The Ultimate Guide to Bali Surf

Bali surf is legendary all around the globe. The fabled Isle of the Gods has breaks to match every level, from beginner-friendly Kuta to the rippable walls of Ulu’s. This guide runs through the whole thing, from the hot new properties of Balian and Medewi to the tried-and-tested barrels of Bingin and beyond.

An introduction to Bali surf

Bali surf

Ah, Bali. Welcome to Asia’s Shangri-La of surfing; the east’s answer to Hawaii.

Washed by the powerful swells of the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean, this one’s got it all. Zippy reefs that barrel? You bet. Mellow longboard waves? Yep. Beach breaks for that post-sunbathe kooky fun? No doubt.

Put simply, Bali surf is some of the very best surf in the world. Uber-reliable and incredibly varied, it brings in wave riders from all around the globe. It’s a place where you can find your water feet on the beaches of Kuta and Seminyak , but also a place for the Kelly Slaters and Italos to do their thing on the beefy breaks of Ulus and Padang Padang .

Most waves work all year round but it’s the dry season that really turns on the goods, sending up relentless pulses of SW swell to caress the cliffs of the Bukit Peninsula and create some of the finest lefts known to humankind.

Fantastic surf hotels and surf camps are everywhere. Many come with swimming pools and bohemian-chic interiors. They’re great places to meet other surf travelers and book lessons, or just ensure you’re close to the best breaks for those dawn patrols.

If we had to pick a downside, it would be the pollution – we had a BAD case of Bali belly back in 2018 – and overcrowding. It’s not so much localism since the Bali scene is very much internationalized. It’s more that pretty much every spot here has been firmly discovered and there can be a mixed bag in the line up; some chilled, some downright nasty.

We might use affiliate links in this post. Basically, you click em’ and we get a little something from your booking or purchase. They help us keep offering more and more in-depth surf guides to awesome places all around the globe. So, thanks for that!

This guide is a part of our larger guide to surfing in Indonesia and our ultimate guide to surfing in Asia

Bali surf at a glance

Levels: All levels // Wave type: Reef, rivermouth, beach, point // Season: Peak is dry season (March to September)

  • The variety is unbelievable – A-frames, barrels, beach breaks.
  • Awesome surf scene with cool bars and good vibes.
  • Cheap board rentals and lessons
  • Really consistent waves that work on both coasts in different seasons.
  • Some pollution in the water.
  • Bali can be busy.

What will I find in this guide to surfing in Bali

Where is bali.

Bali is tucked between the long island of Java and its nearby sister island of Lombok (also a top surf spot, where the town of Kuta Lombok offers surf camps that are among the best in the region).

Meanwhile, the glistening Bali Sea washes the north coast, hosting lovely islands like the Gilis . Importantly, the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean rolls to the south, which is the engine room of the powerful surf swells.

More generally speaking, the island is smack dab in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago. Thankfully, it has its very own airport (one of the busiest in the country, no less) and can also be accessed by boats from Java and Lombok.

Where to surf in Bali?

There’s loads and loads on offer here!

Seriously, this island has spots that work along more than 50% of its shoreline.

But there are three main regions that really stand out from the crowd: The southwest coast, The Bukit, and East Bali.

Each has something different. The southwest is now established as a beginner/longboarder/tourist region and is great for learners. The Bukit is for the rippers chasing Bali’s most famous waves. The East is the place to go during the wet season, traditionally seen as Bali’s low season for surfing.

Let’s dig deeper into each area in turn…

The southwest coast

bali surfing trips

You won’t have to look very far to find some seriously amazing Bali surf. In fact, there’s a little reef break right in front of the airport itself, so you can spot people ripping before you even touch down.

But we think 80% of surfers will be happy with one region: The southwest. It’s the strip of resorts that run from the airport and Denpasar city towards the western regencies. It includes the most famous R&R towns on the isle, from Kuta to Canggu.

The beaches here are less rocky, less reefy, and more shallow than elsewhere, so the waves shape up really nicely for those looking to get started on surfing.

The region also hosts the best array of surf schools in Bali (you’re looking at <$30 for a lesson in some cases!) and stacks and stacks of fine hotels/ surf camps .

Medewi Beach

All level // All year // Maps

Even further along the coast is the largely undiscovered Bali surf spot at Medewi. The pebbly beach is pure black sand and look darn wonderful before its own row of lanky palm trees.

The swells that rolls in here are tempered by a river mouth and sandbanks, which help shape them into clean, glassy shoulders that roll beautifully left. Not many crowds. Not much infrastructure. Kuta 20 years ago, perhaps?

A growing range of pretty good surf camps in Medewi mean it’s now a decent option for learners, especailly if you want to escape the crowds.

We have a complete guide to surfing in Medewi here

Balian Beach

Balian is one of the more upcoming Bali surf spots. It’s located way out west along the shores from Kuta, which means the crowds of young’un learners are nowhere to be seen.

A small surf town has set up shop behind the black sand, offering rentals and lessons.

The wave itself is a high, peaky A-frame that is great for 9″ folk on smaller days, and decent for upper intermediates when there’s extra power.

It’s great if you’re after somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of Kuta and are ready to move to something a bit more challenging than the mushy beach breaks further south and east.

Check out our full guide to Balian surf right now!

It’s not taken Canggu long to go from rustic rice paddy to digital nomad mecca. These days, there’s hardly a field in sight. Everything is flat whites and organic poke bowls.

One thing that keeps the town drawing the cool crowd is the waves. They are known for being mellow peaks and fun reefs that have nowhere near the crowds of Kuta. Early mornings are always best.

As of 2024, this part of the Bali southwest coast is the de facto hub of learning to surf on the island for most. Kuta seems to have had its day, and many of the best surf schools have upped sticks and come to Canggu.

We can see why. The region has breaks for lots of levels, it’s fun, it’s riddled with fantastic hotel choices, there’s nightlife – what more could you want?

On a budget? Check out our guide to the best surf hostels in Canggu .

Want loads of surf? We have a guide to all the best surf camps in Canggu right now.

Spicy Surfschool

We rate Spicy as one of the best surf schools in the whole of Bali. 2-hour lessons that are perfectly calibrated for beginners, all on the multi-level breaks of Canggu and for <$33

Check prices at Spicy Surf now

Spicy Surf School, Bali, feature

Check out our full guide to Canggu surf right now!

Beginner-Intermediate+ // All year // Maps

For all intents and purposes, Seminyak can be considered an extension of Kuta.

After all, the sands are only a few miles along the same stretch of coast. The quality and shape of the wave here is essentially the same as Bali’s main beginner spot, only there’s a little more height.

The crowds do thin out a little as you move farther from Kuta itself. That’s also where the swell tends to come in unhindered, so expect a few closeouts on big days.

Hazards include water pollution from the big resorts (keep your lips sealed!) and rips.

We’ve got a full guide to surfing in Seminyak

Beginner // All year // Maps

Kuta is a warm memory for many a surfer.

Thousands – literally, thousands – of people came here to try their first-ever wave.

The practice continues to this day, with countless rental shops and surf schools dotting the whole shoreline.

As far as the wave goes, it’s generally an easy-going beach break that’s mellowed out by the sandbanks.

Usually holds up well to around 6ft and often forms nice left and right-handers across a long bay.

When the swell gets a hit of adrenaline, there can be high walls, even good-quality A-frames, with plenty of punch and potentially some mini barrels, so always check the forecast or check with local surf guides about conditions if you’re not sure.

We’ve got a full guide to surfing in Kuta – check it out right now!

Surf spots in the Bukit region

Surf spots in the Bukit Peninsula, Bali

If you’re planning a surf trip to Bali then you really should know about the Bukit.

On the map, this is the little bauble of land that pokes out from the far south side of the island.

It’s basically where the most famous waves in the country are located. They include the lefts of Uluwatu, the barrels of Padang Padang, and the fine lines of Bingin.

Today, it’s the most sought-after place for good intermediate surfers and up. There are shed loads of fantastic places to stay, often with gorgeous views of the Indian Ocean.

Downsides? It’s busy. And that goes for both rainy season and dry season, which is the peak.

Balanagan Beach

Intermediate+ // Dry season // Maps

Balanagan Beach is a good place to sample what the Bukit has in store, all less than 45 minutes out of the airport – even in Bali traffic.

A fast, pitching left hander that peels off a reef on the bottom end of the bay, it holds fantastically in those dry-season SE offshores and can barrel at two sections. Some cracking hotels in the mix here too.

We have a complete guide to surfing in Balangan

Intermediate // Dry season // Maps

Don’t be fooled by the name – Dreamland is hardly the paradise you might expect. It’s almost always busy and is hemmed in by more hotels than you can shake your Gado Gado at.

Still, the wave is well-known for its versatility, offering both left and rights over a sand-coral bottom. It’s nowhere near as challenging as the places further down the Bukit Peninsula, which means there’s often plenty of intermediate improvers to be found paddling out.

Read more in our full guide to surfing in Dreamland

Bingin Beach

All-level-Expert // Dry season // Maps

Beautiful Bingin Beach is dashes under the cliffs of the Bukit Peninsula on the southern extremity of Bali – the area with the best surf throughout the June-August surf season. It’s a mecca for waves, with two breaks up its sleeve. The first is a primary-swell reefy that rolls perfectly right-left over the rocks. It’s a tricky, nifty takeoff into a quick ride that’s never more than 60m. There’s often a second-swell wave for those who want to practice pop-ups over the reef.

We’ve got a complete guide to surfing Bingin Beach right here


Advanced // Dry season // Maps

It’s names like these that help to keep the crowds away. Only here, between Bingin and the famous reefs of Padang Padang, it’s probably best everyone steers clear. That said, there are occasions when this trio of sections gets fatter than usual and slows a little. Otherwise, it’s super zippy and can be hard to control, which is less than ideal when the landing zone is a shallow volcanic reef without a grain of sand in sight! TLDR: Experts only.

Padang Padang

All-level-Advanced // Dry season // Maps

Padang Padang is the epitome of a hardcore left-hand reef that’s among the most photographed and filmed waves on the island. Works best in the strong dry season S-SW swells, when you’ll find people daring the line up from sunrise to sunset. Expect high-speed drop-ins in a shallow take-off zone, followed by a zippy run that’s almost always barrelling. It all ends over a low shelf of crushed coral, so there’s not really a moment when you can sit back and relax. Definitely not for beginners.

Check out our complete guide to surfing in Padang Padang right now

Uluwatu is just the sort of wave that puts Bali on the map. It’s not actually one wave, but rather a set of five that can be ridden at different points in the bay. It all starts with Temples, one of the biggest of the bunch that needs a hefty paddle. Then there’s the gnarly Bombie, a huge slab of water that’s among the tallest breaks on the island. The Peak comes next, a popular ripping spot for fast drop-ins. And then there’s the awesome Outside Corner, which goes beautifully when there’s a strong swell to offer some workable walls for the very best surfers out there. Not a pro? Just come to watch some of the maestros surf Bali in this legendary spot!

We’ve got a complete guide to all the awesome Uluwatu surf

Nyang Nyang

All-level-Advanced // All year // Maps

Off-the-beaten-path at the very end of the Bukit head is hidden Nyang Nyang. Feeling the full brunt of the Southern Ocean swell that powers the awesome waves in the region, it’s virtually always on. Thing is, there’s an easy max out and lack of shelter, so any winds can chop up the waves and there’s often unbearable closeouts. When it’s good, you can run nice cutbacks into the occasional barrel. Beware of rips and be ready to hike down jungle-fringed paths before you hit the shore.

Green Balls

All-level-Advanced // Wet season // Maps

Pulls in some pretty hefty power from the Southern Ocean when the S-W swells start kicking, which is why most of the locals will hold out for the offshores that come between November and March to ride this one. It’s a reef-sand mashup underfoot, with a nice lip of a wave that forms pretty steady verticals on its good days. Try to get there early but be ready to make a trek from the nearest carpark – it’s nowhere near anything, really.

Surf spots in East Bali

Surf in Sanur, Bali

East Bali is the region to look to when the wet season takes over. That is, it’s the region to look to in the wet season if you’re searching for overhead barrels and whatnot.

This part of the island gets the brunt of the SE-S swells during the wetter part of the year (November-March). The main breaks run up the reefs at the top end of the Bukit Peninsula but stretch from there up the beaches that line the channel between Bali and Nusa Penida.

Advanced // Wet season // Maps

Mainly known for its slick hotels, the last resort area on the Bukit is Nusa Dua. We link to the east here because it’s a wet-season surf spot that faces east and so shines in the wet season.

The waves are really for advanced surfers only. They string up a reef that works on the outside of the famous beaches and can be very big, very hollow. Rips are all over the place too.

Check out our full guide to surfing in Serangan

Intermediate+ // Wet season // Maps

The isle of Serangan might be out of bounds to surfers pretty soon – there’s talk of a huge uptopian-style hotel development. But it remains a solid intermediate-advanced option in the wet season for now, with loads of peaky reef frames breaking along its eastern shore. The downside is that it’s hard to get to.

Intermediate+-Advanced // Wet season // Maps

Sanur is another east coast, wet-season wave like Keramas before it. Only this one’s a fickle beast that needs loads of swell and the right angle to boot.

When it fires, it really fires – some say it’s the best right in Indo when that happens.

Crowds will come when it’s on. However, there are one or two other breaks here for intermediates and up that work Dec-March, and plenty of family hotels just behind.

Check out our full guide to surfing in Sanur

Keramas is a wet-season special that’s got to be up there with the hugest quality breaks in Bali.

S swells that push through the gap with Nusa Penida and Lombok pump into action here as they hit a rivermouth reef and start balling right into a perfect barrel before opening onto a lovely shoulder.

There’s always a crowd but it’s a rare high-performance right on the Isle of the Gods, so there.

We have a complete guide to surfing in Keramas

Step-by-step guide to planning your Bali surf trip right now

Step one: Book flights to the Bali surf…Lately, we like Omio for searching flights. It’s a nice interface and has lots of airline options. We also use Skyscanner because that sometimes offers deals that even beat going direct to the carrier!

Step two: Book your surf camp Book Surf Camps is the numero uno online booking platform for fully-fledged surf-stay packages on the internet right now. Then there’s . That has consistently unbeatable rates for hotels and a nifty map feature that lets you check EXACTLY how close your hotel is to a surf break.

Step three: Get insurance This is kinda’ important. Not just for surf trips but for any trips. SafetyWing is great for nomad travelers. They offer rolling contracts that cover amateur surfing.

Step four (optional): Rent a car If you’re surf camping then you might not need wheels. If you’re not then we’ll just say this: We’ve never been on a surf trip that wasn’t improved by having our own car. Use RentalCars – they’re the best.

Step five: Enjoy!

For paying for stuff when you’re traveling – Get a Wise borderless card/account . They charge NOTHING for POS payments in any country and have some of the best FX rates around in our humble opinion.

Surf camps in Bali

In Da Surf Bali

We’ll be frank – there are more surf camps on Bali than you could hope to get through in a whole decade.

Not all of them are great. The industry here has run amok and people who really shouldn’t be running surf camps are doing just that.

However, there are some fantastic standouts. We love that they can cover ALL levels, what with options for beginners in Kuta and in the Bukit for pros. Here’s a look at the cream of the crop:

  • CARI Surf Camp (8-day surf and yoga) – This is our current top pick among all the surf camps in Bali. It’s so well balanced and has such great inclusions that we think it’s the finest camp on the island right now. You’ll do 2x lessons each day, relax with in-house yoga, and get two BBQ nights to hang with new pals. Oh yea and the stay is STUNNING.
  • Rapture Green Bowl 8-day/7-night package – Rapture are pretty weell established as one of the best providers of quality surf schools in the world. They’ve done it again with their pad in the Bukit, which offers something for all levels and a touch of luxury on the side.
  • 8 Day in Between White Water and Green Waves Surf Camp in Medewi, Bali – A whole surf camp tailored to beginners looking to move from whitewash to green waves, this one’s perfect if you’ve done one or two sessions before and really want to improve. It’s hosted at the Brown Sugar Surfcamp in Medewi, which gets waves all year and offers one of the more mellow lefts on the isle. There, you’ll get video training and theory training to back up the daily lessons and – mark our words – will be ripping green waves by the time you head back to the airport!
  • 8 Day Surf Camp in Canggu @ In Da Surf Camp – In Da Surf has become a bit of a staple in lovable Canggu. We’d say they have some of the best instructors and all-round rental gear in the area, along with access to those multi-level reef breaks. This package includes seven days of surfing, four video analyses, and shuttles to breaks.

You can also check one of our complete guides to surf camps in Bali or surf camps in Canggu for even more awesome recommendations.

A note on why we partner with : Book Surf Camps are probably the biggest online aggregator of surf camps and surf-yoga packages in the world. We sounded out a quite a few potential partners before we affiliated with them. But, in the end, the abundance of choice for beginners, intermediates, and female-only surfing sealed it. We also love the simplicity of their booking system and the trusted brand name, along with the focus on connecting with homegrown local businesses on the ground.

Want more Bali surf camp options? Search the whole shebang below right now and book in a few clicks.

The best hotels for surfing in Bali

Hotels in Bali

One of the reasons Bali is so damn popular with surfers is that you can cruise in, book a hotel literally steps away from some of the best breaks in the world, and be surfing before you can say terima kasih .

The quality of accommodation is a cut above many Southeast Asian and other tropical destinations, too – expect pads with pools, sleek villas, and surf lodges with their very own boho bars.

It’s impossible to say where’s best because that all depends on where you want to surf (you’ll want to choose a hotel in Keramas to surf that, or in the Bukit to surf Ulu, or Kuta to take lessons there, for example).

We have stayed in quite our fair share of hotels on the Isle of the Gods, though, and there are some that we think are worth a special mention as worthy places to base an entire surf trip…

Dreamsea Bali

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, you see Dreamsea Bali . This lodge is nothing short of legendary. It clings to the rugged cliffs in the middle of the Bukit and is probably the surf camp that first brought serious luxury style to Bali.

You get access to Padang Padang and Ulus, along with the rest of the peninsula (so best for intermediates and up). Needless to say – EVERYTHING is stunning. If the budget allows and you want to be down south, this has to be top pick. It simply has to be.

Bombora Medewi Wavelodge

This is a really great hotel for surfers. It’s sat literally on the rocks just above the main left-hander in Medewi, which just so happens to be the longest and least busy of the south coast breaks. It’s an all-level place that’s good for learners and up. Plus, the hotel itself is sheer lux – just check out that infinity pool!

Balian Prana

Balian Prana is very nice place to bed down on the cliff just above what we’d say is the south’s best all-level A-frame. The hotel has a pool on a grassy meadow that’s within earshot of the waves. It’s got the local style, is way more peaceful than inner-town places in Canggu and that, and is run by a lovely bunch of staff.

Want more inspo? We now have a complete guide to all the best hotels for surfers in Bali , with options all across the island. Some of them are seriously ridiculously nice. Like, some of the nicest surf hotels in the world. Be sure to check that out.

For budget seekers, we’ve also put together a guide to the best cheap stays on the island – check out our list of the best surf hostels in Bali .

When to surf in Bali?

Bali wave

When school’s out for summer in the Northern Hemisphere, Bali is getting ready to feel the brunt of its very best swells. Yep, from May to September, the west coast mainstays are all pumping.

Plan your surf trip to Bali then if you’re keen on conquering the pipes and reefs of the west-facing Bukit Peninsula. That said, there’s always a wave on offer in these parts, with wet-season favourites stringing right up the east coast, from Green Balls to Serangan .

Let’s take a closer look…

Dry season (May-September)

The dry season is the best time for surfing in Bali. Dominant swell directions are from the southwest, which means you get reliable sets flowing into the famous breaks along the Bukit (not just Uluwatu, but Bingin and Padang Padang, too).

Offshore winds are from the north and northeast which helps matters even more – check out a proper NE day at Dreamland and you’ll see what people mean when they say Bali’s glassy in dry season! All that combines with a drop in the rainfall, which helps to keep run off pollution out of the water and that dreaded Bali belly at bay.

Wet season (November-April)

The wet season isn’t the end of the surf in Bali. The truth is this island gets very good swell all year. It’s just going to be a touch less reliable down on Bukit and up the shoreline from Kuta. Not that it really matters for beginners.

In fact, the drop in size helps the surf schools get in the water along the main stretch of resorts. On the flip side, the east coast of the island starts going. That brings swell to advanced breaks like Keramas , and to beginner spots like Playgrounds on Nusa Lembongan.

Learning to surf in Bali

Learning to surf in Bali

We have some strong opinions on the surf spots that are good for beginners in Bali. In general: Avoid the breaks on the Bukit Peninsula if you’re a total beginner. There are three key spots that have emerged as the top places to go for a lesson…

  • Canggu – Now the leader, Canggu has taken over from Kuta in the last five years as the hub of most of Bali’s surf schools. It’s a great place to learn because there are breaks for all levels and loads of fantastic schools. Plus, little aggro in the water.
  • Kuta-Seminyak – The beach that runs from Kuta to Seminyak is sort of the same strip. It’s riddled with surf schools but we wouldn’t recommend going for one that’s right there on the sand. Book ahead and check reviews. This is tout territory! Waves tend to be very forgiving and it’s the OG of learner spots on the island.
  • Medewi – We really like the idea of heading further afield for surf lessons and Medewi has emerged as a favorite simply because the crowds are way smaller. You won’t find the abundance of surf lesson options but it should still be a cinch to organize from your hotel.

Aside from choosing the right place, it’s important to know that most surf lessons in Bali can be divided into two types:

  • Local – These are run by local surfers and are often set up on the side of the beach. They tend to be cheaper (around $30-40 per person for two hours) but typically have a smaller equipment selection and they may not be fully accredited.
  • Accredited – These are surf schools that come with official ISA-trained surf coaches or accreditation to a similar level. They’ll be pricier (think over $70 per person for a session) but have had all sorts of training to get to where they are.

One important thing to note: Some local schools might also be accredited but not all accredited schools are local. Usually, you can tell by the price.

Our two cents: A local class for $30 or so can be a great way to sample surfing and are fantastic for total beginners who want to sample Bali’s great starter wave locations. If you’re serious about technical improvement then it’s probably better to pay extra for the accredited options.

With all that in mind, here are a few top recommendations for surf lessons in Bali that we think are great for first timers on the island:

  • Spicy Surf School – Based in Canggu, these guys have garnered a rep for high-quality local tuition. It’s cheap, it’s fun, and they really know the waves.
  • Bali Green Surf School – Another top-quality local surf school that shouldn’t break the bank, Bali Green ply their trade on Double Six Beach (a part of the Kuta-Seminyak strip). They also donate portions of profit to orphan charities in Bali, so it’s ethical travel 101.

We actually have a complete guide to 4 of the best surf lesson packages on offer in Bali right now – check that out if you’re looking to book lessons on your trip.

Renting a surfboard in Bali

Surfboards in a rack

It’s easy to rent a board in Bali.

For beginners there are stands that do big foam boards and funboards around the 7″-9″ range all along the main beaches of Kuta and Seminyak. The price is pretty standardized now: You’ll pay 50,000 IDR ($3) for two hours of rental.

Often, you’ll go to the stand that’s closest to the place you’re sat on the beach, or where you arrive at the beach. That’s fine because most are great. But we would recommend doing a quick Google beforehand to ensure there’s none of those 1-star “they scammed us” reviews!

For more advanced surfers, there are lots and lots of options. Bali probably has one of the best arrays of performance boards up for rent – it’s a popular place to surf, don’t ya know? Again, this is usually a case of Googling to check where’s good and close to where you’ll be staying. However, some outlets we can recommend are:

  • Boardriders Echo Beach – Very good range of boards in cannggu, basically aimed at more experienced surfers. You’re looking at Pyzel shorties for 450,000/day ($30/day).
  • Bali Tubes – A good range of Kelly Slater Designs and GAMMA options here right in the heart of the Bukit. They also rent scooters with surfboard mounts.
  • White Monkey Surf Shop – On a country road to Ulus, these guys have a very wide selection and a great quiver of new boards to buy.

Things to do in Bali (other than surfing…)

Sidemen, in south-central Bali

We’ll assume – since you’re reading this guide in the first place – that you’re planning on doing at least SOME surfing in Bali.

And quite right too. Whether you’re a pro and pining for Keramas or a beginner down in Kuta, this is one of the best surf destinations on the globe.

But it’s also not only about surfing.

Now, we’re not qualified to write you a full itinerary for the Isle of the Gods. But what we can do is offer some tips and ideas for top things to do that are easily accessible from the main surf zones towards the south end of the island.

Hiking in Sidemen

Sidemen is one of the lesser-known jewels of south-central Bali. It’s often likened to what Ubud was 20 years back. We agree. There’s hardly anyone around and the views are spectacular.

Get yourself a hotel (we loved the Sawah Indah Villa ) that has a view down the Sidemen Valley and you can wake to visions of Mount Agung in the distance. It’s an incredible sight of Bali’s highest volcano. You can also do walks through the rice paddies here to find the lovely Gembleng Waterfall, which has formed a sort of natural infinity pool in the cliffs.

You could also do a guided day tour that takes you through the highlights of the Sidemen valley with a pickup in Denpasar near to the surf spots of the south coast.

A weekend on the Gili Islands

You can either fly or whiz across the Bali Sea to the Gili Islands. Either way, the result is the same: A Shangri-La of shimmering white beaches, resplendent coral reefs, bamboo beach bars, and azure waters. There are three islands in total. Choose Gili Trawangan to party until sunup. Choose Gili Meno or Air for R&R, freediving, and sunbathing.

We like Gili Air the best of all. It’s got variety that you just can’t match and is chilled to the T. It’s also home to one of the best small-scale boutique hotels we’ve ever stayed at: La Siesta bungalows & Cuisine , a really nice clutch of small cottages cantered around a pool.

Ubud is a worthy reason to leave the coast. Yep, even with the crowds of grammers and influencers!.

Hemmed in by emerald-green rice paddies and jungles in the southern heart of the island, it’s a mystical town that’s topped by Hindu shrines and ancient palaces. The Monkey Forest is a must, to meet the resident macaques, but also be sure to head to Ubud Market to get your necklaces, saris, and traditional Balinese batiks.

It will be busy, but there are some cracking hotels nearby that have spas attached – perfect for resting the bones after big surfs down south. The Sebali Resort is one that really stands out for us. In fact, it was one of the best hotels we’ve ever had the pleasure of checking into. $$s though!

Nusa Penida

Talking of the Instagrammers: Nusa Penida. This small isle on the south-eastern edge of Bali can be reached on quick ferries that leave regularly throughout the morning.

The reward? do glistening white-sand beaches backed by high jungle-clad cliffs sound? How about uber-romantic resorts with honeymoon suites? How about remote coconut groves and beautiful vistas back across the Indian Ocean?

How to get to Bali?

A ferry in Bali

Being an island, there are really only two ways to get to Bali: by plane or by boat.

Most travellers will take the first option.

Oodles of regional low-cost airlines (AirAsia being the largest) serve the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar, and there are also plenty of long-haul connections arriving to boot.

If you’re traveling in with a surfboard, then we can highly reccomend the connections with Emirates or Qatar, which both offer free surfboard transit (at least they did last time we checked in!). They come in from thier Middle Eastern hubs respectively, so can be linked up with departures from Europe, the US, and other parts of Asia.

Short-haul fliers are likely to use AirAsia. They have a generous surfboard policy for people flying from Australia but will charge (something like $40 a pop) for a board if you’re flying from other places in Asia. That’s annoying, becuase it can add up since flights that come from, say, Sri Lanka, often involve a connection through thier hub in KL, meaning you’ll have to pay the cost of a surfbaord check-in twice!

If you want to hop across the water, you can get high-speed ferries into Padangbai (from Lombok ) on the east coast or into Gilimanuk (from Java) on the west coast.

Getting around Bali

Gettng around Bali

Honestly, these days, we’d do this: Pick 2-3 hotels right on the surf breaks you want to hit in Bali and base yourself in those, only moving from A to B when it’s time to hop spot.

The reason we suggest that is a) transport in Bali is a bit pricier than the rest of Indo and b) the traffic can be crazy around the main surf areas (especially Canggu). You’ll waste tons of surf time trying to dodge crashes on narrow alleyways. Not fun.

When you do need to move, these are the three main ways to get about:

Scooters in Bali

There was a MEGA kerfuffle when the news broke that the governor of Bali was to ban scooter rentals to foreigners in 2023.

Of course, the reality of the change is very different to the sensationalism of the headlines. Officially, it’s illegal to rent a scooter in Bali. Unofficially, loads of people still do it and tons of companies offer it.

There’s no doubt there’s a risk you could get stopped and fined (either for renting in the first place or not having a proper international driver’s license, which is required).

We’ll leave it to you to decide what you want to do, but would add that we basically NEVER rent scooters here any longer. It’s better to find a stay near the beach you want to surf and then move to the next spot to surf there, staying a few days in each.  


All these apps work in Bali. They’re the cheapest way to get rides from A to B. For the cheapest of all, choose the scooter options, which – crucially – DO NOT come with surfboard racks. Rates are roughly around 10,000 IDR/10 mins of transit on a two-wheeler and more in a car.

We’ve had some bad experiences using GoJek and the like in Bali. Local drivers HATE it and will often harangue travelers who choose to go that way instead of renting a pricier ride from them.

Local taxis

Taxis are on offer everywhere in Bali but they’ll often be more expensive than the ones in the apps. You’re looking at around 250,000 IDR ($15) to go from the airport to Canggu, a trip that would be maybe 150,000 if you got it on GoJek.

Where to go surfing AFTER Bali

Empty waves in Lombok

The thing about Bali is that it’s one of the gateways to a whole surf region. You don’t have to just jet in here and only surf the busy breaks of Ulus and Kuta or whatever. A quick ferry hop and you can be exploring other Indonesian bucket-listers and finding breaks that have much smaller line ups.

We think anyone who enjoys Bali will enjoy Lombok more. It’s a controversial thing to say given the sheer quality of those Bukit breaks but Lombok has chilled vibes and just-as-fantastic waves. The hub of it is Kuta Lombok and the highlights would be the heavy lips of Ekas Outside and the low-tide tubes of Air Guling (for more advanced surfers) or the cruisy A-frame peaks of Tanjung Aan (for learners).

Surf camps in Lombok

Interested in Lombok? Surf camps are the way to see the isle next to Bali because they’ll take you around all the 20+ breaks that dot the south coast. And they have some serious quality about them.

Check our guide to surf camps In Lombok

Spicy Surf School, Bali, feature

Check out our complete guide to surfing in Lombok right now

Bali is actually one of the launchpads for getting to the eastern end of Java, Indonesia’s most populous island. It’s hallowed surf territory because it hosts G-Land, one of the world’s most iconic spots. Go there for rustic surf camps that have hosted legends and a series of left handers that barrel to perfection in the dry season. Ferries leave Bali from the port in Gilimanuk to go to East Java every day.

Check out our complete guide to surfing in Java right now

Bali Surf Report, Indonesia

Bali Surf Tours

For the crew who don’t like dealing with crowds, but still want to get some good waves, join Ketut for the ultimate surf experience in Bali! Whether you’re an experienced surfer or a weekend warrior, Ketut and his local surf friends are ready to take you to the best Bali waves on offer.

Surfers Package

Our package deal is perfect for surfers of all levels. We specialise in finding waves all over the island, away from the massive crowds, ensuring you get the best surfing experience.

  • Price: Rp400K per surfer per day (minimum 2 surfers for us to do a trip)
  • Daily surf trips around Bali
  • Surf photographer and photos

Our surf tours are suitable for everyone, whether you’re staying with us in our air-conditioned rooms or at a hotel with your family. We offer flexible morning trips, ensuring you can enjoy the best waves and be back at your hotel by lunchtime to spend the rest of the day with your family.

Drop us a line via the form below and we can lock in your tours. Our team is here to provide all the information you need for your tropical surfing holiday.

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Bali Surf Report

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  • Darren Darren on Canggu Surf Report 26th July 2024
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Best Surf Destinations

A Complete Guide to Surfing Bali

Surfing bali

Thinking about surfing Bali?

This is our complete surf travel guide. Read for everything you need to know about surfing in Bali.

Glistening in the Indonesian waters, the hedonistic island of Bali is best known for its azure blue sea, exotic coral reef, luscious vegetation, and dramatic volcanic backdrop. Many come for a spiritual experience; whether visiting one of its many temples, or the other type of religion here – surfing .

A popular spot with Australians (more than two million visit every year), it also attracts honeymooners, travelers, and of course surfers, from all over the world.

With a population of more than four million, Bali is a thriving cultural hub to visit any time of year. Noted for its warm hospitality and breath-taking beauty, there’s more to it than first meets the eye.

How to get to Bali

Bali Ngurah Rai International, also known as Denpasar, is the main airport in the country. Enjoying a makeover in 2013, it has a modern welcoming feel, despite it being a busy hub.

Check for flights to Bali here.

Indonesian Rupiah (Rp or IDR) is the main currency used in Indonesia, including Bali. Be sure to exchange enough money for your travels, since foreign currency is not accepted by a law. Most ATMs allow a maximum withdrawal of between 1,250,000 and 3,000,000 rupiah a day. Keep in mind that 1,250,000 is the equivalent of roughly $87 USD, or £69 in UK sterling.

The main two languages spoken are Balinese and Indonesian. However, due to the high level of tourism on which the country relies upon, most locals have some basic understanding of English too.

How to get around Bali

Surfing Bali

The faithful moped is the most popular way of getting around the island. Cheap to hire, it will set you back a few dollars for a day. However, this is also the least safe way to get around, with visitors involved in road incidents all the time. If you do decide to rent a moped when surfing Bali, be sure to get a helmet.

The bus (bemo), which is more like a mini-bus, is a popular choice with locals. This no-frills approach to travel usually costs IDR 4,000 for a trip. Alternatively, the Seminyak Shuttle services the main locations, costing IDR 20,000.

Finally, Bluebird Taxis is one of the best taxi services on the island, with a downloadable app, a bit like Uber.

Surfing Bali

Bali is the place to absorb yourself in some of the best surfing conditions throughout Indonesia. Although it attracts experienced surfers, it’s also sympathetic to newcomers with lots of different breaks.

Although it’s an all-year destination for surfing, Bali is a tropical climate with a wet and dry season.

Dry season (May to September) brings the tourists, especially in peak month August. This is when surfing conditions are at their prime with legendary breaks on the west coast to be enjoyed.

Meanwhile wet seasons (October to April) provides temperatures in the 80s, with interchangeable sunshine and rain. There is still lots of surf to be had, especially on the east coast.

Although there are more than 60 surf spots on the island to enjoy, there are three main destinations that surfers come for; Canggu, Kuta, and Uluwatu.

Surfing Canggu

Surfing Bali Canggu

If you’re looking for a popular spot that’s easy to reach, Canggu never fails. Suitable for all levels of capability this busy spot can however get crowded in the summer months.

Many come to try their hand at breaks in one of three spots; Berewa Beach for rolling barrels, although there are rocky reefs so it’s better suited to confident swimmers.

Batu Bolong is more suited to beginners with its kinder waves perfect for easing newbies into the waters.

And finally, Echo Beach; you’ve heard the name mentioned so many times it would be remiss not to come here. There are waves upon waves and three spots in succession to keep you entertained.

Also read : A Complete Guide to Surfing Canggu in Bali

Surfing Kuta

Surfing Bali Kuta

Further along the coast, Kuta’s long stretch of white sand has long been a mecca for surfers, since the 1930s.

Locals and tourists intertwine, in this exposed spot that offers consistently reliable waves. Since they break along its 2km beachfront, there’s plenty of room for everyone, making it a good place for learners.

Nearby Double Six Beach provides the perfect spot to unwind and chill during sunset.

Surfing Uluwatu

Bali Surfing Uluwatu

Made from the stuff of legends, Uluwatu underpins everything that surfing Bali is about. Big towering waves that, when ridden, offer a glimpse of the Hindu temple hovering in the backdrop. It’s almost as if the Gods are inviting you in!

Located deep in the south of the island, Uluwatu benefits from its coastal position, hanging off the tip of the Bukit Peninsula. Waves can be large and unforgiving, so pros need only apply!

Also read: A Complete Guide to Surfing Uluwatu in Bali

Surfing for beginners in Bali

With its famous coral reef, there are plenty of hazardous spots dotted around the island. Therefore, beginners will benefit from taking lessons in one of the many surf schools available.

When surfing Bali for the first time, you’ll find that Kuta is the best place for newcomers due to its gentler waves and overall conditions. Although you can find tons of surf schools up and down the beach, we recommend picking up a 2-hour lesson with one of the Kuta locals for $29.

Meanwhile, in Canggu, you can book a full day lesson with lunch and transport from your hotel for just $50.

Alternatively, if you want to try your luck in Uluwatu, Rapture Camps have an outpost with qualified instructors to ease you in. These start from around $11 for two-hour sessions.

Surfboard hire in Bali

There are plenty of places where you can hire surfboards in Bali.

Like most of the surf schools, Odyssey in Kuta offers body boards, short boards and long boards, which can be reserved online. These start from IDR 65,000 – that’s less than $5.

Otherwise, it’s easy to roll up to many of the surf shacks on Kuta Beach and hire kit, starting from IDR 50,000.

When in Canggu, Uluwatu, or Seminyak, there are plenty of Awayco outlets offering a good range of boards at competitive prices. Reservations can be made online here .

Bali Surf Camps

Whatever your budget, Bali has something for you. Go high-end luxe, or purse-friendly eco, there’s no shortage of great places to stay. That said, Bali is a country of great contrast and as such does budget accommodation and high-end luxury best. Mid-range hotels are available, but not as easy to find.

For an absolute bargain when surfing Bali, the Sunny Surf Lodge in north Kuta gives you plenty to smile about! For less than $9 a night, you can live the surf dream, in this hotel that is basic, but perfect for resting your head. It’s just a 30-minute walk to hit the shores of Batu Bolong, designed for those who love nothing more than to surf.

For a little more budget, at $24 a night, the Mote Surf Stay is a hidden gem. This is also the place to stay for surfers – you won’t find any other kind of tourist here.

Surf Motel Bali

Mid-range hotels are hard to find. However, from $87 a night (including breakfast) The Surf Motel in Canggu is well located for those who like to party by night and surf by day…. and in that order! This clean modern dwelling also offers easy access to the local beach, ideal for catching waves, followed by cocktails.

zin canggu resort

For all the trappings of five-star luxury, the irresistible collection of private villas at ZIN Canggu Resort & Villas will set you back $175 a night.

six senses uluwatu

However, for some of the best hotels on the island, and for complete indulgence head to Uluwatu. Here you will find honeymoon haven, the Six Senses, and the ever-fashionable Bulgari which starts from $767 a night.

Also read : 10 of The Best Surf Camps in Bali

Where to eat in Bali

Local Balinese cuisine is known to be lively and delicious. Fresh ingredients are used with just the right touch of spice, paying homage to its Asian influence. This is best brought to life at Ulken in Canggu.

In keeping with the surf vibe, Shady Shack in Canggu is a popular spot for those on a health kick and is also vegetarian friendly.

Of course, being surrounded by so much water has its culinary advantages too. Seafood lovers should head to The Echo Beach Club for its catch of the day while looking out to sea. It’s also a fun spot for after-hours fun too.

When you’re ready for something more iconic, head to Potato Head in Seminyak. Contrary to its name, this is a luxurious spot seemingly for the beautiful people, matched with equally as palatable dishes!

Other activities in Bali

Surfing Bali Uluwatu Temple-min

Even if you do just come for surfing Bali, there’s so much culture to soak up. The local sights deserve at least one day out of your busy schedule.

You’ve seen it carving the ways, but there’s nothing better than seeing the ancient Hindu temple of Uluwatu up close and personal. Perching on a cliff, this sacred site is said to be over 1,000 years old. The best time to come is before sunset, to experience the uniquely wonderful Kecak dance performed. It’s one of several wonderful temples to visit, others include Ulun Danu Beratan and Besakih Temples.

Surfing Bali Monkey Forest

When it’s time to swap shore for the jungle, Mandala Suci Wenara Wana (also known as the Monkey Forest) is a refuge for more than 700 monkeys. Nestled deep inland, this sanctuary is doing great work to protect the species as a notable conservation project. You can book a tour here alongside a visit to the instagram-famous jungle swing and the Ubud waterfall for $35 per person.

Finally, when in Bali (and indeed only in Bali) the Goa Gajah is a fascinating cave carved with elephants. Dating back to the 11 th century, this archaeological site it a special place to visit and well worth the pilgrimage out to Bedulu Village.

Enjoyed our Essential Guide to Surfing in Bali ? Check out all of our Surf Travel Guides here .

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5 of the Best Surf Camps in Uluwatu

5 of the Best Surf Camps in Uluwatu

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Bali & Lembongan

10-day surf coaching camp.

bali surfing trips

Exclusive accommodation

Choose the best surf camp near the beach, live the island life, boat trips to surf and snorkel.

bali surfing trips

Complete surf program

A surf coaching retreat tailored to your personal objectives.

bali surfing trips

Surf only the best surf spots

For beginners & intermediates.

bali surfing trips



Surf trip to Bali, Indonesia 10-Day, Nusa Lembongan & Bali surf camp

Welcome to our Nusa Lembongan & Bali surf camp. Have you ever dreamed of surfing perfect, turquoise waves in a tropical paradise? Your dream will come true on this Indonesian journey across two amazing islands.

  • World-Class surf breaks for all levels of surfers
  • Internationally recognized restaurants & cafes
  • Snorkelling and stand up paddleboard in crystal clear waters
  • Live in a quiet yoga and surf coaching retreat
  • Inspiring Hindu culture

A typical day At our Bali surf camp

Start your day in our luxurious private villa on top of a cliff, enjoying panoramic views of the crystal-clear waters of Nusa Lembongan. After breakfast, you and your fellow travelers are picked up by boat by the welcoming surf coaches and taken to your surfing spot. You feel the incredible sensation of sliding on turquoise waves and notice the vibrant colors of the reef beneath your surfboard. Back at the villa, your Barefoot surf guide analyzes and discusses your surf photos and videos, and you are more motivated than before you started. At night, you and your friends enjoy freshly caught fish at your local surf coach’s family restaurant, right on the beach.


Surf Technique Analysis

Live in Canggu 4 Days

You will be living in Canggu for the first part of our Bali Surf Camp. Canggu is one of these places with a special energy to it. Its bohemian vibe, breathtaking rice fields, inspiring culture and quality surf breaks combine to create a unique surf trip experience.

Live in Lembongan 5 Days

When you step foot on this 8km² island, you will probably think you are dreaming. Nusa Lembongan is the definition of a paradise surf island. It has crystal clear waters, white sand beaches, a very mellow vibe and friendly, authentic people.

Discover amazing destinations:

  • Cliff jumping in Nusa Ceningan
  • Snorkeling boat trip on the coasts of Nusa Penida

Personalized surf program for your level

On all surf trips.

Personalized Surf Coaching

Level 1: beginner surf coaching

Never tried surfing before? Or have you tried a few times, taking a few lessons here and there? If you still need to master basic techniques, this surf coaching level is for you.

Level 2: intermediate surf coaching

Have you been surfing for many weeks, months or years? Can you paddle through the white water and catch unbroken waves by yourself? This coaching will take your surfing to the next level.

How we coach surfing?

Best Surf Towns Bali

This surf trip is for you if:

  surf level.

  • You have never surfed and want to learn how to surf
  • You have basic surf experience (4 years or -)
  • You want to progress & surf the best suitable spots for your level
  • You’re looking for tropical weather and surf spots suitable for beginners & intermediates

Surf Coaching with Pro Teachers in Bali


  • You are a lone traveller or travelling between friends, or as a couple
  • You would like to get immersed into surfing’s lifestyle
  • You enjoy having access to world-class restaurants
  • Average traveller age: 25 – 55 years old

bali surfing trips

By joining this 10-day Bali Surf Camp, you will learn to surf faster than you could imagine. You will quickly feel the amazing sensation of going down waves in transparent waters. Our surf guides have more than 10 years of surf-coaching experience, and our local instructors are amongst the best surfers in Indonesia. We make sure to maximize both your enjoyment and your surf progression during each surf session.

  • 7 surf lessons –  3:1 student/coach ratio
  • 5 surf workshops – theory & technique
  • Professional surf photos sent to your e-mail
  • Advanced surf clinic including technique analysis with surf photos & videos
  • Professional surf coaches & guides

Beginner Female Surfer in Bali Learning to Surf at her Pace

“I got to travel and surf around with an amazing group of people who just love to embrace the good things in life. It was an authentic and unforgettable experience that I couldn’t recommend enough.”  Jessica P, Canada – Bali surf camp. TripAdvisor

  • Inter-islands fast cruises (between Bali & Lembongan)
  • 4 X Boat trips to surf spots
  • Boat trip to snorkel with the possibility to see manta rays
  • Private transport with our minivans
  • Stand Up Paddleboard equipment rentals
  • Airport shuttles



On both the islands of Bali and Nusa Lembongan, you will be living in gorgeous private villas, exclusive for your surf group. This sets a “home” vibe like no other: travelers become close friends and share unforgettable moments together. You will always be within walkable distance to the surf beaches, restaurants, cafes and main attractions.

  • Exclusive accommodation in private beach villas
  • Best locations, near & on the beach
  • Walking distance to restaurants, cafes & beach bars
  • Breathtaking ocean view in Nusa Lembongan
  • Chic interiors, pools & chilling areas
  • Welcome dinner

See Accommodation 

Villa Surf Camp Lembongan Bali

Surf information

Surf overview.

Indonesia is arguably the best place on earth to surf. No other country can match the number of surf spots on these islands, nor the quality of the waves.

While Bali is famous for its expert, world-class surf breaks, it also offers great surf spots to learn and progress. On our  Bali Surf Camp, o ur surf guides will bring you to fun surf spots so you can practice surfing safely according to your surf level.

Typical surf conditions

Being a small island, there is always a surf spot that works (it’s always offshore somewhere!), and that’s exactly why we’re here. Barefoot guides will ensure to provide you with all the advice that you need to find the best waves for your skill level. There are waves practically year round on the island. Ideal months for a surf trip in Bali is between April and October, in order to avoid the rainy season.

bali surfing trips

While Bali is famous for its expert, world-class surf breaks, it also offers great surf spots to learn and progress. Our surf guides will bring you to fun surf spots so you can practice surfing safely according to your surf level.

bali surfing trips

Things to do on our Lembongan & Bali surf camp

Boat trips to surf.

Surf with us on the Northern coast in Canggu, and into South Bali, down the Bukit peninsula. Also included is a boat trip to a surf spot on the island of Nusa Lembongan.

Boat Surf Class Lembongan


With its colourful reefs and exotic marine life, Nusa Lembongan is the perfect place to explore life under the sea.

Snorkeling in Bali

Ubud day trip (not included)

In Ubud, visit art galleries, ride a bicycle through the rice fields, take a yoga class, take a walk in the monkey forest or visit an ancient temple filled with monkeys.

PaddleBoard in Nusa Lembongan

Stand Up Paddle Board

During your 5 days in Nusa Lembongan, Stand Up Paddle Boards will be at your disposal on request. Discover secret beaches on the coast, the colourful corals, the crystal clear waters and some of the most beautiful sunsets you’ve ever seen.

Other activities (not included)

  • Waterfall trip
  • White water rafting
  • Traditional temple visits
  • Volcano treks
  • Water park trip
  • Scuba diving
  • & many more

Nusa Penida Bali Surf Camp

Lembongan & Bali surf camp

From $3,650 usd, faqs | surf & lifestyle, am i too old or too young for this trip, i have never surfed in my life. is this trip for me, how are the waves/temperature during month x, should i bring my own surfboards, how much cash money should i bring / what else do i need to pay for, is it possible to stay 2 weeks in a row, does my surf level fit this surf coaching retreat, do i need to arrive one day early not to miss the surf on the 1st day, can i sign up for just 1, 2 or 3 days or book individual lessons, faqs | travel, how does the airport transportation work, do i need a visa to enter the country, is there a minimum age to go on a surf trip, what's the ideal currency, how do the shared rooms work, is it safe to travel to these countries, what type of travel insurance should i get, what’s the best website for plane tickets, what airport should i land to can i land at a different airport, i am planning to travel alone on this trip. will there be any other lone travellers on my trip, testimonials, we are #1 on tripadvisor.

Reviews on TripAdvisor

“The best part of my trip with Barefoot was how much I improved my surfing. I’d done a bunch of single surf lessons before & this was the first time I actually felt like the surf guides were instructing, critiquing & pushing me to get better at surfing.”

bali surfing trips

“The total experience exceeded expectations, staff was knowledgeable, professional, and gracious. Accommodations were very welcoming and comfortable. Everything was top notch!”

bali surfing trips

“I’ve been traveling to various surf camps for the last 2 years. This trip was beyond incredible, everything from start to finish was top notch and focused on improving my surfing while having a wonderful cultural experience.”

bali surfing trips

“Created some great friendships, and experienced a beautiful country in the best week possible. Already trying to figure out when I can plan my next trip with them!”

bali surfing trips

“I couldn’t ask for time spent with more friendly, truly awesome people. The team is very responsive and well organized. My surfing was pushed to another level”

bali surfing trips

“The coaches are nationally acclaimed surfers and give great tips to better your surf technique. All in all a great experience.”

bali surfing trips

2024 Surf Trips

Costa rica - 7 days jan - mar 2024.

View surf trip

Nicaragua - 7 days May - July 2024

Mentawais - 10 days november 2024, 2025 surf trips, costa rica - 7 days jan - mar 2025, nicaragua - 7 days may - jul 2025, mentawais - 10 days november 2025.

Bali and Maldives trips are on hold until 2025. If the trip you are interested in is full, you can join our waiting list & get notified if someone cancels.

It takes 1 minute!

Whats Included

Surf better, faster Get news about our latest Tutorials & Surf Coaching Retreats

1% of every sale goes to nonprofit organizations that protect & clean our oceans.

bali surfing trips


Cucukan villas-9

Explore Bali’s Best Surf Spots with World Surfaris

The beauty of Bali is well-known, and this tropical Indonesian surf destination needs no introduction. It’s a vibrant combination of epic waves, stunning scenery, delicious local cuisine, and welcoming locals who make you feel right at home. The Bali surf scene offers an unparalleled experience, making it a surfer’s paradise and cultural mecca that people have been flocking to for years.

The expert Surf Travel guides at World Surfaris have handpicked a collection of premium Bali surf resorts in all four regions of the island, each offering unique experiences. With an office in Bali, we have a fleet of vehicles with drivers and local surf guides who can help you escape the crowds and take the path less trodden to find the best waves. Surf Bali with the best guidance and support to ensure an unforgettable trip.

As well as super-fun waves, Bali offers travellers a unique range of experiences, from snorkelling to hiking and cooking classes and tours of ancient temples. Bali surfing is more than just catching waves; it’s about immersing yourself in the rich culture and natural beauty of the island.

Best Surfing in Bali – Top Spots

Bali surf destinations are famous for their variety and quality. Here are some of the best surfing spots in Bali:

  • Uluwatu: Known for its powerful left-handers and stunning cliffs.
  • Padang Padang: Famous for its hollow waves and scenic beach.
  • Canggu: Offers a mix of waves suitable for all skill levels.
  • Bingin: Known for its perfect barrels.
  • Keramas: A world-class wave on Bali’s east coast.
  • Impossibles: Offers long, fast waves that challenge even experienced surfers.

These spots provide some of the best surfing in Bali , catering to surfers of all levels, from beginners to advanced.

Bali Surf Resorts and Accommodations

World Surfaris offers a range of Bali surf resorts that provide comfort and convenience, ensuring you have everything you need for a perfect surf trip. Whether you prefer a luxury resort or a more laid-back surf camp, we have the ideal option for you.

Surf Trip Bali – Year-Round Surfing

Indonesia has two distinct seasons, wet (off-peak) and dry (peak). The dry season (April to September) offers the best surf conditions, favorable winds from the S-SW, and long periods of light to no winds. This is the best time for a Bali surf trip, with consistent swells and ideal conditions.

The wet season (October to March) has more rain but cooler temperatures than the dry season. Swell isn’t as consistent during the wet season, but some areas like the east coast of Bali and Sumatra still have good, consistent swells and light winds. Surfing in Bali during the wet season can be rewarding, with fewer crowds and fun, empty waves.

More Surfing Destinations with World Surfaris

In addition to the incredible Bali surf options, World Surfaris offers a range of other surfing destinations to suit all preferences and skill levels. Here are six other top locations to consider:

Mentawai Islands : Known for world-class waves and pristine beaches.

Sumba : Offers uncrowded waves and stunning landscapes.

Fiji : Known for its beautiful beaches and consistent surf breaks.

Sumbawa : Features a mix of famous and secret surf spots.

Java : Offers diverse and powerful waves for surfers of all levels.

Rote Island : A remote paradise with world-class waves.

Book your Bali surf adventure with World Surfaris today and experience the ultimate surfing destination. Whether you’re looking for a surf camp, a surf resort, or a tailored surf trip, we have the perfect option for you. Contact us now to start planning your dream surf trip and discover the best waves in Bali!

Indonesia has two distinct seasons, wet (off-peak) and dry (peak). The dry season (April to September) offers the best surf conditions, favourable winds from the S-SW, and long periods of light to no winds.

The wet season (October to March) has more rain but cooler temperatures than the dry season. Swell isn’t as consistent during the wet season, but some areas like the east coast of Bali and Sumatra still have good, consistent swells and light winds.

While many surfers rush to surf Indonesia in the dry season, surfers who visit in the wet season are often rewarded with fun, empty waves. World Surfaris offers surf trips all-year-long, throughout the wet and dry seasons.

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The Patra Bali Resort & Villas, located just 5 minutes from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, stands out as the largest establishment in the...

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Stoked For Travel

Surfing In Bali – Everything You Need To Know

Thinking of surfing in Bali? Well here’s the ultimate Bali Surf Guide – from the best Bali surf spots for all levels to the best Bali surf camps & more!

Surfing in Bali is surely on the bucket list of every surfer – whether you’re just learning to surf or an experienced waterman.

The “Island of the Gods” is easily the most famous island in Indonesia (which has over 17,500 of them!) and is arguably one of the most famous surf destinations on the planet. For good reason too – warm water, tropical vibes, pumping surf breaks and a low cost of living tick all the boxes fo any surf trip!

I’ve been coming back to Bali again and again for years and although it has changed a lot, underneath all the development it’s still the same fun, tropical island with epic surf that it has always been!

So if you’re planning a surf trip to Bali anytime soon here’s everything you need to know…

Surfing In Bali – The Ultimate Surfers Guide

Bali surf season & weather.

Although surfing in Bali is a year round option the time of year you go will have a big impact on both the weather and which surf spots you’ll be paddling out at – so take this next section into serious consideration when planning your Bali surf trip!

  • Wet Season = November to March
  • Dry Season = May to September

Travelling on the shoulder or wet season does make things cheaper and also less crowded. But just keep in mind that depending on the season you’ll be heading to either the East or West coast to score the best waves…

  • Bali East Coast Surf Season =  November to March
  • Bali West Coast Surf Season =  May to September
  • Bali Peak Surf Season =  May to September,  there are consistent pulses of big, clean swell throughout dry season

Basically if you’re looking for the perfect combo of weather and waves then head to the West Coast of Bali in the dry season and you’re sorted with all the major spots lighting up!

Also the water temperature in Bali is tropical all year round, so dig out those bikinis or boardies! In wet season you might want to go with a thermal rashie as well.

Bali Surf Spot Map

Before we delve into the breakdown of all the main surf spots in Bali, including the type of break and the best surf spots for different abilities here a handy Bali surf spot map so you can put everything into perspective!

Top East Coast Surf Spots (Rainy Season)

When it comes to surfing in Bali during the rainy season the East Coast, which offers a huge range of right handers, is the place to head. Here are some of the top spots to paddle out at…

surfing in bali guide surf spots keramas stoked for travel

The home of the WSL stop in Bali most surfers worth their salt will know all about this wave. A punchy right hander breaking across a reefy river mouth get ready for barrels and air sections galore. So go channel your inner Toledo or Medina and see how you measure up on this awesome wave!

Green Bowl/Green Ball

Once the hidden gem of the Bukit and a wet season nugget the word has spread about Green Bowl (sometimes call Green Ball) but its secluded location and access still keep the crowds down and there are plenty of waves to be had.

This right hander breaks over a pretty sharp reef so not suitable for beginner surfers – also be careful of the current, you’ve been warned!

Less singular surf spot, more an area with numerous reef breaks Nusa Dua is the home of the best right handers in Bali as well as some infamous big wave surfing. Despite being nestled amongst the luxury resorts that populate the area and the white sandy beaches this is no beginner spot.

Capable of holding a big swell the fast, punchy right handers at Sanur break over a very sharp, very shallow reef – so expert surfers only and be prepared to leave a chunk of skin behind during your session!

Along with Keramas Serangan is one of the most well known wet season waves and as a result it can get a bit crowded when its working. But offering up a selection of lefts and rights there’s plenty of waves to go around so its well worth checking out and has something for intermediates upwards.

Hang on aren’t we talking about surfing in Bali? Not the country, but the surf spot Sri Lanka sits slap in front of the Sofitel Hotel in Nusa Dua. Almost like a right hand Padang its a quick take off, barrel and out – its also pretty busy so get ready to hustle.

Top West Coast Surf Spots (Dry Season)

Surfing in Bali during the dry season is a West Coast affair – where some of the most famous left handers on the planet begin to work and offer up some epic rides…

Airports – also know as Kuta Reef – sits a short boat ride off of the main part of Kuta Beach, surprisingly either side of the Airport runway (I wonder how it got named?!). This deep water reef can handle some serious size and it can be easy to underestimate it when looking from the beach.

Offering both lefts and rights (depending on the side you surf) it’s best left to the more advanced surfers.

A mellow semi reef and beach break Berawa offer up both lefts and rights.

Situated right in front of Finns Beach Club (check out my full Bali Beach Club Guide here ) you’re not too far from a post surf beer, or simply chill in the pool and watch the waves after your session!

Great for all levels of surfer

Echo Beach sits a few hundred meters up the coast from the main section of Canggu . This spot consists of 2 main breaks – the reef and the beach. Echo Reef is a short but punch left hander, which can offer a few cheeky cover ups.

Echo Beach is again super punch with some cover up sections and offers both left and rights.

With both options be aware of the tide as both can get super shallow and unforgiving on the rocks below!

This fun little reef is actually not in front of the beach bar that bares the same name, it’s just off to the right towards Echo. A deep reef it runs for agggggges and I’ve clocked up rides well over 200m long. The take off can be punchy but then get prepared for some serious rail to rail game on the easy walling sections.

Can be a bit of a nightmare with lessons out there, but great for a fun surf or on a longboard, but can also handle some serious size.

Ah Medewi! A goofy footed long boarders dream! This fun left reels for days across a rocky bottom point and trust me your arms will be like noodles after a session here but for all the right reasons! It was a bit of a hidden off the track spot a few years back but don’t expect an empty session anymore.

Also reef boots might be a consideration as there are plenty of urchins kicking about!

Click here for my full guide to surfing in Medewi

The Bukit Peninsular (Dry Season)

Seeing as the Bukit Peninsular is ram packed with world class waves I figured I’d give it its own section in the guide, and if your a serious surfer then surfing in Bali isnt complete without ticking these spots off your to do list! As a rule of thumb though if you’re wanting to get the best of this area then dry season is the best time to hit it up.

Fast and punchy, the left hand reef at Balangan is great on all tides, although low tide does offer a much more advanced wave, especially with a big swell. The key at Balangan is speed to make the section! A great spot for more experienced surfers its also much less crowded than other spots in the area.

One of the more crowded waved in the Bukit due to the fact it offers waves for all levels of surfer and the fact the beachfront is home to numerous luxury hotels and resorts. Best at low tide and offer both lefts and rights (admittedly the left is much longer) it’s a greta step up spot – but when the swells pumping there’s plenty of barrels to be had for advanced surfers.

One of the most consistent, fun and picturesque waves on the Bukit, the lefts at Bingin are a Mecca for those looking for clean, open barrels. Often crowded and with a tight take off spot – but well worth it when you lock into one of those reeling lefts.

  • Impossibles

Named after the fact it looks much more makable than it is the speed of the barrels and sections at Impossibles are picture perfect, reeling for well over 400m. If you catch it on the right conditions though (over 5 foot at mid to low tide) get prepared for the waves of your life…and a paddle out to match! Dont be fooled by the perfection and beauty of this wave though – advanced surfers only!

  • Padang Padang

Paddle, drop, tuck, get spat out – that’s Padang Padang in a nutshell! This fast hollow left hand reef break is one of the most famous barrels in the world and home to the Ripcurl Padang Padang Cup. Honestly it’s incredible to watch but definitely reserved for advanced surfers only!

If you’re beginner or intermediate the inside reef at Padang does offer a more chilled affair, but only when the swell permits!


Saving the best – and most famous – for last! Seriously what can I tell you about Uluwatu (aka Ulus) that you probably dont already know? The cave paddle out, the speed of the section at Racetracks, THOSE barrels. Uluwatu is pretty legendary and the chances are if you haven’t heard about it you shouldn’t be paddling out there anyway – so go grab a cold beer at Single Fin instead and watch the show!

Click here for my full guide on surfing Uluwatu

Where To Learn To Surf In Bali

When it comes to where to learn to surf in Bali there are 4 main spots that offer beginner surf lessons that I’d recommend;

  • Canggu – one of the most popular options
  • Kuta – this beach break is perfect for beginners and also one of the cheapest places for lessons
  • Seminyak – much like Kuta, but with a slightly higher price tag due to the area!
  • Padang (inside) – even though this is a reef break on smaller swells they do also do lessons here

Many sites also recommend Nusa Lembongan as a good place to learn, but personally I’d strongly advise against this due to the shallow reefs and increasing crowds. If you want to learn to surf safely a mellow sand bottom beach break is the ideal option!

…trust me, I’ve worked as a surf coach all over the globe!

When it comes to surf lessons in Bali you can get a private local lessons for around 350,000IDR ($35AUD, £20, $25USD) or pay a premium and go for an accredited surf school (like Mojo or Odyssey) but this will be much more expensive at around 700,000IDR ($70AUD, £40, $50USD), so double the price. What this will however get you is a certified surf coach, decent surf kit and insurance.

I’m all for supporting locals and they’re great if you just want to give it a try, but honestly the quality and safety of an accredited lesson are something I highly advise.

Best Surf Spots For Intermediates

Already comfortable on unbroken waves, smashing out some turns and wanting some solid waves to get your teeth into? No worries there are plenty of surf spots in Bali suitable for intermediate surfers – but here are some of my favourites.

  • Padang (inside)
  • Kuta Reef (Airports)
  • Uluwatu (depending on the swell!)

Keep in mind that all of these spots can hold a big swell and when they pump it’ll be advanced surfers only – I’ll leave it down to your judgement on when to call it quits!

Best Surf Spots For Advanced Surfers

As well as being able to enjoy all the beginner and intermediates spots (many of which can hold a solid swell so can become advanced waves in the right conditions!) here are some of the advanced waves that Bali has to offer…although you’ve probably heard of most of them already!

To be honest if you’re an advanced surfer you’ll probably just be heading to the Bukit – but trust me it’s worth having a look around at some of the other fun waves Bali has to offer too.

The Best Surf Camps In Bali

There are heaps of Bali surf camps to choose from, but here are some of my top picks…

With camps surf camps in Canggu, Java, Nusa Lembongan, The Mentawais and even Sumbawa Mojo Surf certainly has the largest range of surf camps in Bali and Indonesia as a whole! All their camps are clean, comfortable and certainly more flashpacker than you’d expect from a surf camp!

Their Canggu Surf Camp  is the perfect spot to learn to surf in Bali though, right on Batu Balong a walking distance from the beach, bars and restaurant. And when you’re not partying or surfing you can relax in the pool and escape the Bai heat!

They also run some pretty awesome Bali surf trips too (linking together their surf camps) which are ideal for those looking for waves but who want to explore some more too.

Another big name on the luxury surf camp list it’s no wonder than LaPoint have a Canggu surf camp in their portfolio! Not quite as central as Mojo but still boasting all the flashpacker vibes you’ll find plenty of Scandinavians here!

Definitely one of the pricey options, but all their camps are more like surf villas than anything else!

If you’re looking for a smaller, more boutique surf camp then Dreamsea is a solid choice. With surf camps in Canggu and Uluwatu (well actually more Padang!) they’ve created some seriously awesome hipster, white washed vibes.

Admittedly the Canggu option is out of town a bit, but the Uluwatu one if slap on the ocean and absolutely stunning!

Ticket To Ride

Although not a permanent fixture in Bali, Ticket To Ride run a couple of Bali surf trips each year – suitable for all levels of surfer. These include their Canggu Surf Camp, Medewi Road Trip, Island Hoppers (over to Lombok and Lembongan) or combining them all into and Ultimate 6 Week Bali Surf Trip .

Their coaches are some of the best I’ve ever encountered (and also run their popular South Africa Surf Adventure) so if you really want to take your surfing to the next level (now matter what level that is) you’re in good hands with them!

Kima Surf has been running Bali surf camps since 1995 and they’ve put their experience to good use – with options in Seminyak, Padang, Canggu and Green Bowl, as well as villa options in Canggu and Seminyak…oh and the Kima Boat too over in the Maluku Islands!

With a range of dorm and private rooms all their camps cater for all budgets and are all seriously gorgeous!

Rapture Surf Camps

Rapture (who also have camps in Portugal, Nicaragua and Costa Rica) have two Bali surf camps – Bali Padang and Bali Cliff. Bali Padang is as you might expect at Padang Padang, whereas the Bali Cliff is down towards Green Bowl – making it an ideal option for the wet season.

With both options expect lots of creature comforts, awesome pools and pumping waves!

Click here to check out some of my favourite Bali Surf Camps and Bali Surf Trips!

Bali Surf Resorts

Want to combine all the creature comforts of a good hotel with world class waves on your doorstep? Well here are some of the best surf resorts in Bali – ideal for surfers with a bit more of a budget or travelling with a partner or family who want somewhere a bit more luxurious to relax!

Komune (Keramas)

komune Hotel Komune resort keramas beach bali surf resort wsl surfing

Click here for the latest availability and rates

Bombora (Medewi)

Overlooking the reeling left hander of Medewi (one of my favourite surf spots in Bali) Bombora Waveloadge is a surfers delight! With an infinity pool that you can watch the waves from, in house stay and relatively budget friendly rooms it’s ideal for those who want to be based on the beach.

“The Residence” is also the perfect option for honeymooners or small groups/families – with its own private pool (overlooking the waves of course) and amenities.

Check out my full review of Bombora here

Como UMA (Canggu)

If Canggu is where you want to head then look no further than Como UMA. These luxury eco hotel overlooks Old Mans with Echo Reef and Echo Beach less than a 2 minute walk from the doorstep!

The chilled out beach club is also the perfect spot fo a sunset beer and for those just looking to learn to surf the in-house surf school offers lessons and longer surf packages.

Anantara (Impossibles/Uluwatu)

Anantara Hotels are some of the most luxurious I’ve ever stayed at (check out my review of Anantara Dhigu in The Maldives here! ) and their Uluwatu hotel is no exception. Right on the ocean it is actually closest to Impossible surf spot, with Uluwatu a short drive around the corner.

Certainly the bets option for those looking for luxury, but the price tag might be a decider for some!

Uluwatu Surf Villas (Uluwatu)

A firm favourite amongst surfers from around the world Uluwatu Surf Villas is right on one of the best breaks on planet and with an epic setup too.

Bulgari Resort (Uluwatu)

Another Uluwatu option, the Bulagri Resort offers some truly stunning clifftop views from the infinity pool and a range of private pithing the resort. Choose from a one bedroom villa for a romantic getaway through to the 5 bedroom mansion for the ultimate family or group Bali surf trip!

Check out my list of top Bali Surf Hotels here for some more epic options!

Bali surf instructor courses.

If you’re looking at becoming a surf instructor then Bali is an epic spot to complete your training! 

With over 15 years of experience running courses and surf camps in Australia, Mojo Surf have now also launched a Bali surf instructor course too .

Instead of being based out of a single destination it covers Canggu, Red Island (in Java), Nusa Lembongan and also an island getaway to Gili T .

So if you’re looking to explore a bit more of Indonesia at the same time as completing your course it’s another great option to check out, with monthly start dates, year round.

They do also do shorter 4 and 8 week courses, however these don’t include the instructor examinations, but are a great way to progress your surfing skills over a longer period.

Click here for more info and to book your spot

Board Rental & Board Buying (Or Bring Your Own?)

When it comes to buying v renting surfboard in Bali you a lot will come down to how you’re travelling around, your level or surf ability and of course how long you’re spending in Bali!

You can rent a surfboard in Bali relatively cheaply – around 50,000IDR ($5AUD, £2.70, $3.50USD) for a couple of hours so for beginners this is a no brainer and the perfect way to dip in and out when you fancy a paddle.

For more experienced surfers advanced kit can still be rented, but it will be much more expensive and very limited in selection.

Buying boards in Bali can be relatively cheap too, with a brand new board from companies such as Freedom Movement for around 5,000,000IDR ($500AUD, £270, $350USD). However the consensus amongst the surf community is that boards made in Bali aren’t quite as robust and tend to ding (or even snap!) much more easily.

Bringing Your Own

If you’re a serious surfer bringing your own gear is certainly the way to go and there are plenty of surfboard friendly airlines flying into Bali – with the likes of Etihad, Emirates and Qatar being my top pics for luggage allowance and surfboard allowance.

Low cost airlines can be a bit pricey and dodgy once you factor in surfboards – but it’s worth noting that Aussies get a free 15kg surfboard allowance with Air Asia for flights starting or finishing in Oz, which is a pretty solid option!

Board wise there are breaks all over Bali to suit a huge range of boards, so brining your favourite surfboard is going to mean you have the most fun!

For me that usually means the Firewire Mashup or the Firewire Dominator 2 – the Mashup has enough foam for smaller fatter days at spots like Canggu or Medewi, with the Dominator 2 boasting enough performance and speed for bigger, hollower spots like Uluwatu, Keramas and Padang.

The bottom line is if you’re coming to Bali for a serious surf trip, it’s best to bring your own kit!

Check out my surf trip essentials here and get packing!


If you’re wanting to pickup any surf kit whilst you’re in Bali spots like Canggu, Kuta and Uluwatu have a range of big brand surf shops to choose from – including the likes of Ripcurl, Billabong etc.

If you’re on the hunt for some bargains though the surf outlets stores on Sunset Road in Kuta are the place to head – with last years stock going at significantly cheaper prices, so for tees and boardies it’s a greta option!

But if you’re in a hurry or dont want to splurge out on big named brand the crew at Palm Bay Bali are who you need to hit up!

This awesome little surf brand offer a range of gear (including fins, tail pads, leashes, board socks and even sunnies) at great prices – and even better is they’ll deliver it right to your guesthouse/hotel door the same day!

…they can even meet you at the airport so you’ve got everything you need as soon as you land!

Customer service at its finest!

Check out their range of gear here

Custom Board Bags

If you’re on the look out for a new board bag you can get custom board bags made in Bali for a fraction of the price they cost in places like Oz, UK and USA. This is great news if you’ve got a fairly odd shaped board (such as fishes or mini longboards) or are looking to invest in a coffin board bag for your travels.

surfing in bali surf guide custom board bag oros board cover kuta

There are shops all over the island but be warned spots like Canggu are more expensive than the little locals spots or outside major tourist areas.

Personally I get all my board bags made by Oros Board Cover, in between Poppies 1 and Poppies 2 in Kuta. Not only is the owner super friendly and helpful but the bags are extremely well made and he turns them around in around 48 hours!

I got a custom, 6’6, double board bag (you get to pick all the colours and strap styles as well as adding additional pockets if needed) and upgraded it to 20mm padding all around for 900,000IDR ($90AUD, £50, $64USD).

To put this into context the same bag in the UK (non custom) would set you back around £150 – so 3 times the price!

If I’d just wanted to stick to the standard 10mm padding it would’ve been 750,000IDR ($75AUD, £43, $53USD) but when you’re dealing with airline baggage handlers I’d say the upgrade is more than worth it!

I’ve spent 2 years travelling with my last coffin bag from Oros (including the Mentawais , South Africa , Mozambique and Australia) and it’s held up perfectly – with solid straps, zips and padding, so he comes highly recommended.

Drop him a What’s App on +62 819-1650-8424 and he’ll hook you up!

The WSL Corona Bali Protected Surf Comp

No guide to surfing in Bali would be complete without mentioning the yearly WSL stop at Keramas Beach would it?

The worlds top surfers descend on the island to tear apart one one of the best right handers it has to offer – with the likes of Kelly Slater, John John Florence, Gabriel Medina and Filipe Toledo all battling it out to be crowned the winner of the 3rd stop on the world tour.

Hosted by Komune Resort, if you’re in Bali when around mid May when the even window is open it’s well worth heading over and watching it with a cold Bintang in hand!

Surfing Beyond Bali

If you’re looking to continue your Bali surf trip elsewhere in Indonesia there are some epic spots super close by where more incredible waves await and some with heaps less crowds too!

Nusa Lembongan

One of my personal favourites, this gorgeous little island lies just a 30 minute speedboat from Bali. With a lot less crowds and a much more chilled vibe it’s the perfect Bali escape. Spots like Playgrounds (I love this spot!), Lacerations and Shipwrecks offer up some punchy reef breaks, with plenty of barrels to be had on the right swell.

Off the west coast of Bali lies Java – one of the biggest islands in Indonesia and just like Bali the coastline is packed with surf spots. However unlike Bali many of these spots remain incredible uncrowded! So if you put in the time (either a flight across or a long drive + ferry combo) you’ll be in for a treat.

Red Island would be my pick of the bunch, with some super fun beach breaks and total lack of crowds asides from a few friendly local surfers.

Also if you head that way you can also bounce across to G-Land, famed for heavy, reeling barrels – although if the swell is big a much more forgiving spots called Tiger Tracks (a right hander) offers up some long rides too.

Often referred to as “the next Bali”, Lombok is either a short flight, or 4-5 hour ferry away and is littered with pumping surf spots. Kuta Lombok is the main hub, with a variety of guest houses and surf camps catering for those hunting for waves.

The waves here cater for all levels, with some deep reefs which are surprisingly well adapt for beginner surfers.

Spots like Gerupuk, Ekas and Mawi and offer a huge variety of waves for all levels with the famed Desert Point being the crown jewel…for highly experienced surfers only!

The one thing you should know about surfing on Lombok though is many spots are either remote or need to be accessed by a boat ride from the shore – so it’s not as simple as just paddling out. Something to consider for your time and also budget.

Unfortunately the crowds are starting to build here already so get in quick!

The Mentawais

For experienced surfers The Mentawais is the ultimate surfing playground, with more epic surf spots than you care to imagine!  

Situated off the west coast of Sumatra it’s not the easiest place to get to (it’ll be a couple of flights from Bali), but you’ll be rewarded with some of the best waves on the planet and stunning tropical backdrops.

Spots like Bank Vaults and Rifles offer big, open barrels whereas spots like Burger World, Beng Bengs and Good Times offer punchy, yet much more forgiving rides!

Check out my full Mentawais guide for all the info .

Bali Travel Info

Getting to bali.

Getting to Bali is pretty easy and affordable these days – with lots of major carriers like Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Qantas, Virgin Australia and Qatar offering long haul flights from Europe, Australia and beyond.

If you’re already in Asia (or Australia for that matter!) it’s also worth checking out the likes of Air Asia, Scoot and Jetstar who all offer low cost flights to Bali.

…personally I smash my dates and route into Skyscanner as a good starting point!

When it comes to visas you’re not actually getting a Bali Visa, you’re getting an Indonesian one! For most countries (including UK, Australia and USA) you’ll get a free 30 day visa on arrival – but make sure you double check with your embassy for the most up to date info on this.

It is possible to extend your visa for a stay of up to 60 days via a visa extension – check out this Bali Visa Extension Guide for full details.

NOTE: As of March 2022 the VOA has now returned for limited countries, and there are extra entry requirements regarding CHSE Hotels and PCR tests, so make sure you are up to date with the latest requirements before travelling.

How To Get Around

When it comes to getting around Bali there are a couple of options to choose from – private driver, Grab, local taxi or hiring a scooter.

Private Driver

If you want to go the private driver route (the most convenient and comfortable in my opinion) finding a good Bali driver is a must. Luckily for you my driver (and good friend!) Budah said I can pass his details on – so drop him a Whats App on +62 819-9785-1578 for a reliable and reasonable contact !

If you want to save some cash then Grab is a great budget option (especially Grab Scooter) – simply download the app and enter your route, same same as Uber! The downside on this route for surfers is they wont have racks, so it’s more for short trips or getting between main destinations.

Local taxis I’ve put in here simply to say try and avoid them! Most will rip you off unless you can get them to do it on the meter so beware! They’re especially bad with airport transfer prices, you have been warned!

Hiring A Moped

If you’re in Bali for a while and want the ultimate in flexibility then hiring a moped is something you’ll probably be looking at doing. This can be done directly with most hostels or guesthouses, but there are plenty of rental places all over Bali.

For surfers make sure you ask for one with a rack – which makes it super easy to get to all the breaks! Price wise the day rate is usually around 50,000IDR ($5AUD, £2.70, $3.50USD) but if you rent for a month or more this will easily drop to around 800,000IDR ($80AUD, £44, $55USD), which works out at 26,000IDR per day (just $2.50AUD, £1.40, $1.80USD)

Please please please make sure you wear a helmet and just be aware – traffic in Bali is organised chaos!

Accommodation Costs In Bali

You’ll be stoked to hear that no matter what your style and budget Bali has you catered for when it comes to accommodation – from 5* villas to budget backpacker hostels!

For those who want some comfort and a splash of luxury there is the full range of hotels across Bali. Expect to pay anything from $35USD/£25/$50AUD right through to $100s depending on the location and standard. Check out for the biggest range.

If you’re on a bit of a budget and travelling solo hostels are one of the best options to meet some new travel buddies and not smash your wallet. Again there’s a huge range of hostels from as little as $3.5USD/£2.5/$5AUD per night right through to some fancy flashpacker options (like Kos One in Canggu ) which offer a more luxury at around $17USD per night.


This is my personal recommendation for accommodation in Bali. Not only does this support the locals, but if you’re staying for a week or more this can also be the best option price wise too! And dont think you’ll be slumming it either, most have A/C and a lot also even have pools! Bargain for a monthly rate for long term stays and save even more!

Want to go all out and pimp it up? Travelling as a group? Then renting a villa in Bali is also a solid shout. Prices vary depending on the size of the villa, season and location so you can be paying anything from $105USD per night to $1000’s!

If you’re going the villa option one of the easiest and most convenient ways to find something is going to be Air B n B – use this link to save yourself $38 off your first booking too !

Have you been surfing in Bali?

Any other hints or tips you’d add in, related posts.

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Mate what an absolute corka of a piece on all things surfing in Bali . Unreal I have learnt heaps

Tell me , do you have a go to for scooter hire In kuta ? Amd what about a driver around the ulluwatu to Nusa dua who is a local and can take you straight to the spots ?

Thanks mate

Hi Chris – stoked it helped you out! Scooter hire wise you can rent pretty much anywhere on the island. I usually base myself out of Canggu for a chunk of the season so rent from there, but honestly most guesthouses anywhere offer the service. Driver wise I’m assuming you’re looking for a surf guide? Personally I’m not too sure on that, but a lot of driver will know the main spots. Have a sick time out there!

Great Bali guide, hopefully, we can be part of it next year with our Surf Resort in Bingin

Hey Jim! We’re heading back to Bali again later this year and would love to check out your camp and include it. Drop us an email and we’ll sort something out 🙂

Hi, thank you for all those recommendations. I am french and I would like to know if there is any french surf school on the west coast of Bali that you could recommend ? I would like to take some classes with my boyfriend but I rather to have a French instructor to learn … Thanks again !!!

Hi Llolux, stoked to hear you and your boyfriend are heading to Bali for some waves! Unfortunately I dont know any French surf schools off hand 🙁 If you find one though let me know and I’ll add it in!

Hi Chris, after some research, I found Bali Ocean Surf in Double Six on the west coast. Its a french surf school who seems to have pretty good reviews on google and tripadvisor so I am gonna book with them and let you know how it was then. However I am pretty excited to try surfing for the first time and especially in Bali. Hope this is gonna help the other frenchies though 😉

Yeeewwww stoked to hear you found one! Let me know how it goes!

I grew up surfing and surfed Bali (Ulus) when i I was 24 years old in 1986. Some Aussies from Qantas showed me the ropes, great guys. I am now 58 and still surfing every chance i get at La Jolla reef breaks. I see tons of videos on Youtube from SOB, and usually only see locals catching waves. After all these years and about ready to retire. Can a 58 year old, good US surfer get any waves at all, given crowds and youth factor?

Hey Todd – wow what an epic journey! Jealous you got to experience it back then! Wave count wise it really depends on the day, but I’ve still managed to have a few really fun sessions in the last few years recently with smaller crowds, so its certainly possible! Plenty of waves around the area too if you wanted more fun less scrabbling!

Greta's Travels

Surfing In Bali: Plan Your Perfect Bali Surf Trip!

Posted on Last updated: May 24, 2021

Bali is one of the best and most popular surf destinations in the world. The “Island of the Gods” is blessed with warm temperatures, sick waves almost year round and chill tropical vibes, pretty much everything you need for a fun surf trip!

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time ever standing on a board or if you’re a pro surfer already, Bali has waves for every level. Bali was the third place where I ever surfed, and I loved the experience.

In this guide I put together everything you need to know about surfing in Bali. I didn’t surf all over the island (I wish I had!) so I asked some of my Bali-based digital nomad and surfer friends to contribute to this post.

Here you will discover all the best surf spots, surf beaches and surf camps in Bali, as well as the best time to surf in Bali, what you should pack for a surfing trip and where to stay.

So let’s dive in (metaphorically for now, and soon in real waves)!

  • 1 Best time to surf in Bali
  • 2 Bali surf spots map
  • 3.1 Seminyak Beach
  • 3.2 Uluwatu
  • 3.3 Padang Padang
  • 3.4 Kuta Beach
  • 3.5 Old Mans
  • 4 My experience surfing in Bali
  • 5.1 Mojo Surf
  • 5.2 Surf House Bali / Canggu (Pure Surf Camps)
  • 5.3 Surf Goddess Retreats
  • 6 What to pack for a Bali surf trip

A popular tourist spot in Bali; the

A popular tourist spot in Bali; the “Love Bali” sign at Tegalalang rice terraces

Best time to surf in Bali

Like most tropical countries Bali has a wet season and a dry season. The wet season goes from November to March, whilst the dry season goes from May to September.

The months in between are known as “shoulder months” and are my personal favourite time to travel.

In the “shoulder months” the weather is better than in the wet season, but the prices are still low as it’s not peak season yet, and there will be considerably less tourists around.

Even if you can only travel to Bali in the wet season don’t worry too much about the rain, it usually means warm and sun for most of the day, with a short torrential storm towards the end of it.

When it comes to the waves, Bali’s west coast is blessed with strong ocean waves year round. Whatever time of the year you visit Bali, you will find great waves.

However the dry season, May to September, has the most consistent waves and is the best time to surf in Bali.

Bali surf spots map

Here is a map outlining all the best surf spots in Bali. As you can see they’re concentrated along the west coast, in the southern part of the island. Let’s look at the most notable ones in more detail!

Photo of the best surf spots in Bali by BaliSurfWaves

Photo of the best surf spots in Bali by BaliSurfWaves

The best surf spots in Bali

Seminyak beach.

On my first trip to Bali I surfed in Seminyak Beach. It was my third time ever surfing and I found it a pretty easy spot to surf. There’s a long beach break with consistent waves.

Uluwatu is one of the most famous Bali surf spots. It’s located under the impressive cliffs and temples of Uluwatu, and is actually a cluster of 6 different reef breaks.

The waves here can get pretty big and the surf line-up can be quite busy. It’s a pretty challenging spot and more one for the advanced surfers, but stunning nonetheless.

Surfing in Seminyak, Bali

Me attempting to surf in Seminyak, Bali

Padang Padang

Padang Padang is also a reef break with pretty big waves, also recommended for more advanced surfers. However it also has an inside reef that can be surfed by beginner and intermediate surfers, depending on the tide and swell.

Kuta has a soft sand beach break, meaning it’s a great Bali surf spot for beginners. Lessons and board rentals are also a bit cheaper than in other spots of the island, making it ideal if you want to clock in a lot of surfing hours to learn.

Old Mans is one of the best surf spots for intermediate surfers. It’s also a reef break but a really long one, meaning you can ride the same waves for a very long.

When you’re first starting out this is ideal as it gives you more time on the board.

Medewi is home to Bali’s longest left-hand wave. The wave breaks slowly meaning it’s perfect for all levels. This spot is still far from the main tourist radar, so you won’t find much in the area besides other keen surfers.

It’s without a doubt one of the best surfing beaches in Bali.

The limited number of cafes and restaurants actually make it ideal as you’ll see the same people in the water as you do at night in the restaurants, making it easy for solo travellers to make friends.

My experience surfing in Bali

Like I said I only had the pleasure of surfing in Seminyak Beach, but I wish I’d been able to visit more of the epic surf beaches in Bali. There’s no denying the surf itself was awesome, but what I loved most was the overall atmosphere.

The beach is huge and there was plenty of space for all the surfers, I never found myself getting in someone’s wave or someone crashing into mine.

The waves were also long, powerful and consistent, making it very easy for someone like me, who was very much a beginner at this stage, to catch some waves.

I also loved chilling in Seminyak Beach post surfing. We sat on the beach as the sun lowered itself in the sky, setting the clouds on fire.

Seminyak is slightly on the more expensive end of prices in Bali, but there are lots of adorable beach bars that you have to try.

We spent the evening drinking mojitos, enjoying tasty food and watching the sunset on the beach from a colourful and fun beach bar. It was the perfect ending to our first Bali surf day.

Dinner on the beach with a sunset view and live music

Dinner on the beach with a sunset view and live music in Seminyak Beach

The best surf camps in Bali

If you want to learn how to surf (which I’m guessing you do if you’re reading this post) I highly recommend doing a surf camp in Bali.

I didn’t do one last time I was in Bali but I have since done two surf camps in the Canary Islands, one in Fuerteventura and one in Tenerife , and they’ve been amongst my favourite trips and travel memories.

By doing a surf camp you’re not only sure that they’ll take you to the best places to surf in Bali, but also that you’ll be surrounded by likeminded surfers throughout your whole trip.

Instead of staying in a normal hostel and then getting classes from any surf school on the beach, you can be a part of a little surfing community. These are some of the Bali surf camps that my friends have done and can recommend.

Some of my friends went to Mojo Surf years ago and to this day they still rave about it. With camps all over Indonesia and Australia Mojo Surf have years of experience teaching people from all over the world how to surf.

The camp has a pool and common area where you can relax after spending a long day out on the waves. They also arrange overnight surf trips to Nusa Lembongan and Lombok for those looking to adventure and surf beyond Bali.

Surf House Bali / Canggu (Pure Surf Camps)

I haven’t been to this one, but I the surf camp I did in Gran Canaria was organised through Pure Surf Camps and it was awesome.

The Surf House in Canggu has a private pool for guests only, serves breakfast every day, and has some awesome common areas. They will take you to all the best surf spots in Bali, at the best time for your surf skill level.

When you come back you can sit on poolside and relax with a drink in hand, while you become friends with your new surfing pals. The price also includes daily breakfast and yoga.

Surf Goddess Retreats

If you’re a girl travelling solo and are looking for something a bit more unique, then the Surf Goddess Retreat might be for you.

It’s a bit more on the pricier end of the range but can be an incredible experience for girls looking to be surrounded by other positive and empowering women.

The retreats include almost all meals, yoga and meditation sessions, surfing classes, transfers and many other goodies.

It’s a great opportunity to not only learn how to surf, but pair it with a once in a lifetime empowering female trip. Being surrounded by likeminded and strong women is always a plus.

What to pack for a Bali surf trip

So what do you need for a Bali surf trip? Ultimately you don’t really need much more than any normal trip to Bali.

If you’re a beginner or early intermediate surfer it’s easier to rent a board in Bali than bringing your own, most classes will include board usage.

If you’re an advanced surfer and plan to surf a lot it usually makes sense economically to travel with your own board. It also gives you the freedom to explore all the surf spots.

Besides boards, here are some useful things to bring with you when you travel to Bali.

Sun cream – Make sure to pack sunscreen! The sun in Bali can be very strong, especially if you’re planning to spend a lot of time in the water. You might also want to get a zinc sunblock stick for your face, surfing is great but let’s try to avoid ageing skin if we can!

Surfing in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica (in absence of a good Bali surf photo)

Surfing in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica – sorry all my Bali surf photos aren’t great, here’s proof I can stand on a board!

Reef booties – If you’re planning to surf any of the reef breaks you might need these. They’ll save your feet if you ever fall close to the reef and have to stand on it to get back on the board.

Rash vest – The water in Bali is warm enough that you could swim just in board shorts or a swimsuit. However if you plan to spend a lot of time in the water it can be a good idea to use a rash vest. It will keep you just a little bit warmer, protect your back from the sun, and avoid you scratching your belly on the board.  

First aid kit – We all hope that nothing ever goes wrong on our trips, however when you do an active sport like surfing, it’s normal to get a bump every now and then! Bring your own first aid kit so that you don’t have to go searching for plasters all over Bali.

GoPro  – You’re going to be surfing in one of the most beautiful places in the world, I’m sure you want to capture it all! Whether you mount it to the front of your board or strap it to your head, you can capture lots of great surfing moments with a GoPro.

Surfing in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, Spain

Surfing in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, Spain – again, to prove I can stand on a board despite my lack of surf photos in Bali!

If you’re looking for more Bali travel advice, beyond just surfing, check out my other Bali articles:

  • 30+ epic things to do in Bali
  • Planning the perfect Bali itinerary
  • Where to go & not go in Bali
  • Villas with private pools in Bali (for every budget!)
  • Ubud travel guide
  • Tegalalang Rice terrace – the ultimate guide
  • The most beautiful & photogenic hotels in Bali
  • The 33 most instagrammable spots in Bali

Going beyond Bali? Check out these Java and Gili resources!

  • Borobudur & Prambanan temples day tour
  • Hiking an active volcano at night!
  • Snorkelling with turtles in Gili Trawangan

Since my first trip to Bali 3 years ago I’ve been surfing to a lot of cool spots around the world, and I’d love to go back to Bali and try some new surf spots there now that I’m more experienced on the board.

Bali is a surfers heaven, with lots of epic spots dotted all along the coast, I hope this post answers your questions about where to surf in Bali! If you have any questions, just let me know in the comments below!

Enjoyed reading my Bali surf guide? Pin it!

Collage of a guy surfing in Bali and a surf drone shot with text overlay saying

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Home » Surf Trips

Surf Trips Bali & Indonesia Packages & Pricing

Dawn Patrol Bali Surf School  creates personal, authentic and thrilling Bali surf trip adventures. Our surf guides proudly take care of everything so you can relax and enjoy your Bali surf vacation.

We provide invaluable experience and local knowledge to ensure you get the most out of surfing in Bali and Indonesia, while enjoying the opportunity to share it with like-minded surfers and entertaining surf guides.

Each Java or Bali surf trip package is tailored to surfer ability; from intermediate riders visiting surf spots that challenge, to adrenaline-charged advanced surfers searching for the wave of their life!


Surfing Bali   is a magical experience and should be part of your surf exploration, but with an ever intriguing and ever intoxicating search for epic, less discovered and legendary waves, we must venture elsewhere as well.

With so many quality Indo surf trips to choose from and consistent waves all year round for every level of surfer.. How do you know what is the best trip for you? For the more adventurous, if you are planning a  surf trip to Bali  – why not island hop at the same time. We believe Java is the perfect place!

East Java has a raw and untouched region of national parks with one of the planets most iconic set of waves. It is a reef break that is so long and perfect geological serendipity must have been at play. All our Indonesia surfing trips offer a wide variety of quality waves in all shapes and sizes including long, hollow barrels, mellower reefs, river mouths and beach breaks.

It is said that the G-land trip is very high and it was the best! I went because it was amazing cheap price! Best location, perfect break, the best guide, photographer, a friend I met here. This trip was a wonderful unforgettable my life. Let's very thank you meet again:bangbang:︎ G-land tripは高いと言われてますがここは、すごく安くサービスも良く最高でした(^^) 忘れない最高の思い出になりました。ありがとう. 

I went on Dawn Patrol's camp pre G-Land season so all camps were closed and we scored it big time! Perfect glassy conditions all day everyday with not a soul in the water. Highly recommend to anyone! I've travelled Indonesia and am an experienced surfer and rate that high on my list of things to do!!!

I went on a 3 day trip to G-Land through Dawn Patrol and it was the best way I could have ended my stay in Indo. Aka, a staff member of dawn patrol, is an absolute legend. Not only did he coordinate the trip very quickly and take us to our accommodation in G-Land(within a day,) he also enhanced our experience tenfold. He's a very outgoing dude who makes you feel like a friend as soon as you meet him. Oh, and we scored really good waves. I 100% recommend the Dawn Patrol crew, and if you want to go to G-Land, going through Dawn Patrol is half the price of most surf camps.





bali surfing trips


Seeking adventure and to surf in world-class waves? G-Land has long been considered one of the most consistently rideable left hand waves in the world with offshore trade-winds and plentiful swells.


This trip is tailored for adventurous intermediate surfers who are in search of surfing somewhere new away from the busier surf spots in Bali.

bali surfing trips


We offer day trips to two surf locations with 2 hours surf per day, tailored to surfer ability. Our surf guides provide all transportation, equipment and will take you for an hour lunch between surfs.

bali surfing trips


Looking further off the beaten track? Join our friends Indo Surf Crew who offer surf conscious adventures and retreats at different islands around Indonesia – for different surf levels. Locations include; Rote, Nias, Lakey Peak, Mentawai, & Simeulue.


Just a short island hop, we travel by fast boat from Bali to Java in good conditions, or otherwise travel by car & local ferry to our basecamp in Grajagan. ‘Back-to-basics’, we set out by charming local fishing boats to reach the line-ups in  G-Land .

Our Indonesia surf trips by boat last around 5 hours per day, offering us plenty of advanced or intermediate waves within the Alas Purwo National Park.


All our Bali & Indo surf trip packages are inclusive of  surf accommodation , transport, food and drinks as well as professional and friendly surf guides & surf photographer (extra cost). We require a minimum of 3 people per trip and allocate space for 2-3 surfboards per surfer based on travel logistics.

We ask guests to bring sufficient equiptment and sun cream / protection to enjoy the surf while staying safe and comfortable under the sun. We try our best to hit optimum surf conditions, however guests must accept that we cannot control nature or anticipated swells.


Want to surf Indonesia or Bali on a budget? Depending on your surf level, our trips offer different opportunities and pricing. Our advanced trips include daily boats to G-Land and therefore costs are slightly higher than our other surf trips, but still at a fraction of the cost of staying at a G-Land surf camp. Surfing Indonesia for intermediates is perfect at  Red-Island  and often possible in G-land when conditions are small, so our prices vary. Surfing in Indonesia for beginners is perfect with a tailored Red-Island trip and affordable price and set itinerary.

Meet your surf trip guides akaa & dono

Booking a surf Trip with Dawn Patrol Bali is easy! All you need to do is complete our Inquiry Form  or email us with you interested location and dates. After receiving your request, we will coordinate with you to confirm your booking and itinerary. Payment can be made online or in person on the day in IDR. We may request a deposit to reserve your place for popular dates.


Dawn Patrol Bali – Surf Trips Indo  offers high quality in-water, boat and on-shore surf photography packages that capture your whole surf trip experience.

Our photography shows the exceptional quality of our surf photographers and the variety of shots possible using advanced long-range cameras and under-water equipment. Prices start at IDR 1,200,000 for a full 3 day trip. 5 day photography trip prices vary depending on Indo / Bali surfing trip itinerary. Drone & Film packages are also available.

Follow our Instagram  @dawnpatrolbali  to see more of our activity.

bali surfing trips

Thank you for your interest in surfing with Dawn Patrol Bali! We guarantee a fun experience! To reserve your dates, please fill in the following details and we will get back to you with a booking confirmation, price and information about your excursion.

Interested in:   Intermediate Trip Advance Trip G-Land Java

Surfing Ability:

Intermediate Advanced

Start Date:

End Date: 

Photography:    Yes   /   No

bali surfing trips

Balangan Beach is 30 minutes south of the airport and 45 minutes from Kuta centre. Froggy’s waroeng is located towards the right hand side of the beach when facing the ocean.

Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence 2018

  • Balangan Surf School
  • Bali Surf Spots
  • Guide To The Best Surfboards for Beginners
  • Beginner Surf Lessons
  • Intermediate Surf Guiding
  • Advanced Surfing
  • Surf & Stay Packages
  • About Surf Trips
  • Red Island Surf Trips
  • Advanced Surf Trip G-Land
  • © All Rights Reserved Dawn Patrol Bali





Katerina Leontyeva


Thank you for your interest in surfing with Dawn Patrol Bali! We guarantee a fun experience! To make a booking, please tell us your interested dates, No of students & surf level and we will get back to you with all pricing/packages and other information required about your excursion. Yeww!

Ollie and the Captain

Plan your Surf Trip to Bali – Flights, Rentals, Resorts & Surf Camps

Bali is one of the best-known surfing destinations in the world, and for good reason. The swell accommodates a range of skill levels, the cost of living is affordable, and the local culture is fascinating and welcoming.  If you’re planning a surf trip, Bali offers everything that you need for a memorable experience.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when researching Bali surfing resorts, flights, and ways to get around. To help you cut through the noise, we’ve compiled all that you need to know on the quickest way to get to the island, the best places to stay in Bali for surfing, and how to get around.

* Just to let you know that this article contains affiliate links. If you click on them we might receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

Overview of Surfing in Bali

If surfing is the main reason for your trip, then there are a few key factors to consider. There is something special for everyone – from kooks to pros – but planning is key to making the most of your Bali surf trip.

Bali Surf Season

Bali is loved for having fairly consistent surf throughout the year. However, if you want to enjoy the best Bali breaks for your level, then the time of your visit matters.

Overall, the dry season is considered the Bali surfing season. Starting from May and lasting through September, the west coast and Bukit receive big, powerful swell and the perfect conditions for surfing addicts.

The wet season, which starts in September and continues until May, delivers smaller swell. With this in mind, Bali waves know how to give you a good time. Even on an average day on the island, you’ll experience better swell than anywhere else in the world.

The water is warm enough to surf in a bikini or board shorts. However, the dry season can be a bit cooler, and a 1mm rash vest is recommended for longer sessions.

Interested in reading more about the best time to surf in Bali, and the rest of the world? Read our month-by-month surfing guide here.

Best Surf Spots

There are surf spots all across the island, but the Bali surf offers a different experience depending on where you are based.

Some of the most popular surf spots include the following:

  • Kuta and Seminyak – breezy, mellow breaks for beginner surfers
  • Canggu – some mellow breaks, but well-known for high-performance waves
  • Keramas and Nusa Dua – the east coast boasts challenging waves during the wet season when other spots mellow out
  • Uluwatu – and the Bukit Peninsula offer mostly reef breaks with speedy get-ups, making it best for intermediate to pro surfers when the swell sizes up

Staying in any of these areas will make sure that you have options to (duck) dive into the break of your choice. Even so, we encourage you to move around and see all that Bali has to offer.

  • For more information on surfing in Uluwatu, read our guide here
  • Surfing in Canggu? Read our surf guide here

Bali Surf Schools and Camps

In many ways, the coastal regions of the island have developed around the surfing culture. This means that there are plenty of Bali surfing resorts, camps, and schools to boost your experience.

If you enjoy meeting people and having a guided experience, then we can’t recommend Bali surf schools enough.

There are plenty of Bali surf tours to choose from, and something to quench everyone’s thirst for surfing.

  • Book surf camps in Medewi and West Bali

Medewi, Yeh Kuning, and Jembrana are great places for beginners researching Bali surf trips. Take your pick from a shorter 4-day surf camp to a longer two-week experience. Prepare to push your limits and have a swell time doing it in the process!

  • Book surf camps in South Bali

Embrace the gorgeous reef break in Pecatu and the crystal clear waters along the southern coast. South Bali immerses visitors in nature in a very unique way, allowing surfers to indulge in beautiful views and stunning waves.

  • Browse more surf camps in Bali

There are so many surf spots in Bali, each offering its own unique experience. Whether you’re a beginner and finding your feet, or an experienced surfer confident enough to let your feet do the work. Learn to surf, enjoy private lessons, and meet like-minded people on their own Bali surfing trip.

Bali Surf Rentals

There are several reasons that people choose to be their own Bali surf guide. Budget, availability, and a desire for flexibility inspire travelers to find their own way. If that’s your case once you touch down in Bali, then you’ll still have everything that you need.

All of the main surfing beaches rent out surfboards for two hours at a time, at a cost of approximately USD $3,5. Renting a surfboard is a great way to support the local economy, and there’s a wide range of surfboards to choose from.

If you plan on being in Bali for an extended period of time, then we’d highly recommend that you buy a surfboard. There are many Facebook groups, such as this one , that sell surfboards for an affordable price. You can then resell it before you leave. If you plan on traveling a bit and surfing at odd hours, then owning your own board gives you that flexibility.

Flights to Bali

There are several airlines that fly to Bali. Direct flights to Bali will land in Denpasar, the largest city on the island. As with all international trips, direct flights will cost a bit more than those with a layover, so assess your budget and book accordingly.

The most popular international carriers include;

  • Cathay Pacific
  • Japan Airlines
  • Qatar Airways
  • China Airlines
  • Singapore Airlines
  • American Airlines

After gathering your belongings and walking out the doors, be ready to embrace the smell of incense and take your pick from (many) taxi drivers available. We recommend that you get cash from an ATM before leaving the airport. While most restaurants, cafes, and stores accept credit cards, the more informal services only accept cash.

The cheapest time to fly to Bali is around October, but keep in mind that this falls outside of the peak surfing season.

If you’re only visiting for 30-days or less, then you can get a free visa on arrival. If you want to stay for longer, then you need to pay for an extendable 30-day visa. This visa costs approximately USD $35 and can be bought on arrival, giving you the option to extend your tourist visa another four times, for up to 30 days each time.

Book your flight to Bali here.

Getting Around Bali

Bali’s roads are organized chaos. There’s a good chance that the only time you’ll be in a car with four wheels is when you arrive and leave so that you can transport your luggage. Afterward, motorbikes and scooters rule the streets.

If you do want to rent a car, then you can find out more about car rental here.

Renting an entry-level scooter with surfboard racks will cost you as little as USD $52 a month, or USD $3,5 per day. This cost includes a helmet (or two if you’re doubling up with a buddy).

There are plenty of options for moving around Bali. At the end of the day, beware of the ‘Bali taxi mafia’.

If you don’t know how to ride a scooter, or the busy roads make you nervous, then don’t worry. There are services, such as GoJek , that are super affordable and available as a car or scooter pick-up.

Surf Resorts in Bali

The bulk of your experience will boil down to your choice of surf resort. Bali has no shortage, but hopefully, we can help to guide you in finding the best one.

Areas Near Best Bali Breaks

As mentioned, different parts of the island offer their own unique experiences. Where you choose to stay will essentially boil down to the surf you crave and the mood of the location.

A rugged environment with gorgeous, sweeping cliff faces that overlook powerful swell on the reef. The mood is laid-back and the surf is strong. Uluwatu and the rest of the Bukit Peninsula are a great choice for surfers that want to be one with the ocean and surf challenging waves.

  An area best known for tourism and bustling with activity. If you want to spend your time out of the water visiting markets, shopping, trying delicious cafes, and socializing – then Canggu it is. From here, there is a choice of breaks to choose from. More challengings surf is available around Perrenenan, while Batu Bolong and Berawa offer milder swell for beginners.

If you are traveling in the wet season, then staying near the Keramas is a great choice. It offers a challenging wave that works to perfection when other areas on the island are more reserved. The area is peaceful and laid-back, perfect for coming back to earth after an out-of-worldly surfing experience.

One of the best parts about surfing in Bali is that you can easily access various spots on your scooter. For that, you’ll need surf racks. Read our best surfboard rack options here.

Bali Surf Resorts

Indonesia has a wealth of surf resorts. Bali is no different. There is a choice of places to stay that are surf-centric, promising good vibes, great people, tasty food, and a fun community. If you’re a surfing nomad, then some of these resorts also offer space to work.

Most surf resorts offer surfboard rental (or a connection to a place), yoga classes, a restaurant on-site, and even surf lessons.

Our top picks

Here are a few awesome places to stay in Bali near popular surf spots;

  • Camp 308 in Pererenan

Located in a quiet neighborhood, this spot is a coworking and coliving space combined. It’s a stone’s throw from hot surf spots and has a delicious restaurant on the premises.

  • Rapture Camp in Uluwatu

Rapture Camp offers a communal living arrangement for social travelers, with easy access to some of the best surf spots in the Bukit. There is also the option for a guided experience if you want.

  • Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge

Bombora is very close to Medewi point break surf and offers everything that you need for a comfortable stay. The friendly and helpful staff have made a positive name for themselves, and the environment radiates authenticity.

  • Merusaka Nusa Dua

If you’re looking for luxury, space, and access to a private beach, then Merusaka Nusa Dua is a real treat. The luxury villa also offers lots of space to work if you need to take meetings when you’re not shredding.

  • Vision Villa Resort in Keramas

Visiting Bali in the wet season? This is the perfect spot to stay in the Keramas. The villa is stylish and spacious, with yoga on offer and epic surfing opportunities on your doorstep.

Read more about our recommended surfing and coworking spots in Bali here.

If you’re looking for more of a “surf camp” vibe and not simply a surf-centric place to stay, then we have suggestions for you too.

Interested in reading more about the best Bali surf camps? Read our blog here.

Coworking in Bali

The opportunity to pack your luggage, switch off communications and go off the grid in Bali is the dream. However, for many of us, this isn’t always possible. Luckily, there’s a huge culture of digital nomads and remote workers in Bali. Many of these nomads are also surfers – the two go hand-in-hand.

We’ve spent plenty of time as digital nomads in Bali. Over time, we’ve watched our productivity increase and our surfing improve. There are many reasons to choose Bali as a top choice for remote work.

Some of our favorite aspects of working remotely in Bali include;

  • Lively atmosphere
  • Unbelievable surf
  • Friendly locals
  • A large community of ex-pats
  • Affordable cost of living
  • Decent internet connection
  • Choice of coworking places (and a vibrant cafe culture)
  • The amazing quality of life

We love working remotely in Bali. Read about why Bali is our number one digital nomad destination here.

What to Pack for a Bali Surf Trip

To be honest – you don’t need to pack much for your trip to surf Bali. Most equipment can be bought at a good price or rented on the island.

Essential surfing items

Even so, there are a few items that we always pack.

  • Documentation

Passports, plane tickets, accommodation details, and cash are essential items for any trip. A surf trip is no different.

  As mentioned, you can rent a surfboard on arrival – and decent boards at that. Many people still choose to travel with a board, especially if you’re planning a shorter trip. Make sure that you check any airline fees for traveling with a surfboard and protect your baby from potential damage.

  • Fins and keys

  It never hurts to be safe, so packing an extra pair of fins is always a good idea. If your board has a hybrid fin set up, then an extra pair of fins can come in handy! Obviously, you’ll also need a fin key to make any changes to the setup.

  The swell in Bali can be unrelenting at times. Having an extra leash is highly recommended. You never know when a session will be cut short because of a snapped leash. Having an extra one (or two) available will have you back in the water in no time.

  • Surfboard repair kit

These quick-fix kits can give you peace of mind in case of a small ding that needs a quick patch job. If you need a bigger ding repaired, you’ll find an Indonesian ding repair shop without much effort.

  • Tropical surf wax and comb

  It’s always useful to have a bar of wax on the ready in case the swell arrives before you have a chance to hit the shops. Make sure that you get the correct temperature, and keep this in mind if you’re coming from other waters.

Yip, you’re not going to want to forget this item! Sunblock can be your saving grace and keep you protected for the long hours that you spend on the water.

Standard items

Other, more obvious items to include on your packing list include;

  • Boardshorts or costume
  • Enough clothing for the duration of your stay
  • First aid kit (Bali Belly and sunstroke are real threats)
  • Swimming towel

Looking for gift ideas for surfers? Or interested if there are any holes in your packing list? Read our blog here.

Enjoy Your Bali Surf Trip

Feeling ready for your trip to the island of the gods?

Keep in mind that the ocean deserves respect, and it’s always a good idea to play it safe in new territory. That’s where surf camps and guided surf schools offer real value. Make sure that you set aside some time to explore the rest of Bali that doesn’t involve surfing – it really is a special place.

Depending on what time you visit – perhaps we’ll see you in the water!

bali surfing trips

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bali surfing trips

Candice Boyers

Candice Land, aka Candi Land, aka The Captain, is a freelance writer, digital nomad and full-time globe trotter.

Puerto Escondido: Surf and Work Remotely in 2021

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Surf Spots in Bali- The Complete Guide to Surfing in Bali Indonesia

Last updated on January 25th, 2024 at 08:45 am

Surf Spots in Bali- The Complete Guide to Surfing in Bali Indonesia

If you are looking for the best surf spots in Bali, you came to the right place. In this surf guide to Bali, you will find all the information you need for your next surf trip, including surf seasons, surf tips, and everything related to surfing in Bali, Indonesia.

* Honest disclaimer- Reef Break is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you.

Table of Contents

About Surfing in Bali, Indonesia

Bali is Indonesia ‘s most famous surf island and definitely the most touristy one. With perfect surf conditions and consistent swells, it gained its reputation as the ultimate place to get barreled. “The Island of the gods”, as some call it, offers some of the best surf breaks in the world. In addition, it provides a unique culture, welcoming people, stunning beaches, world-class diving, a kicking nightlife scene, and ridiculously low prices. For these reasons, Bali became one of the most visited islands in the world. Obviously, everybody wants a piece of this paradise.

As for the surf in Bali, you can’t get any better than that. In fact, you can surf Bali 365 days a year and consistently score fantastic waves. The reason for that is the unique reef shelves surrounding the island and picking up any swell coming from the Indian Ocean. 

The swell that hits the coast of Bali is the same swell that hits the Maldives Islands and West Australia . When this swell meets the reef, it breaks with massive power and perfect shape. From crazy barreling reef breaks to user-friendly beach breaks, there are various surf spots in Bali to suit any surfer. Yes, it can get too crowded, especially during high season, but that’s part of the deal while surfing in Bali. 

After all, riding perfect waves on a beautiful island is pretty much what all surfers dream about. Therefore, a surf trip to Bali is exactly what you need to make this dream come true.

Surfing in Bali

Surf Seasons in Bali

Generally, you can surf Bali on any day of the year and score perfect rides. While being exposed to any swell direction and having such a diverse coastline, there is no such thing as a day without waves in Bali. However, knowing the difference between the 2 major seasons will help you plan your surf trip better.

The dry season lasts from May to October. This is also the tourist high season, so the hotels are packed, and the lineups are ultra crowded. During these months, the big swells hit the shore with great consistency and decent size. In fact, you can find 8 to 15 feet of waves breaking in front of you, especially in July and August. Of course, different beaches pick up the swell differently, but in general, this season is suitable for advanced surfers who can deal with fast barrels and crowded lineups. At this time of year, the West Coast of Bali gets the swell, so beaches that face west, such as Canggu, Uluwatu, and Balangan, perform well. 

In contrast, the wet season in Bali lasts from November to April. This time of the year is the low season, even though it only means 1-3 hours of rain every day. Actually, some surfers prefer to surf in Bali during this season to avoid the crowds. Surfing the low season means riding 2-4 feet waves. This is the worst of Bali, and yet, it is still much better than your home break. During this season, the beaches facing east perform better, especially Keramas.

So, you can always surf in Bali; you just need to choose a suitable beach according to the season. Moreover, you can go between the seasons, in April-May or October-November, and get the best of both seasons.

Bali Surf Spots Map

The Best Surf Spots in Bali, Indonesia

When surfing in Bali, you will have difficulty choosing your favorite surf spot. Since there are so many good ones, the task is not that easy. Therefore, depending on your skill level, swell size, and time of the year, you can find the right break for you. So, in detail, these are the best surf spots in Bali:

Surf Spots on Bali’s West Coast (From May to October):

Kuta is the main tourist beach of Bali, and this break is right in front of it. If you are a beginner, you can hang out at the beach break and practice your skills. However, advanced surfers can paddle further to enjoy the barrels on the outer reef. Since this is the main surf beach in Bali, the crowds are always here in the water.

Since this spot is a bit further northwest from the other spots in Bali, there are fewer people in the lineup. In fact, most tourists don’t even bother making the 2-hour drive from Kuta Beach. Therefore, if you make the effort to come here, you will get an amazingly long left ride (500 Meters on a good day) with only a few surfers next to you. Furthermore, the break at Medewi is relatively soft and slow, so it is suitable for all skill levels.

A bit north of Kuta, you will find Canggu, which provides one of the easiest waves to surf. Yes, it is an inside reef that barrels often, but it opens up quite softly to both sides. Therefore, surfers of all skill levels love to ride the waves on this beach, and it is one of the most popular surf spots in Bali.

Airport Reefs:

Just in front of the airport, you will find these 2 breaks. Luckily, there is one to the left and one to the right, so any surfer can choose his favorite side. The waves are not so long but offer lovely barrels.

This left-hand point break is famous for its high quality. It is long, hollow and has a great wall to practice your maneuvers. The outside reef is only suitable for experienced surfers, but beginners can also have fun on the break.

Not far from Balangan, Dreamland is a great beach for beginners surfing in Bali who don’t want to get hurt. Even though it breaks over a rocky bottom, it opens up gently to both right and left.

Bingin is a spectacular left-hand reef break that suits all skill levels. However, note that there is a big difference between the tides on this beach. For instance, during high tide, beginners can hang out here and enjoy soft and forgiving waves. However, once the tide goes down, it turns into a barrel machine that suits advanced surfers only.


This is an incredible left-hander breaking with perfect shape. In fact, it has several different sections that unite when the swell is big enough. Even though the reef is shallow, it is a super fun wave, especially for goofy footers.

Padang Panang:

Worldwide famous as “The Indonesian Pipeline”, this spot is a pure left-hand barrel. On a good day, you can spend almost the entire ride under the shade of the barrel. It is fast, short, and super popular. If you want a good picture inside the tube, that’s the place to be. Moreover, closer to the shore, there is a beginner spot called “Baby Padang”.

This break is world-famous for its top-quality waves. It breaks in front of a beautiful cave and produces long left rides with some barreling sections. This spot is a must for any advanced surfer who comes to surf in Bali.


Surf Spots on Bali’s East Coast (From November to April):

This is definitely the best surf spot on Bali’s East Coast. Therefore, those who come to surf in Bali during the wet season usually hang out here. It is a right-hand reef break with barreling sections, suitable for advanced surfers. Also, Keramas is extremely consistent and performs well at any tide. Just be aware of the shallow reef during low tide.

This spot requires a big wet season’s swell to work. However, once such swell hits, you will get massive right-hand barrels and long rides. Here too, you better be aware of the coral reef.

This beach works excellent during the wet season. Actually, you can find here several different peaks opening up to both right and left, as well as some barreling sections.

A right-hand reef break on the East Coast. This break picks up a lot of swells and offers long rides with heavy barrels. Due to its distance from shore, prepare for some long paddle to get to the peak.

To clarify, there are many more surf spots in Bali than those mentioned here. Obviously, it is impossible to write about them all. Therefore, if you come to surf in Bali and have some adventurous spirit, explore the coastline on your own. You will probably get rewarded big time and surf perfect breaks with no crowds.

Can Beginners Surf in Bali?

Yes, absolutely!

Spots like Kuta Beach Break and Baby Padang are perfect for beginners. Both offer a soft break over a sandy bottom, and many surf lessons take place on these beaches.

If you are an intermediate or an advanced surfer, though, you will find more challenging waves in Bingin, Uluwatu, and the other surf spots in Bali. In short, surfers of all skill levels can surf in Bali.

Surf Camps in Bali

If you are a beginner making his first steps in the surfing world or even an intermediate seeking improvement, you can explore Bali’s surf scene at a surf camp . These are the most recommended ones:

1. Mojosurf.

2. Kima Surf Camp.

3. Wave House Surf School.

4. Endless Summer Surf Camp.

5. Cari Surf Camp Bali.

6. West Break.

7. Padang Padang Surf Camp.

8. Seaside Tribe.

For all the details about surf camps in Bali, please click here .

Surfer inside a barrel

Surf Hotels in Bali

When coming to surf in Bali, you want to make sure you stay in the right place, which means as close as possible to the best spots. So, these are some of the most recommended surf hotels on the island:

1. Flower Bud Bungalow Balangan – Built entirely with raw and natural materials, like bamboo and wicker, Flower Bud Bungalow blends harmoniously with its tropical surroundings. It features a 12 m outdoor swimming pool and spa treatments.

2. Bima Sakti Homestay Echo Beach Canggu – Offering a terrace and hot spring bath, Bima Sakti Homestay Echo Beach Canggu is situated in Echo Beach in Canggu, 6 km from Tanah Lot Temple. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant.

3. MAMAKA by Ovolo – Located in Kuta, a few steps away from Kuta Beach and 500 m from Beachwalk Mall, MAMAKA by Ovolo provides accommodation with a restaurant, free private parking, a rooftop pool with beach views, and 24-hour fitness center. Popular points of interest nearby include Discovery Shopping Mall, Waterbom Bali, and Dewa Ruci Roundabout. The urban accommodation offers free WiFi, a 24-hour front desk, and room service for guests.

For more surf hotels in Bali, check out the best deals on .

Nightlife in Bali

Besides incredible waves, Bali also offers a wild nightlife scene. Actually, Bali is one of the best party destinations in the world. Since young travelers and surfers come here from all over the world, there is something to do every night of the week. From low-key bars to beach parties and kicking nightclubs, Bali has it all. Despite being a part of a Muslim country, the rules in Bali are different due to tourism. Sure, drugs are illegal, and you do need to respect the local culture, but other than that, the party is always on.

The main party town in Bali is Kuta. This is where you will find most of the bars, clubs, and young crowds. However, Canggu, Sanur, and Seminyak also started to develop some night scenes of their own, even though it is more relaxed. Therefore, if you consider yourself a night person, you will definitely love Bali.

Bali- Travel Information

Language- Indonesian.

Population- about 4.5 million.

Currency- Indonesian rupiah.

Calling code- +62.

Time zone- GMT +7.

Pros- perfect waves, warm water, fascinating culture.

Cons- over-touristy and crowded. 

Conclusion- A Final Thought

To sum up, surfing in Bali is the best you can get as a surfer. This beautiful island offers spectacular nature, perfect waves, and a fascinating culture.

We hope you enjoyed reading this surf guide to Bali. Have a great surf trip!

Before you go, for more surf destinations in Indonesia, check out the Mentawai Islands , which also offers epic surf.

Matt- Reef Break Founder

Hi, my name is Matt. I am a surfer, a diver, a traveler, and a true ocean lover. After surfing in so many countries, I founded Reef Break to share my passion with other surfers and help them plan their surf trips better. If you have any questions or ideas to share, I would love to hear them, so please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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4 Week Ultimate Bali Surf Trip

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4 week bali surf trip details.

When you think of the ultimate surf adventure destination, Indonesia quickly springs to mind, up there alongside places like Australia and Hawaii.

And it’s easy to see why – Indonesia is a surfer’s paradise and ticks all the boxes for an epic surf adventure: warm waters, perfect waves, beautiful culture and easy on the wallet!

So for anyone wanting to really take their surfing to the next level, without going all-out and joining one of our surf instructor courses, our Indonesia Surf Adventures experience is the perfect fit.

Our  4 Week Ultimate Bali Surf Trip  – which is our most popular surf trips – allows you to really get stuck into the surfing lifestyle and make the most of your time in the water. 4 weeks of incredible waves, adventure and fun!

Our trips are run and guided by internationally qualified instructors who will be on hand during every surf and their will always be two of them to hand during every session.

For those new to the sport they’ll coach you through the basics and allow you to quickly and confidently progress so you can make the most of the incredible waves Indonesia has to offer.

Those who are already competent surfers will also receive coaching throughout the trip. Our team will help you refine your skills in the water, pushing you to paddle harder, turn tighter and go bigger!

This means that whether your travelling solo, with a partner or in a group you’ll be able to make the most of the spots on offer and you’ll always surf within your limits. Whether that’s barrels or something slightly mellower, we have you covered!

bali surfing trips

It’s not all about the waves though – Indonesia is a great place to travel and explore in its own right, with the colourful culture providing a well-rounded experience. Mingle with monkeys in cliff top temples, barter for trinkets at the local markets or simply kick back with a cold Bintang and get a massage on the beach – whatever takes your fancy, you’ll find it!

To give your arms a bit of a rest and to help you check out what Indo has to offer away from the ocean you’ll also get stuck into some white water rafting and hike up a volcano for sunrise.

…but you won’t stray from the water for too long, as swimming with majestic manta rays is also on the agenda!

There’re heaps of other day trips and excursions you can choose to get involved in too – from fishing to yoga – but we’ll leave that decision down to you. It’s your trip after all!

With the balance of surf, coaching, adventure and sunshine, the only downside of a surf adventure in Indonesia will be boarding the plane home! You’ll leave with a heap of new surf buddies, a taste for adventure and some good tan lines!

A true surf adventure for those who love the ocean and life on the road.

Terms and conditions for this trip can be found here

Departure & Return Location

Denpasar Airport, Bali

Price Includes

  • Airport transfers
  • Local transport throughout (incl. transfers, ferries etc.)
  • Accommodation throughout (beachside surf camps)
  • Surf hire throughout (or bring your own board!)
  • Daily breakfast
  • Daily surf guiding
  • Daily surf tuition with qualified professionals
  • Video and photo analysis
  • Volcano trip
  • Visit to the ancient temples
  • White water rafting
  • Snorkelling

Week 1 Welcome To Indo

On arrival in Denpasar airport you will be greeted by your Trip Leader and taken to the surf camp for the welcome beachfront barbecue. In your first week you will have surf lessons twice a day to get to know the waves and receive appropriate coaching to your current skill level. As well as this we will go white water rafting and explore the volcanic countryside and mountains.

Week 2 Pushing Your Surfing

The group will venture further afield and surf many of the different waves that Bali has on offer. In between surfs you will also climb a volcano, visit the Uluwatu monkey temple and purchase yourself a new surfboard at a great price (if needed).

Week 3 Hello Lombok

You will fly over to Lombok with your Trip Leaders, where we will visit the small fishing village of Gerupuk and hit early morning surfs and explore surf breaks by boat. This week will focus on your surfing technique and we’ll use photo and video analysis to help you improve.

Week 4 Finish In Nusa Lembongan

A fun ferry ride takes you to Nusa Lembongan island, where you’ll consolidate all that you’ve learnt so far to take on some of the most beautiful waves in the World. In between surfs you can snorkel in the lagoon in front of the accommodation. The last night will be spent in Kuta, before saying goodbye to your new found surf buddies

bali surfing trips

Had a blast! I’d also really recommend river rafting in Bali and seeing and snorkelling with manta rays. The trip great and I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

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Kaitlin Klimosko

I thoroughly enjoyed this trip and would highly recommend it! The Trip Leaders were incredibly knowledgeable with everything from surf coaching to travel advice. The destinations were beautiful and the local people of Indonesia blew me away with their kindness and hospitality. I gained far more than I spent and truly progressed at surfing, far beyond my initial goals.

Thanks for everything!

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Sophie Altchek

Coming into the trip as a beginner was quite intimidating at first but it’s actually totally fine. The coaching was incredible, they never pushed you to do anything that you weren’t comfortable with and you’ll improve super quickly.

Surf Guides, Surf Lessons and Fishing Trips in Bali – Bali Surf Tours

Surfing is My Real Life...

Born and raised in Bali, it’s about living in trust with nature and respecting all life in the world.

bali surfing trips

The vast choice of surf breaks in Bali means, there is a wave for everyone...

bali surfing trips

Surf Lessons

Join our qualified and friendly teams for a surfing adventure course and we...

bali surfing trips

Fishing Trips

Within a true Balinese fishing experience, our outrigger boat. It ready to take you...

I Ketut Sadia owner of Bali Surf Tours


Let me open Bali’s secret doors for you...

Bali is one of the best surfing destinations in the world for both beginners and the experienced. While surfing some of the world’s finest waves it has always been a great experience to make friends with people from many different countries.

Being in harmony with nature and in perfect balance with the elements has become a lifestyle and a philosophy. To me surfing has been a path to learn essential lessons about our existence and find true meaning in life.

With more than 20 years experience as a surf tours guide, surf coaches and sightseeing tours guide, we can pick you up from anywhere on the island. With our intimate knowledge of the island, we can organize special packages and itineraries based on your particular interests and needs. With our local knowledge, we are very flexible and extremely punctual.

Surf Tour and Guide, Surf Lesson, Sightseeing Tour and more...

Bali surf tours and guides along Bali Island.

Surf Tours and Guide

Bali is one of the best surfing destinations in the world for both beginners and the experienced. The vast choice of surf breaks in Bali means, there is a wave for everyone. Balinese are welcoming, friendly and easy going, so you won’t have a hard time surfing, whatever your ability...

Join our qualified and friendly teams for a surfing adventure and let us bring your natural talents to light. Each of our courses is tailored to fit your skill level and personal goals. Our Lesson provides the highest quality surfing gear, great attitudes, and individualized instruction...

Bali surf lessons and coaching.

Within a true Balinese fishing experience, our outrigger boat it was custom built in a traditional boatyard. It ready to take you to explore west coast fishing spot. With 15 HP Yamaha engine. This beauty can reach speeds of up to 20 knots these days, fitted with a cooler...


Bali Surf Locations

The island of Bali has locations, which work in the dry season and the wet season. The dry season is the peak surfing season and it typically runs from May through September, mostly in the west coast of Bali.



What our clients say about us...

bali surfing trips

Great surfing adventure...must do!

Just finished my second trip to Bali with Sadia. Tried it on recommendation from a friend last year and it was so well orchestrated that I had to go back again...

Gilbert, Arizona

bali surfing trips

For the ultimate Bali surf!

Where do I even start, this trip was the ultimate Bali surf experience for us. My mates and I booked a week of surfing and homestay with Sadia and his family...

bali surfing trips

Incredible surf trip with Sadia!

Our week with Sadia and Bali Surf Tours was absolutely amazing. As an average (at best) surfer who’d never been to Bali before I wanted someone...

Ben Venteress



Bali Surf Tours Charity Programs

bali surfing trips

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SurfWG Bali Surf camp

SurfWG Bali Surf Camp

Searching for the endless summer, waves and fun.

Your surf holiday is just around the corner: At our surf camp, we are offering professional surf courses and surf guiding for every surf level. You will stay at our beautiful camp, amongst rice fields – that is Bali feeling at it’s finest.

Two times per day, 7 days a week, you will catch waves at the most famous surf spots in Bali. And the best thing is: surfing is already included in the price!

Improve your surfing skills with our professional surf guides and enjoy sunsets at our rooftop terrace – of course with homemade cocktails or fruit juices. Sleep in one of our traditional lumbungs or stay at our exclusive villa – it is your choice! We offer accommodations for every budget and surf guiding for every level.

Header what is included surfer SurfWG


SurfWG Bali Plus icon

  • 2x a day supervised Surfsession (7 days a week)
  • 2x per week surfing theory lessons
  • 2x per week video surf-analysis
  • 2x per week practical theory lessons in the pool


  • Freeflow water
  • Freeflow coffee & tea
  • Snacks, cereals
  • Airport or hotel pickup and -drop
  • Free use of our camp cars
  • Free shuttle to nearby locations
  • Free scooter rental up to 3 hours/ day
  • 1% discount for every day/stay (up to 50%)
  • SurfWG T-Shirt
  • SurfWG Bottle
  • SurfWG Beginner book


Founded by a team of German, Swiss and Balinese partners, SurfWG is a mixture between Balinese architecture and European standards. Every room is equipped with an aircon, safetybox and a bathroom. You can choose between staying at one of our dorms, at a doubleroom or a single private room. All of our rooms are super clean and well maintained. We want you to feel like home while staying with us! We are non one of those mass-tourist places – at our camp everyone will know your name and you will be part of the SurfWG family in no time. Join the SurfWG gang and get to know what it means to be addicted to surfing and Bali!

bunk beds main villa SurfWG


SurfWG villa deluxe room


Surf camp location.

Location: Our beautiful surf camp is located in Canggu Area, close to Berawa Beach. Embedded amongst rice fields the camp is super quiet and the perfect place to relaxe and enjoy Balis natural beauty. As Canggu center is not far away, you’ll be around nice cafés, shops and party locations within a 5minutes ride. For those who just wanna enjoy the silence: our beautiful rooftop terrace is the perfect spot to watch the sunset and gain back some energy for the next day of surfing.

Surfing: Within an easy 5 minutes ride you arrive at our home spot Berawa Beach, where beginners and intermediate surfers find the perfect waves for their needs. For advanced surfers, we’ll drive to close-by echo beach and shred more powerful and steep waves.

Restaurant: And as we all know, surfers can be really hungry. That’s why we have our own restaurant at the surf camp that offers a wide range of western and Indonesian food and freshly made fruit juices for reasonable prices. Breakfast is also included and you can choose between 5 different dishes each morning. No one will stay hungry at our surf camp!

SurfWG surfcamp daylight

Bali – a surfers paradise

First of all – why Bali? With its many surf spots varying from beach breaks to some of the most epic reef breaks in the world, our Bali surf camp offers waves and lessons for every surfer. Let our experienced surf guides take you onto our guided tours and find the wave you have been looking for. Only an easy 5 minutes drive from our camp, our home break comes up with a nice semi-reef break with right- and left handers. And also a lot of whitewash for beginners! Bali offers more than 70 surf spots all year long – you can really surf somewhere every day.

In the middle of the rice fields – calm & peaceful

Unlike other surf camps in Bali, we are still sticking to our principles. We want you to feel at home and enjoy your holiday to the fullest. We don’t like overly crowded surf camps, that’s why our surf camp is limited to a certain number of guests. That doesn’t mean it’s getting boring in our camp – we are celebrating each Friday with our own special camp bbq, we are organizing trips to nearby parties and encourage you to explore Bali.

Feel home – stay easy

If you wanna experience more than “just surfing” just talk to our front office. SurfWG Bali is offering many other activities, like organizing volcano trekking, riding a motocross through the jungle or even trips to local Yoga studios.

Activities in Bali


Which surf levels are welcome at our surf camp.

All surf levels are welcome!

We offer surf guiding for all surfers, starting from absolute beginners up to semi-professional surfers. As we are working with a star-system, every surfer can find the perfect surf session according to his needs and wishes.

Surf guiding at SurfWG surf camp

We are working together with professional and kind-hearted surf guides, most of them with already many years of experience. Our guides take you to the surf spots in small groups, teach you how to behave in the water and work on reaching your individual goal. They will accompaign you in the water at all times and give you a personalized review after surfing. They do their best to improve your surfing skills and always keep an eye on you, to make sure you are safe and happy in the water. Additionally to our guiding, we offer pool theory, and theory classes for free, 4 times per week at our camp. Also our video analysis, which takes place 2 times per week, is a very helpful tool to erase you mistakes and step up your surfing game.

If you want to know more about how our surf guiding is working, please check out our surf level page.

SurfWg surfguide Komang

Beginners surf course – for free!

We welcome all levels of surfers, also total beginners. SurfWG Bali surf camp is the only surf school in Bali that offers a free of charge beginner surf course. Three days of non-stop surfing with our most professional surf teachers – for 0€. In this beginner surf course will learn everything you need to know about surfing, starting from the take-off in white wash waves until paddling and riding your first green waves.

Learn more about our 3-days beginner surf course in Bali.

Which surf spots in Bali do we surf?

SurfWG Bali will bring you to amazing surf spots every day. Choose from more than 10 spots each day and live the ultimate bali surfers lifestyle. We always choose the spots according to our guests levels – Canggu, Berawa, Balangan, Uluwatu, Kuta – you name it! The only thing you have to do: sign in your name at our surf plan one day in advance. And we will bring you to your favorite spot.


Tell us your dates and we will get back to you.

Don’t forget to mention our free 3-days beginner surf course or ask for other special deals.


Surf WG icon-gili

Pickup and drop

Surf WG icon for the culturetrip

Explore Bali


SurfWG Bali surf camp: Feels like home


Surf Guiding at SurfWG

SurfWG surf camp Bali - Illustration of a surfer

Special Java trip

Beginner course for free.

bali surfing trips

The 7 best places to surf in Indonesia

Part of this story

Surf Sessions

The world's bravest men and women are charging the peaks at famed big wave spots around the world., becoming bronson, will 16-year-old bronson meydi become the first indonesian surfer to qualify for the wsl championship tour, reckless isolation, kolohe andino and crew score perfect, crowd-free waves during a dream trip to indonesia’s mentawai islands..

  • 7 Mentawai Islands

Betet Merta in Bali

© Scotty Hammonds

Koby Abberton is a stand-up kinda guy

Lee Wilson rides a Balinese tube

...and pain

Surfers in the line-up off the coast of Lombok

Julian Wilson is the green flash

Dusty Payne get some air in Bali

From little things

Don’t mess with The Bull

Villa with a view

The Italian rapscallion

As good as it gets

Padang Padang is pretty pretty good

Tai 'Buddha' Graham, parked in paradise

Indonesian icon Rizal Tandjung has spent a lifetime in the tube

© Nate Lawrence

Rio Waida is Indonesian surfing's shining star

© Timothy Ridenour

Indonesian extras

Bali is a non-stop high performance party and …

Spend 24 incredible hours surfing in bali, indonesia turns back time and serves empty perfection ….

Kelly Slater walks one of surfing's most hallowed paths

© Margarita Salyak

Sessions – Bali's century swell

In the last week of July 2018, Indonesia lit up with one of the biggest recorded swells in years. Bali-based filmmaker Scotty Hammonds was there to capture all of the action.

Bali in brief

Thrill to Bali's swell of the century as the Island of …

Bali is surfing's ultimate playground.

Join Bronson Meydi in Bali as he and his friends give a glimpse into the glorious waves at their local spot.

Sessions: Doing the Desert Point dash

Scoring at Desert Point is a surf traveling rite of a passage. Let's look at how the best do it.

Sessions – Desert Point does it again

Filmer Jimmy Kinnaird posts up at Desert Point in Lombok, Indonesia, to capture a swell that delivered very, very long barrels. Featuring Lee Wilson, Chris Ward, and Leo Fioravanti.

bali surfing trips

Best of Lombok

Indonesian all-star crew uncover fresh gold

Soak up a tubefest of the highest order as desert …, come unlock an indonesian surfing treasure, no contest unplugged: g-land.

No Contest is back! Kind of. Mick Fanning hosts a new take on our popular series and interviews former G-Land winner Luke Egan during what would have been this year's event window.

In the 1990s, G-Land put the dream into surfing's Dream Tour

CJ Hobgood puts his foot the floor over G-Land's ferocious Speed Reef

The kind of line-up kids draw on their school books

Damien Hobgood riding a G-Land foam ball, as deep as you can get

Filmers@Large: Somewhere in Java

If you daydream of a crescent of sand flanked by a perfect left and right, then daydream no more.

Mikala Jones, Billy Kemper and Dede Suryana score big, perfect Indo

After watching the swell charts for a few days, professional surfers Mikala Jones and Billy Kemper travelled to one of Indonesia's best and biggest barrels, and this is what they found.

The Lakey playground, as shot from a drone

English +11

Sessions – Somewhere in Sumatra

Filmer Lachlan McKinnon travels to a relatively unknown Indonesian corner and scores in a big way. Featuring: Dylan Moffat, Sheldon Simkus, Morgan Cibilic, Elliot Paerata Reid, and Brent Dorrington.

Waves don't come much heavier or thicker than Nias was during this swell

© Ted Grambeau

2015 world junior champ Lucas Silveira is a madman when things get serious

Elliot Paerata-Reid says Nias is his favourite wave – not hard to see why!

Matt Bromley was most people's choice as this swell's MVP

Sometimes the most beautiful things can also be the most brutal

Mark Healey pushed things to breathtaking limits and left his peers in awe

The boating misadventure that was seen around the world

Kauaian maniac Tyler Newton was one of the standouts of the monstrous swell

Sessions – Next-level Nias

Between double-ups and errant boats getting sucked over the falls, some of the best surfers in the world nabbed some of the best barrels you'll ever see at Indonesia's Nias recently.

bali surfing trips

Sessions: Nias goes Big

Mikala Jones and Marlon Gerber score one of the jewels in the Indonesian surfing crown.

Mentawai Islands

Standing tall from the start

Behind the scenes

Pixel perfect pit

In your face

The golden hour

The moment of pause...

"One of the best lefts in the world"

Spinning the wheels

Welcome to the jungle

Paradise found

Rock solid rotation

Portrait of a world champion

bali surfing trips

Come see Kandui deliver as the Mentawai Islands max out

As a massive swell hits Indonesia, filmer Tim Ridenour heads to Mentawai Islands to tackle it with some of the world's best.

More Mentawai moments

Boat trip to the Mentawai Islands

Surfing’s most coveted mecca comes to life for some of red bull’s favorite salt-water athletes., adriano de souza's mentawai career sessions.

Surfing's best destinations

11 best places to surf in the world

10 best surfing spots in california, the best 10 waves in hawaii, want more of this.


  1. 10 Great Surf Spots in Bali

    bali surfing trips

  2. A Complete Guide to Surfing Bali

    bali surfing trips

  3. 6 Week Ultimate Bali Surf Trip

    bali surfing trips

  4. Best Beginner surf spots in Bali. Where to learn to surf in Bali with

    bali surfing trips

  5. The Only Bali Surfing Guide You Need

    bali surfing trips

  6. 18 Surf spots and beaches around Bali for all levels from beginner to

    bali surfing trips


  1. January Long Edition

  2. The 10 Best 'Stickerless' Rides

  3. First Light Ladies

  4. Time & Place: Keramas In February

  5. La Joya Biu Biu Resort

  6. Bali Surfing 3 September 2024


  1. Surfing in Bali

    Recommended for experienced surfers. The seafloor is a jagged reef. The best time to surf is during the dry season, which lasts from May to September each year. Kuta is the most well-known beach in Bali and has a sandy bottom, making it a great spot to pick up surfing. Surf schools, board rentals, and surf shops can be found all over Kuta.

  2. The Ultimate Guide to Bali Surf

    Bali Green Surf School - Another top-quality local surf school that shouldn't break the bank, Bali Green ply their trade on Double Six Beach (a part of the Kuta-Seminyak strip). They also donate portions of profit to orphan charities in Bali, so it's ethical travel 101.

  3. Bali Surf Tours

    Surfers Package. Our package deal is perfect for surfers of all levels. We specialise in finding waves all over the island, away from the massive crowds, ensuring you get the best surfing experience. Price: Rp400K per surfer per day (minimum 2 surfers for us to do a trip) Inclusions: Daily surf trips around Bali. Surf photographer and photos.

  4. Bali Surf Trips

    Bali Surf Guide. CALL +61 02 9939 0890. ENQUIRE. It was in Bali that the surfing potential of Indonesia was first discovered, with the Bukit Peninsula's series of dreamy lefts, and their stunning backdrops, almost too perfect to be real. 50 years on the magic hasn't left, and while Uluwatu still holds centre stage, the beachies of Canggu ...

  5. A Complete Guide to Surfing Bali

    Indonesian Rupiah (Rp or IDR) is the main currency used in Indonesia, including Bali. Be sure to exchange enough money for your travels, since foreign currency is not accepted by a law. Most ATMs allow a maximum withdrawal of between 1,250,000 and 3,000,000 rupiah a day. Keep in mind that 1,250,000 is the equivalent of roughly $87 USD, or £69 ...

  6. The Ultimate Bali Surf Guide

    Bali is a true surfing paradise - the go-to destination for surfers in Asia. The island offers a surfing experience similar to Hawaii of the East. Bali is blessed with the powerful swells of the Indian and Southern Oceans, providing an enormous range of waves to suit all surfing styles.

  7. Bali Surf Travel Guide

    Bali Surf Travel Guide. Overview Seasons Waves Attractions Resorts. CALL +61 02 9939 0890. ENQUIRE. From the dreamy lefts of the Bukit Peninsula to the beachies of Canggu and the more recent discoveries on the East Coast, Bali continues to be a surfer's paradise in 2023 and 2024, offering year-round consistency and a diverse range of waves ...

  8. 10-Day Bali Surf Coaching Camp

    By joining this 10-day Bali Surf Camp, you will learn to surf faster than you could imagine. You will quickly feel the amazing sensation of going down waves in transparent waters. Our surf guides have more than 10 years of surf-coaching experience, and our local instructors are amongst the best surfers in Indonesia.

  9. Bali Surf

    Surf Trip Bali - Year-Round Surfing. Indonesia has two distinct seasons, wet (off-peak) and dry (peak). The dry season (April to September) offers the best surf conditions, favorable winds from the S-SW, and long periods of light to no winds. This is the best time for a Bali surf trip, with consistent swells and ideal conditions.

  10. Surfing In Bali: Best Surf Spots, Rentals, Lessons, Competitions

    Surfing Accommodations in Bali. When planning a surfing trip to Bali, it's important to find the perfect accommodation that not only provides comfort and convenience but also caters to the specific needs of surfers. Bali offers a wide range of options for surfers, from luxurious beachfront resorts to budget-friendly surfing hostels and surf ...

  11. Bali Best Surf Spots // 2022 Bali Surf Guide to the best ...

    Keramas is a current World Surf League World Tour stop, the island's best right, and perhaps one of bali's best surf spots. About the wave. Keramas is Bali's premier east coast break. When the winds shift during the rainy season, the east coast lights up with swell and Keramas handles it best.

  12. Surfing In Bali

    When it comes to surf lessons in Bali you can get a private local lessons for around 350,000IDR ($35AUD, £20, $25USD) or pay a premium and go for an accredited surf school (like Mojo or Odyssey) but this will be much more expensive at around 700,000IDR ($70AUD, £40, $50USD), so double the price.

  13. Surfing In Bali: Plan Your Perfect Bali Surf Trip!

    4 My experience surfing in Bali. 5 The best surf camps in Bali. 5.1 Mojo Surf. 5.2 Surf House Bali / Canggu (Pure Surf Camps) 5.3 Surf Goddess Retreats. 6 What to pack for a Bali surf trip. A popular tourist spot in Bali; the "Love Bali" sign at Tegalalang rice terraces.

  14. Surf Trips Bali & Indonesia Packages

    Dawn Patrol Bali - Surf Trips Indo offers high quality in-water, boat and on-shore surf photography packages that capture your whole surf trip experience. Our photography shows the exceptional quality of our surf photographers and the variety of shots possible using advanced long-range cameras and under-water equipment. Prices start at IDR ...

  15. Plan your Surf Trip to Bali

    There are plenty of Bali surf tours to choose from, and something to quench everyone's thirst for surfing. Book surf camps in Medewi and West Bali. Medewi, Yeh Kuning, and Jembrana are great places for beginners researching Bali surf trips. Take your pick from a shorter 4-day surf camp to a longer two-week experience.

  16. 6 Week Ultimate Bali Surf Trip

    The combined stoke of the 2 week Bali Road Trip and Bali Island Hopper - this epic 6 week Bali surf trip takes in the best of what the Island of the Gods has to offer. Starting off in the hipster hotspot of Canggu you'll hit the famous surf breaks in the area, whilst your coaches make an initial assessment of your surf skills so they can ...

  17. Surf Spots in Bali- The Complete Guide to Surfing in Bali Indonesia

    To sum up, surfing in Bali is the best you can get as a surfer. This beautiful island offers spectacular nature, perfect waves, and a fascinating culture. We hope you enjoyed reading this surf guide to Bali. Have a great surf trip! Before you go, for more surf destinations in Indonesia, check out the Mentawai Islands, which also offers epic surf.

  18. 4 Week Ultimate Bali Surf Trip

    4 Week Bali Surf Trip Details. Heaps of waves across Bali, Lombok and Nusa Lembongan. When you think of the ultimate surf adventure destination, Indonesia quickly springs to mind, up there alongside places like Australia and Hawaii. And it's easy to see why - Indonesia is a surfer's paradise and ticks all the boxes for an epic surf ...

  19. Surf Guides, Surf Lessons and Fishing Trips in Bali

    Bali is one of the best surfing destinations in the world for both beginners and the experienced. The vast choice of surf breaks in Bali means, there is a wave for everyone. Balinese are welcoming, friendly and easy going, so you won't have a hard time surfing, whatever your ability...

  20. Bali Surf Travel Guide

    Bali Surf Travel Guide - The Surf. Bali's world-class surf may no longer be the secret it once was, but navigating the island's many world-class breaks still requires a bit of know-how. For better or worse, Bali's main surfing zones happen to coincide with the most populous travel areas in the southern part of the island.

  21. SurfWG Surf Camp Bali

    Discover our beautiful Bali surf camp in the middle of rice fields: FREE 3-days beginner class, surfing 2x/day, incl. breakfast. Check out our special deals NOW ... We organize surf trips for all surf levels to various breaks all round Bali. That means that you can take part in at least two guided surf session per weekday. Every day of the week!

  22. Bali Surf Guides, Bali surf tours, Bali surf lessons, Lembongan surf trip

    One Day Surf Trip To Nusa Lembongan island. Nusa Lembongan island is located in Klungkung district,province of Bali only 30 minutes by speedboat from Sanur Bali to get to the island. Many people just only spend a day on their island for vacation and some stay up to a week. The island is very beautiful surrounded by white sandy beaches with ...

  23. Bali Travel & Surf Guide

    About Bali Surf Travel. The Republic of Indonesia is the world's fourth largest country with a population of over 200 million people. Indonesia's 13,600 islands make up the world's largest ...

  24. Best surf spots in Indonesia: Top 7 you have to surf

    Kolohe Andino and crew score perfect, crowd-free waves during a dream trip to Indonesia's Mentawai Islands. 47 min. Summary. 1. Bali . 2. Lombok. 3. Java. 4. Sumbawa. 5. ... Bali is surfing's ...