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Work and Travel in Azerbaijan

Help us grow. share what you know about getting work in azerbaijan for travellers., volunteer and paid work opportunities in azerbaijan for travellers.

Azerbaijan is a country few tend to know exist let alone visit. Nestled on the border between Europe and Asia, this oil-based country used to be difficult to get to. Liberalisation of their visa policies means that a new generation of travellers are able to work and travel in Azerbaijan. If somewhere different is on your travel list this year, then travel in Azerbaijan. Let’s take a look at the volunteer opportunities in Azerbaijan and how you can go about getting there. Read through our travel guide to Azerbaijan below to get started. 1. Lend Your Artistic Skills in Azerbaijan Azerbaijan is an oil rich nation. Baku is an extremely modern capital with incredible shows of wealth. Like most countries in this position, art and culture is a big priority. With the Azeri people’s rich history, there are lots of projects for artists throughout the country. Whether it’s painting murals at a guesthouse to joining major international NGOs who want to revitalise poorer areas, painters, sculptors, and graphic designers are all in high demand. Look for these positions in Baku. 2. Join the Growing Conservation Movement in Azerbaijan Azerbaijan’s oil wealth has come at a costly environmental price. It’s not uncommon to see vast oil puddles across the countryside as you cross the country by train. Only now have charities and government organisations started to realise the importance of preserving the Land of Fire. From the Burning Mountain to the famous mud volcanoes, major efforts are being made to help protect them from the expanding oil industry. If conservation is close to your heart, join one of these projects as you travel in Azerbaijan. 3. Revitalise Poor Areas of Azerbaijan Despite Azerbaijan’s wealth, the country still has a huge problem with poverty outside of Baku. Smaller villages see communities living in extreme poverty. Search for projects that focus on helping orphaned children, providing a good education to young people, and offering sanctuary to the thousands of abandoned dogs and cats. These projects are ideal for people who want to get away from the traditional tourist sites and see the real side of Azeri culture and tradition.


Travel in Azerbaijan used to be difficult due to their strict visa policies. Today, the new e-visa system , known as ASAN, has made things much easier for most nationalities. The only countries who can enter without a visa are a number of former Soviet Union countries and certain Central Asian nations. Everyone else must apply for an Azeri visa in advance to work and travel in Azerbaijan. All of Europe, other than Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus, have to apply for an e-visa. This process usually takes three working days and requires a small online payment. The same applies to North American countries, Australia, and New Zealand. The US can enter visa-free under special conditions, but this will only apply to a small segment of people and you should contact the Embassy of Azerbaijan first. Japanese, Chinese, and South Korean citizens need an e-visa only if entering by land. A visa-on-arrival can be obtained if entering by air. For work and travel in Azerbaijan, it’s likely better to get the e-visa as the visa-on-arrival is only valid for 30 days , when compared to the e-visa’s 90 days. Russian citizens can enter without a visa, whereas South African citizens must get the e-visa.


Spring work.

Azerbaijan rarely gets snow outside of the mountains. Its position on the Caspian Sea means that the temperature on the coast is usually temperate, although it does get cold at night. The spring in Baku is a time where a number of international events come to the country. It’s possible to become a volunteer if you apply far enough in advance. Just some of the events Baku has hosted during spring in the last few years include Eurovision, the European Games, and Formula 1.


Summertime in Azerbaijan is the main season for backpackers. There are a growing number of hostels around the country, as it begins to reap the benefits of the tourism boom in neighbouring Georgia. Many of these hostels take on volunteers for short periods of time. If you want to work in Azerbaijan and get free accommodation, a hostel job could be the right option for you. It’s also a good time to help with poverty programs. Summer is often the hardest time of year for poor families with young children because these are the school holidays. Get out to the small towns and villages and give back to the Azeri people.

Backpacker skills in autumn are much the same as the rest of the year. However, language teaching programmes in smaller skills become popular in autumn. Apply in summer and by the autumn you could find a job as an English teacher. Azerbaijan is increasingly looking outwards and most young people are eager to learn English. If you can’t teach English in Azerbaijan through a school, consider becoming a private tutor. A lot of schools don’t offer language teaching in English, so parents employ private tutors instead. You don’t need any prior qualifications as long as you’re a native English speaker.

There are few volunteering opportunities in Azerbaijan during the winter months. Tourists are few and there are few established locations for winter sports. Away from the mountains, you’ll likely find little to do, unless you already have a position carried over from a previous season.


Azerbaijan is rich, modern, and is increasingly becoming less isolated. But bear in mind that Azerbaijan is still a dictatorship and even minor crimes are punished. For example, you can be arrested for littering. You should also refrain from talking about politics in the country, as well as anything to do with Armenia. Even though Azerbaijan refers to itself as democratic, this is only in name only. The country has been controlled by the same family for decades. You should also take care to respect Islam. Although customs aren’t as strict as the Middle East, people can take great offense when Islam isn’t given the right amount of respect. Are you prepared for work and travel in Azerbaijan?

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Work and Travel Proqramına Qəbul Şərtləri Nələrdir? – 2024

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Universitet tələbələrinin ən böyük arzularından biri xaricə getmək və müxtəlif mədəniyyətləri yaxından tanımaqdır. Öz peşələrindəki mühüm yenilikləri yaxından izləmək istəyən tələbələr universitet təhsili müddətində xaricə getmək üçün bir çox imkanlara sahib ola bilərlər. Work and Travel proqramı da bu fürsətlərdən biridir və bu mədəni proqramın məqsədi tələbələrə müxtəlif mədəniyyətləri yaxından tanımaq imkanı verməkdir.

Work and Travel Nədir?

Work and Travel hər bir universitet tələbəsinin ən azı bir dəfə təcrübə etməli olduğu dünyanın ən məşhur tələbə mədəni mübadilə proqramıdır.

Work and Travel, universitet tələbələrinə təhsil həyatı ərzində ABŞ-da rəsmi icazə ilə iş və səyahət təklif edən yeganə mədəni mübadilə proqramıdır. Proqram 1961-ci ildən ABŞ Dövlət Departementi tərəfindən təşkil edilir və onun səlahiyyətli sponsorları vasitəsilə həyata keçirilir.

Xaricdə təhsil suallaranızı bizə yaza bilərsiz.

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Niyə Work and Travel Proqramında İştirak Etməlisiniz?

Work and Travel iştirakçıya yay tətili zamanı ABŞ-da işləmək, fərqli mədəniyyətlə tanış olmaq, öz pulunu qazanmaq, dil öyrənmək, xaricdə yaşamaq və səyahət etmək imkanı verir. Hər kəsin asanlıqla edə biləcəyi xidmət sənayesində sadə işlərdə çalışan tələbələr öz gəlirlərini qazanaraq Amerikada yaşamaqdan həzz alırlar.

Bu proqram sayəsində iştirakçılar Amerika kimi bir çox insanın arzusunda olduğu, ən yüksək iqtisadi şəraiti yüksək olan bir ölkədə unudulmaz bir yayı keçirmək imkanı əldə edirlər. Hər il tələbat artdıqca və proqramın populyarlığı və məlumatlılığı artdıqca, kvotalar çox erkən dolur! Əgər siz də, Work and Travel proqramı ilə maraqlanırsınızsa, bizimlə əlaqə saxlamaqdan çəkinməyin!

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Həyatınızda bəlkə də ilk dəfə olaraq tamamilə həyatdan deyə biləcəyimiz unikal Work and Travel proqramında iştirak etmək; Başqa bir ölkədə başqa bir dildə danışaraq öz ayaqlarınız üzərində dayana bilmək, həm də sahibkarlıq və özünə inam kimi mövzularda özünüzü təkmilləşdirməyə kömək edəcəkdir.

Bəs, Work and Travel Proqramına Qəbul Şərtləri Nələrdir?

Work and Travel proqramında iştirak etmək istəyən tələbə namizədlərimiz aşağıda qeyd etdiyimiz şərtlərlə uyğunluq təşkil etməlidir, belə ki, iştirakçı

  • Universitetlərin 4 illik şöbələrində əyani formada təhsil alan tələbə olmalı
  • 18 – 30 yaş arasında bakalavriat və magistr tələbəsi olmalı
  • Ən azı Orta səviyyədə ingilis dili biliklərinə sahib olmalıdırlar.

GPA (Universitet Ortalama Qiymət) Haqqında

Qiyməti 2.00-dan aşağı olan tələbələr də proqramda iştirak edə bilərlər və ortalama balları 2.00-dan aşağı olan və viza alıb proqramda iştirak edən tələbələrin nümunələri hər il görülüb. Bununla belə, orta qiyməti 2.00-dan aşağı olan tələbələr yaxşı ingilis dili performası ilə qarşılaşa biləcəkləri istənilən suala cavab verməli və viza müsahibəsi zamanı digər tələbələrdən fərqli olaraq, vəziyyəti aydın şəkildə ifadə edə bilməlidirlər.

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Work and Travel Proqramının Üstünlükləri Nələrdir?

Work and Travel ilə siz ABŞ-da 4 ay ərzində ingilis dilinizi təkmilləşdirmək və gündəlik həyatda təcrübə keçmək imkanınız olacaqdır. İngilis dilində danışdıqca xarici dilinizə inamınız artacaq və istənilən mühitdə yenə də özünüzü ingilis dilində ifadə edəcəksiniz və bu inam sayəsində praktik qabiliyyətiniz artacaq və xarici dil qorxunuz da aradan qalxacaqdır.

Gələcək karyranız üçün əmanətiniz olacaqdır və bu təcrübə sizə gələcəkdə həm maddi, həm də təcrübə baxımından bir çox sahədə rəqiblərinizdən bir neçə addım öndə olmağa imkan verəcəkdir. Xaricdə iş təcrübəsi qazanacaq və bununla da, CV-nizə yeni dəyər qatacaqsınız, fikir verin, CV-nizdə hələ tələbə olanda işlədiyiniz Amerika şirkətlərinin adları və istinadları olacaqdır!

Bu, həqiqətən də çox mühüm üstünlükdür və Work and Travel proqramına qeydiyyat prosesi və proqram haqqında daha çox məlumat əldə etmək üçün bizimlə əlaqə saxlamaqdan çəkinməyin!

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Travel to Azerbaijan in 2024 – Everything you must know

By Joan Torres 30 Comments Last updated on April 24, 2024

travel azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a weird, fascinating country. 

Located on the border between Asia and Europe, Azerbaijan has one of those cultures which is particularly difficult to define, as it is a Caucasian country with a large Turkish and Iranian influence, that used to be part of the Soviet Union, so the end result is such a strange mix of opposed cultures that leaves the traveler very confused. 

I traveled to Azerbaijan twice.

During this period of time, they introduced an e-visa system so, in only two years, tourism has grown exponentially and the country has started to get significant international exposure.

The weirdness of Azerbaijan is what makes it a particularly interesting country and, in this guide, I have compiled everything you need to know for traveling to Azerbaijan . 

For places to visit, don’t forget to check my complete Azerbaijan travel itinerary

travel to Azerbaijan

In this Azerbaijan travel guide you will find:

Table of Contents

  • Best time to visit
  • Travel insurance
  • Useful books
  • The country and culture
  • Tourism in Azerbaijan
  • How to get in
  • Food and alcohol
  • Transportation
  • Accommodation
  • More information

our recommended travel insurance for Azerbaijan

With its Backpacker plan, IATI Insurance is the best insurance for any kind of adventurous destination, like Azerbaijan

🪪 How to get a tourist visa for Azerbaijan

E-visa is available for traveling to in azerbaijan.

Since January 2017, you can apply for an e-visa to travel to Azerbaijan and this is the official Governmental portal .

It costs 25USD and takes 3 working days to proceed. If you want an urgent visa, it costs 50USD. 

Who can apply for a tourist visa for Azerbaijan?

All countries from this list , which includes all Western nationalities and many more.

How long is the Azerbaijan visa valid for?

The single visa is valid for 30 days within a 90 days window – note that there is no double entry visa.

Registration in Azerbaijan

If you are traveling in Azerbaijan for more than 15 days, you will need to register. You can do it in your hotel or at the police station itself.

For more information, I recommend you read this article from Caravanistan . 

Important – Registration is no joke! In 2016, I skipped this registration (at that time, there was not much information about it and the limit was 10 days), so when the police found out, they made me choose between paying a $300 fine or being deported and banned from entering Azerbaijan within 1 year. After 11 months, I tried to apply for the e-visa and it got instantly rejected. In 2019, I managed to get in without any problem.

visa for Azerbaijan

⛅ Best time to visit Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, you find 9 out of the 11 climate zones .

From glaciers to vast, hot deserts, the landscape in Azerbaijan is full of contrasts. This means that the climate is also very varied so, depending on where you want to go, Azerbaijan can be a year-round destination. 

For example, the mountains are good to visit from April to October but, if you want to do some trekking, summer would be the ideal season. 

The region around Baku has a continental climate, which means that summer is extremely hot and winter very cold, but it can be visited all year round. 

However, I would say that mid-spring and mid-autumn would be the ideal time to travel to Azerbaijan. 

Read: Things to do in Baku in 3 days

traveling to Azerbaijan

🚑 Travel Insurance for Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is an adventurous destination, so go there with the proper travel insurance.

I recommend IATI Insurance because:

  • It has all types of plans, from families to backpackers
  • One of the few providers with full COVID-19 coverage
  • Readers of this blog can get a 5% exclusive discount

📚 A book for traveling to Azerbaijan

Travel guide to azerbaijan, georgia and armenia by lonely planet.

There is no guidebook focusing exclusively on Azerbaijan, not even from Bradt, but you need to get the LP guide to the region. 

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

🕌 The country, the people and the culture

Azerbaijan today.

Azerbaijan is a former Soviet Republic that got its independence in 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Since 1993, it has been ruled by a political party named the New Azerbaijan Party , a party founded by Heydar Aliyev, who ruled from 1993 to 2003. After his death, his son Ilham Aliyev took over and he still rules today. 

It is said that this political party doesn’t really have an ideology but it is based on nationalism and a personality cult centered on Heydar Aliyev , who is believed to be the first person to make Azerbaijan great and whose name is seen in numerous streets, museums, and places around the country. 

On the other hand, Azerbaijan is one of those fake democracies where the ruling party has been accused of several human rights abuses and authoritarianism but it seems their citizens don’t complain much about it. 

When you arrive in Baku , you will feel that you are in an extremely developed country, as the majesty of its impeccable streets is perfectly comparable to many European cities. 

Traveling to Georgia? Here’s my ultimate guide to travel to Georgia!

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

However, as soon as you step out of the capital, things change and you will suddenly find yourself in a third-world country. This huge contrast is explained by the fact that Baku is what it is thanks to the petrol and, due to obvious corruption, this growth has been exclusively focused on the capital. 

This kind of fake development is also explained by the fact that, whereas Baku feels much more developed than Tbilisi for example, the capital of Georgia is much more socially developed than Baku, a city where sometimes it is even difficult to see mixed groups of men and women. 

Read: 80 Useful tips for traveling to Iran

Religion in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a supposedly Islamic country, 85% of the population being Shia Muslims and the rest Sunni. Nevertheless, Azerbaijan was the first Islamic country to ever declare itself a democratic and secular Republic (in 1918).

This means that many people in the country are atheist, similar to their brothers and sisters from Central Asia , so religion isn’t really a big deal here, especially in Baku. In fact, there are very few functional mosques. 

Azerbaijan travel tips

The personal story of my local friend During my journey, I met a local, young guy from Baku who turned out to be very religious. In fact, he has a Muslim beard and his wife wears a hijab, something not very commonly seen in Azerbaijan. Anyways, he told me that her wife got a job in a public TV channel but they told her that she had to remove her hijab to come to the office. She obviously refused to do so and, apparently, it was not an option, so she couldn’t get the job in the end. Probably, this is the only Muslim country where these things happen. 

The people: The Azerbaijanis

Physically, most Azerbaijanis look kind of Iranian but a bit different. From a cultural point of view, like I said in the beginning, it is difficult to define them as a single culture. Definitely, they have similarities with their neighbors from Georgia , even Armenia, but they also have many customs from the Iranians.

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

For example, they are heavy drinkers of tea, and they drink it in the same way Iranians do, using the same sort of glasses and the same amount of sugar.

However, you are likely to see them drinking a shot of vodka right after the tea and, when you go to the rural areas, it really feels like you are in Georgia , as people look kind of the same and the houses have a very similar architecture.

To make it even more surreal, they speak Turkish and you can still see great Russian influence. 

It’s just weird and, no matter how hard you try, you can’t really define their culture as a whole. 


Azerbaijanis are hospitable, not as much as my friends from Iran obviously, but they were all right, perhaps more than in other Caucasian countries. Is it because they are Musli

I don’t know, maybe. In my case, random tea invitations were common and I still keep in touch with 1 or 2 friends who never allowed me to pay for a meal. 

Check out my off-beat guide to Tbilisi

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

Language in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani is the official language in the country, which is a Turkish dialect. Out of all the Turkic spoken languages, from Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani is the closest one to Turkish.

Most people will also speak Russian but, apparently, not as well as their Central Asian neighbors. As for English, in Baku, some young people can speak it but that’s it. 

Read: 75 Useful tips for traveling to Kyrgyzstan

People Azerbaijan

Is Azerbaijan an off the beaten track destination?

Glad you asked. 

Like I said in the beginning, after introducing the e-visa system in January 2017, tourism has grown exponentially. 

You will see that today, Baku is actually filled with loads of backpacker hostels and tour groups abound. Destinations such as Sheki or Lahic also see a fair amount of tourists and, in remote villages such as Xinaliq, you can already find a wide range of official homestays. 

Nevertheless, Azerbaijan is still an emerging tourist destination, and the number of tourists is not even comparable to any country in Europe. In fact, outside of the main touristic towns, you are likely to be the only tourist hanging around. 

Places like the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, Ivanovka and the towns and villages around Ganja are really unspoiled destinations, which you don’t want to miss. 

If you want to experience the real Azerbaijan, I strongly encourage you to check those destinations out. In my Azerbaijan itinerary , you can find more information about these places.

Read: Tips for traveling to Iraqi Kurdistan

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

🛫 How to get to Azerbaijan

Traveling to Azerbaijan is very easy. 

Travel to Azerbaijan by air

The international airport of Baku has many connections to Europe and many other countries in Asia and the Middle East . 

Travel to Azerbaijan by land

Georgia – There are two very friendly open borders with Georgia, one linking Zaqatala with Sighnaghi and other one linking Ganja with Tbilisi. The second one can be crossed by train and, in fact, there is a direct night train from Tbilisi to Baku .

Iran – The border with Iran is also open and very friendly but remember that, if you are going to Iran, you will need to be in possession of an Iranian visa .

I also recommend you read my 80 Tips for traveling to Iran . 

Russia – This border is currently closed to foreigners. 

What happens with Armenia? Armenia and Azerbaijan are technically at war, mainly due to the dispute of Nagorno-Karabakh, so the border with Armenia is definitely closed. Nevertheless, you should know that having an Armenian visa on your passport does not ban you from traveling to Azerbaijan (and vice-versa), so you should not worry at all about that, other than getting some standard questioning.  However, if there is any evidence that you have traveled to Nagorno-Karabakh, which is only accessible from Armenia, you will be banned from entering Azerbaijan for the rest of your life. Please note that for entering Nagorno-Karabakh you get a different passport stamp but, apparently, nowadays you can ask them to stamp it on a separate piece of paper. 

Travel to Azerbaijan by sea

Kazakhstan – You can travel to Azerbaijan by boat over the Caspian Sea from a Kazakh city named Aktau. It takes 24 hours and you need a dose of patience because it departs every few days, randomly. Read my 35 Useful tips for traveling to Kazakhstan . 

Turkmenistan – If you are lucky to be in possession of a Turkmen visa, you can also take the boat from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan. 

how to get to Azerbaijan

💻 Internet and connectivity in Azerbaijan

Wi-Fi – It works surprisingly well all over the country. 

SIM Card – I recommend Azercell. You can buy a SIM Card in many mobile stores but you should go to the official store of Azercell, as you will be charged the real price. There is a big one in Fountain Square and, for a couple of manats, you get loads of data. 

eSIM for browsing, calling and traveling in Azerbaijan

Basically, an eSIM is a regular SIM card with a digital format that works like a normal physical SIM card, with the added benefit that you can buy it from home before the beginning of your trip, hence avoiding the hassle of buying it at your destination. 

With Holafly , you can get a SIM Card for a wide range of destinations, including Azerbaijan . 

Moreover, you can benefit from a 5% discount with the following code:  AGAINSTTHECOMPASS

Get a VPN for traveling in Azerbaijan

You should always use a VPN when you travel, especially when you connect to public Wi-Fi networks.

Your connection will be much safer. 

Moreover, you will be able to access content which is typically censored in Azerbaijan. 

I recommend ExpressVPN – Extremely easy to use, fast and cheap. 

If you want to learn more about VPN, check: Why you need a VPN for traveling .

💰 Money in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, they use the Azerbaijani manat (ANZ) and, approximately:

1 USD = 1.70 AZN

ATM and credit cards

In Baku, you can use your credit card pretty much anywhere and ATMs abound. However, once you leave the capital, it is better to bring cash with you. You may find some ATMs in smaller towns but you can’t really pay by card.

Exchanging money in Azerbiajan

There many exchange offices around the country. 

How much does it cost to travel to Azerbaijan?

Azerbaijan is really cheap. In fact, leaving the fancy Baku aside, this is one of the cheapest countries I have ever been to. These are the costs of the most typical things:

  • Backpacker hostels – 7 to 15AZN
  • Budget guest houses – 30 to 40AZN
  • Mid-range hotels – 60 to 80AZN
  • Fast food (Doner kebab, sandwich, etc.) – Around 2AZN
  • Local eateries (a meal) – 2 to 5AZN
  • Mid-Range restaurants (Normally, only available in Baku) – 8 to 15AZN
  • Supermarket (beer can) – 0.50 to 1AZN
  • Budget bars or happy hour (local draft beer) – 1AZN to 2AZN
  • Night bars  (local draft beer) – 2 to 5AZN
  • Short taxi ride in Baku – 2 to 3AZN
  • Metro ride in Baku – 0.30AZN
  • Bus from Baku to Quba – 6AZN and the journey takes 3 to 4 hours.

Backpacking Budget for Azerbaijan From 30€ – 40€ a day

travel to Azerbaijan safety

🍲 Food & cuisine in Azerbaijan

Like its people, the food of Azerbaijan is a real blend of cultures and flavors, with influences from all over the region, from Turkey to Russia, Iran and even Greece. 

From plenty of kebabs to the tzatziki Greek yogurt, Uzbek plov , Turkish dolma , and Iranian dizi , during my journey, I tasted something different every day. 

The majority of Azerbaijanis have never left their country, so they will always tell you that those dishes are originally from Azerbaijan and, depending on the way you look at it, they may be right, as all their dishes are local variations on the original dish. 

Azerbaijan travel tip – Baku is definitely more expensive than the rest of the country but, from Monday to Friday, most restaurants have a lunch deal in which, for only 2 or 3€, you will get a full set menu.

My favorite dishes of Azerbaijan

Piti – One of the most typical dishes consists of vegetables, lamb and chickpeas, all cooked in a clay pot and covered by lamb fat. Once served, you smash it like if they were mashed potatoes. You can also find a variation of this dish in Iran called dizi . 

food in Azerbaijan

Yarpak Xangal – It consists of layers of pasta, meat, caramelized onion and yogurt. A very heavy dish. In Central Asia, there is a similar thing called beshbarmak . 

Azerbaijani food

Dushbara – A dumpling soup typical of the northern-western part of the country. You can also find it in Kazakhstan and it is called pelmeni . 

food of Azerbaijan

Drinking alcohol in Azerbaijan

As in other beloved ex-Soviet Muslim country, alcohol is not really haram (things which are forbidden in Islam), so beer and vodka are available all over the country, even in small villages.

Actually, many cafés in rural areas do have a barrel of draft beer but it is really, really bad, as it has little gas and is really badly served. 

Drinking vodka with locals

If you are lucky, you may be able to drink vodka with some Azerbaijanis but remember that, if you agree to it, you need to finish the whole bottle. When I was in Nakhchivan, I went for dinner with my host’s family and, when we ordered drinks, his father asked me if I wanted to drink some vodka.

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

I said OK, thinking that everybody in the table would drink, so we would have 1 or 2 shots per person.

However, apparently, everybody said no but me, so his father forced me to drink half of the bottle before even finishing my food. I was the drunkest person in the restaurant and the next day I felt so embarrassed but, fortunately, in Soviet countries, they are used to people being drunk, so everybody just laughed on the day after. 

Just be aware that, if you aren’t really into drinking, it is better to say no from the very beginning. Otherwise, if you have just one or two shots you will be considered a pussy. 

Beer snacks

If you are having beers with Azerbaijani people, you will see that they always need to order something called beer snacks , which range from smoked cheese to fried meat balls. If you want to do what the locals do, order them whenever you get a beer in a bar. 

beer snacks Azerbaijan

🛺 Transportation: how to move around Azerbaijan

Moving around baku.

Metro – In Baku, there is a pretty cool metro and one single ride costs 0.30AZN. You need, however, to buy a 4AZN metro card first. 

Uber – Get this app to move around Baku by taxi. 

For more information on transportation in Baku, read my Baku city guide

Moving around Azerbaijan

Marshrutka – Locals move around the country by marshrutkas, which is what public mini-vans are called in the former Soviet Republics. They are really cheap, leave once they are full and they are connected to pretty much any town and city in the country. 

Train – The train goes from Baku to Ganja and then continues until Tbilisi . However, it doesn’t follow the main touristic trail, so you will have to rely on marshrutkas. 

Domestic flights – I took a domestic flight from Baku to the exclave of Nakhchivan, which is the only way to get there. I flew with Azerbaijan Airlines . 

Car rental – Traveling around Azerbaijan by a rental car is safe, feasible and effective, especially around Quba, as you will be able to go to places that are a bit hard to reach by public transportation.

Azerbaijan travel advice

🏨 Accommodation: where to stay in Azerbaijan

There is a wide range of accommodation all over the country, from hostels to guesthouses, homestays and regular hotels, including plenty of 5-star hotels in Baku. 

In my Azerbaijan itinerary , I recommend several hotels in each city. 

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

❗ More information for traveling in Azerbaijan

📢 In my Travel Resources Page you can find the list of all the sites and services I use to book hotels, tours, travel insurance and more.

All guides and articles for traveling in Azerbaijan destination

  • Baku Travel Guide
  • Best Hostels in Baku
  • Qobustan Petroglyphs and Sovietism
  • Reasons to Visit Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan Itinerary

Travel guides to former Soviet countries

  • Georgia Travel Guide
  • Ukraine Travel Guide
  • Travel Guide to Tajikistan
  • Belarus Travel Guide
  • Travel Guide to Moldova
  • Travel Guide to Kyrgyzstan
  • Uzbekistan Travel Guide
  • Kazakhstan Travel Guide

travel Azerbaijan


This is a wonderful write-up to provide potential travellers with an estimate budget. I just wanted to ask, minus accommodation if I estimate 50AZN per day to roam around the city, maybe go to sheki by bus and stay a night there – is it enough? Accommodation is not included in the 50AZN per day budget. I have budgeted accommodation separately.

Prices have slightly increased since the last time I was there but if you stay in budget dorms, I am sure you can make it!

Amazing article about Azerbaijan. I love that you added personal stories of your friends. It’s really devastating how women aren’t always seen as individuals who are entitled to their opinion and choices on some parts of the world.

Hey, I think you got the cost of the metro ride wrong in euros 🙂

thanks for telling me

Hi, I am completing a visa application for Azerbaijan. On the visa application it asks for hotel accommodation details. I will be backpacking starting in Turkey, Georgia etc and I don’t have a definite date I will arrive In Azerbaijan. Can I book a hotel for my last 3 days in Baku before I fly home and include those details in the visa application or do I need to book and detail all the time I expect to be there? By the way I went to Iran in March this year based on your travel blog and then onto Turkey and the Balkans. I had a great time. Your help on the visa would be appreciated.

Hey Michael! The evisa for Azerbaijan only takes a couple of days to proceed, so you could apply during your last days in Georgia. In any case, the accommodation details are for just reference, so you could just make a booking in any random hotel in Azerbaijan, and it should be fine.

Hi Joan, Thanks for your response. My visa came through in 36 hours. As I have already booked my flight leaving from Baku I wanted to ensure I had a visa for Azerbaijan well in advance. I tend to avoid countries which make it difficult to get a visa. I understand in Azerbaijan I will need to register as I will be staying longer than 10 days. I will look at your Pakistan report when I return as I intend to start in southern India and do 3 months and then into Pakistan. The visa for Pakistan looks complicated with letters etc required while India have recently increased the time for Australians to 3 months which is much better for my style of travelling. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

Thank you michael, enjoy Azerbaijan, and your future trip to Pakistan. And yes, the visa can be a pain, but it is really worth the shot. Cheers!

It was really enjoyable to read your review! Azerbaijan is definitely worth to visit. But i don’t really understand why you can’t define Azerbaijanin culture and cousine as a whole. I don’t see any point of comparing Azerbaijanis with any other nation, since they are unique. Coming to cousine, pelmeni are being cooked not only in Kazakhstan. There are many interpretations of this dish in various cousines, but i find Dushbara completely different and unique, as well as other national dishes of Azerbaijan. Ptrobably you’ve never tried levengi, turshkabab, fisincan, which i believe you hardly find anywhere else in the world, but in Azerbaijan. Cheers!!

Thanks for the explanation, I googled these dishes and they look absolutely delicious 😉

Thanks for the great information.

I am based in Denmark and my International Driving License from here states that it doesnt cover Azerbaijan – What is the situation to drive there? What do I need to do / have?

Thanks very much 🙂

Hi Brenda, as far as I know, any EU driving license should be enough to drive around Azerbaijan, as long as you are on a tourist visa. If your Danish license has different requirements, that’s something I can’t know

Is border between Azerbaijan and Iran open for international tourists?

As of today, Azerbaijan landborders remain closed

I like to go to hil quasar to see the village in country life vlog in you tube. Is that possible?

Thanks so much for this write up on Azerbijan, the best uptodate information I’ve read. I am travelling to Nakhichevan from UK with my son in a weeks time as he is in a chess tournament. I just wanted to ask as a women in this area, how will it be regarding what I wear etc. I also want to swim and wondering if I need to buy a special swimsuit? We are also vegan, any advice there?! Thanks Zoe

Hi Zoe, Azerbaijan is generally pretty relaxed, compared to any other Muslim countries. You can dress as you like, within modesty, of course. Regarding vegan food, it’s not the best place for that, but azari cuisine has some pretty elaborated salads

I’m glad that you gave your point of view, Baku seems a very interesting place to go as a tourist but is way better if you can see the city in a whole different point of view.

Hello This is Mr Murad from Sialkot Pakistan.. I would like to tour for azirbahijan..I want to marketing about appare How can I apply visa.. Regards Mr Murad Ali

Hey Beautiful article, thank

Hi Joan. Thank you for the itinerary and the article about Azerbaijan. I’m going to be in Azerbaijan for a week and interested in visiting the South (either hirkan national park or talysh mountains. Do you have any advice about travel there? And if 3 nights are enough (, for one of them only).

Never been in that area, unfortunately!

Hello, I read your post and I think it’s great how you described and explained everything.. iv But I have a question. Yesterday I wanted to apply for an e-visa on the official website of Azerbaijan. They refused my payment. So I wanted to apply for the visa at “Ivisa”. But it says that you can only fly to Azerbaijan and that’s the only way you can apply for a visa. But your post says that the entry by sea is possible. Is entry by ferry via sea really allowed, or could my entry into the country be rejected? I would be happy if you would answer

As long as you have a valid visa, you can use any port of entry to enter Azerbaijan

Just FYI to fill out bank forms before you go. I’m in country right now and all of my cards (from 3 separate banks) were suddenly cut off on Day 3 because Azerbaijan apparently is in a “red zone” that my pre trip research hadn’t uncovered. Aargh. Spending the evening arguing with the banks wasn’t on my bingo card.

Hi Jadzia, I am very surprised! where are your banks from?

Hi there! Thank you for a very informative article about Azerbaijan. We are planning a car trip with kids driving from Greece to Turkey to Georgia and reaching our final destination Azerbaijan. Maybe you could share any update on land borders with Georgia and land border crossing permit for those entering by car; What requirements i need in order to get it? Flying from Greece to Baku is super pricey and not really convenient connection flights either. .. thank you.!!

Hi Liana, borders are open but I’ve never crossed borders with a car, so I can’t tell whether you need permits or not

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Republic of Azerbaijan Electronic Visa Application System


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Azerbaijan Work Visa

Azerbaijan is one of the prosperous countries in the world. Due to many factors, such as foreign investments, booming oil industry and development of tourism, it became a place for work seekers. There are two ways of applying for an Azerbaijan work visa. These ways are mentioned below.

Requirements - Azerbaijan Work Visa 

  • Regular visa . To get a regular visa, you need to gather all the required paper documents and visit the embassy. After submitting the documents, your eligibility will be checked, and in case of approval, you will get your visa from the embassy. It is a way more complicated and tiring process, as it takes much time to wait and gather all necessary documentation. 
  • E-Visa . There are ninety-five country citizens who can benefit from getting an e-Visa from the comfort of their own home. To make an application for an e-Visa, visit and submit a few required information. To apply for a visa online, you will only need a scanned copy of your passport, available e-mail address and a credit or debit card to make the payment. Make sure your passport is valid, and you complete the application by making the payment. After a successful application, in case of approval, you will receive your e-Visa via the specified e-mail address in your application form. 



Your e-Visa is valid from {startDate} to {endDate} for a total period of (90 days). You can enter Azerbaijan any date during the validity period (90 days) of your e-visa. However, your stay cannot exceed 30 days.

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Passport Copy

work and travel azerbaijan 2022

Please attach main page coloured-copy of your travel document. The file has to be in JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF format and the size must not exceed 5 MB.

Your passport has to be valid for, at least, 6 (six) months after arrival date in Azerbaijan.

Attention! Dear applicant, please make sure that all the barcode symbols at the bottom of your travel document seem clearly on the copy you attach.

Verify Information

Please attach main page coloured-copy of your travel document. The file has to be in JPEG, JPG, PNG format and the size must not exceed 5 MB.

e-Visa requirements

  • 1. My passport is valid at least 6 (six) months after my departure date from Azerbaijan.
  • 2. I am applying for single entry visa.
  • 3. I am aware that, in order to issue the electronic visa, for standard e-Visa it is required 1-3 business days, for urgent e-Visa it is required 3-5 business hours and this visas allow the holder to stay in the country for 30 days.
  • 4. I am aware that, persons with dual citizenship have to choose the country in accordance with their passport or other travel document they are going to use for their travel. If the passport or other travel document used to apply for an electronic visa is different from the passport or other travel document used for travel, the electronic visa is considered invalid.
  • 5. I am informed that, the period of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the country should not exceed the period specified in the e-Visa. Foreigners and stateless persons have to leave the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan if duration of their temporary stay has not been extended, or if they have not been granted a temporary residence permit, or if their application for extension of the temporary residence period or their applications for temporary residence permit has not been accepted.
  • 6. I am aware that, foreigners and stateless persons staying temporarily in the Republic of Azerbaijan for more than 15 days (also in cases when they change their place of residence within the country) should apply to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan for registration without payment of any fee.
  • 7. I am aware that, pursuant to the law, foreigners and stateless persons are held liable for staying in the country after the expiry of the time specified in the electronic visa and without being registered (when their stay exceeds 15 days).
  • 8. I am aware that, foreigners and stateless persons can apply for a new electronic visa without leaving the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. However, in order to use your second e-Visa, you have to leave Azerbaijan first and then re-enter to Azerbaijan territory.

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is a private, non-governmental agency that is owned by an independent enterprise offering electronic visa assistance and support. By using this website, applicants acknowledge that they are not permitted to reuse, download, modify, copy or redistribute any part of the information included on and also concedes to use the services provided by strictly for their personal use.

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User information may be collected by when visiting the site and may then be stored in our secure databases. This information could include:

Contact details: Email address and phone number

Personal information including full name, address, date and place of birth

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Payment record

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is responsible only for submitting the Azerbaijan e-Visa application on behalf of the applicant and cannot be held responsible for the result of said application, as approval is subject to the Azerbaijani government’s authorization. cannot be held responsible for e-Visa applications results that are produced from providing erroneous information or from a mistake made by the applicant.

is not liable should the applicant receive a visa denial due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control. Additionally, in the case that the applicant’s e-Visa is denied by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he/she accepts that nor the Azerbaijani Government, nor is required to provide a reason.

reserves the right to cancel the registration of any applicant and to delete their personal information and application if he or she: disregards, changes or omits any part of the required procedure for registration; does not meet eligibility requirements and is therefore considered unsuitable to complete the online application; gives fraudulent or erroneous personal information or participates in any unlawful activity.


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For any questions regarding the Azerbaijan e-Visa application, users can contact our friendly Customer Support Team at or +994552551416.

Company Information

is a part of “TURIZM.AZ” LLP, based in Great Russell St 10/Suite 4081 England, London, United Kingdom with registration number OC414312. If you need to contact us for any reason you can do so at +994552551416 or via e-mail at to s peak to our professional customer service team at any time.

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is committed to offering excellent service while maintaining the security of any confidential information processed via our website. The user agrees to the following privacy policy upon contracting services from .

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This information may be used in the following ways:

will not share, send, sell or publish any information provided by the user to third parties without express consent unless required by law or to defend or pursue legal action.

guarantees that all safety measures will go above and beyond legal obligations in order to ensure the strictest security of user information using encryption firewalls, password-protected servers and physical security in all areas where information is stored.

Amendments to this Privacy Policy can be made by at any time without prior notification. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure he/she is aware of the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of contracting any service offered by .

Refund Policy

will offer a full refund (except e-Visa Government fee) to all users who have submitted their application through this website in the event that their online e-Visa application is denied by the Government of Azerbaijan.

If a user requests a refund after an e-Visa application has been submitted and approved, will no longer be able to offer a full refund. However, a refund request for the fee charged by the agency can be made and will be considered.

Please note the following conditions for requesting a refund:

Requesting a Refund

Users wishing to solicit a refund must send an email to . Users must include the following in their refund request: full name (as it appears on passport), email address used to complete the application, reference number and reason for the request.

From the moment the refund request is received, it will be processed within 72 hours (3 business days).

Information Note

Please note that the information that you provide must match the information on your passport. Otherwise, your e-Visa will be invalid.

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15 Mar. 2023

Employment in Azerbaijan: benefits, jobs for foreigners and obtaining a work visa

Employment in Azerbaijan: benefits, jobs for foreigners and obtaining a work visa

Azerbaijan offers a wide variety of professions for expats. In many cities of the country, foreigners are offered a variety of vacancies to suit every taste. Here are the advantages of employment in Azerbaijan and obtaining a work visa

Order a legal consultation from a local specialist in visa and migration issues

Azerbaijan is often called the Eastern Pearl of Europe. However, the country located on the Caspian Sea coast is known not only for its resorts. Thanks to investments from international corporations and the development of oil production, the Azerbaijani economy is growing rapidly. Therefore, many companies are interested in qualified specialists from other countries. Let's talk about the peculiarities of employment in the country below.

Benefits of employment in Azerbaijan

All residents of Azerbaijan have social insurance, which provides benefits to the unemployed, low-income families, the elderly, etc. Mothers with newborns also receive monthly payments equal to the average salary for 4 months before and after childbirth. 

Oil and gas companies provide their employees with the most favorable working conditions, as this sector is highly developed in the country. Specialists in the industry have many opportunities for career growth and a high level of financial security in Azerbaijan. 

Get legal advice  from a local specialist in visa and migration issues. To receive the service, select the country of interest and citizenship

Work for foreigners in Azerbaijan

Foreign workers in Azerbaijan most often find jobs in agriculture and forestry. Employment in the oil or fuel industry is quite popular among foreigners seeking high-paying jobs. 

Other promising industries in the Azerbaijani labor market are:

- information technology;

- engineering;

- construction business;

- transportation;

- health care8

- management;

- chemical industry;

- factory production.

Seasonal work is quite common in the country. Many foreigners come for a short period of time to pick fruit, harvest, etc. And workers without experience can get a job in the service sector. Indeed, given the large number of resorts, there is a constant need for waiters, cleaners, maids, administrators, salespeople, etc. in Azerbaijan.

Foreign students are not allowed to work full-time in Azerbaijan, as they would need to change their study visa to a work visa. But there is a possibility of part-time work. Therefore, most often young people find work as waiters, baristas, and cashiers. Also, during summer vacations, employers sometimes hire successful students for internships, although not always paid. 

Where to look for a job? 

Job search is available on special resources, such as  JobSearch  or   Human Capital Baku . 

It is also worth monitoring the websites of large companies that often publish current vacancies. 

The easiest place to get a job is in the capital. By the way, most offers for foreigners require a conversational level of English, along with Azerbaijani or Arabic.

Work visa to Azerbaijan

Employment in Azerbaijan for foreigners is possible only if they have a work permit and a permanent residence permit. Here is the list of documents required for a work visa:

- a notarized copy of your passport;

- medical examination results;

- notarized copies of professional qualifications;

- employment record book for the last 5 years;

- a completed application form;

- a letter of recommendation from the employer.

The visa is issued for a period of 1 year with the possibility of extension. Representatives of certain professions, heads of branches of Azerbaijani companies and married to Azerbaijani citizens are not required to obtain a work permit.

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Azerbaijan set to improve tourism industry in coming years [PHOTO]

Azerbaijan set to improve tourism industry in coming years [PHOTO]

By Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan Tourism Summit 2022 has started its work at the Baku Congress Center, Azernews reports.

Within the summit, members of the tourism industry, state, and private sector representatives discuss development trends in tourism.

In his speech, chairman of the State Tourism Agency Fuad Nagiyev highlighted the latest achievements in the tourism sector.

He underlined that the State Tourism Agency intends to increase the number of tourists visiting Azerbaijan to 4 million in 2026.

The State Tourism Agency has set up goals aimed at the improvement of Azerbaijan's tourism industry within the "2022-2026 Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

The agency aims to increase GDP production in the tourist accommodation and public catering sector by 1.5 times compared to 2019 and to achieve an average annual growth of 20 percent in the tourism sector.

At the same time, the State Tourism Agency seeks to improve internal tourism by increasing the number of domestic tourists to 6 million.

Meanwhile, more than 1,458,000 visits to Azerbaijan were registered, which means a 2.1 times increase compared to the figures of 2021.

"Under the current conditions, our forecast from the beginning of the year came true and the industry was able to recover by 50 percent this year. Our main goal in holding the summit is to bring tourism industry subjects together, to inform them about our work and future plans," said Nagiyev.

The chairman of the State Tourism Agency also mentioned the multi-directional measures to study, realize and promote the tourism potential of Azerbaijan's liberated territories.

He stressed that tourism will be one of the leading areas to ensure the livelihood of people in Karabakh and East Zangezur.

"One of the most sacred tasks before us is the development of Karabakh as a tourist destination. We will ensure the livelihood of our people in the lands that our heroic army returned to us and tourism will be one of the leading areas in this direction. Several projects in this direction have already been implemented," Fuad Nagiyev added.

"In March, a groundbreaking ceremony of the tourism complex was held in Sugovushan with the participation of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. At the same time, the primary recreation infrastructure for tourism was built around the historical Shahbulag fortress in Agdam. The tourism opportunities of Shusha city and Dashalti, Fuzuli, Khojavand, Jabrayil, Zangilan, Gubadli, Kalbajar were evaluated and integrated into relevant development strategies and action plans. In the near future, we are about to finalize our work for the organization of tourism trips to Shusha. Now our citizens will be able to make tourism trips to Shusha as well as to other places," he added.

In addition, regional tourism councils will be established for the further improvement of the management framework of the tourism sector.

Moreover, Tourist Call-Information Center (848) will provide services in Azerbaijani, Russian and English language.

Fuad Nagiyev also informed the summit participants about work done by the State Tourism Agency to develop the country's tourism, legal and institutional regulations of the tourism sector in the new "On Tourism" law as well as preservation and protection of cultural heritage.

"New law should be considered as an important step in the direction of legal and institutional regulation of the tourism sector. We believe that after the working mechanisms of the points mentioned in the law are fully ready, industry participants will observe positive changes and development," said Nagiyev.

It is also planned to apply the star requirement for hotels, and the civil liability insurance mechanism for tourism companies.

Every hotel operating in Azerbaijan must obtain a star certificate within six months from the date of its operation.

Furthermore, the Unified Database on Tourism was presented as part of the summit. The database reflects more than 50 indicators in four separate categories on a periodic basis.

The summit continued with panel discussions on the topics "State policy and market regulation in the tourism sector: Main directions and approaches in Azerbaijan", "Tourism, cultural heritage and creative industry: New challenges", "Marketing activity in the main target markets" and "Current situation and plans in the tourism industry".

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  • Fuad Nagiyev
  • State Tourism Agency
  • Azerbaijan Tourism Summit 2022


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  1. Work and Travel in Azerbaijan

    A visa-on-arrival can be obtained if entering by air. For work and travel in Azerbaijan, it's likely better to get the e-visa as the visa-on-arrival is only valid for 30 days, when compared to the e-visa's 90 days. Russian citizens can enter without a visa, whereas South African citizens must get the e-visa.

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  8. Work and Travel Azerbaijan[official]

    Work and Travel Azerbaijan[official], Baku, Azerbaijan. 3,975 likes · 1 talking about this. WAT information centre

  9. Travel to Azerbaijan in 2024

    Budget bars or happy hour (local draft beer) - 1AZN to 2AZN. Night bars (local draft beer) - 2 to 5AZN. Short taxi ride in Baku - 2 to 3AZN. Metro ride in Baku - 0.30AZN. Bus from Baku to Quba - 6AZN and the journey takes 3 to 4 hours. Backpacking Budget for Azerbaijan From 30€ - 40€ a day.


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    For 12 years Global Friends has been the leading Work and Travel program provider in Uzbekistan. We want every student in Uzbekistan to have a chance to experience what it's like to work and travel in the United States of America. Successful businessman, influencers, government leaders are among our program alumni. You can be next...

  13. Azerbaijan Work Visa For Foreigners online

    To make an application for an e-Visa, visit and submit a few required information. To apply for a visa online, you will only need a scanned copy of your passport, available e-mail address and a credit or debit card to make the payment. Make sure your passport is valid, and you complete the application by making the payment.

  14. Work and Travel (WAT) Azerbaijan

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  15. Visit World

    The average term for issuing an Azerbaijan work visa (short-term) is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country. Visa fee for Azerbaijan work visa (short stay) is 20-35 USD (fee may vary depending on your country and citizenship). You will apply for an Azerbaijan Work Visa (Short Stay) at the Visa Application Centers ...

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  17. Visit World

    The visa is issued for a period of 1 year with the possibility of extension. Representatives of certain professions, heads of branches of Azerbaijani companies and married to Azerbaijani citizens are not required to obtain a work permit. Azerbaijan offers a wide variety of professions for expats. In many cities of the country, foreigners are ...

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  19. Azerbaijan set to improve tourism industry in coming years [PHOTO]

    The State Tourism Agency has set up goals aimed at the improvement of Azerbaijan's tourism industry within the "2022-2026 Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan". The agency aims to increase GDP production in the tourist accommodation and public catering sector by 1.5 times compared to 2019 and to achieve an average ...

  20. Work and Travel USA 2025 Registration

    About Us. Since 2008 Global Friends has been the leading Work and Travel program provider in Uzbekistan. We want every student in Uzbekistan to have a chance to experience what it's like to work and travel in the United States of America. More than 1500 students have become cultural ambassadors with a help of our agency.

  21. Work and Travel Azerbaijan

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  23. Work and Travel

    WORK AND TRAVEL (աշխատանք և ճամփորդություն) The most popular student exchange program in Armenia. Since 1997. Starting from just $1464 + ticket.

  24. Republic of Azerbaijan to host World Environment Day 2026

    Baku, 27 June 2024 - The Republic of Azerbaijan will host World Environment Day 2026, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Republic of Azerbaijan announced today in the capital, Baku, during an official visit by the Executive Director of UNEP, Inger Andersen.. World Environment Day, which Baku will host on 5 June 2026, is the largest global platform for environmental engagement and ...