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12 Pilates Exercises to Work Your Core in 15 Minutes

your journey pilates

Kristin McGee is a certified personal trainer and currently teaches yoga and meditation for Peloton. She is also certified in Pilates by the National Association of Sports Medicine.

your journey pilates

This set of Pilates exercises is designed to provide you with an at-home Pilates routine and help you build familiarity with exercises you can do on a Pilates mat , whether you are new or experienced. These exercises develop the core strength, stability, and flexibility for which Pilates is famous.

The muscular focus for each exercise is noted so you can target your routine. Please keep in mind that all Pilates exercises engage the core abdominal muscles. Feel free to choose any from the list for an ab workout. There are modification notes in the full instructions for each exercise.

The  warm-up set of exercises  are very important in teaching the foundations of Pilates movement. They also prepare the body for safely executing more challenging exercises later. Even if you skip the later moves, choose at least two or three warm-up moves to begin each Pilates routine you do. Put on your leggings , grab a mat, and begin.

Watch Now: Ab Scoop Your Way to a Six-Pack

Exercise : Chest Lift/Ab Scoop

Target area : Abdominals—especially the six-pack or rectus abdominis

This is not a crunch. The abdominals must be pulled way down into a deep scoop as you use them to control a slow, smooth curl up and roll down. Precision in this type of scoop is one of the secrets of Pilates.

The Hundred

Watch now: how to do the classic hundred like a pro.

Exercise : The Hundred

Target area : Abdominals, breathing

Your abdominals will be deeply pulled in, so you will have to use your full lung capacity by breathing into your back and lower ribs. Use your abs to hold yourself up—don't let your neck and shoulders do all the work.

The Roll Up

Watch now: how to do a roll up.

Exercise : The Roll Up

Target area : Abdominals

Use your abdominals to roll up and down with control. Do not rely on momentum or letting your legs lift off the mat. Pilates is about control, and this is where you build that control.

One Leg Circle

Watch now: how to do a one leg circle.

Exercise : One Leg Circle

Target area : Abdominals, thighs, hip flexors

The abdominals keep the pelvis stable as the leg moves. No rocking and rolling! Be sure to use your full range of motion without losing control.

Rolling Like a Ball

Watch now: how to nail rolling like a ball.

Exercise : Rolling Like a Ball

Target area : Abdominals, spinal mobility

Stay in your curve for the whole exercise. Initiate the roll back with the abs and not by falling back or using momentum.

Open Leg Balance

Watch now: challenge your abs with the open leg balance.

Exercise : Open Leg Balance

Target area : Abdominals, hamstring mobility

Use your abdominals and back muscles to control the pose. Try to work with the straightest arms and legs possible. If it doesn't work at first, keep practicing. You'll get there!

The Side Kick Series

Watch now: 4 side kicks to tone your thighs and core.

Exercise : Side Kick Series

Target area : Abdominals, all thigh muscles—especially inner thigh

Work the torso as well as the legs. The ribs should stay supported throughout each repetition. Do not let them sink to the mat.

Front Support/Plank

Watch now: the right way to plank in pilates.

Exercise : Front Support/Plank

Target area : Back extensors, abdominals, shoulders, arms

Stay in one line from your heels to your ears. Though the focus is somewhat on the upper body, if you engage the legs and imagine squeezing the gluteals together, the exercise will be easier.

Watch Now: The Pilates Saw is the Ultimate Stretch

Exercise : Saw

Target area : Hamstrings, inner thigh, obliques, back mobility

Keep your hips anchored and level as you twist to the side. Use opposition when reaching forward so that you also reach back at the same time.

Watch Now: Reward Your Body with the Mermaid Side Stretch

Exercise : Mermaid

Target area : Side stretch

Bend your body directly sideways as you stretch, as though you were between two sheets of glass. Keep the hip on your stretching side down.

Watch Now: How to Do the Swan Stretch for Your Front Body

Exercise : Swan Prep

Target area : Back extensors, abdominal stretch

Swan provides a wonderful counter stretch to the many forward flexion exercises we do in Pilates. This is an everyday move.

Wall Roll Down

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Exercise : Wall Roll Down

Target area : Abdominals, back, and hamstring stretch

Use this exercise as a transition from doing your Pilates routine to carrying good posture into your daily life. Squeeze this move into your daily routine.

Fleming KM, Herring MP. The effects of pilates on mental health outcomes: A meta-analysis of controlled trials . Complement Ther Med . 2018;37:80-95. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2018.02.003

Byrnes K, Wu PJ, Whillier S. Is Pilates an effective rehabilitation tool? A systematic review . J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2018;22(1):192-202. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.04.008

By Marguerite Ogle MS, RYT Marguerite Ogle is a freelance writer and experienced natural wellness and life coach, who has been teaching Pilates for more than 35 years.

A Complete Guide to Pilates for Beginners

Tone, strengthen and lengthen with this simple workout you can try at home.

sportive woman doing yoga exercise for muscle pilates  workout sport and healthy lifestyle concept

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What Is Pilates?

"Pilates is a mind-body exercise that challenges your core and sculpts lean muscle," says fitness instructor Cassey Ho , founder of Blogilates and author of protein-based cookbook Sculpt . Developed by Joseph Pilates, the exercise combines core stabilization, strength, flexibility, balance and proper alignment with concepts like mindfulness, breathing techniques and fluidity of movement.

The workout was initially designed to help injured athletes and dancers return to exercise in a safe manner and also maintain fitness moving forward. "All that pulsing paired with deep mind-muscle connection is what makes Pilates extremely effective," Ho says.

Pilates Benefits

full length of woman exercising with pilates balls on pink background

Ho says that one of the main benefits of Pilates stems from the fact that the workout strengthens your deepest muscles, which are much more difficult to target with other types of workouts. One of the biggest positive benefits is the intense core engagement, which Ho says hits the deepest parts of your abdominals. "A stronger core also helps with better posture which ends up making you look taller and more confident!" Here are just a few of the health benefits you can reap from practicing Pilates:

  • Improved posture, coordination and balance
  • Enhanced flexibility and stabilization
  • Increased muscle strength and control
  • Improved stress management and mind-body connection
  • Enhanced circulation and lung capacity due to deep breathing
  • Balanced strength on both sides of the body

Pilates Tips for Beginners

"Pilates is perfect for beginners, or even someone coming back into fitness after some time off," Ho says. "Literally every move has a modification, so you can take what you need and then level up as you grow stronger." She adds that since Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise, it's also easy on the joints.

Mat Pilates is also a great entry into fitness for beginners since it doesn't require anything else besides a yoga mat , which means it's easy to get started. "All you need to start is some space to move," says Ho. "If you don’t have a mat, just find a soft and sturdy surface to lay on, like carpet. When you’re ready, you can add intensity with resistance bands , light weights , blocks or a Pilates ring."

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When it comes to specific Pilates terms and lingo, Ho says that as you practice you'll quickly learn the names of the moves you love. Some common terms that you may hear frequently used in a Pilates workout include:

  • Pilates stance: This movement involves heels together and toes apart.
  • Midline: An imaginary line from your head to your toes that your instructor will cue you to “hug” to help with balance and engage your core.
  • Tabletop: You begin a few core exercises in tabletop, laying on your back with your legs up in a 90° angle.
  • Tuck: This just means a slight round in the low back to encourage good alignment and core engagement. Booty in, core engaged.

10-Minute At-Home Pilates Workout for Beginners

This short but effective workout is a great entry into Pilates and targets the abdominals. You can try this 10-minute Pilates workout at home right now — no special equipment required. Follow along with the video and read on for Ho's specific instructions on how to properly perform each exercise.

1. The 100s

  • Lay on your back, bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground, stacking your knees over your hips and keeping your shins parallel to the floor.
  • Lift your head and shoulders off of the ground making sure to lift using abdominal muscles by pushing your ribs up and shifting them toward your hips to keep pressure off your head and neck and to keep abs engaged.
  • Extend arms by your sides and pump them up and down, inhaling on a count of four and exhaling for a count of four.

2. Single Leg Stretch

  • Lay on your back, bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground, stacking your knees over your hips and keeping shins parallel to the floor.
  • Lift your head and shoulders off of the ground, making sure to lift using your abdominal muscles, pushing your ribs up and shifting them toward your hips to keep pressure off your head and neck, keeping abs engaged.
  • Extend one leg and pull your opposite leg into your chest, then switch, alternating.

3. Roll-Ups

  • Lay on your back with legs extended, inhale as you lift one vertebrae at a time, rolling your body up to a seated position.
  • Then with control, exhale as you lower back down one vertebrae at a time. To modify this move to be less intense, bend your knees and grab the back of your legs for support as you roll up.

4. Single Leg Drop

  • Lay on your back, bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground, stacking your knees over your hips, keeping shins parallel to the floor.
  • Drop one foot to the floor, lightly tapping your toes, then alternate with the other leg.

5. Double Leg Lift

  • Lying on your back, extend both legs into the air and exhale as you drop both legs towards the floor (but make sure to stop when your legs are in line with your hips). To modify, bend your legs.
  • Start on all fours with knees directly under your hips and hands directly under your shoulders (to increase intensity shift forward slightly).
  • Lift knees off the floor, keeping your hips in line with your shoulders and not lifting up too high.
  • Brace your belly and breathe.

How to Continue Your Pilates Journey

In addition to in-person workouts at your local Pilates studio, there are a variety of on-demand and live Pilates classes available through workout apps and Youtube workout channels .

preview for 10-Minute Pilates DVD Promotional Video

Our sister brand Prevention even offers a 10-Minute Pilates workout DVD ( $27.95 ) that includes six Pilates workouts that focus on breathing, stretching and lengthening your muscles, plus a bonus guide that includes a daily workout schedule. If you're looking for a complete pilates workout program for beginners, Ho offers a 28-day Beginner's Workout Calendar program through her Body by Blogilates app ( $3.99/month for a premium subscription ) that is designed to help anyone just starting out or getting back into exercise.

The Bottom Line

Regardless of whether you commit to a full program or just start to incorporate Pilates into your exercise regimen once or twice a week, Pilates is an incredible total body workout doesn't take much equipment or experience to start.

Headshot of Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N., NASM-CPT

Stefani (she/her) is a registered dietitian, a NASM-certified personal trainer and the director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab, where she handles all nutrition-related content, testing and evaluation. She holds a bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences from Pennsylvania State University and a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from NYU. She is also Good Housekeeping’s on-staff fitness and exercise expert. Stefani is dedicated to providing readers with evidence-based content to encourage informed food choices and healthy living. She is an avid CrossFitter and a passionate home cook who loves spending time with her big fit Greek family.

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A beginner's guide to Pilates: How to get started

All you need to know to prepare for your first Pilates workout

Beginner's guide to Pilates: easy exercises for you and a partner

Is Pilates for you? Pilates regulars testify that it strengthens their core, increases flexibility and improves mobility. Jennifer Anniston and David Beckham are fans. But Pilates isn’t the preserve of celebrities and the super-fit. In fact doctors and physiotherapists frequently recommended it to manage health conditions and recover from injury. Whether you’re able to go to a class in a gym or considering working out at home – it’s accessible to everyone. 

In this beginner’s guide to Pilates I’ll explain what it is, who it’s suitable for, what the benefits are, what you need to get started and how to master some easy exercises. Trying to decide between that and yoga? Head to our Pilates vs yoga explainer to learn the differences.

  • Every beginner needs a mat – and we've found the best yoga mats for yoga and Pilates
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a beginner's guide to pilates

Start your Pilates journey with our easy beginner exercises

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a series of low-impact mat-based exercises designed to improve strength (particularly core strength), flexibility and mobility. The method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s in response to his own childhood health problems. 

Lateral breathing

Pilates uses lateral breathing and it is this form of breathing that strengthens the core muscles and improves posture. 

As you inhale you expand your ribcage sideways and as you exhale you gently suck your belly button towards your spine and contract your pelvic floor muscles, both at around 25% of your maximum effort. Your pelvic floor muscles are the ones you use to stop and start the flow of urine when you go to the toilet.

Who is Pilates suitable for?

Do you need to be super flexible to do Pilates? No – that's a common misconception. In truth, if you need to improve your flexibility then Pilates is the ideal choice. It’s suitable for children, teens, adults and older adults.

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If you begin by focusing on mastering some simple exercises then, in time, you will discover your strength, flexibility and mobility will all improve. Pilates is frequently recommended by doctors and physiotherapists to help people manage their health problems or recover from injury.

Common health conditions that Pilates can help include:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Back problems, including lower back pain
  • Slipped and bulging discs
  • Knee replacements
  • Hip replacements

Pilates for sports people

Pilates is used by top sports people to help them recover from injury as well as improve their performance – tennis player Serena Williams is a fan. 

Pilates is the ideal partner activity for anyone taking part in sport. From football to swimming to running everyone can benefit. Pilates strengthens the core, lengthens the spine, builds muscle and increases mobility around the joints. It also increases levels of body awareness, so that every movement is performed with thought and consideration for the whole body.

Pilates for pregnancy

Pilates during pregnancy can be very beneficial in reducing unwanted aches and pains, such as back pain. Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles to make it easier to carry a baby during pregnancy. Post-natal Pilates helps to rebuild the weakened abdominal muscles and regain pelvic floor strength, restoring the body to full strength.

Pilates for pregnancy is adapted to suit the body as it changes throughout pregnancy so make sure you find a class that is taught by someone who is qualified to teach pre-natal and post-natal mums.

Pilates: what are the main benefits?

  • Stronger core and better posture In each Pilates workout you will find that by engaging the core muscles with every repetition you will stabilise the spine, improving the way you sit, stand and move.
  • Increased muscle strength and flexibility You can eliminate muscle imbalances in the body by using carefully chosen Pilates exercises that target weak or inflexible muscles.
  • Improved joint mobility Pilates exercises will get you moving your joints through a healthy range of motion on a regular basis. This will help you move more easily all the time, in everyday life.
  • Heightened sense of wellbeing As you concentrate fully on each Pilates exercise your mind will become better connected to your body and your overall feelings of wellness will increase.

Best clothing for Pilates

Pilates doesn’t demand any specialist clothing, just something that won't restrict your movements. 

The ideal clothing for Pilates could be:  

  • A T-shirt 
  • Leggings or jogging bottoms
  • Socks if your feet tend to get cold

Best Pilates equipment

Equipment is minimal. All you will need is a mat to lie on (I recommend the Core-Fitness Mat 10mm , but check out T3's guide to the best yoga mats for more options).

You might also find it handy to have a small towel to use under your head to keep your neck aligned and a bottle of water to keep you hydrated. If you don’t want to invest in a mat then even a thick towel will suffice to get you started. If you are working out at home with a video or as part of a live-streamed class then you’ll also need a phone, tablet or laptop.  

To sum up, your Pilates kit might consist of:

  • A mat, such as a yoga mat
  • A small yoga towel
  • A bottle of water (see the T3 guide to the best gym water bottle )
  • Phone, laptop or tablet if you're doing Pilates at home

Best Pilates exercises for beginners

Why not give Pilates a try now? Here are some simple Pilates exercises you can try at home. We think that these are some of the best Pilates exercises for beginners.

Lateral breathing: For each exercise, use the lateral breathing technique explained above. As you breathe in, try to expand your ribcage sideways. As you breathe out, gently suck your belly button towards your spine and contract your pelvic floor muscles.

Supine position: To start each exercise, first lie down on your back with your arms by your sides. Begin with a neutral pelvis, legs hip distance apart, knees bent, with both feet flat on your mat. It is called the supine position.

Great for: improving your breathing

Pulse your arms up and down in small movements inhaling for 5 pulses and exhaling for 5 pulses. Try to pulse as slowly as you can to increase your lung capacity.

Repeat 10 times (100 breaths).

Single leg circle

Great for: improving hip mobility and pelvic stability

Lift one leg into a tabletop position with your knee bent at a 90-degree angle and your shin parallel with the ceiling. Inhale to prepare. Exhale as you circle your hip towards the edge of the mat, inhale as you circle your hip towards your bent knee. Aim to draw half the circle as you exhale and half the circle as you inhale.

Repeat 5 times in each direction on both legs.

Great for: improving spinal mobility and increasing hamstring strength

Inhale to prepare. Exhale as you lift your bottom from the mat and then continue to lift the rest of your spine one vertebra at a time. Inhale when your knees, pelvis and shoulders align. Exhale to lower.

Repeat 5 times.


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your journey pilates

Pilates: A beginner's guide

Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and levels of fitness, making it the perfect workout for newcomers.

Pilates has a number of health benefits, including improving muscle strength, releasing tension in the body and improving posture.

Gemma Folkard, founder of Shape Pilates, has shared her expert advice on how to start your Pilates journey as a beginner.

How often should you be practising Pilates if you're new to it?

When you first start, try to take it slow and avoid pushing yourself too hard.

"It depends on what type of Pilates, there are so many iterations of it these days, from a fiery group reformer session, to gentle stretchy mat classes to the classical method," Gemma states. "It depends on the intensity and class length. I would focus on regular Pilates as part of your lifestyle over going too hard and regretting it - it's counterintuitive doing an hour of exercise that leaves you sofa-ridden for 2 days, rather than moving your body daily with good form and just enough challenge."

How often should you practise to improve your fitness?

"Aiming for 2- 3 strong Pilates classes a week should up your strength, flexibility and mobility after a few months," the expert recommends.

Is there a type/style of Pilates all beginners should try?

Pilates is known for being an accessible workout, as it is suitable for everyone from beginners to professionals.

"Mat-based Pilates is great for beginners - the fact that you only need a mat makes it really accessible," Gemma states. "Plus, it's a pure form of movement. Controlling your body in space with nothing to push and pull against (like with reformer) is a great way of encouraging the Pilates mind/body connection, and finding strength in functional movements."

Is Pilates and walking enough exercise for the average adult?

Pilates and walking are effective and easy exercises to incorporate into your daily routine.

"Pilates and walking can definitely be the framework to your movement routine, but the real work is integrating exercise throughout your day," Gemma says. "(Consider) walking to the supermarket and ditching the online delivery, taking the stairs, or using your lunch break to go on a brisk walk."

The fitness pro also recommends strength training using weights, especially if you're over 40, because this helps "to improve metabolism, maintain bone density and maintain healthy muscle mass and connective tissues".

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When: 13 Feb 2024 **Only for use by WENN CPS**


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7 Rekomendasi Tempat Pilates di Jakarta dengan Fasilitas Lengkap

Published On 02 Jun 2024

Kalau mau latihan fisik atau olahraga low-impact, pilates bisa jadi pilihan. Pilates punya lebih dari 600 varian gerakan dan latihan, mulai dari mat sampai reformer untuk memperkuat core, perbaiki postur tubuh, dan keseimbangan otot tubuh.

Nah, kalau kamu lagi cari tempat atau studio pilates di Jakarta yang nyaman dengan fasilitas serta instruktur berpengalaman, berikut ini rekomendasinya. 

Body Connection Pilates Studio

Lokasinya ada di beberapa tempat, yakni di Kemang, Kelapa Gading, dan Pluit. Body Connection Pilates Studio kasih 1x free trial .

Kamu akan didampingi trainer profesional. Untuk kelasnya sendiri terdiri dari semi privat dan kelas privat. Alat-alatnya lengkap, mulai dari reformer, ladder barrel, dan lainnya. Untuk cabang di Kemang, alamatnya di Plaza Adorama Jl kemang Raya No. 17, Bangka. 

Bumi Pilates & Movement

Studio pilates di Jakarta selanjutnya ada Bumi Pilates & Movement. Lokasinya di Pakubuwono dan di Menara BTPN Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. Cocok banget nih buat pekerja kantoran!

Ada beberapa pilihan paket, dari private class, group class, dan private duet. Untuk first timer, Bumi Pilates & Movement punya paket Intro Pack Rp500.000 untuk 3 kali kelas. 

KX Pilates Indonesia

Lokasinya di lantai 2 cafe Crumble Crew. KX Pilates Indonesia merupakan franchise dari Australia yang terbagi untuk beginner dan intermediate. Jadi, nggak perlu khawatir kalau kamu masih baru banget cobain pilates. 

Kalau mau coba dulu, KX Pilates Indonesia punya special offer Rp450.000 untuk 3 kali kelas. Kelas yang paling terkenal adalah dynamic reformer pilates yang didampingi trainer profesional. 

Selain alat yang lengkap, ada juga shower dan changing room. Apalagi lokasinya di SCBD, jadi pulang pilates kamu bisa siap-siap kerja, deh!

Cardea Physiotherapy & Pilates

Studio pilates di Jakarta lainnya adalah Cardea Physiotherapy & Pilates. Mereka memiliki latihan pilates yang komprehensif. Sebut aja, ada pilates for sport performance, clinical pilates untuk penderita skoliosis dan HNP, hingga pilates for pregnancy. 

Serunya, di Cardera Physiotherapy & Pilates ini, kamu bisa konsultasi dulu untuk tahu tipe exercise mana yang paling cocok. Lokasinya ada di Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru, dan Cilandak Town Square. 

Aalaya Pilates

Rekomendasi studio pilates yang punya alat reformer di Jakarta adalah Aalaya Pilates di Plaza Senayan, Jakarta Pusat. Mereka juga punya mat class dengan maksimal 8 student per class. 

Kalau kamu masih pemula, cobain kelas di level 1 yang akan ditemani instruktur andal. Harga pilates reformers di Aalaya Pilates jakarta adalah Rp450.000 untuk single class. Kamu bisa cobain dulu paket 3 trial classes dengan biaya Rp800.000

The Body Project

Rekomendasi studio pilates Jakarta Selatan selanjutnya adalah The Body Project. Lokasinya di Gedung Ruko Bungur, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan.

The Body Project cocok banget buat kamu yang mau pilates bareng teman-teman. Ada paket Group Reformer Pilates dengan biaya Rp285.000 untuk single visit atau Private Inner Circle Class Rp1.100.000. Bisa disesuaikan sama budget kamu.

Liv+ Pilates

Salah satu tempat pilates di Jakarta Pusat adalah Liv+ Pilates. Datanglah ke Menteng Central Lt. 2, Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 78, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Buka dari Senin sampai Sabtu, pukul 07.00 - 21.00 WIB.

Di sana, kamu bakal ketemu instruktur terbaik yang bisa bantu rancang program pilates. Liv+ Pilates menawarkan pelatihan eksklusif dari institusi terkenal, seperti Stott Pilates, Polestar Pilates, Balanced Body, dan Fletcher Pilates. 

Itulah rekomendasi studio pilates terdekat di Jakarta untuk kamu datangi. Sudah nentuin tempat pilates yang mana? Lebih suka group atau private class? 

Berangkat atau pulang pilates jadi makin nyaman dengan naik Silverbird. Nikmati perjalanan dengan supir profesional yang siap antar kamu ke tempat tujuan. Pesan Silverbird sekarang lebih gampang lewat aplikasi MyBluebird . 

Tinggal masukin alamat jemput dan tujuan, pilih pembayaran cash atau dompet digital, lalu masukkan kode promosi yang cuma ada di MyBluebird. 

Download aplikasinya sekarang!

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7 Rekomendasi Tempat Pilates di Jakarta denga...

02 Jun 2024

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01 Jun 2024

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Developed from the rehabilitation techniques of Joseph Pilates, Pilates is a safe, sensible exercise system using a floor mat or specialized equipment, that will improve your posture and strength. Safe for most everyone, Pilates improves core strength, flexibility, agility and economy of motion. Pilates is a natural fit with our goal of helping our patient’s achieve their optimal biomechanics- minimize pain and optimize their function!

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“i love how pilates can transform peoples lives”.

Donna is a qualified Pilates instructor based in Stockport, UK.

A passionate Pilates instructor, she teaches mat based classes suitable for people of all levels.

In addition to a successful Pilates blog she also has a hugly popular YouTube channel, with hundreds of free online workouts.

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Pilates Instructor Courses Open for Registration

June 27, 2023.

MOSCOW, Idaho — Registration is open for classes in the Body Arts and Science International (BASI) Pilates Teacher Trainings Program this summer at University of Idaho.

The program, offering discounted enrollment until Saturday, July 1, gives students in-depth knowledge of Pilates theory, exercises and skills to teach up to advanced clients in equipment and/or mat-based repertoire. The program aims to set up graduates for a career in the Pilates industry but is open to all.

“The complete training program greatly expands repertoire to support more client needs, ultimately expanding career opportunities for participants,” said Melanie Meenan, coordinator of the Pilates education program at U of I. “As a globally recognized training program, BASI offers a strong foundation steeped in academic excellence and innovation. The BASI program teaches about proper body mechanics, muscle focuses, cueing strategies, anatomy and exercise modifications to support movers of all abilities.”

Past students have later taught Pilates at fitness centers, worked in physical therapy clinics, developed private studio businesses and benefitted from the international BASI network of instructors and studios.

The training modules will be taught by Lauren Hovik, a faculty member with BASI Pilates and U of I alumna. Hovik began her Pilates training as an Exercise Science and Dance student at U of I, and went on to train under many mentors, including BASI founder Rael Isacowitz, on her journey to becoming faculty with BASI. She now teaches the training globally.

The Comprehensive course, held in the newly opened Integrated Pilate Movement Lab on campus, includes 72 hours of lecture, movement analysis and practice over 12 modules, held July 28-30, Aug. 4-6, and Aug. 12-18. Completion of the course modules, practice hours and testing results in earning a Comprehensive Pilates Teacher certificate from BASI Pilates. An early bird discounted rate of $3,800 for the Comprehensive course is offered until Saturday, July 1; the cost increases to $4,200 afterward.

The Mat course consists of six modules, each four hours in length, happening July 28-30 and Aug. 4-6. The mat-only course option is $1,100.

U of I students may access practicum/internship credit options, as well as networking and job placement opportunities. On-campus final testing is available at no additional charge.

Media Contacts: 

Melissa Weitz Director of Recruitment and Communications College of Education, Health and Human Sciences 208-885-4140 [email protected]

Melanie Meenan Department of Movement Sciences College of Education, Health and Human Sciences 208-885-2184 [email protected]

About the University of Idaho

The University of Idaho, home of the Vandals, is Idaho’s land-grant, national research university. From its residential campus in Moscow, U of I serves the state of Idaho through educational centers in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls, nine research and Extension centers, plus Extension offices in 42 counties. Home to nearly 11,000 students statewide, U of I is a leader in student-centered learning and excels at interdisciplinary research, service to businesses and communities, and in advancing diversity, citizenship and global outreach. U of I competes in the Big Sky and Western Athletic conferences. Learn more at uidaho.edu .

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Rael Isacowitz


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Established in 1989 by world-renowned Pilates Educator, Rael Isacowitz , BASI has been a leader in top-tier Pilates education for 30 years and counting.

BASI (Body Arts and Science International) is dedicated to remaining true to art, to science, and, most importantly, true to Joseph and Clara Pilates.

With a reputation for innovation and academic excellence, BASI strives to provide the most comprehensive Pilates education experience and educational resources available.

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Awakening Your Body's Potential for Health and Rejuvenation with Jennifer Pilates Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates

  • Self-Improvement

Send us a Text Message.Discover the secrets to not just slowing down the aging process, but actually reversing it! Join me, Jennifer Pilates, your guide through a soul-stirring journey toward peak health and rejuvenation. This episode is not just another health podcast; it's your ticket to a transformative experience where empirical science meets spiritual wisdom. We zero in on the revolutionary technology of stem cell activation patches, revealing how they could help you turn back your biolo...

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  • © 2024 Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates

Your Journey Pilates

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  • What is Pilates

Pilates is a form of controlled movements, done slowly and with lower reps to help improve core strength, lengthen and tone the body, improve flexibility and assists with pain and injury prevention. Emphasis is placed on alignment, mind-body connection, breathing and balance and coordination. Pilates is not about being the fastest or doing the most reps.

During a Pilates Workout , the entire body is worked from head to toe, with a strong emphasis on abdominal activation.  Exercises are taught and performed to help reduce lower back and neck pain, focusing on activating the correct muscles and breathing into the movement.

Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20 th  century, mostly as a method of injury recovery. 

In our modern world where we are more sedentary than ever, sitting at desks for longer and using our mobile devises more. The prevalence of postural issues and overuse syndrome is far more common. Many people are out of alignment due to long periods of sitting which shortens and stiffens joints making movement difficult and increasing pain. 

Pilates is often called the ‘thinking exercise’. The main goal to awaken body awareness from inside out and strengthen the body’s core muscles. 

Through our classes you will learn the fundamental postural principles of Pilates while becoming aware of your own body’s alignment with the aim to improve alignment, longevity as well as physical strength.

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Blinken Hints U.S. May Accept Ukrainian Strikes in Russia With American Arms

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken made his remarks after some European leaders called on President Biden to lift the restrictions he has imposed on Ukraine’s use of U.S. weapons.

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A man and woman, both in suits, entering a formal room.

By Edward Wong

Reporting from Chisinau, Moldova, while traveling with the U.S. secretary of state

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken suggested on Wednesday that the Biden administration could be open to tolerating strikes by the Ukrainian military inside Russia using American-made weapons, saying that the United States would “adapt and adjust” its stance based on changing conditions on the battlefield.

Mr. Blinken said that the United States had neither encouraged nor enabled such attacks. But he said that the Ukrainians needed to make their own decisions on how to best defend themselves — a position he has stated before — and that the U.S. government had “adapted and adjusted as necessary” as the war evolves.

When asked by a reporter whether his words “adapt and adjust” meant the United States could support attacks by Ukraine with American-made weapons inside Russia, he said, “Adapt and adjust means exactly that” — meaning those words, signaling flexibility from Washington.

Since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Washington has sent the Ukrainians military aid but has repeatedly asked that they not fire U.S.-made weapons into Russian territory for fear of escalating the war.

Several European leaders have called on President Biden to stop imposing those limits , among them Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Emmanuel Macron, the president of France.

Mr. Blinken made his remarks in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, while standing beside Maia Sandu, the nation’s president, who is expected to face a pro-Russian candidate when she runs for re-election in October. The two spoke to journalists after an afternoon meeting in the presidential offices.

“Our neighbors, our friends in Ukraine, they pay an outrageous price on a daily basis,” Ms. Sandu said.

Mr. Blinken announced new aid to Moldova to address a range of issues arising from Russian aggression, including its invasion of Ukraine.

The first of two packages mentioned was $50 million in broad support for Moldova’s industry and government, as well as for democratic processes. Mr. Blinken mentioned the energy and agriculture sectors, and the need to combat disinformation.

“What’s so powerful here is the deep and deep-rooted commitment to democracy,” Mr. Blinken said, “in the face of bullying from Russia.”

Ms. Sandu thanked Mr. Blinken for American help in fighting corruption, building renewable-energy infrastructure and addressing the “adversities of democracy,” a nod to Russian election interference.

The second aid package mentioned was $85 million to help Moldova increase its energy resiliency and reduce its dependence on electricity generated in a Russian-backed separatist region in the east, Transnistria. These funds, part of a $300 million commitment previously announced by the United States Agency for International Development, would help Moldova strengthen its battery storage capabilities and high-voltage transmission lines, among other energy needs, Mr. Blinken said.

Moldova recently ended its reliance on natural gas imports from Russia and now buys gas from a number of countries, including the United States.

Mr. Blinken’s visit to Chisinau was the first stop in a trip aimed at showing U.S. support for nations facing a hostile Russia. Mr. Blinken is going next to the Czech Republic, where he is scheduled to attend a meeting of foreign ministers and top officials of NATO on Thursday and Friday. They plan to discuss how to best support Ukraine.

This trip follows Mr. Blinken’s overnight visit to Kyiv more than two weeks ago.

Ms. Sandu has advocated Moldova’s entry into the European Union, and has scheduled a referendum on the question for the same day as the presidential election in October.

U.S. and European analysts say Moscow is likely to try to interfere in the election, as it has done elsewhere in Europe. The Biden administration has spoken publicly of Russian agents carrying out such interference using different means, from hacking to orchestrating campaigns over social networks to doling out money to favored politicians.

About 1,500 Russian troops are in Transnistria, which borders Ukraine. U.S. officials are watching for any signs that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia might try to annex the territory.

The NATO session in the Czech Republic is officially aimed at firming up the agenda for a meeting of alliance leaders in Washington in July. The group is not expected to declare that Ukraine will now join NATO, an aspiration that Mr. Zelensky has reiterated following the Russian invasion. They are, however, expected to work out details for moving Ukraine along the process of joining.

As Russian troops press an offensive in Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, the Ukrainian war effort has been flagging, in large part because of a shortage of weapons and munitions. There are also fewer citizens able to join the fight.

Mr. Biden recently signed a bill passed by Congress, despite some Republican opposition, that grants new military aid to Ukraine.

Russia is producing munitions at a rapid rate, and U.S.-led sanctions have failed to cripple its military industrial capabilities. Mr. Biden and his aides say China has played a decisive role in bolstering Russia through exports of dual-use equipment and other goods that have allowed it to strengthen weapons production. Mr. Blinken is expected to highlight China’s support for Russia in his discussions at the NATO meeting in Prague.

Edward Wong is a diplomatic correspondent who has reported for The Times for more than 24 years from New York, Baghdad, Beijing and Washington. He was on a team of Pulitzer Prize finalists for Iraq War coverage. More about Edward Wong

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

The decision by the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia  with American-made weapons fulfills a long-held wish by officials in Kyiv  that they claimed was essential to level the playing field.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggested that Ukraine’s use of U.S.-supplied arms could expand beyond the current limitation  to strikes in the Kharkiv area.

Top Ukrainian military officials have warned that Russia is building up troops near northeastern Ukraine , raising fears that a new offensive push could be imminent.

Zelensky Interview: In an interview with The New York Times, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine challenged the West  over its reluctance to take bolder action.

Fleeing a War Zone: A 98-year-old Ukrainian grandmother stumbled past corpses and bomb craters  to escape Russia’s attacks.

Russia’s RT Network : RT, which the U.S. State Department describes as a key player in the Kremlin’s propaganda apparatus, has been blocked in Europe since the war started. Its content is still spreading .

How We Verify Our Reporting

Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .


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  1. Your Journey Pilates

    Your Journey Pilates. 229 likes. Build strength, tone and lengthen your body through the principles of Pilates. Your Journey Pilates is for everyone - whether you're starting your fitness journey,...

  2. Pilates Palmerston North

    Here at Your Journey Pilates, we welcome people from all levels from beginner to advanced. We provide a safe space with a strong focus on quality movements, with particular emphasis on mind-body connection. Our goal is to ensure you get the most out of your workouts. With regular sessions you will strengthen, lengthen and tone your body while ...

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  4. Bookings are now up on the website,...

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  6. Classes

    10 class concession $180. Payment can be made by cash or directly into our bank account Your Journey Pilates 06-0746-0306487-04. Please advise prior to attending whether you have any injuries or pain. See you on the mat! Please note: classes are for any age and ability - Whether you have injuries or niggles - we can cater for you.

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    Lift one leg into a tabletop position with your knee bent at a 90-degree angle and your shin parallel with the ceiling. Inhale to prepare. Exhale as you circle your hip towards the edge of the mat ...

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    7 Rekomendasi Tempat Pilates di Jakarta dengan Fasilitas Lengkap. Published On 02 Jun 2024. Kalau mau latihan fisik atau olahraga low-impact, pilates bisa jadi pilihan.Pilates punya lebih dari 600 varian gerakan dan latihan, mulai dari mat sampai reformer untuk memperkuat core, perbaiki postur tubuh, dan keseimbangan otot tubuh.. Nah, kalau kamu lagi cari tempat atau studio pilates di Jakarta ...

  16. Meet Your Instructor

    Meet Your Instructor Stephanie Gilchrist. Trained Suna Mat Pilates Instructor (Internationally Recognised) Hey everyone, I'm Stephanie, one of Your Journey Pilates Instructors. I have been enjoying Pilates since my daughter was around 6 weeks old (she's now 18) and found it really helped me get back into fitness while looking after my physical and mental wellbeing.

  17. Pilates

    Pilates. Developed from the rehabilitation techniques of Joseph Pilates, Pilates is a safe, sensible exercise system using a floor mat or specialized equipment, that will improve your posture and strength. Safe for most everyone, Pilates improves core strength, flexibility, agility and economy of motion. Pilates is a natural fit with our goal ...


    START YOUR JOURNEY. VIDEO LIBRARY. TESTIMONIALS. LET'S CONNECT. More. Where do you want to be? Whether you work better one-on-one or in a group setting, I will hold the space for you to grow. ... Currently teaching sessions at Pure Pilates - Arroyo grande. $400 - 5 Privates. $700 - 10 Privates. $1,2 00 - 20 Privates. $80 - Single Private ...

  19. Pilates Moves You

    Donna is a qualified Pilates instructor based in Stockport, UK. A passionate Pilates instructor, she teaches mat based classes suitable for people of all levels. In addition to a successful Pilates blog she also has a hugly popular YouTube channel, with hundreds of free online workouts. Donna Finnie. Visit YouTube Channel.

  20. Your Ultimate Pilates Journey: Transform Your Body and Uplift Your

    Your Ultimate Pilates Journey: Transform Your Body and Uplift Your Spirits. Join our vibrant Pilates community that celebrates every step of your fitness journey. Tailored workouts, empowering routines, and a supportive community await you! Connect with like-minded individuals, celebrate wins, and unleash your inner powerhouse!

  21. Pilates Instructor Courses Open for Registration

    June 27, 2023. MOSCOW, Idaho — Registration is open for classes in the Body Arts and Science International (BASI) Pilates Teacher Trainings Program this summer at University of Idaho. The program, offering discounted enrollment until Saturday, July 1, gives students in-depth knowledge of Pilates theory, exercises and skills to teach up to ...

  22. About BASI • BASI™ Pilates

    ABOUT BASI. Established in 1989 by world-renowned Pilates Educator, Rael Isacowitz, BASI has been a leader in top-tier Pilates education for 30 years and counting. BASI (Body Arts and Science International) is dedicated to remaining true to art, to science, and, most importantly, true to Joseph and Clara Pilates. With a reputation for ...

  23. Clarity Pilates

    Our simple, intuitive library lets you choose targeted workouts so get what you need, when you need it. Choose workouts to strengthen low-back, relieve muscle tension, decrease stress, restore inner calm, and more. Plus we add more workouts every month! Enjoy the benefits of Pilates workouts at home with online Pilates Mat classes and Personal ...

  24. Book Now

    To book into a class, please enter your details below. Please note: We will email to confirm class availability and your booking.

  25. ‎Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates: Awakening Your Body's

    Send us a Text Message.Discover the secrets to not just slowing down the aging process, but actually reversing it! Join me, Jennifer Pilates, your guide through a soul-stirring journey toward peak health and rejuvenation. This episode is not just another health podcast; it's your ticket to a transfo…

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  27. What is Pilates

    Pilates is often called the 'thinking exercise'. The main goal to awaken body awareness from inside out and strengthen the body's core muscles. Through our classes you will learn the fundamental postural principles of Pilates while becoming aware of your own body's alignment with the aim to improve alignment, longevity as well as ...

  28. Blinken Hints U.S. May Accept Ukrainian Strikes in Russia With American

    Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken made his remarks after some European leaders called on President Biden to lift the restrictions he has imposed on Ukraine's use of U.S. weapons.