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Antilopen Gang

Alles muss repariert werden

2LP / 2CD / 2MC / Digital

VÖ: 13.09.2024

Wir haben zwei (!) neue Alben im Kasten. "ALLES MUSS REPARIERT WERDEN" ist nicht nur unsere sechste HipHop-Platte, sondern auch unser längst überfälliges Punkrock-Debüt. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um ein schnödes Crossover-Experiment, sondern um das erste Hälfte-Rap-Hälfte-Punk-Doppelalbum der Musikgeschichte. Und: Das Punk-Album enthält keine Interpretationen alter Lieder, sondern ausschließlich neue Songs, auf denen nicht gerappt, sondern gesungen oder geschrien wird. Ein Meilenstein! »ALLES MUSS REPARIERT WERDEN« erscheint am 13. September 2024 auf Antilopen Geldwäsche.

Antilopen Gang Antilopen Air 2024

Antilopen gang alles muss repariert werden tour 2025, antilopen gang live sommer 2024.

Danger Dan - Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt (Live)

Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt (Live in Berlin)

Bobby Fletcher - Vielleicht ist es besser so

Bobby Fletcher & Koljah

Vielleicht ist es besser so.

Antilopen Gang - Antilopen Geldwäsche Sampler 1 (Cover)

Antilopen Gang

Antilopen geldwäsche sampler 1.

Danger Dan - Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt (Cover)

Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt

Antilopen Gang - Abbruch Abbruch. Ab 24.01.2020 überall erhältlich.


Antilopen Gang - Abbruch Abbruch. Ab 24.01.2020 überall erhältlich.

Abbruch Abbruch

Koljah - Aber der Abgrund

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Aber der Abgrund

Danger Dan - Reflexionen aus dem beschönigten Leben

  • CD / Vinyl im Antilopen Shop
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Reflexionen aus dem beschönigten Leben

Antilopen Gang - Anarchie und Alltag

Anarchie und Alltag

Antilopen Gang - Abwasser

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Antilopen Gang - Aversion

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Der Ekelhafte

NMZS & Danger Dan - Aschenbecher

NMZS & Danger Dan


Danger Dan - Dinkelbrot & Ölsardinen

Dinkelbrot & Ölsardinen

NMZS - Egotrip

Koljah & NMZS

Motto mobbing.

Koljah - Publikumsbeschimpfung


L'avantgarde - Remixtape

Koljah, NMZS & Pitlab

L'avantgarde - das remixtape.

Koljah & Danger Dan - Traurige Clowns

Koljah & Danger Dan

Traurige clowns.

Panik, Koljah & NMZS - Spastik Desaster

Panik, Koljah & NMZS

Spastik desaster, oberbürgermeister, sympathie für meine hater, oktober in europa, trotzdem (live in berlin), eine aufs maul (live in berlin), ingloria victoria (live in berlin), ölsardinenindustrie (live in berlin), nmzs & danger dan, sowas von nichts feat. illmatc, der stoff aus dem legenden sind, die fette lady, alles soll dunkel sein, filmriss (knochenfabrik cover), antilopen geldwäsche, danger dan & max herre, mir kann nichts passieren, panik panzer, diy ceo / sí claro feat. fatoni, eine gute nachricht, der ruf ist ruiniert, lied gegen kiffer, wünsch dir nix, koljah gang, hauptsache kohle, eine aufs maul, sand in die augen, liebe grüße, patientenkollektiv, das trojanische pferd, beate zschäpe hört u2, der goldene presslufthammer, news­letter.

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Antilopen Gang

  • Antilopen Gang

Antilopen Gang is probably the most political hiphop band in Germany, and so they ask for nuclear bombs on Germany, the abolition of the 'pig state' and world peace through pizza. Their 2017-released album Anarchie und Alltag debuted on No. 1 of the German album charts.

The Antilopen Gang consists of Koljah, Danger Dan and Panik Panzer. Contrary to other gangs, they do not claim any certain territory, but they do have gang-typical identity marks such as tattoos, language codes and their own humor. And as in every gang, all members are brothers, of course - Panik panzer and Danger Dan even biologically.

The first encounter is significant for the roots of the musicians: Their paths crossed in 2003 at the foundation meeting of a left-radical hiphop network. At this time they believed they could face reactionary tendencies in the genre and so the network brought rap to the stages of alternative youth centers and scruffy punk venues all over the country on a regular base.

When Koljah, Danger Dan and Panik Panzer founded Antilopen Gang together with their friend NMZS in 2009, they had left their flat political rap past behind them. Agitation and paroles were exchanged for adlibs and punchlines. The gang released various albums and EPs according to the D.I.Y. principle in different constellations. Their chaotic, but relatively intact world got distressed in March 2013, when band member NMZS ended his life. However, after this tragedy the gang did not disperse, instead they returned to the stage after a short break and demonstrated their persistence.

About Antilopen Gang

Genres: Hip-Hop , Rap

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antilopen gang tour 2023

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Antilopen Gang — Tour 2024-2025, Tickets, Konzerte, Interviews

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187 Shows in 83 Städten / 4 Ländern

29.10.2010 - 07.03.2025

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16.08.2024 - DE-Münster, Domplatz

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12.09.2024 - DE-Potsdam, Waschhaus

Tour 2024-2025


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ANTILOPEN GANG - Die Diktatur des Lumpenproletariats

Antilopen gang, anarchie und alltag / atombombe auf deutschland.

Sie mischen nicht nur JKP, dieses einst im Sinne des Punkrock gegründete Label aus Düsseldorf, ganz gehörig auf als erste Rap-Band unter dem Dach der DIE TOTEN HOSEN-Großfamilie. Sie mischen überhaupt die Musikszene dieses Landes auf. Was wahrscheinlich ist: Die drei Jungs von der – nein, nicht Opel-Gang! – ANTILOPEN GANG wird „Anarchie und Alltag“ endgültig in die oberen Sphären des Popgeschäftes katapultieren. Und das nicht nur, weil sie so wunderbare Arrangements draufhaben, wie sie den Rap moderner Prägung auszeichnen – Samples, düstere Indiepop-Verschnitte, Soul-Anleihen, Oldschool-Beats –, sondern vor allem weil sie ihre wichtigen Botschaften intelligent, wahnsinnig gewitzt, mit Charme und Chuzpe vermitteln. Sie hauen PEGIDA-Chef Lutz Bachmann in die Pfanne. Sie rasieren den ehemaligen Rap-Kollegen Deso Dogg alias Denis Cuspert, der zum Islam konvertierte und mittlerweile dem IS angehört. Sie machen sich über die Medien lustig, die in der Mehrheit unfähig sind, Probleme zu benennen und zu handlen und die schon ein paar HipHop-Dudes brauchen, um zu zeigen, was die gute Seite ist. Und sie nehmen mittlerweile zwar Teil an Rote-Teppich-Abenden, aber dort stehen sie dann eher abseits und beobachten und lachen über all das Gehabe und Getue der Wichtigmenschen. Dazugehören wollen sie nicht. Wer da immer noch meint, eine Band wie die ANTILOPEN GANG gehöre nicht in ein Magazin wie das Ox, der hat Sinn und Zweck von Punk nicht verstanden. Punk hat im grundsätzlichsten aller Sinne schließlich nichts mit Musik zu tun, sondern mit Haltung. Und die Haltung Koljas, Panik Panzers und Danger Dans ist maximal punkig. Sie ist gut und richtig und wichtig. Und das Entscheidende: Diese drei halten mit ihr nicht hinterm Berg. Sie hauen sie raus und machen Sarkasmus zu ihrer Waffe. So etwas zeichnet seit jeher relevante Künstler aus. Und dann gibt es da ja noch diese Bonus-Platte mit dem martialischen Namen „Atombombe auf Deutschland“, die gemeinsam mit dem regulären Album veröffentlicht wird. Das klingt schon reichlich überspitzt und bewegt sich in der Tradition der guten alten „Schlachtrufe BRD“-Tage. Und tatsächlich werden die Antilopen auf dieser LP nun auch musikalisch zu Punks – mit der Hilfe von Ikonen wie Bela B., Peter Hein, Campino oder Dirk „Dicken“ Jora, die genau wissen, wie es damals, in der Anfangszeit, als das alles losbrach mit „No Future“, gelaufen ist. Ein Dutzend ihrer eigenen Songs präsentiert die ANTILOPEN GANG hier im Kreissägen-Gewand und macht dabei einen umwerfenden Eindruck. Einen, der vermittelt, dass die drei neben einer Heidenehrfurcht vor ihren Kollaborationspartnern auch einen Heidenspaß an diesem Projekt gehabt haben. Nein, es lässt sich nichts Schlechtes sagen über die ANTILOPEN GANG. Was sich sagen lässt, das ist: Willkommen im Club!


Abbruch, Abbruch

Geigen kratzen einen hinein in den Opener „Der Ruf ist ruiniert“. Und es wird schnell klar, so nachdenklich und mitunter tragisch retrospektiv waren die drei Rapper aus Düsseldorf, die sich seit drei Alben im Management-Schoße des DIE TOTEN HOSEN-Labels JKP befinden, noch nie. Der Aufstieg zu Stars der Szene bekommt durch die im ersten Song verarbeitete Erinnerung an den 2013 nach Suizid verschiedenen Ex-Kollegen Jakob „NMZS“ Wich sowie die grundehrliche Schilderung der Seelenkämpfe der Übriggebliebenen in der Zeit danach einen düsteren Beigeschmack. Es folgen Lieder über Trennungen, übers Scheitern, übers Aufgeben und über Kultkneipen, die dichtmachen und mit denen ein Stück Veedelsromantik und Subkultur stirbt. Nein: Punk spielt auf „Abbruch, Abbruch“ keine Rolle – das war auf dem Vorgänger „Anarchie und Alltag“ ja noch anders. Damals, 2017, gab es gar noch eine Bonusplatte, auf der die Antilopen-Songs in den Punkrock-Kosmos überführt wurden. Aber Verweise unter anderem auf Campino und Co. („Wünsch dir nix“) gibt es immer noch. Und allein das „Lied gegen Kiffer“, in dem das Trio sarkastisch den – früher selbst betriebenen – Kiffer-Kult durch den Kakao zieht und gleichzeitig die öffentliche Verdammung des Grasrauchens kritisiert, ist von der Attitüde her absolut Punk. Das zeigte der gigantische, einkalkulierte Shitstorm, der über die Band nach der Veröffentlichung des Songs hereinbrach.


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Everyone Who Joined Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce in Rhode Island: Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Bradley Cooper and More

The hangout marks the first time Swift and Kelce have been seen together since a mid-July Eras Tour show in Germany

Gotham/GC; DAMEBK/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images

Fresh out of ending the European leg of her Eras Tour, Taylor Swift is spending quality time with boyfriend Travis Kelce and their friends.

The “I Can Do It with a Broken Heart” singer and the NFL star, both 34, reunited in Rhode Island to hang out together along with several of their famous friends and those pals’ children over the weekend.

Swift and Travis were first spotted in the area on Saturday, Aug. 24, in photos shared by TMZ . The hangout marked the first time the couple had been seen together since mid-July, when the Kansas City Chiefs star attended his  13th  and 14th Eras Tour shows in Germany.

Among the people at the star-studded gathering were Blake Lively , 37, and Ryan Reynolds , 47, who were photographed sharing a kiss .

Cindy Ord/Getty

Lively and Swift have a friendship that dates back to 2015 . Since then, Lively and Reynolds have attended several of Swift's tours .

Meanwhile, Swift has featured their kids in her music, with their daughter James having a voice cameo on Reputation track "Gorgeous” as well as James, Inez and Betty being mentioned on her folklore album.

Travis' brother, Jason Kelce and wife Kylie Kelce also joined the fun in Rhode Island, as seen in photos shared by TMZ and Daily Mail .


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Bradley Cooper , 49, and his daughter Lea, 7, were also at the Saturday hangout, per photos shared by The Daily Mail . The actor grew close to Swift through his relationship with Gigi Hadid , 29.

In May, Cooper and Hadid were spotted on a date night during the singer’s Eras Tour concert in Paris, where they hung out with Travis. 

Taylor Hill/Getty; Gilbert Flores/WWD via Getty

Chief’s quarterback Patrick Mahomes and wife Brittany Mahomes , both 28, and their daughter Sterling, 3, also made an appearance at the summer gathering, according to photos obtained by the outlet.

Swift and Brittany have cultivated a friendship since Swift started dating Travis in 2023, as the two regularly spent time together at NFL games.

Brittany and Patrick caught Swift on tour this year during stops in Amsterdam and London, with all four of them going on a double date .

Jamie Squire/Getty Images

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A source close to Swift and Travis told PEOPLE in July that “they really are very, very happy together."

The source added, "It’s funny to their friends because at first everyone wondered what they had in common, but you realize how similar they are. They both wear their hearts on their sleeves and are all-in with everything they do, whether it’s with career, family or friends."

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Antilopen Gang - Alles muss repariert werden Tour 2025, © links im Bild

Antilopen Gang - Alles muss repariert werden Tour 2025

Mit dem Konzert im Kölner Palladium am 21.02.2025 kündigt die Antilopen Gang ihre erste Show unter dem Motto „ALLES MUSS REPARIERT WERDEN“ an. Dass es sich bei den Antilopen um eine außergewöhnliche Liveband handelt, konnten sie in nunmehr 15 Jahren Bandgeschichte ausreichend unter Beweis stellen. Ob sie allerdings eine Rapcrew oder eine Punkband sind, haben sie selbst nicht immer ganz verstanden. Folgerichtig kann sich auch ihr am 13.09.2024 erscheinendes Doppelalbum „ALLES MUSS REPARIERT WERDEN“ nicht festlegen, denn es besteht aus einer Rap- und einer Punkplatte. Das größe Konzert, das die Antilopen Gang je in Köln gespielt hat, dient als weiterer Versuch, herauszufinden, wer oder was diese Band eigentlich ist. Wie auch immer das ausgeht, was auch immer passiert – am Ende wird alles repariert worden sein.

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How Santa Clara’s James Ranch Became a CA Model for Helping Incarcerated Kids

EDITOR’S NOTE: For the past two weeks, we’ve published stories from the series by John Kelly for the Chronicle of Social Change. The series—in which WitnessLA is collaborating—is taking a close look at programs that use a strategy known as Positive Youth Justice to help kids who have come in contact with the juvenile justice system.

First we ran a story that explored an Oakland, CA, program that uses a process called community conferencing, which asks lawbreaking kids to confront the effects of their crime.

Then last week, the series looked at a program in Tarrant County, Texas, that has been successful in helping reboot the lives of kids who, two decades ago, would have been sent to a state-run juvenile lock-up.

Today, we’ll look at Santa Clara County’s James Ranch.

This story was produced as a collaborative project with The Chronicle of Social Change .

PLAGUED WITH A HIGH RECIDIVISM RATE, AND A RASH OF RUNAWAYS, THE OFFICIALS RUNNING SANTA CLARA COUNTY’S JAMES RANCH DECIDED TO TRANSFORM THE PLACE by John Kelly There are few issues in juvenile justice more hotly debated than the appropriate use of incarceration—which youth can be served and rehabilitated in the community, and which youth need to be confined? In general, the number of youths incarcerated in America is down. Way down. A report released in 2013 by the Annie E. Casey Foundation charted a decline from 107,500 confined juveniles in 1997 to 71,000 in 2010. “This decline has not led to a surge in juvenile crime,” the report made clear. “On the contrary, crime has fallen sharply even as juvenile justice systems have locked up fewer delinquent youth.” Yet relatively few of the hundreds of facilities that house juveniles in America have embraced a positive youth development (PYD) approach to engaging and strengthening juveniles while they are locked up. One of the unique programs that does is Santa Clara County’s William F. James Ranch. When the ranch first opened half a century, its model was based primarily on tight behavior control. Then 2005, the facility reinvented itself using a PYD framework built heavily on strong prosocial interaction between its staff and its wards. The drastic changes to its programs and employees have resulted in far fewer incidents at the facility and lower recidivism rates after ranch residents return to the community. HOW IT STARTED Since 1956, the James Ranch has served as Santa Clara County’s placement option for older, violent offenders. It is operated by the juvenile division of the county’s probation department, which also oversees a massive juvenile hall that includes detention and incarceration beds. In the early 2000s, violent incidents and escape attempts at the ranch were commonplace. “When I first started with the old [ranch] program, the training was about safety and security: how to keep yourself safe, how to keep the kids safe,” recalls Santa Clara Probation Manager Anne Elwart, who started as a guard and went on to direct the ranch. Just fewer than 100 youths were held at the ranch at any time, and they were guarded by a relatively small group of line staff trained only to keep the peace. “We did the best that we could with what we had”, recalled Elwart. “Often, we were just watching.” In 2004, the county hired Sheila Mitchell as chief probation officer . Mitchell came from neighboring Alameda County, where she was the deputy chief of probation, and prior to that had served as deputy commissioner of Georgia’s Department of Juvenile Justice. Mitchell said her initial impression was that the ranch was little more than a way station for serious offenders. “The kids would tell you they were just doing time,” she said . “You had two, even three kids a week trying to run away. The community was outraged, the county executive was outraged.” An assessment of the ranch’s outcomes revealed that four out of 10 kids were failing the program and returning to incarceration. “When we looked even closer, it wasn’t that they were failing as much as that the program was not designed for them to succeed,” Mitchell said. Pushed by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors for a plan that would cut her budget, in 2005 Mitchell instead asked the board for a proposed budget increase of $3 million. The funding would increase the number of staff at the ranch, and recalibrate its program around a PYD framework. Although there was initial resistance, matters were helped slightly by the fact that some of the supervisors had been part of a 2003 Santa Clara delegation that visited juvenile facilities in Missouri, where the state Division of Youth Services (DYS) had become a national model for reframing juvenile incarceration. The “ Missouri model, ” as it is called, requires the use of small, campus-style facilities with youth work professionals serving as the line staff. Youth are clustered into small, “family-style” groups. That arrangement has helped Missouri’s Department of Youth Services maintain a recidivism rate below 10 percent among the juveniles released from their facilities. In 2008, DYS won Harvard’s Innovations in American Government Award for its approach. Back at Santa Clara, however, “there was interest, but no traction” on the idea of moving towards a California version of the Missouri’s model, Mitchell said—until she presented her $3 million proposal with a cost-savings pitch. “I was able to give them a return on investment report,” Mitchell said. “I argued that when you look at the failure rate now, it was going to save us money in the long range to invest in this program. They took a leap of faith, and decided to invest.” And so it was that the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors approved $3 million to bring a PYD approach to the James Ranch. Elwart led the writing of a curriculum that would focus on what is known as aggression replacement training [for more on that click here ], education and mentoring relationships, along with extensive training of the camp’s workforce. The county also hired the Missouri Youth Services Institute to help with the design of the new service model. The institute had recently been founded by longtime DYS Director Mark Steward, and was working on similar assistance projects with Washington, D.C. and Louisiana. Missouri operates eight very small facilities using its system, but that was not possible in Santa Clara, which to this day still has one barracks-style living unit. Instead, Elwart had to corral the staff into doing a one-night, makeshift renovation of the unit before its reopening using rope and blankets to create the dorm-like settings prescribed by the Missouri model. The department eventually agreed to build actual walls into the unit. But then, facing a $1 million price tag for the project, it opted instead to spend $60,000 on the kind of partition walls used in many office buildings. Yet, the partitions did the trick. A WELL-EDUCATED, WELL-TRAINED STAFF Elwart worked at the ranch for a total of 19 years, most recently as the director of the facility. She rotated to a new post in adult probation in late December and was succeeded by Jermaine Hardy, who rotated to the ranch from the juvenile services division of the probation department. The facility employs six supervisors; 68 full-time line staff; six teachers and a small team of part-time staff devoted to mental health and substance abuse. The teachers are employees of the Santa Clara Unified School District. Each member of the line staff must have a four-year degree. By comparison, the state of California requires its correctional officer candidates to produce a high school diploma or equivalent. Staffers’ education continues when they are hired by Santa Clara County where, before a worker is allowed to work directly with youth, he or she will go through 80 hours of core training. For the first six months, they are trained on the correctional component of their job — “on how to be a good guard,” Elwart said. After that each line staff receives 12 days of training on the core principles of the ranch program. This includes two full days of training on aggression replacement, motivational interviewing, and substance abuse counseling. HOW IT WORKS The key to the success of the ranch program, Elwart said, is the interaction between the line staff and the youth. The full-time line staff are responsible for one of the six living units, but they are also counselors assigned to help and mentor two offenders. “We work out of a 1958 building with pivot walls, so it’s not the building,” she said. The magic is in the interactions. “We don’t sit there and do shaming and blaming. These staff build rapport and actually work with [the youth]. That’s the secret sauce.” At the center of that interaction is the technique called aggression replacement training. “It’s about understanding that all behavior has purpose, not getting caught up in the behavior itself,” Elwart said. She used an example of acting out that occurs with regularity at the ranch: a youth cussing out one of the line staff. “If he’s cussing you out, realize it might be about something else,” Elwart said . “Like, ‘Oh, mom was supposed to visit today and she didn’t.’” Instead of writing the youth up or punishing him, Elwart described how staff are trained to attempt to unearth what’s beneath the behavior. “You just engage him. ‘Dude, what’s going on? All of a sudden, you’re cussing me out.’ Get them talking.” Aggression replacement is meant to first help the youth learn to take a deep breath, stop the impulse to react in anger, Elwart explained. Second, the youth are taught the ability to seek further calm through self reflection, asking “why did I even get pissed in the first place?” The third step is to build in moral reasoning and victim empathy. “That’s getting them from carjacking someone and thinking, ‘Well, they have insurance!’ to thinking, ‘That was someone’s mom.’” For camp residents the day’s schedule opens with morning group, run by line staff and teachers. After that, the school day commences. School stretches into early afternoon in 45-minute blocks, with career technical education courses mixed in. Students can earn up to 50 credits toward graduation while at the ranch, though some of the older teens are so far behind that they elect to pursue a GED while they are there. The ranch school’s counselor also conducts what Elwart calls a “credit cleanup” program. Many youth have been in and out of juvenile hall by the time they arrive at the ranch, and some have attended several schools. The cleanup is aimed at piecing together as much of the academic history as possible to move the youth closer to graduation. Vocational programs are available during the school day as well. The ranch operates an automotive repair program and a welding apprentice shop for older teens. (Examples of former campers welding creations can be found around the campus.) Afternoons are dedicated to a rotating schedule of programs that include landscaping, recreation, and gang intervention. For some youth this is also the time for a range of targeted treatments and programs, including drug counseling, sex offender therapy, and anger management. Dinner is at 5pm, followed by downtime in the units before lights out. Weekends include sessions on victim awareness and scheduled work crew shifts on the ranch, but mostly focus on family visits and free time. Although there is bed space for 84 at the ranch, though the average daily population is usually in the forties, according to Elwart. A planned $27 million expansion of the ranch will add a new kitchen, a gym and a new housing unit that would increase capacity to 108. Most of those youth will stay at the ranch for eight months in a program that passes them through four levels: 1) Listening and learning, following basic expectations. 2) A self-insight phase about following rules and being “better than a good inmate,” as Elwart put it. Family counseling begins to happen toward the end of this phase. 3) Reunification with family and community. “We determine when a kid is ready for this,” Elwart said. “They’ll get a day pass three or four times, then a two-day pass. It’s to get them using refusal and coping skills.” 4) Determining the youth’s plan for coming back to the community and staying there.

In 2005, 47 percent of youth at the ranch received a violation and/or a new arrest during their stay, and 42 percent of those who were released received a violation or arrest within 12 months of release.

By 2011, those figures were 9 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

Incidents in facilities are often a driver of extended incarcerated time and longer records for juvenile offenders. As Santa Clara adopted a PYD approach, the number of incidents plummeted.


One big challenge in moving the needle from a correctional approach to a positive youth development approach is that, by definition, the line staff on-hand is grounded or at least well-trained in the old way of thinking.

“Their title was always “counselors,” Mitchell said of the pre-transformation staff, “but over time they became more like guards that made sure nobody escaped or was hurt.”

Mark Steward said the quality of the staff at the James Ranch was better than his Missouri Youth Services Institute was used to. “The line staff were…by and large, more correctional, but they had a better education level and more receptiveness than most places.”

Another point in Santa Clara’s favor, said Steward was that “they weren’t forced into change by a court order or consent decree.”

Still, Elwart said, there was “major resistance from the union, [and] staff saying, ‘This is not what I signed up for.”

It was helpful that the number of line staff was slated to rise significantly, bolstering the union’s ranks, she said. “But yes, there were problems. We were changing work schedules, and the work environment.” And there was push back.

Eventually, Elwart said, “we got most people to buy in. The people we lost were mostly those with 25 years in already.”


Early in the reform of the ranch, the recidivism numbers weren’t improving as much as its leaders hoped. “It took some time to realize that we were putting them back in the community with little support,” Elwart said.

To address the problem, the ranch established the Reentry Assistance Program (RAP) in 2012. The RAP team consists of line staff and probation officers who are assigned only to work with youth after their stay at the ranch.

RAP usually spans a 10-week period following a youth’s release, and is based on a gradually receding level of involvement with the youth. During the first week, the RAP staff help set up job interviews and appointments with family counselors or drug and alcohol treatment programs.

During the first 30 days, a youth is allowed to be home, at work , in school or at a scheduled appointment. They must make a nightly curfew call to their RAP officer, who will also be checking in with the youth at least twice a week in person.

After 30 days, in-person checks generally drop to once a week, and youth are allowed to move freely.

In its most recent evaluation of the program the National Council on Crime and Delinquency credited RAP with significantly increasing the quality of reentry services for youth released from the ranch.


A further help with recidivism came when Elwart was able to secure two agreements from the courts that gave the ranch flexibility on how it handles two key issues: incidents at the facility and violations committed during the reentry period.

Ranch managers are able to place a youth involved in a serious incident back in juvenile hall for up to 30 days, essentially to cool off. Then the ranch can recall the youth to the program at any time during those 30 days.

Youth who violate the terms of the reentry program can be recalled to the ranch for a total of 30 days. Both are written into the boilerplate language for every youth’s court order.

Why is this significant? Because in many juvenile justice systems, a violent incident might mean a youth is drummed out of a therapeutic program. A violation after release might lead to new charges and re-incarceration.

The two standing orders allow ranch staff to mitigate certain concerning behaviors without derailing what progress has been made. For example, Elwart said, one mom recently lost it on her son who tested positive for cocaine, violating the terms of his release.

The 30-day clause enabled Elwart to find a place for the boy to stay for the night while helping the mother cool down. Then, because the teen had already gotten a full-time job, she arranged for substance abuse services on the weekends.

And so it was that a brief backslide that might resulted in additional incarceration, instead resulted in some new, tentative steps forward.

John Kelly is editor of The Chronicle of Social Change.

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I spent about 8 or 9 months at “The Ranch” back in 1973 to 74. We spent half a day working and half a day in school. The most memorable thing about the ranch was that we raised our own meat; beef, pigs, chickens and rabbits and we had days where we were required to butcher the chickens and rabbits. I can say from experience that after spending a day killing, plucking and gutting chickens the last thing you want for dinner is chicken! They also had a plum orchard which the we had to pick during harvesting season. That was some of the most back breaking work I have ever done. But I can say that my stay there did change my life… Went straight after I got out and never went back.

Hey Alumne,

I was also at the “Ranch” during the same period of time! I agree with everything you said. Also went straight and never went back.

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From The Rodder’s Journal Vault: Photos From The Fremont Nostalgia Drags Circa 1986!

Sep 30, 2017 Brian Lohnes 1320 Drag News , 1320 Gallery , BangShift 1320 11

From The Rodder’s Journal Vault: Photos From The Fremont Nostalgia Drags Circa 1986!

(Photos by Steve Coonan) –  A first for Bangshift – the guys over at The Rodder’s Journal supplied us with a file of old photos taken at Baylands Raceway in Fremont, California, back in 1986. Steve Coonan (Publisher of The Rodder’s Journal ) would drive to Fremont in his old Deuce highboy roadster to shoot photos on a freelance basis back in those days. Some of these photos were published in American Rodder before Steve created The Rodder’s Journal . What we find remarkable about the event – a quarter of a century later is just how many famous cars were actually making full passes down the quarter-mile. Steve said “I remember the Fremont Nostalgia Drags being a whole lot of fun, but looking at the list of famous cars that were there and racing seems truly remarkable today.”

Just a quick look through an old stack of 8×10 black & white prints showed Art Chrisman making a 170+ mph pass in the “Hustler”, the old Mooneyham & Sharp “554” ’34 coupe smoking the tires the length of the track along with the Glass Slipper dragster, the Stone, Woods & Cook Willys, the “Pure Heaven” Fuel Altered and even Chrisman’s #25 dragster in action. This was also at the peak of the rivalry between “Fat Jack” Robinson’s ’46 Ford coupe and Jerry Moreland’s ’40 Ford sedan. Even Pat Ganahl was on hand and racing his “Low Buck Special” Hemi-powered Altered.

The event was officially titled the “6th Annual Nostalgia Nationals” and was put on by the Nostalgia Drag Racing Association. The NDRA was the brainchild of Nor-Cal hot rodders Tom Prufer and Brian Burnett. It was truly a treat to see this group of cars smoke the tires down the drag strip.

If you haven’t checked out The Rodder’s Journal ( ), you need to! Each issue is a work of art featuring traditional hot rods, classic customs, early drag racing and more.

Chrisman Hustler


Art Chrisman made several fully smoked-in passes in the original, but freshly restored Hustler dragster at Fremont the first weekend in May back in 1986.

Pure Heaven Altered


Bob Nylander faithfully restored and campaigned the Leon Fitzgerald’s Pure Heaven back in the ‘80s. The Fuel Altered was powered by a blown big block Chevy.


Both Tom Prufer and Brian Burnett, promoters of the event, ran cars that weekend at Fremont. Tom was on hand with one of his “Power King” dragsters, while Brian was running the freshly restored 554 coupe. Both Brian and Tom are still active in the sport. Prufer has moved to Texas, while Burnett now calls east coast home.


Mike Cook has been racing his father’s famed Stone, Woods and Cook Willys since the 1970s. It ran at OCIR with a tunnel rammed big block Chevy. By the 1980s he had restored it to its original blown-Hemi AA/GS configuration. Mike still owns the car and his dad’s ’37 Chevy coupe today.

Glass Slipper


The Glass Slipper was one of the prettiest dragsters of the 1950s. Ed Cortopossi was still at the controls in the mid-‘80s when it was hazing the slicks to half-rack at Fremont. It used an injected smallblock Chevy on alcohol.

Low Buck Special


Pat Ganahl along with Bob McCray and Gene Adams teamed up to run the Nostalgia Drags back in the ‘80s. First with this Altered and then with an injected dragster. The stroked 354 Hemi powered the fiberglass T-bodied roadster to 9-second times. We believe that is Bob McCray driving.

Fiat Fuel Coupe


The Mews and Poncia Fiat-cloaked dragster was a regular at nostalgia meets of the era. It originally ran at Half Moon Bay back in the ‘60s. The supercharged Hemi provided more than enough horsepower to smoke the tires the full length of the strip. These weren’t burnouts, but full-power runs.

Fat Jack and Jerry Moreland


Fat Jack and Jerry Moreland were at the forefront of the rivalry for Super Street bragging rights. Both were powered by blown big block Chevys. Moreland’s efforts were spearheaded by Bob Bauder, while George Striegel (owner of Clay Smith) supplied the alcohol-burning rat motor used in Fat Jack’s ’46 Ford coupe. This weekend, however, both succumbed to mechanical difficulties. Cole Cutler won the class with his Boss 429 motivated ’34 Ford coupe.


Brian Lohnes

antilopen gang tour 2023

11 thoughts on “ From The Rodder’s Journal Vault: Photos From The Fremont Nostalgia Drags Circa 1986! ”

antilopen gang tour 2023

I was there, good times had by all!

antilopen gang tour 2023

I was there too but its was 1985 wasnt it ?

antilopen gang tour 2023

I remember when Fat Jack rolled that ’46 into a cube….with round corners – wasn’t that think all steel & running in the 9’s???

antilopen gang tour 2023

bolt-in cage that NHRA wouldn’t certify. It was running 8s. Both of those cars were on my wall as a kid as was Cole’s ’34.

same here with the pics – l remember Cole built a 2nd, less street, type of car. didnt something happen to Cole too?

antilopen gang tour 2023

All steel for sure. Times? I don’t remember, but I was there.

antilopen gang tour 2023

Holy chassis flex batman!

Ya oughta see what a ’58-’64 Chevy full-size frame does with big horsepower and traction!

antilopen gang tour 2023

Here are a few of my photos from back in the day. Lots of great memories

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