, and what communication platforms will be used. Overall, you should have absolute confidence in your company's technological readiness to support its travelling employees.

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Will my travel expenses be covered.

When it comes to travelling for work, it is common practice for employers to reimburse their employees for expenses incurred during the trip. This can include transportation, housing, and food. However, it is important to note that personal activities that do not relate to business are generally not covered.

Before accepting a job that requires travel, it is important to ask your employer about their policy on travel expenses. Here are some key considerations:


If you are using your personal vehicle for work-related travel, your employer may offer a mileage allowance to compensate for fuel and other vehicle-related costs. Alternatively, they may provide a company credit card for you to use when renting vehicles or paying for transportation services such as taxis, buses, or trains.


Some employers may provide or arrange accommodation for their employees during work trips, especially if the travel destination is far from the employee's home location. This can be a significant benefit, as finding accommodation in a new place can be challenging and expensive.

Meals and Entertainment

Meal costs during work trips are typically covered by employers as they are considered a necessary expense. However, it is important to clarify with your employer what the expectations and limitations are regarding meal expenses. Additionally, some companies may offer entertainment allowances or gym memberships to make the employee's stay more comfortable.

Other Expenses

Other reimbursable expenses may include dry cleaning, business calls, computer rentals, and shipment costs for work-related materials. It is important to keep detailed records of all expenses incurred during work trips, as these can impact your tax obligations.

Company Policies

When discussing travel expense coverage with your employer, be sure to clarify their policies and procedures. Find out if there are spending limits and what benefits you are eligible for. Understand the process for redeeming travel expenses, such as keeping track of receipts and filling out purchase orders. Consistency and fairness in enforcing these policies are essential to avoid favouritism and ensure employee satisfaction.

Legal Considerations

In some cases, there may be legal requirements for employers to reimburse employees for travel expenses, especially for meals, accommodations, and transportation. However, this can vary depending on your location and the specifics of the work arrangement. It is always a good idea to consult with a legal professional to understand your rights and obligations regarding travel expense reimbursement.

Overall, it is important to have a clear understanding of what travel expenses your employer will cover before accepting a job that requires travel. This will help you make informed decisions and ensure that you are adequately compensated for any work-related travel.

Understanding the Privacy of a Known Traveler Number

Company culture is an important aspect to consider when deciding whether to take a job abroad. Asking about the company culture can give you an idea of what to expect and whether or not the job is a good fit for you. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Work-Life Balance

It is important to ask about the work-life balance at the company. Find out if they have the right balance between work and play. Do they encourage teamwork and collaboration? Are there opportunities for social activities outside of work?

Team Dynamics

Ask about the team dynamics and how your performance will be evaluated. Find out who you will be reporting to and how many people you will be managing. Understanding the team structure can help you know what to expect in terms of workload and responsibilities.

Communication and Collaboration

Inquire about the communication and collaboration tools used within the company. This includes email, instant messaging, video conferencing, project management software, and other platforms. Understanding how the company facilitates communication and collaboration, especially in a remote or hybrid work environment, is crucial.

Company Values and Culture

Learn about the company's values, mission, and overall culture. This includes understanding the company's expectations for its employees, the leadership style, and the overall work environment. Ask about the company's plans for growth, expansion, or changes in strategy, as this can impact your role and opportunities within the company.

Employee Benefits and Perks

Find out about the employee benefits and perks offered by the company. This includes health insurance, paid time off, retirement plans, and other benefits that may be specific to the country or region. Understanding the full compensation package, including salary and benefits, is essential when considering a job offer abroad.

Opportunities for Growth and Development

Inquire about opportunities for professional growth and development within the company. This includes training programs, mentorship opportunities, and potential for career advancement. Understanding the company's commitment to employee development can help you assess your long-term prospects with the organisation.

Mercury's Quick Spin Around the Sun

When considering travelling abroad for work, it is important to ask your employer about the accommodation situation. This is one of the most challenging and expensive parts of moving abroad.

Firstly, you should ask if accommodation is included in your contract. Some employers, especially seasonal ones, may offer accommodation for their employees. This is often very affordable, but it is worth checking the quality of the accommodation and whether cooking facilities are available. If you are expected to find your own accommodation, you should research the rental market in the area. Ask your employer if they can provide any assistance with finding a place to live. In some cases, your employer may pay a portion of your accommodation costs.

If you are expected to find your own accommodation, it is worth considering booking in advance. This will give you peace of mind and help you avoid last-minute price surges. You can book through a travel agent or online, either at a hotel's website or a meta-search price comparison website. If you are travelling to a small city or town, you may find accommodation that is not listed on the internet, so it may be better to find a place when you arrive.

If you are travelling to a popular tourist destination, it is worth noting that hotels often resell rooms, particularly at the lower end of the cost scale. Therefore, it is important to check the cancellation policy when you make a reservation. Most hotels will charge you for one night if you cancel less than 24 hours before arrival.

There are many different types of accommodation to choose from, including hotels, hostels, guesthouses, homestays, apartments, and villas. The best option for you will depend on your budget and what kind of experience you are looking for. For example, if you are a solo traveller on a budget, a hostel might be a good option, whereas if you are looking for a luxurious experience, a hotel or villa might be more suitable. If you are travelling long-term or with a family, renting an apartment could be a good choice as it will give you more space and flexibility.

Overall, it is important to do your research and ask your employer lots of questions about the accommodation situation before accepting a job offer abroad. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you are prepared for your move.

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Frequently asked questions.

Yes, it is important to know the exact role and responsibilities you will handle, including who you will report to, how many people you will manage, and how your performance will be evaluated. This will help you understand if the position is right for you and if you are capable of stepping into it.

It is crucial to consider the salary and other perks, such as bonuses, paid leave, and holiday policies. If the assignment is in a country with a high cost of living, ensure the salary will support your current lifestyle or allow you to live comfortably. Factor in the cost of living, taxes, and other expenses before signing the contract.

Understand your employer's expectations, as you may need to keep odd hours to engage with your team. In-person collaboration is still important, so clarify if your company expects you to visit the office and if they will pay for travel.

Determine if your employer will manage your visa requirements or if you need to handle them yourself. Ask about the type of visa needed and its terms and conditions, including restrictions on changing employers or travelling during your stay.

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Family Information Form – Visitors, Students and Workers (IMM 5645)

Download the form.

visit visa canada jobs

Family Information Form – Visitors, Students and Workers [IMM 5645] (PDF, 1.4 MB)

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  • Use your computer.  The form may not open on tablets or mobile phones .
  • You  must save the form on your computer  in a place you can remember.
  • If you try to open the form in your Internet browser’s PDF viewer , viewing or saving the form will not work.
  • You must open the form using Acrobat Reader.

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How to open this form in Acrobat Reader

  • You need Acrobat Reader version 10 or higher to open our forms.
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  • Select “ File ” from the top menu
  • Click " Open ”
  • Find the location where you saved the form, click on the file and click “ Open ”

Complete the form

Read the step by step instructions on how to complete the form.

Family Information (IMM 5645)

Who needs to complete this form.

This form must be completed by each person, 18 years of age or older, applying for a Temporary Resident Visa, a study or work permit outside Canada.

Write the personal details about:

  • If you are married and you were physically present at the marriage, choose “married - physically present” in the marital status box.
  • If you are married and you were not physically present at the marriage, choose “married - not physically present” in the marital status box.
  • If you are married and your spouse was physically present at the marriage, choose “married - physically present” in the marital status box.
  • If you are married and your spouse was not physically present at the marriage, choose “married - not physically present” in the marital status box.
  • your mother,
  • your father.

Include: full name, relationship, date of birth, marital status (married, single, widowed, common-law, divorced, separated, annulled marriage), present address and occupation (job), and if they will come with you to Canada by checking “ Yes ” or “ No ”.

If a person is deceased, write “deceased” under “Present address”, and write the city and the date they died.

If not currently employed, please indicate if that person is retired, studying, etc.

You must answer all questions. If a section does not apply to you, write “Not applicable” or “N/A”.

Note: If you do not have a spouse or a common-law partner, read “ Note 1 ”, then sign and date the declaration at the end of Section A.

Section B - Children

Write the personal details about your children. It is very important that you list all of your children even if they are already permanent residents or citizens of Canada. This includes:

  • married children;
  • adopted children;
  • children of your spouse (step-children) or common-law partner;
  • any of your children who have been adopted by others; and
  • any of your children who are in the custody of an ex-spouse, former common-law partner or other guardian.

Write full name, relationship, date of birth, marital status (married, single, widowed, common-law, divorced, legally separated, annulled marriage), present address and job, and if they will come with you to Canada by checking “ Yes ” or “ No ”.

If a person is deceased, indicate this under “Present address”, and write the city and the date they died.

Note: If you do not have children, read “ Note 2 ”, then sign and date the declaration at the end of Section B.

Section C - Brothers and Sisters

Write the personal details about your:

  • brother(s),
  • half-brother(s) and half-sister(s), and
  • step-brother(s) and step-sister(s).

If a person is deceased, write this under “Present address”, and write the city and the date they died.

Section D - Certification

Page details.


  1. Canada Visit Visa

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  2. Best information is here on "How to apply for Canada Visitor Visa"

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  3. Canada Grants Relief to Visit Visa Holders with Job Offers

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  4. Canada Work Visa

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  5. Canada Visitor Visa Process

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  6. Jobs in Canada with Visa Sponsorship in 2023

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  2. Canada visit visa 2024

  3. How we get second Canada visitor visa for 10 years

  4. Canada visit visa changes 2024

  5. How to convert Canada visitor visa into work visa in 2024 ?

  6. Top 7 Things to Consider


  1. Jobs For Visitor Visa Jobs (with Salaries)

    Ability to work occasional early mornings, evenings, and weekends to support portfolio-related events, Knowledge of UBC Policies and Procedures preferred. Must be comfortable working with ambiguity and change. Search 122 Jobs For Visitor Visa jobs now available on Indeed.com, the world's largest job site.

  2. Work in Canada

    Get a visitor visa to return to Canada. How and when a work permit holder should apply. ... Find a new job if you're already in Canada. Search jobs from employers who want to hire temporary foreign workers. Report abuse of a temporary foreign worker. Anyone can report abuse, including the worker, a colleague, the employer or a member of the ...

  3. Visitor Visa Jobs (with Salaries)

    Calgary, AB. $39,000-$42,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 2. Easily apply. We are looking for someone who has courteous customer service skills, portrays a professional image and first smile for all incoming visitors to BOSS. Active 3 days ago.

  4. Visitors can continue to apply for work permits inside Canada with

    Ottawa, February 28, 2023—Foreign nationals who are in Canada as visitors and who receive a valid job offer will continue to be able to apply for and receive a work permit without having to leave the country.Visitors applying under this public policy who held a work permit within the last 12 months will also continue to be able to request interim work authorization to begin working for their ...

  5. Foreign candidates from outside Canada

    Step 3 Search and apply to jobs. When starting the process to immigrate to Canada or get a work permit, you should only apply to jobs from employers who are recruiting international candidates. On Job Bank, these jobs are clearly identified. Search jobs open to international candidates. means you can apply.

  6. 75+ On Visitor Visa Jobs, Employment 24 June 2024| Indeed.com

    on visitor visa jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. 75+ jobs. Office Coordinator. Dora Construction Limited. Lunenburg, NS. $50,000.00-$61,348.07 a year. Full-time +1. ... canada job bank. foreign worker. work permit. Return to Search Result Job Post Details. Office Coordinator - job post. Dora Construction Limited. 3.3 out of 5.

  7. How to apply for a visitor visa

    To apply for a visitor visa to join a vessel as a marine crew member (seafarer), you must. be travelling to Canada to join a ship's crew. hold a seafarer's identity document. hold a valid passport or travel document. have proof of employment on a vessel at a Canadian port.

  8. Temporary Foreign Workers

    Search 12,560 job postings. As a temporary foreign worker, you have the right to change employers while you are in Canada. You can use Job Bank to find a new job, and other useful information - all for free. It is illegal for your employer to punish or deport you for looking for another job.

  9. Can a Visitor Work in Canada?

    Once inside Canada, your visitor visa gives you temporary legal status to live or travel anywhere you want in Canada. When visiting Canada and considering it as a potential destination for work or immigration, you have the unique opportunity to compare cities, labor markets, job prospects, cultural experiences, and the best places to live.

  10. Visitors to Canada can apply for a work permit in Canada

    Visitors in Canada can continue to apply for a work permit without needing to leave the country, provided they have a valid job offer. The measure also applies to people who held a work permit within the last 12 months and who are still in Canada on visitor status. This COVID-era temporary public policy was supposed to expire February 28, 2023.

  11. Canadian Work Visas and Permits

    Canadian work visa or permit protects foreigners working in Canada as they get rights and protections in line with Canadian labour laws. Keeping your employment status legal also opens the door to applying for permanent residency in Canada. Taking the right pathway could set you up for a prosperous life in Canada.

  12. Work in Canada: Find out if you need a work permit

    Discover if you need a work permit to pursue job opportunities in Canada. +1 (514) 937-9445 or Toll-free (Canada & US) +1 (888) 947-9445 | Home About Forum News Client Portal Contact ... it gives you the right to work in Canada. In addition to your valid work permit, you need a temporary resident visa or an electronic travel authorization (eTA

  13. Visa Canada Careers

    Visa is a world leader in payments and technology, with over 164.7 billion transactions flowing safely across our global network each year. As a global business that operates in over 200 countries and territories, we celebrate different cultures and ways of working while driven by a common purpose - to uplift everyone, everywhere by being the best way to pay and be paid.

  14. CanadaVisa Job Search Tool

    Canadavisa.com's free Job Search Tool pulls together current job postings and employer contact information from numerous Canadian government and private sector job search engines. Job search results are displayed in real-time and are constantly updated. Our clients can request that we communicate with their potential employers to explain the ...

  15. Come to Canada as a Visitor and Explore Jobs

    However, you can arrive in Canada as a visitor and explore jobs that suit you. Canada uses many measures that allow its visitors to come and apply for work permits. It is indeed a Covid-19 pandemic-related counteractive measure initiated by the government and extended till 2025 to cope with the enormous labour shortage in the country. Without ...

  16. New temporary public policy will allow visitors to apply for a work

    Any type of visitor who meets the criteria is eligible to apply under this new public policy, including super visa holders, business visitors and those who entered Canada through a Global Skills Strategy work permit exemption. Foreign nationals who arrive in Canada as visitors after August 24, 2020, are not eligible under the public policy.

  17. Can I work in Canada as a visitor?

    Typically, a work permit is required to work in Canada, but certain business-related activities can be conducted with a visitor visa, provided they don't involve entering the Canadian job market directly. Activities you can engage in include: Buying goods or services from Canadian companies for a foreign business. Conducting site visits to businesses.

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    Nanaimo, BC. $23.12-$35.57 an hour. Full-time. Overtime + 2. Easily apply. A comprehensive benefits plan (offered through the union) includes extended health & dental, vision care, disability, life insurance, and pension plan. Active 2 days ago. View similar jobs with this employer.

  19. Application for a Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa

    5. You travel to Canada (if you're approved) Make sure you travel with the documents we gave you. This includes travel documents like a visitor visa, study or work permits or an eTA (electronically linked to your passport). Airline staff and border service officers at ports of entry will ask to see your travel documents.

  20. 5 Canadian Companies That Sponsor Foreign Workers

    Another company that sponsors work visas in Canada is P&H Farming. This Canadian family-owned company with over 100 years of agricultural experience. Founded in 1909, P&H is a growth-oriented, diversified, and vertically-integrated company with activities in grain marketing, crop inputs, flour milling, and feed mills.

  21. Work permit: How to apply

    go to the "Start your application" section on the account welcome page. click "Apply to come to Canada". on the next page, scroll down to the "I do not have a personal reference code" section. click on the "Visitor visa, study and/or work permit" button.

  22. Visitors can now apply for work permits from within Canada

    International visitors who are currently in Canada with a job offer can now apply for a work permit without having to leave the country. The new policy goes into effect immediately, according to an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) media release.It will benefit temporary residents who are already in Canada with a job offer, but it does not apply to anyone arriving in Canada ...

  23. How to Apply for a Canada Visitor Visa in 2024

    Applying for a Canada Visitor Visa in 2024. Canada has gained international recognition as a tourism destination due to its diverse cities, stunning scenery, and friendly environment. Knowing how to apply for a tourist visa is crucial, whether your goals are to visit family, take in the area's natural beauty, or do business.

  24. canada caregiver, visa sponsorship jobs

    Able to travel from client to client in a timely fashion. Drivers with own vehicle will be an asset. Skills & Experience. Passionate about making a difference. Described as a self led leader with the ability to take responsibility for own behavior and success. Previous caregiving experience is an asset. Job Types: Part-time, Casual

  25. Travel Plans: Inform Your Boss?

    Before accepting a job that requires travel, it is important to ask your employer about their policy on travel expenses. Here are some key considerations: Transportation. If you are using your personal vehicle for work-related travel, your employer may offer a mileage allowance to compensate for fuel and other vehicle-related costs.

  26. Work and travel in Canada with International Experience Canada

    If you're 18 to 35 (18 to 30 in some countries), come work and travel in Canada through International Experience Canada (IEC)! It's a government program designed to help you. gain valuable international work experience. improve your language skills in English and French. work in Canada and fund the trip of a lifetime.

  27. Visitors, Students and Workers (IMM 5645)

    Use your computer. The form may not open on tablets or mobile phones. For most Internet browsers, clicking on the link above will ask you what you would like to do with the form. This form must be completed by each person, 18 years of age or older, applying for a Temporary Resident Visa, a study or ...