African Travel Center

All About Africa Travel Center, Your Gateway to Africa

Africa Travel Center is not just another travel company. We’re storytellers, adventurers, and advocates for the incredible continent of Africa. Our journey began in 2008, born out of the desire to showcase Africa’s untapped potential and share its beauty with the world. Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, our roots run deep in Africa, the homeland of our founding members.

Your Premier Source for Unforgettable African Adventures

Deconstructing the magic of africa with africa travel center.

Your Journey Begins Here

Africa. A land where dreams meet the wild canvas of reality. Where ancient echoes whisper beneath starlit skies, and where every sunrise unleashes an orchestra of vibrant senses. At African Travel Center, we aren’t just travel agents; we’re journey architects, crafting bespoke experiences for discerning travelers like you.

At Africa Travel Center, we believe that every journey has the power to change lives and perceptions. Our story started in 2008 when we set out to do more than just offer travel experiences; we aimed to tell a better story of Africa—a story of its incredible potential, beauty, and cultural richness.

Beyond the Ordinary Safari

Sure, safaris are an African crown jewel, and we offer exquisite ones, traversing iconic landscapes like the Maasai Mara or Kruger National Park . Imagine tracking elusive leopards, witnessing elephants trumpeting under acacia trees, and feeling the earth vibrate beneath the thunderous hooves of migrating wildebeests. But Africa’s tapestry is woven with far more threads than just wildlife.

Mission and Values :

Our mission is simple yet profound: to provide exceptional travel experiences that leave lasting memories while contributing to the sustainable development of African tourism. Our core values—integrity, sustainability, and customer satisfaction—are the compass that guides our every step.

Supporting Sustainable Travel in Africa:

We are committed to responsible and sustainable tourism. Our initiatives aim to preserve the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Africa, ensuring that future generations can experience its wonders.

Unveiling the Soul of a Continent:

Delve into the vibrant tapestry of cultures that paint Africa’s soul. Savor the rhythm of Berber drums echoing through Moroccan kasbahs, or learn the art of haggling in Marrakech’s bustling souks. Immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of Rwandan villages, where smiles are as boundless as the rolling hills. Witness the breathtaking diversity of South Africa, where Cape Town’s cosmopolitan flair dances with the ancient rhythms of Zulu warriors.

Journeys Tailored to You:

Your African adventure isn’t one-size-fits-all. We understand that discerning travelers seek authenticity, not clichés. That’s why we craft tailor-made journeys, meticulously woven to your desires. Hike the misty peaks of Virunga National Park in Rwanda, seeking an encounter with the legendary mountain gorillas. Kayak through the Okavango Delta’s watery labyrinth, Botswana’s jewel, home to a symphony of life. Cycle through Namibia’s otherworldly landscapes, sculpted by ancient dunes and endless horizons.

Luxury with a Conscience:

At African Travel Center, luxury isn’t just about five-star lodges and gourmet meals (though we have those too!). It’s about responsible tourism, supporting local communities, and minimizing our footprint on this precious continent. We partner with eco-conscious lodges and sustainable safari operators , ensuring your journey benefits both you and the land you tread.

Unforgettable Memories, Delivered:

Let us handle the logistics, from visa applications to local guides, while you revel in the magic of Africa unfolding before you. We handle the details, you savor the moments. That’s the African Travel Center promise – exquisite experiences, crafted with care, for discerning travelers who seek to truly feel the pulse of this extraordinary continent.

Meet Our Team

Our journey is fueled by a passionate team of individuals who share a deep connection to Africa and its diverse landscapes. Meet our team members, each bringing their unique expertise to curate unforgettable experiences for you.

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Our History

Over the years, we’ve grown into a reliable resource for everything related to travel in Africa. Our journey has been marked by milestones and moments of discovery, culminating in a profound realization around 2020. The COVID-19 epidemic, though tragic, provided us with the opportunity to pause and reflect on our future. We used this time to strategize, reevaluate, and envision a new way forward, not just for ourselves but for our African partners and, most importantly, for you—our cherished guests.

What Our Travelers Say About Africa Travel Center

Our travelers’ words speak louder than ours. Discover what they have to say about their transformative journeys with us.

Our Accolades

We are proud to have received recognition for our dedication to excellence in travel services . These awards reflect our commitment to providing you with the best experiences Africa has to offer.

Got Questions?

We understand that you may have questions about us, our services, or travel in Africa. Explore our frequently asked questions or reach out to us directly. We’re here to assist you.

Get in Touch

Africa Travel Center is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, with deep roots in Kenya. We invite you to get in touch with us to discuss your African adventure, share your aspirations, or simply connect.

Join Us on This Journey

Ready to embark on your African odyssey? Whether you’re planning your first African safari or returning to explore more, we’re here to make your travel dreams a reality. Contact us today, and let’s weave your dream into reality.

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London Flagship Store

The secret series for globe-trotter.

The Secret Series for Globe-Trotter

Can you keep a secret?

Hidden gems/off the beaten track

As devotees of the Globe-Trotter brand, chances are you’re pretty travel savvy and aware of the concept of ‘overtourism’. If not, it’s the phenomenon where too many tourists visit too few places within too limited a timeframe, leading to massive overcrowding and a significantly impacted experience for visitors and locals alike. As a discerning bunch, we’re sure you’d far rather avoid these destination bottlenecks, but many don’t, and in a counter-trend being called Tourism Resentment, frustrated locals are fighting back. Places like Barcelona – long a hugely popular destination thanks to the proliferation of AirBnbs and Instagram hot takes – are creaking at the seams with tourists and some residents have had enough, taking to the streets in protest and even squirting tourists with waterpistols. I’m not sure anybody really wants that on holiday.

As a travel company we’re acutely aware that we risk being part of the problem, so we actively promote ‘undertourism’, where we encourage going to less obvious destinations, or visiting at less busy times of year. It’s in our DNA to be on the lookout for new and upcoming destinations to help lighten the load, but often there’s no need to reinvent the wheel; there is another, (we think) clever way to go.

atc africa travel concept

Enter our new concept: The Secret Series . It’s a simple enough idea. The classic destinations are classics for a reason – the food, the culture, the scenery, the locals, the beaches and cities and more. They often combine all of the above and more into one intoxicating delight of a destination that is unique (in the true sense of the world) but also – crucially – one that is full of places away from the obvious tourist traps that are every bit as lovely.

atc africa travel concept

That’s where the Secret Series comes in. We want to shine a light on the places within these classic destinations that are anything but over-run; the ones where you might find a smattering of local tourists but not a foreigner in sight. After all, Italy is still glorious, wonderful Italy away from Amalfi Coast, where camera-toting tourists clog up the pretty towns that cling to the region’s cliffs. Consider instead Cilento, in the same beautiful region of Campania as the Amalfi Coast, but welcoming a fraction of the visitors per year, most of whom are clued-up Italians who know a lovely place when they see one.

atc africa travel concept

And as with many of the Secret Series destinations, you even fly to the same airport – in this case Naples – and instead of heading to Amalfi, push on an hour to charming, chic Cilento.

When we researched these hidden gem destinations for the Secret Series portfolio, it was amazing how many of these special places are surprisingly accessible from busy airports that cater to the overtourism hot spots. Cilento from Naples, the surf beaches of Costa Vincentina from Faro in Portugal; the gorgeous Peloponnese from Athens; the Picos de Europa mountains from Bilbao in Spain. If that all feels a little Euro-centric, there are plenty of other Secret Series destinations around the planet, including the wild and wooly Western Cape from Cape Town in South Africa, and the fabled ‘Lost Coast’ in northern California from San Francisco where you can still camp on deserted beaches.

atc africa travel concept

So next time you travel, resist the urge to take to Instagram for inspiration, and instead enjoy our little secret. Just be careful not to tell too many people.

By Tom Barber, Co-Founder of Original Travel

Discover more Secret Series destinations at

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Afrikanisches Reisekonzept

Wegweisend im südlichen Afrika

Wohin möchten sie, wohin würden sie gerne reisen.

Unser Team von Experten für Luxusreisen hat eine Leidenschaft für das südliche Afrika. Wir sind bestens vertraut mit den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten und den verfügbaren Luxusunterkünften und nutzen unser unnachahmliches Wissen, um maßgeschneiderte Urlaube zu kreieren, die lebenslange Erinnerungen schaffen.

atc africa travel concept

Touren & Safaris

Was würden sie gerne erleben.

Im Herzen eines jeden Reisenden steckt die Sehnsucht nach Abenteuer. Das könnte bedeuten, das ultimative Golfspiel zu spielen, oder es könnte ungestörte Zeit mit Ihren Lieben sein. Es könnte auch bedeuten, mit Haien zu tauchen, aus einem Flugzeug zu springen oder einfach unter der Safari-Sonne die perfekten romantischen Flitterwochen zu verbringen. Was auch immer Sie tun möchten, wählen Sie uns, um Ihren Luxusurlaub zu planen.



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Luxuriöse Bahnreise

Reisen mit planmäßigem Abflug

Feste Abfahrtszeiten

Philanthropie, zeigen sie interesse.

Fikelela bedeutet in der Xhosa-Sprache "die Hand ausstrecken" und genau das tut die Organisation. Sie wenden sich an "Kinder in Not" und versuchen, ihr Leben positiv zu verändern.


Kerith Retreat


Ocean View Grundschule

Warum african travel concept wählen, vielfältige reiseziele.

Südafrika ist voll von erstaunlichen Reisezielen und wir bieten unglaubliche Möglichkeiten, diese Orte zu besuchen.


Es ist uns wichtig, dass Sie das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis für Ihr Geld bekommen, egal welches Paket Sie wählen.

Wunderschöne Orte

Wir bringen Sie zu außergewöhnlich schönen Orten, die es nur in Südafrika gibt.

Schnelle Buchungen

Wir teilen die gleiche Leidenschaft wie unsere Kunden, wenn es ums Reisen geht, egal wohin Sie reisen.


Wir haben ein sehr hilfsbereites Support-Team, das Ihnen bei allen Problemen helfen kann.

Reisen aus Leidenschaft

Sie brauchen keine Angst vor langen Buchungszeiten zu haben, wir buchen Ihre Reise, sobald Sie sich entschieden haben.

Besuchen Sie unseren Reiseblog.

Eine traditionelle Dhow bei Sonnenuntergang in Mosambik

Kurioses und andere Dinge, die Sie nicht über Vilanculos wussten

Ein Leitfaden für Trinkgelder auf Safari in Afrika

Wie man in Afrika Trinkgeld gibt

Strauße füttern

Federnder Spaß in Oudtshoorn

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    ATC African Travel Concept (Pty) Ltd. 5th Floor Graphic Centre, 199 Loop Street, Cape Town. P.O. Box 15974, Vlaeberg, 8018, SOUTH AFRICA. Tel: +27-21-426 0032. Email: [email protected]. Follow Our Social Media: Afrika Focus Tours Namibia (Pty) Ltd. trading as ATC Namibia. 123 Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda St, Windhoek, Namibia.

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  8. The Secret Series for Globe-Trotter

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  9. African Travel Concept

    At ATC, we have spent almost 30 years creating everyday and ultra-luxurious tours in Southern and Eastern Africa, and our travel consultants are among the best in the business. Want to see the ...

  10. ATC African Travel Concept

    ATC African Travel Concept | 1,090 followers on LinkedIn. Leading the way in Southern Africa | ATC is a leading inbound tour operator for Southern Africa since 1997. Based in Cape Town and Windhoek, we have a team of experienced travel specialists who are eager to share their passion for Africa. Whether it be a self drive safari in the Kruger National Park, exploring Namibia by fly-in safari ...

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  13. ATC African Travel Concept

    [email protected]. +27-21-426 0032. Established in 1997, African Travel Concepts has since grown to include offices in Cape Town, South Africa and Windhoek, Namibia, from where they offer travel itineraries and programs throughout South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. African Travel Concept caters to guests with all types of ...

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  15. African Travel Concept (@africantravelconcept)

    African Travel Concept (@africantravelconcept) • Instagram photos and videos. 1,161 Followers, 500 Following, 491 Posts - African Travel Concept (@africantravelconcept) on Instagram: "ATC is a leading inbound tour operator for Southern Africa since 1997. Based in Cape Town, South Africa 🇿🇦 and Windhoek, Namibia 🇳🇦".

  16. Overlanding

    Overlanding or 4WD Touring is self-reliant overland travel to remote destinations where the journey is the principal goal. Typically, but not exclusively, it is accomplished with mechanized off-road capable transport (from bicycles to trucks) where the principal form of lodging is camping, often lasting for extended lengths of time (months to years) and spanning international boundaries.

  17. African Travel Concept

    6 likes, 0 comments - africantravelconcept on August 26, 2024: "Today, we celebrate the incredible African wild dog, one of the continent's most efficient predators and a vital part of the ecosystem. Did you know these social animals have a hunting success rate of over 80%, making them one of the most successful hunters in Africa? Let's raise awareness and support conservation efforts to ...

  18. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport

    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (IATA: BOM, ICAO: VABB) is an international airport serving Mumbai and the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). It is the second busiest airport in India in terms of total and international passenger traffic after Delhi, and was the ninth busiest airport in Asia and 25th busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic in fiscal year 2023-24.

  19. African Travel Concept

    9 likes, 0 comments - africantravelconcept on August 30, 2024: "First ATC Tour Guide Meeting in Cape Town. We recently held our very first ATC Tour Guide Meeting in Cape Town, bringing together 40 of our talented guides from across South Africa. The goal of this meeting was to strengthen our partnership with these dedicated tourist guides, who are truly the face of our products and play a ...

  20. Roam Free mit ATC

    Erleben Sie das Beste von Afrika mit einer unserer maßgeschneiderten afrikanischen Safaris und Touren durch das südliche Afrika und die traumhaften Inseln im Indischen Ozean.

  21. Aviation

    Aviation includes the activities surrounding mechanical flight and the aircraft industry. Aircraft includes fixed-wing and rotary-wing types, morphable wings, wing-less lifting bodies, as well as lighter-than-air craft such as hot air balloons and airships.. Aviation began in the 18th century with the development of the hot air balloon, an apparatus capable of atmospheric displacement through ...