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Xiamen itinerary for 2 or 3 days

Posted by Mike Cairnduff | Updated March 14, 2023 | China blog , Travel

Xiamen itinerary for 2 or 3 days

So you’re planning a trip Xiamen? Here’s an ideal itinerary.

Xiamen, also known as Amoy, is a modern coastal Chinese city.

It’s known for its relaxed lifestyle and tropical weather. This makes it a great place to live, despite the relatively high cost of living .

Unlike tourist hotspots such as Beijing and Shanghai, which have countless things to do, Xiamen is known for just a few key attractions.

But this is why the city has such a nice vibe, and it makes things easier when it comes to trip planning.

So, here’s my recommended Xiamen itinerary, including a few tips and tricks to help you.

Day 1 – Visit the Fujian Tulou

You’d be crazy to miss seeing the Fujian Tulou . It’s one of the best things to do in Xiamen .

The Fujian Tulou are ancient houses made of rammed earth, mixed with things like stone, bamboo and wood.

The inward-looking circular or square designs are unique local Hakka architecture. The dwellings were built for defense purposes but also to encourage a sense of community with a central courtyard.

Inside Fujian Tulou

Inside the biggest tulou at Chuxi Village. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Fujian Tulou Chuxi

A great view of the Chuxi Tulou. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

The UNESCO recognized Tulou were constructed between the 15th and 20th centuries, and are an amazing example of how humans have settled and adapted to their surroundings.

So, if you’re a history buff, you’ll love exploring this special part of Fujian province .

Before coming to Xiamen, I thought the Fujian Tulou was one site only. But there are actually more than 40 of these significant buildings scattered over a number of rural towns.

So, when you’re planning your Xiamen itinerary, have a think about which ones you want to see.

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The ones closest to Xiamen – about two hours’ drive away – are the busiest. That’s why I chose to visit Chuxi Tulou , in Yongding County, which is another hour away.

Getting there by public transport is practically impossible, so I opted for a private tour which was amazing.

Chuxi Village is a cute, small place with a population of just 2,000 people. Apparently, every resident has the same surname!

You can walk a few hundred meters up a mountain for a panoramic view of the village and the Tulou. Although there are numerous earthen buildings in Chuxi, the biggest ones are the most famous.

Include Fujian Tulou to your Xiamen itinerary

People still live and work in the tulou. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Farmer at Fujian Tulou Xiamen

Farmer in Chuxi Village. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Chicken coup at Chuxi Village

Rural China is an eye-opener! Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

What’s great about Chuxi Village is you can walk inside the Tulou, explore and take photos, all whilst the locals go about their daily business.

The locals are obviously used to tourists, and there’s a nice peacefulness to the area. And if you avoid visiting on the weekend, it’s even better.

Take a good look inside the Jiqing Building, which was completed in 1419.

It has lots of stairs and rooms to poke your head in, and it’s technically a museum so there are lots of old artefacts and photos from times gone by.

Baicheng Sandy Beach Xiamen

Baicheng Sandy Beach in Xiamen. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Your tour guide will take you to a local restaurant for lunch, where you can enjoy fresh, authentic Chinese food . I chose two dishes, tofu and stir-fried eggplant, and both were delicious. If only I could cook great Chinese food!

I used the long drive home to catch some Z’s, but by the time we got back to downtown I’d perked up a little.

I asked to be dropped off at Baicheng Sandy Beach , a busy inner-city beach near Xiamen University. It was nice to walk through the sand without shoes (something the locals generally don’t do) and reconnect with nature.

The beach is OK and relatively clean. Just don’t expect the world’s best beach or you may be disappointed. There are plenty of Tripadvisor reviews here .

(I’m from Australia, where most of our beaches are both incredible and empty, so I’m pretty lenient when it comes to beaches in other countries!)

See also: Best beaches in Shenzhen

Another Xiamen attraction, Hulishan Fort , is right next to the beach if you’re up for some more local history.

I decided to take a long walk back to my hotel via the boardwalk.

Day 2 – Explore Gulangyu Island and stroll down Zhongshan Road

Rise and shine early in your Xiamen hotel .

Head for the Xiamen International Cruise Terminal, which is just a few miles from downtown.

Some people – me included – incorrectly assume the terminal at the end of Zhongshan Road (the tourist strip in downtown) is where the ferry departs to Gulangyu.

But this ferry is only for locals who live on the island.

Gulangyu Island

This old treaty port used to be home to foreigners from countries including France, Portugal, the UK, and Japan.

Nowadays though, Gulangyu Island is a tourist island that you can explore by foot and learn about the interesting history.

Cars, scooters, and even bikes are banned on the island. This makes it a nice change from practically everywhere else in China!

Gulangyu Island Xiamen

Most visitors to Xiamen add Gulangyu Island to their itinerary. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Chinese architecture on Gulangyu

There’s a mix of European and Chinese architecture on the island. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Known as Kulangsu in the local Hakka dialect, the island was recently granted UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

There are some bloggers who suggest you stay on the island for an entire day, and even stay the night there.

But I think about half a day on Gulangyu is a good amount of time.

Just make sure you get to the ferry terminal by 9 am at the latest, so you can buy your ticket, board the ferry, and arrive by about 10 am.

During weekends and holidays, I recommend getting to the ferry terminal by 8 am.

Xiamen International Cruise Terminal

Xiamen International Cruise Terminal. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Ferry to Gulangyu Island

A ferry full of patriotic locals. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Once you arrive at Gulangyu, you can visit whatever historical site takes your fancy. There’s no set direction to go in, so just take your time exploring the alleyways, museums and colonial architecture.

The island is well signposted, or you can buy a map for less than US$1 when you get there.

I made a beeline for the Piano Museum , which costs a few dollars to get into. If you’re interested in going inside all the main buildings, then you can buy a ticket that incorporates all of them.

Gulangyu Island is often referred to as ‘Piano Island’ because it’s the first place in China to have pianos and establish a connection with Western music.

In fact, foreign missionaries built churches on the island to encourage the popularization of Western music.

Piano Museum Xiamen

One of the grand pianos in the museum. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

I’ll be honest – the island is super touristy, packed with tour groups from across the country. But for a nation of 1.4 billion people, this is normal at all the main attractions in China .

And, although I’m sure the authorities want you to believe “it’s for your safety”, I was constantly distracted by the not-so-subtle surveillance cameras located every few meters.

For me, this makes the place feel more like a modern-day fortress than a relaxing holiday island.

Another downside to Gulangyu are the beaches. They’re lovely, but you’re not allowed to swim in them.

Having said that, if you like visiting historical sites and seeing a fusion of architecture, then you’ll enjoy spending time on Gulangyu. And the 20-minute ferry ride is a nice experience too!

Once you’re done exploring, you can have lunch at one of the countless restaurants on the island, and catch the ferry back to the mainland in the afternoon.

By the way, there are plenty of accommodation options on Gulangyu. But a word of advice – if your flight arrives late in Xiamen, you won’t be able to get to the island as the tourist ferry only operates until about 5:30 pm.

That’s why I recommend you use the downtown area as your base.

Chinese menu with pictures

It’s easy to order food without knowing any Mandarin. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Noodles on Gulangyu Island

Vegetarian noodles for lunch, yum! Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Zhongshan Road

This is the main commercial and shopping street in Xiamen.

Take a taxi from the international cruise terminal to Zhongshan Road , or walk an hour like I did (I needed the exercise after eating two bowls of noodles on Gulangyu!).

Along Zhongshan Road, take your time looking in the big and small stores, shopping for souvenirs, and soaking up the atmosphere. The place comes alive later in the day.

See also: Best souvenirs to buy in China

There are spots to eat along Zhongshan Road, but you’d be better off ducking into one of the side streets for cheaper – and probably better – local food. I had a meal for about $3.

Zhongshan Road

Zhongshan Road is the main commercial street. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Xiamen Eighth Market

There are sea creatures galore at Eighth Market. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

If you’ve got a strong stomach, I recommend a wander through Eighth Market . The locals call it “Ba Shi” (八市), and it’s the city’s original food market.

It specializes in seafood, but you’ll also find heaps of other smelly and strange food !

The good news is it isn’t too far from Zhongshan Road. Just make sure you follow your map app as the alleyways can get a little confusing.

Head back to your hotel once your feet can’t go any further, or if you’d prefer to eat dinner there.

Day 3 – Say “Zai jian” to Xiamen

It’s time to say goodbye to Xiamen and head for the airport, which is just 20 minutes from downtown by taxi. The city’s sparkling subway doesn’t go there.

However, if your departing flight isn’t until the evening, there are a few more things you could squeeze into your Xiamen itinerary. I mean, why not?

The tropical nature of the city lends itself to some amazing flora and fauna. So, buy a bottle of water and take a hike around the Wanshi Botanical Gardens .

Wanshi means ‘10,000 stones’ in Chinese, in reference to all the strangely shaped rocks you’ll find in the gardens. There’s also a staggering 10 acres (4 hectares) of cacti imported from overseas.

Fujian Tulou earth buildings up close

There are other attractions in Xiamen but nothing comes close to Fujian Tulou. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Not far from the botanic gardens is Nanputuo Temple .

Now, I’m not a temple-loving kind of guy, but you might be! So if that’s the case, spend some time checking out the city’s most famous holy spot.

And if you’ve still got fuel in the tank, then take a stroll around Xiamen University .

It’s one of the nation’s top educational institutes and has lovely grounds for you to explore or just watch the world go by.

Spending more time in Xiamen?

If you want to extend your time in the area, then consider visiting the magnificent Wuyi Mountains .

They’re on the border of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces (you can see the highlights of every Chinese province here ).

The whole area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the mountains are often described as some of the most beautiful in southeast China.

It’s a place of dramatic gorges and crystal-clear water. It also has amazing biodiversity and is home to a number of endangered animals that can only be found in China.

Wuyi Mountains are about 3.5 hours from Xiamen by bullet train, so plan ahead. It’s not something you can do on a day trip from Xiamen.

Heading to Xiamen soon?

If you’re planning a trip to China, don’t forget the internet is censored.

So, when using Wi-Fi, you won’t have access to your favorite sites and apps like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Google and heaps more, unless you get a VPN before you arrive.

Please refer to my review for the best China VPN (or skip the review and go straight here ).

Just make sure you download it before you arrive as VPN sales are blocked in China.

Your Xiamen itinerary in a nutshell

Too long, didn’t read?

If you’re only in Xiamen for a few days, I recommend spending at least one of those days getting out of the city to see the famous Fujian Tulou.

They’re the unique earthen buildings in circular and square shapes, and different villages have different kinds of them. The more time you can spend exploring the Tulou, the better.

If the weather’s nice and you don’t mind crowds, you could dip your toes in the water at the inner-city beach of Baicheng on your way back to the hotel.

On your next day in Xiamen, take the ferry to pedestrian-only Gulangyu Island and check out all the historical sites at this old treaty port.

Later in the day, shop and dine on Zhongshan Road, before ticking off Xiamen from your China bucket list!

I hope my Xiamen itinerary has helped with your trip planning. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions. Next, check out all the things you can do in Xiamen or check out some interesting and crazy Chinese customs .

Keep discovering this part of China

The east coast of China is known for its natural beauty, culture, food and lots more:

  • See the things to do in Fujian province
  • See the things to do in Fuzhou city
  • Check out the Fuzhou itinerary

Main image credit: Supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

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Faq about traveling to xiamen, is xiamen worth visiting.

Absolutely! With all-year-round nice weather, it’s a great Chinese city to visit. Plus, there’s a couple of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in and near the city – Gulangyu Island and the Fujian Tulou.

What is Xiamen known for?

It’s known for being a modern, coastal Chinese city (sometimes referred to as Amoy) that has pleasant weather and a relaxed vibe. It’s also known for being one of the closest mainland Chinese cities to Taiwan Island. Kinmen County – a tiny island controlled by Taiwan, is just a stone’s throw away from downtown Xiamen.

What are the best things to do in Xiamen?

I recommend visiting the ancient Fujian Tulou buildings, as they’re by the far best tourist attraction in the area. If you have more time, take the ferry to pedestrian-only Gulangyu Island, shop and dine on Zhongshan Road, or visit the inner-city beach called Baicheng.

How far is Xiamen from Shanghai by train?

It’s about 5-8 hours depending on the kind of train you’re on and the departing/arriving station. The track is roughly 1085 km (674 mi) long.

Is Xiamen in Taiwan?

No, Xiamen is located on the east coast of mainland China, about two hours’ north of Shanghai by airplane. It’s one of the closest mainland Chinese cities to Taiwan. There’s also a tiny Taiwan-controlled island called Kinmen which is just a stone’s throw away from downtown Xiamen.

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Mike Cairnduff

Mike Cairnduff

Mike has lived and worked in China, and has traveled extensively across the country. He loves Chinese food and has a keen interest in Chinese culture. You can follow him on X and LinkedIn .

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How to enjoy a Xiamen weekend getaway solo 厦门

By: Author Jaclynn Seah

Posted on Published: November 19, 2017  - Last updated: January 14, 2024

Categories China , FAM Trip

I wasn’t sure what to expect when Xiamen Airlines invited me up to this coastal city in the Fujian province on China ‘s eastern coastline, but  Xiamen 厦门 really surprised me. I found Xiamen a pleasant coastal city with great weather (there are actual smog-free blue sky days!) and a great destination for a short relaxing weekend getaway. Here is my 3D2N Xiamen itinerary and guide on things to do in Xiamen even if you only have a long weekend to explore.

Pin it: How to explore Xiamen over a long weekend

Why visit Xiamen?

Xiamen is what China bills as a 2nd tier city – it’s not as cosmopolitan as Shanghai nor as historically grand as Beijing – the Great Wall of China is really something to see if you haven’t already. And bits of China still irk me, like the sheer number of people at popular places and all that spitting…  yech! But the Fujian people are friendly and there is an interesting mix of Chinese and western-style influences not often seen in China, largely due to Xiamen’s history with international trade as a Treaty Port and currently a Special Economic Zone.

Visiting this region is also a bit more personal for me. Xiamen is part of the Fujian province in Southern China, and the people from this coastal region have historically been quite adventurous – many of them took to the sea and made that long journey down towards South East Asia or what they called Nanyang (South Sea) to seek their fortune, including my great-grandparents who eventually set down roots in Singapore. While I have no idea which part of Fujian my ancestors came from exactly, visiting this region and seeing hints of my family’s scant tradition has been an intriguing experience.

Things to do in Xiamen

Here is a suggested 3D2N itinerary of sights you can see in Xiamen, most of it is centred around the busy Siming District 思明 on Xiamen Island.

Xiamen currently sees more domestic than international tourists at this point, so while there will be crowds on weekends, the city is nowhere as packed as places like Beijing and Shanghai. Just make sure to avoid Chinese holidays like Golden Week where crowds will be pretty unbearable no matter where you go in China.

Based on the early Xiamen Airlines flight, you will be ready to start exploring in the late afternoon.

Hulishan Fortress 胡里山炮台

Start your tour of Xiamen with a little bit of history – Hulishan is in the south of Xiamen Island and most famous for its many cannons on display, including 2 historic German 28cm Krupp cannons, the largest and some of the most well preserved coastal artillery in the world. The Germans themselves apparently don’t own any of these themselves and were trying to persuade the Chinese to sell these back to them.

Xiamen Hulishan Fortress Cannon

This fortress was once an important post in China’s defence outpost, and you have a lovely view of the Dadan and Erdan islands from here. You might notice that it has a fair bit of western influence in terms of architecture and design.

Xiamen Hulishan Fortress Cannon Sea

Also curious are the many banyan trees all around the fortress with their great big roots perched atop the stone – it’s quite a sight.

Xiamen Hulishan Fortress Banyan Tree

Getting there: 2 Zengcuoan Road, Siming District 思明区曾厝垵路2号 Opening Hours: 0730hr – 1730hr (winter) or 1800hr (summer) Entry Fee: 25 yuan

Zengcuoan Village 曾厝垵村

Head about 2km east along Huandao Road (cycle if you can) towards Zengcuoan for some refreshments – This old fishing village in the south reminds me a lot of Beijing’s Nanluoguxiang, a maze of preserved old houses and lots of little shops in them, largely thanks to the influx of young hip folk from the nearby Xiamen University and tourists.

Xiamen Zengcuoan Entrance

Expect super narrow lanes and a ton of people squeezing by you – keep an eye on your stuff. It’s got a nice lively atmosphere and fun to hang out in for a few hours eating street food and doing a little shopping until the crowds become a tad claustrophobic.

Xiamen Zengcuoan Streets

Getting there: 2 Zengcuoan Road, Siming District 思明区曾厝垵路2号

Above the Clouds Xiamen 云上厦门

Head back towards the Xiagang 厦港 district for the evening. Those who like a 360º viewpoint can consider checking out this viewpoint 55 stories up during sunset where you can see all the way to Kinmen on a clear day. It’s a typical tower viewpoint with floor to ceiling glass panels and signs that show you the various sights from up high around downtown Xiamen.

It’s not the cheapest thing to do if you are on a budget, but if you love a good view, pick a good clear day.

Xiamen Above Clouds View Xiada

Getting there: Level 55, Shimao Straits Tower B, Daxue Road, Siming District, Xiamen 厦门世茂海峡大厦观光厅, 厦门市思明区大学路世茂海峡大厦B塔55F Opening Hours: 0930hr – 2200hr Entry Fee: 120 yuan (S$25) for a normal ticket, 140 yuan to go up to Level 58 Love Platform

Dingaozai Cat Street 顶奥仔猫街

This sloping lane just off Siming South Road is a mishmash of street food and hipster clothing shops – prepare to encounter lots of photo-taking visitors taking selfies with the many cat-themed graffiti and art along this stretch. It’s got a nice vibe at night especially and is a nice place to visit along with nearby Shapowei Art Zone .

Xiamen Dingaozai Cat Street Sign

Random: Look out for the ‘Singaporean’ food stall here though it didn’t seem very popular and the menu didn’t seem particularly Singaporean either!

Getting there: Dingaozai, Siming District 思明区顶奥仔

Shapowei Art Zone 沙坡尾艺术西区

Converted from disused shipbuilding warehouses, Shapowei comes alive at night as a proper hipster zone, with a collection of little booths and stalls in an outdoor market, a live music stage, skate park and all sorts of cute cafes and lovely design-centric shops which is good for cute little souvenirs. It’s a nice place to just wander around and see what new things you can discover.

Xiamen Shapowei Art Zone Building

Getting there: 60 Daxue Road, Shapowei, Xiamen 厦门沙坡尾艺术西区60号之13设备房

I wish I had time to check out the nearby  Xiamen Art Museum of Chinese Elite 厦门中华儿女美术馆 which is located in what used to be the old fish market of Shapowei.

Xiamen Shapowei Art Museum Chinese Elite

Bifengwu 避风坞

Shapowei used to be a thriving fishing village back in the day with a naturally sheltered bay or Bifengqu where fishing boats could take refuge from bad weather and rough seas. These days you’re more likely to find an eclectic mix of art galleries, hipster joints and traditional food stalls than traditional boats, though you can still spot a few out on the water.

Xiamen Shapowei Bifengwu Boardwalk

The sheltered wharf area has a nice wooden boardwalk that makes for a lovely stroll whether it’s day or night. I love the blend of old and new all in one area, from the historic old Chaozong temple 朝宗宫 dedicated to the Sea Goddess Mazu built in 1662, to the revamped little cafes nestled in the old buildings that line the boardwalk.

Xiamen Shapowei Bifengwu Fishing Boats

The sheltered wharf area has a nice wooden boardwalk that makes for a lovely stroll in the evening, and there are lots of food options along this stretch and the neighbouring Daxue Street.

Lots of photo opportunities against the backdrop of picturesque cafes and the little wharf area – if you like this sorta thing, come spend a lazy afternoon just chilling out at one of these cafes here,

Xiamen Shapowei Bifengwu Hipster Me

Watch out for your shoes at high tide though because the water splashes right up on to the boardwalk and floods it for about half an hour at its highest point; and the muddy shores during low tide sometimes attracts the famous white egret bird, the symbol of Xiamen.

Xiamen Shapowei Bifengwu Boardwalk Flooded

I also enjoyed grabbing dinner at Zao ka 灶脚 , a little eatery that serves up some great local cuisine in a tiny diner. I had the traditional oyster noodles and the shacha meat skewers. Chinese readers can read a more in depth  interview about this little eatery.

Xiamen Zaoka Oyster Noodle Meat Skewer

Getting there: 37-39 Daxue Road, Siming District, Xiamen 厦门市思明区大学路37-39号 Opening Hours:  0930hr – 2200hr

Another local favourite my guide pointed out was this little stall called  Zhenzhen Xiagang Luwei 真真厦港卤味   – Luwei quite simply described is the salty braised soy sauce mixture in which a whole bunch of different street snack food is dipped into and served. This particular branch here near Shapowei is the original outlet, though they have several branches around Xiamen island. If you are up to it go for the chicken feet, or for something less crazy get a braised egg instead.

Xiamen ZhenZhenLuWei Chicken Feet

Getting there: 37-39 Fengchao Road, Siming District, Xiamen 厦门市思明区蜂巢山路20-104号 Opening Hours: 0930hr – 2300hr

Yundang Road / Coffee Street 西堤咖啡一条街/篔筜路

If you still have energy, take a cab up to Yundang Road, north of Yundang Lake in the evening. This lake has an island floating in the middle of it called Bailuzhou Park 白鷺洲公園 or Egret Park and has a little 10min light projection show in the evenings from 8-9pm that runs 3-4 times and sees a lot of tourists, if you are into that sorta thing.

Xiamen Bailuzhou Park Statue

Instead, I recommend just hitting Yundang Road which is also known as Coffee Street , and popping into any one of the many cafes here to chill out in this super hipster stretch. Pick your favourite spot with a rooftop view and just have a relaxing evening up here. Stuff here is pricier of course – a drink will typically cost around 30-4o yuan (S$6-8) at least, but the ambience and view are good.

Xiamen Yundang Street Cafes

Have a very early start and be prepared to do a lot of walking

Wulao Peak Viewpoint 五老峰

Wulao Peak is located behind the famous Nanputuo Temple, and if you take an early morning hike up a long flight of stairs on the hill behind Nanputuo (cut through the temple towards the back), you can enjoy an excellent view of Xiamen from the peak. It took me about half an hour at a super quick pace (don’t hike with younger fitter folk omg) and is pretty steep, so I suggest giving yourself a bit more time.

Xiamen Nanputuo Hike Stairs

Go early in the morning if you can when the air is cooler, but also because if you reach the peak before 7am, you can enter the neighbouring  Botanic Gardens 园林植物园 for free (usually 30 RMB). The gardens are pleasant enough for a walk if you like some greenery and there are some greenhouses and a cool cactus garden, but personally, I didn’t think it was that exciting.

Xiamen Nanputuo Hike View

Getting here:  Nanputuo Temple – 515 Siming South Road, Siming District, Xiamen

Xiamen Railway Cultural Park 夏门铁路文化公园

This park was built along a 4.5km stretch of abandoned Xiamen-Yingtan railway line between Wenping Road and Heping Dock – One of the park entrances is located right outside the entrance to the Botanic Gardens, so it’s a nice segue after your tiring climb up Nanputuo. Just follow the path that is built along the old railway tracks of Xiamen. Lots of joggers and cyclists around, it’s a nice patch of greenery in the middle of the city.

The entire stretch is actually split into 4 parts – I didn’t walk all of them, but I did enjoy the Hongshan Tunnel洪山隧道 that has become a cultural and historical gallery of sorts, with both its walls lined with the odd mural and information panel about the history of the railway construction and Xiamen.

Xiamen Railway Park Hongshan Tunnel

Nanputuo Temple 南普陀寺

If you had to visit just one temple in Xiamen, Nanputuo Temple is probably your best bet. This large temple complex dedicated to Guanyin is named after a holy place in Zhejiang of the same name and is definitely worth a wander through even if you are not particularly religious like me just to take a peek at its beautiful architecture and grand Buddhist sculptures inside the halls. There is a nice garden area outside the main entrance which is also nice for a stroll.

Xiamen Nanputuo Temple Exterior

It gets pretty crowded, so if you don’t want to be around too many people, walk around before you make the climb up to Wulao Peak.

Xiamen Nanputuo Temple Hall

One popular thing to do here at Nanputuo is to eat their vegetarian set meal, reputedly the best vegetarian cuisine in the Fujian province and has an over 100-year history of being provided to visitors to the temple. Those who know me know that I’m totally anti-veggies (sorry mum) but even I enjoyed this meal which you can enjoy in the restaurant next to the main shrines and halls.

Xiamen Nanputuo Vegetarian Meal

Kulangsu / Gulangyu 鼓浪屿

Kulangsu or Gulangyu is a tiny island off the southwestern end of Xiamen Island and one of the most popular things to do for people visiting Xiamen, and it gets extremely crowded on the weekend. This UNESCO World Heritage site is going to be crowded every day, so consider staying overnight on the island because most of the crowd are daytrippers who leave when it gets dark, so you can enjoy the peace and quiet once everyone starts heading back in the evening, and early in the morning before the crowds stream in.

Xiamen Gulangyu Sign

Because it was a treaty port, Gulangyu was a rare place in China open to foreigners who made their homes on this island, along with a lot of rich overseas Chinese. Wandering around the streets of Gulangyu feels a little like you’re in a weirdly European district, as many of these houses were strongly influenced by the foreigners living there to create a hybrid Colonial-Western-Fujian architectural style known as Amoy Deco Style.

Xiamen Gulangyu Lee House Exterior

Gulangyu is also known as the Piano Island with the world’s largest piano museum 钢琴博物馆 and a reputation for having the highest concentration of piano ownership. It’s also produced some world-renowned musicians (I’m not much of a classical music sort so I don’t recognise the names, unfortunately)

Xiamen Gulangyu Piano Museum

Sometimes Gulangyu felt a bit like a theme park of sorts, especially because the beautiful architecture is hugely popular with wedding photographers. Throughout the day that we were there, we saw wedding shoots set up side by side, and as many as 10 couples lined up in an alleyway getting that picture-perfect shot against the backdrop of a grand old house.

But that said, Gulangyu is a beautiful spot and feels quite unlike anything you will see in Xiamen so I think it’s worth just popping over to check out, even if for a few hours. It’s not a very large island, there are no cars allowed so I recommend wandering around and getting a little lost, but some things to check out:

Xiamen Gulangyu Lee house Viewpoint

One of my favourite views can actually be found on the 4th level of the Lee House 李家庄 right next to the Xiamen Music School. The first 3 levels are filled with tourist snacks and goodies for sale, but climb all the way to the top and you are rewarded with a beautiful view. It’s a hotel as well if you are interested in staying.

Climb up the Sunlight Rock 日光岩 for the best view of the island – we didn’t have time to visit but it looks like a nice spot for a little hike and view, and you even get to take a cable car. The Zhengchenggong or Koxinga memorial hall 郑成功纪念馆 is also nearby.

Xiamen Gulangyu Shuzhuang Gardens

Shuzhuang Gardens 菽庄花园 is a nice manicured garden with over 40 bridges built by a very wealthy man. The Piano Museum is located in here as well.

Gulangyu used to be quite famous for the snacks and souvenirs that you could buy from here, but these days it’s easy to find these same brands in downtown Xiamen.

Getting there: Useful info here. Tourists and non-locals can only take a ferry from Xiamen International Cruise Centre in Dongdu 东渡厦门邮轮中心 to Sanqiutian Pier 三丘田码头 which runs every 20 minutes, and the trip also takes about 20 mins. A round trip ticket costs 35 yuan, and there are limited tickets available every day to help control crowds on the island, so make sure you buy or book your tickets early . (see if the site works for you? It doesn’t seem to load for me unfortunately, you should probably ask a local person to help you book tickets then). You’ll need your passport on hand to get your ticket and get past security checks to get on the boat.

If you are day tripping and making the trip back to the mainland in the evening, or if you are a local, you can take the boat from Sanqiutian to Xiamen Lundu Ferry Terminal 厦门轮渡码头2号厅 which is just across the water and only takes 5 minutes. The boats fill up quick so you might not have a seat, but it’s a short ride in either direction so you’ll be fine, just prepare yourself for the crowds and perpetual queuing to get on and off the boat.

Consider getting the tourist pass for 100 yuan, especially if you plan to visit Sunlight Rock which already costs 60 yuan just to enter. Check out this site for more info .

It’s been a hectic 2 days – before you go, why not do something a little bit more chill and hit one more last sight before you head to the airport.

Zhongshan Pedestrian Street 中山路步行街

Right near the Lundu harbour where you disembark from on over to the bustling Zhongshan Road which essentially is more shopping and food, but here’s where the architecture has a western flavour in a style called Qilou . It’s nice enough for a stroll and to grab some last-minute souvenirs and food before you head to the airport, but I visited at night and I was pretty damn knackered so I didn’t walk around that much.

Xiamen Zhongshan Pedestrian Street

Flying from Singapore to Xiamen

Xiamen Airlines Gaoqi Airport

The direct flight from Singapore’s Changi Airport to Xiamen’s Gaoqi Airport is around 4 – 4.5 hours, about the same as if you were flying to Hong Kong, and actually closer than other favourite Singaporean hotspots like Taiwan and Japan.

I flew from Singapore to Xiamen courtesy of Xiamen Airlines – a full-service airline that has 2 flights to Xiamen every day.


  • 0855 – 1255
  • 1540 – 2005


  • 1015 – 1445
  • 1740 – 2210

Based on the flight timings, the best way to maximise a long weekend in Xiamen would be taking the morning flight up and the evening flight back .

Silkair is the only other airline that currently flies non-stop from Singapore to Xiamen, but at a higher price.

Xiamen Airlines is great as they serve you a full meal and drinks (pretty good food) on the 4 hour flight and you can get a blanket from them as well, but they have an honestly weird rule where you aren’t allowed to switch your phone on at all when the plane is in the air (even in flight safe mode), though laptops are fine during cruising mode.

Where to stay in Xiamen

Xiamen airlines lakeside hotel.

Xiamen Airlines Lakeside Hotel Room

Xiamen Airlines put us up at the Xiamen Airlines Lakeside Hotel  厦门航空金雁酒店 [ affiliate link ] along Hubin South Road, right next to Bailuzhou Park and Yundang Lake. It’s a slightly quieter area that’s about 20 minutes walk to Coffee Street and Zhongshan Road – convenient enough but not quite in the thick of action which is good if you want a break from the madding crowds. Comfortable rooms that have just been renovated and a nice breakfast buffet spread that includes local favourites like oyster mianxian and for some reason, durian ice cream.

Xiamen International Youth Hostel

Xiamen International Youth Hostel Room

I extended the trip on my own and stayed in the Xiamen International Youth Hostel [ affiliate link ] which is right next to Nanputuo temple and opposite Dingaozai Cat Street. Location wise, this is pretty perfect as you are within walking distance of most of Siming District. It’s very budget friendly as well, costing me just 75 yuan/day (S$15) for a bed in a 4-bed dorm.

The rooms are pretty snug though – two bunk beds and not much floor space but there are large lockers (I could put my whole Cabinzero in) and the room came with an ensuite bathroom, though the sink is located outside. It’s surprisingly quiet despite being in a fairly high traffic area so bring your earplugs.

I did the Nanputuo walk to the Botanic Gardens with the hostel folk, which was a nice social activity, and there are pretty nice lounge areas both indoor and outdoor as well.

Getting around Xiamen

Right now the best way for travellers to get around Xiamen is to hop on a taxi. Taxis are not expensive, especially if you have a group of 3-4 to split the costs. Take an official taxi with a meter and not a black taxi. Generally, I’ve found the cab drivers to be honest enough, the only thing you might encounter is that they might take a slightly longer/winding route, but it’s still relatively cheap. It cost about 40 yuan (S$8) to get from Gaoqi Airport in the north to my hostel near Nanputuo in the south.

By Public bus

An alternative method is to take the public bus, which is actually quite comprehensive considering the size of Xiamen Island. It costs just 2 yuan per trip which makes it super budget friendly – it’s even cheaper if you get yourself an electronic yi-tong Card . There are automated signs on the bus to tell you where to stop, but it’s completely in Chinese so if you can’t read or understand Chinese, it might be a bit challenging.

Xiamen now has its own underground metro system or the Amoy Mass Transit Railway (AMTR) – it was under construction when I was there so I can’t really comment on how convenient it is, but I always love a good subway system for navigating a city.

If you have a Wechat account with a linked wallet – congratulations, and I highly recommend using it for cycling around using one of Xiamen’s many bike rental systems. Xiamen has built the Huandao Road and a dedicated raised cycling path, so it’s a nice way to see the city and get around quickly.

I visited Xiamen on a media trip sponsored by Xiamen Airlines. All views and opinions listed here are my own. Thanks also to Optimax for sponsoring the Roampass pocket wifi device that helped keep me online during this trip (You still need a VPN for certain blocked sites in China though).

Are you looking forward to a Xiamen Weekend Getaway? Tell me what else is a must-see. You can also check out my posts on Shanghai and Beijing for more on my travels in China.

Shanghai Bund Skyline Night Clear

48 Hours in Shanghai 上海 for a weekend getaway

Beijing Mutianyu Great Wall View

How to visit Mutianyu Great Wall of China on your own for S$60 慕田峪

Beijing Hotel Jen This Way

Hotel Jen Beijing review: Leave boring behind

Karina Mae Andaya

Friday 9th of November 2018

Is it cold there. i will be going to xiamen on Nov 29

Jaclynn Seah

well Google says it's cool but your weather app is probably going to be more accurate than I am...

Christos Skouras

Friday 24th of August 2018

I am soon visiting Xiamen in China and your blog has been the most helpful and thorough source for literally everything I wanted to know and which I am finding from scattered sources. Amazing work!

Saturday 25th of August 2018

glad you found it useful :) have a great trip!

Monday 27th of November 2017

Such a great post! And great tip with Wechat- I hear China is so futuristic nowadays that even roadside merchants have Wechat pay :) I can't wait to visit China again, and Xiamen looks like a great place to be!

I've seen beggars with QR codes to scan, talk about futuristic o_O

Xiamen's pretty cool because the Fujian culture is quite different from what I've seen in Beijing and Shanghai so far :)

Roxanne Reid

Saturday 25th of November 2017

So much delicious-sounding food, but I never enjoy a crush of people. I do love those tree roots, though - how brave to keep growing in difficult circumstances.

Xiamen's not as crowded as Beijing and China, and I think as long as you avoid the weekends and Chinese holidays, it's still quite ok for now :) Yeah those giant trees are beautiful

This is such a detailed post! I love how you break down the days by time and add so many useful tips! I really wanted to visit when I was living in China but unfortunately never got the chance. Thanks so much for sharing :)

Thanks Taylor! I hope you have the chance to go back in future :)


  • Around China

The 10 Best Things to Do in Xiamen in 2024


As a local who has grown up in the shadow of its iconic skyline and wandered its historic streets, I’m thrilled to be your guide to the 10 best things to do in Xiamen in 2024.

Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of Zhongshan Road’s bustling markets or relax in the tranquil beauty of Gulangyu Island; Xiamen presents a delightful blend of experiences. Come along on a journey with me as we discover the essential sights that define Xiamen as an unforgettable destination.

You might also be interested in: ⭐ 53 Best Things to Do in Shanghai, China in 2024 ⭐ Traveling to Beijing, China: Your Ultimate Travel Guide [2024] ⭐ Chongqing 2024: Your Ultimate Guide to the Top 21 Activities ⭐ Discover Shenzhen’s Top 25 Must-Do Activities in 2024 ⭐ Exploring Chengdu: 25 Must-See Attractions and Activities ⭐ The 24 Best Things to Do in Wuhan in 2024

Table of Contents

🌟 xiamen travel planning guide, 🌏 where is xiamen located, 👑 10 best things to do in xiamen, 🛫 how do i travel to xiamen, 🚖 how to get around xiamen, 😋 what to eat in xiamen, ☀️ best time to visit xiamen, 🌸 final thoughts: traveling to xiamen, china travel planning guide&faq.

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can learn more about this in my disclosure policy.

Considering a last-minute trip to Xiamen? 🇨🇳 Top Activities and Tours in Xiamen: 1. Private One Day Xiamen And Gulangyu Highlight Tour Including Lunch 2. H akka Tulou Private Day Tour of Yunshuiyao Ancient Village and Hekeng Tulou 🏨 Top Hotels in Xiamen: Swiss Grand Xiamen Hotel Indigo Xiamen Harbour Conrad Xiamen Marco Polo Xiamen 🌐Make sure to install ExpressVPN in advance for unrestricted internet access during your stay in China!

Xiamen, also known as Amoy, is a coastal city in Fujian Province, China. It is situated on the southeastern coast of China, across from Taiwan. The city is located at the mouth of the Jiulong River, facing the Taiwan Strait. Xiamen is a popular tourist destination, famous for its Gulangyu Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its colonial architecture and beautiful beaches. The city is also an important economic hub, with a thriving port and numerous industries, including manufacturing, technology, and tourism.

1. Gulangyu Island (鼓浪屿)

When visiting Xiamen, a must-visit spot is Gulangyu Island. This small island, known as the “heart” of Xiamen, is separated from the city by a stretch of water and was once listed as a “World Cultural Heritage Site.”

There are no motor vehicles on the island; transportation is by foot, and goods are carried by hand carts. There are no tall buildings made of steel and concrete, only lush trees, quiet alleys, and villa courtyards…

The most bustling place is Longtou Road, which is full of trendy shops and snack streets. It is very clean, and the service at each shop is excellent. You can sample various foods, floral teas, and enjoy the taste. There are also many popular shops such as Zhao Xiao Jie 赵小姐, Zhang San Feng Milk Tea 张三疯奶茶, Lin Shi Fish Ball 林氏鱼丸, Ye Shi Glutinous Rice Cake 叶氏麻糍, and Turkish ice cream, all of which are delicious.

Gulangyu Island also has many attractions, and you can buy a combo ticket. You can go to Sunlight Rock to overlook the Xiamen city, or visit Shuzhuang Garden to see exquisite private gardens.

Of course, you don’t necessarily have to buy tickets to attractions. The island’s various styles of old buildings are particularly beautiful. Just take a stroll along the small roads, leisurely enjoy the sunset in the evening, and relax. It is the most wonderful journey.

P.S. It is recommended that tourists returning in the evening disembark from the Xiamen Lundu Ferry Terminal and explore Zhongshan Road nearby.

Gulangyu Island Visit Information

✅ Access to Gulangyu Island is provided by three wharves:

  • Sanqiutian Wharf, close to traditional attractions, suitable for most visitors
  • Neicuo’ao Wharf, closer to the local community, ideal for those seeking to explore the island’s natural beauty
  • Gangqin Wharf, primarily for local residents

✅ How to go to Gulangyu Island from Xiamen:

  • During the day
  • At night(from 17:50 to 06:30 the next day)

Take a ship at the Xiamen International Cruise Terminal near Zhongshan Road to reach Sanqiutian Wharf. The round-trip fare costs CNY 35 and the journey takes approximately 7 minutes.

🚗How to reach these wharves: ① Xiagu Wharf : Take metro line 2 to Cruise Center Station, exit 6. ② Xiamen International Cruise Terminal : Take metro line 1 to Zhenhai Road Station, exit 1.

2. South Putuo Temple (南普陀寺)

With a history of over 600 years, the South Putuo Temple is the most prosperous Buddhist temple in Xiamen and one of the most well-regarded temples in China. The temple is free to enter, and each visitor can receive a free incense stick for worship.

Visitors typically spend about 1 hour exploring the temple grounds.

Within the temple complex, the Devajara Hall houses the Four Heavenly Kings and the Maitreya Buddha; the Mahavira Hall features the statues of the Sakyamuni, Avalokitesvara and Avalokitesvara’s disciples; and the Dabei Hall contains the Thousand-Hand Guanyin, accessible via over 30 steps. Behind the temple lies Wulao Peak, offering a panoramic view of Xiamen.

South Putuo Temple is renowned for its vegetarian cakes and meals. The vegetarian cakes, available in sweet and savory varieties, make delightful gifts. The vegetarian restaurant is open from 11:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00, which is particularly popular with tourists.

🎫Admission ticket: free ⏰Opening hours: 08:00—18:00 🚗How to get there: Take Bus 1, 21, 45, 751, 841, or B1 to Xiada.

3. Baicheng Beach (白城沙滩)

Baicheng Beach, located just across the street from Xiamen University. The beach has a vast area and is a popular spot near the city for enjoying the sea.

The public facilities are well-equipped, with bike rentals and a variety of recreational facilities such as sea bikes and yachts. Sometimes, folk singers can be found here performing.

However, the beach can be very crowded, and during low tide, the sea can be quite dirty. The beach near Hulishan Fortress is much cleaner.

Overall, if you have ample time, it’s nice to visit in the evening to experience the atmosphere.

P.S. The weather in Baicheng Beach is most suitable for playing on the beach in March-April or November-December. Xiamen’s weather is too hot, with temperatures resembling summer all year round. Especially in August-September, the temperature is too high, and it’s basically impossible to play on the beach under the scorching sun, which can easily lead to heatstroke.

🚗How to get there: Take Bus 2, 20, 29, 47, 87, 92, 122, 135, 310, 751, or 857 to Hulishan.

4. Shapowei (沙坡尾)

To the west of Xiamen University is Shapowei, which, for travelers, roughly encompasses the Shapowei Art Zone and the area around Daxue Road.

Xiamen has been a port since the Ming Dynasty, and Shapowei is the last remaining vestige of Xiamen’s history as a fishing village.

Today, the towering Shimao Building next to the old community stands in stark contrast. The area features retro streets, old bookstores, museums, cafes, stores, the Art Zone, and street graffiti… With tradition on the left and modernity on the right, it is a fusion of diverse elements.

My favorite spot in Shapowei is the small path by the water, lined with many artistic shops. Sitting inside, enjoying a cup of coffee, and buying some creative souvenirs, it’s quite charming.

Although it has become quite commercialized, Shapowei has preserved much of old Xiamen’s original appearance. It’s definitely worth a visit.

🚗How to get there: Take bus 86 or 71 to the Xiamen Art Museum of Chinese Elite stop.

5. Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street (中山路步行街)

Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street stands as Xiamen’s bustling historic commercial hub , distinct with its arcade-style buildings lining both sides of the street. The street, over a thousand meters long, is predominantly in shades of pink and cream, with a history dating back nearly a century.

This elongated pedestrian street boasts many authentic and well-established eateries, such as Huang Ze He 黄则和, Huang Yuan Tang 黄远堂, Huang Sheng Ji 黄胜记, among others. Local Xiamen delicacies include satay noodles, seafood barbecue, peanut soup, and more, attracting crowds of visitors every day.

There’s a variety of local delicacies perfect for souvenirs and gifts , like dried crab, squid, fish, pork floss, nuts, durian, pineapple and mango candies, mooncakes, roast duck, and more. Promoters often offer samples outside shops to attract passersby.

On the west side of the street, there are several alleys with various accessory shops, snack shops, fruit stalls, and more. The shops are small but quite interesting.

Compared to the daytime, the night scene on Zhongshan Road is even more crowded and lively, especially on weekends. Tourists and local residents alike stroll the street, shopping, and enjoying the food. Many eateries have long queues in front of them.

🚗How to get there: Take bus 2, 3, 8, or M1 to the Haibin Plaza (Haibin Dasha) stop.

6. Huandao Road(环岛路)

Huandao Road runs along the coast of Xiamen Island, covering the southeastern part of the island with stunning coastal views. It is often hailed as one of the most beautiful marathon routes, and for good reason.

The stretch of Huandao Road suitable for sightseeing is approximately 21 kilometers long, stretching from Xiamen University to Wuyuan Bay. It connects many attractions, such as Hulishan Fortress, Zeng Cuo An, and Yefeng Village. Along the way, you will also pass by Xiamen’s three most popular beaches: Baicheng Beach, Huangcuo Beach, and Guanyinshan Beach.

The most scenic section of Huandao Road is along Huanhai South Road, which is 7 kilometers long and features a flat road surface, making it ideal for cycling.

This section starts from the Yanwu Bridge viewpoint in the west and extends to Huangcuo Beach in the east. The entire route is almost entirely along the coast, offering various viewpoints, seaside boardwalks, and rocky beaches where you can get close to the sea.

P.S. It is not recommended to ride shared bicycles, as there is a long stretch where shared bicycles are prohibited.

🚗How to get there: Take bus 58 to the Guanyinshan Dreamland World stop.

7. Zeng Cuo An (曾厝垵)

Located on Huandao South Road, Zeng Cuo An is another must-visit hotspot for first-time visitors to Xiamen. Originally a humble fishing village by the sea on Xiamen Island, it attracted a large number of artistic individuals to open shops here due to its low rent. Today, it has transformed into the “most artistic fishing village.”

Zeng Cuo An is not very large, with many narrow lanes that can be even more crowded than Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street. On both sides are various snack stalls and souvenir shops. One unique Xiamen snack to try here is “tusundong” (a type of jelly made from sipunculid worm). Some souvenir shops sell items at slightly higher prices, so it’s best to just browse.

At the entrance of Zeng Cuo An, there is a beach accessible via a pedestrian bridge, which also attracts many visitors in the evening.

Additionally, Zeng Cuo An is a gathering place for characteristic homestays, including traditional courtyards, Baroque-style villas, quaint fishing village houses, and lively and distinctive youth hostels.

At night, Zeng Cuo An transforms into a haven for folk music and bars, creating a lively atmosphere filled with music and drinks.

🚗How to get there: Take bus 29, 47, or 48 to the Zeng Cuo An stop.

8. Eighth Seafood Market (八市)

When traveling to a city, aside from visiting popular tourist attractions, exploring the local markets has become one of the best ways to get a taste of the local culture. Not only can you learn about the local specialties, but you can also immerse yourself in the lives of the locals.

“Bashi,” or the Eighth Seafood Market, is one of Xiamen’s long-standing markets. Although it is somewhat old, it remains lively with many locals frequenting the market.

Here, you can find some of the freshest seafood in Xiamen, with a variety of fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, and more available. Many vendors offer on-site cooking services, with prices varying depending on the cooking method, such as blanching, boiling, or steaming, generally ranging from CNY 10-50.

In addition to seafood, Bashi Market also offers a variety of delicious snacks and dishes, including roast duck, shredded chicken, pastries, oyster omelets, spring rolls, and more, all of which are very popular among the locals.

However, be aware of overpriced items from some vendors. You can take a look around first to see how others are buying before making your purchases.

🚗How to get there: Take bus 28, 107, or 12 to the Kaihe Lukou stop.

9. Xidi Coffee Street (西堤咖啡一条街)

Xidi Coffee Street is not very long, only about 500 meters. It starts from the southwest corner of Xidi Villa and ends at the Marco Polo Hotel. Despite its short length, this street is home to dozens of bars, cafes, and Western restaurants.

The environment is excellent, making it a good place to relax and socialize, particularly for young adults from middle to upper-class backgrounds.

The whole street is very quiet, with many beautiful young people gathering here. There are also many expats around.

The nearby buildings are all very European-style, mostly villa-like. The shops along the street are all very artistic, with each having its own style but all being bright and clean. Even the mango trees along the road are decorated with delicate lights.

On the south side facing Yundang Lake, the night view of the lake is also quite nice.

🚗How to get there: Take bus 139, 853, or 107 to the Haiwan Park stop.

10. Fujian Tulou (福建土楼)

Fujian has nearly 50,000 earthen buildings. If you have just one day, your top choice should be the Yunshuiyao Scenic Area in the Nanjing Tulou Cluster. Here, you can visit the classic Hegui Building, Yunshuiyao Ancient Town, and Huaiyuan Building, experiencing three different landscapes and quickly understanding the architectural structure of earthen buildings and the living atmosphere of Minnan ancient villages.

Hegui Building

Hegui Building is the tallest tulou in Nanjing, reaching a height of 21.5 meters. What truly astonishes people is that the entire building is actually constructed on a 3,000-square-meter marshland. With just over 200 pine piles underneath, the Hegui Building has stood on this giant floating bed for over 200 years. For the people of the earthen building, it is like Noah’s Ark on the marshland.

While you may think it’s no different from a regular building, when you lightly stomp in the courtyard and the whole building responds by sinking and rising, you can truly feel: this is really built on a marshland.

Cuimei Building

Cuimei Building is located near the Hegui Building and is not included in the scenic area. For a fee of CNY 5, visitors can enter and tour the building with permission from the residents.

This is a small, undeveloped earthen building in the Yunshuiyao scenic area, also known as the “tilted building.” There are almost no tourists here, and many residents still live in the building, it is simple and quiet.

Upon entering the earthen building, you can see that several floors are staggered. According to an unreliable legend, the two carpenters who undertook this project had some conflicts and different styles, which resulted in the tilted appearance of the Cuimei Building.

Tips: The residential units inside the earthen building are divided into vertical rows. Each unit is referred to as a “building.” Generally, the first floor is the kitchen, the second floor is the warehouse, and people live on the third or fourth floor. Here, you can also see the unused “non-decorated house” in the earthen building.

Yunshuiyao Ancient Town

Yunshuiyao Ancient Town has a very different feel from the Tulou. It is characterized by banyan trees, streams, and waterwheels.

There are more than a dozen century-old banyan trees along the creek in the village, and there is a row of two-story old brick-and-wood structures next to the ancient road, which is the old street market with a history of several hundred years.

Most of the old shops still retain the characteristic of wooden board walls. Walking along, the road is paved with cobblestones.

Walking along the riverbank is livelier, but if you want to experience tranquility, you can turn into the village’s alleyways to see the real ancient village life.

Huaiyuan Building

Huaiyuan Building is a tulou constructed using giant cobblestones and rammed earth. It is the most exquisitely crafted and well-preserved double-ring round tulou.

It is also the tallest tulou in terms of its foundation. Legend has it that when the village was hit by a flood one year, the villagers had nowhere else to hide and all sought refuge here.

The first floor is usually the kitchen, and the second floor is the granary. These two levels have no windows, and the walls are over one meter thick. There is only one entrance and exit, usually reinforced with iron or copper, and each stairwell and main entrance has a fire extinguisher. The third floor and above are bedrooms.

To determine the number of floors in a tulou, you just need to count the number of windows and add two for the total number of floors.

Fujian Tulou Visit Information

🎫Admission ticket: CNY 90


① High-speed train: There are about 10 high-speed trains traveling between Xiamen and Nanjing Tulou daily, with a journey time of 35-50 minutes and a ticket price of about CNY 20-40.

② After arriving in Nanjing Tulou, take bus 11 to Yuegang Xincun, then transfer to bus 7/9/14/18/22 to the bus platform at the West Bus Station. Walk to the opposite bus station to purchase a ticket for the Nanjing Tulou special line.

TIPS: Traveling from Xiamen to Nanjing Tulou is a well-established tourist route. It is recommended to choose a reputable one-day tour or charter a car. The basic price for a one-day tour is about CNY 200 per person.

👉 Book Fujian Tulou Tour on Viator

Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport (IATA: XMN) is one of the few airports in China built in the urban area, only 10 kilometers away from the city center.

It mainly consists of two terminals, T3 and T4. Xiamen Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Hebei Airlines, and all international flights use T3, while other domestic flights operate at T4. A free shuttle bus connects the two terminals, with a travel time of about 10 minutes.

Transportation to and from the airport is very convenient, with options including airport shuttle buses, city buses, and BRT rapid transit buses. A taxi from the airport to Zhongshan Road in Siming District costs around CNY 50.

Xiamen has two main passenger train stations: Xiamen Railway Station on the island and Xiamen North Railway Station outside the island.

Xiamen Station mainly operates passenger trains and a few high-speed trains, with services to Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Nanchang, Chongqing, and other destinations.

Xiamen North Station is further from the city center and mainly operates high-speed trains from various places to Xiamen, such as Fuzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Chongqing.

Xiamen currently has three operational subway lines: Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3.

Among them, Line 1, which runs north to south, is China’s first coastal subway. Its northern terminus is Xiamen North Railway Station, and its southern terminus reaches the southwestern corner of Siming District, where the old town area is located, making it the most densely populated tourist area.

Xiamen’s bus system is well-developed, with most attractions accessible by bus. Bus fare on the island is generally CNY 1, with additional charges for off-island buses based on distance.

In addition to traditional buses, Xiamen also has eight Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes, connecting important transportation hubs such as Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, Xiamen North Railway Station, and the port.

Unlike BRT systems in other cities, Xiamen’s BRT has its own elevated system as a dedicated lane, with almost no traffic lights along the route, making it essentially a “light rail” disguised as a bus system.


Many locals and travelers prefer taking taxis due to their convenience and affordability compared to some popular tourist destinations. The fare structure typically includes a base fare of CNY 10 for the first 3km and an additional CNY 2 for each kilometer beyond 3km, increasing to CNY 3 for distances exceeding 8km.

Xiamen is known for being bike-friendly, offering numerous bike lanes and rental services. Rental fees range from CNY 5 to CNY 15 per hour, depending on the type of bicycle, with an additional deposit of CNY 150 to 200.

Xiamen Satay Noodles (沙茶面)

Xiamen satay noodles are a delightful fusion of flavors and textures, reflecting the city’s rich culinary heritage. This dish typically features thin and chewy noodles bathed in a savory satay sauce made from ground peanuts, sesame seeds, fish, shrimp, and chili. The sauce is simmered to perfection with oil and salt, creating a velvety texture with a hint of spiciness and a fragrant peanut aroma.

Toppings vary but often include a variety of ingredients such as tender pork slices, fresh seafood like shrimp and squid, and a medley of vegetables. This dish offers a delightful balance of flavors and is a must-try for visitors exploring Xiamen’s culinary scene.

Duck Congee

Smooth and tender duck meat paired with steaming hot congee—this is duck congee.

The congee is made by soaking selected rice in duck soup, adding glutinous rice and slowly simmering. When the duck soup congee is cooked to a certain point, the braising sauce of the duck is added and simmered over low heat. The congee has a smooth and sticky texture when eaten, with a somewhat thick soup base, a salty-sweet taste, and a slightly soy sauce color.

In addition to duck meat, there are about 20 other ingredients that can be added, such as duck intestines, duck hearts… Of course, it’s also essential to have the perfect companion, youtiao (Chinese fried dough sticks), making it a truly rich dish.

Tu Sun Dong (土笋冻)

Tu Sun Dong is the most unique snack in the Minnan region, which outsiders are reluctant to try but is beloved by locals.

Its main ingredient is the sipunculid worm that lives in the mud, which is rich in collagen. After boiling, the collagen dissolves into the soup. When the thick liquid cools, it solidifies into a delicious and fresh-tasting Tu Sun Dong. When eating, it is served with soy sauce, peanut sauce, sweet and spicy sauce, as well as coriander, and minced garlic.

Tu Sun Dong comes in different sizes. Large pieces of Tu Sun Dong contain large worms and plenty of ingredients, offering a more flavorful and chewy experience.

Peanut Soup

Peanut soup is also a major feature of Xiamen cuisine, commonly seen in streets and alleys.

It is another snack with simple ingredients but requires careful preparation. Peanuts are boiled to remove their skins, then cooked with an appropriate amount of sugar. The resulting milky-white soup has peanuts that melt in your mouth, offering a perfect balance of sweetness.

Oyster Omelette

The coastal city of Xiamen is known for its love of oyster omelette, and locals have a variety of ways to prepare them. Among them, fried oysters are a particularly unique local snack.

Fresh and plump oysters are selected, cleaned of mud and sand, and mixed with chopped green onions and sweet potato starch. The mixture is then poured into a pan and fried until golden brown. Finally, beaten eggs are added, resulting in a crispy texture on the outside and a smooth, flavorful filling. This dish is a must-try local snack for visitors.

Sesame Glutinous Rice Cake

Sesame glutinous rice cake is definitely one of the representative glutinous rice delicacies in the hearts of Xiamen locals.

After steaming the glutinous rice and kneading it into balls, flatten them and then stuff them with sesame powder, crushed peanuts, and white sugar. Finally, roll them in sesame powder.

The various nutty aromas of sesame, peanuts, and the natural fragrance of glutinous rice blend together perfectly, creating a flavor that is not overly sweet. It is also a great accompaniment to tea.

Xiamen’s Meat-filled Zongzi (烧肉粽)

There are many varieties of zongzi in Fujian, including savory, bean-filled, sweet, and meat-filled zongzi, but Xiamen’s meat-filled zongzi is the most famous.

Meat-filled zongzi is best eaten hot; otherwise, its flavor diminishes significantly, living up to its name “hot meat-filled zongzi.” It is typically made with ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimp, chestnuts, pork, and glutinous rice. The zongzi is cooked in boiling water until it is fresh and then served with satay sauce, garlic, and red chili sauce, making it truly delicious.

Xiamen has a subtropical maritime monsoon climate, characterized by mild temperatures and abundant rainfall. Winters are not severely cold, and summers are not excessively hot.

Generally, Xiamen experiences distinct seasons, with the best times to visit concentrated in spring and autumn.

Spring, from March to May, is one of the most pleasant seasons in Xiamen. During this time, temperatures gradually rise, and there is a moderate difference between day and night temperatures, making it ideal for travel.

Summer, from June to August, sees temperatures in Xiamen gradually increase, with a relatively humid and hot climate, reaching temperatures of 35°-39°C. This season experiences more rainfall in Xiamen, and occasional typhoons can occur. Despite the sometimes hot weather, the beaches and seaside resorts are popular destinations for tourists seeking a summer getaway.

Autumn, from September to November, is another prime time for tourism in Xiamen. The temperatures are moderate, and the humidity is relatively low, making it the most refreshing time of the year.

While winters in Xiamen are cooler, the temperatures are milder and more pleasant compared to northern cities, typically staying above 0°C.

🏨 Where to Stay in Xiamen

For first-time travelers to Xiamen, the best accommodation areas can be roughly divided into three: the old town area, Gulangyu Island, Huandao Road and surrounding areas.

The old town area

This area includes Zhongshan Road, Shapowei, Eighth Seafood Market, and other “old town landmarks,” and is also the most convenient area to visit Gulangyu Island.

It offers diverse accommodation options, has concentrated attractions, and is easily accessible by transportation. Next to Zhongshan Road is the ferry terminal, and near the starting point of Metro Line 1, Zhenhai Road Station, there are several BRT rapid transit bus routes leading here.

Gulangyu Island

Travelers planning to explore Gulangyu Island in depth may choose to stay on the island. The island mainly consists of various types of homestays. If your travel wishlist includes “stay in an old villa for a night” experience, consider staying on Gulangyu Island.

Huandao Road and surrounding areas

Huandao Road runs along the southeast side of Xiamen Island, covering the most beautiful coastal scenery in the southeast of the island. This area includes Xiamen University, Zeng Cuo An, and other popular areas that are a must-visit in Xiamen, as well as connecting Baicheng Beach, Huangcuo Beach, and Guanyinshan Beach. There are many unique homestays and luxury resorts in this area, where you can always find accommodation that suits your needs.

Hotels Recommended

Swiss Grand Xiamen : The hotel overlooks Gulangyu Island across the sea, next to the ferry terminal, making it very convenient to visit the island in the evening. If you don’t plan to visit Gulangyu Island, choose the hotel’s most distinctive Gulangyu Island sea-view room, where you can have a panoramic view of Gulangyu Island without leaving the hotel.

Within a few minutes walk of Zhongshan Road, and it is also located near the starting/ending point of Metro Line 1, about a 5-minute walk away.

As a luxury hotel, the rooms are spacious, and with prices starting at CNY 600, it is considered a cost-effective choice.

Hotel Indigo Xiamen Harbour : This hotel is located in the Lujiangdao CBD, with Gulangyu Island across the river; it takes about three minutes to walk to Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street, and the nearest subway station is about six minutes away on foot.

Upon entering the hotel room, you will see large floor-to-ceiling windows, through which the beautiful sea scenery can be seen. The interior design is rich in the characteristic style of southern Fujian, with a vibrant color palette that is bright and eye-catching in every detail.

Conrad Xiame : Conrad Xiamen is located on the 37th to 54th floors of the iconic twin towers of Xiamen Shimao Strait Tower. From here, you can overlook the entire Xiamen, offering a top-tier experience in high-end accommodations in Xiamen.

The rooms are spacious, with all amenities provided by the luxury brand Shanghai Tang. They feature automatic curtains, smart bathrooms, and guests are greeted with local delicacies like pineapple cakes.

The highlight of Conrad Xiamen is the 180-degree panoramic view of the sea from the high-rise floor-to-ceiling windows and the bathtub by the window, making it an experience not to be missed.

Marco Polo Xiamen : Being one of the early five-star hotels in Xiamen, the Xiamen Marco Polo Oriental Hotel enjoys a high level of recognition. Located in a high-end residential area of Xiamen, the hotel is also known for its large expatriate population and abundance of cafes, with the famous Coffee Street just steps away.

The hotel features a blend of British and Southeast Asian styles in its design. While the room furnishings may be slightly dated, the service quality remains at a high level. The breakfast at the hotel is highly praised.

As a local, I take pride in sharing the wonders of Xiamen with you. This city, with its blend of tradition and modernity, has so much to offer. I hope this guide has given you a taste of what our city has to offer and inspired you to explore further. As you explore our city’s best attractions, I encourage you to take your time, immerse yourself in the local culture, and savor each moment. I hope you’ll fall in love with this city just as I have!

🎫Do I need a visa for China?

Yes. Most visitors to China will need a visa to enter the country. The type of visa you need will depend on the purpose and duration of your trip, as well as your nationality. If you are a resident of the US, you must apply for a Chinese visa at the Consular Office in the country. On the other hand, inhabitants of countries like Japan, Canada, and the UK can request a visa through the Chinese Visa Application Service Center .

🤔 Why is it necessary to install a VPN in China?

In China, the government has strict regulations on internet access, leading to the blocking of popular websites and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube. To access these sites, a VPN is suggested as a means of bypassing the restrictions. It is important to choose a reputable VPN provider and use caution while doing so. ExpressVPN has been historically deemed the most reliable VPN for this purpose, despite being heavily targeted by China’s censors. Nevertheless, it is still a widely preferred option owing to its ease of installation and user-friendliness.

📲 Is it necessary to have a Chinese SIM card while in China?

Yes. It is crucial to acknowledge that accessing the internet in China may pose limitations due to certain websites being prohibited or filtered. To ensure uninterrupted connectivity while staying in China, purchasing a local SIM card is advisable. For optimum results, acquiring SIM cards from either China Unicom or China Mobile is recommended. While China Mobile has the most comprehensive coverage in China and is a market leader, China Unicom is more compatible with foreign phones, enabling 3G and 4G services. Or you can purchase a SIM card online .

🔮 Should I buy China travel insurance?

Yes. Although China is generally a safe country for travel, it is still possible to encounter accidents or other unexpected occurrences. Therefore, obtaining travel insurance can provide a sense of security and financial protection. In my research, I have found that World Nomads is a reputable travel insurance provider that covers a wide range of activities and is recommended for the average traveler. Nevertheless, I advise you to compare insurance quotes from various providers before making a decision.

🚙 Can you rent a car in China?

Unfeasible . Obtaining a Chinese driver’s license to rent a car and self-drive may seem like an option, but it is not a practical choice for most foreigners. Therefore, many prefer to opt for a driver or public transportation when navigating China, as it proves to be more convenient.

✈️ What’s the best site to purchase flight tickets for China?

I suggest using Trip for affordable flights to China. As a China-based company, they often offer lower prices compared to foreign companies. Additionally, they offer English-speaking phone support in case of any issues.

🏡 What is the best way to book hotels in China?

Not only does Trip offer a wider range of flight options, but it also provides a greater selection of hotels to choose from. Moreover, Agoda is a reliable resource for hotels throughout Asia.

🎒What do I pack for China?

Travel adapter and converter: China uses a different electrical system than many other countries, so it’s important to bring a travel adapter and converter if you plan to use electronic devices such as phones, cameras, and laptops.   Sunscreen: The UV index in China can be high, particularly during the summer months, and prolonged exposure to the sun without protection can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. Deodorant: It should be noted that finding deodorant in China may not be a simple task.

📚 Can a guidebook for traveling to China be useful?

Yes . If you’re planning to travel to China for the first time, a travel guidebook can be a valuable resource, and Lonely Planet is one of the most reputable guides available globally. Its comprehensive itineraries and recommendations take into account your personal preferences and can save you both time and money. The insider tips are also extremely helpful in navigating China’s unique cultural landscape like a local.

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Xiamen Attractions from my 4 Days 3 Nights Itinerary


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The Perfect Fujian Province Itinerary: 10 Days Exploring Xiamen, Wuyishan & Hakka Villages

Tea mountains, mud castles, coastal cities and colonial-era magnificence: See the best of Southeast China with this 10-day Fujian Province itinerary.

Subtropical Fujian Province is blessed with a lovely coastline, mountains of tea, rural villages and laid back coastal cities. We spent 10 days there last Christmas, and our Fujian Province itinerary took us from Xiamen to Wuyishan to the Tulou villages before ending up in Xiamen again.

If you too yearn to explore tea mountains, mysterious Hakka clan villages and a colonial-era treaty port (all of them UNESCO recognized), this one-week itinerary for Fujian province is made just for you.

Besides UNESCO sites, Fujian is also an excellent destination for those looking to relax, spend time in nature and, of course, indulge in exceptional food. Travelling in Fujian province is a colourful, tasty and enjoyable experience.

Fujian Province Itinerary

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Why Visit Fujian Province?

Fujian Province Itinerary

Fujian province just felt different for us. While we have never been to Taiwan, we picture it being something like Fujian province.

The other places we visited in China before Fujian all shouted CHINAAAAA!!! Fujian felt unique, and it was definitely a lot more laid back. While Fujian province is undeniably Chinese, there is something in the subtropical vegetation, colourful temples and shrines and laid-back cities that just felt like a different China than the one we have known so far.

We often told ourselves that Fujian reminded us of Southeast Asia in many ways.

Ok, so Fujian is unique. Jolly good.

Fujian Province is an ideal destination for second-time visitors to China or for those looking to see the best of China in one big trip

Located halfway between Shanghai and Hong Kong, Fujian makes an ideal stop when travelling between the two. You’ll get to see the immense contrasts of what China ultimately is: Glitzy mega cities and rural villages sprinkled over incredible nature.

When there is no global pandemic*, regular ferries run between Xiamen in China and Taichung in Taiwan. We think that Taiwan and Fujian would be an outstanding combination, so when *this is all over, a ferry trip between Xiamen and Taiwan is definitely on the cards. Update 2024: Xiamen – Taichung ferries remain suspended.

Even on its own, Fujian province is an excellent destination. Unknown to most foreign visitors to China, Fujian charms visitors with her hidden gems. Hidden gems only to foreigners, as all Chinese know that Fujian province has some of the country’s best rural villages, tea, nature, and vibrant cities.

10 Days Fujian Province Itinerary: Overview

Our Fujian Province Travel Plan: Xiamen > Wuyishan > Tulou Villages > Xiamen 

We caught a flight Friday night after work and arrived in Xiamen a few hours later. This gave us an entire week bookended by two weekends to explore Fujian. We flew back home on Monday morning since this day was a public holiday.

If you have to squeeze it into one week, stay in Xiamen only for one night only, dividing your time between sightseeing and going to the hot springs.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Xiamen & Airport Hotel
  • Day 2: Xiamen- Wuyishan by train
  • Day3-4: Wuyishan 
  • Day 5: Wuyishan – Nanjing Tulou by train
  • Day 6: Explore the Tulou villages in Yongding & Nanjing county
  • Day 7: Nanjing Tulou – Xiamen by train
  • Day 8-9: Xiamen
  • Day 10: Overnight on Gulangyu Island
  • Day 11: Depart Xiamen

Our Fujian Province Travel Itinerary: Detailed Breakdown

Day 1: arrival in xiamen.

Fujian Province Itinerary

We arrived at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport (XMN) after 20:00 on Friday night. This left us no choice but to stay overnight in Xiamen.

We booked a room at the Holiday Inn Express and got a taxi from the airport, which got us to the hotel in about 10 minutes. The hotel is conveniently located near the airport and Xiamen North Railway Station.

The hotel was brand spanking new, with comfy, clean rooms and helpful staff.

A nice breakfast spread (mostly Chinese style, but also cereal and toast) is included in your room rate.

Where to Stay near Xiamen Airport: Holiday Inn Express Xiamen Airport Zone

Day 2: Xiamen to Wuyishan by Train

Drinking tea is an important part of any Fujian Province itinerary. Here a cup of Oolong is poured at a mountain temple in Wuyishan

Xiamen to Wuyishan Trains Book your Xiamen – Wuyishan train tickets

Several high-speed trains run daily between Xiamen North and Wuyishan North Railway Stations. Trains depart Xiamen North at  08:17, 12:32, 13:14  and  15:51 . The journey should take about 3.5 hours to reach Wuyishan North. 

Second-class tickets start at RMB 209. Second class is very descent, and we always travel this way. If you want to sit in a Lazyboy, first class is also available. 

Make sure you book your tickets to WUYISHAN NORTH, and not NANPING. Nanping is very far away from Wuyishan still, and a taxi from there will bankrupt you. 

From Wuyishan North, you will need to get a Didi or taxi to take you to the town of Wuyishan at the gate of the Wuyishan National Park and Scenic Area.

Day 3-4: Exploring Wuyishan

The view from the top of Tianyou Peak. There is a small pagoda with dome shaped peak behind it. You can see bamboo rafts on the river below the mountains

Dome-shaped mountains begging to be climbed, weird caves, river rafting and drinking the best tea in China are just a few things to look forward to in Wuyishan National Park. 

Wuyishan is incredibly beautiful and quickly became one of the places we’ll visit again in China. You can easily spend a week here hiking between mountain peaks and tea gardens, enjoying the fantastic nature. 

With two days in Wuyishan, the best things to do are:

  • Climb Tianyou Peak for the best view in Wuyishan
  • Float down the Nine-Bend River on a bamboo raft
  • Explore the weird cave called  A Thread of Sky
  • Hike along the   Rock Tea Trail
  • See the original Da Hong Pao tea bushes (the most expensive tea in the world)
  • Drink Oolong rock tea with monks at the hidden temples between the tea gardens
  • Feel like a dwarf under the gigantic Water Curtain
  • Watch the amazing Impression Da Hong Pao performance. (Book your tickets in advance )
  • Eat Da Hong Pao icecream
  • Go for a tea tasting at a tea shop

Where to Stay in Wuyishan: Ancient Street No3 Tea Hotel

Read More: A Guide to the Wuyi Mountains: China’s Ancient Tea Capital

Day 5: Wuyishan – Nanjing Tulou by Train

There might be, or there might not be, direct trains between Wuyishan and the Tulou clusters in Nanjing county. During our trip, there were two direct trains a day from Nanpingshi (南平市) to Nanjing (南靖火车站).

Don’t confuse Nanjing (Fujian) with Nanjing (the capital of Jiangsu). You want to get to Nanjing FUJIAN (南靖火车站).

We can’t seem to find these direct trains anymore. In this case, it’s best to return to Xiamen North and transfer there to a train to Nanjing (南靖火车站).

Several trains run between Xiamen North and Nanjing (南靖火车站) daily, and the travel time is about 40 minutes. See the schedule and book Xiamen-Nanjing (Fujian) train tickets here .

Nanjing train station is still quite a distance from the tulou and Hakka villages. We arranged with our guesthouse at Tianluokeng Tulou to send a driver to pick us up at the train station.

The drive through mountainous rural Fujian to Tianluokeng Tulou takes about 1.5 hours.

Once you get to Tianluokeng Tulou, check into your guesthouse and arrange with your driver about a sightseeing tour of the tulou villages the next day.

Day 6: Explore the Tulou in Yongding & Nanjing County

A tulou roundhouse in Yongding county, Fujian Province

Thousands of doughnut-shaped mud castles lay scattered across the Fujian countryside. Exploring these villages and driving through a landscape of rice, tea, banana and tobacco fields is rural China at its best.

UNESCO recognizes the Fujian tulou as an outstanding example of human settlement in harmony with nature and communal living.

The best way to visit these unique structures and see a slice of undiluted rural China is to get a driver for the day and hop from one stunning village to the next.

Top Attractions in Tulou County:

  • See the Four Dishes and One Soup in Tianluokeng
  • Explore the maze-like Chengqi (King) Tulou in Yongding
  • Walk between giant banyan trees in Yunshuiyao Village
  • Admire the Huaiyuan and Hegui tulou
  • See the totem poles and Zhang Family’s Ancestral Hall in Taixa village
  • Decide if the Yuchang Tulou deserves the title of China’s Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • Enjoy delicious Hakka food

Where to Stay When Visiting the Fujian Tulou: Tianluokeng No.1 Guesthouse

Read More: How to Visit the Hakka Villages & Tulou

Day 7: Nanjing Tulou to Xiamen by Train

After a traditional Hakka breakfast, head back to Nanjing Station to catch a train to Xiamen. You can expect to arrive back in the 21 century around lunchtime.

In Xiamen, check into your hotel near Zhongshan Road, the most famous street in the city. Xiamen is a laid-back city with a youthful, energetic vibe and best explored on foot.

Nanjing to Xiamen Trains Book your train tickets here

Day 8-9 Xiamen Sightseeing & Hot Springs

Xiamen skyline with skyscrapers and the statue of the national hero, Koxinga . Tropical flowers are blooming in the foreground

Spend your two days in Xiamen, stuffing yourself with delicious street food, exploring its creative hotspots, colourful temples, and simply unwinding.

Much of subtropical Xiamen’s charm lies in eating and simply being rather than active sightseeing. Between meals and chilling, Xiamen does have some good things to see and do, though.

What to do With 2 days in Xiamen

  • Admire the exquisite Nanputuo Temple 
  • Take a few selfies on the quirky Ding’aozai Cat Street
  • Catch the artsy vibes in Shapowei Art Zone
  • Cheers with a craft beer at FatFat Beer Horse 
  • Spend an entire day soaking and unwinding at the Riyuegu Hotsprings Resort
  • Have dim sum at 潮福城大酒楼 (Chaofu City Restaurant)
  • Stroll along Zhongshan Road and snack on street food
  • Enjoy some of the city’s stunning parks or botanical garden
  • Visit Xiamen University, one of the prettiest campuses in Asia

Where to Stay in Xiamen Ji Hotel (Zhongshan Road)

Read More: Top Things to do in Xiamen

Day 10: Gulangyu Island

The view from Sunlight Rock on Gulangyu island. Orange tiled roofs of colonial buildings are in the foreground and you can see modern skyscrapers in the the city of Xiamen behind it.

Yet another UNESCO site awaits just off the coast of Xiamen. According to the Chinese Tourism Administration, Gulangyu Island is an AAAAA tourist attraction (only the best of the best can achieve this status) and is among the province’s top ten places to visit.

While most will know that the best example of colonial architecture is the Shanghai Bund, few know that the second-best place is Gulangyu Island, a short ferry ride from Xiamen.

Gulangyu is a former treaty port, and, during its heyday, it was home to 13 foreign countries that settled there. They built mansions, consulates, social clubs, schools and churches, which are still here today.

While it is a very popular day trip from Xiamen, spending a night on the island is just grand. Book yourself into a colonial villa and bask in the subtropical, faded grandeur of this former international settlement in China.

What to See & Do on Gulangyu Island

  • Climb the steps up Sunlight Rock for the best view 
  • See the gigantic statue of Koxinga at Haoyue Park
  • Eat Ginger Duck
  • Drink milk tea at Zhangshan Feng Cat Milk Tea Shop
  • Wander along the pedestrian-only streets and explore the mansions, churches and consulates 
  • Enjoy one of the island’s sandy beaches

Where to Stay on Gulangyu Island Yuezhiyun

Read More: How to Spend a Day on Gulangyu Island

Day 11: Xiamen Departure

This is the last day of your Fujian Province itinerary. When it’s time to catch your flight or train back home, reluctantly zip up your bag and take the ferry back to Xiamen.

Ten days is just the right amount of time to see the best attractions in Fujian province.

If we had one or two more days, we would have loved to include Quanzhou in our Fujian itinerary. Quanzhou is yet another UNESCO city dating back to medieval times. It is also the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road.

Xiapu, farther north, with its fishing villages and mudflats, is any photographer’s wet dream. With even more time, Xiapu would be a great place to add to our itinerary.

We hope you enjoy Fujian as much as we did. If you have any questions when planning your own Fujian Province itinerary, drop us a question in the comments below and we’ll try our best to help

This looks amazing! I have seen beautiful Beijing, Zhangjjiajie & Changsha. I would love to go on this trip.

Hi Jin & De Wet…It was a fantastic post. I am interested to go to Fujian province for 10 days with few friends. Is it hard to navigate around to all the places that you mentioned with luggage but without a tour guide? Thanks, Yuen

Hi Yuen, Fujian is a great choice! Luggage shouldn’t be a problem. We traveled with about 25kg in a suitcase with wheels. Getting on trains and taxis was easy and we never had to carry it too far. Get on the train , get off the train , get in taxi and get dropped right at your hotel. Easy peasy. Enjoy your trip!

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Things to Do in Xiamen: Top 10 Xiamen Attractions & Best Places to Visit

Renowned for its scenic beaches, lush gardens, and delightful subtropical climate , Xiamen has earned a reputation as one of China 's most livable cities. Especially Gulangyu Island (Kulangsu) , a UNESCO World Heritage site, showcases breathtaking coastal views, a blend of modern and historical architectural marvels, and an ambiance that captivates visitors visiting Xiamen and Fujian . With its captivating allure, Xiamen , often referred to as the " Garden on the Sea ", has become an immensely popular destination with Xiamen attractions including Gulangyu Island , Jimei School Village and famous Xiamen Beaches , also attractions like Eighth Seafood Market for authentic food in Xiamen, Zhongshan Road for a happy shopping in Xiamen. Here’s the latest Xiamen attractions Guide to help have a great time visiting Xiamen . Don’t forget to check out the links in the article for more Xiamen & Gulangyu travel info!

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Gulangyu Island: The Piano Island, a Must-visit Xiamen Attraction

Gulangyu (Kulangsu), a UNESCO World Heritage site , is a captivating island with only 20 minutes ferry ride from Xiamen downtown. The Gulangyu Island is known for its colonial-era architecture and picturesque natural scenery. Notably, with the collaborative efforts of local Chinese, returned overseas Chinese, and foreign residents from various countries it birthed the unique Amoy Deco Style , an architectural movement that emerged on the island, exerting its influence across South-east Asian coastal areas and beyond. Visitors to Gulangyu can explore its narrow streets, discover quaint cafes, art galleries, and boutique shops, and enjoy the beautiful Beaches like Sunlight Rock Beach .

If you have time to visit only one tour spot in Xiamen Gulangyu would be the no-brainer first choice. It is recommended to spend half a day wandering on the island. That’s why we have a Full Guide of Gulangyu so check it out! Ultimate Gulangyu Island Guide to Unlock Xiamen’s UNESCO World Heritage .

Xiamen tour

Discover Charming Xiamen Culture: Asian, European & Fujianese

With a rich history as a port city and its close proximity to Southeast Asia, Xiamen boasts a cultural fusion of traditional Chinese and Southeast Asian influences . The city's welcoming hospitality and laid-back lifestyle are hallmarks of Xiamen’s culture. The strong connections between Xiamen and the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia are evident in the local cuisine and architecture. Similarly, the city's architecture showcases a harmonious blend of Chinese and Southeast Asian styles. Xiamen's captivating culture is truly remarkable and certainly worth your time to explore. Here are some of the iconic attractions in Xiamen :

xiamen travel blog

1 Day Xiamen Tour - In-depth Exploration 1 Day Nanjing Tulou Tour - Hometown of Mulan, Hakka Tulou 2 Days Quanzhou Tour - UNESCO World Heritage 3 Days Wuyishan Tour - Danxia Landscape & Tea Culture 4 Days Xiapu Tour - China's Most Beautiful Mudflat 7 Days Fujian Tour - Best All-includcive Tour

Nanputuo Temple: Try Vegetarian Delights Hidden in Xiamen’s Spiritual Retreat

Type : Religious Site, Buddhist Temple

Ticket Price : Free (Preregister required)

Opening Hours : 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM

Recommended Duration : 1-2 hours

Highlights : Delicious vegetarian food, Lotus Pond, Buddhist Artifacts Guanyin Statue

Nanputuo Temple (南普陀寺) is a revered Buddhist temple in Xiamen dedicated to the Bodhisattva or Guanyin, also known as the Goddess of Mercy. Its appeal extends beyond religious devotion, as it has also become a popular destination for tourists seeking captivating architecture and tranquil ambiance. Within the temple, visitors can explore a treasure trove of invaluable Buddhist artifacts , including a revered statue of Guanyin believed to have existed for over a millennium.

Nanputuo Vegetarian Restaurant , situated on the east side of the temple, offers a delightful array of vegan delights. Known for its fresh ingredients and modern ambiance, the restaurant tantalizes taste buds with a wide selection of vegan dishes, including delectable baked goods. From vegan mooncakes and pineapple pastries to egg tarts and custard buns, the bakery caters to diverse palates, ensuring that visitors can savor Guilt-Free treats made entirely from plant-based ingredients .

Xiamen tour

Jimei School Village: Unveiling the Legacy, Overseas Chinese' Xiamen Roots!

Type : Educational Institution, Historical Site

Ticket Price : Free

Opening Hours : 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Recommended Duration : 2-3 hours

Highlights : Close ties with Overseas Chinese, Distinctive architecture, Beautiful scenery

Jimei Village (集美学村) in Xiamen , is a captivating destination that harmoniously combines history, culture, and natural beauty. Founded by the esteemed Overseas Chinese leader Tan Kah Kee (陳嘉庚), this village is renowned for its educational institutions, architectural wonders, and well-preserved Jimei School Village. Explore the traditional Chinese architecture, delve into the village's educational heritage, and wander through beautiful gardens, serene lakes, and lively local markets. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, discover the invaluable contributions of Overseas Chinese, and embrace the cultural richness and historical significance that make JimeiVillage a truly enchanting experience.

Xiamen tour

Xiamen University: Walk through Where History, Nature, and Brilliance Converge

Type : University, Educational Institution

Ticket Price : Free (Preregister Required)

Opening Hours : 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM (Time may vary due to University’s arrangement)

Highlights : Beautiful campus, Rich history

Tips : Entry policy of Campus may change, refer to official website or consult with your tour guide

Xiamen University (XMU, 厦门大学) is a renowned top-tier university in Xiamen , China. Established in 1921, it offers diverse academic programs across various disciplines. The campus boasts beautiful architecture, blending traditional and modern designs, and provides a serene coastal environment.

Xiamen tour

Xiamen Shop & Dine: Eat Xiamen Fusion, Be Xiamen Local

Xiamen 's vibrant food culture seamlessly blends the best of Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisines. Xiamen’s rich history as a bustling port and its close proximity to Southeast Asia have contributed to this culinary fusion. Xiamen cuisine is renowned for its delectable assortment of fresh seafood, tantalizing spices, and distinct flavors. For an authentic shopping experience like the locals, explore Gulou Street, Siming Night Market, and Zhongshan Road . These bustling destinations in Xiamen offer a wide range of local goods , unique finds , and mouthwatering street food .

P.S. Your Xiamen’s food tour can even extend to Gulangyu island where you can have an array of fine-dining restaurants serving delicate local fusion dishes . Check out the “Cuisines & Drinks on Gulangyu Island” section of this Gulangyu to Unlock Xiamen’s UNESCO World HeritageGulangyu

Zhongshan Road: Hunt for Xiamen Food & Trendy Finds for Tourists

Type : Pedestrian Street, Shopping District

Opening Hours : 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM

Highlights : Beautiful architecture, Vibrant atmosphere, Delicious food, Unique shopping experience

Zhongshan Road (中山路) in Xiamen is renowned for several noteworthy aspects. Its captivating allure lies in its stunning colonial architecture, showcasing well-preserved buildings from the early 20th century. The street exudes a vibrant and lively atmosphere, drawing both locals and tourists with its constant buzz of activity. Gastronomic delights abound on Zhongshan Road, with a diverse range of restaurants offering delectable options spanning traditional Chinese cuisine to international dishes, such as Shacha Noodle (沙茶面), Oyster Omelet (海蛎煎), Peanut Sweet Soup (花生汤). Moreover, the street provides a distinctive shopping experience, featuring an array of unique souvenirs, handicrafts. A visit to Zhongshan Road promises an all-inclusive experience of culture, cuisine, and captivating sights.

Plan your Travel in China with Gourmets - China Food Tours >

Xiamen tour

The Eighth Seafood Market: Xiamen Local Fisherman's Catch of the Day

Type : Seafood Market

Opening Hours : 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM

Highlights : Fresh seafood, Variety of seafood dishes, Affordable prices

Tips : It is advisable to have a local tour guide to fully immerse yourself in the art of bargaining, selecting the best seafood, and discovering the most authentic street food.

The Eighth Seafood Market (第八生鲜市场) in Xiamen is a renowned tourist hotspot celebrated for its fresh seafood, diverse array of seafood dishes, and wallet-friendly prices. Situated in downtown Xiamen , the market operates from early morning until late at night, emanating a vibrant atmosphere. Vendors entice visitors with a wide variety of seafood options, encompassing fish, shellfish, and crustaceans. Guests have the choice of purchasing their desired seafood and having it expertly prepared at one of the many on-site restaurants, or simply indulging in ready-made seafood dishes available throughout the market. And don’t forget to try the authentic street food here. It would be the most down-to-earth experience you can have in Xiamen!

Xiamen tour

Xiamen Nature:Cruise through Natural Beauty & Cityscape

Xiamen , a coastal city boasting a subtropical climate, is celebrated for its breathtaking natural landscapes. Nestled amidst mountains, islands, and a vast coastline with numerous Beaches , visitors can indulge in activities such as hiking, swimming, sunbathing, and simply unwinding by the shore. The city further enchants with its array of parks and gardens, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the serene beauty that Xiamen has to offer. Here are some of the fabulous natural attractions in Xiamen. Let’s check them out!

Baicheng Beach: Favoured by Xiamen Youth, Where Fun Meets Sun!

Type : Beach

Opening Hours : All day

Recommended Duration : 1 hour

Highlights : Great accessibility, vibrant vibe

Baicheng Beach (白城沙滩) in Xiamen is a must-visit for beach enthusiasts. Its proximity to Xiamen University makes it popular among students and tourists. Accessible by public transportation, the beach offers stunning ocean views and a lively atmosphere. Surrounding restaurants and cafes provide delicious dining options. Baicheng Beach is also a romantic spot for capturing special moments, making it a popular choice for newlywed couples to take their wedding photos. Nearby attractions include Xiamen University, Nanputuo Temple, Gulangyu Island, Hulishan Fortress, Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, and Zeng Cuo An Village. It's an ideal stop during your Xiamen tour.

Tips : Being a coastal city, Xiamen has many beaches with different features to offer to tourists, and the beaches in Xiamen are certainly one of the highlights of this tourist hotspot. Check out the Xiamen  Beaches  to find out which one is Your Favorite Beach!

Xiamen tour

Huangdao Road: The Longest Shortcut to See the Whole Xiamen in One Go

Xiamen , as a picturesque island city, is blessed with numerous tourist attractions along its long coastline. If you're short on time but want to see the best of Xiamen, the Huandao Road (环岛路) is the ideal route. This circular road encircles the entire Xiamen island, offering a chance to visit major attractions like Gulangyu  Island, Xiamen University, and renowned Beaches such as Guanyinshan Beach, Baicheng Beach, and CoConut Village Beach. Rent a bike and enjoy a refreshing coastal ride or join a tour group for a convenient sight-seeing car ride. Experience it all in Xiamen , accompanied by the cool ocean breeze.

Xiamen tour

Where to Stay in Xiamen: Modern Hotels or Secluded Villa?

Xiamen , especially Gulangyu Island, is not only a popular tourist destination but also a convenient hub for business travelers exploring Fujian province. With a wide range of hotel choices available, selecting the right accommodation is crucial for an enhanced travel experience. This guide helps you choose the perfect hotel in Xiamen to suit your needs.

Which area is the best area to stay for you, Siming district or Gulangyu island? What kind of unique accommodation options are there in Xiamen? Find out more in this Xiamen Hotel Guide here!

Xiamen tour

How to Plan Your Xiamen Trip & Extension to Fujian

With a half-day trip, travelers can get a glimpse of historical heritage and the scenic views Xiamen has to offer. If you would like a more immersive experience, a 1-day trip or more time is more ideal for you to explore and cover more tour spots in Xiamen city and Gulangyu Island.

If you're planning a trip to Xiamen or any attractions in Fujian , it's highly recommended to start from Xiamen . If you have a bit more time, around 4-6 days, do consider extending your trip to the neighboring attractions in Fujian province . This will allow you to delve deeper into the region and experience its diverse natural landscapes and rich cultural offerings. Don't miss the chance to visit Quanzhou (Historical Emporium of the World), Fuzhou , Wuyishan (Origin of Black Tea), Hakka Tulou (UNESCO World Heritage), and Xiapu for a more immersive travel experience. It would be one of the Best China Tours .

Are you trying to Plan a tour to China ? Here are some practicle info to help you come narrow down your destiantions: Top 10 Attractions in China , Places to Visit in China , Best Time to Visit China .

Explore Xiamen and Fujian with Asia Odyssey Travel

Asia Odyssey Travel has a local office and a team of local experts in Xiamen who can provide you with an in-depth insight into Xiamen and its surrounding areas in Fujian Province. Xiamen, being one of the hottest tour destinations in Asia, has so much to offer for tourists.

Planning ahead with a reputable agency could save you a considerable amount of time and energy. Traveling with a professional local guide from AOT would guarantee you fully experience the authentic local culture and lifestyle!

We provide flexible Xiamen tours that can be tailored to your needs. Plan ahead with professionals today, get on a life-time journey, get in touch today!

If you have any questions about this article, please contact us by submitting the following form and we'll immediately get back to you.

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1 Day Nanjing Tulou Tour: From Xiamen to the Hometown of Mulan - Fujian Tulou

10 Top Things to Do in Xiamen

The coastal city of Xiamen, located in China's Fujian province, is a beautiful city with plenty to explore. With a long history as a colonial trading port located in the beautiful south of China, you'll find a mix of historical and natural sights. Here are our top 10 things to do while you are in Xiamen.

1. Explore Gulangyu Island

One of Xiamen's top attractions (probably it's top attraction) is Gulangyu Island. The island is famous for its mix of natural beauty, colonial-style architecture, and interesting museums, including the piano museum.

Because it is such a popular sight, it takes a little bit of planning to make sure you have tickets to go there. There are a lot of different things to do and see on the island, so set aside at least half a day to explore! Check out our page on Gulangyu Island for more information on how to get there, and what to see while you are there.

2. Relax at Nanputuo Temple

Nanputuo Temple , or South Putuo Temple, is the most famous and beautiful temple in Xiamen. It is named after Putuo Mountain, a Buddhist mountain, which it is based at the foot of.

The temple grounds have a peaceful atmosphere as they are surrounded by ponds and lotus flowers, and is the perfect spot for a stroll. As part of the temple, you'll find the Hall of Heavenly Kings, the Precious Hall of Great Hero, the Hall of Great Mercy and the Buddhist Scripture Garret to explore.

3. Experience History at Hulishan Fortress

An absolute must for history buffs, Hulishan Fortress is an important historical site located on the south of Xiamen at the top of Huli Mountain, overlooking the sea. A visit is worth it just for the view over the ocean and of Xiamen.

On the site, you will find a rectangular fort, barracks, a secret tunnel, a commanding tower, a sentry platform, an ammunition depot, a castle, and more. If you visit at 8.30am, you'll find guards in traditional uniforms opening the gate to welcome visitors. This happens daily.

Check out the connecting Rongguang museum for artifacts from the site such as weaponry.

4. Take a Stroll at Xiamen University

Chinese universities are usually based on beautiful grounds, their buildings surrounded by parks, and Xiamen University is no different. Xiamen University is worth a visit if you want to go for a walk, check out the park-like grounds, or just take a look at student life in China.

Xiamen University is also special because it was the first university founded in China by an overseas Chinese, established in 1921 by Tan Kah-Kee (陈嘉庚, Chen Jiageng in Chinese) of Malaysia. The university is a mix of Western and Eastern philosophies, which is reflected in the spectacular entrance gates adorning several sides of the campus.

It is also one of the top-ranked universities in the country.

5. Go Shopping at Zhongshan Road

If you're looking for somewhere to go for a spot of shopping in Xiamen , you don't need to look further than the bright neon lights of Zhongshan Road, or Amoi Yat-Sen Road.

It is the most prosperous street and commercial center of Xiamen and the road is lined with shopping centers, cinemas, restaurants, and other entertainment complexes. This is the best place to get your souvenirs, too!

6. Check out the Fujian Tulou Clusters

Fujian's Hakka Tulou buildings are located just outside Xiamen but are definitely a top spot to visit while you are in the area.

They are unique because they are round, fort-like buildings made out of a mixture of clay and sandy soil, and are only found in this area. These rare buildings were designed by the Hakka minority of the area, and served as both large fortresses and apartment buildings in one, and were inscribed by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites in 2008.

We recommend visiting Nanjing Tulou Area or Yongding Tulou Area (find out more here ), or you can visit these sights on a Xiamen and Tulou tour with China Highlights .

7. Enjoy the Flowers at Wanshi Botanical Gardens

Behind Nanputuo Temple, on top of the hill, you will find the amazing Wanshi Botanical Gardens , or Xiamen Botanical Gardens, which actually consists of multiple gardens merged together.

You'll move from one type of landscape to the next, enjoying plants and trees that are found locally as well as ones found worldwide, such as cacti! It is highly recommended if you're looking for a more active and outdoor activity while in Xiamen and works well after a visit to the temple.

Make sure you bring enough water and sunscreen if you are visiting in summer, as it does get warm in the park!

8. See Xiamen from Above at Zhonggu Cableway

If you want to see Xiamen from further above, go for a ride on the Zhonggu Cableway for a different perspective of this incredible city.

You can get off mid-way for a quick stroll and to take some photos of the view, and there are some rock formations to take a look at at the top of the mountain. But of course, what you came for is the view of Xiamen Island from the top.

9. See the Sunset at Baicheng Beach

As Xiamen is a coastal city, we couldn't not recommend a sunset location on the beach.

One of the best beaches for a sunset in the city is Baicheng Beach. Although you cannot swim here (it is actually prohibited), the sand is soft and it's a wonderful place to relax at the end of the day. Why not bring a picnic?

If you don't have time to go in the late afternoon for sunset, the morning is lovely too, as you'll be able to see the locals fishing off the coast and enjoy the ocean breeze.

10. Climb the Wuyi Mountains

For those looking for some more nature, the Wuyi Mountains are the perfect city escape right outside of Xiamen.

The area is known for its canyons, lush greenery, waterfalls, and unique flora and fauna, and it is best to visit between June and October. For more specifics on visiting the Wuyi Mountains, how to get there, and how to prepare for a visit, click here .

Visit Xiamen with China Highlights

We have  lots of options for visiting Xiamen , whether you are looking for a one-day, three-day, or five-day tour, or would prefer to incorporate Xiamen in a tour throughout China alongside other top cities such as Beijing or Shanghai.

If you would prefer us to tailor a tour to your preferences, get in touch here so we can keep your preferences in mind when planning your trip to Xiamen!

Further Reading

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  • How to Plan a 10-Day Itinerary in China (Best 5 Options)
  • 8 Days in China: Top 15 Tours and Itineraries (2024/2025)
  • China Weather in January 2024: Enjoy Less-Crowded Traveling
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  • China Weather in August 2024: Weather Tips & Where to Go
  • China Weather in September 2024: Weather Tips & Where to Go
  • China Weather in October 2024: Where to Go, Crowds, and Costs
  • China Weather in November 2024: Places to Go & Crowds
  • China Weather in December 2024: Places to Go and Crowds

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China

  • Day Tour from Cruise Port
  • Day Trip to Yongding Hakka Tulou
  • 3 Days Xiamen City Tour
  • 5 Days Xiamen & Mount Wuyi

Gulangyu Island

  • Hulishan Fortress

South Putuo Temple

  • Zhangjiajie

Top 10 Things to Do in Xiamen

Xiamen, located on the southeast coast, is known as one of the most popular tour destinations in China. With beautiful seaside scenery and pleasant weather, it is perfect for a vacation in all seasons. How delightful it is to appreciate the beautiful Gulangyu Island, sunny beaches, the featured Tulou buildings, unique local customs and delicious seafood here! So pick the following list to learn best places to visit and top things to do in Xiamen.

Gulangyu Island, Xiamen

Return to School Time in Xiamen University

Xiamen University

Zengcuoan Village

South Putuo Temple

Ride a Bike along Huandao Road

Fujian tulou tour.

Fujian Tulou

Yunshuiyao Ancient Town

Watch sunset on baicheng beach.

Baicheng Beach, Xiamen

Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street

Jimei school village.

Jimei School Village

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Xiamen Attractions & Things to Do

Xiamen Attractions | 13 Things to Do in Xiamen 2024

Located on the east coast of China and southeast of Fujiang Province, Xiamen is a charming and graceful “Garden on the Sea”. With the all-year-round spring-like weather, it is one of the cities with the best environment in China, suitable to travel all year around. The UNESCO World Heritages - Spaceship-like Hakka Tulou Clusters and Gulangyu Island are two highlights you can’t miss during your Xiamen Tour. Moreover, Nanputuo Temple, Xiamen University, Huandao Road cycling and arcade buildings on Zhongshan Road, etc. would absolutely make your trip more colorful.

Now, Check the following Top 13 Things to do and attractions in & near Xiamen to make your fresh Xiamen trip complete, from islands, building groups, beaches, temples, gardens and world heritage sites.

No.1: Immersing Yourself in the “Gallery of Architecture” - Gulangyu Island

Gulangyu Attractions

Panoramic View of Gulangyu from Sunlight Rock

Xiamen Attractions

Gulangyu Organ Museum (Eight Diagrams Building)

• Type : Island

• Recommended Length of Visit: at least half day

• Address : Gulangyu Island, Siming District, Xiamen (厦门市思明区鼓浪屿)

After the Opium War, people from western countries continued to pour in Gulangyu Island . Churches, schools, mansions, businesses and consulates crowded on less than 2 square kilometers’ Gulangyu Island. Chinese and Western cultures struck a wonderful spark on this exquisite “Sea Garden”.

Gulangyu Island, a UNESCO world cultural heritage and national 5A tourist attraction, is renowned for its ancient relics, variable Chinese and Western buildings and delicate natural beauty. Tourists may explore the island on foot.

Tracing the hundred-year-old history by visiting the Shuzhuang Garden, Organ Museum, Hi! Heaven!, etc. Exploring buildings from all nations through wandering around Guxin Road, Quanzhou Road, Anhai Road, etc and encountering the Catholic Church, the Union Church and Sanyi Church on Gulangyu Island. After tracking all day, slow yourself down in the late afternoon. Climbing on the top of Sunlight Rock , besides overlooking and having a panoramic view of Gulangyu Island and roofs of different styles, you can also enjoy the sea wind blowing on the face in the splendid sunset. See all the attractions & highlights on Gulangyu Island >>

• Popular Xiamen Gulangyu Tour : ✔ 2 Days Xiamen City Tour with Gulangyu Island

No.2: Visiting UNESCO World Heritages Hakka Earth Buildings - Fujian Tulou

Xiamen Attractions Nearby

"Four Dishes and One Soup" - Tianluokeng Tulou Cluster

Xiamen Attractions Nearby

Tulou Inside Structure

• Type : Architectural Buildings, World Heritage Site

• Sites : Nanjing County, Yongding County, Hua'an County

Fujian Tulou is a large residential buildings. Following the oriental philosophy of "Harmony of Nature and Humanity", earth buildings are built either leaning the mountains or along the rivers, which means visitors can not only enjoy the master buildings, but also immerse in the idyllic scenery (terraced fields or scenery of water village) around. The architectural style is primitive and boorish, but beautiful and peculiar in shapes. The function of Tulou is complete and practical. The structure of Fujian Tulou is high on the outside and low on the inside. There are buildings within the building and rings within the ring, with functions such as ventilation, daylighting, earthquake resistance, sound insulation, heat preservation and defense.

There are more than 30 kinds of earth buildings in Fujian , such as round buildings, octagonal buildings and gauze cap buildings, etc. On July 6, 2008, Tulou in Fujian province was officially inscribed on the World Heritage List. It consists of 6 tulou clusters and 4 independent earth buildings, with 46 in total in Yongding , Nanjing and Hua'an County. Top famous Tulou are including “Four Dishes and One Soup” Tianluokeng Tulou Cluster, variable and stylized Hongkeng Tulou Cluster, “Tulou Great Wall” Nanxi Tulou Cluster and the largest and with most rings “Earth Building King” - Chengqi Tower, etc.

• Popular Xiamen Tulou Tour : ✔ 5 Days Cultural Tour to Xiamen & Fujian Tulou

No.3: Making Wishes at Nanputuo Temple (South Putuo Temple)

Xiamen Attractions

  • South Putuo Temple

Xiamen Attractions

Tianwang Palace

• Type : Religious Sites, Temples

• Recommended Length of Visit: 1-2 hours

• Address : No. 515, South Siming Road, Siming District (厦门市思明区思明南路515号)

Surrounded by a graceful sea and the Wulao Peaks, Nanputuo Temple is a national key Buddhist temples in Han areas and one of the eight scenic spots in Xiamen. South Putuo Temple is adjacent to Xiamen University. It is one of the most prosperous temples in Xiamen. With thousand-year-old, the temple was first built in the late Tang Dynasty and was called Sizhou Yard. During the Reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Shi Lang recovered Taiwan and garrisoned in Xiamen. He built the Great Mercy Hall to worship Guanyin, and changed the name of the temple to Nanputuo, matches the Guanyin Dojo on Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang province.

After entering the mountain gate, the vast Lotus Pond and the Release Pond come into view, and many citizens have a rest here. Main buildings on the central axis, the Temple of Heaven, Daxiong Palace, the Hall of Great Mercy and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts, are lined up in a row and raised against the hill layer upon layer. The apricot glazed tiles on the double eaves flying ridges set off against the verdant ancient trees, which makes the scenery quite solemn and magnificent.

Every year on February 19, June 19 and September 19 on the lunar calender, grand Buddhist events are held in Nanputuo Temple. Many devout men and women would hold incenses in their hands and bow down to worship, praying for health and wealth in the following year. Visitors may also have a chance to taste the famous vegetarian dishes inside the temple.

• Popular Xiamen Tour : ✔ 3 Days Classic Xiamen and Fujian Tulou Tour

No.4: Enjoying Food and Arcade Buildings at Zhongshan Road Walking Street

Xiamen Attractions

Arcade Buildings on Zhongshan Road

Xiamen Attractions

Delicious Herbal Jelly

• Type : Pedestrian Street, Food, Shopping

• Recommended Length of Visit: 1 hour

• Address : No. 56, Zhongshan Road, Siming District (厦门市思明区中山路56号)

Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street is the oldest commercial street in Xiamen. Buildings here are arcades, with pink and milky white as the main colors, which are full of Nanyang style.The colorful and splendid night view, dazzling and various Fujian Taiwan snacks are also major features of the street. Bapopo Herbal Jelly and Huang Zehe Peanut Soup are famous snack bars worth trying. Moreover, it’s also a good place to buy souvenirs.

The Pizza Hut restaurant on the 24th floor of the Coast Mansion and the restaurant on the 6th floor of Lujiang Hotel are said to be the best place to appreciate the night view of Gulangyu Island.

• Popular Xiamen Tour : ✔ 3 Days Joyous Xiamen & Tulou Tour with Huandao Road Cycling

No.5: Cycling along Huandao Road

Xiamen Attractions

Cycling along Huandao Road

Xiamen Attractions

Huangcuo Beach along Huandao Road

• Type : Cycling, Road Trip

• Address : Huandao Road, Siming District (厦门市思明区环岛路)

Xiamen Huandao Road is built along the coast from Xiamen University to the Old Convention and Exhibition Center, which is called the " Golden Coastline ". Huandao Road is also known as the Five-color Road: the blue sea, golden beach, green grass, red trail and gray highway. Along the road there are many scenic spots, such as Hulishan Fortress, Coconut Village, Zeng Cuo An, International Convention and Exhibition Center and Wuyuan Bay, etc. On the sea side of the road, there are sculptures of different styles, such as "Gulangyu Wave", "Meditation of Sea" and "Choice", which are of great ornamental value. Renting a bike and cycling along the road has special charms. The most beautiful part is from Coconut Village to the Convention and Exhibition Center, which takes about 40 minutes by bike.

No.6: Wandering around the Most Beautiful University in China - Xiamen University

Xiamen Attractions

Xiamen University

Xiamen Attractions

Lover Valley Reservoir in Xiamen University

• Type : University

• ORecommended Length of Visit: 1-2 hours

• Address : No. 422, South Siming Road, Siming District (厦门市思明区思明南路422号)

Backed by the Wulao Mountain and half surrounded by sea, Xiamen University is adjacent to the ancient South Putuo Temple and Baicheng Beach. The campus is well-known as " The most beautiful university in China " for its unique architecture and beautiful scenery. With the South Putuo Temple on one side, and Hulishan Fortress and bathing beaches on the other side, Xiamen University has scenic spots such as Yingrong Lake and Lover Valley Reservoir , etc. There is a saying that goes like “If you want to approach romantic relationships with people you love, Xiamen University is the perfect place”. Especially on the beach outside the school gate, new couples often take wedding photos there, which makes many visitors regret why they are not spending their college years at Xiamen University.

• Popular Xiamen Tour : ✔ 2 Days Xiamen Essence Tour with Nanjing Tulou

No.7: Trekking the History of Hulishan Fortress (Huli Mountain Fort)

Xiamen Attractions

Hulishan Fortress

Xiamen Attractions

• Type : Historic Sites

• Address : No. 2, Zeng Cuo An, Siming District (厦门市思明区曾厝垵2号)

Located on the southern coast of Xiamen Island, Hulishan Fortress guarded the Chinese shore for over a century now. It was recognized as an important historical site and preserved by the government. First built in 1894, during the Guangxu reign in the Qing Dynasty, it has always been an important landmark in the island’s history.

In Hulishan Fortress, you’ll have in-depth exploration of the granite castle, which occupies an area of 13.000 square meters, a commanding tower, an ammunition depot, a sentry platform and barracks. Hulishan Fortress has the largest and smallest forts in the world . There are two types of fort structure in Hulishan Fortress, the half bunker type and the half city wall type, and both with the European and Chinese architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. “Wanggui Platform” and “Pangui Platform” are built at the front of the fort. Visitors can look through binoculars at Dadan and Erdan Islands, which are under the jurisdiction of Kinmen.

No.8: Experiencing the Authentic Local Life at The Eighth Seafood Market

Xiamen Attractions

Fresh Seafood in the Morning

Xiamen Attractions

Fruits and Vegetables Selling in the Marekt

• Type : Local Market

• Address : No. 6, Yingping Road, Kaihe Avenue, Siming District (厦门市思明区开禾路营平路6号)

The Eighth Market , as an old landmark, is the busiest, largest and most complete seafood market in Xiamen. It has been a seafood distribution center since the 1920s and 1930s. Visitors may experience the most authentic local life there. Situated close to No.1 Pier of Xiamen, various and complete seafood is the highlight of the Eighth Market. Price friendly shrimps and crabs, rare wild sharks and giant deep-sea fishes were already filling the stalls before 7 in the morning. In the evening, when the setting sun shines on the dappled arcade buildings, Xiamen people are used to coming to the Eighth Market to buy fresh vegetables, strolling in front of the fruit stands full of litchi, mangosteen and mango, or packing a few authentic snacks to satisfy their appetite, and bargaining in Hokkien for more discounts.

As an important site of Xiamen, it carries numerous "Old Memories of Xiamen". The Eighth Seafood Market is also one of the most popular markets for local people. There is not only seafood that can be found in the market place, but also fruits, vegetables, desserts, snack vendors. Visitors may indulge themselves in the search for the ancient Xiamen flavor that was hidden in the market. Read more details about Top 8 Xiamen Activities >>

No.9: Meeting Variable Plants at Xiamen Botanical Garden

Xiamen Attractions

Rain Forest World in Xiamen Botanical Garden

Xiamen Attractions

Xiamen Botanical Garden - Sand Plant Area

• Type : Park, Botanical Garden

• Address : No. 25, Huyuan Road, Siming District (厦门市思明区虎园路25号)

Commonly known as "Wanshi Botanical Garden", Xiamen Botanical Garden is a botanical garden carefully designed around the Wanshiyan Reservoir. The park includes more than 20 specialized gardens and planting areas, such as coniferopsida garden, rose garden, palm garden, large cactus garden, flower hall and orchid parterre, etc., and has cultivated more than 6,000 kinds of tropical and subtropical plants. The Rain Forest World and the Sand Plant Area are especially worth visiting. The misty and foggy Rain Forest World looks like a fairyland with a beautiful tropical landscape. Besides plants, the park also gathers stone carvings, lakes, lawns, temples and other scenic spots. Visitors can overlook half of Xiamen Island from the highest point of the New Steles Forest.

No.10: Appreciating Typical School Buildings in Jimei School Village

Xiamen Attractions

Jimei School Village

Xiamen Attractions

Architecture of Jiageng Style

• Type : Architecture, Park

• Address : No. 1, Jiageng Road, Jimei District (厦门市集美区嘉庚路1号)

Founded by the famous patriotic overseas Chinese leader Chen Jiageng, Jimei School Village is the general name of various schools and cultural institutions in Jimei District. Glazed tiles covering dragon ridges and phoenix eaves, red bricks and black stones built corridor arches, buildings in the district integrate Chinese and Western styles into one. Jimei Middle School , Qidao South Building and Nanxun Building in Jimei Overseas School are representatives of architecture of Jiageng Style with high ornamental value. The popular scenic spots in the School Village include Ao Garden, Dragon Boat Pond, Former Residence of Chen Jiageng, Jiageng Park, etc., which can be visited on foot.

No.11: Wandering around the Hot Innovative Cultural Village - Zeng Cuo An

Xiamen Attractions

Zeng Cuo An

Xiamen Attractions

Delicious Sea Food in Zeng Cuo An

• Address : Zeng Cuo An, Siming District (厦门市思明区曾厝垵)

Zeng Cuo An is known as "the most exquisite and artistic village in China". It used to be a pristine fishing village, and now has become a hot innovative cultural village. Modern and quaint blocks blend together, with so many unique shops gathered on the street, you can eat, shop, take pictures and wander around the street all day. Besides the artistry of the village, food is another thing that attracts countless visitors to come. 5 streets and 18 lanes in Zeng Cuo An are filled with a variety of snacks and dazzling fruits. Once. It is also the gathering place of featured guesthouses . There are traditional courtyards, baroque-style villas, quaint and unique folk fishing houses, and lively and personalized youth hostels. When night fell, folk songs and bars dominated the village. It’s a good place to experience the vibrant nightlife in Xiamen.

No.12: Relaxing Yourself at Riyuegu Hot Spring Resort

Xiamen Attractions

Riyuegu Hot Spring

Xiamen Attractions

• Type : Resort, Hot Spring

• Recommended Length of Visit: at least half a day

• Address : No. 1888, Fulian Road, Haicang District (厦门市海沧区孚莲路1888号)

Located in the Tangan of Dongfu Town, Haicang District, Riyuegu Hot Spring Resort is seated at the intersection of 324 National Road and Fulian Road. With convenient traffic and quiet environment, Riyuegu Hot Spring Resort enjoys a superior geographical environment. The overall area of this resort is about 260,000 square meters, including Riyuegu Hot Spring Theme Park, Riyuegu Hot Spring Hotel and Riyuegu Hot Spring Private Club. It is a comprehensive tourist resort integrating sightseeing, leisure and recuperation, business conference, sports and fitness, ecological teaching and publicity for environmental protection. There are more than 100 outdoor hot spring pools and 40 kinds of specialty hot springs in the Hot Spring Park . Besides, interesting activities like sand painting for children, painted fans, DIY, etc. are very suitable for children to try.

More detailed information about Riyuegu Hot Spring Resort, please feel free to contact us >>

Top 13: Strolling around the Starting Point of the Maritime Silk Road - Quanzhou

Xiamen Attractions

Ancient Quanzhou West Street

Xiamen Attractions Nearby

Kaiyuan Temple

• Type : Ancient City, Architecture, Culture

• Recommended Length of Visit: 0.5-1 day

• Quanzhou Distance from Xiamen : about 85km, takes about 0.5-1 hour by high speed trains

The thousand-years history of Quzhou ancient city is hidden behind the walls and below the tiles. Since the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Quanzhou West Street has always been a place crowded with merchants. Within a radius of two kilometers, religious and historical sites (Religious sites for Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Islamic and even Hindu can all be found) of different dynasties are dotted here and there. Quanzhou is also often considered as the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road .

The history and culture of the city exist not only in objects, but also in ordinary life. Stepping on the uneven stone road in the old city, the Nanyin music which originates in the Tang Dynasty comes from the side of the Confucian Temple. The muppet appears with the clanging of gongs in the alley, and young people are making pour-over coffee in old-age houses. An international city with a compatible flavor of east and west is the unique heritage of Quanzhou.

• Popular Xiamen Quanzhou Tour : ✔ 2 Days Quanzhou Marine Culture Tour from Xiamen

How to Plan Your Xiamen Tour

Most visitors prefer to spend 2-4 days covering the highlights of Xiamen City and surrounding. They usually spend one day visiting the best attractions in the city area including Gulangyu Island, South Putuo Temple, Hulishan Fortress, Zhongshan Road, etc. And enjoy 1-2 days to Fujian Tulou clusters in Nanjing and Yongding to see the famous earthen buildings listed as World Cultural Heritage. If you want to explore Xiamen deeply, plan 1 more day to discover Huandao Road, Jimei School Village, The Eighth Seafood Market, Wanshi Botanical Garden, etc. !

✔ 2 Days Xiamen City Tour with Gulangyu Island

Besides, you can also plan as many other visitors to spend 5-6 days visiting Wuyishan together with Xiamen and Fujian Tulou to appreciate more natural and cultural charm of Fujian Province.

✔ 5 Days Xiamen, Nanjing Tulou & Mount Wuyi Discovery Tour

If you are interested in photography, you can add 2-4 days to shoot Xiapu Mudflat in Ningde.

✔ 4 Days Fujian Xiapu Mudflat Photography Tour

If you want to discover more culture and nature highlights to Fuzhou , Quanzhou , etc., plan 1-2 more days for each destination.

Beyond Fujian, China boasts a lot of wonderful nature, culture, history and city charm to discover, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chengdu, Huangshan, Hangzhou, Yunnan, etc. Extend your Fujian trip to more popular destinations to enrich your exploration of China in one go!

► Check more popular Xiamen Tour Packages

Gulangyu Island in Xiamen

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Recommended Xiamen Tours

Top 3 Xiamen tours chosen by most customers to explore Xiamen in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.

Mount Wuyi Joyous Jiuqu Stream Rafting

5 Days Xiamen, Fujian Tulou & Mount Wuyi Discovery Tour

Xiamen / Nanjing Tulou / Yongding Tulou / Xiamen / Wuyishan

Tianluokeng Tulou Cluster

3 Days Classic Xiamen and Fujian Tulou Tour

Xiamen / Nanjing Tulou / Yongding Tulou / Xiamen

Gulangyu Island

5 Days Xiamen & Fujian Tulou Highlights Tour

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Must-see attractions in Xiamen

xiamen travel blog

Nanputuo Temple

This Buddhist temple complex on the southern side of Xiamen is one of the most famous temples among the Fujianese, and is also considered a pilgrimage…

Bailuzhou Park

Xiamen positions itself as China’s most liveable city and this huge green expanse on an islet north of town is a quiet exclamation mark on that claim…

Kaihe Lu Fish Market

In the old district of Xiamen, this tiny but lively market sells various (weird) sea creatures to a backdrop of qílóu (骑楼, shophouses) and a church…

Húlǐ Shān Fortress

Across Daxue Lu, south of Xiamen University, is this gigantic German artillery post built in 1894. You can rent binoculars to peer over the water to the…

Xiamen University

The Xiamen University was established with overseas Chinese funds and has beautiful republican-era buildings and an attractive lake. It’s a good place for…

Overseas Chinese Museum

Aside from acting as a refuge from the city, this is an ambitious celebration of China’s communities abroad, with dioramas, street scenes, photos, props…

Baicheng Beach

You can rarely swim here due to council restrictions, but there are few more convenient places in the city to enjoy a beautiful natural environment than…

Railroad Culture Park

The charming 3km walking trail on an abandoned railway track in this park makes a welcome change from the crowds of the city. It is reached by bus 1, 15,…

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West Lake (xihu) park in Fuzhou, China. The Chinese text translates "West Lake Park"

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May 15, 2024

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Day 1 | Morning

Hulishan fort.

Opening Hours: Open from 8:00am-5:30pm

Ticket Price: 25 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 1-2 Hours

Location: No. 2, Zengcuo Road, Siming District, Xiamen

Xiamen Hulishan Fortress Scenic Spot was built in Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Reign, 20th Year. The fort is located at the outskirts in Xiamen's southeastern end. The geographical location is very important. Hulishan Fortress is a product of the Westernization Movement of China. It is the "world's oldest 19th-century coast gun that is still preserved at its original site" and was listed in the 2000 World's Guinness Book of Records. At 10:00 and 16:00 daily, there are performances by the guards at the Hulishan Fortress.

Reviews from Real Guests: User: I visited Hulishan Fort during China spring festival. A great historical place where the details of the events that took place are well recorded and described to the visitors. the giant german cannon is the most attractive part of this tourist site. User: one of the nice place to visit in Xiamen

Day 1 | Afternoon

Having the chance to enjoy the charming Hulishan Fort, Gulangyu Island next to it is another great place that you will never want to miss!

Gulangyu Island

Opening Hours: Gulangyu 5 major attractions: Sunlight Rock, Haoyue Garden, Shuzhuang Garden: 5:30-20:30 (winter), 5:30-21:00 (summer); Organ Museum, Lettering Art Museum: 8:15-17: 45 (winter), 8:15-18:15 (summer). 2, round-trip ferry tickets: day: 7:10-17:30 (winter), 18:30 (summer); night flight: 17:30 (winter), 18:50 (summer) - the next day 6:30. 3 Gulangyu World Hall of Fame attractions: 8:30-17:30. 4. Gulangyu Red Carpet Wax Museum: 9:00-22:30

Ticket Price: Free

Recommended Length of Stay: 1-2 Days

Location: Gulangyu, Siming District, Xiamen City

Gulangyu Island is a tiny island located on the estuary of the Chiu-lung River, facing the city of Xiamen . It is a Unesco World Heritage Site that used to be an important window for Sino-foreign exchanges during the 19th and 20th century. The island is a popular attraction for architecture enthusiasts, providing a mixture of different architectural styles including Traditional Southern Fujian Style, Western Classical Revival Style and Veranda Colonial Style. You can hike up the Sun Rock to overlook the whole island, take a walk in the Shuzhuang Garden (including the Piano Museum) which is one of the finest Jiangnan classical gardens, visit the Hao Yue Garden containing architectures from the Ming Dynasty (including a statue of national hero Zheng Chenggong), the organ museum, and the international letter carving art museum. Don't forget to send yourself a postcard from the future at local stores! User: Gulangyu island was very charming. I had some trouble as an English speaker finding the ferry terminal, but got there eventually! It’s listed as “Xiamen Youlun Center Xiagu Wharf” on Apple Maps and “International Cruise City” on English Didi. You’ll need your passport to buy a ticket. I just chose the soonest departure time listed on the board (which was leaving about an hour after I bought my ticket). Price was 50 RMB. I went through security and waited for my ferry. The gate was listed in English on the ticket. Boarding was 10 minutes before the departure time. Ferry ride was about 20 minutes. I wasn’t sure which port on Gulangyu I was going to,but ended up at NeiCuoAo. Gulangyu is beautiful! Lots of gorgeous plants and gardens, old European architecture, Chinese market-style shops, and some western style cafes. All the signs have English as well. I started by wandering a bit, and then I went to Sunlight Rock (the highest point on Gulangyu). Entrance was 50 RMB, but also gave me access to a temple at the bottom of the rock. The view was beautiful, but there were lots of steep steps so be prepared to sweat! After that, I wandered some more and then went to Huangan Park (listed as Zheng Chenggong Giant Stone Statue on Apple Maps). This is where the white big statue you can see from Xiamen is. There is also a small beach. Entrance fee was 10 RMB, but you could only pay through their wechat mini program. A nice security guard helped me click through what I needed to do. There was a golf cart shuffle system throughout the island but I didn’t feel like figuring out how it worked. I also enjoyed walking around and taking everything in as I walked site to site. I could have spent more time wandering around, but a thunderstorm was on its way, so I headed back to the ferry. The GangXin ferry is for Xiamen locals only. I took the YuSan QiuTian ferry back. I did not have to purchase a new ticket, they just scanned my departure ticket again. highly recommend as a day trip!

Miss_Traveler: I was lucky enough to have this holiday for free!!! There is a whole community that live on this little island! I mean, there are no cars, maybe 1 or 2 that are used for transportation of goods. Where do I start.... first of all, the architecture is amazingly stunning. It’s actually British style buildings because of the history behind that island. There aren’t normal roads, they are actually pathways that look like alleyways. You can walk through the entire island via them. From watching how pearls are found to yummy Taiwanese treats and food, you won’t want to miss this experience. Once you book your ferry ticket to the island, your whole journey is about to change! You can see Hong Kong from the ferry while you just enjoy the ride. There are lots of friendly people who live on the island who will want show you a whole range of sea creatures, some of which I’ve seen for the first time in my life! Make sure you get some of those tasty sweet treats I mentioned, they come in beautiful boxes and different flavors. I did not have enough time, as usual, so I’ll definitely be going back there! 😊👌🏻

Day 1 | Evening

Don’t forget to book Hotel Indigo Xiamen Haicang in advance, because all the tourists head to Gulangyu Island love staying at it.

Hotel Indigo Xiamen Haicang

The Hotel Indigo Xiamen Haicang was recently opened in 2022, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Xiamen .

The hotel is only 12km from Xiamen Railway Station and 19km from Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. Just a short walk from Haicang Adminitrative Center Metro Station, traveling to most city destinations is a breeze. Keeping busy is easy, with Cangjiang Theater, Haicang Ertong Gongyuan Hudie Ecological Park and Qile Square all nearby.

After a long day of sightseeing, guests can retire to the comfort of the hotel. Guests of this Xiamen hotel can make use of the parking facilities.

Check Availability

Day 2 | Morning

Xiamen botanical garden.

Opening Hours: Botanical Garden opening hours: 6:30-18:00 Rainforest World Fog Sen opening hours: October 8 - April 30, 9:00-11:00, 14:00-16:00 May 1 - October 7 8:30-11:00, 15:00-17:00

Ticket Price: 30 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 2-5 Hours

Location: No. 25, Huyuan Road, Siming District, Xiamen

Xiamen Botanical Garden, also known as Wanshi Botanical Garden is set amidst Wanshi Mountain in the Southeastern part of Xiamen Island. It is an integral part of the Gulangyu Islet – Wanshi Mountain National Key Scenic Spot, covering an area of 4.93 square kilometers. The garden has more than ten segments that showcase a variety of rare plants, including Chinese larch, hoop pine, strangely-shaped cacti, and other exotic foliage. In addition to the unique foliage, the park also brings together many natural wonders and human creations, including stone carvings, lakes, lawns, temples, and other attractions. User: This garden is huge, wear comfortable shoes and plan to go around lunch time so you have time to explore it all. I walked around it for about 3 hours and still missed some areas. There are buses that will take you where you want to go around the park if you don’t want to walk. I walked the whole way though. If you are only interested in the succulent garden with the cactuses enter through the west gate. There is also a rain forest this side and if you go a little further you will get to a vine garden that is nice to walk through. I made the mistake of going during the CNY holiday. There were not many people throughout my walk in the park until I got to the succulent garden, then there was a crowd. I appreciated that you didn’t have to stay on one path in the succulent garden, you could walk through the cactuses on the sand to find a good empty spot for photos. Just be careful not to step on the small cacti or prick yourself going between the big ones!

jini : I didn't have a great expectation from the Wonrin Botanical Garden blog, but I couldn't see where I could feel the ambient feeling because the time was not right, but I started taking a exciting photo at the Cactus spot. Recommended if you want to leave!!!

Day 2 | Afternoon

After finishing the tour at Xiamen Botanical Garden, you can head to Riyuegu HotSprings Resort, the most worth visiting place around the corner.

Riyuegu HotSprings Resort

Opening Hours: Open from 10:00am-11:00pm

Ticket Price: 228 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 4-4 Hours

Location: 1888 Fulian Road, Haishu District, Xiamen City

Riyuegu Hot Springs is a well-known hot spring in Xiamen. If you want to relax while in Xiamen, you must consider this hot spring. It has a rich Southeast Asian atmosphere, with a beautiful environment, a large area, a full range of pools, and very clean water. There are rich and bold white wine springs and red wine springs, refreshing and beauty-promoting milk springs and coconut juice springs, healthy and nutritious ginseng springs and angelica springs, as well as romantic rose springs and fog springs. There are also deep and shallow water swimming pools. Fish therapy and sand therapy are also available for an additional fee.

Moon_forest: I went on a shuttle bus. The dressing room, shower room is so good and the smell of shampoo, treatment, body wash and clamping foam is so good ~ The pool is spacious and there is a hanger for each hot spring, so it was good to wear towels and go around. The towels are freshly exchanged if wet. I wrote down my key number, so I paid for it, but it wasn't written in the receipt:) I think there's a bus every couple of hours when I go to work, and every few hours when I come. If you use Xiamen Airlines, take your ticket and get a discount on your ticket! I got a discount and entered 158 yuan per person! I wanted to get a massage, but I couldn't get it because it was expensive. The last picture is the shuttle bus ride! User: This is the most enjoyable place on my trip to Xiamen. Xiamen in December was colder than I thought, and it was really good to be able to put hot springs into the travel course! The children also say that the hot springs are the most memorable. Please go!

Day 2 | Evening

Don’t forget to book Kun City Resort & Spa in advance, because all the tourists head to Riyuegu HotSprings Resort love staying at it.

Kun City Resort & Spa

Kun City Resort & Spa (Xiamen Kuncheng Tang’an Wenquan Dujiacun) is located within easy reach of Riyuegu Hotsprings. Guests can dine on Chinese and Western food at the on-site restaurants. Those traveling on business can take advantage of the meeting rooms and business center. Guests looking to stay active can utilize the gym while those simply wanting to relax can make use of the spa. This Xiamen hotel provides free Wi-Fi in public areas and rooms and free parking on site.

Swimming pool

Day 3 | Morning

Tianzhu mountain forest park.

Opening Hours: 07:30-16:00

Ticket Price: 70 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 0.5-1 Days

Location: Xitang Community, Hongtang Village, Dongfu Town, Haishu District, Xiamen City

Tianzhu Mountain Forest Park is located in the Tianzhu Mountain Forest Farm in the northwest of Dongfu Township, Xinglin District. It is named after a mountainous stone like a pillar. It is a green leisure area. It is called “Xiamen Back Garden”. Some local people are leisurely. I like to come here to climb mountains and get close to nature. The forest park has rich flora and fauna resources, high forest coverage and many wonders. In the park, visitors can carry out activities such as mountaineering and summer recreation.

Day 3 | Afternoon

Now we come to another great highlight in the city: Chengyi Discovery Center.

Chengyi Discovery Center

Opening Hours: Open on Tue-Sun,9:00am-5:00pm;Closed on Mon

Ticket Price: 90 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 2-3 Hours

Location: No.339, Xinglinwan Road, Jimei New City, Xiamen

Chengyi Science and Technology Discovery Center is located at Xinglinwan Road in Jimei District. The exterior of the building is a modern Jiageng style. It consists of a main exhibition hall and a special theater. The basement houses a maritime and an aviation themed restaurant. Chengyi Science and Technology Discovery Center has "Dream Flight Station", "Interplanetary Exploration", "Navigation Lab", "Navy Mobilization" and other exhibition areas.

Day 3 | Evening

For convenient access to more popular attractions, Crowne Plaza Xiamen Jimei Seaview is the best places.

Crowne Plaza Xiamen Jimei Seaview

The Crowne Plaza Xiamen Jimei Seaview was recently opened in 2021, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Xiamen.

The hotel is conveniently located just 10km from Xiamen Gaoqi Railway Station and 16km from Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport. With Emperor Guan Temple, Xizhu Temple and Ludachuyi Culture Art Museum all within a short distance, there is no shortage of things to do in the area.

At the end of a busy day, travelers can unwind and relax in the hotel or go out and enjoy the city. This Xiamen hotel offers parking on site.

If cleanliness is important to you, this hotel makes an excellent choice, as our guests consider this to be one of the cleanest hotels in the city. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling on business.

Airport pickup service

Xiamen Horticultural Expo Garden

Opening Hours: Open from 4/1-10/31,7:30am-7:00pm;Open from 11/1-3/31,7:30am-6:00pm

Ticket Price: 60 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 1-1 Days

Location: Xingqian Road, Jimei District, Xiamen City, Fujian

Xiamen Horticultural Expo Garden is located in Jimei District's Xinglin Bay. The garden is divided into Jiangnan Park, Modern Park, Northern Park, International Park, Lingnan Park, Landscape Park, Public Park, Folk Park, Fujian and Taiwan Park, and so on. Each park has very distinctive features, with unique architecture and plant life; it's perfect for taking pictures.

Day 4 | Evening

Looking for a bed nearby after finishing your journey at Xiamen Horticultural Expo Garden? Wanda Realm Xiamen North Bay is one of your top choices.

Wanda Realm Xiamen North Bay

The Xiamen Jingmin North Bay Hotel (Xiamen Jingmin Beihaiwan Jiudian) is a sprawling property located by the sea, close to Jimei University, College Village and Jiageng Park. An 8-minute drive sees guests to Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport. The hotel's attractive grounds feature blue swimming pools and palm trees and many of the well-appointed, comfortable rooms and suites offer harbor-view balconies that take in the sweeping vistas of Xiamen's North Bay. All rooms feature broadband Internet and Wi-Fi. A large banquet hall is on hand for business and private events and meetings and other facilities include a fitness center, tennis court and spa.

Day 5 | Morning

Xiamen old courtyard scenic spot.

Opening Hours: Open from 01/01-12/31,9:00am-6:00pm

Ticket Price: 120 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 3-5 Hours

Location: No. 9 Huaxia Road, Jimei District, Xiamen City (400 meters south of Xiamen North Station, opposite to Software College)

The two major attractions of the Xiamen old courtyard scenic spot are the Old Courtyard Folk Culture Park and the Southern Fujian Legendary Performance Show. The park and show give insight into the richness of the southern Fujian Folk culture. The Old Courtyard Folk Culture Park shows scenes of typical life for a fisherman in southern Fujian, transporting you back in time and giving you a taste of the local traditional culture. "The Legend of Southern Fujian", a grand indoor performance with actual landscapes as its backdrop tells the unique history of southern Fujian.

Day 5 | Afternoon

Having the chance to enjoy the charming Xiamen Old Courtyard Scenic Spot, Beichen Mountain next to it is another great place that you will never want to miss!

Beichen Mountain

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 09:00-16:30; Weekend 09:00-17:00

Location: Beichen Mountain Scenic Spot, Wuxian Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen City

Beichen Mountain is located in the northeast corner of Tong'an District, Xiamen City, in the territory of Tong'an Wuxian Town, adjacent to Nan'an. There are many humanities and historical sites on the mountain, and the natural landscape is also very good. Here you can learn about the deeds of the five generations of the king and the king, and you can also see the magnificent statue of the king. In addition, there is Wang Gong Temple, where you can burn incense and worship. The environment is elegant and it is a good place for a relaxing holiday.

Day 5 | Evening

Don’t forget to book Wancuo Hotel in advance, because all the tourists head to Beichen Mountain love staying at it.

Wancuo Hotel

The Wancuo Hotel is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. The Wancuo Hotel is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Xiamen.

The hotel is only 8km from Jiaomei Railway Station and 48km from Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. With multiple attractions nearby including Ganlu Temple, Guzhai and Guzhai Reservoir, guests will find plenty to keep themselves occupied.

At the end of a busy day, travelers can unwind and relax in the hotel or go out and enjoy the city. This Xiamen hotel provides parking on site.

Guests tell us the location of this hotel is fantastic.

Day 6 | Morning

Jinguang lake.

Opening Hours: 9:00-16:00

Recommended Length of Stay: 3-3 Hours

Location: Tong'an District, Xiamen City

Jinguang Lake is located in Neitian Village, Lianhua Town, 23 kilometers away from Tong'an City. It is known as "Xishuangbanna in Southern Fujian". There are lush forests and a wide variety of wild animals and plants in the scenic area, which are very precious. The total forest area is 7768 mu, with a high altitude of 845 meters. Tourists can not only enjoy the beautiful natural scenery in the scenic area, but also enjoy the fun of "Forest Oxygen Bar". At the same time, the forest area has high scientific research and tourism value.

Day 6 | Afternoon

After finishing the tour at Jinguang Lake, you can head to Xiamen Fantawild Dreamland, the most worth visiting place around the corner.

Xiamen Fantawild Dreamland

Opening Hours: Open from 11/5-12/30,Mon-Fri,10:00am-5:30pm;Open from 11/5-12/30,Sat-Sun,10:00am-6:00pm

Ticket Price: 299 RMB

Location: No.1111, Shijie South Road, Tong'an District, Xiamen City (near Zhongzhou Bridge)

Xiamen Fantawild Dreamland is a cultural science and technology theme park with high-end technology as the main theme. An amusement park filled with a sense of science and technology, you will definitely enjoy your time here! There are more than a dozen large-scale theme project areas such as Story of the Jungle, the Battle of Jinshan Temple, Light of Life, and Magic Castle. Among them, the Story of the Jungle is a large-scale original magical stage play. Tourists who like to watch the stage play must not miss it. User: This theme park is absolutely amazing, as soon as you enter you will be greeted by a giant majestic water fountain. There are sections for which part of the park so there are separate ticketing queues. there is three parts of it a water park part a amusement park part and an oriental theater part. The water park contained lots of water slides and a playground for children that is filled with water, slides, and water sprinters. There was a okay selection of slides but i wouldn’t complain the fact that there is three parts. There was an area where there was a large pool where everyone can swim. Every 45 minutes the lifeguards put on waves into the water to make it more amusing like your actually in the ocean. The oriental theater was not just one theater but many. The buildings are designed to look like ancient majestic Chinese buildings. The reason is because most of the theaters show animated ancient Chinese stories. There was also a few parts that showcases animated kids short movies. There is also a drop tower in the middle of the oriental theater section. It is inside a tall Chinese style building. Left of it you can also enter the water park part. I didn’t get to check out the theme park section sadly because we ran out of time. But it was absolutely fantastic it is my favorite theme park in China. It definitely deserves 5/5.

Nevy: Spent an entire day. Fun and clean. Many water slides and there's a DJ playing great music at the main pool

Day 6 | Evening

If you want to explore other popular attractions later, Fantawild holiday hotel Xiamen is a suitable place for you to stay and refresh.

Fantawild holiday hotel Xiamen

The Fantawild holiday hotel Xiamen was recently opened in 2022, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Xiamen.

The hotel is 17km from Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport and 35km from Xiamen Railway Station. Keeping busy is easy, with Juezhanjin Mountain Temple, 宇宙博覽會 and Xiamen Fantawild Oriental Heritage all nearby.

This hotel makes a great place to kick back and relax after a long day of sightseeing. This Xiamen hotel provides parking on site.

There's never a dull moment at this hotel, our guests indicate that the facilities are excellent.

Day 7 | Morning

Sunlight rock.

Opening Hours: Open from 10/1-5/31(Winter Time),8:00am-5:30pm

Ticket Price: 50 RMB

Recommended Length of Stay: 1-1 Hours

Sunlight Rock is formed by two boulders standing side by side. The rock is the peak of Gulangyu Island and provides an excellent view of Gulangyu Island. From there, you can see all of Gulangyu Island from end to end and the cityscape of Xiamen. Take a look around; the surrounding scenery is beautiful. If you come in the evening, there are few tourists, and you’ll be able to enjoy a stunning sunset and the scenery. User: Visiting Sunlight Rock in Gulangyu Island was one of the best experiences, had too much fun and was amazing environment and scenery. The ticket for Sunlight rock is 50¥ per-adult, but there are some offers that you pay about 90¥ per-adult and you visit 4 places with one ticket. Going there, you will be taking a ferry from Xiamen to Gulangyu and you will be walking all around the Gulangyu island. It is super nice and fun walking there. User: I visited Sunlight Rock during my Xiamen trip in spring festival. a very beautiful sight. After climbing hundreds of steps, reached the top of the cliff, and from above, you will have a panorama view on the whole Gulangyu island and Xiamen Island. it was an amazing experience

Day 7 | Afternoon

When time permits after visiting Sunlight Rock, don’t forget pay a visit to Xiamen Science and Technology Museum.

Xiamen Science and Technology Museum

Opening Hours: Open from 7/23-12/31,Tue-Sun,9:00am-5:00pm

Recommended Length of Stay: 3-6 Hours

Location: Xiamen Culture and Art Center, No. 95, Sports Road, Siming District, Xiamen

Xiamen Science and Technology Museum is located at the intersection of Xianyue Road and Tiyu Road. It is a science education center that aims to promote scientific knowledge among the general public. It is a very large science and technology museum with a high amount of technical content. The museum has a total of more than 400 items on display and is equipped with a dynamic 4D cinema and a flying cinema, with some amazing experiences available for visitors; visitors with children are especially encouraged to try it out. User: It was really good there were tons of exhibits. What sets this museum apart from many is that it lets you get hands on with the exhibits. Threre were tons of kids there and they were having a fun time because you can put your hands to. For instance there was a robot that can make drawings of photos you can take there. There was also like this 720 degree VR simulation where you get to sit in a robot like car and it will spin and move around according to what’s happening on the VR headset screen. The queue was not long to get tickets maybe around 10 minutes maximum when I was there. After all it was an amazing experience.

Travelsphere: The tickets were overly expensive and the stuff were racist, they denied us to participate in some rides. There was a situation but they didn’t handle it well.

  • Xiamen 7-Days Itinerary: Cheap Flights from Xiamen

Cathay Pacific

* All reviews in the blog are machine-translated.

Table of Content

  • Day 1: Hulishan Fort, Gulangyu Island
  • Day 2: Xiamen Botanical Garden, Riyuegu HotSprings Resort
  • Day 3: Tianzhu Mountain Forest Park, Chengyi Discovery Center
  • Day 4: Xiamen Horticultural Expo Garden
  • Day 5: Xiamen Old Courtyard Scenic Spot, Beichen Mountain
  • Day 6: Jinguang Lake, Xiamen Fantawild Dreamland
  • Day 7: Sunlight Rock, Xiamen Science and Technology Museum

Find What to Do in Xiamen in 7 Days Tour

6 standard price charter boat with exclusive access to a million-dollar surfing boat + experience as captain of the surfing boat + internet celebrity stimulation of tail surfing+ 1-on-1 instructor guidance + optional professional videos and photos.

  • Entry level: no need for swimming basics to unlock Surfing, advanced level: loose rope and brush waves to experience more Surfing skills. Unlock Surfing skills in 1 hour. 1-2 hours to relax rope easily. 3-6 hours. Advanced wave brushing. Charged by the hour. Can carry 6 peers

Xiamen Wuyuan Bay sailing experience [official ticket + sea duration 40-50 minutes]

  • [Wuyuanwan Sailing] Among the many sailing piers in Xiamen, we have specially selected it for you: Wuyuanwan Pier, which is an international yacht and sailing port; the sailing experience is better with the tilting experience of "sea tumbler", not the "big ass" of Gulangyu ferry. Boat" Oh. [Safety is more reliable] The Maritime Safety Administration is responsible for sea safety, and the Road and Bridge Group operates it. Formal border inspections are your solid safety guarantee.

Xiamen, Fujian, Xiangshan / Wuyuan Bay Sailing Experience [Professional captain takes you to ride the wind and waves / parent-child team building selection]

  • The blue paradise of sea and sky will fulfill your dream of being a sailor and enjoy the different memories and exciting experiences of going to sea that day! Watch the jumping fish up close, and if you’re lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of a white dolphin! The tall Bavarian 32-footer can carry 4-10 Standard Price for Surfing! The best choice for family travel is to experience the sea!

Wuyuan Bay luxury speedboat goes out to sea to take you to experience the high-speed sound and waves of the sea

  • [Speed] Speedboats are the “king of sprints” at sea, allowing you to experience the joy of speedboating on the sea. [Voyage Scenery] Take a swim in the sea area of ​​Xiamen and Jinmen, overlooking the big and small Kinmen Islands; Wuyuan Bay - Crocodile Island - Guanyin Mountain - overlooking Kinmen [Safety first] Wuyuanwan Port is specially selected for you, professional and safe

Meeting the sea in Xiamen | Sailing, watching Kinmen from the sea, embracing the sea water up close

  • Play around with Xiamen’s maritime business card and experience local characteristics

Xiamen Yijing Surfing [Weekend] 30-minute electric surfing experience

  • Even if you don't know how to swim, you can experience the speed and passion brought by the "water supercar" electric surfing

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Xiamen Travel Blog

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A Trip to Discover the Face of Hakka Earth Buildings

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Feel the romantic style of Fujian Xiamen

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Tailor-made Your Trip

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Western Beach of GulangYu

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  16. Xiamen

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  17. Best Time to Visit Xiamen for 7 Days Itinerary, What to Do & Where to

    Opening Hours: Open from 8:00am-5:30pm. Ticket Price: 25 RMB. Recommended Length of Stay: 1-2 Hours. Location: No. 2, Zengcuo Road, Siming District, Xiamen. Xiamen Hulishan Fortress Scenic Spot was built in Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Reign, 20th Year. The fort is located at the outskirts in Xiamen's southeastern end.

  18. Travel in Xiamen

    I explored Xiamen City with my bestie Mingchy, who is almost a local in this city:)The places we've been to in this vlog:Nanputuo TempleNanhua RoadShapowei +...

  19. Xiamen Travel Blog: Trip Report & Travel Experience from Experts

    Read about our trip advisor's travel blog on travel to Hakka Tulou, Gulangyu Island & Xiamen City. Their experiences will help you plan a good itinerary. English ... Xiamen Travel Blog. A Trip to Discover the Face of Hakka Earth Buildings. Feel the romantic style of Fujian Xiamen. My Trip to Xiamen in 2012 April.

  20. xiamen Travel Guide

    CHINA - Tulou overnight day trip from Xiaman with a local Tolou stay. Summary: Part of a 24 day China tour. Start in Hangzhou, followed by Shanghai and Suzhou. From there to Tunxi (Huangshan) by plane continued by train to Wuyishan. From here by plane to Xiamen with a three day trip to the Tulou Clusters and back to Xiamen. [read more]

  21. Xiamen Travel Blogs, Photos and Forum

    Xiamen Travel Blogs, Photos from Background: For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation.After World War II, the Communists under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist ...

  22. Life in Xiamen in 2024? : r/chinalife

    Not living in Xiamen but have visited there quite a few times. Checked on Alipay. Can get flights pretty easily from the airport in Xiamen to those places. Nice beaches, but haven't seen many people go surfing or kayaking. Some good hikes just outside of the city. A decent sized expat community and usually hang out around the Marco Polo area.

  23. Klook Promo Code Alert: May 2024 Deals up to 50% off!

    Explore the Best of Korea With Klook's 2024 Travel Guide Know what requirements to prepare, how to get around, and things to do in Korea with Klook's Korea Travel Guide! You can discover, book, and experience the best things to do including attractions, activities, car rentals, SIM cards, and more on Klook.