voyager episodes to watch

Star Trek: Voyager 's Must-Watch Episodes

God, remember when B’Elanna had that crimped hair for a hot second?

So far, our guides to the unmissable episodes of each   entry in the Star Trek franchise have dealt with lauded icons of the series. The esteemed original . The beloved Next Generation . The revered, dark Deep Space Nine . And now, we’re at Star Trek: Voyager , a show which is...well, not loved as much as those (but very much loved ). Rest assured, we can certainly still guide you through its highest highs.

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As part of our ongoing efforts to give you things to distract yourself in the moment of history in which we live, io9 is offering up weekly guides to the very best that each Star Trek show has to offer. So if you’re about to follow our advice and help yourself to all the Star Trek , here are at least some highlights you can look forward to as you boldly go absolutely nowhere outside.

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Torres faces herself, literally.

Caretaker, Parts 1 and 2 (Episodes 1 and 2)— On a routine mission to root out some Maquis fighters in the Badlands, Captain Janeway suddenly finds herself thrown into the crucible when a mysterious presence catapults Voyager and the Maquis into the Delta Quadrant...70 years away from Earth.

Phage (Episode 5)— On an away mission, Neelix finds his lungs stolen right out of his chest by the Vidiians, a race that resorted to literal body part pillaging while combatting a horrifyingly lethal plague.

Eye of the Needle (Episode 7)— A small wormhole gives the crew a chance to try and send a message to the Alpha Quadrant...only to find that there’s a Romulan agent on the other end.

State of Flux (Episode 11)— Voyager is betrayed by one of its own when it’s discovered the Kazon have stolen some of their replicator technology.

Faces (Episode 14)— Harangued by the Vidiians again, Torres is captured and literally split between her Klingon and human selves as part of an experiment.

Learning Curve (Episode 16)— Struggling to bring the Maquis survivors up to Starfleet standard, Tuvok tries to whip some of them into shape. Cheese is taken to sickbay .

Janeway learns that a Star Trek alien with nose bridge prosthetics can rarely be trusted.

Projections (Episode 3)— The Doctor finds himself alone on Voyager , only to discover that he’s apparently his actual creator running a fictional holoprogram, and not stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

Maneuvers (Episode 11)— Seska the Cardassian turncoat is back with her new Kazon friends, stealing transporter tech from Voyager that sets Chakotay on a personal vendetta.

Resistance (Episode 12)— Captured on an away mission, Janeway recruits the help of an old man who’s convinced she’s actually his daughter.

Prototype (Episode 13)— A race of sentient androids kidnaps Torres and forces her to help them find a way to...procreate, essentially?

Alliances (Episode 14)— As Seska and the Kazon’s alliance needles at Voyager ’s defenses, Janeway decides to try and team up with some locals to take the fight to the Kazon.

Meld (Episode 16)— Wow, you watched this run of episodes in order, and then suddenly episode 15 never happened ! What a funny thing . Anyway, after a crewman is murdered aboard Voyager , Tuvok quickly finds the perpetrator—and is desperate to find out why they did it.

Deadlock (Episode 21)— A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day happens aboard the Voyager . Until suddenly...another Janeway shows up?

Resolutions (Episode 25)— Infected with a seemingly incurable disease, Chakotay and Janeway are forced to be left behind together on an uninhabited planet. The birth of a million Janeway/Chakotay fics ensues.

Basics, Part 1 (Episode 26)— Seska lures Voyager into a trap, leaving the ship in the hands of the Kazon.

“Get away from her, you virus-bitch!”

Basics, Part 2 (Episode 1)— Left on a harsh world by the Kazon, the Voyager crew has to find a way to get the ship back...if they can survive long enough.

Flashback (Episode 2)— Tuvok has a mental breakdown, and the only way to help rectify it sees Janeway mind-meld back into his memories of his time serving under Captain Hikaru Sulu. Oh my .

Macrocosm (Episode 12)— When giant viruses incapacitate the crew while she’s on an away mission, Janeway returns and immediately gets her Alien on.

Unity (Episode 17)— Injured in a shuttlecraft accident, Chakotay finds himself recuperating on a world inhabited by former Borg drones severed from the collective.

Distant Origin (Episode 23)— An alien scientist believes he’s found proof tying the evolution of his species to Earth, and must battle dogma and his peers alongside Voyager to reveal the truth to his people.

Displaced (Episode 24)— The crew finds themselves disappearing one by one...only for each missing crewmember to be replaced by an alien as confused as they are.

Scorpion, Part 1 (Episode 26)— Voyager   hits Borg space, only to be beset by a threat even more powerful.

Welcome to the crew, Seven. We got you...a catsuit?

Scorpion, Part 2 (Episode 1)— As her uneasy alliance with the Borg to stop Species 8472 crumbles, Janeway finds herself between a rock, a hard place, and Seven of Nine , Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One.

The Gift (Episode 2)— Now severed from the Borg Collective, Seven of Nine tries to acclimate to becoming an individual and part of Voyager ’s crew. Oh, also Kes has headaches, turns into a space cloud, and buggers off. Bye Kes!

Day of Honor (Episode 3)— On the Klingon spirtual holiday marking the day of Honor, Torres has an extremely bad day.

The Raven (Episode 6)— An unexpected find on an away mission leads to Seven of Nine uncovering a crucial part of her life before the Borg.

Scientific Method (Episode 7)— Everyone on Voyager is in a hell of a mood with each other, but as it turns out, it’s because of invisible alien experiments and not having spent four years trapped on one spaceship with each other.

Year of Hell, Parts 1 and 2 (Episodes 8 and 9)— A time-manipulating scientist of the Krennim Imperium warps the timeline to give Voyager a...well, a year of hell.

Message in a Bottle (Episode 14)— When Seven finds a subspace beacon she can ping a message to the Alpha Quadrant with, the crew decides to send the Doctor’s holoprogram instead...only for him to find himself in the middle of the heist of an experimental Starfleet ship.

Hunters (Episode 15)— Trying to recover a response to the message relayed by the Doctor last episode, the crew encounters a deadly new threat: the Not-Predators the Hirogen.

The Killing Game, Parts 1 and 2 (Episodes 18 and 19)— The Not Predators Hirogen capture Voyager , and decide that the ultimate game is to in fact use the holodeck to turn the ship into World War II-era France and pit themselves as the Nazis against the crew’s French Resistance.

The Omega Directive (Episode 21)— Seven uncovers a mysterious particle with profoundly dangerous ramifications for warp travel, only for Janeway to engage a mysterious, ultra-secret Starfleet protocol.

Living Witness (Episode 23)— Reactivated seemingly after seven centuries offline, the Doctor finds himself on an alien world with a history recalling a very different version of Voyager .

Hope and Fear (Episode 26)— When a seeming response to Voyager ’s attempts to communicate with Starfleet leads to a swanky Federation vessel landing in their laps, the crew finds themselves daring to hope.

Kate Mulgrew living her best life here.

Night (Episode 1)— Navigating a dark void of space with no stars or star systems, Janeway and the rest of the crew develop a bit of existential cabin fever.

Drone (Episode 2)— A transporter malfunction merges Seven’s borg nanoprobes with the Doctor’s mobile holoemitter, creating a new kind of drone. Significantly better than Voyager ’s last “ Transporter Fusion Accident ” episode.

Extreme Risk (Episode 3)— Increasing stress leads B’Elanna to get trapped in an almost deadly game of pushing herself to the limit.

Timeless (Episode 6)— Fifteen years after an attempt to catapult themselves home leads to most of the Voyager crew perishing, haunted survivors Harry and Chakotay attempt to change the past.

Counterpoint (Episode 10) —Janeway establishes a dangerous relationship with a Devore commander as she tries to help smuggle telepathic refugees through their space.

Latent Image (Episode 11)— The Doctor’s new holophotgraphy habit leads to him discovering a crew member who’s not in his memory banks.

Bride of Chaotica! (Episode 12)— Everyone takes a break and vamps it all the way up inside Tom Paris’ Captain Proton holonovel, an extremely camp take on ‘50s sci-fi serials.

Dark Frontier, Parts 1 and 2 (Episodes 15 and 16)— A plan to swipe a transwarp coil from the Borg leads to the Borg Queen capturing Seven of Nine and offering her a futile choice: Rejoin the collective, or Voyager gets assimilated.

Course: Oblivion (Episode 18) —The crew begins succumbing to a mysterious, fatal disease, only to uncover some shocking revelations about themselves in the process.

Someone to Watch Over Me (Episode 22)— Experimenting with her humanity, Seven of Nine allows the Doctor to teach her the ways of romance. Heartbreak ensues, naturally.

Relativity (Episode 24)— As temporal fluctuations wreak havoc on Voyager , Seven finds herself working with the Starfleet of the 29th Century to save the ship from certain doom.

Equinox, Part 1 (Episode 26)— The crew find another Starfleet ship that’s been trapped in the Delta Quadrant for years, only this one...did not cope as well as they did.

The Doctor’s daydreaming gets the better of him.

Equinox, Part 2 (Episode 1)— Attempting to bring Ransom and the Equinox to some kind of Starfleet justice, Janeway finds herself crossing some lines too.

Barge of the Dead (Episode 3)— Torres dies in a shuttlecraft accident—as one does—only to find herself on the way to Klingon Hell with her mom’s soul—as one does .

Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy (Episode 4)— The Doctor crafts himself a subroutine which allows him to daydream that he’s become a backup Command Hologram in case of emergencies. Which is bad news when a spying Malon vessel picks up his daydreams and assumes they’re real.

Pathfinder (Episode 10)— Good news: Voyager finds a way to communicate with home. Bad (?) news: Loveable holo addict dope Reg Barclay from TNG is the one trying to get it to work.

Tsunkatse (Episode 15)— This is not a good episode of television. But it does feature Dwayne “The Rock Johnson” space-kung-fu-ing with Jeri Ryan, so actually, it is?

Collective (Episode 16)— Voyager finds a Borg Cube, only to find it operated by child drones who’ve been severed from the collective.

Child’s Play (Episode 19)— Encountering the species of one of the liberated Borg kids they recovered, Seven’s maternal instincts kick in when she believes something is up.

Fury (Episode 23) —Kes is back! Oh no. Kes is   pissed. Oh no .

Life Line (Episode 24)— The Doctor is sent back to the Alpha Quadrant on a personal and professional mission: cure his dying creator, Louis Zimmerman.

Unimatrix Zero, Part 1 (Episode 26)— Discovering a secret virtual haven Borg can tap into while regenerating, Janeway sees a way to deliver a decisive blow to the collective.

Janeway faces herself, literally.

Unimatrix Zero, Part 2 (Episode 1)— Playing a gambit that sees her, Tuvok, and Torres assimilated, Janeway plots to release a virus that could allow the drone minds of Unimatrix Zero to fight back against the Borg Queen’s rule.

Imperfection (Episode 2)— When three of the Borg children the crew picked up last season decide to return home, Seven finds herself overwhelmed with emotion...which would be understandable, if this wasn’t Seven of Nine.

Repression (Episode 4) —When former Maquis are targeted by mysterious assaults aboard the ship, Tuvok goes on an investigation.

Body and Soul (Episode 7)— Captured on an away mission by aliens who despise holographic beings, the Doctor is forced to hide his program inside Seven of Nine’s implants. Jeri Ryan gets to act the hell out of this scenario.

Lineage (Episode 12)— Torres and Paris discover they’re having a child, which leads the former down an emotionally traumatic path as she tries to deal with her own upbringing as a half-Klingon.

The Void (Episode 15)— Trapped in a region of space with no stars, planets, or seemingly any kind of energy, Janeway must navigate pirates and her own morals to try and find a way out.

Author, Author (Episode 20)— Voyager takes on a not-as-effective version of TNG ’s “ Measure of a Man ,” when the Doctor tries to fight for the right to get a controversial holonovel pulled after it’s published without his consent in the Alpha Quadrant.

Homestead (Episode 23)— When the crew finds a Talaxian settlement in need of its help, Neelix finds himself torn between his people and his family aboard Voyager.

Endgame, Parts 1 and 2 (Episodes 25 and 26) —Reflecting on the years lost by the Voyager crew in its long journey home, the Admiral Janeway of 2404 hatches an audacious plan to bring her ship home a good few years earlier than it did.

Star Trek is available to stream, currently for free, on CBS All Access .

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ST: Voyager episode guide – Seven seasons of trekking through the Delta Quadrant

Of the three 1980s/90s Star Trek series, Voyager takes the longest to really get up  a head of steam. The very premise of the show, i.e. Federation citizens and members of a terrorist organization must learn to band together to survive in an unknown part of the galaxy, is mostly forgotten by episode 4 of season 1 . In addition, the show’s two most notable characters – the Doctor and Seven – don’t really take over the proceedings until season 4 or so. Nevertheless, Voyager does include some true ST classics in its run (e.g. “The Blink of an Eye”, the existential nightmare “Course: Oblivion”) that just about forgive all involved for “Threshold.”

voyager episodes to watch

Star Trek: Voyager – Season 2 episode guide

voyager episodes to watch

Star Trek: Voyager – Bests and worsts of seven seasons

Season 1 – How can “Caretaker” be considered by far the weakest of all Star Trek premieres? Because it suffers from all the blah plotlines and meh characters while introducing a handful of dead-end stories and irrelevant background. Any sort of conflict promised by combining Maquis and Enterprise crews is cleared up by episode #3, for example, and Tom Paris’s supposed controversial past is hardly an issue by the time the credits roll.

Season 2 – In an attempt to up the stakes for the series, much of season 2 is devoted to trying to make the Kezon badasses. However, stuff like “Alliances” (#14) pales in comparison to anything involving political machinations on Deep Space Nine. Voyager thankfully reaches is nadir in this season, with the straight-up stupid “Tuvix” (#24, in which Tuvok and Neelix are combined via transporter accident) and the profoundly bad “Threshold” (#15, in which Paris exceeds warp 10 in shuttlecraft, passes through every point in the Universe, evolves into a giant insect and impregnates Janeway – and it’s even more ridiculous than that tight summation makes it sound).

Season 3 – A fairly uneven season does contain a few gems. Lots of head trip episodes lead up to Voyager’s version of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home in “Future’s End” (#s 8-9) – except set in the 1990s and not nearly as funny. Janeway and Kes end up on the wrong (but suspenseful) side of time paradoxes in “Coda” (#15) and “Before and After” (#21); Robert Picrado gets to chew the scenery as a Mr. Hyde-like version of his Doctor in “Darkling” (#18). And Voyager season 3 may boast the best holodeck-based episode ever with “Worst Case Scenario” (#23).

Season 4 – Season 4 is to Voyager what season 2 was to Next Generation or season 3 was to Deep Space Nine . As in those other instances, Star Trek: Voyager starts out purposefully and strong from the starting gun: Part 2 of “Scorpion,” “The Gift” and “Day of Honor” gave lots more quality time to the fan favorites (and, let’s face it, better characters) Captain Janeway, the Doctor and new addition Seven of Nine while keeping Neelix’s participation minimized and jettisoning Kes. The “Year of Hell” storyline (#s 8-9) puts the emphasis on action, while the awesome Species 8472 returns in “Prey” (#16).

Season 5 – Although Voyager was conveniently “flung” out of Borg space early in season 4, season 5 sets a single-season mark for greatest use of the Borg – even if we don’t include everything about the increasingly interesting Seven of Nine – with “Drone” (#2), “Infinite Regress” (#7) and “Dark Frontier (#15-16) all Borg-centric. This season is also notable for its high number of character-focused episodes In fact, of all the main characters, only Neelix is denied (yes!) a solo shot in this season.

Season 6 – Perhaps feeling the urgency of a seventh season (the closer for TNG and DS9), more episodes in season 6 tantalize at methods of reducing the Voyager’s trip back – heck, even noted Next Generation second banana Reg Barclay gets broken out of mothballs to try and contact the ship through subspace (“Pathfinder”, #10). We’ve also got good old Federation machinations (“The Voyager Conspiracy”, #9) to ramp things up a bit. Season 6 is also a great one for returning characters: The Borg are back again of course, but so are Kes (“Fury”, #23) and Dr. Zimmerman (“Life Line”, #24).

Season 7 – Voyager’s final season hardly feels like a final season, and the concluding two-parter (“Endgame“) is as muted as the entire series had been, as is quasit-retrospective “All Good Things”-like “Shattered” (#11). Q makes his final appearance (to date) within the franchise in Q2 (#19), and hardcore ST fans cannot be too enthusiastic about “Inside Man” (#6), a mash-up of Ferengi con artists, Borg technology, Federation conspiracy and Reg Barclay.

25 Must-Watch Episodes of ‘Star Trek: Voyager’


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Paramount+ recently renewed their roster of Star Trek shows, meaning fans have access to Star Trek all year-round. One of the best things about New Trek has been a renewed appreciation for Star Trek: Voyager . Be it the return of Kate Mulgrew as Hologram Janeway on Star Trek: Prodigy , Jeri Ryan reprising her role as Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Picard or Voyager’s enduring legacy nearly 1000 years in the future as seen on Star Trek: Discovery , the show has been inescapable. Former Voyager actors Garrett Wang and Robert Duncan McNeill have also revived interest in the show through their recaps on The Delta Flyers podcast.The fifth Star Trek show to debut on screens, Voyager was the first to have a female captain leading its crew and one of the more diverse casts in the roster when it debuted in 1995. Voyager faced plenty of criticism when it aired, but viewers’ newfound love for it is hardly misplaced. There is a lot to love and enjoy during the show’s seven-season run.If you’re wondering where to start with this underrated show or want to take a trip through the Delta Quadrant, let’s look at some of the best episodes to watch. RELATED: ' Star Trek: Voyager': The 7 Best Time Travel Episodes

Season 1, Episode 1: "Caretaker"

The pilot episode of Voyager sets the tone for an unpredictable journey through the Delta Quadrant. Voyager is tasked with retrieving a rebel Maquis ship when both ships are pulled more than 70,000 light years away by an entity known as the Caretaker. Neither crew emerges unscathed, and Captain Janeway must weigh impossible options to either return her crew home or save an entire civilization.

The episode gives viewers a glimpse of all the main characters and their unique personalities. We also meet the Kazon, the bane of Voyager’s life in early seasons. What “Caretaker” does well embodies the varied aspects of a Star Trek episode in one—there’s action, there are uncomfortable alliances and there’s solidarity in the face of adversity.

Season 1, Episode 14: "Faces"

“Faces” is a bold episode to include in the first season of a show. Voyager’s away team is captured by the Vidiians, a species that have advanced medical technology but are unable to cure themselves of the devastating disease, the Phage. The chief surgeon of the facility splits Voyager’s Chief Engineer B’Elanna Torres ( Roxann Dawson ) into two people—a Klingon and a human.

The episode examines B’Elanna’s conflict with her mixed heritage, the bullying she suffered because of it and her journey to accepting who she is. Through B’Elanna, we see an analogy for real-world discussions of identity, especially among minority communities. “Faces” will resonate with anyone who is struggling with their identity and how it’s viewed by others.

Season 1, Episode 15: "Jetrel"

Neelix ( Ethan Phillips ) was introduced as comic relief but “Jetrel” shows us a very different side to him. Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel ( James Sloyan ) arrives at Voyager with dire news for Neelix but Neelix refuses to engage with him. Jetrel was the man behind the metreon cascade that decimated Neelix’s home world, killed his family and hundreds and thousands of other Talaxians.

The beauty of science-fiction is its ability to reflect real-world incidents through a genre-specific lens. “Jetrel” is obviously an analogy of the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The story channels the consequent suffering of the Japanese people through Neelix. The creators don’t attempt to redeem Jetrel but instead balance the varied emotions that both Jetrel and Neelix navigate when faced with each other.

Season 2, Episode 12: "Resistance"

Captain Janeway is separated from her away team and rescued by an alien named Caylem ( Joel Grey ). Caylem is convinced Janeway is his daughter, so Janeway tries to use his help to get back to her crew. Meanwhile, B’Elanna and Tuvok ( Tim Russ ) are captured and try to find a way out.

This seems like a straightforward episode—stranded on a planet, split up, captured by aliens, standard Star Trek stuff. But the episode allows B’Elanna and Tuvok to bond and get to know each other despite their differing personalities. However, it’s that heartbreaking dénouement that makes it a must-watch. Captain Janeway’s humanity and generosity come to the fore with a few lines of dialogue and will have you reaching for the tissues during the finale credits.

Season 2, Episode 21: "Deadlock"

Voyager spots Vidiian ships and hides in a nebula, only for the ship to start failing in mysterious ways. Lives are lost, and the ship is in shambles. Captain Janeway and her crew locate the source of their troubles. It’s another Voyager?

Duplicates, high stakes, technobabble, “Deadlock” feels like classic Star Trek. The creators capture the claustrophobia of a ship-based story and the sets perfectly capture the differing scenarios aboard the two Voyagers. The episode writers don’t pull any punches; sometimes space exploration can be deadly and Voyager has to face that fact. The conclusion is such a surprise—just when you think you know how the episode will end, the creators chuck in another twist.

Season 2, Episode 25: "Resolutions"

Unrequited love is a standard trope across pop culture, but “Resolutions” takes it to a whole new level. Captain Janeway and First Officer Commander Chakotay ( Robert Beltran ) transport to an isolated planet after they’re infected with a contagious disease. While Chakotay immediately takes it upon himself to make the planet their new home, Janeway still holds out hope that they’ll return to Voyager.

The episode is incredibly romantic despite lacking a concrete romance. Chakotay veritably declares his undying love for Janeway without saying the actual words, but just when Janeway begins to imagine her life without Voyager, Captain and Commander are miraculously saved. A happy ending has never been sadder. The thread of their almost-romance informs Janeway and Chakotay’s relationship throughout the show, but never overshadows it.

Season 3, Episode 3: "The Chute"

Tom Paris (McNeill) and Harry Kim (Wang) became fast friends in the first episode of Voyager and their friendship is one of the best in the franchise. So, what happens when the close buddies are wrongfully convicted and imprisoned in an alien prison?

“The Chute” is a tense episode that shines a spotlight on Tom and Harry during one of the worst ordeals they have together. It’s stressful watching Tom deteriorate and Harry reach the end of his tether. We’re on tenterhooks throughout worrying about how this friendship will survive this episode if it can at all! It all comes to a head in the final scenes and a simple line of dialogue that rights the world. This is heart-wrenching stuff that showcases the power and importance of friendship.

Season 3, Episode 8 & Episode 9: "Future’s End Parts I & II"

Time travel is an integral part of Star Trek, and one of Voyager ’s most memorable temporal stories is the two-parter “Future’s End”. In the episode, Voyager becomes trapped in the 20th century and can’t get back until they stop Henry Starling ( Ed Begley, Jr. ), a con man who has stolen future technology for his own gains.

This is an entertaining episode but also thought-provoking. Starling is a truly reprehensible villain compared to the other aliens that Voyager has met in the Delta Quadrant. The crew are also faced with an interesting conundrum—they’re back on Earth but in the wrong century, do they really want to return to their time when they’re 70-odd years away from home?

Season 3, Episode 16: "Blood Fever"

B’Elanna Torres is accidentally infected with the Vulcan Pon Farr which sets her hormones in overdrive. When she and Tom Paris are alone on an away mission, sparks fly but how real are these feelings?

“Blood Fever” is a sexy episode, with a lot of hot and heavy emotions bubbling to the surface. B’Elanna is aggressive with her desires, but the writers do a great job in making consent a priority. Tom was introduced as a cad on Voyager , and had his eye on B’Elanna, but he refuses to give in despite B’Elanna’s requests because she isn’t in a position to consent. The gender-flipped power play adds to the appeal of this episode. In the end, “Blood Fever” sets the stage for a romance but doesn’t ignite it, which is an important difference. Also, a new terrifying villain is introduced in the final moments. What’s not to love?

Season 3, Episode 23: "Distant Origin"

There are a few Star Trek episodes that have attempted to investigate the origins of humans, but in “Distant Origin” two scientists from an alien species called the Voth believe they originate from human beings. They capture Chakotay who reluctantly helps them.

The debate between traditional dogma and science is familiar to everybody and “Distant Origin” reflects the destructive impact of such rigidity through the Voth and the Doctrine. It’s maddening to watch the scientists lose their hard work and their future because of bureaucracy, which is what makes this episode so brilliant (and sadly, relatable). Another fantastic element is Chakotay’s characterization—his kindness and understanding are a balm during an otherwise tense episode. This is also a rare moment where aliens help Voyager altruistically.

Season 3, Episode 25: "Worst Case Scenario"

“Worst Case Scenario” begins with B’Elanna seemingly being encouraged by Chakotay to begin a mutiny, but just when things get interesting, the holo program stops. Suddenly everyone wants to play this program and learn the identity of the author.

While the author reveal is surprising, what comes after is gripping stuff. Tuvok, who had conceived the story as a training program, is convinced to complete the narrative, alongside a very eager Tom Paris. And that’s when things go very wrong. Tuvok and Tom make for an unlikely comedic duo—Tuvok, dour and logical as ever, Tom, a bit too flippant considering the danger they find themselves in.

There are twists and turns that one would never expect, and laughs aplenty, as the entire ship finds itself facing a talented adversary.

Season 4, Episode 8 & Episode 9: "Year of Hell Parts I & II"

Another time-focused two-parter, “Year of Hell” puts the Voyager crew through the grind, and they shine despite it all. The ship is caught in a series of temporal incursions created by Krenim scientist Annorax ( Kurtwood Smith ) and each one devastates the ship more and more. Unable to get out, the crew do everything they can to survive.

“Year of Hell” is a harrowing episode, but the best part of it are the character interactions and dynamics. Tuvok and Seven’s relationship, Chakotay falling for Annorax’s big ideas, Neelix’s promotion, the politics aboard the Krenim ship, Captain Janeway’s valiant sacrifice—they all come together to create a moving and immersive experience. The Voyager crew have never been closer than in this two-parter. The dénouement feels like a well-earned relief.

Season 4, Episode 14: "Message in a Bottle"

If you need a laugh, “Message in a Bottle” is the perfect bottle episode. The Doctor ( Robert Picardo ) is transmitted as a holographic message to the Alpha Quadrant. The only problem? The ship he arrives at has been overtaken by Romulans. The Doctor then has to partner with the captured ship’s emergency medical hologram, the Mark 2 ( Andy Dick ), to survive and save the ship.

If you thought the Doctor had a bad attitude, the Mark 2 somehow trumps even him. The banter between the two EMHs powers this entire episode and the comedic timing of Picardo and Dick is stellar. What should be a stressful situation becomes a comedy of errors because we’re following the exploits of two doctors—EMHs—not trained Starfleet officers.

Season 5, Episode 6: "Timeless"

One of the most heartbreaking episodes on Voyager is another time travel story. This time, Harry and Chakotay are on a mission to save their friends who died in the Delta Quadrant fifteen years ago.

From the opening teaser reveal to the final scene, “Timeless” tugs at the bond that the Voyager crew has formed with one another, and with the viewer. Director LeVar Burton perfectly juxtaposes the joyous celebrations of the past with the eventual doom in the ‘present’. Seeing Harry transform from hopeful and optimistic to jaded and fatalistic adds another layer of shock to the proceedings. “Timeless” will make you want to bawl your eyes out. It doesn’t matter how many times you watch this episode; you will be overcome with emotion by the end.

Season 5, Episode 10: "Counterpoint"

Star Trek has rarely shied away from reflecting the atrocities committed by humanity and “Counterpoint” is another great entry in the franchise. Voyager is secretly housing telepathic species who are seeking refuge through an expanse of occupied space. The ship is constantly inspected by the smarmy Devore Imperium officer, Kashyk ( Mark Harelik ). And then one day it’s Kashyk who’s asking for refuge.

There are so many layers and subtleties that make this episode a memorable and heartbreaking one. The obvious references to Nazi Germany make it a powerful watch, but the interplay between Captain Janeway and Kashyk is riveting. This is a spotlight episode for the captain, and she is written as compassionate and intelligent. The writers cleverly subvert our expectations of the conclusion, and you will be left feeling as crushed as Janeway by the end of it.

Season 5, Episode 12: "Bride of Chaotica"

Another Captain Janeway episode, but this one is so different. Tom and Harry’s The Adventures of Captain Proton holodeck program is one of the more memorable holodeck programs in the franchise. In “Bride of Chaotica”, photonic lifeforms mistakenly believe the program is real and begin fighting the evil Doctor Chaotica ( Martin Rayner ). The battle affects the ship and soon Janeway is on the holodeck assuming the new role of Queen Arachnia.

This episode fully embraces the cheesy, hammy style of classic science-fiction. Tuning in to “Bridge of Chaotica” is like switching off your brain and enjoying 45 minutes of bombastic performances, bulky props and a lot of fun. This is exactly the kind of silliness that a holodeck-based episode should embrace.

Season 5, Episode 21: "Someone to Watch Over Me"

It can be very icky when an older gentleman falls for a much younger woman, but “Someone to Watch Over Me” still makes the interaction between the Doctor and Seven of Nine a touching one. The Doctor takes it upon himself to help Seven learn some social skills, especially the art of dating. The two of them bond over songs and banter, and it’s not long before the Doctor begins falling for his student.

The episode doesn’t go any further with their relationship, and that’s the beauty of it. Once Seven decides to put dating on hold, the Doctor realizes the door to explore other aspects of their relationship is closed. Voyager is made for lovers of unrequited love, and you will be all choked up as Picardo sings a heartbreaking version of “Someone to Watch Over Me” as the episode closes.

Season 6, Episode 4: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"

The Doctor is a man of many talents, or so it seems in “Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy”. The story sees the Doctor alter his program so that he can daydream, only for an unsuspecting alien scientist named Phlox ( Jay M. Leggett ) to tap into the feed. Soon, Phlox’s mistake and the Doctor’s tampering put Voyager at risk. And only the Emergency Command Hologram can save them.

There’s a lot to be said about the innovative ways the Voyager writers allowed Picardo to flex every muscle he could. This laugh-out-loud episode is crisply paced and comedic gold. The Doctor’s love for daydreaming is one of his most human aspects. But it’s the writers’ ability to imbue the unknown character Phlox with so much personality and high stakes that elevates this episode.

Season 6, Episode 6: "Riddles"

Frenemies Tuvok and Neelix are returning on the Delta Flyer when Tuvok is attacked and loses his memory. The crew is desperate to get their chief tactical officer back and Neelix takes it upon himself to help Tuvok heal. But along the way, both characters learn that there’s more to each other’s personalities and themselves.

Star Trek is all about friendships and “Riddles” captures the importance of that. Tuvok always acts like he barely tolerates Neelix, but Neelix never seems to take the hint—this episode explores why. It’s so sweet and the relationship between Tuvok and Neelix is affectionate and touching. “Riddles” was actor Roxann Dawson’s first directorial effort on the show, and she does a great job evoking myriad emotions from the central cast.

Season 6, Episode 10: "Pathfinder"

“Pathfinder” is a rare episode that doesn’t center Voyager. Set on Earth, Lieutenant Reginald Barclay ( Dwight Schultz ) is part of the Pathfinder project to help the ship find her way home. Except, Barclay is a little too obsessed with the project and his holodeck program… of the Voyager crew. When the problem reaches a peak, Barclay’s friend, Enterprise Counselor Deanna Troi ( Marina Sirtis ) tries to help him work through it.

Brilliantly paced with obvious roots in Star Trek: The Next Generation , “Pathfinder” feels very meta. Barclay is every Star Trek fan come to life—desperate to be part of a story he dearly loves. Schultz and Sirtis step into the shoes of their TNG characters with ease, and the workplace setting also adds to the novelty of the episode.

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The 15 greatest Star Trek: Voyager episodes, ranked

Star Trek Voyager hero

Credit: CBS

Star Trek: Voyager was a series with a great premise and stories that somewhat frequently — but not always — lived up to it.

25 years ago today, Voyager premiered with the two-hour pilot "Caretaker" and forever changed the franchise with its introduction to the first female Captain, Kathyrn Janeway (a perfect Kate Mulgrew). Resilient, Janeway was unyielding in her efforts to get her untested crew home after they were zapped to the uncharted Delta Quadrant, 75 years away from Earth. Starfleet personnel mixing with former officers/current members of a resistance group known as the Maquis promised great, "only-on- Star-Trek " conflict — coupled with a ship stranded from the usual resources and aid afforded Kirk and Picard’s Enterprises.

Sadly, Voyager never fully embraced the full potential of that core conceit, leading Voyager to spend a big chunk of its seven-season run feeling like " Star Trek: The Next Generation lite." The ship was usually always fixed the next week if the previous one had it under attack or badly damaged. And the crew seemingly didn't mind too much about taking detours to explore and map this unknown area of space instead of doing what normal humans would — less sightseeing, more getting this 75-year journey underway as soon as possible and without distraction.

Despite Voyager 's uneven feel, when the show hit its stride, it produced some of the most entertaining hours the genre has ever seen. To celebrate Voyager 's 25th anniversary, here are the 15 best episodes.

15 . “Caretaker” (Season 1)

Voyager 's feature-length series premiere is one of the strongest pilots ever for a Trek show. Starting off at Deep Space Nine before stranding Captain Janeway and her motley crew of Maquis deserters in the Delta Quadrant, "Caretaker" has a riveting first half, peppered with exceptional character interplay. Then the pacing and tension slow in the second hour where we spend way too much time with an alien race that seems to have modeled itself after the citizens of Mayberry and The Waltons.

14 . "Eye of the Needle" (Season 1)

"Eye of the Needle" has a bittersweet twist that ranks up there with some of the best Twilight Zone endings. With the help of an anomaly via a wormhole, Voyager is able to communicate with a ship in the Alpha Quadrant. The catch? It's a Romulan vessel and not one in the same time as our lost heroes.

13 . "Dreadnaught" (Season 2)

If Speed and Runaway Train had a kid, it would be "Dreadnaught."

This compelling and tense hour of Voyager centers on engineer — the Klingon-Human Torres — struggling to reprogram a deadly missile designed by her enemy, the Cardassians, before it destroys a planet. Most of the hour is just Torres in a room, talking to a computer, and it is some of the most harrowing scenes in all of Trek history.

12 . "Mortal Coil" (Season 4)

Neelix, as a character, struggled to find solid footing among the ensemble jockeying for meaty storylines. But "Mortal Coil" remedies that with a dark, brooding storyline that takes on the afterlife and Neelix's near-death experience with it. After realizing the afterlife his culture believes in isn't really there, our favorite Talaxian suffers a heartbreaking existential crisis.

11 . "Tinker, Tailor, Doctor, Spy" (Season 6)

Veteran Star Trek: The Next Generation writer Joe Menosky — with a story from cartoonist Bill Vallely — crafted one of The Doctor's funniest outings, as the sentient hologram struggles with the hilarious consequences of giving himself the ability to daydream. The good doctor's fantasies catch the attention of an alien race's surveillance, but they think they are real — which brings about some trouble for the crew. How the Doctor saves the day is one of the best scenes Voyager has ever done.

10 . "Blink of an Eye" (Season 6) / "Relativity" (Season 5)

"Blink of an Eye" has a perfect Trek premise — Voyager orbits a planet where time passes differently for its inhabitants that for the ship's crew, so Janeway is able to watch this society evolve in, well, a blink of an eye.

This first contact scenario allows the show to invest the "explore strange new worlds" mandate with more emotion and nuance than Voyager usually affords its stories, giving fans a surprisingly poignant episode that still holds up to this day.

And despite time travel being a popular narrative trope in Star Trek , the show never failed to find new ways to explore and subvert it. "Relativity" is a fun, ticking-clock caper that sends former Borg drone Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) back in time to prevent the destruction of Voyager. Co-written by Discovery co-creator Bryan Fuller, this exciting episode keeps you at the edge of your couch cushion with an impressive act four twist.

09 . "The Equinox, Parts I & II" (Seasons 5 & 6)

In a plot worthy of a Star Trek movie, Janeway and her crew encounter another starship stuck in the Delta Quadrant, The Equinox. Commanded by a battle-hardened, Ahab-like figure, Captain Ransom (John Savage), The Equinox plots to hijack Voyager and strand her crew aboard their dying ship — in order to escape a race of subspace aliens that have been plaguing them.

Part of the fun of this excellent two-parter is never really knowing for most of its run time where the plot is going to go — for a moment, we actually think Janeway will lose this one.

08 . "Deadlock" (Season 2)

"Deadlock" is one of the few bright spots from Voyager 's bumpy early days. While the episode could take place on any of Trek 's ship-based shows, the stakes feel higher and for Janeway and her crew as they must work with those belonging to an alternate version of Voyager to get out of trouble.

When our Voyager — Voyager Prime — becomes fatally disabled, Janeway volunteers to sacrifice her ship so the other Voyager can go on. How Janeway handles the idea of this sacrifice results in the Ensign Harry Kim (Garret Wang) the show started with being replaced by his doppelganger.

07 . "Scorpion, Parts I & II" (Seasons 3 & 4)

"Scorpion" is action-packed Season 3 finale/Season 4 premiere that kicks off with a hell of a hook for a teaser: A small fleet of Borg cubes easily destroyed by an offscreen threat.

That threat is revealed to be Species 8472, a long-standing rival of the Borg in this quadrant of space — the only thing the Borg are afraid of. Enter Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), a Borg attache who becomes a remember of Janeway's crew as Voyager teams up with the enemy of their enemy to both defeat the Borg and shave some time off their trip home.

"Scorpion" represents a turning point for the series and for the franchise, with the introduction of the instantly-iconic Seven — another member of Trek’s deep bench of alien characters struggling to learn what it takes to be human. Or, in Seven's case, rediscover her humanity.

06 . "Counterpoint" (Season 5)

"Counterpoint" (Kate Mulgrew's favorite episode) is arguably Voyager 's most underrated episode, with a storyline whose elevator pitch could be "The Diary of Anne Frank" in space.

Voyager is secretly providing safe harbor to a group of telepaths being hunted by an alien race that hates them. (So, basically, Space Nazis). When the latter's charming leader defects to Voyager, and sparks a relationship with Janeway, it's instantly fraught with suspicion that boils over into bittersweet betrayal. The hour is an acting showcase for Mulgrew, as she pushes Janeway to uneasy places with the hard choices only this captain can make — and learn to live with.

05 . "Latent Image" (Season 5)

The most successful medical storylines on Star Trek are those that tap into moral/ethical dilemmas with a tech twist. In "Latent Image," the Doctor finds himself caught in the middle of both as he and Seven work to uncover who appears to have tampered with his memory — and why.

What starts as a whodunit becomes a powerful drama dealing with consent and the rights afforded all lifeforms — including artificial ones like the Doctor — when he discovers that Janeway altered his program against his will. Why? Because the doctor was confronted with a hard choice that broke him: With two patients' lives on the line, and only enough time to save one of them, the Doctor chose to save his friend.

04 . "Hope and Fear" (Season 4)

A rare non-two parter season finale, "Hope and Fear" is a landmark episode in the Janeway-Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) dynamic that puts the two at odds — only to come together in the end — in ways that echo Kirk and Spock.

When a sketchy alien (Ray Wise) shows up with the promise of getting Voyager home with the help of an all-too-convenient new starship, everyone fantasizes about the pros and cons of their long journey coming to an end. But the alien's plan is revealed to be a long con — he is a Borg attack survivor seeking revenge on Voyager, specifically Seven.

After he suffers a fitting but tragic end, "Hope and Fear" wraps up with a crew overcoming the letdown of still being stuck lightyears from home by focusing on a renewed purpose to keep going.

03 . "Message In a Bottle" (Season 4)

This fast-paced mix of action and comedy is a solid two-hander between Voyager’s EMH and a more advanced version (Andy Dick) aboard a sophisticated new starship that’s been hijacked (naturally) by Romulans. The two unlikely heroes are Voyager's only hope as they must use the ship's unique ability to separate into three different sections to defeat the bad guys.

Star Trek is hit and miss when it comes to comedy, but "Message In a Bottle" finds a near-perfect balance between laughs and sci-fi action while providing further proof that actor Robert Picardo is the series' MVP.

02 . "Timeless" (Season 5)

Voyager 's 100th episode is one of the greatest ever produced on any Star Trek series. "Timeless" opens in a future where Voyager crashed on an ice planet while on its way home, and centers on Ensign Harry Kim's efforts to save his crew in a very "timey wimey" fashion. (Captain Geordi La Forge, played by LeVar Burton — who directed the episode — stands in the good Ensign’s way).

With "Timeless," showrunner and writer Brannon Braga set out to do for Voyager what "The City on the Edge of Forever" did for the classic Original Series . A high bar this entertaining, high-concept hour effortlessly reaches.

01 . "Year of Hell," Parts I & II (Season 4)

Voyager achieved feature film-level quality with this epic two-parter.

Janeway and crew struggle to defeat time-manipulating genocidal villain (a perfect Kurtwood Smith) as he risks breaking the laws of physics — and chipping away our heroes' starship with battle damage — all so he can get back to his lost wife. To right that wrong, and alter the timeline by doing so, he and his time ship destroy an entire civilization. With some of the best space battles in the franchise's history, coupled with the moral and ethical dramas only Star Trek can do, "Year of Hell" is an all-timer.

  • Star Trek: Voyager

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Voyager Episode Guide

Season One Caretaker   Rating: 4 – Watch Parallax   Rating: 2 – Skippable Time and Again   Rating: 2 – Skippable Phage   Rating: 2 – Skippable The Cloud   Rating: 2 – Skippable Eye of the Needle   Rating: 4 – Watch Ex Post Facto   Rating: 2 – Skippable Emanations   Rating: 1 – Skip Prime Factors   Rating: 4 – Watch State of Flux   Rating: 3 – Watch Heroes and Demons   Rating: 2 – Skippable Cathexis   Rating: 2 – Skippable Faces   Rating: 1 – Skip Jetrel   Rating: 1 – Skip Learning Curve   Rating: 2 – Skippable

Best Star Trek: Voyager episodes

From battles with the Borg to explorations of humanity, we’ve picked out the best Star Trek: Voyager episodes.

Best Star Trek: Voyager episodes

Running from 1995 to 2001, Voyager was a departure for the Star Trek series, journeying into new territory, literal and metaphorical. It was the first in the franchise to feature a woman in the captain's chair, with the strong and stubborn Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) taking the helm. In the pilot episode, Caretaker (January 1995), the Intrepid-class starship Voyager is catapulted to the Delta Quadrant, a hitherto unexplored quadrant of the galaxy. Voyager’s mission (and overall story arc) was simple then: Make it back to Federation space, even though it was 75 years away (spoiler: it didn’t take that long). 

During its seven seasons and 172 episodes, Voyager introduced new species, like the Hirogen and the bane of the Borg, Species 8472. It explored emotional and ethical quandaries, such as hologram sentience and reformed drone Seven of Nine’s dating life, and along the way had fun with rogue Klingons and Q. It was a somewhat uneven show and didn’t fully hit its stride until season four, but it still provided plenty of memorable moments.  

Although Voyager never quite reached the heights of cast alchemy and narrative depth of its immediate forebear, the iconic The Next Generation, it broke new ground. Most significantly perhaps, it centered, for the first time, on a woman captain – one who commanded with utmost confidence, inspiring the love and loyalty of her crew, helping to pave the way for the gender-breaking 2017 series Discovery. And, it also included some very fine writing, as this list demonstrates (note: spoilers for individual episodes and the series follow, and two-parters will count as one episode for the purposes of this list).

If you want to relive Voyager's best episodes, then check out our Star Trek streaming guide to find out where you can watch the show online. Or if you’re a just big fan of all things Star Trek then check out our list of Star Trek movies, ranked worst to best , 

Now, let's count down our top ten best Star trek Voyager episodes, starting with...

10. Distant Origin

Distant Origin_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Pictures

  • Season 3, episode 23 
  • Original air date: April 30, 1997

As Voyager was set in a distant part of the galaxy, 70,000 light years away from home, the series was always a touch more whimsical than The Next Generation (TNG) or Deep Space Nine (DS9). In this episode, Voyager, one of the jewels of Starfleet, more than meets its match in a race known as the Voth, when the entire ship is transported inside a massive Voth vessel. 

It turns out the Voth might’ve evolved from Earth’s dinosaurs aeons ago in this tale about the importance of scientific curiosity and open-mindedness. “Eyes open” is the memorable line uttered by the trailblazing Voth paleontologist as he tries to prove humans and Voth once shared the same origin.

9. Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Pictures

  • Season 6, episode 20  
  • Original air date: March 15, 2000

Recalling the The Next Generation episode Lower Decks, Good Shepherd gives viewers the chance to see Voyager from a different perspective – not of the captain and her officers, but from much lowlier crewmen. Focusing on a Bajoran who has trouble with her sums, a hypochondriac, and a misanthropic physicist, Captain Janeway decides to take these three on an away mission, to steer these lost sheep back on course. 

It’s a fine episode that shows Voyager as the hierarchical starship it always was, and the importance of its many crewmen that help it to remain running. Fun fact: Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello appears in this episode as Crewman Mitchell.

8. Nightingale

Nightingale_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 7, episode 8  
  • Original air date: November 22, 2000

The “lowest ranked officer” Ensign Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) finally gets his chance to shine as he asks Captain Janeway to give him his first command mission. This episode was an efficient education in the finer points of leadership, as the junior officer took command of an alien ship, revealing the Captain and First Officer’s jobs were harder than they looked. 

Watch as Ensign Kim undermines the confidence of his new crew and overemphasizes the importance of routine checks, among other lessons in what not to do as a leader.

7. Human Error

Human Error_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 7, episode 17  
  • Original air date: March 7, 2001

Human Error finds Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) trying to outgrow her Borg limitations in a bid to become more human. It’s romantic, amusing, awkward, emotionally expansive, and yet oddly claustrophobic. As Seven navigates various social activities such as a baby shower, small talk, and, most poignant of all, dating, this episode unpicks obsession, perfectionism, and Seven’s sensitive interior, which belie her inscrutable drone façade. 

With some fine performances by Ryan and Picardo as The Doctor (who is secretly in love with Seven), this episode is slightly flawed, yet more ambitious, and more attuned to human moods than much of Voyager’s oeuvre.

Meld_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 2, episode 16  
  • Original air date: February 5, 1996

“You live on the edge of every moment, and yet, in its own way, violence is attractive, too. Maybe because it doesn’t require logic. Perhaps that’s why it’s so liberating” – Suder’s chilling words to Tuvok.

The early seasons of Voyager were patchy as the crew took time to establish chemistry, while antagonists such as the Kazon were uninspiring. But in season two, we were treated to an episode of high drama that didn’t rely on alien battles. Instead, it came via an onboard murder. The resident Vulcan and Chief Security Officer, Tuvok (Tim Russ), is charged with solving the case. Attempting to establish motive, the logical Tuvok is baffled when the murderer, the crewman Suder, replies that he committed the crime for “no reason”. Tuvok mind melds with Suder in order to better understand him. 

Needless to say, Tuvok experiences adverse effects from the meld in this study of extreme violence, and grapples with the ethics of appropriate punishment. Anchored by a charismatic performance by Brad Dourif, as the sociopath, Suder even gets a chance at redemption, returning in the two-parter Basics (season 2, episode 26), when he helps to retake the ship from the Kazon. 

Equinox_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 5, episode 25 & season 6, episode 1 
  • Original air date: May 26, 1999 & September 22, 1999

This season five finale has a grittiness and darkness that later series Enterprise and Discovery would utilise more. Encountering another Starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant, Captain Janeway goes to the aid of the U.S.S. Equinox. A much smaller and less powerful vessel, the Equinox is a Nova-class starship not designed for long-range missions. 

So, how have they managed to survive this long? In this tense and dramatic two-parter, Janeway is pitted against fellow Starfleet officers and turns vengeful as she discovers the horrifying truth about the Equinox's betrayal of Star Fleet's principles and the Prime Directive.

4. Blink of an Eye

Blink of an Eye_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 6, episode 12 
  • Original air date: January 19, 2000

The U.S.S. Voyager investigates a world that rotates 58 times a second, with time passing much more quickly on its surface than in space, but gets trapped as it is caught by the planet’s orbit. Meanwhile, the primitive natives on the surface see a new star in the sky, which happens to be Voyager. 

In this enjoyable episode, the crew of the ship, and we the audience, get to see the evolution of a world and its inhabitants before our very eyes. Featuring a pre-Lost Daniel Dae Kim as an alien, Blink of an Eye has a charm and sweetness that is magically expressed in the episode’s final moments.

Endgame_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 7, episode 24 
  • Original air date: May 23, 2001

When Voyager’s finale aired, it was met with mixed audience reactions, with a consensus that it wrapped things up a little too neatly. While that criticism is not invalid, in retrospect Endgame was more of a treat than a sour note. After all, over its 86-minute runtime the two-parter finally gave its characters a little more room to breathe. This generosity extended to include the return of the wonderful Alice Krige as the Borg Queen, who first appeared in the role in the Star Trek: First Contact movie. 

Involving a Borg showdown, among other delights, Endgame treated us to the sights of a Voyager crew in old age, as we learn of the crew’s destinies, the wonders of even more futuristic technology, and a white-haired Janeway coming to terms with how stubborn her younger self could be.

2. Year of Hell

Year of Hell_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 4, episode 8 & 9 
  • Original air date: November 5, 1997 & November 12, 1997

This two-parter is among the darkest and grittiest Star Trek has ever gotten. This was Voyager in distress and Captain Janeway at her most grim. Voyager gets embroiled in an interspecies conflict, but finds itself drawn into a more personal story. Kurtwood Smith delivers an authoritative performance as the villain Annorax – a brooding figure who commands a temporal weapon ship capable of erasing objects and civilizations from the timeline. 

Year of Hell had an epic quality, a sense of awe and real peril as it was difficult to imagine Voyager surviving through the onslaught. Full of memorable imagery – from Janeway as a gung-ho militaristic figure to a devastated ship with holes in its hull – this was Voyager at its most hellish.    

1. Timeless

Timeless_Star Trek Voyager_Paramount Television

  • Season 5, episode 6 
  • Original air date: November 18, 1998

A mini-masterpiece. For Voyager’s 100th episode the show’s producers and writers Brannon Braga, Rick Berman, and Joe Menosky created something special. With Levar Burton (of Geordi La Forge and The Next Generation fame) as director, Timeless had the majesty of a movie. The 45-minute run-time included the extraordinary image of Voyager encased in ice and a plot that was as satisfying as it was compelling (as well a cameo from Burton as a Starfleet captain). 

What was even more surprising was Garrett Wang playing an older, grizzled Harry Kim, in probably his standout performance, for a story that was full of pathos and regret. Can the older Kim send a message back through time to correct a huge mistake and avoid the deaths of his crewmates? Timeless really does have a timeless quality to it, since it’s the finest episode of Voyager ever produced.

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Lu-Hai Liang is a British Chinese writer and reporter. He has a degree in multimedia journalism and has written about culture for The Atlantic, BBC, CNN, Eurogamer, IGN, and Wired among others. He was based previously in Beijing for six years and reported on China’s changing society and development in business and technology. Generally, he likes sci-fi, video games, and space.

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Star Trek: Voyager

Episode list

Star trek: voyager.

Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, and Tim Russ in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E1 ∙ Caretaker

Robert Beltran and Tim Russ in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E2 ∙ Parallax

Kate Mulgrew in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E3 ∙ Time and Again

Jennifer Lien and Robert Duncan McNeill in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E4 ∙ Phage

Kate Mulgrew and Ethan Phillips in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E5 ∙ The Cloud

Robert Beltran, Robert Duncan McNeill, and Kate Mulgrew in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E6 ∙ Eye of the Needle

Francis Guinan and Tim Russ in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E7 ∙ Ex Post Facto

Cecile Callan in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E8 ∙ Emanations

Ronald Guttman in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E9 ∙ Prime Factors

Jennifer Lien and Robert Picardo in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E10 ∙ State of Flux

Kate Mulgrew and Roxann Dawson in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E11 ∙ Heroes and Demons

Jennifer Lien, Kate Mulgrew, Roxann Dawson, and Tim Russ in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E12 ∙ Cathexis

Roxann Dawson and Brian Markinson in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E13 ∙ Faces

Kate Mulgrew and Ethan Phillips in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E14 ∙ Jetrel

Tim Russ in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

S1.E15 ∙ Learning Curve

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Robert Beltran, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan, Roxann Dawson, Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, and Garrett Wang in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

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Streaming, rent, or buy Star Trek: Voyager – Season 1:

Currently you are able to watch "Star Trek: Voyager - Season 1" streaming on Paramount Plus, Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel , Paramount+ Amazon Channel, Paramount+ Roku Premium Channel or buy it as download on Vudu, Microsoft Store, Google Play Movies, Apple TV, Amazon Video.

Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is 75 years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

16 Episodes

S1 e1 - caretaker, s1 e2 - parallax, s1 e3 - time and again, s1 e4 - phage, s1 e5 - the cloud, s1 e6 - eye of the needle, s1 e7 - ex post facto, s1 e8 - emanations, s1 e9 - prime factors, s1 e10 - state of flux, s1 e11 - heroes and demons, s1 e12 - cathexis, s1 e13 - faces, s1 e14 - jetrel, s1 e15 - learning curve, s1 e16 - learning curve, where does star trek: voyager rank today the justwatch daily streaming charts are calculated by user activity within the last 24 hours. this includes clicking on a streaming offer, adding a title to a watchlist, and marking a title as 'seen'. this includes data from ~1.3 million movie & tv show fans per day..

Streaming charts last updated: 5:14:23 PM, 06/27/2024

Star Trek: Voyager is 4558 on the JustWatch Daily Streaming Charts today. The TV show has moved up the charts by 755 places since yesterday. In the United States, it is currently more popular than Restaurants at the End of the World but less popular than Murdoch Mysteries.

Streaming Charts The JustWatch Daily Streaming Charts are calculated by user activity within the last 24 hours. This includes clicking on a streaming offer, adding a title to a watchlist, and marking a title as 'seen'. This includes data from ~1.3 million movie & TV show fans per day.

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A starship is stranded in the uncharted Delta Quadrant in this fourth 'Star Trek' series, the first to feature a female captain. Here, the crew grudgingly teams with Maquis rebels to try to return to Earth after Voyager is hurtled 70,000 light-years from Federation space.

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Seven Of Nine's Star Trek: Voyager Creation Was Inspired By Picard & Borg Queen

  • Seven of Nine's development on Star Trek: Voyager was inspired by Picard and the Borg Queen.
  • Seven's Borg origins were central to her Voyager storyline, expanding Borg lore.
  • Picard and the Borg Queen remained important to Seven's character even in Star Trek: Picard.

Seven of Nine's (Jeri Ryan) conception on Star Trek: Voyager was originally inspired by Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the Borg Queen (Alice Krige). Although Voyager seasons 1-3 didn't include Seven of Nine, the show brought her on as part of Voyager 's cast of characters in season 4 after Kes (Jennifer Lien) left the series. Seven rose to become one of Voyager 's most popular characters, but started out under very different circumstances, as a former Borg drone that Voyager 's crew unwittingly rescued from the Collective.

Throughout her time on Voyager , Seven's Borg origins and time in the Collective were the central focus of her storyline. Through her, Voyager expanded Borg lore in the Star Trek timeline and explored the true horrors drones experienced after assimilation. Although it was inevitable that Seven would forever be associated with the Borg given her backstory, her first appearance on Voyager actually had two surprising Borg-related inspirations for one specific aspect of her character.

How To Watch All Star Trek TV Shows In Timeline Order

The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

How Picard & The Borg Queen Inspired Star Trek: Voyager's Seven Of Nine

The borg queen and picard were integral to seven's development.

In an interview with Cinefantastique about season 4, Voyager writer Joe Menosky explained that the show's creative team was inspired by the Borg Queen and Captain Picard's time as Locutus on Star Trek: The Next Generation when creating Seven of Nine. Menosky detailed how the Queen and Locutus were the only two Borg who spoke as individuals while still connected to the Collective, which the writers wanted Seven to do as well . This allowed Seven to begin her time on Voyager in a unique position and set her up as an individual from the start. Read Menosky's full quote below:

"The original inspiration was a couple of things. One was when Picard became the voice of the Collective as Locutus, so there was an individual speaking for the Collective. Another was when the Borg Queen did the same. Rick Berman was pretty adamant that you get bored with the Collective voice pretty quickly, and someone had better step forward."

As executive producer Rick Berman stated, the Borg's collective consciousness, while a terrifying concept in the grand scheme, doesn't work as well on a small scale when interacting with individual characters. Therefore, it was necessary to include a character like Seven during Voyager 's alliance with the Borg at the beginning of season 4 to be an individual voice for the group. In "Scorpion, Part II," the episode where Seven was introduced, Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) even referenced Locutus when asking for a single representative to continue negotiations with.

Picard & The Borg Queen Both Became Important To Seven Of Nine

Seven's later storylines involved both picard and the borg queen.

Ironically, both the Borg Queen and Picard became integral to Seven of Nine’s arc in Star Trek: Voyager and beyond. Seven and the Borg Queen (Susanna Thompson) had some truly memorable Voyager episodes together, including episodes like "Dark Frontier" which explored Seven's past in detail and provided a look at how important she still was to the Collective. Throughout Voyager 's run, the Borg Queen acted as a dark maternal figure to Seven , versus Captain Janeway's more positive mentoring after she was separated from the hive.

Likewise, Seven’s return in Star Trek: Picard not only brought her back to the franchise for modern audiences but also gave her some incredible new character development. Jeri Ryan played the evolution of Seven's humanity since Star Trek: Voyager beautifully in Picard , and season 3 brought the biggest update to her character yet with Seven becoming Captain of the USS Enterprise-G . Without Jean-Luc Picard and the Borg Queen, Seven of Nine would have been a much less interesting character.

Source: Cinefantastique , Vol. 30

Star Trek: Voyager

Cast Jennifer Lien, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, Robert Duncan McNeill, Roxann Dawson, Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, Jeri Ryan, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo

Release Date May 23, 1995

Genres Sci-Fi, Adventure

Network UPN

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Showrunner Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Rating TV-PG

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: Picard

Cast Orla Brady, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Jeri Ryan, Patrick Stewart, Alison Pill, Isa Briones, Evan Evagora, Marina Sirtis, Amanda Plummer, Whoopi Goldberg, Gates McFadden, Todd Stashwick, Santiago Cabrera, Michelle Hurd, John de Lancie, Ed Speleers

Release Date January 23, 2020

Genres Drama, Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure

Network Paramount

Writers Akiva Goldsman, Terry Matalas, Michael Chabon

Directors Terry Matalas, Jonathan Frakes

Showrunner Akiva Goldsman, Terry Matalas, Michael Chabon

Main Genre Sci-Fi

Seven Of Nine's Star Trek: Voyager Creation Was Inspired By Picard & Borg Queen

What Happened to Kathryn Janeway After Star Trek: Voyager?


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The erased future of admiral janeway saved voyager and decimated the borg, kathryn janeway earned a promotion to admiral and invested in starfleet's future, the search for the protostar and commanding the uss dauntless, admiral janeway's adventures continue in star trek: prodigy and picard.

When Star Trek: Voyager debuted as the flagship series on the United Paramount Network (UPN), it was a return to the ship-based storytelling Gene Roddenberry's universe was known for. The series also made history from its inception because it was the first show led by a female Starfleet captain, Kathryn Janeway. When the USS Voyager was sent to the Delta Quadrant of the galaxy, its crew had only one mission: get home.

Over seven seasons, Captain Janeway never let the crew forget they were also serving the larger mission of Starfleet: seek out strange new worlds where no one had gone before. They would routinely divert from their course home for scientific exploration or to help species in need. The ship also frequently engaged the Borg, and even the god-like Q turned his attention from Jean-Luc Picard to Janeway. Getting the ship back to Earth would be career enough for any officer, but Janeway's story didn't end with Voyager 's finale. In fact, she had two distinct and different futures ahead of her.

10 Best Star Trek: Voyager Episodes, Ranked

Star Trek: Voyager may have been a controversial series on its debut, but it's now a certified classic as these top-ranked episodes prove.

Nearly two decades before the Avengers, "Endgame" was the title of Star Trek: Voyager 's series finale, which opened with a shot of the ship arriving on Earth . When first stranded in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Voyager was 75 years away from Earth at maximum speeds. The first time around, Captain Janeway beat that time by 52 years . She also lost, in one way or another, a number of crew including Seven of Nine, Chakotay and Tuvok, suffering from a Vulcan cognitive illness. She is eventually promoted to Vice Admiral, teaches at Starfleet Academy, and is the foremost expert on the Borg .

Not content with this future, Janeway meets with a Klingon named Korath, with Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres's daughter Miral acting as a go-between. She steals a device that allows her to travel back in time, and Korath sends his warships after her. Starfleet sends Captain Harry Kim of the USS Rhode Island to stop her from violating the Temporal Prime Directive , but Kim's loyalty to Janeway outweighs those orders. She successfully travels back in time and finds the USS Voyager and her younger self in the Delta Quadrant. The two Janeways butt heads, but the elder Kathryn convinces her younger self to follow her plan.

Admiral Janeway takes the ship to the Borg Unicomplex, arming USS Voyager with technology from the future so that it can survive the journey. The plan is to hijack the Borg's transwarp network and get the Voyager crew home in an instant. However, ablative armor and transphasic torpedoes aren't the only technology the elder Janeway brought back. She infects herself with a technovirus and allows the Borg Queen to assimilate her. While it takes the life of the elder Janeway, it deals a deathblow to Starfleet's most dangerous adversary . It also gives the younger Janeway a new lease on her future .

How Did Star Trek: Voyager Become a TV Series?

Star Trek: Voyager debuted after The Next Generation ended its historic run, but Captain Janeway's series was in development long before then.

After the USS Voyager returned to Earth, Captain Kathryn Janeway was promoted to Vice Admiral . She's also one of Starfleet's most decorated officers , in large part because of her ability to keep her crew together and get them home. This is no small task, after all. In Voyager Season 5, Episode 25, Janeway encounters the USS Equinox also stranded in the Delta Quadrant. While their captain, Rudolph Ransom, kept the crew together, he did so by violating every ideal Starfleet stands for. In Star Trek: Nemesis , Vice Admiral Janeway calls Picard from Starfleet Command to send him on the USS Enterprise's ill-fated mission to Romulus .

Because of her accomplishments as the captain of the USS Voyager, Janeway is well known throughout the galaxy. In Star Trek: Lower Decks , the dim-witted Pakleds believed any human woman in command of a Starfleet vessel was the illustrious Janeway. Still, after her experiences in the Delta Quadrant, Janeway was reticent to return to any deep space mission. Yet, she still believed in Starfleet's core goal of exploring the galaxy, welcoming new species into the Federation or, at least, establishing positive diplomatic relationships with them.

To that end, Janeway was part of the group that created the USS Protostar , a vessel with a faster-than-warp propulsion system . Her former first officer, Chakotay, was named the captain of the vessel and sent on a mission to the Delta Quadrant. As far as Star Trek fans know, he never returned. Also, when Seven of Nine tried to officially join Starfleet after Voyager's return, she was denied entry because she was Borg. Janeway stood by her and even threatened to resign. Seven didn't allow that, instead joining the Fenris Rangers and helping those who were outside of Starfleet's jurisdiction.

Star Trek: Prodigy Is the Last Hope for Janeway and Chakotay Shippers

Star Trek: Prodigy brought Voyager characters Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay back into their story and there is a chance for the romance fans never got.

When Dal R'El and the other Star Trek: Prodigy characters found the USS Protostar, they discovered that Janeway was the model for the holographic training assistant on the ship. Meanwhile, the real Janeway was back at Starfleet Command hoping for any sign of the ship or Chakotay. The makeshift crew of the Protostar wanted to turn the ship over to Starfleet, but an advanced weapon created by the Vau N'akat would infect any Starfleet vessels and make them destroy each other. Thus, the crew ended up being hunted by Vice Admiral Janeway, who returned to deep space in command of the USS Dauntless .

While on the hunt for the Protostar, Janeway consulted with other Starfleet admirals, such as former USS Enterprise-D captain Edward Jellico . Despite the respect she commanded among Starfleet officers, her First Officer Commander Tysess refused her order to pursue the ship into the Romulan Neutral Zone. Later, Janeway and her crew found the Diviner, a Vau N'akat operative who'd lost his memory. Finding him caused another operative, called the Vindicator, to break her cover as a Trill Starfleet ensign named Ascencia.

Eventually, a sci-fi mishap caused Janeway and Dal to swap minds Freaky Friday -style . While trying to pose as Vice Admiral Janeway, Dal ended up getting her removed from command and locked up. Once the real Janeway was back in her body, however, a Starfleet officer she saved as a child while commanding Voyager freed her. Once the Protostar crew destroyed the ship and the weapon hidden on it, Janeway advocated for them to be allowed into Starfleet Academy . Unlike with Seven of Nine, Starfleet Command allowed them in.

Star Trek: Prodigy's Connection to Voyager, Explained

Star Trek: Prodigy is a new series with new characters in the universe, but the series is directly connected to Voyager through characters and ships.

Star Trek: Prodigy's second season will debut on Netflix in July 2024, and it will cover Admiral Janeway's search for Chakotay . The new cadets who crewed the Protostar will join her on the USS Voyager-A, a new ship bearing the name of her storied vessel. Season 1 revealed that Chakotay wasn't just lost in the Delta Quadrant, but also lost in time. It's possible that Janeway will again have to violate the Temporal Prime Directive in order to rescue her former First Officer. While her adventures with the Prodigy crew are as yet unknown, thanks to Star Trek: Picard , fans know she at least survives.

Seven of Nine eventually joined Starfleet , serving aboard the USS Titan-A, and during her tenure, had conversations with Admiral Janeway. In fact, according to the Star Trek: Picard commentaries, producers wanted Janeway actor Kate Mulgrew to appear in an episode or two. However, time and money prevented that. Still, through conversations with Seven, Picard and Tuvok, Janeway was a high-ranking Admiral in Starfleet Command at the turn of the 25th Century. While her ultimate fate is unknown, Janeway had many adventures after she left the USS Voyager behind .

Star Trek: Voyager is currently streaming on Paramount+, while Star Trek: Prodigy is streaming on Netflix.

Star Trek Voyager

Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

star trek: voyager

Screen Rant

The star trek: tng episode that predicted ds9 & voyager.


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How To Watch All Star Trek TV Shows In Timeline Order

I think picard should have given riker kirk’s star trek generations advice, the acolyte showrunner explains episode 5's final twist & mae's new mission.

  • Star Trek: TNG's "The Price" introduced a wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, which is one of the concepts key to Deep Space Nine.
  • The wormhole turns out to be an unstable passage to the Delta Quadrant. which is a plot device in Star Trek: Voyager's premiere.
  • "False Profits" in Star Trek: Voyager served as a sequel to "The Price," connecting the Ferengi officers' storylines across series.

One episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation predicted main plot points of both Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. Following the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the USS Enterprise-D, TNG ushered in a golden era for the Star Trek franchise. Captain Picard and his crew soon became almost as popular as the characters of Star Trek: The Original Series, and TNG laid the groundwork for much of what came after. Many elements (and characters) introduced on TNG would play a role on DS9 and Voyager, including two important references in the same episode.

In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 8, "The Price," the Enterprise hosts several delegates who wish to bid on rights to a supposedly stable wormhole. Discovered by the Barzan people, this wormhole could provide a stable way to travel vast distances across the galaxy. The negotiator representing the Chrysalians, Devinoni Ral (Matt McCoy), finds himself drawn to Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) and she shares his feelings. The two embark on a passionate romance, which takes up much of the episode's runtime, as the negotiations continue in the background. The wormhole itself serves as a precursor to DS9, and a Ferengi shuttle connects to Voyager.

Commander Nhan (Rachael Ancheril) in Star Trek: Discovery is a member of the Barzan species introduced by Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

Star Trek: TNG's "The Price" Features A Wormhole To The Gamma Quadrant

The bajoran wormhole in star trek: deep space nine remains the only truly stable wormhole in the milky way galaxy..

The wormhole at the center of the negotiations in "The Price" connects the Alpha Quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant , just like the Bajoran wormhole in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . Since the Barzans do not have the means to control the wormhole and the space traffic that would use it, they have decided to auction it off to the highest bidder. The Federation bids for the right to control the wormhole, as do the Caldonians and the Chrysalians. When the Ferengi learn of the wormhole's existence, they insert themselves into the bidding as well.

Officially discovered by Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) and Lt. Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell) in DS9's premiere episode, the Bajoran wormhole completely changed politics in both quadrants. Space Station Deep Space 9 set up at the entrance to the wormhole, making it one of the Federation's most important outposts.

Unfortunately for everyone involved, the wormhole turns out to be a "proverbial lemon," just as Captain Picard feared. While the Alpha Quadrant side of the wormhole seems stable, the other end moves locations. When Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) and Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) travel through the wormhole to investigate, they end up in the Delta Quadrant, not the Gamma Quadrant. They determine that the Alpha Quadrant side of the wormhole will eventually become unstable as well, rendering the wormhole basically useless.

Star Trek: TNG's "The Price" Also Features A Ship That Gets Lost In The Delta Quadrant

Star trek: voyager season 3, episode 5, "false profits" serves as a sequel to "the price.".

When Data and Geordi take a shuttle into the wormhole, they offer to share any information they find with the other delegates. The Ferengi, however, insist on investigating for themselves, and Ferengi officers Arridor (Dan Shor) and Kol (J.R. Quinonez) take their own shuttle into the wormhole. Data and Geordi soon detect strange readings, and they urge the Ferengi to return with them back to the Alpha Quadrant. The Ferengi refuse to listen and find themselves stranded in the Delta Quadrant when the wormhole moves to a new location.

The USS Voyager will find itself in a similar predicament in the premiere of Star Trek: Voyager , when the powerful Caretaker sends the ship to the Delta Quadrant. Later, in Voyager's "False Profits," Voyager encounters Ferengi officers Arridor and Kol (Leslie Jordan), who have declared themselves gods on a primitive planet. Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and her crew stop the Ferengi, and Arridor and Kol travel back through the unstable wormhole to the Alpha Quadrant. It will take Voyager a few more years to find its way home, but "False Profits" serves as a nice callback to Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Star Trek: The Next Generation is the third installment in the sci-fi franchise and follows the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew members of the USS Enterprise. Set around one hundred years after the original series, Picard and his crew travel through the galaxy in largely self-contained episodes exploring the crew dynamics and their own political discourse. The series also had several overarching plots that would develop over the course of the isolated episodes, with four films released in tandem with the series to further some of these story elements.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, also known as DS9, is the fourth series in the long-running Sci-Fi franchise, Star Trek. DS9 was created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller, and stars Avery Brooks, René Auberjonois, Terry Farrell, and Cirroc Lofton. This particular series follows a group of individuals in a space station near a planet called Bajor.

Star Trek: Voyager

The fifth entry in the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek: Voyager, is a sci-fi series that sees the crew of the USS Voyager on a long journey back to their home after finding themselves stranded at the far ends of the Milky Way Galaxy. Led by Captain Kathryn Janeway, the series follows the crew as they embark through truly uncharted areas of space, with new species, friends, foes, and mysteries to solve as they wrestle with the politics of a crew in a situation they've never faced before. 

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

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How to Watch and Stream 2024's First Presidential Debate on NBC

Presidents Biden and Trump will face off once again following 2020's election cycle.

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Election season is officially underway as former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden face off in the first debate of the 2024 presidential election on Thursday, June 27. The eyes of the nation will be on the pair, as this rematch of the 2020 opponents could go either way. Here's how to tune in:

What time does the 2024 presidential debate come on?

Following NBC's  coverage of the Olympic trials at 8/7c , CNN will host the debate, but it will also be simulcast on NBC at 9/8c. However, Live coverage on the network starts well beforehand at 7/8c.

If you're at a computer, you will be able to watch a livestream of the event  on NBC News NOW, and see up-to-the-minute coverage from NBC .

About the new rules for the 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump

Dana Bash and Jake Tapper will co-moderate the 90-minute debate between Presidents Trump and Biden in Atlanta.

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Two of the major changes for this debate versus the previous elections is that the microphones will be "off" by default, meaning that the candidates cannot interrupt one another, and there will be no live audience, so they won't be interrupted or encouraged by hecklers or applause, either.

Split of Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Trump still hasn't announced a VP pick

Biden is once again running with current Vice President Kamala Harris, but former VP Mike Pence won't be on the ticket in November. Trump has teased that he may announce his running mate during the debate, but hasn't promised to do so. He also hinted that he may announce his pick at the Republican National Convention, which is in July, per NBC .

NBC N e ws re ported  that North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida are all high on the list of potential running mates, and all three are currently in Atlanta.

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Palantir stock rises on partnership with voyager space.

Shares of Palantir ( PLTR ) are rising Thursday afternoon after the company announced a partnership with Voyager Space "to rapidly advance the space and defense technology sectors by integrating Palantir's cutting-edge AI tools across the Voyager enterprise," according to a Voyager press release.

Yahoo Finance Anchors Josh Lipton and Alexandra Canal break down the partnership and what it means for both companies moving forward.

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Market Domination.

This post was written by Nicholas Jacobino

Video Transcript

Punt technologies, the stock is climbing after announcing a new partnership with Voyager Space to leverage artificial intelligence to drive innovation in space tech.

Now, you're seeing Punt shares up just under 5% right now.

On the heels of this new partnership.

According to a press release, both Voyager and Pier will quote rapidly advance the space and defense technology sectors by integrating pent cutting edge A I tools across the Voyager and surprise.

Now this partnership is also going to enhance military research and development along with making space more accessible to the defense community, which I thought was interesting.

And to me, this is just another example of the expansion of A I into various sectors in the various industries, how you can utilize this technology?

Pent also previously formed a strategic partnership with Star Lab Space.

So it seems like this is an area where Palantir wants to continue to explore and clearly a use case for A I when it comes to that goal.

Yeah, you saw Pounders execs kind of saying in a statement with this news that uh the company committed they are to building transformative A I solutions across every domain and that, of course, you know, it's a big part of the both thesis here on Pounder that this is a smart A I play.

Not believes that, listen, there are skeptics, but we've had, you know, fans like Dan Ives over at Wedbush, uh calls Pounder the messy of A I and uh, um, and I, I actually know I, I was at a Pounder customer conference um in Pound to California where, you know, a lot of the customers are there.

They took the stage, they would talk about how they were sort of integrating the company's A I technology.

Uh, and we've spoken on Ya Finance with Pounder Co, Alex Carp and certainly, uh, pounding a very confident, optimistic drum.

And even if you take a look at stock, it's up nearly 50% year to date, up about 80% on the year.

So, it's one of those names that is seeing the boost that we're seeing across the, the space when it comes to A I.

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The first presidential debate is tonight. Here's how to watch on TV or streaming

voyager episodes to watch

If it feels early, that's because it is: The first debate of the 2024 presidential election against President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will take place on Thursday.

In mid-May, the Democratic and Republican front runners agreed to take part in a debate hosted by CNN, departing from the traditional debate procedure. The nominees are not participating in debates facilitated by the Commission on Presidential Debates .

CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the in-studio debate, with several networks planning to provide  commentary before and after  the big production. 

This year, there will be no live audience. So how can you watch the debate from your TV, laptop, tablet or phone?

When is the first presidential debate?

The upcoming presidential debate will begin at 8 p.m. Central time on Thursday, June 27. This is the earliest debate in U.S. history, which typically started in September or October, according to CNN .

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

How can I watch the presidential debate?

CNN will broadcast the debate on its cable channel. Other news channels will broadcast pre-debate commentary prior to the showing a simulcast of the CNN debate. Here are some of the broadcast networks that will air the debate live:

Can I watch the debate if I don't have cable?

Yes. A ‘CNN Presidential Debate’ Simulcast will be available on the Des Moines Register's website and on the  USA TODAY channel on YouTube .

If you have popular streaming apps, you can also find coverage there:

  • Debate host CNN will provide its coverage on Max.
  • ABC News will offer its coverage on Hulu.
  • MSNBC coverage is available via Peacock.

When is the next presidential debate?

Biden and Trump also agreed to a debate hosted by ABC News on Sept. 10. The Commission on Presidential Debates planned to host its first debate on Sept. 16.

Reporting contributed by Sarah Gleason of USA TODAY.

Kate Kealey is a general assignment reporter for the Register. Reach her at  [email protected]  or follow her on Twitter at @ Kkealey17 .


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